HomeMy WebLinkAboutAppendix A7 Southeast Region 2010ENERGY AUTHORITY Alaska Small Cities Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) 1. Name of City or Borough: Grant Application, Option 1 (For option 1 applicantsonly) Opt -in Technical Assistance City ofGustavus 2. To what extent is the community committed to coordinating, planning and working with the contractor? Please describe. The City of Gustavus appreciates this opportunity to improve the energy efficiency for the heated buildings that are under City ownership: The Gustavus City Hall, Gustavus Volunteer Fire Department Fire Hall, the Gustavus Public Library and the Gustavus Community Chest (thrift store). The Mayor and/ maCouncil Member will make our best effort uobeavailable tomeet with the appointed aomioo provider and assist with project planning, coordinating access vnthe public buildings and whatever other service are within our means. 3.Will in -kind support beprovided tothe project bythe community? ifso, please describe the types ofin-kind support that are available (|abor, storage, lodging, uther)'and the extent towhich itis The Mayor and/ maCouncil Member will help with project planning. The City does not have acar or truck but the Mayor and/ or a Council Member can likely provide some vehicle support for the initial site visit hythe service provider. The Mayor and/ oru Council Member can provide a list of |mna| building contractors, freight service providers etc. 4. If known, what buildings or facilities would the city like the contractor to focus on during the audit portion ofthe work? If specific known opportunites exist in any of these buildings, please list them in "additional comments" section below. # Name ofBui|dinRurFacUhv �Street Address So. R. Sector l. Gustavus City Hall 18O2Gustavus Road 730 Public Building 2. SVFDFire Hall 1800Gustavus Road 2.500 Other Public Facility Community Chest Gustavus Road across from USPost 850 Other Public Facility l Office4. � Gustavus Public Library 14Gustavus Road 2.704 Public Building Select from Arrow 5. O"odditiono/space isneeded, please list other buildings /nthe "Additional comments" box below. Page 2of0 GUti, VUS 10-120 5.Summary ofProject � The principal need of this project is for the City to beable mreduce the oil! consumption/ heating costs for the four buildings that the City heats nnayear-round basis. Energy consumption for lighting can also beconsidered. 6. Additional Comments Local contractors are generally most likely voavailable for work in the spring. Air freight services (small airplane) are available x/the community year round. Landing craft service is available year round though may not be available December - March. State ferry service to the community, probably onamonthly basis, should Uaavailable starting inOctober 2U1U. Detail onthe four buildings that the City heats onayear-round basis: The Gustavus City Hall is a small building with a small Toyo heating stove. The building is stick frame construction and is more than 25 years old. Two doors and seven windows. The windows and doors are probably less than 25years old. The GVFD Fire hall isatwo story building housing 4vehicles and avariety of support equipment, offices and a meeting area. It is foam panel construction and was built in the 80's. It has a garage addition, stick frame construction, providing for housing two of the four vehicles. The building has three large garage doors, four man doors, a number of windows and an oil furnace. The Community Chest inanold building that was retrofitted for use aoothrift store 11years ago. The building is heated with a small Toyo oil stove. The windows and doors are old and likely to be energy inefficient. The Gustavus Public Library isamodern building built within the last 15years. his foam panel construction with an energy efficient HVAC air system and a radiant slab heating system. The library will likely need the least amount of attention but is listed as it is part of the City's infrastructure. Page 3ofO 10-120 �s __1' ENERGY AUTHORITY Alaska Small Cities Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grants Name of City or Borough: BudgetForm City ofGustavus Table A: Full Project Budget � Line Funding Source Budgeted Amount 1. EE[BGfunds requested $28.100 2. City/borough matching nrin-kind contributions $ 3, Funding from other sources* $ | - / 4� Estimated project $28.100 * identify other sources from line 3, and whether sources are confirmed or pending: Table 8: EECBGFunding Breakdown Please budget how the EECBG funding (Table A, line 1 above) breaks down between the following categories. Please note that the energy audit cost column may not be more than 50 percent of the total. Expense Categories Energy Audit Costs EEIVI/ECK8Costs** Personnel $ $ $O Travel $ $ $U Materials & Supplies $ $ $0 Equipment $ $ $O Contractual $ $ $O Total $8 $O $O **EEM:Energy Efficiency Measure, E[KEnergy Conservation Announcement and Instructions document. Tota| Measure; defined in EECBG Funding Budget Narrative Please briefly describe the use of EECBG funds and any matching funds, as categorized above: The EECBGfunds will be rnanaged and reported on by the selected service provider. Page 4of8 HYDA-1 RG 10-135 x&pages ` ENERGY AUTHORITY Alaska Small Cities Ener Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) 1. Name of City or Borough: Grant Application, Option 1 (For option Iopplicotsonly) Opt -in Technical Assistance City of Hydaburg Z. To what extent is the community committed to coordinating, planning and working with the contractor? Please describe. The City of Hydaburg will make appropriate staff available mcoordinate with Alaska Energy Authority's service provider toassist with project planning, access tobuildings and facilities, provide transportation & housing as needed to complete the project in a timely manner. The City will also provide up to 200 hours of general labor to assist skilled tradesmen selected by the service provider. 3,Will in -kind support beprovided tothe project bythe community? |fso, please describe the types ofin'kind support that are available (labor, storage, lodging, other)' and the extent to which it is Upoo2OUhours general labor bythe City public works department. The City has available 3O.UOUcubic feet cfdry unheated storage. The City will also transport materials from the barge landing tothe dry storage anneeded. Housing will bacoordinated/provided for the service provider either inteacher housing nralocal bed &breakfast. |naddition, the City Administrator & Mayor will provide approximately 150 hours of time in planning, coordinating and assisting in the implementation ofproject. The estimated value ofthese in -kind donations iaincluded onthe budget form. 4. If known, what buildings or facilities would the city like the contractor to focus on during the audit portion ufthe work? if specific known opportunities exist in any of these buildings, please list them in "additional comments" section below. # Name ofBuildinnorFaci|hx Street Address Municipal Building 1O18tkStreet Extension 1. Street Lights 2. Boys & Girls Club ]. Fire Hall 4. S. 1028thStreet Extension 1O08mStreet Extension So.Ft` Sector 3,00 Public Building � Other Public Facility 90 Public Building 1.508 Public Building Select from Arrow (fodditiono/space isneeded, please list other buildings /nthe "Additional comments" box below. Page 2ofO HYINA KK10-135 4 pages 5. Summary of Project The City of Hydaburg has selected Option 1, opt -in technical assistance program. The full scope of the project will bedetermined with the AEA'sservice provider's technical assistance. The City of Hydaburg is committed to providing in -kind services, housing, transportation and storage with anestimated value of$13.11O. The City has specified four facilities toreceive anenergy audit or assessment bythe service provider: 1 Municipal Building 2.Street Lights 3. Boyo&Girls Club 4, Fire Hall Additional Comments We would prefer to avoid heavy work during the months of June through August as this time � period conflicts with peak fishing season. However, planning with the City administration can take � place all months except August. Hydabupgdoes not receive regular barge service even though it isaccessible bybarge twelve months ayear. Weekly barge service does arrive inthe community � ofCraig, which io42 paved miles from HyduUung. After off-loading in Craig, freight iatrucked from � Craig toHydaburgonaweekly basis. Passenger air service arrives inHollis, K|awockand Craig. In addition, daily ferry service to Prince of Wales Island provides passenger and vehicle � transportation for Hydaburgtravelers tnand from Kotohikan � Page 3of8 HYDA J-WU0* �' 10_135 4 pages Alaska Small Cities Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grants Name of City or Borough: BudgetForm City of Hydaburg Table A: Full Project Budget Line Funding Source Budgeted Amount l. EE[BGfunds requested $23.800 2. City/borough matching urin-kind contributions $13.110 | 3. Funding from other sources* $ 4. Estimated total project cost $36,910 * identify other sources from line 3' and whether sources are confirmed or pending: Table 8: EEC@GFunding Breakdown Please budget how the EE[8Gfunding (Table A,line 1above) breaks down between the following categories. Please note that the energy audit cost column may not be more than 50 percent of the total. Energy Audit Costs EEM/ECK8Costs" Total' Expense Categories Personnel $ $O Travel $ $Q Materials &Supplies $ $O Equipment $ $0 Contractual $ $O Total $O $O $O **EEM: Energy Efficiency Measure, ECM: Energy Conservation Measure; defined in EECBG Funding Announcement and Instructions document, Budget Narrative Please briefly describe the use of EECBG funds and any matching funds, as categorized above- TheChyhu000mmitted$13,110o/in-kindoemicootoMhoanargyeffidanuypo4ect. The service provider will manager and report on EECDGfundn. The City will separately account for in -kind project expenditures and provide timely quarterly reports mthe service provider. Page 4of8 KLAWOCK 10-166 (5 pages) Alaska Small Cities Ener Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) 1. Name of City or Borough: Grant Application, Option 1 (For option 2applicants only) Opt -in Technical Assistance City ofKlawock 2. To what extent is the community committed to coordinating, planning and working with the contractor? Please describe. The City o/K|awockincommitted tomaking appmphate staff available mcoordinate with the selected service provider toassist with project planning, accessing ofall public buildings and facilities, providing local transportation and housing to the service provider for up to four visits. All efforts will be made to have the Klawock Public Works crew assist in carrying out the implementation of energy savings maoouroo provided by the aen/iou provider. 3.Will in -kind support beprovided tothe project bythe community? ifso, please describe the types of in -kind support that are available (labor, storage, lodging, other)' and the extent towhich it is Klawock Public Works staff time, administrative staff time, storage, and transportation of materials to the selected public buildings, lodging, if desired, will also be provided to the service provider that isselected mperform the energy ratings. 4. if known, what buildings or facilities would the city like the contractor to focus on during the audit portion ofthe work? if specific known opportunites exist in any of these buildings, please list them in "additional comments" section below. # Name of Building or Facilitv Street Address Sq. Ft. Sector Public Safety Building 0738 0awock MoUis Highway Library O15North Park Street City Hall 55NSummit Street Public Works Building 088OBig Salt Lake Road Street Lighting Throughout the City ofKluwnck 1. I l 4� 5. If additional space is needed, please list other buildings in the "Additionalcomments" box below. Page 2uf8 S. Summary of Project K The City of Klawock has selected Option 1, opt -in technical assistance program. Therefore we will await the service provider's technical assistance prior to determining the full scope of work. VVohave specified four building and street lighting toreceive anenergy audit orassessment by the service provider: 1.Public Safety Building 2.Library 3.City Hall 4.Public Works Building 5. Street Lighting 6.Additional Comments Page 3of8 Alaska Small Cities Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grants Name of City or Borough: BudgetForm City of Klawock Table A: Full Project Budget j Line Funding Source l. EE[BGfunds requested I. City/bonoughmatching orin-kind conthbutions | 3. Funding from �ot h�rsources* � . 4. Estimated total project cost Budgeted Amount $41,700 $1�00 � � $51,700 * Identify other sources from line 3, and whether sources are confirmed or pending: Table8: EE[BGFunding Breakdown Please budget how the EE[8G funding (Table A, line 1 above) breaks down between the following categories. Please note that the energy audit cost column may not be more than 50 percent of the total. | Expense Categories Energy Audit Costs EE&X/E[KACosts" Total Personnel $ $ $U |Travel $ $ $O Materials @Supplies $ $ $8 Equipment $ $ $O Contractual $ $ $0 / Total $0 $O $0 **EEM: Energy Efficiency Measure, ECM: Energy Conservation Measure; defined in EECBG Funding Announcement and Instructions document. Budget Narrative Please briefly describe the use of EECBG funds and any matching funds, as categorized above: No budget presented aoweare awaiting the scope ufwork from the service provider that isselected- Page 4uf8 P LICA 10133 7 pa es Alaska Small Cities Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) Grant Application, Option 3 (For option 3 applicants only) Single -Stage Project: Ene • Efficiency and Conservation easures 1. Name of City or Borough: City of Pelican 2. Please list the buildings or facilities that will receive energy efficiency and conservation measures. # Name of Building or Facility Street Address Pelican Fire Hall Building 157 Breakwater Road 1. Pelican Public Library 165 Salmon Way 2. 3, 4. 5, 6. 1. 8. 9. 10. If additional space is needed, please list other buildings in the "additional comments" box below. 3. Summary of Project Pelican Firehall: Replace three garage doors with three12'x12commercial garage doors insulated R16.03 Sa.Ft. 2,392 1,000 Pelican Library: Replace three single pane windows with three insulated windows Sector Public Building Public Building Select from Arrow Select from Arrow Select from Arrow Select from Arrow Select from Arrow Select from Arrow Select from Arrow Select from Arrow Page 2 of 10 P LIC - 10133 4. Description of the work to be conducted: (see instructions and sample application) Category a. Building Envelope (insulation, weather stripping, crack sealing, windows, doors, etc.) b. Budding Heating System (and/or air conditioning and ventilation) c. Building Lighting & Controls (indoor and outdoor) d. Electrical Equipment (motors, pumps, refrigerators, timers, controls, equipment, or any other allowable electric load retrofits) 7 pa es Description of Work Pelican Firehall: Replace three garage doors with three12`x12commercial garage doors insulated R16.03 Pelican Library: Replace three single pane windows with three insulated windows Page 3 of 10 e.Energy Conservation Measures (human behavior f. Other Measures 10-133 es - Adopting workplace energy efficiency policies Installing power strips on phantom electric loads Posting si0naAereminders about turning off equipment, etc. Other (describe): 5. Will all fluorescent lamps and fighting ballasts be recycled? Yes No 6. F] FU9 Will any refrigerants be generated? Yes LeLj No if yes, will they be recycled? Yes No 7. Waste Disposal: Describe your waste disposal or recycling plan for any wastes that will begenerated bythis project. Garage doors will bodisposed ofcuthe Pelican Landfill. Windows will be available as surplus to the community or disposed of at the Pelican Landfill. 8. Estimated Metrics for Entire Project a. Estimated energy saved per # Units Multiplier k8TUs 7.108 kWh electricity 10.3 73.130 177 Gal. ofdiesel orheating fuel 135.0 23.895 Gal. ofpropane 91.0 U C[Fofnatural gas 100.0 O Other: u Total annual kBTUs saved 97.O25 Page 4of1U Describe your calculation � L~_~�.� ����� ~~°0�_"���� " pa,* es Annual kWh '35,50Ox2O""0=7.f0}k��savings Pelican Library: 18,470kYVh Pelican Firehall: 22,030 kWh Annual gallons diesel Firehall - 887 gallons x 20% = 177 gals. b Estimated energy costs saved per year: Describe your calculation $ 3.779 7.1O0kWh x,4163O1=G2,955J4 887gals diesel x4.55=$828.O5 c Estimated jobs created or .13FTE FTE (Full Time Equivalents) See instructions d.Full project simple payback period calculation: 3.80367064589, Years e.Estimated annual k8TUssaved per grant dollar: 9.Additional Comments 5.91d15853658N8TU/year/grantdollar savings Any additional labor necessary to complete the project will be provided by City of Pelican public works employees. Page 5of1O Ene Name of City or Borough - Table A: Full Project Budget iciency and Conservation Block Grants Alaska Small Cities BudgetForm City of Pelican Line Funding Source Budgeted Amount l. EE[BGfunds requested $14`600 Z. City/borough matching orin-kind contributions $ l Funding from other sources* $ 4. Estimated total project cost $14.000 -� | * identify other sources from line 3, and whether sources are confirmed or pending: Table8: EECB0Funding Breakdown Please budget how the EE[8G funding (Table A^ line 1above) breaks down between the following categories. Please note that the energy audit cost column may not be more than 50 percent of the total. Expense Categories Energy Audit Costs EEN1/ECK8Costs" Total � Personnel $ $4'519 $4.519 Travel $ $ $O Materials &Supp|ies $ $10.081 $10.081 | Equipment $ $ $U Contractual $ $ $O | Total $0 $14.600 �14`80V | ^* � EEK4� Energy Efficiency ECM: Energy Conservation Measure; defined in EE[BG Funding Announcement and Instructions document. Budget Narrative Please briefly describe the use of EECBG funds and any matching funds, as categorized above: EECBG funds will be used to replace commercial garage doors in the Pelican Fire Hall with greater insulated commercial doors and funds will be used to replace single pane windows with insulated windows inthe Pelican Public Library, Page 8of1U Apr 06 10 04:17p Leo Luczak 907 772-4876 p 2 Ene 1. Name of City or Borough: PETERSBURG 10-104 (4 pages) Alaska Small Cities ciency and Conservation B k Grant (EECBG) Grant A.c. n, Option 1 (For option 1 applicants only) Opt -In Techn" I sistance City of Petersburg 2. To what extent is the community committed to coordinating, planning and working with the contractor? Please describe. Staff from the Facilities Maintenance will work with contractor to identify possible energy -savings measures. Staff will assist the contractor and provide access to all City buildings and help in identifying any potential out -side contractors that may be necessary for the work. Staff will also assist the contractor in the local transporting and the storage of required building materials. 3. Will in -kind su of in -kind support t available. t 4 * be provided to the project by the community? If so, please describe the types are available (labor, storage, lodging, other), and the extent to which it is Project manger will assist the contractor in logistics of the project, and also provide support in obtaining temporary housing in the community for the duration of the project. The City's maintenance staff will provide assistance in the transportation and storage of necessary building materials. 4. If known, what buildings or facilities would the city like the contractor to focus on during the audit portion of the work? If specific known opportunites exist in any of these buildings, please list them in "additional comments" section below. # Name of Buildine or Facility Street Address So. Ft. Sector Municipal Building /Llbraryf 12 South Nordic 21,645 Public Building 1. Police and Fire Hall 2. 3. 4. 5. Community Gyrn / Pool 105 Charles W. 32,900 Public Bukfing Scow Bay Fire Hall 290 Mitkof Highway Rubric Works / Motor Pool 303 South Second Street Elderly Housing !Assisted 16 North Twelfth Street 3,825 Public Buking 10,400 Public Building 56,050 Public Building ditional space is needed, please list other buikiings in the "Additional comments * below. Page 2 of 6 Apr 06 10 04:17p Leo Luczak 907 772-4876 P3 5. Summary of Projed PETERSBURG 10-104 (4 pages) Petersburg has selected option 1, opt -in technical assistance program. Therefore, we Will await the service provider's technical assistance prior to determining the full scope of work. We will provide assistance to the service provider and contractor in identifying and completing the work for an estimated value of $131,600. We have identified four buildings or facilities to receive an energy audit from the service provider. 1. Municipal Building / Library 1 Police and Fire Hall 2 Community Gym / Swimming Pool 3. Scow Bay Fire Hall 4, Public Works Motor Pool 5 Elderly Housing / Assisted Living If there are any funds remaining, or if additional funds should be made available, the Water Plant, Wastewater Plant, Municipal Power and Light, and Museum could be added to the project list. 6. Additional Comments Two of the three local processors have announced that they will be greatly limiting their operations this year due to projected low fish returns. I would expect that this will increase the availability of temporary housing in Petersburg. Page 3 of 8 Apr 06 10 04:17p Leo Luczak 907 772-4876 p 4 Ene Name of City or Borough: PETERSBUR:3 10-104 (4 pages) Alaska Small Cities ciency and Conse tion Block Grants Budget Form City of Petersburg Table A: Full Project Budget Line Funding Source Budgeted Amount 1. EECBG funds requested $131,600 2. City/borough matching or in -kind contributions $ 3. Funding from other sources* 4. Estimated total project cost $131,600 * Identify other sources from line 3, and whether sources are confirmed or pending: Table B: EECBG Funding Breakdown Please budget how the EECBG funding (Table A, line 1 above) breaks down between the following categories. Please note that the energy audit cost column may not be more than 50 percent of the total. Expense Categories Energy Audit Costs EEM/ECM Costs** Total I Personnel $ $ $ 0 Travel $ $ $ 0 Materials & Supplies $ $ $ 0 Equipment $ $ $ 0 I Contractual $ $ $ 0 [ Total $o I $0 $ 0 **EEM: Energy Efficiency Measure, ECM: Energy Conservation Measure; defined in EECBG Funding Announcement and Instructions document. Budget Narrative Please briefly describe the use of EECBG funds and any matching funds, as categorized above: The EECBG funds will be managed and reported by the selected service provider. Page 4 of 8 Alaska Small Cities Ener Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) 1. Name of City or Borough: Grant Application, Option 1 (For option 2 applicantson$/ Opt -in Technical Assistance City ofTonakeeSprings 2. To what extent is the community committed to coordinating, planning and working with the contractor? Please describe. TenalkeeSprings commits tomaking appropriate staff available to coordinate with the selected service provider uoassist with project planning, building access, transportation and housing for the service provider. The city electric manager and electrician will install and replace any electrical items, including lighting, as this will greatly diminish labor costs. 3.Will in -kind support beprovided tothe project bythe community? ifso, please describe the types of in -kind support that are available (labor, storage, lodging, other), and the extent to which it is available. 10Ohours ofcity electrician time from non grant funds. The electrical warehouse, 200 square feet of storage. Lodging inolocal rental home for upmSnights for the service provider. Pick upand storage ofall materials from float plane o,barge. 4. if known, what buildings or facilities would the city like the contractor to focus on during the audit portion ofthe work? If specific known opportunites exist in any of these buildings, please list them in "additional comments" section below. # Name of BuildinR or Facilitv Street Address -Sa. Ft. Sector 1. 2. l 4. 5� Street lighting East and West TonakeeAve Pole Transformers East and West TenokeaAve Community Center / City Office 7U7West TenakeaAve Fire Hall TenakeeAve and DStreet � Health Clinic Tenakee Ave and D Street Other Public Facility Other Public Facility � 2.874 Public Building � 1.200 Public Building 630 Public Building If additional space is needed, please list other buildings in the "Additional comments" box below. Page 2of8 5. Summary of Project Tenakee Springs would like the service providers technician to determine the full scope of all work tobacompleted. VVawould like toconcentrate especially onstreet lighting and electrical distribution efficiency and secondly nnthe general efficiency inheating and lighting community facilities. 6.Additional Comments Spring iothe best time for the work oobodone aathe weather isbetter and the local workforce has not yet begun fishing. Our main supplies come byAMLBarge and the first for the season in inApril with the other three inJune, August and October. Work bythe service providers' representative could be done more efficiently in September -October or in April -May as travel to Tonakee Springs and access tufacilities can be greatly diminished inthe winter months. Page 3of8 TENAKEE SPRINGS 10-148 (4 pages) Alaska Small Cities Ener Efficiency and Conservation Block Grants Name of City or Borough: BudgetForm Ci4e of Tenakee Springs Table A: Full Project Budget ` Line Funding Source Budgeted Amount I. EE[8Gfunds requested $14.000 \ 2 City/borough matching orin-kind contributions $8.508 3. Funding from other sources* $ 4. Estimated total project cost $17,500 *\dentify other sources from line 3'and whether sources are confirmed or pending: Table 8: EE[QGFunding Breakdown Please budget how the EECBG funding (Table A, line 1 above) breaks down between the following categories. Please note that the energy audit cost column may not be more than 50 percent of the total. . Expense Categories Energy Audit Costs EEM0/E[K8Costs" Total � / Personnel $ $ $U Travel $ $ $O Materials & Supplies $ $ $O � Equipment $ $ $O l Contractual $ $ $O | ' Total $0 $0 $U **EEM: Energy Efficiency Measure, ECM: Energy Conservation Measure; defined in EE[8G Funding Announcement and Instructions document, Budget Narrative Please briefly describe the use of EECBG funds and any matching funds, as categorized above: The EEC8Gfunds breakdown w0bodone after the audit. Page 4 of 8 / AU � ����������� _ _-'' '- '-' �- PAGES) AurHoe/r/ IML)��pAt� ���' �0-��� (� �A&�U��5) Alaska Small Cities Enerl-, Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) 1. Name of City or Borough: Grant Application, Option 1 (For option 2applicants only) Opt -in Technical Assistance City ofThorne Bay 2. To what extent is the community committed to coordinating, planning and working with the contractor? Please describe. ThumeBoyoommitsmmaNnOappmphomntaffuvalaUlemonordinatowiththmnolemedaervica provider »oassist with project planning, allowing access to all buildings and facilities in a time appropriate manner, providing local transportation and housing to the service provider for up to four visits, and providing up to 200 hours of labor by our city public works and administrative staff. IWill in -kind support beprovided tothe project bythe community? Ifso, please describe the types nfin-kind support that are available (|a6or, storage, lodging, other)'and the extent towhich itis Two hundred (200) hours ofcity staff and community volunteer time inplanning, coordinating, moving materials, helping with transportation, and helping implement determined projects. The City can provide up to 600 square feet of heated, dry storage space, and will pick up materials from the airport or barge dock upon arrival. The City will provide lodging, if desired, for the service provider either in a community member's home or local B & B / lodge (depending on season). The approximate value of these in -kind donations is specified on the budget form. 4. If known, what buildings or facilities would the city like the contractor to focus on during the audit portion ofthe work? If specific known opportunites exist in any of these buildings, please list them in "additional comments" section below. # Name of Building or Facilitv Street Address Sq. Ft, Sector 1. 2. 3, 4. S. Street lighting throughout town City Hall 12UFreeman Dr. Water Treatment Plant NHN Sandy Poach Rd. Wastewater Treatment Plant NHNShoreline Dr. Other Public Facility 2.592 Public Bunmmo � 857 Public Building 2.184 Public Building Select from Arrow if odditional space is needed, please list other buildings in the "Additional comments' box below. Page 2ofO 5.Summary ofProject Thorne Bay has selected Option 1.opt-in technical assistance program. Therefore, wewill await the service provider's technical assistance prior tndetermining the full scope nfwork. We have committed to providing in -kind services, labor, storage and lodging to the service provider for this project otunestimated value of$1U.000 VVehave xpacifiodfour buildings o,facilities receive en energy audit or assessment by the service provider, with the primary focus to be on retrofitting existing street lighting infrastructure with higher output / more efficient bulbs: 1Street lighting through town 2. Chy Hall 8.Water Treatment Plant 4.Wastewater Treatment Plant 6. Additional Comments Thorne Bay has approximately 0Ostreet lights throughout town that itpays monthly electrical charges from the Alaska Power Company. Total monthly charges range between $300 to $1,500. This variability is an indication that energy conservation measure (ECM) opportunities in this area are abundant. Representative monthly APCBills: 01,103/2008T8O20Alaska Power Company ' Street Lights $696.78 04/302009TB020Alaska Power Company ' Street Lights '$466.74 85/11/20O7TB027OAlaska Power Company Street Lights '$1.548.S2 O7/24/2OO7TBO2T0Alaska Power Company ' Street Lights '$313.02 &9/29/2OO8TBO27UAlaska Power Company Street Lights '$49575 1O/22/20O7TBO270Alaska Power Company - Street Lights '$505.4O 12/28/2OO8TBO27OAlaska Power Company 'Street Lights $681 S9 Average / month -8O74.17 Additionally, the Southeast Island School District - Thorne Bay School complex is — 30,000 square feet and has made substantial progress inpursuing ECMo(wmod' redboi|ar*a. traditional fuel oil, education, occupancy sensors etol. Furthermore, the UGFG Thorne Bay Ranger District maintains anadditional 2D+units ofexterior lighting on its roadways and paths throughout their administrative and residential complex. Ameresco Federal Solutions has already provided ECM recommendations for their facilities and District Ranger Jason Anderson is actively pursuing funding for implementation / upgrades. The City ofThorne Bay isthe only public entity iothe municipal boundary that has yet to adequately pursue ECMs to achieve cost -savings and decrease energy consumption. Thorne Bay staff ioavailable toassist atany time yaar-mund. Page 3of8 , ENERGY AUTHORITY THORNE BAY 10-101/3 PAGES) Alaska Small Cities Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grants Name of City or Borough: BudgetForm City of Thorne Bay Table A: Full Project Budget Line Funding Source Budgeted Amount 1. EECBG funds requested $27.800 2. City/borough matching orin'kind contributions $10.000 3. Funding from other sources* $ 4. Estimated total project cost $37,800 * Identify other sources from line land whether sources are confirmed orpending: The City is applying for aRural Community Action Progmm(RunAL CAP) "Energy Wise" AmohComaN'|STAgrant *ohave two local youth provide cost-effective ECIVIservices and energy -efficient products to residents who qualify under the Low -Income Home Energy Assistance Program (L|HEAP)and who may boavailable to assist with the EEC8Gproject. Table8: EE[B0Funding Breakdown Please budget how the EECBG funding (Table A, line 1 above) breaks down between the following categories. Please note that the energy audit cost column may not be more than 50 percent of the total. Expenoe[ete0oreu Energy Audit Costs EEK8/ECK8Costs" Total Personnel $ $ $0 Travel $ $ $O | Materials &Supplies $ $ $O Equipment $ $ $U | | Contractual $ $ $0 '~�-------- — Tot | $0 $0 $0 **EEM: Energy Efficiency Measure, ECM: Energy Conservation Measure; defined in EECBG Funding Announcement and Instructions document. Budget Narrative Please briefly describe the use of EECBG funds and any matching funds, as categorized above: Not Applicable due to Option I criteria. Page ^ofO