HomeMy WebLinkAboutNaknek Service Area Wind & Solar Geotechnical Report - Feb 2009 - REF Grant 7013005Naknek Electric Association V3 Energy DRAFT GEOTECHNICAL REPORT Naknek Wind Turbines Naknek, Alaska February 25, 2009 Prepared By: Trevor Crosby Staff Geologist HMHATTENBURG DILLEY & LINNELL Engineering ConsuNenis 3335 Arctic Blvd., Ste. 100 Anchorage, AK 99503 Phone: 907.564.2120 Fax: 907.564.2122 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION....................................................................... 1 2.0 SITE AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION ...................................... 1 3.0 LOCAL CONDITIONS.............................................................. 2 3.1 REGIONAL GEOLOGY AND SEISMICITY..................................................................2 3.2 TOPOGRAPHY, DRAINAGE AND VEGETATION........................................................2 3.3 CLIMATOLOGY.....................................................................................................3 4.0 FIELD INVESTIGATION...........................................................4 4.1 EXPLORATION.....................................................................................................4 5.0 LABORATORY TESTING........................................................ 4 5.1 LABORATORY TESTING........................................................................................4 5.2 INSTRUMENTATION.............................................................................................. 5 6.0 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS .................................................. 5 6.1 SOILS................................................................................................................. 5 7.0 PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING ANALYSIS & RECOMMENDATIONS...................................................................... 6 7.1 PILE ANALYSIS....................................................................................................6 7.2 ADDITIONAL CONSIDERATIONS............................................................................. 7 7.3 ADDITIONAL ANALYSIS......................................................................................... 8 8.0 CLOSURE AND LIMITATIONS ................................................ 8 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1 Location Map Figure 2 Site Map Figure 3 Allowable Pile Capacity LIST OF APPENDICIES Appendix A Figure Al Figure A2 Figure A4-A7 Unified Soil Classification Frost Classification Borelogs Appendix B Laboratory Test Results Appendix C Ground Temperature Data DRAFT GEOTECHNICAL REPORT NAKNEK WIND TURBINES NAKNEK, ALASKA 1.0 INTRODUCTION The purpose of this report is to present the results of our subsurface explorations, laboratory testing, and geotechnical engineering studies for the Naknek Electric Association (NEA) wind turbine site in Naknek, Alaska. The purpose of the field explorations was to define the soil and temperature conditions for use in the design of the wind generation facility. Geotechnical field studies were conducted on November 10th through November 17th, 2008. Soil samples recovered from the field studies were classified in the field and later returned to our laboratory for testing. Included in this report are descriptions of the site and project, subsurface explorations and laboratory test procedures, and interpretation of the subsurface conditions. Engineering studies were conducted to develop our preliminary design recommendations. It is unknown at the time of this report what type of wind turbine will be used. Once a selection has been made and the design loads are known a foundation can be designed. Preliminary pile capacities are presented in this report to aid in the selection of a turbine. 2.0 SITE AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION The proposed wind turbine site is located in Naknek, Alaska. Naknek is located on the Alaska Peninsula in the Bristol Bay Borough, Alaska. The community lies at approximately 58' North Latitude and 157' West Longitude. (Sec. 03, TOWS, R047W, Seward Meridian.) Naknek is located in the Kvichak Recording District. Naknek is located on the north bank of the Naknek River, close to where the river runs into the Kvichak Bay arm of the northeastern end of Bristol Bay. It is 297 miles southwest of Anchorage. Naknek is accessible by air and sea, and connects to King Salmon via a 15.5-mile road. The Tibbetts Airport in Naknek has a lighted 1,700 foot long by 60 foot wide gravel runway. The State-owned Naknek Airport is located one mile north of Naknek. it has a 1,950 foot long by 50 foot wide lighted gravel runway and a 2,000 foot float plane landing area. Jet services are available at King Salmon. A location map is presented in Figure 1. We understand that Naknek Electric Association currently favors two approximately 700 kW turbines at or near the current met tower site at Cape Suwarof. We understand that the final choice of the turbines used depends on availability, cost, foundation considerations, and other factors. The met tower site on Cape Suwarof is approximately 400 yards from the nearest road. A site map is presented in Figure 2. NAKNEK WIND TURBINES Page 1 Geotechnical Report 3.0 LOCAL CONDITIONS 3.1 Regional Geology and Seismicity The Alaska Peninsula is a 500-mile long extension of the continental mainland of Alaska, and the Aleutian Range forms its eastern backbone. Rising more than 7,000 feet above sea level the Aleutian Range marks the convergent margin of the North American and the Pacific Plates. Recent and ongoing volcanism in the Aleutians is the result of this subduction. Non -volcanic mountains in the Aleutian range of the Alaska Peninsula near Naknek are comprised mainly of Jurassic rocks, presumably formed in a similar tectonic environment in the distant past. Granites and metamorphics are remnants of the roots of these ancient volcanoes, and sedimentary rocks, often with plant or sea -life fossils, represent the material eroded from these volcanoes and mountains and deposited in lowlands and near -shore oceans. These strata have since been upthrust by the ongoing convergence of the plates to heights of 4000 feet or more. The Naknek region is likely underlain by Jurassic aged (approximately 144 to 206 million years old) granite and metamorphic rocks and covered by roughly 2000 feet of glacial sedimentary formations (the Pleistocene Nushagak and Pliocene Milky River Formations.) Pyroclastic or spatter deposits of volcanic rocks of the Meshik formation have also been found in a shallow (less than 300 feet deep) well in the Naknek area. These rocks are approximately 28 to 48 million years old. Marine terrace deposits and moraines and other glacial deposits from the last ice age mantle the surface in the vicinity of Cape Suwarof. Numerous faults have been mapped or are expected to exist in the area. The Bruin Bay Fault cuts through Katmai National Park to the east of Naknek and can be mapped for 330 miles from Mt. Susitna to the south shore of Becharof Lake. Within a 300 mile radius of Naknek, 622 earthquakes above a magnitude 5 have occurred since 1898, 124 of which were above a magnitude 6, and 17 above a magnitude 7. The largest of these was a magnitude 8.2 earthquake which occurred in 1938 approximately 230 miles south-southwest of Naknek. It was one of the recent great earthquakes associated with the Aleutian subduction zone; akin to, but smaller than, the 1964 Good Friday earthquake (magnitude 9.2). 3.2 Topography, Drainage and Vegetation Rivers drain from the highland areas near the Aleutian Range to lakes and eventually flow into the Naknek River in the moist tundra of the Bristol Bay lowlands. Cape Suwarof is located in this environment at the mouth of the Naknek River. This tundra is similar to that found in arctic Alaska due to the maritime climatic influences at this lower latitude. Bedrock here is covered by thick deposits of Quaternary glacial sediments. The Naknek River runs into Kvichak Bay very near the town of Naknek. The region has a history of multiple glaciations which at their maximum, extended nearly 100 miles west of the NAKNEK WIND TURBINES Page 2 Geotechnicai Report Aleutian Range across Kvichak Bay. The hydrologic cycle in the Naknek region is influenced in part by extensive glaciers and snowfields that supply large quantities of silty melt water to the headwaters of drainage basins during the summer months. The region is also underlain by discontinuous or isolated masses of permafrost. 3.3 Climatology Naknek is located in a maritime climate, characterized by cool, humid, and windy weather. Precipitation at the King Salmon airport averages almost 20 inches, with 45 inches of snowfall annually. Highest amounts of precipitation are generally in the months of July through October. Average summer temperatures range from 42°F to 63°F; average winter temperatures range from 29°F to 44°F. Extremes from -46°F to 88°F have been recorded. Recent analysis of air temperature data for the King Salmon station shows that the area is experiencing a warming trend. The following graph from the Alaska Climate Research Center at the University of Alaska Fairbanks (2007) shows the increase in the mean annual temperature from 1949 to 2006. In King Salmon the trend is an increase of 4.3aF (2.4°C) or 0.08 F (.04°C) per year for the 57 year period, See Figure 2.2.1. 40 38 36 34 32 30 28 26 King Salmon Mean Annual Temperature (OF) 5-year moving average ---L_----- I I I I I I I I I I - 1 I ___L I 1 �- i--- 4--- '#� �----I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I i I I I --) - -----7 -- --t-- T - - -I I I I I I I r I I I I Trend line I I I I I I I I I __-I-_--I----1 - --- ---7 -T-- -- I I I I I I i I I I I I I I i I I _l_—_J—.-_J—_--I---1------I---1---L---I I I I I I i I 1 I I I I I I I I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I 1945 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 I Figure 2.2.1 Mean Annual Temperatures for King Salmon from 1949 to 2006, with 5-year moving average in red and trend line in black. NAKNEK WIND TURBINES Page 3 Geotechnical Report 4.0 FIELD INVESTIGATION 4.1 Exploration Four borings, designated Borings B-1 through B-4, were advanced near prearranged GPS coordinates on November 13 through the 16, 2008. Each boring was advanced to a depth of 71.5 feet. Borehole locations are presented on Figure 2. Drilling services were provided by Discovery Drilling of Anchorage, Alaska using a CME 55 truck mounted drill rig. The borings were drilled with a 3- 1/4-inch inside diameter hollow stem auger. Samples were collected at surface, 2.5 feet, 5 feet, and at 5-foot intervals, thereafter. After about 50 feet in depth some samples were collected at 10-foot intervals if soils were reasonably homogenous. The soils were classified according to the Unified Soil Classification System as presented in Appendix A, Figure Al. Soils were also classified to their frost susceptibility using the system detailed in Appendix A, Figure A2. Detailed logs of the borings and lab results are presented in Appendix A, Figures A3 through A6. Sampling with the split -spoon was conducted using the Standard Penetration Test procedure. In the Standard Penetration Test, samples are recovered by driving a 2-inch O.D. split -spoon sampler into the bottom of the advancing hole with blows of a 140-lb automatic hammer free -falling 30 inches onto the drill rod. The number of blows required to advance the sampler the last 12 inches of an 18-inch penetration is termed the Penetration Resistance, which was recorded for each sample. The values give a measure of the relative density (compactness) of the soils. The samples were sealed in heavy plastic bags to maintain moisture content, and transported to HDL's laboratory. At the completion of each boring, a one inch PVC pipe was installed with a cap in order to monitor the ground temperatures. The boreholes were backfilled with auger cuttings. Borehole locations were recorded by handheld GPS. The locations shown in Figure 2 should be considered approximate. 5.0 LABORATORY TESTING 5.1 Laboratory Testing Selected lab tests were performed on samples recovered from the borings to verify field classifications and to determine the materials classification, water content, and frost characteristics of the soils encountered. A total of 51 water content tests were performed on samples from the borings. The water content tests were conducted in accordance with procedures described in ASTM D-2216. The results of the water content tests are presented on the boring logs in Appendix A, Figures A3 through A6. NAKNEK WIND TURBINES Page 4 Geotechnical Report Grain size classification tests consisted of five tests performed with mechanical sieves. The mechanical sieve tests were conducted according to procedures described in ASTM D-422. The results of the mechanical sieves are presented on the boring logs in Figures A3 through A6 and on the grainsize curves in Appendix B. Atterberg Limits (liquid and plastic limits) were determined on two soil samples. Liquid and plastic limits were determined in accordance with test procedures defined in ASTM D-4318. The results of these tests are summarized on the boring logs in Appendix A and presented in Appendix B. Salinity tests were performed on eight samples from the four borings. The results of the salinity tests are presented in Appendix B, along with the resulting calculated depression in freezing temperature (AT). 5.2 Instrumentation Temporary thermistor strings were installed in the four borings. The thermistors were allowed to equilibrate for at least three hours and data was read using a fluke multimeter and recorded. An ice bath calibration of the thermistor strings was used to correct temperature data. Residual calibration errors appear to be on the order of less than half a degree Fahrenheit. The results are presented in Appendix C. 6.0 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS 6.1 Soils Soils encountered consisted of silty sands and sandy silts with thin ice layers in some locations. Three of the four borings encountered permafrost generally below 10 feet to the depth of the borings. Permafrost was encountered in Borings B-1 through B-3. The soils were generally frozen below 10 feet; however, ice was encountered at four feet in Boring B-1. Ice lenses and crystals were easily visible in Borings B-2 and B-3. Soils were fairly homogeneous in these three borings, consisting mainly of sandy silt or very silty sand. Fines contents ranged from 46 to 66 percent, with frost classifications of F3 to F4, or moderately to highly frost susceptible. Gravel, or possibly larger rock, was present in some samples below 55 feet in Boring B-2 and below 25 feet in Boring B-3. Moisture contents in these borings ranged from about 10 to 59 percent. High moisture values were found in soils with high organic content and/or high ice content. Boring B-4 did not encounter frozen soils, except for a possibly frozen section less than 5 feet thick at 35 feet in depth. Organic, sandy silt was encountered from the surface to 25 feet in depth. These soils had moisture contents ranging from 29 to 59 percent. Underlying these soils were sandy silts and silty sands to NAKNEK WIND TURBINES Page 5 Geotechnical Report 55 feet below the surface. These silty soils had moisture contents from 14 to 23 percent. One sample from 25 feet was found to have 84 percent fines. This sample was also noted as behaving plastically in the field. Frost classification of these soils is F3 to F4, or moderately to highly frost susceptible. Gravel was also noted in some samples from 30 to 55 feet in depth. From 55 feet to the depth of the boring very wet, heaving, silty sands were encountered. These sands had moisture contents ranging from 15 to 22 percent, and a sample from 55 feet had 20 percent fines. Frost classification of these sands is F3, or moderately frost susceptible. Temperatures recorded in the borings ranged from 280F to 35°F. The temperatures in Borings B-1 through B-3 ranged 30.2°F to 31.9°F to the depth of the borings. Boring B-4 experienced warmer temperatures, with a range 32°F to 34°F. Boring B-4 may have experienced warmer temperatures due to time constraints and the temperatures may not have equilibrated in the boring, however evidence of permafrost was not encountered in this boring. Temperature results are presented in Appendix C. The salinity values for the pore water ranged from 0.01 to 0.74 parts per thousand (ppt). These values correspond to freezing point depressions from 0.01 to 0.04°F. Atterburg plasticity results range from a plasticity index of 5 to 8, which demonstrates that the silts may behave as a low plasticity clay or clayey silt, especially those silts at depths of about 20 to 30 feet below the surface. Atterburg results are presented in Appendix B. 7.0 PRELIMINARY ENGINEERING ANALYSIS & RECOMMENDATIONS Design of any structure's foundation must consider the bearing support capabilities of the support soils as well as the expected settlements and effects of seasonal frost action. The soils at each site are predominantly sandy silts and some silty sands. Permafrost is present and discontinuous at the project site. Temperatures within the frozen soils ranged from about 30.2°F to 31.9°F. Soil temperatures are shown in Appendix C. Due to the frozen nature of many of the soils and the anticipated loads of the structure, a pile foundation is recommended to support the wind generators. The analysis and recommendations are presented in the following sections. 7.1 Pile Analysis Pile foundations for the wind generation towers are required to adequately support the loads for the wind towers in the permafrost soils. The pile analysis involved hand calculations and the use of computer models to determine pile capacity for the permafrost conditions. Boring B-4 did not encounter permafrost. The pile analysis was conducted using both thawed and frozen soils. The frozen NAKNEK WIND TURBINES Page 6 Geotechnical Report condition for the soils encountered was found to give the conservative result in the analysis. Axial Capacity Three pile sizes were evaluated in the initial design process; 24, 30, and 36-inch diameter. The piles were analyzed without helices. The addition of helices to the piles will increase the allowable axial load. Axial capacities were determined for a driven condition and are presented in Figure 3. The allowable capacity includes a factor of safety of 3.0 due to the warm permafrost conditions. Capacities were based on an allowable settlement or creep rate of 1.5 inches in 30 years. Capacity analysis considered both creep rate of the pile in permafrost and the adfreeze bond strength of the pile - permafrost bond. The governing condition was the adfreeze bond strength of the pile -permafrost bond. The uplift capacity of the piles is roughly equal to the axial capacity of piles in permafrost. This is due to the adfreeze bond between the soil and pile interface, which reacts the same in both directions. The pile analysis completed in this report should be reviewed when the final uplift loads are known for the piles. The calculations to determine the capacities assumed that the active layer is 5 feet thick. The depth of permafrost was considered to be at 12 feet for the design. The current depth to permafrost is generally 10 feet, the additional 2 feet accounts for some deepening of the permafrost due to construction, added heat from the pile, and long-term climate trends. Lateral Capacity The lateral capacity of a pile is permafrost, stiffness of the pile, foundation. Once a foundation is determined. 7.2 Additional Considerations dependent upon the soils, creep rates of the and how fixed the head of the pile is to the known, the lateral capacity of the pile can be Frost Heave Forces To minimize the frost heave forces on the piles it is recommended that a smooth durable coating be applied. The coating should be applied to the pile embedded in the top 5 feet of the ground plus 6 inches above final grade. We recommend HB Fuller IF-1074 fusion bonded epoxy over 3 mils thickness (minimum) of arc - or flame -sprayed aluminum applied per AWS C2.2 over a sandblasted near -white metal surface to SSPC-10 standards or similar. This will limit the adhesion of the adfreeze bond between the steel pile and the soil and reduce the uplift forces generated by the frost action. NAKNEK WIND TURBINES Page 7 Geotechnical Report Pile Groups Piles should not be installed with less than three times the pile diameter between them in order to avoid a reduction in individual pile capacity. Piles spaced greater than three times the pile diameter apart will behave as individual piles. Thermosyphons Depending upon the foundation thermosyphons may be needed to assist in maintaining the present soil temperatures at the site through the life of the facility. 7.3 Additional Analysis Additional analysis and review of our recommendations should be completed when the final loading scenario is known for the foundation. Loading conditions for wind turbines may exceed the loading conditions used for the analysis contained in this report. Additional axial and uplift capacities, beyond those shown in Figure 3 may be obtained with helical piers, larger diameter piles, steel piles filled with concrete, or other types of pile configurations. In addition, the arrangement of the piles in the foundation will change the loading that a pile will have to support. Such analysis and capacities will need to be determined once the final loading scenario and foundation is determined. The actual allowable load for the individual piles should be verified in the field from a load test performed in accordance with ASTM D-5780 "Standard Test Method for Individual Piles in Permafrost Under Static Axial Compressive Load". The test pile should be loaded to the ultimate capacity of the pile. The pile load test should be conducted on a pile that was installed in an area that has permafrost. 8.0 CLOSURE AND LIMITATIONS The analysis, conclusions, and recommendations contained in this report are based on site conditions as they exist in the borings and further assume that the exploratory borings are representative of the subsurface conditions throughout the site, that is, that the subsurface conditions everywhere are not significantly different from those disclosed in the borings. If during construction, subsurface conditions different from those encountered, advise us at once so we can review these conditions and reconsider our recommendations when necessary. If substantial time has elapsed between submission of this report and the start of work at the site, or if conditions have changed because of natural causes or construction operations at or adjacent to the site, we recommend that this report be reviewed to determine the applicability of the conclusions and recommendations considering the time lapse or changed conditions. NAKNEK WIND TURBINES Page 8 Geotechnical Report Unanticipated soil conditions are commonly encountered and cannot be fully determined by merely reviewing old borings. Such unexpected conditions frequently require additional expenditure to attain a properly constructed project. Therefore, some contingency fund is recommended to accommodate such potential extra costs. Prepared by: Hattenburg Dilley and Linnell, LLC Trevor W. Crosby Staff Geologist NAKNEK WIND TURBINES Geotechnical Report Reviewed By: Hattenburg Dilley and Linnell, LLC Lorie M. Dilley, P.E. Principal Geotechnical Engineer Page 9 S k�1 , k y( f wit aF r y ♦ {� 4 Q �' ,eye. F _f • f t4y - mop .� • �� + w IDS AMIk""il ORr M1 Ai +. Uezn Lq 03 #2 — rsaJ:r ri BEACH ACCESS ROAD :. GI G C. • _ ,- i✓ co C 3 r G N BOREHOLE LOCATIONS v 3 0 ~ 0 1/8 1/4 a c SCALE IN MILES w Y HATTENBURG DILLEY & LINNELL NAKNEK WIND TOWERS Engineering Consultants SITE MAP �- ENGINEERING •EARTH SCIENCE NAKNEK ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION ro SURVEYING PLANNING NAKNEK, ALASKA NF PROJECT MANAGEMENT ENVIRONMENTAL DATE: DRAWN BY: SHEET: od (907)584-2120-ANCHORAGE 11/I9/0B BCy FIGURE 2 (907)746-5230-PALMER WWWAIDLALASKA.COM SCALE: r �• = 7 /4 M, CHECKED BY: LM�y 11013 IF]- 0 8_ 107 I 10 20 t CL a 30 a>' E 40 E LU a� a 50 a Allowable Pile Capacity (kips) 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 220 240 260 280 20-in. — 24-in. 32-in. f N N O II ri �I 0 0 n 0 m m 3 e 0 Q HATTENBURG UILLEY LINNELL NAKNEK WIND TOWERS Z Engineering Consultants ALLOWABLE PILE CAPACITY �r ENGINEERING EARTH SCIENCE NAKNEK ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION w o • SURVEYING PLANNING NAKNEK, ALASKA NJ PROJECT MANAGEMENT ENVIRONMENTAL f1F7E RP.Ih'EE F'i SHEET: FIGURE 3 0 0 �9071564-212a ITS ��HEC.4cED F"�: LMD JOB IF, 08—I07 J (907)74"230-PALMER WWW.HOLALASKA.COM APPENDIX A Figure Al Unified Soil Classification Figure A2 Frost Classification Figure A3-A6 Borelogs UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM Criteria for Assigning Group Symbols and Names Soil Classification Generalized Group Descilptions GRAVELS GLEAN GRAVELS GW well -graded Gravels GP Poorly -graded Gravels COARSE -GRAINED 50% or more of coarse fraction Less than 5% fines GRAVELS with fines More than 12% fines GM Gravel & Silt Mixtures SOILS More than 50% retained on retained on No. 4 sieve GC Gravel & Clay Mixtures No. 200 sieve SANDS CLEAN SANDS SW well -graded Sands S p Poorly Graded Sands More than 50% of Less than 5% fines coarse fraction passes SANDS with FINES SM Sand & Silt Mixtures No. 4 sieve More than 12% fines SC Sand &Clay Mixtures FINE-GRAINED SOILS 50 % or more passes the SILTS AND CLAYS Liquid limit 50% a or less INORGANIC ML Non -plastic & Low Plasticity Silts CL Low-plasficily Clays ORGANIC OL Non -plastic and Law Plastid Organic Clays Non -plastic and Low Plasticity Organic Silts No, 200 sieve CH High -plasticity Clays SILTS AND CLAYS INORGANIC MH High plasticity Silts Liquid limit greater than 50% ORGANIC OH High plasticity Organic Clays High Plasticity Organic Silts HIGHLY ORGANIC SOILS Primarily organic matter, dark in color, and organic odor PT Peat HMHATTENBURG DILLEY & LINNELL Engineering Consultants • ENGINEERING • EARTH SCIENCE • PROJECT MANAGEMENT {907)564-2120 • PLANNING www.hdIsIaaka.com 2 m 2 4a w For classification of fine-grained soils and fine-grained fraction of coarse -grained soils. Equation of A" tine aF. Horizontal at PI= 4 to *J then PJ= 0.73 x (LL 20/ �° V O� Equation of "U" lineDt Vertical at LL= 16 to P7,11G� then Pl= 0.9 x (I L-B) / h' O MH or OH - ML or OL V 7u 70 Lu ou 9u Du ou /u au W -1UV 77 LIQUID LIMIT (LL) NAKNEK WIND TOWERS UNIFIED SOIL CLASSIFICATION NAKNEK ELECTRCI ASSOCIATION NAKNEK, ALASKA °I E 1112612008 = e,-VII, B, SHEET: FIGURE A— I 5,"-ILE: NOT TO SCALE ei!_cr E0 Er ,Joe Igo.: 08-107 FROST DESIGN SOIL CLASSIFICATION (Modeled after U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Standards) GROUP KIND OF SOIL P200 TYPICAL SOILS NFS Sand or Gravel 0 to 6 SW, SP GW, GP F1 Gravelly Soils fi to 10 GM, GW-GM, GP -GM SW, SP, SM, SW-SM, SP-SM Gravelly Soils 10-20 GM, GW-GM, GP -GM F2 Sands 6-15 SW, SP, SM, SW-SM, SP-SM F3 Gravelly Soils Over 20 GM, GC Sands, except very Over 15 SM, Sc fine silty sands CL, CH Clays PI > 12 CL, CH F4 All Silts ML, MH Very tine silty sands Over 15 SM Clays, PI < 12 CL, CL-ML Varved clays and other CL and ML fine-grained, banded CL, ML, and SM; sediments CL, CH, and ML; CL, CH, ML, and SM P200 = percent ,vassino the number 200 sieve HMHATTENBURG DILLEY & LINNELL NAKNEK WIND TOWERS Engineering Consultants FROST CLASSIFICATION • ENGINEERING NAKNEK ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION • EARTH SCIENCE NAKNEK, ALASKA • PROJECT MANAGEMENT GATT' 1112612008 C�HAI^JI:I �'�'; ^H'FT FIGURE Q-2 (907)SCh.LE: �THE�PEG Er' J��E h;0.: • PLANNING www.hdlalaska.com ska.com NOT TO SCALE 0$-107 i HATTENBURG DILLEY 8r LINNELL LOG OF TEST HOLE Engineering Consultants PROJECT NUMBER :08-107 PROJECT : NEA WIND TURBINES Station 1 Location: NAKNEK, AK Equipment —Type: CME 55 Offset: Drilling Method: Hollow -Stem Auger Elevation: Field Crew: DISCOVERY DRILLING m LL n 0 P 10 15 20 25 30 35 n u L 7 J 40 Sample Data m T C m U CU : 0 W Z m (n Ground Water Data c y Q C Depth in (ft.) b v N a Time 3 c C Dale 11113108 f-7 (AN 2 .o Symbol HOLE # B-1 Total Depth: 71.50 feet Date: 1111312008 - 1111312008 Geologist: T. CROSBY, HDL Engin SUBSURFACE MATERIAL . Organic SILT brown, moist to wet. Surface -snow covered, hummocky terrain sandy SILT moist to wet, brown to gray 0.50 2 SPT L 4 4 g S-1 Moisture=58.8% I.i1l) sandy SILT brown to gray, frozen. 4 SPT Ln 16 38 54 S-2 Moisture=28.9%0 16 SPT 1 199 36 S-3 Moisture=29.4% SPTLn 9 13 15 28 - S-4 Moisture=27.9% SPT 20 50 SM silty SAND(SM) frozen. 0.00 „ S-5 P200=46.0%, Sa=52.9%, Gr=1.1%, Moisture=21.5% SPT D 38 ML sandy, clayey SILT(ML) brown to gray, frozen. 5.00 26 64 S-6 Moisturc=19.2% 19 SPT J, 24 43 S-7 (CL-ML), Moisture=14.9%, PI=5, LL= 19 38 SPT 44 30 74 ,' S-8 Moisture=16.2% � ❑ CME Auto Hammer ® Cathead Rape Method ® 1401b� hammer with 30 in. drop ❑ 340lb, hammer with 30 in. drop Sheet Nurnher 1 of L Figure A3 HMHATTENBURG DILLEY & LINNELL LOG OF TEST HOLE Engineering Consultants PROJECT NUMBER :08-107 PROJECT : NEA WIND TUR81NES Station 1 Location: NAKNEK, AK Equipment_Type: CME 55 Offset: Drilling Method: Hollow -Stem Auger Elevation: Field Crew DISCOVERY DRILLING m a1 LL a a 40 45 50 55 60 05 v 70 Sample Data aL T C ~ o d N E E E co z m rn Ground Water Data o Depth in (it.) co C co a n Time 0 N m �= c Date 111131oe () 'I O o Symbol HOLE # B-1 Total Depth: 71.50 feet Date: 1111312008 - 1111312008 Geologist: T. CROSBY, HDL Enginee z D U LL rn SUBSURFACE MATERIAL SPT ° 50 sandy, clayey SII_,T(ML) brown to gray, frozen. S-6 Moisture=19.2% (cont.) . S-9 Moisture=24.2% 50 SPT SO S-10 Moisture=20.2% 5p SPT v� S-11 Moisture=22.8% ri 45 SPT 50 . S-12 Moisture=15.8% �, 47 SPT � 50 S-13 Moisture=14.9% BOH Notes: 71.5 1" pvc placed in hole. CME Auto Hammer ® Cathead Rope Method ® 144 lb. hammer with 30 in, drop ❑ 340 lb. hammer with 30 in drop Sheet Number 2 of Figure A3 HMtHATTENBURGDILLEY&LINNELL LOG OF TEST HOLE Engineering Consultants PROJECT NUMBER :08-107 PROJECT : NEA WIND TURBINES Station / Location: NAKNI=K, AK Equipment_Type: CME 55 Offset: Drilling Method: Hollow -Stem Auger Elevation: Field Crew: DISCOVERY DRILLING N m u_ L n m O 0 5 10 15 1 20 1 25 30 35 40 ❑ CME Auto Hammer ® Cathead Rope Method ® 140 lb_ hammer with 30 in. drop 340 1b. hammer with 30 in. Sample Data m a T C H � a -0 C3 E E E W Z m U) Ground Water Data CO u Depth in ft) C •- v N C Time 3 U y N Date 11/14/08 rn Symbol HOLE # B-2 Total Depth: 71.50 feet Date: 1111412008 - 11/14/2008 Geologist: T CROSBY, HDL EI z — v LL rn SUBSURFACE MATERIAL Surface - snow covered, hummocky topography - frozen boggy tundra. 000 sandy SILT brown, moist to wet, medium dense. Organics present 0.50 5 5P"r U 4 3 7 S-1 Moisture=23.5% 4 SPT 6 14 20 S-2 Moisture=24.1% SPT. 21 30 ML sandy SILT (ML) brown to gray, frozen. 0.00 34 64 S-3 Moisture=24.I% SPT 14 22 20 42 S-4 Moisture=35.3% SPT 13 14 Visible ice crystals and 1" ice lenses in sampler. 20.00 �, 14 28 S-5 Moisture=52.3% SPT ° 19 Ice crystals present 25.00 Ls 20 39 S-6 Moisture=26.9% 16 SPT s 21 33 54 S-7 Moisture=21.1% °0 20 Ice crystals present 35.00 SPT Ln 25 45 S-8 Moisture=21.4% Sheet Number 1 of Figure A4 HMHATTENBURG DiLLEY & LINNELL LOG OF TEST HOLE .Engineering Consultants PROJECT NUMBER :08-107 PROJECT : NEA WIND TURBINES Station / Location: NAKNEK, AK Equipment —Type: CME 55 Offset: Drilling Method: Hollow -Stem Auger Elevation: Field Crew: DISCOVERY DRILLING N a m 40 45 50 55 60 T 165 70 5 3 rr J 3 Sample Data v 7CL+ C 0 d U T Q a o. (n Z Into Ground Water Data eO N v Depth in (R.) c O Time r� N 7 Cn U 0 Hate 11114108 = M L o Symbol HOLE # B-2 Total Depth: 71.50 feet Date: 1111412008 - 1111412008 Geologist: T. CROSBY, HDL Engineerint SUBSURFACE MATERIAL SPT 50 28 .° sandy SILT(ML) brown to gray, frozen. 40.00, 24 52 S-3 Moisture=24.1 % (cont.) 7" ice lense present ,• S-9 Moisture=29.3% 0 28 45.00 SPT 34 75 S-10 P200=66.0%, Sa=34.0°/u, Gr=0.0%, Moisture=21.6% 32 55.00 Fractured rock in sample gravel or boulder. SPT 35 71 S-I I Moisture=13.4% N 50 SPT 50 S-12 Moisture=16.5% �. 30 Fractured rock in sample - gravel or boulder. 70.00 SPT 50 S-13 Moisture=14.6% 130H Notes: 1.50 71.5 1" pvc placed in hole. CME Auto Hammer ® Cathead Rope Method ® 140 lb. hammer with 30 in, drop ❑ 340 lb. hammer with 30 in. drop Sheet Number 2 of Figure A4 HMH_ATTE_NBURG DILLEY & LINNELL LOG OF TEST HOLE Engineering Consultants PROJECT NUMBER :08-107 PROJECT: NEA WIND TURBINES Station I Location: NAKNEK, AK Equipment —Type: CME 55 Offset: Drilling Method: Hollow -Stem Auger Elevation: Field Crew: DISCOVERY DRILLING 5• 10- I5- 20 25 30 35 40 ❑ CME Auto Hammer ® Cathead Rope Method ® 140 Eb. hammer with 30 in. drop ❑ 340 Ih. hammer with 30 in. drop Sample Data au C c m U as m � o m ;la Z m f!1 Ground Water Data o ay v Depth in (ft) c — O aL Time c Date 11115/09 () N N U) � o o Symbol HOLE # B-3 Total Depth: 71.50 feet Date: 1111512008 - 1111512008 Geologist: T. CROSBY, HDL Enginee z — LL - SUBSURFACE MATERIAL ' ' ^ brown, Surface- snow covered, boggy, hummocky topography Organic, Sandy SILTbrown, moist to wet, loose to medium dense, 1" slush/ice at top. 0,50 3 SPT 4 3 7 S-1 Moisture=319% SPT ev t„ 4 18 25 S-2 Moisture=27.4% SPT 91 sandy SILT brown to gray, trace of rounded gravel, frozen - some visible ice crystals, 0.00 2 2� S-3 Moisture=18.7% SPT 13 15 S-4 Moisture=35.3% SPT l a CL sandy CLAY (CL) gray, frozen - ice crystals and about 1" lenses present 0.00 J 12 23 S-5 Moisture=26.3%, PI=8, LL= 24 SPT 50 ML 5.00 gravelly, sandy SILT(ML) gray to brown, frozen. 25.50 S-6 Moisture=19.5% possible cobble or boulder. ' 50 Ice crystals present; possible cobble or boulder. 30.00 SPT s S-7 Moisture=14.0% 23 SPT �, 47 49 95 S-8 Moisture=21.4% Sheet Number 1 of 2 Figure A5 v HATTENBURG DILLEY & LINNELL LOG OF TEST HOLE Engineering Consultants PROJECT NUMBER :08-107 PROJECT : NEA WIND TURBINES Station / Location: NAKNEK, AK Equipment Type: CME 55 Offset: Drilling Method: Hollow -Stem Auger Elevation: Field Crew: DISCOVERY DRILLING m L d N d 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 Sample Data m Q 7C N N U co j O N U} Z in U] Ground Water Data y U Depth in (ft.) U C o N n Time N :3 e tti Date 11115108 Zj V o 0 Symbol HOLE # B-3 Total Depth: 71.50 feet Date: 1111512008 - 11/15/2008 Geologist: T. CROSBY, HDL Engineerin r" SUBSURFACE MATERIAL SPT 54'T SPT 0 rl� 33 34 35 35 50 3 50 67 85 gravelly, sandy SILT(ML) gray to brown, frozen. 1 S-6 Moisture=19.5%0 (cont.) 1" ice lense present S-9 Moisture=15.6% S-10 P200=46.6%, Sa=40.2%, Gr-13.2%, Moisture-11.4%a sandy SILTgray, Frozen - no visible ice, I1'O0 S-I I Moisture=13.2% SPT N 50 60.00 possible cobble or boulder. rn S-12 Moisture=9.8% 47 SPT 50 S43 Moisture=16.7% BOH 1.50 Notes: 1 ' pvc placed in hole. CME Auto Hammer ® Cathead Rope Method ® 140 lb. hammer with 30 in. drop ❑ 340 Ib. hammer with 30 in. drop Sheet Number 2 of 2 Figure A5 HMHA17ENBURG DILLEY & LINNELL LOG OF TEST HOLE Engineering Consultants PROJECT NUMBER :08-107 PROJECT : NEA WIND TURBINES Station / Location: NAKNEK, AK Equipment Type: CME 55 Offset: Drilling Method: Hollow -Stem Auger Elevation: Field Crew: DISCOVERY DRILLING Sample Data Ground Water Data _ o Depth in (ft,) � o o cmi N -- Time a U Q. > y > N m U, Dafe 11I1fi108 a Q E M E Z 3 70 E cu u O) `� > U w N m O G Symbol Total Depth: 71.50 feet Date: 11/16/2006 - 1111612008 Geologist: T. CROSBY, HDL Ei u� z U cL rn 0 SUBSURFACE MATERIAL 5 10 15 20 25 1 30 1 35 brown. Surface, snow covered, hummocky terrain 0.00 Organic, Sandy SILTmoist to wet, loose to medium dense, brown to gray 0.50 3 SPT ; 3 5 g S-1 Moisture=59.1% SPT 5 5 9 S-2 Moisture=57.2% 4 SPT 6 7 13 S-3 Moisture=28.7% 7 SPT u I ] 12 23 S-4 Moisture=52.3% 4 sp-l- s s 1 ; S-5 Moisture=34.5% SPT 7 ML 5.00 sandy, clayey SILT(ML) grayish brown, moist to wet, medium dense J, 8 16 S-6 P200=84.2%, Sa=15.81/o, Gr=0.0%, Moisture=22.6% SPT '� I :a ' •. gravelly, silty SANDbrown, moist to wet, dense 0.00 ' 20 39 D.: S-7 Moisture=15.2% SPT iG xsandy SI.LTgray, appears frozen. g 34 S-8 Moisture=19.5% i 40 c CME Auto Hammer Cathead Rape Method ® 140lb_ hammer with 30 in. drop ❑ 340 lb, hammer with 30 in drop Sheet Number 9 of Figure A6 i HA17ENBURG DILLEY 8 LINNELL LOG OF TEST HOLE Engineering Consultants PROJECT NUMBER :08-107 PROJECT : NEA WIND TURBINES Station / Location: NAKNEK, AK Equipment —Type: CME 55 Offset: Drilling Method: Hollow -Stem Auger Elevation: Field Crew: DISCOVERY DRILLING Q1 r d N Gl 40 45 50 55 60 65 u 70 Sample Data m 7� _ r O a� 0 U °L CL E E 3 rn Z m U) Ground Water Data 0 y �y Depth in (ft.) c a Time y N c :3 �= c Date 11116108 M V co N m o — Symbol Vf _ 2 p Z � HOLE # B-4 Total Depth: 71.50 feet Date: 1111612008 - 1111612008 Geologist: T CROSBY, HDL Engineerin; U u- - SUBSURFACE MATERIAL SPT ° 1 sandy SILT gray, wet, medium dense 19 29 S-9 Moisture=15.3% o 15 iQ. ..: 5.00 gravelly, silty SANDgray, wet, dense SPT 19 2 41 : '.p.: S-10 Moisture=14.2% 4 SM silty SAND(SM} gray, wet, soupy and heaving back into auger. 5.00 SPT 50 V. S-I I P200=20.3%, Sa=75.4 a, Gr4.31/%, Moisture=21.6% N 34 SPT 7 50 33 g3 :. •'. S-12 Moisture=15.0% Bott Notes: 11.50 71.5 i" pvc placed in hole. CMF Auto Hammer ® Cathead Rope Method ® 140 Ib. hammer with 30 in. drop ❑ 340 Ib. hammer with 30 in. Sheet Number 2 of Figure AB APPENDIX B Laboratory Results ME m m m COBBLES GRAVEL SAND SILT OR CLAY coarse fine coarse medium fine r H_A_ TTENBURG DILLEY & LINNELL Engineering Consultants Job: Naknek Wind Job No. 08-107 Lab Tech: Date: Salinity Content Sample Location:: Naknek, Ak Boring No. nla Sample Description: Sample No. nla Boring: B-1 B-1 B-2 B-2 Sample: S-2 S-11 S-5 S-9 Sample Depth: 5' 50' 10, 40' Tare: 29.49 29.67 1 29.39 28.79 Wet + Tare: 55.74 98.14 70.44 112.4 Added Water +Tare: 94.4 152.72 145.74 161.45 D + Tare: 50.21 86.34 54.13 90.56 Measured Na m : 93 32 32 32 Water Added: 38.66 54.58 75.3 49.05 % Moisture: 26.6892 20.8223 65.9256 35.357 Natural Water: 5.53 11.8 1 1 1 16.31 1 21.84 Salinity (ppt): 0.74 0.18 0.18 0.10 1 AT 0.04 0.01 0.01 0.01 Boring: B-3 B-3 B-4 B-4 Sample: S-4 S-13 S-7 S-10 Sample De the 15' 70' 30' 45' Tare: 29.4 29.68 28.77 29.37 Wet + Tare: 66.51 52.54 48.66 63.63 Added Water +Tare: 119.2 122.24 121.15 121.4 D + Tare: 58.53 49.16 45.05 58.55 Measured Na m : 32 32 32 32 Water Added: 52.69 69.7 72.49 57.77 % Moisture: 27.3944 17.3511 22.1744 17.4092 Natural Water: 7.98 3.38 1 1 3.61 5.08 Salinity t : 0.24 0.69 0.67 0.40 ATI 0.01 1 0.04 0.04 0.02 Tk*- reference temperature for sea salt (57 C) 60 CL CFI 50 P L A 40 S T I C T 30 Y I N 20 D E X 10 m CL-ML ML MH 0 0 20 40 60 80 100 LIQUID LIMIT Specimen Identification ILL PL PI Fines Classification • B-1 30.0 19 14 5 Low -plasticity Clay (CL-ML) m B-3 20.0 24 16 8 Low -plasticity Clay r HATTENBURG DILLEY & LINNELL L Engineering Consultants ATTERBERG LIMITS' RESULTS NAKNEK ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION NEA WIND TURBINES NAKNEK, ALASKA 08-107 APPENDIX C Ground Temperature Data m 0o Q NO L o L .E E Q? ' o ~ z mT p CL E 0 Y 41 C Y m Z LL us M v M M M Q M Im N N cN v �I m m m Y\ A i C O N MQ Cl qT � fo � (11) aoe}ang punojE) moles y}dap