HomeMy WebLinkAboutSchubee Lake Hydroelectric Project Economic Analylsis - Mar 2013 - REF Grant 7040067 ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF THE SCHUBEE LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT By ALASKA POWER & TELEPHONE COMPANY MARCH, 2013 RENEWABLE ENERGY FUND GRANT #7040067 1 ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF THE SCHUBEE LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT BACKGROUND Alaska Power & Telephone Company (AP&T) provides electric service to Haines and Skagway, with a 15.1-mile long submarine cable linking the two communities. Currently, the bulk of has been actively studying the development of a new hydroelectric project in the Haines area for several years. storage-type hydroelectric project are: To be able to provide renewable resource generation in the Haines portion of the system in the event of an outage of the submarine cable (which was installed in 1998 and is now over 15 years old). To provide additional generation to meet increasing loads in the ULC system, especially levels because of low inflows. AP&T has considered development of Connelly Lake of Connelly Lake in the Chilkoot River basin, which would require reconstruction of a road in the Chilkoot Valley. Because of the perceived environmental risks associated primarily with that road, some Haines residents have suggested development of Schubee Lake as an alternative storage hydroelectric project. In July 2011, AP&T obtained a $80,000 Fund program to partially fund a feasibility study of the Schubee Lake site. In September 2011, AP&T contracted with HDR Engineering for a reconnaissance study of the Schubee Lake site, including: Field reconnaissance Review of available documentation and related information Development of conceptual alternatives Evaluation of project hydrology Estimation of energy production and new facility costs Report AP&T did not authorize HDR to conduct an economic analysis of the Schubee Lake project. Instead, AP&T has conducted the economic analysis of the Schubee Lake site itself, as documented herein. 2 ECONOMIC ANALYSIS METHODS AND ASSUMPTIONS An economic analysis is fundamentally a comparison of the benefits and costs of a proposed undertaking. For a generation project, the benefits are determined as the costs associated with the most likely alternative for providing the same capacity and energy. For AP&T, the most likely alternative to development of Schubee Lake (or Connelly Lake) is generation with existing diesel generators. Economic analysis of a generation project with a long life, such as a hydroelectric project, can be problematic because of the need to forecast loads and alternative fuel prices well into the future. Fortunately, the recently-completed Southeast Integrated Resource Plan (SEIRP) provides a reasonable basis for the projections. The SEIRP load and fuel price projections for the Upper Lynn Canal system are summarized in the following two subsections, as well as AP&T modifications to those projections. Load Forecasts The SEIRP included a reference forecast for the Haines/Skagway system, as well as a low and high forecast. The reference forecast estimated the following compound growth rates in energy, based on historical patterns and near-term expectations for fuel prices: Short Term (2011-2015).....................................................................2.7% Intermediate term (2016-2035) .........................................................0.5% Long Term (2036-2061)......................................................................0.3% The high forecast assumed loads would grow 1% faster than the reference case, and was meant to reflect additional economic development in the region and electric vehicle charging. The low forecast assumes adoption of the Demand Side Management (DSM) and Energy Efficiency (EE) measures proposed in the plan. For the Haines/Skagway system, this resulted in a forecast gradual reduction in generation until about 2020 (to about 93% of 2011 loads), and then growth at the same rates as the reference forecast. AP&T believes there are two scenarios which could significantly increase loads on the system. One scenario is shored-based generation to supply cruise ships while docked in either Haines or been that each shore-power connection results in an annual load of about 5 GWh. To estimate increase of 10 GWh above the SEIRP reference forecast (i.e. two shore power connections). The increase is assumed to occur in 2022, concurrent with the start of operation of the hydro project. A 2013 capital cost of $28,000,000 has been estimated as an incremental cost required to increase the hydro project capacity ($21,000,000 based on adjustment of the HDR cost 3 estimate) and construct shore power facilities that would be necessary to supply the cruise ship loads ($7,000,000 based on the actual cost of the installation in Juneau). The second scenario for high growth would be supply of power to a new mine load. Explorations are currently underway for a mine in the Upper Chilkat Valley near the Canadian border (the Palmer mine), and reportedly could be on the scale of the Greens Creek mine south of Juneau. To estimate the economic impact of providing a mine load mine scenario assumes an increase of 50 GWh above the SEIRP reference forecast, also to start in 2022. A 2013 capital cost of $37,000,000 has been estimated as the incremental cost required to serve the mine load ($16,000,000 for the transmission line and $21,000,000 to increase the hydro project capacity). The mine load is estimated to last for 20 years. The SEIRP load projections and the two scenarios added by AP&T are shown in Figure 1. Note that the SEIRP discussed the possibility of new mine loads, but specifically excluded them from their high load projection. Diesel Fuel Prices The SEIRP forecast diesel fuel prices for Haines and Skagway separately, although they are very similar. The SEIRP forecasts are based on work by Institute for Social and Economic Research (ISER) for the Power Cost Equalization (PCE) program. The low, medium, and high diesel price projections from the SEIRP are shown in Figure 2. AP&T believes it is not realistic to assume the SEIRP/ISER diesel price projections as the basis for this economic analysis. Although diesel fuel prices are likely to increase, and quite possibly at the rates indicated, it is also likely that AP&T would move to an alternate fuel to minimize the cost of electricity to its customers. At the current time, the most likely alternative fuel to diesel is liquefied natural gas (LNG). Although LNG is not currently available in Alaska, there are efforts underway to create LNG from North Slope gas fields and bring it to parts of the State. There are also many proposals to ship LNG from terminals in the Prince Rupert area. Because the LNG business is still developing, prices are nearly impossible to forecast. For the purposes of this economic analysis, AP&T has developed low, medium, and high price projections for LNG (expressed as the diesel equivalent) that follow the SEIRP forecast for diesel closely until about 2030 when SEIRP prices begin to climb very rapidly; after 2030, the LNG prices are projected at the same rate at the previous years (3.0%, 5.0%, and 6.0% per year, respectively). ECONOMIC ANALYSIS MODELS An economic analysis must consider both the capital costs of a project as well as operating costs (fuel, operation and maintenance (O&M)). The analysis model used by AEA to evaluate potential projects calculates the present worth of the capital and operating costs over the 4 expected project life, with the capital costs lumped into the construction period early in the project life, followed by the series of annual fuel and O&M costs. This treatment of the capital costs may be appropriate for a government agency such as AEA, but does not take into account the financial realities of a utility such as AP&T, which must fund projects through a combination of loans, equity investments, or grants if available. For the purposes of this economic analysis, AP&T has calculated benefits and costs with both the AEA model and with a second model that includes financing by varying amounts of loans, equity, and grants. The assumptions and input values used in the models are summarized below: Table 1 Economic Analysis Assumptions and Input Values AEA Model AP&T Model Analysis term 50 years 50 years General inflation rate 3.00% 3.00% Discount rate 8.00% 8.00% % of capital costs by loan 70% N.A. % of capital costs by equity 30% N.A. % of capital costs by grant 0% N.A. Loan interest rate 5.00% N.A. Loan term 30 years N.A. Regulated rate of return on equity 10.75% N.A. Depreciation method Straight line N.A. Depreciation term 30 years N.A. Existing diesel capacity 8.4 MW 8.4 MW Diesel reserve requirement 25% 25% Diesel capital cost (2013) $500/kW $500/kW New diesel unit capacity 2.0 MW 2.0 MW Diesel efficiency 14.4 kWh/gal 14.4 kWh/gal Diesel variable O&M cost (2013) 0.030 $/kWh 0.030 $/kWh Diesel fixed O&M cost (2013) $2/kW $2/kW Existing hydro energy production1 35,000 MWh 35,000 MWh Schubee capital Cost (2012)2 $74,772,000 $74,772,000 Schubee O&M Cost (2013) 0.025 $/kWh 0.025 $/kWh Schubee minimum O&M Cost (2013) $50,000 $50,000 Schubee annual generation 37,100 MWh 37,100 MWh Schubee development period 6 years 6 years Schubee construction period 3 years 3 years First year of Schubee operation 2022 2022 1 Goat Lake 20,600 MWh, Dewey Lakes 3,400 MWh, Kasidaya 10,200 MWh, Lutak 800 MWh 2 Capital cost estimate by HDR Alaska, Inc. 5 HYDRO PROJECTCONSTRUCTION COSTS The Schubee Lake project is at a preliminary stage of development, with only a reconnaissance- level cost estimate. Frequently, as design progresses on a project the estimated construction cost estimate changes as more information becomes available about the site. Usually, the cost change is an increase. To determine the influence of that possibility, the economic analysis has included three scenarios for the construction cost: 90%, 100%, and 125%. SUBMARINE CABLE FAILURE insulate Haines from the economic impacts that would come from a failure of the submarine cable linking Haines and Skagway. To determine the influence of that possibility, the economic analysis has included scenarios with and without a cable failure, as follows: No cable failure Cable failure in 2025, cost to repair the cable is $2 million (2012 cost level), one year duration of outage Cable failure in 2025, cost to replace the cable is $10 million (2012 cost level), two year duration of outage The cost to repair or replace the cable is included in the analysis as a maintenance expenditure spread uniformly over the duration of the outage. The Haines load is assumed to be 55% of the ULC system load. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS The analysis includes 135 combinations of the primary variables (5 load growth cases, 3 fuel price cases, 3 construction cost cases, and 3 cable failure cases). The analysis has assumed that the primary variables are independent, but in reality some of them are not. For example, high fuel prices would be expected to restrain load growth, and vice versa. Also, stable electric rates that would be expected if a new hydro project were built might stimulate load growth. The benefit-cost ratios for the 90 combinations are shown in Tables 2 and 3 (for the AEA model and AP&T models, respectively). Inspection of these results reveals that the Schubee Lake project would be economical to develop only under the following scenarios: High loads and medium or high fuel prices Mine loads and medium or high fuel prices Cruise ship loads and high fuel prices 6 In an effort to lessen the ambiguity that can come from so many combinations, AP&T has assigned probabilities to the various scenarios, and a weighted average benefit cost ratio has been calculated. The assigned probabilities are as shown below: SEIRP low load ....................................................................................10% SEIRP reference load ..........................................................................30% SEIRP high load ...................................................................................5% Mine load ...........................................................................................30% Cruise ship load ..................................................................................25% Low LNG fuel price .............................................................................25% Medium LNG fuel price ......................................................................50% High LNG fuel price ............................................................................25% Low construction cost ........................................................................10% Reference construction cost ..............................................................50% High construction cost .......................................................................40% No cable failure ..................................................................................60% Cable failure, repairs only ..................................................................25% Cable failure, replace cable ................................................................15% Based on these probabilities, the calculated weighted benefit cost ratios are as follows: AEA model ..........................................................................................0.67 AP&T model .......................................................................................0.81 These weighted benefit cost ratios indicate that Schubee Lake should be considered for development primarily if a large new industrial load (such as a mine) can be reasonably well assured and there are no better alternatives for meeting that load. It should be noted that the analysis for the cruise ship and mine load cases implicitly assumes that the power would be sold to the cruise ships or mine at a rate equal to the cost of diesel generation. That may be optimistic, particularly if the power is sold on an interruptible basis. This circumstance is addressed in the analysis by adding in the capital cost of the diesel generators necessary to make the power firm. Potential failure of the submarine cable does not in itself economically justify construction of the Schubee Lake project because of the short duration of the impact; comparison of the cable failure scenarios shows a difference in the benefit-cost ratios of about 0.1 if the cable can be repaired and 0.2 if the cable needs replacement. This is not to say that the impact on Haines would not be severe for the duration of the repair or replacement. 0 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 70,000 80,000 90,000 100,000 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 2070 ANNUAL LOAD, MWh YEAR FIGURE 1 HAINES/SKAGWAY LOAD PROJECTIONS Low load Reference load High load Reference+Mine Reference+Cruise Ships 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 2010 2020 2030 2040 2050 2060 2070 FUEL PRICES (EQUIVALENT DIESEL $/GAL) YEAR FIGURE 2 HAINES FUEL PRICE PROJECTIONS SEIRP Low diesel SEIRP Medium diesel SEIRP High diesel AP&T Low LNG AP&T Medium LNG AP&T High LNG