HomeMy WebLinkAboutAppendix A4 Interior Region 2010Ene r� 1. Name of City or Borough: _''_-- _. wk:omnpletedapp. (4pages) Alaska Small Cities iciency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) Grant Application, Option 1 (For option 2 applicants only) Opt -in Technical Assistance City of Galena 2. To what extent is the community committed to coordinating, planning and working with the contractor? Please describe. The City nfGalena iscommitted Vumaking whatever staff ianecessary to work with the selected service provider massist with project planning, access, design, and/or construction for this energy efficiency project for critical infrastructure. The City will also make necessary vehicles available sawell aofuel. Our idea ioonce the assessment has been completed, oouse any additional funding for necessary materials, supplies, orequipment. Our Public Works Department would Un onsite ooassist inthis endeavor. 3.Will in -kind support beprovided tuthe project by the community? Ifso, please describe the types ofin-kind support that are available (labor, storage, lodging, other), and the extent to which it is |naddition mthe commitment stated above, the City will supply whatever space isneeded inen unheated but dry, secured, storage area, for equipment. The City will load/unload and transport all equipment necessary from the airport vrbarge dock upon arrival. The City will also supply office space, a computer, phone and Internet service for the duration of the project for the service provider. 4. ifknown, what buildings urfacilities would the city like the contractor tofocus onduring the audit portion ofthe work? if specific known opportunites exist in any of these buildings, please list them in "additional comments" section below. #_ Name of BuildinR or-Faci-litv - Street Address So. Ft. Sector 1. 2� l 4a City Hall 87AnmokiRd. Larson Community Hall 14STiger Freeway Galena Pool 149 Antoski Rd. 15,728 Public Building 4.600 Public Building 13.500 Public Building Select from Arrow Select from Arrow I /fadditional space isneeded, please list other buildings /nthe "Additional comments' box below. Page 2ofQ 5. Summary ofProject GAL A10-179Kesend w/comMpkstedapp. <4pages) The City of Galena wishes to take advantage of the opt -in technical assistance program. We will have towait for the appointed service provider's technical assistance tudetermine the full scope of work. The City is committed to providing in -kind services/equipment/personnel contributions in addition tovehicles and storage ofequipment toassist inthis project. VVahave opodfiauthree buildings to receive and energy audit and assessment by the service provider: 1} City Hall - Daily operations and weekly public meetings with the public health clinic operations in part of the building. Currently using older boiler system, but trying to adjust management cfwaste heat provided bypower plant. 2) Larson Community Hall - Weekly attendance by Village Elders for bingo and social meetings. Funerals are also held here for all residents. Very tall, older, building with limited insulation and 2boilers with forced -air fans. Whole building must boheated tzuse any portion of it. 3) Galena Pool - Only constructive entertainment for 170 children at GILA and residents who are land -locked inthe Interior. Current costs for heat are over $1U0.QQO. Trying ouget best use of waste heat from power plant, but losing pressure in system. 6.Additional Comments The City ofGalena was devastated Uythe closing ufit's USAir Force base. After October /f 2O08.the City lost over 7O%ofit's revenue stream from utilities. The City was also left with a generating system designed k,handle anadditional 1000inhabitants. TUo58O residents and the students of the Galena Interior Learning Academy now must bear the brunt of that impact. The City must reduce it's power consumption for each individual building to keep each of these vital services functioning. Estimates for the buildings cited would beinthe $1OO.O0Oplus category for utilities without energy efficiency savings. The Qr/smeager general fund would not allow for their continued operation. Barges run generally from late May to early Septernber. All other shipments must be sent via air. Local labor is readily available. Page 3of8 ,JbK E �A 10-179 re send wi:onlpletedapp. (4pages) Alaska Small Cities Ener Efficiency and Conservation Block Grants Name of City or Borough: BudgetForm City of Galena Table Ak Full Project Budget Line Funding Source Budgeted Amount | 1. EE[BG funds requested $33'400 Z. City/borough matching orin-kind contributions $5.000 3. Funding from other sources* $5.000 4. Estimated total project cost $43,400 ~ identify other sources from line 3' and whether sources are confirmed or pending: $5000 in -kind services/equipment/personnel contributions from the Galena Interior Learning Academy. Tabhe@: EECBGFunding Breakdown Please budget how the EEC8Gfunding (Table A,line labove) breaks down between the following categories. Please note that the energy audit cost column may not be more than 50 percent of the total. Expense Categories Energy Audit Costs EEM/ECIM Costs" Total � Personnel Travel Materials &Supplies Equipment ment Contractual � � � � - ` Total $O $V $O | **EEM: Energy Efficiency Measure, ECM: Energy Conservation Measure; defined in EECBG Funding Announcement and Instructions document. $Q $0 $O $O Budget Narrative Please briefly describe the use of EECBG funds and any matching funds, as categorized above: The City of Galena and the Galena Interior Learning Academy have committed to $10,000 of in -kind aarvicoo/equipmenVponmnne|contributions mthe EEBCGproject. The funds will beoverseen by'he selected service provider. The City Manager will provide updates and documentation ofthe spending for each quarterly report. After the assessment iscomplete, remaining funds would boutilized for necessary materials and/or supplies. The City is not looking for funding for it's part in the management of this critical infrastructure project. Page 4uf8 HUGHES 10-164(&pages) Alaska Small Cities Ener Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) 1. Name of City or Borough: Grant Application, Option 1 (For option 2 applicantsunkJ Opt -in Technical Assistance City of Hughes 2. To what extent is the community committed to coordinating, planning and working with the contractor? Please describe. The City of Hughes commits tomaking appropriate staff available tocoordinate with the selected service provider to assist with project planning, coordination and implementation. Access will be made available omall public buildings and facilities inatimely manner. Local transportation and lodging will beprovided Uythe City ofHughes. The City maintenance department and wenhetaha will provide up to 1100 hours of employee time to conduct a thorough and complete energy audit. lWill in -kind support beprovided tothe project bythe community? ifso, please describe the types ufin'kindsupportthataneavai|ab|p(|abor,stomge'|odgin8,nther)'andtheextenttowhichitis Upm1OOhours uflabor by the maintenance and waahetehaemployees. Approximately 200 hours of city staff and community volunteer time in planning, coordinating, moving materials, helping with transportation, and helping implement weatherization and alternative energy pnojeut(o). The city will pick upmaterials from the airport upon arrival and store them in a heated or unheated building depending upon storage requirements. The city will ensure adequate lodging for the service provider, either in the city -owned apartment above the clinic or city office. the approximate value of these in -kind contributions is specified on the budget form. 4. If known, what buildings or facilities would the city like the contractor to focus on during the audit portion ofthe work? If specific known opportunites exist in any of these buildings, please list 'them in "additional comments" section below. # Name of BuildinR or Facilitv Street Address Sa. Ft. Sector 1. VVasUetehu OnMain Street from Airport Public Building Q�O�eB��ng OnM�nG�ef�m��� Public Building _ Old Clinic OnMain Street fromAirport Other Public Facility _ Select from Arrow 4. 5. Select from Arrow If additional space is needed, please list other buildings in the "Additional comments" box below. Page 2of8 The City of Hughes has selected Option 1, opt -in technical assistance program. Therefore, we will await the service provider's technical assistance prior to determining the full scope of work. We have committed to providing in -kind services, labor, storage, and lodging to the service provider for this project atonestimated value of$0.0Q0. Threepublic buildings have been specified toreceive enenergy audit o,assessment Uythe service provider. |tiothe intent to reduce heating fuel consumption by improving the building(s) thermal envelope and/or HVAC 6.Additional Comments The City of Hughes is planning to add a biomass system to the washeteria for economic xustoinabiWY. The expenditures for the operation of this building far exceeds its revenue from the sale ofits tokens for washers, dryers and showers. Currently, there are four boilers inthe building for heating purposes and the present cost of diesel is $8.55 per gallon. Any technical assistance for this endeavor would begreatly appreciated. The waoketeho.city office and old clinic buildings are within ablock ofthe airport and are located inone general area. Anew clinic opened in2O09. The approximate size nfthe buildings are: 1.VVaoheteria:1.872square feet. Z. Old Clinic: 1.536 square feet. 1 City Office: 2,304 square feet, Page 3of8 �_ IsNEmGY AUTHORITY Alaska Small Cities Ener Efficiency and Conservation Block Grants Name ofCity nrBorough: BudgetForm City of Hughes Table A:Full Project Budget Line Funding Source Budgeted Amount l. EECBGfunds requested $18.300 2. City/borough matching orin-kind contributions $1.600 Funding from other sources* $0 | I ' 4. Estimated total project cost $14,900 * identify other sources from line 3, and whether sources are confirmed or pending: Table8: EECBQFunding Breakdown Please budget how the EECBG funding (Table A, line I above) breaks down between the following categories. Please note that the energy audit cost column may not be more than 50 percent of the total. Expense Categories Energy Audit Costs EExN/EC&8Costs** Total � Personnel $ $ so Travel $ $ so Materials &Supplies $ $ so Equipment $ $ so | Contractual $ $ so | | Total so / �O �O / **EEM: Energy Efficiency Measure, ECM: Energy Conservation Measure; defined in EECBG Funding Announcement and Instructions document. Budget Narrative Please briefly describe the use of EECBG funds and any matching funds, as categorized above: The City has committed up to $1,600 of cash and in -kind contributions to extend the energy saving through thiopno�ect. The City of Hughes will provide the service provider timely updates of cash and in -kind spending for quarterly reports. Page 4uf8 ��lrY� ��-��� ��K ������� ~..... .~ .,~~�.� pages) Alaska Small Cities Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) 1. Name of City or Borough: Grant Application, Option 1 (For option 2applicants only) Opt -in Technical Assistance City of McGrath ITowhat extent isthe community committed tocoordinating, planning and working with the contractor? Please describe. The city'sPublic Works Foreman and City Administrator will work closely with the service provider/contractor toassess the energy saving choice for the city and it's residents that we have identified; to replace an initial number of aging and failing streetlights with energy efficient LED fixtures/bulbs. By selecting Option 1, we hope to be able to take advantage of the best possible pricing on LED light fixtures and bulbs through bum pricing being negotiated by the contractor. 3.Will in -kind support beprovided tothe project bythe community? If so, please describe the types ofin'kindsupportthatareavaiiab|e(|abor,stumge,|udAin@,other),andtheextenttowhichhis The Public Works Foreman and his staff aswell as the City Administrator will contribute in -kind labor during the development and implementation of this project. The city staff isprepared oo receive materials as they arrive and to provide dry storage until installation and to assist with local transportation ifthe contractor makes esite visit mMcGrath, It will also banecessary tufund the installation ofthe new streetlight fixtures through this grant, including the removal of the old fixtures which isonly allowed bythe owner ufthe poles, McGrath Light and Power (ML&P). The city owns the fixtures and pays the monthly electric charges and ML&P maintains the fixtures (replaces bulbs supplied by the city and repairs fixtures tothe extent 4. If known, what buildings or facilities would the city like the contractor to focus on during the audit portion of the work? if specific known opportunites exist in any of these buildings, please list them in"additional comments" section below. # Name ofBuilding u, Faci|kv Street Address Streetlights located invarious l� |000ionothmuqhout town 2. l 4. l Sq. Ft. Sector Other Public Facility Select from Arrow Select from Arrow Select from Arrow Select from Arrow If additional space is needed, please list other buildings in the "Additional comments" box below. Page 2ofO 5. Summary of Project RATH " � 10-156 `�4 "�*��� � Old streetlight fixtures exist throughout town and some have failed beyond repair. Nehave not yet replaced them aothe city would like totake advantage ofmore energy efficient LED fixtures due mhigh costs associated with the price offuel (i.o.high electric rates that are additionally being reviewed for a tariff increase). This proJect will provide the first phase of transition to LED streetlights for McGrath. The Opt -in option will provide needed technical assistance todoanenergy efficiency and conservation assessment /four community's streetlights, The City ofMcGrath wants to eventually replace all of the aging, considerably less efficient fixtures with highly energy efficient, bright LED streetlights. Good visibility iaanimportant safety factor for all who walk urride onour roads. If the selected service provider will be able to assist us in laying out a scope of work and through bulk purchasing/collaboration with other communities, get the lowest cost per unit for the replacement o(eninitial number o(our streetlights. 6.Additional Comments Page 3of@ Alaska Small Cities Ener Efficiency and Conservation Block Grants Name of City or Borough: BudgetForm City of McGrath Table AcFull Project Budget Line Funding Source Budgeted Amount l. EE[8Gfunds requested $22.800 � - | � | Z City/borough matching urin-kind contributions $2.500 3. Funding from other sources* $O 4. Estimated total project cost ~$25.800 identify other sources from line 3, and whether sources are confirmed or pending: Line 2: City staff labor (Public Works and Administrative services), local transportation, receiving and hauling freight from airport and dry, secure storage ofproject materials. TableB: EECBGFunding Breakdown Please budget how the EEC8Gfunding (Table A,line labove) breaks down between the following categories. Please note that the energy audit cost column may not be more than 50 percent of the total. ExpenseCategnhes Energy Audit Csts EEA8/ECIV1Costs*Total ' � Personnel $ � $0 . Travel $ � $C�� Materials &Supplies $ $O Equipment $ $0 Contractual $ $O ~ Total $0 $U $8 **EEM: Energy Efficiency Measure, ECM: Energy Conservation Measure; defined in EECBG Funding Announcement and Instructions document. Budget Narrative Please briefly describe the use of EECBG funds and any matching funds, as categorized above: At the time of this initial application, we do not know how the contracted technical assistance provider will allocate funds within table B. The city will be contributing $2/500 of in -kind labor and other services as stated inthe explanation box for Table A, above. We anticipate that the assessment will take a minimal amount of the overall funds available. Page 4uf8 DENERGY A THonnr NORTH POLE 10_103 (^*pages) Alaska Small Cities Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) 1. Name of City or Borough: Grant Application, Option 1 (For option 2 applicantsonly) Opt -in Technical Assistance City of North Pole 2. To what extent is the community committed to coordinating, planning and working with the contractor? Please describe. The City has 13city buildings that could benefit from energy efficiency upgrades. North Pole is small city of 2000 so it does not have the technical expertise to assess and implement energy efficiency upgrades. The EECIBG Option 1 will provide the City with a "turnkey" alternative to achieve greater energy efficiency in its buildings --access to vetted technical expertise to determine the deficiencies in current energy utilization: identification of energy efficiency improvements; recommendations of reputable suppliers and contractors; and assistance with satisfying grant reporting requirements. Energy audits of City facilities will support budget planning to implement additional energy -saving actions beyond those funded with the grant award. 3.Will in -kind support beprovided tothe project bythe community? If so, please describe the types ofin-kind support that are available (|ahor, storage, lodging, other),and the extent tuwhich itis North Pole'sPublic Works Department has only two full time employees; however, these staff members do have skills that can be used for basic construction activities. The North Pole Fire Department has employees with construction skills that could be used for construction -related activities ouFire Department facilities. The Director ofCity Services will provide administrative support for the project. Depending upon the results of energy audits, recommended improvements and estimated pay -back times, the City Council will actively consider funding energy improvements beyond those funded with grant dollars. 4. If known, what buildings or facilities would the city like the contractor to focus on during the audit portion nfthe work? If specific known opportunities exist in any of these buildings, please list them in "additional comments" section below. # Name ofBuilding cvFacKitvStreet Address North Pole City Hall 125Snowman Lane 1. 3. 3. 4. S. North Pole Police Station 125Snowman Lane � North Pole Fire Station 1O2Lewis Street North Pole Fire Annex 2431 stAvenue North Pole Public Works 1O3Lewis Street If additional space is needed, please list other buildings in the "Additional comments"' box below. So`Ft. Sector 3.900 Public Building � 5,500 Public Building 12.240 Public Building 3.000 Public Building 4.800 Public Building Page 2ofD 5. Summary ofProject NORTH POLE 10-103 (4 pages) The majority ofthe ChyofNorth Pole public facilities are between 2Uand 4Qyears old. When these buildings were constructed, energy was relatively inexpensive, attitudes toward energy saving were different, and energy saving technologies were less effective than those available today. With competing demands for scarce public resources, it is challenging for a small municipality to overcome the financial hurdle for initiating upgrades in the energy efficiency of its facilities. The funding from the EECBG will provide the City with start-up funding to initiate efforts to improve energy efficiency of its facilities. The critical first step in improving the energy efficiency of the City's facilities is an assessment of the the current state of energy usage and the facilities' conditions; recommendations for improving energy efficiency; and cost -benefit data including estimated payback for investments in energy efficiency improvements. With this information, the City can use the remainder of the grant funds to make energy efficiency improvements that will generate immediate results and cost savings. Energy efficiency improvement recommendations that cost more than the balance of grant funds will be the foundation for an energy efficiency improvement plan to be funded with City funds and possible grant and loan awards. 6.Additional Comments The City ofNorth Pole recognizes the need mimprove energy efficiency auits facilities and inits operations and has made energy efficiency a priority component of capital projects. The City has received funding from USDA -Rural Development, Environmental Protection Agency, Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, and Alaska Department of Transportation and Public Facilities matched with City cash for a series of capital projects. Below is a summary of capital projects scheduled for 2010-2011 that have significant energy -saving components. 1.Water Treatment Plant Pump Replacement Project for Energy Efficiency: $OUO.OUVofARRA funding u,replace old single -speed water pumps with high efficiency variable frequency drive pumps. 2. Water Meter Replacement Project: $100,000 to replace residential water meters and to provide every water utility customer with an in -home water meter monitor so they ran make informed water conservation decisions. 3.Waste Water Treatment Plant Engineering and Design Project: $5OO.O0Otodesign upgrades to the City's waste water treatment plant. A directive to the engineering firm will be to incorporate energy saving technologies inthe project design. 4.Water Treatment Plant Engineering and Design Project: $5OO.8OOvodesign upgrades mthe Qt/owater treatment plant. Adirective mthe engineering firm will b000incorporate energy saving technologies inthe project design. 5. Sewer Lift Station Rehabilitation Project Phases 1 &2: $4.800.800oo upgrade sewer lift stations that includes energy efficient variable frequency drive pumps and supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) controls that will provide operational data that will support energy efficiency. 0. Utility Garage Construction Project: $U5O.00Umbuild a utility maintenance shop and garage that will incorporate energy efficient construction, heating, and lighting. 7�LED Street Light and Load Center Replacement Project: $2UD.00Ufor the replacement nf streetlights with energy -saving LED lights and the upgrade of all street light load centers. Page 3nf8 NORTH POLE 10-103 ����� ENERGY AUTHORITY ` ' — � Alaska Small Cities Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grants Name of City or Borough: BudgetForm City of North Pole Table A: Full Project Budget Line Funding Source Budgeted Amount | l. EE[BGfunds requested $100.000 2. City/borough matching orin-kind contributions $10.000 � 3. Funding from other sources* $ 4. Estimated total project cost $1101000 * Identify other sources from line 3, and whether sources are confirmed or pending: TatdeB: EEC8GFunding Breakdown Please budget how the EE[BGfunding (Table A,line 1above) breaks down between the following categories. Please note that the energy audit cost column may not be more than 50 percent of the total. Expense Categories Energy Audit Costs EEM/ECM[uuts** Personnel $ $ $O Travel $ $ $O Materials &3upp|ieo $ $ $O Equipment $ $ $O Total Total $O $O $O � � **EEM: Energy Efficiency Measure, ECM: Energy Conservation Measure; defined in EEC G Funding Announcement and Instructions document, Budget Narrative Please briefly describe the use of EECBG funds and any matching funds, as categorized above: Asaparticipant inEEC8GOption 1.the City will rely heavily upon the technical expertise of project- p rovid ed consultants. The City has identified the need to conduct energy assessments of its h*ci|ities, but lacks the resources to make the initial investment. Aprofessional energy assessments that provide sound recommendations about needed upgrades, costs, and energy savings -payback data will provide the City with the ability to make sound policy and funding decisions. With an energy saving plan, the City can allocate resources for those activities that ran be funded internally and that use intemal labor and can budget for more expensive project. A professionally conducted energy assessment of City facilities will also provide the City with technically sound data to support grant and loan applications. Matching contributions will be in -kind labor from the Public Works, Fire Department, and Administration staff. Depending upon the recommendations of the energy assessment, particularly ones that provide documentable rapid payback and future budget savings, the North Pole City Council may be willing to commit significant financial resources ooenergy upgrades. Page 4of8 U Y 10-161 (4 pages) Alaska Small Cities Energy Efficiency and Conservation 1. Name of City or Borough: ck Grant (E Grant Application, Option 1 (For option 1 applicants only) Opt -In Technical Assistance fct-(1) 2. To what extent is the community committed to coordinating; planning and working with the contractor? Please describe. . / 0 d (jet bc IL)S5/K tL r'jj2. /476cfra - 3. Will in -kind support be provided to the project by the community? if so, please describe the types of in -kind support that are available (labor, storage, lodging, other), and the extent to which it is Thejli )(1 Stoi7-1- 7re-ic7e (uyt Z6-0'c '64&a 4. if known, what buildings or facilities would the city like the contractor to focus on during the audit portion of the work? if specific known opportunites exist in any of these buildings, please list them in "additional comment? section below. # Name of Building or Facility Street Address 7 c ;kit C 2. 3, 4, So, Ft, Sector LI t, k_Oact Select from Arrow Select from Arrow Select from AfrOVV Select from Arrow Select from Arrow if additional space is needed, please list other buildings in the "Addition& comments" box below. Pace. 2 of 8 6-0 ApueN dLC'CO OL 60 JdV 5, Summary of Project 6. Additional ents Y 0-164 pages) Pane 3 of e LG 9t7L0 tioN 40ueN Ot 60 AV Ene Name of City or Borough: E 0-161 (4 pa es) Alaska Small Cities iciency and Conservation Block Grants Budget Form Table A: Full Project Budget Line Funding Source 1 Budgeted Amount 1. EECBG funds requested 6, 5co 2. City/borough matching or in -kind contributions 3. Funding from other sources* Estimated total project cost $ tt, 5i2_O() Identify other sources from line 3, and whether sources are confirmed or pending: Table B: EECBG Funding Breakdown Please budget how the EECBG funding (Table A, line 1 above) breaks down between the following categories. Please note that the energy audit cost column may not be more than 50 percent of the total Expense Categories I Energy Audit Costs EEM/ECM Costs** i Total I Personnel $ $ S I Travel $ $ $0 5ZCO6 I Materials & supplies $ SO Equipment $ SO Contractual $0 . Total 0 I $0 **EEM: Energy Efficiency Measure, ECM: Energy Conservation Measure; defined in EECBG Funding Announcement and instructions document. Budget Narrative Please briefly describe the use of EECBG funds arid any matching funds, as categorized above: -Th c3c12t- LL5ci zLild /051- 57e-CalL .tiLL frn (1 C7 / LA - LCI 1 Page 4 of 5 d L90CE9tZ06 HoN AoueN ciL£:£0 Ol 60 -id\-1