HomeMy WebLinkAboutKotzebue Wind Farm Expansion Project RUS Power Study - 2003 - REF Grant 2195427KEA CWP 2003 II. SYSTEM ANALYSIS A. Service Area Kotzebue, Alaska (Qikiktagruk). is the main hub of the Northwest Arctic Borough and- lies approximately 66 degrees 54 minutes north latitude, 162 degrees 35 minutes west longitude, 26.mile"s north of the Arctic Circle on the west coast of Alaska. Kotzebue has developed along the northwestern coast of the Baldwin Peninsula on narrow Kotzebue Spit. The Baldwin Peninsula is nearly surrounded by the waters of Kotzebue Sound and Hotham Inlet. The town faces northwest toward Kotzebue Sound. Kotzebue is not connected to the rest of the state by a road system or railroad but can always be accessed by air and can be accessed by sea during the summer when the sea ice melts. Figure 1 shows the location of Kotzebue on the Baldwin Peninsula. figure 1— Kotzebue, Alaska 162 -8"W 162 _7-W 1 £2.6'"W 162 ..ri"W 162.4'"W 162 -3-W Kotzebue Electric Association, Inc. (KEA) is a cooperative electric company serving Kotzebue and the rural area surrounding Kotzebue. Kotzebue is not connected to any other power system or grid. Most of KEA's approximately 1,100 customers are located within a five -mile radius of KEA's Power Plant. In addition to the built-up area of the city on Kotzebue Spit, KEA serves the FAA VORTAC aircraft navigational aide located to the southeast of the spit as well as locations to the south of the spit including: the Air Force Minimum Attended Radar (MAR) site; radio station transmitter; Kotzebue's cell phone tower; and KEA's Wind Farm. KEA generates power primarily with diesel fueled engine generator sets and to a lesser degree through wind power. The diesel fuel is barged to Kotzebue once per year. The central offices for KEA are located in Kotzebue, Alaska, P.O. Box 44, Kotzebue, Alaska 99752. Phone is (907) 442-3491. Fax is (907) 442-2482. The General Manager is Brad Reeve. Figure 2 is a large attached map showing a plan view of Kotzebue as well as the location of KEA. Page 9 KEA CWP 2003 B. Power Supply I. Diesel Generation YEA is currently generating about 21,000,000 kWh per year with diesel -powered generators. KEA currently operates six diesel generator units with a total current rated capacity of 11,030 kW as shown in Table 3. Table 3 -- KEA Installed Diesel Generators Unit Name Power Source Location Man Model Install Year RPM Cylinders Rating (kW) Diesel Unit# 07B #2 diesel Old Plant CAT 3516 1987 1,200 16 1,135 Diesel Unit# 09 #2 diesel New Plant GM EMD 16-645-E3B 1983 900 16 2,100 Diesel Unit# 10 #2 diesel New Plant GM EMD 20-710-G4A 1992 900 20 3,080 Diesel Unit# 11 #2 diesel Old Plant CAT 3512 1992 1,800 12 1,000 Diesel Unit# 12 #2 diesel Old Plant CAT 3512 1992 1,800 12 850 Diesel Unit # 14 #2 diesel New Plant GM EMD 16-710-G4B 1994 900 16 2,865 Total Rating (kW) 11,030 Source: Kotzebue Electric Association, Inc. DEC Air Quality Permit Testing/KEA General Manager KEA's current operating procedures require that KEA be able to meet demand for power while operating without the two largest units. This requirement provides power to be maintained in the event that the largest unit is down for routine maintenance and a second large unit fails. This level of backup is necessary as YEA is the only power supplier for the area. KEA's current capacity when operating without the two largest units is approximately 5,000 kW. Page 10 KEA CWP 2003 2. Wind Generation In an effort to find a less expefisive way to generate power and to reduce generated emissions, KEA developed a wind farm to generate power using the free wind of the arctic tundra, The winds are excellent for producing electrical power due to their velocity, density, and consistency. The annual average wind speed in Kotzebue is 13.5 miles per hour, The winds are stronger in winter, when the community needs more electricity. The winds are also clean and smooth because the flat tundra allows the wind to blow at full force without turbulence caused by trees or other landscape features. KEA's Wind Farm is located about four and half miles south of town and is connected to KEA's distribution system. Prior to 1997, diesel generation was the sole means of generating electrical power in Kotzebue. Wind generation began slowly and now comprises as much as 5% of the total power generation. When the wind turbine generators are operating, they save KEA the costs that would otherwise be spent using diesel fuel to run the diesel -powered generators. For each 14 kWh produced by KEA's Wind Farm, one gallon of diesel fuel is saved. In addition to lowering fuel usage and transportation costs, the wind turbines pose less risk to the environment than the diesel - powered generators. Due to the variability of the wind, however, KEA must still maintain full. backup power available from the diesel -powered generators. KEA currently operates ten Atlantic Orient Corporation (AOC) wind turbine generators and one Northwind wind turbine generator on its Wind Farm as shown in Table 4. Table 4 — KEA Installed Wind Turbines Unit Name Power Source Location Manufacturer Model Install Year Hub Weight TVP Rating (kW) WTG Unit# 01 wind KEA Wind Farm AOC 15/50 1997 26.5 m 66 WTG Unit # 02 wind KEA Wind Farm AOC 15/50 1997 26.5 m 66 WTG Unit # 03 wind KEA Wind Farm AOC 15/50 1997 26.5 m 66 WTG Unit # 04 wind KEA Wind Farm AOC 15150 1999 26.5 m 66 WTG Unit # 05 wind KEA Wind Farm AOC 15/50 1999 26.5 m 66 WTG Unit # 06 wind KEA Wind Farm AOC 15/50 1999 26.5 m 66 WTG Unit # 07 wind KEA Wind Farm AOC 15/50 1999 26.5 m 66 WTG Unit # 08 wind KEA Wind Farm AOC 15/50 1999 26.5 m 66 WTG Unit # 09 wind KEA Wind Farm AOC 15/50 1999 26.5 m 66 WTG Unit # 10 wind KEA Wind Farm AOC 15/50 1999 26.5 m 66 WTG Unit # 11 wind KEA Wind Farm Northwind 100 2002 — 85 ft 100 Total TVP Rating (kW) 760 Source: DOE-EPRI Utility Wind Turbine Verification Program Monthly Reports KEA continues to expand its Wind Farm and intends to complete the installations of two or more additional AOC 15150 wind turbine generators in 2003. Page 11 KEA CWP 2003 3. Historical and Projected Load and Consumer Data KEA's current largest loads are listed in Table 5 and are easily accommodated with KEA's current capacity. KEA anticipates that the hospital load will increase in the next decade as a couple new hospital wings are planned. KEA does not anticipate any other significant loads to increase or be added over the next decade. Table 5 — YEA Large Power Loads Load Name Peak kW 1999 2000 2001 2002 Pioneer Home 91 91 91 125 Technical Center 77 77 77 81 Hospital 352 384 352 384 FAA 63 74 74 74 Mar Site 88 144 162 156 However, KEA does expect to gradually increase its power generation to accommodate Kotzebue's increasing population as well as the historically increasing electrical consumption per capita. Figure 3 shows Kotzebue's population forecast while Figure 4 shows KEA's electrical generation forecast. (Refer to the PRS for a detailed analysis.) A check was done in the PRS to verify that these two forecasts were in line with each other. The calculation used to perform this check utilized a simple proportion of the number of kWh generated per Kotzebue resident per year. The number of kWh generated included all of the residents' needs (homes, businesses, street -lighting, public authorities, line loss, KEA's operational needs, etc.). That is, the total kWh generated per year by KEA was divided by estimates of Kotzebue's yearly population from 1990-2000. This calculation produced an actual kWh consumption per capita per year. Referring to Figure 5 on the bottom portion of the graph, the actual and three projections of kWh consumption per capita are shown. One projection is calculated as the upper bound based on actual consumption per capita from 1990-2000. The second projection is calculated as the middle bound based on actual consumption per capita from 1994-2000. The third projection is calculated as the lower bound based on actual consumption per capita from 1995-2000. These three projections of consumption per capita were used to estimate future kWh generation needs based on Kotzebue's population forecast. That is, the three projections of consumption per capita were multiplied by the population forecast. Referring to Figure 5 on the top portion of the graph, the three resulting kWh generation projections are shown: an upper, middle, and lower bound. Note that the projection of kWh generation as calculated from KEA's historical kWh generation totals lies between the middle and lower bound. This confirms that the projection of the historical generation data is in -line with the expected population growth and not overly conservative. The upper bound, however, is significantly higher than the other projections. This indicates that actual consumption per capita should be reviewed every couple of years by KEA to ensure emerging generation needs will always have adequate available fuel capacity. Following the figures, RUS Form 431 summarizes the PRS forecast of KEA's consumers, electrical usage, generation requirements, and peak demand to year 2011. Projections show that the peak demand will be less than the current available generation capacity. Specifically, the maximum monthly peak demand in year 2011 is forecast to be 4,269 kW which is less than KEA's current capacity of approximately 5,000 kW when operating without its two largest units. Given these forecasts, no increase of diesel power generation is planned during the period of this CWT. Page 12 f� co 9 0 Q Q E � a o � U � cv q Y ca N N Q _T (U � > E ❑ U otj Lu cau) � m 0 E o:3 -coo O � O 5 Q ❑ N Q 'O Y U Y SO cc 6 N fti Q Q U O O N O 0 a O 65 co 0)Cn L [o w 9 IA I v! �O/ C M s0.. p C* LL V O LL Q M v 0 co ^O Nt \ 0. 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O ca O Q Q I O_ N C r — coc - rl- co � Z U N C i 1 y tv o 0 L Q. -I - N C E I -� - G W 0 = N F. d N � at � Y m ' O le LL i a LL - I i Zl�OZ -'_ -- j -- l Oz - -- - OLOZ —_ I--- —� 600Z 800Z 1 LOOZ 900Z ---- -____._----- 1-- 904Z i I ----- - -- EOOZ I O L ZOOZ LO 00 I � — -- woo i LYl � C o� 000Z } C U O o 666E CL N 866E I O N C Qi -- --- - a Z - -- 9664 CCOO � Y � 9664 c U O 30a Q m --- _, ti661 �c cU O U = � - --- - - a iQ °a�� --- E666 I o m a N - -- -- Z664 tir~O rn rn � rn rn 0 " n o 1666 a�i � o z O :�i z C C s 066 � % 1 -1 - - 6961 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C C 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C O o 0 0 0 Sri N r r UOI}eJauaE) 4M)i IeJol Page 14 a � � C � � mo 7 m mo 0 Q a (D is a a a ,o 'm '� o g o V U U N Ncy, c0v a) Q_ o Q_ Q_ o m v LO O O 0 U C Q- ¢. Q. ° ir- E E E C C C :3 U U U a0o 00 m a Q o � O •Ol U7 .N � Q. Q_ Q Q N O O O •Q U U U EL m m `w ca a Q a r. a� n, n a �00aoo�'Q'Q Q o 0 0 1p E E E v m 0 m m a 3.. 0 C7 C� C9 C� 0 U 0 0 U U N L L t L O S7L S7L t m 0 A> ) (L (L (L 0 Q a- rL4. I I I c .a O U CL a �7 0 Z CL a�i Y 0 W G o V ram• 0 Y C N O o LL L O _ L_ epdeo jed uoildwnsuoo 4MM 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Q Q CD S 00 (O CA CD l4 I Z WZ � 1 L 1 1 o Loz — _ —.— CO- N wLo C,i CO —I� l 1 I _.___ GOOZ 60oz l ae -- zooz � a l ce) '- �_�rt LOOZ L i Oct I, m o n l 666 (D o 1 ------ - -- - E O { 291s; L664 9664 I I 266 -- - - - ' l —_--- - -��� Z664 L66 4 9�4 066 L ' 1 16 F 686 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a In o C 0 0 C 0 O 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 LO P Lo O (fl O LO uoijeaouaE) LIM)I Je;ol Page 15 KEA CWP 2003 USDA-RUS 1. BORROWER DESIGNATION Alaska 13 POWER REQUIREMENTS STUDY 2. NAME OF BORROWER SUMMARY Kotzebue Electric Association, Inc. (KEA) DATE f April 2002 CLASS OF CONSUMER NO. OF CONSUMERS AVERAGE MONTHLY kWh USAGE Base Year 2001 2006 2011 2001 2006 2011 4. Rural Residential 1,024 1,157 1,259 616 662 681 5. Seasonal NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA 6. Irrigation NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA 7. Commercial & Industrial 50 kVA or less 81 68 63 3,008 3,719 4,088 8. Commercial & Industrial over 50 kVA 28 30 32 22,833 25,582 25,320 9. Public Street & Highway Lighting i 1 1 13,920 14,529 15,220 10. Other Sales to Public Authorities 27 25 23 5,068 5,863 6.648 11. Sales for Resale - REA Borrowers NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA 12, Sales for Resale - Others NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA NIA TOTAL SYSTEM POWER REQUIREMENTS ITEM ease Year 2001 2006 2011 13. Annual MWh Requirements 21,832 25,187 27,501 14. Including Losses @ 5.2% 5.5% 5.6% 15. Annual Load Factor (Based on maximum monthly system peak demand) 069 0.71 0.74 16, Maximum Monthly System Peak Demand (kK9 ©coincident ❑non -coincident 3,635 4,0441 4,269 17, Source(s) of Supply Self -generation by diesel generators and wind turbine generators 18. Previous Power Requirements Study Dated: Power Requirements Study, Alaska 13 Kotzebue, March 1989 19, Comments (Use an additional sheet if more space is needed.) KEA has historically defined the following customer classes as follows and has historically reported yearly statistics on the USDA-RUS Financial and Statistical Report Form 7, Part R by these customer classes: • Small commercial customers are defined as 50 kVA or less (number 7 above). • Large commercial customers are defined as over 50 kVA (number 8 above). KEA has also historically differentiated between large and small public authority customers on Form 7, Part R; but, for purposes of this Power Requirements Study, KEA's historical data for public authority customers as been combined (number 10 above). Borrow. s General Manager (Signature) Date General Field Representative (Signature) Date Page 16 KEA CWP 2003 C. General Power Plant 1. Plant Bus All of the existing generators feed a common bus as shown in Figure 6 which is a one -line diagram of the Power Plant. This bus can be sectionalized to provide a separate bus for the three EMD diesel -powered generators and for the three Caterpillar diesel -powered generators. Work under this CWP will upgrade the bus for both the new and old portions of KEA's Power Plant to 1200 amps. This work is necessary to meet the future growth requirements and to replace obsolete equipment that is no longer supported by the original equipment manufacturers. Portions of the current bus system are rated at 600 amps and this bus is commonly operating at 500 amps including the bus tie between the New and the Old Plants. This exceeds the design criteria of maintaining the loading of primary conductors (major tie lines) below fifty percent of their thermal rating. The Old and New Plant bus, the bus intertie, and the associated switchgear will be upgraded under this CWP. 2. Station Service The Station Service System is designed with redundancy to be powered from the main generation buss from either the Old Plant or from the New Plant as shown in Figure 7. The 277/480V and 120/208V sections of the Station Service System were recently upgraded and have sufficient capacity for the foreseeable future. The two 5kV station service main breakers will be upgraded as part of the Power Plant bus upgrade that is part of this CWP. These station service main breakers are shown in Figure 6. Page 17 O w I \ M w wN ¢ern �a (0�o z > ¢ pr FY Q Y Q O Ul o m U X m m! U m C Q Q 4 w N N YN W WLO co u4 C O Ww p d Q 4_ L�0 N>� o >41(Oco W m o " Q > � C O o �\ O m Y ED - N ,n U a Q r ! 0 cb Q O LO \ I I I oo � m CD ¢ z i LO � 0 � I q ¢ Of Y z W w m a ¢ 0 z 0 m m C r a �, m Q a Lo m Q Q o N Q l I ILnm to OO Q n' N /1 p N U ¢ \ O Q I LL W .� W LL OO �.."��� Y d 7 � � g � � mm Y C W Q a a 8 �O of 0C)- rYI lYYYI �\ U LLJ � w coW ftf w n Oa Q O >\ Q O >\ COC14 Z ¢ z YN YO 0,> CC)U� 1� � f� Y Q [~J} Q p Z o w� FIGURE 6 w ft! Page 18 � 1 � it 9 I E 11 I I 6�# Page 19 O lb �9 z 0 FW :50 �> a Ir 0w Wz wo ca o< Y U) U 2 K 7 FY z Z U zi KEA CWP 2003 3. Fuel System The existing plant fuel system has adequate fuel storage capacity to meet the forecast power demand. The fuel storage capacity consists of two tanks, each with a capacity of one million gallons. One of the bulk storage tanks has a heating system so that Number 2 Diesel can be utilized at all times by the Power Plant. These tanks have secondary containment and under -floor leak detection systems. These tanks were internally inspected to API 653 standards. No additional storage will be added under this CWP. Bulk fuel is delivered to the storage tanks once per year by barge. The fuel is pumped through a buried pipeline from the dock to the storage tanks. This piping system is a welded steel line that does not have an exterior coating or a cathodic protection system. Corrosion on this line is monitored at selected locations; however, significant portions of the line have not been inspected. This line is hydrostatically tested each year prior to the initiation of the fael transfer. The bulk fuel delivery pipeline will be slip -lined with High Density Polyethylene (HDPE) under this CWP. Slip -lining with HDPE will provide a corrosion resistant pipeline inside a steel pipe that will provide mechanical protection. Slip -lining will significantly reduce the amount of excavation required and thus reduce the cost of the replacement of the pipeline. The storage tank to plant fuel delivery system is a combination of non-integrated components that have been installed over the last fifty years. Portions of the system are fabricated with threaded steel pipe that has been buried without exterior coatings or cathodic protection systems. Other portions are welded steel pipe. This fuel delivery system provides fuel heating, filtering, circulation, transfer from bulk fuel tanks to engine day tanks and metering for each unit. Day tanks are provided for each diesel engine generator set which supply the engine with fuel and provide a location for the excess fuel return. The return fuel from the Caterpillar powered engine generators is routed through a return fuel cooler prior to returning to the day tank. The fuel delivery system from the bulk storage tanks to the day tanks will be upgraded under this CWP. The belowground piping will be replaced with HDPE pipe to prevent corrosion. The above ground piping will be replaced with welded steel piping. The components of the fuel delivery system will be integrated and simplified. The new delivery system will be designed with redundant fuel pumps and filters to maintain high reliability of the fuel delivery system. 4. Plant Fire Protection The Power Plant does not have a fixed fire detection or suppression system. The current fire suppression system consists of large cart -mounted and smaller handheld fire extinguishers and reliance on the municipal fire station response. A fixed water mist fire suppression system will be installed under this CWP. This system will not provide general plant coverage, however, it will provide protection for the portions of the engine - generator skids that have either the potential for fuel leakage or are potential ignition sources. D. Substation The primary Substation. for the KEA power system is located on Fifth Avenue next to the Power Plant (Refer to Figure 6, one line diagram of Power Plant). This Substation has adequate capacity for the loads forecast in the PRS; and no additional work is anticipated for the Substation during the period of this CWP. Page 20 KEA CWP 2003 E. Distribution 1. General The Kotzebue distribution system totals about 15 miles of line and consists of four feeders, Feeder # 1 through Feeder #4. The majority of the distribution system covers the city which has an area of about a square mile. The distribution system extends out from the city to KEA's Wind Farm through Feeder #4. Figure 8A is an attached one -line drawing showing the distribution system covering the city while Figure 8B is a continuation of Figure 8A and shows Feeder #4 extending out from the city. All feeders are energized at 7.2112.5 kV and are located aboveground with the exception of portions of Feeder #3 and Feeder #4. The feeders may be run as a loop system but are presently operated as radial feeders. Sectionalizing can be performed to mitigate planned or unplanned outages. The distribution system is in good condition. The system undergoes routine maintenance and was substantially upgraded in the late 1980's. Many sections have been rebuilt over the last ten years. Voltage drops are less than 6%. Power transformer loading is below 105% of nameplate rating and primary conductors are not loaded over 80% of their thermal rating. There are no shunt capacitors, inductors, or other power conditioning on the distribution system. No additional feeders or major upgrades of the existing feeders are recommended at this time. However, a redistribution (sectionalizing) of approximately 2% of the system load from Feeder # 1 to Feeder 44 is recommended and is included in this CWP. This would reduce the load on Feeder #1 making it easier to reenergize after an outage. Over the next decade, KEA anticipates that Feeder #3 and Feeder #4 will be extended along the Ted Stevens Road located south and east of town as Kotzebue's population continues to expand and available land in town decreases. This feeder extension will also serve as an alternative loop feed to the FAA VORTAC aircraft navigational aide and to the airport. Page 21 KEA CWP 2003 2. System Outages and Reliability The system outage data shown in Table 6 are taken from the KEA Year End Reports (1984 - 2001) and are listed in hours per consumer per year for the most frequent causes of outages. The table shows that total outages are only about two hours per year in recent years. It should be noted that total hours represents the worst case potential for any individual customer as some of the outages shown do not impact all customers. Outages are likely to occur during the high winds of severe arctic storms and could affect an entire feeder. Extended outages at times like this are much more likely to cause discomfort to consumers and damage to consumer property than would be expected in warmer climates. Repair operations are also protracted and more difficult. Table 6 - KEA Historical Outages 1984 - 2001 Yearly Data Five Year Average Power Extreme Pre- Other Total Power Extreme Pre- Other Total Year Supplier Storm arranged (hrs) (hrs) Years Supplier Storm arranged (hrs) (hrs) (hrs) (hrs) (hrs) (hrs) (hrs) (hrs) 1984 2.00 0.00 0.33 0.20 2,53 1985 0.40 0.01 0.55 0,20 1.16 1986 0.32 0,01 0.40 0.18 0.91 1987 9.25 0.00 16.40 0.00 25.65 1988 3.78 1.03 1.87 0.09 6.77 1989 7.53 1.19 1.23 0.28 10.23 1990 2.34 0.29 0.67 0.00 3.30 1991 2.47 0.00 0.13 0.00 2.60 87-91 5.07 0.50 4.06 0.07 9.71 1992 1.14 0.00 2.08 0.00 3.22 1993 1.85 0.00 0.33 0.00 2.18 1994 3.00 0.11 0.08 0.00 3.19 1995 1.85 0.00 1.65 0.48 3.98 1996 1.58 0.10 0.05 0,80 2.53 92-96 1.88 0.04 0.84 0.26 3.02 1997 2.07 0.00 0.00 0.24 2.31 1998 1.63 0.52 0.01 0.00 2.16 1999 2.43 0.00 0.23 0.12 2.78 2000 1.36 0.02 0.02 0.02 1.42 2001 2,66 0.00 0.04 0.00 2.70 97-01 2.03 0.11 0.06 0.08 2.27 Table 7 shows the same outage data by feeder for year 2001. The table shows that less than two hours of outage was attributable to distribution lines. The particular event leading to the large number of Power Plant outage hours shown for 2001 was due to work KEA performed to replace wiring between the Power Plant and Substation. Table 7 - KEA Feeder Outages for 2001 Power Power Total Extreme Pre- Feeder 5upplier Supplier Power Storm arranged Other Total Plant Line Supplier (hrs) {hrs) (hrs) (hrs) (hrs) (hrs) (hrs) Feeder #1 0.8729 0.0174 0.8903 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.8903 Feeder #2 0.0818 0.4161 0.4979 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.4979 Feeder #3 0,1130 0.9985 1.1115 0.0000 0.0216 0.0000 1.1331 Feeder #4 0.0044 0.1602 0.1646 0.0000 0.0155 0.0000 0.1801 Total 1.0721 1.5922 2.6643 0.0000 0.0371 0.0000 2.7014 Page 22 KEA CWP 2003 Given the good general condition of the distribution system as well as the low number of outages attributable to the distribution lines, no additional work is anticipated for the distribution lines during the period of this CWP. 3, Line Losses KEA's distribution system is fairly compact resulting in minimal voltage drop and line loss. The distribution system's annual energy losses average between 4% and 6% of the total system production which is within the norm for power distribution systems. Figure 9 shows KEA's metering configuration used in feeder line loss calculations. Note that Feeder #4 generally operates bi-directionally. Specifically, Feeder #4 supplies power from the Power Plant diesel generators out through Feeder #4 and it also receives power from the Wind Farm in through Feeder #4. The other three feeders utilize this power from the Wind. Feeder #1, Feeder #2, and Feeder #3 operate in one direction supplying power from the Power Plant diesel generators as well as power from the Wind Farm. Table 8 lists the individual feeder losses for 2001while Table 9 lists the individual feeder losses for 2002. Line loss for Feeder #4 is calculated slightly differently from the other three feeders since the Wind Farm on Feeder #4 functions as a second source of power to the rest of the distribution system. In some cases, Iike Feeder #3, line losses are calculated to be negative numbers. A negative line loss is impossible. In these cases, KEA recognizes that these calculations are likely due to one or more large service usage meters being allocated to the wrong feeder. While the total system losses are normal, KEA continues to re-evaluate its metering to improve performance and reliability. These allocation errors will eventually be corrected to provide better feeder loss evaluations. KEA also recognizes that some of the line losses indicated in the tables are likely due to metering errors, meter reading timing, or other causes and are not true line losses. The issues of meter reading timing and misallocation of the service meter to the incorrect feeder are self -canceling over time and across the total system. As KEA's line loss is not extraordinary, no additional work is anticipated to reduce it during the period of this CWP. 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