HomeMy WebLinkAboutAppendix A5 North Slope Region 201004/20/2010 17:00 FAX ij 0003/0006 ANAKTUVUK PASS 10-188 4 pages) G (For option 1 appll Opt -In T 1. Name of City or ent is the community committed to coordinate anning and working with the Please f ri 3. Will in -kind support be provided to the of in -kind support that are available (labor, available. the community? If so, please describe the lodging, other), and the extent to which it is 4. If known, what buildings or facilities would the city like the contractor to focus on during the audit portion of the work? If specific known opportunites exist in any of these buildings, please list them in "additional comments" section below. # Name of Building or Facility City 1* 1 1. 2. 4. 5. Street Address So. Ft. Sector 2 of 8 04/20/2010 17:01 FAX R10004/0006 5. Summary of Project ANAKTUVUK PASS 10-188 (4 pages) nal Comments We would work be done in the months of time. Manning during these months would work niftyhunting Page 3 of 8 04/20/2010 17:01 FAX 2 ©©©5/©©©6 e o' *Id€ Ene or Borough: The city will pr : EE Please budget PIe { Personnel Travel Materials & Equipment Contractual Total **EEM: Ene Announcement and u ANAKTUVUK PASS 10-188 4 pages) G- F p $2 ur are confirm oa table A, line 1 a audit column EECBG ibutions. ching funds, as following cent of the total. Page 4of8 04-20-1 ; 15:57 ;17—orn:C ty Atoasuk 7o:19077712930 ;907 833 6E 4 3 Alaska Small Cities Ene Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) a. Name of City or Borough: Grant Application, Option (For option 1 applicants only) Opt -In Technical Assistance City of Atgasuk 2. To what extent is the community committed to coordinating, planning and working with the contractor? Please describe. Ateasuk commits to making appropriate staff available to coordinate with the selected service provider to assist with project planning, allowing access to all buildings and facilities in a time appropriate manner, providing local transpo4ation for service provider and transportation and storage for materials. 3. Will in -kind support be provided to the project by the community? If so, please describe the types of in -kind support that are available (labor, storage, lodging, other), and the extent to which it is available. City staff will assist in planning, coordinating, moving materials helping with transportation, and helping implement weetherization projects. The city will pick up materials from the airport upon arrival and will provide storage space= 4. If known, what buildings or facilities would the city like the contractor to focus on during the audit portion of the work? If specific known oppottunites exist in any of these buildings, please list them in "additional comments" section below. # Name of Building or Facility Street Address S. Ft. Sector Community Center/City Hall 5010 Ekosik St. 5,500 Pub RC Building 2. 3. 4. 5. Select from Arrow Select from Arrow Select from Arrow Select from Arrow tf additionalspace Is needed, please list other buildings in the "Additional comments" box below. Page 2 of 8 04-20-10;1E:57 ;O tv Atgasuk To:19077713930 ;907 633 65212 # 4/ 9 5. Summary of Project Atqasuk has selected Option 1, opt -in tec,hnical assistance program. We have specified 1 building to receive our energy auditor assessment by the service provider; City of Atdasuk, 5010 Ekosik St. The City vvili provide ocal staff to assist the service provider with coordination of the project activities, will provide transportation for the services provider and materials and will arrange for storage if required. 6. Additional ents I The City Office work days are Monday through Friday 8:30am-5;00pm. The Recreation department works Monday Tuesday then Thursday through Saturday 1:00pm-10:30pm. Although Atqasuk in 60 miles inland, barge shipments to Barrow are the most economical means of shipping material to the North Slope. Goods would than do shipped by air from Barrow to Atqasuk. The summer barge loads in Seattle on 6125 far delivery in early August. An alternative occasionally from July -September may be hauling on the Dalton Highway to Prudhoe say and back -hauling on a barge to Barrow. Page 3 of 8 04-20-10;15:57 ;From:Ci Ty of Atciasules To: 90777139K ; 907 633 8813 5/ Alaska Small Cities Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grants Name of City or Borough: Budget Form City of Atoasuk Table A: Full Project Budget Line Funding Source Budgeted Amount 1. EECBG funds requested $18.800 2. City/borough matching or in -kind contributions $ 3. Funding from other sources* 4. Estimated total project cost $18,800 identify other sources from line 3, and whether sources are confirmed or pending: The City will provide staff assistance to coordinate this project, will provide transportation for the service provider and materials and storage if required. No dollar amount can cosily be determined for this support. Table B: EECBG Funding Breakdown Please budget how the EECBG funding (Table A, line 1 above) breaks down between the following categories. Please note that the energy audit cost column may not be more than 50 percent of the total. Expense Categories Energy Audit Costs EEM/ECM Costs** Total Personnel $ $ $0 Travel $ $0 Materials & Supplies $ $ 0 Equipment $ $0 Contractual $0 Total 50 59 **EEM: Energy Efficiency Measure, ECM: Energy Conservation Measure; defined in EECBG Funding Announcement and Instructions document. $0 Budget Narrative Please briefly describe the use of EECBG funds and any matching funds, as categorized above: Page 4 of 8 Ene �m O�8U� '�-����4�����' �=.~~. .~ '--` pages') ' Alaska Small Cities Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) 1. Name of City or Borough: Grant Application, Option 1 (For option 1 applicantsonhJ Opt -in Technical Assistance City of Nuiqsut 2. To what extent is the community committed to coordinating, planning and working with the contractor? Please describe. The City ofNuiqsut is fully committed tocoordinating, planning and working with any contractor so determined for purposes ufimproving energy efficiency ofthe 8803sq. ft. KisikCommunity Center building envelope. The structure itself isinneed ofrepair with respect toheat energy leakage, especially through the windows and doors; but also through the conversion o/sensible heat inthe evaporation process due tualeaky roof. The City will provide full access tothe Kisik Community Center at any time needed, and make available the services of the City maintenance mechanic and night watchman for any analysis, construction or repair tasks. T he staff is also fully committed to any and all education and training that would minimize energy consumption through _C»i|vhvnnnnxctiviMep All o/mextnffonntxecnmm//nimorenoncemenwith cnnpwn/innenemv 3.Will in -kind support beprovided tuthe project bythe community? if so, please describe the types ofin-kind support that are available (|abor, storage, lodging, other)'and the extent tuwhich his There are in -kind support resources available within the community in the form of labor, limited storage, and lodging. The City will provide upto3O8hours nfstaff and community volunteer time in |abor, transporting materials and parsonna|, and any other assistance deemed necessary in implementing *eathorizahonprojects. The City can also provide 80-50square feet ofheated dry storage space. The City will work toward partnering with our local Kuukpik Corporation to provide lodging at the local Kuukpik Hotel; and if that cannot be arranged, other suitable accommodations will be found. 4. if known, what buildings or facilities would the city like the contractor to focus on during the audit portion ofthe work? If specific known opportunites exist in any of these buildings, please list them in"additional comments" section below. # Name ofBui|dinxurFaci|hx Street Address Sq.Ft. Sector KioikCommunity Center /City 223OSecond Avenue 8.303 Public Building l. Hall �mm��� _ u Select from Arrow _ Select from Arrow ' S. Select from Arrow If odditionol spoce is needed, pleose list other buildings in the "Additionol comments" box below. Page 2of8 NNIQSUT-10-155 To what extent is the community committed to coordinating, planning and working with the contractor? Please describe: The City ofNuiqsutisfully committed to coordinating, planning and working with any contractor so determined for purposes of improving energy efficiency of the 8303 sq, ft. Nsik Community [enter building envelope. The structure itself is in need of repair with respect to heat energy leakage, especially through the windows and doors; but also through the conversion of sensible heat in the evaporation process due toaleaky roof. The [itywill provide full access tuthe KisikCommunity Center at any time needed' and make available the services of the City maintenance mechanic and night watchman for any analysis, construction or repair tasks. The staff is also fully committed to any and all education and training that would minimize energy consumption through daily human activities. All of the staff and the community are concerned with conserving energy resources, minimizing environmental impacts associated with energy consumption, and in reducing operating costs of the City government. S. Summary ofProject UUOSUUT 10-155 (4 pa*�es) The City of Nuiqsut has selected the Option 1: Opt -in Techincal Assistance Program, and will await the service pmvid&s technical assistance prior todetermining full scope ofthe work. We have committed to providing in -kind non/iceo. |euor, storage and lodging vzthe service provider at an estimated value of $10,000. 6.Additional Comments With respect to heat energy consumption efficiency, there are several obvious issues with the 8303oq. ft. KisixCommunity Center building envelope that need toboaddressed; such un window and door fixtures, roofing, etc. While these issues are intuitive and quite conspicuous, a need does exist for anenergy audit toensure the most efficient use ofAEA EEC8Gfunds. For this reason, we as a community feel as if "Option 1: Opt -in technical assistance program" would buthe best approach atthis time. Page 3of8 iNE'RGY AUTHORITY 00N#SUUT 10-155 (4 pages) Alaska Small Cities Ener Efficiency and Conservation Block Grants Name of City or Borough: BudgetForm City of Nuiqsut Table A: Full Project Budget I Line Funding Source Budgeted Amount | 1. EE[8Gfunds requested $27,000 ' Z. City/borough matching urin-kind contributions $10.000 | I Funding from other sources* $ 4. Estimated total project cost $37,000 * Identify other sources from line 3, and whether sources are confirmed or pending: Tah|eB: EE[BGFunding Breakdown Please budget how the EE[8Gfunding (Table A^line 1above) breaks down between the following categories. Please note that the energy audit cost column may not be more than 50 percent of the total. Expense Categories Energy Audit Costs EEKH/ECMCoas** Total ' | Personnel $ $ $U | Travel $ $ $U / Materials &Supplies $ $ $Q . Equipment $ $ $0 Contractual $ $ $8 Total $D . $U $O ' **EEM: Energy Efficiency Measure, ECM: Energy Conservation Measure; defined in EECBG Funding Announcement and Instructions document. Budget Narrative Please briefly describe the use of EECBG funds and any matching funds, as categorized above: The City has committed to anin-kind contribution of approximately $1U,000mextend energy savings through this project. The EECBG funds will be managed and reported on by the selected service provider. The City will provide the service provider timely updates of our cash and in -kind spending for each quarterly report. Page 4of8 ENERGY AUTHOR!TY���&T �-��' 10~195 (4 ta * es) Alaska Small Cities Ener Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) 1. Name of City or Borough: Grant Application, Option 1 (For option 1applicants only) Opt -in Technical Assistance City ofPoint Hope 2. To what extent is the community committed to coordinating, planning and working with the contractor? Please describe. The City of Point Hope commits to making appropriate staff available to coordinate with the selected service provider toassist with project planning, allowing access vyall buildings and facilities in a time appropriate manner, to provide local transportation for the service provider and transportation and storage for materials. 3.Will in -kind support beprovided tuthe project bythe community? if so, please describe the types of in -kind support that are available (labor, storage, lodging, other), and the extent to which it is City staff will assist with planning, coordinating, moving materials, helping with transportation and helping implement woathehzudonprojects. The city will arrange for materials tnbepicked upat the airport and storage ifrequired. 4. If known, what buildings or facilities would the city like the contractor to focus on during the audit portion of the work? If specific known opportunites exist in any of these buildings, please list them in "additional comments" section below. # Name ofBuilding orFacUitv � Street Address So.Ft. Sector 1. Qulgi8uUding 53ONatchiqStreet 019 Public Building TikigaqmiutRecreation Center 750TiNgaqAve 2'900 Public Building Z. O�A�adnNno�ntQu��� �9T�ga Ave 2.�0 Public Building _ 4. � Old Senior Center Building 1745QelgiAve 1.880 Public Building 5. Select from Arrow if additional space is needed, please list other buildings in the "Additional comments' box below, Page 2ufG I S. Summa�ofPm�� Po�B�T���#�� ��~��� �������� Point Hope has selected Option 1.opt-in technical assistance program. Therefore wewill await the service provider's technical assistance prior to determining the full scope of work. The City will provide local staff to assist the service provider with coordination of the project activities, will provide transportation for the services provider and materials and will arrange for storage if required. We have specified four buildings to receive an energy audit or assessment by the service provider: 1. OalgiBuilding, 53OMatchiq5t 2, TikigqmkuRecreation Center, 75VTikigoqAve. 3. Old Arcade- Itinerant Quurtors, 549TiNgaqAve. 4. Old Senior Center Building, 1745 Qalgi Ave. 6.Additional Comments Barge shipments are the most economical means ofshipping material. The primary annual barge loads |nSeattle on0/25ordelivery inearly August. Alternative barge shipments occur during the summer thru September, generally by back -haul from Prudhoe Bay after truck shipment up the Dalton highway. Page 3ufO ' ENERGY AUTHORITY Name of City or Borough: ��o�*�������� � " ""~_. ~� "�~"~"=x-~�Q�0����xAlaska Small Cities BudgetForm City ofPoint Hope Table A: Full Project Budget Une Funding Source Budgeted Amount 1. EECBGfunds requested $38.800 | 2. City/borough matching orin-kind contributions $ } I Funding � . � ' _ ) 4. Estimated total project cost $38.800 � * identify other sources from line 3' and whether sources are confirmed or pending: � The City will provide staff assistance to coordinate this project, will provide transportation for the service provider and materials and storage Jrequired. Nodollar amount can easily bndetermined for this support. Table8: EECQGFunding Breakdown Please budget how the EEC8Gfunding (Table A,line 1above) breaks down between the following categories. Please note that the energy audit cost column may not be more than 50 percent of the total. | Expense Categories Energy Audit Costs EE&8/ECK8Costs" Total Personnel $O Travel $U ' Materials & Supplies $O Equipment $ $ $O Contractual $ $ $0 Total $U $O � � $U 1 **EEM:Ensrgy Efficiency Measure, ECM: Energy Conservation Measure; defined inEECBGFunding Announcement and Instructions document. Budget Narrative Please briefly describe the use of EECBG funds and any matching funds, as categorized above: Page 4of8 04/20/2010 15:24 FAX 2 0003/0006 T 10- 8 (4 pa es) Alaska Small Cities Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) 1. Name of City or Borough: Grant Application, Option 1 (For option 1 applicants only) Opt -In Technical Assistance City of Wainwright 2. To what extent is the communitycommitted to coordinating, planning and working with the contractor? Please describe. The City of Wainwright commits to making appropriate staff available to coordinate with the selected service provider to assist with project planning, allowing access to all buildings and facilities in a time appropriate mariner, providing local transportation for the service provider and transportation and storage for materials. 3. Will in -kind support be provided to the project by the community? If so, please describe the types of in -kind support that are available (labor, storage, lodging, other), and the extent to which it is availa ble. City staff will assist with planning, coordinating, moving materials, helping with transportation and helping implement weatherization projects. The city will arrange for materials to be picked up at the airport and storage if required. 4. If known, what buildings or facilities w portion of the work? If specific known op in "additional comments" section below. # Name of Building or Facility City Office 1. Robert James Community 2. Center 3. 4. 5. ould the city like the contractor to focus on during the audit portunites exist in any of these buildings, please list them Street Address So. Ft. Sector 1217 Airport Road 1216 Airport Road 1,248 Public Building 2,748 Public Building Select from Arrow Select from Arrow Select from Arrow If additional space is needed, please list other buildings in the "Additional comments" box below. Page 2 of 8 84/20/2010 15:25 FAX a 0004/0006 A HT 10-189 (4 pa es) 5. Summary of Project Wainwright has selected Option 1, opt -in technical assistance program. Therefore we will await the service provider's technical assistance prior to determining the full scope of work. The City will provide local staff to assist the service provider with coordination of the project activities, will provide transportation for the services provider and materials and will arrange for storage if required. We have specified two buildings to receive an energy audit or assessment by the service provider: 1. City Office, 1217 Airport Road 2. Robert James Community Center 1216 Airport Road 6. Additional Comments Barge shipments are the most economical means of shipping material. The Barge loads in Seattle on 6/25 or delivery in early August. Alternative later into the summer until September may be hauling on the Dalton Highway to Prudhoe and back -hauling on barge to Wainwright. Page 3 of 8 04/20/2010 15:25 FAX a 0005/0006 T 10-1 (4 pa es) Alaska Small Cities Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grants Name of City or Borough: Budget Form City of Wainwright Table A: Full Project Budget Line Funding Source 1 EECBG funds requested 2. City/borough matching or in -kind contributions 3. Funding from other sources* 4. Estimated total project cost Budgeted Amount $ 31,600 $31,600 * Identify other sources from line 3, and whether sources are confirmed or pending: The City will provide staff assistance to coordinate this project, will provide transportation for the service provider and materials and storage if required. No dollar amount can easily be determined for this support. Table B: EECBG Funding Breakdown Please budget how the EECBG funding (Table A, line 1 above) breaks down between the following categories. Please note that the energy audit cost column may not be more than 50 percent of the total. Expense Categories Energy Audit Costs EEMJECM Costs** Total Personnel $ $ $ 0 Travel $ $ $0 Materials & Supplies $ $ $0 Equipment $ $ ' $0 Contractual $ $ $0 Total $0 $0 $0 **EEM: Energy Efficiency Measure, ECM: Energy Conservation Measure; defined in EECBG Funding Announcement and Instructions document. Budget Narrative Please briefly describe the use of EECBG funds and any matching funds, as categorized above: Page 4 of 8