HomeMy WebLinkAboutPort Graham Biomass Waste Heat Demonstration Project Chugachmiut Facility Design - Oct 2013 - REF Grant 7040061GENERAL NOTESThese structural notes supplement the drawings. Any discrepancy found between the drawings, these notes, and thesite conditions shall be reported to the Engineer, who shall correct the discrepancy in writing. Any work done bythe Contractor after the discovery of the discrepancy shall be done at the Contractor's risk. The Contractor shallverify and coordinate the dimensions among all drawings prior to proceeding with any work or fabrication. TheContractor is responsible for all shoring and bracing during construction.The structure has been designed to resist the specified lateral &/or vertical code required forces after the completionof construction. Stability of the structure prior to completion is the sole responsibility of the General Contractor.This responsibility includes but is not limited to: erection approach, methods and sequences, temporary shoring andbracing, formwork, and the use of equipment and construction procedures.Construction observation by the structural engineer is for general conformance with the design intent only, is not areview of the contractor's construction procedures, nor is it to be considered 'inspection' as used in the constructionindustry.All construction shall, at a minimum, conform to the applicable portions of the latest edition of the InternationalBuilding Code and the Alaska Building & Energy Codes.DESIGN CRITERIA:Live Load 75 PSF snow125 PSF occupancy loadDead Load 15 PSF floor & roof10 PSF walls150 PCF concrete35 PCF structural wood membersWind 2012 IBC, Critical Facility130 MPH, Exposure D windSeismic 2012 IBC Seismic Occupancy Category IVDesign Category DSoil Assumed bearing pressure 2500 PSF on compacted gravel fill.CARPENTRY:Provide minimum nailing per IBC Table 2304.9.1 or more, as otherwise shown or noted. Provide cut washerswhere bolt heads, nuts, and lag screws head bear on wood. Do not notch or drill structural members, except asapproved by the structural engineer. Where existing items are removed and replaced, replace in kind as to size,material, nail spacing, et cetera.1. Pressure treated lumber shall be used in all locations required by the building code. Unless noted otherwise allpressure treated timber shall be #1 or better Hem-Fir material.2. Lumber shall be #2 Doug Fir, Larch or better except as noted with a maximum moisture content of 19% at thetime of installation.3. Glue laminated beams shall be 24F-V8 for cantilevered or continuous beams and 24F-V4 for simple spansunless noted otherwise of the drawings.Fb = 2,400 psiFv = 240 psiE = 1,800,000 psiFcL= 650 psi4. Continuous and cantilevered glue laminated beams shall not be cambered. All other glue laminated beamsshall be cambered for L/480. See the framing plans for any exceptions.5. All plywood shall bear the trademark of the American Plywood Association. All panels shall be APAotherwise on the drawings.6. All nails shall be common nails unless noted otherwise. All nails shall be from American or CanadianManufacturers only. Size and spacing at all sheathing edges shall be as per the shearwall schedule or as noted.Nail shank diameter of installed nails must be as specified.Nail Shank LengthSize Diameter 8d .131" 2.5"10d .148" 3"16d .162" 3.5"7. Versa Lam beams shall be supplied by Boise Cascade.8. Trusses and truss bracing shall be designed by the manufacturer to resist the design loads noted above and theprovisions of the Alaska Building Code.HARDWARE:of nails or bolts per manufacturer, except as noted. Connection hardware exposed to the weather or soil shall bePressure treated material requires that fasteners and connectors must be "post" hot-dip galvanized. Galvanizing shallbe per ASTM A123 for connectors and ASTM A153 for fasteners. Simpson "Zmax" is an acceptable equal perASTM A653.Stainless steel fasteners and connectors are also acceptable for pressure treated wood.When using stainless steel or hot-dipped galvanized connectors, the connectors and fasteners must be made of thesame material.CONCRETE & REINFORCING STEEL:1. All concrete work shall be per the 2012 IBC Chapter 19. Tolerances shall be per ACI 318-08 Section 7.5.Mixing, placement, and inspection shall be per Sections 1903 (ACI Chapter 3), 1904 (ACI Chapter 4), 1905(ACIChapter 5), 1906 (ACI Chapter 6), 1907(ACI Chapter 7) and 1704.9. See the drawings.2. All reinforcing shall be ASTM A615 Grade 60 unless noted otherwise.3. Splice lengths are based on class A splices in normal weight concrete. All reinforcing shall be lap spliced asfollows:#6 and smaller 48x bar diameter#7 and larger 56x bar diameterNo more than 50% of horizontal or vertical bars shall be spliced at one location. 4. Concrete shall be in accordance with ASTM C 150.F'c = 4000 psi @ 28 days5. Concrete cover on reinforcing (unless shown otherwise on the drawings)Bottom of footingsFormed earth faceSlab on gradeEXCAVATION1.General site preparation:a. Excavate under the building foot print down to bedrock or hard mineral soil (gravel or sandy gravel or approved bearing).b. Back fill with clean free draining gravel (5% or less fines) in 12" loose lifts. Compact the gravel to 95% of ASTM D1557. Each layer must have a hard and unyielding surface.c. All excavation work must conform to all state, local, and federal safety requirements regarding d. The minimum size of the backfilled area is the size of the building plus 4 feet on every side: 58 feet long x 28 feet.2. Grade the site at 6" of fall in 10' away from the building.Excavate footings down to the depth shown on thedrawings or to firm undisturbed material free of organics. Areas over-excavated shall be backfilled with leanconcrete (f'c = 2000 psi), and shall be at the contractor's expense.3. Backfill shall not be placed until after the removal of all forms, screeds, other wood debris and material subjectto rot or corrosion. Back fill shall not be placed until any bracing structural framing: floors, beams, et cetera,have been placed. Do not back fill basement walls until the floor supported by the walls is in place. Use onlymaterials approved for backfill. In areas under slabs or footings, material other than pea gravel should be granular in nature, placed in 6 inch loose lifts and compacted to at least 95% of its maximum dry density as determined by ASTM D1557. The fill should be limited to clean, granular material with less than 5% fines.Pea3. Place R20 rigid insulation against the outside, vertical face, of the footing extending from the top of the curb tothe bottom of the footing. Also, place R20 rigid insulation horizontally away from the footing for 6' and slopingat 6" in 6'. Rigid insulation shall be intended for ground use and exposure to the elements. Protect the exposedface of the insulation with 20 gauge galvanized metal flashing.4. Compact all fill in 12" loose lifts. All surfaces should be hard and unyielding before placing the next lift.STEEL:All detailing, fabrication, and erection shall conform to the AISC Manual of Steel Construction.1. Steel shall be:a. Plates and flat bars: ASTM A36 or A572, Fy >= 36 ksib. HSS pipes (Schedule 40 & 80) ASTM A53, type S, Fy>= 35 ksic. HSS TS (tube steel) ASTM A500B, Fy>= 46 ksid. W, C, & L shapes ASTM A572 OR 992 Fy >= 50 ksi2. Bolts:a. Machine bolts, anchor bolts, et cetera ASTM A307b. High strength bolts A325x3. Tighten all HS bolts as for friction connections. Use snap off bolts.4. All bolts will be supplied with appropriate nuts and washers for the bolt head and the nut.5. Welding shall be by AWS certified welders with E70 electrodes in accordance with the current edition of AWSD1.1.6. All steel members and parts exposed to weather or in contact with the ground shall be galvanized per ASTMA-123 with 1.25 oz. of zinc spelter per square foot of contact area unless noted otherwise. All other steelsurfaces shall be shop painted with two coats or red oxide primer after fabrication. Columns and other steelparts placed below grade and exposed to earth shall be painted with two coats of coal tar epoxy paint from thebase to 6 inches above grade; such coating to be in addition to the galvanized coating. SCOPE OF WORKPurpose:The purpose of this project is two fold:• •Construct a biomass building with the combined uses of biomass storage and heat generation.General Conditions:The scope of work below is inclusive and assumes that the contractor will remove, demolish, repair, replace, cleanup, et cetera as necessary for the work.• •All demolition and removal (except as noted) includes offsite disposal at the contractor's expense.• •Materials and conditions are to be as found on sheet S1, 'Structural Notes'.• •The contractor is to provide all necessary shoring and bracing. In addition, the contractor is to keep the building weather tight during the work and to keep the buildingsecure at all times.• •At the end of the project, clean up and restore the building, grounds, and units to an 'as found' or better condition.• •Finishes are to be reviewed and approved by the owners before purchase and installation. The quality is to be 'new' and is subject to review and approval by the projectowners and the Engineer of Record.Scope of work and work sequence:In order to allow for coordination and verification of actual building conditions, the work will be staged as follows:Stage 1 - Excavation and Backfilla. Stake out the project area.b. Excavate the the building area from the ground surface down to bed rock or to dense mineral soils (gravels or sandy-gravels).c. Backfill with compacted, free draining gravel with 5% or less fines. Compact in 12" loose lifts and compact to 95% of ASTM D1557. The surface of each lift shouldbe hard and unyielding. The minimum extent of the excavation should be the dimensions of the building plus 4-feet on each side of the building: 58' x 28' or wider.Conform to all state and federal safety requirements regarding excavations, slopes, and shoring and bracing.2. Stage 2 - Exterior Preparation:a. Construct a 20 foot wide x 50 foot long concrete pad with rolled edges as shown on sheet S5, the foundation plan. Include reinforcing, anchor bolts, and hold downsas shown on the plans. Provide rigid insulation accordance with the Alaska Energy code and as shown on the drawings.3. Stage 3 - Building construction:a. Construct a wood framed building as shown on the plans and sections.b. Finishes:i. Roof - 22 gauge metal roofing for 130 mph winds.ii. Siding - 22 gauge metal siding to resist a 130 mph wind. Install according to the manufacturer's recommendations and instructions.iii. Interior - 5/8" gypsum wall board, water resistive. Fire block and tape, smooth finish. In the wood storage area use 5/8" plywood for wall sheathing.iv. Painting, interior - Sherwin Williams best quality. Seal the GWB & plywood, then prime with one coat of latex, vapor retarded primer Then paint with twocoats of vapor retarder latex paint. Color by owner from Sherwin Williams full range of available colors.v. Concrete, exterior - light broom.vi. Concrete, interior - smooth. Do not over finish. Leave a light bite in the surface for safety when the concrete is wet.4. Stage 4 - Project closeout.a. Verify that all finishes are in 'as new condition' and that any finishes damaged on adjacent buildings or site work are restored to as new condition.b. Paint all new trim and siding with 1 coat of primer and two coats of exterior grade oil paint to match the existing, adjacent, buildings. Paint tobe Sherwin Williams best grade and applied in strict accordance to the manufacturer's instructions.c. Clean up, restore, and plant the work area to match the surrounding landscaping. Leave the building and grounds in 'as found' condition for allmaterials and site conditions that remain. Clean up work and landscaping must be approved by the owner and engineer before the project is complete.d. Clean up and restore the project site.TYPICAL SHEAR WALL NOTESbut not less than noted in the shear wall table below. In the case of conflicts, use the closer spacing. Anchor bolts shall have 3 x3 x 1/4" steel plate washers. Locate the center ofthe thicker sheathing. All free sheathing edges shall be blocked with 2x4 or 2x6 flat blocking. Any exceptions will be noted explicitly on the drawings or the shear wall notesbelow.sheets may be used where all panel edges are supported by framing and blocking.Regardless of other circumstances, all panels must be supported on two sides by wall studs.Pressure treated material requires that all fasteners and connectors must be "post" hot dipped galvanized. Galvanizing shall be ASTM A123 for connectors and ASTM A153 forfasteners. Simpson "Zmax" is an acceptable equal per ASTM A653. Stainless steel fasteners and connectors are also acceptable for pressure treated wood. When using stainlesssteel or hot dipped galvanized connectors, the connectors and fasteners must be made of the same material.All roof and wall framing lumber shall be #2 Douglas Fir-Larch or better.SHEAR WALL SCHEDULEW-1(365)W-3(685) shall not be less than a single 3x member. Stagger nails at adjacent panel edgesW-7(1790) edges. All framing members shall not be less than a single 3x member. Stagger nails at the adjacent panel edges. Panel joints on opposite sides of the wall shall be offset to fall on different framing members. Left ElevationSCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"Front ElevationSCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"Right ElevationSCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"Rear ElevationSCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" Floor PlanSCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0" Foundation PlanSCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"roof PlanSCALE: 1/4" = 1'-0"