HomeMy WebLinkAboutNuyakuk River Hydro Conceptual Design Initial Study Report - Dec 2023 - REF Grant 7013001Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project (P-14873) 1 December 2023 Solutions for the Future Nushagak Electric & Telephone Cooperative, Inc. 557 Kenny Wren Road P.O. Box 350 Dillingham, AK 99576 Ph: 907-842-5251 Fx: 907-842-2799 www.nushtel.com December 1, 2023 Secretary Kimberly D. Bose Federal Energy Regulatory Commission 888 First Street, NE Washington, DC 20426 - FILED ELECTRONICALLY - Initial Study Report Filing for the Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project (P-14873) Dear Secretary Bose: On June 11, 2018 the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) issued a Preliminary Permit to the Nushagak Electric and Telephone Cooperative (Cooperative) for the proposed Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project (Project). On October 7, 2019, the Cooperative filed its Pre-Application Document (PAD) and Notice of Intent (NOI) and formally entered into the Integrated Licensing Process (ILP). Upon the filing of the PAD, the Cooperative adhered to all scheduling milestones and FERC approved modifications associated with the ILP, had substantial consultation and collaboration with Project stakeholders (kick-off meeting, study planning meetings, numerous phone calls, etc.) and developed a Proposed Study Plan (PSP) which was filed with FERC on April 16, 2020. As FERC is aware, the Project was put into abeyance due to a number of extenuating circumstances on June 11, 2020. These circumstances included the COVID pandemic, additional collaboration/agreement time necessary with local stakeholders, the upcoming commercial fishing season and the potential for a better overall ILP schedule. By early 2022, conditions were appropriate, and the necessary collaborative dialogue had been had to lift the abeyance with the Cooperative filing a revised/updated PSP to formally re- initiate the licensing process. Since that time, a collaboratively developed Revised Study Plan (RSP) has been developed and filed (8/1/2022), all necessary study preparations and permit acquisitions have taken place, and the bulk of 2023 was utilized to implement the 1st of two comprehensive natural resource study seasons. By all accounts (safety, consistency with methods and a robust dataset), the 2023 study season was a successful first year for the study program and will assist greatly in assessing the feasibility of the proposed Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project. With this as context, we hereby file the Initial Study Report (ISR) with FERC. We would also like to note that our study report meetings are planned for December 5, 2023. Two analogous meetings will take place; one from 1pm to 4pm and another from 6pm to 9pm (both AK time). Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project (P-14873) 2 December 2023 Solutions for the Future Nushagak Electric & Telephone Cooperative, Inc. 557 Kenny Wren Road P.O. Box 350 Dillingham, AK 99576 Ph: 907-842-5251 Fx: 907-842-2799 www.nushtel.com Both meetings will be held in the Nushagak Cooperative’s Board Room in Dillingham, Alaska. As has been conveyed to the entire contact list for the Project via email, the Cooperative’s website, Facebook, local media outlets and direct communications with parties, there are both in-person and virtual mechanisms for participating in the meetings. We continue to appreciate all of the genuine collaboration and interest in the potential Project. We look forward to the upcoming study report meetings, sharing the results from the first study year and continuing to answer any questions and genuinely collaborate with all interested parties. Please feel free to contact me (907.842.5251 or wchaney@nushagak.coop) with any questions regarding this filing. Will Chaney Electric Operations Manager/CEO Nushagak Cooperative INITIAL STUDY REPORT NUYAKUK RIVER HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FERC NO. 14873 Submitted by: Nushagak Electric & Telephone Cooperative, Inc. P.O. Box 350 Dillingham, AK 99576 December 2023 Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. i December 2023 TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF FIGURES .......................................................................................................................iii LIST OF TABLES.........................................................................................................................iii ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ......................................................................................iv 1.0 INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................. 1 1.1 Project Description.................................................................................................. 3 1.2 Study Plan Determination Overview...................................................................... 6 1.3 Initial Study Report Meeting .................................................................................. 7 2.0 CURRENT STATUS OF PROJECT LICENSING STUDIES .......................................... 9 2.1 Study Status ............................................................................................................ 9 2.2 Field Camp and Safety Program ........................................................................... 10 3.0 INITIAL STUDY REPORT COMPONENTS................................................................. 11 4.0 STUDY REPORT SUMMARIES.................................................................................... 13 4.1 Characterization of Fish Community Behavior Near the Project Intake (Attachment A) ..................................................................................................... 13 4.2 Nuyakuk Falls Fish Passage Study (Attachment B) ............................................. 13 4.3 Fish Entrainment and Impingement Study (Attachment C) ................................. 14 4.4 Assessment of False Attraction to the Tailrace Fish Barrier (Attachment D)...... 14 4.5 Chinook and Sockeye Salmon Lifecyle Modeling (Attachment E)...................... 14 4.6 Integrated Risk Assessment of Fish Populations (Attachment F) ........................ 14 4.7 Future Flows Study (Attachment G) ..................................................................... 15 4.8 Water Quality Assessment (Attachment H).......................................................... 15 4.9 Flow Duration Curve Change Analysis Study (Attachment I)............................. 16 4.10 Ice Processes Assessment (Attachment J) ............................................................ 16 4.11 Botanical and Wetlands Survey (Attachment K) .................................................. 16 4.12 Caribou Population Evaluation (Attachment L) ................................................... 17 4.13 Subsistence Study (Attachment M) ...................................................................... 17 4.14 Section 106 Evaluation (Attachment N) ............................................................... 17 4.15 Noise Study (Attachment O)................................................................................. 18 4.16 Recreation Inventory by Season (Attachment P) .................................................. 18 4.17 Environmental Justice Communities (Attachment Q).......................................... 19 4.18 Decision Support Tool (Attachment R)................................................................ 19 4.19 Aesthetic Study (Attachment S)............................................................................ 20 Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. ii December 2023 5.0 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................. 21 Attachments Attachment A – Characterization of Fish Community Behavior Near the Project Intake Study Report Attachment B – Nuyakuk Falls Fish Passage Study Report Attachment C – Fish Entrainment and Impingement Study Report Attachment D – Assessment of False Attraction to the Tailrace Fish Barrier Study Report Attachment E – Chinook and Sockeye Salmon Lifecyle Modeling Study Report Attachment F – Integrated Risk Assessment of Fish Populations Study Report Attachment G – Future Flows Study Report Attachment H – Water Quality Assessment Study Report Attachment I – Flow Duration Curve Change Analysis Study Report Attachment J – Ice Processes Assessment Study Report Attachment K – Botanical and Wetlands Survey Report Attachment L – Caribou Population Evaluation Study Report Attachment M – Subsistence Study Report Attachment N – Section 106 Evaluation Report Attachment O – Noise Study Report Attachment P – Recreation Inventory by Season Study Report Attachment Q – Environmental Justice Communities Study Report Attachment R – Decision Support Tool Study Report Attachment S – Aesthetic Study Report Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. iii December 2023 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1-1. Proposed Project Location............................................................................................4 Figure 1-2. Project conceptual plan.................................................................................................5 LIST OF TABLES Table 1-1. Integrated Licensing Process (ILP) milestones for the Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project (FERC 2022).........................................................................2 Table 1-2. Project Study List and Summary of Determinations by FERC (FERC 2022). ..............6 Table 2-1. Status of Project licensing studies. .................................................................................9 Table 3-1. Initial Study Report components, including study report attachment designations and associated appendices, as applicable. .........................................12 Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. iv December 2023 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ADEC Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation ADFG Alaska Department of Fish and Game ADNR Alaska Department of Natural Resources APE Area of Potential Effects ARWG Aquatics Resources Working Group BLM Bureau of Land Management cfs cubic feet per second Commission Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Cooperative Nushagak Electric & Telephone Cooperative DO dissolved oxygen EA Environmental Assessment Falls Nuyakuk Falls FERC Federal Energy Regulatory Commission GMU Game Management Unit ILP Integrated Licensing Process IRA Integrated Risk Assessment IM Intensive Management ISR Initial Study Report LCM Life Cycle Model MCH Mulchatna Caribou Herd mg/l milligrams per liter MW megawatt NMFS National Marine Fisheries Service NOI Notice of Intent NETC Nushagak Electric & Telephone Cooperative, Inc. PAD Pre-Application Document PLP Preliminary Licensing Proposal Project Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project (P-14873) PSP Proposed Study Plan RSP Revised Study Plan S&I Survey and Inventory Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. v December 2023 SD Scoping Document SHPO State Historic Preservation Office SPD Study Plan Determination TBD to be determined USR Updated Study Report WOTUS Waters of the United States Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 1 December 2023 1.0 INTRODUCTION Nushagak Electric & Telephone Cooperative, Inc. (NETC or Cooperative) is filing with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC or Commission) an Initial Study Report (ISR) describing the progress made during the first year of studies conducted for the Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project (Project), FERC No. 14873, in accordance with 18 CFR §5.15(c)(1). The Cooperative is seeking an original license for the proposed Project and has elected to use FERC’s Integrated Licensing Process (ILP) as described in 18 CFR Part 5. The Cooperative filed a Preliminary Permit Application on March 22, 2018. On June 11, 2018, FERC issued a preliminary permit for the Project with an expiration date of June 1, 2021. The Cooperative filed a Notice of Intent (NOI) and Pre-Application Document (PAD) on October 8, 2019, with the purpose of summarizing existing information on natural resources in the proposed Project vicinity and describing preliminary and conceptual Project design and engineering. FERC issued its Scoping Document 1 (SD1) to inform stakeholders about the scope of the Environmental Assessment (EA) it intends to prepare as part of the licensing process and to seek additional information pertinent to the analysis. The Cooperative held a Project kickoff meeting in Anchorage, Alaska on November 18, 2019, to engage Project stakeholders and present preliminary information about the Project. FERC held two Scoping Meetings for the Project in Anchorage, Alaska on December 11, 2019, to discuss existing environmental conditions, potential information needs, and resource issues. The Cooperative filed a Proposed Study Plan (PSP) with FERC on March 20, 2020, and based on further discussion with FERC, the Cooperative filed an updated PSP on April 16, 2020. The Project was placed into abeyance from June 7, 2020 through March 10, 2022 due to the COVID- 19 pandemic, the need for additional public dialogue, and subsequent restrictions that prevented requisite public meetings and site visits. On March 10, 2022, FERC issued an order accepting the PSP and re-initiated the formal ILP. FERC’s order also provided the licensing process milestones listed in Table 1-1. The Cooperative filed a Revised Study Plan (RSP) on August 1, 2022, after extensive collaboration with the Project’s Aquatics Resources Working Group (ARWG) beginning in October 2020. Additionally, the Cooperative conducted a site visit for the ARWG and held two public meetings in June 2022. FERC issued a Study Plan Determination (SPD) for the Project on August 24, 2022. The SPD is discussed in Section 1.2. It is notable that some of the studies incorporated into the RSP are the product of partnerships agreed to between the Cooperative and some of the stakeholders. Since the issuance of the SPD, the Cooperative has worked diligently to implement the studies as described in the RSP. During this time, the Cooperative has continued to meet monthly with the ARWG to provide updates regarding field study planning and implementation, preliminary study results, and technical presentations. The Cooperative also periodically emails the Project contact list, including over 100 stakeholders consisting of community members, Tribal governments or corporations, and agency personnel with updates regarding the Project licensing process and study implementation. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 2 December 2023 This ISR documents the progress made on each of the studies required as part of the Project licensing process. Because the ILP schedule provides two years to conduct Project studies, many studies will require data collection and further analysis during the second study year (2024). Thus, this ISR serves as a progress report, with additional study results and analysis to follow as needed in the Updated Study Report (USR), to be filed with FERC no later than December 1, 2024. Table 1-1. Integrated Licensing Process (ILP) milestones for the Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project (FERC 2022). Pre-Filing Milestone Responsible Party Date and Location (if applicable) [Required FERC ILP Timeframe] Comments due on Proposed Study Plan Licensing Participants June 30, 2022 [90 days after PSP filed] File Revised Proposed Study Plan Cooperative July 30, 2022 [30 days after PSP comments filed] Revised Proposed Study Plan Comments Due Licensing Participants August 14, 2022 [15 days after Revised PSP filed] Study Plan Determination Issued FERC August 29, 2022 [30 days after Revised PSP filed] Study Year 1 Cooperative May – October, 2023 File Initial Study Report 1 Cooperative December 1, 2023 Initial Study Report Meeting Cooperative December 16, 2023 [within 15 days of ISR filing] Initial Study Report Meeting Summary Cooperative December 31, 2023 [within 15 days of ISR meeting] Study Year 2 Cooperative May – October, 2024 File Updated Study Report 2 Cooperative December 1, 2024 Updated Study Report Meeting Cooperative December 16, 2024 [within 15 days of ISR filing] Updated Study Report Meeting Summary Cooperative December 31, 2024 [within 15 days of ISR meeting] File Preliminary Licensing Proposal (PLP) Cooperative January 2025 [approximate; date TBD] Comments due on PLP Licensing Participants [90 days after PLP filed] File License Application Cooperative December 2025 [approximate; date TBD] 1 On February 6, 2023, the Cooperative filed an extension of time request to modify the Initial Study Report (ISR) and Updated Study Report (USR) filing deadlines to December 1, 2023 and December 1, 2024, respectively, to allow for the completion of field study seasons prior to study reporting each year. FERC approved this request on February 15, 2023. 2 See footnote 1 above with respect to the December 1, 2024 USR filing extension. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 3 December 2023 1.1 Project Description The proposed Project would be located in southwest Alaska on the Nuyakuk River approximately 60 miles north of Dillingham, AK (pop. 2,364) near Tikchik Lake in the watershed that drains the eastern side of the Wood River Mountains (Figure 1-1). The Project site is inside the current Wood-Tikchik State Park boundary by approximately 4 miles. From the Project site, the Nuyakuk River runs approximately 40 miles before converging with the Nushagak River, which continues to Bristol Bay. The proposed Project would be a new 10-12 megawatt (MW) conventional hydropower project consisting of an intake structure, power conduit, powerhouse forebay, powerhouse, and tailrace channel approximately 4.5 miles downstream of the Tikchik Lake outlet above a natural Falls on the Nuyakuk River (Figure 1-2). The Project’s river intake would divert water from the Nuyakuk River, above Nuyakuk Falls to a powerhouse located near the base of Nuyakuk Falls. From the Project site, the Nuyakuk River runs approximately 40 miles before confluencing with the Nushagak River, which continues to Bristol Bay. Power from the Project would be available to the customers of the Cooperative and potentially other areas in the region. The renewable power provided by the Project would represent a significant improvement in the current distribution system and minimize the reliance of local communities on fossil fuels as their primary source of electricity. Currently, the population that would be served by this Project relies wholly on diesel generation, which is barged upstream through the Nushagak and Kvichak River drainages to requisite locations. The reduction of water transport of fuels and storage quantity will reduce the potential for negative environmental impacts due to spills. The primary industry in the Project service area is related to commercial harvesting and processing of salmon. The long-term demand for more reliable, efficient, and cost-effective power along with the likely limited resource impacts makes this Project a highly viable opportunity. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 4 December 2023 Figure 1-1. Proposed Project Location. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric ProjectFERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 5 December 2023Figure 1-2. Project conceptual plan Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 6 December 2023 1.2 Study Plan Determination Overview In the Project’s SPD, FERC approved 14 of the 18 studies proposed by the Cooperative, 2 were approved with staff recommended modifications, and 2 studies were deemed not required. In addition, FERC required that the Cooperative conduct one additional study not included in the RSP. Table 1-2 lists the studies according to the categories described above. The two studies not required by FERC (Study 7 and Study 9) are still being executed per an agreement by the Cooperative and the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS). Table 1-2. Project Study List and Summary of Determinations by FERC (FERC 2022). Study Proposed or Requested By Approved by FERC Approved by FERC with Modifications Not Required 1. Characterization of Fish Community and Behavior near the Project Intake Cooperative X 2. Nuyakuk Falls Fish Passage Study Cooperative X 3. Fish Entrainment and Impingement Study Cooperative X 4. Assessment of False Attraction to the Tailrace Barrier Cooperative X 5. Chinook and Salmon Lifecycle Modeling Cooperative X 6. Integrated Risk Assessment of Fish Populations Cooperative X 7. Future Flows Study Cooperative; NMFS X 8. Water Quality Assessment Cooperative X 9. Flow Duration Curve Change Analysis Study Cooperative; NMFS X 10. Ice Processes Assessment Cooperative X 11. Botanical and Wetlands Survey Cooperative X 12. Caribou Population Evaluation Cooperative X 13. Subsistence Study Cooperative X 14. Section 106 Evaluation Cooperative X 15. Noise Study Cooperative X 16. Recreation Inventory by Season Cooperative X 17. Environmental Justice Communities Cooperative X 18. Decision Support Tool Cooperative X Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 7 December 2023 Study Proposed or Requested By Approved by FERC Approved by FERC with Modifications Not Required 19. Aesthetic Study FERC X 1.3 Initial Study Report Meeting In accordance with 18 CFR §5.15(c)(2), the Cooperative will hold two ISR meetings in Dillingham, Alaska on Tuesday, December 5, 2023, from 1-4pm and 6-9pm Alaska Time. The Cooperative is holding one meeting during typical business hours and a second meeting in the evening to accommodate attendee’s schedules and maximize attendance. Both meetings will be held in person, with the option to join virtually for anyone that is unable to or prefers not to meet in person. The purpose of the ISR meetings will be to present the results of the first study season, discuss the status of ongoing studies, and answer any questions regarding the studies or reports prior to stakeholder and public review. In accordance with the requirements of 18 CFR §5.15(c)(3), the Cooperative will file a summary of the ISR meetings with FERC within 15 days following the meetings. If any participants or FERC staff wish to modify ongoing studies, propose new studies, or have disagreements with the Cooperative’s meeting summary, those must be filed with FERC within 30 days following the meeting summary filing in accordance with 18 CFR §5.15(c)(4). Both meetings will be held at: Nushagak Cooperative Boardroom 557 Kenny Wren Rd Dillingham, AK 99576 The meetings can be attended virtually using the information below: Daytime Meeting: December 5, 2023, 1-4pm Alaska Standard Time Click here to join the meeting Meeting ID: 243 836 312 759 Passcode: nWAgt6 Or call in (audio only) +1 929-346-7316,,526876035# United States Phone Conference ID: 526 876 035# Evening Meeting: December 5, 2023, 6-9pm Alaska Standard Time Click here to join the meeting Meeting ID: 291 897 674 935 Passcode: 3yXhTQ Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 8 December 2023 Or call in (audio only) +1 929-346-7316,,217783922# United States Phone Conference ID: 217 783 922# Meeting information will also be posted in public locations in Dillingham, Koliganek, New Stuyahok, Ekwok, and Levelock, emailed to the Project stakeholder contact list, and posted on the Cooperative’s Project website (www.nuyakukhydro.com). Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 9 December 2023 2.0 CURRENT STATUS OF PROJECT LICENSING STUDIES 2.1 Study Status The Cooperative initiated the majority of the study program in 2023. Three studies were completed in 2023, including the Botanical and Wetlands Survey, Caribou Population Evaluation, and Noise Study. Eleven studies were initiated in 2023 and will be completed in 2024, and the remaining Five studies will be conducted during the 2024 study season. Additional details about each of the studies listed in Table 2-1 are provided in Section 4.0 (Study Report Summaries) and in Attachments A through S of this ISR, which contain detailed study reports. Table 2-1. Status of Project licensing studies. Study Study Completed in 2023 Study Underway (to be Completed in 2024) Study to be Conducted in 2024 1. Characterization of Fish Community and Behavior near the Project Intake X 2. Nuyakuk Falls Fish Passage Study X 3. Fish Entrainment and Impingement Study X 4. Assessment of False Attraction to the Tailrace Barrier X 5. Chinook and Salmon Lifecycle Modeling X 6. Integrated Risk Assessment of Fish Populations X 7. Future Flows Study X 8. Water Quality Assessment X 9. Flow Duration Curve Change Analysis Study X 10. Ice Processes Assessment X 11. Botanical and Wetlands Survey X 12. Caribou Population Evaluation X 13. Subsistence Study X 14. Section 106 Evaluation X 15. Noise Study X 16. Recreation Inventory by Season X 17. Environmental Justice Communities X 18. Decision Support Tool X 19. Aesthetic Study X Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 10 December 2023 2.2 Field Camp and Safety Program The remote location of the Project site necessitated a significant amount of planning, preparation, and logistical considerations. The Cooperative obtained the requisite Special Use Permit from the Alaska Department of Natural Resources (ADNR) to establish a field camp at the Project site, which is located in Wood Tikchik State Park. The field camp consisted of several small, easily removable cabin structures, an incinerator toilet, and boats stationed both above and below Nuyakuk Falls. Due to the potential danger of working in such a remote site and from wildlife, a Camp Manager was stationed at the field camp during the entire field season to assist study teams and provide protection from bears, as needed. In addition to satellite phones and inReach capabilities, the Cooperative established StarLink (satellite) internet access at the site for safety and to facilitate work and personal communication for field workers. The Cooperative implemented a detailed safety plan that involved nightly communication check-ins between the Camp Manager and offsite Project staff that have resources to initiate search and rescue or other safety support measures, as needed. The 2023 field season was successful both in terms of data collection and with respect to the establishment of safe and comfortable working conditions for field team members. No safety incidents occurred during 2023, and the Cooperative plans to implement consistent logistics and safety protocols during the 2024 field season. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 11 December 2023 3.0 INITIAL STUDY REPORT COMPONENTS This ISR contains progress reports for each of the Project licensing studies included in FERC’s SPD. Table 3-1 lists all study reports provided as attachments to this ISR. For consistency and to ensure compliance with FERC’s regulations in 18 CFR §5.15(c)(1), each study report attachment includes the follow sections, with study-specific information: 1.0 Study Plan Introduction: a summary of the study plan that was approved by FERC. 2.0 Study Goals and Objectives: a summary of the study goals and objectives based on study plan that was approved by FERC. 3.0 Study Area: a description of the geographic extent of the study area and specific sites utilized within the study area, if applicable. 4.0 Methodology: a description of the methods used to conduct the study. 5.0 Results: a description of the results and/or data collected during study plan implementation. 6.0 Discussion and Findings: discussion of study results and any conclusions or findings based on study results. 7.0 Study Variances and Modifications: a description of any modifications or variances from the study plan approved by FERC, with a rationale for any deviances from the study plan. 8.0 Study Status and Schedule: the status of the study at the time of the ISR filing, and the schedule for study completion, if not already completed. 9.0 Study-Specific Consultation: a description of any consultation that was conducted specific to the study during study plan implementation. 10.0 References: a list of references cited in the study report. In the event that a study was not initiated during 2023 (Table 2-1), a study report is still provided with information regarding plans for study implementation in 2024 and the schedule for study completion. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 12 December 2023 Table 3-1. Initial Study Report components, including study report attachment designations and associated appendices, as applicable. Attachment Study Report Study Report Appendices (if applicable) A Characterization of Fish Community and Behavior near the Project Intake Appendix A-1: Preliminary Nuyakuk River Radio Telemetry Array Deployment and Performance Information Appendix A-2: Preliminary Nuyakuk River Sonar Analysis of Smolt Outmigration B Nuyakuk Falls Fish Passage Study Appendix B-1: 2023 Topobathymetric Lidar Technical Data Report C Fish Entrainment and Impingement Study n/a D Assessment of False Attraction to the Tailrace Barrier n/a E Chinook and Salmon Lifecycle Modeling n/a F Integrated Risk Assessment of Fish Populations n/a G Future Flows Study n/a H Water Quality Assessment n/a I Flow Duration Curve Change Analysis Study n/a J Ice Processes Assessment n/a K Botanical and Wetlands Survey Appendix K-1: Botanical and Wetland Survey Maps Appendix K-2: Preliminary Wetland Delineation Report L Caribou Population Evaluation n/a M Subsistence Study n/a N Section 106 Evaluation [Note: Complete Study Report filed as PRIVILEGED] n/a O Noise Study Appendix O-1: Sound Level Measurement Result Graphs P Recreation Inventory by Season Appendix P-1: Recreation Study Commercial Operator Data Form Appendix P-2: Recreation Field Study Observations Appendix P-3: Project Site Recreation Field Survey Q Environmental Justice Communities n/a R Decision Support Tool n/a S Aesthetic Study n/a Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 13 December 2023 4.0 STUDY REPORT SUMMARIES Sections 4.1 through 4.19 provide a high-level summary of each study report (Attachments A through S to this ISR). 4.1 Characterization of Fish Community Behavior Near the Project Intake (Attachment A) The primary goal of this study is to determine the seasonal timing, species composition, relative abundance, habitat use, and migratory patterns of fishes within the Project Area that represents a baseline of conditions. To address this goal in Year 1 (2023), fish sampling was completed using various netting, trapping, and observational methods to develop a species-and-life-history stage- specific periodicity table of fish use in the Project Area. Fish sampling occurred throughout the ice-free period beginning with sampling of out-migration salmon smolts in May and continuing through summer sampling of juvenile and adult resident fishes and migrating anadromous salmon. The Year 1 field component of this study will finish in the winter of 2024 with tracking of radio-tagged Arctic Grayling upstream and downstream of the Falls. This study will continue with another year of sampling and further analysis of field data in 2024 to provide additional data on the periodicity of species and habitat use in the Project Area. This ISR provides a description of fish species and life stages encountered during Year 1 in Study Area zones above, within, and below, the Falls Reach. Species encountered in 2023 including salmon (Chinook, Sockeye, Coho, Pink, and chum), trout (Rainbow Trout, Lake Trout), Arctic Grayling, Northern Pike, Whitefish (humpback, pygmy), Arctic Lamprey, Burbot, sticklebacks (3-spine, 9-spine), and various sculpins. Two additional efforts were completed in Year 1 including the implementation of a hydroacoustic array to monitor downstream migrating juveniles and radio telemetry studies to evaluate passage behavior and success of upstream migrating adult salmon as well as documenting Arctic Grayling habitat use in the Project Area. All three studies were successfully implemented during Year 1, and data analysis for both studies is currently in progress and will inform not only the periodicity chart but also the modeling efforts described in Attachment B. 4.2 Nuyakuk Falls Fish Passage Study (Attachment B) The primary goal of this study is to evaluate how potential Project-related flow changes may impact fish habitat and passage conditions in the Falls Reach. While this study has various components, the focus of Year 1 work included field collection of bathymetric data and water surface elevation data, initial development and calibration of a two-dimensional (2D) hydraulic model for the Project Area, and development of an Agent-Based Model (ABM) that will be used to predict fish passage behavior under varying flow conditions. Year 1 also included coordination with the Aquatic Resources Working Group (ARWG) and across study teams for model integration. Many aspects of this study are ongoing through the fall and winter of 2023, as necessary inputs to both the 2D and ABM models require the fully analyzed fisheries field data (i.e., periodicity, upstream migration, downstream migration) and post-processed imagery data (i.e., Light Detection and Ranging). At this time, both models are under development with input and Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 14 December 2023 corroboration from the ARWG. The schedule for future reporting on model results is described in Attachment B. 4.3 Fish Entrainment and Impingement Study (Attachment C) The primary goal of this study is to understand the potential for the Project to entrain fishes that are in the vicinity of the intake and to minimize the level of potential injury and mortality that might be associated with entrainment or passage through the Falls Reach. In Year 1, literature review and data collection to inform this study occurred under Fish Community and Fish Passage studies. For example, results from hydroacoustic monitoring of the downstream timing and distribution of migrating salmon smolts (Attachment A) will inform the periodicity of potential entrainment risk to juvenile fishes. Additional supporting data is forthcoming during winter 2023 and study implementation is scheduled for Year 2. 4.4 Assessment of False Attraction to the Tailrace Fish Barrier (Attachment D) The primary goal of this study is to inform tailrace design and Project outflow options to minimize potential impacts to upstream migrating fishes. In Year 1, literature review and data collection to inform this study occurred under Fish Community and Fish Passage studies. For example, results from the radio telemetry study monitoring the passage behavior and timing of adult salmon transiting the Falls Reach (Attachment A) will inform the assessment of the potential risk of false attraction of adult salmonids staging in the Project Area during their upstream migration. Additional supporting data is forthcoming during winter 2023 and study implementation is scheduled for Year 2. 4.5 Chinook and Sockeye Salmon Lifecyle Modeling (Attachment E) The primary goal of this study is to develop a Life Cycle Model (LCM) for Sockeye and Chinook salmon on the Nuyakuk River that includes important life stages and is capable of reflecting both direct and indirect Project effects. In Year 1, literature review, study data from other areas and prior studies were utilized to build a straw man LCM for Sockeye Salmon. Data collection from 2023 and 2024 associated with the Fish Community and Fish Passage studies will also be utilized to inform LCM development. 4.6 Integrated Risk Assessment of Fish Populations (Attachment F) The overarching goal of this study is to provide a framework for quantifying and/or qualifying the relative risk of Project-related impacts to the fish communities over the course of its lifecycle and over the life of the Project. This study will address target fish species including Sockeye, Chinook, and other Pacific salmon along with selected native migratory and resident fish species that use habitats within the Project Area. The Integrated Risk Assessment (IRA) will integrate potential population responses to a range of environmental and Project conditions or scenarios, such that we can evaluate the likelihood of certain benefits and costs associated with the Project. This assessment will allow the Cooperative, agencies, and stakeholders to decide what impacts (positive and negative) to the populations can be expected and which are acceptable. The study will rely on site-specific data collected during the Project study program along with knowledge from available experts and local empirical sources. The development of the IRA tool was initiated in Year 1 with a proof- of-concept assessment for Sockeye Salmon. Initial steps that are ongoing include site-specific Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 15 December 2023 data collection, identifying management objectives, researching and selecting appropriate risk sources and risk elements that are relevant to the Nuyakuk River fish populations, and species- specific management objectives. An IRA meeting to define Sockeye Salmon management objectives with the ARWG occurred on November 8, 2023. The Cooperative has scheduled a workshop for the ARWG to review and refine a straw-man assessment on December 6, 2023. 4.7 Future Flows Study (Attachment G) To realize the combined potential benefits of the Project it is necessary to understand the consistent, projected changes in the nature, amount, and timing of precipitation and how that will affect flow in the Nuyakuk River. Under this study, existing peer-reviewed climate model predictions will be used to model future discharges for the Nuyakuk River, in accordance with peer-reviewed published methods and generally accepted practice as described below. This information will inform the development of license articles guiding operation and maintenance, including mitigation measures, as well as the development of a climate-resilient Project design. In Year 1, a MIKESHE/MIKE Hydro model was developed for the upper Nuyakuk River watershed using climate projections from 5 different climate models and one climate ensemble mean. Changes in snow and rain precipitation events resulted mean monthly projections for both a mid- and late-century climate scenario. Overall, the hydrograph is projected to flatten, with higher winter flows, lower spring and early summer peak flows and similar late summer flows as compared to existing conditions. This pattern is projected to be more extreme for the late-century scenario. The results of the future flow model completed in 2023 will inform Year 2 tasks for this and other studies. In 2024, efforts will be focused on understanding how the flow changes may affect: water temperatures, the potential future timing of salmon runs, fish passage through the Falls, ice processes, fish entrainment and impingement as well as project design and operation including turbine sizing and energy production. 4.8 Water Quality Assessment (Attachment H) The primary goal of this study was to determine how water temperatures and dissolved oxygen (DO) concentrations compare to Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) standards for fish and wildlife (designated use criteria [C]). In addition, DO was qualitatively assessed to determine if Nuyakuk Falls serves as a critical location for DO recharge. Continuous monitoring from two periods (July 24, 2018 - January 4, 2021; and June 7, 2022 -September 12, 2022) reveal that maximum daily temperatures briefly exceed ADEC’s 20°C criteria in July of 2019 at the Project site. Supplemental temperature criteria for spawning/egg & fry incubation (13°C) and migration routes/rearing areas (15°C) can be exceeded from early-June through mid- September. DO concentrations met ADEC’s 7 milligrams per liter (mg/l) criteria above and below the Falls with values ranging from 8.9 mg/l to 13.0 mg/l. Although diurnal DO patterns were observed upstream of the Falls in comparison to the downstream station, daily average DO concentrations at the two locations agree within 0.5 mg/l. These similarities indicate adequate DO levels above the Falls with limited to no increases in DO below the Falls. Year 2 field studies (2024) for DO will focus on monitoring during Sockeye staging at the base of the Falls to assess DO depletion. Additional water quality data from Year 2will include water temperature monitoring results through September of 2024. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 16 December 2023 4.9 Flow Duration Curve Change Analysis Study (Attachment I) The primary goal of this study is to evaluate changes in the flow duration curve for the Nuyakuk River that have happened during the United States Geological Survey (USGS) 15302000 gage record that spans 70 years (1953- 2023). Although the flow duration curve assessment is primarily a desktop exercise, a Project site stream gage was installed in June of 2022 to accurately calculate flow volumes at the proposed Project site. During Year 1 of the study program, a rating equation was developed (n=5) and validated (n=2) by a total of 7 discharge measurements collected from May 12, 2023-August 24, 2023. The Project stream gage provided an excellent correlation to USGS gaging station 15302000 during periods of ice-free operation (R2 of 0.9969). The record from the Project gage also showed flow increases (i.e., accretion) ranging from 97.1 cubic feet per second (cfs) to 1650 cfs with an average of 509 cfs over the June 2022-August 2023 monitoring period. In Year 2 of the study program, stream gage operation will continue through September of 2024 with particular emphasis on gaging data over the winter of 2023-2024. Statistical assessment to determine the stationary of flow duration curves will also take place in Year 2 of the study program and will be summarized as part of the USR in December of 2024. 4.10 Ice Processes Assessment (Attachment J) The primary goal of this study is to utilize satellite imagery, data supplemented by site-specific photos and/or video, and information from other hydro projects to gain a better understanding of both existing ice formation processes and the potential for localized modifications to these processes as a result of Project operations. Imagery at the Project site was unsuccessful in Year 1 of the study program due to equipment issues. An alternative method to collect site-specific imagery will be discussed at upcoming Aquatics Resources Working Group (ARWG) meetings and finalized at the Initial Study Report (ISR) meeting in mid-December of 2023. In Year 2 (2024), alternative measures will be employed based on imagery results from remote cameras scheduled to be downloaded in December of 2023. Year 2 will also include ongoing desktop efforts to review satellite imagery and gather information from nearby hydroelectric facilities (e.g.Tazimina Falls Project; P-11316). These Year 2 findings will be synthesized and summarized as part of the USR in December of 2024. 4.11 Botanical and Wetlands Survey (Attachment K) The study gathered baseline botanical and wetland data, including surveying vegetation types, wetlands, Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Special Status plant species, and non-native plant species in the proposed Project boundary. The study consisted of desktop vegetation and wetland analysis of the Project boundary and field-based data collection in the Project facility study area. Vegetation and wetland habitat were classified and mapped to support further Project planning, applications for appropriate authorizations, and avoidance or mitigation of potential negative Project impacts. Project impacts would result from the construction of Project facility and transmission lines. The Project facility study area is predominantly uplands (92.72 acres) with 4.87 acres of wetlands. Layout of the Project facilities would be placed to avoid impacts to wetlands and Waters of the United States (WOTUS) to the greatest extent practicable, but some unavoidable impacts could be anticipated at either end of the Project facility’s intake tunnel. The proposed transmission line infrastructure would include towers or poles spaced at around 200 to 800 feet along the Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 17 December 2023 transmission line route, for a total of approximately 1,780 towers or poles. Each tower or pole would have a relatively small footprint (~0.4 acre) in relation to the total Project area of 1,227 acres. Project area vegetation, with the exception of limited rare plant sightings, is typical for the region and likely provides no special habitat. No invasive species were found within the Project facility study area. 4.12 Caribou Population Evaluation (Attachment L) . The study objectives were to evaluate the impacts from the proposed Project on the Mulchatna Caribou Herd (MCH) within Game Management Units (GMUs) 17B, 17C and 9B. The impacts analysis incorporated a literature review, data extracted from Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADFG) Survey & Inventory (S&I) reports, and data provided by ADFG illustrating historical and seasonal distribution (2020-2022) of the MCH. State management objectives are to maintain a population of 30,000 – 80,000 individuals with a bull-to-cow ratio of 35:100 and a calf-to-cow ratio of 30:100 (Barten and Watine 2020; ADFG 2023). Currently, the MCH does not meet the population management objective of 30,000- 80,000 individuals. In 2022, the calf-to-cow ratios were 26:100 and 31:100 for the west and east segments, respectively (ADFG 2023). The bull-to-cow ratios were 32:100 and 44:100 for the west and east segments, respectively (ADFG 2023). Potential impacts on the MCH associated with the proposed transmission line may include: 1) impacts on habitat, 2) behavioral and physiological responses, 3) increased predation, and 4) increased anthropogenic activity. Direct habitat loss from the proposed Project footprint would not likely have a substantial impact on the MCH because the Project footprint area is relatively small compared to the overall range of the MCH. Short-term increases in anthropogenic activity is anticipated during construction and may increase over the long-term depending on accessibility of the transmission line corridor. In either scenario, short or long-term increases in anthropogenic activity may result in caribou avoidance of the area. 4.13 Subsistence Study (Attachment M) Based upon overall study planning and study-specific contractor availability, the Subsistence Study, as specified in the RSP, will be implemented in 2024. The data will be analyzed and reported on in the USR, along with an assessment of potential impacts associated with Project development and operations. 4.14 Section 106 Evaluation (Attachment N) Cultural Resource Consultants LLC (CRC) conducted an archaeological survey of the proposed Nuyakuk Hydroelectric Project facilities area to identify any historic properties that could be eligible for the National Register of Historic Places (National Register) and to assess the potential effects of the Project on any such properties. Using topography, aerial imagery, previously reported sites, and ethnographic and historic data, areas of higher probability for cultural resources were identified. Archaeological investigations included pedestrian survey and shovel testing within the roughly 90-acre proposed Area of Potential Effects (APE) that included an intake structure, powerhouse facility, airstrip, access road, cabins, and other structures. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 18 December 2023 CRC’s survey and testing of the proposed Project facilities area in July of 2023 identified a portage trail (DIL-00272), a subsurface archaeological site bisected by the trail (DIL-00271), and two sites with surface features that may be cache pits (DIL-00270 and DIL-00273). DIL-00270 and DIL-00273 were not recommended as eligible for the National Register of Historic Places, while the Nuyakuk Falls Portage Trail (DIL-00272) and archaeological site DIL-00271 are likely significant enough to be eligible. The archaeological study of the Project’s intake structure and associated facilities at Nuyakuk Falls is complete. Constructing the Project facilities as currently proposed would not constitute an adverse effect on either the portage trail (DIL-00272) or the associated archaeological site (DIL-00271). Consultation meetings with Tribal governments, Native organizations, the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO), and other interested parties will occur during the winter of 2023/2024 to discuss field findings and to expand the scope of existing information to include intangible cultural resources such as traditional cultural properties and cultural landscapes. 4.15 Noise Study (Attachment O) A noise study was performed to assess the existing sound levels in the Project area and predict future sound level impacts that would occur during short-term construction and long-term operations at areas of interest surrounding the proposed Project location. The noise study consisted of ambient sound level measurements at four locations surrounding the proposed Project location, including the closest occupied structure, the Royal Coachman Lodge. The noise study also included noise modeling to predict sound levels during general construction, construction blasting, general operations, and aircraft operations associated with the proposed Project. The sound level impacts of the Project activities are not expected to be significant. The predicted sound levels from construction and operations are significantly lower than the FERC guidelines for each activity. General temporary construction sounds are expected to be imperceptible at about one mile from the site. Guidelines and criteria are provided in the study for the potential of construction blasting activities to ensure that they do not cause a significant impact at nearby sensitive receptors. Sound levels during Project operation will not be perceptible at the Royal Coachman Lodge and are expected to be barely perceptible at about 2,500 feet from the Powerhouse. Sound from aircraft activity associated with operation of the proposed Project at the Royal Coachman Lodge will be much quieter than current aircraft activities at that location and are expected to be compatible with recreational land uses and the existing acoustical environment. 4.16 Recreation Inventory by Season (Attachment P) The purpose of the recreation study is to inventory and quantify the type and volume of recreational use occurring during each season in the vicinity surrounding the proposed Project facilities on the Nuyakuk River, from approximately ½ mile upstream of the proposed Project intake to 1 mile downstream of the proposed Project tailrace. Study efforts in 2023 focused on documenting summer use of the area. Two staff conducted six days of onsite field observations from July 14-19, 2023. Intercept surveys were distributed to recreating visitors to document their recreation activities and experiences. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 19 December 2023 Observed visitation consisted exclusively of guided, private fly-fishing visits operated by Tikchik Narrows Lodge and Royal Coachman Lodge. All recreation activity was concentrated to the river shorelines just below the lower Falls. Access was by plane then motorboat below the Falls, or by motorboat and portage trail above the Falls. Fishing groups were observed five of six days and are believed to be a nearly-daily occurrence during the lodges’ open seasons. A total of 38 visits to the area were observed (average of 6 persons per day) with 27 assumed to be unique visitor clients. Eight visitors responded to intercept surveys. More study efforts are planned and necessary to ascertain local use, winter use, and gather data from park staff and commercial operators to expand on summer field observations. Key impacts to consider will include visual resources, access to the portage trail, and shoreline layout that could affect fishing spot access on the south shore. 4.17 Environmental Justice Communities (Attachment Q) In accordance with the issuance of FERC’s Equity Action Plan (FERC 2022), the Cooperative proposed to conduct an Environmental Justice (EJ) Study to determine if development of the proposed Project would affect populations that identify as environmental justice communities. Project construction, operation, and maintenance has the potential to affect human health or the living conditions in environmental justice communities. Examples of resource impacts may include, but are not necessarily limited to, project-related effects on: groundwater or other drinking water sources; subsistence fishing, hunting, or plant gathering; access for recreation; housing or industries of importance to environmental justice communities; and construction-or operation-related air quality, noise, and traffic. Initial datasets from the American Community Survey have been obtained from publicly available sources but have not yet been compiled and analyzed. Additional data collection, including identification of non-English speaking groups and sensitive receptor locations has not yet been initiated. The study will be implemented as described in FERC’s SPD with results being reported in the Project’s USR in December 2024. 4.18 Decision Support Tool (Attachment R) The Cooperative elected to develop an economic analysis tool that will assist in evaluating the potential economic impact of the Project (positive and negative) over the duration of its operations. The economic analysis tool, hereafter referred to as the economic Decision Support Tool or eDST, considers both: 1) economic impact of developing the run-of-river hydropower project as well as the impact on the Sockeye and Chinook fisheries, and 2) an electricity-based rate model to explore cost differentials between current diesel generation and with the run-of- river with diesel backup approach. The eDST will accept information from the river flow/climate model in terms of the impact over the 50-year life of the run-of-river hydro generation system, the powerhouse model, and the aquatic fisheries lifecycle model to capture the economic impact from changes in sport and commercial fishing. At the time of the ISR filing, no results from the eDST are available as no new input values have been provided for use in the eDST. Continued integration with the other relevant models will take place during the remainder of 2023 and the 2024 study seasons. Results and analysis will be reported on in the USR. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 20 December 2023 4.19 Aesthetic Study (Attachment S) Based upon overall study planning and study-specific contractor availability, the Aesthetic Study, as requested by FERC in their Study Plan Determination, will be implemented in 2024. The data and renderings will be analyzed and reported in the USR, along with an assessment of potential impacts associated with Project development and operations. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 21 December 2023 5.0 REFERENCES Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADFG). 2023. Annual Report to the Alaska Board of Game on Intensive Management of Caribous with Wolf Predation Control in Game Management Units 9B. 17B&C, and 19A&C, the Mulchatna Caribou Herd. Division of Wildlife Conservation. February 2023. ADFG. 2023c. Annual Report to the Alaska Board of Game on Intensive Management of Caribous with Wolf Predation Control in Game Management Units 9B. 17B&C, and 19A&C, the Mulchatna Caribou Herd. Division of Wildlife Conservation. February 2023. <https://www.adfg.alaska.gov/static/applications/web/nocache/research/programs/intensi vemanagement/pdfs/2023_mulchatna_intensive_management_annual_report.pdfC35CF7 61C6A6807EAAD78B8167B662D2/2023_mulchatna_intensive_management_annual_re port.pdf>. Accessed August 25, 2023.Accessed August 25, 2023. Barten, N. L., and Watine, L. N. 2020. Caribou Management Report and Plan, Game Management Units 9A, 9B, 9C, 17A, 17B, 17C, 18, 19A, 19B: Mulchatna Caribou Herd. Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Wildlife Conservation. ADF&G/DWC/SMR&P-2020-2. Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). 2022. Study Plan Determination for the Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project (P-14873). Issued August 24, 2022. Fletcher, W.R.J. 2015. Review and refinement of an existing qualitative risk assessment method for application within an ecosystem-based management framework. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 72(3), 1043-1056. INITIAL STUDY REPORT ATTACHMENT A: CHARACTERIZATION OF FISH COMMUNITY BEHAVIOR NEAR THE PROJECT INTAKE NUYAKUK RIVER HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FERC NO. 14873 Submitted by: Nushagak Electric & Telephone Cooperative, Inc. P.O. Box 350 Dillingham, AK 99576 December 2023 Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Fish Community and Behavior Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment A Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. i December 2023 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................. 1 2.0 STUDY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES............................................................................... 1 3.0 STUDY AREA................................................................................................................... 2 4.0 METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................................. 3 4.1 Literature Review.................................................................................................... 3 4.2 Fish Sampling Methods........................................................................................... 5 4.2.1 Seining........................................................................................................ 5 4.2.2 Minnow Trapping ....................................................................................... 5 4.2.3 Gill/Trammel Netting .................................................................................. 5 4.2.4 Visual Observations .................................................................................... 6 4.2.5 Angling ....................................................................................................... 7 4.3 Fish Community...................................................................................................... 7 4.4 Downstream Salmonid Smolt Migration ................................................................ 8 4.4.1 Equipment Deployment .............................................................................. 8 4.4.2 Sonar Operations....................................................................................... 10 4.4.3 Data Analysis ............................................................................................ 11 4.5 Upstream Adult Salmon Migration/Radio Telemetry........................................... 12 4.6 Timing, Distribution and Relative Abundance of Piscivores................................. 14 5.0 RESULTS ......................................................................................................................... 16 5.1 Fish Community.................................................................................................... 16 5.2 Downstream Smolt Migration/Hydro-acoustics..................................................... 18 5.2.1 Hydroacoustic Data Analysis.................................................................... 19 5.3 Upstream Adult Salmon Migration/Radio Telemetry Study ................................ 23 5.3.1 Radio Telemetry Study ............................................................................. 23 5.3.2 Visual Observation.................................................................................... 25 5.3.3 Movement Patterns of Piscivores.............................................................. 26 6.0 DISCUSSION AND FINDINGS...................................................................................... 27 7.0 STUDY VARIANCES AND MODIFICATIONS........................................................... 27 8.0 STUDY STATUS AND SCHEDULE.............................................................................. 27 8.1 Fish Community.................................................................................................... 27 8.2 Downstream Smolt Migration Behavior............................................................... 27 Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Fish Community and Behavior Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment A Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. ii December 2023 8.3 Piscivores.............................................................................................................. 28 9.0 STUDY-SPECIFIC CONSULTATION........................................................................... 28 9.1 Consultation Summary.......................................................................................... 28 9.2 Report Delivery Schedule..................................................................................... 29 10.0 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................. 29 Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Fish Community and Behavior Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment A Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. iii December 2023 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 3-1. Fish Community Study Area showing Zone 1 (Downstream of Falls), Zone 2 (Falls Reach), and Zone 3 (Upstream of Falls)........................................................3 Figure 4-1. Preliminary lifestage periodicity for a sample of the fish species utilizing the Nuyakuk River, Alaska. Subject to revision. ...........................................................4 Figure 4-2. Hydroacoustic array configuration showing up-looking 6-degree beam sonar transducers (T1-T8) and the side-looking 2-degree beam.......................................9 Figure 4-3. Hydroacoustic components prior to installation on May 12, 2023. Bright green data-cable was mated to stainless cables. Sonar heads were bolted into custom made aluminum sleds weighted with recycled free weights.....................10 Figure 4-4. Radio telemetry array deployment locations. Each passage array includes one antenna while the Zone 2 Route Selection Array includes eight antennas deployed on both banks of the river. Inset shows detail of Route Selection Array (Zone 2) placement. .....................................................................................13 Figure 4-5. Tagging detail for adult Sockeye. ...............................................................................14 Figure 4-6. Detail showing closed incision with interrupted sutures and trailing radio transmitter antenna on an Arctic Grayling captured at the outfall of the Falls Reach in July 2023. ................................................................................................15 Figure 5-1. Fish community data collection period over the Year 1, 2023 season........................17 Figure 5-2. 2023 Downstream smolt outmigration monitoring hydroacoustic sonar installation including up-looking (green dots) and side scan (green triangle) sonar and control tent. ............................................................................................19 Figure 5-3. Screening results May 25-June 21, 2023. Each cell represents the area backscattering coefficient from up-looking transducer T4 (1 column per hour, 1 row per 0.2 m depth increment, top to bottom). Color ramp maps backscatter values from low (blue) to high (red). May 29-June 3, 2023 and June 20, 2023 are good examples of backscatter patterns indicative of smolt passage events: several contiguous hours of high backscatter values mostly in the top third of the water column, gradually ramping up and down. .................21 Figure 5-4. Side-looking echogram interpretation. Concept illustration of smolt school movement over time showing scale of schools and school movement. Here, a 5-minute-long echogram excerpt has been draped over an approximate longitudinal distance of 300 m, the distance smolts would cover at a speed of 1 meter per second.............................................................................................22 Figure 5-5. Fork length distribution of adult Sockeye Salmon tagged during radio telemetry study to address upstream migration timing, success, and behavior at the Nuyakuk River Falls. .............................................................................................23 Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Fish Community and Behavior Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment A Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. iv December 2023 Figure 5-6. Example results of radio telemetry array range and detection efficiency testing. The receiver (indicated in red) successfully detected sample tags with ID 14 (black squares) and 411 (white squares). ...............................................................24 Figure 5-7. Example visual observation of an adult Sockeye Salmon passage attempt at the far left bank of the Falls Reach (left panel), and the location where the passage attempt took place (right panel). ...............................................................25 Figure 5-8. Drone footage showing where adult Sockeye were staging immediately below the right-bank Falls chute at the downstream Nuyakuk Falls boat landing. July 2023. Photo M. Nobles. ..................................................................................26 Figure 5-9. Size distribution (total fork length. mm) for Arctic Grayling tagged during the Piscivore Behavior Monitoring Study of 2023. .....................................................26 LIST OF TABLES Table 4-1. Array deployment locations for Zone 1, Zone 2, and Zone 3. .....................................13 Table 5-1. 2023 Encounter history for species, lifestages, fish community zones, and observation periods by encounter method (sampling method) from May- September of 2023. This table will be updated to populate the full species- specific periodicity table shown in Figure 4-1. ......................................................17 APPENDICES Appendix A-1 – Preliminary Nuyakuk River Radio Telemetry Array Deployment and Performance Information Appendix A-2 – Preliminary Acoustic Smolt Data Analysis Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Fish Community and Behavior Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment A Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. v December 2023 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS 2D two-dimensional ADFG Alaska Department of Fish and Game ARWG Aquatic Resources Working Group dB decibel BBSRI Bristol Bay Science and Research Institute Falls Nuyakuk Falls FERC Federal Energy Regulatory Commission m meter MHz megahertz mm millimeter Project Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project (P-14873) PSP Proposed Study Plan RSP Revised Study Plan s second microsecond USR Updated Study Report Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Fish Community and Behavior Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment A Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 1 December 2023 1.0 INTRODUCTION The focus of the Fish Community and Behavior Study Plan is understanding the seasonal presence and distribution of anadromous and resident salmonids as well as seasonal habitat use by fishes in the Nuyakuk Falls Reach. This information will be essential for evaluating the potential impacts (positive and negative) associated with Project development and operation. Further, results of this study in Year 1 (2023) are important inputs to models including the Life Cycle Model, Agent Based Model, and Integrated Risk Assessment. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) approved Revised Study Plan for Year 1 included the following components: 1) implementation of several candidate sampling methods suitable for the three zones of the Project study reach to sample fish, 2) a radio telemetry study to assess adult salmon upstream migration behavior and predator movement patterns, and 3) a hydroacoustic study to assess the timing and in-river distribution of downstream migrating salmon smolts. The methodology for Year 1 included a suite of fish collection methods in the three Project Area zones including: minnow trapping, seine netting, gill/trammel netting, and visual observations. The intent behind the synergy of these methods is to refine the draft species/lifestage periodicity chart that was developed during study planning based on available literature and Aquatic Resources Working Group (ARWG) input. The radio telemetry study included deployment of passage arrays at the downstream and upstream extents of the Study Area and a behavior/passage route array in the Falls Reach. In addition, upcoming mobile telemetry tracking in the winter of 2023/2024 will focus on resident fish use of habitats immediately downstream. An 8-head hydroacoustic array (upward and side-looking split-beam echosounder) was deployed above the Falls Reach to characterize the horizontal and vertical distribution of downstream migrating salmon (smolts, fry) as they approach the Falls and proposed Project. Data collected from the sonar array in 2023 and 2024 will also be used to support the Entrainment Study, which will be implemented in 2024. 2.0 STUDY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES The primary goal of this two-year study is as follows: Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Fish Community and Behavior Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment A Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 2 December 2023 Determine the seasonal timing, species composition, relative abundance, habitat use, and migratory patterns (distribution) of fishes within the Project Area. Specific questions that will be addressed by this study: 1. What fish species use the aquatic habitats in the Project Area across seasons? a. Focus on piscivores at intake, potential groin area, in the Falls, powerhouse tailrace, and Falls tail out. b. Seasonal movements and habitat use by Arctic Grayling. 2. What is the relative abundance of fishes in the Project Area seasonally? 3. What are the baseline migratory patterns and behaviors (such as timing, holding, number of attempts) evident for Sockeye and Chinook salmon passing upstream through the Project Area? 4. What is the proportion of adult salmon that successfully pass through the Falls Reach under baseline conditions? 5. What is the baseline condition of injury/mortality in adult salmon observed downstream of the Falls proper? 6. What is the baseline migration pattern and distribution across the channel for Sockeye and Chinook salmon passing downstream through the Project Area? 7. What is the proportion of juvenile salmon that successfully pass through the Falls Reach under baseline conditions? 8. What is the baseline condition of injury/mortality in juvenile salmon passing the Falls proper? 9. Is there visual evidence of avian or mammalian predation of salmon smolts in the Project Area across seasons? 3.0 STUDY AREA The Fish Community Study Area includes three zones that comprise the ~500 m reach below the Falls (Zone 1), the Falls Reach itself (Zone 2), and the 500 meters (m) above the Falls (Figure 3-1). In most cases, methodologies applied to survey and assess the fish community and species distribution were conducted by zone and by transect within each zone. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Fish Community and Behavior Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment A Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 3 December 2023 Figure 3-1. Fish Community Study Area showing Zone 1 (Downstream of Falls), Zone 2 (Falls Reach), and Zone 3 (Upstream of Falls). The width of the Nuyakuk River within the Project Area is approximately 150-210 meters wide at the Project Area. Directed fish collection techniques focused on the margins of the stream banks due to the potentially hazardous conditions across the rest of the channel. 4.0 METHODOLOGY There are numerous methods that can be used for sampling fish in riverine systems, but the effectiveness of each is highly dependent on prevailing sampling conditions (water velocity, depth, turbidity, water temperature, etc.), target fish species, fish lifestages, fish behavioral characteristics, and the timing of sampling. Based on available information, the Cooperative and ARWG collaboration on the Preliminary Study Plan (PSP) included several candidate sampling methods deemed initially suitable for the three zones of the Project study reach. In 2022, a field methods feasibility study was completed that evaluated potential utility of various methods at the Project site. The results of this effort were used to select the methods more likely suited for successful data collection at the Project site and incorporate into the Revised Study Plan (RSP). The RSP methods for the Fish Community Study included an initial compilation and review of literature. This review and each of the methods implemented in Year 1(2023) are described below. 4.1 Literature Review Understanding the species and lifestage periodicities of fish in the Nuyakuk River was important for determining appropriate sampling times for certain fish species likely to be present, especially during migrations. The initial periodicities were based in part on a general Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Fish Community and Behavior Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment A Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 4 December 2023 understanding of the local populations as described in the published literature and refined during Year 1 study implementation. Based on this review and discussions with stakeholders, a preliminary species/lifestage periodicity chart was developed for use in the Aquatics and Fish Resources studies (Figure 4-1). This figure will be revised and updated following completion of the Year 1 and Year 2 studies as more site-specific data on fish periodicity is obtained and corroborated between study years. Figure 4-1. Preliminary lifestage periodicity for a sample of the fish species utilizing the Nuyakuk River, Alaska. Subject to revision. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Fish Community and Behavior Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment A Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 5 December 2023 4.2 Fish Sampling Methods The RSP identified five fish sampling methods that may be applicable in the Project Area to characterize: 1) Fish Community, 2) Upstream Adult Salmon Migration, 3) Downstream Juvenile Salmon Migration, and 4) Timing, Distribution, and Relative Abundance of Piscivores. During Year 1, the Nuyakuk River experienced late break-up and rapid snowmelt from an unusually high snowpack and late thaw. There was a limited period when flows were conducive to working in the river and the fish team prioritized installation of acoustic telemetry equipment. Unfortunately, flows rose very rapidly in the spring and transect sampling was not possible. Flows remained at peak levels through July. During late July, flows had receded and transect sampling was conducted at six transects upstream and four transects downstream of the Falls. Methods that were used during Year 1 studies including, seining, minnow trapping, gill/trammel netting, visual observations, and angling, as described below. While electrofishing and trammel nets were not implemented in Year 1, all candidate methodologies will be reconsidered for implementation in Year 2 based on knowledge gained during Year 1 studies and prevailing environmental conditions. 4.2.1 Seining Hand-held or boat-assisted shoreline seines (10 m long, 1.5 m deep, comprised of 3-6 millimeters [mm] mesh) were used to target juvenile salmon and small-bodied resident fish species. Hand seines were deployed in shallow areas along the shoreline with one end anchored to the shore and the other end extended toward the thalweg and then looped to encircle the fish as the ends were pulled in. Larger seines (50 m long, 3 m deep, comprised of 13-25 mm square mesh) were used to target adult resident fish species. Multiple seine pulls (2-4) were required to successfully sample study reaches. 4.2.2 Minnow Trapping Minnow traps are an effective method for passive capture of juvenile salmonids and other juvenile resident fish species in slow moving water (Bryant 2000). Wire traps were baited with commercially sterilized salmon roe and soaked overnight for 16-24 hrs. Approximately 5-10 minnow traps were deployed at each study transect/stream bank where appropriate depth and flow conditions allowed. Minnow traps were placed on the stream bottom, parallel to the current in areas of cover. Each trap was anchored by a line and identified with flagging, the name and contact information of the Cooperative’s study lead, and the applicable Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADFG) fish collection permit number. Though it was anticipated that minnow trap deployments would be stratified across sample quadrants, slow water habitats with suitable depth were not always available. 4.2.3 Gill/Trammel Netting Gill nets can be an effective technique to survey the presence and relative abundance of fish populations for a wide range of anadromous and resident species (Crawford 2007). Gill nets provide an alternative technique for sampling deeper, non-wadable, mid-channel waters. One limiting factor of gill nets is that they are designed to intentionally entangle fish so mortality can be high. Trammel nets differ from gill nets in that instead of a single wall of netting, trammel nets consist of three layers of netting tied together on a common float line and lead line During Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Fish Community and Behavior Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment A Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 6 December 2023 the 2023 sampling season, no mortalities were incurred so gill netting was implemented throughout the fish community sampling effort rather than trammel netting. At sites with current, gill nets were deployed as drift nets and allowed to drift through the sample area. In slow water habitats, gill nets were deployed as set (fixed) nets for a pre-determined amount of time while field crews maintained constant watch and collected the nets at the first indication of a fish capture. Ideally, nets would cover the entire depth of the stream channel where set, but some areas of the Nuyakuk thalweg were more than 20 feet deep which was greater than the depth of the gill nets. A range of gill net sizes was used from 50 to 125 feet in length and 6 to 8 feet in depth. Variable monofilament mesh sizes ranging from 0.5 to 5.0 inches were used to target a range of fish species and sizes. Multiple passes (typically 2 to 4) were necessary to adequately sample the channel width. 4.2.4 Visual Observations Fish abundance and distribution surveys in Year 1 also employed visual identification and videography of migratory fish behavior occurring in the study area. This included milling behavior, passage attempts, and leaping at various sections of the Falls reach. Underwater video and snorkeling were used to observe fish presence and behavior in places where net sampling was not effective or possible. An AquaView color fish-eye underwater camera was mounted to a 10-foot pole and deployed from the bow of the research boat. Field staff observed the output screen as the boat was drifted down the designated sampling transects and all fish species observed were recorded. The underwater camera was also used to observe the milling/schooling group of adult salmonids at the base of the Falls. The magnitude of the Sockeye school at the base of the Falls made net sampling for other adult fish in that area impossible. A series of 10- minute video exposures were used in different areas to determine whether there were adult Chinook, Dolly Varden, Arctic Grayling, or other fish species present within the massive school of Sockeye. Downstream of Nuyakuk Falls, snorkeling was also used to supplement net sampling and videography to identify whether any additional species were present and how many observed fish were using the deep pools and other complex habitat along four transects running parallel to the three primary chutes of the lower Falls Reach. Two snorkelers completed each transect while a third field staff member recorded data and stood by to deploy a throw rope if necessary. Drone footage of Sockeye staging below the lower Falls was also captured to document milling, staging, and passage route queuing behavior. Drone footage will be further reviewed over the coming months to characterize Sockeye Salmon migratory behavior. Attempts to document fish holding or resting in pools as well as passage routes within Zone 2 will also be conducted. Drone surveys along with visual observations may also provide information on whether any spawning occurs within the proposed reach, specifically near proposed Project elements (e.g., tailrace, intake, or groin locations), and will allow for documentation of the nearest redd locations to the Project. Visual observations were also made on the presence of potential spawning gravel and active spawning activity within the study area, the presence of predators (i.e., arctic terns, otters, bears, mergansers, loons), the presence of carcasses, and also the behavior of adult Sockeye and other fishes. Instances of adult salmon holding, milling, searching, or jumping at passage obstacles Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Fish Community and Behavior Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment A Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 7 December 2023 were noted and will be incorporated into modeling efforts under the Fish Passage Study (Attachment B). Any gravel patches observed during visual surveys were documented, sampled to determine size classes, and measured for total area. Where spawning was observed, output from two-dimensional (2D) models will be reviewed to define areas where potential changes in operational flows could dewater or scour observed redds. Environmental conditions (weather, water clarity/turbidity, discharge/depth, sun angle, glare, etc.), flight path, areas of fish concentrations, and fish behavior were recorded during each sampling survey. 4.2.5 Angling Angling was included in the ADFG permit to sample piscivores for radio telemetry tagging and was discussed during the ARWG workshop on Year 1 study methods. Since net deployment in the lower Falls Reach was not possible during the late June through early August Sockeye run, angling was an effective method not only for collecting Arctic Grayling for the radio telemetry study, but also to sample other adult resident fish and piscivores in the Study Area. Angling included use of both spinning rod/reel with single barbless spinning lures, and with fly fishing gear and dry flies, streamers, and floating mouse/grasshopper patterns. 4.3 Fish Community The application of sampling methods differed between zones due to varying sampling conditions that included areas in Zone 2 which would have been hazardous to sample due to swift water conditions and lack of safe egress. As a result, the surveys conducted in Zone 2 were limited due to both the effectiveness of the methodology and constraints in sampling imposed by these unsafe conditions. Strict safety protocols were developed and employed during all fish sampling activities. In Zones 1 and 3, sampling targeted juvenile Pacific salmon and resident fish species. Transects were established at 200-meter intervals in Zones 1 and 3 and each transect was surveyed during summer and fall sampling events. The presence of edge ice, deep snow, and site access issues in April and early May prohibited the originally planned early spring sampling period. Therefore, the first seasonal sampling event for fish community metrics occurred in late June. Based on the average annual hydrograph, sampling events were proposed during low flows in April to May (during lower spring discharge conditions), June to July (during high flow conditions), and again in August to September (under decreased flow conditions); however, the access issues noted above resulted in sampling events that included a high-flow period (June to July), low flow period (August), and two sampling sessions focused on edge habitat surveys for emergent juveniles and smolts, and predators in mid-May and late September. This fish collection period during the ice-free conditions allowed for surveys to cover most of the time that fish would likely be migrating through or residing in the Project Area. In addition, winter sampling will focus on resident fish use of habitats immediately downstream and upstream of the Falls and will be conducted during the upcoming winter of 2023/2024. This sampling will include the use of underwater imagery in holding habitats, as well as monitoring tagged Arctic Grayling within the Project Area. Two winter sampling events are planned, one for Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Fish Community and Behavior Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment A Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 8 December 2023 late November or early December 2023 when fish have likely moved to overwintering areas and one for late winter just prior to the anticipated downstream migration of Sockeye Salmon juveniles in late April or mid-May of 2024. In some cases during 2023 sampling, attempts to operate trammel nets, gill nets, and seines in mid-channel habitats was not successful due to depth and velocity conditions. Fish collection surveys occurred over a 50-m-long reach located on both stream banks beginning at the downstream end of each transect or where bank structure and current velocities allowed deployment of sampling gear. At least three sampling methods within each transect area were utilized to maximize the potential for capturing different species and lifestages that may occupy different habitats. As noted above, fish sampling in Zone 2 occurred on an opportunistic basis at locations that were determined safe to sample based on depth and velocity, and typically included the deployment of minnow traps and visual observations via underwater videography. Instream margins and accessible slow-water habitats were the focus in Zone 2 to identify juvenile rearing opportunities within the Falls section. 4.4 Downstream Salmonid Smolt Migration 4.4.1 Equipment Deployment In coordination with the upcoming Year 2 Entrainment Study, hydroacoustics (upward and side- looking split-beam imaging sonar) were used to characterize the horizontal and temporal distribution of downstream migrating salmon (smolts) as they approach the Falls and proposed Project. Hydroacoustic sampling was combined with fish collection methods targeting migrating smolts to validate species detections in Year 1. The 2023 hydroacoustic array consisted of eight up-looking sonar pods (6-degree beam angle) deployed at 15 m intervals across the thalweg of the Nuyakuk River. The sonar pods were deployed immediately upstream of the Falls near the proposed intake structure. In addition, a 2- degree side-looking sonar was deployed on the right bank to cover approximately 60-90 m of the near-surface water column. Figure 4-2 presents a schematic of the deployed hydroacoustic array. The location for the sonar installation was selected based on extensive substrate monitoring via underwater video of 13 potential transects identified during feasibility testing in 2022. A comprehensive methodology of the sonar deployment, operational configuration, and calibration will be presented in an upcoming Technical Memorandum as Appendix A-2 of this report (Mueller et al. 2023, in progress). Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Fish Community and Behavior Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment A Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 9 December 2023 Figure 4-2. Hydroacoustic array configuration showing up-looking 6-degree beam sonar transducers (T1-T8) and the side-looking 2-degree beam. The up-looking hydroacoustic sonar heads were bolted to weighted aluminum sled-shaped mounts and connected in a daisy-chain with waterproof abrasion-resistant data cables mated to 3/8" aircraft-grade stainless steel cable (Figure 4-3). Aluminum sleds were designed to be stable in swift currents and to avoid tumbling or tipping during installation. The cable-sonar assembly was pulled across the river using a Warn power winch. The data cables for the up-looking and side-looking array were connected to the control module, a 500-amp hour 24-volt marine deep cycle AGM battery bank, with a control computer running the system. Data were backed up daily to external 2 terabyte hard drives to avoid any data loss. The control system and power source were housed in a large tent staked to the ground above the ordinary high-water mark. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Fish Community and Behavior Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment A Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 10 December 2023 Figure 4-3. Hydroacoustic components prior to installation on May 12, 2023. Bright green data-cable was mated to stainless cables. Sonar heads were bolted into custom made aluminum sleds weighted with recycled free weights. 4.4.2 Sonar Operations After the initial setup, data collection parameters were further refined to the following starting on May 27, 2023. Side-looking sonar: source level: 224 decibel (dB) power setting: -10 dB pulse duration: 200 s) maximum range: 100 m ping rate: actual 4 pings per second (s) (= less than speed of sound limit of 7 pings per second; limiting factor: data write time for high volume split-beam information, i.e., including phase information) Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Fish Community and Behavior Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment A Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 11 December 2023 beam mode: split-beam Up-looking sonar: source level: 200 dB pulse duration: T2, T3, T4, T5, T6: 33 s; T1, T7, T8: 130 s maximum range: 5 m or less (depending on water depth at transducer location) ping rate: actual 19 pings per s beam type: single-beam The BioSonics DTX Sonar System has the option to run the side-looking sonar in single-beam mode. On June 12, 2023, the side-looking beam mode was changed to single-beam, allowing for a significantly faster ping rate of 6.7 pings per s, which is close to the ping rate limit imposed by the speed of sound (NOTE: sufficient time must be allowed for sound to travel to the maximum range and back before next ping can be transmitted). The higher ping rate is beneficial because it improves data characterization, in particular the distinction between smolt schools and clouds of entrained air that need to be excluded from the analysis. 4.4.3 Data Analysis The up-looking sonar transducers were used to inform analysis of temporal distribution while the side scan transducer data was used to analyze distribution across the river. Real world cross- referencing of transducer locations and side-looking aim was based on an overhead drone image taken on June 20, 2023, which was georeferenced in ESRI ArcGIS Pro against the georeferenced high-resolution imagery provided by McMillen. Reference points included identifiable features along the shoreline (distinct trees and other shoreline features) and large distinct rocks in the river that were visible on both images. All acoustic data processing was done with Echoview Version 13.1., in part automated with COM automation developed in Visual Studio 2022. For additional details on the Echoview analysis, see below. Finally, Microsoft Excel was used for higher level summarization, data examination for quality assurance and control, and final preparation of charts and tables. Echoview Data Screening For high-level identification of possible smolt passage events, we processed data collected with up-looking transducer T4. We chose T4 because, from our preliminary review, we had determined that it had the best echogram covering one of the highest smolt passage rates. Data from T4 was auto-processed for organizing data files into day folders, creating one Echoview EV file per day and loading all corresponding T4 data files into the EV file. This step was followed by a fast manual review and manual adjustments of the surface exclusion line that was needed to remove surface echoes from the analysis. After this manual interactive step, the data was sent back through the automation for echo integration over 1 hour by 0.2 m depth increments. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Fish Community and Behavior Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment A Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 12 December 2023 Echoview Process for Smolt Density Estimates All acoustic data were processed with a volume back scattering strength (Sv) threshold that produced the best contrast between smolts and background: side-looking data at -44 dB; up- looking data at -36 dB. Side-looking data showed a background of bottom and surface interference. Beyond 70 m, the interference was dynamic and so severe that we could not separate it from smolt signals; therefore, we limited the analysis to a maximum range of 70 m. For up-looking data the process was simpler because here, the data did not contain static background noise that we could have removed. As a result, there were only two simple steps that had to be done interactively: adjusting the surface exclusion line (which had to be shifted up as the water level increased over the study period) and masking periods of noise (wind, rain, boat noise). In this study, the physical size of the smolts was unknown; therefore, we scaled the analysis to an arbitrarily chosen total physical length of 11 cm (here referred to as “standard smolt”), which bs) of 3.6E-05), based on an empirical equation that relates physical fish size to dorsal aspect acoustic size (Love, 1971). Given the cylindrical shape of the smolt swim bladder (main reflector of sound at this frequency), one can expect the acoustic size of smolts in dorsal aspect to be similar to that in ventral aspect. Conversion from Smolt Density to Smolt Passage Rates The smolt density derived from the echo integration is an estimate of the mean smolt density per area (smolt per square meter) in the circular cross-section (i.e., perpendicular to the acoustic axis) over the integration interval. For the up-looking sonar, the reference plane of the area density is horizontal, i.e., in the plane where the smolt distribution is random (at least over the scale sampled) and can thus be expected to result in a cumulatively uniform distribution over the integration interval of 1 hour (at least on average). For the side-looking sonar, the circular beam cross-section is vertical; thus, the plane containing smolt distribution is not uniform. This makes the conversion from the (hourly) measured density to passage rate slightly more involved because the density is measured within the circular beam cross-section, which is different from the density in an area of equal height (height same as circle diameter). 4.5 Upstream Adult Salmon Migration/Radio Telemetry Methods for characterizing upstream migratory behavior of adult Sockeye and Chinook salmon included visual survey methods and active radio telemetry. Field testing in 2022 informed the potential effectiveness of active telemetry, and radio telemetry was selected as the most effective tool to monitor upstream behavior and timing of adult Sockeye and Chinook arrival. Results of the field testing and recommendations to implement a radio telemetry study were presented to the ARWG in September of 2022, and approved for implementation in Year 1. Upstream adult salmon migrations for adult Sockeye were studied using a two-part approach to a radio telemetry behavior assessment. A 12-antenna radio telemetry array was installed and included four receivers that monitored the passage timing and migration success of tagged fish from a release point downstream of Zone 1 through Zones 2 and 3. In addition. seven antennas that were deployed to monitor passage route selection of tagged Sockeye through the Falls Reach Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Fish Community and Behavior Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment A Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 13 December 2023 in Zone 2 (Figure 4-4). The location of the deployed arrays is presented in Table 4-1, and further described in Appendix A-1. Figure 4-4. Radio telemetry array deployment locations. Each passage array includes one antenna while the Zone 2 Route Selection Array includes eight antennas deployed on both banks of the river. Inset shows detail of Route Selection Array (Zone 2) placement. Table 4-1. Array deployment locations for Zone 1, Zone 2, and Zone 3. Site ID Site Description Bank Receiver Type Location Antenna Type Antenna Gain Northing Westing 001 Fallback/Zone 1 Right Lotek SRX 600 59.91418 -158.08621 4-element 50 002 Study State/Zone 1 Right Lotek SRX 800 59.90629 -158.11027 4-element 50 003 Upstream/Zone 3 Left Lotek SRX 600 59.90823 -158.12818 4-element 80 004 Exit/Zone 3 Left Lotek SRX 800 59.90486 -158.15834 4-element 90 010 Lower Falls/Zone 2 Left Sigma 8 Orion 59.90973 -158.11397 3-element -80 011 Lower Falls/Zone 2 Mid Lotek SRX 600 59.90912 -158.11593 3-element -45 012 Lower Falls/Zone 2 Right Sigma 8 Orion 59.90934 -158.11663 3-element -80 013 Mid Falls/Zone 2 Right Sigma 8 Orion 59.91124 -158.11935 3-element -100 014 Mid Falls/Zone 2 Left Sigma 8 Orion 59.91206 -158.11642 3-element -80 015 Upper Falls/Zone 2 Left Sigma 8 Orion 59.91210 -158.12020 3-element -100 016 Upper Falls/Zone 2 Right Sigma 8 Orion 59.91098 -158.12108 3-element -100 Adult Sockeye were collected at the release point using dip nets. Due to the extreme number of fish present, more invasive netting techniques (i.e., seining, gill netting) were not required for most of the collection effort. Sockeye were externally tagged with Lotek MCFT2-3EM Radio telemetry transmitters with a burst rate of 10 seconds and frequency of 150.300-150.380 Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Fish Community and Behavior Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment A Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 14 December 2023 megahertz (MHz). Three-hundred-pound (lb) monofilament and size F aluminum crimp sleeves were used to affix the tags. These tags weigh 10.0 g in air and 4.6 g in water, and have a tag life of approximately 532 days. Sterilized PIT-tag needles were used to punch two holes through the dorsal muscle below the dorsal fin to allow a passthrough of the monofilament tethers. Once both monofilament tails were passed through the muscle, an aluminum crimp sleeve was crimped to secure the tag in place with the antenna trailing (Figure 4-5). Tag number, sex, fork length, total height, and caudal height were measured and recorded for each fish. Release times were recorded, and all tagged Sockeye were observed to verify unaffected swimming behavior. Figure 4-5. Tagging detail for adult Sockeye. Details of radio telemetry equipment deployment, configuration, and methods for array testing, calibration, and performance will be presented in the (Updated Study Report (USR) to be completed in 2024. 4.6 Timing, Distribution and Relative Abundance of Piscivores ADFG has expressed concern that the Falls habitat may be an important feeding area for resident fishes. To help improve an understanding of resident fish use in the Project Area, radio telemetry in combination with underwater camera observations were used to evaluate Arctic Grayling and Rainbow Trout. Details of radio telemetry equipment deployment, configuration, and methods for array testing, calibration, and performance will be presented in an upcoming Technical Memorandum (Thompson et al. 2024, in progress) pending the completion of Year 1 telemetry studies and winter predator monitoring. Arctic Grayling and Rainbow Trout were captured primarily using hook and line techniques with single dry flies, nymphs, and single-hook spinning lures. All captured fish were held in 20-gallon containers with fresh river water. Fish surgeries were performed by a veteran fish surgeon with over 2,000 surgical procedures completed on a wide variety of species. All surgeries, including protocol for anesthesia of salmonid fishes using MS-222, were performed per the Standard Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Fish Community and Behavior Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment A Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 15 December 2023 Operating Procedure for the Surgical Implantation of Transmitters in Salmonids published by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) (Liedtke et al. 2012). The types and sizes of tags were determined based on 2022 field methods testing. Fish were tagged with Lotek NTF-5-2 nano tags weighing 1.5 g in air and measuring 15x8.2 mm. We used 4-0 Vicryl monofilament sutures and applied two interrupted sutures to the incision, and an 18 gauge catheter was used to place the transmitter antenna through the body cavity wall (Figure 4-6). All fish were kept on a light dose of tube-fed MS-222 solution until the first suture was in place and switched to cold freshwater for the remaining suture. The surgically implanted nanotags ping at 10 second intervals on 150.300 and 150.388 MHz and have an estimated tag life of 357 days from activation. All fish were completely recovered in clean river water prior to release. Fish species, length, tag ID, and pinging frequency as well as release time were recorded. Figure 4-6. Detail showing closed incision with interrupted sutures and trailing radio transmitter antenna on an Arctic Grayling captured at the outfall of the Falls Reach in July 2023. Tagging occurred in the early spring, summer, and fall at locations immediately downstream of the Falls, but also in limited and safely accessible areas within the Falls Reach. This analysis, currently ongoing, will allow the evaluation of Arctic Grayling behavior during salmon outmigration as well as the overwintering period. Assuming proximal collection locations to the Falls, 30 tags were proposed to be allocated for each tagging group in the spring and fall for a Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Fish Community and Behavior Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment A Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 16 December 2023 total of 60 tags deployed. Successful capture rates resulted in a total of 73 Arctic Grayling and two (2) Rainbow Trout (442 mm and 752 mm) being tagged in 2023. Additional effort is planned to augment the number of tagged Rainbow Trout during fall sampling in 2023 to assess movement patterns and winter holding trends. The telemetry array established for adult salmon behavior was refined to also support movement detections and/or residency of tagged Arctic Grayling and Rainbow Trout within the three sampling zones. Monitoring of tagged piscivore movements will continue through the fall and winter of 2023 using mobile radio telemetry receivers. Mobile tracking transects in the fall will run the entire length of Zone 2 on both banks via foot surveys. Zone 1 and Zone 3 will be surveyed via boat. During winter surveys when ice and snow are present, all surveys will be conducted from the bank on foot. Global Positioning System (GPS) positions of all mobile detections will be recorded to determine where tagged fish have moved from the time of tagging during the 2023 summer to winter 2023/2024. As noted above, the detailed methodologies for mobile tracking efforts will be presented in the upcoming telemetry-focused Technical Memorandum (Thompson et al. 2024, in progress) and in the USR to be completed in December of 2024. 5.0 RESULTS 5.1 Fish Community Actions completed in pursuit of the fish community objectives included: collections of fish abundance and distribution data; presence and timing of out-migrating smolts via net and trap sampling; sonar and radio telemetry monitoring for adult Sockeye and piscivores. The activities completed under this phase of the Nuyakuk Hydroelectric Project are outlined in Figure 5-1, including hydrologic data from the USGS Nuyakuk Stream discharge gage located near the outlet of Tikchik Lake (Station No. 15302000). Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Fish Community and Behavior Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment A Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 17 December 2023 Figure 5-1. Fish community data collection period over the Year 1, 2023 season. The analysis of fish community distribution and relative abundance is forthcoming following completion of the Year 1 studies in 2023 and will be included in the USR. Table 5-1 presents the initial fish species list encountered during Year 1 studies, the project zone where fish species and life history stages were encountered, and the periodicity of those observations. Data on fish community including relative abundance, seasonality, and other metrics will be presented following the completion of 2023 studies in October of 2023. Table 5-1. 2023 Encounter history for species, lifestages, fish community zones, and observation periods by encounter method (sampling method) from May-September of 2023. This table will be updated to populate the full species-specific periodicity table shown in Figure 4-1. Common Name Species Name Lifestage Project Zone Encounter Method1 Observation Period2 Chinook Salmon Oncorhynchus tshawytscha fry 1 SE, VO June 15-July 16 smolt 1, 2, 3 SE, VO June 15-Aug 15 adult 2 VO July 2 Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Fish Community and Behavior Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment A Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 18 December 2023 Common Name Species Name Lifestage Project Zone Encounter Method1 Observation Period2 Sockeye Salmon Oncorhynchus nerka fry 1, 2, 3 SE, VO, MT May 15-Sept 30 smolt 1, 2, 3 SE, VO, MT May 15-Sept 30 adult 1, 2, 3 GN, AN, VO June 15-Aug 30 Grayling Thymallus thymallus adult 1, 2, 3 AN, VO June 15-Aug 30 juvenile 1, 3 VO Aug 28-Sept 1 smolt 1 SE Aug 26 Pink Salmon Oncorhynchus gorbuscha fry 1, 3 SE, VO June 15-July 15 Coho Salmon Oncorhynchus kisutch fry 1, 3 MT, SE June 24 smolt 1, 3 SE June 25-Aug 15 Arctic Lamprey Lampetra camtschatica smolt 1 MT June 24 Chum Salmon Oncorhynchus keta adult 1 VO July 4 Pike Esox lucius adult 3 VO June 15-Sept 30 juvenile 1 SE Aug 26 Humpback Whitefish Coregonus pidschian juvenile 1 SE June 25 Pygmy Whitefish Prosopium coulterii juvenile 1, 3 SE June 30-Sept 30 Burbot Lota lota 3 MT Aug 23 Sculpin3 Cottoidea juvenile 1, 3 SE June 25 adult 1, 3 MT June 30-Sept 30 Lake Trout Salvelinus namaycush adult 2 AN Aug 25 Rainbow Trout Oncorhynchus mykiss adult 1, 2, 3 AN May 15-Sept 30 3 Spined Stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus adult 1, 2, 3 SE May 15-Sept 30 9 Spined Stickleback Pungitius pungitius adult 1, 2, 3 SE May 15-Sept 30 Notes: 1. Encounter Methods include: seine (SE), Visual/Video Observation (VO), Minnow Trap (MT), Angling (AN), Drift Gill Net (GN). 2. A range is provided when observations occurred over a period of time. Single observations (Chinook adult, lake trout) are noted on a single date. 3. Sculpin were not identified to species during Year 1. 5.2 Downstream Smolt Migration/Hydro-acoustics The hydroacoustic array, including eight up-looking sonar transducers and one side scan sonar transducer, was successfully installed across the thalweg of the Nuyakuk River approximately 500 feet above the crest of the Falls (Figure 5-2). The sonar operated from May 16-July 13, 2023 which coincided with visual observations of smolts during other fish community sampling efforts. Data analysis is ongoing. A Technical Memorandum has been attached to this report as Appendix A-2 to provide detailed analytical methods and results for assessment of downstream Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Fish Community and Behavior Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment A Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 19 December 2023 migration behavior and spatial distribution of smolts during the outmigration period of 2023 (Mueller et al. 2023, in progress). Figure 5-2. 2023 Downstream smolt outmigration monitoring hydroacoustic sonar installation including up-looking (green dots) and side scan (green triangle) sonar and control tent. 5.2.1 Hydroacoustic Data Analysis Up-looking transducers T2, T3, T4, T5 and, with the longer pulse duration, T7 and T8 produced good echograms for smolt analysis. The T6 unit was somewhat compromised by its poor aim (30° tilt downstream), which was difficult to rectify. Given the uncertainty of how useful T6 data will be, analysis of these data has been limited to one day for the initial analysis (June 20, 2023; see below). For this day, its estimate is consistent with the general cross-river distribution pattern. A highly automated echo integration procedure was used with interactive supervision limited to manual adjustments to exclude surface echoes from the analysis. The results of this screening provides a good synopsis of the data (example Figure 5-3) that indicated a period of high- resolution data indicating a likelihood of 2023 smolt passage events from May 29-June 3, 2023. Additional days of high-resolution data include June 20-23 and July 1, 2, and 4, 2023. The second part of the analysis strategy was to approach it in a tiered fashion, starting with a detailed assessment of a first subset (Tier 1) before deciding on how to proceed. For this first subset screening, results for 6 days with the cleanest, most conclusive looking data were selected: May 29-June 3 and June 20, 2023. For this interim report, Tier 1 analysis has been Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Fish Community and Behavior Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment A Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 20 December 2023 completed, with the exception of up-looking transducer T6 (tilted transducer), for which we have analyzed only on June 20, 2023. Side-looking data showed backgrounds of bottom and surface interference. Beyond 70 m, the interference was dynamic (shifting in range from ping to ping) and so severe that we could not separate it from smolt signals; therefore, analysis was limited to a maximum range of 70 m. Analysis was also limited to a minimum range of 20 m because at ranges < 20 m, the side- looking 2° beam is too narrow to cover the top meter of the water column. An example of how side scan sonar data is interpreted to evaluate smolt movement patterns is presented in Figure 5-4. The full results for the Juvenile Salmon Downstream Migration will be presented in an upcoming Technical Memorandum (Mueller et al. 2023, in progress) that will be completed in the late fall of 2023. Final results will also be included in the USR to be completed in late 2024. Appendix A-2 of this report provides initial analytical results. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Fish Community and Behavior Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment A Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 23 December 2023 5.3 Upstream Adult Salmon Migration/Radio Telemetry Study 5.3.1 Radio Telemetry Study A total of 120 adult Sockeye Salmon were tagged with radio transmitters between June 28 and July 11, 2023 with fork lengths ranging from 468-698 mm (Figure 5-5). The sex of radio tagged fish was nearly equal with 51% male and 49% female fish tagged. Figure 5-5. Fork length distribution of adult Sockeye Salmon tagged during radio telemetry study to address upstream migration timing, success, and behavior at the Nuyakuk River Falls. Initial results of the assessment of the performance of the radio telemetry array suggest that both the detection efficiency (> 95%) and range (> 500 feet) were sufficient to satisfy the analytical assumption that a fish passing a detection array would be successfully detected. This is an essential factor in assessing passage success. An example of the results of detection range and efficiency testing is presented in Figure 5-6 showing the GPS-tagged detections of two test tags (ID 14 and 411) as they were detected by Receiver 4 which is located at the upstream end of Zone 3 and represents the “Exit Array,” signifying that a tagged-Sockeye has successfully passed the Falls and exited the study area. The analyses of 2023 radio telemetry data including evaluation of the timing and periodicity of passage events and passage success are on-going; however, preliminary results indicate that 96% of Sockeye tagged in Zone 1 successfully passed through the Falls Reach in Zone 2 and exited the study area past receivers located in Zone 3. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Fish Community and Behavior Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment A Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 25 December 2023 5.3.2 Visual Observation Visual surveys completed in combination with the radio telemetry study were used to estimate the timing and spatial distribution of adult Sockeye Salmon as they migrated and staged within the study area. Observations of Sockeye attempting to pass upstream of the biggest flow/velocity barrier also informed other Year 1 studies including the Agent-Based Model described in the Fish Passage ISR (Attachment B). For example, Sockeye were observed attempting to swim up very shallow rock slopes (Figure 5-7) which represented an unexpected passage attempt. Additionally, observations included many failed attempts of Sockeye leaping or jumping past the significant whitewater obstacles that formed during high flows at each of the three chutes at the base of the Falls (Figure 5-7 right). Observations of failed passage attempts diminished at lower flows when the whitewater obstacles were less extreme. Drone imagery of staging adult Sockeye documented the spatial and temporal distribution of salmon (Figure 5-8). Figure 5-7. Example visual observation of an adult Sockeye Salmon passage attempt at the far left bank of the Falls Reach (left panel), and the location where the passage attempt took place (right panel). Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Fish Community and Behavior Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment A Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 26 December 2023 Figure 5-8. Drone footage showing where adult Sockeye were staging immediately below the right- bank Falls chute at the downstream Nuyakuk Falls boat landing. July 2023. Photo M. Nobles. 5.3.3 Movement Patterns of Piscivores A total of 68 Arctic Grayling were captured and surgically tagged with radio transmitters between early July and September of 2023. Arctic Grayling ranged in size from 250 mm to 458 mm in fork length (Figure 5-9). Many fish were successfully detected at radio telemetry receivers throughout the period of tagging from July to September of 2023. Continued monitoring of movement patterns and results of these monitoring efforts are forthcoming as the study continues into the winter of 2023 and 2024. These data will be comprehensively analyzed in the USR. Figure 5-9. Size distribution (total fork length. mm) for Arctic Grayling tagged during the Piscivore Behavior Monitoring Study of 2023. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Fish Community and Behavior Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment A Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 27 December 2023 6.0 DISCUSSION AND FINDINGS A comprehensive discussion of all study results will be provided in the USR pending the completion of Year 1 and Year 2 study data collection and analysis. The Cooperative worked extensively with members of the ARWG to identify study questions and potential methods appropriate to address those questions. The Cooperative will continue working with the ARWG to refine study methods in Year 2 based on Year 1 results to ensure effective documentation of existing conditions, provide information to support both study design and impact analysis, and ensure safe study conditions for all field staff. 7.0 STUDY VARIANCES AND MODIFICATIONS 1. The RSP indicated that Upstream Adult Salmon Migration Behavior should include tagging of 100 adult Sockeye and 100 adult Chinook salmon. During 2023 sampling, only one adult Chinook was observed via underwater videography at the falls, and low numbers were observed at the BBSRI counting tower downstream. No adult Chinook were captured and therefore, no adult Chinook were tagged for the 2023 telemetry assessment of upstream migration patterns. As a result, 20 additional adult Sockeye were tagged to increase the sample size. 2. The Fish Community portion of the RSP indicated that sampling would occur over three sampling periods including early spring (April-May), summer (June-July), and fall (August-September). Due to access issues to this remote site, and the heavy snow and river ice still in place through April, it was not possible to begin Fish Community sampling this early in the year. In May, extended high flows impeded fish community sampling. Due to snow and ice in the river channel, limited beach seining and edge sampling work was completed during mid- May to provide early-season corroboration to the initial phases of the Downstream Smolt Migration Behavior Study. While a full suite of Fish Community sampling was not conducted in April-May, three comprehensive sampling efforts were completed in mid-June, mid-July, and late August/September to meet the goals of the Year 1 study plan. If conditions and site access allow, we hope to complete spring sampling during the original April/May timeline in 2024. 8.0 STUDY STATUS AND SCHEDULE 8.1 Fish Community The Year 1 study is ongoing, with field efforts continuing through September and October of 2023. Following completion of Year 1 and Year 2 field sampling in 2024, all data will be quality controlled, analyzed, and summarized in the USR. 8.2 Downstream Smolt Migration Behavior The Year 1 portion of this study is complete, and all data have been quality controlled. Behavioral analysis using hydro-acoustic data will be completed in October of 2023. Study Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Fish Community and Behavior Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment A Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 28 December 2023 details and results from Year 2 monitoring will be provided in the USR in 2024. Upstream Migration of Adult Salmon This Year 1 portion of the study is complete and data analysis is currently underway including quality control of detection data, removal of false positive or erroneous data, and analysis of the resulting detection history for each fish. Study details and results from Year 2 monitoring will be provided in the USR in 2024. 8.3 Piscivores This study is ongoing with field efforts and remote monitoring continuing into the winter of 2023. This will allow the evaluation of tagged predator (Arctic Grayling and Rainbow Trout) movements between the summer and fall and fall to winter holding periods. Monitoring of tagged predator behavior will continue into 2024 with a complete analysis of predator movement over the two-year study period presented in the USR. 9.0 STUDY-SPECIFIC CONSULTATION 9.1 Consultation Summary October 12, 2022: Nuyakuk Fish Study Methods Updates presentation to the ARWG. Audrey Thompson presented the results of methods feasibility testing completed in August of 2022 and provided suggestions for minor RSP revisions including: 1) justifying the selection of radio telemetry techniques for upstream adult salmon migration study; 2) site selection for the hydroacoustic study; and 3) siting recommendation for videography transects during Year 1 (2023) sampling. The PowerPoint presentation is available by request. July 7, 2023: Email correspondence between study lead Audrey Thompson and Bryan Nass of Bristol Bay Science and Research Institute (BBSRI). BBSRI completed concurrent sampling at a location in the lower Nuyakuk River near the confluence with the Nushagak River. Audrey Thompson provided details of the methodology for external tagging of Sockeye and Chinook salmon, and coordinated on delivery of radio tags provided by the vendor for use on the Nuyakuk in 2023. August 9, 2023: Nuyakuk Fish Community and Radio Telemetry Study Update presentation to the ARWG. Audrey Thompson presented study updates, including the position of installed radio telemetry receivers, a simple description of the tagging methodology for adult Sockeye, select photographs of tagged fish, and preliminary information about the total number of tagged fish that had (at that time) successfully ascended the Falls. The PowerPoint presentation is available by request. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Fish Community and Behavior Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment A Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 29 December 2023 9.2 Report Delivery Schedule Year 1 Initial Study Report: To be provided to FERC and the Nuyakuk Hydroelectric Project ARWG on December 1, 2023. 10.0 REFERENCES Bryant, Mason D. "Estimating fish populations by removal methods with minnow traps in Southeast Alaska streams." North American Journal of Fisheries Management 20, no. 4 (2000): 923-930. Crawford, B. 2007. Variable Mesh Gillnets (in Lakes). In Salmonid Field Protocols Handbook: Techniques for Assessing Status and Trends in Salmon and Trout Populations. State of the Salmon. Portland, Oregon. pp 425-433. Liedtke, T.L., J.W. Beeman, and L.P. Gee. 2012. A standard operating procedure for the surgical implantation of transmitters in juvenile salmonids: U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2012-1267, 50 p. Love, R. H. 1971. Dorsal-aspect target strength of an individual fish. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 49(3): 816-823. Mueller, A.M., A. Thompson, and M.L. Keefe. 2023. Technical Memorandum: Nuyakuk River Smolt Downstream Behavior Analysis using Hydroacoustic Telemetry. Prepared for Nushagak Cooperative. In progress. Thompson, A.M., M.R. Nobles, K. Nebiolo, and M.L. Keefe. 2023. Technical Memorandum: Nuyakuk River Adult Salmon Upstream Behavior Through the Falls Reach using Radio Telemetry. Prepared for Nushagak Cooperative. In Progress. Thompson, A.M., M.R. Nobles, K. Nebiolo, and M.L. Keefe. 2024. Technical Memorandum: Nuyakuk River Seasonal Piscivore Movement Patterns in the Falls Reach using Radio Telemetry. Prepared for Nushagak Cooperative. In Progress. APPENDIX A-1: Preliminary Nuyakuk River Radio Telemetry Array Deployment and Performance Information Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Fish Community and Behavior Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Appendix A-1 Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 2 December 2023 This document describes the details of the deployment of radio telemetry equipment at the Nuyakuk Hydroelectric Project Site, 2023. Supported Studies: Adult Sockeye Upstream Migration Piscivorous Fish Movements Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Fish Community and Behavior Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Appendix A-1 Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 1 December 2023 1.0 Radio Telemetry Receiver Deployment 2023 Individual receiver deployment information and performance assessment completed to date are provided on the following pages. An overview of the deployed locations map is provided in Figure A-1. Table A-1 provides antenna deployment locations including the deployment zone, receiver data objective (passage or Falls behavior assessment), antenna type, gain settings, and power source. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Fish Community and Behavior StudyFERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Appendix A-1 Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 2 December 2023Table A-1. Antenna Deployment Locations including the deployment zone, whether the receiver data is being used for passage or Falls behavior analyses, the antenna type and gain settings, and the power source. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Fish Community and Behavior StudyFERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Appendix A-1 Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 3 December 2023Figure A-1. Overview of receiver deployments for the radio telemetry portion of the Nuyakuk River Fish Community and Fish Passage Studies, 2023. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Fish Community and Behavior Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Appendix A-1 Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 4 December 2023 2.0 Passage Timing and Success Array Four receivers (01, 02, 03, 04) were used to monitor the success and timing of tagged adult Sockeye ascending the Falls Reach in June and July of 2023. A description of each receiver’s role in this assessment as well as deployment and performance data follow. 2.1 Receiver 01: Fall Back Array This receiver was designed to determine if any tagged fish fell back downstream following tagging, which occurred between Receiver 01 and Receiver 02. Receiver 01 position and results from the range and detection efficiency testing are provided in Figure A-2. Figure A-2. Receiver 01: Fallback Array position and range testing for tag ID 14. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Fish Community and Behavior Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Appendix A-1 Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 5 December 2023 2.2 Receiver 02: Study Area Arrival Array This receiver was deployed about 500 meters above the tagging location to provide the “starting line” for tagged adult Sockeye entering the study area. Calculations for travel time through the Falls include first and last detection time stamps at this receiver. Any tagged adult Sockeye that failed to arrive at Receiver 02 were omitted from the passage success study. The position of Receiver 02 and results from the detection range and efficiency testing are provided in Figure A-3. Figure A-3. Receiver 02: Study Area Arrival Array position and range testing for tag ID 14 (Sockeye tag) and tag ID 411 (Piscivore tag). Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Fish Community and Behavior Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Appendix A-1 Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 6 December 2023 2.3 Receiver 03: Upstream Arrival Array This receiver was deployed about 250 meters upstream of the crest of the Falls, far enough upstream that fish could not be detected until they had fully exited the turbulent whitewater portion of the upper Falls and entered a slack, flow refuge. Detection at this location indicates that a fish has successfully ascended the Falls. Any tagged fish that failed to be detected at Receiver 03 or Receiver 04 further upstream were considered to have failed to pass the Falls. The position of Receiver 03 and results from the detection range and efficiency testing is provided in Figure A-4. Figure A-4. Receiver 03: Study Area Arrival Array position and range testing for tag ID 14 (Sockeye tag). Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Fish Community and Behavior Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Appendix A-1 Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 7 December 2023 2.4 Receiver 04: Study Area Exit Array This receiver was deployed about one kilometer upstream of the crest of the Falls to detect adult Sockeye that were transiting upstream from the vicinity of the Falls Reach toward either Tikchik Lake or other points upstream. Detection at this location indicates that a fish has successfully ascended the Falls and continued their upstream spawning migration.. Any tagged fish that failed to be detected at Receiver 03 or Receiver 04 further upstream were considered to have failed to pass the Falls. The position of Receiver 04 and results from the detection range and efficiency testing are provided in Figure A-5. Figure A-5. Receiver 04: Study Area Arrival Array position and range testing for tag ID 14 (Sockeye tag). Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Fish Community and Behavior Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Appendix A-1 Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 8 December 2023 3.0 Passage Route Selection and Passage Behavior Arrays Beyond the four receivers deployed to monitor overall passage timing and success, an additional seven receivers (10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16) were deployed to monitor passage route selection, holding patterns, and other behavior metrics within the Falls Reach (Zone 2). It was not possible to perform the same range and detection efficiency testing that was performed for Receivers 01, 02, 03, and 04 as boat operation within the Falls Reach was not safe. Therefore, the following sections describe the location of the Falls Behavior Array by receiver. 3.1 Receiver 10: Left Bank Falls Entry This receiver was placed facing upstream and with a limited gain to focus detection range on the pool immediately upstream of the far-left bank whitewater flume to identify fish that successfully leaped or otherwise ascended via this access route to the Falls (Figure A-6). Figure A-6. Deployment location for Receiver 10 monitoring adult Sockeye passing to the far left bank of the lower portion of the Falls Reach. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Fish Community and Behavior Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Appendix A-1 Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 9 December 2023 3.1.1 Receiver 11: Mid Falls Staging Area Receiver This receiver was placed facing downstream and with a broader gain to increase detection range on the two large, deep pools immediately downstream of the flow paths with most of the flow and apparently lower gradient than the far left or far right passage routes. This receiver was used to monitor the amount of time that fish spent milling or staging below the Falls and, if possible, analysis of whether fish exhibited the following behaviors: 1) multiple passage attempts upstream or downstream; 2) coming and going from the Falls staging area prior to either successfully ascending; or 3) falling back to downstream receivers (Figure A-7). Figure A-7. Receiver location and directionality for Receiver 11 covering the deep pools below the Falls, monitoring staging and residence time in the lower falls for tagged adult Sockeye. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Fish Community and Behavior Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Appendix A-1 Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 10 December 2023 3.1.2 Receiver 12: Right Bank Lower Falls This receiver was placed facing upstream with a narrow gain allowance to detect fish that passed upstream through the lowest of the Falls chutes on the far river-right side of the Nuyakuk River. The antenna was directed downward, and below the bulk of the hill on the island to prevent the receiver from detecting fish that were still staging in the pool downstream of the far-right chute. Tagged adult Sockeye detected on this receiver will have passed either through the far-right, or middle-right chutes of the lower Falls (Figure A-8). Figure A-8. Deployment location of Receiver 12 focused on detecting adult Sockeye passing through the river-right side of the lower whitewater section (chutes) of the Falls Reach. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Fish Community and Behavior Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Appendix A-1 Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 11 December 2023 3.1.3 Receiver 13: Right Bank Mid Falls This receiver was positioned to detect adult Sockeye transiting a narrow band of slack/ low flow habitat at the apex of the inside Falls Reach bend. The antenna was pointed slightly upstream and the gain was restricted in this area where the Falls Reach is at its narrowest to restrict detections to the right bank. Tagged adult Sockeye detected on this receiver will be classified as having passed along the right bank of the middle Falls Reach (Figure A-9). Figure A-9. Receiver 13 location positioned at the apex of the Falls Reach inside bend, right bank. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Fish Community and Behavior Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Appendix A-1 Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 12 December 2023 3.1.4 Receiver 14: Left Bank Mid Falls This receiver was positioned to detect adult Sockeye transiting a narrow band of slack/ low flow habitat at the apex of the outside of the Falls Reach bend. The antenna was pointed slightly upstream, and the gain was restricted in this area where the Falls Reach is at its narrowest to restrict detections to the left bank. Tagged adult Sockeye detected on this receiver will be classified as having passed along the left-bank of the middle Falls Reach (Figure A-10). Figure A-10. Receiver 14 location on the outer left bank of the middle Falls Reach. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Fish Community and Behavior Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Appendix A-1 Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 13 December 2023 3.1.5 Receiver 15: Left Bank Upper Falls This receiver was positioned to detect adult Sockeye transiting a narrow band of slack/ low flow habitat in the upper 100 m of the Falls Reach on the left bank. The antenna was pointed downstream and gain decreased to restrict the detection range to the left side of the river. Tagged adult Sockeye detected at Receiver 15 will be considered to have selected a left-bank passage route at the top portion and upstream exit of the Falls Reach (Figure A-11). Figure A-11. Receiver 15 location at the Upper Left Bank of the Falls Reach. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Fish Community and Behavior Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Appendix A-1 Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 14 December 2023 3.1.6 Receiver 16: Right Bank Upper Falls Reach This receiver was positioned to detect adult Sockeye transiting above the Falls crest on the right bank as they emerge from the whitewater and enter the slack water immediately upstream. The antenna was pointed downstream and gain decreased to restrict the detection range to the right side of the river. Tagged adult Sockeye detected at Receiver 16 will be considered to have selected a right-bank passage route at the top portion and upstream exit of the Falls Reach (Figure A-12). Figure A-12. Receiver 16 antenna location at the Upper Right Bank of the Falls Reach. APPENDIX A-2: Preliminary Nuyakuk River Sonar Analysis of Smolt Outmigration This document describes the details of the sonar system deployment and analysis of data collected at the Nuyakuk Hydroelectric Project Site in 2023. Supported Studies: Fish Community Entrainment and Impingement Prepared by: Anna-Maria Mueller Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Fish Community and Behavior Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Appendix A-2 Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 1 December 2023 Methods Acoustic System Description Equipment description …pull from BioSonics description, include: Side-looking: 1 transducer Frequency: 200 kHz Nominal beam width: 2.1° Sonar type: split-beam, optional single-beam mode Up-looking: 8 transducers Frequency: 120 kHz Nominal beam width: 7° Sonar type: single-beam System integration, automation etc: BioSonics description Acoustic System Installation Deployment of side-looking transducer: Nearshore, aimed across river, center of transducer at 0.2 m (+/- 0.1 m) depth; pitch angle -0.6° (+/- 0.1°) [precise aim important because of long range, especially pitch angle] Deployment of up-looking transducers: On river bottom, aimed up towards the water surface [precise aim somewhat less important because of ultra short range] Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Fish Community and Behavior Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Appendix A-2 Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 4 December 2023 Data Collection After the initial setup, data collection parameters were further refined. After these initial adjustments, the following data collection parameters were used starting 2023-05-27: Side-looking sonar: source level: 224 dB power setting: -10 dB pulse duration: 200 us maximum range: 100 m ping rate: actual 4 pings per s (= less than speed of sound limit of 7 pings per s; limiting factor: data write time for high volume split-beam information, i.e., including phase information) beam mode: split-beam Up-looking sonar: source level: 200 dB pulse duration: T2, 3, 4, 5, 6: 33 us; T1, 7, 8: 130 us; maximum range: 5 m or less (depending on water depth at transducer location) ping rate: actual 19 pings per s beam type: single-beam After learning that the BioSonics DTX system had the option to run the side-looking sonar in single-beam mode, we made one additional modification: On 2023-06-12 we changed the side- looking beam mode to single-beam, which allowed us to achieve a significantly faster ping rate of 6.7 pings per s, which is close to the ping rate limit imposed by the speed of sound (need to allow sufficient time for sound to travel to the maximum range and back before next ping can be transmitted). The higher ping rate is beneficial because it improves data characterization, in particular the distinction between smolt schools and clouds of entrained air that need to be excluded from the analysis. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Fish Community and Behavior Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Appendix A-2 Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 5 December 2023 Data Analysis Real world cross-referencing of transducer locations and side-looking aim was based on an overhead drone image taken on 2023-06-20, which was georeferenced in ESRI ArcGIS Pro against the georeferenced high-resolution imagery provided by McMillen. Reference points included identifiable features along the shoreline (distinctive trees and other shoreline features) and large well-defined rocks in the river that were visible on both images. Spatial placement and verification of transducers was done in ESRI ArcMap 10.2., with the help of construction lines that, through their distinct geometry, provided confident cross-reference between the georeferenced drone image and additional imagery taken during low water. The echogram image warp and overlay for the concept illustration was done with the Mesh Warp tool in Corel PaintShop Pro 2023. All acoustic data processing was done with Echoview Version 13.1., in part automated with COM automation developed in Visual Studio 2022. For additional details on the Echoview analysis see below. In addition, Microsoft Excel was used for higher level summarization, data examination for quality assurance and control, and final preparation of charts and tables. Echoview data screening For high-level identification of possible smolt passage events, we processed data collected with up-looking transducer T4. We chose T4 because, from our preliminary review, we had determined that it had the best echogram covering one of the highest smolt passage rates. T4 data was auto-processed for organizing data files into day folders, creating one Echoview EV file per day and loading all corresponding T4 data files into the EV file. This step was followed by a fast manual review and manual adjustments of the surface exclusion line that is needed to exclude surface echoes from the analysis. After this manual interactive step, the data was sent back through the automation for echo integration over 1 h by 0.2 m depth increments. One of the metrics provided by the echo integration is the area backscattering cross-section (ABC), which is proportional to density of targets (targets/m2) in the horizontal cross-section of the beam. This measure was tabulated in Excel, with conditional formatting (colored by ABC) providing a first indication of when smolt passage events may have occurred. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Fish Community and Behavior Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Appendix A-2 Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 6 December 2023 Echoview process for smolt density All acoustic data were processed with a volume back scattering strength (Sv) threshold that produced the best contrast between smolts and background: side-looking data at -44 dB; up- looking data at -36 dB. Side-looking data showed a background of bottom and surface interference. Beyond 70 m the interference was dynamic and so severe that we could not separate it from smolt signals. We therefore limited the analysis to a maximum range of 70 m. For static background noise (straight lines on the echogram), we used a set of advanced operators to subtract the average Sv of manually selected areas on the echogram that were representative of static background and smooth the data. Periods of noise (wind, rain, boat noise) were manually masked with bad data regions that were subsequently excluded from the analysis. The result was run through Echoview’s school detection algorithm in a semi-interactive process (school detection steered with manually drawn boxes to areas where we visually detected smolts on the echogram; this minimizes the amount of editing that needs to be done afterwards, i.e., removal of false school detections). Echo integration was executed over the background subtracted smoothed echogram, masked by the school detections (data outside of the school detections set to -999 dB, which translates into 0 smolts) with an echo integration cell size of 1 h by 5 m (across river). For up-looking data the process was simpler because, here, the data did not contain static background noise that we could have removed. So, there were only two simple steps that had to be done interactively: adjusting the surface exclusion line (which had to be shifted up as the water level increased over the study period) and masking periods of noise (wind, rain, boat noise). Up- looking data were echo integrated with a cell size of 1 h by 0.3 m (depth strata starting at the water surface). Note, the original intent was to stratify the echo integration by 0.2 m depth increments. We revised the vertical extent to 0.3 m because it was relayed to us that the water velocity data would be provided in 0.3 m increments. We do not expect this small difference in vertical stratification to make a noticeable difference in the results. Conversion from As part of the echo integration process, Echoview calculates an area backscattering coefficient (ABC) for each cell. The ABC is a linear measure of the energy returned from a given volume of water that is equivalent to the total backscattering cross-section bs (m2) of all targets (here: smolts) in the volume per cross-sectional area (m2). Divided by the mean backscattering cross-section of individual smolts, it provides an estimate of the mean smolt density per area (smolt/m2) within the echo integration cell: = (1) Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Fish Community and Behavior Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Appendix A-2 Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 7 December 2023 In this study the physical size of the smolts was unknown. We therefore scaled the ABC to an arbitrarily chosen total physical length of 11 cm (here referred to as “standard smolt”), which converts to an acoustic size (bs) of 3.6E-05, based on an empirical equation that relates physical fish size to dorsal aspect acoustic size (Love 1971). Given the cylindrical shape of the smolt swim bladder (main reflector of sound at this frequency), one can expect the acoustic size of smolts in dorsal aspect to be similar to that in ventral aspect. Dorsal aspect acoustic size is thus a suitable scaling constant for echo integration of up-looking sonar data. For side-looking data, we do not have sufficient information to derive an independent scaling constant. Several observers have commented that they have seen smolts sail down the river, i.e., oriented broadside to the current. So, the side-looking sonar may be seeing smolts in a variety of aspect angles, including broadside, any degree of oblique angle, or even head-on or tail-on. Our solution to this issue was to simply scale the side-looking estimates by a constant that produced a good overall match with (concurrent collocated) data from the three up-looking transducers (T2, 3, 4) whose coverage fell within the effective range of the side-looking beam. Conversion from smolt density to smolt passage rates The smolt density derived from the echo integration is an estimate of the mean smolt density per area (smolt/m2) in the circular cross-section (i.e., perpendicular to the acoustic axis), over the integration interval. When converting smolt density estimates to passage rates, the geometry of this cross-section has to be considered in the context of the smolt density pattern. For the up-looking sonar, the reference plane of the area density is horizontal, i.e., in the plane where the smolt distribution is random (at least over the scale sampled) and can thus be expected to result in a cumulatively uniform distribution over the integration interval of 1 hour (at least on average). In this case, the density within a circle (beam cross-section) is the same as the density within a rectangle, which means the area density (smolt/m2) can be simply multiplied by the distance travelled (smolt speed; here water velocity used as a proxy) to obtain passage rates within a 1 m wide section across the river (within the range, i.e., depth interval of the integration cell). Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Fish Community and Behavior Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Appendix A-2 Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 8 December 2023 For the side-looking sonar, the circular beam cross-section is vertical and thus in the plane where the smolt distribution is not uniform. This makes the conversion from the (hourly) measured density to passage rate more complicated because the density is measured within the circular beam cross-section, which is different from the density in a rectangle of equal height. Compared to a rectangle, the circular beam cross-section under samples the top and bottom layers (0.3 m depth strata), while oversampling the center layers. To take this into account, we first converted smolt density to the number of smolts in the circular cross-section at side-looking range bin i: =× (4) The second piece of the puzzle is to convert the estimated real-world vertical smolt distribution obtained from the up-looking sonar dataset to the relative vertical distribution seen within the circular cross-section of the beam. Since the acoustic beam spreads with range, its cross- section increases with range, which in turn changes the relative vertical distribution of smolts within the beam as a function of range (Figure 3). To convert the vertical smolt distribution to the distribution seen within the circular beam cross-section, we had to determine the area of each circle segment for each depth stratum and range bin. To do this efficiently we used ArcGIS 10.2 to draw circles corresponding to the beam cross-section for an effective beam width of 2° for each 5 m range bin, then used the split polygon function to perform an intersect operation between each circle and the set of horizontal lines representing the 0.3 m depth strata. The result was a table with area measurements for each circle segment. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Fish Community and Behavior Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Appendix A-2 Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 9 December 2023 Figure 3 Vertical smolt distribution as a function of the shape, size, and position of the reference area. The example shown is based on a 6°side-looking beam and 0.2 m depth layers. In our study, the side-looking beam is 2°and vertical stratification is by 0.3 m depth increments. Nevertheless, the same principle applies. The real-world smolt distribution is referenced to a vertical rectangle (top left). The relative distribution seen within the side-looking beam changes as a function of side-looking range. Two examples are shown: range 4 m (bottom left) and 8 m (bottom right). Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Fish Community and Behavior Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Appendix A-2 Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 10 December 2023 We now used the ratio of each circle segment’s area to that of a 1 m x 0.3 m rectangle to derive a weighting factor with which to multiply the real-world vertical smolt distribution expressed as a set of absolute numbers scaled to a total of 100 smolts (e.g., 44% = 44 smolts) to obtain the distribution (expressed as absolute numbers) within the circular beam cross-section of each range bin. Note, in this step, the distribution has to be expressed in absolute numbers, rather than percentages, because we are switching between reference frames (from rectangular to circular). Summing up the absolute numbers seen within each circle segment (intersection between circular beam cross-section and depth layer) provides the basis for the relative distribution within the circle, with: = (5) In the next step, we used this range specific distribution within the circular beam cross- section to allocate Sa,i (mean number of smolts seen in the circular cross-section in side-looking range bin i) to their depth strata: = × (6) Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Fish Community and Behavior Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Appendix A-2 Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 11 December 2023 Now that the number of smolts derived from the side-looking echo integral have been allocated to their depth bins, we can convert the number of smolts seen in the circular cross-section to the number of smolts in a rectangle, normalized to a rectangle 1 m downriver, beam diameter in height, which will then be easy to convert to a passage estimate. = (× .) (7) This normalized number of smolts Ni can now be multiplied by the distance smolt travel downstream in 1 hour to provide an estimate of smolt passage, i.e., the number of smolts that travelled through the side-looking range bin i in the given hour. For additional details and illustrations see Mueller 2022. For this study, water velocity was used as a proxy for smolt velocity. Water velocity measurements were extracted from ADCP data collected on 2023-05-21. While the ADCP data collected on 2023-06-21 would have been closer in time to some of our sonar data, we were not able to match its river profile to our transducer locations. Given the resulting spatial uncertainty, we chose to instead use 2023-05-21 water velocity for the entire Tier 1 analysis. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Fish Community and Behavior Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Appendix A-2 Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 12 December 2023 Results and Discussion In the initial setup, all up-looking transducers were run with the shortest possible pulse duration (0.033 ms). In our review of the initial data collected, we noticed that the three up-looking transducers located in shallow water (< 2 m depth), T1, T7 and T8, did not provide effective coverage for smolt monitoring because excessively long ring-down signals (extending well over > 1 m range) drowned out any echoes received from the shallow water column. To remedy this problem, we changed the pulse duration for T1, T7 and T8 from 0.033 ms to 0.130 ms. This reduced the range extent of the ring-down of T7 and T8 to 0.8 m, which cleared the top 0.5 m of the water column for T8, and the top 0.7 m of the second bounce window in the T7 echograms, which we deemed sufficient to at least qualitatively determine whether or not significant smolt passage occurs at the locations of these two transducers. T1 data, however, still showed ring down signals extending over 1.3 m, despite the longer pulse duration, which rendered T1 data unusable. Up-looking transducers T2, T3, T4, T5 and, with the longer pulse duration, T7 and T8 produced good echograms for smolt analysis. T6 was somewhat compromised by its poor aim (30° tilt downstream), which is very difficult to rectify once the up-looking transducer string is deployed. Given the uncertainty how useful its data will be, we have so far only analyzed one day of its data (2023-06-20; see below). For this day, its estimate is consistent with the general cross- river distribution pattern. Given the extremely large acoustic data volume acquired in this study (1 TB), it was critical to develop an efficient data analysis strategy since brute force analysis of every byte recorded is generally an inefficient use of resources and beyond the budget of this project. Efficiency often hinges on a good screening method that can be used to quickly identify the most valuable portions of the data. In the context of this study, valuable means providing meaningful information on the spatial-temporal distribution of smolt passage through the site. For this purpose, we used a highly automated echo integration procedure with interactive supervision limited to manual adjustments of the surface line used to exclude surface echoes from the analysis. The results of this screening provide a good synopsis of the data (Figure 4 and Figure 5) that indicated a stretch of very clean data with a high likelihood of smolt passage events from May 29th – June 3rd. Additional days of likely smolt passage events include June 20th – 23 rd, July 1st, 2nd and 4th. Several contiguous hours of high backscatter values mostly in the top third of the water column, gradually ramping up and down, are a good indication of a smolt passage event. Elevated backscatter values extending further down in the water column creating more diffuse patterns are often wind or rain related noise; short spikes in single hours are often noise events related to boat wakes. It is important to note that these screening results were generated in a highly automated process that does not include noise editing. So, there is a fair amount of ambiguity during periods of rain and wind. This does not mean that noisy stretches may not also have periods that would lend themselves to smolt analysis, it just means that they will require more labor-intensive analysis. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Fish Community and Behavior Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Appendix A-2 Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 15 December 2023 The second part of our strategy was to approach the analysis in a tiered fashion, starting with a detailed analysis of a first subset (Tier 1) before deciding on how to proceed. For this first subset we selected from the screening results 6 days with the cleanest, most conclusive looking data: May 29th – June 3 rd and June 20th. For this interim report we have completed Tier 1 analysis, with the exception of up-looking transducer T6 (tilted transducer), for which we have analyzed only June 20th. Side-looking data showed a background of bottom and surface interference. Beyond 70 m the interference was dynamic (shifting in range from ping to ping) and so severe that we could not separate it from smolt signals. We therefore limited the analysis to a maximum range of 70 m. We also limited the analysis to a minimum range of 20 m because at ranges < 20 m, the side-looking 2° beam is too narrow to cover the top m of the water column (Figure 2). Within this 50 m range window (20 – 70 m), we were pleased with the results of the background subtraction and school detection algorithm (Figure 6), with the caveat that the background subtraction may introduce a low bias in smolt estimates in the 65 – 70 m range bin, as indicated by the blank horizontal band running through the large school in the right third of the echogram excerpt shown in Figure 6. The side-looking echograms provided a fascinating picture of individual schools. Conceptually, echograms of moving objects, collected with a stationary transducer, can be translated into a 2D spatial picture, using the speed of the object as a conversion factor to convert time (x-axis of a standard echogram) to space. Figure 7 shows an example of what this looks like. The meanders that we introduced into the draped echogram are intended to only indicate that, in the real world, smolt schools do not move in a straight line but shift to some degree from side to side. Outside of the sonar coverage, we do not know the actual trajectories of the smolts shown or how individual schools morphed over the amount of space shown. But, assuming the smolts were travelling at approximately 1 m/s, the graphic is a good representation of the approximate spatial extent of their schools and the spacing between schools. If the smolts had been travelling more slowly, one would have to imagine the draped echogram contracted along the lines, which would reduce their spatial extent and spacing along the river. Conversely, if smolts had been travelling at a faster speed their spatial extent and spacing would be larger than shown. With an assumed smolt speed of 1 m/s, the large schools seen on June 20th extended tens of meters downriver and about 10 m cross-river. Note, the cross-river extent is derived from the range measurement, which is very precise and independent of the smolt travel speed. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Fish Community and Behavior Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Appendix A-2 Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 16 December 2023 Figure 6 Example of side-looking sonar data before (top) and after (bottom) cleaning. The echograms plot the acoustic data as volume backscattering coefficient (Sv) in range (increasing bottom to top) over time (progressing left to right). The excerpt shown covers a 50 m range window from 20 – 70 m, over 1.5 minutes (2023-06-20 18:07:52). The original echogram shows smolt schools of varying sizes superimposed on a pattern of straight lines created by echoes from static background (mostly generated by sidelobes hitting the river bottom and/or surface). On the clean echogram the background has been removed leaving only smolt echoes. The cleaning effect was achieved through the sequential application of 1) static background subtraction, 2) convolution filter and 3) Echoview’s school detection algorithm. The resulting clean data were run through echo integration analysis to derive estimates of smolt density. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Fish Community and Behavior Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Appendix A-2 Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 18 December 2023 Each of the two sonar configurations, side- and up-looking, provides valuable information that the other one does not. Side-looking data covers a large continuous stretch across the river, giving insights into the size, shape and spatial distribution of smolt schools. It can also inform us about smolt passage between the small footprints of the up-looking transducers. However, one of the downsides of the side-looking sonar is that it cannot provide good information on the vertical distribution of smolts or vertical extent of their schools. Vertical information is best obtained with up-looking sonar, where depth aligns with range and is thus highly resolved in the data. Figure 8 - Figure 11 show examples of up-looking echograms of smolts that provide a high-resolution view of their vertical distribution and dynamic schooling behavior. For the quantitative results of the analysis, we are presenting the time series of smolt estimates obtained with the three up-looking transducers (T2, T3 and T4) that were within the effective range of the side-looking sonar and compare them to the estimates obtained from the corresponding 5 m range bin of the side-looking data (Figure 12). The paired time series are in reasonably good agreement considering the side-looking estimates are from 5 m bins (5 m across the river), and the amount of smolt passage variation one could expect within this space. The three locations also correlated. All three show passage rates on June 20th that were about 10 times as high as on any of the other 6 days (May 28th – June 3 rd) in the Tier 1 dataset. The side-looking total estimate for June 20th (5.2 million smolt passage proxy counts) is an order of magnitude higher than the totals for May 29th – June 3rd combined (<0.5 million). The complete results, including transducers not shown in the time series plot, will be delivered as an Excel xlsx workbook and presented at the ISR meeting in December of 2023. Up-looking estimates of smolt passage are referred to as standard smolt passage rates; and side-looking estimates of smolt passage as smolt passage proxy counts. We draw this distinction to recognize the fact that there is more uncertainty in the relationship between side-looking estimates and absolute (true) smolt passage rates (actual smolts/h) than for up-looking sonar. For up-looking data, there are only two pieces of information missing that separate these estimates from estimates of absolute passage rates: physical smolt size and smolt speed. Smolt size information is needed to scale the total amount of echo energy (echo integral) by the average amount of energy reflected by an individual to estimate smolt density (precursor to smolt passage). For sonar applications that see fish in dorsal or ventral aspect (i.e., from above or below), the average amount of energy reflected by an individual can be derived from well-established empirical relationships between physical fish size and acoustic size (Love 1971). Since we did not have information on the actual size of the smolts that out-migrated over our study period, we arbitrarily chose a total physical length of 11 cm for our “standard” smolt. This value falls well within the range of sizes that have been reported over the years for the Kvichak River (Bures et al. 2018). For side-looking data, there is the added complication that the acoustic size is even more uncertain. Several observers have commented that they have seen smolts sail down the river, i.e., oriented broadside to the current (Hughes and Kelly 1996). The side-looking sonar may be seeing Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Fish Community and Behavior Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Appendix A-2 Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 19 December 2023 smolts broadside, at any degree of oblique angle, or even head-on or tail-on. Our solution to this issue was to simply use the relationship between (concurrent and collocated) up- and side-looking estimates in lieu of an acoustic size estimate, to derive a scaling constant. This constant came out to 5E-06, i.e., one order of magnitude smaller than the dorsal aspect size. This is a plausible value given that the cross-sectional area of a cylindrical swim bladder in head or tail aspect is much smaller than its cross-section in dorsal or ventral aspect. The second piece of information that introduces some amount of uncertainty is smolt speed. We used water velocity as a proxy. This has been seen as generally acceptable throughout the Bristol Bay Science Research Institute (BBSRI) smolt program, based on a 3-D video tracking study (Hughes and Kelly 1996). More recent video work on the Chilko River, British Columbia, supports the conclusion that water velocity is a reasonable approximation of smolt velocity (Mueller 2022). As described previously, we used water velocity measurements extracted from ADCP data collected on 2023-05-21. This applies equally to side- and up-looking estimates. The potential bias associated with conventional echo integration of targets that are not uniformly distributed in the circular beam cross-section was deemed negligible given the sampling scenario (2° beam width, < 100 m maximum range, vertical smolt distribution) (Mueller et al. 2006). The caveats described above do not significantly affect conclusions regarding the relative distribution patterns over shorter periods of time. Given its much larger smolt sample size, we focused on data from June 20th to highlight some of these patterns and further assess the consistency between side- and up-looking sonar estimates. Figure 13 compares the cross-river distribution of smolt passage estimates obtained with the series of up-looking sonars and those of the spatially continuous data obtained from the side-looking sonar, partitioned into 5 m range bins. Similar to the entire Tier 1 time series, up-looking transducers T2, 3 and 4 show good relative agreement with the nearest side-looking range bin. It is worth noting, however, that the peak of the side-looking estimates falls between 45 m and 55 m range, an area that is not covered by the up- looking transducers. Transducers T5, 6, 7 and 8 are beyond the side-looking sonar’s effective range. Their low smolt estimates continue the decrease in passage rates seen at the far end of the side-looking sonar. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Fish Community and Behavior Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Appendix A-2 Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 24 December 2023 Overall, the pattern we see here is consistent with the sockeye smolt passage patterns that we have seen over 20 years in various Bristol Bay rivers (Bures et al. 2018, Mueller 2021) and, in more recent work in the Chilko River (Mueller 2022). The bulk of sockeye salmon smolt passage tends to occur in the thalweg, the area of the fastest flow. (One exception to this rule is that in some studies observed movement towards shore around sun rise can occur, but this movement pattern typically took place towards the tail end of night passage events.) Smolt cross-river distribution, parsed by hour, is shown in Figure 14, which also shows water velocity information for comparison. Parsing the data by hour reveals that 30% of this high passage day occurred over just two hours: 18:00 – 20:00. Figure 15 shows the same information in a different format with the aerial image for a spatial, real-world reference. The up-looking data shows a similar spatial temporal pattern: highest hourly passage 18:00 – 20:00, with lower passage rates occurring from 07:00 – 15:00 (Figure 16). The last two figures (Figure 17 and Figure 18) present the vertical cross-river distribution parsed by time of day. While the vertical smolt distribution is always skewed towards the surface, from midnight to 06:00, that skewness is more pronounced. During this timeframe 51% of smolts are in the top 0.3 m, compared to 26% during daylight hours. This is also consistent with the sockeye smolt patterns observed in other Bristol Bay river systems. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Fish Community and Behavior Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Appendix A-2 Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 26 December 2023 Figure 15 Cross-river distribution of smolt passage proxy counts by hour obtained from side- looking sonar data (2023-06-20) with spatial real-world reference. Data series randomly colored by hour. Side-looking sonar coverage is mapped as 2°cone (light red overlay over aerial image). Placement of up-looking sonars indicated by green circles. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Fish Community and Behavior Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Appendix A-2 Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 30 December 2023 Suggestions for additional data analysis: With the Tier 1 work presented here, we have completed the analysis of 7 data days (with the exception of T1, which was not usable, and T6 which we processed only for June 20th). Additional resources could be spent on 1) processing 6 more days of high resolution smolt data (the work equivalent of 1 data day was diverted to the screening analysis), as intended earlier, or 2) developing a run time index (i.e., full review with noise masking T4 May 25th – July 11th) and full analysis of approximately 4 more data days. Recommendations for Year 2 field work: Examine existing LIDAR bathymetry TIN for possibly better sonar locations in the immediate vicinity of the 2023 location. We have the tools to pull profiles from TINs on the fly and thus quickly examine how the river profile changes with small shifts up- or downstream. A few meters up- or downstream can make a significant difference in the shape of the water column that needs to be ensonified with minimum interference from echoes reflected by boundaries. It is possible that a slightly different location would provide a longer unimpeded view for the side-looking 2° beam, and possibly deeper water for the right bank up-looking transducer T1. If better coverage along the right bank is important (e.g., because this is the side where the intake of the proposed hydroelectric facility would be), consider removing transducer T1 from the daisy chain of up-looking transducers and instead mount it in a side-looking fashion on an independent mount to supplement the side-looking 2° data with better nearshore coverage. Take periodic low altitude drone images (aimed straight down) throughout the study period for verification of transducer locations and aim. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Fish Community and Behavior Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Appendix A-2 Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 31 December 2023 References Barange, M. 1994. Acoustic identification, classification and structure of biological patchiness on the edge of the Agulhas Bank and its relation to frontal features. South African Journal of Marine Science, 14: 333-347. Bures, J. W., Priest, J. T., Burril, S. E., M. R. Link, Degan, D. J. 2018. Sockeye salmon smolt abundance and inriver distribution: results from the Kvichak, Ugashik, and Egegik rivers in Bristol Bay, Alaska, 2016. Report prepared by the Bristol Bay Science and Research Institute, Dillingham, Alaska. Hughes, N. F., and L. H. Kelly. 1996. New techniques for 3-D video tracking of smolt swimming movements in still or flowing water. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 53:2473–2483. Love, R. H. 1971. Dorsal-aspect target strength of an individual fish. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 49(3): 816-823. Mueller, A.M. 2021. Obtaining acoustic estimates of smolt passage — Discussion. Report prepared by Aquacoustics LLC for the Bristol Bay Science and Research Institute, Dillingham, AK. Mueller, A. M. 2022. Estimating Chilko River sockeye smolt abundance with sonar – 2022. Report prepared by Aquacoustics LLC for Fraser River Stock Assessment, Fisheries and Oceans Canada. Mueller, A. M., D. J. Degan, R. Kieser, and T. Mulligan. 2006. Estimating sockeye salmon smolt flux and abundance with side-looking sonar. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 26: 523-534. INITIAL STUDY REPORT ATTACHMENT B: NUYAKUK FALLS FISH PASSAGE STUDY NUYAKUK RIVER HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FERC NO. 14873 Submitted by: Nushagak Electric & Telephone Cooperative, Inc. P.O. Box 350 Dillingham, Alaska 99576 December 2023 Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Nuyakuk Falls Fish Passage Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment B Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. i December 2023 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 STUDY PLAN INTRODUCTION..................................................................................... 1 2.0 STUDY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES............................................................................... 1 3.0 STUDY AREA................................................................................................................... 3 4.0 METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................................. 4 4.1 Two-Dimensional HEC-RAS Model Development............................................... 4 4.1.1 Hydrologic Data.......................................................................................... 5 4.1.2 Define Species Migration Periodicity......................................................... 8 4.1.3 Conduct Modeling and Evaluate Potential Effects of Project Operations ... 8 4.1.4 Field Data Calibration................................................................................. 9 4.1.5 Stage-Discharge Curve ............................................................................. 12 4.1.6 Two-Dimensional Model Calibration ....................................................... 12 4.2 Agent-Based Model Development........................................................................ 12 4.2.1 Agent-Based Model Development Methods............................................. 12 5.0 RESULTS ......................................................................................................................... 16 5.1 Two-Dimensional Model Development Results................................................... 16 5.2 Agent-Based Model Development Results ........................................................... 16 6.0 DISCUSSION AND FINDINGS...................................................................................... 16 7.0 STUDY VARIANCES AND MODIFICATIONS........................................................... 16 7.1 Two-Dimensional Model Variances ..................................................................... 16 7.2 Agent-Based Model Variances............................................................................. 17 8.0 STUDY STATUS AND SCHEDULE.............................................................................. 17 8.1 Two-Dimensional (2D) HEC-RAS Model Development ..................................... 17 8.2 Agent Based Model Development ........................................................................ 17 9.0 STUDY-SPECIFIC CONSULTATION ........................................................................... 18 10.0 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................. 18 Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Nuyakuk Falls Fish Passage Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment B Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. ii December 2023 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 3-1. The 2D model study area. .............................................................................................4 Figure 4-1. Nuyakuk April 2023 LiDAR bare earth digital elevation model data relative to the model boundary..................................................................................................7 Figure 4-2. Locations in the Falls Reach of the Nuyakuk River in which Solinst Level Loggers and a Solinst Baro-logger were installed to monitor WSE and barometric pressure................................................................................................10 LIST OF TABLES Table 4-1. Transducer and baro-logger installation summary, Nuyakuk River, Alaska. ..............10 Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Nuyakuk Falls Fish Passage Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment B Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. iii December 2023 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS 2D Two-dimensional ABM Agent-Based Model DEM Digital Elevation Model Falls Nuyakuk Falls FERC Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ft foot IRA Integrated Risk Assessment ISR Initial Study Report kCal kilocalorie LCM Life Cycle Model LiDAR Light Detection and Ranging Project Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project (P-14873) RSP Revised Study Plan TM Technical Memorandum USFWS U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service USGS U.S. Geological Survey USR Updated Study Report Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Nuyakuk Falls Fish Passage Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment B Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 1 December 2023 1.0 STUDY PLAN INTRODUCTION Project development and associated water diversion operations may impact multiple life stages and species of fish. The Cooperative has chosen a conceptual and analytical framework approach that describes the likely relationships of those impacts on fish and their habitat. Conceptually, this includes both adult and juvenile fish passing upstream and downstream through the Project Area, and the potential interactions between those components. For salmon, although a substantial portion of their life history takes place outside the Project Area, the health and vitality of the life stages when they are within the Project Area can influence the overall population viability. The framework includes the necessary analytical tools comprised of technical studies, models, mathematical equations, metrics, and the underlying assumptions that will be applied to quantitatively and/or qualitatively define potential Project effects. One key tool in the overall assessment is the development of a two-dimensional (2D) hydraulic model that extends from approximately 1,000 ft (0.19 mi) upstream of the powerhouse intake to 1,400 ft (0.27 mi) downstream of the powerhouse tailrace (4,310 ft or 0.82 mi total). The 2D model will be used to assess hydraulic and fish habitat changes within the Nuyakuk Falls and in proximity to the in-river Project structures. The model horizon extends over the anticipated life of the Project and will be developed for the following flow conditions: 1) current, with Project; 2) current, without Project; and 3) future flows related to climate change. A second primary tool in the assessment of potential Project effects is the development of an Agent-Based Model (ABM) to evaluate the behavior of upstream migrating adult salmon relative to the hydraulic conditions in the Falls Reach. The ABM combines input from both the 2D hydraulic model, results of the radio telemetry assessment of in-river adult salmon migration behavior, and extensive literature review and input from stakeholders to model fish passage at the Falls under baseline and Project operations. Development of baseline model scenarios occurred in Study Year 1 (2023). In Year 2 (2024), the Cooperative will use the models to run operational and climate change flow scenarios. The combined results of both flow and fish behavior will allow for the understanding of potential changes in fish passage conditions and evaluate how changes in depth and velocity may translate to changes in fish passage efficiency. In turn, this information will be used to evaluate potential flow-related effects on fish populations as described in the Life Cycle Model (LCM) and Integrated Risk Assessment (IRA) studies. 2.0 STUDY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES The primary goal of this study is to evaluate how potential Project-related flow changes may impact fish passage (positively and/or negatively) through the Falls Reach. Five objectives are listed below that define the major focus of this study: 1. Identify primary upstream and downstream fish passage corridors and hydraulic conditions within the cascade/Falls Reach of the study area (i.e., proposed bypass reach) and their flow sensitivities under current conditions and proposed Project operations as it Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Nuyakuk Falls Fish Passage Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment B Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 2 December 2023 relates to potential for stranding, predation risk, migration delay, and passage conditions (negative or positive) under different flow scenarios. 2. Estimate species-specific flow windows for successful upstream fish passage through the Falls Reach that include upper and lower passage thresholds above and below which passage may be improved, impaired, migration delayed, risk or predation increased, or seasonal timing affected. 3. Identify potential areas that may be susceptible to fry and juvenile stranding and trapping within the proposed bypass reach due to Project induced flow fluctuations (ramp-up and ramp-down). 4. Evaluate potentially positive and negative effects of proposed Project operations and flow releases on adult upstream and fry/juvenile/smolt downstream fish passage and potential stranding and trapping of fish. 5. Identify potential alternative operations or refinements to operations that facilitate upstream and downstream passage and minimize/eliminate the risk of stranding and trapping. These objectives revolve around the resolution of a series of questions associated with how Project operations may affect fish passage conditions within the Falls Reach. Specific questions to be addressed include: 1. Would flow-related changes in depth and velocity and habitat composition impair or improve upstream fish passage conditions as compared to species-specific criteria? 2. Would flow-related changes in total available habitat for upstream passage result in increased, decreased, or stable densities of fish in the Falls Reach to the point that density-dependent effects are detectable? 3. Would flow-related changes in depth and velocity and habitat composition impair or improve downstream fish passage conditions as compared to species-specific criteria? 4. Would flow-related changes in total available habitat for downstream passage result in increased, decreased, or stable densities of fish in the Falls Reach to the point that density-dependent effects are detectable? 5. Would hydraulic conditions be created that could improve or delay the upstream passage of adult salmon? 6. Would hydraulic conditions be created that could improve or delay downstream passage of juvenile salmon? 7. Would flow-related changes in the Falls Reach positively or negatively alter depth and velocities in fish rearing habitats or change the quantity, composition, or configuration of the rearing habitats? Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Nuyakuk Falls Fish Passage Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment B Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 3 December 2023 8. Would rapid changes in flow dewater fringe habitat/passage corridors resulting in potential fish stranding or trapping zones? 9. Would operational flow changes have the potential to dewater or scour spawning habitats immediately downstream of the Falls and tailrace? Potential impacts would be centered around the Project footprint that encompasses Nuyakuk Falls and would be associated with a flow reduction. These flow alterations would change the prevailing hydraulic parameters and could lead to improved, negative or unchanged conditions in migration pathways and resting/rearing habitats. Upstream and downstream passage success and survival may be reduced due to unsuitable passage conditions, shortened passage windows, delay, increased predation, etc., or improved if more suitable conditions and longer passage windows are provided that decrease passage times and energy expenditures of fish. The flow regulation may also alter habitats used by resident fishes. This evaluation employs the use of two models: 1) the development and application of a HEC-RAS 2D hydraulic model to define the reach hydraulics: and 2) linking the 2D model outputs with an ABM to evaluate passage success under different flow scenarios. 3.0 STUDY AREA The geographic focus of the fish passage evaluation will extend from approximately 2,640 ft (0.5 mi) upstream of the upper end of Nuyakuk Falls to approximately 1,400 ft (0.27 mi) below the lower end of the Falls; total length of the study area is approximately one mile (Figure 3-1). The distance upstream of the proposed intake location reflects a reasonable distance to characterize the flow field as water approaches the Falls and proposed diversion location. Overall, the study area for 2D hydraulic modeling encompasses the longitudinal distance for both the Fish Entrainment and Impingement Study and the Assessment of False Attraction at the Proposed Tailrace Study. The extent of the study area may be modified based on review of the light detecting and ranging (LiDAR) data and preliminary results from the 2D model. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Nuyakuk Falls Fish Passage Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment B Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 4 December 2023 Figure 3-1. The 2D model study area. 4.0 METHODOLOGY Study methods during Year 1 (2023) were consistent with those specified in the Revised Study Plan (RSP) with the initial work focused on collecting water surface elevation (WSE) data and model development. Model calibration is ongoing and model runs for different flow scenarios will be completed during Year 2 study efforts. 4.1 Two-Dimensional HEC-RAS Model Development A 2D HEC-RAS version 6.3.1 model was developed to evaluate the existing and future conditions of the Falls Reach of the Nuyakuk River. This model will provide fine scale detailed information such as depth and velocities (magnitude and direction) within each of the migration pathways and will enable the computation of other variables relevant to both fish passage and Habitat Suitability Criteria (HSC) above and below the Falls Reach itself. The model will be calibrated using field data including various WSEs that Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Nuyakuk Falls Fish Passage Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment B Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 5 December 2023 were surveyed to provide ground truthing to the remote LiDAR imagery, discharge measurements, and WSE measurements. Level loggers recorded both water stage and temperature over the range of flows occurring during the upstream and downstream migration periods of salmon. The level logger data was useful in determining localized stage changes over a range of flows that can be used in refining model predictions for those locations during ongoing model development. The calibrated model will then be used to model passage conditions under different flows. 4.1.1 Hydrologic Data To evaluate future hydropower potential and impacts on fish habitat, the Cooperative requires projected flows for the Nuyakuk River reflecting the future climate conditions in the mid-century and late century. The Cooperative’s hydrology for the present-day condition is based on the flows from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) gage #15302000 (Nuyakuk River near Dillingham, Alaska), located about 4.6 river miles west of the Project site. The gage currently has daily flow records from 1953 to the present but has large data gaps where flow is not reported, particularly in the 1990s. The Cooperative will evaluate model scenarios including calibration flow conditions, existing average monthly flows, and future condition average monthly flows. Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) 2020 LiDAR data was collected on May 14, 2020, using a specialized flight plan with a target point density of 6.0 points/m2. The LiDAR survey was accomplished using a Riegl VQ-880- GII mounted in a Cessna Caravan. Additionally, aerial imagery was acquired on the same flight using a PhaseOne iXU-RS1000 digital camera. Ground survey points were acquired to post- process and calibrate the LiDAR data. The LiDAR survey results included the classified survey points, as well as one-meter ESRI grids of the bare earth digital elevation model (DEM) and the highest hit of the digital surface model (DSM). Additionally, a digital imagery mosaic was created using the aerial photographs. For additional information on field collection and Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) of the 2020 LiDAR, please refer to the Nuyakuk River Topobathymetric LiDAR Technical Data Report (Quantum Spatial 2020). Terrain and Data Sources The terrain used in the 2D model was created from two sources of site-specific topo-bathymetric LiDAR data. The first LiDAR dataset in 2020 was collected under high flow conditions thereby limiting the ability to collect accurate bathymetric data in some of the high velocity/turbulent portions of the Falls Reach channel. An additional LiDAR flight was conducted in April 2023 under lower flow conditions with the goal of filling in these topo bathymetric data gaps. Lastly, a final LiDAR dataset was collected in late June 2023 to capture snow-free conditions in the floodplain. The elevation data from the 2023 flights will be merged with the elevation data from the 2020 flight to create a single terrain layer used as the basis for the 2D model described in this section. The dataset merging will be completed using the best engineering judgment based on the quality and availability of each dataset. Figure 4-1 shows the April 2023 LiDAR dataset compared to the model boundary. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Nuyakuk Falls Fish Passage Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment B Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 6 December 2023 Two-Dimensional Areas The model domain is roughly 3,100 meters long and extends roughly 1,200 meters upstream and 1,200 meters downstream of the Falls. The model has a default cell size of 10 meters with the Falls portion of the model using 0.5-meter cells. In total, the modeling domain contains just over 1 million computational cells. Additionally, some initial model runs applied 1-meter cells in the Falls portion to improve model run times before the calibration data were available for use. The 0.5-meter cells are expected to provide adequate information for the fish behavior ABM; however, it is possible that larger cells may capture the same flow patterns. The final cell size used in the model may be dependent on the calibration of the hydraulic model as will be further described in the Updated Study Report (USR). Any required adjustment to the model cell size will be discussed amongst the entire Nuyakuk modeling team before implementation. Model Energy Loss and Computational Equation Type The energy losses to flow within the model boundary are a function of channel roughness, channel form loss, and turbulence/mixing within the Falls Reach. In order to accurately represent the energy loss present in the Falls Reach, the Full Momentum or shallow water set of equations will be used for the simulations. Manning’s n roughness values in the model are currently set to the model default value of 0.06. Final Manning’s n roughness values will be decided after model calibration. Assumed channel roughness is expected to range from 0.035 to 0.07 depending on the observed/assumed channel substrate and channel form loss. Turbulence or mixing loss within the model will be included by using the Non-Conservative turbulence model and default mixing coefficients of 0.3 (Longitudinal) and 0.1 (Transverse). Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Nuyakuk Falls Fish Passage Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment B Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 8 December 2023 Boundary Conditions The boundary conditions for the 2D model will be based on the site-specific rating curve being developed for the project location and the measured energy grade slopes of the channel bed. The upstream model boundary will use an unsteady flow hydrograph condition based on measured or assumed flows and an energy grade slope of 0.00019. The downstream model boundary will use a normal depth slope assumption. The downstream normal depth slope is currently set to 0.00019 but may be adjusted during model calibration. 4.1.2 Define Species Migration Periodicity The migratory life histories of several fish species in the Nuyakuk River involve the upstream migration of adults seeking suitable areas for spawning, and the downstream migration of fry, juveniles, and smolts to the ocean. The timing and duration of these migrations vary by species and life stage but in general, coincide with the hydrologic characteristics of a given watershed. Thus, both upstream and downstream migrations tend to occur during periods of increasing or relatively high flows and infrequently during low flow periods. Because proposed Project operations will occur throughout the year, the extent to which the operations may affect upstream and/or downstream migration success will depend on the timing of those migrations and prevailing flows. Most of this information for the Nuyakuk River will be compiled as part of Attachment A. – Characterization of the Fish Community and Behavior Near the Project Area. That study also will rely on a variety of source materials from the published and unpublished literature, as well as personal contacts with agency and stakeholder personnel with direct experience with the fishery resources of the Nushagak River, and certain empirical data collected on-site. For this study, the objective will be to define for each species, the periodicities of adult upstream migration, and fry, juvenile/smolt downstream migration. This information will focus the modeling and analysis on those periods most vulnerable to Project operational effects. 4.1.3 Conduct Modeling and Evaluate Potential Effects of Project Operations Development of the 2D model to evaluate Project effects will begin with initial runs for flows representative of the current baseline. The model will then be used to identify pathways suitable for upstream and downstream migration. These areas will be longitudinally linked, thereby depicting the most probable pathways of migration through the entire Falls Reach for unregulated flow conditions. The pathways identified from the 2D modeling will likely vary in physical characteristics, so upstream passage through each will differ in the degree of difficulty. Therefore, model metrics will be analyzed to identify and categorize pathways into groups based primarily on velocity conditions and adult fish swimming speeds (sustained, prolonged, and burst). The model will then be run for a series of flows that represent a range of conditions that may occur during the migration period due to Project operations and evaluated in terms of changes in passage success based on species-specific passage criteria. Analysis of habitat for resident fish due to flow changes will be made based on a Physical Habitat Simulation (PHABSIM) type analysis (Bovee 1982; Bovee et al. 1998) using representative HSC for those species. These figures conceptually display the final endpoints of Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Nuyakuk Falls Fish Passage Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment B Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 9 December 2023 more detailed analyses that will be derived via 2D hydraulic modeling of migration pathways and specific analyses of tailrace and intake characteristics. Analysis will include the development of a suite of comparative matrices that lists the model- generated values of each of the parameters for each of the flows (including regulated and unregulated) and identifies probabilities of values being conducive to successful passage, and whether they create suitable migration, rearing, holding, and spawning habitats. These types of matrix tables will be used for identifying flow windows, which illustrate the range of flows and their associated probabilities (likelihood estimates) under which successful upstream migration would occur for each of the designated areas, and then for the entire reach. The bathymetric mapping and modeling will also be used to identify potential areas of stranding and trapping and the flows at which these areas may develop. The risk of stranding and trapping most commonly occurs under conditions of pulse-type flows such as those associated with hydroelectric peaking or load following. Under these types of operations, fish, in particular fry that may be occupying relatively shallow pool areas, may suddenly become trapped within the isolated pools. Likewise, fry occupying flat shallow water areas may suddenly become stranded. 4.1.4 Field Data Calibration As part of the development of hydrodynamic and fish passage models for the Nuyakuk Hydroelectric Project, 11 Solinst level logger pressure transducers (Model 3001) were installed within the project reach of the Nuyakuk River (Figure 4-2). Data collected from these units will be used to monitor WSE throughout the reach and detect a response in WSE to changes in river flow. This report summarizes the installation procedures and data collection during the field effort, as well as recommendations for recurring data downloads. Installation occurred during the period of May 18-20, 2023 at flows ranging from 5,000-5,700 cubic feet per second as reported at USGS gage near the outlet of Nuyakuk Lake, Alaska (#15302000). The location of each monitoring site was predetermined in consultation with members of the 2D modeling team. Since the pressure transducers selected for use measure absolute pressure (water pressure + atmospheric pressure), a single Solinst Baro-logger (Model 3001) was installed near the field base camp to detect variations in atmospheric pressure. Prior to installation, all units (Level-loggers and Baro-logger) were launched and synchronized to record data at one-hour intervals. Other datalogger information recorded included serial number, sample mode, storage capacity, sample rate, pressure, and temperature settings. For each monitoring site, pressure transducer installation followed a standardized procedure. A summary of the pressure transducer installation for each site is provided in Table 4-1. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Nuyakuk Falls Fish Passage Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment B Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 10 December 2023 Figure 4-2. Locations in the Falls Reach of the Nuyakuk River in which Solinst Level Loggers and a Solinst Baro-logger were installed to monitor WSE and barometric pressure. Table 4-1. Transducer and baro-logger installation summary, Nuyakuk River, Alaska. Site # Transducer Serial # Transducer Type Installation Date Location Coordinates Latitude Longitude 100 02033902 Water Level 05/18/2023 59.908841 -158.123246 101 02033874 Water Level 05/18/2023 59.910844 -158.120868 103 02036309 Water Level 05/19/2023 59.910904 -158.117448 104 02023471 Water Level 05/20/2023 59.912200 -158.119889 105 02036110 Water Level 05/20/2023 59.912201 -158.117276 106 02036317 Water Level 05/19/2023 59.911403 -158.119331 107 02023477 Water Level 05/20/2023 59.910588 -158.114937 108 02036083 Water Level 05/20/2023 59.910348 -158.114499 109 02033875 Water Level 05/18/2023 59.910100 -158.117544 110 02036116 Water Level 05/20/2023 59.909494 -158.113925 111 02023495 Water Level 05/18/2023 59.908052 -158.114636 Baro-logger 12034351 Barometric Pressure 05/17/2023 59.908252 -158.119962 Note: Site #102 was judged to be redundant and not installed. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Nuyakuk Falls Fish Passage Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment B Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 11 December 2023 Additionally, land survey professionals from Edge Survey and Design, LLC (Edge) established a survey control point at each of the 11 WSE monitoring sites. The survey control points/bench marks were then tied into the project datum allowing for seamless integration and use of the water level monitoring data in the 2D hydraulic modeling. Quality Assurance / Quality Control of Water Surface Elevation Data Data from the loggers and surveys were compiled in a calculation spreadsheet for each site which included pressure level, water temperature, compensated depth, barometric pressure, air temperature, measured WSE, calculations of WSE at each time interval, data entry notes, review charts, and QA/QC notes. The relevant surveying information includes the local benchmark and WSE surveys collected during installation, the mid-season download in August 2023 and transducer removal (anticipated in September 2023), as well as the land surveyor control points collected by Edge. The surveyor control points were collected in the project datum and allowed conversion of the benchmarks and WSE collected in the local datum for each site into the project datum. Pressure transducer data were recorded in feet of water and barometric pressure data were recorded in kilopascals. Each was converted to inches of water and the compensated depth was calculated. This depth was related to the WSE measured during the site visit and each subsequent compensated depth value was used to estimate the WSE on a future timestep. Theoretically, the calculated WSE should match the measured WSE during the next field effort; however, the calculated and measured WSEs did not always match due to error (between the compensated depth and measured WSE) or drift in the loggers. This error or drift was accounted for in the calculations by incrementally applying it at each timestep between field visits such that the calculated WSEs for the next field effort match those that were measured. The error, or logger drift, was calculated as the difference between initial and final measurements of both compensated depth and measured WSE. Data analysis revealed that one pressure transducer at the lower left bank of the Falls at Site 110 was not functioning properly and did not record data. This transducer was replaced with a different unit during the August 2023 field effort so will only have a portion of the record available for calibration purposes. Calculated WSEs and temperature values were reviewed in each spreadsheet to determine if the units were out of water for any period of time or if they appeared to move during the time deployed. QA/QC review information, recommendations, and changes were recorded in a tab in each spreadsheet for documentation purposes. Once the final download and removal of units is complete in September 2023, a final WSE record will be prepared for each site and used in modeling calibration. Planned Integration of Field Water Surface Elevation Data The WSEs from each water level logger will be used in combination with the measured flows to calibrate the 2D HEC-RAS Model. Additional information on calibration and validation will be provided once the water level logger data is made available. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Nuyakuk Falls Fish Passage Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment B Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 12 December 2023 4.1.5 Stage-Discharge Curve A stage-discharge curve was developed based on flow and WSE data collected at the Project site during field surveys. This information is covered in greater detail in the Flow Duration Curve Change Analysis Study Report (Attachment I) 4.1.6 Two-Dimensional Model Calibration A 2D model using baseline flow conditions has been built and will be calibrated to measure WSE data in various areas of the proposed model area. Model runs will be completed at various flows to match the gaged WSEs at the specific locations. Manning’s n roughness values, turbulence parameters, and 2D mesh parameters will be adjusted as needed to achieve defensible calibration of the model. The calibrated model can then be used to finalize the 2D hydraulic model, and the results may then be used for agent-based fish movement modeling as well as other applications. Model calibration will be completed using calibration data expected at the end of the 2023 field season. 4.2 Agent-Based Model Development As noted above, the construction and operation of a hydroelectric project at Nuyakuk Falls has the potential to impact anadromous fish populations by altering flows and related fish passage conditions. However, without constructing a hydroelectric project and then observing changes in fish passage efficiency, it is difficult to determine the direction or extent of potential impacts. To assist in this evaluation, an ABM is being developed that incorporates known information on the swimming ability, migratory behaviors, and perceptive abilities of fish species of interest to provide objective insights into probable outcomes. In an ABM, a collection of autonomous goal-directed software objects (agents) make decisions to maximize their own well-being, interact with other agents, and react to a simulated environment to produce emergent behaviors. Every agent in the model is an individual fish. Each fish-agent’s emergent behaviors arise from simple rules that govern how it can react when constrained by environmental conditions and interactions with other agents. ABMs for fish passage have been used since 2006 to forecast movement patterns of fish in response to flow (Goodwin et al. 2006) and navigating passage (Weber et al. 2006; Gilmanov et al. 2019; Kopecki et al. 2022). Unlike earlier applications, this ABM emphasizes individual interactions and schooling behavior to model density-dependent effects. The Nuyakuk ABM will predict fish movement in 2D space and incorporates models and parameter values from the literature. Year 1 studies have focused on the development of a proof- of-concept ABM for Sockeye Salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) and to design simulation experiments for calibration and validation purposes. 4.2.1 Agent-Based Model Development Methods The ABM simulates individual fish-agent movement over a 24-hour period within a 2 km stretch of the Nushagak River at Nuyakuk Falls. Each fish agent is goal directed. At the start of the simulation and every time step thereafter, the agent perceives their environment, reacts to stimuli, and optimizes movement until they reach their goal or the simulation ends. Variables include spatial location and internal energy states that are tracked every timestep. Each timestep Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Nuyakuk Falls Fish Passage Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment B Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 13 December 2023 is 1 second. Fish-agent behavior outputs from the model include estimated fish passage efficiencies, passage rates, passage routes, and energy consumption as a function of flow. Design Concepts The fish agents in the Nuyakuk ABM react to the physical environment and the actions of other fish agents. They are trying to optimize the distance traveled while maintaining enough energy resources and avoiding collision with obstacles and other fish agents. The objective of each fish- agent is simple, to cross the finish line, which is an arbitrary point in space that indicates a fish has successfully passed Nuyakuk Falls. To avoid dead-ends and impassable sections, agents are capable of remembering where they have been and avoiding these locations. Fish agents also interact with other agents in schools, which makes it possible to understand density-dependent effects on fish passage performance and/or identify the ability to collectively navigate as a school over the Falls. The only stochastic processes in the model generate morphometric parameters and starting locations at initialization. Everything else, including all emergent behavior, is deterministic; therefore, the ABM represents a complex adaptive system. At every timestep, it will be possible to observe what the agent perceives, their internal energy state and migratory mode, heading arbitration, and the results of movement via jumping or swimming. With these data, it will be possible to evaluate fish passage study objectives as well as to provide reasoning for certain emergent behaviors. When the simulations run at different flows are compared, it will be possible to predict how Sockeye Salmon may respond to a change in flow regime and hence its passage success. Details When the model initializes, stochastic processes simulate morphometric parameters and starting locations. All fish agents start in a school downstream of Nuyakuk Falls. The input data into the ABM is the output from a depth-averaged, 0.5-meter resolution 2D hydraulic model. The fish agents are modeled as a point in 2D space. Modeled motion and forces acting on agents are surge, yaw, thrust, and drag. Submodules have been built into the ABM that sample environmental parameters (X, Y, Z) as well as those that assess fatigue, heading arbitration, movement, and energy consumption. Sensing the Environment For a real fish, navigation in space and time requires an individual fish to sense and respond to the environment and the behavior of conspecifics as delimited by their sensory abilities (Cooke et al. 2022). Therefore, at the start of every timestep, our fish agent senses its simulated environment in much the same way a real fish senses its environment. The lateral line system of a fish is capable of sensing changes in water velocity up to two body lengths away (Bleckmann and Zelick 2009). Our fish agents simulate the lateral line by sampling from 2D flow velocity surfaces (N and E) at that same buffer. Fish agents are also able to ‘see’ up to two body lengths away and will identify the locations of other fish agents and obstacles/shallow areas at that same two fish length buffer. Fish agents have ‘place’ responses and form a map-like memory of their environment (Rodr guez et al. 2021) that is anchored and allows them to remember where they have been, sampling from their own memory. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Nuyakuk Falls Fish Passage Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment B Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 14 December 2023 Assessing Fatigue and Recovery Fish agents are allowed to fatigue, at which point they maintain a nominal tail beat and will fall back if they cannot generate enough thrust to overcome drag. Castro-Santos (2005) provides time to fatigue as a function of swimming speed and fish length. Time to fatigue is converted to a battery state with the following logic; when fish start swimming anaerobically, their energy reserves start to decrease. At the end of the first anaerobic timestep, energy reserves are reduced proportionally to the length of the timestep compared to the time until fatigue. When a fish reduces its swim speed below anaerobic levels, it starts to recover. Research on this topic found that fish can perform at high levels within 45 minutes after depleting energy reserves; thus this was an assumption for the ABM. The fish agent recovery process is the fatigue process in reverse, except time-to-recovery is a function of the current battery state. Heading Arbitration The most important submodule is heading arbitration. Each fish agent is continuously receiving information from its surroundings, including the speed and direction of other agents, the locations of obstacles, and the water velocity in two directions. Fish agents are also responding to their internal energy state. If they are nearing fatigue, they will respond to behavioral cues differently than if they are fully recovered. When fish are fatigued, they exhibit station-holding behavior. The fish only responds to rheotactic cues and generates just enough thrust to match drag to maintain its position within the water column. If it cannot generate enough thrust, the fish falls back. When fish are nearing a fatigued state, they are using their lateral line to respond to rheotactic cues and search for a low- energy refugia to recover. When a fish is fully recovered and in migratory mode, it is responding to multiple behavioral cues. During migratory mode, fish agents respond to rheotactic cues (Arnold 1974), spatial memory (Rodr guez et al. 2021), schooling and collision avoidance (Reynolds 1987), and optimal depths to reduce wave drag (Hughes 2004). To arbitrate among these cues and choose the optimal path strategy when in migratory mode, a fish agent uses prioritized acceleration allocation (Reynolds 1987), which is based on a strict priority ordering of behavioral cues. A fish is either attracted or repelled by each cue with a potential field. To generate a heading vector when more than one behavioral cue is considered, the fish agent simply sums vectors. The priority order is as follows: 1. If collision avoidance potential is greater than 0, the fish agent will abide by the collision avoidance vectors. 2. If spatial memory potential is greater than 0, the fish agent will sum spatial memory and rheotactic cues. 3. If the fish is in a school, it will respond to schooling and rheotactic cues. 4. Otherwise, the fish combines potentials from rheotaxis, low velocity, and wave drag optimization to form a final heading. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Nuyakuk Falls Fish Passage Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment B Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 15 December 2023 Swimming and Jumping After sensing their environment, assessing their level of fatigue, and arbitrating amongst the many behavioral cues, fish agents now must decide whether they will jump or swim over the next timestep. If the ratio to ideal speed over ground to water velocity is less than 0.05, the agent is traveling against the flow, it has been more than 60 seconds since its last jump, and there is more than 40% remaining in the internal battery state, a fish agent jumps. Jumping occurs in one timestep. The fish agent is assumed to be able to accelerate to its critical swim speed as it exits the water column, and once it exits the water column, the fish follows a ballistic trajectory. A jump is successful if the fish can maintain enough swim speed where they land to maintain position within the water column. If the fish cannot maintain its position, it will fall back. When a fish agent is swimming, it first calculates drag using the formula from (Mirzaei 2017) which accounts for the velocity of the fish agent and water velocity. With the amount of drag (N) calculated, the fish agent now generates enough thrust to maintain its preferred speed-over- ground. To apply movement when swimming, the fish agent calculates surge, then solves for acceleration by rearranging Newton's 1st law of motion. Surge is basically thrust–drag. If thrust is equal to drag, the fish maintains its current velocity; if thrust is greater than drag, the fish accelerates; and if thrust is less than drag, the fish slows down. Energy Consumption The last fish agent submodule calculates the number of kCal burned during a timestep and maintains a running sum. The intent of this method is to keep a running counter of the amount of kCal consumed by converting the amount of oxygen respired into calories with standard metabolic equations. Brett (1964) provides active metabolic (anerobic respiration) rates or oxygen consumption (O2/kg/hr) as a function of water temperature and swimming speed (body lengths/second), while Brett and Glass (1973) provide standard metabolic rate (aerobic respiration) as a function of water temperature and weight. We used the approach of Hughes (2004) to calculate the total metabolic rate (anaerobic and aerobic). The fish agent computes each submodule every timestep. Validation Ngo and See (2012) developed a thorough, transparent, and objective method of validating ABMs. A completely validated model must pass 1) face validation, 2) a sensitivity analysis, 3) calibration, and 4) output validation. Once a model is validated, it can be used to assess passage response at differing instream flow values. Face validation is an initial visual and tabular assessment method that assesses animations for realism, whether fish are behaving as expected, and whether the model outputs fall within an acceptable range of real values. We will design simulation experiments to ‘gut-check’ speed over ground, jumping locations, holding locations, passage routes, schooling behavior, and kCal consumption. Face validation will be completed by the team of field biologists who were on-site and regional experts with experience researching the species of interest. If the face validation of any of these behaviors fails, adjustments will be made to the software, and it will be tested again. Following face validation, we will perform a sensitivity analysis for critical assumptions used in the model including fatigue response, heading arbitration, and jumping criteria. The migratory Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Nuyakuk Falls Fish Passage Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment B Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 16 December 2023 mode of a fish depends on its internal energy state. If the fish is nearing fatigue, it will not behave the same way that a well-rested fish will. It is possible to adjust the point of transition between behaviors and then assess the output. A fish agent needs to choose an optimal heading strategy that is a function of its internal energy state. To choose the best heading, a fish uses prioritized acceleration allocation. We will conduct a sensitivity analysis by adjusting the weights and prioritization of each cue. The final sensitivity analysis surrounds the jump criteria, which will adjust the ratio of speed over ground to water velocity and internal energy threshold states. Calibration and validation will use telemetry data collected in the summer of 2023. A portion of the dataset will be used to calibrate speed over ground, while the other portion of the dataset will be used to validate the output of the model with statistical comparisons. Output validation is critical; if our model is able to reproduce passage success, rates, and routes at the discharge(s) we observed, then our belief in the model output at other instream flows increases. 5.0 RESULTS 5.1 Two-Dimensional Model Development Results As the calibration data is not available at this time, the results for the 2D hydraulic model are in progress. The analysis is still underway and results will be provided in the USR. Results will include velocity, depth, and inundation maps for the selected hydrology, which will be determined based on additional flow data collected in the field. 5.2 Agent-Based Model Development Results The primary programming, unit testing, and functional testing is complete. The code has been released as open source under the MIT license and can be found at https://github.com/knebiolo/emergent. Validation will occur throughout the fall of 2023, with production runs occurring over Q1 and Q2 of 2024. The software produces an .mpg movie file, a set of HDF databases for each agent, an HDF file for positional tracking, and georeferenced mental map images that depict where an agent was in time. Summary functions will determine passage success and passage rates, identify routes of passage, and track energy consumption over time. 6.0 DISCUSSION AND FINDINGS No discussion of findings is available until model calibration is complete. This will occur in the spring of 2024 and be included as a part of the USR in December of 2024. 7.0 STUDY VARIANCES AND MODIFICATIONS 7.1 Two-Dimensional Model Variances No variances are noted at this time from the RSP. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Nuyakuk Falls Fish Passage Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment B Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 17 December 2023 7.2 Agent-Based Model Variances No variances are noted at this time from the RSP. 8.0 STUDY STATUS AND SCHEDULE 8.1 Two-Dimensional (2D) HEC-RAS Model Development This Fish Passage Study is ongoing. During Year 1 studies, field data required to develop and calibrate the models were collected including remote sensing imagery (LiDAR and aerial photos), WSE data within the Falls Reach, and stage-discharge data. While the data collection is nearly complete, data post-processing, analysis, and incorporation into the various model elements will be completed based on the following schedule: Final LiDAR imagery delivered by NV5 remote sensing October 2023 Finalized dataset of WSE field data following September field effort October 2023 2D model update presentation to ARWG October 2023 Final delivery of future flow results from CK Blueshift November 2023 Data integration/intermediate model runs and calibration December 2023 Final model development and runs February 2024 Model update presentation to ARWG April 2024 Completion report in support of the USR December 2024 8.2 Agent Based Model Development The ABM aspect of the Fish Passage Study is ongoing. Development of the model depends on data being generated based on completion of other studies, specifically the radio telemetry portion of the Fish Community Study (Attachment A) which will provide behavior patterns of adult Sockeye Salmon passing the Falls. These data are essential to the validation and calibration of the ABM. The schedule and next steps in the ABM process is as follows: ABM model update to the ARWG October 2023 Incorporation of radio telemetry study results November 2023 Intermediate model runs December 2023 Final model development and runs March 2024 Model update presentation to ARWG May 2024 Completion report in support of the USR December 2024 Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Nuyakuk Falls Fish Passage Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment B Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 18 December 2023 9.0 STUDY-SPECIFIC CONSULTATION The study plan for the Fish Passage Study, including selection of the modeling approach for both the 2D model and the ABM, was completed with substantial input from the ARWG over the initial period of study development from 2020-2022, and final revisions to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)-filed RSP. Since the ARWG and Cooperative decided on a modeling approach for the RSP, subsequent meetings have occurred as models are developed to discuss inputs and assumptions with the ARWG including: May 10, 2023 Ben Cary provided a presentation to the ARWG on the development of the 2D HEC- RAS model including a discussion of the terrain elevation dataset including the LiDAR, bathymetry, and hand survey points, and channel and floodplain characteristics. This presentation also outlined the planned flow, depth/velocity, and flow direction outputs from the model. Kevin Nebiolo provided a presentation to the ARWG on the application and development of an Agent-Based Approach to modeling fish behavior in the Falls Reach. Model framework, inputs of data from other studies, and a discussion of fish passage behavior considerations was discussed with the ARWG. June 14, 2023 Kevin Nebiolo provided an update on the development of the ABM and framework for incorporating fish passage data. Discussion with the ARWG followed. Model results and two model-specific Technical Memoranda (TM, in progress) will be distributed to the ARWG in draft form in the Spring of 2024. The ARWG will have the opportunity to review and provide comments and input prior to finalization of the TM. 10.0 REFERENCES Arnold, GP 1974. “Rheotropism in fishes.” Biological reviews (Wiley Online Library) 49: 515– 576. Bleckmann, Horst and Randy Zelick. 2009. “Lateral line system of fish.” Integrative zoology (Wiley Online Library) 4: 13–25. Bovee, K.D. 1982. A guide to stream habitat analysis using the Instream Flow Incremental Methodology. Instream Flow Information Paper No. 12. USFWS Report FWS/OBS-82- 26. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Nuyakuk Falls Fish Passage Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment B Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 19 December 2023 Bovee, K., B. Lamb, J. Bartholow, C. Stalnaker, J. Taylor, and J. Henriksen. 1998. Stream habitat analysis using the Instream Flow Incremental Methodology. Fort Collin, CO. U.S. Geological Survey, Biological Resources Division. Information and Technical Report USGS/BRD-1998-0004. 131 pp. Brett, J.R. 1964. “The Respiratory Metabolism and Swimming Performance of Young Sockeye Salmon.”Fisheries Research Board of Canada. Brett, J.R. and N.R. Glass. 1973. “Metabolic rates and critical swimming speeds of sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) in relation to size and temperature.”Journal of the Fisheries Board of Canada (NRC Research Press Ottawa, Canada) 30: 379–387. Castro-Santos, Theodore. 2005. "Optimal swim speeds for traversing velocity barriers: an analysis of volitional high-speed swimming behavior of migratory fishes." Journal of Experimental Biology 208: 421-432. doi:10.1242/jeb.01380. Cooke, Steven J., Jordanna N. Bergman, William M. Twardek, Morgan L. Piczak, Grace A. Casselberry, Keegan Lutek, Lotte S. Dahlmo, et al. 2022. “The movement ecology of fishes.” Journal of Fish Biology (Wiley Online Library) 101: 756–779. Gilmanov, Anvar, Daniel Zielinski, Vaughan Voller, and Peter Sorensen. 2019. “The effect of modifying a CFD-AB approach on fish passage through a model hydraulic dam.” Water (MDPI) 11: 1776. Goodwin, R. Andrew, John M. Nestler, James J. Anderson, Larry J. Weber, and Daniel P. Loucks. 2006. “Forecasting 3-D fish movement behavior using a Eulerian–Lagrangian– agent method (ELAM).” Ecological Modelling (Elsevier) 192: 197–223. Hughes, Nicholas F. 2004. “The wave-drag hypothesis: an explanation for size-based lateral segregation during the upstream migration of salmonids.” Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences (NRC Research Press Ottawa, Canada) 61: 103–109. Kopecki, Ianina, Matthias Schneider, and Tobias Hägele. 2022. “Novel Developments for Sustainable Hydropower.” Chap. Attraction Flow and Migration Habitat Assessment Using an Agent-Based Model in Novel Developments for Sustainable Hydropower83–90. Springer. Mirzaei, Parham A. 2017. “Development of a fish leaping framework for low-head barriers.” Journal of Hydro-environment Research 14: 34-43. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jher.2016.07.001. Ngo, The An, and LInda See. 2012. “Agent-Based Models of Geographical Systems.” Chap. Calibration and Validation of Agent-Based Models of Land Cover Change, edited by Alison J. Happenstall, Andrew T. Crooks, Linda M. See and Michael Batty, 181-198. New York: Springer. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Nuyakuk Falls Fish Passage Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment B Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 20 December 2023 Quantum Spatial. 2020. Nuyakuk River, Alaska Topobathymetric LiDAR Technical Data Report. July 17, 2020. Reynolds, Craig W. 1987. “Flocks, herds and schools: A distributed behavioral model.” Proceedings of the 14th annual conference on Computer graphics and interactive techniques. 25–34. Rodr guez, Fernando, Blanca Quintero, Lucas Amores, David Madrid, Carmen Salas-Peña, and Cosme Salas. 2021. “Spatial cognition in teleost fish: strategies and mechanisms.” Animals (MDPI) 11: 2271. Weber, Larry J., R. Andrew Goodwin, Songheng Li, John M. Nestler, and James J. Anderson. 2006. “Application of an Eulerian–Lagrangian–Agent method (ELAM) to rank alternative designs of a juvenile fish passage facility.” Journal of Hydroinformatics (IWA Publishing) 8: 271–295. APPENDIX -: www.nv5.com/geospatial NuyakukRiver,Alaska 2023TopobathymetricLidar Technical DataReport Prepared For:Prepared By: McMillen Corp CoryWarnock 5771ApplegroveLn. Ferndale, WA 98248 PH: 360-384-2662 NV5 Geospatial Corvallis 2014MerrillFieldDrive Anchorage, AK 99501 PH: 907-272-4495 October 16, 2023 Technical Data Report –Nuyakuk River Lidar Project INTRODUCTION .................................................................................................................................................. 1 DeliverableProducts.................................................................................................................................. 2 ACQUISITION ..................................................................................................................................................... 4 Planning..................................................................................................................................................... 4 AirborneLidarSurvey................................................................................................................................ 5 DigitalImagery.....................................................................................................................................10 PROCESSING ...................................................................................................................................................11 TopobathymetricandUASNIRLidar Data...............................................................................................11 Bathymetric Refraction............................................................................................................................15 LidarDerivedProducts.............................................................................................................................15 Topobathymetric DEMs........................................................................................................................15 IntensityImages...................................................................................................................................15 DigitalImagery.........................................................................................................................................17 RESULTS &DISCUSSION ....................................................................................................................................18 Bathymetric Lidar.....................................................................................................................................18 MappedBathymetryandDepthPenetration.......................................................................................18 Lidar PointDensity...................................................................................................................................20 Snow-On Acquisition Density...............................................................................................................20 Snow-Off Acquisition Density...............................................................................................................23 Lidar AccuracyAssessments ....................................................................................................................26 LidarNon-VegetatedVerticalAccuracy................................................................................................26 Lidar RelativeVertical Accuracy...........................................................................................................26 LidarHorizontalAccuracy.....................................................................................................................28 DigitalImageryAccuracyAssessment......................................................................................................28 CERTIFICATIONS ...............................................................................................................................................29 GLOSSARY ......................................................................................................................................................30 APPENDIX A-ACCURACY CONTROLS ...................................................................................................................31 Cover Photo:A view over the falls on the Nuyakuk River. TABLE OF CONTENTS Technical Data Report –Nuyakuk River Lidar Project Figure 1: LocationmapoftheNuyakukRiversite in Alaska.......................................................................... 3 Figure2:Snow-Ontopobathymetriclidaracquisitionflightlinesmap .......................................................... 7 Figure3:Snow-OffUASNIRlidaracquisitonflightlinesmap......................................................................... 9 Figure 4: A comparison of Intensity Images from Green and NIR first returns from the Snow-On acquisition in the Nuyakuk River area ........................................................................................................16 Figure 5: Depth model of the Nuyakuk River generated from data collected during the Snow-On acquisition...................................................................................................................................................19 Figure 6: Frequencydistributionoffirst returndensitiesper100 x 100 m cell, Snow-Onacquisition........21 Figure 7:Frequencydistributionofgroundandbathymetricbottomclassifiedreturndensitiesper 100 m x 100 m cell, Snow-On acquisition....................................................................................................21 Figure 8: Firstreturnandgroundand bathymetricbottom densitymapfortheNuyakuk Riversite (100 x 100 m cells) during theSnow-On acquisition ...................................................................................22 Figure 9: Frequencydistributionoffirst returndensitiesper100 x 100 m cell,Snow-Offacquisition........23 Figure 10: Frequency distribution of ground classified return densities per 100 m x 100 m cell, Snow-Off acquisition...................................................................................................................................................24 Figure 11: First return and ground density map for the Nuyakuk River site (100 m x 100 m cells) during theSnow-Offacquisition.............................................................................................................................25 Figure 12: Frequencyplotforrelativevertical accuracybetweenflightlines, Snow-Onacquisition..........27 Figure 13: Frequencyplot forrelativevertical accuracybetweenflightlines, Snow-Offacquisition..........27 LIST OF FIGURES Technical Data Report –Nuyakuk River Lidar Project Table1: Acquisitiondates,acreage, anddata typescollectedontheNuyakukRiver site............................. 1 Table2:Deliverableproductcoordinatereferencesysteminformation....................................................... 2 Table3:Lidar andimageryproductsdeliveredfortheNuyakukRiver site................................................... 2 Table4: Lidar specificationsandaerialsurveysettings,Snow-Onacquisition.............................................. 6 Table5: Lidar specificationsandaerialsurveysettings, Snow-offacquisition.............................................. 8 Table6:Cameramanufacturer’s specificationsfor a ZenmuseP1 ..............................................................10 Table7:Project-specificorthophotospecifications.....................................................................................10 Table8: ASPRSLASclassificationstandardsappliedto the NuyakukRiver dataset....................................12 Table9:Snow-Ontopobathymetriclidarprocessingworkflow ..................................................................13 Table10:Snow-OffUASNIRlidar processingworkflow..............................................................................14 Table11:Orthophotoprocessingworkflow................................................................................................17 Table12: AverageLidar pointdensities, Snow-OnAcquisition...................................................................20 Table13: AverageLidar pointdensities, Snow-OffAcquisition...................................................................23 Table14: Relative accuracyresults..............................................................................................................26 Table15: Horizontal Accuracy.....................................................................................................................28 LIST OF TABLES Technical Data Report –Nuyakuk River Lidar Project Page 1 In January 2023, NV5 Geospatial (NV5) was contracted by McMillen to collect topobathymetric Light Detection and Ranging (lidar) data and digital imagery in the spring of 2023 during snow-on conditions and NIR data and imagery in the summer of 2023 during snow-off conditions for the Nuyakuk River site in Alaska. For the snow-on acquisition, traditional near-infrared (NIR) lidar was fully integrated with green wavelength return data (bathymetric) lidar in order to provide a seamless topobathymetric lidar dataset. This is a comprehensive project report detailing both the snow-on tobobathymetric and snow- off NIR lidar acquisitions ofNuyukuk Falls in the Nuyukuk River area of interest. Data were collected as a part of McMillen’s natural resource study program preceding the licensing of the proposed Nuyakuk Falls Hydroelectric Project (P-14873) near Dillingham, Alaska. This report accompanying the delivered topobathymetric lidar data, NIR lidar data, and imagery documents contract specifications, data acquisition procedures, processingmethods, and analysisof the final dataset including lidar accuracy, depth penetration, and density. Acquisition dates and acreage are shown in Table 1, a complete list of contracted deliverables provided to McMillen is shown in Table 3 with the coordinate reference system information for these deliverables shown in Table 2, and the project extent is shown in Figure 1. Table1:Acquisitiondates,acreage,anddatatypescollectedontheNuyakukRiver site Project Site ContractedAcres Buffered Acres Acquisition Dates Data Type Nuyakuk River, Alaska 172 348 4/18/2023 Topobathymetric Lidar Nuyakuk River, Alaska 172 348 7/2/2023 NIR Lidar Nuyakuk River, Alaska 172 348 7/2/2023 3 band (RGB) Digital Imagery This orthophoto, taken during the Snow-Off acquisiton shows a view of the NuyakukRiverinthe projectsitein Alaska. INTRODUCTION Technical Data Report –Nuyakuk River Lidar Project Page 2 DeliverableProducts Table2:Deliverableproductcoordinatereferencesysteminformation Projection Horizontal Datum Vertical Datum Units UTM Zone 4 NAD83 (2011)NAVD88 (GEOID12B)Meters Table3:Lidarandimageryproducts deliveredfortheNuyakukRiversite Product Type File Type Product Details Points LAS v.1.4 (*.las)All Classified Returns Rasters 1.0 meter Cloud OptimizedGeoTiffs Void-Interpolated TopobathymetricBareEarthDigital Elevation Model (DEM) Void-ClippedTopobathymetricBareEarthDigital Elevation Model (DEM) NIR Bare Earth Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Highest Hit Digital Surface Model (DSM) Rasters 0.5meterGeoTIFFs (*.tif) Green Sensor Intensity Images NIR Sensor Intensity Images Vectors Shapefiles (*.shp) Buffered Boundary Lidar Tile Index Photo Tile Index Hydro-Breaklines Ground Survey Points Bathymetric Coverage Shape Digital Imagery 3 cm GeoTiffs Tiled Imagery Mosaics Digital Imagery 3 cm MrSID Compression AOI Imagery Mosaic Metadata ExtensibleMarkup Language (*.xml)Metadata Reports AdobeAcrobat (*.pdf) 2023 Lidar Technical Data Report Supplemental 2020 Lidar Technical Data Report Technical Data Report –Nuyakuk River Lidar Project Page 3 Technical Data Report –Nuyakuk River Lidar Project Page 4 Planning In preparation for data collection, NV5 reviewed the project area and developed a specialized flight plan to ensure complete coverage of the Nuyakuk River Lidar study area at the target combined point density 2 for the Snow-2 for the Snow-Off acquisition. Acquisition parameters including orientation relative to terrain, flightaltitude, pulse rate, scan angle, and ground speed were adapted to optimize flight paths and flight times while meeting all contract specifications. Figure 2 and Figure 3 shows these optimized flight paths and dates. The topobathymetric lidar acquisition was performedduring snow-onconditions in order to obtaindata during low flow conditions of the Nuyakuk River. The topographic surface for the Snow-On topobathymetric acquisition is therefore expected to have differences of up to four feet on non- bathymetric surfaces compared to snow-off data. Additionally, the presence of snow renders a ground survey ineffective as a means of control, and so no ground survey was utilized. See Table 10 and the Lidar Accuracy Assessments section of this document for more information on the calibration of the data represented in this report. Other considerations made during the planning stage of this project include factors such as satellite constellation availability and weather windows. Any weather hazards or conditions affecting the flight were continuously monitoreddue to their potential impact on the daily success ofairborne operations, and logistical considerations including private property access and potential air space restrictions were duly made. NV5 Geospatial’s Unmanned Aerial System (UAS) ACQUISITION Technical Data Report –Nuyakuk River Lidar Project Page 5 Airborne Lidar Survey The Snow-On topobathymetric lidar survey was accomplished using a Chiroptera 4X (CH4X) green laser system mounted in a Cessna Grand Caravan. The CH4X sensor allows for a depth penetration of K*Dmax=2.7. The CH4x performs well in dynamic wave action and automatically corrects for water refraction, making it useful in collecting shallow coastal and shoreline data. It detects obstructions with oblique lidar, such as vegetation and anthropogenic features. This means it can provide additional information from multiplepositions that more closelyresembles the actual features and allows formore analyses than traditional imagery. This system provides seamless integration between the NIR and Green channels as well as between the onshore and shoreline data. The CH4X laser system was dually mounted with an additional Leica 40kHZ deep bathymetric channel known as a Leica HawkEye 4X (HE4X). The advanced design of the HE4X enables a higher density point cloud with better resolution and depth penetration (up to 50 meters in optimal conditions) than the CH4X shallow green laser at the same wavelength (515 nm). However, it is not designed for shallower areas, which are acquired with the CH4X shallow green sensor. The bathymetric sub-systems of the HawkEye 4X use a palmer scanner to produce an elliptical scan pattern of laser points with a degree of incidence ranging from +/-14° (front and back) to +/-20° (sides), providing a 40° field of view. This has the benefit of providing multiple look angles on a single pass and helps to eliminate shadowing effects. This can be of particular use for bathymetric features(e.g., sides of narrow water channels; featureson theseafloorsuchassmallerobjectsandwrecks).Thebathymetriclaseris adiode-pumpedclass4 laser. Both the CH4x and HE4x systems acquire full waveform data for every pulse.The recorded waveform enables range measurements for all discernible targets for a given pulse. The typical number of returns digitized from a single pulse range from 1 to 7 in the Nuyakuk River project dataset. It is not uncommon for some types of surfaces (e.g., dense vegetation or water) to return fewer pulses to the lidar sensor thanthe laseroriginally emitted. The discrepancy between first return and overall delivered density will vary depending on terrain, land cover, and the prevalence of water bodies. All discernible laser returns were processed for the output dataset. Table 4 summarizes the settings used to yield an average pulse density of 6 pulses/m2 over the Nuyakuk River project area. Figure 2 shows the flightlines acquired using these lidar specifications. All areas were surveyed with an opposing flight line side-lap of overlap) in order to reduce laser shadowing and increase surface laser painting. To accurately solve for laser point position (geographic coordinates x, y and z), the positional coordinates of the airborne sensor and the orientation of the aircraft to the horizon (attitude) were recorded continuously throughout the lidar data collection mission. Position of the aircraft was measured twice per second (2 Hz) by an onboard differential GPS unit, and aircraft attitude wasmeasured 200 timesper second (200 Hz) as pitch, roll and yaw (heading) from an onboard inertial measurement unit (IMU). To allow for post-processing correction and calibration, aircraft and sensor position and attitude data are indexed by GPS time. Technical Data Report –Nuyakuk River Lidar Project Page 6 Table4:Lidarspecificationsandaerialsurveysettings,Snow-Onacquisition Parameter NIR Sensor Shallow Green Sensor Deep Green Sensor Acquisition Dates 4/18/2023 4/18/2023 4/18/2023 Aircraft Used Cessna Grand Caravan Cessna Grand Caravan Cessna Grand Caravan Sensor Leica Chiroptera 4x Leica Chiroptera 4x Leica HawkEye 4x LaserChannel NIR Green (shallow)Green (deep) MaximumReturns 9 4 4 Resolution/Density Average 6 pulses/m2 Average 6 pulses/m2 Average 6 pulses/m2 Nominal Pulse Spacing 0.41 m 0.41 m 0.41 m Survey Altitude (AGL)400 m 400 m 400 m Survey speed 145 knots 145 knots 145 knots Field of View Mirror Scan Rate 4200 RPM 3500 RPM 1880 RPM Target Pulse Rate 250 kHz 35 kHz 11 kHz PulseLength 2.5 ns 2.5 ns 2.5 ns Laser Pulse Footprint Diameter 10 cm 160 cm 288 cm Central Wavelength 1064 nm 515 nm 515 nm Pulse Mode ContinuousMultipulse ContinuousMultipulse ContinuousMultipulse Beam Divergence 0.25 mrad 4 mrad 7.2 mrad Swath Width 291 m 291 m 291 m Swath Overlap Intensity 16-bit 16-bit 16-bit Technical Data Report –Nuyakuk River Lidar Project Page 7 The Snow-Off NIR lidar survey was accomplished using a Riegl VUX-1LR with Novatel IMU system mountedon a DJI M600 Pro. Table 5 summarizes the settings used to yield an average pulse density of 50 pulses/m2 over the Nuyakuk River project area. The VUX-1LR laser system can record unlimited range measurements (returns) per pulse, however a maximum of 15 returns can be stored due to LAS v1.4 file limitations. The typical number of returns digitized from a single pulse range from 1 to 6 for the Nuyakuk River project area. It is not uncommon for some types of surfaces (e.g., dense vegetation or water) to return fewer pulses to the lidar sensor than the laser originally emitted. The discrepancy between first return and overall delivered density will vary depending on terrain, land cover, and the prevalence of water bodies. All discernible laser returns were processed for the output dataset. Figure 3 shows the flightlines acquired using these lidar specifications. Table5:Lidarspecifications andaerialsurveysettings,Snow-offacquisition RieglVUX-1LR Technical Data Report –Nuyakuk River Lidar Project Page 8 Parameter NIR Laser AcquisitionDates 6/20/2023 AircraftUsed DJI M600 Pro UAS Sensor Riegl LaserChannel VUX-1LR Maximum Returns 7 Resolution/Density Average 50 pulses/m2 NominalPulseSpacing 0.125 m SurveyAltitude(AGL)122 m Surveyspeed 10 m/s Fieldof View MirrorScanRate 67 LinesPer Second TargetPulseRate 600 kHz PulseLength 3 ns LaserPulseFootprintDiameter 6 cm CentralWavelength 1064 nm PulseMode MultipleTimesAround(MTA) BeamDivergence 0.5 mrad SwathWidth 240 m Swath Overlap Intensity 16-bit VerticalAccuracy RMSEZ (Non-Vegetated) 6 cm Technical Data Report –Nuyakuk River Lidar Project Page 9 Technical Data Report –Nuyakuk River Lidar Project Page 10 Digital Imagery Aerial imagery was acquired using a Zenmuse P1 digital camera mounted to a DJI Matrice 300 RTK UAS (Table 6). The Zenmuse is a small format aerial mapping camera which collects imagery in three spectral bands (Red, Green, Blue). Table6:Cameramanufacturer’sspecifications for a ZenmuseP1 Parameter ZenmuseP1 Specification FocalLength 24 mm Spectral Bands Red, Green, Blue Pixel Size 4.39 m Image Size 8,192 x 5,460 pixels Frame Rate GPS triggered FOV 74° x 53° Date Format 8bit TIFF For the Nuyakuk River site, 5,083 images were collected in three spectral bands (red, green, blue) with designed to yield a native pixel resolutionof 0.05 m, however the native resolution supported0.03 m orthophoto products. Orthophoto specifications particular to the Nuyakuk River project are in Table 7. Table7:Project-specificorthophotospecifications Parameter DigitalOrthophotography Specification GroundSampling Distance(GSD)0.2 ft pixel size Along Track Overlap Cross Track Overlap Height Above Ground Level (AGL)160 meters GPS PDOP GPS Satellite Constellation Technical Data Report –Nuyakuk River Lidar Project Page 11 Topobathymetric and UAS NIR Lidar Data Upon completion of data acquisition, NV5 processing staff initiated a suite of automated and manual techniques to process the data into the requested deliverables. Processing tasks included GPS control computations, smoothedbestestimatetrajectory(SBET)calculations, kinematiccorrections, calculation of laser point position, sensor and data calibration for optimal relative and absolute accuracy, and lidar point classification (Table 8, Table 9, Table 10). For the Snow-On topobathymetric lidar acquisition, Leica’s LSS software was used to facilitate bathymetric return processing. Once bathymetric points were differentiated, they were spatially corrected for refraction through the water column based on the angle of incidence of the laser. The resulting point cloud data was classified using both manual and automated techniques. Processing methodologieswere tailored for the landscape. Briefdescriptionsof these tasksare shown inTable 9. This 2 meter lidar cross section showsa view of the Nuyakuk River landscape, colored by point classification. PROCESSING Technical Data Report –Nuyakuk River Lidar Project Page 12 Table8:ASPRSLASclassificationstandards appliedtotheNuyakukRiver dataset Classification Number ClassificationName ClassificationDescription Acquisition 1 Default/Unclassified Laser returns that are not included inthegroundclass, composedofvegetationand anthropogenic features Snow-On Snow-Off 2 Ground Laser returns that are determined to be ground using automatedandmanualcleaning algorithms Snow-On Snow-Off 40 Bathymetric Bottom Refracted green laser returns that fall within the water’s edge breakline which characterize the submerged topography. Snow-On 41 Water Surface Green laser returns that are determinedtobewatersurface points using automated and manual cleaning algorithms. Snow-On 42 SynthenticWater Surface Syntheticallygeneratedwater surface Snow-On 45 Water Column Refracted Riegl sensor returns thataredeterminedtobewater using automated and manual cleaning algorithms. Snow-On Technical Data Report –Nuyakuk River Lidar Project Page 13 Table9:Snow-Ontopobathymetriclidarprocessingworkflow Lidar Processing Step SoftwareUsed Resolve kinematic corrections for aircraft position data using kinematic aircraft GPS and staticground GPS data.Develop a smoothed best estimate of trajectory (SBET) file that blends post-processed aircraft position with sensor head position and attitude recorded throughout the survey. Inertial Explorer v.8.9 MoveOutv.1.4(NV5Geospatial Proprietary) Calculate laser point position by associating SBETposition to each laser point return time, scan angle, intensity, etc. Create raw laser point cloud data for the entire survey in *.las (ASPRS v. 1.4) format. Convert data to orthometric elevations by applying a geoid correction. Apply an initial calibration based off recommended sensor settings from the manufacturer. Lidar Survey Studio v.3.2.0 Las Projector 1.3 (NV5 Geospatial proprietary) Condition las files with channel, returnnumber and userbyte information. Apply edge clip to data wider than 45 degrees from nadir to ensure most accurate lidar data is being utilized. LasMonkey2.6.7(NV5Geospatial proprietary) Classify ground points for individual flight lines LasToolsLasGroundv.190507 TerraScan v.19.005 Using ground classified pointsper each flight line, test the relative accuracy. Perform automated line-to-line calibrations for system attitude parameters (pitch, roll, heading), mirror flex (scale) and GPS/IMU drift. Calculate calibrations on ground classified points from paired flight lines and apply results to all points in a flight line. Use every flight line for relative accuracy calibration. Use the 2020 VQ-880-GII grounded data as a calibration reference for aligning with the previous dataset on hard surfaces. StripAlign v.2.2.1 Import raw laser points into manageable blocks (less than 500 MB) to filter erroneous points.TerraScanv.19.005 Apply refraction correction to all subsurfacereturns.Lidar Survey Studio v.3.2.0 Classify resultingdata to ground and other client designated ASPRS classifications (Table 8).TerraScan v.19.005 TerraModelerv.19.003 Generatebare earth models as triangulated surfaces.Generate highest hit models as a surface expression of all classified points. Export all surface models as GeoTIFF (.tif) format at a 1 meter pixel resolution. TerraScan v.19.005 TerraModelerv.19.003 LasProductCreator4.0(NV5 proprietary software) Correct intensity values for variability and export intensityimages as cloud optimized GeoTIFFs at a 0.5 meter pixel resolution. LasMonkeyv.2.6.7(NV5 Geospatial proprietary) TerraScan v.19.005 TerraModelerv.19.003 Technical Data Report –Nuyakuk River Lidar Project Page 14 Table10:Snow-OffUASNIRlidarprocessingworkflow Lidar Processing Step SoftwareUsed Resolve kinematic corrections for aircraft position data using kinematic aircraft GPS and staticground GPS data.Develop a smoothed best estimate of trajectory (SBET) file that blends post-processed aircraft position with sensor head position and attitude recorded throughout the survey. MoveOutv.1.4(NV5Geospatial Proprietary) Calculate laser point position by associating SBETposition to each laser point return time, scan angle, intensity, etc. Create raw laser point cloud data for the entire survey in *.las (ASPRS v. 1.4) format. Convert data to orthometric elevations by applying a geoid correction. Apply an initial calibration based off recommended sensor settings from the manufacturer. Riegl RiProcess Riegl RiUnite 1.0.5 Riegl RiPrecision 1.4.2 Condition las files with channel, returnnumber and userbyte information. Apply edge clip to data wider than 45 degrees from nadir to ensure most accurate lidar data is being utilized. LasMonkey1.2.6.8(NV5 Geospatial proprietary) Classify ground points for individual flight lines LasToolsLasGroundv.190507 Using ground classified pointsper each flight line, test the relative accuracy. Perform automated line-to-line calibrations for system attitude parameters (pitch, roll, heading), mirror flex (scale) and GPS/IMU drift. Calculate calibrations on ground classified points from paired flight lines and apply results to all points in a flight line. Use every flight line for relative accuracy calibration. Use the 2020 VQ-880-GII grounded data as a calibration reference for aligning with the previous dataset on hard surfaces. StripAlign v.2.2.1 Import raw laser points into manageable blocks (less than 500 MB) to filter erroneous points.TerraScanv.19.005 Classify resultingdata to ground and other client designated ASPRS classifications (Table 8).TerraScan v.19.005 TerraModelerv.19.003 Generatebare earth models as triangulated surfaces.Generate highest hit models as a surface expression of all classified points. Export all surface models as GeoTIFF (.tif) format at a 1 meter pixel resolution. TerraScan v.19.005 TerraModelerv.19.003 LasProductCreator4.0(NV5 proprietary software) Correct intensity values for variability and export intensityimages as cloud optimized GeoTIFFs at a 0.5 meter pixel resolution. LasMonkeyv.2.6.7(NV5 Geospatial proprietary) TerraScan v.19 TerraModelerv.19 Technical Data Report –Nuyakuk River Lidar Project Page 15 BathymetricRefraction Following final SBET creation for the Leica Chiroptera 4X, NV5 Geospatial used Leica Lidar Survey Studio (LSS) to calculate laser point positioning by associating SBET positions to each laser point return time, scan angle, and intensity. Leica LSS was used to derive a synthetic water surface to create a water surface model. Light travels at different speeds in air versus water and its direction of travel or agle is changed or refractedwhenenteringthe water column. The refraction tool corrects for this difference by lidar data. LSS then outputs the Lidar point cloud as claswsified LAS 1.4 files. Lidar Derived Products Because hydrographic laser scanners penetrate the water surface to map submerged topography, this affects how the data should be processed and presented in derived products from the lidar point cloud. The following section discusses certain derived products that vary from the traditional (NIR) specification and delivery format. TopobathymetricDEMs Bathymetric bottom returns can be limited by depth, water clarity, and bottom surface reflectivity. Water clarity and turbidity affects the depth penetration capability of the green wavelength laser with returninglaserenergydiminishing by scatteringthroughout the watercolumn. Additionally, the bottom surface must be reflective enough to return remaining laser energy back to the sensor at a detectable level. Although the predicted depth penetration range of the Chiroptera CH4X sensor is 1.5x Secchi depths and the HE4x is 3x Secchi depths on brightly reflective surfaces, it is not unexpected to have no bathymetric bottom returns in turbid or non-reflective areas. Since the HE4X is designed specifically for deeper waters, it is expected to have fewer returns in shallower waters. As a result, creating digital elevation models (DEMs) presents a challenge with respect to interpolation of areas with no returns. Traditional DEMs are “unclipped”, meaning areas lacking ground returns are interpolated from neighboring ground returns (or breaklines in the case of hydro-flattening), with the assumption that the interpolation is close to reality. In bathymetric modeling, these assumptions are prone to error because a lack of bathymetric returns can indicate a change in elevation that the laser can no longer map due to increased depths. The resulting void areasmay suggest greater depths, rather than similar elevations from neighboring bathymetric bottom returns. Therefore, NV5 created a water polygon with bathymetric coverage to delineate areas with successfully mapped bathymetry. This shapefile was used to control the extent of the delivered clipped topobathymetric model to avoid false triangulation (interpolationfrom TIN’ing) acrossareas in the water without bathymetric bottom returns. Intensity Images The first returns of all valid point classes were used for both the green and NIR sensors in order to create intensity images. With bathymetric lidar a more detailed and informative intensity image can be created by using all or selected point classes, rather than relying on return number alone. If intensity information of the bathymetry is the primary goal, water surface and water column points can be excluded. However, water surface and water column points often contain potentially useful information about turbidity and submerged but unclassified features such as vegetation. For the Nuyakuk River project, NV5 created one set of intensity images from NIR laser first returns, as well as one set of intensity images from green laser returns (Figure 4). Technical Data Report –Nuyakuk River Lidar Project Page 16 Figure4: A comparison of Intensity Images from Green and NIR first returns from the Snow-On acquisition in the Nuyakuk River area Technical Data Report –Nuyakuk River Lidar Project Page 17 Digital Imagery As with the lidar, the collected digital photographs went through multiple processing steps to create final orthophoto products. Initially, imagery raw data was reviewed for completeness and compliance with acquisition specifications.Within Agisoft’sMetashape software GPS data was applied to raw image frames using the client specified coordinate reference system. Imagery was then aligned using automatically generated tie points and camera calibration parameters. Using the 3D point cloud generated during imagery alignment a mesh surface was derived to support image orthorectification. Orthophotosweremosaicked usingautomatically generated seams and global color balancing ofthe photo block.The processing workflow for orthophotos is summarized in Table 11. Table11:Orthophotoprocessingworkflow Orthophoto ProcessingStep SoftwareUsed Reviewrawimagery data for AOI coverage and acquisition specifications ArcMap v10.8 Apply GPS information to photos, and perform aerial triangulation usingautomaticallygeneratedtiepointsand ground control data. Metashape v2.0 Generate 3D mesh surface for orthorectification Metashape v2.0 Mosaic orthorectified imagery blending automated seams between photos and applying global color balancing to the photo block. Metashape v2.0 Technical Data Report –Nuyakuk River Lidar Project Page 18 Bathymetric Lidar An underlying principle for collecting hydrographic lidar data is to survey near-shore areas that can be difficult to collect with other methods, such as multi-beam sonar, particularly over large areas. The capability and effectiveness ofthe bathymetric lidar isimpacted by several parameters includingdepth penetrations below the water surface, bathymetric return density, and spatial accuracy. Mapped Bathymetry and Depth Penetration Under optimal conditions, the specified depth penetration range of the CH4x is about 1.5x Secchi depths and the HE4x is 3x Secchi depths. Since the HE4X is designed specifically for deeper waters, there were fewer returns from this sensor in shallower areas, which were acquired using the CH4X shallow green sensor.To assist in evaluating performance results of the sensor, a polygon layer was created to delineate areas where bathymetry was successfully mapped. This shapefile was used to control the extent of the delivered clipped topo-bathymetricmodel and to avoid false triangulation across areas in the water with no returns. Insufficiently mapped areas were identified by triangulating bathymetric bottom points with an edge length maximum of 4.56 meters. This ensured all areas of no returns (> 9 m2), were identified as data voids. Overall NV5 Geospatial – 0.41 -1.15 m,had a calculateddepthof1.15 – 2.25 m,had a calculated depthof This 2 meter lidar cross section shows a viewofvegetation andbareground inthe Nuyakuk River AOI, colored by point laser echo. RESULTS &DISCUSSION Technical Data Report –Nuyakuk River Lidar Project Page 19 2.25 – 3.60 m,had a calculated depth of 3.60 – 4.71 m, and the remaining had acalculated depth of 4.71 – 7.6 m (Figure 5). The maximum recorded depth for the Nuyakuk River topobathymetric dataset was 7.57 m. Figure5: Depth model of the Nuyakuk River generated from data collected during the Snow-On acquisition Technical Data Report –Nuyakuk River Lidar Project Page 20 Lidar Point Density The acquisition parameters were designed to acquire an average first-return density of 6 points/m 2. First return density describes the density of pulsesemitted from the laser that return at least one echo to the system. Multiple returns from a single pulse were not considered in first return density analysis. Some types of surfaces (e.g., breaks in terrain, water and steep slopes) may have returned fewer pulses than originally emitted by the laser. First returns typically reflect off the highest feature on the landscape within the footprint of the pulse. In forested or urban areas the highest feature could be a tree, building or power line, while in areas of unobstructed ground, the first return will be the only echo and represents the bare earth surface. The density of bathymetric bottom returns (Snow-On acquisition) and ground classified lidar returns (Snow-On and Snow-Off acquisitions) were also analyzed for this project.Terraincharacter, landcover, and ground surface reflectivity all influenced the density of ground surface returns. In vegetated areas, fewer pulses may have penetrated the canopy, resulting in lower ground density.Similarly, the density of bathymetric bottom returns was influenced by turbidity, depth, and bottom surface reflectivity. In turbid areas, fewer pulses may have penetrated the water surface, resulting in lower bathymetric density. Snow-On Acquisition Density The average first-return density of the Nuyakuk River Topobathymetric Lidar project Snow-On acquisition was25.26 points/m 2 (Table 13). Thestatistical distributions of all first returndensities per 100 m x 100 m cell are portrayed in Figure 9. The ground and bathymetric bottom classified density of lidar data for the Nuyakuk River project Snow- On acquisition was 15.63 points/m2 (Table 13). Additionally, for the Nuyakuk River project Snow-On Acquisition, density values of only bathymetric bottom returns were calculated for areas containing at least one bathymetric bottom return. Areas lacking bathymetric returns (voids) were not considered in calculatingan average density value. Within the successfully mapped area, a bathymetric bottom return density of 5.19 points/m2 was achieved. The statistical distributions per 100 m x 100 m cell of the ground and bathymetric bottom classified return densities are portrayed in Figure 10.The spatial distributionof both first-return and ground and bathymetric bottom classified densities is given in Figure 8. Table12:AverageLidarpointdensities,Snow-OnAcquisition Density Type Point Density First Returns 25.26 points/m² GroundandBathymetric Bottom Classified Returns 15.63 points/m² BathymetricBottom ClassifiedReturns 5.19 points/m² Technical Data Report –Nuyakuk River Lidar Project Page 21 Figure6:Frequency distributionoffirstreturndensities per100 x100 mcell, Snow-On acquisition Figure7:Frequency distribution of groundand bathymetric bottomclassified return densities per 100 m x 100 m cell, Snow-On acquisition Technical Data Report –Nuyakuk River Lidar Project Page 22 Figure8: Firstreturn and ground and bathymetric bottom density map for the Nuyakuk River site (100 x 100 m cells) during the Snow-On acquisition Technical Data Report –Nuyakuk River Lidar Project Page 23 Snow-Off Acquisition Density The average first-returndensityofthe Nuyakuk RiverNIRLidarprojectfor Snow-Offacquisitionwas 118.36 points/m 2 (Table 13). The statistical distributionof all first return densitiesare portrayedin Figure 9. The groundclassifieddensityoflidar datafortheNuyakukRiverproject Snow-Offacquisitionwas 19.71 points/m 2 (Table 13).The statistical distributionof the ground classifiedreturn densities are portrayed in Figure 10. The spatial distribution of both first-return and groundandbathymetric bottom classified densitiesis given in Figure 11. Table13:AverageLidarpointdensities,Snow-OffAcquisition Density Type Point Density First Returns 118.36 points/m² Ground Returns 19.71 points/m² Figure9:Frequencydistributionoffirstreturndensities per100 x 100 m cell, Snow-Off acquisition Technical Data Report –Nuyakuk River Lidar Project Page 24 Figure10: Frequency distribution of ground classified return densities per 100 m x 100 m cell, Snow- Off acquisition Technical Data Report –Nuyakuk River Lidar Project Page 25 Figure11: Firstreturn and ground density map for the Nuyakuk River site(100 m x 100 m cells) during the Snow-Off acquisition Technical Data Report –Nuyakuk River Lidar Project Page 26 Lidar Accuracy Assessments The accuracy ofthe lidar data collection can be described in termsof absolute accuracy (the consistency of the data with external data sources) and relative accuracy (the consistency of the dataset with itself). See Appendix A for further information on sources of error and operational measures used to improve relative accuracy. Lidar Non-Vegetated Vertical Accuracy Ground survey data was not available for an independent assessment of absolute vertical accuracy.This dataset was calibrated to match an existing lidar dataset previously delivered in July 2020. Therefore, this dataset was produced to meet a non-vegetated vertical accuracy (NVA) of 0.084 meters as confidence interval1. For more information about the existing 2020 lidar survey, please review the report titled Nuyakuk River, Alaska Topobathymetric Lidar Technical Data Report, dated July 17, 2020. Lidar Relative Vertical Accuracy Relative vertical accuracy refers to the internal consistency of the data set as a whole: the ability to place an object in the same location given multiple flight lines, GPS conditions, and aircraft attitudes. When the lidar system is well calibrated, the swath-to-swath vertical divergence is low (<0.10 meters). The relative vertical accuracy was computed by comparing the ground surface model of each individual flight line with its neighbors in overlapping regions.For the Snow-OnTopobathymetric Lidar acquisition, the average (mean) line to line relative vertical accuracy for the Nuyakuk River Lidar project was 0.012 meters (Table 14, Figure 12). For the Snow-Off NIR Lidar acquisition, the average (mean) line to line relative vertical accuracy for the Nuyakuk River Lidar project was 0.048 meters (Table 14, Figure 13). Table14:Relativeaccuracyresults Parameter Relative Accuracy Snow-OnAcquisition Relative Accuracy Snow-OffAcquisition Sample 22 surfaces 22 surfaces Average 0.012 m 0.048 m Median 0.013 m 0.050 m RMSE 0.032 m 0.049 m Standard Deviation 0.020 m 0.007 m 0.039 m 0.013 m 1 Federal Geographic Data Committee,ASPRS POSITIONAL ACCURACY STANDARDS FORDIGITAL GEOSPATIAL DATA EDITION 1, Version 1.0, NOVEMBER 2014. https://www.asprs.org/a/society/committees/standards/Positional_Accuracy_Standards.pdf. Technical Data Report –Nuyakuk River Lidar Project Page 27 Figure12:Frequencyplotfor relativevertical accuracybetweenflightlines,Snow-Onacquisition Figure13:Frequencyplotfor relativevertical accuracybetweenflightlines,Snow-Offacquisition Technical Data Report –Nuyakuk River Lidar Project Page 28 Lidar Horizontal Accuracy Lidar horizontal accuracy is a function of Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) derived positional error, flying altitude, and inertial navigation system (INS) derived attitude error. The obtained RMSEr value is multiplied by a conversion factor of 1.7308 to yield the horizontal component of the National Standards for Spatial Data Accuracy (NSSDA) reporting standard where a theoretical point will fall within the obtained radius 95 percent of the time. Based on a flying altitude of 400 meters, an IMU error of 0.001 decimal degrees, and a GNSS positional error of 0.005 meters, the Snow-On acquisition for this project was produced tomeet 0.023 meters horizontal accuracy at the confidence level (Table15). The information necessary to compute horizontal accuracy statistics was not available for the UAS Snow-Off acquisition. Table15:HorizontalAccuracy Parameter Horizontal Accuracy Snow-On Acquisition RMSEr 0.013 m ACCr 0.023 m Digital Imagery Accuracy Assessment Ground control wasnotcollectedto support orthophoto processing or a spatial accuracy assessment. Aerial triangulation was performed to refine GPS data from the airborne collection and the final orthophoto products were tested for coregistration with the lidar dataset. Technical Data Report –Nuyakuk River Lidar Project Page 29 Oct 25, 2023 NV5Geospatialprovidedlidar servicesforthe NuyakukRiverprojectasdescribedinthisreport. I, Shauna Gutierrez, have reviewed the attached report for completeness and hereby state that it is a complete and accurate report of this project. Shauna Gutierrez Oct 25, 2023 Shauna Gutierrez (Oct 25, 2023 15:43 CDT) Shauna Gutierrez Project Manager NV5 Geospatial I, Evon P. Silvia, PLS, being duly registered as a Professional Land Surveyor in and by the state of Alaska, hereby certify that the methodologies, static GNSS occupations used during airborne flights, and ground survey point collection were performed to meet the project requirements and with the limitations described in this report. Field work for the airborne survey for this report was conducted on April 18 and June 20, 2023. Accuracy statistics shown inthe Accuracy Sectionof this Report have been reviewed by me and found to meet the “National Standard for Spatial Data Accuracy”. Evon P. Silvia, PLS NV5 Geospatial Corvallis,OR97330 Oct 25, 2023 CERTIFICATIONS Technical Data Report –Nuyakuk River Lidar Project Page 30 1-sigma Absolute Deviation: Value for which the data are within one standard deviation (approximately 68 th percentile) of a normally distributed data set. 1.96 * RMSE Absolute Deviation: Value for which the data are within two standard deviations (approximately 95 th percentile) of a normally distributed data set, based on the FGDC standards for Non-vegetated Vertical Accuracy (NVA) reporting. Accuracy: The statistical comparison between known (surveyed) points and laser points. Typically measured as the standard deviation (sigma ) and root mean square error (RMSE). Absolute Accuracy: divergence of lidar point coordinates from ground survey point coordinates. To provide a sense of the model predictive power of the dataset, the root mean square error (RMSE) for vertical accuracy is also provided. These statistics assume the error distributions for x, y and z are normally distributed, and thus we also consider the skew and kurtosis of distributions when evaluating error statistics. Relative Accuracy:Relative accuracy refers to the internal consistency of the data set; i.e., the ability to place a laser point in the same location over multiple flight lines, GPS conditions and aircraft attitudes. Affected by system attitude offsets, scale andGPS/IMU drift, internal consistency ismeasured as the divergence betweenpointsfrom different flight lines within an overlapping area. Divergence is most apparent when flight lines are opposing. When the lidar system is well calibrated, the line-to-line divergence is low (<10 cm). Root Mean Square Error (RMSE): A statistic used to approximate the difference between real-world points and the lidar points. It is calculated by squaring all the values, then taking the average of the squares and taking the square root of the average. Data Density: A common measure of lidar resolution, measured as points per square meter. Digital Elevation Model (DEM): File or database made from surveyed points, containing elevation points over a contiguous area. Digital terrain models (DTM) and digital surface models (DSM) are types of DEMs. DTMs consist solely of the bare earth surface (ground points), while DSMs include information about all surfaces, including vegetation and man-made structures. Intensity Values: The peak power ratio of the laser return to the emitted laser, calculated as a function of surface reflectivity. Nadir: A single point or locus of points on the surface of the earth directly below a sensor as it progresses along its flight line. Overlap: The area shared between flight lines, typically measured in percent.overlap is essential to ensure complete coverage and reduce laser shadows. Pulse Rate (PR): The rate at which laser pulses are emitted from the sensor; typically measured in thousands of pulses per second (kHz). Pulse Returns: For every laser pulse emitted, the number of wave forms (i.e., echoes) reflected back to the sensor. Portions of the wave form that return first are the highest element in multi-tiered surfaces such as vegetation. Portions of the wave form that return last are the lowest element in multi-tiered surfaces. Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) Survey: A type of surveying conducted with a GPS base station deployed over a known monument with a radio connection to a GPS rover. Both the base station and rover receive differential GPS data and the baseline correction is solved between the two. This type of ground survey is accurate to 1.5 cm or less. Post-Processed Kinematic (PPK) Survey: GPS surveying is conducted with a GPS rover collecting concurrently with a GPS base station set up over a known monument. Differential corrections and precisions for the GNSS baselines are computed and applied after the fact during processing. This type of ground survey is accurate to 1.5 cm or less. Scan Angle: The angle from nadir to the edge of the scan, measured in degrees. Laser point accuracy typically decreases as scan angles increase. Native Lidar Density: The number of pulses emitted by the lidar system, commonly expressed as pulses per square meter. GLOSSARY Technical Data Report –Nuyakuk River Lidar Project Page 31 RelativeAccuracy Calibration Methodology: Manual System Calibration: Calibration procedures for each mission require solving geometric relationships that relate measuredswath-to-swathdeviations to misalignmentsof system attitude parameters. Corrected scale, pitch, roll and heading offsets were calculated and applied to resolve misalignments. The raw divergence between lines was computed after the manual calibration was completed and reported for each survey area. Automated Attitude Calibration: All data was tested and calibrated using TerraMatch automated sampling routines. Ground points were classified for each individual flight line and used for line-to-line testing. System misalignment offsets (pitch, roll and heading) and scale were solved for each individual mission and applied to respective mission datasets. The data from each mission were then blended when imported together to form the entire area of interest. Automated Z Calibration: Ground points per line were used to calculate the vertical divergence between lines caused by vertical GPS drift. Automated Z calibration was the final step employed for relative accuracy calibration. Lidar accuracy error sources and solutions: Source Type PostProcessing Solution Long Base Lines GPS None Poor Satellite Constellation GPS None Poor Antenna Visibility GPS Reduce Visibility Mask Poor System Calibration System Recalibrate IMU and sensor offsets/settings Inaccurate System System None Poor Laser Timing Laser Noise None Poor Laser Reception Laser Noise None Poor Laser Power Laser Noise None Irregular Laser Shape Laser Noise None Operational measures taken to improve relative accuracy: Focus Laser Power at narrow beam footprint: A laser return must be received by the system above a power threshold to accurately record a measurement. The strength of the laser return (i.e., intensity) is a function of laser emission power, laser footprint, flight altitude and the reflectivity of the target. While surface reflectivity cannot be controlled, laser power can be increased and low flight altitudes can be maintained. Reduced Scan Angle: Edge-of-scan data can become inaccurate. The scan angle was reduced to a maximum of ±20o to ±21o for the green and NIR lasers, respectively, from nadir, creating a narrow swath width and greatly reducing laser shadows from trees and buildings. Quality GPS: Flights took place during optimal GPS conditions (e.g., 6 or more satellites and PDOP [Position Dilution of Precision] less than 3.0). Before each flight, the PDOP was determined for the survey day. Ground Survey: Ground survey point accuracy (<1.5 cm RMSE) occurs during optimal PDOP ranges and targets a minimal baseline distance of 4 miles between GPS rover and base. Robust statistics are, in part, a function of sample size (n) and distribution. Ground survey points are distributed to the extent possible throughout multiple flight lines and across the survey area. -: Overlapping areas are optimized for relative accuracy testing. Laser shadowing is minimized to -lap, the nadir portion of one flight line coincides withthe swath edgeportionof overlapping flight lines. A minimum of side-lap with terrain-followed acquisition prevents data gaps. Opposing Flight Lines: All overlapping flight lines have opposing directions. Pitch, roll and heading errors are amplified by a factor of two relative to the adjacent flight line(s), making misalignments easier to detect and resolve. APPENDIX A-ACCURACY CONTROLS Created: By: Status: 2023-10-25 EmilyHoard (emily.hoard@nv5.com) Signed Transaction ID:CBJCHBCAABAALZtjVX5VDZxSZh5F6yMaFMdrjOx9fVpc Nuyakuk_Combined_Aquisition_Lidar_Report_Fi nal_New_Cover_Image Final Audit Report 2023-10-25 "Nuyakuk_Combined_Aquisition_Lidar_Report_Final_New_Cove r_Image" History Document created by Emily Hoard (emily.hoard@nv5.com) 2023-10-25 - 8:10:05 PM GMT Document emailed to Evon Silvia (Evon.Silvia@nv5.com) for signature 2023-10-25 - 8:11:49 PM GMT Email viewed by Evon Silvia (Evon.Silvia@nv5.com) 2023-10-25 - 8:18:28 PM GMT Document e-signed by Evon Silvia (Evon.Silvia@nv5.com) Signature Date: 2023-10-25 - 8:18:59 PM GMT - Time Source: server Document emailed to shaunamgutierrez@gmail.com for signature 2023-10-25 - 8:19:02 PM GMT Email viewed by shaunamgutierrez@gmail.com 2023-10-25 - 8:43:31 PM GMT Signer shaunamgutierrez@gmail.com entered name at signing as Shauna Gutierrez 2023-10-25 - 8:43:48 PM GMT Document e-signed by Shauna Gutierrez (shaunamgutierrez@gmail.com) Signature Date: 2023-10-25 - 8:43:50 PM GMT - Time Source: server Agreement completed. 2023-10-25 - 8:43:50 PM GMT INITIAL STUDY REPORT ATTACHMENT C: FISH ENTRAINMENT AND IMPINGEMENT STUDY NUYAKUK RIVER HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FERC NO. 14873 Submitted by: Nushagak Electric & Telephone Cooperative, Inc. P.O. Box 350 Dillingham, AK 99576 December 2023 Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Fish Entrainment and Impingement Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment C Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. ii December 2023 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 STUDY PLAN INTRODUCTION..................................................................................... 1 2.0 STUDY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES............................................................................... 1 3.0 STUDY AREA................................................................................................................... 2 4.0 METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................................. 3 5.0 RESULTS........................................................................................................................... 3 6.0 DISCUSSION AND FINDINGS........................................................................................ 4 7.0 STUDY VARIANCES AND MODIFICATIONS............................................................. 4 8.0 STUDY STATUS AND SCHEDULE................................................................................ 4 9.0 STUDY-SPECIFIC CONSULTATION ............................................................................. 4 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 3-1. Fish entrainment and impingement study area..............................................................2 Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Fish Entrainment and Impingement Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment C Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. iii December 2023 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS 2D two-dimensional ADFG Alaska Department of Fish and Game ARWG Aquatics Resources Working Group Cooperative Nushagak Electric & Telephone Cooperative Falls Nuyakuk Falls FERC Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ISR Initial Study Report NMFS National Marine Fisheries Service Project Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project (P-14873) RSP Revised Study Plan USR Updated Study Report Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Fish Entrainment and Impingement Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment C Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 1 December 2023 1.0 STUDY PLAN INTRODUCTION The intake for the proposed Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project (Project) has the potential to impact fishes as they migrate, particularly juvenile fishes moving downstream past the Project. A successful Project design will incorporate intake features that minimize potential impacts associated with the entrainment, impingement, and mortality of fishes. The Nushagak Electric & Telephone Cooperative (Cooperative), in collaboration with the Aquatic Resources Working Group (ARWG), defined the methods and analytical tools to assess the potential for fish entrainment and impingement at the proposed hydropower intake, and to provide clear design thresholds to minimize harm to downstream migrating fish due to entrainment and/ or impingement. 2.0 STUDY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES The primary goal of this study is to understand the potential for the Project to entrain fishes that are in the vicinity of the intake and to minimize the level of injury and mortality that might be associated with entrainment or passage through the Falls Reach. Specific objectives follow. 1. Inform the preliminary intake design (e.g., infrastructure, orientation and trash rack spacing) utilizing the hydraulic model developed under the Fish Passage Study and through a compilation of information from similar projects that are subject to analogous environmental conditions as well as potential guidance/deterrent structures. 2. Estimate flow fields and magnitude of approach velocities near the hydropower intake over the range of operating flows to evaluate threshold conditions at the proposed intake to minimize entrainment of juvenile salmonids and maximize survival within the Project area; and measure behavior (including vertical and horizontal distribution across the river) of downstream migrating juveniles in proximity to the proposed intake site. 3. Utilize information collected under the Fish Abundance and Distribution Study to identify fish species potentially impacted and their seasonal abundance and size distribution--develop a list of target fish species. 4. Determine the swimming capacities and flow avoidance/attraction behavior of target fish species from available literature. 5. Estimate potential for entrainment and impingement rates for target fish species based on fish size, swimming ability and periodicity, local hydrology, Project technical features (including trash rack design), and operating regime using available data from entrainment studies involving the same species. 6. Estimate turbine mortality rates for target fish species and sizes by evaluating mortality at other hydroelectric facilities with similar turbine specifications and comparable physical features and operating conditions. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Fish Entrainment and Impingement Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment C Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 2 December 2023 7. Estimate Project-related and overall mortality of target fish species on a seasonal and annual basis using flow-based entrainment and mortality models. Questions and hypotheses that will be addressed by this study are listed below. 1. What is the estimated potential for entrainment of juvenile salmonids through the powerhouse? 2. What is the estimated potential for bypassing or entraining juvenile salmonids through the Falls Reach? 3. What is the estimated direct and indirect mortality of juvenile salmonids that are entrained into the powerhouse? 3.0 STUDY AREA The geographic focus of the Fish Entrainment and Impingement Study will be the area extending upstream of Nuyakuk Falls approximately 1,000 feet (Figure 3-1). In particular, the area near the right bank of the river will be of interest due to its proximity to the proposed intake location. The extent of the study area may be modified according to new information on hydraulics and flow fields generated from 2D modeling. Figure 3-1. Fish entrainment and impingement study area. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Fish Entrainment and Impingement Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment C Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 3 December 2023 4.0 METHODOLOGY When this study commences in Year 2, the Cooperative will follow the methods as presented in the Revised Study Plan (RSP) including the following steps. 1. Conduct a literature review of hydroelectric projects with similar intake design, guidance and/or deterrence systems to inform the risk of and ability to avoid injury and mortality associated with impingement and entrainment through the powerhouse. 2. Use output from the 2D model to evaluate approach velocities at the intake and flowlines resulting from potential groin alternatives. 3. Conduct an analysis of potential injury and mortality that may be associated with entrainment or impingement at the Project or passage through the Falls under altered flow conditions. This study will also make use of Year 1 (2023) study results included in the Fish Passage Study (Initial Study Report (ISR) Attachment B), the Fish Community Study (ISR Attachment A) with site-specific data on the downstream migration distributions of juvenile salmon, and the overall periodicity chart that is being developed. As this study relies on results from Year 1 field efforts, no work has been initiated and there are no results to present at this time. 5.0 RESULTS The Entrainment/ Impingement study is scheduled to begin in the spring of 2024 as Year 2 studies commence and following the final analysis of Year 1 studies that will contribute essential input to the Entrainment/ Impingement analysis. These inputs include: 1. Fish Community Study: Downstream migration timing, periodicity, and spatial distribution of downstream migrating juvenile salmon in the vicinity of the proposed Project intake. Periodicity data on the presence of both resident and migratory species at various life stages that use habitat in the vicinity of the proposed Project intake. 2. Fish Passage Study: Two-dimensional hydrologic flow model. 3. Flow Duration Curve Change Analysis Study Stage-Discharge relationship that will work with results from the 2D model to provide information on the range of flow conditions at the proposed Project intake. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Fish Entrainment and Impingement Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment C Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 4 December 2023 6.0 DISCUSSION AND FINDINGS There will be further discussion of findings following the above-described methodologies to be completed during Year 2 studies. 7.0 STUDY VARIANCES AND MODIFICATIONS None identified at this time. 8.0 STUDY STATUS AND SCHEDULE This study will be initiated in Year 2, 2024, and completed prior to the Year 2 Updated Study Report (USR) in December of 2024. 9.0 STUDY-SPECIFIC CONSULTATION The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)-approved study plan was developed with significant input from the ARWG, most notably the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS), and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADFG). As literature review and outreach to project owners occur in 2024, the Cooperative’s team will continue to coordinate with the ARWG during regularly scheduled meetings. No consultations specific to this study have been completed in Year 1. INITIAL STUDY REPORT ATTACHMENT D: ASSESSMENT OF FALSE ATTRACTION TO THE TAILRACE BARRIER NUYAKUK RIVER HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FERC NO. 14873 Submitted by: Nushagak Electric & Telephone Cooperative, Inc. P.O. Box 350 Dillingham, AK 99576 December 2023 Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Tailrace False Attraction FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment D Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. ii December 2023 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 STUDY PLAN INTRODUCTION..................................................................................... 1 2.0 STUDY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES............................................................................... 1 2.1 Study Goals and Objectives.................................................................................... 1 3.0 STUDY AREA................................................................................................................... 2 4.0 METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................................. 2 5.0 RESULTS........................................................................................................................... 3 6.0 DISCUSSION AND FINDINGS........................................................................................ 3 7.0 STUDY VARIANCES AND MODIFICATIONS............................................................. 3 8.0 STUDY STATUS AND SCHEDULE................................................................................ 3 9.0 STUDY-SPECIFIC CONSULTATION ............................................................................. 4 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 3-1. Assessment of False Attraction at the Tailrace Fish Barrier Study Area......................2 Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Tailrace False Attraction FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment D Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. iii December 2023 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS 2D two-dimensional ADFG Alaska Department of Fish and Game ARWG Aquatics Resources Working Group Cooperative Nushagak Electric & Telephone Cooperative Falls Nuyakuk Falls FERC Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ISR Initial Study Report NMFS National Marine Fisheries Service Project Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project (P-14873) RSP Revised Study Plan USGS U.S. Geological Survey Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Tailrace False Attraction FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment D Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 1 December 2023 1.0 STUDY PLAN INTRODUCTION Hydropower project operations can result in false attraction to the proposed Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project (Project) works, resulting in potential for migration delay. This study will use information on passage timing at Nuyakuk Falls (Falls) as well as review of other tailrace facilities to evaluate the potential for Project-related delay and will refine engineering design of turbine outflow in the tailrace. As this study is dependent on results of Year 1 (2023) two- dimensional (2D) model development and salmon telemetry data collection, it will be completed during Year 2 of the study program (2024). 2.0 STUDY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 2.1 Study Goals and Objectives The overall goal of this study is to inform tailrace design and outflow options to minimize potential impacts to upstream migrating fishes. The primary objectives of this study are as follows: 1. Complete a review of tailrace designs that minimize false attraction by salmon to determine any conceptual alternatives that would be suited to the Project and would likely minimize false attraction. 2. Conduct a feasibility evaluation of the performance of tailrace location and design concepts that might minimize false attraction under a variety of operating regimes. 3. Determine and provide preliminary level designs of any tailrace refinements to minimize adult salmon injury and mortality associated with tailrace conditions, e.g., jumping at turbine draft tubes and the potential for blade strike. 4. In coordination with the fish community study, assess pre-Project across channel distribution of upstream migrating salmon with respect to the proposed tailrace and Falls tail outs. 5. In coordination with the fish passage study, evaluate potential changes post-Project in staging and ascension habitat below the Falls proper for suitability and connectiveness with respect to upstream migration routes and the potential for delay. 6. In coordination with the Life Cycle Model study, assess the potential risk that results from incidental or latent mortality for fish that are falsely attracted to the tailrace. Specific questions that will be addressed by this study follow. 1. Can the powerhouse discharge and tailrace design features minimize the potential to attract fish to the tailrace at this location? Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Tailrace False Attraction FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment D Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 2 December 2023 3.0 STUDY AREA The geographic scope of the False Attraction Assessment will focus on the area surrounding the proposed tailrace outfall below Nuyakuk Falls. The area of focus will extend from the three distinct chutes or route options at the downstream end of the Nuyakuk Falls cascade that includes the proposed tailrace outfall area, downstream approximately 1,500 ft along the right bank of the river (looking downstream) (Figure 3-1). The extent of the study area may be modified according to new information on hydraulics and flow fields generated from 2D modeling. Figure 3-1. Assessment of False Attraction at the Tailrace Fish Barrier Study Area. 4.0 METHODOLOGY The Nushagak Electric & Telephone Cooperative (Cooperative)will follow the methods as described in the Revised Study Plan (RSP). Based on data from Year 1 studies these methods may be refined and/or revised in collaboration with the Aquatics Resources Working Group (ARWG) following the complete analysis and reporting on the Year 1 study. Study steps are listed below. 1. Review available information on existing tailrace designs to minimize potential for false attraction. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Tailrace False Attraction FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment D Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 3 December 2023 2. The Cooperative will conduct a brainstorming session with the ARWG. The session will be focused on selecting 2 or 3 conceptual design alternatives. The 2D flow model will be used to evaluate feasibility and compare alternatives. 3. If determined necessary after Step 2, conduct the preliminary design of tailrace exclusion refinements. 5.0 RESULTS The False Attraction Flow study is scheduled to begin in the spring of 2024 as Year 2 studies commence and following the final analysis of Year 1 studies that will contribute essential input to the False Attraction Flow analysis. These inputs include: 1. Fish Community Study: Upstream migration timing, periodicity, and spatial distribution of upstream migrating adult salmon in the vicinity of the proposed Project outflow, including staging and milling behavior of adult salmon below the falls. Periodicity data on the presence of both resident and migratory species at various life stages that use habitat in the vicinity of the proposed Project outflow. 2. Fish Passage Study: Two-dimensional hydrologic flow model 3. Flow Duration Curve Change Analysis Study Stage-Discharge relationship that will work with results from the 2D model to provide information on the range of flow conditions at the proposed Project outflow. 6.0 DISCUSSION AND FINDINGS There will be further discussion of findings following the above-described methodologies to be completed during Year 2 studies. 7.0 STUDY VARIANCES AND MODIFICATIONS None identified at this time. 8.0 STUDY STATUS AND SCHEDULE This study will be initiated in Year 2, 2024 and completed prior to the Year 2 Updated Study Report (USR) in December of 2024. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Tailrace False Attraction FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment D Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 4 December 2023 9.0 STUDY-SPECIFIC CONSULTATION The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)-approved study plan was developed with significant input from the ARWG, especially the National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) and the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADFG). As literature review and outreach to project owners take place in 2024, the Cooperative’s team will continue to coordinate with the ARWG during regularly scheduled meetings. No consultations specific to this study have been completed in Year 1. INITIAL STUDY REPORT ATTACHMENT E: SOCKEYE AND CHINOOK LIFE CYCLE MODELS NUYAKUK RIVER HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FERC NO. 14873 Submitted by: Nushagak Electric & Telephone Cooperative, Inc. P.O. Box 350 Dillingham, AK 99576 December 2023 Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Sockeye and Chinook Life Cycle Models FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment E Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. i December 2023 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 STUDY PLAN INTRODUCTION..................................................................................... 1 2.0 STUDY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES............................................................................... 1 3.0 STUDY AREA................................................................................................................... 2 4.0 METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................................. 4 4.1 Development of life cycle models .......................................................................... 4 4.1.1 Background of Sockeye life cycle model ................................................... 6 4.2 Data acquisition and analysis .................................................................................. 6 4.3 Linkage with a quantitative risk assessment from the LCM................................... 7 5.0 RESULTS ........................................................................................................................... 7 5.1.1 Sockeye life cycle model ............................................................................ 7 5.2 Data acquisition and analysis .................................................................................. 8 5.3 Development of a quantitative risk assessment .................................................... 11 6.0 DISCUSSION AND FINDINGS...................................................................................... 12 7.0 STUDY VARIANCES AND MODIFICATIONS........................................................... 13 8.0 STUDY STATUS AND SCHEDULE.............................................................................. 13 9.0 STUDY-SPECIFIC CONSULTATION ........................................................................... 14 10.0 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................. 14 Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Sockeye and Chinook Life Cycle Models FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment E Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. ii December 2023 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 3-1 Life cycle schematic for a baseline model including the life stages and their location relative to the Nuyakuk falls......................................................................3 Figure 3-2. Life cycle schematic including life stage, their geographic location, and project effects on those life stages.......................................................................................4 Figure 4-1. Sockeye life cycle model components and potential data available for estimating transition equations. Shaded boxes indicate potential data that can be collected from the Nuyakuk and other Sockeye populations in tributaries to Bristol Bay, Alaska. Escapement can be estimated from tower counts, harvest can be estimated from catch records, 1+ smolts and 2+ smolts can be estimated from juvenile surveys........................................................6 Figure 5-1. Sockeye straw life cycle model initial outputs include harvest (right) and age-4, age-5, and age-6 escapement (left) over a 30-year time-period...............................8 Figure 5-2. Juvenile production of smolts in the Kvichak (top) and Afognak (bottom) Sockeye populations. Points are the sum of age-1 and age-2 smolts produced by the escapement in the appropriate brood year. ....................................9 Figure 5-3. Histogram of annual production of age-1 and age-2 smolts per adult in the escapement in the Kvichak and Afognak populations. Small hash lines on the x-axis indicate the observed production (smolt/escapement) in each brood year. .............................................................................................................10 Figure 5-4. Test for Ricker type density dependence in the Kvichak (top) and Afognak (bottom) Sockeye populations by plotting log(Smolts/Escapement) versus Escapement. ...........................................................................................................11 Figure 6-1. Sockeye life cycle model components and potential data available for estimating transition equations. Potential locations of density dependence (DD) in the life cycle is shown as blue circles.......................................................13 Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Sockeye and Chinook Life Cycle Models FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment E Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. iii December 2023 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ARWG Aquatics Resources Working Group Commission Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Cooperative Nushagak Electric & Telephone Cooperative Falls Nuyakuk Falls FERC Federal Energy Regulatory Commission IRA Integrated Risk Assessment ISR Initial Study Report LCM Life Cycle Model Project Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project (P-14873) RSP Revised Study Plan USR Updated Study Report Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Sockeye and Chinook Life Cycle Models FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment E Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 1 December 2023 1.0 STUDY PLAN INTRODUCTION A life cycle model (LCM) was proposed by the Aquatics Resources Working Group (ARWG) to address potential Project impacts to fisheries resources at the population level. Each LCM scenario will integrate population responses to a range of environmental and Project conditions, such that we can evaluate the magnitude and likelihood of certain responses associated with the Project. This study will construct stage-structured population dynamics models that will relate Project and environmental information to stage transitions (describing movement, survival, and reproduction) that drive population dynamics (Hendrix et al. 2014, Cunningham et. al 2015). These models will be used to integrate changes to habitat over time and space to predict the potential impact to the long-term status of the populations. This study will support the Cooperative, agencies, and stakeholders in conducting a quantitative risk assessment to decide what impacts to the populations are acceptable or not acceptable. 2.0 STUDY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES The primary goal of this study is to: Develop an LCM for Sockeye and Chinook on the Nuyakuk River that includes important life stages and is capable of reflecting Project direct and indirect effects. The primary objectives of this study are to: Construct a life cycle model that includes the Nuyakuk Hydro Project reach and the life cycle of these populations. Develop a life cycle model that can calculate the management relevant metrics and the magnitude and probability of exceeding management relevant thresholds. Run the life cycle model for strategic scenarios including current conditions (without- Project) and current conditions with-Project. Calculate the risk to the population and fishery (magnitude and probability of exceeding the management thresholds) under these two scenarios. Run the life cycle model for strategic scenarios including a baseline future climate condition (without-Project) and the future climate condition with-Project. Calculate the risk to the population and fishery (magnitude and probability of exceeding the management thresholds) under these two scenarios. Specific questions that will be addressed by this study include: 1. How will Project operations, which affect different stages of the life cycle, be evaluated for their overall effect on the populations? Project effect questions could include: a. How will estimated changes to upstream passage, behavior and survival of salmon through the Falls Reach impact population projections? Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Sockeye and Chinook Life Cycle Models FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment E Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 2 December 2023 b. How will estimated changes to downstream passage and behavior of salmon through the Falls Reach impact population projections? c. How will estimated rearing habitat changes in the Falls Reach impact the populations? d. How will estimated changes to downstream survival impact the populations? e. How will estimated stranding/trapping rates impact the populations? f. How will estimated reductions in fringe spawning habitats impact the populations? g. How will estimated migration delays and injuries due to false attraction to the tailrace impact the populations? 2. What is the expected natural level of variability (without-Project) in population dynamics? 3. What is the probability that Chinook and Sockeye salmon escapement will drop below their escapement goals under the Project compared to without-Project? 4. How will the Nuyakuk River flow and temperature under future climate conditions affect the population dynamics of Chinook and Sockeye salmon? 5. How will Project operations affect population dynamics and the magnitude and how do these compare to the population dynamics without-Project under future climate conditions? 3.0 STUDY AREA The Sockeye and Chinook LCMs include the full life cycle. Because both species are anadromous, the LCMs include freshwater and marine habitats. As a result, the Project study area includes the habitats being used by the Nuyakuk River populations of Sockeye and Chinook salmon that considers freshwater and ocean habitats used by these species (Figure 3-1). Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Sockeye and Chinook Life Cycle Models FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment E Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 3 December 2023 Figure 3-1 Life cycle schematic for a baseline model including the life stages and their location relative to the Nuyakuk falls. Direct effects of the Project on fish populations may occur within its hydraulic zone of influence which is approximately 0.5 miles upstream and downstream of the Nuyakuk Falls. In some cases, effects in that zone have the potential to influence the abundance and productivity of fish populations that migrate through or temporarily reside there. Potential impacts can therefore indirectly influence those populations in time and space outside the Project Area through density dependent processes that may buffer or amplify direct Project effects on fish population dynamics. The marine habitats are less specific due to the broad geographic range that Sockeye and Chinook may inhabit in the marine phase of their life cycle. The geographic area is thereby described as the migration route over the life history of the population (Nuyakuk, to and through the ocean, and return to the Nuyakuk) (Figure 3-2). Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Sockeye and Chinook Life Cycle Models FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment E Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 4 December 2023 Figure 3-2. Life cycle schematic including life stage, their geographic location, and project effects on those life stages. 4.0 METHODOLOGY 4.1 Development of life cycle models Water diversion from the river and through the powerhouse is the fundamental action from which potential impacts of the Project originate. Water diversion has the effects of reducing flow through the Falls Reach, creating an additional downstream passage route for fish via the powerhouse, and relocating bulk flow of the river below the Falls to a localized discharge point from the tailrace on the right bank of the river. This action primarily affects a 0.34-mile section of river that comprises the Nuyakuk Falls Reach. These hydraulic changes may also affect the timing, distribution, passage and survival of resident and migratory fish populations (adults and juveniles) and their long-term sustainability. Therefore, it is important to understand the impacts to these populations because of reduced flows through the Falls Reach, entrainment, stranding/trapping, and migration delays due to false attraction at the tailrace. For Chinook and Sockeye, the fundamental questions related to this nexus are a) what effect does the Project have on the number of successful spawners and the number of juvenile outmigrants, and b) what magnitude and likelihood of this effect is necessary to jeopardize the sustainability of the populations. One tool that can be useful in that decision making process is an LCM that provides estimates of what change in population dynamics are likely under different operational and environmental conditions. To understand how the Project and its operations may affect the population, it is prudent to use a model. There are multiple ways in which the Project could potentially impact the existing populations of Sockeye and Chinook salmon on the Nuyakuk River, and the model can integrate those processes. The LCMs can perform this integration by incorporating potential Project effects at different life stages and geographic locations of the population. The LCM Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Sockeye and Chinook Life Cycle Models FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment E Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 5 December 2023 specifies life stages and tracks the relative abundance in each one of the stages (Hendrix et. al 2014). For example, a simple life cycle might be composed of an adult and a juvenile stage. The LCM also defines how the abundance changes between stages (so called "transitions"). So, for the simple model, there would be a transition equation that defines how juveniles survived to the adult stage, and a second transition equation that defines how adults produced the juveniles. When the stages are linked into a cycle, then the LCM is capable of modeling multiple cohorts of animals by repeatedly calculating the abundances of a life stage at a given time via the transition equations. Transition equations can also be defined as a function of the abundance in the previous life stage. For example, in the simple model, the transition that defines the abundance in the juvenile stage can be affected by the abundance of adults. These density-dependent processes are important in population dynamics because they can result in one life stage affecting the following life stage in a non-linear fashion. Density dependence is common in salmonid population dynamics, and thus a LCM of salmonids should be capable of incorporating density-dependence in the transition equations. If the transition equations are static, then the LCM will arrive at an equilibrium abundance for each stage. On the other hand, if the transition equations are allowed to vary due to the influence of environmental factors, then the stage abundances will vary through time reflecting the influence of the environment on the population. The transition equations can also be allowed to vary using the outputs of other models. These process-based models may operate on a finer temporal or spatial scale than the LCM and focus on reflecting the dynamics of a specific process, such as survival or movement. Often these process-based models incorporate physical driver variables that affect the mechanisms by which animals survive or move. For example, a model that calculates the time duration it takes an adult salmon pass through a set of Falls under different flow conditions would be an example of a process-based model that defines a movement rate. In this manner, the effect of the process- based drivers can be integrated to understand the population level effects within the LCM. The steps for developing an LCM that is capable of reflecting Project effects are: 1. Construct an initial baseline LCM that includes current conditions 2. Construct modules that reflect the Project-related effects to different stages of the population using Project operations as inputs and population level effects on life stage transition as outputs. For example, given a specific operational scenario a module would calculate the juvenile survival rate through the Project area. 3. Evaluate the effects of the Project by running the LCM at baseline and running the LCM with the modules reflecting Project effects for a given operational scenario. Compare the baseline to the operational scenario. We are currently in the stage of building the baseline Sockeye LCM. The modules reflecting Project-related effects are being developed concurrently with the baseline Sockeye LCM, which Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Sockeye and Chinook Life Cycle Models FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment E Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 6 December 2023 will allow us to integrate the Project effects over the full life cycle of Nuyakuk Sockeye in the next year. 4.1.1 Background of Sockeye life cycle model The Sockeye life cycle is composed of multiple freshwater stages and multiple ocean stages (Figure 4-1). Sockeye juveniles above the Nuyakuk falls leave the freshwater after rearing for one (1+ smolts) or two (2+ smolts) winters in the lakes above the Project area. Juveniles spend between one and three years in the ocean before going through maturation and returning as four-, five-, and six-year-old adults. When fish return to Bristol Bay, some are harvested in the Sockeye fishery, whereas others escape the fishery (Escapement) and return up the Nuyakuk River, past the Project area to the lakes to spawn. Figure 4-1. Sockeye life cycle model components and potential data available for estimating transition equations. Shaded boxes indicate potential data that can be collected from the Nuyakuk and other Sockeye populations in tributaries to Bristol Bay, Alaska. Escapement can be estimated from tower counts, harvest can be estimated from catch records, 1+ smolts and 2+ smolts can be estimated from juvenile surveys. 4.2 Data acquisition and analysis The LCM assessment will rely on limited existing information from the Nushagak, other Bristol Bay watersheds, the evaluation of direct effects and those derived from future flows and temperature regimes (Wobus et. al 2015), and from the literature. Fish survival information and escapement estimates do exist for areas upstream and downstream from the Falls that can be Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Sockeye and Chinook Life Cycle Models FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment E Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 7 December 2023 used as part of this study. New or existing information will be collected by or generated from the other proposed fisheries studies and/or the broader Revised Study Plan (RSP) for the Project. The data acquisition has focused primarily on data to relate the number of smolts produced per spawner. To estimate this relationship, the data must include both the spawning abundance and the subsequent smolt abundance that was produced. Because smolts outmigrate in multiple years, the studies must have several important components: 1) a temporal overlap of spawner sampling and juvenile sampling, 2) a sampling protocol to estimate the abundance of adults (spawners), 3) a sampling protocol to estimate the abundance of smolts, and 4) a sampling protocol to estimate the age of juveniles (smolts). 4.3 Linkage with a quantitative risk assessment from the LCM Managers and stakeholders define the thresholds for abundance or process rates that are being calculated in the LCM (e.g., survival threshold, productivity threshold, etc.) and the LCM calculates whether the population exceeds those thresholds. Further, if the LCM includes stochasticity, then it can be run multiple times under the same environmental and operational conditions to calculate the magnitude and probability of exceeding those thresholds. In this way, the LCM can be used to perform a quantitative Integrated Risk Assessment (IRA) when the threshold values are associated with different levels of risk to the population. This effort requires that managers and stakeholders define management questions, important management thresholds, and metrics that are aligned with those thresholds. The following impact thresholds will be defined in a stakeholder meeting: 1) Project level impacts, 2) population level impacts, and 3) fishery resource level impacts. 5.0 RESULTS 5.1.1 Sockeye life cycle model A straw model version of the Nuyakuk Sockeye LCM has been constructed. Outputs from the model include the harvest of returning salmon and the escapement of adults returning as age-4, age-5 and age-6 (Figure 5-1). The model is currently constructed to reflect a 30-year time series with a 6-year initialization period; however the duration of the time series can be altered to reflect longer time periods (e.g., 50 years). The straw model was constructed with baseline parameter values that are placeholders for parameters that will be developed over the next year. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Sockeye and Chinook Life Cycle Models FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment E Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 8 December 2023 Figure 5-1. Sockeye straw life cycle model initial outputs include harvest (right) and age-4, age-5, and age-6 escapement (left) over a 30-year time-period. 5.2 Data acquisition and analysis Multiple sources have been used to obtain data that is applicable to the Nuyakuk Sockeye population. To date, there are three populations that have met the five criteria (Section 4.2) for evaluation of the juvenile production transition. Those populations are Chignik, Afognak, and Kvichak. In the Chignik population, there are age-0 or young of year outmigrants, whereas in the Afognak and Kvichak populations the outmigrants are composed of age-1 and age-2 smolts only. Because the Nuyakuk population is composed primarily of age-1 and age-2 outmigrants, we have focused our efforts on understanding the production in the Kvichak and Afognak populations (Figure 5-2). Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Sockeye and Chinook Life Cycle Models FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment E Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 9 December 2023 Figure 5-2. Juvenile production of smolts in the Kvichak (top) and Afognak (bottom) Sockeye populations. Points are the sum of age-1 and age-2 smolts produced by the escapement in the appropriate brood year. While the escapement at in the two populations were substantially different, the production of smolts per adult in the escapement were similar (Figure 5-3). The Kvichak population had a mean of 13.0 smolts per adult (standard deviation of 6.0), whereas the Afognak population had a mean of 13.0 smolts per adult (standard deviation 10.0). Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Sockeye and Chinook Life Cycle Models FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment E Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 10 December 2023 Figure 5-3. Histogram of annual production of age-1 and age-2 smolts per adult in the escapement in the Kvichak and Afognak populations. Small hash lines on the x-axis indicate the observed production (smolt/escapement) in each brood year. Evaluation of density dependence in the juvenile production function can be evaluated by plotting the log (smolts/escapement) versus the escapement. If there is a negative linear trend in the plot, this may indicate that there is density dependence that is consistent with a Ricker type density dependent stock recruitment relationship (Quinn & Deriso 1999). The plot of the Kvichak population indicates a noisy but negative relationship between the log(smolt/escapement) and escapement, with the exception of a single year with high escapement (Figure 5-4). Similarly, the Afognak population indicates a negative relationship between log(smolt/escapement) and escapement (Figure 5-4). Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Sockeye and Chinook Life Cycle Models FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment E Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 11 December 2023 Figure 5-4. Test for Ricker type density dependence in the Kvichak (top) and Afognak (bottom) Sockeye populations by plotting log(Smolts/Escapement) versus Escapement. 5.3 Development of a quantitative risk assessment The development of a quantitative risk assessment requires input from stakeholders and managers at a workshop to illicit important thresholds of impacts. This workshop is scheduled for autumn of 2023, and the results of that workshop to be incorporated into the quantitative risk assessment framework in the upcoming year. Please see the detailed description of the IRA for more information on this effort. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Sockeye and Chinook Life Cycle Models FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment E Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 12 December 2023 6.0 DISCUSSION AND FINDINGS We have developed a straw Sockeye LCM for a baseline Sockeye population. The straw model is capable of expressing the Sockeye life cycle (e.g, Figure 4-1) in computer code (R programming language) to predict the harvest and escapement of age-4, age-5, and age-6 adults (Figure 5-1). This straw model has been parameterized using expert knowledge of Sockeye salmonid biology, which makes it a somewhat generic Sockeye model. To provide accurate information the Nuyakuk River population and how it will be affected by the Project, the baseline straw Sockeye LCM requires additional information. The parameter values of the straw Sockeye LCM will be improved through several ongoing efforts. We are actively searching for additional information on Sockeye population vital rates such as juvenile production by adults, juvenile survival, ocean survival, and harvest rates in the published and gray literature. Where data can be obtained on juvenile abundances and spawner abundances (e.g., as described in the data acquisition subtask), these data can be analyzed statistically to obtain parameter estimates for the transition functions in the LCM (Figure 4-1). For example, the data obtained from the Kvichak and Afognak populations can be used to 1) identify a production function (e.g., Ricker) and to estimate the parameters of the juvenile production function for those two populations. Parameters estimated from those two populations can be used to inform the production function on the Nuyakuk (e.g., the productivity of the population in the absence of density dependence). There is evidence of density dependence in the production of juveniles for populations of Sockeye salmon (Figure 5-4). Density dependence may also be present in other life cycle transitions (e.g., the transition of juveniles outmigrating to the ocean). It is important to evaluate how the straw Sockeye model responds to density dependence in the life stage transitions besides the juvenile production function, for example in the juvenile outmigration stages (Figure 6-1). We will evaluate the sensitivity of the population outputs (escapement and harvest) to different levels of density dependence in the coming year to better understand how the Nuyakuk population may respond to the hydro Project effects on the juvenile and adult life stages (e.g., Figure 3-2). Finally, the straw Nuyakuk Sockeye baseline model is deterministic due to the model using fixed parameter values. The Sockeye LCM that will be used to evaluate the Project will include uncertainty in the parameter estimates to reflect the uncertainty in current knowledge in the transition functions. For example, a Ricker type production function can be defined for the Nuyakuk sockeye population, but the parameters of that production function are then described by probability distributions instead of a single value. These distributions will be defined over the next year to appropriately quantify uncertainty in the transition equations (Figure 4-1). Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Sockeye and Chinook Life Cycle Models FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment E Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 13 December 2023 Figure 6-1. Sockeye life cycle model components and potential data available for estimating transition equations. Potential locations of density dependence (DD) in the life cycle is shown as blue circles. 7.0 STUDY VARIANCES AND MODIFICATIONS The life cycle model study was structured via a set of seven tasks described in the Revised Study Plan (RSP). The only study variance was the addition of an LCM modeling task summarized below. Supplemental Life Cycle Modeling Task - Management metrics Define management questions, important endpoints, and metrics that are aligned with those endpoints. The management questions should include: Project level impacts, population level impacts, and fishery resource level impacts. This task should include input from stakeholders and decision makers. 8.0 STUDY STATUS AND SCHEDULE There are multiple tasks for completing the life cycle models and the evaluation of the Project on the Nuyakuk populations of Sockeye and Chinook that are still ongoing. All remaining tasks will be completed in Year 2 of the study program and be included as a part of the Updated Study Report (USR) in December of 2024. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Sockeye and Chinook Life Cycle Models FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment E Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 14 December 2023 9.0 STUDY-SPECIFIC CONSULTATION Model development began during Year 1 has included monthly technical consultation meetings. Primary meeting members included: 1) Mary Louise Keefe of Klenschmidt Associates, 2) Noble Hendrix from QEDA Consulting, and 3) Bryan Nass of Bristol Bay Science and Research Institute (BBSRI). These meetings ceased following the completion of the baseline LCM for Nuyakuk Sockeye. 10.0 REFERENCES Cunningham, C., N. Hendrix, E. Dusek-Jennings, R. Lessard, and R. Hilborn. 2015. Delta Chinook Final Report. DOI:10.13140/RG.2.1.4800.3282 Hendrix, N., A. Criss, E. Danner, C.M. Greene, H. Imaki, A. Pike, S.T. Lindley. 2014. Life cycle modeling framework for Sacramento River winter-run Chinook salmon. NOAA- TM-NMFS_SWFSC-530. Quinn II, T. J. and R. B. Deriso. 1999. Quantitative Fish Dynamics. Oxford University Press. Wobus, C., R. Prucha, D. Albert, C. Woll, M. Lionaz, R. Jones. 2015. Hydrologic alterations from climate change inform assessment of ecological risk to pacific salmon in Bristol Bay, Alaska. PLoS ONE 10(12): e0143905. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0143905. INITIAL STUDY REPORT ATTACHMENT F: INTEGRATED RISK ASSESSMENT OF FISH POPULATIONS NUYAKUK RIVER HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FERC NO. 14873 Submitted by: Nushagak Electric & Telephone Cooperative, Inc. P.O. Box 350 Dillingham, AK 99576 December 2023 Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Integrated Risk Assessment Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment F Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. i December 2023 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 STUDY PLAN INTRODUCTION..................................................................................... 1 2.0 STUDY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES............................................................................... 1 3.0 STUDY AREA................................................................................................................... 2 4.0 METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................................. 2 5.0 RESULTS........................................................................................................................... 4 6.0 DISCUSSION AND FINDINGS........................................................................................ 4 7.0 STUDY VARIANCES AND MODIFICATIONS............................................................. 4 8.0 STUDY STATUS AND SCHEDULE................................................................................ 5 9.0 STUDY-SPECIFIC CONSULTATION ............................................................................. 5 10.0 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................... 5 Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Integrated Risk Assessment Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment F Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. ii December 2023 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ABM Agent-Based Model ARWG Aquatics Resources Working Group BBSRI Bristol Bay Science and Research Institute Commission Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Falls Nuyakuk Falls FERC Federal Energy Regulatory Commission IRA Integrated Risk Assessment LCM Life Cycle Model Project Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project (P-14873) RSP Revised Study Plan USR Updated Study Report Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Integrated Risk Assessment Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment F Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 1 December 2023 1.0 STUDY PLAN INTRODUCTION An Integrated Risk Assessment (IRA) was proposed by the Aquatics Resources Working Group (ARWG) to evaluate potential Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project (Project) impacts to fisheries resources at the population/ fish-community level. The IRA will integrate population responses to a range of environmental and Project conditions or scenarios. This assessments will allow the Cooperative, agencies, and stakeholders to decide what impacts to the populations are acceptable or not. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) approved the IRA study plan to develop a semi-quantitative evaluation of risk that integrates the accumulated knowledge from available expert, local, and empirical sources. This will range from professional judgement for target fish species to the development of a quantitative Life Cycle Model (LCM) for Sockeye and Chinook salmon. The ultimate outcome is to have a ranked risk assessment that highlights the most substantive risk issues in need of further evaluation and mitigation. Year 1 execution of the Revised Study Plan (RSP) included continued consultation with the ARWG to define management objectives and priorities for development of the IRA. 2.0 STUDY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES The intent of this study is to provide a framework for quantifying and/or qualifying the relative risk of Project-related impacts to fish population dynamics over the course of the lifecycle of fish, and over the life of the Project. This assessment will address target fish species including Pacific Salmon, other migratory fishes and resident fish species that utilize the Project Area. The primary goal of this study is to: Develop integrated risk assessments for all aquatic species of management interest that are potentially affected by the Nuyakuk Project. Quantify the risk (magnitude and probability of surpassing management defined thresholds) of impact by the proposed Nuyakuk Project and operations on Chinook and Sockeye population dynamics under baseline and future climate conditions. Qualify the risk for all other target species of management concern. The primary objectives for this study are to: Quantification of Risk Develop a set of management relevant metrics that reflect: 1) the Nuyakuk population level impacts on the Nushagak fishery, 2) population variability in the Nuyakuk. Identify a set of management relevant thresholds for the metrics that constitute “risk”, such that exceeding those thresholds could have a significant negative impact on the population. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Integrated Risk Assessment Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment F Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 2 December 2023 Conduct a quantitative risk evaluation using LCM output relevant for Sockeye and Chinook salmon by management objective, elements, and risk sources. Qualification of Risk Define the management objectives for the fish population/community, which could be a single objective for each species, or could be multiple objectives for some species (i.e., what is at risk? abundance, sustainability). The management objectives have respective elements (e.g., habitat, predation, passage) that can influence achieving the objectives, and indicators (metrics for survival, passage success, habitat suitability, injury/stress) that measure change to the elements. Define specific risk sources (Project structures or operations, climate change variables). Define risk ranking criteria (thresholds of consequence and likelihood). Convene a workshop(s) with agencies and stakeholders (public) for input on objectives and risk analysis. Refine risk analysis as needed. Conduct a qualitative risk evaluation (e.g., low, moderate, high) for target species, by management objective, elements, and risk sources. Analyses will rank the potential impact of risk sources on the target species population. This approach to assessing risk is particularly useful for species for which there are too few data to develop a reasonable LCM. 3.0 STUDY AREA Direct effects of the Project to fish populations may occur within its hydraulic zone of influence which is approximately 0.5 miles upstream and downstream of the Nuyakuk Falls. Effects that may occur within that zone also have the potential to influence the abundance and productivity of fish populations that migrate through, or temporarily reside, there. Thus, this study will also consider relevant impacts that have the potential to indirectly influence populations outside the Project area. These density dependent processes may buffer or amplify direct Project effects on fish. 4.0 METHODOLOGY Within the integrated risk assessment framework for Nuyakuk River fish populations, the question to be addressed is: What is the risk to achieving management objectives for fish species present in the Project area, considering all activities involved with the Project and other risk sources such as climate change? To answer that question, several steps are required: 1. Define management objectives or questions for each target species; Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Integrated Risk Assessment Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment F Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 3 December 2023 2. Identify the potential risk sources from the Project and environment (e.g., climate) to achieving species management objectives; 3. Identify the elements that are measured as indicators of impact to a population; 4. Gather, collect, evaluate, and analyze available knowledge on the likelihood and magnitude of impact from each potential risk to each management objective; 5. Developing and implementing an appropriate method for summarizing identified risks into a semi-quantitative scale; and 6. Evaluate the potential risk of Project and environmental factors affecting fish populations. In Year 1 (2023), the Cooperative was focused on the development of a proof-of-concept IRA model for Sockeye Salmon. Steps 1 through 5 have been initiated and through the fall and winter of 2023, the Cooperative will convene a series of meetings and workshops with the AWRG to complete steps 1, 2, and 3. Under Step 1, clear management objectives or questions for each population must first be established. For example, the management objectives for this Nuyakuk River fisheries risk assessment might include a particular population abundance or escapement number for each species present in the system, or it might be a more general objective of sustainable populations. In support of Steps 2 and 3, the Cooperative will develop drafts of the potential risk sources and elements that are ecosystem-based and are appropriate for Nuyakuk Sockeye Salmon within the Project area and will work with the ARWG for refinement. A risk source is an internal or external situation that gives rise to a risk when combined with certain conditions or events. For example, hydroelectric facility operation is a potential source of entrainment risk to salmon migrating downstream past the Project. Climate change is also an example of a potential source of risk that may have multiple elements or indicators for fish in the Project area. Following the identification of risk sources, indicator elements will be selected to represent processes, conditions, and Project effects. Risk elements are specific aspects or components associated with a risk source that can contribute to the manifestation of risk, i.e., a change in flow regime due to the operation of the Project. The summer of 2023 saw the collection and gathering of data (literature and field-based) and 2D flow model development as defined in the RSP. This included data on Sockeye Salmon smolt outmigration and adult returns in other Alaska river systems as well as the collection of telemetry data on Sockeye Salmon passage in the Project area. Under this IRA study, workshops with stakeholders will augment these expert and empirical data sources with local knowledge and will be used to inform our assessment of risk. Developing an appropriate methodology for implementing an IRA with a common scale is a major task of this study, and as such, was initiated by the Cooperative in Year 1. During this time, we reviewed numerous fisheries risk assessments in the literature with which we have refined a Qualitative Integrated Risk Analysis process (Bradford 2020; Fletcher 2015; Gaichas et al. 2018). Management objectives and risk sources form the basis of a risk assessment summary. Management objectives are clear, concise, and specific goals related to the management and Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Integrated Risk Assessment Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment F Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 4 December 2023 mitigation of identified risks. During the end of Year 1 and the beginning of Year 2, we will complete the development and implementation of the appropriate method for summarizing identified risks into a semi-quantitative scale for the Sockeye Salmon proof-of-concept. We anticipate development of a separate risk matrix for each management objective. This is where we determine the magnitude of potential consequences to the objective and the likelihood that those consequences will occur under planned operations for each objective-risk element pair. Data from indicator metrics will support the evaluation. For this analysis, we will rely heavily on outputs of the 2D flow model, the Sockeye Salmon ABM, and ultimately the Sockeye Salmon LCM (Attachment E) as well as available data from other hydroelectric projects. The following are important considerations that will be addressed while completing the risk analysis. 1. Consequences must be viewed as potential consequences to the overall stated management objective. This step ensures a common currency amongst species and risk sources. For example, an increase in mortality is not necessary concerning, if the level of expected mortality would not constitute a major impact to the sustainability of a population (if that is the decided objective). 2. It is important to assess the risk associated with an issue even when there is a perceived lack of information. Otherwise, the current level of action or inaction is, by default, rated as acceptable. The approach outlined here can incorporate clear uncertainties into the justifications for the final scores that are selected. The justifications should include a detailed narrative that refers to, and to the extent possible, is consistent with available lines of evidence, including their levels of uncertainty. 5.0 RESULTS Workshops to identify management objectives, risk sources and their elements have not yet convened (scheduled for December 2023) and therefore, no draft or refined IRA results or the documentation of interim steps are available at this time. A comprehensive report in support of the development and results for the IRA will be incorporated into the Updated Study Report (USR). 6.0 DISCUSSION AND FINDINGS No discussion of IRA results or findings are available at this time. A comprehensive report in support of the development and results for the IRA will be incorporated into the USR. 7.0 STUDY VARIANCES AND MODIFICATIONS No variances have been noted during Year 1 of the study. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Integrated Risk Assessment Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment F Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 5 December 2023 8.0 STUDY STATUS AND SCHEDULE Workshops to identify management objectives, risk sources and their elements will begin in November and December of 2023. Risk analysis will be conducted in spring and summer of 2024, with an identification of risk elements for mitigation and monitoring summarized into the USR in December of 2024. 9.0 STUDY-SPECIFIC CONSULTATION The need for an IRA and framework for both model development, and how the results of other component models of the Fish and Aquatics Program (i.e., 2D model [Attachment B], Agent Based Model [Attachment B], the Sockeye and Chinook LCM [Attachment E]) will be integrated into the IRA has been the topic of collaborative discussions amongst the Cooperative’s team and the ARWG during development of the Proposed Study Plan and RSP. Model development began during Year 1 studies, and to date has included two consultation meetings that included a member of the ARWG and Bryan Nass at Bristol Bay Science and Research Institute (BBSRI). These meetings occurred as follows. Meeting notes and presentation materials are available via request of the Nushagak Cooperative. Wednesday August 30, 2023 8-9 am (PST) Kevin Nebiolo provided a presentation and draft framework for IRA risk assessment categories, and the group began discussion how to establish a list of risk factors to consider for inclusion in the IRA. The group also reviewed the objectives for the IRA introduced in the RSP. Wednesday September 6, 2023 8-10 am (PST). During this follow-up meeting from August 30, 2023, Kevin Nebiolo provided a presentation and draft framework for IRA risk categories and the group discussed how to establish a list of risk factors to consider for inclusion in the IRA. The group discussed how to define terms for general understanding and to develop a plan for soliciting input from the broader ARWG on management objectives that will further direct the development of a list of risk factors to include in the IRA. 10.0 REFERENCES Bradford, M.J. 2020. Assessment and management of effects of large hydropower projects on aquatic ecosystems in British Columbia, Cananda. Hydrobiologia, 17. Fletcher, W.J. 2015. Review and refinement of an existing qualitative risk assessment method for application within an ecosystem-based management framework. ICES Journal of Marine Science. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Integrated Risk Assessment Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment F Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 6 December 2023 Gaichas, S.K., G.S. DePiper, R.J. Seagraves, B.W. Muffley, M.G. Sabo, L.L. Colburn, and A.J. Loftus. 2018. Implementing Ecosystem Approaches to Fishery Management: Risk Assessment in the US Mid-Atlantic. Frontiers in Marine Science, 5, 25. INITIAL STUDY REPORT ATTACHMENT G: FUTURE FLOWS STUDY NUYAKUK RIVER HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FERC NO. 14873 Submitted by: Nushagak Electric & Telephone Cooperative, Inc. P.O. Box 350 Dillingham, AK 99576 December 2023 Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Future Flows Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment G Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. ii December 2023 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 STUDY PLAN INTRODUCTION..................................................................................... 1 2.0 STUDY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES............................................................................... 2 2.1.1 Study Goals and Objectives........................................................................ 2 3.0 STUDY AREA................................................................................................................... 2 4.0 METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................................. 4 4.1 Downscaled GCM Outputs..................................................................................... 6 4.2 Hydrologic Modeling.............................................................................................. 7 4.3 Technical Report ..................................................................................................... 7 5.0 RESULTS ........................................................................................................................... 8 6.0 DISCUSSION AND FINDINGS........................................................................................ 8 7.0 STUDY VARIANCES AND MODIFICATIONS............................................................. 8 8.0 STUDY STATUS AND SCHEDULE................................................................................ 8 9.0 STUDY-SPECIFIC CONSULTATION ............................................................................. 8 10.0 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................... 8 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 3-1. Nuyakuk River watershed. ............................................................................................3 Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Future Flows Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment G Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. iii December 2023 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers BOR Bureau of Reclamation CMIP Climate Model Intercomparison Project Commission Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Falls Nuyakuk Falls FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency FERC Federal Energy Regulatory Commission GCM Global Climate Models IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change NMFS National Marine Fisheries Service NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Project Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project (P-14873) USACE U.S. Army Corps of Engineers USDOE U.S. Department of Energy USR Updated Study Report WUCA Water Utility Climate Alliance Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Future Flows Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment G Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. December 2023 1.0 STUDY PLAN INTRODUCTION The Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project (Project) has the potential to be designed and operated in a manner that maintains habitat quality and suitability for the fish and provides renewable hydropower for six Alaskan communities currently dependent on diesel for power generation. To realize the combined benefits, it is necessary to understand the consistent projection of increases in precipitation and the changing timing of flows in the Nuyakuk watershed. Therefore, existing peer reviewed climate model predictions will be used to model future discharges and water temperatures for the Nuyakuk River, in accordance with peer- reviewed published methods and generally accepted practice as described below. This information will inform the development of license articles guiding operation and maintenance, including mitigation measures, as well as the development of a climate resilient project design. The best available science indicates temperature, precipitation, and stream flows will increase in the Bristol Bay region, and much of south-central Alaska (IPCC 2018; Walsh et al. 2018; USGCRP 2018; Chapin et al. 2018). Thus, higher stream flows are likely to occur within the project area during the prospective license term. Some ongoing trends and anticipated climate changes have implications for management of the hydropower facility and fish habitat. These include a decrease in the proportion of precipitation falling as snow, with many sub-basins no longer expected to be snow-dominated (Littell et al 2018), and as a consequence, an altered hydrograph with earlier but perhaps lower spring/summer peak. January through April flows will continue to increase as low elevation sub-basins partially melt out during freshets rather than staying frozen for four continuous months. Peer-reviewed, publicly available downscaled climate model projections have been developed for this region. These model projections will be analyzed as part of this licensing process to support flow analysis for this project. There is a significant body of literature on climate change in the Arctic and Alaska in particular (Stewart et al 2022, Markon et al 2018). While these publications give a sense of what kinds of changes may be observed in the Nushugak River, due to proximity, analysis of a region including this basin, and other similarities, a study of the Nuyakuk basin itself is needed to understand the combined changes of the proposed project and climate change on fish habitat. Salmonids are affected by changes in flows because stages in their life history are timed to coincide with periods of flow and appropriate water temperature. Future flows through the Nuyakuk cascade will be altered by the Project’s water withdrawal and by changing climate patterns. Many of the climate change effects described below have likely impacts on salmonids (Leppi et al 2014; Wobus et al 2015) and are potentially compounded by the proposed Project’s operations. Given that increased flows are projected by the five-member ensemble of global climate models (GCM) best fitted for Western Alaska, these increases provide opportunities to benefit both the hydropower generation and fish management and protection. Therefore, it is critical to have estimates of future flows and stream temperatures to assess the combined effects of the project and climate on these trust resources. This study is at the core of producing more evenly distributed year-around hydropower generation, while at the same time protecting and maintaining this salmon fishery. This is in line with recent literature that highlights opportunities Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Future Flows Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment G Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. December 2023 to design and operate hydropower projects for sustainability of both power production and the riverine environment (Brown et al. 2015; Poff et al. 2016). Thus, this study will identify forward- looking, climate resilient outcomes for hydropower development and fisheries. 2.0 STUDY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES 2.1.1 Study Goals and Objectives The goals of this study are to determine mean flows and water temperature during the assumed 50-year term of the license, at least at a monthly time scale, and weekly or daily if feasible. Details of the study are provided in the § 5.9 (b) Generally Accepted Practices section below. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Fisheries and its NOAA climate science partners are available and willing to discuss the details of the climate and flow studies to ensure its value for all parties. We assume a 50-year license will be issued, and total project development time of eight years, so we propose projecting the climate from 2030 to 2080. The objectives of this study are: 1. Use existing downscaled climate projections preferably supplied by University of Alaska, Fairbanks (Walsh et al 2018; Wobus et al 2015) to model and predict Nuyakuk River flow and temperatures during the license term. These should be done at least at a monthly time scale and weekly or daily if feasible. 2. Use this information to determine the future timing of returning adult salmon and when water will be needed in the river to support fish passage both up and down the falls. This information will inform the Nuyakuk Falls Fish Passage (Study 1.2); Assessment of False Attraction (Study Request 1.4); Chinook and Sockeye Salmon Life Cycle Modeling (Study 1.5) and the Economic Decision Support Tool. 3. Use this information to project timing of out-migrating smolt. This information will inform the Ice Process (Study 2.3) and Fish Entrainment and Impingement (Study 1.3). 4. Use future flow information to inform turbine sizing and winter, spring and fall energy production. 5. Use future flow information to inform project design and operation including tunnel design, groin design, and any attempt to mesh winter hydropower with other electric generation facilities to meet domestic winter power demands of the six communities. 3.0 STUDY AREA The future river flows and water temperature study is a desktop exercise. The assessment will encompass the Nuyakuk River watershed with an approximate drainage area of 1,571 square miles (Figure 3-1). Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Future Flows Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment G Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. December 2023 Figure 3-1. Nuyakuk River watershed. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Future Flows Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment G Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. December 2023 4.0 METHODOLOGY It has become generally accepted practice to consider climate change in hydropower design among planners and designers of hydropower and water supply facilities. The best available science now includes the presently observed and projected future impacts of climate change on water resources, as demonstrated by Congress directing the Secretary of Interior, via the Secure Water Act, to coordinate with NOAA and its programs to ensure access to the best available information on climate change [Secure Water Act (§) 9503 (c)]. The following are examples - dating back more than fifteen years - from water projects such as Nuyakuk and others permitted by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) - in which managers and planners incorporate the risks of climate change in their project design of projects, as well as in long- range operations planning: The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) and Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) both use climate projections in their long-range operations planning and design, including hydropower generation, flood control, and water supply. These agencies jointly commissioned and released a report that identifies the needs of local, state, and federal water management agencies for climate change information and tools to support long-term planning (Brekke 2009). Beginning more than a decade ago, USACE and BOR and a consortium of agencies funded downscaled hydrologic projections for use in planning for reservoirs and hydropower operations (Bureau of Reclamation 2009, Dalton et al 2010). The BOR-funded project was then subsequently updated for the next generation of IPCC global climate models (CMIP5, Brekke 2013, Pierce et al. 2015). These flow projections are currently being updated using the CMIP6 GCMs. The River Management Joint Operating Committee for Bonneville Power Administration, USACE, and BOR commissioned climate scenarios for use (River Management Joint Operating Committee, 2010, a-c). The plans for this were published as a peer-reviewed article (Hamlet, et al 2013). Non-Federal facilities are also being designed and managed with consideration of climate risks. The Water Utility Climate Alliance (WUCA) includes twelve of the Nation's largest water providers, many of which manage hydropower facilities. It was formed to provide leadership and collaboration on climate change issues affecting the country's water agencies. Among WUCA’s key messages is, “Warming is here and now. Climate adaptation planning is not just about the future. Water utilities are experiencing the effects of a changing climate on their water resources today.”1 WUCA and its member cities advocate the use of climate projections and planning for a range of futures (Stratus Consulting and Denver Water 2015, Vogel et al. 2015). 1 www.wucaonline.org Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Future Flows Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment G Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. December 2023 The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) recommended the use of climate change in design criteria. In a policy statement originally approved in 1990, (PS360)2, ASCE highlighted the importance of climate change on the built environment. This policy has been revised and adopted several times since then. In 2018 it indicated a growing need for engineers to incorporate future climate change into project design criteria, and in 2021, support for “Revisions to engineering design standards, codes, regulations and associated laws that strengthen the sustainability and resiliency of infrastructure at high risk of being affected by climate change.”3 A growing body of U.S. policy requires and provides guidance on consideration of climate risks and use of climate information by federal agencies. In addition to the Secure Water Act, this includes Executive Orders dating back to 2009 have directed federal water and hydropower agencies such as the BOR, USACE and Department of Energy (USDOE) to consider climate change in their projects (Executive Order (EO) 13514, replaced by EO 13693, titled Planning for Federal Sustainability in the Next Decade, March 19, 2015). On Dec 8, 2021, President Biden signed EO 14057 4, which orders agencies to integrate climate-readiness across missions and programs and bolster resilience of Federal assets, including hydropower facilities 5. Federal agencies have increasingly considered the risks of climate change (e.g. NMFS 2016 and Udall 2013). The downscaled climate projections follow in this tradition, based on the same IPCC global climate models. In particular, the University of Alaska Fairbanks’ Alaska Climate Research Center (http://akclimate.org/) has produced the Scenarios Network for Alaska and Arctic Planning (SNAP, https://www.snap.uaf.edu). In FERC’s Order rejecting the request for rehearing by National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) and the Center for Water Advocacy of the formal study dispute determination regarding Susitna (July 18, 2014), FERC stated, “as climate change modeling continues to advance, it may eventually yield data and knowledge that can and should be used to formulate license requirements that respond to environmental effects caused by climate change.” That time has come. Another generation of Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) models (IPCC 2021) has consistent findings - albeit further refined - with previous IPCC (IPCC 2013 and IPCC 2007) and U.S. National Climate Assessment analysis, while also providing more detailed and relevant information for natural resource planners. Climate modeling and especially downscaling methodology has improved significantly in the last decade. Furthermore, in the last five years climate change effects have been acknowledged across all departments of the State of Alaska Government. Downscaled climate projections datasets developed for Alaska (Walsh 2018) and 2 https://www.asce.org/advocacy/policy-statements/ps360---climate-change 3 https://www.asce.org/advocacy/policy-statements/ps360---climate-change 4 https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2021/12/08/fact-sheet-president-bidensigns- executive-order-catalyzing-americas-clean-energy-economy-through-federalsustainability/#:~: text=The%20executive%20order%20will%20reduce,%2C%20healthy%2C%20and%20resilient%2 0communities 5 https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2021/10/07/fact-sheet-bidenadministration- releases- agency-climate-adaptation-and-resilience-plans-from-across-federal-government/ Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Future Flows Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment G Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. December 2023 elsewhere are being used as generally accepted practice in the design and operational planning for hydropower. This study takes into consideration the advances in science, the generally accepted practice, and understanding both the risks of climate change and the potential opportunities of the projected increases in temperature and precipitation and the effects on managing flows both for hydropower and fish habitat. The steps and data available to do these analyses are described below. New climate modeling is not needed. Rather, analyses of existing, publicly available and peer-reviewed datasets will be conducted based on existing Climate Model Intercomparison Project (CMIP) dataset, using peer- reviewed and generally accepted practices, as described in those articles and cites therein. The basic analysis that is needed is to move from downscaled GCM projections of temperature and precipitation to projected flows and water temperatures from a integrated hydrologic model for the Nuyakuk River specifically. The hydrologic modeling will then be analyzed and presented in a technical report of the future flows available, and thus the hydropower and fish habitat needs. Additionally, this report will include an analysis of the impacts of projections on the project nexus, and hydropower facilities. The three major steps are summarized in Sections 4.1 to 4.3. 4.1 Downscaled GCM Outputs Use of the dataset described by Walsh et al (2018), an existing, peer-reviewed and publicly available monthly downscaled climate projection dataset, and related data. Scenarios Network for Alaska and Arctic Planning (SNAP), along with related data is available for download at: https://www.snap.uaf.edu. This dataset is based on the 5th IPCC generation of global climate models (CMIP5). Walsh et al (2018) analyzed the over 35 GCMs to assess which five best represent climates in Alaska as a whole. See (Lader 2017) or (Bieniek et al. 2015) for a more detailed description of the downscaling model procedure and an evaluation against historical temperature and precipitation data. Their product provides monthly values of projected future air temperature and precipitation. Monthly values are the minimum needed for analyses of future flows but may average out changes. Wobus et al (2015) generated daily values, and thus were able to discern shorter time scale features in river flows. If technically feasible and available for the Nuyakuk River, this daily scale is preferable because of the finer time scale changes that daily analyses would detect. Because 30 months have passed since this study was originally proposed (2/4/2020), new downscaling efforts are underway and downscaled CMIP 6 climate products may become available before this study is started. Furthermore, a dynamically downscaled product for all of Alaska may be available soon. If by the time this study is executed, a sub-monthly or daily downscaled product is available, that would be preferable. If a CMIP6-based appropriate downscaled product becomes available, that product may be used instead of the Walsh et al 2018 dataset. However, it is not necessary to wait for CMIP6. Predicted temperatures and precipitation will be analyzed for at least three periods of the license, for example, early, the first third (e.g. 2030 – 2047); the middle third, (e.g. 2047-2064); and the late or final third (e.g. 2064 to 2080) for the Nuyakuk watershed. This will allow consideration Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Future Flows Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment G Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. December 2023 of flow trends that may evolve over the period, and potentially different operations as projected conditions change. 4.2 Hydrologic Modeling A published, vetted hydrologic model will be used to translate these downscaled climate outputs (precipitation and temperature) into other hydroclimate variables (evaporation, soil percolation, surface runoff) and ultimately the timing and volume of runoff into the Nuyakuk River, and stream temperatures. Several watershed models that integrate atmospheric conditions with surface water and groundwater could be applied to the Nuyakuk watershed; however, they would require extensive development. We will use the MIKE SHE system (Graham and Butts 2005), a fully distributed, parameter integrated, hydrologic code that simulates the flow of water within and among surface water, groundwater, and the unsaturated zone. Atmospheric conditions, including precipitation, air temperature, and evapotranspiration drive continuous flows within the hydrologic system. A modified degree-day snowmelt method, the code simulates snow accumulation if air temperatures fall below a freezing threshold, and it also simulates snowmelt processes including evaporation (sublimation and wet- snow evaporation), rain-on-snow, changes in wet and dry snow storage, and refreezing of wet snow. The Wobus et al (2014) effort, also implemented a heat balance algorithm to simulate stream temperatures (Loinaz et al. 2013). The hydrologic models then projects monthly (or daily) water temperatures based on predicted air temperature and the relative river contributions from surface water versus groundwater sources versus snowfields sources. Furthermore, the MIKE/SHE system is useful because Bristol Bay Regional Seafood Development Association and Bristol Bay Native Corporation already funded the development of an integrated watershed model for the Nushagak watershed using MIKE/SHE MIKE 11 code developed by the Danish Hydrologic Institute (DHI). MIKE SHE has been used and verified extensively worldwide and in the U.S. since the mid- 1970s, by multiple federal agencies including USACE, Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), USDOE, (United States Department of Agriculture) USDA, academic researchers and others to support evaluation of complex networks of hydraulic structures and operations, nature and extent of impacts on hydrologic/ecologic systems, and optimization of mitigations. As a cost saving measure, we will adapt the existing larger Nushagak model to the Nuyakuk watershed. 4.3 Technical Report The potential climate change effects will be summarized in a Technical Report. This technical report will include a description of the assumptions made, models used, and other background information. The report will provide interpretation and guidance on the science knowledge developed, in order to translate them into useable knowledge, through syntheses and translational products developed to address the hydropower, water, and fisher habitat needs. Additionally, this report will include an analysis of the impacts of projections on the project nexus, and hydropower facilities. The report will include an electronic supplement that makes the data used in this study available for the use of other studies. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Future Flows Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment G Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. December 2023 5.0 RESULTS While future flows modeling efforts and synthesis with other biological modeling was initiated in 2023, results from relevant natural and Project-related scenarios will be developed and assessed during the remainder of 2023 and into 2024. Holistic results will be presented as part of the Updated Study Report (USR) in December 2024. 6.0 DISCUSSION AND FINDINGS While future flows modeling efforts and synthesis with other biological modeling was initiated in 2023, results from relevant natural and Project-related scenarios will be developed and assessed during the remainder of 2023 and into 2024. Holistic results and associated impact discussion will be presented as part of the USR in December 2024. 7.0 STUDY VARIANCES AND MODIFICATIONS While future flows modeling efforts and synthesis with other biological modeling was initiated in 2023, results from relevant natural and Project-related scenarios will be developed and assessed during the remainder of 2023 and into 2024. Holistic results and associated impact discussion will be presented as part of the USR in December 2024. To date, no variances associated with the Future Flows Study have been identified. 8.0 STUDY STATUS AND SCHEDULE The Future Flows Study is currently on schedule to be completed in 2024 and reported on as part of the USR. 9.0 STUDY-SPECIFIC CONSULTATION A complete list of all relevant study-specific consultation related to the Future Flow Study will be included in the USR. 10.0 REFERENCES Bieniek, P.A., Bhatt, U.S., Walsh, J.E., Rupp, T.S., Zhang, J., Krieger, J.R., and Lader, R. 2015. Dynamical Downscaling of ERA-Interim Temperature and Precipitation for Alaska. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 55(3): 635-654. doi:10.1175/JAMC-D- 15-0153.1. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Future Flows Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment G Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. December 2023 Brekke, L. D., Maurer, E. P., Anderson, J. D., Dettinger, M. D., Townsley, E. S., Harrison, A., & Pruitt, T. 2009. Assessing reservoir operations risk under climate change. Water Resources Research, 45. doi:Artn W0441110.1029/2008wr006941 Bureau of Reclamation. 2009. West-Wide Climate Risk Assessments: Bias-Corrected and Spatially Downscaled Spatially Downscaled Surface Water Projections. Department of Interior, Denver, Colorado Dalton, J. C., Brown, T. A., Pietrowsky, R. A., White, K. D., Olsen, J. R., Arnold, J. R., . . . Raff, D. A. 2010. US Army Corps of Engineers Approach to Water Resources Climate Change Adaptation. Climate: Global Change and Local Adaptation, 401-+. doi:10.1007/978-94- 007- 1770-1_21 Hamlet, A.F., Elsner, M.M., Mauger, G.S., Lee, S.-Y., Tohver, I., and Norheim, R.A. 2013. An Overview of the Columbia Basin Climate Change Scenarios Project: Approach, Methods, and Summary of Key Results. Atmosphere-Ocean 51(4): 392-415. doi:10.1080/07055900.2013.819555. IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change). 2021. Summary for Policymakers. In: Climate Change 2021: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change [Masson-Delmotte, V., P. Zhai, A. Pirani, S.L. Connors, C. Péan, S. Berger, N. Caud, Y. Chen, L. Goldfarb, M.I. Gomis, M. Huang, K. Leitzell, E. Lonnoy, J.B.R. Matthews, T.K. Maycock, T. Waterfield, O. Yelekçi, R. Yu, and B. Zhou (eds.)]. Cambridge doi:10.1017/9781009157896.001. IPCC. 2018. Summary for Policymakers. In: Global warming of 1.5°C. An IPCC Special Report on the impacts of global warming of 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels and related global greenhouse gas emission pathways, in the context of strengthening the global response to the threat of climate change, sustainable development, and efforts to eradicate poverty World Meteorological Organization: 32 pp. IPCC. 2013. Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution of Working Group I to the Fifth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK and New York, NY. Available: http://ipcc.ch/report/ar5/wg1/ IPCC. 2007. Climate Change 2007: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Cambridge University Lader, R., Walsh, J.E., Bhatt, U.S., Bieniek, P.A. 2017. Projections of Twenty-First-Century Climate Extremes for Alaska via Dynamical Downscaling and Quantile Mapping. Journal Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Future Flows Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment G Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. December 2023 of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 56(9): 2393-2409. doi:10.1175/jamc-d-16- 0415.1. NMFS 2016. Revised guidance for Treatment of Climate Change in NMFS Endangered Species Act Decisions. https://media.fisheries.noaa.gov/dammigration/ pr_climate_change_guidance_june_2016.pdf Accessed 6/28/2022 Pierce, D.W., Cayan, D.R., Maurer, E.P., Abatzoglou, J.T., and Hegewisch, K.C. 2015. Improved Bias Correction Techniques for Hydrological Simulations of Climate Change. Journal of Hydrometeorology 16(6): 2421-2442. doi:10.1175/jhm-d-14-0236.1. Stratus Consulting and Denver Water. 2015. Embracing Uncertainty: A Case Study Examination of How Climate Change is Shifting Water Utility Planning. Prepared for the Water Utility Climate Alliance (WUCA), the American Water Works Association (AWWA), the Water Research Foundation (WRF), and the Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies (AMWA) by Stratus Consulting Inc., Boulder, CO (Karen Raucher and Robert Raucher) and Denver Water, Denver, CO (Laurna Kaatz). May 12. Udall, B., McCabe, G.J. 2013. Water: Impacts, Risks, and Adaptation. In: Garfin, G., Jardine, A., Merideth, R., Black, M., LeRoy, S. (eds) Assessment of Climate Change in the Southwest United States. NCA Regional Input Reports. Island Press, Washington, DC. https://doi.org/10.5822/978- 1-61091-484-0_10 Vogel, J., Smith, J., O'Grady, M., Flemming, P., Heyn, K., Adams, A., Pierson, D., Brooks, K., and Behar, D. 2015. Actionable Science in Practice: Co-producing Climate Change Information for Water Utility Vulnerability Assessments. Walsh, J.E., U.S. Bhatt, J.S. Littell, M. Leonawicz, M. Lindgren, T.A, Kurkowski, P.A. Bieniek, R. Thoman, S. Gray, T.S. Rupp, 2018. Downscaling of climate model output for Alaskan stakeholders. Environmental Modelling & Software 110: 38-51. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envsoft.2018.03.021. INITIAL STUDY REPORT ATTACHMENT H: WATER QUALITY ASSESSMENT NUYAKUK RIVER HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FERC NO. 14873 Submitted by: Nushagak Electric & Telephone Cooperative, Inc. P.O. Box 350 Dillingham, AK 99576 December 2023 Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Water Quality Assessment FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment H Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. i December 2023 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 STUDY PLAN INTRODUCTION..................................................................................... 1 2.0 STUDY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES............................................................................... 1 3.0 STUDY AREA................................................................................................................... 2 4.0 METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................................. 2 4.1 Water Temperature ................................................................................................. 2 4.2 Dissolved Oxygen................................................................................................... 2 5.0 RESULTS ........................................................................................................................... 4 5.1 Dissolved Oxygen................................................................................................... 4 5.2 Water Temperature ................................................................................................. 4 6.0 DISCUSSION AND FINDINGS........................................................................................ 6 7.0 STUDY VARIANCES AND MODIFICATIONS............................................................. 7 8.0 STUDY STATUS AND SCHEDULE................................................................................ 7 9.0 STUDY-SPECIFIC CONSULTATION ............................................................................. 8 10.0 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................... 8 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 3-1. Water Quality Assessment Monitoring Locations. .......................................................3 Figure 5-1. Nuyakuk River Water Quality Data - Dissolved Oxygen.............................................4 Figure 5-2. Nuyakuk River Daily Maximum Water Temperatures (July 24, 2018 – January 4, 2021) - Project site and USGS 1530200. .............................................................5 Figure 5-3. Nuyakuk River Daily Maximum Water Temperatures (June 1 – September 30, 2022) – NETC Project site and USGS 1530200. .....................................................6 LIST OF TABLES Table 1-1. ADEC criteria for water use category (C) ......................................................................1 Table 4-1. Summary of DO spot calibration checks vs, continuous loggers. ..................................2 Table 6-1. Daily average DO concentrations upstream and downstream of the proposed Nuyakuk Falls Project site. ......................................................................................7 Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Water Quality Assessment FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment H Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. ii December 2023 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ADEC Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation ADFG Alaska Department of Fish and Game Commission Federal Energy Regulatory Commission DO dissolved oxygen Falls Nuyakuk Falls FERC Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ft foot IRA Integrated Risk Assessment IM Intensive Management ISR Initial Study Report mg/L milligrams per liter NETC Nushagak Electric & Telephone Cooperative, Inc. Project Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project (P-14873) RSP Revised Study Plan USGS U.S. Geological Survey USR Updated Study Report Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Water Quality Assessment FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment H Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 1 December 2023 1.0 STUDY PLAN INTRODUCTION The water resources study plan approved by FERC consists of three major study areas: 1) water quality; 2) flow duration curves; and 3) ice processes. The water quality study involves the field collection and monitoring of dissolved oxygen (DO) data during the 2023 study season with water temperatures being monitored during the 2023 and 2024 study seasons. Details and background information relevant to the water quality assessment are discussed below. The Nuyakuk River is protected by designated use criteria (C) by the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC). This water use should meet specific water quality standards to ensure the “Growth and Propagation of Fish, Shellfish, Other Aquatic Life, and Wildlife” (ADEC 2022). As a part of the Proposed Study Plan (PSP) and Revised Study Plan (RSP) process, baseline water quality data for DO and water temperature were requested. Specifically, a DO study was requested by a public stakeholder, Pat Vermillion, owner of the Royal Coachman Lodge. Water temperature monitoring was added to the study program to assess how water temperatures at the Project site compare to historical data from the nearby United States Geologic Survey (USGS) gaging station 1530200. Water quality results from this study would be compared to ADEC criteria summarized in Table1-1. In addition, DO data will be qualitatively assessed to determine if Nuyakuk Falls serves as a location replenishing DO levels along the river corridor. Table 1-1. ADEC criteria for water use category (C) Parameter Criteria Dissolved Oxygen greater than 7 mg/l Temperature May not exceed 20°C at any time. The following maximum temperatures may not be exceeded, where applicable: Migration routes 15°C Spawning areas 13°C Rearing areas 15°C Egg & fry incubation 13°C 2.0 STUDY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES The primary goals of this study are the following: 1. Collect baseline continuous (DO) data during periods of peak water temperatures (July – August) for a minimum of 72 hours. 2. Collect baseline continuous water temperature data for a minimum of a calendar year (January – December). 3. Determine if DO concentrations are substantially different above and below Nuyakuk Falls. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Water Quality Assessment FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment H Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 2 December 2023 4. Compare the study results to DO and water temperature criteria established by the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC). 3.0 STUDY AREA The continuous monitoring of DO and water temperature included two main study locations. Study location 1 was upstream of Nuyakuk Falls in proximity to the proposed intake structure. Study location 2 was downstream of the Falls in an area near the proposed Project tailrace (Figure 3-1). 4.0 METHODOLOGY 4.1 Water Temperature As a part of its feasibility assessment in June of 2018, the Nushagak Electric & Telephone Cooperative, Inc. (NETC or Cooperative) deployed calibrated Onset Prov2 temperature loggers at two locations, one upstream and one downstream of Nuyakuk Falls. Field procedures, as well as pre-deployment instrument calibration, followed techniques detailed by Ward (2011). The thermographs were set to record temperatures at 30-minute intervals and provided a temperature record through January of 2021, until the loggers memory was full. The thermographs were downloaded and re-launched in June of 2022 and were last downloaded in September of 2022. An attempt to download the thermographs on August 30, 2023 was unsuccessful due to instrument housings being rusted shut. Another attempt to download the loggers will be made in late September of 2023 to add to the temperature record and be included as a part of the USR due in December of 2024. NOTE: Given the logging interval as well as available instrument memory, data collected between September 2022 and September 2023 are not lost. These data were not downloaded in a timely manner to be included within the Initial Study Report (ISR). 4.2 Dissolved Oxygen Calibrated Onset U26-001 DO loggers were deployed upstream and downstream of Nuyakuk Falls July 27 – August 1, 2023 and collected data every 30 minutes. The summer sampling period was selected to represent the time frame when DO concentrations are typically at their lowest, in response to water temperatures being at their warmest (Allan, 1995). Per manufacturer suggestions, a spot check of DO levels were measured with a calibrated water quality meter at the conclusion of the monitoring period. These check measurements served as confirmation of calibration integrity during the deployment period and are summarized in Table 4-1. Table 4-1. Summary of DO spot calibration checks vs, continuous loggers. Date Upstream DO (mg/l) S/N 2118686 DO Spot Check (mg/l) S/N 2118685 Percent Agreement Downstream DO (mg/l) S/N 2118687 DO Spot Check (mg/l) S/N 2118685 Percent Agreement 8/1/2022 10.9 10.8 100.9% 10.8 10.8 100.0% Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Water ResourcesFERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment H Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 3 December 2023Figure 3-1. Water Quality Assessment Monitoring Locations. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Water Quality Assessment FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment H Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 4 December 2023 5.0 RESULTS 5.1 Dissolved Oxygen Figure 5-1 shows the time series of continuous DO data recorded upstream and downstream of Nuyakuk River Falls. DO concentrations at the upstream location ranged from 8.9 mg/l to 13.0 mg/l and followed a daily diurnal pattern compared to the downstream station. At the Downstream site, DO concentrations were relatively stable ranging from 10.8 mg/l to 11.8 mg/l during the study period. Overall, DO in the Nuyakuk River never dropped below 8.9 mg/l, meeting ADEC criteria during the entire monitoring period. Figure 5-1. Nuyakuk River Water Quality Data - Dissolved Oxygen 5.2 Water Temperature Figures 5-2 and 5-3 show the time series of maximum daily water temperatures recorded at the Project site and USGS station 15302000. From 2018 through 2020, three summers of monitoring reveal that maximum daily temperatures briefly exceed ADEC’s 20°C criteria at the USGS station in July and August of 2019 as well as in late July of 2020. At the Project site, the 20°C exceedance occurs only once, in early July of 2019. In 2018 and 2022 both river stations meet the 20°C standard. The two monitoring periods also show that the 15°C criteria for 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 7/27/2023 7/28/2023 7/29/2023 7/30/2023 7/31/2023 8/1/2023 8/2/2023 Date Nuyakuk River Dissolved Oxygen Nuyakuk R-Upstream of Falls Nuyakuk R-Downstream of Falls ADEC Criteria (7 mg/l) Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Water Quality Assessment FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment H Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 5 December 2023 migration routes/rearing areas and 13°C criteria for spawning areas/egg & fry incubation can be exceeded from early-June through mid-September. Over the winter, temperatures drop to < 4°C by November 1 and remain near or below 4°C through May 1. Finally, the 2022 data summarized in Figure 5-3 reveals some interesting patterns. Water temperatures upstream of the Falls are consistently warmer than the USGS station through mid to late-July of 2022. From August 1, 2022 the temperature station upstream of the Falls is cooler than USGS station 15302000 through mid-September of 2022. Downstream of the Falls, water temperatures are a bit warmer than USGS station 15302000 through mid-June of 2022, but remain cooler or equal to USGS temperatures for the remainder of the 2022 monitoring period. The June-September of 2022 monitoring period also reveals that water temperatures are detectably cooler downstream of the Falls in comparison to the station upstream of the Falls. Figure 5-2. Nuyakuk River Daily Maximum Water Temperatures (July 24, 2018 – January 4, 2021) - Project site and USGS 1530200. -4 0 4 8 12 16 20 24 Date NETC Temperature (°C) USGS Temperature (°C) Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Water Quality Assessment FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment H Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 6 December 2023 Figure 5-3. Nuyakuk River Daily Maximum Water Temperatures (June 1 – September 30, 2022) – NETC Project site and USGS 1530200. 6.0 DISCUSSION AND FINDINGS The > 7mg/l ADEC criteria for DO was met for the 4-day monitoring period. The diurnal pattern of the DO hydrographs indicates that the density of aquatic plants upstream of the Falls is enough to affect DO concentrations. During daylights hours, aquatic plants are photosynthetically producing enough oxygen to increase DO concentrations in the water column. Conversely, aquatic plant respiration and the consumption of DO occurs after the sunset to detectably decrease DO concentrations. Hydraulic conditions downstream of the fFalls appear to limit the density of aquatic plants, creating a stable intra-daily DO pattern. In fact, the time- series of DO concentrations below the Falls bisects the DO hydrograph upstream up of the Falls, roughly summarizing the daily average DO concentration near the proposed intake structure. As summarized in Table 6-1, average daily DO concentrations agree within 0.5 mg/l above and below Nuyakuk Falls for days with a complete 24-hr data collection period (July 28-July 31, 2023). Two of the dates show higher daily average DO concentrations upstream of the Falls (July 30-31, 2023), while July 28-29, 2023 shows slightly higher daily average DO levels downstream of the Falls. Overall, these results indicate there is adequate DO in proximity to the proposed Project site, and that any potential diversions of water bypassing Nuyakuk Falls is not likely to adversely impact DO concentrations. -4 0 4 8 12 16 20 6/1 7/1 8/1 9/1 10/1 Date NETC-U/S Temperature (°C) NETC-D/S Temperature (°C) USGS Temperature (°C) Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Water Quality Assessment FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment H Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 7 December 2023 Table 6-1. Daily average DO concentrations upstream and downstream of the proposed Nuyakuk Falls Project site. Date U/S of Falls D/S of Falls Dissolved Oxygen (mg/L) 7/27/2023* 11.5 11.3 7/28/2023 11.2 11.6 7/29/2023 10.8 11.3 7/30/2023 11.0 10.9 7/31/2023 11.1 10.9 8/1/2023* 9.7 10.6 *partial day of continuous data collection Water temperatures exceeded the ADEC maximum of 20°C for 6 days between July 5 - July 11, 2019 based on available data collected from 2018-2022. Supplemental water temperature criteria of 13°C and 15°C were also exceeded from mid to late June through early to mid- September in 2019 and 2020. Both the 2018 and 2022 monitoring seasons were cooler and met the 20°C criteria. The partial summer monitoring season of 2018 did not exceed the 15°C criteria and exceeded the 13°C criteria for a total of 12 days; 8 days in early August; and 4 days mid-September of 2018. In 2022, the June 7- September 12, 2022 monitoring period reveals 56 days exceeding 13°C and 8 days exceeding 15°C. There does appear to be a slightly cooler daily maximum water temperatures between the monitoring sites upstream and downstream of Nuyakuk Falls. Given the width of the Nuyakuk River (>550 ft), as well as the non-turbulent flow between Tikchik Lake and the upstream end of the Falls, it is not surprising that there are warmer temperatures measured in the summer during the longest periods of daylight. Once the waters pass over Nuyakuk Falls, they become fully mixed, incorporating potentially colder water at depth and not reaching the magnitude of daily maximum temperatures upstream of the Falls or at the USGS station 15302000 near the Tikchik Lake outlet. Overall, these concurrent data show that the water temperature records from USGS station 15302000 since 2013 can be incorporated into the future flows and water temperature models being developed as part of the Project’s aquatic resources studies. 7.0 STUDY VARIANCES AND MODIFICATIONS There were no variances to the water quality assessment study plan. 8.0 STUDY STATUS AND SCHEDULE The water quality assessment studies have met their minimum monitoring objectives and should be considered complete. However, at an ARWG meeting on October 25, 2023, Lee Borden (ADFG) requested supplemental monitoring DO in Year 2 of the study program. Specifically, ADFG would like to know if DO levels become substantially depleted when large numbers of Sockeye are milling at the base of Nuyakuk Falls. The Cooperative will work with ADFG to Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Water Quality Assessment FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment H Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 8 December 2023 ensure the timing and goals of the Year 2 DO study request are met. In addition, given the accuracy of the deployed thermographs, these units will continue to collect data through the fall of the 2024 study season. Updated DO and temperature conditions at the Project site will be assessed and summarized as part of the USR in December of 2024. 9.0 STUDY-SPECIFIC CONSULTATION Additional agency consultation was not necessary to execute the water quality assessment study program during the 2023 study season. As described in Section 8.0, consultation with ADFG will occur prior to the 2024 study season to ensure DO data collection efforts meet study objectives. 10.0 REFERENCES ADEC (Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation). 2022. 18 AAC 70 Water Quality Standards. Amended as of November 13, 2022. Register 244, January 2023. Available at: https://dec.alaska.gov/water/water-quality/standards/ Allan, J. David. 1995. Stream Ecology: Structure and Function of Running Waters. Chapman & Hall, London. Milly, P.C.D., Julio Betancourt, Malin, Falkenmark, Hirsch, Zbigniew W. Kundzewicz, DennisP. Lettenmaier 2008. Stationarity Is Dead: Whither Water Management? Science 319(5863): 573-574. doi:10.1126/science.1151915. Rantz, S.E., and others. 1982. Measurement and Computation of Streamflow, Volume 1: Measurement of Stage and Discharge. U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply Paper 2175. Ward, William J. Washington State Department of Ecology Environmental Assessment Program, 2011. Standard Operating Procedures for Continuous Temperature Monitoring of Fresh Water Rivers and Streams. Version 2.0. Author: William J. Ward, Reviewers: Dan Sherratt and Dave Hallock. Approved 10/26/2011, Recertified: 3/25/2015. INITIAL STUDY REPORT ATTACHMENT I: FLOW DURATION CURVE CHANGE ANALYSIS NUYAKUK RIVER HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FERC NO. 14873 Submitted by: Nushagak Electric & Telephone Cooperative, Inc. P.O. Box 350 Dillingham, AK 99576 December 2023 Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Flow Duration Curve Change Analysis FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment I Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. i December 2023 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 STUDY PLAN INTRODUCTION..................................................................................... 1 2.0 STUDY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES............................................................................... 1 3.0 STUDY AREA................................................................................................................... 1 4.0 METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................................. 3 5.0 RESULTS........................................................................................................................... 4 6.0 DISCUSSION AND FINDINGS........................................................................................ 6 7.0 STUDY VARIANCES AND MODIFICATIONS............................................................. 7 8.0 STUDY STATUS AND SCHEDULE................................................................................ 7 9.0 STUDY-SPECIFIC CONSULTATION ............................................................................. 8 10.0 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................... 8 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 3-1. Stream Gage Location at the Proposed Project Site......................................................2 Figure 4-1. Schematic and example of a typical data logger and staff gage installation. ................3 Figure 5-4. X-Y Scatter plot of stage-discharge relationship at the Nuyakuk River Project site. ...........................................................................................................................5 Figure 5-5. Nuyakuk River daily mean discharge at the NETC Project Site and USGS Station 1530200. ......................................................................................................5 Figure 5-6. Correlation of the discharges from the NETC Project site stream gage vs USGS stream gage 15302000. ............................................................................................6 Figure 6-1. Accretion calculations between Project site and USGS gaging stations – June 7, 2022 to August 27, 2023. .........................................................................................7 LIST OF TABLES Table 5-1. Discharge summary table at the Nuyakuk River Project site. ........................................4 Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Flow Duration Curve Change Analysis FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment I Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. ii December 2023 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ADCP acoustic doppler current profiler ADF&G Alaska Department of Fish and Game ARWG Aquatics Resources Working Group cfs cubic feet per second Commission Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Falls Nuyakuk Falls FERC Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ft foot NMFS National Marine Fisheries Service Project Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project (P-14873) PSP Proposed Study Plan RSP Revised Study Plan USGS U.S. Geological Survey USR Updated Study Report Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Flow Duration Curve Change Analysis FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment I Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 1 December 2023 1.0 STUDY PLAN INTRODUCTION The water resources study plan approved by FERC consists of three major study areas: 1) water quality; 2) flow duration curves; and 3) ice processes. Temporal changes to the flow duration curve on the Nuyakuk River will be assessed by a combination of statistical analysis combined with the establishment of site-specific stream gage installed at the Project site. Details and background information relevant to the flow duration curve change analysis are discussed below. On February 4, 2020, The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) filed with FERC their Comments on the Pre-Application Document and Study Requests for the Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project (P-14873). Specifically, the filing included Attachment 2: National Marine Fisheries Service’s Study Requests for the Nuyakuk Project (FERC No. P-14873) which detailed seven study requests. The flow duration curve change analysis (Study 4) was included as part of the PSP and RSP filings. Study plan details, results, progress, and schedules are provided in Section 2.0 through 10.0 of this report. 2.0 STUDY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES The goal of the study is to evaluate changes in the flow duration curve for the Nuyakuk River that have happened during the United States Geological Survey (USGS) 15302000 gage record which spans 70 years (1953- 2023). There are a small number of years during this period with no data and many years where the winter flow record is estimated. This study does not analyze climate projections or future flows. The objectives of this study are: a. Determine if flow pattern observable for the USGS Nuyakuk River gage record exhibit stationarity as hydrologist assumed for decades, or if there is a statistically significant trend (Milly 2008) consistent with other gage records in Northern climates where a change analysis has been completed. b. Use the appropriate data to inform the development of climate resilient license articles. This is a statistical study using peer reviewed existing USGS flow data. 3.0 STUDY AREA Although the flow duration curve assessment is primarily a desktop exercise, a Project site stream gage was installed just downstream of the proposed Project intake structure near the top of the Falls on the right bank, looking downstream (Figure 3-1). A streamflow record from the Project site was requested by ADF&G so that the assessment of flow duration curves at the proposed Project location would be based on accurate flow volumes correlated to USGS gaging station 1530200. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Flow Duration Curve Change AnalysisFERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment I Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 2 December 2023 Figure 3-1. Stream Gage Location at the Proposed Project Site. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Flow Duration Curve Change Analysis FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment I Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 3 December 2023 4.0 METHODOLOGY Following USGS guidelines, the Nuyakuk River stream gage consists of a staff gage and Onset U20-001-04 continuous water level loggers, each anchored individually to the stream bank and near the shoreline to avoid debris and damage during high flow conditions. The data loggers are a pressure transducer system with an accuracy of +/-0.02 feet or +/-0.15% full scale (0.0 to 13.0 feet). The data logger accurately records pressure, which is related to the water surface elevation at the staff gage. Data loggers record the following parameters at 30-minute intervals: Date and time Temperature (°C) Pressure/Water level (feet) The staff gage is 6.6 feet long and mounted vertically in the stream channel to provide reference water levels to the nearest hundredth of a foot for the full range of flow conditions. The data loggers are housed in a shoreline enclosure consisting of 2-inch galvanized pipe located within the wetted channel. Figure 4-1 provides a schematic and example of a typical data logger and staff gage installation. Figure 4-1. Schematic and example of a typical data logger and staff gage installation. The stream gage was installed on June 7, 2022 with the development of the stage-discharge relationship commencing in May of 2023. During each gage calibration and servicing effort, discharge data are collected to develop and maintain a stage-discharge rating relationship at the proposed Project site. Discharge measurements follow field procedures laid out in Rantz et al (1982) and utilized an acoustic doppler current profiler (ADCP). At each maintenance and discharge calibration event, the following occurs: Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Flow Duration Curve Change Analysis FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment I Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 4 December 2023 Comparison of electronic stage levels to reference staff gage ADCP Discharge measurement Downloading of electronic stage record During the low-flow winter period in 2022-2023, site inspections were not conducted due to access limitations. Inspection of the winter stage data revealed the stream gage was dewatered due to low flow conditions or intermittently frozen and did not provide an accurate stage record from November 20, 2022 to May 15, 2023. For the winter of 2023-2024, stage recording instrumentation will be lowered into the water column to increase the probability that stage data can be accurately logged and compared to winter data from USGS gage 1530200. 5.0 RESULTS The statistical assessment of stationarity and generation of updated flow duration curves has not been completed. These results will be provided as part of the Updated Study Report (USR) in December of 2024. However, as requested by ADF&G, data from the installation of a stream gage at the Project site is provided below. A total of seven discharge measurements were taken from May to August of 2023 to assess and validate the stage-discharge relationship at Nuyakuk River Project site and provide 116 and 153 days of mean daily flow data in the 2022 and 2023 water years, respectively (Table 5-1, Figure 5-4, and Figure 5-5). These concurrent data have provided an excellent correlation to USGS gaging station 15302000 during periods of ice-free operation (Figure 5-5). Over the winter of 2022-2023, the NETC stream gage was dewatered or frozen and did not provide accurate stage data from November 20, 2022 through May 15, 2023. Therefore, Project site gaging results from the winter timeframe cannot be assessed in this report. Overall, accretion (i.e., flow increases) from the USGS station downstream to the Project ranged from 97.1 cfs to 1650 cfs between the two gaging stations, with an average accretion of 509 cfs. Table 5-1. Discharge summary table at the Nuyakuk River Project site. Meas. No. Date Stage (ft) Measured Discharge (cfs) Rated Discharge (cfs) Percent Difference 1 5/12/2023 0.50 2893 2882 0.4% 2 5/16/2023 1.04 4921 4997 -1.5% 3 5/19/2023 1.40 6510 6480 0.5% 4 5/21/2023 1.62 7476 7410 0.9% 5 6/21/2023 3.98 18124 18160 -0.2% 6 7/3/2023 4.19 19041 19169 -0.7% 7 8/24/2023 1.65 7537 7538 0.0% Rating 1: Flow = 3338.63*(Stage + 0.38)^1.1502 (based on meas. No. 1-5) Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Flow Duration Curve Change Analysis FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment I Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 5 December 2023 Figure 5-1. X-Y Scatter plot of stage-discharge relationship at the Nuyakuk River Project site. Figure 5-2. Nuyakuk River daily mean discharge at the NETC Project Site and USGS Station 1530200. 0.1 1.0 10.0 1000 10000 100000 Discharge (cfs) Nuyakuk River Stage-Q Rating Qs Q Check Meas 0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 Date NETC Discharge(cfs) USGS Discharge (cfs) ice-affected data; NETC gage offline Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Flow Duration Curve Change Analysis FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment I Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 6 December 2023 Figure 5-3. Correlation of the discharges from the NETC Project site stream gage vs USGS stream gage 15302000. 6.0 DISCUSSION AND FINDINGS The installation of a stream gage at the Project site in June of 2022 was successful, providing an excellent correlation to the USGS gaging station 15302000 during periods of ice-free operation (R2 of 0.9969). Accretion (i.e., flow increases) from the USGS station downstream to the Project ranged from 97.1 cfs to 1650 cfs with an average of 509 cfs over the June 2022-August 2023 monitoring period (Figure 6-1). There does appear to be a trend of decreasing accretion flows between the two gaging sites starting in late October and early November. However, given that the NETC gage was near its operational limits during that October-November timeframe, the accuracy of these calculations cannot be validated. As described in Section 4.2, the stream gage depth was lowered on September 26, 2023 so that a winter record can be developed in 2023-2024 as well as an assessment of accretion during the winter timeframe. Overall, the NETC stream gage will serve to create a more accurate flow duration curve assessment at the proposed point of diversion. y = 1.8545x0.939 R² = 0.9969 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 USGS Daily Mean Discharge (cfs) NETC-USGS Daily Mean Discharge Correlation Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Flow Duration Curve Change Analysis FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment I Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 7 December 2023 Figure 6-1. Accretion calculations between Project site and USGS gaging stations – June 7, 2022 to August 27, 2023. 7.0 STUDY VARIANCES AND MODIFICATIONS There were no variances to the flow duration curve assessment study plan. A stream gage at the Project location will be utilized for site-specific hydrology data as opposed to a synthetic hydrograph developed from watershed area proportioning. Prior to the 2023-2024 winter study season, the stream gage instrumentation was adjusted so that accurate winter stage data has a higher probability of being collected. 8.0 STUDY STATUS AND SCHEDULE The overarching goal of developing site-specific hydrology at the Project by correlating discharges with USGS gage 15302000 has been completed. However, efforts to collect stage data over the winter of 2023-2024 will continue to determine if winter correlations to USGS gage 1530200 differ from those developed during periods of ice-free operation. Updated discharge and accretion conditions at the Project site will be assessed and summarized as part of the USR in December of 2024. -1000 -500 0 500 1000 1500 2000 6/1 7/1 8/1 9/1 10/1 11/1 12/1 1/1 2/1 3/1 4/1 5/1 6/1 7/1 8/1 9/1 10/1 Date Project Site Accretion (cfs) November 2022: blue shaded area represents accretion calculations based NETC gage near opertional limits July-August 2023: blue shaded area represents accretion calculations based on preliminary and estimated USGS discharge data Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Flow Duration Curve Change Analysis FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment I Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 8 December 2023 9.0 STUDY-SPECIFIC CONSULTATION Additional agency consultation was not necessary to execute the site-specific hydrology phase of the flow duration curve change assessment study program during the 2023 study season. Agency consultation is likely to occur in 2024 to ensure the flow duration curve analysis is presented in the time periods satisfactory to NMFS and other Aquatics Resources Working Group (ARWG) members. 10.0 REFERENCES Milly, P.C.D., Julio Betancourt, Malin, Falkenmark, Hirsch, Zbigniew W. Kundzewicz, DennisP. Lettenmaier 2008. Stationarity Is Dead: Whither Water Management? Science 319(5863): 573-574. doi:10.1126/science.1151915. Rantz, S.E., and others. 1982. Measurement and Computation of Streamflow, Volume 1: Measurement of Stage and Discharge. U.S. Geological Survey Water Supply Paper 2175. INITIAL STUDY REPORT ATTACHMENT J: ICE PROCESSES ASSESSMENT NUYAKUK RIVER HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FERC NO. 14873 Submitted by: Nushagak Electric & Telephone Cooperative, Inc. P.O. Box 350 Dillingham, AK 99576 December 2023 Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Ice Processes Assessment FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment J Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. ii December 2023 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................. 1 2.0 STUDY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES............................................................................... 1 3.0 STUDY AREA................................................................................................................... 1 4.0 METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................................. 3 5.0 RESULTS........................................................................................................................... 3 6.0 DISCUSSION AND FINDINGS........................................................................................ 4 7.0 STUDY VARIANCES AND MODIFICATIONS............................................................. 4 8.0 STUDY STATUS AND SCHEDULE................................................................................ 5 9.0 STUDY-SPECIFIC CONSULTATION ............................................................................. 5 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 3-1. Ice Processes Study Area. .............................................................................................2 Figure 5-1. Screen capture of satellite imagery of Nuyakuk River Falls on April 18, 2023. ..........4 Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Ice Processes Assessment FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment J Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. iii December 2023 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS API Application Programming Interface ARWG Aquatics Resources Working Group Commission Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Falls Nuyakuk Falls FERC Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ISR Initial Study Report NMFS National Marine Fisheries Service Project Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project (P-14873) PSP Proposed Study Plan RSP Revised Study Plan USR Updated Study Report Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Ice Processes Assessment FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment J Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 1 December 2023 1.0 STUDY PLAN INTRODUCTION The water resources study plan approved by FERC consists of three major study areas: 1) water quality; 2) flow duration curves; and 3) ice processes. Ice processes will be assessed with a literature search as well as on-site and satellite images over the winter. Details and background information relevant to the ice processes assessment are discussed below. On February 4, 2020, The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) filed with FERC their Comments on the Pre-Application Document and Study Requests for the Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project (P-14873). Specifically, the filing included Attachment 2: National Marine Fisheries Service’s Study Requests for the Nuyakuk Project (FERC No. P-14873) which detailed seven study requests. The ice processes assessment (Study 6) was included as part of the Proposed Study Plan (PSP) and Revised Study Plan (RSP) filings. Study plan details, results, progress, and schedules are provided in Section 2.0 through 9.0 of this report. 2.0 STUDY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES The primary goal of this study is to utilize satellite imagery, data supplemented by site-specific photos and/or video, and literature searches to gain a better understanding of both existing ice formation processes and the potential for localized modifications to these processes as a result of Project operations. Specifically, the objectives of this study are: a. Obtain a clearer understanding of the amount of icing that has happened above Nuyakuk Falls during the last 20 years from satellite or overflight images. b. Complete a literature search of other facilities and determine which climatic conditions (temperatures, relative humidity, wind) cause the most challenges. Compare this to the Future Flows and Temperature study results to determine how frequently icing problems are likely to develop. c. Obtain imagery (videos or photos) from remote cameras during two winters to better un understand frazil ice production processes and spring breakup. Determine if lake ice during spring breakup eddies out in front of the proposed intake. 3.0 STUDY AREA The ice processes assessment study included one primary study location upstream of Nuyakuk Falls. The study area is represented as Zone 1 in Figure 3-1, starting at the intake structure and extending upstream approximately 1,500 feet. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Ice Processes AssessmentFERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment J Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 2 December 2023 Figure 3-1. Ice Processes Study Area. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Ice Processes Assessment FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment J Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 3 December 2023 4.0 METHODOLOGY Desktop exercises relating to the ice processes assessment are described in the RSP with results and findings to be provided in the USR. In June of 2022 cameras were mounted at 2 locations to view the intake area of the proposed Project location. Each camera was programmed to log photos three times per day at 10 am, 12pm, and 3pm. The goal was to capture daily, site-specific imagery over the winter of 2022-2023. The cameras were retrieved and downloaded at the beginning of the study season in May of 2023. No images were saved on either camera. It is not clear if the lack of site imagery was due to a programming error, failed memory cards, or deploying cameras unable to operate in extremely cold conditions. An alternative method to collect site-specific imagery will be discussed at upcoming Aquatics Resources Working Group (ARWG) meetings and finalized at the Initial Study Report (ISR) meeting in mid-December of 2023. Alternative measures will be employed based on imagery provided by remote cameras scheduled to be downloaded shortly after the December ISR meeting. 5.0 RESULTS As summarized in Section 4.0, site specific imagery is not available for the winter 2022-2023 study season. An example of satellite imagery from the application programming interface (API) suggested by NMFS (https://www.sentinel-hub.com/) is provided in Figure 5-1. This will allow agencies the chance to review the resolution of available satellite imagery and define the scope of its usage as a part of the ice processes assessment. As summarized in Section 4.0, alternative methods to collect site-specific imagery will be employed during the winter of 2023/2024 based on results of camera downloads in December of 2023. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Ice Processes Assessment FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment J Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 4 December 2023 Figure 5-1. Screen capture of satellite imagery of Nuyakuk River Falls on April 18, 2023. 6.0 DISCUSSION AND FINDINGS Study results will be summarized and discussed in December of 2024 when the USR is due to be filed with FERC following Year 2 of the Study Program. The status of the Ice Processes study program will be presented and collaboratively discussed with stakeholders during the ISR meeting in December of 2023. 7.0 STUDY VARIANCES AND MODIFICATIONS There were no variances to the ice processes assessment study plan. However, given the failure of the camera system in 2022-2023, alternatives for the collection of site-specific imagery will be discussed at upcoming ARWG meetings in October and November of 2023. Implementation of collaboratively agreed upon alternative methods will be implemented following the results of camera downloads in early December of 2023. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Ice Processes Assessment FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment J Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 5 December 2023 8.0 STUDY STATUS AND SCHEDULE Field data collection in the winter of 2022-2023 proved unsuccessful and needs to be continued over the winter of 2023-2024. Desktop assessments of satellite imagery, literature searches and discussions with operators of the Tazimina Falls Project (P-11316) will occur during the second study season and be summarized in the USR. 9.0 STUDY-SPECIFIC CONSULTATION Additional agency consultation did not occur for the ice processes assessment study program during the 2023 study season. Given the lack of site-specific results in 2022-2023, ARWG consultation, specifically with NMFS needs to occur so that the objectives of this study program can be met over the 2023-2024 study season. INITIAL STUDY REPORT ATTACHMENT K: BOTANICAL AND WETLANDS SURVEY NUYAKUK RIVER HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FERC NO. 14873 Submitted by: Nushagak Electric & Telephone Cooperative, Inc. P.O. Box 350 Dillingham, AK 99576 December 2023 Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Botanical and Wetlands Survey FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment K Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. ii December 2023 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 STUDY PLAN INTRODUCTION..................................................................................... 1 2.0 STUDY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES............................................................................... 1 3.0 STUDY AREA................................................................................................................... 2 3.1 Project Facility Study Area..................................................................................... 2 3.2 Transmission Line Study Area................................................................................ 3 4.0 METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................................. 4 4.1 General Vegetation Type/Wetland Mapping.......................................................... 4 4.1.1 Available Data Analysis ............................................................................. 4 4.1.2 Field Work Comparison.............................................................................. 9 4.2 Field Vegetation Surveys/Wetland Delineation...................................................... 9 4.2.1 Vegetation Survey....................................................................................... 9 4.2.2 Wetland Delineation................................................................................... 9 5.0 RESULTS ......................................................................................................................... 10 5.1 General Vegetation Type/Wetland Mapping ........................................................ 10 5.1.1 Project Facility Study Area Mapping ....................................................... 10 5.1.2 Overall Mapping of Project Facility and Transmission Line.................... 13 5.2 Field Vegetation Surveys/Wetland Delineation.................................................... 17 5.2.1 Vegetation Classification .......................................................................... 17 5.2.2 Wetland Classification .............................................................................. 20 6.0 DISCUSSION AND FINDINGS...................................................................................... 27 6.1 General Vegetation Type/Wetland Mapping ........................................................ 27 6.2 Field Vegetation Surveys/Wetland Delineation.................................................... 27 6.2.1 Vegetation ................................................................................................. 27 6.2.2 Wetlands ................................................................................................... 28 6.3 Overview ............................................................................................................... 28 7.0 STUDY VARIANCES AND MODIFICATIONS........................................................... 29 8.0 STUDY STATUS AND SCHEDULE.............................................................................. 29 8.1 General Vegetation Type/Wetland Mapping ........................................................ 29 8.2 Rare Plants ............................................................................................................ 29 8.2.1 Schedule.................................................................................................... 29 Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Botanical and Wetlands Survey FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment K Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. iii December 2023 8.3 Wetland Functional Assessment ........................................................................... 29 9.0 STUDY-SPECIFIC CONSULTATION........................................................................... 30 10.0 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................. 31 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 3-1. Proposed Project facility study area..............................................................................2 Figure 3-2. Schematic map of proposed transmission lines (red) and existing transmission lines (orange). ..........................................................................................................3 Figure 4-1. Alaska Wetlands Map depicting eight wetland/deepwater classes and one upland class (Flagstad et al. 2018). ..........................................................................5 Figure 4-2. Observed foliar cover compared to predicted foliar cover for Wetland Sedges from the merged test partitions of 10-fold cross-validation, wherein each observation was predicted exactly once (Nawrocki, et. al 2013). ...........................8 Figure 5-1. Contour mapping of the Project facility study area. ...................................................11 Figure 5-2. Predicted Wetland Sedge areas and hydrology data within the Project facility study area. ..............................................................................................................12 Figure 5-3. Estimated hydric soils within the transmission line study area...................................15 Figure 5-4. Wetland Sedge foliar coverage and hydrology data within the transmission line study area ...............................................................................................................16 Figure 5-5. Project facility site vegetation types (A) Closed Mixed Forest [IC1] and adjacent Closed Low Shrub [IIC1] (B) Mixed Woodland [IC3]...........................17 Figure 5-6. Primula spp. (A) Close-up of the Primula spp. (B) Riverine plant community where the Primula spp. was found during the vegetation study from August 8-15, 2023..............................................................................................................18 Figure 5-7. Map of Primula spp. found on the north side of the Project facility outfall. ..............19 Figure 5-8. Distribution of P. tschuktschorum (Nawrocki et al. 2013)..........................................19 Figure 5-9. Map of Project facility study area wetlands and related sample data points ..............22 Figure 5-10. PEM wetlands found southeast of the Project facility study area at sample point PF-13.............................................................................................................24 Figure 5-11. Map of Project facility study area wetlands and the proposed Project facilities. .....26 LIST OF TABLES Table 4-1. Widespread species used by Nawrocki et al. (2021) for mapping based on prevalence in combined vegetation plot data for North American Beringia (Nawrocki et al. 2021). ............................................................................................6 Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Botanical and Wetlands Survey FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment K Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. iv December 2023 Table 4-2. Accuracy of Wetland Sedges by region and subregion at the site scale (Nawrocki et al. 2013). ............................................................................................8 Table 5-1. Rare plant survey results. The results indicate a Primula spp., potentially the Primula tschuktschorum........................................................................................20 Table 5-2. Delineated wetland types and area. ..............................................................................23 Table 8-1. Rare plant identification schedule.1 ..............................................................................29 Table 9-1. Vegetation and wetland delineation agency consultation history. ...............................30 APPENDICES Appendix K-1 Project Area Vegetation Mapping Appendix K-2 Project Facility Preliminary Wetland Delineation Report Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Botanical and Wetlands Survey FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment K Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. v December 2023 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ACCS Alaska Center for Conservation Science ADNR Alaska Department of Natural Resources AKEPIC Alaska Exotic Plants Information Clearinghouse AKNHP Alaska Natural Heritage Program AKVEG Alaska Vegetation Plots Database BLM Bureau of Land Management Commission Federal Energy Regulatory Commission DNA Deoxyribonucleic Acid FAC facultative FACW facultative wetland OBL obligate Falls Nuyakuk Falls FERC Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ft foot GIS Geographic Information System GPS Global Positioning System IFSAR Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar ISR Initial Study Report kV kilovolt LIDAR Light Detection and Ranging NWI National Wetlands Inventory PAD Pre-Application Document PEM Palustrine Emergent PEM1E Seasonally Flooded/Saturated Palustrine Emergent PEM1B Saturated Persistent Palustrine Emergent Project Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project (P-14873) PCN Pre-Construction Notification PSS Palustrine Scrub-Shrub PSS1B Saturated and Intermittently Flooded PSS1J Intermittently Flooded Broad-Leaved Deciduous Palustrine Scrub- Shrub Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Botanical and Wetlands Survey FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment K Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. vi December 2023 PUB Palustrine Unconsolidated Bottom PUB2H Permanently Flooded Sand Palustrine Unconsolidated Bottom RSP Revised Study Plan ssp. Species UAA University of Alaska Anchorage USACE U.S. Army Corps of Engineers USFWS U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service USGS U.S. Geological Survey USR Updated Study Report WOTUS Waters of the United States Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Botanical and Wetlands Survey FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment K Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 1 December 2023 1.0 STUDY PLAN INTRODUCTION MLP & Associates (MLP&A) was contracted by McMillen for 2023-2024 Nushagak Electric and Telephone Cooperative (Cooperative) Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project (Project) Revised Study Plan (RSP) support. The Cooperative is currently evaluating the potential for constructing a hydroelectric facility on the Nuyakuk River to supply nearby villages with electricity. As part of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) licensing process, a suite of terrestrial studies has been included in the overall feasibility assessment. MLP&A assisted the Cooperative with the proposed terrestrial resource studies including the botanical and wetland survey described in this report. As part of the licensing process and potential impact assessment for the proposed Project, the Cooperative committed to conducting a study to gather baseline botanical and wetland data, including surveying vegetation types, wetlands, Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Special Status plant species, and non-native plant species in the proposed Project facility. The study consisted of both desktop and field-based data collection methods. 2.0 STUDY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES As established in the RSP (Section 4.3.1), the overall goals of the study were to classify and prepare maps of the existing botanical and wetland areas in the proposed Project boundary. Specific goals of this study were to: •Refine existing vegetation and wetland mapping available for the Project vicinity, both through desktop analysis and field data collection, in order to be able to assess Project impacts on these resources; •Identify any BLM Alaska Special Status plant species that may occur in the area where Project impacts to terrestrial resources may occur; • Locate any populations of non-native vegetation species in the Project facilities vicinity, so that appropriate management practices can be developed, if needed; and • Identify and classify wetlands in the proposed Project boundary and other Waters of the United States (WOTUS) in accordance with U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) practices to define areas subject to federal regulation and policies. Wetlands and WOTUS are subject to USACE regulations and policies, but some submerged lands and uplands within Wood-Tikchik State Park are owned by the State of Alaska (ADNR 2002) and also subject to state land use authorization. Classification and mapping of the vegetation and wetland habitat will support further Project planning, applications for appropriate authorizations, and avoidance or mitigation of potential negative Project impacts. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Botanical and Wetlands Survey FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment K Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 2 December 2023 3.0 STUDY AREA The proposed FERC Project boundary area includes 1) a Project facility area that would encompass the power generation facility, onsite housing, Project runway, and other operational components as well as 2) a transmission line route connecting from the operational facility to several existing transmission lines and new village endpoints. The proposed Project boundary includes land owned by the State of Alaska, Alaska Native villages or Tribal corporations, BLM, and private or municipal entities. Soils, vegetation, and hydrology within the study area are mostly natural and undisturbed. It is situated within the Bristol Bay-Nushagak Lowlands, which is characterized as rolling lowlands formed from morainal deposits (Gallant et al. 1995). 3.1 Project Facility Study Area The Project facility study area is located approximately 60 miles northwest of Dillingham, Alaska, adjacent to the Nuyakuk River. It comprises 97.59 acres surrounding those areas that would be directly altered or disturbed (short and long-term) by development and operation of the proposed Project operational facilities (Figure 3-1). The facilities would be entirely located on land owned by the State of Alaska, within Wood-Tikchik State Park. Figure 3-1. Proposed Project facility study area. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Botanical and Wetlands Survey FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment K Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 3 December 2023 The Wood-Tikchik State Park Management Plan describes the coniferous and mixed coniferous- deciduous forests, willow-alder thickets, tundra, and alpine meadows that characterize the vegetation within the park. This vegetation provides wildlife habitat and is sometimes utilized for firewood collection or subsistence harvesting. 3.2 Transmission Line Study Area The proposed Project transmission line right-of-way comprises of approximately 1,227 acres, which includes a 75-foot-wide swath along the full line corridor (Figure 3-2). The present design concept consists of 135 miles of new transmission line utilizing 34.5 kilovolt (kV) insulated steel tower and steel pole construction (or a combination of the two) distributed over the transmission corridor. To avoid unnecessary impacts to wetlands and WOTUS, the transmission line will be routed, where possible, along uplands, higher terrain, and ridgelines. Areas adjacent to the proposed transmission line routes, vegetation and potential botanical areas and wetlands are mapped. Figure 3-2. Schematic map of proposed transmission lines (red) and existing transmission lines (orange). Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Botanical and Wetlands Survey FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment K Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 4 December 2023 4.0 METHODOLOGY 4.1 General Vegetation Type/Wetland Mapping High-resolution, site-specific botanical and wetlands data currently do not exist for the proposed Project location. General descriptions of types of terrestrial vegetation and wetlands were provided in the Pre-Application Document (PAD) (Section 4.5.2). Detailed surveys of non-native vegetation species or Special Status plant species have not been conducted in the proposed Project location to date. Site-specific data are necessary in order to assess any potential impacts to these resources. A desktop analysis of the best available aerial imagery and existing wetland and vegetation geographic information system (GIS) datasets from sources including federal, state, and local entities was performed to prepare preliminary vegetation type and wetland mapping. The mapping information was then used to guide field data collection efforts, including identifying potential wetland locations and areas for sensitive and non-native plant surveys. A final series of maps were produced which display vegetation type, specific Project components, and potential impact areas. Deliverables from this study component include GIS layers and maps of anticipated wetland plants and hydric soils located in the proposed FERC Project boundary. 4.1.1 Available Data Analysis The U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS) National Wetland Inventory (NWI) does not include mapped wetlands data for the Project boundary area. However, this dataset was consulted where present in nearby areas to compare and verify assumptions made when utilizing other available datasets in the Project area. A recent study mapped the statewide distribution of wetland, deepwater, and upland habitats (Flagstad et al. 2018). The result was a map of wetlands in accordance with the national wetland classification system at medium-scale resolution for Alaska (Figure 4-1; Flagstad et al. 2018). The data from the map were not recommended for use for this Project because the maps did not provide enough detail for the Project area.1 As an alternative to the Flagstad et al. (2018) study, vegetation data from the Alaska Center for Conservation Science (ACCS) (in consultation with and provided by Timm Nawrocki) were recommended. A description of this consultation is provided in Section These data are provided as georeferenced single band raster images with a 10 x 10-meter resolution. The rasters were color-coded using a gradient color ramp to signify the percent foliar cover. To approximate hydrology, hydrography data were downloaded from USGS National Hydrographic Dataset (USGS 2023). 1 Maria Lewis (MLPA) personal communication with Lindsey Flagstad (ACCS), 9/11/2023. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Botanical and Wetlands Survey FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment K Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 5 December 2023 Contours using Light Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) and Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (IFSAR) were also mapped to better understand the terrain within the Project facility study area (Figure 5-1). Contours showing sufficient detail can act as a guide to hydrology and likely locations for wetlands. However, detailed contours were not available throughout the entire Project boundary area. Hydric soil data were then examined; however, they did not provide adequate detail to locate potential wetlands (USDA, NRCS 2023). Figure 4-1. Alaska Wetlands Map depicting eight wetland/deepwater classes and one upland class (Flagstad et al. 2018). Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Botanical and Wetlands Survey FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment K Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 6 December 2023 Consultation with Alaska Center for Conservation Science Timm Nawrocki, M.S. (a terrestrial ecologist with ACCS who specializes in spatial analysis of terrestrial vegetation, soils, and wildlife; remote sensing; and plant identification) recommended mapping Wetland Sedges and Sphagnum (moss) as a way to estimate wetlands in the overall Project area. This recommendation was based on the results of analyses included in “Continuous Foliar Cover of Plant Species and Aggregates in North American Beringia Map User Guide and Accuracy Assessment” (Nawrocki et al. 2021). As part of the Nawrocki et al. (2021) analyses, quantitative continuous foliar cover maps were developed for 15 plant species (Table 4-1) to improve representation of vegetation composition patterns relevant to plant communities and wildlife habitats in North American Beringia. To map patterns of foliar cover, observations of vegetation foliar cover were statistically associated with environmental, multi-season spectral, and surface texture covariates using hierarchical statistical learning models (Nawrocki et al. 2021). Of the 15 species mapped, Wetland Sedges and Sphagnum mosses were selected for this study as both have the potential to serve as wetland indicators 2. Nawrocki et al. (2021) found that Wetland Sedges perform as a wetland indicator due to their response to soil-ice dynamics (e.g., troughs, low-centered polygons, drained thaw lakes) while Sphagnum mosses play a role in soil thermal regulation. In western Alaska, these data have shown to provide 86 percent accuracy in predicting Wetland Sedge foliar cover. (Nawrocki et al. 2013). Table 4-1. Widespread species used by Nawrocki et al. (2021) for mapping based on prevalence in combined vegetation plot data for North American Beringia (Nawrocki et al. 2021). Species or Aggregate1 Common Name Lifeform Rationale Picea glauca – _× lutzii Spruce species Coniferous Tree forest structure, fuels for fire, hydrography, wildlife physical habitat Picea mariana Black spruce Coniferous Tree forest structure, fuels for fire, wildlife physical habitat Betula Trees Birch species Deciduous Tree forest structure, post-fire succession, wildlife habitat and forage Deciduous Trees Deciduous Tree forest structure, post-fire succession, wildlife habitat and forage Alnus Shrubs Alder species Low-tall Shrub shrub expansion, snow retention, hydrography Salix Low-tall Shrubs Willow species Low-tall Shrub shrub expansion, snow retention, hydrography, wildlife habitat and forage (e.g., for moose, caribou, muskox, and snowshoe hare) Betula Shrubs Birch species Low-tall Shrub shrub expansion, snow retention 2 Maria Lewis (MLPA) personal communication with Timm Nawrocki (ACCS), May 25, 2023. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Botanical and Wetlands Survey FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment K Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 7 December 2023 Species or Aggregate1 Common Name Lifeform Rationale Rhododendron Shrubs Labrador tea species Low-tall Shrub associational herbivore resistance, ethnobotanical uses, post-fire succession Vaccinium uliginosum Bog bilberry Low-Dwarf Shrub subsistence, wildlife habitat and forage Dryas Shrubs Aven species Dwarf Shrub alpine and Arctic plant communities Vaccinium vitis- idaea Lingonberry Dwarf Shrub subsistence, wildlife habitat and forage (e.g., for voles, lemmings, sparrows, bears, and caribou in winter) Empetrum nigrum Crowberry Dwarf Shrub subsistence, wildlife habitat and forage, Alaska Peninsula and Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta plant communities Eriophorum vaginatum Tussock cottongrass Graminoid tussock formation, soil ice dynamics (e.g., high- and flat-centered polygons) Wetland Sedges Sedge species Graminoid wetland indicator, soil-ice dynamics (e.g., troughs, low-centered polygons, drained thaw lakes), wildlife habitat and forage Sphagnum Moss species Bryophyte wetland indicator, carbon sequestration, soil thermal regulation 1Some are aggregate species To determine if the Wetland Sedges could be used to estimate wetlands within the Project area, it was necessary to ascertain how accurate the predicted foliar cover was to observed cover. According to an accuracy assessment (Table 4-2) the observed sedge foliar cover to predicted cover is relatively high (Nawrocki et al. 2021). Accuracy of the observed sedge foliar cover to predicted foliar cover is highest in Western Alaska at 86 percent. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Botanical and Wetlands Survey FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment K Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 8 December 2023 Figure 4-2. Observed foliar cover compared to predicted foliar cover for Wetland Sedges from the merged test partitions of 10-fold cross-validation, wherein each observation was predicted exactly once (Nawrocki, et. al 2013). Table 4-2. Accuracy of Wetland Sedges by region and subregion at the site scale (Nawrocki et al. 2013). Subregion Continuous Foliar Cover Performance Cover R2 MAE RMSE AUC % AA Mean Median All 0.45 7.1 14.9 0.91 83 25.6 17.7 Northern 0.49 7.6 14.9 0.89 81 24.5 17.0 Western 0.39 6.7 15.3 0.92 86 29.1 20.0 Interior 0.4 6.3 14.0 0.89 83 22.6 14.7 GIS Analysis and Mapping A series of maps were prepared using the data described above to assess impacts from proposed Project elements and for use in planning final Project infrastructure placement. Those maps include: In the Project facility study area: o A contour map (Figure 5-1); o A map of Wetland Sedge data (UAA 2023) with hydrology data (USGS 2023) (Figure 5-2); o Delineated wetlands (Figure 5-9); and o Delineated wetlands overlain with proposed Project facilities (Figure 5-11). In the transmission line study area: o A map showing likelihood of hydric soils in the region (Figure 5-3); o Mapping of foliar coverage of white spruce, alders, Labrador tea, and crowberry (Appendix K-1); and Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Botanical and Wetlands Survey FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment K Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 9 December 2023 o Mapping of Wetland sedge foliar coverage and hydrology (overview Figure 5-4, detailed maps Appendix K-1). The vegetation data were then analyzed using GIS by using foliar cover of Wetland Sedge and Sphagnum to predict wetland condition. 4.1.2 Field Work Comparison Once field work was complete, adjustments were made to the maps to reflect data collection. For example, Sphagnum was initially included as a predictor of wetland conditions in the Project facility study area; however, Sphagnum was widely distributed throughout the entire Project facility study area, including upland areas, proving not a good predictor of wetlands for this area. 4.2 Field Vegetation Surveys/Wetland Delineation Field vegetation surveys and wetland delineation took place in the summer 2023, during the season of peak flowering in Alaska. Deliverables from this study component include a written report summarizing the results from the detailed field vegetation survey and wetland delineation (Appendix K-2). 4.2.1 Vegetation Survey The field vegetation survey included the following: •Identification and mapping of any BLM Alaska Special Status plant species occurring in the vicinity of the proposed Project facilities. • Identification and mapping of any non-native plants appearing on the list maintained by UAA/ACCS (UAA 2020). A list of vegetation encountered in the Project facility study area is included in the Project’s wetland delineation report. Classification of vegetation types based on the Alaska Vegetation Classification system (Viereck et al. 1992) to the third classification level is described in Section 5.2.1. Further classification by species type was not attempted, as direct site investigation was only performed at the Project facility study area. Additional mapping of dominant vegetation of each of these classes provides guidance as to overall Project area distribution. 4.2.2 Wetland Delineation The wetland delineation is described in detail in the wetland delineation report (Appendix K-2). The report is noted as preliminary as a final approved determination has not been requested from USACE and is not warranted at this time. The wetland delineation process included the following: •Collecting detailed information on soil conditions, hydrology, and plant community composition in representative upland and wetland sites using guidelines from the 1987 wetland delineation manual (USACE 1987) and 2007 Alaska Regional Supplement (USACE 2007). •Collecting functional assessment data for each wetland. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Botanical and Wetlands Survey FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment K Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 10 December 2023 •Coordinates of wetland boundaries were collected by Global Positioning System (GPS) in the field. •Preparing a final wetland and WOTUS map for areas potentially disturbed by Project activity using field delineation results. Maps included wetlands and other waters by Cowardin classification (Cowardin et al. 1979, FGDC 2013), and field data collection locations. •Preparing a table of acres per Cowardin classification using data and maps. •Preparing a wetland and WOTUS preliminary delineation report that included a detailed map of areas potentially disturbed by Project activity, a general map of the entire study area, methods and findings, a wetland functional assessment, and copies of the field data forms. Topography, site disturbance, vegetation, soils, and hydrologic indicators were observed and documented. Wetland determinations were made at five sites and adjacent upland sites and wetland boundaries were documented using a handheld GPS. Wetland boundary data from the GPS were then mapped. Wetlands were classified according to the Cowardin Classification system used by the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Wetlands Inventory (Cowardin et al. 1979; FGDC 2013). 5.0 RESULTS 5.1 General Vegetation Type/Wetland Mapping 5.1.1 Project Facility Study Area Mapping Estimated contours (Figure 5-1) and Wetland Sedge and Sphagnum moss cover with hydrology (Figure 5-2) were mapped within the Project facility study area prior to field work. Once field work was complete, maps were revised, and the Sphagnum data was removed because it was found to be widely distributed throughout the Project facility study area. Potential wetland areas were modeled within the Project facility study area using Wetland Sedge data and hydrology data as potential predictors of wetlands and WOTUS. These predictions were tested during the field study and subsequent mapping (Figure 5-2). A visible pond in the center of the study area was confirmed during the delineation (Wetland Area 3, Figure 5-10) and two emergent (marsh) areas (Wetland Areas 2 and 4, Figure 5-10) were identified using the sedge data and were also verified during field work. However, the Wetland Sedge data did not predict a scrub-shrub wetland area (Wetland Area 1, Figure 5-10) in the northeastern portion of the Project facility study area, adjacent to the Nuyakuk River. This area may be within the Ordinary High Water floodplain of the Nuyakuk River, but was included in the wetland study as a conservative measure as both alternatives would likely be jurisdictional WOTUS. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Botanical and Wetlands Survey FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment K Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 13 December 2023 5.1.2 Overall Mapping of Project Facility and Transmission Line The Project facility and transmission line areas were initially mapped using Wetland Sedge predicted foliar coverage data, Sphagnum data, and hydrology from the USGS National Hydrographic Dataset (USGS 2023). However, maps were revised once field work was completed to include Wetland Sedge data (at a level greater than 5 percent) and hydrology data. Sphagnum data were excluded because Sphagnum was widely distributed throughout the entire Project facility study area, including upland areas. Sphagnum data proved not to be a good predictor of wetlands for this area. Additional maps of predicted foliar coverage of key species observed in the Project facility area were also prepared, including white spruce (Picea glauca), alders (Alnus spp.), Labrador tea (Rhododendron spp.), and crowberry (Empetrum nigrum). Map sets (included in Appendix K-1) are as follows: Predicted foliar coverage of Picea glauca (white spruce), Overview Sheet 1a and inset Sheets 1b – 1g; Predicted foliar coverage of Alnus spp. (alder shrubs), Overview Sheet 2a and inset Sheets 2b – 2g; Predicted foliar coverage of Rhododendron spp. (Labrador teas), Overview Sheet 3a and inset Sheets 3b – 3g; Predicted foliar coverage of Empetrum nigrum (crowberry), Overview Sheet 4a and inset Sheets 4b – 4g; Predicted foliar coverage of Wetland sedges and hydrology, Overview Sheet 5a and inset Sheets 5b – 5g; White spruce-dominated forests show the highest foliar coverage in areas that are not anticipated to contain wetlands or wetland sedges (Sheets 1a – 1g). Dense alder shrub forests are most common in higher elevations than the white spruce (Sheets 2a – 2g). Labrador tea (Sheets 3a – 3g) and crowberry (Sheets 4a – 4g) were mapped because of their potential correlation with scrub-shrub wetlands, but their foliar coverage is so abundant as to make them a poor indicator. Foliar coverage of Wetland sedges within the Project facility study area agreed well with the wetland areas delineated during the field investigation, although not all of those wetlands were found to be sedge dominant. Mapping in the transmission line study area shows significant wetland sedge density immediately south of the Project facility study area for a section continuing approximately 5 miles (Sheet 5b), an area covering approximately 3 miles along the bend in the transmission line route to the west of Kemuk Mountain (Sheet 5b), an area covering approximately 5 miles to the west of Koliganek (Sheet 5c), for an area covering 4 miles to the southeast of Ekwok, for approximately 3 miles along the Muklung River west of the Muklung Hills (Sheet 5f), and in several 0.5 – 1 mile segments of the proposed transmission route east of Lakes Beverly and Lake Nerka (Sheet 6f). Depending on the design of the Project facility, the route of the transmission line and the placement of the towers/poles would determine the number of wetlands impacted by the Project. Prevalence of hydric soil data were also mapped separately as another potential method of estimating wetlands in the greater Project boundary area (Figure 5-3). The data provide a basic Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Botanical and Wetlands Survey FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment K Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 14 December 2023 overview of the areas along the transmission lines that have a higher probability of hydric soils with potential wetlands. The higher percentage of hydric soils shown likely equates to a higher number of estimated wetlands in a particular polygon. An area directly south of the Project facility indicates a higher probability of wetlands. Areas near Koliganek and Ekwok also show a high probability of wetlands. However, the soils mapping was conducted at a regional scale and is likely not a good indicator at a Project scale. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Botanical and Wetlands Survey FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment K Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 17 December 2023 5.2 Field Vegetation Surveys/Wetland Delineation 5.2.1 Vegetation Classification The majority of the Project facility study area is characterized by forest communities containing trees and shrubs such as white spruce (Picea glauca), paper birch (Betula papyrifera), swamp birch (B. nana), northern mountain-cranberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea), and black crowberry (Empetrum nigrum). Wetland vegetation is described in Section 5.2.2. A detailed list of the vegetation observed in the Project facility study area is included in the Project Facility Wetland Delineation Report (Appendix K-2). Figure 5-5. Project facility site vegetation types (A) Closed Mixed Forest [IC1] and adjacent Closed Low Shrub [IIC1] (B) Mixed Woodland [IC3]. Vegetation communities were classified by Viereck et al.’s Alaska Vegetation Classification (1992) to the third classification level. Forests in the immediate vicinity of the camp facility were typically Closed Mixed Forest [IC1] and areas of Closed Low Shrub [IIC1]. Further from camp, often along ridges and high ground, Mixed woodland[IC3] with more abundant ericaceous heath was common. Along the river, dense Closed Tall Shrub [IIB1] (not pictured) was common. Rare Plants The Alaska Natural Heritage Program (AKNHP) tracks the status of rare plant taxa in Alaska and maintains a database with collection locality and habitat information for rare and/or endemic vascular plants in the state. To determine which of these rare plant taxa have the potential to occur in the Project facility study area, data were requested from AKNHP’s spatially explicit database of rare species (AKNHP 2019b) in a broad region surrounding the proposed Project. The query returned 32 occurrences of 13 species in the search area, and these species are listed in Table 4-12 in the Project PAD. A rare plant survey was conducted from August 8-15, 2023, within the Project facility study area. One rare plant, the Primula tschuktschorum (Chukchi primrose), was potentially identified (A)(B) Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Botanical and Wetlands Survey FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment K Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 18 December 2023 in the Project facility study area (Figure 5-6, Figure 5-7). The P. tschuktschorum has been found on the Seward Peninsula, Bering Sea Islands, Ahklun Mountains, Lime Hills and the Alaska Peninsula (Figure 5-8; Nawrocki et al. 2013). P. tschuktschorum is often mistaken for the Primula pumila (also known as Primula eximia,Arctic primrose), which is widespread and common in western Alaska (Carlson 2006, Nawrocki et al. 2013). The P. tschuktschorum and P. pumila are closely related, occur in similar or the same habitat and can be difficult to differentiate through observation only. There is also documentation of the P. tschuktschorum and P. pumila hybridizing or cross breeding resulting in morphologically intermediate plants.3 The P. tschuktschorum is so closely related to the P. pumila that the plants found were not accurately identified. A total of 12 Primula spp. plants were identified at two locations within the area (Table 5-1). The Primula spp. is located on the north side of the Project facility outfall within a delineated wetland (Figure 5-7). Figure 5-6. Primula spp. (A) Close-up of the Primula spp. (B) Riverine plant community where the Primula spp. was found during the vegetation study from August 8-15, 2023. 3 Lindsey Kendall (MLP&A) personal communication with Matthew Carlson (ACCS), August 18, 2023. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Botanical and Wetlands Survey FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment K Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 19 December 2023 Figure 5-7. Map of Primula spp. found on the north side of the Project facility outfall. Figure 5-8. Distribution of P. tschuktschorum (Nawrocki et al. 2013). Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Botanical and Wetlands Survey FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment K Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 20 December 2023 Table 5-1. Rare plant survey results. The results indicate a Primula spp., potentially the Primula tschuktschorum. Common Name Scientific Name1 Number of Occurrences in Study Area State Rank2 Global Rank3 Federal Listings Potential Chukchi primrose Potential Primula tschuktschorum 12 S3 G2G3 BLM Sensitive 1Identification of the Primula tschuktschorum is not confirmed. 2State Rank (Nawrocki et al 2013): S3, Rare within the state; at moderate risk of extirpation because of restricted range, narrow habitat specificity, recent population decline, small population sizes, or a moderate number of occurrences. 3Global Rank (Nawrocki et al 2013): G2: Imperiled; at high risk of extirpation because of very restricted range, few occurrences, small populations, steep declines, or other factors. G3: Vulnerable; at moderate risk of extinction because of restricted range, relatively few occurrences, small populations, recent and widespread declines, or other factors. G#G#: Global status of species is best described as a range between two ranks. Non-Native Plants AKEPIC (Alaska Exotic Plants Information Clearinghouse), maintained by AKNHP, provides geospatial information for non-native plant occurrences in the State of Alaska. The database does not contain any species occurrences near the Project facilities on the Nuyakuk River. Further downstream, near the Nushagak River (approximately 84 miles from the Project facility site), four occurrences of non-native plants are identified at a single location: splitlip hempnettle (Galeopsis bifida), pineappleweed (Matricaria discoidea), common sheep sorrel (Rumex acetosella), and common dandelion (Taraxacum officinale spp. officinale; AKNHP 2019a). On August 8–10, 2023, a 2-person team conducted a non-native plant survey along the portage trail and near the temporary biological research camp associated with the feasibility efforts for the Project. The portage trail was a focus for non-native plant species because it experiences heavy human traffic. Two observers walked the portage trail in both directions. Time was spent investigating the areas around both trail termini and the research camp. Non-native, invasive, or exotic plant occurrences listed in the PAD or other known non-native plants were not observed during the survey. During the vegetation survey and wetland delineation from August 8-15, 2023, the team also visually assessed the presence of any non-native plants within the Project facility study area. No non-native plants were found during either of these surveys in the Project facility study area. 5.2.2 Wetland Classification NWI data is currently not available for the proposed Project area. To identify potential wetlands, existing vegetation, hydrology, and hydric soil data were evaluated and potential wetland areas were located based on vegetation mapping. USACE Certified Wetland Delineators conducted field activities from August 8-13, 2023, using the three-parameter approach in accordance with Part IV of the Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual (USACE, 1987) and the Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Alaska Region (Version 2.0; USACE, 2007). The 97.59 acre Project facility study area was predominantly designated as uplands (92.72 acres) with 4.87 acres of wetlands. The results of the detailed Project facility study area delineation are Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Botanical and Wetlands Survey FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment K Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 21 December 2023 shown in Figure 5-9 and Figure 5-11. Details of how the study was performed are provided in the Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Facility Wetland Delineation Report (Appendix K-2). Wetlands within the Project facility study area all classified as palustrine systems (Table 5-2). Palustrine systems include all nontidal wetlands dominated by trees, shrubs, persistent emergent plants, emergent mosses or lichens, and areas within tidal systems where ocean-derived salinities are less than 0.05%. This system encompasses most wetlands referred to as marshes, swamps, bogs, fens, and wet prairies under other classification systems. They are often found within or adjacent to riverine and lacustrine systems (Cowardin, et. Al. 1979). Three separate palustrine wetland classifications were identified, with delineated boundaries, within the Project facility study area (Table 5-2). The identified palustrine wetlands include a wetland delineated outside the Project facility study area, which was investigated due to observations on aerial imagery. The location and boundaries of the wetlands are indicated in Figure 5-11. The delineated wetland classifications and acreage are also shown in Figure 5-11. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Botanical and Wetlands Survey FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment K Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 23 December 2023 Table 5-2. Delineated wetland types and area. Type1 Classification Modifier Area (acres) Area 2 PEM Seasonally Flooded/Saturated Persistent Palustrine Emergent Wetland PEM1E 0.63 Area 5 PEM Saturated Persistent Palustrine Emergent Wetland PEM1B 0.01 Area 4 PSS Saturated Broad-Leaved Deciduous Palustrine Scrub-Shrub Wetland PSS1B 0.45 Area 1 PSS Intermittently Flooded Broad-Leaved Deciduous Palustrine Scrub-Shrub Wetland PSS1J 0.31 Area 3 PUB Permanently Flooded Sand Palustrine Unconsolidated Bottom Wetland PUB2H 3.49 Total 4.89 1Wetlands are delineated by Cowardin classification including modifiers (Cowardin et al. 1979). Palustrine Emergent Wetlands Palustrine Emergent (PEM) wetlands in freshwater systems are dominated by persistent emergent plants. Vegetation is usually dominated by perennial, emergent plants (i.e., erect, rooted, herbaceous hydrophytes) are the tallest life form with at least 30 percent coverage. This vegetation is present for most of the growing season in most years (FGDC 2013). PEM wetland types in the Project area include Seasonally Flooded/Saturated (PEM1E) and Saturated (PEM1B) Persistent Palustrine Emergent wetlands. The Area 2 PEM1E wetlands were classified at sample points PF-02 and PF-04. They have a 70 to 75 percent cover of water sedge (Carex aquatilis), an obligate wetland plant. These wetlands are located around the edge of the pond and are inundated for at least part of the growing season. They cover approximately 0.63 acres, or 0.6% of the Project facility study area. The PEM1B wetlands at sample points PF-07 and PF-13 are sedge complex wetland with 90 to 95 percent sedge cover. These areas are likely saturated for most or all of the growing season. At Area 5 PF-07, the dominant plant is few-flower sedge (Carex pauciflora), an obligate wetland plant. This area was a very small patch of sedge wetlands within a larger scrub-shrub wetland (Area 4, described in Section; the area totaled no more than 0.01 acres. At sample point PF-13, the dominant sedge is Bigelow’s sedge (C. bigelowii). These areas are likely saturated for most or all of the growing season. No area was calculated for the wetland at sample point PF-13, as only the border accessible from and adjacent to the Project area was mapped. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Botanical and Wetlands Survey FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment K Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 24 December 2023 Figure 5-10. PEM wetlands found southeast of the Project facility study area at sample point PF- 13. Palustrine Scrub-Shrub Wetland Palustrine Scrub-Shrub (PSS) wetlands include all freshwater wetlands dominated by woody plants less than 20 ft tall. Shrubs includes true shrubs, young specimens of tree species that have not yet reached 20 ft in height, and woody plants (including tree species) that are stunted because of adverse environmental conditions (Flagstad et al. 2018). PSS wetlands are characterized by greater than 30 percent aerial cover in the shrub layer (FGDC 2013). PSS wetland types in the Project area include Saturated (PSS1B) and Intermittently Flooded (PSS1J) Broad-Leaved Deciduous Palustrine Scrub-Shrub wetlands. The Area 4 PSS1B wetlands were classified at sample point PF-08. They have a robust scrub- shrub layer of cloudberries (Rubus chamaemorus) with 70 percent coverage, bog blueberry (Vaccinium uliginosum) with 40 percent coverage, and rusty Labrador-tea (Rhododendron groenlandicum) with 5 percent coverage and an herbaceous layer of mud sedge (Carex limosa). Wetland vegetation is dominantly FAC, FACW, and OBL. These wetlands are located near the edge of sparse forest canopy and covered 0.45 acres, or 0.5% of the Project facility study area. The Area 1 PSS1J wetlands were classified at sample point PF-18. They have a scrub-shrub layer of Richardson's willow (Salix richardsonii) with 60 percent coverage with a predominate herbaceous layer of bluejoint grass (Calamagrostis canadensis). Wetland vegetation is dominantly FAC and FACW. These wetlands are located adjacent to the Nuyakuk River and cover 0.31 acres or 0.3% of the Project facility study area. Palustrine Unconsolidated Bottom Palustrine Unconsolidated Bottom (PUB) wetlands include small, shallow, permanent, or intermittent freshwater bodies which occupy less than 20 acres. The Unconsolidated Bottom class includes all wetlands with at least 25 percent cover of particles smaller than stones and a Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Botanical and Wetlands Survey FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment K Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 25 December 2023 vegetative cover less than 30 percent. Substrates may be cobble-gravel, sand, mud, or organic (FGDC 2013). The Area 3 PUB2H wetland is a 3.49-acre freshwater pond in the center of the Project area as identified adjacent to sample point PF-05, or 3.6 % of the Project facility study area. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Botanical and Wetlands Survey FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment K Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 27 December 2023 6.0 DISCUSSION AND FINDINGS 6.1 General Vegetation Type/Wetland Mapping The goal of the ISR is to document study results and analysis from year 1 of the study program. This report refines existing vegetation and wetland mapping through desktop analysis to assess Project impacts on these resources. Sedge Wetlands, as an ecosystem, cover an extensive geographic area of Western Alaska and subsequently this Project area (Boggs 2019). Further analysis and study into impacts from this Project to the Sedge Wetlands ecosystem is recommended. As shown on the estimated wetlands on Sheet 5a in Appendix K-1, the current proposed transmission lines would likely not avoid filling wetlands or WOTUS. However, impacts to these wetlands would be minimal. The current conceptual design calls for impacts to wetlands to be limited to just the areas filled by the transmission poles or towers. Clear cutting between poles is not planned in the conceptual transmission design plan. For example, the proposed transmission line leaving the Project facility would pass through a dense area of wetlands directly south of the delineated Project facility study area. Transmission lines could be routed to avoid filling wetlands in many locations within this dense area of wetlands. Between Ekwok and Levelock the estimated wetland area is also very dense as shown on Sheet 5a, Appendix K-1. However, some sections of the transmission line may be routed to avoid most wetlands between the first junction and Ekwok as well as the proposed transmission line between the second junction and Koliganek Appendix K-1, Sheet 5a. It is anticipated that much of the transmission line can be routed outside of wetland areas. In the areas where there is a high probability of wetlands, as shown on the mapping described above, impacts cannot be avoided. These impacts, however, would be limited to transmission pole footprints. The aboveground electrical transmission wire span between the poles and would not impact wetlands. Field Vegetation Surveys/Wetland Delineation 6.2.1 Vegetation General vegetation classes in the Project and along the transmission route are common representatives of the habitat found in the region. With the exception of some limited rare plant potential (discussed in Section, the vegetation within the Project study area is not unique to the area. Rare Plants One rare plant, the P. tschuktschorum, was potentially identified during the 2023 field vegetation survey on the north side of the proposed Project facility outfall within a delineated wetland (Figure 5-7). The identification was not confirmed because the P. tschuktschorum is so closely related to the P. pumila and the two plants exhibit subtle morphological differences that it can be difficult to differentiate between the two species. The two plants can also co-exist in the same habitat, increasing the difficulty in confirming the identification. Furthermore, the two plants can Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Botanical and Wetlands Survey FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment K Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 28 December 2023 hybridize, adding to the complexity of identification. Samples were not collected in 2023 because of the small number of plants found in the area (n=12). After consultation with ACCS, it was determined that portions of the plant could be sampled and submitted to ACCS for identification in 2024. Non-native Plants Non-native, invasive, or exotic plants were not identified or observed during the survey. Continued monitoring for non-natives before, during and after construction of the proposed Project would help minimize impacts from non-native species. Additional mitigation measures, such as removal of soils and trapped seeds from construction and camp facility equipment prior to mobilization, should be implemented during construction and operation to prevent the introduction of invasive species to these areas. 6.2.2 Wetlands The 97.59 acres Project facility study area is predominantly uplands (92.72 acres) with 4.87 acres of wetlands. The wetlands include 0.93 acres of Palustrine Emergent Wetland (sedge meadow), 0.44 acres Palustrine Scrub-Shrub Wetland (shrub meadow), and 3.49 acres of Palustrine Unconsolidated Bottom Wetland (pond). Where possible and as time allowed, investigation was extended beyond transects and outside the assigned Project facility study area boundary. To the southeast of the facility study area, a large sedge wetland was visited to facilitate comparison with sedge data throughout the transmission line study area. This wetland area is clearly visible in aerial photography and the Wetland sedge data, which was mapped, so this confirmed the utility of those data sets for identifying wetlands in the larger Project area. 6.3 Overview The overall findings from this study can be used to refine the placement of the Project facility components and the transmission line. However, further vegetation and wetland analysis as well as empirical evidence of the mapped areas is necessary to better understand the overall terrain of the Project area. Project impacts would result from the construction of Project facility components as well as transmission line facilities. Project facility components would include an air strip, facility housing and access roads, intake house, powerhouse, and tailrace (Figure 5-11). Layout of those facilities would be placed so as to avoid impacts to wetlands and WOTUS to the extent practicable, but some unavoidable impacts could be anticipated at either end of the Project’s intake tunnel. The proposed transmission line infrastructure is expected to comprise support poles spaced at 200 to 800 feet along the transmission route, for a total of roughly 1780 poles. Each pole would have a relatively small footprint (~0.4 acre) in relation to total project area of 1,227 acres. The goal would be to route the transmission line, where possible, away from wetlands and along higher terrain and ridgelines to limit project impacts. Project area vegetation, with the exception of limited rare plant sightings, is typical for the region and provides no special habitat. No invasive species are currently found within the Project Facility study area. Impacts from invasive species during Project construction and operation can Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Botanical and Wetlands Survey FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment K Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 29 December 2023 be mitigated through best management practices such as the cleaning of equipment and materials prior to mobilization and utilization at the Project facility. Project construction in WOTUS will require USACE permitting, and unavoidable impacts will require mitigation. Impacts that cannot be avoided or mitigated will be offset using direct compensatory mitigation. USACE aspires to no net loss of wetlands through their permitting process, so the overall impacts to wetlands and WOTUS are expected to be negligible. 7.0 STUDY VARIANCES AND MODIFICATIONS There were no variances to the FERC’s approved study plan and/or any modifications made during study implementation. 8.0 STUDY STATUS AND SCHEDULE 8.1 General Vegetation Type/Wetland Mapping General vegetation type and wetland mapping was completed per the study plan outlined in the RSP. 8.2 Rare Plants The rare plant, the P. tschuktschorum, was potentially observed during the vegetation survey. To accurately identify whether the Primula spp. was a P. tschuktschorum or the P. pumila (commonly mistaken for a P. tschuktschorum), samples of the Primula spp. would need to be submitted to ACCS for plant identification. The following procedures would allow for accurate identification of the plant: Obtain necessary permits for plant collection. Collect plant samples. Submit plant samples to ACCS for plant identification. 8.2.1 Schedule Table 8-1. Rare plant identification schedule.1 Task Year Duration Comment Permit 2024 90 days Spring 2024 Field work/plant collection 2024 1 day 2024 summer field season Submit sample for identification 2024 30 days 1The schedule is an approximation and may vary depending on plant identification processes. 8.3 Wetland Functional Assessment The wetland functional assessment is still ongoing. It will be completed during the fall of 2023 and reported on in the Updated Study Report (USR). Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Botanical and Wetlands Survey FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment K Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 30 December 2023 9.0 STUDY-SPECIFIC CONSULTATION MLP&A consulted agencies and resources during the study via meetings and correspondence (Table 9-1). Table 9-1. Vegetation and wetland delineation agency consultation history. Date Consultation Description Vegetation Mapping / Wetland Delineation 02/17/2023 – 05/15/23023 Email – Maria Lewis and Erin Novakovich (MLP&A) and Timm Nawrocki (UAA) to determine and implement the best land cover use data/vegetation map data for Project area. Preliminary survey of plant species list from AKVEG Database. 02/17/2023 – 03/01/2023 Email – Erin Novokovich (MLP&A) and Sydney Thielke (FWS) regarding the availability of wetlands data in Wood Tikchick/ Bristol Bay area. While there is mapping currently ongoing throughout the region, there were no Projects encompassing the Project area at this time. 03/31/2023 Email – Erin Novokovich (MLP&A) and Sydney Thielke (FWS) regarding discussion about the NWI. 04/28/2023 – 05/01/2023 Email – Maria Lewis (MLP&A) and Ryan Winn (USACE) to verify a PCN for wetland delineation activities was not required. 5/25/2023 Virtual Meeting – Maria Lewis and Erin Novakovich (MLP&A) and Timm Nawrocki (UAA) to discuss vegetation data mapping. 05/24/2023 – 05//30/2023 Email – Maria Lewis and Erin Novakovich (MLP&A) and Timm Nawrocki (UAA) Follow-up after zoom meeting RE vegetation mapping. 09/11/2023 Virtual Meeting – Maria Lewis and Lindsey Kendall (MLP&A) to discuss vegetation data mapping to predict wetland type. Rare Plants 8/12/23 Email – MLP&A to ACCS – Rare plant identification 8/15/23 Email – ACCS to MLP&A – Primula spp. identification 8/16/23 Email – MLPA to ACCS – Discussion on P. tschuktschorum and the P. pumila 8/18/23 Phone Correspondence – MLP&A and ACCS - P. tschuktschorum and the P. pumila and options for identification. 8/18/23 Email – ACCS to MLP&A – DNA identification of Primula spp. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Botanical and Wetlands Survey FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment K Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 31 December 2023 10.0 REFERENCES ADNR. 2002. Wood-Tikchik State Park Management Plan. Division of Parks and Outdoor Recreation. October 2002. Available at: <http://dnr.alaska.gov/parks/plans/woodt/woodtpln.htm>. AKNHP. 2019b. Alaska Rare Plants Occurrences database <http://aknhp.uaa.alaska.edu/apps/rareplants>. Alaska Center for Conservation Science, University of Alaska, Anchorage. Accessed January 15, 2019. Alaska Center for Conservation Science (ACCS). Undated. Vegetation Ecology and Botany. People. <https://accs.uaa.alaska.edu/vegetation/>. Accessed October 6, 2023. Boggs, K., L. Flagstad, T. Boucher, M. Carlson, A. Steer, B. Bernard, M. Aisu, P. Lema, B. Heitz, and T. Kuo. 2019. Alaska Ecosystems of Conservation Concern: Biophysical Settings and Plant Associations. Report prepared by the Alaska Center for Conservation Science, University of Alaska, Anchorage for the Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Carlson, M. L. 2006. Natural Threats to the Rare Arctic Primrose, Primula Tschuktschorum: Goose Grazing and Reproductive Interference with Its Sister Species. Alaska Natural Heritage Program, Environment and Natural Resources Institute, University of Alaska. January 2006. Cowardin, L. M., V. Carter, F. C. Golet, and E.T. LaRoe. 1979. Classification of Wetlands and Deepwater Habitats of the United States. U.S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Office of Biological Services, Washington, D.C. FWS/OBS-79/31. December, 1979, Reprinted 1992. https://www.fws.gov/wetlands/documents/ Classification-of-Wetlands-and-Deepwater-Habitats-of-the-United-States.pdf Environmental Laboratory. 1987. Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual. Technical Report Y-87-1. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Waterways Experiment Station, Vicksburg, Mississippi. January, 1987. https://el.erdc.dren.mil/elpubs/pdf/wlman87.pdf Federal Geographic Data Committee. 2013. Classification of wetlands and deepwater habitats of the United States. FGDC-STD-004-2013. 2nd Edition. Wetlands Subcommittee, Federal Geographic Data Committee and USFWS, Washington, DC. August 2013. https://www.fws.gov/wetlands/documents/Classification-of-Wetlands-and-Deepwater- Habitats-of-the-United-States-2013.pdf Flagstad, L., M. A. Steer, T. Boucher, M. Aisu, and P. Lema. 2018. Wetlands across Alaska: Statewide wetland map and assessment of rare wetland ecosystems. Alaska Natural Heritage Program, Alaska Center for Conservation Science, University of Alaska Anchorage. 151 pages. Flagstad, L., Cortes-Burns, H., and Greenstein, C. 2019. Identification of Non-native Plants in Alaska. Alaska Natural Heritage Program, University of Alaska Anchorage. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Botanical and Wetlands Survey FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment K Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 32 December 2023 Gallant, A.L., E.F. Binnian, J.M. Omernik, and M.B. Shasby. 1995. Ecoregions of Alaska. USGS Professional Paper 1567, Washington. Munsell Color. 2009. Munsell Soil-Color Charts. Munsell Color. Grand Rapids, MI. Produced 2013. Nawrocki, T., J. Fulkerson, and M. Carlson. 2013, Alaska Rare Plant Field Guide. Alaska Natural Heritage Program, University of Alaska Anchorage. 2013. Nawrocki, T.W., M.L. Carlson, A.F. Wells, M.J. Macander, E. Jamie Trammell, F.D.W. Witmer, C.A. Roland, K. Baer, and D.K. Swanson. 2021. Continuous Foliar Cover of Plant Species and Aggregates in North American Beringia. Map User Guide and Accuracy Assessment. Version 1.0 (May 2021). Available: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3897482 UAA (University of Alaska Anchorage). 2020. Non-Native Plant Species List. Alaska Center for Conservation Science. Available online at: https://accs.uaa.alaska.edu/invasive- species/nonnative-plant-species-list/. Accessed March 4, 2020.USACE. 1987. UAA. 2023. Continuous Foliar Cover of Plant Species and Aggregates in North American Beringia Dataset. Online at: https://accscatalog.uaa.alaska.edu/dataset/continuous-foliar- cover-plant-species-and-aggregates-north-american-beringia. Accessed May 2023. USACE (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers). 1987. Corps of Engineers Wetlands Delineation Manual. Wetlands Research Program Technical Report Y-87-1. January 1987. USACE. 2007. Regional Supplement to the Corps of Engineers Wetland Delineation Manual: Alaska Region (Version 2.0), ed. J. S. Wakeley, R. W. Lichvar, and C. V. Noble. ERDC/EL TR-07-24. Vicksburg, MS: U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center. September 2007. USDA, NRCS. 2023 Web Soil Survey. Natural Resources Conservation Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture. Accessed 2023. https://websoilsurvey.nrcs.usda.gov/app/ USGS (United States Geological Survey). 2023. USGS National Hydrographic Dataset. Online at: https://www.usgs.gov/national-hydrography/access-national-hydrography-products. Accessed August 2023. Viereck, L. A., C. T. Dyrness, A. R. Batten, and K. J. Wenzlick. 1992. The Alaska Vegetation Classification. PNW-GTR-286. Portland, OR: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Pacific Northwest Research Station. Online at https://doi.org/10.2737/PNW- GTR-286. APPENDIX -: APPENDIX -2: Preliminary Applicant/Owner: Investigator(s) Local relief (concave, convex, none): Subregion: Lat:Long: Soil Map Unit Name: X Are Vegetation N , Soil N , or Hydrology N Are “Normal Circumstances” present? Yes X No Are Vegetation N , Soil N , or Hydrology N SUMMARY OF FINDINGS – Attach site map showing sampling point locations, transects, important features, etc. Yes X No Yes No X Yes X Yes No 1. 2. (A) 3. 4. (B) (A/B) 1. 2. 3. x 1 = 4. x 2 = 5. x 3 = 6. x 4 = x 5 = Column Totals (A) (B) 1. 2. 3. X 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Plot Size (radius, or length x width) % Cover of Wetland Bryophytes Yes X U.S. Army Corps of Engineers WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA SHEET – Alaska Region See ERDC/EL TR-07-24; the proponent agency is CECW-CO-R OMB Control #: 0710-xxxx, Exp: Pending Requirement Control Symbol EXEMPT: (Authority: AR 335-15, paragraph 5-2a) 20% of total cover:50% of total cover: 0 606 0 190 Carex aquatilis 1Indicators of hydric soil and wetland hydrology must be present, unless disturbed or problematic. Hydrophytic Vegetation Indicators: Yes 92 Calamagrostis canadensis 183 OBL 1 No Equisetum sylvaticum 4 2 444 2 FACU 40Picea glauca 10 No FACU 160 Multiply by: Number of Dominant Species That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: =Total Cover Percent of Dominant Species That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: Total Number of Dominant Species Across All Strata: Dominance Test worksheet: Absolute % Cover Sapling/Shrub Stratum 20% of total cover: 83.3% Tree Stratum Precipitation has been higher than average for this season. PF-01 Sampling Date: Sampling Point: 8/9/23 MAL, LSK Dillingham Census AreaBorough/City: Nushagak Electric Cooperative Landform (hillside, terrace, hummocks, etc.): Plain Project/Site: NRHP Project Facility 50% of total cover: Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? significantly disturbed? Is the Sampled Area within a Wetland? Wetland Hydrology Present? 50% of total cover: 20% of total cover: 2 0 Total % Cover of: 15 20 20 20 Yes 80 FAC YesBetula papyrifera FACYes data in Remarks or on a separate sheet) FAC 15' RAD 2 4 Yes OBL species UPL species FACW species N/A Remarks: (Where applicable) % Bare Ground Total Cover of Bryophytes Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? 0 Problematic Hydrophytic Vegetation1 (Explain) 7 Prevalence Index is 3.01 No =Total Cover Morphological Adaptations1(Provide supporting Dominance Test is >50% 0 Yes FAC Prevalence Index = B/A = 148 3.19 No Prevalence Index worksheet: FACU species 37 =Total Cover Herb Stratum None Slope (%): Betula nana Empetrum nigrum FAC species FAC FAC Rhododendron groenlandicum Vaccinium uliginosum 0 NoAre climatic / hydrologic conditions on the site typical for this time of year? No Western - Mosquitopoint - Typic Haplocryods -158.11961259.906282 Datum: Hydric Soil Present? (If needed, explain any answers in Remarks.) Yes WGS84 None naturally problematic? NWI classification: Dominant Species? LRR X2, MLRA 236 (Bristol Bay-Northern Alaska Peninsula Lowlands) Remarks: Indicator Status 5 6 VEGETATION – Use scientific names of plants. (If no, explain in Remarks.) ENG FORM 6116-SG, JUL 2018 Alaska – Version 2.0 VEGETATION Continued Sampling Point: 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 50% of total cover: 20% of total cover: 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 50% of total cover: 20% of total cover: 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 50% of total cover: 20% of total cover: Sapling/Shrub – Woody plants less than 3 in. DBH, regardless of height. Tree – Woody plants 3 in. (7.6 cm) or more in diameter at breast height (DBH), regardless of height. –Use scientific names of plants.PF-01 Tree Stratum Absolute % Cover Dominant Species? Indicator Status Herb – All herbaceous (non-woody) plants, regardless of size. Definitions of Vegetation Strata: Spiraea stevenii 10 No FACU =Total Cover Sapling/Shrub Stratum Vaccinium vitis-idaea 8 No FAC 183 =Total Cover Herb Stratum Remarks: 24 7 =Total Cover 92 37 ENG FORM 6116-SG, JUL 2018 Alaska – Version 2.0 Sampling Point: % % Type1 Loc2 100 100 100 100 2Location: PL=Pore Lining, M=Matrix. Type: Depth (inches):Hydric Soil Present? Yes No X Primary Indicators (any one indicator is sufficient) Surface Water Present? Yes X Water Table Present? Yes X Saturation Present? Yes X Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes No Alaska Gleyed Pores (A15) Describe Recorded Data (stream gauge, monitoring well, aerial photos, previous inspections), if available: Remarks: 15 Field Observations: (includes capillary fringe) No No No Depth (inches): Depth (inches): Depth (inches): Matrix Color (moist) Black Histic (A3) 7.5YR 2.5/2 7.5YR 2.5/2 Very Shallow Dark Surface (F22) Redox Features Sandy Sandy Profile Description: (Describe to the depth needed to document the indicator or confirm the absence of indicators.) 4 - 4 1/2 14-17 12-14 7.5R 2.5/1 Texture 1Type: C=Concentration, D=Depletion, RM=Reduced Matrix, CS=Covered or Coated Sand Grains. 4 1/2 -12 Sandy Peat Sandy 5YR 3/3 PF-01SOIL sandy loam sandy loam sandy loam Remarks 1-4 Color (moist) Depth (inches) Oxidized Rhizospheres along Living Roots (C3) Presence of Reduced Iron (C4) Salt Deposits (C5) Stunted or Stressed Plants (D1) Geomorphic Position (D2) Surface Water (A1) High Water Table (A2) Saturation (A3) Water Marks (B1) Sediment Deposits (B2) Drift Deposits (B3) Inundation Visible on Aerial Imagery (B7) Sparsely Vegetated Concave Surface (B8) Marl Deposits (B15) Hydrogen Sulfide Odor (C1) Alaska Gleyed Without Hue 5Y or Redder Underlying Layer Other (Explain in Remarks) Depleted Dark Surface (F7) Red Parent Material (F21) 4Give details of color change in Remarks. and an appropriate landscape position must be present unless disturbed or problematic. 3One indicator of hydrophytic vegetation, one primary indicator of wetland hydrology, Hydrogen Sulfide (A4) Alaska Gleyed (A13) Thick Dark Surface (A12) Alaska Redox (A14) Hydric Soil Indicators: Indicators for Problematic Hydric Soils 3: Histosol or Histel (A1) Histic Epipedon (A2) Depleted Below Dark Surface (A11) Depleted Matrix (F3) Redox Dark Surface (F6) Alaska Color Change (TA4)4 Alaska Alpine Swales (TA5) Alaska Redox With 2.5Y Hue Redox Depressions (F8) Dry-Season Water Table (C2) Other (Explain in Remarks) Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Water-Stained Leaves (B9) Drainage Patterns (B10) Restrictive Layer (if observed): N/A HYDROLOGY Secondary Indicators (2 or more required) Remarks: Iron Deposits (B5) Surface Soil Cracks (B6) Shallow Aquitard (D3) Microtopographic Relief (D4) FAC-Neutral Test (D5) Algal Mat or Crust (B4) ENG FORM 6116-SG, JUL 2018 Alaska – Version 2.0 Applicant/Owner: Investigator(s) Local relief (concave, convex, none): Subregion: Lat:Long: Soil Map Unit Name: N Are Vegetation N , Soil N , or Hydrology N Are “Normal Circumstances” present? Yes X No Are Vegetation N , Soil Y , or Hydrology N SUMMARY OF FINDINGS – Attach site map showing sampling point locations, transects, important features, etc. Yes X No Yes X No Yes X Yes X No 1. 2. (A) 3. 4. (B) (A/B) 1. 2. 3. x 1 = 4. x 2 = 5. x 3 = 6. x 4 = x 5 = Column Totals (A) (B) 1. 2. 3. X 4. X 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Plot Size (radius, or length x width) % Cover of Wetland Bryophytes Yes X U.S. Army Corps of Engineers WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA SHEET – Alaska Region See ERDC/EL TR-07-24; the proponent agency is CECW-CO-R OMB Control #: 0710-xxxx, Exp: Pending Requirement Control Symbol EXEMPT: (Authority: AR 335-15, paragraph 5-2a) 20% of total cover:50% of total cover: 0 237 0 129 1Indicators of hydric soil and wetland hydrology must be present, unless disturbed or problematic. Hydrophytic Vegetation Indicators: 25 Iris setosa 50 4 No Carex aquatilis 40 16 162 75 0 0 Multiply by: Number of Dominant Species That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: =Total Cover Percent of Dominant Species That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: Total Number of Dominant Species Across All Strata: Dominance Test worksheet: Absolute % Cover Sapling/Shrub Stratum 20% of total cover: 100.0% Tree Stratum Precipitation has been higher than average for this season. PF-02 Sampling Date: Sampling Point: 8/9/23 MAL, LSK Dillingham Census AreaBorough/City: Nushagak Electric Cooperative Landform (hillside, terrace, hummocks, etc.): Plain Project/Site: NRHP Project Facility 50% of total cover: Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? significantly disturbed? Is the Sampled Area within a Wetland? Wetland Hydrology Present? 50% of total cover: 20% of total cover: 75 0 Total % Cover of: 50 FACYes data in Remarks or on a separate sheet) FAC 5' X 10' 75 OBL species UPL species FACW species N/A Remarks: (Where applicable) % Bare Ground Total Cover of Bryophytes Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? 0 Problematic Hydrophytic Vegetation1 (Explain) 79 Prevalence Index is 3.01 No =Total Cover Morphological Adaptations1(Provide supporting Dominance Test is >50% 0 Yes OBL Prevalence Index = B/A = 54 1.84 Prevalence Index worksheet: FACU species 10 =Total Cover Herb Stratum Slope (%): FAC species Vaccinium uliginosum 0 NoAre climatic / hydrologic conditions on the site typical for this time of year? No Western - Mosquitopoint - Typic Haplocryods 158.119723°59.906220 Datum: Hydric Soil Present? (If needed, explain any answers in Remarks.) Yes WGS84 None naturally problematic? NWI classification: Dominant Species? LRR X2, MLRA 236 (Bristol Bay-Northern Alaska Peninsula Lowlands) Remarks: Indicator Status 2 2 VEGETATION – Use scientific names of plants. (If no, explain in Remarks.) ENG FORM 6116-SG, JUL 2018 Alaska – Version 2.0 Sampling Point: % % Type1 Loc2 100 100 2Location: PL=Pore Lining, M=Matrix. X Type: Depth (inches):Hydric Soil Present? Yes X No Primary Indicators (any one indicator is sufficient) X X X X Surface Water Present? Yes X Water Table Present? Yes X Saturation Present? Yes X Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes X No Alaska Gleyed Pores (A15) Describe Recorded Data (stream gauge, monitoring well, aerial photos, previous inspections), if available: Remarks: Field Observations: (includes capillary fringe) No No No Depth (inches): Depth (inches): Depth (inches): Matrix Color (moist) Black Histic (A3) 7.5YR 3/3 Very Shallow Dark Surface (F22) Redox Features Sandy Profile Description: (Describe to the depth needed to document the indicator or confirm the absence of indicators.) 7 1/2 - 10 Texture 1Type: C=Concentration, D=Depletion, RM=Reduced Matrix, CS=Covered or Coated Sand Grains. 10-12 Sandy Peat 10YR 3/2 PF-02SOIL Loamy Sand Sandy Loam Remarks 0 - 7 1/2 Color (moist) Depth (inches) Oxidized Rhizospheres along Living Roots (C3) Presence of Reduced Iron (C4) Salt Deposits (C5) Stunted or Stressed Plants (D1) Geomorphic Position (D2) Surface Water (A1) High Water Table (A2) Saturation (A3) Water Marks (B1) Sediment Deposits (B2) Drift Deposits (B3) Inundation Visible on Aerial Imagery (B7) Sparsely Vegetated Concave Surface (B8) Marl Deposits (B15) Hydrogen Sulfide Odor (C1) Alaska Gleyed Without Hue 5Y or Redder Underlying Layer Other (Explain in Remarks) Depleted Dark Surface (F7) Red Parent Material (F21) 4Give details of color change in Remarks. and an appropriate landscape position must be present unless disturbed or problematic. 3One indicator of hydrophytic vegetation, one primary indicator of wetland hydrology, Hydrogen Sulfide (A4) Alaska Gleyed (A13) Thick Dark Surface (A12) Alaska Redox (A14) Hydric Soil Indicators: Indicators for Problematic Hydric Soils 3: Histosol or Histel (A1) Histic Epipedon (A2) Depleted Below Dark Surface (A11) Depleted Matrix (F3) Redox Dark Surface (F6) Alaska Color Change (TA4)4 Alaska Alpine Swales (TA5) Alaska Redox With 2.5Y Hue Redox Depressions (F8) Dry-Season Water Table (C2) Other (Explain in Remarks) Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Water-Stained Leaves (B9) Drainage Patterns (B10) Restrictive Layer (if observed): N/A HYDROLOGY The sample points in the depression surrounding this pond have sandy soils that may represent recently formed soils, as there is low organic content. The size of the pond and surrounding emergent wetlands appears to be expanding. These soils will be considered problematic hydric soils, taken in conjunction with the presence of clear vegetation and hydrology indicators. Secondary Indicators (2 or more required) Remarks: Iron Deposits (B5) Surface Soil Cracks (B6) Shallow Aquitard (D3) Microtopographic Relief (D4) FAC-Neutral Test (D5) Algal Mat or Crust (B4) ENG FORM 6116-SG, JUL 2018 Alaska – Version 2.0 Applicant/Owner: Investigator(s) Local relief (concave, convex, none): Subregion: Lat:Long Soil Map Unit Name: X Are Vegetation N , Soil N , or Hydrology N Are “Normal Circumstances” present? Yes X No Are Vegetation N , Soil N , or Hydrology N SUMMARY OF FINDINGS – Attach site map showing sampling point locations, transects, important features, etc. Yes X No Yes No X Yes X Yes No X 1. 2. (A) 3. 4. (B) (A/B) 1. 2. 3. x 1 = 4. x 2 = 5. x 3 = 6. x 4 = x 5 = Column Totals (A) (B) 1. 2. 3. X 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Plot Size (radius, or length x width) % Cover of Wetland Bryophytes Yes X Datum: Hydric Soil Present? (If needed, explain any answers in Remarks.) Yes WGS84 None naturally problematic? NWI classification: Dominant Species? LRR X2, MLRA 236 (Bristol Bay-Northern Alaska Peninsula Lowlands) Remarks: Indicator Status 3 5 VEGETATION – Use scientific names of plants. (If no, explain in Remarks.) Slope (%): Betula papyrifera Spiraea stevenii FAC species FACU FACU Vaccinium vitis-idaea Vaccinium uliginosum <2% NoAre climatic / hydrologic conditions on the site typical for this time of year? No Western - Mosquitopoint - Typic Haplocryods -158.11969159.906339 Betula papyrifera Picea glauca =Total Cover Morphological Adaptations1(Provide supporting Dominance Test is >50% 90 Yes FAC Prevalence Index = B/A = 104 3.15 No Prevalence Index worksheet: FACU species 35 =Total Cover Herb Stratum N/A Remarks: (Where applicable) % Bare Ground Total Cover of Bryophytes Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? 0 Problematic Hydrophytic Vegetation1 (Explain) 6 Prevalence Index is 3.01 No data in Remarks or on a separate sheet) FAC 15' RAD 5 No OBL species UPL species FACW species 50% of total cover: 20% of total cover: 0 45 Total % Cover of: 10 45 20 25 No 60 FAC YesRubus chamaemorus FACYes 25 10 Tree Stratum Precipitation has been higher than average for this season. PF-03 Sampling Date: Sampling Point: 8/9/23 MAL, LSK Dillingham Census AreaBorough/City: Nushagak Electric Cooperative Landform (hillside, terrace, hummocks, etc.): Terrace Project/Site: NRHP Project Facility 50% of total cover: Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? significantly disturbed? Is the Sampled Area within a Wetland? Wetland Hydrology Present? 50 40 10 FACU Number of Dominant Species That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: Yes =Total Cover FACU Percent of Dominant Species That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: Total Number of Dominant Species Across All Strata: Dominance Test worksheet: Absolute % Cover Yes Sapling/Shrub Stratum 20% of total cover: 60.0% Calamagrostis canadensis 173 1 No Equisetum sylvaticum 3 2 312 0 FACW 80Empetrum nigrum 8 No FAC 320 Multiply by: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA SHEET – Alaska Region See ERDC/EL TR-07-24; the proponent agency is CECW-CO-R OMB Control #: 0710-xxxx, Exp: Pending Requirement Control Symbol EXEMPT: (Authority: AR 335-15, paragraph 5-2a) 20% of total cover:50% of total cover: 0 722 0 229 1Indicators of hydric soil and wetland hydrology must be present, unless disturbed or problematic. Hydrophytic Vegetation Indicators: 87 ENG FORM 6116-SG, JUL 2018 Alaska – Version 2.0 VEGETATION Continued Sampling Point: 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 50% of total cover: 20% of total cover: 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 50% of total cover: 20% of total cover: 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 50% of total cover: 20% of total cover: 25 10 87 35 Remarks: 23 6 =Total Cover 173 =Total Cover Herb Stratum No FAC 50 =Total Cover Sapling/Shrub Stratum Cornus suecica 5 – Use scientific names of plants.PF-03 Tree Stratum Absolute % Cover Dominant Species? Indicator Status Herb – All herbaceous (non-woody) plants, regardless of size. Definitions of Vegetation Strata: Sapling/Shrub – Woody plants less than 3 in. DBH, regardless of height. Tree – Woody plants 3 in. (7.6 cm) or more in diameter at breast height (DBH), regardless of height. ENG FORM 6116-SG, JUL 2018 Alaska – Version 2.0 Sampling Point: % % Type1 Loc2 100 2Location: PL=Pore Lining, M=Matrix. Type: Depth (inches):Hydric Soil Present? Yes No X Primary Indicators (any one indicator is sufficient) Surface Water Present? Yes X Water Table Present? Yes X Saturation Present? Yes X Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes No X Redox Depressions (F8) Dry-Season Water Table (C2) Other (Explain in Remarks) Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Water-Stained Leaves (B9) Drainage Patterns (B10) Restrictive Layer (if observed): N/A HYDROLOGY Secondary Indicators (2 or more required) Remarks: Iron Deposits (B5) Surface Soil Cracks (B6) Shallow Aquitard (D3) Microtopographic Relief (D4) FAC-Neutral Test (D5) Algal Mat or Crust (B4) Hydric Soil Indicators: Indicators for Problematic Hydric Soils 3: Histosol or Histel (A1) Histic Epipedon (A2) Depleted Below Dark Surface (A11) Depleted Matrix (F3) Redox Dark Surface (F6) Alaska Color Change (TA4)4 Alaska Alpine Swales (TA5) Alaska Redox With 2.5Y Hue Alaska Gleyed Without Hue 5Y or Redder Underlying Layer Other (Explain in Remarks) Depleted Dark Surface (F7) Red Parent Material (F21) 4Give details of color change in Remarks. and an appropriate landscape position must be present unless disturbed or problematic. 3One indicator of hydrophytic vegetation, one primary indicator of wetland hydrology, Hydrogen Sulfide (A4) Alaska Gleyed (A13) Thick Dark Surface (A12) Alaska Redox (A14) Oxidized Rhizospheres along Living Roots (C3) Presence of Reduced Iron (C4) Salt Deposits (C5) Stunted or Stressed Plants (D1) Geomorphic Position (D2) Surface Water (A1) High Water Table (A2) Saturation (A3) Water Marks (B1) Sediment Deposits (B2) Drift Deposits (B3) Inundation Visible on Aerial Imagery (B7) Sparsely Vegetated Concave Surface (B8) Marl Deposits (B15) Hydrogen Sulfide Odor (C1) PF-03SOIL Sandy Loam Remarks 0-4 Color (moist) Depth (inches) Redox Features Sandy Profile Description: (Describe to the depth needed to document the indicator or confirm the absence of indicators.) 4-16 Texture 1Type: C=Concentration, D=Depletion, RM=Reduced Matrix, CS=Covered or Coated Sand Grains. Peat Matrix Color (moist) Black Histic (A3) 7.5YR 4/2 Very Shallow Dark Surface (F22) Alaska Gleyed Pores (A15) Describe Recorded Data (stream gauge, monitoring well, aerial photos, previous inspections), if available: Remarks: Field Observations: (includes capillary fringe) No No No Depth (inches): Depth (inches): Depth (inches): ENG FORM 6116-SG, JUL 2018 Alaska – Version 2.0 Applicant/Owner: Investigator(s) Local relief (concave, convex, none): Subregion: Lat:Long Soil Map Unit Name: X Are Vegetation N , Soil N , or Hydrology N Are “Normal Circumstances” present? Yes X No Are Vegetation N , Soil Y , or Hydrology N SUMMARY OF FINDINGS – Attach site map showing sampling point locations, transects, important features, etc. Yes X No Yes X No Yes X Yes X No 1. 2. (A) 3. 4. (B) (A/B) 1. 2. 3. x 1 = 4. x 2 = 5. x 3 = 6. x 4 = x 5 = Column Totals (A) (B) 1. 2. 3. X 4. X 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Plot Size (radius, or length x width) % Cover of Wetland Bryophytes Yes X Datum: Hydric Soil Present? (If needed, explain any answers in Remarks.) Yes WGS84 None naturally problematic? NWI classification: Dominant Species? LRR X2, MLRA 236 (Bristol Bay-Northern Alaska Peninsula Lowlands) Remarks: Indicator Status 4 5 VEGETATION – Use scientific names of plants. (If no, explain in Remarks.) Slope (%): Betula nana FAC species FAC Spiraea stevenii Vaccinium uliginosum <2% NoAre climatic / hydrologic conditions on the site typical for this time of year? No Western - Mosquitopoint - Typic Haplocryods -158.12078459.905723 =Total Cover Morphological Adaptations1(Provide supporting Dominance Test is >50% 0 Yes OBL Prevalence Index = B/A = 60 1.95 Prevalence Index worksheet: FACU species 2 =Total Cover Herb Stratum N/A Remarks: (Where applicable) % Bare Ground Total Cover of Bryophytes Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? 0 Problematic Hydrophytic Vegetation1 (Explain) 125 Prevalence Index is 3.01 No data in Remarks or on a separate sheet) FAC 15' X 5' 15 70 Yes OBL species UPL species FACW species 50% of total cover: 20% of total cover: 70 0 Total % Cover of:1 2 2 Yes 2 FACU NoVaccinium vitis-idaea FACYes Tree Stratum Precipitation has been higher than average for this season. PF-04 Sampling Date: Sampling Point: 8/9/23 MAL, LSK Dillingham Census AreaBorough/City: Nushagak Electric Cooperative Landform (hillside, terrace, hummocks, etc.): Plain Project/Site: NRHP Project Facility 50% of total cover: Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? significantly disturbed? Is the Sampled Area within a Wetland? Wetland Hydrology Present? Number of Dominant Species That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: =Total Cover Percent of Dominant Species That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: Total Number of Dominant Species Across All Strata: Dominance Test worksheet: Absolute % Cover Sapling/Shrub Stratum 20% of total cover: 80.0% Iris setosa 7 FAC 40 Yes Carex aquatilis 63 25 180 70 FAC 2 8 Multiply by: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA SHEET – Alaska Region See ERDC/EL TR-07-24; the proponent agency is CECW-CO-R OMB Control #: 0710-xxxx, Exp: Pending Requirement Control Symbol EXEMPT: (Authority: AR 335-15, paragraph 5-2a) 20% of total cover:50% of total cover: 0 258 0 132 Calamagrostis canadensis 1Indicators of hydric soil and wetland hydrology must be present, unless disturbed or problematic. Hydrophytic Vegetation Indicators: No 4 ENG FORM 6116-SG, JUL 2018 Alaska – Version 2.0 Sampling Point: % % Type1 Loc2 100 100 100 2Location: PL=Pore Lining, M=Matrix. X Type: Depth (inches):Hydric Soil Present? Yes No Primary Indicators (any one indicator is sufficient) X X X Surface Water Present? Yes X Water Table Present? Yes X Saturation Present? Yes X Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes X No Redox Depressions (F8) Dry-Season Water Table (C2) Other (Explain in Remarks) Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Water-Stained Leaves (B9) Drainage Patterns (B10) Restrictive Layer (if observed): N/A HYDROLOGY The sample points in the depression surrounding this pond have sandy soils that may represent recently formed soils, as there is low organic content. The size of the pond and surrounding emergent wetlands appears to be expanding. These soils will be considered problematic hydric soils, taken in conjunction with the presence of clear vegetation and hydrology indicators. Secondary Indicators (2 or more required) Remarks: Iron Deposits (B5) Surface Soil Cracks (B6) Shallow Aquitard (D3) Microtopographic Relief (D4) FAC-Neutral Test (D5) Algal Mat or Crust (B4) Hydric Soil Indicators: Indicators for Problematic Hydric Soils 3: Histosol or Histel (A1) Histic Epipedon (A2) Depleted Below Dark Surface (A11) Depleted Matrix (F3) Redox Dark Surface (F6) Alaska Color Change (TA4)4 Alaska Alpine Swales (TA5) Alaska Redox With 2.5Y Hue Alaska Gleyed Without Hue 5Y or Redder Underlying Layer Other (Explain in Remarks) Depleted Dark Surface (F7) Red Parent Material (F21) 4Give details of color change in Remarks. and an appropriate landscape position must be present unless disturbed or problematic. 3One indicator of hydrophytic vegetation, one primary indicator of wetland hydrology, Hydrogen Sulfide (A4) Alaska Gleyed (A13) Thick Dark Surface (A12) Alaska Redox (A14) Oxidized Rhizospheres along Living Roots (C3) Presence of Reduced Iron (C4) Salt Deposits (C5) Stunted or Stressed Plants (D1) Geomorphic Position (D2) Surface Water (A1) High Water Table (A2) Saturation (A3) Water Marks (B1) Sediment Deposits (B2) Drift Deposits (B3) Inundation Visible on Aerial Imagery (B7) Sparsely Vegetated Concave Surface (B8) Marl Deposits (B15) Hydrogen Sulfide Odor (C1) PF-04SOIL Loamy Sand Loamy Sand Remarks 0-3 Color (moist) Depth (inches) Redox Features Peat Sandy Profile Description: (Describe to the depth needed to document the indicator or confirm the absence of indicators.) 3-6 10-16 2.5Y 4/2 Texture 1Type: C=Concentration, D=Depletion, RM=Reduced Matrix, CS=Covered or Coated Sand Grains. 6-10 Sandy Peat 10YR 4/3 Matrix Color (moist) Black Histic (A3) 7.5YR 4/2 Very Shallow Dark Surface (F22) Alaska Gleyed Pores (A15) Describe Recorded Data (stream gauge, monitoring well, aerial photos, previous inspections), if available: Remarks: Field Observations: (includes capillary fringe) No No No Depth (inches): Depth (inches): Depth (inches): ENG FORM 6116-SG, JUL 2018 Alaska – Version 2.0 Applicant/Owner: Investigator(s) Local relief (concave, convex, none): Subregion: Lat:Long Soil Map Unit Name: X Are Vegetation N , Soil N , or Hydrology N Are “Normal Circumstances” present? Yes X No Are Vegetation N , Soil Y , or Hydrology N SUMMARY OF FINDINGS – Attach site map showing sampling point locations, transects, important features, etc. Yes X No Yes X No Yes X Yes X No 1. 2. (A) 3. 4. (B) (A/B) 1. 2. 3. x 1 = 4. x 2 = 5. x 3 = 6. x 4 = x 5 = Column Totals (A) (B) 1. 2. 3. X 4. X 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Plot Size (radius, or length x width) % Cover of Wetland Bryophytes Yes X U.S. Army Corps of Engineers WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA SHEET – Alaska Region See ERDC/EL TR-07-24; the proponent agency is CECW-CO-R OMB Control #: 0710-xxxx, Exp: Pending Requirement Control Symbol EXEMPT: (Authority: AR 335-15, paragraph 5-2a) 20% of total cover:50% of total cover: 0 270 0 139 1Indicators of hydric soil and wetland hydrology must be present, unless disturbed or problematic. Hydrophytic Vegetation Indicators: 30 Calamagrostis canadensis 59 10 No Carex aquatilis 40 16 186 70 FAC 0 0 Multiply by: Number of Dominant Species That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: =Total Cover Percent of Dominant Species That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: Total Number of Dominant Species Across All Strata: Dominance Test worksheet: Absolute % Cover Sapling/Shrub Stratum 20% of total cover: 100.0% Tree Stratum Precipitation has been higher than average for this season. PF-05 Sampling Date: Sampling Point: 8/9/23 MAL, LSK Dillingham Census AreaBorough/City: Nushagak Electric Cooperative Landform (hillside, terrace, hummocks, etc.): Plain Project/Site: NRHP Project Facility 50% of total cover: Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? significantly disturbed? Is the Sampled Area within a Wetland? Wetland Hydrology Present? 50% of total cover: 20% of total cover: 70 7 Total % Cover of:10 2 7 No 40 FACW NoVaccinium uliginosum FACYes data in Remarks or on a separate sheet) FAC 15' RAD 70 No OBL species UPL species FACW species N/A Remarks: (Where applicable) % Bare Ground Total Cover of Bryophytes Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? 0 Problematic Hydrophytic Vegetation1 (Explain) 80 Prevalence Index is 3.01 No =Total Cover Morphological Adaptations1(Provide supporting Dominance Test is >50% 14 Yes OBL Prevalence Index = B/A = 62 1.94 Prevalence Index worksheet: FACU species 12 =Total Cover Herb Stratum none Slope (%): Vaccinium vitis-idaea FAC species FAC Rubus chamaemorus Betula nana <2% NoAre climatic / hydrologic conditions on the site typical for this time of year? No Western - Mosquitopoint - Typic Haplocryods -158.11959459.904967 Datum: Hydric Soil Present? (If needed, explain any answers in Remarks.) Yes WGS84 None naturally problematic? NWI classification: Dominant Species? LRR X2, MLRA 236 (Bristol Bay-Northern Alaska Peninsula Lowlands) Remarks: Indicator Status 2 2 VEGETATION – Use scientific names of plants. (If no, explain in Remarks.) ENG FORM 6116-SG, JUL 2018 Alaska – Version 2.0 Sampling Point: % % Type1 Loc2 100 100 2Location: PL=Pore Lining, M=Matrix. X Type: Depth (inches):Hydric Soil Present? Yes No Primary Indicators (any one indicator is sufficient) X X X Surface Water Present? Yes X Water Table Present? Yes X Saturation Present? Yes X Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes X No Alaska Gleyed Pores (A15) Describe Recorded Data (stream gauge, monitoring well, aerial photos, previous inspections), if available: Remarks: 4 1 Field Observations: (includes capillary fringe) No No No Depth (inches): Depth (inches): Depth (inches): Matrix Color (moist) Black Histic (A3) 7.5YR 5/2 Very Shallow Dark Surface (F22) Redox Features Mucky Peat Profile Description: (Describe to the depth needed to document the indicator or confirm the absence of indicators.) 6-13 Texture 1Type: C=Concentration, D=Depletion, RM=Reduced Matrix, CS=Covered or Coated Sand Grains. 13-18 Sandy Peat 10YR 3/4 PF-05SOIL Loamy Sand Remarks 0-6 Color (moist) Depth (inches) Oxidized Rhizospheres along Living Roots (C3) Presence of Reduced Iron (C4) Salt Deposits (C5) Stunted or Stressed Plants (D1) Geomorphic Position (D2) Surface Water (A1) High Water Table (A2) Saturation (A3) Water Marks (B1) Sediment Deposits (B2) Drift Deposits (B3) Inundation Visible on Aerial Imagery (B7) Sparsely Vegetated Concave Surface (B8) Marl Deposits (B15) Hydrogen Sulfide Odor (C1) Alaska Gleyed Without Hue 5Y or Redder Underlying Layer Other (Explain in Remarks) Depleted Dark Surface (F7) Red Parent Material (F21) 4Give details of color change in Remarks. and an appropriate landscape position must be present unless disturbed or problematic. 3One indicator of hydrophytic vegetation, one primary indicator of wetland hydrology, Hydrogen Sulfide (A4) Alaska Gleyed (A13) Thick Dark Surface (A12) Alaska Redox (A14) Hydric Soil Indicators: Indicators for Problematic Hydric Soils 3: Histosol or Histel (A1) Histic Epipedon (A2) Depleted Below Dark Surface (A11) Depleted Matrix (F3) Redox Dark Surface (F6) Alaska Color Change (TA4)4 Alaska Alpine Swales (TA5) Alaska Redox With 2.5Y Hue Redox Depressions (F8) Dry-Season Water Table (C2) Other (Explain in Remarks) Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Water-Stained Leaves (B9) Drainage Patterns (B10) Restrictive Layer (if observed): N/A HYDROLOGY Hole was so completely saturated with water that no other layers could be identified beyond 18 inches. Problematic soils present. Secondary Indicators (2 or more required) Remarks: Iron Deposits (B5) Surface Soil Cracks (B6) Shallow Aquitard (D3) Microtopographic Relief (D4) FAC-Neutral Test (D5) Algal Mat or Crust (B4) ENG FORM 6116-SG, JUL 2018 Alaska – Version 2.0 Applicant/Owner: Investigator(s) Local relief (concave, convex, none): Subregion: Lat:Long Soil Map Unit Name: X Are Vegetation N , Soil N , or Hydrology N Are “Normal Circumstances” present? Yes X No Are Vegetation N , Soil N , or Hydrology N SUMMARY OF FINDINGS – Attach site map showing sampling point locations, transects, important features, etc. Yes X No Yes No X Yes X Yes No X 1. 2. (A) 3. 4. (B) (A/B) 1. 2. 3. x 1 = 4. x 2 = 5. x 3 = 6. x 4 = x 5 = Column Totals (A) (B) 1. 2. 3. X 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Plot Size (radius, or length x width) % Cover of Wetland Bryophytes Yes X U.S. Army Corps of Engineers WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA SHEET – Alaska Region See ERDC/EL TR-07-24; the proponent agency is CECW-CO-R OMB Control #: 0710-xxxx, Exp: Pending Requirement Control Symbol EXEMPT: (Authority: AR 335-15, paragraph 5-2a) 20% of total cover:50% of total cover: 0 538 0 167 1Indicators of hydric soil and wetland hydrology must be present, unless disturbed or problematic. Hydrophytic Vegetation Indicators: 79 157 390 0 FAC 37Betula papyrifera 2 No FACU 148 Multiply by: 30 30 FACU Number of Dominant Species That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: Yes =Total Cover Percent of Dominant Species That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: Total Number of Dominant Species Across All Strata: Dominance Test worksheet: Absolute % Cover Sapling/Shrub Stratum 20% of total cover: 66.7%15 6 Tree Stratum Precipitation has been higher than average for this season. PF-06 Sampling Date: Sampling Point: 8/10/23 MAL, LSK Dillingham Census AreaBorough/City: Nushagak Electric Cooperative Landform (hillside, terrace, hummocks, etc.): Hillside Project/Site: NRHP Project Facility 50% of total cover: Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? significantly disturbed? Is the Sampled Area within a Wetland? Wetland Hydrology Present? 50% of total cover: 20% of total cover: 0 0 Total % Cover of: 5 40 20 30 No 60 FAC YesEmpetrum nigrum FACYes data in Remarks or on a separate sheet) 15' RAD No OBL species UPL species FACW species N/A Remarks: (Where applicable) % Bare Ground Total Cover of Bryophytes Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Problematic Hydrophytic Vegetation1 (Explain) Prevalence Index is 3.01 No Betula papyrifera =Total Cover Morphological Adaptations1(Provide supporting Dominance Test is >50% 0 Prevalence Index = B/A = 130 3.22 No Prevalence Index worksheet: FACU species 32 =Total Cover Herb Stratum none Slope (%): Spiraea stevenii Betula glauca FAC speciesFACU Vaccinium uliginosum Rhododendron groenlandicum <15% NoAre climatic / hydrologic conditions on the site typical for this time of year? No Western - Mosquitopoint - Typic Haplocryods -158.11934357.911240 Datum: Hydric Soil Present? (If needed, explain any answers in Remarks.) Yes WGS84 None naturally problematic? NWI classification: Dominant Species? LRR X2, MLRA 236 (Bristol Bay-Northern Alaska Peninsula Lowlands) Remarks: Indicator Status 2 3 VEGETATION – Use scientific names of plants. (If no, explain in Remarks.) ENG FORM 6116-SG, JUL 2018 Alaska – Version 2.0 Sampling Point: % % Type1 Loc2 100 100 100 100 100 2Location: PL=Pore Lining, M=Matrix. Type: Depth (inches):Hydric Soil Present? Yes No X Primary Indicators (any one indicator is sufficient) Surface Water Present? Yes X Water Table Present? Yes X Saturation Present? Yes X Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes No X Alaska Gleyed Pores (A15) Describe Recorded Data (stream gauge, monitoring well, aerial photos, previous inspections), if available: Remarks: Field Observations: (includes capillary fringe) No No No Depth (inches): Depth (inches): Depth (inches): Matrix Color (moist) Black Histic (A3) 10YR 4/4 10R 2.5/1 2.5YR 2.5/1 Very Shallow Dark Surface (F22) 19 Redox Features Mucky Peat Sandy Profile Description: (Describe to the depth needed to document the indicator or confirm the absence of indicators.) 4-7 11-13 8-11 2.5YR 2.5/1 Texture Sandy 1Type: C=Concentration, D=Depletion, RM=Reduced Matrix, CS=Covered or Coated Sand Grains. 7-8 Peat Sandy 7.5YR 6/2 PF-06SOIL Ash layer Remarks 0-4 Color (moist) Depth (inches) 13-19 Oxidized Rhizospheres along Living Roots (C3) Presence of Reduced Iron (C4) Salt Deposits (C5) Stunted or Stressed Plants (D1) Geomorphic Position (D2) Surface Water (A1) High Water Table (A2) Saturation (A3) Water Marks (B1) Sediment Deposits (B2) Drift Deposits (B3) Inundation Visible on Aerial Imagery (B7) Sparsely Vegetated Concave Surface (B8) Marl Deposits (B15) Hydrogen Sulfide Odor (C1) Alaska Gleyed Without Hue 5Y or Redder Underlying Layer Other (Explain in Remarks) Depleted Dark Surface (F7) Red Parent Material (F21) 4Give details of color change in Remarks. and an appropriate landscape position must be present unless disturbed or problematic. 3One indicator of hydrophytic vegetation, one primary indicator of wetland hydrology, Hydrogen Sulfide (A4) Alaska Gleyed (A13) Thick Dark Surface (A12) Alaska Redox (A14) Hydric Soil Indicators: Indicators for Problematic Hydric Soils 3: Histosol or Histel (A1) Histic Epipedon (A2) Depleted Below Dark Surface (A11) Depleted Matrix (F3) Redox Dark Surface (F6) Alaska Color Change (TA4)4 Alaska Alpine Swales (TA5) Alaska Redox With 2.5Y Hue Redox Depressions (F8) Dry-Season Water Table (C2) Other (Explain in Remarks) Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Water-Stained Leaves (B9) Drainage Patterns (B10) Restrictive Layer (if observed): Rocks HYDROLOGY Secondary Indicators (2 or more required) Remarks: Iron Deposits (B5) Surface Soil Cracks (B6) Shallow Aquitard (D3) Microtopographic Relief (D4) FAC-Neutral Test (D5) Algal Mat or Crust (B4) ENG FORM 6116-SG, JUL 2018 Alaska – Version 2.0 Applicant/Owner: Investigator(s): Local relief (concave, convex, none): Subregion: Lat: Long: Soil Map Unit Name: N Are Vegetation N , Soil N , or Hydrology N Are “Normal Circumstances” present? Yes X No Are Vegetation N , Soil N , or Hydrology N SUMMARY OF FINDINGS – Attach site map showing sampling point locations, transects, important features, etc. Yes X No Yes X No Yes X Yes X No 1. 2. (A) 3. 4. (B) (A/B) 1. 2. 3. x 1 = 4. x 2 = 5. x 3 = 6. x 4 = x 5 = Column Totals: (A) (B) 1. 2. 3. X 4. X 5. N/A 6. 7. N/A 8. 9. 10. Plot Size (radius, or length x width) % Cover of Wetland Bryophytes Yes X U.S. Army Corps of Engineers WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA SHEET – Alaska Region See ERDC/EL TR-07-24; the proponent agency is CECW-CO-R OMB Control #: 0710-xxxx, Exp: Pending Requirement Control Symbol EXEMPT: (Authority: AR 335-15, paragraph 5-2a) 20% of total cover:50% of total cover: 0 112 0 98 1Indicators of hydric soil and wetland hydrology must be present, unless disturbed or problematic. Hydrophytic Vegetation Indicators: 4 Drosera rotundifolia 7 1 No Carex pauciflora 46 19 21 91 FAC 0 0 Multiply by: Number of Dominant Species That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: =Total Cover Percent of Dominant Species That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: Total Number of Dominant Species Across All Strata: Dominance Test worksheet: Absolute % Cover Sapling/Shrub Stratum 20% of total cover: 100.0% Tree Stratum Precipitation has been higher than average for this season. PF-07 Sampling Date: Sampling Point: 8/10/23 BLH, BK Dillingham Census AreaBorough/City: Nushagak Electric Cooperative Landform (hillside, terrace, hummocks, etc.): Flat Project/Site: NRHP Project Facility 50% of total cover: Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? significantly disturbed? Is the Sampled Area within a Wetland? Wetland Hydrology Present? 50% of total cover: 20% of total cover: 91 0 Total % Cover of:2 1 2 Yes 2 FAC YesVaccinium uliginosum FACYes data in Remarks or on a separate sheet) OBL 10 x 10 ft 90 No OBL species UPL species FACW species N/A Remarks: (Where applicable) % Bare Ground N/ATotal Cover of Bryophytes Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? 0 Problematic Hydrophytic Vegetation1 (Explain) 91 Prevalence Index is 3.01 No =Total Cover Morphological Adaptations1(Provide supporting Dominance Test is >50% 0 Yes OBL Prevalence Index = B/A = 7 1.14 Prevalence Index worksheet: FACU species 2 =Total Cover Herb Stratum Concave Slope (%): Betula nana FAC species FAC Rhododendron groenlandicum Empetrium nigrum 0 NoAre climatic / hydrologic conditions on the site typical for this time of year? No Western - Mosquitopoint - Typic Haplocryods -158.11651959.904839 Datum: Hydric Soil Present? (If needed, explain any answers in Remarks.) Yes WGS84 N/A naturally problematic? NWI classification: Dominant Species? LRR X2, MLRA 236 (Bristol Bay-Northern Alaska Peninsula Lowlands) Remarks: Indicator Status 4 4 VEGETATION – Use scientific names of plants. (If no, explain in Remarks.) ENG FORM 6116-SG, JUL 2018 Alaska – Version 2.0 Sampling Point: % % Type1 Loc2 100 100 2Location: PL=Pore Lining, M=Matrix. X Type: Depth (inches):Hydric Soil Present? Yes X No Primary Indicators (any one indicator is sufficient) X X X X Surface Water Present? Yes X Water Table Present? Yes X Saturation Present? Yes X Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes X No Alaska Gleyed Pores (A15) Describe Recorded Data (stream gauge, monitoring well, aerial photos, previous inspections), if available: Remarks: 2 10 0 Field Observations: (includes capillary fringe) No No No Depth (inches): Depth (inches): Depth (inches): Matrix Color (moist) Black Histic (A3) 10YR 3/6 Very Shallow Dark Surface (F22) Redox Features Sandy Profile Description: (Describe to the depth needed to document the indicator or confirm the absence of indicators.) 18-20 Texture 1Type: C=Concentration, D=Depletion, RM=Reduced Matrix, CS=Covered or Coated Sand Grains. Peat PF-07SOIL Sandy Loam Remarks 0-18 Color (moist) Depth (inches) Oxidized Rhizospheres along Living Roots (C3) Presence of Reduced Iron (C4) Salt Deposits (C5) Stunted or Stressed Plants (D1) Geomorphic Position (D2) Surface Water (A1) High Water Table (A2) Saturation (A3) Water Marks (B1) Sediment Deposits (B2) Drift Deposits (B3) Inundation Visible on Aerial Imagery (B7) Sparsely Vegetated Concave Surface (B8) Marl Deposits (B15) Hydrogen Sulfide Odor (C1) Alaska Gleyed Without Hue 5Y or Redder Underlying Layer Other (Explain in Remarks) Depleted Dark Surface (F7) Red Parent Material (F21) 4Give details of color change in Remarks. and an appropriate landscape position must be present unless disturbed or problematic. 3One indicator of hydrophytic vegetation, one primary indicator of wetland hydrology, Hydrogen Sulfide (A4) Alaska Gleyed (A13) Thick Dark Surface (A12) Alaska Redox (A14) Hydric Soil Indicators: Indicators for Problematic Hydric Soils 3: Histosol or Histel (A1) Histic Epipedon (A2) Depleted Below Dark Surface (A11) Depleted Matrix (F3) Redox Dark Surface (F6) Alaska Color Change (TA4)4 Alaska Alpine Swales (TA5) Alaska Redox With 2.5Y Hue Redox Depressions (F8) Dry-Season Water Table (C2) Other (Explain in Remarks) Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Water-Stained Leaves (B9) Drainage Patterns (B10) Restrictive Layer (if observed): N/A HYDROLOGY Secondary Indicators (2 or more required) Remarks: Iron Deposits (B5) Surface Soil Cracks (B6) Shallow Aquitard (D3) Microtopographic Relief (D4) FAC-Neutral Test (D5) Algal Mat or Crust (B4) ENG FORM 6116-SG, JUL 2018 Alaska – Version 2.0 Applicant/Owner: Investigator(s): Local relief (concave, convex, none): Subregion: Lat: Long: Soil Map Unit Name: X Are Vegetation N , Soil N , or Hydrology N Are “Normal Circumstances” present? Yes X No Are Vegetation N , Soil N , or Hydrology N SUMMARY OF FINDINGS – Attach site map showing sampling point locations, transects, important features, etc. Yes X No Yes X No Yes X Yes X No 1. 2. (A) 3. 4. (B) (A/B) 1. 2. 3. x 1 = 4. x 2 = 5. x 3 = 6. x 4 = x 5 = Column Totals: (A) (B) 1. 2. 3. X 4. X 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Plot Size (radius, or length x width) % Cover of Wetland Bryophytes Yes X Datum: Hydric Soil Present? (If needed, explain any answers in Remarks.) Yes WGS84 N/A naturally problematic? NWI classification: Dominant Species? LRR X2, MLRA 236 (Bristol Bay-Northern Alaska Peninsula Lowlands) Remarks: Indicator Status 3 4 VEGETATION – Use scientific names of plants. (If no, explain in Remarks.) none Slope (%): Empetrum nigrum Rhododendron groenlandicum FAC species FAC FAC Vaccinium uliginosum Betula nana 0 NoAre climatic / hydrologic conditions on the site typical for this time of year? No Western - Mosquitopoint - Typic Haplocryods -158.11645659.904793 Picea glauca =Total Cover Morphological Adaptations1(Provide supporting Dominance Test is >50% 140 Yes OBL Prevalence Index = B/A = 137 2.55 No Prevalence Index worksheet: FACU species 42 =Total Cover Herb Stratum N/A Remarks: (Where applicable) % Bare Ground Total Cover of Bryophytes Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? 0 Problematic Hydrophytic Vegetation1 (Explain) 25 Prevalence Index is 3.01 No data in Remarks or on a separate sheet) 15' R 25 Yes OBL species UPL species FACW species 50% of total cover: 20% of total cover: 25 70 Total % Cover of: 20 70 55 40 No 20 FAC YesRubus chamaemorus FACNo 5 2 Tree Stratum Precipitation has been higher than average for this season. PF-08 Sampling Date: Sampling Point: 8/10/2023 MAL, LSK Dillingham CensusBorough/City: Nushagak Electric Cooperative Landform (hillside, terrace, hummocks, etc.): Plain Project/Site: NHRP Project Facility 50% of total cover: Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? significantly disturbed? Is the Sampled Area within a Wetland? Wetland Hydrology Present? 10 10 FACU Number of Dominant Species That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: Yes =Total Cover Percent of Dominant Species That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: Total Number of Dominant Species Across All Strata: Dominance Test worksheet: Absolute % Cover Sapling/Shrub Stratum 20% of total cover: 75.0% 207 Carex limosa 13 5 411 25 FACW 10Vaccinium vitis-idaea 2 No FAC 40 Multiply by: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA SHEET – Alaska Region See ERDC/EL TR-07-24; the proponent agency is CECW-CO-R OMB Control #: 0710-xxxx, Exp: Pending Requirement Control Symbol EXEMPT: (Authority: AR 335-15, paragraph 5-2a) 20% of total cover:50% of total cover: 0 616 0 242 1Indicators of hydric soil and wetland hydrology must be present, unless disturbed or problematic. Hydrophytic Vegetation Indicators: 104 ENG FORM 6116-SG, JUL 2018 Alaska – Version 2.0 Sampling Point: % % Type1 Loc2 2Location: PL=Pore Lining, M=Matrix. X Type: Depth (inches):Hydric Soil Present? Yes X No Primary Indicators (any one indicator is sufficient) X X Surface Water Present? Yes X Water Table Present? Yes X Saturation Present? Yes X Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes X No Redox Depressions (F8) Dry-Season Water Table (C2) Other (Explain in Remarks) Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Water-Stained Leaves (B9) Drainage Patterns (B10) Restrictive Layer (if observed): N/A HYDROLOGY Secondary Indicators (2 or more required) Remarks: Iron Deposits (B5) Surface Soil Cracks (B6) Shallow Aquitard (D3) Microtopographic Relief (D4) FAC-Neutral Test (D5) Algal Mat or Crust (B4) Hydric Soil Indicators: Indicators for Problematic Hydric Soils 3: Histosol or Histel (A1) Histic Epipedon (A2) Depleted Below Dark Surface (A11) Depleted Matrix (F3) Redox Dark Surface (F6) Alaska Color Change (TA4)4 Alaska Alpine Swales (TA5) Alaska Redox With 2.5Y Hue Alaska Gleyed Without Hue 5Y or Redder Underlying Layer Other (Explain in Remarks) Depleted Dark Surface (F7) Red Parent Material (F21) 4Give details of color change in Remarks. and an appropriate landscape position must be present unless disturbed or problematic. 3One indicator of hydrophytic vegetation, one primary indicator of wetland hydrology, Hydrogen Sulfide (A4) Alaska Gleyed (A13) Thick Dark Surface (A12) Alaska Redox (A14) Oxidized Rhizospheres along Living Roots (C3) Presence of Reduced Iron (C4) Salt Deposits (C5) Stunted or Stressed Plants (D1) Geomorphic Position (D2) Surface Water (A1) High Water Table (A2) Saturation (A3) Water Marks (B1) Sediment Deposits (B2) Drift Deposits (B3) Inundation Visible on Aerial Imagery (B7) Sparsely Vegetated Concave Surface (B8) Marl Deposits (B15) Hydrogen Sulfide Odor (C1) PF-08SOIL Buttery Remarks 0-4 Color (moist) Depth (inches) Redox Features Mucky Peat Profile Description: (Describe to the depth needed to document the indicator or confirm the absence of indicators.) 4-8 Texture 1Type: C=Concentration, D=Depletion, RM=Reduced Matrix, CS=Covered or Coated Sand Grains. 8-18 Muck Peat Matrix Color (moist) Black Histic (A3) Very Shallow Dark Surface (F22) Alaska Gleyed Pores (A15) Describe Recorded Data (stream gauge, monitoring well, aerial photos, previous inspections), if available: Remarks: 10 Field Observations: (includes capillary fringe) No No No Depth (inches): Depth (inches): Depth (inches): ENG FORM 6116-SG, JUL 2018 Alaska – Version 2.0 Applicant/Owner: Investigator(s): Local relief (concave, convex, none): Subregion: Lat: Long: Soil Map Unit Name: X Are Vegetation N , Soil N , or Hydrology N Are “Normal Circumstances” present? Yes X No Are Vegetation N , Soil N , or Hydrology N SUMMARY OF FINDINGS – Attach site map showing sampling point locations, transects, important features, etc. Yes No X Yes No X Yes X Yes No 1. 2. (A) 3. 4. (B) (A/B) 1. 2. 3. x 1 = 4. x 2 = 5. x 3 = 6. x 4 = x 5 = Column Totals: (A) (B) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Plot Size (radius, or length x width) % Cover of Wetland Bryophytes Yes X U.S. Army Corps of Engineers WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA SHEET – Alaska Region See ERDC/EL TR-07-24; the proponent agency is CECW-CO-R OMB Control #: 0710-xxxx, Exp: Pending Requirement Control Symbol EXEMPT: (Authority: AR 335-15, paragraph 5-2a) 20% of total cover:50% of total cover: 0 503 0 161 1Indicators of hydric soil and wetland hydrology must be present, unless disturbed or problematic. Hydrophytic Vegetation Indicators: 68 135 Equisetum sylvaticum 1 1 303 0 FACW 40Cornus suecica 5 No FAC 160 Multiply by: 25 25 FACU Number of Dominant Species That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: Yes =Total Cover Percent of Dominant Species That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: Total Number of Dominant Species Across All Strata: Dominance Test worksheet: Absolute % Cover Sapling/Shrub Stratum 20% of total cover: 50.0%13 5 Tree Stratum Precipitation has been higher than average for this season. PF-09 Sampling Date: Sampling Point: 8/10/2023 MAL, LSK Dillingham Census AreaBorough/City: Nushagak Cooperative Landform (hillside, terrace, hummocks, etc.): Plain Project/Site: NHRP Project Facility 50% of total cover: Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? significantly disturbed? Is the Sampled Area within a Wetland? Wetland Hydrology Present? 50% of total cover: 20% of total cover: 0 20 Total % Cover of: 5 20 10 15 No 80 FACU NoRubus chamaemorus FACYes data in Remarks or on a separate sheet) 15' R 1 No OBL species UPL species FACW species N/A Remarks: (Where applicable) % Bare Ground Total Cover of Bryophytes Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? 0 Problematic Hydrophytic Vegetation1 (Explain) 1 Prevalence Index is 3.01 No Picea glauca =Total Cover Morphological Adaptations1(Provide supporting Dominance Test is >50% 40 No FAC Prevalence Index = B/A = 101 3.12 No Prevalence Index worksheet: FACU species 27 =Total Cover Herb Stratum none Slope (%): Vaccinium vitis-idaea Vaccinium uliginosum FAC species FAC FAC Spirea steventii Betula nana <1 NoAre climatic / hydrologic conditions on the site typical for this time of year? No Western - Mosquitopoint - Typic Haplocryods -158.11627359.904773 Datum: Hydric Soil Present? (If needed, explain any answers in Remarks.) Yes WGS84 N/A naturally problematic? NWI classification: Dominant Species? LRR X2, MLRA 236 (Bristol Bay-Northern Alaska Peninsula Lowlands) Remarks: Indicator Status 1 2 VEGETATION – Use scientific names of plants. (If no, explain in Remarks.) ENG FORM 6116-SG, JUL 2018 Alaska – Version 2.0 Sampling Point: % % Type1 Loc2 85 15 C M 2Location: PL=Pore Lining, M=Matrix. Type: Depth (inches):Hydric Soil Present? Yes No X Primary Indicators (any one indicator is sufficient) N N Surface Water Present? Yes X Water Table Present? Yes X Saturation Present? Yes X Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes X No Alaska Gleyed Pores (A15) Describe Recorded Data (stream gauge, monitoring well, aerial photos, previous inspections), if available: Remarks: 18 Field Observations: (includes capillary fringe) No No No Depth (inches): Depth (inches): Depth (inches): Matrix Color (moist) 10YR 3/4 Black Histic (A3) Very Shallow Dark Surface (F22) Redox Features Mucky Peat Profile Description: (Describe to the depth needed to document the indicator or confirm the absence of indicators.) 4-11 Texture 1Type: C=Concentration, D=Depletion, RM=Reduced Matrix, CS=Covered or Coated Sand Grains. 11-18 Loamy/Clayey Peat 2.5Y 4/3 PF-09SOIL Silt/Loam Remarks 0-4 Color (moist) Depth (inches) Oxidized Rhizospheres along Living Roots (C3) Presence of Reduced Iron (C4) Salt Deposits (C5) Stunted or Stressed Plants (D1) Geomorphic Position (D2) Surface Water (A1) High Water Table (A2) Saturation (A3) Water Marks (B1) Sediment Deposits (B2) Drift Deposits (B3) Inundation Visible on Aerial Imagery (B7) Sparsely Vegetated Concave Surface (B8) Marl Deposits (B15) Hydrogen Sulfide Odor (C1) Alaska Gleyed Without Hue 5Y or Redder Underlying Layer Other (Explain in Remarks) Depleted Dark Surface (F7) Red Parent Material (F21) 4Give details of color change in Remarks. and an appropriate landscape position must be present unless disturbed or problematic. 3One indicator of hydrophytic vegetation, one primary indicator of wetland hydrology, Hydrogen Sulfide (A4) Alaska Gleyed (A13) Thick Dark Surface (A12) Alaska Redox (A14) Hydric Soil Indicators: Indicators for Problematic Hydric Soils 3: Histosol or Histel (A1) Histic Epipedon (A2) Depleted Below Dark Surface (A11) Depleted Matrix (F3) Redox Dark Surface (F6) Alaska Color Change (TA4)4 Alaska Alpine Swales (TA5) Alaska Redox With 2.5Y Hue Redox Depressions (F8) Dry-Season Water Table (C2) Other (Explain in Remarks) Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Water-Stained Leaves (B9) Drainage Patterns (B10) Restrictive Layer (if observed): N/A HYDROLOGY Secondary Indicators (2 or more required) Remarks: Iron Deposits (B5) Surface Soil Cracks (B6) Shallow Aquitard (D3) Microtopographic Relief (D4) FAC-Neutral Test (D5) Algal Mat or Crust (B4) ENG FORM 6116-SG, JUL 2018 Alaska – Version 2.0 Applicant/Owner: Investigator(s): Local relief (concave, convex, none): Subregion: Lat: Long: Soil Map Unit Name: X Are Vegetation N , Soil N , or Hydrology N Are “Normal Circumstances” present? Yes X No Are Vegetation N , Soil N , or Hydrology N SUMMARY OF FINDINGS – Attach site map showing sampling point locations, transects, important features, etc. Yes X No Yes No X Yes X Yes No X 1. 2. (A) 3. 4. (B) (A/B) 1. 2. 3. x 1 = 4. x 2 = 5. x 3 = 6. x 4 = x 5 = Column Totals: (A) (B) 1. 2. 3. X 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Plot Size (radius, or length x width) % Cover of Wetland Bryophytes Yes X Datum: Hydric Soil Present? (If needed, explain any answers in Remarks.) Yes WGS84 N/A naturally problematic? NWI classification: Dominant Species? LRR X2, MLRA 236 (Bristol Bay-Northern Alaska Peninsula Lowlands) Remarks: Indicator Status 3 3 VEGETATION – Use scientific names of plants. (If no, explain in Remarks.) None Slope (%): Spirea stevenii FAC species FACU Vaccinium vitis-idaea Vaccinium uliginosum 0 NoAre climatic / hydrologic conditions on the site typical for this time of year? No Western - Mosquitopoint - Typic Haplocryods -158.11686259.904991 Betula nana Picea glauca =Total Cover Morphological Adaptations1(Provide supporting Dominance Test is >50% 0 Prevalence Index = B/A = 197 3.02 Prevalence Index worksheet: FACU species 38 =Total Cover Herb Stratum N/A Remarks: (Where applicable) % Bare Ground Total Cover of Bryophytes Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? 0 Problematic Hydrophytic Vegetation1 (Explain) Prevalence Index is 3.01 No data in Remarks or on a separate sheet) 12x20 ft No OBL species UPL species FACW species 50% of total cover: 20% of total cover: 0 0 Total % Cover of:90 1 7 No 90 FAC YesEmpetrum nigrum FACYes 6 3 Tree Stratum Precipitation has been higher than average for this season. PF-10 Sampling Date: Sampling Point: 8/10/2023 BLH, BK Dillingham Census AreaBorough/City: Nushagak Cooperative Landform (hillside, terrace, hummocks, etc.): Hummock Project/Site: NHRP Project Facility 50% of total cover: Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? significantly disturbed? Is the Sampled Area within a Wetland? Wetland Hydrology Present? 12 10 2 FAC Number of Dominant Species That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: Yes =Total Cover FACU Percent of Dominant Species That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: Total Number of Dominant Species Across All Strata: Dominance Test worksheet: Absolute % Cover No Sapling/Shrub Stratum 20% of total cover: 100.0% 188 591 0 FAC 3 12 Multiply by: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA SHEET – Alaska Region See ERDC/EL TR-07-24; the proponent agency is CECW-CO-R OMB Control #: 0710-xxxx, Exp: Pending Requirement Control Symbol EXEMPT: (Authority: AR 335-15, paragraph 5-2a) 20% of total cover:50% of total cover: 0 603 0 200 1Indicators of hydric soil and wetland hydrology must be present, unless disturbed or problematic. Hydrophytic Vegetation Indicators: 94 ENG FORM 6116-SG, JUL 2018 Alaska – Version 2.0 Sampling Point: % % Type1 Loc2 100 100 2Location: PL=Pore Lining, M=Matrix. Type: Depth (inches):Hydric Soil Present? Yes No X Primary Indicators (any one indicator is sufficient) N X Surface Water Present? Yes X Water Table Present? Yes X Saturation Present? Yes X Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes No X Redox Depressions (F8) Dry-Season Water Table (C2) Other (Explain in Remarks) Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Water-Stained Leaves (B9) Drainage Patterns (B10) Restrictive Layer (if observed): N/A HYDROLOGY Secondary Indicators (2 or more required) Remarks: Iron Deposits (B5) Surface Soil Cracks (B6) Shallow Aquitard (D3) Microtopographic Relief (D4) FAC-Neutral Test (D5) Algal Mat or Crust (B4) Hydric Soil Indicators: Indicators for Problematic Hydric Soils 3: Histosol or Histel (A1) Histic Epipedon (A2) Depleted Below Dark Surface (A11) Depleted Matrix (F3) Redox Dark Surface (F6) Alaska Color Change (TA4)4 Alaska Alpine Swales (TA5) Alaska Redox With 2.5Y Hue Alaska Gleyed Without Hue 5Y or Redder Underlying Layer Other (Explain in Remarks) Depleted Dark Surface (F7) Red Parent Material (F21) 4Give details of color change in Remarks. and an appropriate landscape position must be present unless disturbed or problematic. 3One indicator of hydrophytic vegetation, one primary indicator of wetland hydrology, Hydrogen Sulfide (A4) Alaska Gleyed (A13) Thick Dark Surface (A12) Alaska Redox (A14) Oxidized Rhizospheres along Living Roots (C3) Presence of Reduced Iron (C4) Salt Deposits (C5) Stunted or Stressed Plants (D1) Geomorphic Position (D2) Surface Water (A1) High Water Table (A2) Saturation (A3) Water Marks (B1) Sediment Deposits (B2) Drift Deposits (B3) Inundation Visible on Aerial Imagery (B7) Sparsely Vegetated Concave Surface (B8) Marl Deposits (B15) Hydrogen Sulfide Odor (C1) PF-10SOIL Sandy Loam Clay Loam Remarks 0-3 Color (moist) Depth (inches) Redox Features Sandy Profile Description: (Describe to the depth needed to document the indicator or confirm the absence of indicators.) 3-5 Texture 1Type: C=Concentration, D=Depletion, RM=Reduced Matrix, CS=Covered or Coated Sand Grains. 5-20 Loamy/Clayey Peat 2.5Y 4/3 Matrix Color (moist) Black Histic (A3) 7.5YR 2.5/2 Very Shallow Dark Surface (F22) Alaska Gleyed Pores (A15) Describe Recorded Data (stream gauge, monitoring well, aerial photos, previous inspections), if available: Remarks: Field Observations: (includes capillary fringe) No No No Depth (inches): Depth (inches): Depth (inches): ENG FORM 6116-SG, JUL 2018 Alaska – Version 2.0 Applicant/Owner: Investigator(s): Local relief (concave, convex, none): Subregion: Lat: Long: Soil Map Unit Name: X Are Vegetation N , Soil N , or Hydrology N Are “Normal Circumstances” present? Yes X No Are Vegetation N , Soil N , or Hydrology N SUMMARY OF FINDINGS – Attach site map showing sampling point locations, transects, important features, etc. Yes X No Yes No X Yes X Yes No X 1. 2. (A) 3. 4. (B) (A/B) 1. 2. 3. x 1 = 4. x 2 = 5. x 3 = 6. x 4 = x 5 = Column Totals: (A) (B) 1. 2. 3. X 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Plot Size (radius, or length x width) % Cover of Wetland Bryophytes Yes X U.S. Army Corps of Engineers WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA SHEET – Alaska Region See ERDC/EL TR-07-24; the proponent agency is CECW-CO-R OMB Control #: 0710-xxxx, Exp: Pending Requirement Control Symbol EXEMPT: (Authority: AR 335-15, paragraph 5-2a) 20% of total cover:50% of total cover: 0 359 0 109 1Indicators of hydric soil and wetland hydrology must be present, unless disturbed or problematic. Hydrophytic Vegetation Indicators: 41 81 Athyrium filix-femina 4 2 231 0 FAC 32Vaccinium uliginosum 10 No FAC 128 Multiply by: 20 20 FACU Number of Dominant Species That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: Yes =Total Cover Percent of Dominant Species That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: Total Number of Dominant Species Across All Strata: Dominance Test worksheet: Absolute % Cover Sapling/Shrub Stratum 20% of total cover: 71.4%10 4 Tree Stratum Precipitation has been higher than average for this season. PF-11 Sampling Date: Sampling Point: 8/11/2023 BLH, BK, LSK Dillingham Census AreaBorough/City: Nushagak Cooperative Landform (hillside, terrace, hummocks, etc.): None Project/Site: NHRP Project Facility 50% of total cover: Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? significantly disturbed? Is the Sampled Area within a Wetland? Wetland Hydrology Present? 50% of total cover: 20% of total cover: 0 0 Total % Cover of: 3 15 12 12 Yes 17 FACU YesEmpetrum nigrum FACYes data in Remarks or on a separate sheet) 20x20 ft 8 Yes OBL species UPL species FACW species N/A Remarks: (Where applicable) % Bare Ground Total Cover of Bryophytes Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? 0 Problematic Hydrophytic Vegetation1 (Explain) 8 Prevalence Index is 3.01 No Picea glauca =Total Cover Morphological Adaptations1(Provide supporting Dominance Test is >50% 0 Yes FAC Prevalence Index = B/A = 77 3.29 No Prevalence Index worksheet: FACU species 17 =Total Cover Herb Stratum None Slope (%): Alnus incana Rubus pedatus FAC species FAC FAC Spirea stevenii Vaccinium vitis-idaea 0 NoAre climatic / hydrologic conditions on the site typical for this time of year? No Western - Mosquitopoint - Typic Haplocryods -158.12099059.903069 Datum: Hydric Soil Present? (If needed, explain any answers in Remarks.) Yes WGS84 N/A naturally problematic? NWI classification: Dominant Species? LRR X2, MLRA 236 (Bristol Bay-Northern Alaska Peninsula Lowlands) Remarks: Indicator Status 5 7 VEGETATION – Use scientific names of plants. (If no, explain in Remarks.) ENG FORM 6116-SG, JUL 2018 Alaska – Version 2.0 VEGETATION Continued Sampling Point: 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 50% of total cover: 20% of total cover: 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 50% of total cover: 20% of total cover: 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 50% of total cover: 20% of total cover: Sapling/Shrub – Woody plants less than 3 in. DBH, regardless of height. Tree – Woody plants 3 in. (7.6 cm) or more in diameter at breast height (DBH), regardless of height. – Use scientific names of plants.PF-11 Tree Stratum Absolute % Cover Dominant Species? Indicator Status Herb – All herbaceous (non-woody) plants, regardless of size. Definitions of Vegetation Strata: 20 =Total Cover Sapling/Shrub Stratum Vaccinium ovalifolium 12 Yes FAC 81 =Total Cover Herb Stratum Remarks: 24 8 =Total Cover 10 4 41 17 ENG FORM 6116-SG, JUL 2018 Alaska – Version 2.0 Sampling Point: % % Type1 Loc2 100 100 2Location: PL=Pore Lining, M=Matrix. Type: Depth (inches):Hydric Soil Present? Yes No X Primary Indicators (any one indicator is sufficient) X Surface Water Present? Yes X Water Table Present? Yes X Saturation Present? Yes X Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes No X Alaska Gleyed Pores (A15) Describe Recorded Data (stream gauge, monitoring well, aerial photos, previous inspections), if available: Remarks: Field Observations: (includes capillary fringe) No No No Depth (inches): Depth (inches): Depth (inches): Matrix Color (moist) Black Histic (A3) 7.5YR 3/2 Very Shallow Dark Surface (F22) Redox Features Loamy/Clayey Profile Description: (Describe to the depth needed to document the indicator or confirm the absence of indicators.) 2-5 Texture 1Type: C=Concentration, D=Depletion, RM=Reduced Matrix, CS=Covered or Coated Sand Grains. 5-20 Loamy/Clayey Peat 10YR 4/4 PF-11SOIL Loamy Sand Loamy Sand Remarks 0-2 Color (moist) Depth (inches) Oxidized Rhizospheres along Living Roots (C3) Presence of Reduced Iron (C4) Salt Deposits (C5) Stunted or Stressed Plants (D1) Geomorphic Position (D2) Surface Water (A1) High Water Table (A2) Saturation (A3) Water Marks (B1) Sediment Deposits (B2) Drift Deposits (B3) Inundation Visible on Aerial Imagery (B7) Sparsely Vegetated Concave Surface (B8) Marl Deposits (B15) Hydrogen Sulfide Odor (C1) Alaska Gleyed Without Hue 5Y or Redder Underlying Layer Other (Explain in Remarks) Depleted Dark Surface (F7) Red Parent Material (F21) 4Give details of color change in Remarks. and an appropriate landscape position must be present unless disturbed or problematic. 3One indicator of hydrophytic vegetation, one primary indicator of wetland hydrology, Hydrogen Sulfide (A4) Alaska Gleyed (A13) Thick Dark Surface (A12) Alaska Redox (A14) Hydric Soil Indicators: Indicators for Problematic Hydric Soils 3: Histosol or Histel (A1) Histic Epipedon (A2) Depleted Below Dark Surface (A11) Depleted Matrix (F3) Redox Dark Surface (F6) Alaska Color Change (TA4)4 Alaska Alpine Swales (TA5) Alaska Redox With 2.5Y Hue Redox Depressions (F8) Dry-Season Water Table (C2) Other (Explain in Remarks) Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Water-Stained Leaves (B9) Drainage Patterns (B10) Restrictive Layer (if observed): N/A HYDROLOGY Secondary Indicators (2 or more required) Remarks: Iron Deposits (B5) Surface Soil Cracks (B6) Shallow Aquitard (D3) Microtopographic Relief (D4) FAC-Neutral Test (D5) Algal Mat or Crust (B4) ENG FORM 6116-SG, JUL 2018 Alaska – Version 2.0 Applicant/Owner: Investigator(s): Local relief (concave, convex, none): Subregion: Lat: Long: Soil Map Unit Name: X Are Vegetation N , Soil N , or Hydrology N Are “Normal Circumstances” present? Yes X No Are Vegetation N , Soil N , or Hydrology N SUMMARY OF FINDINGS – Attach site map showing sampling point locations, transects, important features, etc. Yes X No Yes No X Yes X Yes No X 1. 2. (A) 3. 4. (B) (A/B) 1. 2. 3. x 1 = 4. x 2 = 5. x 3 = 6. x 4 = x 5 = Column Totals: (A) (B) 1. 2. 3. X 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Plot Size (radius, or length x width) % Cover of Wetland Bryophytes Yes X U.S. Army Corps of Engineers WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA SHEET – Alaska Region See ERDC/EL TR-07-24; the proponent agency is CECW-CO-R OMB Control #: 0710-xxxx, Exp: Pending Requirement Control Symbol EXEMPT: (Authority: AR 335-15, paragraph 5-2a) 20% of total cover:50% of total cover: 0 862 0 283 1Indicators of hydric soil and wetland hydrology must be present, unless disturbed or problematic. Hydrophytic Vegetation Indicators: 139 278 810 0 FAC 13 52 Multiply by: 5 5 FACU Number of Dominant Species That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: Yes =Total Cover Percent of Dominant Species That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: Total Number of Dominant Species Across All Strata: Dominance Test worksheet: Absolute % Cover Sapling/Shrub Stratum 20% of total cover: 66.7%3 1 Tree Stratum Precipitation has been higher than average for this season. PF-12 Sampling Date: Sampling Point: 8/11/2023 BLH, BK, LSK Dillingham Census AreaBorough/City: Nushagak Cooperative Landform (hillside, terrace, hummocks, etc.): Hillside Project/Site: NHRP Project Facility 50% of total cover: Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? significantly disturbed? Is the Sampled Area within a Wetland? Wetland Hydrology Present? 50% of total cover: 20% of total cover: 0 0 Total % Cover of: 8 75 55 55 No 85 FAC YesVaccinium vitis-idaea FACYes data in Remarks or on a separate sheet) 20x20 ft No OBL species UPL species FACW species N/A Remarks: (Where applicable) % Bare Ground Total Cover of Bryophytes Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? 0 Problematic Hydrophytic Vegetation1 (Explain) Prevalence Index is 3.01 No Picea glauca =Total Cover Morphological Adaptations1(Provide supporting Dominance Test is >50% 0 Prevalence Index = B/A = 270 3.05 No Prevalence Index worksheet: FACU species 56 =Total Cover Herb Stratum none Slope (%): Spiraea stevenii Rhododendron groenlandicum FAC species FAC FACU Vaccinium uliginosum Empetrum nigrum 2 NoAre climatic / hydrologic conditions on the site typical for this time of year? No Western - Mosquitopoint - Typic Haplocryods -158.12184159.903354 Datum: Hydric Soil Present? (If needed, explain any answers in Remarks.) Yes WGS84 N/A naturally problematic? NWI classification: Dominant Species? LRR X2, MLRA 236 (Bristol Bay-Northern Alaska Peninsula Lowlands) Remarks: Indicator Status 2 3 VEGETATION – Use scientific names of plants. (If no, explain in Remarks.) ENG FORM 6116-SG, JUL 2018 Alaska – Version 2.0 Sampling Point: % % Type1 Loc2 100 90 10 CS M 100 2Location: PL=Pore Lining, M=Matrix. Type: Depth (inches):Hydric Soil Present? Yes No X Primary Indicators (any one indicator is sufficient) N Surface Water Present? Yes X Water Table Present? Yes X Saturation Present? Yes X Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes No X Alaska Gleyed Pores (A15) Describe Recorded Data (stream gauge, monitoring well, aerial photos, previous inspections), if available: Remarks: Field Observations: (includes capillary fringe) No No No Depth (inches): Depth (inches): Depth (inches): Matrix Color (moist) 5YR 2.5/2 Black Histic (A3) 5YR 2.5/2 Very Shallow Dark Surface (F22) Redox Features Loamy/Clayey Sandy Profile Description: (Describe to the depth needed to document the indicator or confirm the absence of indicators.) 3-5 14-20 2.5Y 5/3 Texture 1Type: C=Concentration, D=Depletion, RM=Reduced Matrix, CS=Covered or Coated Sand Grains. 5-14 Loamy/Clayey Peat 7.5YR 4/4 PF-12SOIL Veg mat Loamy Sand Loamy Sand, distinct patches Slight loam, mostly sand Remarks 0-3 Color (moist) Depth (inches) Oxidized Rhizospheres along Living Roots (C3) Presence of Reduced Iron (C4) Salt Deposits (C5) Stunted or Stressed Plants (D1) Geomorphic Position (D2) Surface Water (A1) High Water Table (A2) Saturation (A3) Water Marks (B1) Sediment Deposits (B2) Drift Deposits (B3) Inundation Visible on Aerial Imagery (B7) Sparsely Vegetated Concave Surface (B8) Marl Deposits (B15) Hydrogen Sulfide Odor (C1) Alaska Gleyed Without Hue 5Y or Redder Underlying Layer Other (Explain in Remarks) Depleted Dark Surface (F7) Red Parent Material (F21) 4Give details of color change in Remarks. and an appropriate landscape position must be present unless disturbed or problematic. 3One indicator of hydrophytic vegetation, one primary indicator of wetland hydrology, Hydrogen Sulfide (A4) Alaska Gleyed (A13) Thick Dark Surface (A12) Alaska Redox (A14) Hydric Soil Indicators: Indicators for Problematic Hydric Soils 3: Histosol or Histel (A1) Histic Epipedon (A2) Depleted Below Dark Surface (A11) Depleted Matrix (F3) Redox Dark Surface (F6) Alaska Color Change (TA4)4 Alaska Alpine Swales (TA5) Alaska Redox With 2.5Y Hue Redox Depressions (F8) Dry-Season Water Table (C2) Other (Explain in Remarks) Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Water-Stained Leaves (B9) Drainage Patterns (B10) Restrictive Layer (if observed): N/A HYDROLOGY Secondary Indicators (2 or more required) Remarks: Iron Deposits (B5) Surface Soil Cracks (B6) Shallow Aquitard (D3) Microtopographic Relief (D4) FAC-Neutral Test (D5) Algal Mat or Crust (B4) ENG FORM 6116-SG, JUL 2018 Alaska – Version 2.0 Applicant/Owner: Investigator(s): Local relief (concave, convex, none): Subregion: Lat: Long: Soil Map Unit Name: X Are Vegetation N , Soil N , or Hydrology N Are “Normal Circumstances” present? Yes X No Are Vegetation N , Soil N , or Hydrology N SUMMARY OF FINDINGS – Attach site map showing sampling point locations, transects, important features, etc. Yes X No Yes X No Yes X Yes X No 1. 2. (A) 3. 4. (B) (A/B) 1. 2. 3. x 1 = 4. x 2 = 5. x 3 = 6. x 4 = x 5 = Column Totals: (A) (B) 1. 2. 3. X 4. X 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Plot Size (radius, or length x width) % Cover of Wetland Bryophytes Yes X Datum: Hydric Soil Present? (If needed, explain any answers in Remarks.) Yes WGS84 N/A naturally problematic? NWI classification: Dominant Species? LRR X2, MLRA 236 (Bristol Bay-Northern Alaska Peninsula Lowlands) Remarks: Indicator Status 3 3 VEGETATION – Use scientific names of plants. (If no, explain in Remarks.) None Slope (%): Betula nana FAC species FAC Rubus chamaemorus Empetrum nigrum NoAre climatic / hydrologic conditions on the site typical for this time of year? No Western - Mosquitopoint - Typic Haplocryods -158.11616759.901487 =Total Cover Morphological Adaptations1(Provide supporting Dominance Test is >50% 10 Yes FAC Prevalence Index = B/A = 132 2.89 Prevalence Index worksheet: FACU species 9 =Total Cover Herb Stratum N/A Remarks: (Where applicable) % Bare Ground Total Cover of Bryophytes Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? 0 Problematic Hydrophytic Vegetation1 (Explain) 100 Prevalence Index is 3.01 No data in Remarks or on a separate sheet) OBL 10x10 ft 95 No OBL species UPL species FACW species 50% of total cover: 20% of total cover: 5 5 Total % Cover of:15 2 5 No 20 FACW YesRhododendron groenlandicum FACYes Tree Stratum Precipitation has been higher than average for this season. PF-13 Sampling Date: Sampling Point: 8/11/2023 LSK, BK, BLH Dillingham Census AreaBorough/City: Nushagak Cooperative Landform (hillside, terrace, hummocks, etc.): None Project/Site: NHRP Project Facility 50% of total cover: Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? significantly disturbed? Is the Sampled Area within a Wetland? Wetland Hydrology Present? Number of Dominant Species That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: =Total Cover Percent of Dominant Species That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: Total Number of Dominant Species Across All Strata: Dominance Test worksheet: Absolute % Cover Sapling/Shrub Stratum 20% of total cover: 100.0% Drosera rotundifolia 42 5 No Carex bigelowii 50 20 396 5 FAC 0 0 Multiply by: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA SHEET – Alaska Region See ERDC/EL TR-07-24; the proponent agency is CECW-CO-R OMB Control #: 0710-xxxx, Exp: Pending Requirement Control Symbol EXEMPT: (Authority: AR 335-15, paragraph 5-2a) 20% of total cover:50% of total cover: 0 411 0 142 1Indicators of hydric soil and wetland hydrology must be present, unless disturbed or problematic. Hydrophytic Vegetation Indicators: 21 ENG FORM 6116-SG, JUL 2018 Alaska – Version 2.0 Sampling Point: % % Type1 Loc2 2Location: PL=Pore Lining, M=Matrix. X Type: Depth (inches):Hydric Soil Present? Yes X No Primary Indicators (any one indicator is sufficient) X N X Surface Water Present? Yes X Water Table Present? Yes X Saturation Present? Yes X Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes X No Redox Depressions (F8) Dry-Season Water Table (C2) Other (Explain in Remarks) Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Water-Stained Leaves (B9) Drainage Patterns (B10) Restrictive Layer (if observed): N/A HYDROLOGY Secondary Indicators (2 or more required) Remarks: Iron Deposits (B5) Surface Soil Cracks (B6) Shallow Aquitard (D3) Microtopographic Relief (D4) FAC-Neutral Test (D5) Algal Mat or Crust (B4) Hydric Soil Indicators: Indicators for Problematic Hydric Soils 3: Histosol or Histel (A1) Histic Epipedon (A2) Depleted Below Dark Surface (A11) Depleted Matrix (F3) Redox Dark Surface (F6) Alaska Color Change (TA4)4 Alaska Alpine Swales (TA5) Alaska Redox With 2.5Y Hue Alaska Gleyed Without Hue 5Y or Redder Underlying Layer Other (Explain in Remarks) Depleted Dark Surface (F7) Red Parent Material (F21) 4Give details of color change in Remarks. and an appropriate landscape position must be present unless disturbed or problematic. 3One indicator of hydrophytic vegetation, one primary indicator of wetland hydrology, Hydrogen Sulfide (A4) Alaska Gleyed (A13) Thick Dark Surface (A12) Alaska Redox (A14) Oxidized Rhizospheres along Living Roots (C3) Presence of Reduced Iron (C4) Salt Deposits (C5) Stunted or Stressed Plants (D1) Geomorphic Position (D2) Surface Water (A1) High Water Table (A2) Saturation (A3) Water Marks (B1) Sediment Deposits (B2) Drift Deposits (B3) Inundation Visible on Aerial Imagery (B7) Sparsely Vegetated Concave Surface (B8) Marl Deposits (B15) Hydrogen Sulfide Odor (C1) PF-13SOIL Remarks 0-20 Color (moist) Depth (inches) Redox Features Profile Description: (Describe to the depth needed to document the indicator or confirm the absence of indicators.) Texture 1Type: C=Concentration, D=Depletion, RM=Reduced Matrix, CS=Covered or Coated Sand Grains. Peat Matrix Color (moist) Black Histic (A3) Very Shallow Dark Surface (F22) Alaska Gleyed Pores (A15) Describe Recorded Data (stream gauge, monitoring well, aerial photos, previous inspections), if available: Remarks: 16 0 Field Observations: (includes capillary fringe) No No No Depth (inches): Depth (inches): Depth (inches): ENG FORM 6116-SG, JUL 2018 Alaska – Version 2.0 Applicant/Owner: Investigator(s): Local relief (concave, convex, none): Subregion: Lat: Long: Soil Map Unit Name: X Are Vegetation N , Soil N , or Hydrology N Are “Normal Circumstances” present? Yes X No Are Vegetation N , Soil N , or Hydrology N SUMMARY OF FINDINGS – Attach site map showing sampling point locations, transects, important features, etc. Yes X No Yes No X Yes X Yes X No 1. 2. (A) 3. 4. (B) (A/B) 1. 2. 3. x 1 = 4. x 2 = 5. x 3 = 6. x 4 = x 5 = Column Totals: (A) (B) 1. 2. 3. X 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Plot Size (radius, or length x width) % Cover of Wetland Bryophytes Yes X Datum: Hydric Soil Present? (If needed, explain any answers in Remarks.) Yes WGS84 N/A naturally problematic? NWI classification: Dominant Species? LRR X2, MLRA 236 (Bristol Bay-Northern Alaska Peninsula Lowlands) Remarks: Indicator Status 4 4 VEGETATION – Use scientific names of plants. (If no, explain in Remarks.) concave Slope (%): FAC species Betula nana 0 NoAre climatic / hydrologic conditions on the site typical for this time of year? No Western - Mosquitopoint - Typic Haplocryods -158.11680259.901172 =Total Cover Morphological Adaptations1(Provide supporting Dominance Test is >50% 10 Yes FAC Prevalence Index = B/A = 135 2.53 Prevalence Index worksheet: FACU species 8 =Total Cover Herb Stratum N/A Remarks: (Where applicable) % Bare Ground Total Cover of Bryophytes Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? 0 Problematic Hydrophytic Vegetation1 (Explain) 140 Prevalence Index is 3.01 No data in Remarks or on a separate sheet) OBL 20 x 20 ft 5 95 OBL species UPL species FACW species 50% of total cover: 20% of total cover: 40 5 Total % Cover of:20 20 YesSalix alaxensis FACYes Tree Stratum Precipitation has been higher than average for this season. PF-14 Sampling Date: Sampling Point: 8/11/2023 BLH, LSK Dillingham Census AreaBorough/City: Nushagak Cooperative Landform (hillside, terrace, hummocks, etc.): bottom of hill Project/Site: NHRP Project Facility 50% of total cover: Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? significantly disturbed? Is the Sampled Area within a Wetland? Wetland Hydrology Present? Number of Dominant Species That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: =Total Cover Percent of Dominant Species That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: Total Number of Dominant Species Across All Strata: Dominance Test worksheet: Absolute % Cover Sapling/Shrub Stratum 20% of total cover: 100.0% Comarum palustre 40 FACW 40 Yes Calamagrostis canadensis 70 28 405 40 FAC 0 0 Multiply by: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA SHEET – Alaska Region See ERDC/EL TR-07-24; the proponent agency is CECW-CO-R OMB Control #: 0710-xxxx, Exp: Pending Requirement Control Symbol EXEMPT: (Authority: AR 335-15, paragraph 5-2a) 20% of total cover:50% of total cover: 0 455 0 180 Equisetum pratense 1Indicators of hydric soil and wetland hydrology must be present, unless disturbed or problematic. Hydrophytic Vegetation Indicators: No 20 ENG FORM 6116-SG, JUL 2018 Alaska – Version 2.0 Sampling Point: % % Type1 Loc2 100 100 2Location: PL=Pore Lining, M=Matrix. Type: Depth (inches):Hydric Soil Present? Yes No X Primary Indicators (any one indicator is sufficient) X X X Surface Water Present? Yes X Water Table Present? Yes X Saturation Present? Yes X Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes X No Redox Depressions (F8) Dry-Season Water Table (C2) Other (Explain in Remarks) Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Water-Stained Leaves (B9) Drainage Patterns (B10) Restrictive Layer (if observed): N/A HYDROLOGY Secondary Indicators (2 or more required) Remarks: Iron Deposits (B5) Surface Soil Cracks (B6) Shallow Aquitard (D3) Microtopographic Relief (D4) FAC-Neutral Test (D5) Algal Mat or Crust (B4) Hydric Soil Indicators: Indicators for Problematic Hydric Soils 3: Histosol or Histel (A1) Histic Epipedon (A2) Depleted Below Dark Surface (A11) Depleted Matrix (F3) Redox Dark Surface (F6) Alaska Color Change (TA4)4 Alaska Alpine Swales (TA5) Alaska Redox With 2.5Y Hue Alaska Gleyed Without Hue 5Y or Redder Underlying Layer Other (Explain in Remarks) Depleted Dark Surface (F7) Red Parent Material (F21) 4Give details of color change in Remarks. and an appropriate landscape position must be present unless disturbed or problematic. 3One indicator of hydrophytic vegetation, one primary indicator of wetland hydrology, Hydrogen Sulfide (A4) Alaska Gleyed (A13) Thick Dark Surface (A12) Alaska Redox (A14) Oxidized Rhizospheres along Living Roots (C3) Presence of Reduced Iron (C4) Salt Deposits (C5) Stunted or Stressed Plants (D1) Geomorphic Position (D2) Surface Water (A1) High Water Table (A2) Saturation (A3) Water Marks (B1) Sediment Deposits (B2) Drift Deposits (B3) Inundation Visible on Aerial Imagery (B7) Sparsely Vegetated Concave Surface (B8) Marl Deposits (B15) Hydrogen Sulfide Odor (C1) PF-14SOIL silt silty loam Remarks 0-7 Color (moist) Depth (inches) Redox Features Loamy/Clayey Profile Description: (Describe to the depth needed to document the indicator or confirm the absence of indicators.) 7-12 Texture 1Type: C=Concentration, D=Depletion, RM=Reduced Matrix, CS=Covered or Coated Sand Grains. 12-18 Loamy/Clayey Peat 7.5YR 2.5/2 Matrix Color (moist) Black Histic (A3) 10YR 4/4 Very Shallow Dark Surface (F22) Alaska Gleyed Pores (A15) Describe Recorded Data (stream gauge, monitoring well, aerial photos, previous inspections), if available: Remarks: 12 0 Field Observations: (includes capillary fringe) No No No Depth (inches): Depth (inches): Depth (inches): ENG FORM 6116-SG, JUL 2018 Alaska – Version 2.0 Applicant/Owner: Investigator(s): Local relief (concave, convex, none): Subregion: Lat: Long: Soil Map Unit Name: X Are Vegetation N , Soil N , or Hydrology N Are “Normal Circumstances” present? Yes X No Are Vegetation N , Soil N , or Hydrology N SUMMARY OF FINDINGS – Attach site map showing sampling point locations, transects, important features, etc. Yes X No Yes No X Yes X Yes No X 1. 2. (A) 3. 4. (B) (A/B) 1. 2. 3. x 1 = 4. x 2 = 5. x 3 = 6. x 4 = x 5 = Column Totals: (A) (B) 1. 2. 3. X 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Plot Size (radius, or length x width) % Cover of Wetland Bryophytes Yes X Datum: Hydric Soil Present? (If needed, explain any answers in Remarks.) Yes WGS84 N/A No naturally problematic? NWI classification: Dominant Species? LRR X2, MLRA 236 (Bristol Bay-Northern Alaska Peninsula Lowlands) Remarks: Indicator Status 3 5 VEGETATION – Use scientific names of plants. (If no, explain in Remarks.) concave Slope (%): Rubus chamaemorus Rubus pedatus FAC species FAC FACW Spiraea stevenii Vaccinium uliginosum 1 NoAre climatic / hydrologic conditions on the site typical for this time of year? No Western - Mosquitopoint - Typic Haplocryods -158.11786259.908396 Alnus incana FACU Picea glauca Betula papyrifera =Total Cover Morphological Adaptations1(Provide supporting Dominance Test is >50% 4 Prevalence Index = B/A = 95 3.30 No Prevalence Index worksheet: FACU species 23 =Total Cover Herb Stratum N/A Remarks: (Where applicable) % Bare Ground Total Cover of Bryophytes Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? Problematic Hydrophytic Vegetation1 (Explain) Prevalence Index is 3.01 No data in Remarks or on a separate sheet) 15 ft R No OBL species UPL species FACW species 50% of total cover: 20% of total cover: 0 2 Total % Cover of: 2 20 15 20 Yes 35 FACU YesBetula nana FACYes 15 6 Tree Stratum Precipitation has been higher than average for this season. PF-15 Sampling Date: Sampling Point: 8/12/23 MAL, BLH, LSK Dillingham Census AreaBorough/City: Nushagak Cooperative Landform (hillside, terrace, hummocks, etc.): none Project/Site: NHRP Project Facility 50% of total cover: Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? significantly disturbed? Is the Sampled Area within a Wetland? Wetland Hydrology Present? 30 15 10 5 FAC Number of Dominant Species That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: Yes =Total Cover FACU Percent of Dominant Species That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: Total Number of Dominant Species Across All Strata: Dominance Test worksheet: Absolute % Cover Yes Sapling/Shrub Stratum 20% of total cover: 60.0% 112 285 0 FAC 45Betula papyrifera 5 No FACU 180 Multiply by: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA SHEET – Alaska Region See ERDC/EL TR-07-24; the proponent agency is CECW-CO-R OMB Control #: 0710-xxxx, Exp: Pending Requirement Control Symbol EXEMPT: (Authority: AR 335-15, paragraph 5-2a) 20% of total cover:50% of total cover: 0 469 0 142 1Indicators of hydric soil and wetland hydrology must be present, unless disturbed or problematic. Hydrophytic Vegetation Indicators: 56 ENG FORM 6116-SG, JUL 2018 Alaska – Version 2.0 VEGETATION Continued Sampling Point: 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 50% of total cover: 20% of total cover: 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 50% of total cover: 20% of total cover: 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 50% of total cover: 20% of total cover: 15 6 56 23 Remarks: =Total Cover 112 =Total Cover Herb Stratum No FACU Vaccinium vitis-idaea 5 No FAC Ribes bracteosum 5 30 =Total Cover Sapling/Shrub Stratum Spinulum annotinum 5 No FAC – Use scientific names of plants.PF-15 Tree Stratum Absolute % Cover Dominant Species? Indicator Status Herb – All herbaceous (non-woody) plants, regardless of size. Definitions of Vegetation Strata: Sapling/Shrub – Woody plants less than 3 in. DBH, regardless of height. Tree – Woody plants 3 in. (7.6 cm) or more in diameter at breast height (DBH), regardless of height. ENG FORM 6116-SG, JUL 2018 Alaska – Version 2.0 Sampling Point: % % Type1 Loc2 100 100 100 100 2Location: PL=Pore Lining, M=Matrix. Type: Depth (inches):Hydric Soil Present? Yes No X Primary Indicators (any one indicator is sufficient) N Surface Water Present? Yes X Water Table Present? Yes X Saturation Present? Yes X Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes No X Redox Depressions (F8) Dry-Season Water Table (C2) Other (Explain in Remarks) Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Water-Stained Leaves (B9) Drainage Patterns (B10) Restrictive Layer (if observed): N/A HYDROLOGY Secondary Indicators (2 or more required) Remarks: Iron Deposits (B5) Surface Soil Cracks (B6) Shallow Aquitard (D3) Microtopographic Relief (D4) FAC-Neutral Test (D5) Algal Mat or Crust (B4) Hydric Soil Indicators: Indicators for Problematic Hydric Soils 3: Histosol or Histel (A1) Histic Epipedon (A2) Depleted Below Dark Surface (A11) Depleted Matrix (F3) Redox Dark Surface (F6) Alaska Color Change (TA4)4 Alaska Alpine Swales (TA5) Alaska Redox With 2.5Y Hue Alaska Gleyed Without Hue 5Y or Redder Underlying Layer Other (Explain in Remarks) Depleted Dark Surface (F7) Red Parent Material (F21) 4Give details of color change in Remarks. and an appropriate landscape position must be present unless disturbed or problematic. 3One indicator of hydrophytic vegetation, one primary indicator of wetland hydrology, Hydrogen Sulfide (A4) Alaska Gleyed (A13) Thick Dark Surface (A12) Alaska Redox (A14) Oxidized Rhizospheres along Living Roots (C3) Presence of Reduced Iron (C4) Salt Deposits (C5) Stunted or Stressed Plants (D1) Geomorphic Position (D2) Surface Water (A1) High Water Table (A2) Saturation (A3) Water Marks (B1) Sediment Deposits (B2) Drift Deposits (B3) Inundation Visible on Aerial Imagery (B7) Sparsely Vegetated Concave Surface (B8) Marl Deposits (B15) Hydrogen Sulfide Odor (C1) PF-15SOIL Clay Loam Ash Sandy Loam Loamy Sand Remarks 0-1 Color (moist) Depth (inches) Redox Features Loamy/Clayey Sandy Profile Description: (Describe to the depth needed to document the indicator or confirm the absence of indicators.) 1-4 9-20 5-9 5YR 2.5/2 Texture 1Type: C=Concentration, D=Depletion, RM=Reduced Matrix, CS=Covered or Coated Sand Grains. 4-5 Sandy Peat Sandy 5YR 4/2 Matrix Color (moist) Black Histic (A3) 7.5YR 4/6 5YR 2.5/2 Very Shallow Dark Surface (F22) Alaska Gleyed Pores (A15) Describe Recorded Data (stream gauge, monitoring well, aerial photos, previous inspections), if available: Remarks: Field Observations: (includes capillary fringe) No No No Depth (inches): Depth (inches): Depth (inches): ENG FORM 6116-SG, JUL 2018 Alaska – Version 2.0 Applicant/Owner: Investigator(s): Local relief (concave, convex, none): Subregion: Lat: Long: Soil Map Unit Name: X Are Vegetation N , Soil N , or Hydrology N Are “Normal Circumstances” present? Yes X No Are Vegetation N , Soil N , or Hydrology N SUMMARY OF FINDINGS – Attach site map showing sampling point locations, transects, important features, etc. Yes X No Yes No X Yes X Yes No X 1. 2. (A) 3. 4. (B) (A/B) 1. 2. 3. x 1 = 4. x 2 = 5. x 3 = 6. x 4 = x 5 = Column Totals: (A) (B) 1. 2. 3. X 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Plot Size (radius, or length x width) % Cover of Wetland Bryophytes Yes X Datum: Hydric Soil Present? (If needed, explain any answers in Remarks.) Yes WGS84 N/A naturally problematic? NWI classification: Dominant Species? LRR X2, MLRA 236 (Bristol Bay-Northern Alaska Peninsula Lowlands) Remarks: Indicator Status 3 4 VEGETATION – Use scientific names of plants. (If no, explain in Remarks.) none Slope (%): Spiraea stevenii Vaccinium uliginosum FAC species FAC FACU Rhododendron groenlandicum Empetrum nigrum 5 NoAre climatic / hydrologic conditions on the site typical for this time of year? No Western - Mosquitopoint - Typic Haplocryods -158.11371459.907171 Picea glauca =Total Cover Morphological Adaptations1(Provide supporting Dominance Test is >50% 6 Prevalence Index = B/A = 220 3.07 No Prevalence Index worksheet: FACU species 47 =Total Cover Herb Stratum N/A Remarks: (Where applicable) % Bare Ground Total Cover of Bryophytes Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? 0 Problematic Hydrophytic Vegetation1 (Explain) Prevalence Index is 3.01 No data in Remarks or on a separate sheet) 15 ft R No OBL species UPL species FACW species 50% of total cover: 20% of total cover: 0 3 Total % Cover of: 10 60 30 50 Yes 75 FAC YesBetula nana FACYes 5 2 Tree Stratum Precipitation has been higher than average for this season. PF-16 Sampling Date: Sampling Point: 8/12/2023 BLH, BK, MAL, LSK Dillingham Census AreaBorough/City: Nushagak Cooperative Landform (hillside, terrace, hummocks, etc.): gentle hill Project/Site: NHRP Project Facility 50% of total cover: Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? significantly disturbed? Is the Sampled Area within a Wetland? Wetland Hydrology Present? 10 10 FACU Number of Dominant Species That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: Yes =Total Cover Percent of Dominant Species That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: Total Number of Dominant Species Across All Strata: Dominance Test worksheet: Absolute % Cover Sapling/Shrub Stratum 20% of total cover: 75.0% 233 660 0 FAC 20Vaccinium vitis-idaea 5 No FAC 80 Multiply by: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA SHEET – Alaska Region See ERDC/EL TR-07-24; the proponent agency is CECW-CO-R OMB Control #: 0710-xxxx, Exp: Pending Requirement Control Symbol EXEMPT: (Authority: AR 335-15, paragraph 5-2a) 20% of total cover:50% of total cover: 0 746 0 243 1Indicators of hydric soil and wetland hydrology must be present, unless disturbed or problematic. Hydrophytic Vegetation Indicators: 117 ENG FORM 6116-SG, JUL 2018 Alaska – Version 2.0 VEGETATION Continued Sampling Point: 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 50% of total cover: 20% of total cover: 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 50% of total cover: 20% of total cover: 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 50% of total cover: 20% of total cover: 5 2 117 47 Remarks: =Total Cover 233 =Total Cover Herb Stratum No FACW 10 =Total Cover Sapling/Shrub Stratum Rubus chamaemorus 3 – Use scientific names of plants.PF-16 Tree Stratum Absolute % Cover Dominant Species? Indicator Status Herb – All herbaceous (non-woody) plants, regardless of size. Definitions of Vegetation Strata: Sapling/Shrub – Woody plants less than 3 in. DBH, regardless of height. Tree – Woody plants 3 in. (7.6 cm) or more in diameter at breast height (DBH), regardless of height. ENG FORM 6116-SG, JUL 2018 Alaska – Version 2.0 Sampling Point: % % Type1 Loc2 100 100 100 100 2Location: PL=Pore Lining, M=Matrix. Type: Depth (inches):Hydric Soil Present? Yes No X Primary Indicators (any one indicator is sufficient) N Y Surface Water Present? Yes X Water Table Present? Yes X Saturation Present? Yes X Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes No X Redox Depressions (F8) Dry-Season Water Table (C2) Other (Explain in Remarks) Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Water-Stained Leaves (B9) Drainage Patterns (B10) Restrictive Layer (if observed): Rock HYDROLOGY Secondary Indicators (2 or more required) Remarks: Iron Deposits (B5) Surface Soil Cracks (B6) Shallow Aquitard (D3) Microtopographic Relief (D4) FAC-Neutral Test (D5) Algal Mat or Crust (B4) Hydric Soil Indicators: Indicators for Problematic Hydric Soils 3: Histosol or Histel (A1) Histic Epipedon (A2) Depleted Below Dark Surface (A11) Depleted Matrix (F3) Redox Dark Surface (F6) Alaska Color Change (TA4)4 Alaska Alpine Swales (TA5) Alaska Redox With 2.5Y Hue Alaska Gleyed Without Hue 5Y or Redder Underlying Layer Other (Explain in Remarks) Depleted Dark Surface (F7) Red Parent Material (F21) 4Give details of color change in Remarks. and an appropriate landscape position must be present unless disturbed or problematic. 3One indicator of hydrophytic vegetation, one primary indicator of wetland hydrology, Hydrogen Sulfide (A4) Alaska Gleyed (A13) Thick Dark Surface (A12) Alaska Redox (A14) Oxidized Rhizospheres along Living Roots (C3) Presence of Reduced Iron (C4) Salt Deposits (C5) Stunted or Stressed Plants (D1) Geomorphic Position (D2) Surface Water (A1) High Water Table (A2) Saturation (A3) Water Marks (B1) Sediment Deposits (B2) Drift Deposits (B3) Inundation Visible on Aerial Imagery (B7) Sparsely Vegetated Concave Surface (B8) Marl Deposits (B15) Hydrogen Sulfide Odor (C1) PF-16SOIL Loamy Sand Sandy Loam Sandy Loam Loamy Sand Remarks 0-6 Color (moist) Depth (inches) 16-17 Redox Features Mucky Peat Sandy Profile Description: (Describe to the depth needed to document the indicator or confirm the absence of indicators.) 6-9 13-16 10-13 7.5YR 2.5/2 Texture Loamy/Clayey 1Type: C=Concentration, D=Depletion, RM=Reduced Matrix, CS=Covered or Coated Sand Grains. 9-10 Loamy/Clayey Peat Sandy 10YR 7/3 Matrix Color (moist) Black Histic (A3) 2.5Y 3/3 10YR 3/6 Very Shallow Dark Surface (F22) 17 Alaska Gleyed Pores (A15) Describe Recorded Data (stream gauge, monitoring well, aerial photos, previous inspections), if available: Remarks: Field Observations: (includes capillary fringe) No No No Depth (inches): Depth (inches): Depth (inches): ENG FORM 6116-SG, JUL 2018 Alaska – Version 2.0 Applicant/Owner: Investigator(s): Local relief (concave, convex, none): Subregion: Lat: Long: Soil Map Unit Name: X Are Vegetation N , Soil N , or Hydrology N Are “Normal Circumstances” present? Yes X No Are Vegetation N , Soil N , or Hydrology N SUMMARY OF FINDINGS – Attach site map showing sampling point locations, transects, important features, etc. Yes X No Yes No X Yes X Yes No X 1. 2. (A) 3. 4. (B) (A/B) 1. 2. 3. x 1 = 4. x 2 = 5. x 3 = 6. x 4 = x 5 = Column Totals: (A) (B) 1. 2. 3. X 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Plot Size (radius, or length x width) % Cover of Wetland Bryophytes Yes X U.S. Army Corps of Engineers WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA SHEET – Alaska Region See ERDC/EL TR-07-24; the proponent agency is CECW-CO-R OMB Control #: 0710-xxxx, Exp: Pending Requirement Control Symbol EXEMPT: (Authority: AR 335-15, paragraph 5-2a) 20% of total cover:50% of total cover: 0 710 0 231 1Indicators of hydric soil and wetland hydrology must be present, unless disturbed or problematic. Hydrophytic Vegetation Indicators: 113 226 624 0 FAC 20Empetrum nigrum 8 No FAC 80 Multiply by: 5 5 FACU Number of Dominant Species That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: Yes =Total Cover Percent of Dominant Species That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: Total Number of Dominant Species Across All Strata: Dominance Test worksheet: Absolute % Cover Sapling/Shrub Stratum 20% of total cover: 66.7%3 1 Tree Stratum Precipitation has been higher than average for this season. PF-17 Sampling Date: Sampling Point: 8/12/2023 MAL, LSK, BLH, BK Dillingham Census AreaBorough/City: Nushagak Hydroelectric Landform (hillside, terrace, hummocks, etc.): Hummocks Project/Site: NHRP Project Facility 50% of total cover: Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? significantly disturbed? Is the Sampled Area within a Wetland? Wetland Hydrology Present? 50% of total cover: 20% of total cover: 0 3 Total % Cover of: 15 50 30 45 No 75 FAC YesBetula nana FACYes data in Remarks or on a separate sheet) 15 ft R No OBL species UPL species FACW species N/A Remarks: (Where applicable) % Bare Ground Total Cover of Bryophytes Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? 0 Problematic Hydrophytic Vegetation1 (Explain) Prevalence Index is 3.01 No Picea glauca =Total Cover Morphological Adaptations1(Provide supporting Dominance Test is >50% 6 Prevalence Index = B/A = 208 3.07 No Prevalence Index worksheet: FACU species 46 =Total Cover Herb Stratum none Slope (%): Spiraea stevenii Vaccinium vitis-idaea FAC species FAC FACU Vaccinium uliginosum Rhododendron groenlandicum 2 NoAre climatic / hydrologic conditions on the site typical for this time of year? No Western - Mosquitopoint - Typic Haplocryods -158.11143659.906530 Datum: Hydric Soil Present? (If needed, explain any answers in Remarks.) Yes WGS84 N/A naturally problematic? NWI classification: Dominant Species? LRR X2, MLRA 236 (Bristol Bay-Northern Alaska Peninsula Lowlands) Remarks: Indicator Status 2 3 VEGETATION – Use scientific names of plants. (If no, explain in Remarks.) ENG FORM 6116-SG, JUL 2018 Alaska – Version 2.0 VEGETATION Continued Sampling Point: 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 50% of total cover: 20% of total cover: 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 50% of total cover: 20% of total cover: 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 50% of total cover: 20% of total cover: Sapling/Shrub – Woody plants less than 3 in. DBH, regardless of height. Tree – Woody plants 3 in. (7.6 cm) or more in diameter at breast height (DBH), regardless of height. – Use scientific names of plants.PF-17 Tree Stratum Absolute % Cover Dominant Species? Indicator Status Herb – All herbaceous (non-woody) plants, regardless of size. Definitions of Vegetation Strata: 5 =Total Cover Sapling/Shrub Stratum Rubus chamaemorus 3 No FACW 226 =Total Cover Herb Stratum Remarks: =Total Cover 3 1 113 46 ENG FORM 6116-SG, JUL 2018 Alaska – Version 2.0 Sampling Point: % % Type1 Loc2 100 100 100 2Location: PL=Pore Lining, M=Matrix. Type: Depth (inches):Hydric Soil Present? Yes No X Primary Indicators (any one indicator is sufficient) N Y Surface Water Present? Yes X Water Table Present? Yes X Saturation Present? Yes X Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes No X Alaska Gleyed Pores (A15) Describe Recorded Data (stream gauge, monitoring well, aerial photos, previous inspections), if available: Remarks: Field Observations: (includes capillary fringe) No No No Depth (inches): Depth (inches): Depth (inches): Matrix Color (moist) Black Histic (A3) 2.5YR 2.5/2 Very Shallow Dark Surface (F22) 20 Redox Features Sandy Sandy Profile Description: (Describe to the depth needed to document the indicator or confirm the absence of indicators.) 7-13 17-20 10YR 4/3 Texture 1Type: C=Concentration, D=Depletion, RM=Reduced Matrix, CS=Covered or Coated Sand Grains. 13-17 Sandy Peat 2.5YR 3/3 PF-17SOIL Sandy Loam Loamy Sand Sandy Clay Remarks 0-7 Color (moist) Depth (inches) Oxidized Rhizospheres along Living Roots (C3) Presence of Reduced Iron (C4) Salt Deposits (C5) Stunted or Stressed Plants (D1) Geomorphic Position (D2) Surface Water (A1) High Water Table (A2) Saturation (A3) Water Marks (B1) Sediment Deposits (B2) Drift Deposits (B3) Inundation Visible on Aerial Imagery (B7) Sparsely Vegetated Concave Surface (B8) Marl Deposits (B15) Hydrogen Sulfide Odor (C1) Alaska Gleyed Without Hue 5Y or Redder Underlying Layer Other (Explain in Remarks) Depleted Dark Surface (F7) Red Parent Material (F21) 4Give details of color change in Remarks. and an appropriate landscape position must be present unless disturbed or problematic. 3One indicator of hydrophytic vegetation, one primary indicator of wetland hydrology, Hydrogen Sulfide (A4) Alaska Gleyed (A13) Thick Dark Surface (A12) Alaska Redox (A14) Hydric Soil Indicators: Indicators for Problematic Hydric Soils 3: Histosol or Histel (A1) Histic Epipedon (A2) Depleted Below Dark Surface (A11) Depleted Matrix (F3) Redox Dark Surface (F6) Alaska Color Change (TA4)4 Alaska Alpine Swales (TA5) Alaska Redox With 2.5Y Hue Redox Depressions (F8) Dry-Season Water Table (C2) Other (Explain in Remarks) Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Water-Stained Leaves (B9) Drainage Patterns (B10) Restrictive Layer (if observed): Rock HYDROLOGY Secondary Indicators (2 or more required) Remarks: Iron Deposits (B5) Surface Soil Cracks (B6) Shallow Aquitard (D3) Microtopographic Relief (D4) FAC-Neutral Test (D5) Algal Mat or Crust (B4) ENG FORM 6116-SG, JUL 2018 Alaska – Version 2.0 Applicant/Owner: Investigator(s): Local relief (concave, convex, none): Subregion: Lat: Long: Soil Map Unit Name: X Are Vegetation N , Soil N , or Hydrology N Are “Normal Circumstances” present? Yes Y No Are Vegetation N , Soil N , or Hydrology N SUMMARY OF FINDINGS – Attach site map showing sampling point locations, transects, important features, etc. Yes X No Yes X No Yes X Yes X No 1. 2. (A) 3. 4. (B) (A/B) 1. 2. 3. x 1 = 4. x 2 = 5. x 3 = 6. x 4 = x 5 = Column Totals: (A) (B) 1. 2. 3. X 4. X 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Plot Size (radius, or length x width) % Cover of Wetland Bryophytes Yes X Datum: Hydric Soil Present? (If needed, explain any answers in Remarks.) Yes WGS84 N/A naturally problematic? NWI classification: Dominant Species? LRR X2, MLRA 236 (Bristol Bay-Northern Alaska Peninsula Lowlands) Remarks: Indicator Status 3 3 VEGETATION – Use scientific names of plants. (If no, explain in Remarks.) Concave Slope (%): FAC species Salix richardsonii 1 NoAre climatic / hydrologic conditions on the site typical for this time of year? No Western - Mosquitopoint - Typic Haplocryods -158.11526359.908115 Salix alaxensis =Total Cover Morphological Adaptations1(Provide supporting Dominance Test is >50% 150 Yes FAC Prevalence Index = B/A = 90 2.46 Prevalence Index worksheet: FACU species 12 =Total Cover Herb Stratum N/A Remarks: (Where applicable) % Bare Ground Total Cover of Bryophytes Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? 0 Problematic Hydrophytic Vegetation1 (Explain) 117 Prevalence Index is 3.01 No data in Remarks or on a separate sheet)5 OBL 20 ft R 5 No 10 NoPolemonium boreale 85 OBL species UPL species FACW species 50% of total cover: 20% of total cover: 10 75 Total % Cover of: 60 FACWYes 3 1 Tree Stratum Precipitation has been higher than average for this season. PF-18 Sampling Date: Sampling Point: 8/12/2023 MAL, LSK, BLH, BK Dillingham Census AreaBorough/City: Nushagak Hydroelectric Landform (hillside, terrace, hummocks, etc.): Shoreside Project/Site: NHRP Project Facility 50% of total cover: Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? significantly disturbed? Is the Sampled Area within a Wetland? Wetland Hydrology Present? 5 5 FAC Number of Dominant Species That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: Yes =Total Cover Percent of Dominant Species That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: Total Number of Dominant Species Across All Strata: Dominance Test worksheet: Absolute % Cover Sapling/Shrub Stratum 20% of total cover: 100.0% Carex aquatilis 60 No FACW 10 No Calamagrostis canadensis 59 24 FACW 270 10 0 0 Multiply by: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA SHEET – Alaska Region See ERDC/EL TR-07-24; the proponent agency is CECW-CO-R OMB Control #: 0710-xxxx, Exp: Pending Requirement Control Symbol EXEMPT: (Authority: AR 335-15, paragraph 5-2a) 20% of total cover:50% of total cover: 0 430 0 175 Viola epipsila Sanguisorba canadensis Equisetum pratense 1Indicators of hydric soil and wetland hydrology must be present, unless disturbed or problematic. Hydrophytic Vegetation Indicators: 2 No 30 ENG FORM 6116-SG, JUL 2018 Alaska – Version 2.0 Sampling Point: % % Type1 Loc2 100 2Location: PL=Pore Lining, M=Matrix. X Type: Depth (inches):Hydric Soil Present? Yes X No Primary Indicators (any one indicator is sufficient) X X Surface Water Present? Yes Water Table Present? Yes Saturation Present? Yes Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes X No Redox Depressions (F8) Dry-Season Water Table (C2) Other (Explain in Remarks) Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Water-Stained Leaves (B9) Drainage Patterns (B10) Restrictive Layer (if observed): N/A HYDROLOGY Soil is sandy and recently deposited in floodplain. It is likely covered by the river for part of the year. Secondary Indicators (2 or more required) Remarks: Iron Deposits (B5) Surface Soil Cracks (B6) Shallow Aquitard (D3) Microtopographic Relief (D4) FAC-Neutral Test (D5) Algal Mat or Crust (B4) Hydric Soil Indicators: Indicators for Problematic Hydric Soils 3: Histosol or Histel (A1) Histic Epipedon (A2) Depleted Below Dark Surface (A11) Depleted Matrix (F3) Redox Dark Surface (F6) Alaska Color Change (TA4)4 Alaska Alpine Swales (TA5) Alaska Redox With 2.5Y Hue Alaska Gleyed Without Hue 5Y or Redder Underlying Layer Other (Explain in Remarks) Depleted Dark Surface (F7) Red Parent Material (F21) 4Give details of color change in Remarks. and an appropriate landscape position must be present unless disturbed or problematic. 3One indicator of hydrophytic vegetation, one primary indicator of wetland hydrology, Hydrogen Sulfide (A4) Alaska Gleyed (A13) Thick Dark Surface (A12) Alaska Redox (A14) Oxidized Rhizospheres along Living Roots (C3) Presence of Reduced Iron (C4) Salt Deposits (C5) Stunted or Stressed Plants (D1) Geomorphic Position (D2) Surface Water (A1) High Water Table (A2) Saturation (A3) Water Marks (B1) Sediment Deposits (B2) Drift Deposits (B3) Inundation Visible on Aerial Imagery (B7) Sparsely Vegetated Concave Surface (B8) Marl Deposits (B15) Hydrogen Sulfide Odor (C1) PF-18SOIL Remarks 0-1 Color (moist) Depth (inches) Redox Features Sandy Profile Description: (Describe to the depth needed to document the indicator or confirm the absence of indicators.) 1-20 Texture 1Type: C=Concentration, D=Depletion, RM=Reduced Matrix, CS=Covered or Coated Sand Grains. Peat Matrix Color (moist) Black Histic (A3) 2.5Y 4/1 Very Shallow Dark Surface (F22) Alaska Gleyed Pores (A15) Shoreline area with signs of flooding at higher river levels Describe Recorded Data (stream gauge, monitoring well, aerial photos, previous inspections), if available: Remarks: Field Observations: (includes capillary fringe) No No No Depth (inches): Depth (inches): Depth (inches): ENG FORM 6116-SG, JUL 2018 Alaska – Version 2.0 Applicant/Owner: Investigator(s): Local relief (concave, convex, none): Subregion: Lat: Long: Soil Map Unit Name: X Are Vegetation N , Soil N , or Hydrology N Are “Normal Circumstances” present? Yes X No Are Vegetation N , Soil N , or Hydrology N SUMMARY OF FINDINGS – Attach site map showing sampling point locations, transects, important features, etc. Yes No X Yes No X Yes X Yes No X 1. 2. (A) 3. 4. (B) (A/B) 1. 2. 3. x 1 = 4. x 2 = 5. x 3 = 6. x 4 = x 5 = Column Totals: (A) (B) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Plot Size (radius, or length x width) % Cover of Wetland Bryophytes Yes X U.S. Army Corps of Engineers WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA SHEET – Alaska Region See ERDC/EL TR-07-24; the proponent agency is CECW-CO-R OMB Control #: 0710-xxxx, Exp: Pending Requirement Control Symbol EXEMPT: (Authority: AR 335-15, paragraph 5-2a) 20% of total cover:50% of total cover: 0 929 0 292 1Indicators of hydric soil and wetland hydrology must be present, unless disturbed or problematic. Hydrophytic Vegetation Indicators: 141 282 705 0 FAC 55Rubus pedatus 10 No FAC 220 Multiply by: 10 5 5 FACU Number of Dominant Species That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: Yes =Total Cover FACU Percent of Dominant Species That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: Total Number of Dominant Species Across All Strata: Dominance Test worksheet: Absolute % Cover Yes Sapling/Shrub Stratum 20% of total cover: 50.0%5 2 Tree Stratum Precipitation has been higher than average for this season. PF19 Sampling Date: Sampling Point: 8/13/23 MAL, LSK Dillingham Census AreaBorough/City: Nushagak Cooperative Landform (hillside, terrace, hummocks, etc.): Terrace Project/Site: NHRP Project Facility 50% of total cover: Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? significantly disturbed? Is the Sampled Area within a Wetland? Wetland Hydrology Present? 50% of total cover: 20% of total cover: 0 2 Total % Cover of: 30 60 45 45 No 85 FAC YesBetula nana FACYes data in Remarks or on a separate sheet) 20 x 20 ft No OBL species UPL species FACW species N/A Remarks: (Where applicable) % Bare Ground Total Cover of Bryophytes Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? 0 Problematic Hydrophytic Vegetation1 (Explain) Prevalence Index is 3.01 No Picea glauca Betula papyrifera =Total Cover Morphological Adaptations1(Provide supporting Dominance Test is >50% 4 Prevalence Index = B/A = 235 3.18 No Prevalence Index worksheet: FACU species 57 =Total Cover Herb Stratum none Slope (%): Empetrum nigrum Spiraea stevenii FAC species FACU FAC Rhododendron groenlandicum Vaccinium uliginosum 0 NoAre climatic / hydrologic conditions on the site typical for this time of year? No Western - Mosquitopoint - Typic Haplocryods -158.11902059.908388 Datum: Hydric Soil Present? (If needed, explain any answers in Remarks.) Yes WGS84 N/A naturally problematic? NWI classification: Dominant Species? LRR X2, MLRA 236 (Bristol Bay-Northern Alaska Peninsula Lowlands) Remarks: Indicator Status 2 4 VEGETATION – Use scientific names of plants. (If no, explain in Remarks.) ENG FORM 6116-SG, JUL 2018 Alaska – Version 2.0 VEGETATION Continued Sampling Point: 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 50% of total cover: 20% of total cover: 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 50% of total cover: 20% of total cover: 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 50% of total cover: 20% of total cover: Sapling/Shrub – Woody plants less than 3 in. DBH, regardless of height. Tree – Woody plants 3 in. (7.6 cm) or more in diameter at breast height (DBH), regardless of height. – Use scientific names of plants.PF19 Tree Stratum Absolute % Cover Dominant Species? Indicator Status Herb – All herbaceous (non-woody) plants, regardless of size. Definitions of Vegetation Strata: Rhododendron tomentosum 2 No FACW 10 =Total Cover Sapling/Shrub Stratum Vaccinium vitis-idaea 5 No FAC 282 =Total Cover Herb Stratum Remarks: =Total Cover 5 2 141 57 ENG FORM 6116-SG, JUL 2018 Alaska – Version 2.0 Sampling Point: % % Type1 Loc2 2Location: PL=Pore Lining, M=Matrix. Type: Depth (inches):Hydric Soil Present? Yes No X Primary Indicators (any one indicator is sufficient) N Y Surface Water Present? Yes X Water Table Present? Yes X Saturation Present? Yes X Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes No X Alaska Gleyed Pores (A15) Describe Recorded Data (stream gauge, monitoring well, aerial photos, previous inspections), if available: Remarks: Field Observations: (includes capillary fringe) No No No Depth (inches): Depth (inches): Depth (inches): Matrix Color (moist) Black Histic (A3) 10YR 5/2 Very Shallow Dark Surface (F22) 16 Redox Features Sandy Loamy/Clayey Profile Description: (Describe to the depth needed to document the indicator or confirm the absence of indicators.) 5-7 10-16 5YR 3/3 Texture 1Type: C=Concentration, D=Depletion, RM=Reduced Matrix, CS=Covered or Coated Sand Grains. 7-10 Loamy/Clayey Peat 5YR 2.5/1 PF19SOIL Ash Loam Loam Remarks 0-5 Color (moist) Depth (inches) Oxidized Rhizospheres along Living Roots (C3) Presence of Reduced Iron (C4) Salt Deposits (C5) Stunted or Stressed Plants (D1) Geomorphic Position (D2) Surface Water (A1) High Water Table (A2) Saturation (A3) Water Marks (B1) Sediment Deposits (B2) Drift Deposits (B3) Inundation Visible on Aerial Imagery (B7) Sparsely Vegetated Concave Surface (B8) Marl Deposits (B15) Hydrogen Sulfide Odor (C1) Alaska Gleyed Without Hue 5Y or Redder Underlying Layer Other (Explain in Remarks) Depleted Dark Surface (F7) Red Parent Material (F21) 4Give details of color change in Remarks. and an appropriate landscape position must be present unless disturbed or problematic. 3One indicator of hydrophytic vegetation, one primary indicator of wetland hydrology, Hydrogen Sulfide (A4) Alaska Gleyed (A13) Thick Dark Surface (A12) Alaska Redox (A14) Hydric Soil Indicators: Indicators for Problematic Hydric Soils 3: Histosol or Histel (A1) Histic Epipedon (A2) Depleted Below Dark Surface (A11) Depleted Matrix (F3) Redox Dark Surface (F6) Alaska Color Change (TA4)4 Alaska Alpine Swales (TA5) Alaska Redox With 2.5Y Hue Redox Depressions (F8) Dry-Season Water Table (C2) Other (Explain in Remarks) Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Water-Stained Leaves (B9) Drainage Patterns (B10) Restrictive Layer (if observed): Rock HYDROLOGY Secondary Indicators (2 or more required) Remarks: Iron Deposits (B5) Surface Soil Cracks (B6) Shallow Aquitard (D3) Microtopographic Relief (D4) FAC-Neutral Test (D5) Algal Mat or Crust (B4) ENG FORM 6116-SG, JUL 2018 Alaska – Version 2.0 Applicant/Owner: Investigator(s): Local relief (concave, convex, none): Subregion: Lat: Long: Soil Map Unit Name: X Are Vegetation N , Soil N , or Hydrology N Are “Normal Circumstances” present? Yes X No Are Vegetation N , Soil N , or Hydrology N SUMMARY OF FINDINGS – Attach site map showing sampling point locations, transects, important features, etc. Yes X No Yes No X Yes X Yes No X 1. 2. (A) 3. 4. (B) (A/B) 1. 2. 3. x 1 = 4. x 2 = 5. x 3 = 6. x 4 = x 5 = Column Totals: (A) (B) 1. 2. 3. X 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Plot Size (radius, or length x width) % Cover of Wetland Bryophytes Yes X U.S. Army Corps of Engineers WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA SHEET – Alaska Region See ERDC/EL TR-07-24; the proponent agency is CECW-CO-R OMB Control #: 0710-xxxx, Exp: Pending Requirement Control Symbol EXEMPT: (Authority: AR 335-15, paragraph 5-2a) 20% of total cover:50% of total cover: 0 527 0 159 Equisetum sylvaticum 1Indicators of hydric soil and wetland hydrology must be present, unless disturbed or problematic. Hydrophytic Vegetation Indicators: No 10 Calamagrostis canadensis 20 FAC 2 No Athyrium filix-femina 45 18 327 0 50 200 Multiply by: 50 45 5 FACU Number of Dominant Species That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: Yes =Total Cover FACU Percent of Dominant Species That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: Total Number of Dominant Species Across All Strata: Dominance Test worksheet: Absolute % Cover No Sapling/Shrub Stratum 20% of total cover: 66.7%25 10 Tree Stratum Precipitation has been higher than average for this season. PF20 Sampling Date: Sampling Point: 8/13/2023 BLH, BK Dillingham Census AreaBorough/City: Nushagak Cooperative Landform (hillside, terrace, hummocks, etc.): Hilltop Project/Site: NHRP Project Facility 50% of total cover: Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? significantly disturbed? Is the Sampled Area within a Wetland? Wetland Hydrology Present? 50% of total cover: 20% of total cover: 0 0 Total % Cover of: 20 FACYes data in Remarks or on a separate sheet) FAC 20 x 20 ft 7 80 OBL species UPL species FACW species N/A Remarks: (Where applicable) % Bare Ground Total Cover of Bryophytes Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? 0 Problematic Hydrophytic Vegetation1 (Explain) 89 Prevalence Index is 3.01 No Betula papyrifera Picea glauca =Total Cover Morphological Adaptations1(Provide supporting Dominance Test is >50% 0 Yes FAC Prevalence Index = B/A = 109 3.31 Prevalence Index worksheet: FACU species 4 =Total Cover Herb Stratum none Slope (%): FAC species Alnus incana 0 NoAre climatic / hydrologic conditions on the site typical for this time of year? No Western - Mosquitopoint - Typic Haplocryods -158.12410959.907342 Datum: Hydric Soil Present? (If needed, explain any answers in Remarks.) Yes WGS84 N/A naturally problematic? NWI classification: Dominant Species? LRR X2, MLRA 236 (Bristol Bay-Northern Alaska Peninsula Lowlands) Remarks: Indicator Status 2 3 VEGETATION – Use scientific names of plants. (If no, explain in Remarks.) ENG FORM 6116-SG, JUL 2018 Alaska – Version 2.0 Sampling Point: % % Type1 Loc2 100 100 2Location: PL=Pore Lining, M=Matrix. Type: Depth (inches):Hydric Soil Present? Yes No X Primary Indicators (any one indicator is sufficient) Surface Water Present? Yes X Water Table Present? Yes X Saturation Present? Yes X Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes No X Alaska Gleyed Pores (A15) Describe Recorded Data (stream gauge, monitoring well, aerial photos, previous inspections), if available: Remarks: Field Observations: (includes capillary fringe) No No No Depth (inches): Depth (inches): Depth (inches): Matrix Color (moist) Black Histic (A3) 10YR 4/3 5YR 3/2 Very Shallow Dark Surface (F22) Redox Features Loamy/Clayey Profile Description: (Describe to the depth needed to document the indicator or confirm the absence of indicators.) 12-22 Texture 1Type: C=Concentration, D=Depletion, RM=Reduced Matrix, CS=Covered or Coated Sand Grains. Sandy PF20SOIL Sandy loam with rocks Loam Remarks 0-12 Color (moist) Depth (inches) Oxidized Rhizospheres along Living Roots (C3) Presence of Reduced Iron (C4) Salt Deposits (C5) Stunted or Stressed Plants (D1) Geomorphic Position (D2) Surface Water (A1) High Water Table (A2) Saturation (A3) Water Marks (B1) Sediment Deposits (B2) Drift Deposits (B3) Inundation Visible on Aerial Imagery (B7) Sparsely Vegetated Concave Surface (B8) Marl Deposits (B15) Hydrogen Sulfide Odor (C1) Alaska Gleyed Without Hue 5Y or Redder Underlying Layer Other (Explain in Remarks) Depleted Dark Surface (F7) Red Parent Material (F21) 4Give details of color change in Remarks. and an appropriate landscape position must be present unless disturbed or problematic. 3One indicator of hydrophytic vegetation, one primary indicator of wetland hydrology, Hydrogen Sulfide (A4) Alaska Gleyed (A13) Thick Dark Surface (A12) Alaska Redox (A14) Hydric Soil Indicators: Indicators for Problematic Hydric Soils 3: Histosol or Histel (A1) Histic Epipedon (A2) Depleted Below Dark Surface (A11) Depleted Matrix (F3) Redox Dark Surface (F6) Alaska Color Change (TA4)4 Alaska Alpine Swales (TA5) Alaska Redox With 2.5Y Hue Redox Depressions (F8) Dry-Season Water Table (C2) Other (Explain in Remarks) Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Water-Stained Leaves (B9) Drainage Patterns (B10) Restrictive Layer (if observed): N/A HYDROLOGY Secondary Indicators (2 or more required) Remarks: Iron Deposits (B5) Surface Soil Cracks (B6) Shallow Aquitard (D3) Microtopographic Relief (D4) FAC-Neutral Test (D5) Algal Mat or Crust (B4) ENG FORM 6116-SG, JUL 2018 Alaska – Version 2.0 Applicant/Owner: Investigator(s): Local relief (concave, convex, none): Subregion: Lat: Long: Soil Map Unit Name: X Are Vegetation N , Soil N , or Hydrology N Are “Normal Circumstances” present? Yes X No Are Vegetation N , Soil N , or Hydrology N SUMMARY OF FINDINGS – Attach site map showing sampling point locations, transects, important features, etc. Yes X No Yes No X Yes X Yes No X 1. 2. (A) 3. 4. (B) (A/B) 1. 2. 3. x 1 = 4. x 2 = 5. x 3 = 6. x 4 = x 5 = Column Totals: (A) (B) 1. 2. 3. X 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Plot Size (radius, or length x width) % Cover of Wetland Bryophytes Yes X Datum: Hydric Soil Present? (If needed, explain any answers in Remarks.) Yes WGS84 N/A naturally problematic? NWI classification: Dominant Species? LRR X2, MLRA 236 (Bristol Bay-Northern Alaska Peninsula Lowlands) Remarks: Indicator Status 2 3 VEGETATION – Use scientific names of plants. (If no, explain in Remarks.) gentle slope Slope (%): Vaccinium vitis-idaea Empetrum nigrum FAC species FAC FAC Rhododendron groenlandicum Vaccinium uliginosum 1 NoAre climatic / hydrologic conditions on the site typical for this time of year? No Western - Mosquitopoint - Typic Haplocryods -158.12463859.904813 Picea glauca =Total Cover Morphological Adaptations1(Provide supporting Dominance Test is >50% 0 Prevalence Index = B/A = 220 3.05 No Prevalence Index worksheet: FACU species 46 =Total Cover Herb Stratum N/A Remarks: (Where applicable) % Bare Ground Total Cover of Bryophytes Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? 0 Problematic Hydrophytic Vegetation1 (Explain) Prevalence Index is 3.01 No data in Remarks or on a separate sheet) 20 x 20 ft No OBL species UPL species FACW species 50% of total cover: 20% of total cover: 0 0 Total % Cover of: 15 65 30 35 No 75 FAC YesBetula nana FACYes 3 1 Tree Stratum Precipitation has been higher than average for this season. PF-21 Sampling Date: Sampling Point: 8/13/2023 BLH, BK Dillingham Census AreaBorough/City: Nushagak Cooperative Landform (hillside, terrace, hummocks, etc.): none Project/Site: NHRP Project Site 50% of total cover: Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? significantly disturbed? Is the Sampled Area within a Wetland? Wetland Hydrology Present? 5 5 FACU Number of Dominant Species That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: Yes =Total Cover Percent of Dominant Species That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: Total Number of Dominant Species Across All Strata: Dominance Test worksheet: Absolute % Cover Sapling/Shrub Stratum 20% of total cover: 66.7% 227 660 0 FAC 12Spiraea stevenii 7 No FACU 48 Multiply by: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA SHEET – Alaska Region See ERDC/EL TR-07-24; the proponent agency is CECW-CO-R OMB Control #: 0710-xxxx, Exp: Pending Requirement Control Symbol EXEMPT: (Authority: AR 335-15, paragraph 5-2a) 20% of total cover:50% of total cover: 0 708 0 232 1Indicators of hydric soil and wetland hydrology must be present, unless disturbed or problematic. Hydrophytic Vegetation Indicators: 114 ENG FORM 6116-SG, JUL 2018 Alaska – Version 2.0 Sampling Point: % % Type1 Loc2 100 100 100 100 2Location: PL=Pore Lining, M=Matrix. Type: Depth (inches):Hydric Soil Present? Yes No X Primary Indicators (any one indicator is sufficient) N Surface Water Present? Yes X Water Table Present? Yes X Saturation Present? Yes X Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes No X Redox Depressions (F8) Dry-Season Water Table (C2) Other (Explain in Remarks) Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Water-Stained Leaves (B9) Drainage Patterns (B10) Restrictive Layer (if observed): N/A HYDROLOGY Secondary Indicators (2 or more required) Remarks: Iron Deposits (B5) Surface Soil Cracks (B6) Shallow Aquitard (D3) Microtopographic Relief (D4) FAC-Neutral Test (D5) Algal Mat or Crust (B4) Hydric Soil Indicators: Indicators for Problematic Hydric Soils 3: Histosol or Histel (A1) Histic Epipedon (A2) Depleted Below Dark Surface (A11) Depleted Matrix (F3) Redox Dark Surface (F6) Alaska Color Change (TA4)4 Alaska Alpine Swales (TA5) Alaska Redox With 2.5Y Hue Alaska Gleyed Without Hue 5Y or Redder Underlying Layer Other (Explain in Remarks) Depleted Dark Surface (F7) Red Parent Material (F21) 4Give details of color change in Remarks. and an appropriate landscape position must be present unless disturbed or problematic. 3One indicator of hydrophytic vegetation, one primary indicator of wetland hydrology, Hydrogen Sulfide (A4) Alaska Gleyed (A13) Thick Dark Surface (A12) Alaska Redox (A14) Oxidized Rhizospheres along Living Roots (C3) Presence of Reduced Iron (C4) Salt Deposits (C5) Stunted or Stressed Plants (D1) Geomorphic Position (D2) Surface Water (A1) High Water Table (A2) Saturation (A3) Water Marks (B1) Sediment Deposits (B2) Drift Deposits (B3) Inundation Visible on Aerial Imagery (B7) Sparsely Vegetated Concave Surface (B8) Marl Deposits (B15) Hydrogen Sulfide Odor (C1) PF-21SOIL Loamy Sand w/ash Loamy Sand Loamy Sand (w/pebbles and rocks) Remarks 0-2 Color (moist) Depth (inches) Redox Features Sandy Sandy Profile Description: (Describe to the depth needed to document the indicator or confirm the absence of indicators.) 2-5 11-20 8-11 10YR 5/8 Texture 1Type: C=Concentration, D=Depletion, RM=Reduced Matrix, CS=Covered or Coated Sand Grains. 5-8 Sandy Peat Sandy 5YR 2.5/1 Matrix Color (moist) Black Histic (A3) 10YR 5/4 10YR 5/3 Very Shallow Dark Surface (F22) Alaska Gleyed Pores (A15) Describe Recorded Data (stream gauge, monitoring well, aerial photos, previous inspections), if available: Remarks: Field Observations: (includes capillary fringe) No No No Depth (inches): Depth (inches): Depth (inches): ENG FORM 6116-SG, JUL 2018 Alaska – Version 2.0 Applicant/Owner: Investigator(s): Local relief (concave, convex, none): Subregion: Lat: Long: Soil Map Unit Name: X Are Vegetation N , Soil N , or Hydrology N Are “Normal Circumstances” present? Yes X No Are Vegetation N , Soil N , or Hydrology N SUMMARY OF FINDINGS – Attach site map showing sampling point locations, transects, important features, etc. Yes No X Yes No X Yes X Yes No X 1. 2. (A) 3. 4. (B) (A/B) 1. 2. 3. x 1 = 4. x 2 = 5. x 3 = 6. x 4 = x 5 = Column Totals: (A) (B) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Plot Size (radius, or length x width) % Cover of Wetland Bryophytes Yes X Datum: Hydric Soil Present? (If needed, explain any answers in Remarks.) Yes WGS84 N/A naturally problematic? NWI classification: Dominant Species? LRR X2, MLRA 236 (Bristol Bay-Northern Alaska Peninsula Lowlands) Remarks: Indicator Status 2 4 VEGETATION – Use scientific names of plants. (If no, explain in Remarks.) none Slope (%): Spiraea stevenii Betula nana FAC species FAC FACU Vaccinium uliginosum Rhododendron groenlandicum 10 NoAre climatic / hydrologic conditions on the site typical for this time of year? No Western - Mosquitopoint - Typic Haplocryods -158.11912359.907516 Betula papyrifera Picea glauca =Total Cover Morphological Adaptations1(Provide supporting Dominance Test is >50% 0 No FACU Prevalence Index = B/A = 191 3.19 No Prevalence Index worksheet: FACU species 41 =Total Cover Herb Stratum N/A Remarks: (Where applicable) % Bare Ground Total Cover of Bryophytes Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? 0 Problematic Hydrophytic Vegetation1 (Explain) 2 Prevalence Index is 3.01 No data in Remarks or on a separate sheet) 30x30ft 2 No OBL species UPL species FACW species 50% of total cover: 20% of total cover: 0 0 Total % Cover of: 10 65 20 30 No 70 FAC YesEmpetrum nigrum FACYes 16 7 Tree Stratum Precipitation has been higher than average for this season. PF-22 Sampling Date: Sampling Point: 8/13/2023 MAL, LSK, BK Dillingham Census AreaBorough/City: Nushagak Cooperative Landform (hillside, terrace, hummocks, etc.): hillside Project/Site: NHRP Project Facility 50% of total cover: Hydrophytic Vegetation Present? significantly disturbed? Is the Sampled Area within a Wetland? Wetland Hydrology Present? 32 25 7 FACU Number of Dominant Species That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: Yes =Total Cover FACU Percent of Dominant Species That Are OBL, FACW, or FAC: Total Number of Dominant Species Across All Strata: Dominance Test worksheet: Absolute % Cover Yes Sapling/Shrub Stratum 20% of total cover: 50.0% 201 Spinulum annotinum 1 1 573 0 FAC 44Rubus pedatus 5 No FAC 176 Multiply by: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers WETLAND DETERMINATION DATA SHEET – Alaska Region See ERDC/EL TR-07-24; the proponent agency is CECW-CO-R OMB Control #: 0710-xxxx, Exp: Pending Requirement Control Symbol EXEMPT: (Authority: AR 335-15, paragraph 5-2a) 20% of total cover:50% of total cover: 0 749 0 235 1Indicators of hydric soil and wetland hydrology must be present, unless disturbed or problematic. Hydrophytic Vegetation Indicators: 101 ENG FORM 6116-SG, JUL 2018 Alaska – Version 2.0 VEGETATION Continued Sampling Point: 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 50% of total cover: 20% of total cover: 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 50% of total cover: 20% of total cover: 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 50% of total cover: 20% of total cover: 16 7 101 41 Remarks: 11 2 =Total Cover 201 =Total Cover Herb Stratum No FAC 32 =Total Cover Sapling/Shrub Stratum Cornus suecica 1 – Use scientific names of plants.PF-22 Tree Stratum Absolute % Cover Dominant Species? Indicator Status Herb – All herbaceous (non-woody) plants, regardless of size. Definitions of Vegetation Strata: Sapling/Shrub – Woody plants less than 3 in. DBH, regardless of height. Tree – Woody plants 3 in. (7.6 cm) or more in diameter at breast height (DBH), regardless of height. ENG FORM 6116-SG, JUL 2018 Alaska – Version 2.0 Sampling Point: % % Type1 Loc2 100 100 100 100 2Location: PL=Pore Lining, M=Matrix. Type: Depth (inches):Hydric Soil Present? Yes No X Primary Indicators (any one indicator is sufficient) N Surface Water Present? Yes X Water Table Present? Yes X Saturation Present? Yes X Wetland Hydrology Present? Yes No X Redox Depressions (F8) Dry-Season Water Table (C2) Other (Explain in Remarks) Wetland Hydrology Indicators: Water-Stained Leaves (B9) Drainage Patterns (B10) Restrictive Layer (if observed): N/A HYDROLOGY Secondary Indicators (2 or more required) Remarks: Iron Deposits (B5) Surface Soil Cracks (B6) Shallow Aquitard (D3) Microtopographic Relief (D4) FAC-Neutral Test (D5) Algal Mat or Crust (B4) Hydric Soil Indicators: Indicators for Problematic Hydric Soils 3: Histosol or Histel (A1) Histic Epipedon (A2) Depleted Below Dark Surface (A11) Depleted Matrix (F3) Redox Dark Surface (F6) Alaska Color Change (TA4)4 Alaska Alpine Swales (TA5) Alaska Redox With 2.5Y Hue Alaska Gleyed Without Hue 5Y or Redder Underlying Layer Other (Explain in Remarks) Depleted Dark Surface (F7) Red Parent Material (F21) 4Give details of color change in Remarks. and an appropriate landscape position must be present unless disturbed or problematic. 3One indicator of hydrophytic vegetation, one primary indicator of wetland hydrology, Hydrogen Sulfide (A4) Alaska Gleyed (A13) Thick Dark Surface (A12) Alaska Redox (A14) Oxidized Rhizospheres along Living Roots (C3) Presence of Reduced Iron (C4) Salt Deposits (C5) Stunted or Stressed Plants (D1) Geomorphic Position (D2) Surface Water (A1) High Water Table (A2) Saturation (A3) Water Marks (B1) Sediment Deposits (B2) Drift Deposits (B3) Inundation Visible on Aerial Imagery (B7) Sparsely Vegetated Concave Surface (B8) Marl Deposits (B15) Hydrogen Sulfide Odor (C1) PF-22SOIL Loamy sand W/ash Burnt peat Loamy sand Loamy sand Remarks 0-3 Color (moist) Depth (inches) Redox Features Sandy Loamy/Clayey Profile Description: (Describe to the depth needed to document the indicator or confirm the absence of indicators.) 3-6 13-20 11-13 5YR 3/3 Texture 1Type: C=Concentration, D=Depletion, RM=Reduced Matrix, CS=Covered or Coated Sand Grains. 6-11 Sandy Peat Loamy/Clayey 2.5YR 2.5/2 Matrix Color (moist) Black Histic (A3) 10YR 3/4 2.5Y 5/2 Very Shallow Dark Surface (F22) Alaska Gleyed Pores (A15) Describe Recorded Data (stream gauge, monitoring well, aerial photos, previous inspections), if available: Remarks: Field Observations: (includes capillary fringe) No No No Depth (inches): Depth (inches): Depth (inches): ENG FORM 6116-SG, JUL 2018 Alaska – Version 2.0 INITIAL STUDY REPORT ATTACHMENT L: CARIBOU POPULATION EVALUATION NUYAKUK RIVER HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FERC NO. 14873 Submitted by: Nushagak Electric & Telephone Cooperative, Inc. P.O. Box 350 Dillingham, AK 99576 December 2023 Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Caribou Population Evaluation FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment L Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. i December 2023 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 STUDY PLAN INTRODUCTION..................................................................................... 1 1.1 Transmission Line ................................................................................................... 1 1.2 Study Plan............................................................................................................... 2 1.3 Mulchatna Caribou Herd......................................................................................... 3 2.0 STUDY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES............................................................................... 4 3.0 STUDY AREA................................................................................................................... 5 4.0 METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................................. 6 5.0 RESULTS ........................................................................................................................... 6 5.1 Abundance Trends .................................................................................................. 6 5.2 Distribution ............................................................................................................. 9 5.3 Reproduction and Growth ..................................................................................... 11 5.4 Foraging Behavior ................................................................................................ 12 5.5 Population Demographics..................................................................................... 12 5.6 Potential Impacts from the Proposed Project ........................................................ 15 5.6.1 Impacts on Habitat.................................................................................... 15 5.6.2 Behavioral and Physiological Responses.................................................. 19 5.6.3 Predation ................................................................................................... 21 5.6.4 Increased Anthropogenic Activities.......................................................... 22 6.0 DISCUSSION AND FINDINGS...................................................................................... 22 6.1 Recommendations ................................................................................................. 23 7.0 STUDY VARIANCES AND MODIFICATIONS........................................................... 24 7.1 Variance................................................................................................................ 24 7.2 Modifications........................................................................................................ 24 8.0 STUDY STATUS AND SCHEDULE.............................................................................. 24 9.0 STUDY-SPECIFIC CONSULTATION ........................................................................... 24 10.0 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................. 26 Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Caribou Population Evaluation FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment L Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. ii August 2022 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1-1. Alaska Caribou Herds. Number 17 represents the Mulchatna Caribou Herd (ADFG 2023a).........................................................................................................4 Figure 3-1. The Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project area within Game Management Units (GMUs) 17B, 17C and 9B. The Project facility is within GMU 17B and the transmission line extends into 17C and 9B. ................................................5 Figure 5-1. Population estimates for the Mulchatna Caribou Herd from 1974-2022 (Woolington 2011; Barten and Watine 2020; ADFG 2023b)..................................7 Figure 5-2. Bull-to-cow ratios of east segment (square), the west segment (diamond) and the combined two segments (solid triangle) for the Mulchatna Caribou Herd from the October composition surveys for 2012-2020 (ADFG 2023b). .................8 Figure 5-3. The Mulchatna Caribou Herd fall composition survey data of calf-to-cow ratio for the east segment (square), the west segment (diamond) and the combined two segments (solid triangle) from 2012-2020 (ADFG 2023b)..............9 Figure 5-4. Historical range (dark gray line) of the Mulchatna Caribou Herd (ADFG 2023b). Historical data provided by ADFG Division of Wildlife Conservation. .........................................................................................................10 Figure 5-5. The Mulchatna Caribou Herd range from 2021-2022 (Demma and Sattler 2022; ADFG 2023b). Seasonal data provided by ADFG Division of Wildlife. ..............11 Figure 5-6. Mulchatna Caribou Herd calf mortality (< 2 weeks old) from 2012 to 2021 for the east calving ground (ADFG 2023b). ................................................................13 Figure 5-7. Mulchatna Caribou Herd calf mortality (< 2 weeks old) from 2012 to 2021 for the west calving ground (ADFG 2023b). ...............................................................14 Figure 5-8. Mulchatna Caribou Herd population estimates compared to known MCH harvests from 1974-2016 (Van Lanen et al. 2018). ...............................................15 Figure 5-9. The proposed transmission line transects the MCH east segment’s summer and winter ranges. .........................................................................................................17 Figure 5-10. The proposed transmission line (red) with a 2.5 km (magenta dash line) and 4 km (magenta line) buffer. A 2.5 km (turquoise dashed line) and 4 km (turquoise line) buffer was also placed around the existing transmission lines. .......................................................................................................................19 LIST OF TABLES Table 1-1. Approximate length and area of the proposed transmission line. ..................................2 Table 1-2. Approximate number and area of poles or towers of the proposed transmission line............................................................................................................................2 Table 9-1. Summary of consultation with agencies (date and meeting description). ....................24 Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Caribou Population Evaluation FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment L Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. iii December 2023 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ac acre ADFG Alaska Department of Fish and Game ATV all-terrain vehicles Commission Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Cooperative Nushagak Electric and Telephone Cooperative FERC Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ft foot GIS Geographic Information System GMU Game Management Unit IM Intensive Management km kilometer km2 square kilometer kV kilovolt MCH Mulchatna Caribou Herd mi mile mi2 square mile MLP&A MLP & Associates Project Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project (P-14873) RSP Revised Study Plan S&I Survey and Inventory USFWS U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service USR Updated Study Report Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Caribou Population Evaluation FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment L Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 1 December 2023 1.0 STUDY PLAN INTRODUCTION 1.1 Transmission Line The transmission line design, routing, and alignment for the proposed Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project (Project) is preliminary and in the conceptual design phased of the Project. Information gathered from baseline studies (e.g., cultural, environmental, and biological surveys) will be used to refine the design of the transmission line. For the purposes of the conceptual design, the following describes the supplementary design criteria and construction methodology. The present transmission intertie concept consists of 135 miles (mi) of new transmission line, utilizing 34.5 kilovolts (kV) insulated steel tower and steel pole construction or a combination of the two distributed over the transmission corridor. The proposed transmission line routing right- of-way consists of roughly 1,227 acres (ac), which includes a 75 foot (ft) wide swath along the full line corridor (Table 1-1). No substations or intermediate switching stations are expected along the route at this time. Spans between towers or poles along the corridor may range from 200 ft to 800 ft in length. Using an average of 400 ft spans, this requires roughly 1,780 towers or poles in total (Table 1-2). The actual construction details, tower or pole quantities, and routing will be determined in part on the topography along the route, as well as requirements from cultural, environmental, and biological surveys. The goal is to route the transmission line, where possible, away from wetlands and along higher terrain and ridgelines. The height of the poles will be dependent on the span and size of the conductor but will likely range from 100-150 ft above the ground and span above the maximum canopy height if passing over forested areas. The typical right-of-way for the line configuration anticipated will require an average 75 ft width along and under the transmission corridors. The planned design and routing will work to eliminate any need for right-of-way clearing for both construction and ongoing maintenance. This means land disturbance between towers/poles will likely not be necessary. It is anticipated that construction and maintenance of the line will utilize aerial support (e.g., helicopters and planes) and not require road access. Construction at each tower or pole will be self-contained at that site using helicopter delivery of material, equipment, and personnel. It is anticipated a radius of 75 ft around the tower or pole will be needed for construction activity, or approximately 0.4 ac per pole. It is expected that ongoing maintenance will only require space for aerial dropping-off or picking-up line personnel on an annual or longer periodic basis for inspection and potential repairs. The two types of site construction anticipated will be for a steel tower structure and for steel poles. The decision on when and where a tower versus a pole will be used depends on the routing and terrain. Steel towers require construction of a concrete anchorage system secured preferably to bedrock or with deep anchors or pile foundations. Installation of steel poles will require auguring holes and constructing a concrete pillar type foundation. The use of steel towers and poles should eliminate the need for guy wiring extending past or outside the right-of-way Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Caribou Population Evaluation FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment L Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 2 December 2023 corridor. Of concern will be upheaval of towers and pole in areas under permafrost conditions. Extra care in design and construction will be required to prevent upheaval in locations where frozen ground conditions exist along the proposed alignment. Simple design features, such as conductor size and type of connectors used, will be employed to minimize corona along the transmission line and at the tower or pole locations. Corona occurs on all types of transmission lines but becomes more noticeable at higher voltages (i.e., 230 kV and higher). However, in this application, corona will not be of concern given the relatively low transmission operating voltage. Construction duration will be dependent on a number of factors including the number of crews working on the Project, weather impacts, and length of the construction season. Based on an assumed construction window of 6 months per year, it is anticipated that the proposed transmission corridor will take 3 to 4 years to construct. Table 1-1. Approximate length and area of the proposed transmission line. Length (mi; kilometer [km]) Acres (ac) Square Kilometer (km2) Square Mile (mi2) Proposed Transmission Line 135 (~217) 1,227 ~5 ~2 10.4 ac per Pole or Tower Table 1-2. Approximate number and area of poles or towers of the proposed transmission line. Number Acres (ac) per Pole or Tower Total Acre (ac) Total Square Kilometers (km2) Total Square Miles (mi2) Poles or Towers ~1,780 0.4 ~712 ~2.88 ~1.11 1.2 Study Plan MLP & Associates (MLP&A) was contracted by McMillen for 2023-2024 Nushagak Electric and Telephone Cooperative (Cooperative) Project Revised Study Plan (RSP) support. The Cooperative is currently evaluating the potential for constructing a hydroelectric facility on the Nuyakuk River to supply nearby villages with electricity. As part of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) licensing process, a suite of terrestrial studies have been included in the overall feasibility assessment. MLP&A assisted the Cooperative with the proposed terrestrial resource studies including the caribou population evaluation described in this report. The Cooperative proposed to conduct a study to evaluate caribou data from the Alaska Department of Fish and Game’s (ADFG) Division of Wildlife Conservation ongoing Mulchatna Caribou Herd (MCH) Survey and Inventory (S&I) program (Barten and Watine 2020). The Cooperative initiated preliminary discussion with ADFG to establish collaboration and mechanisms for data sharing. ADFG manages an expansive caribou S&I program for the MCH and collects data on an annual basis to document migration, productivity, health, population size and composition, and calf survival. ADFG expressed a willingness to share the data from their Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Caribou Population Evaluation FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment L Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 3 December 2023 ongoing study with the Cooperative for the purposes of conducting an impact assessment related to Project development and operations. The Cooperative proposed to analyze ADFG’s dataset to evaluate potential impacts to caribou as a result of the proposed Project. In addition to working with ADFG, MLP&A investigated and evaluated impacts on caribou from human-made linear features (e.g., transmission lines previously constructed) through a literature review. Studies evaluating impacts and documenting the effects on caribou from similar projects were examined and incorporated into this study to improve the understanding of the potential impacts on the MCH from the proposed Project. 1.3 Mulchatna Caribou Herd Caribou are a circumpolar species found in the Arctic and subarctic regions of the world. Caribou are known as reindeer in Europe; however, in Alaska and Canada, only semi- domesticated caribou are considered reindeer. Caribou and reindeer are classified as the same species and include seven subspecies: barren ground (Randifer tarandus granti), Svalbard (R. t. platyrhynchus), European (R. t. tarandus), Finnish forest reindeer (R. t. fennicus), Greenland (R.t. groenlandicus), woodland (R. t. caribou), and Peary (R. t. pearyi). Barren ground caribou make up the 31 caribou populations or herds in Alaska (Figure 1-1), with one exception, the woodland Chisana herd that migrates between Canada and Southcentral Alaska. Traditionally, a group of caribou using distinct calving areas separate from other caribou are considered a herd (Skoog 1968; Hinkes et al. 2005; ADFG 2023a). However, there is an ongoing discussion that metapopulation, smaller herds joining the larger herd, is a better long-term description for caribou ecology (Hinkes et al. 2005). For this study, groups of caribou will be referred to as herds. The MCH (barren ground) is found in the Project area. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Caribou Population Evaluation FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment L Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 4 December 2023 Figure 1-1. Alaska Caribou Herds. Number 17 represents the Mulchatna Caribou Herd (ADFG 2023a). 2.0 STUDY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES As established in the RSP (Section 4.3.2), the overall goals of the study are to evaluate any potential impacts of Project development to the MCH within the study area (Section 3.0). ADFG has divided the State into geographical regions called Game Management Units or GMUs as a wildlife management tool. Potential impacts were evaluated within GMU 17B, 17C and 9B as a result of the proposed Project. GMU 9B was included in the study area because the proposed transmission line extends into GMU 9B where it connects with the village of Levelock. Study objectives include: Evaluate the MCH population status and trends, including population size, population composition, and breeding trends within GMU 17B, 17C and 9B. Evaluate caribou health within GMU 17B, 17C and 9B, including body condition, calf survival, and mortality rates. Evaluate caribou habitat assessment within GMU 17B, 17 C and 9B, and by monitoring the condition and productivity of captured female caribou. Evaluate MCH land use within GMU 17B, 17C and 9B, including migration corridors, calving areas, and foraging patterns. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Caribou Population Evaluation FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment L Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 5 December 2023 3.0 STUDY AREA The study area encompassed the entire proposed FERC Project boundary and surrounding area within GMUs 17B, 17C and 9B and includes approximately 63,500 square kilometers (km2; ~24,500 square miles [mi 2]; Figure 3-1). The proposed Project boundary falls within GMUs 17B, 17C and 9B. The proposed Project facilities are located within GMU 17B, and proposed transmission lines extend into GMU 17C and 9B. Figure 3-1. The Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project area within Game Management Units (GMUs) 17B, 17C and 9B. The Project facility is within GMU 17B and the transmission line extends into 17C and 9B. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Caribou Population Evaluation FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment L Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 6 December 2023 4.0 METHODOLOGY To evaluate potential impacts on the MCH from the proposed Project, a literature review was conducted. The literature review was based on peer-reviewed and gray literature found through Google Scholar, Researchgate and agency websites. Keywords searched included linear feature, power line, or transmission line; caribou, reindeer, or Rangifer; and Mulchatna caribou herd. Literature was then scanned for relevant references not found in the search. Once itemized, the literature sources were reviewed and incorporated into the impacts analysis for the study. Correspondence with agencies was also incorporated into the analysis. ADFG reports on the MCH were reviewed. Data within the reports were extracted and then incorporated into the impacts analysis via graphs, tables, and maps. ADFG provided geographic information systems (GIS) shapefiles from the S&I data set on the historical and seasonal distribution (2020-2022) of the MCH. The shapefiles were then uploaded into Esri’s ArcGIS software. The facility location, transmission line alignments, and potential areas of indirect impact were plotted to aid in impacts analysis. Maps were then created and exported into JPEG format. 5.0 RESULTS 5.1 Abundance Trends Caribou populations naturally fluctuate over long (i.e., decades) and short time scales (i.e., annually) depending on environmental factors such as foraging resources, competition for resources, winter severity, predation, disease, emigration as well as human factors such as hunting (Skoog 1968; Hinkes et al. 2005; Van Lanen et al. 2018). Before 1900, caribou were likely the most abundant large terrestrial mammal in southwest Alaska (Van Lanen et al. 2018). Russians documented the presence of caribou in the area during the early 1800s, noticing a peak in the caribou population in the 1860s and then a decline in the population in the 1870s, which continued until the mid-1900s (Skoog 1968; Barten and Watine 2020). In 1970, the MCH was estimated at around 5,000 individuals. The population increased to 37,000 individuals by 1985, peaking at approximately 200,000 individuals in the mid-1990s before declining (Figure 5-1; Woolington 2011; Barten and Watine 2020; Van Lanen et al. 2018; ADFG 2023). The most recently published 5-year regulatory period, 2012-2016, estimated the MCH population at 27,242 individuals in 2016 (Barten and Watine 2020). In 2019 and 2022, the MCH was estimated at 13,448 and 12,112, respectively (ADFG 2020; ADFG 2023b). The 2022 estimate was subdivided further based on a divergence in calving ground and habitat fidelity between two segments of the MCH. The 2022 estimates were 6,242 for the east segment, which calve in the upper Mulchatna River area, and 5,870 for the west segment, which calve north of Nuyakuk and Tikchik lakes (see Section 5.2 Distribution for discussion of the east and west segments; ADFG 2023b). Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Caribou Population Evaluation FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment L Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 7 December 2023 Figure 5-1. Population estimates for the Mulchatna Caribou Herd from 1974-2022 (Woolington 2011; Barten and Watine 2020; ADFG 2023b). State management objectives are to maintain a population of 30,000 – 80,000 individuals with a bull-to-cow ratio of 35:100 and a calf-to-cow ratio of 30:100 (Barten and Watine 2020; ADFG 2023c). Currently, the MCH does not meet the population management objective of 30,000- 80,000 individuals. The trends in bull-to-cow and the calf-to-cow ratios are variable from year to year (ADFG 2023c). Figure 5-2 and Figure 5-3 show the bull-to-cow and calf-to-cow ratios from 2012-2020, respectively, for the west segment, east segment and the combination of the two (ADFG 2023b). In 2022, the calf-to-cow ratios were 26:100 and 31:100 for the west and east segments, respectively (ADFG 2023c). The bull-to-cow ratios were 32:100 and 44:100 for the west and east segments, respectively (ADFG 2023c). 0 50,000 100,000 150,000 200,000 250,000 No. CaribouYear Abundance Estimate Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Caribou Population Evaluation FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment L Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 8 December 2023 Figure 5-2. Bull-to-cow ratios of east segment (square), the west segment (diamond) and the combined two segments (solid triangle) for the Mulchatna Caribou Herd from the October composition surveys for 2012-2020 (ADFG 2023b). Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Caribou Population Evaluation FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment L Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 9 December 2023 Figure 5-3. The Mulchatna Caribou Herd fall composition survey data of calf-to-cow ratio for the east segment (square), the west segment (diamond) and the combined two segments (solid triangle) from 2012-2020 (ADFG 2023b). 5.2 Distribution The range, movement and seasonal distribution of the MCH substantially changed with an increase in population (Hinkes et al. 2005). The MCH range expanded when the population peaked in the 1990s, extending to approximately 70,000 km2 (~27,000 square miles [mi2; Hinkes et al. 2005). The MCH range extended west into GMU 18, north into 19A&B, south to 17A&C and east into 9A&B (Figure 5-4). However, the range contracted with the decline in population in the 1990s (Hinkes et al. 2005; Van Lanen et al. 2018; Barten and Watine 2020; ADFG 2023b). With the decline in population and a contraction of range, the herd separated into two segments, the west and east segments (ADFG 2023b). The west segment, or Unit 18 population, spends fall and winter in Unit 18, between the Kilbuck and Eek Mountain ranges and the Kuskokwim River, then migrates late winter early spring into the western Unit 17B&C, north of Nuyakuk and Tikchik lakes, to calve, then returns to Unit 18 mid-summer (Figure 5-4; Figure 5-5). The east segment, or Unit 17 population, spends fall and winter in eastern Unit 9B, 17B&C, and 19A&B, in the Nushagak, Mulchatna, Kvichak, and upper South Fork of Hololitna river drainages. The east segment typically remains in those units during spring, calving in the upper Mulchatna River area (Figure 5-4; Figure 5-5; Demma and Sattler 2022; ADFG 2023b). In general, there is seasonal spatial segregation between the two segments; however, the seasonal ranges do overlap occasionally in some areas, such as the upper Tikchik River basin (north of the project area) in the western Unit 17B (Figure 5-4; Figure 5-5). Additionally, some individuals have been observed switching between segments (ADFG 2023b). This study, however, focuses on MCH within GMUs 17B, 17C and 9B, where the proposed Project would occur. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Caribou Population Evaluation FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment L Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 10 December 2023 Figure 5-4. Historical range (dark gray line) of the Mulchatna Caribou Herd (ADFG 2023b). Historical data provided by ADFG Division of Wildlife Conservation. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Caribou Population Evaluation FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment L Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 11 December 2023 Figure 5-5. The Mulchatna Caribou Herd range from 2021-2022 (Demma and Sattler 2022; ADFG 2023b). Seasonal data provided by ADFG Division of Wildlife. 5.3 Reproduction and Growth The rutting season for caribou in Alaska is from September-October. Male caribou control and defend an area around them and the females within that area, which is different from other species within the deer family that defend a harem of females. Females become reproductive around 2 years of age and birth one calf seasonally. The gestation period is approximately 230 days. Most female caribou in a herd will give birth within a short period of time during late May to June. After calving, caribou gather in large post-calving aggregations to avoid predation and Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Caribou Population Evaluation FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment L Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 12 December 2023 insects. Females wean their young by September. Once insect numbers decline in August, they scatter to forage, until rutting begins (Skoog 1968; ADFG 2023a). 5.4 Foraging Behavior Caribou eat a variety of food resources and their diet is based on seasonal changes in vegetation (Skoog 1968). In the summer (May-September) they forage on willow leaves, sedges, flowering tundra plants and mushrooms. They switch to lichens, dried sedges and small shrubs in September for the winter (ADFG 2023a). The ability to forage on large quantities of lichen is a unique adaptation for this species of ungulate. Their migration patterns are highly linked to forage availability (Skoog 1968). 5.5 Population Demographics Environmental factors such as foraging resources, competition for resources, winter severity, predation, disease, emigration as well as human factors such as hunting contribute to the fluctuation in the MCH population size (Skoog 1968; Hinkes et al. 2005; Van Lanen et al. 2018). The large growth in population until the 1990s is likely attributed to a series of mild winters, low predation rates, and the ability of the MCH to expand into large amounts of available, unutilized habitat (Woolington 2011). Additionally, from the 1970s until the 1990s, annual harvest rates were less than 5% of the population (Woolington 2011). As the population increased, their need for additional food resources increased, likely resulting in an expansion in range (Hinkes et al. 2005; Van Lanen et al. 2018). Over time, as the population continued to grow, overgrazing may have occurred potentially resulting in a lack of important food resources (Van Lanen et al. 2018). Important food resources, such as lichen, can take up to 50 years to recover (Mallory and Boyce 2018) affecting the ability of the herd to maintain peak population levels. Lacking important food resources can lead to nutritional limitations (Demma and Sattler 2022; ADFG 2023c). Nutritional limitations can affect overall body condition, reproduction and susceptibility to disease. From 2020 to 2022, MCH lactating females were described as thin and had significantly less body fat than non-lactating females showing moderate nutritional limitations (Demma and Sattler 2022). Moderate nutritional limitations can result in depressed pregnancy rates, slow juvenile growth and increased winter mortality (Cook et al. 2004; Gunn and Nixon 2008; Cook et al. 2021a; Cook et al. 2021b). Nutritional limitations can also increase susceptibility to disease. Diseases, such as hoofrot and brucellosis, have been detected in the MCH as early as the 1990s (Van Lanen et al. 2018; ADFG 2023d; ADFG 2023e). Hoofrot affects the area directly above the hoof, creating abscesses that can cause lameness in caribou (ADFG 2023d). Brucellosis has recently been observed in the MCH (Van Lanen et al. 2018; Demma and Sattler 2022; ADFG 2023e). Brucellosis causes joint inflammation and lameness, late term abortions, retained placentas, weak calves and reduced adult survival (Demma and Sattler 2022). The disease was observed in both the east and west segments of the MCH; however, it was more prevalent in the west segment (Demma and Sattler 2022). Changing vegetation communities across alpine tundra is taking place likely due to climate change (Mekonnen et al. 2021), affecting food availability for caribou (Demma and Sattler 2022) Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Caribou Population Evaluation FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment L Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 13 December 2023 and interspecific competition for habitat 1. The change in vegetation includes the expansion of shrubs, or shrubification, which likely out-compete non-vascular vegetation such as lichen (Mekonnen et al. 2021), an important food resource for caribou. A reduction in important food resources can then affect the overall body condition and survival rates of caribou (Demma and Sattler 2022). Shrubification also yields increased moose (Alces alces) habitat and moose moving into habitat not traditionally used by the species 2. Caribou have been observed separating themselves from moose as a predator avoidance strategy (Metsaranta et al. 2001), potentially displacing caribou from foraging habitat. Predation on caribou fluctuates with the caribou herd’s change in population abundance. Caribou became an abundant and reliable food source for bears and wolves as the MCH population increased (Griffith et al. 2002; Woolington 2011; Van Lanen et al. 2018). As overcrowding may have occurred, and habitat quality and caribou health declined, the MCH became more susceptible to predation (Griffith et al. 2002; Woolington 2011; Van Lanen et al. 2018). Predation is likely the prominent cause in calf mortality for the MCH affecting the calves within first two weeks of life (Figure 5-6; Figure 5-7). Demma and Sattler (2022) observed approximately 88% of calf mortality during the survey period was due to predation. Figure 5-6. Mulchatna Caribou Herd calf mortality (< 2 weeks old) from 2012 to 2021 for the east calving ground (ADFG 2023b). 1 Lindsey Kendall (MLP&A) personal communication with Andy Aderman (USFWS), April 10, 2023. 2 Lindsey Kendall (MLP&A) personal communication with Andy Aderman (USFWS), April 10, 2023. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Caribou Population Evaluation FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment L Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 14 December 2023 Figure 5-7. Mulchatna Caribou Herd calf mortality (< 2 weeks old) from 2012 to 2021 for the west calving ground (ADFG 2023b). Hunting may have also contributed to the decline in the MCH population. MCH population estimates compared to known MCH harvests from 1974-2016 using permit return data show that harvest levels and hunter reporting activity correspond to the MCH population trends (Figure 5-8; Van Lanen et al. 2018). Van Lanen et al. (2018) discussed overhunting by non-locals as a cause in decline. Currently, local residents mostly harvest caribou from the MCH (i.e., people that live within the herd’s range, mostly from Unit 18) and restrictions on the number of animals harvested have been placed (ADFG 2023c). Illegal harvest is another potential factor in the decline in population; however, it is unknown how many caribou have been illegally taken (ADFG 2023c). Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Caribou Population Evaluation FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment L Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 15 December 2023 Figure 5-8. Mulchatna Caribou Herd population estimates compared to known MCH harvests from 1974-2016 (Van Lanen et al. 2018). A combination of factors such as nutritional limitations, disease, predation and human-related causes of mortality likely limit the recovery of the MCH (ADFG 2023b). Long-term studies need to occur to better understand the dynamics of the MCH growth and decline (Hinkes et al. 2005). 5.6 Potential Impacts from the Proposed Project The transmission line for the proposed Project will likely have the most impact on the MCH. Impacts on the MCH from the proposed transmission line are ecologically complex and not well understood 3; however, impacts to the MCH can be evaluated based on other human-made linear features including transmission lines constructed within caribou and reindeer habitat in different locations throughout the northern hemisphere. Potential impacts on the MCH associated with the proposed transmission line may include 1) impacts on habitat (e.g., direct loss in habitat and barrier effects), 2) behavioral (e.g., avoidance, displacement, or abandonment from important habitat) and physiological responses (e.g., increased stress hormones), 3) increased predation, and 4) increased anthropogenic activity. 5.6.1 Impacts on Habitat Direct Habitat Loss The direct loss of habitat for the MCH may result from the Project footprint of the proposed Project, including the Project facility and transmission line, and would occur with the installation of the proposed Project. Direct habitat loss could mean a potential loss of important habitat, such as calving, foraging, winter and summer habitat. Direct habitat loss from the proposed Project footprint would not likely have a substantial impact on the MCH because the Project footprint area (10.4 km2 [~ 4 mi2]) is relatively small, less than 1 %, compared to the overall range of the 3 Lindsey Kendall (MLP&A) personal communication with Manny Eichholz (ADFG), August 30, 2023. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Caribou Population Evaluation FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment L Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 16 December 2023 MCH (~70,000 km2 [~27,000 mi 2]; Johnson et al. 2020). Therefore, the direct loss of habitat from the proposed Project footprint would likely have a low impact on the MCH. Although the proposed Project footprint may not result in the direct loss of substantial amounts of habitat for the MCH, the proposed Project footprint may directly affect the MCH distribution and movement by transecting important habitat. The proposed Project footprint does not overlap with the MCH west segment’s current range; however, the proposed Project footprint does overlap with the MCH east segment’s range (Figure 5-9). Both the east and west segments’ calving areas are not within the Project area (Figure 5-9). The transmission line footprint transects portions of the east segment’s summer and winter ranges, and likely transects the east segment’s migratory routes (Pritcher 1987). The transmission line footprint also transects the MCH historical range (Figure 5-4). By transecting the MCH range, caribou may be forced to change their movement patterns resulting in a change in distribution. However, distribution and movement patterns of caribou are variable and depend on environmental factors, including available foraging habitat, weather conditions, and terrain (Skoog 1968; Bergerud et al. 1984); therefore, the amount and arrangement of the MCH range transected by the transmission lines may change over time. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Caribou Population Evaluation FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment L Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 17 December 2023 Figure 5-9. The proposed transmission line transects the MCH east segment’s summer and winter ranges. Barrier and Avoidance Effect There is ongoing discourse within the scientific literature as to whether or not, and to what degree, transmission lines in operation present a barrier to movement or otherwise disturb caribou or reindeer (Reimers et al. 2020). Numerous variables seem to influence whether a specific study on the matter finds conclusive evidence supporting or denying barrier effects from transmission lines: population demographics, terrain, habitat quality, habitat type, range size, existing infrastructure, accompanying development, herd domestication history, study scale, cumulative effects, line voltage, tower/pole type and more. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Caribou Population Evaluation FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment L Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 18 December 2023 Recent studies are in modest agreement that transmission lines on their own are not a substantial barrier to wild reindeer movements or use of an area (Reimers et al. 2020), especially over timeframes exceeding 5-10 years. Because there is a lack of available data about the MCH response to infrastructure, including the transmission lines constructed between Ekwok and New Stuyahok in 2017, this discussion considers barrier effects at two levels: (1) strong barrier effects and (2) limited barrier effects. 1. Strong barrier effects would occur when caribou avoid transmission lines within approximately 2.5 km to 4 km during operation, and therefore, the transmission line impedes caribou movement across the corridors. This level of effect was observed by Vistnes and Nellemann (2001, via Bartzke et al., 2014), Nellemann et al. (2001), Mahoney and Schaefer (2002) and Nellemann et al. (2003). 2. In the limited barrier effects case, caribou would behave as if the transmission lines are not there, or with minimal change in behavior in the long term (>5-10 years), which is supported by Reimers et al. (2020). If strong barrier effects are assumed, based on the avoidance distances of 2.5 km to 4 km, an effective loss of approximately 300 km 2 to 450 km2 (~115 mi2 to 175 mi2), respectively, would occur in the MCH east segment summer habitat and approximately 500 km2 to 780 km2 (~190 mi2 to 300 mi 2), respectively, in the MCH east segment winter habitat (Figure 5-10). Movements across the transmission line corridors would be limited, effectively cutting the MCH east segment caribou off from summer range in the Wood Tikchik Mountains and south of Kemuk Mountain. The same would be true for existing winter range south of Kemuk Mountain to Ekwok, and south and west of Levelock. Traditional migration routes throughout the lower Nushagak River Basin would be disrupted long-term. If barrier effects are limited, these impacts would be considered negligible over the long-term, and potentially in the short-term as well. It is likely that any temporary disruption of movements and avoidance of the proposed transmission lines would be overcome by a short-term shift in seasonal distribution, followed by eventual reoccupation of the Project area. As discussed above, recent discourse on how strong of a barrier transmission lines present when not associated with roads or large increases in anthropogenic activity has moved away from the strong barrier effect described by earlier research. Reimers et al. (2020) argued that there are a few reasons to discount those findings: recent research utilized before-after-impact control studies, whereas earlier research did not; a pre-supposition based on public opinion that transmission lines were a barrier to caribou may have influenced earlier study design and interpretation of results; and the evidence and rationale for the mechanism of disturbance (e.g., visual, auditory, olfactory) is not particularly compelling. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Caribou Population Evaluation FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment L Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 19 December 2023 Figure 5-10. The proposed transmission line (red) with a 2.5 km (magenta dash line) and 4 km (magenta line) buffer. A 2.5 km (turquoise dashed line) and 4 km (turquoise line) buffer was also placed around the existing transmission lines. 5.6.2 Behavioral and Physiological Responses Behavioral Response The MCH behavioral responses to the proposed transmission line may include avoidance, displacement or abandonment of habitat. Behavioral responses may lead to temporary or permanent loss of important habitat such as calving, winter and summer areas as well as physiological responses (Section Although the direct loss of habitat from the proposed Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Caribou Population Evaluation FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment L Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 20 December 2023 project (Section would likely be small, these indirect effects would likely have a larger impact on caribou (Johnson et al. 2020). Construction of the transmission line will likely increase human activity and noise in otherwise undisturbed areas and may cause short-term avoidance of the area by caribou (Pritcher 1987; Colmann 2015). Colmann et al. (2015) documented reindeer reducing the use of an area up to 6 km during the construction of a power line in Norway (Colmann et al. 2015); however, once construction ceased, reindeer use of the area close to the power line increased. Construction of the proposed transmission line would be temporary and occur in phases, potentially reducing disruption on a short-term level (e.g., seasonally). Conversely, several phases of construction over a longer period of time (e.g., years) could result in long-term effects such as avoidance, displacement and even abandonment of the area. Specific groups of caribou or reindeer (e.g., cows and calves) and seasonal timing may affect the presence of caribou near transmission lines. (Wolfe et al. 2001). Cows and calves during calving season are more disturbed in the presence of human activity (Wolfe et al. 2000; Nellemann et al. 2001) and may be more likely to avoid the transmission line than bulls and caribou during insect harassment (Wolfe et al. 2000). Avoidance of the proposed transmission line may be temporary if the MCH become habituated to the presence of power lines or population dynamics encourage reoccupation of abandoned habitat (Reimers et al. 2020). Caribou or wild reindeer may avoid powerlines because of the corona effect or corona discharge. The corona effect or corona discharge occurs when an induced current around a conductor exceeds the amount needed to ionize air, emitting violet-to-ultraviolet light and a crackling or humming noise. The onset voltage for corona discharge is variable and depends on environmental factors (Stracqualursi et al. 2021). Wild reindeer are thought to be sensitive to ultraviolet light (Tyler et al., 2014) and can likely hear noise from coronal discharge (300-420 kV) up to 79 meters away (Flydal et al. 2003). Because of the relatively low voltage of the proposed transmission lines (i.e., 34.5 kV), it is not expected that the corona effect would be audible (Flydal et al. 2001 in Flydal et al. 2003) or emit enough visible or ultraviolet light to be detected by caribou; however, to minimize impacts to the MCH from the corona effect, corona discharge could be reduced through the engineering and design of the transmission lines. Caribou may delay crossing or even fail to cross portions of the transmission line (Wolfe et al. 2000); however, caribou use of the “least energetic resistance response” in the natural environment could be applied to understanding caribou responses to human-made linear features (Skoog 1968; Bergerud et al. 1984). Caribou may travel “parallel” or “deflect” natural linear features (e.g., lakes and rivers) in response to paths of “least energetic resistance.” Paralleling occurs when caribou follow contours prior to crossing them to find easiest route (Skoog 1968). Deflection occurs when caribou travel around obstructions (Bergerud et al. 1984). For instance, caribou will seek narrow sections of rivers and lakes to cross, will travel single-file in deep snow then spread out in unimpeded terrain, and travel along wind-blown ridgetops when valleys are inundated with snow even though the topography its steeper (Bergerud 1984). Similar behavior may be applied to caribou traveling parallel or deflecting human-made linear features such as the proposed transmission line (Bergerud 1984). The placement of poles or towers may affect where caribou cross. Longer spans between poles or towers, especially in high-quality habitat and Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Caribou Population Evaluation FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment L Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 21 December 2023 migration corridors may minimize impacts by allowing caribou easier crossings; however, other factors relating to the transmission line (e.g., the corona effect) can also inhibit caribou crossing. Separating the effects of human development from natural variation in caribou habitat and demography can be difficult and hard to assess (Wolfe et al. 2001). Physiological Response Caribou may be disturbed by the presence of transmission lines without exhibiting behavioral responses, but instead a physiological response. Increased levels of stress hormones in response to human activity has been documented in multiple wildlife species, including ungulates (Arlettaz et al., 2007; Creel et al., 2002; Wasser et al., 1997). Increased heart rates in response to human disturbance with no change in behavior have been documented in bighorn sheep (MacArthur et al. 1979, 1982 via Bartzke et al. 2014). Chronic stress can result in a variety of adverse physiological impacts in wildlife without any apparent changes to behavior, including muscle loss, slowed growth, inhibited reproduction, neuron degeneration, and immune suppression (Ashley et al. 2011). Additionally, avoiding the transmission line may increase caribou energy expenditure (Wolfe et al. 2001), which may affect their overall body condition. It is not clear if caribou would exhibit a stress response to transmission lines in the absence of increased anthropogenic activity. Non-invasive monitoring methods could be implemented to determine if the proposed infrastructure induces chronic stress in MCH caribou, and to what extent. 5.6.3 Predation Studies on the impacts of linear features on large mammalian predator movements and prey interactions have generally focused on forested habitats where vegetation is clearcut, creating an easily navigable corridor utilized by predators and avoided by prey species. Predator speed has been shown to increase along this type of linear feature which is presumed to increase foraging success rate (Dickie et al. 2016; Dabros et al. 2018; Dickie et al. 2020). Of particular concern would be the creation of a corridor that would allow predators to quickly move between caribou habitats, which could be the case for this project if clearcutting occurs. Project impacts from vegetation removal would be avoided where possible. Clearcutting would be limited to small pads at towers/poles and would only be necessary in portions of the alignment within forested areas. Selective vegetation management (i.e., trimming or selective removal of tall trees) could be implemented beneath overhead lines to prevent creating a high-speed predator corridor. Golden eagles (Aquila chrysaetos) are the only known avian predator of the MCH, contributing to calf mortality in most years (Barten and Watine 2020). Transmission line towers/poles are often used by golden eagles as perches or as communal roosts, particularly in winter when resources are scarce (Hixson et al. 2022). Although golden eagles do not winter in Alaska, some use of towers/poles by eagles can be expected when they are present. The tundra southwest of Koliganek is a historical calving ground for MCH (ADFG 2015; Van Lanen et al. 2018). Caribou select calving grounds in part to minimize interactions with predators (Bergerud et al. 1984; Gunn and Miller 1986). An increase in golden eagle occurrence due to the installation of transmission line towers/poles could preclude use of this area by caribou for calving over the life of the project. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Caribou Population Evaluation FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment L Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 22 December 2023 The occurrence of other raptors may also increase with the presence of towers/poles. This would shift predator-prey dynamics in the area and has the potential to cause broad ecological effects that are difficult to predict. For example, increased predation of small herbivores could increase available forage for caribou, but ecosystem services provided by small herbivores, such as soil aeration by burrowing, would likely be reduced and could have a long-term detrimental impact on forage availability. Perch deterrents could be used to discourage eagle and other raptor use of the transmission infrastructure. 5.6.4 Increased Anthropogenic Activities Increased anthropogenic activities would occur during construction of the proposed transmission line and potentially after construction. During the construction of the proposed transmission line, the use of construction equipment, vehicles, and aircraft (e.g., fixed-winged and helicopters) would occur in undisturbed areas. Construction activities would likely increase noise in the area which may disturb or harass caribou adjacent to the Project area (Pritcher 1987). It is notable that this activity would be short-term during construction of the proposed Project. The installation of the transmission line could create a corridor between villages and increase human access to areas previously unused (Pritcher 1987). People could access these areas using all-terrain vehicles (ATV) and snowmachines. Increased access may result in increased hunting (Bergerud 1984), including illegal hunting, in remotes areas (Pritcher 1987). Although the transmission line may create a corridor, access to the corridor would likely be variable, depending on the terrain and whether ATVs or snow machines could be maneuvered in the area. Clearcutting is not planned for this project, which would complicate overland navigation along corridors that pass through densely forested areas. Additionally, in winter, commuting from one village to another on snowmachines may be more accessible and direct along the river or existing winter trails. 6.0 DISCUSSION AND FINDINGS Since the 1970s, the MCH has experienced fluctuations in population size and range due to environmental factors including availability of foraging resources, competition for resources, climate, predation, disease, as well as human factors such as hunting. The transmission line for the proposed Project will likely have the most impact on the MCH because it would transect portions of the MCH historical range, transect portions of the east segment’s winter and summer ranges and would likely affect migration routes. Potential impacts on the MCH associated with the proposed transmission line may include 1) impacts on habitat (e.g., direct loss in habitat and barrier effects), 2) behavioral (e.g., avoidance, displacement, or abandonment from important habitat) and physiological responses (e.g., increased stress hormones), 3) increased predation, and 4) increased anthropogenic activity. Direct habitat loss from the proposed Project footprint would not likely have a substantial impact on the MCH because the Project footprint area is relatively small compared to the overall range of the MCH; however, the transmission line could potentially create a barrier impeding caribou crossing, which could result in the indirect loss of habitat. Conversely, caribou are known for Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Caribou Population Evaluation FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment L Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 23 December 2023 navigating around natural obstructions and may apply similar tactics when navigating human- made structures. Increased predation could occur with clearcutting the transmission line right- of-way, creating an easily navigable corridor for predators, but clearcutting is not anticipated for the proposed Project because of the terrain within the Project area. Anthropogenic activity is anticipated to increase short-term during construction of the proposed Project and may increase long-term depending on accessibility of the transmission line corridor, which may result in caribou avoidance of the area. Determining the impacts on the MCH from the proposed Project is complex and difficult to assess due to numerous confounding factors. Therefore, continued investigation of the impacts on the MCH from the proposed transmission line as the Project evolves would help to better understand the overall effects of the proposed Project. 6.1 Recommendations Determining the impacts on the MCH from the proposed Project is challenging to evaluate. It is anticipated that ADFG will continue to monitor the herd and it would be recommended that the Cooperative consult and potentially collaborate with ADFG to conduct site-specific monitoring before, during and after construction to help mitigate impacts and contribute to the understanding of the potential effects. The following is a list of recommendations to help understand the potential impacts on the MCH from the proposed Project. Other recommendations may be identified through consultation with the stakeholders. Before Construction 1. Form a working group 2. Transmission line design a. Design a low-impact transmission line and consider high quality caribou habitat when placing poles/towers. b. Avoid building in calving areas. c. Reduce the corona affect. 3. Establish a MCH Monitoring Program to be implemented during construction and periodically during operations. a. Develop and implement a long-term caribou monitoring study plan documenting and evaluating the effects of the proposed Project on the MCH. The plan could include: i. consultation with agencies during the development and implementation of the plan; ii. monitoring during and after construction; iii. incorporate ADFG S&I data (e.g., telemetry data) with field observations; and iv. analyze movement and distribution around transmission line. Construction of the proposed Project 1. To mitigate the impacts of human activity on caribou during construction, implement the following: a. the MCH monitoring plan; and b. timing windows depending on where the caribou are and what activity the caribou are participating in (e.g., calving areas, seasonal migration). Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Caribou Population Evaluation FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment L Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 24 December 2023 After Construction 1. Continue to periodically monitor the MCH adjacent to the proposed Project. 7.0 STUDY VARIANCES AND MODIFICATIONS 7.1 Variance MLP&A discussed data sharing on numerous occasions with ADFG (Section 9.0). To access ADFG’s data, an individual data sharing agreement between MLP&A and ADFG would need to occur. No such agreement was obtained. 7.2 Modifications GMU 9B was included in the impact analysis because the transmission line extends into 9B when it connects to the village of Levelock. GMU 9B is within the range of the MCH. MLP&A was able to analyze and incorporate ADFG S&I data from ADFG, Division of Wildlife Conservation publicly available reports on the MCH. S&I data were extracted from these reports and incorporated into the impact analysis. At this time, those reports are the best available data for use. MLP&A conducted a literature review to improve the understanding of potential impacts on the MCH from the proposed Project. Studies evaluating and documenting impacts on caribou from similar projects were examined and incorporated into the impact analysis. 8.0 STUDY STATUS AND SCHEDULE MLP&A proposes to continue to modify the Caribou Population Evaluation report with updated ADFG S&I data, ADFG reports and literature. The MCH is dynamic and changing on a short- term (i.e., annually) and long-term (i.e., decades) bases; therefore, impacts to the MCH from the proposed Project may change as the herd changes and the proposed Project evolves. If made available, this additional data will be incorporated into the USR. 9.0 STUDY-SPECIFIC CONSULTATION MLP&A consulted agencies during the study via meetings and correspondence (Table 1). Table 9-1. Summary of consultation with agencies (date and meeting description). Date Meeting Description 02/21/2023 – 02/27/2023 Email – Lindsey Kendall (MLP&A); Todd Rinaldi and John Landsiedel (ADFG) – Request for information and schedule meeting to discuss the Mulchatna Caribou Herd. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Caribou Population Evaluation FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment L Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 25 December 2023 02/28/2023 Zoom Meeting – Lindsey Kendall and Maria Lewis (MLP&A); Todd Rinaldi, Manny Eichholz, John Landsiedel, Evelyn Lichwa and Renae Sattler (ADFG) – Introductory meeting to discuss project, available caribou data and proposed cooperation on sharing data. 03/02/2023 Email – Lindsey Kendall (MLP&A) and Renae Sattler (ADFG) Follow up to caribou data meeting. Set up following meeting regarding potential data. 03/13/2023 Email – Lindsey Kendall (MLP&A) and Renae Sattler (ADFG) – Zoom meeting logistics 03/13/2023 Phone/Zoom meeting – Lindsey Kendall (MLP&A) and Renae Sattler (ADFG) – Meeting to discuss possible file formats of caribou data. 04/10/2023 Phone meeting – Lindsey Kendall (MLP&A) and Andy Aderman (USFWS) Informational meeting. Topics included USFWS statistics and monitoring of the MCH, observations of how caribou herds have historically responded to similar development projects, and factors that he felt may be impacting MCH population decline. Also discussed moose. 05/15/2023 Email – Lindsey Kendall (MLP&A); Todd Rinaldi, Manny Eichholz, John Landsiedel, Andy Aderman, Evelyn Lichwa and Renae Sattler (ADFG) Lindsey provided ADFG contacts with transmission line project description. 07/20/2023 – 07/25/2023 Email – Lindsey Kendall (MLP&A) and Manny Eichholz (ADFG) – setting up meeting. 07/26/2023 Phone Meeting – Lindsey Kendall (MLP&A) and Manny Eichholz (ADFG). Follow up meeting on the status of obtaining data on the MCH from ADFG. 07/28/2023 – 08/01/2023 Email – Lindsey Kendall (MLP&A) and Manny Eichholz (ADFG). Coordinating on best available literature and contact information for shapefiles. 08/28/2023 Phone meeting – Lindsey Kendall (MLP&A) and Renae Sattler (WEST Inc., formerly ADFG) Discussion of MCH, updated information on herd and update on the results of her data analysis. 08/30/2023 Email – Lindsey Kendall (MLP&A) Manny Eichholz (ADFG). ADFG comments on project and possible impacts from the project on caribou herd as well as possible mitigation measures. 08/30/2023 Email – Lindsey Kendall (MLP&A) and Todd Rinaldi. Setting up meeting. 08/30/2023 Zoom meeting – Lindsey Kendall and Maria Lewis (MLP&A) and Todd Rinaldi and Manny Eichholz (ADFG). MLP&A updated ADFG on study, requested shapfiles with season and historic range data to overlay on project area, as well as migration patterns through areas with existing transmission lines. Todd discussed another ADFG point of contact. 09/06/2023 – 09/08/2023 Email – Lindsey Kendall (MLP&A) and Manny Eichholz (ADFG). 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Alaska Department of Fish and Game, Division of Subsistence. Technical Paper No. 441. Vistnes, I. and C. Nellemann. 2001. Avoidance of cabins, roads, and power lines by reindeer during calving. Journal of Wildlife Management 65(9): 915-925. Wasser, S. K., K. Bevis, G. King, and E. Hanson, E. 1997. Noninvasive Physiological Measures of Disturbance in the Northern Spotted Owl. Conservation Biology 11 (4): 1019-1022. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Caribou Population Evaluation FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment L Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 30 December 2023 Woolington, J. D. 2011. Mulchatna caribou management report, Units 9B, 17, 18 south, 19A & 19B. Pages 11–32 in P. Harper, editor. Caribou management report of survey and inventory activities 1 July 2008–30 June 2010. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Juneau, Alaska. Wolfe, S.A., B. Griffith and C.A. Gray Wolfe. 2001. Response of reindeer and caribou to human activities. Polar Research 19(1): 63-73. Woolington, J. D. 2011. Mulchatna caribou management report, Units 9B, 17, 18 south, 19A & 19B. Pages 11–32 in P. Harper, editor. Caribou management report of survey and inventory activities 1 July 2008–30 June 2010. Alaska Department of Fish and Game. Juneau, Alaska. INITIAL STUDY REPORT ATTACHMENT M: SUBSISTENCE STUDY NUYAKUK RIVER HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FERC NO. 14873 Submitted by: Nushagak Electric & Telephone Cooperative, Inc. P.O. Box 350 Dillingham, AK 99576 December 2023 Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Subsistence Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment M Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. December 2023 SUBSISTENCE STUDY UPDATE he Subsistence Study will be implemented in 2024 as specified in the Project’s Revised Study Plan (RSP). Data gathered for the Subsistence Study will be analyzed and reported on in the Updated Study Report (USR), along with an assessment of potential impacts associated with Project development and operations. The USR will be filed with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) no later than December 1, 2024. INITIAL STUDY REPORT ATTACHMENT N: NUYAKUK RIVER HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FERC NO. 14873 Submitted by: Nushagak Electric & Telephone Cooperative, Inc. P.O. Box 350 Dillingham, AK 99576 December 2023 Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Cultural Resource Survey FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment N Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. i December 2023 STATEMENT OF CONFIDENTIALITY To protect fragile, vulnerable, or threatened cultural sites from disturbance, access to site- specific information from the Alaska Heritage Resources Survey is restricted or confidential. Distribution of portions of this report that identify the location of cultural sites is to be limited to those with a legitimate need to know, such as appropriate personnel from Cultural Resource Consultants LLC, Nushagak Electric & Telephone Cooperative, Inc., McMillen, Inc., and the Office of History and Archaeology. Restricted or confidential information is withheld from public records disclosure under state law (AS 40.25.110) and under the federal Freedom of Information Act (PL 89-554). Information about site inventory may be restricted pursuant to AS 40.25.120(a)(4), Alaska State Parks Policy and Procedure No. 50200, the National Historic Preservation Act (PL 89-665, 16 U.S.C. 470), and the Archaeological Resources Protection Act (PL 96-95). INITIAL STUDY REPORT ATTACHMENT O: NOISE STUDY NUYAKUK RIVER HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FERC NO. 14873 Submitted by: Nushagak Electric & Telephone Cooperative, Inc. P.O. Box 350 Dillingham, AK 99576 December 2023 Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Noise Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment O Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. i December 2023 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 STUDY PLAN INTRODUCTION..................................................................................... 1 2.0 STUDY AREA................................................................................................................... 1 3.0 METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................................. 3 3.1 Criteria.................................................................................................................... 3 3.1.1 Metrics ........................................................................................................ 3 3.1.2 General Construction Noise........................................................................ 3 3.1.3 Construction Blasting.................................................................................. 4 3.1.4 Operations Noise......................................................................................... 4 3.2 Human Perception / Comparison............................................................................ 4 3.3 Survey Methodology ............................................................................................... 5 3.4 Measurement Equipment ........................................................................................ 8 3.5 Weather Conditions ................................................................................................ 8 3.6 Modeling Methodology .......................................................................................... 8 3.7 Model Data and Assumptions ................................................................................. 9 3.7.1 General Construction .................................................................................. 9 3.7.2 Blasting ..................................................................................................... 10 3.7.3 Operations ................................................................................................. 10 3.7.4 Air Traffic................................................................................................. 10 4.0 MEASUREMENT RESULTS .......................................................................................... 11 4.1 Sound Level Measurements.................................................................................. 11 4.2 Results................................................................................................................... 11 4.3 Ambient Level Discussion.................................................................................... 12 5.0 NOISE IMPACT ASSESSMENT.................................................................................... 13 5.1 Ambient Model..................................................................................................... 13 5.2 Construction Noise – Typical Equipment............................................................. 13 5.3 Construction Noise – Blasting .............................................................................. 15 5.4 Normal Operation................................................................................................. 15 5.5 Aircraft Operations ............................................................................................... 17 6.0 DISCUSSION AND FINDINGS...................................................................................... 17 7.0 STUDY VARIANCES AND MODIFICATIONS........................................................... 18 8.0 STUDY STATUS AND SCHEDULE.............................................................................. 18 Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Noise Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment O Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. ii December 2023 9.0 STUDY-SPECIFIC CONSULTATION ........................................................................... 18 10.0 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................. 18 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2-1. Noise Study Area. .........................................................................................................2 Figure 3-1. Ambient Survey Sound Level Measurement Locations................................................6 Figure 3-2. Ambient Survey Location Photos .................................................................................7 Figure 5-1. Change in Sound Level due to Construction Activities over Study Area, Daytime ..................................................................................................................14 Figure 5-2. Change in Sound Level due to Operations over Study Area, Nighttime ....................16 LIST OF TABLES Table 3-1. Regulatory Limits for Coal Mining Blasting..................................................................4 Table 3-2. Loudness Perception as a Function of A-weighted Sound Level ...................................4 Table 3-3. Ambient Survey Sound Level Measurement Details. ....................................................7 Table 3-4. Summary of Weather Conditions...................................................................................8 Table 3-5. Construction Equipment Included in Assessment - Intake and Powerhouse .................9 Table 3-6. Sound Power Levels (Lw) for Proposed Project Equipment.........................................10 Table 4-1. Summary of Measurement Field Observations............................................................11 Table 4-2. Summary of Sound Level Measurement Results .........................................................11 Table 4-3. Summary of Sound Level Measurement Results – Baseline Levels ............................12 Table 5-1. Predicted Construction Sound Levels ..........................................................................13 Table 5-2. Summary of Noise Model Results – Normal Operation ..............................................15 Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Noise Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment O Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. iii December 2023 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS Commission Federal Energy Regulatory Commission dB Decibel dBA A-Weighted Decibel EPA Environmental Protection Agency FAA Federal Aviation Administration FERC Federal Energy Regulatory Commission ft foot HUD U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development ISEE International Society of Explosive Engineers ISR Initial Study Report Ldn 24-Hour Day-Night Sound Level Leq Equivalent Continuous Sound Level NSA Noise Sensitive Area NSR Noise Sensitive Receptor Project Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project (P-14873) USGS U.S. Geological Survey Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Noise Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment O Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 1 December 2023 1.0 STUDY PLAN INTRODUCTION The purpose of the noise study was to assess the existing sound levels in the Project area and predict future sound level impacts that would occur during short-term construction and long-term operations at areas of interest surrounding the Project location. This included collecting ambient sound level measurements and developing several computer noise models to predict sound level impacts during various stages of the Project. The ambient survey plan consisted of overnight sound level measurements at four baseline locations at Noise Sensitive Receptors (NSRs) surrounding the proposed Project area. A computer noise model was developed using Cadna/A, a standards-based computer modeling software package from DataKustik GmbH. Four variants were created to calculate predicted sound level impacts during each potential phase of the Project. These phases included general construction, construction blasting, operations, and air traffic noise analyses. 2.0 STUDY AREA The study was conducted in the vicinity surrounding the proposed Project facilities (as currently conceptually designed). The study area also included the area near the Royal Coachman Lodge, which is located upriver towards Tikchik Lake (Figure 2-1). Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Noise Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment O Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 3 December 2023 3.0 METHODOLOGY 3.1 Criteria 3.1.1 Metrics There are many ways to measure and quantify sound levels. There are certain metrics that are more appropriate for specific types of sounds depending on the duration and amplitude of the sound. The equivalent sound level (Leq) is a sound level having the same sound energy as the time varying sounds over a given time period. It is essentially the average sound level over the period. The L90 is a statistical metric that represents the sound level exceeded 90% of a given time period. It is often used to exclude the effect of short-term transient sound levels and can be used as the background or ambient sound level during a period. For long-term environmental noise and land-use compatibility evaluations, many federal agencies, including the EPA, HUD, FAA, and FERC, use the 24-hour day-night average sound level (Ldn). The Ldn is essentially a 24-hour average sound level with a penalty of 10 decibels for sounds during nighttime hours due to increased sensitivity to noise at night. The daytime equivalent continuous level (Ld) is the average sound level between 7:00 AM and 10:00 PM, while the nighttime equivalent continuous level (Ln) is the average sound level between 10:00 PM and 7:00 AM. The short-term impulsive sound pressure wave due to blasting is typically referred to as “overpressure” or “airblast”. For extremely short-duration impulsive sounds, such as the overpressure wave from blasting, the Federal government uses two different metrics – the unweighted peak sound level (LPk) and the C-weighted slow maximum sound level (LCSmax). The LPk sound level is the highest sound level recorded by the sound level meter and doesn’t include any time averaging or frequency weighting. The LCSmax sound level is the highest measured one-second moving average sound level over a given time-period with C-weighting applied. The one-second moving average (referred to in acoustics as the slow time constant) will smooth out the measured sound levels for impulsive events by averaging the short-duration peak with other, lower, sound levels before and after the peak. C-weighting is a frequency weighting which discounts extremely low and high frequency sounds and mimics the response of the human ear to very high amplitude (loud) sounds. It is commonly used while evaluating low- frequency sound levels. 3.1.2 General Construction Noise The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) does not have specific noise requirements for daytime construction activities (FERC 2017). For construction activities that occur at night, the FERC typically limits construction noise to 48.6 dBA or an equivalent 55 dBA Ldn at any nearby Noise Sensitive Areas (NSAs). Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Noise Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment O Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 4 December 2023 NSAs are typically residences, houses of worship, hotels, and hospitals. NSAs can also be locations that are “valued specifically for solitude and tranquility”. For the Intake and Powerhouse area of the Project, the closest NSA is the Royal Coachman Lodge. 3.1.3 Construction Blasting There are no specific regulatory limits that apply to Project blasting. For sound levels due to blasting related to coal mining activities, the Office of Surface Mining (CFR 2017) has maximum limits for airblast/overpressure at the location of any dwelling, public building, school, church, etc. in order to limit potential damage to structures. These limits are summarized in Table 3-1. Table 3-1. Regulatory Limits for Coal Mining Blasting Lower frequency limit of measuring system, in Hz (±3 dB) Maximum level, in dB Corresponding Sound Level Metric 0.1 Hz or lower - flat response 134 peak. LPk, dB 2 Hz or lower - flat response 133 peak. 6 Hz or lower - flat response 129 peak. C-weighted - slow response 105 peak dBC. LCSmax, dBC Guideline levels aimed at minimizing annoyance to people exposed to repeated blast events are provided in the Australian and New Zealand Environment Conservation Council’s (ANZECC) Technical Basis for Guidelines to Minimize Annoyance due to Blasting Overpressure and Ground Vibration (1990). This guideline recommends an airblast criterion of 115 dB peak for people, but permits this level to be exceeded by 5 dB for up to 5% of all blasts in a year (i.e., a not to be exceeded limit of 120 dB peak). 3.1.4 Operations Noise For operational sound from regulated facilities, FERC generally prescribes a sound level limit of 55 dBA Ldn at all NSAs. FERC generally limits the allowable increase in the ambient Ldn to less than 10 decibels. 3.2 Human Perception / Comparison The subjective human perception of the quality of sound is typically called “loudness”. Most people consider a change of 3-dB to be a perceptible change in loudness, a 5-dB change to be clearly noticeable, and a 10-dB change to sound twice or half as loud (BBN 1973). Table 3-2 shows the relative loudness as a function of changes in the A-weighted sound level. Table 3-2. Loudness Perception as a Function of A-weighted Sound Level Description of Sound Sound Level, dB(A) Relative Loudness Compared to 60 dBA Subjective Loudness for Most People, Compared to a Sound Level of 60 dBA Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Noise Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment O Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 5 December 2023 Threshold of pain 140 256 256 times louder Jet taking off (200-foot distance)130 128 128 times louder Operating heavy equipment 120 64 64 times louder Night club with music 110 32 32 times louder Construction site 100 16 16 times louder Boiler room 90 8 Eight times louder Freight train (100-foot distance)80 4 Four times louder Classroom chatter 70 2 Twice as loud Conversation (3-foot distance)60 1 Same (Baseline condition) Urban residence 50 1/2 Half as loud Soft whisper (5-foot distance)40 1/4 One-quarter as loud North rim of Grand Canyon 30 1/8 One-eight as loud Silent study room 20 1/16 One-sixteenth as loud Threshold of hearing (1,000 hertz) 0 1/64 One sixty-fourth as loud Adapted from USDOL 2016 dBA = decibels on the A-weighted scale The potential impact of the project has been evaluated by comparing the predicted future sound levels for the proposed Project phases with the existing ambient sound levels. The ambient sound levels are expected to vary across the Project area, due to the localized influence of noise from the falls, water flow from the Nuyakuk River, and the variations in other natural sounds. 3.3 Survey Methodology The intent of the sound level survey was to quantify existing ambient sound levels across the Project area. Four locations were chosen for ambient sound level measurements. Location 1 was located near the proposed intake and powerhouse locations, capturing the sound of the falls and other natural sounds. This was used to represent the existing ambient sound level for areas within one-half mile of the intake and powerhouse. Location 2 was chosen to represent ambient sound levels in areas remote from the falls and typical of natural ambient sound levels in the general noise study area distant from the falls. Locations 3 and 4 were located close to the Royal Coachman Lodge and were used to quantify sounds from typical lodge activities including HVAC, power generation equipment, and air traffic. Table 3-3 shows the site-specific details for each measurement location. Figure 3-1 shows an aerial photograph of the Project area with the measurement locations marked. The ambient sound study was performed from June 13th to 14th, 2023 by Cory Schmidt of SLR. Measurements were approximately 24-hours in duration at the four locations. Sound levels were measured using the slow meter response and A-weighting. Data were collected in 1/3-octave bands and recorded in 10-second and 15-minute sampling periods. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Noise Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment O Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 7 December 2023 Table 3-3. Ambient Survey Sound Level Measurement Details. Measurement Location GPS Coordinates Approx. Distance from Center of Proposed Project Powerhouse, (Feet) Direction Location 1 59.91066°N -158.12027°W 850 Northwest Location 2 59.90760°N -158.17971°W 11,300 West Location 3 59.92540°N -158.18454°W 13,600 WNW Location 4 59.92547°N -158.18187°W 13,300 WNW Location 1 Location 2 Location 3 Location 4 Figure 3-2. Ambient Survey Location Photos Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Noise Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment O Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 8 December 2023 3.4 Measurement Equipment Sound level equipment used during the ambient sound study included the following instruments: Larson Davis 824 SLMs; Type 1; s/n A0424, A0976, A0197, A0355 Larson Davis CAL200 Calibrator; s/n 15533 A windscreen was used on the measurement microphones. The sound level meters were field- calibrated before and after measurement intervals. All instruments have current laboratory certification that can be provided upon request. Measurements were conducted five feet above the ground. 3.5 Weather Conditions Weather conditions were appropriate for a sound level study. A summary of the weather conditions is shown in Table 3-4. Table 3-4. Summary of Weather Conditions Date June 13th – 14th, 2023 Temperature Range 35°F – 54°F Relative Humidity 57% - 99% Wind Speed (Average) 5.5 mph Wind From Variable Sky Condition Cloudy Ground Condition Damp Complete weather data from the measurement survey were obtained from a nearby weather station using www.wunderground.com. 3.6 Modeling Methodology A three-dimensional computer noise model was developed to analyze the noise contributions from the various phases of the Project. The model was developed using CadnaA, version 2023 build 197.5343, a commercial noise modeling package developed by DataKustik GmbH. The software considers spreading losses, ground and atmospheric effects, shielding from barriers and buildings, reflections from surfaces and other sound propagation properties. The software is based on published engineering standards. The ISO 9613-2 standard was used for air absorption and other noise propagation calculations. To be conservative, the noise reduction effects of foliage were not included in the noise model. The predicted sound levels show the predicted sound levels without any reduction due to the heavy foliage in the Project area. With this assumption, the noise model will tend to overstate the potential sound levels from the Project phases. The terrain was modeled based on USGS topographical data at a resolution of 5 by 5 meters. A temperature of 20 degrees Celsius and 70 percent relative humidity were used for the Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Noise Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment O Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 9 December 2023 atmospheric absorption calculations. The ground was modeled as mixed, with a G = 0.5 absorption coefficient. The number of reflections was set to 2 for the model. Standard meteorological conditions as per ISO 9613-2 were used to conservatively calculate sound level contributions at the receptors. These assume a stable atmosphere consistent with early morning and evening twilight conditions along with a light, downwind condition from the Project to the receptor. 3.7 Model Data and Assumptions 3.7.1 General Construction Noise from general construction activities will cause a temporary noise impact for areas close to the site of the intake and powerhouse. In order to quantify the full extent of this impact, a noise model of the proposed construction equipment was developed. Construction is planned for daytime hours only. Sound power levels for the Project equipment and construction activities were based on similar equipment from previous SLR projects and the Roadway Construction Noise Model (FHWA 2020). A list of potential construction equipment was provided by the Project team and was used to calculate the utilization factors and sound power levels for construction equipment. Table 3-5 shows the construction equipment included in the noise assessment for the intake and powerhouse area of the Project. The usage factor and quantity of each piece of equipment was used in conjunction with the rated sound level at 50 feet to calculate the usage and quantity adjusted sound level for each equipment item. The total calculated construction sound power level of 120 dBA was calculated from the individual sound pressure levels. The spectrum and overall sound power level for the construction activities are shown in Table 3-6. Table 3-5. Construction Equipment Included in Assessment - Intake and Powerhouse Client Equipment List RCNM Equivalent QuantityUsage Factor Sound Pressure Leq at 50', dBA Usage Adj. Sound Pressure Leq at 50', dBA Usage and Quantity Adjusted Sound Pressure Level @ 50' CAT D6 Dozer Dozer 1 0.4 81.7 77.7 77.7 CAT 301 Sized Mini Excavator Excavator 1 0.4 80.7 76.7 76.7 CAT 336 Sized Excavator Excavator 1 0.4 80.7 76.7 76.7 CAT 349 Sized Excavator Excavator 1 0.4 80.7 76.7 76.7 Long Reach Excavator Excavator 1 0.4 80.7 76.7 76.7 All Terrain Forklift (10K) Tractor 1 0.4 80.0 76.0 76.0 CAT 966 Sized Loader Front End Loader 1 0.4 79.1 75.1 75.1 CAT 272 Sized Skid Loader Front End Loader 1 0.4 79.1 75.1 75.1 Blast Hole Drill Rig Drill Rig Truck 1 0.2 79.1 72.1 72.1 5kW Light Plant Light Plant 1 1.0 57.0 57.0 57.0 F350 Sized Pickup Pickup Truck 1 0.4 75.0 71.0 71.0 Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Noise Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment O Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 10 December 2023 Client Equipment List RCNM Equivalent QuantityUsage Factor Sound Pressure Leq at 50', dBA Usage Adj. Sound Pressure Leq at 50', dBA Usage and Quantity Adjusted Sound Pressure Level @ 50' F550 Sized Pickup Pickup Truck 1 0.4 75.0 71.0 71.0 Vibrating Roller – 48” Sized Drum Roller 1 0.2 80.0 73.0 73.0 Water Truck – 2000 Gals Vacuum Excavator (Vac- truck) 1 0.4 85.3 81.3 81.3 Diesel Pile Hammer Mounted Impact Hammer (hoe ram) 1 0.2 90.3 83.3 83.3 Diesel Generator Generator 1 0.5 80.6 77.6 77.6 Hydraulic Power Unit All Other Equipment > 5 HP 1 0.5 82.0 79.0 79.0 Crawler Crane – 150Ton Crane 1 0.2 80.6 72.6 72.6 Air Compressor Compressor (air) 1 0.4 77.7 73.7 73.7 3.7.2 Blasting Calculations were conducted for the potential blasting noise based on standard blasting methodologies from the International Society of Explosive Engineers (ISEE). The criteria levels were used to calculate the maximum allowable charge weight per delay that would result in peak sound levels at the receptor locations that would just meet the criteria levels. In other words, calculations were performed to determine how many pounds of explosive would result in levels of 115 to 134 dB peak at receptor locations. 3.7.3 Operations Four roof-mounted exhaust fans were assumed for the powerhouse during normal operating conditions. Based on the current design, there are no other significant operational noise sources expected for the project. The sound power level used for each of the powerhouse fans is shown in Table 3-6. As long as the exhaust fans specified for the Project have sound power levels similar to or lower than these sound power levels, the impact assessment will be conservative. 3.7.4 Air Traffic A report from the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT 2012) was used for floatplane sound power level calculations. The report references two types of fixed wing aircraft: Cessna 182S Skylane and De Havilland Canada DHC-2 Beaver. There is no definite proposed schedule for aircraft traffic during normal operations, but the expectation is that there will be one aircraft a week or less. The aircraft sound power level used in the noise model is shown in Table 3-6. Table 3-6. Sound Power Levels (Lw) for Proposed Project Equipment Source Linear Lw at Octave Center Frequency, Hz Total 31.5 63 125 250 500 1k 2k 4k 8k dBA Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Noise Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment O Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 11 December 2023 Construction Noise, Lw 113 118 118 123 118 113 108 103 98 120 Powerhouse Roof Exhaust Fan per Fan, Lw 106 106 103 99 98 95 91 88 87 100 Aircraft Noise, Lw 123 136 149 142 143 140 137 128 114 145 4.0 MEASUREMENT RESULTS 4.1 Sound Level Measurements Measurement durations and field observations of the audible sound sources at each measurement location are summarized in Table 4-1. Table 4-1. Summary of Measurement Field Observations Measurement Location Measurement Duration HH:MM Source Observations During Measurements Location 1 24:29 Audible sound sources at this location included birds, wind, and water noise from the falls. Location 2 24:18 Audible sound sources at this location included birds, wind, and rain. Occasional distant aircraft noise was audible. Location 3 24:06 Audible sound sources at this location included birds, wind, water noise, and a generator at the Royal Coachman facility. Occasional aircraft activity noise was very loud. Location 4 24:14 Audible sound sources at this location included birds, wind, water noise, and a generator at the Royal Coachman facility. Occasional aircraft activity noise was very loud. 4.2 Results The sound level measurement results are summarized in Table 4-2. All measurement results are inclusive of all environmental sounds, such as birds, wind, aircraft activity, and water noise. Table 4-2. Summary of Sound Level Measurement Results Measurement Location Approx. Distance from Center of Proposed Powerhouse, Feet Direction Daytime Ld, dBA Nighttime Ln, dBA Day-Night Ldn, dBA Location 1 850 Northwest 53.0 53.3 59.6 Location 2 11,300 West 49.2 43.3 51.3 Location 3 13,600 WNW 68.2 41.5 66.2 Location 4 13,300 WNW 67.4 43.4 65.5 Level vs. Time graphs from each measurement location are included in Appendix O-1. Each graph displays measurements at a single location. The top section of each graph shows the 10- Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Noise Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment O Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 12 December 2023 second Leq represented by a solid blue line, the 15-minute Leq represented by a stepped red line, and the 15-minute L90, represented as a stepped green line. The bottom section of the graphs shows the frequency-based data. Sound frequency is plotted on the vertical axis and time on the horizontal axis. The color indicates the A-weighted sound pressure level at each frequency. The frequency data is useful for determining the presence of any tonal frequencies and helps to characterize the presence of specific noise emissions. For example, the presence of bird noise is clearly visible at Location 2 as scattered high-frequency sounds starting at about 3:00 AM on June 14th. 4.3 Ambient Level Discussion Sound levels at Location 1 were controlled by noise from the nearby falls. Other sounds in the area included birds and insect noises but these had no effect on the measured sound levels as these levels were controlled by sounds from the falls. Sound levels at Location 2 were the lowest of the four measurement locations. Sound levels included very quiet sound levels from the distant falls, leaf rustle due to wind, and significant bird and insect activity. Nighttime sound levels at this location dropped to 15-minute average levels of less than 25 dBA and 15-minute L90 levels of around 20 dBA. Sound levels this low are typically found only in remote rural areas. 24-hour sound levels at Locations 3 and 4 were controlled by water flow from the Nuyakuk River and noise from the falls on the Nuyakuk River close to Tikchik Lake. Power generation equipment at the Royal Coachman lodge was clearly audible at both measurement locations, but the overall A-weighted sound levels didn’t change significantly when this equipment was shutdown during nighttime hours, starting at about 11:00 pm and then started again at 5:00 am. This indicates that the broadband noise from the river and falls was the controlling source in the area. There were a few short-term loud events that were significant for the overall average sound levels at Locations 3 and 4. These were events related to outboard motors for watercraft on the Nuyakuk River and to aircraft operations associated with the Royal Coachman Lodge. Sound levels without these activities were controlled by water flow noise and were typically 40 to 43 dBA during periods without the nearby generator in operation. Table 4-3 shows the lowest 15-minute daytime and nighttime sound levels at each measurement location. These levels are representative of the lowest expected sound levels under typical circumstances. These levels were used to develop the ambient sound model of the area and were used to derive the impact assessment for long-term continuous sounds such as operations noise and general construction activities. Table 4-3. Summary of Sound Level Measurement Results – Baseline Levels Measurement Location Approx. Distance from Center of Proposed Direction Lowest Daytime L(15-min), dBA Lowest Nighttime L(15 min), dBA Resulting Day- Night Ldn, dBA Filtering Applied Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Noise Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment O Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 13 December 2023 Powerhouse, Feet Location 1 850 Northwest 52.2 52.7 59.0 Lowest 15-minute Sample, Daytime and Nighttime Leq Location 2 11,300 West 30.0 22.5 31.1 Location 3 13,600 WNW 41.1 39.9 46.5 Location 4 13,300 WNW 42.7 42.7 49.1 5.0 NOISE IMPACT ASSESSMENT 5.1 Ambient Model Noise impact is assessed by comparing the predicted sound levels from the Project phases with the ambient sound levels. Typically, this analysis is performed at specific receptors. In this case, because there is concern about noise impact across the entire noise study area, an ambient sound level model was developed. The ambient model includes the two separate falls as well as an overall baseline ambient level, due to birds, leaf rustle and other ambient sounds, of about 20 dBA. The results of each Project phase noise model were compared to the ambient sound levels to determine the potential change in sound level at the given location due to the Project. 5.2 Construction Noise – Typical Equipment Predicted sound levels due to daytime construction activity are shown in Table 5-1. Table 5-1. Predicted Construction Sound Levels Location Predicted Sound Level due to Construction Activities Meas. Sound Level Baseline Sound Level Predicted Sound Levels during Construction Potential Short Term Increase during Construction Overall Baseline Overall Baseline Location 1 - Edge of Project Area 57.0 53.0 52.2 58.5 58.2 5.5 6.0 Location 2 - 11,151 ft. West of Project 24.5 49.2 30.0 49.2 31.1 0.0 1.1 Location 3 - Royal Coachman Lodge 22.9 67.4 41.1 67.4 41.2 0.0 0.1 All levels shown are A-weighted decibels, daytime (7:00 AM to 10:00 PM) Figure 5-1 shows the predicted change in sound level over daytime baseline ambient sound levels due to construction activities. The predicted change in sound level is shown as lines of equal levels of increase. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Noise Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment O Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 15 December 2023 5.3 Construction Noise – Blasting Blasting will likely be used during the construction of the flow tunnel from the intake area to the powerhouse. This will be a relatively small area of construction blasting and the total explosive necessary per blast is likely to be quite small. Blasting will be timed to take place during non- peak periods for recreational uses, to avoid the fishing season at the Royal Coachman Lodge. Depending on the frequency of blasting proposed for the Project, which is as yet undetermined, a blasting criteria of 115 to 134 dB peak was used (see Section 4.1.3). Calculations of the expected overpressure from blasting were calculated using the standard construction blasting curve (ISEE 2011). With this prediction curve and assuming only moderately confined blasting, as might occur during the first few blasts, the charge weight per delay that would result in a sound level of 115 dB at the Royal Coachman Lodge was calculated as 100 pounds of explosive. A charge weight per delay of 650 pounds would result in a sound pressure level of 133 dB at the Royal Coachman Lodge. 5.4 Normal Operation Once the Project is constructed, the noise associated with normal operations will consist of noise from powerhouse ventilation fans. This is assumed to consist of four roof-mounted exhaust fans with the sound power level specified in Table 3-6. There is no expected increase of noise at the water intake or discharge, and no expected sound to be audible from the generators/turbines located in the basement of the powerhouse. Noise model results for normal operation are presented in Table 5-2. Operations sound levels have been compared to the measured nighttime ambient levels, as operations will be 24-hour per day and lower nighttime sound levels and will show the largest potential impact of operations noise. Table 5-2. Summary of Noise Model Results – Normal Operation Location Predicted Sound Level due to Operations Meas. Sound Level Baseline Sound Level Predicted Sound Levels during Operations Potential Increase during Operations Overall Baseline Overall Baseline Location 1 - Edge of Project Area 36.9 53.3 52.7 53.4 52.8 0.1 0.1 Location 2 - 11,151 ft. West of Project 10.8 43.3 22.5 43.4 22.8 0.0 0.3 Location 3 - Royal Coachman Lodge 9.6 41.5 39.9 41.5 39.9 0.0 0.0 All levels shown are A-weighted decibels, nighttime (10:00 PM to 7:00 AM) Figure 5-2 shows the predicted increase in nighttime sound levels due to operations. The predicted change in sound level is shown as lines of equal increase in level. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Noise Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment O Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 17 December 2023 5.5 Aircraft Operations Aircraft traffic is a common occurrence Project area. Floatplanes are the most common mode of transportation for guests of the Royal Coachman Lodge, and flights are common for supply deliveries. There will be additional aircraft traffic in the area once the Project is operating for staff changes and resupply. The Project team estimates that approximately one flight a week may be typical for standard operations, but that the number of flights could decrease over the life of the Project. Long-term average sound levels will not be affected by the small number of flights predicted for the Project. Flights will be made with typical aircraft for the area: Cessnas, DeHavilland Beavers, and similar aircraft. The sound levels at the Royal Coachman from these aircraft overflights will be lower than for current flight operations, because Project flight operations will be significantly farther away. Measured sound levels due to aircraft operations at Locations 3 and 4, close to the Royal Coachman Lodge, ranged up to between 95 and 100 dBA (10-second Leq) and resulted in 15- minute average sound levels of 65 to 80 dBA. Predicted sound levels for similar aircraft operating at the proposed Project runway and river landing areas close to the Project are 15-minute average sound levels of 36 dBA at the Royal Coachman Lodge. These will be significantly quieter than the 65 to 80 dBA 15-minute averages for aircraft operations in the ambient survey results for Locations 3 and 4. While these aircraft operations will likely be audible at the Royal Coachman Lodge, the levels are low enough to be compatible with existing recreational use. 6.0 DISCUSSION AND FINDINGS Generally, the predicted sound level impacts of the proposed Project activities are not significant. The overall noise impact is expected to be limited to the area surrounding the intake and powerhouse area. During the short-term construction period, the noise model indicates that predicted sound levels at the Royal Coachman Lodge from construction activities are 22.9 dBA, which is considerably lower than the existing overall and baseline ambient daytime sound levels. This level is significantly lower than the FERC construction noise limit of 48.6 dBA. The predicted change in sound level of 0.1 dBA would be completely imperceptible. Construction sound levels will be occasionally perceptible at about 6,500 feet from the Project during general construction activities, causing an increase of about three decibels to the quietest daytime 15-minute period. Construction activities will be clearly audible during the quietest daytime 15-minute period at about 4,000 feet from the site. Significant sound impacts, represented as a temporary daytime increase of 10 decibels, will occur at a distance of about 2,000 feet from the site. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Noise Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment O Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 18 December 2023 Given that the current investigation is intended to assess overall Project feasibility, a blasting plan has not been developed for the construction activities at the site. Based on standard blasting criteria and the construction blasting prediction curve, a charge weight per delay of 100 pounds will result in a sound pressure level of 115 dB Peak at the Royal Coachman Lodge. This sound level is generally considered acceptable even for multiple repeated blast exposures for people, and it would be considered compatible with daytime recreational land use. Due to the limited equipment involved in the operation of the Project, noise impacts are insignificant. The operating facility equipment may be barely perceptible (with an increase of three decibels) during the quietest 15-minute daytime period at distances of about 2,500 feet from the powerhouse. Sound levels from the Project operations are expected to be less than 10 dBA at the Royal Coachman Lodge and should be completely inaudible at that distance. Similarly, the potential increase in sound levels due to the limited aircraft traffic proposed for the construction and operations of the Project are expected to be compatible with recreational land uses and the existing acoustical environment. 7.0 STUDY VARIANCES AND MODIFICATIONS There were no significant variations from the study plan for the noise study. The ambient sound level survey locations were field-selected based on accessibility and safety concerns and are slightly different than the proposed locations suggested in the study plan. However, the intent of the survey was satisfied, and the existing sound levels were well defined. 8.0 STUDY STATUS AND SCHEDULE The noise study scope is complete. This ISR has been issued for review and comment. No additional noise study work is planned at this time. 9.0 STUDY-SPECIFIC CONSULTATION As is standard in the Integrated Licensing Process, the Proposed and Revised Study Plans were provided to all interested Project participants (via FERC filing and the Project website) on March 20, 2020 and August 1, 2022 respectively for review. Based both on that feedback and proactive collaborative dialogue, this study was developed. This report, along with the entirety of the Initial Study Report and all studies documented therein will be distributed to the stakeholder group for review in parallel with its filing with FERC. 10.0 REFERENCES BBN (Bolt Beranek and Newman, Inc.). 1973. “Fundamentals and Abatement of Highway Traffic Noise” Report No. PB-222-703, Prepared for the Federal Highway Administration, June 1973. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Noise Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment O Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 19 December 2023 CFR (Code of Federal Regulations). 2017. 30 CFR 816.67 “Use of explosives: Control of adverse effects”. Code of the Federal Register, Chapter VII, Subchapter K, Part 816. FHWA (Federal Highway Administration). 2020. Roadway Construction Noise Model, Version 2.0. Obtained online at https://www.fhwa.dot.gov/environment/noise/construction_noise/rcnm2/ Accessed August 2023. FERC (Federal Energy Regulatory Commission). 2017. Office of Energy Projects “Guidance Manual for Resource Report Preparation” Volume I. ISEE (International Society of Explosives Engineers). 2011. “ISEE Blasters Handbook”, 18th Edition. ISEE, Cleveland, Ohio. USDOL (U.S. Department of Labor). 2016. “Occupational Health and Safety Administration Technical Manual” Obtained online at https://www.osha.gov/dts/osta/otm/new_noise/index.html. Accessed August 2023. USDOT (U.S. Department of Transportation). 2012. “Floatplane Source Noise Measurements – Summary of Measurements, Data and Analyses for the Cessna 182S and De Havilland DHC-2 Beaver” DOT-VNTSC-FAA-11-11. APPENDIX : INITIAL STUDY REPORT ATTACHMENT P: RECREATION INVENTORY BY SEASON NUYAKUK RIVER HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FERC NO. 14873 Submitted by: Nushagak Electric & Telephone Cooperative, Inc. P.O. Box 350 Dillingham, AK 99576 December 2023 Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Recreation Inventory by Season FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment P Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. ii December 2023 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 STUDY PLAN INTRODUCTION..................................................................................... 1 2.0 STUDY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES............................................................................... 1 3.0 STUDY AREA................................................................................................................... 2 4.0 METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................................. 4 4.1 Methodology for Work conducted in 2023:............................................................ 4 4.1.1 On Site Field Observation and Intercept Surveys at Nuyakuk River Falls (July 14-19, 2023). ...................................................................................... 4 4.1.2 Initial outreach to Commercial Use Permit Holders and Recreational Business Operators...................................................................................... 5 4.1.3 Initial outreach to Village Representative for a public meeting and engagement with residents to conduct use surveys..................................... 5 4.2 Methodology for Work to be conducted in 2024: ................................................... 5 4.2.1 Resident Surveys (Community Visits): ...................................................... 5 4.2.2 Resident Survey Results (Community Visits):........................................... 6 4.2.3 Recreational Business Operator Data Collection and Analysis: ................. 6 5.0 RESULTS ........................................................................................................................... 6 5.1 Field Observations, July 2023: ............................................................................... 6 5.1.1 The Falls and their Recreational Opportunities .......................................... 6 5.1.2 Observed Recreation & Visitation Pattern Overview ................................. 8 5.2 Intercept Survey Results ....................................................................................... 10 5.2.1 Primary Activity: ...................................................................................... 11 5.2.2 Who is Visiting:........................................................................................ 11 5.2.3 Desired Experiences and Lasting Benefits: .............................................. 11 6.0 DISCUSSION AND FINDINGS...................................................................................... 12 6.1 Summer visitation pattern ..................................................................................... 12 6.2 Additional study in 2024:...................................................................................... 12 6.3 Potential impacts to recreation for consideration: ................................................ 12 6.3.1 Changes that could affect fishing access along the south shoreline ......... 12 6.3.2 Increased evidence of human development: Visual and experiential impacts...................................................................................................... 13 6.3.3 Potential increase in access opportunities ................................................. 13 7.0 STUDY VARIANCES AND MODIFICATIONS........................................................... 15 Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Recreation Inventory by Season FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment P Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. iii December 2023 7.1 Resident Surveys and Site Visits.......................................................................... 15 7.2 Field Observations and Intercept Surveys ............................................................ 16 8.0 STUDY STATUS AND SCHEDULE.............................................................................. 16 9.0 STUDY-SPECIFIC CONSULTATION ........................................................................... 16 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 3-1. Nuyakuk Falls viewed from the air, looking southeast, downstream. ..........................2 Figure 3-2: Recreation study area ....................................................................................................3 Figure 4-1: Features and landmarks of the Nuyakuk Falls area. .....................................................4 Figure 5-1: Lower Falls detail showing approximate wadable fishing area (green polygons) along each shoreline based on river levels at the time of field observation. ...........8 Figure 5-2: Relative locations of nearby commercial guiding operations.......................................9 APPENDICES Appendix P-1 Commercial Operator Data Collection Form Appendix P-2 Field Study Notes Appendix P-3 Recreation Intercept Survey Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Recreation Inventory by Season FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment P Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. iv December 2023 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ADNR Alaska Department of Natural Resources Cooperative Nushagak Electric & Telephone Cooperative Falls Nuyakuk Falls FERC Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Project Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project (P-14873) USR Updated Study Report Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Recreation Inventory by Season FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment P Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 1 December 2023 1.0 STUDY PLAN INTRODUCTION A comprehensive recreational survey will be employed in Dillingham and proposed Project- serving villages four times (seasonally) using an online portal. The portal will be developed and advertised in advance of the first set of surveys and contacts on the existing Project licensing contact list as well as the public will be invited to submit survey responses. Supplemental methods to the online portal were anticipated to reach a robust enough data set to make conclusive determinations related to potential recreational impacts associated with Project development. Supplemental survey distribution methods will include: Seasonal village site visits to conduct surveys Mailing of surveys to public individuals with instructions on mailing back Phone calls to conduct surveys Distribution of a survey package at local meeting places with instructions on mailing back Surveys conducted in the villages will be supplemented by on-site opportunistic recreation observations by natural resource study personnel, regardless of disciple. All individuals conducting studies near the proposed Project location at Nuyakuk Falls (Falls) will be briefed prior to departing on recreational data to collect and will record any activities observed while on- site. Alterations to this study plan were made and carried out in 2023. See Section 7 Study Variances and Modifications for details. 2.0 STUDY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES The goal of the study is to inventory and quantify the type and volume of recreational use occurring during each season in the vicinity surrounding the proposed Project facilities on the Nuyakuk River. The proposed Project is located within Wood-Tikchik State Park, managed by the Alaska Department of Natural Resources (ADNR). Therefore, understanding any potential Project impacts (positive or negative) to recreation within Wood-Tikchik State Park near proposed Project infrastructure is essential for ensuring ADNR is able to manage and protect resources within the park. While existing recreational use in Wood-Tikchik State Park includes skiing, off- road vehicle use, boating, sightseeing, hiking, hunting, and fishing among other uses, the specific activities and volume of recreational use in the immediate Project vicinity that may be impacted by Project development is unknown but anticipated to be limited, especially due to its remote location. The objectives of the Recreation Study include documenting and developing an understanding of personal recreational activities as well as commercial recreational activities within the Project Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Recreation Inventory by Season FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment P Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 2 December 2023 Area during each season. Construction and operation of the proposed Project may impact recreational use of the area surround the Project facilities. Site-specific recreational use information may be used to develop mitigation measures for Project construction and operation, if necessary. 3.0 STUDY AREA The recreation inventory is focused on use in the area immediately around the proposed Project river infrastructure (intake, tunnel, powerhouse, etc.). The geographic scope of the recreation study area spans from approximately ½ mile upstream of the proposed Project intake to 1 mile downstream of the proposed Project tailrace. Data collection is extended to residents of communities and villages on the proposed Project transmission corridor; Dillingham, Koliganek, New Stuyahok, Ekwok, Levelock, and Aleknagik. Figure 3-1. Nuyakuk Falls viewed from the air, looking southeast, downstream. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Recreation Inventory by SeasonFERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment P Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 3 December 2023Figure 3-2: Recreation study area Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Recreation Inventory by Season FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment P Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 4 December 2023 4.0 METHODOLOGY 4.1 Methodology for Work conducted in 2023: 4.1.1 On Site Field Observation and Intercept Surveys at Nuyakuk River Falls (July 14-19, 2023). Two staff conducted observations of land, water, and air reasonably accessible or observable along the Nuyakuk River within the study area. Activity was recorded generally from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM with additional notes taken, as observed while on site for six days (July 14-19, 2023). Observations occurred primarily from the Portage Trail (Figure 4-1) or by boat on the Nuyakuk River, above and below the Falls. Additional air observation occurred from the Cooperative field camp. Figure 4-1: Features and landmarks of the Nuyakuk Falls area. Intercept surveys were conducted with recreators when practical, with participant and guide consent. Staff introduced the project and purpose of their surveys and either read the questions to Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Recreation Inventory by Season FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment P Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 5 December 2023 participants or had participants fill out the paper surveys themselves. Responses were compiled and analyzed. The Royal Coachman Lodge was alerted of the upcoming field work via email on June 7th. The Royal Coachman Lodge and Tikchik Narrows Lodge were contacted via email on July 15th after Recreation Study staff arrival and set up at the field camp, alerting them to staff’s presence and desire to conduct intercept surveys with their clients while recreating near the Falls. See Figure 5-2 for lodge locations. 4.1.2 Initial outreach to Commercial Use Permit Holders and Recreational Business Operators. Staff developed a Data Collection Form for commercial operators to determine activity types, quantify frequency and volume of trips and number of customers, as well as understand the importance or significance of the Nuyakuk Falls area for their operations. The list of 2022 State Park CUP holders was acquired and reviewed, and staff will request ‘23-24 list during the 2024 study year. Data Collection Forms will be sent out via email and phone calls will be made to follow up with nonrespondents. Paper forms will be available by request. 4.1.3 Initial outreach to Village Representative for a public meeting and engagement with residents to conduct use surveys. Working with and through the Cooperative, initial coordination with village leaders to identify an appropriate date, time, and location for meetings to present a Project update and for Rec Study staff to conduct surveys in person began in late August and early September. Some village representatives expressed support for distributing paper surveys in their community following the meetings. Unfortunately, no compatible result was identified to visit all the villages within consecutive days during September or October. See section 4.2 Methodology for Work to be conducted in 2024 for continuing coordination efforts. 4.2 Methodology for Work to be conducted in 2024: 4.2.1 Resident Surveys (Community Visits): Paper and online versions of the survey will be developed, distributed, and advertised to residents within the identified communities near the time of the in-person meetings with the Cooperative at gathering places in each community. The meeting will introduce the recreation study and its purpose, allow staff to engage in meaningful conversations with residents, administer the surveys in person, and assist those with limited written ability in answering survey questions. Paper surveys will be distributed after the meeting and placed in a central location with prepaid return envelopes for those unable to attend the meeting. Flyers, informational notices, and other advertisements will be distributed using methods recommended by community leaders to maximize effectiveness. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Recreation Inventory by Season FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment P Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 6 December 2023 4.2.2 Resident Survey Results (Community Visits): Recreation Study staff will return to the communities to present the results of the recreation resident survey thus far, along with other study area results as practical, and ask for additional information to ensure an accurate understanding of recreational use of the Nuyakuk Falls areas from their perspective has been documented. 4.2.3 Recreational Business Operator Data Collection and Analysis: Email, phone calls, and in-person conversations, as time permits, during community visits will be used to engage with Wood Tikchik State Park Commercial Use Permit holders and other recreational businesses operating within the identified communities to collect use data around Nuyakuk Falls. The fillable data collection form developed in the 2023 study year will be sent to all with clear instructions on how to complete the form and submit back to Rec Study Staff (see Appendix P-1 Commercial Operator Data Collection Form). Contact will be made in the winter/spring of 2024 to collect 2018-2023 data as it is available, again in early May 2024 to remind operators that we will be requesting this data for their 2024 season in hopes that they document it, and a final time in September/October 2024 to collect 2024 data for analysis. Inquiry will also be made to Wood Tikchik State Park staff for any reporting submitted to them by commercial use permit holders regarding recreational visitation and use patterns in the Project vicinity. 5.0 RESULTS 5.1 Field Observations, July 2023: Observations are summarized in the following sections. See Recreation Study Appendix P-2: Field Study Notes for complete observations. 5.1.1 The Falls and their Recreational Opportunities The Nuyakuk Falls are located on the Nuyakuk River five miles downstream from the outlet of Tikchik Lake. The Falls are within Wood-Tikchik State Park managed by Alaska Department of Natural Resources Division of Parks and Outdoor Recreation. The primary observed recreation activity opportunities in the immediate area of the Falls include but are not limited to sport fishing/angling, wildlife viewing, scenic viewing, paddling, motorized boating, and photography, all in a remote setting with wilderness characteristics. See Figure 3-2: Recreation study area and Figure 4-1: Features and landmarks of the Nuyakuk Falls area. The Falls exist along a bend in the river less than 1/2 mile long with an elevation loss of approximately 26 feet. This section of river presents several drops and large, continuous rapids. Steep and cliff banks surround the whitewater. The size of the rapids, their continuous nature and length, and few locations set safety qualify this section as Class IV and Class V whitewater at observed water levels. Paddling trips down the Nuyakuk benefit from a well-defined portage trail to allow safe navigation around the whitewater and Falls. The rapids are easily seen and heard from upstream, providing paddlers ample time to move to shore and portage. The portage trail Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Recreation Inventory by Season FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment P Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 7 December 2023 features a steep and sustained incline at both ends. To transport a heavy, motorized boat up and over the trail would require considerable effort, manpower and tools, and thus appears unlikely for a casual recreational visitor. The nearest year-round population reachable by boat is the village of Koliganek, approximately 50 miles downstream from the Falls, followed by New Stuyahok (80 miles) and Ekwok (90 miles) villages. Dillingham, the regional population center, is located at the mouth of the Nushagak River, to which the Nuyakuk River is a tributary, approximately 110 miles downstream of the Nuyakuk Falls. Trips by motorized boat from any of these communities require an investment in time and gasoline, as well as familiarity with the Nuyakuk River and navigational skill as the swift and rock strew nature of the river can make travel difficult or risky. The Falls form a natural bottleneck below which salmon congregate on their journey upriver to spawn. Thousands of fish, mostly sockeye salmon, wait in the eddies below the rapids before their attempt to swim up the Falls and continue upstream, or resting between failed attempts. The presence of salmon also attracts other wildlife species. Observed during the field study were many species of birds, other sport fish, and grizzly bears (a sow with cubs were seen on video footage captured on trail cameras on the Portage Trail; no bears were observed in person from land or water). The waterfalls seen from downstream are scenic and photogenic. The combination of salmon and other sportfish, whitewater falls, and other wildlife make the lower Falls a good location for recreational angling, wildlife viewing, and photography. The area below the Falls offers two good fly-fishing spots to accommodate groups of anglers. The location on the right side of the river (when facing downstream), at the eastern terminus of the portage trail, is referred to as the South Eddy. The location on river left is referred to as Grayling Beach. At most observed river levels, both shores offer shallower depths and slower currents, making them generally wadable. The South Eddy has thick vegetation up to the river’s edge such that fly fishing was only possible from within the river and required low enough river levels to wade (this eddy may not be wadable at peak flows). Grayling Beach appeared to be the preferred angling spot as it offered a small space of gravel shoreline free of vegetation, allowing more space for casting at shallower depths, bigger groups, space to sit and break for meals, and even room for a small campfire. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Recreation Inventory by Season FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment P Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 8 December 2023 Figure 5-1: Lower Falls detail showing approximate wadable fishing area (green polygons) along each shoreline based on river levels at the time of field observation. 5.1.2 Observed Recreation & Visitation Pattern Overview Observed recreational activity was limited to fly fishing immediately downstream of the Falls and along the shorelines on each side of the river at Grayling Beach and the South Eddy. Visits were exclusively made by two nearby lodges bringing clients on guided fishing trips, Tikchik Narrows Lodge and Royal Coachmen Lodge. The only observed traffic upriver or downriver of the Falls was motorboat or airplane taxiing to facilitate fly fishing experiences for guests of these private lodges. Observations during the recreation field study period were consistent with the anecdotal accounts throughout the summer from other researchers and the field camp host/bear guard. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Recreation Inventory by Season FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment P Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 9 December 2023 Visitation volume and frequency: A total of 38 visits (not counting pilots taxiing visitors to the area) were observed in the vicinity of the Falls during the onsite study period. All visits were part of a guided fly-fishing experience. Of the 38 visits, 27 were believed to be clients and unique visitors. Guided fly-fishing groups visited the lower Falls site five out of the six days of observations: Tikchik Narrows Lodge clients visited five different days and Royal Coachman Lodge clients visited two different days. Total visitors to the area at any time ranged from three to ten people, including guides. Visitors appeared to mostly be male and middle-to-advanced age. Typical Access and Visitation Schedule: Tikchik Narrows Lodge flew clients in a DeHavilland Beaver small airplane to the Nuyakuk Falls. Tikchik’s Lodge is located on Tikchik Lake above the Nuyakuk Falls and the Tikchik outlet rapids. Travel downstream by boat is not ideal. Tikchik flew clients to the area on all but one day. The plane would land approximately one mile downstream. Here, clients were loaded into boats and taken upstream to fish at Grayling Beach while the plane flew back to the lodge. Tikchik’s planes typically landed between 8:00am and 11:00am to drop off clients. One or two guides assisted between two and six clients each day. Clients fished with their guides for between two and five hours, including sometimes a break for a meal and campfire. In the Figure 5-2: Relative locations of nearby commercial guiding operations. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Recreation Inventory by Season FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment P Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 10 December 2023 afternoon the guides would finish cleaning the site and run the clients back to the landing area where they would depart by plane, usually by 2:00pm or as late as 4:30pm. Royal Coachman Lodge brought clients two of the six observation days. Other researchers noted that they visit more frequently when the weather is not ideal for flying. The recreation field observation period featured fair weather and mostly clear skies during an otherwise wet summer, validating this assumption. Royal Coachman Lodge is located on the Nuyakuk River, approximately four miles upstream from the Nuyakuk Falls, and immediately downstream of the Tikchik Lake outlet rapids at the headwaters of the river. Royal Coachman brought their clients downstream from the lodge by motorboat to the potage trail above the Falls. Guides and clients hike eastward up and over the Portage trail to its terminus just below the Falls. Guides and clients fished the South Eddy where Royal Coachman had another boat stationed. Royal Coachman’s group sizes were smaller, with two clients each day observed and one or two guides. Based on other accounts, group sizes could be as large as five or six, but these groups were not observed by the recreation team during the field study. Royal Coachman groups arrived around 8:00am-9:00am and fished for about two-three hours, leaving by noon. Other observations: Airplane traffic noise occurred daily, mostly by the two fishing lodges. Occasional plane traffic was heard or seen in the area from other parties, including one small passenger jet that was seen flying adjacent to the Falls. The study team only observed one instance of potential flight-seeing by anyone other than the two lodges, when an unrecognized plane circled over the Falls. No other recreational activity was observed during the field study period. There were no other trails identifiable from our observation methods, and no clear camping areas. There was one report of observed recreational activity provided by personnel of another study discipline. While out on the river in early August, four people were observed camping near the Lower Falls off the Portage Trail with their raft in the south eddy tied to shore. They had floated the Upper River and portaged to the Lower Falls on the Portage Trail. Only one night of camping was observed before they continued floating the Nuyakuk downriver. 5.2 Intercept Survey Results Of the 38 total visits, and 27 unique client-visitors, the recreation study team recorded eight intercept surveys (see Appendix P-3: Recreation Intercept Survey). All clients who were offered surveys agreed to take them and completed them. Intercept survey samples were predictably low due to a few factors, primarily the area’s extreme remote location and access limitations which result in generally low overall visitation numbers. Secondly, reaching participants proved challenging. Intercepting Tikchik Lodge visitors at Grayling Beach (the most-frequented fishing spot) required landing a boat across the river in very limited space; a significant intrusion that would undoubtedly disturb what was understood to be a rare and costly fishing experience. Wanting to respect their experience, we did not approach fishermen on Grayling Beach. Our other option, to intercept clients at their airplane pick-up and drop-off location, required precise and fortunate timing: researchers needed to intercept the boat, talk with client participants and Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Recreation Inventory by Season FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment P Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 11 December 2023 distribute surveys, retrieve completed surveys and be out of the way of the plane’s landing area when they approached for landing. That timing rarely occurred, as the guide’s boat often landed right before the plane came in. We anticipated more visits from Royal Coachmen Lodge guests, who would come by boat from upriver, traverse the Portage Trail, and thus be easier to intercept. Unfortunately, their visits were relatively infrequent during the recreation study. This was presumed to be due to the fair weather (a rarity in an otherwise wet summer) that may have allowed them to travel farther by plane to other productive rivers and rely less on visits to the nearby Falls. 5.2.1 Primary Activity: All respondents (100%) indicated that their visit was for recreational purposes and that “fishing” or “angling” was their primary recreation activity. All were observed fly-fishing specifically. Six respondents indicated they were targeting fish species during their trip, all of whom wrote a list of multiple fish species. Six (75%) respondents also considered motorized boating and flight- seeing as recreational activities in which they participated during their trip. Some respondents also indicated they participated in watching wildlife (n=5; 62.5%), photography (n=2; 25%), and family or social gatherings (n=2; 25%). 5.2.2 Who is Visiting: All respondents identified as male, white, not Hispanic, and were over 55 years of age (75% were 65 or older). No respondents were Alaska residents. All respondents were visiting the Falls as part of a guided fishing experience with one of two private fishing lodges in the area. Of their total trip durations (ranging 9-14 days long), all respondents expected to visit the Falls only once during their current trip. Of eight, only one respondent indicated having visited the Falls before (six times before), while all others were visiting for their first time. Most (62.5%) respondents considered the Nuyakuk Falls important or very important among other trip considerations when planning their route or trip. 5.2.3 Desired Experiences and Lasting Benefits: To understand motivations for visits to this area, respondents were asked to rate the importance they placed on achieving thirteen different experiences commonly associated with different recreational outings. Ratings were on a 5-point Likert scale of level of importance, with 1 indicating “not at all important,” 3 indicating “somewhat important” and 5 indicating “extremely important.” Mean respondent scores rank the following experiences as important or very important: Experiencing new and different things (4.57); enjoying the sights and smells of nature (4.25); being with friends (4.125); getting away from the usual demands of life (4.125); and being away from crowds of people (4.125). Testing one’s abilities (3.25) and experiencing solitude (3.125) were “somewhat important” on average. Bringing family closer together was very important to some (three) and not important to the rest. Respondents were also asked about the lasting benefits they hoped to gain from their visit to this area of the Nuyakuk River. Respondents indicated on a 5-point Likert scale how desirable each of a list of ten potential lasting benefits were as outcomes of their trip. According to respondents, Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Recreation Inventory by Season FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment P Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 12 December 2023 the most desirable lasting benefits sought from the visit were: resting one’s mind from stress, tension, or anxiety (3.875); a closer relationship with the natural world (3.625); and strengthened ties with family and friends (3.5). Improving or maintaining one’s health was “somewhat important” (3) on average. 6.0 DISCUSSION AND FINDINGS Field observations provided a critical understanding of the area with respect to its layout and recreational opportunities, remoteness, and the daily pattern of visitation in the summer months. Overall findings point toward: a pattern of regular, sometimes daily, visitation for guided fishing trips in the summer during favorable weather and fishing conditions (e.g. presence of salmon); the need for further study of local and winter use of the area; the need to consider potential impacts to common fishing spots and visual resources and viewsheds; and the need to consider how potential increased access will be managed. 6.1 Summer visitation pattern Based on field observations and initial conversations with stakeholders, guided fly fishing is the primary activity in the summer when salmon are present. Visits by guided fishing groups are regular, almost daily. The six-day field observation period confirmed what had been described by other researchers. The proportion of overall park visitation represented by fishing at the Falls is unknown and should be investigated in consultation with park staff. Data from commercial operators may allow extrapolation to estimate the overall volume of visits to this area during summer. 6.2 Additional study in 2024: Summer field observation data can be supplemented and possibly extrapolated upon with information from commercial operators and State Parks staff. Local and winter visitation patterns still need to be understood, however. For instance, all intercept survey respondents were from out-of-state. Local visitation habits still need to be understood; the study team will reach out to village communities on and near the Nuyakuk River to understand local use and the importance of the Falls and its features (see Section 4.2). This study does not assert that volume of local visitation (or lack thereof) is necessarily indicative of the level of local or cultural importance of the Project area. 6.3 Potential impacts to recreation for consideration: 6.3.1 Changes that could affect fishing access along the south shoreline Based on July 2023 field observations, the fishing experience at the Falls is made possible and enjoyable in a large part due to a limited amount of wadable space and vegetation-free shoreline. In the event of development, careful consideration should be taken when choosing the location of features like a tailrace outlet that might affect currents, depths, or shoreline topography near the South Eddy, and could thus impact sport fishing access. Field observations did not suggest that current use had maximized the number of anglers that can fish the area in view of the Falls, but Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Recreation Inventory by Season FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment P Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 13 December 2023 space is limited. Because fly casting requires a large and flexible footprint with freedom to adjust position, and given the desire of visitors to escape crowds, encroaching on these spots could have a negative impact on those participating in the observed guided fishing experience. Shoreline development could also positively impact fishing access, for example by selectively removing vegetation, or changing grades such that more wadable area is accessible for fly casting. 6.3.2 Increased evidence of human development: Visual and experiential impacts Getting away from crowds, experiencing nature and becoming closer with the natural world were important experiences and desirable benefits for survey respondents. It is understandable why the Nuyakuk Falls—a unique, inspiring, and beautiful natural feature—are likely an important draw for the two lodges. Care should be taken in any development not to limit access to the scenic, inspirational, and educational values offered by these Falls and the fish that migrate up them to complete their lifecycle. Worth noting is that the Falls represent only a single stop during a 9-14 day trip where clients look for multiple fish species and experiences, flying to many locations and water bodies in the region. A sense of remoteness and natural setting may be highly important to current visitors and should be protected. It is worth noting that, despite its remoteness and wilderness location, there is regular evidence of human presence while visiting the area. While there is little physical impact on the land (mostly confined just to the Portage Trail and the current Nushagak Cooperative (Cooperative) research camp), visitors can expect daily airplane noise from the nearby lodges and a very high probability of seeing at least one other party fishing most days. Visual impacts will be important to consider in the event of development. Field observations helped identify the main corridors used by humans and the primary vantage points from which to evaluate visual impacts. Those include approaching the Falls by river from upstream, flying over the Falls, approaching the Falls from downstream by boat, use of the portage trail, and vantages from the prime fishing spots in view of the Falls at the South Eddy and Grayling Beach. 6.3.3 Potential increase in access opportunities Site development could bring a few features that, if accessible to the public, could increase visitation and activity in the area. A landing strip, if made public, could increase the type and number of small aircraft that can access the area. This could increase activity, pressure, and impacts (see 6.3.2) on the Falls area and beyond and facilitate more varied recreation use of the area, though the magnitude is unknown. Vegetation clearing may make a more hospitable location to camp. Currently there are few clearings along the Portage trail to make a nice camp, especially for large groups. The Cooperative currently occupies perhaps the best camp location, though it is intended to be restored with vegetation after research concludes. Managing increased access must be approached carefully. The remote, wilderness character of the State Park and associated experiences rely on reducing crowds. If this location becomes more Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Recreation Inventory by Season FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment P Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 14 December 2023 publicly accessible or an area where human activity concentrates, park management will want to consider how to encourage dispersal around the Falls site or away from it to reduce human impacts and crowding. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Recreation Inventory by Season FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment P Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 15 December 2023 7.0 STUDY VARIANCES AND MODIFICATIONS Ahead of the 2023 Study Year 1 field season, Recreation Study staff held coordination meetings with staff from ADF&G on their proposed subsistence study efforts, the Cooperative, and Cultural and Terrestrial Study staff on FERC approved implementation methods to identify opportunities for collaborative data collection, prevent redundant efforts, and on how to engage effectively with residents of potentially impacted communities and Villages. Those conversations yielded strong suggestions to modify the FERC approved study plan methods for conducting resident survey and the reliance on other resource study area staff to observe, document and report recreational activities observed while in the field. 7.1 Resident Surveys and Site Visits A modification from traveling to each village four times in the calendar year (once per season) to conduct resident surveys on recreation to only going once or twice within a year was recommended by Recreation Study staff and confirmed and supported by those in the initial coordination meetings. This modification was encouraged due to assumption that residents would be able to sufficient recall any recreational activities they participated in at and around Nuyakuk Falls during any season, that returning to ask the same questions each season was unlikely to be well received by Village residents, and that making seasonal trips to their Villages may be perceived as invasive. Additionally, village elders or representatives the Cooperative have solid contacts with will have specific requests and recommendations for the appropriate and best ways to distribute surveys within their communities. Study methods for conducting resident surveys were modified from one trip per season in Study Year 1 to two trips over a two-year study period; the first to introduce the study and conduct the surveys and the second to present draft results to residents, ask for verification of information collected, and to collect additional data as needed. Additionally, per recommendations and the limited access to reliable internet, an online portal to conduct the resident surveys is no longer the primary method of survey distribution, but secondary to in-person paper survey administration and paper surveys with prepaid mailed envelopes for sending completed surveys back to Recreation Study Staff. The recreation survey will be introduced in person to village elders, community leaders, and residents at a public meeting in their preferred gathering place ahead of dispersing the survey. Study Year 1 Village Resident Recreation Surveys were attempted to be scheduled in early October, after the main subsistence and sport fishing, hunting, and gathering seasons had concluded. However, communications and logistics proved difficult between Nushagak, Recreation Study staff, and consecutive availability of elders and leaders in the six communities. Relying on and maintaining established positive relationships between the Cooperative and contacts in all the proposed survey villages is a high priority and direct coordination with those individuals to select the appropriate times and locations for the site visits will occur in late 2023/early 2024 and culminate in these visits taking place in 2024. Results from these surveys will be incorporated into the Updated Study Report (USR). Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Recreation Inventory by Season FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment P Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 16 December 2023 7.2 Field Observations and Intercept Surveys Field Observations and Intercept Surveys were added to the FERC approved Study Plan. No in- person observations of the study area were included in the initial study plan, leaving a critical gap in opportunity for data collection. Under the initial Study Plan, observations were to be had, documented, and reported by other resource study staff whenever they were in the field. This additional effort would have required significant additional staff time and energy from staff conducting specialized work in areas both within and beyond the recreation study area. The other resource study staff would have varying schedules and locational needs to conduct their work and therefore consistent observation of the study area would not have been feasible. Additionally, no intercept surveys with recreators would have occurred. Two staff went out to the field camp and observed recreational activities for 6 consecutive days in mid-July, during an anticipated peak in salmon run. They recorded observations for their entire time on site and engaged with area recreators when practicable. 8.0 STUDY STATUS AND SCHEDULE The Recreation Study is ongoing, with survey work and commercial operator data being collected during the remaining months of Study Year 1 (2023) through Study Year 2 (2024). Activities in the Year 1 Study (2023) period for the Recreation Study included: -Field Observations in July for 6 consecutive days with intercept surveys -Initial coordination with community and village representatives for site visits -Outreach to commercial use permit holders in Wood-Tikchik State Park for operator data Activities in Study Year 2 (2024) will include: -Two rounds of site visits in communities and villages to conduct the resident recreational use survey and present preliminary results, anticipated for Early Spring 2024 and late September to October 2024 -Commercial use permit holder data collection for 2018-2023 and 2024 seasons 9.0 STUDY-SPECIFIC CONSULTATION Recreation Study efforts did not require significant formal consultations in the 2023 study year. Full study effort consultations will be documented and summarized in the USR to be filed in December 2024. APPENDIX -: Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Concept, Recreation Study Commercial Operator Data | DRAFT Nushagak Cooperative is studying the feasibility of a hydroelectric project (Project) on the Nuyakuk River which includes consideration of potential impacts to outdoor recreation. A recreation study is being conducted to inventory and quantify the type and volume of recreational use occurring during each season in the vicinity surrounding the proposed Project facilities. The proposed Project is on the Nuyakuk River at the Nuyakuk Falls, roughly 4 ½ miles downstream from the outlet at Tikchik Lake. The recreation study area of interest is from approximately ½ mile upstream of the proposed Project intake to 1 mile downstream of the proposed Project tailrace (outlined in blue in the image below). For more information on the proposed Project, please see www.nuyakukhydro.com. (Online version will feature an interactive map of the study area) As a Wood-Tikchik State Park Commercial User Permit holder or someone who operates a recreation related business, you can help us gain a comprehensive understanding of recreational activities occurring in the Project area. Please provide the following information to the best of your ability to help us quantify recreation in the Nuyakuk River Falls area. You are encouraged to share any additional information and expand upon the data you provide. Have questions or want to provide your information via phone or virtual meeting? Please contact Taryn Oleson-Yelle at toleson@rmconsult.com or 907-646-9645. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Concept, Recreation Study Commercial Operator Data | DRAFT Company/Organization: ________________________________________________________________ Your Name: ___________________________ Role: ________________________________________ Email: ________________________________ Phone: ______________________________________ 1. What types of services does your business provide in Wood-Tikchik State Park? Please include services offered any time between 2018 and 2024. 2. Do you provide any of your services in or near the vicinity of the proposed Project at Nuyakuk River Falls? Services offered by air, land, and water are all of interest to the study. Yes – if so, please continue. No – if so, please skip to the last question (#12) 3. What recreational activities do your services support or provide? Select all that apply. a. Hiking b. Fishing c. Rafting d. ATV or snowmachine riding e. Motorized Boating f. Canoeing or Kayaking g. Camping h. Photography i. Flying and Sightseeing j. Backpacking k. Hunting Big Game l. Hunting Small Game m. Foraging or Harvesting (mushrooms, berries, etc.) n. Wildlife Watching o. Other 4. What months of the year do you provide recreational services at this location? Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Concept, Recreation Study Commercial Operator Data | DRAFT 5. How do you access the Nuyakuk Falls area? Select all that apply. Plane, float or ski Motorized boat from above falls Motorized boat from below falls Raft, kayak or canoe from above falls Raft, kayak or canoe from below falls On foot or skis Dog team Snowmachine or ATV Other: ______________________________________ 6. How frequently do you operate in the Nuyakuk Falls area during the months indicated above? a. Daily or almost daily b. A few times per week c. Once a week d. A few times per month e. Monthly f. A few times per year g. Once a year h. Once every few years 7. On average, how many clients do you have on a single day of operation in the Nuyakuk Falls area? (e.g., how many people per guided trip, how many groups or trips per day, etc.) 8. For the 2023 operating season, how many total clients did you provide recreational services to in the Nuyakuk Falls area? Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Concept, Recreation Study Commercial Operator Data | DRAFT 9. How does the 2023 season compare to previous years? If you are able to provide previous full-year data, 2018 to current would be appreciated. Please email toleson@rmconsult.com. (Online version may allow attachments within the question) a. Fewer clients to Nuyakuk Falls area than previous years b. About the same number of clients to Nuyakuk Falls area c. More clients to Nuyakuk Falls than previous years 10. Approximately how many of your customers are Alaska residents vs. out-of-state visitors? a. ____ % AK Residents b. ____ % Out-of-State 11. How many employees contribute to providing recreational services on-site in the Nuyakuk Falls area? 12. Do you provide support services or information about the Nuyakuk Falls area to your clients? If so, please summarize or provide the information you share with clients. Thank you for time and sharing your organization’s recreation related information. Responses will be summarized and included in the Recreation Study inventory and factored into the feasibility assessment of the proposed hydroelectric project. APPENDIX -: Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project | Nushagak Cooperative RECREATION STUDY FIELD OBSERVATIONS SUMMARY OF ACTIVITIES R&M staff members Taryn Oleson-Yelle and Bryant Wright arrived at the field camp the afternoon of Thursday July 13th and began observations the following morning. Accompanied by the camp host/bear guard, Shawn, Taryn and Bryant observed the area primarily by boat on the Nuyakuk River or from the shoreline. The Portage Trail was observed when they were traveling on it as well as through the trail camera footage collected by the camp host. Observations generally started between 9:00 AM and 10:00 AM depending on when boat or airplane traffic was heard or seen. When opportunities arose, Taryn and Bryant approached recreators and requested their participation in surveys. Knowing clients of the two lodges in the area, the Royal Coachman and Tikchik Narrows Lodge, paid for a particular wilderness experience and would be accompanied by guides, Taryn and Bryant contacted the two lodges via email prior to and during their time on site alerting them of their presence and purpose. The areas considered for study observations included the land, water, and air reasonably observable or accessible along the Nuyakuk River generally half a mile upstream of the falls and one mile downstream of the falls. Additional up-river observations beyond the study area were conducted twice during the study period, after recreators at the lower falls departed for the evening, to see if additional recreators were present on the river or riverbanks traveling downstream towards the falls (). OBSERVATION LOG OBSERVATION DAY 1 Date: Friday, July 14th, 2023 Start Time: River observations began @ 10:30 AM Weather: Overcast, calm winds, warm Location: Downriver of Nuyakuk Falls in boat, traveled approximately half mile downriver and observed from approximately 100 yards downriver from the boat launch at the Portage Trail from 10:30 AM to 3:00 PM. Upriver of falls via boat from approximately 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM. Lodges Present: Tikchik Narrows Total Visitors Observed: 9 (assumed 7 clients, 2 guides) A boat was tied up/parked near the lower falls Portage Trailhead – Shawn (bear guard) said it was a Royal Coachman boat they use to get across the river to Grayling Beach after they boat in from their location upriver of the fall and hike the Portage Trail to the lower falls. Tikchik Lodge Beaver plane on floats inbound east to west at 10:35 AM, took off from river west to east at 10:45 AM While traveling downriver, one boat passed traveling upriver with group of people and two recreators observed on south riverbank 11:00 AM boat returns after dropping off passengers at Grayling Beach (north riverbank just below the falls), picks up the two recreators and shore to take to Grayling Beach Group of 7 – two guides included- set up at Grayling Beach on north bank of the lower river. One boat supported them and was tied to the alders. Group was primarily fishing with rest and leisure all from the beach People observed appeared to be all male, white and generally assumed to be above 55 years old Fire was started on the beach 12:20 PM a white/light colored Beaver float plane flew south of river traveling east 206 Tikchik Lodge plan flew east to west over and around the falls @ 12:40 PM, made a second pass in the same direction of travel to observe the falls and/or other Tikchik recreators on Grayling Beach approximately 2 minutes later Tikchik Lodge plan flew overhead west to east @ 1:25 PM Tikchik boat with four people left Grayling Beach heading downriver @ 1:28/1:30 PM anticipated shift/location change for Lodge clients. Boat returned to the beach get the remaining 3 people @ 1:39 PM and left at 1:48 PM Tikchk plane left and returned to lower river to pick up clients between 1:40 PM and 2:15 PM No other recreators were observed in the lower falls study area No recreators were observed on the upper falls study area OBSERVATION DAY 2 Date: Saturday, July 15th, 2023 Start Time: River observations began @ 10:00 AM Weather: Heavy rain overnight and in the AM, partly cloudy and partly sunning in the afternoon to evening Location: Downriver of Nuyakuk Falls on Grayling Beach Total Visitors Observed: None. No recreation observed: no people, no plane or boat activity within in or near the study area Royal Coachman’s boat was not tied up and was not seen within the downriver study area. OBSERVATION DAY 3 Date: Sunday, July 16th, 2023 Start Time: On-River observations @ 11:00 AM (intentionally give recreators unimpeded choice of set up location) Weather: Overcast, calm winds, not raining, occasional drizzle/light rain in the afternoon Location: Downriver of Nuyakuk Falls approximately 100 yards from boat launch Lodges Present: Tikchik Narrows Total Visitors Observed: 7 (assumed 5 clients, 2 guides) Tikchik plane observed from camp flying west to east over falls/camp @ 8:57 AM and departing east to west over camp at 9:15 AM Second Tikchik plan observed flying west to east south of camp @ (;43 AM and departing east to west at 10:17 AM Tikchik Lodge had a group of 7 people fishing @ Grayling Beach Two guides, possibly 1 female, and one female client (?) Clients were more active and mobile than those observed on Friday, possibly younger in age Fire was going on the shoreline Tikchik Beaver plan flew west to east @11:46 AM, starting possible flight seeing and photography effort for a passenger in the plane but cannot determine if that was the purpose (hazing us as we observed was discussed with our bear guard) Looped back and flew over falls east to west within two minutes Came over again east to west @ 11:58 AM low in elevation right over us in the boat Looped again @ 12:01 PM, lower than previous pass Looped again @ 12:09 PM but more south of river than previous passes And again farther south of us and the river @ 12:16 PM Bear guard/camp host said this isn’t an activity pattern he has seen during his time out here and they usually just do drop off and pick ups of their clients/guides, not big sight seeing efforts @ 12:30 PM the group at Grayling Beach begin a lunch break, ceased fishing and sat around the fire. Lunch finished around @2:00 PM and began fishing again Boat with 4 clients and 1 guide left downriver @ 3:32 PM, 1 guide and 1 guest stayed on Grayling beach packing up gear. Tikchik Beaver flying west to east south of the falls to pickup guests @ 4:04 PM, departs same flight path east to west @ 4:24 PM, boat returns to get other client and guide Tikchik Lodge guide driving the boat, named Will, came over to us in his boat and seemed happy to talk to us. He said he would pass along the message about our desire to conduct surveys and checking email for the one we sent yesterday morning. Boat picked up remaining people on Grayling beach and departed @4:36 PM Tikchik plan returned @ 4:50 PM west to east, departing east to west @ 5:03 PM In the evening, a plane was heard @ 10:30 PM (sunny skies) from inside the tent at camp – it did not sound close like other plans heard/observed recreating at the falls so is assumed to be outside the study area. OBSERVATION DAY 4 Date: Monday, July 17th, 2023 Start Time: On-River observations @ 9:40 AM Weather: partly cloudy/partly sunny, calm winds, warm temps Location: East terminus of Portage Trail and Downriver of Nuyakuk Falls approximately 100 yards from boat launch Lodges Present: Royal Coachman, Tikchik Narrows Total Visitors Observed: 9 (assumed 7 clients, 2 guides) Tikchik Beaver plan observed flying west to east over camp to drop recreators off @ 8:03 AM, same plane departed east to west over camp @ 8:17 AM Upon arrival at the lower falls terminus of the Portage Trail, 3 fishermen observed in south eddy (“East Portage Pool”) actively fishing in the water o Royal Coachman – 1 guide, 2 clients both male above the age of 55 Tikchik fisherman observed @ Gayling Beach – 6 seen upon arrival, assumed to be 5 clients and 1 guide Tikchik guests look to be all male over 55 years of age Royal Coachman fishermen stopped fishing and existed the water @ 11:15 AM We intercepted them and had the two clints take surveys They walked west on the Portage Trail to their boat on the upper falls Tikchik had a fire going when we moved from the shoreline at the Portage Trail out to our on water viewpoint approximately 100 yards south of the trail @ 11:33 PM Tikchik group broke for lunch around noon and started packing up camp @ 1:15 PM Tikchik boat took first trip of clients from Grayling Beach to their downriver pickup location @ 1:33 PM We left our observation location and intercepted them at their boat launch where the clients agreed to take our survey In conversation with the guide, he said “as long as you don’t build a dam, I’m happy” – his overall demeaner of our approach was not positive Beaver plan arrived for pickup @ 2:02 PM and took off at 2:12 PM and a second pickup and departure happened approximately 20 min later Tikchik beaver flying west of the falls generally south to north/northwest @ 2:50 PM Tikchik Plan observed from camp flying west to east south of the river and camp, farther than before in the day @ 4:00 PM Plane activity heard in the distance from camp but not seen @ 4:45 PM OBSERVATION DAY 5 Date: Tuesday, July 18th, 2023 Start Time: On-River observations @ 9:45 AM Weather: Sunny, moderate winds, warm/hot temp in the 70s Location: Downriver of Nuyakuk Falls approximately 100 yards from boat launch Lodges Present: Tikchik Narrows Total Visitors Observed: 3 (assumed 2 clients, 1 guide) Tikchik beaver plane flew west to east just south of camp, dropping off people to fish lower falls @ 8:03 AM, returned east to west over camp @ 8:19 AM Coachman beaver plane flew west of camp @ 8:57 AM outside of study area traveling northwest Tikchik lodge had 2 clients and 1 guide fishing @ Grayling beach when we moved to our on-water location Clients appeared to be one male and one female above the age of 55 years old They did not take a break for lunch and no fire was observed Tikchik beaver plane flew over camp, south of the falls west to east, low @ 1:30 PM, anticipated a landing but did a loop, came in south of river, landing @ 1:34 PM Guide started passively packing up around 1:15 PM and was actively packing up after the plane’s first loop (it was the same guide as the day before) Fishermen left Grayling beach @ 1:40 PM, after the plane had landed, preventing us from intercepting them Tikchik plane departed south of falls @ 1:54 PM, flew south of falls and camp Left the lower river @ 2:00 PM, walking Portage Trail to upper river and boated the upper river looking for recreators till 4:00 PM – no recreators were observed Royal Coachman plane flew over camp, south of falls, east to west @ 5:25 PM OBSERVATION DAY 6 Date: Wednesday, July 19th, 2023 Start Time: 9:50 AM Weather: Sunny, no clouds, warm/hot with temps in the 70s Location: East terminus of Portage Trail and Downriver of Nuyakuk Falls approximately 100 yards from boat launch Lodges Present: Royal Coachman, Tikchik Narrows Total Visitors Observed: 10 (assumed 6 clients, 4 guides) Tikchik beaver plane flew over camp (south of the falls) @ 8:19 AM west to east, departed and flew over camp @ 8:37 AM Royal Coachman plane observed flying east to west outside of study area, not over the falls or camp Plane flying northeast to southeast came over the falls @ 9:30 AM (not directly over but in the vicinity of the falls), could not tell if it was a Royal Coachman plane or not but it was not Tikchik Royal Coachman has 2 clients and 2 guides actively fishing in the water in the south eddy (“East Portage Pool”) o Guide said they arrived approximately 9:20 AM o Turnover of clients is on Sundays o They bring clients down to the lower falls almost every day this year as the weather hasn’t been good enough to fly, so this week while the sun has been out they have been flying to other locations more o They bring people down here to look at the falls, enjoy the scenery, take photos. It’s something they features as part of the experience o When the salmon aren’t running here, they will use the Portage Trail to get to their boats and run downriver to fish for other species. They have moved their second boat to Arrow Creek (Shawn said this area has amazing hunting) Tikchik Lodge group was fishing from Grayling Beach, possibly 4 guests and 2 guides A small private jet flew south/over the falls at low elevation for assumed sight seeking @ 11:07 AM Both Royal Coachman clients talked with us and took surveys o One client said he doesn’t want to see this place changed Royal Coachman existed and headed up the Portage Trail to go up river @ 12:15-12:30 PM Tikchik broke for lunch about the same time that Coachman exited Tikchik boat’s first trip with 2 clients departed Grayling Beach @ 1:42 PM , returned to get other clients and equipment @ 1:51 PM Tikchik beaver plane arrived west to east for pickup @ 1:53 PM and second and final departure of clients from beach @ 1:56 PM APPENDIX -: Nushagak Cooperative Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Recreation Study Project Site Recreation Field Survey About the Project Welcome to the Nuyakuk River Falls (also known as Tikchik Falls). This survey is part of an ongoing study of nearby natural, cultural, and recreational resources in support of Nushagak Electric and Telephone Cooperative’s intent to construct and operate a proposed hydroelectric project and pursuant to study requirements as determined by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). We would like to hear about your visit to the Nuyakuk Falls, including your recreation activities and goals. Participation is voluntary and all responses will be kept anonymous. A study report will be prepared by R&M Consultants and made available to McMillen Corporation, Nushagak Cooperative, and FERC. If you have any question about this survey, please contact Bryant Wright, 907-458-4307; bwright@rmconsult.com. Trip Characteristics 1. Including yourself, how many people are you traveling with for your visit to the Nuyakuk River? _______________ people 2. For how many days are you visiting this part of the Nuyakuk River? ________________ days 3. How many days is your trip to in total (from departing and returning home)? _____________ days 4. If staying multiple days near the Falls (within 2 miles), where are you staying overnight? Check all that apply. Campsite Private lodging (personal, friend or family) Private lodging (paid accommodation) Other: ________________________________ 5. Including this trip, how many times have you been to visit the Nuyakuk Falls? ___________ times 6. Is your visit part of a guided trip led by a hired, private guide or outfit? Yes No If “Yes,” please provide the name of the company you hired: ____________________________________________ (Name of guide company, if applicable) 7. What was your primary method of accessing this area of the Nuyakuk River? Select one. a. Bush Plane b. Motorized boat c. Paddling d. OHV/ATV e. Other _________________________________ 8. Are you using or do you plan to use the Portage Trail? Yes No 9. If so, how are you using the portage trail around the falls? Please describe: _______________________________________________________________________________ Nushagak Cooperative Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Recreation Study Project Site Recreation Field Survey 10. During your trip to the area, which of the following areas have you or do you plan do access? Check all that apply. Nuyakuk Falls: on the Nuyakuk River or adjacent land immediately surrounding the Falls Lower Nuyakuk River (approximately ½ mile below or downstream of the Falls) Upper Nuyakuk River (approximately ½ mile above or upstream of the Falls) Tikchik Lake Other _________________________________ Primary Activities 11. Please check each activity that you plan to participate in while visiting this area of Nuyakuk River: Family social gatherings Motorized Boating Flying and Sightseeing & Angling (s): _________________________________________________________________________ 12. From the activities marked above, which one would you select as your primary activity? ___________________________________________________ 13. If hunting and/or fishing, what are species are you targeting? List all. ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ 14. If hunting or fishing, which statement most strongly characterizes the purpose of your trip? Select one. a. I am hunting or fishing for sport or recreation. b. I am hunting or fishing to feed myself and family and/or for income. c. I am hunting or fishing equally for recreation and subsistence purposes. 15. On a scale of 1 to 5, (1 = not at all important and 5 = extremely important) how important were the Nuyakuk Falls among other considerations when choosing your trip route or destination? Level of Importance Not at all -------------------- Somewhat --------------------- Extremely 1 2 3 4 5 Nushagak Cooperative Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Recreation Study Project Site Recreation Field Survey Experiences &Benefits 16. When planning your trip, rate the importance you placed on achieving the following experiences. Level of Importance Not at all ------ Somewhat ------- Extremely Enjoying the sights and smells of nature 1 2 3 4 5 Bringing your family close together 1 2 3 4 5 Experiencing new and different things 1 2 3 4 5 Testing your abilities 1 2 3 4 5 Being with friends 1 2 3 4 5 Growing and developing spiritually 1 2 3 4 5 Experiencing solitude 1 2 3 4 5 Teaching your outdoor skills to others 1 2 3 4 5 Taking a chance on dangerous situations 1 2 3 4 5 Getting away from the usual demands of life 1 2 3 4 5 Doing something creative such as sketching, painting or taking photos 1 2 3 4 5 Getting exercise 1 2 3 4 5 Being free to make your own choices 1 2 3 4 5 Being away from crowds of people 1 2 3 4 5 17. We would like to know about the lasting benefits you hope to receive from your trip to this area of the Nuyakuk River. Please indicate how desirable each of the following benefits were to you as an outcome of this trip. Personal benefits Desirability to you Not at all Low Moderate High Very high Resting my mind from stress/tension/anxiety 1 2 3 4 5 Improving physical fitness 1 2 3 4 5 Improving/maintaining health 1 2 3 4 5 Improving outdoor knowledge 1 2 3 4 5 Developing self-reliance 1 2 3 4 5 Improving self-confidence 1 2 3 4 5 Living a more outdoor-oriented lifestyle 1 2 3 4 5 Strengthen ties with my family or friends 1 2 3 4 5 Closer relationship with natural world 1 2 3 4 5 Enhanced sense of personal freedom 1 2 3 4 5 Nushagak Cooperative Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Recreation Study Project Site Recreation Field Survey Demographics 18. Are you currently an Alaska resident? Yes No 19. If yes, what is your community/town/village of residence? ______________________________________________________________________ 20. What is your age in years? Select one. a. Under 18 b. 18-24 years c. 25-34 years d. 35-44 years e. 45-54 years f. 55-64 years g. 65 or older 21. To which gender to you most identify? Select one. a. Female b. Male c. Transgender Male d. Transgender Female e. Gender Variant/Non-conforming f. Other g. Prefer not to disclose 22. Are you of Hispanic, Latino or Spanish origin? Yes No 23. How would you best describe your race? Select one. a. Alaska Native or American Indian b. Asian c. Black or African American d. Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander e. White f. Prefer not to disclose INITIAL STUDY REPORT ATTACHMENT Q: ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE COMMUNITIES NUYAKUK RIVER HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FERC NO. 14873 Submitted by: Nushagak Electric & Telephone Cooperative, Inc. P.O. Box 350 Dillingham, AK 99576 December 2023 Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Environmental Justice Communities FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment Q Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. i December 2023 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION.............................................................................................................. 3 2.0 STUDY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES............................................................................... 3 3.0 STUDY AREA................................................................................................................... 3 4.0 METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................................. 5 5.0 RESULTS........................................................................................................................... 7 6.0 DISCUSSION AND FINDINGS........................................................................................ 8 7.0 STUDY VARIANCES AND MODIFICATIONS............................................................. 8 8.0 STUDY STATUS AND SCHEDULE................................................................................ 8 9.0 STUDY-SPECIFIC CONSULTATION ............................................................................. 8 10.0 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................... 8 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 3-1. Environmental Justice Communities Study Area .........................................................4 LIST OF TABLES Table 4-1. Environmental Justice Data Table Example...................................................................5 Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Environmental Justice Communities FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment Q Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. ii December 2023 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS Commission Federal Energy Regulatory Commission EJ Environmental Justice EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency FERC Federal Energy Regulatory Commission NEPA National Environmental Policy Act Project Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project (P-14873) RSP Revised Study Plan USR Updated Study Report Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Environmental Justice Communities FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment Q Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 3 December 2023 1.0 STUDY PLAN INTRODUCTION In accordance with the issuance of FERC’s Equity Action Plan (FERC, 2022), the Cooperative proposed to conduct an Environmental Justice (EJ) Study to determine if development of the proposed Project would affect communities that identify as environmental justice communities. Depending on the location, design and operational specifications of certain projects, they may affect human health or diminish the quality of life in environmental justice communities. Examples of resource impacts may include, but are not necessarily limited to, project-related effects on: subsistence fishing, hunting, or plant gathering; access for recreation; industries of importance to environmental justice communities; and construction-or operation-related air quality, noise, and traffic. 2.0 STUDY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES The EJ Study has five objectives: 1) to identify presence of environmental justice communities that may be affected by the licensing of the Project, including the construction of the Project, and identify outreach strategies to engage the identified environmental justice communities in the licensing process, if present; 2) to identify the presence of non-English speaking populations that may be affected by the Project and identify outreach strategies to engage non-English speaking populations in the licensing process, if present; 3) to discuss effects of licensing the Project on any identified environmental justice communities and recognize any effects that are disproportionately high and adverse; 4) to identify mitigation measures and avoid or minimize project effects on environmental-justice communities; and 5) to identify sensitive receptor locations within the Project area and identify potential effects as well as measures taken to avoid or minimize these effects (if present). 3.0 STUDY AREA The Cooperative proposed to study potential Project impacts on environmental justice communities within 5 miles of the proposed Project boundary, including any potential impacts associated with transmission upgrades (Figure 3-1). Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Environmental Justice Communities FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment Q Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 4 December 2023 Figure 3-1. Environmental Justice Communities Study Area Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Environmental Justice Communities FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment Q Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 5 December 2023 4.0 METHODOLOGY The Cooperative will use the methodology that FERC recommends for collecting environmental justice data for hydroelectric projects. This methodology has been successfully employed on a number of projects in the licensing process and is consistent with guidance from the Environmental Protection Agency’s Promising Practices for EJ Methodologies in NEPA Reviews (EPA 2016). The Cooperative will provide the following: a) A table of racial, ethnic, and poverty statistics for each state, borough, native regional corporation, and census blockgroup (may only exist for census tract)within thegeographic scope of analysis. For the Project, the geographic scope of analysis is all areas within 5 miles of the proposed Project boundary. The table will include the following information from the U.S. Census Bureau’s most recently available American Community Survey 5- Year Estimates for each state, native regional corporation, borough, and block group (wholly or partially) within the geographic scope of analysis: a. Total population; b. Total population of each racial and ethnic group (i.e., White Alone Not Hispanic, Black or African American, American Indian and Alaska Native, Asian, Native Hawaiian and Other Pacific Islander, some other race, two or more races, Hispanic or Latino origin [of any race]) (count for each group); c. Minority population including individuals of Hispanic or Latino origin as a percentage of total population;1 and d. Total population below poverty level as a percentage. 2 The data will be collected from the most recent American Community Survey files available, using table #B03002 for race and ethnicity data and table #B17017 for low- income households. An example table is provided below (Table 4-1). Table 4-1. Environmental Justice Data Table Example. 1 To calculate the percent total minority population, subtract the percentage of “White Alone Not Hispanic” from 100 percent for any given area. 2 To calculate percentage of total population below poverty level, divide the total households below the poverty level by the total number of households and multiply by 100. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Environmental Justice Communities FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment Q Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 6 December 2023 b) Identification of environmental justice populations by block group, using the data obtained in response to part a above, by applying the following methods included in EPA’s Promising Practices for EJ Methodologies in NEPA Reviews (2016). i. To identify environmental justice communities based on the presence of minority populations, the Cooperative will use the “50-percent” and the “meaningfully greater” analysis methods. To use the “50-percent” analysis method, the Cooperative will determine whether the total percent minority population of any block group in the affected area exceeds 50-percent. To use the “meaningfully greater” analysis, the Cooperative will determine whether any affected block group affected is 10-percent greater than the minority population percent in the native regional corporation using the following process: 1. Calculate the percent minority in the reference population (native regional corporation); 2. To the reference population’s percent minority, add 10-percent (i.e., multiply the percent minority in the reference population by 1.1); and 3. This new percentage is the threshold that a block group’s percent minority would need to exceed to qualify as an environmental justice community under the meaningfully greater analysis method. ii. To identify environmental justice communities based on the presence of low- income populations, use the “low-income threshold criteria” method. To use the “low-income threshold criteria,” the percent of the population below the poverty level in the identified block group must be equal to or greater than that of the reference population (native regional corporation). c) A map showing the Project boundary and location(s) of any proposed Project- related construction in relation to any identified environmental justice communities within the geographic scope. Denote on the map if the block group is identified as an environmental justice community based on the presence of minority population, low-income population, or both. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Environmental Justice Communities FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment Q Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 7 December 2023 d) A discussion of anticipated Project-related effects on any environmental justice communities for all resources where there is a potential nexus between the effect and the environmental justice community. For any identified effects, the Cooperative will also describe whether or not any of the effects would be disproportionately high and adverse. e) If environmental justice communities are present, the Cooperative will provide a description of public outreach efforts regarding the Project, including: i. a summary of any outreach to environmental justice communities conducted prior to filing the application (include the date, time, and location of any public meetings beyond those required by the regulations); ii. a summary of comments received from members of environmental justice communities or organizations representing the communities; iii. a description of information provided to environmental justice communities; and iii. planned future outreach activities and methods specific to working with the identified communities. f) A description of any mitigation measures proposed to avoid and/or minimize Project effects on environmental justice communities. g) Identification of any non-English speaking groups, within the geographic scope of analysis, that would be affected by the Project (regardless of whether the group is part of an identified environmental justice community). The Cooperative will describe previous and planned efforts to identify and communicate with these non-English speaking groups and identify and describe any measures that proposed to avoid and minimize any Project- related effects non-English speaking groups. h) Because new construction is proposed, identification of sensitive receptor locations (e.g., schools, day care centers, hospitals, etc.) will be included within the geographic scope of analysis. The Cooperative will show these locations on the map generated in step c. In the study report, the Cooperative will provide a table that includes their distances from Project facilities and any Project-related effects on these locations, including measures taken to avoid or minimize Project-related effects. 5.0 RESULTS Data collection and analysis for this study has not been completed. Initial datasets from the American Community Survey have been obtained from publicly available sources but have not yet been compiled and analyzed. Additional data collection, including identification of non- English speaking groups and sensitive receptor locations have not been initiated. The Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Environmental Justice Communities FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment Q Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 8 December 2023 methodology described in Section 4.0 will be utilized in 2024 and results will be reported in the Project’s Updated Study Report (USR) in December 2024. 6.0 DISCUSSION AND FINDINGS Study results will be summarized and discussed in December of 2024 when the USR is due to be filed with FERC following Year 2 of the Study Program. The status of EJ Communities study will be presented and collaboratively discussed with stakeholders during the ISR meeting in December of 2023. 7.0 STUDY VARIANCES AND MODIFICATIONS There were no variances or modifications to the EJ Communities study plan. 8.0 STUDY STATUS AND SCHEDULE The majority of the EJ Communities study will occur in 2024. Study results will be reported in the Project’s USR in December 2024. 9.0 STUDY-SPECIFIC CONSULTATION Additional agency consultation was not necessary to initiate data collection from public sources. Consultation with regional entities and Tribes will occur in 2024 in association with recreational surveys. These supplemental outreach efforts will identify sensitive receptor locations within the study area. 10.0 REFERENCES Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). 2016. Promising Practices for EJ Methodologies in NEPA Reviews. March 2016. Available online at: https://www.epa.gov/sites/default/files/2016- 08/documents/nepa_promising_practices_document_2016.pdf. INITIAL STUDY REPORT ATTACHMENT R: DECISION SUPPORT TOOL NUYAKUK RIVER HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FERC NO. 14873 Submitted by: Nushagak Electric & Telephone Cooperative, Inc. P.O. Box 350 Dillingham, AK 99576 December 2023 Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Decision Support Tool FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment R Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. ii December 2023 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 STUDY PLAN INTRODUCTION..................................................................................... 1 2.0 STUDY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES............................................................................... 1 3.0 STUDY AREA................................................................................................................... 1 4.0 METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................................. 1 4.1 eDST Methodology................................................................................................. 2 4.1.1 Assumptions Worksheet ............................................................................. 2 4.1.2 Rate Based Model ....................................................................................... 3 5.0 RESULTS ........................................................................................................................... 5 6.0 DISCUSSION AND FINDINGS........................................................................................ 6 7.0 STUDY VARIANCES AND MODIFICATIONS............................................................. 6 8.0 STUDY STATUS AND SCHEDULE................................................................................ 6 9.0 STUDY-SPECIFIC CONSULTATION ............................................................................. 6 10.0 REFERENCES ................................................................................................................... 6 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 4-1. Example GUI output. ....................................................................................................5 Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Decision Support Tool FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment R Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. iii December 2023 ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ARWG Aquatics Resources Working Group Cooperative Nushagak Electric & Telephone Cooperative eDST economic Decision Support Tool Falls Nuyakuk Falls FERC Federal Energy Regulatory Commission GUI Graphical Unit Interface ISR Initial Study Report kWh kilowatt hours Project Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project (P-14873) USR Updated Study Report Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Decision Support Tool FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment R Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 1 December 2023 1.0 STUDY PLAN INTRODUCTION Because of the Cooperative’s desire to evaluate the feasibility of this Project from all perspectives, the Cooperative elected to develop an economic analysis tool that will assist in informing the potential economic impact of the project (positive and negative) over the duration of its operations. To date, an abundance of collaboration with the Aquatics Resources Working Group (ARWG) and its associated work on the Life Cycle Model will allow for the two to inform each other and create a comprehensive tool through which, a variety of operational and natural resource scenarios can be run. 2.0 STUDY GOALS AND OBJECTIVES The economic analysis tool, hereafter referred to as the economic Decision Support Tool or eDST, considers both: 1) economic impact of developing the run-of-river hydropower project and the impact on the Sockeye and Chinook fisheries, and 2) an electricity base rate model allows the Cooperative to explore different cost differentials between current diesel generation and with the run-of-river with diesel backup approach. The eDST will accept information from the river flow/climate model in terms of the impact over the 50-year life of the run-of-river hydro generation system, the powerhouse model and the aquatic fisheries lifecycle model to capture the economic impact from changes in sport fishing and commercial fishing. Subsistence fishing and escapement are constrained to be unaffected by the run of the river hydropower project. 3.0 STUDY AREA The Project will be on the Nuyakuk river, a tributary to the Nushagak River. From the Project site, the Nuyakuk River runs approximately 40 miles before converging with the Nushagak River, which continues to Bristol Bay. Therefore, the economic analysis focuses on economic values specific to the Nuyakuk. Specifically, the eDST focuses on the Chinook and Sockeye species to be consistent with the life cycle model analyses for this area. The model also includes the geographic scope of the transmission lines to move the power to the load centers. 4.0 METHODOLOGY The eDST spreadsheet tool (i.e., engine) contains a number of spreadsheets. The most important sheets are the Read Me, Assumptions, Annual Diesel and Hydro Costs, Diesel and Hydro Monthly, Fisheries – Annual, and River flow Worksheets. There are also several background sheets with information that drive the data within the model, and include data provided by the Cooperative such as Diesel Generator Costs, Diesel Other Production Costs, Diesel Loan Amortization, Diesel Depreciation, Overhaul Cost Comparisons, Demand Assumptions, Hydro Assumptions, River flow, and Administration. Most of the vital information has been moved to the Assumptions worksheet. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Decision Support Tool FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment R Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 2 December 2023 4.1 eDST Methodology 4.1.1 Assumptions Worksheet The Assumption worksheet drives the economic impact and the electricity rate making analyses. The worksheet contains input cells (in yellow) that drive consumption by community and the start date for each community. There is a section for assumptions about diesel generation costs along with various options and opportunities to adjust assumptions especially fuel cost values used in the analyses. The worksheet also has assumptions to drive the river flow calculations which are driven by the sliders in the user interface, such as the diversion limits per month, the baseline river flow values by month in cubic feet per second, and the flow rate of change associated with climate change. There is a section with assumptions for the powerhouse construction costs along with the additional transmission costs associated with the Project and the Project spend plan. Another section provides assumptions for Project operations including operations interest rates, internal powerhouse consumption, and repairs. A section on other costs includes Operating Margin and G&A as well as the BCA period and Economic Impact Multipliers. There is a section for the assumption about baseline fisheries for Sockeye and Chinook. The following subsection provides more detail on the assumptions section. Assumptions Sections There are various inputs into the eDST, including diesel and hydropower costs, retail electricity consumption, river flow, and fish numbers. Hydropower generation, river flow and fish numbers will all be provided to the eDST output from other the river flow, life-cycle and power generation models. The model currently has worksheets for those model outputs to be provided as inputs to the eDST. Economic Costs: Diesel generation costs were provided by the Cooperative. Related breakdowns for labor, maintenance, and administrative are captured in the calculations. Inputs related to powerhouse consumption, line losses, etc. that contribute to total required generation calculations are also captured. Project costs include construction spend plan (e.g., equipment, labor, and permitting) and operational period estimates (e.g., insurance rates, taxes, and repairs). Other inputs within the eDST capture estimated grant numbers and general overhead. Electricity Demand: Community electricity consumption values (in kWh) are included in the eDST. Values for Dillingham and Aleknagik provided by the Cooperative are incorporated into the eDST, and placeholders for other community consumption data (e.g., Koliganek, Ekwok/New Stuyahok, and Levelock) can be used/updated as needed. The growth rate for the communities can be adjusted in the User Interface. River Flow Values: Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Decision Support Tool FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment R Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 3 December 2023 Currently, monthly river flow values for the Nuyakuk River above the Project are available from 1953 to present. Summary values based on this historical record are used as inputs in the eDST. Annual changes to river flow currently use climate change projections from Wobus et al. (2015) to reflect future changes expected in the area. These values will be changed based on insights from the hydro/climate model. Fish Values: Escapement values for the Nuyakuk were recorded using tower data from 2003 through 2006. More recent values will be estimated by back-calculating proportions based on Nushagak escapement values. Other key input in the eDST are the relative proportion of Sockeye and Chinook from the Nuyakak that contribute to commercial, sport, subsistence, and escapement activities. Currently, placeholder values are used in the eDST, but require review and update. 4.1.2 Rate Based Model The Diesel and Hydro monthly worksheet contains the baseline diesel model and the run-of-river Project model. The diesel baseline is driven primarily by the electricity consumption of Dillingham and the five villages. Generation is calculated by adding back distribution losses and diesel powerhouse consumption costs. Costs are driven by diesel fuel, labor, and repairs. Costs that are not driven by monthly operations are only included in Annual Diesel and Hydro Costs worksheet. The monthly model feeds an annual summary worksheet which feeds the output of the economic model. The Project calculates electricity production based on the river flow assumed by month and allowed diversion. If hydro generation doesn’t meet consumption needs, the diesel generators feed the rest of consumption. (NETC has the region’s most efficient diesel plant to feed all of the connected communities even if the Coop reverts to diesel.) Run-of-river electricity generation removes the consumption of the powerhouse before determining if the diesel generators need to be turned on. Diesel generation, if needed, requires remaining consumption be met and adds on distribution losses and diesel powerhouse consumption to determine total generation. Costs for diesel generation are based on fuel costs, repairs, amortization of new diesel generator loans, and other production costs which are primarily based on labor. The hydro model is primarily based on amortization of the loans on the powerhouse and transmission lines along with fixed and variable operation and maintenance and other production costs. The Annual Diesel and Hydro Costs worksheet summarizes the annual costs in the monthly worksheet and adds costs like G&A and Operating Margin. The Annual Diesel and Hydro Costs are summarized into two different types: Cash and Net Operating Costs. The cash outlays indicate the costs the Cooperative are incurring during a year while the Net Operating Costs smooths out the Cash Costs with depreciation of the powerhouse and amortization of major overhauls for both the Diesel and Hydro. Major hydro repairs are amortized over 13 years, Major Diesel Overhauls occurs over three years and minor diesel overhauls occur over 18 months. The Net Operating Margin would be basis for rate making for the Cooperative. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Decision Support Tool FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment R Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 4 December 2023 The River Flow worksheet provides a space for inputs from the Hydrology Model. Currently, it is based on the average river flow in each month and the change in river flow by month based on a climate change model. The idea is the output of the future river flow model can be put into this sheet and the output of the sheet can be put into the monthly hydro and diesel worksheet. The Fisheries worksheet provides an annual breakdown for both Sockeye and Chinook based on assumptions about the initial fish entering the Nuyakuk. For each species, the worksheet indicates how much of the annual fishery is taken by commercial and sport fishing. The assumption is that subsistence fishing and escapement will be largely unaffected. There is a separate section for the baseline and one for the impact of implementing the Project. The eDST assumes that subsistence fishing will not be impacted because the escapement from the Project will be designed to ensure adequate flow that protect these needs. eDST Graphical User Interface: To facilitate exploration of these scenarios, a front-end graphical user interface (GUI) will be developed. Specifically, the GUI will enable the users to select between different climate conditions, economic costs, and diversion limits. These inputs would then be read into the eDST engine and the associated outputs from the latter would then be visualized within the GUI (see mock-up image below; Figure 4-1). We anticipate building the GUI using the RShiny applet capabilities within R, an open-source software. Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Decision Support Tool FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment R Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 5 December 2023 Figure 4-1. Example GUI output. During the construction of the eDST, sensitivity analyses can also be run through the eDST to ensure that the economic outputs function across expected ranges (of fish, river flows, etc.). More importantly, the GUI would allow stakeholders to evaluate the impact of different assumptions that will change outputs. Final selection of relevant outputs to visualize will be done in collaboration with the stakeholders. The RShiny code can be easily updated to reflect stakeholder priorities. The input sheets for the Hydrology Model, the Power Model and the Life Cycle Model feed the Rate Based Model which feeds economic worksheet which provides a Benefit Cost Analysis of each scenario evaluated. 5.0 RESULTS At the time of this writing there are no results from the eDST as no new input values have been provided to the eDST. Continued integration with the other relevant models will take place during the remainder of 2023 and the 2024 study seasons. Results and analysis will be reported on in the Updated Study Report (USR). Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Decision Support Tool FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment R Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. 6 December 2023 6.0 DISCUSSION AND FINDINGS Continued integration with the other relevant models will take place during the remainder of 2023 and the 2024 study seasons. Results and analysis will be reported on in the USR. 7.0 STUDY VARIANCES AND MODIFICATIONS No study variances have been identified at this time. Continued integration with the other relevant models will take place during the remainder of 2023 and the 2024 study seasons. Results and analysis will be reported on in the USR. 8.0 STUDY STATUS AND SCHEDULE Continued integration with the other relevant models will take place during the remainder of 2023 and the 2024 study seasons. Results and analysis will be reported on in the USR. 9.0 STUDY-SPECIFIC CONSULTATION Consultation specifically associated with the eDST and the ARWG has taken place on a bi- monthly basis and as needed over the course of the past 18 months. It is anticipated that continued ARWG dialogue will occur throughout the remainder of 2023 and the 2024 study seasons. 10.0 REFERENCES Wobus, C., R. Prucha, D. Albert, C. Woll, M. Lionaz, R. Jones. 2015. Hydrologic alterations from climate change inform assessment of ecological risk to pacific salmon in Bristol Bay, Alaska. PLoS ONE 10(12): e0143905. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0143905. INITIAL STUDY REPORT ATTACHMENT S: AESTHETIC STUDY NUYAKUK RIVER HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT FERC NO. 14873 Submitted by: Nushagak Electric & Telephone Cooperative, Inc. P.O. Box 350 Dillingham, AK 99576 December 2023 Nuyakuk River Hydroelectric Project Aesthetic Study FERC No. 14873 Initial Study Report – Attachment S Nushagak Cooperative, Inc. December 2023 AESTHETIC STUDY UPDATE The Aesthetic Study will be implemented in 2024 as described in the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s (FERC’s) Study Plan Determination. Data gathered and renderings created for the Aesthetic Study will be analyzed and reported on in the Updated Study Report (USR), along with an assessment of potential impacts associated with Project development and operations. The USR will be filed with FERC no later than December 1, 2024.