HomeMy WebLinkAboutMod Power Gen Plant Feasibility Study Bethal and Crooked Creek 2003MODULAR POWER GENERATION PLANT FEASIBILITY STUDY BETHEL &CROOKED CREEK ALASKA FOR NUVISTA LIGHT &POWER,CO. June 30,2003 Prepared By: Precision Energy Services,Inc. Project Development Division PRECISION ENERGY SERVICES INC. P.O.Box 1004 ¢Hayden,Idaho 83835 (208)772-4457 www.pes-world.com Bettine,LLC Frank J.Bettine,P.E.,Esq.Tel.(907)336-2335 Professional Electrical Engineer &Attorney at Law Fax/Tel (907)345-6972 1120 E.Huffman Rd.PMB 343,Anchorage,AK 99515 E-mail:foettine@acsalaska.net MEMORADUM OF TRANSMITTAL)FE (2 &||\IE Date:September 2,2003 SEP G4 7003 '- AIDEA/AEATo:Carl Reiche -AIDEA;Gregg Bush -Placer Dome,Inc. From:Frank Bettine We Mite - RE:Draft of Modular Power Plant Report Gernie_- Draft of Travis-Peterson Report Perk Sole Please find attached one copy each of the above referenced draft reports.The above draft copies are released for internal review only,by AIDEA,Placer Dome,and Calista/Nuvista personnel.Your review and constructive comments would be appreciated.I would appreciate receiving your comments by the end of September.Please do not release these copies or information contained therein,to the general public.The draft report for the Bethel coal-plant will be delivered to your office next week. wTABLE OF CONTENTS I.INTRODUCTION Il.DEFILUITIONS II.DEFINITIONS HiIl.PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS V.|FUEL SELECTION VI.DESCRIPTION OF THE POWER PLANT VII.RELIABILITY AND AVAILABILITY STUDY VII.COST SUMMARY IX.OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE ATTACHMENTS: Schedule General Contractor Drawings Photos Maintenance &Repair Shops Alstom GE Diesel Conceptual Design Report 0.FuelsSeESFAVALYNE 55 60 PRECISIONDES=SERVICES INC. I INTRODUCTION This report is partof a feasibility study prepared by Bettine LLC for Nuvista Light&Power,Co.for the development ofa Power Plant for the supply of electric power to the Placer Dome's Donlin Gold Mine Site and to the City of Bethel,Alaska and regional villages.The study evaluates two sites for the location of the Power Plant,one at Bethel and one at Crooked Creek.The positive and negative aspects of each location are being evaluated.In addition to evaluating power generation,the feasibility of providing district heating to the residents of Bethel,local institutions (schools, community college,hospital,local prison)and local businesses,is being evaluated.The goal of this report is to provide the project developers with sufficient information including specific recommendations to identify the most reliable and feasible,long-term power production options, which would result in generating electric and thermal energy at competitive pricing as well as facilitate reduction of State payments in the framework of the Power Cost Equalization Program. Permitting standards and expected performance related to the operation of the Power Plant have been included to make the developer aware of the possible requirements.The proposed Power Plant is termed "Modular”to reflect the design of the plant allowing a significant degree of its transportability. In the Feasibility Study,two technologies for power generation are assessed: -Generation of power by combined cycle with combustion turbines and cogeneration in a heat recovery steam generator and steam turbine generator. -Power generation by diesel engines. The costing information provided herein is based on actual cost proposals provided by five companies -two being suppliers of combined cycle (GE and Alstom)and three suppliers of diesel generation sets (MAN B&W,Wartsilla and RUMO).Following initial evaluation,it was decided to exclude from further assessment the Russian-made engines.These engines are of the same design as MAN (license),the price difference is practically non-existent and the manufacturer has no servicing capabilities in North America.Information and qualifications are included in the Appendix Vendor Data. This report includes one section which evaluates applicable fuels from various points of view such as properties (heating value,sulfur content,etc.)and cost determined in dollars per million Btu.Fuel properties impact both the capital cost (for example,whether or not a flue gas de-sulfurization system is needed)and the operating cost.' Pertaining to the plant located in Bethel,the evaluations also include the supply of heat energy to a district heating system in the City of Bethel.The study does not evaluate the feasibility of the application of district heating for specific or individual recipients of thermal energy.Included, however,is sufficient information to conduct such evaluations for most of the potential customers of the district heating system.The Application of heat pumps was considered for recovering low temperature latent heat of steam condensation in the steam cycle.The conclusion of the evaluation was that the cost of this recovery exceeds the possible savings. PRECISION EMERGT SERVICES INC. The Power Plant specifications are provided at the beginning of the study.Definitions of the terms used in the report are included.The two locations are shown on the following map. Figure 1 Bethel &Crooked Creek -Mersnel WADE HAMPTON "Lower Wh2etish Lake ° Yukon Dette Katonei Wwidire Retuge Ariak BETHEL uk "*sountAd.Hamiiton Mount A Piummer(Kasighic Akiachek,=Adak - :Witayn gecegrrmarererenerneemeconeeeeeeeeTaylorPeak._Kevethiuie ALASKA ; ©,: Kegruaiuk Aiserahis : ':. .geiAinhiitfeniexe_Lake . . .pats gtTopKisaeahk-Upaua Lake ; 'Chichitnok°Kwettrsist -"Leake . 7 . . EO Chikuminua ..FikchikEek5peed.bake : . i DILLINGHAMMidoleod' : Fork Eok .i Meoart Lake Lake Chauekuktati rood Nuyatuds Lobe akukKagetiLone:aPegutiiens5.Agenut 7 cowed «MountainQuinnagakKunekion.m . i : Keigeamee”Bering Sea -i '° : 'peveed ..Yogisk Lake . dackamith Ray :_ Goovnews Leke i -20 5 'Koawos -"New Stuyahok :°°Kuskokwem Bay Goodnews i .Exwok,geeued@2003mierasetComp©2003 Navineh.wee foreDt.ine._poe _Fopisk .8 PES PRECISION EREREY SERVICES INC. DEFINITIONS DH HRSG ASME ASME B31.1 ASTM AWS Cogeneration Heat Plant Combustion Turbine Combustion Turbine and Generator set Elevation Above Sea Level District Heating US Gallon Per Minute Heat Recovery Steam Generator Modular Power Plant Mega Watt electric Prime Mover Steam turbine and Generator set Million Btu Selective Catalytic Reduction (of NOx) Balance of plant American Concrete Institute American Institute of Steel Construction American National Standards Institute American Society of Mechanical Engineers Power Piping American Society for Testing Materials American Welding Society Cooling Tower Institute Heat Exchange Institute Hydraulic Institute Standards Institute of Electrical &Electronic Engineers Instrument Society of America National Electric Code National Fire Protection Agency National Fire Protection Code Occupation Safety &Health Act Tubular Exchangers Manufacturer's Association Uniform Building Code Uniform Mechanical Code Uniform Plumbing Code Underwriters Laboratory -industrial insurance company Factory Mutual -industrial insurance company PRECISION SMEAGY SERVICES INC. Il.PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS A.Requirement Specifications Plant location Units Bethel Crooked Creek Required electric power supplyat Donlin Mine'MWe 70.0 70.0 Transmission line losses MWe 5.0 0.5 Local usage (Bethel,villages)MWe 12.8 1.0 Parasitic power (Power Plant use)MWe 2.3 2.3 Required electric power output,net at transformer MWe 90.1 73.8 Thermal energy supply to the District Heating (DH)system Yearly average heat supply million Btu/hr 134 1.6 Average winter supply million Btu/hr 177 2.2 Maximum winter supply million Btu/hr 230 3.0 Utility water for consumption Ib/hr 161,200 2,000 Gpm 322 4.0 Assumed that all utility water is consumed,0 return. Heating water 20%losses,80%return. The DH system will use hot water as the energy carrier: °Water temperature,outgoing °F 170 175 °Return °F 125 -130 °Water pressure,out psig 100 fe)Return,design psig 20 Heating of the hot water will be achieved primarily by utilization of waste heat including latent heat of condensation of the steam cycle. B.Local Conditions Power Plant location Bethel CrookedCreek Elevation above sea level ft ASL 100 200 Temperatures -see graph on the following page Average humidity range:60%(summer)to 85%(winter) PRECISION EMERG Y SERVICES INC. The Crooked Creek site is 135 miles inland from Bethel in the N-E direction.The weather there will be slightly more of the continental type with colder winters.The elevation of the plant above sea level at Crooked Creek is 200 feet.At the time of preparation,there was no specific information relating to the weather conditions at Crooked Creek. Figure 2 Average Temperatures 90 RBATemperature(F/C}a85 -woa.4 -&o.Average Temperatures and Records for Bethel,AK :Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Average High Average Lowi Record High/Low Month Cc.Other Design Requirements The Power Plant will be modularized to the highest possible degree,such that it can be shipped in major assemblies minimizing field installation work. Primary Fuel -see Fuel Specifications Summary and in Appendix Fuel Data. Diesel Fuel DF2 or Fuel Oil No.2 at LHV 18,421 Btu/Ib and pour point not higher than minus 15°F. Job Conditions: =Electrical 460 V,4160 V,3 ®,60 Hz Equipment Location Indoors «Insurance Codes/Requirements UL,FM,NFPA PRECISION EMERY SERVICES INC. D.Emission Standards The most likely standards that the Modular Power Plant will have to comply with are: SO,500 ppm molar fraction Remark:To comply with this standard,the sulfur content in the fuel should not exceed 0.5%by weight. co There is no State standard for CO emissions from liquid fuel fired power generation equipment;however,exceeding 100 tons per year may trigger the requirement for a New Source Review and the setting of a performance standard for the plant. NOx The State of Alaska does not have a standard for NOx;however,the standard to be used here will most likely be 0.15 Ib/million Btu or 95 ppm vol.at 15%Op. PM The standard for particulate matter (PM)is 0.10 grain per cubic foot at standard conditions (=0.22 Ib/MM Btu)averaged over 3 hours. The values for expected standards were obtained from the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation as guidelines for plant design.The actual performance requirements will be determined based on application for the Permit to Construct and Permit to Operate. BES PRECISIONBREREY SERVICES INC. IV.DESIGN PHILOSOPHY The Power Plant design is based on the capability to erect the plant in a short time with little site preparation and,if required to move the plant easily to a different location with little financial burden.Because of this,the Study evaluates locating the plant at two sites (see map in Figure 1): «City of Bethel *Crooked Creek The requirement for modularity has limited the selection of the power generating technology.The field was limited practically to two technologies that are capable of delivering the required electric power and of being almost 100%reliable.The technologies are: =Generation of power in the combined cycle with combustion turbines and heat recovery steam generator with steam turbine and generator. =Power generation in diesel engines. Since in plants of this type the cost of fuel constitutes the greatest parts of the total operating cost including debt service and return on investment (up to 85%),fuel economy became the most important guidance for the design philosophy.As a result,combined cycle or other type of waste heat recovery is being evaluated herein. The MPP will not include large buildings enclosing the entire plant or parts thereof;rather it will have systems enclosed,as much as possible in modular structures.Control room(s),office and space for personnel needs (locker rooms,sanitary facilities,ect.)will also be provided in modular units. The location of the MPP also has a major impact on the plant size and required facilities.As shown in the Specifications,the plant located in Crooked Creek would supply about 14.5 MW less electric power.The plant will not have to supply thermal energy for district heating;only a small amount for oil tank heating.Supplying thermal energy for the Crooked Creek village will be marginal. The Bethel location presents more energy requirements,both in power and thermal energy.The fuel cost is lower by about 15%than that in Crooked Creek because it does not include the cost of barging to Crooked Creek.The City has a commercial airport and the additional infrastructure is provided by the City. Crooked Creek requires less capital investment due to lower power and thermal energy demand, however,due to its remoteness,it is inaccessible during the winter and early spring season,which may impact the cost of maintenance and the reliability of the system. PRECISION ANESOY SERVICES INC. V.FUEL SELECTION A.Comparison of Various Fuels Table 1 summarizes the evaluation of various applicable fuels for the MPP.All of the listed fuels can be used for firing in combustion turbines.All fuels except Naphtha can be used to fire diesel engines.The list was put together as a result ofevaluating various fuels.Some fuels with prices significantly above the indicated range were not included. Table 1 (Prices as of Jan 30",2003) Fuel cost per MM Btu gross Btu/Ib $/pal $/MM Btu |$/gal incl gM Btu (3/82!incl arrAllBtu/Ib or gallon values are'Btu/gal Ib /gal at re fe excl.shipping to |°.Beth 'shipping to hin rabiesNETLHV"Y|shipping |Bethel |™?&me co Supe fo 18,421DieselFuelNo.2 (TESORO)130.036 7.07 0.85 6.53 1.04 7.99 1.25 9.60 Diesel Fuel No.1 gross ;ae 6.74 0.90 7.19 1.09 8.71 130/10.39 ing Oi %4 | DF2 25%)Oil (DF1 75%,be too 6.86 0.87 6.87 1.06 8.37 1.27 10.03 Jet B ;13999 6.30 0.88 7.79 1.07 9.47 1.28 11.33 18,380ALASKA).FUEL (WILLIAMS bt aes 7.15 0.87 6.58 1.06 8.03 1.265 9.63 Jp-4 Ho 194 6.30 0.87 7.69 1.06 9.36 1.27 11.22 Naphtha !50077 6.09 0.82 6.82 1.01 8.40 1.22 10.14 Heating fuel Product Nr.43 been 6.96 0.86 6.79 1.05 8.29 1.26 9.95 yt)mt PRECISIONEMERGY SERVICES INC. Some fuels that seem to be good candidates for the project have not been included due toobviousreasons,such as very low availability and high cost.For example fuel oil No.4 could be a better fuel,however,its availability in Western Alaska is low,therefore,it is more expensive,expressed in $/MM Btu than DF2 that has a lower heating value. The evaluation presented in Table 1 is reduced to the common denominator of the fuels: delivered cost of 1 million Btu. As indicated in Table 1,Diesel Fuel No.2 and Fuel Oil No.2 are the most feasible fuels.In addition to excellent combustion properties (heating value,density,flash point),these fuels have good transport properties (low viscosity).The sulfur content of the fuels is limited to 0.5%;however,the sulfur content of the Tesoro DF2 has usually been in the range of 0.1%. The low percentage of sulfur results in low SO2 concentration in the flue gas;thus,expensive flue gas desulfurization systems (FGD)are not needed.Emissions that are significantly below standard can be used as environmental credits to offset other pollution sources of the company or to trade with other companies. B.Fuel Shipping Transporting the fuel from Cook Inlet or West Coast USA/Canada to Bethel or Crooked Creek requires three steps:Linehaul barge transportation into the Kuskokwim River to Bethel,off-load,temporary storage and transfer of fuel to smaller barges,lighterage in smaller barges from Bethel to Crooked Creek.The shallow nature of the Kuskokwim above Aniak (between Bethel and Crooked Creek)provides the greatest challenge,both physically and financially,to this endeavor.The estimate of delivering,with specialized shallow-draft tugs and barges that can operate between Bethel and Crooked Creek,approximately 32,000,000 gallons to Crooked Creek will cost up to $12,800,000,not including fuel cost. Delivery of the same quantity of fuel to Bethel will cost approximately $6,720,000 less -a large incentive for the Bethel location.There is currently enough ocean barge capacity to cover the offshore leg. Both Yukon Fuel Company and Crowley Marine each operate 10 million gallon tank farms in Bethel,which,with some alterations,could serve as a safety cushion in case ofa late start of fuel shipments due to weather conditions or other unforeseeable events and can supply the balance of the required fuel. The price structure of fuel to Crooked Creek is presented in Table 2 The price structure is based on the assumption that Cook Inlet would be the source of most of this product,but there are definitely other options.Depending on world and domestic market conditions,bringing tank ships into Dutch Harbor,discharging their cargo into shore-based storage,or lightering into shallow barges and shuttling the product into the Kuskokwim may be a viable alternative.That scenario may or may not save money. JOE picaSERVIC.VICES INC. Table2 Basic Fuel Price (Seattle Low Sulfur Diesel #2)as at 1/22/03 $0.85/gal Linehaul transportation from Cook Inlet to Bethel $0.19/gal Total Estimated Price at Bethel $1.04/gal Bethel storage expenses (seasonal throughput)$0.08/gal Shallow-draft transportation from Bethel to Crooked Creek $0.21/gal Total Estimated Price at Crooked Creek $1.25/gal The $0.08/gallon storage expense is applicable to loads that are intermittently stored at the named company's facilities.It does not apply to shipments to Crooked Creek. While the marine operations companies believe that it is possible to move the required volume from Bethel to Crooked Creek,the operators are nevertheless nervous about the practicality of fitting all of the additional traffic onto the river.Fuel barges are much more efficient than freight barges because of their lack of need for deck strength and unloading equipment,and further,lend themselves more easily to rafting.The scenarios proposed by Yukon and Crowley assume that they can raft up to four barges per tug.Any freight operation will be hard pressed to handle more than two barges per tug.The fuel shippingoperationswillbeconductedannuallybetweenJune1*and September 30".The project owner may want to consider purchasing barges and tugs. The fuel shipping companies assume that all of the fuel will originate in Cook Inlet. There is a more feasible option to deliver fuel to Dutch Harbor by a tanker and ship in fuel barges to Bethel and/or Crooked Creek. C.Fuel Receiving and Storage System The Fuel Receiving and Storage System includes the following installations: .Fuel barge off-loading dock with a marine header located on the west bank of the Kuskokwim River at Bethel and the north bank of the river at Crooked Creek.The dock design was developed by Peratrovich,Nottingham and Drage,Inc.for the Donlin Creek Mine Late Stage Evaluation Study and proposed by LCMF LLC. .An 8-inch pipeline connecting at the dock site to a marine header and on the other side to a header for filling all tanks at the bulk fuel facility. .Bulk fuel tank farm facilitating storage of approximately 25 million gallons of fuel for Bethel and 22 million gallons at Crooked Creek.This equates to a nine-month supply of fuel at either Bethel or Crooked Creek.A fuel reserve of 3.2 gallons (1 tank)will be created in the first year of fuel shipping. .The tank farm will consist of eight insulated tanks,each 120 feet diameter and 40 feet high with a nominal storage capacity of 3.2 million gallons.The 10 PRECISION EXERGY SERVICES INC. tanks will be heated with waste heat from the heat recovery system of the prime movers to keep the fuel above the specified minimum temperature of 20°F. .One 100,000 gallon insulated intermediate fuel tank located near the prime movers.The tank is heated to the temperature of 70°F to improve fuel handling and injection into the engines of the prime movers. .A transfer pump will deliver the fuel from the bulk fuel tank facility headers to the intermediate storage tank via a 4-inch delivery pipe insulated with removable panels.A standby transfer pump is also included. The fuel tanks will require 121,000 Btu/hr,averaged annually to maintain the minimum internal temperature of 20°F.The intermediate fuel tank will require 7,330 Btu/hr averaged annually to maintain the internal operating temperature of 70°F.The heat will be provided from the heat recovery system of the Power Plant. Specific information relating to tank design and construction is provided in the Report:Site Development,Earthworks Foundations and Bulk Fuel;Conceptual Design Report By LCMF,LLC. 11 PRECISION ENERGY SERVICES INC. VI.DESCRIPTION OF THE POWER PLANT The major systems of the MPP located in Bethel are listed by systems in this Section.The Crooked Creek Power Plant location will include a less number of diesel engines and less fuel storage tankage.The district heating system for the Crooked Creek village,if decided to be developed,will consist only of two heat exchangers and piping to the houses.All drawings are attached at the end of this section. 1.Fuel Receiving and Storage described in Section V 2.Power Generation System described in Section VIB 3.District Heating System described in Section VIB 4.Environment Protection System described in Section VI C 5.Balance of Plant Systems described in Section VI D 6.Drawings of Plant In Section following VIB A.Power Generation System The Power Generation System consists of: 1.Prime Movers -Combustion Turbine or Diesel Engine 2.Heat Recovery Steam Generator System 3.Steam Turbine System 4,Electric Generation System 5.Feedwater and Make-up Water Treatment System 6.Instrumentation and Controls including the DCS System B.Prime Movers As determined in the Section "Design Philosophy”,depending on the plant location,different outputs will be required of the Power Plant:, =90.1 MW electric +up to 230 million Btu/hr thermal energy for the Bethel location «73.8 MW electric +marginal amount of thermal energy for the Crooked Creek location The prime movers will provide all required power and 180 MM Btv/hr (in Bethel)thermal energy for the district heating system.For extremely cold temperatures (up to 50 MM Btu/hr additional heat demand),the plant with CT will activate firing of the duct burner. The diesel-based plant will have to start up the auxiliary boiler. Based on equipment capabilities,the following alternative arrangements ofprime movers has been selected: 12 DE ERECTIONSERVICvicesINC, Table 3 Prime Movers Location:Bethel Nominal PM Output Number Power Prime mover MWe/unit ofunits Installed Required i.Alstom GTX100 CTG 42 2 84.0 65.6 Stand-by GTX100 42 1 42.0 32.8 ii.GELM6000 CTG 46.5 2 93.0 90.1 Stand-by LM6000 46.5 1 46.5 45.0 iii,MAN B&W 18V48/60 diesel gen set 18.4 5 82.0 90.1 iv.Stand-by 18.4 2 36.8 18.4* v. Wartsila 18V46/60 diesel gen set 16.5 6 99.0 90.1 vi.Stand-by 16.5 2 33.0 16.5* *Diesel engine stand-by quantities include:one engine hot stand-by (can operate at 100% output within 10 minutes of order) One engine in maintenance/repair Location:Crooked Creek Nominal PM Output Number Power Prime mover MWe/unit ofunits Installed Required i.Alstom GTX100 CTG 42.0 2 84.0 57.4 Stand-by GTX100 42.0 1 42.0 28.7 ii.GELM6000 CTG 46.5 2 93.0 65.0 Stand-by LM6000 46.5 1 46.5 46.5 iii.MAN B&W 18V48/60 diesel gen set 18.4 4 92.0 75.6 iv.Stand-by 18.4 2 36.8 18.4* v. Wartsila 18V46/60 diesel gen set 16.5 5 82.5 75.6 vi.Stand-by 16.5 2 33.0 16.5* *See remark above Neither MAN B&W nor Wartsila included heat recovery options.Other companies specializing in heat recovery from diesel engines systems will provide those.Section VI provides a discussion of waste heat recovery options. The Alstom combustion turbine GTX100 showsa flat efficiency curve for loads between 65%and 100%.The turbines will work most of the time in this range.GE's CTG does not include the flat,horizontal line indicating constant fuel consumption rate at increasing load. Unit fuel consumption of GE's aeroderivative turbines is strongly dependant on the load practically over the entire range of load.When the power demand decreases to below 60 MWe,only one Alstom or GE CTG +STG set will be operating. 13 PRECISIONIDESERVICESINC. Table 4 Output ofhheat recovery system Total Plant output with PM MWe Installed Required i.Alstom 2 CTG,1 HRSG+1STG Bethel 152 MWe 90.1 MWe +1 CTG stand-by Crooked Creek 152MWe 75.6MWe In this STG both locations 26 MWe District heating Bethel +177 MM Btu/hr Crooked Creek +2.0 MM Btu/hr il.GE 2 CTG+1 HRSG+1STG Bethel 150MWe 90.1 MWe +1 CTG stand-by Crooked Creek 150MWe }75.6MWe In this STG 10.6 MWe District heating MM Btu/hr Bethel +177 MM Btu/hr Crooked Creek +2.0 MM Btu/hr iii.MAN B&W Bethel 118.83MWe 90.1 MWe Crooked Creek 118.3 MWe 75.6MWe Heat recovery system Bethel +125.7 MM Btu/hr (insufficient heat supply) Crooked Creek 2.0 MM Btu/hr iv.Wartsila HRSG Bethel 132.0MWe 90.1 MWe Crooked Creek 115.5 MWe 75.6MWe Heat recovery system Bethel +118.6 MM Btw/hr (insufficient heat supply) Crooked Creek +2.0 MM Btu/hr C.Comparison of Combustion Turbines with Diesel Engines applied in the Prime Moving duty. Combustion turbines have become a widely accepted technology for producing power,especially when there is a need for small efficient Power Plants working in the combined cycle.Diesel engines have been proven over numerous years and the application to be a reliable source of power in Alaska.Both technologies demonstrate advantages and disadvantages,as outlined below: 1.Combustion Turbine Advantages a.High Efficiency when applied in the combined cycle.The exhaust gas temperature in a combustion turbine is very high,in the range of 900°F to 1100°F,which makes recapturing the heat for cogeneration and production of additional power in a steam turbine relatively easy. In the case of the MPP,where there is need for recovering low 14 DE PRECISION ERERGY SERVICES INC. temperature heat for tank and space heating,the thermal efficiency depends only on the minimum allowable stack temperature determined by the SO,content in it.In the MPP a total thermal efficiency of 84%is not only possible but feasible. High Reliability -Combustion turbines are well known for their excellent reliability,approaching 100%(see attached charts for the GE LM2500 turbine,Appendix).The reliability of GE's LM6000 and Alstom's GTX100 is in the same range. Multi-Fuel Capability--Combustion turbines offer the ability to burn various fuels ranging from natural gas to Naphtha and diesel fuel. Relative efficiency remains comparatively consistent for all fuels and only varies with the heating value of the fuels.The multi-fuel capability makes the CT a reliable choice for Alaska,where during certain times some fuels may not be readily available. Low Weight -Combustion turbines exhibit low unit mass per MW output,especially when compared with diesel engines. 2.Combustion Turbine Disadvantages: a.Lower Efficiency in the simple cycle as compared to Diesel engines. For a combustion turbine plant to operate at peak efficiency the steam loop must be included and operating. Requires well experienced and educated maintenance staff. Specialized parts -Combustion turbines require specialized parts, which are only obtainable from the manufacturer. 3.Advantages of Slow Speed Diesel Engines a.High Efficiency -Slow speed diesel engines,operating at 514 RPM offer the best simple cycle thermal efficiency of any technology readily available.This means that even when the heat recovery system _is inoperable,the engines can operate with 48%efficiency.This is much higher than the combustion turbines,which have a simple cycle efficiency of 37%.This also leads to lower fuel consumption than combustion turbines in simple cycle. Multi Fuel Capability-Slow speed diesels are able to burn every fuel we have investigated except for Naphtha.Again,since fuel availability may change in a remote location like Bethel this is a benefit. 15 IPE!nanaNONSERSERVICESINC. Drawbacks of Diesel Engines: a.Weight -The Diesel engines are extremely heavy,which means moving them on and offsite will require very large cranes.The 18 MW diesel engines evaluated in this study (18V46 or 18V48)weigh in excess of 260 tonnes (570,000 lbs)each,or roughly 16 tons of weight per MW of output,which makes moving them difficult.For comparison;a combustion turbine of twice the output weighs less than 40 tonnes or roughly one ton of weight per MW of output. Foundation construction cost is closely tied to the weight and vibrations generated by the engines.Due to their low rotational speed in the range of 514 RPM their low frequency vibrations are significantly closer to the natural frequency of the support structures and more likely to cause resonance.The foundations required for the diesels must be highly engineered;they are significantly larger and more complicated than those for CTs.There will also be aneed for an increased number of piles to account for the additional weight and vibration loads. Lower Combined Cycle Efficiency -In combined cycle with district heating,the thermal efficiency of the diesels is lower than a combined cycle combustion turbine arrangement.This is due to the lower temperature exhaust heat available from the diesels and large losses in the lubricating oil and jacket water cooling systems.With the highest possible degree of waste heat recovery,the thermal efficiency of system with the diesel engine is up to 10%lower than the equivalent thermal efficiency of a combustion turbine applied in the combined cycle. Lubrication Oil Needs -Slow speed diesels require massive amounts of lubrication oil to operate.At full load the lubricating oil consumption is 0.8 gram/kWh (0.00176 Ib/kWh),which for the Bethel located plant operating at average 80%capacity will amount to 556 tons,over 3500 barrels of lubricating oil per year. Maintenance -Diesel engines require more maintenance thancombustionturbines.This means that there is more downtime associated with each engine and more staff will be required. Diesel engines generate large amounts of NOx -in the range of 940 to over 1000 ppm vol.Even if costly,both in capital and operating cost SCR systems are applied,they cannot sufficiently reduce the NOx performance of the combustion turbines,which is in the range 16 IPE:PRECISION BNEROY SERVICES INC. of 35 ppm vol.THis performance is guaranteed by both GE and Alstom without an SCR system. Comparison Summary The lower thermal efficiency of the combustion turbine working in the simple cycle,as compared to the diesel engine,is most likely the primary reason why the CTGs have not found as wide a use in Alaska as diesel engines. Experience in other Northern countries,Sweden,Finland,and Iceland,show that combined cycle plants based on CT as prime movers are a viable technology capable of winning the market against diesel engines. Significantly lower weight makes them easier to transport and install at remote sites in Alaska.Both Chugach Electric Association and Anchorage Municipal Light and Power,the two major generating utilities in Alaska, generate their power using combined cycle generation. Experience shows that diesel engines require continuous supervision by mechanics and operators,whereas,combustion turbines can work with only once-a-week supervision. Nevertheless,diesel engine driven Power Plants are the most popular means of generating electricity in the remote locations of Alaska,primarily due to general familiarity with the diesel engine and very high reliability. The Power Generation system with CT drive consists of (see block diagram on next page,Figure 3): 1.Three combustion turbine-generator assemblies 2.One dual-pressure-level,heat recovery steam generator with the option of being duct-fired (HRSG) 3.One induction/condensing steam turbine-generator with condenser and cooling tower with saturated steam extraction for the district heating system 4.Advanced distributed control system (DCS)with the capability of operating peripheral balance of plant (BOP)systems. Related ducting and piping including required valves,dampers and actuation equipment 17 PRECISION SERVICES INC. Figure 3,Block diagram of the Combustion Turbine -driven Modular Power Plant .areat8'DEMIN WATER a pe||DEMIN WATER a Pw,a,%,eee eee Le!'x1Fr\°\rT ;z |CHEMICAL TREATMENT[a !\-rs an|z |hi |'CTG (STAND-BY)i!"A a CHEMICAL TREATMENTtae)5 1 L_.-_--__.-_7 |fae me ree ee eea|FA |:ss FEEDWATER Fa |og |AUXILLARY tos ------------1b 8 \-_-----I5|COMPRESSORAIRl=2)ee '1 |_| ns oo -- ee OR \CTG (aN|avery || HRSG SKID CEMS 77 ONDENSORga7'9T4i'4L||||LLIELThe combustion turbine-based plant is a 2-on-1 non-reheat combined-cycle Power Plant designed to generate the required electrical power with one train (CT and HRSG)out of service.The normal plant operating configuration will consist of two combustion turbine generators,(CTG),one dual-pressure-level,heat recovery steam generator with the option of being duct-fired (HRSG),one induction/condensing steam turbine-generator (STG). The design fuel is #2 diesel fuel oil (DF2)with the pour point suppressed to -15°F (See attached specifications).All major components are modularized to the maximum extent possible for quick erection and commissioning while still being transportable. For the purposes of further discussions,the Alstom Power Model GTX-100 combustion turbine-generator system will be used.Information on GE LM6000 combustion turbine and auxiliary systems will be provided to stress the differences,advantages and disadvantages. Each combustion turbine will be fitted with a generator driven directly by the turbine's shaft through a gear reducer.Exhaust gases from each CT are directed via a collector duct to one HRSG for steam generation.The turbine exhaust gases can be discharged via a diverter damper to the atmosphere;this in case the steam turbine cannot receive the full design flow of steam or the STG and/or HRSG require shutting down,for instance for maintenance. 18 PRECISION ENERGY SERVICES INC. Steam generation is as follows: Table 5 The Alstom HRSG with GTX100 will generate HP steam |up to 234,000 lb/hr _j at 1150 psia,950°F LP steam |up to 19,200 Ib/hr at 134 psia,407°F The GE HRSG with LM6000 will generate HP steam |up to 205,000 lb/hr |at 615 psia,750°F LP steam |Not included In the Alstom proposed system the generated steam is routed to a double steam turbine, which drives generator.The high-pressure steam supplies the HP turbine,and the low- pressure steam supplies the LP turbine.Up to 165,000 Ib/hr (in winter)of steam is extracted for district heating.The HRSG has also a supplementary liquid fuel -fired duct burner section,with which the steam output will be increased if the DH demand increases above available. The Power Plant in Bethel is designed with the flexibility to operate in 2 modes: Normal:2 GTX100 or LM6000 combustion turbine generators +1 HRSG +1 Steam turbine generator to achieve nominal output with one stand-by GTX100/LM6000 system. Emergency:When the steam turbine is unavailable due to repair/maintenance all three GTX100/LM600 machines can operate in simple cycle configuration to achieve the nominal output. In the arrangement for the Crooked Creek location,two GTX100 or LM6000 turbines will provide the required power output.To obtain a high thermal efficiency the system will also include an HRSG and STG,however,the output of the HRSG will be lower due to marginal demand for local heating. At both plant locations,for heating purposes in emergency situation,a stand-by,fuel oil fired boiler will be included. A detailed description of Alstom's GTX-100 and GE's LM6000 is provided in the attached literature., Comparison of GTX100 supplied by Alstom Power and LM6000 supplied by GE Power Systems Technical information about the two combustion turbines is provided in the attached Alstom and GE literature. 19 ADE pattedSERVICVICESINC. The turbines are comparable in size -the rated Alstom CT output is 42 to 43 MWe,the equivalent output of GE's LM6000 is 46.5 MWe. The net heat rates in Btu/kWh generated differ somewhat: -GTX100 7,683 Btu/kWh (at LHV), -LM6000 8,323 Btu/kWh (at LHV) The Alstom GTX100 machine has been engineered for the specific purpose:combined cycle power generation.The GE LM6000 machine is aero-derivative which means that the original design objective was an aircraft engine,where the weight and turbine shaft output are the predominant requirements.Ability to work in the combined cycle was not even among the objectives during the design phase. Figure 4 GTX100 Combustion Turbine Efficiency (Heat Rate)as a function of Base Load Percentage Efficiency,%Part Load Performance Combined Cycle 60 55 - 50 + 45 + 40+ 35 {t ;$ 50 60 70 80 30 100 Base Load Power,% At loads 73%and up the efficiency and heat rate remain practically constant. 20 PRECISION ENSEGY SERVICES INC. Figure 5 LM6000 Combustion Turbine Heat Rate(Efficiency)as a function of Base Load % PES Alaska Project -LM6000 Performance Heat Rate vs.Power +LM6000,Liquid Fue!ord mor 9 45F,40%RH +- 500 ft.Elevation she Water Injectionto42ppmNOx 0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000 45000 50000 As the graphs show,The LM6000 turbine reaches its highest efficiency /lowest heat rate at almost 100%of its output capability,whereas the GTX100 turbine maintains a steady heat rate /efficiency between 73%and 100%nominal capacity. The Alstom machine is built for stationary duty therefore it is heavier than the LM6000.On the other hand,the GTX100's are more efficient over a wider range of operating loads. Price wise,the LM6000 is about $680,000 ($16,000 /MWe)less expensive than the GTX100.The cost difference on 3 turbines,of $2,040,000 will be paid off by fuel savings within 6 months. Heat rate difference:(8,323 Btu/kWh (LM6000)-7,683 Btu/kWh (GTX100) =640 Btw/kWh Work-hours at 99%availability and 80%demand:24 x 365 x 99%x 80%=6938 hrs Fuel used on the heat rate difference:(A heat rate x hrs)4.44 million Btu /kWh,year Cost of fuel at $7.99 per million Btu delivered to Bethel $35.48 /kWh,year At 90 MW generation rate (power demand accounted above)$3,193,000 /year Fuel savings pay off period $2,040,000 /$3,193,000 =est.7 months and 20 days 21 Pe paemeyoMSERVICVICESINC. The Power Generation system with diesel engine drive consists of:- 1.Diesel engines,including stand-by,each driving one generator 2.One intermediate pressure heat recovery steam generator,with the option of being duct-fired,for the district heating system. 3.Advanced distributed control system (DCS)with the capability of operating also peripheral,balance of plant (BOP)systems. 4.Related ducting and piping including required valves,dampers and actuation equipment The diesel-based Power Plant will include a series of engine +generator sets.The number of engines for the Bethel location is five (MAN B&W)or six (Wartsila)and,for the Crooked Creek location,four (MAN B&W)or five (Wartsila).The capacity of a single MAN B&W engine is 18,427 kW (five engines produce 92,135 MW net);the respective number for the Wartsila engine is 16,600 kW.Five Wartsila engines will not supply the required capacity for the Bethel location of 90,100 kW.Because of this,six Wartsila engines are required for base duty.Similarly,for the Crooked Creek location the number of Wartsila engines required for the base duty is higher by one in relation to that ofMAN B&W engines (five versus four). To establish the required availability of power from diesel engines,two engines will be added at each location;one as hot stand-by and one as a maintenance unit. To increase the plant's thermal efficiency a heat recovery steam generator,with or without a steam turbine,may be included.Neither MAN B&W nor Wartsila included heat recovery features in their documentation.Utilization of waste heat is included herein based on PES' own calculations and evaluations. Remark:Installation of the diesel engines will be a very difficult task.In order to increase the efficiency and reduce cost as well as the requirement for maintenance,17 to 18 MW engines should be applied.The weight of each engine is in the range of 300 tons.The engines will be supplied assembled.This requires heavy cranage and moving equipment, which might not be available for the project or difficult to operate in the Bethel or Crooked Creek conditions. F.Heat Recovery Options for the Diesel Plant 1.From exhaust gases Approximately 30%ofheat supplied with the fuel leaves the engine with the exhaust gases.To obtain the numbers in Table 6 we have assumed that,due to low sulfur content (0.1 -0.2%)in the fuel,which translate into 100 to 200 ppm volume content in the exhaust,the flue gas temperature can be 235°F (with a 6°F safety margin).This allows larger heat recovery than if the sulfur content was 0.5%in the fuel (see V. Fuel Selection).The steam generated in a highly efficient HRSG can be used for 22 PEE.RES SIOMSERVICVICESINC. power generation and extraction for district heating,or it can be produced as saturated for district heating purposes only. Four engines (either MAN B&W or Wartsila)represent the case of the Crooked Creek plant location with Wartsila engines working at 88%of power demand (66.4 MWe vs.75.5 MWe) Table 6 shows that no matter which cogeneration method is chosen to fulfill the requirement for district heating in Bethel,both diesel-based plants will have to include,at average winter conditions,additional firing of 57 MM Btu/hr or 65 MM Btw/hr,respectively.The plant can supply district heating needs only when working at maximum capacity in mild spring or early fall conditions. Table 6 Engine MAN B&W WARTSILA Number of engines 4 5 4 5 6 Heat content in exhaust MM Btu/hr 174.0 217.4 159.6 199.5 239.5 Energy available MM Btwhr 128.4|160.4]120.9|151.2]181.5 Possible superheated steam |lb/hr 72,580 |90,725 |63,730 |79,660]95,600generation” MWe generation, extraction at 120 psig MWe 1.57 1.96 1.38 1.72 2.06 Saturated,120 psig ”lb/hr 103,480 |129,360 |92,620 |115,780 |138,940 1) 2) 3) 2.Heat recovery from lubricating oil and water jacket heat exchangers =Heat content in exhaust -(minus)heat content in flue gas at minimum allowabletemperature275°F. Superheated steam at 350 psig,550°F Production of saturated steam at 120 psig,if power generation is not required. Heat loss in cooling of lubricating oil and the engine water jacket is typical of diesel engines.The recoverable heat (above 180°F)amounts to a large percentage of the input fuel,5.9%in the lube oil cooling and 19%in the water cooling system.This amounts to a net loss equivalent to 165.4 MM Btu/hr or 1264 gallons of diesel fuel per hour;or 8.86 million gallon of fuel per year in the plant running at 80%capacity. The heat recovery challenge is related to the relatively low temperature heat energy, which excludes steam production.But this energy can be used for heating or pre- heating district heating circulating water and for local heating needs (tanks or space). After taking into account the heat from lubricating oil and water jacket heat 23 pttCIS}ONIDE:SERSERVICES INC. exchangers Table 6 from the above section.From exhaust gases,can be amended as follows: The plant will operate with the basic number of engines all the time,as required by the demand.When one engine goes off line for unplanned repairs,the hot-stand-by unit is put on line within minutes and the maintenance unit is put into hot-stand-by duty,if possible. Table 7 Summary of Heat Recovery Options Engine Number of engines Exhaust heat recovery Heat content in exhaust Energy available Superheated steam generation Possible power generation in condensing cycle Available heat from Lube Oil &Jacket Water system to be usedfor district heating Heat required for DH average Average heat shortage Required additional steam, average Heat required for DH winter Winter heat shortage Required additional steam in winter Effective power generation, average ” Effective power generation, winter ” MM Btu/hr MM Btu/hr lb/hr MWe MM Btwhr | MM Btu/hr MM Btu/hr lb/hr MM Btu/hr MM Btu/hr Ib/hr MWe MWe MAN B&W 4 5 174.0 217.4 128.4 160.4 72,580 |90,725 7.4 9.3 89.9 112.3 44.1 21.7 24,930 |12,270 87.1 64.7 49,235 |36,595 4.39 7.22 2.15 4.98 WARTSILA 4 5 159.6 199.5 120.9 151.2 63,730 |79,660 6.8 8.5 89.9 112.3 134.0 44.1 21.7 23,250]11,430 177.0 87.1 64.7 45,910 |34,090 3.72 6.28 1.64 4.19 6.74 ')=Heat content in exhaust -(minus)heat content in flue gas at minimum allowable temperature 275°F. 2) steam in extraction cycle at 120 psig. 24 Effective power generation is the power that can be produced with the additional Me eee noMSEnVICVICESINC. Heat Recovery Steam Generation System The Alstom HRSG will produce superheated steam,in unfired operation,at two pressure and temperature conditions:HP =1100 psia/950°F and LP =87 psia/386°F.The generated steam is routed to an arrangement of two steam turbines,which drives an electric generator through a gear.The high-pressure steam supplies the HP turbine,and the low-pressure steam supplies the LP turbine. GE proposed an unfired HRSG,single-pressure,two drum,natural circulation,top supported unit.Heat absorption surfaces will be mounted in factory-assembled modules to facilitate construction.The HRSG will produce superheated steam at 600 psig,750°F. The HRSG is also equipped with a supplementary liquid fuel -fired duct burner section. Some of the most important design features of the HRSG will include: «All tubes will be formed with extended surface arranged inline for ease of inspection,cleaning,and maintenance.In addition,access cavities will be provided between modules. »The inlet ductwork will include a gas distribution system for uniform temperature andflowuponreachingtheductburnersorsuperheaterbank. +The inlet duct will include multiple layer insulation. +Two-drum design -steam and mud drums. »Modular construction with integral circulators to minimize field welding of interconnecting risers and downcomers.Modular construction also allows factory hydrostatic testing to assure ease of installation. »Maximized module size to reduce foundation cost and area requirements. »The HRSG will be top-supported to minimize upper drum movement and eliminate expansion joints in the casing around the upper drum.Top support also simplifies upper drum interconnecting piping. The HRSG is designed and fabricated in modules with modularized steam and water piping to simplify shipping and assembly in Bethel. The diesel powered plant (see Table 7)will include a heat recovery steam,generator to generate superheated steam at 350 psig,550°F,a portion of which will be used for additional power generation and a portion will be used for providing heat for the district heating system. The unit will be constructed similar to the HRSG described in Section VI. At the Crooked Creek location,the entire superheated steam will be used for power generation in a condensing cycle. 25 PRECISION ERERGY SERVICES INC. A separate heat exchange system will recover heat from the lubrication oil (LO)cooling system and jacket water (JW)cooling system.This heat recovery system will be minimal at the Crooked Creek location and will provide the marginal amount of heat required for plant space heating,fuel heating and local community heating. H.Steam Turbine Module Factory assembled,complete with steam inlet valves and servo motors,piping, instrumentation and wiring to junction boxes. Exhaust direction:Axial Exhaust hood spray system Including: -Speed reduction gear;factory assembled,complete with instrumentation and wiring to junction boxes,quill shafts between turbine and gear and between gear and generator and electric turning gear »Steam admission and extraction -Main steam inlet with Emergency stop valve(s),hydraulic operated with integrated steam strainer Control valve(s),hydraulic operated Steam Inlet Pipes,downstream ESV -Induction steam inlet 1,with hydraulic operated Emergency Stop Valve,Steam Strainer and hydraulically operated control valve, -Gland steam system with interconnecting piping,gland steam system unit -assembled module,complete with instrumentation and wiring to junction boxes. -Lubrication Oil System with factory assembled,complete with piping,instrumentation and wiring to junction boxes lube oil supply unit,including: -Lube oil reservoir -Main oil pumpAC motor driven -Stand-by oil pump AC motor driven -Emergency oil pump DC motor driven -Hydraulically driven emergency coast-down oil pump -Oil Coolers (2 x 100%)with water cooled plate heat exchangers,provided with non-interupting switch-over valves -Duplex oil filters,provided with non-interupting switch-over valves -Oil temperature control valve -Oil vapour exhaust fan and demister -Oil heaters 26 PRECISION SERVICES INC. -Jacking oil pump -Oil dehydration unit »Hydraulic Oil System And other support systems and equipment required for efficient operation of the turbine.The system also includes insulation consisting of: -Noise enclosure over turbine,gear and generator to reduce noise to less than 85 dB(A) at 1 m (3 ft)distance «Rain shelters for oil units and auxiliary systems «Turbine casing heat insulation I.Steam Condensing (cooling)System including »Tubular steam condenser that condenses steam at 1.5 inches of Hg column «Cooling tower with basin and foundation «Condensate circulating pumps,each with 100%of total circulation capacity »Settling pond with appropraite piping »Condensate Polishing Plant Water for the cooling towers will either be drawn from wells or the river.As an alternative to cooling towers,the cooling system may consist of once through water cooling from a nearby pond in Bethel.Although the once-through cooling system is attractive from the cost and operation point of view,it may have environmental drawbacks,which will need to be addressed in any environmental report.A once through cooling system could reduce construction costs and lessen plant parasitic power. A packaged water tube -type boiler,diesel fired,will be installed for use during startup and to provide steam,in the event that all the three CTGs are not available for service to provide freeze protection,building heating and district heating system.The boiler can also be used to supplement the district heating system J.Electric Generation System,consisting of: "Three medium-voltage three-phase synchronous generators,each driven by the 2 active and one stand-by combustion turbines,13.8 kV,60 Hz .One three-phase synchronous generator driven by the steam turbine,also 13.8 kV,60 Hz. "Generator neutral earthing equipment .Medium-voltage switchgear with all feeders and coupling panels 27 me EaEeONSERVICVICESINC. Feedwater System 1.Feedwater Pumps The system includes two 75%capacity feedwater pumps,which deliver deaerated feedwater from the deaerator through the condensate heater and economizer to the boiler drum.The pumps are provided with minimum flow re-circulation controlled by a system of diaphragm actuated flow control valves.A main flow control valve will maintain the proper water level in the steam drum.The pumps will be capable of delivering feedwater to the HRSG at a pressure at least 3%above the highest safety valve setting on the HRSG,as required by the ASME code.The pumps will be horizontal multi-stage centrifugal type.One pump will have a dual drive including electric motor and steam turbine;the latter will be used at system start-up and to maintain,for safety purposes,water flow to the steam drum in case of total plant blackout. 2.Demineralizing System Two (2)100%makeup water demineralizer systems with capacity of 50 USgpm each will be provided.The systems will include 100,000-gallon makeup water storage tank from where makeup is pumped to the deaerator.The system will also provide,if required,water for injection in the CTG to control NOx emissions. 3.Phosphate Feed System Phosphate feed to the HRSG steam drum will be controlled to maintain the desired phosphate residual and alkalinity in the boiler water. 4.Organic Feed System will be introduced to the deaerator to maintain the desired specific conductance in the condensate. 5.Oxygen Scavenger Feed System includes chemical feed into the deaerator to remove dissolved oxygen in the condensate. Instrumentation and Controls including the DCS System OL The Plant DCS System The combustion turbine generators and steam turbine are controlled through an advanced distributed control system (DCS)consisting of an ABB Advant DCS equipment package.The Advant system is designed to provide automated start-up and shutdown of the CTGs and the STG from the control room.The DCS provides supervisory oversight,monitoring,and set point regulation for local controls devices. The supervisory function allows operation of major plant processes and equipment from the local control room.Processing units function independently,however,the 28 IPE:PRECISION ERERSY SERVICES INC. exchange of signals across the communications network for controls purposes is avoided wherever possible. Controls for the District Heating system and the BOP systems will be also integrated into the DCS system.The main functions of the DH system to be integrated into the DCS system are: Steam supply to the Central Heat Exchange Station based on ambient conditions and demand signals from local heat exchange stations. -System circulating water parameters,and so on. The system will allow a large degree of independence of the DH system within the framework of the Power Plant operation requirements. The Control Philosophy will be designed to the needs of the Modular Plant. 2.Process Controls Major plant systems to be controlled and monitored include: a.Combustion Turbine/Generator System b.Heat Recovery Steam Generator System C.Steam Turbine Generator System d.Condensate,Feedwater and Demineralizer System e.District Heating Systems 3.Combustion Turbine Generator Systems Each combustion turbine generator is supplied with a dedicated microprocessor -based control system.It contains the unit metering,protective relaying and controlswitches. The control system provides control functions including:fuel,air and emissions control;sequencing of turbine fuel and auxiliaries for start-up,shutdown and cooldown;monitoring of turbine control and auxiliary functions;protection against unsafe and adverse operating conditions. The plant control system will interface with the combustion turbine control system through a data link. The CTG is designed for a "pushbutton”start locally or from the control room.Its operation is fully automatic.The remote control from the control room is accomplished from the plant control system CRTs via a digital link from the CTG control system.The plant control system logs analog and digital data.UnderabnormalconditionstheCTGoutputmaybeloweredforshortdurationsduringthattime,the units will operate at a lower efficiency. 29 IDE:PRECISION ERMEREY SERVICES INC. 4.Steam Turbine Generator: The STG will be supplied with standard stand-alone control system handling allclosedandopenloopturbinecontrols.The control system will include: Woodward Governor S05E based turbine loop controlsAllenBradleyPLCmoduleforturbinesafetytripfunctionsAllenBradleyPLCforturbineauxiliarycontrolGeneratorAVR Generator protection relays and synchronizing equipment.pOop5.Heat Recovery Steam Generator System Control of the HRSG will consist of the following loops integrated into the plantDCSsystemtosafelyandefficientlymaintainsteamheaderandfeedwaterpressuretomatchturbine-generator requirements during start-up,normal operation,upsets,andshutdowns The HRSG control system will be comprised of the following subsystems: HRSG Drum Level Control System Steam Temperature Control Plant Service Steam Temperature Control Deaerator Level Controla9op 6.HRSG Drum Level Control System The HRSG drum level control system will be a conventional three-element control system using main steam flow as the feed-forward signal;drum level and feedwater flow as the feedback signals.Based on demand,the system controls a feedwater control valve to adjust the flow to the boiler.The system is designed to operate onsingleelementcontrolusingdrumlevelonlyduringstart-up. 7.Main Steam Temperature Control System The purpose of this system is to maintain the final superheater outlet temperature at a manually set value with minimum fluctuation.This 1s a single station,Cascade-typecontrolsysteminwhichthefinalsuperheateroutletcontrolunitservesasthemaster or primary control unit and the desuperheater outlet control unit serves as the slave or secondary control unit. 8.Plant Service Steam Temperature and Control Steam header temperature will be controlled through a desuperheater with a temperature controller that will regulate feedwater flow to maintain temperature. 9.Deaerator Level Control System The deaerator level will be controlled from the control room.If the level is low, make-up will be admitted from the demineralized water storage tank.Overflow will be discharged to the condensate tank.Level switches will be provided to alarm high and low levels and to trip the feedwater pumps on low-low level. 30 IPE:PRECISION ENERGY SERVICES INC. 10.Feedwater System Boiler Feedwater systems will be provided with pump minimum flow control,which is furnished by the pump manufacturer.This normally consists of an automatic recirculation control valve,which will circulate water back to the deaerator during periods of low HRSG feedwater demand. 11.Demineralizers The Demineralizer system will be equipped with a programmable controller (PLC). The water conductivity will be monitored in the control room. 12.-Plant Monitoring System All required plant parameters would be monitored and indicated,alarmed and/or recorded in the control room to facilitate the plant operator with control of the plant.The gas turbine will be interfaced to the plant control system for monitoring and trending. Local indicating devices,pressure gauges,thermometers,etc.,will be furnished for local monitoring of selected plant parameters.Grab sample ports will be provided on the condensate,feedwater and main steam lines for periodic analysis for other contaminants.Sample coolers,as required,will be provided. District Heating System 1.Bethel The Power Plant located in Bethel will include a district heating system,which will meet the diverse thermal energy needs of Bethel's residential,institutional, commercial and industrial customers.For the Crooked Creek location,it's proposed to include a small system for heating the local housing. Based on the heating oil usage records and projected city and surroundings growth, we estimate that Bethel will require the following heat supply: «Summer supply:'127 million Btu/hr averaged over for May -August «Winter supply:_177 million Btw/hr averaged over January &December «=Maximum winter supply:230 million Btu/hr for about 40°F *Yearly average supply:134 million Btu/hr Since the numbers represent monthly averages,the actual minimums and maximums may differ significantly from the given amounts.It is planned that during a 2 to 3 week period in July or August,the system will be shut down for maintenance.The maximum winter demand of 230 million Btw/hr is estimated based on recorded low temperatures. 31 IPE:PRECISION ERMERGY SERVICES INC. The system has been engineered so that every reasonably accessible building in Bethel can be supplied with heat and hot water.This includes all residential housing, schools,the community college buildings,government buildings,city buildings,the hospital,the prison,the airport,and local businesses.The system can also provide heat to an existing or new swimming pool for the general population of Bethel. The development of the Bethel Power Plant will include the construction of trunk pipelines (see drawing BT20089-00-000-001)for supplying heat to one Central Heat Exchange Station.From there one main trunk line will serve the airport and one will serve the City.The pipeline to the City will branch out to the North and East.It is assumed that smaller distribution lines for buildings or groups of buildings will be constructed by the City or by private enterprise. Heating buildings is accomplished by hot water produced during electricity production and then piped to receivers around whole districts.Providing both heat and hot water is an extremely efficient use of fuel and demands co-ordination of energy supply with local physical planning.There are over 30,000 district heating systems in the USA.Hot water district heating meets the thermal energy needs of residential,commercial and industrial users from the same distribution line. In the combustion turbine driven MPP,applying waste heat to district heating allows increasing the thermal efficiency of the plant to as high as 83 or 84%.In the diesel engine driven MPP,the thermal efficiency can be as high as 69%. The Bethel district heating system will be based on using hot water instead of steam as the thermal energy carrier.Older district heating systems use steam for this purpose,however,there has been a general movement towards using hot water, which is recommended by the International Energy Agency -an international body with headquarters located in Europe that promotes energy efficiency by using district heating and heat pumps.The advantages of water heating over steam heating are several,the most important of which are: a.Safety.Water is used in district heating systems with temperatures in the range of 170 -194°F (77 -90°C),which is sufficiently below the water boiling temperature.A leak in the piping,whether outside or inside the heated space,will not result in rapid conversion of water to steam,which prevents the possibility of scalding or a steam explosion. b.At working pressures the volume of steam is 180 times larger than the volume of the same mass of water.This means that water requires smaller diameter piping and valves,as well as smaller size pumping and heat exchange equipment.Smaller diameter piping results in lower overall heat losses;hot water systems lose only a maximum of 10%of their energy before it is delivered to the desired location, 32 IPE:pilesSERSERVICESINC. 'whereas same duty steam -based systems lose as much as 30%of their energy to ambient air. Due to safety considerations,pressurized steam systems must be built according to the ASME Code;as a result,they are significantly more expensive in both capital and operating cost terms.Steam systems are also more expensive due to larger pipe sizing and the requirement for higher horsepower of drives for pumping equipment.The maintenance cost of steam-based systems is also significantly higher than that of water-based systems. System Specifics a.Pipes &Pumps Sizing pipe for the district heating system was determined by the estimated heat usage of the Bethel community.The heat capacity of the Bethel district heating system was based on the average heating oil usage,accounting for 20%growth over 10 years.We estimated a heat delivery rate of 177 MM Btu/hr average load in winter,with a maximum momentary winter load of 230 MM Btw/hr.The heat load also accounts for utility hot water usage. Heating water delivery rate is based on the heat demand and the temperature difference between the delivery and return lines.At a AT of 65°F the required pipe size to avoid incurring excessive pumping costs while balancing capital costs is 16”pipe.The attached Tables DH1 and DH2 show calculation of the relative capital costs and yearly pumping costs based on heat demand.Calculated costs are for pipe sizes ranging from 10 inch to 24 inch. For supplying pipe we have contacted several manufacturers that are familiar with district heating pipe.Prices for the pipe ranged from $25 per linear foot for 10-inch pipe to $83.00 per linear foot for 24-inch pipe. The pump size needed was also determined using the table DH1.The 16-inch pipe seems to be the most economic.The required horsepower at 177 MM Btu/hr is 531 HP and 757 HP for 230 MM Btu/hr.This gave us the general pump size and required operating energy. b.Heat Exchangers The District Heating system will include main heat exchangers where the district heating water is heated with heat supplied from the Power Plant.The size of the heat exchanger was determined by the average winter heat rate of 177 MM Btu/hr.However,the system will have sufficient capacity to allow 33 IPE:oomsaeenSERVICVICESINC. 3. for heating demands during extreme low temperatures.The heat exchanger is a condensing type to make use of the latent heat of vaporization. After the main exchange station at the Power Plant,there will be several local exchange stations to deliver heat to individual or groups of houses.These stations will have heat exchangers that transfer the heat to a lower pressure loop that delivers hot water below 15psi.The reason for the low-pressure loop is to meet the 15psi limit for ASME building codes.The size of the intermediate heat exchangers will be determined by the heat requirements of the surrounding structures. Using water directly from the District heating system should be avoided to prevent contamination of the water in the main trunk lines,and to extend the life of the system.Contaminated water increases maintenance costs and causes premature failure in the main distribution lines.Also,the pressure for delivery water needs to be kept low for safety reasons.Since the delivery pressure in the main lines will be above 7Opsi,an intermediate loop will allow the pressure to be dropped to a reasonable level for safety. At the final delivery point,radiant heaters will be installed in individual buildings for heating.These heaters will run off the intermediate exchangers that are linked to the main trunk lines.In some cases,forced air heating units can be retrofitted for district heating. c.Backup System For the modular Power Plants,we will include a stand-by package oil-fired boiler used to supply heat for district heating.This boiler will only be operated when the plant is down for maintenance. System Installation The scope of the feasibility study only covers the basics of main trunk piping, primary heat exchangers at the power plant and exchange stations.A more thorough investigation will be needed to obtain a better knowledge of the customer base andtheengineeringspecificsofacompletedistrictheatingsystem. The overall capital equipment cost includes the main trunk lines,the delivery pumps and the primary heat exchangers at the power plant and exchange stations. The install costs for a district heating system will be significant,as several miles of main trunk lines will have to be laid.With our current information,we estimate that laying the main trunk line,installing the central exchange station,and insulating pipe joints will take about 40,000 man-hours.Additional residence and hookup costs will depend on the size and demand on the district heating system. 34 PE:pitalSERVIC.VIGES INC. The only needed regular maintenance for the district heatit¥g system will be on the primary feed pumps and heat exchangers at the Power Plant.Main trunk lines for district heating will have to be inspected yearly,as will intermediate heat exchangers. 4,Crooked Creek Because of the low population density and distances between houses,the cost of connecting to the system will be extremely high and was not investigated as part of this study. N.Environment Protection System The Environment Protection System of the combustion turbine-driven Modular Power Plant is simple and requires little or none controlling systems to maintain highest performance in Alaska.The Modular Plant will not generate emissions above the best performance of other type power plants.As a matter of fact,the factual emissions will comply with the BACT philosophy (best available control technology).It will generate practically no hazardous liquid or solid waste. 1.Emissions to the Ambient Air Alstom Power as well as GE Power are ready to guarantee emissions.The following table is the performance guarantee issued by Alstom Power. GTX100 AEV Burner System Load 50-100 %Fuel Fuel Diesel No 2 NOx ppm vol at 15%O2 35 35 25 CO ppm vol at 15%O,5 5 5 UHC ppm vol at 15%O,5 5 5 VOC ppm vol at 15%Oz 4 4 4 PM10 mg/Nm'°8 8 8 SO2 ppm vol at 15%O,<200 <200 <200 UHC -Unburned hydrocarbons;components are measured as C3Hg VOC -Non-methane,Volatile organic compounds;components are measured as C3Hg Ambient conditions: -Barometric pressure 950 -1050 mbar /13.7 -15.2 psia -Ambient temperature -35 --+50 C /-31 -122°F -Relative humidity 0-100% 35 IPE:PRECISION ERERGY SERVICES INC. GE Power Systems'stated performance is as follows: NOx ppmdv 42 NOx Ib/hr 53 CO ppmdv 6 CoO lb/hr 5 HC ppmdv 2 HC lb/hr 1 SO,ppm <200 The GE values are based on dry volume (commonly used in the USA),whereas Alstom is based on total volume (commonly used in Europe).The values are comparable;practically the same. Neither NOx nor CO emissions need to be controlled.For comparison,the performance of diesel engines installed in Alaska without tail-end gas treatment systems is in the range of 900 to 1000 ppm vol.Diesel engines even with a tail end control system -Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR)do not perform as well as the combustion turbines. Sulfur dioxide (SO)emissions depend entirely on the sulfur content in the fuel to be used in the Plant.The selected fuel (DF2 supplied by Tesoro)has an average measured sulfur content of 0.1%-one fifth of the permitted value. Particulate matter is produced from the incomplete combustion of fuels,additives in fuels and lubricants,and worn material that accumulates in the engine lubricant. These additives and worn materials also contain trace amounts of various metals and their compounds,which may be released as exhaust emissions. As the Alstom performance guarantee shows,the PM emissions from a GTX100turbineisintherangeof8mg/Nm'.The most stringent PM emission standards (forhazardouswasteincineration)set the limit at 25 mg/Nm?(for Environment Canada Standard). 2.Liquid and Solid Waste The plant produces negligible amounts of liquid or solid waste: -Blow down water from the HRSG at the estimated rate of 420 gallons per hour. This stream can be normally discharged to the sewer system,settling pond or can be recirculated back into the make-up water demineralization system. -Blow down (bleed rate)from the cooling tower circulating cooling water at the estimated rate of 10,000 gallons per hour.This stream is also not hazardous -ithasahigherconcentrationofmineralsinthewater;it can be normally 36 BES PRECISION ENERGY SERVICES INC. discharged to the sewer system or to a settling pond.Normally treatment of this stream is not required. -The plant will generate a very small amount of filtrate from filtering fuel before injecting to the combustion chamber.This waste will be placed in containers for disposal at a local landfill or for shipping to the mainland. -Other waste generated at the plant will be sewage and average municipal garbage.Which will be disposed of at the City of Bethel disposal facilities. 3.Noise prediction Both Alstom and GE Power Systems guarantee low noise from their turbines.Below a short noise prediction has been performed by Alstom for a typical energy park plant. Sound pressure levels in dB(A)have been calculated for receiver points at 1000,1500 and 2000 feet's distance from plant center.A grid noise map showing the predicted sound pressure levels over the surrounding area has also been calculated. For the predictions,Soundplan 5.6 for Windows was used.The calculations in Soundplan are made by the "General Nordic prediction method”. The acoustic model consists of all main buildings and major noise sources,which means that different screening effects are taken into account.The noise emission data (sound power level dB relative to 107?W)is introduced. In this prediction the values of the sound power levels from the noise sources is standard values.Often there is a specific noise limit mentioned in the contract.From the limit an acoustical design of the plant regarding different silencers and less noisy equipment is performed.In the typical prediction,the values of the sound power levels from the noise sources are standard values.Therefore it is possible to reduce the sound pressure levels in the receiver points if the customer presents any particular noise limits. The results of the prediction can be seen in Table 8 below.All values are A-weighted sound pressure levels relative to 20°Pa. The following page showsa picture of the average decibel ratings of some activities. 37 pesera x 8 & 2 Es i EB2 4 i: THRESHOLD OF PAIN = i ' ne stZstn met en enearn: Te i : PRECISION ENERGY SERVICES INC. ical Noise Levels RES Fi $40 4306 120 Derry vasa2(tatozey) 8 |iQ°aN a:"$000 10000 FREQUENCY oz 38 3 diamsvean eRe sateen PRECISION EMERGY£7 SERVICES INC. Table 8 Predicted sound pressure levels in dB(A) Receiver No:|Sound pressure level dB(A) 1 (1000 Ft)52 4 (1000 Ft)49 5 (1500 Ft)47 2 (1000 Ft)47 3 (1000 Ft)47 8 (1500 Ft)45 9 (2000 Ft)44 6 (1500 Ft)44 7 (1500 Ft)43 12 (2000 Ft)42 10 (2000 Ft)41 11 (2000 Ft)40 As the noise grid map and the above table show,the plant will not be heard in Bethel and the airport. 39 OV NSLength scale 1:650 Q150300 600. 900 4200aesfect Roseville Energy park Grid noise map KAX 100-2Alstom PowerSwedenAB2003-06-12Sound-pressure level indBA] we Bok)35<A<=3737<5 $<=39 39< <=4 41< <=43 43< <=45 45< <=47 47< <49 49< <=51 §1< <=53 §3< <=55 §5< <=57 57< <=59 59< <=61 61< <=63 83< (VJEP PAS]sinssoid punods pojysiporg 'deur Ssiou ply <7 sMsty SidASEEIME] 'ON SFIINGAS NOISI9z74d RES PRECISION EMESSY SERVICES INC. Balance of Plant Systems and installations include: .Compressed Air System, "Auxiliary Boiler .Plant Utilities :Buildings and other Enclosures .Maintenance Division .Plant Waste Management described in Section Environment Protection System The Compressed Air System will provide air for actuation of various control valves and for power tools.It consists of: :Compressor,120 psig,air cooled,with electric motor "Starting air receiver,working pressure 110 psig .Condensate collector for compressor and starting air vessel .All necessary piping 2.Auxiliary Boiler Diesel fuel and used lube oil -fired boiler working in standby duty.The boiler is used during plant start up for steam line blowing and to provide heating of the fuel and plant. During normal operations of the Plant,the boiler will be used sporadically during periods with very low ambient temperatures,when the heat recovery system cannot provide sufficient heat for space heating and the district heating system. The paged,water-tube boiler will be equipped with all necessary controls and instrumentation. 3.Fire Protection System: The fire protection systems will include redundant water pumps including a diesel engine -driven unit.The 100,000-gallon raw water storage tank will serve as a source of fire-fighting water.As an alternative,water from the cooling pond or make- up water well will be used.Appropriate detection,alarms will be included in strategic locations and system actuation will be automatic when and where necessary. For the main electric systems,automatic release halon extinguishers will be used: Control Room electric and electronic equipment .Distributed Control and Supervisory system processor .Motor Control Centers 'Turbine /Engine monitoring and control system 41 IPE:PRECISION ENERGY SERVICES INC. 4. .Station service transformer 13.8 kV /4160 V 60 Hz .Low-voltage distribution for auxiliary drives .DC supply system for monitoring and control systems .All other electrical equipment and installations requiring protection Plant Utilities Plant utilities include: 5. Water system for other than process uses -drinking and sanitary water and supply to the fire-fighting system.The utility water system is closely correlated with the process water system. Electric utility system -lighting,Maintenance Shop power,various non- process alarms and operation of the fire protection system.For the last function the system will be connected to the alternative UPS (Un-interrupted Power Supply)system.The system is closely correlated with the electric system for the process. Compressed air -described above Sewage and spill collection system will collect and deliver sewage and spills to a tank,which will be services by the City of Bethel or a local contractor. The HVAC system will be provided for the control room and electrical room and the maintenance shop only.The electrical room will be ventilated and cooled to maintain less than 85°F temperature.Control rooms will be maintained at 68°F.Introduction of outside ambient air was assumed sufficient for this purpose,i.e.;no mechanical cooling equipment is necessary.The rooms will be heated with hot water,as required for operator's comfort.The process buildings will be heated sufficiently by the process equipment;for ventilation,fans will be installed where required. Civil Works,Buildings and other Enclosures To minimize the cost and promote modularization all equipment of the Modular Power Plant will be housed in modular structures that will allow easy access to the equipment and also relocation of the plant.The structures will thermally and sound insulated as needed.Control Room,office and utility space will also be provided in modular units. 42 ft)paneSERSERVICESINC. As a result of such development,the civil works will be simplified and will include only necessary works and structures such as: .Site preparation,earthworks .Limited piling and foundations for placing the modules .Tank farm Geotextile lining,thermal protection of the Permafrost with Thermo Siphon .Simplified tank foundations .Tanks and other tank farm related works For a listing and specification of site development,earthworks,foundations and tank farm please see the attached Conceptual Design Report by LCMF LLC of Anchorage, Alaska. 6.Maintenance Shop Due to the limited capabilities for local fabrication and repair,the plant will include a reasonably sized maintenance facility.This facility will be able to service both basic plant equipment and the rolling stock on the premises.See attachment Maintenance and Repair Shops. 43 PRECISION ENEAGY SERVICES INC. VII.RELIABILITY AND AVAILABILITY STUDY A,Introduction The Feasibility Study of the MPP to be located in Bethel or Crooked Creek,Alaska,includes as an important section,Determination of the Plant's Predicted Availability and Reliability. Reliability is defined as the probability that an item (component,equipment,system or even an entire plant)will operate without failure for a stated period under specified conditions. Availability is defined as the fraction of the total time that a device or system is able to perform its required function.The availability can be expressed as a fraction (or percentage) as follows: MTTF MTTF +MTTR'Availability A = Where: MTTF =mean time to failure (mean time the items is working or available to do the work) MTTR =mean time to repair. MTTR +MTTF=total time Reliability is represented by:R =-_-_ Where: TT =total time in the period UPOT =unplanned outage time The reliability quotient includes planned outage (for instance,for planned maintenance or plant vacation shut down)in the time the system is ready to work.Only unplanned outages reduce the reliability factor. 44 :PRECISION EREREY SERVICES INC. ,B.Basis of High Availability and Reliability Plant operating availability and reliability depends on the following major areas: .Engineering &Construction .System/Equipment Redundancy .Equipment and Manufacturers .Maintainability and Operability .Operating &Maintenance Practices .Safety 1.Engineering &Construction Desired plant availability and reliability starts at the drafting table and engagement of the design company of the project from the very beginning.This is done through contracting with a reputable engineering and construction company that have the characteristics outlined below.The desirable situation would be a construction company with a strong engineering division specialized in power generation projects. The characteristics of desirable engineering and construction contractors: .Extensive and recent experience on similar or comparable projects .Excellent track record and client references .High caliber staff of professional engineers and managers .Good Quality Assurance Program based on company's own experience .Use of good engineering and design practices including; constructability,operability,maintainability,and adherence to safety 2.System /Equipment Design and Redundancy System/Equipment Design and Redundancy should provide for most efficient and reliable technology and layout,as well as for sufficient redundancy.One important ingredient of an efficient system is that it is based on equipment design that has been used extensively and successfully in similar applications with as much redundancy as practical. .Systems or equipment,by their nature of service,require frequent maintenance or whose loss would cause unit or plant outage should be designed with inherent redundancy. 'Use of system and equipment designs that have been applied and proven in similar applications exhibiting high availability and reliability 45 IPE orangoMSEAVICVICESINC. 3.Equipment and Manufacturers The objective here is to procure reliable equipment and to shorten downtime with the availability of Service Representatives and proximity of service shops. Procure equipment from leading and quality manufacturers that have excellent track record in the industry or similar applications Proximity and responsiveness of manufacturer's Service Representatives when called to assist Proximity of manufacturer's repair or overhaul shop 4.Maintainability and Operability The objective of plant maintainability and operability is to minimize the complexity and time required for maintenance and to operate the plant with minimum number of operator surveillance.This is generally accomplished by the following: Using equipment having features of low maintenance design Equipment designed to be maintained in-place with minimum disassembly and minimum usage of temporary scaffolding/ngging and handling tools. Installation of permanent maintenance platforms where required Accessibility and adequate space around equipment Permanent cranes and hoists where practical Environmental protection where necessary Equipment and system design selections based on minimizing operator attention Automatic startup and shutdown operation Manual intervention features of automatic processes Equipment capacity selection to provide maximum turndown,as may be required Monitoring of systems and equipment to provide operators information for safety and indications for required maintenance Remotely located control panels properly positioned for operator's visual and physical access in the control room Local control panels properly positioned for operator's visual and physical access Adequate lighting,ventilation and acoustic softening on operational areas Accessible valves,switches and other instruments 5.Operating &Maintenance Practices Perhaps this is the most significant factor affecting the reliability and availability of a plant.The objective here is to minimize unscheduled shutdowns of the plant by well 46 PRECISION ENERGY SERVICES INC. planned operating and maintenance procedures or practices.Some of the elements of good O&M practices are: .Having operating staff with the right training and educational credentials .Concise,easy to follow maintenance and operating procedures .Diligent monitoring and trending the systems and equipment performance .Preventive maintenance as recommended by equipment manufacturers .Adequate spare parts inventory .Membership in a spare engine pool .Good housekeeping practices 6.Safety Prevention of accidents and resultant injuries contribute significantly to plant availability and reliability.Here are some key OSHA items to consider: .Any hazardous materials should be stored and handled as required by applicable codes and standards . .Rotating equipment shall be provided with appropriate guards against accidental direct contact by operators and dropped tools that could ricochet to cause injuries or damage to sensitive equipment, instruments and devices. .Surfaces that are warmer than 120°F that are accessible to operators during routine maintenance and inspection procedures should be insulated. .Comfortable working environment .Operators free of prohibited drugs and alcohol 'Adequate lighting and ventilation .Good housekeeping practices C.Objectives of the Study Phase 1. 1. Concept and Definition/Design and Development Identify major contributors to risk and significant factors involved; Provide input to the design process and to assess the adequacy of overall design; Provide input to the assessment of the acceptability of proposed potentially hazardous facilities or activities; Provide information to assist in developing procedures for normal and emergency conditions; Evaluate risk with respect to regulatory and other requirements. 47 Re pstSERVICESINC. Phase 2.Construction,Production,Operation and Maintenance 1.Monitor and evaluate experience for the purpose of comparing actual performance with relevant requirements; Provide input to the optimization of normal and emergency procedures; Update information on major contributors to risk and influencing factors; Provide information on plant risk status for operational decision-making; Evaluate the effects of changes in organizational structure,operational practices and procedures,and plant and equipment.wPYwndThe project is at the first phase,Concept,Project Definition,Development Decision; therefore,the study will concentrate on the predicted reliability and availability of the Power Plant from the standpoint of Project Concept,Input Design Specifications and Preliminary Selection of Equipment and Systems. D.Scope Definition Objectives: .To define the system being analyzed; .Describe the main concerns that originated the risk analysis; .State assumptions and constraints governing the analysis; .Identify the decisions that have to be made,criteria for these decisions,and the decision-makers; 1.Definition Of The System Summary Nuvista Light and Power is planning to construct and operate a new power plant in Western Alaska.The Plant will supply electric power to the Placer Dome's Donlin Mine,to the City of Bethel and the neighboring villages and will supply steam and hot water to a district heating system for the City of Bethel.The subject of this Reliability Study is the MPP option in which combustion turbines or diesel engines would be applied for power and heat generation working in the combined cycle. Plant Description For specifics of the Plant please refer to Section VI.The plant will be sited to the south west of the City of Bethel at an area sized at approximately 80 acres.The site is in the proximity of the Kuskokwim River.The site sub-surface conditions are silty ground on top of not fully stable Permafrost -the average temperature of the frozen ground is slightly below water freezing,around 30°F -31.5°F.Soil geotechnical conditions are generally known for preliminary design of foundations and support 48 PEC PRECISION EREROV SERVICES INC. structures;however,more testing and evaluation is required to avoid errors in foundation design. An alternative location for the plant is Crooked Creek,AK,about 150 miles up river from Bethel.There are no reliable ground condition data;as a result,full geotechnical study of the ground conditions will have to be completed.However,an onsite examination of the borrow pit located at Crooked Creek indicates the soils consist of fractured rock,sands and silts.Based on these examinations it is expected that the soil conditions at Crooked Creek will be substantially improved over those at Bethel. Cogeneration Plant The Plant will include as prime movers three (3)fuel oil (diesel DF2)-fired combustion turbines of which two will be in continuous service and one in stand-by duty.The plant also includes a heat recovery steam generator and a steam turbine with condenser and cooling tower.The capacity of the Plant is as follows: At the Bethel location 126 MW CTG +25 MW Steam Turbine +up to 230 million Btu/hr thermal energy At Crooked Creek location 126 MW CTG +25 MW Steam Turbine +up to 3 million Btu/hr thermal energy - Fuel System The diesel fuel (DF2)or equivalent fuel oil #2 will be stored in a farm of eight (8)3.2 million gallons tanks installed next to the Cogeneration Plant.The fuel will be brought into the tank farm,during the Kuskokwim navigable period,between June 1 and September 30,by means of fuel barges with a capacity of 2.3 million gallons (7500 tonnes).The barges will bring the fuel to a fuel dock where it will be pumped to the bulk fuel tank facility headers via an eight inch (8”)insulated pipeline by means of a transfer pump.A standby transfer pump is also included. There are two 10 million gallon tank farms between the City of Bethel and the Power Plant operated by fuel shipping companies and storing mostly diesel fuel. Other plant systems are described in Section VI.Description Of The Power Plant. The content of sulfur in fuel and resulting from this content of SQ?in flue gas is below Environmental Standards that will be imposed on the Plant,therefore,removal of SO;from flue gas (FGD system)will not be required. Generation of nitrogen oxides in the combustion turbines is below requirements, therefore,special means for NOx reduction (SCR)will not be required. 49 IPE:aenonSERVICVICESINC. Pignt Operation The MPP will be operated on a 24-hour,7 days /week basis with no planned shut downs.Since there is one CTG stand-by unit,there is no need to reduce the plant capacity for planned maintenance.If theHRSG or steam turbine needs to be taken off line for repairs or maintenance,the following operations procedures will be implemented: The two CTG may be run at full capacity generating a total of 85 MW net.Taking into account that the gross plant output includes the assumed power contingency and parasitic power demand of the steam plant (please refer to III.Project Specifications, Subsection A.Requirement Specifications),this output is sufficient to supply 100%- power demand of the customers. In a highly unlikely situation,when two CTGs and steam turbine are out of commission one CTG will supply 42 MW,all of the generated power will be sent to the Donlin Mine and the City of Bethel will start up their stand-by diesel generator. Heat for the district heating system will be supplied either from the HRSG with steam by-pass to the DH system,or from the stand-by boiler if the HRSG is also out of commission. 2.Main Concerns a.Power Supply Interruptions The Power Plant will produce electric power to be supplied to the City of Bethel (9.3 MWe),Donlin Mine (70 MWe +5 MWe transmission loss)and villages,and thermal energy to be supplied to Bethel and the villages. Interruption of power and heat supply may be harmful to both the residents and the mine operations.The related main concern is downstream of the process (supplying the customers). b.Ground Stability The plant will be built in the Kuskokwim delta where the ground is unstablepermafrostwithtoplayerbeingsiltousmaterial.Localized damage to the permafrost caused by heating and unnecessary penetrations may result in extensive losses of foundation stability and permanent damage to the plant. 50 IDES PRECISIONEREROY SERVICES INC. c.Fuel Suppl» As in any combustion power plant,fuel supply is critical for uninterrupted operation.This issue is described in full in Section V.Possible vulnerabilities are: .Late start of fuel supply season due to navigating conditions on the Kuskokwim River .Shortage of fuel on the market due to international conditions. .Inadequate fuel quality Late start of the navigational season due to weather conditions may result in disruptions of power generation near the end of May and into June.Shortage of fuel on the market will also be most visible in May and the following months.Inadequate fuel quality may result in increased fuel consumption (due to lower heating value),which in turn will result in faster depletion of the fuel stored in the tank farm. d.Instrumentation and controls are extremely important to reliable operation of the system.The issue is flagged here to raise the _.awareness of the engineer during the design and system supplier selection process. e.Plant Operations Management and Control System (DCS) Even the smallest errors in process design including the distributed control system and in operating and maintenance procedures may result in extensive reduction of the system reliability and availability. f.Other Concerns Other concerns include factors whose impact on the plant reliability is presently perceived to be minimal yet in certain conditions could be detrimental to the availability.Included here are: "Make-up water supply and treatment;interruption of make-up water supply for a period longer than 48 hours will require shutting down the HRSG and,as a consequence,will eliminate power generation in the steam cycle. "Excessive snowfall would limit access to the equipment modules.The largest snow precipitation values are in the range of 3 to 5 feet over the winter period.Larger snowfalls,especially such that happen in a short time span may cause significant operating and maintenance problems. 51 IPE:ERECISIONSERSERVICESINC. Winds.The Bethel area has a very high proportion of strong winds. The Pressure Vessel design Code requires that structures be designed for winds up to 110 miles per hour. Plant lighting and grounding Fire prevention 3.Estimation of Availability of Equipment and Systems;Addressing the Concerns. In this study the main concern is the Reliability(R)and the Availability (A)of the entire power plant,not just single equipment items or even systems. a. b. Power Supply Interruptions are the results of possible operating problems.As described above,the plant layout provides for various arrangement of equipment that result in high reliability.At normal operations and properly conducted planned maintenance the system will achieve a reliability factor approximating 100%.The main processing equipment -combustion turbines or diesel engines,all with generators,exhibit reliabilities in the range of 99.0%to 99.8% (see Attachment Reliability/Availability of GE LM6000 &Alstom GTX100 turbines).The plant has stand-by,redundant prime movers to eliminate any uncertainty of their operation. In light of this,the Availability of the prime movers,including generators can be assumed as 100%.The Reliability of the prime moving system with redundant equipment,whose time from start to full capacity does not exceed two minutes due to "hot stand-by',can also be assumed as 100%.The percentages are not for single equipments but for the entire prime power generation system. Other process systems,the HRSG and the steam turbine generator have also very high R/A factors;however,as described above,their failure do not impact the overall plant R and A. Ground Stability In predicting the ground stability the most important step is selection of engineering and construction contractors with extensive and recent experience,excellent track record with high caliber staff of professional engineers and managers.Based on the predictions,the same team will design and build the foundations for the plant.Properly designed foundations should have a reliability and availability of 100%. 52 IPE:PRECISION ERERGY SERVICES INC. c.°Fuel Supply To prevent any process interruptions caused by fuel supply problems,some important measures will be undertaken,such as: .Enter into fuel supply agreements with a reputable company. .Acquire own fuel barges and tugs,which would be dedicated to bringing fuel to the plant. With all measures undertaken to assure fuel supply,the Reliability and Availability values are proposed to be assumed 100%.This does not include the factor relating to the situation on the international market.Taking into account that there is fuel obtained from local Alaska resources,this factor may impact only the cost of the fuel. d.Instrumentation and Controls and Plant Operations Management and Control. The Reliability and Availability of the Plant due to these factors will be controlled by high quality engineering of the process and the control system, including where required sufficient redundancy,as well as procuring the equipment from the most reliable suppliers (ABB,Honeywell,Allan-Bradley, Emerson). It is proposed to assume the R and A factors as 100%. e.Other factors Taking into account all auxiliary systems having impact on the Reliability and Availability of the plant and built in redundancy,it is proposed to assume the R and A factors as 100%.Some of the redundancies include: «Doubled water treatment and preparation system (100%redundancy) »Connection of all modules with covered passages »Fire alarming and fighting systems as well as stringent implementation of fire prevention means 53 PRECISION ENERGY SERVICES INC. E.Estimation of Plant Availability and Power Supply Reliability The plant consists of several in-line (series)and parallel systems. In-line:fuel supply >storage >delivery to prime movers >combustion in prime movers >power generation >substation (transformer and breakers)>supply to clients. Parallel:3 CTG lines;1 STG line (HRSG +STG) Auxiliary system. In practice,all systems of the Power Plant operate in parallel,which means that for each important system,sub-system or device there is a back-up system,sub-system or device.The availability of the plant will therefore be equal to the availability of the weakest point in the system. In line system reliability Fuel supply to battery limits (tanks)100% Fuel supply from battery limits to Prime Movers 100% Process (PM +generators +substation)99.4% Ground stability 100% All other factors combined 100% Total line reliability =100%x 100%x 99.4%x 100%x 100%=99.4% Forced Outage Rate (F.O.R.)=1-0.994 =.006 Hours per year unavailable to serve load =8760*.006 =52.56 hr/yr The plant availability will be reduced by planned maintenance of systems impacting the output of the entire plant.Since these systems include sufficient redundancy for maintenance work,it could be assumed that the Power Plant Availability =Power Plant Reliability =99.4% 54 PRECISIONIDES22SERVICESINC. VII.COST SUMMARY The following Table provides a cost summary of the MPP based on the Combustion Turbine technology and plant location in Bethel.The system costs include: Equipment cost Installation cost Shipping cost Project engineering and management Cost of camp for workers including food allowance and travel to mainland Table 9 System System Cost Combustion Turbine Equipment 51,300,000 Steam Co-Generating System 18,809,600 Combustion &Steam Turbine Additional Equipment 11,162,800 Civil &Structural,including LCMF scope 44,585,000 Plant Services 3,470,650 Rolling Stock 585,000 Project Services and installations 14,771,113 Start up and commissioning 398,420 Total Plant 145,083,000 Contingency 10%14,508,000 Grand Total Plant 159,591,000 Cost per Megawatt @ 150 MW Gross Output 1,063,940 Not Included in the Modular Plant Price: Environmental Impact Study $3,000,000 District Heating System $12,209,500 Total Not Included in Modular Plant Price $15,209,500 _The equipment cost of the diesel --based power plant is in the same order as the cost of the CT - based power plant,however,the installation cost,including bringing in cranes of sufficient lifting capacity,is significantly higher than that for the CT -based plant. 55 IDES PRECISIONENMEASYSERVICESINC. Table 9a shows the cost of the Modular Plant mounted on a barge.The fuel storage Tank Farm, the 100,000 gallon water tank,as well as the maintenance shop will be located on shore. Table 9a System System Cost Combustion Turbine Equipment 49,117,500 Steam Co-Generating System 16,112,000 Combustion &Steam Turbine Additional Equipment 9,208,900 Civil &Structural,including LCMF scope 38,335,000 Plant Services 2,674,825 Rolling Stock 385,000 Project Services and installations 14,771,100 Start up and commissioning 398,425 Cost of barge 4,500,000 Total Plant 135,502,750 Contingency 10%13,450,250 Grand Total Plant 148,953,000 Cost per Megawatt @ 150 MW Gross Output 993,020 The capital cost of the barge mounted power plant is $10,638,000 lower than the cost of land- mounted plant. 56 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 Land Based Combined-Cycle Combustion Turbine Plant Combustion Turbine Equipment Combustion Turbine GTX1000 +Generator package Bypass stacks with silencers and ducting Generating Plant DCS system Enclosures for Combustion Turbines Sub-total Combution Tubines Steam Co-Generating System Turbine Module MP24 Speed Reduction Gear Main Steam Inlet Induction Steam Inlet Gland Steam Unit Gland Steam Condenser Lubrication Oil System Lube Oil Supply Unit Oil Purification Unit Hydraulic Oil System Hydraulic Oil Supply Unit Servo Motors for Control Valves Drain System Internal Turbine Drains External Turbine Drains 2.16 Complete Steam Turbine Module with Above Components 2.17 Enclosure for Steam Turbine 2.18 Supervisory Services for Install 2.19 Insulation for Turbine &HRSG 2.20 HRSG with duct burner &stack 2.21 Feedwater Pump skid (install includes piping to HRSG) Sub-Total Steam Co-Generation System 3 Combustion &Steam Turbine Additional Equipment 3.1 Cooling tower (CT)with basin and foundation 2.2 Settling pond piping to pond 3.2 Condenser 3.3 Condensate Polishing Plant 3.4 Deaerator 3.5 Fuel pump system 8/28/2003 10:56 AM 1 47,525,000 1,535,000 1,400,000 840,000 51,300,000 6,800,000 565,000 250,000 10,605,000 589,600 18,809,600 1,392,000 668,600 922,800 236,400 174,800 289,800 Cost Breakdown Land Based CT plant Electrical equipment with start up and step down transformers,3.6 relay cabinets,MCCs 3,502,000 3.7 Continuous Emissions Monitoring System NOx,CO,O,436,400 3.8 Water demineralizer with demin.water storage tank 350,000 3.9 Main step up transformers,switchgear &substation 0 3.9.1 Piping and valves (controls)&actuation 750,000 3.9.2 Fuel piping system betw.intermediate tank to turbines 250,000 3.9.3 Steam piping system 855,000 3.9.4 Process water piping including CT circulating water 750,000 3.9.5 Compressed air piping (instrument and actuation air)140,000 3.9.6 Black Start Diesel Generator 445,000 Sub-Total of Additional CT &ST Equipment 11,162,800 4 Civil &Structural 4.1 Foundations for Combustion &Steam Turbines &HRSG 1,750,000 4.2 Foundations for Tank Farm 6,570,000 4.3 Site Leveling,Grading and Roads 3,000,000 4.4 Turbine Modularized Enclosures Remainder 760,000 45 Fuel tankage 25 million gallons +raw water +intermediate tank +24,502,000allrelatedpiping 4.6 Chemical Storage 265,000 4.7 Dock for Unloading Equipment &Fuel 2,700,000 Sub-total Civil and Structural Including LCMF*39,547,000 5 Plant Services 51 Compressed air system (compressor with filter,dryer,receiver 565.000:tank,non-instr air distrib)° 5.2 Electric wiring,lights,...900,000 5.3 Plant Wide Fire Protection System 300,000 5.4 |UPS Backup System 94,000 5.5 Maintenance shop equipment 432,650 5.6 Closed Circuit television System 154,000 5.7 Control System periphery,integrated with DCS 140,000 5.8 Package Boiler 885,000 Sub-total Plant Services 3,470,650 6 _Rolling Stock: 6.1 4 Wheel Drive Pickup(s)105,000 8/28/2003 10:56 AM 2 Cost Breakdown Land Based CT plant 6.2 6.3 Fork Lift Crane with 75'Pick Height (75 Ton) Sub-total Rolling Stock Project Services and installations Engineering Engineering in office Project engineer at site Construction site management &coordination Project manager "Shift"supervisors at the site 3 persons Environmental &Safety SI Procurement 2 persons Clerical 2 persons Warehouse 1.5 person average over 2 years Environmental and other permitting Freight to Port of Seattle in addition to vendor freight On-&off-shore unloading installations -dock,cranes Constructions works NI with equipment &installations Mechanical erection including labor and tools NI above Thermal Insulation Painting Construction camp and housing Camp utilities:Power,water,sewer,heating Camp supplies &storage;food Camp maintenance Construction Waste storage &disposal Hazardous Materials considerations Well Drilling and Permitting Well Pumps &Piping Water Filtration System Health Services on Site or Location in Town Travel to &From Job Site Sub-total Project Services &Installations Start up and commissioning Fuel line flushing Lube oil flushing and dehydration Steam blows Trial runs of turbines 8/28/2003 10:56 AM 3 105,000 375,000 585,000 7,049,500 523,520 431,013 1,221,547 305,013 461,520 112,000 82,000 400,000 200,000 250,000 250,000 500,000 500,000 2,020,000 90,000 50,000 200,000 75,000 25,000 25,000 14,771,113 62,120 21,780 35,560 94,320 Cost Breakdown Land Based CT plant Trial run of the plant Sub-Total Startup and Commissioning Total Plant Contingency 10% Total Plant Cost per Megawatt @ 150 MW Gross Output Not Included in Modular Plant Price: Environmental Impact Study 1A _District Heating System: 1.1 Main Feed Pumps 1.2 Central Heat Exchange station 130 to 230 MM Btu/br 1,3 Trunk lines 2 sets x 6.2 miles 1.4 Local Heat Exchangers 1.5 Branch Piping 1.6 Joint Insulation (1700 Joints to insulate) 1.7 |Equipment Rentals &Purchase Sub-total District Heating System Total Not Included in Modular Plant Price 8/28/2003 10:56 AM 4 184,640 398,420 140,045,000 14,005,000 154,050,000 1,027,000 3,000,000 210,000 126,000 6,600,000 176,000 3,450,000 722,500 500,000 12,209,500 15,209,500 Cost Breakdown Land Based CT plant Barged Based Combined-Cycle Combustion Turbine Plant 1 Combustion Turbine Equipment 1.1 Combustion Turbine GTX1000 +Generator package 1.2 Bypass stacks with silencers and ducting 1.3 Generating Plant DCS system 1.4 Enclosures for Combustion Turbines Sub-total Combution Tubines 2 Steam Co-Generating System 2.1 Turbine Module MP24 2.2 Speed Reduction Gear 2.3 Main Steam Inlet 2.4 Induction Steam Inlet 2.5 Gland Steam Unit 2.6 Gland Steam Condenser 2.7 Lubrication Oil System 2.8 Lube Oil Supply Unit 2.9 Oil Purification Unit 2.10 Hydraulic Oil System 2.11 Hydraulic Oil Supply Unit 2.12 Servo Motors for Control Valves 2.13 Drain System 2.14 Internal Turbine Drains 2.15 External Turbine Drains 2.16 Complete Steam Turbine Module with Above Components 2.17 Enclosure for Steam Turbine 2.18 Supervisory Services for Install 2.19 Insulation for Turbine &HRSG 2.20 HRSG with duct burner &stack 2.21 Feedwater Pump skid (install includes piping to HRSG) Sub-Total Steam Co-Generation System 3 Combustion &Steam Turbine Additional Equipment 3.1 Cooling tower (CT)with basin and foundation 2.2 Settling pond piping to pond 3.2 Condenser 3.3 Condensate Polishing Plant 3.4 Deaerator 3.5 Fuel pump system 8/28/2003 10:58 AM 1 46,175,000 1,310,000 950,000 682,500 49,117,500 6,125,000 407,200 250,000 8,805,000 524,800 16,112,000 1,176,000 644,300 836,400 193,200 142,400 257,400 Cost Breakdown Barge Based CT Plant Electrical equipment with start up and step down transformers,3.6 relay cabinets,MCCs 2,206,000 3.7 Continuous Emissions Monitoring System NOx,CO,O,393,200 3.8 Water demineralizer with demin.water storage tank 327,500 3.9 Main step up transformers,switchgear &substation 0 3.9.1 Piping and valves (controls)&actuation 750,000 3.9.2 Fuel piping system betw.intermediate tank to turbines 250,000 3.9.3 Steam piping system 765,000 3.9.4 Process water piping including CT circulating water 750,000 3.9.5 Compressed air piping (instrument and actuation air)95,000 3.9.6 Black Start Diesel Generator 422,500 Sub-Total of Additional CT &ST Equipment 9,208,900 4 Civil &Structural 4.1 Foundations for Combustion &Steam Turbines &HRSG 1,750,000 4.2 Foundations for Tank Farm 6,570,000 4.3 Site Leveling,Grading and Roads 1,500,000 4.4 Turbine Modularized Enclosures Remainder 580,000 4 5 Fuel tankage 43.7 million gallons at 80%plant utilization /50%2.702.000,efficiency +raw water +intermediate tank +all related piping a 4.6 Chemical Storage 220,000 4.7 Dock for Unloading Equipment &Fuel 2,250,000 Sub-total Civil and Structural Including LCMF*35,572,000 *Reduced Price Reflects 8 tanks not 10 tanks 5 Plant Services 51 Compressed air system (compressor with filter,dryer,receiver 542.500,tank,non-instr air distrib)° 5.2 Electric wiring,lights,...450,000 5.3 Plant Wide Fire Protection System 210,000 5.4 UPS Backup System 89,500 5.5 Maintenance shop equipment 415,325 5.6 Closed Circuit television System 100,000 5.7 Control System periphery,integrated with DCS 72,500 5.8 Package Boiler 795,000 Sub-total Plant Services 2,674,825 6 Rolling Stock: 6.1 4 Wheel Drive Pickup 105,000 8/28/2003 10:58 AM 2 Cost Breakdown Barge Based CT Plant 6.2 Fork Lift 6.3 Crane with 75'Pick Height (75 Ton) Sub-total Rolling Stock 7 Project Services and installations 7.1.Engineering Engineering in office Project engineer at site 7.1.1 Construction site management &coordination Project manager "Shift"supervisors at the site 3 persons Environmental &Safety SI Procurement 2 persons Clerical 2 persons Warehouse 1.5 person average over 2 years 7.2.Environmental and other permitting 7.3 Freight to Port of Seattle in addition to vendor freight 7.4 On-&off-shore unloading installations -dock,cranes,.. 7.5 Constructions works NI with equipment &installations 7.6 Mechanical erection including labor and tools NI above 7.7 Thermal Insulation 7.8 Painting 7.9 Construction camp and housing 7.10 Camp utilities:Power,water,sewer,heating 7.11.Camp supplies &storage;food 7.12 Camp maintenance 7.13 Construction Waste storage &disposal 7.14 Hazardous Materials considerations 7.15 Well Drilling and Permitting 7.16 Well Pumps &Piping 7.17 Water Filtration System 7.18 Health Services on Site or Location in Town 7.19 Travelto &From Job Site Sub-total Project Services &Installations* *Reduced Price Reflects minor reductions in needed equipment 8 Start up and commissioning 8.1 Fuel line flushing 8.2 Lube oil flushing and dehydration 8.3 Steam blows 8.4 Trial runs of turbines 8/28/2003 10:58 AM 3 65,000 215,000 385,000 7,049,500 523,520 431,013 1,221,547 305,013 461,520 112,000 82,000 400,000 200,000 250,000 250,000 500,000 500,000 1,885,000 90,000 50,000 200,000 75,000 25,000 25,000 14,636,113 62,120 21,780 35,560 94,320 Cost Breakdown Barge Based CT Plant 8.5 Trial run of the plant 184,640 Sub-Total Startup and Commissioning 398,420 9 Additional Equipment for Barge Plant 9.1 Barge 350'X100'refurbished 4,500,000 Total Plant 132,590,000 Contingency 10%13,259,000 Total Plant 145,849,000 Cost per Megawatt @ 150 MW Gross Output 972,000 Not Included in Modular Plant Price: Environmental Impact Study 3,000,000 1A District Heating System: 1.1 Main Feed Pumps 210,000 1.2 Central Heat Exchange station 130 to 230 MM Btwhr 126,000 1.3 Trunk lines 2 sets x 6.2 miles 6,600,000 1.4 Local Heat Exchangers 176,000 1.5 Branch Piping 3,450,000 1.6 Joint Insulation (1700 Joints to insulate)722,500 1.7 Equipment Rentals &Purchase 500,000 Sub-total District Heating System 12,209,500 Total Not Included in Modular Plant Price 15,209,500 8/28/2003 10:58 AM 4 Cost Breakdown Barge Based CT Plant BES PRECISIONBRIERYmar'SERVICES INC. Table 10 MODULAR POWER PLANT LOCATED IN BETHEL Comparison Of Turbine And Diesel Engine Driven Generators Full Or Partial Performance Information Provided By Vendors (Diesel Engine Waste Heat Recovery Calculated;Not Provided By Vendor) ALSTOM KAX100- Prime mover 2CE GE LM6000+||MANB&W 18V48/60}WARTSILA 18V46 Combustion turbine (CT)Low-rpm Diesel Low-rpm Diesel [Load demand NET OF PARASITIC POWER _{kW 90,10 90,100}90,100 90,100 Heat demand for DH and local heating (tanks)__[Btu/hr 176,904,000 176,904,000 176,904,000 176,904,000 Single engine /turbine output,shaft-operating kW 32,810 32,327 18,900 17,024] Maximum Output of Engine /CT kW 42,000 46,000 18,900,17,024 Number of Operating Gensets orking y y 5 6 Stand by CT or engine 1 1 2 2 HRSG (no stand-by)1 1 1 1 Steam turbine (no stand-by)1 1 1 1 Steam turbine output kW 24,980 23,040)9,630 8,589 Generator output on poles kw 88,270)87,694 92,135 99,600 Stand by steam turbine NA NAI NAI NA Total installed electric generating capacity kW 150,980;161,040;141,930 144,781 Over /under capacity excluding stand-by kW 500 (2,406)14,030 20,633 Over /under capacity at 80%power demand kW 18,520 15,614 32,050,38,653 Fuel usage for 90 MW and thermal load Btu/hr 678,200,000 715,934,600 649,489,394 664,433,139 Heat rate for electric power generation only Btu/kWh 7,683 7,946]7,209 7,374 Energy for steam production used IBtu/hr 149,340,000 155,000,000 125,700,000 118,630,000} Energy for steam production still available Btu/hr Ib/kWh 0.409)0.431 0.391 0.400 Fuel usage at 100%power demand IBtu/hr 678,200,000 715,934,600 649,490,000 664,430,000} Diesel fuel No.2 (Williams specs)CLV)18,421 707 1b/US gallon 57 PRECISION ERERGY mere)SERVICES INC. Fuel demand b/hr 36,820)38,870 35,260 36,070) At 99%availability lgal/year 45,165,000 47,680,000 43,252,000 44,245,000 At 80%power demand igal/year 36,132,000 38,144,000;34,601,600;35,396,000 Fuel cost delivered to BT at $1.05/gal at 80%power demand $37,938,600 $40,051,200 $36,331,680 $37,165,800 Energy efficiency Electric demand converted to thermal units IBtu/hr 307,421,200 District heating demand,year averagelowT __|DH1 Btu/hr 134,000,000 vepresenheating fon average winter (most DH2 Btu/hr 176,740,000 District heating demand,highest demand IDH3 Btu/hr 230,000,000 Tank heating IBtu/hr aver 164,000 Total energy demand rD1 441,585,200 This is the most representative case and is used below D2 484,325,200 TD3 537,585,200 Heat Balance/recovery Prime duty KWh converted to Btu Btu/hr 307,421,000 307,421,000 307,421,000 307,421,000 45.3%42.9%47.3%46.3% Heat available for DH from prime mover exhaust IBtu/hr 243,780,000 201,600,000 125,700,000 118,630,000 Heat to be utilized IBtu/hr 176,740,000 176,740,000 176,740,000 176,740,000 ir iti ing /negative =reduction of input (00°aotteion colieg)Btw (60,336,000)(22,374,000)56,711,111 64,566,667 Total utilizable energy IBtu/hr 484,161,000 484,161,000 484,161,000 484,161,000 Total input Btu/hr 617,864,000 693,560,600}706,201,111 728,996,667 Total plant energy efficiency (TD/Btu input)[PE2 78.4%69.8%68.6%66.4% Heat rate with cogeneration =Btu IN /(kWe + Btu/3412)IBtu/kWh 4,354 4,888 4,977 5,137 kWe -net electric output;Btu/3412 =cogeneration heating expressed in kWh;in energy terms kWe =kWh 58 PRECISIONIDEENERGYSERVICESINC. Remarks: Performance information relating to MAN B&W had been calculated and needs to be confirmed with MAN Supply shortage from combustion turbines can be alleviated by duct firing Power supply shortage from Diesel engines can be alleviated by temporary exceeding design capacity At 80%power demand it may be satisfied with 4 diesel engines The diesel plant exhaust heat can be utilized either for direct heating of the DH medium or for combined power and heat generation;the first option renders higher efficiency. 59 PRECISION BREASY SERVICES INC. IX.OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE Personnel #Employees Management Plant Manager incl.Safety and Environmental Production Manager Shift Hourly Personnel Shift Supervisor Auxiliary Operator Equipment Operator Hourly personnel Administrative Assistant,Purchasing &Records Millwright Machinist Journeyman Welder Journeyman Electrician I&C Technician (2) Total Personnel Full Time Total Direct payroll cost Burden Rate % Scheduled OT &Part Time Non-Scheduled OT Total Personnel Cost Equipment O&M Fuel and lube oil for rolling stock and boiler Technical Services and Outside Support 32% Cost per Year 120,000 72,800 210,413 190,862 148,595 42,390 52,104 47,840 48,776 133,120 1,066,900 341,408 90,728 100,029 1,599,065 208,000 300,000 Testing,outside Lab Analysis,Inside water Lab and testing supplies 25,000 Travel,Training and Safety Contact services-Janitorial Consumables office Consumables plant including water treatment chemicals Replacement tools and equipment Phone,mail and express service Parts and Mat'l shipment to port,annual barging and misc.air Water-No cost included in Maint.&station power 50,000 6,000 4,000 150,000 15,000 12,000. 150,000 0 Spare parts &maintenance cost +Reserve of $500,000 Annually 2,650,000 Waste removal &disposal Property lease Insurance fee (Fire,Accident) Total O&M Taxes (No taxes in Bethel) 60 7,500 0 250,000 3,827,500 0 PRECISION ERERSY SERVICES INC. Miscellaneous contingency 5%271,330 Total Annual O&M Cost including labor $5,697,895 O&M cost per kWh generated In Bethel $0.0073 In Crooked Creek $0.0089 61 MODULAR POWER PLANT PRELIMINARY REALIZATION SCHEDULE Month from Go-Ahead__ :1|2 3]5 6 7 8 9]10 11 12]131 14 151.16|17 18 19]20/|21 22|24 1 Engineering ||| 1.1 Process Engineering,PFD,P&I,...5 months es |i 1.2 System,equipment specifications 6 months a |.|| 1.3 Detailed Design 20 Months SS | 1.4 Procurement .*24 months A a a a I TTS . 2 Combustion Turbine Equipment | 2.1 Combustion Turbine GTX1000 +Generator package 3 months eee ere neers ||' 2.2 Bypass stacks with silencers and ducting 3 months a || 2.3 Generating Plant DCS system 3 months _ 2.4 Enclosures for Combustion Turbines 4.5 months en] | 3 Steam Co-Generating System | 3.1 Complete Steam Turbine Module 4 Months ee | 32 Enclosure for Steam Turbine 1.5 Months {T |a 3.3 insulation for Turbine &HRSG 1 month ||t as |] 3.4 HRSG with duct burner &stack 4 months |Dees | 3.6 Feedwater Pump skid (install includes piping to HRSG)1 month |||| ||! 4 Combustion &Steam Turbine Additional Equipment i | 41 Cooling tower (CT)with basin and foundation 3 months SS es i | 42 Settling pond piping to pond 1.5 months |||ee j i 43 Condenser .S month -|i 44 Condensate Polishing Plant 1 month a j 45 Deaerator 1 month |||j | 46 Fuel pump system 2 months ||el || Electrical equipment with start up and step down transformers,reia'j ul i T 7 T 47 cabinets,McCs P '4 5 months || 48 Continuous Emissions Monitoring System NOx,CO,0,1 month ||i i a { 49 Water demineralizer with demin.water storage tank 1 month ;|{et 4.10 Main step up transformers,switchgear &substation 3 months |SC 4.11 Piping and vaives (controls)&actuation Below \|||| 4.12 Fuel piping system betw.intermediate tank to turbines 3 months ||j 4.13 Steam piping system 3 months {Pl | 4.14 Process water piping inciuding CT circulating water 3 months I I |Aree |{; 4.15 Compressed air piping (instrument and actuation air)6 months |a S|i 4.16 Black Start Diesel Generator 4 month |Sasmmmmenanian!||| ]|]l 5 Civit &Structural i i |i | 5.1 Foundations for Combustion &Steam Turbines &HRSG 2.5 months {|a)i ||i | §.2 Foundations for Tank Farm 7 months |a ee ||\| §.3 Site Leveiing,Grading and Roads 7 months |a a i i 5.4 Turbine Modularized Enciosures Remainder 1 month |||i ||||LT || 55 Fuel tankage 43.7 million gallons at 80%piant utilization /50%efficiency |45 ins $n i a ea RI |+raw water +intermediate tank +all related piping __1 t \t !!t \ 5.6 Chemical Storage 1 month ||}j =|i |j Dock for Unioading Equipment &Fuel 'Depends On Seasonal Demands i ' 5.7 for Construction g Equip P 4 months Eee || ||| 6 Plant Services ||\ Compressed air m (compressor with filter,dryer,receiver tank,non-i 6.1 inet sir distrib)system (comp Y 6 Months TT 6.2 Electric wiring,lights,...14 Months 'a | 63 Plant Wide Fire Protection System 3 months !|]|eT |1 6.4 UPS Backup System 5 month 'i i i i i =|'' 6.5 Maintenance shop equipment 2 months |Eee +t | 6.6 Closed Circuit television System 1 month i .aa 6.7 Control System periphery,integrated with OCS 4 months |es” 6.8 Package Boiler 3 months | 7 Rolling Stock: 7A 4 Wheel Drive Pickup MPP Schedule.xis 7/3/2003 o- , PRELIMINARY REALIZATION SCHEDULE MODULAR POWER PLANT 47.2 Fork Lift I |I |jl i 73 Crane with 75°Pick Height (75 Ton)|]||i ||i 8 Project Services and installations |||| 8.1 Engineering ||{|i i | Project engineer at site Ongoing | 8.2 Environmental and other permitting Before Go-Ahead |i ||||||{\||||||| 8.3 Thermal Insulation |During Install |TS) 8.4 Painting iDuring Instail ATCAAsAe, 8.5 Construction camp and housing |4 Months Ee]|1 8.6 Camp utilities:Power,water,sewer,heating 4 Months Een |{il i j 8.7 Camp maintenance Ongoing ass SS SS pS SSS Sn SS SS SS nnn esenenmmmenramaanuamamns| 8.8 Construction Waste storage &disposal Ongoing aaaaaa 8.9 Weil Drilling and Permitting 4 months ed ||| 8.10 |Weil Pumps &Piping 2 months || 8.11 |Water Filtration System 3 months ||||j [ 8.12 Travail to &From Job Sita Ongoing as Needed a a a a a Ea \|||| 9 Start up and commissioning i |: | 9.1 Fuel line flushing 2 months i i a 92 Lube oil flushing and dehydration 2 months |||i a 9.3 Steam biows 2 months |l |I i :| 9.4 Trial runs of turbines 2 months i i |||{|. 9.5 Trial run of the plant 2 months ||\|----- ;i |||| Totai Plant i |||j i i t L i |]i ||i Environmental Impact Study i ||t |t ||i !i 1A District Heating System:i ]||]I |{i ;|i 14 Main Feed Pumps 2 months |I |SS |\|i i 12 Cantrai Heat Exchange station 130 to 230 MM Btwhr 5 months i i EE SS |||!| 1.3 Trunk lines 2 sets x 6.2 miles 12 months i {a a a ae ee |' 1.4 Local Heat Exchangers 6 months t |{aE ||i 1.5 Branch Piping 7 months i !i i i SP { 1.6 Joint Insulation (1700 Joints to insulate)12 months ||Hee Te Te ee eee ee eee a eee eee ee a a a | 1.7 Equipment Rentais &Purchase NAA '||i ||{{|||||! MPP Schedule.xis 7/3/2003 The : Industrial Companye May 15,2003 Rafal Berezowski Precision Energy Services 10780 N.Highway 95 Hayden Lake,ID 83835 Reference:Bethel Alaska Cogeneration Plant Construction Services Budget Mr.Berezowski: TIC -The Industrial Company welcomes this opportunity to provide Precision Energy Services with the enclosed budget proposal.This proposal represents the use of historical information to provide indicative cost for the installation of the Bethel Cogeneration Plant.Our proposal encompasses our best efforts to provide the information requested,however some items we were unable to price at this time. Once again,we appreciate the opportunity to provide Precision Energy Services with this proposal and look forward to working with you.[f you have any questions,don't hesitate to contact me (503)692-6327 Ext:227. Respectfully, Dan Fontaine Dan Fontaine Estimating Manager Encl:Proposal Northwest Region:12705 SW Herman Road -P.O.Box 889 Tualatin,OR 97062 -(503)692-6327 -Fax (503)692-4760 www.fic-inc.com The Industrial Company 100 MW PC Plant Cost Basis of Pricing Basis and Assumptions Midwest USA location. EPC cost basis with no liability for performance wrap. 2 identical SOMW units independent of each other. 2 GE LM2500 combustion turbines included. Site is assumed to be flat,clear of trees,requiring only surface drainage. Piling is assumed for major foundations. Plant is completely enclosed. Limited underground piping and electrical. .Administration building and shop buildings are included. 0.All site finishes such as paving,fencing,stone cover are included. 1.Natural Gas is fuel for ignition,standby boiler,LM2500. Items not included 1.Freight for all equipment and materials from Seattle to the site 2.Man camp cost or personnel per diem or subsistence 3.Productivity factor for Alaska (weather or remote site) 4.Operations personnel for start-up and training 5.Purchase of land,easements,night of way 6.Environmental permitting and permits 7.Handling of hazardous materials 8.Bethel district heating steam line form building wall offsite 9.138kV electrical transmission line from switchyard takeoff tower offsite 10.Supply of coal handling equipment. 11.Coal storage pile enclosure. 12.Utilities outside of site boundary (gas,makeup water,sewers,etc.) 13.Waterfront improvements,docks,barge moving equipment 14.Permanent spare parts 15.Shop tools and lab equipment 16.Fuel,water,electricity for start-up and testing Northwest Region:12705 SW Herman Road -P.O.Box 889 -Tualatin,OR 97062 -(503)692-6327 -Fax (503)692-4760 www.tic-inc.com 100MWPC.xIs TIC The Industrial Company BETHEL ALASKA COGENERATION PLANT PG Plant Cost -100 MW Coal -2 Unit -Greenfield Site Item Description Total Cost Total Plant Cost -172,435,000 Cost per kW 1,724 Major engineered equipment purchase 72,070,000 Plant Construction 65,405,000 Project Management &Indirect Costs 34,960,000 Status Date:5/14/2003 Page 1 of 1 Print Date:5/15/2003 9:13 AM TIC -The Industrial Company (TIC)(subsidiary of TIC Holdings,Inc.)is a management owned, general heavy industrial contractor.Established in 1974 and headquartered in Steamboat Springs, Colorado,th8 TIC family of companies has rapidly become one of the leading industrialcontractorsintheworld. TIC's dramatic success story had a modest beginning.Initially involved in municipal and light commercial work,TIC's "Can Do”attitude quickly caught the attention of the local coal industry.TIC's entrance into the industrial construction market began with the erection of the heavy equipment utilized for the mines in the area;draglines,shovels,etc.Our reputation within the mining industry grew and TIC took on larger and more complex projects for the coal producers and process facilities for the uranium producers in Colorado,New Mexico,Utah and Wyoming.In 1977 TIC formed TIC -The Industrial Company Wyoming,Inc.,establishing a permanent presence in the heart of the coal and uranium market.Additionally,TIC began diversifying into the oil,gas and chemical market through the oil shale boom in northwest Colorado and the few refineries in the region. In the early 1980's,TIC took a significant leap forward securing two major projects for molybdenum producers,one in Tonopah,Nevada and the other in the central mountains of Idaho near Challis.The successful completion of all disciplines:civil,structural,mechanical,piping and electrical/instrumentation enabled TIC to take on the next major opportunity,the largest open shop project in California at that time,the Homestake McLaughlin Project.These projects set the stage for TIC's involvement in the most prolific gold boom in this country's history - The Carlin Trend in Nevada. During the late 1980's TIC noticed a decrease in mining related activity and quickly realized that we must look at alternative markets for continued growth.Although in its infancy,the independent power market offered TIC some opportunities for diversification.TIC successfully entered the power industry by completing several geothermal and coal-fired,CFB,facilities in California.Since then,TIC has consistently been ranked among the top 10 contractors involved in power generation installations,including:simple and combined cycle gas turbine projects, cogeneration,coal-fired facilities as well as all types of renewable energy. As we expanded into other markets so did our geographical presence,establishing a foothold into the Southeast market through marine capabilities in Savannah,Georgia and later a significant industrial presence out of Atlanta,Georgia.Permanent operations were also established in California and the Northwest,accepting opportunities offered by the pulp and paper,refining, food and beverage as well as maintenance work.In 1993 TIC Holdings,Inc.acquired Western Summit Constructors,Inc.(WSCI)as a wholly owned subsidiary.WSCT is a nationally recognized contractor involved in water and wastewater treatment facilities.In 1994 TIC International,Inc.was also formed as a subsidiary,having completed projects worldwide. Through this subsidiary are also the companies of TIC Canada and MexTICa,located in Edmonton,Alberta and Mexico City,Mexico respectively.Additionally,TIC established a Gulf Coast Region headquartered in Houston,Texas,a Pipeline Division,ERS Constructors,in Sedalia,Colorado,a Northeast Region in Stonington,Connecticut,and a Great Lakes Region in Ann Arbor,Michigan. Today,we continue to position ourselves toward the future,constantly looking for growth opportunities and never losing sight of what has made this company so successful -our Core Values:Powered by People,Operations Driven,Be The Best,Integrity,and Can Do Attitude. Today,the TIC companies are ranked 32™in revenues and 37"in new contract awards by Engineering News Record (ENR)with 2002 revenues of $1.221 billion and contract awards of $1.296 billion.Additionally,ENR classified the industrial construction market and has listed us among the top contractors in fifteen of the leading industries.They include: $5"in Fossil Fuel Power Plants $6"in Steel and Non-Ferrous Mining related construction $6""in Wastewater Treatment Plant construction (Western Summit Constructors,Inc.) $6"in Sewerage and Solid Waste Treatment Plant construction (Western Summit Constructors,Inc.) $8"in Power Plant construction $8'"in Operations and Maintenance of Power Plants$8"in Marine and Port Facilities$10"in Dams and Reservoir construction cw estern Summit Constructors,Inc.)$13"in Sanitary and Storm Sewers (Western Summit Constructors,Inc.) $13"in Transmission Lines and Aqueducts construction (Western Summit Constructors, Inc.and TIC -The Industrial Company) $13"in Refineries and Petrochemical Plant construction $14"in Maintenance Services 3 16"in Water Treatment and Desalination (Western Summit Constructors,Inc.)construction $17"in Food Processing Plant construction $20"in Water Supply construction (Western Summit Constructors,Inc.and TIC -The Industrial Company) Rev.05/03 PIE Industrial Companys TIC Holdings Inc.is a management owned,general heavy industrial contractor headquartered inSteamboatSprings,Colorado.Established in 1974,TIC has rapidly become one of the leadingindustrialconstructioncompaniesinthecountrywithanexcellentreputationasageneralcontractor involved in all phases of construction.TIC is one of the largest members of the Associated Builders and Contractors,Inc.(ABC),an association of merit shop contractors and a major contributor to the National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER). Today,the TIC companies are ranked 65th in revenues and 55”in new contract awards by Engineering News Record (ENR)with 1997 revenues of $421 million and contract awards of $550 million.Additionally,ENR has further classified the industrial construction market and has listed TIC among the Top 20 contractors in nine of the leading industries.They include: !1st in Non-Ferrous Mining related construction !2nd in overall Mining related construction !4th in Steel Mill construction !Sth in Sewage Treatment Plant construction (Western Summit Constructors,Inc.) !8th in Cogeneration Power Plant construction !20th in Industrial Process related construction !17th in both Refinery and Petrochemical Plant construction !15th in Power Plant construction In 1997 Forbes Magazine also ranked TIC among the largest privately held companies in the United States. TIC Holdings Inc.conducts business through its wholly owned companies:TIC -The Industrial Company and Western Summit Constructors,Inc.(WSCI).WSCI is headquartered in Denver, Colorado and focuses primarily on water and waste water treatment construction projects in various areas of the country.TIC -The Industrial Company is the largest of the two companies and provides industrial construction services to a diverse client base across the U.S.through seven regional operations:Rocky Mountain,Southwest,Western,Northwest,North Central,Gulf Coast and Southeast.Additionally,TIC owns and operates two subsidiaries,TIC -International,Inc.and TIC -Wyoming,Inc.TIC -International,Inc.(TICI)was established in 1993 to expand our construction capabilities into the international marketplace.This led to the company's first major international project,a 120 Mw geothermal power plant on the Island of Leyte in the Philippines. Since then,TIC has completed several projects in other countries of the world.TIC's primary focus relative to its international plan is centered around power generation,mining and petrochemical industries in the developing countries of Latin America,Southeast Asia and the Commonwealth of Independent States.TIC -Wyoming,Inc.was established in 1977 and is headquartered in Casper, Wyoming.This wholly owned subsidiary provides identical industrial construction services as TIC focusing predominantly on the North Central region of the United States. As illustrated above,TIC is a highly diversified industrial contractor,involved in all major industrial markets such as:Power,Mining,Oil,Gas,Chemicals,Pulp and Paper,food and beverage and other related industries.The company typically self-performs all niyjor disciplines including civil,structural steel erection,heavy mechanical equipment installation,process piping as well as electrical,instrumentation and controls.TIC averages 7-8 million manhours annually and conducts business through a variety of contractual methods including full Tumkey/EPC,Design-Build, traditional general construction or through discipline packages.Regardless of any contractual relationship,TIC approaches each of its projects as a partnered relationship and is a firm believer in the benefits of the Partnering process.This is not a contractual relationship but a philosophical approach taken by all project shareholders for open communication,team building and a commitment to achieving project goals. COMMITMENT AND DEDICATION TIC is proud to have climbed the ranks of today's leading contractors.This achievement reflects the dedication of our employees and a commitment to providing clients with the highest quality project, in the safest manner and at the most competitive cost possible.TIC is not the largest,but it strives to be the best.To maintain its position as a preferred contractor now and in the future,we must continue to focus on what has made it so successful! TIC's Core Values are as Follows: Purpose Statement TIC builds on its unique culture,creating opportunities for people to excel Core Values !Powered by People -Success is realized through our people !Operations Driven -Focus on field operations,providing the necessary support, appropriate responsibility,and authority to succeed !Be the Best -Strive for excellence,continuous improvement and innovation in everything we do Integrity-Be fair and ethical in all that we do Can do Attitude -Aggressively pursue challenges with a sense of urgency,a desire to succeed and a commitment to hard work and having fun SAFETY IS OUR NUMBER ONE PRIORITY TIC is committed to safety in every phase of its operations.This commitment begins with the President of TIC and extends to each employee and new hire.Everyone involved with the company, from craft level personnel and management to clients and subcontractors,is a key part of the team. The single most important goal is to Safely produce a top quality project every time. Having safety as our number one priority has resulted in one of the most impressive safety performances in our industry.TIC's Incident,Frequency and Severity Rates are among the best in our industry and a fraction of the national average.The company's clients and industry professionals continue to honor our achievements in the area of safety performance and our relentless commitment to a safe work environment. TIC has always felt that its Safety Program is among the best in the country.However,to ensure that the company's efforts truly meet the needs and expectations of its employees and clients,TIC felt it necessary to conduct an independent audit evaluating all aspects of the program.TIC solicited the expertise of Dupont's Safety and Environmental Management Services which is considered to be the leader in safety management.In short,their review confirmed that TIC truly has an outstanding program,committed to the health and safety of all our employees.The company scored highly in all major categories:Management Commitment,Organization for Safety,Policies and Procedures, Record Keeping,Accountability,Training,Qualified Safety Personnel,Motivation and Communications,Client Relations and Subcontractor Safety Administration. Additionally,the recommendations set forth by their findings have been implemented,ensuring that as TIC continues to complete some of today's most complex and challenging projects the company's employees will benefit from a Safety Program that is second to none. TRAINING TIC is a company that is truly Powered by People.The company realizes that it must continue to promote excellence through continuous improvement and innovation by providing our people with the necessary skills and technology to achieve both personal and professional goals.TIC is very proud of our training program.Without question,TIC offers one of the finest and most comprehensive training programs in the industry.The company's commitment to training is in excess of $1 million annually,offering a state-of-the-art facility dedicated to craft and supervisory training . Vocational/Technical Training To prepare a qualified workforce to meet the challenges of TIC's industrial contracting business,the company has designed and implemented formal,fast-track,vocational/technical programs for entry level craft workers,as well as craft upgrading programs for currently employed craft persons. Through formalized three and four year programs,TIC prepares highly skilled,dedicated andmotivatedemployees,realizing an immediate return on investment through increased productivity , and safer work habits. Programs are developedin nearly all of TIC's major work disciplines.Each program has thefollowinginstructionalcomponents: !100 to 150 clock hours of formal,related and hands-on training at TIC's 14,300 sf training facility in Steamboat Springs,Colorado !AMini@ self study related training assignments throughout the calendar year !On the job skills training !On the job experience In addition,each craft program encompasses the following: Safety !Math Skills !TIC's Corporate Culture and Core Values !Ethics and Stewardship !Non discrimination and sexual harassment practices !Productivity,Communications and Quality Construction Management/Leadership Training In order to increase project management efficiency and to keep management personnel informed about TIC policies,leadmen through project managers are provided training in communications,time management,supervisory styles,human relations,productivity and ethics. Additionally,managers are continually provided training in scheduling,cost control and overall project management. The National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER) In addition to the above mentioned programs that have been developed and implemented,TIC is an original and on-going member of the National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER).The NCCER's primary mission is to carry out vital construction related research in the fields of safety,training and construction practices.Several of the largest merit shop contractors in the country pooled their company resources to help establish the NCCER and is annually supported by the ABC and the Associated General Contractors (AGC). FINANCIAL STRENGTH In today's.ever changing and uncertain marketplace,it has become increasingly important to note and communicate the financial stability of any organization.TIC is very proud to be one of the largest and most successful privately held companies in the country with the financial strength to support nearly any size project.TIC enjoys a very strong relationship with our banking institutions as well as its bonding company. Financial highlights include (as of 12/31/97):. Annual revenue of $421 Million Three year average revenue of $446 Million Net worth of $59,305,000 Total assets of $148,806,000 Bonding capacity in excess of $1 Billion in the aggregate and over $150 Million per project Revolving line of credit of $40 Million Dun &Bradstreet rating of 5A2,account #15-178-4485AMMMmMnAWMMN Bank Reference: Norwest Bank 1740 Broadway Denver,Colorado 80202 Attention:Darlene Evans Phone:(303)861-8811 Fax:(303)863-6670 Account #:1010-947-951 Bonding Reference: Fireman=s Fund Insurance Company One Market Plaza Spear Street Tower San Francisco,California 94105 Attention:Mark A.Mallonee Phone:(415)541-4256 Fax:(415)541-4248 COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT Headquartered in a small rural community of northwest Colorado,TIC is well aware of the impact a project can have on an area. TIC's philosophy is to have a positive impact on the communities where it works and lives by becoming active and visible in local activities.Examples of our participation may include donations to appropriate community betterment programs such as the DARE program,teen leadership,Little League,local schoois and other service organizations.TIC has also donated its services such as labor,equipment and materials for community projects.On numerous projects TIC has hosted open houses on site at appropriate times during construction for the project owners,local and state officials,service clubs and schools. :Rev.06/98 f=4 é 138 kV TLINE "|a 192 AC Bethel |eee7fyTOmi@3aon,ar:recySete ae onpereUS ae j : -DISTRICT HEATING > MAIN TRUNK LINES.SHSNweesf 15Se£/PISTRICT HEP 'SNx yMAIN TRUNK f Runwaye"<ae l ¢a.woohPRO"Muhicipa ;wat ;'nv rd oa 2 aehoTAairport.Jy ae im a if oy i toe { J |A it NE on ;we #cn x Los "oN,wed oS re.; 4 .m4 :ned .l K ::oe"ah.ae er i}Fie”ONS :1638 @ 270)"(Neo 46425"%,Qe .we hae a feeSf[Runway Extension}.-”/.- a ;yy $161:49)320"LES "DOCK.UNLOADING PIPELINE .-rE pee foe J -Jt .<RATTO STORAGE TANKS,Lape a!"5 a4 C BN 1 9 Crem ,2}rm _4 Ue,ke 1 aN :PROPOSED POWER BARGE JaaeoTONA_- &TANK FARM LOCATION ve,ee e 7 "ee i "-\.};yA C 'KID >ye [Proposed Coal Piant Location,80 rors ,! aa ve,ae WES OS Roa oe oreref,4d an i ¢\MODULAR POWER TET ,f I H f !sa 4 an)hey an)anne lee,an es _EPLANT FACILITIES'fe anPassoaareaaeasi|”»SEE DWG Cc20006-406 500-002 Toma:aann!:7 i :A s$Ya -"'{i ste w . PRECISION ENERGY SERVICES INC. P.O.BOX 1004 ey ENS.10 63835 P41 CONCEPTUAL DRAFT -ADDED POWER BARGEAT RIVER oes |TND Re 0 |CONCEPTUAL DRAFT €27-03 TND RB Phone (208)772-4457 (208)762-1113 E-mail:energy@pes-workd.com Site:httn:/Awww.pee-workd.com BETHEL ALASKA COGENERATION PLANT 90 MW-MODULAR CT FAEILITYDISTRICTHEATING-TRUNCK LINES wo REVISION DaTE ev |OK APPROVEDBY:RS DATE JUNE 03.2003 PLOTSCAE 1:1 FALE.€C720090-00-000-001-4 'THS DRevENG IS THE PROPERTY OF PES THE DERON.HEREON ARE MD SHALLNOTBECOPIEDORDISCLOBEDTOOTHERS,IN WHOLE OR IN PART,WATHOUT WRITTEN PrRuasBION FROM PES 208 MO.DRAWER HO.wel.4CC2009000-000-001 10F+REV 1§43'APPROX,x>-<->90-0"HESufxx77x§34'APPROX.\ GENERAL NOTES 1)TOTAL ESTMATED WT.(US TONS)=10.9270 2)fe DENOTES ITEMS NOT SHOWN ON THIS SHEET otLER'STAND-6BOIfatee x>ateeeeeeeeeeeeSTORAGE TANK 120'2x40H & q a 4 REFER TO OVERALL SITE OR TANK FARM DETAILS DWG.€C20090-00-000-003x i]3)WEIGHTS ARE FOR EQUPMENT OMY (NO SERVICE LOADS)7ADD10%TO ALL WEIGHTS FOR FOUNDATION DESION t__wy Vv W Yr <_v¥_= 3 PRECISIONMAJOREQUIPMENTLISTOnan!2 ENERGYITEM|QTY DESCRIPTION ary DESCRIPTION *DESCRIPTION WEIGHT |gla glad SERVICES INC.1 2 HRSG -ALSTOM MODEL No KAX100-2 4 PUMP -FEED WATER &DA TANKPPING SYSTEM CONTROLS-CO2 MONITORING SYSTEM CL ING SCALE:1"8300 P.O.BOX 1004 HAYDEN 10 83836ARTSYSTEMEYPhone(208)772-4457)Fax 1762-111323GASTURBINE-ALSTOM MODEL No GTX100 1 TANK -DEMINERAL WATER STORAGE 20°DIA x 35°HIGH GENERATOR -BLACKSTART DIESEL SYS E-mail:energy@pee-workd.com ::/hunwnw pee-worid.com33GENERATOR-ALSTOM (INTREGAL w/ITEM No.2}1 TANK -RAW WATER STORAGE 60'DA x 40 HIGH COOLING TOWER 130"LONG x 40°WIDE x 30 HIGH 475 --:=+:: <3 |STACK -TORBIE EXHAUST w/BY-PASS DAMDERG/ALSTOM 7]WATER TREATMENT-DEM NERAL ZATION SYSTEM BOWER-STAND-BY SYSTEM (BETHEL SITE ONLY)200 CROOKED CREEK COGENERATION PLANTB3TURBINE-CONTROL SYSTEM ALSTOM 2 PRING -BLOWDOWN TANK 3'DIA x 10"HIGH STEAM PLANT -MODULAR BUILDING SYSTEM 6.900 1 |DEL.XFMR IN SWTH.YRD{Oar1303 |TND |RB GENG RAL ARRANGE OTCO YEW61LOT|DUCTING -GAS TURBINES TO HRSG +LOT |PIPING -EXTERIOR TANK HEATING SYSTEM ELECTRICAL -SWITCH YARD :0 |conceptual DRAFT |087703 |TND|RB - 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A x At3 .ao wv x {-x m * x x x x {|a z Y Y PRECISION ENERGY SERVICES INC. xX P.0.BOX 1004 HAYDEN LAKE,ID 83835Phone(208)772-4457 =Fax (208)762-1113 .E-mail:energy@pee-workd.com Web Site:http:/Awww.pes-world.com:wa cv cv2 34..cv2 ;::/; :*** ' ******CROOKED CREEK COGENERATION PLANT 73MW -DIESEL POWER PLANT ;1 |CONCEPTUAL DRAFT -REMOVED (1)XFMR IN SWMTCH YARD]Oeiaas |TND |RB GENERAL ARRANGEMENT -PLAN VIEW 2 3 +CONCEPTUAL DRAFT Oezrms |TND |RE VoRawn ay.TNO APPROVEDBY.RE DATE «Me 27.2003OnmfNOREVGIONDATEey|cH [SCALE 12300"PLOTSCALE #1 FRE CC2009-00-000-004-1 .'res CMAN 8 THE PROPERTY OF PR AD SHALL NOT RE soa NO.DRAWINGWO weer:1SCALE:1"=300°COPIED OR DVICLOSED TO OTHERS,IN WHOLE OR iN PART,WITHOUT WITTEN PERM SS10N FROM PES.€C20090 00-000-004 10F1 REV. KUSKOKWIM RIVER J543\APPROX,Jpent,oo0OQoono0CHEMFEEDAREA,=oOFUELDAYTAS(aaoa]i¢=Uti}rTOHAOitaco1307-0"COOLINGTOWER+Sbia4FUELDAYlake,634°APPROX.PEE ea pT a)x| | | Ls FUEL OIL ""STORAGETANK120'Ox 40H mh ce a 4 PpUNTNa.G/OMVA XFUR19.6-4.18KV 7 -RAW WATER c 'Ss 7 wr 13.8KV >---<\BUS NO ¢ me HTT tHdlan"im Byee:\x L.BL..Lo.a "xg 3s."oom ****** a UNT No.oDEMVAXFMR93.6-4.10KV +-_- REFER TO OVERALL SITEGENERALNOTESxORTANKFARMDETAILSCC20090-00-000-0031}TOTAL ESTMATEDWT (US TONS)2 10,9270 \/ mw 2)YW DENOTES ITEMS NOT SHOWN ON THIS SHEET 3)WEIGHTS ARE FOR EQUIPMENT ONLY (NO SERVICE LOADS) ADO 10%TO ALL WEIGHTS FOR FOUNDATION DESIGN ¥/ MAJOR EQUIPMENT LIST owt 2 3 ERECISION&8ITEMQTYDESCRIPTIONWEIGHTTEMQTYDESCRIPTIONWEIGHT{TEM ary DESCRIPTION WEIGHT ==SERVICES INC.1 2 HRSG -ALSTOM MODEL No KAX100-2°$00 "1 1 PUMP -FEED WATER &DA TANKP PING SYSTEM 0 2 3 CONTROLS-CO2 MONITORING SYSTEM WWCL NAA SCALE 170300"P.O.BOX 1004 _HAYDEN LAKE,1D 8383523GASTURBINE-ALSTOM MODEL No GTX100 19 *12 1 TANK -DEMINERAL WATER STORAGE 20'DIA x 35°HIGH 15 n 4 GENERATOR -BLACKSTART DIESEL SYSTEM i 50 Phone (208)772-4457 Fax (208)762-1113 3 3 GENERATOR-ALSTOM (INTREGICwi TEM No2)78 8 1 TANK-RAW WATER STORAGE 60°DIA 3 40°HIGH 150 2 1 COOLING TOWER 130°LONGx40°WIDE x 30 HIGH 475 E-mail:energy@pee-world.com Web Site:http-www_pes-world.com 4 3 STACK-TURBINE EXHAUST w/BV-PASS OAMPERS-ALSTOM 56 "1 WATER TREATMENT-DEMINERAL ZATION SYSTEM »Py 1 BOILER-STAND-BY SYSTEM (BETHEL SITE ONLY)200 me CROOKED CREEK COGEN ERATION PLANT53TURBINE-CONTROL SYSTEM ALSTOM WCL IN 83 %2 PIPING -BLOWDOWN TANK 3'DIA x 10°HIGH 5 2 1L0T |STEAMPLANT -MODULAR BUILDING SYSTEM 6.900 T3MW -MODULAR CT FACILITY 6 1t0T |OUETING-GAS TURBINESTOHRSG Pa Ex 1LOT |PRING -EXTERIOR TANK HEATING SYSTEM w %1 ELECTRICAL -SWITCH YARD :0 [CONCEPTUAL DRAFT -|o@i3q3/TNO[RB |GENERAL ARRANGEMENT -350'x 99.6'BARGE CONCEPT71TURBINE-STEAM,ALSTOM MODE No 132 Ww 6 TANK -DAY FUEL STORAGE 10 DIA x 30H &PPING TO TURBINES 8 2 3 TANK -FUEL STORAGE SO'DiA_x 40'HIGH .135 re)REVISION OATE BY |CHK [DRAWNBY:TNO APPROVEDBY RB OATE.AUG 13,2003 8 1 GENERATOR -ALSTOM MODEL No 403 *tLOT |PIPING INTERIOR TANK HEATING SYSTEM Es 2 LOT |ELECTRICAL -POWER DISTRIBUTION,TRANSFORMERS.&SWITCHGEAR :THE DRAWING 18 THE PROPERTY OF PES.THE DESIGNAND [SCALE 1°2300 PLOTOCALE fat PLE ©C20090-40°000-002-0 >-Fo |(EAB BHOWE HEREON ARE CONADENTIAL AND SHALL NOTE [55 No,DRAWING NO OrEET.0°140 PPNG-STEAM LINE HRSG TO TURBINE 1S ”2 EXHAUST SYSTEM-SCR/SCNR SYSTEM 30 Es 4 COMPRESSEDAIR SKD COPIED OR DISCLOSED TO OTHERS,IN WHOLE ORIN PART,cc20090 4 0 2 t0F1101L0T|PIPING-TURBINE EXTRACTION $5 2 6 TANK -NH3 STORAGE 10'DIA x SUH &PUMPS/PIPING SYSTEM CL INH 30 (WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION FROM PER 0-000-00 hd REV .BETHEL ALASKA MODULAR PLANT TE E. *me: RGE CONCEPT DATE:Aug.12,2003 SITE PLAN er:RB 350°x 99.6' 7p PROPOSEDBETHEUACAS rs LaaeMODULARPOWERPLANT,ae |7 MaecedCaa'A omrene-sen.won Ta ee pat =eee, :'weeri-. Oe FO ra oo he a a. - - - =o - Maintenance and Repair Shops Equipment and tool furnish of the rolling stock garage shop Garage shop modules;size to be determined.Include heating,appropriate lighting,spare parts and tire storage,lubricants storage and electrical welding plugs. Outside weather shed for mobile equipment with lights and extension cord connections for engine block heaters. Electric and gas welding equipment Steam "Jenny”cleaner Spare parts,V-belts,oil filters,tire chains,spark plugs,light bulbs and batteries Tires &Tubes,chains,tire breaker,compressor,lift &impact wrench Work benches,tool cabinets,floor jacks,dollies,shop vacuum,tire racks,shelf racks. Jack stands,creepers,trouble lights,flash lights,bench vises,arbor press,light bulbs, show shovels,miscellaneous hand tools,drain pans,parts washer,miscellaneous nuts and bolts bin Hard hats,gloves,cold weather clothing,safety glasses,safety shoes,personal hygiene supplies Fuel pump covered island,pumps,readout and totalizers,lighting and infrared heating Equipment and tool furnish of the maintenance shop Welding and machine shop;size to be determined.Include heating,appropriate lighting, spare parts and tire storage,lubricants storage and electrical welding plugs.Rest room, locker room,tool room,foreman's office and fire suppression 10 ton bridge crane welding shop 16”engine lathe,10'bed 10”bench lathe,5'bed 10”post radial drill press Small 5/8 drill press Vertical milling machine Horizontal milling machine Horizontal cut-off bandsaw Vertical band saw (steel) Iron worker 300 amp portable welder engine driven Oxyacetylene welding equipment Steam "Jenny”cleaner 50 ton vertical press Miscellaneous shop items One year supply of welding wire,2 to 3 sizes One year supply of welding rod,various sizes and grades Bar steel storage rack Steel rounds,square,alloy,etc. F:\projects\AK\CC\Maintenance Shop .Plate steel 3/16,"4,2,% .Nuts &bolts,grade 5 &8 .Set of 6”to 12”calipers .Set of inside micrometers "Safety glasses,hard hats "Coveralls,welding leathers &gloves .Steel work benches (4) .Vises of several sizes .Storage cabinets "Milling machine attachments and milling cutters "Various lathes attachments and carbide cutters .Miscellaneous hand power tools .Miscellaneous hand tools .Miscellaneous instruments .Spare parts and storage .Miscellaneous shop furniture F\projects\AK\CC\Maintenance Shop Quality Measurement -trend Chart 4 GTX100 Sa MTBF | | Mean Time Between Failure excluding start failures -¢e-Target MTBF 1600 1400 4 1200 1000 (y) 49. 400 200 equew-zqude£0de}-z7oQeWeouel-zoqayzooep-zouelZOAOU-}.Q99PZO}O-|QAOUZOdas-|.0140zo6ne- odeszoin-,o6nezounF+oinlZOlew- oun!zoude-ofew Period 02-06Page1 1-AF(%)18.0% 16.0%| 14.0% 12.0% 10.0%- 8.0% 6.0% 4.0% 2.0% 0.0% GTX100 1-AF =FOF +POF(revision)+POF (maintenance)+POF (other) 'BFOF MPOF(revision)OPOF(maintenance)O POF(other)| =| N N N N AN N N N N se)(se)se)rn)oO ro)oO ro)ras)ron)reas)Coa)ro)roa)ras) 4 -s c =roo)Q o >a)Cc PQ.©5 3 5 ©s fe)©2 © ©E >=©D 9 a io)a && o 2)S 5 ran)-)>2)ron)3 2 Oo &=®(o)Cc oD RS =E oO Period GTX100 AvailabilityFactor 100.0% 95.0% 90.0% 85.0% 80.0%- 75.0% 70.0% 65.0% 60.0%+- 55.0% -- 50.0% coqe}-cQ/ewWeouet-zogayzooep-zouelZOAOU-}. 9098p ZOPIO-} AOUzodas- 10140zo6ne-,odaszoint-,o6nezounF- pointzofew-|ounfzosde-,ofew Period ALSTOM May 14,2003 Precision Energy Services,Inc. Corporate Headquarters P.O.Box 1004 Hayden,ID 83835 Attention:Rafal Berezowski,Project Manager Subject:Indicative Proposal for Bethel Modular Power Plant Reference:M092 Dear Sirs: Alstom Power,Inc is please to provide PES with an Indicative Proposal for a Modular Combined Cycle Plant utilizing our 43 MW GTX100 Gas Turbine. The proposal is based upon the attached documents detailed as Plant Summary,Scope of Work,Emission Summary and Heat Balances. Our proposal is based upon Alstom's Standard Terms and Conditions.Typical delivery would be 10-12 months. Our Indicative Price for the Modular Combined Cycle Plant as described above would be $59 Million USD FOB Alaskan Port. Please let us know what other information we can provide to help support your activities on this project. Sincerely, Kevin Hull Rueinace Deval wmant ALan iAULDAYYEL4 Alstom Power,Inc 10305 Viacha Drive San Diego,CA 92124 858-495-0085 858-495-0086 fax kevin.hull@power.alstom.com www.power.alstom.com Page 1ALSTOM Bethel -92 MW Modular Combined Cycle Power Plant Summary Description of the GTX100 Plant The plant is a 2-on-1 non-reheat combined-cycle power plant with a standby GTX100 CT designed to generate approximately 92 MW gross when 2 CT's are operating at 80%load.The plant nominal capacity is 116 MW of net electrical power with two CT's and HRSG operating at 100%load. The plant configuration consists of two Alstom GTX100 combustion turbine- generators,one dual-pressure,fired,heat recovery steam generator (HRSG),and one induction/condensing steam turbine-generator.A standby GTX100 will be provided as "standby ready”.The design fuel is #2 fuel oil.All major components are modularized to the maximum extent practical for quick erection and commissioning while still being transportable. The combustion turbines (CTs)are Alstom Power model GTX100 firing on liquid fuel.Each CT is connected to a generator driven by the turbine's shaft through a gear reducer.Exhaust gas from each CT passes through a diverter valve system in simple cycle mode and when in combined cycle it passes through an HRSG where the hot gas,which otherwise would be discharged to the atmosphere as waste,is used as heat input for steam generation. The HRSG produces steam at two pressure and temperature conditions -1100 psia/950°F and 87 psia/386°F.The steam produced is routed to a steam turbine generator.The high-pressure steam supplies the HP turbine,and the intermediate- pressure steam supplies the LP turbine.The HRSG also has a supplementary liquid fuel fired duct section.The HRSG is connected to all 3 CT's and is designed to operate utilizing the exhaust energy from any 2 of the 3 GTX100's. The Alstom GTX100 Combined Cycle Power Plant proposed for the Bethel Project is a unique configuration with 3 CT's connected to one HRSG.Alstom's advanced high-efficiency combustion turbine,the GTX100,currently produced in ALSTOM's facilities in Finspong,Sweden. The 2-on-1 plant configuration has been designed by Alstom for the application of the GTX100 in a high-efficiency,high-availability base load and intermediate load plant for the North American utility and IPP market.The plant will provide power reliably and efficiently at 60Hz.The GTX100 turbine and plant configuration have a number of characteristics that are particularly well suited to efficient and reliable service in this market: e The GTX100 is an advanced combustion turbine that incorporates recent developments in turbine technology. Page 2ALSTOM The GTX100 combined-cycle plamt,with recent developments in turbine, HRSG,and control systems development,is a notable addition to its market, because it offers a highly evolved and exceptionally efficient plant in its size range.(The nominal capacity of a GTX100 in simple cycle is 43 MW.) The 2-on-1 combined-cycle configuration in which two combustion turbines drive generators independently and provide HP and LP steam generated with exhaust heat to drive a steam turbine-generator -is a familiar utility-scale plant configuration.The 2-on-1 combined-cycle plant strikes a typically profitable balance among a number of sometimes competing objectives:convenience of construction,equipment outlays,optimal plant efficiency,and flexibility of operations. The Plant is designed with the flexibility to operate in 3 possible modes. Normal:2 GTX100 @ 80%load +HRSG +Steam Turbine to achieve a nominal 92 MW output with a redundant GTX100 with net heat rates in the range of 7100 BTU/kW LHV (site conditions at 60 F). Maximum power:2 GTX100 @ 100%load +HRSG +Steam Turbine to achieve a nominal 116 MW output with a redundant GTX100 with net heat rates in the range of 6900 BTU/kW LHV (site conditions at 60 F). Emergency:When the steam turbine is unavailable 1,2,or 3 GTX100's may operate in simple cycle to achieve up to a nominal 124 MW output. The Plant DCS System The GTX100 and steam turbine is controlled through an advanced distributed control system (DCS)consisting of an ABB Advant OCS equipment package.The Advant system is designed to provide automated start-up and shutdown of the two GTs and the ST from the control room.The DCS provides supervisory oversight,monitoring, and set point regulation for local controls devices.This supervisory function allows operation of major plant processes and equipment from the local control room via the DCS.(Processing units function independently,however,the exchange of signals across the communications network for controls purposes is avoided wherever. possible.) ALSTOM Scopagf Work The scope that Alstom has considered inctudes the following: e Three (3)43 MW GTX100 Gas Turbine Generator Packages single fuel #2 e Three (3)by-pass stacks with silencer (for simple cycle operation only) e One (1)40 MW steam turbine (common for both GT's)with generator and control system. e One (1)supplementary-fired HRSG with Stack. e Boiler Feedwater Pump Skid The following is optional equipment not included in the offer: e Any tailpipe emissions technology e Piping and valves e Electrical equipment with start up and step down transformers,relay cabinets, MCC's Structural steel with pipe bridge,ST building,etc. Continuous Emissions Monitoring System Raw water storage tank Demin.Storage tank Cooling tower approximately 200 feet from the steam turbine Demin water station suitability sized to support the steam turbine cycle e Condensate Polishing Plant e Fire Protection for GT's e Compressed air for instrument air with compressor,filter,dryer,receiver and piping e Civil foundations for GT,steam turbine,tanks,etc. e Underground piping to cooling tower e Steam turbine building e Mechanical erection including labor and tools e Main step up transformers and switchgear,and substations e Electrical installation including labor and tools e Insulation e Foundation support system (no piles or subsurface investigation) e Limited painting e Limited cathodic protection,based on soil conditions e Site supervision e Plant engineering e Project management e Start up and commissioning including lube oil flushing,cleaning &flushing,steam blows and start up support Started Started Started Started Started Started Started Started Started Started Stored, awaiting CC Manufacture Unit No?Operating:<)>«|Location «0.'|Type <.|OutputNameCompany/Customer 00 Po fe MWIUnit]+Boe Helsingborg 1 |Helsingborg Energi AB Helsingborg,Sweden GTX100 43 cc Dual fuel (1) Arjo Wiggins |SERETE Bresse sur Braye,France|GTX100 43 CoGen Natural gas jAugust (2)1998 Emin Leydier |Emin Leydier Saint Valliers,France GTX100 43 CoGen Natural gas |August (3)1998 Cerestar Cofiva Lille,France GTX100 43 CoGen Natural gas |May (4)4999 MMPA City of Chaska Chaska,Minnesota,USA |GTX100 43 Sc Dual fuel Dec (5)1999 Michelin PowerGen CHP Ltd Stoke on Trent,UK GTX100 43 cc Dual fuel Jan (6)2000 Blackburn Scottish Power UK Blackburn,UK GTX100 43 cc Natural gas |Feb (7)2000 Solvay EDP Cogeracao Povoa de Santa Iria GTX100 43 CogGen Natural gas jMarch (8)GDP Energia (Lisbon),Portugal 2000 Gendorf InfraS erve-Bayernwerk Gendorf,Germany GTX100 43 CoGen Natural gas (Nov (9)Gendorf GmbH,Burgkirchen 2000 Redding City of Redding Redding,CA,USA GTX100 43 CoGen Natural gas |Dec (10)2000 City of Vernon |City of Vernon City of Vernon,CA,USA [2x 43 cc Natural gas |Nov (11-12)GTX100 2001 Moscow City [City Energo Moscow,Russia 4x 43 cc Natural gas |May (13-16)GTX100 2001 UPDAE:4302002 REFEFENCES,1 XSC/6X COGEN/9X CC,7 COUNHES -; therein.Nopartofthisdocumentmaybereproducedinanyformorbyanymeans,withoutpriororwiittenpermissionofALSTOMPowerSwedenAB.ALSTOMPowerSwedenABandintheWereserveallrightsinthisALSTOM GTX100-GENERAL &COMMERCIAL 10) Introduction GT number Edition Doe.KindX100009E6BO Introduction,GTX100 -Light industrial gas turbine General The GTX100 has been developed to meet increasing customer demands for highly reliable,clean and efficient power generation equipment.Other Customer values,such as Low Life Cycle Cost,plant compactness and short delivery time,have also been addressed. -Designed for robust simplicity Reliability is a key customer requirement in this market segment.Customers are extremely dependent on the smooth and uninterrupted supply of power and heat for their businesses.In order to ensure reliability in the GTX100,its design philosophy has been based upon simplicity,robustness and the use of proven technology. The GTX100 has a typical ALSTOM frame design with a minimum number of parts in a single-shaft arrangement.The compressor rotor and the three-stage bolted turbine moduleformasingleshaft,which rests in two standard hydrodynamic bearings of the tilting pad type.This is a commonly used configuration for ALSTOM's larger gas turbines.The generator is driven from the cold end of the gas turbine which allows for a simple and efficient exhaust arrangement.Modularization,few parts,long component life and easy inspection ensure long time between overhauls and low maintenance costs. Pe fo2aiPSS GTX100 3-D Cross-section ALSTOM Power Sweden AB Based on:Industrial Turbine SegmentTypeapplication):GTX100 (PGSTD) therein.andintheNopartofthiedocumentmaybereproducedinanyformorbyanymeans,WereserveallrightsinthisALSTOM °%100-sENERAL &COMMERCIAL 2(7) Introduction GTwumber Edition Doc.Kind X100009E 6 BO Design particulars Compressor section The compressor is a scaled version from ALSTOM's latest compressor aerodynamic design.It has 15 stages and uses Controlled Diffusion Airfoils (CDA)for high efficiency. The first three stages have variable geometry.To minimise leakage over the blade tips, abradable seals are applied to stages 4-15.The vane carrier of the high-pressure section, stages 11 to 15,where the blades are shortest,is made from a low-expansion material that helps keep clearances to a minimum. The compressor rotor is built up from discs which are welded together into a robust unit using Electron Beam Welding (EBW),a technology used for many years in the GT10 compressor rotor and proven to be a design giving minimum vibrations and very reliable in operation. Cooling air for the hot sections of the turbine is extracted from the compressor at stages 3,5,8,10 and 15. Combustor section 'withoutpriorThe combustor is of the annular type and is made from welded sheet metal.The inner surface of the combustor has a thermal barrier coating which reduces the level of heat transfer and extends the life of the combustor.This design concept has been used for many years in ALSTOM gas turbines. Compliance with strict environmental regulations is already required on many markets and the awareness of environmental issues is spreading to new regions.ALSTOM has recognized the strategic importance of environmental issues and has taken a lead in the control of gas turbine emissions.In 1988,ALSTOM introduced the first so-called EV burner on the market.To date,the total accumulated experience with this dry,low- emission (DLE)technology amounts to more than 3 million operating hours (as per March 2001),including numerous installations in the GT10. With the GTX100,ALSTOM has taken another step in lowering emissions.The combustor has 30 burners of the new Advanced EV (AEV)design developed by ALSTOM.The AEV burner technology,as applied to the GTX100,has NOx and CO emissions capabilities below 15 ppm (15%Oz)on natural gas and below 42 ppm (15% O2)on liquid fuel without the need for water or steam injection.Dual-fuel dry low emission capability is a built-in feature.orwrittenpermissionofALSTOMPowerSwedenAB.@ALSTOMPowerSwedenABTurbine section The three-stage turbine is built as one module for ease of maintenance and bolted to the ° stub shaft of the compressor.It has an advanced aerodynamic design with a fully 3D- analysed flow path with cylindrical sections over the first,second and third stage blades. The airfoils of first and second stage vanes and blades are cooled,using the technology found in other ALSTOM gas turbines.The first blade is made of single-crystal material to ensure durability and long life.The turbine stator flanges are cooled by compressor air to reduce clearances and improve efficiency. The cold-end drive arrangement allows an optimized axial diffuser section to be fitted for better performance.Particular care has been taken in the design of the diffuser ALSTOM Power Sweden AB Industrial Turbine SegmentBasedon:Ed.5 Type (Application):GTX100 (PGSTD) therein.Nopaitofthiedocumentmaybeceproducadinanyformorbyanymeans,.withoutprioror'writtenpermissionofALSTOMPowerSwedenAB.©ALSTOMPowerSwedenABandintheWereserveailrightsinthis&ALSTOM GTX100 -GENERAL &COMMERCIAL 3 (7) Introduction GTinumber Edition Doe.KindX100009E6BO connection to the heat recovery steam generator (HRSG)to minimise losses in combined cycle and cogeneration applications. Speed Reduction Gear The gas turbine is connected to the generator via a speed reduction gear of the double helix parallel type,which reduces the 6600-rpm of the turbine shaft down to a generator speed of 1500/1800 rpm.The variable speed electric starter motor is also connected to the speed reduction gear,via a self-synchronising and switching (SSS)clutch and a separate starting gear. Validation of design The first GTX 100 was ordered in 1998 and has been in commercial operation since 1999. A number of units have been ordered by customers around the world and are in different stages of the delivery process,i.e.manufacturing in the workshops to commercial operation.Please see Reference List for details. The first unit was delivered to Helsingborg in Sweden and has been used for prototype tests.The tests have included all aspects and components of the gas turbine core engine as well as the auxiliaries,including performance and emission measurements. It has been necessary to modify some components as a result of the prototype tests but the overall result is very positive.All necessary modifications have been introduced and verified in the first engines.The gas turbines in the manufacturing programme will continuously be updated to the latest design. The tests made on the prototype have shown that the design and performance are living up to the high expectations outlined in the original engine specification. Auxiliary systems Lubrication Since the two gas turbine bearings of the tilting pad type use mineral oil,a common lube oil system can be used for the gas turbine,speed reduction gear and generator.Oil pressure is supplied by 3 x 50%AC-driven pumps (2 operating/1 stand-by),which are controlled by Static Frequency Converters (SFC's).The pumps will increase their capacity by over 50%in the event of lube oil pressure decrease,avoiding pressure "dips” at pump change. Fuel systems The GTX100 is capable of operation on a range of gaseous and liquid fuels.Two fuel systems are available,for gaseous and liquid fuels,and in dual-fuel operation automatic switchover between the fuels is possible,in any direction,at full and part load. The GTX100 is equipped for operation on gas fuel as standard but can,on request,be offered for operation on liquid fuel. ALSTOM Power Sweden AB Based on:Ed.5 Industrial Turbine SegmentType(Application):GTX100 (PGSTD) therein.Nopartofthisdocumentmaybereproducedinanyformorbyanymeans,.wathoulpriorrswrittenpermissionofALSTOMPowerSwedenAB.ALSTOMPowerSwedenABandintheWereserveailrightainthieALSTO M GTX100-GENERAL &COMMERCIALIntroduction Page 4(7) GTl-number Edition Doc.KindX100009E6BO Control system Optional ry |Operator Stationhardony=)Pal Advant 500 OS Event &el Se-Printer =Seta Masterbus 300 Auxiliaryroom __e Control room GT control panel ee Finimga "omnacato =mmnniliiOptionalModbusiFPuyi {Fieldbus AF 100,Advant AC100|Advant AC100}Advant AC100{ |Synehron.|Generatorequipmentprotection --paTTearsabareesrerediaseiemkbearaesressminSe LEYS FTCECE!i !Tyee]!!i|ii1tTItiitstation. Control system flow chart The GTX100 control system is based on the Advant system and has four controllers,one of the AC400-and three of the AC100-series.The AC400-series controller is used for sequencing,interlocks,open loop control and as computer interface to the operator One of the AC100-series controller is used as a remote I/O for the turbine skid signals and as the first channel in the two-channel safety system.The second is used for closed loop control for fuel valve positioning and as the second channel in the two-channel safety system.The third is a closed loop control for the generator voltage (AVR). The man-machine interface comprises an Advant 500-series OperatorStation with a full graphic color monitor. The Advant control system may also communicate with external systems via standard protocols. ALSTOM Power Sweden AB Based on:Type 'Pppiieaton):GTX100 (PGSTD)Industrial Turbine Segment therein..withoutpriororwrittenpermissionofALSTOMPowerSwedenAB.©ALSTOMPowerSwedenABandintheNopartofthisdocumentmaybereproducedinanyformorbyanymeans,WereserveallrightsinthisA LSTO M GTX100 -GENERAL &COMMERCIAL 5 (7) Introduction GThnunber Editon Dos.KindX100009E6BO « Installation with typical control room Ignition gas tank (oH i”treatment roomProcesscontrol equipment i ¥ 7 a 3) i 4 f] | Generator iStartmotor A oe co was,SFC Start panel Break resister |Fluid fuel panel TIF ie st Control cubicle or .Fire control system i Chargers =ControlroomLubeoilpanel&inverter Standard Simple Cycle arrangement,top view The GTX100 installation meets stringent requirements for compactness,short erection and commissioning times and ease of maintenance.The gas turbine is skid-mounted, with the auxiliaries grouped in a self-contained module to one side of the main skid.The footprint is only 27x7m /89x23ft. The layout is basically the same for all applications,whether simple or combined cycle, indoor or outdoor installation. The gas turbine skid is built of steel beams and carries the gas turbine,speed reduction gear and starter motor.It rests on a concrete foundation together with the generator and the foundation may be fitted with spring mounts if necessary.The main and auxiliary skids are covered by a weatherproof enclosure extending from the gear to the gas turbine exhaust. The air intake and exhaust stack are supported by separate external beam structures.A two-stage disposable air filter is supplied as standard,but other options are also available, depending on site requirements. Electrical and control equipment may either be installed in the customer's control room or in a separate enclosure containing an auxiliary power room,a battery room and a control room,see a typical example above. ALSTOM Power Sweden AB industrial Turbine SegmentBasedon:Ed.5 Type (Application):GTX100 (PGSTD) therein,).withoutpriororwrittenpermissionofALSTOMPowerSwedenAB.@ALSTOMPowerSwedenABandintheNopartofthisdocumentmaybereproducedinanyformorbyanymeane,WereserveallrightsinthieALSTO'M GTX100-GENERAL &COMMERCIAL 6 (7) Introduction GT-number Edition Doc.KindX100009E6BO Generator The gas turbine includes a 4-pole generator of type ABB GBA 1250,driven from the cold end of the gas turbine via the parallel speed reduction gear.It is of simple andruggeddesignwithasalientpolerotorwithsolidpoleplatesandarotatingbrushlessexciter.The GBA-generator design has been well proven in numerous installations with the GT10.The generator is installed outside the main enclosure. Combined cycle and cogeneration applications In a combined cycle the GTX100 can be arranged together with a heat recovery steam generation (HRSG)unit utilising the heat in the exhaust gases.A dual-pressure HRSG feeds a single-cylinder steam turbine.This configuration has been well proven in many GT10 combined cycle plants and offers a compact solution with a small footprint. For greater power,two GTX100 units,each with its own HRSG,may be arranged to feed one common steam turbine. The GTX100 is also an excellent alternative for cogeneration applications,i.e.when only steam production is required.Depending on customer requirement either one or two pressure level HRSG's are possible. Erection and commissioning In order to reduce erection time at site,the GTX100 comes in modules which have been assembled and tested in the workshop prior to shipment.Most of the piping and cabling work has also been carried out on the shop floor to minimise the time required for this at site. The gas turbine,gear and starter motor mounted on the main base frame make up the biggest shipping module. Starting and operation The GTX100 is started by means of an electric starter motor connected to the speed reduction gear.The compressor has two bleed valves at stages 5 and 10,which are open at the beginning of the starting procedure and close during the start-up sequence.The starting sequence takes approximately 13 minutes,plus time for ventilation,which varies according to the installation. During operation,the power output is controlled by manipulating the variable guide vanes (VGV's)and the firing temperature.Initially,the power output is reduced by closing the VGV's until the exhaust temperature reaches 600°C /1112°F.Further power output reduction is achieved by reducing the firing temperature and closing the VGV's while maintaining the exhaust temperature at 600°C /1112°F.When the VGV's are set to their minimum positions,the power output can be reduced further by lowering the firing temperature.This operation principle gives high part load efficiency. The firing temperature and VGV's are also used to control power output at high ambient temperatures. ALSTOM Power Sweden AB Based on IndustrialTurbine SegmentType(Appiicaton):GTX100 (PGSTD) therein.,wilhoutpriororwrittenpermissionofALSTOMPowerSwedenAB.ALSTOMPowerSwedenABandintheNopartofthisdocumentmaybereproducedInanyformorbyanymeans,WereserveallrightsInthisALSTO M GTX100-GENERAL &COMMEACIAL 77) Introduction GT-number Edition Doe.Kind X100009E 6 BO Performance In order to achieve a high level of performance,the gas turbine designer has to pay due attention to the intended operating cycle. In particular,the advanced aerodynamic design,the use of abradable seals and low- expansion materials in the compressor section,as well as features such as turbine stator clearance control and the axial diffuser,contribute to the high level of efficiency. Low life-cycle cost Two key elements of the life-cycle cost are the costs of fuel and maintenance.They have therefore been considered at the design stage of the GTX100 to achieve low costs for the operator without sacrificing basic reliability and availability. The basic robustness and simplicity of the GTX100 and an optimised maintenance schedule mean that the maintenance cost is very competitive. Designed for ease of maintenance The GTX100 has a number of features that simplify maintenance and inspection.One side of the gas turbine has been kept "clean”,avoiding unnecessary piping,cabling and connections to allow for easy inspection. Borescope ports are available on the clean side for inspection of compressor stages.At the front of the inlet chamber,1 manhole with transparent and reinforced polycarbonate window provides for easy inspection of the compressor inlet bellmouth. The compressor casing is vertically split in the longitudinal direction,which allows half of it to be removed for easy access to the rotor and stator parts.The rotor centerline is 1.5m /5ft above the floor,making inspections very convenient. The burner section design allows each of the 30 AEV burners to be removed individually without dismantling the machine.It also provides for easy inspection of the combustion chamber. An overhead crane is installed inside the gas turbine enclosure to facilitate maintenance and enough space is available to allow operating personnel to walk around the machine. For flexibility,the gas turbine can be removed from both sides of the installation.The walls of the enclosure may also be removed easily,if required. ALSTOM Power Sweden AB Based on Industrial Turbine SegmentType'Applicabon):GTX100 (PGSTD) Combined Cycle Plants KAX 100-1 and KAX 100-2 Combined cycle power generation With the innovation ofthe combined cycle,gas turbines "graduated”from typical peaking power generators to both medium and base load applications. ALSTOM gps turbines are designed for heavy-dugy and long condinuous operation,making them especially suitable for base load power operadon.Our com- bined cycle plane can acain nec efficiencies over 54%and they retain high efficiencies over long periods oftime and at part loads.Several of the ALSTOM gas turbine models use both gaseous and liquid fuels and can,in che case of dual fuel,autcomadcally switch from one fuel to another during operation. The introduction of the GTX 100 gus turbine increases the industrial com- bined cycle ougput while further im- proving efficiency and environmental performance. Whenever you need a low life-cycle cost,eficiene and environmentally sound soludion for your heat and power generation needs -a solution thac can also be used in densely populaced surroundings -an ALSTOM combined evele plant will be the better choice. Combined cycle plants KAX100-1 and KAX100-2 ALSTOM combined cycle plants consist ofstandardised modules prepared for cogeneration and combined cycle Economical production of heat and power A Combined Cycle Plant type KAX100-1,Blackburn,England. adapaations.The KAX 100-1 is based on one GT-X100 gas turbine,a waste heat recovery steam generator and a steam turbine,whereas the KAX100-2 includes two gas twirbines.Overview conuul equipment provides necessary functions PLSeo aeFOm=|uqEYsuch as aucomatic scart-up.operation, satecy functions etc. Civil works,auxiliary systems,switch- yards,transformers,coolers ete complete the supply, KAX100-2 Power bined cycle wae GTX 100 is che acest addition to e ALSTOM's successtul family of indust- rial gas turbines,It combines the relia- bility and robustness of an industrial design with che high efficiency and low emission levels ofthe laces turbine cechnology. The GTX100 gas turbine is optimised for combined cycle operation and its inherent simplicity helps keep © maintenance costs at a minimum. With a rated oucput of 43 MWe it will produce a total of 62 MWe together with a non-reheat condensing steam turbine.The resulting overall electrical *Sette efficiency will in this case be 54%,...ent Nenenhersisthesincef:=,iti;nsweseen9;"Electrical powe«Electrical elficien ae awit Ar."Intake lossesEshouenes |=©Relative.humidity =he SeAmbienttemperature4= : Gear efficiency ae .Generator efficien KAX100-1 Performance summory,$0 3977 Conditions *bed 100 men /A"H.0 KAX100-1 Performan summary,BO 3977 Conditions.Eaciaaberag,comuararonOuiet250men/10HO TC,40%AHL 1.035 brmecj,Nan gon,Ut¥=48815 kl/ag,cone prom.0.043 borat$5000:os Electricoviput(kWo)Electricefficlency(%)40000 Process heat (KJ/s} Seen epee MS AME Seams tte ALSTO: ALSTOM Power «SE-612 82 Finspong Sweden ©Tel:+46 122 810 00 ¢Fax:+46 122 16580 ¢www.power.alsiom.comALSTOMPowerUKLtd»P.O.Box 1,Waterside South,Lincoln LN5S 7FD,England «Tel +44 (0]1522 $84000 »Fax +44 [0]1522 584900 -weew noawer alstam com Rat;PAER/BPROS/KAX100/uke/IPPB/02.01/SWO/1588©O45E-C104-3000-ALSTOM$wadonAdvertisingStudio-PrinedbyNonkapungsTrycheuAB.isgivenberind.colionpwpaseaonlyondosidyectfochangewmiths.1notice.©AISIOM2001,AISICM,theAISIOMlogouedanychetactiveverioefheretdaveredemonksandserecemarksofALSTOM.Theothetnome:mantoned,regiknedoFpot,orethepropurtyoftwit GE Aero Energy A GE Power Systems Business LiMVi6000 Experience,Availability &Reliability LM6000 Experience PA**PB PC*PD*Total Engines Produced 140 20 406 81 647 Engines in Service 140 20 260 58 478 Hours of Operation***4,204,362 650,435 1,826,876 954,156 7,635,830 High Time Engine Hours 78,612 54,287 36,282 41,174 *Includes 267 SPRINT®model units **27 -PA models have been converted to -PC configuration.Engine count & operating hours have not been added to -PC numbers ***Does not include lease engines As of July 17,2003 Notes: PA -Single Annular Combustor,Original Rating PB -Dry Low Emissions,Original Rating PC -Single Annular Combustor,Uprated Power PD -Dry Low Emissions,Uprated Power ond ....age8sarin927WIAEngineeringDesignCenter-Reliability GroupGlobalization &Technology LM6000 146 units G E Pkg'd on ly LM6000 Gas Turbine Reliability and Availability12MonthRollingAverage-GE Packages only 100 99.83 "4.98.92 96 : : <|| @ } o |-a @ if 94 | -GG Reliability (%) -oe |--GG Availability (%) 92 90 |_ Q Q e Q 9 oFFFSTFVFSFSFTFFTFFs Source:ORAP®;All rights reserved:SPS® 24 July 2003 G.E.Proprietary Information Subject To Restrictions on Front Page PAGE 3 Po Jere Zs C3 lary ...«pape8seannS37WIAEngineeringDesignCenter-Reliability Group &Globalization &Technology LM6000 146 units GE Pkg'd only LM6000 Package only Reliability and Availability12MonthRollingAverage-GE Packages only 100 ,, .:--____99.28 28.85 + 96 ,.:2 !|!rt)!|iSod;[oo®|| o ||94 -Package only Reliability |-Package only Availability | 92 ,3 3 _a 90 --+a |). Q o Q eo 'Sy Q o OoFSSFGSTFFSFSFYFTFYSFFYs Source:ORAP®,All rights reserved:SPS® 24 July 2003 G.E.Proprietary Information Subject To Restrictions on Front Page PAGE 4 f +SO ARE oe a,LOLYy .feefl[y)fmetlnw.ih we ."¥_GE Aircraft Engines"," "yooo"47 atteeeeee Fe LM6000 146 units GE Pkg'd only £6000 Complete Package Reliability and Availability12MonthRollingAverage-GE Packages only 100 99.11 |97.77 r=]@ vone &: oO.| 94 --Package Reliability (%) ||!|--Package Availability (%)| 92 |________-= 99 Pe a Q y e Q e RQ eTFSFFSFTFYFSFFSFTFFYSFFY Source:ORAP®;All rights reserved:SPS® 24 July 2003 G.E.Proprietary Information Subject To Restrictions on Front Page PAGE 5 @B GE Power Systems GE Aero Energy Products -LM6000 Overview Jim Canon -Western Region Account Manager LM6000 Gas Turbine Generator Set he ete ee ee+-Sime titapel minamngree ag . Denied 'oy Witte pihadiod Product Heritage -PC 43MW LPC +HPC Sprint™ 47.3MW -PA 40MW >.PiggBeaNOgesioad -PB Dry Low Emissions Concept CHE 1985 1990 99 1995 1997 1 998 2000 Continuous Product Improvements to Grow with Customer CTQs p n LV6000_ §5000 9200 gs woot Fleet Experience E sso ;"wt Units FleetHours High Time 30000 }-ain ---8200 Hours _7 ss Le a-ooo 559 5,795,000 77,900 Temperature (°F)s ee SPRINT Fleet Experience aye A oye Unit Fleet H Hi i Product Capability/Availability ns leet Hours High Time Output =Efficienc Emissions Delive (MWe)(%y (NOx ppm ref 15%02)(Months.ho)1 1,000,000+25,000+ Gas-DLE 41.9 41 25 Inquire GE Sales Gas-Wtr 43.5 40.2 25 Inquire GE Sales Gas-Stm 43.5 43.4 25 Inquire GE Sales Liq-DLE 39.9 40.1 104 Inquire GE Sales Liq-Wtr 43.6 39.5 42 Inquire GE Sales Full Portfolio of Configuration Options to Enable Customer Specific Needs Sprint™Features Uses less than 5m*/hr of deionized water xf a itbSra r . MS carta ty 1"aaBNOeyXaa'NAG tae on la Wa RSOSGael%Se et AEaesPebtegared)MES RD\a natie nia z oeere7j. . a q i yiBRLefSIS1En FP Nozzles LPC SPRINT™Nozzles awe,-pratee? Performance -LM6000-PC vs.PC+Sprint™ 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 °C 52000 50000 48000" 46000 _.44000° te) =42000 $40000() o. 38000 36000°{Sea Level 60%Relative Humidity 34000°-/5 in.H,0 inlet;6 in.H,0 exhaust losses Natural Gas Fuel -LHV 19000 Btu/Ib "5b000-PC32000°|---|Water Injection to achieve 25ppm NOx}= No VIGVs,60Hz,13.8kV,0.9PF30000"armen ae -"7 eee eee ne cicero a mn ee a A lg - 28000 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Inlet Temperature °F Provides >$100/kW Savings for our Customers! .N,MAN B&W Diesel Canada Ltd Our Ref:E1/9335 Precision Energy Services,Inc. 10780 N.Highway 95 Hayden ID 83835 Attn:Rafal Berezowski -Technical Director April 3,2003 Subject:Crooked Creek Diesel Power Plant,Alaska Dear Sir, In response to your recent request for a 70 MWe power plant and heat recovery system, we now have pleasure in attaching hereto our budgetary proposal.This includes both pricing and technical information on the equipment proposed. The engine we are offering is the MAN B&W Diesel,18V48/60 that would be capable of producing 18,900 kWb continuously when operating at 514 r.p.m.Coupled to the engine would be an alternator which,when wound for a 13.8 kV,3 phase,60Hz supply, would be capable of delivering 18,427 kWe,23,033 kVA at 0.8PF.The proposed power scheme compiles of 4 units in operation,1 unit in hot standby &7 unit in cold standby. MAN B&W Diesel offers a complete range of appropriate generating systems.Our four- stroke engines are available for power plants with engine outputs of up to 23,850 kW. The Diesel engine provides the highest thermal efficiency and permits the most economical conversion of primary energy into electricity.The specific fuel consumption of the engine is 176 g/kWh at !SO conditions.Regarding emission,the Diesel engineproducesNOxemissionsinaconcentrationof1920mg/Nm3 at 15%O?which equals more or less 940 ppm. Power plants equipped with modern MAN B&W four-stroke Diesel engines offer thefollowingprincipaladvantages: -Lowcapital investment -nasand cost effective installation-High the é-Capatitty to burn arctic fuel oil -High reliability MAIN BxXw MAN B&W Diese!Canada Ltd 355 Wyecroft Road Oakville,Ontario Canada L6K 2H2 Tel:(905)842-2020 Fax:(905)842-2025 www.manbwitd.com -Easy to extend -High flexibility to meet load demand -Low maintenance requirements MAN B&W Diesel is a leader in the field of power generation with over 10,000 MW of installed capacity worldwide.Our Canadian organization,which has been in operation for over 45 years,has built more than 80 diesel power projects.More than 15 of these are mining companies,and most of them located near the Arctic,like the Kennecott - Greens Creek Mine in Alaska.This demonstrates we have vast experience in sub-zero temperature design aspect &equipment application. For your information,we are ISO 9001 registered on quality assurance,and engaged in power design,application engineering,project management and after-sales technical service &support. When reviewing our budgetary offer,kindly consider the following information about the relevant design,scope and services: 1.The engines will be transported completely assembled as shown in the transport drawing No.4 (engine assembled and placed on the frame)in PART 7 of this proposal.At Alaska harbour (e.g.Goodnews Bay)ail the sets will be unloaded by the shipping crane in order to move them on a lowbed trailer onto a suitable barge and transport them to the site.Dismantling and re-assembling of the engines and /or placing the engine(s)onto the steel foundation frame(s)in the Alaska harbour or even at site are not included at this stage. 2.Six diesel fuel oil storage tanks with a capacity of approx.18,000 m*each are provided to fulfil the storage capacity of 27 million gallons requested in this proposal. The tank farm for the diesel fuel oll has a size of 177 x 126 m?,added by a size of 20 x 16 m?for the lube oil storage tank (387 m*)and two sludge tanks (each 10 m3).We assume,that the diesel fuel oil will be transported in the summer time to the site by suitable ships.The unloading dock at Kuskokwin River,and all facilities for fuel and lube oil is presently not included in the quoted scope. 3.With regards to the several diesel fuel oil specifications supplied and the estimated heat supply in hot water requested in the RFQ,we concluded that no exhaust gas boiler is necessary (i.e.all the heat can be supplied by the waste-heat of engine cooling water).For safety reasons a small auxiliary boiler is included.Heating piping and accessories for heating purposes outside the power plant,such as central heating of Crooked Creek housing and public buildings is not included. 4.We assume the power plant is feeding its electricity into the grid as in running in parallel to the grid.Island operation is not assumed. 5.The NOx-reduction plant is not included in this offer at this stage.As discussedpreviously,the SCR catalyst can convert the NOx to a value below 25ppm for 19,000 operation hours,then the first row of the three ceramic rows has to be exchanged to MAN Baw reach again the conversion figure.The urea consumption of a 40%solution is 434.5 /h at 100%load,for pure urea the amount is 193.3 at full load.The budget price of the combined SCR and oxidation catalyst is EUR 667,000 per engine,delivery in 2003 CIF Alaska.The price does not include urea tanks for storage or mixing, installation,piping and an air compressor., As for the reduction of the NOx emissions with water emulsion we identified one company in Germany producing the additive "Span 80"(so called Sorbitanmonooleat).The price is approx.$3.5 US/kg,and approximately 0.5 to 1% is required for the fuel-water emulsion as an additive,a mixing device has to be installed. Should you find a requirement for any further information,or clarification of this proposal, please do not hesitate to let us know. Your Contacts:- Roger Noseworthy -Director,Sales &Marketing Tel:+1-905-842-2020,Ext 246 Fax:+1-905-842-2025 e-mail:rnoseworthy@manbw.ca Achilles Cheng -Tendering Manager Tel:+1-905-842-2020,Ext 244 Fax:+1-905-842-2025 e-mail:acheng@manbw.ca Josef Dorner -Technical Sales Support Tel:+49-821-322-3239 E-mail josef_dorner@manbw.de Sincerely, fhe"roger Noseworthy Director,Sales &Marketing MAN B&W Diesel Canada Ltd c.c.Chris Walker Pricing Optional equipment Transport DOU BUDGETARY PRICE SCHEDULE We quote for the Diesel generating equipment stated under Section 4 "Scope of supply"of the enclosed Technical Specification,without the mentioned options,including complete erection,testing and commissioning. Budgetary Prices: Power Plant,without tank farm USD 65,600,000.00 Tank farm,incuding civil works USD 30,500,000.00 Some items in the above mentioned Section 4 "Scope of supply" are quoted optionally: Engine wear parts for the first 8,000 operating hours Budgetary Price:USD 302,700.00 Engine diagnosis system 'CoCoS EDS'and software. Budgetary Price:USD 124,500.00 The above stated prices are valid for delivery FOB European North Sea port,in accordance with INCOTERMS 2000,including seaworthy packing. As an option we quote for delivery DDU to Crooked Creek Site, in accordance with INCOTERMS 2000.The equipment wouid be reloaded onto barges in a seaport at Alaska,for instance in the Goodnews Bay.The barges would be shipped on the river Kuskokwin to Crooked Creek. Budgetary Price:USD 5,818,000.00 This optional price for delivery DDU (Delivery Duty Unpaid),is calculated according to the freight rates which currently apply and is for guidance only.We suggest that in the event of an order being placed,you will settle the freight costs at the time of delivery,as they will incur. Price conditions Terms of payment Warranty Delivery time MAN Bxw The budgetary price is in USD for delivery FOB European North Sea port,not stowed,in accordance with INCOTERMS 2000, including seaworthy packing. The budgetary price is calculated for delivery of equipment not later than May 31st,2004 and for completion of commissioning latest by December 30th,2004.Assuming an order is placed before the end of June 2003. The budgetary price is net.Public fees,such as taxes,customs duties,stamp fees etc.,which arise in connection with the signing of the contract or its execution,and which are to be paid outside Germany,are not included in our price and would have to be borne by the customer.Value added tax is not included and would be charged in addition as actually levied by law. All our submitted documents form an integral part of our quotation. Variations in quantities or technical modifications of the quoted extent may result in adjustments of price and delivery time. We have calculated our price on the assumption that payment shall be effected out of an irrevocable letter of credit,free of charge to us,confirmed by a German bank acceptable to us.The price is payable as follows: -20%down payment after placement of the order -80%against usual pro-rata shipping documents,latest however 30 days after notification of readiness for despatch, in case shipment is delayed or becomes impossible for reasons beyond our control. The letter of credit is to be established in our favour immediately after signing the contract for the full contract amount minus down payment and must allow part shipments and the shipment on deck of IMDG goods (=dangerous goods)which,as a rule,are contained in our deliveries (for example sealing compound, paints).Shipment of such goods below deck is not permitted by the Seafreight Ordinance. We are quite prepared to discuss alternative payment conditions. The period of warranty shall be 1 year after the equipment is put into operation.In any case,it shall terminate 18 months after delivery FOB or after notification of readiness for shipment has been given. MAN B&W Diesel is presently able to offer the following delivery schedule: 6 engines +6 alternators:approx.9 months Diese!auxiliaries:approx.8 months Control panels:approx.6 -8 months Conditions Export Control Exchange Rates MAN Baw The dates are to be understood as delivery ex-works.Delivery time to start with coming into force of contract,full clarification of the order,completion of possible financing arrangements and receipt of down payment,whichever is later. A more detailed and binding delivery schedule and a time frame for project completion can be worked out when the project takes more concrete forms and the overall time frame is known. Our offer is subject to the General Conditions of Delivery AL 92e Conditions for Specialist Personnel Services BF84e General Conditions of Supply and Delivery for Products and Services of the Electrical Industry This proposal,respectively the fulfilment of the contractual obligations,are subject to the granting of any export permits necessary and that there will be no contradiction due to German or other regulations which have to be observed. The above price can be considered firm as far as material and labour costs are concerned.We have used a currency exchange rate of 1 EURO =1.0734 U.S.dollars and 1CDN dollar =0.6776 US dollar.Any change in these rates,either up or down,at the date of issuing a purchase order,would be for Client's account. A92e -JMAN & General These Conditions shail apply unless otherwise agreed in writing by the contracting parties. .Quotations and Conclusion of Contract 1.All quotations shall be subject to confirmation. .The written confirmation of order by MBD shall be conclusive for the extent of supply.Additional under- Technical particulars and data on weights,performance,operating costs,etc.shall not be binding unless expressly stated.MAN B&W Diesel Aktiengesellschaft (MBD)shail retain ownership of and copyright on quotations,drawings and other documents.Such quotations,drawings and documents shall not be disclosed to third parties and shall be returned immediately if so requested,or if no order is placed. .These Conditions shail also be deemed to have been accepted by the Purchaser when he accepts deliveries and services of MBD or renders services himself. Other terms and conditions shall not become part of the contract without the written consent of MBD, even if they are cited as contrary to these Conditions. Extent of Supply standings and changes shail be subject to the written confirmation of MBD. Electrotechnical material shall be governed by the conditions issued by the Verband Deutscher Elektro- techniker. if the equipment supplied shall be used outside the Federal Republic of Germany,safety devices shall be supplied as agreed upon. In the event of commercial terms being agreed on the methed of delivery they shall be construed in accordance with the Incoterms issued by the International Chamber of Commerce,Paris,in the word- ing as valid on the date of signature of the contract. Any taxes or other dues or charges payable in the Purchaser's country or in the country of destination in connection with the deliveries made shail be borne by the Purchaser. IV.Prices 1.NoUnless otherwise agreed,the prices shall be valid for delivery ex works inclusive of loading at the works,but exclusive of packing,freight,and installation,plus any percentage of value-added tax as fixed by law. The prices are calculated on the basis of the costs as prevailing on the date of the quotation.The right of price adjustment shall be reserved in the event of changes in the material prices,wages,freight costs,or other cost factors. .The prices are based on the following mode of payment:One third on placing the order,one third after expiry of the first half of the delivery period and the balance when the equipment is ready for despatch. .Terms of Payment .All payments shall be made in cash,without any deduction whatsoever and payment shall be effected on the agreed dates to the bank intimated by MBD.The value-added tax shall be payable upon receipt of invoice untess the advance payments are liable to tax,in which case it shall be payable pro rata on the dates of payment agreed upon.If payment by bills of exchange has been agreed upon,such bills of exchange will be received by way of fulfilment.: Counier-ciaims not recognized by MED shaii not entitie the Furcnaser to withnold or offset payment. 3.In the event of the stipulated date of payment being exceeded,MED shall -without prejudice to any other legal claims -be entitled to charge annual interest at the rate of 5 per cent above the basis inter-est rate of the European Central Bank,plus any value-added tax,without any reminder being required. 4. V A 92e ;-2-man)Baw lf the Purchaser defaults in his obligations of payment or his obligations arising out of the reservation of title or if there is any substantial deterioration in his financial situation or if he should suspend pay-ments,the entire balance shall become-due immediately,inclusive of bills of exchange having a latermaturity. .Reservation of Title .The equipment shall remain the property of MBD until all claims arising in connection with the contract have been fully settled.This shail also apply if such claims are included in a current account. a)Any processing or converting of equipment,the title of which is reserved or the combination of such equipment with third party material performed by the Purchaser or a third party,shall be performed on behalf of MBD.MED shail be the co-owner of the new equipment arising out of such processing or converting or combination in proportion to the vaiue of the equipment. b)As a security for the claims of MBD the Purchaser shall assign to MBD his demands from the resaleoftheequipmentuptotheamountofsuchclaims. ¢)The Purchaser shall be authorized to collect his demands.The right of collection by MBD shall be reserved. d)If the Purchaser fails to comply with the contract,particularly if he defaults in payment,MBD shall be entitled to withdraw and the Purchaser shail be liable to restitute the equipment supplied.The Purchaser shail be liable for any damage arising in connection with the return of the equipment.In the event of the equipment having been used,MED shall be entitled to charge the Purchaser a de- preciation of 25%for the first half year of use and 5%for any further half year commenced,without having to prove the damage sustained. lf the law of the country to which the equipment is supplied does not permit a reservation of title but allows the supplier to reserve other comparabie nghts,MBD shail be at liberty to exercise all such rights.The Purchaser shail undertake at his cost,all such measures as are necessary to render effec- tive and maintain these rights to the equipment supplied. During the period of reservation of title or any other right in accordance with subclause 1 above,the Purchaser shall insure the equipment against all relevant risks,with the proviso that MBD shail be enti- tled to all rights arising out of the insurance contract.The policy and the receipts for the premiums shail be presented to MBD upon request. The Purchaser shall advise MBD immediately of any distraint or other impairment of the owner's inter- ests. Vil.Delivery 1.The delivery period shall not begin before the receipt and clarification of the documents and approvais to be furnished by the Purchaser and not before the receipt of an agreed advance payment. The delivery period shall have been met whenever the advice of readiness for shipment is sent to the Purchaser priorto its expiry. The delivery date shall be reasonably extended in cases of force majeure and unforeseen events aris- ing from circumstances beyond the control of MBD,such as strikes,lockouts,stoppages,rejections, delayed delivery on the part of subcontractors or other delays beyond the control of MBD,provided thatsucheventsaffectthetimelyperformanceofthecontract.This extension shail also apply if there is al-ready default in delivery.In important cases MBD will notify the Purchaser of the beginning and pre- sumable duration of such events.The delivery date shall also be reasonably extended if the Purchaser is in arrears with his payments and other obligations,or if technical and commercial questions are not clarified within a reasonable period of time. if a delay is proved to be due to reasons other than those specified in subclause 2 and the Purchaser has suffered a ioss on account of such delay,he shail,to the exclusion of any other claims,be entitled to claim a compensation for the delay at a maximum rate of 1/2 per cent for each full week of delay, but not exceeding 5 per cent of the contract price of that portion of the total supply which by reason of such delay cannot be used in time or put to the use intended.Any compensation payable by MBD un- der this clause shall be balanced at the time of final settlement. A92e -3-MAN 4. Baw In the event of despatch being delayed for reasons beyond the contrat of MED,the costs arising fromthestorageoftheequipmentwillbechargedtothePurchaser.If stored at the works of MBD,a mini-mum of 1/2 per cent of theinvoice amount will be charged for each month,beginning one month afternotificationofreadinessfordespatch. VIII.Passing of Risk The risk shall pass to the Purchaser when the consignment has left the supplier's works.If shipment is delayed for reasons beyond MBD's control,the risk shall pass to the Purchaser upon notification of readi- ness for despatch. IX. 1. Performance of Contract Delivery shall be considered as having been completed when the risk passes to the Purchaser pursu- ant to Clause VIII Partial deliveries shail be permissible. 3.After the date of completion MBD shall be liable only in accordance with the provisions of Clause XI.of X. these Conditions (Warranty). All supplies,even those showing immaterial deficiencies,shall be accepted by the Purchaser,without prejudice to the rights under Clause XI. Installation if the equipment is to be installed at site by MBD,this shall be specially agreed.In such case MBD will carry out the Installation of the equipment in accordance with their General Conditions covering Installa- tion. XL 1. Warranty a)MBO shall warrant expressly assured properties as well as faultless design,manufacture and mate- rial.Parts which by reason of defects have become unserviceable or the serviceability of which has been substantially impaired shall,at the option of MBD,be reconditioned free of charge or MBD shall supply new parts.Such new parts shall be supplied at the cost of risk of MBD and delivered to the European destination or European port,customs duty unpaid.Extra costs for airfreight and ex- press deliveries shall in any case be borne by the Purchaser. b)Any failure of Diesel engines to meet the warranted performance and consumption ratings may only be proved by an acceptance test carried out at the supplier's works.Uniess otherwise agreed,such acceptance tests shall be carried out in accordance with applicable ISO regulations in force on the date of the tests. Classified marine engines are,in addition to be above provision,subject to the respective rules and regulations of the Classification Society agreed upon. Engines not normaily subject to an acceptance test shall be tested at the Purchaser's request and expense. In the event of Diesel engines failing to meet the performance and consumption ratings during the acceptance test,MBD shall,to the exclusion of any further legal consequences,alter or replace at their option such engines at their expense within a reasonable period of time.If the warranted per- formance and consumption ratings are still not reached after such alteration and replacement in- cluding consideration of the usual tolerances,MBD shall pay for each per cent of reduction in per- formance or of increase in fuel consumption,as against the warranted ratings,a penalty amountingto1/2 per cent of the value of the respective engine,but not exceeding a total of 5 per cent of the purchase price ofthe engine concerned.oOweMBD shail warrant any subsequent adjustments and reolacement parts installed to the same extent as the original equipment.Parts that have been replaced shall become the property of MBD. d)The liability of MBD for bought-out products that have not become an integral part of the manufac- tured object shail be limited to the assignment of the warranty claims that MBD may have towards the subcontractor.MBD shall,however,warrant such bought-out products if their selection or di- mensioning was incumbent on MED and turned out to be faulty. A92e ) -4-(rsazs\Baw 2.The period of warranty for machines shall commence on the date on which the equipment is put intooperation.For marine engines it shall commence on the date of acceptance of the ship.In all othercasesitshailcommenceonthedateonwhichtheequipmentisreadyforhandingover.It shall termi-nate 6 months thereafter.In any case it shail terminate not later than 15 months after notification of readiness for shipment has been given.The warranty period for subsequent adjustments and replace- ment parts shall terminate at the same time as that of the original equipment. .For the execution of necessary subsequent adjustments the Purchaser shall a)grant the required time and opportunity and b)furnish at his own expense auxiliary labour and equipment and perform any incidental work. The cost of any work carried out beyond regular working hours shail be borne by the Purchaser. The warranty shall not cover normal wear and parts which,owing to their inherent material properties or the use they are intended for,are subject to premature wear.Damage caused by improper storage, handling or treatment,overloading,the use of unsuitable fuels,oils etc.,faulty construction work or foundations,unsuitable building ground,chemical,electrochemical or electrical influences or any other circumstances which may arise through no fault of MBD alter the passing of the risk shail also be ex- cluded from the warranty. The Purchaser may only claim the MBD warranty if a)the equipment was installed and put into operation by MBD personnel, b)MBD have been advised in writing of the claimed defect immediately,but not later than two months after expiry of the warranty period, c)the Purchaser has observed the instructions issued by MBD in respect of the handling and mainte- nance of the equipment and,in particular,has duly carried out any specified checks. d)no subsequent adjustments have been carried out without the approval of MBD, e)no spare parts of outside make have been used. Claims shail become barred atthe end of six months from the date on which due notice of the defect has been given. Moreover,see clause XIV. XIl.Right of Purchaser to terminate the Contract The Purchaser may terminate the Contract by notice in writing provided that: 1.the performance of the contract by MBD has become entirely impossible.In the event of partial impos- sibility the right of termination shall be subject to the Purchaser proving that the partial delivery is of no interest to him.If the impossibility occurs while there is default in accepting delivery or owing to a fault on the part of the Purchaser,the Purchaser's obligations under the contract shall remain.If the impos- sibility is beyond the control of either of the contracting parties,MBD shall be entitled to remuneration corresponding to the work done. the Purchaser is entitled to claim penalty in accordance with Clause VII subclause 3 in the full amount and has thereafter granted in writing a reasonable period of grace to MBD with the express statement that he would terminate the contract after the fruitless expiry of this period and can prove that the set period of grace has been exceeded for reasons other than those mentioned in Clause Vil subclause 2. the Purchaser has granted in writing a reasonable period of grace for remedying a defect recognized by MED and for which MBD are at fault in accordance with Clause XI with the express statement that he would refuse to accept the delivery alfer the expiry of the set period of grace and MBD have de- faulted in observing this period.. In the case of subclauses 2 and 3 the Purchaser may terminate the contract only if he can prove that his interest in the delivery is substantially impaired as a result of the delay or defect. Moreover,See clause XIV. Ag2e -5-(esas)Baw XIN.Right of Contractor to terminate the Contract MBD may terminate the contract in part or in whole if unforeseeable events considerably change the |commercial importance or the scope ofthe services,or materially affect the operations of MBD,or if theeconomicsituationofthePurchasershouldundergosubstantialdeterioration.This shall also apply whenanextensionofthedeliveryperiodhaspreviouslybeenagreedwiththePurchaser.In the event of MBD desiring to exercise the right of termination,MBD will notify the Purchaser immediately after the signifi-cance of the circumstances has been ascertained. XIV.Extent of Purchaser's Claims MED shall be liable for any damage caused by their officers and executive employees either intentionally or by gross negligence.Furthermore MBD shail be liable if,either intentionally or by gross negligence, servants and agents violate principal contractual obligations.Additionally MBD shall be liabte to the full extent under the provisions of the German Product Liability Act Irrespective thereof MED shail be liable in all those cases covered by the manufacturer's liability insurance maintained by MED,and to the extent indemnity is paid under this insurance.This manufacturer's liability insurance is governed by the General Conditions of Liability Insurance (AHB). In case MED fail to comply with stipulated qualities they shall be liable for any damage caused to the goods supplied.For any damage not caused to the supplied goods themselves,however,MBD shall be liable only if this stipulation was made for the very purpose of protecting the purchaser from the damage occurred.Stipulated qualities are those expressly specified as such in the text of the contract. To the extent MBD are liabie for gross negligence under subsection 1 clauses 1 and 2,the extent of this liability shall be limited to any damage directly caused to the supplied goods themselves. Any further claims except those specified in these Conditions or covered by the text of the contract shall be excluded.This shall particularly apply to more extensive contractual or statutory claims for damages. XV.Contractual Rights not to be transferred or assigned The Purchaser shall not be entitled to transfer or assign his contractual rights to a third party without the express consent of MED. XVI.Jurisdiction and Arbitration 1.The place of jurisdiction for all disputes arising out of the contract -including actions on negotiable instruments and documents -shall be Augsburg.MBD may also bring an action at the place of the Purchaser's registered office. 2.In the event of arbitration proceedings being agreed with a Purchaser having his registered office out- side the Federal Republic of Germany,any disputes arising out of the contract or in respect of its valid- ity or the validity of the arbitration agreement,shail be finally settled,to the exclusion of legal proceed- ings,under the Rules of Conciliation and Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris,by a court of arbitration composed of three arbitrators,appointed under such Rules,As long as no recourse to arbitration has been made,the contracting parties shall be free to bring an action at the competent court at the place of the defendant party's registered office. XVII.Law applicable and binding force of Contract 1.The Contract shall be governed by German Law.UN-Convention on contracts for the international sale of goods shall not be applicable. 2.In the event of part of the contract being ineffective,the validity of the remaining portion shall not beaffected,provided such ineffectiveness is without prejudice to the essential features of the contract. '} BF 84e MANGeneralBaw These conditions shall apply for the secondment of specialist personnel,unless the contracting parties have agreed otherwise in writing. IV. 1. Vv .Quotation and conclusion of contract .All quotations shall be subject to confirmation. These conditions shail also be deemed to have been accepted by the Purchaser if he accepts the services rendered by MAN B&W Diesel AG (MBD)or if he renders services himself. .Extent of Services rendered .The written confirmation of order by MBD shail be conclusive for the secondment.Additional under- standings and changes shall be subject to the written confirmation of MBD. MED shall be responsible for the observation of legal or other regulations at the place where the ser- vices are rendered only as far as the Purchaser has appropmately informed MBD of such regulations. All dues (taxes,fees,customs duties etc.)becoming payable outside the territory of the Federal Re- public of Germany in connection with the fulfilment or processing of the contract,shall be borne by the Purchaser. Remuneration Uniess otherwise agreed,the services rendered by the specialist personnel shall be charged on the basis of the costs incurred and in accordance with the rates listed on the enclosed sheet. The rates quoted in the enclosed sheet shall be understood exclusive of any VAT percentage fixed by law. The remuneration is calculated on the basis of the costs as prevailing on the date of the quotation. The right of remuneration adjustment shall be reserved in the event of changes in the wages or other cost factors. .Board and lodging On MBD''s request the Purchaser shall undertake to arrange suitable accommodation for the special- ist personnel and to lend assistance in procuring food.In the event of the Purchaser providing board and/or lodging for the specialist personnel,the costs thereof shall be agreed upon and settled directly with the specialist personnel,as these costs are included in the allowance rates. If lodgings cannot be obtained in the neighbourhood of the site of work,the time for travelling be- tween the lodgings and place of work shall be charged as working time whenever the distance is greater than 3 km.In the event of the specialist personnel using public transport,the costs incurred thereby shail be borne by the Purchaser.The same shail apply to the transportation of equipment. -lllness .Inthe event of illness during employment,payment of the allowance shall be continued for the time during which the specialist personnel must remain at the place of work owing to illness.During hospi- talisation at the place of work the allowance shall be reduced to the rate mentioned on the enclosed sheet.if it is necessary for the incapacitated specialist personnel to return home,the travelling costs including allowance and hourly rates for the travelling time shall be borne by the Purchaser. For services rendered abroad,any costs arising in connection with illness or accidents,e.g.costs of medical treatment,hospita!care or similar treatment,and medicine,shall be borne by the Purchaser. VIL Work sheets and invoices 1.The working time shall be arranged by the Purchaser with the specialist personnel,and the actual working time shail be certified by the Purchaser. MBD will present monthly accounts based on the work sheets.The final accounts shall be submitted to the Purchaser within a reasonable period after the completion of the work. BF 84E -2-(ezens\Baw Vill.Terms of payment 1.All payments shail be made,without any deduction whatsoever and free of any expenses,to MBD's _bank account on the dates agreed upon.The value-added tax shall be payable upon receipt of in- voice unless the advance payments are liable to tax,in which case it shail be payable pro rata on the dates of payment agreed upon.If payment by bills of exchange has been agreed upon,such bills of exchange shall be received by way of fulfilment. MBD shall be entitled,upon request,to a reasonable advance payment to be effected by the Pur- chaser,or,for services rendered outside Germany,to an irrevocable,divisible free-of-charge letter of credit for a reasonable amount to be established by the Purchaser in the Federal Republic of Ger-many,and confirmed by a German bank,priorto the departure of the specialist personnel. 3.Counter-claims not recognised by MED shall not entitle the Purchaserto withhold or offset payment. X. In the event of the stipulated date of payment being exceeded,MBD shall -without prejudice to any other legal claims -be entitled to charge annual interest at the rate of 5 per cent above the basis in- terest rate of the European Central Bank,plus value-added tax,without any reminder being required. \f the Purchaser defaults in his obligations of payment,or if there is any substantial deterioration in his financial situation,or if he suspends payment,the entire balance shall become due immediately, inclusive of bills of exchange having later maturity. On MBD's request the Purchaser shall make advance payments to the specialist personnel;the amounts advanced shall be set off against the total remuneration. .Duties of the Purchaser The Purchaser shall,at his own expense and in good time,meet all requirements enabling MBD's personnel to carry out the work without delay. The Purchaser shall make available suitable rooms for storage of material,and rest rooms for the specialist personnel on site. The Purchaser shall make the necessary arrangements for protection of individuals arid goods on the erection site,and shall inform the specialist personnel about any safety regulations in force at the Purchaser's works to be observed by the specialist personnel. In the event of work to be carried out outside Germany,any entry,work and other permits required shall be obtained by the Purchaser at his own expense. Period of secondment Any information given by MBD with respect to beginning,duration and completion of the secondment of the specialist personnel shall be non-binding.The specialist personnel is instructed to carry out the work as quickly as possible. Xl.Completion The contractual services of MBD shall be considered completed when MBD have made available to the Purchaser for the specified period the appropriately qualified specialist personnel agreed upon. 73BF 84E -3-MAN Baw All.Warranty The work of the specialist personnel will be carried out on used items or on items manufactured else- where and under the responsibility of the Purchaser.To the exclusion of further claims,MBD shall as- sume warranty for the appropriate qualification of their specialist personnel,to the extent that they shail replace unsuitable specialist personnel. XIII.Liability 1.The Purchaser shail not be entitled to claim damages or raise any other contractual or legal claims against MED and their servants,unless such damages or claims have been confirmed in writing.This also applies to faulty advice. 2.Regardless of the above,MED shall be liable to pay damages to the Purchaser to such extent as the existing manufacturer's public liability insurance pays damages to MBD.The manufacturer's public li- ability insurance is governed by the General Conditions of Liability Insurance (AHB). XIV.Deliveries If items supplied by MBD are used during the work,then the conditions of delivery for spare parts shallapply;where these are not appended,they can be obtained from MBD on request. XV.Contractual rights not to be transferred or assigned The Purchaser shall not be entitled to transfer or assign his contractual rights to a third party without the express consent of MBD. XVI.Offsetting clause MBD reserve the right to set off any debts,whether due or not yet due,and future debts owed by thePurchasertoMANAktiengesellschaftortoanycompanyinwhichGHH.AV has a minimum holding,di-rect or indirect,of 50%,against any debts owed to the Purchaser by MAN AG or any of the subsidiaries indicated (the Purchaser will be provided with details of the ownership structure of these subsidiaries on request). The Purchaser also agrees that all securities placed with MBD shail also serve as securities for those debts owed by the Purchaser to companies described in the previous paragraph.Conversely,all securi- ties placed by the Purchaser with these companies shall also serve as securities for debts owed by the Purchaserto MBD irrespective of the legal grounds on which they have arisen. XVII.Jurisdiction and arbitration 1.The place of jurisdiction for ail disputes arising out of the contract -including actions on negotiableinstrumentsanddocuments-shall be Augsburg.MBD may also bring an action at the place of the Purchaser's registered office. 2.In the event of arbitration proceedings being agreed with a Purchaser having his registered office outside the Federal Republic of Germany,any disputes arising out of the contract,or in respect of its validity or the validity of the arbitration agreement,shail be finally settled,excluding legal proceedings, under the Rules of Conciliation and Arbitration of the International Chamber of Commerce in Paris by a court of arbitration composed of 3 arbitrators,appointed under such rules.The arbitrators specified by the parties will nominate the third arbitrator.As long as no recourse to arbitration has been made, the contracting parties shall be free to bring an action at the competent court of law at the place of the defendant party's registered office. 1.The contract shall be governed by German law. 2.In the event of part of the contract being ineffective,the validity of the remaining portion shall not beaffected,provided such ineffectiveness is without prejudice to the essential features of the contract. intat)MAN B&W Diesel Canada Ltd presents the following technical solution for SCOPE OF SUPPLY the requested 70 MW DIESEL POWER PLANT. 1 Principal advantages of Diesel power plants MAN B&W Diesel offers a complete range of appropriate generat- ing systems.Our four-stroke engines are available for power plants with engine outputs of up to 23,850 kW.The Diesel engine provides the highest thermal efficiency and permits the most eco- nomical conversion of primary energy into electricity. Power plants equipped with modern MAN B&W four-stroke Diesel engines offer the following principal advantages: -Lowcapital investment -Easy and cost effective installation -High thermal efficiency -Capability to burn arctic fuel oil -High reliability -Easy to extend -High flexibility to meet load demand -Lowmaintenance requirements MAN B&W engine type 48/60 The quoted engine type belongs to the environment friendly,mod- ern MAN B&W family of medium-speed four-stroke Diesel engines comprising the types L 58/64 -L+V 48/60 -L 40/54 -L+V 32/40. All four engine types are designed with the same construction principles and are.equipped with the same new and future- oriented design characteristics. Technical solution MAN B&W Diesel proposes a solution with 6 MAN B&W engines 18V48/60,four-stroke,18-cylinder,18V-design (4 engines will be in operation,1 in hot standby &1 in cold standby).This engine is equipped with exhaust-gas driven turbocharger (constant pressure system)and charge air-cooling system. 3.1 3.2 3.3 Engine main data 48/60 Bore Stroke Speed Mean effective pressure Piston speed Design conditions Ambient air temperature Ambient air temperature Wet bulb temperature Altitude above sea level Power output (per engine) Mode of operation Max.contin.rating (MCR) Electrical output (At alterna- tor terminals) Frequency Power factor Voltage ISO conditions 18,900 kKWmech 18,427 kWa = 23,034 kVA 60 Hz 0.8 13.8 kV Site conditions' 18900 kKWnech 18,427 kW a= 23,034 kVA 60 Hz 0.8 13.8 kV The engine rating complies to ISO 3046-1:2002.The overload matter is ruled in ISO 8528-1:1993,i.e.for engines for electrical power generation,the engine will be blocked at 110 %load of the MCR whereas the 10 %will only be used for short periods for re- covery and prevention of a frequency drop in case of application. It is necessary to provide additional engine power for governing purposes only.This additional engine power shall not be used for the supply of electrical consumers. The above-mentioned mechanical output can be achieved up to 36 °C ambient temperature.At higher ambient temperatures,the engine output will automatically be reduced. Depending on the power plant concept,approx.4-5 %of the elec-trical power output has to be considered internally for auxiliaries. Based on this assumption the net output of the plant is at least 70 MW during the operation of 4 engines at full load. 'at site conditions as defined in section 3.2 MIN 3.4 5.1 Specific fuel oil consump-176 g/kWh 177.5 gikWhtion(sfoc)*: Lubricating oil consump- tion**0.8 g/kWh 0.8 g/kWh * **Tolerance of lube oil consumption +20%related to mech.output at 100 %load. Consumption rates (per engine) Mode of operation Tolerance of sfoc +5%related to mechanical output without attached pumps, according to ISO 3046/1:1995.Using fuel oil with LHV =42,700 kJ/kg. Space requirements The space as per enclosed layout proposal C11.74500-0408 is required. The Diesel power plant is designed in a modular way and can easily be extended by adding new units to cope with rising load demand. Scope of supply MAN B&W Diesel to act as supplier of Diesel generating equip-ment and associated services as follows: Engines 6 MAN B&W engines 18V 48/60,turbocharged,with two- stage charge-air cooler,suitable for operation on 700cSU/50°C Blow of valve for charge air system For turbocharger:2 sets of spare parts and 1 set of tools Standard engine spares Standard and special tools for servicing and inspection of the engine Hydraulic tools Electric valve cone grinder Electric valve seat grinder Main engine special tools for maintenance procedure OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT: Engine wear parts for the first 8000 hour engine operation 2 at site conditions as defined in section 3.2. ISO conditions Site conditions? a aL an 5.2 5.3 5.4 Foundation equipment (per engine) Engine rigidly mounted on a steel foundation frame.Mounting of the frame (elastically)and a two-bearing generator (rigidly)on a common steel-reinforced concrete foundation block.Generator coupled to the engine by means of a flexible coupling. -Steel foundation frame with integrated lubricating oil service tank - Spring-loaded isolators for resilient,vibration-isolated mount- ing of the steel foundation frame,with equipment for lining and fixing the isolators -Calculation of the foundation block and drawing up of accompanying formwork and reinforcement plans -Flexible coupling between engine and alternator Engine control and monitoring equipment (per engine) -Scope of equipment for control,monitoringand operating the engine and the auxiliaries,to be accommodated in a control cabinet which is provided by the electrical equipment supplier -Additional devices for monitoring and controlling of the com- mon auxiliaries -Resistance thermometer Pt 100 at each crankshaft bearing to be connected to the main bearing temperature monitoring unit which is provided by the electrical equipment supplier -Exhaust gas temperature mean value monitoring system for installation in monitoring cabinet. -Switch cabinet,completely wired,with automatic control for starting air compressor -OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT: Engine diagnosis system 'CoCoS EDS' Common systems /Modular design In order to optimise space utilisation as weil as installation,some systems like lubricating oil,cooling water,and leakage oil are in- stalled on one common module skid (auxiliary module).The auxil- iary module is installed adjacent to the counter-coupling side of theengine.The module contains equipment marked with °and is ready piped and electrically connected to a skid-mounted control box. 5.5 5.6 5.6.1 5.6.2 Lubricating oil system (per engine) -Lubricating oil pump with electric motor * -Lubricating oil heat exchanger * -Automatic backwash filter -Temperature regulating valve * -Compact unit for lubricating oil bypass cleaning All necessary piping and accessories inside engine room, without pipe supports Two-circuit radiator cooling system Two-circuit radiator cooling system for outside installation with separate circuits for high temperature (charge air stage 1 and cyl- inder cooling water)and low temperature (charge air stage 2 and lubricating oil)consisting of: -Two-circuit radiator cooler -Supporting steel structure for the radiator cooling plant High temperature cooling system (HT) -Cooling water pump with electric motor ° -Temperature regulating unit for cylinder cooling water * -Preheating system for cylinder cooling water and lubricating oil consisting of one common electrical preheater set and plate-type heat exchangers per engine including temperature regulator and piping. -Expansion tank -Rundown tank for excess glycol in summer -Piping inside engine room and to radiator cooling system (dis- tance cooling system to engine room max.8 m),without pipe supports Low temperature cooling system (LT) -Cooling water pump with electric motor , -Temperature regulating unit fer charge air cooling water” -Expansion tank -Piping inside engine room and to radiator cooling system (dis- tance cooling system to engine room max.8 m),without pipe supports erecta.[gearso-.i"oa,£t 5.6.3.Waste-heat utilisation from the HT-circuit Plate-type heat exchanger per engine Temperature regulating unit for the heating circuit Piping inside the power plant to all consumers,for heating purposes of the relevant consumers by hot water 5.7 Fuel system 5.8 5.9 Arctic fuel oil system (pressurised)with equipment for Diesel oil operation,consisting of: Diesel fuel oil supply pump with strainer,electrical motor (1x for service and 1x as standby)per plant Filter module for Diesel fuel oil (duplex filter)and for heavy fuel oil (automatic backwash filter),each with bypass,per plant Cooler for the dry fuel to keep it under 30 -35 deg C before entry to the engine Fuel oil module with change over valve diesel fuel oil/AFO, flow meter,mixing vessel,circulating pump with motor, steam-heated final preheater,viscosity and control system, duplex filter,switch cubicle;per engine Leakage oil /sludge module with one tank for leakage fuel oil and one tank for leakage lube oil as well as lube oil sludge,with discharge pumps All necessary piping for Diesel fuel oil arctic fuel oil inside engine room Respective accessories Combustion air system (per engine) Intake air filter unit with weather hood,weather blind with bird wire grating,oil bath rotary filter with wetting agent,baffle type silencer with silencing effect of approx.30 dB(A),all neces- sary adaptor pieces and switch cabinet with control and power part Intake air pipe Exhaust gas system (per engine) Exhaust gas silencer,silencing effect approx.25 dB(A) Exhaust gas pipe Insulation material,loose,for heat insulation of the exhaust gas pipe inside power house Respective accessories 7).5.10 5.11 5.12 5.13 Compressed air system Compressor,30 bar,air cooled,with electric motor Starting air receiver,working pressure 30 bar Condensate collector for compressor and starting air vessel All necessary piping between starting air compressor,starting air receiver and engine Respective accessories Auxiliary Boiler Oil fired boiler acting in standby.Also suitable for heating the charge-air cooler and thus heating the air before entering the engine. Piping and valves for the boiler Electrical equipment 6 medium-voltage three-phase synchronous generators 13.8 kV -60 Hz Generator neutral earthing equipment Medium-voitage switchgear with all feeders and coupling pan- els Switchboards for control,measuring and protection Engine monitoring and control system Station service transformer 13.8 kV /440 V -60 Hz Low-voltage distribution for auxiliary drives DC supply system for monitoring and control systems Power and control cables up to MV-switchboard Earthing system inside powerhouse building Standard spare parts General services Basic engineering of mechanical systems Technical documentation (manuals,spare parts catalogues)in case of order Delegation of specialists for supervision of installation work and commissioning Training of customers'staff in manufacturers workshop and at site during erection and commissioning 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 Turnkey portion Balance of plant,mechanical -Service compressed air system -Powerhouse ventilation and air conditioning -Powerhouse crane and lifting facilities for auxiliary rooms and buildings -Emergency or blackstart generating facility -All piping and respective accessories outside the powerhouse -Supporting structures for silencers,boilers,tanks,pipes etc. -Stacks including structures -Water treatment system -Fire detection and fire fighting system Balance of plant,electrical -HV substation including foundations -Step up transformers (13.8kV/60kV) -Cables between the MV switchgear and the substation -External connections for power distribution,connection to the grid Transport -DDU to Crooked Creek Site -OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT: Delivery of the equipment detailed herein under MAN B&W Diesel scope of supply (Delivery Duty Unpaid to the site in A- laska,in accordance with INCOTERMS 2000) Installation -Installation of all supplied mechanical and electrical power generating equipment,including consumables,tools,handling facilities -Site mobilisation Tank farm -Tank farm comprising -6 Tanks for Diesel fuel oil,capacity approx.18,000 m?each -1 Tank for lubricating oil,capacity 387 m? 6.6 6.7 7.1 -2 Tanks for sludge,capacity 10 m?each heated by hot water,if necessary,including all relevant piping and unloading pumps -Raw and treated water storage tank -Tank foundations,retention walls,fire-fighting devices and instrumentation,etc. -The tank farm will be designed according to the local regula- tions Civil scope Civil engineering -Preparation of Site (assuming no complications and not taking into account 'Permafrost'),establishment of basic infrastruc- ture. -Soil preparation and reinforcement (Not taking into account the affects of 'Permafrost') -Calculation of the soleplate below the foundation block -Foundations -Construction of the power plant buildings -LV power distribution-,lighting-systems,communication sys- tems,clock,siren system with respective accessories,inside and outside the power house building -Lightning protection and earthing system of entire plant -Sanitary equipment -Steel gratings,supporting structures and steel stairs etc. -Elevated floor in the electrical annex -Cable ducts and covers,break-throughs,protective screens etc. -Water distribution system and connections - Rain-,waste-,oily water-sewage-collection,separation,drai- nage and discharge system Miscellaneous -Site management List of exclusions Balance of plant,mechanical -Dismantling and re-assembling of the engines and /or placing 7.2 7.3 7.4 7.5 the engine(s)onto the steel foundation frame(s)in the Alaska harbour or even at site Unloading harbour at the site in the river Kuskowin,with all facilities for fuel and lube oil tankers Insulation material for the storage tanks,including erection Exhaust gas after treatment system Heating piping and accessories for heating purposes outside the power plant,such as central heating of Crooked Creek housing and public buildings NOx-reduction plant (quoted separately) Balance of plant,electrical Transmission lines Substation Installation Lifting structure to place the engine on the foundation frame Special cost's for transport and erection in Alaska Water and electricity supply Civil scope Piles or other special foundation methods Costs for special requests of works in arctic areas,such as .'PERMAFROST'. Miscellaneous Dismantling of existing installation parts and preparation for erection of the new material Wear and insurance spare parts for all the quoted scope. Customer witnessed acceptance tests in our resp.our .subsuppliers'works Permits,studies and approvals for the installation and opera- tian af tha nowor niantRahNdheaewwepeieees Custom clearance Supply of consumables including fuel and lubricating oil for start up and commissioning of the power generating equip- ment First filling of all operating media (like fuel oil,lubricating oil, grease,hydraulic oil,additives etc. MAN iBaw 'casting of nodular cast iron and grey cast iron components Germanischer Lloyd GLOCertificationGmbH CERTIFICATE The Germanischer Uoyd Certification GmbH,20459 Hamburg, herewith certifies that the company MAN MAN B&W Diesel AG Baw StadtbachstraBe 1,86224 Augsburg,Germany has established and maintains a Quality Management System relevant for Development,design,production,installation,servicing and licensing of Diesel engines and turbochargers for ships and power plants as well as Germanischer Uoyd Certification GmbH has audited the company.Evidence was providedthattheQualityManagementSystemfulfillstherequirementsofthefollowingstandard: DIN EN ISO 9001:1994 The validity of this certificate is subject to the company applying and maintaining its Quality Management System in accordance with the standard indicated.This will be monitored by Germanischer Lloyd Certification GmbH. The cartificate is valid until 14.12.2003 Hamburg,29.05.2001 /SCHR.> Certificate No.QS-2306 HH my «(Deutscher -P,Sehréder) This cartificate is valid only In connection with certificate QS-2306/1 HH,OS-2306/2 HH and QS-2306/3 HH TGA-ZM-07-91-00 £0 NSLIAS IWOsSs :Germanischer Lloyd Certification GmbH CERTIFICATE The Germanischer Uoyd Certification GmbH,20459 Hamburg, herewith certifies that the cornpany MAN B&W Diesel AG MILANI \Diesel engines|=]EWA StadtbachstraBs 1,86224 Augsburg,Germany has established and maintains a Quality Management System relevant for Development,design.production,installation,commissioning,servicing and licensingofDieselenginesforshipsandpowerplants,including engineering,procurement and " .construction up to turnkey power plants,as well as the required project management Germanischer Lloyd Certification GmbH has audited the company.Evidence was provided that the.Quality.Management.System fulfills the requirements-of.the following standard: DIN EN [SO.$001:1994 The validity of this certificate is subject to the company applying and maintaining its Quality Management System in accordance with the standard indicated.This will be monitored by Germanischer Lloyd Certification GmbH. The certificate is valid until 14.12.2003 Hamburg,29.05.2001 Certificate No.QS-2306/1 HH. :Deutscher /tS:-Akkreditierungs °io ."RatVENT . cf)pe (KP.Schrader) This certificate is valid only in connection with certificate QS-2306 HH TGA-ZM-07-91-00 Ay QML 90 Burnhanmthorpe Road West,Suite 300 Mississauga,Ontario,Canada LSB 3C3 Telephone:(905)272-3920Facsimile:(905)272-3942 . A Division of CSA huernational - EMMOIF MERVEIG*HSITIRGALTIIO NIee QMI issues this certificate to: , MAN B&W DIESEL CANADA LTD |355 Wyecroft Road |Oakville,OntarioL6K2H2Canada which has demonstrated that its quality system is in compliance with: ISO 9001-1994 The following scope of registration applies: |Engineering design and life cycle support of diesel engine power systems. Certificate Number:011564 SIC Number:3519 Date of Original Registration:March 27,2001 Date of Current Registration:'March 27,2001 Date Registration Expires:December 14,2003 | Acctodited by the ule Comell foe Aecredietion -President 4.A.a seam beam =DESCR ON werou seme batty vero A NOTE:.(00001 x CIES,OGIME av sa7ece FW)at .'90001 x TURNING GE 6ONLYMAINEQUIPMENT SHOWN (SUFFICIENT FOR »|00001 x Fore 4.4 E7TT-7y x 6 NQTILE COOLING MATER-UNIT 1.0 STATIC CALCULATIONS)= =rere S.0 CoaISTONG OF:13963 x STEEL FRAC 3ae17.2 NOZZLE COOLING MATER TAME17931x6|FLexXt@e SUP rey MAE COLDSWARRe (STnOET?LIVE LOAD 13908 x &SET |SAIN (SATO 23 'DME TYPE HEATER (ELECTRICAL)16833 x Oo FLYWEEL =VER 3.5 MEAT EXOWNCER -LEVEL |kg/moe4a.16846 x 3 _|AGO.GALEN ON SLE LATE.3.5ina.'em bas t)16647 x 4 |Ac,wax 33103 x 2 COOLING WATER COLLECTING Tame [ioe]12.0 ST ee”2 0,06 4000 21201 x Lue OL Ae 2.0 3211 x 2 Pees ae 'ot21200xWUECLAOTis'staceyt 2.0 On,SERVIcE21908xyee2taeAe eo:14.0 UTE TRE Wat mower Plc %6 |AGL Ob.eOAEwim.23MITCHATICSkCOMEMFTTER5PLOOETER TROERATUSE MEGLLATING VALVES WIXING Tat .-_SECTION S1 wenn|1 23t2t x 6 LUE CLL COM Taper 12.ae)]4.0 'STEs0 FEED CATER .21363 x 6 |ROLE VO EATS ECAeNT 2.0 YISCOSTTY MEASLAING AMO CONTAC-:ID AO Che|z eeee FU,OPUX FTLTORiCeresenhAFRUAESMITHDGCaro' i A RATE ORE CAT Cee Fe wt|ae ee we $6107 x 2 Mea ID 7 Ue CI Duck ME)1.9Cswor =jeneee x &<7 |Diag am FTE udT CoMtsTDSOF:6.5 t g OM,BATH ROTARY FTLTOR STLDCER STM sowTeR FOR PrP_1 65732 x 6 Sowst As SILENCER 14.5{|ase?x 6 |]tee OR CENTRIPUCE-ATT 2.0 .id Oe THE FRAME ARE TED:Paz)x 6 |Oowsraestaxaprypve70.0.COTTE <PRDGATER (STEN)W147 6 _[STARTING AIR DECESVERgsuntTeen,Tae 3 _]pecesae vith BET OTRKRaSLOUEUe73201x1cvenPOSSRESoSarSsORAITS000_nn SMITHS GBINE ' T _{e2000 Tx 3 |CowsT ws OLR 49.9 E -e s107_)x 0 OO AMaTON TAK a BART z.0 Hy 3 RECT)x @ |KOARE FOR HT-CaT 2.0 Sfasgee |x 1 [ro FiReD Stace 300 a Oe THE FRE ARE LTED:le |PED ORRDS WR PUNE csLeCETD E2000 x 2_]FRED WATER MOLLE COMISTDS OF]20.0WE-TOOCMTLAE MALATS VALE .WATER TREATDENT PUT TEND SOK ==e fues(1 x steam)il 31362 x 1 lemme ROOM ©Pe wee vc ume A]1.8 a Sek SOLERtoi .4 FEED waTeR TA!i 31322 x 6 |RADIATOR SS ANT (6TT FEED VATER AES [1 STAND BY) -LAT)|q 4632 x 6 |RADLATOR "ODG Aa?CT)tell 5 4 4 E .a-84994 x 2 CONCENSATE "OOLL 1.9|j a rif E3 46351 x 6 |MOORE FOR LTT Eery ;q =|TL T ah p ON THE FRA ASE MOUNTED:1091 x t CRANEayermT|1 -,g e {C ).ea !J |QuaURCOL.WIR PENS iSteC)10942 x 1 CRANE @aILS =a!Ban <TT ,hod 4 TOPRIM EOLATDG WHE (Olt)ti003_[x 1 |MACKSTART UNITOIG,Vf tft,\OOO 535545:3 3.|TERMINAL SOK 13008 x oSE7 |POWER HOUSE VENTILATIONyyYeyyyLif°i Peigeat teat eey z eet le/,A SIN me ;©1.200 .|3009 aa 4850 10000.1 7000 7500 |!39000 i t + SECTION S2 UNHUtllMliasthhritant47imhustafftualaSafarPhytithearmyeetgatealakhuibS SOSQONVgASSSSSSSPeS te f SSP TSS as iN 6 X 18V 48/60B|RADIATOR COOLING450045002500|4500 |4500 4509 4500 |4500 450045004500 4500 4500 4500 4500 cba steam Fete a ee CON Te Os GMb]Ober om tp 1x ;ane enciere sehen [owewmTO=e Te a ae31BSSeee aT eee nee ee a er=e4+LAYOUT-PROPOSAL eres ee le RADIATOR COOLING a=|(BSu \(B11.74500-0408 9 E40 |WITHOUT OBLIGATION ems nt !fl !I ''J |t 3=-.|||||a ('i a ===oa =Fa =Fs =a -Be cOoFnoo|O06 O70 io,io O75 OST OG-SET 0 "ser OG-SET 4 , :--== :o =:We se | -i = <>i ---v RE :RE acc Says :Re ] ' bl bite G Zi == - - -' ?=|--=ti _.=_-i TS,4 (fs |SES |:Sans se 3 -4 : = = ::ate -=ad : :'{\Suits HO |eas *Void =ENS”V6 Ho eco = ==roms =!-emo ==ems . i = --|p =4i -bay =-Vat >=ane :Rte |ae !-_-_hi --+ - mae ; ; = E ;mr =ae 1 Sj +auaL =1 eae ==aw foe Aue$as+4ip==i Se | dg Kaa 9 a ety !Le le El :|FEET]u'me i:'l | gry"mgzzgaae i”a ___ p a =_=2 :oe 4-6 |.'=o t -_---ree 7]a =|| 1.!jot | ==e}--=SS -hy} |7 yt Zo |S ee De (1 mE core:|ty |ch d nh ly |4 ]a 1 -1 1 "|"\i 3 |i i |Ly I HS +wo gis&WE,SLAF \LAI 8 ize=S|TANK F > T om t* ''L7s4 \i t i 3 J 65746 65746 65740 68740 *$5740 u7Na WITHOUT OBLIGATION 6 x 18V 48/60B RADIATOR COOLING Reman Res Wren ataation Sones a.IB MD (Ohm om.OO |terre em.OH 180 (208eenfmomml e+e RADIATOR COOLING LAYQUT-PROPOSAL See\(811.74500-0408SSeee Fy $§*4500=72000 LOQoo ©_u500 ®4500||t 4|| ®10©| @ 4500 @ 4500 eos |}||im '2 t +t '1 t =SS <=5 =----D||||||;||||| | SWITCHGEAR /CONTROL ROOM SWITCHGEAR /CONTROL ROOM SANITARY ROOMS -0,80 t4|si ot of |Po |tf tt a: ara?7 T T 7 7 T T TT T T v 7 T +T c "aedhAl5:Zess7ua<30ceLiv|]panenalee1 I Irose BeesHRiteREGitebisaate3epAapaheOyeDG-SET2WITHOUT OBLIGATION -f.-_..7000___45006 x 18V 48/60B RADIATOR COOLING fue pormapsbrtal pein tied papleipcee Ohertt mee ODN 10 w=©tore on Cte reo .3an}eensReseres ened Lonhas wt.IP P| oT ES fore em OB 04 Se15onBaga LAYOUT-PROPOSAL RADIATOR COOLING(aan\Bit rate aa 7 See Op |>74500-0408 EsLE= _Transport -Anhangevorrichtung Suspension -Device 1250) a 8annee veel ala enNIGMGLOLD}LD)(cD)etN ©co abtetotSNSNSHENSNCNCNS)Cla -_-® a (DO ak AS, ll eS iV *i ©ral .yy ul _tA. Motorentransport Mowrtyp:18V 48/60 Weights 320 000 kg Engine Tansport Werk-Nr Unischlagsgewicht:-Works-No.MP 54 193 Loading Weight:330 000 kg Schwerpunkt Point of Gravity Anschlagpunkte zum Verzurren Lasch Points SWL Chay Deir 410 573 Zibo> -_=---ep .r saiWARTSILA.ERE STENT caren]Power Prats 710 797 00GYTelephone678-957-8211 201 Defense Hignway,Suite 100FeaT704185-0570 Annapolis,Marylana $=21401 To :PES,Inc.From :Wayne M.Elmore Attn.;Rafal Berezowski Department :Sales FaxNo :208-762-1113 Phone (cellular):678-427-0125 Your ref.:Your email dated 4/2/03 Our ref.:Wartsila Offer No.O3ANO04009 Copy :Chris Whitney Date :Aprit 14,2003 No.Pages :13 Subject :Donlin Creek Mine Cj Urgent CJ For Review &For Information a)Please comment Cc}Please Reply -ASAP Dear Rafal, We are pleased to provide budgetary pricing and performance information for EquipmentandServicesforaplanneddieselfueledpowerpliantatasiteinDonlin,AK.The attachedscopeofsupplylistingisforaplantusing5X18V46gensets(N+1 configuration).The 18V46 has the lowest fuel consumption of all Wartsila engines in a simple cycie arrangement.However,this arrangement will not provide your minimum net power-requirement of 70 MW with 4 units cunning.Therefore,we have aiso included a table below which summarizes power output and estimated net heat rate for simple cycle arrangements using 5 X 18V46,10 X 18V32,and for a cornbined cycle arrangement adding a steam turbine generator to either the 5 X 18V46 or 10 X 18V32 engine powerplant.Note that total plant outputs are shown with 1 genset not running (N+1). Configuration Gross kWihunit |Steam turbine |Gross kVV total Net kW totai Net Heat Rate output kW (4x 46 of 9x 32)|(4x46of9x32)|(BTU/AWhatLHV)5X 18V46 SS 17,024 Not applicabie |68,096 66,053 7340 5 X 18V46 CC 17,024 4800 72,896 |70,853 7403 10 X 18V32SS_|7823 Not applicable {|70,407 |88,295 8148 10 X 18V32CC |7823 4,860 [73,155 7606 The performance shown aboye is based upon the following service conditions: 7,287 i Maximum ambient temperature:77 °F Altitude:450 ftasl Generator voltage 13,800 V Frequency:80 Hz Power factor.9.80 Service voltage:480 V Date:April 11,2003 Page:1 of 13 Fuel Diesel Genset emissions for the 18V46 genset measured at generator terminals: Pollutant Uncontroiled 1 Downstream of emissions (gram/kWh)|aftertreatment (9/kWh) NOx 12.2 2.43 co 0.87 0.43 SOx 1.97*1.97 Particulates 0.21 0.21 Date:Apal 11,2003 C *fuel sulfur assumed to be 0.5%by mass We estimate an 80%reduction efficiency will be required of the SCR system to reduce NOx emissions to "comfortably”under 450 mg/Nm3,which is what Red Dog indicated to us as their target NOx level.Reduction of up to 80%is possible.Approximately 85 -90% reduction efficiency will be required of the Oxidation catalyst to reduce CO emissions to 100 tons per year.This is accounted for in our budgetary pricing for the SCR/Oxi catalyst system. Heat recovery capability: Any of the proposed plant configurations have the capability to provide substantially more hot water than the amounts for the heating systems described in your email request.As an example,4 X 18V46 gensets can produce over 58 MMBTU/hr of 170F hot water using the engine jacket water heat circuit alone.The combined cycle configuration may make the most sense here due to Its superior heat rate and its ability to provide the hot water as a "free”by-product of the steam turbine condenser system. Pricing: The attached Scope of Supply listing is for a simple cycle 5 X 18V46 plant built by Wartsila. The table below summarizes our budgetary equipment and services pricing for the various power plant configurations and our estimated EPC pricing.The EPC pricing is for indicative purposes only,and reflects current costs for a midwest USA rural site with non-union labor.Most of the risk and cost unknowns for this project would have to do with the civil works.The foundations for Wartsila plants are "slab on grade”type construction, without a basement.If the excavation costs are reasonable and if the cost of concrete is reasonable,the cost to construct the plamt should not be greatly beyond typical costs.lf you have any figures for these parameters we can adjust our pricing accordingly.The same comment applies to labor costs. Page:2 of 13 Plant Budgetary Budgetary Budgetary Budgetary Budgetary EPCconfiguration|equipment cost |equipment cost |equipment cost EPC cost of |cost of simple cycle of STG and CC |of SCR/Oxi simple cycle |combined cycleequipmentcatalystsystem|plant (incl.ptant (incl.SCR/Oxi)SCR/Oxi) §X 18V46 $25,400,000 $5,500,000 $1,735,000 $42,450,000 |$50,200 000|10 X 18V32_|$21,520,000 $7,275,000 {$1,990,000 $38,300,000 |$48,500,000 Date:April 11,2003 Equipment price conditions: The equipment pricing is for delivery of the equipment not later than November 20,2003. For later delivery the price will be increased by 0.5 %for each month up to the date of delivery.The price does include customs duty,but does not include any taxes or any other charges outside the country of origin. Payment terms: To be determined.Appropriate payment security to be provided by the Buyer. Delivery terms: CIP US Port,duty paid,according to Incoterms latest edition.We have NOT includedbargedeliverytotheDonlinCreekjobsiteduetothelackoftimetosolicitbidsfromfreight forwarding companies. Delivery time: Equipment delivery time is within six months of technically and commercially clarified orderanddownpayment.Typical delivery time for an EPC power piant of this size is within 12 months or order. Validity: The equipment and services pricing in this offer is valid until May 20,2003. Availability guarantee: Wantsila operates approximately 100 power plants around the world.It is our practice to make availability guarantees only when we have Wartsila personnel involved in the powerplantoperation.Once an equipment configuration (or two options)is chosen,Wartsila will be happy to make a proposal for O&M which includes an availability guarantee. We trust our offer meets with your approval and look forward to further discussion.Should you require further information,please do not hesitate to contact us. Business slopment Manager,Power Plants Page:3 of 13 WARTSILA Scope of Supply Section -_Description QTY Supply by Supplyby A POWER GENERATION Al GENERATING SET Ai.1 ENGINE Engine model:W18V46 operating on diesel oil; speed:514 rpm,output Pre lubricating oil purnp 5 Engine instrumentation 5 At.2 GENERATOR Generator:13,800 Volt;60 Hz 5 x A1.3 BASE FRAME Common base frame 5 x Al.4 ELASTIC MOUNTING Steel springs (set)5 x A15 COUPLING,FLYWHEEL Fiexible coupling Flywheel coverGeneratingset assernbly A1.6 FIXING EQUIPMENT Fixing equipment for auxiliaries (set)5 x At.7 FLEXIBLE CONNECTIONS Flexible hoses and bellows (set)5 x A1.8 PLATFORMS Engine maintenance platform prefabricated 5 x A2 MECHANICAL AUXILIARY SYSTEMS A2.4 FUEL SYSTEM A2.1.1 LIGHT FUEL OIL SYSTEM Light fuel ofl unloading pump unit Light fuel oil storage tankLightfueloiltransferpump unit Light fuel oil day tankLightfueloildaytank equipment*LFO fuel oil unit Piping and valves light fuel oil system (set) A2.2 LUBRICATING OIL SYSTEM A2.2.1 ENGINE LUBRICATING OIL SYSTEMLubricatingoi!thermostatic three-way vaive 5 x Lubricating oil automatic main fittec §xo KxxaaaPad"AAWNNaNxx«Kx*Date:Aprit 11,2003 Page:4 of 13 WARTSILA | Scope of Supply ,Supply by Supply bySectionDescriptionQTYWartsilaOthers Lubricatng ol neat exchanger 5 x Piping and vaives engine lupricating oil system 'set)1 x Engine tubricating ail pipe insulation (set)1 A2 2.2 PLANT LUBRICATING OIL SYSTEM Lubricating oil unioading pump unit 1 x Lubricating oil storage tank:fresh oi 1 x Lubricating oi transfer pump unit 4 x Lubricating oil maintenance tank 1 x Lubricating oil storage tank:used oil 1 x Piping and valves plant lubricating ol system 4;x(set) A2 3 COMPRESSED AIR SYSTEM Starting air bottle 2 x Starting air compressor unit 2 x Cantro!and working air compressor unit 2 x Piping and valves compressed air system (set)1 x A2.4 COOLING SYSTEM Az.4.4 ENGINE COOLING SYSTEM Thermostatic valve low temperature system 5 x Thermostatic valve high temperature system 5 x Low temperature expansion tank 3 x High temperature expansion tank 5 x Preheating unit 5 x Cooling radiator 5 x Pipe module 5 x Piping and valves engine cooling sysiem (set)1 x Cooling system pipe insulation (set)1 x A2.4.2 PLANT COOLING SYSTEM Maintenance water tank unit (fresh water}1 x Piping and valves maintenance water system 4 x(set) A25 CHARGE AIR SYSTEM Charge air filter 10 x Charge aw silencer 10 x Expansion bellows charge air system 10 x Ducting charge air system (set)10 x A26 EXHAUST SYSTEM Exhaust aas silencer 5 x Expansion bellows exhaust system 5 x Ducting exhaust gas system (set)5 x Insulation exhaust gas ducing (set)5 x Exhaust gas stack pipe 5 x Date:Apnil 11,2002 Page.5 of 13 ©«iWARTSILA Section A2.8 A2.8.2 A2.§.4 A2.9 A3 A3.1 A3.2 A3.3 A3.4 A3.7 Description STATION SUPPORT SYSTEM OILY WATER TREATMENT SYSTEM Oily water transfer pump unitBoilerwashingwatertank Oily water butter tank Oily water treatment unitSludgetank Sludge loading pump unit een'and valves aily water treatment systemset) Sludge disposal EMERGENCY DIESEL GENERATOR SET Biackstart unit STEEL STRUCTURES Steel structures for auxiliary equipment support (set) Steel structures for charge air duct support (set)Steel structures for exhaust duct support (set)-Steel structures outside building (set) ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS MAIN SWITCH GEAR Generator cubicle Neutral point cubicle Bustie cubicle Outgoing feeder cubicleGeneratorcubiclecables (set) Generator neviral pomt cabdies (set)Outgoing cubicle cables (set)Cable terminations and cable fittings STATION SERVICE SYSTEM Station auxiliary transformerLowvoltageswitchboard Station transformer cables (set)Engine auxiliary panelLowvoitagecables(set)Cable terminations and cable fittings DC SYSTEM Dc system power plant control! EARTHING SYSTEM Safety earthing system CONNECTION WITH LOCAL INDUSTRY Local electrical study Date:Aprit 11,2003 QTY aAot2dbedS-QOnw-nu- MOo|]0)On22ww Scope of Supply Supply by Supply byWéartsilaOthers x. x x xX x x x xX x x x x x x x x x mM x x x x x x x x x x x x Page:6 of 13 at?WARTSILA Section A4 Ad4.1 A4.2 A4.3 44.6 B1.1 B1.6 Description Local interconnect study Distribution cable Physical connection with local industry AUTOMATION SYSTEM (Extended type) INSTRUMENTATION Field instrumentation CONTROL PANELS Common section centralized contro!pane) Engine wise section centralized control panel Local engine control panelLocal(auxiliary)control panels OPERATOR'S STATION Operator's station Report stationUninterrupted power supply (UPS) CABLES ANQ ACCESSORIESControlandinstrumentationcables TOOLS Engine ana turbo maintenance tools (set)General tools for workshop (set) CIVIL WORKS &STRUCTURES POWER PLANT BUILDINGS ENGINE HALL Superstructures,engine hailEarthworks&substructures,engine hall Earthworks &substructures,generating sets Inlet ventilation,generator sideinletventilation,auxiliary side Cutlet ventilation,roof monrtor Plumbing &sanitary installations,engine hailElectrification,engine hail Fire detection,engine hail Overhead crane,engine hallManorai?hoist,engine hall FIRE FIGHTING STRUCTURES Fire fighting containerEarthworks&substructures,fire fightingcontainerFirewatertank Earthworks &substructures,firg watar tankFirewaterpumpmainunit7 Date:April 11,2003 QTY wokweok"Onnare6)ekwkedodotod-AWAthwhewokohtkScope of Supply Supply by Supply bywartsilaOthers x xX x x x x x x Xx x xX x x x x x x x x x x xX x x x x x x Page:7 of 13 WARTSILA Section Be B2.3 B2.5 B3 B3.1 B3.2 Description indoor hose rack siation Exterior fire hydrant Foam unit Portable fire axtinguisher,CO2 type Piping and valves fire fighting system (set) ANCILLIARY SERVICE BUILDINGS GUARD HOUSE Superstructures,guard houseEarthworks&substructures,guard houseVentilation,guard house Airconditioning,guard housePlumbing&sanitary installations,guard houseElectrification,guard houseFirefighting,guard house ADMINISTRATION BUILDING Superstructures,administration bulidingEarthworks&substructures,administration building Ventilation,administration buildingAirconditioning,administration butidingPlumbing&sanitary installations,administrationeneElectrification,administration buildingFirefighting,administration building OIL STORAGE AND CONTAINMENT AREAS DAY TANK CONTAINMENT AREA Earthworks &substructures,hight fuet oil daytank Earthworks &substructures,oily water bufferan Earthworks &substructures,sludge tankEarthworks&substructures,concentrated sludge tank Earthworks &substructures,lubricating oilstoragetank:fresh oil Earthworks &substructures.lubricating of storage tank:used oi!Earthworks &substructures,tubricating oilmaintenancetank FUEL STORAGE CONTAINMENT AREA pagnworks &substructures,light fuel oil storagetan Earthworks &substructures,dike bottom Earthworks &substructures,dike wail Earthworks &substructures,pipe support Date:April 11,2003 QTY 5 5 1 20 1 eeaeoeaeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaekScope of Supply Supply by Supply byWartsilaOthers x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Page:8 of 13 WARTSILA Section B3.3 84.4 BS B5.1 B6 Description FUEL UNLOADING STATION Superstructures,fuel unloading stationEarthworks&substructures,fuel untoading station Plumbing &sanitary installations,fuel unloadingstation Electrification,fuel unloading station Fire fighting,fuel unloading stationEarthworks&substructures,pipe support AUXILIARY STRUCTURES COOLING SYSTEM STRUCTURES Superstructures,radiator(s) Earthworks &substructures,radiator(s) Earthworks &substructures,pipe support EXHAUST GAS DUCTING AND SUPPORT STRUCTURES Superstructures,exhaust gas stackEarthworks&substructures,exhaust gas stack(s) OIL/AWATER COLLECTION AND SEPARATION STRUCTURES Oily water collecting sumpSuperstructures,oily water transfer pump shelter Earthworks &substructures,oily water treatment unit Plumbing &sanitary installations,oily water treatment unit Electrification,oily water treatment unitFirefighting.oily water treatment unit POWER TRANSMISSION AREAS AUXILIARY TRANSFORMER AREAS Earthworks &substructures,station auxiliary transformer Fence,around station auxiliary transformerEarthworks&substructures,blackstart unit container SITE WORKS Earthworks,soil stabilization (piles,soil reinforcement,etc.)(if required)Existing elements on plot (demolition,protection,cleaning,top soil removal,etc.)(if required)Earth excavation on pilot (if required)Rock excavation on plot (if required) Date:Aprit 11,2003 QTY annooaSupply by Wansila «KKxx«xxScope of Supply Supply byOthers xxxxPage:9 of 13 WARTSILA Section C4 C3 C4 C4.1 C4.3 C5 C5.1 Description euse Pavements,roads and parkingPowerplantsurfacecovering(gravel)Fence,around power plantPavements,curbs and rain water drainageRoadtoplant Fuel pipe to plant Water pipe to plant Sewage pipe to plantTelephonelinestoplant SERVICES ENGINEERING Preliminary engineeringBasicengineerinDetailedmechanicalengineeringDetailedelectricalengineeringDetailedcivilengineering Detailed heat recovery system engineeringDetailedSCRsystemengineeringEnvironmentalstudy/modeling Site survey Soil penetration test INSTALLATION Installation of mechanical equipmentInstallationofheatrecoveryequipment Installation of electrical equipment Installation of civil superstructures, airconditioning,ventilation systems,electrical systems,fire fighting sytems,plumbing andsanitaryinstallations,ete. installation of civil earthworks &substructures and siteworks TESTING AND COMMISSIONING WORKSHOP TESTS Test according to standard program TESTS AND COMPLETION AT SITE No load test On load test TRAINING TRAINING AT WARTSILA FACILITY Basic training (number of man weeks)Travel Board &lodging trainees Date:April 11,2003 ahbhokAoOodOA8wt2ekekebedwkaow3OAWAwa2=Scope of Supply Supply by Supply byWartsilaOthers x x x xX x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x P.4 x x x x x x x x x x x Page:10 of 13 4 WARTSILA Section C5.2 C6 C61 C6.2 C6.3 Description TRAINING ON SITE Mechanical instructor (number of days)Electrical instructor (number of days)Travel Board &lodging training instructor (number ofdays)Training maternal (per person) DOCUMENTS PRELIMINARY DESIGN Genera!site layoutsGeneralpowerhouse layouts General flow diagram draftsGeneralelectricalsingleline diagram drafts BASIC DESIGN General site layouts General power house layouts Flow diagram draftsElectricalsingleline diagram drafts DETAILED DESIGN Drawings (set)Parts lists (set) P&ID's USER MANUALS Engine operation and maintenance manualsEnginesparepartscataloque TAXES /DUTIES /PERMITS /INSURANCE Import dutySalestaxand tocal taxes Construction permitting,approvals.stamps.etc.Local business permit Water permit,emission permit,etc. Permitting proceduresBuildersnskinsurance Freight insurance EXW to FOB Freight insurance FOB up to (CPT US Port)Freight insurance from port to siteGeneralcommercialliabilityinsuranceWorkerscompensationandemployers liabilityinsurance Property and liability coverage TRANSPORTATION (CPT US Port)Packing and marking of equipmentExportclearance Qate:Aprit 11,2003 QTY WWWWW)WwWWWWheoheBWtAtaesScope of Supply Supply by Supply byWartsilaOthers x x x x x Xx x x x xX x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x xX x x x Page:11 of 13 WARTSILA Section Description Transportation of equipment from piace ofmanufacturingtoportofshipmentOceanfreightofequipmentfromportofshipmenttoportofdestinationUnloadingofequipmentatportofdestination Import clearance Transportation from port of entry to warehouse Transportation from warehouse to project siteUnloadingofequipmentatplaceofdestination CONSUMABLES Iniual fillings for fuel oilInitialfillingsforlubricating oil Initial chemicals for water treatment Initial fillings fresh engine waterFuelforstart-up and testingElectricitysupplyduringconstructionWatersupplyduringconstruction Date:April 11,2003 QTY whotOAWAAAndScope of Supply Supply by Supply byWartsilaOthers x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Page:{2 of 13 WARTSILA Section AS AS.4 A6.1 A6.3 Description HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEM STEAM GENERATION Feed water tank Blow down tank Feed water pump Exhaust gas boiler Circulating pump unitSteamdrum Chemical dosing unitSteamheader Condensate return system Steam turbine generator and condenserPipingandvalvessteamsystem(set)Steam system pipe insulation (set) EMISSION CONTROL SYSTEMS DE-NOx SYSTEM SCR system,includes reactor housing,ammonia injectionequipment,ammonia feeding pump ynit,contre!panel andinterconnectionpiping:co '|woes Urea storage silo tank BY OTHERSPipingandvalvesSCRsystemset) .i] OXIDATION CATALYST CO Catalyst SYPTR y Date:Apri 11,2003 Exhibit A Scope of Supply Optional items QTY AwabawNnnonbanPage:13 of 13 AxunoHepHoe O6us@cTBo "HHTEPSHEPYOCEPBHC™ 117630,Mocxsa, Bopoauoscxua napr,$A ren.(095)120 8496,936 0029 dbaxc:(095)936 0010,936 4146 E-mail:ies @space.mua Joint Stock Company "INTERENERGOSERVIS" 3A,Vorontsovskly pari, Moscow,117630 tel:(095)120 8496,936 0029 fax:(095)936 0010,936 4146 E-mail:ies @space.ru izNSVA{BN">i)@Precision Energy Services,Inc. Mr.Rafal Berezowski Project Manager Pages:9, Sub:Diesel generator sets. Dear Mr.Berezowski, Please accept our excuses for the delay of several days.We tried our best to be ready with the proposal before April 7,but needed some more time. The present proposal is not a constant.Any issue can be discussed and that would be our pleasure and main task to comply with the requirements of the Client. Looking forward to receive your respond soon and further instructions. Best regards, --- A.V Rybinsky 4098 BITS FINExecutivedirector Coa!INTERENERGOSERVICE has considered the documents felated to working out the feasibility study of the power supply project,installation of electric devices,and costs concerned with Crooked Creek power plant in Alaska In this connection our company presents the following proposals: FOR THE SCOPE OF SUPPLY AND COMPLETING The main equipment includes a diese!low-speed engine manufactured by the MAN BQW Diesel A/S's license (Germany -Denmark).Power is generated by means of ten diesel generators with heat recovery and auxiliary systems that are required for reliable plant operation.Generators of SGD-7095-6.3-28 type manufactured by the Electrosija plant,Russia,are used.These diesels can operate using both heavy oil fuel of up to 700 Cts viscosity at S0°C and up to 5%of sulfur content, and diesel fuel DF 2 proposed by the Customer.A fuel heating and circulation system is provided for fuel preparation.The Russian and European manufacturers will deliver the mechanical and electric equipment in accordance with the requirements of the world standards.The design activities can be performed either by the Russian designers or by designers that the Customer proposes.The construction and installation works can be performed either by the General Contractor-the equipment Supplier,or by any other manufacturer as per the Customer request.To reduce terms of installation works of the power station the equipment will be delivered in modular configuration.If necessary,the Supplier will also render the services of supervisor-engineers that supervise over installation,start-up,commissioning,testing,and training of the plant operatung personnel.A separate contract can be conchided for after-sales service of the plant for a period of 10 or more years,as per the Customer request. Characteristics of a single plant diese]unit of 11L35MC-S type are given in the following table: Installed maximum continuous mechanical rating,MW 7,040 Electric nawer at base load.MW 6.78 Overload electric power.MW.7.46 Arabient atr temperature,°C from -50 to+40 Air éemperzture im the turbine house.°C \from +8 to +45 Rated current frequency .Hz 160 Rated voltage.V Bv the Customer request Temperature of external cooling water system,°C Up to +32 Temperature of internal cooling water system,°C +30 (minimum) Time of startup from the point of a startup signal generationto the [8 point of readiness for loading.s Discharged gas volume at maximum continuous rating,kg/h 59420 Number of sequential startups without makeup of starting air vessels |Not less than 6 Duration of continuous diesel no-load operation.h "Not less than ] Scope of automation,not lower Third degree as per GOST R $0783-95 and diesel as per GOST 14228-80 Number cof working how's pera vear,b/vear Not less than 8500 Engine fuel rate under tvnical conditions.¢/kW_h)176*) Cylinder oil rate.¢/(k Wh)0.8 -1.4 Circulating oil rate,ke/{ev].h)0.1 Plant service life.vears 45 Note:*)calorific value of liquid fuel 42 700 kJ/kg (10 200 kcal/kg). Environmental factors The main factors that impact upon environment are noise,vibration,and gas exhaust taking inte consideration for power plants with internal combustion engines. Narse Noise produced by a power unit is kept within the required norms to a greater extent due to the wall panels of the building and minimum quantity of hatches,air ducts and other openings in the wails. An insulation degree of the building depends on local requirements.High requirements are notpresentedduetorelativelylownoiseproducedbydouble-contact engines.A standard noise level ofengines1]L35MC-S does not exceed 103 dB(A)at a distance of 1 m from a noise source,while it reaches 110-115 dB(A)for four-contact engines. Vibration High frequency vibration created by low-speed engines makes a structure noise about 10-20 dB below that of medium-speed engines.Excitation sources of engine vibration are of cyclic nature and determined by rotating and forward-moving masses: *|-st external moments (in horizontal and vertical direction): +2-nd external moments (in vertical direction); »*suide force moment of X-type and N-type; »axial oscillation; *torsional oscillation. Vibration of the plant depends on interaction between the engine and foundation,as well as subsoil under foundation.Careful research of soil under the plant designed is carried out separately for each case to obtain the so-called damping effect of the subsoil.The concrete foundation of the engine and generator is designed in such a way that dynamic factor are compensated,and noise and vibration levels do not increase the preset values. Emission levels Due to NOx,SOx,CQ,particles and hydrocarbons the diesel engines impact upon environment. Regardless of the fact that emission of low-speed engines is significantly lower in comparison with medium-speed and motor engines,technologies are available to decrease emission that could be used to meet the highest future requirements if they are provided.The values of gas emission specified in the table will not be increased for engines of 11L35MC-S type at 2.5%sulfur content in the fuel. Effective power (on the engine shaft)kW [780s 7040 5321 13547 (%)|110 100 75 50 Fuel rate kg/h 1417 1249 930 634 Discharged gas rate ke/h 64924 59420 47409 {35580 Discharged gas rate nm*h {51160 {46842 36894 [28016 Oxygen,02 %114,8 15,3 15,4 16,7 Carton dioxide,COs %a2 (sie [40 (3,16 Water vapors,H3O %5,41 5,33 5,26 5,13 Sulfurous anhydride,$O2 ppm -510 -- we PRICE AND INDICES OF THE PLANT DIESEL UNIT The price of the diesel power plant,including the stand-by unit amounts to USD 100 335 840 within the scope of supply and services related to this Proposal. Price structure The basic component prices of the plant !° Equipment,including: engine unit electric generator auxiliary mechanical and electrical optional equipment for the diesel unit standard set of tolls and spares supervision over engine and generator Ix]1L355MC-S 1 x SGD-7095-6,3-28 1 set 1 set 1 set Taking into account 70 MW power generation under conditions of maximum electric loads of the power plant it is required to install 10 diesel-generators and 1 stand-by unit with initial data given in the table. [DESCRIPTION Dimension |Result INITIAL.DATA j MECHANICAL POWER OF THE LUNTT KW 7040 2 EFFICIENCY FACTOR OF THE GENERATOR %96.4 3 POWER OF AITXTIARY MECHANISMS KW/onit J00 4 NUMBER OF DIESET-GENERATORS nes LD 5 THERMAL POWER OUTPUT BY EACH OF THE UNTTS kW/unit 1916 (Geal h/unit)1,65 6 THERMAL POWER OUTPUT OF THE PLANT UNDER MW year 19160 OPERATION (Teal/year)16,5 7 FUEL RATE OF THE ENGINE (ISO conditions)e/(kW h)176 g FULE RATE INCREASE TOLERANCE %3 9 CALORIFIC VALUE OF LIQUID FUEL Keal/kg 9 500 | 10 [PERIOD FOR COMMISSIONING THE |-STUN}JT (FROM [months -15 THE DATE OF PREPAYMENT) I]|PERIOD FOR COMMISSIONING THESUBSEQUENT [months 1,5 UNITS (FROM THE DATE OF COMMISSIONING THE 1!-ST UNIT) 1 12.|MEINIMUM NUMBER OF HOURS OF ELECTRIC POWER _jhvyear (8500 OUTPUT | | PRICE i PRICE OF DIESEL WITHIN THE STANDARD SCOPE OF [|USD/pes 3 445 100 STIPPLY 2 PRICE OF GENERATOR IN COMPLETE SET USD/pes.1 122.000 3 PRICE OF HEAT-RECOVERY BOILER OF DISCGARGED [USD/pes 397 100 GASES 4 PRICE OF MECHANICAL AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT USD/pes 1 883 200 5 PRICE OF ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT USDipes 733 290 6 SUPERVISORY INSTALLATION OF EQUIPMENT (BY =[USD 758 070 AGREEMENT OF THE PARTIES) 7 CONSTRUCTION WORKS AND BUILDING STRUCTURES |1150 [Net supplied 8 CONSTRUCTION OF INFRASTRUCTURE AND ROADS [USD Not supplied } 9 DESIGN WORKS (BY AGREEMENT OF THE PARTIES)-_|%(USD){9 (782 680) 10 |TOTAL PRICE OF THE UNIT USD 9 122 000 11 [TOTAL PRICE OF THE PROJECT USD 100 335 840 12___|PRICE OF RUN-IN KW _USDAW 1.295 Notes : I.terms of delivery -FOB,port of St.Petersburg (additional agreement is possible); 2.term of after-commissioning warranty -18 months. SCOPE OF SUPPLIES AND SERVICES It.Name Meas.unit {|Q-ty 1.DIESEL ELECTRIC UNIT set 1 2.AUXILIARY MECHANICAL AND ELECTRIC SYSTEMS 2.1.|Liquid fue!system set 1 2.2.|Lubricating oil system set \ 2.3.{Circulating oil system set l 2.4.|Starting air system set l 2.5.{Cooling system set 1 2.7.|Fire-extinguisher system of the diesel engine set 1 2.8.jControl,monitoring,signaling,and protection system of diesel-set 1 electric untt 2.9,jiToots and devices set 1 2.10.[Standard set of spares set 1 3.SERVICES 3.1 |Supervision works for diesel and generator 1 3.2.|Commissioning works 1 3.3.|Guarantee testing 1 3.4.|Executive documentation set 2 3.5 set 2[Operating manual Sulfuric anhydride,SO3 -33 -- Hydrocarbons,CH ppm 13 24,8 27,3 27,0 Carbon oxide,CO ppm 10 24 40 60 Nitrogen oxide,NOx ppm 1150 1200 1100 790 Nitrogen oxide,NOx (mass content)kg/h 115 115 83,7 $2,6 Nitrogen oxide,NOx (specific conteni)GkWh 114,73 16,2 15,73 14,84 Solid particles mg/nm?|-{20 -- PAYMENT TERMS AS PER THE CONTRACT - 20 %down payment -not later than 30 days after signing the Contract; 80 %-documentary confirmed irrevocable letter of credit; letter of credit terms can provide hold of 20%from the letter of credit sum imposed on the Seller to be paid as performance bond for proper execution of the Contract as follows: e 15 %after delivery,installation and commissioning (in accordance with a schedule agreed by the Parties); ¢.5%onthe expiry of a warranty period.twb2This Proposal is valid till 30.07.2003. , || Diesel-penNerator Installatjbolts;4,5 Was "TS:6 .&€neratoy On on the 95 MW ELECTRIC POWER &DISTRICT HEATING PLANT BETHEL SITE SCOPE DESCRIPTION AND BUDGETARY PRICE ESTIMATE NUVISTA LIGHT &POWER COMPANY DONLIN,ALASKA JUNE 2003 cars as;BiNMIDaTTYforss:ReaxAPSE PREPARED BY: ESL ESI,Engineering Services . A Division of The Keith Companies 370 North Wiget Lane,Suite 210 Walnut Creek,CA 94598 : REVISION DESCRIPTION |DATE |BY |LEAD |STAFF:QA PE PM Proposal 6/03 |RAM}]CS DCR |DCR |RAM |WAZ ESI PROPOSAL NO.:001878.00.009 The Kaith Companies Tkx<C INTRODUCTION 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 TABLE OF CONTENTS 3 PROJECT INFORMATION 3 SITE DATA 6 | 6 7 CODES AND STANDARDS MECHANICAL DESIGN BASIS CIVIL DESIGN BASIS 13 STRUCTURAL DESIGN BASIS 14 ELECTRICAL DESIGN BASIS woe 15 INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROL SYSTEMS DESIGN BASIS 18 EXHIBITS:HOOD>Plant Availability and Reliability Heat Balance Diagrams General Arrangement Drawing EPC Price Estimate Budgetary Equipment Prices from Vendors 2 of 25 The Keith Companies TI CCS INTRODUCTION This budgetary estimate has been prepared to provide technical and cost information for use in a Feasibility Study being performed by Precision Energy Services,Inc.(PES).The proposed project site is Bethel,Alaska. The project described herein represents a conceptual design and is based on the information provided by PES proposal request for a 95 MW (gross output)combined cycle power plant and subsequent discussions with PES personnel.The budgetary estimate can be refined after additional information is received regarding the project commercial operating date,site description,operating mode,load duration characteristics,and complete financial information necessary to evaluate and determine the best practical project to suit the intended purpose. The proposed project consists of three General Electric LM6000 aero-derivative combustion turbine generators (CTG)configured as follows:for normal operation,2-LM6000 CTG exhausting into a common unfired heat recovery steam generator (HRSG)and a auto-extraction, condensing steam turbine generator (STG);and for standby service,1-LM6000 CTG exhausting to a dedicated unfired HRSG integrated to operate with the STG.The proposed configuration will provide during normal operation the required total gross output of 95,000 kW,measured at the terminals of the generators,while at the same time deliver up to 200 MMBTU/hr of thermal energy from steam extracted from the STG at 200 Psig for District Heating.Note,however,that the power block is capable of providing 98.7 MW during this winter peak district heating load (200 MMBTU/s/hr),and 103 MW at Summer time when district heat requirement is less at 130 MMBTU/hr.District heating and plant heating loads will be provided by the Package Boiler during emergency condition. 1.0 PROJECT INFORMATION The EPC budget estimate price provided in Exhibit D is limited to the work associated with the following description.Work excluded is also listed below. 1.1 GENERAL 1.1.1 Project Description The Project is an indoor combined cycle power plant with a nominal total gross output of 95,000 kW,measured at the terminals of the three generators. The project is illustrated in the General Arrangement Drawing No.878-G-201,Rev.A included in Exhibit C. The major equipment include: e Three (3)GE LM 6000 CTG sets fueled with Distillate Oil No.2 and equipped with water injection to reduce NOx emission.Two LM6000 is required to run during normal operation,and the third unit will be for standby service to provide high plant availability. 3 of 25 The Kerth Companies KX Pue One (1)normally operating single pressure,unfired HRSG designed to accommodate the exhaust gas from 2-LM6000 and will generate high pressure steary at 600 Psig and 750 deg F steam conditions (SH outlet)and equipped with Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) system to reduce NOx emission from 42 ppmvd to 25 ppmvd. e One (1)single pressure,unfired HRSG designed and dedicated to accommodate the exhaust gas from the standby LM6000 and will generate high pressure steam at 600 Psig and 750 deg F steam conditions (SH outlet)and equipped with Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR)system to reduce NOx emission from 42 ppmvd to 25 ppmvd. e One (1)single admission,auto-extraction,condensing STG set equipped with Air-Cooled Condenser e Fuel oil No.2 skid,boiler feed pumps,air-cooled condenser, deaerator,water treatment,condensate &make up water storage tanks,condensate pumps and plant air compressors Blackstart generator and startup &standby package boiler Electrical and control equipment:main and auxiliary transformers, MCCs,Switchgear,and control system. 1.1.2 Work Excluded The following is not included in the EPC price estimate: Fuel oil unloading system Transportation and dock loading &unloading facilities Fuel Oil Storage Tanks and forwarding pumps Clearing,grading and site excavation All foundations and platforms to suit the permafrost condition at the site Electrical system beyond the generator breakers (main step-up transformers &switchyard equipment not included) Raw water supply system Wastewater discharge/treatment system Interest during construction (IDC) No soft costs included;i.e.;project development,Owner's Engineer, permitting,legal,financing fees,etc. 1.2 SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1.2.1 The foundations and required platform due to permafrost condition at the site will be by others._1.2.2 The power plant shall be designed with black start capability. 4 of 25 The Kaith Companies KC 1.3 1.4 OPERATING MODE During normal operation,two of the LM6000 CTG will be in combined cycle mode while one of the CTGs is in standby service.The exhaust gas from the two normally operating CTG will discharge into a common HRSG to generate steam that is introduced to an auto-extraction,condensing STG where up to 165,000 #/hr (200 MMBTU/shr)of steam is extracted at 200 Psig for District Heating.When one of the two active CTGs is taken out of service,the third and standby CTG with a dedicated and smaller HRSG will be used to maintain full plant electrical output. It was assumed that the plant operating permit will allow startup of a CTG using the bypass stack without an SCR module to reduce Nox emissions.Operations using the bypass stack will be limited to starting a CTG.All other operations will have the CTG exhaust pass through the HRSG and SCR,maintaining a 25 ppmvd Nox emission level. The power plant will be provided with a Blackstart Diesel Engine Generator and a package boiler for use during initial startup and testing of the plant,and on the event that the 2 to 3-CTGs were taken out of service at the same time. The performance of the plant at normal conditions during summer and winter seasons are depicted in the Heat Balance Diagrams included in Exhibit B.The proposed project has the following performance characteristics with the 2- LM6000 CTG at full load condition: Summer Winter Gross Output (Gen.Terminal),MW 103 98.7 District Heating Load,MMBTU/hr 130 200 (max.) Gross Plant Heat Rate,BTU/k Whr (LHV)7,777 8,115 Gross Plant Efficiency,%43.9 42 Thus,the plant will be normally operating from 92%load (summer)and 97%load (winter)for a 95 MW gross power requirement. BOUNDARY LIMITS The work was assumed limited to be within the site boundary limits or terminal points listed below. 1.4.1 Electrical equipment and materials up to the generator breakers (step-up transformers &switchvard by Others) 1.4.2 Raw water piping terminates three feet from the building wall 1.4.3 The following piping was assumed to terminate three feet from the building wall: Industrial and domestic wastewater piping Fuel oil piping Raw water supply piping 5 of 25 The Keith Companies TKX<C 1.5 PLANT DESIGN GUARANTEES © 1.5.1 Gross power output produced by the plant will be 95,000 kW when using Fuel Oil No.2 and operating on a mode described above and at a design ambient temperature of 45 deg.F. 1.5.2 Emissions from the HRSG stack during normal operation will not exceed the emission concentrations listed below when burning the Fuel Oil No.2. NO,25 ppmvd at 15%Oxygen,corrected NH;Slip 5 ppmvd 2.0 SITE DATA 3.0 2.1 SITE ENVIRONMENT 2.1.1 Plant Elevation Above Sea Level:500 ft. 2.1.2 |Ambient Max/Min.Temperatures:50°F/minus 60°F 2.1.3 Design Air Temperature,45°F/40% Dry Bulb/"%RH 2.1.4 Wind:..100 mph per UBC 2.1.5 Seismic:Zone IV,per UBC CODES AND STANDARDS The plant will be designed and constructed in accordance with the following list of codes and standards.The codes and standards utilized will be the latest editions in effect on the date of the engineering service agreement. In the event these codes and standards are subsequently modified by their issuing agency,and should Owner desire such modifications to be incorporated into the proposed plant,then any resulting additional cost,project delays,changes in performance guarantees,etc., will be considered a change in the work scope. e American Concrete Institute ACI e American Institute of Steel Construction AISC e American National Standards Institute ANSI e American Society for Testing Materials ASTM e American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASME e American Welding Society AWS e Cooling Tower Institute CTI e Heat Exchange Institute HEI e Hydraulic Institute Standards HIS e Institute of Electrical &Electronic Engineers IEEE e Instrument Society of America ISA e National Electric Code NEC e Occupation Safety &Health Act OSHA e National Fire Protection Agency NFPA 6 of 25 The Keith Companies TK Power Plant Piping :ASME B31.1 Tubular Exchangers Manufacturer's Association TEMA Uniform Building Code UBC National Fire Protection Code NFPA Uniform Mechanical Code UMC Uniform Plumbing Code UPC 4.0 MECHANICAL DESIGN BASIS 4.1 4.2 PLANT AVAILABILITY AND RELIABILITY To further enhance plant availability and reliability,auxiliary equipment will have redundancy,arranged either as 2 x 100%capacity or 3 x 50%capacity units,as practicable.In addition,only reputable manufacturers will be considered as suppliers to the project to ensure quality. See Exhibit A for discussions on plant availability and reliability. GAS TURBINE GENERATOR (GTG) Three (3)GE LM6000 aero-derivative gas turbine generators will be used in the project. Each unit is equipped with the basic GTG scope of supply: Inlet screen and bellmouth seal Fuel oil system complete and self-contained on the unit for connection with customer's supply piping. Air-cooled generator -13.8 kV,60 Hz,3600 RPM,71 MVA,and 0.85 pf. Low maintenance brushless excitation system complete with neutral and line cubicles with CTs,surge protectors and lightning arrestors. Acoustic and weather enclosure.AC internal lighting and redundant ventilation systems. Multi stage air inlet filtration system including screening,pre-filter,final barrier filter,intake silencer,and custom designed ducting to plenum chamber.Pre-engineered structural support hardware included. Combustion air heating coil. Electro-hydraulic start system. Air-cooled lube oil system for gas turbine and generator each with duplexfiltersandallstainlesssteelpiping. Axial circular exhaust discharge flange 7 of25 The Kaith Companies Th 'Cc 4.3 Fire and gas detection and CO2 extinguishing system serving both turbineandgeneratorcompartments. Unit control panel for control room mounting includes Woodward fuelmanagementsystem,programmable microprocessor for sequencing,generator metering,Bentley Nevada 7200 vibration monitoring,CRTannunciationofalarmsandshutdowns,and RS-232 link for data logging. 24V DC battery and charger assembly. Custom designed filter house structural support and associated serviceladdersandplatforms. Generator factory testing to IEEE 115 standards.Full load string test of gasturbinegeneratorsetatassemblers'factory. Ten (10)sets of drawings,data package and O&M manuals. Training course for up to ten (10)customer personnel. HEAT RECOVERY STEAM GENERATOR (HRSG)AND STANDBY BOILER The unfired HRSG will be a single-pressure,two drum,natural circulation,topsupportedunit.Heat absorption surfaces will be mounted in factory-assembledmodulestofacilitateconstruction. Heat absorption modules will include a superheater,evaporator,economizers, and condensate heater. The HRSG will also include modules for the SCR Catalyst,a transition ductconnectingtheGTGandtheHRSG,and a free -standing 80 feet high stack. Some of the design features of the HRSG will include: All tubes will be formed with extended surface arranged inline for ease of inspection,cleaning,and maintenance.In addition,access cavities will be provided between each module. The inlet ductwork will include a gas distribution system for uniform temperature and flow upon reaching the duct burners or superheater bank. The inlet duct will include multiple layer insulation. Two-drum design -steam and mud drums. Modular construction with integral circulators to minimize field welding of interconnecting risers and downcomers.Modular construction also allows factory hydrostatic testing to assure ease of installation. Maximized module size to reduce foundation cost and area requirements. The HRSG will be top-supported to minimize upper drum movement and 8 of 25 The Keith Companies TK 4.4 eliminate expansion joints in the casing around the upper drum.Top-"Supportalsosimplifiesupperdruminterconnectingpiping. A packaged type water tube boiler will be installed for use during startup and toprovidesteamforfreezeprotection,building heating on the event that all the threeCTGsarenotavailableforservice. STEAM TURBINE GENERATOR The steam turbine will be a single admission,auto-extraction,and condensing unit.The steam turbine steam exhaust flow will be upward and connected to an air-cooled condenser.The steam turbine will service both the normally operating HRSG and the standby HRSG,but sized to handle steam generation from only two LM6000 in operation while delivering 130 MMBTU/hr of thermal energy at 200 Psig steam for district heating. The auto-extraction port will be at 200 Psig and capable of delivering up to 200 MMBTU/hr thermal energy for District Heating. The air-cooled STG is rated at 11 MW,13.8 kV,.85 pf and 13 MVA. The STG will be supplied complete with skid-mounted lube oil and control oil systems,local control panel,lineside and neutral cubicles.. MECHANICAL SYSTEMS 4.5.1 Steam Systems The HP steam generated in the HRSG will be at around 600 Psig/750 deg. F at the superheater non-return valve outlet.The steam temperature will be set and controlled at this level by a spray attemperator before it is directed to the steam turbine generator. Appropriate steam turbine bypass lines and drain lines will be installed for start-up purposes and emergency operation. 4.5.2 Feedwater System The three (3)50%capacity feedwater pumps take suction from the deaerator and deliver deaerated feedwater through the condensate heater and economizer and then to the boiler drum.The pumps will service both HRSG.The pumps will be provided with minimum flow recirculation line back to the deaerator.The flow control valve will maintain the water level in the steam drum to pre-determined range. The pumps will be capable of delivering feedwater to the HRSG at a pressure at least 3%above the highest safety valve setting on the HRSG, 9 of25 .The Keith Companies TKXC 4.5.3 4.5.4 4.5.5 as required by the ASME code. The pumps will be horizontal multi-stage centrifugal type.The pumps will feature dual volutes for radial balance and opposed impellers for axial balance. The pumps will be capable of withstanding severe load transients caused by steam turbine generator trip and the resulting full load rejection.The feedwater pumps are product lubricated. Condensate System The system includes the air-cooled condenser and three (3)50%capacity condensate pumps.The pumps will be vertical can-type to provide the necessary net positive suction head for unit having a vacuum suction pressure.The pumps take suction from the hotwell or condensate tank of the air-cooled condenser. The pumps transfer the condensed steam in the air-cooled condenser to the deaerator through the condensate heater.Excess inventory of condensate due to load changes is rejected to a condensate/makeup storage tank. The air-cooled condenser will include freeze protection,and comes complete with steam jet air ejectors for startup and removal of uncondensable gases during normal operation. The deaerator will be spray-tray type,and will service both the HRSG. The deaerator storage tank will be sized for a minimum 10-minute hold time,at design load and will be designed to operate at stable condition over the operating load range of the plant.The equipment will be installed on top of the normally operating HRSG. Makeup Water System Two (2)100%makeup water demineralizer systems will be provided.The systems will include makeup water storage tank from where makeup to the HRSG is then pumped from this tank to the condenser hotwell or to the deaerator. The system will also provide water for injection in the CTG to control NOx emission. Auxiliary Cooling System The system will be air-cooled and is used for cooling miscellaneous equipment such as the lube oil of the steam turbine generator,sample coolers,and other miscellaneous equipment coolers.Two (2)100% 10 of 25 The Keith Companies TK cooling water pumps will be provided._ 4.5.6 Plant Water Systems The plant water system includes the raw water supply system,firewaterandservicewatersystem,and HRSG makeup water system. Raw Water Raw water supply is by others,and is assumed delivered to the plant with piping interconnection located 3-feet from thebuildingwall. Fire Protection Systems The fire protection systems will include redundant fire-water pumps including a diesel engine driven unit.The source of water is assumed coming from the same source for the raw water supply. Appropriate detection,alarms will be included in strategiclocationsandsystemactuationwillbeautomaticwhere necessary. 4.5.7.Chemical Feed Systems The chemical feed systems include: HRSG Chemical Feed Systems Phosphate Feed Svstem Phosphate feed to the HRSG steam drum will be controlled to maintain the desired phosphate residual and alkalinity in the boiler water.The complete feed system will be skid-mounted consisting of: One (1)100-gallon stainless steel tank with hinged lid One (1)electric motor driven tank mixer Two (2)phosphate piston-diaphragm pumps One (1)dissolving basket. Organic Feed System Organic feed will be introduced to the deaerator to maintain thedesiredspecificconductanceinthecondensate.The completefeedsystemwillbeskid-mounted consisting of: e One (1)100-gallon stainless steel tank with hinged lid e One (1)electric motor driven tank mixer e Two (2)piston-diaphragm pumps. 11 of25 The Keith Companies TKXC 4.5.8 4.5.9 4.5.10 Oxygen Scavenger Feed Svstem This chemical is feed into the deaerator to remove dissolved oxygen in the condensate.The chemical type will bedeterminedlater.The complete.feed system will be skid-mounted consisting of: e One (1)100-gallon stainless steel tank with hinged lideOne(1)electric motor driven tank mixer e Two (2)piston-diaphragm pumps. Solid &Liquid Waste Discharge Regeneration waste from the Demineralizers will be shipped to theequipmentsupplierfortreatmentanddisposal. HRSG blowdown will be discharge to an industrial liquid waste area.Costincludedforthisterminatesatapipingconnectionlocatedthreefeetfrom the building wall. Spent catalysts will be shipped to the supplier for handling. Potable Water The plant potable water system will be from the raw water supply system. It is assumed that the raw water system when delivered to the plant by others (out of scope)is already treated suitable for human consumption. Heating,Ventilating and Cooling Building Freeze Protection Freeze protection for the building and various process systems, as applicable shall be provided with freeze protection by steam or electrical means. Building Ventilation Wall mounted fans and intake louvers will be provided for the building.Combustion air will be admitted through louvers located on the upper half of the building walls. Operating &Personnel Areas HVAC systems will be provided for the control room and electrical room only.The electrical room will be ventilated and cooled to maintain less than 85°F temperature.Control rooms will be maintained at 68°F.Introduction of outside ambient air was assumed sufficient for this purpose,i.e.;no mechanical cooling equipment is necessary.The rooms will be heated with 12 of 25 The Kaith Companies Ke:yoyetie+ 4.5.11 4.5.12 steam,as required for operator's comfort. Compressed Air Systems Redundant compressed afr system for instruments and for maintenance is included complete with dryers,filters and Air receivers. Ammonia Injection System The system will provide the ammonia solution for injection to the SCR Catalyst for NOx emission reduction from 42 ppmvd to 25 ppmvd. The system consists of aqueous ammonia storage tank,2 x 100%capacity supply pumps,flue gas ducted from the HRSG to the injection skid,and an evaporator.The Ammonia is then introduced to the injection grid located upstream of the SCR Catalyst in the HRSG. The storage tank will be sized for optimum delivery of ammonia to the site. CIVIL DESIGN BASIS Precision Energy Services,Inc.is handling this with another consultant familiar with the site and expert on permafrost construction. 5.1 5.3 OrO5.6 SITE WORK Not Included. CUT,FILL,AND COMPACT Not Included. DEWATERING Not Included SPOILS REMOVAL AND HANDLING Not Included SITE IVIPROVEMENTS Not Included SURVEYING Not Included 13 of 25 The Kaith Companies Th 'Cc 6.0 5.7 STORM DRAINAGE Not Included 5.8 LANDSCAPING Not Included 5.9 FOUNDATIONS Not Included STRUCTURAL DESIGN BASIS 6.1 BUILDINGS The equipment will be located indoor.The building will be designed to conform to site conditions and architectural environment.The building will provide rooms for administration and control functions and will also mitigate the noise and visual impact.The building will be of prefabricated "sandwich”steel walls and roofing (steel-insulation-steel)and structural steel frame type. The building will be constructed on steel piles support and building platform floor will be poured concrete. The building floor or platform will be elevated,for permafrost considerations, with sufficient clearance with the ground to allow snow to blow through under and to prevent snow accumulation in and around the building to maintain ventilation. The steel piles and platform are not included in the scope. 6.2 STRUCTURAL STEEL SUPPORTS Structural steel supports will be designed and erected per the latest requirements of the American Institute of Steel Construction and the requirements of the OSHA. Major equipment and systems that requires structural steel design include elevatedsupportsforpipingandductworksupport. 6.3 PLATFORMS Access platforms,with ladders and/or stairs conforming to the OccupationalSafetyandHealthAdministrationrequirementswillbeprovided.Access will be provided for normal operation and maintenance of plant. 14 of 25 The Kaith Companies TKX<C Dehrag6Eman 7.0 6.4 EMBEDMENTS AND ANCHORS Miscellaneous embedments for support and anchorage of equipment andstructuresagainstconcretewillbeprovidedinsuchamannerastoprovideproperfieldalignment. 6.5 PAINTING The building,equipment and structures will be painted in accordance withstandardindustrypracticeandappropriateforthelocationoftheproject. ELECTRICAL DESIGN BASIS The plant electrical systems are designed to supply power to auxiliary electrical equipmentandsystems,and deliver the generated power to the transmission/distribution system (yet tobeconstructed).The system included herein is up to and including the main step-uptransformers,i.e.no electrical switchyard equipment is included. 7.1 7.2 POWER STEP-UP SYSTEM The generator step up transformers is not included in the scope of work. POWER GENERATION &DISTRIBUTION SYSTEMS The power generation system will consist of a three combustion turbine generators and a steam turbine generator.The generated power is connected tofourstep-up power transformers located outside the building.Auxiliarytransformers,located near the main step-up transformers,will be installed for the plant's auxiliary loads.The generator breakers and transformer breaker will form an assembly of 15 kV class switchgear located in the building.Connection between these elements and other related plant electrical systems will be providedbybusduct,conduit,or tray and cable.The generated power will be at 13.8 kV, 3-phase,3-wire,60 Hertz. A diesel engine generator will be installed for blackstart and for use during thestartup&testing of the plant. The plant's distribution system will be at 13.8 kV,4.16 kV and 480 volts three phase and will consist of transformers,switchgear and motor controllers. 7.2.1 Medium Voltage Switchgear The generator switchgear will be arranged in an indoor lineup in thebuilding. 7.2.2 Distribution Transformer(s) Distribution transformer types to be evaluated based on location.Indoor transformers will be dry type,and outdoor transformers will likely be oil filled. 15 of 25 The Kaith Companies Ke a 7.3 7.4 7.2.3.Motor Controllers Motor controllers are also included. MOTORS Integral horsepower motors will be 460 VAC,or 4,000 VAC 3 phase inductionmotors.Fractional horsepower motors will be single phase,or three phaseinductionmotors.Motors will normally be NEMA design B with Class B or ClassFinsulation.(If the load has unusual torque requirements,motors with otherNEMAdesigncharacteristicsmaybeused.) Generally,motors 250 HP and larger will be 4000 VAC.Motors %through 200HPwillbe460VAC,3 phase.Motors less than %HP will be 115 VAC singlephase. Motors enclosure selection will normally be according to the following criteria:Outdoors or dusty/dirty environment -WPI or TEFC;indoors in generally cleanenvironment-ODP;covered in normally clean environment -WPI or ODP.Small motors may be TEFC or ODP. GROUNDING Grounding requirements to be established as part of detailed design.Thefollowingisaninitialguideline.; Grounding will be provided to insure safety to personnel and equipment in case ofelectricalequipmentfailuresandtopreventfiresanddamagefromlightningand/or static electricity.Grounding will be in accordance with IEEE Standard Publications No.80 and 142. The generator neutral will be high resistance grounded.This will be through agroundingtransformer.The low voltage (480V)distribution system will be solidly grounded through the distribution transformer's neutral.The medium - voltage (4160V)distribution system will be low resistance grounded throughdistributiontransformer's neutral.Non-current carrying part of electricalequipmentwillbegroundedfromthesourcebyaseparatewiretotheequipment.Large power transformers and generators will have the neutral connected to the plant ground loop where applicable.Large equipment enclosures will be connected to the plant ground loop.The ground loop will consist of buried #4/0 AWG ground wire with driven ground rods located strategically throughout the plant.Taps from the ground loops to Individual equipment will be #2/0 AWG. Grounding design will be based on maximum soil resistivity.Foundation pileswillbeconnectedtothegroundingsystemtoformpartoftheearthconnection. LIGHTING SYSTEM High-pressure sodium (HPS)type fixtures will be used for outdoor areas.All outdoor lighting will be automatically controlled using photoelectric cells. In the offices,conference room,laboratories,rest rooms and electrical equipmentroom,fluorescent type fixtures will be used.The control room lighting will use 16 of 25 The Kaith Companies KC 7.6 7.7 7.8 dimmable or switched arrangements for adjustable light levels.Other indoor areas will use fluorescent,incandescent,metal halide or HPS,depending on the task. Emergency exit lighting will be provided in areas where such lighting may berequiredtoleavetheareaonfailureofthenormalpowersource.Emergency exitlightingwillbeincandescent.Emergency exit lighting fixtures will be provided inthecontrolroomandturbine/generator building. The installed illumination levels are tabulated below.The foot-candle values shown are the average minimum maintained levels as measured at ground level for outdoor areas and 30 inches above the floor for indoor facilities.The maintenance factor used will be 0.80. Outdoor Facilities Stairs and Platforms 5 fe Ground Level Areas 5 fe Switchyard 2 fc Storage Tanks 0.5 fe Roadway and Parking Areas 0.5 fe Water treatment 2 fe Interior Areas Control Room 5-50 fc (dimmable) Offices 30 fe Conference Room 30 fe Electrical Equipment Room 30 fe Rest Rooms 20 fc Other General Areas 10 fe COMMUNICATION SYSTEM In plant communication system is included in the estimate.Land telephone line tooutsideoftheplantisalsoallowed. CATHODIC PROTECTION There is no cathodic protection allowed in the estimate. D.C.SYSTEM The existence of a 125 VDC system will depend on the switchgear control requirements and turbine auxiliaries. A 125 VDC system will be provided for the turbine emergency lube oil pump andcontrolfortheswitchgear.System capacity will include the switchgear load plusDClubeoilpumprequirementsasstatedbytheturbinegeneratormanufacturer.The charger will be sized for an 8-hour recharge cycle.Battery system will be Exide or equal. 17 of25 The Keith Companies "Th <-> 8.0 7.9 7.10 7.11 7.12 7.13 7.14 UPS SYSTEM A reliable source of power to instruments and shutdown networks will be furnished as dictated by process control requirements.This power supply will be astaticsolid-state UPS (uninterruptible power supply)system consisting of arectifierandinverterwithbatterybackup.The UPS system capacity will be atleast125%of the load for 20 minutes of running time after power failure.Theminimumsizewillbe15kVA. Upon loss of power,the batteries will service the critical loads. CONDUITS &TRAYS Conduits and trays will be based on good engineering and industry practice and asappropriatetositeconditions. POWER WIRES AND CABLES Wire and cables will be based on good engineering and industry practice and asappropriatetositeconditions. INSTRUMENT WIRES &CABLES Wire and cables will be based on good engineering and industry practice and asappropriatetositeconditions. LIGHTING TRANSFORMERS &LIGHTING BOARDS Lighting transformers,where required,will be the indoor,dry type.Lighting and distribution panel boards will be supplied for feeding lighting,receptacles andsmallloadsasrequired. RECEPTACLES Sufficient 120 V receptacles will be located so equipment can be reached with extension cords not over 50 feet in probable work areas.In all enclosed rooms, sufficient receptacles will be-placed to provide convenient access. INSTRUMENTS AND CONTROL SYSTEMS DESIGN BASIS 8.1 8.2 GENERAL Instrument and control systems design will be engineered to provide for the safe and efficient start-up,operation,and emergency shutdown of the power plant. TYPES OF CONTROLS The following design basis is assumed for purposes of the conceptual design or this estimate. The plant control system will provide the following: 18 of25 The Keith Companies TKX<C e Major equipment and associated auxiliaries will be operated from central iecontrolroom.eae e Remote indication and group alarms are furnished for local control .=packages.cee, 8.2.1 Control System A Control System will include the following equipment: Two (2)operator displays will be provided.These will be CRT based consoles with function keyboards.They will provide the operator with aninteractive,visual display of all plant operations.They will include plantdatahighwayinterfacinganddatastoragedevices. 8.2.2 Local Control Panels Locally mounted panels may be utilized for the air compressors,turbine- generator,demineralizers and other miscellaneous systems. CONTROL SYSTEM LOOP COMPONENT DESIGN Major plant systems to be controlled and monitored are: Combustion Turbine/Generator Systems Heat Recovery Steam Generator Systems Steam Turbine Generator System Condensate,Feedwater and District Heating Systems Demineralizer System Plant Monitoring SystemDARWN 8.3.1 Gas Turbine Generator Systems The gas turbine generators are supplied with a dedicated microprocessor based control system.It contains the unit metering,protective relaying and control switches. The control system provides control functions including:fuel,air and emissions control;sequencing of turbine fuel and auxiliaries for start-up, shutdown and cooldown;monitoring of turbine control and auxiliary functions;protection against unsafe and adverse operating conditions. The plant control system will interface to the combustion turbine controlsystemthroughadatalink. The GTG is designed for a "pushbutton”start locally or from the controlroom.Its operation is fully actomatic.The remote control from the controlroomisaccomplishedfromtheplantcontrolsystemCRTsviaadigitallinkfromtheGTGcontrolsystem.The plant control system logs analog and digital data.Under abnormal conditions the GT load will be loweredforshortdurationsandwilloperateinefficientlyatlowerloads. 19 of25 The Keith Companies TK 8.3.2 Steam Turbine Generator 8.3.3 The STG will be supplied with standard complete with a stand alonecontrolhandlingallclosedandopenloopturbinecontrols.The controlsystemwillinclude:WPWNSWoodward Governor 505E based turbine loop controlsAllenBradleyPLCmoduleforturbinesafetytripfunctionsAllenBradleyPLCforturbineauxiliarycontrol Generator AVR Generator protection relays and synchronizing equipment. Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG)Systems Control of the HRSG will consist of the following loops under control oftheplantcontrolsystemtosafelyandefficientlymaintainsteamheader pressure and feedwater to match turbine-generator requirements duringstart-up,normal operation,upsets,and shutdown. The HRSG control system will be comprised of the following subsystems: 1.HRSG Drum Level Control System 2.Steam Temperature Control 3.Plant Service Steam Temperature Control 4.Deaerator Level Control HRSG Drum Level Control System The HRSG drum level control system will be a conventional three-element control system using main steam flow as the feed-forward signal,drum level and feedwater flow as the feedback signals.Based on demand,the system controls a feedwater control valve to adjust feedwater flow to the boiler. The system will be designed to operate on single element control using drum level only during start-up. Main Steam Temperature Control System The purpose of this system is to maintain the final superheater outlet temperature at a manually set value with minimum fluctuation.This is a single station,Cascade-type control system in which the final superheater outlet control unit serves as the master or primary control unit and the desuperheater outlet control unit serves as the slave or secondary control unit. Plant Service Steam Temperature and Control Steam header temperature will be controlled through a desuperheater with a temperature controller that will regulate feedwater flow to maintain temperature. Deaerator Level Control System The deaerator level will be controlled from the control room.If 20 of 25 The Kaith Companies TK 8.3.5 the level is low,make-up will be adinitted from the-demineralized water storage tank.Overflow will be dischargedtothetondensatetank.Level switches will be provided toalarmhighandlowlevelsandtotripthefeedwaterpumpsonlow-low level. Feedwater System Boiler Feedwater systems will be provided with pump minimum flow control. Boiler Feed Pump Minimum Flow Control Feedwater pump minimum flow control is furnished by the pump manufacturer.This normally consists of an automatic recirculation control valve,which will circulate water back to the deaerator during periods of low HRSG feedwater demand. Demineralizers The Demineralizer system will be equipped with a programmable controller (PLC).The water conductivity will be monitored in the control room. Plant Monitoring System All required plant parameters would be monitored and indicated,alarmed and/or recorded in the control room to facilitate the plant operator with control of the plant.The gas turbine will be interfaced to the plant control system for monitoring and trending. Local indicating devices,pressure gauges,thermometers,etc.,will be furnished for local monitoring of selected plant parameters. Grab sample ports will be provided on the condensate,feedwater and main steam lines for periodic analysis for other contaminants.Sample coolers, as required,will be provided. Air Quality Monitoring Equipment Equipment and instrumentations will be provided to monitor continuouslytheairemissionsinaccordancewiththerequirementsoftheairpermit. Stack continuous emissions monitoring systems (CEMS)will be extractive type equipment.Continuous emissions monitoring stack gas sampling andinstrumentationequipmentforCO,O02,NOx,and SOx will be provided. The analyzers will be mounted at the base of the stack. The monitors will be EPA certified.A data acquisition system and EPA reporting will be provided. 21 of 25 The Keith Companies TK EXHIBIT A PLANT AVAILABILITY AND RELIABILITY Plant operating availability and reliability depends on the following major areas: Engineering &Construction Maintainability and Operability Equipment and Manufacturers System/Equipment Redundancy Operating &Maintenance Practices Safety Engineering &Construction High plant availability and reliability starts on the drawing board coupled with the construction company of the project.This is done through contracting with a reputable engineering and construction company having the following characteristics: Extensive and recent experience on similar project Excellent track record and client references High caliber staff of professional engineers and managers Good Quality Assurance and Quality Control Program Use of good engineering and design practices including;constructability,operability, maintainability,and adherence to safety Maintainability and Operability The objective of plant maintainability and operability is to minimize the complexity and time required for maintenance and to operate the plant with minimum number of operator surveillance.This is generally accomplished by the following: e Using equipment having features of low maintenance design e Equipment designed to be maintained in-place with minimum disassembly and minimum usage of temporary scaffolding/rigging and handling tools. Installation of permanent maintenance platforms where required Accessibility and adequate space around equipment Permanent cranes and hoists where practical Environmental protection,where necessary Equipment and system design selections based on minimizing operator attention Automatic startup and shutdown operation Manual intervention features of automatic processes Equipment capacity selection to provide maximum turndown,as may be requiredeoeoeeewe#e¢#ee®@22 of 25 The Keith Companies KC e Monitoring of systems and equipment to provide operators information for safety andindicationsforrequiredmaintenancee¢Remotely located control panels properly positioned for operator's visual and physical access in the control room e Local control panels properly positioned for operator's visual and physical access e Adequate lighting,ventilation and acoustic softening on operational areas e Accessible valves,switches and other instruments Equipment and Manufacturers The objective here is to procure reliable equipment and to shorten downtime with the availability of Service Representatives and proximity of service shops. e Procure equipment from leading and quality manufacturers that has excellent track record in the industry or similar applications e Proximity and responsiveness of manufacturer's Service Representatives when called to assist e Proximity of manufacturer's repair or overhaul shop System/Equipment Design and Redundancy The primary objective here is to provide reliable operation by providing system and equipment design that has been used extensively &successfully in similar application and redundancy where practical. e Systems or equipment,by their nature of service,requires frequent maintenance or whose loss would cause unit or plant outage designed with redundant system or equipment. e Use of system and equipment design that have been applied in similar applications exhibiting high availability and reliability Operating &Maintenance Practices Perhaps this is the most significant factor affecting the reliability and availability of a plant.The objective here is to minimize unscheduled shutdown of the plant by a well planned operating and maintenance procedures or practices.Some of the elements of good O&M practices are: Having operating staff with the right traming and educational credentials Concise,easy to follow maintenance and operating procedures Diligent monitoring and trending the systems and equipment performance Adequate spare parts inventory Membership in a spare engine pool Good housekeeping practiceseeewee#ee@23 of 25 The Keith Companies Hx<C Safety Prevention of accidents and resultant injuries contributes significantly to plant availability andreliability.Here are some key OSHA items to consider: e Any hazardous materials should be stored and handled as required by applicable codes and standards e Rotating equipment shall be provided with appropriate guards against accidental direct contact by operators and dropped tools that could ricochet to cause injuries or damage to sensitive equipment,instruments and devices. e Surfaces that are warmer than 120 degrees F that are accessible to operators during routine maintenance and inspection procedures should be insulated. Comfortable working environment Operators free of prohibited drugs and alcohol Adequate lighting and ventilation Good housekeeping practices 24 of 25 The Kaith Companies k<C EXHIBIT B HEAT BALANCE DIAGRAM EXHIBIT C CONCEPTUAL GENERAL ARRANGEMENT DRAWINGS-COMBINED CYCLE EXHIBIT D BUDGETARY EPC PRICE ESTIMATE (with scope exclusions) EXHIBIT E EQUIPMENT BUDGET PRICES FROM MANUFACTURERS 25 of 25 The Kaith Companies TKE GE PROPOSAL _TURNKEY COST ESTIMATE /OMBINED CYCLE POWER PROJECT 3ETHEL,ALASKA Jun-03 ENGINEERING AND DETAILED DESIGN EQUIPMENT PROCUREMENT COMBUSTION TURBINE GENERATORS 3 x LM6000 CTG Package HEAT RECOVERY STEAM GENERATOR 2-LM6000 EXHAUST-NORMAL OPERATION 1-LM6000 EXHAUST-STANDBY STEAM TURBINE GENERATOR AIR-COOLED CONDENSER BALANCE OF PLANT EQUIPMENT: BOP-MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT BOP-ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT BOP-INSTRUMENTATION/CONTROL SPARE PARTS CONSTRUCTION MECHANICALU/PIPING ELECTRICAL INSTRUMENTATION/CONTROLS ARCHITECTURAUCIVILISTRUCTURAL STARTUP/COMMISSIONING MISCELLANEOUS BOND AND INSURANCE CONTINGENCY TOTAL EPC PRICE $/Kw EPC Price qualifications (work excluded): COST $ 6,874,000 41,500,000 7,000,000 3,700,000 3,650,000 1,800,000 7,500,000 5,500,000 3,000,000 750,000 6,500,000 4,500,000 3,500,000 6,300,000 3,000,000 2,500,000 10,507,400 1,Site clearing,grading,excavation and paving of parking areas 2.All foundations and platforms to suit the permafrost conditions at the site. 3.Transportation and dock loading/unloading facilities for eauioment 4.Fuel oil unloading systern,storage tanks,forwarding pumps 5.Main Step-up Transformers &Switchyard (electrical scope ends at the generator breakers) 6.Raw water supply system 7.Waste water discharge/treatment system 8.Interest during construction POWER CONFIGURATION: 2-LM6000 CTG x 1-HRSG x 1-STG STANDBY:1-LM6000 CTG X 1-HRSG REMARKS $ 6,874,000 See Exclusions noted below See Exclusions noted below price from GE we eee . Nooter-Eriksen price used (Deltak also contacted) D-R price adjusted original Marley price See Exclusions noted below 74,400,000 See Exclusions noted below 23,800,000 13,007,400 118,081,400 See Exclusions noted below 797.85 9.Soft costji.e.:project development,Owner's Engineer,Owner's management cost, financing fees,legal fees,permitting and other consultant's costs AlaskaEPC for LM6000June03.xis 6/17/2003 AJDRAFT Nuvista Light and Power |BETHEL COMBUSTION TURBINE POWER PLANT SITE DEVELOPMENT, EARTHWORKS FOUNDATIONS AND BULK FUEL CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT JUNE 5,2003 Prepared by: Mike Hendee,P.E. E\LCMEF.. 139 East 5ist Avenue Voice:(907)273-1830 Anchorage,Alaska 99503 Fax:(907)273-1831 Bethel,Alaska : Combustion Turbine Power Plant Conceptual Design Report EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report has been prepared for Nuvista Light and Power under contract with Bettene,LLC.Its purpose is to provide a conceptual design and budget cost estimate for site development, earthworks,foundations and bulk fuel systems for a new combustion turbine power generation plant located in Bethel,Alaska.The proposed power plant will be a 130 megawatt combined combustion and steam turbine system.A 25,000,000 gallon bulk fuel tank farm,a 100,000 gallon intermediate fuel tank and a 700,000 gallon raw water tank also comprise the facility. The report includes conceptual design drawings for the site development,access roads,fuel storage,piping and a fuel barge off-loading dock.Also included are permitting requirements for the scope of work identified above,flood hazard information,an evaluation of the heating requirements for the fuel and water tanks and budget cost estimates. The proposed site location for the power plant facility was provided by Bettine,LLC and is located approximately 6000 feet south of the City of Bethel Petroleum Port and 3000 feet west of the Kuskokwim River.For this report,we have assumed the site is underlain by ice-rich warm permafrost.No geotechnical nor survey information is available for the proposed site.The power plant layout is preliminary and consists of 14 modules.The layout is based on information provided by Precision Energy Services,Inc.Based on the weights provided for the equipment,the modules shall be supported by thermo helix-piles with passive refrigeration designed to provide foundation support in permafrost. The 25,000,000 gallon bulk fuel tank farm will be located south of the power plant modules and will consist of eight insulated tanks,each measuring 120 feet in diameter and 40 feet high with a nominal storage capacity of 3.2 million gallons.The tanks will be heated with waste heat from the combustion turbines to keep the fuel above the specified minimum temperature of 20°F.A 100,000 gallon insulated intermediate fuel tank and a 700,000 gallon insulated raw water tank will be located near the modules with both heated to the specified temperature of 70°F. The tanks shall be founded on concrete ringwalls that bear on an insulated fill pad with a passive refrigeration thermo syphon system installed to preserve the permafrost.Both the thermo helix- piles and the thermo syphons will have hybrid condenser units that allow for connection to an active refrigeration system should the need arise in the future. A fuel barge off-loading dock with a marine header will be located on the west bank of theKuskokwimRiver.The dock design was developed by Peratrovich,Nottingham and Drage,Inc.for the Donlin Creek Mine Late Stage Evaluation Study'.The marine header will connect to an 8-inch diameter pipeline to fill the tanks at the bulk fuel facility.The barge season in Bethel runsfromJunetoSeptember.Presently,the largest fuel barge delivers a maximum of 2,100,000gallonsoffuelpertrip,which will require 12 deliveries to fill the tank farm plus an additional 5 deliveries for summer consumption,based on consumption rates provided by Bettine,LLC. The Budget Construction Cost Estimate for the site development,access roads,fuel storage, piping and a fuel barge off-loading dock is estimated at $33,156,000.This estimate is based on DRAFT a E)LCMF. /jBethel,Alaska Caqmbustion Turbine Power Plant:Conceptual Design Report competitively bid construction costs with a 15%contingency.Additional costs for design, permitting and project management are estimated at $700,000.Land purchase,lease and right of way costs are not included in these figures. E)LCMF.DRAFT EX-2 Bethel,Alaska Combustion Turbine Power Plant Conceptual Design Report EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AHRKRSGSSERRO.REFERENCES TABLE OF CONTENTS EX-1 INTRODUCTION APPLICABLE CODES AND REGULATIONS SITE LOCATION COMMUNITY FLOOD DATA LOCAL FILL MATERIAL COMBUSTION TURBINE MODULE FOUNDATIONS 25,000,000 GALLON BULK FUEL FACILITY INTERMEDIATE FUEL TANK AND RAW WATER TANK ACCESS ROADS FUEL DOCK PERMITTING BUDGET COST ESTIMATES APPENDICES: Appendix A:Site Location Appendix B:Flood Hazard Data Appendix C:Conceptual Design Drawings Appendix D:Heat Requirement Summaries Appendix E:Construction Budget Cost Estimates E)LCMF. Bethel,Alaska Combustion Turbine Power Plant Conceptual Design Report I.INTRODUCTION This report has been prepared for Nuvista Light and Power,under contract with Bettine,LLC,to provide a conceptual design and budgetary cost estimate for the site development,earthworks, foundations and bulk fuel systems for development of a new power generation facility in the community of Bethel,Alaska.The proposed power plant will be a 130 megawatt combined combustion and steam turbine system.A 25,000,000 gallon bulk fuel tank farm,a 100,000 gallon intermediate fuel tank and a 700,000 gallon raw water tank also comprise the facility. Included with the report are conceptual design drawings for the site development,access roads, fuel storage,piping and a fuel barge off-loading dock.Also included are permitting requirements for the scope of work identified above,flood hazard information,an evaluation of the heating requirements for the fuel and water tanks and budget cost estimates. No site visit,field work,or geotechnical investigation has been performed for this project.In addition,no geotechnical or survey information is available for the proposed location.A review of overhead aerial photographs was conducted and engineering analyses have been made under the assumption the site is underlain by ice-rich warm permafrost.Site locations,fuel quantities and specified temperatures were provided by Bettine,LLC.Raw water tank size and power generation equipment loads were provided by Precision Energy Services,Inc.(PES).Climate data was obtained from the Alaska Engineering Design Information System (AEDIS). Il.APPLICABLE CODES AND REGULATIONS The design of a new power plant facility,roads,dock,foundations and fuel systems are controlled by the following State and Federal codes and regulations: 2000 International Fire Code as adopted by 13 AAC 50 2000 International Building Code as adopted by 13 AAC 50 State of Alaska Fire and Life Safety Regulations (13 AAC 50) ADEC Hazardous Substance Regulations (18 AAC 75) ADEC Air Quality Regulations (18 AAC 52) Regulatory Commission of Alaska (RCA)Certification (3 AAC 42.05.221) EPA Oil Pollution Prevention Regulations (40 CFR Part 112) U.S.Army Corps of Engineers Wetlands and Navigable Waters Regulations (33 CFR Part 328 and 329) . I.SITE LOCATION The proposed site location for the power plant facility was provided by Bettine,LLC.The site will be approximately 6000 feet south of the City of Bethe!Petroleum Port and 3000 feet west of the Kuskokwim River.An access road will connect to a private spur road south of Standard Oil Road and to a new petroleum off-loading dock on the west bank of the river,approximately 3500 feet south of the City Petroleum Port.An 8-inch diameter pipeline will connect the proposed DRAFT :E)LCMF. Bethel,Alaska Combustion Turbine Power Plant Conceptual Design Report dock and marine header to the new bulk fuel tank farm.The site,dock and bulk tank farm locations are shown in Appendix A. IV.COMMUNITY FLOOD DATA The U.S.Army Corps of Engineers -Flood Plain Management Services ALASKAN COMMUNITIES FLOOD HAZARD DATA 2000 publication indicates that the community of Bethel is participating in NFIP status and there is a Flood Insurance Study (FIS)available.The published Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM)show detailed flood information and can be purchased from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).The last flood event was in 1991 and the worst flood event was in 1988. A revised Flood Insurance Study (FIS)was published by FEMA in 1984.The FIS is included in Appendix B.The publication lists the 100-year flood elevation at 17.1 feet.The proposed site elevation is around 50 feet,as interpolated from USGS Bethel (D-8),Alaska Quadrangle,1954 (Limited Revision 1985).The actual site elevation will need to be determined by a design survey.The access roads and dock may be subject to flooding and riverbank erosion. Vv.LOCAL FILL MATERIAL Local fill material consists of a fine-grained silty dune sand that is mined from pits in Bethel. Material with less than 20%passing the number 200 sieve size and a Corps of Engineers frost classification of F3 can be obtained through selective mining.The present borrow sites are near the airport,with a haul distance to the proposed site of 3 to 5 miles one way. The large quantity of fill material needed for this project may justify developing a borrow source near the site.An intensive geotechnical materials investigation will be required to identify a suitable source and additional permitting will be needed to develop the material site. Gravel is imported to Bethel by barge.Presently,barges routinely deliver 4500 tons (approximately 2500 cubic yards)of gravel per shipment.Most of the gravel delivered is mined in Aniak,Kalskag,or Platinum. VI.COMBUSTION TURBINE MODULE FOUNDATIONS Since the proposed site is assumed to have thaw unstable ice rich soils,the module foundations must maintain the thermal stability of the existing ground to prevent thaw settlement.The combustion turbines have small differential vertical tolerances;therefore,a pile-supported foundation is recommended.To maintain the frozen ground conditions,the modules shall be supported on passive refrigeration thermo helix-piles installed in the winter,using an ad-freeze installation method.A steel frame will be welded to the piling to provide lateral resistance to wind and seismic forces.Conceptual design drawings of the module foundations are shown in Appendix C.: DRAFT 2 E\LCMF. oBethel,Alaska Combustion Turbine Power Plant Conceptual Design Report A fill pad of the local sand will be placed under the modules and capped with an 8-inch thick sand and gravel driving surface.The sand fill shall be 4.5 feet thick to limit seasonal thaw within -the existing active layer.The fill shall extend around the perimeter of the modules to provide access for vehicles and equipment.The fill pad will be sloped to provide positive drainage away from the modules.The bottom of the modules shall be 4 feet above the top of the fill pad to provide a clear blow-through space.This space separates the fill from the heat of the modules and allows the fill to refreeze each winter. VII.25,000,000 GALLON BULK FUEL FACILITY The bulk fuel facility will consist of eight insulated tanks,each measuring 120-foot diameter by 40-foot high with a nominal storage capacity of 3.2 million gallons.The tanks shall be welded steel in accordance with the American Petroleum Institute (API)Standard 650.The steel shell will be covered with 6-inch thick insulated panels that can be removed for inspection.The tanks will be founded on concrete ring walls that bear on a compacted fill pad of the local sand.A layer of rigid board insulation shall be installed in the pad to limit seasonal thaw within the sand fill.Secondary containment of the fuel tanks will consist of a surface installed primary membrane liner placed on top of earthen dikes constructed from the local sand and capped with a layer of sand and gravel.Conceptual design drawings of the bulk fuel facility are shown in Appendix C. A passive refrigeration,thermo syphon flat loop system shall be installed under the bulk fuel facility to preserve the integrity of the permafrost.The system uses the phase change properties of COQ2 to remove heat from the sand fill whenever the air temperature is below freezing.The thermo syphons will be fabricated with hybrid condenser units that allow for connection to an active refrigeration system should the need arise in the future. The insulated tanks will be heated with waste heat from the combustion turbines through a glycol circulation loop installed in the bottom of the tanks.Based on the average minimum monthly temperatures recorded since 1949,each tank will require 96,000,000 BTU's per year to maintain the fuel above the specified minimum temperature of 20°F,which is 10°F above the pour point temperature for number 2 diesel.The BTU requirement is based on the heat loss through the tank walls and roof and does not include the residual heat contained in the fuel at the end of the summer.The heat requirement per tank is summarized in Appendix D. VII.INTERMEDIATE FUEL TANK AND RAW WATER TANK A transfer pump will deliver the fuel from the bulk fuel facility to a 100,000 gallon insulated intermediate tank near the modules.A standby transfer pump is included in this design so that a pump is always available during servicing.The fuel quantity of the intermediate tank was specified by Bettine,LLC and is based on the estimated daily fuel demand of the combustion turbines of 96,000 gallons (35 million gallons per year).The delivery pipeline will be a 4-inch steel pipe insulated with panels that can be removed for inspection.The pipeline will be supported above grade on piling or helical piers. DRAFT 3 E\)LCMF. Bethel,Alaska Combustion Turbine Power Plant | Conceptual Design Report The fuel will be heated to the specified temperature of 70°F in the intermediate tank prior to entering the turbines.The intermediate tank will contain glycol heat circulation loops similar to the bulk tanks.The tank will require 15,425,000 BTU's to heat 100,000 gallons of fuel per day from 20°F to 70°F.The tank will require an additional 256,000 BTU's to maintain a temperature of 70°F on an average day in December,the coldest month of record.According to the Alaska Engineering Design Information System (AEDIS)data,a total of 64,208,000 BTU's are required to maintain a temperature of 70°F throughout the winter.Assuming the temperature of the fuel entering the intermediate tank is 20°F for 180 days of the year,the total BTU demand for the fuel is around 2,840,710,000 BTU's.A summary of the heat requirements for the intermediate tank is included in Appendix D. A 700,000 gallon insulated raw water tank will be located next to the intermediate fuel tank.The size of the tank was specified by Precision Energy Services,Inc.(PES).The water tank can be heated with circulation loops in the same fashion as the fuel tanks.The water tank will require 188,000,000 BTU's to maintain a temperature of 70°F throughout the winter.The heat requirement for the raw water tank is summarized in Appendix D. The intermediate fuel tank shall be welded steel in accordance with API Standard 650.The raw water tank shall be welded steel in accordance with AWWA Standard D100.Both tanks will have external 6-inch thick insulated panels that can be removed similar to the bulk fuel tanks. The tanks will be founded on concrete ringwalls that bear on a compacted fill pad of the local sand.A passive refrigeration thermo syphon flat loop system with hybrid condenser units shall be installed in the insulated fill pad and the secondary containment for the intermediate fuel tank will consist of a surface installed primary membrane liner placed on top of the fill and attached to timber dikes.Conceptual design drawings of the intermediate and raw water tanks are shown in Appendix C. IX.ACCESS ROADS An access road will connect the proposed site to Bethel via a private spur road that intersects Standard Oil Road west of the City Petroleum Dock.The access road will be constructed as an embankment of the local sand and capped with an 8-inch thick sand and gravel surface.The embankment shall be 4.5 feet thick to limit seasonal thaw within the existing active layer.Other roads will be constructed to connect with the proposed cooling lake south of the site and with the fuel barge off-loading dock to the east.Conceptual drawings of the access roads are included in Appendix C. X.FUEL DOCK A fuel barge off-loading dock and marine header will be located on the west bank of the Kuskokwim River,approximately 3500 feet south of the City of Bethel Petroleum Port.The dock design is similar to the open cell sheet pile design that was included in the 1999 Donlin DRAFT 4 LC MF.. yBethel,Alaska Combustion Turbine Power Plant Conceptual Design Report Creek Mine,Late Stage Evaluation Study Study!by Peratrovich,Nottingham &Drage,Inc.The cost estimate for the dock is also based on that report. The marine header will connect to an 8-inch diameter pipeline for fuel transfer to the bulk fuel facility at a rate of 1400 GPM.The pipeline will be supported above grade on piling or helical piers.Conceptual design drawings of the fuel barge off-loading dock and pipeline are shown in Appendix C. The barge season in Bethel runs from June until September.At present,the largest barge delivering fuel to Bethel is 344 feet long and can deliver a maximum of 2,100,000 gallons of fuel with a draft of 11.5 feet.The barge is owned by Seacoast Towing and delivers fuel to the Yukon Fuel Company.The barge can pump around 84,000 gallons per hour through an 8-inch line. XI.PERMITTING The power plant,bulk fuel facility,access road and barge off-loading dock will require the following: 1.A spill contingency plan designed to satisfy Federal,Facility Response Plan (FRP)and State,AK Department of Environmental Conservation Oil Discharge Prevention and Contingency Plan (ADEC C-Plan)requirements.It must be approved by the EPA,the Coast Guard and ADEC.The EPA requires an approved FRP from each facility with storage capacity of 42,000 gallons or more and which receives oil by marine delivery. The Coast Guard must approve a FRP from each fuel facility that can transfer oil to or from vessels with oil cargo capacity of 250 barrels (10,500 gals.).ADEC requires approval of an ODPCP prior to operations at facilities with storage capacities of 420,000 gallons or more.The C-Plan must satisfy the requirements of Title 46,Chapter 04, Section 030 of the Alaska Statutes (AS 46.04.030)and meet the format requirements listed in the Alaska Administrative Code,Chapter 75,Section 425 (18 AAC 75.425). The ADEC approval process includes public comment and a Coastal Zone Management review.The plan must consist of four parts: i.The RESPONSE ACTION PLAN presents the fundamental elements of spill response.It outlines initial actions and spill reporting procedures,provides emergency phone numbers and presents spill response strategies. ii.The PREVENTION PLAN describes the facility design,maintenance and operating procedures that contribute to spill prevention and early detection. Potential spills are identified. iii.The SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION section includes a description of the facility and its response command structure,as well as environmental data and response equipment considerations. iv.The BEST AVAILABLE TECHNOLOGY section demonstrates that the facility complies with the State of Alaska requirements of 18 AAC 75.425(e)(4)and 18 AAC 75.445(k). DRAFT 5 E\LCMF.. Bethel,Alaska Combustion Turbine Power Plant Conceptual Design Report 2.A Marine Transfer Operations Manual which demonstrates that the vessel/barge transfer nNprocedures and dock equipment comply with Coast Guard requirements.The Manual must be approved by the Coast Guard.It confirms that the operator's marine transfer procedures and equipment comply with the requirements listed in 33 CFR,Parts 154 and 156.The manual format and content requirements are listed in 33 CFR,Part 154, Subpart B,which lists 23 items that must be addressed.Two copies of the manual are to be submitted to the Coast Guard.Upon approval,one copy of the manual will be returned marked "Examined by the Coast Guard."Copies of the manual are to be maintained at the facility so that they are,"current,available for examination by the USCG Captain of the Port (COTP)and readily available for each facility person in charge while conducting an oil transfer operation”. .A Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plan (SPCC)that is certified by a licensed engineer (P.E.)and confirms that the facility complies with the EPA spill prevention and operating requirements.The oil pollution prevention regulations require the preparation of a SPCC for all facilities with above ground oil storage of more than 1,320 gallons and which,due to their location,could reasonably be expected to discharge oil in harmful quantities into or upon the navigable waters or adjoining shorelines of the United States.The SPCC Plan must be carefully thought out and prepared in accordance with good engineering practices to prevent and mitigate damage to the environment from oil spills.It must address all oil "containers”/tanks with a capacity of 55 gallons or more.The Plan must be certified by a licensed Professional Engineer and must also have the full approval of management at a level with authority to commit the necessary resources.Facility management is to review and evaluate the Plan at least every five years and update it whenever there is a change in facility design,construction,operation, or maintenance that could materially affect the potential for discharge to navigable water. EPA regulations further stipulate,in 40 CFR,Part 112.4,that a written report must be submitted to the Regional Director of the EPA whena facility has either one spill greater than 1,000 gallons,or two spills in excess of 42 gallons in a 12-month period that enter navigable waters.The SPCC Plan need not be submitted to,or approved by,the EPA, but must be maintained at the facility and available for agency inspection. A Fire Marshal review requires submittal of a complete set of construction documents to the State of Alaska,Department of Public Safety,Division of Fire Prevention (Fire Marshal)for plan review and approval.The State Fire Marshall then issues a Plan Review Certificate to verify compliance with adopted Building,Fire and Life Safety codes.Final stamped drawings must be submitted along with the application fee for project review.Anticipate a minimum of one month before comments may be received from the Fire Marshall. A U.S.Army Corps of Engineers Section 10,33 U.S.C.403 permit is required prior to the accomplishment of any work in,over,or under navigable waters of the United States, or which affects the course,location,condition or capacity of such waters.The Kuskokwim River is defined as a navigable waterway.Typical activities requiring Section 10 permits include: DRAFT 6 (\LCMF.. dyBethel,Alaska Combustion Turbine Power Plant Conceptual Design Report 6. 10. XG. i.Construction of piers,wharves,breakwaters,bulkheads,jetties,weirs,dolphins, marinas,ramps,floats,intake structures and cable or pipeline crossings. il.Work such as dredgsng or disposal of dredged material. ill,Excavation,filling,or other modifications to navigable waters of the U.S. The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS),U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service and Alaska Department of Fish and Game or Department of Natural Resources will review the 403 permit to determine if there is an impact on the anadromous fish population in the Kuskokwim River.They may place restrictions on construction timing or methods.The USS.Fish and Wildlife Service will also determine if the project impacts any endangered species. A U.S.Army Corps of Engineers wetlands permit is required to place fill material on existing soils before construction begins.Section 404 of the Clean Water Act requires approval prior to discharging dredged or fill material into the waters of the United States, including wetlands.Wetlands include tundra,permafrost areas,swamps,marshes,bogs and similar areas.Typical activities requiring Section 404 permits include: i.Discharging fill or dredged material in waters of the U.S.,including wetlands. ii.Site development fill for residential,commercial,or recreational developments. iii.Construction of revetments,groins,breakwaters,levees,dams,dikes and weirs. iv.Placement of riprap and road fills. The Bethel City Planning Department will review the Fire Marshall,AK DEC and Army Corps of Engineers permits and may add other requirements to the project,such as access and setback from property lines.The City of Bethel also has a General Permit issued by the Corps of Engineers. A review by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).Power plants located less than 5 miles from a runway or airport,such as this project,should complete Form 7460-1, "Notice of Proposed Construction or Alteration”and submit all necessary elevation and height of structure information to the FAA (Alaska Region)prior to construction.The FAA reviews the power plant and determines whether the construction or project will present a hazard to air traffic in the vicinity.The FAA has typically provided project determinations within one week of the completed form submittal. A review by the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO)is required,under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act,for any state or federally funded project that has the potential of disturbing cultural resources. BUDGET COST ESTIMATES Budget Construction Cost Estimates have been prepared for the construction of the proposed bulk fuel facility,module foundations,intermediate fuel tank,raw water tank,access roads, pipelines and fuel barge off-loading dock.The estimates were developed based on historical DRAFT 7 (E\LCMF. Bethel,Alaska Combustion Turbine Power Plant Conceptual Design Report pricing for similar work in Bethel with a 6.5%overhead,profit,bonding and insurance.A construction contingency of 15%has been factored into the estimates.These estimates do not 'include costs for the combustion turbine modules or power generation equipment,their transportation to Bethel,nor their mobilization to the site and setup.The estimates do not include the costs of land purchase,leases or right of ways.The Budget Construction Cost Estimates are summarized below.A breakdown of the construction costs are included in Appendix E. e Estimated Construction Cost (Bulk Fuel Facility)$7,965,000 e Estimated Construction Cost (Power Plant Facility)$25,191,000 Cost estimates have also been prepared for the design,permitting and project management for the proposed bulk fuel facility,module foundations,intermediate fuel tank,raw water tank, access roads,pipelines and fuel barge off-loading dock.These estimates do not include costs for the combustion turbine modules or power generation equipment.The estimates were developed based on historical pricing for similar work in Bethel.A summary of the design,permitting and project management cost estimates are summarized below.Both the bulk fuel facility and the power plant facility are included in the cost estimates. e Estimated Design Cost $400,000 e Estimated Permitting Cost $50,000 e Estimated Project Management Cost $250,000 XI.REFERENCES 'Peratrovich,Nottingham and Drage,Inc.,Donlin Creek Mine Late Stage Evaluation Study,prepared for Placer Dome Technical Services,Ltd.,March 1,1999. ---:E)LCMF. APPENDIX A SITE LOCATION wy Sa VUhetig ea, Bs I rae é = ines oO Sbicreien Jn! ° f aig 38 4 : ; éi fe] & a re)ZP|>g- WhO oe gg ” wl= EO ee > <z FE= 25 ax 5° a%|&|? cwWw {<x ax Ww. =< mary x <4 ree padao zl Bla Ss 12/8 a ale & OO ao > ; OZw Oo 318 (oh4 a. NIN co< ; 3|in ro” 3| A. . > «ef ld NS uy]1sFars)alTw DISCHARGE” =©:onl 139 E 51st Ave. ee /90 'B1ivd ONWLLOId OMG' d1d-+#10 "3WYN ONIMVYO OVOOLNV APPENDIX B FLOOD HAZARD DATA AiFlood Hazard Data:Bethel Page lof 1 -Bethel |City Office:(907)543-2047 |Revised:March 2000 STATUS 2"4 class city LAST FLOOD EVENT 1991 POPULATION 5,471 FLOOD CAUSE BUILDINGS ELEVATION RIVER SYSTEM Kuskokwim River FLOOD OF RECORD COASTAL AREA none FLOOD CAUSE ELEVATION NFIP STATUS participating WORST FLOOD EVENT 1988 FLOODPLAIN REPORT FLOOD CAUSE FLOOD INSURANCE STUDY yes FLOOD GAUGE no Comments:Published Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM)show detailed flood information.FIRM can be purchased from Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)at FEMA Maps Flood Map Distribution Center 6730 (A-G)Santa Barbara Court Baltimore,MD 21227-5623 Toll free:800 -358-9616 FIRM Panels 0008 B,0009 B,0012 B,0013 B were corrected on 3 June 1994 by FEMA to correct the datum reference from the NGVD to MLLW.The Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM),revised February 15, 1985,for the community indicates a 100-year,or Base Ficod Elevation (BFE)of 17 ft MLLW. Pagemaster |(907)753-2622 Floodplain Manager|(907)753-2610 http://www.poa.usace.army.mil/en/cw/fld_haz/bethel.htm 6/7/2003 Coe tet oY "REVISED:FEBRUARY 15,19¢4°5 re earn a . ”COMMUNITY NUMBER -020104 - 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION..ccc ccccccccccncccccccesccvcecece L.l Purpose of Study.....cccceccececceccceces rs | 1.2 Authority and Acknowledgments.........ccececcceccncsccseece.Ll1.3 COOLdLNAatiOn..ccc ccccssccancccnscnnccceseccccessasssvccccecs 1 AREA STUDIED..ccc cccccecc ccc ccc ccc ccc nce cereseccnccccscnccesenees L L Scopeof Study...cece cece ccc cc cen eessnscencccsccees -2 Community DeScription.......ceccenccccccccncccccccecece sees 3.Principal Flood ProblemS.....cece ccc c cece c we cnenaseccccas 4 Flood Protection MeaSures.....ccccccrcsvccccccccccccccccccce mwWbENGINEERING METHODS «cc ccccccccc career cen ccsecsccsacnnccsccccecne 4 3.1 and 3.2 Hydrologic and Hydraulic Analyses..........cccccees 4 A.1L Flood Boundaries.....ccccccecnccccccccccceccccecece ceecceee 6 4.2 INSURANCE APPLICATION....ccceccccnaccccce Cerne crear ncerennecccen 7 5.1 Reach Determinations....ccscccssccccsscccccscccascccssscene 5.2 Flood Hazard FactorS.ccccccccucssccccscesensccccuns ee ccesee 5.3 5.4 Ooxl yFlood Insurance Rate Map DESCription...cceucscvecccecvccece OTHER STUDIES..ccccesccscccces wee ere ree e renee rer enereraesevenes 8 LOCATION OF DATA.ccc ccc c cece sec ccccevvecccccee ee eee cer eenecees eee 8 BIBLIOGRAPHY AND REFERENCES ..ceseeeecscees emer ce scree nccecs sooeee 10 TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont'd) Page FIGURES Figure 1 -=Vicinity MaPecccccccccccccccecccccccveccccccsccucceccncccece”2 TABLES Table 1 =Summary of Elevaticns.....csscccccccccccccevccsccessevesesess 5 Table 2 =Flood InSurance Zone Data...cusccesccccvcvevvccesessccesecese 9 Exhibit 1 -Flood Insurance Rate Map Index co ), -- Flood Insurance Rate Map : Li «*FLOOD INSURANCE STUDY 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 1.2 1.3 Purpose of Study This Flood Insurance Study report has been prepared to revise and update a previous Flood Insurance Study/Flood Insurance Rate Map for the City of Bethel,Bethel Division,Alaska,which was published on March 16,1976.This information will be used by Bethel to update existing flood plain regulations as part of the regular program of flood insurance by the Federal Emergency Manage- ment Agency.The information will also be used by local and regional planners to further promote sound land use and flood plain develop- ment. In some states or communities,flood plain management criteria or regulations may exist that are more restrictive or comprehensive than those on which these federally supported studies are based. These criteria take precedence over the minimum Federal criteria for purposes of regulating development in the flood plain,as set forth in the Code of Federal Regulations at 44 CFR,60.3. In such cases,however,it shall be understood that the State (or other jurisdictional agency)shall be able to explain these requirements and criteria. Authority and Acknowledgments The source of authority for this Flood Insurance Study is the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968,as amended. The hydrologic and hydraulic analyses for this study were performed by the U.S.Army Corps of Engineers,for the Federal Emergency Management Agency,under Inter-Agency Agreement No.H-8-70.This work,which was completed in October 1980,covered all significant flooding sources affecting Bethel. Coordination Various local officials and appropriate agencies were contacted for information in this study. 2.0 AREA STUDIED 2.1 Scope of Study This Flood Insurance Study covers the incorporated areas of the City of Bethel,Bethel Division,Alaska.The area of study is shown on the Vicinity Map (Figure 1). ifia.ry".-;¥tD™,BySRR4oars§1&"i;4b3ungdFEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY CITY OF BETHEL,AK. (BETHEL DIVISION) APPROXIMATE SCALE. _Os. VICINITY MAP:rt6rAYxowwgax20y"PALale .2.2 2.3 Selection of the portion of the community studied by detailed methods was based upon availability of detailed mapping. Flooding from Kuskokwim River as it affects Bethel was analyzed by both detailed and approximate study methods.Approximate methods were also used to analyze low-lying areas of the community. Those areas studied by detailed methods were chosen with considera- tion given to all proposed construction and forecasted development through 1985.. Approximate analyses.were used to study those areas having a low development potential or minimal flood hazards.The scope and methods of study were proposed to and agreed upon by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the City of Bethel. Community Description Bethel lies on the right bank of Kuskokwim River approximately 390 miles west of Anchorage,500 miles southwest of Fairbanks, and approximately 65 miles up Kuskokwim River from the Bering Sea.It is the hub of southwestern Alaska,as it has an airport suitable for jet aircraft and is a port of call for oceangoing vessels on Kuskokwim River.It is the center of trade,transportation, distribution,communication,administration,and education.Within the vast region served by Bethel,there are 66 villages consisting of approximately 15,000 persons,95 percent of whom are either Eskimos or Athabascan Indians. Principal Flood Problems The flood-prone area of the community lies generally in the eastern and northeastern sections of the study area,while high ground extends to the north and southwest. Eighty percent of the major residential and commercial areas have been inundated by floods in the past.Areas such as Browns Slough are the most flood prone and contain a heavy density of residential structures.Most commercial establishments within the flood-prone areas are located on somewhat higher ground.Flooding can occur from a combination of factors,including snowmelt and precipitation; however,the primary cause of flooding is ice jams. The Flood Plain Information report on Kuskokwim River in Bethel (Reference 1)lists overbank flooding at an elevation of 12.1 feet.However,there are several homes in a natural depression where the ground elevation is approximately 8.1 feet.Although the initial water elevation of 12.1 feet would theoretically produce overhank fleeding,river ice usually forms a natural levee that keeps water out of these homes while others are flooded. 3.0 2.4 Flood Protection:Measures The community does not have any flood protection measures nor does it exercise any flood plain management. ENGINEERING METHODS For the flooding sources studied in detail in the community,standard hydrologic and hydraulic study methods.were used to determine the floodhazarddatarequiredforthisstudy.Flood events ofa magnitude which are expected to be equalled or exceeded once on the average during any -10-,50-,100-,or 500-year period (recurrence interval)have been selected as having special significance for flood plain management and for flood insurance premium rates.These events,commonly termed the 10-,50-, 100-,and 500-year floods,have a 10,2,1,and 0.2 percent chance, respectively,of being equalled or exceeded during any year.Although the recurrence interval represents the long term average period between floods of a specific magnitude,rare floods could occur at short intervals 'er even within the same year.The risk of experiencing a rare flood increases when periods greater than 1 year are considered.For example, the risk of having a flood which equals or exceeds the 100-year flood (1 percent chance of annual occurrence)in any 50-year period is approxi- mately 40 percent (4 in 10),and,for any 90-year period,the risk in- creases to approximately 60 percent (6 in 10).The analyses reported here reflect flooding potentials based on conditions existing in the community at the time of completion of this study.Maps and flood eleva- tions will .be amended periodically to reflect future changes. 3.1 and 3.2 Hydrologic and Hydraulic Analyses Records of streamflow on Kuskokwim River have been maintained at Crooked Creek since June 1951 by the U.S.Geological Survey. Another gage was installed at McGrath in July 1963.Other miscella- neous measurements of Kuskokwim River are available-from the U.S. Geological Survey.These records have been supplemented by interviews with local residents,recovered high-water marks from previous floods,tide data from the U.S.Coast and Geodetic Survey,and records of ice jams by the U.S.Army Corps of Engineers.Using the foregoing records and correlating weather records with flows, it has been possible to develop a knowledge of flooding at Bethel. The height of the 100-and 500-year flocds has been estimated to be 17.1 and 17.6 feet,respectively.The probabilities offloodingfromhighfloodflowsandicejamswerecombined. Elevations for floods of the selected recurrence.intervals on Kuskokwim River are shown in Table l. Flooding Source and Location Kuskokwim.River At Bethel,Alaska Table l."summary of Elevations (Feet)Elevation 10-Year 50-Year 100-Year 500-Year 14.8 16.5 17.1 17.6 4.0 The 100-year approximate analysis was based on historic flooding information and engineering judgment. All elevations are referenced to the Mean Low Water Datum (MLLW).Elevation reference marks used in the study are shown on the maps. FLOOD PLAIN MANAGEMENT APPLICATIONS The National Flood Insurance Program encourages State and local governments to adopt sound flood plain management programs.Therefore,each Flood Insurance Study includes a flood boundary map designed to.assist communi- ties in developing sound flood plain management measures. 4.1 4.2 Flood Boundaries In order to provide a national standard without regional discrimina- tion,the 100-year flood has been adopted by the Federal Emergency Management Agency as the base flood for purposes of flood plain Management measures.The 500-year flood is employed to indicate additional areas of flood risk in the community.For each stream studied in detail,the boundaries of the 100-and S00-year floods have been delineated using the flood elevations determined at each cross section;between cross sections,the boundaries were interpolated using topographic maps at scales of 1:1200 and 1:2400, with contour intervals of 2 and 5 feet (References 2 and 3). Boundaries of the approximate flooding areas were delineated using the determined elevations and topographic maps at a scale of 1:63,360, with a contour interval of 25 feet (Reference 4). Flood boundaries are indicated on the Flood Insurance Rate Map (Exhibit 1).On this map,the 100-year flood boundary corresponds to the boundary of the areas of special flood hazards (Zones A and AS);and the 500-year flood boundary corresponds to the boundary of the areas of moderate flood hazards (Zone B).In cases where the 100-and 500-year flood boundaries are close together,only the 100-year flood boundary has been shown.Small areas within the flood boundaries may lie above the flood elevations and,therefore, not be subject to flooding;owing to limitations of the map scale, such areas are not shown., Floodways The floodway is the channel of a stream plus any adjacent flood plain areas that must be kept free of encroachment in order that the 100-year flood may be carried without substantial increases in flood heights.: Because flooding in this community is tidal,no floodway was computed for Kuskokwim River. '5.0°INSURANCE APPLICATION In order to establish actuarial insurance rates,the Federal EmergencyManagementAgencyhasdevelopedaprocesstotransformthedatafrom the engineering study into flood insurance criteria.This process includes the determination of reaches,Flood Hazard Factors,and flood insurance zone designations for each flooding source studied in detail affecting the City of Bethel. 5.1 5.2 5.3 Reach Determinations Reaches are defined as lengths of watercourses or water bodies having relatively the same flood hazard.In tidal areas,reaches are limited to the distance for which the 100-year flood elevation does.not vary more than 1.0 foot.Using these criteria,one reach was required for the flooding source of Bethel.The location of this reach is Shawn on the Flood Insurance Rate Map (Exhibit 1). Flood Hazard Factors (FHFs) The FHF is the Federal Emergency Management Agency device used to correlate flood information with insurance rate tables.Correla- tions between property damage from floods and their FHF are used to set actuarial insurance premium rate tables based on FHFs from 005 to 200. The FHF for a reach is the average weighted difference between the 10-and 100-year flood water-surface elevations e-pressed to the nearest one-half foot,and shown as a three-digit code. For example,if the difference between water-surface elevations of the 10-and 100-year floods is 0.7 foot,the FHF is 005:if the difference is 1.4 feet,the FHF is 015;if the difference is 5.0 feet,the FHF is 050.When the difference between the 10 and 100-year water-surface elevations is greater than 10.0 feet,accuracy for the FHF is to the nearest foot. Flood Insurance Zones After the determination of reaches and their respective FHFs, the entire incorporated area of Bethel was divided into zones, each having a specific flood potential or hazard.Each zone was assigned one of the following flood insurance zone designations: zone A:Special Flood Hazard Areas inundated by the 100-year flood,determined by approximate methods;no base flood elevations shown or FHFs determined. zone A5:.Special Flood Hazard Areas inundated by the 100-year flood,determined by detailed methods;base flood elevations 6.0 7.0 shown,and zones subdivided accordingtoFHFs. zone B:Areas between the Special Plood Hazard Areas and the limits of the 500-year flood,including areas of the 500-year flood plain that are protected from the 100-year flood by dike,levee, or other water control structure;also areas subject to certain types of 100- year shallow flooding where depths are less than 1.0 foot;and areas subject to 100-year flooding from sources with drainage areas less than 1 square mile. zone B is not subdivided. Zone C:Areas of minimal flooding. The flood elevation differences,FHFs,flocd insurance zones, and base flood elevations for each flooding source studied in detail in the community are summarized in Table 2. 5.4 Flood Insurance Rate Map Description The Flood Insurance Rate Map for Bethel is,for insurance purposes, the principal result of the Flcod Insurance Study.This map contains the official delineation of flood insurance zones and base flood elevation lines.Base flood elevation lines show the locations of the expected whole-foot water-surface elevations of the base (100-year)flood.This map is developed in accordance with the latest flood insurance map preparation guidelines published by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. OTHER STUDIES This study supersedes the previous Flood Insurance Study published for the City of Bethel (Reference 5).It also supersedes the Flood Plain Information report for Kuskokwim River prepared by the U.S.Army CorpsofEngineersin1968(Reference 1). This study is authoritative for the purposes of the National Flood Insur- ance Program;data presented herein either supersede or are compatible with all previous determinations. LOCATION OF DATA Information concerning the pertinent data used in preparation of this study can be obtained by contacting the Natural and Technological Hazards Division,Federal Emergency Management Agency,Federal Regional Center, 130 228th Street,SW,Bothell,Washington 98011. ELEVATION DIFFERENCE 0012,0013 BETWEEN 1%(100-YEAR)FLOOD AND|FLOOD BASE FLOOD FLOODING SOURCE PANEL HAZARD ZONE ELEVATION ,10%2%0.2%FACTOR FEET (MLLW)(10-YEAR)|(50-YEAR)|(S5O00-YEAR) Kuskokwim River Reach 1 0008,0009]-2.3 -0.6 0.5 025 A5 17 1 2FloodInsuranceRateMapPanel Weighted Average 3 Rounded to Nearest Foot @i1avlFEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY .FLOOD INSURANCE ZONE DATA CITY OF BETHEL,AK(BETHEL DIVISION)KUSKOKWIM RIVER BIBLIOGRAPHY AND REFERENCES 1. 2. U.S.Department of the Army,Corps of Engineers,Flood Plain Infor- mation,Bethel,Alaska,Kuskokwim River,December 1968 Air Photo Tech,Inc.,Topographic Maps,Scale 1:1200,Contour Interval 2 feet:Bethel,Alaska (1979) Air Photo Tech,Inc.,Topographic Maps,Scale 1:2400,Contour Interval 5 feet:Bethel,Alaska (1979) U.S.Department of the Interior,Geological Survey,Topographic Maps,Scale 1:63,360,Contour Interval 25 feet,Bethel,AK C-8 (1954),Bethel,AK D-7 (1954),Bethel,AK D-8 (1954) U.S.Department of Housing and Urban Development,Federal Insurance Administration,Flood Insurance Study,City of Bethel,Alaska, 1976 10 APPENDIX C CONCEPTUAL DESIGN DRAWINGS POTTS GATE:08/08/05 (15:28) MITOCAD ORAWENG Nand:014-PLPT.DWG . ;3 100,000 CALLONeleAEOMATEFUEL fae 00.000 ter conrmo ELECT CONTROL ' STOWACE &wesc -4 tana 30280 30280" 30's100" coweus now IITL TRONe/CEN weanECE J0'r/00"COmUSNOWPUREE /GEN iiaienial 3o'xs00" POWER PLANT FEASIBILITY STUDY BETHEL,ALASKA '100° Comme TOWER 308100" pene 323*g <- - d \ NUVISTA LIGHT &POWER CO. ' § CoweusNOW MEAT RECOVERY ;:iqT 7 ooo Jo'vt3o" 2xg _ey «3L__J ere a OFTMapes INTERVEOUTE FUEL FUL NE aa SUPPLY UNE > aurcen MEAT yo cRcULAnOW LCMF.. A ' t fi I I fra f -_eeoea / ¥ ( Y TY) Z i-4 bY 4a >a,wozQo 7 Ly} - P - » b- J? ww cation z TUEL fase f mre PITUNFSFO CHEEHES Orr GOOLE taKe DATE, 3/22/03 JOB MUWOTT: 03-814 4a omAwIee ATU? reostetLaroutPad +) PROJECT LAYOUT ah os) eaes C-1 PLOTTING DATE:06/06/03 (15:26) MITOCAD DRAWING NAME:014 SP.OWG 2)awosantNV1dWHV4XNVEWandNINGONDEwn?nnd0eT)NoTOworlwn2Emews12S#088wannaoFAveavosAVMOvONavdJunojAsTN01IddoPdvae109479)SitidOE(0007NOUYIIHDV8"2-9LeswisMisFULtremves!$o/et/sNuva10-60"w2ERNNBO#8Jag@KDH}¥e8RevealCONCEPTUAL REYEIONS: NUVISTA LIGHT &POWER CO. POWER PLANT FEASIBILITY STUDY BETHEL,ALASKA PLOTTING DATE:06/06/03 (15:28) AUTOCAD DRAWING NAME:014-SP.OWG 120° 120° FUEL Tana FUEL fan x " a2" ae 13° 40° BETHEL,ALASKA 3i NUVISTA LIGHT &POWER CO. POWER PLANT FEASIBILITY STUDY CONCRETE TANK Fo "= rea .: RINGWALL (TYPICAL) ql + THERMO *Con It.Cal 10°/wih to" H2 10" Hy& 10° >r Zowoensee LentFENCE -. | Ara ; |EAS i I.ZB{7 = Sguve | pou Soeeeeeee a PSs, Femerf47RODF p 6"mc i 6°CD f RCO f=oFmc =oad c =4ROD \SS| |sanocone_/FOOTER -! msinAnon fittooeoN INSULATION J INSULATION J iNSULATIONJS\ IStRATION INSULATION THERMOSENON asdanou coucertt\saycone| RADMATOR PERMAFROST WOVEN maparon CEOTERME PERUAFROST '| (\BULK FUEL TANK FARM SECTION Lh! €-37) scat: 1-20" =|Oo:§ ae ' a<p=]=a,tT)Ol,28io SAC ,f i (2\ROAD SECTION lomawit71#8 C-3/ SCALE: ver CHECKED OF:MH art: 9/22/03 Jom wee: 05-014 ommend TILE: SCCTIONC-3 PLOTTING GATE:06/06/03 (15:27) MAITOCAD QRAWING NAME:014 S?.06G aer.1as(9)INOAVTNOHdASOWHAHESel REREeereel CONCEPTUAL NUVISTA LIGHT &POWER CO.g)Ee]="BLCMF>é fen hingvaslpodte POWER PLANT FEASIBILITY STUDY .BETHEL,ALASKA o'oc SYPHON CONDENSERS @wen ceac) CHAM inne {treat} \ FUNct = aN \ BETHEL,ALASKA fe)=|éaul")= t 2E r \ ' ]| Pea it oe dois 6 6 ef e 8 | =I te] x i 6|'as . alé or er Os (rca) ° a 2£ (rca) z -41- LCME.. (2)\ INTERMEDIATE TANK PLAN C-37 SCALE: 1"eag! AUTOCAD ORAWIMG WAME:014=100000 INT THK CGPLOTTINGDATE:06/06/03 (15:24) z2ra - sree menue & SrPrHOnw CONDENSER 106,000 GALLON 30'e MIERVEDUTE o FUEL Fase =z° rece o Ome PRuUARY \ [fer 5 : n acn F 2k a CHUN Lite Fence -- es|| [= as2) f es Vi \ > _ I 7 Lt T YL!- - ! =F SS = een a aner rz, 7igae re D ars TN an 7 = array faces a PemuarRosr IneRuo SYPHON . . : . : : 9 OER 03-014 ComRENE «aco . woven Prnary Far .00P . . Penuarnost footer wSULATION Georexme une RADUTOR 6° mco CONCRETE h «moo wWSULATON TANK RONGWALL INSULATION Daawaee TeteHNICRCOIATE TARA (2) INTERMEDIATE TANK SECTION c-4/ Scat: 17210" C-5 PLOTTING DATE:06/06/03 (15:28) MITOCAD ORAWING NAME:014-5?DWG nonoeAVENOTworngfaeMAYLNOW:SINIWS2NVIdDNIdid\/aENOTIVDNOM2AYENOTIVDwortOFNYENOTIVDwaryNOTWOworn20Me g g Intnl,'vineNeO11anSstoeNealowJ)mOnsIMTdeulOvIHNthFE]FERSo!*ai]poet CONCEPTUAL NUVISTA LIGHT &POWER CO.a en =]LCHIF.[o))3 eS POWER PLANT FEASIBILITY STUDY =BETHEL,ALASKA PLOTTING DATE:08/06/03 (15:35) MITOCAD DRAWING MAME:014-GARCE CETALDMG BETHEL,ALASKA COUBUSTION STEAM FURBINE/GEN MODULE HEAT RECOVERY auuury €oue.| WHS& DEMW, wn MOOULE FURBINE/CEW MOOAE M20 MODULE é N € S00&ma Vaulatelinied fi 28 1 25 Mac. SMO Aut i. cee Pw Pe Pl - . oe Ia CU PERUArROST ' i fueruo HEL \ PLE (TYPICAL) ''' ' i POWER PLANT FEASIBILITY STUDY NUVISTA LIGHT &POWER CO. (2\MODULE LAYOUT SECTION C-77SCALE: 1°=40° LCMF.. wOoULE wiae5s i) SAND& CRAVE _*| a SAND FREZ| < . 2raghi PERMA ROST Oo.2aloO * q "am SHEED PHE Cuseial, souuano cus freuen) SHORE BOLLARO ®¢ / lonawn ors 276 ewecRLe orsWH ' oart: 6/22/03 By 108 MEER: 03-014 : JORAWING TILE: 4 DRAWING OCTARS -_ tH_ 12.75" t 100" aa" J too" (2) THERMO HELIX PILE DETAIL (2)\FUEL BARGE OFF-LOADING DOCK-PLAN "C "7 c-7) Sak: oso t-3) scat: 1-60" - APPENDIX D HEAT REQUIREMENT SUMMARIES Project Description :Bethel Power Plant Project Number:03-014 Analysis by:MKH Heat Requirement: Input:Bulk Fuel Tanks,120°Dia x 40°High Diameter=120 ft Height=40 ft V (Volume)=3200000 -gal D (Density)=7.17 Ib/gal Specific Heat=0.43 BTU/Ib*F T (Maintained)=20 F R=16.84 Hr*Ft42*F/BTU (6"insulation,15 mph wind) Surface Area per Tank,A=26389 =sq ft Time=24 Hours Calcs:Heat Loss per Tank =Q=(Delta T)*A/R Data from AK Engineering Design Information System (1949 to 2001) Heat Loss (Q)HeatLoss (Q)Heat Loss (Q) Month AvgMinT DeltaT No/Days (BTU/Hr)(BTU/Day)BTU/Month Jan 0.8 19.2 31 30088 722104 22385213 Feb 0 20 28 31341 752191 21061357 Mar 5.2 14.8 31 23193 556622 17255269 Apr 16.9 3.1 30 4858 116590 3497690 May 32.3 0 31 0 0 0 Jun 42.8 0 30 0 0 0 Jul 47.9 0 31 0 0 0 Aug 46.5 0 31 0 0 0 Sep 38.4 0 30 0 0 0 Oct 24 0 31 0 0 0 Nov 11.6 8.4 30 13163 315920 9477610 Dec 0.6 19.4 31 30401 729626 22618393 |Total 96295531 |BTU/year per tank Project Description :Bethel Power Plant Project Number:03-014 Analysis by:MKH Heat Requirement: Hr*Ft*2*F/BTU (6"insulation,15 mph wind) Input:Intermediate Fuel Tank,30'Dia x 20°High Diameter=30 ft Height=20 ft V (Volume)=100000 -gal D (Density)=TAT Ib/gal Specific Heat=0.43 BTU/Ib*F Ti (Initial)=20 F T (Maintained)=70 F R=16.84 Surface Area per Tank,A=2592 sq ft Time=24 Hours Calcs:Heat to raise temp from 20F to 70F,Q=(V*D)*(Delta T)*Specific Heat Calcs:Heat Loss per Tank =Q=(Delta T)*A/R Data from AK Engineering Design Information System (1949 to 2001) Heat Loss (Q)Heat Loss (Q)Heat Loss (Q) Q=15423793 BTU per 100,000 gallons Month AvgMinT DeltaT No/Days (BTU/Hr)(BTU/Day)BTU/Month Jan 0.8 69.2 31 10650 255611 7923932 Feb 0 70 28 10774 258566 7239841 Mar 5.2 64.8 31 9973 239358 7420099 Apr 16.9 53.1 30 8173 196141 5884218 May 32.3 37.7 31 5802 139256 4316940 Jun 42.8 27.2 30 4186 100471 3014138 Ju!47.9 22.1 31 3401 81633 2530620 Aug 46.5 23.5 31 3617 86804 2690931 Sep 38.4 31.6 30 4863 116724 3501719 Oct 24 46 31 7080 169915 5267354 Nov 11.6 58.4 30 8988 215718 6471532 Dec 0.6 69.4 31 10681 256349 7946834 [Total 64208158 |BTU/year CL ) Project Description:Bethel Power Plant Project Number:03-014 Analysis by:MKH Heat Requirement: input:Raw Water Tank,55'Dia x 40°High Diameter=55 ft Height=40 ft V (Volume)=700000 -gal D (Density)=8.34 Ib/gal Specific Heat=1.0 BTU/Ib*F T (Maintained)=70 F R=16.84 Hr*FK2*F/BTU (6"insulation,15 mph wind) Surface Area per Tank,A=9287 sq ft Time=24 Hours Calcs:Heat Loss per Tank =Q=(Delta T)*A/R Data from AK Engineering Design Information System (1949 to 2001) .Heat Loss (Q)Heat Loss (Q)Heat Loss (Q) Month AvgMinT DeltaT No/Days (BTU/Hr)(BTU/Day)BTU/Month Jan 0.8 69.2 31 38164 915938 28394091 Feb 0 70 28 38605 926527 25942765 Mar 5.2 64.8 31 35737 .857700 26588687 Apr 16.9 53.1 30 29285 702837 21085114 May 32.3 37.7 31 20792 499001 15469035 Jun 42.8 27.2 30 0 0 0 Jul 47.9 22.1 31 0 0 0 Aug 46.5 23.5 31 0 0 0 Sep 38.4 31.6 30 0 0 0 Oct 24 46 31 25369 608861 18874685 Nov 11.6 58.4 30 32208 772988 23189655 Dec 0.6 69.4 31 38274 918586 28476155 [Total 188020187 |BTU/year anme APPENDIX E .C CONSTRUCTION BUDGET COST ESTIMATES c BUDGET COST ESTIMATE Power Plant Feasibility Study Bethel,Alaska MATERIAL UNIT MATL FREIGHT No.ITEM QTY UNITS COST TOTAL $0.35/b TOTAL Mobilization/Demobilization ...............2csceccccnceasccrcnvcocsasesesccssescnossaonsusecscencesassctosscoscsteuevecoucrsoseteccseeceussscecessesescesseverersoes 100,000 1 Mob/DeMob 1 SUM 100,000 100,000 100,000 Earthworks ............0cc0cece ccc cne sec cencccessorsecceccbseccceescscoseeuceusseeasnseaeueesenssececssesgeeuerssrscaeerscscvsscesuceseasecescessescocouseuccerersvssesces 1,680,000 2 Tank Farm Sand Fill 80,000 CY 15 1,200,000 1,200,000 3.Tank Farm Gravel Surface Course 8"6,000 CY 80 480,000 480,000 Geotextile..........ccs cec sense ce ene ees secoeseac essere sess oenebeennoeaeue nas cese ses eceeeus sense seuccaectteeutsntessraeecsscecesvussecscecvussseecsesssccegeseerteseess 4 Tank Farm Non-Woven Geotextile 125,000 SF 0.10 12,500 43,750 56,250 5 Tank Farm Woven Geotextile 350,000 SF 0.10 35,000 122,500 157,500 Thermal Protection ..............c0cscscescccscsccccscscececcceneesaesseaeusssccbecesnerscsnetsesategencsvssscevcusssegesccvedsgencveescgceneucccscvec+succeseseeuseaens 2,860,000 6 Tank Farm Rigid Insulation 1,460,000 BF 1.00 1,460,000 255,500 1,715,500 7 Tank Farm Flat Loop Thermo Syphon w/Hybrid Condensotr 150 EA 7,000 1,050,000 94,500 1,144,500 ' Secondary Containment ..........:c0.ccscvccescccevcvcvscsccsoscscecscsscccessenoesseeceuesececessstarscsacsuesesseccesestessecesageceugeseuersesscedersncesocsusuces 1,152,750 8 Tank Farm Primary Liner 265,000 SF 4.00 1,060,000 92,750 1,152,750 Tank Foundations ..............02.0ceccccecccsovcscvcncceccnccscronecssbossnsceeessnenesonsensssoereeesssssueuseeeessueesessucesscusgeesdceesecrosscencecrousecestenscs 665,840 9 Tank Farm (120'Dia)Foundations 560 CY 1,000 560,000 105,840 665,g40 Tanks .........ccccconceccccscscsoncrcvectcsccusoeceuesessssvenesscsoneoseeeseseGeeenensseeneteceevesenseesstsaneseassstsessesseucseccusrercgvevesgedsoreusaseecteeteseeeaes 12,082,800 10 Tank Farm (3.2 mil gal Insulated Tank,Erected)EA 1,500,000 12,000,000 12,000,000 11 Tank Farm Appurtenances LS 10,000 80,000 2,800 82,800 Tank Farm Walkways ...............2.2.scccsssceccnscvsesccccvccscusceocccssuccecdecteccteerscsescnesuesuseoesorsssvaeggeusccccserecessseessscecnccecaecscescersececs 395,820 12 Walkway Supports 50 EA 2,200 110,000 21,000 131,000 13.Steel Catwalk 730 LF 175 127,750 76,650 204,400 14.Coating 15000 SF 4.00 60,000 420 60,420 Bulk Fuel Tank Farm Page |of3 BUDGET COST ESTIMATE Power Plant Feasibility Study Bethel,Alaska MATERIAL UNIT MATL FREIGHT No.ITEM QTY UNITS COST TOTAL $0.35/lb TOTAL Pipelines and Valves............ccccccccsecece neces cece ence net ence et eee ence nese oneesenesacoeseneceesees essere ssa sesoesenserseceeseceuecgsocsecdeeeeeastatsnesasaacansen 15 Coated 8"Sch 40 Pipe (Fill)4,200 LF 70 294,000 41,998 335,998 16 4"x 10"Insulated Sch 40 Pipe (Issue)2,100 LF 75 157,500 7,931 165,431 17 Coated 2"Sch 40 Pipe (Water Draw)1,000 LF 15 15,000 1,278 16,278 18 8"Plug Valve 9 EA 3,280 29,520 1,166 30,686 19 8"Gate Valve 1 EA 1,255 1,255 109 1,364 20 8"Check Valve 1 EA 1,190 1,190 96 1,286 21 4"Plug Valve 16 EA 1,750 28,000 532 28,532 22 4"Check Valve 8 EA 360 2,880 168 3,048 23 3"Ball Valve 8 EA 400 3,200 140 3,340 24 2"Ball Valve 24 EA 200 4,800 143 4,943 25 Pipe Supports 375 EA 300 112,500 26,250 138,750 26 Pig Catcher }EA 7,000 7,000 2,500 9,500 27 Cathodic Protection l EA 50,000 50,000 50,000 28 2"X 8"Insulated HDPE Pipe (Glycol)3,000.LF 55 165,000 4,200 169,200 29 2"x 8"Half Shells (HDPE Joints)60 EA 40 2,400 3,150 5,550 30 2"x 8"Elbows (HDPE)26 EA 250 6,500 455 6,955 Pumphouse Mechanical Systems ..............cc.cccceeeeeeecseessnseeeeeneaaeeeeenceeeeecenceeeeeeeeecatEetttSEEEESEEEEESEEEESGCDCeEEeEEESESEEEEEEEEEESOuCoEECeEsoe314"Sch 40 Pipe 50 LF 60 3,000 500 3,500 32 4"Plug Valve 2 EA 1,750 3,500 67 3,567 33 4"Ball Valve 2 EA 550 1,100 53 1,153 34 6"Butterfly Valve 2 EA 700 1,400 105 1,505 35 3"Sch 40 Pipe 50 LF 50 2,500 263 2,763 36 3"Ball Valve 2 EA 400 800 35 835 37 3"Check Valve 2 EA 350 700 21 721 38 30 hp Pumps (Fuel Transfer)2 EA 20,000 40,000 210 40,210 39 Filter/Separator 2 EA 10,000 20,000 70 20,070 40 Accumulators 2 EA 1,500 3,000 70 3,070 41 Misc Accessories l LS 10,000 10,000 350 10,350 Pumphouse Building ..............cc0cccceeeenecececneeeescesenecseecscsneteteteeeeaeeenenescescueutusssustuaeacacascneuenersasstcesesuseentecuststststsccussaccuensse 90,000 42 20'x30'Building 600 SF 150 90,000 90,000 Bulk Fuel Tank Farm Page 2 of3 { f\ BUDGET COST ESTIMATE Power Plant Feasibility Study Bethel,Alaska MATERIAL UNIT MATL FREIGHT No.ITEM QTY UNITS COST TOTAL $0.35/Ib TOTAL Security Fencing .............sc0ccececsccscecsceccssscnsgoeousseascvovesnccasceeccceusaranenscouenss seco en senennsnsestsossesssccessesesnsrosseseousescoususssaseseseeseen 43 Chain Link Fence 3,000 LF 15 45,000 15,750 60,750 44 Vehicle Gate 1 EA 4,000 4,000 175 4,175 Electrical ...........ssscescscssvcccscescscsescssorcovseovcscocsusosusssvcasonoungesaereniassonnanncesoncncenesseescscencncscsesseeeceesnsnacesssnccassecsceserasssesssesce4 203,500 45 Electrical Controls 1 SUM 100,000 100,000 1,000 101,000 46 Lighting I SUM 100,000 100000 2500 102,500 Sub-Total:20,567,987 Contingency @ 15%3,085,198 Overhead &Profit*@ 5%1,182,659 Bonding and Insurance @ 1.50%354,798 Total:25,190,642 Bulk Fuel Tank Farm Page 3 of3 Ae sh a ee os ad'a (' BUDGET COST ESTIMATE Power Plant Feasibility Study ; Bethel,Alaska MATERIAL UNIT MATL FREIGHT? No.ITEM QTY UNITS COST TOTAL $0.35/Ib TOTAL Mobilization/Demiobilization .................cc2ccscsecencoccer ees cccscsvenceerensecceucseesscceuescenseccncescoceeeensseseoeeasccenerseccercsonscoeetescccrersescessscveses 100,000 1 Mob/DeMob 1 SUM 100,000 100,000 100,000 Earthworks .........02cecccccssecccrsssessnoseesesescsceeoeecaceaeacesesonevesunsoccnssHonoaesoussebunSeesurseaensconcesoueeoncnoeassenneneetensdeseracensesesscetencetstsvtsasess 2,865,000 2 Module &Tank Pad Sand Fill 23,000 CY 15 345,000 345,000 3 Module &Tank Pad Gravel Surface Course 8"4,000 CY 80 320,000 320,000 4 Access Roads 10,000 LF 220 2,200,000 2,200,000 Geoltextile...........cc0cccccceccnscncecscssconseacscccsessoneesesascarsusvescecscscesecscsucnesasececcesoccsuerenseces sbesceeteececcetestsgecceveeuecetsessesersessossesvovscases 67,050 5 Module &Tank Pad Non-Woven Geotextile 4,000 SF 0.10 400 1,400 1,800 6 Module &Tank Pad Woven Geotextile 145,000 SF 0.10 14,500 50,750 65,250 Thermal Protection aoe ees a noes ease sees see eoc oUF eS eda E ECS EE es eH EOE DEE CS SOO SONOS ESTES ES EODES DEE OREO FESO ORO REODOEO REED ESO REORSEOGEEaGEOeEOgu OCOD EOD S EE DOLE SEsDoDEasFesooRsesess 7 Intermediate &Water Tanks Rigid Insulation 95,000 BF 1.00 95,000 16,625 111,625 8 Int.&Water Tanks Flat Loop Thermo Syphon w/Hybrid Condensor 20 EA 7,000 140,000 12,600 152,600 Module Foundation.,..............002002seececcccosceccnccassececseeesaseasceves foce eco eseoveues esc cencv occa see sdeseseuseseoeedsenunbeoecoronscescosnvecccsrsovetenserssscnseses 1,482,875 9 Thermo Helix-Pile w/Hybrid Condensor 150 EA 5,500.00 825,000 147,000 972,000 10 Pile Installation (35 Foot Embedment)150 EA 1,600.00 240,000 240,000 11 W18x 55 Beams 5,500 LF 30 165,000 =105,875 270,875 Secondary Containment .................csccccscecnccensaccecscvcscscscvesogonesseesscseseseavcsesccousaeeneconsoncnoeeeecensusaeepaasnscerenccesestensssuseseatescecasceucuees 68,303 12 Intermediate Tank Primary Liner 5,700 SF 4.00 22,800 1,995 24,795 13 Intermediate Tank Dike Posts 40 EA 70 2,800 2,135 4,935 14 Intermediate Tank Dike 6x6 Wall Timbers 2,200 LF Il 24,200 5,148 29,348 15 Sheet Metal Covers 300 LF 22 6,600 2,625 9,225 Tank Foundations ..,..............2csccscesessescsccecnccsonscecorsevaceuscuescecsrsetecnechenceneseecssaccsssescentensedesgeastecesouseasdeesccsecsvnsessecacescncassececcecnens 65,931 16 Intermediate Tank (30'Dia)Foundation 20 CY 1,000 20,453 3,866 24,319 17 Water Tank (55'Dia)Foundation 35.CY 1,000 34,998 6,615 41,612 Bawer Plant Page 1 af 2 { BUDGET COST ESTIMATE Power Plant Feasibility Study Bethel,Alaska MATERIAL UNIT MATL FREIGHT No.ITEM QTY UNITS COST TOTAL $0.35/Ib TOTAL Tanks .....25cccsscsecsccvese ceeeceeccacsccssesccscess pe ccsosscoresceor ses occ sc cece ses c esas sesandes cee sentence eossecccescessescesneaeseceeuseceesscescessesrsevesterscneceessosseesees 18 Intermediate Tank (100,000 gal Insulated Tank,Erected)1 EA 100,000 100,000 100,000 19 Intermediate Tank Appurtenances 1 LS 10,000 10,000 350 10,350 20 Raw Water Tank (700,000 gal Insulated Tank,Erected)1 EA 400,000 400,000 400,000 21 Raw Water Tank Appurtenances 1 LS 10,000 10,000 350 10,350 Fuel &Raw Water Pipelines .................c.ccesceeccnecscvevceeeccuvcnsossevceeseescenseesseaeeoosssescveneconsnsecescvecnneonsnscensnsecuecesotessenatesusuescessssessscess 22 4"x 10"Insulated Sch 40 Pipe (Issue)350 LF 65 22,750 1,322 24,072 23 Coated 2"Sch 40 Pipe (Water Draw)50 LF 15 750 64 814 24 4"Plug Valve 5 EA 1,750 8,750 166 8,916 25 4"Check Valve 2 EA 360 720 42 762 26 4"Gate Valve (Water Tank)1 EA 495 495 39 534 27 +3"Ball Valve 2 +&EA 400 800 35 835 28 2”Ball Valve 6 EA 200 1,200 36 1,236 29 Fill Limiting Valve 2 EA 965 1,930 21 1,951 30 Pipe Supports 20 EA 300 6,000 1,400 7,400 31 2"X 8"Insulated HDPE Pipe (Glycol)1,400 LF 55 77,000 1,960 78,960 32 2"x 8"Half Shells (HDPE Joints)30 EA 40 1,200 {,575 2,775 33 2"x 8"Elbows 10 EA 250 2,500 175 2,675 Cooling Lake System...........2..c.ccsccecusscvccescsccuscevcusevvesscescusseuccsousosnesasneensneccecceocscsusosssccensersvausctussnesteseueaectussssusesscesceesessussuscusenc! 34 Pipe 7,700 LF 0 0 0 0 35 Gate Valve 3.EA 0 0 0 0 36 Building (15 x 20)300 SF 150 45,000 7,875 52,875 37 Pump 2 EA 0 0 0 0 38 Misc Accessories 1 LS 0 0 0 39 Discharge Structure 1 EA 0 0 0 40 Intake Structure 1 EA 0 0 0 DOCK.......c0cecceseccsccesccesccescccessesccssccceccseseescesocssocesccesacsocesccseorsseseesscsnscusssnscorevensesnas ceo eecesconevasteeusoeesessscusescecsecssasssocsencesansaceeers 41 Fuel Dock 188 LF 5,500 1,034,000 1,034,000 42 Marine Header Containment !LS 7,500 7,500 1,000 8,500 Power Plant Page2of 3. ooBUDGET COST ESTIMATE Power Plant Feasibility Study Bethel,Alaska MATERIAL UNIT MATL FREIGHT No.ITEM QTY UNITS COST TOTAL $0.35/Ib TOTAL 43 Marine Header Assmbly 1 EA 2,500 2,500 350 2,850 Security Fencing .........0...c.ccceccnseenseneesccenscnesaeecesseneceescccsscssesseecsscsesesseessuseorsceeceescensovnceseneeenesesesonssensceeosuscensstaestesnesussursceseenecs 32,475 44 Chain Link Fence 1,200 LF 15 18,000 6,300 24,300 45 Vehicle Gate 2 EA 4,000 8,000 175 8,175 Electrical ...........0..0.ccccsccccscssecrercssesesvcesesseruscocsouepeaecscssccccusseseeneusaccueceascesonecsoneoeuscsocenesensesacensretecsesesecetsessessectoaeoresssctsvseeveccs 103,500 46 Electrical Controls |SUM 50,000 50,000 1,000 51,000 47 Lighting 1 SUM 50,000 50000 2500 52,500 Sub-Total:6,799,213 Contingency @ 15%679,921 Overhead &Profit*@ 5%373,957 Bonding and Insurance @ 1.50%112,187 Total:7,965,278 Power Plant Page 3 of3 Williams Alaska Petroleum Inc.winiZa.janis.a PROPERTIES Carbon Residue on 10 %BTMS,wt % Cloud Point,°F (°C) Color Copper strip Corrosion,3 hr @ 122 °F (50 °C) Distillation,°F (°C) Initial Boiling Point 10%Evaporated 50%Evaporated 90%Evaporated Final Boiling Point Residue,vol % Recovery,vol % Flash Point,°F (°C) Gravity,AP!@ 60 °F (15.6 °C) Gravity,Specific @ 60 °F Density,Ib/gal @ 60 °F (15.6 °C) Density,kg/m @ 15.6 °C Heating value,BTU/Gal (gross) Pour Point,°F (°C) Sulfur,(wt %) Viscosity,cSt @ 104 °F (40°C) Water And Sediment,vol % Product Specifications:#2 Blended_{-15 °F)Heating Fuel Alternative Name:Product 43 ASTMTEST SPECIFICATION * METHOD D 524 0.15 Max D 2500 -58 Max (-50 Max) D 1500 2.5 Max D 130 No 3 Max D 86 Report 419 Max (215 Max) Report 550 Max (288 Max) Report Report Report D93 100 Min (38 Min) D 1298 35.0 Min 0.876 Max 7.296 Max D 2015 Report D 97 -60 Max (-51 Max) D 4294 0.30 Max D 445 1.3 -2.1 D 2709 0.05 Max 1.)Based on ASTM 0396-98,Table 1,"Detailed Requirements for Fuei Oils". 2.)Typical product quality subject to change within specified limits. 3.)Typical product data based on pre 1999 resuits. Approved by:ald,Susained tecdomtont,Cusniity €i'Alder Aiaska Potrotaum Current Revision: TYPICAL ? n 3 Previous Revision:April,1999 ---)Willianis.Williams Alaska Petroleum Inc. -_Product Specifications:#2 Diesel Fuel Alternative Name:Product 46 PROPERTIES ASTMTEST SPECIFICATION 'TYPICAL ? METHOD n=176 Ash,wt %D 482 0.01 Max <0.001 Carbon Residue on 10 %BTMS,wt %D 524 0.35 Max 0.08 Cetane Index,Calculated D 4737 40 Min 49.9 Cloud Point,°F (°C)D 2500 Report 8 Color D 1500 2.5 Max <0.5 Copper strip Corrosion,3 hr @ 122 °F (50°C)D 130 No 3 Max 1 Distillation,°F (°C)D 86 Initial Boiling Point Report 409 10%Evaporated Report 497 50%Evaporated Report 551 90%Evaporated 540 -640 588 Final Boiling Point Report 609 Residue,vol %Report 0.8 Recovery,vol %Report 98.9 Flash Point,°F (°C)D 93 126 Min (52 Min)182 Gravity,AP!@ 60°F (15.6 °C)D 1298 30.0 Min 33.2 Gravity,Specific @ 60 °F 0.8762 0.8589 Density,Ib/gal @ 60 °F (15.6 °C)7.296 7.153 Density,kg/m?@ 15.6 °C 858.9 Pour Point,°F (°C)D 97 +10 Max (-12 Max)5 Sulfur,(wt %)D 4294 0.50 Max 0.46 Viscosity,cSt @ 104 °F (40 °C)D 445 1.9 -4.1 3.567 Water And Sediment,vol %D 2709 0.05 Max Nil 1.)Based on ASTM D975-98b,Table 1,"Standard Specificiation for Diesel Fuel Oils".The EPA has exempted the State of Alaska from the low suifur and dye requirments through 2004 (reference CFR Volume 64,no.122). 2.)Typical product quality subject to change within specified limits. Approved by:Sal.Susaftabarnent,Quality A Current Revision:Jan,2001 AelihoesAicakaPowatmuin Te.Previous Revision:April,1999oa CERTIFICATE OF QUALITY Tesoro Alaska Company Lab Supervisor PRODUCT:}DF2 |TANK:|TK36 |ANALYZED:}05/31/02 ASTM SPECIFIED TEST PROPERTY RESULTS LIMIT METHOD Gravity,API @ 60 deg F 35.2 Report D1298 Gravity,Specific,60 deg/60 deg F 0.849 Report Density,Ib/gal @ 60 deg F 7.07 Report Color-ASTM 0.5 2.0 Max D 156 Cloud Point,deg F 7.1 +20 Max D5773 Pour Point,deg F -7.0 Report D5949 Flash Point,deg F 169 125 Min D 93 Viscosity,cSt @ 104 deg F 3.1 4.1 Max D 445 Sulfur,Total,Wt %0.1 0.5 %Max D 4294 Copper Strip Corrosion,- 3 brs @ 122 deg F 1A No.1 Max D130 Net,BTU/Ib 18,421 Report Cetane Index,Calculated 52.8 40 Min D4737 Distillation Temperature,deg F D&86 Initial Boiling Point 371 Report 10%Recovered 464 Report 20%Recovered 489 Report 50%Recovered 533 Report 90%Recovered 584 640 Max 95%Recovered 600 Report End Point 618 Report Distillation Residue,Vol %1.0 Report L.Groleske PRODUCT CERTIFICATE OF QUALITY Tesoro Alaska Company Distillation Residue,Vol % E,Brail Lab.Supervisor 0.6 PRODUCT:|JetA |TANK:|35 |ANALYZED:|05/28/02 ASTM SPECIFIED TEST PROPERTY RESULTS LIMIT METHOD Gravity,API @ 60 deg F 43.7 Report D4052 Gravity,Specific,60 deg/60 deg F 0.8076 Report Density,lb/gal @ 60 deg F 6.74 Report Color,Saybolt >30 +12 Min D 156 Cloud Point,deg F -59.5 D2500 Pour Point,deg F -81 D97 Freeze Point,deg.C 46.2 -45.5 Max D5972 Flash Point,deg F 105 100 Min D 56 Viscosity,cSt @ 104 deg F 1.32 1.2 Min Viscosity,cSt @ -4 deg F 4.32 8.0 Max D 445 Sulfur,Total,Wt %0.03 0.3%Max D 4294 Copper Strip Corrosion, 3 hrs @ 122 deg F 1A No.|Max D130 BTU/#,net 18,568 18400 Min Particulate Contaminant,mg/1 0.25 1.0 max D5452 Distillation Temperature,deg F D&86 Initial Boiling Point 292 Report 10%Recovered 329 401 Max 20%Recovered 344 Report 50%Recovered 390 Report 90%Recovered 482 Report 95%Recovered 504 Report End Point 522 572 Max. Report , Willian:anis.a PROPERTIES Acid Number,Totalmg KOH/g Ash,wt %° Carbon Residue,on 10 %BTMS,wt %° Cetane Index,Calculated Color Copper Strip Corrosion,3 hr @ 122 F (50)C ° Distillation,°F (°C) Initial Boiling Point 5 %Evaporated 10%Evaporated 50%Evaporated 90%Evaporated Flash Point,°F (°C) Gravity,AP!@ 60°F (15.6 °C) Gravity,Specific @ 60 °F Density,Ib/gal @ 60 °F (15.6 °C) Pour Point,°F (°C)4 Heat ing Value,BTU/gallon (gross)° -Heat ing Value,Md/kg ° Sulfur,(wt %) Viscosity,cSt @ 104 °F (40 *C) Water and sediment,vol %° 1.)Based on GVEA specifications. Williams Alaska Petroleum Inc. Product Specifications:Turbine Fuel Oil Alternative Name:Product 61,HAGO ASTM TEST SPECIFICATION *? METHOD D974 D 482 D 524 D 4737 D 1500 D 130 D 86 D 93 D 2015 D 97 D 4809 D 4809 D 4294 D 445 D 2709 2.)Typical product quality subject to change within specified limits. 3.)The recommended specifications for transported fuels complying with ADEC Standards for fuel transport (ADEC 18 AAC 75) are 50 %distilled at 645 °F at 50%and 95 %distilled at 700°F.These Standards are pertinent to liabilities for transporters in the classification of persistant and non-persistant hydrocarbons. 4.)Pour Point Depressant Additives may be used to provide fluidity at colder temperatures.Pour Point Depressed Products may not be compatable with 5.)Results based on sample composite. Approved by:altsSuceringendent,Quality LoWilliagtsAlaskaPetroteumfnc. 0.5 Max 0.01 Max 0.30 Max 45 Min 5 Max No.1 Max Report 480 Min (249 Min) Report Report ° 725 Max (385 Max) 200 Min (93 Min) 25 -32 0.8654 -0.8871 7.206 -7.387 Report Report Report 1.0 Max 2.0 -8.5 0.1 Max Current Revision: Previous Revision: TYPICAL ? n=49 <0.002 0.12 50.6 <1.5 <1.5 479 540 562 625 691 >206 28.9 0.8823 7.348 40 141,444 45 0.78 7.373 Nil February,2001 April,1999 Williams Alaska Petroleum Inc. Alternative Names:Product 54,N+A Naphtha for ExportWillNiemijamsProductSpecifications:Gasoline Blendstock PROPERTIES Color,Sayboit Conductivity,CU @ 32 °F (Oct-Mar)' Conductivity,CU @ 60 °F (Apr-Sept)' Distillation,°F (°C) Initial Boiling Point 5%Evaporated 90%Evaporated Final Boiling Point Distillation Residue,vol% Recovery,Volume % Elemental Composition Sulfur,ppm Arsenic,ppb Lead,ppb Gravity,AP!@ 60°F (15.6 °C) Gravity,Specific @ 60 °F Hydrocarbon Types: Naphthaienes,vol % Aromatics,vol % N+A,vol % Olefins,vol % Benzene,vol % Reid Vapor Pres.@ 100 °F,psi Kpa @ 37.8°C 1.)Dupont Stadis 450 (as required) Approved by:\Af|NT 7 Superintendent.Quality C4qtrol Wiltiagis Aiaska Petroleum inc. ASTM TEST METHOD D 156 D 2624 D 2624 D 86 D 86 D 4294 ICP AA (HGA) D 1298 D 5134 D 5134 D 5134 D 5134 D 5134 D 5191 SPECIFICATION TYPICAL n=42 20 Min 30 Report 156 Report 122 Min (25 Max)152 212 Max (100 Max)175 392 Max (200 Max)267 399 Max (185 Max)311 1.5 Max 1 96 Min 98.0 500 Max 54 100 Max <40 30 Max <9 Report 62.4 0.70-0.78 0.73 Report 42.4 Report 3.4 40 Min 45.8 1 Max 0 Report 4.12 12.5 Max 3.4 86.2 Max Current Revision:September 5,2000 Previous Revision:April 23,1999 Yukon Fuel Company Fuel and Transportation Proposal Donlin Creek For:AMEC/NovaGold @ YEC Market Presence in Alaska Yukon River Kuskokwim River Norton Sound Y-K Delta Kotzebue Sound Bristol Bay Tank Farm Operations in Twelve Locations eetipsSUE0 Los Ee ES50%: Oper: ¢Protected Water * e 10 Sets of Equi D Decades of with Shallos Specific Kuskokwim. diver Knowledge eeeYes8 Delivery Assumptions Adequate Tank Farm imCrookedCreek Pipeline Booster Pumps _in Bethel and CrookedCr, | 800,000 GallonCapacityPerSetofEquipment Use of Bethel as Terminal * & * Round-trip Times of 51/2 days Load Time of 10 Hours Discharge Time of 10 Hours Operations From June|Through September 30) Kuskokwim Advantages ¢Inland River Operating Conditions ¢Accessible by Ocean Tugs and Barges ¢Existing Infrastructure in Bethel ¢Relatively Long Operating Season ¢Short Trips Times Between Load Point and Destination. Kuskokwim Disadvantages ¢Lower-River Gravel Bars *Annual Variations in Length of Season Scenario|2 Tugs/4 Bargees 8.000000 |760,00 | Excess Capacity Delivered toOther YFC Custos Scenario 2 ¢Duplicates Effort Shown.in Scenario 1's Schedule | ¢Tug #2 Operates One Day Behind Tug #1 Assumes total of3 Tugs and8 Barges Additional Linehaul Barge Required Barge Specifications Length 175 feet Width 44 feet Depth 7 teet Loaded Dratt 5 feet Working Capacity 210,000 gallons 6 inch piping and pump systems Lightly tramed and skinned to maximize shallow-draft suitability e * ¢ Tug Specifications Length 85feet Width 38 feet Operating Draft 4 feet Horsepower 1,800 Engmes 4 Crew Fuel 0 4,000 gallons Delivered Pricing to Crooked Cr. Summary Yukon Fuel and its carrier,Yutana Barge Lines,both havesuccessfulhistoriesofworkinginwesternAlaska.Serving Aa large©project such aas8 what Nov atFold 18consideringatWejustcompleted«our+largest sS@NSON ever,.delivering.over49.million ¢gallons to our customers along Alaska'8 coasts and river systems,and are very confident that we can meet NovaGold's needs as well.Please consider this proposalassuitableforplanningandbudgetingpurposesonly,andtrustthatwearereadytomoveforwardonconstructionof an appropriate fleetwhenandif this projectis approved.