HomeMy WebLinkAboutDonlin Creek Project Feasibility Study Scope of Svcs est 2004Revisions to Scope of Work 1.Feasibility Study -On or Near Site Mine Generation See attached Exhibit A-1 for Revisions to the Scope of Work .These revisions are discussed below: A.Task 2 Revision Discussion:This primary focus of this task will be to concentrate on constructing a large coal plant at Bethel to supply the energy needs of the region and the Donlin Creek mine. Stage 1 of coal plant to be competed in the year 2008 rather than 2011,since Nova Gold has recently stated that it will need 40 MWs of power in 2008.Stage 2 is assumed to be completed in 2012.A smaller 15-20 MW coal plant to supply the energy needs of the region absent the development of the Donlin mine will not be investigated,since all efforts need to be focused on providing accurate costs associated with constructing and operating a large coal plant.The installation of 10-20 MW of backup diesel generation originally included as part of this task will be now be included as part of Task 2,in Exhibit B-1.Since Nova Gold wants 40 MWs of power by 2008,there will be little if any addition time after this study to reevaluate the results of the study before a decision is made to construct or not construct the coal plant at Bethel.Therefore,it is necessary to shift focus of this task to the 80 MW coal plants so that the funding available for this task will be effectively used to develop more accurate construction,operational and power costs associated with power supply option.- Suggested Revisions:Focus efforts on 80 MW coal plant.Delete work on 15-20 MW coal plant.Include 20 MW of backup diesel generation as part of Task 2 in Exhibit B-1. B.Task 3 Revisions Discussion:The original scope of work presumed that Nuvista would construct an on- shore power plant at Crooked Creek to supply the initial mine load as outlined in Task 2, Exhibit B-1.The emphasis has now been shifted to constructing a multiple barge- mounted power plant that would presumably be located at Bethel.Therefore,it is necessary to evaluate both a 3 and a 14 million fuel tank farm at Bethel. Suggested Revision:The scope of work for Task 3 modified to evaluate constructing both a3 and 14 million gallon fuel tank farm at Bethel. C.Task 5 Revisions: Discussion:All involved parties,including Nova Gold,have recognized construction of the 138 kV power line between Bethel and the mine site is a necessity first step in providing lower cost power to the region,regardless of whether long term power is supplied to the region and the mine,from a large generation plant located at Bethel or a intertie to the railbelt.Since Nova Gold wants 40 MWs of power by 2008,there will be little if any addition time after this study to reevaluate the results of the study before a decision is made to construct or not construct the 138 kV transmission line from Bethel to the Donlin mine.Therefore,it is necessary to shift focus of this task to 138 kV transmission system so that the funding available for this task will be effectively used to develop more accurate construction,operational and power costs associated with 138 kV transmission system.The feasibility level analysis of the SWGR system and wind generation,which was originally a part of the task could easily be postponed for a year without any adverse effect on the region and could be the subject matter of a latter study. It is estimated the cost of conducting a separate SWGR +wind generation feasibility study would be $100,000. Suggested Revision:Focus efforts on 138 kV transmission system.Delete evaluation of SWGR system and wind generation as part of this task and make these items the subject matter of a latter study. D.Results of Implementing Suggested Revisions.The result of implementing the above Suggested Revision will result in the development of more detailed feasibility level designs,more accurate construction,operational and power cost for the 138 kV transmission system and 80 MW coal plant.It is important to develop as accurate cost as practicable using the existing funding as there will be little if any addition time after this study to reevaluate the results of the study before a decision must be made to move forward with the construction of the 138 kV transmission line and/or 80 MW coal plant at Bethel. 2._Feasibility Study -On or Near Site Mine Generation See attached Exhibit B-1 for Revisions to the Scope of Work .These revisions are discussed below:: A.Change name of Feasibility Study to:Donlin Creek Mine Interim Power Supply B.Task 2 Revisions Discussion:The original scope of work submitted for the above feasibility study was to evaluate the feasibility of constructing a diesel power plant at Crooked Creek to supply the initial mine load estimated at approximately 25 MWs,for a period of 5-6 years,while lower cost long term permanent power is made available to the mine site.As suggested in the recent Calista Region Energy Needs Study Part I,long term power would be supply from a large coal plant built at Bethel and delivered to the mine site via a 138 kV transmission line.However,just recently Nova Gold has stated that the initial mine load would be in the order of 40 MWs.It would require a power plant with an installed capacity of approximately 55 MWs,assuming the use of 5 MW diesel generator sets,to reliably supply a 40 MW load.The above study suggest that the region and the mine would be better served by constructing generation facilities at Bethel and a 138 kV line to the mine rather than constructing a large generation plant at Crooked Creek to serve the mine load.Furthermore,all involved parties,including Nova Gold,have recognized construction of a power line between Bethel and the mine site is a necessity first step in providing lower cost power to the region,regardless of whether long term power is supplied to the region and the mine,from a large generation plant located at Bethel or a intertie to the railbelt. Suggested Revisions:The scope of work for Task 2 be amended to evaluate the feasibility of supplying the initial mine load of 40 MW from a barge mounted diesel plant located at Bethel rather than an on-shore power plant located at Crooked Creek.It is recognized that for various reasons the construction of the 138 kV transmission line may be delayed past 2008.To accommodate this contingency it is suggested that the diesel power plant be constructed on multiple barges that could not only be towed to Bethel,but also small enough to be towed up the Kuskokwim River to Crooked Creek,in the event construction of the 138 kV transmission line was delayed past 2008.Such an approach would provide maximum flexibility in locating the power plant. C.Task 3 Revisions Discussion:The original scope of work presumed that Nuvista would construct an on- shore power plant at Crooked Creek to supply the initial mine load as discussed in Task 1 above.The emphasis in Task 2 has now been shifted to constructing a multiple barge mounted power plant that would preferable be located at Bethel.The funds for Task 3 need to be redirected to evaluate constructing the fuel tank farm at Bethel rather Crooked Creek.In the event the 138 kV transmission line could not be built in a time manner,and the barge mounted power plant is located at Crooked Creek,Nuvista could looked to Nova Gold to construct the necessary fuel storage facilities. Suggested Revisions:The scope of work for Task 3 be modified to evaluate constructing the fuel tank farm at Bethel rather Crooked Creek.Note:Preliminary cost estimates were prepared by LCMF for an 8 million gallon fuel tank farm at Crooked Creek in Part II of the Calista Region Energy Needs Study.While these cost estimates will not be as accurate as the cost estimates that will be developed as part of the feasibility study,they can be used to estimate the cost of constructing fuel storage at Crooked Creek and the power costs associated with this option. D.Results of Implementing Suggested Revisions.The result of implementing the above Suggested Revision will result in the development of feasibility level design,cost estimates and economic evaluation of a multiple barge mounted power plant that can be used at either Bethel or Crooked Creek. EXHIBIT A-1 REVISED SCOPE OF SERVICES for Feasibility Study Bethel Coal Plant+138 KV and SWGR Transmission System Feasibility Study Bethel Coal Plantt+138 KV and SWGR Transmission System 1 INTRODUCTION The State of Alaska legislature has recently appropriated $280,000 to Nuvista for the purpose of conducting a feasibility study to examine the feasibility of constructing a coal-fired generation plant at or near Bethel,Alaska and regional transmission system to supply the electric power and energy needs of the Calista region.The following paragraphs describe the approach and methodology that will be used in preparing the feasibility study. SCOPE OF SERVICES Upon receipt of a notice-to-proceed,immediate steps will be undertaken to implement the work.The first step after receiving notice-to-proceed will be to meet with Client's personnel and/or representative to discuss and establish realistic timelines for completion of the feasibility study. The Scope of Services will be performed in a manner that is consistent with standard engineering feasibility study practices.To insure the work completed under each task corresponds to the realistic expectations of the Client,input and comments will be solicited from Client's personnel and/or representative throughout the course of preparing the study. A proposed seven-member project team has been assembled to prepare the feasibility study.Each team member has been carefully selected to supply an essential expertise that is necessary for the successful completion of the study.Each team member will be responsible for completing one or more of the eleven major project tasks.Mr.Frank Bettine will serve as the project manager and all team members will report directly to him.The following is a description of each task and work that will be completed as part of the Scope of Services provided. TASK 1 -PROJECT MANAGEMENT Description of Work Included: Mr.Bettine will serve as project manager and have overall responsibility for preparing the feasibility study.He will direct and oversee the work of the remaining team members,as well as perform specific tasks.At the end of each month he will provide Nuvista with a monthly progress report. These progress reports will summarize the work completed during the month and total percentage of work completed.He will conduct monthly progress meetings with Nuvista,AEA and other selected parties to discuss the progress of the study and to solicit comments and inputs. Feasibility Study Bethel Coal Plant+138 KV and SWGR Transmission System 2 TASK 2 -COAL PLANT FEASIBILITY DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATES Description of Work Included: This task will develop a feasibility design,construction and operational cost for building and operating a coal-fired power plant,to supply the electric energy needs of the Calista region,both with and without the development of the Donlin Creek gold mine project.It is assumed that any coal- plant constructed to supply the power needs of the Donlin Creek mine would be built in two stages: Stage 1 to be completed and operational on or about the year 2008 and Stage 2 to be completed and operational on or about the year 2012.It is also assumed that the total generation capacity of the coal plant will be in the neighborhood of 80 megawatts,with approximately one-half this amount installed by the year 2008.However,the final generation capacity and construction schedule will be determined following further consultations with Nova Gold:.The primary focus of this task will, be to develop accurate costs associated with constructing and operating a 80 MW +coal-plant to supply the power needs of the region and the Donlin Mine project.A field trip has been made to Bethel to identify potential locations for the power plant. Under this task a feasibility level design will be prepared in sufficient detail to obtain construction cost estimates accurate to within +15 percent of expected construction cost,which is typical of the accuracy associated with a feasibility level study.This will be accomplished by working closely with and soliciting cost estimates from qualified material suppliers and construction contractors.Various coal combustion technologies will be investigated to determine which technology will be the most appropriate. Since power costs are highly dependent on delivered coal costs,significant efforts will be expended to identify available coal sources and to accurately identify the cost of providing coal to a coal plant in Bethel. A district heating system feasibility level design will also be prepared for the purpose of obtaining a cost estimates for constructing and operating a district heating system in the community of Bethel. Waste heat from the coal-plant and/or interim barge mounted diesel power plant would be used to supply heat to the district heating system. TASK 3 -TANK FARM Description of Work Included: It is anticipated that a fuel oil tank farm facility,estimated to be in the range of 3,million gallons,will be constructed at the power plant site,to store the diesel fuel required to supply the slow speed diesel Feasibility Study Bethel Coal Plant+138 KV and SWGR Transmission System 3 20 MW backup/standby generation or a 14 million gallon facility to supply a 60 MW diesel plant .The final storage capacity will be determined as part of the study.Under this task a feasibility level design will prepared in sufficient detail to obtain construction cost estimates accurate to within +15 percent of expected construction cost.This task will be completed in conjunction with Task 3, Exhibit B-1. TASK 4 -POWER PLANT PERMITTING Description of Work Included: Prepare a preliminary listing of the required permits and licenses required for constructing and operating the power plant(s).Contact appropriate Federal,State and local agencies to solicit their comments and to insure that regulatory and institutional concerns are adequately and timely identified and given appropriate consideration.Review comments provided by various agencies and suggest potential mitigation measures.(Note:It is not intended that this environmental review qualify as an Environmental Assessment.)This task will be completed-in conjunction with Task 4, Exhibit B-1. TASK 5 -138 KV AND SWGR TRANSMISSION SYSTEM FEASIBILITY DESIGN,ROUTING AND CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATES,WIND GENERATION FEASIBILITY DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATES Description of Work Included: A feasibility level design will be prepared for the 138 kV transmission system proposed for construction to interconnect -Bethel to the Donlin Creek mine site.The design will be prepared in sufficient detail to obtain construction cost estimates accurate to within +15 percent of expected construction cost,which is typical of the accuracy associated with a feasibility level study.This will be accomplished by working closely with and soliciting cost estimates from qualified material suppliers and construction contractors.Various 138 kV transmission line structure types will be reviewed to determine which structure type or types will be the most appropriate for any particular terrain and soil condition.This task will be completed-in conjunction with Task 5 Exhibit B-1. TASK 6-LAND STATUS AND TRANSMISSION LINE ROUTING Land status along the proposed transmission routes will be researched and routes will be selected that Feasibility Study Bethel Coal Plant+138 KV and SWGR Transmission System 4 to the maximum extent possible are situated on lands conveyed to Calista Corporation and/or village native corporations but avoid native allotments.Calista Corporation will be consulted to determine land status,land ownership and preferred routes.This task will be completed-in conjunction with Task 6,Exhibit B-1. TASK 7 -TRANSMISSION LINE PERMITTING Description of Work Included: Prepare a preliminary listing of the required permits and licenses required for constructing and operating the proposed 138 kV and SWGR transmission system.Contact appropriate Federal,State and local agencies to solicit their comments and to insure that regulatory and institutional concerns are adequately and timely identified and given appropriate consideration.Review comments provided by various agencies and suggest potential mitigation measures.(Note:It is not intended that this environmental review qualify as an Environmental Assessment.)This task will be completed in conjunction with Task 7,Exhibit B-1. TASK 8-POWER SYSTEM STUDIES Description of Work Included: Power system studies will be performed on the complete proposed integrated power systems, consisting of the 80 MW +coal-plant at Bethel,plus 20 MW of backup diesel generation -Power system studies include preliminary power flow studies,short circuit studies and transient stability studies.The purpose of these studies is to evaluate the electrical performance of the power system under both normal and abnormal operating conditions.Results of these studies will be used to identify potential design or operational problems and modify the system design to minimize these potential problems.This task will be completed-in conjunction with Task 8,Exhibit B-1. TASK 9 -PUBLIC MEETINGS Description of Work Included: Following dissemination of the draft report conduct a public meeting in Bethel and Anchorage to solicit written and oral comments from the public and modify the study as appropriate.Document public comments and include as appendix in final report. Feasibility Study Bethel Coal Plant+138 KV and SWGR Transmission System 5 TASK 10-ECONOMIC ANALYSIS Description of Work Included: An economic analysis will be performed to determine the wholesale cost of power delivered to the Donlin Creek mine and the villages and communities in the Calista region.Detailed spreadsheets calculating the wholesale cost of power will be prepared to accomplish this task.These cost-of- power calculations will utilize the regional load and energy forecast derived in the Calista Region Energy Needs Study report.A sensitivity analysis will be performed to determine the sensitivity of power cost to load and energy requirements,capital costs and coal costs.The results of the analysis will be discussed in writing and summarized in various graphs and charts.The resulting wholesale power life cycle cost will then be compared against the alternative where power is imported from the railbelt via a high voltage transmission line to supply the energy needs of the region.Power cost associated with importing power from the railbelt will be obtained from the Calista Region Energy Needs Study report. TASK 11 --PREPARE DRAFT AND FINAL REPORT Description of Work Included: Timely prepare a draft report that contains discussion,analysis,findings,and recommendations of task completed as part of study.Provide Nuvista with two printed copies of the draft report,plus 20 copies of the report on compact disk in PDF format.The report will be prepared in such a manner that Nuvista can easily post the study on its internet site in PDF format. Due to the diverse backgrounds of the readers,the report must be organized and written in a manner that will meet the needs of all parties.The report will,to the extent possible,be written in simple non-technical terms.In addition,graphs,charts,appendices and glossaries will be developed to assist all parties in interpreting the data.The report will contain an executive summary,discussions of task completed,analysis,conclusions,recommendations,and appendices containing backup data, spreadsheets,written comments from various government agencies and public meetings. Prepare final report following dissemination of the draft report and receipt of comments.Provide Nuvista with two printed copies of the final report,plus 20 copies of the report on compact disk in PDF format.The report will be prepared in such a manner that Nuvista can easily post the study on its internet site in PDF format. Feasibility Study Bethel Coal Plantt+138 KV and SWGR Transmission System 6 PROJECT TEAM AND TASK RESPONSIBILITY The following is a listing of the proposed project team members selected by Contractor to assist in preparation of the feasibility report along with a listing of their respective primary task(s) responsibility.Unless notified otherwise by Client,it will be presumed that Contractor may retain the services of these team members with out the need of soliciting competing proposals from other firms. Proposed Project Team Member Primary Task(s)Responsibility Precision Energy Services,Inc.2,9,10 Frank J.Bettine,P.E.,Esq.,LLC 1,5,6,9,10,11 Electric Power Systems,Inc.8 Steigers Corp.4 LCMF,Incorporated 2,3 Travis Peterson Environmental Consulting,Inc.7 Calista Corporation 6 Feasibility Study Bethel Coal Plantt+138 KV and SWGR Transmission System 7 LUMP SUM COST SEPARATE BY TASK The following is a breakdown of the lump sum cost by task.This information is provided to Client for information purposes only.Contractor reserves the right to redistribute the funds between tasks as Contractor deems necessary.No change in Lump Sum Cost Task Number Cost 1 $5,700 2 $136,725 3 $2,920 4 $14,250 5 $29,150 6 $14,380 7 $13,165 8 $17,750 9 $11,320 10 $10,800 11 $10,200 Total Lump Sum Cost $266,360 Feasibility Study Bethel Coal Plant+138 KV and SWGR Transmission System 8 EXHIBIT B-1 REVISED SCOPE OF SERVICES for Feasibility Study DONLIN CREEK MINE INTERIM POWER SUPPLY Feasibility Study Donlin Creek Mine Interim Power Supply INTRODUCTION The State of Alaska legislature has recently appropriated $200,000 to Nuvista for the purpose of conducting a feasibility study to examine the feasibility of constructing a combustion turbine or slow speed diesel plant at or near the Donlin Creek mine site.The following paragraphs describe the approach and methodology that will be used in preparing the feasibility study. SCOPE OF SERVICES Upon receipt of a notice-to-proceed,immediate steps will be undertaken to implement the work.The first step after receiving notice-to-proceed will be to meet with Client's personnel and/or representative to discuss and establish realistic timelines for completion of the feasibility study. The Scope of Services will be performed in a manner that is consistent with standard engineering feasibility study practices.To insure the work completed under each task corresponds to the realistic expectations of the Client,input and comments will be solicited from Client's personnel and/or representative throughout the course of preparing the study. A proposed seven-member project team has been assembled to prepare the feasibility study.Each team member has been carefully selected to supply an essential expertise that is necessary for the successful completion of the study.Each team member will be responsible for completing one or more of the eleven major project tasks.Mr.Frank Bettine will serve as the project manager and all team members will report directly to him.The following is description of each task and work that will be completed as part of the Scope of Services provided. TASK 1 -PROJECT MANAGEMENT Description of Work Included: Mr.Bettine will serve as project manager and have overall responsibility for preparing the feasibility study.He will direct and oversee the work of the remaining team members,as well as perform specific tasks.At the end of each month he will provide Nuvista with a monthly progress report. These progress reports will summarize the work completed during the month and total percentage of work completed.He will conduct monthly progress meeting with Nuvista,AEA and other selected parties to discuss the progress of the study and to solicit comments and inputs. TASK 2 -POWER PLANT FEASIBILITY DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATES Description of Work Included: This task will develop a feasibility design,construction and operational cost for building and Feasibility Study Donlin Creek Mine Interim Power Supply operating a 40-45 MW low speed multi-barge mounted diesel power plant to supply the electric power and energy needs of the Donlin Creek mine.Part I of the Calista Region Energy Needs Study suggest that a mine load of 40+MW would most economically served from a power plant located at Bethel rather than at Crooked Creek.Therefore,the primarily focus of this study will be to evaluate the feasibility of locating the power barges at Bethel (85-90%effort)with secondary effort (10-15%)on evaluating the feasibility of locating the power barges at Crooked Creek.It is assumed that any plant constructed to supply the power needs of the Donlin Creek mine will need to be operational on or about the year 2008.A field trip has been made to the Bethel and Crooked Creek area to identify a proposed location(s)for the power plant. Under this task a feasibility level design will be prepared in sufficient detail to obtain construction cost estimates accurate to within +15 percent of expected construction cost,which is typical of the accuracy associated with feasibility level study.This will be accomplished by working closely with and soliciting cost estimates from qualified material suppliers and construction contractors. Since power costs are highly dependent on delivered diesel fuel costs,significant efforts will be expended to identify available fuel sources and to accurately identify the cost of providing #1,#2 and #4 fuel to supply the power plant. Using waste heat from the power plant to heat the fuel stored in the tank farm allowing the use of lower cost #2 or perhaps #4 diesel fuels will be evaluated where deemed practicable. TASK 3 -TANK FARM Description of Work Included: It is anticipated that a fuel oil tank farm facility,estimated to be in the range of 12 million gallons, will be constructed at the power plant site,to store the diesel fuel required to supply the slow speed diesel generation.85-90%of the effort will be expended for evaluating facilities at Bethel and 10- 15%will be expended for evaluating facilities at Crooked Creek.The final storage capacity will be determined as part of the study.Under this task a feasibility level design will be prepared in sufficient detail to obtain construction cost estimates accurate to within +15 percent of expected construction cost.This task will be completed in conjunction with Task 3,Exhibit A-1. TASK 4 -POWER PLANT PERMITTING Description of Work Included: Prepare a preliminary listing of the required permits and licenses required for constructing and operating the power plant(s)and fuel oil tank farm facilities.Contact appropriate Federal,State and local agencies to solicit their comments and to insure that regulatory and institutional concerns are adequately and timely identified and given appropriate consideration.Review comments provided by various agencies and suggest potential mitigation measures.85-90%of the effort will be expended for evaluating facilities at Bethel and 10-15%will be expended for Feasibility Study Donlin Creek Mine Interim Power Supply evaluating facilities at Crooked Creek.This task will be completed in conjunction with Task 4, Exhibit A-1.(Note:It is not intended that this environmental review qualify as an Environmental Assessment.) TASK 5 -138 KV TRANSMISSION SYSTEM FEASIBILITY DESIGN Description of Work Included: A feasibility level design will be prepared for the 138 kV transmission proposed for construction to interconnect the power plant,if located at Crooked Creek,to the Donlin Creek mine site.The design will be prepared in sufficient detail to obtain construction cost estimates accurate to within +15 percent of expected construction cost,which is typical of the accuracy associated with a feasibility level study.This will be accomplished by working closely with and soliciting cost estimates from qualified material suppliers and construction contractors.Various 138 kV transmission line structures types will be reviewed to determine which structure type or types will be the most appropriate for any particular terrain and soil condition.This task will be completed in conjunction with Task 5,Exhibit A-1. TASK 6--LAND STATUS AND TRANSMISSION LINE ROUTING Land status along the proposed transmission routes will be researched and routes will be selected that to the maximum extent possible are situated on lands conveyed to Calista Corporation and/or village native corporations but avoid native allotments.Calista Corporation will be consulted to determine land status,land ownership and preferred routes.This task will be completed in conjunction with Task 6,Exhibit A-1. TASK 7 -TRANSMISSION LINE PERMITTING Description of Work Included: Prepare a preliminary listing of the required permits and licenses required for constructing and operating the proposed 138 kV and SWGR transmission system.Contact appropriate Federal,State and local agencies to solicit their comments and to insure that regulatory and institutional concerns are adequately and timely identified and given appropriate consideration.Review comments provided by various agencies and suggest potential mitigation measures.This task will be completed in conjunction with Task 7,Exhibit A-1.(Note:It is not intended that this environmental review qualify as an Environmental Assessment.) TASK 8-POWER SYSTEM STUDIES Description of Work Included: Feasibility Study Donlin Creek Mine Interim Power Supply Power system studies will be performed on the proposed power systems,consisting of the 40-45 MW power plant at Bethel or Crooked Creek a proposed 138 kV transmission line connecting the mine site to the power plant at Bethel or Crooked Creek.Power system studies would include preliminary power flow studies,short circuit studies and transient stability studies.The purpose of these studies is to evaluate the electrical performance of the power system under both normal and abnormal operating conditions.Results of these studies will be used to identify potential design or operational problems and modify the system design to minimize these potential problems.This task will be completed in conjunction with Task 8,Exhibit A-1. TASK 9 -PUBLIC MEETINGS Description of Work Included: Following dissemination of the draft report conduct a public meeting in Bethel and Anchorage to solicit written and oral comments from the public and modify the study as appropriate.Document public comments and include as appendix in final report.This task will be completed in conjunction with Task 9,Exhibit A-1. TASK 10-ECONOMIC ANALYSIS Description of Work Included: An economic analysis will be performed to determine the wholesale cost of power delivered to the Donlin Creek mine Detailed spreadsheets calculating the wholesale cost of power will be prepared to accomplish this task.These cost-of-power cost calculations will utilize the load and energy forecast derived in the Calista Region Energy Needs Study report and as updated by Nova Gold.A sensitivity analysis will be performed to determine the sensitivity of power cost to load and energy requirements,capital costs and coal costs.The results of the analysis will be discussed in writing and summarized in various graphs and charts.The resulting wholesale power life cycle cost will then be compared against the alternative where power is imported from the railbelt via a high voltage transmission line to supply the energy needs of the region.Power cost associated with importing power from the railbelt will be obtained from the Calista Region Energy Needs Study report.This task will be completed in conjunction with Task 10,Exhibit A-1. TASK 11 -PREPARE DRAFT AND FINAL REPORT Description of Work Included: Timely prepare a draft report that contains discussion,analysis,findings,and recommendations of task completed as part of study.Provide Nuvista with two printed copies of the draft report,plus 20 copies of the report on compact disk in PDF format.The report will be prepared in such a manner that Nuvista can easily post the study on its internet site in PDF format. Feasibility Study Donlin Creek Mine Interim Power Supply Due to the diverse backgrounds of the reader,the report must be organized and written in a manner that will meet the needs of all parties.The report will,to the extent possible,be written in simple non-technical terms.In addition,graphs,charts,appendices and glossaries will be developed to assist all parties in interpreting the data.The report will contain an executive summary,discussions of task completed,analysis,conclusions,recommendations,and appendices containing backup data, spreadsheets,written comments from various government agencies and public meetings. Prepare final report following dissemination of the draft report and receipt of comments.Provide Nuvista with two printed copies of the final report,plus 20 copies of the report on compact disk in PDF format.The report will be prepared in such a manner that Nuvista can be easily post the study on its internet site in PDF format. PROJECT TEAM AND TASK RESPONSIBILITY The following is a listing of the proposed project team members selected by Contractor to assist in preparation of the feasibility report along with a listing of their respective primary task(s) responsibility.Unless notified otherwise by Client,it will be presumed that Contractor may retain the services of these team members with out the need of soliciting competing proposal from other firms. Proposed Project Team Member Primary Task(s)Responsibility Precision Energy Services,Inc.2,9,10 Frank J.Bettine,P.E.,Esq.,LLC 1,5,6,9,10,11 Electric Power Systems,Inc.8 Steigers Corp.4 LCMF,Incorporated 2,3 Travis Peterson Environmental Consulting,Inc.7 Calista Corporation 6 LUMP SUM COST SEPARATE BY TASK The following is a breakdown of the lump sum cost by task.This information is provided to Client for information purposes only.Contractor reserves the right to redistribute the funds | between tasks as Contractor deems necessary.No Change in Lump Sum Cost Feasibility Study Donlin Creek Mine Interim Power Supply Task Number Cost 1 $4,750 2 $91,195 3 $10,950 4 $9,185 5 $21,100 6 $9,840 7 $8,900 8 $12,850 9 $8,570 10 $7,920 11 $6,180 Total Lump Sum Cost $191,440 Feasibility Study Donlin Creek Mine Interim Power Supply