HomeMy WebLinkAboutNome Joint Utility System 95% Final Design Banner Wind Integration - Aug 2013WWW.EPSINC.COM PHONE (907) 522-1953 y 3305 ARCTIC BLVD., SUITE 201, ANCHORAGE, ALASKA 99503 y FAX (907) 522-1182 PHONE (425) 883-2833 y 4020 148th AVE NE, SUITE C, REDMOND, WASHINGTON 98052 y FAX (425) 883-0464 System Automation and Wind Upgrade – 95% Design Report for Nome Joint Utility System August 3, 2013 Daniel C Rogers P.E. William J Brimstein P.E. Nome System Automation and Wind Upgrade – 95% Design Report Summary of Changes Revision Revision Date Revision Description 0 August 3, 2013 Initial Revision Nome System Automation and Wind Upgrade – 95% Design Report Table of Contents 1Executive Summary .............................................................................................................. 1 2System Architecture ............................................................................................................. 1 3Control Philosophy ............................................................................................................... 3 4Wind Farm Intertie................................................................................................................. 4 5Electric Boiler System .......................................................................................................... 4 6Budget and Schedule ........................................................................................................... 4  6.1Project Budget .............................................................................................................. 4 6.2Project Schedule .......................................................................................................... 5 7Description of Drawings Package ....................................................................................... 5 8Appendix A - Estimate .......................................................................................................... 6 9Appendix B – 95% Drawings .............................................................................................. 16 Nome System Automation and Wind Upgrade – 95% Design Report August 3, 2013 Page 1 1 1 Executive Summary Electric Power Systems, Inc. (EPS) is assisting Nome Joint Utility System (NJUS) in designing system improvements to allow the integration of existing wind, and to optimize the utilization of the new and existing wind resources. EPS is designing the line extension to interconnect two EWT wind turbines to NJUS’ existing power distribution system. The EWT units will be installed near the existing Banner Ridge wind farm owned by Bering Straits Native Corporation and Sitnasuak Native Corporation. The interconnection at this location will allow additional utilizization of some of the existing infrastructure developed for the original Banner Wind installation. EPS is also performing design to install a supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system to allow NJUS to control their power generation system. The system is designed to further accommodate wind energy, as well as distribution system devices in the future, as they are added to the NJUS system. The system will also accommodate all of the ancillary devices associated with the Power Plant (water heating, radiators, etc.), and is capable of integrating the water system facilities (6th Ave, Well sites, etc.) in the future, including the 1MW electric boiler, should Nome desire. The SCADA system, as presented here, will integrate the existing controls on the Wartsila Units 15 and 16, and provide new controls for the Cat 3616 (Unit 12) and the Cat 3516 (Unit 14). The system will be designed around commercially available hardware (GE RXi PLC’s, Woodward controls) and software (Wonderware InTouch, Canary Labs trending). To allow future upgrades and expansions, all of the source for the application (including those applications developed independently by EPS) will be licensed to NJUS, with the only restrictions being to limit distribution to applications within the NJUS system. This report contains 95% level design drawings for the equipment associated with the installation of the control system and ancillary devices, an electric boiler for potable water heating and ancillary wind control, and the intertie to the new EWT wind turbines. It is the purpose of this report and drawings to document the state of the project at its final design milestone. 2 System Architecture Wind Farm Interconnection The NJUS Wind farm is collocated with the existing Banner Wind farm, so as to utilize a known wind resource, and to minimize costs associated with NJUS infrastructure development to interconnect. The extension of the existing systems will include the cable/conduit primary connection, reclosure, controls, and metering necessary to connect to the NJUS grid, and to monitor, control and track the performance of the wind system. Power Plant Controls The NJUS power plant control system will use a Human Machine Interface (HMI), based on InTouch, to allow operators to interface and remotely control Units 12 and 14 located in the old Nome System Automation and Wind Upgrade – 95% Design Report August 3, 2013 Page 2 2 plant. The HMI allows operators to interface and control switchgear, generators and some auxiliary equipment in the old plant remotely. Operators will have control and monitoring of the plant from the control room HMI. PLC and device based display/touch panels will be located in Unit12/14 switchgear sections for local control. These local panels will allow operators to control generators 12 and 14 in the unlikely event of a communications failure to the HMI. Generator Switchgear New 3-cubicle switchgear for generators 12 and 14 will contain the unit breakers and bus tie section. Each breaker section has a Woodward EasYgen control, Basler DECS voltage regulator, unit PLC I/O, current and potential transformers. Unit 12 will also contain a Woodward 2301D Load Share Speed Control. Existing unit governors will be retained. The bus tie section will contain the line Potential Transformers and transition section for bus and power cable connection near existing conduit location. It also contains the Unit PLCs. The switchgear has been designed, purchased, and is being installed in the existing power plant in Nome. Generator Controls and Protection Each genset will have a local control panel mounted close to the engine. The panels will consist of a display/touch screen that will provide local control and display of engine alarms. Unit 14 will utilize the existing Caterpillar EMCP II with communications of parameters provided to the unit PLC and HMI. For unit 12 a General Electric Fanuc Programmable Logics Controller (PLC) will control and monitor mechanical and electrical auxiliaries located on the engine. The existing electro-mechanical protection system for unit 12 engine will be removed. Generator excitation on both units will be controlled using a Basler DECS-200 voltage regulator. The DECS-200 allows users to raise and lower voltage as well as phase matching while synching to the bus. kW Load sharing, VAR sharing, synchronizing and soft loading/unloading control will be done using the Woodward EasYgen. The EasYgen will bias the 2301D of Unit 12, the Caterpillar ADEM governor of Unit 14, and the DECS devices for both units. Load share between units 12 & 14 and the new plant will be performed over CAN bus and Woodward Load Share Gateway. Under normal conditions the EasYgen, DECS-200 and generator PLC will be remotely interfaced and controlled using the HMI located in the new plant control room. Electrical protection and breaker control will be done using Schweitzer (SEL) 300G protective relays. The 300G will provide all electrical protection for the generator as well as a synch check for the generator synchronizer. Generator RTD temperatures will be brought into the 300G utilizing an SEL-2600 and fiber optic cable. Remote interface and control of the breaker will be done under normal conditions from the HMI. Existing MCCs will be utilized for auxiliary engine equipment. A neutral grounding resistor, potential transformer and current transformer will be added to Unit 12 for limitation of circulating currents and ground fault damage. Plant Intertie Conduit presently tying unit #12 to the “Alaska Gold” switchgear will be intercepted and used for connection of units 12 & 14 to the new plant breaker 515 via Switch Cabinet SC U12. Breaker 515 will remain normally closed with synchronizing taking place across the unit breakers. Protection of the intertie will be performed by a Schweitzer SEL-351 overcurrent relay in the 515 breaker section at the new plant. The B515 panel is designed, constructed, and in place. Nome System Automation and Wind Upgrade – 95% Design Report August 3, 2013 Page 3 3 3 Control Philosophy The NJUS power plant control system will use a Human Machine Interface (HMI), based on InTouch, to allow operators to interface and remotely control the wind generation, the existing diesel generation, and the controllable loads in the system. Future expansion of the system is anticipated, and thus industry standard, non-proprietary systems and software are utilized, to assure expandability and upgradability into the future. Devices chosen for use at Nome have broad application, not only in the power industry, but also in the controls industry in general, having widespread deployment in water and sewer, pipeline, refinery, process, and other general controls applications. To allow NJUS to have control over their application, EPS allows their controls clients access to the source code for any of the developed applications. NJUS can allow any vendor to upgrade or improve on the NJUS application, with the only restriction being to restrict the providing vendors to not utilize or distribute the code or intellectual property outside of the NJUS system. Control function overview - functional x Allow the operators to start/stop wind turbines and monitor their power output. x Allow the operators to set limits on how much wind power is produced to keep the diesel plant in its efficient operating range. x Automatically start/stop diesel units based on load, and monitor their power output. x Will meter the power output and provide hourly, daily, monthly and yearly kwh totals. x Detail screens will provide individual turbine data including frequency, current, voltage, anemometer data, alarms, warning and status. Wind system master controller x Master controller will gather data from two new EWT wind turbines. x Master controller will determine max kw output based on current system load vs online diesel capacity. x Master controller will be used to communicate and control existing Banner wind farm Entegrity wind turbines. Wind system communications x Communications between master controller and EWT wind turbine controllers will be Modbus TCP (ethernet). x Communications between NJU SCADA system and master controller will be GE SRTP (ethernet). x Single mode fiber optic cable will be used to connect wind turbines to the master controller. x Single mode fiber optic cable will be used to connect master controller to the NJU SCADA system. Remote Controllable/Thermal Loads x Thermal load (electric boiler) for the potable water system will be biased to keep the wind/diesel system operating in an efficient point in its range. x Thermal energy will be utilized to make up for the loss in jacket water heat due to reduced diesel output. Nome System Automation and Wind Upgrade – 95% Design Report August 3, 2013 Page 4 4 4 Wind Farm Intertie The existing Banner Wind Farm Intertie is being extended to provide system interconnection with the EWT windfarm. The line is energized at 25kV through a project recloser, and to the 24.9/14.4 – 690V unit transformers. The line extension is designed to NESC and RUS standards, with upgrades as necessary, for NJUS. The line extension design is included in Appendix B. The line was constructed based on the design documents, and is energized to the Wind Turbine power electronics. Construction work was performed by NJUS force account labor. 5 Electric Boiler System A 1 MW electric boiler system was designed to be installed in the new NJUS Snake River power plant, to (1) supplement the potable water heating system, and (2) to act as a variable load in the system, to further optimize the wind/diesel dispatch. It is anticipated that the boiler will be installed by NJUS labor, with assistance by EPS, as required. Details on the dispatching of the boiler system are included in Section 3, Control Philosophy. Drawings for the mechanical design for the boiler installation are included in Appendix B. 6 Budget and Schedule 6.1 Project Budget Following is the projected budget for the upgrades discussed in this report, including the line extension, the automation of Units 12 and 14, the boiler installation, and the integration of these components into the Nome SCADA system. Project Budget Activity Description Total U12 Design,Install,Commission Gensets $ 141,407 U12 Materials Sensors, Cable, etc $ 28,802 U14 Design,Install,Commission Gensets $ 112,932 U14 Materials Sensors, Cable, etc $ 19,202 Unit 12, 14 Switchgear New Switchgear $ 409,647 515 Breaker Relay Plant Intertie Protection $ 42,136 SCADA Hardware/Software/communications $ 122,720 HVLV Cabling, Station Service U12, 14 power cable, bsu $ 189,738 1MW Boiler Engineering, install, controls $ 847,900 EWT Interconnection Engineering, construct, recloser, controls $ 1,322,800 Subtotal $ 1,914,484 Contingency % 10.00 Contingency $ $ 191,448 TOTAL $ 2,105,932 Nome System Automation and Wind Upgrade – 95% Design Report August 3, 2013 Page 5 5 An allowance for an additional $100,000 should be included in the project budget to allow the integration of the Wärtsilä units 15 and 16 into the NJUS SCADA system. This will include the modification of the WOIS system. This should be considered an allowance (albeit a conservative one), as NJUS has not secured access to the exiting Unit 15/16 PLC and WOIS software yet. It is anticipated that this will be accomplished prior to the integration start date. The estimate details are included in Appendix A. 6.2 Project Schedule The EWT wind turbines have been erected, the interconnection completed, and test energy has been received into the Nome system from the new turbines. The U12 and U14 switchgear has been designed, constructed, and received in Nome. The remaining milestones are still to be completed, along with their planned completion date: x Complete switchgear installation – Aug 2013 x Install SCADA Controls and Demand Control (automatic dispatch) on U12/U14 – September 2013 x Install Demand Control on U15/U16 – January 2014 (dependent on negotiations with Wärtsilä) x Install Electric Boiler/Controllable Load – July 2014 7 Description of Drawings Package The 95% drawings package includes drawings for the procurement of the switchgear, and 95% level design documents for the remainder of the project. The focus of the 95% design report has been overall systems architecture, and drawings for the procurement of long lead time items. These drawings are included in Appendix B. Automation System Design Unit 12 Rate Hr: $185.00 Rate Hr: $157.00 Rate Hr: $185.00 Activity Description Hours Total Hours Total Hours Total Total Site Visit Prelimary Field Investigation 50 9,250$ -$ -$ 9,250$ CAT Sensors & Transmitters 60 11,100$ 255 40,035$ 30 5,550$ 56,685$ Ancillary Sys Battery System Monitor 4 740$ 12 1,884$ 2 370$ 2,994$ Fuel System 8 1,480$ 40 6,280$ 10 1,850$ 9,610$ Radiator System 8 1,480$ 16 2,512$ 9 1,665$ 5,657$ Aftercooler System 8 1,480$ 16 2,512$ 9 1,665$ 5,657$ Commissioning Site Acceptance Testing -$ 60 9,420$ 60 11,100$ 20,520$ Project Management 60 11,100$ -$ -$ 11,100$ Drafting 40 2,600$ -$ -$ 2,600$ Expenses Travel 40 2,600$ 12 1,884$ -$ 4,484$ Airfare 6,600$ -$ -$ 6,600$ Per diem - food 5,250$ -$ -$ 5,250$ Lodging 1,000$ -$ -$ 1,000$ Totals 278 54,680$ 411 64,527$ 120 22,200$ 141,407$ Weeks 6.95 6.85 2 Total U12 141,407$ Unit 14 Rate Hr: $185.00 Rate Hr: $157.00 Rate Hr: $185.00 Activity Description Hours Total Hours Total Hours Total Total Site Visit Prelimary Field Investigation 50 9,250$ -$ -$ 9,250$ CAT Sensors & Transmitters 20 3,700$ 25 3,925$ 30 5,550$ 13,175$ Control Panel Wiring modifications 20 3,700$ 60 9,420$ -$ 13,120$ Ancillary Sys Battery System Monitor 4 740$ 12 1,884$ 2 370$ 2,994$ Fuel System 8 1,480$ 40 6,280$ 10 1,850$ 9,610$ Radiator System 8 1,480$ 16 2,512$ 9 1,665$ 5,657$ Aftercooler System 8 1,480$ 16 2,512$ 9 1,665$ 5,657$ Communications Comms Network 8 1,480$ 15 2,355$ 8 1,480$ 5,315$ Commissioning Site Acceptance Testing -$ 60 9,420$ 60 11,100$ 20,520$ Project Management 60 11,100$ -$ -$ 11,100$ Drafting 20 1,300$ -$ -$ 1,300$ Expenses Travel 40 2,600$ 12 1,884$ -$ 4,484$ Airfare 6,600$ -$ -$ 6,600$ Per diem - food 3,150$ -$ -$ 3,150$ Lodging 1,000$ -$ -$ 1,000$ Totals 246 49,060$ 256 40,192$ 128 23,680$ 112,932$ Weeks 6.15 4.27 2.1333333 Total U14 112,932$ Total U12 & 14 524 667 248 254,339$ CommissionDesign/Procure Install Design/Procure Install Commission 8 Appendix A - Estimate Nome System Automation and Wind Upgrade – 95% Design Report Page 6 of ϵϱ Nome System Automation and Wind Upgrade - 95% Design Report Mfg. Part Number Item Qty Manufacturer Cost Net Type S-10 8348868 Engine intake air pressure differential 0-50 psi (left, right)2Wika $610 $ 1,220 Type S-10 8348868 Engine intake air pressure 0-50 psi 1 Wika $610 $ 610 AF3113GP-6-S-3-3- LT-12-3-R/RL-1 Engine intake air temperature, integrated RTD/Thermowell 1 Alltemp/Wika $630 $ 630 Type S-10 8643652 Fuel filter differential pressure 0-100 psi 1 Wika $610 $ 610 Type S-10 8643652 Engine fuel inlet pressure 0-100 psi 1 Wika $610 $ 610 Engine fuel temperature 1 Wika $610 $ 610 Type S-10 8643652 Engine jacket water pressure 0-100 psi 1 Wika $610 $ 610 AF3113GP-6-S-3-3- LT-12-3-R/RL-1 Engine jacket water temperature in, integrated RTD/Thermowell 1 Alltemp/Wika $630 $ 630 AF3113GP-6-S-3-3- LT-12-3-R/RL-1 Engine jacket water temperature out, integrated RTD/Thermowell 1 Alltemp/Wika $630 $ 630 Type S-10 8643652 Lube oil filter differential pressure 0-100 psi 1 Wika $610 $ 610 Type S-10 8644918 Engine lube oil inlet pressure 0-200 psi 1 Wika $610 $ 610 AF3113GP-6-S-3-3- LT-12-3-R/RL-1 Engine lube oil temperature, integrated RTD/Thermowell 1 Alltemp/Wika $630 $ 630 Engine crankcase pressure 1 Wika $610 $ 610 Type S-10 8341732 Engine air startingpressure 0-300 psi. 1 Wika $610 $ 610 Series 24 Control switches 2 Electroswitch $105 $ 210 miscellaneous pushbuttons and indicator lights 3 Various $95 $ 285 control wiring, din rail, and terminals as required 1 Various $1,000 $ 1,000 conduit and couplings as required 1 Various $1,000 $ 1,000 DECS-200 voltage regulator 1 Basler $5,500 $ 5,500 2301D speed control 1 Woodward $2,000 $ 2,000AF3113GP-6-S-3-3- LT-12-3-R/RL-1 Fuel temperature inside building, integrated RTD/Thermowell 1 Alltemp/Wika $600 $ 600 Day tank level sensor 1 $2,200 2,200$ GM010A2R41-1 GPI GM Series positive displacement flow meter 1 GPI $1,909 $ 1,909 GG500-M Remote mount display for flow meter 1 GPI $418 $ 418 FM Series Flow Switch, SPDT contact output 1 Ameritrol $400 $ 400 control wiring, din rail, and terminals as required 1 Various $1,500 $ 1,500 conduit, couplings and misc 1 Various $750 $ 750 CR5320-200 DC voltage transducer 0-200V input, 4-20mA out, for battery system 1 CR Magnetics $150 $ 150 CR5320-50 DC voltage transducer 0-50V input, 4-20mA out, for battery system 1 CR Magnetics $150 $ 150 Shipping 1,500$ Subtotal $ 28,802 AF3113GP-6-S-3-3- LT-12-3-R/RL-1 Engine lube oil outlet temperature, integrated RTD/Thermowell 1 Alltemp/Wika $630 630$ Series 24 Control switches 2 Electroswitch $105 210$ miscellaneous pushbuttons and indicator lights 3 Omron/AB $95 285$ control wiring, din rail, and terminals as required 1 Various $1,500 1,500$ conduit and couplings as required 1 Various $1,000 1,000$ DECS-200 voltage regulator 1 Various $5,500 5,500$ AF3113GP-6-S-3-3- LT-12-3-R/RL-1 Fuel temperature inside building, integrated RTD/Thermowell 1 Alltemp/Wika $600 600$ Day Tank level sensor 1 $2,200 2,200$ GM010A2R41-1 GPI GM Series positive displacement flow meter 1 GPI $1,909 1,909$ GG500-M Remote mount display for flow meter 1 GPI $418 418$ FM Series Flow Switch, SPDT contact output 1 Ameritrol $400 400$ control wiring, din rail, and terminals as required 1 Various $1,500 1,500$ conduit, couplings and misc 1 Various $1,750 1,750$ CR5320-200 DC voltage transducer 0-200V input, 4-20mA out, for battery system 1 CR Magnetics $150 150$ CR5320-50 DC voltage transducer 0-50V input, 4-20mA out, for battery system 1 CR Magnetics $150 150$ Shipping 1,000$ Subtotal 19,202$ Parts total 48,004$Notes: SENSORS, CONDUCTORS, CONDUIT, TERMINALS ETC AUTOMATION SYSTEM PARTS Unit 12 Unit 14 1: We may have to buy replacement valves for the ones requiring automation. The current ones may not have bosses available to mount actuators. Approximate cost for a 2" ball valve is $200. Page 7 of 95 Nome System Automation and Wind Upgrade - 95% Design Report Activity Description Labor (hrs) Labor Rate Labor Total Materials Quantity Total Engineering Conceptual Layout, retirement issues 25 185$ 4,625$-$ 1 4,625$ Develop switchgear specificaton for bid 16 185$ 2,960$-$ 1 2,960$ Design DC system, interface to existing controls 24 185$ 4,440$-$ 1 4,440$ Design AC system 24 185$ 4,440$-$ 1 4,440$ Design load share interconnect 8 185$ 1,480$-$ 1 1,480$ Calculate relay settings 20 185$ 3,700$-$ 2 7,400$ Convert drawings to AutoCAD 0 157$-$-$ 0 -$ Panel design 8 185$ 1,480$-$ 2 2,960$ Final design drawings 286$ 172$-$ 6 1,032$ Settings report 8 185$ 1,480$-$ 1 1,480$ Oversight, design review, and PM 8 202$ 1,616$-$ 1 1,616$ 32,433$ Materials 2 Bkr Swchgr (includes PLC section for U14 -we supply components) 8 185$ 1,480$ 255,000$ 1 256,480$ U12 Engine control panel (not including PLC components) 110 157$ 17,270$ 8,000$ 1 25,270$ U12 Neutral Grounding Resistor, PT & CT 10 157$ 1,570$ 5,500$ 1 7,070$ Shipping 4 75$ 300$ 5,000$ 1 5,300$ 294,120$ Installation Remove existing switchgear (Journeyman & Wireman)16 281$ 4,496$-$ 1 4,496$ Install switchgear & U12 PLC panel. (Journeyman & Wireman)20 281$ 5,620$-$ 1 5,620$ Install wiring/interconnect U12 (Journeyman & Wireman)40 281$ 11,240$ 1,000$ 1 12,240$ Install wiring/interconnect U14 (Journeyman & Wireman)50 281$ 14,050$ 2,400$ 1 16,450$ Terminate primary power cables (Journeyman)12 157$ 1,884$ 800$ 2 5,368$ Interconnect plant load share systems 16 157$ 2,512$ 1,500$ 1 4,012$ Remove/Install (Engineer)60 185$ 11,100$-$ 1 11,100$ Install relay settings 4 185$ 740$-$ 1 740$ Test relay 8 185$ 1,480$-$ 2 2,960$ Final Drawings (markups)486$ 344$-$ 9 3,096$ Oversight, review, and PM 10 202$ 2,020$-$ 1 2,020$ Travel/Transportation/Meals/Hotel (Journey/Wireman) 16 281$ 4,496$ 2,000$ 2 12,992$ Travel/Transportation/Meals/Hotel (Engineer) 0 185$-$ 2,000$ 1 2,000$ 83,094$ 409,647$Total Installation Subtotal NOME SWITCHGEAR INSTALL UNIT #12, #14 Engineering Subtotal Materials Subtotal Page 8 of 95 Nome System Automation and Wind Upgrade - 95% Design Report Activity Description Labor (hrs) Labor Rate Labor Total Materials Quantity Total Engineering Conceptual Layout, retirement issues 4 185$ 740$ -$ 1 740$ Design DC system, retirement of existing, interface to existing controls 12 185$ 2,220$ -$ 1 2,220$ Design AC system, retirement of existing relays 10 185$ 1,850$ -$ 1 1,850$ Design wiring diagrams 16 185$ 2,960$ -$ 1 2,960$ Calculate relay settings 20 185$ 3,700$ -$ 1 3,700$ Convert drawings to AutoCAD 086$ -$ -$ 0 -$ Panel/Cover plate design 6 185$ 1,110$ -$ 1 1,110$ Final design drawings 886$ 688$ -$ 3 2,064$ Settings report 8 185$ 1,480$ -$ 1 1,480$ Oversight, design review, and PM 4 202$ 808$ -$ 1 808$ 16,932$ Materials Relay - SEL 351A w/ethernet 1 185$ 185$ 1,700$ 1 1,885$ Test switches, controls, wire, etc 2 185$ 370$ 1,500$ 1 1,870$ Cover Plate 0 185$ -$ -$ 0 -$ Shipping, tools, materials 2 75$ 150$ 300$ 1 450$ 4,205$ Installation Move existing wiring (Wireman)8 157$ 1,256$ -$ 1 1,256$ Install relay, test switches, wiring. (Wireman)35 157$ 5,495$ -$ 1 5,495$ Remove/Install relay (Engineer)0 185$ -$ -$ 0 -$ Install relay settings 4 185$ 740$ -$ 1 740$ Test relay 8 185$ 1,480$ -$ 1 1,480$ Commissioning, startup checks and operation verification (Wireman)12 157$ 1,884$ -$ 1 1,884$ Commissioning, startup checks and operation verification (Engineer)0 185$ -$ -$ 0 -$ Final Drawings (markups)486$ 344$ -$ 3 1,032$ Oversight, review, and PM 4 202$ 808$ -$ 1 808$ Travel/Transportation/Meals/Hotel (Wireman) 12 157$ 1,884$ 2,100$ 1 3,984$ Travel/Transportation/Meals/Hotel (Engineer) 12 185$ 2,220$ 2,100$ 1 4,320$ 20,999$ 42,136$Total NOME RELAY INSTALL 5kV CUBICLE 515 Engineering Subtotal Materials Subtotal Installation Subtotal Page 9 of 95 Nome System Automation and Wind Upgrade - 95% Design Report Activity Description Labor (hrs) Labor Rate Labor Total Materials Quantity Total Engineering Create xls for Gen12 based on i/o from engineering 4 $ 149 $ 596 -$ 1 596$ Specify i/o and rack slot layout based on xls for Gen12 2 $ 149 $ 298 -$ 1 298$ Configure genctrl plc program for Gen12 40 $ 149 $ 5,960 -$ 1 5,960$ Add Genctrl Screen for Gen12 16 $ 149 $ 2,384 -$ 1 2,384$ Create xls for Gen14 4 $ 149 $ 596 -$ 1 596$ Specify i/o and rack slot layout based on xls for Gen14 based on i/o from engineering 2 $ 149 $ 298 -$ 1 298$ Configure genctrl plc program or write custom program for Gen14 80 $ 149 $ 11,920 -$ 1 11,920$ Add Genctrl or custom Screen for Gen14 40 $ 149 $ 5,960 -$ 1 5,960$ Get copy of wartsilla hmi 16 $ 149 $ 2,384 -$ 1 2,384$ dump database and change tags to fit our format 40 $ 149 $ 5,960 -$ 1 5,960$ Identify control points needed 20 $ 149 $ 2,980 -$ 1 2,980$ Add control points to hmi 20 $ 149 $ 2,980 -$ 1 2,980$ Identify how alarms work on Warsilla modicon plc's, Tag alarms to fit in Nome's hmi 16 $ 149 $ 2,384 -$ 1 2,384$ Identify trend tags in wois hmi and get into nome hmi 16 $ 149 $ 2,384 -$ 1 2,384$ Add modicon programming software and programs to Nome primary server. Get licensed and test remotely 24 $ 149 $ 3,576 -$ 1 3,576$ Engineering Subtotal 50,660$ Materials Purchase Gen12 plc parts, we can refine once we know what the i/o is 10,000$ 1 10,000$ Purchase Gen14 plc parts 10,000$ 1 10,000$ Spare plc parts? 1 of each type?10,000$ 1 10,000$ Materials Subtotal 30,000$ Installation Commissioning - 2 guys - 2 60 hr weeks 240 $ 149 $ 35,760 -$ 1 35,760$ Expenses $100/day/person nome covers lodging 28$ 100 2,800$ Airfare 1 round trip to Co. 2 round trips to Anchorage 1$ 3,500 3,500$ Installation Subtotal 42,060$ Total 122,720$ NOME SCADA Page 10 of 95 Nome System Automation and Wind Upgrade - 95% Design Report Activity Description Labor (hrs) Labor Rate Labor Total Materials Quantity Total Engineering Conceptual Layout, retirement issues 25 155$$ 3,875 -$ 1 3,875$ Station Service Drawing Preparations 60 155$ 9,300$-$ 1 9,300$ Black Start Generator specifications and sizing 32 185$ 5,920$-$ 1 5,920$ Material List development, cost estimating, information gathering 45 155$ 6,975$-$ 1 6,975$ Quote and materials procurement assistance 8 185$ 1,480$-$ 1 1,480$ Engineering Subtotal 27,550$ Materials MV Cables and Terminations -$ 12,000$ 1 12,000$ Tray, Conduit, Strut, Misc. Hardware -$ 20,000$ 1 20,000$ Outdoor 15 kV, 3 phase, 600A, 4 way, SS J-Boxes, with gnd sleeves, terms -$ 4,000$ 2 8,000$ Black Start Generator with ATS -$ 25,000$ 1 25,000$ MDP and LV Cable/Conduit System, Meter/Mains -$ 15,000$ 1 15,000$ Shipping -$ 12,000$ 1 12,000$ Materials Subtotal 92,000$ Installation Black Start Generator 32 281$ 8,992$-$ 1 8,992$ ATS and MDP 24 281$ 6,744$-$ 1 6,744$ Main LV Conduit/Conductoring 60 281$ 16,860$ 1 16,860$ Outdoor 15 kV, 3 phase, 600A, 4 way, Stainless Steel J-Boxes, with ground sleeves, terminations 16 281$ 4,496$ 2 8,992$ Meter/Mains 24 281$ 6,744$ 1 6,744$ As-Built Drawings 12 157$ 1,884$ 2 3,768$ Commissioning/Testing 16 185$ 2,960$ 1 2,960$ Oversight, review, and PM 40 185$ 7,400$-$ 1 7,400$ Travel/Transportation/Meals/Hotel (Journey/Wireman) 8 281$ 2,248$ 2,000$ 1 4,248$ Travel/Transportation/Meals/Hotel (Engineer) 8 185$ 1,480$ 2,000$ 1 3,480$ Installation Subtotal 70,188$ Total 189,738$ NOME OUTDOOR/INDOOR HV/LV CABLING, STATION SERVICE Page 11 of 95 Nome System Automation and Wind Upgrade - 95% Design Report Activity Description Labor (hrs) Labor Rate Labor Total Materials Quantity Total Engineering Engineering Support (Design, EWT coordination, Test/Commission, Install assistance, Materials procurement assist)1300 180$ $ 234,000 -$ 1 234,000$ Engineering Subtotal 234,000$ Materials 25 kV Primary Metering Cabinet (Cabinet, CT/PT, Bushing Wells, Meter, Box Pad) $ - 45,000$ 3 135,000$ 25 kV Recloser (Cabinet, CTs, Bushing Wells, Relay, Box Pad) $ -40,000$ 2 80,000$ Transformer, Padmount, 24.9 kV Delta:690/398 V Grd Y, 1000 kVA (transformer, concrete pad, bushing wells) $ - 20,000$ 2 40,000$ Junction Cabinet Sectionaliers, 3 phase, 25 kV, 4 point, 200A (includes, wells, stands, box pad) $ - 5,000$ 6 30,000$ 24 kV Conductor, EPR, 260 mil, Jacketed Concentric Neutral (triplexed 650' reeles) $ - 8,000$ 7 56,000$ Conduit, 6", HDPE (including trench, backfill, compaction)$ -4.5$ 4500 20,250$ Conduit, 2", HDPE (communications - same trench) $ -1.0$ 7500 7,500$ Miscellaneous (elbows, grounding materials, LV conduit, LV wire, control wiring, connectors/hardware, conduit couplers) $ - 50,000$ 1 50,000$ Shipping $ -50,000$ 1 50,000$ Materials Subtotal 468,750$ Installation 25 kV Primary Metering Cabinet (Cabinet, CT/PT, Bushing Wells, Meter, Box Pad)60 250$ $ 15,000 3 45,000$ 25 kV Recloser (Cabinet, CTs, Bushing Wells, Relay, Box Pad)40 250$$ 10,000 2 20,000$ Transformer, Padmount, 24.9 kV Delta:690/398 V Grd Y, 1000 kVA (transformer, concrete pad, bushing wells)60 250$ $ 15,000 2 30,000$ Junction Cabinet Sectionaliers, 3 phase, 25 kV, 4 point, 200A (includes, wells, stands, box pad)10 250$ $ 2,500 6 15,000$ 24 kV Conductor, EPR, 260 mil, Jacketed Concentric Neutral (triplexed 650' reeles)20 250$ $ 5,000 7 35,000$ Conduit, 6", HDPE (including trench, backfill, compaction)0.2 250$$ 50 4500 225,000$ Conduit, 2", HDPE (communications - same trench)0.1 250$$ 25 7500 187,500$ Miscellaneous (elbows, grounding materials, LV conduit, LV wire, control wiring, connectors/hardware, conduit couplers)50 250$ $ 12,500 1 12,500$ Mob/Demob $ -50,000$ 1 50,000$ Installation Subtotal 620,000$ Total 1,322,750$ BANNER HILL ELECTRICAL INTEGRATION Page 12 of 95 Nome System Automation and Wind Upgrade - 95% Design Report (intentionally blank) Page 13 of 95 Nome System Automation and Wind Upgrade - 95% Design Report (intentionally blank) Page 14 of 95 Nome System Automation and Wind Upgrade - 95% Design Report (intentionally blank) Page 15 of 95 Nome System Automation and Wind Upgrade - 95% Design Report (intentionally blank) Page 16 of 95 Electric Power Systems, Inc. 3305 Arctic Blvd. Suite 201 Anchorage, AK 99503 TDX North Plant Rough Order of Magnitude Estimate PHONE: 907-523-3101 Email: dbuss@epsinc.com 8/4/132:28 PM njus_electric_boiler_estimate (1).xlsxBase Bid Description - Materials Quantity Unit Cost Total Electrical & SCADA 1 lot $150,000.00 $150,000.00 Electrical Materials $150,000.00 Building HVAC 1 lot $0.00 $0.00 Building HVAC & Plumbing Materials $0.00 Boiler Mechanical 1 lot $160,187.50 $160,187.50 Structural 1 lot $25,000.00 $25,000.00 Not Used 1 lot $0.00 $0.00 Mob/Demob 1 lot $20,000.00 $20,000.00 Not Used 1 lot $0.00 $0.00 Not Used 1 lot $0.00 $0.00 Not Used 1 lot $0.00 $0.00 Not Used 1 lot $0.00 $0.00 Not Used 1 lot $0.00 $0.00 Generation Mechanical Materials: $205,187.50 Materials Subtotal: $355,187.50 Description - Labor Quantity Unit Total Electrical & SCADA 460 Hours $113,686.74 Electrical Labor 460 Hours $113,686.74 (Included in Material - contractor quote) 0 Hours $0.00 Building HVAC & Plumbing Labor 0 Hours $0.00 Boiler Mechanical 578 Hours $144,268.72 Structural 80 Hours $19,967.99 Not Used 0 Hours $0.00 Mob/Demob 40 Hours $9,983.99 Not Used 0 Hours $0.00 Not Used 0 Hours $0.00 Not Used 0 Hours $0.00 Not Used 0 Hours $0.00 Not Used 0 Hours $0.00 Mechanical/Electrical Labor Sub total 698 Hours $174,220.70 Labor Hours Total:1158 Labor Cost Total: $287,907.44 Incidental Items to Project Material procurement & consolidation (3%) $10,655.63 Insurance (1%) $3,551.88 Bond (2.00%) $12,861.90 Contingency (15%) Certified Payroll (0%) $0.00 Profit (10%) Overhead (0%) Equipment 1 Lot 14,358.99$ $14,358.99 Tools 1 Lot 17,838.05$ $17,838.05 Freight 0.65 $/lb 37,307 $26,674.51 Startup, Commissioning, Testing 1 Lot 32,467.99$ $32,467.99 Submittal/O&M Manuals - Eng 1 Lot 5,000.00$ $5,000.00 As-built - Eng 1 Lot 5,000.00$ $5,000.00 Mechanical/Electrical Per Diem (12hr/days) 97 Day 238.00$ $25,394.60 N/a 0 Day -$ $0.00 Engineering (Construction) Subtotal $204,755.54 Total incidental items $204,755.54 Total materials $355,187.50 Labor Hours $287,907.44 $847,850.47 $50,952.00 Percent of Material & Labor Subtotal Percent of Material & Labor Subtotal Percent of Labor Subtotal Percent of Material & Labor Subtotal Construction Subtotal Percent of Material Subtotal Percent of Material Subtotal Percent of Material & Labor Page 17 of ϵϱ Nome System Automation and Wind Upgrade – 95% Design Report August 3, 2013 161616161616161616161611661616166661616116111616616 9 Appendix B – 95% Drawings Page 18 of ϵϱ Page 19 of 9ϱ PIPING LEGEND - HVAC/PLUMBING CONTROL LEGEND - HVAC/PLUMBING ABBREVIATIONS - GENERAL/P&ID VALVE LEGEND - GENERAL/P&ID PIPE LINES - P&ID INSTRUMENT LINES - P&ID PIPING LEGEND - P&ID VENTILATION LEGEND - HVAC FITTING LEGEND - GENERAL EQUIPMENT - GENERAL ׎ V:\nome_joint_utilities_system\12-0382_ewt_wind_turbine_installation_support\drawings\ncwi\mechanical\ncwi-me-0001.dwg, 7/11/2013 10:42:29 AMPage 20 of 9ϱ INSTRUMENT SYMBOLS - P&ID REFERRING LEGEND - GENERAL LINE IDENTIFICATION - P&ID READOUT OR PASSIVE FUNCTION MODIFIER SUCCEEDING LETTER OUTPUT FUNCTION FIRST LETTER MEASURED OR INITIATING VARIABLE MODIFIER INSTRUMENT IDENTIFICATION - P&ID PAINTING SCHEDULE - P&ID V:\nome_joint_utilities_system\12-0382_ewt_wind_turbine_installation_support\drawings\ncwi\mechanical\ncwi-me-0002.dwg, 7/11/2013 10:42:30 AMPage 21 of 9ϱ V:\nome_joint_utilities_system\12-0382_ewt_wind_turbine_installation_support\drawings\ncwi\mechanical\ncwi-me-0003.dwg, 7/11/2013 10:42:31 AMPage 22 of 9ϱ V:\nome_joint_utilities_system\12-0382_ewt_wind_turbine_installation_support\drawings\ncwi\mechanical\ncwi-me-2000.dwg, 7/11/2013 10:42:35 AMPage 23 of 9ϱ V:\nome_joint_utilities_system\12-0382_ewt_wind_turbine_installation_support\drawings\ncwi\mechanical\ncwi-me-3000.dwg, 7/11/2013 10:42:44 AMPage 24 of 9ϱ V:\nome_joint_utilities_system\12-0382_ewt_wind_turbine_installation_support\drawings\ncwi\mechanical\ncwi-me-3001.dwg, 7/11/2013 10:42:47 AMPage 25 of 95 V:\nome_joint_utilities_system\12-0382_ewt_wind_turbine_installation_support\drawings\ncwi\mechanical\ncwi-me-4000.dwg, 7/11/2013 10:42:48 AMPage 26 of 95 V:\nome_joint_utilities_system\12-0382_ewt_wind_turbine_installation_support\drawings\ncwi\mechanical\ncwi-me-5000.dwg, 7/11/2013 10:42:49 AMPage 27 of 95 Page 28 of 95 Page 29 of 95 Page 30 of 95 Page 31 of 95 Page 32 of 95 Page 33 of 95 Page 34 of 95 Page 35 of 95 Page 36 of 95 Page 37 of 95 Page 38 of 95 Page 39 of 95 Page 40 of 95 Page 41 of 95 Page 42 of 95 Page 43 of 95 Page 44 of 95 Page 45 of 95 Page 46 of 95 Page 47 of 95 Page 48 of 95 Page 49 of 95 Page 50 of 95 Page 51 of 95 Page 52 of 95 /1:#/1:# Page 53 of 95 Page 54 of 95 Page 55 of 95 Page 56 of 95 Page 57 of 95 Page 58 of 95 Page 59 of 95 Page 60 of 95 95(*'  3/& $$ %& Page 61 of 95 Page 62 of 95 Page 63 of 95 Page 64 of 95 Page 65 of 95 95(*  3/& $$ %& Page 66 of 95 Page 67 of 95 Page 68 of 95 Page 69 of 95 Page 70 of 95 Page 71 of 95 Page 72 of 95 Page 73 of 95 Page 74 of 95 Page 75 of 95 Page 76 of 95 Page 77 of 95 Page 78 of 95 Page 79 of 95 Page 80 of 95 Page 81 of 95 Page 82 of 95 Page 83 of 95 Page 84 of 95 Page 85 of 95 Page 86 of 95 Page 87 of 95 Page 88 of 95 Page 89 of 95 Page 90 of 95 Page 91 of 95 Page 92 of 95 Page 93 of 95 Page 94 of 95 Page 95 of 95