HomeMy WebLinkAboutNative Village of Quinhagak Preliminary Renewable Energy Reconnaissance Study Report and Work Plan - Mar 2023 - REF Grant 70140171 Kwinhagak Preliminary Renewable Energy Reconnaissance Study Report and Work Plan Table of Contents INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................. 2 BASE SYSTEM, AS-BUILTS AND ENERGY STUDIES.................................................................................2 THE BASE SYSTEM DESIGN DOCUMENTATION BINDER ........................................................................ 2 AVAILABLE RESOURCE ASSESSMENTS ................................................................................................. 3 DRAFT CONCEPTUAL DESIGN .............................................................................................................. 4 WORKPLAN ........................................................................................................................................ 5 REVISED PROJECT BUDGET AND SCHEDULE ......................................................................................... 9 APPENDIX A: BIBLIOGRAPHY ............................................................................................................. 10 APPENDIX B: BASE SYSTEM DESIGN DOCUMENTATION BINDER ........................................................ 14 2 Kwinhagak Preliminary Renewable Energy Reconnaissance Study Report and Work Plan Introduction A number of studies and activities have been conducted to address energy and infrastructure issues in Quinhagak (see Bibliography). A focus of these studies was to identify problems or challenges with existing power generation, transmission, and bulk fuel storage systems, or opportunities for energy efficiency improvements. Other studies examined renewable resource options for hydro and wind. All the past studies focused on ways to reduce energy costs to the community and residents. Each study indicated a steady increase in the amount of electricity being consumed by each sector (commercial, residential, government, and community), and impacts of the cost of energy. Base System, As-Builts and Energy Studies In addition to the legacy diesel generators, previous studies resulted in several completed energy projects expanding the diesel generation effectiveness. Three - 100 kW Wind Turbines were installed in 2010. In 2016, the wind turbines produced 655,618 kWh and offset 47,907 gallons of diesel. In response to adding additional wind turbines to the diesel system, Alaska Village Electric Cooperative (AVEC) commented that the three wind turbines are already pushing diesel generators to run at their minimum threshold, and AVEC is currently working on a grid bridging system that does allow for diesel generator to be shut off to allow for fuel savings. Waste Heat Recovery system was installed from the AVEC generators to the City, the fuel equivalent of 19,010 gallons of #1 fuel oil. Weatherization WAP) weatherized 67 homes in Quinhagak. Improvements included tuning heating systems, air sealing, insulation, windows, doors, LED lights, and safety improvements (smoke alarms, carbon monoxide detectors and fire extinguishers). The Base System Design Documentation Binder These documents can be found in Appendix B consisting of the One-Line and Sectionalizing schematics of the Quinhagak system, provided by the Alaska Village Electric Cooperative (AVEC). 3 Available Resource Assessments These are identified in the Bibliography. The primary resource assessment is the 2007 Quinhagak, Alaska Wind Resource Report completed by V3 Energy, LLC. Other studies have uncovered additional needs for Kwinhagak/Quinhagak. Energy Audits were performed on the water treatment plant, utility building and community washeteria along with other commercial buildings. These audits were performed by ANTHC and RuralCAP. Issues related to occasional power outages from loss of diesel power, and distribution system vulnerability, likely from high winds. The power system drawings indicate possible aging electrical distribution system. Hydro development study by Nuvista was determined not to be cost effective Infrastructure, site control and land use issues are being impacted by climate change and specifically erosion. Poor housing conditions exist in Quinhagak. START Quinhagak Strategic Energy Plan START Quinhagak conducted in 2018 under the US DoE START program and was prepared by the Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium (ANTHC) by working closely with the Native Village of Kwinhagak (NVK) and City of Quinhagak. Additional participation and assistance from the Denali Commission, Alaska Village Electric Cooperative, (AVEC), Weatherization Assistance Program, and the Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) added to the usefulness of the Strategic Energy Plan. This work provided an organized approach to energy development by focusing on the following items. 1. Stakeholder engagement and awareness 2. Developing a community energy profile, from the perspectives of the o Power Plant o Water Treatment Plant And Washeteria o Sewer o Housing o Community Buildings & Schools 3. Creating a Community Vision 4. Identifying Strategies 5. Recognizing the need for Emergency Planning 6. Developing Next Steps 4 Draft Conceptual Design A conceptual hybrid renewable energy system design consists of several components: - Understanding current technologies - Applying current technologies to a future hybrid system - Creating community energy goals for the hybrid system to achieve - Detailing tasks to develop the conceptual design - Involving Kwinhagak to support and assist with implementing the tasks - Developing the work products, assessments, and studies Understanding Current Technologies Since these studies were completed, technologies have continued to change and improve. Over the past 5 to 10 years, technologies and their applications to remote community power systems have become much more economical and replicable. In addition, significant public policy changes supporting renewable energy have also been implemented. Significant progress has been made in both the cost effectiveness and productivity of wind, solar photovoltaics, and energy storage technologies. Across the world, wind and solar energy continues to emerge as the most affordable source of new electricity. Advances in wind technology and design have increased deployments, incentivized manufacturing, and investment, all which continue to drive costs down while improving productivity. Central to the advances are larger rotors and taller towers, and the mass production of low cost highly efficient and reliable utility scale wind turbines. This success has resulted in wind turbines continuing to increase in size and move offshore. Renewable energy - wind, and solar photovoltaics (PV) - combined with energy storage and energy efficiency improvements have emerged as the primary tools for addressing the climate crisis. When applied ambitiously in remote communities like Quinhagak, these tools can grow energy independence, allow sustainable growth, and generate new opportunities for local residents and the community. Importantly, along with these changes federal and state policy initiatives are providing new sources of funding to shift from burning fossil fuels to generate electricity and heat homes and buildings using renewable wind and solar. Applying Current Technologies to a Future Hybrid System An important purpose of this effort is to apply new learning and new technical approaches to develop a conceptual renewable energy system design, allowing the community of Quinhagak to have information about how it can benefit financially by harvesting local energy resources. The primary outcome of this Study is to create a practical conceptual plan, incorporating a combination of wind+solar+energy storage to displace ~50% of the diesel fuel currently used for power generation and home heating. 5 While this may seem like an ambitious goal, it will provide a pathway and framework for the community to set and achieve practical goals. WORKPLAN The remainder of this Study will be conducted by: 1. Collecting Data about needs; energy assessment 2. Analyzing Options 3. Documenting the Conceptual Design Report important to note the following: The project may require installing additional monitoring equipment to measure electrical or heating loads. This is yet to be determined. The conceptual design will provide direction for final design studies and developing resources. Project Objectives As previously stated, this study builds on past work to develop a conceptual design for using wind, solar and energy storage, with a target goal of displacing 50% of the diesel fuel currently used to produce electricity and heat homes. In order to create this conceptual design, on site data collection effort is required along with developing a new energy-use baseline, and community-based targets for energy efficiency. Community Involvement The success of this project includes community involvement. The community should designate a reliable single point of contact as the local project coordinator. This person will be responsible for monitoring the project and interfacing as required with appropriate contractors and agencies. This person will be responsible for guiding, and coordinating community engagement and local communications, and logistics as required. Workplan consists of the following tasks or milestones Site Visit Timing depends on local community and IES schedules and weather Data Collection and System Assessment 6 weeks from initial site visit; requires 4 to 6 weeks of effort Data Analysis Monitoring & Options and Cost Estimates (4 to 6 Weeks) Conceptual Design (4 to 6 Weeks) Presentation and Final Report (2 to 3 Weeks) 6 Site Visit (3 Days On-Site. Timing depends on local community and IES schedules and weather. Target - April/May 2023) A site visit by the project team is necessary to understand more clearly specific community issues and place them in the context of the project objective. The initial site visit will be structured to build a shared understanding and awareness of the specific challenges faced by the community, connect individuals involved in the process, collect specific data, and train local surveyors in methods of collecting site and project specific data needed to assess conditions and analyze options. The site visit will likely require 3 days on site for an IES team of two to three individuals. This work includes meeting with local leaders, evaluating local conditions, designing and implementing the data collection program working with local surveyors. Data Collection and System Assessment On Site (Approximately 6 weeks from initial site visit; requiring 4 to 6 weeks of effort) IES will develop survey tools and train and supply local individuals (2 teams of 2 individuals) to gather specific asset information about the community and its energy system. This information will consist of specific geolocated asset descriptions, photos and menu driven survey questionnaires. The data is to be collected in a consistent manner such that it can be aggregated, analyzed, and evaluated with respect to the Primary data to collect includes information needed to develop System Condition Report: Electrical grid condition survey Electric service drops to buildings Total number of buildings, estimated square footage and electricity and fuel use estimates Existing power generation assets: diesel plant, wind, etc. Identify potential renewable development sites Training local surveyors will occur during the initial site visit. Prior to the site visit, the data collection methods will be introduced, and a local survey crew will be identified. The initial site visit may indicate that changes will need to be made to the data collection scope of work and revise training that the local survey team will need. Typically, new information developed during the initial site visit results in modification or adjustments to the initial work plan. For example: 1. Data collection may require additional on-site monitoring equipment to be installed. a. This cannot be determined until the on-site visit occurs. i. The most effective monitoring equipment may not be attainable because outside the scope of the budget. This will be confirmed during the initial on-site visit. 7 2. The surveys can be adapted to include data collection used to characterize critical issues related to energy systems. Two examples are, ground movement: since previous studies for Quinhagak have indicated negative impacts on building foundation systems and water sewer systems; and erosion from the Kanektok River: impacting community infrastructure. Including these important aspects are not included in the budget, and will depend interest and local assistance. The data collection phase is expected to take 4 to 6 weeks, and result in a baseline report community energy system and needs, and options to be considered. Data Analysis Monitoring & Options and Cost Estimates (Approximately 4 to 6 weeks of effort) The principal deliverable for this project will be a conceptual design report targeted at displacing 50% of fossil fuel imported used for heat and power by 2025. Initial estimates indicate that to achieve this goal, renewable power production will require scaling from a current annual renewable contribution of 600,000 kWhs to a consistent and reliable level over 10x that amount or in excess of 6,000,000 kWh. The collected data will be used to model renewable energy potential and apply system and energy storage requirements to meet the needs for the community. Assessing options is required to develop a workable conceptual design. The data collected will be used to complete a quantitative analysis based on the composition of the current local energy system compared to options. A number of modeling tools will be used to evaluate options, such as HOMER and PV Watts. Conceptual Design (Approximately 4 to 6 weeks of effort. Target date: September 15) In order to meet 50% fuel displacement goal will require the construction and integration of high contributions of wind, solar PV, energy storage, energy efficiency, and energy management components. The conceptual design is intended to provide a base system design, identify sites, permitting issues and preliminary cost and production estimates. Achieving a 50% goal is realistic as a logical extension of the demonstrated progress and experience demonstrated in other communities across the state. Previously, AVEC indicated that adding additional wind turbines to the systems would require energy storage to increase fuel savings and increase renewable contributions. A system allowing diesel generator to be shut off will provide even more fuel savings. The conceptual design will provide a pathway to integrate the renewable and diesel generation and storage components. A subsequent study will be required to address modifications required for the grid to achieve the 50% objective. 8 The Conceptual Design will identify the most promising option to reduce diesel fuel use and reduce energy costs for Kwinhagak. The Conceptual Design is intended to serve as the framework for collaboration and co-development. The conceptual design consists of proposed technologies, system operational modes, cost and production estimates, site control and permitting issues, single line and interconnection drawings. Final Report (Approximately 2 to 3 weeks of effort. Target: October 1) The final report will include the technical and administrative reports required. It will also describe further work that will need to be completed to enable a final construction ready design. This may include: Power system integration and impact study. Adaptive microgrid, required reliable islanded operations, and service provisions. Reliable and resilient system operations utilizing high levels of distributed renewable generation and energy storage, and renewable heating or cooling. Metering and asset management operations, aggregation, and coordination to provide demand response and grid services. List of potential funding sources. Revised Project Budget and Schedule are on the following page. 9 Revised Project Budget and Schedule Work Plan And Desk Study $14,000 Deliverable: Desktop Study Preliminary Report and Work Plan (Delivered on March 1, 2023) Initial Site Visit Deliverable: Trip Report May 30 Target Schedule: April/May 2023 $ 6,000 Data Collection $22,000 Deliverable: Condition Report Target Schedule: June 15 (6 weeks from site visit) ($5,000 for local surveyors) Options Analysis Deliverable: Options Analysis Target Schedule: July 15 (+2 weeks for comments) $15,000 Conceptual Design Deliverable: Report Target Schedule: Sept 15 (4-6 weeks after comments) $ 15,000 Final Report and Closeout Target Schedule: October 1, 2023 $ 8,100 10 Appendix A: Bibliography Alaska Energy Authority and Alaska Center for Energy and Power. Energy: A http://www.naseo.org/Data/Sites/1/documents/stateenergyplans/AK.pdf Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium. Comprehensive Energy Audit For Quinhagak Community Health and Sanitation Building. May 11, 2016. https://www.anthc.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Quinhagak-Community- Health-Sanitation-Building-Energy-Audit-Report.pdf Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium. Comprehensive Energy Audit For Quinhagak Utility Building. May 11, 2016. https://www.anthc.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Quinhagak-Utility-Building- Energy-Audit-Report.pdf Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium. Comprehensive Energy Audit For Quinhagak Water Treatment Plant. May 11, 2016. https://www.anthc.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/10/Quinhagak-Water- Treatment-Plant-Energy-Audit-Report.pdf Buzard, R.M., M.M. Turner, K.Y. Miller, D.C. Antrobus, and J.R. Overbeck. Exposure Assessment of Infrastructure in Alaska Coastal Alaska Division of Geological & Geophysical Surveys, Report of Investigation 2021-3 Quinhagak. https://dggs.alaska.gov/webpubs/dggs/ri/text/ri2021_003_Quinhagak.pdf City of Quinhagak Mitigation Planning Team. City of Quinhagak Hazard Mitigation Plan. 2012. https://www.commerce.alaska.gov/web/Portals/4/pub/Quinhagak%20- %20Jan%202012.pdf?TSPD_101_R0=0890181cafab2000ea9d5861192a5506fe 7a8105968a2e226c79e70fc611e4c6666373755cfca0ff08cecd273214300012190 72000c2d94f4ee34d9edd0879f1598a6d002c9b3148065f270e34b6935dc74a647 9da6857cc51f0d933b00b39a9 CRW Engineering Group, LLC. Piped Water and Sewer and System Project; Quinhagak Sanitation Improvements; Water and Sewer and System Project. n.d. https://www.crweng.com/?s=quinhagak Cold Climate Housing Research Center. Quinhagak Prototype. n.d. http://cchrc.org/quinhagakprototype/ 11 Crimp, Peter; Colt, Steve; Foster, Mark.Power in Rural Alaska: Improved Opportunities for Economic Deploym https://scholarworks.alaska.edu/handle/11122/12224 Dane, A, and L Doris. Strategic Energy Plan and Planning August 2013. https://www.energy.gov/indianenergy/articles/alaska-strategic-energy-plan-and- planning-handbook Denali Commission. Distributing Power: A Technical and Policy Review of Electric Transmission in Alaska. 2008.https://www.nuvistacoop.org/resource- library/interties https://static1.squarespace.com/static/60bfde59db581b37331ca57f/t/60c2896c 82bca048aca37fe7/1623361900944/Map-of-Proposed-Southwest-Alaska- Transmission-Lines.pdf Denali Commission. Gove, Carolyn. Energy Planning: A Guide for Rural Alaska https://www.energy.gov/indianenergy/articles/strategic-energy-planning-guide- rural-alaska-communities Hadjerioua, Boualem, Miles H. Mobley, Scott T. DeNeale, and Douglas Ott. Development Opportunities for Alaska Native October 1, 2018. https://doi.org/10.2172/1479720. Holdmann, Gwen, and Steve Colt. Village Energy: Integration of Renewable and Diesel Systems to Improve Energy Self-Reliance for Remote Rural Alaska 2021. https://acep.uaf.edu/media/30120/INE-13078_Proposal- Description_FINAL.pdf. Kohler, Meera, and Ethan Schutt. for a Sustainable Alaska: The Rural Commonwealth North, February 2012. https://www.denali.gov/wp content/uploads/2018/10/CWN-Report-Energy-for-a-Sustainable-Alaska-The- Rural-Conundrum1.pdforg/publications/ 12 Kohler, Meera, Village Wind Tribal Energy Conference, Denver, CO October 28, 2010. https://www.energy.gov/sites/prod/files/2016/01/f28/44_avec_wind.pdf Renewable Energy to Rural Development, Executive Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development, n.d. https://www.oecd.org/regional/regional-policy/Renewable-rural-energy- summary.pdf https://static1.squarespace.com/static/60bfde59db581b37331ca57f/t/60c3b33f ad7e4641e01cb0e9/1623438145206/Nuvista_year_end_2016.pdf Nuvista. -Kuskokwim Delta Regional Energy November 2015. https://www.nuvistacoop.org/resource-library Nuvista. -Kuskokwim Delta Community Sustainability July 2016. https://www.nuvistacoop.org/resource-library Poudyal, Aditya, and Jukka V. Paatero. Review on Tools and Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society 33, no. 5 6 (October 2013): 191 97. https://doi.org/10.1177/0270467614531555. Native Village of Kwinhagak and the City of Quinhagak. Alaska 2018 V3 Energy. Vaught, Alaska Wind Resource August 17, 2007. https://www.v3energy.com/quinhagak/ Renewable Energy Atlas of Alaska. 2019. https://www.akenergyauthority.org/Portals/0/Publications%20and%20Resource s/2019%20Renewable%20Energy%20Atlas%20of%20Alaska%20(Low- Res%20Version).pdf?ver=2021-06-07-091312-147 Energy Solutions for Rural Allen, Riley; Donna Brutkoski, Donna; Farnsworth, David; and Larsen, Peter. April 2016. https://www.osti.gov/servlets/purl/1249184. Present and Études Inuit Studies ; Université Laval, Vol 43, No.1/2, 2019 ; 243-264. https://www.jstor.org/stable/26945912 . -Based Remote Sensing for Managing Alaskan Native Heritage Landscapes in the Yukon- by Lim, Jonathan; Gleason, Sean. February 2, 2022. https://www.mdpi.com/2072-4292/14/3/728 13 U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Economic Development Administration. Yukon-Kuskokwim Region Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy. Alaska Village Council of Presidents. 2018. https://www.avcp.org/2018/08/02/the-yukon-kuskokwim- region-comprehensive-economic-development-strategy-2018-2023-is-now- available/ U.S. Dept. of Energy Office of Indian Energy, Technologies for Sherry Stout https://www.energy.gov/sites/prod/files/2017/12/f46/DOE_Technology%20Summ ary.pdf U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Energy Opportunities: Best Practices for https://nepis.epa.gov/Exe/tiff2png.cgi/P100FHTX.PNG?- r+75+g+7+D%3A%5CZYFILES%5CINDEX%20DATA%5C11THRU15%5CTIF F%5C00000388%5CP100FHTX.TIF 14 Appendix B: Base System Design Documentation Binder One Line Engineering Drawing and Sectionalized Drawings These files are being sent in separate emails due to their size.