HomeMy WebLinkAboutPort Heiden Wind Feasibility Study Final Report - Aug 2010 - REF Grant 2195374Lake and Peninsula Borough Port Heiden Wind Power Feasibility Study Final Report August 05, 2010 prepared for: Lamar Cotten Lake and Peninsula Borough 429 L Street Anchorage, Alaska 99501 Telephone: (907) 301-8737 Facsimile: (907) 246-6602 Rev. No. Date Description Knight Piésold Client 0 August 5, 2010 Issued as Final Rick R. Damiani Lamar Cotten Prepared by: Knight Piésold and Co. 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 Denver, Colorado 80203-1512 USA Telephone: (303) 629-8788 Fax: (303) 629-8789 E-mail:denver@knightpiesold.com KP Project No.DV103.00240.04 Port Heiden Wind Power Feasibility Study, Rev 0 1 Lake and Peninsula Borough Port Heiden Wind Power Feasibility Study Final Report Executive Summary This report presents a feasibility-level investigation of several alternatives for the construction of a wind power facility at Port Heiden, Alaska and includes discussions of the site characteristics, wind climate, analysis of the alternatives, preliminary cost estimates, and an economic analysis. The report is also based on a site visit conducted in May 2010, and information from vendors, experience with similar projects, and published information on developing community-size wind power projects. Construction of a wind power facility at Port Heiden presents many challenges due to its remoteness from a major urban center. The village is located on the Alaska Peninsula approximately 425 miles southwest of Anchorage and is accessible only by boat or by air. The local runway is a 5,000-foot gravel airstrip and can accommodate several aircraft sizes up to Boeing 737. Water access is via the Bering Sea, but no dock is present. The soil at Port Heiden is mostly composed of glacial till; preliminary historical well drilling results indicate the need for a deep foundation. These factors will result in a relatively high wind power cost-per-installed-kilowatt (kW), due to the high costs of mobilization, transport of equipment and materials, and construction of transmission lines in remote areas. No major environmental or permitting obstacle is expected at this time. However, several state and federal agencies will need to be involved from the inception of the project. The current average electrical load for the village is about 75 kW, and significant growth in demand is not anticipated in the near future. In addition, there is no readily available market for any excess power that may be produced. Therefore, the concept for this study was to minimize costs by designing a facility that generally meets the current needs of the village, while at the same time utilizing excess wind power for space heating purposes and hot water. The wind resource assessment for the local geographical area was primarily based on the measured data at an existing 100 foot (ft) tower supporting a Bergey, 10 kW Excel wind turbine. The data underwent a rigorous quality assurance process to compensate for the lattice-tower shadowing effects on the anemometers and wind vanes. A site survey was carried out in the spring of 2010 to gather data on the electric and thermal loads of the village, the current diesel expenses, and the suitability of a new wind power installation. The site survey also identified potential sites for a wind turbine in the proximity of “Ray’s Place” (community building) and the current power house (see Figure 5). Ray’s Place would benefit from excess wind power through space-heating, while the proximity to the power house would favor interconnection and control aspects of the project. In order to verify the suitability of the identified sites and to calculate values of capacity factor (CF) and annual energy production (AEP) for various turbine models, a refined wind flow model was produced based on: measured wind data, correlations to long-term AWOS station data at the local airport, high- definition (1 m) digital elevation models, and surface roughness. Four turbine models (in their cold-weather package configurations) were considered: Northwind 100B/21 rated at 100 kW; Vestas V27 (marketed as A27) rated at 225 kW; Vergnet GEV-MP-C rated at 275 kW; and Enercon E33 rated at 330 kW. Port Heiden Wind Power Feasibility Study, Rev 0 2 The four turbines differ in size and control systems. The Northwind and Enercon turbines do not have a gearbox, which simplifies maintenance. The Northwind 100 is the only turbine in the group which does not have pitch control. Pitch control assures an optimal energy capture at various wind speeds, regulates the RPMs at the highest wind speeds, and protects the machine by feathering the blades in potentially damaging strong wind events. At the same time, the moving parts are more numerous and the possibility of failures increases. The Vergnet turbine is mounted on a guyed tubular tower that can be lowered for maintenance and in case of forecasted strong wind storms. All the other models come with standard monopole towers, which let the operator climb inside a weather-protected environment. The Northwind 100 could also be mounted on a new lattice system (Parafold), which allows the turbine to be lowered with a winch, does not require heavy cranes for the installation, and allows for simplified foundations. The Parafold system, however, is still in its infancy and should be re-evaluated at the time of project implementation. The calculated AEPs, assuming a 10 percent loss (due to turbine availability, electrical losses, soiling, etc.), range between 300 and 1000 MWh/yr depending on the turbine model assumed, indicating a wind penetration level from mid to high. Lower penetration levels are not economically viable at Port Heiden. The various sites showed relatively small variations in AEP for any given turbine model, thus allowing for some flexibility in the final site selection. Each turbine could potentially be mounted at various hub- heights, trying to optimize the larger AEP against the higher tower and foundation costs. It is shown in this report that a minimum hub-height of 37 meters (m) (121 ft) is recommended. An economic analysis using the HOMER© Micropower Optimization Model (U.S. Department of Energy, 2005 [1]) was conducted for the four turbine models and at various hub-heights, for the site that showed the best wind resource among those identified during the site survey. The HOMER© model output includes several economic measures, including present worth, that show the value of the difference between the wind power alternative and the current diesel-only system. Present worth shows how much the alternative system saves over the project lifetime compared to the diesel-only system, and is the primary measure for comparing the economic feasibility of the two systems (see Section 5.6 for more information). Each alternative was compared to the current diesel system using four assumed prices for diesel fuel: the current price of US$5.15 per gallon (2009 sales data from City of Port Heiden), a price of US$4.62 per gallon, a price of US$5.5 per gallon (identified as the long-term diesel price by Information Insights, 2008 [2]), and a price of US$6.25 per gallon (approximately 20 percent increase with respect to current prices). This approach gives an idea of how the economics of each alternative compares to the current system assuming different prices for diesel, which is the major determinant of the cost of energy produced by the current system. While a due-diligence of the machines needs to be carried out before arriving at the final solution and selection of the most suitable model, the economic analysis has revealed the following main results summarized in Table 10 and Table 18 (repeated here for convenience) for the long-term diesel price as per [2]. The color coding associated with the benefit/cost ratio identifies with green the ‘best economic alternative’, cyan ‘second best’, orange the marginal, and red the unfeasible alternative. The Enercon E33 is the most economically efficient turbine model regardless of the selected hub-height. At 37 m hub-height, the Vergnet GEV-MP-C and Vestas A27 are valid alternatives, followed by a pair of Northwind 100B/21s. The lowest levelized cost-of-unit-energy (COE) is obtained with an Enercon E33 at 50 m hub-height, resulting in a projected reduction in COE of about $0.13/kWh within the assumed long-term oil price scenario. Port Heiden Wind Power Feasibility Study, Rev 0 3 Enercon has a very solid reputation in the international market and has successfully installed turbines throughout the world and in harsh environments in Canada and Antarctica for wind-diesel applications. A patent-dispute prevented Enercon from exporting to the US till 2010. Table 10. Comparison of various alternatives at 37 m hub-heights to current system if diesel price is US$5.5/gal. Alternative *Present Worth (US$) Discounted Payback Period (years) **Annual Worth (US$) Internal Rate of Return (ROI) (%) Levelized Cost of Energy (US$/kWh) Benefit/Cost Ratio Capital (US$) Diesel Only N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.654 N/A N/A Northwind 100B/21 -371,245 >20 -24,723 N/A;(4.58) 0.7 0.94 1,186,236 2 NW100B/21 64,185 19.2(14.5) 4,274 3.23(6.86) 0.646 1.01 2,082,354 3 NW100B/21 -141,582 >20(15.8) -9,429 2.35(6.32) 0.671 0.98 2,811,132 Vestas A27 600,446 13.9(11.2) 39,987 6.41(9.01) 0.578 1.1 1,698,636 Vergnet GEV- MP-C 656,101 13.8(11.2) 43,694 6.51(9.08) 0.571 1.1 1,802,303 Enercon E33 927,527 12.8(10.2) 61,769 7.37(9.71) 0.537 1.15 2,023,536 Table 16. As Table 10 for 50 and 55 m hub-heights. Alternative *Present Worth (US$) Discounted Payback Period (years) **Annual Worth (US$) Internal Rate of Return (ROI) (%) Levelized Cost of Energy (US$/kWh) Benefit/Cost Ratio Capital (US$) Diesel Only N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.654 N/A N/A Northwind 100B/21 -433,051 >20 -28,839 N/A(4.23) 0.708 0.93 1,186,236 2 NW100B/21 -90,636 >20(15.6) -6,036 2.43(6.37) 0.665 0.99 2,082,354 3 NW100B/21 -320,888 >20(16.9) -21,370 1.63(5.9) 0.694 0.95 2,811,132 Vestas A27 440,809 14.7(12.1) 29,356 5.53(8.39) 0.598 1.07 1,698,636 *Represents the avoided cost over the life of the project when operating the alternative system rather than the diesel system. **Represents the avoided cost on an annual basis when operating the alternative system rather than the diesel system. The Vestas A27 has shown a relatively good track-record, and may be preferable to the Vergnet for the sheltered conditions inside the tower and nacelle. Furthermore, the Vestas A27 would also fit on a shorter (30 m, approximately 100 ft) tower, and with that hub-height shows benefit/cost ratios of 1.1, 1.07, and 1.05 with a diesel price of $6.25/gal, $5.5/gal, and $5.15/gal, respectively. The Northwind 100B/21 has shown an impressive reliability, though it has only been in the market and operational for less than a decade. This model is considerably more expensive (50 percent) than the others on a per-installed-kW basis, and only at 37 m hub-height and diesel prices at or above $5.5/gal is economically promising. The analysis does not account for emergency maintenance following major unexpected events, but that could be a factor for machines having spare parts difficult to retrieve. For this reason, it is recommended that an inventory of spare parts be acquired at the time of project installation. Because of the harsh wind regime, it can also be expected that a 50-year wind gust may be encountered during the lifetime of the project, and discussion with the turbine manufacturer is encouraged to verify which components may fail under those circumstances. Port Heiden Wind Power Feasibility Study, Rev 0 4 Recommendations for future activities include: x Investigate whether suitable financing is available to develop a wind power installation at Port Heiden given the illustrated initial capital costs and economic benefits. x Initiate permitting process, starting with FAA determination of no-hazard to air navigation, while also initiating discussions with state and federal agencies to identify potential environmental and permitting issues. x Contact Enercon to assess exporting capabilities to the US in 2011. x Identify potential parallel projects that could share the costs for heavy construction equipment, transportation of materials etc. x Conduct geotechnical investigations at the turbine installation site(s). x Identify and recruit local potential workers for construction activities, with the double benefit of reducing expenses and involving the local community in the project. x Identify suitable contractors and engineering/construction management firms. Port Heiden Wind Power Feasibility Study, Rev 0 i Lake and Peninsula Borough Port Heiden Wind Power Feasibility Study Final Report Table of Contents Page Executive Summary................................................................................................ ES-1 Section 1.0 - Introduction.............................................................................................3 1.1 Background......................................................................................................................................3 1.2 Scope of Work..................................................................................................................................3 1.3 Sources of Information.....................................................................................................................3 1.4 Limitations and Disclaimer...............................................................................................................3 1.5 Contributors and Contacts ...............................................................................................................4 Section 2.0 - General Site Conditions..........................................................................5 2.1 Site Location ....................................................................................................................................5 2.2 Climate.............................................................................................................................................5 2.3 Geology............................................................................................................................................5 2.4 Permitting.........................................................................................................................................5 Section 3.0 - Preliminary Data Acquisition and Wind-Flow Modeling ......................6 3.1 Wind Flow Modeling.........................................................................................................................6 3.2 Site Survey and Data Acquisition.....................................................................................................8 Section 4.0 - Refined Wind Resource Assessment..................................................11 4.1 Refined Wind Resource Map.........................................................................................................11 4.2 Turbine and System Alternatives...................................................................................................15 4.3 Annual Energy Production Estimates ............................................................................................17 Section 5.0 - Economic Analysis ...............................................................................21 5.1 Inputs and Assumptions.................................................................................................................21 5.2 System Alternatives Analyzed .......................................................................................................22 5.3 Estimated Capital and Replacement Costs ...................................................................................22 5.4 Estimated Operation and Maintenance Costs ...............................................................................23 5.5 Estimated Diesel Prices.................................................................................................................24 5.6 Economic Analysis Results............................................................................................................24 5.6.1 Results for 37 m hub-heights.........................................................................................25 5.6.2 Results for 30 m hub-heights.........................................................................................27 5.6.3 Results for 50 and 55 m hub-heights.............................................................................28 Section 6.0 - Environmental and Construction Permitting......................................31 6.1 Soil and Foundation Requirements................................................................................................31 6.2 FAA Permitting...............................................................................................................................31 6.3 Construction Permitting..................................................................................................................31 Port Heiden Wind Power Feasibility Study, Rev 0 ii 6.4 Alaska Coastal Management Program (ACMP) ............................................................................32 6.5 US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G):....32 6.6 State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) and Office of History and Archeology (OHA).............32 6.7 Land Uses and Rights-of-Way.......................................................................................................32 6.8 Wetlands and Other Waters...........................................................................................................32 6.9 National Environmental Policy Act Review (NEPA).......................................................................33 6.10 Tentative Cost Estimates Associated with Environmental & Construction Permitting...................33 Section 7.0 - Conclusions and Recommendations ..................................................34 7.1 Wind Feasibility Study Conclusions...............................................................................................34 7.2 Other Relevant Remarks................................................................................................................35 7.3 Recommendations for Future Activities.........................................................................................36 Section 8.0 - References.............................................................................................37 Appendices Appendix A Preliminary Wind Analysis at Potential Tower Sites Appendix B Field Data from the 2006/2007 Site Investigation Port Heiden Wind Power Feasibility Study, Rev 0 3 Lake and Peninsula Borough Port Heiden Wind Power Feasibility Study Final Report Section 1.0 - Introduction 1.1 Background Knight Piésold and Co. (Knight Piésold) was contracted by Lake and Peninsula Borough (LPB) to carry out a feasibility study for the community of Port Heiden in the Southwest Alaskan Peninsula to verify the economic viability of a wind-diesel electric generation facility. The hybrid facility could provide lower cost of energy to the local community, which currently relies on diesel generators to provide electricity. Previous studies conducted in the area (Information Insights, 2008 [1]) estimate that the cost of electricity generated by a small wind power facility could be up to US $0.03/kWh below the projected cost of electricity from diesel generators with heat recovery. This report highlights the main aspects involved in the study at Port Heiden, and the results of the economic analysis for four different types of wind turbines. This project (103-240/4) is part of a widespread wind regional assessment being carried out at various communities within the LPB boundaries. 1.2 Scope of Work The scope of work included a preliminary and a detailed wind resource assessment (WRA), site survey to identify suitability of wind turbine installations, and collection of data for input to an economic analysis, namely: village electrical and thermal load data, village fuel expenses, vendors’ and contractors’ information and quotations. Also included in the scope of work is a review of the permitting requirements. Following a site visit and an initial screening process, four sites were selected for a more detailed analysis, including a conceptual project layout, an estimate of power generation, a preliminary cost estimate, and an analysis of the economic feasibility. 1.3 Sources of Information Information used during the study included GPS data obtained during the site visit; information on wind data, power and fuel consumption from: the power plant maintenance personnel; the Lake and Peninsula Borough; the Lake and Peninsula School District; and the City of Port Heiden; information on the design of the existing power plant from the City of Port Heiden; information on the physical setting collected by Knight Piésold staff during a site visit; geologic maps and reports, and topographic maps from the United States Geological Survey (USGS), MODIS (or Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer), the State of Alaska, and the Lake and Peninsula Borough. 1.4 Limitations and Disclaimer This report titled Port Heiden Wind Power Feasibility Study has been prepared by Knight Piésold for the exclusive use of LPB. No other party is an intended beneficiary of this report or the information, opinions, and conclusions contained herein. Any use by any party other than LPB of any of the information, opinions, or conclusions is the sole responsibility of said party. The use of this report shall be at the sole risk of the user regardless of any fault or negligence of LBP or Knight Piésold. Port Heiden Wind Power Feasibility Study, Rev 0 4 The information and analyses contained herein have been completed to a level of detail commensurate with the objectives of the assignment and in light of the information made available to Knight Piésold at the time of preparation. This report and its supporting documentation have been reviewed and/or checked for conformance with industry-accepted norms. Calculations and computer simulations have been checked and verified for reasonableness, and the content of the report has been reviewed for completeness, accuracy, and appropriateness of conclusions. To the best of the information and belief of Knight Piésold, the information presented in this report is accurate to within the limitations specified herein. This report is Knight Piésold puff file: Port Heiden Wind Power Feasibility Study, Rev 0.pdf. Any reproductions or modifications of this report are uncontrolled and may not be the most recent revision. 1.5 Contributors and Contacts This report was prepared, reviewed and approved by the undersigned. Prepared by: Rick Damiani, Ph.D., P.E. Senior Project Manager Approved by: Jaye Pickarts, P.E. Senior Vice President G:\103\00240.04\Deliverables\Reports Specs\PH_WRA_2010_08\Rev_0\Executables\Text\PH_WRA_FinalReport.doc Port Heiden Wind Power Feasibility Study, Rev 0 5 Section 2.0 - General Site Conditions 2.1 Site Location The proposed wind power project is located in the community of Port Heiden, Alaska. Port Heiden is 424 miles southwest of Anchorage, at the mouth of the Meshik River, on the north side of the Alaska Peninsula. It lies near the Aniakchak National Preserve and Monument. The community lies at approximately 56.948390° North Latitude and -158.629020° West Longitude, and at an average elevation of 70-100 ft (20-30 m) above mean sea level (MSL) (Sec. 27, T037S, R059W, Seward Meridian.). The village is accessible only by air or water. The local runway is a 5,000-foot gravel airstrip and can accommodate several aircraft sizes up to Boeing 737. Water access is via the Bering Sea, but no dock is present. 2.2 Climate The climate of Port Heiden is typical of the Alaska Peninsula, with cool, rainy summers and moderately cold winters with precipitation occurring as rain or snow. Snowfall averages 58 inches per year. Annual average temperature is 3.4 ºC, with winter temperatures averaging -4ºC and summer temperatures averaging 10ºC. Publicly available wind maps show class 6 at Port Heiden. 2.3 Geology The soil at Port Heiden is mostly composed of glacial till. The mountains east of Port Heiden are volcanic (Detterman et al., 1981). Numerous lakes and swamps are present intermingled with tundra vegetation. 2.4 Permitting While at this time no major permitting obstacle is foreseen, state and federal agencies will need to be involved from the inception of the project. In particular, the presence of an important airport for the community will require the FAA to issue a determination of no hazard to air navigation posed by the wind turbine installation (see Section 6.0 -). Port Heiden Wind Power Feasibility Study, Rev 0 6 Section 3.0 - Preliminary Data Acquisition and Wind-Flow Modeling 3.1 Wind Flow Modeling A preliminary analysis of the wind resource at Port Heiden, Alaska was carried out to verify the availability and quality of the existing wind data, while also making sure that the wind resource was sufficient to warrant further studies. A numerical simulation was employed to investigate wind flow patterns around the village. This simulation was necessary to identify the main wind regime and variations across the territory of interest. The following extensive data was collected prior to the completion of the simulation: USGS topographical maps, Digital Elevation Maps (DEMs), and satellite imagery. Additionally, surface roughness data was acquired based on satellite MODIS mission, and analysis of aerial imagery and maps. Wind data was purchased for the automatic weather observation station (AWOS) at the Port Heiden airport (PTH). The high altitude wind data, needed to verify shear values and to get better estimates of turbine hub- height wind speeds, was collected from an existing 100-ft lattice tower housing a Bergey Excel 10 kW wind turbine at the top (denoted as “Bergey Tower”, see Figure 1). The data included wind speed readings from two anemometers at approximately 26 m AGL and wind direction readings from a wind vane at the same height, and a backup wind direction sensor at approximately 24 m. The Bergey tower data was quality assured against icing events, and manipulated to correct for tower shadowing effects. Furthermore, the data was correlated to PTH. A summary of the met-data collected at the Bergey tower can be found in Appendix A. As a result, local wind climatology was calculated accounting for terrain and surface roughness. The acquired data was in fact used in a WAsP® calculation to evaluate the wind speed trends over the topography about PH. The results are shown in Figure 2. Port Heiden Wind Power Feasibility Study, Rev 0 7 Figure 1. Bergey Tower: wind data source. Figure 2. Filled contours of wind speed at 30 m above ground level (agl) as derived from a preliminary numerical model overlaid onto USGS DRG map in the geographical area surrounding Port Heiden. Horizontal resolution is 50 m. Topography, surface roughness and other factors affect the wind flow. This calculation employs wind data from nearby PTH AWOS station and Bergey Tower (both visible on the map). Port Heiden Wind Power Feasibility Study, Rev 0 8 3.2 Site Survey and Data Acquisition A site survey was conducted in May 2010 to acquire information on the potential sites for a turbine installation in the area around Port Heiden (see Figure 3), and on the electrical load at the village. Production data logs from the power house (see Figure 4) and information on heating oil expenses for the school and Ray’s Place were acquired for the year 2009 (we are grateful to Mrs. Laura Hilton (Lake and Peninsula School District) and Mr. Kristian Carlson (City of Port Heiden) for providing support to the research). The data shows an average electric load of approximately 75 kW, peaks of 160 kW, and with a baseline energy consumption of approximately 1450 kWh/day. These estimates are thought to be still applicable for the next 10-20 year of development at the village of Port Heiden. The City of Port Heiden utilizes approximately 60,000 gallons (227,120 l) of utility diesel in a typical year. Additionally, about 7,500 gallons (28,570 l) of heating grade diesel is used for the school heating system. The generators at Port Heiden show nameplate ratings of 190 kW and 230 kW. Only one generator is working most of the time, and there is no specific heat recovery system, though the radiational and natural convection heat from the motor and generator are enough to keep the power house and annexed fire house warm during cold months. The levelized cost of unit energy (COE) varies with the oil prices, and in 2009 ranged between 0.57 and 0.75 $/kWh (not counting PCE). GPS coordinates and photos were acquired for four possible turbine sites after consulting with John Carlson at the City of Port Heiden. The sites (see also Figure 5) were chosen in proximity to the current power house and Ray’s Place, with attention to the wind power resource and local anecdotal knowledge of favorable subsurface soil conditions. Mr. Lamar Cotten (LPB Manager) and Mr. George Plumley (Planner, Dept. of Commerce, State of Alaska) were instrumental in getting high resolution terrain data (see Figure 5) that was eventually used for a refined WRA calculation. Port Heiden Wind Power Feasibility Study, Rev 0 9 Figure 3. General area of Port Heiden, with a USGS topographical-map in the background showing Aniakchak Crater western slope approximately 20 miles east of the site. Figure 4. Power House with views of the two diesel generators (190 and 230 kW ratings) and the electrical panel showing an instantaneous load of 85 kW. Port Heiden Wind Power Feasibility Study, Rev 0 10 Figure 5. Potential turbine sites (T01, T02, T03, T04), Ray’s building and power house denoted by black ‘x’ marks. Contours show elevation at a resolution of 3 m, warmer colors are higher elevations (range 10-30 m). In the background is an aerial view of the village. 500 m Port Heiden Wind Power Feasibility Study, Rev 0 11 Section 4.0 - Refined Wind Resource Assessment 4.1 Refined Wind Resource Map A refined WRA was conducted with the goal of assessing the wind regime at an altitude between 30 and 50 m above grade (AGL) at various locations across the site. The model employed high resolution terrain elevation in the immediate proximity of the village. This data was kindly provided by Mr. Lamar Cotten (LPB Manager) and Mr. George Plumley (Planner, Dept. of Commerce, State of Alaska). Wind data from the combined anemometer readings at the Bergey tower (see Figure 6-Figure 8 and Appendix A) was correlated to the long-term (last 10 years) data set at the PTH AWOS station. The correlation coefficient proved to be 0.9 (see Appendix B for more information) and this allowed the creation of a dependable long-term reference dataset (aka wind statistics) at high altitude (approximately at 30 m (100 ft) AGL). The wind climatology of the generic site at Port Heiden was then devised by weighted averaging, over the terrain and surface characteristics, the information from the two wind statistics at the PTH AWOS station (approximately 10 m or 30 feet AGL) and the Bergey tower. Figure 6. Wind distribution at the Bergey tower (26 m (85 ft) agl). Port Heiden Wind Power Feasibility Study, Rev 0 12 Figure 7. Wind Rose at the Bergey tower (26 m agl). Port Heiden Wind Power Feasibility Study, Rev 0 13 Figure 8. Turbulence intensity as a function of wind speed from the measurements at the Bergey tower. The histograms represent measured turbulence intensity mean value, mean value + 1 Std.Dev, and mean value + 1.28 Std.Dev. The continuous curves show the analogous IEC standards. Results of that modeling in terms of mean annual wind speed at 30 m and 37 m AGL are given in Figure 9 and Figure 10. Port Heiden Wind Power Feasibility Study, Rev 0 14 Figure 9. Refined Wind Resource Map: mean annual wind speed at 30 m (98 ft) AGL for the village of Port Heiden. Port Heiden Wind Power Feasibility Study, Rev 0 15 Figure 10. As in Figure 9 for 37 m (121 ft) agl. These results show that the general wind class for the area is between 5 and 6. 4.2 Turbine and System Alternatives Given the results of the refined WRA, four different models of turbines were modeled at each of the four proposed locations. The turbines considered in this study are the following: x Northern Power Systems Northwind NW100B/21 rated at 100 kW x Vestas V27 (marketed as A27) rated at 225 kW x Vergnet GEV-MP-C rated at 275 kW x Enercon E33 rated at 330kW Fuhrländer, a very reputable German manufacturer, quit making and supporting the 100 and 250 kW models, which therefore were not included in the analysis. Port Heiden Wind Power Feasibility Study, Rev 0 16 Enercon GmbH (Enercon) has been engaged in a legal battle with General Electric (GE) for patent infringement; there has been extensive evidence that espionage against Enercon enabled the competitor GE to patent turbine components first. Enercon was therefore effectively banned from exporting to the US till 2010. New recent cross-patent agreements and the experience of Enercon technology for wind-diesel applications make that model suitable for this study. The four models have been selected as among the most reliable and effective machines for the conditions at Port Heiden. They are either IEC class I or class II, with turbulence category A or B. From Figure 8, it can be seen that turbine design category B is adequate for Port Heiden. ASCE 7-05 [4] recommends a 50-yr design wind speed of 58 m/s at 10 m AGL, which would translate into 65-66 m/s gusts at hub-heights, making it an IEC class I site. The Enercon E33 is the only class I machine. With the exception of the E33 and the Vergnet GEV MP-C, which could be lowered and protected during a strong wind storm, the other models would likely suffer from some considerable damage in such an event. For the expected life of the project (20 years), the probability of exposure to such a catastrophic event is on the order of 30 percent. This value is significant enough to warrant more discussion with the manufacturers to verify the expected damage and costs of repair under a 65 m/s (approximately 130 kts) wind gust. Power curves for the four machines are given in Figure 11. Figure 11. Power curves for the four wind turbine models. Top row: NW100B/21, Vestas A27; bottom row: Vergnet GEV MP-C, Enercon E33. The four turbines differ in size, tower arrangement, and control systems. The Northwind and Enercon turbines do not have a gearbox, with simplified maintenance. Port Heiden Wind Power Feasibility Study, Rev 0 17 The Northwind 100 is the only turbine in the group which does not have pitch control. Pitch control assures an optimal energy capture at various wind speeds, regulates the RPMs at the highest wind speeds, and protects the machine by feathering the blades in potentially damaging strong wind events. At the same time, the moving parts are more numerous and the possibility of failures increases. The Vergnet turbine is mounted on a guyed tubular tower that can be lowered for maintenance and in case of forecasted strong wind storms. All the other models come with standard monopole towers, which let the operator climb inside a weather-protected environment. The NW100 B/21 could also be potentially mounted on an innovative lattice tower system (Parafold) which allows the turbine to be lowered with a winch, does not require heavy cranes for the installation, and allows for simplified foundations. At the time of this report, Northern Power Systems would not release the costs of the individual components, and is not willing to sell an incomplete package with only nacelle plus blades. Therefore no reduction in costs is considered in the economic analysis, but during procurement phase this could be an option to re- evaluate. Regardless of the selected model alternative, the turbine generator would produce 3-phase, 60-hertz, 480-volt electricity. The 480-volt electrical output from the generator would be converted to 12.5 kilovolts (kV) by a step-up transformer and then connected to the village electrical grid by a 12.5 kV transmission line. The wind-power system for Port Heiden should supply (to the extent possible) the thermal load that is currently supplied by diesel furnaces at the school and/or Ray’s Place. This would allow the system to reduce even further the cost of unit energy, making it more attractive. Thus, the proposed wind-power system includes an electric hot water boiler, a supervisory control system, and a secondary load controller, which supply the thermal load during those times when adequate wind generated power is in excess of demand. 4.3 Annual Energy Production Estimates In Appendix C, the four turbines are compared in terms of energy yield, or annual energy productions (AEPs), at the four proposed sites with a fixed hub-height of 30 m. For completion, the wind distribution and energy distribution for site 01 is shown again in Figure 12. Port Heiden Wind Power Feasibility Study, Rev 0 18 Figure 12. Wind speed distribution, energy sector distribution, and wind rose at proposed site 01 (30 m or 98 ft agl). Table 1 summarizes the AEPs and CFs for the various turbines at the various sites assuming an overall loss of 10 percent. Table 1. AEPs and CFs for the four models at a hub-height of 30 m at the various proposed site locations. A 10 percent overall production loss is assumed, due to: electrical losses, blade degradation, power curve uncertainties, availability, etc. AEP (MWh) / CF Site 01 Site 02 Site 03 Site 04 Turbine Model AEP (MWh) CF AEP (MWh) CF AEP (MWh) CF AEP (MWh) CF Northwind 100B/21 2980.3402950.3372970.3392850.325 Vestas A27 6380.3246300.3206350.3226050.307 Vergnet GEV-MP-C 7770.3237680.3197740.3217420.308 Enercon E33 10290.35610170.35210250.3559830.340 The variation in AEP (CF) across the first three sites (see Table 1) is about 1.5 percent with respect to the average value, and therefore it may be considered within modeling errors (1-3 percent). The fourth site shows 4.5 percent less production than the others, and therefore it should be left as last resort in case none of the other sites are permitted. In general, however, the wind resource is fairly uniform at Port Heiden, allowing for some flexibility in the final siting. Note that the Vergnet and Enercon turbines normally utilize taller towers (55 m and 37 m respectively), and they are penalized with a 30 m hub-height; the theoretical AEP is still given in Table 1 for Port Heiden Wind Power Feasibility Study, Rev 0 19 completeness, but these machines would be installed on taller towers. A taller tower may, however, have some consequences for FAA approvals. The A27 comes standard with a 32 m tower; therefore no significant differences are expected when compared to a 30 m hub-height. The Enercon E33 is the most efficient (highest predicted capacity factor) machine at the four sites under examination, followed by the Northwind 100B/21. The much larger power rating may require additional electronics and controllers to secure a stable village grid under a high penetration level, but may lead to substantial savings in diesel fuel costs (see Section 5.0 -). The Northwind 100B/21 would require a relatively simpler control system to interface with the diesel power plant in a medium wind power penetration level. The other turbines fall in the middle of this range. Table 2 shows analogous data to Table 1 for a fixed hub-height of 37 m, and more detailed data is available in Appendix D. Figure 13. As in Figure 12, for 37 m (121 ft) agl. Port Heiden Wind Power Feasibility Study, Rev 0 20 Table 2. As for 37 m Hub-Height. AEP (MWh) / CF Site 01 Site 02 Site 03 Site 04 Turbine Model AEP (MWh) CF AEP (MWh) CF AEP (MWh) CF AEP (MWh) CF Northwind 100B/21 3180.3633140.3583170.3623050.348 Vestas A27 6830.3476740.3426810.3466540.332 Vergnet GEV-MP-C 8310.3458200.3408270.3437970.331 Enercon E33 10980.38010850.37510940.37810540.365 The higher hub-height renders a considerable (7 percent) increase in capacity factors and AEPs, and it should be sought if at all possible and pending FAA determination of no-hazard to air navigation. Finally, for the largest turbines (Enercon and Vergnet models), it makes sense to investigate an even higher hub-height of 50 m. A calculation has been carried out at Site 01 and Site 04 (see Appendix E) for those larger machines and summary of AEPs and CFs is given in Table 3. Table 3. As in Table 1, for 50 and 55 m Hub-Heights. AEP (MWh) / CF Site 01 Site 04 Turbine Model AEP (MWh) CF AEP (MWh) CF Vergnet GEV-MP-C (55 m hub- height) 929 0.385 908 0.377 Enercon E33 (50 m hub-height) 1180 0.408 1148 0.397 The increase in AEPs (CFs) is 7 percent for the E33 and 12 percent for the GEV-MP-C with respect to the 37 m height. Port Heiden Wind Power Feasibility Study, Rev 0 21 Section 5.0 - Economic Analysis 5.1 Inputs and Assumptions The Economic analysis of a wind power installation at Port Heiden was carried out for ’site 01’, since it has the most favorable wind conditions among the four locations examined. If the location for the turbine installation had to change slightly, however, no significant changes are expected. The actual discount rate assumed is 2.9 percent, with a nominal interest rate and inflation rate of 5 and 2 percent respectively. The project lifetime is 20 years. It is assumed that the power house will stay at its current location, or be moved closer to Ray’s place. No diesel-generator heat recovery system (as current) is assumed, though a 5 percent heat recovery ratio is assigned to the diesel generators to account for the beneficial heating of the power-house and annexed fire house. The interconnection of the turbine will occur within 0.25 miles of the turbine location. A separate supervisory controller is needed for high levels of wind penetration, and therefore with turbines other than one single NW100B/21. It is assumed that an electric boiler would be paired with the existing heating system at the school or at Ray’s Place. The electric boiler would be governed by a dedicated secondary load controller to utilize excess wind energy coming from the turbine when the electric load is low, thus allowing a further reduction in fuel costs for heating. The seasonal electric load at Port Heiden including the monthly maximum, average daily high, monthly mean, average daily low, and monthly minimum values, is given in Figure 14. It is estimated that the average electricity consumption is 1450 kWh/day with average load of 75 kW and peaks to 160 kW. Figure 14. Monthly-averaged electrical load at Port Heiden. The thermal load at the school (see Figure 15) has been estimated based on diesel sales data provided by the City of Port Heiden and LPSD, and on data reported in [2]. About 7,500 gallons/yr (28,600 l/yr) of heating oil are consumed at the school, and it is assumed that the thermal load at Ray’s Place is comparable to that of the school. The average thermal load is estimated to be 950 kWh per day. Port Heiden Wind Power Feasibility Study, Rev 0 22 Figure 15. As in Figure 14, for the thermal load at the school in Port Heiden. 5.2 System Alternatives Analyzed Table 4. Alternatives analyzed in the economic model. Turbine Model Hub-Heights (m) Qty. NW100B/21 30, 37 1,2,3 Vestas A27 30, 37 1 Vergnet GEV-MP-C 37, 55 (m) 1 Enercon E33 37, 50 (m) 1 Higher hub-heights may be more profitable for the larger machines, but foundations and permitting may become more cumbersome and expensive. It was decided to limit the analysis of the 30 m hub-heights only to the NW100B/21 and the Vestas A27; the analysis of the 50 (55) m hub-height to the E33 (GEV MP-C) (see Table 4). 5.3 Estimated Capital and Replacement Costs An opinion of probable project costs for the various alternatives was developed based on July 2010 US dollars. The opinion of probable project costs includes construction, engineering, and contingency. Overall project cost was established by adding engineering, permitting, and legal fees. Engineering costs include preliminary and final design, procurement, construction management, and administration. Table 5 shows the estimated costs for the installation of the various alternatives. The data were obtained after consulting with the turbine vendors and the following construction and transportation contractors: GeoTek Alaska, Inc., STG, Inc., Sustainable Automation Inc., Northland Services Marine Transportation, and Bellavance Trucking. These cost estimates should be considered accurate to within plus or minus 30 percent at the time of project implementation. Because of the remoteness of Port Heiden, most of the capital costs come from having to transport personnel, materials, components, and special construction equipment to the site. The capital cost would increase or decrease depending on crude oil price fluctuations, as those affect transportation and manufacturing processes. However, there is very little information at this point to provide a solid justification to changes in the current estimates that are provided with a ±25% margin. Port Heiden Wind Power Feasibility Study, Rev 0 23 Table 5. Estimated capital costs for the installation of the various systems. Vestas A27/225 Vergnet GEV- MP-C Enercon E33 Northwind 100B/21 Turbine+Tower 422500 516389 593750 350000 shipment (turbine+other components) 192000 192000 192000 55000 transformer 35000 35000 40000 30000 supervisory controller 100000 100000 100000 0 secondary controller 40000 40000 40000 40000 boiler and misc 25000 25000 25000 25000 power line$300k/mi 75000 75000 75000 75000 geotechnical investigation & report 87800 87800 87800 87800 Engineering/Permitting/Construction/Erection 438230 430730 532730 325730 TOTAL 1415530 1501919 1686280 988530 w/ contingency 20 percent 1698636 1802303 2023536 1186236 Installed Cost per kW 7549 6554 6132 11862 Note in Table 5, that for the NW 100B/21 (as mentioned above) a simplified control system is proposed, due to the smaller level of wind penetration. Also a 10 percent and 15 percent discount on the turbine price is assumed for the NW 100B/21 if two or three turbines are installed respectively, amounting to a total capital cost Table 6. As in for multiple installations of the NW 100B/21 2 NW 100B/21 3 NW 100B/21 Turbine+Tower 630000 892500 shipment (turbine+other components) 110000 165000 transformer 60000 90000 supervisory controller 100000 100000 secondary controller 40000 40000 boiler and misc 25000 25000 power line$300k/mi 150000 225000 geotechnical investigation & report 131700 153650 Engineering/Permitting/Construction/Erection 488595 651460 TOTAL 1735295 2342610 w/ contingency 20 percent 2082354 2811132 Installed Cost per kW 10412 9370 Replacement costs for the various models are given in Table 7. Table 7. Estimated Replacement Costs at the end of the Project. Vestas A27/225 Vergnet GEV-MP-C Enercon E33 Northwind 100B/21 Replacement Cost 200000 200000 250000 100000 5.4 Estimated Operation and Maintenance Costs A fixed system operation and maintenance (O&M) cost of US$23,000 per year was used for both the combined wind power/diesel system and the current system. This is an average salary for a maintenance mechanic at the power house. $1.5 per operational hour is the additional rate assumed for the O&M of diesel generators. Port Heiden Wind Power Feasibility Study, Rev 0 24 For the wind system, an $8,500/yr O&M cost per installed turbine is assumed; this includes salary amounting to 1 day/month for a local mechanic plus 2 days every three months for a specialized mechanic from Anchorage and airfares. If two or three turbines are installed, the O&M is calculated at $15,500 and $22,400 respectively. The overall diesel generator O&M will be less in the combined system due to reduced diesel usage, however the salary of the local mechanic will be higher for the additional maintenance tasks at the wind turbine. The current O&M cost is based on information provided by the City of Port Heiden and by the Lake and Peninsula School District (LPSD) for Chignik Lake (a similar community in the Borough). 5.5 Estimated Diesel Prices Four different values for delivered diesel prices were assumed: $/l, 0.99, 1.360, 1.450, 1.65 ($/gal 3.75, 5.15, 5.50, 6.25). The current values at the time of compiling this report is approximately $/gal 5.15 (City of Port Heiden data). The largest estimates are in line with [2] for projected long-term oil price of $110/bbl and $125/bbl; the lowest value is scaled linearly with a projected oil-price of $75/bbl. Following [2], the heating oil prices were obtained by adding $1.2/gal to the utility diesel price, for current and long-term oil prices, and then scaled proportionally to the assumed crude oil price for the lowest price scenario of $75/bbl. 5.6 Economic Analysis Results The software program HOMER© [1] was employed to simulate the economic performance of the various turbines and at multiple hub-heights (30, 37, 50, and 55 m). In Appendices F-J, complete output reports from the program are provided for the various system alternatives. Note that in HOMER©, a reduced annual mean wind speed was assigned in order to account for 10 percent losses as discussed in Section 4.2. The HOMER© analysis produces several economic measures that show the value of the difference between the wind/diesel alternative under consideration and the current diesel-only system, taking into account the 20-year life cycle costs of both systems. Definitions of the economic measures shown in the following sections are as follows: x The present worth is the difference between the net present cost of the alternative system and the diesel-only system, where the net present cost is the present value of all system costs incurred over the project lifetime (including capital costs, replacement costs, O&M costs and fuel costs) minus salvage value. Present worth shows how much the alternative system saves over the project lifetime compared to the diesel-only system, and is the primary measure for comparing the economic feasibility of the two systems. The present worth represents the avoided cost over the life of the project when operating the alternative system rather than the current system. x The discounted payback period is how long it would take to recover the initial investment in the alternative system using the assumed rates for interest (5 percent) and inflation (2 percent). x The annual worth is the present worth multiplied by the capital recovery factor, which is a ratio used to calculate the present value of a series of equal annual cash flows. x The Internal Rate of Return is the discount rate that makes the present value of the difference of the two cash flow sequences equal to zero. x The levelized cost of energy (COE) is the average cost per kWh of useful electrical energy produced by the system. This is calculated by dividing the annualized cost of producing electricity (the total Port Heiden Wind Power Feasibility Study, Rev 0 25 annualized cost minus the cost of serving the thermal load) by the total annual electric energy production. x The benefit/cost ratios for each alternative compared to the diesel-only system were calculated by adding the net present cost to the present worth and then dividing by the net present cost. 5.6.1 Results for 37 m hub-heights The following Table 8 through Table 11 show the economic measures for the select wind/diesel alternatives, assuming four different values of diesel prices (see Section 5.5). The color coding associated with the benefit/cost ratio identifies with green the ‘best economic alternative’, cyan ‘second best’, orange the marginal, and red the unfeasible alternative. Note that the current COE values are higher than those predicted in [2] due to the absence of heat recovery systems in the diesel power plant at Port Heiden. Table 8. Comparison of various alternatives at 37 m hub-heights to current system if diesel price is US$3.75/gal. Alternative *Present Worth (US$) Discounted Payback Period (years) **Annual Worth (US$) Internal Rate of Return (ROI) (%) Levelized Cost of Energy (US$/kWh) Benefit/Cost Ratio Capital (US$) Diesel Only N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.469 N/A N/A Northwind 100B/21 -665,829 > 20 -44,341 N/A(2.92) 0.553 0.85 1,186,236 2 NW100B/21 -661,601 > 20 -44,060 N/A(4.54) 0.552 0.85 2,082,354 3 NW100B/21 - 1,055,685 > 20 -70,304 N/A(4.16) 0.602 0.76 2,811,132 Vestas A27 -139,047 >20(16.3) -9,260 2(6.11) 0.487 0.97 1,698,636 Vergnet GEV-MP-C -131,024 >20(16.1) -8,726 2.1(6.17) 0.486 0.97 1,802,303 Enercon E33 -8,551 >20(15.1) -569 2.85(6.63) 0.47 1 2,023,536 Table 9. Comparison of various alternatives at 37 m hub-heights to current system if diesel price is US$5.15/gal. Alternative *Present Worth (US$) Discounted Payback Period (years) **Annual Worth (US$) Internal Rate of Return (ROI) (%) Levelized Cost of Energy (US$/kWh) Benefit/Cost Ratio Capital (US$) Diesel Only N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.617 N/A N/A Northwind 100B/21 -424,555 >20 -28,274 N/A(4.28) 0.67 0.93 1,186,236 2 NW100B/21 -72,293 >20(15.5) -4,814 2.52(6.43) 0.626 0.99 2,082,354 3 NW100B/21 -314,421 >20(16.9) -20,393 1.66(5.92) 0.657 0.95 2,811,132 Vestas A27 461,081 14.6(12) 30,706 5.64(8.47) 0.559 1.08 1,698,636 Vergnet GEV- MP-C 507,465 14.5(11.9) 33,795 5.74(8.53) 0.553 1.09 1,802,303 Enercon E33 750,413 13.8(10.9) 49,974 6.57(9.13) 0.523 1.13 2,023,536 Port Heiden Wind Power Feasibility Study, Rev 0 26 Table 10. Comparison of various alternatives at 37 m hub-heights to current system if diesel price is US$5.5/gal. Alternative *Present Worth (US$) Discounted Payback Period (years) **Annual Worth (US$) Internal Rate of Return (ROI) (%) Levelized Cost of Energy (US$/kWh) Benefit/Cost Ratio Capital (US$) Diesel Only N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.654 N/A N/A Northwind 100B/21 -371,245 >20 -24,723 N/A;(4.58) 0.7 0.94 1,186,236 2 NW100B/21 64,185 19.2(14.5) 4,274 3.23(6.86) 0.646 1.01 2,082,354 3 NW100B/21 -141,582 >20(15.8) -9,429 2.35(6.32) 0.671 0.98 2,811,132 Vestas A27 600,446 13.9(11.2) 39,987 6.41(9.01) 0.578 1.1 1,698,636 Vergnet GEV- MP-C 656,101 13.8(11.2) 43,694 6.51(9.08) 0.571 1.1 1,802,303 Enercon E33 927,527 12.8(10.2) 61,769 7.37(9.71) 0.537 1.15 2,023,536 Table 11. Comparison of various alternatives at 37 m hub-heights to current system if diesel price is US$6.25/gal. Alternative *Present Worth (US$) Discounted Payback Period (years) **Annual Worth (US$) Internal Rate of Return (ROI) (%) Levelized Cost of Energy (US$/kWh) Benefit/Cost Ratio Capital (US$) Diesel Only N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.735 N/A N/A Northwind 100B/21 -252,771 >20(19.1) -16,833 0.45(5.24) 0.767 0.96 1,186,236 2 NW100B/21 367,478 17.1(12.9) 24,472 4.72(7.83) 0.689 1.05 2,082,354 3 NW100B/21 242,512 17.9(13.9) 16,150 3.81(7.23) 0.704 1.03 2,811,132 Vestas A27 910,153 11.8(9.7) 60,612 8.06(10.2) 0.62 1.13 1,698,636 Vergnet GEV- MP-C 986,411 11.7(9.6) 65,691 8.16(10.3) 0.611 1.14 1,802,303 Enercon E33 1,321,121 10.6(9.01) 87,981 9.06(11) 0.569 1.19 2,023,536 *Represents the avoided cost over the life of the project when operating the alternative system rather than the diesel system. **Represents the avoided cost on an annual basis when operating the alternative system rather than the diesel system. The Enercon E33 is the most suitable option for Port Heiden according to the results of the economic model. For the largest diesel price, the Enercon E33 (at 37m hub height) would save almost $1,320,000 in diesel costs throughout the life of the project, while the A27 and GEV MP-C would approximately save $910,000 and $986,000 respectively. For a diesel price of $5.5/gal, the Enercon E33 would save almost $927,000, while the A27 and GEV MP- C would approximately save $656,000 and $600,000 respectively. At the current diesel price, the same three models would attain savings ranging from $750,400 to $460,000. The COE for the E33 varies from 0.523$/kWh to 0.569$/kWh as the price of diesel changes from $5.15/gal to $6.25/gal, with a projected reduction with respect to the diesel-only system ranging 0.9 to 0.16$/kWh.. Port Heiden Wind Power Feasibility Study, Rev 0 27 The COE for the A27 and GEV MP-C varies from 0.55$/kWh to 0.62$/kWh as the price of diesel changes from $5.15/gal to $6.25/gal, with a projected reduction with respect to the diesel-only system ranging 0.06 to 0.12$/kWh.. Either a pair (for diesel price of $5.5/gal and $6.25/gal) or three NW 100B/21 turbines (for a diesel price of $6.25/gal) may be a marginal alternative in the highest diesel-price scenarios. For the unlikely scenario corresponding to the lowest diesel price, however, no system alternative is competitive with the current system. 5.6.2 Results for 30 m hub-heights Given the previous results for the 37 m hub-heights, every effort should be made to maintain the highest hub-heights possible. However, if FAA limitations are imposed, lower hub-heights may be necessary. For this reason, in this section we offer results (see Table 12 - Table 15) of the economic analysis of the Northwind100B/21 and Vestas A-27 at 30 m hub-height. The other machines are deemed too large to be suitably placed at such low a hub-height. The cost variation in foundations and towers is not significant enough between these two heights to justify changes in assumed capital costs. Table 12. As Table 8 for 30 m hub-heights (Diesel price US$3.75/gal). Alternative *Present Worth (US$) Discounted Payback Period (years) **Annual Worth (US$) Internal Rate of Return (ROI) (%) Levelized Cost of Energy (US$/kWh) Benefit/Cost Ratio Capital (US$) Diesel Only N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.469 N/A N/A Northwind 100B/21 -673,264 >20 -44,837 N/A(2.88) 0.554 0.85 1,186,236 2 NW100B/21 -679,589 >20 -45,258 N/A(4.48) 0.555 0.85 2,082,354 3 NW100B/21 - 1,073,932 >20 -71,519 N/A(4.12) 0.604 0.76 2,811,132 Vestas A27 -250,594 >20(17.5) -16,688 1.24(5.68) 0.501 0.94 1,698,636 Table 13. As Table 9 for 30 m hub-heights (Diesel price US$5.15/gal). Alternative *Present Worth (US$) Discounted Payback Period (years) **Annual Worth (US$) Internal Rate of Return (ROI) (%) Levelized Cost of Energy (US$/kWh) Benefit/Cost Ratio Capital (US$) Diesel Only N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.617 N/A N/A Northwind 100B/21 -434,670 >20 -28,947 N/A(4.22) 0.672 0.93 1,186,236 2 NW100B/21 -96,548 >20(15.7) -6,430 2.39(6.35) 0.629 0.98 2,082,354 3 NW100B/21 -339,025 >20(17,1) -22,578 1.56(5.86) 0.66 0.94 2,811,132 Vestas A27 310,674 16(12.9) 20,690 4.78(7.88) 0.578 1.05 1,698,636 Port Heiden Wind Power Feasibility Study, Rev 0 28 Table 14. As Table 10 for 30 m hub-heights (Diesel price US$5.5/gal). Alternative *Present Worth (US$) Discounted Payback Period (years) **Annual Worth (US$) Internal Rate of Return (ROI) (%) Levelized Cost of Energy (US$/kWh) Benefit/Cost Ratio Capital (US$) Diesel Only N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.654 N/A N/A Northwind 100B/21 -433,051 >20 -28,839 N/A(4.23) 0.708 0.93 1,186,236 2 NW100B/21 -90,636 >20(15.6) -6,036 2.43(6.37) 0.665 0.99 2,082,354 3 NW100B/21 -320,888 >20(16.9) -21,370 1.63(5.9) 0.694 0.95 2,811,132 Vestas A27 440,809 14.7(12.1) 29,356 5.53(8.39) 0.598 1.07 1,698,636 Table 15. As Table 10 for 30 m hub-heights (Diesel price US$6.25/gal). Alternative *Present Worth (US$) Discounted Payback Period (years) **Annual Worth (US$) Internal Rate of Return (ROI) (%) Levelized Cost of Energy (US$/kWh) Benefit/Cost Ratio Capital (US$) Diesel Only N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.735 N/A N/A Northwind 100B/21 -322,342 >20 -21,467 N/A(4.85) 0.775 0.95 1,186,236 2 NW100B/21 192,800 17.7(13.9) 12,840 3.87(7.28) 0.711 1.03 2,082,354 3 NW100B/21 40,105 19.6(14.8) 2,671 3.05(6.75) 0.73 1.01 2,811,132 Vestas A27 730,006 12.9(10.6) 48,615 7.11(9.52) 0.643 1.1 1,698,636 *Represents the avoided cost over the life of the project when operating the alternative system rather than the diesel system. **Represents the avoided cost on an annual basis when operating the alternative system rather than the diesel system. At this lower hub-height, only the Vestas A27 is a valid alternative with a diesel price of $5.5/gal or $6.25, while only marginal at a price of $5.15/gal. Savings in displaced fuel costs range from $310,600 to $730,000, and the levelized COE ranges from .578 to .643$/kWh with a reduction of approximately 0.04 to 0.09$/kWh with respect to the diesel-only system. 5.6.3 Results for 50 and 55 m hub-heights As mentioned in the previous sections, a higher hub-height would yield more energy production on an annual basis, and especially for the largest machines (Vergnet GEV MP-C and Enercon E33). The cost of a taller tower and deeper foundation is included in this analysis through an increase in capital cost of $20,000 and $70,000 for the Vergnet and the Enercon models respectively. The Vergnet still uses shallow foundations for the anchors thanks to the tiltable tower. Port Heiden Wind Power Feasibility Study, Rev 0 29 Table 16. As Table 8 for 50 and 55 m hub-heights (Diesel price US$3.75/gal). Alternative *Present Worth (US$) Discounted Payback Period (years) **Annual Worth (US$) Internal Rate of Return (ROI) (%) Levelized Cost of Energy (US$/kWh) Benefit/Cost Ratio Capital (US$) Diesel Only N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.469 N/A N/A Vergnet GEV-MP- C (55 m hub- height) 34,349 19.5(14.7) 2,287 3.1(6.79) 0.465 1.01 1,822,303 Enercon E33 (55 m hub- height) 36,475 19.6(14.8) 2,429 3.09(6.78) 0.465 1.01 2,093,536 Table 17. As Table 9 for 50 and 55 m hub-heights (Diesel price US$5.15/gal). Alternative *Present Worth (US$) Discounted Payback Period (years) **Annual Worth (US$) Internal Rate of Return (ROI) (%) Levelized Cost of Energy (US$/kWh) Benefit/Cost Ratio Capital (US$) Diesel Only N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.617 N/A N/A Vergnet GEV- MP-C 737,336 13.5(10.6) 49,103 6.88(9.35) 0.524 1.12 1,822,303 Enercon E33 835,428 13.7(10.7) 55,636 6.83(9.32) 0.512 1.14 2,093,536 Table 18. As Table 10 for 50 and 55 m hub-heights (Diesel price US$5.5/gal). Alternative *Present Worth (US$) Discounted Payback Period (years) **Annual Worth (US$) Internal Rate of Return (ROI) (%) Levelized Cost of Energy (US$/kWh) Benefit/Cost Ratio Capital (US$) Diesel Only N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.654 N/A N/A Vergnet GEV- MP-C 901,334 12.2(9.96) 60,025 7.69(9.95) 0.54 1.14 1,822,303 Enercon E33 1,022,058 12.1(10) 68,065 7.63(9.91) 0.525 1.16 2,093,536 Table 19. As Table 10 for 50 and 55 m hub-heights (Diesel price US$6.25/gal). Alternative *Present Worth (US$) Discounted Payback Period (years) **Annual Worth (US$) Internal Rate of Return (ROI) (%) Levelized Cost of Energy (US$/kWh) Benefit/Cost Ratio Capital (US$) Diesel Only N/A N/A N/A N/A 0.735 N/A N/A Vergnet GEV- MP-C 1,265,783 10.3(8.77) 84,296 9.42(11.3) 0.576 1.18 1,822,303 Enercon E33 1,436,799 10.4(8.84) 95,685 9.35(11.2) 0.554 1.2 2,093,536 *Represents the avoided cost over the life of the project when operating the alternative system rather than the diesel system. **Represents the avoided cost on an annual basis when operating the alternative system rather than the diesel system. Port Heiden Wind Power Feasibility Study, Rev 0 30 For the lowest diesel price, the two systems are nearly identical from an economic perspective, with only approximately $35,000 in overall savings over the life of the project, and no significant reduction in COE with respect to the diesel-only system. For the current diesel price, the savings in displaced fuel costs are significant ($737,000-$835,000), and the COE is reduced by about 0.09-0.10$/kWh. For the $5.5/gal ($6.25/gal) diesel price, the E33 achieves a COE of about 0.525$/kWh (0.554/kWh, almost a 0.18$/kWh reduction with respect to the current system) with a total savings over the life of the project of about $1,020,000 ($1,436,799). The GEV MP-C achieves a COE of about 0.54$/kWh (0.576/kWh, almost a 0.16$/kWh reduction with respect to the current system) with a total savings over the life of the project of about $901,300 ($1,265,783). Port Heiden Wind Power Feasibility Study, Rev 0 31 Section 6.0 - Environmental and Construction Permitting In this Section, we describe the necessary steps for the permitting of the project, which includes Environmental and Building Permitting. There are a number of agencies that will have jurisdiction on the project. While the project is on private land belonging to the City of Port Heiden, if federal or state actions such as funding or issuance of permits or licenses are involved, then the appropriate federal and state agencies will need to be consulted to start the regulatory permitting process. Where possible, an estimate is given of the time required for the individual permits. 6.1 Soil and Foundation Requirements Historical data from well drilling in the general geographic area reported sand and pumice deposits that extend to 15-25 feet below ground surface (bgs) underlain by a layer of silty clay to silty gravel which extends to 50-90 feet bgs, and saturated coarse sand and gravel layers below that. A dedicated geotechnical investigation is recommended and budgeted in the economic analysis (see Section 5.0 -). The geotechnical report will help the engineering of the foundation design to be approved within the construction permitting. Estimated time for geotechnical investigations: 30 days from commission. 6.2 FAA Permitting The FAA (Federal Aviation Authority) will need to release a “determination to no hazard to navigation” for the wind turbine at the selected site. A FAA Form SF 7460-1 will need to be filed in advance of other activities, since the FAA has shown extensive delays in their responses in the past. We expect it will be necessary to coordinate with the Anchorage (Alaskan Region) office. Estimated time for permit: 30-90 days from filing. 6.3 Construction Permitting Construction General Permit (CGP) will be needed from Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) for the construction of the project. In order to get this permit, a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPP) will need to be completed, which will include measures to mitigate detrimental effects to the environment during construction. This includes digging and pouring of foundations, tower erection, transformer construction, power line burial and potential power line poles along the road from the site to the interconnection point. Note that the impacted area is foreseen to be larger than one acre (threshold value for this permitting requirement) due to the transmission line corridor from the wind turbine site to the interconnection point. A Notice of Intent (NOI) must be submitted to Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) within this phase. Additionally, consultations with the US Fish and Wildlife Service and the State Historic Preservation Office will be required, together with the agencies’ determinations of “no significant effect to species or historical environment” as per Sections 6.5 and 6.6. Other building permits and electrical reviews may be needed by the entity in charge of the utility at the village. The executive mechanical, civil, and electrical drawings will need to be stamped by one or more licensed professional engineers in the State of Alaska. Port Heiden Wind Power Feasibility Study, Rev 0 32 Note that LPB will be required to assist in the determination of these further requirements. Estimated time for permit: 90 days from filing. 6.4 Alaska Coastal Management Program (ACMP) Port Heiden is entirely included within the coastal boundaries established by the Alaska Department of Natural Resources (ADNR), Division of Coastal and Ocean Management (DCOM). Discussion with ADNR/ACMP will include a Coastal Project Questionnaire (CPQ) to be filled out in order to identify other agencies that may be required to be consulted regarding the project. If at least one state or federal permit is required, a complete ACMP consistency review will be necessary. Estimated time for permit: 90 days from filing. 6.5 US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G): The USFWS will need to be contacted in the development of the project. Initially, a review will be conducted of the draft guidelines that the Alaska Regional Office of USFWS has issued. Then contacts will be established with the local Fish and Game offices (ADF&G), and village individuals to verify that there are no bird migratory paths, roosting or nesting habitat of endangered plant or animal species that are affected by the installation of the wind turbine and associated power lines. Site soil preparation may involve some coordination in order to comply with USFWS guidelines. It is known that sea-gulls and eagles are present in the area; however, no eagle nest was observed at the selected site for the wind turbine, nor is the site considered a bird gathering place. The USFWS may require pre and post-construction observation periods based on these observations and will contact ADF&G on this regard. As we expect to install one wind turbine, the impact to any bird or mammal species should be insignificant, but the USFWS will need to be made aware of the project to address issues associated with potential wildlife fatalities during operation. 6.6 State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) and Office of History and Archeology (OHA) A letter from SHPO stating that “no historic properties will be adversely affected by the project” will be required. An archeological survey may be required for access and construction footprint. Procedures will need to be coordinated with a state archeologist. Estimated time for permit: 30 days from filing. 6.7 Land Uses and Rights-of-Way No federal land is expected to be affected by the project, therefore only a written notice to proceed by the native corporation and the City of Port Heiden is required to allow project implementation. If other private land is involved, further written authorizations will be required. Note that LPB will be required to assist in the determination of Land Status for the areas of interest to the project. 6.8 Wetlands and Other Waters We do not foresee requiring any further permit with the US Army Corps of Engineers, since the project will not involve any construction activities in jurisdictional wetlands. Port Heiden Wind Power Feasibility Study, Rev 0 33 However, a jurisdictional wetland survey will be needed to determine the existence of any such wetlands within the project area that might be impacted by the project. 6.9 National Environmental Policy Act Review (NEPA) Although, it is not likely that a full environmental impact statement (EIS) will be required under the National Environmental Policy Act, the preparation of an environmental assessment (EA) would most likely be required for federal and state agencies permitting requirements. The EA is an abbreviated NEPA process document that is intended to assess the potential environmental impacts of the project, provide for mitigation as required and to confirm minimal impact to the environment. The EA would be used by the regulatory agency(s) to issue a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) to the environment, thereby circumventing the need for an EIS. Note that LPB will be required to assist in this determination. 6.10 Tentative Cost Estimates Associated with Environmental & Construction Permitting It is not trivial to assess the costs at this stage of the project, especially since there are many unknowns in terms of effective permits required. Per client’s request, however, we are offering a best estimate of the costs based on the current knowledge of the factors involved in this project. This estimate may change vastly in either direction when the project implementation gets underway. FAA permitting: $1,000 Construction Permitting: $8,700 ACMP Permitting: $1,500 USFWS-ADF&G Consultation: $3,000 SHPO-OHA Consultation: $6,000 Land Uses Rights-of-Way: $1,300 Wetlands Surveying: $4,300 Estimated total cost (July 2010 US$): $25,800 Note that this estimate does not include preparation of an EA as part of the NEPA review process (if needed). Port Heiden Wind Power Feasibility Study, Rev 0 34 Section 7.0 - Conclusions and Recommendations The high cost of electricity generation using diesel fuel at Port Heiden is a strong incentive to examine alternative means of generating electricity, such as wind-power. However, due to the remoteness of Port Heiden, some logistical challenges that make a wind-power project more onerous need to be overcome to be economically feasible. This study carried out a preliminary and a detailed wind resource assessment (WRA), a site survey to identify suitability of wind turbine installations, and the collection of various data as inputs to an economic analysis, namely: village electrical and thermal load data, village fuel expenses, vendors’ and contractors’ information and quotations. Also included in this study was a review of the permitting requirements. Following a site visit and an initial screening process, four sites were selected for a more detailed analysis, including a conceptual project layout, an estimate of power generation, a preliminary cost estimate, and an analysis of the economic feasibility. 7.1 Wind Feasibility Study Conclusions The following conclusions of the present study can be drawn: x The wind at Port Heiden is in upper class 5, with little variation across the area of interest. x A mid-to-high penetration level is the only economically viable option for wind at Port Heiden, which implies a relatively sophisticated primary and secondary load control system to be implemented in addition to heat storage solutions at the school or at Ray’s Place. x The economics favor the highest hub heights, but with diminishing return on investment due to the higher costs of tower and foundation. A minimum of 37 m should be sought for any of the machines, for example: The Vestas A27 shows an increase in net savings over the lifetime of the project of about 20- 30 percent (accounting for additional costs of a taller tower not included in the analysis). The Enercon E33 shows an increase in net savings over the lifetime of the project of about 10 percent going from 37 to 50 m. x Initial investments for a wind turbine installation at Port Heiden range between $1.2M and $2M, or $2.8M for multiple turbine installations. These cost estimates should be considered accurate to within plus or minus 30%. x The per-installed-kW cost ranges between $6,000 and $12,000 depending on the model and quantity of turbines. x For the lowest $3.75/gal diesel price analyzed, no wind power system is economically competitive. x The COE can be lowered from 0.04 to 0.18$/kWh (diesel prices of $5.15/gal through $6.25/gal) with respect to the diesel-only system, depending on the turbine model and hub-height. x The Enercon E33 is the most suitable model for the economics at Port Heiden. If installed at 37 m, the COE is reduced to 0.523 $/kWh (0.537$/kWh;0.569$/kWh), a decrease of 0.09$/kWh (0.12$/kWh;0.16$/kWh) with respect to the diesel-only system, with an overall savings due to avoided fuel costs of $750,400 ($927,500;$1,321,100) when the diesel price is $5.15/gal (5.5$/gal;6.25$/gal). x A valid alternative is the Vestas A27, which performs economically well at lower and higher hub-heights. The A27 is a new machine (not reconditioned), with support from a European manufacturer, and a proven track-record. For a 37 m hub-height, at a diesel price of $5.15/gal (5.5$/gal;6.25$/gal), the COE is reduced to 0.56 $/kWh (0.58$/kWh;0.62$/kWh), a decrease of 0.06$/kWh (0.08$/kWh;0.115$/kWh) with respect to the diesel-only system, with an overall savings due to avoided fuel costs of $461,000 ($600,400;$986,400). Port Heiden Wind Power Feasibility Study, Rev 0 35 x The A27 installed at 30 m hub-height achieves a COE of 0.58 $/kWh (0.6$/kWh;0.64$/kWh), a decrease of 0.04$/kWh (0.06$/kWh;0.09$/kWh) with respect to the diesel-only system, with an overall savings due to avoided fuel costs of $310,000 ($441,000;$730,000) when the diesel price is $5.15/gal (5.5$/gal;6.25$/gal). x The Vergnet GEV MP-C is also a proven technology which could fit well at Port Heiden. The standard Vergnet tower is a guyed tower which can be lowered for maintenance and for protection in case of strong wind events. Icing and harsh meteorological conditions in Alaska may constitute a challenge to the operations of a tilt able tower, though that presents an advantage in terms of construction, since it does not require heavy cranes. If installed at 37 m, the GEV MP-C achieves a COE of 0.55 $/kWh (0.57$/kWh;0.611$/kWh), a decrease of 0.06$/kWh (0.08$/kWh;0.12$/kWh) with respect to the diesel- only system, with an overall savings due to avoided fuel costs of $507,000 ($656,000;$986,400) when the diesel price is $5.15/gal (5.5$/gal;6.25$/gal). x At a hub height of 50 m, the E33 yields a COE of 0.51 $/kWh (0.52$/kWh;0.55$/kWh), which is a decrease of 0.10$/kWh (0.13$/kWh;0.18$/kWh) with respect to the diesel-only system, with an overall savings due to avoided fuel costs of $835,400 ($1,022,000;$1,436,800) when the diesel price is $5.15/gal (5.5$/gal;6.25$/gal). x At a hub height of 55m, the GEV MP-C yields a COE of 0.52 $/kWh (0.54$/kWh;0.58$/kWh), which is a decrease of 0.09$/kWh (0.11$/kWh;0.16$/kWh) with respect to the diesel-only system, with an overall savings due to avoided fuel costs of $737,300 ($901,300;$1,265,800) when the diesel price is $5.15/gal (5.5$/gal;$6.25$/gal). x While the NW 100B/21 does not achieve feasibility status in the economic model (except in the 37 m hub-height two-turbine configuration and diesel price equal or greater than $5.5/gal), it should be emphasized that the manufacturer and support is in the US, and that several installations in Alaska have proven very reliable so far (less than a decade). 7.2 Other Relevant Remarks x The choice of turbine model should account for accessibility to spare parts. It is reasonable to assume that the NW100B/21 has some advantage there, though difficult to quantify. Due to the remoteness of Port Heiden, an inventory of spare parts should be acquired at the time of project commissioning for any given model. x The possibility of a catastrophic failure needs to be evaluated with the turbine manufacturers. The harsh wind regime is such that a damaging wind gust may be encountered with a probability of 30 percent throughout the lifetime of the project. The turbine manufacturer will need to provide a risk assessment based on the predicted extreme wind conditions and an evaluation of potential damage and related costs to be expected. x For any of the alternatives, costs for a wind power project will be high due to the physical setting. Material transport and construction costs will be high, since the contractors capable of performing the work are located in Anchorage. x Construction materials and equipment for all alternatives will need to be shipped to Port Heiden via sea. The absence of a dock at Port Heiden may complicate logistics and costs. x Construction may need to take place during the winter to avoid road system failure under heavy construction equipment weight. Repairs to the existing roads, and new road constructions will likely be needed. x The small size of the job will not favor a reduction of construction costs under bidding, because only a limited number of contractors are likely to submit bids. x While permitting is not seen as a major obstacles, the number of local, state, and federal agencies that need to be involved is large, and if the project is selected, permitting procedures will need to be established early on. Port Heiden Wind Power Feasibility Study, Rev 0 36 7.3 Recommendations for Future Activities If LPB decides to continue with the implementation of the wind power project at this site, recommendations include: x Investigate whether suitable financing is available to develop a wind power project at Port Heiden with the economics as illustrated in this report x In case of positive outcome of the previous point: x Initiate contacts with Enercon and other vendors. x Identify a project manager and a firm to oversee the engineering. x Initiate geotechnical investigations to assess the requirements for a sound foundation. x Identify other potential construction projects at Port Heiden for sharing of costs associated with construction activities, transportation and logistics x Initiate permitting procedures Port Heiden Wind Power Feasibility Study, Rev 0 37 Section 8.0 - References ASCE Standard ASCE/SEI 7-05, Minimum Design Loads for Buildings and Other Structures, ASCE 2005. Detterman, R.L., T.P. Miller, M.E. Yount, and F.H. Wilson, 1981, Geologic Map of the Chignik and Sutwik Island Quadrangles, Alaska, Miscellaneous Investigations Series Map I-1229, U.S. Geological Survey, Fairbanks Alaska. Information Insights, 2008: The Lake and Peninsula Borough Regional Energy Plan, Fairbanks, Alaska. Report A5-0264/2001 of the European Parliament (English), available at European Parliament website U.S. Department of Energy, 2005, HOMER Version 2.1, Micropower Optimization Software Model, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, Golden, Colorado. www.knightpiesold.com Appendix A Wind Data Report from “The Bergey Tower” DV103.00204.04 Port Heiden Wind Power Feasibility Study :LQG352YHUVLRQ-XQ Project: Port_Heiden Description: These are merged data to be kept in this virtual meteo object. Merging was done to account for tower shadowing effects in Matlab. Printed/Page 7/7/2010 4:35 PM / 1 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/7/2010 4:35 PM Meteo data report - Main results Mast:A1_A2 combined; Bergey_combined; Bergey Tower A1 A2 Combined Period:Full period: 8/17/2004 - 7/28/2005 (11.3 months) Mast position: UTM WGS 84 Zone: 4 East: 523,127 North: 6,309,775 Measurement heights and wind speeds (in this report) 'LVDEOHGGDWDQRWLQFOXGHGLQRYHUYLHZWDEOHEHORZ ID Height Data recovery Records U_max U_mean *) [m] [%] [m/s] [m/s] 25.9m - A1_A2_Combined 25.9 93.7 46541 27.3 7.3 8BPHDQLVVLPSOHDULWKPHWLFDYHUDJH Scale: 100,000 No profiles when only one height is selected. Page A-1 :LQG352YHUVLRQ-XQ Project: Port_Heiden Description: These are merged data to be kept in this virtual meteo object. Merging was done to account for tower shadowing effects in Matlab. Printed/Page 7/7/2010 4:35 PM / 2 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/7/2010 4:35 PM Meteo data report - Main results Mast:A1_A2 combined; Bergey_combined; Bergey Tower A1 A2 Combined Period:Full period: 8/17/2004 - 7/28/2005 (11.3 months) Statistics Signal Unit Count Of Mean Weibull Weibull Weibull period mean A k [%] 25.9m - A1_A2_Combined WS, all m/s 47031 100.0 7.29 25.9m - A1_A2_Combined WS, enabled m/s 46541 99.0 7.35 7.44 8.37 1.83 25.9m - A1_A2_Combined WD, all Degrees 46516 98.9 149.62 25.9m - A1_A2_Combined WD, enabled Degrees 45736 97.2 153.11 25.9m - A1_A2_Combined Tu, all 47031 100.0 0.13 25.9m - A1_A2_Combined Tu, enabled 36087 76.7 0.11 25.9m - A1_A2_Combined WS_Std, all 47031 100.0 0.84 25.9m - A1_A2_Combined WS_Std, enabled 46541 99.0 0.85 25.9m - A1_A2_Combined WD_Std, all 47031 100.0 7.33 25.9m - A1_A2_Combined WD_Std, enabled 46223 98.3 7.42 Page A-2 :LQG352YHUVLRQ-XQ Project: Port_Heiden Description: These are merged data to be kept in this virtual meteo object. Merging was done to account for tower shadowing effects in Matlab. Printed/Page 7/7/2010 4:35 PM / 3 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/7/2010 4:35 PM Meteo data report - Import filters, files and heights Mast:A1_A2 combined; Bergey_combined; Bergey Tower A1 A2 Combined Period:Full period: 8/17/2004 - 7/28/2005 (11.3 months) Import filter: I1 Files/Folders C:\WindPro\WINDPRO_Data\PROJECTS\LPB\PORT_HEIDEN\METDATA\BergeyTower\PH_Bergey_Combined.txt Time zone for measurements: Same as in the project properties: (GMT-09:00) Alaska Line with header: 11 Header field separator: " (Space)" First line with data: 13 Data field separator: " (Space)" Column Channel Type Sub type Unit Height Name 2 Time stamp Date yyyy-mm-dd 3 Time stamp Time hh:mm:ss 4 Wind speed Mean m/s 25.9 m WS 5 Wind direction Mean Degrees 25.9 m WD 6 Turbulence intensity Mean 25.9 m Tu 7 Wind speed StdDev m/s 25.9 m WS 8 Temperature Mean Deg C 2.0 m T 9 Wind direction StdDev Degrees 25.9 m WD Page A-3 :LQG352YHUVLRQ-XQ Project: Port_Heiden Description: These are merged data to be kept in this virtual meteo object. Merging was done to account for tower shadowing effects in Matlab. Printed/Page 7/7/2010 4:35 PM / 4 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/7/2010 4:35 PM Meteo data report - Missing data - calendar view Mast:A1_A2 combined; Bergey_combined; Bergey Tower A1 A2 Combined Period:Full period: 8/17/2004 - 7/28/2005 (11.3 months) Height:25.9m - A1_A2_Combined - some records missing, disabled, erroneous, or out of range current day Signal:WS - all records missing, disabled, erroneous, or out of range current day Day Month/Year%Total12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 Aug/2004 0.0 0 000000000000000 Sep/2004 0.0 0 000000000000000000000000000000 Oct/2004 0.0 0 0000000000000000000000000000000 Nov/2004 0.0 0 000000000000000000000000000000 Dec/2004 0.0 0 0000000000000000000000000000000 Jan/2005 50.5 2255 0000051 44 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 Feb/2005 15.9 643 144 144 72 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 57 144 82 0 0 0 0 Mar/2005 2.5 112 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Apr/2005 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 May/2005 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Jun/2005 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Jul/2005 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 6.1 3010 Signal:WD Day Month/Year%Total12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 Aug/2004 0.0 0 000000000000000 Sep/2004 0.0 0 000000000000000000000000000000 Oct/2004 0.5 24 00000000000004 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 17 Nov/2004 1.1 48 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 35 2 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 Dec/2004 1.5 65 0 1 1 0 0 15 2 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 6 0 7 0 3 0 0 0 18 4 0 5 0 0 0 Jan/2005 58.7 2621 0 0 0 22 23 144 144 121 0 0 4 0 0 3 0 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 Feb/2005 16.5 667 144 144 77 0 0 0 4 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 60 144 82 4 1 4 1 Mar/2005 3.4 151 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 4 0 0 0 0 2 5 0 0 3 5 6 0 1 113 0 1 0 0 0 9 0 Apr/2005 2.2 93 1 0 0 21 0 9 2 1 3 0 0 0 0 1 8 1 3 3 9 3 0 0 10 4 0 0 0 4 5 5 May/2005 1.1 47 0 0 1 0 0 3 0 1 1 1 8 1 13 1 1 7 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Jun/2005 1.4 61 0 0 7 0 0 0 0 0 5 4 2 1 7 13 5 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 6 3 6 0 0 0 Jul/2005 1.0 38 0 5 4 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 1 5 3 0 2 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 4 4 1 0 Total 7.7 3815 Signal:Tu Day Month/Year % Total 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Aug/2004 26.6 561 31 19 103 116 22 0 8 108 6 0 0 0 0 70 78 Sep/2004 19.9 859 86 3 0 59 88 55 3 96 54 101 70 0 46 32 30 0 78 20 3 0 1 18 0 8 0 0 7 0 0 1 Oct/2004 14.5 648 1 34 71 89 0 0 76 15 6 7 4 7 6 72 23 65 30 0 20 2 0 7 0 2 30 4 11 21 0 45 0 Nov/2004 13.1 564 17 0 0 75 48 0 3 3 2 7 32 23 74 7 0 31 0 38 3 2 21 74 24 6 0 10 0 0 64 0 Dec/2004 16.5 737 21 0 5 13 3 75 79 9 6 19 18 0 35 42 10 49 63 15 38 0 27 0 0 1 119 54 0 12 24 0 0 Jan/2005 61.3 2736 11 7 100 69 47 85 96 24 14 0 74 34 0 11 4 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 Feb/2005 34.6 1396 144 144 121 14 0 0 59 47 3 80 20 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 60 144 137 112 130 79 76 Mar/2005 16.1 719 73 10 8 3 0 8 14 2 22 76 0 0 0 0 17 66 1 0 37 36 65 6 1 143 44 49 0 30 8 0 0 Apr/2005 29.9 1292 66 42 34 0 8 105 69 33 36 0 0 45 22 26 96 86 71 12 106 120 12 2 6 61 18 15 0 75 37 89 May/2005 20.9 931 0 56 49 0 3 29 72 64 31 11 105 17 53 107 37 93 59 1 10 0 0 0 32 73 0 2 2 13 0 5 7 Jun/2005 32.0 1384 0 18 74 38 55 1 5 20 79 63 98 73 76 83 92 7 10 50 0 82 0 74 48 3 91 114 75 15 8 32 Jul/2005 41.4 1637 16 98 63 138 121 24 44 130 11 25 130 74 71 90 5 64 0 0 18 41 103 80 0 25 110 105 44 7 Total 27.1 13464 Signal:WS_Std Day Month/Year%Total12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 Aug/2004 0.0 0 000000000000000 Sep/2004 0.0 0 000000000000000000000000000000 Oct/2004 0.0 0 0000000000000000000000000000000 Nov/2004 0.0 0 000000000000000000000000000000 Dec/2004 0.0 0 0000000000000000000000000000000 Jan/2005 50.5 2255 0000051 44 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 Feb/2005 15.9 643 144 144 72 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 57 144 82 0 0 0 0 Mar/2005 2.5 112 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Apr/2005 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 May/2005 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Jun/2005 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7REHFRQWLQXHGRQQH[WSDJH Page A-4 :LQG352YHUVLRQ-XQ Project: Port_Heiden Description: These are merged data to be kept in this virtual meteo object. Merging was done to account for tower shadowing effects in Matlab. Printed/Page 7/7/2010 4:35 PM / 5 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/7/2010 4:35 PM Meteo data report - Missing data - calendar view Mast:A1_A2 combined; Bergey_combined; Bergey Tower A1 A2 Combined Period:Full period: 8/17/2004 - 7/28/2005 (11.3 months) FRQWLQXHGIURPSUHYLRXVSDJH Day Month/Year%Total12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 Jul/2005 0.0 0 0000000000000000000000000000 Total 6.1 3010 Signal:WD_Std Day Month/Year%Total12345678910111213141516171819202122232425262728293031 Aug/2004 0.0 0 000000000000000 Sep/2004 0.0 0 000000000000000000000000000000 Oct/2004 0.0 0 0000000000000000000000000000000 Nov/2004 0.0 0 000000000000000000000000000000 Dec/2004 0.0 0 0000000000000000000000000000000 Jan/2005 57.6 2573 00004 144 144 121 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 144 Feb/2005 15.9 643 144 144 72 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 57 144 82 0 0 0 0 Mar/2005 2.5 112 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 111 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Apr/2005 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 May/2005 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Jun/2005 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Jul/2005 0.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total 6.7 3328 Page A-5 :LQG352YHUVLRQ-XQ Project: Port_Heiden Description: These are merged data to be kept in this virtual meteo object. Merging was done to account for tower shadowing effects in Matlab. Printed/Page 7/7/2010 4:35 PM / 6 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/7/2010 4:35 PM Meteo data report - Time series graphs Mast:A1_A2 combined; Bergey_combined; Bergey Tower A1 A2 Combined Period:Full period: 8/17/2004 - 7/28/2005 (11.3 months) Page A-6 :LQG352YHUVLRQ-XQ Project: Port_Heiden Description: These are merged data to be kept in this virtual meteo object. Merging was done to account for tower shadowing effects in Matlab. Printed/Page 7/7/2010 4:35 PM / 7 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/7/2010 4:35 PM Meteo data report - Time series graphs Mast:A1_A2 combined; Bergey_combined; Bergey Tower A1 A2 Combined Period:Full period: 8/17/2004 - 7/28/2005 (11.3 months) Page A-7 :LQG352YHUVLRQ-XQ Project: Port_Heiden Description: These are merged data to be kept in this virtual meteo object. Merging was done to account for tower shadowing effects in Matlab. Printed/Page 7/7/2010 4:35 PM / 8 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/7/2010 4:35 PM Meteo data report - Monthly wind speeds Mast:A1_A2 combined; Bergey_combined; Bergey Tower A1 A2 Combined Period:Full period: 8/17/2004 - 7/28/2005 (11.3 months) Monthly wind speeds 25.9m - A1_A2_Combined Month 2004 2005 Mean Mean of month January 7.29 7.29 7.29 February 8.87 8.87 8.87 March 8.57 8.57 8.57 April 6.28 6.28 6.28 May 6.89 6.89 6.89 June 6.11 6.11 6.11 July 5.00 5.00 5.00 August 6.40 6.40 6.40 September 7.06 7.06 7.06 October 8.07 8.07 8.07 November 8.56 8.56 8.56 December 8.61 8.61 8.61 mean, all data 7.90 6.94 mean of months 7.74 7.00 7.31 Page A-8 :LQG352YHUVLRQ-XQ Project: Port_Heiden Description: These are merged data to be kept in this virtual meteo object. Merging was done to account for tower shadowing effects in Matlab. Printed/Page 7/7/2010 4:35 PM / 9 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/7/2010 4:35 PM Meteo data report - Frequency distribution (TAB file data) Mast:A1_A2 combined; Bergey_combined; Bergey Tower A1 A2 Combined Period:Full period: 8/17/2004 - 7/28/2005 (11.3 months) Frequency distribution (TAB file data) 25.9m - A1_A2_Combined Bin Start End Sum 0-N 1-NNE 2-NE 3-ENE 4-E 5-ESE 6-SE 7-SSE 8-S 9-SSW 10-SW 11-WSW 12-W 13-WNW 14-NW 15-NNW Mean 7.41 4.59 5.79 6.23 4.83 5.47 8.33 10.19 6.72 4.39 5.38 6.67 6.66 7.16 7.00 7.66 5.27 0 0.4929191519224312131817 21 18 1513 18 23 15 1 0.50 1.49 1516 109 93 101 93 118 120 105 89 92 89 93 74 77 75 95 93 2 1.50 2.49 2565 147 190 190 192 183 171 158 175 168 122 157 173 120 119 158 142 3 2.50 3.49 3470 171 252 264 170 221 215 236 240 218 187 198 220 302 231 193 152 4 3.50 4.49 4545 197 263 310 186 200 328 350 331 261 262 236 299 438 410 304 170 5 4.50 5.49 4771 153 199 313 148 173 403 543 350 275 196 239 366 477 438 320 178 6 5.50 6.49 4504 139 198 312 113 135 457 688 326 140 137 194 394 385 466 274 146 7 6.50 7.49 4124 81 179 246 65 152 446 818 263 78 99 172 496 345 355 225 104 8 7.50 8.49 3864 51 130 208 46 101 412 915 217 82 74 171 411 429 318 207 92 9 8.50 9.49 3203 23 74 196 41 63 429 905 193 44 53 123 217 401 210 179 52 10 9.50 10.49 2762 14 57 170 23 41 377 909 150 14 39 138 148 283 182 197 20 11 10.50 11.49 2382 29 55 149 34 47 348 821 133 6 47 119 118 156 124 186 10 12 11.50 12.49 2124 23 55 102 25 35 346 815 91 2 42 125 76 81 105 175 26 13 12.50 13.49 1671 7 54 56 18 35 253 726 62 2 30 74 59 66 51 157 21 14 13.50 14.49 1096 2 39 6 7 23 152 517 52 1 15 33 28 40 38 136 7 15 14.50 15.49 790 0 17 2 4 17 111 404 54 1 8 18 7 28 22 88 9 16 15.50 16.49 616 0 10 2 8 6 67 352 28 0 2 15 2 18 42 55 9 17 16.50 17.49 435 0 1 2 1 4 37 265 17 0 1 4 6 21 40 26 10 18 17.50 18.49 309 0 0 0 2 4 24 197 9 0 1 7 11 18 31 4 1 19 18.50 19.49 206 0 0 0 0 2 26 124 5 0 0 0 8 19 22 0 0 20 19.50 20.49 189 0 0 0 0 6 23 107 2 0 0 0 9 27 13 2 0 21 20.50 21.49 125 0 0 0 0 1 15 77 1 0 0 0 8 16 7 0 0 22 21.50 22.49 79 0 0 0 0 0 11 39 0 0 0 0 4 19 6 0 0 23 22.50 23.49 38 0 0 0 0 0 4 29 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 0 0 24 23.50 24.49 30 0 0 0 0 0 1 29 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 25 24.50 25.49 15 0 0 0 0 0 1 14 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 26 25.50 26.49 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 27 26.50 27.49 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 28 27.50 28.49 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 29 28.50 29.49 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30 29.50 30.49 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31 30.50 31.49 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 32 31.50 32.49 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 33 32.50 33.49 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 34 33.50 34.49 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35 34.50 35.49 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 36 35.50 36.49 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 37 36.50 37.49 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 38 37.50 38.49 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 39 38.50 39.49 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 40 39.50 40.49 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 41 40.50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Page A-9 :LQG352YHUVLRQ-XQ Project: Port_Heiden Description: These are merged data to be kept in this virtual meteo object. Merging was done to account for tower shadowing effects in Matlab. Printed/Page 7/7/2010 4:35 PM / 10 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/7/2010 4:35 PM Meteo data report - Mean turbulence Mast:A1_A2 combined; Bergey_combined; Bergey Tower A1 A2 Combined Period:Full period: 8/17/2004 - 7/28/2005 (11.3 months) Mean turbulence 25.9m - A1_A2_Combined Bin Start End Mean 0-N 1-NNE 2-ENE 3-E 4-ESE 5-SSE 6-S 7-SSW 8-WSW 9-W 10-WNW 11-NNW Mean 0.11 0.12 0.11 0.11 0.15 0.12 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.11 0.12 0.12 0.11 00.49 1 0.50 1.49 0.29 0.15 0.36 2 1.50 2.49 0.18 0.22 0.16 0.18 0.16 3 2.50 3.49 0.16 0.12 0.16 0.18 0.18 0.14 4 3.50 4.49 0.12 0.13 0.12 0.13 0.15 0.14 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.12 0.13 0.12 0.13 5 4.50 5.49 0.12 0.12 0.11 0.12 0.16 0.14 0.11 0.10 0.11 0.12 0.13 0.11 0.12 6 5.50 6.49 0.11 0.13 0.10 0.10 0.17 0.13 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.11 0.12 0.11 0.11 7 6.50 7.49 0.11 0.12 0.10 0.10 0.16 0.12 0.10 0.09 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 8 7.50 8.49 0.11 0.12 0.10 0.10 0.15 0.12 0.10 0.09 0.10 0.11 0.12 0.12 0.11 9 8.50 9.49 0.11 0.12 0.10 0.10 0.15 0.11 0.10 0.08 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.12 0.11 10 9.50 10.49 0.11 0.12 0.11 0.11 0.15 0.11 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.11 0.11 0.12 0.11 11 10.50 11.49 0.11 0.12 0.10 0.10 0.14 0.12 0.10 0.11 0.10 0.11 0.12 0.12 0.11 12 11.50 12.49 0.11 0.13 0.10 0.11 0.13 0.11 0.10 0.09 0.09 0.10 0.12 0.11 0.11 13 12.50 13.49 0.11 0.12 0.10 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.10 0.10 0.09 0.10 0.12 0.11 0.11 14 13.50 14.49 0.11 0.11 0.10 0.10 0.11 0.11 0.10 0.09 0.09 0.10 0.12 0.12 0.11 15 14.50 15.49 0.11 0.11 0.10 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.10 0.15 0.10 0.10 0.12 0.11 0.11 16 15.50 16.49 0.11 0.10 0.10 0.12 0.10 0.11 0.10 0.11 0.10 0.12 0.12 0.11 17 16.50 17.49 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.13 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.12 0.11 0.12 0.10 18 17.50 18.49 0.11 0.14 0.13 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.12 0.13 0.12 0.09 19 18.50 19.49 0.11 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.12 0.11 20 19.50 20.49 0.10 0.11 0.10 0.09 0.11 0.12 0.11 21 20.50 21.49 0.10 0.09 0.10 0.10 0.10 0.12 0.10 22 21.50 22.49 0.11 0.12 0.10 0.10 0.09 0.11 0.13 23 22.50 23.49 0.10 0.10 0.11 0.11 24 23.50 24.49 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.11 25 24.50 25.49 0.11 0.11 0.11 26 25.50 26.49 0.11 0.10 0.12 27 26.50 27.49 0.10 0.11 0.08 28 27.50 28.49 29 28.50 29.49 30 29.50 30.49 31 30.50 31.49 32 31.50 32.49 33 32.50 33.49 34 33.50 34.49 35 34.50 35.49 36 35.50 36.49 37 36.50 37.49 38 37.50 38.49 39 38.50 39.49 40 39.50 40.49 41 40.50 Page A-10 :LQG352YHUVLRQ-XQ Project: Port_Heiden Description: These are merged data to be kept in this virtual meteo object. Merging was done to account for tower shadowing effects in Matlab. Printed/Page 7/7/2010 4:35 PM / 11 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/7/2010 4:35 PM Meteo data report - Mean + 1 x Stddev on turbulence (IEC ed. 2) Mast:A1_A2 combined; Bergey_combined; Bergey Tower A1 A2 Combined Period:Full period: 8/17/2004 - 7/28/2005 (11.3 months) Mean + 1 x Stddev on turbulence (IEC ed. 2) 25.9m - A1_A2_Combined Bin Start End Mean 0-N 1-NNE 2-ENE 3-E 4-ESE 5-SSE 6-S 7-SSW 8-WSW 9-W 10-WNW 11-NNW Mean 0.15 0.15 0.14 0.16 0.22 0.16 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.15 0.15 0.14 00.49 1 0.50 1.49 0.46 0.54 2 1.50 2.49 0.23 0.24 0.23 0.20 3 2.50 3.49 0.20 0.19 0.23 0.23 0.16 4 3.50 4.49 0.18 0.16 0.18 0.20 0.22 0.20 0.17 0.15 0.16 0.15 0.16 0.15 0.18 5 4.50 5.49 0.17 0.15 0.15 0.18 0.24 0.20 0.16 0.14 0.14 0.15 0.16 0.15 0.16 6 5.50 6.49 0.16 0.16 0.14 0.15 0.25 0.18 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.15 0.15 7 6.50 7.49 0.15 0.15 0.14 0.16 0.22 0.16 0.14 0.15 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.15 0.14 8 7.50 8.49 0.15 0.14 0.13 0.15 0.20 0.16 0.13 0.13 0.14 0.13 0.14 0.16 0.14 9 8.50 9.49 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.13 0.20 0.15 0.13 0.12 0.14 0.13 0.14 0.14 0.13 10 9.50 10.49 0.14 0.14 0.13 0.13 0.19 0.15 0.13 0.13 0.13 0.14 0.14 0.15 0.13 11 10.50 11.49 0.14 0.14 0.12 0.13 0.18 0.15 0.12 0.13 0.12 0.13 0.15 0.14 0.13 12 11.50 12.49 0.13 0.14 0.12 0.13 0.16 0.14 0.12 0.11 0.11 0.12 0.15 0.13 0.13 13 12.50 13.49 0.13 0.13 0.12 0.12 0.15 0.14 0.12 0.12 0.13 0.12 0.15 0.13 0.12 14 13.50 14.49 0.13 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.14 0.13 0.12 0.10 0.11 0.11 0.14 0.14 0.12 15 14.50 15.49 0.13 0.11 0.12 0.13 0.14 0.14 0.13 0.26 0.11 0.11 0.14 0.13 0.12 16 15.50 16.49 0.13 0.11 0.13 0.12 0.13 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.14 0.15 0.12 17 16.50 17.49 0.13 0.11 0.15 0.13 0.11 0.11 0.15 0.13 0.14 0.11 18 17.50 18.49 0.13 0.14 0.14 0.12 0.11 0.10 0.14 0.15 0.14 0.10 19 18.50 19.49 0.13 0.11 0.12 0.12 0.11 0.14 0.12 20 19.50 20.49 0.12 0.12 0.12 0.10 0.14 0.13 0.13 21 20.50 21.49 0.12 0.10 0.11 0.11 0.11 0.13 0.11 22 21.50 22.49 0.12 0.15 0.12 0.12 0.09 0.12 23 22.50 23.49 0.12 0.11 0.12 0.12 24 23.50 24.49 0.12 0.12 0.11 25 24.50 25.49 0.13 0.13 0.12 26 25.50 26.49 0.12 0.12 27 26.50 27.49 0.11 0.12 28 27.50 28.49 29 28.50 29.49 30 29.50 30.49 31 30.50 31.49 32 31.50 32.49 33 32.50 33.49 34 33.50 34.49 35 34.50 35.49 36 35.50 36.49 37 36.50 37.49 38 37.50 38.49 39 38.50 39.49 40 39.50 40.49 41 40.50 Page A-11 :LQG352YHUVLRQ-XQ Project: Port_Heiden Description: These are merged data to be kept in this virtual meteo object. Merging was done to account for tower shadowing effects in Matlab. Printed/Page 7/7/2010 4:35 PM / 12 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/7/2010 4:35 PM Meteo data report - Monthly graphs aggregated Mast:A1_A2 combined; Bergey_combined; Bergey Tower A1 A2 Combined Period:Full period: 8/17/2004 - 7/28/2005 (11.3 months) Page A-12 :LQG352YHUVLRQ-XQ Project: Port_Heiden Description: These are merged data to be kept in this virtual meteo object. Merging was done to account for tower shadowing effects in Matlab. Printed/Page 7/7/2010 4:35 PM / 13 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/7/2010 4:35 PM Meteo data report - Monthly graphs aggregated Mast:A1_A2 combined; Bergey_combined; Bergey Tower A1 A2 Combined Period:Full period: 8/17/2004 - 7/28/2005 (11.3 months) Page A-13 :LQG352YHUVLRQ-XQ Project: Port_Heiden Description: These are merged data to be kept in this virtual meteo object. Merging was done to account for tower shadowing effects in Matlab. Printed/Page 7/7/2010 4:35 PM / 14 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/7/2010 4:35 PM Meteo data report - Sector wise frequency/weibull graphs Mast:A1_A2 combined; Bergey_combined; Bergey Tower A1 A2 Combined Period:Full period: 8/17/2004 - 7/28/2005 (11.3 months) Height:25.9m - A1_A2_Combined Page A-14 :LQG352YHUVLRQ-XQ Project: Port_Heiden Description: These are merged data to be kept in this virtual meteo object. Merging was done to account for tower shadowing effects in Matlab. Printed/Page 7/7/2010 4:35 PM / 15 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/7/2010 4:35 PM Meteo data report - Sector wise frequency/weibull graphs Mast:A1_A2 combined; Bergey_combined; Bergey Tower A1 A2 Combined Period:Full period: 8/17/2004 - 7/28/2005 (11.3 months) Height:25.9m - A1_A2_Combined Page A-15 :LQG352YHUVLRQ-XQ Project: Port_Heiden Description: These are merged data to be kept in this virtual meteo object. Merging was done to account for tower shadowing effects in Matlab. Printed/Page 7/7/2010 4:35 PM / 16 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/7/2010 4:35 PM Meteo data report - Sector wise mean turbulence graphs Mast:A1_A2 combined; Bergey_combined; Bergey Tower A1 A2 Combined Period:Full period: 8/17/2004 - 7/28/2005 (11.3 months) Height:25.9m - A1_A2_Combined Page A-16 :LQG352YHUVLRQ-XQ Project: Port_Heiden Description: These are merged data to be kept in this virtual meteo object. Merging was done to account for tower shadowing effects in Matlab. Printed/Page 7/7/2010 4:35 PM / 17 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/7/2010 4:35 PM Meteo data report - Sector wise mean turbulence graphs Mast:A1_A2 combined; Bergey_combined; Bergey Tower A1 A2 Combined Period:Full period: 8/17/2004 - 7/28/2005 (11.3 months) Height:25.9m - A1_A2_Combined Page A-17 :LQG352YHUVLRQ-XQ Project: Port_Heiden Description: These are merged data to be kept in this virtual meteo object. Merging was done to account for tower shadowing effects in Matlab. Printed/Page 7/7/2010 4:35 PM / 18 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/7/2010 4:35 PM Meteo data report - Weibull data overview Mast:A1_A2 combined; Bergey_combined; Bergey Tower A1 A2 Combined Period:Full period: 8/17/2004 - 7/28/2005 (11.3 months) Height:25.9m - A1_A2_Combined Weibull data Sector A k f Mean wind speed [m/s] [m/s] 0-N 5.32 1.706 3.36 4.74 1-NNE 7.11 1.962 6.73 6.30 2-ENE 6.02 1.782 5.01 5.35 3-E 6.21 1.494 4.61 5.61 4-ESE 11.16 2.401 23.11 9.89 5-SSE 9.49 2.093 14.38 8.40 6-S 5.17 2.068 4.07 4.58 7-SSW 6.91 1.673 4.95 6.17 8-WSW 7.55 2.274 8.07 6.69 9-W 8.12 1.929 10.76 7.20 10-WNW 7.77 1.790 9.47 6.91 11-NNW 7.63 1.678 5.48 6.82 Mean 8.37 1.830 100.00 7.44 Page A-18 www.knightpiesold.com Appendix B Measure Correlate Predict: Correlation between Bergey Tower Data and PTH AWOS Station DV103.00204.04 Port Heiden Wind Power Feasibility Study :LQG352YHUVLRQ-XQ Project: Port_Heiden Printed/Page 7/7/2010 4:43 PM / 1 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/7/2010 4:42 PM/2.7.473 MCP - Measure data - overview Calculation:A1A2 correlation to PTH plus windstat Meteo data objects 1: Local measurements (site data): A1_A2 combined.25.9m - A1_A2_Combined First date: 8/17/2004 Last date: 7/28/2005 Time step: 10 min Data points: 47031 Enabled:100.0 % Mean wind speed: 7.43 m/s Time Series Data: Yes 2: Long term reference: PTH AWOS.7.0m - A First date: 12/31/1999 Last date: 1/31/2010 Time step: 20 min Data points: 186532 Enabled:100.0 % Mean wind speed: 6.00 m/s Time Series Data: Yes Filter values Filter for site data Time shift: Add wind veer: 5.000 [deg] Page B-1 :LQG352YHUVLRQ-XQ Project: Port_Heiden Printed/Page 7/7/2010 4:43 PM / 2 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/7/2010 4:42 PM/2.7.473 MCP - Concurrent data - overview Calculation:A1A2 correlation to PTH plus windstat Local measurements (site data): A1_A2 combined.25.9m - A1_A2_Combined (filtered) Long term reference (time series): PTH AWOS.7.0m - A First observation: 8/17/2004 8:36 AM Last observation: 7/28/2005 10:36 AM Sector wise data Site wind speed Ref wind speed Ratio (site/ref) Wind veer (site-ref) Sector Count Mean Standard deviation Mean Standard deviation Mean Standard deviation Mean Standard deviation Correlation [m/s] [m/s] [m/s] [m/s] [deg] [deg] All 20034 7.53 4.1 6.24 3.4 1.219 0.263 -1.4 9.1 0.9048 N 784 4.61 2.3 4.39 2.1 1.077 0.163 2.2 8.9 0.8849 NNE 751 6.07 3.5 5.18 2.8 1.230 0.240 4.0 7.7 0.8879 NE 1176 6.12 3.2 5.25 2.6 1.197 0.279 2.6 8.6 0.8629 ENE 704 5.27 3.4 4.35 2.6 1.212 0.327 -0.1 9.9 0.8231 E 827 5.84 3.7 4.52 2.9 1.248 0.466 3.4 10.4 0.7635 ESE 941 7.93 3.9 5.95 3.1 1.323 0.432 1.5 9.6 0.7484 SE 2604 10.27 4.2 8.28 3.7 1.260 0.316 -5.1 7.3 0.8492 SSE 2941 9.92 4.4 8.07 4.0 1.258 0.259 -9.1 7.5 0.9154 S 1206 5.97 2.8 4.64 2.3 1.293 0.279 -3.7 10.5 0.8428 SSW 466 5.61 3.2 4.85 2.8 1.142 0.188 0.5 9.2 0.9127 SW 835 7.02 3.7 6.30 3.4 1.113 0.187 1.5 7.7 0.9392 WSW 1245 6.80 3.0 5.80 2.4 1.176 0.174 2.6 7.1 0.9304 W 2130 7.24 3.7 6.08 3.0 1.197 0.172 1.8 7.4 0.9516 WNW 1456 7.22 3.6 6.04 2.9 1.199 0.169 -0.3 7.7 0.9453 NW 1268 7.30 3.7 6.28 3.1 1.174 0.164 -0.2 7.8 0.9475 NNW 700 6.01 3.4 5.33 2.7 1.143 0.153 -0.6 8.7 0.9433 0.8907 Page B-2 :LQG352YHUVLRQ-XQ Project: Port_Heiden Printed/Page 7/7/2010 4:43 PM / 3 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/7/2010 4:42 PM/2.7.473 MCP - Concurrent data - wind speeds Calculation:A1A2 correlation to PTH plus windstat x-axis = Reference data (PTH AWOS.7.0m - A), y-axis = Site data (A1_A2 combined.25.9m - A1_A2_Combined) Page B-3 :LQG352YHUVLRQ-XQ Project: Port_Heiden Printed/Page 7/7/2010 4:43 PM / 4 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/7/2010 4:42 PM/2.7.473 MCP - Concurrent data - wind veer (direction) Calculation:A1A2 correlation to PTH plus windstat Reference data: (PTH AWOS.7.0m - A), Site data: (A1_A2 combined.25.9m - A1_A2_Combined) Page B-4 :LQG352YHUVLRQ-XQ Project: Port_Heiden Printed/Page 7/7/2010 4:43 PM / 5 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/7/2010 4:42 PM/2.7.473 MCP - Concurrent time series plot - wind speeds Calculation:A1A2 correlation to PTH plus windstat Red = Reference data (PTH AWOS.7.0m - A), Blue = Site data (A1_A2 combined.25.9m - A1_A2_Combined), Green = Deviation Page B-5 :LQG352YHUVLRQ-XQ Project: Port_Heiden Printed/Page 7/7/2010 4:43 PM / 6 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/7/2010 4:42 PM/2.7.473 MCP - Concurrent time series plot - wind speeds Calculation:A1A2 correlation to PTH plus windstat Red = Reference data (PTH AWOS.7.0m - A), Blue = Site data (A1_A2 combined.25.9m - A1_A2_Combined), Green = Deviation Page B-6 :LQG352YHUVLRQ-XQ Project: Port_Heiden Printed/Page 7/7/2010 4:43 PM / 7 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/7/2010 4:42 PM/2.7.473 MCP - Concurrent time series plot - wind veer (direction) Calculation:A1A2 correlation to PTH plus windstat Red = Reference data (PTH AWOS.7.0m - A), Blue = Site data (A1_A2 combined.25.9m - A1_A2_Combined), Green = Deviation Page B-7 :LQG352YHUVLRQ-XQ Project: Port_Heiden Printed/Page 7/7/2010 4:43 PM / 8 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/7/2010 4:42 PM/2.7.473 MCP - Concurrent time series plot - wind veer (direction) Calculation:A1A2 correlation to PTH plus windstat Red = Reference data (PTH AWOS.7.0m - A), Blue = Site data (A1_A2 combined.25.9m - A1_A2_Combined), Green = Deviation Page B-8 www.knightpiesold.com Appendix C AEP Calculations at 30 m (~100 ft) AGL Table of Contents Turbine Manufacturer Height Page Number Northwind 30 m C-1 Vestas 30 m C-10 DV103.00204.04 Port Heiden Wind Power Feasibility Study WindPRO version 2.7.473 Jun 2010 Project: Port_Heiden Description: Four potential locations of the Northwind 100 kW turbines with a hub height of 37m. 1: Turbine Potential Site 03 2: Turbine Potential Site 01 3: John's Suggested T02 4: John's Suggested T01 Printed/Page 7/12/2010 4:30 PM / 1 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/12/2010 3:33 PM/2.7.473 PARK - Main Result Calculation: Northwind 100 30 m Wake Model No model Calculation Settings Air density calculation mode Individual per WTG Result for WTG at hub altitude 1.261 kg/m³ to 1.262 kg/m³ Air density relative to standard 103.0 % Hub altitude above sea level (asl) 47.1 m to 56.1 m Annual mean temperature at hub alt. 3.2 °C to 3.3 °C Pressure at WTGs 1,000.1 hPa to 1,001.2 hPa Wake Model Parameters No model parameters Wake calculation settings Angle [°] Wind speed [m/s] start end step start end step 0.5 360.0 1.0 0.5 30.5 1.0 Scale 1:75,000 New WTG Resource file(s) C:\WindPro\WINDPRO_Data\PROJECTS\LPB\PORT_HEIDEN\PH_WRA_10_Hub_30.rsf Calculated Annual Energy for Wind Farm Specific results¤) WTG combination Result Result-10.0% GROSS (no loss) Park Capacity Mean WTG Full load Mean wind speed PARK Free WTGs efficiency factor result hours @hub height [MWh/y] [MWh] [MWh/y] [%] [%] [MWh/y] [Hours/year] [m/s] Wind farm 1,305.7 1,175.1 1,305.7 100.0 33.5 293.8 2,938 7.3 ¤) Based on Result-10.0% Calculated Annual Energy for each of 4 new WTGs with total 0.4 MW rated power WTG type Power curve Annual Energy Park Terrain Valid Manufact. Type-generator Power, Rotor Hub height Creator Name Result Result-10.0% Efficiency Mean wind rated diameter speed [kW] [m] [m] [MWh] [MWh] [%] [m/s] 1 A No NORTHWIND 100 Arctic-100 100 21.0 30.0 USER Arctic 100 331.3 298 100.0 7.37 2 A No NORTHWIND 100 Arctic-100 100 21.0 30.0 USER Arctic 100 327.5 295 100.0 7.31 3 A No NORTHWIND 100 Arctic-100 100 21.0 30.0 USER Arctic 100 330.1 297 100.0 7.35 4 A No NORTHWIND 100 Arctic-100 100 21.0 30.0 USER Arctic 100 316.8 285 100.0 7.16 WTG siting UTM WGS84 Zone: 4 East North Z Row data/Description UTM WGS84 Zone: 4 [m] 1 New 522,910 6,309,757 25.9 NORTHWIND 100 Arctic 60Hz 100 21.0 !O! hub: 30.0 m (1) 2 New 523,028 6,309,667 26.1 NORTHWIND 100 Arctic 60Hz 100 21.0 !O! hub: 30.0 m (2) 3 New 522,225 6,309,348 18.9 NORTHWIND 100 Arctic 60Hz 100 21.0 !O! hub: 30.0 m (3) 4 New 522,612 6,309,228 17.1 NORTHWIND 100 Arctic 60Hz 100 21.0 !O! hub: 30.0 m (4) Page C-1 WindPRO version 2.7.473 Jun 2010 Project: Port_Heiden Description: Four potential locations of the Northwind 100 kW turbines with a hub height of 37m. 1: Turbine Potential Site 03 2: Turbine Potential Site 01 3: John's Suggested T02 4: John's Suggested T01 Printed/Page 7/12/2010 4:30 PM / 2 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/12/2010 3:33 PM/2.7.473 PARK - Production Analysis Calculation: Northwind 100 30 mWTG: All new WTGs, Air density varies with WTG position 1.261 kg/m³ - 1.262 kg/m³ Directional Analysis Sector 0 N 1 NNE 2 NE 3 ENE 4 E 5 ESE 6 SE 7 SSE 8 S 9 SSW 10 SW 11 WSW 12 W 13 WNW 14 NW 15 NNW Total Roughness based energy [MWh] 25.9 34.8 105.7 38.5 27.0 90.6 357.8 120.1 20.1 16.9 47.4 77.9 100.3 116.8 77.7 48.2 1,305.7 Resulting energy [MWh] 25.9 34.8 105.7 38.5 27.0 90.6 357.8 120.1 20.1 16.9 47.4 77.9 100.3 116.8 77.7 48.2 1,305.7 Specific energy [kWh/m²]942 Specific energy [kWh/kW]3,264 Utilization [%] 32.3 30.8 30.7 29.2 23.3 20.4 15.9 20.6 33.4 32.0 27.9 29.1 27.9 25.8 24.1 25.9 22.0 Operational [Hours/year] 295 374 827 387 246 430 1,231 595 241 188 312 492 591 652 424 312 7,597 Full Load Equivalent [Hours/year] 65 87 264 96 68 226 895 300 50 42 118 195 251 292 194 121 3,264 Energy vs. sector Annual Energy Array Losses SectorNNNENEENEEESESESSES SSWSWWSWWWNWNWNNWEnergy [MWh/year]350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Page C-2 WindPRO version 2.7.473 Jun 2010 Project: Port_Heiden Description: Four potential locations of the Northwind 100 kW turbines with a hub height of 37m. 1: Turbine Potential Site 03 2: Turbine Potential Site 01 3: John's Suggested T02 4: John's Suggested T01 Printed/Page 7/12/2010 4:30 PM / 3 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/12/2010 3:33 PM/2.7.473 PARK - Power Curve Analysis Calculation: Northwind 100 30 mWTG: 1 - NORTHWIND 100 Arctic 60Hz 100 21.0 !O! Arctic 100, Hub height: 30.0 m Name: Arctic 100 Source: SpecSheet Source/Date Created by Created Edited Stop wind speed Power control CT curve type [m/s] 10/12/2009 USER 10/12/2009 10/12/2009 25.0 Stall Standard stall HP curve comparison - Note: For standard air density and weibull k parameter = 2 Vmean [m/s] 5678910 HP value [MWh] 146 222 306 379 427 493 NORTHWIND 100 Arctic 60Hz 100 21.0 !O! Arctic 100 [MWh] 147 222 298 369 431 482 Check value [%] 0 0 2 3 -1 2 The table shows comparison between annual energy production calculated on basis of simplified "HP-curves" which assume that all WTGs performs quite similar - only specific power loading (kW/m^2) and single/dual speed or stall/pitch decides the calculated values. Productions are without wake losses. For further details, ask at the Danish Energy Agency for project report J.nr. 51171/00-0016 or see WindPRO manual chapter 3.5.2. The method is refined in EMD report "20 Detailed Case Studies comparing Project Design Calculations and actual Energy Productions for Wind Energy Projects worldwide", jan 2003. Use the table to evaluate if the given power curve is reasonable - if the check value are lower than -5%, the power curve probably is too optimistic due to uncertainty in power curve measurement. Power curve Original data from Windcat, Air density: 1.225 kg/m³ Wind speed Power Ce Wind speed Ct curve [m/s] [kW] [m/s] 1.0 0.0 0.00 1.0 0.10 2.0 0.0 0.00 2.0 0.10 3.0 0.0 0.00 3.0 0.10 4.0 3.7 0.27 4.0 0.80 5.0 10.5 0.40 5.0 0.82 6.0 19.0 0.41 6.0 0.85 7.0 29.4 0.40 7.0 0.82 8.0 41.0 0.38 8.0 0.78 9.0 54.3 0.35 9.0 0.74 10.0 66.8 0.31 10.0 0.68 11.0 77.7 0.28 11.0 0.62 12.0 86.4 0.24 12.0 0.55 13.0 92.8 0.20 13.0 0.49 14.0 97.3 0.17 14.0 0.43 15.0 100.0 0.14 15.0 0.38 16.0 100.8 0.12 16.0 0.32 17.0 100.6 0.10 17.0 0.28 18.0 99.8 0.08 18.0 0.25 19.0 99.4 0.07 19.0 0.21 20.0 98.6 0.06 20.0 0.20 21.0 97.8 0.05 21.0 0.19 22.0 97.3 0.04 22.0 0.17 23.0 97.3 0.04 23.0 0.16 24.0 98.0 0.03 24.0 0.15 25.0 99.7 0.03 25.0 0.14 26.0 0.13 27.0 0.12 28.0 0.11 29.0 0.10 Power, Efficiency and energy vs. wind speed Data used in calculation, Air density: 1.261 kg/m³ New WindPRO method (adjusted IEC method, improved to match turbine control) <RECOMMENDED> Wind speed Power Ce Interval Energy Acc.Energy Relative [m/s] [kW] [m/s] [MWh] [MWh] [%] 1.0 0.0 0.00 0.50- 1.50 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.00 1.50- 2.50 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 0.00 2.50- 3.50 0.7 0.7 0.2 4.0 3.8 0.27 3.50- 4.50 3.9 4.6 1.4 5.0 10.8 0.40 4.50- 5.50 10.1 14.8 4.5 6.0 19.6 0.41 5.50- 6.50 18.2 33.0 10.0 7.0 30.3 0.40 6.50- 7.50 26.4 59.4 17.9 8.0 42.2 0.38 7.50- 8.50 33.4 92.8 28.0 9.0 55.9 0.35 8.50- 9.50 37.7 130.5 39.4 10.0 68.7 0.31 9.50-10.50 38.6 169.1 51.0 11.0 80.0 0.28 10.50-11.50 36.0 205.1 61.9 12.0 88.9 0.24 11.50-12.50 31.3 236.4 71.3 13.0 95.5 0.20 12.50-13.50 25.6 262.0 79.1 14.0 100.1 0.17 13.50-14.50 20.0 282.0 85.1 15.0 102.9 0.14 14.50-15.50 15.1 297.1 89.7 16.0 103.7 0.12 15.50-16.50 11.0 308.1 93.0 17.0 103.5 0.10 16.50-17.50 7.8 316.0 95.4 18.0 102.7 0.08 17.50-18.50 5.4 321.4 97.0 19.0 102.3 0.07 18.50-19.50 3.7 325.1 98.1 20.0 101.5 0.06 19.50-20.50 2.5 327.6 98.9 21.0 100.6 0.05 20.50-21.50 1.6 329.2 99.4 22.0 100.1 0.04 21.50-22.50 1.0 330.2 99.7 23.0 100.1 0.04 22.50-23.50 0.6 330.8 99.8 24.0 100.9 0.03 23.50-24.50 0.4 331.2 100.0 25.0 102.6 0.03 24.50-25.50 0.1 331.3 100.0 Ce and Ct curve Wind speed [m/s] 242220181614121086420 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 Ce Ct Pow er curve Data used in calculation Wind speed [m/s] 242220181614121086420Power [kW]100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Page C-3 WindPRO version 2.7.473 Jun 2010 WindPRO is developed by EMD International A/S, Niels Jernesvej 10, DK-9220 Aalborg Ø, Tlf. +45 96 35 44 44, Fax +45 96 35 44 46, e-mail: windpro@emd.dk Project: Port_Heiden Description: Four potential locations of the Northwind 100 kW turbines with a hub height of 37m. 1: Turbine Potential Site 03 2: Turbine Potential Site 01 3: John's Suggested T02 4: John's Suggested T01 Printed/Page 7/12/2010 4:30 PM / 4 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/12/2010 3:33 PM/2.7.473 PARK - Wind Data Analysis Calculation: Northwind 100 30 mWind data: A - Resource file(s); Hub height: 30.0 Site Coordinates UTM WGS 84 Zone: 4 East: 522,910 North: 6,309,757 NORTHWIND 100 Arctic 60Hz 100 21.0 !O! hub: 30.0 m (1) RSF file C:\WindPro\WINDPRO_Data\PROJECTS\LPB\PORT_HEIDEN\PH_WRA_10_Hub_30.rsf Weibull Data Sector A- parameter Wind speed k- parameter Frequency [m/s] [m/s] [%] 0 N 5.92 5.25 1.952 3.9 1 NNE 6.03 5.36 1.860 5.0 2 NE 7.10 6.29 2.250 10.9 3 ENE 6.10 5.43 1.780 5.1 4 E 6.20 5.60 1.490 3.2 5 ESE 9.40 8.33 2.105 5.6 6 SE 11.93 10.59 2.481 16.1 7 SSE 9.20 8.15 2.040 7.9 8 S 5.80 5.14 2.026 3.2 9 SSW 5.99 5.31 1.930 2.5 10 SW 7.70 6.82 2.218 4.1 11 WSW 7.90 7.01 2.440 6.5 12 W 8.20 7.27 2.430 7.8 13 WNW 8.40 7.44 2.290 8.5 14 NW 8.60 7.62 2.170 5.6 15 NNW 7.80 6.91 2.050 4.1 All 8.31 7.37 1.932 100.0 Weibull Distribution Wind speed [m/s] 24222018161412108642Frequency [%]10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 - 5 m/s 5 - 10 m/s 10 - 15 m/s 15 - 20 m/s 20 - 40 m/s Energy Rose (kWh/m²/year)NNWW SWSSEENE1,500 1,250 1,000 750 500 250 1,5001,000500 0 - 5 m/s 5 - 10 m/s 10 - 15 m/s 15 - 20 m/s 20 - 40 m/s Frequency (%)NNWW SWSSEENE15 12.5 10 7.5 5 2.5 1512.5107.552.5 Mean w ind speed (m/s)NNNWNWWNW W W SW SWSSWSSSESEES E E EN ENENNE10 8 6 4 2 108642 Page C-4 WindPRO version 2.7.473 Jun 2010 WindPRO is developed by EMD International A/S, Niels Jernesvej 10, DK-9220 Aalborg Ø, Tlf. +45 96 35 44 44, Fax +45 96 35 44 46, e-mail: windpro@emd.dk Project: Port_Heiden Description: Four potential locations of the Northwind 100 kW turbines with a hub height of 37m. 1: Turbine Potential Site 03 2: Turbine Potential Site 01 3: John's Suggested T02 4: John's Suggested T01 Printed/Page 7/12/2010 4:30 PM / 5 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/12/2010 3:33 PM/2.7.473 PARK - Wind Data Analysis Calculation: Northwind 100 30 mWind data: A - Resource file(s); Hub height: 30.0 Site Coordinates UTM WGS 84 Zone: 4 East: 523,028 North: 6,309,667 NORTHWIND 100 Arctic 60Hz 100 21.0 !O! hub: 30.0 m (2) RSF file C:\WindPro\WINDPRO_Data\PROJECTS\LPB\PORT_HEIDEN\PH_WRA_10_Hub_30.rsf Weibull Data Sector A- parameter Wind speed k- parameter Frequency [m/s] [m/s] [%] 0 N 5.90 5.23 1.950 3.9 1 NNE 6.00 5.33 1.860 5.0 2 NE 7.10 6.29 2.250 11.0 3 ENE 6.10 5.43 1.780 5.1 4 E 6.14 5.55 1.490 3.2 5 ESE 9.30 8.24 2.110 5.6 6 SE 11.80 10.47 2.480 16.1 7 SSE 9.20 8.15 2.050 7.9 8 S 5.80 5.14 1.987 3.2 9 SSW 5.90 5.23 1.920 2.5 10 SW 7.70 6.82 2.220 4.2 11 WSW 7.84 6.95 2.440 6.5 12 W 8.10 7.18 2.440 7.7 13 WNW 8.30 7.35 2.290 8.5 14 NW 8.50 7.53 2.170 5.5 15 NNW 7.80 6.91 2.050 4.1 All 8.25 7.31 1.937 100.0 Weibull Distribution Wind speed [m/s] 24222018161412108642Frequency [%]10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 - 5 m/s 5 - 10 m/s 10 - 15 m/s 15 - 20 m/s 20 - 40 m/s Energy Rose (kWh/m²/year)NNWW SWSSEENE1,500 1,250 1,000 750 500 250 1,5001,000500 0 - 5 m/s 5 - 10 m/s 10 - 15 m/s 15 - 20 m/s 20 - 40 m/s Frequency (%)NNWW SWSSEENE15 12.5 10 7.5 5 2.5 1512.5107.552.5 Mean w ind speed (m/s)NNNWNWWNW W W SW SWSSWSSSESEES E E EN ENENNE10 8 6 4 2 108642 Page C-5 WindPRO version 2.7.473 Jun 2010 WindPRO is developed by EMD International A/S, Niels Jernesvej 10, DK-9220 Aalborg Ø, Tlf. +45 96 35 44 44, Fax +45 96 35 44 46, e-mail: windpro@emd.dk Project: Port_Heiden Description: Four potential locations of the Northwind 100 kW turbines with a hub height of 37m. 1: Turbine Potential Site 03 2: Turbine Potential Site 01 3: John's Suggested T02 4: John's Suggested T01 Printed/Page 7/12/2010 4:30 PM / 6 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/12/2010 3:33 PM/2.7.473 PARK - Wind Data Analysis Calculation: Northwind 100 30 mWind data: A - Resource file(s); Hub height: 30.0 Site Coordinates UTM WGS 84 Zone: 4 East: 522,225 North: 6,309,348 NORTHWIND 100 Arctic 60Hz 100 21.0 !O! hub: 30.0 m (3) RSF file C:\WindPro\WINDPRO_Data\PROJECTS\LPB\PORT_HEIDEN\PH_WRA_10_Hub_30.rsf Weibull Data Sector A- parameter Wind speed k- parameter Frequency [m/s] [m/s] [%] 0 N 5.70 5.05 1.960 3.8 1 NNE 5.80 5.15 1.840 4.7 2 NE 7.00 6.20 2.260 10.9 3 ENE 6.10 5.43 1.790 5.2 4 E 6.20 5.60 1.490 3.3 5 ESE 9.50 8.41 2.103 5.8 6 SE 11.90 10.56 2.490 16.5 7 SSE 8.90 7.88 2.040 7.5 8 S 5.70 5.05 2.120 3.1 9 SSW 5.80 5.14 1.980 2.4 10 SW 7.60 6.73 2.210 4.0 11 WSW 7.90 7.01 2.440 6.5 12 W 8.30 7.36 2.430 7.9 13 WNW 8.60 7.62 2.300 8.8 14 NW 8.60 7.62 2.170 5.6 15 NNW 7.60 6.73 2.040 4.0 All 8.29 7.35 1.928 100.0 Weibull Distribution Wind speed [m/s] 24222018161412108642Frequency [%]10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 - 5 m/s 5 - 10 m/s 10 - 15 m/s 15 - 20 m/s 20 - 40 m/s Energy Rose (kWh/m²/year)NNWW SWSSEENE1,500 1,250 1,000 750 500 250 1,5001,000500 0 - 5 m/s 5 - 10 m/s 10 - 15 m/s 15 - 20 m/s 20 - 40 m/s Frequency (%)NNWW SWSSEENE15 12.5 10 7.5 5 2.5 15105 Mean w ind speed (m/s)NNNWNWWNW W W SW SWSSWSSSESEES E E EN ENENNE10 8 6 4 2 108642 Page C-6 WindPRO version 2.7.473 Jun 2010 WindPRO is developed by EMD International A/S, Niels Jernesvej 10, DK-9220 Aalborg Ø, Tlf. +45 96 35 44 44, Fax +45 96 35 44 46, e-mail: windpro@emd.dk Project: Port_Heiden Description: Four potential locations of the Northwind 100 kW turbines with a hub height of 37m. 1: Turbine Potential Site 03 2: Turbine Potential Site 01 3: John's Suggested T02 4: John's Suggested T01 Printed/Page 7/12/2010 4:30 PM / 7 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/12/2010 3:33 PM/2.7.473 PARK - Wind Data Analysis Calculation: Northwind 100 30 mWind data: A - Resource file(s); Hub height: 30.0 Site Coordinates UTM WGS 84 Zone: 4 East: 522,612 North: 6,309,228 NORTHWIND 100 Arctic 60Hz 100 21.0 !O! hub: 30.0 m (4) RSF file C:\WindPro\WINDPRO_Data\PROJECTS\LPB\PORT_HEIDEN\PH_WRA_10_Hub_30.rsf Weibull Data Sector A- parameter Wind speed k- parameter Frequency [m/s] [m/s] [%] 0 N 5.80 5.14 1.960 3.9 1 NNE 5.80 5.15 1.860 5.0 2 NE 6.90 6.11 2.250 10.8 3 ENE 5.90 5.25 1.780 5.0 4 E 6.00 5.42 1.490 3.2 5 ESE 9.10 8.06 2.100 5.6 6 SE 11.57 10.27 2.480 16.1 7 SSE 9.00 7.97 2.050 8.0 8 S 5.70 5.05 2.037 3.2 9 SSW 5.80 5.14 1.950 2.5 10 SW 7.60 6.73 2.220 4.1 11 WSW 7.70 6.83 2.440 6.4 12 W 7.90 7.00 2.410 7.7 13 WNW 8.20 7.26 2.290 8.5 14 NW 8.30 7.35 2.170 5.6 15 NNW 7.60 6.73 2.050 4.2 All 8.08 7.16 1.933 100.0 Weibull Distribution Wind speed [m/s] 24222018161412108642Frequency [%]10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 - 5 m/s 5 - 10 m/s 10 - 15 m/s 15 - 20 m/s 20 - 40 m/s Energy Rose (kWh/m²/year)NNWW SWSSEENE1,500 1,250 1,000 750 500 250 1,5001,000500 0 - 5 m/s 5 - 10 m/s 10 - 15 m/s 15 - 20 m/s 20 - 40 m/s Frequency (%)NNWW SWSSEENE15 12.5 10 7.5 5 2.5 1512.5107.552.5 Mean w ind speed (m/s)NNNWNWWNW W W SW SWSSWSSSESEES E E EN ENENNE10 8 6 4 2 108642 Page C-7 WindPRO version 2.7.473 Jun 2010 Project: Port_Heiden Description: Four potential locations of the Northwind 100 kW turbines with a hub height of 37m. 1: Turbine Potential Site 03 2: Turbine Potential Site 01 3: John's Suggested T02 4: John's Suggested T01 Printed/Page 7/12/2010 4:30 PM / 8 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/12/2010 3:33 PM/2.7.473 PARK - WTG distances Calculation: Northwind 100 30 m Scale 1:75,000 New WTG WTG distances Z Nearest WTG Z Horizontal distance Distance in rotor diameters [m] [m] [m] 1 25.9 2 26.1 148 7.1 2 26.1 1 25.9 148 7.1 3 18.9 4 17.1 405 19.3 4 17.1 3 18.9 405 19.3 Page C-8 WindPRO version 2.7.473 Jun 2010 Project: Port_Heiden Description: Four potential locations of the Northwind 100 kW turbines with a hub height of 37m. 1: Turbine Potential Site 03 2: Turbine Potential Site 01 3: John's Suggested T02 4: John's Suggested T01 Printed/Page 7/12/2010 4:30 PM / 9 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/12/2010 3:33 PM/2.7.473 PARK - Map Calculation: Northwind 100 30 m 0 100 200 300 400 m Map: quad , Print scale 1:10,000, Map center UTM WGS 84 Zone: 4 East: 522,441 North: 6,309,666 New WTG Obstacle Page C-9 WindPRO version 2.7.473 Jun 2010 Project: Port_Heiden Description: Four potential locations of a Vestas 225 kW turbine with a hub height of 37m. 1: Turbine Potential Site 03 2: Turbine Potential Site 01 3: John's Suggested T02 4: John's Suggested T01 Printed/Page 7/12/2010 4:29 PM / 1 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/12/2010 4:28 PM/2.7.473 PARK - Main Result Calculation: Vestas 225 30 m Wake Model No model Calculation Settings Air density calculation mode Individual per WTG Result for WTG at hub altitude 1.261 kg/m³ to 1.262 kg/m³ Air density relative to standard 103.0 % Hub altitude above sea level (asl) 47.1 m to 56.1 m Annual mean temperature at hub alt. 3.2 °C to 3.3 °C Pressure at WTGs 1,000.1 hPa to 1,001.2 hPa Wake Model Parameters No model parameters Wake calculation settings Angle [°] Wind speed [m/s] start end step start end step 0.5 360.0 1.0 0.5 30.5 1.0 Scale 1:75,000 New WTG Resource file(s) C:\WindPro\WINDPRO_Data\PROJECTS\LPB\PORT_HEIDEN\PH_WRA_10_Hub_30.rsf Calculated Annual Energy for Wind Farm Specific results¤) WTG combination Result Result-10.0% GROSS (no loss) Park Capacity Mean WTG Full load Mean wind speed PARK Free WTGs efficiency factor result hours @hub height [MWh/y] [MWh] [MWh/y] [%] [%] [MWh/y] [Hours/year] [m/s] Wind farm 2,788.8 2,509.9 2,788.8 100.0 31.8 627.5 2,789 7.3 ¤) Based on Result-10.0% Calculated Annual Energy for each of 4 new WTGs with total 0.9 MW rated power WTG type Power curve Annual Energy Park Terrain Valid Manufact. Type-generator Power, Rotor Hub height Creator Name Result Result-10.0% Efficiency Mean wind rated diameter speed [kW] [m] [m] [MWh] [MWh] [%] [m/s] 1 A No VESTAS A27 MOD 30-225 225 27.0 30.0 USER Vestas A27 708.7 638 100.0 7.37 2 A No VESTAS A27 MOD 30-225 225 27.0 30.0 USER Vestas A27 699.7 630 100.0 7.31 3 A No VESTAS A27 MOD 30-225 225 27.0 30.0 USER Vestas A27 705.8 635 100.0 7.35 4 A No VESTAS A27 MOD 30-225 225 27.0 30.0 USER Vestas A27 674.6 607 100.0 7.16 WTG siting UTM WGS84 Zone: 4 East North Z Row data/Description UTM WGS84 Zone: 4 [m] 1 New 522,910 6,309,757 25.9 1 2 New 523,028 6,309,667 26.1 2 3 New 522,225 6,309,348 18.9 3 4 New 522,612 6,309,228 17.1 4 Page C-10 WindPRO version 2.7.473 Jun 2010 Project: Port_Heiden Description: Four potential locations of a Vestas 225 kW turbine with a hub height of 37m. 1: Turbine Potential Site 03 2: Turbine Potential Site 01 3: John's Suggested T02 4: John's Suggested T01 Printed/Page 7/12/2010 4:29 PM / 2 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/12/2010 4:28 PM/2.7.473 PARK - Production Analysis Calculation: Vestas 225 30 mWTG: All new WTGs, Air density varies with WTG position 1.261 kg/m³ - 1.262 kg/m³ Directional Analysis Sector 0 N 1 NNE 2 NE 3 ENE 4 E 5 ESE 6 SE 7 SSE 8 S 9 SSW 10 SW 11 WSW 12 W 13 WNW 14 NW 15 NNW Total Roughness based energy [MWh] 51.2 69.7 216.3 78.1 56.4 196.9 796.2 260.4 39.3 33.5 99.2 162.9 211.6 248.8 166.5 101.8 2,788.8 Resulting energy [MWh] 51.2 69.7 216.3 78.1 56.4 196.9 796.2 260.4 39.3 33.5 99.2 162.9 211.6 248.8 166.5 101.8 2,788.8 Specific energy [kWh/m²]1,218 Specific energy [kWh/kW]3,099 Utilization [%] 38.6 37.4 38.0 35.9 29.5 26.8 21.4 27.1 39.4 38.4 35.4 36.9 35.6 33.2 31.2 33.1 28.4 Operational [Hours/year] 307 391 863 403 256 448 1,284 620 252 196 325 513 617 680 442 325 7,924 Full Load Equivalent [Hours/year] 57 77 240 87 63 219 885 289 44 37 110 181 235 276 185 113 3,099 Energy vs. sector Annual Energy Array Losses SectorNNNENEENEEESESESSES SSWSWWSWWWNWNWNNWEnergy [MWh/year]700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Page C-11 WindPRO version 2.7.473 Jun 2010 Project: Port_Heiden Description: Four potential locations of a Vestas 225 kW turbine with a hub height of 37m. 1: Turbine Potential Site 03 2: Turbine Potential Site 01 3: John's Suggested T02 4: John's Suggested T01 Printed/Page 7/12/2010 4:29 PM / 3 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/12/2010 4:28 PM/2.7.473 PARK - Power Curve Analysis Calculation: Vestas 225 30 mWTG: 1 - VESTAS A27 MOD 30 225 27.0 !O! Vestas A27, Hub height: 30.0 m Name: Vestas A27 Source: Created by Created Edited Stop wind speed Power control CT curve type [m/s] USER 7/6/2010 7/6/2010 25.0 Stall Standard stall HP curve comparison - Note: For standard air density and weibull k parameter = 2 Vmean [m/s] 56789 10 HP value [MWh] 260 421 591 745 887 1,015 VESTAS A27 MOD 30 225 27.0 !O! Vestas A27 [MWh] 286 457 633 799 945 1,068 Check value [%] -9 -8 -7 -7 -6 -5 The table shows comparison between annual energy production calculated on basis of simplified "HP-curves" which assume that all WTGs performs quite similar - only specific power loading (kW/m^2) and single/dual speed or stall/pitch decides the calculated values. Productions are without wake losses. For further details, ask at the Danish Energy Agency for project report J.nr. 51171/00-0016 or see WindPRO manual chapter 3.5.2. The method is refined in EMD report "20 Detailed Case Studies comparing Project Design Calculations and actual Energy Productions for Wind Energy Projects worldwide", jan 2003. Use the table to evaluate if the given power curve is reasonable - if the check value are lower than -5%, the power curve probably is too optimistic due to uncertainty in power curve measurement. Power curve Original data from Windcat, Air density: 1.225 kg/m³ Wind speed Power Ce Wind speed Ct curve [m/s] [kW] [m/s] 3.5 1.5 0.10 1.0 0.10 4.0 4.5 0.20 2.0 0.10 5.0 16.6 0.38 3.0 0.10 6.0 31.8 0.42 4.0 0.80 7.0 52.5 0.44 5.0 0.82 8.0 82.4 0.46 6.0 0.85 9.0 114.5 0.45 7.0 0.82 10.0 148.3 0.42 8.0 0.78 11.0 181.0 0.39 9.0 0.74 12.0 205.0 0.34 10.0 0.68 13.0 217.6 0.28 11.0 0.62 14.0 225.0 0.23 12.0 0.55 15.0 225.0 0.19 13.0 0.49 16.0 225.0 0.16 14.0 0.43 17.0 225.0 0.13 15.0 0.38 18.0 225.0 0.11 16.0 0.32 19.0 225.0 0.09 17.0 0.28 20.0 225.0 0.08 18.0 0.25 21.0 225.0 0.07 19.0 0.21 22.0 225.0 0.06 20.0 0.20 23.0 225.0 0.05 21.0 0.19 24.0 225.0 0.05 22.0 0.17 25.0 225.0 0.04 23.0 0.16 24.0 0.15 25.0 0.14 26.0 0.13 27.0 0.12 28.0 0.11 29.0 0.10 Power, Efficiency and energy vs. wind speed Data used in calculation, Air density: 1.261 kg/m³ New WindPRO method (adjusted IEC method, improved to match turbine control) <RECOMMENDED> Wind speed Power Ce Interval Energy Acc.Energy Relative [m/s] [kW] [m/s] [MWh] [MWh] [%] 1.0 0.0 0.00 0.50- 1.50 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.00 1.50- 2.50 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 0.00 2.50- 3.50 0.6 0.6 0.1 4.0 4.6 0.20 3.50- 4.50 5.3 5.9 0.8 5.0 17.1 0.38 4.50- 5.50 16.1 22.0 3.1 6.0 32.7 0.42 5.50- 6.50 31.0 53.0 7.5 7.0 54.0 0.44 6.50- 7.50 48.7 101.7 14.4 8.0 84.8 0.46 7.50- 8.50 66.7 168.4 23.8 9.0 117.8 0.45 8.50- 9.50 80.0 248.5 35.1 10.0 152.6 0.42 9.50-10.50 85.8 334.2 47.2 11.0 186.3 0.39 10.50-11.50 83.3 417.6 58.9 12.0 211.0 0.34 11.50-12.50 73.6 491.2 69.3 13.0 223.9 0.28 12.50-13.50 60.0 551.3 77.8 14.0 231.6 0.23 13.50-14.50 46.2 597.5 84.3 15.0 231.6 0.19 14.50-15.50 34.2 631.7 89.1 16.0 231.6 0.16 15.50-16.50 24.7 656.3 92.6 17.0 231.6 0.13 16.50-17.50 17.5 673.8 95.1 18.0 231.6 0.11 17.50-18.50 12.2 686.1 96.8 19.0 231.6 0.09 18.50-19.50 8.4 694.5 98.0 20.0 231.6 0.08 19.50-20.50 5.6 700.1 98.8 21.0 231.6 0.07 20.50-21.50 3.7 703.8 99.3 22.0 231.6 0.06 21.50-22.50 2.3 706.1 99.6 23.0 231.6 0.05 22.50-23.50 1.4 707.6 99.8 24.0 231.6 0.05 23.50-24.50 0.9 708.4 100.0 25.0 231.6 0.04 24.50-25.50 0.3 708.7 100.0 Ce and Ct curve Wind speed [m/s] 242220181614121086420 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 Ce Ct Pow er curve Data used in calculation Wind speed [m/s] 242220181614121086420Power [kW]220 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Page C-12 WindPRO version 2.7.473 Jun 2010 WindPRO is developed by EMD International A/S, Niels Jernesvej 10, DK-9220 Aalborg Ø, Tlf. +45 96 35 44 44, Fax +45 96 35 44 46, e-mail: windpro@emd.dk Project: Port_Heiden Description: Four potential locations of a Vestas 225 kW turbine with a hub height of 37m. 1: Turbine Potential Site 03 2: Turbine Potential Site 01 3: John's Suggested T02 4: John's Suggested T01 Printed/Page 7/12/2010 4:29 PM / 4 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/12/2010 4:28 PM/2.7.473 PARK - Wind Data Analysis Calculation: Vestas 225 30 mWind data: A - Resource file(s); Hub height: 30.0 Site Coordinates UTM WGS 84 Zone: 4 East: 522,910 North: 6,309,757 1 RSF file C:\WindPro\WINDPRO_Data\PROJECTS\LPB\PORT_HEIDEN\PH_WRA_10_Hub_30.rsf Weibull Data Sector A- parameter Wind speed k- parameter Frequency [m/s] [m/s] [%] 0 N 5.92 5.25 1.952 3.9 1 NNE 6.03 5.36 1.860 5.0 2 NE 7.10 6.29 2.250 10.9 3 ENE 6.10 5.43 1.780 5.1 4 E 6.20 5.60 1.490 3.2 5 ESE 9.40 8.33 2.105 5.6 6 SE 11.93 10.59 2.481 16.1 7 SSE 9.20 8.15 2.040 7.9 8 S 5.80 5.14 2.026 3.2 9 SSW 5.99 5.31 1.930 2.5 10 SW 7.70 6.82 2.218 4.1 11 WSW 7.90 7.01 2.440 6.5 12 W 8.20 7.27 2.430 7.8 13 WNW 8.40 7.44 2.290 8.5 14 NW 8.60 7.62 2.170 5.6 15 NNW 7.80 6.91 2.050 4.1 All 8.31 7.37 1.932 100.0 Weibull Distribution Wind speed [m/s] 24222018161412108642Frequency [%]10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 - 5 m/s 5 - 10 m/s 10 - 15 m/s 15 - 20 m/s 20 - 40 m/s Energy Rose (kWh/m²/year)NNWW SWSSEENE1,500 1,250 1,000 750 500 250 1,5001,000500 0 - 5 m/s 5 - 10 m/s 10 - 15 m/s 15 - 20 m/s 20 - 40 m/s Frequency (%)NNWW SWSSEENE15 12.5 10 7.5 5 2.5 1512.5107.552.5 Mean w ind speed (m/s)NNNWNWWNW W W SW SWSSWSSSESEES E E EN ENENNE10 8 6 4 2 108642 Page C-13 WindPRO version 2.7.473 Jun 2010 WindPRO is developed by EMD International A/S, Niels Jernesvej 10, DK-9220 Aalborg Ø, Tlf. +45 96 35 44 44, Fax +45 96 35 44 46, e-mail: windpro@emd.dk Project: Port_Heiden Description: Four potential locations of a Vestas 225 kW turbine with a hub height of 37m. 1: Turbine Potential Site 03 2: Turbine Potential Site 01 3: John's Suggested T02 4: John's Suggested T01 Printed/Page 7/12/2010 4:29 PM / 5 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/12/2010 4:28 PM/2.7.473 PARK - Wind Data Analysis Calculation: Vestas 225 30 mWind data: A - Resource file(s); Hub height: 30.0 Site Coordinates UTM WGS 84 Zone: 4 East: 523,028 North: 6,309,667 2 RSF file C:\WindPro\WINDPRO_Data\PROJECTS\LPB\PORT_HEIDEN\PH_WRA_10_Hub_30.rsf Weibull Data Sector A- parameter Wind speed k- parameter Frequency [m/s] [m/s] [%] 0 N 5.90 5.23 1.950 3.9 1 NNE 6.00 5.33 1.860 5.0 2 NE 7.10 6.29 2.250 11.0 3 ENE 6.10 5.43 1.780 5.1 4 E 6.14 5.55 1.490 3.2 5 ESE 9.30 8.24 2.110 5.6 6 SE 11.80 10.47 2.480 16.1 7 SSE 9.20 8.15 2.050 7.9 8 S 5.80 5.14 1.987 3.2 9 SSW 5.90 5.23 1.920 2.5 10 SW 7.70 6.82 2.220 4.2 11 WSW 7.84 6.95 2.440 6.5 12 W 8.10 7.18 2.440 7.7 13 WNW 8.30 7.35 2.290 8.5 14 NW 8.50 7.53 2.170 5.5 15 NNW 7.80 6.91 2.050 4.1 All 8.25 7.31 1.937 100.0 Weibull Distribution Wind speed [m/s] 24222018161412108642Frequency [%]10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 - 5 m/s 5 - 10 m/s 10 - 15 m/s 15 - 20 m/s 20 - 40 m/s Energy Rose (kWh/m²/year)NNWW SWSSEENE1,500 1,250 1,000 750 500 250 1,5001,000500 0 - 5 m/s 5 - 10 m/s 10 - 15 m/s 15 - 20 m/s 20 - 40 m/s Frequency (%)NNWW SWSSEENE15 12.5 10 7.5 5 2.5 1512.5107.552.5 Mean w ind speed (m/s)NNNWNWWNW W W SW SWSSWSSSESEES E E EN ENENNE10 8 6 4 2 108642 Page C-14 WindPRO version 2.7.473 Jun 2010 WindPRO is developed by EMD International A/S, Niels Jernesvej 10, DK-9220 Aalborg Ø, Tlf. +45 96 35 44 44, Fax +45 96 35 44 46, e-mail: windpro@emd.dk Project: Port_Heiden Description: Four potential locations of a Vestas 225 kW turbine with a hub height of 37m. 1: Turbine Potential Site 03 2: Turbine Potential Site 01 3: John's Suggested T02 4: John's Suggested T01 Printed/Page 7/12/2010 4:29 PM / 6 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/12/2010 4:28 PM/2.7.473 PARK - Wind Data Analysis Calculation: Vestas 225 30 mWind data: A - Resource file(s); Hub height: 30.0 Site Coordinates UTM WGS 84 Zone: 4 East: 522,225 North: 6,309,348 3 RSF file C:\WindPro\WINDPRO_Data\PROJECTS\LPB\PORT_HEIDEN\PH_WRA_10_Hub_30.rsf Weibull Data Sector A- parameter Wind speed k- parameter Frequency [m/s] [m/s] [%] 0 N 5.70 5.05 1.960 3.8 1 NNE 5.80 5.15 1.840 4.7 2 NE 7.00 6.20 2.260 10.9 3 ENE 6.10 5.43 1.790 5.2 4 E 6.20 5.60 1.490 3.3 5 ESE 9.50 8.41 2.103 5.8 6 SE 11.90 10.56 2.490 16.5 7 SSE 8.90 7.88 2.040 7.5 8 S 5.70 5.05 2.120 3.1 9 SSW 5.80 5.14 1.980 2.4 10 SW 7.60 6.73 2.210 4.0 11 WSW 7.90 7.01 2.440 6.5 12 W 8.30 7.36 2.430 7.9 13 WNW 8.60 7.62 2.300 8.8 14 NW 8.60 7.62 2.170 5.6 15 NNW 7.60 6.73 2.040 4.0 All 8.29 7.35 1.928 100.0 Weibull Distribution Wind speed [m/s] 24222018161412108642Frequency [%]10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 - 5 m/s 5 - 10 m/s 10 - 15 m/s 15 - 20 m/s 20 - 40 m/s Energy Rose (kWh/m²/year)NNWW SWSSEENE1,500 1,250 1,000 750 500 250 1,5001,000500 0 - 5 m/s 5 - 10 m/s 10 - 15 m/s 15 - 20 m/s 20 - 40 m/s Frequency (%)NNWW SWSSEENE15 12.5 10 7.5 5 2.5 15105 Mean w ind speed (m/s)NNNWNWWNW W W SW SWSSWSSSESEES E E EN ENENNE10 8 6 4 2 108642 Page C-15 WindPRO version 2.7.473 Jun 2010 WindPRO is developed by EMD International A/S, Niels Jernesvej 10, DK-9220 Aalborg Ø, Tlf. +45 96 35 44 44, Fax +45 96 35 44 46, e-mail: windpro@emd.dk Project: Port_Heiden Description: Four potential locations of a Vestas 225 kW turbine with a hub height of 37m. 1: Turbine Potential Site 03 2: Turbine Potential Site 01 3: John's Suggested T02 4: John's Suggested T01 Printed/Page 7/12/2010 4:29 PM / 7 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/12/2010 4:28 PM/2.7.473 PARK - Wind Data Analysis Calculation: Vestas 225 30 mWind data: A - Resource file(s); Hub height: 30.0 Site Coordinates UTM WGS 84 Zone: 4 East: 522,612 North: 6,309,228 4 RSF file C:\WindPro\WINDPRO_Data\PROJECTS\LPB\PORT_HEIDEN\PH_WRA_10_Hub_30.rsf Weibull Data Sector A- parameter Wind speed k- parameter Frequency [m/s] [m/s] [%] 0 N 5.80 5.14 1.960 3.9 1 NNE 5.80 5.15 1.860 5.0 2 NE 6.90 6.11 2.250 10.8 3 ENE 5.90 5.25 1.780 5.0 4 E 6.00 5.42 1.490 3.2 5 ESE 9.10 8.06 2.100 5.6 6 SE 11.57 10.27 2.480 16.1 7 SSE 9.00 7.97 2.050 8.0 8 S 5.70 5.05 2.037 3.2 9 SSW 5.80 5.14 1.950 2.5 10 SW 7.60 6.73 2.220 4.1 11 WSW 7.70 6.83 2.440 6.4 12 W 7.90 7.00 2.410 7.7 13 WNW 8.20 7.26 2.290 8.5 14 NW 8.30 7.35 2.170 5.6 15 NNW 7.60 6.73 2.050 4.2 All 8.08 7.16 1.933 100.0 Weibull Distribution Wind speed [m/s] 24222018161412108642Frequency [%]10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 - 5 m/s 5 - 10 m/s 10 - 15 m/s 15 - 20 m/s 20 - 40 m/s Energy Rose (kWh/m²/year)NNWW SWSSEENE1,500 1,250 1,000 750 500 250 1,5001,000500 0 - 5 m/s 5 - 10 m/s 10 - 15 m/s 15 - 20 m/s 20 - 40 m/s Frequency (%)NNWW SWSSEENE15 12.5 10 7.5 5 2.5 1512.5107.552.5 Mean w ind speed (m/s)NNNWNWWNW W W SW SWSSWSSSESEES E E EN ENENNE10 8 6 4 2 108642 Page C-16 WindPRO version 2.7.473 Jun 2010 Project: Port_Heiden Description: Four potential locations of a Vestas 225 kW turbine with a hub height of 37m. 1: Turbine Potential Site 03 2: Turbine Potential Site 01 3: John's Suggested T02 4: John's Suggested T01 Printed/Page 7/12/2010 4:29 PM / 8 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/12/2010 4:28 PM/2.7.473 PARK - WTG distances Calculation: Vestas 225 30 m Scale 1:75,000 New WTG WTG distances Z Nearest WTG Z Horizontal distance Distance in rotor diameters [m] [m] [m] 1 25.9 2 26.1 148 5.5 2 26.1 1 25.9 148 5.5 3 18.9 4 17.1 405 15.0 4 17.1 3 18.9 405 15.0 Page C-17 WindPRO version 2.7.473 Jun 2010 Project: Port_Heiden Description: Four potential locations of a Vestas 225 kW turbine with a hub height of 37m. 1: Turbine Potential Site 03 2: Turbine Potential Site 01 3: John's Suggested T02 4: John's Suggested T01 Printed/Page 7/12/2010 4:29 PM / 9 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/12/2010 4:28 PM/2.7.473 PARK - Map Calculation: Vestas 225 30 m 0 100 200 300 400 m Map: google_XL , Print scale 1:10,000, Map center UTM WGS 84 Zone: 4 East: 522,441 North: 6,309,666 New WTG Obstacle Page C-18 www.knightpiesold.com Appendix D AEP Calculations at 37 m (~120 ft) AGL Table of Contents Turbine Manufacturer Height Page Number Northwind 37 m D-1 Vestas 37 m D-10 Vergnet 37 m D-19 Enercon 37 m D-28 DV103.00204.04 Port Heiden Wind Power Feasibility Study WindPRO version 2.7.473 Jun 2010 Project: Port_Heiden Description: Four potential locations of the Northwind 100 kW turbines with a hub height of 37m. 1: Turbine Potential Site 03 2: Turbine Potential Site 01 3: John's Suggested T02 4: John's Suggested T01 Printed/Page 7/16/2010 8:48 AM / 1 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/16/2010 8:47 AM/2.7.473 PARK - Main Result Calculation: Northwind 100 37 m Wake Model No model Calculation Settings Air density calculation mode Individual per WTG Result for WTG at hub altitude 1.260 kg/m³ to 1.261 kg/m³ Air density relative to standard 102.9 % Hub altitude above sea level (asl) 54.1 m to 63.1 m Annual mean temperature at hub alt. 3.2 °C to 3.2 °C Pressure at WTGs 999.2 hPa to 1,000.3 hPa Wake Model Parameters No model parameters Wake calculation settings Angle [°] Wind speed [m/s] start end step start end step 0.5 360.0 1.0 0.5 30.5 1.0 Scale 1:75,000 New WTG Resource file(s) C:\WindPro\WINDPRO_Data\PROJECTS\LPB\PORT_HEIDEN\PH_WRA_10_Hub_37.rsf Calculated Annual Energy for Wind Farm Specific results¤) WTG combination Result Result-10.0% GROSS (no loss) Park Capacity Mean WTG Full load Mean wind speed PARK Free WTGs efficiency factor result hours @hub height [MWh/y] [MWh] [MWh/y] [%] [%] [MWh/y] [Hours/year] [m/s] Wind farm 1,393.5 1,254.2 1,393.5 100.0 35.8 313.5 3,135 7.6 ¤) Based on Result-10.0% Calculated Annual Energy for each of 4 new WTGs with total 0.4 MW rated power WTG type Power curve Annual Energy Park Terrain Valid Manufact. Type-generator Power, Rotor Hub height Creator Name Result Result-10.0% Efficiency Mean wind rated diameter speed [kW] [m] [m] [MWh] [MWh] [%] [m/s] 1 A No NORTHWIND 100 Arctic-100 100 21.0 37.0 USER Arctic 100 353.3 318 100.0 7.68 2 A No NORTHWIND 100 Arctic-100 100 21.0 37.0 USER Arctic 100 348.9 314 100.0 7.62 3 A No NORTHWIND 100 Arctic-100 100 21.0 37.0 USER Arctic 100 352.0 317 100.0 7.66 4 A No NORTHWIND 100 Arctic-100 100 21.0 37.0 USER Arctic 100 339.3 305 100.0 7.48 WTG siting UTM WGS84 Zone: 4 East North Z Row data/Description UTM WGS84 Zone: 4 [m] 1 New 522,910 6,309,757 25.9 Turbine Potential Site 03 2 New 523,028 6,309,667 26.1 Turbine Potential Site 01 3 New 522,225 6,309,348 18.9 John's Suggested T02 4 New 522,612 6,309,228 17.1 John's Suggested T01 Page D-1 WindPRO version 2.7.473 Jun 2010 Project: Port_Heiden Description: Four potential locations of the Northwind 100 kW turbines with a hub height of 37m. 1: Turbine Potential Site 03 2: Turbine Potential Site 01 3: John's Suggested T02 4: John's Suggested T01 Printed/Page 7/16/2010 8:48 AM / 2 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/16/2010 8:47 AM/2.7.473 PARK - Production Analysis Calculation: Northwind 100 37 mWTG: All new WTGs, Air density varies with WTG position 1.260 kg/m³ - 1.261 kg/m³ Directional Analysis Sector 0 N 1 NNE 2 NE 3 ENE 4 E 5 ESE 6 SE 7 SSE 8 S 9 SSW 10 SW 11 WSW 12 W 13 WNW 14 NW 15 NNW Total Roughness based energy [MWh] 28.5 37.8 115.5 42.1 28.7 95.5 370.5 125.6 22.0 18.3 51.6 85.4 110.4 127.6 82.6 51.5 1,393.5 Resulting energy [MWh] 28.5 37.8 115.5 42.1 28.7 95.5 370.5 125.6 22.0 18.3 51.6 85.4 110.4 127.6 82.6 51.5 1,393.5 Specific energy [kWh/m²]1,006 Specific energy [kWh/kW]3,484 Utilization [%] 32.1 30.6 30.2 29.0 23.0 19.5 15.0 20.0 33.2 31.9 27.0 28.4 27.0 24.7 23.5 25.4 21.3 Operational [Hours/year] 300 381 843 395 250 438 1,253 604 246 192 317 501 604 663 432 315 7,733 Full Load Equivalent [Hours/year] 71 94 289 105 72 239 926 314 55 46 129 213 276 319 207 129 3,484 Energy vs. sector Annual Energy Array Losses SectorNNNENEENEEESESESSES SSWSWWSWWWNWNWNNWEnergy [MWh/year]350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Page D-2 WindPRO version 2.7.473 Jun 2010 Project: Port_Heiden Description: Four potential locations of the Northwind 100 kW turbines with a hub height of 37m. 1: Turbine Potential Site 03 2: Turbine Potential Site 01 3: John's Suggested T02 4: John's Suggested T01 Printed/Page 7/16/2010 8:48 AM / 3 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/16/2010 8:47 AM/2.7.473 PARK - Power Curve Analysis Calculation: Northwind 100 37 mWTG: 1 - NORTHWIND 100 Arctic 60Hz 100 21.0 !O! Arctic 100, Hub height: 37.0 m Name: Arctic 100 Source: SpecSheet Source/Date Created by Created Edited Stop wind speed Power control CT curve type [m/s] 10/12/2009 USER 10/12/2009 10/12/2009 25.0 Stall Standard stall HP curve comparison - Note: For standard air density and weibull k parameter = 2 Vmean [m/s] 5678910 HP value [MWh] 146 222 306 379 427 493 NORTHWIND 100 Arctic 60Hz 100 21.0 !O! Arctic 100 [MWh] 147 222 298 369 431 482 Check value [%] 0 0 2 3 -1 2 The table shows comparison between annual energy production calculated on basis of simplified "HP-curves" which assume that all WTGs performs quite similar - only specific power loading (kW/m^2) and single/dual speed or stall/pitch decides the calculated values. Productions are without wake losses. For further details, ask at the Danish Energy Agency for project report J.nr. 51171/00-0016 or see WindPRO manual chapter 3.5.2. The method is refined in EMD report "20 Detailed Case Studies comparing Project Design Calculations and actual Energy Productions for Wind Energy Projects worldwide", jan 2003. Use the table to evaluate if the given power curve is reasonable - if the check value are lower than -5%, the power curve probably is too optimistic due to uncertainty in power curve measurement. Power curve Original data from Windcat, Air density: 1.225 kg/m³ Wind speed Power Ce Wind speed Ct curve [m/s] [kW] [m/s] 1.0 0.0 0.00 1.0 0.10 2.0 0.0 0.00 2.0 0.10 3.0 0.0 0.00 3.0 0.10 4.0 3.7 0.27 4.0 0.80 5.0 10.5 0.40 5.0 0.82 6.0 19.0 0.41 6.0 0.85 7.0 29.4 0.40 7.0 0.82 8.0 41.0 0.38 8.0 0.78 9.0 54.3 0.35 9.0 0.74 10.0 66.8 0.31 10.0 0.68 11.0 77.7 0.28 11.0 0.62 12.0 86.4 0.24 12.0 0.55 13.0 92.8 0.20 13.0 0.49 14.0 97.3 0.17 14.0 0.43 15.0 100.0 0.14 15.0 0.38 16.0 100.8 0.12 16.0 0.32 17.0 100.6 0.10 17.0 0.28 18.0 99.8 0.08 18.0 0.25 19.0 99.4 0.07 19.0 0.21 20.0 98.6 0.06 20.0 0.20 21.0 97.8 0.05 21.0 0.19 22.0 97.3 0.04 22.0 0.17 23.0 97.3 0.04 23.0 0.16 24.0 98.0 0.03 24.0 0.15 25.0 99.7 0.03 25.0 0.14 26.0 0.13 27.0 0.12 28.0 0.11 29.0 0.10 Power, Efficiency and energy vs. wind speed Data used in calculation, Air density: 1.260 kg/m³ New WindPRO method (adjusted IEC method, improved to match turbine control) <RECOMMENDED> Wind speed Power Ce Interval Energy Acc.Energy Relative [m/s] [kW] [m/s] [MWh] [MWh] [%] 1.0 0.0 0.00 0.50- 1.50 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.00 1.50- 2.50 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 0.00 2.50- 3.50 0.7 0.7 0.2 4.0 3.8 0.27 3.50- 4.50 3.7 4.3 1.2 5.0 10.8 0.40 4.50- 5.50 9.7 14.1 4.0 6.0 19.5 0.41 5.50- 6.50 17.9 32.0 9.0 7.0 30.2 0.40 6.50- 7.50 26.6 58.5 16.6 8.0 42.2 0.38 7.50- 8.50 34.3 92.8 26.3 9.0 55.8 0.35 8.50- 9.50 39.5 132.3 37.5 10.0 68.7 0.31 9.50-10.50 41.1 173.4 49.1 11.0 79.9 0.28 10.50-11.50 38.9 212.3 60.1 12.0 88.9 0.24 11.50-12.50 34.2 246.5 69.8 13.0 95.4 0.20 12.50-13.50 28.3 274.7 77.8 14.0 100.1 0.17 13.50-14.50 22.3 297.0 84.1 15.0 102.8 0.14 14.50-15.50 16.9 313.9 88.8 16.0 103.7 0.12 15.50-16.50 12.4 326.3 92.4 17.0 103.5 0.10 16.50-17.50 8.9 335.2 94.9 18.0 102.6 0.08 17.50-18.50 6.2 341.4 96.6 19.0 102.2 0.07 18.50-19.50 4.3 345.7 97.9 20.0 101.4 0.06 19.50-20.50 2.9 348.7 98.7 21.0 100.6 0.05 20.50-21.50 1.9 350.6 99.2 22.0 100.1 0.04 21.50-22.50 1.2 351.8 99.6 23.0 100.1 0.04 22.50-23.50 0.8 352.6 99.8 24.0 100.8 0.03 23.50-24.50 0.5 353.1 99.9 25.0 102.5 0.03 24.50-25.50 0.2 353.3 100.0 Ce and Ct curve Wind speed [m/s] 242220181614121086420 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 Ce Ct Pow er curve Data used in calculation Wind speed [m/s] 242220181614121086420Power [kW]100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Page D-3 WindPRO version 2.7.473 Jun 2010 WindPRO is developed by EMD International A/S, Niels Jernesvej 10, DK-9220 Aalborg Ø, Tlf. +45 96 35 44 44, Fax +45 96 35 44 46, e-mail: windpro@emd.dk Project: Port_Heiden Description: Four potential locations of the Northwind 100 kW turbines with a hub height of 37m. 1: Turbine Potential Site 03 2: Turbine Potential Site 01 3: John's Suggested T02 4: John's Suggested T01 Printed/Page 7/16/2010 8:48 AM / 4 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/16/2010 8:47 AM/2.7.473 PARK - Wind Data Analysis Calculation: Northwind 100 37 mWind data: A - Resource file(s); Hub height: 37.0 Site Coordinates UTM WGS 84 Zone: 4 East: 522,910 North: 6,309,757 Turbine Potential Site 03 RSF file C:\WindPro\WINDPRO_Data\PROJECTS\LPB\PORT_HEIDEN\PH_WRA_10_Hub_37.rsf Weibull Data Sector A- parameter Wind speed k- parameter Frequency [m/s] [m/s] [%] 0 N 6.22 5.51 2.032 3.9 1 NNE 6.30 5.59 1.930 5.0 2 NE 7.49 6.64 2.330 10.9 3 ENE 6.40 5.68 1.850 5.1 4 E 6.40 5.77 1.520 3.2 5 ESE 9.75 8.63 2.139 5.6 6 SE 12.30 10.91 2.510 16.1 7 SSE 9.50 8.41 2.080 7.9 8 S 6.08 5.38 2.086 3.2 9 SSW 6.20 5.49 2.000 2.5 10 SW 8.10 7.18 2.280 4.1 11 WSW 8.30 7.37 2.550 6.5 12 W 8.60 7.63 2.530 7.8 13 WNW 8.80 7.80 2.370 8.5 14 NW 8.90 7.88 2.230 5.6 15 NNW 8.20 7.26 2.120 4.1 All 8.66 7.68 1.986 100.0 Weibull Distribution Wind speed [m/s] 24222018161412108642Frequency [%]9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 - 5 m/s 5 - 10 m/s 10 - 15 m/s 15 - 20 m/s 20 - 40 m/s Energy Rose (kWh/m²/year)NNWW SWSSEENE1,750 1,500 1,250 1,000 750 500 250 1,000 0 - 5 m/s 5 - 10 m/s 10 - 15 m/s 15 - 20 m/s 20 - 40 m/s Frequency (%)NNWW SWSSEENE15 12.5 10 7.5 5 2.5 1512.5107.552.5 Mean w ind speed (m/s)NNNWNWWNW W W SW SWSSWSSSESEES E E EN ENENNE10 8 6 4 2 108642 Page D-4 WindPRO version 2.7.473 Jun 2010 WindPRO is developed by EMD International A/S, Niels Jernesvej 10, DK-9220 Aalborg Ø, Tlf. +45 96 35 44 44, Fax +45 96 35 44 46, e-mail: windpro@emd.dk Project: Port_Heiden Description: Four potential locations of the Northwind 100 kW turbines with a hub height of 37m. 1: Turbine Potential Site 03 2: Turbine Potential Site 01 3: John's Suggested T02 4: John's Suggested T01 Printed/Page 7/16/2010 8:48 AM / 5 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/16/2010 8:47 AM/2.7.473 PARK - Wind Data Analysis Calculation: Northwind 100 37 mWind data: A - Resource file(s); Hub height: 37.0 Site Coordinates UTM WGS 84 Zone: 4 East: 523,028 North: 6,309,667 Turbine Potential Site 01 RSF file C:\WindPro\WINDPRO_Data\PROJECTS\LPB\PORT_HEIDEN\PH_WRA_10_Hub_37.rsf Weibull Data Sector A- parameter Wind speed k- parameter Frequency [m/s] [m/s] [%] 0 N 6.14 5.44 2.030 3.9 1 NNE 6.30 5.59 1.930 5.0 2 NE 7.40 6.56 2.330 10.9 3 ENE 6.40 5.68 1.850 5.1 4 E 6.40 5.76 1.530 3.2 5 ESE 9.70 8.59 2.140 5.6 6 SE 12.20 10.83 2.510 16.0 7 SSE 9.50 8.41 2.080 7.9 8 S 6.09 5.39 2.054 3.2 9 SSW 6.20 5.49 2.000 2.5 10 SW 8.09 7.16 2.280 4.2 11 WSW 8.20 7.28 2.550 6.5 12 W 8.50 7.54 2.530 7.8 13 WNW 8.70 7.71 2.370 8.5 14 NW 8.80 7.79 2.230 5.5 15 NNW 8.10 7.17 2.120 4.1 All 8.59 7.62 1.986 100.0 Weibull Distribution Wind speed [m/s] 24222018161412108642Frequency [%]9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 - 5 m/s 5 - 10 m/s 10 - 15 m/s 15 - 20 m/s 20 - 40 m/s Energy Rose (kWh/m²/year)NNWW SWSSEENE1,750 1,500 1,250 1,000 750 500 250 1,000 0 - 5 m/s 5 - 10 m/s 10 - 15 m/s 15 - 20 m/s 20 - 40 m/s Frequency (%)NNWW SWSSEENE15 12.5 10 7.5 5 2.5 1512.5107.552.5 Mean w ind speed (m/s)NNNWNWWNW W W SW SWSSWSSSESEES E E EN ENENNE10 8 6 4 2 108642 Page D-5 WindPRO version 2.7.473 Jun 2010 WindPRO is developed by EMD International A/S, Niels Jernesvej 10, DK-9220 Aalborg Ø, Tlf. +45 96 35 44 44, Fax +45 96 35 44 46, e-mail: windpro@emd.dk Project: Port_Heiden Description: Four potential locations of the Northwind 100 kW turbines with a hub height of 37m. 1: Turbine Potential Site 03 2: Turbine Potential Site 01 3: John's Suggested T02 4: John's Suggested T01 Printed/Page 7/16/2010 8:48 AM / 6 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/16/2010 8:47 AM/2.7.473 PARK - Wind Data Analysis Calculation: Northwind 100 37 mWind data: A - Resource file(s); Hub height: 37.0 Site Coordinates UTM WGS 84 Zone: 4 East: 522,225 North: 6,309,348 John's Suggested T02 RSF file C:\WindPro\WINDPRO_Data\PROJECTS\LPB\PORT_HEIDEN\PH_WRA_10_Hub_37.rsf Weibull Data Sector A- parameter Wind speed k- parameter Frequency [m/s] [m/s] [%] 0 N 6.00 5.32 2.040 3.8 1 NNE 6.00 5.32 1.910 4.7 2 NE 7.30 6.47 2.340 10.9 3 ENE 6.40 5.68 1.860 5.2 4 E 6.50 5.85 1.530 3.3 5 ESE 9.80 8.68 2.140 5.8 6 SE 12.30 10.91 2.510 16.5 7 SSE 9.20 8.15 2.080 7.5 8 S 5.90 5.23 2.200 3.1 9 SSW 6.00 5.32 2.050 2.4 10 SW 8.00 7.09 2.270 4.0 11 WSW 8.30 7.37 2.550 6.5 12 W 8.80 7.81 2.530 7.9 13 WNW 9.10 8.07 2.380 8.8 14 NW 8.90 7.88 2.230 5.6 15 NNW 7.90 7.00 2.110 4.0 All 8.64 7.66 1.976 100.0 Weibull Distribution Wind speed [m/s] 24222018161412108642Frequency [%]9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 - 5 m/s 5 - 10 m/s 10 - 15 m/s 15 - 20 m/s 20 - 40 m/s Energy Rose (kWh/m²/year)NNWW SWSSEENE1,750 1,500 1,250 1,000 750 500 250 1,000 0 - 5 m/s 5 - 10 m/s 10 - 15 m/s 15 - 20 m/s 20 - 40 m/s Frequency (%)NNWW SWSSEENE15 12.5 10 7.5 5 2.5 15105 Mean w ind speed (m/s)NNNWNWWNW W W SW SWSSWSSSESEES E E EN ENENNE10 8 6 4 2 108642 Page D-6 WindPRO version 2.7.473 Jun 2010 WindPRO is developed by EMD International A/S, Niels Jernesvej 10, DK-9220 Aalborg Ø, Tlf. +45 96 35 44 44, Fax +45 96 35 44 46, e-mail: windpro@emd.dk Project: Port_Heiden Description: Four potential locations of the Northwind 100 kW turbines with a hub height of 37m. 1: Turbine Potential Site 03 2: Turbine Potential Site 01 3: John's Suggested T02 4: John's Suggested T01 Printed/Page 7/16/2010 8:48 AM / 7 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/16/2010 8:47 AM/2.7.473 PARK - Wind Data Analysis Calculation: Northwind 100 37 mWind data: A - Resource file(s); Hub height: 37.0 Site Coordinates UTM WGS 84 Zone: 4 East: 522,612 North: 6,309,228 John's Suggested T01 RSF file C:\WindPro\WINDPRO_Data\PROJECTS\LPB\PORT_HEIDEN\PH_WRA_10_Hub_37.rsf Weibull Data Sector A- parameter Wind speed k- parameter Frequency [m/s] [m/s] [%] 0 N 6.10 5.40 2.040 3.9 1 NNE 6.10 5.41 1.930 5.0 2 NE 7.20 6.38 2.330 10.9 3 ENE 6.20 5.51 1.850 5.0 4 E 6.23 5.61 1.523 3.2 5 ESE 9.47 8.39 2.130 5.6 6 SE 12.00 10.65 2.510 16.2 7 SSE 9.30 8.24 2.080 7.9 8 S 5.93 5.25 2.104 3.2 9 SSW 6.10 5.40 2.030 2.5 10 SW 7.90 7.00 2.280 4.1 11 WSW 8.10 7.19 2.550 6.4 12 W 8.30 7.37 2.510 7.7 13 WNW 8.70 7.71 2.370 8.5 14 NW 8.70 7.71 2.230 5.6 15 NNW 7.90 7.00 2.120 4.1 All 8.44 7.48 1.981 100.0 Weibull Distribution Wind speed [m/s] 24222018161412108642Frequency [%]10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 - 5 m/s 5 - 10 m/s 10 - 15 m/s 15 - 20 m/s 20 - 40 m/s Energy Rose (kWh/m²/year)NNWW SWSSEENE1,500 1,250 1,000 750 500 250 1,5001,000500 0 - 5 m/s 5 - 10 m/s 10 - 15 m/s 15 - 20 m/s 20 - 40 m/s Frequency (%)NNWW SWSSEENE15 12.5 10 7.5 5 2.5 1512.5107.552.5 Mean w ind speed (m/s)NNNWNWWNW W W SW SWSSWSSSESEES E E EN ENENNE10 8 6 4 2 108642 Page D-7 WindPRO version 2.7.473 Jun 2010 Project: Port_Heiden Description: Four potential locations of the Northwind 100 kW turbines with a hub height of 37m. 1: Turbine Potential Site 03 2: Turbine Potential Site 01 3: John's Suggested T02 4: John's Suggested T01 Printed/Page 7/16/2010 8:48 AM / 8 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/16/2010 8:47 AM/2.7.473 PARK - WTG distances Calculation: Northwind 100 37 m Scale 1:75,000 New WTG WTG distances Z Nearest WTG Z Horizontal distance Distance in rotor diameters [m] [m] [m] 1 25.9 2 26.1 148 7.1 2 26.1 1 25.9 148 7.1 3 18.9 4 17.1 405 19.3 4 17.1 3 18.9 405 19.3 Page D-8 WindPRO version 2.7.473 Jun 2010 Project: Port_Heiden Description: Four potential locations of the Northwind 100 kW turbines with a hub height of 37m. 1: Turbine Potential Site 03 2: Turbine Potential Site 01 3: John's Suggested T02 4: John's Suggested T01 Printed/Page 7/16/2010 8:48 AM / 9 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/16/2010 8:47 AM/2.7.473 PARK - Map Calculation: Northwind 100 37 m 0 100 200 300 400 m Map: quad , Print scale 1:10,000, Map center UTM WGS 84 Zone: 4 East: 522,441 North: 6,309,666 New WTG Obstacle Page D-9 WindPRO version 2.7.473 Jun 2010 Project: Port_Heiden Description: Four potential locations of a Vestas 225 kW turbine with a hub height of 37m. 1: Turbine Potential Site 03 2: Turbine Potential Site 01 3: John's Suggested T02 4: John's Suggested T01 Printed/Page 7/16/2010 9:07 AM / 1 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/16/2010 9:04 AM/2.7.473 PARK - Main Result Calculation: Vestas 225 37 m Wake Model No model Calculation Settings Air density calculation mode Individual per WTG Result for WTG at hub altitude 1.260 kg/m³ to 1.261 kg/m³ Air density relative to standard 102.9 % Hub altitude above sea level (asl) 54.1 m to 63.1 m Annual mean temperature at hub alt. 3.2 °C to 3.2 °C Pressure at WTGs 999.2 hPa to 1,000.3 hPa Wake Model Parameters No model parameters Wake calculation settings Angle [°] Wind speed [m/s] start end step start end step 0.5 360.0 1.0 0.5 30.5 1.0 Scale 1:75,000 New WTG Resource file(s) C:\WindPro\WINDPRO_Data\PROJECTS\LPB\PORT_HEIDEN\PH_WRA_10_Hub_37.rsf Calculated Annual Energy for Wind Farm Specific results¤) WTG combination Result Result-10.0% GROSS (no loss) Park Capacity Mean WTG Full load Mean wind speed PARK Free WTGs efficiency factor result hours @hub height [MWh/y] [MWh] [MWh/y] [%] [%] [MWh/y] [Hours/year] [m/s] Wind farm 2,991.2 2,692.1 2,991.2 100.0 34.1 673.0 2,991 7.6 ¤) Based on Result-10.0% Calculated Annual Energy for each of 4 new WTGs with total 0.9 MW rated power WTG type Power curve Annual Energy Park Terrain Valid Manufact. Type-generator Power, Rotor Hub height Creator Name Result Result-10.0% Efficiency Mean wind rated diameter speed [kW] [m] [m] [MWh] [MWh] [%] [m/s] 1 A No VESTAS A27 MODIFIED-225 225 27.0 37.0 USER Vestas A27 759.3 683 100.0 7.68 2 A No VESTAS A27 MODIFIED-225 225 27.0 37.0 USER Vestas A27 749.0 674 100.0 7.62 3 A No VESTAS A27 MODIFIED-225 225 27.0 37.0 USER Vestas A27 756.5 681 100.0 7.66 4 A No VESTAS A27 MODIFIED-225 225 27.0 37.0 USER Vestas A27 726.4 654 100.0 7.48 WTG siting UTM WGS84 Zone: 4 East North Z Row data/Description UTM WGS84 Zone: 4 [m] 1 New 522,910 6,309,757 25.9 1 2 New 523,028 6,309,667 26.1 2 3 New 522,225 6,309,348 18.9 3 4 New 522,612 6,309,228 17.1 4 Page D-10 WindPRO version 2.7.473 Jun 2010 Project: Port_Heiden Description: Four potential locations of a Vestas 225 kW turbine with a hub height of 37m. 1: Turbine Potential Site 03 2: Turbine Potential Site 01 3: John's Suggested T02 4: John's Suggested T01 Printed/Page 7/16/2010 9:07 AM / 2 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/16/2010 9:04 AM/2.7.473 PARK - Production Analysis Calculation: Vestas 225 37 mWTG: All new WTGs, Air density varies with WTG position 1.260 kg/m³ - 1.261 kg/m³ Directional Analysis Sector 0 N 1 NNE 2 NE 3 ENE 4 E 5 ESE 6 SE 7 SSE 8 S 9 SSW 10 SW 11 WSW 12 W 13 WNW 14 NW 15 NNW Total Roughness based energy [MWh] 56.7 76.2 238.4 85.9 60.2 208.5 826.3 273.3 43.2 36.5 109.1 180.2 235.2 274.3 178.0 109.3 2,991.2 Resulting energy [MWh] 56.7 76.2 238.4 85.9 60.2 208.5 826.3 273.3 43.2 36.5 109.1 180.2 235.2 274.3 178.0 109.3 2,991.2 Specific energy [kWh/m²]1,306 Specific energy [kWh/kW]3,324 Utilization [%] 38.7 37.4 37.7 35.8 29.2 25.8 20.2 26.3 39.5 38.5 34.6 36.3 34.8 32.1 30.6 32.6 27.6 Operational [Hours/year] 311 396 875 410 260 454 1,301 627 255 199 329 520 627 689 448 328 8,030 Full Load Equivalent [Hours/year] 63 85 265 95 67 232 918 304 48 41 121 200 261 305 198 121 3,324 Energy vs. sector Annual Energy Array Losses SectorNNNENEENEEESESESSES SSWSWWSWWWNWNWNNWEnergy [MWh/year]800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Page D-11 WindPRO version 2.7.473 Jun 2010 Project: Port_Heiden Description: Four potential locations of a Vestas 225 kW turbine with a hub height of 37m. 1: Turbine Potential Site 03 2: Turbine Potential Site 01 3: John's Suggested T02 4: John's Suggested T01 Printed/Page 7/16/2010 9:07 AM / 3 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/16/2010 9:04 AM/2.7.473 PARK - Power Curve Analysis Calculation: Vestas 225 37 mWTG: 1 - VESTAS A27 MODIFIED 225 27.0 !O! Vestas A27, Hub height: 37.0 m Name: Vestas A27 Source: Created by Created Edited Stop wind speed Power control CT curve type [m/s] USER 7/6/2010 7/6/2010 25.0 Stall Standard stall HP curve comparison - Note: For standard air density and weibull k parameter = 2 Vmean [m/s] 56789 10 HP value [MWh] 260 421 591 745 887 1,015 VESTAS A27 MODIFIED 225 27.0 !O! Vestas A27 [MWh] 286 457 633 799 945 1,068 Check value [%] -9 -8 -7 -7 -6 -5 The table shows comparison between annual energy production calculated on basis of simplified "HP-curves" which assume that all WTGs performs quite similar - only specific power loading (kW/m^2) and single/dual speed or stall/pitch decides the calculated values. Productions are without wake losses. For further details, ask at the Danish Energy Agency for project report J.nr. 51171/00-0016 or see WindPRO manual chapter 3.5.2. The method is refined in EMD report "20 Detailed Case Studies comparing Project Design Calculations and actual Energy Productions for Wind Energy Projects worldwide", jan 2003. Use the table to evaluate if the given power curve is reasonable - if the check value are lower than -5%, the power curve probably is too optimistic due to uncertainty in power curve measurement. Power curve Original data from Windcat, Air density: 1.225 kg/m³ Wind speed Power Ce Wind speed Ct curve [m/s] [kW] [m/s] 3.5 1.5 0.10 1.0 0.10 4.0 4.5 0.20 2.0 0.10 5.0 16.6 0.38 3.0 0.10 6.0 31.8 0.42 4.0 0.80 7.0 52.5 0.44 5.0 0.82 8.0 82.4 0.46 6.0 0.85 9.0 114.5 0.45 7.0 0.82 10.0 148.3 0.42 8.0 0.78 11.0 181.0 0.39 9.0 0.74 12.0 205.0 0.34 10.0 0.68 13.0 217.6 0.28 11.0 0.62 14.0 225.0 0.23 12.0 0.55 15.0 225.0 0.19 13.0 0.49 16.0 225.0 0.16 14.0 0.43 17.0 225.0 0.13 15.0 0.38 18.0 225.0 0.11 16.0 0.32 19.0 225.0 0.09 17.0 0.28 20.0 225.0 0.08 18.0 0.25 21.0 225.0 0.07 19.0 0.21 22.0 225.0 0.06 20.0 0.20 23.0 225.0 0.05 21.0 0.19 24.0 225.0 0.05 22.0 0.17 25.0 225.0 0.04 23.0 0.16 24.0 0.15 25.0 0.14 26.0 0.13 27.0 0.12 28.0 0.11 29.0 0.10 Power, Efficiency and energy vs. wind speed Data used in calculation, Air density: 1.260 kg/m³ New WindPRO method (adjusted IEC method, improved to match turbine control) <RECOMMENDED> Wind speed Power Ce Interval Energy Acc.Energy Relative [m/s] [kW] [m/s] [MWh] [MWh] [%] 1.0 0.0 0.00 0.50- 1.50 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.00 1.50- 2.50 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.0 0.00 2.50- 3.50 0.5 0.5 0.1 4.0 4.6 0.20 3.50- 4.50 5.0 5.5 0.7 5.0 17.1 0.38 4.50- 5.50 15.5 21.1 2.8 6.0 32.7 0.42 5.50- 6.50 30.5 51.5 6.8 7.0 54.0 0.44 6.50- 7.50 49.0 100.5 13.2 8.0 84.7 0.46 7.50- 8.50 68.5 169.0 22.3 9.0 117.8 0.45 8.50- 9.50 83.8 252.8 33.3 10.0 152.5 0.42 9.50-10.50 91.3 344.1 45.3 11.0 186.1 0.39 10.50-11.50 90.0 434.1 57.2 12.0 210.8 0.34 11.50-12.50 80.5 514.6 67.8 13.0 223.8 0.28 12.50-13.50 66.2 580.9 76.5 14.0 231.4 0.23 13.50-14.50 51.4 632.3 83.3 15.0 231.4 0.19 14.50-15.50 38.2 670.5 88.3 16.0 231.4 0.16 15.50-16.50 27.8 698.3 92.0 17.0 231.4 0.13 16.50-17.50 19.9 718.2 94.6 18.0 231.4 0.11 17.50-18.50 14.1 732.3 96.4 19.0 231.4 0.09 18.50-19.50 9.8 742.0 97.7 20.0 231.4 0.08 19.50-20.50 6.7 748.7 98.6 21.0 231.4 0.07 20.50-21.50 4.4 753.1 99.2 22.0 231.4 0.06 21.50-22.50 2.9 756.0 99.6 23.0 231.4 0.05 22.50-23.50 1.8 757.8 99.8 24.0 231.4 0.05 23.50-24.50 1.1 758.9 99.9 25.0 231.4 0.04 24.50-25.50 0.4 759.3 100.0 Ce and Ct curve Wind speed [m/s] 242220181614121086420 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 Ce Ct Pow er curve Data used in calculation Wind speed [m/s] 242220181614121086420Power [kW]220 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Page D-12 WindPRO version 2.7.473 Jun 2010 WindPRO is developed by EMD International A/S, Niels Jernesvej 10, DK-9220 Aalborg Ø, Tlf. +45 96 35 44 44, Fax +45 96 35 44 46, e-mail: windpro@emd.dk Project: Port_Heiden Description: Four potential locations of a Vestas 225 kW turbine with a hub height of 37m. 1: Turbine Potential Site 03 2: Turbine Potential Site 01 3: John's Suggested T02 4: John's Suggested T01 Printed/Page 7/16/2010 9:07 AM / 4 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/16/2010 9:04 AM/2.7.473 PARK - Wind Data Analysis Calculation: Vestas 225 37 mWind data: A - Resource file(s); Hub height: 37.0 Site Coordinates UTM WGS 84 Zone: 4 East: 522,910 North: 6,309,757 1 RSF file C:\WindPro\WINDPRO_Data\PROJECTS\LPB\PORT_HEIDEN\PH_WRA_10_Hub_37.rsf Weibull Data Sector A- parameter Wind speed k- parameter Frequency [m/s] [m/s] [%] 0 N 6.22 5.51 2.032 3.9 1 NNE 6.30 5.59 1.930 5.0 2 NE 7.49 6.64 2.330 10.9 3 ENE 6.40 5.68 1.850 5.1 4 E 6.40 5.77 1.520 3.2 5 ESE 9.75 8.63 2.139 5.6 6 SE 12.30 10.91 2.510 16.1 7 SSE 9.50 8.41 2.080 7.9 8 S 6.08 5.38 2.086 3.2 9 SSW 6.20 5.49 2.000 2.5 10 SW 8.10 7.18 2.280 4.1 11 WSW 8.30 7.37 2.550 6.5 12 W 8.60 7.63 2.530 7.8 13 WNW 8.80 7.80 2.370 8.5 14 NW 8.90 7.88 2.230 5.6 15 NNW 8.20 7.26 2.120 4.1 All 8.66 7.68 1.986 100.0 Weibull Distribution Wind speed [m/s] 24222018161412108642Frequency [%]9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 - 5 m/s 5 - 10 m/s 10 - 15 m/s 15 - 20 m/s 20 - 40 m/s Energy Rose (kWh/m²/year)NNWW SWSSEENE1,750 1,500 1,250 1,000 750 500 250 1,000 0 - 5 m/s 5 - 10 m/s 10 - 15 m/s 15 - 20 m/s 20 - 40 m/s Frequency (%)NNWW SWSSEENE15 12.5 10 7.5 5 2.5 1512.5107.552.5 Mean w ind speed (m/s)NNNWNWWNW W W SW SWSSWSSSESEES E E EN ENENNE10 8 6 4 2 108642 Page D-13 WindPRO version 2.7.473 Jun 2010 WindPRO is developed by EMD International A/S, Niels Jernesvej 10, DK-9220 Aalborg Ø, Tlf. +45 96 35 44 44, Fax +45 96 35 44 46, e-mail: windpro@emd.dk Project: Port_Heiden Description: Four potential locations of a Vestas 225 kW turbine with a hub height of 37m. 1: Turbine Potential Site 03 2: Turbine Potential Site 01 3: John's Suggested T02 4: John's Suggested T01 Printed/Page 7/16/2010 9:07 AM / 5 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/16/2010 9:04 AM/2.7.473 PARK - Wind Data Analysis Calculation: Vestas 225 37 mWind data: A - Resource file(s); Hub height: 37.0 Site Coordinates UTM WGS 84 Zone: 4 East: 523,028 North: 6,309,667 2 RSF file C:\WindPro\WINDPRO_Data\PROJECTS\LPB\PORT_HEIDEN\PH_WRA_10_Hub_37.rsf Weibull Data Sector A- parameter Wind speed k- parameter Frequency [m/s] [m/s] [%] 0 N 6.14 5.44 2.030 3.9 1 NNE 6.30 5.59 1.930 5.0 2 NE 7.40 6.56 2.330 10.9 3 ENE 6.40 5.68 1.850 5.1 4 E 6.40 5.76 1.530 3.2 5 ESE 9.70 8.59 2.140 5.6 6 SE 12.20 10.83 2.510 16.0 7 SSE 9.50 8.41 2.080 7.9 8 S 6.09 5.39 2.054 3.2 9 SSW 6.20 5.49 2.000 2.5 10 SW 8.09 7.16 2.280 4.2 11 WSW 8.20 7.28 2.550 6.5 12 W 8.50 7.54 2.530 7.8 13 WNW 8.70 7.71 2.370 8.5 14 NW 8.80 7.79 2.230 5.5 15 NNW 8.10 7.17 2.120 4.1 All 8.59 7.62 1.986 100.0 Weibull Distribution Wind speed [m/s] 24222018161412108642Frequency [%]9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 - 5 m/s 5 - 10 m/s 10 - 15 m/s 15 - 20 m/s 20 - 40 m/s Energy Rose (kWh/m²/year)NNWW SWSSEENE1,750 1,500 1,250 1,000 750 500 250 1,000 0 - 5 m/s 5 - 10 m/s 10 - 15 m/s 15 - 20 m/s 20 - 40 m/s Frequency (%)NNWW SWSSEENE15 12.5 10 7.5 5 2.5 1512.5107.552.5 Mean w ind speed (m/s)NNNWNWWNW W W SW SWSSWSSSESEES E E EN ENENNE10 8 6 4 2 108642 Page D-14 WindPRO version 2.7.473 Jun 2010 WindPRO is developed by EMD International A/S, Niels Jernesvej 10, DK-9220 Aalborg Ø, Tlf. +45 96 35 44 44, Fax +45 96 35 44 46, e-mail: windpro@emd.dk Project: Port_Heiden Description: Four potential locations of a Vestas 225 kW turbine with a hub height of 37m. 1: Turbine Potential Site 03 2: Turbine Potential Site 01 3: John's Suggested T02 4: John's Suggested T01 Printed/Page 7/16/2010 9:07 AM / 6 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/16/2010 9:04 AM/2.7.473 PARK - Wind Data Analysis Calculation: Vestas 225 37 mWind data: A - Resource file(s); Hub height: 37.0 Site Coordinates UTM WGS 84 Zone: 4 East: 522,225 North: 6,309,348 3 RSF file C:\WindPro\WINDPRO_Data\PROJECTS\LPB\PORT_HEIDEN\PH_WRA_10_Hub_37.rsf Weibull Data Sector A- parameter Wind speed k- parameter Frequency [m/s] [m/s] [%] 0 N 6.00 5.32 2.040 3.8 1 NNE 6.00 5.32 1.910 4.7 2 NE 7.30 6.47 2.340 10.9 3 ENE 6.40 5.68 1.860 5.2 4 E 6.50 5.85 1.530 3.3 5 ESE 9.80 8.68 2.140 5.8 6 SE 12.30 10.91 2.510 16.5 7 SSE 9.20 8.15 2.080 7.5 8 S 5.90 5.23 2.200 3.1 9 SSW 6.00 5.32 2.050 2.4 10 SW 8.00 7.09 2.270 4.0 11 WSW 8.30 7.37 2.550 6.5 12 W 8.80 7.81 2.530 7.9 13 WNW 9.10 8.07 2.380 8.8 14 NW 8.90 7.88 2.230 5.6 15 NNW 7.90 7.00 2.110 4.0 All 8.64 7.66 1.976 100.0 Weibull Distribution Wind speed [m/s] 24222018161412108642Frequency [%]9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 - 5 m/s 5 - 10 m/s 10 - 15 m/s 15 - 20 m/s 20 - 40 m/s Energy Rose (kWh/m²/year)NNWW SWSSEENE1,750 1,500 1,250 1,000 750 500 250 1,000 0 - 5 m/s 5 - 10 m/s 10 - 15 m/s 15 - 20 m/s 20 - 40 m/s Frequency (%)NNWW SWSSEENE15 12.5 10 7.5 5 2.5 15105 Mean w ind speed (m/s)NNNWNWWNW W W SW SWSSWSSSESEES E E EN ENENNE10 8 6 4 2 108642 Page D-15 WindPRO version 2.7.473 Jun 2010 WindPRO is developed by EMD International A/S, Niels Jernesvej 10, DK-9220 Aalborg Ø, Tlf. +45 96 35 44 44, Fax +45 96 35 44 46, e-mail: windpro@emd.dk Project: Port_Heiden Description: Four potential locations of a Vestas 225 kW turbine with a hub height of 37m. 1: Turbine Potential Site 03 2: Turbine Potential Site 01 3: John's Suggested T02 4: John's Suggested T01 Printed/Page 7/16/2010 9:07 AM / 7 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/16/2010 9:04 AM/2.7.473 PARK - Wind Data Analysis Calculation: Vestas 225 37 mWind data: A - Resource file(s); Hub height: 37.0 Site Coordinates UTM WGS 84 Zone: 4 East: 522,612 North: 6,309,228 4 RSF file C:\WindPro\WINDPRO_Data\PROJECTS\LPB\PORT_HEIDEN\PH_WRA_10_Hub_37.rsf Weibull Data Sector A- parameter Wind speed k- parameter Frequency [m/s] [m/s] [%] 0 N 6.10 5.40 2.040 3.9 1 NNE 6.10 5.41 1.930 5.0 2 NE 7.20 6.38 2.330 10.9 3 ENE 6.20 5.51 1.850 5.0 4 E 6.23 5.61 1.523 3.2 5 ESE 9.47 8.39 2.130 5.6 6 SE 12.00 10.65 2.510 16.2 7 SSE 9.30 8.24 2.080 7.9 8 S 5.93 5.25 2.104 3.2 9 SSW 6.10 5.40 2.030 2.5 10 SW 7.90 7.00 2.280 4.1 11 WSW 8.10 7.19 2.550 6.4 12 W 8.30 7.37 2.510 7.7 13 WNW 8.70 7.71 2.370 8.5 14 NW 8.70 7.71 2.230 5.6 15 NNW 7.90 7.00 2.120 4.1 All 8.44 7.48 1.981 100.0 Weibull Distribution Wind speed [m/s] 24222018161412108642Frequency [%]10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 - 5 m/s 5 - 10 m/s 10 - 15 m/s 15 - 20 m/s 20 - 40 m/s Energy Rose (kWh/m²/year)NNWW SWSSEENE1,500 1,250 1,000 750 500 250 1,5001,000500 0 - 5 m/s 5 - 10 m/s 10 - 15 m/s 15 - 20 m/s 20 - 40 m/s Frequency (%)NNWW SWSSEENE15 12.5 10 7.5 5 2.5 1512.5107.552.5 Mean w ind speed (m/s)NNNWNWWNW W W SW SWSSWSSSESEES E E EN ENENNE10 8 6 4 2 108642 Page D-16 WindPRO version 2.7.473 Jun 2010 Project: Port_Heiden Description: Four potential locations of a Vestas 225 kW turbine with a hub height of 37m. 1: Turbine Potential Site 03 2: Turbine Potential Site 01 3: John's Suggested T02 4: John's Suggested T01 Printed/Page 7/16/2010 9:07 AM / 8 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/16/2010 9:04 AM/2.7.473 PARK - WTG distances Calculation: Vestas 225 37 m Scale 1:75,000 New WTG WTG distances Z Nearest WTG Z Horizontal distance Distance in rotor diameters [m] [m] [m] 1 25.9 2 26.1 148 5.5 2 26.1 1 25.9 148 5.5 3 18.9 4 17.1 405 15.0 4 17.1 3 18.9 405 15.0 Page D-17 WindPRO version 2.7.473 Jun 2010 Project: Port_Heiden Description: Four potential locations of a Vestas 225 kW turbine with a hub height of 37m. 1: Turbine Potential Site 03 2: Turbine Potential Site 01 3: John's Suggested T02 4: John's Suggested T01 Printed/Page 7/16/2010 9:07 AM / 9 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/16/2010 9:04 AM/2.7.473 PARK - Map Calculation: Vestas 225 37 m 0 100 200 300 400 m Map: google_XL , Print scale 1:10,000, Map center UTM WGS 84 Zone: 4 East: 522,441 North: 6,309,666 New WTG Obstacle Page D-18 WindPRO version 2.7.473 Jun 2010 Project: Port_Heiden Description: Four potential locations of a Vergnet 275 kW turbine with a hub height of 37m. 1: Turbine Potential Site 03 2: Turbine Potential Site 01 3: John's Suggested T02 4: John's Suggested T01 Printed/Page 7/16/2010 9:20 AM / 1 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/16/2010 9:17 AM/2.7.473 PARK - Main Result Calculation: Vergnet 275 37m Wake Model No model Calculation Settings Air density calculation mode Individual per WTG Result for WTG at hub altitude 1.260 kg/m³ to 1.261 kg/m³ Air density relative to standard 102.9 % Hub altitude above sea level (asl) 54.1 m to 63.1 m Annual mean temperature at hub alt. 3.2 °C to 3.2 °C Pressure at WTGs 999.2 hPa to 1,000.3 hPa Wake Model Parameters No model parameters Wake calculation settings Angle [°] Wind speed [m/s] start end step start end step 0.5 360.0 1.0 0.5 30.5 1.0 Scale 1:75,000 New WTG Resource file(s) C:\WindPro\WINDPRO_Data\PROJECTS\LPB\PORT_HEIDEN\PH_WRA_10_Hub_37.rsf Calculated Annual Energy for Wind Farm Specific results¤) WTG combination Result Result-10.0% GROSS (no loss) Park Capacity Mean WTG Full load Mean wind speed PARK Free WTGs efficiency factor result hours @hub height [MWh/y] [MWh] [MWh/y] [%] [%] [MWh/y] [Hours/year] [m/s] Wind farm 3,638.6 3,274.8 3,638.6 100.0 34.0 818.7 2,977 7.6 ¤) Based on Result-10.0% Calculated Annual Energy for each of 4 new WTGs with total 1.1 MW rated power WTG type Power curve Annual Energy Park Terrain Valid Manufact. Type-generator Power, Rotor Hub Creator Name Result Result-10.0% Efficiency Mean rated diameter height wind speed [kW] [m] [m] [MWh] [MWh] [%] [m/s] 1 A Yes VERGNET GEV MP MODIFIED-275 275 32.0 37.0 USER 0 - official - SPM146k-32/275L - 04-2007 922.8 831 100.0 7.68 2 A Yes VERGNET GEV MP MODIFIED-275 275 32.0 37.0 USER 0 - official - SPM146k-32/275L - 04-2007 911.3 820 100.0 7.62 3 A Yes VERGNET GEV MP MODIFIED-275 275 32.0 37.0 USER 0 - official - SPM146k-32/275L - 04-2007 919.0 827 100.0 7.66 4 A Yes VERGNET GEV MP MODIFIED-275 275 32.0 37.0 USER 0 - official - SPM146k-32/275L - 04-2007 885.5 797 100.0 7.48 WTG siting UTM WGS84 Zone: 4 East North Z Row data/Description UTM WGS84 Zone: 4 [m] 1 New 522,910 6,309,757 25.9 1 2 New 523,028 6,309,667 26.1 2 3 New 522,225 6,309,348 18.9 3 4 New 522,612 6,309,228 17.1 4 Page D-19 WindPRO version 2.7.473 Jun 2010 Project: Port_Heiden Description: Four potential locations of a Vergnet 275 kW turbine with a hub height of 37m. 1: Turbine Potential Site 03 2: Turbine Potential Site 01 3: John's Suggested T02 4: John's Suggested T01 Printed/Page 7/16/2010 9:20 AM / 2 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/16/2010 9:17 AM/2.7.473 PARK - Production Analysis Calculation: Vergnet 275 37mWTG: All new WTGs, Air density varies with WTG position 1.260 kg/m³ - 1.261 kg/m³ Directional Analysis Sector 0 N 1 NNE 2 NE 3 ENE 4 E 5 ESE 6 SE 7 SSE 8 S 9 SSW 10 SW 11 WSW 12 W 13 WNW 14 NW 15 NNW Total Roughness based energy [MWh] 70.5 94.7 297.2 106.7 73.5 252.5 965.6 331.5 53.7 45.4 135.6 224.6 292.7 339.8 219.5 135.3 3,638.6 Resulting energy [MWh] 70.5 94.7 297.2 106.7 73.5 252.5 965.6 331.5 53.7 45.4 135.6 224.6 292.7 339.8 219.5 135.3 3,638.6 Specific energy [kWh/m²]1,131 Specific energy [kWh/kW]3,308 Utilization [%] 34.2 33.1 33.4 31.7 25.4 22.2 16.8 22.7 34.9 34.1 30.6 32.2 30.8 28.4 26.9 28.7 23.9 Operational [Hours/year] 298 379 839 393 249 435 1,246 600 244 191 315 499 601 660 429 314 7,693 Full Load Equivalent [Hours/year] 64 86 270 97 67 230 878 301 49 41 123 204 266 309 200 123 3,308 Energy vs. sector Annual Energy Array Losses SectorNNNENEENEEESESESSES SSWSWWSWWWNWNWNNWEnergy [MWh/year]900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Page D-20 WindPRO version 2.7.473 Jun 2010 Project: Port_Heiden Description: Four potential locations of a Vergnet 275 kW turbine with a hub height of 37m. 1: Turbine Potential Site 03 2: Turbine Potential Site 01 3: John's Suggested T02 4: John's Suggested T01 Printed/Page 7/16/2010 9:20 AM / 3 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/16/2010 9:17 AM/2.7.473 PARK - Power Curve Analysis Calculation: Vergnet 275 37mWTG: 1 - VERGNET GEV MP MODIFIED 275 32.0 !O! 0 - official - SPM146k-32/275L - 04-2007, Hub height: 37.0 m Name: 0 - official - SPM146k-32/275L - 04-2007 Source: Manufacturer with GARRAD HASSAN and AERODYN Source/Date Created by Created Edited Stop wind speed Power control CT curve type [m/s] 4/18/2007 USER 1/21/2008 7/7/2010 20.0 Pitch User defined Depends on mean wind speed on site (please consult Vergnet). Can be ajusted for noise purposes (please consult Vergnet). HP curve comparison - Note: For standard air density and weibull k parameter = 2 Vmean [m/s] 5 6 7 8 9 10 HP value [MWh] 369 591 817 1,034 1,216 1,377 VERGNET GEV MP MODIFIED 275 32.0 !O! 0 - official - SPM146k-32/275L - 04-2007 [MWh] 353 570 789 987 1,147 1,263 Check value [%] 443 5 6 9 The table shows comparison between annual energy production calculated on basis of simplified "HP-curves" which assume that all WTGs performs quite similar - only specific power loading (kW/m^2) and single/dual speed or stall/pitch decides the calculated values. Productions are without wake losses. For further details, ask at the Danish Energy Agency for project report J.nr. 51171/00-0016 or see WindPRO manual chapter 3.5.2. The method is refined in EMD report "20 Detailed Case Studies comparing Project Design Calculations and actual Energy Productions for Wind Energy Projects worldwide", jan 2003. Use the table to evaluate if the given power curve is reasonable - if the check value are lower than -5%, the power curve probably is too optimistic due to uncertainty in power curve measurement. Power curve Original data from Windcat, Air density: 1.225 kg/m³ Wind speed Power Ce Wind speed Ct curve [m/s] [kW] [m/s] 2.0 0.0 0.00 4.0 0.93 3.0 0.0 0.00 5.0 0.86 4.0 4.2 0.13 6.0 0.78 5.0 19.6 0.32 7.0 0.70 6.0 38.4 0.36 8.0 0.86 7.0 63.6 0.38 9.0 0.80 8.0 101.4 0.40 10.0 0.74 9.0 145.4 0.40 11.0 0.60 10.0 194.0 0.39 12.0 0.45 11.0 233.9 0.36 13.0 0.37 12.0 256.8 0.30 14.0 0.29 13.0 270.1 0.25 15.0 0.21 14.0 273.5 0.20 16.0 0.18 15.0 275.0 0.17 17.0 0.15 16.0 275.0 0.14 18.0 0.12 17.0 275.0 0.11 19.0 0.11 18.0 275.0 0.10 20.0 0.09 19.0 275.0 0.08 20.0 275.0 0.07 Power, Efficiency and energy vs. wind speed Data used in calculation, Air density: 1.260 kg/m³ New WindPRO method (adjusted IEC method, improved to match turbine control) <RECOMMENDED> Wind speed Power Ce Interval Energy Acc.Energy Relative [m/s] [kW] [m/s] [MWh] [MWh] [%] 1.0 0.0 0.00 0.50- 1.50 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.00 1.50- 2.50 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.1 0.01 2.50- 3.50 0.8 0.8 0.1 4.0 4.8 0.15 3.50- 4.50 5.9 6.7 0.7 5.0 20.5 0.32 4.50- 5.50 18.5 25.2 2.7 6.0 39.8 0.36 5.50- 6.50 36.8 62.0 6.7 7.0 66.0 0.38 6.50- 7.50 59.8 121.8 13.2 8.0 104.6 0.40 7.50- 8.50 85.1 206.8 22.4 9.0 149.7 0.41 8.50- 9.50 106.7 313.6 34.0 10.0 198.5 0.39 9.50-10.50 118.0 431.6 46.8 11.0 237.1 0.35 10.50-11.50 114.7 546.4 59.2 12.0 259.0 0.30 11.50-12.50 99.8 646.2 70.0 13.0 270.7 0.24 12.50-13.50 80.3 726.4 78.7 14.0 273.8 0.20 13.50-14.50 61.3 787.7 85.4 15.0 275.0 0.16 14.50-15.50 45.4 833.1 90.3 16.0 275.0 0.13 15.50-16.50 33.0 866.1 93.9 17.0 275.0 0.11 16.50-17.50 23.7 889.8 96.4 18.0 275.0 0.09 17.50-18.50 16.7 906.5 98.2 19.0 275.0 0.08 18.50-19.50 11.6 918.1 99.5 20.0 275.0 0.07 19.50-20.50 4.7 922.8 100.0 Ce and Ct curve Wind speed [m/s] 20191817161514131211109876543210 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 Ce Ct Pow er curve Data used in calculation Wind speed [m/s] 20191817161514131211109876543210Power [kW]260 240 220 200 180 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Page D-21 WindPRO version 2.7.473 Jun 2010 WindPRO is developed by EMD International A/S, Niels Jernesvej 10, DK-9220 Aalborg Ø, Tlf. +45 96 35 44 44, Fax +45 96 35 44 46, e-mail: windpro@emd.dk Project: Port_Heiden Description: Four potential locations of a Vergnet 275 kW turbine with a hub height of 37m. 1: Turbine Potential Site 03 2: Turbine Potential Site 01 3: John's Suggested T02 4: John's Suggested T01 Printed/Page 7/16/2010 9:20 AM / 4 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/16/2010 9:17 AM/2.7.473 PARK - Wind Data Analysis Calculation: Vergnet 275 37mWind data: A - Resource file(s); Hub height: 37.0 Site Coordinates UTM WGS 84 Zone: 4 East: 522,910 North: 6,309,757 1 RSF file C:\WindPro\WINDPRO_Data\PROJECTS\LPB\PORT_HEIDEN\PH_WRA_10_Hub_37.rsf Weibull Data Sector A- parameter Wind speed k- parameter Frequency [m/s] [m/s] [%] 0 N 6.22 5.51 2.032 3.9 1 NNE 6.30 5.59 1.930 5.0 2 NE 7.49 6.64 2.330 10.9 3 ENE 6.40 5.68 1.850 5.1 4 E 6.40 5.77 1.520 3.2 5 ESE 9.75 8.63 2.139 5.6 6 SE 12.30 10.91 2.510 16.1 7 SSE 9.50 8.41 2.080 7.9 8 S 6.08 5.38 2.086 3.2 9 SSW 6.20 5.49 2.000 2.5 10 SW 8.10 7.18 2.280 4.1 11 WSW 8.30 7.37 2.550 6.5 12 W 8.60 7.63 2.530 7.8 13 WNW 8.80 7.80 2.370 8.5 14 NW 8.90 7.88 2.230 5.6 15 NNW 8.20 7.26 2.120 4.1 All 8.66 7.68 1.986 100.0 Weibull Distribution Wind speed [m/s] 24222018161412108642Frequency [%]9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 - 5 m/s 5 - 10 m/s 10 - 15 m/s 15 - 20 m/s 20 - 40 m/s Energy Rose (kWh/m²/year)NNWW SWSSEENE1,750 1,500 1,250 1,000 750 500 250 1,000 0 - 5 m/s 5 - 10 m/s 10 - 15 m/s 15 - 20 m/s 20 - 40 m/s Frequency (%)NNWW SWSSEENE15 12.5 10 7.5 5 2.5 1512.5107.552.5 Mean w ind speed (m/s)NNNWNWWNW W W SW SWSSWSSSESEES E E EN ENENNE10 8 6 4 2 108642 Page D-22 WindPRO version 2.7.473 Jun 2010 WindPRO is developed by EMD International A/S, Niels Jernesvej 10, DK-9220 Aalborg Ø, Tlf. +45 96 35 44 44, Fax +45 96 35 44 46, e-mail: windpro@emd.dk Project: Port_Heiden Description: Four potential locations of a Vergnet 275 kW turbine with a hub height of 37m. 1: Turbine Potential Site 03 2: Turbine Potential Site 01 3: John's Suggested T02 4: John's Suggested T01 Printed/Page 7/16/2010 9:20 AM / 5 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/16/2010 9:17 AM/2.7.473 PARK - Wind Data Analysis Calculation: Vergnet 275 37mWind data: A - Resource file(s); Hub height: 37.0 Site Coordinates UTM WGS 84 Zone: 4 East: 523,028 North: 6,309,667 2 RSF file C:\WindPro\WINDPRO_Data\PROJECTS\LPB\PORT_HEIDEN\PH_WRA_10_Hub_37.rsf Weibull Data Sector A- parameter Wind speed k- parameter Frequency [m/s] [m/s] [%] 0 N 6.14 5.44 2.030 3.9 1 NNE 6.30 5.59 1.930 5.0 2 NE 7.40 6.56 2.330 10.9 3 ENE 6.40 5.68 1.850 5.1 4 E 6.40 5.76 1.530 3.2 5 ESE 9.70 8.59 2.140 5.6 6 SE 12.20 10.83 2.510 16.0 7 SSE 9.50 8.41 2.080 7.9 8 S 6.09 5.39 2.054 3.2 9 SSW 6.20 5.49 2.000 2.5 10 SW 8.09 7.16 2.280 4.2 11 WSW 8.20 7.28 2.550 6.5 12 W 8.50 7.54 2.530 7.8 13 WNW 8.70 7.71 2.370 8.5 14 NW 8.80 7.79 2.230 5.5 15 NNW 8.10 7.17 2.120 4.1 All 8.59 7.62 1.986 100.0 Weibull Distribution Wind speed [m/s] 24222018161412108642Frequency [%]9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 - 5 m/s 5 - 10 m/s 10 - 15 m/s 15 - 20 m/s 20 - 40 m/s Energy Rose (kWh/m²/year)NNWW SWSSEENE1,750 1,500 1,250 1,000 750 500 250 1,000 0 - 5 m/s 5 - 10 m/s 10 - 15 m/s 15 - 20 m/s 20 - 40 m/s Frequency (%)NNWW SWSSEENE15 12.5 10 7.5 5 2.5 1512.5107.552.5 Mean w ind speed (m/s)NNNWNWWNW W W SW SWSSWSSSESEES E E EN ENENNE10 8 6 4 2 108642 Page D-23 WindPRO version 2.7.473 Jun 2010 WindPRO is developed by EMD International A/S, Niels Jernesvej 10, DK-9220 Aalborg Ø, Tlf. +45 96 35 44 44, Fax +45 96 35 44 46, e-mail: windpro@emd.dk Project: Port_Heiden Description: Four potential locations of a Vergnet 275 kW turbine with a hub height of 37m. 1: Turbine Potential Site 03 2: Turbine Potential Site 01 3: John's Suggested T02 4: John's Suggested T01 Printed/Page 7/16/2010 9:20 AM / 6 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/16/2010 9:17 AM/2.7.473 PARK - Wind Data Analysis Calculation: Vergnet 275 37mWind data: A - Resource file(s); Hub height: 37.0 Site Coordinates UTM WGS 84 Zone: 4 East: 522,225 North: 6,309,348 3 RSF file C:\WindPro\WINDPRO_Data\PROJECTS\LPB\PORT_HEIDEN\PH_WRA_10_Hub_37.rsf Weibull Data Sector A- parameter Wind speed k- parameter Frequency [m/s] [m/s] [%] 0 N 6.00 5.32 2.040 3.8 1 NNE 6.00 5.32 1.910 4.7 2 NE 7.30 6.47 2.340 10.9 3 ENE 6.40 5.68 1.860 5.2 4 E 6.50 5.85 1.530 3.3 5 ESE 9.80 8.68 2.140 5.8 6 SE 12.30 10.91 2.510 16.5 7 SSE 9.20 8.15 2.080 7.5 8 S 5.90 5.23 2.200 3.1 9 SSW 6.00 5.32 2.050 2.4 10 SW 8.00 7.09 2.270 4.0 11 WSW 8.30 7.37 2.550 6.5 12 W 8.80 7.81 2.530 7.9 13 WNW 9.10 8.07 2.380 8.8 14 NW 8.90 7.88 2.230 5.6 15 NNW 7.90 7.00 2.110 4.0 All 8.64 7.66 1.976 100.0 Weibull Distribution Wind speed [m/s] 24222018161412108642Frequency [%]9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 - 5 m/s 5 - 10 m/s 10 - 15 m/s 15 - 20 m/s 20 - 40 m/s Energy Rose (kWh/m²/year)NNWW SWSSEENE1,750 1,500 1,250 1,000 750 500 250 1,000 0 - 5 m/s 5 - 10 m/s 10 - 15 m/s 15 - 20 m/s 20 - 40 m/s Frequency (%)NNWW SWSSEENE15 12.5 10 7.5 5 2.5 15105 Mean w ind speed (m/s)NNNWNWWNW W W SW SWSSWSSSESEES E E EN ENENNE10 8 6 4 2 108642 Page D-24 WindPRO version 2.7.473 Jun 2010 WindPRO is developed by EMD International A/S, Niels Jernesvej 10, DK-9220 Aalborg Ø, Tlf. +45 96 35 44 44, Fax +45 96 35 44 46, e-mail: windpro@emd.dk Project: Port_Heiden Description: Four potential locations of a Vergnet 275 kW turbine with a hub height of 37m. 1: Turbine Potential Site 03 2: Turbine Potential Site 01 3: John's Suggested T02 4: John's Suggested T01 Printed/Page 7/16/2010 9:20 AM / 7 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/16/2010 9:17 AM/2.7.473 PARK - Wind Data Analysis Calculation: Vergnet 275 37mWind data: A - Resource file(s); Hub height: 37.0 Site Coordinates UTM WGS 84 Zone: 4 East: 522,612 North: 6,309,228 4 RSF file C:\WindPro\WINDPRO_Data\PROJECTS\LPB\PORT_HEIDEN\PH_WRA_10_Hub_37.rsf Weibull Data Sector A- parameter Wind speed k- parameter Frequency [m/s] [m/s] [%] 0 N 6.10 5.40 2.040 3.9 1 NNE 6.10 5.41 1.930 5.0 2 NE 7.20 6.38 2.330 10.9 3 ENE 6.20 5.51 1.850 5.0 4 E 6.23 5.61 1.523 3.2 5 ESE 9.47 8.39 2.130 5.6 6 SE 12.00 10.65 2.510 16.2 7 SSE 9.30 8.24 2.080 7.9 8 S 5.93 5.25 2.104 3.2 9 SSW 6.10 5.40 2.030 2.5 10 SW 7.90 7.00 2.280 4.1 11 WSW 8.10 7.19 2.550 6.4 12 W 8.30 7.37 2.510 7.7 13 WNW 8.70 7.71 2.370 8.5 14 NW 8.70 7.71 2.230 5.6 15 NNW 7.90 7.00 2.120 4.1 All 8.44 7.48 1.981 100.0 Weibull Distribution Wind speed [m/s] 24222018161412108642Frequency [%]10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 - 5 m/s 5 - 10 m/s 10 - 15 m/s 15 - 20 m/s 20 - 40 m/s Energy Rose (kWh/m²/year)NNWW SWSSEENE1,500 1,250 1,000 750 500 250 1,5001,000500 0 - 5 m/s 5 - 10 m/s 10 - 15 m/s 15 - 20 m/s 20 - 40 m/s Frequency (%)NNWW SWSSEENE15 12.5 10 7.5 5 2.5 1512.5107.552.5 Mean w ind speed (m/s)NNNWNWWNW W W SW SWSSWSSSESEES E E EN ENENNE10 8 6 4 2 108642 Page D-25 WindPRO version 2.7.473 Jun 2010 Project: Port_Heiden Description: Four potential locations of a Vergnet 275 kW turbine with a hub height of 37m. 1: Turbine Potential Site 03 2: Turbine Potential Site 01 3: John's Suggested T02 4: John's Suggested T01 Printed/Page 7/16/2010 9:20 AM / 8 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/16/2010 9:17 AM/2.7.473 PARK - WTG distances Calculation: Vergnet 275 37m Scale 1:75,000 New WTG WTG distances Z Nearest WTG Z Horizontal distance Distance in rotor diameters [m] [m] [m] 1 25.9 2 26.1 148 4.6 2 26.1 1 25.9 148 4.6 3 18.9 4 17.1 405 12.7 4 17.1 3 18.9 405 12.7 Page D-26 WindPRO version 2.7.473 Jun 2010 Project: Port_Heiden Description: Four potential locations of a Vergnet 275 kW turbine with a hub height of 37m. 1: Turbine Potential Site 03 2: Turbine Potential Site 01 3: John's Suggested T02 4: John's Suggested T01 Printed/Page 7/16/2010 9:20 AM / 9 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/16/2010 9:17 AM/2.7.473 PARK - Map Calculation: Vergnet 275 37m 0 100 200 300 400 m Map: google_XL , Print scale 1:10,000, Map center UTM WGS 84 Zone: 4 East: 522,441 North: 6,309,666 New WTG Obstacle Page D-27 WindPRO version 2.7.473 Jun 2010 Project: Port_Heiden Description: Four potential locations of a Enercon 330 kW turbine with a hub height of 37m. 1: Turbine Potential Site 03 2: Turbine Potential Site 01 3: John's Suggested T02 4: John's Suggested T01 Printed/Page 7/16/2010 9:37 AM / 1 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/16/2010 9:30 AM/2.7.473 PARK - Main Result Calculation: Enercon 330 37 m Wake Model No model Calculation Settings Air density calculation mode Individual per WTG Result for WTG at hub altitude 1.260 kg/m³ to 1.261 kg/m³ Air density relative to standard 102.9 % Hub altitude above sea level (asl) 54.1 m to 63.1 m Annual mean temperature at hub alt. 3.2 °C to 3.2 °C Pressure at WTGs 999.2 hPa to 1,000.3 hPa Wake Model Parameters No model parameters Wake calculation settings Angle [°] Wind speed [m/s] start end step start end step 0.5 360.0 1.0 0.5 30.5 1.0 Scale 1:75,000 New WTG Resource file(s) C:\WindPro\WINDPRO_Data\PROJECTS\LPB\PORT_HEIDEN\PH_WRA_10_Hub_37.rsf Calculated Annual Energy for Wind Farm Specific results¤) WTG combination Result Result-10.0% GROSS (no loss) Park Capacity Mean WTG Full load Mean wind speed PARK Free WTGs efficiency factor result hours @hub height [MWh/y] [MWh] [MWh/y] [%] [%] [MWh/y] [Hours/year] [m/s] Wind farm 4,812.3 4,331.1 4,812.3 100.0 37.4 1,082.8 3,281 7.6 ¤) Based on Result-10.0% Calculated Annual Energy for each of 4 new WTGs with total 1.3 MW rated power WTG type Power curve Annual Energy Park Terrain Valid Manufact. Type-generator Power, Rotor Hub Creator Name Result Result-10.0% Efficiency Mean rated diameter height wind speed [kW] [m] [m] [MWh] [MWh] [%] [m/s] 1 A Yes ENERCON E-33 MODIFIED-330 330 33.4 37.0 USER Level 0 - guaranteed* - - 02/2004 1,220.3 1,098 100.0 7.68 2 A Yes ENERCON E-33 MODIFIED-330 330 33.4 37.0 USER Level 0 - guaranteed* - - 02/2004 1,205.3 1,085 100.0 7.62 3 A Yes ENERCON E-33 MODIFIED-330 330 33.4 37.0 USER Level 0 - guaranteed* - - 02/2004 1,215.4 1,094 100.0 7.66 4 A Yes ENERCON E-33 MODIFIED-330 330 33.4 37.0 USER Level 0 - guaranteed* - - 02/2004 1,171.3 1,054 100.0 7.48 WTG siting UTM WGS84 Zone: 4 East North Z Row data/Description UTM WGS84 Zone: 4 [m] 1 New 522,910 6,309,757 25.9 1 2 New 523,028 6,309,667 26.1 2 3 New 522,225 6,309,348 18.9 3 4 New 522,612 6,309,228 17.1 4 Page D-28 WindPRO version 2.7.473 Jun 2010 Project: Port_Heiden Description: Four potential locations of a Enercon 330 kW turbine with a hub height of 37m. 1: Turbine Potential Site 03 2: Turbine Potential Site 01 3: John's Suggested T02 4: John's Suggested T01 Printed/Page 7/16/2010 9:37 AM / 2 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/16/2010 9:30 AM/2.7.473 PARK - Production Analysis Calculation: Enercon 330 37 mWTG: All new WTGs, Air density varies with WTG position 1.260 kg/m³ - 1.261 kg/m³ Directional Analysis Sector 0 N 1 NNE 2 NE 3 ENE 4 E 5 ESE 6 SE 7 SSE 8 S 9 SSW 10 SW 11 WSW 12 W 13 WNW 14 NW 15 NNW Total Roughness based energy [MWh] 97.0 129.3 398.4 144.5 98.8 330.3 1,274.4 434.4 74.6 62.4 178.9 296.6 384.0 443.6 286.7 178.3 4,812.3 Resulting energy [MWh] 97.0 129.3 398.4 144.5 98.8 330.3 1,274.4 434.4 74.6 62.4 178.9 296.6 384.0 443.6 286.7 178.3 4,812.3 Specific energy [kWh/m²]1,373 Specific energy [kWh/kW]3,646 Utilization [%] 43.3 41.4 41.1 39.3 31.3 26.7 20.4 27.3 44.5 43.0 37.0 39.1 37.1 34.0 32.2 34.8 29.0 Operational [Hours/year] 321 408 903 423 268 469 1,342 646 263 205 340 537 647 711 462 338 8,283 Full Load Equivalent [Hours/year] 73 98 302 109 75 250 965 329 57 47 136 225 291 336 217 135 3,646 Energy vs. sector Annual Energy Array Losses SectorNNNENEENEEESESESSES SSWSWWSWWWNWNWNNWEnergy [MWh/year]1,200 1,100 1,000 900 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Page D-29 WindPRO version 2.7.473 Jun 2010 Project: Port_Heiden Description: Four potential locations of a Enercon 330 kW turbine with a hub height of 37m. 1: Turbine Potential Site 03 2: Turbine Potential Site 01 3: John's Suggested T02 4: John's Suggested T01 Printed/Page 7/16/2010 9:37 AM / 3 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/16/2010 9:30 AM/2.7.473 PARK - Power Curve Analysis Calculation: Enercon 330 37 mWTG: 1 - ENERCON E-33 MODIFIED 330 33.4 !-! Level 0 - guaranteed* - - 02/2004, Hub height: 37.0 m Name: Level 0 - guaranteed* - - 02/2004 Source: Enercon Source/Date Created by Created Edited Stop wind speed Power control CT curve type [m/s] 4/30/2004 USER 6/23/2006 7/7/2010 25.0 Pitch User defined According to Enercon specification ct_E-33_330kW berechnet * Uncertainties in measurement of power curves can lead to different power curves for the same turbine, so ENERCON uses calculated curves for energy calculations and guarantees. For reference and verification, measured power curves are available at ENERCON (not for use in energy calculations or guarantees!) HP curve comparison - Note: For standard air density and weibull k parameter = 2 Vmean [m/s] 5 6 7 8 9 10 HP value [MWh] 406 661 925 1,181 1,397 1,588 ENERCON E-33 MODIFIED 330 33.4 !-! Level 0 - guaranteed* - - 02/2004 [MWh] 498 770 1,042 1,291 1,507 1,684 Check value [%] -18 -14 -11 -9 -7 -6 The table shows comparison between annual energy production calculated on basis of simplified "HP-curves" which assume that all WTGs performs quite similar - only specific power loading (kW/m^2) and single/dual speed or stall/pitch decides the calculated values. Productions are without wake losses. For further details, ask at the Danish Energy Agency for project report J.nr. 51171/00-0016 or see WindPRO manual chapter 3.5.2. The method is refined in EMD report "20 Detailed Case Studies comparing Project Design Calculations and actual Energy Productions for Wind Energy Projects worldwide", jan 2003. Use the table to evaluate if the given power curve is reasonable - if the check value are lower than -5%, the power curve probably is too optimistic due to uncertainty in power curve measurement. Power curve Original data from Windcat, Air density: 1.225 kg/m³ Wind speed Power Ce Wind speed Ct curve [m/s] [kW] [m/s] 1.0 0.0 0.00 1.0 0.00 2.0 0.0 0.00 2.0 0.75 3.0 5.0 0.35 3.0 0.76 4.0 13.7 0.40 4.0 0.76 5.0 30.0 0.45 5.0 0.76 6.0 55.0 0.47 6.0 0.75 7.0 92.0 0.50 7.0 0.76 8.0 138.0 0.50 8.0 0.76 9.0 196.0 0.50 9.0 0.75 10.0 250.0 0.47 10.0 0.73 11.0 292.8 0.41 11.0 0.71 12.0 320.0 0.35 12.0 0.68 13.0 335.0 0.28 13.0 0.47 14.0 335.0 0.23 14.0 0.36 15.0 335.0 0.18 15.0 0.28 16.0 335.0 0.15 16.0 0.24 17.0 335.0 0.13 17.0 0.20 18.0 335.0 0.11 18.0 0.16 19.0 335.0 0.09 19.0 0.14 20.0 335.0 0.08 20.0 0.12 21.0 335.0 0.07 21.0 0.10 22.0 335.0 0.06 22.0 0.09 23.0 335.0 0.05 23.0 0.08 24.0 335.0 0.05 24.0 0.07 25.0 335.0 0.04 25.0 0.06 Power, Efficiency and energy vs. wind speed Data used in calculation, Air density: 1.260 kg/m³ New WindPRO method (adjusted IEC method, improved to match turbine control) <RECOMMENDED> Wind speed Power Ce Interval Energy Acc.Energy Relative [m/s] [kW] [m/s] [MWh] [MWh] [%] 1.0 0.0 0.00 0.50- 1.50 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.1 0.02 1.50- 2.50 0.7 0.7 0.1 3.0 5.2 0.35 2.50- 3.50 4.0 4.7 0.4 4.0 14.3 0.40 3.50- 4.50 12.6 17.3 1.4 5.0 31.1 0.45 4.50- 5.50 28.7 46.0 3.8 6.0 57.0 0.48 5.50- 6.50 53.3 99.4 8.1 7.0 94.9 0.50 6.50- 7.50 84.2 183.6 15.0 8.0 142.3 0.50 7.50- 8.50 116.4 300.0 24.6 9.0 200.8 0.50 8.50- 9.50 141.8 441.8 36.2 10.0 254.8 0.46 9.50-10.50 151.8 593.6 48.6 11.0 296.6 0.40 10.50-11.50 144.2 737.8 60.5 12.0 322.5 0.34 11.50-12.50 124.3 862.1 70.6 13.0 335.0 0.28 12.50-13.50 99.3 961.3 78.8 14.0 335.0 0.22 13.50-14.50 75.1 1,036.4 84.9 15.0 335.0 0.18 14.50-15.50 55.4 1,091.8 89.5 16.0 335.0 0.15 15.50-16.50 40.2 1,132.0 92.8 17.0 335.0 0.12 16.50-17.50 28.8 1,160.8 95.1 18.0 335.0 0.10 17.50-18.50 20.4 1,181.2 96.8 19.0 335.0 0.09 18.50-19.50 14.1 1,195.3 98.0 20.0 335.0 0.08 19.50-20.50 9.6 1,205.0 98.7 21.0 335.0 0.07 20.50-21.50 6.4 1,211.4 99.3 22.0 335.0 0.06 21.50-22.50 4.2 1,215.5 99.6 23.0 335.0 0.05 22.50-23.50 2.6 1,218.1 99.8 24.0 335.0 0.04 23.50-24.50 1.6 1,219.7 100.0 25.0 335.0 0.04 24.50-25.50 0.6 1,220.3 100.0 Ce and Ct curve Wind speed [m/s] 242220181614121086420 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 Ce Ct Pow er curve Data used in calculation Wind speed [m/s] 242220181614121086420Power [kW]300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Page D-30 WindPRO version 2.7.473 Jun 2010 WindPRO is developed by EMD International A/S, Niels Jernesvej 10, DK-9220 Aalborg Ø, Tlf. +45 96 35 44 44, Fax +45 96 35 44 46, e-mail: windpro@emd.dk Project: Port_Heiden Description: Four potential locations of a Enercon 330 kW turbine with a hub height of 37m. 1: Turbine Potential Site 03 2: Turbine Potential Site 01 3: John's Suggested T02 4: John's Suggested T01 Printed/Page 7/16/2010 9:37 AM / 4 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/16/2010 9:30 AM/2.7.473 PARK - Wind Data Analysis Calculation: Enercon 330 37 mWind data: A - Resource file(s); Hub height: 37.0 Site Coordinates UTM WGS 84 Zone: 4 East: 522,910 North: 6,309,757 1 RSF file C:\WindPro\WINDPRO_Data\PROJECTS\LPB\PORT_HEIDEN\PH_WRA_10_Hub_37.rsf Weibull Data Sector A- parameter Wind speed k- parameter Frequency [m/s] [m/s] [%] 0 N 6.22 5.51 2.032 3.9 1 NNE 6.30 5.59 1.930 5.0 2 NE 7.49 6.64 2.330 10.9 3 ENE 6.40 5.68 1.850 5.1 4 E 6.40 5.77 1.520 3.2 5 ESE 9.75 8.63 2.139 5.6 6 SE 12.30 10.91 2.510 16.1 7 SSE 9.50 8.41 2.080 7.9 8 S 6.08 5.38 2.086 3.2 9 SSW 6.20 5.49 2.000 2.5 10 SW 8.10 7.18 2.280 4.1 11 WSW 8.30 7.37 2.550 6.5 12 W 8.60 7.63 2.530 7.8 13 WNW 8.80 7.80 2.370 8.5 14 NW 8.90 7.88 2.230 5.6 15 NNW 8.20 7.26 2.120 4.1 All 8.66 7.68 1.986 100.0 Weibull Distribution Wind speed [m/s] 24222018161412108642Frequency [%]9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 - 5 m/s 5 - 10 m/s 10 - 15 m/s 15 - 20 m/s 20 - 40 m/s Energy Rose (kWh/m²/year)NNWW SWSSEENE1,750 1,500 1,250 1,000 750 500 250 1,000 0 - 5 m/s 5 - 10 m/s 10 - 15 m/s 15 - 20 m/s 20 - 40 m/s Frequency (%)NNWW SWSSEENE15 12.5 10 7.5 5 2.5 1512.5107.552.5 Mean w ind speed (m/s)NNNWNWWNW W W SW SWSSWSSSESEES E E EN ENENNE10 8 6 4 2 108642 Page D-31 WindPRO version 2.7.473 Jun 2010 WindPRO is developed by EMD International A/S, Niels Jernesvej 10, DK-9220 Aalborg Ø, Tlf. +45 96 35 44 44, Fax +45 96 35 44 46, e-mail: windpro@emd.dk Project: Port_Heiden Description: Four potential locations of a Enercon 330 kW turbine with a hub height of 37m. 1: Turbine Potential Site 03 2: Turbine Potential Site 01 3: John's Suggested T02 4: John's Suggested T01 Printed/Page 7/16/2010 9:37 AM / 5 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/16/2010 9:30 AM/2.7.473 PARK - Wind Data Analysis Calculation: Enercon 330 37 mWind data: A - Resource file(s); Hub height: 37.0 Site Coordinates UTM WGS 84 Zone: 4 East: 523,028 North: 6,309,667 2 RSF file C:\WindPro\WINDPRO_Data\PROJECTS\LPB\PORT_HEIDEN\PH_WRA_10_Hub_37.rsf Weibull Data Sector A- parameter Wind speed k- parameter Frequency [m/s] [m/s] [%] 0 N 6.14 5.44 2.030 3.9 1 NNE 6.30 5.59 1.930 5.0 2 NE 7.40 6.56 2.330 10.9 3 ENE 6.40 5.68 1.850 5.1 4 E 6.40 5.76 1.530 3.2 5 ESE 9.70 8.59 2.140 5.6 6 SE 12.20 10.83 2.510 16.0 7 SSE 9.50 8.41 2.080 7.9 8 S 6.09 5.39 2.054 3.2 9 SSW 6.20 5.49 2.000 2.5 10 SW 8.09 7.16 2.280 4.2 11 WSW 8.20 7.28 2.550 6.5 12 W 8.50 7.54 2.530 7.8 13 WNW 8.70 7.71 2.370 8.5 14 NW 8.80 7.79 2.230 5.5 15 NNW 8.10 7.17 2.120 4.1 All 8.59 7.62 1.986 100.0 Weibull Distribution Wind speed [m/s] 24222018161412108642Frequency [%]9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 - 5 m/s 5 - 10 m/s 10 - 15 m/s 15 - 20 m/s 20 - 40 m/s Energy Rose (kWh/m²/year)NNWW SWSSEENE1,750 1,500 1,250 1,000 750 500 250 1,000 0 - 5 m/s 5 - 10 m/s 10 - 15 m/s 15 - 20 m/s 20 - 40 m/s Frequency (%)NNWW SWSSEENE15 12.5 10 7.5 5 2.5 1512.5107.552.5 Mean w ind speed (m/s)NNNWNWWNW W W SW SWSSWSSSESEES E E EN ENENNE10 8 6 4 2 108642 Page D-32 WindPRO version 2.7.473 Jun 2010 WindPRO is developed by EMD International A/S, Niels Jernesvej 10, DK-9220 Aalborg Ø, Tlf. +45 96 35 44 44, Fax +45 96 35 44 46, e-mail: windpro@emd.dk Project: Port_Heiden Description: Four potential locations of a Enercon 330 kW turbine with a hub height of 37m. 1: Turbine Potential Site 03 2: Turbine Potential Site 01 3: John's Suggested T02 4: John's Suggested T01 Printed/Page 7/16/2010 9:37 AM / 6 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/16/2010 9:30 AM/2.7.473 PARK - Wind Data Analysis Calculation: Enercon 330 37 mWind data: A - Resource file(s); Hub height: 37.0 Site Coordinates UTM WGS 84 Zone: 4 East: 522,225 North: 6,309,348 3 RSF file C:\WindPro\WINDPRO_Data\PROJECTS\LPB\PORT_HEIDEN\PH_WRA_10_Hub_37.rsf Weibull Data Sector A- parameter Wind speed k- parameter Frequency [m/s] [m/s] [%] 0 N 6.00 5.32 2.040 3.8 1 NNE 6.00 5.32 1.910 4.7 2 NE 7.30 6.47 2.340 10.9 3 ENE 6.40 5.68 1.860 5.2 4 E 6.50 5.85 1.530 3.3 5 ESE 9.80 8.68 2.140 5.8 6 SE 12.30 10.91 2.510 16.5 7 SSE 9.20 8.15 2.080 7.5 8 S 5.90 5.23 2.200 3.1 9 SSW 6.00 5.32 2.050 2.4 10 SW 8.00 7.09 2.270 4.0 11 WSW 8.30 7.37 2.550 6.5 12 W 8.80 7.81 2.530 7.9 13 WNW 9.10 8.07 2.380 8.8 14 NW 8.90 7.88 2.230 5.6 15 NNW 7.90 7.00 2.110 4.0 All 8.64 7.66 1.976 100.0 Weibull Distribution Wind speed [m/s] 24222018161412108642Frequency [%]9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 - 5 m/s 5 - 10 m/s 10 - 15 m/s 15 - 20 m/s 20 - 40 m/s Energy Rose (kWh/m²/year)NNWW SWSSEENE1,750 1,500 1,250 1,000 750 500 250 1,000 0 - 5 m/s 5 - 10 m/s 10 - 15 m/s 15 - 20 m/s 20 - 40 m/s Frequency (%)NNWW SWSSEENE15 12.5 10 7.5 5 2.5 15105 Mean w ind speed (m/s)NNNWNWWNW W W SW SWSSWSSSESEES E E EN ENENNE10 8 6 4 2 108642 Page D-33 WindPRO version 2.7.473 Jun 2010 WindPRO is developed by EMD International A/S, Niels Jernesvej 10, DK-9220 Aalborg Ø, Tlf. +45 96 35 44 44, Fax +45 96 35 44 46, e-mail: windpro@emd.dk Project: Port_Heiden Description: Four potential locations of a Enercon 330 kW turbine with a hub height of 37m. 1: Turbine Potential Site 03 2: Turbine Potential Site 01 3: John's Suggested T02 4: John's Suggested T01 Printed/Page 7/16/2010 9:37 AM / 7 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/16/2010 9:30 AM/2.7.473 PARK - Wind Data Analysis Calculation: Enercon 330 37 mWind data: A - Resource file(s); Hub height: 37.0 Site Coordinates UTM WGS 84 Zone: 4 East: 522,612 North: 6,309,228 4 RSF file C:\WindPro\WINDPRO_Data\PROJECTS\LPB\PORT_HEIDEN\PH_WRA_10_Hub_37.rsf Weibull Data Sector A- parameter Wind speed k- parameter Frequency [m/s] [m/s] [%] 0 N 6.10 5.40 2.040 3.9 1 NNE 6.10 5.41 1.930 5.0 2 NE 7.20 6.38 2.330 10.9 3 ENE 6.20 5.51 1.850 5.0 4 E 6.23 5.61 1.523 3.2 5 ESE 9.47 8.39 2.130 5.6 6 SE 12.00 10.65 2.510 16.2 7 SSE 9.30 8.24 2.080 7.9 8 S 5.93 5.25 2.104 3.2 9 SSW 6.10 5.40 2.030 2.5 10 SW 7.90 7.00 2.280 4.1 11 WSW 8.10 7.19 2.550 6.4 12 W 8.30 7.37 2.510 7.7 13 WNW 8.70 7.71 2.370 8.5 14 NW 8.70 7.71 2.230 5.6 15 NNW 7.90 7.00 2.120 4.1 All 8.44 7.48 1.981 100.0 Weibull Distribution Wind speed [m/s] 24222018161412108642Frequency [%]10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 - 5 m/s 5 - 10 m/s 10 - 15 m/s 15 - 20 m/s 20 - 40 m/s Energy Rose (kWh/m²/year)NNWW SWSSEENE1,500 1,250 1,000 750 500 250 1,5001,000500 0 - 5 m/s 5 - 10 m/s 10 - 15 m/s 15 - 20 m/s 20 - 40 m/s Frequency (%)NNWW SWSSEENE15 12.5 10 7.5 5 2.5 1512.5107.552.5 Mean w ind speed (m/s)NNNWNWWNW W W SW SWSSWSSSESEES E E EN ENENNE10 8 6 4 2 108642 Page D-34 WindPRO version 2.7.473 Jun 2010 Project: Port_Heiden Description: Four potential locations of a Enercon 330 kW turbine with a hub height of 37m. 1: Turbine Potential Site 03 2: Turbine Potential Site 01 3: John's Suggested T02 4: John's Suggested T01 Printed/Page 7/16/2010 9:37 AM / 8 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/16/2010 9:30 AM/2.7.473 PARK - WTG distances Calculation: Enercon 330 37 m Scale 1:75,000 New WTG WTG distances Z Nearest WTG Z Horizontal distance Distance in rotor diameters [m] [m] [m] 1 25.9 2 26.1 148 4.4 2 26.1 1 25.9 148 4.4 3 18.9 4 17.1 405 12.1 4 17.1 3 18.9 405 12.1 Page D-35 WindPRO version 2.7.473 Jun 2010 Project: Port_Heiden Description: Four potential locations of a Enercon 330 kW turbine with a hub height of 37m. 1: Turbine Potential Site 03 2: Turbine Potential Site 01 3: John's Suggested T02 4: John's Suggested T01 Printed/Page 7/16/2010 9:37 AM / 9 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/16/2010 9:30 AM/2.7.473 PARK - Map Calculation: Enercon 330 37 m 0 100 200 300 400 m Map: google_XL , Print scale 1:10,000, Map center UTM WGS 84 Zone: 4 East: 522,441 North: 6,309,666 New WTG Obstacle Page D-36         ZZZNQLJKWSLHVROGFRP     $SSHQGL[(  $(3&DOFXODWLRQVIRU(#P+XE+HLJKW DQG*(903&#P+XE+HLJKW  7DEOHRI&RQWHQWV 6LWH3DJH1XPEHU ( (   :LQG352YHUVLRQ-XQ Project: Port_Heiden Printed/Page 7/27/2010 3:05 PM / 1 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/27/2010 2:55 PM/2.7.473 WAsP interface - Main Result Calculation:Verification Turbine 1 Name WASP Site Data Site Coordinates UTM WGS 84 Zone: 4 East: 522,910 North: 6,309,757 Air density calculation mode Individual per WTG Result for WTG at hub altitude 1.255 kg/m³ to 1.256 kg/m³ Air density relative to standard 102.4 % Hub altitude above sea level (asl)74.9 m to 80.9 m Annual mean temperature at hub alt.3.0 °C to 3.1 °C Pressure at WTGs 994.9 hPa to 995.6 hPa Calculation is based on "WASP Site Data", using WAsP (WAsP 6-9 for Windows RVEA0011 1, 0, 0, 13) to convert the wind statistics and the terrain classification to a site specific wind speed distribution. Using the selected power curve, the expected annual energy production is calculated. Wind data Wind statistics Distance Weight [km] [%] US A1A2_PTH.wws 218 94 US PTH AWOS - A 10.00 m.wws 3,181 6 WAsP version WAsP 6-9 for Windows RVEA0011 1, 0, 0, 13 Scale 1:100,000 Site Data Calculation Results Key results for height 50.0 m above ground level Wind energy: 5,450 kWh/m²; Mean wind speed: 8.1 m/s; Equivalent roughness: 0.9 Calculated Annual Energy WTG type Power curve Annual Energy Valid Manufact. Type-generator Power, Rotor Hub Creator Name Result Result-10.0% Mean Capacity rated diameter height wind factor speed [kW] [m] [m] [MWh] [MWh] [m/s] [%] Yes ENERCON E-33 MODIFIED-330 330 33.4 49.0 USER Level 0 - guaranteed* - - 02/2004 1,310.7 1,180 8.06 45.3 Yes VERGNET GEV MP-275 275 32.0 55.0 EMD 0 - official - SPM146k-32/275L - 04-2007 1,031.8 929 8.27 42.8 3DJH( :LQG352YHUVLRQ-XQ Project: Port_Heiden Printed/Page 7/27/2010 3:05 PM / 2 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/27/2010 2:55 PM/2.7.473 WAsP interface - Production Analysis Calculation:Verification Turbine 1WTG:ENERCON E-33 MODIFIED 330 33.4 !-!, Hub height: 49.0 m, Air density: 1.256 kg/m³ Directional Analysis Sector 0 N 1 NNE 2 NE 3 ENE 4 E 5 ESE 6 SE 7 SSE 8 S 9 SSW 10 SW 11 WSW 12 W 13 WNW 14 NW 15 NNW Total Roughness based energy [MWh] 22.2 31.8 111.4 40.2 26.6 94.4 351.7 95.9 15.9 15.5 46.6 82.4 103.0 126.5 77.2 46.8 1,288.3 +Increase due to hills [MWh] 1.6 2.4 3.0 0.5 0.0 -0.1 1.4 5.6 2.0 1.2 1.4 1.0 0.1 0.2 0.8 1.6 22.5 Resulting energy [MWh] 23.8 34.1 114.4 40.7 26.6 94.3 353.1 101.5 17.8 16.7 48.0 83.4 103.1 126.7 78.1 48.4 1,310.7 Specific energy [kWh/m²]1,496 Specific energy [kWh/kW]3,972 Increase due to hills [%] 7.0 7.4 2.7 1.2 -0.1 -0.1 0.4 5.8 12.4 7.5 3.0 1.3 0.1 0.1 1.1 3.4 1.74 Directional Distribution [%] 1.8 2.6 8.7 3.1 2.0 7.2 26.9 7.7 1.4 1.3 3.7 6.4 7.9 9.7 6.0 3.7 100.0 Utilization [%] 43.5 41.0 40.3 38.7 30.4 25.0 18.7 26.8 45.1 42.9 35.9 37.6 35.4 32.2 30.8 34.0 27.5 Operational [Hours/year] 299 396 946 429 263 497 1,432 589 237 201 341 542 627 748 468 339 8,353 Full Load Equivalent [Hours/year] 72 103 347 123 81 286 1,070 307 54 51 146 253 312 384 237 147 3,972 A- parameter [m/s] 6.3 6.5 7.7 6.8 6.8 10.3 12.8 9.6 6.2 6.4 8.4 8.8 9.1 9.3 9.3 8.5 9.1 Mean wind speed [m/s] 5.6 5.7 6.9 6.0 6.1 9.1 11.4 8.5 5.5 5.7 7.4 7.8 8.1 8.3 8.2 7.5 8.1 k- parameter 2.13 1.99 2.43 1.94 1.58 2.21 2.56 2.12 2.26 2.12 2.33 2.67 2.63 2.44 2.30 2.22 2.02 Frequency [%] 3.6 4.7 11.3 5.1 3.1 5.9 17.1 7.1 2.8 2.4 4.1 6.5 7.5 9.0 5.6 4.1 100.0 Power density [W/m²]617 3DJH( :LQG352YHUVLRQ-XQ Project: Port_Heiden Printed/Page 7/27/2010 3:05 PM / 3 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/27/2010 2:55 PM/2.7.473 WAsP interface - Production Analysis Calculation:Verification Turbine 1 WTG:VERGNET GEV MP 275 32.0 !O!, Hub height: 55.0 m, Air density: 1.255 kg/m³ Directional Analysis Sector 0 N 1 NNE 2 NE 3 ENE 4 E 5 ESE 6 SE 7 SSE 8 S 9 SSW 10 SW 11 WSW 12 W 13 WNW 14 NW 15 NNW Total Roughness based energy [MWh] 17.3 24.9 89.1 31.8 20.8 74.1 267.6 75.8 12.2 12.2 37.5 67.2 83.8 102.3 61.8 37.5 1,016.0 +Increase due to hills [MWh] 1.2 1.8 2.3 0.3 0.0 -0.1 0.4 3.9 1.6 0.9 1.1 0.8 0.0 0.0 0.6 1.2 15.8 Resulting energy [MWh] 18.6 26.8 91.4 32.2 20.7 74.0 268.0 79.7 13.8 13.1 38.5 68.0 83.8 102.2 62.4 38.7 1,031.8 Specific energy [kWh/m²]1,283 Specific energy [kWh/kW]3,752 Increase due to hills [%] 7.1 7.4 2.6 1.1 -0.2 -0.1 0.1 5.1 12.7 7.5 2.9 1.1 -0.1 0.0 0.9 3.2 1.56 Directional Distribution [%] 1.8 2.6 8.9 3.1 2.0 7.2 26.0 7.7 1.3 1.3 3.7 6.6 8.1 9.9 6.0 3.7 100.0 Utilization [%] 34.3 32.5 32.5 30.9 24.3 20.3 14.8 21.9 35.4 33.8 28.8 30.2 28.6 26.1 25.0 27.5 22.1 Operational [Hours/year] 281 373 891 404 248 468 1,349 554 223 189 321 511 590 705 441 319 7,865 Full Load Equivalent [Hours/year] 67 97 332 117 75 269 975 290 50 48 140 247 305 372 227 141 3,752 A- parameter [m/s] 6.5 6.7 8.0 7.0 7.0 10.5 13.1 9.8 6.4 6.6 8.6 9.1 9.4 9.6 9.5 8.7 9.3 Mean wind speed [m/s] 5.8 5.9 7.1 6.2 6.3 9.3 11.6 8.7 5.7 5.9 7.6 8.1 8.4 8.5 8.5 7.7 8.3 k- parameter 2.15 2.01 2.46 1.96 1.59 2.24 2.59 2.14 2.29 2.12 2.32 2.69 2.65 2.46 2.32 2.24 2.04 Frequency [%] 3.6 4.7 11.3 5.1 3.1 5.9 17.2 7.0 2.8 2.4 4.1 6.5 7.5 9.0 5.6 4.1 100.0 Power density [W/m²]656 3DJH( :LQG352YHUVLRQ-XQ Project: Port_Heiden Printed/Page 7/27/2010 3:05 PM / 4 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/27/2010 2:55 PM/2.7.473 WAsP interface - Power Curve Analysis Calculation:Verification Turbine 1 WTG:ENERCON E-33 MODIFIED 330 33.4 !-! Level 0 - guaranteed* - - 02/2004, Hub height: 49.0 m Name:Level 0 - guaranteed* - - 02/2004 Source:Enercon Source/Date Created by Created Edited Stop wind speed Power control CT curve type [m/s] 4/30/2004 USER 6/23/2006 7/7/2010 25.0 Pitch User defined According to Enercon specification ct_E-33_330kW berechnet * Uncertainties in measurement of power curves can lead to different power curves for the same turbine, so ENERCON uses calculated curves for energy calculations and guarantees. For reference and verification, measured power curves are available at ENERCON (not for use in energy calculations or guarantees!) HP curve comparison - Note: For standard air density and weibull k parameter = 2 Vmean [m/s] 5678910 HP value [MWh] 406 661 925 1,181 1,397 1,588 ENERCON E-33 MODIFIED 330 33.4 !-! Level 0 - guaranteed* - - 02/2004 [MWh] 498 770 1,042 1,291 1,507 1,684 Check value [%] -18 -14 -11 -9 -7 -6 The table shows comparison between annual energy production calculated on basis of simplified "HP-curves" which assume that all WTGs performs quite similar - only specific power loading (kW/m^2) and single/dual speed or stall/pitch decides the calculated values. Productions are without wake losses. For further details, ask at the Danish Energy Agency for project report J.nr. 51171/00-0016 or see WindPRO manual chapter 3.5.2. The method is refined in EMD report "20 Detailed Case Studies comparing Project Design Calculations and actual Energy Productions for Wind Energy Projects worldwide", jan 2003. Use the table to evaluate if the given power curve is reasonable - if the check value are lower than -5%, the power curve probably is too optimistic due to uncertainty in power curve measurement. Power curve Original data from Windcat, Air density: 1.225 kg/m³ Wind speed Power Ce Wind speed Ct curve [m/s] [kW] [m/s] 1.0 0.0 0.00 1.0 0.00 2.0 0.0 0.00 2.0 0.75 3.0 5.0 0.35 3.0 0.76 4.0 13.7 0.40 4.0 0.76 5.0 30.0 0.45 5.0 0.76 6.0 55.0 0.47 6.0 0.75 7.0 92.0 0.50 7.0 0.76 8.0 138.0 0.50 8.0 0.76 9.0 196.0 0.50 9.0 0.75 10.0 250.0 0.47 10.0 0.73 11.0 292.8 0.41 11.0 0.71 12.0 320.0 0.35 12.0 0.68 13.0 335.0 0.28 13.0 0.47 14.0 335.0 0.23 14.0 0.36 15.0 335.0 0.18 15.0 0.28 16.0 335.0 0.15 16.0 0.24 17.0 335.0 0.13 17.0 0.20 18.0 335.0 0.11 18.0 0.16 19.0 335.0 0.09 19.0 0.14 20.0 335.0 0.08 20.0 0.12 21.0 335.0 0.07 21.0 0.10 22.0 335.0 0.06 22.0 0.09 23.0 335.0 0.05 23.0 0.08 24.0 335.0 0.05 24.0 0.07 25.0 335.0 0.04 25.0 0.06 Power, Efficiency and energy vs. wind speed Data used in calculation, Air density: 1.256 kg/m³ New WindPRO method (adjusted IEC method, improved to match turbine control) <RECOMMENDED> Wind speed Power Ce Interval Energy Acc.Energy Relative [m/s] [kW] [m/s] [MWh] [MWh] [%] 1.0 0.0 0.00 0.50- 1.50 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.1 0.02 1.50- 2.50 0.6 0.6 0.0 3.0 5.2 0.35 2.50- 3.50 3.6 4.2 0.3 4.0 14.2 0.40 3.50- 4.50 11.6 15.8 1.2 5.0 31.0 0.45 4.50- 5.50 27.1 42.9 3.3 6.0 56.8 0.48 5.50- 6.50 51.7 94.6 7.2 7.0 94.6 0.50 6.50- 7.50 83.5 178.1 13.6 8.0 141.8 0.50 7.50- 8.50 117.9 296.0 22.6 9.0 200.2 0.50 8.50- 9.50 146.6 442.6 33.8 10.0 254.2 0.46 9.50-10.50 160.1 602.7 46.0 11.0 296.2 0.40 10.50-11.50 155.1 757.8 57.8 12.0 322.2 0.34 11.50-12.50 136.2 894.1 68.2 13.0 335.0 0.28 12.50-13.50 110.8 1,004.9 76.7 14.0 335.0 0.22 13.50-14.50 85.3 1,090.1 83.2 15.0 335.0 0.18 14.50-15.50 63.9 1,154.0 88.0 16.0 335.0 0.15 15.50-16.50 47.2 1,201.2 91.6 17.0 335.0 0.12 16.50-17.50 34.4 1,235.6 94.3 18.0 335.0 0.10 17.50-18.50 24.8 1,260.4 96.2 19.0 335.0 0.09 18.50-19.50 17.6 1,277.9 97.5 20.0 335.0 0.08 19.50-20.50 12.2 1,290.2 98.4 21.0 335.0 0.07 20.50-21.50 8.3 1,298.5 99.1 22.0 335.0 0.06 21.50-22.50 5.5 1,304.0 99.5 23.0 335.0 0.05 22.50-23.50 3.6 1,307.6 99.8 24.0 335.0 0.04 23.50-24.50 2.3 1,309.9 99.9 25.0 335.0 0.04 24.50-25.50 0.9 1,310.7 100.0 3DJH( :LQG352YHUVLRQ-XQ Project: Port_Heiden Printed/Page 7/27/2010 3:05 PM / 5 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/27/2010 2:55 PM/2.7.473 WAsP interface - Power Curve Analysis Calculation:Verification Turbine 1 WTG:VERGNET GEV MP 275 32.0 !O! 0 - official - SPM146k-32/275L - 04-2007, Hub height: 55.0 m Name:0 - official - SPM146k-32/275L - 04-2007 Source:Manufacturer with GARRAD HASSAN and AERODYN Source/Date Created by Created Edited Stop wind speed Power control CT curve type [m/s] 4/18/2007 EMD 1/21/2008 1/25/2008 20.0 Pitch User defined Depends on mean wind speed on site (please consult Vergnet). Can be ajusted for noise purposes (please consult Vergnet). HP curve comparison - Note: For standard air density and weibull k parameter = 2 Vmean [m/s] 5 6 7 8 9 10 HP value [MWh] 369 591 817 1,034 1,216 1,377 VERGNET GEV MP 275 32.0 !O! 0 - official - SPM146k-32/275L - 04-2007 [MWh] 353 570 789 987 1,147 1,263 Check value [%] 4 4 3569 The table shows comparison between annual energy production calculated on basis of simplified "HP-curves" which assume that all WTGs performs quite similar - only specific power loading (kW/m^2) and single/dual speed or stall/pitch decides the calculated values. Productions are without wake losses. For further details, ask at the Danish Energy Agency for project report J.nr. 51171/00-0016 or see WindPRO manual chapter 3.5.2. The method is refined in EMD report "20 Detailed Case Studies comparing Project Design Calculations and actual Energy Productions for Wind Energy Projects worldwide", jan 2003. Use the table to evaluate if the given power curve is reasonable - if the check value are lower than -5%, the power curve probably is too optimistic due to uncertainty in power curve measurement. Power curve Original data from Windcat, Air density: 1.225 kg/m³ Wind speed Power Ce Wind speed Ct curve [m/s] [kW] [m/s] 2.0 0.0 0.00 4.0 0.93 3.0 0.0 0.00 5.0 0.86 4.0 4.2 0.13 6.0 0.78 5.0 19.6 0.32 7.0 0.70 6.0 38.4 0.36 8.0 0.86 7.0 63.6 0.38 9.0 0.80 8.0 101.4 0.40 10.0 0.74 9.0 145.4 0.40 11.0 0.60 10.0 194.0 0.39 12.0 0.45 11.0 233.9 0.36 13.0 0.37 12.0 256.8 0.30 14.0 0.29 13.0 270.1 0.25 15.0 0.21 14.0 273.5 0.20 16.0 0.18 15.0 275.0 0.17 17.0 0.15 16.0 275.0 0.14 18.0 0.12 17.0 275.0 0.11 19.0 0.11 18.0 275.0 0.10 20.0 0.09 19.0 275.0 0.08 20.0 275.0 0.07 Power, Efficiency and energy vs. wind speed Data used in calculation, Air density: 1.255 kg/m³ New WindPRO method (adjusted IEC method, improved to match turbine control) <RECOMMENDED> Wind speed Power Ce Interval Energy Acc.Energy Relative [m/s] [kW] [m/s] [MWh] [MWh] [%] 1.0 0.0 0.00 0.50- 1.50 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.00 1.50- 2.50 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.1 0.01 2.50- 3.50 0.7 0.7 0.1 4.0 4.7 0.15 3.50- 4.50 5.2 5.9 0.6 5.0 20.3 0.32 4.50- 5.50 16.8 22.7 2.2 6.0 39.6 0.36 5.50- 6.50 34.7 57.4 5.6 7.0 65.6 0.38 6.50- 7.50 58.4 115.8 11.2 8.0 104.2 0.40 7.50- 8.50 86.0 201.8 19.6 9.0 149.1 0.41 8.50- 9.50 111.7 313.5 30.4 10.0 197.8 0.39 9.50-10.50 127.8 441.3 42.8 11.0 236.7 0.35 10.50-11.50 128.5 569.9 55.2 12.0 258.7 0.30 11.50-12.50 115.5 685.4 66.4 13.0 270.6 0.24 12.50-13.50 95.7 781.1 75.7 14.0 273.8 0.20 13.50-14.50 75.1 856.2 83.0 15.0 275.0 0.16 14.50-15.50 57.1 913.3 88.5 16.0 275.0 0.13 15.50-16.50 42.4 955.8 92.6 17.0 275.0 0.11 16.50-17.50 31.1 986.8 95.6 18.0 275.0 0.09 17.50-18.50 22.4 1,009.3 97.8 19.0 275.0 0.08 18.50-19.50 16.0 1,025.2 99.4 20.0 275.0 0.07 19.50-20.50 6.6 1,031.8 100.0 3DJH( :LQG352YHUVLRQ-XQ Project: Port_Heiden Printed/Page 7/27/2010 3:05 PM / 6 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/27/2010 2:55 PM/2.7.473 WAsP interface - Terrain Calculation:Verification Turbine 1 Site Data: A - WASP Site Data Obstacles: No obstacles Roughness: Calculation uses following MAP files: C:\WindPro\WINDPRO_Data\PROJECTS\LPB\PORT_HEIDEN\ROUGHNESSLINE_Port_Heiden_2.wpo Min X: 462,631, Max X: 582,344, Min Y: 6,272,924, Max Y: 6,346,986, Width: 119,713 m, Height: 74,063 m Orography: Calculation uses following MAP files: C:\WindPro\WINDPRO_Data\PROJECTS\LPB\PORT_HEIDEN\MAPS_DEMS\HI_DEF\shp2wpo_cleanedup.wpo Min X: 469,714, Max X: 568,618, Min Y: 6,278,007, Max Y: 6,342,758, Width: 98,904 m, Height: 64,751 m 3DJH( :LQG352YHUVLRQ-XQ Project: Port_Heiden Printed/Page 7/27/2010 3:05 PM / 7 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/27/2010 2:55 PM/2.7.473 WAsP interface - Wind Data Analysis Calculation:Verification Turbine 1 Wind data: A - WASP Site Data; Hub height: 50.0 Site Coordinates UTM WGS 84 Zone: 4 East: 522,910 North: 6,309,757 Wind data Wind statistics Distance Weight [km] [%] US A1A2_PTH.wws 218 94 US PTH AWOS - A 10.00 m.wws 3,181 6 Weibull Data Current site Reference: Roughness class 1 Sector A- Wind k- Frequency A- k- Frequency parameter speed parameter parameter parameter [m/s] [m/s] [%] [m/s] [%] 0 N 6.36 5.63 2.139 3.6 6.02 2.139 3.5 1 NNE 6.51 5.77 1.994 4.7 6.20 1.972 4.5 2 NE 7.76 6.89 2.436 11.3 7.60 2.438 11.4 3 ENE 6.79 6.02 1.939 5.1 6.72 1.929 5.1 4 E 6.83 6.14 1.576 3.1 6.83 1.570 3.2 5 ESE 10.33 9.15 2.217 5.9 10.32 2.217 6.1 6 SE 12.86 11.42 2.564 17.1 12.79 2.568 17.5 7 SSE 9.63 8.53 2.119 7.1 9.19 2.130 6.6 8 S 6.27 5.55 2.268 2.8 5.90 2.462 2.7 9 SSW 6.46 5.72 2.123 2.4 6.09 1.999 2.3 10 SW 8.41 7.45 2.334 4.1 7.88 2.233 4.3 11 WSW 8.79 7.82 2.686 6.5 8.26 2.593 6.8 12 W 9.15 8.13 2.643 7.5 8.69 2.520 7.7 13 WNW 9.37 8.31 2.447 9.0 8.95 2.362 9.2 14 NW 9.33 8.26 2.303 5.6 9.05 2.253 5.2 15 NNW 8.49 7.52 2.225 4.1 8.04 2.166 3.9 All 9.13 8.09 2.021 100.0 8.87 1.995 100.0 3DJH( :LQG352YHUVLRQ-XQ Project: Port_Heiden Printed/Page 7/27/2010 3:05 PM / 8 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/27/2010 2:55 PM/2.7.473 WAsP interface - Wind Data Analysis Calculation:Verification Turbine 1 Wind data: A - WASP Site Data; Hub height: 49.0 Site Coordinates UTM WGS 84 Zone: 4 East: 522,910 North: 6,309,757 ENERCON E-33 MODIFIED 330 33.4 !-! Wind data Wind statistics Distance Weight [km] [%] US A1A2_PTH.wws 218 94 US PTH AWOS - A 10.00 m.wws 3,181 6 Weibull Data Current site Reference: Roughness class 1 Sector A- Wind k- Frequency A- k- Frequency parameter speed parameter parameter parameter [m/s] [m/s] [%] [m/s] [%] 0 N 6.33 5.61 2.131 3.6 5.99 2.132 3.5 1 NNE 6.48 5.75 1.990 4.7 6.18 1.966 4.5 2 NE 7.73 6.86 2.428 11.3 7.57 2.430 11.4 3 ENE 6.76 5.99 1.936 5.1 6.69 1.923 5.1 4 E 6.81 6.11 1.576 3.1 6.80 1.567 3.2 5 ESE 10.30 9.12 2.213 5.9 10.28 2.214 6.1 6 SE 12.83 11.39 2.561 17.1 12.75 2.566 17.5 7 SSE 9.60 8.50 2.115 7.1 9.16 2.126 6.6 8 S 6.25 5.53 2.260 2.8 5.88 2.454 2.7 9 SSW 6.44 5.70 2.115 2.4 6.06 1.993 2.3 10 SW 8.37 7.42 2.326 4.1 7.85 2.226 4.3 11 WSW 8.75 7.78 2.674 6.5 8.23 2.585 6.8 12 W 9.10 8.09 2.635 7.5 8.66 2.512 7.7 13 WNW 9.33 8.28 2.439 9.0 8.92 2.356 9.2 14 NW 9.29 8.23 2.299 5.6 9.02 2.248 5.2 15 NNW 8.46 7.49 2.217 4.1 8.01 2.160 3.9 All 9.10 8.06 2.018 100.0 8.84 1.991 100.0 3DJH( :LQG352YHUVLRQ-XQ Project: Port_Heiden Printed/Page 7/27/2010 3:05 PM / 9 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/27/2010 2:55 PM/2.7.473 WAsP interface - Map Calculation:Verification Turbine 1 Wind data: A - WASP Site Data; Hub height: 49.0 0 50 100 150 200 m Map: low_altitude , Print scale 1:5,000, Map center UTM WGS 84 Zone: 4 East: 522,910 North: 6,309,757 New WTG Site Data 3DJH( :LQG352YHUVLRQ-XQ Project: Port_Heiden Printed/Page 7/27/2010 3:55 PM / 1 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/27/2010 3:54 PM/2.7.473 WAsP interface - Main Result Calculation:Verification Site04 Name WASP Site Data04 Site Coordinates UTM WGS 84 Zone: 4 East: 522,612 North: 6,309,228 Air density calculation mode Individual per WTG Result for WTG at hub altitude 1.256 kg/m³ to 1.257 kg/m³ Air density relative to standard 102.5 % Hub altitude above sea level (asl)66.1 m to 72.1 m Annual mean temperature at hub alt.3.1 °C to 3.1 °C Pressure at WTGs 996.0 hPa to 996.7 hPa Calculation is based on "WASP Site Data04", using WAsP (WAsP 6-9 for Windows RVEA0011 1, 0, 0, 13) to convert the wind statistics and the terrain classification to a site specific wind speed distribution. Using the selected power curve, the expected annual energy production is calculated. Wind data Wind statistics Distance Weight [km] [%] US A1A2_PTH.wws 751 83 US PTH AWOS - A 10.00 m.wws 3,665 17 WAsP version WAsP 6-9 for Windows RVEA0011 1, 0, 0, 13 Scale 1:100,000 Site Data Calculation Results Key results for height 50.0 m above ground level Wind energy: 5,145 kWh/m²; Mean wind speed: 7.9 m/s; Equivalent roughness: 1.0 Calculated Annual Energy WTG type Power curve Annual Energy Valid Manufact. Type-generator Power, Rotor Hub Creator Name Result Result-10.0% Mean Capacity rated diameter height wind factor speed [kW] [m] [m] [MWh] [MWh] [m/s] [%] Yes ENERCON E-33 MODIFIED-330 330 33.4 49.0 USER Level 0 - guaranteed* - - 02/2004 1,275.7 1,148 7.90 44.1 Yes VERGNET GEV MP-275 275 32.0 55.0 EMD 0 - official - SPM146k-32/275L - 04-2007 1,009.0 908 8.12 41.9 3DJH( :LQG352YHUVLRQ-XQ Project: Port_Heiden Printed/Page 7/27/2010 3:55 PM / 2 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/27/2010 3:54 PM/2.7.473 WAsP interface - Production Analysis Calculation:Verification Site04 WTG:ENERCON E-33 MODIFIED 330 33.4 !-!, Hub height: 49.0 m, Air density: 1.257 kg/m³ Directional Analysis Sector 0 N 1 NNE 2 NE 3 ENE 4 E 5 ESE 6 SE 7 SSE 8 S 9 SSW 10 SW 11 WSW 12 W 13 WNW 14 NW 15 NNW Total Roughness based energy [MWh] 25.1 34.7 110.3 39.8 27.1 89.5 335.0 110.3 18.8 16.7 48.4 84.1 107.3 124.8 78.6 48.6 1,299.0 +Increase due to hills [MWh] 0.3 0.7 -3.1 -1.8 -1.2 -2.8 -4.4 2.3 0.9 0.4 -0.9 -3.0 -4.5 -4.3 -1.7 -0.1 -23.3 Resulting energy [MWh] 25.4 35.4 107.2 38.0 25.9 86.7 330.5 112.6 19.7 17.1 47.5 81.0 102.8 120.4 77.0 48.5 1,275.7 Specific energy [kWh/m²]1,456 Specific energy [kWh/kW]3,866 Increase due to hills [%] 1.0 2.0 -2.8 -4.4 -4.5 -3.1 -1.3 2.1 5.0 2.2 -1.8 -3.6 -4.2 -3.5 -2.1 -0.2 -1.79 Directional Distribution [%] 2.0 2.8 8.4 3.0 2.0 6.8 25.9 8.8 1.5 1.3 3.7 6.4 8.1 9.4 6.0 3.8 100.0 Utilization [%] 43.6 41.4 41.0 39.6 31.4 26.2 19.5 26.6 44.8 43.0 36.4 38.4 36.2 33.1 31.5 34.4 28.4 Operational [Hours/year] 320 413 914 421 268 476 1,365 645 261 207 340 537 641 720 470 345 8,343 Full Load Equivalent [Hours/year] 77 107 325 115 79 263 1,002 341 60 52 144 246 312 365 233 147 3,866 A- parameter [m/s] 6.3 6.5 7.6 6.6 6.6 9.9 12.5 9.7 6.2 6.4 8.3 8.6 9.0 9.2 9.2 8.4 8.9 Mean wind speed [m/s] 5.6 5.7 6.8 5.8 5.9 8.8 11.1 8.6 5.5 5.7 7.4 7.7 8.0 8.2 8.1 7.4 7.9 k- parameter 2.13 2.01 2.44 1.94 1.58 2.19 2.54 2.13 2.22 2.12 2.35 2.71 2.64 2.47 2.31 2.21 2.03 Frequency [%] 3.8 5.0 11.0 5.0 3.2 5.7 16.4 7.7 3.1 2.5 4.1 6.4 7.7 8.6 5.6 4.1 100.0 Power density [W/m²]582 3DJH( :LQG352YHUVLRQ-XQ Project: Port_Heiden Printed/Page 7/27/2010 3:55 PM / 3 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/27/2010 3:54 PM/2.7.473 WAsP interface - Production Analysis Calculation:Verification Site04 WTG:VERGNET GEV MP 275 32.0 !O!, Hub height: 55.0 m, Air density: 1.256 kg/m³ Directional Analysis Sector 0 N 1 NNE 2 NE 3 ENE 4 E 5 ESE 6 SE 7 SSE 8 S 9 SSW 10 SW 11 WSW 12 W 13 WNW 14 NW 15 NNW Total Roughness based energy [MWh] 19.6 27.2 88.2 31.5 21.2 70.3 254.4 86.8 14.5 13.1 38.8 68.7 87.4 101.0 63.1 38.9 1,024.7 +Increase due to hills [MWh] 0.2 0.6 -2.4 -1.4 -0.9 -1.8 -1.6 1.6 0.8 0.3 -0.6 -2.4 -3.5 -3.3 -1.2 -0.1 -15.7 Resulting energy [MWh] 19.9 27.8 85.8 30.1 20.3 68.5 252.8 88.5 15.3 13.4 38.2 66.3 83.9 97.7 61.8 38.8 1,009.0 Specific energy [kWh/m²]1,255 Specific energy [kWh/kW]3,669 Increase due to hills [%] 1.2 2.1 -2.7 -4.3 -4.2 -2.6 -0.6 1.9 5.2 2.3 -1.6 -3.4 -4.0 -3.3 -1.9 -0.2 -1.53 Directional Distribution [%] 2.0 2.8 8.5 3.0 2.0 6.8 25.1 8.8 1.5 1.3 3.8 6.6 8.3 9.7 6.1 3.8 100.0 Utilization [%] 34.3 32.8 32.9 31.5 25.0 21.3 15.4 21.6 35.2 33.9 29.1 30.7 29.2 26.7 25.5 27.8 22.8 Operational [Hours/year] 300 388 861 397 253 449 1,286 606 245 194 320 506 604 678 442 324 7,853 Full Load Equivalent [Hours/year] 72 101 312 110 74 249 919 322 55 49 139 241 305 355 225 141 3,669 A- parameter [m/s] 6.5 6.7 7.8 6.8 6.8 10.2 12.8 9.9 6.4 6.6 8.6 9.0 9.3 9.5 9.4 8.6 9.2 Mean wind speed [m/s] 5.8 5.9 7.0 6.0 6.1 9.0 11.4 8.8 5.7 5.9 7.6 8.0 8.2 8.5 8.4 7.6 8.1 k- parameter 2.16 2.04 2.47 1.96 1.59 2.22 2.57 2.15 2.25 2.13 2.34 2.71 2.66 2.49 2.33 2.23 2.05 Frequency [%] 3.8 4.9 11.0 5.1 3.2 5.7 16.4 7.7 3.1 2.5 4.1 6.4 7.7 8.6 5.6 4.1 100.0 Power density [W/m²]623 3DJH( :LQG352YHUVLRQ-XQ Project: Port_Heiden Printed/Page 7/27/2010 3:55 PM / 4 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/27/2010 3:54 PM/2.7.473 WAsP interface - Power Curve Analysis Calculation:Verification Site04 WTG:ENERCON E-33 MODIFIED 330 33.4 !-! Level 0 - guaranteed* - - 02/2004, Hub height: 49.0 m Name:Level 0 - guaranteed* - - 02/2004 Source:Enercon Source/Date Created by Created Edited Stop wind speed Power control CT curve type [m/s] 4/30/2004 USER 6/23/2006 7/7/2010 25.0 Pitch User defined According to Enercon specification ct_E-33_330kW berechnet * Uncertainties in measurement of power curves can lead to different power curves for the same turbine, so ENERCON uses calculated curves for energy calculations and guarantees. For reference and verification, measured power curves are available at ENERCON (not for use in energy calculations or guarantees!) HP curve comparison - Note: For standard air density and weibull k parameter = 2 Vmean [m/s] 5678910 HP value [MWh] 406 661 925 1,181 1,397 1,588 ENERCON E-33 MODIFIED 330 33.4 !-! Level 0 - guaranteed* - - 02/2004 [MWh] 498 770 1,042 1,291 1,507 1,684 Check value [%] -18 -14 -11 -9 -7 -6 The table shows comparison between annual energy production calculated on basis of simplified "HP-curves" which assume that all WTGs performs quite similar - only specific power loading (kW/m^2) and single/dual speed or stall/pitch decides the calculated values. Productions are without wake losses. For further details, ask at the Danish Energy Agency for project report J.nr. 51171/00-0016 or see WindPRO manual chapter 3.5.2. The method is refined in EMD report "20 Detailed Case Studies comparing Project Design Calculations and actual Energy Productions for Wind Energy Projects worldwide", jan 2003. Use the table to evaluate if the given power curve is reasonable - if the check value are lower than -5%, the power curve probably is too optimistic due to uncertainty in power curve measurement. Power curve Original data from Windcat, Air density: 1.225 kg/m³ Wind speed Power Ce Wind speed Ct curve [m/s] [kW] [m/s] 1.0 0.0 0.00 1.0 0.00 2.0 0.0 0.00 2.0 0.75 3.0 5.0 0.35 3.0 0.76 4.0 13.7 0.40 4.0 0.76 5.0 30.0 0.45 5.0 0.76 6.0 55.0 0.47 6.0 0.75 7.0 92.0 0.50 7.0 0.76 8.0 138.0 0.50 8.0 0.76 9.0 196.0 0.50 9.0 0.75 10.0 250.0 0.47 10.0 0.73 11.0 292.8 0.41 11.0 0.71 12.0 320.0 0.35 12.0 0.68 13.0 335.0 0.28 13.0 0.47 14.0 335.0 0.23 14.0 0.36 15.0 335.0 0.18 15.0 0.28 16.0 335.0 0.15 16.0 0.24 17.0 335.0 0.13 17.0 0.20 18.0 335.0 0.11 18.0 0.16 19.0 335.0 0.09 19.0 0.14 20.0 335.0 0.08 20.0 0.12 21.0 335.0 0.07 21.0 0.10 22.0 335.0 0.06 22.0 0.09 23.0 335.0 0.05 23.0 0.08 24.0 335.0 0.05 24.0 0.07 25.0 335.0 0.04 25.0 0.06 Power, Efficiency and energy vs. wind speed Data used in calculation, Air density: 1.257 kg/m³ New WindPRO method (adjusted IEC method, improved to match turbine control) <RECOMMENDED> Wind speed Power Ce Interval Energy Acc.Energy Relative [m/s] [kW] [m/s] [MWh] [MWh] [%] 1.0 0.0 0.00 0.50- 1.50 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.1 0.02 1.50- 2.50 0.6 0.6 0.0 3.0 5.2 0.35 2.50- 3.50 3.7 4.3 0.3 4.0 14.2 0.40 3.50- 4.50 12.0 16.3 1.3 5.0 31.0 0.45 4.50- 5.50 27.9 44.2 3.5 6.0 56.8 0.48 5.50- 6.50 52.9 97.1 7.6 7.0 94.7 0.50 6.50- 7.50 85.0 182.0 14.3 8.0 141.9 0.50 7.50- 8.50 119.1 301.1 23.6 9.0 200.4 0.50 8.50- 9.50 146.9 448.1 35.1 10.0 254.4 0.46 9.50-10.50 158.9 606.9 47.6 11.0 296.3 0.40 10.50-11.50 152.1 759.0 59.5 12.0 322.3 0.34 11.50-12.50 131.9 890.9 69.8 13.0 335.0 0.28 12.50-13.50 105.8 996.8 78.1 14.0 335.0 0.22 13.50-14.50 80.3 1,077.1 84.4 15.0 335.0 0.18 14.50-15.50 59.3 1,136.4 89.1 16.0 335.0 0.15 15.50-16.50 43.2 1,179.6 92.5 17.0 335.0 0.12 16.50-17.50 31.1 1,210.7 94.9 18.0 335.0 0.10 17.50-18.50 22.0 1,232.7 96.6 19.0 335.0 0.09 18.50-19.50 15.4 1,248.1 97.8 20.0 335.0 0.08 19.50-20.50 10.5 1,258.7 98.7 21.0 335.0 0.07 20.50-21.50 7.1 1,265.7 99.2 22.0 335.0 0.06 21.50-22.50 4.6 1,270.3 99.6 23.0 335.0 0.05 22.50-23.50 2.9 1,273.3 99.8 24.0 335.0 0.04 23.50-24.50 1.8 1,275.1 99.9 25.0 335.0 0.04 24.50-25.50 0.7 1,275.7 100.0 3DJH( :LQG352YHUVLRQ-XQ Project: Port_Heiden Printed/Page 7/27/2010 3:55 PM / 5 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/27/2010 3:54 PM/2.7.473 WAsP interface - Power Curve Analysis Calculation:Verification Site04 WTG:VERGNET GEV MP 275 32.0 !O! 0 - official - SPM146k-32/275L - 04-2007, Hub height: 55.0 m Name:0 - official - SPM146k-32/275L - 04-2007 Source:Manufacturer with GARRAD HASSAN and AERODYN Source/Date Created by Created Edited Stop wind speed Power control CT curve type [m/s] 4/18/2007 EMD 1/21/2008 1/25/2008 20.0 Pitch User defined Depends on mean wind speed on site (please consult Vergnet). Can be ajusted for noise purposes (please consult Vergnet). HP curve comparison - Note: For standard air density and weibull k parameter = 2 Vmean [m/s] 5 6 7 8 9 10 HP value [MWh] 369 591 817 1,034 1,216 1,377 VERGNET GEV MP 275 32.0 !O! 0 - official - SPM146k-32/275L - 04-2007 [MWh] 353 570 789 987 1,147 1,263 Check value [%] 4 4 3569 The table shows comparison between annual energy production calculated on basis of simplified "HP-curves" which assume that all WTGs performs quite similar - only specific power loading (kW/m^2) and single/dual speed or stall/pitch decides the calculated values. Productions are without wake losses. For further details, ask at the Danish Energy Agency for project report J.nr. 51171/00-0016 or see WindPRO manual chapter 3.5.2. The method is refined in EMD report "20 Detailed Case Studies comparing Project Design Calculations and actual Energy Productions for Wind Energy Projects worldwide", jan 2003. Use the table to evaluate if the given power curve is reasonable - if the check value are lower than -5%, the power curve probably is too optimistic due to uncertainty in power curve measurement. Power curve Original data from Windcat, Air density: 1.225 kg/m³ Wind speed Power Ce Wind speed Ct curve [m/s] [kW] [m/s] 2.0 0.0 0.00 4.0 0.93 3.0 0.0 0.00 5.0 0.86 4.0 4.2 0.13 6.0 0.78 5.0 19.6 0.32 7.0 0.70 6.0 38.4 0.36 8.0 0.86 7.0 63.6 0.38 9.0 0.80 8.0 101.4 0.40 10.0 0.74 9.0 145.4 0.40 11.0 0.60 10.0 194.0 0.39 12.0 0.45 11.0 233.9 0.36 13.0 0.37 12.0 256.8 0.30 14.0 0.29 13.0 270.1 0.25 15.0 0.21 14.0 273.5 0.20 16.0 0.18 15.0 275.0 0.17 17.0 0.15 16.0 275.0 0.14 18.0 0.12 17.0 275.0 0.11 19.0 0.11 18.0 275.0 0.10 20.0 0.09 19.0 275.0 0.08 20.0 275.0 0.07 Power, Efficiency and energy vs. wind speed Data used in calculation, Air density: 1.256 kg/m³ New WindPRO method (adjusted IEC method, improved to match turbine control) <RECOMMENDED> Wind speed Power Ce Interval Energy Acc.Energy Relative [m/s] [kW] [m/s] [MWh] [MWh] [%] 1.0 0.0 0.00 0.50- 1.50 0.0 0.0 0.0 2.0 0.0 0.00 1.50- 2.50 0.0 0.0 0.0 3.0 0.1 0.01 2.50- 3.50 0.7 0.7 0.1 4.0 4.7 0.15 3.50- 4.50 5.4 6.1 0.6 5.0 20.4 0.32 4.50- 5.50 17.2 23.3 2.3 6.0 39.7 0.36 5.50- 6.50 35.5 58.8 5.8 7.0 65.7 0.38 6.50- 7.50 59.4 118.1 11.7 8.0 104.3 0.40 7.50- 8.50 87.0 205.1 20.3 9.0 149.2 0.41 8.50- 9.50 112.2 317.3 31.4 10.0 198.0 0.39 9.50-10.50 127.3 444.5 44.1 11.0 236.8 0.35 10.50-11.50 126.7 571.2 56.6 12.0 258.8 0.30 11.50-12.50 112.6 683.8 67.8 13.0 270.7 0.24 12.50-13.50 92.2 776.0 76.9 14.0 273.8 0.20 13.50-14.50 71.4 847.4 84.0 15.0 275.0 0.16 14.50-15.50 53.6 901.0 89.3 16.0 275.0 0.13 15.50-16.50 39.3 940.3 93.2 17.0 275.0 0.11 16.50-17.50 28.4 968.7 96.0 18.0 275.0 0.09 17.50-18.50 20.2 989.0 98.0 19.0 275.0 0.08 18.50-19.50 14.2 1,003.2 99.4 20.0 275.0 0.07 19.50-20.50 5.8 1,009.0 100.0 3DJH( :LQG352YHUVLRQ-XQ Project: Port_Heiden Printed/Page 7/27/2010 3:55 PM / 6 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/27/2010 3:54 PM/2.7.473 WAsP interface - Terrain Calculation:Verification Site04 Site Data: A - WASP Site Data04 Obstacles: No obstacles Roughness: Calculation uses following MAP files: C:\WindPro\WINDPRO_Data\PROJECTS\LPB\PORT_HEIDEN\ROUGHNESSLINE_Port_Heiden_2.wpo Min X: 462,631, Max X: 582,344, Min Y: 6,272,924, Max Y: 6,346,986, Width: 119,713 m, Height: 74,063 m Orography: Calculation uses following MAP files: C:\WindPro\WINDPRO_Data\PROJECTS\LPB\PORT_HEIDEN\MAPS_DEMS\HI_DEF\shp2wpo_cleanedup.wpo Min X: 469,714, Max X: 568,618, Min Y: 6,278,007, Max Y: 6,342,758, Width: 98,904 m, Height: 64,751 m 3DJH( :LQG352YHUVLRQ-XQ Project: Port_Heiden Printed/Page 7/27/2010 3:55 PM / 7 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/27/2010 3:54 PM/2.7.473 WAsP interface - Wind Data Analysis Calculation:Verification Site04 Wind data: A - WASP Site Data04; Hub height: 50.0 Site Coordinates UTM WGS 84 Zone: 4 East: 522,612 North: 6,309,228 Wind data Wind statistics Distance Weight [km] [%] US A1A2_PTH.wws 751 83 US PTH AWOS - A 10.00 m.wws 3,665 17 Weibull Data Current site Reference: Roughness class 1 Sector A- Wind k- Frequency A- k- Frequency parameter speed parameter parameter parameter [m/s] [m/s] [%] [m/s] [%] 0 N 6.35 5.62 2.143 3.8 6.17 2.137 3.7 1 NNE 6.50 5.76 2.018 5.0 6.37 1.992 4.7 2 NE 7.65 6.78 2.443 11.0 7.71 2.450 11.1 3 ENE 6.62 5.87 1.943 5.1 6.73 1.928 5.1 4 E 6.65 5.97 1.580 3.2 6.81 1.570 3.3 5 ESE 9.98 8.84 2.193 5.7 10.23 2.196 5.8 6 SE 12.59 11.17 2.545 16.4 12.77 2.549 16.7 7 SSE 9.72 8.61 2.127 7.7 9.51 2.130 7.3 8 S 6.25 5.54 2.225 3.1 5.97 2.400 2.9 9 SSW 6.45 5.71 2.131 2.5 6.20 1.998 2.4 10 SW 8.36 7.41 2.354 4.1 7.99 2.254 4.3 11 WSW 8.69 7.73 2.717 6.4 8.31 2.616 6.8 12 W 9.00 8.00 2.654 7.7 8.72 2.536 8.0 13 WNW 9.28 8.23 2.479 8.6 8.97 2.381 8.8 14 NW 9.21 8.16 2.318 5.6 9.13 2.257 5.2 15 NNW 8.40 7.44 2.217 4.1 8.15 2.160 3.9 All 8.96 7.94 2.029 100.0 8.89 2.005 100.0 3DJH( :LQG352YHUVLRQ-XQ Project: Port_Heiden Printed/Page 7/27/2010 3:55 PM / 8 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/27/2010 3:54 PM/2.7.473 WAsP interface - Wind Data Analysis Calculation:Verification Site04 Wind data: A - WASP Site Data04; Hub height: 49.0 Site Coordinates UTM WGS 84 Zone: 4 East: 522,612 North: 6,309,228 ENERCON E-33 MODIFIED 330 33.4 !-! Wind data Wind statistics Distance Weight [km] [%] US A1A2_PTH.wws 751 83 US PTH AWOS - A 10.00 m.wws 3,665 17 Weibull Data Current site Reference: Roughness class 1 Sector A- Wind k- Frequency A- k- Frequency parameter speed parameter parameter parameter [m/s] [m/s] [%] [m/s] [%] 0 N 6.32 5.60 2.135 3.8 6.14 2.130 3.7 1 NNE 6.47 5.73 2.014 5.0 6.34 1.986 4.7 2 NE 7.61 6.75 2.436 11.0 7.68 2.443 11.1 3 ENE 6.59 5.84 1.936 5.0 6.71 1.922 5.1 4 E 6.63 5.95 1.576 3.2 6.79 1.567 3.3 5 ESE 9.95 8.81 2.189 5.7 10.20 2.193 5.8 6 SE 12.55 11.14 2.545 16.4 12.73 2.547 16.7 7 SSE 9.68 8.58 2.127 7.7 9.48 2.126 7.3 8 S 6.23 5.52 2.217 3.1 5.95 2.392 2.9 9 SSW 6.42 5.69 2.123 2.5 6.18 1.992 2.4 10 SW 8.32 7.38 2.346 4.1 7.96 2.247 4.3 11 WSW 8.65 7.69 2.705 6.4 8.28 2.607 6.8 12 W 8.96 7.96 2.643 7.7 8.68 2.528 8.0 13 WNW 9.24 8.19 2.471 8.6 8.94 2.375 8.8 14 NW 9.17 8.13 2.311 5.6 9.10 2.252 5.2 15 NNW 8.37 7.41 2.209 4.1 8.12 2.154 3.9 All 8.92 7.90 2.025 100.0 8.86 2.001 100.0 3DJH( :LQG352YHUVLRQ-XQ Project: Port_Heiden Printed/Page 7/27/2010 3:55 PM / 9 Licensed user: Knight Piesold Ltd 1580 Lincoln Street, Suite 1000 US-DENVER, CO 80203 +1 303 629 8788 Rick Damiani / rdamiani@knightpiesold.com Calculated: 7/27/2010 3:54 PM/2.7.473 WAsP interface - Map Calculation:Verification Site04 Wind data: A - WASP Site Data04; Hub height: 49.0 0 50 100 150 200 m Map: low_altitude , Print scale 1:5,000, Map center UTM WGS 84 Zone: 4 East: 522,612 North: 6,309,228 New WTG Site Data 3DJH( www.knightpiesold.com Appendix F Current System Baseline Economics (Diesel Only) DV103.00204.04 Port Heiden Wind Power Feasibility Study 6\VWHP5HSRUW3RUW+HLGHQB:,1'KPU 6HQVLWLYLW\FDVH  3+BWRZQ6FDOHG$YHUDJH  N:KG  7KHUPDO/RDG6FDOHG$YHUDJH  N:KG  :LQG'DWD6FDOHG$YHUDJH  PV  'LHVHO3ULFH  /  +HDWLQJ2LO3ULFH  /  1RUWKZLQG%+XE+HLJKW  P  (QHUFRQ(+XE+HLJKW  P 6\VWHPDUFKLWHFWXUH *HQHUDWRUN: *HQHUDWRUN: &RVWVXPPDU\ 7RWDOQHWSUHVHQWFRVW  /HYHOL]HGFRVWRIHQHUJ\ N:K 2SHUDWLQJFRVW \U 1HW3UHVHQW&RVWV &RPSRQHQW &DSLWDO 5HSODFHPHQW 2 0 )XHO 6DOYDJH 7RWDO       *HQHUDWRU       *HQHUDWRU       %RLOHU       2WKHU       6\VWHP       $QQXDOL]HG&RVWV &RPSRQHQW &DSLWDO 5HSODFHPHQW 2 0 )XHO 6DOYDJH 7RWDO \U \U \U \U \U \U *HQHUDWRU       Page F-1 *HQHUDWRU       %RLOHU       2WKHU       6\VWHP       (OHFWULFDO &RPSRQHQW 3URGXFWLRQ )UDFWLRQ N:K\U *HQHUDWRU   *HQHUDWRU   7RWDO   /RDG &RQVXPSWLRQ )UDFWLRQ N:K\U $&SULPDU\ORDG   7RWDO   4XDQWLW\ 9DOXH 8QLWV ([FHVVHOHFWULFLW\  N:K\U 8QPHWORDG  N:K\U &DSDFLW\VKRUWDJH  N:K\U 5HQHZDEOHIUDFWLRQ  7KHUPDO &RPSRQHQW 3URGXFWLRQ )UDFWLRQ N:K\U Page F-2 *HQHUDWRU   *HQHUDWRU   %RLOHU   ([FHVVHOHFWULFLW\   7RWDO   /RDG &RQVXPSWLRQ )UDFWLRQ N:K\U 7KHUPDOORDG   7RWDO   4XDQWLW\ 9DOXH 8QLWV ([FHVVWKHUPDOHQHUJ\  N:K\U *HQHUDWRU 4XDQWLW\ 9DOXH 8QLWV +RXUVRIRSHUDWLRQ  KU\U 1XPEHURIVWDUWV  VWDUWV\U 2SHUDWLRQDOOLIH  \U &DSDFLW\IDFWRU   )L[HGJHQHUDWLRQFRVW  KU 0DUJLQDOJHQHUDWLRQFRVW  N:K\U 4XDQWLW\ 9DOXH 8QLWV (OHFWULFDOSURGXFWLRQ  N:K\U 0HDQHOHFWULFDORXWSXW  N: 0LQHOHFWULFDORXWSXW  N: 0D[HOHFWULFDORXWSXW  N: 7KHUPDOSURGXFWLRQ  N:K\U 0HDQWKHUPDORXWSXW  N: 0LQWKHUPDORXWSXW  N: 0D[WKHUPDORXWSXW  N: 4XDQWLW\ 9DOXH 8QLWV )XHOFRQVXPSWLRQ  /\U 6SHFLILFIXHOFRQVXPSWLRQ  /N:K )XHOHQHUJ\LQSXW  N:K\U 0HDQHOHFWULFDOHIILFLHQF\   0HDQWRWDOHIILFLHQF\   Page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age F-4 3DUWLFXODWHPDWWHU  6XOIXUGLR[LGH  1LWURJHQR[LGHV  Page F-5 www.knightpiesold.com Appendix G Northwind 100B/21 Economics Table of Contents Number of Turbines Height Diesel Price US$/gal Page Number 1 30 m 3.75 G-1 1 30 m 5.15 G-6 1 30 m 5.50 G-11 1 30 m 6.25 G-16 2 30 m 3.75 G-21 2 30 m 5.15 G-26 2 30 m 5.50 G-31 2 30 m 6.25 G-36 3 30 m 3.75 G-41 3 30 m 5.15 G-46 3 30 m 5.50 G-51 3 30 m 6.25 G-56 1 37 m 3.75 G-61 1 37 m 5.15 G-66 1 37 m 5.50 G-71 1 37 m 6.25 G-76 2 37 m 3.75 G-81 2 37 m 5.15 G-86 2 37 m 5.50 G-91 2 37 m 6.25 G-96 3 37 m 3.75 G-101 3 37 m 5.15 G-106 3 37 m 5.50 G-111 3 37 m 6.25 G-116 DV103.00204.04 Port Heiden Wind Power Feasibility Study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age G-1 1RUWKZLQG%       *HQHUDWRU       *HQHUDWRU       %RLOHU       2WKHU       6\VWHP       (OHFWULFDO &RPSRQHQW 3URGXFWLRQ )UDFWLRQ N:K\U :LQGWXUELQH   *HQHUDWRU   *HQHUDWRU   7RWDO   /RDG &RQVXPSWLRQ )UDFWLRQ N:K\U $&SULPDU\ORDG   7RWDO   4XDQWLW\ 9DOXH 8QLWV ([FHVVHOHFWULFLW\  N:K\U 8QPHWORDG  N:K\U &DSDFLW\VKRUWDJH  N:K\U 5HQHZDEOHIUDFWLRQ  7KHUPDO Page G-2 &RPSRQHQW 3URGXFWLRQ )UDFWLRQ N:K\U *HQHUDWRU   %RLOHU   ([FHVVHOHFWULFLW\   7RWDO   /RDG &RQVXPSWLRQ )UDFWLRQ N:K\U 7KHUPDOORDG   7RWDO   4XDQWLW\ 9DOXH 8QLWV ([FHVVWKHUPDOHQHUJ\  N:K\U $&:LQG7XUELQH1RUWKZLQG% 9DULDEOH 9DOXH 8QLWV 7RWDOUDWHGFDSDFLW\  N: 0HDQRXWSXW  N: &DSDFLW\IDFWRU   7RWDOSURGXFWLRQ  N:K\U 9DULDEOH 9DOXH 8QLWV 0LQLPXPRXWSXW  N: 0D[LPXPRXWSXW  N: :LQGSHQHWUDWLRQ   +RXUVRIRSHUDWLRQ  KU\U /HYHOL]HGFRVW  N:K *HQHUDWRU 4XDQWLW\ 9DOXH 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)L[HGJHQHUDWLRQFRVW  KU 0DUJLQDOJHQHUDWLRQFRVW  N:K\U 4XDQWLW\ 9DOXH 8QLWV (OHFWULFDOSURGXFWLRQ  N:K\U 0HDQHOHFWULFDORXWSXW  N: 0LQHOHFWULFDORXWSXW  N: 0D[HOHFWULFDORXWSXW  N: 7KHUPDOSURGXFWLRQ  N:K\U Page G-69 0HDQWKHUPDORXWSXW  N: 0LQWKHUPDORXWSXW  N: 0D[WKHUPDORXWSXW  N: 4XDQWLW\ 9DOXH 8QLWV )XHOFRQVXPSWLRQ  /\U 6SHFLILFIXHOFRQVXPSWLRQ  /N:K )XHOHQHUJ\LQSXW  N:K\U 0HDQHOHFWULFDOHIILFLHQF\   0HDQWRWDOHIILFLHQF\   (PLVVLRQV 3ROOXWDQW (PLVVLRQV NJ\U &DUERQGLR[LGH  &DUERQPRQR[LGH  8QEXUQHGK\GRFDUERQV  3DUWLFXODWHPDWWHU  6XOIXUGLR[LGH  1LWURJHQR[LGHV  Page G-70 6\VWHP5HSRUW3RUW+HLGHQB:,1'KPU 6HQVLWLYLW\FDVH  3+BWRZQ6FDOHG$YHUDJH  N:KG  7KHUPDO/RDG6FDOHG$YHUDJH  N:KG  :LQG'DWD6FDOHG$YHUDJH  PV  'LHVHO3ULFH  /  +HDWLQJ2LO3ULFH  /  1RUWKZLQG%+XE+HLJKW  P  (QHUFRQ(+XE+HLJKW  P 6\VWHPDUFKLWHFWXUH :LQGWXUELQH1RUWKZLQG% *HQHUDWRU N: *HQHUDWRU N: &RVWVXPPDU\ 7RWDOQHWSUHVHQWFRVW  /HYHOL]HGFRVWRIHQHUJ\ N:K 2SHUDWLQJFRVW \U 1HW3UHVHQW&RVWV &RPSRQHQW &DSLWDO 5HSODFHPHQW 2 0 )XHO 6DOYDJH 7RWDO       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0HDQHOHFWULFDOHIILFLHQF\   0HDQWRWDOHIILFLHQF\   (PLVVLRQV 3ROOXWDQW (PLVVLRQV NJ\U &DUERQGLR[LGH  &DUERQPRQR[LGH  8QEXUQHGK\GRFDUERQV  3DUWLFXODWHPDWWHU  6XOIXUGLR[LGH  1LWURJHQR[LGHV  Page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age G-76 \U \U \U \U \U \U 1RUWKZLQG%       *HQHUDWRU       *HQHUDWRU       %RLOHU       2WKHU       6\VWHP       (OHFWULFDO &RPSRQHQW 3URGXFWLRQ )UDFWLRQ N:K\U 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    6\VWHP       $QQXDOL]HG&RVWV &RPSRQHQW &DSLWDO 5HSODFHPHQW 2 0 )XHO 6DOYDJH 7RWDO \U \U \U \U \U \U Page G-86 1RUWKZLQG%       *HQHUDWRU       *HQHUDWRU       %RLOHU       2WKHU       6\VWHP       (OHFWULFDO &RPSRQHQW 3URGXFWLRQ )UDFWLRQ N:K\U :LQGWXUELQHV   *HQHUDWRU   *HQHUDWRU   7RWDO   /RDG &RQVXPSWLRQ )UDFWLRQ N:K\U $&SULPDU\ORDG   7RWDO   4XDQWLW\ 9DOXH 8QLWV ([FHVVHOHFWULFLW\  N:K\U 8QPHWORDG  N:K\U &DSDFLW\VKRUWDJH  N:K\U 5HQHZDEOHIUDFWLRQ  7KHUPDO Page G-87 &RPSRQHQW 3URGXFWLRQ )UDFWLRQ N:K\U *HQHUDWRU   %RLOHU   ([FHVVHOHFWULFLW\   7RWDO   /RDG &RQVXPSWLRQ )UDFWLRQ N:K\U 7KHUPDOORDG   7RWDO   4XDQWLW\ 9DOXH 8QLWV ([FHVVWKHUPDOHQHUJ\  N:K\U $&:LQG7XUELQH1RUWKZLQG% 9DULDEOH 9DOXH 8QLWV 7RWDOUDWHGFDSDFLW\  N: 0HDQRXWSXW  N: &DSDFLW\IDFWRU   7RWDOSURGXFWLRQ  N:K\U 9DULDEOH 9DOXH 8QLWV 0LQLPXPRXWSXW  N: 0D[LPXPRXWSXW  N: :LQGSHQHWUDWLRQ   +RXUVRIRSHUDWLRQ  KU\U /HYHOL]HGFRVW  N:K *HQHUDWRU 4XDQWLW\ 9DOXH 8QLWV +RXUVRIRSHUDWLRQ  KU\U Page G-88 1XPEHURIVWDUWV  VWDUWV\U 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0LQHOHFWULFDORXWSXW  N: 0D[HOHFWULFDORXWSXW  N: Page G-99 7KHUPDOSURGXFWLRQ  N:K\U 0HDQWKHUPDORXWSXW  N: 0LQWKHUPDORXWSXW  N: 0D[WKHUPDORXWSXW  N: 4XDQWLW\ 9DOXH 8QLWV )XHOFRQVXPSWLRQ  /\U 6SHFLILFIXHOFRQVXPSWLRQ  /N:K )XHOHQHUJ\LQSXW  N:K\U 0HDQHOHFWULFDOHIILFLHQF\   0HDQWRWDOHIILFLHQF\   (PLVVLRQV 3ROOXWDQW (PLVVLRQV NJ\U &DUERQGLR[LGH  &DUERQPRQR[LGH  8QEXUQHGK\GRFDUERQV  3DUWLFXODWHPDWWHU  6XOIXUGLR[LGH  1LWURJHQR[LGHV  Page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&RVWVXPPDU\ 7RWDOQHWSUHVHQWFRVW  /HYHOL]HGFRVWRIHQHUJ\ N:K 2SHUDWLQJFRVW \U 1HW3UHVHQW&RVWV &RPSRQHQW &DSLWDO 5HSODFHPHQW 2 0 )XHO 6DOYDJH 7RWDO       1RUWKZLQG%       *HQHUDWRU       *HQHUDWRU       %RLOHU       2WKHU       6\VWHP       $QQXDOL]HG&RVWV &RPSRQHQW &DSLWDO 5HSODFHPHQW 2 0 )XHO 6DOYDJH 7RWDO \U \U \U \U \U \U Page G-111 1RUWKZLQG%       *HQHUDWRU       *HQHUDWRU       %RLOHU       2WKHU       6\VWHP       (OHFWULFDO &RPSRQHQW 3URGXFWLRQ )UDFWLRQ N:K\U :LQGWXUELQHV   *HQHUDWRU   *HQHUDWRU   7RWDO   /RDG &RQVXPSWLRQ )UDFWLRQ N:K\U $&SULPDU\ORDG   7RWDO   4XDQWLW\ 9DOXH 8QLWV ([FHVVHOHFWULFLW\  N:K\U 8QPHWORDG  N:K\U &DSDFLW\VKRUWDJH  N:K\U 5HQHZDEOHIUDFWLRQ  7KHUPDO Page G-112 &RPSRQHQW 3URGXFWLRQ )UDFWLRQ N:K\U *HQHUDWRU   %RLOHU   ([FHVVHOHFWULFLW\   7RWDO   /RDG &RQVXPSWLRQ )UDFWLRQ N:K\U 7KHUPDOORDG   7RWDO   4XDQWLW\ 9DOXH 8QLWV ([FHVVWKHUPDOHQHUJ\  N:K\U $&:LQG7XUELQH1RUWKZLQG% 9DULDEOH 9DOXH 8QLWV 7RWDOUDWHGFDSDFLW\  N: 0HDQRXWSXW  N: &DSDFLW\IDFWRU   7RWDOSURGXFWLRQ 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\U \U \U \U \U \U 1RUWKZLQG%       *HQHUDWRU       *HQHUDWRU       %RLOHU       2WKHU       6\VWHP       (OHFWULFDO &RPSRQHQW 3URGXFWLRQ )UDFWLRQ N:K\U :LQGWXUELQHV   *HQHUDWRU   *HQHUDWRU   7RWDO   /RDG &RQVXPSWLRQ )UDFWLRQ N:K\U $&SULPDU\ORDG   7RWDO   4XDQWLW\ 9DOXH 8QLWV ([FHVVHOHFWULFLW\  N:K\U 8QPHWORDG  N:K\U &DSDFLW\VKRUWDJH  N:K\U 5HQHZDEOHIUDFWLRQ  Page G-117 7KHUPDO &RPSRQHQW 3URGXFWLRQ )UDFWLRQ N:K\U *HQHUDWRU   %RLOHU   ([FHVVHOHFWULFLW\   7RWDO   /RDG &RQVXPSWLRQ )UDFWLRQ N:K\U 7KHUPDOORDG   7RWDO   4XDQWLW\ 9DOXH 8QLWV ([FHVVWKHUPDOHQHUJ\  N:K\U $&:LQG7XUELQH1RUWKZLQG% 9DULDEOH 9DOXH 8QLWV 7RWDOUDWHGFDSDFLW\  N: 0HDQRXWSXW  N: &DSDFLW\IDFWRU   7RWDOSURGXFWLRQ  N:K\U 9DULDEOH 9DOXH 8QLWV 0LQLPXPRXWSXW  N: 0D[LPXPRXWSXW  N: :LQGSHQHWUDWLRQ   +RXUVRIRSHUDWLRQ  KU\U /HYHOL]HGFRVW  N:K *HQHUDWRU 4XDQWLW\ 9DOXH 8QLWV Page G-118 +RXUVRIRSHUDWLRQ  KU\U 1XPEHURIVWDUWV  VWDUWV\U 2SHUDWLRQDOOLIH  \U &DSDFLW\IDFWRU   )L[HGJHQHUDWLRQFRVW  KU 0DUJLQDOJHQHUDWLRQFRVW  N:K\U 4XDQWLW\ 9DOXH 8QLWV (OHFWULFDOSURGXFWLRQ  N:K\U 0HDQHOHFWULFDORXWSXW  N: 0LQHOHFWULFDORXWSXW  N: 0D[HOHFWULFDORXWSXW  N: 7KHUPDOSURGXFWLRQ  N:K\U 0HDQWKHUPDORXWSXW  N: 0LQWKHUPDORXWSXW  N: 0D[WKHUPDORXWSXW  N: 4XDQWLW\ 9DOXH 8QLWV )XHOFRQVXPSWLRQ  /\U 6SHFLILFIXHOFRQVXPSWLRQ  /N:K )XHOHQHUJ\LQSXW  N:K\U 0HDQHOHFWULFDOHIILFLHQF\   0HDQWRWDOHIILFLHQF\   *HQHUDWRU 4XDQWLW\ 9DOXH 8QLWV +RXUVRIRSHUDWLRQ  KU\U 1XPEHURIVWDUWV  VWDUWV\U 2SHUDWLRQDOOLIH  \U &DSDFLW\IDFWRU   )L[HGJHQHUDWLRQFRVW  KU 0DUJLQDOJHQHUDWLRQFRVW  N:K\U 4XDQWLW\ 9DOXH 8QLWV (OHFWULFDOSURGXFWLRQ  N:K\U 0HDQHOHFWULFDORXWSXW  N: 0LQHOHFWULFDORXWSXW  N: 0D[HOHFWULFDORXWSXW  N: Page G-119 7KHUPDOSURGXFWLRQ  N:K\U 0HDQWKHUPDORXWSXW  N: 0LQWKHUPDORXWSXW  N: 0D[WKHUPDORXWSXW  N: 4XDQWLW\ 9DOXH 8QLWV )XHOFRQVXPSWLRQ  /\U 6SHFLILFIXHOFRQVXPSWLRQ  /N:K )XHOHQHUJ\LQSXW  N:K\U 0HDQHOHFWULFDOHIILFLHQF\   0HDQWRWDOHIILFLHQF\   (PLVVLRQV 3ROOXWDQW (PLVVLRQV NJ\U &DUERQGLR[LGH  &DUERQPRQR[LGH  8QEXUQHGK\GRFDUERQV  3DUWLFXODWHPDWWHU  6XOIXUGLR[LGH  1LWURJHQR[LGHV  Page G-120 www.knightpiesold.com Appendix H Enercon E33 Economics Table of Contents Height Diesel Price US$/Gal Page Number 37 m 3.75 H-1 37 m 5.15 H-6 37 m 5.50 H-11 37 m 6.25 H-16 50 m 3.75 H-21 50 m 5.15 H-26 50 m 5.50 H-31 50 m 6.25 H-36 DV103.00204.04 Port Heiden Wind Power Feasibility Study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age H-1 (QHUFRQ(       *HQHUDWRU       *HQHUDWRU       %RLOHU      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age H-4 0HDQWKHUPDORXWSXW  N: 0LQWKHUPDORXWSXW  N: 0D[WKHUPDORXWSXW  N: 4XDQWLW\ 9DOXH 8QLWV )XHOFRQVXPSWLRQ  /\U 6SHFLILFIXHOFRQVXPSWLRQ  /N:K )XHOHQHUJ\LQSXW  N:K\U 0HDQHOHFWULFDOHIILFLHQF\   0HDQWRWDOHIILFLHQF\   (PLVVLRQV 3ROOXWDQW (PLVVLRQV NJ\U &DUERQGLR[LGH  &DUERQPRQR[LGH  8QEXUQHGK\GRFDUERQV  3DUWLFXODWHPDWWHU  6XOIXUGLR[LGH  1LWURJHQR[LGHV  Page H-5 6\VWHP5HSRUW3RUW+HLGHQB:,1'KPU 6HQVLWLYLW\FDVH  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0LQWKHUPDORXWSXW  N: 0D[WKHUPDORXWSXW  N: 4XDQWLW\ 9DOXH 8QLWV )XHOFRQVXPSWLRQ  /\U 6SHFLILFIXHOFRQVXPSWLRQ  /N:K )XHOHQHUJ\LQSXW  N:K\U 0HDQHOHFWULFDOHIILFLHQF\   0HDQWRWDOHIILFLHQF\   *HQHUDWRU 4XDQWLW\ 9DOXH 8QLWV +RXUVRIRSHUDWLRQ  KU\U 1XPEHURIVWDUWV  VWDUWV\U 2SHUDWLRQDOOLIH  \U &DSDFLW\IDFWRU   )L[HGJHQHUDWLRQFRVW  KU 0DUJLQDOJHQHUDWLRQFRVW  N:K\U 4XDQWLW\ 9DOXH 8QLWV (OHFWULFDOSURGXFWLRQ  N:K\U 0HDQHOHFWULFDORXWSXW  N: 0LQHOHFWULFDORXWSXW  N: 0D[HOHFWULFDORXWSXW  N: Page H-19 7KHUPDOSURGXFWLRQ  N:K\U 0HDQWKHUPDORXWSXW  N: 0LQWKHUPDORXWSXW  N: 0D[WKHUPDORXWSXW  N: 4XDQWLW\ 9DOXH 8QLWV )XHOFRQVXPSWLRQ  /\U 6SHFLILFIXHOFRQVXPSWLRQ  /N:K )XHOHQHUJ\LQSXW  N:K\U 0HDQHOHFWULFDOHIILFLHQF\   0HDQWRWDOHIILFLHQF\   (PLVVLRQV 3ROOXWDQW (PLVVLRQV NJ\U &DUERQGLR[LGH  &DUERQPRQR[LGH  8QEXUQHGK\GRFDUERQV  3DUWLFXODWHPDWWHU  6XOIXUGLR[LGH  1LWURJHQR[LGHV  Page H-20 6\VWHP5HSRUW3RUW+HLGHQB:,1'KPU 6HQVLWLYLW\FDVH  3+BWRZQ6FDOHG$YHUDJH  N:KG  7KHUPDO/RDG6FDOHG$YHUDJH  N:KG  :LQG'DWD6FDOHG$YHUDJH  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     (QHUFRQ(       *HQHUDWRU       *HQHUDWRU       %RLOHU       2WKHU       6\VWHP       $QQXDOL]HG&RVWV &RPSRQHQW &DSLWDO 5HSODFHPHQW 2 0 )XHO 6DOYDJH 7RWDO Page H-26 \U \U \U \U \U \U (QHUFRQ(       *HQHUDWRU       *HQHUDWRU       %RLOHU       2WKHU       6\VWHP       (OHFWULFDO &RPSRQHQW 3URGXFWLRQ )UDFWLRQ N:K\U :LQGWXUELQH   *HQHUDWRU   *HQHUDWRU   7RWDO   /RDG &RQVXPSWLRQ )UDFWLRQ N:K\U $&SULPDU\ORDG   7RWDO   4XDQWLW\ 9DOXH 8QLWV ([FHVVHOHFWULFLW\  N:K\U 8QPHWORDG  N:K\U &DSDFLW\VKRUWDJH  N:K\U 5HQHZDEOHIUDFWLRQ  Page H-27 7KHUPDO &RPSRQHQW 3URGXFWLRQ )UDFWLRQ N:K\U *HQHUDWRU   %RLOHU   ([FHVVHOHFWULFLW\   7RWDO   /RDG &RQVXPSWLRQ )UDFWLRQ N:K\U 7KHUPDOORDG   7RWDO   4XDQWLW\ 9DOXH 8QLWV ([FHVVWKHUPDOHQHUJ\  N:K\U $&:LQG7XUELQH(QHUFRQ( 9DULDEOH 9DOXH 8QLWV 7RWDOUDWHGFDSDFLW\  N: 0HDQRXWSXW  N: &DSDFLW\IDFWRU   7RWDOSURGXFWLRQ  N:K\U 9DULDEOH 9DOXH 8QLWV 0LQLPXPRXWSXW  N: 0D[LPXPRXWSXW  N: :LQGSHQHWUDWLRQ   +RXUVRIRSHUDWLRQ  KU\U /HYHOL]HGFRVW  N:K *HQHUDWRU 4XDQWLW\ 9DOXH 8QLWV 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Page I-19 7KHUPDOSURGXFWLRQ  N:K\U 0HDQWKHUPDORXWSXW  N: 0LQWKHUPDORXWSXW  N: 0D[WKHUPDORXWSXW  N: 4XDQWLW\ 9DOXH 8QLWV )XHOFRQVXPSWLRQ  /\U 6SHFLILFIXHOFRQVXPSWLRQ  /N:K )XHOHQHUJ\LQSXW  N:K\U 0HDQHOHFWULFDOHIILFLHQF\   0HDQWRWDOHIILFLHQF\   (PLVVLRQV 3ROOXWDQW (PLVVLRQV NJ\U &DUERQGLR[LGH  &DUERQPRQR[LGH  8QEXUQHGK\GRFDUERQV  3DUWLFXODWHPDWWHU  6XOIXUGLR[LGH  1LWURJHQR[LGHV  Page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1LWURJHQR[LGHV  Page I-40 www.knightpiesold.com Appendix J Vergnet GEV-MP-C Economics Table of Contents Height Diesel Price US$/Gal Page Number 37 m 3.75 J-1 37 m 5.15 J-6 37 m 5.50 J-11 37 m 6.25 J-16 55 m 3.75 J-21 55 m 5.15 J-26 55 m 5.50 J-31 55 m 6.25 J-36 DV103.00204.04 Port Heiden Wind Power Feasibility Study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age J-1 9HUJQHWN:*(903&       *HQHUDWRU    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