HomeMy WebLinkAboutPoint Hope Wind-Diesel Project Geotechnical Review and Feasibility Study for Wind Turbines - Jan 2012 - REF Grant 7040026 Golder, Golder Associates and the GA globe design are trademarks of Golder Associates Corporation A world ofcapabilities delivered locally GEOTECHNICAL REVIEW AND FEASIBILITY STUDIES FOR WIND TURBINES Point Hope, Point Lay, and Wainwright, Alaska Submitted To: Messrs. Jay Hermanson and Ross Klooster WHPacific 300 West 31st Avenue Anchorage, AK 99503 Submitted By: Golder Associates Inc. 2121 Abbott Road, Suite 100 Anchorage, AK 99507 USA Distribution: 1 PDF - WHPacific 2 Copies Golder Associates Inc. January 27, 2012 113-95573 REPORT January 2012 i 113-95573 WHPacific NSB Wind Feasibility Table of Contents 1.0 INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................................ 1 2.0 EXISTING GEOTECHNICAL DATA REVIEW.............................................................................. 2 2.1 Point Hope Relevant Geotechnical Data ............................................................................... 2 2.2 Point Lay Relevant Geotechnical Data.................................................................................. 2 2.3 Wainwright Relevant Geotechnical Data ............................................................................... 3 3.0 POINT HOPE EXISTING INFORMATION ................................................................................... 4 3.1 Point Hope Regional Climate Information ................................................................................ 4 3.2 Anticipated Subsurface Conditions in Point Hope .................................................................... 5 3.2.1 Point Hope Wind Turbine Site Conditions ............................................................................ 6 4.0 POINT LAY EXISTING INFORMATION ...................................................................................... 7 4.1 Point Lay Regional Climate Information................................................................................... 7 4.2 Anticipated Subsurface Conditions in Point Lay....................................................................... 8 4.2.1 Point Lay Wind Turbine Site Conditions............................................................................... 8 5.0 WAINWRIGHT EXISTING INFORMATION ............................................................................... 10 5.1 Wainwright Regional Climate Information .............................................................................. 10 5.2 Anticipated Subsurface Conditions in Wainwright .................................................................. 10 5.2.1 Wainwright Wind Turbine Site Conditions .......................................................................... 11 6.0 FOUNDATION CONCEPTS AND CONSTRUCTABILITY CONSIDERATIONS .......................... 12 6.1 Point Hope Foundation Concepts .......................................................................................... 12 6.2 Point Lay and Wainwright Foundation Concepts .................................................................... 13 7.0 USE OF REPORT ..................................................................................................................... 15 8.0 CLOSING ................................................................................................................................. 16 9.0 REFERENCES ......................................................................................................................... 17 January 2012 ii 113-95573 WHPacific NSB Wind Feasibility List of Tables Table 1 Engineering Climate Indices for Point Hope, Alaska Table 2 Engineering Climate Indices for Point Lay, Alaska Table 3 Engineering Climate Indices for Wainwright, Alaska List of Figures Figure 1 Vicinity Map Figure 2 Point Hope Location and Site Map Figure 3 Point Lay Location and Site Map Figure 4 Wainwright Location and Site Map List of Appendices Appendix A Point Hope Existing Geotechnical Data Appendix B Point Lay Existing Geotechnical Data Appendix C Wainwright Existing Geotechnical Data January 2012 1 113-95573 WHPacific NSB Wind Feasibility 1.0 INTRODUCTION Golder Associates Inc. (Golder) is pleased to present our geotechnical review to assist with the feasibility studies of wind power projects in Point Hope, Point Lay, and Wainwright, all in the North Slope Borough (Figure 1). The purpose of our geotechnical review is to identify potential geotechnical hazards and to provide conceptual foundation recommendations for the proposed wind tower sites in these three Alaskan communities. Our work has been conducted in general accordance with our proposal to you, dated January 7, 2011. Point Hope: We understand that the proposed wind turbine sites are east and west of the developed village in relatively undisturbed areas. The proposed Point Hope wind turbine sites are shown on Figure 2 village). Point Lay: There are two proposed wind turbine sites at Point Lay: to the north of the community, and southwest of the community, located on a bluff adjacent to the lagoon. bluff overlooking the lagoon. The proposed Point Lay wind turbine sites are shown on Figure 3. Wainwright: There are two proposed wind turbine sites at Wainwright, both northeast of the village: further from the village near an existing access road. Both sites appear to be located in relatively undisturbed tundra. The proposed wind turbine sites are shown on Figure 4. January 2012 2 113-95573 WHPacific NSB Wind Feasibility 2.0 EXISTING GEOTECHNICAL DATA REVIEW Historical reports were reviewed to provide a general understanding of the subsurface conditions near the proposed tower sites. Select borehole and test pit logs are attached as appendices to this report. 2.1 Point Hope Relevant Geotechnical Data The approximate locations of select borings and test pits on shown on Figure 2. Relevant data can be found in Appendix A. September 1994: Duane Miller Associates (DMA) drilled ten boreholes to depths ranging from 10 to 25 feet below ground surface (bgs) and excavated 11 test pits between 5 and 6.5 feet bgs for water and sewer improvements. The active layer was observed between 5 and 6 feet deep in the village area. Observed soil conditions consisted of sand and gravel with little to no fines (material passing US no. 200 sieve), except in thin deposits at the base of the swales. Considerable visible ice was observed beneath the active layer; however ice was typically noted as filling the pore spaces. May 1994: DMA drilled two boreholes to 35.5 feet and 30 feet deep for a proposed power plant addition near the center of the village. Gravel and sand deposits were observed from the surface to borehole exploration depths. Gravel size was typically smaller than 1.5-inch diameter, however, a minor amount of gravel was observed larger than this size. Sand content was observed to increase somewhat with depth. 2.2 Point Lay Relevant Geotechnical Data The approximate locations of select borings and test pits are shown on Figure 3. Relevant data can be found in Appendix B. October 2008: DMA excavated eight test trenches for new roads and road upgrades in Point Lay. The trenching equipment was limited to 8 feet in depth. Two of the test trenches were terminated in massive ice. Massive ice was not observed in the other test tranches, however the silt and organic soils were ice-rich with high moisture contents in the natural soils ranging between 20 and 240 percent, and averaging 150%. December 1994 and May 1995: DMA drilled fifteen test boreholes to depths between 4 feet and 21.5 feet bgs. A surficial organic mat of live moss and peat 1 foot to 5 feet thick is underlain by organic silt with high ice contents ranging between 2 feet and 12 feet thick. The organic silt is interlayered with gray mineral silt. Massive ice with silt inclusions is common and associated with the organic silt. Sand and gravel deposits were observed around 15 feet. Salinity contents were low in the peat and organic silts, but were elevated in the gravel and some silt samples, ranging between 5 and 23 parts per thousand (ppt). May 1996: Shiltec Alaska Ltd. Measured ground temperatures in 6 of the boreholes drilled by DMA for the water and sewer project. The average ground temperature for the 6 boreholes was 15 ºF at 15 feet bgs. Ground temperatures measured in May would reflect a relatively cool temperature profile from near surface to 15 feet deep. January 2012 3 113-95573 WHPacific NSB Wind Feasibility 2.3 Wainwright Relevant Geotechnical Data The approximate locations of select borings and test pits are shown on Figure 4. Relevant data can be found in Appendix C. May and June 1994: DMA conducted a field investigation in support of a buried water and sewer project throughout Wainwright by drilling and sampling 64 boreholes with a local highway auger. The subsurface soils generally consisted of an organic layer of peat and organic silt (tundra), underlain by icy silt, sandy silt and silty sand. Massive ice was observed in many of the test borings throughout the village and averaged about 5 feet thick, although was observed as a 19.5-foot-thick layer in one borehole. Ground temperatures in the boreholes were measured in the summer, with average shallow permafrost temperatures between 22 ºF and 27 °F at about 10 feet below existing grade. Pore water salinity was measured in recovered soil samples and ranged from 0 to 8 ppt. 1994 and 1995: Shiltec Alaska Ltd. measured a series of ground temperatures in 10 of the boreholes drilled by DMA for the water and sewer project. The average ground temperature for the 10 boreholes was 17 ºF at 15 feet deep and below. January 2012 4 113-95573 WHPacific NSB Wind Feasibility 3.0 POINT HOPE EXISTING INFORMATION Point Hope is located on the west coast of northern Alaska, along the Chukchi Sea. They all are in the Arctic climate zone, with temperatures ranging between 30 ºF and 50 ºF in the summer, and 0 ºF and -10 ºF in the winter, although temperatures have been recorded between -78 ºF and -50 ºF. For much of the year, the Arctic Ocean has little or no moderating effect on the climate when it is covered by sea ice. Precipitation is light, about 5 inches to 12 inches annually, with about 21 inches to 36 inches of snowfall. The village is located on a gravel spit extending to the west about 6 miles from the tundra mainland. The spit is bordered by the Chukchi Sea and has been formed by long shore currents moving along the shoreline. The gravel spit is about 4000 feet wide and consists of a series of beach ridges and intervening swales that parallel the axis of the spit to about elevation 14 feet on the north side. The swales between the beach lines are 2 feet to 4 feet lower than the tops of the ridges. The spit is actively eroding from the west and aggrading on south. North of the village, near the border with Marryat Inlet, alluvial deposits of stratified silt and sand with peat and tundra vegetation are typical. Polygonal ice wedge terrain is evident from aerial photography along the southern shore of Marryat Inlet. In the 1970s, erosion along the northwest beach of the spit, measured at 8.8 feet per year, prompted the village to move. By the late 1970s, the majority of the village has moved eastward on the spit approximately 2 miles, bringing it to its current location. The village is currently located near the center of the spit in an area that has been leveled by filling the beach troughs with fill material. The village area is unvegetated, but the troughs of the old beach lines reportedly had thin organic deposits before that were covered by fill. 3.1 Point Hope Regional Climate Information Design climate data including average thawing and freezing indices for the Point Hope area are presented in Table 1. The indices are calculated from data available by the University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) Scenarios Network for Alaska Planning (SNAP). Design indices are based on the average of the three coldest winters (freezing index) or the three warmest summers (thawing index) observed during the analysis period. Included in Table 1 are projected climate data for year 2012 to 2042 based on the UAF SNAP data. SNAP data was prepared by Rupp et al. (2009), and is distributed as two separate products. Historical records were calculated using the PRISM model by combining climate data from multiple meteorological records across the state of Alaska from 1901 to 2009, and modeled across the state in a manner that Forward-looking projections were prepared from 2012 to 2042 utilizing the ECHAM5 global climate model, assuming the mid-range A1B carbon emission scenario. January 2012 5 113-95573 WHPacific NSB Wind Feasibility Table 1: Engineering Climate Indices for Point Hope, Alaska 1948 1978 1979 2009 2012 2042 (estimated)1 Average Air Temperature 17.8 °F 19.4 °F 22.7 °F Average Freezing Index 6515 °F-days 6100 °F-days 5025 °F-days Average Thawing Index 1330 °F-days 1500 °F-days 1635 °F-days Design Freezing Index 7440 °F-days 7180 °F-days 6520 °F-days Design Thawing Index 1565 °F-days 1900 °F-days 2230 °F-days Notes: 1) Projected by UAF SNAP, Global Climate Model ECHAM5, Emission Scenario A1B 3.2 Anticipated Subsurface Conditions in Point Hope Point Hope is underlain by relatively uniform subsurface conditions, consisting primarily of gravel and sand deposits with low amounts of fines and permafrost beneath the active layer. Within the developed village area, DMA measured active layer depths ranging between 5 to 6 feet in 1994. The active layer depths observed in 1994 may have been influenced by surface disturbance and fill placement within the village, and also possibly the effect of warming trends that have affected the region. The warming trends have been continuing, and deeper active layer depths could be expected, in the range of 5 to 8 feet. Average moisture contents measured in the upper 5 feet were 5 percent for unfrozen gravel, and 15 percent for the frozen gravels. Below 5 feet, most soils tested were frozen, with average moisture content of 13 percent. salinity content of soil testing from the 1995 DMA report in Point Hope. Moisture contents tend to vary considerably in the gravel and sand below 5 feet, generally ranging between 5 and 25 percent. Just below the active layer, a slight elevation in the moisture contents is apparent, and is likely due to an increase in ice content in the zone near the base of the active layer, which will provide a surface for groundwater to perch on and will fluctuate with time depending partially on annual seasonal air temperatures. Average pore water salinity in samples throughout the village is 4 parts per thousand (ppt), and tends to range between 0 and 3 ppt in the upper 10 feet. There is a wide range of salinity values near the 20 foot depth, ranging between 2 and 20 ppt. A pore water salinity content of 10 ppt will lower the freezing point of water by approximately 1 ºF. In general, the material that has been observed in Point Hope has little fines content. In the upper 5 feet, the fines content is below 5 percent. Below 5 feet, the fines content becomes more variable and can range between 3 and 12 percent. The observed gravel and sand underlying the Point Hope is generally non-frost susceptible. January 2012 6 113-95573 WHPacific NSB Wind Feasibility 3.2.1 Point Hope Wind Turbine Site Conditions Both proposed wind turbine sites are located outside the existing village infrastructure in relatively undisturbed areas. Boreholes advanced in the developed portion of the village indicate the area is underlain by sands and gravels with little fines content. Some surface or near surface deposits of silt or organic material may be present, with non-frost susceptible gravel and sand deposits underlying the area. Active layer depths are likely within the range of 4 feet to 8 feet deep; however, snow drifting and site disturbance may influence the thermal conditions sites. The insulating effect of deep snow in particular could reduce the winter cooling, which could result in a deeper active layer and warmer ground temperatures, compared to windswept areas with little winter snow accumulation. January 2012 7 113-95573 WHPacific NSB Wind Feasibility 4.0 POINT LAY EXISTING INFORMATION Point Lay is located on the west coast of northern Alaska, along the Chukchi Sea. They all are in the Arctic climate zone, with temperatures ranging between 30 ºF and 50 ºF in the summer, and 0 ºF and -10 ºF in the winter, although temperatures have been recorded between -78 ºF and -50 ºF. For much of the year, the Arctic Ocean has little or no moderating effect on the climate when it is covered by sea ice. Precipitation is light, about 5 inches to 12 inches annually, with about 21 inches to 36 inches of snowfall. Point Lay is on the coast of the Chukchi Sea, situated on ice-rich soils between a beach ridge and a lagoon. The lagoon and barrier beach protect the village from direct ocean current erosion, but some bank deterioration, aided by thermal erosion, is occurring. Point Lay lies within the Arctic Coastal Plain physiographic province, which is typified by gently topography, ice-bonded permafrost soils, wet tundra, oriented thaw lakes, and meandering stream channels. The tundra plain in the Point Lay area has little relief, and surficial drainage is poorly defined. A low hill near the northern end of the village provides minimal surface drainage, but water ponding is common between the gravel pads in several parts of town. Drifting snow is a continuous problem throughout the winter months and snow storage at the edge of gravel pads contributes to the standing water in the spring and early summer. The village has been built directly on the tundra. Some smaller structures are built on at-grade sills on a gravel fill pad but most buildings are pile supported. A 2 foot to 4 foot gravel overlay is commonly used for roadways, parking and staging areas. 4.1 Point Lay Regional Climate Information Design climate data, including average thawing and freezing indices for the Point Lay area are presented in Table 2. Parameters were derived based on the methods discussed in Section 3.1. Table 2: Engineering Climate Indices for Point Lay, Alaska 1948 1978 1979 2009 2012 2042 (estimated)1 Average Air Temperature 12.1 °F 14.1 °F 16.5 °F Average Freezing Index 8400 °F-days 7850 °F-days 6985 °F-days Average Thawing Index 1120 °F-days 1310 °F-days 1340 °F-days Design Freezing Index 9360 °F-days 8845 °F-days 8300 °F-days Design Thawing Index 1370 °F-days 1710 °F-days 1700 °F-days Notes: 1) Projected by UAF SNAP, Global Climate Model ECHAM5, Emission Scenario A1B January 2012 8 113-95573 WHPacific NSB Wind Feasibility 4.2 Anticipated Subsurface Conditions in Point Lay The soils underlying Point Lay are very icy. The surficial organic mat of live moss and peat is underlain by organic silt with high ice contents. Below about 10 feet the brown organic silt is interbedded with gray silt with sand and fine gravel, probably of estuarine origin. Old beach deposits of sand and sandy gravel are present at depths below an average of about 15 feet, but as shallow as about 10 feet in some areas. The coarse granular material is well rounded and may contain saline pore water. Massive ice with silt inclusions is common in association with the organic silt, and generally is observed in the upper 10 feet. The coarse-grained deposits contain some interstitial ice; however, massive ice is uncommon. Average moisture contents measured in the upper 10 feet were 160 percent for the surficial organic samples and 103 percent for silt and sandy silt, reflecting the high ice content in the soil in the soils closest to the surface. Below 10 feet, the average moisture content for the silts and sandy silts was 73 and 57 percent, respectively. Coarse material consisting of sand, gravel and silty sand are typically observed below about 15 feet deep. The average moisture content of the coarse grained material is 20 percent. Two plots of moisture contents are shown on . Average pore water salinity of the surface organic samples is low, ranging between 0 ppt and 3 ppt in the upper ten feet (organic and fine grained silt deposits). Below 10 feet, pore water salinity varies more, and ranges between 1 ppt and 25 ppt however salinity concentrations of 100 ppt have been reported in portions of the village. The elevated pore water salinities were generally measured in samples that were classified as sandy silt that was typically observed above the coarse granular beach deposits. A pore water salinity content of 10 ppt will lower the freezing point of water by approximately 1 ºF. A plot of pore water salinity content with depth is shown There is limited ground temperature data for the Point Lay area. Ground temperatures measured by Shiltec in May 1996 indicate an average temperature of 15 ºF at 15 feet below ground surface. The reviewed geotechnical explorations were conducted during winter when the soil profile was fully frozen, and the active layer was not observed. Based on the average annual air temperature data and the general near surface soil conditions, the active layer is expected to range between 1 and 3 feet deep. 4.2.1 Point Lay Wind Turbine Site Conditions Two sites for the wind turbine have been identified in Point Lay. is on the north end of the community, while the Site is on a bluff to the southwest of the community. Both sites appear to be located on relatively undisturbed tundra. Subsurface conditions are similar in most areas of the village, and are typified by icy soils with massive ice underlying much of the area. Beneath icy fine-grained soils, coarse grained beach deposits are observed generally from 15 feet below ground surface. Elevated pore January 2012 9 113-95573 WHPacific NSB Wind Feasibility water salinity contents have been measured in samples near the 20 foot depth, however, typically range between 1 and 10 ppt. However pore water salinities on the order of 100 ppt have been reported in the village. Active layer thickness is likely within the range of 1 foot to 3 feet. The proximity of the wind turbine sites to landforms and topography that may encourage snow drifting may increase the thickness of the active layer and may also result in relatively warmer ground temperatures beneath the sites. January 2012 10 113-95573 WHPacific NSB Wind Feasibility 5.0 WAINWRIGHT EXISTING INFORMATION Wainwright is located on the west coast of northern Alaska, along the Chukchi Sea. They all are in the Arctic climate zone, with temperatures ranging between 30 F and 50F in the summer, and 0 ºF and -10 ºF in the winter, although temperatures have been recorded between -78 ºF and -50 ºF. For much of the year, the Arctic Ocean has little or no moderating effect on the climate when it is covered by sea ice. Precipitation is light, about 5 inches to 12 inches annually, with about 21 inches to 36 inches of snowfall. the Kuk River Estuary. gentle topography, ice-bonded permafrost soils, wet tundra, oriented thaw lakes and meandering stream channels. Wainwright is in a zone of cold continuous permafrost. The terrain has little relief, although the polygonal patterned ground from ice-wedge development is evident on the terrain. 5.1 Wainwright Regional Climate Information Design climate data, including average thawing and freezing indices for the Wainwright area are presented in Table 3. Parameters were derived based on the methods discussed in Section 3.1. Table 3: Engineering Climate Indices for Wainwright, Alaska 1948 1978 1979 2009 2012 2042 (estimated)1 Average Air Temperature 10.2 °F 12.4 °F 14.4 °F Average Freezing Index 8745 °F-days 8130 °F-days 7380 °F-days Average Thawing Index 765 °F-days 970 °F-days 945 °F-days Design Freezing Index 9780 °F-days 9095 °F-days 8570 °F-days Design Thawing Index 1015 °F-days 1360 °F-days 1235 °F-days Notes: 1) Projected by UAF SNAP, Global Climate Model ECHAM5, Emission Scenario A1B 5.2 Anticipated Subsurface Conditions in Wainwright The subsurface soil conditions in Wainwright appear to be similar throughout the village. Subsurface soils typically consist of a thin live organic tundra mat, underlain by ice-rich organic soils and ice rich silts and sandy silts. Silty sand, sand and gravelly sand generally underlay the area, and have been observed at depths ranging from about 15 feet to 20 feet deep, although coarse grained deposits may be deeper in some locations. The area is underlain by continuous permafrost, although shallow zones of unfrozen soil have been observed associated with drained lake beds. The ice content of the soils varies widely. Polygonal ground is present throughout the area. Massive ice is common in Wainwright and is typically observed at an average of 3 feet below the natural ground surface. January 2012 11 113-95573 WHPacific NSB Wind Feasibility Average moisture contents measured in the upper 10 feet were 170 percent for the surficial organic samples and 83 percent for silt and sandy silt, reflecting the high ice content in the soil in the soils closest to the surface. Below 10 feet, the average moisture content for the silts and silty sands was 83 and 34 percent, respectively. Coarse material consisting of sand, gravel and silty sand are typically observed below about 15 feet deep. The average moisture content of the coarse grained material is 36 percent. A endix C. Average pore water salinity in samples the near surface organic samples are low, ranging between 0 and less than 1 ppt in the upper ten feet (organic and fine grained silt deposits). In the silts and silty sands in the upper 10 feet, pore water salinity ranges between 0 and 8 ppt, and average 1.2 ppt. In the silts and silty sands below 10 feet, pore water salinity varies more, and ranges between 1 and 11 ppt, and average 2.7. The elevated pore water salinities were generally measured in samples that were classified as silty sand that was typically observed above the coarse granular beach deposits. A pore water salinity content of 10 ppt will lower the freezing point of water by approximately 1 ºF. A plot of pore water salinity content with depth is The ground temperature data that was measured by Shiltec throughout 1994 and 1995 provide a range of seasonal temperatures. The average temperature at a depth of 18.8 ºF at 15 feet deep, and ranges seasonally between about 16.1 ºF and 21.5 ºF. At a depth near 24 feet deep, the average temperature is 16 ºF, and ranges seasonally between about 14 ºF and 22 ºF at depths between 15 and 25 feet deep. Based on the average annual air temperature data and the general near surface soil conditions, the active layer is expected to range between 1 and 2.5 feet deep. Active layer depths may be relatively deeper in areas with relatively thicker snow drifting in the winter. 5.2.1 Wainwright Wind Turbine Site Conditions A proposed wind turbine sites in Wainwright are located northeasterly of the village on relatively undisturbed tundra. Reviewed areal imagery shows that both sites are characterized by polygonal patterned ground. Thaw lake and drained lake beds do not appear to be present at the sites, although some localized ponding may be present or nearby. Subsurface conditions are expected to be similar to that observed elsewhere in the Wainwright area, consisting of a thin surficial organic mat, underlain by 1 to 5 feet of organic silt, and further underlain by deposits of silt, sandy silt and silty sand. Coarse grained deposits of sand and gravel may underlie the fine-grained deposits, and could be encountered as shallow as 15 feet deep. The soils are expected to be icy, with massive wedge-ice common and moisture contents in excess of thawed state saturation in the fine-grained deposits. Pore water salinities are not expected to affect the thermal state of the soils. Ground temperatures at the site are expected to be typical of the Wainwright area, ranging between about 14 ºF and 22 ºF. January 2012 12 113-95573 WHPacific NSB Wind Feasibility 6.0 FOUNDATION CONCEPTS AND CONSTRUCTABILITY CONSIDERATIONS 6.1 Point Hope Foundation Concepts The permafrost conditions are unique at the proposed Northwind 100 tower location in Point Hope. While permafrost is present, it is typically ice poor - a condition where ice is not present in concentrations exceeding thawed state saturation and individual sand and gravel particles have grain-to-grain contact in the permafrost. If permitted to thaw, the permafrost will generally experience thaw strains based on ice to water phase change volumes, but thaw strains in ice-poor materials generally do not exceed the volumetric change due to ice/water phase change. Seasonal frost heave is generally low in this area, primarily related to the coarse-grained nature of the in-place soil. In general, the granular soils at Point Hope are considered non-frost susceptible. Accordingly, many structures in Point Hope are founded on post and pad or at-grade foundation with or without passive subgrade cooling and rigid insulation. A site-specific geotechnical exploration is required for turbine foundation system. However, based on nearby geotechnical data, it may be possible to use a concrete or steel frame mat foundation system for this site. The mat foundation can be founded on the prepared in-place granular soils but a structural fill section between the foundation and the in-place soil should be considered. Structural fill should be Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (ADOT&PF) Subbase A or similar material. Rigid insulation under the mat foundation should also be considered. If used, the rigid insulation should have a compressive strength suitable for the design loads, both sustained and transient. Structural fill should be placed and compacted in a thawed state. Structural fill should be placed in nominal one foot thick lifts compacted to at least 95 percent of maximum dry density as determined by the modified Proctor test method. A mat foundation system will rely solely on gravity to resist overturn and uplift loads, which may be considerable with the Northwind 100 turbine systems. The civil and structural design will determine the depth of excavation and fill requirements above the mat foundation. Mat foundation embedment depths on the order of 10 to 12 feet may be necessary to develop adequate overturning and uplift resistance. Passive subgrade cooling may be required under the mat foundation. If so, Arctic Foundations, Inc. (AFI) Flat Loop passive subgrade cooling may be considered. The AFI Flat Loop passive subgrade cooling system may be installed within the structural fill. Subgrade cooling will provide several engineering advantages. Thaw into the underlying soil will be limited reducing the volumetric ice to water thaw strain discussed above. If frozen throughout the project January 2012 13 113-95573 WHPacific NSB Wind Feasibility design life, the underlying soil will have a greater allowable bearing capacity and stiffness relative to thaw state conditions. Site access for construction and long-term operations and maintenance should be included with the civil design. 6.2 Point Lay and Wainwright Foundation Concepts The soils at Point Lay are ice rich silt to massive ice underlying an organic mat of several feet thick. Active layer depth (seasonal thaw depth) is expected to be in the range of three feet, but may be deeper in areas with disturbed surface vegetation or along the margins of the patterned (polygonal) ground. Large thaw strains will occur if the underlying permafrost is disturbed. Accordingly, the civil engineering design for this site must not allow the underlying permafrost to thaw or warm to levels where accelerated creep will occur. Pore water salinity is present, but generally at concentrations that will not significantly impact the tower foundation performance provided the ground temperatures are maintained at their current levels However, pore water salinity concentrations in excess of 100 ppt have been reported in Point Lay. Elevated pore water salinity concentrations at either site may impact foundation performance and creep rates under sustained loads. It is important the site-specific geotechnical efforts verify pore water salinity concentrations throughout the expected foundation embedment depths at the planned tower sites as part of the geotechnical engineering work. While a site-specific geotechnical exploration and engineering assessment is required for the tower foundation, several conceptual-level foundation design elements should be considered at the feasibility stage. The tower site subsurface conditions will most likely consist of very icy silt to massive ice under the tundra. The tundra mat must be protected during the tower construction and for operations and maintenance access. A gravel pad should be included with the project for construction and regular maintenance. The gravel pad should be 4 to 5 feet thick but a thinner section may be feasible if rigid insulation is placed within the pad fill. An adfreeze pile foundation system should be used for the tower foundation with an above grade pile cap/tower base system. Cast-in-place concrete, pre-cast concrete and steel frame pile cap/tower base systems have been used in permafrost regions. A clear space between the concrete or steel tower base is necessary. However, the tower systems are not heated thus an 18 to 24 inch clear space may be suitable if a gravel pad is used. The tower base January 2012 14 113-95573 WHPacific NSB Wind Feasibility should not rest directly on the pad or tundra in order to allow for season frost related pad movements. Also, access for welding and mechanical connections between the pad or tundra and the tower base typically requires 18 to 24 inches. The foundations should be steel pipe piles installed with drill and slurry methods. The pipe pile may include a 2-inch helix around the bottom portion of the pile to develop additional capacity. The pile boreholes should be dry augered without use of drill muds or added heat sufficient to provide a nominal 3 inch radial annulus between the pile (or helix if used) and the borehole sidewall. The slurry should be clean sand and gravel mixed with potable water, placed and densified in the annular space. The pipe pile dimensions will depend on the structural loads, but pipe piles in the range of 16 to 24 inch diameter have been used for Northwind100 turbine units in similar conditions. Six piles supporting a continuous concrete or steel base frame have been used for Northwind 100 turbine systems in Alaska. Pile embedment depth will depend on structural loads, ground temperatures, and adfreeze bond capacity under sustained and transient load conditions, but pile embedment depths in the range of 30 feet are anticipated. Passive subgrade cooling may be required to achieve and maintain the required ground temperatures to develop adfreeze capacity throughout the pr . If passive subgrade cooling is required, AFI Thermoprobes installed in the slurry backfill at each pile are typically used. In general, settlements will be controlled by long-term creep in ice rich permafrost and can be significantly impacted by pore water salinity. The foundation system should be designed to maintain long-term creep rates in the primary or secondary phase. If properly designed and installed, creep movement in the range of 1 to 2 inches over a 20 year design life can be established, but a site-specific geotechnical assessment is required. Lateral capacity will depend on the pile and cap material and connection (free or fixed head), gravel pad thickness and seasonal thaw depths. In general, the point of fixity is considered about one foot below the base of maximum seasonal thaw. Exterior appurtenances such as electric conduits should be design for total and differential movements at the tower system. January 2012 15 113-95573 WHPacific NSB Wind Feasibility 7.0 USE OF REPORT This report has been prepared for use by WHPacific for the wind turbine feasibility assessments proposed in Point Hope, Point Lay and Wainwright, Alaska. The geotechnical engineering concepts presented herein are based on the assumption Northwind 100 wind turbine systems will be used and are not developed for design or construction. The subsurface conditions are based on existing geotechnical data, and the surface and subsurface conditions at the proposed wind turbine sites may vary from the descriptions and soil index data present in this submittal. In our opinion, site-specific geotechnical investigations and engineering analyses are required at each turbine location. If there are significant changes in the nature, design, or location of the proposed improvements, we should be notified so that we may review our feasibility findings and engineering concepts presented in this submittal in light of the proposed changes and provide a written modification or verification of the changes. The work program followed the standard of care expected of professionals undertaking similar work in Alaska under similar conditions. No warranty expressed or implied is made. January 2012 17 113-95573 WHPacific NSB Wind Feasibility 9.0 REFERENCES CRREL. 1978. Fresh water supply for a village surrounded by salt water, Point Hope, Alaska. dated April. (Project No. 78-7). Hanover, New Hampshire: CRREL Duane Miller Associates. 2009. Geotechnical Exploration and Recommendations, IRR Roads. Prepared for WHPacific, dated May 14. (Project No. 4033.14). Anchorage, AK: DMA. Duane Miller Associates. 1995. Geotechnical Exploration, Water and Sewer Improvements, Wainwright, Alaska. Prepared for North Slope Borough, dated April 1995. (Project No. 4120.003). Anchorage, AK: DMA Duane Miller Associates. 1995. Geotechnical Exploration, Water and Sewer Improvements, Pt. Hope, AK. Prepared for the North Slope Borough, dated May 12. (Project No. 4120.004). Anchorage, AK: DMA Duane Miller Associates.1995. Geotechnical Exploration, Water and Sewer Improvements, Pt. Lay, Alaska. Prepared for the North Slope Borough, dated December 1. (Project No. 4120.005). Anchorage, AK: DMA. Duane Miller Associates. 1994. Geotechnical Investigation, Power Plant Upgrade, Pt. Hope, Alaska. Prepared for RSA Engineering, Inc., dated June 1. (Project No. 4091.002). Anchorage, AK: DMA Rupp, S., Duffy, P., Olson, M., Springsteen, A., Schmidt, J., and Fresco, N., July 2009. Scenarios Network for Alaska Planning. University of Alaska Fairbanks. http://snap.uaf.edu/. Accessed May 2011. FIGURES \\ANC1-S-FS2-VM\Jobs_In_Progress\2011 Jobs\113-95573 WHPacific NSB Wind Feasibility\CAD\Vicinity Map.dwg | 1/27/2012 9:49 AM | AGarrigus | Anchorage, AKSCALE0MILES30301---- ----APG 1/27/12RAM 1/26/12RAM 1/26/120 ----FIG.113-95573Vicinity Map.dwgWHPACIFIC / NSB WIND FEASIBILITY / AKVICINITY MAPNSB FEASIBILITY FEASIBILITYNORTH SLOPE, AKCHECKREVIEWDESIGNCADDSCALEFILE No.PROJECT No.TITLEAS SHOWNREV.PROJECTLOCATIONPOINTHOPEPOINTLAYWAINWRIGHT I-3TP-20TP-21I-4I-5PHO WIND TURBINE SITE BPHO WIND TURBINE SITE AJ:\2011 Jobs\113-95573 WHPacific NSB Wind Feasibility\CAD\Vicinity Map.dwg | 1/27/2012 11:12 AM | AGarrigus | Anchorage, AK0APPROXIMATE SCALEFEET250025002---- ----APG 1/27/12RAM 1/27/12RAM 1/27/120 ----FIG.113-95573Vicinity Map.dwgWHPACIFIC / NSB WIND FEASIBILITY / AKPOINT HOPE LOCATION MAPNSB FEASIBILITY FEASIBILITYNORTH SLOPE, AKCHECKREVIEWDESIGNCADDSCALEFILE No.PROJECT No.TITLEAS SHOWNREV.LEGENDI-42011 GOLDER BOREHOLE NAME AND APPROXIMATELOCATIONIMAGE DATED:SUPPLIED BY AND SOURCED UNDER LICENCEFROM GOOGLE EARTH PRO ON :IMAGE GEOREFERENCED BY GOLDER ANDINTENDED FOR INDICATIVE PURPOSES ONLYSource: Google Earth Pro 201007/25/1107/25/11TP-202011 GOLDER TESTPIT NAME AND APPROXIMATELOCATION PLZ WIND TURBINE SITE APLZ WIND TURBINE SITE BPIZ-3PIZ-4PL-10PL-13J:\2011 Jobs\113-95573 WHPacific NSB Wind Feasibility\CAD\Vicinity Map.dwg | 1/27/2012 11:20 AM | AGarrigus | Anchorage, AK---- ----DBC 1/27/12RAM 1/26/12RAM 1/26/120 ----CHECKREVIEWDESIGNCADDSCALEFILE No.PROJECT No.TITLEAS SHOWNREV.FIG.113-95573Vicinity Map.dwgPOINT LAY LOCATION MAP0APPROXIMATE SCALEFEET600600LEGENDPLZ-1GOLDER BOREHOLE NAME AND APPROXIMATELOCATION MET STATIONA1A2AIN WIND TURBINE SITE AAIN WIND TURBINE SITE BFS44J:\2011 Jobs\113-95573 WHPacific NSB Wind Feasibility\CAD\Vicinity Map.dwg | 1/27/2012 11:16 AM | AGarrigus | Anchorage, AK---- ----DBC 1/27/12RAM 1/26/12RAM 1/26/120 ----CHECKREVIEWDESIGNCADDSCALEFILE No.PROJECT No.TITLEAS SHOWNREV.FIG.113-95573Vicinity Map.dwgWAINWRIGHT LOCATION MAP0APPROXIMATE SCALEFEET600600LEGENDA12011 GOLDER BOREHOLE NAME AND APPROXIMATELOCATION APPENDIX A POINT HOPE EXISTING GEOTECHNICAL DATA APPENDIX B POINT LAY EXISTING GEOTECHNICAL DATA APPENDIX C WAINWRIGHT EXISTING GEOTECHNICAL DATA Golder, Golder Associates and the GA globe design are trademarks of Golder Associates Corporation Golder Associates Inc. 2121 Abbott Road, Suite 100 Anchorage, AK 99507 USA Tel: (907) 344-6001 Fax: (907) 344-6011