HomeMy WebLinkAboutVol2 Appendix ADonlin Creek Mine Power Supply Feasibility Study Nuvista Light & Power, Co. 301 Calista Ct. Anchorage, AK 99518-2038 Volume 2 Appendix A Final Report June 11, 2004 Bettine, LLC 1120 E. Huffman Rd. Pmb 343 Anchorage, AK 99501 907-336-2335 BETHEL COAL-FIRED POWER GENERATION PLANT FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR NUVISTA LIGHT AND POWER March 18, 2004 Prepared By: Precision Energy Services, Inc. Project Development Division P.O. Box 1004 • Hayden, Idaho 83835 (208) 772-4457 www.pes-world.com TABLE OF CONTENTS I. INTRODUCTION................................................................................................................................................1 II. GLOSSARY.........................................................................................................................................................3 III. PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS ...........................................................................................................................4 A. REQUIREMENT SPECIFICATIONS .......................................................................................................................4 B. LOCAL CONDITIONS .........................................................................................................................................4 C. OTHER DESIGN REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................................................................5 D. EMISSION STANDARDS .....................................................................................................................................5 IV. DESIGN PHILOSOPHY ....................................................................................................................................7 V. FUEL SELECTION, PROCUREMENT AND LOGISTICS OF SUPPLY ..........................................................9 A. SELECTION OF COAL ......................................................................................................................................10 B. COAL DEMAND AND STORAGE REQUIREMENT ...............................................................................................15 D. COAL TRANSPORTATION PROCEDURE ............................................................................................................24 E. SCHEDULE......................................................................................................................................................28 VI. DESCRIPTION OF THE POWER PLANT ......................................................................................................31 A. COAL STORAGE..............................................................................................................................................31 B. PULVERIZED COAL COMBUSTORS WITH INTEGRATED BOILER .......................................................................35 C. STEAM TURBINE AND GENERATOR SYSTEM ...................................................................................................38 D. ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL SYSTEM .............................................................................................................39 E. AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT AND INSTALLATIONS................................................................................................45 F. INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROLS, CENTRAL CONTROL ROOM AND MOTOR CONTROL CENTER ................47 G. MAINTENANCE SHOP .....................................................................................................................................52 H. SITING OF THE POWER PLANT ........................................................................................................................54 VII. DISTRICT HEATING SYSTEM......................................................................................................................58 A. PIPES & PUMPS...............................................................................................................................................59 B. HEAT EXCHANGERS .......................................................................................................................................60 C. BACKUP SYSTEM............................................................................................................................................60 VIII. CAPITAL COST ESTIMATE ..........................................................................................................................62 A. LAND - MOUNTED POWER PLANT ..................................................................................................................62 B. BARGE - MOUNTED POWER PLANT ................................................................................................................63 IX. O&M ESTIMATE ............................................................................................................................................66 X. POWER PLANT PERFORMANCE EFFICIENCY ..........................................................................................68 A. FACTORS IMPACTING PERFORMANCE OF THE STEAM POWER PLANT .............................................................68 B. SUMMARY OF BETHEL POWER PLANT PERFORMANCE ...................................................................................71 XI. RELIABILITY AND AVAILABILITY STUDY..............................................................................................72 A. INTRODUCTION ..............................................................................................................................................72 B. BASIS OF HIGH AVAILABILITY AND RELIABILITY...........................................................................................73 C. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY ............................................................................................................................75 D. SCOPE DEFINITION .........................................................................................................................................76 E. MAIN CONCERNS ...........................................................................................................................................78 F. ESTIMATION OF AVAILABILITY OF EQUIPMENT AND SYSTEMS; ADDRESSING THE CONCERNS .......................80 G. ESTIMATION OF PLANT AVAILABILITY AND POWER SUPPLY RELIABILITY .....................................................81 ATTACHMENTS Table of Contents 1. Schedule 2. Drawings 3. Coal Suppliers 4. Combustion Technologies 5. Babcock & Wilcox 6. Alstom Power 7. Heyl & Patterson 8. Man Takraf 9. Martin Engineering 10. FEECO 11. Metso Minerals 12. Continental Conveyor 13. Garco 14. Radian 15. Geometrica 16. Standby Turbines 17. LCMF Report 1 I. INTRODUCTION This report has been prepared as part of a feasibility study of a power plant proposed for the development near the City of Bethel for the supply of electric power to Placer Dome’s Donlin Mine and to the City of Bethel, Alaska and neighboring native villages. The power plant under study will be coal fired. In addition to evaluating power generation, the feasibility of providing district heating to the residents of Bethel, local institutions (schools, community college, hospital, local prison) and local businesses is being evaluated. The goal of this report is to provide the project developers with sufficient information, including specific recommendations to identify the most feasible, long-term power production options that would result in generating electric and thermal energy at competitive pricing and facilitate reduction of State payments in the framework of the Power Cost Equalization Program. Permitting standards and expected performance related to the operation of the power plant have been noted to make the developer aware of the possible requirements. The primary step of the Feasibility Study was determining the best fuel for the plant. Section V of this Report evaluates seven coals from USA (3 coal sources) and Canada (4 coal sources). In this section the cost of coal delivered to Bethel in dollars per million Btu fired is determined, on which basis a recommendation is made for the selection of coal. The criteria used for the evaluation, the effective cost per million Btu, is considered to be the broadest because it takes into account the procurement cost, cost of shipping from the mine-side to Bethel, sulfur content, and possible requirement for an FGD (flue gas desulfurization) system including SO2 scrubbing material demand, ash and moisture content, and net heat recovered from the coal. One of the analyzed coals is mined in Alaska. Based on the fuel and emissions requirements at Bethel, an evaluation of the two best combustion technologies for the application, pulverized coal and fluidized bed, was made. Based on the available fuel and plant requirements, it was found that pulverized coal technology best fit the plant requirements and conditions at Bethel. The discussion of the two technologies can be found in the attachment section under “Combustion Technologies.” Costing information herein is based on the application of the pulverized coal firing technology. The PC combustion is a modern technology that has been proven in the USA in the last 40 years and is characterized by high combustion efficiency and low-cost emission controls. The technology has become an industry standard for coal-based power generation. Bids have been obtained from the most advanced and experienced vendors: Babcock & Wilcox and Alstom, formerly Combustion Engineering. The evaluations also include the supply of heat energy and hot utility water to a district heating system in the City of Bethel. The study does not evaluate the feasibility of the application of district heating for specific thermal energy recipients; there is included, however, sufficient information to conduct such evaluations for most of the potential customers of the district heating system. The Study addresses two options of siting of the power plant. First option is based on siting 2 the entire plant on land, south of the City of Bethel. The second option is based on siting the coal storage facility and some other bulky systems like cooling towers on land and the steam and generation plant on barges. Advantages and drawbacks of both options are evaluated in Section VI.H. Siting of the Power Plant. Barge-mounted power plants (Power Barges) based on combustion turbine or diesel motive power have been popular, primarily in less developed areas and where and at the time when fuel prices are very low. The Feasibility Study shows that coal-fired power barges may be an economically viable option for remote locations where the cost of skilled labor is two to three times as high as in Mainland USA. The power plant specifications are provided in Section III. The study also includes in Subsection D. Environmental Control System of Section VI Description of the Power Plant, a viable business option for ash utilization instead of landfilling or ocean dumping. Due to its high content of silicon dioxide (SiO2), aluminum oxide (AI2O3) and iron oxide (in excess of 87% combined content) the ash will be a good pozzolanic material to be used as a Portland cement substitute and admixture. The thermal system (boiler) of the Power Plant will include a capability to feed and burn local municipal solid waste and partially dried sewage sludge excavated from drying lagoon. This will eliminate the garbage and sewage sludge disposal problem typical for Northern locations with permafrost under layer. During the work on the feasibility study, a significant effort has been made to determine the applicability of local (Alaskan) coal for the power plant. Although there are large coal deposits in Alaska, most of them are not easily accessible, at large distances from Bethel, or not developed. Evaluation of the Usibelli coal led to the conclusion that this coal is not acceptable for the Bethel plant due to its low quality (over 60% more of Usibelli coal is needed than of Fording coal) and its tendency to develop hot spots and spontaneous combustion. Specific details are provided in the report. 3 II. GLOSSARY CHP Cogeneration Heat Plant CT Combustion Turbine CTG Combustion Turbine and Generator ASL Elevation Above Sea Level DH District Heating Gpm or gpm US Gallon Per Minute HRSG Heat Recovery Steam Generator MPP Modular Power Plant MWe Mega Watt electric = 1000 kilowatt (kW) PM Prime Mover – primary equipment for energy conversion (combustion turbine or diesel engine) STG Steam turbine and Generator MM Btu Million Btu SCR Selective Catalytic Reduction (of NOx) BOP Balance of plant Ppm Parts per million - unit for measuring concentration of a pollutant in flue gas Ppmvol Parts per million by volume Ppmdv Parts per million by dry volume (water content not included in the total) ACI American Concrete Institute AISC American Institute of Steel Construction ANSI American National Standards Institute ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASME B31.1 Power Piping ASTM American Society for Testing Materials AWS American Welding Society CTI Cooling Tower Institute HEI Heat Exchange Institute HIS Hydraulic Institute Standards IEEE Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineers ISA Instrument Society of America NEC National Electric Code NFPA National Fire Protection Agency NFPC National Fire Protection Code OSHA Occupation Safety & Health Act TEMA Tubular Exchangers Manufacturer’s Association UBC Uniform Building Code UMC Uniform Mechanical Code UPC Uniform Plumbing Code UL Underwriters Laboratory – industrial insurance company FM Factory Mutual – industrial insurance company 4 III. PROJECT SPECIFICATIONS A. Requirement Specifications Required electric power supply at the Donlin Mine MWe 70.0 Transmission line losses MWe 5.0 Local usage (Bethel, villages) MWe 9.3 Parasitic power (power plant use) MWe 8.5 Required electric power output, net at transformer MWe 92.8 Thermal energy supply to the District Heating (DH) system Yearly average heat supply million Btu/hr 128.9 Average summer supply million Btu/hr 91.1 Average winter supply million Btu/hr 142.2 Maximum winter supply million Btu/hr 169.0 Extremely low winter temperatures million Btu/hr 180.0 Utility water for consumption lb/hr 151,400 Gpm 303 ƒ Assumed that all utility water is consumed, 0 return ƒ Heating water 20% losses, 80% return The DH system will use hot water as the energy carrier (see System Description): ƒ Water temperature, outgoing ºF 170 – 175 ƒ Return ºF 125 – 130 ƒ Water pressure, out psig 100 ƒ Return, design psig 20 Heating of the hot water will be achieved primarily by utilization of condensing heat exchanger utilizing latent heat of condensation of the steam cycle. B. Local Conditions Elevation above sea level ft ASL 100 Temperatures – see graph on the following page Average humidity: range: 60% (summer) to 85% (winter) 5 Figure 1 C. Other Design Requirements Job Conditions: ƒ Electrical 460 V, 4160 V, 3 Φ, 60 Hz ƒ Equipment Location Indoors ƒ Insurance Codes/Requirements UL, FM, NFPA D. Emission Standards The most likely standards that the Power Plant will have to comply with are: SO2 500 ppm molar fraction Remark: To comply with this standard, the sulfur content in the coal should not exceed 0.5% weight. The sulfur content in the recommended coal is below 0.3% CO There is no State standard for CO emissions from solid fired power generation equipment; however, exceeding 100 tons per year may trigger the requirement for a New Source Review and setting of a performance standard for the plant. NOx The State of Alaska does not have a standard for NOx; however, the standard to be used here will most likely be 0.065 lb/million Btu or 35 ppm vol. at 3% O2. 6 PM The standard for particulate matter (PM) is 0.10 grain per cubic foot at standard conditions averaged over 3 hours. The values for expected standards were obtained from the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation as guidelines for plant design. The actual performance requirements will be determined based on application for the Permit to Construct and Permit to Operate. Figure 2 Location of the City of Bethel 7 IV. DESIGN PHILOSOPHY The Bethel Coal-Fired Power Plant design philosophy is based on the following premises: 1. Utilization of the best value coal – fuel cost amounts to around 65% of the total plant operating cost and cost of money combined, therefore fuel efficiency becomes the primary objective of the project. 2. Because of the plant location in Western Alaska and its duty, the required reliability of power supply both to the Donlin Mine and the City must be almost 100%. 3. Modularize as much as possible to be capable of erecting the plant in a short time and in Western Alaska conditions taking into account the short season for shipping supplies to the site. Also, consideration should be given to locating the plant or a significant portion thereof on one or two power barges that can be assembled in a West Coast port and tugged to Bethel. As a result, in the fuel selection process we evaluated various coals from the point of view of: ƒ High and Net heating value (HHV and LHV) ƒ Sulfur content – requirement for a flue gas desulfurization system and SO2 scrubbing material ƒ Moisture and ash content, both of which are of negative values and are shipped at high cost ƒ Procurement cost and ƒ Shipping cost As the result of the evaluation, the selected coal must be characterized by the lowest cost per million Btu. Also, as a result of the above assumptions, the pulverized coal combustion technology was elected. To achieve the required reliability and availability, it was decided to recommend two parallel process lines, each generating 50% of the demand with each being capable of increasing its capacity by a minimum of 5 MW and supplying 100% of the thermal demand for the district heating system. The study also includes a business-viable option for ash utilization instead of landfilling. Cost, operability, and protection of the permafrost considerations were applied to engineering of the coal delivery, storage, and reclamation system. Foundations and enclosure for this system alone amount to approximately 10% of the entire plant cost. For instance, the study evaluates air supported structure versus prefabricated steel structure; also 8 use of a layer of coal as the permafrost insulating layer versus other insulation methods is being evaluated. 9 V. FUEL SELECTION, PROCUREMENT AND LOGISTICS OF SUPPLY Fuel selection is the most important activity in the development of a new power plant. It impacts the following: 1. The cost of fuel is the largest portion of the plant’s operating and maintenance cost including cost of money. 2. The characteristics of the fuel are very important in the selection of the combustion technology; not every fuel is suitable for the most efficient technology. For instance, high moisture coal should not be used in pulverized coal furnaces. 3. The fuel composition, specifically its Sulfur, Nitrogen and Chlorine content, is very important to the selection of emission control systems. 4. Also the fuel properties have a large impact on the method and cost of storage. For example, coal with a high volatile matter and moisture content will naturally produce combustible gas in an exothermic process, which means that not only will the coal pile heat up locally, but there is also a hazard of spontaneous ignition and explosion of the gas at hot spots. In consideration of the Bethel Power Plant conditions, selection of the best value coal becomes an utmost requirement. Due to large fluctuations of the cost of diesel fuel, procurement and delivery of coal to Bethel became one of the most challenging parts of the feasibility study. Fuel selection is impacted by: ƒ General fuel properties (heating value, proximate and ultimate analysis, ash characteristics, moisture content and other) ƒ Project specific issues such as: ƒ Delivery is difficult due to distance, climatological, and navigational limitations. ƒ Volume problems - The amount of fuel that has to be delivered to Bethel is the largest volume shipping companies active in Western Alaska have ever had to consider. This creates problems resulting from the lack of experience. Initial evaluation of fuels has shown that the cost of producing electric power in a coal-fired plant is significantly lower than the cost of power generated from liquid fuel, even though the capital cost of such a plant is appreciably higher than that of the liquid fired plant. The following comparison is provided for the purpose of better understanding of the advantages that coal-based power generation provides. Input energy needed to produce equivalent 1 MW of electric power: 10 Remark: 1 MWe is equivalent to 3.412 MM Btu. 1. in coal-fired cycle (with heat supply to District Heating): 9.55 MM Btu at a cost of $2.13 / MM Btu (Fording coal) $20.34 / MWe 2. in combustion turbine with combined cycle: 5.00 MM Btu at a cost of $7.96/MM Btu (Diesel Fuel DF2) $39.80 / MWe The CT combined cycle option, which is significantly more thermally efficient than the coal-fired option but is still more than twice the cost of the coal fired option due to the large difference in the cost of fuel: $2.13 per MM Btu for coal vis-à-vis $7.96 per MM Btu for diesel fuel, delivered to Bethel. In the coal-fired option two cost alternatives are provided; they are based on the way coal barging is organized: - The lower cost is with coal barging being operated by Nuvista or its subsidiary or sister company. - The higher cost is for coal being barged by an outside marine contractor. For further details see Section C. Shipping Coal to Bethel These values include all thermal energy expenses (fuel) including energy for the district heating system and heat recovery. The DH heat is converted to MWe by dividing net heat supply by 3.412 E6. The net electric power includes only the 70 MW sent to the Donlin mine and the supply of 9.3 MW for the City of Bethel and the villages. The difference on a kWh basis is $19.44 per MW. The cost of generation in a significantly more efficient cogeneration system is 96% higher in comparison to coal-fired generation solely due to the difference in delivered fuel cost on a “per million Btu” basis. The difference becomes smaller after the operating cost and the financing cost are taken into account. See feasibility evaluation. The two most important cost factors in the procurement of coal are: ƒ The cost of coal in $ per million Btu ($/MM Btu) ƒ The cost of shipping of coal to the plant site This section describes, to the best of our knowledge, coal supply to Bethel and is based on numerous discussions and correspondence with representatives of mining and shipping companies, specifically those that are in the business of shipping bulk material on the Kuskokwim River and other navigational waters in Western Alaska. A. Selection of Coal 11 The basis for coal selection is essentially one factor: the cost of one million Btu obtained from coal. The factor is calculated from a variety of components that are discussed briefly herein. The tables on the following pages show step-by-step the calculation of the final cost of energy obtained from coal. Eight coals from various mines and seams have been evaluated. The table shows coal demand for power generation and district heating of Bethel. The coal cost data has been obtained in the form of budgetary quotes. For the purpose of this study the following coals were analyzed: 1. Fording Coal Type A, thermal, Black Bear Mine 2. Fording Coal Type B, thermal, Coal Mountain Mine 3. Luscar Obed Mountain Mine 4. Luscar Coal Valley Mine 5. Usibelli Coal Mines 6. Quinsam Coal 7. Kennecott Energy, Spring Creek Mine 8. Kennecott Energy, Colowyo Mine Quinsam, Fording and Luscar are Western Canadian coal mines located in British Columbia. The cost of shipping of these coals to a sea port would therefore be lower than that for Kennecott Energy Coal Mines, which are located on the Wyoming/Colorado border. The price of all coals except for Quinsam and Usibelli have been adjusted by the suppliers to reflect the recent increase of the motor fuel prices. Whenever possible, the shipping cost was determined based on motor fuel prices as of January 30th, 2003. The boiler efficiency given in the table on the following pages was as per Babcock & Wilcox handbook “Steam”. It should be noted that the most feasible coal is the one that has the highest heating value and the lowest sulfur content, the type A thermal coal from Fording’s Black Bear seam. The sulfur content is sufficiently low so that no SO2 scrubbing is required to perform according to applicable Alaska standards for emissions; as a matter of fact, the sulfur content provides for a sufficient margin in case the Alaska Department of Environmental Control decided to apply a more stringent sulfur dioxide emission standard. It should be noted that the Black Bear coal has the lowest content of volatile matter and moisture. This by itself, as described above, significantly reduces storage and fire prevention costs. According to Westshore Terminals, this coal can be stored without compacting or other major fire prevention means for periods exceeding one year. Young, lignite-type coals (Usibelli coal) exhibit inherent tendency to localized 12 overheating and auto-ignition after periods as short as 72 hours. For further considerations, the Black Bear coal supplied by Fording (Elk Valley Coal Corporation) will be used. The currently mined seam has an estimated life of 13 years. There are in the vicinity of the Black Bear mine coal seams that will be opened for exploitation as the demand grows. BETHEL ALASKA POWER GENERATION PROJECTTable 1. COST OF COAL ANALYSIS1Quinsam Coal Usibelli Coal Usibelli Coal2Type A, thermal (Black Bear)Type B, thermal (Coal Mountain)Coal Valley Obed Mountain Mine Colowyo Spring CreekSub-bituminous, as-minedSub-bituminous, washed & dried3 Heating value, net as received Btu/lb10,6204 HHV as received Btu/lb 12,284 11,130 10,800 11,160 10,450 9,360 7,800 10,5005 HV MF (moisture free) Btu/lb 13,352 12,164 11,520 10,000 11,680 12,551 12,4476 MAF (moisture and ash free) Btu/lb12,240 13,466 13,128 10,800 10,8007Calculated (Dulong) HHV Btu/lb 12,264 11,458 10,843 9,881 11,224 10,559 9,207 7,168 11,1427Calculated (Steinmueller) LHV = equiv. Net HV Btu/lb 11,952 11,120 10,500 9,481 10,806 10,092 8,708 6,819 10,1608 Fuel usage per MM Btu lb/MM Btu 72.3 76.1 83.0 87.4 82.4 90.1 102.5 116.4 86.59Proximate AnalysisEstimated composition10 Total moisture 8.0% 8.5% 10.0% 13.0% 9.0% 16.7% 24.8% 26.0% 12.0%11 Ash (MF)11.9% 16.5% 10.2% 12.4% 13.5% 5.7% 3.9% 9.0% 9.0%12 Fixed carbon (air dry) 65.0% 55.0% 46.4% 41.6% 47.0% 45.0% 38.5% 29.0% 29.0%13 Volatile matter (air dry) 23.0% medium 33.2% 33.0% 36.5% 32.6% 32.4% 36.0% 36.0%14 Product Size15 50 mm x 0 mm (Luscar 50 x 25) 100% 100% 6.4% 5% 100% 100%16 25 mm x 5 mm51.0% 35%100.0%17 5 mm x 3 mm (Luscar 5 x 2)15.5% 30%18 2.0 mm x 0 mm (Luscar 2.0 x 0.5)16.5% 20% 30%19 0.5 mm x 0.2 mm5.8% 6%20 0.2 mm x 04.8% 4%2122Ultimate AnalysisCarbon 71.0% 66.0% 63.5% 57.3% 63.8% 60.8% 53.9% 45.2% 55.3%23 Sulphur 0.29% 0.27% 0.25% 0.50% 0.71% 0.4% 0.3% 0.20% 0.24%24H23.7% 3.7% 3.9% 3.9% 4.19% 4.1% 3.7% 2.9% 6.9%25N21.0% 0.6% 0.95% 1.2% 0.82% 1.4% 0.7% 0.6% 0.7%26O25.0% 5.9% 11.2% 11.7% 9.2% 11.0% 12.6% 16.1% 15.8%27 Cl0.0% 0.0%28 MC 8.0% 8.5% 10.0% 13.0% 9.0% 16.7% 24.8% 26.0% 12.0%29 Ash 11.0% 15.1% 10.2% 12.4% 12.3% 5.7% 3.9% 9.0% 9.0%30100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%31SO2 lb/MM Btu SO2 0.48 0.49 0.46 1.00 1.34 0.73 0.71 0.50 0.4532 XAir % 20% 20% 22% 25% 22% 25.0% 30.0% 35% 25%33 lb/MM Btu 910.90 937.79 933.96 939.97 976.56 959.06 975.18 965 97134 Products of Combustion lb / MM Btu 955 971 990 1,463 988 1,029 2,504 998 98835 PoC Volume SCFH per MM Btu 12,178 12,434 12,675 18,362 12,714 13,241 30,857 13,024 13,00036 PoC % volumeCO213.4% 12.8% 13.2% 8.6% 13.1% 13.1% 5.7% 12.8% 11.7%37H2O6.3% 6.5% 7.4% 5.6% 7.6% 8.8% 4.6% 11.0% 11.6%38N276.9% 77.5% 75.8% 52.7% 79.0% 74.5% 32.5% 76.2% 76.8%39O23.4% 3.1% 3.6% 33.1% 0.3% 3.6% 57.3% 0.0% 0.0%40SO2 0.021% 0.020% 0.019% 0.028% 0.055% 0.031% 0.013% 0.021% 0.019%41100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%42SO2 ppm vol. dry basis at 12% CO2221 213 209 299590336 136 232 211Bold requires scrubber; lime demand 1.6 x st lb/MM Btu0.3343Coal demand for Bethel 92.8 MW plant including district heating44 Net heat demand MM Btu/hr 1,041 1,041 1,041 1,041 1,041 1,041 1,041 1,041 1,04145 Steam generation efficiency (boiler system) 88.3% 88.3% 86.7% 85.9% 87.5% 85.1% 84.3% 83.44% 86.20%46 Bethel power plant heat energy demand, gross MM Btu/hr 1,178 1,178.69 1,200.73 1,212.05 1,189.61 1,223.45 1,235.22 1,247.20 1,207.2747 Required fuel lb/hr 95,896 105,902 111,178 121,205 112,016 117,077 131,967 159,898 114,97849 US tons @ 99%, reduced summer DH demand T/Y 412,300 455,322 478,005 521,116 481,606 503,366 567,387 687,474 494,344Kennecott EnergyCA at % XAFording Coal LuscarCoal data29 09 03, Coal cost analPage 1 of 211/20/2003 BETHEL ALASKA POWER GENERATION PROJECTTable 1. COST OF COAL ANALYSIS1Quinsam Coal Usibelli Coal Usibelli Coal2Type A, thermal (Black Bear)Type B, thermal (Coal Mountain)Coal Valley Obed Mountain Mine Colowyo Spring CreekSub-bituminous, as-minedSub-bituminous, washed & driedKennecott EnergyFording Coal Luscar48 MT - metric tons @ 99%, reduced summer DH demand MT/Y 374,000 413,100 433,600 472,700 436,900 456,600 514,700 623,700 448,50050 Lime supply MT/Y1,52751Coal cost52 Cost FOB Sea-going port (MT = metric ton) $ / MT 35.00 35.00 32.00 28.50 37.00 45.30 27.00 19.00 30.6953 Cost of lime $ / MT120.0054 FOBTexada Is, BC Seward, AK Seward, AK55Shipping to Bethel including deep sea bulk freighter, transloading at Security Cove and unloading at Bethel$ / MT 38.50 38.50 38.50 38.50 38.50 38.50 38.50 37.00 37.0056 Loading at Roberts Bank, Vancouver BC $ / MT 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.0057 Total coal cost $ / MT 76.50 76.50 73.50 70.00 78.50 86.80 68.50 56.00 67.6958 Total cost $/US T 69.40 69.40 66.68 63.50 71.21 78.74 62.14 50.80 61.4159 Total fuel and lime cost $/year 28,611,000 31,602,150 31,869,600 33,089,000 34,543,306 39,632,880 35,256,950 34,927,200 30,360,00060 Unit cost at Port site (FOB deep water ship) $ / MM Btu 1.41 1.55 1.47 1.43 1.58 2.10 1.46 1.11 1.3361 Total unit cost delivered to Bethel $ / MM Btu 2.83 3.12 3.09 3.18 3.38 3.77 3.32 3.26 2.9362 Percentage shipping cost in total coal cost 54.2% 54.2% 56.5% 59.3% 52.9% 47.8% 60.6% 66.1% 54.7%63 Shipping to Bethel by NUVISTA barges $ / MT 7.60 7.60 7.60 7.60 7.60 7.60 7.60 7.60 7.6064 Total shipping & barging $ / MT 58.10 58.10 55.10 51.60 60.10 68.40 50.10 37.60 49.2965 Fuel cost with NUVISTA shipping 21,729,400 24,001,110 23,891,360 24,391,320 26,349,480 31,231,440 25,786,470 23,451,120 22,107,60066 Shipping cost savings $ / Year 6,881,600 7,601,040 7,978,240 8,697,680 8,193,826 8,401,440 9,470,480 11,476,080 8,252,40067 Cost per MM Btu at 99% availability 2.13 2.35 2.29 2.32 2.55 2.94 2.41 2.17 2.1168 Percentage shipping cost in total coal cost 39.8% 39.8% 41.9% 44.8% 38.4% 33.8% 46.1% 49.5% 37.7%69 Power generation kW 92,80170 Equivalent DH energy Btu/hr/3412 kW 37,77871 Total equivalent power output kW 130,57972 Thermal efficiency with district heating 37.82% 37.80% 37.11% 36.76% 37.45% 36.42% 36.07% 35.72% 36.90%73 Thermal efficiency without district heating 29.55% 29.53% 28.99% 28.72% 29.26% 28.45% 28.18% 28.09% 28.83%74 Thermal efficiency with district heating 39.37% 39.34% 38.62% 38.26% 38.98% 37.90% 37.54% 37.18% 38.41%75 Thermal efficiency without district heating 31.02% 31.01% 30.44% 30.15% 30.72% 29.87% 29.59% 29.30% 30.27%With reheatWestshore Terminals or Roberts Bank, Vancouver BC, Canada Roberts Bank, Vancouver, BCWithout reheatCoal data29 09 03, Coal cost analPage 2 of 211/20/2003 14 Type A thermal coal is supplied by the Black Bear Mine of Fording Type B thermal coal is supplied by the Coal Mountain Mine of Fording Fording and Luscar mining companies have merged into Elk Valley Coal Corporation The preceding table shows cost in the first year at 99% availability for 20 year cost structure; see attached spreadsheet for 20 year supplies The following items should be added to the calculation of the cost of Quinsam coal: - Capital cost of flue gas desulfurization system estimated $4,600,000 capital including installation; assumed 20 year life of the scrubbing system, cost of money at 5.5%: $ 0.018 / MM Btu - Operating cost – manpower, repairs (cost of consumables included above)$ 0.012 / MM Btu Total additions $ 0.030 / MM Btu Effective cost of Quinsam coal $ 3.39 / MM Btu Please also see Section VIII, Para C. regarding capital and operating cost implications for the use of the Usibelli coal Attachments 1 to 8 to Section VII. Fuel includes the coal specifications for the various coals, as follows: Attachment 1 Fording, Black Bear coal Attachment 2 Fording Coal Mountain coal Attachment 3 Luscar, Obed Mountain Mine Attachment 4 Luscar, Coal Valley Attachment 5 Usibelli Coal Mine Attachment 6 Quinsam Coal Attachment 7 & B Kennecott Energy, Spring Creek and Colowyo coal 15 B. Coal Demand and Storage Requirement The coal demand of the Bethel Power Plant is: At 100% boiler output: 95,900 lb/hr (Fording coal) (at 85% steam generation efficiency) At 99% availability 412,300 short ton (ST) 374,000 metric ton (MT) At 80% demand 333,170 ST 301,700 MT Required storage capacity has been determined based on the following assumptions: ƒ The navigational season lasts from the last ten days of May to the first ten days of October – about 4½ months ƒ To account for unforeseen circumstances, such as late start of the navigating season, an early winter, or for security of supply reasons, it was assumed that the fuel delivery season would last 3 months. Consequently, the storage capacity must provide space for storing nine months worth of coal usage or 310,500 ST. The balance, approximately 101,800 ST, will be delivered directly to the coal bunkers or used to replenish the coal in storage during periods of waiting for incoming barges. In calculating the amount of coal in storage, differences in usage of district heating heat and hot water over the year were also taken into account. Coal will have to be stored in an enclosed, air-supported or modular steel structure. This is a requirement resulting from continuous high winds (see Figure 3), which will cause major pollution and economical problems. With uncovered outdoor storage, the winds will pick up coal dust. The estimated amount of dust that could be blown away from an uncovered coal pile is up to 5%, especially during stacking and reclaiming operations. This represents a loss of 22,000 ST or an estimated $1,530,000. The cost of a cover structure of $7.5 million will repay itself just in coal savings within less than five years. Prevention of coal dust air pollution is difficult to express in monetary units, but it is at least as important. The coal demand and storage capacity required for the plant is provided in Table 2. Following Table 2 are two pages which provide the cost of barging coal from Security Cove to Bethel plus six pages of coal transportation schedules and equipment requirements discussed in Section C. 16 Table 2 Coal Demand in Months and Required Storage Capacity Coal demand ST Required storage capacity Month PP DH PP + DH ST January 32,451 3,222 35,673 35,673 February 29,311 2,725 32,063 32,063 March 32,451 2,682 35,133 35,133 April 31,405 2,595 34,000 34,000 May 32,451 2,346 34,798 34,798 June 31,405 2,271 33,675 33,675 July (3 weeks DH maintenance) 32,451 587 33,038 August 32,451 2,346 34,797 September 31,405 2,595 34,000 Direct supply to boilers October 32,451 2,682 35,133 35,133 November 31,405 2,919 34,324 34,324 December 32,451 3,222 35,673 35,673 Totals 382,089 30,191 412,280 310,445 Volume CY 460,000 CFt 12,420,000 PP = Power Plant demand (power generation); DH = District Heating system demand; PP + DH = total plant demand; ST = short ton Figure 3 Bethel Windrose COST OF BARGING COAL FROM SECURITY COVE TO BETHELCapital cost and cost of moneyPre-owned barge, including overhaul 3 2,800,000 8,400,000 All tons are metric = 2205 lbs unless indicated otherwisePre-owned tug boat, including overhaul 1 2,200,000 2,200,000 Shipping to Security Cove includes $3.00 per ton loading charge at respective coaOther cost 1,000,000Total Capco 11,600,000Grant 67% 7,730,000Total requiring financing 3,870,000Equity 25% of remaining 25% 967,500Loan2,902,500Interest on loan 5.0%At the beginning of Year Y 1 Y 2 Y 3 Y 4 Y 5 Y 6 Y 7 Y 8Remaining principal to be repaid 2,902,500 2,671,738 2,429,438 2,175,023 1,907,887 1,627,394 1,332,877 1,023,634Interest payment 145,125 133,587 121,472 108,751 95,394 81,370 66,644 51,182Principal repayment 230,762 242,300 254,415 267,136 280,493 294,517 309,243 324,705Total yearly payment on loan 375,887 375,887 375,887 375,887 375,887 375,887 375,887 375,887OPCO seasonal only 110 days May 25 - Sept 188 days May 25 - Aug. 24Y 1Y 2Y 3Y 4Y 5Y 6Y 7Y 8Hours 2,640 2,112 2,112 2,112 2,112 2,112 2,112 2,112Personnel tug 3barges 69Man-hours 23,760 19,008 19,008 19,008 19,008 19,008 19,008 19,008Rate incl. O/T and other 40.00$ 950,400$ 760,320$ 760,320$ 760,320$ 760,320$ 760,320$ 760,320$ 760,320$ Fuel usage gal/year 159,700$ 124,500$ 124,500$ 124,500$ 124,500$ 124,500$ 124,500$ 124,500$ Fuel at $1.25 / gallon 199,625$ 155,625$ 155,625$ 155,625$ 155,625$ 155,625$ 155,625$ 155,625$ Lubeoil 1,042 2,605.00$ 2,031 2,031 2,031 2,031 2,031 2,031 2,031Other consumables 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000Maintenance 159,726 159,726 159,726 159,726 159,726 159,726 159,726 159,726Insurance 2.5% of value 2.50% 327,250Cost of money + principal 375,887 375,887 375,887 375,887 375,887 375,887 375,887 375,887Total expenses 2,035,493$ 1,473,589$ 1,473,589$ 1,473,589$ 1,473,589$ 1,473,589$ 1,473,589$ 1,473,589$ Coal barged tons 374,000 299,200 299,200 299,200 299,200 299,200 299,200 299,200Cost per ton $/ton 5.44$ 4.93$ 4.93$ 4.93$ 4.93$ 4.93$ 4.93$ 4.93$ Charge to Bethel Power $/ton 7.60$ 7.60$ 7.60$ 7.60$ 7.60$ 7.60$ 7.60$ 7.60$ Fuel cost (Fording) $/ton 35.00$ 35.00$ 35.00$ 35.00$ 35.00$ 35.00$ 35.00$ 35.00$ Shipping to Security Cove* $/ton 15.50$ 15.50$ 15.50$ 15.50$ 15.50$ 15.50$ 15.50$ 15.50$ Total fuel cost at Bethel $/ton 58.10$ 58.10$ 58.10$ 58.10$ 58.10$ 58.10$ 58.10$ 58.10$ 1st year, delivery of 100% coal demandSecond to Twentieth Year; Plant operating at 80% capacityBarge OPCO 19 11 2003 11/20/2003 COST OF BARGING COAL FROM SECURITY COVE TO BETHELCapital cost and cost of moneyPre-owned barge, including overhaulPre-owned tug boat, including overhaulOther costTotal CapcoGrantTotal requiring financingEquity 25% of remainingLoanInterest on loanAt the beginning of YearRemaining principal to be repaidInterest paymentPrincipal repaymentTotal yearly payment on loanOPCO seasonal onlyHoursPersonnelMan-hoursRate incl. O/T and otherFuel usageFuel at $1.25 / gallonLubeoilOther consumablesMaintenanceInsurance 2.5% of valueCost of money + principalTotal expensesCoal bargedCost per tonCharge to Bethel PowerFuel cost (Fording)Shipping to Security Cove*Total fuel cost at Bethelal terminalY 9 Y 10 Total paid698,928 357,98834,946 17,899 856,370340,941 357,988 2,902,500375,887 375,88788 days OPCO seasonal only May 25 - July 7Y 9 Y 10 Y 11 Y 12 Y 13 Y 14 Y 18 Y 19 Y 202,112 2,112 2,112 2,112 2,112 2,112 2,112 2,112 2,11219,008 19,008 19,008 19,008 19,008 19,008 19,008 19,008 19,008760,320$ 760,320$ 760,320$ 760,320$ 760,320$ 760,320$ 760,320$ 760,320$ 760,320$ 124,500$ 124,500$ 124,500$ 124,500$ 124,500$ 124,500$ 124,500$ 124,500$ 124,500$ 155,625$ 155,625$ 155,625$ 155,625$ 155,625$ 155,625$ 155,625$ 155,625$ 155,625$ 2,031 2,031 2,031 2,031 2,031 2,031 2,031 2,031 2,03120,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000159,726 159,726 159,726 159,726 159,726 159,726 159,726 159,726 159,726375,887 375,88700000001,473,589$ 1,473,589$ 1,097,702$ 1,097,702$ 1,097,702$ 1,097,702$ 1,097,702$ 1,097,702$ 1,097,702$ 299,200 299,200 299,200 299,200 299,200 299,200 299,200 299,200 299,2004.93$ 4.93$ 3.67$ 3.67$ 3.67$ 3.67$ 3.67$ 3.67$ 3.67$ 7.60$ 7.60$ 5.70$ 5.70$ 5.70$ 5.70$ 5.70$ 5.70$ 5.70$ 35.00$ 35.00$ 35.00$ 35.00$ 35.00$ 35.00$ 35.00$ 35.00$ 35.00$ 15.50$ 15.50$ 15.50$ 15.50$ 15.50$ 15.50$ 15.50$ 15.50$ 15.50$ 58.10$ 58.10$ 56.20$ 56.20$ 56.20$ 56.20$ 56.20$ 56.20$ 56.20$ Second to Twentieth Year; Plant operating at 80% capacityBarge OPCO 19 11 2003 11/20/2003 18 The next issue relating to estimating the required storage capacity is the coal pile configuration. As discussed on the following page, the issue is important because of the required space and related cost, as well as safety reasons. Coal should be stored in compacted piles to eliminate air pockets and reduce water access to coal or in un-compacted piles to facilitate good air flow through the piles. High rank coal with low moisture content may be stored in un-compacted piles. 19 Figure 4 Coal Pile Configuration Figure 4 shows a comparison of coal piles’ cross-sectional areas and related proportions. The one with the 25o angle of incline is for a compacted (packed) pile. The angle is dictated by the capability of compacting equipment to work safely. The other, with the 38o incline, is an un-compacted coal pile, in which the angle is created by coal’s natural angle of repose. The cross-sectional area of un-compacted coal pile is 67% larger than the cross-sectional area of the packed coal pile. After taking into account the cross-sectional area proportions and the bulk densities of compacted and loosely deposited coal (70 and 50 lb/cubic foot, respectively), it was determined that an un-compacted pile will store 20% more coal on the same horizontal area than the packed coal pile. This is concluded with the following brief economic analysis: Capital Expenditure Savings with uncompacted storage versus compacted pile: ƒ Due to smaller building (shorter by 20%) $1.2 million ƒ Due to less working equipment, no D8-R Cat required $500,000 ƒ Due to foundation cost reduction $1.8 million Total capital cost savings $3.5 million Operating Cost Savings for uncompacted pile versus compacted pile: ƒ Reduction of building maintenance cost $25,000/year ƒ Elimination of operation of D8-R Bulldozer (120 days/yr) $100,000/year Total operating cost savings $125,000/tear The above analysis is valid for coal that can be stored un-compacted, such as Fording Black Bear coal. Lower rank coals, especially those with high intrinsic moisture, require compacting for safety purposes, mainly prevention of low-temperature release of combustible gases due to reactions between water and CO2 creating methane, prevention of localized self-induced heating, and spontaneous ignition and explosion hazards. 0.39 0.233 1.0 25o 38o 20 Coal Storage on Permafrost-related Issues No geotechnical or survey information is available for the proposed plant sites. For this report, we have assumed the plant area to consist of ice-rich, warm permafrost sandy-silts. Foundations will typically consist of a thick layer of compacted sand with a layer of rigid board insulation installed in the pad to limit seasonal thaw to within the sand fill. To preserve the integrity of the underlying permafrost, foundation designs utilize passive refrigeration, thermo siphon flat loop systems and/or thermo helix-piles as deemed necessary. The refrigeration systems will use the phase change properties of CO2 to remove heat from the ground whenever the air temperature is below freezing. The cost of constructing foundations in permafrost soils is substantially greater than on non-permafrost soils. It is estimated that the cost of constructing foundations and associated passive refrigeration systems at Bethel will be roughly 2.64 times ($19.2 million vs. $7.3 million) that of constructing conventional foundations in non-permafrost soils of average load bearing capacity, such as firm clays, sands and gravels. C. Shipping Coal to Bethel – see Spreadsheet following page 16 Two options of shipping coal to Bethel were considered: ƒ Load barges at the port of shipping - Vancouver Port, Roberts Bank, or Westshore Terminal, Seward Coal Terminal or Texada Island, B.C. (for Quinsam coal) and tug them directly to Bethel. Following a brief evaluation (presented below), it was decided not to proceed with further research of this option as it became apparent at a very early stage that it is inherently a high cost option. This results from: - Extended shipping time and - On long distances barge + tug shipping is less fuel efficient than large vessel shipping. According to Foss Maritime Company the cost of shipping coal by barge from Vancouver will be as follows: 21 5 barge-tug teams are needed to deliver the coal to Bethel during the shipping season of 150 days. One round trip from Vancouver to Bethel will take approximately 21 days; the following cost items are included: - Mobilization at $190,000 per barge/tug $ 950,000 - Cost to modify existing equipment $ 3,000,000 - 150 days at 80% utilization, $15,750 per barge per day $ 9,450,000 - Waiting time at $12,750 per barge per day (20%) $ 1,912,500 - Demobilization at $200,000 per barge – tug $ 1,000,000 Total cost $ 16,312,500 This cost does not include wharfage, moorage, pilotage assist tugs, local or state taxes or misc. port fees. These items would add as much as $2,175,000 ($5.00 per ton) The resulting shipping cost per ton: $18,487,500 / 435,000 = $42.50 The highest cost of shipping using other arrangements, outlined below, is between $20.56 to $37.65 per US ton. ƒ Transport all coal on Handysize type (10,000 to 35,000 DWT) deep-sea bulk carrying vessels to Security Cove or Goodnews Bay, where coal would be transloaded (lightered) onto barges and tugged to Bethel. The waters of the Kuskokwim Bay and the mouth of the Kuskokwim River are rough making transloading from bulk freighter to barges very difficult if not entirely impossible. Additional impact is exerted by the heavy winds in the Kuskokwim Bay area. Both the Goodnews Bay and the Security Cove provide good conditions for lightering. At the time of writing this report, there was no information available about the navigability of Goodnews Bay. All cost data and scheduling is based upon transloading in Security Cove. 22 Figure 5 Location of Security Cove and Goodnews Bay The cost of shipping from Vancouver, BC to Security Cove was determined to be approximately $12.00 to $14.50. The lower cost was provided by Seabulk Systems, Inc. of Richmond, BC and World Wide Shipping & Chartering Ltd. also of Vancouver, BC; Navio Corporation of Connecticut quoted the higher price. After lengthy discussions with the bulk shipping companies, we concluded that the price would be in the range of $12.50 when all additional costs are taken into account, including higher fuel cost. Two variants of this option have been evaluated: 1. Barging coal by specialized marine contractors 2. Barging coal by Nuvista or a subsidiary/sister company thereof The following companies were approached to provide the shipping cost from Security Cove to Bethel. ƒ Seabulk Systems, Inc. ƒ Crowley Maritime Corporation ƒ Bering Marine Corporation, a Division of Lynden Incorporated ƒ Northland Services, Inc. ƒ Foss Maritime Company Seabulk Systems is an engineering company, which also provides shipping services Security Cove Goodnews Bay Eek Island 23 by subcontracting. All other companies have their own fleet or will expand their fleet to fulfill obligations if employed for the job. All of the shipping companies have experience in barging materials up the Kuskokwim River or in other areas of Western Alaska, however, at present the only company with significant Kuskokwim related experience is Northland Services. Northland Services sister company, Yukon Fuel, has been shipping large amounts of fuel to Bethel and other villages on the Kuskokwim river for years. Yukon fuel has been shipping fuel barges from 7,700 dead weight tonnage (DWT) up to 9,000 DWT. Yukon Fuels has submitted the most competitive and comprehensive quote for supplying fuel for the MPP. Foss Maritime’s experience includes continuous shipping of lead/zinc concentrate from the Red Dog Mine. The conditions for shipping from the Kivalina port, North of the Kotzebue Sound, are different from those on the Kuskokwim River. Shipping there involves mainly open sea navigation as opposed to traveling on a river with a significant number of shallow places. Also the shipping is done in the other direction, the material is shipped from the mainland to receiving locations outside Alaska. Red Dog Mine owns the self-unloading barges operated by Foss Maritime. Bering Marine (Lynden) provides specialized contract marine services, delivering building materials, equipment, sand, rock and gravel to Alaska’s isolated places. The fleet of shallow-draft equipment supports construction of docks, roads, and airstrips. Because they own floating construction equipment, Lynden would possibly be a good choice for bringing in and unloading plant equipment during construction. Crowley Maritime Corporation is the largest barging contractor in the West Coast waters, specifically in the Alaskan waters . Other companies (for instance Northland Services) often lease equipment from Crowley. The company does not have the local experience in shipping on barges large quantities on a continuous basis, as does Northland (Yukon Fuel); however, due to this company’s size and involvement in all kinds of shipping, it is our belief that Crowley can provide this service with the same success rate as Northland. The second variant of this option is to ship the coal from Security Cove or Goodnews Bay by a subsidiary or sister company of Nuvista Corporation. This undertaking would be carried out as follows: Nuvista would purchase 3 (three) pre-owned barges with 10,000 to 12,000 DWT capacity, maximum draft 12.5 feet, and one pre-owned tug boat with a 3000 to 4000 hp engine. In the first year operation four Handysize freighters (Handysize is a bulk carrier vessel of 10,000 to 35,000 DWT) will deliver the freight to the Security Cove or Goodnews Bay according to a predetermined schedule (see attached schedules). The coal will be unloaded onto the barges so that the bulk carrier will not have to wait for unloading. The tug boat will tow the barges one at a time to Bethel where 24 they will be unloaded. After delivering the first barge the tug boat will travel empty to pick up the next barge and will travel back with the first barge. After delivering the third barge, the tug boat will tow two barges. The arrival at Security Cove of the next freighter will be scheduled to coincide with the arrival of the barges at this point. In the first year (supply of 412,300 US tons) 4 freighters will be employed; two freighters will make four trips each and two freighters will make three trips each. One trip will bring 7,500 tons more than required; this amount will be stored at Bethel. In the second through twentieth years three freighters making three trips each and one freighter making only 2 trips will be employed. The attached schedule of the cost of barging shows that this option will result in significant savings. The trip time includes 8 hour contingency for waiting for tide. Other possibilities were also discussed, for instance: - Partial unloading of the deep-sea freighters onto barges at Security Cove and then move the ship to a location near Eek Island for unloading the remaining coal. This could save some shipping and barging costs, but would require shipping on larger vessels, such as Panamax size (60 to 75 thousand DWT) and is dependant on the allowable ship draft. After several discussions, this option has been abandoned because of the expected higher cost of freighter shipping and lightering operations. - Barging from Vancouver or Seward to Bethel – this option was abandoned early due to cost – see considerations on page 20 and 21. D. Coal Transportation Procedure After many discussion with all companies we have decided on the following procedures: 1. Navigational Conditions From its mouth to Bethel, the Kuskokwim River includes several shallow places (sand bars) that reduce the allowable vessel draft to below 6 ft. The most severe conditions exist at Johnson’s Crossing and Oscar’s Crossing. The beginning and end of the shipping season may vary. The best estimate of the navigational season is from approximately May 25th to October 5th. Navigation of the Kuskokwim River is strongly related to tides; a sample tide schedule for July 18, 2003 at the Apokak Creek entrance is shown in Figure 6. The tide increases the allowable draft to 12.5 feet in low-water season. 25 The navigational season includes two low water periods when the depth is in the range of 12 to 12.5 feet with tide. The periods are: ƒ Mid July to third week of August, due to the dry season ƒ Mid September to the end of the season due to water freezing in mountain streams Figure 6 Kuskokwim River Tide Schedule for July 18, 2003 at the Apokak Creek Entrance 2. Equipment Barges and Freighters Due to the short navigating season, draft limitations and the amount of coal that has to be delivered to the power plant site it is recommended that large deck or hopper barges are used. The coal supply schedule presented herein was prepared based on the Crowley 400 ft x 100 ft deck barge. The carrying capacity of this barge in DWT (see next page schematic and specifications) is: ƒ At high water up to 12,000 short tons (ST) (10,870 MT). ƒ At low water – assumed for 11.5 feet 8,800 ST (8,000 MT) Crowley’s 400 x 100 barge is representative of the large barges; although other barge dimensions are also used, for instance 418.5’ x 75’ x 29’, 14,500 DWT (Portsmouth and Bridgeport type), 420’ x 80’ 17, 193 DWT, 550’ x 80’ at 33,700 DWT and other. The 550 ft barge is designed as an articulated barge and tug tandem. It is typical for petroleum products shipping with double wall hull and has a draft of over 24 feet, which practically eliminates it from navigating on the Kuskokwim River. Consideration was also given to self-unloading barges of the type being used for shipping Red Dog Mine’s concentrate. These barges are significantly more expensive and due to the specifics of their design, have reduced payload tonnage. For ocean shipping from the coal ports near Vancouver, BC, Canada it is recommended to employ 35,000 DWT bulk freighters with continuous 26 unloading capabilities. This type of ship will be able to deliver to Security Cove 30,000 tones of coal and load to the barges. Five thousand DWT is dedicated to the weight of the ship’s own personnel and supplies – fuel, food and other items. Barge Availability Virtually every one of the above shipping companies will have to obtain barges for this job. At present, possibly only Crowley Maritime has sufficient equipment, which still have to be outfitted for shipping coal. There is a broad range of available pre-owned barges and tug boats. Attached are 2 pages printout of examples of available equipment. In the attached spreadsheet “Coast of Barging Coal …” it was assumed that the barges can be purchased at $2.8 million each including overhauling and adapting to coal transporting. Unloading Equipment Ocean-going bulk freighters are equipped normally with unloading/barge loading equipment and only such will be hired for delivering coal to Security Cove. Unloading equipment is required for barges. a. Self-unloading barges – barges that are equipped with unloading equipment. Coal is stowed in large hoppers that discharge onto a conveyor at the bottom of the barge. The conveyor delivers the coal to an elevator (bucket or two-belt conveyor), which discharges the coal to a transporter delivering the coal to a place on the shore most often being a hopper for a subsequent conveyor. This would be the most expensive of the three options as the unloading equipment would be built into each barge. This would increase the weight of each barge and reduce the tonnage that it could carry. b. Crane un-loaders are usually simple and the initial cost is most likely the lowest; however they are relatively slow. Crane unloading rate is in the range of up to 500 ton/hr. Evaluation of the system has lead us to conclude that the minimum unloading rate should not be lower than 1500 tons/hr. The equipment cost of cranes for an application of this size is very close to that of a continuous unloader. c Continuous barge unloader, supplied by Heyl-Patterson and proposed for application at Bethel is shown in Figure 7. 27 Figure 7 Heyl-Patterson Stationary Barge Unloader The system is anchored one side on shore and the other on a concrete pile in the water. The system’s capacity is up to 2,000 ton/hr. It is powered by electric power with stand-by diesel generator. This unloader is a permanent installation and cannot be moved for winter, therefore, it requires protection against damage caused by ice, specifically at the beginning of the cold season during ice build up and in the spring during ice break up (ice floes). Another unloading system for the application at Bethel is a Catamaran Transfer Vessel (CTV); see picture in Figure 8. The CTV is a mid-stream floating structure supported by columns erected on a pair of self-propelled hulls capable of trans-shipping bulk cargo from barges into Cape/Panamax size vessels or to the shore. The first CTV with an unloading capacity of 3,000 tons/hour (30,000 ton per day) is working in Indonesia transloading coal onto ocean-going coal freighters. 28 The reclaimer is capable of unloading at a design rate of 2,000 tph of coal and can achieve effective cleaning without front-end loader assistance. The daily average load rate of the CTV is estimated at 20,000 tpd of coal. The upper deck supports a unique chain bucket reclaimer with a dual-head moving on a separate trolley across the width of barges. The vessel is capable of unassisted maneuvers along the length of ships and barges using an onboard Dynamic Positioning System of thruster drives. The thrusters enable the vessel to mobilize between transshipment sites at a nominal speed of 6 knots and effectively station-keep during operations as well as mooring. It will be possible to move the CTV for the winter and early spring months into a slough, where ice damage would be prevented. A fully integrated navigation bridge includes a separate cargo control center directly above the bulk/container operations. A satellite communication system on the CTV is used for data management and shore interface. Due to the fact that the CTV, if selected for the Bethel site as barge unloading equipment, will be stationary and the only required movement would be translocation to a slough for winter storage, these features will not be required. Although slightly more expensive than cranes, continuous unloaders have many advantages. They are much faster than other unloading methods; continuous un-loaders will be able to sustain an unloading rate of 2,000 TPH. Continuous un-loaders require only 1-2 operators to run, thereby reducing manpower costs compared to other unloading methods. Currently the pricing for continuous un-loaders is in the range of 5-7 million dollars. E. Schedule Please see attached schedules. For scheduling purposes it was assumed that 400 x 100 barges with respective tugs are used and that the payload of the barges will be 10,000 MT during normal water level period and 7,500 MT during low water level period. 29 Other assumptions made for scheduling are: Average loading and unloading times of barges, including maneuvering to and away from freighter and dock site in Bethel are as follows: - 10,000 MT barge 6.0 hours - 7,500 MT barge 5.0 hours - 5,000 MT barge 4.0 hours - At maximum velocity of 7.5 knots upriver and 8.7 knots downriver (empty) the average loaded trip time is 21 hours one-way. Empty trip down river is assumed at 19 hours. This time includes some contingency for unexpected events that would delay operations. - In trip planning 8 hours was added as a contingency for waiting for the tide. Figure 8 Catamaran Barge Unloading System Shown in Ship Loading Service, with a Helipad All scheduling presented in the Report or attached documents is based on the 30 lightering operations being done at Security Cove. There is a possibility that lightering will be possible to be done at Goodnews Bay which is some 30 to 35 miles closer to Bethel. Conducting lightering operations in the Goodnews Bay would reduce the barge trip time by four hours and proportionally the cost of barging. The Goodnews Bay navigational conditions must be farther investigated. 31 VI. DESCRIPTION OF THE POWER PLANT A complete coal fired power plant has been evaluated for the production of 97 MW of electrical power and required heat for the district heating system. The plant will include two separate process lines, each including one boiler and steam turbine to allow independent operation of the plant on one system at 55 MW and 177 million Btu of heat for the district heating system. The Power Plant will include the following systems: 1. Coal receiving and unloading dock. – Included in Section V 2. Coal storage area including stacking and retrieving equipment, and conveyors for delivering fuel to the boilers. – Included in Section A 3. Two pulverized coal combustors with integrated boiler, superheater, economizer and air heater, and feedwater system. – Included in Section B 4. Two turbine and generator process lines including switchgear and substation, as well as steam condensers with cooling towers and cooling water circulating pumps. – Included in Section C 5. Air pollution control system including baghouse, SCR system, ducting and stack – Included in Section D 6. Auxiliary equipment and installations such as loaders, diesel fuel storage tank, stand by diesel fired combustion turbine, diesel fired boiler for start up and auxiliary steam demand and other. – Included in Section E 7. Instrumentation and controls, central control room and motor control center. – Included in Section F 8. Maintenance shop with tools. – Included in Section G 9. Siting of the Power Plant – Included in Section H The plant will be housed in appropriate buildings. The buildings will also include facilities for the office personnel – locker rooms, lunchroom, etc. The plant may also be partially housed on power barges in which case the on-shore power plant buildings will be reduced to modular structures to house the related needs. – Included in Section J A. Coal Storage The delivery conveyor from the continuous unloader discharges into a receiving hopper and onto the main coal conveyor to the coal storage yard. For this task a covered belt conveyor 60” wide and approximately 1200’ long is being recommended. The belt will deliver the coal to the storage yard via a stacking system. 32 Several stacking systems were investigated: 1. Linear stacking systems that travel on a track and stack the coal in linear piles, 2. Radial-stacking systems that stack in radially arranged piles, 3. Linear bucket-wheel stacking/reclaiming systems, which incorporate both stacking and reclaiming functions in one system. The first two systems require additionally reclaiming equipment such as: ƒ Front end loaders, ƒ Portal reclaimer, whose reclaiming equipment is similar to that of a barge unloader, ƒ Boom-mounted bucket wheel reclaimer. Both reclaiming systems are applicable only to loosely packed coal. They cannot be used for reclaiming compacted or frozen coal piles, which in Bethel may create a problem, especially because the storage building will not be heated. However, the stacking and reclaiming systems are independent of each other and can perform both operations at the same time. The bucket-wheel stacker/reclaimer can reclaim coal from both packed and un- compacted piles; however, being two-in-one systems, it can do only one kind of operation at the time. This may be problematic during the shipping season when it will also have to reclaim coal for power plant operation. An option is included, in which coal flow from the barge unloader will bypass the stacker and be conveyed directly to the coal bunkers for feeding the boilers. Attached is documentation from METSO Minerals, a USA materials handling equipment fabricating company and MAN TAKRAF, a German materials handling equipment builder and supplier. We have also discussed the application with Thyssen Krupp, another German materials handling equipment builder and supplier. We have not, however, received a quote from this company. Challenges relating to the long-term storage of coal have been mentioned in the section titled Coal Demand and Storage Requirement. Information provided both by the mining company (Fording Coal Mines) and Westshore Terminals indicates that the coal needs not to be compacted for extended storage, in excess of one year. Also, as indicated earlier, coal will have to be stored in a covered facility, primarily to prevent coal fines from being blown and lost due to high winds blowing continuously in the area. Covering of the coal pile will also protect coal from deterioration under the influence of the elements and prevent weathering and absorption of moisture from precipitation. The last will result in the elimination of the need for a sophisticated and expensive 33 water drainage, collection and disposal system. The coal pile configuration is shown on drawing No. 01-000-001. The following four options for coal pile covering were investigated: 1. Pre-Fabricated Steel Building This is one of the more attractive methods for covering the coal in Bethel. Although this method is more expensive than an air supported structure, it offers more flexibility once it is constructed. Steel buildings have good resistance to the elements, if needed, can be heated and can enable good ventilation of the coal pile. The foundations for a building of this type are also simple, making the building easy to erect. A building for the required size would cost roughly 5.5 to 6.5 million dollars, erection cost not included. Garco Buildings of Spokane, WA is a typical supplier of such buildings. 2. Air Supported Structures These are structures in which air under slight pressure hold inflated a fabric roof and side walls. These buildings are easy to transport and offer a short erection time. The structure requires a continuous air supply to stay inflated, which adds a significant amount to the operating cost. The required air pressure is in the range of 2 to 2.5 inch WG. The air exiting the structure must be utilized as combustion air or cleaned before disposal. An air- supported structure of required size would cost about 4 million dollars before erection costs. This price was quoted by Radian Air Supported Structures. 3. Concrete Domes offer a simple option for coal storage that provides a large volume for the space used. This structure is not recommended when compacting of coal is required. The cost of a concrete dome built in the USA Mainland would range between 7 and 9 million dollars depending on the size. Taking into account Bethel conditions and availability of construction materials, the cost may easily double. The supplier of such structures is Dome Technology. 4. Aluminum Frame Domes are similar to pre-fabricated steel buildings. These buildings have a dome shaped roof, but can have standard walls like a regular building. The major benefit of an aluminum frame dome design is that it can be used for large clear-span structures; clear spans of 350 feet or more are not uncommon. A budget materials price of about 6.5 million with an installed price of about $16 million was quoted by Geometrica. These structures are advantageous when structure weight is a major consideration. Otherwise steel prefabricated structures are faster and cheaper to assemble. The buildings will require inlets for the conveyor that brings coal from the dock, for the conveyor(s) transporting coal out of the building and for letting in and out self propelled working machines (loader, bulldozer, etc.) and personnel. 34 From the storage building, the coal will be reclaimed and delivered to two bunkers per each boiler via a system with dual conveyors, one conveyor will be stand-by. The conveyors will deliver coal to the bunkers via grizzlies, which will be serve as a backup system for filling the bunkers in case of a reclaimer breakdown. There will also be auxiliary feed hoppers that can be used in the event the stacking and reclaiming system is down for maintenance. For this purpose, the plant will be equipped with CAT 980G front-end loaders for filing the hoppers. The coal storage building will also include a fire prevention and suppression system. The most important issue in fire/explosion prevention is controlling coal dust. For this purpose, a detailed procedure will be developed. Dust Control In the Coal Storage and Handling System Prevention of coal dust explosions and fire will be the most important safety precaution undertaken in the Bethel Coal-Fired Power Plant, therefore, the coal storage and handling system will have to include several dust control methods and equipment. a. Dust Control Transfer Points – sized and quoted by Martin Engineering. The technology associated with the Martin Engineering low dust transfer points is called PECS - Passive Enclosure Dust Control System. This technology allows transferring coal from one conveyor to another without stirring up excessive dust. The PECS Transfer System uses a “Hood” to control the material stream as it comes off a head pulley. It keeps the material tightly together through the drop chute and directs it onto a “Spoon” receiving chute. The spoon lays the material on the receiving belt at roughly the same speed and direction that the belt is traveling. This minimizes air entrainment and reduces impact that can wear the belt and drive dust into the air. The PECS Transfer System also incorporates seals at the entry to reduce air movement and a stilling zone at the exit to allow dust to settle from the air. b. Belt Cleaning – Keeping belts clean can drastically reduce lost coal especially during transport. The most common method for cleaning belts are stationary scrapers before the section of belt picks up another load of coal. c. Covered Conveyors – Because of Bethel’s high wind conditions, all conveyors running outdoors will be covered. Special covers will be included at points where conveyors enter structures, especially if an air-supported structure is used. All covers should extend all the way to transfer points to control dust that is stirred up at the transfer points. d. Coal Buildings – discussed earlier; the advantages from both safety and environment protection point of view, as well as economical reasons cannot 35 be underestimated. e. Extraction of Air – A system of air extraction from the coal-storage building air will be implemented. The air will be drawn out of the building and used as combustion air. f. Some dust control measures inside the plant will be implemented by design. The measures will include sealing off areas with intrinsically high dust generation (e.g. coal pulverizers) from the rest of the plant. B. Pulverized Coal Combustors with Integrated Boiler The power plant will include two pulverized coal combustors with boilers and auxiliary equipment (superheater, economizer, air heater; fans and blowers for combustion air, flue gas induced draft, and feedwater system). The system will produce superheated steam at the following parameters: Per boiler Total Steam output, continuous design capacity lb/hr 354,000 708,000 (Includes steam for district heating) Maximum capacity lb/hr 390,000 780,000 Minimum capacity lb/hr 240,000 480,000 Superheated steam pressure, design psig 1,100 maximum (MAWP) psig 1,375 maximum (testing) psig 1,650 minimum psig 1,000 Superheated steam temperature, design oF 1,000 maximum oF 1,100 Furnace thermal input MM Btu/hr 589 1,178 Feedwater temperature entering economizer oF 260 Feedwater temperature entering boiler oF 500 Feedwater Pressure, deaerator exit psig 20 Economizer Exit Gas Temperature to Stack, not to exceed oF 280 Continuous Blowdown 1.75% The superheated steam generation and steam turbine system works in simple Rankine cycle without reheat. Boilers working at the above listed parameters do not normally include reheaters. Application of reheating is being considered together with Babcock & Wilcox and ALSTOM (Combustion Engineering) to improve the generating efficiency. 36 Pulverized Coal (PC) combustion is a modern technology that has been proven in the USA over the last 40 years and is characterized by high combustion efficiency (very low loss on ignition) and low-cost emission controls. Coal pulverized in specially designed crusher/grinders is blown into the boilers combustion chamber. The coal behaves like a gaseous fuel – both the speed and efficiency of combustion are high. Because of this, the process control are simplified. Means for the control of NOx generation can be used such as those for gaseous fuel combustion – flue gas recirculation, staged combustion with overfire air and other similar methods. Bids have been obtained from the most advanced and experienced vendors: Babcock & Wilcox, and Alstom Power, former ABB Combustion Engineering. The boiler system will include the following components: ƒ Furnace/combustion chamber, which will provide a minimum of 0.5 seconds residence time for the combustion gases before entering the water-walled section. ƒ Evaporator with steam drum, mud drums, tubing ƒ Superheater with attemperator. ƒ Steam heated and flue gas heated air heater ƒ Economizer ƒ Combustion Air Supply System for each boiler and one stand-by system ƒ Feed Water Chemical Treatment ƒ A complete feedwater system with one pump for each boiler and one stand- by, dual-drive (steam and electric) feedwater pump ƒ One deaerator for each boiler including appropriate control valves The steam drum will be equipped with all ASME Pressure Vessel Code required trim. During the system engineering phase, consideration will be given to installing acoustic fire-side tube cleaning devices, which improve boiler performance. Combustion air will be supplied to the system both underfire and overfire to improve combustion performance and enhance NOx control. ,. BOTTOM SUPPORTED BOILER WITH LOW GRAVITY CENTER SUITED FOR BARGE MOUNTING 37 Make-up Water Source, Treatment, Filtering and Blow-down Disposal Make-up water requirements are as follows: Boiler make up, 1.75% of 2 boilers steaming capacity 11,314 lb/hr = 22.6 gpm Cooling tower make-up Circulating water evaporation rate: 1. Condensing steam flow 531,062 lb/hr at 1,042 Btu/lb 2. Heat to be removed 553.30 MM Btu/hr 3. ∆T cooling circulating water 20 oF 4. Required flow of cooling water 27,666,000 lb/hr = 55,320 gpm 5. Evaporation rate 55,320 x 0.1% x ∆T = 1,106 gpm Blow down bleed rate = Evaporation / (# of cycles – 1) Bleed rate at 4 concentration cycles 369 gpm Total make-up 1,475 gpm The possible sources of make-up water for the Bethel power plant include: ƒ Drilling of water wells. This option may provide water that is low in impurities and would likely require the least treatment. ƒ The second is drawing water from the Kuskokwim River. This option could prove to be more difficult than drilling wells for several reasons: o The Kuskokwim River is over 1000 feet away from the power plant, meaning an 8” pipeline would have to be built from the river to the plant complete with pumps for pumping the distance and the head difference estimated 50 ft. This problem is minimized if the plant is barge mounted. o During winter the Kuskokwim becomes frozen, consequently, the water intake must be near the bottom of the river to prevent freezing. As a result of this, the water will contain a large percentage of suspended and dissolved solids. The cost of preparation of the make up water will increase significantly. o Spring breakup ice could damage the water intake and the piping. ƒ Drawing water from an artificial (built) cooling pond. This option will experience problems similar to drawing water from the Kuskokwim River. Unless the pond is sufficiently deep, water in the pond may freeze over during winter and require thawing. Also, excavation of a sufficiently large pond may be significantly more expensive that drilling a water well or upgrading the quality of the Kuskokwim River water. 38 ƒ Water supply may be also a combination of two methods; for instance: boiler make up water from well and cooling tower make up water, whose quality is significantly lower than the required quality of boiler water, drawn from the cooling pond. Geotechnical and hydrological investigations will have to be conducted to determine related items, such as water availability, required treatment and so on. The plant will include a boiler make-up water treatment system, which will include as a minimum dual ion bed system. C. Steam Turbine and Generator System As with the boilers, two trains of Steam Turbine and Generator system will be included in the Power Plant; each train will consist of: ƒ Turbine 1, HP16 – high speed, high efficiency turbine ƒ Turbine 2, LP190 – synchronous speed turbine receiving lower pressure steam from the HP turbine. ƒ Each turbine system includes a condensing steam exhaust and one steam extraction outlet with non-return valves for district heating and de-aerator. ƒ Speed Reduction Gear Parallel arrangement ƒ Gland Steam Unit ƒ Gland Steam Condenser ƒ Lube Oil System on separate baseplate for lubrication and control oil with interconnecting piping and oil coolers sized for water temperature 85oF. Two main oil pumps and one emergency, DC-motor driven pump. Including Lube Oil Coolers and De-hydration system. ƒ Hydraulic Oil Supply Unit ƒ Required piping, insulation blankets, sheet metal lagging. ƒ Generator, 13.8 kV, 60 Hz, 3600 rpm, 0.85 PF with brush-less excitation and coolers sized for water temperature 85oF. Generator shaft is monitored for vibrations. ƒ Complete stand-alone digital control system handling all required turbine and generator controls (closed and open loop) and monitoring instrumentation (power output, pressures, temperatures, vibrations, etc.) of the steam turbine and generator unit. The control system includes a coordinating controller plus separate control units for the turbine governor function, steam turbine safety trip functions and generator voltage regulator functions. ƒ Operator station with color monitor, keyboard, track ball and event and alarm printer. ƒ Unit is built for indoor installation with noise attenuation to 85 dBA. ƒ Steam Surface Condenser with two liquid ring vacuum pumps, each with 100% capacity. The condenser is built of 304L stainless steel tubing and 39 tubesheets and coal tar epoxy coated water boxes. ƒ Cooling Tower System - one per train; fiberglass structure, stainless steel connecting hardware, heavy duty PVC film pack fill, fans, fire-retardant FRP fan cylinders for velocity recovery and other. As an alternative to the cooling tower system use of once-through condenser cooling should be considered, in which the water will be taken from the pond located near the plant site in Bethel. This option will be evaluated in the environmental impact study. D. Environmental Control System The Bethel Coal-fired Power Plant will be built to satisfy the best Alaskan environment protection standards. With today’s technology coal-fired power plants can perform at highest industry levels at reasonable cost not exceeding average industry cost. 1. Emissions The performance of the plant will be as follows: Sulfur dioxide SO2 Alaska State standard 500 ppm dry volume (ppmdv) Expected performance less than 250 ppmdv To achieve this performance the plant will be using Fording’s Black Bear coal with a sulfur content of 0.29%. Even if more stringent standards are applied, which reduce the SO2 allowable emissions by ½, the plant will still perform better than required by standards. To prevent precipitation of sulfuric acid, which causes corrosion and is harmful to the personnel, the minimum flue gas exhaust temperature will be limited to 272oF. a. Particulate matter PM Alaska State standard 0.05 gr/dscf (grains per dry standard cubic foot) Expected Performance The plant will perform at this very stringent standard. To achieve this performance the plant will include a cyclonic type collector (single cyclone or multi-cyclone) and a baghouse (filter) type collector. b. Opacity Alaska State standard 20% for less than 3 minutes in 1 40 hour Expected Performance The plant will perform better than this standard. To reduce opacity excursions the boilers will include acoustic cleaning systems working continuously instead of sootblowers, which cause excursions during sootblowing operations. c. CO and NOx The State of Alaska does not have standards for NOx and CO. We propose to implement the following standards: CO 0.10 lb/million Btu fired = 118 ppmdv NOx 0.30 lb/million Btu fired = 215 ppmdv The standards that the State may want to impose could be lower, as follows: CO 0.085 lb/million Btu fired = 100 ppmdv NOx 0.150 lb/million Btu fired = 108 ppmdv To achieve emission levels complying with these standards the plant will utilize the following technical means: For CO reduction/control ƒ Pulverized coal combustion (PC) technology, which improves the combustion efficiency thereby reducing the CO content in the flue gas (CO is a product of incomplete combustion; improvement of combustion efficiency = CO reduction). ƒ Combustion chamber design that will provide a minimum of 0.5 seconds residence time for the combustion gases before entering the water-walled section. The longer the residence time the better probability of CO reacting with oxygen. ƒ Catalytic converter for afterburning CO to CO2. See remark at the end of NOx reduction/control section (below) The PC technology will also allow minimization of the Loss on Ignition (LoI) to less than 0.5% of the fuel input. Reduction of LoI by 1% is equivalent to saving estimated $300,000 annually. In grate- fired power plants LoI of 2 up to 8% are not unusual. For NOx reduction/control ƒ Flue gas recirculation, which reduces the amount of free 41 ionized oxygen in the flame zone, thereby reducing the amount of oxygen available for reaction with nitrogen. ƒ Staged supply of combustion air to the PC burners and to the combustion chamber; the PC burners will receive below 75% of stoichiometric air. The balance of air will be supplied through upper registers in the combustion chamber. ƒ Selective catalytic or non-catalytic reduction (SCR or SNCR) – to be decided in the engineering phase. Catalytic reduction in an SCR or SNCR requires the supply of ammonia or urea (a compound containing ammonia) to the boiler. Even trace amounts of SO3, created at a rate of 2 – 5% of the amount of SO2 during combustion of sulfur from the coal, react with ammonia and create ABS (ammonium bisulfate), which settles on external surfaces of economizer and air heater tubing causing accelerated corrosion. A catalytic converter, at the same time as it improves afterburning of CO to CO2, also promotes conversion of SO2 to SO3, a negative effect of this application. Both the application of the catalytic afterburner and of the catalytic reduction of NOx will be evaluated in the engineering phase. There is a possibility that the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation will impose on US EPA demand even more stringent standard; for instance NOx 25 ppmdv and CO 0.016 lb/MM Btu (100 tons per year). To achieve this performance special technical means would be needed, such as Selective Catalytic Reduction System for NOx control and catalytic converter for CO. d. Dust blowing issues The dust blowing issues are very important for the Bethel area due to strong and constant winds blowing there (See Bethel Windrose, Figure 3). The American National Standard A.58.1 shows winds in this area of up to 100 mpg base speed. 42 The primary services of dust are: ƒ Coal storage ƒ Outside coal handling equipment, primarily conveyors and loading and discharging points ƒ Ash handling system Prevention of dust blowing is addressed appropriately in the section on coal handling and storage and fire suppression. The general rule to be applied at construction of the plant is to enclose as much as possible and feasible of dust forming points and allow into the building outside air only in a controlled All conveyors working outside will be covered and will be equipped with passive dust control system discharges which significantly reduce the possibility of dust blowing. 2. Effluent Discharge The continuous liquid discharges (effluents) from the plant are: ƒ Boiler blow-down water ƒ Cooling tower blow-down water ƒ Ion exchange regeneration waste water ƒ Sanitary (sewage) water The intermittent discharge wastewater includes: ƒ Boiler and condenser chemical cleaning solvents ƒ Boiler fire-side wash water Boiler blow-down, cooling tower blow-down water and ion exchange regeneration waste water are neutralized with chemicals and deposited in a settling pond. Neutralization results in large quantities of precipitating solids, which settle in the settling pond. Water from the pond can be reused in the cooling tower system or can be disposed of to a local waterway – Kuskokwim River or a nearby pond. The settling pond solids will be periodically removed and deposited locally in a landfill or quarry. The solids are neutral and do not require disposal in a sanitary landfill. Sanitary water includes only effluent from facilities for the personnel at the power plant. It is recommended that sanitary water disposal is contracted to the sanitary services of the City of Bethel. 43 3. The Power Plant’s solid waste includes ash from coal combustion and general human-generated garbage (municipal solid waste: trash, locker and lunch room waste). General waste shall be collected and disposed of by the City of Bethel Sanitary Services. The power plant may also offer to the City of Bethel and neighboring villages a municipal waste disposal service, in which the plant will incinerate all of the City’s combustible waste including sludge from sewage sludge drying lagoons. Ash Handling and Utilization System The Black Bear coal to be utilized in the Power Plant contains on average 11% ash. The content of silica (SiO2) and alumina (AI2O3) in this ash is high; as a result of this, the ash is suitable for the production of concrete aggregate. Table 3 Ash Mineral Analysis (Dry Basis) % SiO2……………………………………..56.86 % AI2O3……………………………………27.35 % TiO3………………………………………1.81 % Fe2O3……………………………………..3.42 % CaO………………………………………3.62 % MgO………………………………………1.02 % K2O……………………………………….0.65 % Na2O……………………………………...0.60 % P2O5………………………………………0.41 % SO3……………………………………….2.30 % Undetermined…………………………….1.96 The above ash composition shows its very good quality for utilization both as cement substitute and as filler material. The ASTM Standard C618-89a requires that fly ash to be used in Portland Cement Concrete must contain minimum 70% (Class N and F of mineral admixture) of combined silicon dioxide (SiO2), aluminum oxide (AI2O3) and iron oxide Fe2O3) (Please see attached Standard). The picture below shows approximate proportions in concrete production. Based on this, we estimated the input materials and possible concrete aggregate production as follows: 44 Figure 9 Ash production at 100% plant output: 45,600 US tons per year Portland cement 6.0% Ash (substituting cement and sand) 77.0% Char (from incomplete combustion of coal) 0.5% Water (balance) ~16.5% At these proportions, approximately 59,220 tons of concrete aggregate can be produced. In order to increase to volume of the aggregate, some local sand and gravel should be used to reduce the percentage of this highly cementaceous ash. The specific formula for aggregate production will be determined at a cement laboratory based of physical tests. The ash production in the second to eighth years will be: 36,500 tons The system will include: ƒ Pneumatic ash collection system extracting fly ash from various points on the boiler, economizer, baghouse and other. The system will include appropriate low pressure rotary blowers equipped with intake filter/silencer and exhaust mufflers. ƒ Ash silo capable of holding eight-month supply of ash. ƒ Portland cement silo with holding capacity for 3,700 tons. ƒ Agglomerating machine that will produce the aggregate. ƒ Aggregate storage. The aggregate can be produced from ash coming straight from the collection system or from the silo. It is proposed to produce the aggregate seasonally for direct usage locally. 45 Solid waste and Sewage Sludge disposal One of the boilers of the Power Plant will include a capability to feed and burn local municipal solid waste (MSW) and partially dried sewage sludge excavated from drying lagoon. The plants Emission Control System will be capable of handling the extremely small additional load, which is in the range of 0.11% of the weight fuel input or 0.03% of the thermal input. To facilitate this feature the plant will be equipped with: - MSW and sludge receiving station, - Sorting station to remove tramp metals, rocks and non-combustible demolition waste (concrete pieces) - Shredder - Pneumatic system for conveying and injecting the refuse derived fuel into the furnace. E. Auxiliary Equipment and Installations Plant auxiliary systems include: ƒ Stand by diesel fired combustion turbine, GTX100 supplied by Alstom or LM6000 supplied by GE. The system will be activated in case of outage of one of the steam power generation process line, boiler or steam turbine generator. As a stand-by system, the combustion turbine will not include a heat recovery steam generator. The combustion turbine start-up time could be as short as 2 minutes. ƒ Diesel fired boiler for start up and auxiliary steam demand including district heating steam during outage of one boiler. Steam produced by the stand-by boiler will be used at plant start-up for steam blows (cleaning of steam lines), turbine trials and district heating system start-up. ƒ Diesel fuel storage tank. To enable very short combustion turbine start time, a portion of the diesel fuel will be stored in a separate compartment at 70oF. ƒ Rolling stock other than that used in the coal storage facility, ƒ Maintenance and repair shops, which is described separately in Section G. ƒ Buildings and foundations. Specifics on foundations specifically those built in permafrost conditions are provided in the LCMF LLC report. Covers for the coal storage facility have been described in Section A. ƒ Buildings for the power plant will be modular steel construction with appropriate thermal insulation. The buildings will house all equipment and 46 systems except for cooling towers. ƒ Fire Suppression System: The systems to be protected by the fir suppression system include: ƒ Coal storage and handling system. ƒ Coal handling system in the vicinity of the boilers – pulverizers and any other points where coal dust is created, for instance conveyor transfer points. ƒ Liquid fuel tanks including fuel piping, especially points where leaks can occur: fittings, valves and so on. ƒ Electric systems listed below. ƒ Stand-by combustion turbine compartment ƒ Offices ƒ Maintenance shops The electric systems with automatic release extinguishers include: ƒ Control room electric and electronic equipment ƒ Distributed control and supervisory system processor ƒ Motor control centers ƒ Boiler monitoring and control system ƒ Turbine monitoring an control system ƒ Station service transformer 13.8 kV / 4160 V 60 Hz ƒ Low-voltage distribution for auxiliary drives ƒ DC supply system for monitoring and control systems ƒ All other electrical equipment and installations requiring protection The primary system requiring protection is coal storage and handling systems. Prevision of coal self-induced heating and spontaneous combustion, and dust formation and dust explosions is the most important activity in the plant protection system. Prevention of coal self-induced heating and spontaneous combustion is primarily accomplished by selecting medium to low – volatile bituminous coals with low inherent moisture. The tendency of such coals to self-heat is in the order of one tenth of that of high volatile, high moisture coals. The recommended Black Bear coal from Fording can be stockpiled for over 13 months without spontaneous combustion hazard, whereas, sub-bituminous coals, like Usibelli, should not be stockpiled for longer than 40 to 60 day periods. The subsequent step in the prevention practice is coal pile monitoring for hot 47 spots and removing those spots the moment they are discovered. As important as the above is prevention of dust formation and suppression of the dust that got formed in stacking, reclaiming and the transfer points from conveyors to hoppers – see sub-section Dust Control in the Coal Storage and Handling System in section VI. DESCRIPTION OF POWER PLANT. In all areas where there is a coal dust hazard electric motors will be explosion proof and rotating equipment such as fans and blowers will be of non- sparking construction. Also, a dry water-foam system will be provided for fire suppression at various points of the coal handling system. In this system, the water is supplied through the piping only at the time of need. The foam is mixed into water close to the discharge point at the fire site by an automatic mixing system. The outdoor piping will be heat traced to prevent freezing of residual water. The fire suppression system for the liquid fuel tanks will also be a dry water- foam system. The dry water-foam system will include redundant water pumps including a diesel engine-driven unit. A 100,000-gallon raw water storage tank with heating coils will serve as a source of fire-fighting water. As an alternative, water from the cooling pond or make-up water well may be used. The water inlet will be placed below the possible freezing level. Appropriate detection, alarms will be included at strategic locations and system actuation will be automatic when and where necessary. The fire suppression system for electric and electronic equipment and systems will employ Energen, which is an inert, non-poisonous gas or an FM-200 chemical-based system. The Energen system is more environmentally friendly. The stand-by combustion turbine protection will include a CO2 (carbon dioxide) system, which in case of fire will flood the turbine compartment with dry CO2. The offices and the maintenance shops will be equipped with manual fire extinguishers in addition to a dry sprinkler system. A dry sprinkler system does not contain water, only when needed water is pumped into the system. The delay time is negligible. F. Instrumentation and Controls, Central Control Room and Motor Control Center 48 The Power Plant will be equipped with all instrumentation and controls necessary for trouble-free operation of the Plant. The central control room (CCR) will include operator stations with color monitors, keyboards, track balls and event and alarm printers. The CCR will house also the output and monitoring devices of the steam turbine power generating system. A separate motor control center (one for the entire plant) will be provided in a separate room of the main building. 1. The Plant DCS System The combustion systems with coal feeding, PC burners, boiler as well as the steam turbine will be controlled through an advanced distributed control system (DCS) consisting of an ABB Advant DCS equipment package. The DCS provides supervisory oversight, monitoring, and set point regulation for local controls devices. The supervisory function allows operation of major plant processes and equipment from the local control room. Processing units function independently, however, the exchange of signals across the communications network for controls purposes is avoided wherever possible. Basic control functions of the boilers to be maintained by the DCS system are: - Steam flow is maintained as a result of power and thermal energy demand; - Steam pressure and temperature; these parameters are maintained constant. The fuel feed rate is automatically controlled as a result of the set parameters; operator’s manual input is required only at unusual conditions that require setting the parameters outside the operating range; for instance, decreasing the boiler output below 70% nominal. Controls for the DH system and the BOP systems will also be integrated into the DCS system. The main functions of the DH system to be integrated into the DCS system are: - Steam supply to the Central Heat Exchange Station based on ambient conditions and demand signals from local heat exchange stations. - System circulating water parameters, and so on. The system will allow a large degree of independence of the DH system within the framework of the Power Plant operation requirements. The Control Philosophy is designed to the needs of the Bethel Power Plant. 2. Process Controls 49 Major plant systems to be controlled and monitored include: a. Combustion System including fuel supply, operation of coal pulverizers and primary, secondary and tertiary combustion air supply at specified pressures b. Boiler System with economizer, evaporator, and superheater c. Steam Turbine Generator System d. Condensate, feedwater and demineralizer Systems e. District Heating System The plant control system will interface with the Boiler Control System and the Turbine Generator Control System through data links. The Plant operation is designed for a “pushbutton” start locally or from the control room. Its operation is fully automatic. Remote control from the control room is accomplished from the plant control system CRTs via a digital link from the process control systems. The plant control system logs analog and digital data. Under abnormal conditions the output may be lowered for short durations during which time the process lines will operate at a lower efficiency. 3. First time Start-up of the system / Start up after extended outage. PC burners will be used for start-up to gradually heat the furnace and boiler refractory lining to a temperature where fuel may be introduced and combusted properly. The two main considerations during start-up and heating up of the boiler are: a. The rate of warming of the refractory should be not more than 50- 100°F per hour (the applicable rate will depend on the specific properties of the selected refractory) b. The rate of warming of the boiler pressure parts should be 4°F per minute. 50 4. Steam Turbine Generators (STG): The STG will be supplied with standard stand-alone control system handling all closed and open loop turbine controls. The control system will include: a. Electronic Governor based turbine loop controls b. Allen Bradley PLC module for turbine safety trip functions c. Allen Bradley PLC for turbine auxiliary control d. Generator AVR e. Generator protection relays and synchronizing equipment. 5. Boiler System Control of the boiler will consist of the following loops integrated into the plant DCS system to safely and efficiently maintain steam header and feedwater pressure to match turbine-generator requirements during start-up, normal operation, upsets, and shutdowns. a. Steam Drum Level Control System b. Steam Temperature Control c. Plant Service Steam Temperature Control d. Deaerator Level Control Steam Drum Level Control System The drum level control system will be a conventional three-element control system using main steam flow as the feed-forward signal; drum level and feedwater flow as the feedback signals. Based on demand, the system controls a feedwater control valve to adjust the flow to the boiler. The system is designed to operate on single element control using drum level only during start-up. Main Steam Temperature Control System The purpose of this system is to maintain the final superheater outlet temperature at a manually set value with minimum fluctuation. This is a single station, Cascade-type control system in which the final superheater outlet control unit serves as the primary control unit and the desuperheater outlet control unit serves as the secondary control unit. 51 District Heat Steam Temperature and Flow Control The DH steam will be extracted from the turbine at 120 to 150 psig through a pressure regulator and flow control valve (FCV). The FCV will be modulated by feedback from the Central Heat Exchange Station depending on ambient heating water return temperatures. Deaerator Level Control System The deaerator level will be controlled from the control room. If the level is low, make-up will be admitted from the demineralized water storage tank. Overflow will be discharged to the condensate tank. Level switches will be provided to alarm high and low levels and to trip the feedwater pumps on low-low level. Feedwater System Boiler Feedwater systems will be provided with pump minimum flow control, which is furnished by the pump manufacturer. This consists of an automatic recirculation control valve, which will circulate water back to the deaerator during periods of low feedwater demand – start-up, output reduction. Demineralizers The Demineralizer system will be equipped with a programmable controller (PLC). The water conductivity will be monitored in the control room. Plant Monitoring System All required plant parameters would be monitored and indicated, alarmed and/or recorded in the control room to facilitate the plant operator with control of the plant. The gas turbine will be interfaced to the plant control system for monitoring and trending. Local indicating devices, pressure gauges, thermometers, etc., will be furnished for local monitoring of selected plant parameters. Grab sample ports will be provided on the condensate, feedwater and main steam lines for periodic analysis for other contaminants. Sample coolers, as required, will be provided. 52 G. Maintenance Shop Due to the limited capabilities for local fabrication and repair, the plant will have to include a reasonably sized and well equipped maintenance facility. This facility will be able to service both basic plant equipment and the rolling stock on the premises. It is planned that the maintenance facility will be housed in a land-based building with an area of 100’ x 240’. Housing a portion of the shop on the power barges should also be considered. The facility will include the following equipment and tools: 1. Welding shop 70’ x 100’ with roll-up doors 2. 70’ x 100’ machine shop with roll-up doors This includes heat, sodium vapor lights, rest rooms, locker room, tool room, foreman’s office, 460 VAC welding equipment plugs in both shops and fire suppression system 3. 10 ton bridge crane in welding shop 4. 16” engine lathe, 10’ bed 5. 10” bench lathe, 5’ bed 6. 10” post radial drill press 7. Small 5/8 drill press 8. Vertical milling machine 9. Horizontal milling machine 10. Horizontal cut-off bandsaw 11. Vertical band saw (steel) 12. Iron worker 13. 300 Amp wire feed welder (2) 14. 300 Amp portable welder gas driven 15. Oxyacetylene welding equipment (3) 16. Steam “Jenney” cleaner 17. 50 ton vertical press In addition to the above shop, a rolling stock garage is planned equipped as follows: 1. Garage shop 160’ x 80’ x 20’ high, 12,800 sq. ft. Includes heat, sodium vapor high lights, rest rooms, spare parts room, tire storage area, lubrication storage and 460 VAC welding plugs around shop 2. Outside weather shed for various mobile equipment with lights and extension cord connections for engine block heaters 100’ x 40’ x 15’ 3. 300 Amp stick welder 4. Oxyacetylene welding equipment (1) 5. Steam “Jenney” cleaner 6. Spare parts, V belts, oil filters, tire chains, spark plugs, light bulbs and batteries 7. Tires & tubes, chains, tire breaker, compressor, lift & impact wrench 53 8. Work benches, tool cabinets, floor jacks, dollies, shop vacuum, tire racks, shelf racks. Jack stands, creepers, trouble lights, flash lights, bench vises, arbor press, light bulbs, show shovels, miscellaneous hand tools, drain pans, parts washer, miscellaneous nuts and bolts bin 9. Hard hats, gloves, cold weather clothing, safety glasses, soap and paper towels, safety shoes 10. Two fuel pump covered island, pumps, readout and totalizers, lighting and infrared heating 11. Underground diesel storage tank including excavation, piping, etc. 12. Underground gasoline storage tank including excavation, piping Maintenance and repair shops Tools and Consumables 1. One year supply of welding wire 2 to 3 sizes 2. One year supply of welding rod, various sizes and grades 3. Bar steel storage rack 4. Steel rounds, square, alloy, etc. 5. Plate steel 3/16, ¼, ½, ¾ 6. Nuts & bolts, grade 5 & 8 7. Set of 6” to 12” calipers 8. Set of inside micrometers 9 Safety glasses 10. Hard hats 11. Coveralls, welding leathers & gloves 12. Steel work benches (4) 13. Vises of several sizes 14. Storage cabinets 15. Milling machine attachments and milling cutters 16. Various lathes attachments and carbide cutters 17. Miscellaneous hand power tools 18. Miscellaneous hand tools 19. Miscellaneous instruments 20. Spare parts and storage 21. Miscellaneous shop furniture 54 H. Siting of the Power Plant The basic design has the Power Plant sited South of the City of Bethel – see drawing BT20089-00-000-002 and BT20089-00-000-003. The site is in close proximity of the planned dock for equipment and materials receiving during construction and coal receiving during operations. The dock will be connected with the coal storage building with a conveyor. The site is also close to a pond, which could be utilized for disposal of plant’s waste water, mainly inert blow down from the cooling towers. A second option that has been investigated and evaluated herein is barge mounting of the power plant as a method of reducing the high costs of skilled installation and construction labor and construction equipment in Alaska and supplying of the plant’s systems to Alaska. Two barges, on which most of the power plant would be mounted, would be equipped with the intended systems at a shipyard on the West Coast USA or Canada and shipped on dry dock vessels to the vicinity of Security Cove, Alaska, from where the barges will be tugged to Bethel. A canal-type harbor will be excavated in which the barges will be anchored and connected to the land-based coal storage building, make- up water supply and substation for power export. The inlet to the canal will be closed. Housing cooling towers on the barges is also considered as possible and feasible, however, due to space requirement it may be decided in the engineering phase to site the cooling towers on land, near the barges. Currently barge mounted power plants include combustion turbines or diesel engines as motive power, working in simple or combined cycle. They are predominant in areas with developing power grids and areas without access to sources of low-cost and clean fuels such as natural gas and coal. Barge-mounting of a coal-fired power plant has not been done yet, however, there are many examples of this being possible, for example: steam ships, barge-mounted Kraft pulp plant with a recovery boiler. Realization of this option will encounter several challenges, the most important of which are listed below: a. Method of shipping to Bethel: barges towed from construction/assembling yard would have to be built to satisfy the Standards and requirements for ocean navigating vessels, including US Coast Guard regulations and other. This requirement makes the barge significantly heavier due to strength requirements, even though the barges will practically make only one trip. 55 On the other hand, shipping barges on a "Dry Tow" vessel eliminates all of the above requirements because the power barges are considered to be cargo. The navigability requirements of the barges are reduced to those for river shipping – significantly less demanding due to better navigation conditions. b. Barge origin and shipyard where the power barges are assembled – at present, practically all dry-dock type vessels are foreign flagged and because of the Jones Act cannot be used for shipping between US port. Practically, the barges would have to be built and assembled overseas. One company, Jumbo Shipping, has been looking into getting a US flagged heavy lift vessel built in the next few years. Depending on the project timeline, this company may be able to accommodate our needs. c. Engineering design issues relating to the strength of the barges, distribution of weights, method of mooring the barges to eliminate the swell of the barges caused by winds. d. A very important issue relating to the stability of the barge mounted plant is prevention of barge movements during fall freezing and spring ice break-up. These issues will be further analyzed during the engineering phase. Three options for mooring the barges are being considered: i. After the barges are towed into the harbor canal, the inlet would be closed and the water pumped out. The barges would settle on the bottom of the harbor. A support structure will have to be designed so the barge is settled as deemed vital by the requirements of a steam power plant. ii. After the barges are towed into the harbor canal, the inlet would be closed and the water left in. A system for freezing the surrounding water will freeze the barges into place in a controlled way. iii. The third option is a reverse of the second option: instead of freezing, maintain the water temperature above freezing year round. Each option has both advantages and disadvantages. In the first case the stability of the permafrost below the bottom will be of utmost importance. For creating the canal, a minimum of 12 feet would have to be excavated, which means a layer of ground protecting the permafrost would be removed and the permafrost disturbed. We are not qualified to predict the consequences of this. One more option that may take place is that there may be no permafrost in area were canal would be excavated or it may be at a significant depth as water from river may have thawed this low ground creating a thaw bulb which is typical of areas adjacent to rivers. Only field investigation will provide info on this. Both the second and the third options are viable means of mooring the 56 barges. With appropriate maintenance of the ice build up around the barges the second option results in their good stabilization. The third option is attractive in this that in a steam generation plant there is a substantial amount of low-temperature waste heat (for instance, from steam condensing) that can be easily utilized for maintaining the water surface free of ice and at a constant level. Proper anchoring and stabilization of the barges would be an important task for barge engineers. For the purpose of mounting the power plant pre-owned (used) barges can be procured. The structure of the barges will be enhanced appropriately to facilitate mounting of the heavy equipment. Preferably, the construction could take place in one of the West Coast shipyards, such as: - Todd Pacific Shipyard Corp. in Seattle, WA - Nichols Bros., Inc, Freeland WA - Gunderson, Inc. Portland OR Shipyards on the Coast of the Gulf of Mexico (Texas, Louisiana) have been also considered, however, barges built there will have to be towed through the Panama Canal, where the allowable width of < 105 ft precludes the use of dry-dock vessels with 100 foot wide barges set on top. This adds to the significant cost of transportation. Far East shipyards in China (specifically Shanghai, with the world known Shanghai Boiler Works, that manufactures boilers for North American boiler makers, and which is located at the Yangtze River waterfront) or Indonesia may also be a consideration, however, at the time of writing of this Report, no response from Far East companies was received. The barge sizes evaluated for this purpose are 300’ x 100’ up to 450’ x 100’. 400 x 100 barges are presently very popular with the barge shipping companies; as a result, their availability on the pre-owned barge market is almost non-existing. Barge cost is in the range of $2,250 to $2,500 per short ton of barge weight, which translates into $7.5 to $9.5 million per barge. On the pre-owned barge market appropriate equipment can be purchased at $750,000 to $1,250,000 per barge; repairs, enhancing the structure and preparation for mounting the power plant equipment will cost up to $1,500,000. Effectively, the suitable equipment will cost between $2 million and $3 million. In the Capital Cost estimate, the cost for two barges was assumed at $5 million each plus $2,500,000 for dry shipping. Actually both costs can be reduced to a total of $7.5 million for two barges. 57 Figure 10 Example of “Dry-dock” vessel shipping of power barges from Batangas/Phillipines and Singapore to Salvador (Baia de Todos os Santos), Brazil (via Cape of Good Hope) for Nordeste Generation Ltd., Singapore. Cargo Specifics: Length (m) Breadth (m) Height (m) Weight (MT) Power barge I 67.0 18.30 4.27 2274 Power barge II 82.3 21.33 5.60 2907 Power barge III 77.7 24.40 4.90 2132 Power barge IV 81.6 22.66 4.88 3300 Power barge V 81.6 22.66 4.88 3300 Fuel Barge 85.0 27.00 5.41 1500 Pump House Barge 26.8 9.15 4.70 500 Load-Out Operation: Loading float-on Discharging float-off Transit time Approx. 30 days 58 VII. DISTRICT HEATING SYSTEM The plant will include provision for supplying thermal energy to a district heating system for the City of Bethel. The system will meet the diverse thermal energy needs of Bethel’s residential, institutional, commercial and industrial customers. It will include a heat exchanger for heating water circulating between the plant and the heat receivers in the neighboring communities. The circulating water will be heated with extracted steam in condensing heat exchangers. At the maximum demand for heat, the plant will supply to the district heating system 230 MM Btu/hr. Based on the heating oil usage records and projected city and surroundings growth, we estimate that Bethel will require the following heat supply: ƒ Summer supply, average: 91.1 million Btu/hr averaged over 4 months for May-August ƒ Winter supply, average: 142.2 million Btu/hr averaged over January & December ƒ Maximum winter supply 169.0 million Btu/hr ƒ Extremely low winter temperatures, about –40oF 180 million Btu/hr ƒ Yearly average supply: 128.9 million Btu/hr The thermal energy supply rates include both heat and hot water for consumption. Since the numbers represent monthly averages, the actual minimums and maximums may differ significantly from the given amounts. It is planned that during a 2 to 3 week period in July or August, the system will be shut down for maintenance. The maximum winter demand of 180 million Btu/hr is estimated based on recorded lowest temperatures. The system has been engineered so that every building in Bethel can be supplied with heat and hot water. This includes all residential housing, schools, the community college buildings, government and city buildings, the hospital, the prison, the airport, and local businesses. The system can also provide heat to an existing or new swimming pool for the general population of Bethel. The development of the Bethel Power Plant will include the construction of trunk pipelines (see drawing 89-00-00-01) for supplying heat to one Central Heat Exchange Station. From there one main trunk line will serve the airport and one will serve the City. The pipeline to the City will branch out to the North and East. Tie-ins for buildings or groups of buildings will be constructed by the City or by private enterprise. Buildings that include more than 3 recipients of heating service will be equipped with local heat exchange stations that supply heat and hot utility water to individual recipients. Heating of buildings is accomplished by circulating hot water that is heated in a condensing heat exchanger by steam, which is extracted from the power plant’s steam turbines, and then piped to receivers around whole districts. Providing both heat and hot water is an extremely efficient use of fuel and demands co-ordination of energy supply with local physical planning. There are over 30,000 district heating systems in the USA. Hot water district 59 heating meets the thermal energy needs of residential, commercial and industrial users from the same distribution line. The coal fired power plant if operating as power generator only has an efficiency of 29.6%; in a plant with thermal energy supply to the district heating system the efficiency goes up to 37.8%. In both cases the efficiency is calculated by dividing useful power (Donlin demand + Bethel demand + transmission loss + thermal energy supplied to DH) converted into thermal units (x 3.412 MM Btu/MWe) by the heat input. The Bethel district heating system will be based on using hot water instead of steam as the thermal energy carrier. Older district heating systems use steam for this purpose, however, there has been a general movement towards using hot water, which is recommended by the International Energy Agency – an international body with headquarters located in Europe that promotes energy efficiency by using district heating and heat pumps. The advantages of water heating over steam heating are several, the most important of which are: A. Safety: Water is used in district heating systems with temperatures in the range of 170 – 194oF (77 – 90oC), which is sufficiently below the water boiling temperature. A leak in the piping, whether outside or inside the heated space, will not result in rapid conversion of water to steam, which prevents the possibility of scalding or a steam explosion. B. At working pressures the volume of steam is 180 times larger than the volume of the same mass of water. This means that water requires smaller diameter piping and valves, as well as smaller size pumping and heat exchange equipment. Smaller diameter piping results in lower overall heat losses; hot water systems lose only a maximum of 10% of their energy before it is delivered to the desired location, whereas same duty steam - based systems lose as much as 30% of their energy to ambient air. C. Due to safety considerations, pressurized steam systems must be built according to the ASME Code; as a result, they are significantly more expensive in both capital and operating cost terms. Steam systems are also more expensive due to larger pipe sizing and the requirement for higher horsepower of drives for pumping equipment. The maintenance cost of steam-based systems is also significantly higher than that of water-based systems. System Specifics A. Pipes & Pumps Sizing pipe for the district heating system was determined by the estimated heat usage of the Bethel community. The heat capacity of the Bethel district heating system was based on the average heating oil usage, accounting for 20% growth over 10 years. We estimated a heat delivery rate of 169 MM Btu/hr average load in winter, with a maximum momentary winter load of 180 MM Btu/hr. The heat load 60 also accounts for utility hot water usage. Heating water delivery rate is based on the heat demand and the temperature difference between the delivery and return lines. At a ∆T of 65° F the required pipe size to avoid incurring excessive pumping costs while balancing capital costs is 16” pipe. For supplying pipe we have contacted several manufacturers that are familiar with district heating pipe. Prices for the pipe ranged from $25 per linear foot for 10-inch pipe to $83.00 per linear foot for 24-inch pipe. The pump size needed was also determined. The 16-inch pipe seems to be the most economic. The required horsepower at 169 MM Btu/hr is 500 HP and 600 HP for 230 MM Btu/hr. This gave us the general pump size and required operating energy. B. Heat Exchangers The District Heating system will include main heat exchangers where the district heating water is heated with heat supplied from the Power Plant. The size of the heat exchanger was determined by the average winter heat rate of 169 MM Btu/hr. However, the system will have sufficient capacity to allow for heating demands during extreme low temperatures. The heat exchanger is a condensing type to make use of the latent heat of vaporization. After the main exchange station at the Power Plant, there will be several local exchange stations to deliver heat to individual or groups of houses. These stations will have heat exchangers that transfer the heat to a lower pressure loop that delivers hot water below 15 psig. The reason for the low-pressure loop is to meet the 15 psig limit for ASME building codes. The size of the intermediate heat exchangers will be determined by the heat requirements of the surrounding structures. Using water directly from the District heating system should be avoided to prevent contamination of the water in the main trunk lines, and to extend the life of the system. Contaminated water increases maintenance costs and causes premature failure in the main distribution lines. Also, the pressure for delivery water needs to be kept low for safety reasons. Since the delivery pressure in the main lines will be above 70 psi, an intermediate loop will allow the pressure to be dropped to a reasonable level for safety. At the final delivery point, radiant heaters will be installed in individual buildings for heating. These heaters will run off the intermediate exchangers that are linked to the main trunk lines. In some cases, forced air heating units can be retrofitted for district heating. 61 C. Backup System For the modular Power Plants, we will include a stand-by package oil-fired boiler used to supply heat for district heating. This boiler will only be operated when the plant is down for maintenance. System Installation The scope of the feasibility study only covers the basics of main trunk piping, primary heat exchangers, and the average costs of hooking up a single household. A more thorough investigation will be needed to obtain a better knowledge of the customer base and the engineering specifics of a complete district heating system. The overall capital equipment cost includes the main trunk lines, the delivery pumps, the primary heat exchangers and the hookups for households. At the time of construction there may be additional equipment costs. The install costs for a district heating system will be significant, as several miles of main trunk lines will have to be laid. With our current information, we estimate that laying the main trunk line, installing the central exchange station, and insulating pipe joints will take about 40,000 man-hours. Additional residence and hookup costs will depend on the size and demand on the district heating system. The only needed regular maintenance for the district heating system will be on the primary feed pumps and heat exchangers at the Power Plant. Main trunk lines for district heating will have to be inspected yearly, as will intermediate heat exchangers. 62 VIII. CAPITAL COST ESTIMATE The following cost estimates for the project have been based on equipment quotations obtained from major equipment vendors and estimates. The estimates below include all cost components as: engineering, procurement, installation, allocated foundation and common system cost, construction management and all other related cost items. Cost of equipment and system installation was based primarily upon vendor estimates; some costs were estimated as a percentage of equipment cost, based on average industry data. The position Start-Up and Commissioning includes labor and consumable cost during the six months start up/run-in period. A. Land - Mounted Power Plant Fuel Receiving and Storage $ 33,267,400 Steam Plant $ 55,466,300 Generating System $ 23,509,200 Ash Handling & Disposal System $ 626,200 Environmental Systems & Controls $ 4,085,300 Rolling Stock $ 2,142,500 Plant Utilities & Services $ 13,590,600 Civil & Structural $ 5,253,000 LCMF Foundations and Civil Work $ 39,651,100 Project Services and Facilities $ 16,793,600 Start-Up and Commissioning $ 4,876,100 Total Systems $ 199,261,300 Contingency 10% $ 15,961,000 Total Plant $ 215,222,300 Cost per Megawatt @ 96.6 MW Gross Output $2,227,974 / MWe Total Plant cost excluding specific provisions $ 172,554,000 for coal storage and permafrost protection Cost per Megawatt @ 96.6 MW Gross Output $1,786,300 / MWe Not Included In Total Plant: 1. District Heating System 2. Environmental Impact Assessment Study 3. Stand-by CTG (GTX100 / LM6000) Sub-Total Not Included in Plant $ 31,462,000 The following cost schedule is for the Power Barge Option. As above, the cost of the district 63 heating system, stand-by CTG, and Environmental Impact Study are listed separately. B. Barge - Mounted Power Plant Fuel Receiving and Storage $ 33,267,400 Steam Plant $ 47,156,800 Generating System $ 20,896,700 Ash Handling & Disposal System $ 626,200 Environmental Systems & Controls $ 3,003,000 Rolling Stock $ 2,142,500 Plant Utilities & Services $ 9,684,100 Civil & Structural $ 2,123,800 Barges (2) including cargo-shipping to Bethel $ 9,600,000 LCMF Foundations and Civil Work (coal storage & dock only) $ 31,355,300 Project Services and Facilities $ 13,812,700 Start-Up and Commissioning $ 3,876,100 Total Systems $ 177,544,600 Contingency 10% $ 14,618,900 Total Plant $ 192,163,500 Cost per Megawatt @ 96.6 MW Gross Output $1,989,270 / MWe The cost difference between the land mounted and barge mounted power plants, $23,058,800, is the result of savings obtained from eliminating high-cost foundations of the steam and power generating plants and reducing the cost of manpower. During estimating the cost, the difference in productivity resulting from work in northern conditions, especially during the arctic fall and winter, was not taken into account. Some savings resulting from higher productivity of personnel assembling the power barges in milder climate (for instance Seattle) will most certainly result. C. Capital Cost Implications of the Application of Usibelli Coal The heating value of Usibelli coal is 7,800 Btu/lb vs. 12,284 Btu/lb of Fording coal. As a result (12,284 / 7,800 =) 1.57 times more Usibelli coal is needed. If we take also into the account the fact that there is a 5.5% difference in the boiler efficiency (89.1% versus 83.4%) due to higher moisture and oxygen content in the fuel, the proportion of Usibelli coal demand to that of Fording becomes in excess of 1.8 times. In fact, the power plant operation requires 412,300 tons of Fording coal or 687,500 tons of Usibelli coal. This fact dictates 80% physically larger (and more costly) coal storage facilities, boilers, ducts, emission control equipment and higher expenses on moving coal, air and combustion gases. The cost of the storage building only would be about $25,000,000 higher. The storage building cost increase includes material handling equipment inside the building. Other additionally required capital items would include: 64 i. Larger boiler due to larger flows and required larger heat transfer surface (lower quality coal burns at lower temperature with lower heat transfer coefficient); estimated cost increase: $5,800,000 ii. Larger flue gas ducts outside boiler, passages and stacks $1,500,000 iii. Higher cost of conveying system $1,000,000 iv. NOx Control System $ 920,000 v. Coal bunkers with dust control $1,000,000 Total estimated Capital Cost increase, including coal storage cost $35,220,000 D. Possible Savings from Utilization of Healy Clean Coal Power Plant Only preliminary investigations were carried out; they consisted of contacting the persons responsible for the project on the part of AIDEA (Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority) and the Federal Department of Energy, as well as reading progress reports of this project. The conclusions/recommendations presented herein are preliminary; an in-depth evaluation of the plant is required. The Healy Clean Coal Power Plant (HCCP) was designed to use 50% Usibelli run-of-the- mine coal and 50% waste coal. The applied technology is TRW’s “entrained / slagging” combustion and B&W’s spray drier absorber desulfurization system. The technology was designed for burning high ash and moisture content coal with a significant content of Sulfur. For the Bethel Coal-fired Power Project the TRW combustion technology is not suitable due to selecting a higher quality coal, which resulted in the following basic advantages: - Lowest cost fuel when the cost is expressed in $/million Btu - Flue gas desulfurization not required - Capability of applying the high efficiency pulverized coal combustion technology The B&W spray drier absorption system is not applicable either due to low sulfur content in the coal. Before actually inspecting the boiler it is impossible to state its suitability for the Bethel project; however, some assumptions can be made based on the coal characteristics. We are familiar with the characteristics of the Usibelli coal (see attachments); it is high ash and very high moisture (~26%). In addition to this coal, 50% of coal waste, which is usually very high in mineral matter content (rocks, silt and similar) and moisture, further deteriorates the value of the fuel. The boiler combusting such fuel should be designed for large flue gas volumes (moisture converts into water vapors at a rate of 130 cubic feet per pound of water; for comparison, combustion of one pound of Black Bear coal generates less than ½ of this amount). The boiler would have to be re-rated for the Bethel application. Of the steam plant, some of the boiler ancillary equipment may be utilized: - Combustion air blowers 65 - Feedwater pumps - Boiler controls and instrumentation - Induced draft fan - Filter baghouse - De-aerator - A significant portion of the coal delivery and feeding system - Portions of the ash handling system – depending on the design of the existing one. The turbine generator side of the HCCP can most likely be utilized in its entirety. During the design and procurement of the second steam-generator line, care must be applied to equipment selection so that the Bethel Plant will not need to warehouse double amounts of spare parts. The equipment would have to be delivered to a Southern Alaska port (Seward) where it would be put on a barge and shipped to a West Coast shipyard (Vancouver, BC, Anacortes, WA, or other) where the boiler and the rest of the equipment would be assembled on the power barge. The savings are estimated as follows: Expenses 1. Acquisition at no cost 2. Disassembly, shipping to Seward - $ 1,450,000 3. Preliminary mounting on barge and shipping to West Coast port - $ 730,000 Other installation and shipping cost items will be the same as for a new plant. Avoided equipment cost, estimate $11,700,000 Estimated savings $ 9,520,000 Remark: This amount is an estimate of possible savings. It will be confirmed only after a thorough investigation of the Healy Plant. 66 IX. O&M ESTIMATE The following estimate was based in part on information obtained from a power plant in Gillette, WY where B&W PC boilers are working, PES’ experience with a 100 MW CFB coal fired plant, and other industry sources. Adjustments were made to labor costs for the plant location. For the cost of coal see Section V. Fuel Selection, Procurement, and Logistics of Supply. The cost of ash disposal is assumed to be neutral due to proposed ash utilization option. Gross Power Produced: 96.6 MW including 5 MW for transmission losses and 8.5 MW parasitic load (for plant internal usage). Net Power Produced fir sale: 82.8 MW including 70 MW for the Donlin Mine and 12.8 MW for the City of Bethel and the Villages. Table 4 Operating Cost Items and Estimates Positions No. of Employees Yearly Cost Management Plant Manager 1 120,000 Production Manager 1 72,800 Shift Hourly Personnel Shift Supervisor (4) 4 210,413 Auxiliary Operator (4) 4 190,861 Fuel Handler (4) 4 151,174 Equipment Operator (4) 4 148,595 Scheduled OT 4 shifts 8.8% use 10% 115,672 Hourly personnel Administrative Assistant 1 42,390 Purchasing and Coal & Ash Administration 1 54,080 Fuel Barge Unloaders (6) Part-time 6 85,442 Journeyman Mechanic 1 51,189 Millwright Machinist 1 52,104 Apprentice Mechanic 1 36,150 Garage Mechanic 1 45,531 Journeyman Welder 1 47,840 Journeyman Electrician 1 48,776 I&C Technician (2) 2 133,120 Total Direct payroll employees and cost 28 1,405,023 Burden Rate % 32% 449,607 Scheduled OT & Part Time 201,114 Non-Scheduled OT 55,579 Total Personnel Cost 2,111,324 67 Other Operating and Yearly Cost Fuel for rolling stock and standby utility boiler 118,000 Technical Services and Outside Support 300,000 Testing, outside Lab Analysis, Inside water Lab and testing supplies 25,000 Travel, Training and Safety 50,000 Contact services-Janitorial 24,000 Consumables office 5,000 Consumables plant including water treatment chemicals 200,000 Urea cost 1500 tons per year 150,000 Ash disposal (ash to be made into aggregate, concrete cost) – neutral 0 Replacement tools and equipment 15,000 Phone, mail and express service 12,000 Parts and materiel shipment to port, annual barge and misc. air 350,000 Water - no cost included in maintenance & station power 0 Spare parts & maintenance cost (Eqt 5%, Bldg 1%, El. 10%, Rolling Stock 10%) + Reserve of $500,000 Annually 3,200,000 Waste removal & disposal (except ash) 15,000 Property lease 0 Insurance fee (Fire, Accident) 300,000 Taxes 0 Miscellaneous contingency 5% 238,200 Subtotal other operating cost 5,002,200 Total O&M $7,113,524 Power production per year at net 100% sales MWh 99% availability 718,075 O&M cost per net MWh $/MWh 9.91 $/kWh 0.009 Estimated major additional operating cost resulting from the application of Usibelli coal: i. Due to dusting and the tendency to spontaneous heating and auto-ignition, storage of the Usibelli coal would require constant monitoring of hot spots and pile compacting, yearly $ 250,000 ii. Additional maintenance of materials handling equipment and rolling stock, including spare parts, yearly $ 280,000 Total additional operating cost $ 530,000 68 X. POWER PLANT PERFORMANCE EFFICIENCY A. Factors Impacting Performance of the Steam Power Plant The power plant performance efficiency depends on several factors the most important of which are: 1. Boiler efficiency 2. Steam cycle 3. Steam turbine efficiency 4. Utilization of available thermal energy 1. Boiler efficiency relates primarily to the process of conversion of the chemical energy contained in the fuel to thermal energy carried out of the boiler system in the superheated steam (heat absorbed). The process includes combustion and heat transfer from combustion gases to water/steam in the tubes. The losses inherent to this process are: - Losses with the flue gases - Losses due to evaporating and heating water in fuel and in combustion air - Losses due to moisture produced from combustion of hydrogen - Sensible heat loss with ash - Loss due to incomplete combustion - Loss due to radiation and convection to the outside of the boiler system Losses with the flue gases originate in the fact that the exhaust temperature of the flue gas must be usually above 280oF. This is primarily due to moisture and sulfuric acid precipitation, as well as extremely low efficiency of heat recovery at the temperature range below 300oF. The sulfur content normally determines the minimum exhaust temperature. For the Fording Black Bear coal, the H2SO4 the precipitation temperature is 269oF; for the Usibelli coal the respective temperature is 276oF, which means that the exhaust temperature must be minimum 286oF. For the Bethel plant, the 6-degree difference in flue gas exhaust temperature is equivalent to 13 million Btu per hour larger loss - an equivalent of 10,000 lb of steam or 1500 kW generated. In general, these losses account for approximately 5 to 8% of heat input. Losses due to evaporating and heating water in fuel and in combustion air include heat dispensed to evaporate the water content and heat it up to the flue gas exhaust temperature. Heat of evaporation, which amounts to around 1000 Btu/lb of water is not being recovered in boiler systems primarily due to reasons mentioned above. The higher the moisture content in the fuel the higher the loss. For example in case of the Bethel plant, the difference in thermal energy loss between the usage of the Black Bear coal and the Usibelli coal is 39.5 million Btu/hr. 69 Losses due to moisture produced from combustion of hydrogen is of the same character as the loss due to evaporation; water produced in the reaction between hydrogen and oxygen is being evaporated and the heat used for this purpose is lost. The higher the proportion of hydrogen to carbon, the higher is this loss. Lower grade coals have high H2 / C ratios. Sensible heat loss with ash is in the order of 0.3% of total heat input with coals containing around 10% ash. 0.3% in the Bethel plant equals approximately 3 million Btu/hr equals 3 tons of coal daily. Loss due to incomplete combustion is marginal when high-efficiency combustion process is utilized. The Bethel plant will utilize the pulverized coal technology that’s one important characteristic is its low loss due to incomplete combustion in the order of 0.7%. This includes uncombusted solid fuel (char in the ash) and loss in the gaseous phase – incomplete conversion to CO instead of to CO2. Loss due to radiation and convection to the outside of the boiler system and with the boiler blow down could account for 1.5% to 3.0%. Good insulation of the boiler system reduces heat transfer to the surroundings. Good management and preparation of feedwater reduces blow down losses. 2. Steam cycle The coal-fired power plant will operate in the simple Rankine cycle, the efficiency of which depends on the steam pressure and temperature. The Bethel plant will operate at 1100 psig and 1000oF. In this cycle, steam expands to 1.5 inch mercury (Hg) and is condensed for supply to the feedwater pumps. Partial expansion of steam in the steam turbine to 100 psig and its utilization for district heating (DH) improves the efficiency because the entire heat contained in the DH steam is utilized in a condensing heat exchanger as opposed to utilization of the steam energy only in the condensing turbine. Increasing the temperature and pressure beyond the above values would improve slightly the cycle efficiency; however, the associated materials cost and requirement for significantly high qualifications of operators make this method not feasible. Another method of increasing the efficiency of the steam cycle is to introduce a reheat step – see following section. 3. Steam turbine generator efficiency accounts for the mechanical efficiency of the system, steam leaks through various seals and glands, as well as steam usage for air ejection. Modern steam turbine generator assemblies have efficiencies approaching 85 to 87%. The efficiency used in the system calculations is 85%. 70 4. Utilization of available thermal energy was partially mentioned in section 2, Steam Cycle – use of condensing heat exchangers for the district heating system. The latent heat of vaporization of water that has to be removed from steam in the condenser is the largest energy inefficiency – more than 60% of plant thermal input is dissipated (wasted) in the condenser and cooling tower. Other means of better utilization of the thermal energy are: - Partial preheat of combustion air and make up water by recovering heat from condenser circulating (cooling) water. This water removes heat given off by condensing steam. The return water temperature is in the range of 80oF. It is possible to pre-heat the combustion air by 10oF, which will save about 3 million Btu/hr and improve furnace performance particularly in cold winter. - Application of the Heat Pump technology to recovering low quality heat was evaluated, however, the conclusion reached was that this technology is still too expensive to provide a return on investment. A system with appropriate heat pumps would require the supply of 6 MW plus, which would allow recovering about 20 million Btu/hr – basically a “zero balance” at an additional capital and operating cost. - Steam reheat –steam, after initial expansion in the turbine, is taken out and supplied to a separate section of the boiler, where it is reheated near the superheat temperature and directed back to the next lower-pressure section of the turbine. This is used in all large steam power plants. Introduction of steam reheating renders the capability to improve the heat rate by approximately 5%; that is increase the expansion efficiency by 4.5% to 89.5%. This improvement will reduce the amount of needed coal by near 16,000 tons or estimated $930,000 per year. We have requested both Babcock & Wilcox and Alstom (Combustion Engineering) to determine the implications of this improvement. 71 B. Summary of Bethel Power Plant Performance Power demand net, Donlin Mine MW 70.00 Bethel & villages MW 9.30 transmission losses MW 5.00 parasitic power MW 8.50 Total power output MW 92.80 Heat rate without DH heat demand, simple cycle, Fording coal Btu/kWh 11,547 Efficiency 29.6% Heat rate without DH heat demand, simple cycle, Usibelli coal Btu/kWh 12,145 Efficiency 28.1% Heat rate without DH heat demand, with reheat, Fording coal Btu/kWh 10,998 Efficiency 31.0% Heat rate without DH heat demand, with reheat, Usibelli coal Btu/kWh 11,647 Efficiency 29.3% Heat rate with DH heat demand, simple cycle, Fording coal Btu/kWh 9,021 Efficiency 37.8% Heat rate with DH heat demand, simple cycle, Usibelli coal Btu/kWh 9,551 Efficiency 35.7% Heat rate with DH heat demand, with reheat, Fording coal Btu/kWh 8,568 Efficiency 39.8% Heat rate with DH heat demand, with reheat, Usibelli coal Btu/kWh 9,176 Efficiency 37.2% Coal consumption Fording coal at 85% steam turbine efficiency, first year (with DH, simple cycle) ???? THIS LINE ton/year 412,300 Coal consumption Fording coal at 89.5% steam turbine efficiency, first year with reheat 396,400 Coal savings ton/year 15,900 Coal consumption Fording coal at 85% steam turbine efficiency, year 2nd and beyond ton/year 330,000 Coal consumption Fording coal at 89.5% steam turbine efficiency, year 2nd beyond year with reheat 317,300 Coal savings ton/year 12,700 The coal consumption numbers account for reduced district heating demand in summer 72 XI. RELIABILITY AND AVAILABILITY STUDY A. Introduction The Feasibility Study of the Bethel Coal-fired Power Plant includes as an important section, Determination of the Plant’s Predicted Availability and Reliability. Reliability is defined as the probability that an item (component, equipment, system or even an entire plant) will operate without failure for a stated period under specified conditions. Availability is defined as the fraction of the total time that a device or system is able to perform its required function. The availability can be expressed as a fraction (or percentage) as follows: Availability A = MTTRMTTF MTTF +; Where: MTTF = mean time to failure (mean time the items is working or available to do the work) MTTR = mean time to repair. MTTR + MTTF = total time Reliability is represented by: R = TT UPOTTT−; Where: TT = total time in the period UPOT = unplanned outage time The reliability quotient includes planned outage (for instance, for planned maintenance or plant vacation shut down) in the time the system is ready to work. Only unplanned outages reduce the reliability factor. 73 B. Basis of High Availability and Reliability Plant operating availability and reliability depends on the following major areas: 1. Engineering & Construction 2. System/Equipment Redundancy 3. Equipment and Manufacturers 4. Maintainability and Operability 5. Operating & Maintenance Practices 6. Safety 1. Engineering & Construction Desired plant availability and reliability starts at the drafting table and engagement of the design company of the project from the very beginning. This is done through contracting with a reputable engineering and construction company that has the characteristics outlined below. The desirable situation would be a construction company with a strong engineering division specializing in power generation projects. The characteristics of desirable engineering and construction contractors: ƒ Extensive and recent experience on similar or comparable projects ƒ Excellent track record and client references ƒ High caliber staff of professional engineers and managers ƒ Good Quality Assurance Program based on company’s own experience ƒ Use of good engineering and design practices including; constructability, operability, maintainability, and adherence to safety 2. System / Equipment Design and Redundancy System/Equipment Design and Redundancy should provide for most efficient and reliable technology and layout, as well as for sufficient redundancy. One important ingredient of an efficient system is that it is based on equipment design that has been used extensively and successfully in similar applications with as much redundancy as practical. ƒ Systems or equipment, which by their nature of service, require frequent maintenance or whose loss would cause unit or plant outage should be designed with inherent redundancy. ƒ Use of system and equipment designs that have been applied and proven in similar applications exhibiting high availability and reliability. 74 3. Equipment and Manufacturers The objective here is to procure reliable equipment and to shorten downtime with the availability of Service Representatives and proximity of service shops. ƒ Procure equipment from leading and quality manufacturers that have excellent track record in the industry or similar applications ƒ Proximity and responsiveness of manufacturer’s Service Representatives when called to assist ƒ Proximity of manufacturer’s repair or overhaul shop 4. Maintainability and Operability The objective of plant maintainability and operability is to minimize the complexity and time required for maintenance and to operate the plant with minimum number of operator surveillance. This is generally accomplished by the following: ƒ Using equipment having features of low maintenance design ƒ Equipment designed to be maintained in-place with minimum disassembly and minimum usage of temporary scaffolding/rigging and handling tools. ƒ Installation of permanent maintenance platforms where required ƒ Accessibility and adequate space around equipment ƒ Permanent cranes and hoists where practical ƒ Environmental protection where necessary ƒ Equipment and system design selections based on minimizing operator attention ƒ Automatic startup and shutdown operation ƒ Manual intervention features of automatic processes ƒ Equipment capacity selection to provide maximum turndown, as may be required ƒ Monitoring of systems and equipment to provide operators information for safety and indications for required maintenance ƒ Remotely located control panels properly positioned for operator’s visual and physical access in the control room ƒ Local control panels properly positioned for operator’s visual and physical access ƒ Adequate lighting, ventilation and acoustic softening on operational areas ƒ Accessible valves, switches and other instruments 75 5. Operating & Maintenance Practices Perhaps this is the most significant factor affecting the reliability and availability of a plant. The objective here is to minimize unscheduled shutdowns of the plant by well planned operating and maintenance procedures or practices. Some of the elements of good O&M practices are: ƒ Having operating staff with the right training and educational credentials ƒ Concise, easy to follow maintenance and operating procedures ƒ Diligent monitoring and trending the systems and equipment performance ƒ Preventive maintenance as recommended by equipment manufacturers ƒ Adequate spare parts inventory ƒ Membership in a spare engine pool ƒ Good housekeeping practices 6. Safety Prevention of accidents and resultant injuries contribute significantly to plant availability and reliability. Here are some key OSHA items to consider: ƒ Any hazardous materials should be stored and handled as required by applicable codes and standards ƒ Rotating equipment shall be provided with appropriate guards against accidental direct contact by operators and dropped tools that could ricochet to cause injuries or damage to sensitive equipment, instruments and devices. ƒ Surfaces that are warmer than 120ºF that are accessible to operators during routine maintenance and inspection procedures should be insulated. ƒ Comfortable working environment ƒ Operators free of prohibited drugs and alcohol ƒ Adequate lighting and ventilation ƒ Good housekeeping practices C. Objectives of the Study Phase 1. Concept and Definition/Design and Development 1. Identify major contributors to risk and significant factors involved; 2. Provide input to the design process and to assess the adequacy of overall design; 3. Provide input to the assessment of the acceptability of proposed 76 potentially hazardous facilities or activities; 4. Provide information to assist in developing procedures for normal and emergency conditions; 5. Evaluate risk with respect to regulatory and other requirements. Phase 2. Construction, Production, Operation and Maintenance 1. Monitor and evaluate experience for the purpose of comparing actual performance with relevant requirements; 2. Provide input to the optimization of normal and emergency procedures; 3. Update information on major contributors to risk and influencing factors; 4. Provide information on plant risk status for operational decision- making; 5. Evaluate the effects of changes in organizational structure, operational practices and procedures, and plant and equipment. The project is at the first phase, Concept, Project Definition, and Development Decision; therefore, the study will concentrate on the predicted reliability and availability of the Power Plant from the standpoint of Project Concept, Input Design Specifications and Preliminary Selection of Equipment and Systems. D. Scope Definition Objectives: ƒ To define the system being analyzed; ƒ Describe the main concerns that originated the risk analysis; ƒ State assumptions and constrains governing the analysis; ƒ Identify the decisions that have to be made, criteria for these decisions, and the decision-makers; 1. Definition Of The System Summary Nuvista Light and Power is planning to construct and operate a new power plant in Western Alaska. The Plant will supply electric power to the Placer Dome’s Donlin Mine, to the City of Bethel, and the neighboring villages and will supply steam and hot water to a district heating system for the City of Bethel. The subject of this Reliability Study is the Bethel Coal-Fired Power Plant option, in which PC-fired boilers with steam turbine generators would be applied for power and heat generation. Plant Description 77 For specifics of the Plant, please refer to Sections V and VI. The plant will be sited to the south west of the City of Bethel at an area sized at approximately 80 acres. The site is in the proximity of the Kuskokwim River. The site sub- surface conditions are silty ground on top of not fully stable Permafrost. The average temperature of the frozen ground is slightly below water freezing, around 30ºF – 31.5oF. Soil geotechnical conditions are generally known for preliminary design of foundations and support structures; however, more testing and evaluation is required to avoid errors in foundation design. Power Plant The Plant will include two independent, parallel generation lines, each consisting of a boiler system, steam turbine generator with condenser and cooling tower. The gross capacity of the Plant is 96.6 MWe + 230 million Btu thermal. Fuel System Coal will be stored in a covered storage yard in two piles. Coal will be brought in during the Kuskokwim navigable period, between June 1 and September 30, by means of bulk barges with a capacity of approximately 10,000 ton each. During low water periods, the capacity of the barges will be reduced to 7,500 ton. The barges will be unloaded at the coal pier, from where it will be conveyed to the storage building and stacked by a stacker/reclaimer in two piles approximately 1200 feet long. In addition to coal, the plant will include one diesel fuel tank with a capacity of 1.5 million gallons. The tank will be replenished during the navigational season. There are two 10 million gallon tank farms located between the City of Bethel and the Power Plant operated by fuel shipping companies (Yukon Fuel Co. and Crowley Maritime Corp.) storing mostly diesel fuel. Other plant systems are described in Section VI. Description Of The Power Plant. The content of sulfur in fuel and resulting from this content of SO2 in flue gas is such that the plant will perform below Environmental Standard requirements that will be imposed on the Plant, therefore, removal of SO2 from flue gas (FGD system) will not be required. Nitrogen oxides will be controlled by different means as described in Section D. Environmental Control System 78 Plant Operation The Power Plant will be operated on a 24-hour, 7 days/week basis with no planned shutdowns. The two generation lines can produce up to 55 MWe each, 10% above design output. Planned maintenance with shutdown will be conducted during months of reduced demand, July and August. The plant also includes one stand-by CTG unit, therefore, the plant can satisfy full demand even with forced outage of one process line. In a highly unlikely situation, when two steam generating lines are out of commission, the stand-by CTG will supply 42–46 MWe, a diesel fuel-fired stand-by boiler will provide all steam needs for heating. All of the generated electric power will be sent to the Donlin Mine and the City of Bethel will start up their stand-by diesel generator. E. Main Concerns 1. Power Supply Interruptions The Power Plant will produce electric power to be supplied to the City of Bethel, the Donlin Mine (82.8 MWe + 5 MWe transmission loss) and villages, as well as thermal energy to be supplied to Bethel and the villages. Interruption of power and heat supply may be harmful to both the residents and to the mine operations. The related main concern is downstream of the process (supplying the customers). 2. Ground Stability The plant will be built in the Kuskokwim delta where the ground is unstable permafrost with the top layer being siltous material. Localized damage to the permafrost caused by heating and unnecessary penetrations may result in extensive losses of foundation stability and permanent damage to the plant. With plant siting on barges, the exposure related to ground stability is increased in case of selecting the first option for power barge mooring (see Section H. Siting of the Power Plant). The other two mooring options reduce somewhat the impact of ground movements. The third option (barges moored in water-filled canal) introduces some low risk to plant stability due to sway caused by winds. 79 3. Fuel Supply As in any combustion power plant, fuel supply is critical for uninterrupted operation. This issue is described in full in Section V. Possible vulnerabilities are: ƒ Late start of fuel supply season due to navigating conditions on the Kuskokwim River ƒ Shortage of fuel on the market due to international conditions. ƒ Inadequate fuel quality Late start of the navigational season due to weather conditions may result in disruptions of power generation near the end of May and into June. Shortage of fuel on the market is a real possibility in the liquid fuel market. The coal market is more stable and the availability of coal may be predicted many years in advance. The coal pile will include a compacted layer of coal, serving as a ground-insulating layer and as a coal reserve. The amount of coal in this layer is sufficient for over two months of operation. Inadequate fuel quality may result in increased fuel consumption (due to lower heating value), which in turn will result in faster depletion of the fuel stored in the tank farm. This, as with availability on the market, can be determined well ahead of time. 4. Instrumentation and controls are extremely important to reliable operation of the system. The issue is flagged here to raise the awareness of the engineer during the design and system supplier selection process. 5. Plant Operations Management and Control System (DCS) Even the smallest errors in process design including the distributed control system and in operating and maintenance procedures may result in extensive reduction of the system reliability and availability. 6. Other Concerns Other concerns include factors whose impact on the plant reliability is presently perceived to be minimal yet in certain conditions could be detrimental to the availability. Included here are: ƒ Make-up water supply and treatment; interruption of make-up water supply for a period longer than 48 hours will require shutting down the steam plant and, as a consequence, will eliminate stop power generation. 80 ƒ Excessive snowfall may limit access to the equipment modules. The largest snow precipitation values are in the range of 3 to 5 feet over the winter period. Larger snowfalls, especially such that happen in a short time span may cause significant operating and maintenance problems. ƒ Winds. The Bethel area has a very high proportion of strong winds. The Pressure Vessel design Code requires that structures be designed for winds up to 110 miles per hour. ƒ Plant lighting and grounding ƒ Fire prevention F. Estimation of Availability of Equipment and Systems; Addressing the Concerns In this study the main concern is the Reliability(R) and the Availability (A) of the entire power plant, not just single equipment items or even systems. 1. Power Supply Interruptions are the results of possible operating problems. As described above, the plant layout provides for various arrangement of equipment that result in high reliability. At normal operations and properly conducted planned maintenance and available stand-by CTG, the system will achieve a reliability factor approximating 100%. The main processing equipment – PC combustors with boilers and steam turbine generators, installed and commissioned properly, exhibit reliabilities in the range of 99.5% to 99.8% The plant has stand-by, redundant prime movers to eliminate any uncertainty of their operation. In light of this, the Availability of the prime movers, including generators, can be assumed as 100%. The Reliability of the prime moving system with redundant equipment, whose time from start to full capacity does not exceed two minutes due to “hot stand-by”, can also be assumed as 99.5%. The percentages are not for single equipments but for the entire prime power generation system. 2. Ground Stability In predicting the ground stability the most important step is selection of engineering and construction contractors with extensive and recent experience, excellent track record with high caliber staff of professional engineers and managers. Based on the predictions, the same team will design and build the foundations for the plant. It is proposed that the R and A factors for ground stability be assumed in the range of 99.5%. 81 3. Fuel Supply To prevent any process interruptions caused by fuel supply problems, some important measures will be undertaken, such as: ƒ Enter into fuel supply agreements with a reputable company. ƒ Acquire own fuel barges and a tug(s), which would be dedicated to bringing fuel to the plant. With all measures undertaken to assure fuel supply, the Reliability and Availability values are proposed to be 100%. 4. Instrumentation and Controls and Plant Operations Management and Control. The Reliability and Availability of the Plant due to these factors will be controlled by high quality engineering of the process and the control system, including where required sufficient redundancy, as well as procuring the equipment from the most reliable suppliers (ABB, Honeywell, Allan- Bradley, Emerson). It is proposed to assume the R and A factors as 100%. 5. Other factors Taking into account all auxiliary systems having impact on the Reliability and Availability of the plant and built in redundancy, it is proposed to assume the R and A factors as 100%. Some of the redundancies include: ƒ Doubled water treatment and preparation system (100% redundancy) ƒ All process equipment is housed in appropriate buildings. ƒ Fire alarming and fighting systems as well as stringent implementation of fire prevention means ƒ Coal feeding system with built in redundancies (dual conveyors, bunkers capable of feeding to both process lines, bunker capacity sufficient for one day operation and other). G. Estimation of Plant Availability and Power Supply Reliability The plant consists of several in-line (series) and parallel systems. In-line: fuel supply Æ storage Æ delivery to pulverizers Æ combustion in boilers Æ steam to steam turbines Æ power generation Æ substation (transformer and breakers) Æ supply to clients. Parallel: 2 steam production and generation lines; 82 1 stand-by CTG line Auxiliary systems. In line system reliability Fuel supply to coal storage 100% Fuel supply from storage to pulverizers 100% Process (boilers + generators + substation) 99.5% Ground stability 99.5% All other factors combined 100% Total line reliability = 100% x 100% x 99.5% x 99.5% x 100% = 99.0% Forced Outage Rate (F.O.R.) = 1-0.99 = 0.01 Hours per year unavailable to serve load = 0.01*8760=87.6 hrs/year The plant availability will be reduced by planned maintenance of systems impacting the output of the entire plant. Since these systems include sufficient redundancy for maintenance work, it could be assumed that the Power Plant Availability = Power Plant Reliability = 99.0% ATTACHMENT 1 IDTask NameDurationStartFinish1Project Go Ahead0 mons1/11/12Engineering & Design14 mons1/13/93Engineering for permitting (By others)0 mons1/11/14Process Engineering PFD, P&ID's4 mons1/15/45System, Equipment Specifications12 mons1/11/66Detailed Design14 mons1/13/978Procurement: Issue RFQ's, Select Suppliers6.91 mons2/19/29Fuel Handling & Storage Equipment4 mons2/16/410Steam Plant Equipment (Boilers)4 mons2/16/411Steam Turbine Generating System4 mons2/16/412Instrumentation & Controls5 mons3/18/213Ash Handling & Disposal System2 mons2/14/314Environmental System & Controls4 mons4/18/215Stand-by Generation & Steam System3 mons3/16/116Plant Utilities and Services6 mons3/19/217Civil & Structural Work & Equipment6 mons2/18/518Rolling Stock3 mons2/15/419Construction Camp & Utilities incl water supply4 mons2/16/420District Heating System5 mons3/18/22122Fabrication Including Shipping to Site16.98 mons3/18/723Fuel Handling & Storage Equipment9 mons5/12/224Steam Plant Equipment (Boilers)15 mons5/18/725Steam Turbine Generating System15 mons5/18/726Instrumentation & Controls9 mons6/13/527Ash Handling & Disposal System9 mons3/112/328Environmental System & Controls8 mons5/11/329Stand-by Generation & Steam System9 mons4/11/330Plant Utilities and Services9 mons5/12/231Civil & Structural Work & Equipment9 mons3/112/332Rolling Stock4 mons5/19/133Construction Camp & Utilities incl water supply4 mons3/17/234District Heating System6 mons4/110/33536Construction & Installation18.86 mons5/112/437Fuel Handling & Storage Equipment6 mons5/111/238Steam Plant Equipment (Boilers)3.5 mons5/18/1639Steam Turbine Generating System3.5 mons5/18/1640Instrumentation & Controls2.5 mons9/111/1741Ash Handling & Disposal System1.5 mons8/19/1642Environmental System & Controls3 mons8/111/143Stand-by Generation & Steam System1 mon6/17/144Plant Utilities and Services4 mons7/111/145Civil & Structural Work & Equipment6 mons5/111/246Rolling Stock1 mon7/17/3147Construction Camp & Utilities incl water supply5 mons5/110/248District Heating System12 mons5/112/44950Startup & Commissioning2 mons11/11/151Fuel Line Flushing2 mons11/11/152Lube Oil Flushing & Dehydration2 mons11/11/153Steam Blows2 mons11/11/154Trial Runs of Turbines2 mons11/11/155Trial Run of Plant2 mons11/11/156Start of Power Production0 mons1/11/11/11/11/1Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Year 1Year 2Year 3TaskSplitProgressMilestoneSummaryProject SummaryExternal TasksExternal MilestoneDeadlineBethel Barge Based Coal Plant Schedule (Time For Environmental Permitting Not Included)Page 1Project: Constr sched 29 11 18 BargeDate: 11/19 IDTask NameDurationStartFinish1Project Go Ahead0 mons1/11/12Engineering & Design23 mons1/112/123Engineering for permitting (By others)0 mons1/11/14Process Engineering PFD, P&ID's4 mons1/15/45System, Equipment Specifications12 mons1/11/66Detailed Design23 mons1/112/1278Procurement: Issue RFQ's, Select Suppliers6.91 mons2/19/29Fuel Handling & Storage Equipment4 mons2/16/410Steam Plant Equipment (Boilers)4 mons2/16/411Steam Turbine Generating System4 mons2/16/412Instrumentation & Controls5 mons3/18/213Ash Handling & Disposal System2 mons2/14/314Environmental System & Controls4 mons4/18/215Stand-by Generation & Steam System3 mons3/16/116Plant Utilities and Services6 mons3/19/217Civil & Structural Work & Equipment6 mons2/18/518Rolling Stock3 mons2/15/419Construction Camp & Utilities incl water supply4 mons2/16/420District Heating System5 mons3/18/22122Fabrication Including Shipping to Site18.91 mons3/110/523Fuel Handling & Storage Equipment9 mons5/12/224Steam Plant Equipment (Boilers)15 mons5/18/725Steam Turbine Generating System15 mons5/18/726Instrumentation & Controls9 mons6/13/527Ash Handling & Disposal System9 mons3/112/328Environmental System & Controls8 mons5/11/329Stand-by Generation & Steam System9 mons4/11/330Plant Utilities and Services9 mons5/12/231Civil & Structural Work & Equipment9 mons3/112/332Rolling Stock4 mons5/19/133Construction Camp & Utilities incl water supply4 mons3/17/234District Heating System9 mons6/110/53536Construction & Installation30.67 mons5/112/437Fuel Handling & Storage Equipment6 mons5/111/238Steam Plant Equipment (Boilers)7 mons5/112/239Steam Turbine Generating System7 mons5/112/240Instrumentation & Controls5 mons9/12/241Ash Handling & Disposal System3 mons8/111/142Environmental System & Controls6 mons9/13/543Stand-by Generation & Steam System2 mons6/18/144Plant Utilities and Services12 mons7/17/645Civil & Structural Work & Equipment6 mons5/111/246Rolling Stock1 mon7/17/3147Construction Camp & Utilities incl water supply5 mons5/110/248District Heating System12 mons5/112/44950Startup & Commissioning2 mons11/11/151Fuel Line Flushing2 mons11/11/152Lube Oil Flushing & Dehydration2 mons11/11/153Steam Blows2 mons11/11/154Trial Runs of Turbines2 mons11/11/155Trial Run of Plant2 mons11/11/156Start of Power Production0 mons1/11/11/11/11/1Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Year 1Year 2Year 3Year 4TaskSplitProgressMilestoneSummaryProject SummaryExternal TasksExternal MilestoneDeadlineBethel Land Based Coal Plant Schedule (Time for Environmental Permitting Not Included)Page 1Project: Constr sched 29 11 18 landDate: 11/19 ATTACHMENT 2 ATTACHMENT 3 COAL SUPPLIERS & SPECIFICATIONS The following is a list of coal suppliers, coal specifications, and cost per short ton FOB port of departure. Quinsam Coal Corporation PO Box 5000 Campbell River (Vancouver Island) B.C. Canada Type - Thermal coal Heating Valve Gross (dry) Gross (air dry) Gross as rec'd Net as rec'd 12,240 Btu/lb 11,880 Btu/lb 11,160 Btu/lb 10,620 Btu/lb Proximate Analvsis 9.0% 13.5% 47.0% 36.5% Total moisture Ash content (air dried) Fixed carbon (air dried) Volatile matter (air dried) Ultimate AnalY§is 70.1% 0.8% 13.5% Carbon Sulphur Ash content Product Size 100%- SOmmx Omm 30%- 2.0mmx Omm Cost FOB Texada Island F:\projCl:tS\ak\bc20089\coa1 suppliers & specifications 12131/02 2.Fording Coal Limited 205 9th Ave. S.E. Calgary, Alberta CanMa A Type - TheImal Coal (black bear) Heating Valve 13,352 Btu/lbGross (dry basis) Proximate AnalYSis Total moisture (as received) 8.0% Ash content (air dry) 11.9-12.4% Fixed carbon 64-66% Volatile matter (air dry) 22-24% illtimate AnalYSis (drv base) 77.22% 0.32% 11.92% Carbon Sulphur Ash content Product Size 100% - 50mmxOmm B Type - Thennal Coal (Coal Mountain) Heating Value 11,130 Btu/lbGross (Net as received) Proximate Analvsis Total Moisture (as received) 8.5% Ash content (as received) Fixed carbon (as received) Volatile matter - medium 15% 54-56% ultimate AnalYSis (drv basis) 72.1% 0.8% 16.5% Carbon Sulphm Ash content F:'4Jrojec:ts\ak\bc2~1 suppHers &:. specifications 12/31102 2 Product Size 100% - 50mmxOmm Cost FOB Westshore Terminals at Roberts Bank (Vancouver BC) 3.Luscar Ltd. 1600 Oxford Tower 10235 101 St Edmonton, Alberta Canada Type - Thelmal Coal (Obed Mountain Mine) Heating Value 10,000 Btu/lb Gross as received Proximate AnalY§is (as received basis) Total moisture Ash content Fixed carbon Volatile matter 13% 12.4% 41.6% 33% Ultimate Matter 76. 0.6 12.- Carbon Sulphur Ash content Product Size 5% - 50 mm x 25 mm 35% - 25 mm x 5 mm 300/0 - 5 mInX 3 mm 20% - 2 mm x .5 mm 6%-.5 mInX .2mm 4%-.2mmxOmm Cost FOB Westshore Terminal at Roberts Bank (Vancouver B.C.) F:\projects'-k\bc20089lcoal suppliers &. specifications 12/31102 3 8% 7% 4% Usibelli Coal Mine Inc. PO Box 1000 Healy, AKUSA 4. Type - Sub-bituminous Heating Value Gross (as received) Gross (dry basis) 7,800 Btu/1b 10,500 to 10,800 Btu/1b Proximate Anal~is (as received) Total moisture Ash content Fixed carbon Volatile matter 26% 9% 2~/o 36% Ultimate AnalYSis 69.5% 0.3% 9% Carbon Sul:phur ASh content Product Size Coal crushed to 2" x 0" Screening circuit can reduce minus 1f4" to less than 1 0% with top size to 6" Cost FOB Port Seward Coal Terminal Alaska Kennecott Energy Company P.O. Box 3009 Gillette, WY USA s. Type - Sub-Bituminous Thermal Coal- Spring Creek Heating Value 9350 Btu/lb 12447 Btu/lb Gross (as received) Gross (dry basis) F:'Projec:ts\ak\bc20089'coai suppliers &. specifications 12/31/02 4 Proximate Analvsis (as received) 24.80% 3.90% 38.54% 32.43% Total Moisture Ash Content Fixed Carbon Volati1e Matter Ultimate Analysis 53.88% 0.33% 3.90% Carbon Sulfur Ash Content Product Size Coal Crushed to 3-inch minus Cost FOB Roberts Bank Tem1ina1 $27/Short Ton Kennecott Energy Company P.O. Box 3009 Gillette, WY USA 6. Type - Sub-Bituminous Thermal Coal ~ Colowyo Heatinsz Value 10450 BtlVlb 12551 Btu/lb Gross (as received) Gross (dry basis) Proximate AnaIvsis (as received) 16.74% 5.66% 45.02% 32.57% Total Moisture Ash Content Fixed Carbon Volatile Matter Ultimate Analysis 60.i O.3~ 5.6~ Carbon Sulfur Ash Content Product Size Coal Crushed to 3-inch minus Cost FOB Roberts Bank Tenninal F:\projects\ak\bc20089\coaJ suppliers &. specifications 12/31/02 5 rs% 1% ;% ATTACHMENT 4 Pulverized Coal vs. Fluidized Bed Technology for Coal Combustion The pulverized coal (PC) furnace burns finely powdered coal and air in a gaseous torch. This is accomplished through pulverizing the coal by crushing, impact and attrition to a size finer than face powder (diameter <0.3 mm). Primary air dries and transports the coal through a burner into the furnace. The main attraction of pulverized-coal firing is its capability of burning a solid fuel like a gas. Fires are easily lighted and controlled. In a fluidized-bed combustor (FBC), the velocity of combustion gas (air) entering the bottom of the furnace is maintained such that the coal and limestone/dolomite particles are suspended (resembling a boiling liquid). The boiler tubes can be immersed in the fluidized bed. Fluidized- bed combustion systems are categorized as pressurized vs. atmospheric bed systems, and circulating vs. stationary bed systems. Pressurized systems are still in the development phase. The combustion process occurs in the gaseous phase; oxygen gas reacts with molecules of carbon, hydrogen or sulfur or compounds thereof. Burning of a solid (coal) or liquid fuel occurs on the surface of the fuel particle. The objective of the PC technology is to supply to the flame coal particles that are so small that their behavior is close to that of gaseous molecules. In the FBC, the sand is brought to the fluidized state; it grinds (pulverizes) away from the surfaces of the solid fuel particle a thin layer of coal particles that start burning in the bed, and expose new surfaces to the flame. The advantages of a pulverized coal furnace include its ability to burn all ranks of coal from anthracitic to lignitic, and it permits combination firing (i.e., can use coal, oil and gas in same burner). A change of coal upsets the operation of a pulverized-coal plant to a much smaller degree than it does a stoker-fired plant or even a fluidized bed furnace. Pulverized coal furnaces can be readily adapted to burn other fuels that burn like gas, and in that respect are capable of burning almost any fuel which is used to making steam. Because the process imitates combustion of gaseous fuels, the PC furnace is capable of very high volumetric heat release in it. The advantages of the PC technology are specifically prominent for burning high quality solid fuels such as high bituminous coal, anthracite and coke. The disadvantages of the pulverized coal furnace are that the coal pulverizer has a significant power demand of its own and requires a significant amount of maintenance; flyash erosion and pollution complicate unit operation and increase exhaust system maintenance requirements. Pulverized coal systems have higher initial cost than FBC. Also important is the fact that coals with higher moisture content are more difficult to pulverize. Due to high combustion temperatures, the PC furnace is predisposed to generating significant amounts of both fuel and thermal NOx. Therefore, fuels with very low nitrogen content are favored for this technology; also, NOx control in SCR or SNCR is practically a necessity. Again the capability of burning the fuel in quasi-gaseous state enables implementation of the NOx reduction technique, developed in the recent years for gas and oil burners, such as staged combustion with overfire air injection. The FBC technology is suited best for burning “difficult” fuels: low-grade waste coal, solid waste, wood waste, sludge and other such fuels. The fuel is encompassed by the sand of the fluidized bed, which brings practically instantaneously the particle to the combustion temperature and burns on the entire surface of it. Because of this the FBC furnace is capable of very high volumetric heat release in the furnace, approaching that of a gas or oil burner. The primary advantage of the FBC technology is its capability to generate less pollutant than in a PC furnace, that is: - Combustion in the FBC furnace is carried out at temperatures in the range of 1500 to 2000oF. The lower combustion temperatures bring about reduction in NOx production. At certain conditions, the plant may not require an NOx reduction system The low combustion temperature is at the same time a detriment responsible for generating N2O, which is an atmospheric ozone depleting gas. Higher temperature combustion does not produce N2O at considerable amounts. - The capability to control sulfur dioxide (SO2) pollutant in the process of its generation. Limestone (CaCO3) and dolomite (Ca.Mg.(CO3)2) added to the fluidized bed together with the fuel, are reduced in the furnace to CaO and MgO (+ CO2), which react with SO2 to form calcium and magnesium sulfides, respectively, solids, which are removed from the stream by normal means (ESP or baghouse). This means the plant can easily use high sulfur coal without post-combustion FGD (flue gas desulfurization) outside the furnace. The in-bed control of SO2 requires between 1.8 (Bubbling FB) and 2.5 Ca (or Ca + Mg) to S ratio of supply to the furnace. Disadvantages of fluidized-bed systems include 1) erosion of tubes by the particles rubbing the tubes, 2) requires more fan power to suspend the particles, and 3) high maintenance cost of tubes, cyclone and bed recirculation system. Conclusions relating to the Bethel Power Plant All things considered, the only significant difference between the two technologies for the Bethel application is the turn down rate. As a quasi-gas burner, the PC technology allows turn down rates in the order -75% to +25% from the 100% design capacity (25 to 125% of design). The power plant can reduce its output significantly without loosing significantly on the efficiency. With an FBC furnace, the turn down rate is –30% to +20%; at the lower range of the turn down there is a hazard of loosing fluidization. The circulating fluidized bed (CFB) combustion technology was evaluated in an earlier stage of work (2000) on the development of the Donlin Mine power supply. The PC technology has more operating history than the CFB – 50 years versus less than 20, of which only the last 8 – 10 years have seen construction of CFB boilers with outputs in excess of 40 MWe equivalent. With the latest advances in pulverizing equipment both the cost of operating (power consumption) and maintenance (wear and breakage of parts) have been reduced significantly. As shown in the analysis of coal in the Feasibility Study, the most economical fuel is also the highest rank fuel, which is best suitable for the PC technology. The fact, that the sulfur content of the recommended coals (Fording Black Bear or Luscar Coal Valley) is sufficiently low so that an FGD system is not required, eliminates one reason for using the CFB technology, namely SO2 control in the furnace. Also recent advances in the PC technology indicate that it is possible, when needed, to control SO2 emissions by injecting, together with the pulverized coal, pulverized limestone and obtain control results similar to those offered by the CFB. Due to higher operating temperatures in the PC, heat transfer from combustion gases to the water and steam in the boiler including the superheater is more vigorous that in the CFB furnace. However, also due to the temperature difference, the passages in the PC fired boiler must be larger than those in the CFB fired boiler. To enable usage of the Usibelli coal in the PC furnace, it would have to be dried to around 12%. The preliminary design for the Feasibility Study was conducted in such a way that the heat supplied in the fuel is utilized to the maximum; as a result, the flue gas exit temperature is only 10 to 15oF above the dew point of SO3 (approximately 272oF). Drying at the Bethel site would require larger fuel input. More investigation is required to determine the possibility of drying the coal utilizing flue gas at the Healy Power Plant. ATTACHMENT 5 ~~~ .. .\"~~'"':~:".'!-;,: ~:'..". ~~ :~.~S5~~~~~ ~ management of ~mdent~:so~" and mining ~ratlons. SOCked by our extensive experience and flexibility. we fuIflll diverse project requirements - from development and partnering to EPC conb'aCting and plant operations. B&W js~a Btrllder ~ ~ ~ B&W is a Partner, Owner and Asset Manager B&.Ws full-scope e~g. procurement am oonstruction services. combiMd With oor many itter- national joint venture am manufacturing fadJities, make us a very cost-effective global partrteI:. As a~Wi~~eo.~temational ~nes, arid 1abOrtelatiorJS experience. B&.Woffers: . Tailored pro~ solutions . Engireering am techml~ e~ . High-quality. on-sd1edule comruction . Dedicated project management ~ B&W A~~ . Major international player - 250.000 megawatts of experience in8Scountries . Worldwide maRJfacturing fadUties and joint venture licensees ~Global sales and agents coverage . One-~shoppingfor cO-development. equity. EPC. O&M arxI asset ~ert . Long-term owner and partner . Ability toStIUcture projeCts to attract export credit agency support . Total-scope service capabilities- from parts supply to turnkey construction . .Engineering excellence- innovative. cost-effective solutions . State-of-the-art researd1 and development facilities B&W is an Operator B&W is a Developer Our partnering philosophy is simple: to maximize project returns by selecting partners with congruent ~als and structuring the project to meet those goals. We believe in mai~ a long-term ownership presence in our projects. as opposed to selling oor ownership position when construction is complete. This philosophy enharx:es the long-tenn ecommic perforrnan:e of a project am encourages a commitment to: . Contirooos am inoovatlYe IrnprovemerIs . Project excellence arxi quality through Iong-tenn owrership am management B&.W Power Systems has a proven track record of developq SUCC~ projects. including the setup am B&W Power Systems has extensive operating experience burning difficult fuels. while simultaneously achieving profitability. high plant availability and reHability. and meeting strict compliance with safety and environmental goals. This is accomplished through: . 5<XInd management practices . A trained and experienced staff . Setting high safety and environmental standards and practices . Integrated systems . Ongoing research and development In addition to this 1,6'OO-megawatt pulverized coal- and oil-fired facility in Indonesia, 8&W is involved with projects in: Australia; the Czech Republic; Egypt; India; Mexico; the Middle East; North, South and Central America; Pakistan; the People's Republic of China; Poland; Russia; the United Kingdom; and Taiwan. 3 Identifying potential prObl~and risks early in the development process minimizes costly changes later in the project, and allows for a dmely and effident development schedule. Multi-Skilled Development Team The B&W Power Systems team comists of highly skilled ~ deYelopment managers. qualified engineers. koowledgeable project analysts and experienced plant managers. Our team is experienced in complying with international environmental requirements. working with 1abor and O&M practic~ unique to a country. and is backed by our extensive legal and financing resources. Experienced Project Development Organization In bringing our capabilities to power projects worldwide, Babcock & Wikox fu1fiDs a vital role: that of an experi- enced developer. Our goal is to aeate fiDaD:eable, technically feasible and ecoIDDicany ,jable projects. B&.W Power Systems has h resourc~ arxi expertise to assure a project's success, from corx:eption through its entire operating life. We can tailor solutions to spedfic project needs arxi ob)ctiv~ by offering these flexible project approach~: 8 Build, own, operate 8 Partnering . Engineer, procure. construct 8 Refurbishment 8Repowering 8&.W's experienced project development organization has the necessary insight and kmwledge to recognize the many developmental am operational factors that can impact operating reveooes. To further ensure success, B&.W addresses the following development =ues at tre onset of a project: .TechnicalfeasibUity.scree~ and due diligence . Structure and negotjation of all operative ~ems - power, fuel. EPC. O&M . Ownership structure . In-depth pro forma finandal projections . Cost estimates for construction aIxiO&M . Project fmandng . Fuel procurement, mining and management . Regulatory arx1 itternational mues . Environmettal permitting and compliance B"W developed and operates the cogeneration facility (left) in Ebensburg, Pennsylvania, and main- tains a 50 percent ownership position. B"W also developed and operates the Rev/oc reclamation operation (above), which provides a reliable supply of low-cost, quality fuel to the Ebensburg cogeneration facility while improving the environment. 5 Bankable Partnerships With single-point responsibility. B&W can provide lenders with the added conlfort of comucting seamleS1 transactions with a finandally strong Ctxnpany. B&W also is able to draw upon the extensive technical and fmandal resources of its parent company. McDennott International. Inc. ~& Wllcox kmws that in ~'s world of power generation. it's difficult to go it alone. B&W's Approach 8&W Power Systems strives to structure reJAi:1onships based on commonality of interests. We constantly work toward improving the project's performance in the mOSt cOst-effective manner. Additionally, Power Systems can design a {mandaI package ani ownership structure tailored to each individual project. B&.Wspartnership approach offers: . An overall reduced project sd1edule andcost . Compatibility with off-balance sheet.~ . Active customer/partner involvement . Benefits from B&.Ws OEM expertise . A good citizen mmmitment B&W's Partnering Benefits As a partner. B&W brings many benefits to a project: . Finandal and project accounting expertise . Asset management . P1ant operating and mairtenaoce management experience . GlOOa1 procurement organization . International manufacturing fadlitles - allowing more finan:ing alternatives As a partner and operator of this facility in West Enfield, Maine, B&W employed its circulating fluidized-bed technology to efficiently burn biomass for power production. Revitalizing problem projects is possible with 8&W's engineering expertise and extensive plant oper- ating experience with difficult fuels. . EPC Capabilities . Pennitting am environmelta1 compliarx:e . Construction management . Start-up, performance testing am amnnissiooing As a leading deSi~. manufacturer and erector of steam generating equip- ment and systems. Babcock & Wilcox Is familiar With all the eqtdpment am componems requh'ed to build. upgrade or repower a fadJity. As a long-term owner am ~tor.B8r.W has a vested interest in ensuring the SI_~ eJeCUlion of the EPC contracl International Operations S"W is a leading single-source supplier of field construction, main- tenance services and construction management. As a worldwide EPC contractor, B&W Is experienced in preparing flnanceable project packages based on price, performance am delivery. Our projects are enhanced further by a.Ir various support services: . Project management . Project scope defInition, planning and~uling . Cooceptual design .Detailed engineering . Global procurement am manufacturing Today's power generation products aOO projects require advanced e~g and manufacturing capabilities. as well as proven international experierx:e and contiroous research prograJm. To meet these demarxls; B&W has: . 11 manufacturing facilities located in seven coonbies - all ASME code approved . Two dedicated research and development facilities . International licensees . Joint venture products exported worldwide . Stringent quality assurance control procedures and requirements B"W's manufacturing and distribution facilities, located in seven countries, support our global procurement resources. Pictured here is B&W's manufacturing plant in Beijing, People's Republic of China. B&W's engineering expertise, global procurement resources, construction capabilities and financial know-how provide the foundation needed to successfully design and build power plants worldwide. ;-. Staffing ~d Training Expertise Main_t ena n ~ Manage men t Maximizes Plant Efficiency B&W knows that people are the fQurida,:. lion of any exceptional a&M pro~. Therefore. we offer an experienced oore group of operating personnel who are cross trained at all staffing levels. ~mprehensivetraining aId start-up services~ are provided so the staff is fully capable of operating a plant when it achieves commercial operation. 8&W deSigns custom maintenance programs to maximize avaiJability while optimizing equipment life. To further enhance a maintenance management ~. ~W uses a computer-controlled parts imentory and procurement program to reduce man-hours and maintain proper inventory levels. Babcock &.Wilcox's full:scope operation am maintenance services maximize plant availability and profitabillty while maintaining outstanding safety am environmental compliance records. We have extensive operating experience with power plants utiHzing difficult fueJs, and tre capability to reVitalize problem projects. This,coupled with B&Ws reputation for quality perfonnance and engineering excellence, uniquely qualifies us for operating any plant. iocluding distressed or at-risk ventures. Our operating procedures ioclude: . Extensive technical fmancial and environmental auditing . A self-directed management approach with key support from the home office Prior to start-up, B&W conducts site-specific classroom training, hands-on equipment training and walkdowns of the plant's systems. Vendor-assisted training also is used when needed. B&W's O&M staff works together with the owner to produce positive and profitable results through reliable performance, high avai/abl1ity, and continuous plant and procsss improvements. From concept through long-term operation, B&W economically and efficiently coordinates the optimal resources - equipment, services and personnel- to meet your needs. B&W Power Systems operates this GO-megawatt refuse-to-energy project in West Palm Beach, Florida, under a 21-year contract. 10 .~~ For more information, or a complete listing of our sales and service offices worldwide, call 1-800-BABCOCK (222-2625) in North America. Outside North America, call (330) 153-4511 or fax (330) 860-1886 (Barberton, Ohio, USA). Canada: Cam~ ~ EdroonD1.~ Halfax (DartrrnJth). ~Scotia ~Quebec Saint Jan New Bnmwick Vsncoowr (Ridvnond). BritIsh Columbia CzedI RepJ~ Prague Egypt: Care England: La)jon Irxlia: Pune Irxlonesia: Ja~ Mexico: Mexico City People's RepuIJrIC of ChiIa: Beijing Poland: Warsaw Russia: ~ Taiwan: Taipei Turkey: Ankara UrVted States of America: Atlanta. Geagia Charlotte. North Caroina CherTy Hi.. New Jersey Cticago ~ Grove). IIUnois cJOOmati. Otio DenIIer (Sheridan). Colorado Hooston.Texas Kansas City. MssaJi San F~ (VacaviIIe). CalifaTia Powering the World Through Teamwork and Innovation- ~ infamatiaJ contai~d herein is IXovic»d fa- geIWat infamatb7 pcrpases only and is rX)f intended cr to be caJStnJed as a ~ an ~ cr anyrepre S«ftatbJ of caU1'acn.IaI cr fXJw legal ~ 0 The BabclX:k . v.1cox C«fIpany. Alr'91ts ~. ~ tie WOIkJ ThrocGr Teamwork and tWIor8lkx1 is a ~ malt of The 8aGcock . WIcax Canpeny. E101-3151 4MDGG " .c. 0 N S dR..I1""~T '",O'N :f \ ;I'.~ C 0 ~ ~ jjf,~'; ~A Complete Range of Services from One Source Babcock & Wilcox Construdion Co./ Inc. {BWCC} ~~~ ~~ Constrt1ction EXpertise" . Experienced procure- ment, tIansportation and material control systems . Proactive labor relations and management . Constructability reviews . Rigging and heavy lift engineering and design . Quality assurance Known fu~=tensive boiler constructionexperi- ence, BWCC provides total construction services including the entire balance of pl3nl From environmen- tal projects, such as flue gas scrubbers or selective cat- alytic reduction systems, to complex: coal gasification projects; from fOundations and structural through piping and instruDientatio~ BWCC delivers ,..,al; ro- 't~ty p jects on time and ODbudget with the safe performance you require from aconstruc- tion contractoLThis includes: is a single-source supplier of a full range of field construdion, construdion management and main- tenance services. With more than 730 years of Servicing Today's Industries experience, we operate regional offices to serve customers anywhere in the United Slates. BWCC As an integraipart of Babcock & Wilcox (B& W) and McDennott, Inc. (paImt company orB&. W). BWCC understands and services the energy construction and maintenance needs of major industries, including: provides a qualified management team, skilled craftsmen and complete support to assure the safe success of your constrvclion or maintenance proiect.. Utilities . Pulp & Paper . Cogeneration . Independent Power Producers . Refineries . Chemical/Petrochemical . Waste-to-Energy .Primary Metals .Generallndusay 8 Planning and scheduling 8 Proven safety programs 8 Dedi~ed project management -Prompt estimating and proposal preparation 8 Responsive site manage- ment and field engineering 8 Automated project control systems 8 Established quality control programs A Babcock & Wilcox Construdion Co., 1m. is a single-source supplier of field construction, maintenance services and con.stnJction man- agement for diverse industries, p~ject $Cope" and "1%eS. ~ This limestone FGD conversion for 0 western utility is being designed and constnlCfed through a teaming arrangement. Environmental Upgrades Capabilities Environmental equipment upgrades (and new con- struction) will help you comply with today'S stringent environmental requirements while increasing plant effi- ciency. BWCC's capabilities in this area include:... Modularized FGD scrubber being: set in place at a J3DO-megawatt facility. . Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) systems and upgr3des . Low N ~ burner iDStalla- tion and pressure part replacement . Flue Gas DesulfmiDtion (FGD) systems and upgrades . Low odor COD\'emons ~ BWCC helps its customers meet today's stringent environmental requirements. Here, an SCR system for NOx control is being lifted into place. , ...- Co I . c0 . Opportunities Through Teaming and Alliances BWCC is an industry leader in taking a teaming approach to major ax1StnI:tioo IX;ojects and lriaint~DI~ contracts. T~ offeiiiDanY o~.;. tunities for ~ qu8Iity and tost-effeCtiveness while de\oeloping an atmospherec much more conducive to innowtion, team~rk, trust and commitmeDL With more than $350 million in completed teaming projects and more than a century in the industry, B~C is a company you can trust to manage and execute all facets of)'Our project Based on past and current experiences with teaming arrangements, proven benefIts ~ included: . Improved cost, quality and scheduling . Reduced o\'eIhead . Continuous improvementS . Shared risks and reward ~Tltrough a teaming arrangement with this midwestem customer, BWCC i.l providing SCR and aimeater replace- ment utilizing large derricks an the facility's rool far camponent placement. Plant Maintenance B~C has maintenance ex- perience with major utilities and refmeries worldwide. Through maintenance contracts, BWCC provides the supervision, equipment aDd labor to supplement customers' in-house mainte- nance programs. Our goal is to increase productivity and ~ overall maintenance costs for our customers while offering comprehen- si~ services covering emergency, outage and non-emergency maintenance activities. We provide these services with the planning, quality and safety our cus- tomersexpect. handle your requirements, including inspection, inven- tory management, wear part replacement and component rebuilding. A Pulverizer maintenance services can minimize ~r cam associated with dawn time, invento- ries, workforce utilization, equipment investment and record keeping. MiIICare- PulvWer Services Reliable coal pulverim per- fonnanceisessentialfor sustained full-load 0pera- tion of your plant. We offer the MillCare- program to ~'P Complete installation 01 twelve (J2) 8S-megawatt gas tumines at a former nudear sife converleJ to a large cogeneration plant. T ... SWCC's experience in tile cogeneration market includes heat-recovery steam generators and combinecl-cyc/e facilities. Cogeneration and Combined-Cycle Experience . Gas turbines . Heat-recovery steam generators. Associated steam turbines B~C's broad capabilities are exemplified by our experience in the CODStruc- tion of cogeneration and combined~le facilities. From greenfield instalIa- tiODS to existing systems upgrades, BWCC bas exten- si~ cxp~ installing: I. c Dedicated Project Management Scheduling Quality Assurance Labor Management Project planners and sched- ulers t2 tile ..m breakdown and activity dm'ations devel- oped in detailed planning sessions to design project schedules. This can be in bar chart fonD or a CPM n~ depending on the project complexity and the ,needs of our customers. BWCC utilizes Primavera Project P~ , P38 and S~Trnk Project M~':' These systems provide flexibility and speed for planning and sr~~Jlir!g and has the capability to produce the necessary status reports and graphs. BWCC's Quality Assurance (QA) staff is an integral part of the coostruction management team. Our QA professiooa1s are involved in every aspect of a project, from specification review through construction and start-up. This not only provides a superior product, but minimizes costly delays and apense5 on a project. We are certified to ISO 900 1, and bold ASME A (A-OOl). s, U and PP, as ~ll as NBIC R (R-l) certificates of autboriDtion. BWCC's resourceful and flext"ble management capa- bilities allow for tailored and creative project solu- tions, as well as.innovative construction techniques and designs. Directed by a dedi- cated team of experienced site managers, engineers and project administrators, we provide consistent lcadcrship and the \onricd disciplines necessary for any coDStnJction project. Let ~C demoDSttate how we can provide you with inoowti~ high-quality and cost-competitive construction and both long-term and short-tenn liIaint~e solutiODs. BWCC is a union contractor operating under Se"Jeral agreements with a long and successful history of effec- tive labor relations with the building trade unions. ~C is signatory to the National Mamt~~ce Agreement. Support Network BWCC has regional sales and CoDStruction offices strat~~Jy located throughout the United States. Residing at these offices are regional con- strUCtion managers and., sales peISOooel respoDit-ble for de\'eloping projectsaod serving your needS. Rigging/Heavy Lift Engineering and Design Safety Program The management ofBWCC is committed to safety as a guiding business principle. We have adopted Target Zero as a vision for continu- ous safety improvement Target Zero means that over time, BWCC will strive to perform all ~rk activities on all construction projedS free of accidents. Manage- ment believes this vision is :ltf:linable. The guiding principles to achieve this vision are: BWCC provides project- specific rigging, heavy lift engineering and design services for field operations through our Construction Technology Group. The group's mission is to provide technical direction in the preparation of proposals and exetUtion of contracts, with the goals of reducing cost of field operations, minimi7ing project time span, constructing a quality product and providing a safe working environment The services provided also include construction plan- ning, product configuration and constructability reviews. . Safety is a management responsibility. . Management has a responsibility to train employees to ~rk safely. . Personnel can be reason- ably safeguarded against construction hazards. . Working safely is a condition of employment . All accidents are preventable. . Preventing injuries is morally right and is good business. As an example of BWCC's goal of reducing project span, this boiler For a northwestern pulp and paper company was ground-assembled in two ma;ar sub-assem- blies: the furnace box as one assembly and the steam drums with generator tubes and downcomers as another. The twa systems were lifted into place on successive doys, significantly reducing construction time. BWCC is headquartered in Barberton, Ohio. Let us demonstrate how we can provide innovative, high-quality, safe and cost-competitive solutions for your cons1ruction needs. . Babcock & Wilcox ConsVuction Co., Inc. 90 East Tuscarawas Avenue B8bert0n, Ohio 44a)3 ~one: (330) 753-4511 Fax: (33J) 860-6248 For more i.-':i:.."~uon, or a complete listing of air sales and service Off"1Ces worldwide, call1-~BABCOCK (222-2625) in NorU1 America. OutsIde NorU1 America, call (330) 753-4511 or fax (330) 860-1886 (Barberton, Ohio, USA). Or access Olr Web site at http://www.babcock-com. ~ Regional Sales Offices: A1Ianta, Georgia Barbertoo, 0.0 Charlotte, North Carolina Chicago (Downers Glt7Ie), Illinois aroMatI,Qhio DliIas,Texas Der?Ier (Sheridan), Cob'ado FaWfiekj, New Jesey Hooston,Texas Kansas City, MissM Mt. Holy, New Jersey ~h, Pemsytvania Sa1 Frarx;isco (Napa), California Sl Petnburg, Florida 7'-""" --,..,. ~..~ ~ _.,. *-*dG'.l» ,.., G""",,-~, d_G'- --= lI8kd'n. ~& -~. ~ A-.,~- P3 - ~ - s.. T.. A-., . . ~ d ~ ~m 0 - ~ & - c..-a:IbI Co.. m AI r9D ,--. EIGI-3I'. jMDrJ I ne 10werpaK COlier TeHtur~ tt (KII lumace Wnlt;11 ~rvv~~~ d IUIIV WG~ path and positive ci~ulation in all generating tubes. This configuration enables complete combustion and total burnout of solid fuel particles. Em;ssiof,S and furnace exit temperatures are lowered. Reduction to a minimum of solid fuel carryover protects the generating bank from 1 ptuggage and erosion. End result: higher tnem1al efficiency. ~ B~ increasing the length of the tubes. not the length of the drum or number of tubes, we improved performance and reduced additional machining and assembly complexities. Well-defined downcomers in the second gas pass run the bank's full width. Circulating water dOesn't have to run the length of 'he drum to reach the downcomers, eliminating possible drum level gradients. The positive circulating head increases velocities which a\loids the risk of stagnation in the generating tubes. All six sides of the furnace are water cooled. offering a heat absorbing surface that minimizes the need for refractory. Maintenance costs are kept low. . 8&W's membrane wall design withstands high furnace pressures. making casing repairs a thing of the past. Uniform wall temperatures end thermal expansion/contraction pfoblems. On smaller units tangent tubewall constructjon with seal-welded. ten-gauge skin casing is available as an option. Versatility - the Towerpak can rum virtually any fuel Into productive steam The Towerpak's capacity to efficiently bum unconventional fuels i$ particularly attractive as gas and oil prices continue to escalate. Hogged fuel. sander dust. wood shavings. bagasse. coffee grounds - all can be burned alone 01' in combination with equal facility. Towerpak boilers can be eQuipped to introduce solid fuels to the furnace by a wide variety of methods - Dutch Oven, air-swept wood spouts, screwfeeder. travelling or vibrating grate stoker. The most pl'eferable method of feeding hogged fuel 10 the furnace Is via an under- floor SCl'ew conveyor. Its quiescent fuel entry e'lm'nates suspension burning. reduces carryover and combines with maximum flame travel to burn fuel clean{y - critics I in a small furnace. To further increase efficiency and fuel savings. additional heat recovery eQuipment can readily be supplied such as tubular air heaters, regeneratwe air heaters and economizers. For superheated steam an added pendant superheater can provide superheat temperatures to 9QO9F' (48~C). . ", . .: ~.; - ~~. ,. Wss,e wood 01 va,./oU5 desCflpllOftS (ovorJeol) IS fed 10 rhe Towe,pak boJIef5 VIA a ~OPl1/Sf/C3f~ conveYIng system. ',om Sloragt! bin 10 ~lewleed~'. Svpplred by 8&W C.7nada ( ri(x)VC) 'a_I.~- Economical, efficient, versatile - a unique boiler designed to bum an unusual varIety of fuels r"e StIOp-assemO/ec1 Towerpak features a "9;0 sleet !)aS~ frame sn!pped WI'" lhe OOIIet 10 accOmmodate Irlt,ng Oy crane ',om /'SIt car 10 /olJndnllons by mC8ns of rerntOICCd bfllng Jugs No othefShop-sssembJed boiler' ca1')'offef the advantages andbenefjts - "8&W Canada's Towerpak. Features usually found only in larger field- ~cted units are combined: Fully membraned furnace enclosure ensures gas tightness Vertical furnace flow for minimum particulate carryover long flow bank to minimize erosion, pluggage and gas-side draft loss 8ottom-supported to eliminate grid steel Occupies rTMnjmBl ftoor space Features such as these add up to lower erection and maintenance costs while delivering outstanding performance from an unusually broad range ot fuels. In addition to burning conventional fuels like oil and gas. the Towerpak can likely turn whatever is available in inexpensive local abundance - waste wood, coal, bagasse, sander dust, even waste like coffee grounds - into productive steam. Such versatility can dramatically reduce dependency on traditional, but expensive, fossil fuels. 8&W Canada can provide total project turnkey scope. on schedule. For F.F. Soucy Inc., a major Quebec paper produce,.. we Supplied a complete boiler facility from the foundations to the sprinkler system. This includes controls, fans, flues and ducts. dust collectors, stack, and an a/l- encompassing fuel handling system - rec1aim hopper. conveyors. bark hogger. pneumatic blowing system. storage bins and metering screw conveyors. All erection, installation and commissioning was included in 6&W Canada's scope of supply. At Soucy's paper mill 3.5 million pounds ot steam per day were required to help produce 500 tons of newsprint daily - 7000 pounds per ton of paper. Two package boilers were providing the necessary steam but in the process annually guzzled more than 8 million gallons .precious Bunker C oil. In an effort to cut prohibitive fuel costs Soucy _.1ose twin B&W Canada Towerpaks. each designed to generate 60,000 pounds per hour of steam burning waste wood readily available in quantity from Soucy's own chipping operation and from local sawmills. Time elapsed tram order to first steam - just 15 months. I he IlJfnkey pr~f scope for ,. r Soucy IflvoIved a complete boiler faclhry ftr:N'n toundatlnns to the saink/er svs/~m Shop-assembly ensu~s~igid ,adherence to critical specifications and ~ids high on-site erectIon costs, , 8&W Canada has=been-thenation'sl.~ading boiler manufacturer for jecadeS. AS a subsldlaiY~.ol. &b'c.6ck--& Wilcox. we are a vital part of a, -lpany that is one ot the WOrld"s premier designers and builders of !m generation systems. These considerable resources and year9 of experience enable us to ~upply our customers with single source responsibility for their project. B&W Canada's half million square foot works in Cambridge. Ontario, louse some of the country's most advanCed fabrication and Quality :ontrof facilities. Precfsionassembly is completed to rigid shop standards lifficult to match in the field. ~I&W Canaaa's twin 60,000 PPH rO~~ks burn waS/~ wnod andiJnnURNy save FF SoucyR .,iHfOn golions 01011 Corrugarea W~lflCrplOOI aluminum oulet caSings p,ot~ct the tx)1ICf 11M} 'Ie elements AI'SIC1es teilhJtc h/9h-,e"'J"JC!srIJle lJI;]nHer IfISI.IJ.']tK>rI 10 c:ut nca, loss ;UIt1 coot ute, caSIf)Q'S. /'/ -- "-.i"",~ : " "'~ ... I ~~. '-:-~. .~ . . . c - ~~~."-'~~..I~) :, . ~/" r ::. . ~ ! ." -~ . .' I )! @ ~ ' G:1: ., tvln Towerpak boIlers and e..oclaled iulPrrlenl lupprled by SAW Canada HYc1rauIIC-~m ooeralOd 11"~ttom woo.; wasl. storage bIn Storage b... v.tI8ble-sPeed reed Fuily memoraned. W.'~'-cool.a fu,nace endosure Aux,flaty burners SOQIblo~', High pressure overfl,. ai' ports L.ow p,euu,e over"r. a., porIa ilncterflOOf screw ~"¥eyc' UDtrI-supporled ooslgn op-asaemol.d tubular a"nQalet High pre..vre blowor 12. Forceo draft fan 13 Primary 0lJ81 COIl8C1or 14 St!f".ondary OUSt Coflector 15 Induced dralt fan 16. Common S~Ck wllh separate Inner IluCt ~ :~~""~:':..~ '.~~~: ':':;;;~t~:': -:,'" ~: '..' AI~:construction and field operations are performed by our I nterl'fationa~ Service & Construction department. Nationally ou r services areava(labielhrough:regiooal,offices,ln major Canadian cities. Overseas custOmer9-are:.sefved1hr~Ugh:astrategtc network of agents and regiona~ ales offices located around the world. A wide range of services is offered: Turnkey project management Boiler erection and repair Field inspection. diagnostic testing Upgrades. rebuilds and supply of parts for any make or type of boiler Balance ot plant erection and repair Operatton, maintenance or plant upgrading -.. B&W Canada has the proven expertise to ensure peakperforrnance. SAW Canada's versatile Towerpak boiler --- -" F~~ - .. ~.~~.clt, A8ft~ . T.m~~ A8nQ8 P,...ure R."~ --. Scope of Supply F.F. Soucy Inc., Rivlere-du-LoUpt Quebec Major Equipment Supply Two shop-assembled Towerpak watenube boilers each complete with Mountings. refractory. insulation and lagging Sootblowing system Auxiliary gas and oil burners Duplex oil pumping and heating set Rotary undergrate wood screw1eeder complete with receiving hopper and motor drive Forced draft fan and motor drive Induced draft fan with motOr drive High pressure blower and motor drive Flues and ducts complete with insulation and outer lagging Shop-assembled tubular air heater Steam coil heater Mechan Icat dust collectors Motorized rotary seal valves Pneumatic combustion controls complete with 3-element feedwater control, indicators. r'ecorders, transmitters. panel. ~ analyser. steam coil air heater control and flame failure equipment Ash handling conveying system Common stack. 125 ft. (38.1m) high, 11 ft. (3.35m) in diameter with separate 4ft.6in. (1.37m) inner' flues Balance of Plant 8uildlng. including all foundations, building steel, walkways. stairs, roof. siding All electrical equipment including motor control centre. wiring, cabiing snd lighting All 'nterconnecting piping (steam, fuel, feed-water. cooling water, spr;f)kler) Comple1e waste wood handling system including building. steelwork. reclaim hopper. co"'Ieyors, hog and pneumatic conveying system from wood preparation area to boiler house storage bins maintenance-free performance unusual in conven- tional boilers in this capacity ~n.. The same istrue whether you're burning conventional fuelS such u oil and gas. or solid fuels such as wood, coal, baaaS6S. sander dust, ewn the office waste, coffee ,rounds and paper- tor Towerpak is as versatile as it is efficient. More than 100 years of e.pe,ienc8 ha~ gone into the Towerpak dea'aln-that's how long Babcock & Wilcox have been producing economical, dependable steam generatina: equipment. With such a history. unmatc:t'leo In the industry, it's no wonder they call Babcock & Wil~ "the boiler people", Even a cursory ins~ection tells you that this is no ordinary boiler. In tact, that unique, \'ertical desian is the very reason for Towerpak 's economy. versatility and outstanding performance. With the Towerpak boiler. Babcock & Wilcox created for the first time a high-<:apacity desian that could be trans~rted by rail in one package, and still adhti9 to al\owable shipping clearances. To achi~ this, we built "up" instead of increasinl length, placing the unit flat on its back while in transit. So all the ad.."taaes of a shop-assembled boiler were ,.tained. but in a design capable of producina sturn from a ~tiety of solid. liquid and gaseous fuels at a rate &~ater than you woyld normally ex~t from a shop assembled ooiler. Once installed, the Towerpak's 'f'et'tical design also achieves 8 standard of efficiency and 2 In the following page$, you'll discover' how a simple. but Untquefy deStined boiler can otfer you unmatched ~o"omy and penOfmanc8. But fIrst. let's see why this Babcock & Wilcox Towerpak boiler starts mak ins suCh good sense rignt I n the Babcock .5. Wilcox plant. where the Towerpak IS shop .558mb'" to exact specifications. 1. Fast.r delivery Only with a factory-assembled boiler is SpeCialized labor and p~cision machinery so readily available. When this is the case, a boiler can clearly be read)' tor operation in less time than on-Site erection allows. Further, transportation of a complete unit means there's less fuss with fewer arrangements to be made. 2. Lower capital expenditure Becau$e It iDes on the I ine sooner. the shop a$sembled boiler puts investment dollars to work fast~r. And since the work IS done in the Babcock & Wi Icox plant. not yours, interference with your plant operations 1$ reduced, Package boilers requIre minimal space and are bottom-supported. , . a drastic savIni on building costs. Eniineering costs are also significantly lower, as all units are '.pre. engineered". 3. Manufacturinl Eacaffence From initial design right throuih to final assembly, the constant attentio" of ftigttly speci,tiled per. sonnel ensures ,tandards of q~lity control dift\cult to attain with field-erected units. Shop assembly also facilitates the swift handling of custom designs and specifications. You get the right boiler for the job at the right time. 4. Future fJelibtlity With its simple foundation and compact nature, a package bailer is obviously more portable. This becomes an attractive advanta8e should your pJ.ant be altered, or even moved to a different site. Again, shop assembly can save you time, trouble arid expense. These are lust ~me of the reasons for goll'8 with shop assembly. YOur Babcock &. Wllco~ rep- resentative will 8i~ you many more. And wIth today'S increasing capacity limits tor packaged w~tar tubs boilers. it mak~s more 5ense th." e~'. You'll see, as you read about the Babcock & WI'CO~ Towerpak. just what a shop.assembled boiler can do for you. 3 emissions. lower fumac@ exit tempefatures. and higher thermal effic~"cy are achieved in this way. while reduced carryover at solid fuel particles protects the generarinr ballk from pluil-P and erOSion. 1.Dn,ibld.' ,.. flow .nlU~f ~imum ."kieftC)'. Anott1er important adva"ta~ of lhe Towerpak aesis" is a totally unobstructed. vertical gas flOw throulhout the generatinl bank. By allowina the gas to flow along the tubes rather than over them, !Ignificantly lower draft loss and reduced furnace pressure are experienced, with 1855 chance for s., side plua... and ero5ion. A conventiOn.' boiler of the Towerpak's capacity would ~uire a powerful and ~5tly forced dratt tan to provide combustion air and drive the hot gases throulh the aeneratina bank. Due to its free flow,ni desian. the Towerpak reQuires a Symmetrical rUFnaca desi", me.1 unifarm hut ablOrpt ion. The arrangement of furnace and burner IS idul. Since-all furnace walls are equidistant from the flame centre line. an even heat load across the furnace is assured. as is un iform heat absorption in all its water circuits. The hot flue gases exiting from the furnace enter the full wIdth of the generating bank perpendicular to ttle drums. Safe circulation results from uniform loading of the steam separating eQuipment located In the steam drum. Maximum flanw travel allows campi- twl bumout. The tall furnace desian offers a lana gas path for maxImum burnout of solid fuel particles. In view of todiy'S pollution concern!, this i~ a most important feature in burning solid wasta fuels. Lower 8abcoc~ . Wilcox keeps maintenanca casts w.y down. All six sides of the furnace are water cooled, offerinl maximum heat absoroinl surface without the need for refractory. Camplett water cooling keeps furnace exit temperatures below ash fusion point, for cleaner generatina banks and suptrhe.t- ers (if fitted). An erosion free gas path. uniform heat and steam/Water distribution and minimum refrac. tory combine to reduce maintenance costs. Shorter dN",', tubH cut Initial outlay. F,aric4tion of the steam ind mud drums. drilling the tube holes. and the cutting. bendin&. assemblini and expandina of the tubes are the most costly operations in making any boiler. In view of thts. the Towerpak'S shorter drums and fewer tubes fepteSeflt ~ consjd~rable reduction in capital ex- penditure. simpler, lower horsepower fan for maximum perfor- mance. Dependinaon the type of fuel being fim, a P/e»urized or ~Ianced draft Jystem may be emQloyed. Vecrtk.-I., ori8fttat8d tor poaltM C'j~ul.fon. Ba«OCK &. W"co), d'5iine~ found that i I\creasinl the lenith of the tubes. rather than incl'elsing the length of the drums and the number of tubes. was a mucn more efficient and economical apcrosctt. The well 48tined downcomers Ire locatect in the seC13nd .5 pass (the co'de5t section of the generating bank). and run the full width of the bank. To reach them, circulating water does not haw to run the length of the drum, thus eliminat.nl the possibility of drum level iradienr.s. Towerpak's he;gnt aNes a positive circulatin8 head for greatest velocities and minimLJm stlination in all the steam senerating tubes. . TOWERPAK BOil ER O£SIGN(O TO 8[ OIL .NO WOOO FJR£D ~I .- .~ _..~'.,. ~..,. ;;;;H!:;/ltli, ~-=:-i "' ~ III.-- n than other desiln~, thus eliminatine the need for futu~ casin; repairs. Thermal expansion/contrac- tIon problems are also eliminated. is membrane wall temperatures". uniform. Whete tangeltctuce construction is employed, a comoletely welded inner-casing is supplied to fom1 a gas-tiaht enCIO, sure. In both instances, a strinsent soap-air test is carried out before the unit leaves the factory. to ensure.. ps-tight ."cJOSure. Z Types of construction ...iI.bI8. Dependins on yOl.Jt reqllirements. B&W can supply you '.vith a Towerpak boiler in either Of two basic designs: membral'l~ will constPuction or the tani,ent tube i"ner~sed desia". Th~ membrane wall desiln. a B&Wexclusive. is generally recom- ~ended for all Towerpak boilers, because it has ~en out5t-andinlly 'Successful in eliminating leak- ale of noxious and corrosive combustion lases. Soap...lr t8st .naUrM la"'ilht enc.losure. SlaW's ~atented membrane constructIon i! ~apable of withstanctina t\ilhef furnace p~s'sU~5 'loWS EXCLUSIVE ~£M8RANt. WAI.L DLSIGN FEATURES A GAS tIGHT WlLDt.O CO"S'T~UCTIOh TO I.JtSURE A COMPl.!'TlLY GAS-TICHT FU~! !1fCLOSu-i. 1);1 TOWERPA. UNOEAGQ($ , THOROUQH SOAP.AIR T£ST BEFORE LtAVlMQ T"E FACTORY THE IASlt CDNST.UCTIOM Of 1M( TOM,RPAK BOilER Stuldy, ...ttterprool uteri~. Only B&W package boilet1 feature outer casings of neat, corrupted panels with no "eed for unattractive stiffeners. This aluminum weather- proof design allows the Towerpak to be located outdoors without special protection. In addition. the walls. floor and roof are insul8tea with hi8h- temperature blanket insulation to minimize radia- tion loss and keep tl'\e outer c3sinl5 cool. For job sites located near SI It water, orwhe" Towerpaks are shipped overseas, ttle 31uminum casings are sprayed with a special preseNatl\le coatina to prevent corrosion. Wat8r-caoled on six lidal. All furnace wall., Of tn. Tower~ are com- pletely and efficiently water-cooled. Radiation lOSS and refractory maintenance are thus minimized. The furnace is eQuipP8dwith many aspir3ted, wide angle ObHN8tion part1 for complete, effective 'I'ew. in, of combustion. Access doors are also provided where internal inspection is deemed necessary. 'ea 09.:~ B ~ preoodried with the help of hot underfloor air from the airheater. introduced through pinhole.s In the grate. .. Versatile. A word that is synonymous wit'" the B~ocock I. Wilcox Towerpak wf1erever steam i$ generated in quantity. With rapidly rising oil and gas prices, particularly attractive is the Towerpak's ability to burn solid waste fuels. Conwntionaf oil, ia, and coal, hoaed wood, sander dust. wood shav- in,s, bagas.se.. .ill tnese, aJoneorincombination. can be burned with equal facility. Consider the variety of applications to which the Towerpak can be 50 ideally adapted. Towerpak boilers can be equipped to feed solid fuels to the furnace in a wide Yatiety of wa~$. These include Dutch Oven. screw feeder and travellini grate stoker, to name the more conven- tional methods. The actual o'esiin used on any specif ic boiler would depend on the type of 501 id fuel to be burned and the required I imitations on emissiOns, The perfect boiler for the job is further assured by the availability of a wide ranp of ancillary components, everythinr lrom burners to ja5 clean-up equipment. No otJIer ~-fif8d boIlw bums $0 clean" An under-floor screw t;on~yor has proved itself to be a most efficient way of introducing hogged wood fuel into the furnace. By this metnOd. Quiet entry of fuel, elimination of sus~nsion buminl, and reduced carryo~r or solid particles combine with maximum flame travel to make Towerpak the cleanest burning wood-fired boiler on the market. Having beelT introduced to the furnace, the wood is then deposited on a pile on a stationary grate that co~rs the furnace floor. Since the wood is fed up from the bottom of the pile, it can be In the event of a mo~ntary stoppaae of the sc~wfeeder. the pile will continue to burn. maintainina steam production for a short duration. Stationary trite attaws mawimum combustion with minimum malnt8Mnce. r-or better pile burning. the under-floor grate air is divided into two sections. Hil" ~ssure air is fed to the centre of the grate. lower ,Dfessure air to its periphery. Capable of withstanding the ex- tremely high temperatures necessary for better combustion. the ststionary ,rate is ward, cooil!d for long life. and emplO'is no mo"'"g parts for minimum maintenance. Ease of cteaninc is a ful'ther ptus. With its salf cleaning "Venturi" air holes, the furnace floor grate remains in optimum operat- ing condition. The Irate is sloped towards easily accessible ash c/eanout doors, whir. sequentiar steam je~ assist ash removal. The amount of grate cleaning is dependant on the firing rate and ash content in the fuel. Coal- a fuel of the future. With the prospects of ever diminishing oil and ias reserves, many industrial customers are considering returning to coal firing. As might be expected, the versatile Tawerpa~ can be readily adapted to coal by addina the nece~ry equipment. (LIMINATION OF SUSPENSION BURNING AND A(OUC~O CARAYOVtA OF PARTICLES IS AC~I[VED WITH THE USE OF AN UNDER-FLOOR SCREW CONVEYOR. THE FURNACE F\.OOR GRAT! IS SLOPED TOWARDS EASllV ACCES- SIIL'- ASH CLE..MOUt DOORS WIMDSWEPT SPOUTS IS ONE AMONGST - WIDE V_AIETV OF WETHOOS FOR FEEDING SOI,IO FuEL TO THt 'U~N_CE. Sootbfo-..rs: Towerpak boilers l1ormally come equippe~with rotary, stationary sootblowers for cleinini of the boiler tube surfaces. Retractable sootblowers may be fitted to units where tempera- ture or contaminants in the fuel make stationary sootblowers impractical. On las-fired jobs, with liiht oil standby, sootblowers are not required. However. all Towerpaks are fitted with sootblower bearinis in the generatini bank. and wall boxes for future installation if required. Heat rKG"" equipment: For highest pos- sible efficiency arid fuel savinis, additional heat reco~ry equipment can readily be- added to the Towerpak. This includes 6&W tubular air heaters or resenerative air heaterS, and economizen. Superh".f$; When superheated steam is reQuired. a pendant superheater can be added to the Towerpak for su~eat temperatures up to 900"F. All-welded construction is used. All tubes are strenath-welded Into the superheater headers to prevent tube leaks. On multipass superheaters. ~al'ld hotes are provided for inspection. An access door in the boiler setting allows easy access for superheater inspection. B&WWILLSUPPl..Y P"'ELS fOCONTROLANC MONITOR IMPOafA"T FACtTS OF IOIUR OPERATION Installation. . . Towerpak can be installed simply and quickly. B&W eneineers ha.e deSirned the Tower~.~ boiler for the simple$t. most economical installa- tj()n possible. Since the Towerpak. is bottom supported. expensive structUral steel normally ,ssoci.ted with solid-fuel-fired boilers of equIvalent capacities is eliminated. It uses a minimum numberof transfer points at the ~ressure part5. allowl"&: free expanSIon without impo~ins unnece~s.ry stresses. Thermal expansion is allowed for by specially designed low- friction pads under Slidini surfaces. Lifting IU~ are provided. so the entire unit can be lifted frOm the top to make unloading and pla(inl e~~mely simple. The Towerpak IS shop assembled in a rigid steel base frame which can be ship~ with the boiler to ~ used for transportation between the ~il car and th. foundations. When the boiler reaches the foundations. it can be turned and set in place using tWO medium or one 'trEe crane. dependinl on the size of the unit. JLL. 28 I 03 09: 47~ B I=t'fD W ~ CA P.1~/1R . '.e ~ ThIS eliminates the need for a constant steam-to-oil ~reS$ure o,fferenttal valve. simplifying control and reducini maintenance. Dualltomiz.rs eliminat8 cl.aninc down- time: The Venturi Throat Burner can be fitted with one or two atomizers; in the ratter case. each one Is capable of supplyin, full load 0;1 flaw. The dual- atomizer system permits one 8un to be cleaned while the other is firln& the boiler. so you experience no loss in steam pressure. 8& W praml.- total baller-burner responsi- bility: B&W produc~ both boiler and burner. Thus. when you equip your Towerpak tXJiler with a B&W burner. total responsibility tor design, installation a"d future maintenance reQuirements are in one set of hands rather than several-by tar the most e'ffi- cient and problem-free way of doing business. Wide ctloice of fuels; The Venturi burner IS engineered to be fired with a wide variety of fuels, includina Bunker "c" oil, natural las, crude oil. refinery SJS. petroleum, naphtha, pyrolysis and m~ny others. V8nturi Throat Bum"'-1 .1.. elCtuli": This extremely efficient oumer was deStined for, and is the B&W !tandard. on all TOWefpak boilers. It offers increased turndown, better fuel atomiution, reduced steam consumption. simpler control. and is capable 01 row exc8ssair ope1'ition. It is specifically designed to operate within the confines of a ~Cka&e boiler furnace without flame impinsement. Simple contntl &.Iow m8int8nanc8 are ~ra: The B&W~"turi Throat 8tJmer can be supplied to bum 0;1 only. ias only. or iJS and 0;1 ;n combination. F'or firing fuel oils. a "Racer" style, steam-assisted atomizer is used. utilizinl constant steBm pressure throulhout the range of the burner. A WOOD-FIRLD TOWLNPAK aOILlW IN OPERATIC" AT A LUMBER- C~I~ COM'~ Ex ATTACHMENT 6 Power ~ The Full-Service Provider A Powerful Part..ership Delivering the Produds and Services You Need Whether you are a utility, on independent power producer, or in industry, we con provide you with the produds and servic.. you need. ALSTOM's Power Sedor oHers the broadest scope of power generation systems, equipment and services in the industry. This uniquely comprehensive capability enables us to provide our customers with the maximum of options and the most economical and environmentally friendly technologies. For example, our seMCes also indude plant operation and maintenance, 10101 plant monogem-. and alliance programmes. where - continually striw 10 incr8Ose outptA, reduce outage. and meet enviranmental compliance. AI at reduced cost. We want ta build long.fenn partnerships wnere - can help ta 8t\SUre !hot our customers are pn:JYided with a good r8tum on their capital inveslrnents.We ar. able 10 deliver Iotal solutions, from components to turnkey power plants. But ~ ore not only a produds and systems supplier, we want our customers 10 look upon us as a 'full service provider', helping to maximise the potential of their power generation capobilities and enhance their competitive position. Our rapidly d..,.\oping 8<ommerce strategy wiD also bring benafib, enabling us 10 ~rk more efficiently with both our customers and suppliers. ~,. ~~ ~ -, . ~",. -- '.'~'~::;":"";"r.:;;' '.:;';;;':j;~~'~ ;..:o~ '_:_~ --- "".jl .,., ~~::.L ~ Progress Through Technology Th. future development of new and existing products is guaranteed through our increased capacity in R8seard1 and D.v&j:io t. The extensive ~es of 12 labOt'a1Ories and aver 2.000 research I8dlnoIogists support this capability. Wdh these Facilili8$. - ~I continue 10 develop 0fX P")dUds. and therefore ensure that - prOYide our customers with I8dlnology that is d8$igned to improve their compeliliw ed~: I n the tedmologi~ and produds we d-iop, we ar8"~mmitted 10 saYing ene~rr8ducing harmful emissions, limlHng noise and all other environmental. impads. 70 Setvice CentresLocal Org.an;sti#iOns in 63 Countries Our existing produd ro.r:!g...riibodi.. the very b..t of.tiI.M~d-I8Qding.- t8d1~: ~~ Where You Need Us, When You Need Us In terms of Ofders. pl'8t8nC8 and multicultural diversity - are the malt international of the world's leading suppliers. In 2002, ALSTOM and RoIltoRoyce signed a long Ienn IKhnalogy agreement wftich will enable-AISTOM 10 use Rol~~a"-;:;;'n9ine __l8dmology in the development of its heavy duty gas hlrbine product range. With ~_~.5JOOOpeopl.in more thon 70-countries. we are oble 10 combine our global expertise with exlensive knowledge of local markets. This expertise is deliYef'8d 10 our customers through our greatest ~. our people. RoIl$oRoyce oeroengines Operate using very high temperature technologies, . 1_=I;~~=~i9h The 8XP«fise and knowledge in these areas gained by Roll$oRoyce in deYeioping its WOfid leading oeroenginel wi. be applied 10 ALSTOM's heavy duly gos turbines I 10 improve efficiency, power output and durability. AJiaAx8: A,.-;ca. ~ Benefit From Our Experience W. oiJOhaoIe our ~st operational experience to draw upon. We have supplied almost 20% of the world's IoIaI insIaIled capacity WI power genefallon equipment. This experience is used to ensurw that we provide our customers with the optimum solutions. :..;;c These capabilities, and OIK comp4'8hensiw range of Iedmoiogies. praduds and services. make us confident that whatever your requirements. we are aquipped 10 become your best Iongoteml partner in the power generation industry.. I .~r . --- -- 'c.", .TranSPo~"- . Marin~ Orders by Product We design" Gas Turbin. '8' IK-BoiJ.rs & fn¥ilCtlment ClJIlomet I ' s.I\Iices 2 8 % advanced, our custom.rs;o~ tise in - - - -~... . 'c"' '-:;-;'~ through-life maint8nonc.and'Servi~ c~ "':~ i/eam Po-, PIon' 12% ."'::"1, ~~"'i"~"l~'~ ';1J;~ Hydro 8%In fiscal year 2002 ~"~:'~~"; sales of 23 billion ms°Qnd:""'" ~"'c ,..; 0 employed more thon 11 gc,QOgc~ c~-- people In over 70 countries;c'"i~'E ;0' InduslrialTurbin- 13% ALSTOM is listed on the Paris. London and New YOI'k stock exchanges. furope72% '2"- AIrico / M;ddr. East Our Global Presence Increasing Demand During the next 25 years the WOI'Id's installed ~ generation capacity is expected 10 double, and most of the cunent equipment win haw 10 be r8placed. the volatility of some fuel pric., will strongly inAuence the demand. AccOl'dingiy. suppi*s 10 the power industry have to reAect these dynamics in the matXet through being AexibIe. adaptable and iMaIfative, helping cusIom8rs to Find the opli~ technological and costo.ff8dl.,. solutions to meet thew particular needs. Demand for ~ generation equipment will be driwn FinIty by the continuing need for developed countries to mod8mise aging plants. increase efficiency, cut cosis and reduce erniuions; and secondly, by the rapidly growing econarnies and populations of the deoIeIoping countries. In addition, the ~Iabilily of dlffwent types of Fuels and ~bl. energy, combined with ~ ~ ~ ~:- ~ -Meeting the Challenge from fossil Nels 10 r8n~es sudt as hydro and biomass. we have world leading tedlnologies in all the key areas of ~ generation and the delennination 10 sustain this posilion through inws1ment in new produdS and services. We believe that for each specific sjuatian or need tt is an appR)priate solution that - can offer you. Supported by our globoJ sales and service network covering more than 70 c~ntries, we believe we prO'tide :he most complete offering to the power generation industry, moking us the world's foremost 'Fun Service PrV'.-'.def"'. .TYPICAL VU40 BOILER DESCRIPTION Supplied by Alstom Power FURNACE The furnace features welded wall construction of 3" C.D. SA-192 seamless tubing on 4" centers. Welding of waterwalls provides structural rigidity to the construction, provides a positive seal from leaking furnace gases for greater personnel protection, eliminSl.tes casing hot spots and the need for an inner casing. The furnace wall tubing has a built-in thickness tolerance for long tube life and unit availability. The furnace setting height is measured from the centerline lower rear waterwall header to the centerline of the lower drum. The furnace waterwaIl at the bottom of the unit are designed to accommodate various furnace bottoms including vibrating grates, stationary grates, traveling grate and furnace hopper floors with a scraper conveyor and the bottom (this is for PF Fired boilers). The furnace is designed for balanced draft operation and a pressure tap is provided at the furnace outlet This pressure tap is linked to the I.D. fan to maintain a constant -0.1" w.g. under all firing conditions. This design prevents the escape of hot flue gases from the combustion chamber and also dampens the effect of a furnace "puff' or excursion to positive pressure. The furnace buckstay system is designed for +/- 26.5" w.g. at 100% yield. SUPERHEATER The superheater arrangement consists of two-stage platen and spaced sections. The:first stage employs a parallel flow pattern superheater, which exposes the low temperature steam to the hottest flue gases and also takes advantage of the luminous radiation in the furnace. The final stage superheater is a counterflow arrangement, the optimum pattern for heat transfer. The tubes are arranged in-line for ease of inspection, access, maintenance, and cleanability. The superheaters and boiler bank are separated by 24" access/sootblower cavities to provide ample access. Cable openings are provided in the furnace roof for ease of upper furnace maintenance. Observation ports are provided to inspect superheater tubes. To provide a gas tight seal in the penthouse, the superheater assemblies will be supplied with shop installed high crown seals where the tubes penetrate the furnace roof. A steam cooled spacer is being supplied to maintain the lateral or transverse aligmnent of the superheater tubes. Flex ties re being supplied to maintain the front to rear or longitudinal spacing of the tubes. Saturated steam from the drum is delivered to the first stage superheater inlet header via carbon steel connecting tubes. These connecting tubes are evenly spaced along the width of the unit to promote uniform steam flow distncution both through the drum internals and into the inlet header. The first stage platen superheater is designed to maximize heat transfer, prevent bri~i and facilitate ash deposit removal from the tubes. The platen design consists of pendant tubes alTanged in-line parallel to the direction of gas flow. The in-line tubes are arranged on 12" transverse spacing and spaced longitudinal son centers equal to the tube diameter plus 0.375". The final stage spaced superheater tubes are placed on 6" transverse spacing and longitudinal spacing of two times the tube diameter. The Bidder utilizes internally established miniI]JUID. tube wall thicknesses for bending to avoid excessive thinning of the tube during the bending process. This assures that the tube bends have sufficient thickness ~a.ining to withstand unit design pressure as well as provide a margin of tolerance for high unit availability. All superheater elements shall be stress relieved. BOILER BANK A single pass, cross flow boiler bank design is used. The boiler bank, located after the superheater, features in-line carbon steel, SA-192 seamless, tubing arranged in two sections. The sections are separated by an 18" cavity, which allows installation of a sootblower and facilitates maintenance and inspection. The tubes are rolled during erection into the upper and lower drums without any butt welds. The flue gas makes a single pass across the boiler bank, which contains saturated water or a steam/water mixture. The most active steam generating circuits are located in the front bank, where the hottest gas temperatures exist. The final few rear tube rows primarily act as downcomers. The boiler bank also acts as a heat sink to absorb any system transients. ECONOMIZER The final pressme part heat transfer surface is the economizer, which is located within ductwork following the boiler bank. The economizer contacts hot flue gas with the incoming feedwater to increase overall unit efficiency. The stn"face is arranged for countercurrent flow, with the flue gas flowing down over the tubes and feedwater flowing up inside the tubes. CIRCULAnON SYSTEM The Bidder's design employs a natural circulation system. The feedwater is preheated in the economizer. Feedwater then enters the steam drum where it is distributed along the ~~ l~via a distribution pille. The f~water th~ mixes with the saturated-liq1rid in the dnm1 and the steam/water mixture rising from the generating circuits. The steam drum is sized to separate the maximum quantity of steam to be generated. . The.,steam drum is supplied with a three fold set of dn1m interna1s, which include a hydraulic baflle, unitized perfomted q,entrifugai separators, and secondary screens. The drum~intel:Pa1s are capable Qf handling load swings of:t 20% per. minute. ~e "upper dn1:m is supplied with the continuous blowdown (CBD) COlmection. The boiler bank acts as a heat sink and buffer between the superheater and economizer. The first half of the boiler bank tubes are essentially riser circuits between the upper and lower drums. The rear half of the boiler bank acts as heated downcomers feedinj ~at~- to thtlower diiIm ,~' -' The lower drum contains the chemical feed connection. By placing the chemical feed on the lower drum the chemicals combine with the circulating water and are better mixed before entering the steam drum. Also, the drum intemals are protected from any possible attack by the chemicals and there is no chance of chemicalS short-circuiting and being discharged through the continuous blowdown system. This can be an expensive and unneeded waste of chemicals. The preheated water is then fed through unheated downcomers, which supply the lower furnace headers. The lower furnace headers are connected form a ring to supply water to all four waterwalls. The 3" O.D. tubes on 4" centers provide a low tube velocity so as not to inhibit the natural circulation, but maintain a high enough velocity to prohibit departure from nucleate boiling which can lead to overheated waterwall tubes. The wateIWall tubes generate a steam/water mixture, which is carried into the steam drum as follows: The front wall tubes also foIUl the partial roof and relieve directly into the steam drum. 2.The rear wall tubes relieve into the lower drum where the steam/water mixture is baffied into the first three boiler bank tube rows and passed to the steam drum. 3 The sidewall tubes relieve into upper headers (one on each side) which are "in turn relieved by a series of riser tubes that feed into the steam drum. ATTACHMENT 7 ~~ SIvte ~UI UntQCd8f Cne at ma'1V ~ ,-,- ~ 1tIe~~s:aJTA04 (;;?~~.g ~ r.-1ged ~ b.K:tet~U-~.=H=~ tm ~.~ st'Ie ':;C~,J1ed IrIO.Jstry ~ Si~_~ ~ /lP:-~:~7~-1i C8Cw ~ ~ 35' of ~ ~u:1Q6 ~ a ~~~!1 of am ~ Sh\.'C:\JId deSQn is taw ~ ~ i'!/pe ~ » .- . ,-as san.d\.Ict rTO'\t& -Y IC& costs. 0Iett'Ie0d ~ ser.a aa-. ~ 0 ~ : ~ ~ 1he ooroe breOSfr'lg stem~ ~ ~ Is ~~ to ~111'~-' ~ wla:h$ ton 26 10 50 ft. Av-=~}t~ OP1ia1S . CQI Moln1ed ~ - ~ ~ . ~~~ ~ ~ Ofl'o-. . tJL.~~ 8lDC8t Dr... OUt .~~~~ U"Ie~ . in..saeox~~ . ~Spcf a'Oty OustC-i:;~~ .~OtCoolfe\l8rSt.,-. Bocm &-P::k:~:::l ClS.9'IIaJd . ~ ~ ~:J.~ofirs fa ~ 26' ~ Bages . Bage HOJI ~ ~ at~~.~ InS ,--~:.:m::~ ~ 0 ~ ~~~ Iota d91XJ tPH. 0Jt a.~ :mJ ~ ~~ OOIgeood'a'l"Oi""lG ~. 1«;., J~ ttme fa ~ ~-~ fne ~ ulQ(; Of ~ 1 0 mirIu* tICS been f8dt.c8d to 3 1/2 ~fes OYUS1O 1M .-nk]uruTu~ 1011 SIXI'$YSfWn~ ~-~ ~ t1a1\o ~ ~ '/Or~ speedtx2gehcliS\lsfQma9 0«11 v-11Iv artcD'.ed to ~ ~. EI- ~ .161-'; or Jt1e Dcrge tif ~ It-.. hea'IIY steGt Icop ottcd'1ed :0 on atbJk:1&'lg am is fGmCT8'i ~ by !tie I.r'i::Oder oPeIcIor ~ ~n~ in 0 n-dter a »CC;. - ~ SC!9tV f'.cZCI'ds ot!1Kn.X)i line ru-':;;'-~ ore of co ~ed cm: ~ ~Mnentl ae iT",~ ElT-""O6t-1I:"1 ma'M.d ~ 'NCe rcpeca-,~orKjsrm~ .:u~,=~ to ~"$~.,~'~":::~":~ ~r8d Tf\.18 8LK:kst ~ ~,caDlR-i~I.rixxier~ ~ ~ ,.c;i 1NfIh ~ ~ ~ -.- ta:ik;. - Ii cnj - -~ wIt\ ~ ,-.- .:a~ to ~ 'With ~~ ~ iI~.:sa. 1he .::c.,-,IIe.o=::1 ~ Is ~f""'.I-~:~~-11c ~ wU"wa ~-.;:6 PltX8I.~ " ~ ~ rrae ~ of rrD.I8, .-.1 ~ ~~ ae /1D'8d n aC a4 . Bags ha.j sysI8n sfhe ca'l\W\b'd~engi'&sySem pcx:8d (D: ~ a1 ecx:h *:2 of tt-. ~ 1he ~~.b-u ~ \:x8csI:.- .w sySem is used ~ cx:ca i.".;XXJt. ~ -,tkJI ~er IeYef .:.~ ~-~ ~ Unfccxfer for ED'8me ~~Oa8ge Theb.l:ket~COd~ at Q'IBnt. KY . ~ at ~ ~ a=ca'1 ~ ",,~~fotOX)tPH. ttadeSQ1 ~. to ~T,", ii""~ ~ txJrQe ~ a dO #'Ie ~-~ bcan "~.a. Wcter ~~_~CIe~ Of ;-~~ 1he ~-\fI'eigt1ted ~ltIe\Ier sedk:n. 'Nhi:'I L... ~ tt.toIeawcy~~1.ed b,ciet ~ 'n'IS type Ot~ rn.JSt be iJSed \Ni"Jen OJ;8~- ~ ~ level cha1Qe eceeds 35". BaQe hoLd e.- y a au ~ mc&.rn. ed cth .-~..or" ~ ~ ore ~~c*1hU5. .,..-w-~ ~~~ t::der-~1 ~ Ta. ~'IQ ~ 'II it-.e fa 1m sS'em ~. '- ~Mk:sn9OI-nCootng,a Lr-1~ As st"OWf1o 0 ~ gQr; ca~~e8e'¥ota'bage u.-:ixx;ier t1C3 Ceen tuI ~ aid j,T~~ m 0 ~~I gan ~.-~ lhe l.rCajef wa deSQ'led 'MIt'\o ~ ~ ~:~~ ~"I cZ)Cw the ~~ ~ ds) ~ a np ~bccm. ~o~~a;~~ D~ ~ ~L.~ Iij~ae rt.aglCted :I1to h ~-2'ii «:'1 , ~ Cor*1~ ~ UI~~ c~ O)d ~-~-~ tea-,,-~ '.a.~ ~tot:M 10 ~ l..r'*xd ~ ~ ~ ~ W'W~ ~ tXJges ae ~cO'.e8d.tnI8t8Ce~ " t"a'd'JQ .,. ~ to be ~-~a' G81'"-(.-~w. n ~ QJIt~-wa~l..~i~ liu~.Jc;cx-~:n. ~::IT-¥~ ao~ L8~:-J~at~-U-\ LA'INCn a taI8d CO~f ~ 1 ~ b.Ii'8 P«t"Or. da(%t'f ~1r*8~Aav o.JSt ~-UJ sys:em S ~ on 1he ~. ~1Icu., ~ ~ stn.dI..IIe~a~~ ~rdd'a~~ ~~~::~.~w cn or.e-*'81i.t* I.r~ Iij Is.xcc;. -i-'~ 1«1 on n Oft'«~. TI4O\ObcIe~ba;et'D.i :.,sferra as Mc;LiI8d to " ci -0 I ~~-1~1t1e ~ Ii" 't:.. ~ ftJCI bCIge ~ S18T\ is ca... nn.Jnt&d to OC:Go,..,~ tI~~ on eiI'1er :*1e. ~a' s cab is i:a. ~ tra.JnJ'9d ~ ~ ~ h ~~ a~ a ten t"d asesiTlb'a'1dcCt;ld~t:e iI!":~~~1 fa tu-~ ~(]X) - t~axJ ~ PerHQC.6; TJcve!lnq GfQb II:aef ~ mnedctet( ~ ~ H8',c a ~I~ -, ~ ~ ~~~~~-~=IX~ ~ l.'*X:x2 tt8 raw .. ~a- ~ !loTI wt1t:t\ cement is ~.IteC. An CJUXbV ~ Is it-ll~«i 'nro ttis ~ to JT.-~ ft)Ce ~ J:.:~~ I. ita a8 II ~.1ec; Of 1he ~~ ~ ~TICiii. The tower. trJx ~ Ca'w:n..K:b\. lhe rea ~ ~~ ~ ~ to 5toIcge ;- ~ ~ ~ Gcac Ur';':~:;.~~~. C~XKXl,"1O 1SX3 TA1 . ~~Ccbs .Taey~~ . n1eQCted ()..dt ~~ . CC ()r ~ 'bk:b8 ~ ~u~~ ~ .~~~ . Q.D ~ s...x:teb . Qcpe ~ 0UT1! .~ ~~ Soans .~~ . ~ a rs .Waf~~ . Tn= Ct Box GrdafCCnsII \Jdfa'\ ~ - ,.;Jf v ~ Bbctst UnIood8r ;:rctLrQd is 0 HeI,t &: Pattec3Cn~ca:. - cy ~ haI8',' ~e ~~~~-=-~ obM ~.w:1cta Of tsx)1Rofn~t'M. O,oe *'M s JO 5eCC5-.w. ~.i'"-:.si"f hOt.- ae ~ p.-.1tZBd~~aoxjMers bd8a1cs. h~'sccbs:1IK8da'1 rrrS 11.x.~. ~ .. cf tt"8 ~ cn:i ~ ~ '\j8t)ity. b mm~ ~ t*'ws fa 73" ~ fICWI fIOn CB'1fer of ~ ~ 10 bI.;fers. tI'Ie ftMc is' ~ aid Oy a.a: C~I ~.H is ~O'hba:k:*8cf~ tCIIAI8t ~. eosges 0'8 n'o.ed 1t!IOIqI !he ~-~ Dv 0 I\Na s.-Y" ~ ~~~. 8edr.:a ~ -.uu;a \ab.a ,.-c::.~k::d ccnbd opb -Ii oe ~~~~ a1 ~ 1t8 ~ ~ .::CiI - n.a bJC8t *"lata \.I.~~~ ihe ~k'8CQ1 De ~-~,.., OC a ~\Qk:tM ~ c2i\IeI. 1hec~ n tura1 ~:_~-~ ~ -L-~ - ~ ~C-..~ - ,. -. ...y .. u J~"'='" ~U ~ owt'Ii::t\ d&d ~ 18-'; ~ ~ aYU-~t ~ ~ ~~ Mo:8n PCOI:iI -'~.~I~ ~ t)QX: ~ IfttMS a1d CiNe ~ aa - q: -::- .k-.;5. d\ IT ~" :. - J61t:x:a ~cB'ItI.., ~ -,-, .:.~u- ~a I~_I wJte atIIe ~ .:;--"t;s baT1 as o6::es Tom Monter Jerry Spehar [Jes@heyipatterson.com] Wednesday, March 26, 2003 11 :45 AM Tom .monter@pes-world.com Tom ~ From: "Sent: To: Subject: ~ Barge_Unloaders.p df TomIn response to our telephone conversation, I've attached a pdf of our barge unloader brochure. As discussed a ballpark price on an unloader delivered the jobsite in Alaska is $3.5 million. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Regards Jerry Spehar Ph. 724-743-1000 Fax 724-743-2850 Tom Monter Jerry Spehar [Jes@heylpatterson.com] Thursday, March 27, 20034:06 AM . Tom.Monter@pes-world.com RE: Tom From: '""'Sent: To: Subject: (8 BP1O3.dwg Tom This equipment is in not portable in any way. It is to be mounted on substantial cells, which I have never hear of being damaged by weather conditions. See attached drawing for a general idea of equipment size. It usually costs 30% of the cost of the equipment to erect, however I suspect costs will be higher in Alaska. Jerry Spehar Ph. 724-743-1000 Fax 724-743-2850 »> "Tom Monter" <Tom.Monter8pes-world.com> 03/26/03 03:37PM »> Jerry, I did have a few additional questions for you. I wanted to know what the erection costs would be for a system like this (ballpark figure). What happens if we have to move it from the river each year? The belt from the unloader: is it a boom or would it be supported at both 'ends? Next question is, what kind of foundation does the unloader require? is it on pontoons or do you have to sink some type of pilings into the river. This last question concerns me the most as we have to deal with the river ice and sprink breakup which could damage permanent pilings. We may have to make pilings that can be removed at the end of the shipping season if they are required. One final question would be what is the total power required to operate an unloader like this? This is important as we have to adjust power plant size and output based on equipment loads. Thanks. Tom Monter (208)772-4457 Precision Energy Services 10780 N..Highway 95 Hayden 'Lake, IO 83835 Tom.monter@pes-world.com Original Message From: Jerry Spehar [mailto:Jes@heylpattOerson.com) Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2003 11:45 AM To: Tom.monter@pes-world.com Subject: Tom Tom In response to our telephone conversation, I've attached a pdf of our barge ~unloader brochure. As discussed a ballpark price on an unloader delivered the jobsite in Alaska is $3.5 million. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. Regards 1 Tom Monter Jerry Spehar [Jes@heyipatterson.com] Thursday, March 27, 200310:05 AM Tom.Monter@pes-world.com RE: Tom - From: --":~ent: To: Subject: Tom Yes, all of our projects are custom designed for the client's application. Costs I gave you assumed wider barges than shown on the print. regards Jerry »> "Tom Monter" <Tom.Monter@pes-world.com> 03/27/03 11:56AM »> Jerry, I did have one more question for you concerning this unloader: Can it be adapted for wider barges? the barges we will likely be using are likely going to be 60-80ft wide not 30ft. Also what effect if any would this have on the capital costs? Thanks. Tom Monter Original Message From: Jerry Spehar [mailto:Jes@heylpatterson.com] Sent: Thursday, March 27, 2003 4:06 AM To: Tom.Monter@pes-world.com Subject: RE: Tom Tom fhis equipment is in not portable in any way. It is to be mounted on substantial cells, which I have never hear of being damaged by weather conditions. See attached drawing for a general idea of equipment size. It usually costs 30% of the cost of the equipment to erect, however I suspect costs will be higher in Alaska. Jerry Spehar Ph. 724-743-1000 Fax 724-743-2850 1 Tom Monter James J. Wallaert [James@heyipatterson.com] Tuesday, April 01, 2003 9:04 AM Tom.Monter@pes-world.com jcowles@heyipatterson.com: Jerry Spehar CBU Unloader for Alaska From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Tom, Jerry is on vacation this week so I am pinch-hitting to answer his email. The approximate weight of the machine is: Boom, including buckets, chain and bucket drive 265,000t Trolley, including boom hoist and discharge chute 145,OOOt Main structure, including conveyor and positioner 425,OOOt The approx. erection man-hours are; Structural/ mechanical 8500 mhr Electrical 3000 mhr Should you need additional information, please call. Regards, Jim Wallaert 1 Tom Monter James J. Wallaert [James@heyipatterson.com] Wednesday, April 09, 2003 6:21 AM Tom.Monter@pes-world.com Jerry Spehar RE: CBU Unloader for Alaska From: --::'$ent: To: Cc: Subject: Tom, Our estimate would be that 5-40ft containers would be required. They would contain the following parts: Handrail, walkway sections with grating, buckets with chain, drives, wire rope, overhead crane, electrical equipment. The remainder of the equipment would be break-bulk and would include the following parts; Trolley, Boom structure,boom hangers, Bucket drive, main structural box members, conveyor structure with idlers attached, maintenance crane. Our budget price would include delivery to Bethel, Alasaka. Jim Wallaert »> "Tom Monter" <Tom.Monter@pes-world.com> 04/08/03 03:21PM »> Jerry,Do you have any idea of how many containers would be required for shipping the unloader? (40 foot containers I assume). Also how much of the assembly would not be shipped in containers. Also I was told the FOB price was delivered in Alaska, which port or was that delivered to Bethel? Thanks. Tom Monter OriginalMessage From: James J. Wallaert [mailto:James@heylpatterson.com] ISent: Tuesday, April 01, 2003 9:04 AM To: Tom.Monter@pes-world.com Cc: jcowles@heylpatterson.com; Jerry Spehar Subject: CEO Onloader for Alaska Tom, Jerry is on vacation this week so I am pinch-hitting to answer his email. The approximate weight of the machine is: Boom, including buckets, chain and bucket drive 265,OOOt Trolley, including boom hoist and discharge chute 145,OOOt Main structure, including conveyor and positioner 425,OOOt The approx. erection man-hours are; Structural/ mechanical 8500 mhr Electrical. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . . .3000 mhr .' -= Should you need additional information, please call. Regards, . Jim Wallaert 1 Tom Monter James J. Wallaert [James@heyipatterson.com] Friday, May 30,20031 :20 PM Tom.Monter@pes-world.com jcowtes@heyipatterson.com; Jerry Spehar Re: A few CBU questions concerning foundations. From: ""'.Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Hello, Tom, Concerning your attached email of 5/28, the supply of our continuous bucket unloader is generally limited to the machine only-- we specify the size, number and location of anchor bolts but the design of the foundations is by others. Thus, the pile caps and number of piles are based upon our loads but the pile number, length and arrangement is by others. The additional loads to be considered would be the impact loads imparted to the foundation by the machine and we recommend that this be at least 25%. The general drawings which we had earlier sent was a " bridge-type" machine with two support columns located inshore and two support columns located offshore. Indeed, we have built machines were all four columns are located inshore which is called a "cantilever- type" machine. The loads previous given for the bridge-type would NOT apply to the cantilever-type.We are not familiar with piling design and the time necessary to install them. Regards, Jim Wallaert »> "Tom Monter" <Tom.Monter@pes-world.cottl> OS/28/03 05:26PM »> We have some more specific questions concerning the continuous barge un-loader and the required dock & Piling mounting. Are there additional loads that must be considered before building a ,mounting for this? What type of loads do the pilings need to support? Are there any special considerations for the pilings? Can the un-loader have one side mounted on the shore or should it be totally offshore? Is one method of mounting the un-loader preferable? (Offshore or partly mounted onshore?) For the pilings, how are they installed? Are the pre-fabricated and sunk as a whole or in sections? How many man-hours do the pilings for the Un-loader take? Also, how much concrete is required for the pilings? Should the pilings be shielded in case a barge bumps into them?-' -= Tom Monter (208)772-4457 Precision Energy Services 10780 N Highway 95 Hayden Lake, ID 83835 Tom.monter@pes-world.com Tom Monter James J. Wallaert [James@heyipatterson.com] Monday, June 02, 2003 11 :36 AM Tom.Monter@pes-world.com jcowles@heyipatterson.com; Jerry Spehar RE: A few CBU questions concerning foundations. From: ,Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Tom,We are indeed familiar with this photo/picture, as it is a rendering of a barge unloader proposed by a company in Richmond, B.C.. Seabulk Systems. We worked with them on a proposal and the boom and trolley that is shown is a " Heyl Patterson". The support structure and catamaran were developed by Seabulk. Jim. Wallaert »> "Tom Monter" <Tom.Monter@pes-world.com> 06/02/03 11:10AM »> James, I have a couple more questions concerning the unloader. Since we have the ice breakup problem in Bethel, would it be possible to modify the design to fit the attached picture. This is a picture of a catamaran barge unloader. A unloader of this type doesn't need to be seaworthy, just be able to be moved to a slough during the winter to prevent damage by river ice. Since we have so many issues with river ice, an idea such as this would be preferrable. Please let me know what you think. If you can, quote me on the additional cost compared to the shore and piling mounted version. Thanks. Tom Monter , i r-- dt ,~ .. - bl -.. d~ I~ \. F I I j I i;1 ,~ ... ,.. i~ I~ ~I:::,~~~~~; I[ If f" ; ~ ~ h J ~ ~ .~ ~ ~ I q ~ ~I!I ~ ~ ~ ~ I --- T I I ,- ;i )! :J ~ J !. ~ I , ,.. i; I~ ~ - I pi c4 ~ l ~ r I; .~ ...~ '-:3 ~ -- ~~! ~ i~' 0 I -j~ I I t i :. ATTACHMENT 8 MAN TAKRAF, Inc. APRIL 25. 2003 7995 East Prentice Avenue Suite 211 Greenwood Village. Colorado 80111 Telephone: 3037708161 Facsimile: 303 770 6307 E-mail: ghertel@takraf.com PRECISION ENERGY SERVICES 10780 N. HIGHWAY 95 HAYDEN LAKE, ID 83835 Attn. Mr. Tom Monter Tel.: 208 - 772 - 4457 SUBJECT: STACKING I RECLAIMING SYSTEMS POWER PLANT, FUEL STORAGE SYSTEMMAN TAKRAF REF.: P306 - 01 Dear Mr. Monter. We refer to your E-mail inquiry dated April 10. 2003, and comment I quote as follows We could propose 2 systems suited for your application. One system consists of 2 individual machines, 1 x Stacker and 1 x Portal Reclaimer. The second system would be one combined Bucket Wheel Stacker I Reclaimer. SYSTEM #1: 1 X Traveling Luffing Stacker 1 x Full Portal Scraper Reclaimer The Stacker and the Reclaimer operate independent of each other. While one pile is being stacked, the other pile can be reclaimed. Both machines are even able to work on one pile, since the Reclaimer has a special control logic to reclaim sections out of a pile. Each machine has its own conveyor and its own set of rails. We attach data sheets for the Stacker and the Portal Reclaimer . SYSTEM #2: - 1 X Bucket Wheel Stacker I Reclaimer. Here we assumed that stacking and reclaiming would not happen at the same time. The Bucket Wheel Stacker I Reclaimer is a combined machine with a reversible boom conveyor. This machine requires only one set of rails and one yard conveyor, which is used for stacking and reclaiming. The yard conveyor is not reversible. Page 1 of 3 MAN TAKRAF, Inc. ~ "' The machine is also equipped with a bypass I splitter gate, which allows the material flow to be split if required. This gate can be set to: - 100% Bypass - 1 00% Stacking - Split in certain percentages for stacking and bypass The reclaim rate of 500MTPH is small as to what a Bucket Wheel can achieve, however this combined Stacker I Reclaimer is attractive in the overall cost. Besides the lower machine price, only one conveyor and 1 set of rails are required. Attached is a data sheet with major technical data. SYSTEM #3: Besides the above 2 systems, some special designs are also available, such as using a Portal Reclaimer and attach a tripper and a stacker boom to it. These are however very special designs, and need to be specifically engineered for this application. STORAGE VOLUME: We attach a preliminary storage volume calculation, showing that with the given pile dimensions, a storage capacity of only 86,600MT can be achieved. These pile dimensions also result in a pile height of approx. 24m, which is very high for a coal pile. The internal pressure with the presence of air pockets in the pile could lead to instantaneous combustion. One way to avoid this is to compact the pile with dozers, however this would deform the pile, make it difficult to be reclaimed by a Portal Reclaimer. We would recommend not exceeding a 18m pile height without compacting. DRAWINGS I SKETCHES: We attach 2 sketches made in VISIO, showing plan views of system #1 and #2. We also attach 2 drawings, one showing a Stacker and a Portal Reclaimer operating on one pile, and the second one showing a typical Bucket Wheel Stacker I Reclaimer. PRICING: 154 MT $ 1.85 million $ 500,000.- $ 120,000.- SYSTEM #1 : STACKER: - approx. weight: - machine ex-works: - set of rails: - appro Freight to Port of Export incl. Export packing: - approx. erection man-hours:7,500 hrs. Page 2 of 3 MAN TAKRAF, Inc. 285 MT $ 3.2 million $ 480,000.- $ 160,000.- PORTAL RECLAIMER: - approx. weight: - machine ex-works: - set of rails: - appro Freight to Port of Export incl. Export packing: - approx. erection man-hours:12,000 hrs. 450 MT $ 4.4 million $ 500,000.- $ 190,000.- SYSTEM #2: BUCKET WHEEL STACKER I RECLAIMER: - approx. weight: - machine ex-works: - set of rails: - appro Freight to Port of Export incl. Export packing: - approx. erection man-hours:17,000 hrs. Please note that the above pricing is budgetary only with an accuracy of plus I minus 15% Delivery time for each system is approx. 12 -14 months. We hope that the information submitted is still helpful for your studies. Please do not hesitate to contact us in case of any questions. SINCEREL Y MAN T AKRAF Inc. "1--~ e._- GERHARD T. HERTEL Paae 3 of 3 PRELIMINARY STORAGE CALCULATION CONSULTANT: CUSTOMER: REFERENCE: LOCATION: EQUIPMENT: KRI- REF. #: DATE: PRECISION ENERGY SERVICES POWER PLANT USA COAL HANDUNG USA STACKING I RECLAIM SYSTEMS P 306 - 01 APRIL 24. 2003 US-SYSTEM COAL 50.00 38 4 200 584 6 M COAl 0.80 38 4 61 178 2 PCF DEGREE T/M3 DEGREE FT FT FT M M M MATERIAL: DENSITY: ANGLE OF REPOSE; NUMBER OF PILES PILE WIDTH: PILE LENGTH: DISTANCE BETW. 2 PILES 200 78 38 0.78 584 384 200 7,813 817,746 3,000,137 3,817,882 FT FT DEGREE FACTOR FT FT FT SOFT CUBFT CUBFT CUBFT 61 24 38 0.78 178 117 61 726 23,168 84,954 108,122 M M DEGREE FACTOR M M M SaM CUBM CUBM CUBM PILE WIDTH = a PILE HEIGHT = h ANGLE OF REPOSE = b TAN.ANGLE ANGLE OF REPOSE PILE LENGTH = L FL CR. SECT .LENG=L 1 CONE lENGTH = L2 CROSS SECT .PILE= A CONE VOL. = CV FULL CROSS SECT. PILE VOL. TOTAl PILE VOL. = PV PILE CAPACITY ACTUAL 95,447 3,817,882 ST CUBFT 86,600 108,122 MT CUBM PILE CAPACITY REQUIRED 137,787 5,511,464 ST CUBFT 125,000 156,065 MT CUBM TOTAL STORAGE LENGTH 2,354 FT 717 M IETRJC MAN TAKRAF, Inc. MAY 21.2003 7995 East Prentice Avenue Suite 211 Greenwood Village, Colorado 80111 Tele~one: 3037708161 Facsimile: 303 770 6307 E-mail: ghertel@takraf.comPRECISION ENERGY SERVICES 10780 N. HIGHWAY 95 HAYDEN LAKE, ID 83835 Attn. Mr. Tom Monter Tel.: 208 - 772 - 4457 SUBJECT:BUCKET WHEEL STACKER/RECLAIMER POWER PLANT BETHEL, ALSKA, FUEL STORAGE MAN TAKRAF REF.: P306 - 01 Dear Mr. Monter. 1. AVAILIBILlTY: We unfortunately do not have a data collection on operating Bucket Wheel Machines regarding the availability of these machines. Customers are not too keen to share these internal operating data. We developed the availability factor of 95% based on the lifetimes of the mechanical and electrical components, the replacements during warranty and the spare parts ordered. This factor of 95% includes the operating time of the machine. The regular maintenance is not included in this figure. This factor is also based on proper maintenance being performed on a regular base. To give you an idea on the kind of maintenance, I attach a very general maintenance schedule. The time listed in each single category is for checking, lubrication, cleaning, etc. The time required for possible repairs is not included. 2. BELT SCHEME:-- The standard Bucket Wheel Stacker/Reclaimer operates with a non-reversible yard conveyor. The yard conveyor is looped around a tripper connected to the Bucket Wheel ~v1achine. A diverter gate is installed underneath the tripper discharge pulley, to direct the coal either onto the boom conveyor for stacking, or into a bypass chute system discharging the coal back onto the yard conveyor. When replacing this diverter gate with a splitter gate, the material flow could also be split in cer1ain percentages between stacking to the pile and discharging back to the yard conveyor. Page 1 of 3 MAN TAKRAF, Inc. A reversible yard conveyor is used when the reclaimed coal has to be conveyed back to the transfer tower. In this case the Bucket Wheel tripper is provided with it's own conveyor, and a collapsible tripper is located in the yard conveyor. When stacking, the tripper in the yard conveyor will discharge the coal onto the tripper conveyor and then to the boom conveyor. When reclaiming, the tripper in the yard conveyor will be collapsed. Coal will be discharged from the boom conveyor (reverse direction) directly onto the yard conveyor The yard conveyor will be reversed. For better understanding I attach a sketch showing a Bucket Wheel Machine with a standard tripper J and a sketch showing a Bucket Wheel with a tripper conveyor and a collapsible yard conveyor tripper. Another sketch shows more details on the tripper/conveyor and the collapsible tripper. In all above cases only one yard conveyor is used To have a redundant system, at least in the reclaim mode, a second parallel yard conveyor could be installed. On the Bucket Wheel Machine we would provide a chute system, allowing the reclaimed coal to be discharged to either conveyor. With this scheme you would have a redundant reclaim system, the stacking would still be based on one conveyor. 3. TOWER HEIGHT: As mentioned in my e-mail dated May 14, this machine would have a mast with a top elevation of approx. 30m above top of rail. It is definateiy possible to reduce this height by using a different design, however this would require a detailed layout and some engineering. 4. DIFFERENT BUCKET WHEEL SYSTEM: This is just for your information. When I discussed your project in Germany with our engineers, they came up with another scheme. This is a circular storage system using a Bucket Wheel Stacker/Reclaimer. The machine has a pivot point where the yard conveyor ends, and is traveling on a curved rail to built a kidney shaped pile. Through the slewing bucket wheel boom, any position in the pile can be reached. Let me know if this is of interest to you. Page 2 of 3 MAN TAKRAF, Inc. We hope that the.infom1ation submitted is helpful for your studies. Please do not hesitate to contact us in case of any questions. SINCEREL Y MAN TAKRAF Inc. "1-~ ~(,~e GERHARD T. HERTEL Page 3 of 3 PREUMINARY MAINTENANCE CHECKLIST BUCKET WHEEL ST ACKER/RECLAIMER CAlLY VISUAL SYSTEM RUNNNING WEEKLY VISUAL SYSTEM RUNNING I MONTHLY CHECK SYSTEM STOPPED ANNUAL CHECK SYSTEM STOPPED CHECK FOR COMPONENT MECHANICAL COMPONENTS l~iSE .- - --- DAMAGEDSURFACE DAMAGED EDGES CON>ITIONOFSPlK:E STRAIGHT RUN i~'.' - . -;.; '".~ x I~IPROPERL Y ROTAff~ x r CENTEREDLO~ I BELT xx ., x x !BELTTAl<E-uP SYSTEMS x x EQUAL LOADING BEARING NOISE RUBBER lAGGING - x x -x I ~- I PULLEYS x fRoTATOi ~ x !LOADING POINTS I~U~~S: =:, I RUBBER BOOT; - x TLEAKS I~ SYSTEMf -~~ Fij~~'~~ xNEYOR DRIVE ASSEMBLY _1~AJNCT1~ -x xISlEW DRIVE ASSEMBLY x - x x I LEVEl. GREASE CONTAlN~xx I PROPER AJNCT10N ~ISE x L6fl[E\jE[xITRAVEl DRIVE ASSEMBLY ~IAlI~EFff x-- I PROPER FU~bN I~ISE ON ~NGS - .xx ITRAVEL WHEEl.S x ~xx x ~ -j'; x xx !BuCKET WHEEl DRIVE ASSEMBLY x J'I~~ FiTNCT10~ xL-L-I BUCKET WHEEL BEARINGS I NOISE - - I PROPERt.. Y ~ xx ~1~2 DAILY VISUAL SYSTEM RUN~NINC; I WEEKLY VISUAL SYSTEM RUNNING ANNUAL CHECK SYSTEM SToppeJ) COMPONENT CHECK FOR .:l.AJM ~(WEAR -~~- UN~N Fii:Ace WEAR ON UNERS MA TERI.A.L BLOO<AGE ~ x X x XTRANSFER CHUTES x x ~ I SPUTTER GATE I~~~ ~ ~~ I~ER ~~ON ] ~ ) x x I RAIL ClAMPS ~~~9!~~~~ po:smON PROPER FUNCTION AUGNt.E1'!r x -x ,: -"BEARING NOISE FAN NOISE AUGNMENT PROPER ~ T1ON x X x xI aECTRICA'- ~TORS )/,x ELECTRICAL FIELD DEVICES ;PROPER MOUNTI~ I PROPER -.f!JNCT\ON x X x ~ IEMERGENCY STOP SWITCHES; "r PROP~::UNT1~ I PROPER FUNCT1QN -~xZERO SPEEr) SWITCHES x ~:xI BELT MISALIGNMENT SWITCHES [PRO~ ~NTI~ I PROPER ~NCTION ~ x x-,"PROPER MOTJNT1~ IP~ER FUNCTIONa. PROBES x xI PROPER MOUNTIOO I ~ER FJ,JNCT10!L xAIG.E. ENCCOERS x IPRO~ MOUNTING I~PfR F:!.J~ -xluMIT SWlTCHEE ) ~x IBACK-UP UMIT SWITCHES I PROPER MOUNTING I~~OPER FUNCTION i ~xILOCALP.s. STATIONS 1PRQ~~ ~~ I PROPER F\L~ON x rPROp~y CONNE"C'rED-x xl ~ /WIRE . TERM iNATI 0 ~ NOTE:AboY8 hot.- cover d18ck81g, cI88I*'9 n kJbfatk1g only. ~-;ia M. ~. '~I""". &. .. ~ iQMi8d, P8g82_2 I MONTHLY CHECK SY~TEM STOPPED MAN T AKRAF, INC. SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE ELECTRICAL' CONTROLS 'INSTRUMENTATION SITE ADVISOR AT THE CUSTOMER'S REQUEST, MTI WILL FURNISH THE SERVICES OF A COMPETENT SERVICE ENGINEER, BASED ON THE FOLLOWING FEE SCHEDULE. THE CHARGE PER CALENDAR DAY, WHICH INCLUDES TRAVELING IS COST FOR A SERVICE ENGINEER: $1,080.00 PER 8 HOUR DAY/CAlENDAR DAY BASED ON A 40 HOUR WORK WEEK ( EXCLUDING ALL LOCAL TAXES $135.00 PER HOUR THE MINIMUM CHARGE WILL BE AN 8 HOUR DAY ( EXCLUDING ALL LOCAL TAXES) OVERTIME WILL BE CHARGED AS FOLLOWS: 150%: FOR EACH ADDmONAL HOUR OVERTIME PER DAY (EXCEEDING 8 HRS. PER DAY, MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY, AND ALL SATURDAY) 175%: FOR ALL SATURDAYS, SUNDAYS AND HOUDA YS SUITABLE HOTEL ACCOMMODATION, EXPENSES AND TRAVELING WILL BE AT THE ACTUAL INCURRED COST. (30 CENTS PER MILE FOR COMPANY OR PRIVATE AUTOMOBILE, RENTAL CAR INCLUDING GASOLINE AT ACTUAL COST). DOMESTIC AIR TRAVEL WILL BE IN COACH, OVERSEAS AIR TRAVEL WILLBE IN BUSINESS CLASS. . LNING ALLOWANCE WILL BE CHARGED AT A FIXED RATE OF $50.00/PER CAlENDAR DAY. INCLUDING TRAVEL DAYS. COST OF TELEPHONE CALLS, INTERNET SERVICE, TELEFAXES, ETC. WILL BE INVOICED AS PER ACTUALS. AFTER EVERY THREE MONTHS STAY ON SITE, SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE IS ENT1TLED TO ONE TRIP HOME. AJRFARE TO BE PAJD BY CUSTOMER. THE CUSTOMER IS TO MAKE ALL PREPARATIONS IN SUCH A WAY THAT MTI SERVICE PERSONNEL MAY COMMENCE WORK AND PROCEED WITHOUT DELAY. SINCE THE PER DIEM CHARGE DOES NOT COVER THE COST OF INSURING AGAINST THE RISK AND HAZARDS INVOLVED IN PROVIDING THIS SERVICE, THE CUSTOMER AGREES TO HOLD MTI FREE AND HARMLESS AGAINST ALL CLAIMS AND ACTIONS CONNECTED WITH OR ARISING OUT OF ANY ACT OR OMISSION OF SUCH PERSON IN PERFORMING SERVICES HEREUNDER MTI Will PROVIDE PURCHASER WITH EVIDE;NCE OF WORKER'S COMPENSATION INSURANCE COVERAGE, IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAWS OF THE STATE WITHIN THE USA UNDER WHICH SUCH COMPENSATION IS PAYABLE, OR EMPLOYER'S lIABIUTY INSURANCE TO PROTECT MTI REPRESENTATIVE. MTI WILL ALSO PROVIDE EVIDENCE OF GENERAL LIABILITY INSURANCE AND AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE COVERAGE AS NEEDED. ACCEPTANCE OF THE ABOVE TERMS FOR FIELD SERVICES SHAlL CONSTITUTE AN AGREEMENT INDEPENDENT OF, AND SEPARATE FROM ANY CONTRACT TO FURNISH AND SELL EQUIPMENT. PAYMENT FOR SUCH SERVICES SHAlL BE MADE WITHIN TWENTY (20) DAYS OF DATE OF INVOICE. THE ABOVE STATED RATES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE R8Y.~ MAN T AKRAF I INC. SERVICE REPRESENTATIVE MECHANICAUSTRUCTURAL SITEADV1S0R AT THE CUSTOMER'S REQUEST. MTI WILL FURNISH THE SERVICES OF A COMPETENT SERVICE ENGINEER, BASED ON THE FOllOWING FEE SCHEDULE. THE CHARGE PER CALENDAR DAY. WHICH INCLUDES TRAVEUNG IS: COST FOR A SERVICE ENGINEER: $960.00 PER 8 HOUR DAY/CALENDAR DAY BASED ON A 40 HOUR WORK WEEK (EXCLUDING ALl LOCAL TAXES) $120.00 PER HOUR THE MINIMUM CHARGE WILL BE AN a-HOUR DAY ( EXCLUDING ALL LOCAL TAXES) OVERTIME WILL BE CHARGED AS FOLLOWS: 150%:FOR EACH ADDmONAL HOUR OVERTIME PER DAY (EXCEEDING 8 HRS. PER DAY, MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY, AND ALL SATURDAY) FOR ALL SATURDAYS. SUNDAYS AND HOLIDAYS 175%: SUITABLE HOTEL ACCOMMODATION, EXPENSES AND TRAVELING WILL BE AT THE ACTUAL INCURRED COST. (30 CENTS PER MILE FOR COMPANY OR PRIVATE AUTOMOBILE, RENTAL CAR INCLUDING GASOLINE AT ACTUAL COST). DOMESTIC AIR TRAVEL WILL BE IN COACH, OVERSEAS AIR TRAVEL WILL BE IN BUSINESS CLASS. LNING ALLOWANCE WILL BE CHARGED AT A FIXED RATE OF $50.00/PER CALENDAR DAY, INCLUDING TRAVEL DAYS. COST OF TELEPHONE CALLS, INTERNET SERVICE, TELEFAXES, ETC. WILL BE INVOICED AS PER ACTUALS. AFTER EVERY THREE MONTHS STAY ON SITE, SERV1CE REPRESENTATIVE IS ENTITLED TO ONE TRIP HOME. AIRFARE TO BE PAID BY CUSTOMER. THE CUSTOMER IS TO MAKE ALL PREPARATIONS IN SUCH A WAY THAT MTI SERVICE PERSONNEL MAY COMMENCE WORK AND PROCEED WITHOUT DElAY. SINCE THE PER DIEM CHARGE DOES NOT COVER THE COST OF INSURING AGAINST THE RISK AND HAZARDS INVOLVED IN PROVIDING THIS SERV1CE. THE CUSTOMER AGREES TO HOLD MT1 FREE AND HARMLESS AGAINST ALL CLAIMS AND ACTIONS CONNECTED WITH OR ARISING OUT OF ANY ACT OR OMISSION OF SUCH PERSON IN PERFORMING SERV1CES HEREUNDER. MT1 WILL PROVIDE PURCHASER WITH EVIDENCE OF WORKER'S COMPENSAT10N INSURANCE COVERAGE. IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAWS OF THE STATE WITHIN THE USA UNDER WHICH SUCH COMPENSAT10N IS PAYABLE. OR EMPLOYER'S LIABILITY INSURANCE TO PROTECT MTI REPRESENTAT1VE. MTt WILL ALSO PROVIDE EVIDENCE OF GENERAL LIABILITY INSUP-ANCE AND AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE COVERAGE AS NEEDED. ACCEPTANCE OF THE ABOVE TERMS FOR FIELD SERVICES SHAlL CONSTITUTE AN AGREEMENT INDEPENDENT OF, AND SEPARATE FROM ANY CONTRACT TO FURNISH AND SELL EQUIPMENT. PAYMENT FOR SUCH SERVICES SHAlL BE MADE WITHIN TWENTY (20) DAYS OF DATE OF INVOICE. THE ABOVE STATED RATES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE Rev.~ PLANVIEW BUCKET WHEEL STACKER I RECLAIMER SYSTEM # 2 8UCICET_L \. ~ " ~uw.-. "" / " , -- - -- ~ , ~~~ , COHI.e'IOft I I f ~-' - f=-=-=---=---; ;= -::::=~--_:_~--~ ~I ~ ~/sr-::'_~- \ ~ -0 ~ ~ BUCJ(ETMEEl STACltER IREa.AlMER MAN TAKRAI'. -. APR/L25.Z83 7 n /2003 PLANV1EW STACKER I PORTAL RECLAIMER SYSTEM # 1 ~ 7 n /2003 , ~ ~CAR" / MAN T AKRA.F, -- 04:B.03 GTH - w -' a: -.;.- - - ---''-" \I\I"/c § ~ . i ~ 5: '-/ ~~ " APpR. 200,000 MT APPR. 200,000 MT ~WK7TH' ~ft / ~ I i I I . I ! I:r-- - - -- ;!~I CTR. I6:l.AIM CON'l'E'{OR'1 ~ 7n/2003 / CARG PROPOSED LAYaJT CROSS SECTION ! \-..s_aCM8\\U\S~IR CM"I \ ~ Sf-- _r__,".~a-8T1t ~ 7 n /2003 CONVEYOR ARRANGErt'ENT UNDERNEAlH BUCKET WHEEL STACKER I RECLAIr.£R CO~OR 11: W' WIDE STACKING &RECLAJM co NVEYO R 12: &!"" WI DE REa.AIM ONLY '. - !~-- - SlEW SEA RI to«; / '\./,/'" II .1 . .."-.1I:r{ tn"-:"' COH'*'YORR. ~ COHWYO R #1 '" "-2/ TRA 'Ja TRtx:J<S RAILS[---~-. JiJ I. ¥ : ~ i ~ . I ! -- I__I_LI__I ! !~ .1:"": I :~:~ I :r...~ I. ~I I I . I -- J ... I ,- li=,I I I MANTAKRAF.lnc. MAY 27.2003 GTH 7 n /2003 7 n /2003 ~ RAILS Dual Yard Conveyor Reclaiming Yard Conveyor #1 - I'--4--TRPPERI I I I- II I ~I YAR> CONVEYOR 11 I I ... ~..~ YA~ CONVEYOR~ I I MAN T N<RAF. Inc. ~Y 21. 2(:xB GTH ~ 7nnOO3 RAILS Dual Yard Conveyor Reclaiming Yard Conveyor #2 ~ -!--~ I - I . I I I I J,,"""""" YAR> CONVEYOR ~ I I I MAN T.AKRAF.lnc. MAY 21. 2<Xn GTH I.-- f. YAN) CONVEYOR 11 I I I ~ 7 n /2003 RAILS Dual Yard Conveyor Stacking 100% 1M% - I I I I I YARJ CoNVEYOR 11 I I -- I . I I I I },~." YARJCONVEY~~MAN TN<RAF.lnc. MAY 21. 2(Xn GTH ~ 7n/2003 RAILS Dua! Yard Conveyor Stacking 50% Bypass 50% - I ,- -,. I I I I I I I I ~Ij y~ CC»NEYCR 11 -~...~ YAR)CONVEY~P MAN T N<RAF. Inc tMy 21. ~ GTH ~ 7n/2003 I~ ~ -.-;: ~ 7 n /2003 RAILS ~ I I V Single Yard Conveyor Reclaming I /100%I 1m% I , , :1m% ~ I I I I I I I I ~; I i TRPPER I I I I j ~ I I I f MAN TAKRAF Inc. MAY 21.2003 GTH ... "" YA~ CONVEY~ 7 n n.OO3 ~ ":'\a; RAILSv Single Yard Conveyor Stacking 100% , . , :1m~ I I I I I 1"""""~"'~ TRPPER , I I I ! MANTN<RAF,ktC. MAY 21. 2tm GTH YARJ CONVEYOR 7nn.OO3 ~ Single Yard Conveyor Stacking 50% Bypass 50%I :50% I - 80% :100% N---I J :, MAN T N<RAF. Inc MAY 21. ~ GTH VARJ CONVEYOR 7 n /2003 I RAILS V I~I ~,- \ iji ~~- ! ; ~ ... ~ ~ ~t-._~-<"'~O)=- -I(j ~ .-tL.-tL (/)~(/)~ (J (J II-,~I~ ItJ ~ I-~I~~ u I~I 1 ..- :g xx ~~ CJ)CI) I :I: r;I~I~'0c ~- 0~"EG)=(0>G»'C> 8I~ - ~ ..J u.. ~ ~ ~ <'i ~~~ w ~ ~ -< ~ ~ ~ I~ 15; I Ilu ~ I~I I~~- ~ i 1- I-I~ I~I I~zI~ I~ j~l~ I~ I (,) ;:j I N ~ - ... ~ I T: (,)10 ~- :)+ ~~ ~~ _I- I~ CJ ~ ~ ~ Q ~ I-I.. I a.: :I:i ~ ~I ~ w ~ a.. c w ..J ..J ~ Z .J c( t- o .t: QQ ~~ It)~ I~I~ 00 I N C ~CW1 I~I~ ~ w I~ 0 D. <-' Z ~ W D. 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I~I IW '~I (J cc It- C/) cn w (,) ~ ~ 1I~ ~ c1' i '>. i ~ ~ ~ ~I I ~.J ~t-Z ~i: ~ w~~ ~i =z ~ a.. ~ ~"-' + > 11-: 0~X WO~Z ~ - -W ~I...J~' W>ftI ~O~ c( ~ ~ ~ 0 I~ ~O C/)~~a..w ~ J I a. a.. (,) ::» cn ~ c( 0' ...: I ~ .. ~ ~ ~ .. ~- .-WzZwu.: S2:UJQ2w W 1ft 0 ~ ~ a.. ~ .. a.. VI .- W ""' - I W ZC/)u..CJ:J~I-:O o:Jwoa~<CJ CJCJ~..JW_QC/) (.)' ~ I~ ~ i 812; 1 18; 0 . .0 (.)O~IO~ !~ c +it- ~ ~~~~ Q t') I .-,t-'I t-Ii. .- Ii. (/)~(/)~ U (J t:t:t:t: :I: X ~ ~ ~ ~ lit)I = ~. ~ i<" C\4 I ~I ~ ~ ~ rn CI) !~I ~ ::e-m>-0 '-- 0c: > .- d) 0» c: c: 'i 8 I~ I~ Ira I~ I :]~I~ --- , t-~~~~(,)uuuIt: u. ~~ ~ ~t: I~I~ ~ ~I~ ~ 10. :r I~ il~l~ I~w ~ In f'\ iW~'Z I~~2 ffi~12cc j-i~ I...I~ In. T I~ I~I~ II~~ I~ I~ I~ I ~ '~O 1- 131 It) I~ ~ a- u. ,~ I Z ~; ~ ~~ ;~21 ~a..a.. wu.u; c !~lcININ -1- I~ NI~ I~Ico; t:t: ~Io I~I~ I~ ~ ~~--~ cz llt "t:lll' U'JO W o V[I: ~Z W '"'I 0 -a.i=!' ~~ cn~ I " o~ ..J~" 2- w- ." - I > w'~ u. 0 ~ ~ I I t rc..1:1 ~~ I ffi ~: Iw In ~ W .. .. .. .. ~ 0 Qwww~ OZ I ..J - Q Q Q I' .. Z I C ! ~USUSUS'Jcn Z W I <ci:cDcD~~w 0 a... -N_N~8U i= I cn ~ ffi.~ ~ ~ mom~; "~ mt-C zwwWW-Jt-C ..° 111~~:z~~~ii~~~~ l-..Jwuuu8WI..Jww lH~ffiffiffiffia ~(J2:. xca..a..a.a.~~~~~ I~u.!3cncncncn~l-ffi..J u.Ow-J..J..JII..II..-II-W o~w~~~oo--<z> OW5~~~OOb~~ ZX~~~~~~I-.21- ~ I~ I~ I~i I~I II: W D- o W ~ II: C ..J i 1.1iJ:t - ~ I I~I"" I~I 0 GP- o" I 00 ~~ 00 ~M MM a.. 10. ~I~ Q; c; Q 0) N I~ ~ Tom Monter Gerhard Hertel (ghertel@takraf.com] Friday, June 27, 2003 2:57 PM Tom Monter RE: STACKING / RECLAJMING SYSTEMS From: ;ent: To: Subject: Dear Hr. Monter. Let's assume the installation of this machine takes 4 months. We would recommend to have one mechanical/structural advisor on site during the entire erection period. One electrical site advisor would be required for 3 months. In addition to these 2 advisors one commissioning engineer is required for the testing, dry run, wet run and acceptance test of the machine, which should take another 5 weeks. Supplier representatives for the hydraulic system, VFD drives, etc. should also be on site when required. The daily costs of these specialist is around US$ 1,500.- per day. I attach MAN TAKRAF's site personnel rates which will be charged for each day on site. In addition there will be cost for lodging, rental car, meals, air fare and miscellaneous expenses, which we would charge at actual costs. Since I do not know the pricing structure in Alaska I cannot give you a lump sum price. I can follow up with a lump sum price if you can give me average costs for: Hotel - Rental car - meals. BEST REGARDS GERHARD T. HERTEL Oriqinal Messaqe From: Tom Monter (mailto:Tom.Monter@pes-world.com) Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2003 12:24 PM To: Gerhard Hertel Subject: RE: STACKING / RECLAIMING SYSTEMS Hertel,Mr What would the supervisory Services cost for a bucket wheel stacker-reclaimer while it was being installed? r'm just looking to get a estimate for the final writeup on this alaska project. Thanks. Tom Monter Precision Energy Services 1 COM MISSI 0 NING. E a.CO NTR.INSTR.A MEDiAN.ADVISOR. NGlNEF.R.~ ~ ~ Tom Monter Gerhard Hertel [ghertel@takraf.com] Friday, June 27,20032:33 PM Tom Monter RE: STACKING I RECLAIMING SYSTEMS ~From: 3ent: To: Subject: Dear Mr. Monter. It is very difficult to provide a yearly parts cost for the Bucket Wheel machine. In the first 2 years for instance, you should not have any need for parts except the normal lubrication material such as grease, reducer oil, hydra~ic fluid, etc. However for emergency you should have certain parts available. We usually split them in Commissioning parts, Parts for 2 years of operation and Insurance parts. Commissioning parts usually consist of PLC parts, some electrical field devices and some idlers. Parts for 2 years of operation usually include electrical/controls and instrumentation parts, some idlers, some seals and gas kets for reducers and hydraulic systems. The insurance parts contain a complete set of reducers, belting, travel wheels, hydra~ic unit, hydraulic cylinder, motors, p~leys, etc. For the Bethel machine the commissioning parts would be roughly 05$ 180,000.- the 2 years parts roughly 05$280,000.- insurance parts roughly 05$800,000.- With the above parts on site and an excellent maintenance on the machine should cover the operation of the Bucket Wheel machine. I hope this is of help for your study. BEST REGARDS GERHARD T. HERTEL Oriqinal Hessaqe From: Tom Monter [mailto:Tom.Honter@pes-world.com] Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2003 12:26 PH To: Gerhard Hertel Subj ect: RE: STACKING / RECLAIHING SYSTEMS I did have an addendium to my last question. Considering we can't ship equipment for 7 months out of the year, what would you estimate the yearly parts cost for a bucket wheel stacker/reclaimer of the size for the Bethel project? Thanks again Tom Monter Precision Energy Services 1 Tom Monter Gerhard Hertef [ghertel@takraf.com] Friday, May 23, 2003 1 :19 PM TOM MONTER BUCKET WHEEL STORAGE. BETHEL ALASKA . From: ~ Sent: To: Subject: Dear Hr. Monter. Attached is one excel file with a preliminary general maintenance schedulemfor a Bucket Wheel Stacker/Reclaimer. As listed in the spreadsheet, the hours mentioned only include the time for checking, cleaning and lubricating. Any time for replacements, repairs, overhaul are not included. BEST REGARDS GERHARD T. HERTEL P.S. I am still working on a sketch to show the conveyor arrangements underneath the Bucket Wheel machine, as well as a general sketch showing the various stacking and reclaim possibilities. 1 PRaIM.MAINT.GiE CK.lIST.a.K:JCET ... Tom Monter Gerhard Hertel (ghertel@takraf.com] Wednesday, May 21, 2003 1:21 PM Tom Monter Mike Oswald; Sam Fulton; RafaJ Berezowski RE: Stacker Availability & Bypass From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: 't}' Bekohl2.jpg ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ BW.S.R.COLL TR.p BW.S.R.STAND.1RICOVER.lETT'ER.O5. df Pf'ER.pdf 21.03.doc ~ H-SQil"'l.-nF Dear Mr. MonterPLease find attached explanations and some sketches to your below questions. I am still working on the maintenance schedule and the sketch for the belt scheme using 2 parallel conveyors. I will follow up with this information by tomorrow May 22. BEST REGARDS GERHARD T. HERTEL Original Message From: Tom Monter [mailto:Tom.Monter@pes-world.c~: Sent: Thursday, May 15, 2003 10:37 AM To: Gerhard Hertel Cc: Mike Oswald; Sam Fulton; Rafal Berezowski Subject: Stacker Availability & Bypass Mr Hertel I had a few more questions concerning the stacker-reclaimer you have proposed. The first question is concerning the availability of the stacker/reclaimer for our feasibility study. Do you happen to have some hard data on availability numbers for a system like this one? We would like to have this data for several reasons: First, we need to know how many hours a year we can plan on running loaders or another alternate means of reclaiming when the reclaim system is down for repairs or scheduled maintenance. Second, we need an idea of how much extra money we can plan to spend to keep the stacker-reclaimer running on a yearly basis. Third, we need the data to present to our client to show that we have investigated and planned for contingencies so that we can provide 99% power availability (not including scheduled maintenance or outages). The second question I had was con~erning the belt feeding the stacker-reclaimer. Can this belt be doubled up to provide added reliability? The second belt could be just used for the reclaiming portion of the operation if need be, we would just like to have the added reliability built in. Also this stacker does include a bypass so that we can feed the bunkers directly from the coal incoming from the river correct? Could you provide a more detailed drawing or picture of how the conveyor system for the stacker-reclaimer works? We are curious so that we can design out storage area with this information in mind. My last question is what would the tower height be on this bucket wheel system? We just need to know so that if need be we can fit it under a building. Again any informat~on you can provide about reliability in a document form would be appreciated since we need to pr~vide this in our report. Thank you. 1, B.W.aRQJtAR.SY STEM.jpg Tom Monter Precision Energy Services ~ ~ 2 Tom Monter Gerhard Hertel [ghertel@takraf.com) Wednesday, May 14, 2003 7:02 AM Tom Monter RE: - From: Sent: To: Subject: Dear Mr. Monter. Thanks for your e-mail. I am at our headquarters in Germany right now. In talking to our engineers, I can give you the following information: 1. The rough weight of this machine is about 700MT (including counterweight). The average wheel load for this kind of machine is in the range of 30 to 35MT. 2. Based on above weight, the shipping volume for this machine (excluding counterweight) is in the range of 3,500 cubm. There is not much to be shipped in containers. Most of the shipments will be bulk, we may have about 4 x 20' containers for smaller mechanical items. 3. A very rough budgetary price for this Bucket Wheel Stacker / Reclaimer suited for cold weather is in the range of US-Dollar 5.8 Million, FOB Seattle. 4. The highest point on this machine is the mast, holding the boom as well as the counterweight. The top of this mast is at an elevation of approx. 30 m. If you have further questions, please send them to my e-mail address. I am checking my e-mails daily. I am back in my Denver office next week Tuesday. BEST REGARDS GERHARD T. HERTEL Oriqinal Messaqe From: Tom Monter [mailto:Tom.Monter@pes-world.com Sent: Monday, May 12, 2003 9:42 AM To: Gerhard Hertel Subject: Mr. Hertel, I was curious if you had the rough weight of the bucket wheel stacking/reclaiming machine. If you don't have the weight offhand could you possibly estimate (within 15%> what it will weigh? We are trying to get the approximate weights so that we can design foundations for Bethel which have special concerns due to permafrost conditions. Additionally, could you possibly estimate how many containers it will take to ship the equipment to Alaska, and the estimated price FOB seattle? The last question I had was how high for the machine you quoted would the tower for the reclaiming boom stick in the air? Thank You. Tom Monter (208)772-4457 Precision Energy Services 10780 N Highway 95 Hayden Lake, ID 83835 Tom.monter@pes-world.com Tom Monter Gerhard Hertel [ghertel@takraf.com] Tuesday, April 29, 2003 1:11 AM Tom.Monter@pes-wor1d.com STORAGE SYSTEM BETHEL ALASKA From: Sent: To: Subject: .~ REV .LA your . CROS Dear Hr. Monter. Thanks for your E-mail yesterday. Reviewing your requirements of total storage vol~e, covered storage, reliable operation without major downtimes, and assuming that some redundancy in reclaiming is necessary, I do not believe that an automated reclaim system be it a Portal Reclaimer or Bucket Wheel Stacke~; Reclaimer would be suited. The Portal Reclaimer is the- more-": reliable machine than the Bucket Wheel, due to its simplicity in design. It would certainly fulfill the requirement of high availibility, but when compacting the coal, the pile will change its shape, which requires a long dressing time until material is being reclaimed. The height of the Portal Reclaimer would also require a much higher building. The Bucket Wheel could reclaim a compacted pile without any problem, however it requires more maintenance than the Portal Reclaimer. It also requires a higher building, and you cannot stack and reclaim at the same time. Both automated Reclaimers also have the disadvantage that, if a malfunction occurs, you are without any fuel feed to the power plant. Putting 2 machines in to have redundancy, bears a considerable price tag. In my opinion the ideal system for your application is stacking 2 parallel piles with a slewing stacker in between both piles. Reclaiming should be done using Front End Loaders, which you already have in your plant. You may need to purchase one or two more to also cover the pile compacting. On the outside of each pile you would have one reclaim conveyor. Each reclaim conveyor has its own motorized Reclaim Hopper Car. Since your reclaim rate is low, one Front End Loader could easily achieve 500 MTPH. The Hopper Car would always be positioned to have the travel distance for the Loader as short as possible. The Loader Operator can reposition the Hopper car with radio control. Maintenance would not be a problem since you would only need one Loader for reclaiming. I attach 2 sketches showing the layout of the system. I will call you today to discuss the layout. BEST REGARDS GERHARD T. HERTEL ~ REV.LAYOUT.PlAN. 04.29.03.Ysd ~ I, ~ ~ ~.i-;.. \ ,/ I I /j // .. T ;~ 1 1/ -r J [ 1..;1 ~"c l)o ~IT ~ ~ 2 0~~ 2 r ~ ~ 1 ~ :1 (Q~ cl' :7 ~. 'rl .. I Q ~ ~, I: ~~ t ~ If..:i II ~I J: I ~ ATTACHMENT 9 - ~-c. Air-Supported Conveyor Air -supponed conveyor syst~ were a revolutionary concept when they \1ere intnxiuced in E~ in 1971. But early syst~ were plagued by two problems: incomency in airflow, whidI reduced penormaIx:e aI.t ~ probl~ like belt waIxier, and high costs for construction and Operatioll But through ~ engineering and construction techniques, Marth1 Engineering has solved these problenl$ with the ~. Air-Supported Conveyor. ~ ~" 00 , ~ ~ , Conveyor runningConveyor idle Air from a low horsepower fan is forced through a carefully calibrated series of hofes underneath the troughed surface. This air lifts the conveyor belt off the trough. so its only carrying side friction points are the head and tail pulley. This film of air, only four-hundredths of an inch (one-millimeter) thick, supports the moving belt, eliminating the need for carrying idlers. The thin film of air will support loads up to 200 pounds per square foot (976 kg/rnZ) at high speeds with no med1anical friction. The air support system limits mechanical friction to the conveyor drive (typically at the head pulley), the tail pulley, and the take-up assembly. This results in a dramatic reduction in operating maintenance costs. The system features interlocked controls, so the belt will not run without air pressure, and the air system does not operate without the belt running. Prove it to YolU-self The first step may be to install one (or several) modular section of S-CIass. Air Conveyor on an existing (con~ntional) belt comeyor structure. That way you 'n see the effectiveness and efflcieocy of the s-class. Air-Supported Conveyor without requiring a full conveyor system. j1 ~ 1 1 1 ~ F ~. ~ 1 88 ~.I ~l ~I ~.so it }~ !1.. ' 8!I~t i~lj1}~J i~.~ .:g f i:1 i I. . i -c i i] f J.ii~J.)1t!..~ ~ ~itlf~!it!!]J!t ~2~Jt~Ji~Jtl~lj:j t Ii'II I ~ .. -I I J ..tg ! Ii i i 111 11 -~~ ~ I ~ I 1 .=1 I ~ i I II ~~ ~ ti:.l! j§i l f~.! It:l)i ~ ~.! Ji!11]11 f~I I JI ~i! § i!].! .):.Itttl~ >1.!!1rl ~iJj~!i!j~i JI~lrlijIJ~~ . c8J~l-s I )~IJ.!;.J!$ui.s"~ ~ j.i oC £..§ I' cJ "I ~ f .. i~"§ .. ~ s i~ .i ,8~,~ ~ 0 . . . . . §.$ ~~ ~ ~ u ~~ ~~ .~~ ':5 ~ 5e t~ :eS il ~~ ,'== ~ ~ ~ '" \ \]1 \. fir j. fit 1!! ~1IjI3;;s-J fii1~jll I )~ .- -I I fi1 j i .. !h..D! 111ft i 111.i if~. . !.. s . j ~ ~t~ .. -e ... IE~ . .i i f.~i If If. . . Redat:ed Eaergy Ezpeae The low-friction S-C1ass'" System can reduce con\'eYOr power requirements by m on a horizontal m~tm That ~ }Q1 ~ I~ for energy (and you may ~ more ~ you can buy a smaller lower-cost drive). . Ie8a4 Mamte8a8Ce ElpeMe There are no carrying side idlers. That meam there are 00 ~ rollers to replace and no idler lubrication required. . Ied8ce4 C8'eJ. N8ise No idler bearing noise; no noisy compressor. The ~- Conveyor operates at the sound output of an electri: fan (;TO dBA) rath8' tmn the typical Com'eYOC JKjse level (85 dBA).. l.O8ger Belt Life With M- frictkm points. ~ ~ ~ 'ftar (II ~'s 00tt001 swface. And because there's IX) need for coD'f'e)'OT skirting, there is no abrasion on the carrying side from material entrapment In pilx:h {X>ints. . St~ Belt Path Because the belt is carried on a smooth film of air over a SIOOOth troughed surface, the belt's path is ~ for ~ dtm controL . Reduced SpiDage Because it is fully eoclased. ~ S-C1m- COIl't'eYOI" eliminates the need for skirting. . Improved Bast C.trol With tre S-C1ass - C~. the film of air ~ ~ ~ the ~ at such low rohme the airflow will not carry fines oft' the top of the belt The belt's smooth profile kee~ fue out of the air arxi on the ~t. I8pnftti Pra8d Coaditi.8 The s-c~- Conveyor's air-suP{X>rted belt is gentle to the cargo. There is IX) bumpy . roller coaster. rile over the kfes. so ~ ~ no material segregation. no product degradatk>n and IX) ~ ArHi ~ it is fully ~ there's 00 contamination of ~matm ~ .~~"-" ;:c~-};. -- ~- ,'f(~ ye.ars , ~ibct~ on improving plant bulk solid$ handling operations. Around the comer or around the world MARTIN- Systems and Services improve the movement, storage, recovery, and movement of bulk mate~. Martin Engineering strives to reduce maintenance and downtime and improve effidency and profitability. +AjrCannom . PIeDDatk aJxi Electric VJbratIXS . Dust S~ Syst~ + Dlm CoIJectXm Systems . Ajr.S~ed Conveyor Systems . Belt COfIYe'P Cleaning System . Tram Point Sealing Syst~ .L(afZoneImpactand BeltSUPlXJl'tCradles . Belt Training Devk:es . Mokied Uretm Wear Parts . System IImaDation . S~~ MaintenaIx:e . Silo Ceaning . ~ Cmveyrx Surveying . Turnkey Projects . System Design Engineering lIl"tART! N ENGINEERING150-9001 li4 DNV CERl1RED One Martin Place Neponset. illinois 61345-9766 USA 800-544-2947 or 309-594-2384 FAX: 309-594-2432 http://www.martin-eng.com Patent #5,829,577 Air ~ CDweyor t8dvQogy pet8nt8d by GriII8y Cal~"'" I~ C M8tkI E.-¥.A.~.. 2001Fum No. ~ WP SoBli HandSok . mg III.MARTIN EJI/GINEERING For more than SS years Martin Engineering has made bulk materiaJs handling cleaner. safer. and more productive. All MARTIN- Products and SeIVices are backed by the company's Absolutely; P~jtive1y; No Excuses Guarantee. . CYA8Inspection Doors - Steel and Rubber . Tail Pulley Protection Plows . Vibrating Dribble Chute Transfa-PointSystmlS . GUARDABELT- Impact Systems . GUARDASEAL 1N Belt Support Cradle . Catenary Idler Stabilizer Systems . TRAC-MOUNT Idler . DURI' TAMER"" Wear Liner . APRON SEAL1N Skirting System . Tailgate Sealing Box Dust Management . FOG Dust Suppression System . FOAM Dust Suppression System . Dust Bag and Curtains . Insertable Dust Collectors Belt .AJir~t Systems . TRACKER Belt Tracking System . SPIROLL GUIDE1N Alignment Roller Vessel Activation. XHV BIG BLASTER8 Ambient-Temp. Air Cannons. XHV BIG BLASTER8 High-Temp. Air Cannons . XHD Bin Whip . XHD Bin Drlll and Chunk Buster Vibratory Systems . MOTOMAGNEnC8 Electric Vibrators . BRUTE'" Motor-Driven Vibrators (Hydraulic. Pneumatic, and Electric) . VIBROLATOR- Pneumatic Ball Vibrators . VIBROLLER8 Pneumatic Roller Vibrators . VIBROTOR- Pneumatic Roller Vibrators . Pneumatic Piston Vibrators . Vibrator Mounts, Controls, and Accessories . Screen Vibrators and Retrofit Kits Bulk Transport Unloading Systems . BOOT-LIFT- Railcar Connector . BOOT-LIFT8 Vertical Connector . MARTIN8 Railcar Openers . DC Truck Vibrator . Railcar Vibrators . Insta11ation Service. Equipment Maintenance Service. Silo Cleaning Service . Laser Survey and AliWlment Service . Engineered Systems Analysis . Urethane Classifier Shoes . EZ-PATCH'" Repair Kit. Sheet Urethane . Urethane Spray Deflectors. Plow Tips. and Spinner Disks Belt C!~_ning SysteIU. S-CLASS"' Air Supported Conveyor System . DURT HAWG8 Belt Cleaning System .. DURT TRACKER- Belt Cleaning System . IN-Lll'lE Belt Cleaning System . SAP Belt Cleaning System ~ XHD -Extra Heavy-Duty" Belt Cleaning System . SHD -Super Heavy-Duty" Belt Cleaning System. QC- -Quick Change- Belt Cleaning Systems . ZHD BeJt Cleaning System . PIG~ Food-Grade Belt Cleaning Systems . Chevron Belt Cleaning System Martin Engineering can design and build custom solids . ROtary Brush Cleaning System handling systems to Btspecia 1ized application requirements. . Spray Wash Belt Cleaning System For more information on our products, can 800-544-2947 (USA only) or 309-594-2384 martin-eng.com . e-mail: martinone@martin-eng.com Fum ~ L3281~ MARTIN ENGINEERING ISO .9001 QUAUTY SYSTEM CEk.luH!;D Neponset, IL 61345-9766 USA FAX: 309-594-2432 Phone: 800-544-2947 or 309-594-2384 Website: httD://www.martin-ena.com One Martin Place DUST CONTROL THROUGH AIR SUPPORTED CONVEYORS April 17, 2003 Tom Monter Precision Energy Services 10780 N. Highway 95 Ha~ Lake, UT 83835 Proposal number: 03125-AS Dear Tom, Ii' We appreciate your interest in our Martin Engineering patented S-CLASSTM Air-Supported Conveyor. This is a component-based method for upgrading trougbing conveyors to a more reliable and cost-effective air-supported conveyor. Designed according to CEMA (Conveyor Equipment Manufacturers Association) standards, the S-CLASSTM ASC utilizes the troughing conveyor's existing support Structure, drive mechanism, and belt. Using this technology is quickly making the S-CLASSTM ASC the industry standard for high performance conveying. The S-CLASSTM ASC is more efficient, reliable, and cost-effective than conventional conveying technologies. Our retrofit system not only simplifies the process of upgrading trougbing conveyors, but by eliminati~g the source of wear (friction from moving parts), the S-CLASSTM ASC will substantially reduce the conveyor's operating and maintenance costs. Martin Engineering has made the S-CLASSTM ASC available at a per-section cost comparable to that of a conventional and regularly scheduled retrofit. The "V' Plenum retrofit provides all of the inherent benefits of air-supported conveying, and it does so by using the troughing conveyor's existing structure, which results in a substantial reduction in installation costs and downtime. Based on the information provided Martin Engineering guarantees that this system will deliver the required capacity with no spillage due to this system and with no additional horsepower required by the systems drive motor. If you have any questions, please contact me 800-544-2947 Ext.324. ~ CLE~ ;l;175J~ Gary SwearingenProj ect Manager . st III MARTIN ENGINEERJNG JSO.9OO1 U ~ ~ PROPOSAL SYSTEM PARAMETERS 60 Inch Belt Width 2000 TPH Design Capacity 2 Inch Minus Coal at 55 pounds per cubic foot 8% Moisture Content 450 FPM Belt Speed Single Load Zone I understand that power requirements are a big issue for this application. With the information given I est;;~ate that the horsepower savings for a belt of this size would be approximately 22% or 30 horsepower. Due to the length of this belt and the quantity of material conveyed, (4) 30 horsepower fans will be required to lift and carry the belt plus material. I realize that this is not the savings you were looking for but the numbers given are realistic. By reviewing the product information on our website you will be able to see that the S-CLASSTM Air Supported Conveyor is a totally enclosed system eliminating the need for additional covers to protect the material conveyed from outside elements and keeps the conveyed material on the belt. I do understand that this application is close to a residential area and fugitive material could be an issue. The S-CLASSTM Air Supported Conveyor System also will e1iminate the need for maintenance on the trough side of the belt with the e1imination of troughing rolls and in most cases a need for an access walkway. The e1imination of troughing idlers will also reduce noise. Scope of Equipment 1400 feet of 60 inch wide S-CLASSnI Air Supported Plenums, each 5 foot section consisting of the following:. One - V .Plenum weldment assembly with 12 GA galvanized "YO' sheet and 3/8" thick carbon steel end laser cut end flanges. "V" sheet continuously welded to inside of the flange.. One - Pan weldment 12 GA galvanized attached to 3/8" thick end flanges with continuous seal weld on the inside, full length sheets with a relief ground on the 3/8" flange for continuous seal w~ld. . Two - Cover Splice plate weldment 10 GA carbon steel with 1-1/2" bar channel reinforcing. . Two - Galvanized Cover assemblies 14 GA . Three - Support bracket assemblies carbon steel 2 angle with as base angles and 3/8" bar pads. Precision Euergy Services Page 2 of 6 April 17,2003 Proposal No. 0312S-AS '2" x 2 1/2" x '4" The inf~on conrained helm is priviJege aDd ~tiaI infomlatiCXllIMI is in~ only for the use of the addrasce's corr.-ny. Ally dissemination, distnDuUon. or copying of this ~ to othels. in whole ~ in PIrt. is strictly prohibited without the written pemDSlion of Martin Engineering. hlc. Iso.~ U aRV CIRT1PIID -- III. MARTIN ENGINEERING . All fabricated steel will be prepared to SSPC-SP2 wire brush clean and given one standard primer coat 1.5 - 2.0 mils DFf . . Plenum parts will ship loose for assembly in the field. . Four - Pressure blowers evenly spaced to provide proper lift based on operating parameters.. One - Smooth line loading spoon installed in the drop zone to alleviate any material impact $1,009,976.00Budget price for required equipment each belt: STANDARD PAYMENT TERMS 8-10 WeeksA V AILABILTY: FOB: Point of origin/Freight not includedsmpPING: Above quote is for equipment only with standard Martin Engineering terms applying. All Prices are FOB Neponse~ ll... Prices valid for 60 days from date of proposal. Equipment manufacturing to commence immediately upon receipt of purchase order. Quotation does not include shipping charges or federal and/or state sales or use taxes. All applicable taxes and freight to be paid by Precision Energy. One complete set of equipment installation manuals and system requirements will be provided upon receipt of order. Additional sets available upon request. Note: Above quote is based on information collected, if actual conditions vary Martin Engineering reserves the right to adjust this quote to ensure success of this project. Note: Dust Collection addressed by current system. Note: All electrical work to be the responsibility of the customer. The S-CLASSTMTM Air-Supported Conveyor requires 230/460 three phase to operate the pressure blower and 110 single phase for the pressure switch that is used as an interlock into the customers existing logic system. GUARANTEE Martin Engineering offers an .. Absolutely Positively No Excuses" Guarantee. Simply stated, "if the engineered syst~ installed by Martin Services or a Martin Service T ecbnician, does not perform to the customer's satisfaction, the customer may return the equipment for cash or credit equal to the cost of the installed system. Martin Engineering has extensive experience in Page 3 of 6 Proposal No. 0312S-ASPrecision Energy Services April!7, 2003 The information contained herein is privilege and confidential infOmlatioo and is intended only for the use of the addressee's c~y. Ally dissemination. distnbution. or copying of this ttBterial to o~, in whole or in part, is strictly prohtbited without the written pemlissioo of Martin EngiDCCring, Inc. IIlMARTIN liil ENGINEERING - ~ solving material build-up problems such as are experiencing. We warranty our products to be free of defects in materials and workmanship for twelve months after date of purchase. Precision ~ Services April 17. 2003 Page 4 of 6 Proposal No. 0312S-AS The infomation conlaiDed herein is priviie&e and confidaItiai infomatilXllDd is intcDdcd only for die use of die addrasce's c~. Any diuemination. dismbuUon, or copyina of this material to odlerl, in whole or in P8rt. is sttiCtly prolnbited without the written permisaion of MaI1in Engineering, Inc. .:--'. l5O-lOO1 1.1 DNV CIRTW'IED I~- _MARTIN ENGII'VEERING Reference List for MAR~ s-CLASSTM Air-Supported Conveyor System Bridgewater Power PO Box 678, Route 3 Ashland, NH 03217 Contact Michael 0 'Leary Phone#: (603) 968-9602 Three (3) conveyors installed in 1987, 36" (hog fuel) wood chips CMC 33-3683 Hasttng Street Vancouver, B.C. Canada Contact Rene Wedding Phone#: (604) 294-6483 Various installations; grain handling, petroleum, coke HCH A/S Ringsheduet 7-11 Soko, DemnarkDK- 4180 Contact: Hans Houmand - Consulting Engineer knowledgeable in the advantages of ASC Phone#: 011-45-57-83-300 Various applications; cement, sugar, coal National Gypsum 2001 Rexford Rd Charlotte, NC 28211 Contact: Bob Piaseki Phone#: (704) 365-7300 - Headquarters Phone#: (813) 952-1100 - Apollo Beach, FL Three (3) conveyors 3M Company 900 Bush Ave, Bldg 21-1E-06 St Paul, MN 55133 Contact: Denny Helender Phone#: (651) 778-5193 Eight (8) conveyors (roofing granules) Southern Company State Line Power 103111 Street and Lake Michigan Hammond, IN 46320 Contact: Dave Matitevich Phone#: (219) 473-6400, x6490 <DaXTDGCWSAl.a Precision Energy Services April 17, 2003 Page 5 of 6 Proposal No. 0312S-AS The infonnation contained herein is privi1egc and confidential infonnation and is intended only for the use ofthc addressee's company. Any dissemination. distribution, or copying of this malelial to others. in whole or in part, is suictiy prohIbited without the written pcm1ission of Martin Engineering, Inc. ~ ~ ~~- 1'-"-"'._"~"'-"""--""' A8 - - ~- _a_. ~~._. -- --- -"--""'---~ -'-' " - - - olTM~. DIUVDY: o y. 1'- ~ ~ .. - ... - ... - - l c ~-~ ~ --M_~~"'_d8..y. 1. ",,_"1'-~- A k ,,__wII --M d8..y. A8-., "-~-""'~"-' ~ -. ~ ~ --~ -- -- - ~-,_WD --. ~ I8._"~~"--b.,- " --'-"- ~. --- - -.. ..,...1'-~. -- AI ~ "'---"""'" ".-. A8J-- ~ ._ol1k~- - 1'-~ A8 - ..;-. - - .. ~ pII(D; L ~ k e8IY(3OI ..,.. z. ~--~--""""'---" ]. lk I30.- '" lk ~ ,lk~~_.."_.- ""-"--"~So lk~--~ "---'----""" "6. IC~ " ",,, ~.. ..- __lk~- ,k ~7. IC--" ,..., '-" P8Ii8I~" _lk~ -. L ~~-~._-"_."-'_.- ";" PIo kP81i81 .;,.- CANCll.LATDI: ~.~--- ay_.~--'_. _.,.,1'-~ ~. --- kM -. .. - -- ~ -.. 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If ~"- 11'-- -~ ---~.-, ~---- --.~..- - WID -- -~- --~-.p;-.,.-., ~ ~ -~...~..- , ~ J. -~"..; ""","' ~I.'" -~ .. 18 ";'-' " ~ - _k -- ;..,r ~ ~.- So TWs "-~ ~.--".._~ ~" "-~-- .. n8_-""-"""--~-"-' 1. -~---~ , * ,.-~,,*~ - --"'-'-"-- ~-"--'---"'-- L ...,~-.",~ , I~~ , _. .-lAy - -. - ., - - - - - --- ,,-~. 9. no (1)-~~ ,"-"-- -- ---~ (8) ..-,.-". - _. - (MIl -- - ~ ~ - , - _. -.. -. - -.. - - - - -"""- -_. I~ ~~~. _C--,-~~-"---"'- - .. - .. 1M ~ 1M ..- - . - .. 1M ..- ,... Page 6 of6 Proposal No. 03l2S-AS ~AND.v..rAGIS.m::-- -. -.-' --"""'-' -~~-_.-- -- . -- _1M« - , \)0) 4110 ~ -,...;po. ~ ~- ._(If- -~ss.-.) ,. -~~...Ir~""-".:_- 1'.' ~:- "---"-- . "-"-' "". --~. . - __n.~_"_"--~--~.- --,,-~~._,,_."'_:__II- AA .~. - --~ ,..- ~~ --'-"" ---~.'-" _.. -. ..~~ ~ :-:--~ -~ ,...,~.,... -. - -- :', "1-- Precision Energy Services Apri117, 2003 The infonnation contained herein is privilege and confidential infOmlation and is intended only for the use of tile addressee's company. Any dissemination. distribution. or copying of this material to others. in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited without the written pemUssion of Martin Engineering. Inc. B" CON"rINL.~AL ScaEW CONVr.YOR .\. Suhsidiary «lIPS Grwp. !Dc. 4J4J E.uroa Road St. J..p~ MO 64503 USA May 1., 2003 Precision Energy Services 10780 NorthHwy. 9S Haydon, Idaho 8383 5 Phone: 208- m-4457 Fax: 208-762-1113 Att~nn. Tom MOntOr 60" Conveyor Truss and Supports Budgetary Quotation No. B-231-O3 Rcference: Weare pleased to provide you this budgetary quotation for: this equipmeut based 011 the i.ufurmation we dL~JS-5ed. We are a sub-supplier to Martin Engineering for their US" class air supported conveyor plemDDS and have supplied several projects OVC" the last two}'eBl'S. We will work closdy with Martin En~~ to adhere to the design requirements for air supponed belt conveyors. The conveyor we are proposing is complete excluding the calTYing side plenum section, the truss section will have 00le to accept the pl=um mpport legs. The support ttusses are capable of spanning 75', we have supplied a. 12' x 12' square support tower at each md in additions to ~ frame suppons every 7S' with braces. Also ~-.!ded in the quote is 30" wide walkway systems and two Martin Enginecing V -plo~ and Martin Engineering dual belt cleaning systems. DESCR.IP'l10N: ONE. - SLIGHTLY INCI..rNE.D NO MORE THAN TWO DE~~S CONVEYOR ~'\OfE AND SUPPORTS FOR 60" x 1400t-C" center-to-center length. with 60" deep truss frame. OPERAnON: Conveyor to operate at approiXimateiy 600 FPM belt speed to convey 2,000 MTPH design capacity of Coal at 50- 55 PCF with 50 PCF for capacity and 5 5 PCF roT HP. Ambient tempermn-e max. material sized 3D mimJS with an angle of repose varying fi1xD 30 to 32 ~. CONVEYOR DRIVE: 200 HP 1800 RPM TEFC motor 2301~ volt. 3 pbasey 60 cycle, with Allen Bradley SMC Flex: soft start rated at 251 Amps. Dodge TA9415H15 shaft mounted r~2~ with 109 RPM ootput with internal backstop and V-belt drive with 1.5 service factor. i~ding totally enclosed suard- F~ overhead motor m&)UIJ1 with adjt~stable ba.1e. HEAD PUU.EY: 20" Dia. x 63" wide Crown &ce puncy with 1/2" thick Hc1'iDgboDe grooved V'.ll.:aniied lagging ~th 5-15/16" C.I045 ~t-.a..A. wtt.'1 4 15/16'7 turndown for r~du<:er Dodge Type ~ 5-15/16" 4-boIt pi11ow block: beaTings with ¥iju8iDg blocks. S'NUB PT_~FY: 16".cia. x 63ft wide Flat face pJain pulley with 1/4" pJain lagging 3-7/16'" C-I045 sba:ft: aIKi Dodge Type "E" 3- 7/16~ +bolt IX11ow block bearinas with adjuSti:13g blocks. W 80 Addrn& E-caail Add..- Ph. 116-DJ-llOO ~."'-vnf)~CU8 aa-lal4Ctm¥eYOn.~ i'u '\~~"--A-:!lS MANt1f ACTU'R.U. of BCU MA TUJAL HANDLING .ad PR.OCESSING IQU1PMF.NT - '~Q~"'~"." -.-=-c- PJ=;igoa ,EIagy ~ Btxi~ry Q\ulCatiOD No. B-231-O3 TAIL PUU.EY: 18" Dia. x 63" wide Crown face WIng pulley with fabricated rolled rings and 4-71] 6* C.) 04S shaft with 4-1/16' Dodge Type "E" 4-bo1t pillow block bearings with adjusting bl~ GTU T AKE-UP'PUl.l..EY: 18" Dia. x 63" wide Crown :t3ce Wmg pt!1ey with fabricated rolled rings and 4-7/1~ C-I045 shaft with 4-7/16" Dodge Type .~.. 4-bolt pillow block bearings with adjusting blocb. OTU BEND PUU.EY: 18" Dia.. x 63" wide Flat face plain pulley with 4-7/16" C-I04S shaft with 4- 7/16" D()cige "E" 4-bolt pillow block bearings with adjusting blocks. GRAVITY TAKE-UP SYSTEM: Two GTU conveyor mounted frames with adjusting blocks, two sJjde assenx,lies and pa'SOlmeJ safety barriczo at grade. NOTE: The ~..mt of GTU wght will be cal,:,-!l~!ed but the actual material ~plied in the field. TRANsmON mLERS: CEMA C-6"" 20 degree 3/4" seaJed for life ball bearing idJeI'S mounted at the be3daDdt.li1. ROLLERRET URN: CEMA C-6'" retUrns mounted on 1 0' -0" centers with Trainer returns moUnted every 150'. CONVEYOR BELTING: 3 Piy 330 PIW MaR oil resistant belting 3/16" top x 1/16" bottom covers. Additional belring will be supplied for field wJcanized splice. material and labor "By Otha'S", BELT CLEANERS: Two Martin Engineering V-plows and dual belt cleaner system with QC # 1 pJ~ - j ~ QC # 2 ~~-c!!Y with tensioner. HEAD and TAIL PLENUM ASSEMBLIES: One - Head section 1/4" carbon Steel x 10'-0" kmg with adaptor flange for aiT support conveyor name with combination bolted take-up frames, IS" x 24" Martin Bug CY A door for inspection ofbelt cleaners and removable pulley panels. One - Tail section 1/4'. carbon stcei x 10'-0'" long with adaptor flange for air support COnveyOTD'ame with combiDation bolted take-up frames and pulley ~ and discharge assembly. lnciud:mg 18~ x 24" Martin Eng. CY A door and removable pulley panels. INTERMEDIATE PLEN'{JM AS SEMBI. IE S: "By Otbers" CONVEYOR Su'"PPORT FRAJ.vfE: 60" Deep Hca~ truss fabIoi~~ with A32S 3/4'" bolted joints made up as follows: Top chords C8xl1.5 with bottom chord 5" x 3" x 3/8"' angle.V ertical walkway SJPPOrts 3 . x 3 .. x 3 ~ UIgIes back to back: Upper pane! cross braces 3"x 3" x 3/8" angies. Two .v:dc pauel cross bracm 3"x 3" x 318" 1I1g1es. 3/8" Thick gusset plates typical. 3/4" Thick sptice plates at ~-!!e4 joiatS. Support beam usemb6cs at bent locations. Pr=isiaD.E8r;rScrvica Bw~~ry Q~ ~. 8-23 I-d3 3 SUPPORTS; 12'-0" x 12'.0" x 20'-0" Tall sup-JoJ'"jit toWC3 with platfurms am handrail at head and tail Hca.vy-duty ~ frame suppons :( 20'.0" taD with knee braces spaced every 75' -Q"- W ALKW A Y: Approximately 1390' -0- of 3 0" wide GripSttut 11 Ga galvanized walkway grating with 42" doubJe.balKb:al1 and SJpport system mowIted to truss on 5' -a~ c=ters. SAFETY EQUIP.MENT; Eight Conveyor Componems model RS- 2 ~ - gency pull switChes with vinyl ~~~ safety pull chord attached to conveyor frame. One Conveyor ComponentS model CMS zero speed switcb with ~~ries. COATINGS: All fabricated steel will be prepared to SSPC-SP2 wire brush clean W given one ~rd primer coat and one ~b coat oflight gray 1.5-2.0 mils DFT each. Guards and safety covers will be giVe1 ODe mat of safety ,yellow. Vendor parts will rCDain their ~~~rd color and finish and not be painted. ASSEMBLy: Htad and mil pleJlJm section will be ~~bled with pulley assembnes. Intermediate 40' ttusa sections with return rolls mounted. Belting shipped in two section for two field vulcanized spjjces. PJemJm.installation kits "By Others" and in~J1~ in the field. MISCEUANEOUS: R.equircd hardware and !c-~ly bolts, o~-Giion, maintenance and pans mAm)aJ with layout & erection drawing!. EStimated Weight 36],750 pounds BUDGETARY PRICE S 697.100.00 AVAILABfi..TY:4-6 Weeks for approval drawings- 12-14 W ceks for equipmeztt after receipt of ~proval drawings. NOTES:Field engineering available for instaIlarion and/or startup service is $650.00 per- diem plus travei aOO living ~ Point of Origin freight not iI3cluded. Payment terms will be fina1L~ at time of order. As I am sure you are aware for a project of this magnitude additional inL~~on would be required to properly design and 1ayout the conveyan and that any signifiCant changes to the layout at. the conveyor'S could impact the price. As. this additional infonnation becomes ava1lable pl~ forward it to my attention. Thanks for the opportUnity of providing this bu4getary quotation; if you have questions or need addirional infurmation please feel ~ to C2l1 -r~ .I to n ".l.~~~~~~..z.-« --Chuck LeonaTd MaDqer ofBdt Coaveyor Systems MARTIN ~ENGINEERING '., .' J:~ 9001 nIlAT.n"Y ~~~M rKRT1F11i:n One Martin Place Neponset, IL 61345-9766 USA Phone: 800-544-2947 or 309-594-2384 FAX: 309-594-2432 Website: http://www.martin-eng.ccm May 5, 2003 Mr. Tom Montor Precision Energy Services 10780 N. Highway 95 Hayden Lake, UT 83835 Phone: (208)772-4457 Fax: (208)762-1113 RE: PECS Systems for transfer between conveyors MS Proposa1#: 03156-PEC Dear Mr. Montor: Weare pleased to provide to you our proposal for your consideration. We appreciate your interest in our PECS (passive Enclosure Dust Control System) Transfer System. The PECS Transfer System is a patented system and is the most exciting new technology we have had to offer in many years. This technology will revolutionize bulk material transfer chutes across a broad spectrum of industries. Should you have any questions or require additional information, you may reach me at 800- 544-2947 En 467. Remember, Martin's strategic principle is "ApplyingMAR11JI1> Expertise and Products to the unique needs of individual customers ". Thank you for considering our technology, products, and service. TImlKCLE ~ i J 1r'J cQ--- Fred McRae ~ject Estimator st Brad Neptunec _MARTIN ElVGINEERJNG lE MARTIN ENGINEERING Introducing the PECS Transfer System: The f.assive :gnclosure Dust .control System-PECS-is the most exciting new technology Martin Engineering has offered in several years. We feel this concept will revolutionize bulk material transfer chutes across a broad spectrum of industries. The PECS Transfer System will control the dust generated at the transfer between two conveyors so well that the need for bag house type dust collectors may be eliminated. The PECS Transfer System uses a "Hood" to control the material stream as it is comes off a head pulley. It keeps the material tightly together through the drop chute and directs it onto a "Spoon" receiving chute. The spoon lays the material on the receiving belt at roughly the same speed and direction as the belt is traveling. This minimi7:es air entrainment and reduces impact that can wear the belt and drive dust into the air. The PECS Transfer System also incorporates seals at the entry to reduce air movement and a stilling zone at the exit to allow dust to settle from the air. The PECS Transfer System is custom-designed for each specific application; there are no "stock" parts. These systems are typically capital projects requiring preliminary engineering studies. The preliminary study will give us the information required to generate each design and create a firm cost proposal. The features and benefits of the PECS Transfer System are numerous. The following summary touches on some of the areas worthy of mention: Economic Advanta2:es: :;.. Reduced Energy Cost: No motors for dust collector fans so energy consumption is reduced. :;.. Reduced Dust Collector Costs: Eliminates the costs for service and replacement of bag house cartridges. :;.. Reduced Maintenance Expense: No more bag house service; no more labor for spillage cleanup. :;.. Extended Belt Life: Centralized loading prevents mis-tracking and edge-damage. Belt life can be extended by 40% due to minimal impact and cover wear. :;.. Eliminate Outages from Plugged Chutes: Inertia flow maintains controlled loading stream; no 90° comers or zero speed areas to clog or choke. :;.. No Need for Suppression: Dust is controlled without spray; reduced material degradation; no chemicals to buy. :;.. Reduced Wear and Material Degradation: "Soft loading" technology eliminates loading zone impact. :;.. Extended Liner Life: Sliding vs. impact abrasion increases liner durability up to eight times normal. Exclusive PECSdesign allows 85% of material to ride on itself. Environmental Advanta:e:es Precision Energy Services May 6, 2003 Page 2 of7 Proposal No. 03156-PEC The infOmlation contained herein is privilege and confidential information and is intended only for the use of the addressee' 5 company. Any dissemination. distnoution, or copying of this tmterial to odzrs, in whole or in part, is strictly prom"bited without the written pemrission of Martin Engineering, me. ~&0-9001 I u DNV C&RTFIEDI --, _MARTIN ENGINEERING - ~ Reduces Employee Exposure to Respirable Dust. ~ Reduces Fugitive Dust Emissions by four times when compared to a fully operational bag house system. ~ Best Available Control Technology: Rated BACT for belt-to-belt, belt to bin, and crusher to belt installations. ~ Reduces Air Quality Hassles: Controls dust to achieve regulatory limits and avoids "Potential to Emit" (PTE) triggering thresholds. ~ Reduces Overall Point Source Emissions: Mitigates problems with Potential for Significant Deterioration (PSD) Permit Requirements. >- Reduces Spillage: Central loading and reduced material turbulence keep material on the belt. >- Reduces Air Speed: Primary and secondary stilling zones slow air velocity, reducing release of dust and eliminating need for energy-consuming dust collectors. THE PRODUCT: Material handling technology that affectively mitigates respirable and fugitive dust at conveyor transfers. HOW THE PRODUCT WORKS: The system keeps the material (that's being transferred from one belt to another) in a coherent stream, not allowing it to impact any conveyor structure. It then lays (no material- to-belt impact) the material stream onto the belt in the same direction and at the same speed as the receiving belt. Stilling zones within the enclosure further reduce air velocities and allow dust to agglomerate and fall to the belt prior to exiting the transfer zone. PRODUcr POSmON: PECS is positioned as the best available technology, on the market today, for controlling dust and spillage at conveyor transfers. This versatile technology can be used as a stand-alone system or in part, with other MAR~ Transfer Point Technologies. FEATURES OF THE PECS TRANSFER SYSTEM: - Hood and Spoon technology, used to maintain the material in a coherent stream, eliminate material impacts, and minimize the creation of positive air pressures. - Spoon also assures the material will be loaded properly in the center of the receiving belt. Precision Energy Services Page 3 of 7 May 6, 2003 Proposal No. 03156-PEC --- - The infom1ation contained ~ is privilege and confidential infomlation and is intended only for the use of dIe addrasec's company. Any dissemination, distribution, or copying of this material to other!, in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited widlOut the written pennission of Martin Engineering. Inc. --- .. MARTIN iiil ENGINEERING - ~ . Entry seals are added at the entrance of the enclosure to reduce induced air. Still zones, primary and secondary, reduce air velocity with in the transfer enclosure. . Available for new or retrofit applications. . Has received BACT approval in Wyoming, a state that has a more stringent dust control standard than that of the federal government BENEFITS TO THE CUSTOMER FROM USING THE PECS TRANSFER SYSTEM: Elim1nates dust - 400% more affective in mitigating fugitive dust than a conventional transfer - Meets regulatory standards. E11m1nates safety issues related to dust - 33% more affective in controlling respirable dust than a conventional transfer - Air quality compliance. Improves operating enviromnent - 30% quieter than a conventional transfer. Reduces maintenance expenses - Extend conveyor belt life by 40%. Reduces operating expenses - Either e1im1nates the need of a dust collection system, or lessens the burden of an existing system making it more efficient. Reduces maintenance concerns /labor - Improves belt alignment. Reduces maintenance expenses - Eliminates cleanup, requires win_imal system maintenance. Eliminates material degradation - Prevents material from free falling or impacting, in the chute and on the belt. Eliminates plugged chutes - Inertia flow maintains controlled loading. Summary and Prooosal: With the PECS (passive Enclosure Dust Control System) Transfer System, we can control dusting and greatly reduce top cover wear. With the PECS Transfer System you get improved center loading of the material for improved belt tracking. In order to ensure that acceptable dust levels are maintained the best approach to this project is to proceed in (2) two phases as follows: Phase I - Preliminary Engineering A complete set of 2-D Conceptual Drawings and a 3-D Conceptual Model will be created for the PECS Transfer System between conveyors. These drawings will be submitted for review upon completion. We win send a representative to your site to re'.tiew drawings a..'1d verify field dimensions of the entire scope of work for this project. A schedule will be developed and submitted for approval. A final scope of work will be submitted for approval along with the final cost Precision Energy Services May 6, 2003 Page 4 of7 Proposal No. 031S6-PEC The infOmlation contained herein is privilege and confidential infonnation and is intended only for the use of the addressee's cOnlplny. Any dissemination, distn"bution, or copying of this material to otlas, in whole or in part. is strictly prohIbited without the written permission of Martin Engineering, Inc. rTr DNV ~ -- III MARTIN ENGINEERING - proposal. Prelimlnary engineering will be billed upon notice to proceed and award of purchase order for this item. Preliminary engineering includes travel to your site, as well as verification of field dimensions for the scope of work or this project. Conceptual drawings are included. Phase II - Fabrication Upon completion of Phase 1, we will fabricate the PECS Transfer System per the agreed upon schedule. Fabrication will be billed as per included payment schedule (see payment temlS). Fabrication of the PECS Transfer System will include a new redesigned head chute, relocated magnet, Hood, new drop chute, Spoon, stilling zone, and a high speed belt cleaner system. All wear areas to be lined with AR 500 or a material best suited for the promotion of material flow and long wear liner life based on the material being conveyed. Cost Summary for convevor to conveyor PECS Transfer: $9,600.00 $126~509.00 $136,109.00 Phase I - Firm Price Phase n - Budget Price TOTAL for PECS Transfer NOTE: Final price will be within plus or minus 100/0 of budget price excluding required structural changes discovered during Phase I. SYSTEM DESIGN PARAMETERS 60" Belt 2000TPH 2" Minus Coal @S5 lbs per cubic foot 8% of Moisture 450 FPM Single Load Zone ST AND~.RD P A 1'MENT TERMS A V AILABIL TY: PHASE I 3-4 Weeks for conceptual drawings after order Page 5 of7 Proposal No. 03156-PEC Precision Energy Services May 6,2003 The infomlation contained ~ is privilege and confidential infommtion and is intended only for the use of the addressee's co~y. Any dissemination. dimbution, or copying of this material to o~, in whole or in part, is smcdy prommted without the written permission of Martin Engineering, Inc. _MARTIN E NGINEERJNG "... Net 30 days of original invoice.PAYMENT: PHASED 3-4 Weeks for approval drawings after order 10-12 Weeks for equipment after approval drawings PAYMENT:30% Due at order placement 60% Due when PECS material arrives on site 10% Retained not to exceed 90 days of finished date FOB Point of origin/Freight not includedSHIPPING: Prices are valid for 60 days from date of proposal. Equipment manufacturing will commence immediately upon receipt of final approval drawings. Quotation does not include shipping charges or federal and/or state sales or use taxes. All applicable taxes and freight must be paid by Precision Energy Services. CONDITIONS OF SALES TAXESAIm~aIA-..s: 1. ~ """"' P- A8-;.~ ~ .~~'. ,~ ~- ~ --- , ~__wil. ~-, ~; .- - .--b--- --~-':-"-""" '-'-- ,., ,.--I /lMC_I-""'--- -- .~. :-- ,---"'C_"'-~-- -., ~ _~wiI,.",-~ ",-"'C_- __"_b" "-"",,,~ RlSERVATDfOP1m.!: J. , b ,., ,-. -~ 181 "'_.~'-_."~--- ---" "~'-'_. "'-- n.-- -"---""'~~CM. Mr ~-- .. n8--il ~ ,._k__~ ~ ",,~ -._k ~""" "~-p ",..- ~ ~.,-_. - ,- .,-. , ~~ ,,- s. n8 ""~--- ,~ -~_. ,-. ,... --",, p81""'_b~"'._-~-'--""'_.- _..~~ "-"-- ---~,, ,...~.,-,-- ~ 11IiI---8IJ."~"-"""'-' WA8AHnIS:Now...,..o.iy: 7 _C_~ ~"' "- -~_..~ ,,--,,"'C ~-""--~-"",,"'-(') 12- ~-~--, ---"'-- ~ _~ ~--wiB I. Mr"'-"-~._-"~-_. ~ P.o.&, ---"'-'-' ' -~-"-"_-" -"-' - - - -. -- T*~~__k ~..~.,-,--_1i8 ",,~. L -~~ -~_._~ ~"_b 9 (i) ,b~ifk ~""'-' ~ .' ' . -~--~---~~ (a)..,- w A8aAHnIS: ~ ~ o.iy: - - ... --" . - _. - (18) fw - - . ~"- -~ --"~-_. , ,.-~-"--"'--' ._~ -~- - -- - ---~""'---' UMTA1DeAPPUCA8.&TOALLWA- ,0. ~~-,. -c ,-.., - d -, J"'..- JIM -'- I, Mr--""' "--."" '. .-..- -- - ,- -'-"-" --. - Page 6 of7 Proposal No. 03156-PEC Precision Energy Services May 6, 2003 The information contained ~ is priviJege and confidential infommtion and is intended only for the use of the addrasee's company. Any dissemination, distn"bution. or copying of dIis material to others, in whole or in part. is strictly prohibited widlOut the written pemlission of Martin Engineering, Inc. [iJ - ~ A8-, ~ ~ ~ -.~ ~"""'- ~ .-y-.. -- ~ Ia ~. .-- ~., _.~-. -. --" - ---,- o..,."-'-_-"""'-~I_- ~-.~ .~ ~ ~---~..~ ..~. A8--~ ~ I. a 1. ~ - - --- -,... -- MIl . - . - , pox.. J. ~--~-"- ~ ~~~---""~._".~ "" -~--. s. ~~ ~ '" I-,. 6. Ir~ ~ ~- ... -- - --~ , 7 Ir.--~._.~,, ~~ ~_.~ ~ ~ I. ~8Io,8d-~ ",._JO_~ "' b ~ CAlKE.LA1DI: C , ~_. ~ "*~.* *-.- - -.. ~ * "'-' --- ~ MARTIN ENGINEERING a.AaG~-.rA(2S.ETC:~-_. ~ ".~-.,~ ]O.,.-~ ~- -- --. -~-~ -' ~.~- ~W-"--'-~ ~----~ , ~.~. ~ ~-. .-(M'--~D5.-'.'-. - ~ ~'"-' 11 ._~- .:~-~.- ~:- ".::"" '---""-.,.-- . - - --'-,Mod.--~"- -~.- ~.~ --. -~~.- bJ :~-~ Aa--,,-,.-, ,-- bJ'~-~"~' ~---~-_. -- bJ-- -~ A8F -"-"" --~. ~.. _.. ~ ~ ---~~ :~.I.'-L ~~- - -- --- - .'~-~ ~1D.e'--: ~ ~_..~~~ ,- ---: Aa_- .._~ ~- _~~'_I ~ -- ~ --~ - --~.. ~. r8ri&:V:-, - -~'.,.. wiD - ~-~-- -"-' - ~'.-I. c ~ ---~-,. 2. s ~'.- A~k""bJ"-"- ~---~-,. Precision Energy Services July 21,2003 Page 7 of7 Proposal No.: 031S6-PEC The infOm1ation contained herein is privilege and confidential infonnation and is intended only for the use of the addressee' s company. Any dissemination, distribution, or copying of this material to others, in whole or in part, is strictly prohibited without the written pcm1ission of Martin Engineering, Inc. 1. ~~ ~ .~... .- .s .~ .a ~ '\ ~$) " .to " I § ~ ~~ ~~.::i s~~ ..g~] I.,)~s ~~o.) ] ~.~ ~~ ~.~ ~ ~ ~.k; ~I ~ ~ .§ .~ ,g~"5 ~:.:s] ~~~ ~ 8]~ ~~i ! §:: ~e~ c'x ~ - .- 5'~ g f.2"O a c i 13~§c ..5"~ e=a.r~ f J :e-a. .~ i:e ~ 'ai I ;!'""Ii~.i -'i.t 1s~-IB If. .1 10rl] f""'- loi ;:ej fi°ft .5 .le "-~ ~ '1,"",;.-1; ~ ~1 as .~~ jjft,oo-.s P.~:; . "E ~ In '" '. .Q 7 ./ ".~,,~ ~ ~ r"']0 \I..J. U !8 U ~ F.= ~ ~~~ ~~~ ~~~..."""ae.i ~ 5II ~ ... v~~~~11]--0ic~iII ~ 5/j§S~o.-~5C!""a,~~.5~i \ ,,- - -5g ~~ 00 ...'5~ ,g,~ e ~ ~c ~.. ~~ 8 g.d Og :o;;a~ ~E- 1 ~'~f ' e6°O ~oo o~ 5," 2'5~ i ~ l:~ ~ §. t§ . : . = 0 0. ~l ~ § i ~ - or ~ lir~ ]11 :1; l~1 1HG"B 'ili~Dji~l lj ~!a ~;]i ,a o~ " Eo In l;oo= !I ~ II ~ i a .&' e l g"~~ t-1e ~...r;. 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Q--~ ~ 0 g ~ .g ~ .8 8. .£ ~~U.n""O~ ~=r-.~u.o 0 8 ~... u...Ec:;:a .s ! '9 0 00 os: ~OOOu";S u~.,u =""s 0'" = 0 ; 1U.;3 ~ ]oSoo"ct/) ~!.~.s ~~ us'&l98~ -S£.acoS.s ~ £- ~ .g.~ -bOil) w ~ bO'" oooo.~"S.s 101 u E .D C ~~~o~.. U"Eu8.1U .s-S ...S 0< ATTACHMENT 10 INTERNATIONAL INC. Fax: 920-469-5110Green Bay, WIsconsin 54311-9707 920-468-1 000 ~.feeco.com USA3913 Algoma Road March 3,2003 Ref: #EOO1840 PRECISION ENERGY SERVICES 10780 N. Highway 95 Hayden Lake, ID 83835 Attention: Mr. Tom Monter Dear Tom: Enclosed please find our Budget Quotation £001840 covering 60" wide belt conveyors to handle 1200 TPH of coal @ 55 PCF. I selected three different lengths in an attempt to develop a price per foot that you could use for your project cost estimate. Please note that the total price listed is based on 2,050 feet of conveyor. Your e-mail stated 2500' to 2800' would be required for the project. For your review, I have included detailed data sheets that describe each conveyor and it's components. The truss selection is based on nomina175' suPpOl1 spacing. I have not included any transfer towers in the pricing. Tom. we certainly appreciate the opportunity to bid on your requirements and hope you find our proposal useful in the development of this project. We would welcome the opportunity to discuss any items in more detail at your convenience. Sincerely, FEECO ~RNATIONAL, ;!NC. - ..,/ i~ Tim Matzke Regional Sales Quotation #EOO1840Encl: Walter Hawkins - FEECO International. Inc.Cc: , 3913 ALGOMA ROAD GREEN 8A Y, WI 54311-9707 PHONE: 920-468-1000 FAX: 920-469-5110 USA PRESENTS THIS QUOTATION TO: PREasION ENERGY SERVICES 10780N. HIGHWAY95 . HA YDEN LAKE, 10 83835";.. FOR YOUR PLANT AT: COVERING: 60# WIDE BEL T CONVEYORS £001840 MARCH 3, 2003 FEECO Quote No. 'I C DATE Yoc.r* EQUIPMENT DESIGNERS AND MANUFACTURERS www.feeco.com Fatm ~~ FEECO INTERNATIONAL "BUDGET" QUOTATION #EOO1840 PRECISION ENERGY SERVICES 10780 N. Highway 95 Hayden Lake, 10 83S35 Attention: Tom Monter Monday, Mardl 03, 2003 The following items quoted are based on FEECO International designs and shop practices. 1. Belt Convevors: 1A)Three (3) 60 1& wide belt conveyors per the enclosed FEECO International Belt Conveyor Specification Sheets. (Please note, the lengths selected 'Nere chosen arbitrarily to come up with an average price per foot to use for budget purposes. The total price of $1,142,000.00 for 2,050' of conveyor equals $557.00 per foot) Transfer towers are NOT INCLUDED. TOTAL BUDGET SELUNG PRICE EX-WORKS GREEN BAY, WISCONSIN: $ >- ASSEMBLY: sheet Conveyor Assembly Usting for Shipping - see attached data "-,.TERMS: Progress Payments 15% of order at time of award. 65% of order in equal monthly installments 20% at time of shipment. Payment due net upon invoice. :;0." TAXES: By Buyer ? DELIVERY:Approval drawings 3 to 4 'Neeks after receipt of order. Equipment 12 to 14 lNeeks after approval of drawings >- STANDARD SURFACE PREPARATION: FEECO International prepares surfaces in accordance with SSPC-SP-6 with steel grit. This commercial blast is a method of preparing steel surfaces which, when vieV'Jed without magnification, shall be free of ail visible oil, grease, dirt, dust, mill scale, rust, paint, oxides, corrosion products, and other foreign matter, except for staining. Page 1 of 4 ~ STANDARD PRIMER COAT: Sherwin Williams' Red SteeJ Spec Un~versal Primer (850NV6227). FEECO International, Inc. applies 1-2 mils D.F.T. to ensure an effective coverage. ~ STANDARD PAINT FINISH: Quick Dry 350 Enamel Precaution Blue, an industrial finishing enamel, is a fast drying enamel intended for coating various metal, iron, and steel products. FEECO International, Inc. applies 3 mils total D.F.T. over multiple passes to ensure an effective coverage. This paint offers versatility and efficiency of application because of its quick air drying properties and it is environmentally friendly because it is lead/chromate free and VOC compliant (Sherwin Williams Paint CC-822). >- PAINT NOTE: Vendor supplied components come with their standard paint system. ~ RETENTION OF SECURITY INTEREST: Seller shall retain a purchase money security interest in the collateral, identified as the equipment listed in the purchase order and any and all proceeds of such collateral including, but not limited to, whatever is received upon the sale, exchange, collection or other disposition of collateral or proceeds. ). WELDING: FEECO International, Inc. adheres to the nationally recognized standard, ANSI/AWS 014.4-97 "Specification for Welded Joints in Machinery and Equipment", for weld design and quality control. Qualification of welders and the procedures employed in welding are done in accordance with ASME Section IX 'Welding and Brazing Qualifications". >- WELDING QUALITY CONTROL: a qualified third-party source. AJI non-destructive testing is performed by >-VALIDITY: Our quotation shall be valid for a period of 30 davs. Acceptance of an order during that time period shall be subject to satisfactory credit approval by FEECO International, Inc. >- SERVICE RATES:FEECO Service Rates - see attad1ed data sheet PRECISION ENERGY SERVICES FEECO INTERNATIONAL, INC. ~ - " J",::, ,4 BY: Matzke Regional SalesmLE: DATE: NOTE: "Tenns and Conditions" are attached Page 2 of 4 STANDARD CONVEYOR ASSEMBL Y UST FOR SHIPPING The conveyors of this quotation will be assembled as outlined below: 1 The head section will have the pulley, shaft, and bearing mounted. 2.The tail section will have the pulley, shaft and bearing mounted. 3.In case of screw take-ups on the tail sedion, the screw take-ups will be mounted. 4.The gravity take-ups will have the pulley, shaft, and bearings mounted to the slide brackets. 5.Conveyor frames will be assembled in 20-foot sections 6.IIA8 frames and other small conveyor supports small enough to fit on truck will be shipped assembled, but not attached. II AD frames too large to fit on truck will be shipped in sections for field assembly with bolted connections. 7 Transfer and any other towers will be shipped in pieces for field assembly with bolted connedions. 8 Skirtboards will be shipped loose for bolted assembly in field.9 1 a.ltems to be field mounted include, but are not limited to, the following: . Idlers . Covers . Walkways and Grating . Speed Switdles, Cable Switd1es and Other Safety Devices . Chutes and Hoppers . Drives and Drive Guards . Belting Page 3 of 4. INTERNATIONAL 3913 Algoma Road - Green Bay J WI 54311- USA , Schedule of Charges For Technical Services Rendered in 2001 FEECO International is committed to providing the highest level of seMce and training in the Material HandlingiProcessing Industries. Our qualified seMce representatives are a part of an overall effort to deliver quality continuing seMces. We are here to support our Customers in areas relating to installation, start-up, emergency trouble-shooting, diagnostics, routine maintenance, and training. DAILY FEES Actual billings for travel and site work are based on the rates below and are annually adjusted on the first of January. All time accrued to the work is recorded into our computerized cost accounting system. MechanicalJEledrical Troubleshooting and Startup: $880/day Process Start-Up/Project Management $1020/day Multipliers on the above rates are 1.2 and 1.4 for Saturdays and Sundays/Holidays, respedively. Excessive daily hours (more than 10) shall be charged out as an hourly adder equal to 1/8 of the relevant daily rate. REIMBURSEABLE EXPENSES Expenses whidl may be incurred in addition to the hourly fees above include: ~~~~~~~~ Two week notice shall be given by purchaser to ensure personnel availability and flight economies. Purdlase order must be. received prior to serolice being rendered. INVOICES Billing will be generally on a monthly basis. Payment. is due and payable upon receipt. Carrying dlarges for overdue accounts beyond 30 days of billing date are dlarged at (1) percent per month of amount due. Time sheets and copies of expense receipts will be provided only if specified on the purd1ase order. Page 4 of 4 ... . .. .... ~ .. ~ 0 u 0 . .. ... . ~ .. .. . . ~ . .. 8 B .,.0-. .-;... .... i ,of . .. .. : ~ .. ~ 0 0 0 . " ,of . . 0 .. .. . "q ! .. I ... 0 "- ... "- ... ..,. ~ . .. .-:.......! ATTACHMENT 11 ~. .J ~etso """ minerals March 26. 2003 Precision Energy Services. Inc. 10780 N. Highway 9S P.O. Box 1004 Hayden. 10 83835 Attention:Mr. Sam Fulton Subject Coat-Fired PQwet Plant Barge Unloading Equipment Bethe. AlasMa Metao MInerals Reference No. Wwa9383 Gentfemen: tn accordance with our recant discussions. we are Pleased to provide the tollowing budget rnonnatlon for the subjed project. -To design and supply, F.O.S~ point of manufacture, one (1> 2.000 tph C~ Sarge. Mounted CQntinUO1JS Barge Unloader. to unload 5,000 t1Jn barges. with a 120 ft. boan to shore and a 2,500 tt. ground conveyor, your budget prices are: Barge for mOt.l'11ing the Unloader $ , .900.000 Continuous Barge unfoader, including a Sarge Haul System and Boom to shore $ 3.600.000 2.500 ft. 2.000 tph Coal. Ground Conveyor $ 1.900.000 Total F.O.B. Budget Pr~ _._~-_. $ 7.400.000n GenerafNotes: 1.We exped that 1he barge unloader would be preassembled at a West Coast shipyard and tt1~n towed to Alaska. We estimate ttla1 tt1is assembly would cost aboot $1,800,000. 2.The ccnveycr 8q\Jipmem will require approximately 3S tnJd< shipments. would most likely be from a structural fabricator in 8ritish Columbia. Twenty-one of -the shipments 3.Cost tor fIeld advisory and start-up and commissioning p~le are not induded in our budget drives. If there are any questions, or if additional information Is needed. please contact me at (412) 26~140. Sincerely. -= METSO MINERALS INDUSTRIES, INC. <::;; ..- Manager Product Support T5..i:ci$c M~ f.,"i alndusu-..ln<.,.- Gl'and AIMr\ue. ~u'9h.?A 1~-1599 TeI.~l 412 ~69 sooo,lFax"" .12 269 ~1§_~mj.-als.com TOT~ p.al Tom Monter From: ben.dudek@metso.com Sent: Wednesday, May 14, 2003 10:59 AM To: Tom.Monter@pes-world.com Cc: berezowski@pes-world.com; tim.sexton@metso.com Subject: 89383- Coal Stacking-Redaiming system Tom, After some consideration, we have come up with what think is a cost effective storage building solution attached drawings provide the storage building clearance dimensions and the machine arrangement. The The budget cost for this machine is . iUS 4,400,000 (4 millions-4 hundred thousand US dollars) Price is FOB, Portland Oregon area. The price does not include rails and rail supports, yard conveyor, field wiring materials or equipment erection. Building cost is not included. If you have any further technical questions. you may contact me. If you have commercial questions. you may contact Tim Sexton as listed below. Best Regards Ben Dudek Principal Engineer Metso Minerals 4800 Grand Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15225 e-mail: ben.dudek@metso.corn phone: 412-269-5214 fax: 412-269-5161 Tim Sexton, Proposal Manager e-mail: Tim.Sexton@metso.com phone: 412-269-5140 IMPORTANT. This email, including its attachments, is from Metso Corporation or its affiliate and is intended only for the named addressee{s). This email may contain confidential information and it may be subject to privilege, copyright and privacy. Unauthorized transmittal and other use are prohibited. If you have received this email in error, please return it to Metso and delete it from your system without retaining copies thereof. Thank you. 7/10/2003 ATTACHMENT 12 438 IIQ.a-. DIM ~OIIk:eb400 ~. AI8I8IIa 35584-0400 T~ 205/487-6482 Fax:205/487~ March 10,2003 Precision Energy Services 10780 N Hwy 95 Hayden Lake, ID 83835 Attention:Mr. Tom Monter Gentlemen: Thank you for your interest in our company. Weare pleased to enclose the literature you requested about our products. After you have had an opportunity to review this material, we will be glad to answer any questions you may have and to assist you in any way possible with lowering the cost of your materials handling requirements. You may contact our field representati ve, whose name and address are shown below, or contact us here at the factory at 205-487-6492. If we can be of additional assistance, please let us know. Sincerely, CONTINENTAL CONVEYOR & EQUIPMENT COMPANY,~ (~tC.~.) ~ Larry N. Atkinson Manager of Engineering/Engineered Systems njm Enclosure Jim Smothers Mike Roberts cc:Jerry Theusch, District Manager J. T .Industrial Sales 5319 S.W. Westgate Drive, Suite 105 Portland, OR 97221 Telephone: 503-297-5628 Fax: 503-297-5629 & EQUIPMENT COMPANY A fESCO Co..ANYThe Wc.td L WI ~ n c-..yar T~ 1AUS0A'as: --. Ai.-.x1I*. ~- KY~ RTI8t~~~_'"--AA.!!--. ~ ~ co...uJSAIGII.a ~VINC»f. ~'!CR(. NV_*J. WV <*AlIA. ~ ~ ~ ~ I.AKE aTY. UT-8AIYERSw.1E. KY--' PI.- ~ Ai. Tom Monter From: Russell Beach [rbcce@starband.net] Sent: Friday I March 28, 2003 1 :59 PM To: Tom.monter@pes-wortd.com Cc: Jim Smothers; Ron Stough; Mike Roberts; Nelda Madison; theusch@attglobal.net Subject: Budget for Coal Handling Conveyor, Bethel Ak Tom, We offer the following budget for the above referenced project. One (1) 54 inch BW conveyor to handle 2,000 STPH of coal at 55 PCF to include the following Terminals: One (1) Remote Dual 150 HP drive (motors, reducers, couplings), discharge pulley, discharge hood/chute, belt scrapers, tail loading section with impact i~ers, pulley outfits, bearings, and gravity take-up. IntenTlediate Structure: 54 inch BW truss (elevated 20' above grade) with 180 degree belt covers, safety switches with pull cord, walkway both sides, troughing and return idlers, belt, and bents spaced at approximately 80' centers. Your Budget Price, FOB Factory, Winfield, Alabama is..$907,000.00 The above is based on 1,400' centers and elevated 20' above grade. Please call with any questions you may have or if you need additional information. Regards, Russell Beach 3/28/2003 Tom Monter From: Russell Beach [rbcce@starband.net] Sent: Friday, April 04, 2003 1 :46 PM To: Tom.Monter@pes-wortd.com Cc: Mike Roberts Subject: Bethel, Ak Coal Handling Budget Tom, I apologize for not responding to your request earlier this week. Estimated freight from Winfield, Alabama to Seattle port is $45,000.00 for the Bethel project. Erection should fall in the range of $300,000.00 to $400,000.00. Please let me know if you need more infonT1ation. Regards, Russell Beach 7/21/2003 ATTACHMENT 13 Project Management Design Specifications About Gafco PortfoUo Our Builders Fabrication Contact Us What's New! Site Map Home Page Search Garco Building Systems Measurable Quality Maximum Building Value can be measured in many ways, beginning with quality. At Garco Building Systems, quality means ead1 project receives the kind of attention that only the industry's best engineers, detailers and craftsmen can provide. Garco's design policies exceed even the strictest of general engineering guidelines. Our custom-tailored drawings and documentation are generally viewed as the best in the industry. And our aggressive in-house quality management program, as confirmed by certifications from the most exacting independent qualifiers, ensures the structural integrity of ead1 dient's final product. Address: S. 2714 Garfield_Rd Airway Heights, WA 99001 Garco is a member of the Metal Building Manufacturers Association and has American Institute of Steel Construction. Inc:. (AISC) Category MB Certification. Also, we maintain ICBO Fabricator status. Canadian Welding Bureau Certification and numerous other credentials of quality. This makes us part of a small, elite group who care enough about quality to put their products and people to the test. Telephone: 509.244.5611 800.941.2291 Fax: 509.244.2850 Diversity of Expertise Garco Building Systems continually demonstrates the ability to engineer and manufacture a full range of products, from our standardized "Express" structures to multi-faceted heavy industrial complexes; from attractive commercial centers and institutional facilities to sophisticated office buildings. We have the proven ability to meet each client's unique set of needs - and the willingness to do it. Garco's staff acts in a supporting role to the overall groject design team. Our readiness to participate with other disciplines, offering the experience gained on a wide variety of projects, is a valuable resource our clients depend on. Our experienced project coordinators act as the sole point of communication throughout the construction cycle. Garco's team approach, coupled with our respected ability to analyze, problem solve, visualize and design cost effectively, facilitates the successful completion of the most challenging projects. Ability to Adapt The key to Garco's success in providing quality products and customer selVice is summed up in one important word... flexibility. We believe clients http://www.midcoinc.com/about/mbv.html 7/31/2003 Value means more than simply what you pay for a building right now. Garco builds in the flexibility and solid construction that keeps deliveriflg over the long run... That's "Maximum Building Value". should not be asked to compromise the functionality of their building to meet the manufacturer's standardized product formats. Garco provides buildings designed to meet each customer's needs, with . every project viewed for its own set of peculiarities. We regularly customize our project drawings and designs to meet client requests. We account for field construction requirements and special site conditions throughout the project, on everything from connection designs to the shipment of steel for just-in-time arrival on site. Garco's manufacturing schedules are planned to respond to the most stringent of construction timetables. Clients know that when Garco Building Systems joins the project team, they will be working with an organization committed to satisfying their unique requirements. Capacity to Perform Our manufacturing facility is able to offer a wide variety of superior factory applied primary and secondary coatings designed to withstand the most severe environments. We have the ability to handle almost any size and shape structure required in our manufacturing area. And we have the tooling and m~chinery that gives our engineering staff the flexibility to design structures using the best possible solution rather than designs dictated by the limitations of equipment. From well maintained manufacturing equipment to continual computer upgrades that ensure the flexibility and power to efficiently handle complex projects, Garco practices a philosophy of giving our people the tools to get the job done right. Reinvestment in the company is one example of Garco's commitment to meeting client needs today and in the future, ensuring our continued ability to provide leading edge product applications. Solutions Oriented Garco has been in the metal building industry since 1958; many of our customers have been with us nearly as long. Clients tell us that they view Garco as an extension of their company when doing a building project. We believe this reflects our commitment to total customer satisfaction... a record of outstanding service resulting from a strong sense of urgency throughout the company to provide the best value available in the time frame required. Over the course of the project. changes may occur for a variety of reasons; we accommodate these changes quickly and smoothly. Garco is a solutions company. -~ Clients know when they come to us that we'll do more than design to meet specifications and codes. We will look for ways to respond to each of their needs in the most efficient and beneficial manner. Partnership Approach Ultimately, our goal is this: upon project completion, we want every client to walk away with absolute confidence they made the right dedsion to include Garco on their project team. This means there are no unanswered questions about the design or material provided by Garco. They have a sense of security that their structure will continue to perform as it was intended long after building completion. They know that future questions, modification requests or clarifications will be dealt with quickly and completely . http://www.midcoinc.com/aboutlmbv.htmI 7/31/2003 This feeling of trust comes from Garco's strong adherence to the qualities of integrity, honesty and craftsmanship. We cultivate a relationship with our clients based on professional respect and mutual effort. Clients enjoy working with us and know we will always respond with excellence. Perfect Fit Just as each building project is unique, so are the priorities each professional brings to the project. But when the focus is on quality I flexibility. accuracy of fit, ease of erection, customer service and dependability, Garco has the proven ability to perform. We believe that the combination of all these factors is an accurate measure of Maximum Building Value. For an opportunity to experience working with an organization that puts your needs first, from beginning to end, call your local Garco builders or Garco Building Systems. We look forward to providing you with Maximum Building Value on your next building, roof system or steel structure. Metal Building Systems I Maximum Building Value About Garco I Garco Histo!y I ~ Mao to Garco I Garco Certifications Contact Us I Emolovment Oooortunities Project Management I Desion SDecifications About Garco I Portfolio I Our Builders Fabrication I Contact Us I 'M1afs New Site MaQ I Home Page I Search Last Updated February. 2002 AI original graphics and text are copyrighted C 2002 by Garco Building Systeln1 and may not be used without pennission. This site created for GaIm Building Systems by: WebMaker - Web SII8 ~ http://www.midcoinc.com/aboutlmbv.html.7/31/2003 Tom Monter From: Mike Berry [MikeB@garcobuildings.com] Sent: Wednesday, May 21,200312:02 PM To: tom.monter@pes-wortd.com Subject: Coal Cover Building for power plant, Alaska Tom: Please note the following budget information regarding the coal cover building for Alaska power plant. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Building Dimensions: Building size: Frame type: Roof & wall panel (full coverage): Roof snow load: Wind load: Seismic Zone: Collateral load: Building supply budget price: Building shipping costs: Building erection hours: Building erection costs: Building weight: 250' wide x 1300' long x 45' eave height 325,000 sq ft Gable clearspan rigid frame 24 GA color 50 pst 110 mph; Exposure "0- UBC Zone 3 10 pst on root $12 per sq ft $1.5 per sq ft 20,000 manhours not included 18-19 Ibs per sq ft Feel free to contact me with any questions or comments. Regards. Mike Berry Manager Heavy Industrial Tel: 509-444-7106 Cell: 509-979-0628 7/31/2003 ATTACHMENT 14 ~ Radian LLC is the Industrial Agent For Air Supported Structures Manufactured By Air Structures American Technology, Inc (A.S.A.T.I) SUBJECTIVE PROPOSAL AIR SUPPORTED STRUCTURE FOR CUSTOMER: Precision Energy Services APPLICATION: 400,000 mt coal storage Date: 15 April, 2003 300' W X 1000' L X 125' High with rectangular 90 degree comersSize: AJI of the structure's welded seams will be constructed to be stronger than the fabric. The total envelope w;1I be pre-engineered to fit your site and anchorage grade beam. The vinyi coated polyester can have an optional clear hard barrier coating, .Stay Clean", formulated especially for air supported structures which keeps the structure clean and increases resistance to abrasion. The strength and specifications for the outer fabric are as follows: Total Weight: Color: Base Type: Trapezoid Tear Grab Tensile Strip Tensile Fire Retardant: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. 31 oz. Per yard White Translucent Polyester 106/146Ibs. 934/923 Ibs. 595/564 Ibs./in. Meets NFPA 701, meets Calif. Fire Marshals Req. and Pass 2 sec. Flame-out Method 5903. Minus 40 degrees F. to +150 degrees F.Operating Temp.h Construction: The structure is to be fabricated by means of dielectric welded seams. A.S.A.T.I. has the equipment and 40 years of experience to produce welded seams, which are as strong as the fabric itself. Heat sealed seams are used throughout the major portion of the structure envelope to provide maximum strength in high stress ~ areas and to serve as rip stops to help prevent tear propagation. Larger buildings are made in sections and joined on site with our 35 year proven clamp system. Patented Bias Safetv Net System: (100% Stress Relief) For 40 Ibs snow load and 110 mph windload. The bias harness net system is prefabricated totally encapsulating the air structure envelope. This harness system uniformly releases fabric tension in all directions, transforming fabric loads directly to the harness. When fabric stress is transferred to the harness net system, fabric load will be a maximum of 61bs per inch in all directions. Roof convolutions are less than 4 inches when the structure is inflated to 1.5 - 3.0" water static pressure. Low Radian, LLC 1195 E. 1100 N., Shelley, Idaho 83274 USA, Phone 1 208 243 3450 - Fax 1 208485 7808 email: lfielding@radianllc.us convolutions prevent trapping of snow and water. The bias harness net system shall be constructed of pre-stressed galvanized vinyl coated steel cable (3/8" diameter minimum) which is bias interlocked to form a complete encapsulating net so the net will lay evenly distributed over the total air structure fabric envelope. Proper distribution of the harness net system is designed to allow the fabric to carry a minimum stress load during 110 mile per hour winds and an internal pressure of 1.5 - 3.0" wsp. The bias construction of the harness system causes the wind load side and leeward side of the air structure to balance between opposite forces such that there is hardly any noticeable change in the structure's shape of stability during heavy wind load. Continuous Airtiaht Anchoraae SyStem: This method of continuous anchorage at the base of the structure has proven in actual usage to be extremely successful and the best that can be offered. The angle bar or aluminum extrusion is so designed to incorporate hold down required for the harness net system and the air structure envelope. This system eliminates the need for separate large hold down points. *Seepage of water into the structure at the base from snow and rain will be minimized. * Air loss around the base perimeter is greatly reduced providing savings on inflation. *A.S.A. T.I. Anchorage system is designed to leave no protrusions above grade when the structure removed. *The Air Structure Institute Design and Standard Manual rates the continuous clamp anchorage system as the most airtight anchorage system available. *8uyer to provide concrete foundation with anchors and steel, or aluminum extrusion, for installation into grade beam. (Turn-Key Installation Estimate Available) Field Junction Seam Joints; 4 A.S.A. T.I. engineered a mechanical field seam joint to allow the total envelope to be separated into smaller sections for easy erection and removal. The joints are mechanically sealed with aluminum non-rusting clamps. The Air Structure Institute Design and Standards Manual shows clamped field seam joints to be the most airtight seams available in the industry. The seams are extra protected from water leakage by an exterior seal flap, which locks over the mechanical joint. Entrance Oceninas And Fabric Boots: 0 All door openings will be fitted with fabric roll-up flaQs, which will be laced closed when the structure is inflated. This allows the structure to be inflated without first connecting doors to the structure's fabric (which is a difficult job). The fabric flaps can also be rolled down and laced closed during the structure's use so that doors can be removed and repaired without causing an air pressure drop in the air structure (a great safety feature ). Personnel Exit Door: 3 The primary purpose of this door is to give an emergency means of egress. Due to the air structure's static pressure on the interior side of the door, we have engineered an emergency door that opens outward without force. The door automatically returns Radian, LLC 1195 E. 1100 N., Shelley, Idaho 83274 USA, Phone 1208 243 3450 - Fax 12084857808 email: lfielding@radianllc.us closed against the air structure internal air pressure. This design has received complete acceptance by the Building Code Officials and the Air Structure Institute's design standards. * All aluminum welded construction that never rusts and never needs paint. *lightweight and easy to remove when the structure is removed. *Lexan vision panels are unbreakable and offer lifelong service. *Free standing with panic hardware and outward opening and self closing. *Emergency exit door with top panel for mounting ASA Tl's supplied emergency exit lighting. *Exit signs lights (pre-wired). Revolvinq Door: 3 Our revolving doors are the most efficient method of moving people in and out of an air structure. As you enter or exit, each door vane acts as an airlock. Therefore, large numbers of people can move safely in and out of the structure without causing a pressure drop. * All aluminum welded construction that never rusts and never needs paint. *Lightweight and easy to remove when the structure is removed. *Lexan vision panel is unbreakable and offers lifelong service. Vehicular Airlock: 2 (15' X 15' X 80') Two doors will be provided for each airlock for allowing vehicles and equipment to pass in or out of the air structure without changing the safe operating internal pressure. The pre-wired electric motors with push button stations are designed so that only one door can electronically open at a time. Therefore, one door is always closed maintaining the air structure's internal pressure. -Complete with one U.L. approved electric motor, push button stations and steel roll up doors. -Steel frame, fabric cover and hardware are pre-packed and complete for assembly. -Manual pull chains are supplied for each door so doors can be opened manually should electric power fail. Primary Inflation System: 1 This inflation system supplies internal air pressure to inflate and shape the structure ~ envelope. When the structure is pressurized tq 1.5" wsp (internal pressure), the envelope of the structure is pre tensioned and stabilized to withstand aerodynamic forces imposed by 80 mph winds and live loads caused by snow load. -Complete package self contained in an exterior weatherproof housing. -Electric motors and components are UL listed. . -Blowers are rated in accordance with A.M.C.A. standards. -Electric motors voltage available to meet your specific requirements. Control Panel: (1) Provides a visual gauge and indicator lights to monitor operation of each blower and to show the level of operating pressure for the air structure building system. Radian, LLC 1195 E. 1100 H" Shelley, Idaho 83274 USA, Phone 1 208 243 3450 - Fax 1 208 485 7808 email: lfielding@radianllc.us Secondary Pressurization & Auxiliary BackuD Svstem: 1 This backup electric and gas motor inflation system is pressure controlled to supply internal air pressure to inflate and shape the structure envelop during pressure loss or primary failure. When the internal pressure drops below 1.0 w.s.p. or on electrical power failure, the unit will activate autor'PIatically and continue to supply additional c.f.",. until the high limit setting is tripped and resets the system or power is restored. > Complete package, self contained in an exterior weatherproof housing. > Motors and components are UL listed. > Blowers are rated in accordance with A.M.C.A. standards. > Electric motors voltage available to meet your specific requirements. > The system is complete with a 12 volt battery, automatic choke, automatic controls with pressure sensing probe and automatic regulating battery charger, all enclosed in a weatherproof enclosure. > Gaseous fueled engine designed to operate on propane or gasoline. (Choice of one upon placement of order:, Diesel upon special request 1. Pre-packaged and pre-wired complete with electric motors, inflation fans, automatic dampers, all assembled into an insulated weatherproof exterior housing, painted with a corrosion and heat resistant finish complete with all required ducting. 2. AJI components U.L. listed. Factory Mutual Insurance and F.I.A. available on request. Inflation fans A.M.C.A. rated manufactured to meet N. Y.C. code. 3 Electric motors to meet site electric service. Natural gas, propane, oil (choice of one must be specified upon placement of order) *Engineering Drawings and Calculations stamped by A.S.A. T. Engineer N. Y Professional PRICE:$2,562,192.00 fob Upstate New York *Prices quoted do not reflect duties, federal, state or local taxes and are firm for 30 days. = Lead Time:16 to 20 weeks after receipt of signed contract 10 years Pro Rata on air structure fabric envelope material & workmanship. 1 year on all other mechanicals Warranty: Terms: 35% Upon signing of contract 30% Upon start of manufacturing 30% Upon completion of manufacturing 5% Upon delivery or 30 days after completion of production, whichever comes first. Radian, LLC 1195 E. 1100 N" Shelley, Idaho 83274 USA, Phone 1208 243 3450 - Fax 1208 485 7808 email: lfielding@radianllc.us Final payment to be paid by certified check. Technician For Installation: Included for 10 days Any future services of a Field Technician will be provided at $600.00 per 8-hour weekday (overtime hours where applicable) plus direct travel, food and lodging expenses to, supervise your labor for spreading and etecting of the air structure.. Options: Daft Hang Lite 2000 Lighting System: The Hang Lite 2000 System is an integrated package of precision engineered components that require no ground support poles and consist of a complete light assembly, fixture, bulb, wiring and flexible hanging support system. Hang Lite, is so lightweight it can be hung from air structure fabric walls, roof, and or positioned wherever it will produce the maximum reflective retum of indirect lighting to the interior floor surface. Result: more interior foot candles of light with the expenditure of 20% to 30% less wattage. *No perimeter poles inside the structure. *Operational cost reduced by 20 to 30 percent while increasing foot candles of illumination by 100%. *Can be removed by one person and stored in a closet size room if structure is to be removed seasonally. *No support poles, eliminates possible damage to fabric structure. ComDlete Turnkey Installations: . Price upon request & review of site. . Concrete foundation, anchorage, electrical work, fuel supply, mechanical equipment start up and labor & equipment for unloading and installation of structure. . Radian, LLC 1195 E. 1100 N., Shelley, Idaho 83274 USA, Phone 1 208 243 3450 - Fax 1 208485 7808 email: lfielding@radianllc.us Tom Monter From: Linden Fielding pfielding@radianllc.us] Sent: Monday, May 12, 2003 3:16 PM To: Ratal Berezowski Cc: Tom Monter Subject: Re: Air supported structure Dear Rafa1 / Tom, I can answer some of your question now and hopefully can answer the rest tomorrow. 1 - The nom1al air pressure to maintain the structure is between 1.75 - 2.50 water column inches. The lower end of the range is sufficient in calm weather. The higher end of the range is needed to support the structure in high winds or when there is a snowload. Some operations choose to keep the pressure at the high end rather than change the pressure depending on the weather. 2 - The air leakage or make-up air for a st1'11cture this size would normally be 7,000 - 10,000 cfm. However, in this case where you are concerned about a build up of combustible gasses it is necessary to vent much more air. About 2 years ago, Elk Run Coal Co. in Whitesville, West Virginia put up several ASAll air supported structures to cover their coal piles. I have a call in for the Chief Engineer, Mr. Kenny Williams, to discuss how many air changes per hour they use and also about their emergency fire plan. He was unavailable today and I will try again tomorrow. Feel free to call him yourself. if you prefer. His number is 304 854-1890 Ext 206. 3 - The cost of the building resized to 300' W X 1600' LX 125' H would be $3,836,278. All of the items includes and excluded would remain as in the previous quote. In addition, the cost of the extra blowers and vents to provide the needed air changes are not included. We first need to determine what the target will be for the extra air volumn. I will put in the mail to you a couple of press releases about the Elk Run project. Sincerely, Linden PS. On another subjec~ have you been involved in any power generation project that uses agricultural waste; i.e. straw, for a fuel source? = 7/21/2003 Tom Monter From: Linden Fielding pfielding@radianllc.us] Sent: Friday, May 23, 2003 11 :38 AM To: Ratal Berezowski: Tom Monter Subject: Coal Storage Questions Hi Ratal / Tom, I contacted Mr. Kenny Williams and Elk Creek Coal to discuss your concern about the amount of dust which may escape from around the conveyor penetration. Their solution to the problem was to construct a small air lock around the conveyor at that point, then attach a small dust extraction filter to the air lock. He said it has worked very well and has no concerns about it. As to man power to erect the building, the 1600' long building, it will take about 1000 man-days. The crew will need to be a minimum of 30. However, up to 60 men could be utilized. The more men, the shorter the erection time. Depending on the crew size, erection will take from 3 to 6 weeks. The work will be mostly manual labor. This also assumes the men are physically strong and quite productive. I know in some cultures, you have to make adjustments to the required labor force due to the physical size, strength, and efficiency of the local labor force. Also needed will be 2 - all terrain, 10 ton, forklifts. Please let me know if there are any other questions. Also, keep me in mind on any of your other projects that may need a concrete dome or air supported building. Linden Fielding Executive Director Radian LLC lfielding@radianllc.us Ph 208 243-3450 Fax 208 485-7808 ~~ Pet Coke Storage, Concrete Domes, St, Croix, Vi in Is. 0 . Fertilizer Storage, Air Supported Building, Gulf Coast, USA 7/21/2003 Tom Monter From: Linden Fielding pfielding@radianllc.us] Sent: Thursday, May 15,20038:04 AM To: Ratal Berezowski Cc: Tom Monter Subject: Re: Air supported structure Dear Rafall Tom, I have a few more details about the operation of the Elk Run Coal facility. They store up to 60,000 tons of coal. This is at a mine so they are constantly filling and emptying the storage. Inside they have 2 - D 1 0 Caterpillar dozers that push the coal into slide gates that lead to an undergound tunnel. With the 2 dozers, they can load out 5000 tons per hour. . They exhaust 35,000 cfm of air. This volume is this high due to the constant operation of the dozers. Their coal is also giving off a significant amounts of methane gas since it is fresh out of a mine. I can see that the amount of exhaust air needed will vary greatly depending on the specific environment of operation. IfBethal were to use an electric powered reclaimer, and, if the coal is being shipped in and has had a chance to air-otI, the amount of exhaust air could be reduced significantly. Bu~ I believe you're the experts in this area. On another subject fm involved with a company that has been running a County landfill operation in S.E. Idaho for the last 14 years. The landfill site is full and is closing down. This company is looking for another venture to get involved in. One idea we've discussed is a power generator that uses straw or other ag products for all or part of it's fuel. Hense, my previous question about your knowledge of such an operation. I suppose, since it may be considered alternative energy, there may be some Government grants available. But the bottom line is still the same, can a generator using this type of fuel source be profitable???? I'd appreciate your insite on this matter. And, let me know if! can research any other questions concerning the Bethal Coal Storage Project Linden ~ cae Signature.JPG 7/21/2003 Tom Monter From: Unden Fielding [Iflelding@radianllc.us] Sent: Friday, May 09,20037:21 PM To: Tom Monter Subject: Re: New Specifications for an air supported strudure Hi To~ rve a~ched a picture showing how conveyors are nm in and out of an air supported building. To remove the combustable gasses, we could add some additional volumn capacity to the inflation fans. Then attached special vents onto the building that will exhaust the proper amount of air while maintaining the needed pressure inside the building. You tell us how many air changes per hour you need and we will supply the proper sized fans and venting to achieve it The flamibility of the fabric we use is discribed as "difficult to ignite or resists flame." We can treat the fabric with an additive that improves the flamibility to " non-combustable". This treatment also improves the UV and dirt resistance, which extends the life of the fabric. However, the fabric will melt or disinigrate if it is exposed to continuous flame or extreme heat. I will go to work on an estimate for the new size and will respond as soon as possible. I will also talk to other companies who are using an air structure to cover coal and ask them about their fire fighting plan. Be sure to view the attached pictures of the conveyor treatments. Sincerely, Linden ~ Close Signature.JPG 7/21/2003 CA. TJI'Q RNIA IaPAa'rMENT OP iO:R~ Y .ad FIRE PB.or:RC'J'ION OFFICE OF THE STATE FIRE MA BSB AL REGIS1'ERED FLA:ME RESJSTA NT PRODUCT Registt atiD11 No. FAr-63001 Product: DURASKJH ~ Marketed By: vERSaDAG INDUTEX GMBH INDUSTBJESTR 58 47803 KREFB.D ~Y This produc:t ~ dw ~.i..h."II.. ~iftmaIIS of GlUM: =~ _hl~ by . c:'2Ji:iDia SIIre ~ MaIS!Il for ~ ~~ ia ~ 131~. ("~)ibDi8 ~ 3M Safi!Iy CAJde. 'rtIC ~ of tI.: ~..~ ~ of mil fa~ is pIOi"'.w iA - aImSa: edkicm of 1R C~IA AWRt) VB!> usr (JIf FU.ME Dr AIDANT OlPJ.aCAlS AND F ABR.ICS, GENERAL AND !JMl'I'ED APPUCA TIONS CONCERNS ~~ by - CaJiform2 Sfam Fe~1 ~a:06/30fM3 ... I.L~~~1';. ...~ ~'ze _l'e:t..- ~~ ~~i2:~A.S.A T J.'~~Ij~ ..,. ~r=~ 31 oz. ASA 11 slaV Clean Sb'ucturaB Fabric Specifications STYLE STANDARD. Pdyester 10 oz/sq. ~. Base-!~Fabric - weght 2franSJJCetlCf 14.. ArWsttoo C(8Jsd + 2- WekJt1t 31 - 1 ~5041 oz./9Q. ~. T a9.Je T ear ~ I)s. ~5134 8 x to- 'S8moIe $ze 106/146 Ibs.T~~~~j Tear MetMXi 5136 ASTM 05733--95 'Z'searn 266lbs. 133 Ibs. DeaiLoad Acxxn T ~'-I1)er Clture 1WFJ71.c CokSCradc. MIL -G-2O696C Para. 4.4.6 lIC Pass-4OOF I,i, AmtE ~ nd calsumed ReSstalce witt1jn2mifWtes FA P~2~""Rarne-out Meets Catit. Fire Marshal Req.. Ul214, NFPA-701 tests. ~ 1~ yds...e ~~~cmgpedftcs 211 SoutiI RIdge Street, 3rd Roor, Rye Brook, New York 11J&TJ (914) 937-4500 1-800-AJR-8LDG FAX: (914) 937-6331 www.air1JIdq.cam . , "- I- RAISING A DOME Fabrlcbundlesare~and~ by crane ~ to reach center of conveyor ftoor (1). ~der bars 11ft fabrIc to ~ guy wires reaCt*'8 from grcxm to top of stactJnI to.-' (2). Cable Mt txa1dJes are roIed out from top of conveyor and joined tOtethlf" with AUTJ : - ~- - ~ (3). .-,. ~ fI'8II8 ~- ~..-w ~ -'" ,':"~~~.,::::-:;~~ .I'... , I ~ppcJned ~1CtUn-S 1\ithOtlt ~md t)r II...il,rht rt"'iU"i<.-UOII5. -nJe «Cln)(.~ C-.ul \\ith- ~t:md .'\IIUW and ict" Ic>;ld" ICI :Jl) Ih pt"f" :it] ft md "ind .'If:It.~ to 1;)0 nlph. <Ioign- ("!"S cl:1im. 'Thi~ Irchnok)!(." :111C11\':\ fabric IC)CICL" If) Inulsll-r from t11(' fabric ICI rht' h~1." (.-abl~et ~~rm. ~t Iht" t"m'~lopt' is nf)t lIndt'T th~ gJtW pn'WIn' ;IS it 1\'OOki ht- -ithcHll UIC IIct.- ~I\~ DtHl."1to Fr.1inli Sr.. . \S,.\1l (;W ;!lId (-.1i1ll'-l1C.'t in\'t'ntor. T11~ dClm~ ;lrt" guar.1nlc:ed lor II) ~'l';1l"" ;llId ;art" (.xpc.-ctlOd 10 );151 20. On~ ;1 «Cloat! i.'i pn~lriled. conrrncton \\ill ill"!O1Jl ;1 \"enliblic)n '~~t"m ICI fiJter ~r- 1it:IIJ:UC"'\ ffOln Ilw.ur..\ .')C~1p n"Tf" "in Il1f1\1: IIp IU I :!U.IMICJ (."11 fl uf ;ur pt"f" holaf aJlrl pnt\ide Ihrl"1.. :ur Ch;}11 ~ t~.1ch hCllaf 01 Ih~ ~nK:tl~. ~h (k)tI1e ha..;1 ~I't'. -n1C' L" .S. ~Iillt! .t)afct\" al1« Hr;1lth Antl1ini~lr:ui(111 ;111« Iht" '~I;ltc- 0..,)(; 1)[ En\;ronment:ll Pntf~'t"'11 ;1ppn"'c'(l Ih~ plans in ~"h. -ollr rurn-ni !)f(ljt't.t is;1 perlmt'tcr fmlll(1;.1tittl1lfH' lilt' li~ dClITW. r«"quiringmillinl;11 t'Xc:I\.ltiul1 :Jl1d 1.IX)f) CD \-d clf roncn-tr.- ~1\'5 N~l1n\' \'l1lioulL... m Run prnjt-CI 11\;l11~'" ;lnnrhit-i't"11gi- 11ttJ: If indlKt~ ;11j.4i-lugll rt'1;1iniI1K \\.ill. \\i\1i.lm~ -'i:1\', thc' hiJ(R~1 rhallt"I1!{t! W".l.~ engi~ring :aroW1t! ('CHI\'('\'Uf' :Jilt! St;u;kiJ1~ l~ lhill ,\;11 n.'In;un in (tll1- linuollS opeI':ltion. 111t' ntlll1c \\'uliid ha,-e been much che:\pt"r 11;\(1 \\'C' btlilt Ih~ [;xiIi". prior ICI buikJil1K tht' ~ki"K' mbe.'l.- hc: ~~':\. Th~.job i.'i ~h(-dll.1t!d to \\'r:lp~mid-M~.. :J B:r n,dm-/I"_/1IOtt E1k: Run is CuneDtiyconstructin g an air-supported bw1ding to cover the direct ship stockpiles adjacent to the Chess Processing Plant. The - buildjng, when complete, will beS1Jppor red only by air pressure supplied by an electric blower. This blower will also supply fresh air while equipment is in operation" in the mcility. It will be equipped with two additional back-up blowers and a back-up power generator to ensure that DO mechanical failure or power outage will cause the dome to deflate. When completed, the facility will measure 490'L X 240 'W XIII ' H; this is approxiD:Jately 2. 7 ~ and will require 9 million cubic feet of air to int1ate. To make room for tb.e buildjng are taming wa11360 feet in length and up to 24 f~ in height has been built. The foundation for the building will cootain nearly 1,000 cubic yards of concrete and be more than a quarter of a mile around the outside of the building. Construction began in January and is on schedule to be completed soon. The facility will allow Elk Run to enhance the quality of its direct ship coal by a reduction in moisnJre content. Early construction of tire high-tech.dome facility. Kenny "'"iUiams Chief Engineer: Elk Run Model of higit-'tec/l dome facility.Foundation of high-tech dome facility at later 3~ of constnu:tiOIt. ATTACHMENT 15 10 July, 2003 ~ -- Mr. Tom Monter, Project Engineer Precision Energy Services 10780 N. Highway 95 Hayden. m 83835 De:Jr Mr. Monter: More and more plants and mines worldwide have re.1.lized the benefit in covering their stockpiles with a Geomeaica dome. Until recendy, covering large volumes of bulk materials was not affordable. Geometrica offers cost efficient dome covers for the largest capacity StOckpiles; from under 10,000 tons in simple conic:ll stockpiles to over 250,000 tons in circular automated piles. Additional value our structures have to offer: Custom designs - In addition to our standard domes, the versatile Geometrica@ system make it possible to manufactUre highly customized structures. We can meet special requirements such as covers for uneven slopes and/or irregular shaped stockpiles as well as specialized accessories like load-release panels or load bearing platforms. Corrosive resistant and maintenance.Jree covers - manufactured in aluminum or galvanized steel Geometric:!. structures can resist the harshest environments and require no maintenance. Easy installation - in mostC:lSes, assembly is performed by local labor, requires no special lifting equipment and may be scheduled without interruption to the plant's day-to-day operations. Optimized designs - the I:fficiency of the dome's geomea-y and of the Geometrica system allow for coverage of large spans with particularly lightweight structures, minimizing material and foundation COStS. Aesthetically appealing - in addition to the practical application of a storage cover, the image and quality of the workplace are substantially enhanced with a Geometric:!. dome. We estimate. preliminarily. th:lt a dome like you describe might run in the ra.nge of US$30.00/sq.ft. insulled in Alaska.. It makes good business sense to think of Geometric:l for your bulk. material covers. To request more infonnation or a firm proposal. ple:lSe contact us by phone. fax or e-mail. Francisco Castano, President Geometrica, Inc. 908 Town & Country Blvd., Suite 330 Houston. Texas 77024 USA ph: (713) 722-7555 fax: (713) 722-0331 e-mail: geoincogeometrica.com http://www. geometrica. com Sincerely, Geomeaic~ Inc. 1/1 I 1/1 I '.- I ~ , .~ ~ , ~ j rrB 'a : J r ] i ~ J I [J.!JJ ~ { j i ! I f I J 1 ] 9 J i 1 1 tr i ~ 1 .&j1 1t~ ] 1 ~ I j I i f J J J J I i II ~ ~ I 11 J J j I i J I f i[.!J j I f j i.!jJf 1 ; f 1 t "J 1 J 1 j J t f (iJ.,1 Rff]i i' ~~ ~.i f;:.4 fc < ! f siJ~ Jf. ~..f. l,-J{ ~ jJ~~jj J"fflti iill;3e 1 :§ .5 .J.9-~of Eo J I I ~ I } ~1!~5 3.J ,g11 J t 1 a t i: f f} t I I 111'811l1l fJ .J i f t~ f! 1 J 1 i 1 .s III ; ~ I Ii f j f j J i .J : j .K i ~ .g, -; .§ r 1 j ~ I ! f : 1 ~ § i.f t j 1 I f I .J J J i .J l j 1 I Ii ! s J I I ~ J 1 , o~)) .I ~.., ~ Longitudinal structures are ide:1l for covering homogenizing beds of raw materials like coal. limestone and ores. Open ended or completely ATTACHMENT 16 ~ ~) ~-I '- a. ~ ~ ~ ~ u a.. . uQ.~'J: ~+ "-ua.Q.C/)-J ~~~~~ ~ ~ c ~ ~ I ~ (I) .,g ~ ~.~ Q .~ ~~ . UJ -J Q ~ . ~ I I I.I I IM~ In- C :J ~E UJ.- ...I- =.c. 0CJ:I::I:U)...~0 ~ - e .! u. I C) It) It) 00o.an0) "'-. an 00O)ft,...,... Ito I I I,, fA- 'c :) In...~0~ - G) .! u.. ~E cn.- ~I- ~.c 0C)~::E In ,... +00o.00 o. ~ +00o.anN In In N N II) II) ~ Q) "iU "iU cn cn w w <-' <-' ~ Q) ... ... - .- ~ ~ C" C" C C - - w ... .J - C ~ I I II) II) cu cu 0 0 m It) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ M ~ It) N cn Q) -ca cn w ~ Q) ~ - ~ co c E-(/)I In cu <-' In; M "(f' 0) CD m M CO') ~ ~ an . . 0 ~ ~ M ~ ('If 0 ~ ~ II) II) G) Q) "iU "iU C/) C/) w w ~ ~ G) Q) ... ... - - ~ ~ co co .E E:. w '- -J - C ~ . . C" C" :J :J 0 Lt') It) ~ It) N 0 M (J0~ I Q Q 0 N 10 Q Q Q Q 'l) Q Q Q ~ ~ c c c CD ~ c b b cc c c cc c c c ~ N C = ~ ~ ~ M (8M>t)J8MOd (~.ll.IIl!~\.:..J I~ I ...c0- 0 0 0 (0 M 0 0 0 ~ CO') 0 0 0 N M ) Q Q 0 Q M ~ c c c ~ N 0 N 0 t'-.u.0 Q) ... ~ - ca ... G)c. 0 E (D Q)t-- .! c! - G >< l.a° 0rn,z 81) ..2.aE --co G ~ c.u.. ~OIOQ. .ONO).c O. ><O)GOQ) - > a >to>~~ ~ =£~()="C -I-.-. -CW) E C I 0 -.- - ... ~ (D ~ Na ~ a If ~ ~ ~.!fA~(D .- C ca () a 0 'i';-~.!.rn CW)>-0 C> I Q) t'f - - 1ft j~~~=~ lca~ C ~ > !Q)~- ';:: 0 I!(I)(DnZ~Z 00~ 0 ~ ~ GTX100 Standard ~ r A ~D - ~ y BETHiL MAS 102 Modified GTX100-PG Project Name: Customer: Reference Number: Type of Installation: Turbine Type: Table of contents GTX100 GAS TURBINE, GENERATOR DRIVE 2 ,2SCOPE OF SUPPLY AND TERMINAL POINTS 1 2 2 6 7 9Scope of supply 9 Part 3 Gas turbine - Principal components 11Part 4 - Auxiliary systems 16Part 5 - Generator 18Part 6 - Electrical and control equipment 23Part 7 - Installation and building 25Part 8 Inspection, erection, testing and commissioning 26Part 9 Documentation, operation and maintenance 28Main exclusions Doc-..nber fTH10066 c on de. 2/24/2003 ~ 3 sv-- ~ 2 (28) GTX100 - GENERAL & COMMERCIAL Project: GTX100 Standard Scope of Supplv Comment Part 1 General Basic definition: This Scope of supply forms a functioning unit within the terminal points (utilities/consumables such as auxiliary power, fuel, water, lubricating oil and grease are excluded). Alternative configurations are available. Part 2 Technical specification Application - Onshore (simple cycle delivery) Operating mode - Continuous base load Units US-units Nominal Output - 43 MW electrical ISO (59°F, sea level, no inlet and exhaust pressme losses, 60% relative humidity) and 70.5 MW heat (related to ambient conditions) with 269 Ibis at lO13°F exhaust gas flow. Design conditions - 5 to 104°F ambient temperanIre. - Moderate dust loading Installation - Outdoor Based M ~MMI- 8dIb 24 1I23l2OO3 ALSTOM Power Sweden AS ~~~~ "'~TX1CXP681g8t P'-*'g Industrial Turbine SegmentT~ d ~ S- GTX100 1TH10066 Ed 3.cmc ~ 1TH10066 CIW8ticxId88 2124/2003 E.-mI 3 ~ P8Q8 3 (28)GTX100 - GENERAL & COMMERCIAL Project: GTX100 Standard Scope of Supply Comment Wind speed and seismic zone - <= 131 ft/s and UBC code (1997) zone 1, S3 (foundation not considered) Site forces - Site 0.5 x g in any horisontal direction and 0.5 x g in vertical direction. Area classification - Safe area Surface treatment - Indoor or outdoor inland (>5 km/>3 miles from sea). Corrosivity category C3 medium. The internal equipment is treated for corrosivity category C2. - Corrosivity factors according to ISO 12944-2: 1998 Design sound level - 85 dB(A) near field at 3 ft distance (outside the GT enclosure wall and 5 ft above ground level), far field 65 dB(A)/300 ft. Measured according to ANSI S 12.36 and ISO 3746-1995. Combustion chamber - Dry Low Emission system Fuel - Gas fuel, fi11fil1ing ALSTOM gas fue! specifications (GT! X241010E) or accepted project fue! data sheet (GT! W241009E). Lubricating oil cooling - Water (water / antifreeze fluid TEMPER or equivalent), cooling media, supply temperature <95 of Generator cooling / protection form - Protection/cooling fonn: TEPV Generating voltage I frequency - 13.8 kV I 60 Hz ~ «I ~ ". 24 1/23/2003 ALSTON Power Sweden AS ~~~ ~ ~~\GTX1~ PIDIg Industrial Turbine Segment TOOiIlSccpe of Suppy SI81d8Id GTX100 1TH1Qo. Ed 3.doc Dee :".K 1TH10066 c-.on... 2/24/2003 ~ 3 ~ P8g8 4 (28)GTX100 - GENERAL & COMMERCIAL Project: GTX100 Standard C4mmMt Auxiliary voltag~ frequeucy and standards for Moton . - 440 - 480 V AC, 60 Hz, (TN-C-S system) start motor 690 V AC, 3-phase. 240 V AC UPS. Standards: EN/IEC. Emergency battery voltage - 440 VDC Shutdown system - "lout of2" and "1 out of 1 Control system - ABB Advant providing a fully automatic unit. Vibration probes - Vibration transducers (accelerometer type). Designation system - German based KKS tag number system. The components are identified in a hierarchical system according to the functional placement in the plant Codes and standards - Drawings: - Noise emissions - Exhaust emissions - Pressure vessels in auxiliary systems:- Pipes (dimensions): - Pipes (design): Flanges (dimensions): 1S05451-1980 1S03146-1995 and ANSI S 12.36 ISO9096-1992 and ISO 1 0849- 1996 ASME Section VIII (excl. U- stamp). DIN or ANSI, on-skid/off-skid Swedish pipe code RN- 18 and AFS 1999:6, on-skid Swedish pipe code RN-18, AFS 1999:6 and ASME B31.3 (gas fuel system), off-skid DIN, ANSI (fuel systems), on-skid/off-skid Swedish pipe code RN- 18, AFS 1999:6 or ANSI 816.5, on-skid/off-skid - Steel beams: EN281/EN288 ~-:CII"~---~~1rD1D3 ALST~P~Sw8d8nAB s~ G8 T~ ~-;;-~-o-~1~ ~ Indu--'_' Twb- Q ant T~«s.-*fSt8.-dGtX1Q1rTH1~Ed3.8c au- R- WVV"'V - Flanges (design): Comment ANSI- Terminal point flanges (dimensions): - Terminal point flanges (design): - Pipe coupling threads: - Fire extinguishing (design): - Gas detection: Gas fuel system: - Pumps: - Bolts/nuts: - Vibration: - Gear: - Generator: - MCC: Control cubicles: - Control system Swedish pipe code RN- 18, AFS 1999:6andANSIBI6.5 for fuel systems ISO 228:1-1994 and SMS 2165 SBF 110 orNFPA 12 with exceptions EN 50018 Explosion group IIC (zone 1) Swedish standard (NGSN:1981 and SAIFS: 1996/8) DIN and/or ISO DIN ISOI0816-4,1998 AGMA 421.06 & API 613 withE&C NEMA MGI~1993 rev.l IE CIEN 6043 9 part 1 , IEClEN60529, IEC/EN60941 part 2, 3 and 4-1 IEClEN60439 partl, IEClEN60529, IEClEN60941 part 2. 3 and 4-1 IEClEN50081 , IEClEN50082, IEClEN60068 part 2, 1EC/EN60439-1, IEClEN60950, 1EC/EN610lO- 1 IEClEN60221, 1EC/EN60228, IEClEN60331, 1EC/EN60332, IEClEN60502, 1EC/EN608ll IEClEN60221, IEClEN60228, IEC/EN60331, 1EC/EN60332,IEClEN60502-1 . IEC EN50262 Power cables: Control cables: Cables joints ofMM- type: Frequency converters:EN60204 part 1, EN60529, EN61800 part 3. Applicable 1EC/EN-code B8K-1994 (corresponding to 1802394-1986) - Other electrical equipment:- Enclosure and base frame: Comment Balancing:ISO 1940-1 and ISO 11342- 1998 API 614 with E &. C API 616 with E &. C API 670 with E &. C EN 287fl.88 Lubricating oil system: Gas turbine: Vibration monitoring: Welding procedures: The Package is complying with the Machinery Directive, the Low Voltage Directive, the EMC requirements and the ATEX Directive 94/9/EC valid within the European Community. A classification plan of the installation according to the European standard EN 60079-10, as well as a Risk Analysis which is the base for the Certificate of Conformance according to the Machinery Directive, are available. A life cycle assessment study (LCA) according to ISO 14040-43 is available. It contains quantifications of the resource depletion, generation of waste and emissions to the environment caused by the manufacturing, use and disposal of the product. Enclosure - For the Gas Turbine, Auxiliaries, Speed reduction gear and Generator. - Signal treatment module located adjacent to the GT enclosure. Exhaust direction from the Gas Turbine outlet - Horisontal, axial Maintenance opening - Left side (looking from the exhaust towards the air inlet) Delivery - Delivery acc. to INCOTERMS 2000 as per tender letter. Tenninal Points to Customer For data at the terminal points, please refer to separate document. 431 Gas Fuel System - Gas fuel connection, upstream the gas isolation valve located at gas fuel unit, auxiliary skid side acc. to the layout drawing. ~ ~ " C G I ~ III ~ II .= 24 , ~ - A1.ST OM Power SW8d8n AS S;1Medin G8 T~ ;.~...~.~TX'CX1'681g81 PIa,. Industrial Turbine SegmentT~ d ~ S..-ld GTX100 1TH1~ Ed 3.- Comment Cooling Water System - Incoming/outgoing water connection flanges for water cooled lube oil cooler located close to the auxiliary skid. 482 Instrument Air - Common connection located at the GT enclosure wall, auxiliary skid side. 491 Drains Connection for emptying of the drain tank located at the enclosure wall. auxiliary skid side. 590 Medium Voltage - Generator lineside, busbars located inside the AC Generator MY tenninal box. 626 Auxiliary Power - Term;nals on motors and heaters - Term;nals in electrical panels. Control & Instrumentation - Terminals in the skid mounted signal treatment module. - Tenninals in control panels. 684 Grounding - Grounding connections on delivered equipment. Interface to Foundation - Lower end of multi point support for the GT and driven equipment - Lower end of the support structUres for: - Air intake system. . - IxlOOO/o watercooled cooler for the lubricating oil system. - Gas filter skid for gas fuel system Outlets to Atmosphere. For data at the outlet points, please refer to separate document Lubricating oil P8g8 8 (28) DOOoIUIIb8r 1TH10066 ~d.- 2/24/2003 e.a.I 3 SIgI-.. GTX100 . GENERAL & COMMERCIAL Project: GTX100 Standard Comment Outlet from lubricating oil system ventilation fan, located on the GT enclosure roof. 423 Ventilation - Outlet from the GT and EG enclosure to atmosphere, downstream the weather louvers, located on the- enclosure roof 431 Gas fuel system - Gas fuel ventilation, located above the GT enclosure roof. 438 Purge air - Purge air ventilation, outlet located above the GT enclosure roof. Doc-nu- ITH10066 c..8ion- 2/24/2003 EdImI 3 Sign8IIn P8g8 9 (28)GTX100 - GENERAL & COMMERCIAL Project: GTX100 Standard Comment 300 p&m 993800 Single shaft, ALSTOM Power GTXIOO, modular concept industrial design, consisting of: - Compressor inlet casing and inlet bellmouth casing. - Thrust bearing #1 (tilting pad, directed mineral oil lubrication) combined with radial journal bearing #1 (tilting pad, directed mineral oil lubrication), located in the inlet bellmouth casing. - IS-stage axial flow compressor with 3 rows of variable guide vanes (AC servo motor driven), electron-beam welded compressor rotor, inner stator casing with vane carriers forming air flow path, vertically split outer casing - 2 bleed valves (pneumatically actuated) for air bleed during start-up and shutdown. - Central casing with diffuser for compressor discharge air. - 2 ignition burners and 2 high energy spark plugs for engine start-up. - 1 annular combustion chamber incl. 30 low emission AEV burners and 2 optical flame detectors. - 3-stage bladed turbine rotor, connected to the intermediate shaft by tie-bolts. - Turbine casing with gas flow path and 3 stages of turbine guide vanes. - Radial journal bearing #2 (directed mineral oil lubrication), located in the turbine exhaust diffuser casing. - Turbine exhaust casing with exhaust diffuser. - Drain valves (manually operated) from compressor inlet plenum, compressor bleed cavities #1 & #2, central casing and exhaust casing. - BN,'accelerometer type, vibration probe: 1 off in bearing #1 and 1 off in bearing #2 330 p&m 993804Speed reduction gear (6600/1800 rpm), double helical design. - High speed side, quillshaft connection to the gas turbine. - Low speed side, quillshaft connection to the generator. - 4 journal bearings of sleeve type for mineral oil lubrication. B_on~~~4:~ .._J,- AL~~~~.O:;,~~~~;- S:IM8di8n ~ T~~ ~TX100\8udge1 PIDIg Industrial TurbiM SegmentT~ d 5I4)pIy s.- GTX100 1TH100e6 Ed 3.- Comment 1 temperature transducer in each of the four bearings 1 BN, accelerometer type, Vl"bration probe located on the casing at the high speed (pinion) turbine side. 380 Mounting details - Pendelum supports, spring loaded supports, fix point support and side support for the gas turbine, down to the main baseframe. Supports for the diffuser, down to the foundation. Turbine base frame - Welded I-beam baseframe for the GT driver unit Insulation Insulation of the Gas Turbine (including exhaust casing) for personnel safety, heat and noise reduction. B- ~ ~ 8dtx.I24 1I23l2OO3 - AL!!O~ .p.~.!~.n ~ S:'M8du.. G8 T_- :.-o:.."_-~IOO1B11dg8t P'**'O Industrial Turbine SegmentT~ at s..,py S~ GTXI00 1TH10088 Ed 3.doc Comment Part 4 - Auxiliary ~stems Some auxiliary systems and parts of the conttol system are mounted on a separate skid lOC"LPd side by side with the GT unit. See layout and General Arrangement drawings. Instrumentation - Instrumentation pipes, instrument valves and fittings in 316L stain! css steel 402 p&m 993801Cooling & Sealing air system, with valves and piping for the gas turbine - Ex1raction from compressor stage #3 for external turbine stator cooling and sealing air around bearing #2 during operation. including temperature measurement, strainer with diff. pressure transmitter, butterfly valve and orifice. - Extraction from compressor stage #5 for bleed to exhaust, external turbine stator cooling and sealing air around bearing #2 during start-up and shutdown - and cooling to turbine stator stage #3 during start-up and shutdown, including temperature measurement, strainer with difr. pressure transmitter, butterfly valve, orifice and bleed valve. - Extraction from compressor stage # 1 0 for bleed to exhaust during start-up and shutdown - and cooling of turbine stator stage #2 and air supply to the balance piston during start-up, operation and shutdown, including temperanJre measurement, strainer with diff. pressme transmitter, butterfly valve, orifice and bleed valve. - Instruments and components for standard cooling and sealing airsystem p &m 993804Electric Start & Barring system including: - Static Frequency Converter (SFC). - Electric start and baIring motor with gearbox. - Driver shaft with bearings and free wheel (SSS-type) clutch. - Instruments and Components for Electric Starting & Barring system ~= ~~g~I'~~~1""'2.112Y21X13 ALSTC* Poww Sweden AS s.~ G8 T~ ~*" ~1X1(X1\818jg81 PIDIQ IndustrtaI T mine SegmentTooI8I8CQP8 d So4IPl'f S.-fd GTX100 1TH10088 Ed 3.- U Comment p&m 993813Lubricating Oil System designed for ISOVG46 mineral oil fuIfilling ALSTOM specification 8121-09 - Covering: - The Gas Turbine - The Speed Reduction Gear - The Generator - Carbon steel lube oil tank with 2 heaters. - Supply piping for the lube oil system in carbon steel, stainless steel downstream the filter to the GT. - Discharge piping in stainless steel. - Pumps and fan with redundant power supply. - 3 x 80% AC motor driven centrifugal type pumps (2 in operation and 1 in stand-by mode). The pumps are normally utilised to 2 x 50% but the SFC's and motors are designed to increase the capacity of the pumps during tranfer from the operational to the stand-by pump. - 1 x 100 % AC motor driven oil system ventilation fan. - Oil system ventilation filter with filter housing in stainless steel Each pump and the fan is driven by a Static Frequency Converter. DC back-up is provided on each pump and the fan by the 44OVDC battery feed to the SFCs. - 1 x 100 % water cooled lube oil cooler (plate type) designed for +95°F cooling media inlet temperature, including lub.oil piPIng - 2 x 100 % lube oil filter with delta P transmitter. - Instruments and Components for standard Lubricating Oil system. p&m 993836 Fire Extinguishing Syste~ CO2 - Fire detection and extinguishing system for the GT enclosure. - Fire detection system for the generator. - According to NFPA 12 (US code) - 1 x 100 % discharge for fire protection as above. - Piping, valves and nozzles. - Fire detection and portable Fire extinguishing in control module. - 5 IR detectors, 6 heat detectors covering the gas turbine and auxiliaries located inside the enclosure. B_M~8Iition24112312OO3 - ~~"~~~,Sw~~ S:lM8dun G88 T~ "-~"_;Ic; GTX1~ PIII*'O Industrial Turbine SegmentT~ d S~ S-~ GTX100 1TH1~ Ed ~ Doc...In.b.- 1TH10066 CI88tian de. 2/24/2003 Edaon 3 s~ P8g8 13 (28)GTX100- GENERAL & COMMERCIAL Project: GTX100 Standard Scope of Supply Comment - 4 smoke detectors in the generator enclosure - 4 smoke detectors in the control module - 2 warning lights located outside the GT encosure and 2 acoustic alarms (one CO2-driven and one electrically driven) located inside the GT enclosure. - 1 warning light, 1 CO2 blocked indication light and 1 manual release button, located outside each nonnal entrance door of the GT enclosure. - Central fire suppression unit for alarm and automatic extinguishing. The central unit is connected to the Advant control system for alarm announciation. - Instruments and Components for standard Fire Extinguishing system. 423 p&m 993826VentiIation system P&ill 992889/- - Weather louvers at the ventilation inlet and outlet of the GT enclosure. - Weather louvers at the ventilation inlet and outlet of the generator enclosure. - Silencers as required for the specified sound level, on ventilation inlet and outlet of the GT enclosure. - 1 stage air filter (barrier type, disposable) for the GT enclosure. - 1 stage air filter (barrier type, disposable) for the aircooled generator air inlet. - Shut off dampers on the ventilation inlet and the ventilation outlet of the GT enclosure. - 1 x 100 % AC motor driven fan placed in the ventilation outlet of the GT enclosure, i.e. GT enclosure subattnospheric pressure. - Air conditioning unit (lx1000/o) for the signal treattnent module- 1 x 100% AC driven fan placed in the ventilation inlet of the generator enclosure, i.e. generator enclosure overpressure. - Ventilation ducts in Carbon steel. 424 p&m 993829 Gas Detection System - 2 semi-conductor gas detectors, located in the ventilation outlet from the GT enclosure (one in low position and one in high position). 8888d an ~-- edition 24 1I23l2OO3 ALSTOM Power Sweden AS ~5:n ~~~ ~~TX1~ ~ Induslr1aJ Turbine Segment T ods\Scq)e of ~ SI8Id8R1 GTX100 1TH1006e Ed 3.doc Comment The detectors are connected to the Advant control system via the gas detection central unit. Each gas detector has an alarm and an engine shutdown level. p&m 993809 Gas Fuel System Gas fuel unit 1 - Gas isolation valve (spring closing, pneumatically operated) - Connection for N2 purging located at filter, for maintenance pm-pose. - 1 x 100% (3 micrometer) last chance coalescer filter with deltaP transmitter. - Total gas flow meter - Stainless steel piping downstream filter. - Gas Fuel unit 1, located outside the enclosure acc. to ALSTOM standard layout Gas fuel unit 2 - Two quick shut-offva1ves in series (spring closing, pneumatically operated). - Ventilation valve between the quick shut-off valve. - Ventilation valve between the isolation valve and the first quick shut-off valve - Gas control valve ( AC-servo motor operated) with position ttansducer, for the 2 pilot gas manifolds. - Pilot gas flow meter. - 2 pilot gas manifolds with 18 and 12 connection points respectively from each manifold to the 30 burners. - 1 main gas manifold with 30 connection points to the 30 burners. - Gas control valve (AC-servo motor operated) with position transducer, for main gas manifold. - All piping in gas fuel unit 2 and internal GT -skid piping in stainless steel - Ventilation lines to atmosphere, standard location above the- air intake filter. p&m 993802 Purge Air System - All internal piping. - 3 shut-offva1ves (spring closing type), Ion main supply line for pilot and main, 1 on pilot line and 1 on main line. ~ «I I-:i:i:==-""'" ecIbI 24 1/23/2003 ALSTOM Power Sweden AS ~~i5~ 1;;:~1X1001B18198t PIDIg Industrial Turbine Segment T~ of Supply SI81d8nI GTX100 rrH1~ Ed 3.dOC c-b8t ITH10066 ~.. 2/24/.2003 EdtimI 3 sq, P8O8 15 (28)GTX100 - GEN~L & COMMERCIAL Project: GTX100 Standard Comment Ventilation line with ventilation valve (spring opening type) to atmosphere. 439 P&ill 993837Ignition System - Namral gas fuel for gas supply to ignition burners during StarttIp. - Shut-off and vent valves (spring closing, pneumatically operated). - Pressure regulators. - Ignition burners and high energy spark plugs (see Item 300) 442 Cooling water system - Tenninal point at the lube oil cooler. 482 p&m 993818Instrument air system - Internal piping in stainless steel. - Instrument air supply by customer. 491' p&m 993828 Compressor washing system - Washing unit for compressor washing, consisting of: - Water tank with heater, level gauge and temperature gauge. - Detergent tank with heater, level gauge and temp. gauge. - Filter. - AC driven pump (reciprocating type). - Pressure regulating valve and pressure gauge. - Piping, inlet manifold and injection nozzles for offline washing. . - 7 manually operated drain valves with piping, to common location at skid edge, from the Gas Turbine (see Item 300 and 310)- Drain tank with transparent cover for level check and level gauge, including drain pump. - InstI11mentation and piping according to P&ID - Equipment acc. to "Safe area" area classification. Comment Part 5 - Generator Equipment according to MV Single Line Diagram WSOOO46E Generator type AMS 1250 A LG 3BSMOO3582-A 50,0 MY A at 104°F cooling air temperahJre and P.F. 0.8. - Frequency / speed/voltage: 60 Hz /1800 RPM /13.8 kV. Standard, NEMA. - Four pole (salient) three phase synchronous generator. - Protection/cooling form: TEPV - Brushless AC-exciter with rotating rectifier. - PMG for excitation power supply. - Insulation according to class F. - Temperature rise at rated output and P.F. 0.8 within class B absolute according to § 16.3.4ofIEC 34-1 within the ambient temperahJre range. - Temperature monitoring by Rm. - Vibration monitoring by accelerometers. - Lube oil supply from the turbine system. - Line and neutral side termination points for MV terminal enclosure. - Anti condensation heaters in the main machine, exciter and MY terminal box. - Separate junction boxes for instruments, excitation and heaters. 580 Excitation and voltage regulator system The system consists of an ABB ACIOO ContrOller and a power and measuring unit The system includes the following: - One single-phase thyriStor rectifier bridge. - Automatic Voltage Regulator (A VR) - Manual Voltage Regulator (MVR, Field current control). - Power factor control. - Reactive power control. - Excitation current limiter with cooling air bias. - Stator current limiter with cooling air bias - Under excitation limiter. aaled ~ ~- ecilkln 24 1/2312003 ALSTOM Power Sweden AS ~~~~ ~~ ~~TXI(X1\8udg8t PIDIg Industrial Turbine Segment T~ gf s~ St8ld8Jd GTXI00 fTH1CXM8 Ed ~ Comment 590 Generator Medium Voltage (MY) terminal enclosure Enclosure for line and neutral side MY equipment. Phase conductors of solid copper bars. Design prepared for various earthing options. 13,8 kV Max FLC (Full Load Current) 60Hz 15kV 38kV 9SkV 4OkA lOOkA IP55 Equipment data: Rated voltage: Rated c1In'ent: Rated frequency: Highest system voltage: Rated insulation level, 1 min 50/60 Hz: Impulse 1.2/50 microseconds, peak: Short circuit current, 1 sec.: Short circuit current, peak: Degree of protection: The enclosure accomodates the following: - Undrilled Cu busbars at lower end of enclosme suitable for cable or busduct connection. - Lightning/surge arrestors, line side. (3 nos. single phase units, connected YN). - Voltage transformers line side (3 nos. single phase units, connected YN). - Current transformers line side.(3 nos, 3 secondaries, 1 A/phase).- Generator stator terminals (6 nos.). - Generator star point. - Current transformers neutral side. (3 nos, 3 secondaries, 1A Iphase). - Neutral point resistor, lOA, 10 sec. - Excitation rectifier module with. transducers for electrical quantities. - Mobile earthing tool for maintenance work. ~~~8dibI~4!~~ AL~~~.O:~,~~~~~ S~ G8 T ~100\8udget ~ Industrial Turbine SegmentT~ fA s~ S GTX1CX1 !TH1CX8 Ed 3.doc Doc ITH10066 c..~da8 2/24/2003 EdIcwI 3 SIgI.u8 P8Q8 18 (28)GTX100. GENERAL & COMMERCIAL Project: GTX100 Standard Comment 620 Electrical auxiliary systems Electrical auxiliary systems as specified below:SLD X620029E 626 Motor Control Centre ABB MNS Light W MCC board, Isc = 35 kA. Supplies all consumers (except starting system) within the scope of supply and is provided with: - Withdrawable load break switch incomer with Volt- and Ammeters. - Withdrawable fuseless motor starters and MCCB feeders. Protection class IP2!, IP3! on the front and IP 20 internally. 625 Lube oil and control system Power Supply System The system provides AC and back-up DC power to the AC motor driven lube oil pumps and the oil ventilation fan of the turbine package. A UPS unit and a UPS distribution board for supply of the I&C equipment of the turbine is as well integrated within the free standing panel arrangement. The system is completely self contained and designed with low voltage panels from the ABB MNS Light W switchgear family and have protection class IP2l, (IP31 on the front and 1P20 internally) The panel arrangement contains the following equipment: - One AC power distribution board with MCCB breakers supplying the frequency converters, and the emergency battery charger. - One DC power distncution board with MCCB breakers supplying the frequency converters. - Static frequency converters for the lube oil pumps. - Static frequency for the oil ventilation fan. - One UPS unit with internal back-up battery. I hour autonomy time. B_~---8d4kIn~41/23f2Q03~__. AL~O~J~~~,s~~g S~ G88 T~ :'~.k ~TX1~ Pfk*Ig Industrial Turbine SegmentT~ of S.-v SI8III8nI GTX100 m1~ Ed ~ D 1TH10066 ~d8. 2/24/2003 E.-an 3 sq P.- 19 (28)GTX100 . GENERAL & COMMERCIAL Project: GTX100 Standard Scope of Supply Comment One UPS power MCB breaker board for I&C equipment. Emergency battery charger, 440 VDC. PLC based emergency back-up operation system. 440VDC sealed lead acid emergency battery. Capacity for a complete lOh emergency cool down cycle. Frequency converter( 5). - Starting frequency converter, ABB ACS607, 690V AC 50/60 Hz supply, protection class IP2l. Control equipment for automatic start-up, operation and shut down. Micro Processor based control, supervision and protection system with a PC based operators Station. The system is designed for highest possible operators friendliness with colour process graphics, log and alarm /event displays, printer for lists and hardcopies from the screen. The system has various openings to external computer systems. The system program provided is in the US English language. The following division of functionality described below constitutes the turbine control system: Operators station PC b8$ed (Windows 2000) operators interface, ABB process Portal A with necessary software to operate the GT in all operation modes. Midi tower type'computer with redundant Hot- Swop, RAID controllers. Software for on-line pro~mm1ng of the control system is included. A conventional hard wired back- up operation panel with instrumentation further described below is also included. The PC based operators interface consists of: - Desk mounted turbine HMI with 19" TFT screen, keyboard, mouse and inkjet colour printer. - MB300 interface to turbine controllers. B_~ ~41/23/2003 -. ~~O~~~.~~,~~~ S;\M8da... G.- TwIi.-PYoduCl :.~"-~.\GTX1~ PIk*'O Industrial Turbine Segment Tooj~ d ~ SI.-j8ld GTX100 mi1~ Ed 3.- Comment The as station performs apart from providing normal operators dialogue:- Trending and storing of process parameters. - Self diagnostics and displays of system and individual board status. The back-up panel includes the following: - Synchronisation instruments. - Generator f, U, P and Q meter. - Turbine "Start"/"Stop" push buttons. - Turbine "Trip reset" push button. - Governor "Increase" /"Decrease" push buttons. - A VR/MVR "Increase" I"Decrease" push buttons. - Generator CB "Open"I"Close" push buttons. - Synchronising mode selector, "Auto" !"Manual". - Synchronising "By-pass" push button. - Selector switch, "Local"I"Remote" operation. - Back-up panel "Enable" switch. - Start counter. - Operating, equivalent operating hour and cycle counter. - MWh and MY Arb counters. Main process controller ABB Advant AC400 The main Advant controller contains system and application programs to nm the mrbogenerator set, the programs are stored in Flash EPROM's. The main tasks of the AC400 controller are:- Analogue and Binary I/O handling. - Sequencer for start and stop. - Gas turbine set monitoring. Digital fuel governor The AC 160 controller contains system and application program for the correct governing of the GT set. The controller serves as well as the second channel of the dual channel GT protection system. The programs are stored in Flash EPROM's. The main tasks of the cntroller are: - Frequency/load control. - Gas turbine speed and temperature control control. - Gas turbine acceleration and deceleration control. B_~"---edl""2.1/23/2003 - AL~O!.P~e~.Sw~~ S:W8di8n a. T_~ ~TX1~ PrDIg Indus1rial Turbine Segment Toc8ISCXIPe d ~ SI8IQnI GTX100 rTH1CX8 Ed 3..mc Comment 631 Unit protection system Two ABB AC 160 controllers (2 independent process controllers) working with the principle "lout of 1" or "1 out of 2". All trip signals works with the principle of "fail safe", i.e. signal loss generates a turbine trip. The '"fail safe" principle is also valid for alarms. The system operates with 24 VDC Following signals are duplicated and works with the "1 out of 2" principle: - Turbine overspeed. - Flame supervision. - Purge time monitoring. - Ignition failure. - High exhaust gas temperature. - Low lubrication oil pressure. - High lubrication oil temperature. - Control equipment failure. All protection system actions are registered and informed to the operator on the main operators station. 631 Generator protection system Modularised micro processor based generator protection system (ABB Combiflex). Protection functions by dedicated protection modules. Tripping circuits, power supplies and protection modules in two sub systems as indicated below. IEEE-code(Sub) - Differential protection 87G (1) - Stator earthfault protection 59N (1) - Voltage restraint over 51 V (2) current protection Negative sequence protection Under excitation protection Over/under voltage protection Reverse power protection 46 (2) 40 (1) 59/27 (2) 32(1) ~ ITH10066 c..8land.- 2/24/2003 ~ 3 sv-n P8g8 22 (28)GTX100 . GENERAL & COMMERCtAL Project: GTX100 Standard Comment 58 (1) 12114*. (1) - Rotating diode fault protection- Over/under speed protection *) GT control system function Synchronising equipment Automatic and manual (semiautomatic) synchronising system for the Generator Circuit Breaker (GCB). The system is provided with a "Synchronising by-pass" switch for breaker closing against a "dead bus". Electrical installation - Control and instrumentation cables on the mrbine and- auxiliary systems skid to the signal treatment module. ~ 1TH10066 CI88b~ 2/24/2003 ~ 3 SIgI-.. P8Q8 - 23 (28)GTX100 . GENERAL & COMMERCIAL Project: GTX100 Standard Scope of Supply Comment Part 7 - Installation and building Enclosures - Weather proof, outdoor: - Acoustic enclosure for the Gas Turbine, auxiliaries, gear and Electric Generator. - Complete with access doors, emergency doors, walkways, stairs, intemallighting and a 8 tonnes maintenance overhead crane in the GT enclosure. - Signal treatment module located on the auxiliary skid, outside the GT enclosme. - Maintenance door for GT removal on left hand side (looking from the exhaust towards the air intake). Electrical and control equipment module(s) - Signal treatment module on the auxiliary systems skid containing:- Connection and turbine controler cabinets with Advant Fieldbus connection to the main controler and Operators station. - Weather proof, outdoor enclosure for the following electrical and control equipment:- Operators station - Control panels. - MCC - Starting frequency converter - Lube oil drive system - Emergency back-up battery (If included in the scope of supply)- UPS-unit for turbine controls (If included in the scope of supply)- Fire fighting panel (If included in the scope of supply) The module is provided with intemallighting, heating and air conditioning systems. All systems are tested together with the GT and auxiliary systems (factory tests). Foundation - Outline drawing of the foundation with static and dynamic loads Comment 731 Static air intake system Two stage filter elements - Prefilter of disposable barrier type - High efficiency filter: Inland (> 3 miles from sea) /City/Light Industy Ducting for standard outdoor installation with support structtn'e. Acoustical lined duct and silencer for the air intake ~ ITH10066 c de. 2/24/2003 ~ 3 ' S9I8IIn P8g8 25 (28)GTX100 - GENERAL & COMMERCIAL Project: GTX100 Standard Scope of Supply Comment Part 8 Inspection, erection, testing and commissioning Transport - Packaging for sea transport and maximum 3 months storage - Delivery acc. to INCOTERMS 2000 as per tender letter. - Rental of lifting tools for on/off loading during the erection period. The tools are property of ALSTOM. - Rental of transport/storage cover for main machinery unit and auxiliary unit. The weatherproof cover equipment is property of ALSTOM. Inspection - Quality control acc. to standard Inspection Plan 852 Factory tests - Balancing and overspeeding of the turbine and generator rotors. - Standard Gear test at the subsupplier's workshop - Standard Electric generator routine test at the subsupplier's workshop- Stationary testing: - System tests of the assembled equipment, including sequence test up to GT ignition (without engine rotation), with contract auxilliary systems and contract control equipment. Doc.-nb8r ITH10066 CIaIan- 2/24/2003 EI8IIn 3 s~ ~ 26 (28)GTX100 - GENERAL & COMMERCIAL Project: GTX100 Standard Scope of SUDDlv C4mment Part 9 Documentation, operation and maintenance Customer training - Customer training is excluded. For the safe and reliable operation it is recommended that training is included Spare parts 980 Documentation The Final Documentation is divided into four classes A, S, D and!: - A = Operating and Maintenance Documentation produced by ALSTOM Power - Bl = Technical Documentation produced by ALSTOM Power, used in Operation and Maintenance documentation - B2 = Technical Documentation produced by ALSTOM Power, not used in Operation and Maintenance documentation - Dl = Component Documentation provided by subsupplier, used in Operation and Maintenance documentation - D2 = Component Documentation provided by subsupplier, not used in Operation and Maintenance documentation- I = Test and Inspection documentation The Final Documentation includes the following documentationblocks: . 1. Documentation overview. This is an introduction to the final documentation structure and comprises key information on how to recognize and find the appropriate documents and how to understand the typical symbols used.. ~ 1TH10066 Cl8~da8 2/24/2003 EdNan 3 SIgI.aa.. P8g8 27 (28)GiX100 - GENERAL & COMMERCIAL Project: GTX100 Standard Comment - Documentation overview. Document class A. 2. Operator documentation. The Operator Documentation serves as the manual for operation of the gas ttJrbine and for handling the unit in emergencies. The included System Descriptions, P &IDs and technical data lists form an appropriate level of information for understanding the basic systems design and function. This part is mainly intended for the operation personnel. - Operation instruction, including fault procedures. Document c lass A. - System description. Document class B 1. - P&ID drawings. Document class B1. - Setting list and electrical load list. Document class B 1 3. Maintenance and Technical Documentation. The Maintenance and Technical Documentation is structured as an introducing Maintenance Documentation and the associated Technical Documentation contains detailed technical information. The technical part is further divided into documentation related to Components, Electrical-, Control- and Building Items. This part is mainly intended for the maintenance personnel. - Maintenance documentation. Document class A. - Component documentation - Component documentation, technical infoImation and data sheets (subsuppliers excluded). Document class B2. - Component documentation from subsupplier, Operation and Maintenance instructions. Document class D 1 - Component documentation from subsupplier, technical information and data sheets. Document class D2 - Electrical documentation. Document class B2. - Control documentation. Document class B2. . - Building documentation. Document class B2. Test and inspection documentation This includes inspections plans, different types of certificates for the electrical and mechanical equipment, and when these options are included, documentation regarding the erection and commissioning. - Test and mspection documentation. Document class I. Doo 1TH10066 ~~ 2124/2003 EdIIcwI 3 SIgI.-n P8g8 28 (28)GTX100 - GENER.t..L & COMMERCIAL Project: GTX100 Standard Comment Language and number of bind en: - Documentation in English for class A, B, D and I. - 3 copies of documentation for class A - 3 copies of documentation for class B - 3 copies of documentation for class D Binders Documentation Class A, B & D - 1 copy of binders for class I - Documentation in binders. Main exclusions - Supply of auxiliary power - Drain from terminal point - MV connection (cabling or busduct) between the generator and the generator cicuit breaker or step-up transfonner. - Generator circuit breaker. - L V power cables, installation materials and installation external of the GTG package~- Signal and control cables, installation materials and installation external of the GTG package. - Earthing network external to GTG set - All civil works including foundations - Embedded steel plates - Counterflanges, gaskets and bolts at terminal points - if not specifically agreed in final scope of supply. - Trial nm -Training - Exhaust system downstream the GT exhaust diffuser flange. The equipment downstream the GT exhaust diffuser flange must be designed and manufactured to meet the overall plant noise requirements. ATTACHMENT 17 (See LCMF Report Appendix E)