HomeMy WebLinkAboutDonlin Creek Mine Power Supply Alt Feasibility Study 2003Nuvista Light &Power,Co.-Donlin Creek Mine Power Supply Alternatives Feasibility Study Draft 1.Electric Power Systems,Inc,(EPS) Systems Studies Report 2.LCMF -Bethel Coal-Fired Power Plant Foundations and Fuel Storage Cost Estimates. Conceptual Design Report 3.LCMF -Bethel Combustion Turbine Power Plant Foundations and Fuel Storage Cost Estimates Conceptual Design Report 4.Transmission Line and Substation Cost Estimates Prepared by Dryden &LaRue,Inc. Frank J.Bettine,P.E.,Esq. Principal BETTINE,LLC 1120 E.Huffman Rd.Pmb 343 Anchorage,AK 99515 Ph:907-336-2335 Fax:907-345-6972 Email:foettine@acsalaska.net Bettine,LLC Frank J.Bettine,P.E.,Esq.Tel.(907)336-2335 Professional Electrical Engineer &Attorney atLaw Fax/Tel (907)345-6972 1120 E.Huffman Rd.PMB 343,Anchorage,AK 99515 ;E-mail:fbettine@acsalaska.net ie 1 hyMEMORADUMOFTRANSMITTAL,eur WE |OCF G7 2093 Date:October 7,2003 AIDEA/AFA To:Karl Reiche -AIDEA;Gregg Bush -Placer Dome,Inc.:Mike Smulski,Precision Power From:Frank Bettine.YW RE:Draft Documents for: 1.Coal-Fired Generation Plant Report Prepared by PES 1.Electric Power Systems,Inc,(EPS) Systems Studies Report 2.LCMF -Bethel Coal-Fired Power Plant Foundations and Fuel Storage Cost Estimates Conceptual Design Report 3.LCMF -Bethel Combustion Turbine Power Plant Foundations and Fuel Storage Cost Estimates Conceptual Design Report 4.Transmission Line and Substation Cost Estimates Please find attached one copy each of the above referenced draft reports.The above draft copies are released for internal review only,by AIDEA,Placer Dome,and Calista/Nuvista personnel.Your review and constructive comments would be appreciated.I would appreciate receiving your comments by the end of October.Please do not release these copies or information contained therein,to the general public. Nuvista Power &Light Co. Donlin Creek Mine Project System Studies August 12,2003 Dr.James W.Cote,Jr. David W.Burlingame PHONE (907)522-1953 *3305 ARCTIC BLVD.,SUITE 201,ANCHORAGE,AK 99503-4575 ¢FAX (907)522-1182 *WWW.EPSINC.COM PHONE (425)883-2833 *3938 150th AVE NE,REDMOND,WA 98052 *FAX (425)883-8492 DONLIN CREEK MINE PROJECT SYSTEM STUDIES Table of Contents Introduction System Description Short Circuit Analysis I 2 3 =Power Flows 4 5 Transient Stability Simulations 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 6 =Basic Relaying Schemes Loss of Generation Loss of Mine Load Motor Starting 138 kV Line Energization 7 Recommendations NOONBAADAMNAwWwWNHNN. Qrlectric Power System LePs.Consulting Engineers DONLIN CREEK MINE PROJECT SYSTEM STUDIES 1 Introduction The Donlin Creek Mine Project is located in southwest Alaska.A transmission line interconnection at 138 kV is proposed between the mine at Donlin Creek and the Bethel Power Plant in Bethel,a line length of approximately 190 miles.Between the Bethel Power Plant and the Donlin Creek Mine there are several villages,to be served either directly off the 138 kV transmission line or from a tapped substation on the transmission line.Additionally,a short interconnection from the Bethel Power Plant to the existing Bethel Utilities Diesel Power Plant is proposed, and three single wire ground return (SWGR)feeders are proposed to serve several native villages in the region. This report documents several system studies performed by Electric Power Systems,Inc.(EPS)for the proposed Donlin mine project.These studies include power flow analyses,short circuit analysis,transient stability studies, basic relaying schemes and costs,and suggestions and recommendations.The focus of this report is the 138 kV transmission line feasibility and associated equipment.The studies represent the potential village loads as simply loads on the transmission line,without operating characteristics of the lines to serve the villages. The SWGR feeders were previously studied by EPS and were not modeled in detail in these studies,other than to represent the feeder loads where interconnected to the proposed transmission system. 2 System Description The proposed system consists of a new Bethel Power Plant,a new transmission line from the plant to the Donlin Creek Mine,several 138 /12.47 kV substations along the transmission line,a new 13.8 kV tie to the existing Bethel Diesel Power Plant,and three Single Wire Ground Return (SWGR)feeders.Each of these components is discussed below.Oneline diagrams for the proposed system,showing two different generation options,are shown in Appendix 1. The Bethel Power Plant consists of a main 13.8 kV bus with generation connected at 13.8 kV.Two generation options were considered,labeled Coal-Fired and Combined Cycle on the attached onelines.The Coal-Fired alternative consists of two 45 MW coal fired steam turbines and one 42 MW combustion turbine.The Combined Cycle alternative consists of three 42 MW combustion turbines and one 25 MW steam turbine. The Bethel Power Plant also consists of several transformers connected to the 13.8 kV bus,plus one feeder.The transformers include two station service transformers rated at 13.8 /4.16 kV,7.5 MVA each,three step-up transformers for the transmission line to the mine,rated at 13.8 /138 kV,40 MVA each,and two single phase transformers for two of the SWGR feeders,rated 13.8 kV line-to4ine /80 kV line-to-ground,7.5 MVA each.The one feeder is an express feeder to the Bethel Utilities Diesel Power Plant,roughly 1.5 miles away.At the Diesel Power Plant Substation,a three winding 13.8 /12.47 /4.16 kV,15 /10/5 MVA transformer is proposed to tie the express feeder into the existing Bethel system. The proposed 138 kV transmission line is 190.6 miles long,954 ACSR construction on X-frame structures for all but the first 5.3 miles of the line.Along the length of the line are seven native villages to be interconnected at a voltage of 12.47 kV using three phase 138/12.47 kV transformers.At Aniak substation,the proposed transformer is rated at 1000 kVA.At the other six villages,the proposed transformer ratings are 500 kVA. The preliminary Donlin Creek Mine design includes 138 kV and 13.8 kV buses,with two step-down transformers rated at 138/13.8 kV,40 MVA each.The transmission line interconnects to the mine through a 138 kV breaker "Sy,Qdletric Power Systems Consulting Engineers-eet ee DONLIN CREEK MINE PROJECT SYSTEM STUDIES and bypass switch provided by the mine.The mine load is served by several 13.8 kV feeders.The mine includes a SVC system on the 13.8 kV bus which regulates voltage and is supposed to reduce voltage sags associated with both starting large loads at the mine and normal operations at the mine. EPS was responsible for system analysis of the transmission system for mine loads of 55,70,and 85 MW,and for conditions with no mine load. 3 Power Flows Power flows were run for the proposed system with mine loads of 0,55,70,and 85 MW.The loads throughout the proposed system are shown in table 1 below,with the Donlin Mine load shown at 55 MW.System data for the power flow models are attached in Appendix 1. Table 1 -System Loads PSS/E Name Xfmr Load Load Load Bus #kVA kW kVAR kVA PF 111 Akiachuk 500 477 358 596 0.80 121 Akiak 500 408 306 510 0.80 131 Tuluksak 500 264 198 330 0.80 141 Kalskag 500 500 375 625 0.80 151 Aniak 1000 1054 791 1318 0.80 161 Chuathbaluk 500 80 60 100 0.80 171 Crooked Creek 500 542 407 678 0.80 20 SWGR-South 7500 5756 4317 7195 0.80 30 SWGR-West 7500 4660 3495 5825 0.80 50 SWGR-Yukon 7500 5309 3982 6636 0.80 11 Bethel SS1 7500 3000 1450 3332 0.90 12 Bethel SS2 7500 3000 1450 3332 0.90 40 Donlin Mine gocog 55000 18078.5 57895 0.95 13 Bethel 12.47 10000 11143 8357 13929 0.80 14 Bethel 4.16 5000 5572 4179 6965 0.80 totals 96288 47445 The power flow results are shown on the oneline diagrams in Appendix 2,and a summary of various parameters is shown in Table 2 below.The initial power results indicated a need for additional voltage support along the 138 kV transmission line during heavy mine loading periods.The size of the SVC to be provided at Donlin Mine was unknown.Power flows with the mine load at 55 MW and only one SVC Iocated at the mine showed low 138 kV voltages and a 12.47 distribution voltage at Crooked Creek of 95.7%with full tap changer control,with a SVC output of 31.7 MVAR (case 9 in Table 2).The SVC was set to regulate the 13.8 kV mine voltage to 1.0 per unit. When the mine load increased to 85 MW,with only one SVC located at the mine,all voltages decreased with the 12.47 kV voltage at Crooked Creek decreasing to 88.5%,with a Donlin Mine SVC output of 81.5 MVAR (case 10 in Table 2).Based on these results,we propose placing an additional SVC at Aniak which is roughly midway along the transmission tine.A bank of switchable capacitors at Aniak may also provide acceptable steady state voltages, but a SVC provides better control of transient voltage,especially when controlling voltage during mine outages or when energizing the line.This is discussed further in the section on transient stability results (below). DONLIN CREEK MiNE PROJECT SYSTEM STUDIES The majority of the power flow results shown in Appendix 2 include two SVC systems,one at Donlin Mine on the 13.8 kV bus and one at Aniak on the 138 kV bus.The Aniak SVC would normally be connected at a lower voltage via a step-down transformer,but for study purposes,the SVC was shown connected to the 138 kV bus.Both SVC systems were sized at -50 MVAR to +50 MVAR,regulating the bus voltage to 1.0 per unit.Actual SVC outputs are shown on the power flow oneline diagrams and in Table 2 below.The maximum boost capacity of the SVC systems,50 MVAR each,is based on the power flow results with 85 MW of load at Donlin Mine. Table 2 -Power Flow Results Summary Bethel- Mine Mine :Donlin Total Aniak Donlin we:Case Load Load Comp ®y,Power -Generation 'MW)(VAR)svc SVC TMVAR\Distribution(MW)(MVAR)Angle (MW)(MVAR)(MVAR)Voltage (pu) (degs) 1 0 i¢)none 15 42.3 0.5 5.2 -16.7 off -16.7 0.988 2 55 18.1 none 26.3 101.7 49 39.5 4.2 28.9 33.1 0.963 3 70 23.0 none 33.7 119.5 7.7 61.4 15.6 40.2 55.8 0.955 4 85 27.9 none 41.8 138.2 11.5 90.9 36.5 47.6 84.1 0.925 5 0 0 50%14 42.3 0.5 5 16.4 off -16.4 0.949 6 55 18.1 50%14.8 102.3 5.5 27.5 -24.7 47.1 22.4 0.885 7 70 23.0 50%18.5 119.9 8.1 41.8 -8.9 45.9 37.0 0.888 8 85 27.9 50%22.5 138.5 11.7 60.9 9.7 446 54.3 0.892 9 55 18.1 none 26.6 101.7 5.0 40.2 off 31.7 31.7 0.957 10 85 27.9 none 48.8 140.8 14.1 110.9 off 81.5 81.5 0.885 11 85 27.9 none 41.8 138.2 11.5 90.9 36.5 47.6 84.1 0.925 The initial power flow results also showed a large power angle across the 138 kV line,from Bethel to Dontin mine, for the larger mine load levels.The power angle across the 138 kV line is also shown in Table 2.Large power angles between generation sources leads to classic stability problems.However,only a minimal amount of startup generation is anticipated at the mine site,and is expected to be online only when starting the mine.:Under this condition,there would be small power transfers across the 138 kV transmission line,resulting in a small power angle.As the mine load increases,the on-site generation is expected to be removed and load picked up across the transmission line.This scenario should not result in stability problems associated with the large power angles. However,EPS did run several power flows with series compensation added to the 138 kV line near Aniak.These power flow results are also included in Appendix 2 and Table 2 (cases 5 through 8).A series compensation level of 50%was studied.When the series compensation is added,the power angle is reduced,and the MVAR support required by the SVC systems is also reduced due to the series capacitors which add MVARs into the system. These series compensation cases have been added to this report for completeness.EPS does not foresee the need to add series compensation to the 138 kV transmission line,as discussed above. Expected system losses are also included in Table 2.Transmission line resistance and the resulting losses vary with ambient air temperature,wind conditions,and line loading.These studies used a maximum expected line resistance value in the model,thereby yielding conservative or worst case loss totals.Actual losses should be lower than the totals given in Table 2. The calculated voltages on the 12.47 kV buses at the remote village substations are based on using typical distribution transformer impedances (from American National Standard C57.12.10 and Industrial Power System Handbook by Beeman)and based on using a transformer with LTC capability of £10%tap.All distribution voltages were regulated to the range from 99%to 101%voltage within available taps.Voltages could be improved further&®,Qlectic Powe Systems-4- DONLIN CREEK MINE PROJECT SYSTEM STUDIES by improving the load power factor,and /or adding distribution capacitors.The loads used in these studies are worst case maximum peak scenarios,expected in the year 2040.The most significant voltage problem occurs at Crooked Creek on the 12.47 kV bus.The power flow results indicate a need to provide some corrective action or replace the transformer with a larger transformer if the mine load and Crooked Creek loads begin to approach their maximum values studied. Separate power flows were not run based on the two generation options.From a power flow standpoint,the generation bus at Bethel,the 13.8 kV bus,is a swing bus and the number of generators connected to the swing bus is irrelevant.The power flow solution distributes the real and reactive power requirements of the swing bus to whatever generators are connected at the swing bus,based on initial MW output.One power flow case was run to illustrate this.Case 11 in Table 2 has the combined cycle units running instead of the Coal Fired Generation option.Note that the power flow results are identical to case 4 in Table 2,with only the generation dispatch being different.However,different generation alternatives have an impact on both short circuit and transient stability results. It should also be noted that the power flows for a mine load of 85 MW,with the maximum substation loads,and the assumed station service and Bethel loads shows a generation total in excess of the capacity of the Bethel Power Plant using the coal fired generation alternative.The combined cycle generation alternative does have sufficient generation to meet the proposed loads. 4 Short Circuit Analysis The short circuit analysis was performed using the ETAP Powerstation software package.The power system model is identical to the power flow model used in PSS/E,except for minor differences in load models.These differences are insignificant to the short circuit calculations. Short circuit results are included in Appendix 3.Three phase to ground and single phase to ground fault currents were calculated at all appropriate three phase buses.Fault currents are not calculated for the SWGR feeders or buses.Currents are calculated with all generation online.With any generation offline,the fault currents will decrease.Fault currents in Appendix 3 are first provided for the coal-fired generation option,and then provided for the combined cycle generation option. 5 Transient Stability Simulations Transient stability simulations were conducted using the PSS/E software.Simulations included loss of generation, loss of mine load,motor starting,and line energizing.Typical dynamics data from other generators of comparable size were used for the proposed generating units at Bethel Power Plant.The dynamics data for the generators are included in Appendix 4. 5.1 Loss of Generation Transient stability case T1 represents a loss of the largest on-line unit at Bethel Power Plant.This outage was run for the maximum load case,Donlin mine at 85 MW.The transient stability results are shown in Appendix 4,with a case name of "T1-mine85".in order to survive this outage,load shedding must occur somewhere in the system. For study purposes,load shedding relays were placed at the Donlin mine,in 3 stages.Each stage sheds 25%of the mine load,with stages set at 59.0,58.7,and 58.4 Hz.These settings are somewhat arbitrary,but show that a unit loss can be survived with appropriate load shedding.Load may be shed on the distribution system or at the DONLIN CREEK MINE PROJECT SYSTEM STUDIES mine.The only significant issue is to have enough load on load shedding to exceed the largest anticipated loss of generation. Transient stability results for case "T1-mine85”show a frequency decay to just below 58.4 Hz,with ali three stages of load shedding picked up.The frequency then recovers to 60 Hz.Simulations also show a frequency control problem when attempting to restore frequency exactly to 60 Hz.This appears to be problem with the simulation software when modeling several units at the same plant,all in isochronous control.This is modeled by setting the machine droop to near zero,but creates a hunting problem in the software.We believe this hunting which appears near the end of the simulation to be a non-issue,caused solely by the simulation. 5.2 Loss of Mine Load The transient stability simulation for the complete loss of the mine load (case T2)represents a 138 kV breaker opening at Donlin Mine.The mine load is lost along with the Donlin SVC.Simulations were run at both 55 and 85 MW of mine load,and are shown in Appendix 4.Simulations show a transient frequency rise to around 61.5 Hz for a mine load of 55 MW,and 62.7 Hz for a mine load of 85 MW,returning to nominal in 11 seconds.The Aniak SVC regulates the 138 kV line voltage very quickly back to near 1.0 per unit.The transient frequency rise is significant due to the large percentage of total system load residing at Donlin Mine.Remedial action schemes have not been studied to reduce the over-frequency conditions,but a remedial action trip of one or more Bethel units would significantly reduce the over-frequency magnitude.Alternately,staggered over-frequency relaying of the Bethel units could be used to trip generation without a transfer trip signal from the mine.Acceptable over-frequency conditions for the generating units should be discussed with generator/turbine suppliers. 5.3 Motor Starting Transient stability simulations were run for a motor starting condition at Donlin Mine (case T3).From preliminary mine load estimates,the largest single load appears to be the Sag Mill,sized at 9.12 MW.It may be unrealistic to expect the total Sag Mill load to be a single motor,started under full load,but this case was used to define the worst case motor starting scenario.An induction motor was used to represent the Sag Mill load,and was started under full load.Typical induction motor parameters were used for the model. The initial simulations showed a prolonged under voltage condition during the motor start.A subsequent simulation was fun using a reduced voltage start for the motor,at 60%nominal voltage.This simulation is provided in Appendix 4.The initial condition power flow case had a mine load of 70 MW,with the motor providing an additional 9.12 MW of load when started.The Donlin Mine SVC was included in the simulation.EPS understands that the Donlin Mine SVC is supposed to alleviate voltage dips and disturbances associated with normal mine operations. Also,we understand that our assumptions about this motor size are conservative (probably overstated).However, our simulations show a prolonged under-voltage condition in the system during the motor start.Simulations show the Donlin 138 kV bus voltage below 90%for almost 10 seconds.The motor takes near 12 seconds to reach nearly full speed.We believe that a better understanding is needed of the largest expected motor and its load at startup,in order to refine these studies and determine the actual system impact of a large mine motor start.A motor start condition at Donlin Mine may be the worst case scenario in terms of voltage,and may be the defining case for sizing the Donlin Mine SVC system. 5.4 138 kV Line Energization Transient stability simulations were run to evaluate the system voltage profile during an energizing of the 138 kV transmission line (T4 cases).These cases assume that the 138 kV line is de-energized and all load and transformers along the load are offline.The line is then energized by closing the 138 kV breaker at Bethel,picking up the line all the way to Donlin Mine on the 138 kV side.Discussions with SVC manufacturers indicated that the =pes Powe Systens%,Consulting Engineers i. DONLIN CREEK MINE PROJECT SYSTEM STUDIES usual method for starting a line with SVC systems along the line and voltage contro!issues was to use a small fixed reactor on the secondary of the SVC transformer,and then switch out the reactor when the SVC comes online.To simulate this,cases were run with no fixed reactor at Aniak,and then again with a 10 or 20 MVAR fixed reactor at Aniak,to determine the line voltage profile and the required size of the secondary reactor.These 3 cases are shown in Appendix 4. The case with no reactor "t4-energize0”showed a transient voltage to near 118%at Donlin on the 138 kV bus,with a steady state voltage of 114%.The case with a 10 MVAR reactor "t4-energize-10°showed a transient voltage of 110%and a steady state voltage of 108%at Donlin.The case with a 20 MVAR reactor "t4-energize-20"showed a transient voltage of 103%and a steady state voltage of 103%at Donlin.The 10 MVAR reactor should provide acceptable voltage performance for the short time before the SVC can come online and regulate voltage. 6 Basic Relaying Schemes Although the 138 kV transmission line is operated radially from the Bethel Power Plant,backfeed from various motors and on-site generation will require the system to be treated as a dual source system for protective relaying. The protective relaying is recommended to be a micro-processor-based protective relay system,with protective communications between each relaying terminal. The primary protective scheme is recommended to be line distance relaying such as the SEL-421 relay,the ABB REL-512 protective relay or the Nxtphase L-Pro relay.Each of the relay's can provide the protection for the line and operate following the incorporation of the SWGR loads and substations.The relays are the most economical and reliable protection method available to the utility systems and can provide protection as well as control and operations. The relaying scheme will require three digital communication channels between each terminal,two for protective relaying and one for control and operations. Each transformer will utilize micro-processor based transformer differential protection. Each generator will utilize microprocessor-based protective relays.We recommend two protective relays on each generator.The recommended relays are Schweitzer,General Electric's UR series or Beckwith Electric. 7 Recommendations Power flow,short circuit,and transient stability results were run and basic relaying schemes were provided.From these studies,recommendations were made to add a SVC system at Aniak plus a switchable fixed reactor for line energizing. No significant differences between the two generation alternatives were found,from a system viewpoint. Load shedding relays will be required to withstand a loss of generation at Bethel Power Plant.Load can be shed anywhere in the system,as long as enough load is shed to overcome the lost generation. Protective relaying can be accomplished using industry standard protective relays and communications.Fault clearing times are within normal limits and do not require special relaying or protective schemes. Consulting Engineers DONLIN CREEK MINE PROJECT SYSTEM STUDIES Np CtPreSisFePS,|Consulting Engineers DONUIN CREEK MINE PROJECT SYSTEM STUDIES Appendix 1 System Oneline Diagrams Power Flow Data Ey ae Consutting Engineers a mi 4.1072.4KV Oneline Diagram -Aniak Substation Reactivefae13.8 kV Bus 138 kV Circu 138KVCircuitASwitcheroerSwitchereer}Bethel Power Plant FoBethel Power Pent - and Substation Vertoal Ten 138 KV Transmission Line L_J To Dontin creek4seuvisa.a7 7.8 WV.va aeve seqon5Service40MVA 138 V/12.47 KV Xtroe Motor OperatedCoal-Fired Steam Turbine a-¥SKY Grout ial Disconnect Switch 45 MW 2 To Aniek=)coy --LJ 3 1247 Kv teda-<¥Reclosurecueinsert2 Coal-Fired Steam Turbine 45 MW G 7 ,>,mi.65 mi.954 ACSR 17.9 mi.a &)<><h>3 o- -To Donn Creek Mine ] and Vitagesqaie he onCombustonTurbinejechek"Adak Sub.Tuluksak Sub. 2 3 500 kVA Xtmr 500 kVA Xime 500 kVA Ximr 42.1 mi. 4138 kV Bus AODITIONS TO BETHEL UTILITIES SUBSTATION BRR 18k-A-A a |Connect to BU Future AdditionYExpress13.8 kV Feeder to Bethel Utiities 3 Dan soma 47 kV BusExdstingDiesetPowerPiantstationzxe 4.16/2.4KV Bu >>---- <¢>>Connect to BU SWGR Traneeission Line3'Wa nv Boe Yukon River Feeder4seuvr12.47e -7.5 NVEN 4.16KV5 MVA : 1360 9 LLtationServiceitijonFutureAdditionsfoBOKVfOL-Geit-_--_-53xKatskagSub. 500 kVA Xt€C>SWGR South Feeder érahevOnelineDiagram-All Village Substations Except Aniak Switcher SwitcherzeSwitcher°[Vertical Topo 198 KV Power Line |13.8 JOLL edfo80KV40L-G 138 4 Ore 198 RVIN2.47 KV Xtrow by Operatedep»3 - SWGR West Feeder |TW 2 ¢{}/To Milage 25m,138Kore to 5Switcher 12.470°-_--_--_°Electronic Controlled|Insert 4 a-*Reclosure |-_--_--_Aniak Sub.43 GeIN3BKY 4000 KVA Xin a Crocked Creek Sub.ChusthbehieSu,300 kVA XtmrMineFoeder4<a»3 fj} aa sq.ORV ir LT:55.85 MW load 413.5 mv.54.3 mei.42.9.BWA To Bethel Power Piant-p>A-X¥<o»-3 -}-+138 KV Breaker and Bypess Switch Figure 22a oles 41318 KV Bus Under Nuviste Light&Power Control Nuvista Light &Power Co.fern Donlin Creek Mine1 Substation To Be Constructed by Placer Dome 138kVBus System Oneline Diagram Coal-Fired Generation Alternative BETTINE,LLC 6/24/03-FJB Oneline Diagram -Aniak Substation Dontin Creek Mine16 SubstationToBeConstructedbyPlacerDome 198 KV Creu!136 KV Circult15.8 kV Bus -Switcher Ree”Switcher4102.4KV Seeont Bethel Power Plant To Bethel Power Plant - and Substation Vertical Tap 138 KV Tranemission Line LTS To Donin Creek4.ABKVIN2.S7RV -7.5 MV,sayaStationServiceA Mot ted c Turina aA-¥438 KV Creu «138 KV/12.47 kV Xteow beconreel SestchaunSwitch-¢To Aniekome)<a»-} -LJ 5)Heevonte Controtiedec! insert 2 A-¥so ReclosureBaionse! awe ere 954 ACSRQCral.>..47.3 mi.,|19 mi.65 mi 3 =;To Doniin Creek Mine and VillagesalaadGorbustionTurbine Akiachak Sub.Aidok Sub.Tuluksek Sub.500 kVA Xtmr 500 kVA Xtnr $00 kVA Xtmr 42.1 mi<6 3 138 kV Bus ADDITIONS TO BETHEL UTILITIES SUBSTATION cI 43.BRV-12,47kV-4.10K Stem Turtine Connect io BU Future Addition25MWYExpress13.8 kV Feederto Bethe!Utiifes 3 "42.47 kV Busoo+-K)-EL)L-<erp>Existing Diese!Power Plant Substation 12.47KV/10 MVA mnSwiTransmission Lire3---Connect to BU Yukon River Feeder y 4.16KV/5 MVA 4.16 kV Bus -138KV 90 LLFutureAdditionsfoBOKVJOL-G12.80 LL -_--.to 80kV 40 L-G Katskeg Sub. 500 KVA Ximr s35Ky4162.4KV <p <coy»-3 SWGR South Feeder sary138KVOnelineDiagram-Ail Village Substations Except Aniak Switcher Switcher 4AGKVINZ ATKV -7.5 CrroutStationServiceSwitcher '|Vertical Tap fo 138 kV Power Une13.8KV POLL Motor Operated3BOKVf0LG18WVCrrout498KVI12.47 kV Xtreme Dioconent swich jtcher,SWGR West Feeder (|2 ¢To Vilage 25 mi.138KV l J 3See 42.47 KV Electronic Controlled|toner 1 L-¥so Reciosure _| 19 BRV/I3OK Aniek Sub. 19.8 4000 kVA Xt”| ae &Crooked Creek Sub.Chusthbeluk Sub. 500 kVA Xtrnr 500 kVA XimrMineFeeder4<3 -}-" at .55.245 MW load 413.5.54.3 mi.12.9 mi.Mm aim To Bethel Power Pisal-pcor3p4138kVBreakersndBypass Switch Figure 22erBIPass. : 13.8 kV Bus Under Nuvieta Light &Power Control Nuvista Light &Power Co.ystem 138 kV Bus System Oneline Diagram Combined-Cycle Generation Alternati BETTINE,LLC 6/24/03-FJB Load Data PSS/E Bus Name ID |xfmr #kva kw kvar PF 111 Akiachuk 1 500 477 358 0.80 121 Akiak 1 500 408 306 0.80 131 Tuluksak 1 §00 264 198 0.80 141 Kalskag 1 500 500 375 0.80 151 Aniak 1 1000}1054 791 0.80 161|Chuathbaluk 1 500 80 60 0.80 171]Crooked Creek |1 500 542 407 0.80 20}SWGR-South {|1 7500|5756)4317 0.80 30}SWGR-West |1 7500}4660}3495 0.80 50|SWGR-Yukon j 1 7500}5309;3982 0.80 11}Bethel SS1 1 7500}3000{1450 0.90 12|Bethel SS2 1 7500;3000};1450 0.90 40;Donlin Mine 1 {|80000{55000}18079 0.95 13]Bethel 12.47 1 |10000)11143;8357 0.80 14]Bethel 4.16 1 5000}5572}4179 0.80 totals}96288|47445 Electric Power Systems,Inc. 8/12/2003 Transmission Line Data Assumed Geometry Calculated BUS#|BUS#|CKT Conductor Di2 |D23 |D13 |GMD (mile)te kV Zbase R (pu)X (pu)B (pu)MVAN 100 105]1 954 ACSR 7.1|7.1|10.0}7.94)5.3 50|138.0!190.4;0.0031]0.0178]0.00671}241.4 105 110)1 954 ACSR |16.0]16.0}32.0]20.16]13.7 65;138.0}190.4;0.0081;0.0543)0.01465}241.4 110 120|1 954 ACSR __|16.0}16.0]32.0)20.16]6.5 65;138.0]190.4;0.0039}0.0258)0.00695}241.4 120 130}1 954 ACSR__|16.0}16.0)32.0]20.16]17.3 65]138.0)190.4;0.0102;0.0685}0.01850}241.4 130 140;1 954 ACSR |16.0}16.0}32.0)20.16]42.1 65)138.0}190.4]0.0249)0.1668)0.04501)241.4 140 150;1 954 ACSR |16.0)16.0)32.0)20.16)25.0 65}138.0)190.4)0.0148}0.0990}0.02673]241.4 150 160;1 954 ACSR__|16.0}16.0]32.0}20.16)12.9 65)138.0}190.41 0.0076]0.0511]0.01379|241.4 160 170|1 954 ACSR__|16.0}16.0]32.0}20.16}54.3 65!138.0]190.4}0.0322}0.2151]0.05806|241.4 170 180|1 954 ACSR 16.0]16.0}32.0]20.16}13.5 65|138.0;190.4}0.0080]0.0535}0.01443]241.4 Electric Power Systems,Inc.8/12/2003 Electric Power Systems,Inc. Transformer Data on xfmr base Calculated BUS#|BUS#|CKT}%2Z2 |X/R |MVA]|R(pu)|X (pu) 10 100;1 9 27.3 40|0.0082{0.2248 10 100|2 9 27.3 40|0.0082|0.2248 10 100|3 9 27.3 40|0.0082}0.2248 10 11|1 6.5 |14.23 7.5|0.0608}0.8645 10 12;1 6.5 |14.23 7.5}0.0608]0.8645 111 110]1 9 3.09}0.500)5.5422)17.1255 121 120|1 9 3.09}0.500]5.5422|17.1255 131 130|1 9 3.09}0.500]5.5422}17.1255 141 140;1 9 3.09}0.500]5.5422]17.1255 151 150|1 9 5.79:1.000]1.5317]8.8687 161 160|1 9 3.09!0.500)5.5422)17.1255 171 170|1 9 3.09;0.500)5.5422)17.1255 40 180;1 9 27.3 40}6.0082}0.2248 40 180;2 9 27.3 40}0.0082}0.2248 10 20/1 6.5 |14.23]7.500;0.0608)0.8645 10 30)1 6.5 |14.23|7.500)0.0608|0.8645 140 50)1 6.5 |14.23|7.500}0.0608)0.8645 8/12/2003 PSS/E Power Flow Data PTI INTERACTIVE POWER SYSTEM SIMULATOR--PSS/E DONLAN MINE STUDIES BY EPS,JULY 2003 MINE LOAD 55 MW WITH SVC TOTAL PQ<>0.PQ=0.PE/E PE/Q SWING OTHER 27 15 11 0 0 1 0 alae e eee AC BRANCHES------------ TOTAL RXB RX RXT RX=0.IN 29 9 0 20 0 29 TOTAL GENERATION PQLOAD I LOAD Y LOAD MW 101.7 96.8 0.0 0.0 MVAR 33.4 47.8 0.0 0.0 TOTAL MISMATCH =0.00 MVA X-----AT BUS MAX.MISMATCH =0.00 MVA 40 DONLIN HIGH VOLTAGE =1.04000 PU 10 BETHEL LOW VOLTAGE =0.94037 PU 14 BETHEL X-------SOLV AND MSLV-------X X--------- ACCP ACCQ ACCM TOL ITER ACCN TOL 1.600 1.600 1.000 0.00010 100 1.00 0.100 TUE,AUG 12 2003 17:35 SYSTEM SUMMARY GENERATION AREAS ZONES OWNERS AREA LOADS PLANTS MACHS USED USED USED TRANS 15 1 7 1 4 1 0 ------3WND MULTI-SECTION X---DC LINES--X FACTS OUT XFRM LINES SECTNS 2-TRM N-TRM VSC DEVS 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 SHUNTS CHARGING LOSSES SWING 0.0 0.0 4.9 101.7 -33.2 20.7 39.5 33.4 enone X SYSTEM X------SWING-----x 13.8 BASE 10 BETHEL 13.8 13.8 100.0 4.16 ADJTHR ACCTAP TAPLIM THRSHZ PQBRAK 0.0050 1.0000 0.0500 0.000100 0.700 -NEWTON----------X X------TYSL------X ITER DVLIM NDVFCT ACCTY TOL ITER BLOWUP 20 0.9900 0.9900 1.000 0.000010 20 5.00 Electric Power Systems,Inc.8/12/2003 PSS/E Power Flow Data PTI INTERACTIVE POWER SYSTEM SIMULATOR--PSS/E TUE,AUG 12 2003 17:35 DONLAN MINE STUDIES BY EPS,JULY 2003 BUS DATA MINE LOAD 55 MW WITH SVC BUS#NAME BSKV CODE LOADS VOLT ANGLE 10 BETHEL 13.800 1.0400 0.0 11 BETHEL 4.1600 1.0257 28.7 12 BETHEL 4.1600 1.0257 28.7 13 BETHEL 12.470 0.9587 -5.0 14 BETHEL 4.1600 0.9404 -6.0 20 SWGR-S 138.00 0.9980 -2.6 30 SWGR-W 138.00 1.0065 -2.1 40 DONLIN 13.800 1.0000 -32.6 50 SWGR-YUK138.00 0.9608 12.4 100 BETHEL 138.00 1.0347 27.3 105 DUMMY 138.00 1.0321 26.6 110 AKIACHUK138.00 1.0253 24.7 111 AKIACHUK12.470 0.9983 -9.1 120 AKIAK 138.00 1.0223 23.7 121 AKIAK 12.470 0.9999 -9.4 130 TULUKSAK138.00 1.0152 21.2 131 TULUKSAK12.470 1.0064 -10.8 140 KALSKAG 138.00 1.0010 15.0 141 KALSKAG 12.470 0.9854 -19.1 150 ANIAK 138.00 1.0000 11.6 151 ANIAK 12.470 0.9900 -23.5 160 CHUATHBA138.00 0.9982 9.9 161 CHUATHBA12.470 1.0078 -20.7 170 CROOKED 138.00 0.9926 2.8 171 CROOKED 12.470 0.9630 -31.9 180 DONLIN 138.00 0.9920 1.0 HUNT AREA ZONE OWNER raryrR.....PRPPPPPRPRPHPRPRPPPHPPPPPRPHPPPHEWCRPOPOKPOKHPORPROFPOHQOOORKPRPRPEHPEEHFOCODDKDDKDDFDOOGODCGOOOBGOACOOOCOs -9 -0 -0 .0 0 .0 -0 0 -0 .0 .0 .0 0 .0 .0 .0 -0 -0 .0 .0 -0 .0 .0 -0 .0 0foMeMeMoMeoMoMoM=i-M-NoMoMoN=oMoM-M-MoM-M-----mm)2PDOODKDO0DD0O0ODDOOOOOODOOOOOOOOPRPPPPHPEPEPPBPEPPPPPHPPPPPeePNEPNENEPNEPNEPNENHPHEPWPWWPPPBHPRPHPPHPHEPRPPPPPPPEPRPPPPPPPPeBElectric Power Systems,Inc.8/12/2003 PSS/E Power Flow Data PTI INTERACTIVE POWER SYSTEM SIMULATOR--PSS/E TUE,AUG 12 2003 17:35 DONLAN MINE STUDIES BY EPS,JULY 2003 LOAD DATA MINE LOAD 55 MW WITH SVC BUS#NAME BSKV ID CD ST PSI MVA-LOAD CUR-LOAD Y -LOAD AREA ZONE OWNER 11 BETHEL 4.16 1 11 1.000 3.0 1.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 1 1 12 BETHEL 4.16 1 11 1.000 3.0 1.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 1 1 13 BETHEL 12.5 1 11 21.000 11.1 8.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 1 1 14 BETHEL 4.16 1 11 #1.000 5.6 4.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 1 1 20 SWGR-S 138 1 11 1.000 5.8 4.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 3 1 30 SWGR-W 138 1 11 1.0006 4.7 3.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 3 1 40 DONLIN 13.8 1 11 1.000 55.0 18.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 i 4 1 50 SWGR-YUK 138 1 11 1.000 5.3 4.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 3 1 111 AKIACHUK12.5 1 11 1.000 0.5 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 2 1 121 AKIAK 12.5 1 11 1.000 0.4 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 2 1 131 TULUKSAK12.5 1 11 1.000 0.3 0.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 2 1 141 KALSKAG 12.5 1 11 1.000 0.5 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 2 1 151 ANIAK 12.5 1 121 1.000 1.1 0.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 2 1 161 CHUATHBA12.5 1 11 1.000 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 2 1 171 CROOKED 12.5 1 11 1.000 0.5 0.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 2 1 PTI INTERACTIVE POWER SYSTEM SIMULATOR--PSS/E TUE,AUG 12 2003 17:35 DONLAN MINE STUDIES BY EPS,JULY 2003 GENERATING MINE LOAD 55 MW WITH SVC PLANT DATA BUS#NAME BSKV COD MCNS PGEN QGEN QMAX QMIN VSCHED VACT.PCT Q REMOTE 10 BETHEL 13.8 3 7 101.7 33.4 99.0 -49.5 1.0400 1.0400 100.0 PTI INTERACTIVE POWER SYSTEM SIMULATOR--PSS/E TUE,AUG 12 2003 17:35 DONLAN MINE STUDIES BY EPS,JULY 2003 GENERATOR MINE LOAD 55 MW WITH SvC UNIT DATA BUS#NAME BSKV CD ID ST PGEN QGEN QMAX QMIN PMAX PMIN OWN FRACT OWN FRACT MBASE ZS ORCE 10 BETHEL 13.8 31 1 39.5 13.0 33.8 -16.9 45.0 0.0 1 1.000 56.2 0.0000 0.2100 10 BETHEL 13.8 32 1 39.5 13.0 33.8 -16.9 45.0 0.0 1 1.000 56.2 0.0000 0.2100 10 BETHEL 13.8 33 1 22.6 7.4 31.5 -15.8 42.0 0.0 1 1.000 52.5 0.0000 0.1660 10 BETHEL 13.8 34 0 25.0 0.0 31.5 -15.8 42.0 0.0 1 1.000 52.5 0.0000 0.1710 10 BETHEL 13.8 35 0 25.0 0.0 31.5 -15.8 42.0 0.0 1 1.000 52.5 0.0000 0.1710 10 BETHEL 13.8 3 6 O 25.0 0.0 31.5 -15.8 42.0 0.0 1 1.000 52.5 0.0000 0.1710 10 BETHEL 13.8 37 O 15.0 0.0 18.8 -9.4 25.0 0.0 1 1.000 31.2 0.0000 0.1660 Electric Power Systems,Inc.8/12/2003 PSS/E Power Flow Data PTI INTERACTIVE POWER SYSTEM SIMULATOR--PSS/E TUE,AUG 12 2003 17:35 DONLAN MINE STUDIES BY EPS,JULY 2003 SWITCHED MINE LOAD 55 MW WITH SVC SHUNT DATA BUS#MOD VHI VLO SHUNT X-------X X-------X X-------X X-------X REMOTE VSC NAME 40 2 1.0000 1.0000 -21.07 1:-100.00 150 2 1.0000 1.0000 -45.76 1:-100.00 PTI INTERACTIVE POWER SYSTEM SIMULATOR--PSS/E TUE,AUG 12 2003 17:35 DONLAN MINE STUDIES BY EPS,JULY 2003 BRANCH DATA MINE LOAD 55 MW WITH SVC X------FROM------X X-------TO-------Xx zs BUS#NAME BSKV BUS#NAME BSKV CKT LINE R LINE X CHRGING I T RATEA RATEB RATEC LENGTH OWN1 FRAC1 OWN2 FRAC2 OWN3 FRAC3 OWN4 FRAC4 100 BETHEL 138*105 DUMMY 138 1 0.00314 0.01785 0.00671 1 241.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 1.000 105 DUMMY 138*110 AKIACHUK 138 1 0.00811 0.05428 0.01465 1 241.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 1.000 110 AKIACHUK 138*120 AKIAK 138 1 0.00385 0.02575 0.00695 1 241.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 1.000 120 AKIAK 138*130 TULUKSAK 138 1 0.01025 0.06854 0.01850 1 241.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 1.000 130 TULUKSAK 138*140 KALSKAG 138 1 0.02494 0.16679 0.04501 1 241.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 1.000 140 KALSKAG 138*150 ANIAK 138 #1 0.01481 0.09904 0.02673 1 241.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 1.000 150 ANIAK 138*160 CHUATHBA 138 1 0.00764 0.05111 0.01379 1 241.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 1.000 160 CHUATHBA 138*170 CROOKED 138 1 0.03216 0.21512 0.05806 1 241.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 1.000 170 CROOKED 138*180 DONLIN 138 1 0.00800 0.05348 0.01443 1 241.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 1 1.000 Electric Power Systems,Inc.8/12/2003 PSS/E Power Flow Data PTI INTERACTIVE POWER SYSTEM SIMULATOR--PSS/E DONLAN MINE STUDIES BY EPS,JULY 2003 MINE LOAD 55 MW WITH SVC TUE,AUG 12 2003 17:35 2 WINDING XFRMER IMPEDANCE DATA X------FROM------X Xeee----TO-------x 'XFRMER CC BUS#NAME BSKV BUS#NAME BSKV CKT NAME ZM_ R 1-2 X 1-2 W1BASE MAGI MAG2 RATA RATB RATC 10 BETHEL 13.8 11 BETHEL 4.16 1 11 0.06075 0.86453 100.0 0.0000 0.0000 8 0 0 10 BETHEL 13.8 12 BETHEL 4.16 1 11 0.06075 0.86453 100.0 0.0000 0.0900 8 )0 10 BETHEL 13.8 20 SWGR-S 138 i 11 0.06075 0.86453 100.0 0.0000 0.0000 8 )0 10 BETHEL 13.8 30 SWGR-W 138 1 11 0.06075 0.86453 100.0 0.0000 0.0000 8 0 0 10 BETHEL 13.8 100 BETHEL 138 1 11 0.00824 0.224985 100.0 0.0000 0.0000 40 0 0 10 BETHEL 13.8 100 BETHEL 138 2 11 0.00824 0.22485 100.0 0.0000 0.0000 40 ry 0 10 BETHEL 13.8 100 BETHEL 138 3 11 0.00824 0.22485 100.0 0.0000 0.0000 40 )0 40 DONLIN 13.8 180 DONLIN 138 1 11 0.00824 0.22485 100.0 0.0000 0.0000 40 0 ) 40 DONLIN 13.8 190 DONLIN 138 2 11 0.00824 0.22485 100.0 0.0000 0.0000 40 )0 50 SWGR-YUK 138 140 KALSKAG 138 1 11 0.06075 0.86453 100.0 0.0000 0.0000 8 0 0 110 AKIACHUK 138 111 AKIACHUK12.5 1 11 5.54224 17.12552 100.0 0.0000 0.0000 1 0 0 120 AKIAK 138 121 AKIAK 12.5 1 11 5.54224 17.12552 100.0 0.0000 0.0000 1 0 0 130 TULUKSAK 138 131 TULUKSAK12.5 1 11 5.54224 17.12552 100.0 0.0000 0.0000 1 0 0 140 KALSKAG 138 141 KALSKAG 12.5 12 11 5.54224 17.12552 100.0 0.0000 0.0000 1 0 0 150 ANIAK 138 151 ANIAK 12.5 1 11 1.53173 8.86870 100.0 0.0000 0.0000 1 0 7) 160 CHUATHBA 138 161 CHUATHBA12.5 1 11 8.54224 17.12552 100.0 0.0000 0.0000 1 i](9) 170 CROOKED 138 171 CROOKED 12.5 1 11 8.54224 17.12552 100.0 0.0000 0.0000 1 0 0 PTI INTERACTIVE POWER SYSTEM SIMULATOR--PSS/E TUE,AUG 12 2003 17:35 DONLAN MINE STUDIES BY EPS,JULY 2003 2 WINDING XFRMER MINE LOAD 55 MW WITH SVC TAP &CONTROL DATA X------FROM------XK X-----+-TO-------x SMWC X--CONTROLLED BUS-X BUSH NAMB BSKV BUS#NAME BSKV CKT T T 1 W WINDV1 NOMV1 ANGLE WINDV2 NOMV2 CN RMAX RMIN VMAX VMIN NTPS BUS#NAME BSKV 10 BETHEL 13.8 11 BETHEL 4.16 1 117 T1 1.0000 0.000 30.0 1.0000 0.000 0 1.1000 0.9000 2.1000 0.9000 5 10 BETHEL 13.8 12 BETHEL 4.16 1 1771 1.0000 0.000 30.0 1.0000 0.000 0 1.1000 0.9000 1.1000 0.9000 5 10 BETHEL 13.8 20 SWGR-S 138 1 17171 1.0000 0.000 0.0 1.0000 0.000 0 1.1000 0.9000 2.1000 0.9000 5 10 BETHEL 13.8 30 SWGR-W 138 1 1771 1.0000 0.000 0.0 1.0000 0.000 0 1.1000 0.9000 1.1000 0.9000 5 10 BETHEL 13.8 100 BETHEL 138 1 1 TT 1 12.0000 0.000 30.0 1.0000 0.000 0 1.1000 0.9000 1.1000 0.9000 5 10 BETHEL 13.8 100 BETHEL 138 2 1TT1 1.0000 0.000 30.0 1.0000 0.000 0 1.1000 0.9000 1.1000 0.9000 5 10 BETHEL 13.9 100 BETHEL 138 3 1TT1 1.0000 0.000 30.0 1.0000 0.000 0 1.1000 0.9000 1.1000 0.9000 5 40 DONLIN 13.8 180 DONLIN 138 1 1 F F 11.0000 0.000 -30.0 1.0000 0.000 0 1.1000 0.9000 1.1000 0.9000 5 40 DONLIN 13.8 180 DONLIN 138 2 1 F F 1 1.0000 0.000 -30.0 1.0000 0.000 0 2.1000 0.9000 1.1000 0.9000 5 50 SWGR-YUK 138 140 KALSKAG 138 1 1FF1 1.0000 0.000 0.0 1.0000 0.000 0 1.1000 0.9000 1.1000 0.9000 5 110 AKIACHUK 138 111 AKIACHUK12.5 1 1 T T 1 1.0750 0.000 -30.0 1.0000 0.000 1 1.1000 0.9000 1.0100 0.9900 33 -111 AKIACHUK12.5 120 AKIAK 138 121 AKIAK 12.5 1 17 T1 1.0625 0.000 -30.0 1.0000 0.000 1 1.1000 0.9000 2.0100 0.9900 33 -121 AKIAK 12.5 130 TULUKSAK 138 131 TULUKSAK12.5 1 1 T T 1 1.0437 0.000 -30.0 1.0000 0.000 1 1.1000 0.9000 1.0100 0.9900 33 -131 TULUKSAK12.5 140 KALSKAG 138 141 KALSKAG 12.5 1 17 T 1 1.1000 0.000 -30.0 1.0000 0.000 1 1.1000 0.9000 1.0100 0.9900 33 -141 KALSKAG 12.5 150 ANIAK 138 151 ANIAK 12.5 1 17 T1 1.1000 0.000 -30.0 1.0000 0.000 1 2.1000 0.9000 1.0100 0.9900 33 -151 ANIAK 12.5 160 CHUATHBA 138 161 CHUATHBA12.5 1 17 T 1 1.0250 0.000 -30.0 1.0000 0.000 1 1.1000 0.9000 1.0100 0.9900 33 -161 CHUATHBA12.5 170 CROOKED 138 171 CROOKED 12.5 1 1 TT 1 1.1000 0.000 -30.0 1.0000 0.000 1 1.1000 0.9000 1.0100 0.9900 33 -171 CROOKED 12.5 Electric Power Systems,Inc.8/12/2003 PSS/E Power Flow Data PTI INTERACTIVE POWER SYSTEM SIMULATOR--PSS/E DONLAN MINE STUDIES BY EPS,JULY 2003 MINE LOAD 55 MW WITH SVC XFRMER X--WINDING 1 BUS-X X--WINDING 2 BUS-X TUE,AUG 12 2003 17:35 3 WINDING XFRMER IMPEDANCE DATA X--WINDING 3 BUS-X gsc NAME BUS#NAME BSKV BUS#NAME BSKV BUS#NAME BSKV CKT TZ R 1-2 X 1-2 R 2-3 X 2-3 R 3-1 X 3-1 OWNR FRACT 10 BETHEL 13.8 13 BETHEL 12.5 14 BETHEL 4.16 1 11 0.04200 0.64900 0.10600 1.29600 0.10600 1.29600 PTI INTERACTIVE POWER SYSTEM SIMULATOR--PSS/E TUE,AUG 12 2003 17:35 DONLAN MINE STUDIES BY EPS,JULY 2003 3 WINDING XFRMER MINE LOAD 55 MW WITH SVC WINDING DATA XFRMER X---WINDING BUS--x sccc STAR POINT BUS NAME BUS#NAME BSKV TW2ZM RWNDNG X WNDNG WBASE WIND V NOM V ANGLE RATA RATB RATC MAG1 MAG2 VOLTAGE ANGLE 10 BETHEL 13.8*1111 0.02100 0.32450 100.0 1.0000 0.000 0.0 15 0 0 0.00000 0.00000 0.99005 -2.9 13 BETHEL 12.5 1 0.02100 0.32450 100.0 1.0000 0.000 0.0 10 0 0 14 BETHEL 4.16*1 0.08500 0.97150 100.0 1.0000 0.000 0.0 5 )0 PTI INTERACTIVE POWER SYSTEM SIMULATOR--PSS/E TUE,AUG 12 2003 17:35 DONLAN MINE STUDIES BY EPS,JULY 2003 3 WINDING XFRMER MINE LOAD 55 MW WITH SVC CONTROL DATA XFRMER X--WINDING 1 BUS-x CC X--CONTROLLED BUS-X NAME BUSH NAME BSKV WZCN RMAX RMIN VMAX VMIN NTPS BUS#NAME BSKV CR cx 10 BETHEL 13.8 112 0 1.1000 0.9000 1.1000 0.9000 5 Electric Power Systems,Inc.8/12/2003 DONUN CREEK MINE PROJECT SYSTEM STUDIES Appendix 2 Power Flow Results (Onelines) &e>,Qekcttc Power S ysters'S 2,Consuning Engineers 120bal110 1930 BETHEL BETHEL 108 AKIACHUK AKIAK TULUKSAK OUMMY eo,30 30 88 28 $0 9 3.0 s$}.-30 9 a9 89 ]80 00 8 84 049 70 79 [1 PS CC ery Br)82 Fs 42 935 42 ]42 67 63 60 §57 18 74 11 AKIACHUK 04 oa & = 1.0281.034202 200 DONLAN MINE STUDIES BY EPS,JULY 2003NOMINELOAD,WITH VCMON,AUG 11'2003 12:38 180 Bue -VOLTAGE (PUVANGLE ANIAKBranch-MW/MVAR ATEquipment-MW/AMVAR 95 0.0eens 44sve-§0.0 000 swio 3 66.7 07 84oven aeDONLIN180 r DONLIN CHUATHBA|00 00 ff 08 os §07NS83400159106868 BETHEL 110 aoa 430BETHEL106AKIACHUKTULUKSAK DUMMY 20 ff 228 2S &.-22.7 Fes -280 |630 0-07.27 fl 67.2 47.0 ff 066 061 fl aso 16 22 82 $s AS 32 32 |32 23 10 1.6 B12 42 00 228 227 22 2 He as 140 i ,3S us KALSKAG--:(<13.0R 8 228 22.7 0s rT 22 82 Ss Ad o4 8 441(=sos 1.036 sors KALSKAG 58 7 43.0R 13 1.038 44BETHEL273 0.985 ri 58.0 DONLAN MINE STUDIES BY EPS,JULY 2003 13 MINE LOAD 58 MW WITH SVC 1.001MON,AUG 11 2003 12:57 too 180 Bus -VOLTAGE (PUVANGLE ANIAK Qranch -MWAMVAR $8.4 Equipment.MWAMVAR ce) 00 sve -50.0 ong 1.0 45.8 673 "08 40 170 1 DONLIN DONLN CROOKED 14.6 CHUATHBA $64 fl -se0 s7.0 B -s7.1 70 66 "5.2 [62 171 GROOKED os osffosas Ss06SQSgosfos> 0.908 0.983 28 "319 181 0.090 235 120140hoaK 130BETHEL15ayAKIACHUKTULUKSAK 20.6 050 |88.7 ]Clee me 04.3 fl o39 032 I 82.0 109 68-64 |6.1 200 24 +49 1.9 18-20 "28.8 "1.9 om,488+|(147R Et 287 2 §a -28.6 04 38 82 $a 19 a4 6 oun 1,016 0.992714.7R 12 iow?220 A023 DONLIN MINE STUDIES BY EFS,JULY 2008MINELOAD70MWWITH'SVGWED,AUG 13 2003 0:30 Bus -VOLTAGE (PUVANGLE 86 ON Branch-MW/MVAREquipment-MW/MVARPae One BWOR-S 40 120 170 |DONLIN DONLIN CROOKED se sohos 70.0 |70.2 70.8 ff -71.2gS3g -<38.0 38.4 40 82 $8 43 |430 23.0 14 -10.0 9 osoNfe88 F)161 30 SWGR-W 0.008 CHUATHEA 1 26 )00 ff 350"Bar sve OO mse 8 sw ree:200|=68 1.008 1.040 1.000 eer 283 0.0 418 :0.996 43 120110 130bere105AKIACHUKAKIAKTULUKSAK DUMMY 34.0 ff 100.8 104.2 |1042 ©-103.4 ff 102.0 -102.8 ff 402.1 -401.0 100.7 3 z 32908 |84 ]84 42 D3 "1.0 14 38 40 140 KALSKAG A 402 4 =oa 8 " 1.008 1.00420.2 -13.0 0.970 "27.9 92.3 DONLIN MINE STUDIES BY EPS,JULY 2003MINELOAD88MWWITH'SVGWED,AUG 13 2003 9:42 Qus -VOLTAGE (PUVANGLE BranchMWAMY.Equipment-MYW/MVAR "0 180 170DONLINeamCROOKED 1 vo”(880 05.3 aco B 365 60.2 &00.3 <monty -42.6 427278 107 71 B72 4a 8 40osBRSS65 oo fF 426 427d_r o4sveaisfoe&S43 08sw.o1 8))os &00 oct0.078 0.063 519 "160 AS 10 120BETHEL110 130100405AKIACHUKAKIAKTULUKSAKBETHELDUMMY 30 9 30 2 $o 3.0 9 60 #9 j a9 69 9 64 64879 79 |ww15912S2$3 42 9 38 4.28 42 57 53 409 $7"S$28 3.0 30 12 52 £3 42 1m =AKIACHUK 04 os &SWGR-YUK oat s3hiss 92 +40ffs0 7 0.900 29 0.995 67 '8-e|OONLANMINESTUDIESBYEPS,JULY 69 4.008NOMINELOAD,WITH SVG,50%SERIES COMP BaMON,AUG 11 Bus -VOLTAGE (PUYANGLESranch-MWIMV,Equipment-MWMVAR ene]&awors 40OONLIN 180 P 410 120sere,10 x i108ULUKSAKBETHELeau 3.0 9 230 2S &220 9 cs8 -se8 |e868 0039 fl 676 67.0 072 067 9 08516922SeraEyeET)32 1 32 23 is 1.6 9 42 01 8 01 23.0 2$¥-22.9 2 $3 121 AKIAK 04 o4 8 1,022 237 OONLAN MINE STUDIES BY EPS,JULY 2003MINELOAD&6 MW WITH SVC,60%SERIES COMPWED,AUG 132003 0:28 Bus -VOLTAGE (PUVANGLE Brenan -MW/MVAREquipment-MWIMVAR a 180 4170DONLINDONLINCROOKED $6.2 $5.6 ff 06.1$60 fh 275 78 <-248 -23.4 22.9 Pe cee!S122 00)278 276sve474)awa ©g 422 08 0.0 05afoat . 1.040 0.070 0.032 0.0 1,008 "21.8 12.8 145 $0.0 a4 161 10BETHEL 110 120 400 AKIAK 130105AKIACHUKTULUKSAKBETHELDUMMY 30 ff 288 2S d.208 e683 |881 j oat 85.5 [I 35.0 040 643 36 9 8341.5 9 37 82 Fs 1.0 967 ad fi 2.0 9 24 24. Os o4 1.010 1.007232188 DONLAN MINE STUDIES BY EPS,RLY 2003 0.906MINELOAD70MWWITHSVC,60%SERIES COMP 10.8WED,AUG 13 2003 9:30 Bus -VOLTAGE (SUYANGLEBranch-MW/MV;Equipment-MWIMVAR 181 .Vl 40 490 170DONUNDONUNCROOKED "70.2 70.7 &-713 .0 f -35.0 96.1oo70R 16.2 14.3 138"x 230 9114 a 8 Fy) 860.958 ges 0.935 0.888 0.937 270 108 a7 1.940 0.0 BETHEL $20110 130109ve108AKIACHUKAKIAKTULUKSAKDUMMYi| 3.0 §350 eS &aus]104.8 -1045 |104.8 103.6 103.1 102.7 [102.3 -401,2 ff 101.0 15 9 56 82 Fs 3.2 9 06 24 |a4 429 30 1.6 B48 38 0 40 35.0 2S ¥49 58 3 oS 3.2 140al£8 KALSKAG a 42'Gi -08.4we"15.1R 460 2 '4 34.9 Os 5 a 167 60 $8 ee Pg 32 04 SWOR-YUK few font 0.907 144 83 --#:No 96.48 a O85 0.0480s37 rsa 0.970Nat27.9 92.8 DONLAN MINE STUDIESBYEPS,JULY 2003 "21.5 9.089 ox MINE LOAD 85 MW WITH SVC,50%SERIES COMP 64Lteran]WED,AUG 13 2008 0:32ad 1 Bus -VOLTAGE (PUVANGLEoiEatAanoquipment-A 16.8 Bie Ye.ero 34.3 ofTeas=40 180 170DONLINneCROOKED 58 858 06.0 ff 0687]98.0 42.8 42.7 48 g <r 73 409 35 "Jae fee ER $8 38 3.0 SwOR.W 0.006 0.0 28 )42.5 427 =46 sve 44.6 | ;.swees 2H DS 8 06 |))0.0 2 . 0.9541.040 0.045 0.998 00 4098 22.0 33 64 10 "1 BETHEL $20140 490re106AKIACHUKaKTULUKSAK DUMMY 22.7 es2 001 ]ent 477 fl er2 47.1 §ese 109 66-65 |65 47 42 36 6 35 1 AKIACHUK ---Ou 22.8 2s 22.7 06 os 2H oe 8 os & 1 us J.or8 at DONLAN MIMINELOADsatedWITH ONLY 4 SVEINESTUDIESBYEPS,JULY 2003TDONLAN)AUG112003-13: Bus -VOLTAGE (PUVANGLEBranch-MWMVAREquipment-MWIMVAR CONUN 160 CROOKED 400CONLINCHUATHBA 354 554 ff 580 57.0 374 ane 27.5 276 10.0 07 B02 76-76 @s 89258 -60 Tt 27.6 26 CROOKED ts 8298 60 os osfos0853rR04pos 1,000 Fe ig 0.968 0.057$3.0 :24 323 14.0 180 ANIAK 44 10 161 CHUATHBA 1.000 20.0 0.064 12.3 181 aN ™ . = 0.976 73.6 10 120BETHEL110 130100408AKIACHUKAKIAKTULUKSAKBETHEL108ayr 30 9 388 2S 36.7 9 107.1 -108.7 |108.7 105.7 fF 105.2 104.7 Bf 104.3 103.0 102.8 16 9 142 82 $s 409 8892 817 |317 28.4 ff 25.0 294 9 23.0 16.3 16.4 36.8 g g 5 387 o 142 2 $3 rR)tt 121 os 04 0.078 0.0400.965 0.9651419.8 "138 16.4 DONLIN MINE STUDIES BY EPB,JULY 2003 MINE LOAD 85 MW WITH ONLY 1 SVC (AT OONLIN)WED,AUG 132003 0:48 Bun -VOLTAGE (PUVANGLEBranch-MWMVAREquipment-MWAMVAR, imia -20SWOR-S 40 480 170DOMLNONCROOKED $6 25 2s $6 I el .aA 6s a8 a 54 e682 F 268 48 Be $e ages [57 'af 27.9 .il 42.3 98.1 9 37.6 19.8 ff 10.8-.206 88 $2 Aa 0 ry) 3.0 SWOR-W 0.008 pa)CHUATHBA 26 0.0 ff -425 427 CROOKED -48 JKe=sve 000 Fiza ©eas000S|186 4,000 one 0.933 0.886 50.0 .10.0 $5.3 0.896 LIN MINE STUDIES BY EPS,JULY WED,AUG 13 2003 0:47 Bus -VOLTAGE ANGLE Branoh -MWAMVAR Equipment -MWAAVAR «0 180BDONUNDONLN CON .2003MINELOAD65MWWITHSVC,COMBINED CYCLE GENERATION 120140 130Bere105AKIACHUKAKIAKTULUKSAKDUMMY 30 9 349 2S &.34.9 Hf 104.8 -104.2 ]104.2 -103.4 102.9 -102.5 ff 102.1 -101.0 ff 100.7 15 9 68 82 Fs 32 9 06 34 ]a4 427 38 ery Ev!38 aitAKIACHUK Ay 0s os 04 1.011 1.004a7430 }42.5 427 107 oe &2 6.8.. 42.8 427 ge ER SF 53 0.9810.978 °610 16.0 170 CROOKED 05.3 060 FF -265 WTB 72 DONUN CREEK MINE PROJECT SYSTEM STUDIES Appendix 3 Short Circuit Oneline Diagram Short Circuit Results (Two Generation Alternatives) FAN Power SystemsFINCansuttingEngineers One-Line Diagram -OLV1 Loadis 6€36 kVA SWGR Yukon BO kV T22 7.5 MVA Aniak SVC o MN PAL Kalskag Line?138 kV Line? RN oe T10 S00 kVA Tha Tuluksak Load 10CO kVA ak Kalskag Load Aniak Load Tulukeak TI2 12.47 kv 12.47 kV 12.47 kV 138 kV 500 kVA Chuathhaluk Chuath.Load Load16 Loads Lead}13B kV T1¢é 12.47 kV Lines 330 kVA 625 KYA 1318 kVA 500 kVA Loadi$ Akiak Load 100 kVAAktiabLinel3 136 kv TS 12.47 kV 500 kVA Load?-Lined 510 kVA Crooked Creek Crooked Creek Load 138 kV TIB 12.47 kV Akiachak Load 500 kVA- Akiachak Load17138kVTT12.47 kV Line14 678 kVh 500 kVA Line?Load 59€kVA Tonlan 138 kv Curamy 138 kV Tie T2. 40 MVA 40 KVA Linel Donlan MineBethel113843.8 kV138kV prac oses HVA Conlan svc.f,nian §s13.929 MVA Mine Load Dim$7,895 MVA T2 TS Bethel Sub 1 Bethel Sub 2 40 MV v4 40 MIVA 12.47 kV a.16 kV 40 MU:TlBechel15/10/5 MVA13.8 kV $81 |S82 7.8 MVA cB.7.5 VA ' cee ces PAR PAS cea crs ces Bethel $31 Cont 3 Coal2 Coal3 Bethel 58213.8 kV 13.8 kV "T24 T264.16 k¥.13.8 kV 4.16 kV 7.5 BVA 7.5 MIVA..Combustion i Combustion 2}Combustion 3denocr'a SUGR Weat SWOR South 13.8 kV 13.8 kV 13.8 kV load $81 45 MW 45 MW Load §S2 BO kV 80 kV 3.332 HVA 3.332 MVA .Gen3 Load20 Loatl22 42 "Ww S825 kVA 7195 kVA page 1 11:38:56 Aug 13,2003 Project File:Bethel-DonlanMine Project:Nuvista Light &Power Co. Location:Bethel -Donlin Mine Contract:03-0094 Engineer:Electric Power Systems,Inc. Filename:Bethel-DonlanMine ETAP PowerStation 4.7.0C Study Case:Coal Fired Page:1 Date:08-13-2003 SN:ELECPOWERS Revision:Base Config.:Normal Coal Fired Generation -All Units Online Ss -T Fault at bus:Akiachak NominalkV =138.000 Prefault Voltage =100.00 %of nominal bus kV Base kV =138.000 =100.00 %of base kV Positive &Zero Sequence Impedances Contribution 3-Phase Fault Line-To-Ground Fault Looking into "From Bus" From Bus To Bus wv kA %Voltage at From Bus kA Symm.rms %Impedance on 100 MVA base 1D 1D From Bus Symm.rms.Va Vb Ve la 310 RI Xi RO xo Akiachak Total 0.00 1.903 0.00 102.46 106.48 1.743 1.743 1.54E+000)-2.19E+001 «-3.87E+000 =2.78E+001 Dummy Akiachak 24.91 4.899 36.60 96,29 98.61 1.642 1.446 1.55E+000)=2.20E+001 --44.26E+000 =3.36E+001 Akiak Akiachak 0.03 0.004 1.92 101.41 105.44 0.093 0.271 1.02E+002 9.56E+003 --3.33E+001 1,78E+002 Akiachak Load Akiachak 0.00 0.000 64.55 62.11 105.00 0.009 0.027 *S.54E+002 =-1.71E+003 #=Indicates fault carrent ion is from thr inding sf *Indicates a zero sequence fault current contribation (319)from a grounded Delta-¥transformer ETAP PowerStationProject:Novista Light &Power Co. Location:Bethel -Donlin Mine 4.7.0C Contract:03-0094 Engineer:Electric Power Systems,Inc.Study Case:Coal Fired Filename:-Bethel-DonlanMine Page:2 Date:68-13-2003 SN:ELECPOWERS Revision:Base Config.:Normal Coal Fired Generation -All Units Online Fault at bus:Akiachak Load NominalkV ==12.470 Prefault Voltage =100.00 %of nominal bus kV Base kV =13.094 =95.24%of base kV Positive &Zero Sequence Impedances Contribution 3-Phase Fault Line-To-Ground Fault Looking into "From Bus” From Bus To Bus %V kA ™%Voltage at From Bus kA Symm.ms %Impedance on 100 MVA basc 1D TD From Bus =Symm.nns Va Vb Ve la 310 Ri Xi RO xo Akiachak Load Total 0.00 0.231 0.00 173.21 173.21 9.000 9.000 5.$6E+002 =1.73E+003 Akiachak Akiachak Load 94.12 0.231 95.24 95.24 95.24 0.000 0.000 5.56E+002 --1.73E+003 #Indicates fault current contribution is from three-winding transformers *Indicates a zero sequence fault current contribution (310)from a grounded Delta-Y transformer ETAP PowerStationProject:Nuvista Light &Power Co. Location:Bethel -Doniin Mme 4.7.0C Contract:03-0094 Engineer.-Electric Power Systems,Lnc.Study Case:Coal Fired Filename:-Bethel-DonianMine Page:3 Date:08-13-2003 SN:ELECPOWERS Revision:Base Config.:Normai Coal Fired Generation -All Units Online Fault at bus:Akiak Nominal kV ==138.000 Prefault Voltage =100.00 %of nominal bus kV Base kV =138.000 =100.00 %of base kV :Positive &Zero Sequence Impedances Contribution 3-Phase Fault Line-To-Ground Fault Looking into "From Bus" From Bus To Bus eV kA %Voltage at From Bus kA Symm.rms %Impedance on 100 MVA base 1D 1D From Bus =Symm.rms Va Vb Ve Ta 30 Ri Xl RO xo Akiak Total 0.0 1.703 0.00 104,01 107.96 1515 1.515 1.93E4+000 2.4S5E+001 §=4.88E+000 =3.34E+001 Akiachak Akiak 10.$7 1,698 14.81 101.25 104.68 1.413 4.217 1.94E+000 =-2.46E+00l =§.65E+000 =4.16E+001 Tutokrak Akiak 0.07 0.004 5.07 101.24 105.12 0,092 0.269 1.02E+002 9.56E+003 (3.28E+001 =:1.87E+002 Akiak Load Akiak 9.00 0.000 65.45 63.05 105.00 0.009 0.028 *S5.54E+002 L.TIE+003 #Indicates fault corrent contribution is from threc-winding transformers *Indicates a zero sequence fautt current contribution (310)from a grounded Delta-Y transformer Project:Novista Light &Power Co. Location:Bethel -Donlin Mine Contact:03-0094 Engineer:Electric Power Systems,Inc. Filename:-_Bethe]-DonlanMine ETAP PowerStation 4.7.0C Study Case:Coal Fired Page:5 Date:08-13-2003 SN:ELECPOWERS Revision:Base Config.:Nomnal Coal Fired Generation -All Units Online Fault at bus:=Aniak NominalkV =138.000 Prefault Voltage =100.00 %of nominal bus kV Base kV =138.000 =100.00 %of base kV Positive &Zero Sequence Impedances Contribution 3-Phase Fault Line-To-Ground Fault Looking into "From Bus" From Bus To Bus %V kA %Voltage at From Bus kA Symm.rms %Impedance on 100 MVA base 1t9)1D From Bus =Symm.rms Va Vb Ve Ta 310 RI Xi RO xo Aniak Total 0.00 0.721 0.00 99.42 101.66 0.713 0.713 6.86E+000 5.77E+001 «9.37EH00 §=--§.92E+001 Kalskag Aniak 17.15 0.716 19.22 98.33 300.49 0.570 0.293 6.94E+000 5.80E+001 =2.34E+001 1.44E+002 Chuathbaluk Aniak 0.03 0.002 $.21 96.98 99.03 0.126 0373 U.87E+002(1.82E+004 1.75E+001 -1.13E+002 Aniak Load Aniak 0.00 0.000 61.63 60.27 105.00 0.015 0.045 *1.62E+002 =9.36E+002 Aniak SVC Aniak 100.00 6.002 400.00 100.00 100.00 0.002 0.002 2.00E+002 «2.00E+004 ==2.00E+002 =2.00E+004 #Indicatcs fault current contribution is from throc-winding transformers *Indicates a zcro sequence fault current ibation (310)from a g ded Deita-Y transformer Project:Nuvista Light &Power Co.ETAP PowerStation Location:Bethel!-Donlin Mine 4.7.0€ Contract:03-0094 Engineer:Electric Power Systems,Inc.Study Case:Coal Fired Filename:-Bethe]-DonlanMine Page:6 Date:08-13-2003 SN:ELECPOWERS Revision:Base Config.:Normal Coal Fired Generation -All Units Online Fault at bus:Aniak Load NominaikV =12.470 Prefault Voltage =100.00 %of nominal bus kV Base kV =13.094 =95.24%of base kV Positive &Zero Sequence Impedances Contribution 3-Phase Fault Line-To-Ground Fault Looking into "From Bus" From Bus To Bus Vv kA %Voltage at From Bus kA Symm.mms %Impedance on 100 MVA basc TD ID From Bus =Sym.nns Va Vb Ve Ta 3fo RI xt RO xo Aniak Load Total 0.00 0417 0.00 173.21 173.21 0.000 9.000 1.69E+002 =9.94E+002 Aniak Aniak Load 89.76 0.417 95.24 95.24 95.24 0.000 6.000 1.69E+002 -9.94E+002 #Indicates fault current i hree-windi fisfromtlz *Indicates a zeta sequence fantt current contribution (310)from a grounded Delta-Y transfonner Project:Nuvista Light &Power Co.ETAP PowerStation Page:7 Location:Bethef -Donlin Mine 4:7.0C Date:08-13-2003 Contact:03-0094 SN:ELECPOWERS Engineer:Electric Power Systems,Inc..ision:Base8”Study Case:Coal Fired Revision Filename:=Bethe}_DonianMine Config.:Normal Coal Fired Generation -All Units Online Fault at bus:Bethel NominalkV =13.800 Prefault Voltage =100.00 %of nominal bus kV Base kV =13.800 =100.00 %of base kV ' Positive &Zero Sequence Impedances Contribution 3-Phase Fault Line-To-Ground Fault Looking into "From Bus" From Bus To Bus %v kA %Voltage at From Bus kA Symm.rms %Impedance on 100 MVA base 1D ID From Bus =Symm.ms Va Vb Ve la 310 RI x1 RO xo Bethel Total 6.00 57.557 0.00 100.01 100.01 57.542 57.542 1.S1E-001 =7.27E+000---1.52E-001 =7.27E+000 Bethel SS1 Bethel 0.00 0.000 57.74 S774 100.00 0.000 0.000 Bethet $S2 Bethel 0.00 0.000 57.74 57.74 100.00 0.000 0.006. Bethel 138 Bethel 0.08 0.015 57.76 100.00 57.77 0.010 0.000 3.10E+002-2.87E+004 Bethel 138 Bethel 0.08 0.015 57.76 100.00 STT7 0.010 0.000 3.10E+002 -2.87E+004 Bethel 138 Bethel 0.08 0.015 57.76 100.00 57.77 0.010 0.000 3.10E+002 2.87E+004 #Bethel Sub 2 Bethel 0.00 0.000 33.35 88.19 88.19 0.000 0.000 #Bethel Sub 1 Bethet 0.00 0.000 33.35 88.19 88.19 0.000 0.000 Gen8 Coal2 100.00 19.607 100.00 100.00 100.00 19.607 19.617 444E-O01 -2.13E+001 444E-001 2.13E+001 Gen3 Combustion t 100.00 18.300 100.00 100.00 100.00 18.300 18.309 4.76E001 =2.29E+003 4.76E-OO1 =2.29E+001 Genl Coal i 100,00 19.607 100.00 100.00 100.00 19.607 19.617 444E-001 2.13E+001 9 4.44E-001--2.13E+001 #Indicates fault current contribution is from three-winding transformers *Indicates a zero sequence fault current contribution (310)from a grounded Delta-Y transformer Project:Nuvista Light &Power Co. Location:Bethel -Donlin Mine Contract:03-0094 Engineer._Electric Power Systems,Inc. Filename:Bethel-DonlanMine ETAP PowerStation 4.7.0C Study Case:Coal Fired Page: Date: SN: Revision: Config.: 8 08-13-2003 ELECPOWERS Base Nonnal Coal Fired Generation -All Units Online Fault at bus:Bethel 138 Nominal kV ==--138.000 Prefault Voltage =100.00%of nominal bus kV Base kV =138.000 =160.00 %of base kV Positive &Zero Sequence Impedances Contribution 3-Phase Fault Line-To-Ground Fauit Looking into "From Bus" From Bus To Bus %V kA %Voltage at From Bus kA Symm.rms %Impedance on 100 MVA base ID iD From Bus)Symm.mms Va Vb Vc Ta 310 RI xi RO xo Bethel 138 Total 0.00 2.836 0.00 91.18 91.79 3.418 3.418 4.25E-001 1 4ATE+001 3.06E-001 =7.21E+000 Dammy Bethel 138 0.02 6.004 0.82 90.90 OL.57 0.047 0.129 1.03E+002 -9.57E+003 3.61E+001 --1.87E+002 Bethel Bethel 138 50.77 0.944 72.64 72.14 100.00 1.124 1.097 *1.28E+000 4.43E+001 8.24EDO!=-2.25E+001 Bethel Bethel 138 50,77 0.944 72.64 72.14 100.00 1.424 1.097 *1.28E+000 )--4.43E+001 8.24E-001 --2.25E+00! Bethel Bethel 138 50.77 0.944 T264 2.14 100.00 1.124 1.097 *1.28E+000 |4.43E+001 8.24E-001 --2.25E+001 #Indicates fault current contribution is from three-winding transformers ded Delta-Y transformer*Indicates a zero sequence fault current (310)from agr Project:Nuvista Light &Power Co.ETAP PowerStation Page:9 Location:Bethel -Donlin Mine 4.7.00 Date:08-13-2003 Contract:03-0094 SN:ELECPOWERS Engineer:Electric Power Systems,Inc.Study Case:Coal Fired Revision:Base Filename:Bethe]-DonianMine Config.:Normal Coal Fired Generation -All Units Online Fault at bus:Bethel SSI Nominal kV =4.160 Prefault Voltage =100.00 %of nominal bus kV Base kV =4.160 =100.00 %of base kV Positive &Zero Sequence Impedances Contribution 3-Phase Fault Line-To-Ground Fault Looking into "From Bus" From Bus To Bus "Vv kA %Voltage at From Bus kA Symm.mms %Impedance on 100 MVA base $39)1D From Bus =Sym.rms Va Vb Ve Ia no RI Xi RO xo Bethel $S1 Total 0.00 14.776 0.00 98.60 98.81 15.167 15.167 6.23E+000 =9.37E+001 =6.08E+000 =-8.65E+001 »Bethel Bethel SS1 92.27 14.776 95.95 100.00 96.17 15.167 15.167 *6.23E+000 «=9.37E+001 =6.08E+000 =8.65E+001 #Indicates fault current contribution is from three-winding transformers *Indicates a zero sequence fault current contribution (310)from a grounded Delta-Y transformer Project Nuvista Light &Power Co. Location:Bethel -Doniin Mine Contract:03-0094 Engineer.Electric Power Systems,Inc. Filename: Bethel-DonlanMine ETAP PowerStation 4.7.0C Study Case:Coal Fired Page: Date: SN: Revision: Config.: 10 08-13-2003 ELECPOWERS Base Nomnal Coal Fired Generation -All Units Online Fault at bus:Bethel SS2 NominalkV =4.160 Prefault Voltage =100.00 %of nominal bus kV Base kV =4.160 =100.00 %of base kV Positive &Zero Sequence Impedances Contribution 3-Phase Fault Line-To-Ground Fault Looking into "From Bus" From Bus To Bus "Vv kA %Voltage af From Bus kA Symm.rms %Impedance on 100 MVA basc 1D 1D From Bus =Symm.rms Va Vo Ve Ta 310 RI Xt RO x0 Bethel SS2 Total 0.00 14.776 0.00 98.60 98.81 15.167 15.167 6.23E+000)=-9.37E+001 6.08E+000 =8.65E+001 Bethel Bethel SS2 92.27 14.716 95.95 100.00 96.17 15.167 18.167 *6.23E+000)-9.37E+001 =-6.08E+000-8.65E+001 #=Indicates fault current contribation is from threc-winding transformers *Indicates a zero sequence fault current ibution (310)from a g ded Delta-¥transformer Project: Location: Contract Engineer: Filename: Nuvista Light &Power Co. Bethel -Donlin Mine 03-0094 Electric Power Systems,Inc. Bethel-DonlinMine ETAP PowerStation 4.74C Study Case:Coal Fired Page:1 Date:09-03-2003 SN:ELECPOWERS Revision:Base Config.:Normal Coal Fired Generation -All Units Online Fault at bus:Bethel Sub 1 NominatkV =_-s'12.470 Prefault Voltage =100.00 %of nominal bus kV Base kV =12.470 =100.00 %of basekV Positive &Zero Sequence Impedances Contribution 3-Phase Fault Line-To-Ground Fault Looking inte "From Bus" From Bus To Bus "%V kA %Voltage at From Bus kA Symm.rms %Impedance on 100 MVA base 1D iD From Bus =Symm.rms Va Vb Ve la HO RI xi RO xo Bethel Sub |Total 0.00 3.373 0.00 173.21 173.21 9.000 0.000 1.07E+001 =1.37E+002 #Bethel Bethel Sub |94.7)1,928 100.00 100.00 100.00 0.000 0.000 1.94E+001 =2.39E+002 #Bethel Sub 2 Bethel Sub 1 71.02 1.445 100.00 100.00 100.00 0,000 0.000 240E+01 =3.19E+002 #Indi favlt current ibotion is from three-winding transformers *Indicates a zcro sequence fault current ibution (319)from a g ded Delta-¥transformer Project:Nuvista Light &Power Co. Location:Bethel -Donlin Mine Contract 03-0094 Engineer:Electric Power Systems,Inc. Filename:-Bethe|-DonlinMine ETAP PowerStation 4.74C Study Case:Coal Fired Page:2 Date:09-03-2003 SN:ELECPOWERS Revision:Base Config.:Normal Coal Fired Generation -All Units Online Fault at bus:Bethel Sub 2 NominalkV =4.160 Prefault Voltage =100.00%of nominal bus kV Base kV =4.160 =100.00%of base kV Positive &Zero Sequence Impedances Contribution 3-Phase Fault Line-To-Ground Fault Looking into "From Bus" From Bus To Bus "Vv kA %Voltage at From Bus kA Symm.ms %Impedance on 100 MVA basc ID 1D From Bus =Symm.rma Va Vb Ve la 310 RI Xi RO x0 Bethel Sub 2 Total 0.00 19.188 0.00 173.21 173.2t 0.000 0.000 4.35E+000-(7.22E+001 #Bethel Bethel Sub 2 89.96 16.444 100.00 100.00 100.00 0.000 6.000 4.81E+000 -8.43E+001 #Bethel Subd 1 Bethel Sub 2 44.98 2.744 100.00 100.00 100.00 9,000 0.000 '402E+001 =§.04E+002 #Indicates fault current contribution is from three-winding transformers *Indicates a zcro acquence fault current ibution (310)from a g ded Delta-¥transformer Project:Nuvista Light &Power Co. Location:Bethel -Donlin Mine Contract.03-0094 Engineer:Electric Power Systems,Inc. Filename:=Bethe!-DonlanMine ETAP PowerStation 4.7.00 Study Case:Coal Fired Page:li Date:08-13-2003 SN:ELECPOWERS Revision:Base Config.:Normal Coal Fired Generation-All Units Online Fault at bus:Chuath Load Nominal kV ==12.470 Prefault Voltage =100.00 %of nominal bus kV Base kV =13.094 =95.24%of base kV Positive &Zero Sequence Impedances Contribution 3-Phase Fault Line-To-Ground Fault Looking into "From Bus" From Bus To Bus "Vv kA %Voltage at From Bus kA Symm.rma %Impedance on 100 MVA basc 1D 1D From Bus =Symm.rms Va Vb Ve Ta 310 RI XI RO xo Chuath.Load Total 0.00 0.226 0.00 173.2t 173.21 0,000 0.000 5.62E+002 -1.78E+003 Chathbaluk Chuath.Load 92.06 0.226 95.24 95.24 98.24 0.000 0.000 S.62E+002 --1.78E+003 #=Indicatcs fault current contribution is from three-winding transformers ded Delta-Y fc*Indicates a zero sequence fault current ibution (310)from a g1 ETAP PowerStationProjectNuvistaLight&Power Co. Location:Bethel!-Donlin Mine 4.7.0C Contract:03-0094 Engineer:Electric Power Systems,Inc.Study Case:Coal Fired Filename:Bethel-DonlanMine Page:12 Date:08-13-2003 SN:ELECPOWERS Revision:Base Config.:Normal Coal Fired Generation -All Units Online Fault at bus:Chuathbaluk NominalkV ==138.000 Prefault Voltage =100.00 %of nominal bus kV Base kV =138.000 =100.00 %of base kV Positive &Zero Sequence Impedances Contribution 3-Phase Faalt Line-To-Ground Fault Looking into "From Bus" From Bus To Bus %V kA %Voltage at From Bus kA Symm.rms %Impedance on 100 MVA base ID 1D From Bus =Symm.rms Va Vb Ve la 310 RI x!RO xo Chuathbaluk Total 0.00 0.662 0.00 97.59 99.58 0.68)0.681 7.61E+000 6.27E+001-:8.98E+000 =$.72E+001 Aniak Chuathbaluk 8.15 0.660 9.43 71 99.07 0.544 0.275 7.66E+000 §=6.29E+001 «=2.29E+001 1.41 E+002 Crooked Creck Chuathbatuk 0.12 0.002 22.61 89.72 90.35 0.130 0.384 1.86E+002 =-1.82E+004 LA7TE+001 -s1.02E+002 Chuath.Load Chuathbaluk 0.00 0.000 60.37 59.16 105.00 0.007 0.022 *5.S4E+002 -(1.71E+003 #=Indicatcs fault current ibution és from.thi inding *Indicates a zero acquence fault current contribution (310)from a grounded Delta-Y transformer Project: Location: Contract: Engineer: Filename: Nuvista Light &Power Co. Bethel -Dontin Mine 03-0094 Electric Power Systems,Inc. Bethel-DonlanMine ETAP PowerStation Page:3 4.7.00 Date:08-13-2003 SN:ELECPOWERS Study Case:Coal Fired Revision:Config.:Normal Coal Fired Generation -All Units Online Fault at bus:Coall NominalkV =13.800 Prefault Voltage =100.00 %of nominal bus kV Base kV =13.800 =100.00 %of base kV Positive &Zero Sequence Impedances Contribution 3-Phase Fault Line-To-Ground Fault Looking into "From Bus” From Bus To Bus %V kA %Voltage at From Bus kA Symm.rms Y Impedance on 106 MVA base ID ID From Bus =Symm.rma Va Vb Ve Te 310 RI x!RO xo Coal 1 Total 0.00 37557 0.90 100.01 100.01 57,542 57.542 1S1E-0O}=(7.27E+000 =-1.52E-001.--7.27E+000 Geni Coal 1 100.00 19.607 100.00 400.00 100.00 19.607 19.617 444E-001 =2.13E+001 444E-001 =2.13E+001 Bethel SSI Bethel 0.00 0.000 57.74 $7.74 100.00 0.000 0.000 Bethel $S2 Bethe 0.00 0.000 57.74 57.74 100.00 0.000 0.000 Bethel 138 Bethel 0.08 O.015 57.76 100.00 S7.77 0.050 0.000 3.10E+02 =2.8 7E+004 Bethol 138 Bethdl 6.08 0.015 57.76 100.00 S777 0.010 0.000 3.10E+002-2.87E+004 Bethel 138 Bethel 0.08 0.015 57.76 100.00 SUT 0.010 0.000 3.10E+002 2.87E+004 #Bethel Sub 2 Bethel 0.00 0.000 33.35 88.59 88.19 0.000 0.000 #Bethel Sub t Bethel 0.00 0.000 33.35 R819 88.19 0.000 0.000 Gen8 Coal2 100.00 19.607 100.00 100.00 106.00 19.607 19.617 444E-001 =2.13E+00t 444E-001 =-2.13E+001 Gen3 Combustion 1 100.00 18.300 100.00 100.00 100.00 18.300 18.309 ATGE-OOL =2.29E+001 9 4.76E-001--2.29E+00! #Indi fault current ibution is from three-winding transformers *Indicates a zero sequence fault current contribution (310)from a grounded Delta-Y transformer Project:Nuvista Light &Power Co. Location:Bethel -Dontin Mine Contract:03-0094 Engineer:Electric Power Systerns,Inc. Fil Bethe!-DonlanMi ETAP PowerStation Page:14 4.7.0C Date:08-13-2003 SN:ELECPOWERS Study Case:Coal Fired Revision:Config.:Normal Coal Fired Generation -All Units Online Fault at bus:Combustion I NominalkV = --13.800 Prefault Voltage =100.00 %of nominal bus kV Base kV =13.800 =100.00 %of base kV Positive &Zero Sequence Impedances Contribution 3-Phase Fault Line-To-Ground Fault Looking inte "From Bus" From Bus To Bus %V kA %Voltage at From Bus kA Symm.nms %impedance on 100 MVA base ID TD From Bus =Symm.nns Va Vb Ve Ta 310 RI Xt RO x0 Combnastion 1 Total 0.00 57.557 0.00 100.01 100.01 57.542 57.$42 1.51E-001 -7.27E+000)-1.52E-001 =7.27E+000 Gea3 Combustion 1 100.00 18300 100.00 100.00 100.00 18.300 18.309 4.76E-O0L =2.29E+001 4.716EOOL =2.29E+001 Bethel SS?Bethel 0.00 0.000 57.74 $7.74 100.00 0.000 0.000 Bethel SS2 Bethel 0.00 0.000 57.74 57.74 100.00 0.000 0.000 Bethel 138 Bethel 0.08 0015 57.76 106.00 S777 6.010 0.000 3.10E+002 --.2.87E+004 Bethel 138 Bethel 0.08 0.015 57.76 100.00 57.77 0.010 0.000 3.10E+002-2.87E+004 Bethel 138 Bethel 0.08 0.015 57.76 100.00 $7.77 0.010 0.000 3.10E+002 =2.87E+004 #Bethel Sub 2 Bethel 0.00 0.000 33.35 88.19 88.49 0.000 0.000 #Bethel Sub 1 Bethel 0.00 0.000 33.35 88.19 88.19 0.000 0.000 Gen8 Coai2 100.00 19.607 100.00 100.00 100.00 19.607 19.617 444E-001 2.13E+001 4.44E-001 -2.13E+001 Geal Coal 1 100.00 19.607 100.00 100.00 100.00 19.607 19.617 444E-001)2.13E+001 4.44E-001 9 2.13E+001 #Indi fault current ibotion is from threc-winding transformers *Indicatcs a zero sequence fault current contribution (310)from a grounded Delta-Y transformer Project: Location: Contract: Engineer: Filename: Nuvista Light &Power Co. Bethel -Donlin Mme 03-0094 Electric Power Systems,Inc. Bethel-DonlanMine ETAP PowerStation 4.7.0C Study Case:Coal Fired 15 08-13-2003 ELECPOWERS Base Nomnal Coal Fired Generation -Al}Units Online Fault at bus:Crooked Creek Nominal kV ==138.000 Prefault Voltage =100.00 %of nominal bus kV Base kV =138.000 =100.00 %of base kV Positive &Zero Sequence Impedances Contribution 3-Phase Fault Line-To-Ground Fault Looking into "From Bus" From Bus To Bus %V kA %Voltage at From Bus kA Symm.rms "%Impedance on 100 MVA bare 1D ™From Bus =Symm.mms Va Vb Ve Ja 310 RI Xt RO XO Crooked Creek Total 0.00 0.494 6.00 88.92 88.66 0.644 0.644 1.08E+001-8.41EHO0)=3.04E+000--2.53E+001 Chuathbaluk Crooked Creek 25.55 0.491 26.86 90.25 90.61 0.454 0.079 LOSE+001 §=68.45E+001 3.41E+001 =2.03E+002 Donlan Crooked Creck 0.03 0.002 8.12 87.80 86.93 0.187 0.556 1.83E+002 =1.82E+004 =3,.24E+000 =2.93E+001 Crooked Creek Load Crooked Creck 6.00 0.000 $3.75 53.90 105.00 9.003 0.009 *$.S4E+002 1.71 E+003 #Indicates fantt current contribution is from three-winding transformers *Indicates a zero acquence fault current contribution (310)from a grounded Delta-¥transformer ETAP PowerStationProject:Nuvista Light &Power Co. Location:Bethel -Dontin Mine 47.00 Contract:03-0094 Engineer:Electric Power Systems,Inc.Study Case:Coal Fired Filename:-_Bethel-DonlenMine Page:16 Date:08-13-2003 SN:ELECPOWERS Revision:Base Config.:|Noxmal Coal Fired Generation -All Units Online Fault at bus:Crooked Creek Load NominalkV =12.470 Prefault Voltage =100.00 %of nominal bus kV Base kV =13.094 =95.24%of base kV Positive &Zero Sequence Impedances Contribution 3-Phase Fault Line-To-Ground Fault Looking into "From Bus" From Bus To Bus "Vv kA %Voltage at From Bus kA Symm.rms %impedance on 100 MVA basc 1D 1D From Bus =Symm.rms Va Vb Ve fa vo RI xi RO x0 Crooked Creck Load Fotal 0.00 0.223 0.00 173.21 173.21 0,000.0.000 5.65SE+002 -1.80E+003 Crooked Crock Crooked Creck Load 91.02 0.223 95.24 95.24 95.24 0.000 0.000 5.6SE+002 -1.80E+003 #Indicates fault current contribution is from three-winding transformers ded Delta-Y transformer*Indicates a zero sequence fanit current ibution (310)from a g Project:Nuvista Light &Power Co. Location:Bethel -Donlin Mine Contract:03-0004 Engincer:Electric Power Systems,Inc. Filename:-Bethel-DonlanMine ETAP PewerStation 4.7.0C Study Case:Coal Fired Page:17 Date:08-13-2003 SN:ELECPOWERS Revision:Base Config.:Normal Coal Fired Generation -All Units Online Fault at bus:Donlan Nominal kV =_-s«138.000 Prefault Voltage =100.00 %of nominal bus kV Base kV =138.000 =100.00 %of base kV Positive &Zero Sequence Impedances Contribution 3-Phase Fault Line-To-Ground Fault Looking into "From Bus" From Bus To Bus %™N kA %Voltage at From Bus kA Symm.nns %Impedance on 100 MVA base FD TD From Bus =Symm.rms Va Vb Ve la 310 RI Xl RO x0 Donlan Total 0.00 0.464 4.00 87.67 86.34 0.658 0.658 1.16E+001 =8.94E+001 4.70E-001 =-1.07E+001 Crooked Creck Donian 5.97 0.462 6.14 87,80 86.71 0.448 0.034 1.17E+001 8.98E+001 «-3.62E+001 =2.00E+002 Donlan Mine Donlan 0.07 6.001 $2.35 53.15 105.00 0.105 0312 *3.64E+002 =-3.63E+004 8.24E-001 =2.25E+00t Dontan Minc Denlan 0.07 0.001 52.35 53.15 105.00 0,105 0.312 *3.64E+002 -(-3.63E+004 8.24E-001 =2.25E+001 #=Indicatcs fault current contribution is from three-winding transformers ded Delta-¥*Indicates a zere sequence fault current (310)from a gr ETAP PowerStationProject:Nuvista Light &Power Co. Location:Bethel -Donlin Mine 4.7.0C Conmact:03-0094 Engineer Electric Power Systems,Ine.Study Case:Coal Fired Fil Bethel-DonlanMi Page:18 Date:08-13-2003 SN:ELECPOWERS Revision:Base Config.:Normal Coal Fired Generation -All Units Online Fault at bus:Donlan Mine NominalkV =13.800 Prefauit Voitage =100.00%of nominal bus kV Base kV =14.490 =95.24%of base kV Positive &Zero Sequence impedances Contribution 3-Phase Fault Line-To-Ground Fault Looking into "From Bas” From Bus To Bus "VY kA %Voltage at From Bus kA Symm.mms %impedance on 100 MVA base 1D ID From Bus =Symm.rms Va Vb Ve la 310 RI x!RO xo Donlan Mince Total 0.00 3.750 0.00 171.87 171.69 0.062 0.062 1.20E+001 -«:1.00E+002)1.81E+002 1.81E+004 Donian Donatan Mine 10.53 1.864 94.59 95.24 94.49 0.021 0.000 2.42E+001 =2.02E+002 Dontan Dorlan Mine 10.83 1.864 94.59 95.24 94.49 0.021 0.000 2.42E+001 =2.02E+002 Donlan SVC Donlan Mine 100.00 0.021 100.00 100.00 100.00 0.021 0.062 1.81E+002--1.81E+004 1.RIE+O002-1BIE+004 #Indi fault current ibution is from three-winding transformers *Indicates a zero scquence fault current contribution (310)from a grounded Deita-Y transformer ETAP PoewerStationProject:Nuvista Light &Power Co. Location:Bethel -Donlin Mine 470€ Contract:03-0094 Engineer:Electric Power Systems,Inc.s Case:Coal Fired Fil Bethe!-DonlanMi Page:19 Date:08-13-2003 SN:ELECPOWERS Revision:Base Config.:Noznal Coal Fired Generation -All Units Online Fault at bus:Kalskag NominalkV =138.000 Prefault Voltage =100.00 %of nominal bus kV Base kV =138.000 =100.00 %of base kV Positive &Zero Sequence Impedances Contribution 3-Phase Fault Line-To-Ground Fault Looking into "From Bus" From Bus To Bas "Vv kA %Voltage at From Bus kA Symm.rms %Impedance on 100 MVA base 1D ID From Bus Symm.rms.Va Vb Ve la 310 RI xl RO x0 Kalskag Total 0.00 0.369 0.00 103.05 108.8)0.796 0.796 5.40E+000 4,79E+00]-9.71E+000 =6.06E+001 Tatoksak Kalskag 34.85 0.864 39.89 99.11 101.31 0.665 0.409 SASE+000 =4.81E+001)-1.82E+001 =1.18E+002 Aniak Kalskag Ou 0.004 9.78 98.14 100.55 0.123 6.360 9.80E+001 9.53E+003 2.09E+001 1.ME+002 Kalskag Load Kaiskag 0.00 0.000 64.14 62.47 105.00 0.009 0.027 *S.S4E+002 =(1.71E+003 #Indicates favit current contribution is from three-winding transformers *Indicates a zero sequence fault current contribution (310)from a grounded Delta-¥transformer ETAP PowerStationProject:Nuvista Light &Power Co. Location:Bethel -Donlin Mine 4:7.0C Contract:03-0094 Engineer:Electric Power Systems,Inc.Study Case:Coal Fired Filename:Bethel-DonlanMine Page:20 Date:08-13-2003 SN:ELECPOWERS Revision:Base Config.:Normal Coal Fired Generation -Ail Units Online Fault at bus:Kaiskag Load NominalkV ==12.470 Prefault Voltage =100.00 %of nominal bus kV Base kV =13.094 =95.24 %of base kV Positive &Zero Sequence Impedances Contribution 3-Phase Fault Line-To-Ground Fault Looking into "From Bus" From Bus To Bus %Vv kA %Voltage at From Bus kA Symm.nos %Impedance on 100 MVA basc ID ID From Bus =Sym.rms Va Vb Ve la a0 RI Xl RO xa Kaiskag Load Total 0.00 0.227 0.00 173.21 173.21 0.000 0.000 S.60E+002 --1.76E+003 Kalskag Kalskag Load 92.80 0.227 95.24 95.24 95.24 0,000 0.000 5.60E+002 =-1.76E+003 #Indicates foult current contribution is from three-winding transformers *Indicates a zero sequence fault current contribution (310)from a grounded Delta-Y transformer Project: Location: Contract Engineer: Filename: Nuvista Light &Power Co. Bethel -Donlin Mine 03-0094 Electric Power Systems,Inc. Bethel-DonianMine ETAP PowerStation 4.7.00 Study Case:Coal Fired 21 08-13-2003 ELECPOWERS Base Nozmal Coal Fired Generation -All Units Online Fault at bus:=Tuluksak NominalkV ==138.000 Prefault Voltage =100.00 %of nominal bus kV Base kV =138.000 =100.00 %of base kV Positive &Zero Sequence Impedances Contribution 3-Phase Fault Line-To-Ground Fault Looking into "From Bas" From Bus To Bus %™V kA %Voltage at From Bus kA Symm.ms %Impedance on 190 MVA base To 1D From Bus =Symm.rma Va Vb Ve la 0 Ri XI RO x0 Tulukrak Total 6.00 1.330 0.00 105.77 109.31 1.148 1.148 2.94E+000 3.13E+001 =7.12E+000 =4.S9E+001 Akiak Tulukxak 21.97 1.326 28.09 100.97 103.82 1.039 0.827 2.96E+000 -3.14E+001 -9.31E+000 --6.38E+001 Katskag Tulukaak O18 6.004 13.34 98.70 101.88 0.100 0.291 1.01E+002 9.55E+003 2.96E+001 =1.81E+002 Tulakeak Load Tulnksak 0.00 0.000 66.27 64.12 105.00 0.010 0.030 *5.54E+002 1.71E+003 #Indicates fauit current ibution is from th ing transformers *Indicates a zero sequence fault current contribution (310)from a grounded Delta-Y transformer Project Nuvista Light &Power Co.ETAP PowerStation Location:Bethel -Donlin Mine 4.7.00 Contract 03-0094 Engineer:Electric Power Systems,Inc. Filename:=Bethel-DonlanMine Study Case:Coal Fired Page: Date: SN: Revision: Config.: 22 08-13-2003 ELECPOWERS Base Nonmnal Coal Fired Generation -All Units Online Fault at bus:=Tuluksak Load Positive &Zero Sequence Impedances Looking into "From Bus” Xl %Impedance on 100 MVA basc RO x0 NominalkV =12.470 Prefault Voltage =100.00%of nomina!bus kV Base kV =13.094 =95.24%of base kV Contribution 3-Phase Fault Line-To-Ground Fault From Bus To Bus WY kA %Voltage at From Bus ID 1D From Bus =Symm.mms Va Vb Ve Tuluksak Losd Total 0.00 0.229 0.00 173.21 173.21 Tolokeak Tuluksak Load 93.64 0.229 95.24 95.24 95.24 #=Indicates fault current contribution is from three-winding transformers *Indicates a zero acquence fault current contribution (310)from a grounded Delta-¥transformer 1.74E+003 1.74E+003 Project:Nuvista Light &Power Co. Location:Bethel -Donlin Mine Conwact:03-0094 Engineer:Electric Power Systerns,Inc. Filename:=Bethel-DonlanMine ETAP PowerStation 470 Study Case:CombineCycle 1 08-13-2003 ELECPOWERS Base Nomnal Combined Cycle Generation -All Units Online Fault at bus: Akdachak Nominal kV =_--138.000 Prefault Voltage =100.00 %of nominal bus kV Base kV =138.000 =100.00 %of base kV Positive &Zero Sequence Impedances Contribution 3-Phase Fault Liue-To-Ground Fault Leoking into "From Bus" From Bus To Bas YV kA %Voltage at From Bus kA Symm.rms %Impedance on 100 MVA base iD From Bus =Symm.rms Va Vb Ve Ja 310 RI x!RO xo Akiachak Total 0.00 1.985 0.00 103.38 107.27 1.789 1.789 1.S3E+000)-2.1GE+001 =3.87E+000-.2.78E+001 Dummy Akiachak 25.98 1.981 37.55 96.88 99.09 1.684 1.484 1.53E+000 2.21E+001 9 4.26E+000 =3.36E+001 Akiak Akiachak 0.03 0.004 1.96 102.28 106.19 0.095 0.278 1,02E+002 =9.56E+003 -3.33E+001 -1.78E+002 Akiachak Load Akiachak 6.00 0.000 65.03 62.67 105.00 0.009 0.028 *S5S4E+002 --1.71E+003 #Indicates fait current contriburion is from three-winding transformers *Indicafes a zero sequence fault current ded Delta-¥transformer(319)from a g Project:Nuvista Light &Power Co.ETAP PowerStation Location:Bethel -Dontin Mine 47.0C Contract:03-0094 Engineer:_-_Electric Power Systems,Inc.Study Case:CombineCycle Filename:-_Bethel-DonlanMine Page:2 Date:08-13-2003 SN:ELECPOWERS Revision:Base Config.|Normal Combined Cycle Generation -All Units Online Fault at bus:Akiachak Load NominalkV =12.470 Prefault Voltage =100.00 %of nominal bus kV Base kV =13.094 =.95.24%of base kV Positive &Zero Sequence impedances Contribution 3-Phase Fault Line-To-Ground Fault Looking into "From Bus" From Bus To Bus "av kA %Voltage at From Bus kA Symm.rms %Impedance on 100 MVA base ID 1D From Bus =Symm.rms Va Vb Ve Ts 310 Rl Xl RO x0 Akiachak Load Totat 0.00 0.231 0.00 173.21 173.21 0,000 9,000 5.56E+002 --1.73E+003 Akiachak Akiachak Load 94.17 0.231 95.24 95.24 95.24 0.000 0.000 5.56E+002 --1.73EH003 #Indicates fauit current contribution is fram threc-winding transformers *Jndicates a zero sequence fault current it (310)from a grounded Delta-Y transformer Project:Nuvista Light &Power Co. Location:Bethel -Donlin Mine Contract:03-0094 Engineer:Electric Power Systems,Inc. Filename:-_Bethel-DonlanMine ETAP PowerStation 4.7.00 Srudy Case:CombineCycle 3 08-13-2003 ELECPOWERS Base Normal Combined Cycle Generation -All Units Online Fault at bus:Akiak NominalkV =138.000 Prefault Voltage =100.00%of nominal bus kV 100.00 %of base kV7BasekV=138.000 Positive &Zero Sequence Impedances Contribution 3-Phase Fault Line-To-Ground Fault Looking into "From Bus" From Bus To Bus Vv kA %Voltage at From Bus kA Symm.rms %Impedance on 100 MVA base ID ID From Bus =Symm.rms Va Vb Ve Ta 310 RI XI RO xo Akiak Total 0.00 1.768 0.00 104,88 108.69 1.549 1.549 1.91E+000 2.36E+001 4.88E+000 =3.34E+001 Akiachak Akiak 10.98 1,764 15.14 102.00 105.30 1.445 1.245 1,.92E+000 =2.36E+001 «=5.65E+000--4.16E+001 Tuluksak Akiak 0.07 0.004 5.18 101.99 105.75 0.094 0.275 1.02E+002 9.56E+003 -3.2RE+001 =-:1.87E+002 Akiak Load Akiak 0.00 0.000 65.89 63.58 105.00 0.010 0.029 *5.54E+002 1.71E+003 #Indicates fault current contribution is from three-winding transformers *Indicates a zero sequence fault current contribution (310)from a grounded Delta-Y transformer ETAP PowerStationProject:Nuvista Light &Power Co. Location:Bethel -Donlin Mine 4.7.0C Contract 03-0094 gineer:Electric Power Systems,Inc.Study Case:Combi . Filename:Bethe]-DenlanMine ) Page:4 Date:08-13-2003 SN:ELECPOWERS Revision:Base Config.:Nomnal Combined Cycle Generation -All Units Online Fault at bus:Aktak Load NominalkV =12.470 Prefault Voltage =100.00 %of nominal bus kV Base kV =13.094 =95.24%of base kV Positive &Zero Sequence Impedances Contribution 3-Phase Fault Line-To-Ground Fault Looking inte "From Bus" From Bus To Bus %V kA %Voltage at From Bus kA Symm.rms %impedance on 100 MVA base ID 1D From Bus =Symm.rms Va Vb Ve Ta 310 Ri xi RO xo Akiak Load Total 0.00 0.230 0.00 173.21 173.21 0.000 0.900 5.56E+002 -1.74E+003 Akiak Akiak Load 94.03 0.230 95.24 95.24 95.24 0.000 0.000 5.56E+002 =-1.74E+003 #Indicates fault current ion is from th inding fi *Indicates a zero sequence fault current contribution (310)from a grounded Delta-¥transformer Project:Nuvista Light &Power Co. Location:Bethel -Donlin Mine Contract:03-0094 Engineer:Electric Power Systems,Inc. Filename:Bethei-DonlanMine ETAP PowerStation 4.7.0C Study Case:CombineCycle 5 08-13-2003 ELECPOWERS Base Normal Combined Cycle Generation -All Units Online Fault at bus:Aniak Nominal kV = 138.000 Prefault Voltage =100.00 %of nominal bus kV Base kV =138.000 =100.00%of base kV Positive &Zero Sequence Impedances Contribution 3-Phase Fault Line-To-Groand Fault Looking into "From Bus" From Bus "Vv kA %Voltage at From Bus kA Symm.rms %Impedance on 100 MVA basc 1D From Bus =Symm.rms Va Vb Ve Is 310 Rl Xl RO xo Aniak Total 0,00 0.732 0.00 9.73 101.88 0.720 0.720 6.84E+000 9 5.67E+001 =-9.37E+000 =5$.92E+001 Kalskag Aniak 17.42 0.728 19.42 98.62 100.70 0.576 0.296 6.92E+000 =S.71E+001 =-2.34E+00!1.44E+002 Chuathbaiuk Aniak 0.03 0.002 $.27 97.24 99.21 0.127 0377 1.87E+002 =1.82E+004 ss 1.75E+001 -1.13E+002 Aniak Load Aniak 0.00 0,000 61.76 60.46 105.00 O15 0.045 *1.62E+002 =9.36E+002 Aniak SVC Aniak 100.90 0.002 100.00 100.00 100.00 0.002 0.002 2.00E+002 -2.00E+004 =2.00E+002)-2.00E +004 #=Indicatcs fault current contribution ix from threc-winding transformers *Indicates a zcro sequence fault current contribution (310)from a grounded Delta-Y transformer Project:Nuvista Light &Power Co.ETAP PowerStation Location:Bethel -Dontin Mine 4.7.0C Contract:03-0094 Engineer:Electric Power Systems,inc.Study Case:CombineCycle Filename:-_Bethel-DonianMine Page: Date: SN: Revision: Config.: 6 08-13-2003 ELECPOWERS Base Nommal Combined Cycle Generation -All Units Online Fault at bus:Aniak Load NominalkV = 12.470 Prefault Voltage =100.00 %of nominal bus kV Base kV =13.094 =95.24%of base kV Positive &Zero Sequence Impedances Contribution 3-Phase Fault Line-To-Ground Fault Looking into "From Bus" From Bus To Bus "eV KA %Voltage at From Bus kA Symm.rms %Impedance on 100 MVA base 1D 1D From Bus =Symm.ms Va Vb Ve Ta 310 RI xi RO xo Aniak Load Total ;6.00 0417 0.00 173.21 173.21 9.000 0.000 1.69E+002 =9.93E+002 Aniak Aniak Load 89.84 O417 95.24 95.24 95.24 0.000 0.000 1.69E+002 9.93 E+002 #Indicates fault current contribution is from three-winding transformers *Indicates a zero sequence fault current contribution (310)from a grounded Delta-Y transformer Project:Nuvista Light S&Power Co. Bethel -Doni MineLocation: Contract:03-0094 Engineer:Electric Power Systems,Inc. Bethel-DonlanMineFilename: ETAP PowerStation 4.70C Study Case:CombineCycle Page: Date: SN: Revision: Config.: 7 08-13-2003 ELECPOWERS Base Normal Combined Cycle Generation -All Units Online Fault at bus:Bethel Nominal kV =13.800 Prefault Voltage 100.00 %of nominal bus kV Base kV =13.800 =100.00 %of base kV Positive &Zero Sequence Impedances Contribution 3-Phase Fault Line-To-Ground Fault Looking into "From Bus" From Bus To Bus %V kA %Voltage at From Bus kA Symm.rms %Impedance on 100 MVA basc 1D 1D From Bus =Symm.ma Va Vb Ve Ta 310 Rl Xt RO xo Bethet Total 0.00 65.835 0.00 100.01 100.01 65.821 65.821 1.32E-O01 6.35E+000 132E-001 6.36E+000 Bethel SS?Bethet 0.00 0.000 S774 57.74 100.00 0.000 0.000 Bethel SS2 Bethet 0.00 0.000 57.74 57.74 100.00 0.000 0,000 Bethel 138 Bethel 0.08 0.015 57.76 100.00 S777 0.010 0.000 3.10E+002 --2.87E+004 Bethel 138 Bethel 0.08 0.015 57.76 100.00 S777 0.010 0.000 3.10E+002 =2.87E+004 Bethel 138 Bethel 0.08 O.015 57.76 100.00 S7.77 0.010 0.000 3.10E+002 =-2.87E+004 #Bethel Sub 2 Bethel 0.00 0.000 33.35 88.19 88.19 0.000 0.000 #Bethel Sab 1 Bethel 0.0 0.000 33.35 88.19 88.19 0.000 0.000 Gen?Coal3 100.00 10.893 106.00 100.00 100.00 10.893 10.898 8.00E-001 =3.84E+001 8.00E-O01 =3.84E+001 Gen6 Combastion 3 100.00 18.300 100.00 160.90 100.00 18.300 18.308 4.76E-001 -2.29E+001 4.76E-00t =2.29E+001 Gen5 Combustion 2 100.60 18.300 100.00 100.00 100.00 18.300 18.308 4.16EDO1 =2.29E+001 4.76E-001 -2.29E+001 Gen3 Combrstion 1 100.00 18.300 100.00 100.00 100.00 18.300 18.308 4.76E-001 2.29E+001 4.16E-001 --2.29E+001 #=Indicatcs fault current contribation is from threc-winding transformers *Indicates a zero sequence fault current contribution (310)from a grounded Delta-Y transformer Project: Location: Contract. Engineer: Filename: Nuvista Light &Power Co. Bethel -Donlin Mine 03-0094 Electric Power Systems,Inc. Bethel-DonlanMine ETAP PowerStation 4.7.0C Study Case:CombineCycle Page: Date: SN: Revision: Config.: 8 08-13-2003 ELECPOWERS Base Nomnal Combined Cycle Generation -All Units Online Fault atbus:Bethel 138 NominalkV =138.000 Prefault Voltage =100.00 %of nominal bus kV Base kV =138.000 =.100.00 %of base kV Positive &Zero Sequence Impedances Contribution 3-Phase Fault Line-To-Ground Fault Looking into "From Bus" From Bus To Bus "Vv kA %Voltage at From Bus kA Symm.rms %Impedance on 100 MVA basc ID 1D From Bus =Symm.mms Va Vb Ve la 310 RI xi RO x0 Bethel 138 Total 0.00 3.023 0.00 91.69 92.30 3.597 3.597 4.06E-001 =:1.38E+001 3.06E-OOl =7.21E+000 Dammy Bethel 138 0.02 0.004 0.86 9138 92.05 0.049 0.136 1.03E+002)-9.57E+003)-3.61E+001 -1.87E+002 Bethel Bethel 138 $4.12 1.006 74.63 TANS 100.00 1.183 1.154 *1.22E+000 =4.16E+001 8.24E-001--2.25E+001 Bethel Bethel 138 54.12 1.006 74.63 T4.l6 100.00 1.383 1.154 *1.22E+000 4.16E+00t 8.24E-00L =2.25E+001 Bethel Bethet 138 34.12 1.006 74.63 74.16 100.00 1.183 1.154 *1.22E+000 4.16E+001 8.24E-001 --2.25E+001 #Indicates fault current ibution is from th sf *Indicates a zero sequence fault current contribution (310)from a grounded Delta-¥transformer Project:Nuvista Light &Power Co.ETAP PowerStation Location:Bethel -Donlm Mine 4.7.0C Contract:03-0094 Engineer:Electric Power Systems,Inc. Fil Bethel-DonianMi Study Case:CombineCycle SN: Revision: Config.: 9 08-13-2003 ELECPOWERS Base Normal Combined Cycle Generation -All Units Online Fault at bus:Bethel SS1 NominalkV =4.160 Prefault Voltage =100.00 %of nominal bus kV Base kV =4.160 =100.00 %of base kV Positive &Zero Sequence Impedances Contribution 3-Phase Fault Line-To-Ground Fault Looking into "From Bus" From Bus To Bus Vv kA %Voltage at From Bus kA Symm.rms %Impedance on 100 MVA basc 1D 1D From Bus =Symm.ns Va Vb Ve la 310 RI Xi RO xo Bethel SS1 Total 0.00 14.921 0.00 98.76 98.95 15.268 15.268 6.21E+000 «9.28E+001 =6.08E+000)-_8.65E+001 Bethet Bethel SS1 93.18 14.921 96.43 100.00 96.63 15.268 15.268 *6.21E+000 =9.28E+001 «=6.08E+000 =88.65E+001 #Indicates fault current contribution is from three-winding transformers *Indicates a zero scquence fault current contribution (310)from a grounded Detta-¥transformer Project:Nuvista Light &Power Co.ETAP PowerStation Location:Bethel -Donlin Mine 4.7.00 Contract:03-0094 Engineer:-_Electric Power Systems,Inc. Fil Bethel-DonlanMi Study Case:CombineCycle Page: Date: SN: Revision: Config.: 10 08-13-2003 ELECPOWERS Base Normal Combined Cycle Generation -All Units Online Fault at bus:Bethel SS2 Nominal kV =4.160 Prefault Voltage =100.00%of nominal bus kV Base kV =4.160 100.00 %of base kV Positive &Zero Sequence Impedances Contribution 3-Phase Fault Line-To-Ground Fault Looking into "From Bus" From Bus To Bus %Vv kA %Voltage at From Bus %Impedance on 100 MVA base TD 1D From Bus =Symm.rms Va Vb Ve Xi RO xo Bethet SS2 Total 0.00 14.921 0.06 98.76 98.95 9.28E+001 6.08E+000 =88.65E+001 Bethel Bethel $SS2 93.18 14.921 96.43 100.00 96.63 621E+000 =9.28E+001 «=6.08E+000 =8.65E+001 #Indicates fault current contribution is from three-winding transformers *Indicatcs a zero sequence fault current ibution (310)from a gr ded Delta-¥transformer Project: Location: Contract: Engineer: Filename: Nuvista Light &Power Co. Bethel -Donlin Mine 03-0094 Electric Power Systems,Inc. Bethel-DonlinMine ETAP PowerStation 4.74C Study Case:CombineCycle Page:1 Date:09-03-2003 SN:ELECPOWERS Revision:Base Config.:Normal Combined Cycle Generation -All Units Online }-y Fault atbus:Bethel Sub1 Nominal kV =12.470 Prefault Voltage =100.00 %of nominal!bus kV Base kV =12.470 =100.00 %of base kV Positive &Zero Sequence Impedances Contribation 3-Phase Fault Line-To-Ground Fault Looking into "From Bus" From Bus To Bus "Vv kA %Voltage af From Bus kA Symm.rms %Impedance on 100 MVA base 1p 1D From Bus Symm.rms Va Vb Ve la 30 Rt x)RO xo Bethel Sub 1 Total 0.00 3.396 0.00 173.21 173.21 6.000 9.000 1.O7E+001 =1.36E+002 #Bethel Bethel Sub t 95.35 1.941 100.00 100.00 100.00 0.000 0.000 1.93E+00]2.38E+002 #Bethel Sub 2 Bethel Sub |N49 1.455 100.00 100.00 100.00 0.000 6.000 2.40E+001 =3.17E+002 #Indicates fault current contribution is from threc-winding transformers *Indicates a zero sequence fault current ded Delta-¥transformeribution(310)from a g Project: Location: Contract: Engineer: Filename: Nuvista Light &Power Co. Bethel -Donlin Mine 03-0004 Electric Power Systems,Inc. Bethel-DonlinMine ETAP PowerStation 4.74C Study Case:CombineCycle SN: Revision: Config.: 2 09-03-2003 ELECPOWERS Base Normal Combined Cycle Generation -All Units Online Fault at bus:Bethel Sub 2 NominalkV =4.160 Prefault Voltage =100.00 %of nominal bus kV Base kV =4.160 =100.00 %of base kV Positive &Zera Sequence Impedances Contribution 3-Phase Fault Line-To-Ground Fault Looking into "From Bus" From Bus To Bus wv kA %Voltage at From Bus kA Symm.ms %tmpedance on 100 MVA base 1D 1D From Bus =Symm.rms Va Vb Ve la 310 RI Xt RO XO Bethel Sub 2 Total 0.00 19.434 0.00 173.21 173.21 0.000 0.000 4.33E+000 -7.13E+001 #Bethel Bethel Sub 2 or.16.655 100.00 100.00 100.00 9.000 0.000 4.79E+0M)=8.32E+001 #Bethel Sub 1 Bethel Sub 2 45.55 2.779 100.00 100.00 100.00 0.000 6.000 4.00E+001 -4.98E+002 #Indi fault current is from thi indi fe *Indicatca a zero sequence fault current contribution (310)from a grounded Delta-Y transformer Nuvista Light &Power Co.ETAP PowerStation 4.7.0C Project: Location:Bethel -Donlin Mine Contract:03-0094 Engineer:Electric Power Systems,Inc. Filename:-Bethel-DonianMine Study Case:CombineCycle 11 08-13-2003 ELECPOWERS Base Normal Combined Cycle Generation -All Units Online Fault at bus:Chuath Load Positive &Zero Sequence Impedances Looking into "From Bus" %Impedance on 100 MVA base RO xo NominalkV ==12.470 Prefault Voltage =100.00 %of nominal bus kV Base kV =13.094 =95.24%of base kV Contribution 3-Phase Fault Line-To-Ground Fault From Bus To Bus Vv kA %Voltage a1 From Bus ID 1D From Bus =Symm.rms Va Vb Ve Chuath.Load Total 0.00 0.226 0.00 173.21 173.21 Chuathbaluk Chuath.Load 92.11 0.226 95.24 95.24 95.24 #Indicates fault current contribution is from three-winding transformers *Indicates a zero sequence fault current contribution (310)from a grounded Deita-Y transformer Project Nuvista Light &Power Co. Location:Bethel -Donlin Mine Contact.03-0094 Engineer:Electric Power Systems,Inc. Fil Bethel-DonianMi ETAP PowerStation 4.70C Study Case:CombineCycle R 08-13-2003 ELECPOWERS Base Nomnal Combined Cycle Generation -All Units Online Fault at bus:Chuathbatuk NominalkV =138.000 Prefault Voltage =100.00 %of nominal bus kV Base kV =138.000 =100.00 %of base kV Positive &Zero Sequence Impedances Contribution 3-Phase Fault Line-To-Ground Fault Looking into "From Bus" From Bus To Bus %NV kA %Voltage at From Bus kA Symm.nns %Impedance on 100 MVA basc 1D TD From Bus =Symm.rms Va Vb Ve la 310 Ri Xi RO xO Chuathbaluk Total 0,00 0.672 0.00 97.85 99.76 0.688 0.688 7.59E+000 6.18E+00t =8.98E+000 =$.72E+001 Aniak Chuathbatuk 8.27 0.669 9.52 97.37 99.25 0.550 0.278 7.64E+000 6.20E+001 =2.29E+001 1.41E+002 Crooked Creck Chuathbaluk O12 0.002 22.83 89.81 90.40 0.131 0.388 1.86E+002-1.82E+004 =1.47E+001 =1.02E+002 Choath.Load Chuathbaluk 0.00 6.900 60.48 59.32 105.00 0,007 0.022 *S.54E+002-1.71E+003 #=Indicatcs fanlt current contribution is from threc-winding transformers *Indicates a zcro sequence fanit current ibation (310)from ag ded Delta-Y Project:Nuvista Light &Power Co, Location:Bethel -Danlin Mine Contact:03-0094 Engineer:Electric Power Systems,Inc. Fil Bethel-D lanMi: ETAP PowerStation 4.7.0C Study Case:ConabineCycle Page: Date: SN: Revision: Config.: 13 08-13-2003 ELECPOWERS Base Nomnal Combined Cycle Generation -AJ]Units Online Fault at bus:Coal NominalkV =13.800 Prefault Voltage =100.00 %of nominal bus kV Base kV =13.800 =100.00 %of base kV Positive &Zero Sequence Impedances Contribution 3-Phase Fault Line-To-Ground Fault Looking into "From Bus" From Bus To Bus "Vv kA %Voltage at From Bus kA Sym.rms %Impedance on 100 MVA base ID ip From Bus =Symm.rms Va Vb Ve la 30 Rl xi RO xo Coal !Total 0.00 65.835 0.00 100.01 100.01 65.821 65.821 1.32E-001 §=6.35E+000 =--1.32E-001 «=6.36E+000 Bethel SS]Bethel 0.00 0.000 57.74 $7.74 100.00 0.000 0.000 Bethel SS2 Bethel 0.00 0.000 57.74 $7.74 100.00 0,000 0.000 Bethel 138 Bethel 0.08 0.015 57.76 100,00 57.77 0.010 0.000 3.10E+002 2.87E+004 Bethet 138 Bethel 0.08 0.015 57.76 100.00 57.77 0.010 0,000 3.10E+002 -.2.87E+004 Bethel 138 Bethot 0.08 0.015 57.76 100,00 57.77 0.010 0.000 3.10E+002 =2.87E+004 #Bethel Sub 2 Bethel 0.00 0.000 33.35 88.19 83.19 6.000 0.000 #Bethel Sub 1 Bethel 0.00 9.000 33.35 88.19 88.19 0.000 0.000 Gen9 Coal3 100,00 10.893 160.00 100.00 100.00 10.893 10.898 8.00E-001 --3.84E+001 8.00E-001 =3.84E+001 Goné Combustion 3 100.00 18.300 106.00 100.00 100.00 18.300 18.308 4.76E-001 2.29E+001 4.16E-D01 2.29E+001 Gens Combnation 2 400.00 18.300 100.00 100.00 100.00 18.300 18.308 4.16E-001 =2.29E+001 =4.76E-001 =2.29E+001 Gen}Combustion 1 100.00 18.300 100.00 100.00 100.00 18.300 18.308 4.76E-001 =2.29E+001 4.T6E-OOL =2.29E+001 #Indicates fault current contribution is from three-winding transformers *Indicates a zero acquence fault current contribution (310)from a grounded Delta-Y transformer Project:Nuvista Light &Power Co. Location:Bethel -Donlin Mine Contract:03-0094 Engineer:Electric Power Systems,Inc. Filename:-_Bethel-DonlanMine ETAP PowerStation 4.7.0C Study Case:CombineCycle Page: Date: SN: Revision: Config.: 14 08-13-2003 ELECPOWERS Base Nonnal Combined Cycle Generation -All Units Online Fault at bus:Combustion 1 NominalkV =13.800 Prefauit Voltage =100.00 %of nominal bus kV Base kV =13.800 =100.00%of base kV Positive &Zero Sequence Impedances Contribution 3-Phase Fault Line-To-Ground Fault Looking into "From Bus" From Bus ”vV kA %e Voltage at From Bus kA Symm.rms %Impedance on 100 MVA base ID From Bur =Symm.mms Va Vb Ve la 310 RI xt RO XO Combustion 1 Total 0.00 65.835 0.00 100.01 100.91 65.821 65.821 1.32E-001 =6.35E+000 ==--1.32E-00t =6.36E +000 Gen3 Combeation 1 100.00 18.300 100.00 100.00 100.00 18.300 18.308 4.76E-001 -2.29E+001 4.76E-001 =2.29E+001 Bethel SS1 Bethel 0.00 0.000 57.74 57,74 100.00 0.000 0.000 Bethel $S2 Bethel 0.00 0.000 57.74 57.74 100.00 0.000 0.000 Bethet 138 Bethel 0.08 0.015 57.76 100.00 57.77 0.010 0.000 3.10E+002 --2.87E+004 Bethel 138 Bethel 0.08 0.015 57.76 100.00 $7.77 0.010 0.000 3.10E+002 --2.87E+004 Bethel 138 Bethel 0.08 0.015 57.16 100.00 37.77 0.010 0.000 3.10E+002 (2.87E+004 #Bethel Sub 2 Bethel 0.00 0.000 33.35 88.19 88.19 0.000 0.000 #Bethel Sub 1 Bethel 0.00 9.000 33.35 88.19 88.19 0.000 0.000 Gend Coal3 100.00 10.893 100.00 100.00 100.00 10.893 10.898 8.00E-001 -3.84E+001 8.00E-00)=3.84E+001 Gen6 Combustion 3 100.00 18.300 100.00 100.00 100,00 18.300 18.308 4.76E-001 -2.29E+001 4.76E-O0L =-2.29E+001 GenS Combustion 2 100.06 18.300 100.00 100.00 100.00 18.300 18.308 4.76E-001 =2.29E+001 4.16E-001 =2.29E+001 #Indicates fault current contribution is from threc-winding transformers *Indicates a zero sequence fault current contribution (310)from a grounded Delta-Y transformer Project:Nuvista Light &Power Co. Location:Bethel -Donlin Mine Contract:03-0094 Engineer:Electric Power Systems,Inc. Filename:Bethel-DonlanMine ETAP PowerStation 4.7.0C Study Case:CombineCycle 15 08-13-2003 ELECPOWERS Base Normal Combined Cycle Generation -All Units Online Fault at bus:Crooked Creek NominalkV =138.000 Prefault Voltage =100.00 %of nominal bus kV Base kV =138,000 =100.00 %of base kV Positive &Zero Sequence Impedances Contribution 3-Phase Fault Line-To-Ground Fault Looking into "From Bus" From Bus To Bus AWN kA Ye Voltage at From Bus kA Symm.rms %Impedance on 100 MVA base 1D 1D From Bus =Symm.mms.Va Vb Ve Ja 310 RI xi RO x0 Crooked Oreck Total 0.00 0.499 0.00 88.98 88.68 0.650 0.650 1.08E+001 §=8.32E+001 =3.04E+000 =2.53E+001 Chmathbaluk Crooked Crock 25.82 0.497 27.11 90.34 90.65 0.458 0.080 1.09E+001 =8.35E+001 =3.41E+001-.2.03E+002 Donlan Crooked Creck 0.03 0,002 8.20 87.83 86.92 0.189 0.561 1.83E+002 1.82E+004 «=-3.24E+000 =.2.93E+001 Crooked Creck Load Crooked Creck 60.00 0.000 53.76 53.94 105.00 0.003 0.009 *5S54E+002 1.71E+003 #Indicatcs fault current contribution is from three-winding transformers *Indicates a zero sequence fanlt current contribution (310)from a grounded Delta-Y transformer Project:Nuvista Light &Power Co. Location:Bethel -Donlin Mine Contract:03-0094 Engineer.Electric Power Systems,Inc. Filename:-Bethel-DonlanMine ETAP PowerStation 4.7.0C Study Case:CombineCycle Page:16 Date:08-13-2003 SN:ELECPOWERS Revision:Base Config.:Normal Combined Cycle Generation -All Units Online Fault at bus:Crooked Creek Load NominalkV =12.470 Prefault Voltage =100.00 %of nomina!bus kV Base kV =13.094 =95.24%of base kV Positive &Zero Sequence Impedances Contribution 3-Phase Fault Line-To-Ground Fault Looking into "From Bus" From Bus To Bus "Vv kA %Voltage at From Bus kA Symm.ms %Impedance on 199 MVA base 1D 1D From Bus =Symm.mns Vo Vb Ve Ta 310 RI Xl RO xo Crooked Creck Load Total 0.00 9.223 6.00 173.21 173.21 0.000 0.000 S.65E+02 =1.80E+003 Crooked Creck Crooked Creck Load 91.96 0.223 95.24 95.24 95.24 0.000 0.000 5.65E+002 --1.80E+003 #Indicates fault current ib is from th inding transformers *Indicates a zero sequence fanlt current ded Delta-¥bution (310)from a g Project Nuvista Light &Power Co. Location:Bethel -Donlin Mine Contract:03-0094 Engineer:Electric Power Systems,Inc. Filename:=Bethel-DonlanMine 4.7.0C ETAP PowerStation Study Case:CombineCycle Page: Date: SN: Revision: Config.: 17 08-13-2003 ELECPOWERS Base Normal Combined Cycle Generation -All Units Online Fault at bus:Donlan Nominal kV =138.000 Prefault Voltage =100.00 %of nominal bus kV Base kV =138.000 =100.00%of base kV Positive &Zero Sequence Impedances Contribution 3-Phase Fault Line-To-Ground Fault Looking into "From Bus" From Bus To Bus "Vv kA %Voltage al From Bus kA Symm.ms %Impedance on 100 MVA basc 1D 1D From Bus =Symm.rms Va Vb Ve Ta 310 RI Xl RO xo Donlan Total 0.00 0.469 0.00 87.69 86.33 0.664 0.664 1.15E+001 8.8SE+001 4.70E-001 -:1.07E+001 Crooked Creck Donlan 6.03 0.467 6.20 87.83 86.71 0.452 9.035 LUTE+O0O1L =B8.89E+00T «=3.62E+00]--2.00E+002 Donlan Mine Donlan 0.07 0.001 $2.34 53.16 105.00 0.106 0.315 *3.64E+002 -3.63E+004 =88.24E-001-2.25E+001 Donlan Mine Donlan 0.07 0.001 52.34 53.16 105.00 0.306 0.315 *3.64EH02 3.63E+004 8.24E-001 =2.25E+001 #Indicates fault current contribution is from threc-winding transformers *Indicatcs a zero sequence fault current contribution (310)from a grounded Delta-Y transformer ETAP PowerStationProject:Nuvista Light &Power Co. Location:Bethel -Donlin Mine 4.7.0€ Contact 03-0094 Engineer:Electric Power Systems,Inc.Study Case:Col Cycle Filename:-_Bethel-DonlanMine Page:18 Date:08-13-2003 SN:ELECPOWERS Revision:Base Config.:Normal Combined Cycle Generation -All Units Online Fault at bus:Donlan Mine NominalkV =13.800 Prefault Voltage =100.00 %of nominal bus kV Base kV =14.490 =95.24%of base kV Positive &Zero Sequence Impedances Contribution 3-Phase Fault Line-To-Ground Fault Looking into "From Bus" From Bus To Bus %V kA %Voltage at From Bus kA Symm.rms %impedanec on 100 MVA base 1D TD From Bus Symm.mms Va Vb Ve Ta 310 Ri XI RO xo Dontan Minc Total 0.00 3.783 0.00 171.88 171.71 0.062 0.062 1.19E+001 =9.96E+001 =--1.81E+002-s1.81E+004 Donlen Donlan Minc 10.62 1.881 94.60 95.24 94.50 0.021 0.000 2.41E+001 =2.00E+002 Donlan Donlan Minc 10.62 1.881 94.60 95.24 94.50 0.021 0.000 241E+00l -2.00E+002 Donlan SVC Donian Minc 100.00 0.021 100.00 100.00 100.00 0.021 0.062 LS1E+0G2 1.81E+004 1 BIE+002 -1.81E+004 #Indicates fault current contribution is from threc-winding transformers *Indicates a zero sequence fault current contribution (310)from a grounded Delta-Y transformer Project Nuvisia Light &Power Co. Location:Bethel -Donlin Mine Contract 03-0094 Engineer:Elecuric Power Systems,Inc. Filename:-Bethe!-DonlanMine ETAP PowerStation 4.7.00 Study Case:CombineCycle 19 08-13-2003 ELECPOWERS Base Normal Combined Cycle Generation -All Units Online Fault at bus:Kalskag Nominal kV = --138.000 Prefault Voltage =100.00%of nominal bus kV Base kV =138.000 =100.00%of base kV Positive &Zero Sequence Impedances Contribution 3-Phase Fault Line-To-Ground Fault Looking into "From Bus" From Bus To Bus "Vv kA %Voltage at From Bus kA Symm.rms %Impedance on 100 MVA basc ID 1)From Bus =Symm.mms Va Vb Ve la 30 Ri x!RO xo Kalakag Total 0.00 0.885 0.00 103.49 106.14 0.806 0.806 S.38E+000 4.69E+001 =-9.71E+000 =-6.06E+001 Tulaksak Kalskag 35.52 0.881 40.36 99.45 101.55 0.672 0.414 5.44E+000) 4.72E+001 =1.82E+001 -1,18E+002 Aniak Kalskag 0.1)0.004 9.90 98.46 100.78 0.124 0.364 9.80E+001 9.53E+003 2.09E+001 =1.34E+002 Kalskag Load Kalskag 0.00 0.000 64.34 62.73 105.00 0.009 0.027 *S5.S4E+002 1.71 E+003 #Indicates fault current contribution is from three-winding transformers *Indicates a zero acquence fault carrent contribution (310)from a grounded Delta-Y transformer Project:Nuvista Light &Power Co. Location:Bethel -Donlin Mine Contract:03-0094 Engineer:Electric Power Systems,Inc. Filename:-Bethe!-DonlanMine ETAP PowerStation 4.7.0C Study Case:CombineCycle Page:20 Date:08-13-2003 SN:ELECPOWERS Revision:Base Normal Combined Cycle Generation -All Units Online Fault at bus:Kalskag Load NominalkV ==12.470 Prefault Voltage =100.00 %of nominal bus kV Base kV =13.094 =95.24%of base kV Positive &Zero Sequence Impedances Contribution 3-Phase Fault Line-To-Ground Fault Looking into "From Bus" From Bus To Bus "Vv kA %Voltage at From Bus kA Symm.ns %Impedance on 100 MVA base 1D TD From Bus =Symm.rms Va Vb Ve la 310 RI Xl RO xo Kalskag Load Total 0.227 0.00 173.21 173.21 0.000 0.000 5.60E+002 =-1.76E+003 Kalskag Kalskag Load 92.85 0.227 95.24 95.24 95.24 0.000 0.000 5.60E+002 --1.76E+003 #=Indicatcs fault current ibution is from th inding transformere *Indicates a zcro sequence fault current ded Delta-¥transformer'bution (310)from a g Project:Nuvista Light &Power Co. Location:Bethel -Donim Mine Contract 03-0004 Engineer:Electric Power Systems,Inc. Filename:-Bethei-DonlanMine ETAP PowerStation 4.7.0C Study Case:CombineCycle Page:21 Date:08-13-2003 SN:ELECPOWERS Revision:Base Config.:Normal Combined Cycle Generation -All Units Online Fault at bus:Tuluksak Nominal kV =138.000 Prefauit Voltage =100.00 %of nominal bus kV Base kV =138.000 =100.00 %of base kV Positive &Zero Sequence Impedances Contribution 3-Phase Fault Line-To-Ground Fault Looking into "From Bus" From Bus To Bus WN kA %Voltage at From Bus kA Symm.ms %Impedance on 100 MVA base 1D 1 From Bus =Symm.ms Va Vb Ve Ja 30 Ri XI RO xo Tutnkeak Total 6.90 1.370 9.00 106.48 109.89 1.167 1.167 2.92E+000 3.04E+001 -7.12E+000 «=4.59E+00] Akiak Tutnkeak 22.62 1.366 28.56 104.52 104.26 1.056 0.841 2.94E+000 =3.0SE+001 =9.31E+000 =-6,38E+00) Kalskag Tutukaak O18 0.004 13.86 99.19 102.26 0.101 0.296 L.O1E+002 9.5SSE+H003)-2.96E+001 1.81 E+002 Tutokeak Load Taluksak 0.00 0.000 66.61 64.55 105.00 0.010 0.030 *5.54E+002 1.71E+003 #Indicates fault current contribution is from threc-winding transformers *Indicatcsa zero sequence feult current ibution (310)from a g ded Delta-Y Project!Nuvista Light &Power Co.ETAP PowerStation Location:Bethel -Donlin Mine 4.7.0C Contract:03-0094 Engineer:_-_Electric Power Systems,Inc. Filename:Bethel-DonlanMine Study Case:CombineCycie 22 08-13-2003 ELECPOWERS Base Normal Comabined Cycle Generation -All Units Online Fault at bus:Tuluksak Lead Positive &Zero Sequence Impedances Looking into "From Bus" %Impedance on 100 MVA basc RO xo NominalkV ==12.470 Prefault Voltage =100.00 %of nominal bus kV Base kV =13.094 =95.24%of base kV Contribution 3-Phase Fault Line-To-Ground Fault From Bus To Bus wv kA %Voltage at From Bus 1D 1D From Bus Symm.ms Va Vb Ve Tulakeak Load Total 0.00 0.229 0.00 473.21 173.21 Talukaak Tutukaak Load 93.69 0.229 95.24 95.24 95.24 #Indicates fault current contribution is from threc-winding transformers *Indicates a zero sequence fault current contribution (310)from a grounded Delta-¥transformer DONLIN CREEK MINE PROJECT SYSTEM STUDIES Appendix 4 Transient Stability Dynamics Data Transient Stability Simulation Plots &"2p,QecticPinerSystersaxONConsutingEngineersounst [PSS/E Transient Stability Data PTI INTERACTIVE POWER SYSTEM SIMULATOR--PSS/E WED,AUG 13 2003 11:59 DONLIN MINE STUDIES BY EPS,JULY 2003 MINE LOAD 85 MW WITH SVC PLANT MODELS REPORT FOR ALL MODELS AT ALL BUSES BUS 10 [BETHEL 13.800]MODELS **GENROE **BUS X--NAME --X BASEKV MC cONsS STATES 10 BETHEL 13.800 1 1-14 1-6 MBASE ZSORCE XTRAN GENTAP 56.2 0.0000047 0.21000 0.00000+73 0.00000 1.00000 T'DO T'*DO 3 T'QO T''QO H DAMP XD XQ x'D x'Q x''D XL 5.70 0.045 2.50 0.150 4.38 0.00 1.9500 1.8500 0.2600 0.4600 0.2100 0.1500 §(1.0)S(1.2) 0.2375 0.8485 **EXPICl **BUS X--NAME --XK BASEKV MC CONS STATES 10 BETHEL 13.800 1 99-122 43-49 TR KA TAL VR1 VR2 TA2 TA3 TA4 0.020 2.6 5.000 1.100 -0.585 0.000 0.000 0.000 VRMAX VRMIN KF TF.TF2 EFDMAX EFDMIN 1.100 -1.100 0.000 1.000 0.000 4.287 -4.683 KE TE El SE(E1)E2 SE (E2)KP KI Kc 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 4.280 1.100 0.000 **TEEEG1 **BUS X--NAME --X BASEKV MC cOoNnsS STATES VARS 10 BETHEL 13.800 1 212-231 77-82 6-7 K Tl T2 T3 UO ue PMAX PMIN T4 Kl 50.00 0.000 0.000 0.150 0.200 -0.200 0.8600 0.0000 0.350 1.000 K2 TS K3 K4 T6 K5 K6 T7 R7 K8 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Electric Power Systems,Inc.8/13/2003 PSS/E Transient Stability Data **GENROE **BUS X--NAME - X BASEKV MC CONS STATES 10 BETHEL 13.800 2 15-28 7-12 MBASE ZSORCE XTRAN GENTAP 56.2 0.00000+7 0.21000 0.00000+7 0.00000 1.00000 T'DO T''DO T'QO T''QO H DAMP XD XQ X'D Xx''Q xX''D XL 5.70 0.045 2.50 0.150 4.38 0.00 1.9500 1.8500 0.2600 0.4600 0.2100 0.1500 §(1.0)8(1.2) 0.2375 0.8485 **EXPIC1 **BUS X--NAME --X BASEKV MC CONS STATES 10 BETHEL 13.800 2 123-146 50-56 TR KA TAL VR1 VR2 TA2 TA3 TA4 0.020 2.6 5.000 1.100 -0.585 0.000 0.000 0.000 VRMAXK VRMIN KF TF1l TF2 EFDMAX EFDMIN 1.100 -1.100 0.000 1.000 0.000 4.287 -4.683 KE TE El SE(E1)E2 SE (E2)KP KI KC 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 4.280 1.100 0.000 **TEEEG]**BUS X--NAME --X BASEKV MC CONS STATES VARS 10 BETHEL 13.800 2 232-251 83-88 8-9 K Tl T2 T3 vo uc PMAX PMIN T4 Kl 50.00 0.000 0.000 0.150 0.200 -0.200 0.8600 0.0000 0.350 1.000 K2 Tg5 K3 K4 T6 KS K6 T7 K7 K8 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Electric Power Systems,Inc.8/13/2003 PSS/E Transient Stability Data **GENROU **BUS X--NAME --X BASEKV MC Cons STATES 10 BETHEL 13.800 3°29-42 13-18 MBASE ZSORCE XTRAWN GENTAP 52.5 0.000004+7 0.16600 0.00000+J 0.00000 1.00000 T'DO T''DO T'QO T''QO0 H DAMP XD XQ x'D x'Q x''D XL 10.90 0.023 0.31 0.025 8.20 0.00 2.2000 1.7200 0.2520 0.5000 0.1660 0.1380 §(1.0)§(1.2) 0.1100 0.4100 **EXST2A **BUS X--NAME --X BASEKV MC cONs STATES VAR 10 BETHEL 13.800 3 147-159 57-60 1 TR KA TA VRMAX VRMIN KE TE 0.000 70.0 0.150 1.000 -0.500 1.000 0.650 KF TF KP KI Kc EFDMAX KI VAR 0.018 1.000 2.100 2.100 0.017 3.000 0.000 **GTAKGE **BUS NAME BSKV MACH CON!S STATE'S VAR'S 10 BETHEL 13.8 3 252-295 89-112 10-24 Ww x Y Zz ETD TCD TRATE T MAX MIN ECR K3- 50.00 0.000 0.050 1.00 0.040 90.200 42.00 0.00 1.0750 -0.26 0.010 0.680 A B Cc TF KF KS K4 T3 T4 TT Ts 1.00 0.05 1.00 0.20 0.000 0.200 0.800 15.00 3.000 450.0 3.30 AF1 BF1 AF2 BF2 CF2 TR K6 TC EMPTY CF1 TAIR 479.4 550.0 -0.470 1.470.0.500 914.0 0.320 940.0 0.0 0.0000 59.0 EXTRA CONS:0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PMAX AT THIS AIR TEMP.(TAIR)=45.15 MW ABSOLUTE PMAX "BYuwbhuw3Electric Power Systems,Inc.8/13/2003 PSS/E Transient Stability Data **GENROU **BUS X--NAME --X BASEKV MC cOoNs STATES 10 BETHEL 13.800 4 43-56 19-24 MBASE ZSORCE X TRAN GENTAP 52.5 0.00000+J 0.17100 0.00000+3 0.00000 1.00000 T'DO T''DO T'QO T''QO H DAMP XD xO xX'D X'Q)X''D XL 10.90 0.023 0.22 0.049 8.20 0.00 2.1800 2.0780 0.2100 0.5400 0.1710 0.1410 §(1.0)$§(1.2) 0.1200 0.4800 **EXST2A **BUS X--NAME --X BASEKV MC CONS STATES VAR 10 BETHEL 13.800 4 160-172 61-64 2 TR KA TA VRMAX VRMIN KE TE 0.000 30.0 0.100 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.350 KF TF KP KI KC EFDMAX KI VAR 0.026 1.000 1.900 1.900 0.017 3.000 0.000 **GTAKGE **BUS NAME BSKV MACH CON'S STATE'S VAR'S 10 BETHEL 13.8 4 296-339 113-136 25-39 w x x Zz ETD TCD TRATE T MAX MIN ECR K3 50.00 2.059 3.050 1.00 0.040 0.200 42.00 0.00 1.0750 -0.17 0.010 0.725 A B c TF KF K5 K4 T3 TA TT TS 1.00 0.05 1.00 0.20 0.000 0.200 0.800 15.00 3.000 450.0 3.30 AF1 BF1 AF2 BF2 CF2 TR K6 TC EMPTY CF1 TAIR 620.4 550.0 -0.359 1.380 0.500 948.0 0.275 980.0 0.0 0.0000 59.0 EXTRA CONS:0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PMAX AT THIS AIR TEMP.(TAIR)=45.15 MW ABSOLUTE PMAX =45.15 MW Electric Power Systems,Inc.8/13/2003 PSS/E Transient Stability Data **GENROU **BUS X--NAME --X BASEKV MC cOoNs STATES 10 BETHEL 13.800 5 57-70 25-30 MBASE ZSORCE X TRAN GENTAP $62.5 0.00000+7 0.17100 0.000004+7 0.00000 1.00000 T'DO T''DO T'QO T''Q0 H DAMP xD XQ x'D x'Q x''D XL 10.90 0.023 0.22 0.049 8.20 0.00 2.1800 2.0780 0.2100 0.5400 0.1710 0.1410 S(1.0)§(1.2) 0.1200 0.4800 **EXST2A **BUS X--NAME --X BASEKV MC CONS STATES VAR 10 BETHEL 13.800 5 173-185 65-68 3 TR KA TA VRMAX VRMIN KE TE 0.000 30.0 0.100 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.350 KF TF KP KI Kc EFDMAX KI VAR 0.026 1.000 1.900 1.900 0.017 3.000 0.000 **GTAKGE **BUS NAME BSKV MACH CON!S STATE'S VAR!S 10 BETHEL 13.8 5 340-383 137-160 40-54 W x Y Z ETD TCD TRATE T MAX MIN ECR K3- 50.00 1.059 3.050 1.00 0.040 0.200 42.00 0.00 1.0750 -0.17 0.010 0.725 A B c TF KF KS K4 T3 T4 TT Ts 1.00 0.05 1.00 0.20 0.000 0.200 0.800 15.00 3.000 450.0 3.30 AF1 BF1 AF2 BF2 CF2 TR K6 te EMPTY CF1 TAIR 620.4 550.0 -0.359 1.380 0.500 948.0 0.275 980.0 0.0 9.0000 59.0 EXTRA CONS:0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PMAX AT THIS AIR TEMP.(TAIR)=45.15 MW ABSOLUTE PMAX =45.15 MW Electric Power Systems,Inc.8/13/2003 PSS/E Transient Stability Data **GENROU **BUS X--NAME --X BASEKV MC cONS STATES 10 BETHEL 13.800 6 71-84 31-36 MBASE ZSORCE X TRAN GENTAP 52.5 0.00000+J3 0.17100 0.00000+7 0.00000 1.00000 T'DO T''DO T'QO T''QO H DAMP XD xO X'D X'Q X''D XL 10.90 0.023 0.22 0.049 8.20 0.00 2.1800 2.0780 0.2100 0.5400 0.1710 0.1410 S(1.0)8(1.2) 0.1200 0.4800 **EXST2A **BUS X--NAME --X BASEKV MC cONS STATES VAR 10 BETHEL 13.800 6 186-198 69-72 4 TR KA TA VRMAX VRMIN KE TE 0.000 30.0 0.100 1.000 0.000 1.000 0.350 KF TF KP KI KC EFDMAX KI VAR 0.026 1.000 1.900 1.900 0.017 3.000 0.000 **GTAKGE **BUS NAME BSKV MACH CON'S STATE'S VAR'S 10 BETHEL 13.8 6 384-427 161-184 55-69 Ww x Y Z ETD TCD TRATE T MAX MIN ECR K3 50.00 1.059 3.050 1.00 0.040 0.200 42.00 0.00 1.0750 -0.17 0.010 0.725 A B c TF KF KS K4 73 T4 TT TS 1.00 0.05 1.00 0.20 0.000 0.200 0.800 15.00 3.000 450.0 3.30 AF1 BF1 AF2 BF2 CF2 TR K6 TC EMPTY CF1 TAIR 620.4 550.0 -0.359 1.380 0.500 948.0 0.275 980.0 0.0 0.0000 59.0 EXTRA CONS:0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PMAX AT THIS AIR TEMP.(TAIR)=45.15 MW ABSOLUTE PMAX =45.15 MW Electric Power Systems,Inc.8/13/2003 PSS/E Transient Stability Data **GENROU **BUS X--NAME --X BASEKV MC cOoONSsS STATES 10 BETHEL 13.800 7 85-98 37-42 MBASE ZSORCE X TRAN GENTAP 31.2 0.00000+7 0.16600 0.00000+7 0.00000 1.00000 T'DO T''DO T'QO T''Q0 H DAMP xD xQ X'D X'Q xXx''D XL 10.90 0.023 0.31 0.025 8.20 0.00 2.2000 1.7200 0.2520 0.5000 0.1660 0.1380 $(1.0)S(1.2) 0.1100 0.4100 **EXST2ZA **BUS X--NAME --X BASEKV MC cons STATES VAR 10 BETHEL 13.800 7 199-211 73-76 5 TR KA TA VRMAX VRMIN KE TE 0.000 70.0 0.150 1.000 -0.500 1.000 0.650 KF TF KP KI Kc EFDMAX KI VAR 0.018 1.000 2.100 2.100 0.017 3.000 0.000 **GTAKGE **BUS NAME BSKV MACH CON!S STATE'S VAR'S 10 BETHEL 13.8 7 428-471 185-208 70-84 Ww x Y Z ETD TcD TRATE T MAX MIN ECR K3- 50.00 0.000 0.050 1.00 0.040 0.200 25.00 0.00 2.0750 -0.26 0.010 0.680 A B c TF KF K5 K4 T3 T4 IT TS 1.00 0.05 1.00 0.20 0.000 0.200 0.800 15.00 3.000 450.0 3.30 AF1 BFl AF2 BF2 CF2 TR K6 te EMPTY CF1 TAIR 479.4 550.0 -0.470 1.470 0.500 914.0 0.320 940.0 0.0 0.0000 59.0 EXTRA CONS:0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 PMAX AT THIS AIR TEMP.(TAIR)=26.88 MW ABSOLUTE PMAX =26.88 MW Electric Power Systems,Inc.8/13/2003 PSS/E Transient Stability Data PTI INTERACTIVE POWER SYSTEM SIMULATOR--PSS/E WED,AUG 13 2003 11:59 DONLIN MINE STUDIES BY EPS,JULY 2003 MINE LOAD 85 MW WITH SvC LOAD MODELS REPORT FOR ALL MODELS AT ALL BUSES BUS 40 [DONLIN 13.800]MODELS **LDSHBL **BUS X--NAME --X BASEKV LD cONSsS VARS PRIVATE ICONS 40 DONLIN 13.800 1 509-518 109-111 15-23 HZ-1 T1 FRAC-1 HZ-2 T2 FRAC-2 59.000 0.100 0.250 58.700 0.100 0.250 HZ-3 T3 FRAC-3 TB 58.400 0.100 0.250 0.083 Electric Power Systems,Inc.8/13/2003 PSS/E Transient Stability Data PTI INTERACTIVE POWER SYSTEM SIMULATOR--PSS/E DONLIN MINE STUDIES BY EPS,JULY 2003 MINE LOAD 85 MW WITH SVC CONEC MODELS REPORT FOR ALL MODELS AT ALL BUSES WED,AUG 13 2003 11:59 CONEC MODELS ***CALL CSSCS1(1,472,209,85)ees **CSSCS1 **BUS X--NAME --X BASEKVY ICONS cONS STATES VARS 40 DONLIN 13.800 1-2 472-480 209-211 85-88 REMOTE BUS K T1 T2 T3 T4 TS VMAX VMIN vOV 0 1000.0 0.015 0.000 0.025 0.075 0.025 0.0 0.0 99.000 ***CALL CSSCS1(3,481,212,89)*** **CSSCS1 **BUS X--NAME --X BASEKV ICONS cONS STATES VARS 150 ANIAK 138.00 3-4 481-489 212-214 89-92 REMOTE BUS K T1 T2 T3 T4 TS VMAX VMIN VOV 0 1000.0 0.015 0.000 0.025 0.075 0.025 0.0 0.0 99.000 PTI INTERACTIVE POWER SYSTEM SIMULATOR--PSS/E WED,AUG 13 2003 11:59 DONLIN MINE STUDIES BY EPS,JULY 2003 MINE LOAD 85 MW WITH SVC CONET MODELS REPORT FOR ALL MODELS AT ALL BUSES CONET MODELS ***CALL TSSCS1(1,472,209,85)*** **TSSCS1 **BUS X--NAME --X BASEKV ICONS cONSsS STATES VARS 40 DONLIN 13.800 1-2 472-480 209-211 85-88 ***CALL TSSCS1(3,481,212,89)**s **TSSCS1 **BUS X--NAME --X BASEKV ICONS coNns STATES VARS 150 ANIAK 138.00 3-4 481-489 212-214 89-92 Electric Power Systems,Inc.8/13/2003 DONLAN MINE STUDIES BY EPS.JULY 2003waMINELOAD85MWWITHSVC © rage]LOSS OF THE LARGEST UNIT AT BETHEL " ines TRIP GCCURS AT 1 SECOND a FILE:tl-mine85.out m oS Oo A nN o ) fom CHNL#10:CCOMB TURBIJ»100 100.000 Geren rcnsrencerrrcrcics 0]uf CHNL®9:CCOAL 213x100 _100,00 0 ee a a a a 0 CHNL#®8:CCOAL 1tl*100 100.00 a 0 yo.ko7,7 S \IR, -1s 4 3 [3 = \?li:= =/%_|=bo:2 \i)2 o{3 2 -|= \;o 7 ,kf 3 =|_j2 |x | |o |Ss | l eo |iz|_|abe| |ao|3 = |_|°c {w | '3 S,7 |[|LI 3 3 PELEC(SECONDS)TIME DONLAN MINE STUDIES BY EPS,JULY 2003WweMINELOAD85MWWITHSVC LOSS OF THE LARGEST UNIT AT BETHEL TRIP OCCURS AT 1 SECOND FILE:tl-mine8S5.out POWER TECHMGLOGLESinc@ CHNELw 17:CCOMB TURBIJ»100 25.000 Onno reo recesenancncconce °-25.00 CHNL#®16:CCOAL 21*100 25.000 ---T-TT <-25.00 CHNL®15:CCOAL 1]™100 25.000 eR -25.00 t ¢birfd | |i y =|:- | \: |_||:\:]¢ {; __\4 \@ | \ =-|l \ \ | | | |:! =|_ | | | Z | _| | !¢ 4 : =(- /& > :a Beng Pofee_.cceceeneseore? an a 11:1812.00014.00016.00018ope'TUE,AUG122003QELEC10.000(SECONDS)4,00008.00006.0000TIME2.00000.0 DONLAN MINE STUDIES BY EPS,JULY 2003we}MINE LOAD 85 MW WITH SVCLOSSOFTHELARGESTUNIT AT BETHEL TRIP OCCURS AT 1 SECOND FILEs tl-mine8S.out PORERTECHNOLOGIES Inc.® CHNL«38:60%£COMB TURBI*+60 62.000 Sr ossroerseeescccasens °58.000 CHNL#37:60»CCOAL 23+60 62.000 --SO <58.000 CHNL«s 36:60 CCOAL 113+60 62.000 ae 58.000 ={4 } H =\_ i j |-h - i / \ N -\_ \ \ \ \ @ \ |\_ \ \ \ \ \ =\- \ 'e,'\ a \a 4 S & SNa - =ce - ||4 |||11:18(HZ)AUG12200312,00016.00020.00014.00018.000TUE,FREQUENCY10.000(SECONDS)4.00008.00006.0000TIME2.00000.0 an POWER TECHNOLOGIESInc@ DONLAN MINE STUDIES BY EPS,JULY 2003 MINE LOAD 8S MW WITH SVC LOSS OF THE LARGEST UNIT AT BETHEL TRIP OCCURS AT 1 SECOND FILE:ti-mine85.out CHNL#31:CCOMB TURB) 1.0000 (©2000 Qc cere cnnnnnennnnnoreoe CHNL®30:CCOAL 2] 1.0000 -_-___- CHNL«29:CCOAL 1) 1.0000 a5 ga| =2?| tee,%7 2rea "Re, 3Pod€ --Xe 45 oea o f s a E oi IF[; -\?_ i[i .[i s[;3 |Li = |i _|[i|:|¢o;a$s a I 3 }3 |; |i ||.\i \ Qo|i ||||=18.00014.00010.0006.00002.000018(PU)11:PMECHAUG122003TUE,(SECONDS)TIME Ninn-DONLAN MINE STUDIES BY EPS,JULY 2003 MINE LOAD 85 MW WITH SVC LOSS OF THE LARGEST UNIT AT BETHELPOKER mee}TRIP OCCURS AT 1 SECOND FILE:ti-mine85.cut CHNL#46:CBETHEL-13.8] 1.2500 0 enmeen 0.75000 CHNL*45:COONLAN-13.8] P.2500 0 Girt nn cmrenenczcrcwncoen 0.75000 CHNL#44:COONLAN-138) 1.2500 ---0.75000 CHNL®43:CANIAK-138] 1.2500 a------a 0.75000 it': mHnd |a - aHrfmy|=i - theatd ='i]- 1B 1 ila -a a 'aiIa--I?|'i 7tldti1&| 'M -'|- t :':|UErt Z ft =+filaHifela =ods -'EI'il.iIaa 20.00016.00012.0008.00004.00000.0TUE,18.00014.00010.0006.00002.000011:18(PU)AUG122003BUSVOLTAGE(SECONDS)TIME Nw POWERTECHMOLOG(ESInc.@ DONLAN MINE STUDIES BY EPS,JULY 2003 MINE LOAD 85 MW WITH SVC LOSS OF THE LARGEST UNIT AT BETHEL TRIP OCCURS AT 1 SECOND FILE:tl-mine8S.out CHNL*48:50+100*CANIAK-SVC-Y S06.000 a rr mm nen < 50.00 CHNL#47:50+100xCDONLAN-SVC-YI 50.000 a -50.00 Tl ||| | ||- | | I [--}- | =)4 #| | | =| _ | | | | @ | =|_ | | | | _-_| ! } \ ¢ "7 ----eS eee - Tw _-_ ||yo ||20.00016.00012.0008.00004.00000.018.00014.00010.0006.00002.000011:18(Q-NOMINAL)AUG122003TUE,SVCOUTPUT(SECONDS)TIME pn POWER TECHNOLOGIESINC@ DONLAN MINE STUDIES BY EPS,JULY 2003 MINE LOAD SS MW WITH SVC LOSS OF THE MINE LOAD AND SUBSTATION 138 KV BREAKER OPENS AT 1 SECOND FILE:t2-mineSS.out CHNL®10:CCOMB TURBI100100.0000 0 GREETS TTEseasaeaaeeneae °0.0 CHNL®9:CCOAL 23™100 100.00 Se <0.0 CHNL®8:CCOAL 11*100 100.00 s------a 0.0 é =s 4 __-20.00016.00012.0008.00004.00000.011:31PELECAUG122003TUE,18.00014.00010.0006.00002.0000(SECONDS)TIME Naw POKER TECHNOLOGIES inc® DONLAN MINE STUDIES BY EPS,JULY 2003 MINE LOAD 5S MW WITH SVC LOSS OF THE MINE LOAD AND SUBSTATION 138 KV BREAKER OPENS AT 1 SECOND FILE:t2-mineSS.out CHNL#17:CCOMB TURBIx100 25.000 Grmcoccrernnneeecoscooes ©-25.00 CHNL#®16:CCOAL 21100 25.000 ----T <-25.00 CHNL#15:CCOAL 13100 25.000 a -25.00 é |_| =$_] é =_20.00016.00012.0008.00004.00000.011:31QELECAUG122003TUE,18.00014.00010.0006.00002.0000(SECONDS)TIME Maw POREA TECHNOLOGIES Inc.® DONLAN MINE STUDIES BY EPS,JULY 2003 MINE LOAD 5S MW WITH SVC LOSS OF THE MINE LOAD AND SUBSTATION 138 KV BREAKER OPENS AT 1 SECOND FILE:t2-mineSS.out CHNL#38:60%C€COMB TUARBI+60 62.000 Qrrernnrcncetnccscaceccs 58.000 CHNL®37:60»C€CORL 21+60 62.000 --TTT 58.000 CHNL®36:60 CCOAL 11+60 62.000 OE 98.000 || I 9 -- i +--20.00016.00012.0008.00004.00000.0TUE,18.00014.00010.0006.00002.000011:31(HZ)AUG122003FREQUENCY(SECONDS)TIME Ninn- PORER TECHNOLOGIES Inc @ DONLAN MINE STUDIES BY EPS,JULY 2003 MINE LOAD SS MW WITH SVC LOSS OF THE MINE LOAD AND SUBSTATION 138 KV BREAKER OPENS AT 1 SECOND FILE:té@-mineSS.out CHNL#31:CCOMB TUARBI P.0000 ©Grr erect er tne rneen ences CHNL®30:CCOAL 2) 1.0000 _-___ CHNL«*29:CCOAL 13 1.0000 a2 20.00016.00012,0008.000000004.0.011:31(PU)AUG122003PMECHTUE,18.00014,00010.0006.00002.0000(SECONDS)TIME Ninn PORER TECHNOLOGIES tnc® DONLAN MINE STUDIES BY EPS, MINE LOAD SS MW WITH SVC JULY 2003 LOSS OF THE MINE LOAD AND SUBSTATION 138 KV BREAKER GPENS AT 1 SECOND FILE:té-mineSS.out CHNL#46:CBETHEL 13.8) 1.2500 torettcrnn 0.75000 CHNL#45:COONLAN-13.8) 1.2500 Oevvcerersercecsoseroone 0.75000 CHNL#®44:CDONLAN-1383 1.2500 --T-TTTT 0.75000 CHNLs 43:CANIAK-138] 1.2500 rr 0.75000 riety d S 1 aot i N 1 | =1 |_ | :| '|2'[oo] 1 |oS =t --q_+|6i] 1 | |i =:|4 .|@ 1 | |3 =|_B|x 1 | +| 1 | -| ? |t '°1 |@ 3i]o |©|an be'ao i | :| +| ' =i _ i | 1 |To t a 1 S--7 oF 1 |@I 1 |t 1 |é =|- Ioa cocaseuteceesucsescvasceccecesetestececseeseeceeee'||[:|L 3 TUE,18.00014.00010.0006.00002.000011:31(PU)AUG122003BUSVOLTAGE(SECONDS)TIME ,DONLAN MINE STUDIES BY EPS,JULY 2003 MINE LOAD 5S MW WITH SVC IPOHEA TECHNOLOGIES INC ® LOSS OF THE MINE LOAD AND SUBSTATION 138 KV BREAKER OPENS AT 1 SECOND FILE:teé-mineSS.out CHNL#48:SO+100»CANTAK-SVC-YI S0.000 pr ne rm me mame -50.00 CHNL«®47:S0+100*LDONLAN-SVC-Y] 50.000 a----4 -50.007|Tt 3 oO ao :0 | =|- | | |2 I S--|mr| | h =)- w | | |a |S | | |}___|-_- 4|° a |S |oS | | ass | -_-\ \ |o j S o --7s @ | { \ ={- / So-_ee o|mel [4 ||al 3 18.00014.00010.0006.00002.000011:31(Q-NOMINAL)AUG122003TUE,SVCOUTPUT(SECONDS)TIME DONLAN MINE STUDIES BY EPS,JULY 2003NWwr-MINE LOAD 85 MW WITH SVC LOSS OF THE MINE LOAD AND SUBSTATION 138 KV BREAKER OPENS AT 1 SECOND FILE:te-mine8S.out POKER TECHNOLOGIES Inc.® CHNL#10:CCOMB TURBIx100 100.00 Or osrrrrrrrcrsrnsnesaas °0.0 CHNL®9:CCOAL 23%100 100.00 -S Sa <0.0 CHNL®8:CCOAL 13%100 100.00 ea 0.0 rane @ }+----_- $4.000011:3112.00014.00016.00018ono,,TUE,AUG122003PELEC10.000(SECONDS)TIME8.00006.00002.00000.0 Ninn POWER TECHNOLOGIES Inc.® DONLAN MINE STUDIES BY EPS,JULY 2003 MINE LOAD 85 MW WITH SVC LOSS OF THE MINE LOAD AND SUBSTATION 138 KV BREAKER OPENS AT 1 SECOND FILE:t2-mine8S.out CHNL#_17:CCOMB TURBI*100 25.000 Or orneteesrensecassene °-25.00 CHNL«®16:CCOAL 23«100 25.000 ---TCCC <-25.00 CHNL®15:CCOAL 113%100 25.000 &------4 -25.00 v '|| =_ @ -+ |3 - =_20.00016.00012.0008.00004.00000.011:31QELECAUG122003TUE,18.00014.00010.0006.00002.0000(SECONDS)TIME Nin POWER TECHNOLOGIESinc© DONLAN MINE STUDIES BY EPS,JULY 2003 MINE LOAD 85 MW WITH SVC LOSS OF THE MINE LOAD AND SUBSTATION 138 KV BREAKER OPENS AT 1 SECOND FILE:te-mine8S.out CHNL«38:60*CCOMB TURBI+60 62.000 0 Ba ttttr crea eneteneccnces °58.000 CHNL#37:60C€COAL 21+60 62.000 --TTT To 4 58.000 CHNL®36:60xECOAL 13+60 62.000 ad 58.000 20.00016.00012.0008.00004.00000.0TUE,18.00014.00010.0006.00002.000011:31(HZ)AUG122003FREQUENCY{SECONDS)TIME Nan POWER TECHNOLOGIES Inc ® DONLAN MINE STUDIES BY EPS,JULY 2003 MINE LOAD 85 MW WITH SVC LOSS OF THE MINE LOAD AND SUBSTATION 138 KV BREAKER OPENS AT 1 SECOND FILE:teé-mine8S.out CHNL#31:CCOMB TUABI 1.0000 CHNL®30:ECOAL 2] 1.0000 CHNL*29:CCOAL 13 20.00016.00012,0008.00000.011:31(PU)AUG122003PMECHTUE,18.00014.00010.0006.00002.0000(SECONDS)TIME Nn POWER TECHNOLOGIES INC @ DONLAN MINE STUDIES BY EPS, MINE LOAD 85 MW WITH SVC JULY 2003 LOSS OF THE MINE LOAD AND SUBSTATION 138 KV BREAKER OPENS AT 1 SECOND FILE:te-mine8S.out CHNL#*46:CBETHEL-13.8] P.28S00 mm meme 0.75000 CHNL#®45:COONLAN-13.83Be285000 OHSEERTETEESTETE ETT 0.75000 CHNL#44:[CDONLAN-138] 1.2500 ---TT 0.75000 CHNLs 43;CANIAK-138] 1.2500 e-----4 0.75000 |Th |3 'oa s}'2| =||r - 1] |i Iti o 1 |S =i ssift- Ih ¢ Zs +|_ |4 |fh lp:2IkS _ 1 Va me 'I oh |ft =1]-> Yti i 4 : 1 = =Ja 1] | =I _| ::| |PeaoS a}S | l, =bs _| % er:aoeon[2 TUE,18.00014.00010.0006.00002.000011:31(PU)AUG122003BUSVOLTAGE(SECONDS)TIME Ninn POWER TECHNOLOGIESinc© DONLAN MINE STUDIES BY EPS,JULY 2003 MINE LOAD 85 MW WITH SVC LOSS OF THE MINE LOAD AND SUBSTATION 138 KV BREAKER OPENS AT 1 SECOND FILE:te-mine8S.out CHNL®48;SO+100*CANIAK-SVC-YJ 50.000 pre ce nn mn ee ae -50.00 CHNLs 47:S0+100xCDONLAN-SVC-Y] 50.000 a |-50.00 ]|tl T 3 <#| =_ | | |° |2 --|"12| | 4 _|- @ | | 3 =_|s |' | l -f--| | |°ri i S ||4S| \ \ --\ _- | 3}3 - |1 ff] | \ \ =/- 7 an |° 4 ||||||I 3 18,00014.00010.0006.00002.000011:31(Q-NOMINAL)AUG122003TUESVCOUTPUT{SECONDS)TIME in DONLAN MINE STUDIES BY EPS, MINE LOAD 70 MW WITH SVC JULY 2003 MOTOR START AT 1 SECOND,60%VOLTAGEPOWER ie}MOTOR VOLTAGE RETURNS TG 100%AT 14 SECONDS FILE:t3-mine70-start60.out CHNL#10:CCOMB TURBI*100 100.00 0 ©Qe tn tne ccc nnrcn one cnnoes CHNL«®9:ECCOAL 23%100 100.00 --TTTT CHNL#8:CCOAL 13100 100.00 rr ||i T e -\ =; ;20.00016.00012.0008.00004.00000.011:45PELECAUG122003TUE,18.00014.00010.0006.00002.0000(SECONDS)TIME an POWER TECHNOLOGIES INC @ DONLAN MINE STUDIES BY EPS,JULY 2003 MINE LOAD 70 MW WITH SVC MOTOR START AT 1 SECOND,60%VOLTAGE MOTOR VOLTAGE RETURNS TO 100%AT 14 SECONDS FILE:t3-mine70-start60.out CHNL#17:CCOMB TURBI«100 4 25.000 Qrorrercensesesecennnces -25.00 CHNL®16:CCOAL 23*100 25.000 SS -25.00 CHNL®15:CCOAL 13«100 25.000 a-------4 -25.00 20.00016.00012.0008.00004.00000.011245QELECAUG122003TUE,18.00014,00010.0006.00002.0000(SECONDS)TIME POWER TECHNOLOG(ES Inc.® DONLAN MINE STUDIES BY EPS,JULY 2003 MINE LOAD 70 MW WITH SVC MOTOR START AT 1 SECOND.60%VOLTAGE MOTOR VOLTAGE RETURNS TO 100%AT 14 SECONDS FILE:t3-mine70-start60.out CHNL*38:60xCCOMB TURBI+60 a 58.000 CHNL®37:60*CCOAL 23+60 62.000 aaa 58.000 CHNL®36:60xCCOAL 13+60 62.000 e----a4 58.000 |_20.00016.00012.0008.00004.00000.0TUE,18.00014.00010.0006.00002.000011345(HZ)AUG122003FREQUENCY(SECONDS)TIME OQDONLAN MINE STUDIES BY EPS,JULY 2003Nana-MINE LOAD 70 MW WITH SVC MOTOR START AT 1 SECOND.60%VOLTAGE MOTOR VOLTAGE RETURNS TO 100%AT 14 SECONDS FILE:t3-mine70-start60.out POWER TECHNOLOGIES ince CHNL#31:CCOMB TURBI 11:45(PU)AUG122003PMECHTUE,1.0000 @-oosscsseesacesaavecces CHNL#30:CCOAL 2) 1.0000 _-____- CHNL®29:CCOAL 19 1.0000 a 20.00012.00016.00014,00018.00010.000(SECONDS)8.00006.0000TIME4.00002.00000.0 Haw DONLAN MINE STUDIES BY EPS, MINE LOAD 70 MW WITH SVC JULY 2003 mmr]MOTOR START AT 1 SECOND,60%VOLTACEInc.®MOTOR VOLTAGE RETURNS TO 100%AT 14 SECONDS FILE:t3-mine70-start60.out CHNL®46:CBETHEL-13.8] 1.2500 ee +0.75000 CHNL#45:COONLAN-13.82 1.2500 Or onscereeeseecnesnsees 2 0.75000 CHNL®44;CDOONLAN-138] 1.2500 ------<0.75000 CHNL®43:CANIAK-138] 1.2500 a------a 0.75000 t +-+o|||||3 |a ne | | !3 |'|7s ,> /d=atag ei ee \ 'ON t ia id t Po 'TN o --_i Ty a |'H \ é k 3|}-:se !!F =iF _l +ut\i'\?° :3 |Vi oeEe'3 '\; \V4 ='i 4 /Vi Scceeee +ao ae ee -- '|oti[||||3 18.00014.00010.0006.00002.000011:45AUG122003BUSVOLTAGE(PU)TUE,{SECONDS)TIME DONLAN MINE STUDIES BY EPS,JULY 2003we}MINE LOAD 70 MW WITH SVC 8roms)MOTOR START AT 1 SECOND.60%VOLTAGE ”Inc MOTOR VOLTAGE RETURNS TO 100%AT 14 SECONDS = FILE:t3-mine70-start60.out oO i) faN} ON ao D> xc us CHNL#®48;SO+tO00O CANIAK-SVC-Y]Fa 50.000 RR a -50.00 CHNLs®47:50+100*CDONLAN-SVC-YI] 50.000 e-----_4 50.00 i f a|j {|3 if |"gin|_|8|é | |Qo3 im 12| (s mete at S - |"|=7 j / "a "7 b= =Wa en/pas / |a 5 $l ° b |2 |J -*l | a|S = |_|6s|wo | |3 |_& ?| |g{Ss =)sa \ =fSS om | |o|4 |é (Q-NOMINAL)SVCOUTPUT(SECONDS)TIME DONLAN MINE STUDIES BY EPS,JULY 2003wrMINELOAD70MWWITHSVC MOTOR START AT 1 SECOND.60%VOLTAGE MOTOR VOLTAGE RETURNS TO 100%AT 14 SECONDS FILE:t3-mine70-start60.out POWER TECHNOLOGIES Inc@ 11:46(HZ)CHNL«®49:60 CMOTOR SPEED DEVI+60 100.00 --_--O T ao 8.000012.00016.00020.0006.000010.00014.00018.000TUE,(SECONDS)4.00002.0000AUG122003MOTORSPEEDTIME DONLAN MINE STUDIES BY EPS,JULY 2003\wwn-]MINE LOAD 70 MW WITH SVC MOTOR START AT 1 SECOND,60%VOLTAGE MOTOR VOLTAGE RETURNS TO 100%AT 14 SECONDS FILE:t3-mine70-start60.o0ut PORER TECHNOLOGIES Inc @ CHNL#Se:CMOTOR TERM VOLTAGE PUI eeeeeeee---f1.2000 Oreo erccrneneceniae 0.20000 CHNL®Si:CMOTOR VARS] 0.25000 --=<=0.2500 CHNL®SO:CMOTOA CURRENT PU 5.0000 a---4 0.0 20.00016,00012,0006.00004.000011:46AUG122003MOTORI,V,QTUE,18.00014.00010.0006.00002.0000(SECONDS)TIME Ninn PQWER TECHNOLOGIES Inc @ DONLAN MINE STUDIES BY EPS.JULY 2003 NO MINE LOAD,WITH SVC ENERGIZE THE 138 KV LINE FROM BETHEL TO DONLAN AT 1 SECOND,STARTING REACTOR SIZE 0 MVAR FILE:t4-energized.out CHNL*10:CCOQMB TURB1*100 100.00 Qovrere rec enansceennnenne CHNL*®9:CCOGAL 21100 100.00 --TT CHNLs 8:CCOAL 1100 100.00 e----4 |fl : - ; : |||L Bu 20.00016.00012.0008.00004.00000.012:11PELECAUG122003TUE,168.00014.00010.0006.00002.0000(SECONDS)TIME POWERTECHNQLOG(ESInc@ DONLAN MINE STUDIES BY EPS, NO MINE LOAD,WITH SVC ENERGIZE THE 138 KV LINE FROM BETHEL TO DONLAN AT 1 SECOND,STARTING REACTOR SIZE 0 MVAR th-energized.outFILE: CHNL«*17:CCOMB TURBI*100 JULY 2003 25.000 ©Open nner ntemoncnanceeens 25.00 CHNL#16:CCOAL 213100 25.000 --TTT -25.00 CHNL®15:CCOAL 13100 25.000 &-----4 -25.00 =é _20.00016.00012.0008.00004.00000.012:11QELECAUG122003TUE,18.00014.00010.0006.00002.0000(SECONDS)TIME Ninn POWER TECHNOLOGIES Inc.© DONLAN MINE STUDIES BY EPS,JULY 2003 NO MINE LOAD,WITH SVC ENERGIZE THE 138 KV LINE FROM BETHEL TO DONLAN AT 1 SECOND,STARTING REACTOR SIZE 0 MVAR FILE:t4-energized.out CHNL®38:60x£COMB TURBI+60 62.000 Or vrecsenecensneseseees 58.000 CHNL«®37:60*£COAL 21+60 62.000 -_-TTT 58.000 CHNL®36:60»CCOAL 13+60 62.000 &---4 58.000 T | Fa @ = ) -_-!20.00016.00012.0008.00004.00000.0TUE,18.00014.00010.0006.00002.000012:11(HZ)AUG122003FREQUENCY(SECONDS)TIME vn POWER TECHROLOG(ES inc.® DONLAN MINE STUDIES BY EPS,JULY 2003 NO MINE LOAD,WITH SVC ENERGIZE THE 138 KV LINE FROM BETHEL TO DONLAN AT 1 SECOND,STARTING REACTOR SIZE O MVAR FILE:t4-energized.out CHNL#31:CCOMB TURBI 1.0000 GQ cescncswcanseccasnesee CHNL#30:CCOQAL 23 1.0000 - CHNL®29:CCOAL 13 1.0000 4 ] - 4 @ --> +}20.00016.00012.0008.00004.00000.0le:11(PU)AUGle2003PMECHTUE,18.00014.00010,0006.00002.0000(SECONDS)TIME DONLAN MINE STUDIES BY EPS,JULY 2003NwNOMINELOAD,WITH SVC ro POWER es ENERGIZE THE 138 KV LINE FROM BETHEL TO DONLAN a3Inc.®AT 1 SECOND,STARTING REACTOR SIZE O MVAR - FILE:t4-energizedQ.out 2 mm)(Gs)"Ee Ve CHNL®46:CBETHEL-13.8)om 1.2500 Pacseeeeren +0.75000 5 OCc> CHNL*45:COONLAN-13.8] 1.2500 Oro secrressenanenascnas >0.75000 |iim CHNL®44;CDONLAN-138]2 1.2500 So a 0.75000 aa) CHNL#43;CANIAK-138] 1.2500 e-------s__-s0.75000 l |Jt 34>| |;3 _|& |= | |'S = |_|s|+so |; |'¢ i |2 |= | !3 -!_|= |:*3 |:2d 'en !' |®i 2 = =|'|e _|I | o|= =|_|&s +wa ;> =!_|= |' |'S )Jf |||| Nn POWER TECHNOLOGIES Inc © DONLAN MINE STUDIES BY EPS,JULY 2003 NO MINE LOAD,WITH SVC ENERGIZE THE 138 KV LINE FROM BETHEL TO DONLAN AT 1 SECOND,STARTING REACTOR SIZE O MVAR FILE:t4-energized.out CHNL#48:O»EANIAK-SVC-YI 30.000 --_-TTT a -50.00 CHNL®47:OCOONLAN-SVC-YI 50.000 EI -50.00 EY =- ---_-20.00016.00012.0008.00004.00000.010.00014,00018.000TUE,SVCOUTPUT6.00002.000012:11AUG122003(Q-NOMINAL)(SECONDS)TIME Nan POWER TECHNOLOGIES Inc @ DONLAN MINE STUDIES BY EPS,JULY 2003 NO MINE LOAD,WITH SVC ENERGIZE THE 138 KV LINE FROM BETHEL TO DONLAN AT 1 SECOND,STARTING REACTOR SIZE -10 MVAR FILE:tY-energize-10.out CHNL#10:CCOMB TURBI™100 100.00 Or nr eoreeccensocceeeecns CHNL*®9:CCOAL 27100 100.00 CCT CHNL®8:CCOAL 13100 100.00 4 7 i é =r 4 -é = ¢ : L ||||Ll 20.00016.00012.0008.00004.00000.012:11PELECAUG122003TUE,18.00014.00010.0006.00002.0000(SECONDS)TIME wr POWER TECHNOLOGIES tec DONLAN MINE STUDIES BY EPS,JULY 2003 NO MINE LOAD,WITH SVC ENERGIZE THE 138 KV LINE FROM BETHEL TO DONLAN AT 1 SECONO,STARTING REACTOR SIZE -10 MVAR FILE:t4¥-energize-10.out CHNL®17:CCOMB TURBIx100 25.000 Or oSrrrrrerrscessoesees os =25.00 CHNL®16:CCOAL 21%100 25.000 -SSS <-25.00 CHNL®15:CCOAL 13™100 25.000 s---s -25.00 4 =_ |$- |_20.00016.00012.0008.00004.00000.0le:ileQELECAUGle2003TUE,18.00014.00010.0006.00002.0000(SECONDS)TIME Naw POWER TECHNOLOGIES Inc.© DONLAN MINE STUDIES BY EPS,JULY 2003 NO MINE LOAD,WITH SVC ENERGIZE THE 138 KV LINE FROM BETHEL TO ODONLAN AT 1 SECOND,STARTING REACTOR SIZE -10 MVAR FILE:t4-energize-10.o0ut CHNL#38:60»C{COMB TURBI+60 62.000 ae 58.000 CHNL®37;60*CCOAL 23+60 62.000 ---58.000 CHNL®36:60xCCOAL 13+60 62.000 =-----s 58.000 I $ q a | | |_20.00016.00012.0008.00004.00000.0TUE,18.00014.00010.0006.00002.000012:12(HZ)RUG122003FREQUENCY{SECONDS)TIME iw POWER TECHNOLOGLESInc.® DONLAN MINE STUOIES BY EPS,JULY 2003 NO MINE LOAD,WITH Svc ENERGIZE THE 138 KV LINE FROM BETHEL TO DONLAN RAT 1 SECOND,STARTING REACTOR SIZE -10 MVAR FILE:t4-energize-1l0.out CHNL«®31:CCOMB TURBI 1.0000 @ -cessecscesansecoeeeas CHNL#30:CCOAL 2) 1.0000 __-_ CHNL®29:CCOAL 1) 1.0000 a--_----"2 20.00016.00012.0008.00004.00006.0LN-_- | ra)Sa fa]ox oa ay Lu ran]"= Qa re) DZ fom uJ D> tc o o °o o oS o So > wn fam) Zz 290oOow 2M ra = = - So <=] So o 6 =] ao Q co] a wr POWER TECHNOLOGIES Inc.® DONLAN MINE STUDIES BY EPS,JULY 2003 NO MINE LOAD,WITH SVC ENERGIZE THE 138 KV LINE FROM BETHEL TO DONLAN AT 1 SECOND,STARTING REACTOR SIZE -10 MVAR FILE:t4¥-energize-LO.aut CHNL#®46:CBETHEL-13.8] 1.2500 Pots s searenn 0.75000 CHNL*®45:COONLAN-13.8)] 1.2500 ros rrres reer ceeaceseee 0.75000 CHNL®44;CDONLAN-138) 1.2500 .-_--ToCOo 0.75000 CHNLe 43:CANIAK-138) 1.2500 B---4 0.75000 t_#+||[||||3Py!5 |'" =!|_ |' V|i 3|1 Oo =fl emsWY) |t - |; J ' ||- |! |' 1ff=Ja | | r)i -|-_-*> j , |!° |@ '2 pf < = 'Ja|' a Z oo _ |t |!Fe I a{S =1s|' 1 |i -|_| 2)act ' 'oa|L}|||TUE,18.00014,00010.0006.00002.0000t2:12(PU)AUG122003BUSVOLTAGE(SECONDS)TIME wr POWER TECHNOLOGIES Inc.® DONLAN MINE STUDIES BY EPS,JULY 2003 NO MINE LOAD,WITH SVC ENERGIZE THE 138 KV LINE FROM BETHEL TO DONLAN AT 1 SECOND,STARTING REACTOR SIZE -10 MVAR FILE:t4-energize-lO.out CHNL®48:O*CANIAK-SVC-YI 000 CHNL«47:OxCDONLAN-SVC-YI 000 |7 I q 20.00016.00012.0008.00004,00000.010.00014.00018.000TUE,SVCOUTPUT6.00002.0000le:leRUG122003(Q-NOMINAL)(SECONDS)TIME wr POWER TECHNOLOGIESINC@ DONLAN MINE STUDIES BY EPS.JULY 2003 NO MINE LOAD,WITH SVC ENERGIZE THE 138 KV LINE FROM BETHEL TO DONLAN AT 1 SECOND,STARTING REACTOR SIZE -20 MVAR FILE:t4-energize-20.out CHNL#10:CCOMB TURBIx100 100.00 Onmorecereecnoscccanens CHNL«#9:CCOAL 22»100 100.00 TTT CHNL«8:CCOAL 11100 100.00 nes) - = -20.00016.00012.0008.00004.00000.0le:iePELECAUG122003TUE,18.00014.00010.0006.00002.0000(SECONDS)TIME ann DONLAN MINE STUDIES BY EPS,JULY 2003 NO MINE LOAD,WITH SVC rower|ENERGIZE THE 138 KV LINE FROM BETHEL TQ DONLANINc.8 AT 1 SECOND,STARTING REACTOR SIZE -20 MVAR FILE:t4-energize-20.out CHNL®17:CCOMB TURBIx100 25.000 ©-rerversereccesonceoes -25.00 CHNL®16:CCOAL 23%100 25.000 ----TT -25.00 CHNL«15:CCOAL 1]»100 25.000 a4 25.00 |Be ; 4: bi -:am =5 _ _Ss ; -iF -20.00016.00012.0008.00004.00000.012:12QELECAUG122003TUE,18.00014.00010.0006.00002.0000(SECONDS)TIME Nw POKER TECHNOLOGIESInc# DONLAN MINE STUDIES BY EPS,JULY 2003 NO MINE LOAD,WITH SVC ENERGIZE THE 138 KV LINE FROM BETHEL TO OONLAN AT 1 SECONO,STARTING REACTOR SIZE -20 MVAR FILE:t4-energize-20.caut CHNL*38:60*CCOMB TURBI+60 62.000 Sr nrnoneecoeecweesoceres °58.000 CHNL®37:60*CCOAL 23+60 62.000 ----T-TT a 58.000 CHNL®36:60*CCOAL 113+60 62.000 eo 58.000 + @ t [1] _---_4 =@ - @ >20.00016.00012.0008.00004.00000.012:12(HZ)6.000010.00014.00018.000TUE,2.0000AUG122003FREQUENCY(SECONDS)TIME vw POWEA TECHNOLOGIESInc© DONLAN MINE STUOTES BY EPS, NO MINE LOAD,WITH SVC JULY 2003 ENERGIZE THE 138 KV LINE FROM BETHEL TO DONLAN AT 1 SECOND,STARTING REACTOR SIZE -20 MVAR FILE:t4-energize-20.out CHNiL«#31:CCOMB TURBI 1.0000 (00 Qc tronernernncrocosoon CHNL®30:CCOAL 2) 1.0000 -_--_-__- CHNL*29;CCOAL 13 1.0000 ae--- Ca 9 @ =$ [1] $ 4 1)20.00016.00012.0008.00004.00000.0le:ie(PU)AUGte2003PMECHTUE,18.00014,00010.0006.00002.0000(SECONDS)TIME DONLAN MINE STUDIES BY EPS,JULY 2003wan]NO MINE LOAD,WITH SVC NLCERENERGIZETHE138KVLINEFROMBETHELTODONLAN2Inc.®AT 1 SECOND,STARTING REACTOR SIZE -20 MVAR a.FILE:t4-energize-20.out SWoOoVE Ve CHNL®46:CBETHEL-13.83 om1.2500 oor TT ====e +0.75000 =2CHNL®45:COONLAN-13.8] 1.2500 Or verceereereccececences °0.75000 ww CHNL®44:CDONLAN-138]2D 1.2500 ----<0.75000 co CHNL»43:CANIAK-138) 1.2500 a------s -Sa¥.75000 |rity?|Sit3|&:[|a 3 =i |_j|2:: | |3 i | \|¢ 'd Ss ='|cones mee)|@ - ||3|i |sa|"8732 =7 j2oaen i |oe wi{@ 2 = =|2 1 |" '|7 3||e :| '|{g =it - | o1|3 =|_|2i| a |Li ||= ann POWER TECHNOLOG(ES Inc.® DONLAN MINE STUDIES BY EPS,JULY 2003 NO MINE LOAD,WITH SVC ENERGIZE THE 138 KV LINE FROM BETHEL TO DONLAN AT 1 SECOND,STARTING REACTOR SIZE -20 MVAR FILE:t4-energize-20.out CHNL*486:O»CANIAK-SVC-Y) 50.000 emnnme -50.00 CHNL#47:O»CDONLAN-SVC-Y 50.000 __?-50.00 ||T q i - q =-20.00016.00012.0008.00004.00000.010.00014.00018.000TUE(SECONDS),SVCOUTPUT6.00002.0000le:i2AUG122003(Q-NOMINAL)TIME Nuvista Light &Power Co. COAL FIRED POWER PLANT BETHEL,ALASKA SITE DEVELOPMENT, EARTHWORKS,FOUNDATIONS, BULK FUEL AND COAL STORAGE CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT SEPTEMBER 2,2003 Prepared by: Mike Hendee,P.E. AILCMIF.. 139 East 51st Avenue Voice:(907)273-1830 Anchorage,Alaska 99503 Fax:(907)273-1831 Bethel,Alaska Coal Fired Power Plant Conceptual Design Report EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report has been prepared for Nuvista Light &Power,Co.under contract with Bettine,LLC. Its purpose is to provide a conceptual level design and budget cost estimate for site development, access roads,foundations,coal storage area,bulk fuel systems and off-loading dock for a new coal fired power generation plant located in Bethel,Alaska. The proposed power plant will consist of two 48-megawatt coal fired steam turbines and one 46- megawatt diesel fired combustion turbine.The coal storage area will be approximately 16 acres in size,and will store approximately 400,000 tons of coal.A 3,000,000 gallon bulk fuel tank farm,two 12,000 gallon intermediate/day fuel tanks,a 700,000 gallon raw water tank and an 80,000 gallon demineralized water tank also comprise the facility. The report includes basic feasibility level conceptual design drawings for the site development, access roads,coal and fuel storage,piping,and an off-loading dock for coal and fuel barges. Also included are permitting requirements for the scope of work identified above,flood hazard information,and budget cost estimates. The proposed site location for the power plant facility was provided by Bettine,LLC and is located approximately 6000 feet south of the City of Bethel Petroleum Port and 1650 feet west of the Kuskokwim River.For this report,we have assumed the site is underlain by ice-rich warm permafrost.No geotechnical nor survey information is available for the proposed site.The power plant layout is preliminary,and consists of a 100,000 square foot building housing the boilers and turbines,a maintenance building,an administration building,staff housing and cooling towers.The layout is based on information provided by Precision Energy Services,Inc. The power plant and maintenance buildings will be supported at grade with passive refrigeration designed to prevent degradation of the permafrost.An option to house the power plant on two barges,moored within an artificial harbor is included in this report.The administration building, staff housing and cooling towers shall be supported by thermo helix-piles with passive refrigeration designed to provide foundation support in permafrost.A 78-acre cooling lake south of the site may be substituted for the cooling towers,and we have included that option in this report. The coal storage area will be located east of the power plant facility,and will consist of a stockpile that encompasses approximately 16 acres.The stockpile will be covered with either an air-supported structure or a metal building,to contain fugitive dust and provide rain and snow protection.Either structure will be founded on driven steel piling.The stockpile may or may not be underlain with a containment liner,depending on permit requirements.If a liner is mandatory,the integrity of the permafrost shall be retained with a passive refrigeration system, or the site will be stabilized by pre-thawing the permafrost,depending on the thaw stability of the underlying soils.If a liner is not mandatory,the site will be leveled with a layer of compacted sand and allowed to thaw and settle. EX-1 :E\LCMF.. Bethel,Alaska Coal Fired Power Plant Conceptual Design Report The 3,000,000 gallon bulk fuel tank farm will be located near the power plant modules and will consist of four tanks,each measuring 60 feet in diameter and 40 feet high,with a nominal storage capacity of 800,000 gallons each.The tanks will be filled with No.1 diesel fuel.The bulk fuel tanks shall be founded on concrete ringwalls that bear on an insulated fill pad with a passive refrigeration thermo syphon system installed to preserve the permafrost.The thermo syphons will have hybrid condenser units that allow for connection to an active refrigeration system should the need arise in the future. Two 12,000 gallon double-walled intermediate/day fuel tanks,a 700,000 gallon raw water tank, and an 80,000 gallon demineralized water tank will be located inside the heated power plant or within a separate heated building if the power plant is barge mounted. A coal and fuel barge off-loading dock with a marine header will be located on the west bank of the Kuskokwim River.The dock design was developed by Peratrovich,Nottingham and Drage,Inc.for the Donlin Creek Mine Late Stage Evaluation Study'.The coal will be offloaded with a barge unloading system moored to the dock during the summer,and moved to a protected anchorage in the river during the winter.The coal will be transported to the storage facility by a pile supported conveyor system.The marine header will connect to a 4-inch diameter pipeline to fill the tanks at the bulk fuel facility.The barge season in Bethel runs from June through September. Budget Construction Cost Estimates for the proposed site development,building foundations, coal storage area,3,000,000 gallon bulk fuel facility,intermediate/day fuel tanks,water tanks, access roads,pipelines and coal and fuel barge off-loading dock are as follows: ¢Power Plant &Buildings,Founded on Permafrost $21,000,000 *Barge Mounted Power Plant Option $13,800,000 ¢3,000,000 Gallon Bulk Fuel Facility $4,125,000 «Lined Coal Storage w/Maintaining Permafrost Integrity $19,200,000 *Lined Coal Storage w/Pre-thaw of Permafrost $15,800,000 ¢Unlined Coal Storage w/Allowing Natural Thaw of Permafrost $7,300,000 *Cooling Lake Option $5,450,000 These estimates are based on competitively bid construction costs with a 15%contingency. Additional costs for design,permitting and construction management of the site development are estimated at $1,350,000.An additional cost of $250,000 will be required for the cooling lake option.Design and construction of the power plant equipment,buildings,conveyor, stacker/reclaimer and barge unloading systems,as well as,land purchase,lease and right-of-way costs are not included in these figures. EX-2 E\LCMFue Bethel,Alaska Coal Fired Power Plant Conceptual Design Report TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY EX-1 1.INTRODUCTION 1 Il.APPLICABLE CODES AND REGULATIONS 1 Hi.SITE LOCATION 1 IV.COMMUNITY FLOOD DATA 2 V.FILL MATERIAL,GRAVEL &ARMOR ROCK 2 VI.POWER PLANT &ASSOCIATED BUILDINGS 2 VII.BARGE MOUNTED POWER PLANT OPTION 3 VIII.COAL STORAGE FACILITY 4 IX.COOLING LAKE OPTION 5 X.3,000,000 GALLON BULK FUEL FACILITY 5 XI.INTERMEDIATE/DAY FUEL TANKS &WATER STORAGE TANKG........ccccsssses 5 XII.ACCESS ROADS 6 XI.COAL AND FUEL OFF-LOADING DOCK 6 XIV.PERMITTING 6 XV.BUDGET COST ESTIMATES 9 XVI.REFERENCES 10 APPENDICES: Appendix A:Site Locations Appendix B:Flood Hazard Data Appendix C:Conceptual Design Drawings Appendix D:Construction Budget Cost Estimates E\LCMF.. Bethel,Alaska Coal Fired Power Plant Conceptual Design Report I.INTRODUCTION This report has been prepared for Nuvista Light &Power,Co.under contract with Bettine,LLC, to provide a conceptual level design and budgetary cost estimate for the site development,access roads,foundations,coal storage area,bulk fuel systems and offloading dock for a new coal fired power generation plant located in Bethel,Alaska.The proposed power plant will consist of two 48-megawatt coal fired steam turbines and one 46-megawatt diesel fired combustion turbine.A 16-acre coal storage area,a 3,000,000 gallon bulk fuel tank farm,two 12,000 gallon double- walled intermediate/day fuel tanks,and a 700,000 gallon raw water tank and an 80,000 gallon demineralized water tank also comprise the facility. Included with the report are basic feasibility level conceptual design drawings for the site development,access roads,coal and fuel storage,piping,and a coal and fuel barge offloading dock.Also included are permitting requirements for the scope of work identified above,flood hazard information and budget cost estimates. No site visit,fieldwork,or geotechnical investigation has been performed for this project.In addition,no geotechnical or survey information is available for the proposed location.A review of overhead aerial photographs was conducted,and engineering analyses have been made under the assumption the site is underlain by ice-rich warm permafrost.Site locations and coal and fuel quantities were provided by Bettine,LLC.The site layout,water tank sizes,and power generation equipment weight loads were provided by Precision Energy Services,Inc.(PES). Climate data was obtained from the Alaska Engineering Design Information System (AEDIS). Il.APPLICABLE CODES AND REGULATIONS The design of a new power plant facility,roads,dock,foundations and fuel systems are controlled by the following State of Alaska and Federal codes and regulations: ¢2000 International Fire Code as adopted by 13 AAC 50 *2000 International Building Code as adopted by 13 AAC 50 ¢State of Alaska Fire and Life Safety Regulations (13 AAC 50) «ADEC Hazardous Substance Regulations (18 AAC 75) *ADEC Air Quality Regulations (18 AAC 52) *Regulatory Commission of Alaska (RCA)Certification (3 AAC 42.05.221) «EPA Oil Pollution Prevention Regulations (40 CFR Part 112) -EPA Storm Water Discharge Regulations (40 CFR Part 122) *U.S.Army Corps of Engineers Wetlands and Navigable Waters Regulations (33 CFR Part 328 and 329) I.SITE LOCATION The proposed site location for the power plant facility was provided by Bettine,LLC.The site will be approximately 6000 feet south of the City of Bethel Petroleum Port,and approximately 1650 feet west of the nearest point to the Kuskokwim River.An access road will connect to a private spur road south of Standard Oil Road.An access road,a coal conveyor transport system, and a 4-inch diameter pipeline will connect to the proposed coal off-loading dock and marine E\LCMF..1 Bethel,Alaska ; Coal Fired Power Plant Conceptual Design Report header approximately 3500 feet south of the City Petroleum Port.The proposed power generation site,access roads,dock,coal storage area and bulk fuel tank farm locations are shown in Appendix A. IV.COMMUNITY FLOOD DATA The U.S.Army Corps of Engineers -Flood Plain Management Services ALASKAN COMMUNITIES FLOOD HAZARD DATA 2000 publication indicates that the community of Bethel is participating in NFIP status,and there is a Flood Insurance Study (FIS)available.The published Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM)show detailed flood information,and can be purchased from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).The last flood event was in 1991,and the worst flood event was in 1988. A revised Flood Insurance Study (FIS)was published by FEMA in 1984.The FIS is included in Appendix B.The publication lists the 100-year flood elevation at 17.1 feet.The proposed land based power plant site elevation is around 50 feet,as interpolated from USGS Bethel (D-8), Alaska Quadrangle,1954 (Limited Revision 1985).The proposed barge mounted power plant will be about the same elevation as the river.The actual site elevations will need to be determined by a design survey.The access roads and dock may be subject to flooding and riverbank erosion. V.FILL MATERIAL,GRAVEL &ARMOR ROCK Local fill material consists of a fine-grained silty dune sand that is mined from pits in Bethel. Material with less than 20%passing the number 200 sieve size,and a Corps of Engineers frost classification of F3 can be obtained through selective mining.The present borrow sites are near the airport,with a haul distance to the proposed site of 3 to 5 miles one way. The large quantity of fill material needed for this project may justify developing a borrow source near the site.An intensive geotechnical materials investigation will be required to identify a suitable source,and additional permitting will be needed to develop the material site. Gravel is imported to Bethel by barge.Presently,barges routinely deliver 4500 tons (approximately 2500 cubic yards)of gravel per shipment.Most of the gravel delivered is mined in Aniak,Kalskag,or Platinum. Armor rock is also imported by barge.The closest quarries are in Kalskag and Platinum. VI.POWER PLANT &ASSOCIATED BUILDINGS Since the proposed site is assumed to have thaw unstable,ice-rich soils,the buildings must be supported on foundations that maintain the thermal stability of the existing ground to prevent thaw settlement.The steam turbines and boilers have high foundation loads;therefore,the power plant building should be supported at grade on a concrete slab with grade beams connected to concrete footings.The concrete slab and footings shall bear on a compacted fill pad of the local sand.The maintenance shop will have high floor loads and should also be E\LCMF.. Bethel,Alaska Coal Fired Power Plant Conceptual Design Report founded in the same manner.To maintain the frozen ground conditions and prevent thaw settlement under the heated buildings,a layer of rigid board insulation and a passive refrigeration,thermo syphon flat loop system shall be installed under the buildings to preserve the integrity of the permafrost.The system uses the phase change properties of CO2 to remove heat from the sand fill whenever the air temperature is below freezing.The thermo syphons will be fabricated with hybrid condenser units that allow for connection to an active refrigeration system should the need arise in the future.Conceptual design drawings of the power plant and maintenance shop layouts and foundations are shown in Appendix C. The administration building,staff housing,and cooling towers shall be supported by thermo helix-piles with passive refrigeration designed to provide foundation support in permafrost.The piles will also be fabricated with hybrid condenser units that allow for connection to an active refrigeration system.Conceptual design drawings of the pile supported structures are shown in Appendix C. A fill pad of the local sand will be placed under and around the buildings,and capped with an 8- inch thick sand and gravel surface.The sand fill shall be 6.5 feet thick under the power plant and maintenance buildings,and shall be 4.5 feet thick under the pile-supported buildings,except where grade changes are not desirable.The fill shall extend around the perimeter of the buildings to provide access for vehicles and equipment.The fill pad will be sloped to provide positive drainage away from the buildings. VII.BARGE MOUNTED POWER PLANT OPTION The power generation equipment could be mounted on two barges that will be moored in an artificial harbor constructed next to the Kuskokwim River.The harbor will be created by removing the underlying soils in a low area that is south of a bluff near the proposed site,and by building an earthen dike from the excavated soils to separate the harbor from the river.The harbor could be allowed to freeze each winter,or,the water could be used for supplemental cooling and discharged back into the harbor to keep it ice free.A site plan for the barge mounted power plant option is shown in Appendix A.Conceptual design drawings are shown in Appendix C, Excess soils that are excavated from the harbor and not used for the embankment construction, could be used for fill pad and road construction if they are suitable.If they are not suitable for construction,a disposal site will need to be developed. To prevent erosion of the earthen dike,the toe of the dike should be keyed into the supporting soils and toe drains should be constructed.The entire dike should be covered with a gravel surface and the riverfront should be lined with armor rock.Both the gravel and the armor rock will need to be imported to Bethel.Ice forces on the riverside of the embankment will be extensive.Articulating concrete mats may be needed in addition to armor rock at areas that receive high ice forces,such as the abutment where the dike meets the bluff,the embankment corner and within the tidal zone of the river. E\LCMF.. Bethel,Alaska , Coal Fired Power Plant Conceptual Design Report The barges could be moored to a center pier that is supported on driven piles.Additional moorage could be obtained by installing dolphins at the corners of the barges.If the harbor area is underlain by permafrost,as assumed,the piles will have to be driven deep enough to resist the drawdown forces as the permafrost thaws,as well as the lateral wind loads on the barges.The moorage will also need to adjust for tidal influences if the harbor and river are hydraulically connected. Separating the harbor from the river,in essence,incorporates the construction of a dam,and therefore,may need review and approval from the State of Alaska Dam Safety Office if it meets the criteria for State of Alaska jurisdiction.If surface drainage into the harbor is extensive,a hydraulic connection between the river and harbor may need to be constructed.Large culverts or a controlled spillway are two methods that could be utilized.An extensive geotechnical investigation and a hydrographic survey will be necessary to determine the design. VIII.COAL STORAGE FACILITY The coal storage facility will encompass approximately 16 acres,and will contain approximately 400,000 tons of coal.The stockpile,after the final barge has delivered for the season,will be approximately 35 feet tall.The stockpile will be covered with either an air supported fabric or metal building to protect it from rain and snow and contain the fugitive dust from the stockpile. The coal will have properties that will not make it susceptible to spontaneous combustion, according to Bettine,LLC.Since the coal will be covered and will not require continuous saturation to inhibit spontaneous combustion,very little leachate is expected to emit from the stockpile. The stockpile will bear on a fill pad of the local sand.The building and stockpile is expected to be heated to maintain a temperature of approximately 20°F during the winter.Even though that temperature is below freezing,the stockpile itself will contain enough residual heat that will cause the underlying permafrost to thaw.If the operating permit requires a containment liner be installed under the stockpile,the permafrost must be either maintained or prethawed prior to installation of the liner.Ifa liner is not required,the permafrost can be allowed to thaw naturally under the stockpile.Any leachate emitted from the stockpile may require collection and treatment prior to disposal,depending on the permit requirements. The air supported fabric or metal building shall be supported on steel piling driven into the underlying permafrost.The piles shall have enough frictional capacity to resist overturning and frost heave forces.Steel,12-inch nominal pipe piles on 40-foot centers,driven to a depth of 60 feet below the top of the fill pad will support the building. A 450-metric ton bucket wheel stacker/reclaimer will be covered by the building.The stacker/reclaimer rides on rails that can only tolerate small differential movements.If a liner is required,the stacker/reclaimer will be supported on concrete footings that are 12.5 feet square and 2 feet thick.Ifa liner is not required,the stacker/reclaimer will need to be supported on thermo helix-piling that are connected to an active refrigeration unit to prevent settlement as the permafrost thaws.The 160 horsepower active refrigeration system will have a power requirement of 1600 kilowatt-hours per day. E\LCMF.. Bethel,Alaska Coal Fired Power Plant Conceptual Design Report The coal will be transported by a conveyor system from the storage facility to the bunkers. Another conveyor system will transport the coal from the barge off-loading dock to the storage area.The conveyors shall be supported on driven steel piling.The piling shall be 8-inch nominal steel pipe,driven to a depth of 40 feet and spaced 80 feet on center.Conceptual design drawings showing the layout of the coal storage facility and conveyors are shown in Appendix C. IX.COOLING LAKE OPTION The steam generated from the power plant can be cooled either with the proposed cooling towers,or in a 78-acre cooling lake located approximately 2000 feet south of the site.Pipe size and flow rates for the cooling lake option were provided by PES.The heated water will be transported to the cooling lake in a 48-inch diameter pipe and discharged on the west shore. Cool water will be pumped from the east shore through a 48-inch diameter pipe.Two,1000 horsepower pumps will be located at the lake,one in use,and one for backup and reserve when the primary pump is being serviced.The pumps shall be enclosed in a heated pumphouse that is founded on driven piles.The pipelines shall be supported above grade on bents supported by driven steel piling.The cooling lake and pipeline layouts are shown in Appendix A. X.3,000,000 GALLON BULK FUEL FACILITY The bulk fuel facility will consist of four uninsulated tanks,each measuring 60 feet in diameter by 40 feet high with a nominal storage capacity of 800,000 gallons.The tanks will store No.1 diesel,which has a lower pour point temperature than No.2 diesel,and therefore will not require added heat.The tanks shall be welded steel in accordance with the American Petroleum Institute (API)Standard 650.The tanks will be founded on concrete ring walls that bear on a compacted fill pad of the local sand.A layer of rigid board insulation and a passive refrigeration,thermo syphon flat loop system shall be installed in the pad to preserve the underlying permafrost. Secondary containment of the fuel tanks will consist of a surface installed primary membrane liner placed on top of earthen dikes constructed from the local sand,and capped with a layer of sand and gravel.Conceptual design drawings of the bulk fuel facility are shown in Appendix C. XI.INTERMEDIATE/DAY FUEL TANKS &WATER STORAGE TANKS A transfer pump will deliver the fuel from the bulk fuel facility to two 12,000 gallon double- walled intermediate tanks housed inside the power plant building,or a separate heated building if the power plant is barge mounted.The intermediate fuel tanks shall be welded steel in accordance with UL Standard 142.A standby transfer pump is included in this design,so that a pump is always available during servicing.The delivery pipeline will be a 4-inch steel pipe supported above grade on helical piers or piling. The fuel will be heated to the specified temperature of 70°F in the intermediate tanks prior to entering the turbines.The intermediate tanks will contain glycol heat circulation loops,and will require 8600 BTU's to heat 2800 gallons of fuel per hour per degree to 70°F. A 700,000 gallon raw water tank,and an 80,000 gallon demineralized water tank,will be located inside the power plant building or a separate heated building if the power plant is barge mounted. E\LCMF.. Bethel,Alaska Coal Fired Power Plant Conceptual Design Report The sizes of the tanks were provided by PES.Both tanks shall be welded steel in accordance with AWWA Standard D100.The tanks will be founded on concrete ringwalls integrated into the power plant foundation. XII.ACCESS ROADS An access road will connect the proposed site to Bethel via a private spur road that intersects Standard Oil Road west of the City Petroleum Dock.Other roads will connect the facility with the off-loading dock on the river and with the proposed cooling lake to the south.The access roads will be constructed as an embankment of the local sand,and capped with an 8-inch thick sand and gravel surface.The embankment shall be 4.5 feet thick to limit seasonal thaw within the existing active layer.Conceptual design drawings of the access roads are included in Appendix C. XII.COAL AND FUEL OFF-LOADING DOCK A coal and fuel barge off-loading dock and marine header will be located on the west bank of the Kuskokwim River,approximately 3500 feet south of the City of Bethel Petroleum Port.The dock design is similar to the open cell sheet pile design that was included in the 1999 DonlinCreekMine,Late Stage Evaluation Study'by Peratrovich,Nottingham &Drage,Inc.The cost estimate for the dock is also based on that report. The coal will be off-loaded with a barge unloading system that spans the coal barge,and uses a bucket elevator system to remove the coal.The unloader shall be moored to the dock during the barge season,and then stored in a protected area of the river during the winter to prevent ice damage.A pile supported conveyor system will transport the coal from the dock to the storage area, The marine header will connect to a 4-inch diameter pipeline for fuel transfer to the bulk fuel facility.The pipeline will be supported above grade on helical piers or piling.Conceptual design drawings of the coal and fuel barge off-loading dock,barge unloading system,conveyor and pipeline are shown in Appendix C. The barge season in Bethel runs from June through mid-September.At present,the largest barge delivering fuel to Bethel is 344 feet long,and can deliver a maximum of 2,100,000 gallons of fuel with a draft of 11.5 feet.The barge is owned by Seacoast Towing and delivers fuel to the Yukon Fuel Company. XIV.PERMITTING The power plant,coal storage facility,bulk fuel facility,access roads,and barge off-loading dock will require the following: 1.A spill contingency plan designed to satisfy Federal,Facility Response Plan (FRP)and State,Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation -Oil Discharge Prevention and Contingency Plan (ADEC C-Plan)requirements.It must be approved by the EPA,the E\LCMF.. Bethel,Alaska Coal Fired Power Plant Conceptual Design Report U.S.Coast Guard and ADEC.The EPA requires an approved FRP from each facility with storage capacity of 42,000 gallons or more,and which receives oil by marine delivery.The Coast Guard must approve a FRP from each fuel facility that can transfer oil to or from vessels with oil cargo capacity of 250 barrels (10,500 gals.).ADEC requires approval of an ODPCP prior to operations at facilities with storage capacities of 420,000 gallons or more.The C-Plan must satisfy the requirements of Title 46,Chapter 04,Section 030 of the Alaska Statutes (AS 46.04.030),and meet the format requirements listed in the Alaska Administrative Code,Chapter 75,Section 425 (18 AAC 75.425). The ADEC approval process includes public comment and a Coastal Zone Management review.The plan must consist of four parts: a.The RESPONSE ACTION PLAN presents the fundamental elements of spill response.It outlines initial actions and spill reporting procedures,provides emergency phone numbers,and presents spill response strategies. b.The PREVENTION PLAN describes the facility design,maintenance and operating procedures that contribute to spill prevention and early detection. Potential spills are identified. c.The SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION section includes a description of the facility and its response command structure,as well as environmental data and response equipment considerations. d.The BEST AVAILABLE TECHNOLOGY section demonstrates that the facility complies with the State of Alaska requirements of 18 AAC 75.425(e)(4)and 18 AAC 75.445(k). 2.A Marine Transfer Operations Manual which demonstrates that the vessel/barge transfer procedures and dock equipment comply with Coast Guard requirements.The Manual must be approved by the U.S.Coast Guard.It confirms that the operator's marine transfer procedures and equipment comply with the requirements listed in 33 CFR,Parts 154 and 156.The manual format and content requirements are listed in 33 CFR,Part 154,Subpart B,which lists 23 items that must be addressed.Two copies of the manual are to be submitted to the Coast Guard.Upon approval,one copy of the manual will be returned marked "Examined by the Coast Guard".Copies of the manual are to be maintained at the facility so that they are,"current,available for examination by the USCG Captain of the Port (COTP),and readily available for each facility person in charge while conducting an oil transfer operation”. 3.A Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plan (SPCC)that is certified by a licensed Engineer (P.E.),and confirms that the facility complies with the EPA spill prevention and operating requirements.The oil pollution prevention regulations require the preparation of a SPCC for all facilities with aboveground oil storage of more than 1,320 gallons and which,due to their location,could reasonably be expected to discharge oil in harmful quantities into or upon the navigable waters or adjoining shorelines of the United States.The SPCC Plan must be carefully thought out and prepared in accordance with good engineering practices to prevent and mitigate damage to the environment from E\LCMF.. Bethel,Alaska Coal Fired Power Plant Conceptual Design Report oil spills.It must address all oil "containers”/tanks with a capacity of 55 gallons or more.The Plan must be certified by a licensed Professional Engineer,and must also have the full approval of management at a level with authority to commit the necessary resources.Facility management is to review and evaluate the Plan at least once every five years,and update it whenever there is a change in facility design,construction, operation,or maintenance that could materially affect the potential for discharge to navigable water.EPA regulations further stipulate,in 40 CFR,Part 112.4,that a written report must be submitted to the Regional Director of the EPA when a facility has either one spill greater than 1,000 gallons,or two spills in excess of 42 gallons in a 12-month period that enter navigable waters.The SPCC Plan need not be submitted to,or approved by,the EPA,but must be maintained at the facility and available for agency inspection. 4.A Fire Marshal review requires submittal of a complete set of construction documents to the State of Alaska,Department of Public Safety,Division of Fire Prevention (Fire Marshal)for plan review and approval.The State Fire Marshall then issues a Plan Review Certificate to verify compliance with adopted Building,Fire and Life Safety codes.Final stamped drawings must be submitted along with the application fee for project review.Anticipate a minimum of one month before comments may be received from the Fire Marshall. 5.A U.S.Army Corps of Engineers Section 10,33 U.S.C.403 permit is required prior to the accomplishment of any work in,over,or under navigable waters of the United States, or which affects the course,location,condition or capacity of such waters.The Kuskokwim River is defined as a navigable waterway.Typical activities requiring Section 10 permits include: a.Construction of piers,wharves,breakwaters,bulkheads,jetties,weirs,dolphins, marinas,ramps,floats,intake structures and cable or pipeline crossings. b.Work such as dredging or disposal of dredged material. c.Excavation,filling,or other modifications to navigable waters of the U.S. 6.The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS),U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service and Alaska Department of Fish and Game or Department of Natural Resources,will review the 403 permit to determine if there is an impact on the anadromous fish population in the Kuskokwim River.They may place restrictions on construction timing or methods.The U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service will also determine if the project impacts any endangered species. 7.A U.S.Army Corps of Engineers wetlands permit is required to place fill material on existing soils before construction begins.Section 404 of the Clean Water Act requires approval prior to discharging dredged or fill material into the waters of the United States, including wetlands.Wetlands include tundra,permafrost areas,swamps,marshes,bogs and similar areas.Typical activities requiring Section 404 permits include: a.Discharging fill or dredged material in waters of the U.S.,including wetlands. E\LCMF. Bethel,Alaska Coal Fired Power Plant Conceptual Design Report b.Site development fill for residential,commercial,or recreational developments. c.Construction of revetments,groins,breakwaters,levees,dams,dikes and weirs. d.Placement of riprap and road fills. 8.The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)National Pollution Discharge Elimination 10. 11. XV. System (NPDES)has jurisdiction for the following items: a.Operators of construction projects disturbing five acres or more must develop a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP),and submit the SWPPP as well as a Notice of Intent (NOJ)to the EPA and ADEC for review prior to the start of construction activity. b.Non-Stormwater Discharge Assessment Certification is required to discharge any process wastewater which would include the water discharged into the proposed cooling lake or coal pile effluent. c.Approval under the Multi-Sector General Permit (MSGP)for the State of Alaska is required for storm water discharges associated with industrial activity.Steam electric power generation facilities,including coal handling sites fall under Category VII of the MSGP. The Bethel City Planning Department will review the Fire Marshall,AK DEC and Army Corps of Engineers permits and may add other requirements to the project,such as access and setback from property lines.The City of Bethel also has a General Permit issued by the Corps of Engineers. A review by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).Power plants located less than 5 miles from a runway or airport,such as this project,should complete Form 7460-1, "Notice of Proposed Construction or Alteration”,and submit all necessary elevation and height of structure information to the FAA (Alaska Region)prior to construction.The FAA reviews the power plant and determines whether the construction or project will present a hazard to air traffic in the vicinity.The FAA has typically provided project determinations within one week of the completed form submittal. A review by the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO)is required,under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act,for any State or Federally funded project that has the potential of disturbing cultural resources. BUDGET COST ESTIMATES Budget Construction Cost Estimates have been prepared for the construction of the proposed site development,building foundations,coal storage area,3,000,000 gallon bulk fuel facility, intermediate fuel tanks,water tanks,access roads,pipelines,and coal and fuel barge off-loading dock.The estimates were developed based on historical pricing for similar work in Bethel with a 6.5%overhead for profit,bonding and insurance.A construction contingency of 15%has been factored into the estimates.A freight rate of $0.20 per pound to Bethel was provided by Bettine, E\LCMF.. Bethel,Alaska Coal Fired Power Plant Conceptual Design Report LLC.These estimates do not include costs for the buildings,power generation equipment, conveyors,stacker/reclaimer,or coal barge unloading system;their transportation to Bethel,nor their mobilization to the site and setup.The estimates do not include the costs of land purchase, leases or right-of-ways.The Budget Construction Cost Estimates are summarized below.A breakdown of the construction costs is included in Appendix D. ¢Power Plant &Buildings,Founded on Permafrost $21,000,000 -Barge Mounted Power Plant Option $13,800,000 *3,000,000 Gallon Bulk Fuel Facility $4,125,000 ¢Lined Coal Storage w/Maintaining Permafrost Integrity $19,200,000 *Lined Coal Storage w/Pre-thaw of Permafrost $15,800,000 *Unlined Coal Storage w/Allowing Natural Thaw of Permafrost $7,300,000 *Cooling Lake Option $5,450,000 Cost estimates have also been prepared for the design,permitting and project management for the proposed power plant facility,coal storage area,bulk fuel facility,intermediate fuel tank,raw water tank,access roads,pipelines,and coal and fuel barge off-loading dock.These estimates do not include costs for the power plant equipment,buildings,conveyor,stacker/reclaimer and barge unloading systems,as well as,land purchase,lease and right-of-way costs.The estimates were developed based on historical pricing for similar work in Bethel.The design,permitting and construction management cost estimates are summarized below.The cost is the same for either the power plant founded on permafrost or barge mounted option. ¢Estimated Design Cost $900,000 ¢Estimated Permitting Cost $100,000 ¢Estimated Project Management Cost $350,000 The cooling lake option requires additional design,permitting and project management.The following cost estimates were developed for the cooling lake option. *Estimated Design Cost $100,000 *Estimated Permitting Cost $50,000 ¢Estimated Project Management Cost $100,000 XVI.REFERENCES 'Peratrovich,Nottingham and Drage,Inc.,Donlin Creek Mine Late Stage Evaluation Study,prepared for Placer Dome Technical Services,Ltd.,March 1,1999. E\LCMF..10 APPENDIX A SITE LOCATIONS O24 on "i goer,=.HousING TOWERSOOLING "¥»,PIPELINES TO.-°-ons . DISCHARGE 3aekSSWd : APPROXIMATE LAKE BOUNDARY REFERENCE AEROWAP BETHEL 3-5 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY DATED 6-24-2000 LCMIF.. 139 E.51st Ave.-Anchorage,Alaska 90503 «(907)273-1830 LAND BASED COAL POWER PLANT FEASIBILITY STUDY BETHEL,ALASKA DATE:8/25/03 DRAWN BY:ws SHEET:1 SCALE:1"=1200'{CHECKED By:MH W.0.No:03-014 3 APPROXIMATE LAKE BOUNDARY Kecess RQAD- DISCHARGE REFERENCE AEROMAP BETHEL 3-5 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY DATED 6-24-2000 MIF... 139 E_51st Ave.-Anchorage,Alaska 99503 +(907)273-1830 BARGE MOUNTED COAL POWER PLANT FEASIBILITY STUDY BETHEL,ALASKA DATE:8/25/03 DRAWN BY:ws SHEET:2 SCALE:1"=1200°|CHECKED BY:MH W.O.No:03-014 APPENDIX B FLOOD HAZARD DATA Flood Hazard Data:Bethel Page |of 1 Bethel |City Office:(907)543-2047 |Revised:March 2000 STATUS 2"¢class city LAST FLOOD EVENT 1991 POPULATION 5,471 FLOOD CAUSE BUILDINGS ELEVATION RIVER SYSTEM Kuskokwim River FLOOD OF RECORD COASTAL AREA none FLOOD CAUSE ELEVATION NFIP STATUS participating WORST FLOOD EVENT 1988 FLOODPLAIN REPORT FLOOD CAUSE FLOOD INSURANCE STUDY yes FLOOD GAUGE no Comments:Published Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM)show detailed flood information.FIRM can be purchased from Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)at FEMA Maps Flood Map Distribution Center 6730 (A-G)Santa Barbara Court Baltimore,MD 21227-5623 Toll free:800 -358-9616 FIRM Panels 0008 B,0009 B,0012 B,0013 B were corrected on 3 June 1994 by FEMA to correct the datum reference from the NGVD to MLLW.The Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM),revised February 15, 1985,for the community indicates a 100-year,or Base Flood Elevation (BFE)of 17 ft MLLW. Pagemaster |(907)753-2622 Floodplain Manager |(907)753-2610 http://www.poa.usace.army.mil/en/cw/fld_haz/bethel.htm 6/7/2003 eft:.:zeBE ge "ALASKA T EE guns: "eee oD "|COMMUNITY NUMBER -.020104 |REVISED:FEBRUARY 16,1904 8 0 yb el. 1.0 2.0 3.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 TABLE OF CONTENTS wee wees c ene wee vececeens 1INTRODUCTION...ccc cw cccccccccncscccccsssece 1.1 Purpose of Study..ccccecccccccccececs wees ececcevccccccceee Ll 1.2 Authority and AcknowledgmentS...ccccccccccccccvcccsasccsees.lL 1.3 Coordination.....esescccccscccsscsees.eee reer wccccecccane 1 1 Scope Of Study....cccccsccacccccasscessccescessce 2 Community Description...cc cccccccccsccccncsccceene 3 Principal Flood ProblemS.....ccessvcccccccnccscccescees 4 Flood Protection Measures...-.sscceccccccccscvccccccscecene ENGINEERING METHODS ..cccenesccccccncccccwsocecceseccscsenncccces 4 3.1 and 3.2 Hydrologic and Hydraulic Analyses......ccccecaccces 4 FLOOD PLAIN MANAGEMENT APPLICATIONS .-cccnccccvccvecsccvcccosevcece 6 4.1 P1lOOd BoundarieS...ccccccccncncvcccscsscsevecascsasesesesas 6 4.2 FLlOOGWAYS.cece cece ccc cece ccc cn ccc c cree ccc ewer ees ecnencers 6 INSURANCE APPLICATION...cccveccccccnccccncccccenccenseescevescece 7 5.1 Reach DeterminationS..ccccccccvaccanscvescscesccesssesecsese 5.2 Flood Hazard FactOrS..ccccccncceneseccvcvessanencsssesesase 5.3 F1l00d INSULaNCe ZONES...crcccccscccscvcseccccsccccssencesns 5.4 Flood Insurance Rate Map Description...cecccscvcccccecsces Ox aJOTHER STUDIES .cc cc ccc cn ccc cn cc cece reece ccw cree cesesscewessesecens 8 LOCATION OF 9).VV.WP iia a i ar 8 BIBLIOGRAPHY AND REFERENCES ..ccccccconccscccesccvcssesesscceveses LO TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont'd) Page FIGURES Figure 1-Vicinity Mapsccccccccccccccdcccccuccdccccccccceuccecucececae.2 TABLES Table 1 --Summary Of ElevationS.....cccccccccccsucrsccccccssccesccsecee 5 Table 2 --Flood Insurance Zone Data..ccccsccccccccccccvecsevescccessecses 9 Exhibit 1 -Plood Insurance Rate Map Index to )-a Flood Insurance Rate Map ii FLOOD INSURANCE STUDY 1.0 INTRODUCTION ll 1.2 1.3 Purpose of Study This Flood Insurance Study report has been prepared to revise and update a previous Flood Insurance Study/Flood Insurance Rate Map for the City of Bethel,Bethel Division,Alaska,which was published on March 16,1976.This information will be used by Bethel to update existing flood plain regulations as part of the regular program of flood insurance by the Federal Emergency Manage- ment Agency.The information will also be used by local and regional planners to further promote sound land use and flood plain develop- ment. In some states or communities,flood plain management criteria or regulations may exist that are more restrictive or comprehensive than those on which these federally supported studies are based. These criteria take precedence Over the minimum Federal criteria for purposes of regulating development in the flood plain,as set forth in the Code of Federal Regulations at 44 CFR,60.3. In such cases,however,it shall be understood that the State (or other jurisdictional agency)shall be able to explain these requirements and criteria. Authority and Acknowledgments The source of authority for this Flood Insurance Study is the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968,as amended. The hydrologic and hydraulic analyses for this study were performed by the U.S.Army Corps of Engineers,for the Federal Emergency Management Agency,under Inter-Agency Agreement No.H-8-70.This work,which was completed in October 1980,covered all significant flooding sources affecting Bethel. Coordination Various local officials and appropriate agencies were contacted for information in this study. 2.0 AREA STUDIED 2.1 Scope of Study This Flood Insurance Study covers the incorporated areas of the City of Bethel,Bethel Division,Alaska.The area of study is shown on the Vicinity Map (Figure 1). }3unstd (NOISIAICT3H1L39)"WV"VaHL38dOALIDADN39VLNIWIDVNWHAONIDY3W3WVH3034dMALINIOIAmvosauewxouarINELmoneey.7red FONGeeMitts wesmeeba;Vans #Ly x ' s .*s s .wt ' "bd a 8 8.5 %3 : He + |2 LS TACre 1) hoe"yt 4 ay'te hte' Ss EWS)ta! OD C8 4 Wh?ope + ik» SHaoe 4 TAY Oi Wet Ne ,Hs Nae hiRWAe DADE 1%itMiqmdReass aC RRA ENO capa a 4 'ida 0dSEYAverA WARD AYtage MATHMyis ws-2.2 2.3 Selection of the portion of the community studiedby detailed methods was based upon availability of detailed mapping. Flooding from Kuskokwim River as it affects Bethel was analyzed by both detailed and approximate study methods.Approximate methods were also used to analyze low-lying areas of the community. Those areas studied by detailed methods were chosen with considera- tion given to all proposed construction and forecasted development through 1985. Approximate analyses were used to study those areas having a low Gevelopment potential or minimal flood hazards.The scope and methods of study were proposed to and agreed upon by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the City of Bethel. Community Description Bethel lies on the right bank of Kuskokwim River approximately 390 miles west of Anchorage,500 miles southwest of Fairbanks, and approximately 65 miles up Kuskokwim River from the Bering Sea.It is the hub of southwestern Alaska,as it has an airport suitable for jet aircraft and is a port of call for oceangoing vessels on Kuskokwim River.It is the center of trade,transportation, distribution,communication,administration,and education.Within the vast region served by Bethel,there are 66 villages consisting of approximately 15,000 persons,95 percent of whom are either Eskimos or Athabascan Indians. Principal Flood Problems The flood-prone area of the community lies generally in the eastern and northeastern sections off the study area,while high groundextendstothenorthandsouthwest. Eighty percent of the major residential and commercial areas have been inundated by floods in the past.Areas such as Browns Slough are.the most flood prone and contain a heavy density of residential structures.Most commercial establishments within the flood-prone areas are located on somewhat higher ground.Flooding can occur from a combination of factors,including snowmelt and precipitation; however,the primary cause of flooding is ice jams. The Flood Plain Information report on Kuskokwim River in Bethel (Reference 1)lists overbank flooding at an elevation of 12.1 feet.However,there are several homes in a natural depression where the ground elevation is approximately 8.1 feet.Althoughtheinitialwaterelevationof12.1 feet would theoretically produce overbank flooding,river ice usually forms a natural levee that keeps water out of these homes while others are flooded. 3.0 2.4 Flood Protection:Measures The community does not have any flood protection measures nor does it exercise any flood:plain management. ENGINEERING METHODS For the flooding sources studied in detail in the community,standard hydrologic and hydraulic study methods were used to determine the floodhazarddatarequiredforthisstudy.Flood events ofa magnitude which are expected to be equalled or exceeded once on the average during any "+10-,50-,100-,or 500-year period (recurrence interval)have been selected as having special significance for flood plain management and for flood insurance premium rates.These events,commonly termed the 10-,50-, 100-,and 500-year floods,have a 10,2,1,and 0.2 percent chance, respectively,of being equalled or exceeded during any year.Although the recurrence interval represents the long term average period between floods of a specific magnitude,rare floods could occur at short intervals 'or even within the same year.The riskof experiencing a rare floodincreaseswhenperiodsgreaterthan]year are considered.For example, the risk of having a flood which equals or exceeds the 100-year flood (1 percent chance of annual occurrence)in any 50-year period is approxi- mately 40 percent (4 in 10),and,for any 90-year period,the risk in- creases to approximately 60 percent (6 in 10).The analyses reported here reflect flooding potentials based on conditions existing in the community at the time of completion of this study.Maps and flood eleva- tions will.be amended periodically to reflect future changes. 3.1 and 3.2 Hydrologic and Hydraulic Analyses Records of streamflow on Kuskokwim River have been maintained at Crooked Creek since June 1951 by the U.S.Geological Survey.Another gage was installed at McGrath in July 1963.Other miscella- neous measurements of Kuskokwim River are available-from the U.S. Geological Survey.These records have been supplemented by interviews with local residents,recovered high-water marks from previous floods,tide data from the U.S.Coast and Geodetic Survey,and records of ice jams by the U.S.Army Corps of Engineers.Using the foregoing records and correlating weather records with flows, it has been possible to develop a knowledge of flooding at Bethel. The height of the 100-and 500-year floods has been estimated to be 17.1 and 17.6 feet,respectively.The probabilities offloodingfromhighfloodflowsandicejamswerecombined. Elevations for floods of the selected recurrence.intervals on Kuskokwim River are shown in Table 1. Table l."Summary of Elevations Elevation (Feet) Flooding Source and Location 10-Year 50-Year 100-Year 500-Year Kuskokwim.River At Bethel,Alaska 14.8 16.5 17.1 . 17.6 4.0 The 100-year approximate analysis was based on historic flooding information and engineering judgment. All elevations are referenced to the Mean Low Water Datum (MLLW). Elevation reference marks used in the study are shown on the maps. FLOOD PLAIN MANAGEMENT APPLICATIONS The National Flood Insurance Program encourages State and local governments to adopt sound flood plain management programs.Therefore,each Flood Insurance Study includes a flood boundary map designed to assist comnuni- ties in developing sound flood plain management measures. 4.1 Flood Boundaries In order to provide a national standard without regional discrimina- tion,the 100-year flood has been adopted by the Federal Emergency Management Agency as the base flood for purposes of flood plain management measures.The 500-year flood is employed to indicate additional areas of flood risk in the community.For each stream studied in detail,the boundaries of the 100-and 500-year floods have been delineated using the flood elevations determined at each cross section;between cross sections,the boundaries were interpolated using topographic maps at scales of 1:1200 and 1:2400, with contour intervals of 2 and 5 feet (References 2 and 3). Boundaries of the approximate flooding areas were delineated using the determined elevations and topographic maps at a scale of 1:63,360, with a contour interval of 25 feet (Reference 4). Flood boundaries are indicated on the Flood Insurance Rate Map (Exhibit 1).On this map,the 100-year flood boundary corresponds to the boundary of the areas of special flood hazards (zones A and A5);and the 500-year flood boundary corresponds to the boundary of the areas of moderate flood hazards (Zone B).In cases where the 100-and 500-year flood boundaries are close together,only the 100-year flood boundary has been shown.Small areas within the flood boundaries may lie above the flood elevations and,therefore, not be subject to flooding;owing to limitations of the map scale, such areas are not shown.° 4.2 Ploodways The floodway is the channel of a stream plus any adjacent flood plain areas that must be kept free of encroachment in order that the 100-year flood may be carried without substantial increases in flood heights. Because flooding in this community is tidal,no floodway was computed for Kuskokwim River. 5.0.INSURANCE APPLICATION In order to establish actuarial insurance rates,the Federal Emergency Management Agency has developeda process to transform the data from the engineering study into flood insurance criteria.This process includes the determination of reaches,Flood Hazard Factors,and flood insurance zonedesignations for each flooding source studied in detail affecting the City of Bethel. 5.1 Reach Determinations Reaches are defined as lengths of watercourses or water bodies having relatively the same flood hazard.In tidal areas,reaches are limited to the distance for which the 100-year flood elevation does.not vary more than 1.0 foot.Using these criteria,one reach was required for the flooding source of Bethel.The location of this reach is shown on the Flood Insurance Rate Map (Exhibit 1). 5.2 Flood Hazard Factors (FHFs) The FHF is the Federal Emergency Management Agency device used to correlate flood information with insurance rate tables.Correla- tions between property damage from floods and their FHF are used to set actuarial insurance premium rate tables based on FHFs from 005 to 200. The FHF for a reach is the average weighted difference between the 10-and 100-year flood water-surface elevations e"pressed to the nearest one-half foot,and shown as a three-digit code. For example,if the difference between water-surface elevations of the 10-and 100-year floods is 0.7 foot,the FHF is 005;if the difference is 1.4 feet,the FHF is 015;if the difference is 5.0 feet,the FHF is 050.When the difference between the 10-and 100-year water-surface elevations is greater than 10.0 feet,accuracy for the PHF is to the nearest foot. 5.3 Plood Insurance Zones After the determination of reaches and their respective FHPs, the entire incorporated area of Bethel was divided into zones, each having a specific flood potential or hazard.Each zone was assigned one of the following flood insurance zone designations: zone A:Special Flood Hazard Areas inundated by the l100-year flood,determined by approximate methods;no base flood elevations shown or FHFs determined. zone AS:.Special Flood Hazard Areas inundated by the 100-year flood,determined by detailed methods;base flood elevations 6.0 7.0 shown,and zones subdivided according to FHFs. zone Bs Areas between the Special Flood Hazard Areas and the limits of the 500-year flood,including areas of the 500-year flood plain that are protected from the 100-year flood by dike,levee, or other water control structure;also areas subject to certain types of 100- year shallow flooding where depths are less than 1.0 foot;and areas subject to 100-year flooding from sources with drainage areas less than 1 square mile. zone B is not subdivided. zone Cs:Areas of minimal flooding. The flood elevation differences,FHFs,flood insurance zones, and base flood elevations for each flooding source studied in detail in the community are summarized in Table 2. 5.4 Flood Insurance Rate Map Description The Flood Insurance Rate Map for Bethel is,for insurance purposes, the principal result of the Flood Insurance Study.This map contains the official delineation of flood insurance zones and base flood elevation lines.Base flood elevation lines show the locations of the expected whole-foot water-surface elevations of the base (100-year)flood.This map is developed in accordance with the latest flood insurance map preparation guidelines published by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. OTHER STUDIES This study supersedes the previous Flood Insurance Study published for the City of Bethel (Reference 5).It also supersedes the Flood Plain Information report for Kuskokwim River prepared by the U.S.Army Corps of Engineers in 1968 (Reference 1)., This study is authoritative for the purposes of the National Flood Insur- ance Program;data presented herein either supersede or are compatible with all previous determinations. LOCATION OF DATA Information concerning the pertinent data used in preparation of this study can be obtained by contacting the Natural and Technological Hazards Division,Federal Emergency Management Agency,Federal Regional Center, 130 228th Street,SW,Bothell,Washington 98011. ws ELEVATION DIFFERENCE"FLOOD BASE FLOOD1|BETWEEN 1%(100-YEAR)FLOOD ANDFLOODINGSOURCEPANEL HAZARD ZONE ELEVATION 10%2%0.2%FACTOR FEET (MLLW)(LO-YEAR)|(50-YEAR)|(500-YEAR) Kuskokwim River Reach 1 0008,0009|-2.3 -0.6 0.5 025 AS 17 0012,0013 11004 Insurance Rate Map Panel 2weighted Average 3pounded to Nearest Foot 241avlFEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY . CITY OF BETHEL,AK(BETHEL DIVISION) FLOOD INSURANCE ZONE DATA KUSKOKWIM RIVER 8.0 BIBLIOGRAPHY AND REFERENCES 1. 2. U.S.Department of the Army,Corps of Engineers,Flood Plain Infor- mation,Bethel,Alaska,Kuskokwim River,December 1968 Air Photo Tech,Inc.,Topographic Maps,Scale 1:1200,Contour Interval 2 feet:Bethel,Alaska (1979) Air Photo Tech,Inc.,Topographic Maps,Scale 1:2400,Contour Interval 5 feet:Bethel,Alaska (1979) U.S.Department of the Interior,Geological Survey,Topographic Maps,Scale 1:63,360,Contour Interval 25 feet,Bethel,AK C-8 (1954),Bethel,AK D-7 (1954),Bethel,AK D-8 (1954) U.S.Department of Housing and Urban Development,Federal Insurance Administration,Flood Insurance Study,City of Bethel,Alaska, 1976 10 APPENDIX C CONCEPTUAL DESIGN DRAWINGS ATH-<_-itTDabbetatobulaharlxlestesbestebenduntedaabetuahedteaaetecabedutestenturfeataaeae'a|¥.¥feetetteetea i g ()PROJECT LAYOUTXe]star 200" Te:4 eft CONCEPTUAL NUVISTA LIGHT &POWER CO. Qe)be}"1 2LCMEueegetBatEWEeuc LAND BASED COAL Hy -POWER PLANT FEASIBRLITY STUDY BETHEL,ALASKA UIMOL ONIIOOD UNV "HOASANOD OS HSV Ddl1ad NINdV 501d SONVNGLNIVN INV 1d UaMOd -NV 1d NOILVGNNOS\/ _A A , OOOO OS > = (oss)The 3FG0 Oneriru Swans adi 366700!DOO0O000DOOOOOO (aul)Swaiviowe 00?Ive oa!rTHE CONCEPTUAL a NUVISTA LIGHT & POWER CO. Jin] =" QLOME ee! ess LAND BASED COA ad re manceco POWER PLANT FEASIBLITY STUDY BETHEL, ALASKA ares (6-3) as (0-3) O91 =ot YOAZANOD 8 ONIDTTING JUdNOOLS TWOO -NV1d NOILVGONNOS\/ (aki)Tid FchdBUS421 (aan)w0aanserr230eau (Al)Tied FcTS08sGAwd fait)Wis aN w 0 fa' wo oO fat WORTH ONISHOH @ WHVd NNVL Tafa -NV id NOILVONNOd 1s Peo Seren Sere fers eG ' Ceeeteeeeteeete ogee egeecntuarCUPECeTeetereeePeETUDPOLUTUNDE POCUPEGtctneade CHPCPEUUPEOEeel CHECOteeecniate CELE eCeereenn Tee bebeeeaeede CTECPUCCulacene eCOPEECCHUTUOty CeePUPeCr tr tay CUECCO SEC OT ETE wecletoeetacune OPUEGCEECHTOOEL vlatgtadgtatare PEREPEUELULUGHT ctetgeatueatare PeaeePrecueuuee Cet eT epee tad Tete eeeeeeneeny rites RAI Vn om mee / od NOMS OPmeHS 'Tw weews| sez /st/e mvWAUeCMHC'Sa 4G nee) 716-50 Sent Bort i -- ae vy._Vv Sapte ae STITT SIS S= An-2- \CEStetgeeesnee 5Sal, CONCEPTUAL NUVISTA LIGHT & POWER CO. LCNF..WOsua. seAanOD-SESS LAND BASED COAL POWER PLANT FEASIBLITY STUDY BETHEL, ALASKA - (\POWER PLANT & MAINTENANCE BLDG SECTION Kee]sueI=20 adTanwe Fue,a hi COALCOVER 2 0 Jo' 0 2[|ie cael Py CONCRETE Tan 2 .5 SANDAND tee ' ' 4 * edt, By , U mall |4es] tl +ve Li tT Li L i= Li son T '| com. me ra T - ve - == a ' ro Seg Fi sein/ Rarer] 'itt ON Reger sett ome Ng PEnuarRost ceonns ' (2\_FUEL TANK FARM SECTION Xece7saut View MOUSING oUsING COM,COVER a aa . | STOCKPEE ae = adi,* | BAA En | CEOTEXTLE te NERO ¢MEUaNx pom om woeeeee ban ra (3\ HOUSING SECTION XesJ MAE fe LAND BASED COAL POWER PLANT FEASIBLITY STUDY BETHEL,ALASKA NUVISTA LIGHT &POWER CO. ;usWEPfactegsAactnAN«GDZAYLCCONCEPTUAL |*34ND aDRavel,AWOvlN Goreme FAR RPO YG RLRUTID OOOO RYLRT ROOT RT OTRO IRGrouNa (-)\ACCESS ROAD SECTION C-5/SME Vad DSPENSING STATION ae marER ORoe ee-4 rh 800,000 ,000 GALLON Tanit GALLON Sani 800,000 CALLON Tae (PIPING PLAN |LeJo"(un)(2)\THERMO HELIX-PILE DETAIL NUVISTALIGHT&POWERCO.LANDBASEDCOALPOWERPLANTFEASIBILITYSTUDYBETHEL,ALASKAELCME..CONCEPTUALomemens TLE: Miia) Pane ah C-6)SCONE NTS C-S/SME a 9aINOAW1INV1ddaMOdGaLNNOWqouvaWgsNnnonrams09VenfaieDVTOMIO0DOt \owomneSonesTheIKeGINWELSILAOFZINTO:VEUYvaonawarmSs,9-9nNSIaWaNDa!GRINNOM20Nv6)'uuMeares!PhO-60STNOOF007/82/8"avoSMEOREIDCS|teamend)CONCEPTUAL NUVISTA LIGHT &POWER CO. BARGE MOUNTED COAL POWER PLANT FEASIBLITY STUDY BETHEL,ALASKA PLOTTING DATE:09/02/03 (11:38) AUTOCAD DRAWING NAME:014-SP MARBOR.OWG ES bes]aedIS in Im oO 4 oO =z - 3 I Nay &J i &}) -_ i i \.qt .| \ OGRE)BEET CONCEPTUAL NUVISTA LIGHT &POWER CO.oy ae)"1 LCMEx¢"BT Ges =>us BARGE MOUNTED COAL Fd PENAL A AOS SOAS POWER PLANT FEAS@EITY STUDY BETHEL,ALASKA APPENDIX D CONSTRUCTION BUDGET COST ESTIMATES BUDGET COST ESTIMATE Power Plant Feasibility Study laska MATERIAL UNIT MATL FREIGHT No.ITEM QTY UNITS COST TOTAL $0.20/1b TOTAL) Mobilization/Demobilization .......000scccsccescennceosesecascessvc0v0esecaceceoeesesceeeesesso0orsoeasososoeseeopenenonesensescanscdesssnonebansoaeccnansascensmesaneoonees 100,000 1 Mob/DeMob 1 SUM 100,000 100,000 100,000 Earthworks .....0.0s0cesccnscresseseoestscscssssoasccsunerconssevesseecseracaeessseeovecsscseensns000eeoseesusendsousensesesoovseeEsecensEeesboReOaESeabeeoNSeasesEEErORrROCDe 6,065,000) 2)Sand Fill 195,000 CY 15 2,925,000 2,925,000 3 Gravel Surface Course 8"20,000 CY 80 1,600,000 1,600,000 4 Access Roads 7,000 LF 220 1,540,000 1,540,000 Geotentile...\SET) 5 Non-Woven Geotextile 148,000 SF 0.10 14,800 29,600 44,400 6 Woven Geoteatile 826,500 SF 0.10 82,650 165,300 247,950 Thermal Protection .......cccc0scsccessssessucccccessescecsseuascesecssasscussecsescessnscsesss00000665800006cenessccsoabeceeenccscescuseeneesossereessesssocsesonsscesaasesooas 7 Maint Bldg Rigid Insulation 165,000 BF 1.00 165,000 16,500 181,500 8 Maint Bldg Fiat Loop Thermo Syphon w/Hybrid Condensor 24 EA 7,000 168,000 8,640 176,640 9 Power Plant Rigid Insulation 1,800,000 BF 1.00 1,800,000 180,000 1,980,000 10 Power Plant Fiat Loop Thermo Syphon w/Hybrid Condensor 60 EA 12,500 750,000 48,000 798,000 Foundations .........02.c000coeecccesscoscoceeccvecocccsvcscececonsensscsoceesuesceoccepucoeseaassenesseeseeeuscesccccessouseavecseusensesccesucsensusdeserecovensoecesenesooesees 11 Maint.Bldg Slab on Grade w/Footings &Grade Beams 280 CY 1,000 280,000 30,240 310,240 12 Pwr Plant Slab on Grade w/Footings &Grade Beams 2,600 CY 1,000 2,600,000 280,800 2,880,800 13 Stoker Slabs in Power Plant 126 CY 1,000 120,000 12,960 132,960 14 Raw Water &Demineralized Water Tank Ringwalis 20 CY 1,000 20,000 2,160 22,160 15 Admin.Bldg.Thermo Helix-Piles (Incl.Installation)24 EA 7,100 170,400 13,440 183,840 16 Cooling Tower Thermo Helix-Piles (inct.Installation)32,EA 7,100 227,200 17,920 245,120 17 Ash Silo Thermo Helix-Piles (Incl.Installation)4 EA 7,100 28,400 2,240 30,640 18 Housing Thermo Hetix-Piles (incl.Installation}36 EA 7,100 255,600 20,160 275,760 Tanks 2:.ccccccrscecessvcccsevee seccseces sonssonan seanancsnsaccosanssconacessscceuoussccces eee sovees ooesoesen ocvsascas sesunsous cuaese cut sessessosescens sosccoues esescecossancuc cuss 19 Intermediate Fuel Tank (12,000 Gallon,Double Walled)2 +&EA 26,000 52,000 9,600 61,600 20 |diate Tank App 2 ss 10,000 20,000 400 20,400 21)Raw Water Tank (700,000 Galion,Steel,Erected)1 EA 252,000 252,000 34,539 286,539 22 Raw Water Tank Appurtenances !Ls 10,000 10,000 200 10,200 23 Demineralized Water Tank (80,000 Gallon,Steel,Erected)t EA 126,000 126,000 17,270 143,270 24 Demineralized Water Tank Appurtenances 1 LS 10,000 10,000 200 10,200 [238,063]Fuel &Raw Water Pipelines 25 Coated 4"Sch 40 Pipe 3,700 LF 60 222,000 7,985 229,985 26 4"Plug Valve 2 EA 1,750 3,500 38 3,538 27 4°Check Valve 2 EA 360 720 24 744 28 4"Gate Valve (Water Tanks)2 EA 495 990 4 1,034 29 3"Ball Vaive (Fuel Bypass)2 EA 400 800 20 820 30 Fill Limiting Valve 2 EA 965 1,930 122 1,942 DOCK....scorscscorsorsvavececoecereveseszecsorasedev ecuseoesto#s sgsued sogacusor casesesusesecon sonesesesononesass cancarasaseansa orocorece senonsenacescescenansosensnsecesesescennosse 31 Fuel Dock 400 LF 5,500 2,200,000 2,200,000 32 Marine Header Containment 1 Ls 7,500 7,500 1,000 8,500 33 Marine Header Assmbly 1 EA 2,500 2,500 350 2,850 Security Fencing .......00.ccccecaccccceccscnaccrccsssnscseosoneseneassaccessasccossersasneabaneaeaossacceeansconcobeenoonsacamSnseEoESnSSenercopspeansseaERCHescossencacssaseseay 34 Chain Link Fence 9,635 LF 15 144,525 28,905 173,430 35 Vehicle Gate 2 EA 4,000 8,000 100 8,100 Electrical .....0.00sccccecooscscsevsvcscocscceocessscesescseaecescovesou0008socecdusyonseoneuneeeescesespacesneseuaueeseoceeseeSoanoseaascocaacannenaaecascascesconsaneescanecacaces 36 Electrical Controls 1 SUM 100,000 100,000 1,000 101,000 37 Lighting 1 SUM 100,000 100000 2500 102,500 Sub-Total:17,041,662 Contingency @ 15%2,556,249 Overhead &Profit @ 5%979,896 Bonding and Insurance @ 1.5%293,969 Coal Fired Plant &Buildings BUDGET COST ESTIMATE Power Plant Feasibility Study (a)lask: MATERIAL UNIT MATL [FREIGHT No.ITEM QTY UNITS[|COST TOTAL $0.20/1b TOTAL Mobilization/Demobilization w 1 Mob/DeMob 100,000 100,000 Earthworks ....sccsssosscosscoussvecosessscsessnssuscansesssensssuessassasaesnavesascasscoscossacssessscocesssequsonuscusouseoeusseavensouscssegvessavsvssnsgessseeseeesseveess 2 Sand Fill 100,000 CY 15 1,500,000 1,500,000 3 Gravel Surface Course 8”8,000 CY 80 640,000 640,000 4 Access Roads 7,100 LF 220 1,562,000 1,562,000 5 Harbor Excavation 65,000 CY 5 325,000 325,000 6 Breakwater Dike Fill 30,000 CY 10 300,000 300,000 7 Breakwater Dike Gravel 3,000 CY 80 240,000 240,000 8 Armor Rock (3-foot size)3,100 TON 100 310,000 310,000 9 Pier,Dolphins &Moorage rt LS 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 Geotextile....164,400 10 Non-Woven Geotextile 148,000 SF 0.10 14,800 29,600 44,400 11 Woven Geotextile 400,000 SF 0.10 40,000 80,000 120,000 Thermal Protection .........cs0sscscocccovsccccccovcscnsconccvecccvaceccscecessoreccee$o8seeseeseces $c90es0ns soncesc ev ea sons cacenecos Ceoseacee sescesaecosessseevsavecceceunone 524,090 12 Maint Bidg Rigid Insulation 165,000 BF 1.00 165,000 16,500 181,500 13 Maint Bidg Flat Loop Thermo Syphon w/Hybrid Condensor 24 «EA 7,000 168,000 8,640 176,640 14 Water Tank Building Rigid Insulation $0,500 BF 1.00 50,500 5,050 55,550 15 Water Tank Bldg Thermo Syphon w/Hybrid Condensor 15 EA 7,000 105,000 5,400 110,400 FOUNGMIONS ccssscssosssessesnstnsneeeesetnsneesnsnnceeeenevescnennetnesessavvessonnsesstnssunsnesseenesensnesnsgiesvnenunesenuueeene 16 Maint.Bldg Siab on Grade w/Footings &Grade Beams 280 CY 1,000 280,000 30,240 310,240 17 Water Tank Building Siab on Grade w/Footings &Grade Beams 100 CY 1,000 100,000 10,800 130,800 18 Raw Water &Demincralized Water Tank Ringwalls 20 CY 1,000 20,000 2,160 22,160 19 Admin.Bldg.Thermo Helix-Piles (incl.Installation)24 EA 7,100 170,400 13,440 183,840 20 Cooling Tower Thermo Helix-Piles (incl.Installation)32 EA 7,100 227,200 17,920 245,120 21 Ash Silo Thermo Helix-Piles (Incl.Installation)4 EA 7,100 28,400 2,240 30,640 22 Housing Thermo Helix-Piles (Incl.Installation)36 «EA 7,100 255,600 20,160 275,760 23.intermediate Fuel Tank (12,000 Gallon,Double Walled)2 EA 26,000 52,000 9,600 61,600 24 1 diate Tank App 2 LS 10,000 20,000 400 20,400 25 Raw Water Tank (700,000 Gallon,Steel,Erected)1 EA 252,000 252,000 34,539 286,539 26 Raw Water Tank Appurtenances 1 LS 10,000 10,000 200 10,200 27°Demineralized Water Tank (80,000 Gallon,Steel,Erected)1 EA 126,000 126,000 17,270 143,270 28 Demineratized Water Tank Appurtenances 1 Ls 10,000 10,000 200 10,200 Fuel &Raw Water Pipelines 29 Coated 4"Sch 40 Pipe 30 4"Plug Valve 2 31 4°Check Valve 2 32 4”Gate Valve (Water Tanks)2 =+&EA 495 990 4 1,034 33 3”Ball Valve (Fuel Bypass)2 =+EA 400 800 20 820 34 Fill Limiting Valve 2 EA 965 1,930 12 1,942 LF 2,200,000 36 Marine Header Containment 1 Ls 7,500 7,500 1,000 8,500 37 Marine Header Assmbly t EA 2,500 2,500 350 2,850 Security Fencing .........cccocoscsosces seescssovcessovcsevcescssoseas sax cccees cooveseccsane sansssonscecss00Gs waseeeres sasscecasavesovocesceseescsnav ens cacsecacs sanasnnsancane 38 Chain Link Fence 7,800 LF 45 117,000 23,400 140,400 39 Vehicle Gate 2 +§EA 4,000 8,000 100 8,100 40 Electrica)Controls 1 SUM 100,000 100,000 1,000 101,000 41 Lighting 1 SUM 100,000 100000 2500 102,500 Sub-Total:11,246,046 Contingency @ 15%1,686,907 Overhead &Profit @ 5%646,648 Bonding and Insurance @ 1.5%193,994 Tota 13,773. Barge Mounted Plant Option BUDGET COST ESTIMATE Power Plant Feasibility Study Beth |MATERIALUNIT MATL FREIGHT No.ITEM QTY UNITS COST TOTAL $0.20/1b TOTAL Mobilization/Demobilization .....0.000000.ccoveorsceresesseno cece ccasasasarecaososscsescevreororesncnascneseesececrsess09990ceossasesaaaserseoscccecoaoroaeaosossees 100,000 1 Mob/DeMob 1 SUM 100,000 100,000 100,000 Earthworks .... 2 Tank Farm Sand Fill 13,000 cy 15 195,000 195,000 3 >Tank Farm Gravel Surface Course 8"1,500 cy 80 120,000 120,000 Geokentilesscssrsesesensvntnsistnsnenesnevnsntninenesevntnetosessnvnsveieesnvnsnsetnscnsnovingtnsinenietiesenenenesenne 4 Tank Farm Non-Woven Geoteatile 15,500 SF 0.10 1,550 3,100 4,650 5 Tank Farm Woven Geotextile 72,000 SF 0.10 7,200 14,400 21,600 Thermal!Protection ae oe ae vee ae . 6 Tank Farm Rigid Insulation 310,000 BF 1.00 310,000 31,341,000 7 Tank Farm Flat Loop Thermo Syphon w/Hybrid Condensor 30 EA 9,000 270,000 15,240 285,240 Secondary Containment .......20ccccsscsoscccvesvcscoesecoscestooceeseeveesssaeecseccosensesssaneeessessecaseasccosascaeereeneseruesseneeesoecsoesseeeansocoazee 210,000 8 Tank Farm Primary Liner 50,000 SF 4.00 200,000 10,000 210,000 Tank Foundations ..,.......-.csccessesscccerecsoveresetsvessucesecesesenvecccessececscococsecsseveceoscsrersecessercorreacasssssasceseeasonssensceseseasessanenececesey 9 Tank Farm (60°Dia)Foundations 75 cy 1,000 75,000 8,100 83,100 Tanks ..cccccccsccccnsesscssssccesssacenseseessecesscocsaeunccescssssecosecessassgesssonssseesconsssecascsecesesesoascsesusesacuestesessasseseascoresoreseeassessasened 10 Tank Farm (800,000 gal Insulated Tank,Erected)4 EA 260,000 1,040,000 72,000 1,112,000 1!Tank Coating 41,469 SF 3.84 159,372 664 160,036 12 Tank Catwalks 4 EA 15,000 60,000 12,000 72,000 13 Tank Farm Appurtenances 4 Ls 10,000 40,000 800 40,800 Tank Farm Walkways vee sees aes see aoe sane{___129,638] 14 Walkway Supports 20 EA 2,200 44,000 4,800 48,800 15 Steel Catwalk 250 LF 175 43,750 15,000 58,750 16 Coating 5500 SF 4.00 22,000 88 22,088 PipelinesandValves.........ccac2cosscsecossoccesssaescossconceses000000coscccoeccazcccccnssencoscesoessesces seaacesouspoesc oesc0g sex esEs00000%cosceesecscacsccocasones|209,345 17 Coated 4"Sch 40 Pipe 350 LF 60 21,000 755 21,755 18 Coated 2”Sch 40 Pipe 365 LF 15 5,475 266 5,741 19 4°Plug Valve 4 EA 1,750 7,000 296 7,296 20 4"Gate Valve 1 EA 1,255 1,255 62 1,317 21 4"Check Valve 5 EA 360 3,800 275 2,075 22 3”Ball Valve 4 EA 400 1,600 40 1,640 23 2”Ball Vaive 6 EA 200 1,200 20 1,220 24 Pipe Supports 320 EA 300 96,000 12,800 108,800 25 Pig Catcher 1 EA 7,000 7,000 2,500 9,500 26 Cathodic Protection 1 EA 50,000 50,000 50,000 Pumphouse Mechanical Systems ......0:s0:00rsesssronasrosoosorosesonsnasgeseaseceoucesssasosonescoeocesesessosesssssessgusecesesssecsencssceusconesteeseasonossees 27 4"Sch 40 Pipe 50 LF 60 3,000 286 3,286 28 4°Plug Valve 2 EA 1,750 3,500 38 3,538 29 4"Ball Valve 2 EA 550 1,100 30 1,330 30 6"Butterfly Valve 2 EA 700 1,400 60 1,460 31 3"Sch 40 Pipe 50 LF 50 2,500 150 2,650 32 3"Ball Valve 2 EA 400 800 20 820 33.3"Check Valve 2 EA 350 700 12 112 34 30 hp Pumps (Fuel Transfer)2 EA 20,000 40,000 120 40,120 35 Filter/Scparator 2 EA 10,000 20,000 40 20,040 36 Accumulators 2 EA 1,500 3,000 40 3,040 37 Misc Accessories 1 LS 10,000 10,000 200 10,200 Pumphouse Building ..........0.0oc-ssssssescsscsovesscocavcersnenssesensoseseneasesescones suessacserecaneseseessees so0osescssescaesecesecseeesoossoucasesansesseccooecs 90,000) 38 20'x30'Building SF 150 90,000 90,000 Dispensing Station. 39 Containment Area 1 LS 65,000 -65,000 65,000 40 Dispensing Pumps,Piping &A ppurtenances 1 LS 40,000 40,000 40,000 Sub-Total:3,366,404 Contingency @ 15%$04,961 Overhead &Profit @ 5%193,568 Bonding and Insurance @ 1.5%58,070 Total:4,123,004 3 Mil Gal Fuet Tank Farm BUDGET COST ESTIMATE Power Plant Feasibility Study Bethel,Alaska MATERIAL UNIT MATL FREIGHT No.ITEM QTY UNITS COST TOTAL $0.20/lb TOTAL Earthworks .........ccccccccceccccocccccecceceeescesscceeteccnceesecueeseseceesseeneeeeeeseeeGeeeenenseseGeeeaeasesseeneeebeeeeseeeseseaeseceoeeesseseaeeentaseseetnensessoostenees 2,500,000 1 Sand Fill 130,000 CY 15 1,950,000 1,950,000 2 Access Road 2,500 LF 220 §50,000 §50,000 Geotextile........ccccccccceccccscececvecnssessuenseceeeeeceseeeeeeeeneaeeseeeeseeesenseseseseeneeseeeesbsDGnGesesenenensenGbseseeeGnteneaneosesensnspeseesensnssconcceeseneeenss 234,000 3 Woven Geotextile 780,000 SF 0.10 78,000 156,000 234,000 Thermal Protection ..........cccccccecsucensncscceccececceteeseeseeeeeeseaseeeeeeeeseeneeasesesseeaseseeseeeessateseessaeeseaseseaseeeesseceeseseesensentessasentoccoseneeccosss 6,302,400 4 Rigid Insulation (4 inches thick)3,120,000 BF 1.00 3,120,000 312,000 3,432,000 5 Flat Loop Thermo Syphon w/Hybrid Condensor 390 EA 7,000 2,730,000 140,400 2,870,400 Foundations...........cccccccccecesecacscecececencecesecarectsseeeeessneeeeeeeeeeseeeesaeesesheeteeneesesAGeaSSAGGRGAEESEESAGEDEDERESE;ESGAEE;EEEGR;;GEESE EE SREREO DSRS D OSES EEEES 6 Building -Thermo Helix-Pile w/Hybrid Condensor (Installed)110 EA 7,100.00 781,000 61,600 842,600 7 Conveyor -Driven 8'Piles (Installed)70 EA 3,750.00 262,500 30,800 293,300 8 Stacker/Reclaimer Concrete Footings 1,900 CY 1,000 1,900,000 205,200 2,105,200 Secondary Containment ...............c:cecssecuee cence eee eueeeeneeee eee a nee eee eee eect ee ee EE EAAE AEE EEEAGEAAEE EGG ESAE EEA EEAEAEAS DESO SGI ESSE EEEE EEG SAE EOE DEEH EASE SEE EEG 3,276,000 9 Primary Liner 780,000 SF 4.00 3,120,000 156,000 3,276,000 Electrical ...........ccccecccccecececcececsccccececscscecsesecseeteceessseeeeeseneeeeeeseseeeGeseseseGeaeSeteeneeGeebentaseeeeesteeenseteeeeenseHesseseneDeessesccooeonseobeeeees 105,000 10 Lighting 1 SUM 100,000 100000 5000 105,000 Sub-Total:15,658,500 Contingency @ 1S%2,348,775 Overhead &Profit @ 5%900,364 Bonding and Insurance @ 1.5%270,109 Lined Coal Storage w P-Frost Total:19,177,748} BUDGET COST ESTIMATE Power Plant Feasibility Study Bethel,Alaska MATERIAL UNIT -MATL FREIGHT No.ITEM QTY UNITS}COST TOTAL $0.20/lb TOTAL Earthworks .........ccccccsceescecsnsseceescusee ses enseeeeeeneeeeeeee ee ease eu tGeseGeee sess eeseeeeseseeneeeee eee eaeetGea eee PePEGEE EG EG SES CSEEGEGESOGESES ES DECOR ESRF OHDG SORE aOg8 1,420,000 1 Sand Fill 58,000 CY 15 870,000 870,000 2 Access Roads 2,500 LF 220 $50,000 §50,000 L770)(-5:¢6 |(234,000 3 Woven Geotextile 780,000 SF 0.10 78,000 156,000 234,000 Pre Thaw Permafrost...........ccccccssesscnscsecesccenscnsecsauscecsesecsueaceseseesseseseeeoceenenteceteesseeseaeeseneotstesesatecoosscesoscoseccsscoussccrsctcesccensnccncece 4,570,000 4 Thaw Pipes 7,000 EA 500.00 3,500,000 70,000 3,570,000 5 Pumps,Piping and Appurtenances 1,000,000 LS 1 1,000,000 1,000,000 Foundations..........cccccecencesscesccosssceeteneeecenssenssteeeeesoneeeesaeseeecOceeteeaseDeeescOneetaeetSsDGSOEAEGERESEEGEEEEDHEEDSAGOEEEEEOEEESDEODOSOROSOFSREDDEGEREOEE 3,249,500 6 Building -Driven 12"Steel Piling (Installed)EA 7,100.00 781,000 61,600 842,600 7 Conveyor -Driven 8"Steel Piling (Installed)EA 3,750.00 262,500 39,200 301,700 8 Stacker/Reclaimer Concrete Footings 1,900 CY 1,000 1,900,000 205,200 2,105,200 Secondary Containment .........0...ccccceeeecce eee eeeee ee enee ne eee ween eee eee see eesuseneOssASELAGEEEGASDHIGEEEEG ES OFSGDESUGEESEGEEDSSG SESE EEECEEESEOEEEEE DOS CEE PEEoRoE EEC HE 3,276,000 9 Primary Liner 780,000 SF 4.00 3,120,000 156,000 3,276,000 Electrical .........cccsccsccececccensnccsccccteceeueseveuunnssecuceseuaeceeseeeesssesseesesecceceteseaeseeeseeesaeseHeeeceeedesesesesesoceeSeeecrestesecnonsesecoosecesensenessoace 105,000 10 Lighting 1 SUM 100,000 100000 5000 105,000 Sub-Total:12,854,500 Contingency @ 15%1,928,175 Overhead &Profit @ 5%739,134 Lined Coal Storage w Prethaw Bonding and Insurance @ 1.5%221,740 1 Total:15,743,549] BUDGET COST ESTIMATE Power Plant Feasibility Study Bethel,Alaska MATERIAL UNIT MATL FREIGHT No.;ITEM QTY UNITS COST TOTAL $0.20/lb TOTAL Earthworks .......ccccscccccsccescessssessssesescecseecessecssecesseccseeesaeessecneseeeseessseesecsseeesessaacesseceseeesaecsseseeesesssensasceusecsacsesseceaeseesecensesuaetenss 1 Sand Fill 58,000 CY 15 870,000 870,000 2 Access Roads 2,500 LF 220 550,000 550,000 Geotextile........cece cecec eee ee nec ne eee ee nena been eee ee eee tA EDO SAAD OA DOE;MIASE DE EEE ESE EAE EOE EO EO EAGLE DAES EE DEEA EEG EEEEDEG ESD SS SAE EOLEG HOUSED SEDAN EERIE SEES CEE SEDO SE SERCH EOE OES 3 Module &Tank Pad Woven Geotextile 780,000 SF 0.10 78,000 156,000 234,000 Foundations..........0c.ccccec cece ecceeeeeee eee nee ee neuen eee ene eeseeee eee eene esa en eee eseH EEE EOF ODEO ESE EEG EEG ESEESSESC CHEE ODER;ESE ESESOS SC SOEN FEDS EEG EEE DOSE RSC EEH SOS OHEEEHES 4 Building -Driven 12"Steel Piling (Installed)110 EA 7,100.00 781,000 61,600 842,600 5 Conveyors -Driven 8"Steel Piling (Installed)70 EA 3,750.00 262,500 39,200 301,700 6 Stacker/Reclaimer -Thermo-Helix Piles 320 EA 7,100.00 2,272,000 179,200 2,451,200 7 40 HP Active Refrigeration System 4 EA 146,000.00 584,000 8,000 592,000 Electrical ...........ccccocseceucssssccvsuuuuceaseessueeneusesesceetecesseeeeeeeeeeeeseesesseeeseeseeeeseeeasenenseneetaasesenteneeeeneenseaseneataceenenssneeasessstencpecccrsrestenes |105,000 8 Lighting Unlined Coal Storage 100,000 Bonding and Insurance @ 100000 5000 105,000 Sub-Total:5,946,500 Contingency @ 15%891,975 Overhead &Profit @ 5%341,924 1.5%102,577 Total:7,282,976} BUDGET COST ESTIMATE Power Piant Feasibility Study Bethel,Alaska MATERIAL UNIT MATL FREIGHT No.ITEM QTY UNITS]_COST TOTAL $0.20/1b TOTAL Earthworks ..............ceeeseee soncsereceeccsssoresccsocsstcescescesccueceasccecceecdbeosasescnscueondccancadccansecsccneseesaasonecasesoceseaseeeosaborccdbenesceecsoosetenseres 396,000 1 Access Roads 1,800 LF 220 396,000 396,000 Cooling Lake System..........c0..ccssscccssseescccvessossvenssscevvccescscerascesvescesseseessecvcassecosounsscccccsesssescerssceesooacesceescoceasseacssaaesssencuaasonaneootsosen 3,900,720 2 48"O.D.Pipe (Installed)7,150 LF 200 1,430,000 360,360 1,790,360 3 Pipe Supports (60'Centers)130 EA 7,800 1,014,000 83,200 1,097,200 4 48"Gate Valve 3.EA 120,000 360,000 4,500 364,500 5 Building (16 x 20)320 SF 150 48,000 4,800 52,800 6 Driven 8”Steel Piling for Building (Installed)6 EA 3,750.00 22,500 3,360 25,860 7 1000 HP,55,000 GPM Pump 2 §EA 225,000 450,000 20,000 470,000 8 Misc Accessories 1 LS 50,000 50,000 50,000 9 Discharge Structure 1 LS 25,000 25,000 25,000 10 Intake Stricture 1 LS 25,000 25,000 25,000 Security Fencing ................cocccssocsecescccssessoscocecveeccsscccccscscsssssosescovessorecceecaaecaeacceseasenssccscceseeaescascaesauconceueseeeouecseesseeceecsestseneseeed 157,100 11 Chain Link Fence 8,500 LF 15 127,500 25,500 153,000 12 Vehicle Gate 1 EA 4,000 4,000 100 4,100 Electrical ..........cccecccccccscocccsseccccoscecereceucseccocecocccesccsuecocsuccovsvescvesenceseessnacerensoescveveessecccensvecccegcceccusctescusvoccceseseecsceccuscenceeteessoes 153,500 13 Electrical Controls 1 LS 100,000 100,000 1,000 101,000 14 Lighting 1 LS 50,000 50000 2500 52,500 Delete Cooling Tower .............ccsscsssseossccccescssocccassvccsevcecvoesevsscusescececorecnsecosevseeccseesscccccocsueesesgcceceucceccesepesccrscenesttansecnevscceresoosreets 15 Cooling Tower Thermo Helix-Piles -32 EA 7,100 -227,200 _-17,920 -245,120 Sub-Total:4,362,200 Contingency @ 15%654,330 Overhead &Profit @ 5%250,827 Bonding and Insurance @ 1.5%75,248 |}Total:5,342,604] Cooling Lake Option Nuvista Light &Power Co. COMBUSTION TURBINE POWER PLANT BETHEL,ALASKA SITE DEVELOPMENT, EARTHWORKS,FOUNDATIONS AND BULK FUEL CONCEPTUAL DESIGN REPORT SEPTEMBER 2,2003 Prepared by: Mike Hendee,P.E. AILCMF.. 139 East 51st Avenue Voice:(907)273-1830 Anchorage,Alaska 99503 Fax:(907)273-1831 Bethel,Alaska Combustion Turbine Power Plant Conceptual Design Report EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report has been prepared for Nuvista Light &Power,Co.under contract with Bettine,LLC. Its purpose is to provide a conceptual design and budget cost estimate for site development, earthworks,foundations and bulk fuel systems for a new combustion turbine power generation plant located in Bethel,Alaska.The proposed power plant will be a 130 megawatt combined combustion and steam turbine system.A 25,000,000 gallon bulk fuel tank farm,a 100,000 gallon intermediate fuel tank and a 700,000 gallon raw water tank also comprise the facility. The report includes basic feasibility level conceptual design drawings for the site development, access roads,fuel storage,piping and a fuel barge off-loading dock.Also included are permitting requirements for the scope of work identified above,flood hazard information,an evaluation of the heating requirements for the fuel and water tanks and budget cost estimates. The proposed site location for the power plant facility was provided by Bettine,LLC and is located approximately 6000 feet south of the City of Bethel Petroleum Port and 1650 feet west of the Kuskokwim River.For this report,we have assumed the site is underlain by ice-rich warm permafrost.No geotechnical nor survey information is available for the proposed site.The power plant layout is preliminary and consists of 14 modules.The layout is based on information provided by Precision Energy Services,Inc.Based on the weights provided for the equipment,the modules shall be supported by thermo helix-piles with passive refrigeration designed to provide foundation support in permafrost. The 25,000,000 gallon bulk fuel tank farm will be located south of the power plant modules and will consist of eight insulated tanks,each measuring 120 feet in diameter and 40 feet high with a nominal storage capacity of 3.2 million gallons.The tanks will be heated with waste heat from the combustion turbines to keep the fuel above the specified minimum temperature of 20°F.A 100,000 gallon insulated intermediate fuel tank and a 700,000 gallon insulated raw water tank will be located near the modules with both heated to the specified temperature of 70°F. The tanks shall be founded on concrete ringwalls that bear on an insulated fill pad with a passive refrigeration thermo syphon system installed to preserve the permafrost.Both the thermo helix- piles and the thermo syphons will have hybrid condenser units that allow for connection to an active refrigeration system should the need arise in the future. A fuel barge off-loading dock with a marine header will be located on the west bank of the Kuskokwim River.The dock design was developed by Peratrovich,Nottingham and Drage,Inc.for the Donlin Creek Mine Late Stage Evaluation Study'.The marine header will connect to an 8-inch diameter pipeline to fill the tanks at the bulk fuel facility.The barge season in Bethel runs from June to September.Presently,the largest fuel barge delivers a maximum of 2,100,000 gallons of fuel per trip,which will require 12 deliveries to fill the tank farm plus an additional 5 deliveries for summer consumption,based on consumption rates provided by Bettine,LLC. EX-1 (LCMF.. Bethel,Alaska Combustion Turbine Power Plant Conceptual Design Report Budget Construction Cost Estimates for the proposed site development,module foundations, 25,000,000 gallon bulk fuel facility,intermediate fuel tank,raw water tank,access roads, pipelines and fuel barge off-loading dock are as follows: *Power Plant Modules with Dock &Intermediate Fuel &Water Tanks $8,330,000 ¢25,000,000 Gallon Bulk Fuel Facility $25,000,000 *Cooling Lake Option $3,050,000 These estimates are based on competitively bid construction costs with a 15%contingency. Additional costs for design,permitting and construction management of the site development are estimated at $1,100,000.An additional cost of $250,000 will be required for the cooling lake option.Design and construction of the power plant modules and equipment,land purchase,lease and right-of-way costs are not included in these figures. xa E\LCMF.. Bethel,Alaska Combustion Turbine Power Plant Conceptual Design Report EXECUTIVE SUMMARY I. II. TABLE OF CONTENTS EX-1 INTRODUCTION APPLICABLE CODES AND REGULATIONS Hl.SITE LOCATION 1 IV.COMMUNITY FLOOD DATA 2 V.LOCAL FILL MATERIAL 2 VI.COMBUSTION TURBINE MODULE FOUNDATIONS 2 Vil.COOLING LAKE 3 VIII.25,000,000 GALLON BULK FUEL FACILITY 3 IX.INTERMEDIATE FUEL TANK AND RAW WATER TANK 4 X.ACCESS ROADS 4 XI.FUEL DOCK 5 XII.PERMITTING 5 XIII.BUDGET COST ESTIMATES 8 XIV.REFERENCES 9 APPENDICES: Appendix A:Site Location Appendix B:Flood Hazard Data Appendix C:Conceptual Design Drawings Appendix D:Heat Requirement Summaries Appendix E:Construction Budget Cost Estimates E\LCMF.. Bethel,Alaska Combustion Turbine Power Plant Conceptual Design Report I.INTRODUCTION This report has been prepared for Nuvista Light &Power,Co.under contract with Bettine,LLC, to provide a conceptual design and budgetary cost estimate for the site development,earthworks, foundations and bulk fuel systems for development of a new power generation facility in the community of Bethel,Alaska.The proposed power plant will be a 130 megawatt combined combustion and steam turbine system.A 25,000,000 gallon bulk fuel tank farm,a 100,000 gallon intermediate fuel tank and a 700,000 gallon raw water tank also comprise the facility. Included with the report are basic feasibility level conceptual design drawings for the site development,access roads,fuel storage,piping and a fuel barge off-loading dock.Also included are permitting requirements for the scope of work identified above,flood hazard information,an evaluation of the heating requirements for the fuel and water tanks and budget cost estimates. No site visit,field work,or geotechnical investigation has been performed for this project.In addition,no geotechnical or survey information is available for the proposed location.A review of overhead aerial photographs was conducted and engineering analyses have been made under the assumption the site is underlain by ice-rich warm permafrost.Site locations,fuel quantities and specified temperatures were provided by Bettine,LLC.Raw water tank size and power generation equipment loads were provided by Precision Energy Services,Inc.(PES).Climate data was obtained from the Alaska Engineering Design Information System (AEDIS). H.APPLICABLE CODES AND REGULATIONS The design of a new power plant facility,roads,dock,foundations and fuel systems are controlled by the following State and Federal codes and regulations: *2000 International Fire Code as adopted by 13 AAC 50 ¢2000 International Building Code as adopted by 13 AAC 50 ¢State of Alaska Fire and Life Safety Regulations (13 AAC 50) *ADEC Hazardous Substance Regulations (18 AAC 75) *ADEC Air Quality Regulations (18 AAC 52) *Regulatory Commission of Alaska (RCA)Certification (3 AAC 42.05.221) *EPA Oil Pollution Prevention Regulations (40 CFR Part 112) «EPA Storm Water Discharge Regulations (40 CFR Part 122) ¢U.S.Army Corps of Engineers Wetlands and Navigable Waters Regulations (33 CFR Part 328 and 329) ll.SITE LOCATION The proposed site location for the power plant facility was provided by Bettine,LLC.The site will be approximately 6000 feet south of the City of Bethel Petroleum Port and approximately 1650 feet west of the nearest point Kuskokwim River.An access road will connect to a private spur road south of Standard Oil Road and to a new petroleum off-loading dock on the west bank of the river,approximately 3500 feet south of the City Petroleum Port.An 8-inch diameter GJLCMF. Bethel,Alaska Combustion Turbine Power Plant Conceptual Design Report pipeline will connect the proposed dock and marine header to the new bulk fuel tank farm.The site,dock and bulk tank farm locations are shown in Appendix A. IV.COMMUNITY FLOOD DATA The U.S.Army Corps of Engineers -Flood Plain Management Services ALASKAN COMMUNITIES FLOOD HAZARD DATA 2000 publication indicates that the community of Bethel is participating in NFIP status and there is a Flood Insurance Study (FIS)available.The published Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM)show detailed flood information,and can be purchased from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).The last flood event was in 1991 and the worst flood event was in 1988. A revised Flood Insurance Study (FIS)was published by FEMA in 1984.The FIS is included in Appendix B.The publication lists the 100-year flood elevation at 17.1 feet.The proposed site elevation is around 50 feet,as interpolated from USGS Bethel (D-8),Alaska Quadrangle,1954 (Limited Revision 1985).The actual site elevation will need to be determined by a design survey.The access roads and dock may be subject to flooding and riverbank erosion. V.LOCAL FILL MATERIAL Local fill material consists of a fine-grained silty dune sand that is mined from pits in Bethel. Material with less than 20%passing the number 200 sieve size and a Corps of Engineers frost classification of F3 can be obtained through selective mining.The present borrow sites are near the airport,with a haul distance to the proposed site of 3 to 5 miles one way. The large quantity of fill material needed for this project may justify developing a borrow source near the site.An intensive geotechnical materials investigation will be required to identify a suitable source and additional permitting will be needed to develop the material site. Gravel is imported to Bethel by barge.Presently,barges routinely deliver 4500 tons (approximately 2500 cubic yards)of gravel per shipment.Most of the gravel delivered is mined in Aniak,Kalskag,or Platinum. VI.COMBUSTION TURBINE MODULE FOUNDATIONS Since the proposed site is assumed to have thaw unstable ice rich soils,the module foundations must maintain the thermal stability of the existing ground to prevent thaw settlement.The combustion turbines have small differential vertical tolerances;therefore,a pile-supported foundation is recommended.To maintain the frozen ground conditions,the modules shall be supported on passive refrigeration thermo helix-piles installed in the winter,using an ad-freeze installation method.A steel frame will be welded to the piling to provide lateral resistance to wind and seismic forces.Conceptual design drawings of the module foundations are shown in Appendix C. .CJLCMF. Bethel,Alaska Combustion Turbine Power Plant Conceptual Design Report A fill pad of the local sand will be placed under the modules and capped with an 8-inch thick sand and gravel driving surface.The sand fill shall be 4.5 feet thick to limit seasonal thaw within the existing active layer.The fill shall extend around the perimeter of the modules to provide access for vehicles and equipment.The fill pad will be sloped to provide positive drainage away from the modules.The bottom of the modules shall be 4 feet above the top of the fill pad to provide a clear blow-through space.This space separates the fill from the heat of the modules and allows the fill to refreeze each winter. VI.COOLING LAKE The power plant can be cooled either with the proposed cooling towers,or in a cooling lakelocatedapproximately2000feetsouthofthesite.The heated water will be transported to the cooling lake in a 24-inch diameter pipe and discharged on the west shore.Cool water will be pumped from the east shore through a 24-inch diameter pipe.Two 350 horsepower pumps will be located at the lake,one in use,and one for backup and reserve when the primary pump is being serviced.The pumps shall be enclosed in a heated pumphouse that is founded on driven piles.The pipelines shall be supported above grade on bents supported by driven steel piling. The cooling lake and pipeline layouts are shown in Appendix A. VII.25,000,000 GALLON BULK FUEL FACILITY The bulk fuel facility will consist of eight insulated tanks,each measuring 120-foot diameter by 40-foot high with a nominal storage capacity of 3.2 million gallons.The tanks shall be welded steel in accordance with the American Petroleum Institute (API)Standard 650.The steel shell will be covered with 6-inch thick insulated panels that can be removed for inspection.The tanks will be founded on concrete ring walls that bear on a compacted fill pad of the local sand.A layer of rigid board insulation shall be installed in the pad to limit seasonal thaw within the sand fill.Secondary containment of the fuel tanks will consist of a surface installed primary membrane liner placed on top of earthen dikes constructed from the local sand and capped with a layer of sand and gravel.Conceptual design drawings of the bulk fuel facility are shown in Appendix C. A passive refrigeration,thermo syphon flat loop system shall be installed under the bulk fuel facility to preserve the integrity of the permafrost.The system uses the phase change properties of CO,to remove heat from the sand fill whenever the air temperature is below freezing.The thermo syphons will be fabricated with hybrid condenser units that allow for connection to an active refrigeration system should the need arise in the future. The insulated tanks will be heated with waste heat from the combustion turbines through a glycol circulation loop installed in the bottom of the tanks.Based on the average minimum monthly temperatures recorded since 1949,each tank will require 96,000,000 BTU's per year to maintain the fuel above the specified minimum temperature of 20°F,which is 10°F above the pour point temperature for number 2 diesel.The BTU requirement is based on the heat loss through the' tank walls and roof and does not include the residual heat contained in the fuel at the end of the summer.The heat requirement per tank is summarized in Appendix D. .GJLCMF. Bethel,Alaska Combustion Turbine Power Plant Conceptual Design Report IX.INTERMEDIATE FUEL TANK AND RAW WATER TANK A transfer pump will deliver the fuel from the bulk fuel facility to a 100,000 gallon insulated intermediate tank near the modules.A standby transfer pump is included in this design so that a pump is always available during servicing.The fuel quantity of the intermediate tank was specified by Bettine,LLC and is based on the estimated daily fuel demand of the combustion turbines of 96,000 gallons (35 million gallons per year).The delivery pipeline will be a 4-inch steel pipe insulated with panels that can be removed for inspection.The pipeline will be supported above grade on piling or helical piers. The fuel will be heated to the specified temperature of 70°F in the intermediate tank prior to entering the turbines.The intermediate tank will contain glycol heat circulation loops similar to the bulk tanks.The tank will require 15,400,000 BTU's to heat 100,000 gallons of fuel per day from 20°F to 70°F.The tank will require an additional 256,000 BTU's to maintain a temperature of 70°F on an average day in December,the coldest month of record.According to the Alaska Engineering Design Information System (AEDIS)data,a total of 64,200,000 BTU's are required to maintain a temperature of 70°F throughout the winter.Assuming the temperature of the fuel entering the intermediate tank is 20°F for 180 days of the year,the total BTU demand for the fuel is around 2,840,000,000 BTU's.A summary of the heat requirements for the intermediate tank is included in Appendix D. A 700,000 gallon insulated raw water tank will be located next to the intermediate fuel tank.The size of the tank was specified by Precision Energy Services,Inc.(PES).The water tank can be heated with circulation loops in the same fashion as the fuel tanks.The water tank will require 188,000,000 BTU's to maintain a temperature of 70°F throughout the winter.The heat requirement for the raw water tank is summarized in Appendix D. The intermediate fuel tank shall be welded steel in accordance with API Standard 650.The raw water tank shall be welded steel in accordance with AWWA Standard D100.Both tanks will have external 6-inch thick insulated panels that can be removed similar to the bulk fuel tanks. The tanks will be founded on concrete ringwalls that bear on a compacted fill pad of the local sand.A passive refrigeration thermo syphon flat loop system with hybrid condenser units shall be installed in the insulated fill pad and the secondary containment for the intermediate fuel tank will consist of a surface installed primary membrane liner placed on top of the fill and attached to timber dikes.Conceptual design drawings of the intermediate and raw water tanks are shown in Appendix C. X.ACCESS ROADS An access road will connect the proposed site to Bethel via a private spur road that intersects Standard Oil Road west of the City Petroleum Dock.The access road will be constructed as an embankment of the local sand and capped with an 8-inch thick sand and gravel surface.The embankment shall be 4.5 feet thick to limit seasonal thaw within the existing active layer.Other roads will be constructed to connect with the proposed cooling lake south of the site and with the r E\LCMF.. Bethel,Alaska : Combustion Turbine Power Plant Conceptual Design Report fuel barge off-loading dock to the east.Conceptual drawings of the access roads are included in Appendix C. XI.FUEL DOCK A fuel barge offloading dock and marine header will be located on the west bank of the Kuskokwim River,approximately 3500 feet south of the City of Bethel Petroleum Port.The dock design is similar to the open cell sheet pile design that was included in the 1999 DonlinCreekMine,Late Stage Evaluation Study Study'by Peratrovich,Nottingham &Drage,Inc.The cost estimate for the dock is also based on that report. The marine header will connect to an 8-inch diameter pipeline for fel transfer to the bulk fuel facility at a rate of 1400 GPM.The pipeline will be supported above grade on piling or helical piers.Conceptual design drawings of the fuel barge offloading dock and pipeline are shown in Appendix C, The barge season in Bethel runs from June until September.At present,the largest barge delivering fuel to Bethel is 344 feet long and can deliver a maximum of 2,100,000 gallons of fuel with a draft of 11.5 feet.The barge is owned by Seacoast Towing and delivers fuel to the Yukon Fuel Company.The barge can pump around 84,000 gallons per hour through an 8-inch line. XU.PERMITTING The power plant,bulk fuel facility,access road and barge offloading dock will require the following: 1.A spill contingency plan designed to satisfy Federal,Facility Response Plan (FRP) and State,AK Department of Environmental Conservation -Oil Discharge Prevention and Contingency Plan (ADEC C-Plan)requirements.It must be approved by the EPA,the Coast Guard and ADEC.The EPA requires an approved FRP from each facility with storage capacity of 42,000 gallons or more and which receives oil by marine delivery.The Coast Guard must approve a FRP from each fuel facility that can transfer oil to or from vessels with oil cargo capacity of 250 barrels (10,500 gals.).ADEC requires approval of an ODPCP prior to operations at facilities with storage capacities of 420,000 gallons or more.The C-Plan must satisfy the requirements of Title 46,Chapter 04,Section 030 of the Alaska Statutes (AS 46.04.030)and meet the format requirements listed in the Alaska Administrative Code,Chapter 75,Section 425 (18 AAC 75.425).The ADEC approval process includes public comment and a Coastal Zone Management review.The plan must consist of four parts: i.The RESPONSE ACTION PLAN presents the fundamental elements of spill response.It outlines initial actions and spill reporting procedures,provides emergency phone numbers and presents spill response strategies. .EJLCMF. Bethel,Alaska Combustion Turbine Power Plant Conceptual Design Report iii The PREVENTION PLAN describes the facility design,maintenance and operating procedures that contribute to spill prevention and early detection. Potential spills are identified. iii.The SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION section includes a description of the facility and its response command structure,as well as environmental data and response equipment considerations. iv.The BEST AVAILABLE TECHNOLOGY section demonstrates that the facility complies with the State of Alaska requirements of 18 AAC 75.425(e)(4)and 18 AAC 75.445(k). 2.A Marine Transfer Operations Manual which demonstrates that the vessel/barge transfer procedures and dock equipment comply with Coast Guard requirements.The Manual must be approved by the Coast Guard.It confirms that the operator's marine transfer procedures and equipment comply with the requirements listed in 33 CFR, Parts 154 and 156.The manual format and content requirements are listed in 33 CFR,Part 154,Subpart B,which lists 23 items that must be addressed.Two copies of the manual are to be submitted to the Coast Guard.Upon approval,one copy of the manual will be returned marked "Examined by the Coast Guard.”Copies of the manual are to be maintained at the facility so that they are,"current,available for examination by the USCG Captain of the Port (COTP)and readily available for each facility person in charge while conducting an oil transfer operation”. 3.A Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasure Plan (SPCC)that is certified by a licensed engineer (P.E.)and confirms that the facility complies with the EPA spill prevention and operating requirements.The oil pollution prevention regulations require the preparation of a SPCC for all facilities with aboveground oil storage of more than 1,320 gallons and which,due to their location,could reasonably be expected to discharge oil in harmful quantities into or upon the navigable waters or adjoining shorelines of the United States.The SPCC Plan must be carefully thought out and prepared in accordance with good engineering practices to prevent and mitigate damage to the environment from oil spills.It must address all oil "containers”/tanks with a capacity of 55 gallons or more.The Plan must be certified by a licensed Professional Engineer and must also have the full approval of management at a level with authority to commit the necessary resources.Facility management is to review and evaluate the Plan at least every five years and update it whenever there is a change in facility design,construction,operation,or maintenance that could materially affect the potential for discharge to navigable water.EPA regulations further stipulate,in 40 CFR,Part 112.4,that a written report must be submitted to the Regional Director of the EPA when a facility has either one spill greater than 1,000 gallons,or two spills in excess of 42 gallons in a 12-month period that enter navigable waters.The SPCC Plan need not be submitted to,or approvedby,the EPA,but must be maintained at the facility and available for agency inspection. EJLCMF. Bethel,Alaska Combustion Turbine Power Plant Conceptual Design Report 4.A Fire Marshal review requires submittal of a complete set of construction documents to the State of Alaska,Department of Public Safety,Division of Fire Prevention (Fire Marshal)for plan review and approval.The State Fire Marshall then issues a Plan Review Certificate to verify compliance with adopted Building,Fire and Life Safety codes.Final stamped drawings must be submitted along with the application fee for project review.Anticipate a minimum of one month before comments may be received from the Fire Marshall. A U.S.Army Corps of Engineers Section 10,33 U.S.C.403 permit is required prior to the accomplishment of any work in,over,or under navigable waters of the United States,or which affects the course,location,condition or capacity of such waters. The Kuskokwim River is defined as a navigable waterway.Typical activities requiring Section 10 permits include: i.Construction of piers,wharves,breakwaters,bulkheads,jetties,weirs,dolphins, marinas,ramps,floats,intake structures and cable or pipeline crossings. ii.Work such as dredging or disposal of dredged material. iii.Excavation,filling,or other modifications to navigable waters of the U.S. The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS),U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service and Alaska Department of Fish and Game or Department of Natural Resources will review the 403 permit to determine if there is an impact on the anadromous fish population in the Kuskokwim River.They may place restrictions on construction timing or methods.The U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service will also determine if the project impacts any endangered species. A U.S.Army Corps of Engineers wetlands permit is required to place fill material on existing soils before construction begins.Section 404 of the Clean Water Act requires approval prior to discharging dredged or fill material into the waters of the United States,including wetlands.Wetlands include tundra,permafrost areas, swamps,marshes,bogs and similar areas.Typical activities requiring Section 404 permits include: i.Discharging fill or dredged material in waters of the U.S.,including wetlands. ii.Site development fill for residential,commercial,or recreational developments. iii.Construction of revetments,groins,breakwaters,levees,dams,dikes and weirs. iv.Placement of riprap and road fills. Operators of construction projects disturbing five acres or more must develop a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP)and submit the SWPPP as well as a Notice of Intent (NOI)to the EPA and ADEC for review prior to the start of construction activity. EJLCMF. Bethel,Alaska Combustion Turbine Power Plant Conceptual Design Report 9.The Bethel City Planning Department will review the Fire Marshall,AK DEC and Army Corps of Engineers permits and may add other requirements to the project, such as access and setback from property lines.The City of Bethel also has a General Permit issued by the Corps of Engineers. 10.A review by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA).Power plants located less than 5 miles from a runway or airport,such as this project,should complete Form 7460-1,"Notice of Proposed Construction or Alteration”and submit all necessary elevation and height of structure information to the FAA (Alaska Region)prior to construction.The FAA reviews the power plant and determines whether the construction or project will present a hazard to air traffic in the vicinity.The FAA has typically provided project determinations within one week of the completed form submittal. 11.A review by the State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO)is required,under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act,for any State or Federally funded project that has the potential of disturbing cultural resources. XII.BUDGET COST ESTIMATES Budget Construction Cost Estimates have been prepared for the construction of the proposed bulk fuel facility,module foundations,intermediate fuel tank,raw water tank,access roads, pipelines and fuel barge off-loading dock.The estimates were developed based on historical pricing for similar work in Bethel with a 6.5%overhead for profit,bonding and insurance.A construction contingency of 15%has been factored into the estimates.A freight rate of $0.20 per pound to Bethel was provided by Bettine,LLC.These estimates do not include costs for the combustion turbine modules or power generation equipment,their transportation to Bethel,nor their mobilization to the site and setup.The estimates do not include the costs of land purchase, leases or right of ways.The Budget Construction Cost Estimates are summarized below.A breakdown of the construction costs is included in Appendix E. *Estimated Construction Cost (Power Plant Facility)$8,330,000 ¢Estimated Construction Cost (Bulk Fuel Facility)$25,000,000 *Estimated Construction Cost (Cooling Lake Option)$3,050,000 Cost estimates have also been prepared for the design,permitting and construction management for the site development,proposed bulk fuel facility,module foundations,intermediate fuel tank, raw water tank,access roads,pipelines and fuel barge offloading dock.These estimates do not include costs for the facility design,combustion turbine modules,power generation equipment, land acquisition or leases.The estimates were developed based on historical pricing for similar work in Bethel.The design,permitting and project management cost estimates are summarized below. E)LCMF. Bethel,Alaska Combustion Turbine Power Plant Conceptual Design Report Power Plant &Bulk Fuel Facilities *Estimated Design Cost $700,000 *Estimated Permitting Cost $50,000 *Estimated Construction Management Cost $350,000 Cooling Lake Option +Estimated Design Cost $100,000 ¢Estimated Permitting Cost $25,000 +Estimated Project Management Cost $100,000 XIV.REFERENCES 'Peratrovich,Nottingham and Drage,Inc.,Donlin Creek Mine Late Stage Evaluation Study,prepared for Placer Dome Technical Services,Ltd.,March 1,1999. EJLCMF. APPENDIX A SITE LOCATION yy =!PROPO,. TERME "-SUPPLY.LINE +< FUE"*$ARME- nsiofPIPELINES*COOLING ey "FUEL TANK Oy.ped")Bese DISCHARGE PROPOSED COOLING LAKE OFFLOADING By APPROXIMATE LAKE BOUNDARY REFERENCE AFROWAP BETHEL 3-5 AERWA PHOTOGRAPHY DATED 6-24-2000 N POWER PLANT FEASIBILITY STUDY BETHEL,ALASKA 139 E.51st Ave.-Anchorage,Alaska 99503 -(907)273-1830 DATE:8/25/03 DRAWN BY:PR SHEET:1 SCALE:1"=1200'CHECKED BY:MH W.0.No:03-014 APPENDIX B FLOOD HAZARD DATA Flood Hazard Data:Bethel Page 1 of 1 Bethel |City Office:(907)543-2047 |Revised:March 2000 STATUS 2"9 class city LAST FLOOD EVENT 1991 POPULATION 5,471 FLOOD CAUSE BUILDINGS ELEVATION RIVER SYSTEM Kuskokwim River FLOOD OF RECORD COASTAL AREA none FLOOD CAUSE ELEVATION NFIP STATUS participating WORST FLOOD EVENT 1988 FLOODPLAIN REPORT FLOOD CAUSE FLOOD INSURANCE STUDY yes FLOOD GAUGE no Comments:Published Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRM)show detailed flood information.FIRM can be purchased from Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)at FEMA Maps Flood Map Distribution Center 6730 (A-G)Santa Barbara Court Baltimore,MD 21227-5623 Toll free:800 -358-9616 FIRM Panels 0008 B,0009 B,0012 B,0013 B were corrected on 3 June 1994 by FEMA to correct the datum reference from the NGVD to MLLW.The Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM),revised February 15, 1985,for the community indicates a 100-year,or Base Flood Elevation (BFE)of 17 ft MLLW. Pagemaster |(907)753-2622 Floodplain Manager |(907)753-2610 http://www.poa.usace.army.mil/en/cw/fld_haz/bethel.htm 6/7/2003 atefe.Serpe.ph=envOF BETHEL,7 aALASKA||«BETHEL DDIVISION. ;a ote,be Ld C ' ©REVISED:FEBRUARY 16,1984 70 "FederalEmergency Management Agency"COMMUNITY NUMBER -020104 1.0 2.0 3.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION.cc ccccccc csc c cc cacn cece n enna ans ececanencnccseccsens 1 1.1 Purpose of Study......cecccecaccccececece acneccccecenees 1.2 Authority and AcknowledgmentsS....ccccccccacecsccccccccscces 1.3 COOrdination.....ce cccccccccccacsccsccccscccccvesccscceccccs wee2.1 Scope Of Study...ccccnccccccccccsccsccvecvccsceccsccccesce 2.2 Community Description......cccccsccccccccnencssccccccsesces 2.3 Principal Flood Problems....ccc c cece cece ence cece ce eccseces 2.4 Flood Protection MeaSureS....cecccccccsccccceccccsesccccece teWwWWDENGINEERING METHODS ....ccccccccccaccccccccace eee e eee c ence cccce 4 3.1 and 3.2 Hydrologic and Hydraulic AnalysSeS......ccc cece eee 4 FLOOD PLAIN MANAGEMENT APPLICATIONS..cccccccccccccccsccvccccccece 6 4.1 FlOOd BoundarieS....ccccccccccccsncsvcascsccevecesesscsvese 6 4.2 PlOOAWAYS 2.cece cece cece cree ccc ccc cere cc case merece cesesaceae 6 INSURANCE APPLICATION.ccc ccc ccccc ccc snnceseacececesceseccensccece 7 5.1 Reach DeterminationS....cccscscccccscccsccccsccessccnscecee 5.2 Flood Hazard FactOrS..ccccccccvcccccscesvesescces eee neanace 5.3 FlOOd InNSurance ZONES.wcccccsceacscccccccccesescccavccceces 5.4 Flood Insurance Rate Map Description......cccenccccccessacee o JOTHER STUDIES.cc cece v ccc cccccccr cnc seccsccceseneeseseseresscecese 8 LOCATION OF DATA...cccccccccc ccc cnn nce cesessecsccnsescesscsesnnes 8 BIBLIOGRAPHY AND REFERENCES .cccccccoccccoscccvcesccscccscccsesees§lt TABLE OF CONTENTS (Cont'd) Page FIGURES Pigure 1 -Vicinity MaDocccccccccccccedccceccccteccccucsccccsvcescccecs.2 TABLES Table 1 --Summary Of ElevationS.....cccccvccsveccccccccscccsccecsccesns 5 Table 2 -Flood InSurance Zone Data...ccocccccccccccsncsccsssseccscccccces 9 Exhibit 1 -Flood Insurance Rate Map Index Lo a Flood Insurance Rate Map : ii w*FLOOD INSURANCE STUDY 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 1.2 1.3 Purpose of Study This Flood Insurance Study report has been prepared to revise and update a previous Flood Insurance Study/Flood Insurance Rate Map for the City of Bethel,Bethel Division,Alaska,which was published on March 16,1976.This information will be used by Bethel to update existing flood plain regulations as part of the regular program of flood insurance by the Federal Emergency Manage- ment Agency.The information will also be used by local and regional planners to further promote sound land use and flood plain develop- ment. In some states or communities,flood plain management criteria or regulations may exist that are more restrictive or comprehensive than those on which these federally supported studies are based. These criteria take precedence over the minimum Federal criteria for purposes of regulating development in the flood plain,as set forth in the Code of Federal Regulations at 44 CFR,60.3. In such cases,however,it shall be understood that the State (or other jurisdictional agency)shall be able to explain these requirements and criteria. Authority and Acknowledgments The source of authority for this Flood Insurance Study is the National Flood Insurance Act of 1968,as amended. The hydrologic and hydraulic analyses for this study were performed by the U.S.Army Corps of Engineers,for the Federal Emergency Management Agency,under Inter-Agency Agreement No.H-8-70.This work,which was completed in October 1980,covered all significant flooding sources affecting Bethel. Coordination Various local officials and appropriate agencies were contacted for information in this study. 2.0 AREA STUDIED 2.1 Scope of Study This Flood Insurance Study covers the incorporated areas of the City of Bethel,Bethel Division,Alaska.The area of study is shown on the Vicinity Map (Figure 1). .ahOlayM4aosetal:qre"a'naf"soeot*Ba?Eee.14)€a4RLeISES)4aNaneaaeSeae)3gAstFEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY as o :_oe 12 18 MILES CITY OF BETHEL,AK. (BETHEL DIVISION)VICINITY MAP. -2.2 2.3 Selection of the portion of the community studiedby detailed methods was based upon availability of detailed mapping. Flooding from Kuskokwim River as it affects Bethel was analyzed by both detailed and approximate study methods.Approximate methods were also used to analyze low-lying areas of the community. Those areas studied by detailed methods were chosen with considera tion given to all proposed construction and forecasted development through 1985. Approximate analyses were used to study those areas having a low development potential or minimal flood hazards.The scope and methods of study were proposed to and agreed upon by the Federal Emergency Management Agency and the City of Bethel. Community Description Bethel lies on the right bank of Kuskokwim River approximately 390 miles west of Anchorage,500 miles southwest of Fairbanks, and approximately 65 miles up Kuskokwim River from the Bering Sea.It is the hub of southwestern Alaska,as it has an airport suitable for jet aircraft and is a port of call for oceangoing vessels on Kuskokwim River.It is the center of trade,transportation, distribution,communication,administration,and education.Within the vast region served by Bethel,there are 66 villages consisting of approximately 15,000 persons,95 percent of whom are either Eskimos or Athabascan Indians. Principal Flood problems The flood-prone area of the community lies generally in the eastern and northeastern sections of the study area,while high groundextendstothenorthandsouthwest. Eighty percent of the major residential and commercial areas have been inundated by floods in the past.Areas such as Browns Slough are.the most flood prone and contain a heavy density of residential structures.Most commercial establishments within the flood-prone areas are located on somewhat higher ground.Flooding can occur from a combination of factors,including snowmelt and precipitation; however,the primary cause of flooding is ice jams. The Flood Plain Information .report on Kuskokwim River in Bethel (Reference 1)lists overbank flooding at an elevation of 12.1 feet.However,there are several homes in a natural depression where the ground elevation is approximately 8.1 feet.Althoughtheinitialwaterelevationof12.1 feet would theoretically produce overbank flooding,river ice usually forms a natural levee that keeps water out of these homes while others are flooded. 3.0 2.4 Flood Protection Measures The comnunity does not have any flood protection measures nor does it exercise any flood plain management. ENGINEERING METHODS For the flooding sources studied in detail in the community,standard hydrologic and hydraulic study methods..were used to determine the floodhazarddatarequiredforthisstudy.Flood events ofa magnitude which are expected to be equalled or exceeded once on the average during any '10-,50-,100-,or 500-year period (recurrence interval)have been selected as having special significance for flood plain management and for flood insurance premium rates.These events,commonly termed the 10-,50-, 100-,and 500-year floods,have a 10,2,1,and 0.2 percent chance, respectively,of being equalled or exceeded during any year.Although the recurrence interval represents the long term average period between floods of a specific magnitude,rare floods could occur at short intervals 'or even within the same year.The riskof experiencing a rare floodincreaseswhenperiodsgreaterthan1yearareconsidered.For example, the risk of having a flood which equals or exceeds the 100-year flood (1 percent chance of annual occurrence)in any 50-year period is approxi- mately 40 percent (4 in 10),and,for any 90-year period,the risk in- creases to approximately 60 percent (6 in 10).The analyses reported here reflect flooding potentials based on conditions existing in the community at the time of completion of this study.Maps and flood eleva- tions will be amended periodically to reflect future changes. 3.1 and 3.2.Sydrologic and Hydraulic Analyses Records of streamflow on Kuskokwim River have been maintained at Crooked Creek since June 1951 by the U.S.Geological Survey.Another gage was installed at McGrath in July 1963.Other miscella- neous measurements of Kuskokwim River are available-from the U.S. Geological Survey.These records have been supplemented by interviews with local residents,recovered high-water marks from previous floods,tide data from the U.S.Coast and Geodetic Survey,and records of ice jams by the U.S.Army Corps of Engineers.Using the foregoing records and correlating weather records with flows, it has been possible to develop a knowledge of flooding at Bethel. The height of the 100-and 500-year floods has been estimated to be 17.1 and 17.6 feet,respectively.The probabilities of flooding from high floodflowsand ice jams were combined. Elevations for floods of the selected recurrence.intervals on Kuskokwim River are shown in Table 1. Flooding Source and Location Kuskokwim.River At Bethel,Alaska Table l."summary of Elevations (Feet)Elevation 10-Year 50-Year 100-Year 500-Year 14.8 16.5 17.1 17.6 4.0 The 100-year approximate analysis was based on historic flooding information and engineering judgment. All elevations are referenced to the Mean Low Water Datum (MLLW). Elevation reference marks used in the study are shown on the maps. FLOOD PLAIN MANAGEMENT APPLICATIONS The National Flood Insurance Program encourages State and local governments to adopt sound flood plain management programs.Therefore,each Flood Insurance Study includes a flood boundary map designed to assist communi- ties in developing sound flood plain management measures. 4.1 4.2 Flood Boundaries In order to provide a national standard without regional discrimina- tion,the 100-year flood has been adopted by the Federal Emergency Management Agency as the base flood for purposes of flood plain management measures.The 500-year flood is employed to indicate additional areas of flood risk in the community.For each stream studied in detail,the boundaries of the 100-and 500-year floods have been delineated using the flood elevations determined at each cross section;between cross sections,the boundaries were interpolated using topographic maps at scales of 1:1200 and 1:2400, with contour intervals of 2 and 5 feet (References 2 and 3). Boundaries of the approximate flooding areas were delineated using the determined elevations and topographic maps at a scale of 1:63,360, with a contour interval of 25 feet (Reference 4). Flood boundaries are indicated on the Flood Insurance Rate Map (Exhibit 1).On this map,the 100-year flood boundary corresponds to the boundary of the areas of special flood hazards (Zones A and AS);and the 500-year flood boundary corresponds to the boundary of the areas of moderate flood hazards (Zone B).In cases where the 100-and 500-year flood boundaries are close together,only the 100-year flood boundary has been shown.Small areas within the flood boundaries may lie above the flood elevations and,therefore, not be subject to flooding;owing to limitations of the map scale, such areas are not shown.: Floodways The floodway is the channel of a stream plus any adjacent flood plain areas that must be kept free of encroachment in order that the 100-year flood may be carried without substantial increases in flood heights. Because flooding in this community is tidal,no floodway was computed for Kuskokwim River. 5.0.INSURANCE APPLICATION In order to establish actuarial insurance rates,the Federal Emergency Management Agency has developeda process to transform the data from the engineering study into flood insurance criteria.This process includes the determination of reaches,Flood Hazard Factors,and flood insurance zone.designations for each flooding source studied in detail affecting the City of Bethel. 5.1 Reach Determinations Reaches are defined as lengths of watercourses or water bodies having relatively the same flood hazard.In tidal areas,reaches are limited to the distance for which the 100-year flood elevation does.not vary more than 1.0 foot.Using these criteria,one reach was required for the flooding source of Bethel.The location of this reach is shown on the FPlood Insurance Rate Map (Exhibit 1). 5.2 Flood Hazard Factors (FHFs) The FHF is the Federal Emergency Management Agency device used to correlate flood information with insurance rate tables.Correla- tions between property damage from floods and their FHF are used to set actuarial insurance premium rate tables based on FHFs from 005 to 200. The FHF for a reach is the average weighted difference between the 10-and 100-year flood water-surface elevations e"pressed to the nearest one-half foot,and shown as a three-digit code. For example,if the difference between water-surface elevations of the 10- and 100-year floods is 0.7 foot,the FHF is 005;if the difference is 1.4 feet,the FHF is 015;if the difference is 5.0 feet,the FHF is 050.When the difference between the 10 -and 100-year water-surface elevations is greater than 10.0 feet,accuracy for the FHF is to the nearest foot. 5.3 Flood Insurance Zones After the determination of reaches and their respective FHFs, the entire incorporated area of Bethel was divided into zones, each having a specific flood potential or hazard.Each zone was assigned one of the following flood insurance zone designations: zone A:Special Flood Hazard Areas inundated by the 100-year flood,determined by approximate methods;no base flood elevations shown or FHFs determined. zone A5:.Special Flood Hazard Areas inundated by the 100-year flood,determined by detailed methods;base flood elevations 6.0 7.0 shown,and zones subdivided according to FHFs. zone B:Areas between the Special Flood Hazard Areas and the limits of the 500-year flood,including areas of the 500-year flood plain that are protected from the 100-year flood by dike,levee, or other water control structure;also areas subject to certain types of 100- year shallow flooding where depths are less than 1.0 foot;and areas subject to 100-year flooding from sources with drainage areas less than 1 square mile. zone B is not subdivided. zone C:Areas of minimal flooding. The flood elevation differences,FHFs,flood insurance zones, and base flood elevations for each flooding source studied in detail in the community are summarized in Table 2. 5.4 Plood Insurance Rate Map Description The Flood Insurance Rate Map for Bethel is,for insurance purposes, the principal result of the Flood Insurance Study.This map contains the official delineation of flood insurance zones and base flood elevation lines.Base flood elevation lines show the locations of the expected whole-foot water-surface elevations of the base (100-year)flood.This map is developed in accordance with the latest flood insurance map preparation guidelines published by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. OTHER STUDIES This study supersedes the previous Flood Insurance Study published for the City of Bethel (Reference 5).It also supersedes the Flood Plain Information report for Kuskokwim River prepared by the U.S.Army Corps of Engineers in 1968 (Reference 1). This study is authoritative for the purposes of the National Flood Insur- ance Program;data presented herein either supersede or are compatible with all previous determinations. LOCATION OF DATA 'Information concerning the pertinent data used in preparation of this study can be obtained by contacting the Natural and Technological Hazards Division,Federal Emergency Management Agency,Federal Regional Center, 130 228th Street,SW,Bothell,Washington 98011. ws a a y)ELEVATION DIFFERENCE .1 |BETWEEN 1%(1O0-YEAR)FLOOD AND|FLOOD BASE FLOOD FLOODING SOURCE PANEL HAZARD ZONE ELEVATION 510%2%0.2%FACTOR FEET (MLLW)(LO-YEAR)|(50-YEAR)|(500-YEAR) Kuskokwim River Reach 1 0008,0009}-2.3 -0.6 0.5 025 AS 17 0012,0013 1 e100d Insurance Rate Map Panel 2 Weighted Average 3pounded to Nearest Foot ¢31avlFEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY . CITY OF BETHEL,AK(BETHEL DIVISION) FLOOD INSURANCE ZONE DATA KUSKOKWIM RIVER 8.0 BIBLIOGRAPHY AND REFERENCES 1. 2. U.S.Department of the Army,Corps of Engineers,Flood Plain Infor-mation,Bethel,Alaska,Kuskokwim River,December 1968 Air Photo Tech,Inc.,Topographic Maps,Scale 1:1200,Contour Interval 2 feet:Bethel,Alaska (1979) Air Photo Tech,Inc.,Topographic Maps,Scale 1:2400,Contour Interval 5 feet:Bethel,Alaska (1979) U.S.Department of the Interior,Geological Survey,Topographic Maps,Scale 1:63,360,Contour Interval 25 feet,Bethel,AK C 8 (1954),Bethel,AK D-7 (1954),Bethel,AK D-8 (1954) U.S.Department of Housing and Urban Development,Federal Insurance Administration,Flood Insurance Study,City of Bethel,Alaska, 1976 10 APPENDIX C CONCEPTUAL DESIGN DRAWINGS BETHEL,ALASKA mo- 4| jeeeGeAee I I oa,Ct "PRG |(# ie= Rai Hs ir pee|IRBOERATOR mites Cl1 TT -- L '4 en | aPapascal COMBSTOM cases, nrewsepareru4 = | Znerr compusnon HEATRECOVERY zp ron STEAM GENERATOR 4 cuycot wear 774 q giaciuarnion- | Sbf hd I I +) COOLNGROWER >r4..Pa f ( ul Iaaaya |__4 b (| anea R Ur hd i T Cv PIPELINESYO XY NUVISTA LIGHT &POWER CO. POWER PLANT FEASIERITY STUDY CONCEPTUAL OST. ()\ PROJECT LAYOUT NG =100" Si.g|o|Gsw|BS _-1- s<Ey]3|:ga <aeAis>|2aCONCEPTUAL AUTOCAD DRAWING NANE:014-Tare FARWLOWGPLOTINGDATE:08/26/03 (10:27) (BULK FUEL TANK FARM PLAN canaonPe XCi2Jsee: 1990" CREEDORWHoats 8/25/03 08 AME, 03-014 ates Ballad TANK FARM SITE PLANsom oFC-2 PLOTIING DATE:08/26/05 (40:27)AUTOCAD ORAWHG NAME:O14-TAMC FARM.DWC S|.g|5@|5s 20's tao" Fy® FURL Tan FUEL thew Pma3 73° 18° 2. ts" 15 Py Ei ner COMORERE Tanee 7 9a] MINGWAL(THEA) H. ; h* alSu 22,f 0" ey3 10° 23, 1} 3in 19" 28}: <- j I + TF +ttfa + IFi |0Fy 7 va + L + - x == = 3 pemosmon| towJaeea|\eaton ir Se ianns 3|* RAATOR MAQATOR z COrenee PEMAROST : (2\ BULK FUEL TANK FARM SECTION i. NSRd =|9<<) Lone idl 3 CONCEPTUAL EXISTING / GROUND (@)ROAD SECTION cenonOAM 8/23/05200WN 03 014 Catan BldSECTIONSC-3 AQns ALrwasva4 INVId HBMOd on Sane oUn j+ omSWOT esTia'O09Y3MOd 9 LHOIMT VISIANN TWNLdIONOS ihe:EEg THERMO SYPHON LAYOUTCY DATA) VL=010 BRET Sham OvOOLNY (9200) £0/90/00 vO DNLOT! HYBRID THERMO It NUVISTA LIGHT &POWER CO. POWER PLANT FEASBWILITY STUDY BETHEL,ALASKA (\ INTERMEDIATE TANK PLAN C-5fFSCALE, "mag Ot 4-WNTERWEDWTE TANK.OWG PLOTRING DATE:08/26/03 (10:21) AUTOCAD DRAWNG NAME: 1208WANE: 03-014 wd«2i= | SPN GONOENSER 100,000 GALLON 50'6 INTERMEDIATE 2 Sua TANK Fg 3 | Oo 3E TOR q one PRIMARY o J \ [er : ; q s F) " . fi 8°HIGH F aa 2%t Sn = i] |F FENCE | F 1 i re [ , f l \\ 7 : Tt 7 a . eaeeeut ; a 7 a . . eo, ss : joatts 8/23/03 Pomacnost RATLoge concnere conc) a7m0 wow PRIMARY . Fore= ANSULATION GEOTEXILE: NER RADUTOR 6yan *h FARK RINGWALL Obamas OTL:WIERMECIAIT TANK (2\ INTERMEDIATE TANK SECTION C-5 PLOTRNG DATE:08/26/03 (10:29)AUTOCAD DRAWING NAME:014-TAM FARM OWS an_sws(03)NV1dONidid\/avi_NOTIVDnOANNidMLNOTIN:MOTZervi_NOTWOnomOFNdere,NOT'NOCTICONCEPTUAL NUVISTA LIGHT &POWER CO.90/ez/amivolVIO-tOSNGer]wnweexamasNeRENO)=())LCMF..POWER PLANT FEASIBLITY STUDYBETHEL,ALASKA AUTOCAD DRAWING MANE:014 MODULE SECTION DwGPLOTINGDATE:08/26/03 (10:23) 4 CoMaUSTONPURDINE/CENGRATOR amass WOOUWE i g : Fei STEAMTURBINE /CENERATOR SAND& GRAVEL \ |T ae sanoMU, :H PORMAFROS! ! mrEmug HELI 4 Pee(recat) ' 0'1a\A LISS Beal (Tm) &src oote NUVISTA LIGHT &POWER CO POWER PLANT FEASBILITY STUDY BETHEL,ALASKA (\ MODULE LAYOUT SECTION C-7] Stu: "aaa! iF... i ryCONCEPTUALRESTSOhWH U fora 8/29/0300RAE03-014 Y; fomentThus: +t} SECTIONS&OCtALS - 42.75" t 200° | 108" | 100° ] (2\ THERMO HELIX PILE DETAIL (G\ FUEL BARGE OFF-LOADING DOCK-PLAN aad \c-77 sca: 17030" 6-7) SME: 17660" C-7 APPENDIX D HEAT REQUIREMENT SUMMARIES Project Description :Bethel Power Plant Project Number:03-014 Analysis by:MKH Heat Requirement: Input: Diameter= Height= V (Volume)= D (Density)= Specific Heat= T (Maintained)= R= Surface Area per Tank,A= Time= Calcs:Heat Loss per Tank =Q=(Delta T)*A/R 120 40 3200000 7.17 0.43 20 16.84 26389 24 Bulk Fuel Tanks,120°Dia x 40°High gal ib/gal BTU/Ib*F F Hr*Ft*2*F/BTU (6"insulation,15 mph wind) sq ft Hours Data from AK Engineering Design Information System (1949 to 2001) Heat Loss (Q)Heat Loss (Q)Heat Loss (Q) Month AvgMinT DeltaT No/Days (BTU/Hr)(BTU/Day)BTU/Month Jan 0.8 19.2 31 30088 722104 22385213 Feb 0 20 28 31341 752191 21061357 Mar 5.2 14.8 31 23193 556622 17255269 Apr 16.9 3.1 30 4858 116590 3497690 May 32.3 0 31 0 0 0 Jun 42.8 0 30 0 0 0 Jul 47.9 0 31 0 0 0 Aug 46.5 0 31 0 0 0 Sep 38.4 0 30 0 0 0 Oct 24 0 31 0 0 0 Nov 11.6 8.4 30 13163 315920 9477610 Dec 0.6 19.4 31 30401 729626 22618393 [Total 96295531 |BTU/year per tank Project Description :Bethel Power Plant Project Number:03-014 Analysis by;MKH Heat Requirement: Input:Intermediate Fuel Tank,30°Dia x 20°High Diameter=30 ft Height=20 ft V(Volume)=100000 =gai D (Density)=7.17 Ib/gal Specific Heat=0.43 BTU/Ib*F Ti (Initial)=20 F T (Maintained)=70 F R=16.84 Hr*Ft42*F/BTU (6°insulation,15 mph wind) Surface Area per Tank,A=2592 sq ft Time=24 Hours Calcs:Heat to raise temp from 20F to 70F,Q=(V*D)*(Delta T)*Specific Heat Q=15423793 BTU per 100,000 gallons Calcs:Heat Loss per Tank =Q=(Delta T)*A/R Data from AK Engineering Design Information System (1949 to 2001) Heat Loss (Q)Heat Loss (Q}Heat Loss (Q) Month AvgMinT DeltaT No/Days (BTU/Hr)(BTU/Day)BTU/Month Jan 0.8 69.2 31 10650 255611 7923932 Feb 0 70 28 10774 258566 7239841 Mar 5.2 64.8 31 9973 239358 7420099 Apr 16.9 53.1 30 8173 196141 5884218 May 32.3 37.7 31 5802 139256 4316940 Jun 42.8 27.2 30 4186 100471 3014138 Jul 47.9 22.1 31 3401 81633 2530620 Aug 46.5 23.5 31 3617 86804 2690931 Sep 38.4 31.6 30 4863 116724 3501719 Oct 24 46 31 7080 169915 5267354 Nov 11.6 58.4 30 8988 215718 6471532 Dec 0.6 =.69.4 31 10681 256349 7946834 [Total 64208158 |BTU/year Project Description :Bethel Power Plant Project Number:03-014 Analysis by:MKH Heat Requirement: Input:Raw Water Tank,55'Dia x 40'High Diameter=55 ft Height=40 ft V (Volume)=700000 -gal D (Density)=8.34 -Ib/gal Specific Heat=1.0 BTU/Ib*F T (Maintained)=70 F R=16.84 Surface Area per Tank,A=9287 sqft Time=24 Hours Calcs:Heat Loss per Tank =Q=(Delta T)*A/R Hr*Ft42*F/BTU (6”insulation,15 mph wind) Data from AK Engineering Design Information System (1949 to 2001) Heat Loss (Q)HeatLoss(Q)Heat Loss (Q) Month AvgMinT DeltaT No/Days (BTU/Hr)(BTU/Day)BTU/Month Jan 0.8 69.2 31 38164 915938 28394091 Feb 0 70 28 38605 926527 25942765 Mar 5.2 64.8 31 35737 857700 26588687 Apr 16.9 53.1 30 29285 702837 21085114 May 32.3 37.7 31 20792 499001 15469035 Jun 42.8 27.2 30 0 0 0 Jul 47.9 22.1 31 0 0 0 Aug 46.5 23.5 31 0 0 0 Sep 38.4 31.6 30 0 0 0 Oct 24 46 31 25369 608861 18874685 Nov 11.6 58.4 30 32208 772988 23189655 Dec 0.6 69.4 31 38274 918586 28476155 [Total 788020167 |BTU/year APPENDIX E CONSTRUCTION BUDGET COST ESTIMATES BUDGET COST ESTIMATE Power Plant Feasibility Stady 5B MATERIAL UNIT MATL FREIGHT No.ITEM QTY UNITS}_COST TOTAL $0.20/b TOTAL Mobilization/Demobilization ........2:c00cccosseeessccencveceve ce ouuescos se00vaeoes scone suasccscs reno ae seu vee nesouseucnavoavecccoa coseaeneuecEnE ness ee Hoes ooo IDeIE DOSE RECO OF 100,000 1 Mob/DeMob 1 SUM 100,000 100,000 106,000 Earthworks ..3,066,000) 2 Module &Tank Pad Sand Fill 30,000 CY 15 450,000 450,000 3 Module &Tank Pad Gravel Surface Course 8"5,200 CY 80 416,000 416,000 4 Access Roads 10,000 LF 220 2,200,000 2,200,000 5 Module &Tank Pad Non-Woven Geotextile 4,000 SF 0.10 400 800 1,200 6 Module &Tank Pad Woven Geotestile 190,000 SF 0.10 19,000 38,000 $7,000 Thermal Protection .........000ssscscsccsccooe seceoonec coe secsesvonsns coseceasearssras secs srececeneseencaccsererssen ees susess aennsenesoorevens roeeacereconseesoe coer estes aanoose 251,700) 7 Intermediate &Water Tanks Rigid Insulation 95,000 BF 1.00 95,000 9,500 104,500 8 Int.&Water Tanks Flat Loop Thermo Syphon w/Hybrid Condensor 20 =+-§EA 7,000 540,000 7,200 147,200 Module Foundation...........cscsccccsocccceeveccceecsvccs cosonrees soon pears coersceossesssoses oes oes sareseasa voc eseaee vucensusctecnecceoacoaccavoeeeantceosec ere teers eesessznesar 1,374,500 9 Thermo Helix-Pite w/Hybrid Condensor 150 EA 5,500.00 825,000 84,000 909,000 10 Pile Installation (35 Foot Embed:)150 EA 1,600.00 240,000 240,000 11 W18 x 55 Beams 5,500 LF 30 165,000 60,500 225,500 Secondary Containment .........0.ccccscccccessoosscnvsoestesscesessscaueeseceessavescsesvvcceeveesacevonestoacascansacarccencuscaceneneeseecceneescseeseeocaaessoosaasencaareny 63,201 12 Intermediate Tank Primary Liner 5,700 SF 4.00 22,800 1,140 23,940 13 Intermediate Tank Dike Posts 40 EA 70 2,800 1,220 4,020 14 Intermediate Tank Dike 6x6 Wall Timbers 2,200 LF YW 24,200 2,942 27,142 15 Sheet Metal Covers 300 LF 22 6,600 1,500 8,100 Tank Foundations ........:000.ssscccesccocsscosccccossceroscesenccovecssacvocenececassreaceacenseceaeeencassaensesaseadnevuusesesasaonssneuesoaressagesonssasecodesccceseccosnens 16 Intermediate Tank (30 Dia)Foundation 20 CY 1,000 20,453 2,209 22,662 17 Water Tank (55'Dia)Foundation 35°CY 1,000 34,998 3,780 38,777 18 Intermediate Tank (100,000 gal Insulated Tank,Erected)1 EA 100,000 100,000 100,000 19 I diate Tank App 1 LS 10,000 10,000 200 10,200 20 Raw Water Tank (700,000 gal Insulated Tank,Erected)1 EA 400,000 400,000 400,000 21 Raw Water Tank Appurtenances 1 LS 10,000 10,000 200 10,200 Fuel &Raw Water Pipelines .........c.c00-cesscocacsessonorsougeoe veces ouesvagessescsssonasc eee segasvsressso seccus sescsas ee ceussssescasecssrs ssonscase ceposecceasee cesesesassed 128,000 22 4"x 10”insulated Sch 40 Pipe (Issue)350 LF 65 22,750 755 23,505 23 Coated 2"Sch 40 Pipe (Water Draw)50 «LF 15 750 37 787 24 4°Plug Valve 5 EA 1,750 8,750 95 8,845 25 4"Check Valve 2 EA 360 720 24 744 26 4"Gate Valve (Water Tank}1 EA 495 495 22 517 27 3°Bail Valve 2 EA 400 800 20 820 28 2”Bali Valve 6 EA 200 1,200 20 1,220 29 Fill Limiting Valve 2 EA 965 1,930 12 1,942 30 Pipe Supports 20 EA 300 6,000 800 6,800 31 2*X 8"Insulated HDPE Pipe (Glycol)1,400 LF 55 77,000 1,120 78,120 32 2"x 8"Half Shells (HDPE Joints)30 EA 40 1,200 900 2,100 33 2"x 8°Elbows 10 EA 250 2,500 100 2,600 Dock ..cssesccsessessecsessascasssssusseer®scesenssunssesssscesestusvasassucanen onsen seansnesnssessascasnesuenesnetanonessounusvoesuentanasee seanscscnsseseasooes pesiessesssuseees 34 Fuel Dock 188 «LF 5,500 1,034,000 1,034,000 35 Marine Header Containment 1 Ls 7,500 7,500 1,000 8,500 36 Marine Header Assmbly 1 EA 2,500 2,500 350 2,850 Security Fencing .........00s0sssccccoces ovscvssscrosssconsgescrossuouccseeusen oensans ceceas cea cor ase osesasanssasonsner sucsuscasengsaaunedagecacassarse0spasceasereuscccooCoesoreee 29,700) 37 Chain Link Fence 1,200 LF 15 18,000 3,600 21,600 38 Vehicle Gate 2 =+&EA 4,000 8,000 100 8,100 Electrical ....csssessccsssussvecovesesessucssscsscsssneosssusavccsssoscccacsusessecsnveseecessecsuesssussusosssaneccanssusscueecsssanecaceanvesesuusescussansseastesessuacaneeecanons 39 Electrical Controis 1 SUM 50,000 50,000 1,000 51,000 40 Lighting 1 SUM 50,000 50000 2500 $2,500 Sub-Total:6,801,991 Contingency @ 15%1,020,299 Overhead &Profit @ 5%391,115 Bonding and Insurance @ 15%117,334 Combustion Turbine Power Plant BUDGET COST ESTIMATE Power Plant Feasibility StudyBethel,Alaska MATERIAL UNIT MATL FREIGHT No.ITEM QTY UNITS COST TOTAL $0.20/b TOTAL Mobilization/Demobilization .................06 |100,000] 1 Mob/DeMob !SUM 100,000 100,000 100,000 Earthworks .......c:ccscecccessossccccccaessennsteeroesoscasssscocosceeosboeseesosssesecescccsacescecessoece 1,680,000 2 Tank Farm Sand Fill 80,000 CY 15 1,200,000 1,260,000 3)Tank Farm Gravel Surface Course 8"6,000 cy 80 480,000 480,000 G He....cccceccocescavecanseascecnecscecnsescceneaesssscsenesceeesoonsessnenseeeaesccnacsocoeesoecersenessacscessussosonnccecesceseseeeces an 4 =Tank Farm Non-Woven Geotextile 325,000 SF 0.10 12,500 25,000 37,500 $Tank Farm Woven Geotextile 350,000 SF 0.10 35,000 =70,000 105,000 Thermal Protection .......2.:ccccccccessseescsnensnscensereccocesaensetseensessteuasseteessanneseseceasseseaeesssnsseeeserseesaeaesstneneeseesooaraaepesaneeesaseeseene 2,710,000; 6 Tank Farm Rigid Insulation 1,460,000 BF 1.00 1,460,000 146,000 1,606,000 7 Tank Farm Flat Loop Thermo Syphon w/Hybrid Condensor 150 EA 7,000 1,050,000 $4,000 1,104,000 Secondary Containment .......:.0ssccesesevecesseccecrseses vucceoeveseevesesnees soscccarooenensdeuerscussensectncsssceacsnaceaetepnectsersesecoeassseasssacceesseooeses| 8 Tank Farm Primary Liner 265,000 SF 4.00 1,060,000 53,000 1,113,000 Tamk Foundations ........02.:ccssccccsssesseseseeneecsesrsconcoossctesesetsannseteesesceneoscocconeatnacesanassessseneesaacacsseseenesousseaeacersogeccenacrascenseetenes 620,480 9 Tank Farm (120'Dia)Foundations 1,000 $60,000 60,480 620,480 Tanks ........c00045 nosceneceeeeacceeeesscesesosaceestenetnesneseenes a veseenerecesensneees 12,081,600) 10 Tank Farm (3.2 mid gal Insulated Tank,Erected)8 EA 1,500,000 12,000,000 12,000,000 11 Tank Farm Appurtenances 8 LS 10,000 80,000 1,600 81,600 Tank Farm Walkways .........0.0sscccccseosseseccvoocsss000 covessenovceeeesces sovvcea svosaccesesc occa roves eeosesouscsssaneceasccesosccecoe eves eesduseeuacceououcanaaeee 353,790 12 Walkway Supports 50 EA 2,200 110,000 12,000 122,000 13 Steel Catwalk 730 LF 175 127,750 43,800 171,550 14 Coating 15000 SF 4.00 60,000 240 60,240 Pipolines and Valves..........c--cccsesssesessnencecssccnscssvvcvseecesvsesscvessoscencevsccossccecesusessccnovensasescersonsesceucsancsenasreesececessedassaesswnccebeens 933,310) 15 Coated 8"Sch 40 Pipe (Fill)4,200 LF 70 294,000 23,999 317,999 16 4"x 10"Insulated Sch 40 Pipe (Issue)2,100 LF 7s 157,500 4,532 162,032 17 Coated 2"Sch 40 Pipe (Water Draw)1,000 LF 15 15,000 730 15,730 18 8"Plug Valve 9 EA 3,280 29,520 666 30,186 19 8"Gate Valve 1 EA 1,255 1,255 62 1317 20 8"Check Valve i EA 1,190 1,190 55 1,245 21 4"Phig Valve 16 EA 1,750 28,000 304 28,304 22 4"Check Valve 8 EA 360 2,880 96 2,976 23 3"Ball Valve 8 EA 400 3,200 80 3,280 24 2”Ball Valve 24 EA 200 4,800 82 4,882 25 Pipe Supports 375 EA 300 112,500 15,000 127,500 26 Pig Catcher i EA 7,000 7,000 2,500 9,500 27 Cathodic Protection i EA 50,000 50,000 50,000 28 2”X 8"Insulated HDPE Pipe (Glycol)3,000 LF 55 165,000 2,400 167,400 29 2"x 8"Half Shelis (HDPE Joints)60 EA 40 2,400 1,800 4,200 30 2"x 8"Elbows (HDPE)26 EA 250 6,500 260 6,760 Pumpb Mechanical Systems [86,996] 3t 4”Sch 40 Pipe 50 LF a 3,000 286 3,286 32 4”Phug Valve 2 EA 1,750 3,500 38 3,538 33 4”Bali Valve 2 EA 550 1,100 30 1,130 34 6"Butterfly Valve 2 EA 700 1,400 60 1,460 35 3"Sch 40 Pipe 50 LF 50 2,500 150 2,650 36 3"Ball Valve 2 EA 400 800 20 820 37 3"Check Vaive 2 EA 350 700 12 712 38 30 hp Pumps (Fuel Transfer)2 EA 20,000 40,000 120 40,120 39 Filter/Separator 2 EA 10,000 20,000 40 20,040 40 Accumulators 2 EA 1,500 3,000 40 3,040 41 Misc Accessories i LS 10,000 10,000 200 10,200 Pumph Building ..........0.csessscesccsscscscsccserete ses ocsecevnccaseoceaccvsaccovacvoesseccosecreteonsseconasaarcoonscescassereenesenensnegeasocossaoESocereneers 90,000) 42 20'x30'Building 600 SF 150 90,000 90,000 Security Fencing .......... 43 Chain Link Fence 3,000 LF 15 45,000 9,000 54,000 44 Vehicle Gate 1 EA 4,000 4,000 100 4,100 Blectrical .....cssssssssessesssess sasesoceecevecsecssussssssesecenssnesseranteese im eve ...[___203,500] 45 Electrical Controls 1 SUM 100,000 100,000 1,000 101,000 46 Lighting 1 SUM 100,000 100000 2500 102,500 Sub-Total:20,173,276 Contingency @ 15%3,025,991 Overhead &Profit @ 5%1,159,963 Bonding and Insurance @ 1.5%347,989 25 mil Gai Bulk Fuel Tank Farm Total;24,707,220 BUDGE. uJT ESTIMATE Power Plant Feasibility Study Bethel,Alaska MATERIAL UNIT MATL FREIGHT No.ITEM QTY UNITS}COST TOTAL $0.20/Ib TOTAL Earthworks ........cccccecocosceecceucsecscccosssegescecesossocecescescvscevcccecoccssovccccosestocceoso0s00000000s0csasvesesscnecascescasesscetacscorscecesansocsossoonceenseseece 396,000 4 Access Roads 1,800 LF 220 396,000 396,000 Cooling Lake System...........ccocsscvccesscccnonesccssscccsceccessosccvcesccvsvcoesctsonneesennenscosccrorseesseneseosscnscescerassasneesaarosssessresernoesercessssensoeteerss 2,015,494 34 24"O.D.Pipe (Installed)7,400 LF 38 282,088 =139,120 421,208 34 Pipe Supports (60'Centers)135 EA 7,800 1,053,000 86,400 1,139,400 35 24"Gate Valve 3.EA 7,150 21,450 1,776 23,226 36 Building (16 x 20)320 SF 150 48,000 4,800 52,800 36 Driven 8"Steel Piling for Building (Installed)6 EA 3,750.00 22,500 3,360 25,860 37 350 HP,15,000 GPM Pump 2 EA 125,000 250,000 3,000 253,000 38 Misc Accessories I LS 50,000 50,000 50,000 39 Discharge Structure 1 EA 25,000 25,000 25,000 40 Intake Structure 1 EA 25,000 25,000 25,000 Security Fencing ...........00coesccosccccesseescousssccsccssccersscs000cscceesecsoccescoransstseccvas#eoocroasscbeenseranenagassscessesraeeaeesoeansesssenoeocasonteesensoneoad 44 Chain Link Fence 9,100 LF 15 136,500 27,300 163,800 45 Vehicle Gate 1 EA 4,000 4,000 100 4,100 Electrical ..........ccssscsccsccsoesnecectcoscceccscscocescsensusoovonsccescsnsccavsccsonsccrsaesesesesccoesoesessesegesssagecscousscsonsctseesnesserausoesescaccseecesessearsescood 46 Electrical Controls 1 LS 100,000 100,000 1,000 101,000 47 Lighting 1 LS 50,000 50000 2500 $2,500 Delete Cooling Tower ........css00sccccoscssccscercocscssecssseevensasscsscesocsecscetssscnssnsessaaeosogsssorestcnesesesesoeacenasseooescasesesccoscnaesesrsoaseusserevsoesaes 16 Cooling Tower Thermo Helix-Piles -32 EA 7,100 -227,200 -_-17,920 -245,120 Sub-Total:2,487,774 Contingency @ 15%373,166 Overhead &Profit @ 5%143,047 Bonding and Insurance @ 1.5%42,914 |Total:3,046,901} Cooling Lake Option Dyyden é LaRue,Inc. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 3305 Arctic Blvd..Suite 201,Anchorage,Alaska 99503-4575 Phone:(907)349-6653 *Fax (907)522-2534 Email:office@drydenlarue.com July 17,2003 Frank Bettine 229 Whitney Road Anchorage,AK 99511-2265 Reference:Donlin Creek Transmission Lines Pre-Design Cost Estimates We have completed our estimates of construction costs for the transmission line options to serve the Donlin Creek Mine.In our June 10 letter we had estimated the 190 mile-long transmission line from Bethel would cost approximately $140.42 million.This estimate was based on using all steel H-frame structures outside Bethel with driven or grouted pipe-pile foundations. In our last meeting,you asked that the transportation costs not be included in the estimate,and that our driven pile lengths be shorten by about 10 feet to better reflect pile lengths used on other transmission projects.Making these revisions resulted in a cost estimate of $133.14 million for the 138 kV transmission line.The estimated cost of the substations and distribution lines remains unchanged from our June 10 letter.Their combined cost is $13.78 million. We looked at using steel X-towers with H-pile foundations and anchors in the lowland area between Bethel and Kalskag.Using the same assumptions as the above estimate,i.e. no transportation costs and reduced pile lengths,resulted in this estimate being $136.61 million.Our conclusion from this is that two H-pile foundations,two H-pile anchors,four guys and a X-tower cannot beat the cost of two pipe piles and a H-frame. We estimate $12.74 million can be saved if the structures between Kalskag and Donlin Creek are direct buried instead of supported on pile foundations.The project estimate for the all H-frame option thus becomes $120.40 million. As an alternative to serving the mine from Bethel,we estimated the cost to build a D/C line from Nenana to Donlin Creek.We have some serious concerns about the logistics of building this line due to access,weather,environmental restraints,etc.We believe the most likely scenario for building this line is via ice roads constructed from both Nenana Bettine &Associates July 17,2003 Donlin Creek Transmission Lines Page 2 and Donlin Creek over several (we've estimated four)winters.Finding adequate water sources along the route for the ice roads could be problematic.Setting up and operating work camps along the route will also create some challenges.Our estimate is based on all these logistic concerns being resolved favorably. After re-evaluating the conductor size,we concluded that it should be of similar size as the 138 kV A/C options.Therefore our D/C estimate assumes the same fiber optic and conductor size (Cardinal)as the A/C options.Structure type for the D/C option is assumed to be single shaft steel poles with either suspension insulators hanging from davit arms or horizontal-Vee insulator assemblies.Loading criteria,average span lengths, percentage of angle and dead end structures,and clearing requirements are assumed to be similar to the A/C options.We assumed two thirds of the foundations would be on driven piles and the other one third would be direct buried. Our estimate to construct the 385 mile-long D/C line from Nenana to Donlin Creek is $246.5 million,or approximately $640,200 per mile.This estimate includes about $44 million for ice road construction and transporting materials along the ice roads.We have not included any costs for A/C to D/C conversions at either end of the line. We've assumed at least half of the materials for the D/C line would be delivered to Nenana and the remaining would be barged to Crooked Creek.Like the A/C options,the barge costs are not included in our estimates.We estimate approximately 1,000 tons of materials will need to be barged to Crooked Creek for the D/C option.For the A/C options,approximately 1,200 tons of materials will be needed for the portion betweenBethelandDonlinCreek. As with our previous estimates,our costs include a 15%planning-type contingency.They do not include environmental studies,permitting,land acquisition,surveying, engineering,or construction management costs.We have enclosed back up for our cost estimates. If you have any questions,do not hesitate to call. Dryden &LaRue,Inc. GDH:deg/frankletter7-17-03.doc BETHEL -DONLIN CREEK 138 KV TRANSMISSION LINE -_- 2 .-oPRE-DESIGN CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE OPTION A:ALL STEEL H-FRAMES OUTSIDE BETHEL,PILE FOUNDATIONS,NO BARGE COSTS Unit Price Approx.ExtendedUnitNo.of Units Description Labor Materials Labor &Materials Extended Price Wt.Wt. Clearing Lt.Clear 85 mi.Light Clearing $8,000 $0 $8,000 $680,000 Md.Clear 38 mi.Medium Clearing $20,000 $0 $20,000 $760,000 Hvy.Clear =67 mi.Heavy Clearing $30,000 $0 $30,000 $1,995,000 Driven Piles.Lowlands 10-3x40 215 Pile anchor,10"dia.x 40'long $7,500 $618 $8,118 $1,745,370 1545 332175 18-5x40 357 Pipe foundation,18"dia.x 40'$9,500 $1,860 $11,360 $4,055,520 4650 1660050 20-5x40 357 Pipe foundation,20"dia.x 40'$10,500 $2,072 $12,572 $4,488,204 5180 1849260 22-5x40 133 Pipe foundation,22"dia.x 40'$11,600 $2,288 $13,888 $1,847,104 5720 760760 24-5x40 46 Pipe foundation,24"dia.x 40'$12,100 $2,500 $14,600 $671,600 6250 287500 Foundations,Non-Lowlands (pre-drill and drive or auger and qrout) 18-5x20 496 Pipe foundation,18"dia.x 20°$13,000 $928 $13,928 $6,908,288 2320 1150720 20-5x20 496 Pipe foundation,20"dia.x 20'$14,500 $1,036 $15,536 $7,705,856 2590 1284640 22-5x20 186 Pipe foundation,22"dia.x 20°$16,200 $1,144 $17,344 $3,225,984 2860 531960 24-5x20 62 Pipe foundation,24"dia.x 20°$18,000 $1,248 $19,248 $1,193,376 3120 193440 Anchors.Non-Lowlands Anch 237 Plate or screw anchor,x-country $1,500 $200 $1,700 $402,900 100 23700 237 grouted anchor,x-country $3,000 $400 $3,400 $805,800 500 118500 100 Plate or screw anchor,in-town $1,000 $200 $1,200 $120,000 Steel H-frames 106 50'I-string $16,000 $8,400 $24,400 $2,586,400 5600 593600 178 60'I-string $17,000 $10,050 $27,050 $4,814,900 6700 1192600 284 70'I-string $18,000 $12,000 $30,000 $8,520,000 8000 2272000 106 80'I-string $19,000 $14,250 $33,250 $3,524,500 9500 1007000 38 90'I-string $21,000 $17,100 $38,100 $1,447,800 11400 433200 34 50'V-string $16,200 $9,000 $25,200 $856,800 6000 204000 57 60'V-string $17,200 $10,650 $27,850 $1,587,450 7100 404700 92 70'V-string $18,200 $12,600 $30,800 $2,833,600 8400 772800 34 80'V-string $19,200 $14,850 $34,050 $1,157,700 9900 336600 13 90'V-string $21,200 $17,700 $38,900 $505,700 11800 153400 3-Pole Steel Structures (Guyed) 12 50'$14,500 $10,050 $24,550 $294,600 6700 80400 20 60'$15,500 $12,600 $28,100 $562,000 8400 168000 37 70'$16,500 $15,450 $31,950 $1,182,150 10300 381100 12 80'$17,500 $18,900 $36,400 $436,800 12600 151200 2 90'$19,500 $22,200 $41,700 $83,400 14800 29600 Single Steel Poles w/o underbuild (direct embed) 52 75'tangent (61'AG)$25,000 $4,500 $29,500 $1,534,000 3000 5 80'dead end (guyed,70'AG)$22,000 $4,500 $26,500 $132,500 3000 Single Steel Poles w/underbuild (direct embed) 36 60'tangent (47'AG)$24,000 $3,300 $27,300 $982,800 2200 7 70'dead end (guyed,60'AG)$22,000 $3,900 $25,900 $181,300 2600 Pole top assemblies 642 (3)138 kV I-string $2,600 $680 $3,280 $2,105,760 400 256800 230 (3)138 kV V-string $4,000 $1,550 $5,550 $1,276,500 800 184000 95 (3)138 kV running angle $2,600 $750 $3,350 $318,250 400 38000 70 (6)188 kV dead end $22,000 $2,500 $24,500 $1,715,000 850 §9500 52 (3)138 kV horizontal Vee $2,800 $1,800 $4,600 $239,200 36 (3)138 kV posts $1,800 $1,500 $3,300 $118,800 36 12.5 kV tangent arm $1,000 $400 $1,400 $50,400 14 12.5 kV dead end arm $1,800 $800 $2,600 $36,400 7/29/2003 Dryden LaRue,Inc.tof2 Unit No.of Units Miscellaneous 215 1125 191 OPGW assemblies 1027 98 83 Guys 124 739 Wire accessories 4100 250 2000 Wire 89.2 2928.8 1006 41.5 7/29/2003 Description Pile covers Structure signs (danger and #) Aerial patrol signs tangent or running angle dead end splice insulated guy (in-town) un-insulated guy dampers aerial balls bird flight diverters 1000'Cardinal,short span 1000'Cardinal,long span 1000'OPGW (48 singlemode) 1000'336 ACSR Mobilization,staging,work camps,etc. Planning-level contingency: Unit Price Labor Materials Labor &Materials f&xtended Price $50 $30 $80 $17,200 $150 $40 $190 $213,750 $150 $40 $190 $36,290 $500 $80 $580 $595,660 $1,500 $100 $1,600 $156,800 $4,000 $1,200 $5,200 $431,600 $500 $150 $650 $80,600 $800 $100 $900 $665,100 $150 $45 $195 $799,500 $1,500 $650 $2,150 $537,500 $300 $6 $306 $612,000 $5,000 $1,400 $6,400 $570,880 $6,500 $1,400 $7,900 $23,137,520 $5,000 $1,500 $6,500 $6,539,000 $3,500 $750 $4,250 $176,375 Subtotal:$110,259,487 5%$5,512,974 15%$17,365,869 Dryden LaRue,Inc. Total: Average cost per mile: $133,138,331 $698,889 Approx. X1.1= Extended Wt. 2150 2250 955 41080 4900 16600 36950 61500 12500 10000 3953880 603600 10,829 tons 11,912 tons 2o0f2 BETHEL -DONLIN CREEK 138 KV TRANSMISSION LINE PRE-DESIGN CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE OPTION B:ALL STEEL X-TOWERS &H-FRAMES OUTSIDE BETHEL,PILE FOUNDATIONS,NO BARGE COSTS Unit Price Approx.Extended Unit No.of Units Description Labor Materials Labor &Materials Extended Price Wt.We. Clearing Lt.Clear 85 mi.Light Clearing $8,000 $0 $8,000 $680,000 Md.Clear 38 mi.Medium Clearing $20,000 $0 $20,000 $760,000 Hvy.Clear 67 mi.Heavy Clearing $30,000 $0 $30,000 $1,995,000 Driven Piles,Lowlands HP8x40 1019 H-Pile anchor,8"wide.x 40'long $5,500 $576 $6,076 $6,191,444 1440 1467360 HP 10x40 712 H-Pile fdn.,10"wide.x 40°long $6,200 $672 $6,872 $4,892,864 1680 1196160 HP12x40 181 H-Pile fdn.,12"wide.x 40'long $6,500 $848 $7,348 $1,329,988 2120 383720 Foundations,Non-Lowlands (pre-drill and drive or auger and grout) 18-5x20 496 Pipe foundation,18"dia.x 20!$13,000 $928 $13,928 $6,908,288 2320 1150720 20-5x20 496 Pipe foundation,20”dia.x 20'$14,500 $1,036 $15,536 $7,705,856 2590 1284640 22-5x20 186 Pipe foundation,22”dia.x 20°$16,200 $1,144 $17,344 $3,225,984 2860 531960 24-5x20 62 Pipe foundation,24"dia.x 20'$18,000 $1,248 $19,248 $1,193,376 3120 193440 Anchors.Non-Lowlands Anch 237 Plate or screw anchor,x-country $1,500 $200 $1,700 $402,900 100 23700 237 grouted anchor,x-country $3,000 $400 $3,400 $805,800 500 118500 100 Plate or screw anchor,in-town $1,000 $200 $1,200 $120,000 Steel X-towers §2 50'I-string $17,500 $11,250 $28,750 $1,495,000 7500 390000 88 60'I-string $18,500 $12,750 $31,250 $2,750,000 8500 748000 140 70'[-string $19,500 $13,875 $33,375 $4,672,500 9250 1295000 §2 80'I-string $20,500 $15,375 $35,875 $1,865,500 10250 533000 20 90'I-string $22,500 $16,875 $39,375 $787,500 11250 225000 9 50'V-string $17,700 $11,850 $29,550 $265,950 7900 71100 15 60'V-string $18,700 $13,350 $32,050 $480,750 8900 133500 24 70'V-string $19,700 $14,475 $34,175 $820,200 9650 231600 9 80'V-string $20,700 $15,975 $36,675 $330,075 10650 95850 3 90'V-string $22,700 $17,475 $40,175 $120,525 11650 34950 412 ' Stee!H-frames 51 50'I-string $16,000 $8,400 $24,400 $1,244,400 5600 285600 85 60'I-string $17,000 $10,050 $27,050 $2,299,250 6700 569500 136 70'I-string $18,000 $12,000 $30,000 $4,080,000 8000 1088000 51 80'I-string $19,000 $14,250 $33,250 $1,695,750 9500 484500 17 90'I-string $21,000 $17,100 $38,100 $647,700 11400 193800 28 50'V-string $16,200 $9,000 $25,200 $705,600 6000 168000 47 60'V-string $17,200 $10,650 $27,850 $1,308,950 7100 333700 76 70'V-string $18,200 $12,600 $30,800 $2,340,800 8400 638400 28 80'V-string $19,200 $14,850 $34,050 $953,400 9900 277200 11 90'V-string $21,200 $17,700 $38,900 $427,900 11800 129800 3-Pole Stee!Structures (Guyed) 12 50'$14,500 $10,050 $24,550 $294,600 6700 80400 20 60'$15,500 $12,600 $28,100 $562,000 8400 168000 37 70'$16,500 $15,450 $31,950 $1,182,150 -10300 381100 12 80'$17,500 $18,900 $36,400 $436,800 12600 151200 2 g0'$19,500 $22,200 $41,700 $83,400 44800 29600 Single Steel Poles w/o underbuild (direct embed) 52 75'tangent (61'AG)$25,000 $4,500 $29,500 $1,534,000 3000 5 80'dead end (guyed,70'AG)$22,000 $4,500 $26,500 $132,500 3000 ingle Steel Poles w/underbuild (direct embed) 7/29/2003 Dryden LaRue,Inc.1 of 2 Unit No.of Units 36 7 Pole top assemblies 642 250 75 70 52 36 36 14 Miscellaneous Q 1125 191 OPGW assemblies 1027 98 83 124 1648 707 Wire accessories 4100 250 2000 =3|89.2 2928.8 1006 41.5 7/29/2003 Description 60'tangent (47'AG) 70'dead end (guyed,60'AG) (8)138 kV I-string (3)138 kV V-string (3)1388 kV running angle (6)138 kV dead end (3)138 kV horizontal Vee (3)138 kV posts 12.5 kV tangent arm 12.5 kV dead end arm Pile covers Structure signs (danger and #) Aerial patrol signs tangent or running angle dead end splice insulated guy (in-town) un-insulated guy,shear release un-insulated guy,all other dampers aerial balls bird flight diverters 1000'Cardinal,short span 1000'Cardinal,long span 1000'OPGW (48 singlemode) 1000'336 ACSR Mobilization,staging,work camps,etc. Unit Price Labor Materials Labor &Materials Extended Price $24,000 $3,300 $27,300 $982,800 $22,000 $3,900 $25,900 $181,300 $2,600 $680 $3,280 $2,105,760 $4,000 $1,550 $5,550 $1,387,500 $2,600 $750 $3,350 $251,250 $22,000 $2,500 $24,500 $1,715,000 $2,800 $1,800 $4,600 $239,200 $1,800 $1,500 $3,300 $118,800 $1,000 $400 $1,400 $50,400 $1,800 $800 $2,600 $36,400 $50 $30 $80 $0 $150 $40 $190 $213,750 $150 $40 $190 $36,290 $500 $80 $580 $595,660 $1,500 $100 $1,600 $156,800 $4,000 $1,200 $5,200 $431,600 $500 $150 $650 $80,600 $900 $200 $1,100 $1,812,800 $800 $100 $900 $636,300 $150 $45 $195 $799,500 $1,500 $650 $2,150 $537,500 $300 $6 $306 $612,000 $5,000 $1,400 $6,400 $570,880 $6,500 $1,400 $7,900 $23,137,520 $5,000 $1,500 $6,500 $6,539,000 $3,500 $750 $4,250 $176,375 Subtotal:$113,133,685 5%$5,656,684 Planning-level contingency:15%$17,818,555 Total:$136,608,925 Average cost per mile: Dryden LaRue,Inc. $717,107 Approx. Wt 2200 2600 400 800 400 850 x1.14= Extended wt. 256800 200000 30000 59500 115360 35350 61500 12500 10000 3953880 603600 10,246 tons 11,270 tons 2o0f2 BETHEL -DONLIN CREEK 138 KV TRANSMISSION LINE PRE-DESIGN CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE OPTION C:ALL STEEL H-FRAMES OUTSIDE BETHEL,DIRECT BURIED &PILE FOUNDATIONS,NO BARGE COSTS Unit Price Approx.Extended Unit No,of Units Description Labor Materials Labor &Materials Extended Price Wt.Wt Clearing Lt.Clear 85 mi.Light Clearing $8,000 $0 $8,000 $680,000 Md.Clear 38 mi.Medium Clearing $20,000 $0 $20,000 $760,000 Hvy.Clear 67 mi.Heavy Clearing $30,000 $0 $30,000 $1,995,000 Driven Piles,Lowlands 10-3x40 215 Pile anchor,10"dia.x 40'long $7,500 $618 $8,118 $1,745,370 1545 332175 18-5x40 357 Pipe foundation,18"dia.x 40°$9,500 $1,860 $11,360 $4,055,520 4650 1660050 20-5x40 357 Pipe foundation,20"dia.x 40°$10,500 $2,072 $12,572 $4,488,204 5180 1849260 22-5x40 133 Pipe foundation,22"dia.x 40'$11,600 $2,288 $13,888 $1,847,104 5720 760760 24-5x40 46 Pipe foundation,24"dia.x 40!$12,100 $2,500 $14,600 $671,600 6250 287500 Anchors.Non-Lowlands Anch 237 Plate or screw anchor,x-country $1,500 $200 $1,700 $402,900 100 23700 237 grouted anchor,x-country $3,000 $400 $3,400 $805,800 500 118500 100 Plate or screw anchor,in-town $1,000 $200 $1,200 $120,000 Steel H-frames on Piles 55 50'I-string $16,000 $8,400 $24,400 $1,342,000 5600 308000 93 60'I-string $17,000 $10,050 $27,050 $2,515,650 6700 623100 148 70'|-string $18,000 $12,000 $30,000 $4,440,000 8000 1184000 §5 80'I-string $19,000 $14,250 $33,250 $1,828,750 9500 522500 21 90'I-string $21,000 $17,100 $38,100 $800,100 11400 239400 6 50'V-string $16,200 $9,000 $25,200 $151,200 6000 36000 10 60'V-string $17,200 $10,650 $27,850 $278,500 7100 71000 16 70'V-string $18,200 $12,600 $30,800 $492,800 8400 134400 6 80'V-string $19,200 $14,850 $34,050 $204,300 9900 §9400 2 90'V-string $21,200 $17,700 $38,900 $77,800 11800 23600 3-Pole Steel Structures (Guyed)on Piles 3 50'$14,500 $10,050 $24,550 $73,650 6700 20100 5 60'$15,500 $12,600 $28,100 $140,500 8400 42000 10 70°$16,500 $15,450 $31,950 $319,500 10300 103000 3 80'$17,500 $18,900 $36,400 $109,200 12600 37800 2 90'$19,500 $22,200 $41,700 $83,400 14800 29600 Stee!H-frames,Direct-Embed 51 50'I-string $26,000 $10,500 $36,500 $1,861,500 7000 357000 85 60'I-string $27,500 $12,600 $40,100 $3,408,500 8400 714000 136 70'I-string $29,000 $15,000 $44,000 $5,984,000 40000 1360000 51 80'i-string $30,500 $17,850 $48,350 $2,465,850 11900 606900 17 90'I-string $33,000 $21,375 $54,375 $924,375 14250 242250 28 50'V-string $26,200 $11,100 $37,300 $1,044,400 7400 207200 47 60'V-string $27,700 $13,200 $40,900 $1,922,300 8800 413600 76 70'V-string $29,200 $15,600 $44,800 $3,404,800 10400 790400 28 80'V-string $30,700 $18,450 $49,150 $1,376,200 12300 344400 11 90'V-string $33,200 $21,975 $55,175 $606,925 14650 161150 3-Pole Steel Structures (Guyed),Direct-Embed 9 50 $29,500 $12,600 $42,100 $378,900 8400 75600 15 60'$31,250 $15,750 $47,000 $705,000 10500 157500 27 70°$33,000 $19,350 $52,350 $1,413,450 12900 348300 9 80'$34,750 $23,625 $58,375 $525,375 15750 141750 0 90"$37,500 $27,750 $65,250 $0 18500 0 Single Steel Poles w/o underbuild (direct embed) 52 75'tangent (61'AG)$25,000 $4,500 $29,500 $1,534,000 3000 5 80'dead end (guyed,70'AG)$22,000 $4,500 $26,500 $132,500 3000 Single Steel Poles w/underbuild (direct embed) 36 60'tangent (47'AG)$24,000 $3,300 $27,300 $982,800 2200 7/29/2003 Dryden LaRue,Inc.1of 2 Unit No.of Units 7 Pole top assemblies 642 230 95 70 52 36 36 14 Miscellaneous 215 1125 191 OPGW assemblies 1027 98 83 Guys 124 739 Wire accessories 4100 250 2000 <'D|89.2 2928.8 1006 41.5 7/29/2003 Description 70'dead end (guyed,60°AG) (3)138 kV I-string (3)138 kV V-string (8)138 kV running angle (6)138 kV dead end (3)138 kV horizontal Vee (3)138 kV posts 12.5 kV tangent arm 12.5 kV dead end arm Pile covers Structure signs (danger and #) Aerial patrol signs tangent or running angle dead end splice insulated guy (in-town) un-insulated guy dampers aerial balls bird flight diverters 4000'Cardinal,short span 1000'Cardinal,long span 1000'OPGW (48 singlemode) 1000'336 ACSR Mobilization,staging,work camps,etc. Unit Price Labor Materials Labor &Materials Extended Price $22,000 $3,900 $25,900 $181,300 $2,600 $680 $3,280 $2,105,760 $4,000 $1,550 $5,550 $1,276,500 $2,600 $750 $3,350 $318,250 $22,000 $2,500 $24,500 $1,715,000 $2,800 $1,800 $4,600 $239,200 $1,800 $1,500 $3,300 $118,800 $1,000 $400 $1,400 $50,400 $1,800 $800 $2,600 $36,400 $50 $30 $80 $17,200 $150 $40 $190 $213,750 $150 $40 $190 $36,290 $500 $80 $580 $595,660 $1,500 $100 $1,600 $156,800 $4,000 $1,200 $5,200 $431,600 $500 $150 $650 $80,600 $800 $100 $900 $665,100 $150 $45 $195 $799,500 $1,500 $650 $2,150 $537,500 $300 $6 $306 $612,000 $5,000 $1,400 $6,400 $570,880 $6,500 $1,400 $7,900 $23,137,520 $5,000 $1,500 $6,500 $6,539,000 $3,500 $750 $4,250 $176,375 Subtotal:$99,711,108 5%$4,985,555 Planning-level contingency:15%$15,704,500 Total:$120,401,163 Average cost per mile: Dryden LaRue,Inc. $632,027 Approx, Wt. 2600 400 800 400 850 1350 600 X1.1= Extended Wt. 256800 184000 38000 59500 2150 2250 955 41080 4900 16600 36950 61500 12500 10000 3953880 603600 9,835 tons 10,819 tons 2of2 NENANA -DONLIN CREEK D/C TRANSMISSION LINE PRE-DESIGN CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE Line length =385.0 miles Avg.span length =800 ft. Average hourly labor rate =$120 includes overhead,profit,etc. Average hours per day =8 Cold weather factor=1.4 Material haul time,one-way =6.0 hrs Equipment Labor and Extended Extended Extended Extended Material ExtendedMen/crew Crew Hours Rate Equipment Materials Quantity Labor &Eq.Materials Mat'l&Labor ManHours Trips TripsSTEELPOLESONPILES 55°4 6 80 $4,704 $5,700 170 $799,680 $969,000 $1,768,680 §712 0.25 42.5 65'4 7.5 80 $5,880 $6,000 678 $3,986,640 $4,068,000 $8,054,640 28476 0.33 223.74 75°4 8.5 80 $6,664 $7,350 678 $4,518,192 $4,983,300 $9,501,492 32273 0.33 223.74 85 4 9.5 80 $7,448 $8,400 170 $1,266,160 $1,428,000 $2,694,160 9044 0.33 56.1 Pole-Pile Joint 3 6 80 $3,696 $100 1696 $6,268,416 $169,600 $6,438,016 42739 0.1 169.6PILING,24"dia,x 45°3 16 200 $12,544 $2,800 1271 $15,943,424 $3,558,800 $19,502,224 85411 0.2 254.2PILING,26°dia.x 45'3 17 200 $13,328 $3,050 425 $5,664,400 $1,296,250 $6,960,650 30345 0.2 85STEELPOLES,DIRECT EMBED 70 4 17 80 $13,328 $7,050 83 $1,106,224 $585,150 $1,691,374 7902 0.33 27.3980'4 20 80 $15,680 $7,650 338 $5,299,840 $2,585,700 $7,885,540 37856 0.33 111.5490°4 22.5 80 $17,640 $8,850 338 $5,962,320 $2,991,300 $8,953,620 42588 0.33 111.5410042480$18,816 $10,500 86 $1,618,176 $903,000 $2,521,176 11558 0.5 43FRAMING Tangent,I-string 4 2.5 80 $1,960 $550 1271 $2,491,160 $699,050 $3,190,210 17794 0.05 63.55HorizontalVee(excess of arms)4 25 80 $1,960 $800 635 $1,244,600 $508,000 $1,752,600 8890 0.1 63.5RunningAngle42.5 80 $1,960 $600 381 $746,760 $228,600 $975,360 5334 0.05 19.05DeadEnd61480$15,680 $1,900 127 $1,991,360 $241,300 $2,232,660 14935 0.1 12.7DeadEndwith1JumperPosts614.5 80 $16,240 $2,300 127 $2,062,480 $292,100 $2,354,580 15469 0.1 12.7Total:2541 ea. OPGW ASSEMBLIES tangent or running angie 4 0.75 80 $588 $80 2249ea.$1,322,412 $179,920 $1,502,332 9446 0deadend4280$1,568 $100 292 ea.$457,856 $29,200 $487,056 3270 is)OPGW splices 3 6.5 80 $4,004 $1,200 128 ea.$512,512 $153,600 $666,112 3494 0.05 6.4 guys 3 1.5 80 $924 $100 2171 $2,006,004 $217,100 $2,223,104 13677 0.02 43.42anchors,plate 3 2.5 80 $1,540 $200 723 $1,113,420 $144,600 $1,258,020 7592 0.02 14.46pileanchor,10”dia.x 40°3 10 200 $7,840 $800 774 $6,068,160 $619,200 $6,687,360 32508 0.1 77.4pileanchor,16"dia.x 40°3 11 200 $8,624 $1,350 337 $2,906,288 $454,950 $3,361,238 15569 0.1 33.7Total: MISCELLANEOUS Pile covers 2 0.25 20 $91 $30 14111 $101,104 $33,330 $134,431 778 0.01 41.11Structuresigns(danger &#)2 0.25 20 $91 $40 2541 ea.$231,231 $101,640 $332,871 1779 0Aerialpatrolsigns20.25 20 $91 $40 386 ea.$35,126 $15,440 $50,566 270 0 WIRE ACCESSORIES Dampers 3 0.25 80 $154 $45 7623 $1,173,942 $343,035 $1,516,977 8004 ie]Aerial balls 3 2.5 80 $1,540 $650 500 $770,000 $325,000 $1,095,000 §250 0.02 10BirdFlightDiverters30.5 80 $308 $6 4000 $1,232,000 $24,000 $1,256,000 8400 G 7129/2003 Dana 4 Approx.Extended Wt Wt, 3800 646000 4000 2712000 4900 3322200 5600 952000 0 7030 8935130 7630 3242750 0 4700 390100 5100 1723800 §300 1994200 7000 602000 0 300 381300 300 190500 300 114300 600 76200 700 88900 0 ie) 40 89960 50 14600 200 25600 (¢) 50 108550 100 ==72300 2030 1571220 3310 1115470 0 0 10 11110 é 5082 &1930 0 (¢] 15 114345 50 25000 5 20000 0 IRE Cardinal conductor,1000° OPGW (48 singlemode),1000' CLEARING ICE ROADS mandays = TI29I9NNA Men/crew Crew Hours Total: 77107 5.5 4.5 24 68 Equipment Labor and Extended Extended Extended Extended Material Extended Approx.Extended* Rate Equipment Materials Quantity labor &Eq.Materials Mat'&Labor MantHours Trips Trips Wt Ww. 0 120 $6,468 $1,400 4066 $26,296,301 $5,691,840 $31,988,141 187831 0.1 406.56 1350 5488560 120 $5,292 $1,500 2033 $10,757,578 $3,049,200 $13,806,778 76840 0.1 203.28 600 1219680 80 $18,816 385.0 miles $7,244,160 $0 $7,244,160 51744 80 $30,464 °1000 miles $30,464,000 °$30,464,000 190400 TOTAL:$153,661,922 $36,889,205 $190,551,127 616852 2326 17627 tons X1.14=19390 tons material transport =$7,815,965 50%to Crooked Creek =9695 tons work camp=$7,710,700 Mobilization/demobilizatioin=$8,243,112 4% Planning-level contingency=$53,580,226 25% TOTAL:$267,901,130 Average cost/mile =$695,847 ent By:Dryden &LaRue,Inc.,;907 522 2534;Oct-7-03 12:01PM;Page 1 /.Dryden é LaRue,Sne. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 4404 Arctic Blvrl,Suite 201,Anchorage.Ataska $9403-3575 Phare:(POF)149-4659 o haw (907)522.2534 Eviail:ofice@drydentarue.cam October 7,2003 Post-it?Fax Note(Freakie! Frank Bettine 1120 E Huffman Rd.Pmb 343 Anchorage,AK 99516 Reference:Donlia Creek Transmission Lines Pre-Design Cost Estimate for 230 kV A.C.Option We have estimated the cost to construct a 230 kV A.C.line from Nenana to Donlin Mine. Our estimate is based on using steel H-frame structures.Like our D.C.estimate,two thirds of the structures are assumed to be on pile foundations and the remaining structures are assumed to be direct embedded.We have also assumed the same route,conductor type,OPGW type,construction methods,and contingencies as were used on our D.C. estimate, Our estimate for the 385 mile-long,230 kV A.C.line is $340.9 million,or approximately $885,500 per mile.; The tonnage required to be barged to Crooked Creek for the 230 kV D.C.option is about 14,500 tons.; Attached is our estimate for the 230 kV D.C.option.If you have any questions,do not hesitate to call. Dryden &LaRue,Inc. Ley (\,thf»Greg D.Hiiffman,P.E. GDA se/chents/bet/beldnin/frank10-7-03.doc NENANA -DONLIN CREEK 230 kV A/C TRANSMISSION LINE PRE-DESIGN CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE Line lengih =385.0 miles Avg.span fangth =950 ft. Average hourly tabor rate =$120 Averaga hours per day =8 Cold weather factor=1.4 STEEL H-FRAMES ON PILE a0 Pola-Pile Joint PILING,20°da.x 45° PIUNG,24°dia,x4S° STEEL H-FRAMES,D.EMBED 75 65 9 105 FRAMING Tangent,(3)¥-strings Running Angle Dead End Dead End aith Jurper Pos:s OPGW ASSEMBLIES langen!of running angle dead end OPGW splices guys anchors,plale pile anchor,10°dia.x 40° MISCELLANEOUS Pile covers _Strudure signs (danger &#)Aerial patrof signs”© WIRE ACCESSORIESDampars Aerial balls Bird Flight Diverters 1O/7/2003 indudes overhead,profit,etc. Menfcrew Crew Hours wood&&&we «eobbpe8Total:@>taadiw)wnRate BRgesegeS88SS2zRBSseBBs248Equipment Labor and Equipment Moteriats $9,408 $11,760 $13,328 $14,896 $2,464 $9,408 $10,976 $23,520 $25,872 $28,224 $30,576 $3,136 $2,744 $20,160 $21,280 $08 $1,568 $4,004 3924 $1,540 $7,840 $91 $91 $9t $is4 $1,540 $308 $10,650 $12,600 $14,850 $17,700 $100 $2,200 $2,800 $13.200 $15,600 $18,450 $21,975 $1,600 $1,100 $3,300 $4,800 $20 $100 $1,200 Quantity 143 571 407 2140 Ba. 1888 ea. 252 ea, 12B ea. 2430 666 1341 1341 2140 ea. '386 ea, 40 Page 1 Material haut lime,one-w2y =6.0 hrs Extended Extended Labor &Eq.Materlats $1,345,244 $1,522,950 $6,714,060 $7,194,600 $7,610,288 $8,479,350 $2,130,128 $2,531,100 $7,007,184 -$285,600 $20,151,936 $4,926.00 $7,836,865 $1,999.200 $1,646,400 $924,000 $7,347,648 $4,430,400 $8015,616 $5,299,800 $2,262,624 $1,626,150 $5,033,280 $2.889,000 $880,824 $353,100 $2,157,120 $353,100 $2,276,960 §513,500 $1,110,146 =$151,040$395,125 $25,200$512,512 $153,600 $2,245,320 $267,300 $1,025,640 $133,200 $10,513,440 $1,072,800 $122,031 $40,290 $194,740 $85,600 $35,126 $18,440 $1,318,240 $385,200$770,000 $325 000$1,232,000 $24,000 Extended Mati &Labor $2,868,294 $13,909,560 $16,089,638 $4,661,228 $7,322,784 $25,078,535 $5,836,054 $2,570,400 $11,778,048 $13,255,416 $3,888,774 $7,922,280 $1,233,924 $2,510,220 $2,790,560 $1,261,184 $420,336 $666,142 $2,512,620 $1,158,840 $11,986,240 $162,261 $220,340 $50,566 $1,703,440 $1,095,000 $1,256,000 Extended ftan Hours 619 47964 54359 15215 47281 107967 41983 11760 52483 57254 16162 $5952 6292 16178 17077 7930 2822 3494 7§309 6993 $6322 8988 Material Extended Trips 0.25 0.33 0.33 0.43 6.1 o2 02 6.33 0.33 0.33 0.5 o1 0.05 0.1 0.1 0.06 0.02 0.02 0.1 0.01 0.02 Trips 35.75 188.43 186.43 47.19 285.6 428.4 142.8 23.1 93.72 83.72 Aporox. Wt 710 840) 9900 13600 5830 7030 nded wt 1015300 4796400 5652900 1687460 0 12487860 5019420 0 616000 2953600 3493200 1064100 i} 802500 144450 85600 117700 sour'anyey9uapAug:AgjUua'WdkO:ek€0-2-390vese2e¢206e/ea6ey WIRE Casdinal conductor,1000" OPGW (48 sing'emade},1000" CLEARING ICE ROADS mandays= 1Q7/2003 MerJerew Crew Hours Total: ca014 45 29 68 Equipment Labor and Extended Extended Extended Extended Material Extended Approx.Extended Rate Equipment Materials Quantity Labor &Eg.Materiaig Mat'l&iabor Man Hours Trips Trips We Mt, 0 120 $5,880 $1,400 6038 $35,858,592 $8,537,760 $44,396,352 266133 a1 609.84 1350 8292840 120 $5,292 $7,500 2043 $10,757,578 $3,049,200 513,806,778 76540 0.1 203.26 600 1219480 60 $22,735 385.0 miles $8,759.360 $0 $8,753,360 62524 80 $30,464 -1000 miles $30,464,000 -$30,464,006 490406TOTAL:$187,755,095 $57,534,120 $245.299155 704112 2801 26313 tons K1.2=28944 tons matecial transport =$9,411,494 50°to Croaked Creek =14472 tons work camp =$§,601,400 Mobiizationdemebitizaicin=$9,222,572 3.5% Planning-level contingency =$68,181,155 25% TOTAL:$340,905,776 Average costinlle =$885,470 Page 2 fsourSenyey9uepAug:Ag}ue'wdzO:Zb€0-2-390frese22g206e/eeed DONLIN CREEK SUBSTATION CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATE June6,2003 5%Misc covers freight (material estimates are FOB Seattle),mob/demob,camp costs,etc VILLAGE STEP DOWN SUBSTATION 138 KV/12.47-7.2 KV Description Qty Matvunit Lab/unit 5%MISC SUBTOTAL 15%Conting TOTAL 138 KV Circuit Switcher w/Disconnect 7 $64,000 $3,200 $470,400 $70,560 $540,960 138/13.8 kV Transformer 500 kVA 6 $130,000 $6,500 $819,000 $122,850 $941,850 1000 kVA 1 $135,000 $6,750 $141,750 $21,263 $163,013 15 kV Recloser w/Controller 7 $20,000 $1,000 $147,000 $22,050 $169,050 15 kV Motor Operater Disconnect Switch 7 $5,000 $250 $36,750 $5,513 $42,263 15 kvTakeoff Structure 7 $5,000 $250 $36,750 $5,513 $42,263 15 kV PT 14 $500 $25 $7,350 $1,103 $8,453 15 kV CT ; 24 $500 $25 $11,025 $1,654 $12,679 15 kV Overcurrent Relay Package 7 $8,000 $400 $58,800 $8,820 $67,620 Meter/Relay Building 7 $10,000 $500 $73,500 $11,025 $84,525 Station Service 7 $7,500 $375 $55,125 $8,269 $63,394 Site Prep/Ground Grid 7 $5,000 $250 $36,750 $5,513 $42,263 Foundations Transformer w/Oil Containment 7 $10,000 $500 $73,500 $11,025 $84,525 438 kV Circuit Switcher 7 $7,500 $375 $55,125 $8,269 $63,394 15kV Recloser 7 $2,500 $125 $18,375 $2,756 $21,131 Building 7 $10,000 $500 $73,500 $11,025 $84,525 Labor for Station,28 dayx12 hrx$150x4 men 7 $201,600 $10,080 $1,481,760 $222,264 $1,704,024 TOTAL for Seven $4,135,929 Total each $590,847 Bethel Power Plant and Substation Description Qty Mat/unit Lab/unit 5%MISC SUBTOTAL 15%Conting TOTAL 138/13.8 kV 40 MVA Transformer 3 $450,000 $22,500 $1,417,500 $212,625 $1,630,125 13.8/4.16 kV 7.5 MVA Transformer 2 $80,000 $4,000 $168,000 $25,200 $193,200 138 kV Disconnect Switch 8 $8,500 $425 $71,400 $10,710 $82,110 138 kV Circuit Breaker 4 $60,000 $3,000 $252,000 $37,800 $289,800 138/13.8 kV Take Off Structure 4 $45,000 $2,250 $47,250 $7,088 $64,338 138 kV Bus and Supports 12 $1,500 $75 $18,900 $2,835 $21,735 13.8 kV Underground Cabling 10,000 $15 $1 $157,500 $23,625 $181,125 Site Prep/Ground Grid 1 $15,000 $750 $15,750 $2,363 $18,113 12 Breaker-13.8 kV Switchgear Lineup . Basic Breakers and Cubicles 12 $35,000 $1,750 $441,000 $66,150 $507,150 Synch Panels 3 $10,000 $500 $31,500 $4,725 $36,225 Metering/Protective Relaying Package 12 $15,000 $750 $189,000 $28,350 $217,350 Foundations Transformer w/Oil Containment 5 $10,000 $500 $52,500 $7,875 $60,375 138 kV Disconnect Switch 8 $7,500 $375 $63,000 $9,450 $72,450 138 kV Circuit Breaker 4 $2,500 $125 $10,500 $1,575 $12,075 138/13.8 kV Take Off Structure 1 $10,000 $500 $10,500 $1,575 $12,075 Bus Supports 12 $1,000 $50 $12,600 $1,890 $14,490 Labor for Station,56 dayx12 hrx$150x6 men 4 $604,800 $30,240 $635,040 $95,256 $730,296 TOTAL $4,133,031 Page 1 Description 138/13.8 kV 40 MVA Transformer 138 kV Disconnect Switch 138 kV Circuit Breaker 138 kV Take Off Structure 138 kV Bus and Supports 13.8 kV Underground Cabling Station Service Site Prep/Ground Grid Meter/Relay Building Reactive Compensation 6 Breaker-13.8 kV Switchgear Lineup Basic Breakers and Cubicles Synch Panels Metering/Protective Relaying Package Foundations Transformer w/Oil Containment 138 kV Disconnect Switch 138 kV Circuit Breaker 138/13.8 kV Take Off Structure Bus Supports Meter/Relay Building Labor for Station,48 dayx12 hrx$150x6 men Donlin Creek Mine Substation Qty Neean2BMONQorcfe]Mat/unit Lab/unit $450,000 $8,500 $60,000 $55,000 $1,500 $15 $5,000 $10,000 $75,000 No Est No Est $35,000 $10,000 $15,000 $10,000 $7,500 $2,500 $10,000 $1,000 $10,000 $518,400 Page 2 5%MISC SUBTOTAL 15%Conting TOTAL $22,500 $945,000 $141,750 $1,086,750 $425 $53,550 $8,033 $61,583 $3,000 $189,000 $28,350 $217,350 $2,750 $57,750 $8,663 $66,413 $75 $9,450 $1,418 $10,868 $1 $37,800 $5,670 $43,470 $250 $5,250 $788 $6,038 $500 $10,500 $1,575 $12,075 $3,750 $78,750 $11,813 $90,563 No Est No Est No Est No Est $1,750 $220,500 $33,075 $253,575 $500 $10,500 $1,575 $12,075 $750 $94,500 $14,175 $108,675 $500 $21,000 $3,150 $24,150 $375 $39,375 $5,906 $45,281 $125 $7,875 $1,181 $9,056 $500 $10,500 $1,575 $12,075 $50 $6,300 $945 $7,245 $500 $10,500 $1,575 $12,075 $25,920 $544,320 $81,648 $625,968 TOTAL $2,705,283