HomeMy WebLinkAboutAppendix A6 Northwest Region 2010Alaska Small Cities Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) 1. Name of City or Borough: Grant Application, Option 1 (For option 1 applicantsonly) Opt -in Technical Assistance City o/8uuNam1 2. To what extent is the community committed to coordinating, planning and working with the contractor? Please describe. The City is committed to making staff available to coordinate with the contractor to help with project planning, allowing access toall buildings and facilities inatime appropriate manner, providing local transportation and housing to the service provider for up to four visits, 3.Will in -kind support beprovided tothe project bythe community? If so, please describe the types of in -kind support that are available (labor, storage, lodging, other), and the extent to which it is Approximately 100 hours of staff and community volunteer time in planning, coordinating, moving materials, helping with transportation, and helping implement weatherization projects. The city can provide unheated but dry storage space, and will pick upmaterials from the airport orbarge dock upon arrival. The city will provide lodging, if desired, for the service provider at the city in the city community building o,inacommunity mombor'nhome. The approximate value ofthese in -kind donations iespecified onthe budget form. 4. if known, what buildings or facilities would the city like the contractor to focus on during the audit portion ofthe work? if specific known opportunites exist in any of these buildings, please list them in "additional comments" section below. # Name ofBuilding o/Faci6tv Street Address So.Ft. Sector City Hall 555Main Street 4,428 Public Building VVaohetehe OnMain St..Front St. &3nd 2.925 Public Building — � Old Clinic 1QFront St. 1.143 Public Building -� ' Old Community 35 Front SSt,1.SO4 Select from Arrow 5. IRA Building 1.088 Other Public Facility If additional space is needed, please list other buildings in the "Additional comments" box below. Page 2of8 S.Summary ofProject BUCK ��i" ND 10-150 (4 pages) The City selected Option 1, opt -in technical assistance program. Therefore, we will await the service provider's technical assistance prior to determining the full scope of work. We have committed to providing in -kind services, labor, storage and lodging to the service provider for this project atanestimated va\ueu|$5.00Q. YVahave specified four buildings orfacilities receive an energy audit nrassessment Uythe service provider: 1,City Hall 2.VVanhetoha 1Old Clinic 4.Old Community Building 5IRA Building 6.Additional Comments � Barge shipments are generally available June through September, Page 3of8 BUCKLAND 10'150 (4 pages) Alaska Small Cities Ener'-- Efficiency and Conservation Block Grants Name of City or Borough: BudgetForm City of Buckland Table A: Full Project Budget ) Line Funding Source Budgeted Amount . 1. EEC8Gfunds requested $28,500 l 2. City/borough matching orin-kind contributions $5.000 I Funding from other sources* $2,500 /L Estimated total project cost $36.000 | * identify other sources from line 3' and whether sources one confirmed or pending: The school district has confirmed a commitment to contributing at least $2,500 of in -kind labor to the Tsble8: EEC8GFunding Breakdown Please budget how the EE[8Gfunding (Table A,line labove) breaks down between the following categories. Please note that the energy audit cost column may not be more than 50 percent of the total. | Expense Categories Energy Audit Costs EEM/ECVNCosts" Total | Personnel $1.500 $5.000 $6.500 � Travel $1.000 $4.000 $5.000 | Materials &Supplies $580 $14'000 $14.500 l . Equipment $ $1,000 $1.000 / � Contractual $500 $1.800 $1.500 ' Total $3,500 $25,000 $28,500 **EEK8: Energy Efficiency Measure, ECM: Energy Conservation Measure; defined in Announcement and instructions document. EECBG Funding Budget Narrative Please briefly describe the use of EECBG funds and any matching funds, as categorized above: The City has committed tocontributing atleast $5.O00o(cash and in -kind contributions ^oextend the energy savings through this project. The EECOGfunds will bemanaged and reported on, bythe selected servicepmvi&r. The city will provide the service provider timely updates of our cash and in -kind spending for each quarterly report. Page 4of8 ffi Alaska Small Cities ciency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) Grant Application, Option 1 (For option 2 applicants»nl« Opt -in TechnicalAssistancB � ­i 2. To what extent is the community committed to coordinating, planning and working with the contractor? Please describe. Dr8v�c�+�~ 3.Will in -kind support beprovided tothe project bvthe community? |fso, please describe the types of in -kind support that are available (labor, storage, lodging, other), and the extent to which it is 4. If known, what buildings orfacilities would the city like the contractor to focus on during the audit portion ofthe work? If specific known opportunites exist in any of these buildings, please list them in"additional comments" section below. # Name of Building or Facilitv Street Address Sq. Ft. 4. S, � vi Y1 Sector Select from Arrow Select from Arrow Select from Arrow Select from Arrow Select from Arrow If additional space is needed, please list other buildings in the "Additional comments" box below. Page 2of8 5. Summary of Project Ck 0.-S S".-A,,i .'e•k_a 1 C-.' CZA P".1 - —1-cr\-, -'1i0 ‘C -Q-' - f)i-c-,/,(:\rif, -.:Veckr:,_:\ -_r 4-A.,,q 5 c ' ila , C r 6. Additional Comments -t" Cknic/...A1 /,, kV\ yi-ic r c/Cx C-vv\ e-•\ Neck :."4kVAlT•fly.AS r ht-C.' - t) X_ fie tifl /17, Page 3 of 8 -- ENERGY AUTH Alaska Small Cities Ene E ciency and Conservation Block Grants Name of City or Borough: Budget Form yvi. Table A: Full Project Budget Line Funding Source 1. EECBG funds requested 2. City/borough matching or in -kind contributions 3. Funding from other sources* 4. Estimated total project cost Budgeted Amount $ 6-00, oo (07,1.%), $ $o * Identify other sources from line 3, and whether sources are confirmed or pending: Table B: EECBG Funding Breakdown Please budget how the EECBG funding (Table A, line 1 above) breaks down between the following categories. Please note that the energy audit cost column may not be more than 50 percent of the total. Expense Categories Energy Audit Costs EEM/ECM Costs** Total $o I $ 600 O $0 s $o ii00- -0 (0,., Personnel $ C)6(,, en $ Travel $ ,.-.-4. 00C ZD $ Materials & Supplies $ $ Equipment $ 0 ,C) cAr) 6,-f" $ Contractual $ $ 41x. Total $ C)soi5ZXO So 34.6a1000. **EEM: Energy Efficiency Measure, ECM: Energy Conservation Measure; defined in EECBG Funding Announcement and Instructions document. Budget Narrative Please briefly describe the use of EECBG funds and any matching funds, as categorized above: 5 cjyr QcA ft_ V 01-1-- 0 a -Veel Page 4 of 8 04/19/2010 2:37PM FAX Z0003/0006 Ene E 1. Name of City or Borough: A A 10-152 (4 pages) clency nti-i onse vation Block Grant (EECBG) Grant Application, Option I (For option 1 applicants only) Opt -In Technical Assistance City of Kiana 2, To what extent is the community committed to coordinating, planning and working with the contractor? Please describe. The City of Wane commits to making appropriate staff available to coordinate with the selected service provider to assist with project planning, allowing access to the building In a time appropriate manner, providing transportation and housing to the service provider for up to four visits. 3. Will In -kind support be provided to the project by the community? if so, please describe the types of in -kind support that are available (labor, storage, lodging, other), and the extent to which it is available. Approximately 300 hours of city staff and community volunteer time in planning, coordinating, moving material, helping with transportation, and helping implement weatherizetion projects. The city can provide up to 30 square feet of storage space, and will help pick up materlais from the airport or barge dock upon arrival, The city will provide lodging, If desired, for the service provider in the City lodging quarters, or In the Village Police Safety Officer housing quarters If available, 4, If known, what buildings or facilities would the city like the contractor to focus on during the audit portion of the work? If specific known opportunites exist in any of these buildings, please list them in "additional comments" section below. Name of BuAldlne or Facility Street Address SO. Ft. Sector Kiana City Office Casanoff Street 2,800 Public Building 1. Select from Arrow 2. Select from Arrow 3, Select from Arrow 4. s. Select from Arrow lf additional space is needed, please list other buildings in the "Addltiono n " box below. Page 2 of 8 04/19/2010 2:38PM FAX 12)0004/0008 5. Summary of Project KIA A 0-152 (4 pages) The City of Kiana has selected Option 1, opt -in technical assistance program. Therefore, we will await the service provider's technical assistance prior to determining the full scope of work. We have committed to providing in -kind services, labor, storage and lodging to the service provider for this project at en estimated valve of $10,000. We have specified one buildings that will receive an energy audit or assessment by the service prov{r: 1. City Office Building 6. Additional Comments Barge shipments are generally available between July through August. Page 3ofB 04/19/2010 2:38PM FAX 00005/0006 Ene Name of City or Borough: KIA: A 10-152 (4 pages) as Small Cities Efficiency and Conservation Block Grants City of Kiana Budget Form Table A: Full Project Budget Une Funding Source Budgeted 1. EECBG funds requested 2, City/borough matchingin or -kind contri 15ions $ 0,0 $2,500 00 3. Funding from other sources" 4. Estimated total project cost $35,500 Identify other sources from line 3, and whether sources are confirmed or pending: Table B: EECBG Funding Breakdown Please budget how the EECBG funding (Table A, line 1 above) breaks down between the following categories. Please note that the energy audit cost column may not be more than 50 percent of the total. Expense Categories Energy Audit C. EEM/ECM Costs" Total Personnel $ $ $0 Travel $ $ $0 MateriaIiit p $ $0 i Equipment $ $ $ 0 Contractual $ $ $0 otal $0 $0 $ o EEM: Energy Efficiency Measure, ECM: Energy Conservation Measure; defined in EECBG 5unding Announcement and Instructions document. Budget Narrative Please briefly describe the use of EECBG funds and any matching funds, as categorized above: Page 4 of 8 K �0�-���} ������� Alaska Small Cities Ener-,�-,, Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) 1. Name of City or Borough: Grant Application, Option 1 (For option 2 applicontsonkJ Opt -in Technical Assistance City of Kobuk 2. To what extent is the community committed to coordinating, planning and working with the contractor? Please describe. Kobuk commits to making appropriate staff available to coordinate with the selected service provider toassist with project planning, allowing access toall buildings and facilities inatime appropriate manner, providing local transportation and housing to the non,ico provider for up to four visits. 3.Will in -kind support beprovided tuthe project bythe community? if so, please describe the types ofin'kind support that are available (labor, storage, lodging, other), and the extent towhich it is Approximately 300 hours of city staff and community volunteer time in planning, coordinating, moving materials, helping with transportation, and helping implement projects. The city can provide up to 30 square feet of unheated but dry storage space, and will pick up materials from the airport orbarge dock upon arrival. The city will provide lodging, i/desired, for the service provider either inthe Kobuk City Office Building. The approximate value ufthese in -kind donations inspecified nnthe budget form. 4. If known, what buildings or facilities would the city like the contractor to focus on during the audit portion nfthe work? If specific known opportunites exist in any of these buildings, please list them in"additional comments" section below. # Name of Building or Facilitv Street Address sq. Ft. Sector 1. I. 3. 4. S. Kobuk City Office Building 100 Main Street 1,300 Public Building Select from Arrow Select from Arrow Select from Arrow Select from Arrow if additional' space is needed, please list other buildings in the "Additional comments" box below. Page 2of8 ��.����� _-_-` -~ ---_ 5. Summary ofProject Kobuk has selected Option 1.opt-in technical assistance program. Therefore, wewill await the service provider's technical assistance prior to determining the full scope of work. We have committed to providing in -kind services, labor, storage and lodging to the service provider for this project at anestimated value uf$0.00U. VVehave specified Kobuk City Office Building receive anenergy audit orassessment Uythe service provider. 6.Additional Comments Kobuk is in need of a more energy efficient furnace, windows, doors, and lighting. Page 5of8 t ~�����_ -_9 �~~ .�� 4 pa_�e_ Alaska Small Cities Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grants Name ofCity orBorough: Budget Form City of Kobuk Table A: Full Project Budget Line Funding Source Budgeted Amount 1 EE[8Gfunds requested S14.400 2. City/borough matching orin-kind contributions $0.000 / 3. Funding from other sources* _ _ _ $O 4. Estimated total project cost $20,400 * identify other sources from line 3, and whether sources are confirmed or pending: TableQ: EEC8GFunding Breakdown Please budget how the EEC8Gfunding (Table A,line labove) breaks down between the following cateAories.P|easenotethattheenerQyauditcustco|umnmaynotbemorethanSUpercentofthetotai ' Expense Categories Energy Audit Costs EEK8/ECKdCosts** Total ' Personnel $ $ $U Travel $ $ $O Materials &Supplies $ $ $O Equipment $ $ $O Contractual $ - $ $O --'— | Total $U $0 30 / *+EEM: Energy Efficiency Measure, ECM: Energy Conservation Measure; defined in [E[8G Funding Announcement and Instructions document. Budget Narrative Please briefly describe the use of EECBG funds and any matching funds, as categorized above: The City has committed k`contributing a,least $8.0U0cfin-kind contributions voextend the energy savings through this project, The EECBGfunds will bnmanaged and reported nnUythe selected service provider, The city will provide the service provider timely updates of our cash and in -kind spending for each quarterly report. Page 4uf8 CITY OF KOYLIK 2010 10:49 9079633442 (Prig .n - pops 1 and a, tip.' aM fe.to 61 7-Tr1-303©). Alaska Small Clty Energy Efficiency & Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) GRANT AGREEMENT SUB -GRANTEE INFORMATION a. City or Borough , city of Koyuk b. Organization EIN ' 92-0082645 lzetion DUNS 194342775 d. Project Manager: Name Laverne Kirnoktoak Title Grcintwriter Organization ; City of Koyuk Telephone (907)963-3441 Email cityolkoyuak.net PAGE 02/03 tr,bgl To auemd woos two to AM , 41 ALASKA MID ENERGY AUTHORITY e. Sub -Grantee Principal C Narne Robert Hannon Title Mayor Organization City of Koyuk Telephone (907) 9633441 Mail Address & Zip Koyuk Fax (907) 963-3442 Cityofkoyuke+ air r1Dt PO Box 53029 2. SCOPE OF GRANT Select one of the following options, and complete the corresponding application package (see instruct)c Option 1: Opt -in technical assistance program D Option 2: Two -stage project: energy audit then energy efficiency and conservation measures Option 3: Single -stage project: energy efficiency and conservation measures 2.2 Project Name: Pdeic Facility Upgrade 1 2.3 Requested Amount: 1 $2350° 3. PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE 3.1 Sub -grantee shall commence services under this Agreement as authorized and shall complete the services in accordance with the schedule required by Appendices, This Agreement is of no force or effect until executed by the SUB -GRANTEE and the GRANTING AGENCY, 3,2 The work will be completed within the time periods n oted in the a pplication. A II work under this grant m ust be comr eted no later than August 31, 2012 Final billing and final reports are due no Eater than *opt.14, 2012. 4. APPENDICES The foil owit Appendices are attached to this Grant Agreement and incorpor led herein: Grant Application, Option Funding Announcement & Instructions Budget Form Provisions W-9 AGREEMENT This grant is between the Alaska Energy Authority and the SUt3 -GRANTEE noted in section 1. By signing below, ! attest that 1 am authorized by the city or borough named in Section 1 above to sign this grant application and agreement; that alf the information contained within is true and complete; and that f commit to MR all the rruirements of the grant. as out!rned in thand its attachments. Authorized Rep tive Signature Data Name Irlrtturtt en Manager er sskai 813it4l+tN Anchorage, AK Phone: 907-771 nnon Stevan Waage Executtve Director Alaska Energy Authority Mayor Wither ' exceed: Title Page 1 ©f 8 �-ENERGY AUTHORITY Alaska Small Cities Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) 1. Name of City or Borough: Grant Application, Option 1 (For option lapplicants only) Opt -in Technical Assistance City of Koyuk Z.To what extent is the community committed to coordinating, planning and working with the contractor? Please describe. The City of Koyuk fully supports this program for the benefit of saving energy costs for our public facilities. The City of Koyuk currently employees a maintenance person to maintain our public facilities. The service provider will conduct assessment with the City of Koyuk along with the maintenance personnel. The City of Koyuk shall indemnify, save harmless and defend the state, its officers, agents, and employees from all liability, including costs and expenses, for all actions or claims resulting from injuries or damages sustained by any person or property arising directly or indirectly as a result of any error, omission or negligent act of the service provider, or anyone directly or indirectly employed by them in the performance of this contract. 3.Will in -kind support beprovided tothe project bythe community? |fso, please describe the types ofin-kind support that are available (|abor, storage, lodging, other),and the extent towhich itis The City of Koyuk will provide labor costs to assist the service provider. The City of Koyuk employees a maintenance person who knows what the facilities are in need of at this time. Program income will be used first by the grantee before drawing additional funds to complete activities included in the project summary and referenced application unless otherwise specified in an approved lump sum agreement, Unanticipated program income shall be used toincrease the overall project budget, Program income received after closeout of this grant agreement shall be used to continue a program of eligible community development activities of benefit to public facilities reducing the energy costs. The City nf Koyukwill also provide astorage place for all matahu|n and equipment for this project. 4� if known, what buildings or facilities would the city like the contractor to focus on during the audit portion ofthe work? If specific known opportunites exist in any of these buildings, please list them in "additional comments" section below. # Name ofBuiding orFaci|itV Street Address Sq.Ft. Sector City Community Building Birch Street Public Building 1. Library Birch Street Public Building _ VPSOBuildhng 2nd Ave & Spruce StreetPublic Building _ VVeshetahu Forth Avenue Public Building 4. Select from Arrow if additional space is needed, please list other buildings in the "Additional comments" box below. Page 2 of 8 5. Summary of Project The City ofKoyukiolocated okthe mouth ofthe KoyukRiver, at the northeastern end ofthe Norton Bay on the Seward Peninsula. The City of Koyuk is in need of substantial repair in order to provide the Community with public facilities to conduct daily operations as it is not in code compliance nor is it environmentally sound, The City of Koyuk is seeking funds to assess the energy efficiency and conservation in our facilities and define improvements to reduce energy costs. The service provide and maintenance personnel of the City of Koyuk will purchase any necessary materials required 0oimprove facilities tureduce energy costs. The City ofKoyukwill provide administrative assistance to include accounting for expenditure of funds and submit any necessary reports to ensure adequate compliance regulations with all funds allocated. The grantee agrees that the project to which this grantee agreement relates shall be dedicated to public purposes for its useful life. This project will provide energy efficient funds to the City of Koyuk for the purpose of completing an assessment and technical assistance in implementing this program. Based on the site investigation, the contractor will develop plans and cost estimates for each of the public facilities. The contractor will coordinate closely with the City administrator and the City Council during the development ofthe concepts. 6.Additional Comments Page 3of8 / C' lENERGY AUTHORITY Alaska Small Cities Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grants Name of City or Borough: BudgetForm City of Koyuk Table A: Full Project Budget Line Funding Source Budgeted Amount l. EE[8Gfunds requested $23.500 Z City/borough matching orin-kind contributions $ 3. Funding from other sources* $ 4. Estimated total project cost $23,500 * Identify other sources from line 3, and whether sources are confirmed or pending: Table 0: EECBGFunding Breakdown Please budget how the EECBG funding (Table A, line 1 above) breaks down between the following categories. Please note that the energy audit cost column may not be more than 50 percent of the total. Expense Categories Energy Audit Costs EEIVI/ECIVI Costs" Total Personnel $ $ Travel $ $ Materials & Supplies $ $ Equipment $ Contractual $ Total $0 $0 **EEM: Energy Efficiency Measure, ECM: Energy Conservation Measure; defined in EE[8G Funding Announcement and Instructions document, Budget Narrative Please briefly describe the use of EECBG funds and any matching funds, as categorized above: Page 4of8 Apr. 2i 2'PO 10:49AM 10-166 (6 pages) Alaska Small Cities Ene Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) Grant sphcation, Option 3 (For option 3 applicants only) Single -Stage Project: Ener Efficiency and Conservation easures City of Noorvik 1. Name of City or Borough: 2. Please list the buildings or facilities that will receive energy efficiency and conservation measures_ # Name of Buildine or Facility Street Address So.R. Sector City Community Building 1_ 2. Public Building Select from Arrow Select from Arrow Select from Arrow Select from Arrow Select from Arrow Select from Arrow Select from Arrow Select from Arrow 10. Select from Arrow If additional space is needed, please list other buildings in the "additional comments" box below. 3. Summary of Project Replacing heater coolant pipe lines, window's, & lightingour City budding with LED equivalents. Reseal & re -insulate window trim & framing. Replacing all lighting in our City buildings with LED equivalents.. As almost all lighting in the 2 buildings are T8 Fluorescent tube fixtures, the transition to LED technology to save energy requires only that the fixtures gets wired for the new tubes. The City will hire a Certified electrician to perforrn the change on our light fixtures. The City will also get advise from the Northwest Arctic Borough as to what kind of LED lights to purchase, Testing of the new technology have been done during the last 6 months by the Borough. The latest T8 LED replacements conies with 6 year warranty. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Page 2 of 10 Ap r. 2010 10:49AM No. 0856 P 4 cription of Work replace: windows, door weather stripping VIK 10-165 (6 pages) 4. Description of the work to be conducted: (see instructions and sample application) Category a. Building Envelope (insulation, weather stripping, crack sealing, windows, doors, reseal & re -insulate cracks, doors, & remaining window trims etc.) b. Building Heating System replace "1/4" heating pipes with "3/4for more efficient flow (and/or air conditioning and ventilation) c. Building Lighting & As our lighting fixtures needs new tubes we have chosen to upgrade to LED Controls (indoor and outdoor) technology. d. Electrical Equipment (motors, pumps, refrigerators, timers, controls, equipment, or any other allowable electric load retrofits) Scope of project include Replacement of ail Lighting in the City buildingiwashetaria with LED equivalents._ Replacing au lighting in the City shop with LED equivalents. Needed are replacements for 60 pc 6 tube light fixtures. This makes 240 LED tubes needed „ $ 65.00/pc Page 3 of 10 Apr. 20. 23'.0 10:4AM No, 0,6 e. Energy Conservation Measures (human behavior changes) f. Other Measures VIK 10-165 (6 pages) Adopting workplace energy efficiency policies nstalling power strips on phantom electric loads XI Posting signage reminders about turning off equipment, etc. I —I Other (describe): S. Will all fluorescent lamps and lighting ballasts be recycled? 6. Will any refrigerants be generated? Yes JNo E N/A No If yes, will they be recycled? Yes No 7. Waste Disposal: Describe your waste disposal or recycling plan for any wastes that will be generated by this project. All old fluorescent tubes will be delivered to the local Hazardous Waste station in Ambler 8, Estimated Metrics for Entire Project a. Estimated energy saved per # Units Multiplier kBTUs year: 16.790 kWh electricity 10.3 172,937 1.500 Gal. of diesel or heating fuel 135.0 202,500 Gal. of propane 91.0 0 CCF of natural gas 100.0 0 Other: 0 Total annual kBTUs saved 375,437 Page 4 of 10 Apr. 2Q. 0 I 0 49AM 6 Describe your calculation methodology: 00 \MK 10165 (6 pages) Fuel saved New windows $643 per years Heater pipe 1500 gals. per year $4725 Lights Kwh saved 1 Fluorescent fixture takes 1.92 kwh per day 1 LED fixture takes 0.864 kwh per day b. Estimated energy costs saved $11,441 per year: Describe your calculation Window Energy Chart methodology: c. Estimated jobs created or retained: d. Full project simple payback period calculation: e. Estimated annual kBTUs saved per grant dollar: 9. Additional Comments Anchorage 10,570 heating days per year avg. $643 Efficient flow of coolant pipes saves 1500 gal fuel @ $3.51per gal $4725 per year. This calculation is utilizing a 4 Tube fixture that is operating for 12 hours per day, 365 days for 10 years (40,000 hours). Flourascent (40watt) FTE (Full Time Equivalents)instructions 3 13783760160 Years 10.4678551532)kBTU/year/grant doldollar savings 'kau?! savings are higher due to less maintenance and no need of ballasts see calculations. Over 10 years this is a savings of $ 11,441 for each year for total of $ 114410_00 Page 5 of 10 , 20, 2010 10:50AM 0856 P Ener Name of City or Borough: 0 VIK 10-165 (6 pages) Alaska Small Cities ciency and Conservation Block Grants Budget Form City of Noorvik Table A: Full Project Budget Line Funding Source 1. EECBG funds requested 2. City/borough matching or in -kind contributions 3. Funding from other sources* 4 Estimated total proiect cost Budgeted Amount $35,900 $ 35 900 * Identify other sources from line 3, and whether sources are confirmed or pending: Table B: EECBG Funding Breakdown Please budget how the EECBG funding (Table A, line 1 above) breaks down between the following categories. Please note that the energy audit cost column may not be more than SO percent of the total. I Expense Categories Energy Audit Costs EEM/E Costs** Total I Personnel $ $6,580 1 6,880 I Travel $ $4,500 $4.500 Materials & Supplies $ $ 23,620 $23,620 Equipment I $ $ goo $900 I Contractual I $ $ $9 Total I $0 $55,900 $35,900 I **EEM: Energy Efficiency Measure, ECM: Energy Conservation Measure; defined in EECBG Funding Announcement and Instructions document. Budget Narrative Please briefly describe the use of EECBG funds and any matching funds, as categorized above: Personal: City personal helping Electrician Contractor Equipment : LED tubes and shipping Frieght & Travel: $ 6880 00 $ 23620.00 $ 4,500 00 Page 6 of 10 p(. 2010 6:29PM Mi h ae", 255 Ne. 0080 r r, 2 TALYMORrir SA1 T tCHAEL 10-182 (6 pages) Alas all Cities Ener Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) 1. Name of City or Borough: Grant Application, Option 1 (For option 1 applicants only) Opt-1n Technical 'stance Ctty of St. Michael 2. To what extent is the community committed to coordinating, planning and working with the contractor? Please describe. The City of St, Michael is willing to put in place a plan to weatherize the Old High School, currently it cost approximately $12,000.00 to operate and maintain per month. We would like the contractor to replace the electrical wiring in the old high school, the heating system, the insulation, several windows and safety doors for the Headstart classroom. The plumbing in the city office is out of order and there is no hot water In the kitchen. All this fixed would tremendously reduce the cost of heating and electricity in the facility. Even the roof is coming off, 3. Will in -kind support be provided to the project by the community? If so, please describe the types of in -kind support that are available (labor, storage, lodging, other), and the extent to which it is available. We would provide storage for the material provided to weatherize the old highschooi, lodging would also be provided. 4. if known, what buildings or facilities would the city like the contractorto focus on during the audit portion of the work? If specific known opportunites exist in any of these buildings, please list them in "additional comments" section below. Name of Building or Facility Street Address So Ft. Sector 1 City of St. Michael 100 Baker Street Box 70 2 W20 5 FkligicBOWM8 Select from Arrow 2. Select from Arrow 3. Select from Arrow 4, 5 Select from Arrow if additional space is needed, please list ether buildings in the "Additional comment s' box below. Page 2 of 8 Apr.20. 2010 6:30PV ACC M chael 255 No. 0080 P. 3 5. Summary of PrOtect SAI T ICHAEL 10-182 (6 pages) The City of $t. Michael took over the Old High School from the Bering Strait School District January 2009. This was to provide Kawerak H: start a Classroom in order to meet Federal Compliance Regulations for sc **, attendance. By mo t into the building we inherited astronuarnical costs for heating and electricity. Not to mention the utility costs. The City clerks office cirips water during the spring time. The City of $t. Michael is willing to work with a contractor who wIl access the building, determine the total W rization Cost for the building. The feasible study for completion, The actual implementation of the plan, this will be to include painting the exterior and changing the building name to tne "City of St. Michaer from "Anthony Andrews School'. We also n: :* to fix the Internet connections for each office and Kawerak Headstrart. We need a new Panic Door for the entrance and the bridge to the biopure utility shop for the facility is rotting that n: :ss to be replaced. The insulation within the building changing, the water sprinkler was taken off the kitchen that needs to be replaced. The rewiring of the heating system arid the electrical system is expected. 6. Additional Comments v_- k 1 Page 3 of 8 Apr. 2010 6:30PM C C c No. 008'0 F. 4 SAIT Alas all Cities Ener Efficiency and Conservation Block Grants Name of City or Borough: Budget Form City of St. Michael Table A: Full Project Budget Line Funding 1. EECBG funds requested 2. City/borough matching or in -kind contributions 3. Funding from other sources* 4. Estimated total project cost * identify other sources from line 3, and whether sources are confirmed or pending: Alaska Building Science Network $15, .00 Lighting fixtures Table B: EEC Funding Breakdown Please budget how the EECBG funding (Table A, line 1 above) breaks down between the following categories. Please note that the energy audit cost column may not be more than SO percent of the total. Energy Audit Costs EEM/E Costs** Total $ '150 $ so $ r)00.03 $ $ o $ irit`v)r) .60 $ $0 $ & Sh .0 $ $0 $0 $ C)C1Q ,cr0 $ Total $0 SOnx-rc-3 $o $o "EEM: Energy Efficiency Measure, ECM. Energy Conservation Measure; defined in EECBG Funding Announcement and Instructions document. Expense Categories Personnel Travel Materials & Supplies Equipment Contractual C AEL 10-182 (6 pages) Budget Narrative Please briefly describe the use of EECBG funds and any matching funds, as categorized above: Page 4 of 8 Ar 2C. 2010 6:31PM MiHae 255 \ 0 0083 SAI T CHAEL 10-182 (6 pages) City of St Michael P 0 Box 5' t70 St. Michael, Alas 99659 Phone: (907) 923-2442 - (' 17) 923-3222 Fax: (907) 923-2284 Resolution # 10-04-19 A SOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF T CITY OF ST MIC T t G AS E RGY AUTHO TV TO HJ 3 T CITY OF ST $27 it it TO A ZE AND NOVATE THE OLD SCHOOL BUILT IN 1977. WHEREAS: The City of St Michael took over the old high school January 2009, and E S: Kawerak Inc. leased a two (2 ) classrooms, an office etc. in order to keep their program in existence, and and EREAS: A business Plan is on the way for the conrununity to utilize the EREAS: The service unit of the City of St Michael is in the old high school, the City Office and City Clerk's office, and THE FO BE IT OLVED T RECOG 1 FACT THAT WE ELECTRICITY AND FUEL TO OPERATE : THE ALLOCATION T 'G ASTRONAUMICAL OUNT OF S FACILITY BE IT F * R SOL D THAT: BY FUNDING THIS PROJECT IT L REDUCE HEATING ELECTRICAL COSTS FOR BOTH TI-IE HEADSTART, GY ASIUM AND THE CITY OFFICE. P ID CITY COUNC S PROVED BY A DULY CONSTITUTED QUOR OF T f-144/' DAY OF L, 2010. Apr. 20. 2010 6:31FAI ACC Wchaei 255 No. 0080 Budget N April '19,2010 SAINT ICHAEL 10-182 (6 pages) Personnel C nter-18.00 ph. x 8hrs x 5 days x 6wks = 4320.00 rer - 15.00ph x 8hrs x 5 days x 6 wks=3600.00 28%F Benefits ****************** 2217.60 Total Personnel Travel $10,137.60 One Round Trip to complete an assessment $614.00 Materials and Supplies Windows, Doors, Insulation, conduit Electric W" Equipment Tools Contractual Hire a Consultant to re-examine The Good Ole School and fix it up To fire marshall code Total Ass $10,000 S1,750.00 $5,000.00 nd mipor renovation S27300.00 Through this project the City of St Michael will reduce enerry costs. and improve the condition of the water dripping in the city clerics office. It win also repair the roofing, of the old school. The ranic door entrance will be replaced and when we find other sources of revenue will continue to Refurbish the damage of the paint on the exterior of the building. There is a Headstart Classroom And offices in the facility. Alaska Small Cities Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) 1. Name of City or Borough: Grant Application, Option 1 (For option 1 applicants only) pt-In Technical sistance City of Selawik 2. To what extent is the community committed to coordinating, planning and working with the contractor? Please describe. We plan to work with the contractor from the start, until the completion of the project according to the grant agreement of the grant conditions. We have worked on a few grants in the past and we are familiar with, what to expect and how to follow through until completion .e.g. CDBG grants. 3. Will in -kind support be provided to the project by the community? If so, please describe the types of in -kind support that are available (labor, storage, lodging, other), and the extent to which it is available. We are willing to work with the contractor, and will provide any " in -kind " support to complete the project as described in the grant agreement, 4. if known, what buildings or facilities would the city like the contractor to focus on during the audit portion of the work? If specific known opportunites exist in any of these buildings, please list them in "additional comments" section below. # Name of Building or Facility Street Address So. Ft. Sector City Office 99 North Tundra 2,312 Public Building 2. 4, Select from Arrow Select from Arrow Select from Arrow el ct from Arrow If additional space is needed, please fist other buildings in the "Additional co a tents' box below. Page 2 of 8 5. Summary of Project Solar Panels will be installed at the City Office building to lower the costs of high cost of electricity. We have experience, in working with these types of projects in the past, and our knowledge and expertise in monitoring, implementing and follow through shouldn't be a problem to complete this project . 6. Additional Comments Our cost of electricity is much higher in our region compared to other parts of the State of Alaska. This would definitely ease the costs of our electric bill, although it will still remain high. Page 3 of 8 RNFRGY AUTHORITY Alaska Small Cities Ener Efficiency and Conservation Name of City or Borough: Budget Form City of Selawik ock Grants Table A: Full Project Budget Line Funding Source Budgeted Amount 1 1. EECBG funds requested $44,200 1 2. City/borough matching or in -kind con ibutions , $0 i 3. Funding from other sources* 1 $ 0 4, Estimated total project cost 1 $44,200 * Identify other sources from line 3, and whether sources are confirmed or pending: No other sources available. Table B: EECBG Funding Breakdown Please budget how the EECBG funding (Table A, line 1 above) breaks down between the following categories. Please note that the energy audit cost column may not be more than 50 percent of the total. Expense Categories Energy Audit Costs EEM/ECM Costs** Total Personnel $ $ $ u Travel $ $ $0 Materials & Supplies $ $ , $0 Equipment $ $ $ 0 Contractual $ $ $0 Total $0 $0 $0 **EEM: Energy Efficiency Measure, ECM: Energy Conservation Measure; defined in EECBG Funding Announcement and Instructions document. Budget Narrative Please briefly describe the use of EECBG funds and any matching funds, as categorized above: Grant funds will be used for : Solar panels ; freight cost and installation costs. City of Selawik will maintain Solar panels when project is complete. Page 4 of 8 Ene Alaska Small Cities E 'ciency and Conservation :lock Grant (EECBG) 1. Name of City or Borough: Grant Application, Option 1 (For option 1 applicants only) Opt-1n Technical Assistance C 2. To what extent is the community committed to coordinating, planning and working with the contractor? Please describe. Lc, 3. Will in -kind support be provided to the project by the community? If so, please describe the types of in -kind support that are available (labor, storage, lodging, other), and the extent to which it is available. LC)) LL J61 / I )67 c/i J 0- ) 4. If known, what buildings or facilities would the city like the contractor to focus on during the audit portion of the work? If specific known opportunites exist in any of these buildings, please list them in "additional comments" section below. # Name of Building or Facility Street Address So. Ft. Sector Siti4 CZ-1-0,.)11 W_ LOIS J--1 0.1 d/X11 0 25 - 74 te--ii.to7 5 7 7 Select from Arrow Select from Arrow 3. Select from Arrow 4. Select from Arrow Select from Arrow if additional space is needed, please list other buildings in the "Additional comments" box below. Page 2 of 8 5. Summary of Project 171 --1-Th 6. Additional Comments Page 3 of 8 ENERGY AUTHu: Alaska Small Cities Ener Efficiency and Conservation Block Grants Budget Form Name of City or Borough: Table A: Full Project Budget Line Funding Source 1. EECBG funds requested 2. City/borough matching or in -kind contributions 3 Funding from other sources* I 4. Estimated total project cost Budgeted Amount 002) cr—' 0 * Identify other sources from line 3, and whether sources are confirmed or pending: Table B: EECBG Funding Breakdown Please budget how the EECBG funding (Table A, line 1 above) breaks down between the following categories. Please note that the energy audit cost column may not be more than 50 percent of the total. Expense Categories Ene Audit C• EEM/Eavi Costs** Total Personnel $ /co 6 W $ $ 0 Travel $/c-421.0 $ $0 Materials & Supplies $ $ $0 Equipment $ia.C.72.:;‘) — $ $0 I Contractual ?- S-'-'22' $ $0 i Total , $0 ,,ii-t. . '‘..' $0 $0 **EEM: Energy Efficiency Measure, ECM: Energy Conservation Measure; defined in EECBG Funding Announcement and Instructions document. Budget Narrative Please briefly describe the use of EECBG funds and any matching funds, as categorized above: ) 10s, LI-) AST 67 Page 4 of 8 APR 2L2010 01:39P 000-000-00000 page 2 SHISH AREF 10-178 (6 pages) Alaska Small Cities Ener clency and Co rvation Block Grant (EECBG) Grant Application, Option 3 (For option 3 applicants on:y) Single -Stage Project: Ener Efficiency a Conservation ea5 ures 1. Name of City Or Borough: City of Shishmaref 2. Please list the buildings or facilities that will receive energy efficiency and conservation neasures. 1. 2. 3. 4. S. 6. 7. a. 9. me of Building or Facility ity °file& Building Friendship Center Building 10. Worm, space is needed, p, 3. Summary of Project Street Address Sea View Lane 1 Sea View Lane So.Ft. Sector PIA ic Building Put is Building Sal ict from Arrow Sel ict from Arrow Sal ict from Arrow Sel iCt from Arrow Sel.:ct from Arrow Se li 'ct from Arrow Selct from Arrow Set( ct from Arrow Wings in the "addition& ramments" box !)elow. Renovating and making buildings more energy efficient upgrading to aiergy efficient heating. Page 2 or 10 APR 20,2010 01:40P 000-000-00000 Page 3 SHISH A EF 10-178 (6 sages) iption &the work to be conducted: (see instructions and sample application) a. Buildting Envelope km weather stripping, crock sealing, windows, doors, etc.) b. Building Heating System tandior air conditioning and systems ventilation) iptiortof Work Resealing Windows, Replacing doors, and Weather striping: Sealii g cracks heating sYstarns to more Energy Efficient, and Fuel Effici !:nt heating c. Building Lighting & Installing New Energy Efficient Lighting, and switches (Indoor and E (tenor Lights). Controls (indoor and outdoor) d. Electrical Equipment Wire, outlets, and light Switches that need replacing, (motors, pumps, refrigerators, timer% controls, eouipment, or any other allowable electric retrofits) *.. Pags 3 of 1 0 APR 20,2010 01:40P 00 0-000-00 0 00 page 4 S S A e. Energy Conservation Measures (human behavior f. Oth& Masures EF 10-178 (6 pages) Adopting workplace energy efficiency policies ling power strips on phaiflem electric loads Posting signage reminders about turning off equipme it, etc. Other (describe) making sure that afl 1. htri are turned off befo -e leaving workplace. 5. Wilt all fluorescent lamps and lighting ballasts be recycled? Ei Yes ElNo[—I N/A 6. Will any refrigerants be generated? Yes No If yes, will they be recycled? E JYes No 7. Waste Disposal: Describe your waste disposal or recycling plan for any wastes that wilt b ?. generated by this project. SEP recycling Shishmaref IRA 8. Estimated Metrics for Entire Project a. Estimated energy saved per year: Units Mulig er k8TUs kWh electricity 10 0 400 Gal of diesel or heating fuel 135.1 54,000 O Gal. of propane 91.) 0 O CCF of natural gas 100) 0 O Other: 0 Total annual kBTlis saved ...... „.....„ ........ . 54.000 ._.. Paae 4 of 10 APR 20,2010 01:40P 000-000-00000 Describe your calculation methodology: b. ted energy costs saved per year: Describe your calculation methodology: SHISHAREF 10-178 (6 pages) The estimated ; 4 of ft14:1 saved per year for both I Sidings will be about it gallons of heating H. $ 2,500 c. thriated jobs creted or retained: d. Full project simple payback 13.48 period calculation: Years ull Time Equivalents) See ins ructions e. Estimated annual kRTUs saved 160237388724 kBTU/year/grant dollar savings per grant dollar:, 9. Additional Comments Pagc 5 of 10 APR 20,2010 01:40P 000-000-00000 page 6 E e Name of City or Borough: S S A EF 10-178 (6 pages) Eff" Alas Small Cities envy a Conservation Block Grants Budget Form City of Shislynaref A: Full . Budget Une Funding rce 1. EECBG funds requested 2. City/borough matching or in -kind contributions 3. Funding from other source's* 4. Estimated total project cost identify other sources from line 3, and whether sources are c onfirmed or pending: Table B: EECBG Funding Breakdown Please budget how the EECBG funding (Table A, line 1 above) breaks down between the fo lowing categories. Please note that the energy audit cost column may noi be more than 50 perce it of the total. Categories ! Energy Audit C.-- EEM/ECM Costs** Total Travel $ $ :90,700 Personnel $ 9,700 Materials & Supplies $ $18,000 518,000 E ulpment $ $6, $6,000 dual $ $ $ 0 Cont Tot $ a 5 33,700 $33.700 **EEM: Energy Efficiency Measure, ECM: Energy Conservation Measure; defined in EE Announcement and Instructions document. et Narrative G Funding Pease briefly describe the use of EECBG funds and any matching funds, as categorized abo ee: of the heating systems to be more energy efficient, and the weatherization of the buildir ts, such astripping, resealing and replacing of windows, and doors. Replacing wire, and lighting fixtures and outets, switches. surge protectors, for all equipment in buildings. To make the builc igs y efficient and warmer. Page 0 of 10 44 237 40 NWAB KOTZEBUE 032 P 04-20-2010 3 /9 SHU AK 10-185 (4 pages) Alas all Cities Ener Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) 1. Name of City or Borough: Grant Application, Option 1 (For option 1 applicants only) Opt -In Technical Assistance City of Shungnak 2. To what extent is the community committed to coordinating, planning and working with the contractor? Please describe. Shungnak commits to making appropriate staff available to coordinate with the selected service provider to assist with project planning. allowing access to all buildings and facilities in a time appropriate manner, providing local transportation and housing to the service provider for up to four visits. 3. Will in -kind support be provided to the project by the community? If so, please describe the types of in -kind support that are available (labor, storage, lodging, other), and the extent to which it is available. Approximately 300 hours of city staff and community volunteer time in planning, coordinating, moving materials, helping with transportation, and helping implement projects. The city can provide unheated but dry storage space. and will pick up materials from the airport or barge dock upon arrival. The city will provide lodging, if desired, for the service provider. The approximate value of these in -kind donations is specified on the budget form. 4. if known, what buildings or facilities would the city like the contractor to focus on during the audit portion of the work? If specific known opportunites exist in any of these buildings, please list them in "additional comments" section below. # Name of Building or Facility Street Address Sc. Ft. Sector 1. Shungnak City Building P.O. Box 59 1,300 Public Building 2. 3. 4. 5. Select from Arrow Select from Mow Select from Arrow Select from Arrow IfodditionoI space is needed, please list other buildings in the "Additional rammer) box below. Page 2 of 8 4423740 N\NAB KOTZEBUE 03 2' 04-20-2010 419 5. Summary of Projec S V G A 0-185 4 pages) Shungnak h4�d lion t, opt -in technical assistance program. refore will await the service provider`s t €nical ass grace prior to determining the full scope of work. We have corn :_' = to ing in " , labor, storage and i. # ' ..; to the service provider for this project at an estimated value of `hie have specified Shungnak City Building receive an energy audit or assessment by the tvice provider. 6. Additional Comments Page 3 of 8 4423740 MNAB KOTZEBUE 03 2` 04-20-2010 5 /9 SUG K 0-1 85 (4 pages Alaska Small Cities Enery ciency and Conse tion Block Grants Budget Form Name of City or Borough: Table A: Full Pr City of shu ect Budget Funding EECBG funds requested 2. City/borough matching or in -kind ntributions Funding from other sources* 4. Estimated total project cost * identify other sources from line 3, and whether sources are confirmed or pending: Table B: EECBG Funding Breakdown Please budget how the EECBG funding (Table A, line 1 above) breaks down between the following categories. Please note that the energy audit cost column may not be more than 50 percent of the total. I. Expense Categories Ert Audit Costs EEM/ECM Costs** T Personnel $ $ Travel $ _ $ Materials & Supplies $ $ $ Equipment $ $ $ Total $4 $o $0 *SEEM: Energy Efficiency Measure, ECM: Energy Conservation a sure; defined in EECBG Funding Announcement and instructions document. Budget Narrative Please briefly describe the use of EECBG funds and any matching funds, as categorized above: The City has co €n to contributing at least $6,000 of in -kind contributions to extend the energy savings th h this prof The EECBG funds will be managed and rted on by the selected service provider. The city will provide the service provider timely updates of our cash and in -kind spending for each quarterly report. Page 4 of 8 04/20/2010 TUE 13:16 FAX 97 6 2051 City of Teller i002/004 Ene TEL E's 10-170 (4 pa Alaska Small Cities es Efffciency a. Conservation Block Grant (E 1. Name of City or Borough: Grant Application, Option 1 (For option 1 applicants only) Opt -In Technical Assi nce City of leiter 2. To what extent is the community committed to coordinating., planning and working with the contractor? Please describe. We fully support the contractor and efficient project for the Teller Cornmuni hi n and work on the energy 3. Will in -kind support be provided to the project by the community? If so, please describe the types of in -kind support that are available (labor, storage, lodging, other), and the extent to which it is available. Lodging may be provided for the assessment and project. If storage for materials is City of Teller has a garage, which can be utilized. To same extent, we will be able to abor costs. ed, the ide 4. If known, what buildings or facilities would the city like the contractor to focus on during the audit portion of the work? If specific known opportunites exist in any of these buildings, please list them in "additional comments" section below. # Name of Building or Facility Street Address Sc, Ft. Sector City of Teller Community / 15 Grantley Avenue 2,500 Public Building 1. Rincio Hall 2. 3. 4. S. If additional space eded, please list other buildings in the "Additional comments" box below. Select from Arrow Select from Arrow Select from Arrow Select from Arrow Page 2 of 8 04/20/2010 RE 13:16 FAX 907 6P 2051 City of Teller Z003/004 5. Summary of Project TELLER 10-170 (4 pa es The City of Teller has selected Option 1, opt -in technical Fi¢Rjstance program. We will await the service provtders technical assistance prior to determining the full scope of work. We have s ed one buildingifacifity to receive an energy audit or assessmert by the service provider. ft It 1. City of Teller Community / Bingo Hall 6. Additional Comments The Cityof Teller and community is in need of a new boiler at the Community Building/Bingo Hall. We fully support this omrtunity to receive a new boiler due to the current boiler is 20-25 years aid. The Comrrainity Building is in need of an energy efficient bailer so that we can save on fuel oil. We utilize this building for meetings, bingo and community activitdes. Page 3 of 8 04/20 2 T FAX 907 60 2051 City of Teller Z004/004 TELLE 10-170 (4 pa es) Alaska Small Cities Ener E ciency and Conservation Block Grants Name of City or Borough: City of Teller Budget Form Table A: Full Project Budget Funding - Line Budg 1. EECBG funds requested 20,500 2. City/borough matching or in -kind contributions - : 3. Funding from other sources* 4. Estimated total project cost $20,500 - - OtInt * Identify other sources from line 3, and whether sources are confirmed or pending: Table B: EECBG Funding Breakdown Please budget how the EECBG funding (Table A, line 1 above) breaks down between the following categories. Please note that the energy audit cost column may not be more than SO percent of the total. se Categories rgy Audit Costs 1 EEM/ECM Total Personnel $ $0 Travel $ $0 Materials & Supplies $ so Equipment $ $0 Contractual $ $ $0 Total $0 SO $0 **EEM: Energy Efficiency Measure, ECM: Energy Conservan Measure; defined in EECBG unding Announcement and Instructions document. Budget Narrative Please briefly describe the use of EECBG funds and any matching funds, as categorized above: Page 4 of 8 B4/20/2610 16:46 907-630-3421 CITY OF WHITE MTN PAGE 03/06 LAS 'A ENERGY Ak.ITHORmz• HITE OU TA1N 10-196 (4 pages) Alaska Small Cities Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) 1. Nanne of City or Borough: Grant Application, Option 1 (For option 1 applicants only) Opt -In Technical Assistance City of White Mountain 2. To what extent is the community committed to coordinating, planning and working with the contractor? Please describe. The City of White Mountain understands this project will be beneficial for our cormMunity, and is committed to providing any assistance we are capable of providing. Esther Lincoln, Utilities Manager, will be available to provide any neededassistarme ri mardinating, planning and providing any other logistical support. 3. Will in -kind support be provided to the project by the community? If so, please describe the types of in -kind support that are available (labor, storage, lodging, other), and the extent to which it is available. The City of White Mountain will provide in -kind support in the form of labor, storage and lodging. If needed, we have it in our budgets for 1 laborer to work 50 hours, at $20.00 per hour. Storage will be provided as in -kind support, and is valued at $750.00 per month. Lodging wit also be provided as in -kind support at $105.00 per night for 15 nights. Total in -kind support is valued $3,325.00. 4. If known, what buildings or facilities would the city like the contractor to focus on during the audit portion of the work? If specific known opportunites exist in any of these buildings, please list them in "additional comments" section below. # Name of Buildine or Facility White Mountain Water Plant 1. 2. 3, 4, 5. if additional space is needed, please fist other buildings in the 'Additional comments" box below. Street Address So. Ft. Sector 130 Charles B6uleVard Other Public Facility White Mountain City Offices 150 Municipal Way Public Building Select (ram Arrow Select from Arrow Select from Arrow Page 2 of 8 04/20/2010 16:46 907-639-3421 CITY OF WHITE MTN PAGE 04/06 5, Summary of Project HITE OU TAIN 10-196 (4 pages) The City of White Mountain requests that an energy audit be performed at the White Mountain Water Treatment Plant. The facility currently consumes an average of 1,000 gallons of fuel oil per month, There are 2 over -sized boilers that are in operation. We believe the boilers can be replaced with more energy -efficient equiornent, If there is any funding left after the energy audit is performed, and more energy efficient equipment nos been installed at the Water Troetmont Plant, we would like to have an energy audit done at the City Offices, as well as replacing the doors ano tre windows at that location to make it more energy efficient as well. 6. Additional Comments if you have any questions regarding our application, please contact Esther Lincoln, Utilities Manager, at 638-2230. Pace 3 o 8 04/20/2010 1B:46 907-638-421 CITY OF WHITE MTN PAGE 05/05 ALASKA WHITE OUNTAI 0-196 (4 pages ENERGYAUTHORITY Alaska Small Cities Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grants Name of City or Borough: Budget Form City of VVIlite Mountain Table A: Full Project Budget Line Funding Source Budgeted Amount , 1. EECBG funds requested $17,700 2. City/borough matching or in -kind contributions $ 3,325 3. Funding from other sources* _ 4. Estimated total project cost 21025 * Identify other sources from line 3, and whether sources are confirmed Dr pending: N/A Table B: EECBG Funding Breakdown Please budget how the EECBG funding (Table A, line 1 above) breaks down between the following not be more than 50 percent of the total. Total categories. Please note that the energy audit cost column may Energy Audit COStS' I EMI/ECM Costs" $ S i fOOD ...40 $ $ 1 co s $ $10 s\c,bco. $ ' $ '5,4 s -77,41,,01) SeL,?4S.00 r si5,305_b $1t-- iciency Measure, ECM: Energy Conservation Measure; defined in EECE1G Funding Expense Categories Personnel Travel Materials & Supplies Equipment Contractual Total **EEM: Energy E Announcement and instructions document. Budget Narrative Please briefly describe the use of EECBG funds and any matching funds, as categorized above: The. funding from the EECBG wi be used to perform an energy audit at the White Mountain Water Treatment Plant, to replace the over -sized hollers at that tocation, to perform other energy -saving measures, and If there is any funding remaining, to perform energy -saving measures at the City Offices. Page 4 of 8