HomeMy WebLinkAboutDonlin Creek Mine Evaluation Study 1999ALASKA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AND EXPORT AUTHORITY f=..[_-<)ALASAUTHORITY 813 WEST NORTHERN LIGHTS BLVD.*ANCHORAGE,ALASKA 99503.*907/269-3000 ©FAX 907/269-3044 TOLL FREE (ALASKA ONLY)888 /300-8534 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL TO:TK Me Kuro Date 4/279 /reod Project No.Blood CHAM DEAL Subject:AUeAD PNA "39 G51 787% [|]Hand Deliver 2 U.S.MailOvernight Delivery [.]Pick-up [|]Facsimile WE ARE SENDING:[Hr Attached [-]Under separate cover via the following item(s): COPIES DATED DESCRIPTION l BAIN)|Dotiat'CRL Abt.diz SPibe EVELUAIID STAYBYFAD [-]For signature []Approved as submitted []Resubmit fA For your information [-]Approved as noted (_]'Return for correction []As requested [-}Review and comment ,2)Remarks:Cont PUNLEE [apd er's Ait ENECOWL.OK CHR. ASL)THA?TC FoQuKRD Tin 7%YOU./4NSt Lowe MZ fA CALL AP72R Yoo Have,Ho A CHALE LE. L. cet SIGNED:7LELL.Lo DONLIN CREEK MINE LATE STAGE EVALUATION STUDY Prepared For: PLACER DOME TECHNICAL SERVICES LTD. Prepared By: PERATROVICH,NOTTINGHAM &DRAGE,INC. 1506 West 36"Avenue Anchorage,Alaska 99503 March 1,1999' Page 1 of2 - ,S-2 John Wood From:John Wood Sent:Wednesday,August 08,2001 12:55 PM To:'timm@asrc.com' Ce:'bob.hutchinson@cominco.com';'jim.johnsrud@cominco.com' Subject:FW:Delivered Costs of Fuel to Bethel Power Station Good afternoon Teresa! FY|.|asked Steve Hunt and Bill Wong work me up a "back of the napkin"transportation cost of coal fromDeadfallSynclinetoBethel.Steve's cost,$44/ton,included full DMTS tarriff for loading from the bargeloader,but no capital or maintenance costs for the Red Dog-Deadfall road.You could do a lot of play with thenumbers.Bill's analysis below,comparing diesel to coal on a cost per million btu,puts some perspective onwhatthecostmeans.At any rate,it seems to me that the next level of feasibility study is justified.(You mayhavealreadydonethis.)Enjoy!ohn PS,when you have a few minutes give me a Call to discuss. one--Original Message----- From:Bill Wong [mailto:bwong@sandwell.com] Sent:Wednesday,August 08,2001 11:10 AM To:John Wood Ce:Steve Hunt Subject:Delivered Costs of Fuel to Bethel Power Station John: To followis a summary of a rough evaluation to compare t!the delivered costs (per million Btu)of dieselfuelversusDFScoal. Assumptions used in evaluation: Delivered cost of diesel fuel $0.90 per gallon (range between $0.60 to $0.90 per gallon) Heat content of diesel fuel-about 19,000 Btu per Ib Approximately 7 Ibs per gallon Average heat content of DFS coal -12,500 Btu per Ib Mining cost (based on 1 million tons per year from Aluaq Mine study report)-$30.00 per ton Profit from mining to ASRC of 15%-$4.50 per ton Transportation cost for coal -$44.00 per ton,as per Steve Hunt's e-mail dated August 3rd Cost per million Btu of diesel fuel delivered to Bethel: e Heating value per gallong diesel:19,000 Btu per Ib.x 7 Ibs per gallon =133,000 Btu e Cost per million Btu =($0.90 per gal /133,000 per gal)x 1 million =$6.70 Cost per million Btu of DFS coal delivered to Bethel: e Total cost of DFS coal delivered to Bethel =$30.00 +4.50 +44.00 =$78.50 per ton e Cost per lb of DFS coal =$78.50 /2000 Ibs =$0.03925 per Ib e Cost per million Btu =($0.03925 per Ib /12,500 per Ib)x 1 million =$3.10 Sensitivity analysis: e If diese!fuel is only $0.60 per gallon,then cost per million Btu of diesel fuel drops to $4.50. e If mining only 500,000 tons of coal per year,then mining cost increases by about $5.00 per ton, then cost per million Btu of DFS coal increases to $3.30. e lf transportation cost for DFS coal increases by 10%and mining remains at 1 million tons per 8/8/01 Page 2 of 2 year,then cost per million Btu of DFS coal increases to $3.30. e lf transportation cost for DFS coal increases by 10%and mining only 500,000 tons per year,then cost per million Btu of DFS coal increases to $3.50 From this quick evaluation,it would appear that DFS coal would be very competitive with diesel fuel forfiringtheproposedpowerstationatBethel. If you have any questions,please call Steve Hunt or me. Sincere Regards Bill Wong W.F.(Bill)Wong,P.Eng. Sandwell Engineering Inc. 1045 Howe Street,Vancouver,B.C.V6Z 2A9 Phone:(604)638-4781;Fax:(604)688-5913 E-Mail:bwong@sandwell.com 8/8/01 Coal Transportation -DMTS -Bethel Page |of1 SR John Wood From:Steve Hunt [steve._hunt@amec.com] Sent:Friday,August 03,2001 1:32 PM To:'Jwood@aidea.org' Ce:'pwong@sandwell.com' Subject:Coal Transportation -DMTS -Bethel John: Bill Wong of Sandwell and |got together yesterday and ballpark-estimated the cost of marine transportation orcoalfromtheDMTSPortFacilitytoBethelAlaska.Our assumptions were as follows: The goal is to transport about 500,000 tpy of coal The shipping season at the DMTSis about 90 daysTheseadistanceappearedtobeabout650nm,but we didn't accurately measure this. We assumed that the river is navigable to the existing barge dock at Bethel. We estimated that a large 6,000 hp ocean going tug towing 2 10,000 DWT barges could make about 10 trips per season,or roughly 200,000 t.This works out to about 9 days per round trip.Travel time is 5.5daysat10knotsaveragespeedwith3.5 days for loading and unloading.We did not deduct time for weather,so this may be optimistic e We assumed that the tugs and barges would be based in Seattle in the winter.Mob/demob costs were estimated. The estimated ocean transport costis roughly $11-12/t,including fuel,labour and amortization cost on tugsandbarges.This would give you 1 tug and 2 barges,with an annual transport capacity of 200,000 t.For500,000 t,you would need 3 tug and barge sets.Unit costs would bea little higher for the 3rd tug and bargeset,as it wouldn't work the whole summer and mob/demob would be higher on a unit cost basis. The cost to handle coal at the Bethe!end would be at least $2/t,exclusive of any port tariff.We assume that aFrontEndLoaderwouldoffloadthebargesintoportableconveyorsontostoragenearthebeach. A rough total cost from Mine to Bethel,using the figures we discussed with you yesterday is as follows: $1/t to load at mine $18/t to truck to DMT $12/t tariff to load at DMT $11/t for ocean freight $2/ttooffload$44/t total cost Best Regards, AMEC E&C Services Ltd. Steve Hunt,P.Eng. Manager,Ports and Infrastructure Direct telephone:604-664-4493 Fax:604-664-3568 Cellular:604-603-1311 emait:steve.hunt@amec.com 8/3/01 DONLIN CREEK MINE LATE STAGE EVALUATION STUDY Fetasegeste. ae 2 ORG Mega Mt om ".HOUR?oe ae bi en tel -aan ROSH geet og Ene svmnacee anteeeeeen . Prepared For: PLACER DOME TECHNICAL SERVICES LTD. Prepared By: PERATROVICH,NOTTINGHAM &DRAGE,INC. 1506 West 36"Avenue Anchorage,Alaska 99503 March 1,1999 PROJECT LOCATION MAP BARROW sehpenat oewuxers KOTZEBNE t> ee ae e NOME ; PROJECT LOCATION a ° DONLIN CREEK PROJECT 4 OS FAIRBANKS toS|fQBETHELANCHORAGE Nv °DILLINGHAM ® ?, ° L Ye past? "5 ea KODIAKca)UNALASKA/DUTCH HARBQR 7 ne Se ,oF puaskhoo EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.........ccscssccscssssssesscrssssssessarsnsnscsssecssssoceesersessassscssorseenonsonscanesosenssossenessessees 1 1.INTRODUCTION...eccccssscesceesssseesscscensessensceasessseessecsesscessasnaseassccessesseneecessensecssecesneensness 7 1.1 General discussion: 1.2 Proposed transportation route alignments: 1.3 Design criteria: 2.CLIMATOLOGICAL INFORMATION 2.1 General discussion: 2.2 Climate stations: 3.REGIONAL GEOLOGY............ceseeee 3.1 General discussion: 3.2 Geologic background: 3.3 Permafrost conditions: 4.LAND STATUS.....cc escescrentueeeneneeee 4.1 General discussion: 4.2 Summary of ownership status: 5.REPORT DEVELOPMENT................- 5.1 General discussion: 5.2 Limitations of the study: 6.HYDROLOGICAL ANALYSIS AND STREAM CROSSING STRUCTURES 6.1 General discussion 6.2 Hydrologic analysis 18 196.3 Stream crossing structures 8.TRANSPORTATION ROUTES 9.BARGE DOCK FACILITIES 7.ICE GROWTH 7.1 General discussion: 7.2 Existing ice records: 7.3 Predictions of ice growth and ice conditions: 7.4 Factors influencing ice strength: 7.5 Bearing strength of ice covers: 7.6 Ice road potential for HS20 trucks: 7.7 Artificial ice roads: 7.8 Summary of ice growth potential: 8.1 General discussion: 8.2 Typical roadway sections: 8.3 Typical bridge sections 8.4 Transportation route descriptions: Kuskokwim River Overview: Kuskokwim River Communities: Kuskokwim River Hydrology: Kuskokwim River Barging -Hydrologic Issues: Kuskokwim River Barging -Logistical Issues: Yukon River via the mouth: Yukon River via Upriver Locations: 8.5 Transportation shortfall 8.6 Road construction materials: 9.1 General discussion: 9.2 Potential barge dock configurations: 439.3 Kuskokwim River dock locations: 9.4 Yukon River Dock Locations:43 10.ALTERNATE TRANSPORTATION CONCEPTG........csscscssssssssersssssscescrssresessseserscnranesssnens 10.1 General discussion: 10.2 Pipelines 10.3 Power generating facility located at the River site: 11.COST ANALYSIS...........sessscessceesstesccsssnssscssssessssnssensneesanenscessensesnseusvessnsoscesssnsestssssessnessseenaees 11.1 General discussion: 11.2 General cost factors for road construction 11.3 All weather gravel road cost summary: 11.4 Road construction materials royalty 11.5 General cost factors for ice road construction 11.6 Ice road cost summary: 11.7 Barge dock cost summary: 11.8 Pipeline and tank farm costs: 11.9 Fuel costs: 11.10 Construction materials 11.11 Airfield options 11.12 Miscellaneous infrastructure: 12.SUMMARY ..........ccscccsssscssssssssssnenscenssesscessnsuscessceusesseusnsussorsnasesseensceenseeesesesseenassnasesnerseneeasesens 13.REFERENCES.............csscsssssseessssssssesssnssssssessnseessusssancessnsssaseseansessenaseesseesesseesersersnseseaneneensees APPENDICES APPENDIX A Climatic and Community Summaries APPENDIX B Hydrology Calculations APPENDIX C Sheet Pile Barge Dock Concepts APPENDIX D Road and Pipeline Sections APPENDIX E Bridge Concepts APPENDIX F Preliminary Route Alternatives APPENDIX G Tug &Barge Information APPENDIX H Fuel Data Petro Star Inc.Memorandum Report on Specifications &Supply Issues Shaeffer's Lubricants Report APPENDIX | Proposed Additional Field Work Executive Summary In September 1996 Placer Dome Technical Services Ltd.(PDTS)requested Peratrovich, Nottingham,&Drage,Inc.(PN&D)to evaluate road alternatives and develop barge dock site concepts on the Yukon and Kuskokwim Rivers to service Donlin Creek Mine.The purpose of a road would be to transport freight and diesel fuel from a barge dock on either the Kuskokwim River near Crooked Creek or the Yukon River in the Holy Cross area to the Donlin Creek mine site. In December 1998 PDTS requested that PN&D revisit the original report,update costs, investigate the Kuskokwim barge route in more detail;investigate additional road routes from the Kuskokwim River to the Donlin Creek mine site;identify freight costs from the Seattle area and fuel costs from Alaskan refineries. To accomplish the new study,PN&D relied upon the previously obtained high altitude color infra-red and low altitude color aerial photography,and USGS 1:63,360 maps of the study area.Utilizing this information,combined with additional research,telephone interviews,meetings,and our previous Western Alaska experience,we developed the route alternatives,barge dock siting concepts and associated rough-order-of-magnitude (ROM)costs.The route and barge dock alternatives were developed without the benefit of a field investigation.A field reconniassance trip to verify our initial findings should be undertaken before a route alternative is selected. Six road route alternatives were identified (refer to map on page 3)and from these ROM costs were developed for road construction for both a HS20-44 loading and a U-102 loading.Included in these costs are preliminary bridge and culvert costs.Three of the route alternatives (J1,J2 &J3)access the Kuskokwim River with an additional route (C1) accessing Crooked Creek village.The other two route alternatives (Y1 &Y2)access the Yukon River.A potential barge dock location was identified on the Kuskokwim River and four were previously identified on the Yukon River and ROM costs were developed for each.The following table summarizes route ROM costs.These numbers can be defined more accurately after the necessary field information is obtained.Royalty costs for construction materials (rock,gravel,sand,etc.),right-of-way acquisition,construction camp costs,and permitting costs were not included;but 12%engineering and construction administration and 15%contingency are included. SUMMARY OF ROM ROAD CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATES' Two-Lane Road H20-44 Load Capacity Sum of ROM Costs (millions)Route Length|Const.|Eng.&|Contin-|RouteRoute|Road |Bridges|Culverts|Cost C.A.gency Cost!|(km)|(miles) Y1 $52.2 |$13.0 $4.8 $70.0 $8.4 $11.8 $90.2 99 61.5Y2$54.4 |$11.6 $4.4 $70.5 $8.5 $11.8 $90.8 |103 64.0 J1 $16.9 $1.4 $2.1 $20.4 $2.4 $3.4 $26.2 37 23.0 J2 $22.8 $0.8 $2.6 $26.2 $3.1 $4.4 $33.8 56 34.8 J3 $17.6 $1.4 $2.2 |$21.2 $2.5 $3.6 $27.3 41 25.5 C1 $6.0 $0.2 $0.8 $6.9 $0.8 $1.2 $8.9 13 8.1 Page 1 Single-Lane Road with Turn-Outs (2/mi.)H20-44 Load Capacity Sum of ROM Costs (millions)Route Length Const.|Eng.&|Contin-|RouteRoute|Road |Bridges |Culverts|.Cost C.A.|gency Cost!|(km)|(miles)Y1 $36.0 |$10.4 $3.9 -|$50.3 $6.0 |-$8.4 $64.7 99 61.5 Y2 $37.6 $9.3 $3.6 $50.4 $6.1 $8.5 $64.9 103 |64.0 J1 $11.8 $1.1 $1.7 $14.6 $1.7 $2.4 $18.8 37 23.0 J2 $15.1 $0.6 $2.1 $17.9 $2.1 $3.0 $23.1 56 34.8 J3 $12.2 $1.1 $1.7 $15.1 $1.8 $2.5 $19.4 41 25.5 C1 $4.1 $0.1 $0.6 $4.9 $0.6 $0.8 $6.3 13 8.1 Two-Lane Road U102 Load Capacity Sum of ROM Costs (millions)Route Length Const.|Eng.&|Contin-|RouteRoute|Road |Bridges|Culverts|Cost C.A.|gency Cost!|(km)|(miles)Y1 $53.5 |$18.3 $4.8 $76.7 $9.2 $12.9 $98.7 99 61.5 Y2 $55.8 |$16.2 $4.4 $76.4 $9.2 $12.8 $98.5 103 |64.0 J1 $17.9 $2.1 $2.1 $22.1 $2.6 $3.7 $28.4 37 23.0 J2 $24.6 $1.2 $2.6 $28.5 $3.4 $4.8 $36.7 56 34.8 J3 $18.4 $2.1 $2.2 $22.6 $2.7 $3.8 $29.2 41 25.5 C1 $6.2 $0.2 $0.8 $7.1 $0.9 $1.2 9.2$13 8.1 Single-Lane Road with Turn-Outs (2/mi.)U102 Load Capacity Sum of ROM Costs (millions)Route Length Const.|Eng.&|Contin-|RouteRoute|Road |Bridges |Culverts|Cost C.A |gency Cost!|(km)|(miles) Y1 $36.9 |$14.6 $3.9 $55.4 6.6 9.3 $71.3 99 61.5 Y2 $38.5 |$13.0 $3.6 $55.0 6.6 9.2 $70.8 103 |64.0 J1 $12.4 $1.7 $1.7 $15.8 1.9 2.6 $20.3 37 23.0 J2 $16.3 $1.0 $2.1 $19.4 2.3 3.3 $25.0 56 34.8 J3 $12.7 $1.7 $1.7 $16.1 1.9 2.7 $20.8 41 25.5 C1 $0.2 $0.6 $5.0 0.6 0.8 $6.5 13 8.1$4.3 Construction camp costs,permitting,road construction material royalties (see section 11.4)and right-of- way costs are not included.However,12%engineering and construction administration and a 15% contingency are included. The type of road selected determines the capital cost,however,the cheapest alternative is not always the least expensive in the long term.PN&D would recommend that serious consideration be given to the U-102 double lane road.While this is the most expensive option,it also has several benefits as follows: e safety -A double lane road reduces risk of accidents and running off the road. While there will not be a lot of heavy hauling,the hauling of fuel in this area will be very sensitive and a double lane road may be required by permitting. Page 2 Ml {gee :CROOKED CREEKL-”VILLAGE ROUTE SUMMARY Yl =+96KM (60 MI.)Y2 =+101KM (63 ML)J1 =+35KM (22 ML)J2 =+51KM (32 ML)J3 =+38KM (24ML)OUR CULER Cl =+13KM (8 ML)P AT TUNGIUK CREEK Boe cae on a cy BOMB INC es VLYZILIZ3 &ClfeeeeeLaeSTAGEEvaLsTioNStutyTelales saat Pe ee ae FeedkeWee |tatesHe faerieTatFaeFredaoaoxCwCCLSaarBreanOPWaeaeTeeRoemerSunesitBeeieSithsete,meer oe |L \BARCE.iK re 5 e operating loads -The U-102 loading will maximize truck size and minimize the number of trips required for hauling fuel and freight,thereby reducing the accident risk and hauling costs. e construction loads -The U-102 double lane road will maximize the size the module loads,thereby reducing construction costs.A single lane road would restrict module size to highway loads. PDTS provided annual freight and diesel fuel volumes for the proposed Donlin Creek operations.Unit costs for the transportation of fuel and freight is summarized for major routes and is presented in the table below. Fuel Type/Route Unit Unit Cost Unit Unit Cost Diesel #1 via all Y Routes Gallons $0.81-$0.87'Liters $0.214-$0.230 Diesel #2 via all Y Routes Gallons $0.75-$0.81'Liters $0.198-$0.214 Diesel #1 via all J Routes Gallons $0.86 Liters $0.227 Diesel #2 via all J Routes Gallons $0.80 Liters $0.211 Freight_via all Y Routes Tons $197 Tonnes $218 Freight via all J Routes Tons $190 Tonnes $210 1 Lower costs represent the Nenana route costs while higher costs represent theYukon R.mouth route.The Nenana route is limited to 5-6 million gallons/year. The relative advantages and disadvantages of the two identified transportation routes are 'presented below: Kuskokwim River Transportation Route Advantages: e shorter road route and less road maintenance road grade can be built to 5%or less road route can avoid federal land and be built only on state or TKC/Calista land shorter overall water/land transportation route infrastructure exists at the mouth of the Kuskokwim R.to handle fuel and freight transfers e fewer trucks required to haul fuel/freight from barge dock to mine site Disadvantages: e river's normal draft for barges is 1.5-m (5-feet)requiring smaller barges and more barge trips e river has more fluctuation in water depths with allow draft sometimes reaching 1.2- m (4-feet)during periods of low water thus increasing risk of freight/fuel shortfall e river is smaller than Yukon River and has more populous communities,therefore any increase in barge traffic will be more noticeable and thus more environmentally sensitive Page 3 Yukon River Transportation Route Advantages: e river's normal draft for barges is 2.4-m (8-feet)which allows for larger barges and fewer barge trips e river's "choke point”is at the mouth and is consistent at 2.4-m (8-feet)or deeper and there is very little fluctuation in the summer water flow,hence less risk e river is considerably larger than the Kuskokwim River,but has fewer and smaller communities,therefore any increase in barge traffic will be less noticeable e fuel and freight can be transported both up and down the river to the barge dock Disadvantages: e longer road route and higher road maintenance costs road grade can be built to 8%or less road route will cross federal,state,TKC/Calista and Del/Doyon lands longer overall water/land transportation route infrastructure does not exist at the mouth of the river to handle fuel and freight transfers.Nome would probably be utilized which is 225 km (140 miles)north across Norton Sound. e more trucks required to haul fuel/freight from barge dock to mine site PN&D concluded that it would be logisticly difficult,but feasible to transport both the required freight and fuel volume up the Kuskokwim River if strategies were adopted to address the river's hydrological risk.Three strategies to address the risk of not being abletobargetheannualfuel/freight requirements are presented below: 1.Establish delivery milestones during the open water season which the barge contractor is required to meet.For example:Require that 1/2 or 2/3 of the annual fuel requirement be delivered during the first 1/3 of the operating season. 2.Increase storage capacity at Bethel to 22.7-30.3 ML (6-8 million gallons)and hold fuel over during the winter so that as soon as the Kuskokwim River above Bethel is ice free barge traffic could begin.This would add approximately 2 weeks of high water (high barge volume)shipping to the normal operating season.The fuel capacity of the Bethel tank farm probably should be increased to ensure rapid turnaround of mainline fuel barges,therefore the real cost would be the price of money for holding the fuel from September until May. 3.Investigate dredging of "choke points”on the Kuskokwim River. Various barge dock configurations were investigated and reviewed.After meeting with the various barge companies a two dock layout was considered optimal.One barge dock would be dedicated to fuel deliveries as any disruption to the fuel delivery process could put the year around mine operation at risk.A second two-stage dock would be constructed to handle freight only.This dock would be adapted to ro-ro freight movements as well as crane operations.The estimated construction cost for these two docks is $3.16 million. Two tank farms are proposed for construction,one in close proximity to the barge dock and the other located at the mine site.The proposed tankage at the barge dock location is +85%(95.8 ML;25.3 million gals.)and at the mine site is 25%(28.4 ML;7.5 million gals.) of the projected annual requirements.The estimated construction cost for the two tank Page 4 farms and associated piping,containment areas and immediate infrastructure is $27.4 million. The construction of an annual ice road from the Yukon River to the Donlin Creek was also investigated.It was determined that this would be a difficult and risky undertaking;the timeavailablefortransportingtherequiredvolumeoffreightandfuelismarginal;and the risk of mishaps and environmental damage is high. A pipeline option from the Yukon River or the Kuskokwim River to Donlin Creek was also evaluated.The basic construction costs of a 15-20-cm.(6-8-inch)pipeline with associated facilities would be in the $394/m ($120/ft)range plus a 15%contingency or $453/m ($138/ft).The annual operating costs for the Yukon Route are estimated to be approximately $7.93/kI ($0.03/gallon)and for the Kuskokwom Route $5.28/kl ($0.02/gal). Another option would be to locate the power generating facility at the Yukon River or Kuskokwim River and construct power transmission lines to Donlin Creek.This alternative would require slightly lower capital costs than the previous option,but it would require a year-round presence at the power generating facility,and would result in the loss of waste heat. The following items are recommended for additional study and/or refinement: e determine rock royality e select road route e fly selected route and develop accurate aerial photo mapping (2-foot contours or 'less)suitable for computer assisted road design e determine actual land ownership along route (some land has been selected by native corporations but title has not been transferred),some corners may have to be located right of way acquisition e conduct route reconnaissance to verify office assumptions,develop actual road types,earthwork quantities,bridge lengths and material sources for more accurate cost estimates e conduct field investigations to determine actual barge dock and tank farm locations and refine costs e work with barge companies to obtain historical records for the Kuskokwim River to properly assess the low water risk e conduct field investigations of "choke points”to determine extent and possibility of dredging e Select a route and begin permitting process e conduct informational meetings in the local communities to identify permitting concerns,possible exclusionary dates which river and/or road activities would be restricted and general level of support Whatever option or combination of options is under consideration,field work will be required to verify office assumptions,refine the cost estimates,and acquire information necessary to design the required facilities and transportation infrastructure.A description of this proposed field work is in Appendix I. Route Color Map Page 5 1.Introduction 1.1 General discussion: This report investigates the viability,and ROM costs involved in the transportation of fuel and freight to the Donlin Creek Mine site,providing more detailed information than the previous report produced by PN&D in 1996.This study examines the barging operations in detail,addresses air transportation and refines the road routes and associated costs. The Donlin Creek project is a mineral deposit located in Western Alaska approximately 27 km (17 miles)north of the village of Crooked Creek,250 km (150 miles)northeast of the town of Bethel and 480km (300 miles)west of Anchorage (map,page ii).The ore body is currently being defined and evaluated by Placer Dome Technical Services Ltd. (PDTS)for future development. Peratrovich,Nottingham and Drage,Inc.(PN&D)was selected by PDTS to investigate transportation alternatives and develop transportation unit costs for servicing the Donlin Creek Mine.The mine site is located in a remote geographic location with no established direct transportation link.It is currently serviced by air and by ice road during the winter months.Due to the volume of annual freight,supplies and fuel required by the project, developing an economical mode of transportation will be critical to the success of the project.The mode of transportation must address the transport of both operating supplies and diesel fuel needs. The transportation options being considered in this report consist of a combination of barge service on the Kuskokwim River and/or Yukon River combined with road access to the project site.The focus of this report will be to evaluate the route options from the origin of both fuel and freight to the project site.Other options which might be considered include,transporting operating supplies by road;while utilizing a pipeline to transport the diesel fuel;constructing a power plant in the vicinity of the barge dock and utilizing a transmission line. 1.2 Proposed transportation route alignments: The following routes have been considered in the study: e Route J1 Donlin Creek to the Kuskokwim River at Jungjuk Creek:This proposed route consists of approximately 37 km (23.0 mi.)of road part of which is on federal land and runs from the mine site to the Kuskokwim River. e Route J2 Donlin Creek to the Kuskokwim River at Jungjuk Creek:This proposed route consists of approximately 56 km (34.8 mi.)of road and traverses high ground from the mine site to the Kuskokwim River. e Route J3 Donlin Creek to the Kuskokwim River at Jungjuk Creek:This proposed route consists of approximately 41 km (25.5 mi.)of road and avoids the federal land which route J1 traverses from the mine site to the Kuskokwim River. Page7 e Route C1 Route J1 or J2 to Crooked Creek:This proposed route consists of approximately 13 km (8.1 mi.)connecting the village of Crooked Creek with the mine access road. e Route Y1 Donlin Creek to the Yukon River at Red Wing Slough:This proposed route consists of approximately 99 km (61.5 mi.)of road and runs from the mine site through the Montana Creek drainage to the Yukon River. e Route Y2 Mine site to the Yukon River at Red Wing Slough:This proposed route consists of approximately 103 km (64 mi.)of road and runs on a more northerly route than route Y1 from the mine site to the Yukon River. 1.3 Design criteria: The following preliminary criteria were assumed for this study: Estimated Annual Freight Volume:36,290-tonnes (40,000-US tons) Mill consumables:21,770-tonnes (24,000-US tons) Explosives:11,340-tonnes (12,500-US tons) Food:1,360-tonnes (1,500-US tons) Mine consumables:910-tonnes (1,000-US tons) Miscellaneous supplies:910-tonnes (1,000-US tons) Estimated Annual Fuel Volume:30 million-US gal.or 92,530-tonnes (102,000-US tons) e Diesel Fuel-power plant:26.9 million-US gal or 82,970-tonnes (91,460-US tons) e Diesel Fuel -mobile equipment:3.1 million-US gal.or 9,560-tonnes (10,540- US tons) Estimated Construction Volumes:221,200-tonnes (243,830-US tons) e Mining equipment:4,000-tonnes (4,410-US tons) Process equipment:12,500-tonnes (13,780-US tons) Electrical equipment:12,000-tonnes (13,230-US tons) Steel structures:4,000-tonnes (4,410-US tons) Pre-engineered buildings:5,000-tonnes (5,510-US tons) Reinforcing steel:5,000-tonnes (5,510-US tons) Cement:12,500-tonnes (13,780-US tons) Aggregate &sand:150,000 tonnes (165,350-US tons) Form work and misc.supplies:1,000-tonnes (1,100-US tons) Piping:9,000-tonnes (9,920 US-tons) Plate work:700-tonnes (770-US tons) Food (construction):1,500-tonnes (1,650-US tons) Furniture &Miscellaneous:1,000-tonnes (1,100-US tons) Temporary construction equip.&offices:3,000-tonnes (3,310-US tons) Proposed Tank Farm Capacities (for trucked fuel option): Page 8 e Storage Capacity at Dock:+25.5 million gal.(10 mo.)or 78,650-tonnes (86,700- US tons) e Storage Capacity at Mine Site:+7.5 million gal.(3 mo.)23,130-tonnes (25,500-UStons) Design Vehicle Loads: e Maximum Vehicle Loading -U102 (AASHTO-tractor with trailer) e Optional Vehicle Loading-HS20-44 (AASHTO-tractor with trailer) U102 truck--GVW =102.5 tons (Axle loads are shown) 8,000 42,500 42,500 56,000 56,000Ibiz!6 ©O ©oFrpgPyag.ge 4-67T40 to 48°Tae 8000 Ibs 32000 Ibs 32000 Ibs 35.6 kN 142.3 kN 142.3 kN HS20-44 Loading Diagram Road Design Criteria: e Design Speed -55-KPH (+35-MPH) e Maximum Grade -8%(Yukon Routes),+5%(Kuskokwim Routes) e Road Width Single Lane -Single 4.6-meter (15-ft.)lane with pull-outs Double Lane -Two 4.6-meter (30-ft.)lanes e Road Surface -Gravel Page 9 2.Climatological Information 2.1 General discussion: Climatological data plays a role in many of the topics examined in this study.The following section provides a brief summary of the meteorological information which was available to PN&D during this project. 2.2 Climate stations: A number of daily-reporting weather stations are operating (or have previously operated) in the Donlin Creek Project general area.These stations generally collect data on air temperature and precipitation levels.Some stations also make observations of wind,sky cover,sunshine duration,and various other parameters.This data is usually reported hourly during daylight periods. All observations are eventually archived in the National Climatic Data Center.In Alaska, some 478 stations report to the NCDC database.The NCDC compiles these field observations into monthly summaries for each station. The University of Alaska's Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center has taken these monthly summaries and produced an overall compilation sheet for each station (Leslie,1989).Brief summaries for Crooked Creek and Holy Cross are provided in Appendix A. The following six sites were selected as being the closest to the project's study area: Station name Latitude Longitude Elevation (ft)Period of record (yrs) Holy Cross 62°27'N 155°35'W 200 70 Flat 62°26'N 158°01'W 326 15 Russian Mission 61°47'N 161°19'W 25 8 McGrath 62°58'N 155°37'W 344 45 Crooked Creek 61°52'N 158°06'W 128 15 Aniak 61°35'N 159°32'W 88 22 Sleetmute 61°42'N 157°10'W 225 10 Page 10 Temperature data from McGrath was selected as most representative of the climate at the mine site because it has a similar elevation and surrounding topography.This data is presented in Appendix A.From this data,the minimum and maximum expected temperatures were determined and graphed in Figure 2.1.The temperature extremes in McGrath are -59 °C (-74 °F)and 32 °C (90 °F). Annual Temperatures in McGrath 80 20 ft pun he YM Vy SM,&o fw fy vant.ra}1 "1 331 4/30 530 6/29 7/29 8/28 9127 0/27 1we6 12/26 20"ait-60 y -80 -100 Data ="Ave.Daly -Ave.Daily --*Max nin. Max.Temp Min.Temp Temp Temp °F °F "F °F Figure 2.1 Mean Monthly Precipitation 35 |LN \ 05 N77 wis rary wie ais 3/15 6/14 Tia 8/13 9/12 10812 Wt 12/11 Figure 2.2 Page 11 Precipitation will be heaviest during mid to late August reaching an average monthly maximum of about 76 mm (3 inches)as shown if figure 2.2.However,it should be pointed out that the precipitation in late May and early June will combine with snowmelt to create the highest water conditions of the year on all creeks and rivers. Expected snowfall was based on a composite of data retrieved from both McGrath and Crooked Creek.This data is presented in Figure 2.3 and indicates that a monthly maximum snowfall of 889 mm (35 inches)can be expected during any one month of the winter.Total annual snowfall averages about 1,473 mm (58 inches).January typically receives the heaviest snowfall and the lowest temperatures. Mean Monthly Snowfall depth(in)85JaS1S 14 3416 4S,$415 Si14 74 813 9r12 19/12 a 1344 -Crooked Creek Mean Snowfall -Crooked Creek Maximum Snowfall =McGrath mean snowfall McGrath Maximum Snowfatt Figure 2.3 Page 12 3.Regional Geology 3.1 General discussion: The following section discusses the surficial and bedrock geology of the Kuskokwim Hills region along the proposed transportation corridors to the Donlin Creek mine.Only those aspects of the geology that are germane to the construction of a transportation infrastructure were examined. 3.2 Geologic background: The basement rocks of the Kuskokwim Hills are composed of volcanic and sedimentary materials of Paleozoic and Mesozoic age,locally mantled by Tertiary and Quaternary volcanic basalts.These rocks are cut by northeast-trending faults that can be traced over great distances.Intrusive activity has been widespread and continuous throughout the mountain range;some of Alaska's richest mineral zones are associated with these granitic bodies. Unconsolidated materials comprise the surficial deposits that have accumulated on the land surface above the bedrock.In lowland areas these materials are thick and are important factors in development considerations.Knowledge of these deposits -clay, silt,sand,and gravel -is needed for the determination of availability of water,soil properties,type of vegetation,distribution of gravel resources,slope stability,and other engineering considerations. Most of the unconsolidated material is of glacial origin,deposited during the Pleistocene Age.As the glaciers advanced and retreated,a complex,interrelated series of deposits were produced by the interplay of three main agents -glacial ice,flowing water in streams and still water in ponds and lakes. 3.3 Permafrost conditions: According to the Permafrost Map of Alaska (Ferrians,1965),the project site and all alternative road corridors lie within a zone of extensive permafrost.Permafrost in this region is most likely a relic from previous periods of glaciation.In this extensive zone of permafrost,perennially frozen ground will normally be found in a)areas where surficial organic content is high (peat,sohagnum moss or tundra),b)areas where fine-grained sediments are present near the surface,or c)deeper zones of coarse grained soils.The presence of tundra vegetation is not necessarily an indicator of permafrost,but a cover of sphagnum mosses,sedge,cottongrass or peat may suggest the presence of frozen ground since these types of vegetation typically grow in poorly drained soils. There are three engineering approaches to permafrost: 1.Avoid it,'In areas where permafrost is discontinuous,location of improvements can be directed to areas free of permafrost. 2.Remove it.Where permafrost is shallow,it can be thawed by stripping the surface of its vegetative cover.In some areas,soils can be excavated and the area refilled with coarser materials. Page 13 3.Preserve _it.Structures can be developed on gravel or artificial pads to prevent summer thaw after vegetation is removed.It is also feasible to build structures on piles,thereby preventing thermal heat from flowing into the ground and destroying the solid,permafrost base.Roads can be constructed over permafrost by the overlay method.This method relies on preserving the existing vegetative mat during construction by overlaying the ground with a layer of geotextile material and then placing the road material over the geotextile.The compressed vegetative mat will still provide support and some insulation to help protect the underlying permafrost.This method of road construction minimizes construction costs. Page 14 4.Land Status 4.1 General discussion: The land status information summarized in this section was obtained from information provided by Alaska Land Status,Inc.The road alignments for the routes were transferred to the base map,and the appropriate land ownership categories were visually determined.The road routes are still of a preliminary nature and the ownership summary presented in the table on the next page is approximate only. 4.2 Summary of ownership status: Alaska land ownership presents a unique situation with regards to Native Corporation land ownership.Native Corporations are identified as being either regional or village with a regional corporation (RC)being separate but composed of the various village corporations (VC)within the region's boundaries.These native corporations were formed by an act of the U.S.Congress and were given the right to select lands within their general geographic area.The village corporations own only surface rights to their selected lands with the regional corporation owning the subsurface rights.The regional corporations also selected lands on which they own both the surface and subsurface rights to these lands. The Native Corporation's have been selecting their lands since the early 1970's and the U.S.Government has been slow in surveying and transferring ownership.Therefore the land ownership of a native corporation could be in one of three stages: 1.Selected; 2.Interim Conveyed; 3.Patented. The preliminary routes cross native corporation lands owned by Doyon (RC), Deloycheet,Inc.(VC),Calista (RC),and The Kuskokwim Corporation (TKC)(VC). Deloycheet,Inc.is a VC within the Doyon region which generally encompasses the Yukon River drainage area and TKC is a VC within the Calista region which generally encompasses the Kuskokwim River drainage area.Additionally,there are "Native Allotments”to consider. Native Allotments are privately owned parcels which have been deeded to natives which have established a right by documenting traditional use of the parcel.We have avoided these privately owned parcels throughout most of the route alternatives.However, gaining access to the Kuskokwim River will likely require traversing one or more of these private parcels.However,these probably can be avoided by building an additional +3.2- km (2-miles)of road to bypass them to gain access to another adequate barge dock site. The State of Alaska and the US Government also has landownership in this area.The US Government's ownership specifically affects routes Y1 &Y2 along the routes to the Yukon River and to a lesser extent along route J1 to the Kuskokwim River.The State of Alsaka has significant ownership along all of the routes considered. Page 15 The following table summarizes the current land status of all lands crossed by the proposed Routes OWNERSHIP (%) Native TKC/Del/ Route Length Federal State Allotment |Calista Doyon Y1 99 km (61.5 mi)23.1 36.7 0.0 11.6 28.6 Y2 103 km (64.0 mi)30.9 36.4 0.0 5.7 27.0 J1 37 km (23.0 mi)22.5 32.5 2.5 42.5 0.0 J2 56 km (34.8 mi)0.0 62.3 1.6 36.1 0.0 J3 41 km (25.5 mi)0.0 47.8 2.2 50.0 0.0 C1 13 km (8.1 mi)0.0 86.4 9.1 4.5 0.0 The above table presents general land ownership information supplied by Alaska Land Status,Inc.,for more detailed information refer to the land ownership report generated by Alaska Land Status,Inc. Page 16 5.Report Development 5.1 General discussion: The following sources were used in the development of this report: e 1:60,000+(1"=5,000'+)(July 1980)color,infra-red,satellite aerial photography of the entire study area e PDTS''s 1:24,000 (1'=2,000')(June 1996)color aerial photography of the Crooked Creek valley from Donlin Creek mine to the Kuskokwim River e Federal Aviation Administration's 1:9,600 (1”=800')(June 1996)color low-altitude photography of Crooked Creek village and the airport area. Bureau of Land Management aerial photos 1:31,680 (1”=2,640')The aerial photography combined with USGS 1:63,360 quad maps,Alaska Regional Profiles,climatological data,interviews,additional research and PN&D's knowledge of the area was utilized to develop the preliminary routes,bridge crossings and barge dock locations.PN&D personnel have not had the opportunity to visit the area and verify our; initial findings. 5.2 Limitations of the study: Data available for examination in the study was sparse.Subsurface data for this region is extremely limited and preliminary in nature.It should be noted that no centerline drilling has been performed.Soil conditions are largely inferred from aerial photo interpretation, and our experience in similar geologic and climatic areas of Alaska.No subsurface data is available for the proposed routes. Due to these data limitations,we have relied heavily on our experience with similar terrain encountered in other parts of Alaska.We have used this experience to predict the characteristics of the subsurface soils in the study region.Future subsurface investigations for the Donlin Creek project will provide information more specific than is currently available to this project.This new information will allow the assumptions made in this study to be evaluated and modified where necessary. Page 17 6.Hydrological Analysis and Stream Crossing Structures 6.1 General discussion The six road routes examined in this study cross a number of relatively large streams. Crossing of the streams will be done using either culverts or bridges.The combined cost of these crossing structures represent a significant portion of the overall road cost estimates for each route.Because of this,PN&D devoted a fair amount of effort to the estimation of the number,configuration,size,and cost of drainage structures.The following section of this report summarizes the methods and results of the hydrologic analysis.A second section discusses the estimation of drainage structure configurations,sizes,and costs for each road route.Summary tables of culvert and bridge quantities and costs are included in Appendix B. 6.2 Hydrologic analysis A preliminary hydrologic analysis was performed in order to provide estimates of the sizes,quantities,and costs of stream crossing structures that will be required along the proposed Y1,Y2,J1,J2,J3,and C1 routes.When designing any hydraulic structure,it is necessary to have an estimate of the size of floods that the structure might be subject to during its design life.The best method of obtaining such an estimate is by examining historical discharge records for a given stream.Engineering hydrology has developed a number of statistical techniques to predict future floods based upon historical records. Unfortunately,few drainages in Alaska have adequately long historical records to allow the use of such statistical methods.In response to this paucity of stream discharge data in Alaska,several alternative predictive methods have been devised.The method selected for use by PN&D for this project was developed by the U.S.Geological Survey (USGS),and is described below. The analysis was begun by studying USGS 1:63,360-scale maps on which the proposed routes had been drawn.All primary streams crossed by the proposed routes were identified and marked on the maps (primary streams are either clearly defined rivers and creeks,or smaller streams that are simply shown as blue lines on the USGS mapping). A crossing number and stream name were determined for all of the identified crossings of primary streams. The 50-year flood (Qso,a flood with a 2%chance of being equaled or exceeded within any given year)was adopted as the appropriate design flood for the project.In order to determine the 50-year flood magnitude for the primary streams crossed by the various routes,flood frequency estimates were developed for each crossing using methods described in USGS Water-Resources Investigations Report 93-4179 -Magnitude and Frequency of Floods in Alaska and Conterminous Basins of Canada.The 50-year flood frequency analysis methods assume that there is a direct relationship between drainage basin area (A),mean annual precipitation (p),the percentage of the drainage basin area covered by lakes (ST),and mean basin elevation (E).This relationship is given by the equation shown below. Qs =147 [A°?78}[p°?"4][((ST+1 yo 187)[E0264] Page 18 The drainage basin area,mean annual precipitation,storage in lakes and ponds,and mean basin elevation were estimated for primary streams crossing each road route. From these data,the 50-year flood magnitude was estimated for each primary stream. 6.3 Stream crossing structures Four classes of drainage structures were considered for the crossing of primary streams.These drainage structure classes were developed based upon experience with similar projects in the region,and consisted of the following: Culvert Battery Class C2.Two 6-foot-diameter corrugated metal pipes (CMP's),and one 4-foot-diameter CMP for overflow.This culvert battery was assumed to be required for primary streams with Qo <550 cubic feet per second(ft"/sec). Culvert Battery Class C1:Two 8-foot-diameter CMP's,and one 4-foot-diameter CMP for overflow.This culvert battery was assumed to be required for primarystreamswithQso=550-950 ft?/sec. Bridge Class B2:A 40-foot-long,single-span bridge with vertical sheet pile abutments,and slope protection (see attached Appendix E).This bridge was assumed to be required for primary streams with Qso =950-2000 cfs. Bridge Class B1:A multiple-span bridge with spill-through abutments,and slope protection (see attached Appendix E).This bridge was assumed to be required for primary streams with Qs59 >2000 cfs,with the length of the structure estimated for each individual stream. After the crossing structure classes had been developed,and the 50-year flood magnitude was estimated for each primary stream,the appropriate crossing structure type was then assigned to each primary stream.For crossings requiring a Bridge Class B1 crossing structure,an appropriate bridge length was estimated based on the 50-year flood estimate and/or geometric relationships derived from previous experience with similar streams. In developing drainage structures sizes,lengths,and costs,it was assumed that each route crosses streams perpendicular to the axis of the stream.In reality,many stream crossings will need to be constructed with some degree of skew,however,skew can not be meaningfully accounted for within the level of analysis used in this study. It is felt that using the four general drainage structure classes described above will provide an appropriately conservative estimate of primary stream crossing structure costs for this level of study.When more detailed studies are performed in the future, more sophisticated analyses of drainage area sizes,flood magnitudes,and required crossing structure configurations will need to be developed for each primary stream. Of the thirty-one identified primary streams crossed by the Y1 route,it was estimated that twenty would require Culvert Battery Class C2 crossing structures,three would require Culvert Battery Class C1 crossing structures,and eight would require Bridge Class B1 crossing structures.A summary table of sizes,numbers,and costs of the culvert batteries and bridges required for the Y1 route is provided in Appendix B. Page 19 Of the twenty identified primary streams crossed by the Y2 route,it was estimated that twelve would require Culvert Battery Class C2 crossing structures,two would require a Culvert Battery Class C1 crossing structure,and six would require Bridge Class B1 crossing structures.A summary table of sizes,numbers,and costs of the culvert batteries and bridges required for the Y2 route is provided in Appendix B. Of the fourteen identified primary streams crossed by the J1 route,it was estimated that eight would require Culvert Battery Class C2 crossing structures,four would require Culvert Battery Class C1 crossing structures,and two would require Bridge Class B1 crossing structures.A summary table of sizes,numbers,and costs of the culvert batteries and bridges required for the J1 route is provided in Appendix B. Of the eleven identified primary streams crossed by the J2 route,it was estimated that five would require Culvert Battery Class C2 crossing structures,five would require Culvert Battery Class C1 crossing structures,and one would require a Bridge Class B1 crossing structure.A summary table of sizes,numbers,and costs of the culvert batteries and bridges required for the J2 route is provided in Appendix B. Of the thirteen identified primary streams crossed by the J3 route,it was estimated that seven would require Culvert Battery Class C2 crossing structures,four would require Culvert Battery Class C1 crossing structures,and two would require Bridge Class B1 crossing structures.A summary table of sizes,numbers,and costs of the culvert batteries and bridges required for the J3 route is provided in Appendix B. Of the six identified primary streams crossed by the C1 route,it was estimated that four would require Culvert Battery Class C2 crossing structures,one would require a Culvert Battery Class C1 crossing structure,and one would require a Bridge Class B2 crossing structure.A summary table of sizes,numbers,and costs of the culvert batteries and bridges required for the C1 route is provided in Appendix B. It has been assumed that streams that are too small to be identified on the available scale of mapping (streams with drainage areas less than approximately 0.2 square miles)will be crossed by the proposed routes using 24-inch-diameter cross-drainage culverts.Additional cross-drainage culverts will need to be provided to drain areas where flow exists from incidental ponding,spring snowmelt,or sheet flow.Experience on past projects suggests that,in the type of environment crossed by the proposed route,cross- drainage culverts will be needed approximately every 150 m (500 ft.). Page 20 7.Ice Growth 7.1 General discussion: One of the road alternatives discussed has been the construction of an ice road along with ice bridges of major streams from the Yukon River or Kuskokwim River to the Donlin Creek Mine site for use during the winter months.These routes include substantial water crossings ranging from 12 to 150 m (40 to 500 ft.).The purpose of this section of the report is to briefly review the ice growth mechanisms and thus determine whether an ice road is possible. 7.2 Existing ice records: Some ice thickness information for measuring stations at Holy Cross (Yukon R.)and Crooked Creek (Kuskokwim R.)has been published in a series of reports for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory (CRREL) (Bilello,1961 -1975).This data gives us an idea of the ice growth rate in this region of Alaska. 7.3 Predictions of ice growth and ice conditions: The initial research we did in this area revealed a lack of long term data for both CrookedCreekandHolyCross.In general,the maximum ice thickness occurs during late March and April depending upon the year.The maximum measured ice thickness at Crooked Creek was 0.9 to 1.1 m (3.0-3.5 ft.)and at Holy Cross it was 0.9 to 1.2m (3 to 4 ft.). This information was obtained from the eleven-year CRREL records. We would also like to comment on the definition "normal"ice-growth year in this part of Alaska.This region of the State generally experiences approximately 4000 freezing degree days per winter season.While such a freezing index does produce a significant ice cover,even a slight variation from the norm could result in a thin ice year.Possibly reducing or preventing access via ice road to the project. 7.4 Factors influencing ice strength: Ice covers have long been used for winter roads and airstrips.In Alaska,ice roads are routinely constructed and maintained on both freshwater and saltwater ice.Ice roads are,however,complex structures,and the failure of these structures can have tragic consequences.The risk of using the frozen surface of streams and rivers for a haul road should therefore be examined very carefully. Froma structural engineering standpoint,an ice sheet floating on a body of water can be described as a plate on an elastic foundation.Failure of this plate can occur in a number of ways.The following paragraphs discuss some of these factors which influence ice failure as they relate to vehicular traffic. e Vehicle speed:Vehicle speed will be further discussed in the following section ("Moving loads"). Page 21 e Snowcover:Snow is a heavy substance,and as such it applies a load to an ice cover.This additional load can deform or crack the sheet.This has often been observed beneath snow berms which are formed by plows as they keep the ice road cleared of snow.These berm piles can depress the ice sheet beneath the water level,thus weakening the cover.Cracks can also form parallel to these piles.As a rough rule-of-thumb,it has been noted that snow berms should be leveled if their heights become greater than two-thirds the thickness of the ice. e Integrity of the ice cover:Any large ice cover will have areas of diminished ice quality.Air holes and cracks are two common features which locally weaken the ice. 7.5 Bearing strength of ice covers: For the purposes of this project,the bearing capacity of a floating ice sheet can be analyzed from the standpoint of three primary situations: e Short-term loading:eg,a stationary or very slowly moving vehicle. e Long-term loading:eg,a parked vehicle or a stored piece of machinery. °Moving load:eg,a moving vehicle. Short-term loading:A number of field studies have made the following conclusions regarding the use and failure of freshwater ice covers in short-term loading situations (Gold,1971;Ashton,1986): e Maximum loads:"Good quality"freshwater ice covers can generally support loads according to the following formula: English Metric P<250h2 P<0.172h where P =total load in pounds P =total load in kilonewtons h=ice thickness in inches.h =ice thickness in centimeters. This formula defines the maximum upper limit of ice loading for freshwater ice.It is generally used only in situations in which an increased element of risk is acceptable (eg,moving very heavy vehicles during wartime). e Recommended upper limit of loading:|In non-wartime situations where risk is less acceptable,the formula on the next page is generally applied: Page 22 English Metric P<100h2 P<0.069h This relationship is considered to be the conservative upper limit for vehicle loads on freshwater ice. e Lower limit of loading and stationary load limit:\Ice sheets have been reported to fail under loading situations as low as: English Metric P<50n2 P<0.034h2 This formula has also been recommended for use in situations where the load will be stationary on the ice sheet for more than 2 hours. Long-term loading:Long-term loading is generally the most difficult situation to analyze.As was noted above,Gold (1971)recommends the following rule-of-thumb formula for long-term (>2 hour)loading situations: English Metric P<50h2 P<0.034h2 where P =total load in pounds P =total load in kilonewtons h =ice thickness in inches.h =ice thickness in centimeters. Moving loads:For the purposes of this study,a "moving”load will be defined as a vehicle moving faster than 9 mph (15 km/h).A vehicle moving over an ice sheet produces a hydrodynamic wave in the underlying water.The velocity of this wave is dependent upon a number of factors,including the thickness and elasticity of the ice and the depth of the underlying water.If the velocity of the hydrodynamic wave coincides with the velocity of the vehicle,the deflections to the ice sheet are "reinforced"or amplified,and the stress on the ice sheet is increased.The vehicular velocity at which this stress reinforcement occurs is known as the "critical velocity".In most practical situations,critical velocity occurs between 32 and 48 km/h (20 and 30 mph)(Gold,1971). Since the hydrodynamic wave velocity is partially dependent upon water depth,the critical velocity will vary from place to place --particularly near the shore,where the reflection of the wave off the bottom will be more intense due to the typically shallow water.A number of ice road failures have been attributed to the phenomenon of critical velocity.Vehicle speeds must therefore be strictly controlled on an ice surface. 7.6 Ice road potential for HS20 trucks: PN&D examined the possibility of using HS20-class trucks for the river crossings.For design purposes,it was assumed that the HS20 was configured as shown below: Page 23 ey! f f 8000 Ibs 32000 Ibs 32000 Ibs 35.6 kN 142.3 kN 142.3 kN For the purposes of this HS20 calculation,we have defined the characteristic point load of the truck as the sum of the axle loads under the tractor axles:178 kN (40,000 Ib). Using this value for P and solving for h yields: English Metric h>(P/100)1/2 h >(P/0.069)1/2 h >20 inches h>51cm The lower load limit and stationary load limit for the HS20 truck can be calculated as: English Metric h>(P/50)2 h >(P/0.034)1/2 h>28 inches h>72cm During a "normal"winter season,this sort of natural ice thickness could be achieved by early January. 7.7 Artificial ice roads: The previous discussions pertain to "natural"ice thickness."Natural"is herein defined as ice which is not supplementally thickened by human activities.In many situations, however,ice roads are constructed by mechanically flooding the on-ice road surface.A repetitive sequence of flooding and freezing at sufficiently low temperatures gradually produces an ice thickness which is greater than could be achieved by natural formation alone. Constructing and maintaining an artificial ice road requires specialized experience.As has been previously mentioned,the consequences of failure can be severe.This report will not go into detail concerning construction/maintenance practices.It should be noted, however,that climate plays a crucial role in this process.Air temperatures must be sufficiently cold to rapidly freeze the flooded water.A temperature of -20°F (-29°C)is Page 24 considered ideal for ice road construction.The warmest allowable air temperature for ice road construction is generally around 0°F (-18°C)(Crick and McClellan,1983). The yearly temperature profiles of Holy Cross (Yukon R.)and Crooked Creek (Kuskokwim R.)are indicators of ice growth and are presented in the following tables: HOLY CROSS -Yukon River Mean Mean Record No.of days Month (°F)Min.(°F)Low (°F)min.is <0°F September 44 35 15 0 October 29 23 -4 0 November 12 7 -35 0 December 4 -4 -52 15 January 0 6 -62 30 February 5 -4 -§2 28 March 9 -3 -48 15 April 25 18 -32 0 CROOKED CREEK -Kuskokwim River Mean Mean Record No.of days Month (°F)Min.(°F)Low (°F)min.is <0°F September 45 35 10 0 October 28 20 -20 0 November 11 5 -31 5 December -5 -11 -65 30 January 0 -9 -55 30 February 5 5 -60 28 March 15 4 -45 10 April 29 18 -35 0 Based upon these monthly mean values,an artificial ice road across water bodies could be constructed. 7.8 Summary of ice growth potential: An artificial ice road across water bodies sufficient to carry an HS20 truck could be constructed during the winter months,however,ice roads are most effective when utilized on flat or nearly flat ground.Constructing an ice road from the Holy Cross area (Yukon R.)across the Kuskokwim hills to Donlin Creek involves traversing hilly terrain with grades up to 8%.Crooked Creek Valley offers some potential for ice road construction however it will have similar grade problems.These grades are acceptable for tractor trains,but running rubber-tired vehicles,on an hourly basis,on these types of ice grades would be extremely difficult and dangerous. The operation of an ice road is a risky concept.Failure of the structure can result in fatalities.A road such as this,with repetitive-trips and heavy loads is especially difficult to operate and maintain.In such situations,we feel that a highly conservative attitude must be taken toward feasibility and design.The data available to us at this time indicate that ice roads across rivers and hilly terrain presents a significant element of risk to operate. Page 25 8.Transportation Routes 8.1 General discussion: PN&D evaluated the feasibility and ROM costs of transporting fuel and freight via several transportation corridors from its origin to the mine site via either the Kuskokwim River or the Yukon River.The ROM costs include road construction,culverts,and bridges. Some potential material sites have been identified but were not included until field verification can be conducted. 8.2 Typical roadway sections: Typical sections for the road project are provided in Appendix D,Dwg A1-C1.For the conceptual study,it has been assumed that four typical sections would be used for the project: Type 1 Section:This typical section would be used where thaw stable soils exist and would consist of gravel overlays without geotextile.These sections would be used in areas where unstable permafrost and marsh-like terrain are not encountered,and where soil conditions of the subgrade are not suitable for obtaining borrow adjacent to the road.This would require longer haul distances for embankment fill and crushed surfacing. Type 2 Section:The borrow pit section depicts construction techniques which would be performed in thaw stable soils and where soil conditions of the subgrade are suitable for use as a material source.This type of construction would be performed in areas where the existing ground surrounding the road corridor consists of sands and gravels suitable for embankment fill construction.Crushed surfacing would be obtained from material sources along the alignment. Surfacing would be the major cost for this alternative. Type 3 Section:This typical section would be used in thaw unstable permafrost terrain where the soils contain visible ice and are susceptible to settlement if thaw occurs.These areas would be constructed of gravel overlays with geotextile. This would require longer haul distances for embankment fill and crushed surfacing. Type 4 Section:The last typical section is for areas where rock cuts are required.This type of construction would be required in areas where the road must be benched into bedrock.The height of the cut is dependent on the terrain.For example traversing Mosquito Mountain will probably require substantial cuts to maintain alignment and grade.Cost factor adjustments for high cuts versus low cuts have been considered for the type of terrain and grades required. 8.3 Typical bridge sections Bridge concepts for the road project are presented in Appendix E,dwgs.A1-C2,C3,& C4.Two concepts were developed to address long-span crossings and short-span crossings. Page 26 1.Bridge Class B1:Bridge class B1 consists of either a single box steel girder for a single lane bridge (Appendix E,dwg.A1-C2)or a double box steel girder for a double lane bridge.This type of bridge is desirable for crossings in excess of 50 meters (160 ft.)because the number of foundation piers can be minimized thus reducing the overall cost.The foundation piers have to be able to withstand severe ice forces during breakup,hence they are costly to construct. 2.Bridge Class B2:The short-span bridge is designed to be used for crossings under 50 meters (160 ft.).The are constructed of steel structural shapes (W- beams)and can have single or multiple foundation piers.We have presented two types of abutments,sheet-pile or rip-rap placed on natural ground (Appendix E, dwgs.A1-C3 &C4),to address the varying topographic conditions which stream crossings exhibit.The design process will determine which type of abutment should be used to minimize costs. 8.4 Transportation route descriptions: A overview of the marine and inland transportation routes are shown on the following two pages.The location of each of the potential road routes is shown in Appendix F,dwg.1- 7.Adescription of each of the transportation routes follows: Kuskokwim River Overview: The Kuskokwim River and its tributaries comprise the second largest drainage basin in the state,draining an area of approximately 130,000 square kilometers (50,000 square miles).The river flows 870 kilometers (540 miles)from the Kuskokwim Mountains, through a wide,flat,forested alluvial plain to the marshy,lake-dotted Yukon-Kuskokwim delta.In the river's headwaters,long,silty,braided streams that have formed the alluvial bed of the main river flow from the northeast at the Chedotlothna Glacier,and to the southeast from the Alaska and Aleutian Ranges.Nearly all of the principal tributaries to the Kuskokwim River flow into the main stream from the south. The Kuskokwim River serves as one of the major transportation corridors in southwest Alaska.In an area essentially devoid of roads,the Kuskokwim serves as both a summer and winter transportation route for the region's residents. Kuskokwim River Communities: The largest community on the Kuskokwim River is Bethel (population 5,463),which serves as the social,economic,and transportation hub of western Alaska.The community is located approximately 100 kilometers (60 miles)upstream from the river's mouth and,due to the low gradient of the river,is subject to tidal influence.Bethel has a major airport with a 1,950 meter (6,400 feet)long paved runway,and a medium-draft port facility capable of accommodating barges with drafts of over 3.7 meters (12 feet).The community provides an ideal location for fuel and freight transfer,with a fuel dock and fuel storage facilities with a capacity of over 41.6 ML (11 million gallons). Page 27 a ee ve 2 me memenS\ s . ; Nn INSET -BEE ROUTESANDFACILITIESMAP con" BARGE ROUTES .a,ae 70 SEATTLE seelt gat,pall ant SEAM.(Rani PLACER DOME INC.TUN VM et 'i earaL =hil FrSagoStole,See Gistaenn,stupe,|MARINE TRANSPORTATION ROUTESits(HS toravonan Mottnghew&Prope,ineaotetraeren Fore al (reranean rawaaaCaeaeonaeeTCRTRTOwiBiawae]Sis tan,wont | INLAND TRANSPORTATION RUUTES AND FACILITIES Feaa Tinateneoe ia About 205 river kilometers (125 river miles)upriver from Bethel is Aniak (population 576), which is a much smaller town than Bethel,with fewer facilities.Aniak does have an 1,830 meter (6,000 feet)long gravel airstrip,however,with scheduled service from smaller carriers.In addition,Aniak is capable of receiving barges with drafts up to 1.8 meters (6 feet)at its small dock facility.Upriver from Aniak,there are a few small communities,including Crooked Creek which is located a short distance to the south of the mine site.Community summaries for Bethel,Aniak,and Crooked Creek are included in Appendix A. Kuskokwim River Hydrology: There is only one active stream gage along the entire length of the Kuskokwim River -the Crooked Creek gage operated by the U.S.Geological Survey.That gage has been in continuous operation since 1951,with the exception of the 1995 water year,providing a flow record unusually long for the state of Alaska.The Crooked Creek gage is located approximately 405 river kilometers (255 river miles)upstream from the river's mouth. Above that site,the river drains 80,600 square kilometers (31,100 square miles). Although the gage only provides information at a single point along the river,the data allow some generalizations about the hydrology of the Kuskokwim River to be made. Breakup on the Kuskokwim River typically begins in late April to mid-May as increased solar radiation results in melting of the winter snowpack.The spring breakup flood typically occurs in mid-May to early June,and is commonly characterized by two or three discrete sub-peaks as major,geographically separate tributaries add their peak flows to the main flow of the river.Like many sub-Arctic and Arctic streams,the spring break-up flood peak on the Kuskokwim River is the largest flood of the season,with a characteristically steep,swiftly rising and falling hydrograph.On average,the magnitude of the breakup flood peak at Crooked Creek is approximately 3,090 cubic meters persecond[m/sec](109,000 cubic feet per second [ft?/sec]).The breakup flood of recordatCrookedCreekhadamagnitudeof11,070 m*/sec (391,000 ft?/sec),and occurred on June 05,1964.Ice jamming during the spring breakup flood can result in very high river stages and overbank flooding. A second,smaller,rain-induced flood peak typically occurs in the late summer or early fall,usually sometime between mid-August and mid-September.This reflects the effects of the typical late summer precipitation maximums noted earlier in this report.On average,the magnitude of the late summer/early fall flood at Crooked Creek isapproximately2,490 m*/sec (88,000 ft?/sec).The late summer/early fall flood of recordatCrookedCreekhadamagnitudeof8,550 m/sec (302,000 ft?/sec),and occurred on August 23,1963. The results of a flood magnitude and frequency analysis performed by the U.S. Geological Survey Water Resources Division is presented in the table below. Flood Magnitude and Frequency for the Kuskokwim River at Crooked Creek Page 30 Discharge(cfs)Recurrence Interval Flood Magnitude Q2 4,700 m*/sec (166,000 ft3/sec) Qs 6,290 m/sec (222,000 ft3/sec) Qio 7,280 m/sec (257,000 ft?/sec) Qos 8,550 m*/sec (302,000 ft?/sec) Qs 9,400 m°/sec (332,000 ft?/sec).Qivo 10,300 m/sec (364,000 ft?/sec) After the late summer/early fall flood peak,flow in the river gradually decreases until freeze-up.During the winter,flow under the ice is estimated to average approximately280m/sec (10,000 ft*/sec). Table 8.1 below presents the average daily discharge for the Kuskokwim River at Crooked Creek,for early May through late September,for the period of record,exclusive of 1995 and1998. 110000 100000 \) 80000 70000 a IL»”VY 60000 50000 - 5/6 5/16 5/26 6/5 6/15 6/25 75 718 7/25 814 8/14 8/24 9/3 9/13 9/23 Date Figure 8.1 Average daily discharge hydrograph for the Kuskokwim River at Crooked Creek (1951-1997) Kuskokwim River Barging -Hydrologic Issues: The barging season on the Kuskokwim River typically lasts approximately 130 days.The season typically begins near the end of May,as soon as the winter's ice accumulation has cleared from the river,and typically ends in late September to early October when Page 31 river levels drop and freeze-up begins.Average flow discharges during the barge season are presented in the Table below. Average Barging Season Flows for the Kuskokwim River at Crooked Creek Month Flow Discharge June 2,330 m*/sec (82,300 ft?/sec) July 1,900 m/sec (67,200 ft®/sec)August 2,130 m?/sec (75,300 ft?/sec) September 1,960 m*/sec (69,400 ft?/sec) During the barging season,water depths within the navigation lanes upstream of Bethel range from 1.2 to 3.0 meters (4 to 10 feet)along the length of the river.The depth of the river is highly dependent upon both timing and weather conditions.Flow depths are greatest near the peak of the spring breakup flood.After breakup,depths gradually decrease until the late summer/early fall flood peak,after which they again steadily decrease until freeze-up. During dry years,the river may be subject to reduced flow levels,and consequently low water depths,during the barging season.Conversations with barge operators have suggested that there should normally be little trouble getting fuel barges with a 1.5 meter (five foot)draft upriver as far as Crooked Creek.In some years,however,low flows can result in a draft limitation of 1.2 meters (four feet)at a choke point at Tuluksak,located approximately 180 river kilometers (110 river miles)upstream from the river's mouth. In 1997,unusually dry weather resulted in the 1.2 meter (four foot)draft limitation at Tuluksak being in effect throughout most of the barging season.After an early,relatively low magnitude spring breakup flood,flows at Crooked Creek dropped to approximately1,130 m*/sec (40,000 ft?/sec)in early June,and hovered near that level!throughout theremainderofthebargingseason.Post-breakup flows rarely exceeded 1,270 nt/sec(45,000 ft?/sec),and the typical late summer/early fall flood peak did not occur.Draft-limiting flows at Crooked Creek of 1,270 m*/sec (45,000 ft/sec)or less occur infrequently during the barging season.Historically,such flows can be expected to occur during the barging season approximately 9%of the time in June,6%of the time in July, 11%of the time in August,and 23%of the time in September. If desired,it would be possible to more clearly define the flow magnitude at Crooked Creek that corresponds to barge draft limitations of less than 1.5 meters (five feet)at Tuluksak,and then to estimate the probability of occurrence of that discharge.In order to develop such a probability distribution,it would be necessary for barge companies that operate on the river to provide specific information regarding dates when draft limitations were imposed at Tuluksak.From those dates,corresponding flow data could be taken from the historical record.Because of the amount of effort that would be involved in compiling the data,it may be required that PDTS contact the barge companies directly and request the information. Kuskokwim River Barging -Logistical Issues: The proposed route for the transportation of fuel up the Kuskokwim River requires that fuel be obtained in Valdez at Petro Star's facilities,Nikiski from Tesoro,or Anchorage from Mapco Petroleum Inc.Between these three refineries,all of the fuel requirements Page 32 [KUSKOBAKeo for the Donlin Creek Mine can be met.Fuel is loaded onto large fuel barges with capacities ranging from 9.5 ML (2.5 million gallons)to 20.8 ML (5.5 million gallons)and hauled directly to Bethel where it is pumped into the fuel storage facilities at Bethel Fuel Sales or a similar storage location.Bethel Fuel Sales'storage facilities currently hold 41.6 ML (11 million gallons)of fuel,of which 13.2 ML (3.5 million gallons)can be diesel. These facilities may need upgrading to accommodate the quantities required for the mine.A total of 6 to 14 trips will be required each year requiring 2-12 ML (3.2 million gallon)barges and their associated tugs to operate for the entire season. From Bethel,smaller,lightering barges will ferry the fuel upriver in volumes ranging from 738 kL (195,000 gallons)to 3,030 kL (800,000 gallons)depending on water conditions. The projected round trip time for this portion of the transportation route is 3-3.5 days.The annual trip count for this leg of the trip could be from 40 to 154 trips per year,requiring from 2 to 5 barges to be operating on the river 24 hours per day,for 130 days.However, PN&D would recommend that delivery performance requirements be made a part of any barge contract.Specifically,establish fuel delivery milestones,such as,a minimum of 1/2 to 2/3 of the total fuel volume be delivered within the first 1/3 (6 weeks)of the barging season.This would reduce the risk of low water interfering with the fuel delivery and allow the barge company to take advantage of the higher water during spring breakup, which would increase the average barge capacity.Utilizing this strategy and assuming the use of a 200 series barge the estimated annual trip count would be 97-105 fuel barges per year requiring 4-5 barges.The 200 series was chosen because it is probably the best compromise for size versus capacity to operate all season long on the river. The 250 series barge's length of 250 feet and total depth 15-16-feet will present maneuvering problems during low water periods and will probably require single tows, whereas the 200 series barge will be more manageable and allow for tandem tows.A listing of currently available barges appears in Appendix G. These barges will be received at the proposed dock at Jungjuk Creek where their fuel will be pumped into the 95.8 ML (25.3 million gallon)proposed storage facility.From here the fuel will be carried by truck up one of the proposed routes in loads up to 57 kL (15,000 gallons)each. Another strategy to maximize barge capacities by taking advantage of the higher breakup flows would be to increase the fuel storage capacity at Bethel.This would allow fuel to be held over the winter at the Bethel facility so that an additional two weeks of high water could be utilized while the ice is still clearing out of the lower Kuskokwim River. Transportation of freight will follow a similar path.Originating in Seattle or Anchorage,it will travel for the most part by barge to Bethel where it will be offloaded at the existing 3.2- hectare (8-acre)freight yard.From Bethel the freight would be loaded onto smaller barges for the trip to Jungjuk Creek.Round trip from Bethel to Jungjuk Creek is about 3 days including freight handling time.Freight will be offloaded at the Jungjuk Creek dock facility and will be stored at the proposed nearby laydown yard.These river barges are capable of handling from 400-2,610 tonnes (440-2,880 tons)each and a total of 14 to 100 trips would be required per year.Assuming the use of a 200 series barge would result in approximately 40 trips per year requiring 2 freight barges. An annual requirement,utilizing off-highway trucks,of 2,000 truckloads of fuel and 1,330 truckloads of freight will be transported to the mine.Round trip time,including loading Page 33 and unloading,for these routes is about 4 hours.The required daily traffic will be 7 tripsperdayforfueland4tripsperdayforfreight.To accomplish this at least 3 fuel trucks and 2 container trucks will be required,operated 12 hours per day for 300 days of the year.This would allow 2 months for breakup.If highway trucks are utilized for hauling fuel,the annual requirement would be 2,750 truckloads. One potential obstacle to fuel transportation is the large volume of barge traffic that will be required.There is likely to be significant opposition from the various environmental groups and their concerns will have to be addressed.Freight barging operations are not as likely to cause as much concern within these groups. Summary of Required Equipment (Kuskokwim River Route) Large Fuel Barges:9.5-20.8 ML (2.5-5.5 million gallons),6-14 trips,2 barges River Fuel Barges:738-3,030 kL (195,000-800,000 gallons),40-154 trips,2-5 barges; (200 series barge w/delivery requirements:97-105 trips,5 barges), e Large Freight Barges:6,350 tonnes (6,000-9,500 tons),5-7 trips,1 barge e River Freight Barges:400-2,610 tonnes (440-2,880 tons),14-100 trips,1-3 barges; (200 series barge:40 trips,2 barges), e Fuel Trucks:57 kL (15,000 gallons),2,000 trips,3 trucks e Container Trucks:27 tonnes (30 tons)1,300 trips,2 trucks Route Alignments from Donlin Creek Mine to the Kuskokwim River: Routes J1,J2,J3,and C1 Routes J1.J2 and J3 begin at Donlin Creek Mine and terminate at a docking facility located on the banks of the Kuskokwim River near the confluence with Jungjuk Creek. Route C1 connects routes J1,J2 and J3 to the village of Crooked Creek to the northeast. At the terminal facility,two barge docks are proposed.One will accommodate 23.2 x 76.2-m (76 x 250 ft)fuel barges while the other will accommodate similar sized freight barges. Description of Route J1: Construct a year-round gravel road from Donlin Creek south,down the Crooked Creek valley and terminate at a barge dock on the Kuskokwim River approximately 2 mile south of the Jungjuk Creek confluence.There are two major and 12 minor water crossings on Route J1.The major crossings are located at Crooked Creek and Getmuna Creek.Bothmajorcrossingswillrequireshort-span bridges.The minor crossings consist of four C1andeightC2culvertbatteries. Constructing this route will require building all four types of road sections with the bulk being approximately evenly divided among Type 1 (gravel overlay),Type 2 (cross-slope borrow and balance),and Type 3 (gravel overlay w/geotextile).Road grades should be relatively flat (<5%)and favorable all the way to the Kuskokwim River.Route J1 is approximately 37 km (23 mi.)long and crosses federal land. Description of Route J2: Page 34 Construct a year-round gravel road from Donlin Creek south to a barge dock on the Kuskokwim River approximately %mile south of the Jungjuk Creek confluence.Instead of following the Crooked Creek valley directly south to the Kuskokwim River,Route J2 traverses a high elevation alignment along the ridge-tops west of Donlin Creek Mine. Leaving the mine site,Route J2 heads west toward Decourcy Mountain and then south to Juninggulra Mountain.The route continues southwest past Juninggulra Mountain and then gradually bends back to the east until it terminates at the Kuskokwim River.There is one major and 10 minor water crossings on Route J2.The major crossing is located at Crooked Creek.This crossing will require a short-span bridge.The minor crossings consist of five C1 and five C2 culvert batteries. Constructing this route will require building all four types of road sections.Approximately 90%of the construction will be evenly divided among Type 1 (gravel overlay)and Type 2 (cross-slope borrow and balance).Road grades should be fairly gentle (<5%)and favorable all the way to the Kuskokwim River.Route J2 is approximately 56 km (35 mi.) long and does not cross any federal land. Description of Route J3: Construct a year-round gravel road from Donlin Creek south,down the Crooked Creek valley and terminate at a barge dock on the Kuskokwim River approximately 7 mile south of the Jungjuk Creek confluence.There are two major and 11 minor water crossings on Route J1.The major crossings are located at Crooked Creek and Getmuna Creek.Both major crossings will require short-span bridges.The minor crossings consist of four C1 and seven C2 culvert batteries. This route shares parts of J1 and the rest parallels J1 to the west to miss the federal lands.Constructing this route will require building all four types of road sections with the bulk being approximately evenly divided among Type 1 (gravel overlay),Type 2 (cross- slope borrow and balance),and Type 3 (gravel overlay w/geotextile).Road grades should be relatively flat (<5%)and favorable all the way to the Kuskokwim River.There is one two mile portion which is a marginal 5%grade and appears to be Type 4 (full bench) road section Route J1 is approximately 41 km (26 mi.)long. Description of Route C1: Construct a year-round gravel road that takes off from Route J1/J3 and terminates at the village of Crooked Creek.C1 intersects J1 approximately 4 miles from the Kuskokwim River.From its J1/J3 intersection,C1 traverses northeast along northern ridge-top above Village Creek to its terminus at Crooked Creek. Constructing this route will require building all four types of road sections.Approximately 75%of the construction will be divided among Type 1 (gravel overlay)and Type 3 (gravel overlay w/geotextile).There is one major and five minor water crossings on Route C1. The major crossing is at Village Creek,where a short-span bridge will be required.The minor crossings consist of one C1 and four C2 culvert batteries.Route C1 is approximately 13 km (8 mi.)long. Advantages of Kuskokwim Routes: e Shorter road lengths than Yukon Routes. e Route C1 in conjunction with J1,J2 or J3 will provide access to Crooked Creek village and local labor. Page 35 e Substantial existing infrastructure on the Kuskokwim River eases transportation of fuel and freight upriver. e Route J1 &J3 provides longer snow-free access to the barge dock staging area for movement of late freight. e C1 allows good access to a state maintained airport for supplies and personnel transport to and from Anchorage. e Longer ice-free operating season on Kuskokwim River. Lower overall construction costs,operational costs and maintenance costs. There are few bridges on Routes J1,J2 or J3 and none on Route C1. Disadvantages: e The Kuskokwim River has generally less depth than Yukon River.Barge sizes will have to be constantly optimized during the season to accommodate changing river depths. Yukon River via the mouth: The Yukon River is one of the largest rivers in North America,stretching over 1400 miles through two countries.It drains most of central Alaska including parts of the Brooks Range,the Alaska Range and the Wrangell Mountains as well as parts of the Mackenzie, Coastal,St.Elias,and Cassiar Mountains in Canada.Mean flows for the Yukon River during the barging season,as measured at Pilot Station,range from 10,170 m*/s(359,000 cfs)to 16,670 m?*/s (588,600 cfs)depending on the time of year.River depths are not as well known on the Yukon,but they are likely to be in the range of 2.4 m to 4.6 m (8 to 15 ft.)for navigation purposes.The Yukon differs from the Kuskokwim in that its shallowest location occurs at the mouth.This presents a significant problem for large oceangoing barges because they will not be able to deliver directly to a port facility on the Yukon.The best location for offloading large barges is in Nome (population 3,706),where there is a medium draft port facility able to handle freight and fuel.Unfortunately,using this option requires that the smaller barges cross Norton Sound to load their cargo.This may be a problem during heavy weather and adds significantly to the length of each trip. An alternative for fuel transportation is to lighter fuel from the large barges offshore of the mouth of the Yukon,and haul it upriver from there.This alternative carries significant risk and additional cost in that it requires offloading fuel and freight during potentially treacherous weather conditions,greatly increasing the chances of spills or other mishaps and it requires more barges to operate at one time.The barge-operating season on the Yukon begins in early June and continues until early October,lasting for about 100 days.The river flows highest in the early summer,shortly after break up,and it flows the least during the late fall months when snowmelt has ceased.The mean discharge on the Yukon River varies as much as 48%during the operating season.This is significantly more variation than the Kuskokwim has. St.Mary's (population 494)offers another alternative for the Yukon River.It has a dock facility,able to accommodate medium draft barges and has a 1,830 m (6,000 ft.)gravel airstrip serviced by small carriers.Its fuel storage facilities will accommodate 11 ML (3 million gallons)which is most of the transfer capacity that will be needed for this operation.St Mary's provides a viable option for early season deliveries of barges up to 3.7 m (12 ft.)in draft or about 9.5 ML (2.5 million gallons)capacity.The remainder of the fuel would need to be routed through Nome or lightered at sea. Page 36 VkYUNRoC In general the Yukon River is deeper than the Kuskokwim River,with an average available draft of 2.75 m (9-ft.).The deeper draft available on the Yukon River increases the river barge capacity by almost three times,which will reduce the overall traffic on the river. Both politically and operationally,this would be a benefit.The various tug &barge companies have provided information on fuel barge capacities ranging from 1.9 ML to 3.6 ML (500,000 to 950,000 gallons)for transit up the river. The overall barge trip requirements on this route depend mainly on the method chosen for transferring fuel to the river barges.If Nome is selected,then larger barges can be used to deliver fuel into the tanks at Chevron/Arctic Lighterage and/or Bonanza Fuel with storage facilities of 19 ML (5 million gallons)and 11.4 ML (3 million gallons)respectively. Two-12 ML (3.15 million gallon)barges with their associated tugs will be required for a total of 6 to 14 trips per year.Using river barge sizes of 1.9 ML to 3.64 ML (500,000 to 950,000 gallons),the number of river trips required each year would be between 32 and 60 trips per year,at 7 days per trip.This route requires 2-5 fuel barges and 2-2,540 tonnes (2,800 ton)freight barges operating for 100 days.Using a 250 Series barge the number of fuel trips would be approximately 40 requiring 3 barges and the number of freight trips would be 15 requiring 2 barges. Trucking requirements are similar to the Kuskokwim route with a total of 2,000 trips, utilizing off-highway trucks,necessary each year for fuel transportation and 1,330 trips for freight.Round trip time on this road is about 6 hours including loading and offloading time.The required daily traffic will be 7 trips per day for fuel and 4 trips per day for freight. To accomplish this,at least 4 fuel trucks and 3 container trucks will be required.Fuel trucks will carry 56.8 kL (15,000 gallons),and container trucks will carry about 27 tonnes (30 tons)per trip,12 hours per day for 300 days.If highway trucks are utilized for hauling fuel,the annual requirement would be 2,750 truckloads. Summary of Required Equipment (Yukon River via Mouth Route) e Large Fuel Barges:9.5-20.8 ML (2.5-5.5 million gallons),6-14 trips,2 barges e River Fuel Barges:1.9-3.6 ML (500,000-950,000 gallons),32-60 trips,2-5 barges; (Series 250 barge:40 trips,3 barges) Large Freight Barges:7,260 tonnes (8,000 tons),5 trips,1 barge River Freight Barges:2,540 tonnes (2,800 tons),15 trips,2 barges Fuel Trucks:57 kL (15,000 gallons),2,000 trips,4 trucks Container Trucks:27 tonnes (30 tons)1,300 trips,3 trucks Yukon River via Upriver Locations: The Yukon can also be accessed from upriver through either Nenana on the Tanana River,or the Dalton Highway Bridge over the Yukon River. Nenana is currently being used as a staging area to provide fuel and freight to many of the communities along the Yukon River.Fuel can be purchased at the Mapco Petroleum Inc.refinery at North Pole and transported by rail to Nenana.Nenana has fuel storage facilities capable of holding 3.8 ML (1 million gallons)and has dock facilities for efficient loading of freight and fuel.The Tanana River has an average depth of about 1.5 m (5 ft) Page 37 and would allow river barge capacities up to 946 kL (250,000 gallons).These barges would be loaded in Nenana and would carry fuel or freight 800 km (500 mi.)down river to the Yukon Dock Facilities near Railroad City.With a round trip time of 11 days,this scenario requires a total of 14 fuel barges and 6 freight barges to operate continually during the 100-day season.Using some combination of upriver and downriver routes would be the most likely scenario for transportation on the Yukon River.Trucking operations to the mine would be identical to other Yukon River routing options. If the Dalton Highway Bridge is used for loading fuel and freight it will require the construction of a fuel storage facility and will substantially increase the traffic on the southern portion of the Elliott and Dalton Highways.Highway legal trucks would be required to haul fuel from the Mapco refinery in North Pole to the bridge location for loading onto barges.The maximum load for these trucks is 53 kL (14,000 gallons).This option will require 2100 trips per year with a round trip time of 7 hours each.This can be accomplished using 21 fuel trucks operating 12 hours per day for 100 days.Six barges carrying up to 2.4 ML (625,000 gallons)each can handle fuel transportation requirements for this route.Round trip time is 11 days. Summary of Required Equipment (Yukon River via Upriver Route) Fuel Trucks:53 kL (14,000 gallons),2100 trips,7 trucks River Fuel Barges:1.9-2.4 ML (500,000-625,000 gallons),48-60 trips,5 barges, (Bridge Option) River Fuel Barges:946 kL (250,000 gallons),120 trips,5 barges,(Nenana Option) Container Trucks to Nenana:28 tonnes (30 tons)1,300 trips,6 trucks River Freight Barges:2,300 tonnes (2,500 tons),16 trips,2 barges Fuel Trucks:57 kL (15,000 gallons),2,000 trips,4 trucks Container Trucks to Mine:27 tonnes (30 tons)1,300 trips,2 trucks Route Alignments from the Donlin Creek Mine to the Yukon River: The following descriptions are common to routes Y1 &Y2: These routes will encounter a diversity of terrain and topography and utilize all four types of road sections.Slightly over 50%is estimated to be of Type 1 (gravel overlay)road section;another +40%is estimated to be of Type 3 (gravel overlay w/geotextile)road section;while the remainder is made up of Type 2 (cross-slope borrow and balance)and Type 4 (bed rock bench)road sections. The land ownership is mixed between Federal,State,and four Native Corporations. There will be many ownership issues to address for the permitting of these route options. Although we have identified four potential barge dock locations for consideration there are others in the general area that we have not identified.The ones we have identified may have ownership and/or other conflicts of which we are unaware.Two barge docks are proposed.One will accommodate 23.2 x 76.2 m (76 x 250 ft.)fuel barges while the other will accommodate similar sized freight barges Page 38 Route Y1-Donlin Creek Mine to Red Wing Slough on the Yukon River Description: Construct a year-round gravel road from Donlin Creek westerly to a barge dock site located on the Red Wing Slough (Yukon River).This route heads westerly traversing the Kuskokwim Hills,down Montana Creek valley,across the Iditarod River,traverses the northern flanks of Mosquito Mountain,along Reindeer River,stays on the north side of Reindeer Lake,and terminates at a barge dock on Red Wing Slough (Yukon River).This route will require five long-span bridges (Innoko Slough,Piamiut Slough,Reindeer River 1 &2,&Iditarod River)and several short-span bridges (Little Creek,Montana Creek & Crooked Creek).Additionally,this route will require three C1 and twenty C2 culvert batteries. The grades will be up to 8%and vary from adverse to favorable as the road enters the Kuskokwim Hills,crosses over the divide down into the Iditarod River drainage,climbs up past the hills around Mosquito Mountain and then over the divide following the Reindeer River to the Yukon River.Route Y1 is approximately 99 km (62 mi.)long. Advantages: e This route is the shortest of the two routes to the Yukon River. e This route has the least federal ownership of the routes to the Yukon River. e Barges of 2.75 m (9 ft.)draft could be accommodated at barge dock (depends on bathymetry). Disadvantages: e Longer haul distances than routes J1,J2 &J3. There is no all-weather airport on this route. The land status is more complex than routes J1,J2 &J3. Maintenance costs will be higher than routes J1,J2 &J3. Route attains elevations of 300 m (1,000 ft.)which will present a snow/ice problem for maintenance and traffic. e There are five long-span and three short-span bridges on this route. Route Y2 -Donlin Creek Mine to Red Wing Slough on the Yukon River (Alternate) Description: Construct a year-round gravel road from Donlin Creek westerly to a barge dock site located on the Red Wing Slough (Yukon River).This road heads westerly traversing the Kuskokwim Hills,traveling around the southern and western flanks of DeCourcy Mountain,down to and across the Iditarod River,travels up a drainage intersecting Route Y1 just west of Mosquito Mountain and follows Y1 to the barge dock on Red Wing Slough. This route will require six multi-span bridges.Additionally,this route will require two C1 and twelve C2 culvert batteries. The grades will be up to 8%and vary from adverse to favorable as the road enters the Kuskokwim Hills,traverses around DeCourcy Mountain,crosses over the divide down into the Iditarod River drainage,climbs up past the hills around Page 39 Mosquito Mountain,and then over the divide following the Reindeer River to the Yukon River.Route Y2 is approximately 103 km (64 mi.)long. Advantages: e There are six multi-span bridges on this route,which is the least of the Yukon River routes. e Barges of 2.75 m (9 ft.)draft could probably be accommodated at barge dock (depends on bathymetry). Disadvantages: e This route is the longest of the two routes to the Yukon River. e This route has the most federal ownership of any of the routes (see Section 4). There is no all-weather airport on this route. The land status is more complex than routes J1,J2 &J3. Maintenance costs will be higher than routes J1,J2 &J3. Route attains elevations of 300 m (1,000 ft.)which will present a snow/ice problem for maintenance and traffic. 8.5 Transportation shortfall Two strategies have previously been identified to address the risk of not being able to barge the annual fuel/freight requirements.These two plus an additional risk mitigation strategy are presented below: 1.Establish delivery milestones during the open water season which the barge contractor is required to meet.For example:Require that 1/2 or 2/3 of the annual fuel requirement be delivered during the first 1/3 of the operating season. Increase storage capacity at Bethel to 22.7-30.3 ML (6-8 million gallons)and hold fuel over during the winter so that as soon as the Kuskokwim River above Bethel is ice free barge traffic could begin.This would add approximately 2 weeks of high water (high barge volume)shipping to the normal operating season.The fuel capacity of the Bethel tank farm probably should be increased to ensure rapid tumaround of mainline fuel barges,therefore the real cost would be the price of money for holding the fuel from September until May. 3.Dredge "choke points”on the Kuskokwim River. If there is a short fall in fuel/freight barge deliveries there are three alternatives to address the problem. 1.Fly the fuel/freight in from either Bethel or Anchorage to the mine site.The C-130 Hercules'can carry approximately 18.2 kL (4,800 gals.)of fuel or 15.0 tonnes (16.5 US-tons)of freight.This would add approximately $0.53/L ($2.00 per gal.) to the fuel cost and the airfreight cost would remain the same at $990/tonne ($900/US-ton).As an example if the mine was short 18.9 ML (5.0 million gals.)of fuel,it would require 480 C-130 flights at an approximate additional cost of $4.6 million. Page 40 2.A second alternative would be to construct an ice road from Bethel to the mine site.This is assuming that all of the fuel/freight is in Bethel.The approximate distance from Bethel to Jungjuk Creek is 258 km(160 miles).The construction of an ice road this long would be a massive and expensive project with permitting, land ownership issues,weather and lack of enough equipment to construct the ice road and then haul over it major obstacles. 3.A third alternative would be shutting the mine down after supplies run out. 8.6 Road construction materials: A field trip will be required to properly define the availability of appropriate construction materials.It is anticipated that localized sands and gravel deposits will be encountered in the alluvium of rivers and larger streams,outwash deposits,and in some terrace deposits.Sources for crushed aggregate should be available within the Kuskokwim Hills area and also along the Crooked Creek drainage.Coarse fractions of the terrace, alluvium and outwash deposits would also be suitable for crushed aggregate.Most of the larger rocks in these deposits are more resistant to weathering but also are hard on rock crushers. Page 41 9.Barge Dock Facilities 9.1 General discussion: Previous sections of this report have addressed the land-based transportation infrastructure for Donlin Creek mine.This section examines the barge dock portion of the water-borne transportation requirements for project operation.Two overall divisions of water traffic have been made:1)barge dock facilities located at Jungjuk Creek on the Kuskokwim River,and 2)barge dock facilities located on the south side of the Yukon River across from the village of Holy Cross. We have contacted the following tug and barge companies for information on both rivers: Lynden Transport Inc. Inland Barge Service Yutana Barge Lines Crowley Marine Services Northland Marine Foss Maritime 9.2 Potential barge dock configurations: PN&D has discussed barge dock requirements with the above mentioned companies in section 9.1.The general consensus for a desired minimum depth at dock face is 1.8 m (6 ft.)on the Kuskokwim River and 2.75 m (9 ft.)on the Yukon River.To determine if these desired depths are feasible bathymetric surveys of both rivers will have to be done to obtain the required information. Freight configurations will vary significantly during the yearly operations due to the wide variety of materials being shipped.In general,there will be three main methods for containing and handling the freight.Large containers provide the most economical option and efforts should be made to maximize the loads in these container.This report assumes that containers could be loaded to an average of 30 tons each and could be handled using fork lifts operating with a ramp system.This is the method currently in use by Lynden Transport.Freight that cannot be handled in this way would require the use of a crane system that could operate from the dock.Cranes are much more costly and less efficient in handling cargo and should be used only when necessary.Finally some freight will be of the roll-on roll-off type and will use a ramp system similar to that used by Lynden Transport.The dock face length should be adequate to service the largest barge anticipated at that facility and our preliminary barge dock concept could accommodate all modes of unloading. The preliminary freight dock concept is an open cell sheet pile design with ten cells and two levels and is resistant to ice forces (Appendix C,sht.A1-C6).The upper cells will remain above high water allowing the dock to be used in the early season without difficulty while the lower dock will provide more efficient operations during low water conditions.Dolphins are included in this design concept to allow maximum flexibility in configuring barges for offloading operations.The fuel dock will be a similar design,with six cells and a single-stage high enough to be effective in high water conditions. Page 42 Some alternative concepts could involve a single level barge dock which would be submerged during spring breakup.Also,the number of cells may be changed to accommodate various barge lengths or multiple barge tie-up for quicker unloading and turnaround.These and other concepts will depend upon the information obtained from future upland and bathymetric surveys,additional input from the tug and barge companies,and PDTS requirements.We have included several examples of PN&D designed barge docks in Appendix C. We also have included a concept (Appendix C,sht.A1-C5)which addresses landing of equipment and material during the construction period and roll-on/roll-off barges if end loading barges are used for annual supplies.This type of barge landing would require annual maintenance as spring breakup would damage the ramp area. 9.3 Kuskokwim River dock locations: For handling fuel and freight we have identified a potential barge dock configuration and location (Appendix C and Appendix F,sht.1 &7): Jungjuk Creek -The proposed freight dock would have a minimum water depth at dock face of 1.8 m (6 ft.)and be built as a two level dock to address the various water depth fluctuations.There is a water gaging station located at Crooked Creek and its record indicates a maximum water fluctuation between spring breakup and low water of approximately 7 m (23 ft.).The fuel dock would be a single level dock with sufficient height to allow for most water conditions.It is anticipated that both docks would be overtopped during the most extreme high water conditions occurring every ten years or so however this has no significant impact on operations.These extreme events generally occur during breakup and are associated with ice dams.The final configuration of the barge dock would be dependent upon barge configurations and type of freight. 9.4 Yukon River Dock Locations: For handling fuel and freight we have identified three potential barge dock locations with road access and one location with only pipeline access (Appendix F,sht.1): 1.Railroad City -This site is the least desirable of the three road access locations.The site is at the location of a previous barge dock facility that serviced an old mine development and which was last used in the 1950's.The facility consisted of a barge dock,tank farm,and associated buildings.The existence of a previous tank farm at this site would indicate,given the prior operating histories of these remote sites,a high probably of soil contaminated by hydrocarbons and possibly other chemicals. Doug Pearson of Foss Maritime indicated that when he overflew the site this summer,there were no visible facilities remaining.As these facilities are shown on USGS Quad maps-1952 edition and are no longer present,the assumption would be that high water,during a spring breakup,destroyed them.Therefore, Page 43 any new facilities would have to be carefully sited on protected high ground to prevent a similar occurrence. The land ownership in the immediate area is split into three parcels,with a native allotment in the center with the Alaska Railroad owning the two parcels on either side.The surrounding land is owned by Deloycheet (surface)and Doyon (subsurface).The smaller private parcels probably are not large enough for the required facilities (barge dock &staging area)and would require dealing with multiple ownerships. Several barge companies have noted that the channel may bea little confined for maneuvering with a large barge.This would have to be identified by additional site survey and bathymetry work. 2.Red Wing Slough -This dock is sited just downstream from Railroad City on Red Wing Slough.This location is also just downstream from the native allotment and would be located on Deloycheet (surface)and Doyon (subsurface)land.There would be ample space on one ownership for all required facilities to be sited. There is more water coming down this channel than at Railroad City but some of the same concerns for a confined channel would exist.As at Railroad City,this would have to be identified by additional site survey and bathymetry work in the channel. 3.Yukon River -This site is on the main channel of the Yukon River and would have fewer problems with barge maneuverability and water depths.This location is also on Deloycheet (surface)and Doyon (subsurface)land and there would be ample space on one ownership for all required facilities to be sited.The - disadvantages associated with this site is the increased road length (£10 km,(6 mi.))to access it and no high ground in the immediate area. 4.Pipeline Only -This site is designated as a pipeline only terminus because it would require the bridging of Red Wing Slough to access.This slough is a major arm of the Yukon River and the bridge cost would be prohibitive for road access, however,pipeline access is feasible.The site is on the main channel of the Yukon River and would probably have the least problems with barge maneuverability and water depths.This location is on Deloycheet (surface)and Doyon (subsurface)land and there would be ample space on one ownership for all required pipeline facilities to be sited. The proposed freight dock for road access would have a minimum water depth at dock face of 2.75 m (9 ft.)and be built as a two level dock to address the various water depth fluctuations.The barge dock for fuel and/or pipeline only access would be single level construction built to specifically handle fuel barges during any water conditions.There is water gaging information available from two stations above and below Holy Cross on the Yukon River.Pilot Station,which is located approximately 190 km (120 mi.)downstream, has data from 1975 to present and Kaltag,which is located approximately 300 km (190 mi.)upstream,and has data from 1956 to 1966.Interpolating between these two stations would indicate a maximum water fluctuation between spring breakup and low water of Page 44 approximately 6.7 m (22 ft.).The final configuration of the barge dock would be dependent upon barge configurations and type of freight. Page 45 10.Alternate Transportation Concepts 10.1 10.2 General discussion: The major portion of this report is devoted to examining various road systems and barge dock sites.It is understood that these road systems --and the trucks which use them - will be the means by which annual freight and fuel supplies are transported from the barge dock to the project site.There are,however,alternative means of accomplishing the same end result,i.e.providing power and suppling annual freight to the project site. The following sections briefly review several such possibilities. Pipelines This option would consist of a pipeline paralleling a single lane road from the river dock site to the mine site.The diesel fuel would be barged to the river dock and transported to the mine via a "cold”pipeline. The pipeline would be buried below the active layer (Appendix D,sht.A1-C1)and be sized (est.15-20 cm (6-8 inches))to transport enough fuel to prevent any interruptions in the barge schedules due to delays in fuel transfers.Pipelines could be routed along any of the proposed road routes,facilitating easy access for maintenance,repairs or inspection. For a preliminary operating concept we would propose having enough fuel storage at the river to ensure that there would not be any delays in the barge schedule.This would be in the range of 25 to 30%of annual needs.The main tank farm would be located at Donlin Creek and the storage capacity would be in the range of 80 to 90%of annual needs. The operating mode would be to run the facility continuously through the summer until all of the fuel has been transferred to the tank farm at the mine site and the river tank facility is empty.The transfer facility would then be shut down until the next summer season. The rationale for this distribution of storage capacity and operating mode is as follows: e No delays in barge unloading schedules. e Reduce road traffic and fuel transportation risk. e Reduce road size necessary for operation. e Minimize risk of tank farm failure due to flooding of the Yukon or Kuskokwim Rivers.Tank farm will be empty except during summer operating months. e Minimize the pipeline operating season -summer only. e Lower exposure to fuel theft and/or vandalism while tank farm is left unattended -no fuel to steal. Page 46 10.3 e Avoid having to re-start facility several times during the year to transfer fuel to the Donlin Creek facility.Higher risk of problems,i.e.cold weather startups, servicing facility by air during winter months,undetected pipeline failures,etc. e Operate the transfer pumps continuously through the summer (shipping season)when it is easier to service the barge dock by air and water.After pumping is complete purge the system of fuel until the next operating season. If the pipeline is damaged during the winter or spring breakup there will be minimal contamination.Test the pipeline integrity prior to summer startup. PN&D has participated in several pipeline studies through similar terrain and environmental conditions.Two of these studies were of over 560 km (350 mi.)in length and ran from the Fairbanks area down to the Kenai Pennisula.These included numerous crossings of streams and rivers,the largest of which was Cook Inlet outside of Anchorage. Power generating facility located at the River site: Instead of constructing a pipeline to transfer fuel to Donlin Creek,a generating facility could be built at the proposed river tank farm site and a transmission line could be built to service the mine.This option would reduce the risk of a spill due to a damaged pipeline but waste heat would be lost. The facility would have to be serviced throughout the year which could be expensive and risky by air during the winter months.There is a state maintained airport at Holy Cross just across the Yukon River which could service the facility along with boats during the summer and snowmobiles or snow tractors during the winter.On the Kuskokwim River, there is a landing strip at Crooked Creek that could be used to support the facility by air and of course the road provides access to the mine and could also be used as a service road for the transmission lines. Page 47 11.Cost Analysis 11.1 General discussion: The previous ten sections of this report have examined the various issues relating to transportation scenarios for Donlin Creek Mine.In this section,we have summarized the costs associated with each of these alternates.The following information provides an order-of-magnitude estimate only.While the absolute costs are approximate,the relative costs of one transportation route vs.another are meaningful.These relative totals provide a useful framework within which the pros and cons of each alternate can be evaluated. 11.2 General cost factors for road construction PRELIMINARY GENERAL COST FACTORS USED IN ROAD COST ESTIMATES: Unit Cost Unit Cost Item Metric English Type 1 Road (H20-44 Loading)-Overlay w/o Geotextile Double Lane $400,000/km $650,000/mi Single Lane w/Tum-Outs $260,000/km $420,000/mi Type 2 Road (H20-44 Loading)-Cut/Fill Double Lane $320,000/km $520,000/mi Single Lane w/Turn-Outs $220,000/km $360,000/mi Type 3 Road (H20-44 Loading)-Overlay w/Geotextile Double Lane $330,000/km $540,000/mi Single Lane w/Turn-Outs $240,000/km $390,000/mi Type 4 Road (H20-44 Loading)-Rock Cut Double Lane $770,000/km $1,240,000/mi Single Lane w/Tum-Outs $390,000/km $630,000/mi Type 1 Road (U102 Loading)-Overlay w/o Geotextile Double Lane $420,000/km $680,000/mi Single Lane w/Turn-Outs $270,000/km $440,000/mi Type 2 Road (U102 Loading)-Cut/Fill Double Lane $370,000/km $600,000/mi Single Lane w/Tum-Outs $250,000/km $410,000/mi Type 3 Road (U102 Loading)-Overlay w/Geotextile Double Lane $410,000/km $660,000/mi Single Lane w/Turn-Outs $300,000/km $490,000/mi Type 4 Road (U102 Loading)Rock Cut Double Lane $770,000/km $1,240,000/mi Single Lane w/Turn-Outs $390,000/km $630,000/mi Culverts (non-identified)$22,000/km $35,000/mi Culverts (identified) C1 Battery $80,190 ea.$80,190 ea. C2 Battery $56,880 ea.$56,880 ea. Short-Span Module Bridge ->24 m (80 ft.)$13,000/m $4,000/ft. Short-Span Module Bridge -24-91 m (80-300 ft.)$17,500/m $5,500/tt Page 48 Long-Span Module Bridge -<91 m (300 ft.) Embankment Shot Rock Gravel Side Borrow Surfacing Geotextile Armor or Riprap Stripping $25,000/m $20/C.M. $13/C.M. $6.50/C.M. $16/C.M. $6/S.M. $52/C.M. $6.50/C.M. $7 ,500/ft $15/C.Y. $10/C.Y. $5/C.Y. $S12/C.Y. $5/S.Y. $40/C.Y. $5I/C.Y. Note:The above costs do not include construction camp costs. 11.3 All weather gravel road cost summary: The following section summarizes the Rough-Order-of-Magnitude (ROM)costs associated with building the physical roads for each alternative.Road construction costs include all costs and activities associated with constructing the earthwork roads, including culverts and bridges.Route costs include road construction costs plus 12% engineering and construction administration and 15%contingency costs.These costs do not include the costs of the port facilities associated with each option,permitting,or construction camp costs.In the tables on the following two pages,these general cost factors have been applied to Routes Y1,Y2,J1,J2,J3,&C1. SUMMARY OF ROM ROAD CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATES' Two-Lane Road H20-44 Load Capacity Sum of ROM Costs (millions)Route Length Const.|Eng.&}Contin-|RouteRoute|Road |Bridges |Culverts|Cost C.A.|gency |Cost!|(km)|(miles) Y1 $52.2 |$13.0 $4.8 $70.0 $8.4 $11.8 $90.2 99 61.5 Y¥2 $54.4 |$11.6 $4.4 $70.5 $8.5 $11.8 $90.8 |103 64.0 Ji $16.9 $1.4 $2.1 $20.4 $2.4 $3.4 $26.2 37 23.0 J2 $22.8 $0.8 $2.6 $26.2 $3.1 $4.4 $33.8 56 34.8 J3 $17.6 $1.4 $2.2 $21.2 $2.5 $3.6 $27.3 41 25.5 C1 $6.0 $0.2 $0.8 $6.9 $0.8 $1.2 $8.9 13 8.1 Single-Lane Road with Turn-Outs (2/mi.)H20-44 Load Capacity Sum of ROM Costs (millions)Route Length Const.|Eng.&|j Contin-|RouteRoute|Road |Bridges jCulverts|Cost C.A.|gency Cost!(km)|(miles) Y1 $36.0 |$10.4 $3.9 $50.3 $6.0 $8.4 $64.7 99 61.5 Y2 $37.6 $9.3 $3.6 $50.4 $6.1 $8.5 $64.9 103 |64.0 J1 $11.8 $1.1 $1.7 $14.6 $1.7 $2.4 $18.8 37 23.0 J2 $15.1 $0.6 $2.1 $17.9 $2.1 $3.0 $23.1 56 34.8 J3 $12.2 $1.1 $1.7 $15.1 $1.8 $2.5 $19.4 41 25.5 C1 $4.1 $0.1 $0.6 $4.9 $0.6 $0.8 $6.3 13 8.1 Page 49 Two-Lane Road U102 Load Capacity Sum of ROM Costs (millions)Route Length Const.|Eng.&!|Contin-|RouteRoute|Road |Bridges |Culverts|Cost C.A.|gency Cost!|(km)(miles)Y1 $53.5 |$18.3 $4.8 $76.7 $9.2 $12.9 $98.7 99 61.5 Y2 $55.8 |$16.2 $4.4 $76.4 $9.2 $12.8 $98.5 103 |64.0 J1 $17.9 $2.1 $2.1 $22.1 $2.6 $3.7 $28.4 37 23.0 J2 $24.6 $1.2 $2.6 $28.5 $3.4 $4.8 $36.7 56 34.8 J3 $18.4 $2.1 $2.2 $22.6 $2.7 $3.8 $29.2 41 25.5 C1 $6.2 $0.2 $0.8 $7.1 $0.9 $1.2 9.2$13 8.1 Single-Lane Road with Turn-Outs (2/mi.)U102 Load Capacity Sum of ROM Costs (millions)Route Length Const.|Eng.&|Contin-|RouteRoute|Road |Bridges |Culverts|Cost C.A.|gency Cost!|(km)|(miles)Y1 $36.9 |$14.6 $3.9 $55.4 6.6 9.3 $71.3 99 61.5 Y2 $38.5 |$13.0 $3.6 $55.0 6.6 9.2 $70.8 103 |64.0 J1 $12.4 $1.7 $1.7 $15.8 1.9 2.6 $20.3 37 23.0 J2 $16.3 $1.0 $2.1 $19.4 2.3 3.3 $25.0 56 34.8 J3 $12.7 $1.7 $1.7 $16.1 1.9 2.7 $20.8 41 25.5 C1 $4.3 $0.2 $0.6 $5.0 0.6 0.8 $6.5 13 8.1 1 Construction camp costs,road construction material royalties (see section 11.4)and right-of-way costs are not included.However,12%engineering and construction administration and 15% contingency costs are included in the route costs. 11.4 Road construction materials royalty Alaska land ownership is complex (see Section 4)with differing requirements for each ownership.The route alternatives cross native (regional &village)corporation land, private (native allotment),state,and federal ownerships.Native ownerships are unique carrying specific requirements that must be met. One of the regional corporation's requirements that affect this project is that of charging a fair market value (royalty)for excavated/shot material.The price can be negotiated within narrow limits.However,because of the legal requirement to charge fair market value,the price should range between $1.30-2.00/C.M.($1.00-2.00/C.Y.).The state and federal royalties are subject to negotiation and could even be waived in exchange for development of the region,which is determined on a case by case basis. The method of measurement for payment needs to be established up front with the terms being explicitly defined to eliminate misunderstanding between parties,i.e.will the payment be based on unexcavated volume,excavated pit volume,road in place volume, or an arbitrary per mile number?The range in costs could be considerable. Page 50 11.5 11.6 For example,assume the negotiated cost is $1.70/C.M.($1.30/C.Y.).A one meter length of Type 3 road section would have an approximate royalty cost of $44.75/m ($13.65/ft.)or $44,750/km ($72,000/mi.).For routes J1,J2 or J3 this would add an additional $1.73 and $2.74 million,respectively,to the road costs.Royalty costs were not included in the ROM cost estimate. General cost factors for ice road construction PRELIMINARY GENERAL COST FACTORS USED IN ICE ROAD COST ESTIMATES: Unit Cost Unit Cost Item Metric English Ice Road (construct &maintain each yr.) Grades 3%or less Double Lane $50,000/km/yr $80,000/mi/yr Single Lane w/Tum-Outs $40,000/km/yr $60,000/mi/yr Grades more than 3% Double Lane $75,000/km/yr $120,000/mi/yr Single Lane w/Turn-Outs $60,000/km/yr $90,000/mi/yr Ice Road Bridge (construct &maintain each yr.)$100,000/km/yr $160,000/mi/yr Ice road cost summary: Section 7 discussed ice roads in general detailing the considerations and problems associated with ice road construction and section 7.6 detailed the required ice bridge thickness of 72-cm.(28 in.)for safe transit of HS-20 loads.The summary costs of ice roads have not been developed for several reasons.Among these are: 1.The time to obtain 72 cm.(28 in.)of ice naturally over a water body,according to existing records would likely range from the middle of December until sometime in February.The formation of an ice bridge can be enhanced artificially,but for planning purposes the earliest this depth of ice could be obtained would be the first part of January.Normally ice bridges can be used until late April or very early May.If there is an early spring breakup the ice can become unsafe for heavy vehicle travel in early to mid-April.Therefore,a reasonable period available for trucking fuel would be approximately three months.Additionally,the time available within this three-month period in which a truck could actually haul would likely be in the 70-80%range.This would be due to cold weather days (below -25°F) when transportation becomes unsafe for personnel and vehicle,storms,ice fogs, and whiteouts. The amount of fuel that would have to be moved is 30,000,000 gallons.Using single trailers hauling 22.7 kL (6,000 gallons)per truck for a 200 km (120 mi.) round trip would equate to 5,000 truckloads per season.Tandem trailers would be slower,difficult to manage and would have difficulty pulling the grades without considerable sanding and maintenance. Page 51 11.7 11.8 Assuming three months of operation with 75%available for hauling this is 75 trucks/day seven days a week.Each truck would take at least four hours per round trip requiring a total of 19 trucks.With 80%availability,this is a minimum of 24 trucks.Additionally,support vehicles,tow trucks,rescue vehicles,and facilities will add to the cost.The fuel consumed by this fleet would be in the range of 300,000 gallons which would cost an additional $250,000-300,000/yr. 3.Hauling during the winter will result in accidents,breakdowns,and trucks running off the road.Some of these occurrences will result in spills.Trying to address a spill under these conditions will be expensive. Barge dock cost summary: Section 9 and Appendix C,and Appendix F,shts.1,&7 detail the dock assumptions, concepts and layout.Dock costs are detailed in Tables 12-2 and 12-3.They are based on a cost per unit length of the dock face and the expected height of the dock.The dock structures were assumed to be identical at both rivers.These costs apply only to the dock and immediate staging areas facilities.Upland development costs are presented elsewhere in the same table.These include an 8-acre laydown yard,tank farms, personne!living quarters and a warehouse/utility structure.ROM costs do not include rock royalty,construction camp costs,right-of-way acquisition,and permitting costs. Pipeline and tank farm costs: Pipeline and tank farm costs from both rivers were investigated for this report and are presented in Tables 12-2 and 12-3.These costs are based on a 15-20 cm (6-8 inch) buried pipeline running parallel with the respective road route.In general the cost of this pipeline was $394/m ($120/ft)and includes material costs,construction,engineering,and construction administration.Contingency costs of 15%would be additional i.e.$453/m ($138/ft).ROM costs do not include rock royalty,construction camp costs,right-of-way acquisition,and permitting costs. Tank farm costs are estimated to be $0.23/Liter ($0.87/gallon)for the storage facility and an additional $0.03/Liter ($0.13/gallon)for piping,pumps and similar requirements.The storage facility costs include tank foundations,containment dikes and the tankage.The piping costs are highly dependent upon the distance between the tank farm and the dock facility.The closer the two are,the lower the piping costs will be. The proposed tankage at the barge dock area is +85%(95.8 ML;25.3 million gals.)and at the mine site is +25%(28.4 ML;7.5 million gals.)of the projected annual requirements. Based upon these assumptions the tank farm located at the barge dock area (Kuskokwim/Yukon Rivers)will consist of the following: e eight 12 ML (3.16 million gal.)tanks (35.4-m@x12.2-m high;116-ft@x40-ft high) containment area of +2 hectares (5 acres) all required piping within a 1.2-m (4-ft.)high containment area all required piping from barge dock to tank farm fueling station for local traffic and tractor-trailer transfer trucks Page 52 11.9 The tank farm located at the mine site (Donlin Creek)will consist of the following: four 7.2 ML (1.9 million gal.)tanks (27.4-m@x12.2-m high;90-ft@x40-ft high) containment area of +1 hectares (2.5 acres) all required piping within a 1.2-m (4-ft.)high containment area fueling station for local traffic and tractor-trailer transfer trucks The size of the tanks are a trade off against the containment volume.Regulations state that you are required to have 110%containment of your largest tank.Therefore,if there are a few big tanks then a large containment area is required.This issue can be optimized further during the design process. These costs are dependent upon further investigation of the pipeline size,pumping requirements,tank farm storage requirements,construction techniques,terrain identification,and construction costs.ROM costs do not include rock royalty, construction camp costs,right-of-way acquisition,and permitting costs. Fuel costs: Fuel costs were examined from a variety of sources.It was found that Alaska provides the most economical option for obtaining the fuel required for the Donlin Creek mine operations.The mine will require two types of fuel for year round use:diesel #1 and diesel #2.The assumed mix for this report was 70%diesel #1 and 30%diesel #2.This was based on the fact that sufficiently cold temperatures occur during a majority of the year to warrant this proportion.It was also found that the diesel #1 supplied in the Continental U.S.and southern Canada is not the same as the Arctic diesel #1 supplied in Alaska.The pour point for southern diesel #1 is about -32°C (-25°F)whereas the Arctic #1 has a pour point of less than -46°C (-50°F).The former would not be acceptable for operation at Donlin Creek during the winter months without significant modification to storage facilities and equipment. Fuel specification information was provided by Petro Star and Shaeffer's fuel additive "Diesel Treat 2000”.Also we commissioned Vintage Marketing to do a brief report on fuel specifications and supple issues.These reports are found in Appendix H. Day-to-day spot prices for fuel are highly variable but the relative cost between the two fuel types is reasonably constant,with diesel #1 being about $0.06/gallon more per gallon than diesel #2.Spot prices in Alaska as of this writing are $0.38/gallon for diesel #2. Fuel transportation costs are summarized in Tables 12-2 and 12-3 and_fuel specifications are included in Appendix H. 11.10 Construction materials A major portion (150,000 tonnes;165,350 US tons)of the freighted construction materials is the sand and gravel to be utilized in the mixing of concrete.If a suitable source of local sand and gravel can be developed the cost of shipping this material can be avoided.This material would not necessarily have to meet ASTM standards to be utilized.If samples were sent to an accredited concrete testing laboratory and they were able to develop an acceptable concrete mix based upon this source,then the project's concrete could be made utilizing this material.As an alternative source,there is a sandy gravel developed Page 53 out of Aniak which is located on the Kuskokwim River.This material is used locally and in Bethel for concrete aggregate even though it does not meet ASTM standards.The cost of this material delivered to the Kuskokwim River barge dock is estimated to be $22/tonne ($20/US-ton). Additionally,shot rock is available from Kalskag delivered to Kuskokwim River barge dock for approximately $33-$38.50/tonne ($30-$35/US-ton). 11.11 Airfield options For operations of the size being contemplated,airfield improvements will likely be required.Airfield improvements were assumed to be of similar cost to road construction. As such,their unit price will be about $1,148/m ($350/ft.)The two options considered were:upgrade the existing runway by extending it about 300m (1,000 ft.)or build a new runway on top of one of the nearby hills (see Airfield Options drawing next page).Unit costs would be similar for either case however the extension option will require an investigation of the existing runway to determine its adequacy for passenger and year around freight operations . The current configuration of the airfield at the mine site is generally not acceptable for large-scale operations.This conclusion is based upon the responses of several air freight and passenger carriers that are familiar with the conditions at the mine.As it stands now,the airstrip can accommodate certified military aircraft such as C-130 Hercules and possibly some versions of the DC-6... Passenger service is much more restrictive than that of the cargo carriers.Though the runway can currently accommodate small aircraft,this would not be feasible for larger operations.For operations with more than 30 passengers,there are several additional improvements that will be required.These include fire response service,weather reporting capability and airfield security.Another issue that has been reported as a concern by air carriers is the runway slope.In general the slope of the runway should be less than 2%. Though the existing runway can possibly be made to work in the short term,a much more cost-effective solution would be to build a new runway to meet the requirements of larger carriers allowing the maximum flexibility for operations.This would involve the construction of a 6,000 ft gravel runway on level ground that is relatively clear of obstructions.As indicated on the report,there are acceptable locations in the vicinity of the mine.This option would allow all forms of freight and passenger service to be provided to the mine. One option which should be considered is the utilization of bypass mail.Bypass mail has to go from authorized postal station to authorized postal station and costs $0.09/Ib versus the estimated $0.45/lb direct service from Anchorage.In this case it would have to go to Crooked Creek,Aniak or Bethel.In the example of Crooked Creek the access road would be utilized to haul air freight to the mine.In the example of Aniak or Bethel, the air freight would still have to be air freighted to the Mine site. Page 54 bese a 4 °Free sal * eat fon:™ mae FE ACER DOME INC.AIRSTRIP OPTIONSPatinameleasPCHLIMCREEKMINE2000FT.MINRIMUBA LEHGTHOMLFaneamisFestajsaoSee rea Wane ape eT se Bemis Slee katoaBaAGFoe 11.12 Miscellaneous infrastructure: Costs were developed for a personnel living quarters to house the required dock and tank farm workers for the year.The assumed crew includes two pump operators,two freight handlers,a roustabout,a security guard and a manager.Obviously the crew may vary during the course of the year and some of the tasks may be shared but the assumption was that from 7 to 12 workers would be required at various times to operate the facilitiesefficiently.Personnel living quarters were estimated to cost about $2,691 /m?($250 /ft?)and the structure was assumed to be 465 m?(5,000 ft”). A laydown yard will be required to stage construction and operating supplies and equipment.Most of these items can be housed within the containers that they arrive in, however,this will require a reasonably large area to do so.The assumption in this report is that 3.2 hectares (8 acres)will be sufficient to accomplish this requirement.Theestimatedcostofthislaydownyardis$65/m?($6/ft?). In addition to the above structures,a utility building would be required to provide electricity and other utility requirements for the dock and tank farm facilities.This building will costabout$4,200/m?®($400/ft?)including power generation and other utility equipment.A pad of approximately 1.6 hectares (4 acres)is included to accommodate the buildings,parking and fire access.The estimated cost of this pad is $65/m?($6/ft'). Page 56 12.Summary This report looked at two basic transportation routes:1)a supply barge to a Yukon River barge dock and then a road to the mine site or 2)a supply barge to a Kuskokwim River barge dock and then a road to the mine site.The relative advantages and disadvantages of both are presented below: Kuskokwim River Transportation Route Advantages: shorter road route and less road maintenance road grade can be built to 5%or less road route can avoid federal land and be built only on state or TKC/Calista land shorter overall water/land transportation route infrastructure exists at the mouth of the Kuskokwim R.to handle fuel and freight transfers fewer trucks required to haul fuel/freight from barge dock to mine site Disadvantages: river's normal draft for barges is 1.5-m (5-feet)requiring smaller barges and more barge trips river has more fluctuation in water depths with allow draft sometimes reaching 1.2-m (4-feet)during periods of low water thus increasing risk of freight/fuel shortfall river is smaller than Yukon River and has more populous communities,therefore any increase in barge traffic will be more noticeable and thus more environmentally sensitive Yukon River Transportation Route Advantages: river's normal draft for barges is 2.4-m (8-feet)which allows for larger barges and fewer barge trips river's "choke point”is at the mouth and is consistent at 2.4-m (8-feet)or deeper and there is very little fluctuation in the summer water flow,hence less risk river is considerably larger than the Kuskokwim River,but has fewer and smaller communities,therefore any increase in barge traffic will be less noticeable Disadvantages: longer road route and higher road maintenance costs road grade can be built to 8%or less road route will cross federal,state,TKC/Calista and Del/Doyon lands longer overall water/land transportation route infrastructure does not exist at the mouth of the river to handle fuel and freight transfers.Nome would probably be utilized which is 225 km (140 miles)north across Norton Sound. more trucks required to haul fuel/freight from barge dock to mine site Table 12-3 presented below identifies the construction mandays associated with the various construction activities identified in this report. Page 57 Table 12-3 ROUGH ORDER OF MAGNITUDE (ROM)ESTIMATE OF CONSTRUCTION MAN DAYS ROM ITEM MANDAYS Dock site including 8 acres laydown area,8 acres tank farm pad,4 acres 2,400 building area Dock Tank Farm including tanks,dike,liner,and piping 3,000 Warehouse/Utility/power/sewer treatment/water buildings 200 Personal Living Quarters/Office 300 Docks (2)1,400 Mine Tank Farm including tanks,dike,liner,piping and 4 acres tank farm 3,100 pad U102 loading,double lane road with bridges and drainage structures Y1 36,430 Y2 37,930 J1 13,550 J2 19,790 J3 14,600 C1 4,580 1 Manday =10 hours For remote construction sites it is not uncommon for construction workers to be on site for up to three months before cabin fever sets in and they start asking for rotation. However,more of the construction companies are going to a 4 to 6 week rotation for their personnel.Also there are several distinct groups of workers involved in this project which will be rotating as their specialties are required. The following two pages contain the overall cost summaries for the specific items developed and identified within the body of the report.Table 12-3 contains capital and operational costs associated with the Kuskokwim River and Table 12-3 contains capital and operational costs associated with the Yukon River. Page 58 TABLE 12-2 (Kuskokwim River Route Capital Costs Kuskokwim River Route Operations Costsitemwaltcostwalt'quantity unit cost unit 'quantity Subtotals Fuel Transportation Costs 'unit unit cost 'Guantity Fuel Coat by 25,242,000 Road Costs 35]Fuel Purchase (Diesel #1)galion 30 44 21,000,000 $9,240,000 1 J-1 Double Lane (U102 $1,236,783 mile 23 $767,568 km 7 $28,400,000 3s Fuel Purchase (Diesel #2)gallon $0.38 000,000 $3,420,000 2]J-t Singie Lane (U102 $882,609 mile 23 $548,649 km 7 $20,300,000 vi Lage Barges gallon $0.17 30,000,c00 $5,100,0003]__J-1 Double Lane (HS 20-44)$1,139,130 mie 23 $708,108 km 7 $26,200,000 Ki)Throughput Fee gallon $0.08 30,000,000 $2,400,000 4)J+Single Lane (HS20-44)$817 391 mile 23,$508,108 km.7 $18,800,000 39 River Barges gallon $0.14 30,000,000 $4,200,000 4 J-2 Doubie Lane W102)$1,054,598 mie 34 $655,357 km.56 $36,700,000 40 tuck to Mine gallon $0.03 36,000,000 $801,000 6[_J-2 Singie Lane (102)$718,391 mile xu $446,429 km 36 $25,000,000 a"Driver Room and Board manday $90.00 900 $81,0007]_J-2 Double Lane (HS20-44)|$971,264 mite ua $603,571 km 66 $33,800,000 Freight Transportation Costs Freight Cost z T274,0008]_J-2 Single Lane (HS20-44)$557,471 mile EZ]$346.429 km 56 $19,400,000 42)Receive and load in Seattle ton 00 38.000 $760,000 9[_3-3 Double Lane (U102)$1,145,098 mite 25.$712,195 km $29,200,000 a Barge to Hub on 00 38,000 $2,394,000 tof 5-3 Single Lane (U102)|$815,686 mile 25 $507,317 km $20,800,000 4a Re-handle at Hub ton 00 38,000 $456,000117-3 Double Lane (HS20-44)|$1,070,588 mile 25 $665,854 ken $27,300,000 45 Barge to River Dock ton 00 38,000 31064 00012{_J-3 Single Lane (HS20-44)|_$760,784 mule 25 $473,171 km $19,400,000 46 Re-handie al River Dock ton 00 38,000 $456,000 43 C-1 Double Lane (U102 $1,135.802 mile 81 $707,692 kon $9.200,000 47 Truck to Mine ton 543.00 38,000 $1,634,000 14[_C-1 Single Cane (102)$802,469 mite at $500,000 km $6,500,000 43 Re-handle at Mine ton 12.00 38,060 $456,00015{_C-1 Double Lane (HS20-44)|$1,098,765 Tile 81 $684,615 km $8,900,000 ag Briver Room and Board manda $90.00 600 $54,000 16]_C-1 Single Lane (HS 20-44}$777,778 mite a1 $484,615 kn 4 $6,300,000 Air Transportation Costs Alr Cost $3,172,000 Back Coats 50|ger Sve Mine tound tip $280.00 5.200 31,456,00017|Fuel Dock $5,500 L3 188 18,045 m 57 $1,034,000 51 Passenger Svc Bathel-Min round trip $160 00 5,200 |32,00018!Dolphins.$100,000 oa 2 $100,000 2a 2 $200,000 52 Passanger Svc.BetheVi ages passenger round tip $160.00 2,600 b4 16.000 19 Freight Dock $5,500 ft 314 16,045 m 96 $1,727,000 $3)Freight cost Anchorage-Mine Ib,$0.45 800,000 60,00020)Dolphins $100,000 ea 2 $100,000 on 1 $200,000 84]Bypass Mail Coat to Crooked Creek ib.$0.09 7,200,000 08,000 Tank Ferm Costs [Road Maintenance Roed Maintenance Cost_|5 437,000 a Large tank farm $0 87 gal 25,300,000 $0.23 95,760,500 $22.01 1,000 $5]Heavy Traffic road mainvDust Control |mite |$19,000 00 T 23 $437 00022]Piping/Pumpe ete,$0.13 gal 25,300,000 $0.03 195,760,500 $5268 000 Dock/Tank Farm Operations r ::Dockitank Op.Cost Fy 1,860,00023]Small tank farm $0.92 at 7,500,000 $0.24 28,387,500 36,900,000.56 Personnel manday $530.00 3,000 $1,590,00024Piping/Pumpe etc.$0.13 'al 7,500,000 |$0.03 28,387,500 $975,000 87]loom and Board I manday {__$90.00 |3,000 $270,000 25{7 Smaii tank farm wi pipeline $0.92 gal 2,000,000 $0.24 7,570,000 $1,840,000 I Total Operations Cost]$37,985,000,26 Piping/Pumpe etc.$0.13 gal 2,000,000 $0.03 7,570,000 $260,000 Pipeline Costs Notes:27 1 Ls tt [21440 |$453 -O«dT mn [37000 $16,758,720 28 2 [$38 tt [183744 |$453 «m [56.000 |$25,366,672 1-16 This includes bridge.cutvertroad and costs.2g)3 L138 TY ft |14.600 |$453 ('|™141,000 __|18,580,320 }18,20 2 Dolphins wil be used on each dock for a tolal of4.Airfield Upgrade Conte 17-20 This includes engi and cont costs. 3 Lengthenin,L335 J t [10007 saa id m [__305 T $350,000 19 Freight Dock includes the 2 level open cell shel pie dock. 31 New Runway L_3350__|tt [6000 f $i,148 m L_1429__{$2,100,000 21 Assumes11 months of storage at the river site.(at the mine site with pipeline)[Mise.Facillties 22 Piping and pumps necessary to tanspor fuel into or out of the storage facilities az PLO/Ottice $250 fa 5,000 $2,891 my 465 $1,250,000 23 Assumes 3 months of storage at the mine site. 33..aydown Yard &Bldg.Pad Are:$6 at $25,000 $65 m 48,773 $3,150,000 24 Assumes 2 milion gallons is necessary at the river for surge capacity i a pipeline is used.34 Warahouse/Utilty $400 ?4,000 $4,306 m 372 $1,600,000 |28-26 Based on 6 inch buried pips. 27-29 Based on 6 inch buried pipe.includes ond costs.30 This assumes that legtheningis a viable option,however,a 6%slope on the runwayisnot acceplable for most operations.Route J-1 Capital Cost Summary 31 Thie assumes that the runway can be built on high ground with minimal fil,(Dimensions 6000R x 150) Heavy Losdin;Light Loading 22 Personal Living Quartersfor about 10 people.ane I H ane J- tem 2 lane (W102)|1 lane (U102)|_w/pipeline 44)f44)w/pipeline 33 Aseumes 8 Acres is adequate for storage and staging requirements. Road Costs 528,400,000 |$20,300,000 |$20,300,000 |$26,200,000 |$18,800,000 |$18,600,000,34 Supplies utilities for the dock site (je.power for PLO,Pumps etc.)and provides small storage space fot misc.tems. Dock Costs $3,161,000 /$3,161,000 3,161,000/§3,161,000]$3,161,000 rs 3,161,000 |36 Basedon Diesel#1 being6cents morepergaiion than #2TankFarmCosts$33,175,000 |$33,175,000 |$_27,400,000 |$33,175,000 |$33,175,000 |$27,400,000 36 Current price per Petro Ster (1/20/99) Pipetine Costs 16,758,720 |$_16,758,720 37 Barge from Nikiski,Anchorage,of Valdez, Alrfiald Costs $__2,100,000]$2,100,000 100,000 |$2,100,000 [$2,100,000 |$2,100,000 36 Includes city tex and throughput fee for fuel storageMise.Facilities $3 6,000.0001 $6,000,000 000,000 |$6,000,000]$6,000,000 000,000 39 River barge from Bethel to Jungiuk Creek Total Capital Cost $72,836,000 |$64,736,000 |$75,719,720]$70,636,000 |$63,236,000]$74,219,720 40 Trucking cost from Dock to Mine site.Based on 15,000 gallon loads.41 Assumes 3 drivers for 300 days, Route J-2 Capital Cost Summary 42 none Haenvy Loadin,Light Loadiny 43 Barging cost to Bethel,jane lane lane -|Trane (S20.|ftom Z lane (U102)]1 tane (W102)L wi pipeline 44)44)44)wi pipeline 44 none Road Coste $36,700,000 |$25,000.000 25,000,000 |§33,800,000 |$19,400,000 IE 19,400,000 45 Barging cost to Jungjuk Creek or Yukon River Dock Dock Costs $_3,161,000|§3,161,000 3,161,000]$4.161000]$3,161,000]§46 none Tonk Farm Costs $33,175,000 [$33,175,000 [$27,400,000 |§33,175,000 |$33,175,000 |47 Assumes trucks carryan average of 60,000 Ibs.Pipeline Costs [$25,356,672 [$25,356,672 48 none Airfield Costs $_2,100,000 |$2,100,000 2,100,000 [$2,100,000 |$2,100,000 2,100,000 49 none___Misc.Facilities|$6.000.000 |§6,000,000 |$6,000.0001 $6,000,000]$_6,000,0001 §6,000 000 50 Aveumes half of crew residesin AnchorageTotatCapitaCoat$81,436,000 |$69,436,000 rs 89,017,672]$78,236,000]$63,836,000 3 83,417,672 61 Assumes 1/4 of crew resides in Bethel 52 Assumes 1/4 of crew resides in surrounding villages,this requires both Bethel-Mine cost and Bethel-Vilege costRouteJ-3 Capital Cost Summary 63 Aseumes average flight will be less than full Heavy Loadin Light Loadin:34 This will require that route C1 be built. ane are a are j=ane - ftem 2 lane (102)|1 lene (L102)|wi pipeline 44)44)44)wi pipeline 55 This includes snow removal,toad surface repair,culvert repair,duet contro!etc. Road Costs $29,200,000 |$20,800,000 |$20,800,000 |$27,300.00 |$19,400,000 |$19,400,000 56 This crew includes pump operators,freight handlers,maintenance,security and manager.Dock Costs $3,161,000 [$3,167,000 3,161,000[§3,161,000]$3,161,000 3,161,000 57 none Tank Farm Costs $_33,175,000 |$33,175,000 |$27,400,000 $33,175,000 |$33,475,000 cs 27 400,000PipelineCoste518,560,320 [$_18,580,320 NOTE:CONCTRUCTION CAMP COSTS ARE NOT INCLUDED IN ANY OF THE ABOVE COST ESTIMATES Airfield Coste 32,100,000 $2,100,000 100,000 [$2,100,000 |§"2,100,000 100,000 Misc.Facilities $6,000,000 [$6,000,000 000,000 |$6.000.900)$6,000,000 000,000 Totel Capital Cost $73,836,000 [$65,236,000]$78,041,320]§71,736,000 |§63,836,000 |$_76,641,320| Table 12-2,12-3 Rev1.xte;Kuskokwim River Route Capital C Page 1 of1 TABLE 12-3 lYukon River Route Capital Costs Yukon River Route Operations Costs ttem unit cost wait quantity unit cost unlt quantity Subtotals Fuel Transportation Costs unit unit cost Quantity Fuel Cost '$25,359,000 Road Costs 26 Fuel Purchase (Diesel #1)gation $04 21,000,000 $9,240,000 1 Y-1 Double Lane (U102)1,604,878 Tle o 5996,970 km 99 $98,700,000 27 Fuel Purchase (Diesal #2)galion $03 9,000,000 $3,420,000 2 Y-1 Single Lane (102)1,189,350 me 1 $720,202 ken EJ 71,300,000 28[Rail Transportation to Nenana gation o $,000,000.$141,000 J ¥-1 Double Lane (HS20-44}1,466,667 mis $910,111 km 99 90,200,000|29]Large Oceangoing Barges galion 25,000,000 $4,250,000 4 ¥-1 Single Lane 4520-44)+,052,033 mie 653,535 km 9 16.4,700,001 2 w Throughput Fee gallon 25,000,000 $2,000,000 FE}¥-2 Double Lane (102)539,063 mie +4 956.311 km 59 8,500,004 Mu River Barges from Mouth gallon 4 25,000,000 $3,500,000 6 ¥-2 Single Lane (U102)106.250 mite.34 $687,379 km.70,80%2.000 |32)River Barges from Nenana galion $030 .000,000 $1,500,000 7 ¥-2 Double Lans (HS 20-44)418,750 mit 54 881.553 km 90,800,001 33)Truck to Mine gallon $004 30,000,000 $1,200,000 1 ¥-2 Single Lane (HS 20-44)014,063 mle al $630,097 km $64,900,000 My Driver Room and Board manday $90 00 1,200 $108,000 Dock Costs Freight Transportation Costs Freight Cost $7,362,540 Fuel Dock 35'500 f 188 318.045 m 5?$1,034 000 35 Receive and load in Seattle ton $20.00 19,000.380,000 19]Dolptuns $100.000 oa $100,000 on 2 $200,000 x Receive and bad in Anchorage ton $2000 19.000 380,000 it Freight Dock $8,500 i 314 $18.045 m 96 $1,727,000 37)Truck to Nenana ton $25 00 19,000 475,000 12!Dolphins $100,000 oa $100,000 on 1 $200,C00 x Re-handie in Nenana ton $12.00 19.000 $228.000 Tank Farm Costs 39)Barge from Seatile to Hub ton $63.00 19,000 $1,197,000 13 Large tank farm $0 iT 25,300,000 $0.23 c 95,760,500 $22,011,000 40 Re-handie at Hub ton $12.00 19,000 $228,000 14 Piping/Pumpe atc.$0.gal 25,300,000 $0.03 L 95,760,500 $3.289.000 a Barge to River Cock via Mouth lon $28.00 19,000 $532,000 15)Small tank farm $0.ga!7,500,000 $023 28,387 500 $6,525,000 42)Barge to River Dock via Nenana ton $56 00 19,000 $1,064 000 16 Piping/Pumps atc SO.gal 7,500,000 $003 5 28,387,500 $975,000 43 Re-handie at River Dock ton $12.00 38,000 $456,000 17 Snail tank farm wi pipeline $0.8 gal 2,000,000 $023 L 7.570.000 $1,740,000 44 Truck to Mine ton $50.33 38,000 $1,912,540 48)Piping/Pumps elc $0.13 ga!2,000,000 $0.03 L 7,570,000 $260,CO0 45)Re-handle at Mine ton $1200 38 000 $456,000 Pipeline Coots 46 Driver Room and Board manday $90.00 600 $54,000 19 Yi I $138 I iy 324,720 |453 T 7 199.000 [$44,811,360 Air Trensportation Costs 'Air Coat $5,504500|20 Y2 a $138 {ft [337920 |$453 i m {to3,000°«$46,632,960 47[Passenger Svc.Anchorage-Mine found trip $280 00 5,200 $1,456,000 Airfield Upgrade Costs 48)Passenger Svc Bethel-Mine round trip $160 00 §.200 $832,000 a1 [I $350,T ft I 1,000 L__$4,148 I mn I 305 T $350,000 49)Passenger Svc.Bethel-Vilages found trip $160.00 2,600 $416,00022NewRunwayL__$350 i tt [6,000 Ls ™{1.829 $2,100,000 50]Freight coel Anchorage -Mine ib $0.45 2,000,000 $300 000tiFacilitiesRoadMaintenanceRoedMaintenanceCost 31,168,50023)PLO $250 a §,000 $2,691 m 465 $1,250,000 S1[Heavy Traffic road mainvDust Control_|rile if $19,000.00 I 62 $1,168,500 24]Laydown Yard &Bldg.Pad Area.$6 Cy 525,000 $65 me 48,773 $3,150,000 Dock/Tank Farm Operations Ooch/Tenk Op.Cost $270,000 25 Warehouse/Utlity $4 87 4,000 $4,306 m 372 $1,600,000 52 Personnel manday ]$530 00 I 3,000 $1,590,000salRoomandBoard|manday it $90.00 i 3.000 $270,000 Total Operations Cost,7,764,040 Route Y-1 Capital Cost Summa Notes: Heavy Loeding Light Loading 1-8 This includes bridge,culvertroad ond costs.[TTane (Ute)wi neftom2lane(U102)|1 {ene (U102)pipeline _|2 lane (HS20-44)]1 tane (HS20-44)}-_w/pipeline 10,12 2 Dolphine will be used on each dock for a total of 4.Road Costs 3 98,700,000]$71,300,000]$71,300.000|$80,200,000]$64,700,000]$64,700,000 9-12 This includes :and costs. Dock Coote $3,161,000}$3.161.000]$3,161,000]$3.161.000]$3,161,000}$3,161,000 11 Freight Dock includes the 2 level open cell sheet pile dock.Tank Farm Coots $32,800,000]$32,800,000|$27,300.000/$32,800,000{$32,800,000}$27,300,000 13 Assumes 11 months of storage at the river site (a1 the mine site with pipeline)Pipeline Coste $44,811,360 $44,811,360 14 Piping and pumps necessary to traneport fuel into or oul of the storage facilites Airfield Coste $2,100,000]$2.100.000]$2.100.000]$2.100.000)$2.100.000]$2,100,000 15.16 Assumes 3 months of storage al the mine site Mine.Facilites $6.000.000]$6.000.000]$ 6.000,000|$8,000,000}$6.000.000]$6.000.000 17,18 Assumes 2 milion galions is necessary at the river for surge capacity a pipeline is used Totel Capital Cost $142,761,000]$115,361,000]$154,672,360]$_134,261,000|$_108,761,000}$_148,072,360 19.20 Based on 6 inch buried pipe.Costs inchude and costa. 21 This assumes that legthening is a vieble option,however,the existing rumway elope may not be acceptable for most operations. Route Y-2 Capital Cost Summary 22 This sesumes thei the runway can be buik on high ground with minimal fil.(Dimensions 6000 x 150) Heavy Loadin;Light Loadin:23 Personal Living Quarters for about 10 peopte.ND BAIS5 GL)Hem Zane (U102)|1 tens (U102)pipeline _|2 tane (HS20-44)|1 tene (HS20-64)]-_w/pipeline 24 Assumes 8 Acres is adequate for storage end staging requirements. Road Costs $98,500.000]$70,800,000]$70.800.000 $90.800.000]$64.900.000]$64,900,000 25 Supplies utlities for the dock sie (ie.power for PLO,Pumps etc.)and provides smal storage space for misc.items. Dock Coste $3,161,000 [§3.161,000/$3,161,000,$3,161,000]$3,161.0001$3,161,000 26 BasedonDiesel#1 being6 cents more per gation than #2 Tank Ferm Costs $32,800,000]$32,800,000]$27,300,000]$32,800,000]$32,800,000]$27,300,000 27 Current price per Petro Star (1/20/99)Pipeline Coste $46,632,960 $ 46.632.960 28 Quoted by Alaske Ratroad Airfield Coste $2,100,000/$-2.100,000/$2.100.000]$2.100.000]2,100,000]$-2,100,000 29 Barge from Nikieki,Anchorage,or Vaidez. Mise.Facilites $6,000,000]$6.000.000}$6,000,000]$6,000,000]$6.000.000]$8,000,000 30 includes city tax and throughput fee for fuel storage Total Capital Cost $142,561,000]$114,861,000 |$_155,993,960]§_134,861,000 |$108,961,000]$_150,093,980 31 River barge from Nome to Yukon River Dock NOTE:CONCTRUCTION CAMP COSTS ARE NOT INCLUDED IN ANY OF THE ABOVE COST ESTIMATES Table 12-2,12-3 Revise,Yukon River Route 32 River barge from Nenana to Yukon River dock (500+miles) 33 Trucking cost from Dock to Mine site.Based on 15,000 gation loads.34 Aseumes 4 drivers for 300 days. 35 none 36 Aasumes half of the freight originates in Anchorage. 37,38 none 39 Banging cost to Nome. 40 none4+Barging cost from Noms to Yukon River Dock.42 River barge from Nenana t Yukon River dock (500+miles) 43 none 44 Aseumes trucks carry an average of 60,000 ibs.46 none 46 Aseumes 2 drivers for 300 days.47 Acsumes half of crew rasidas In Anchorage48Assumes1/4 of crew resides in Bethel49Assumes1/4 of crew resides in surrounding vilages,this requires both Bethel-Mine cosl and Bethel Village cost50Assumesaveragefightwillbelessthanfull$1 This includes snow removal,road surface repar,culvert repas,dust contol elc.62 This crew includes pump operators,freight handlers,mamtenance,securty and meneger 53 none Page1oft 13.References ASHTON,G.D.ed.1986.River and Lake Ice Engineering.Littleton,CO:Water Resources Publications. BILELLO,M.A.or BILELLO,M.A.and R.E.BATES.1961,1964,1966,1969,1971,1972,1975.Ice thickness observations,North American arctic and subarctic.Special Report 43, Parts 1 -Vil.Hanover,NH:U.S.Army Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory. CORPS OF ENGINEERS.1984.Shore Protection Manual.Washington,D.C.:Department of the Army,Coastal Engineering Research Center,Corps of Engineers. CRICK,K.and J.D.McCLELLAN.1983.Ice and snow utilization in cold regions construction.In: Cold Regions Construction.ASCE Technical Council on Cold Regions Engineering Monograph,pp 24-31.New York:American Society of Civil Engineers. FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION.1965.Hydraulic Charts for the Selection of Highway Culverts.Hydraulic Engineering Circular No.5.Washington,D.C.:U.S.Department of Transportation,Federal Highway Administration. FERRIANS,O.J.1965.Permafrost map of Alaska.Miscellaneous Geologic Investigations Map I- 445.Washington,D.C.:United States Geological Survey. GOLD,L.W.1971.Use of ice covers for transportation.Canadian Geotechnical Journal,Vol 8,No 170,pp 170-181. HARTMAN,C.W.and P.R.JOHNSON.1978.Environmental Atlas of Alaska.2nd ed.Fairbanks, AK:University of Alaska Institute of Water Resources. KANE,D.L.and J.R.JANOWICZ.1989.Flood Frequency Estimation for Alaska.Report of Investigations 88-17.Fairbanks,AK:State of Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys. LAMKE,R.D.1979.Flood Characteristics of Alaskan Streams.Water Resources Investigations 78- 129.Anchorage,AK:United States Geological Survey. LESLIE,L.D.ed.1989.Alaska Climate Summaries.Alaska Climate Center Technical Note no.5. Second edition.Anchorage,AK:Arctic Environmental Information and Data Center. Page 61 APPENDIX A CLIMATIC AND COMMUNITY SUMMARIES TemPow Temprigh Winter Temperature -normal Summer Temperature -normal Mean Wind Speed Prevelant Wind Direction Maximum Wind Speed -50 yr. Precipitation (ave.) Snowfall (ave.) CLIMATIC INFORMATION CROOKED CREEK -59 (record) +94 (record) 10°F to 24°F +38°F to 71°F 10 knots ESE 91 knots (105 mph) 17 in./yr. 85 in./yr. HOLY CROSS -62record) +93(record) -7F to 20F +35°F to 67°F 7 knots ESE 74 knots (85 mph) 19 in./yr. 80 in/yr. McGrath Daily Temperature Summary McGrath Temp Summary.xls;McGrath Temp Summary Page 1 of 4 1948-1998 September 1948-1998 October 1948-1998 November 1948-1998 Ave.Daily |Ave.Daily{Ave.Daily |Max.|Min.Ave.Daily |Ave.Daily}Ave.Daily |Max.|Min.Ave.Daily |Ave.Daily}Ave.Daily |Max.|Min Max.Temp |Min.Temp|Temp Range|Temp|Temp Max.Temp }Min.Temp}Temp Range |Temp]Temp)Max.Temp |Min.Temp|Temp Range |Temp]Temp, Day °F °F °F °F °F Day °F °F °F °F °F Day °F °F °F °F °F 1 59.3 39.8 20 72 =|27 1 43.8 29.8 14 59 |18 1 20.0 56 14 41 |(24) 2]589 39.6 19 72 =|23 2]42.1 28.9 13 56 |13 2 19.3 5.1 14 46 |(28) 3]58.5 39.2 19 76 |28 3|41.3 27,7 14 57 5 3 49.3 4.7 15 46 |(26) 4|579 38.5 19 74 |26 4)40.5 25.3 15 59 9 4,20.1 47 15 37 |(28) 5}57.1 39.2 18 76 |23 5|39.7 25.0 15 55 (1)5{18.4 3.2 15 37 |(24) 6{56.7 38.0 19 69 |26 6]40.1 25.7 14 54 5 6 17.5 3.6 14 36 |(28) 7 56.3 38.0 18 69 22 7 38.3 26.0 12 56 2 7 17.9 44 13 45 (26) 8}56.2 37.7 18 70 |30 8|37.4 26.3 11 55 9 8 17.1 2.6 415 45 |(30) 9,57.2 38.1 19 75 |21 9]37.0 24.5 12 56 3 9 17.1 2.1 15 49 |(28) 10}55.5 37.8 18 72 |21 10}35.6 22.8 13 55 (3)10 17.6 4.0 14 45 }(28) 11 55.0 37.2 18 72 |26 11 34.0 21.5 13 54 1 11 17.8 27 15 43 |(30) 12]54.1 38.3 16 71 28 12]33.4 20.9 12 55 |(3)12 17.1 3.2 14 49 |(31) 13}55.1 38.4 17 68 |22 13]32.9 20.0 13 58 (1)13 15.4 0.2 15 39 |}(33) 14,54.7 37.5 17 67 |18 14]33.6 20.3 13 56 (1)14 14.5 (1.2)16 43 {(33) 15}54.1 36.6 17 67 |21 15}33.2 19.9 13 54 (7)15 14.0 0.2 14 40 |}(34) 16}53.5 36.6 17 68 |20 16}32.2 18.5 14 52 |(13)16 13.8 (0.7)14 37 |(38) 17 52.5 35.2 17 66 |22 17]30.8 17.2 14 59 |(10)17 14.3 (2.4)17 40 |(38) 18]52.3 36.2 16 71 20 18]296 16.1 14 54 (5)18 11.4 (2.8)14 34 |(36) 19;50.9 34.2 17 65 |}20 19}27.8 12.4 15 47 |(11)19 12.0 (2.4)14 441 |(39) 20]50.3 34.5 16 70 |21 20]26.3 12.9 13 40 |(11)20 12.2 (2.4)15 42 |}(35) 21 49.2 32.6 17 67 |19 21 27.4 13.7 14 46 (8)21 12.0 (6.5)18 47 |(39) 22)48.4 32.3 16 62 14 22|26.8 12.9 14 54 {(13)22 8.8 (5.5)14 43 |(38) 23{49.4 31.9 17 62 9 23]26.7 11.4 15 49 |(13)23 8.2 (8.5)17 46 |(41) 24)47.5 30.7 17 66 2 24]25.7 10.8 15 44 {|(20)24 6.7 (10.8)17 36 {(47) 25}47.4 31.1 16 65 9 25]246 9.6 15 45 |(17)25 5.0 (12.6)18 37 |(49) 26{46.5 30.9 16 60 9 26]23.6 77 16 41 |(17)26 6.7 (10.2)17 42 |(43) 27)46.0 30.2 16 67 4 27\22.7 9.6 13 43 |(21)27 78 (9.4)17 40 |(43) 28{45.2 30.4 15 61 15 28)23.7 8.4 15 39 |(16)28 9.7 (9.6)19 45 |(38) 29|447 30.8 14 65 |13 29)22.0 8.0 14 44 |(26)29 49 (13.0)18 47 |(39) 30}44.9 29.9 15 58 6 30]22.0 7.4 15 44 |(28)30 17 (15.8)17 46 |(46) 31 19.9 6.2 14 42 |}(21) PND:96083.02 McGrath Daily Temperature Summary McGrath Temp Summary.xls;McGrath Temp Summary Page 2 of 4 1948-1998. December 1948-1998 January 1948-1998 February 1948-1998 Ave.Daily |Ave.Daily}Ave.Daily |Max.|Min.Ave.Daily |Ave.Daily]Ave.Daily |Max.|Min.Ave.Daily |Ave.Daily}Ave.Daily ]Max.]Min Max.Temp]Min.Temp|Temp Range |Temp|Temp Max.Temp |Min.Temp|Temp Range]Temp]Temp Max.Temp|Min.Temp|Temp Range |Temp]Temp) Day °F °F °F °F °F Day °F °F °F °F °F Day °F °F °F °F °F 1 28 (14.4)17 41 |(49)1 3.9 (11.6).16 43 |(50)1 6.2 (12.2)18 41 |(46) 2 0.4 (16.2)17 37 |(49)2 3.1 (11.2)14 42 |(55)2 6.8 (12.7)19 42 |(46) 3 (0.2)(16.9)17 30 |(50)3}1.5 (13.5)15 32 |(60)3]7.6 (10.5)18 43 |(52) 4}(2.1)(19.3)17 36 |(50)4)12 (16.6)18 42 |(60)4)83 (12.3)21 42 |(52) 5 (3.3)(18.8)15 35 |(54)5 (0.1)(15.2)15 38 |(58)5 8.7 (11.3)20 48 |(53) 6 (3.8)(18.0)14 30 |(54)6 (2.2)(18.9)17 38 |(58)6 10.2 (8.2)18 36 |(52) 7|(3.7)(18.1)14 34 |(58)7 0.0 (17.8)18 39 |(58)7]10.6 (8.4)19 36 |(49) 8 (1.8)(16.2)14 38 |(54)8 0.8 (17.4)18 40 |(56)8 9.4 (10.2)20 39 |(48) 9 2.0 (14.5)17 40 |(49)9 (2.8)(17.1)14 36 |(58)9 76 (11.0)19 41 |(50) 10 1.4 (13.4)15 42 |(52)10 (0.0)(20.0)20 42 |(59)10 8.2 (11.6)20 48 |(52) 11 1.0 (10.9)12 41 |(55)11 (1.5)(18.2)17 42 |(57)11 9.3 (12.0)21 50 }(51) 12 3.2 (13.4)17 39 |(52)12 (3.3)(20.1)17 38 |(55)12 6.7 (13.3)20 40 |(46) 13 3.4 (12.0)15 38 |(54)13 (3.2)(20.4)17 39 |}(53)13 6.8 (15.9)23 37 |(51) 14 2.0 (15.1)17 37 |(52)14 (1.8)(20.3)18 38 |(54)14 6.3 (15.5)22 32 |(45) 15 4.4 (14.9)19 38 |(47)15 (0.0)(21.3)21 41 |(55)15 5.9 (18.8)25 30 |(49) 16 5.1 (12.2)17 38 |(48)16 0.6 (16.9)18 37 |(56)16 6.1 (20.4)27 29 |(42) 17 4.0 (12.8)17 39 |(50)17 1.4 (17.7)19 38 |(58)17 7.3 (17.6)25 39 |(48) 18 6.7 (12.9)20 38 |(45)18 2.5 (15.0)17 41 |(58)18 7.6 (18.4)26 40 |(48) 19 46 (12.3)17 38 |(49)19 0.5 (16.3)17 38 |(57)19 8.6 (18.5)27 44 |(50) 20 3.8 (13.6)17 42 |(53)20 2.3 (18.4)21 46 |(59)20 8.8 (17.8)27 40 |(51) 21 41 (14.3)18 40 |(51)21 27 (15.9)19 41 (61)21 411.2 (15.0)26 36 |(48) 22 2.0 (15.5)18 38 |(52)22 1.9 (16.0)18 30 |(61)22|13.7 (13.6)27 47 |(50) 23 0.4 (15.2)16 42 |(53)23 0.2 (16.2)16 32 |(61)23 14.6 (10.9)26 44 |}(48) 244 1.0 (16.0)17 35 |(55)24,18 (18.8)21 39 |(60)24 14.8 (9.6)24 46 |(51) 25 21 (16.0)18 40 |(58)25 2.8 (19.2)22 40 |(58)25 17.1 (4.8)22 44 |(50) 26 3.6 (16.4)20 43 |(65)26 2.7 (18.3)21 40 |(67)26 16.8 (8.0)25 38 |(47) 27 2.1 (14.1)16 40 |(67)27 2.9 (17.2)20 42 |(75)27 16.6 (7.2)24 43 |(43) 28 1.5 (14.4)16 35 |(65)28 5.1 (15.0)20 41 (58)28 17.3 (9.6)27 46 |(55) 29 2.8 (15.0)18 49 |}(63)29 44 (15.8)20 36 |(64)29;21.8 (3.4)25 44 |(52) 30 3.7 (15.4)19 43 |(49)30 3.5 (13.5)17 43 |(62) 31 40 (12.7)17 41 (50)31 5.7 (12.4)18 37 |(55) PND:96083.02 McGrath Daily Temperature Summary 1948-1998 McGrath Temp Summary.xls;McGrath Temp Summary Page 3 of 4 March 1948-1998 April 1948-1998 May 1948-1998 Ave.Daily |Ave.Daily]Ave.Daily |Max.|Min.Ave.Daily |Ave.Daily]Ave.Daily |Max.]Min.Ave.Daily |Ave.Daily]Ave.Daily |Max.|]Min Max.Temp |Min.Temp]Temp Range]Temp]Temp Max.Temp |Min.Temp}Temp Range|Temp]Temp Max.Temp |Min.Temp]Temp Range |Temp]Temp Day °F °F °F °F °F Day °F °F .FF °F °F Day °F °F °F °F °F 1 16.5 (8.7)25 42 {(48)1 32.2 6.8 25 53 |(40)1 48.4 28.5 20 67 |14 2 17.4 (6.4)24 42 |(51)2|33.1 6.0 27 54 |(38)2}47.7 26.9 21 69 |10 3 17.5 (5.3)23 45 |(42)3]32.1 7.8 24 51 |(24)3]47.7 27.3 20 62 3 4 17.6 (5.1)23 44 |(45)4|32.2 8.6 24 47 |(27)4]484 28.0 20 66 8 5}18.4 (4.6)23 41 |(47)5}33.3 9.5 24 50 |(26)5}49.9 29.2 21 65 |(1) 6 19.5 (4.0)24 43 |(49)6]34.9 9.9 25 51 |(28)6}52.0 30.7 21 65 5 7 20.9 (3.1)24 43 (39)7 34.6 10.6 24 54 (20)7 52.0 31.2 21 70 9 8]21.4 (2.6)24 43 |(45)8]=34.8 11.3 24 54 |(24)8}50.6 31.1 19 69 |15 9}22.2 (1.1)23 46 |(36)9}34.9 14.3 21 55 |(19)9}51.3 31.8 20 70 7 10}22.3 (3.8)26 45 |(36)10]341 10.9 23 66 |(33)10}513 32.4 19 75 9 11 21.8 (7.3)29 47 |(46)11 33.5 10.3 23 54 |(28)11 53.1 33.0 20 75 |13 42)=20.1 (5.6)26 44 |(45)12]34.6 11.7 23 50 |(30)12]53.3 33.6 20 72 |20 13]20.0 (8.4)28 38 |(43)13}35.1 13.2 22 58 |(31)13}54.0 33.4 21 72 |17 14)19.4 (8.7)28 42 |(48)14]36.4 14.5 22 57 |(22)14 541 33.9 20 70 |25 15}20.2 (6.8)27 45 |(45)15]37.0 15.4 22 52 |}(21)15}547 34.6 20 70 |24 16]215 (6.0)28 48 |(46)16]37.7 18.0 20 55 |(19)16]55.3 34.6 21 82 |22 17|23.7 (3.9)28 45 |(51)17|38.7 18.5 20 56 |(13)17}56.9 35.8 21 77 |26 18]22.6 (3.5)26 50 |(42)18]39.9 18.5 21 61 |}(15)18]57.2 36.7 20 74 |28 19}25.2 (2.8)28 49 |(38)19]40.9 18.3 23 55 |(14)19}57.6 37.2 20 75 |28 20};25.8 (1.1)27 55 |(35)20|40.8 20.6 20 57 |}(12)20|56.9 36.3 21 70 |27 21 27.4 1.9 25 49 |(41)21 41.4 20.5 21 56 (9)21 57.3 35,7 22 73 |24 22|276 19 26 49 |(35)22|426 21.6 21 56 |-(6)22{57.1 37.1 20 74 «|28 23|27.0 0.4 27 49 |(39)23]43.8 24.1 20 59 |(2)23}58.9 37.2 22 74 |25 24{28.2 0.1 28 47 |(30)24,43.4 23.0 20 60 0 24,59.9 39.0 21 78 |30 25}29.1 0.1 29 46 |(35)25,43.9 23.9 20 61 (5)25|60.6 39.2 21 77 +}30 26|28.7 2.1 27 46 |(25)26}44.4 25.1 19 62 3 26}61.0 39.9 21 80 |31 27|28.0 1.0 27 §1 |(37)27|44.8 24.4 20 66 4 27|61.1 39.9 21 75 |30 28{29.8 1.8 28 51 |(29)28]46.0 24.7 21 67 |(2)28]62.3 41.0 21 79 |31 29}30.5 1.0 30 50 |(35)29|46.5 26.1 20 63 (2)29{62.8 40.9 22 77 {31 30]31.3 2.5 29 48 |(35)30]48.4 27.8 21 64 7 30}62.2 41.0 21 81 30 31 31.3 5.1 26 51 |(35)31 62.2 40.4 22 78 {32 PND:96083.02 McGrath Daily Temperature Summary 1948-1998 June 1948-1998 July 1948-1998 August 1948-1998 Ave.Daily |Ave.Daily]Ave.Daily |Max.|Min.Ave.Daily |Ave.Daily]Ave.Daily |Max.|Min.Ave.Daily |Ave.Daily]Ave.Daily |Max.}MinMax.Temp |Min.Temp]Temp Range]Temp]Temp Max.Temp |Min.Temp}Temp Range |Temp]Temp Max.Temp |Min.Temp|Temp Range |Temp]Temp Day °F °F °F °F °F Day °F °F °F °F °F Day °F °F °F °F °F 1 62.4 41.9 21 82 |30 1 69.3 48.2 21 87 |33 1 66.3 48.8 18 82 |37 2}62.3 41.2 21 80 |32 2|69.6 48.4 21 83 |37 2}65.7 47.9 18 81 36 3{65.6 42.5 23 81 31 3}71.0 48.6 22 87 |39 3]66.5 48.8 18 81 36 4)65.6 43.3 22 84 |30 4]69.4 50.2 19 86 |38 44 66.2 48.1 18 83 |36 5}64.5 43.2 21 84 |32 5]69.5 49.5 20 85 |38 5|65.7 49.0 17 82 |34 6]644 43.6 21 88 |32 6]69.8 49.3 20 86 |43 6]65.5 48.4 17 87 |37 7 64.9 43.5 21 87 30 7 67.9 497 18 87 42 7 64.7 47.5 17 82 36 8|65.4 441 21 84 |34 8|67.8 49.7 18 88 |42 8]64.7 477 17 82 |36 9}640 43.8 20 82 |34 9|68.9 49.1 20 84 |39 S|66.4 46.5 20 80 |33 10}64.6 447 20 82 |34 10]70.1 48.8 21 83 |38 10]64.7 47.4 17 82 |30 11 64.6 45.2 19 84 |34 11 70.3 49.9 20 89 |41 11 65.9 46.3 20 82 |29 12]65.5 444 21 85 |33 12]69.6 49.4 20 85 |33 12}65.4 46.4 19 80 |32 13]65.2 447 21 83 |35 13]69.9 50.3 20 88 |38 13}65.6 46.9 19 79 |32 14]66.7 45.3 21 87 |34 14]69.4 50.3 19 85 |35 14]64.4 46.3 18 81 27 15]66.9 45.7 21 90 |38 15]68.3 49.8 19 85 |39 15]62.8 456 17 78 }32 16]66.9 45.1 22 85 |36 16]67.6 49.1 19 82 |40 16}642 456 19 83 |33 17|66.8 45.9 21 81 38 17]68.3 49.5 19 83 |39 17}63.9 45.6 18 75 |29 18]67.3 47.0 20 84 |38 18]67.1 50.2 17 83 |42 18}62.6 46.2 16 78 |33 19]66.7 46.9 20 86 |35 19]68.1 49.3 19 85 |35 19}62.0 447 17 75 |32 20)67.3 46.6 21 87 |35 20|69.4 48.5 21 88 |35 20}60.0 45.2 15 82 |31 21 67.4 46.5 21 88 |34 21 69.4 47.9 21 87 |34 21 62.1 446 17 89 |36 22}65.5 47.1 18 80 |35 22|69.3 49.8 20 86 |42 22|61.3 43.2 18 82 |31 23}67.2 46.1 21 87 |35 23}69.7 49.8 20 86 |41 23}61.3 43.2 18 81 27 24)66.5 46.9 20 88 |36 24]68.2 49.4 19 86 |38 24,61.1 42.9 18 79 «|31 25]68.2 46.6 22 87 |36 25}67.5 49.0 19 87 |}39 25}59.9 43.4 17 79 |29 26)67.5 47.0 21 83 |38 26}67.5 48.8 19 87 |42 26]61.2 43.5 18 77 +{29 27|68.4 47.5 21 83 |34 27|66.2 49.6 17 86 |40 27|61.2 417 20 80 |30 28]68.4 476 21 82 |36 28|67.4 47.9 20 83 |40 28}61.0 41.4 20 76 |25 29]69.0 48.1 21 86 |38 29}66.9 48.5 18 82 |36 29|59.7 42.7 17 74 {|27 30]69.2 47.9 21 87 |35 30|66.9 48.9 18 89 |40 30)59.5 41.8 18 76 |28 31 66.8 48.8 18 81 34 31 59.3 41.2 18 70 |29 McGrath Temp Summary.xis;McGrath Temp Summary Page 4 of 4 PND:96083.02 Alaska Community Database -Detailed Community Information Alaska Department of Community and Economic Development Alaska Community Database Detailed Community Information BETHEL Community Overview Current Population:5,471 (certified December 2001,by DCED) Incorporation Type:2nd Class City Borough Located In:Unorganized School District:Lower Kuskokwim Schools Regional Native Corporation:Calista Corporation Location: Bethel is located at the mouth of the Kuskokwim River,40 miles inland from the Bering Sea.It lies in the Yukon Delta National Wildlife Refuge, 400 air miles west of Anchorage.It lies at approximately 60.79222°N Latitude and -161.75583°W Longitude.(Sec.09,TOO8N,RO71W,Seward Meridian.)Bethel is located in the Bethel Recording District.The area encompasses 43.8 sq.miles of land and 5.1 sq.miles of water. Precipitation averages 16 inches a year in this area,with snowfall of 50 inches.Summer temperatures range from 62 to 42;winter temperatures average 19,to -2. History:: Bethel was first established by Yup'ik Eskimos who called the village "Mumtrekhlogamute,"meaning "Smokehouse People,"named for the nearby fish smokehouse.There were 41 people in Bethel during the 1880 U.S.Census.At that time,it was an Alaska Commercial Company Trading Post.The Moravian Church established a mission in the area in 1884.The community was moved to its present location due to erosion at the prior site.A post office was opened in 1905.Before long,Bethel was serving as a trading, transportation and distribution center for the region,which attracted Natives from surrounding villages.The City was incorporated in 1957.Over time,federal and state agencies established regional offices in Bethel. Culture: The region is fortunate in that rapid development did not occur before the importance of protecting the Native culture was realized.The traditional Yup'ik Eskimo practices and language remain predominant in the area. Subsistence activities and commercial fishing are major contributors to residents'livelihoods.The sale of alconol is banned in the community, although importation or possession is allowed. Economy: Bethel serves as the regional center for 56 villages in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta.Food,fuel,transportation,medical care and other services for these villages are provided by businesses in Bethel.50%of the jobs in Bethel are in government positions.Commercial fishing is an important source of income;200 residents hold commercial fishing permits, primarily for salmon and herring roe net fisheries.Subsistence activities contribute substantially to villager's diets,particularly salmon, freshwater fish,game birds and berries.Poor fish returns since 1997 have significantly affected the community. Facilities: Some residents are connected to the central piped water and sewer system. Approximately 75%of households have water delivered and sewage hauled by truck.Several facilities in Bethel have individual wells and septic tanks.For health reasons the City ruled that residents can no longer use honeybuckets.Extensions of the piped systems to the City Subdivision and Old Town are under construction.Water Treatment Plant improvements have been completed in Bethel Heights.Additional funding has been requested to connect 105 homes to the piped system.The landfill and sewage lagoon, located north of the City,are nearing capacity. Transportation: The State-owned Bethel Airport is the regional transportation center,and is served by two major passenger airlines,two cargo carriers,and numerous air taxi services.The airport ranks third in the state for total number of flights.It offers a 6,398'asphalt runway and 1,850'gravel crosswind runway,and is currently undergoing a $7 million renovation and expansion.Two float plane bases are nearby,Hangar Lake and H Marker Lake.The Port of Bethel is the northern-most medium-draft port in the U.S.River travel is the primary means of local transportation in the summer,and it becomes a 150-mile ice road to surrounding villages in the winter.A barge service based in Bethel provides goods to the Kuskokwim villages.There are 16 miles of local roads.Winter trails are marked to Napakiak (1.1 mi.)and Akiachak (19 mi.) Climate: Precipitation averages 16 inches a year in this area,with snowfall of 50 inches.Summer temperatures range from 62 to 42;winter temperatures average 19 to -2. FACILITIES,UTILITIES AND SERVICES General Description of Sanitation Facilities: Water Some residents are connected to the central piped water and sewer system. Approximately 75%of households have water delivered and sewage hauled by truck.Several facilities in Bethel have individual wells and septic tanks.For health reasons the City ruled that residents can no longer use honeybuckets.Extensions of the piped systems to the City Subdivision and Old Town are under construction.Water Treatment Plant improvements have been completed in Bethel Heights.Additional funding has been requested to connect 105 homes to the piped system.The landfill and sewage lagoon, located north of the City,are nearing capacity. Distribution,Source &Treatment Systems: Water System Operator:City;Individuals Washeteria Operator:Private Piped Water System:Yes Central Watering Point (Haul):Yes Multiple Watering Points:No Water Truck (Delivery):Yes Individual Wells:Yes Community Well Source:Yes Surface Water Source:No DEC Water Permit Number:271075,270346 Water Is FilteOQOOOFF:Yes Water Is Chlorinated:Yes Sewage Collection Systems: Sewer System Operator:City Piped Sewer System:Yes Honeybucket Haul:No Honeybucket Pits:No Individual Septic Tanks:Yes Community Septic Tank:No Sewage Pumper:Yes Sewage Lagoon:Yes Sewage Lift Station:Yes Outhouses:No Refuse/Landfill System: Refuse Collector:City Landfill Operator:City DEC Landfill Permit:No Landfill Permit Expires:1999 Electric Utility: Electric Utility Name:Bethel Utilities Corporation Utility Operator:Private Power Source:Diesel KiloWatt Capacity:12,600 Rate/KiloWatt Hour:14.3 cents/KWH Power Cost Equalization (PCE)Subsidy:Yes Bulk Fuel: Tank Owners (Number of tanks and capacity of each):MarkAir Express (120,500 gals.);Bethel Utilities Corp.(51,000);U.S.DOT/FAA (44,000) Health Care: Clinic/Hospital in Community:Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta Regional Hospital (YKHC/PHS 543-6300);Bethel Family Clinic (543-3773) Clinic/Hospital Phone (area code 907): Operator:YKHC/U.S.Public Health Service Owner:U.S.Public Health Service Facility Status:A new Crisis Center is under construction at the hospital Alternate Health Care:Bethel Fire Dept.&Ambulance Service (543-2131); Yukon Kuskokwim Health Corp.Ambulance &Aeromed Int'l.Medevac (677-7501/888-283-7220) Health Comments:The hospital is a qualified Acute Care facility,and the clinic is a qualified Emergency Care Center.Specialized Care:YKHC Phillips Alcohol Program (City-operated health care,lodging, rehabilitation);YKHC Outpatient Services (Calista-operated health care, information);Bethel Community Services'Malon Visitor Accomodations/Information: Local Airline Services:Alaska Airlines;Era Aviation;Camai Air;Yute Air; Hageland Air;Craig Air;Northern Air Cargo Taxis:City;Kusko;Alaska;Yukon Car Rentals:National;Payless;Emerald Accomodations (area code 907):Pacifica Guest House;Bentley's Porterhouse B&B;Village Motel;Delta Cottages;Bethel Inn;Tundra Suites (543-3232); 6th Avenue B&B;Hammer Manor;Brown Slough B&B Visitor Attractions:Yupik Cultural Center;Bethel Visitor's Center;U.S. Fish &Wildlife Headquarters Cultural Events:Camai Dance Festival;Mink Festival;Kusko 300 Sled Dog Race;NAPA Eddie Hoffman Sled Dog Race;Kuskokwim Ice Classic Services &Facilities: Police:City Police Dept.(543-3781);State Troopers Post (543-2294) Fire/Rescue:City Fire/EMS/Ambulance Court /Magistrate:State Superior Court;State Magistrate;Yukon Kuskokwim Correctional Center Youth Center:City Youth Center Community Hall:Kusko Valley Native Building;City Office Senior Services:Eddie Hoffman Sr.Center/City;Ayalpik Gym or Pool:YK Delta Lifesavers Pool Bingo:VFW Hall Movie Theater:None Museum:AVCP Yupik Cultural Center Library:City/Kuskokwim Consortium Library &Schools Communications: In-State Phone:United KUC,Inc. Long-Distance Phone:GCI;United Utilities Internet Service Provider:GCI (www.gci.net);Chugach.Net (www.chugach.net);Microcom (www.starband.com);Sinbad Network Communications (www.sinbad.net);Unicom/United Utilities,Inc. (www.unicom-alaska.net) TV Stations:ARCS;KYUK Radio Stations:KYUK-AM;KYKD-FM Cable Provider:GCI Cable,Inc. Teleconferencing:Alaska Teleconferencing Network;Legislative Information Office Alaska Community Database -Detailed Community Information Alaska Department of Community and Economic Development Alaska Community Database Detailed Community Information ANIAK Community Overview Current Population:572 (certified December 2001,by DCED) Incorporation Type:2nd Class City Borough Located In:Unorganized School District:Kuspuk Schools Regional Native Corporation:Calista Corporation Location: Aniak is located on the south bank of the Kuskokwim River at the head of Aniak Slough,59 miles southwest of Russian Mission in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta.It lies 92 air miles northeast of Bethel and 317 miles west of Anchorage.It lies at approximately 61.57833°N Latitude and 159.52222°W Longitude.(Sec.12,TO17N,ROS7W,Seward Meridian.)Aniak is located in the Kuskokwim Recording District.The area encompasses 6.5 sq.miles of land and 2.3 sq.miles of water.Climate is maritime in the summer and continental in winter.Temperatures range between -55 and 87.Average yearly precipitation is 19 inches,with snowfall of 60 inches.The Kuskokwim is ice-free from mid-June through October. History: Aniak is a Yup'ik word meaning "the place where it comes out,"which refers to the mouth of the Aniak River.This river played a key role in the placer gold rush of 1900-01.In 1914,Tom L.Johnson homesteaded the site and opened a store and post office.The Yup'ik village of Aniak had been abandoned long before this time.Eskimos Willie Pete and Sam Simeon brought their families from Ohagamuit to Aniak,which reestablished the Native community.A Russian-era trader named Semen Lukin is credited with the discovery of gold near Aniak in 1932.A Territorial school opened in 1936.Construction of an airfield began in 1939,followed by the erection of the White Alice radar-relay station in 1956,which closed in 1978.The City was incorporated in 1972. Culture: Aniak's population is primarily Yup'ik Eskimo with some Athabascan residents.Subsistence foods contribute largely to villagers'diets.Many families travel to fish camps each summer. Economy: The economy of Aniak is based on government,transportation and retail services.As the largest City in the area,Aniak is a service hub for surrounding villages.Subsistence activities supplement part-time wage earnings,and some commercial fishing occurs.Poor fish returns since 1997 have significantly affected the community.14 residents hold commercial fishing permits.The School District,Kuskokwim Native Assoc.,Bush-Tell Inc.,and the Aniak subregional clinic provide most year-round employment. Salmon,moose,bear,birds,berries and gardens are the primary food sources. Facilities: The majority of homes (155)are plumbed and have individual wells.A central well was completed in 1988 by the village corporation;there are also wells at Auntie Marie Nicoli School and the Joe Parent Voc Ed Center. Only 21 households haul water.A central piped sewage system serves most residents,with the exception of the school,the clinic and the Napat subdivision across Aniak Slough.The system has four lift stations,and wastewater is treated in a lagoon.Some homes use individual septic tanks, but permafrost has caused drainfield problems,so most of the unserved homes use pit privies.The City provides septic pumping services.Funds have been provided to replace failing drainfield systems by expanding the piped sewer to serve the remainder of the City and the school.A washeteria is operated by the Village Council.Refuse is collected by a private firm,Aniak Disposal Service,or by individuals.The landfill is operated by the City.Aniak Power &Light is a privately-owned company. Transportation: Access to Aniak is limited to air and water.The State-owned airport is 6,000'of asphalt and is lighted,and is equipped for instrument approaches.Regular flights are provided by several carriers,including charter operators.Major airport improvements were recently completed. Float planes can also land on Aniak Slough.Fuel and supplies are brought in by barge during the summer;other goods are delivered by air year-round.There is no road connection to other villages,although trails and the frozen river are used by snowmachines during winter.A winter trail is marked to Kalskag (15 mi.)The community has requested construction of a road to Chuathbaluk. Climate: Climate is maritime in the summer and continental in winter.Temperatures range between -55 and 87.Average yearly precipitation is 19 inches,with snowfall of 60 inches.The Kuskokwim is ice-free from mid-June through October. FACILITIES,UTILITIES AND SERVICES General Description of Sanitation Facilities: The majority of homes (155)are plumbed and have individual wells.A central well was completed in 1988 by the village corporation;there are also wells at Auntie Marie Nicoli School and the Joe Parent Voc Ed Center. Only 21 households haul water.A central piped sewage system serves most residents,with the exception of the school,the clinic and the Napat subdivision across Aniak Slough.The system has four lift stations,and wastewater is treated in a lagoon.Some homes use individual septic tanks, but permafrost has caused drainfield problems,so most of the unserved homes use pit privies.The City provides septic pumping services.Funds have been provided to replace failing drainfield systems by expanding the piped sewer to serve the remainder of the City and the school.A washeteria is operated by the Village Council.Refuse is collected by a private firm,Aniak Disposal Service,or by individuals.The landfill is operated by the City.Aniak Power &Light is a privately-owned company. Water Distribution,Source &Treatment Systems: Water System Operator:Village Corporation;School Washeteria Operator:Village Council Piped Water System:No Central Watering Point (Haul):Yes Multiple Watering Points:No Water Truck (Delivery):No Individual Wells:Yes Community Well Source:Yes Surface Water Source:No DEC Water Permit Number:None Water Is FilteQ0OO0FF:No Water Is Chlorinated:No Sewage Collection Systems: Sewer System Operator:City Piped Sewer System:Yes Honeybucket Haul:No Honeybucket Pits:Yes Individual Septic Tanks:Yes Community Septic Tank:No Sewage Pumper:Yes Sewage Lagoon:Yes Sewage Lift Station:Yes Outhouses:No Refuse/Landfill System: Refuse Collector:Aniak Disposal Service Landfill Operator:City DEC Landfill Permit:No Landfill Permit Expires:1991 Electric Utility: Electric Utility Name:Aniak Light &Power Company Utility Operator:Private Power Source:Diesel KiloWatt Capacity:1,160 Rate/KiloWatt Hour:21.3 cents/KWH Power Cost Equalization (PCE)Subsidy:Yes Bulk Fuel: Tank Owners (Number of tanks and capacity of each):Moffit Contracting (349,000 gals.);Kuspuk Schools (142,100);City (1,500);Aniak Power & Light (195,000);Alaska Commercial Co (15,200);Arctic Transportation (4,000);Steve Hill (21,000);Ryan Air (72,230);Dept.of Transportation (3,800);Bush-Tell (6,000);Hageland Aviation (1,900) Health Care: Clinic/Hospital in Community:Aniak Subregional Health Clinic (675-4346/4556) Clinic/Hospital Phone (area code 907):675-4346/4556 Operator:YKHC Owner:U.S.Public Health Service Facility Status:The clinic is newly constructed Alternate Health Care:Aniak Volunteer Fire Dept.(675-4601);flight to Bethel or Anchorage Health Comments:The clinic is a qualified Emergency Care Center. Specialized Care:KNA Community Counseling Center (Kuskokwim Native Assoc.)provides consumer and psychiatric services Visitor Accomodations/Information: Airline Services:Peninsula Airways;Hageland Aviation;Tanana Air;Yute Air;Arctic Circle Air;Ryan (Arctic Transportation Service) Taxis:Tom's Taxi Car Rentals:None Accomodations (area code 907):Bender's Bed &Breakfast;Aniak Lodge; Townhouse Cafe Visitor Attractions:None Cultural Events:Aniak State Fair;Aniak Winter Carnival;Christmas Bazaar; Silver Salmon Derby Local Services &Facilities: Police:None;State Troopers Post (675-4398) Fire/Rescue:City Volunteer Fire;City Fire Hall Court/Magistrate:State Magistrate;State Troopers Youth Center:Village Council Teen Center Community Hall:Village Council Senior Services:Kuskokwim Native Assoc. Gym or Pool:School Gym Bingo:City;Village Council;KNA Movie Theater:None Museum:None Library:City Public Library &School Library Communications: In-State Phone:Bush-Tell Inc. Long-Distance Phone:AT&T Alascom;United Utilities Internet Service Provider:Bush-Tell,Inc.(www.arctic.net);School Only - GCI (www.gci.net) TV Stations:ARCS Radio Stations:KYUK-AM Cable Provider:The Cable Company,Inc. Teleconferencing:Alaska Teleconferencing Network Alaska Community Database -Detailed Community Information Alaska Department of Community and Economic Development Alaska Community Database Detailed Community Information CROOKED CREEK Community Overview Current Population:137 (2000 U.S.Census) Incorporation Type:Unincorporated Borough Located In:Unorganized School District:Kuspuk Schools Regional Native Corporation:Calista Corporation Location: Crooked Creek is located on the north bank of the Kuskokwim River at its junction with Crooked Creek.It lies in the Kilbuk-Kuskokwim Mountains 50 miles northeast of Aniak,141 miles northeast of Bethel,and 275 miles west of Anchorage.It lies at approximately 61.87°N Latitude and -158.11083°W Longitude.(Sec.32,TO21N,RO48W,Seward Meridian.) Crooked Creek is located in the Fairbanks Recording District.The area encompasses 101.1 sq.miles of land and 7.4 sq.miles of water.A continental climate prevails in the area.Snowfall measures 85 inches per year,with total precipitation averaging 17 inches per year.Temperatures range from -59 to 94.High winds often cause flight delays in the fall and winter.The Kuskokwim is ice-free from mid-June through October. History: It was first reported in 1844 by the Russian explorer Zagoskin,who recorded the name of the creek as "Kvikchagpak,"or "great bend"in Yup'ik,and as "Khottylno,"or "sharp turn"in Ingalik Indian.He noted that the site was used as a summer fish camp for the nearby villagers of Kwigiumpainukamuit.In 1909,a permanent settlement was established as a way station for the Flat and Iditarod gold mining camps.The USGS reported it in 1910 as "Portage Village"because it was at the south end of a portage route up Crooked Creek to the placer mines.In 1914,Denis Parent founded a trading post upriver from the creek mouth,in what would become the "upper village"of Crooked Creek.A post office was opened in 1927 and a school was built in 1928.The "lower village"was settled by Eskimos and Ingalik Indians.By the early 1940s,there was a Russian Orthodox Church, St.Nicholas Chapel,and several homes.The upper and lower portions of the village remain today.Gold production continued through the late 1980s,when Western Gold Mining and Exploration went out of business. Culture: Crooked Creek is a mixed Eskimo and Ingalik village with a lifestyle reliant on subsistence activities. Economy: The economy is focused on subsistence activities.Salmon,moose,caribou and water fowl are staples of the diet.There are a few year-round positions with the school and store.Some residents trap and sell pelts. The Calista Corp.,Kuskokwim Corp.,and Placer Dome U.S.signed an exploration and mining lease for Donlin Creek,north of Crooked Creek.The site is very promising. Facilities: All homes lack plumbing;residents haul water and honeybuckets.A new well provides treated water,and a new washeteria has been completed.The school,store,and three homes have individual wells,septic tanks and plumbing.The school septic drainfield is failing.The community needs a new water tank and landfill with access road. Transportation: The Kuskokwim River is the local highway in both summer and winter.ATVs and snow machines are used by residents.The frozen river becomes an ice road in winter.Skiffs and barges provide cargo in summer.A State-owned and operated 2,000'gravel airstrip is southwest of the village,with scheduled weekday air services.A suspension bridge over Crooked Creek connects the upper and lower villages with the airport. Climate: A continental climate prevails in the area.Snowfall measures 85 inches per year,with total precipitation averaging 17 inches per year. Temperatures range from -59 to 94.High winds often cause flight delays in the fall and winter.The Kuskokwim is ice-free from mid-June through October. FACILITIES,UTILITIES AND SERVICES General Description of Sanitation Facilities: Water All homes lack plumbing;residents haul water and honeybuckets.A new well provides treated water,and a new washeteria has been completed.The school,store,and three homes have individual wells,septic tanks and plumbing.The school septic drainfield is failing.The community needs a new water tank and landfill with access road. Distribution,Source &Treatment Systems: Water System Operator:Village Council;School Washeteria Operator:Village Council Piped Water System:No Central Watering Point (Haul):Yes Multiple Watering Points:No Water Truck (Delivery):No Individual Wells:No Community Well Source:Yes Surface Water Source:Yes DEC Water Permit Number:280302,280228,280082 Water Is FilteOO0O0OFF:No Water Is Chlorinated:No Sewage Collection Systems: Sewer System Operator:Individuals Piped Sewer System:No Honeybucket Haul:No Honeybucket Pits:Yes Individual Septic Tanks:Yes Community Septic Tank:No Sewage Pumper:No Sewage Lagoon:No Sewage Lift Station:No Outhouses:Yes Refuse/Landfill System: Refuse Collector:Individuals Landfill Operator:Village Corporation DEC Landfill Permit:No Landfill Permit Expires: Electric Utility: Electric Utility Name:Middle Kuskokwim Electric Cooperative Utility Operator:Co-op Power Source:Diesel KiloWatt Capacity:200 Rate/KiloWatt Hour:25.4 cents/KWH Power Cost Equalization (PCE)Subsidy:yYes Bulk Fuel: Tank Owners (Number of tanks and capacity of each):Kuspuk Schools (25,450 gals.);Village Council (6,300);Electric Co-op (17,000);Dennis Thomas (34,000);Lyman Mining Resources (20,000) Health Care: Clinic/Hospital in Community:Crooked Creek Health Clinic Clinic/Hospital Phone (area code 907):432-2222 Operator:YKHC Owner:Village Corporation Facility Status:Improvements to the clinic were funded in 1995, the village wants a new clinic. Alternate Health Care:flight to Bethel or Anchorage Health Comments: Visitor Accomodations/Information: Local Airline Services: Taxis:Airport shuttles Car Rentals:None (nearest is Klawock) Accomodations (area code 907):Thomas Fishing Lodge Visitor Attractions:Fishing,hiking,hunting,beach combing Cultural Events:Salmon Derby (April-July 1) Services &Facilities: Police:None Fire/Rescue: Court/Magistrate: Youth Center: Community Hall:Community Center however, Senior Services: Gym or Pool: Bingo: Movie Theater: Museum: Library:School Library Communications: In-State Phone:Bush-Tell Inc. Long-Distance Phone:AT&T Alascom Internet Service Provider:School Only -GCI (www.gci.net) TV Stations:ARCS Radio Stations: Cable Provider:None Teleconferencing: Alaska Community Database -Detailed Community Information Alaska Department of Community and Economic Development Alaska Community Database Detailed Community Information NOME Community Overview Current Population:3,505 (certified December 2001,by DCED) Incorporation Type:lst Class City Borough Located In:Unorganized School District:Nome City Schools Regional Native Corporation:Bering Straits Native Corp. Location: Nome was built along the Bering Sea,on the south coast of the Seward Peninsula,facing Norton Sound.It lies 539 air miles northwest of Anchorage,a 75-minute flight.It lies 102 miles south of the Arctic Circle,and 161 miles east of Russia.It lies at approximately 64.50111°N Latitude and -165.40639°W Longitude.(Sec.26,TO11S,RO34W,Kateel River Meridian.)Nome is located in the Cape Nome Recording District. The area encompasses 12.5 sq.miles of land and 9.1 sq.miles of water. January temperatures range from -3 to 11;July temperatures are typically 44 to 65.Average annual precipitation is 18 inches,including 56 inches of snowfall. History: Malemiut,Kauweramiut and Unalikmiut Eskimos have occupied the Seward Peninsula historically,with a well-developed culture adapted to the environment.Around 1870 to 1880,the caribou declined on the Peninsula and the Eskimos changed their diets.Gold discoveries in the Nome area had been reported as far back as 1865 by Western Union surveyors seeking a route across Alaska and the Bering Sea.But it was a $1500-to-the-pan gold strike on tiny Anvil Creek in 1898 by three Scandinavians,Jafet Lindeberg,Erik Lindblom,and John Brynteson,that brought thousands of miners to the "Eldorado."Almost overnight an isolated stretch of tundra fronting the beach was transformed into a tent-and-log cabin city of 20,000 prospectors,gamblers,claim jumpers,saloon keepers,and prostitutes.The gold-bearing creeks had been almost completely staked, when some entrepreneur discovered the "golden sands of Nome."With nothing more than shovels,buckets,rockers and wheel barrows,thousands of idle miners descended upon the beaches.Two months later the golden sands had yielded one million dollars in gold (at $16 an ounce).A narrow-gauge railroad and telephone line from Nome to Anvil Creek was built in 1900. The City of Nome was formed in 1901.By 1902 the more easily reached claims were exhausted and large mining companies with better equipment took over the mining operations.Since the first strike on tiny Anvil Creek,Nome's gold fields have yielded $136 million.The gradual depletion of gold,a major influenza epidemic in 1918,the depression,and finally World War II,each influenced Nome's population.A disastrous fire in 1934 destroyed most of the City. Culture: The population of Nome is a mixture of Eskimos and non-Natives.Although many employment opportunities are available,subsistence activities are prevalent in the community.Former villagers from King Island also live in Nome.Nome is the finish line for the 1,100-mile Iditarod Sled Dog Race from Anchorage,held each March. Economy: Nome is the center of the Bering Strait/Seward Peninsula region. Government services provide the majority of employment.60 residents hold commercial fishing permits.Retail services,transportation,mining, medical and other businesses provide year-round income.Alaska Gold Company operates a placer gold mine that provides employment for 70 persons.Subsistence activities contribute to the local diet. Facilities: A well at Moonlight Springs supplies water to the community,which is treated at the Snake River Power Plant and stored in a 50,000-gal.tank.A million-gallon back-up tank is also available.Water is heated and pumped to residences via a wooden utilidor;trucks also deliver water.Sewage is piped from most homes.Over 95%of residences currently have complete plumbing.Construction has begun on a six-phase upgrade --to drill additional wells at Moonlight Springs,replace the water storage tank and pumping station,and to replace the 1960's-era wooden utilidor distribution system with buried Arctic piping.The City wants to develop a water source closer to New Town.Some homes still haul their own honeybuckets (service is not provided)and have water delivered to home tanks.Funds have been requested to expand water and sewer to these areas. Refuse collection services are provided by a contractor,hauled to a new landfill on Beam Road. Transportation: Nome is a regional center of transportation for surrounding villages. There are two State-owned airports.The Nome Airport has a two paved runways,one at 6,000',and the other at 5,500'.An $8.5 million airport improvement project is nearing completion.Scheduled jet flights are available,as well as charter and helicopter services.The City Field offers a 1,950'gravel airstrip.The entire seaward side of the City is protected by a 3,350-foot-long sea wall of granite boulders.These huge rocks were trucked in from Cape Nome,13 miles distant,at a cost of more than one million dollars.A port and berthing facilities accommodate vessels up to 18 feet of draft.Lighterage services distribute cargo to area communities.The Corps of Engineers is currently designing a new harbor channel entrance and breakwater.Local development groups and the City are funding harbor dredging,two seasonal floating docks,and a boat launch.Local roads lead to Teller,Council and the Kougarok River. Climate: January temperatures range from -3 to 11;July temperatures are typically 44 to 65.Average annual precipitation is 18 inches,including 56 inches of snowfall. FACILITIES,UTILITIES AND SERVICES General Description of Sanitation Facilities: A well at Moonlight Springs supplies water to the community,which is treated at the Snake River Power Plant and stored in a 50,000-gal.tank.A million-gallon back-up tank is also available.Water is heated and pumped to residences via a wooden utilidor;trucks also deliver water.Sewage is piped from most homes.Over 95%of residences currently have complete plumbing.Construction has begun on a six-phase upgrade --to drill additional wells at Moonlight Springs,replace the water storage tank and pumping station,and to replace the 1960's-era wooden utilidor distribution system with buried Arctic piping.The City wants to develop a water source closer to New Town.Some homes still haul their own honeybuckets (service is not provided)and have water delivered to home tanks.Funds have been requested to expand water and sewer to these areas. Refuse collection services are provided by a contractor,hauled to a new landfill on Beam Road. Water Distribution,Source &Treatment Systems: Water System Operator:City;School Washeteria Operator:Private Piped Water System:Yes Central Watering Point (Haul):No Multiple Watering Points:No Water Truck (Delivery):Yes Individual Wells:No Community Well Source:Yes Surface Water Source:No DEC Water Permit Number:340010,340638 Water Is FilteQOQOOFF:No Water Is Chlorinated:Yes Sewage Collection Systems: Sewer System Operator:City Piped Sewer System:Yes ' Honeybucket Haul:Yes Honeybucket Pits:No Individual Septic Tanks:Yes Community Septic Tank:No Sewage Pumper:No Sewage Lagoon:Yes Sewage Lift Station:No Outhouses:No Refuse/Landfill System: Refuse Collector:Andersen,Inc (City Contract) Landfill Operator:City;JETCO DEC Landfill Permit:Yes Landfill Permit Expires:2000 Electric Utility: Electric Utility Name:Nome Joint Utility Systems Utility Operator:City Power Source:Diesel KiloWatt Capacity:10,895 Rate/KiloWatt Hour:17.8 cents/KWH Power Cost Equalization (PCE)Subsidy:Yes Bulk Fuel: Tank Owners (Number of tanks and capacity of each):Chevron/Arctic Lighterage (5,233,000 gals.);Bonanza Fuel (3,055,000);Air Nat'l Guard (20,000);MarkAir (20,000) Health Care: Clinic/Hospital in Community:Norton Sound Regional Hospital (443-3311) Clinic/Hospital Phone (area code 907):443-3311 Operator:City;NSHC Owner:Private Facility Status:The clinic was renovated in 1994 Alternate Health Care:Nome Volunteer Ambulance Dept (443-7824/443-5262); Norton Sound Health Corp.Medevac (443-3311) Health Comments:The hospital is a qualified Acute Care facility and Medevac Service.Long Term Care:Quyaana Care Center.Specialized Care: Norton Sound Community Mental Health Center;Turning Point -Saquigvik (transitional living 443-5577);XYZ Senior Center Visitor Accomodations/Information: Airline Services:Alaska Airlines;Bering Air;Cape Smythe Air Service; Hageland;Olson;Grant;Arctic Transportation;Baker Aviation;Frontier; Evergreen Helicopters;Northern Air Cargo Taxis:Checker;Nome Cab;Gold Rush;Alaska Cab Car Rentals:Budget;Stampede;Bonanza Accomodations (area code 907):Nome Nugget Inn (877-443-2323);Polaris Hotel;Nanuaq Manor;Ponderosa Inn;Mai's Guest House;Aurora Executive Suites;Oceanview Manor;Chateau de Cape Nome;Golden Sands Guest House; Serenity Lodge;Trails End;June's B &B;No Place Like Nome B&B;Sweat Dreams B&B;Weeks Apartments Visitor Attractions:City Convention &Visitors Center;Gold Rush History; Alaska's largest gold pan;300 miles of local roads for wildlife and bird viewing;Iditarod Dog mushing;Eskimo culture Cultural Events:Gold Rush Classic Iron Dog Snowmachine Race (Feb.-finish line);Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race (finish line in March);Iditarod Basketball Tournament (Mar);Bering Sea Ice Gold Classic/Golf Tournament (Mar);Nome to Golovin Snowmachine Race (Mar);Midnight Sun Festival (June);Fourth of July/Anvil Mtn.Run;Nome River Raft Race (June);Nome Theater Guild;Iditaswim;Miners and Mushers Ball (Mar);Polar Bear Swim (May);Midnight Sun Softball Tournament (June);Bathtub Race (Sept); Fireman's Carnival (Dec) Local Services &Facilities: Police:City Police Dept.(443-5262);State Troopers Post (443-2835) Fire/Rescue:City Volunteer Fire/EMS/Ambulance Dept.;City Fire Stations Court/Magistrate:State Superior Court;Anvil Mtn.Correctional Center Youth Center:City Recreation Center;Comm.Center Community Hall:Community Center;City Hall Senior Services:Nome Community Center,Inc./Senior Center;XYZ Prog.; Norton Sound Health Corp. Gym or Pool:Pool Bingo:Solid Green Bingo Movie Theater:None Museum:City/Carrie McLain Museum Library:City Public Library,College &School Libraries Communications: In-State Phone:Mukluk Telephone Co./TelAlaska Long-Distance Phone:AT&T Alascom;GCI Internet Service Provider:GCI (www.gci.net);Nome.net (www.nome.net) TV Stations:ARCS;KUAC;KYAC Radio Stations:KICY-AM/FM;KNOM-AM/FM Cable Provider:GCI Cable,Inc. Teleconferencing:Alaska Teleconferencing Network;Legislative Information Office Alaska Community Database -Detailed Community Information Alaska Department of Community and Economic Development Alaska Community Database Detailed Community Information SAINT MARY'S Community Overview Current Population:500 (certified December 2001,by DCED) Incorporation Type:lst Class City Borough Located In:Unorganized School District:Saint Mary's School District Regional Native Corporation:Calista Corporation Location: St.Mary's is located on the north bank of the Andreafsky River,5 miles from its confluence with the Yukon River.It lies 450 air miles west-northwest of Anchorage.The City of St.Mary's encompasses the Yup'ik villages of St.Mary's and Andreafsky.It lies at approximately 62.05306° N Latitude and -163.16583°W Longitude.(Sec.26,TO23N,RO76W,Seward Meridian.)Saint Mary's is located in the Bethel Recording District. The area encompasses 43.9 sq.miles of land and 6.3 sq.miles of water. The climate is continental with a significant maritime influence. Temperatures range between -44 and 83.Annual precipitation measures 16 inches,with 60 inches of snowfall.The Yukon is ice-free from June through October. History: In 1899,Andreafsky was established as a supply depot and winter headquarters for the Northern Commercial Company's riverboat fleet.The village took its name from the Andrea family which settled on the River and built a Russian Orthodox Church.In 1903,Jesuit missionaries set up a mission 90 miles downriver at ""Akulurak"to educate and care for the children orphaned by a flu epidemic in 1900-01.Akulurak means "in between place,"aptly describing the village,which was on an island in a slough connecting two arms of the Yukon River.The mission school flourished,and by 1915,there were 70 full-time students.Over the years,the slough surrounding Akulurak silted in severely.In 1948,the villagers decided to move to higher ground.Materials from an abandoned hotel built during the gold rush were used to construct the new mission and several village homes at the present site.In 1949,an unused 15'by 30'building and other building materials from Galena Air Force Station were barged to Saint Mary's by Father Spills,a Jesuit priest.These materials,along with a tractor borrowed from Holy Cross,were used to construct a school.During the 1950s,a number of Yup'ik families moved into the Andreafsky area, only a short distance from the mission.Dormitories and a large house for the Jesuits were built during the 1960s.In 1967,the area adjacent to the mission incorporated as the City of St.Mary's,although Andreafsky chose to remain independent.In 1980,the residents of Andreafsky voted for annexation into the City.In 1987,the Catholic Church closed the mission school. Culture: St.Mary's is a Yup'ik Eskimo community that maintains a fishing and subsistence lifestyle.The sale of alcohol is prohibited in the City. Economy: The economy in St.Mary's is subject to seasonal fluctuations.Employment peaks during the summer fishing season.65 residents hold commercial fishing permits.A cold storage facility is available.Poor fish returns in the past two years have significantly affected the community.Cash income is supplemented by subsistence activities and trapping.Salmon, moose,bear,and waterfowl are harvested.There are two general stores, Alaska Commercial Co.and Yukon Traders.A new regional Post Office was recently completed. Facilities: Water is derived from Alstrom Creek reservoir and is treated.The majority of the City (120 homes and facilities)have complete plumbing and are connected to the piped water and sewer system.Waste heat from the power plant supports the circulating water system.A 1.7-million-gallon sewage lagoon provides waste treatment.Approximately 15 residences haul water and use honeybuckets;the City provides hauling services.20 new HUD houses were recently connected to the system.A new honeybucket disposal site is under construction.Funds have been requested to repair plumbing in 40 older homes,and to study replacement of the failing 30-year-old water and sewer mains.A washeteria is available nearby at Pitka's Point. The landfill must be relocated. Transportation: St.Mary's is served by barge and aircraft.The State-owned 6,000'gravel runway and 1,900"crosswind strip provide year-round access.The airfield is capable of receiving large jet aircraft,but service was discontinued in 1990.A 22-mile road links St.Mary's to Andreafsky,Pitka's Point,and Mountain Village.They are not maintained during winter months,but are used by snow machines.The Andreafsky River provides the only deep-water dock in the Delta. Climate: The climate is continental with a significant maritime influence. Temperatures range between -44 and 83.Annual precipitation measures 16 inches,with 60 inches of snowfall.The Yukon is ice-free from June through October. FACILITIES,UTILITIES AND SERVICES General Description of Sanitation Facilities: Water is derived from Alstrom Creek reservoir and is treated.The majority of the City (120 homes and facilities)have complete plumbing and are connected to the piped water and sewer system.Waste heat from the power plant supports the circulating water system.A 1.7-million-gallon sewage lagoon provides waste treatment.Approximately 15 residences haul water and use honeybuckets;the City provides hauling services.20 new HUD houses were recently connected to the system.A new honeybucket disposal site is under construction.Funds have been requested to repair plumbing in 40 older homes,and to study replacement of the failing 30-year-old water and sewer mains.A washeteria is available nearby at Pitka's Point. The landfill must be relocated. Water Distribution,Source &Treatment Systems: Water System Operator:City Washeteria Operator:Not available;Pitka's Point Piped Water System:Yes Central Watering Point (Haul):Yes Multiple Watering Points:No Water Truck (Delivery):No Individual Wells:Yes Community Well Source:Yes Surface Water Source:No DEC Water Permit Number:270176 Water Is FilteOQQOOFF:Yes Water Is Chlorinated:Yes Sewage Collection Systems: Sewer System Operator:City Piped Sewer System:Yes Honeybucket Haul:Yes Honeybucket Pits:No Individual Septic Tanks:Yes Community Septic Tank:No Sewage Pumper:No Sewage Lagoon:Yes Sewage Lift Station:Yes Outhouses:Yes Refuse/Landfill System: Refuse Collector:City Landfill Operator:City DEC Landfill Permit:No Landfill Permit Expires: Electric Utility: Electric Utility Name:AVEC Utility Operator:REA Co-op;City Power Source:Diesel KiloWatt Capacity:2,137 Rate/KiloWatt Hour:17.2 cents/KWH Power Cost Equalization (PCE)Subsidy:Yes Bulk Fuel: Tank Owners (Number of tanks and capacity of each):City (11 @ 275,050 gals.);Boreal Fisheries Inc.(3 @ 24,500);Hageland Aviation (3 @ 23,000);City School District (4 @ 46,500);Mark Air (4 @ 56,000 -out of business);ADOT (3 @ 60,430);Ryan Air (9,300);Omni Corp.(2,000);St. Mary's Fuel Co.(300,000);Native Corp.(2 @ 41,200);Army Nat'l Guard (10,000);Herman's Air (5,000);St.Mary's Mission (4 @ 173,500);AVEC (215,751);Delta Dev.Corp.(100,000) Health Care: Clinic/Hospital in Community:St.Mary's Health Clinic Clinic/Hospital Phone (area code 907):438-2347 Operator:City;YKHC Owner:City Facility Status:Renovations were completed in 1996.New Sub-Regional Clinic under construction Alternate Health Care:flight to Bethel or Anchorage Health Comments: Visitor Accomodations/Information: Airline Services:Hageland Air Service Taxis:None Car Rentals: Accomodations (area code 907):St.Mary's Roadhouse (B&B,summer only) Visitor Attractions: Cultural Events: Local Services &Facilities: Police:City Police Dept.(438-2911);State Troopers Post (438-2019) Fire/Rescue:City Volunteer Fire Dept.;Fire Truck;Ambulance Court/Magistrate:State Magistrate Youth Center: Community Hall:City Office Senior Services: Gym or Pool: Bingo:City Movie Theater: Museum: Library:School Libraries Communications: In-State Phone:United Utilities Inc. Long-Distance Phone:AT&T Alascom;United Utilities Internet Service Provider:School Only -GCI (www.gci.net) TV Stations:ARCS Radio Stations:KICY-AM;KYUK-AM;KNOM-AM Cable Provider:Frontier Cable,Inc. Teleconferencing:Alaska Teleconferencing Network Alaska Community Database -Detailed Community Information Alaska Department of Community and Economic Development Alaska Community Database Detailed Community Information HOLY CROSS Community Overview Current Population:227 (certified December 2001,by DCED) Incorporation Type:2nd Class City Borough Located In:Unorganized School District:Iditarod Area Schools Regional Native Corporation:Doyon,Limited Location: Holy Cross is located in Interior Alaska on the west bank of Ghost Creek Slough off the Yukon River.It is 40 miles northwest of Aniak and 420 miles southwest of Fairbanks.It lies at approximately 62.19944°N Latitude and -159.77139°W Longitude.(Sec.05,TO24N,RO57W,Seward Meridian.)Holy Cross is located in the Kuskokwim Recording District. The area encompasses 31.3 sq.miles of land and 6.2 sq.miles of water. The climate of Holy Cross is continental.Temperature extremes range from -62 and 93.Snowfall averages 79.4 inches,with 19 inches of total precipitation per year.The Yukon river is ice-free from June through October. History: Holy Cross first had contact with Europeans in the early 1840s,when Russian explorers led by Lt.Zagoskin traveled the Yukon River.They reported "Anilukhtakpak,"with 170 people.In 1880,the village was reported as "Askhomute,"with 30 residents.A Catholic mission and school were established in the 1880s by Father Aloysius Robaut,who came to Alaska across the Chilkoot Trail.Ingalik Indians migrated to Holy Cross to be near the mission and school.A post office was opened in 1899 under the name "Koserefsky."In 1912,the name of the town was changed to "Holy Cross,"after the mission.In the 1930s and 40s,sternwheelers brought the mail and supplies two or three times a year.The course of the River changed during the 1930s,and by the mid-40s,the slough on which the village is now located was formed.The mission Church and many additional buildings were torn down after the boarding school ceased operations in 1956.The City government was incorporated in 1968. Culture: Holy Cross is an Ingalik Indian village.Subsistence and fishing-related activities are important to residents. Economy: Holy Cross is characterized by a seasonal economy.Nine residents hold commercial fishing permits.Subsistence hunting,fishing,trapping and gardening supplement income. Facilities: Water is derived from a deep well and is treated.A new backup well,new pump house and water treatment facility have been completed.71 households and the school are connected to the piped water and sewer system,with a plumbed kitchen.A number of residents in the community still haul water from the washeteria and use honeybuckets or outhouses.A Master Plan is underway to examine and engineer expansion of the system.Landfill improvements are needed. Transportation: The community is dependent upon air and boat transportation.The State owns and operates a 4,000'gravel airstrip.Holy Cross is serviced by barge in the summer.Residents use boats for fishing,subsistence and recreation.7.5 miles of local roads are used by 3-wheelers,motor bikes, snowmachines and dog teams. Climate: The climate of Holy Cross is continental.Temperature extremes range from 62 and 93.Snowfall averages 79.4 inches,with 19 inches of total precipitation per year.The Yukon river is ice-free from June through October. FACILITIES,UTILITIES AND SERVICES General Description of Sanitation Facilities: Water Water is derived from a deep well and is treated.A new backup well,new pump house and water treatment facility have been completed.71 households and the school are connected to the piped water and sewer system,with a plumbed kitchen.A number of residents in the community still haul water from the washeteria and use honeybuckets or outhouses.A Master Plan is underway to examine and engineer expansion of the system.Landfill improvements are needed. Distribution,Source &Treatment Systems: Water System Operator:City Washeteria Operator:City Piped Water System:Yes Central Watering Point (Haul):Yes Multiple Watering Points:No Water Truck (Delivery):No Individual Wells:No Community Well Source:Yes Surface Water Source:No DEC Water Permit Number:280074 Water Is FilteQOOOFF:No Water Is Chlorinated:Yes Sewage Collection Systems: Sewer System Operator:City Piped Sewer System:Yes Honeybucket Haul:No Honeybucket Pits:Yes Individual Septic Tanks:No Community Septic Tank:No Sewage Pumper:No Sewage Lagoon:Yes Sewage Lift Station:Yes Outhouses:Yes Refuse/Landfill System: Refuse Collector:Individuals Landfill Operator:City DEC Landfill Permit:No Landfill Permit Expires: Electric Utility: Electric Utility Name:AVEC Utility Operator:REA Co-op;City Power Source:Diesel KiloWatt Capacity:585 Rate/KiloWatt Hour:17.3 cents/KWH Power Cost Equalization (PCE)Subsidy:Yes Bulk Fuel: Tank Owners (Number of tanks and capacity of each):AVEC (10 @ 80,570 gals.);Iditarod Schools (27,815);City (14,084);Deloycheet,Inc. (177,640) Health Care: Clinic/Hospital in Community:Holy Cross Health Clinic Clinic/Hospital Phone (area code 907):476-7174 Operator:City;YKHC Owner:City Facility Status: Alternate Health Care: Health Comments: Visitor Accomodations/Information: Airline Services:Yute Air;Arctic Transportation;Tanana Air Service; Hageland Taxis:None Car Rentals:None Accomodations (area code 907):Holy Cross Hotel/Lodge Visitor Attractions:None Cultural Events:None Local Services &Facilities: Police:None Fire/Rescue:City Volunteer Fire Court/Magistrate:City Youth Center:Village Council Community Hall:City/Holy Cross Community Hall Senior Services:None Gym or Pool:School Gym Bingo:Village Council Movie Theater:None Museum:None Library:Public Library &School Library Communications: In-State Phone:Bush-Tell Inc. Long-Distance Phone:AT&T Alascom Internet Service Provider:School Only -GCI (www.gci.net) TV Stations:ARCS Radio Stations:KICY-AM;KYUK-AM;KNOM-AM Cable Provider:None Teleconferencing:Alaska Teleconferencing Network APPENDIX B HYDROLOGY CALCULATIONS 96083.02 -Donlin Creek Mine Transportation Study HS20-44 Loading Bridge Summary Table Route Y1 Stream Name Bridge Type Bridge Length (ft)Cost Innoko Slough B1 520 $3,900,000 Piamiut Slough B1 440 $3,300,000 Reindeer River #1 B1 240 $1,200,000 Reindeer River #2 B1 240 $1,200,000 Iditarod River Bi 240 $1,200,000 Little Creek B1 120 $600,000 Montana Creek B1 160 $800,000 Crooked Creek B1 160 $800,000 Double Lane $13,000,000 Single Lane $10,400,000 Route Y2 Stream Name Bridge Type Innoko Slough B1 520 $3,900,000 Piamiut Siough B1 440 $3,300,000 Reindeer River #1 B1 240 $1,200,000 Reindeer River #2 B1 240 $1,200,000 Iditarod River B1 240 $1,200,000 Crooked Creek B1 160 $800,000 Double Lane $11,600,000 Single Lane $9,280,000 Route J1 Stream Name Bridge Type Bridge Length (ft)|Cost Getmuna Creek B1 120 $600,000 Crooked Creek B1 160 $800,000 Double Lane $1,400,000 Single Lane $1,120,000 Route J2 Stream Name Bridge Type Bridge Length (ft)|Cost Crooked Creek B1 160 $800,000 Double Lane $800,000 Single Lane $640,000 Route J3 Stream Name Bridge Type Bridge Length (ft)|Cost Getmuna Creek B1 120 $600,000 Crooked Creek B1 160 $800,000 Double Lane $1,400,000 Single Lane $1,120,000 Route C1 Stream Name Bridge Type Bridge Length (ft)|Cost Village Creek B2 40 $160,000 Double Lane $160,000 Single Lane $128,000 RouteCosts Rev1.xls;H20-44Bridges 96083.02 -Donlin Creek Mine Transportation Study U102 Loading Bridge Summary Table Route Y1 Stream Name Bridge Type Bridge Length (ft)Cost Innoko Slough Bi 520 $5,200,000 Piamiut Slough B1 440 $4,400,000 Reindeer River #1 B1 240 $1,800,000 Reindeer River #2 Bi 240 $1,800,000 Iditarod River B1 240 $1,800,000 Little Creek Bi 120 $900,000 Montana Creek B1 160 $1,200,000 Crooked Creek B1 160 $1,200,000 Double Lane $18,300,000 Single Lane $14,640,000 Route Y2 Stream Name Bridge Type Innoko Slough B1 520 $5,200,000 Piamiut Slough B1 440 $4,400,000 Reindeer River #1 Bi 240 $1,800,000 Reindeer River #2 Bt 240 $1,800,000 Iditarod River Bt 240 $1,800,000 Crooked Creek B1 160 $1,200,000 Double Lane $16,200,000 Single Lane $12,960,000 Route J1 Stream Name Bridge Type Bridge Length (ft)|Cost Getmuna Creek B1 120 $900,000 Crooked Creek B1 160 $1,200,000 Double Lane $2,100,000 Single Lane $1,680,000 Route J2 Stream Name Bridge Type Bridge Length (ft)|Cost Crooked Creek B1 160 $1,200,000 Double Lane $1,200,000 Single Lane $960,000 Route J3 Stream Name Bridge Type Bridge Length (ft)|Cost Getmuna Creek B1 120 $900,000 Crooked Creek B1 160 $1,200,000 Double Lane $2,100,000 Single Lane $1,680,000 Route C1 Stream Name Bridge Type Bridge Length (ft)|Cost Village Creek B2 40 $200,000 Double Lane $200,000 Single Lane $160,000 RouteCosts Rev1.xls;U102Bridges Page 1 of 1 96083.02 -Donlin Creek Mine Transportation Study Culvert Summary Table Route Y1 Culvert Battery Crossing No.|Stream Name Q50 [cfs]|Type |Quant.4"|Quant.6'|Quant.8'|Length 4'|Length 6'|Length 8'Cost Y1-01 Reindeer Lake Tributary 770 C1 1 0 2 90 0 180 $80,190 Y1-02 Reindeer River Tributary #5 180 C2 1 2 0 80 160 0 $56,880 Y1-03 Reindeer River Tributary#2 450 C2 4 2 0 80 160 0 $56,880 Y1-04 Reindeer River Tributary #3 300 C2 4 2 0 80 160 0 $56,880 Y1-05 Reindeer River Tributary #6 280 C2 1 2 0 80 160 0 $56,880 Y1-06 Reindeer River Tributary #4 320 C2 1 2 0 80 160 0 $56,880 ¥1-07 Mosquito Mountain Creek #1 220 C2 1 2 0 80 160 0 $56,880 Y1-08 Mosquito Mountain Creek #2 120 C2 1 2 0 80 160 0 $56,880 Y¥1-09 Mosquito Mountain Creek #3 200 C2 4 2 0 80 160 0 $56,880 Y1-10 Mosquito Mountain Creek #4 290 C2 4 2 0 80 160 0 $56,880 Y1-11 Mosquito Mountain Creek #5 260 C2 1 2 0 80 160 0 $56,880 Y¥1-12 Iditarod River Tributary #1 140 C2 1 2 0 80 160 (¢)$56,880 Y1-13 Iditarod River Tributary #2 140 C2 1 2 0 80 160 0 $56,880 Y1-14 Montana Creek Tributary #1 310 C2 1 2 0 80 160 0 $56,880 Y¥1-15 Montana Creek Tributary #2 560 C1 1 0 2 90 0 180 $80,190 Y1-16 Return Creek Tributary #5 200 C2 1 2 0 80 160 0 $56,880 ¥1-17 Return Creek Tributary #4 320 C2 4 2 0 80 160 0 $56,880 Y1-18 Return Creek Tributary #3 460 C2 1 2 0 80 160 0 $56,880 Yi-19 Return Creek Tributary #2 380 C2 1 2 0 80 160 0 $56,880 Y1-20 Return Creek Tributary #1 200 C2 1 2 0 80 160 0 $56,880 Y1-21 Grouse Creek Tributary #1 310 C2 1 2 (¢)80 160 0 $56,880 Yi-22 Grouse Creek Tributary#3 150 C2 1 2 0 80 160 0 $56,880 Y1-23 American Creek 570 C1 1 0 2 90 0 180 $80,190 Total $1,378,170 Route Y2 Culvert Battery . Crossing No.{Stream Name Q50 [cfs]|Type |Quant.4'|Quant.6'|Quant.8'|Length 4"|Length 6'|Length 8'CostY2-01 Reindeer Lake Tributary 770 Ct 1 0 2 90 0 180 $80,190 Y2-02 Reindeer River Tributary #5 180 C2 1 2 0 80.160 0 $56,880 Y2-03 Reindeer River Tributary #2 450 C2 1 2 0 80 160 0 $56,880 Y¥2-04 Reindeer River Tributary #3 300 C2 1 2 0 80 160 0 $56,880 Y2-05 Reindeer River Tributary #6 300 C2 1 2 0 80 160 0 $56,880 Y¥2-06 Reindeer River Tributary #4 320 C2 4 2 0 80 160 0 $56,880 Y2-07 Mosquito Mountain Creek #1 220 C2 1 2 0 80 160 0 $56,880 Y¥2-08 Mosquito Mountain Creek #2 120 C2 1 2 0 80 160 0 $56,880 Y2-09 Iditarod River Tributary #3 170 C2 1 2 0 80 160 0 $56,880 ¥2-10 Iditarod River Tributary #4 410 C2 1 2 0 80 160 0 $56,880 Y2-11 DeCourcy Mountain Creek 90 C2 1 2 0 80 160 (e)$56,880 Y2-12 Grouse Creek Tributary #1 310 C2 1 2 0 80 160 0 $56,880 Y2-13 Grouse Creek Tributary #3 150 C2 1 2 iS)80 160 0 $56,880 Y2-14 American Creek 570 C1 1 0 2 90 Q 180 $80,190 Total $842,940 RouteCosts Rev1.xls;Culvert Page 1 of 2 96083.02 -Donlin Creek Mine Transportation Study Culvert Summary Table Route J1 Culvert Battery Crossing No.|Stream Name Q50 [cfs]|Type |Quant.4°|Quant.6'|Quant.8'|Length 4'|Length 6'|Length 8°Cost J1-01 Jungjuk Creek 920 C1 1 0 2 90 0 180 $80,190 J1-02 Getmuna Creek Tributary #1 60 C2 1 2 0 80 160 0 $56,880 J1-03 Getmuna Creek Tributary #2 120 C2 4 2 0 80 160 0 $56,880 J1-04 Getmuna Creek Tributary #3 80 C2 4 2 (¢)80 160 0 $56,880 J1-05 Getmuna Creek Tributary #4 140 C2 1 2 @)80 160 0 $56,880 J1-06 Crooked Creek Tributary #1A 150 C2 1 2 0 80 160 0 $56,880 J1-07 Crooked Creek Tributary #1 870 C1 1 0 2 90 0 180 $80,190 J1-08 Crooked Creek Tributary #2 70 C2 1 2 0 80 160 0 $56,880 J4-09 Eagle Creek 680 C1 4 0 2 90 0 180 $80,190 J1-10 Crooked Creek Tributary #3 120 C2 1 2 0 80 160 0 $56,880 J1-11 Crooked Creek Tributary #4 140 c2 1 2 0 80 160 0 $56,880 J1-12 American Creek 570 C1 1 0 2 90 0 180 $80,190 Total $775,800 Route J2 Culvert Battery Crossing No.|Stream Name Q50 [cfs]|Type |Quant.4°}Quant.6'|Quant.8'|Length 4'|Length 6'|Length 8°Cost J2-01 Jungjuk Creek 920 C1 1 0 2 90 0 180 $80,190 J2-02 Jungjuk Creek 690 C1 1 0 2 90 0 180 $80,190 J2-03 Jungjuk Creek 380 C2 1 2 0 80 160 0 $56,880 J2-04 Getmuna Creek Tributary #5 70 C2 4 2 0 80 160 0 $56,880 J2-05 Getmuna Creek Tributary #6 230 C2 1 2 0 80 160 0 $56,880 J2-06 Getmuna Creek Tributary #7 190 C2 1 2 0 80 160 0 $56,880 J2-07 Getmuna Creek 810 C1 1 0 2 90 0 180 $80,190 J2-08 Getmuna Creek Tributary #8 30 C2 1 2 0 80 160 0 $56,880 J2-09 Getmuna Creek Tributary #9 830 C1 1 0 2 90 0 180 $80,190 J2-10 American Creek 570 C1 1 0 2 90 0 180 $80,190 Total $685,350 Route J3 Culvert Battery Crossing No.[Stream Name Q50 [cfs]|Type |Quant.4'|Quant.6'|Quant.8'|Length 4'|Length 6'|Length 8°CostJ3-01 Jungjuk Creek 920 Ci i 0 2 90 0 180 $80,190 J3-02 Getmuna Creek Tributary #1 60 C2 1 2 0 80 160 0 $56,880 J3-03 Getmuna Creek Tributary #2A 120 C2 1 2 0 80 160 0 $56,880 J3-04 Getmuna Creek Tributary #2B 80 C2 1 2 it)80 4160 0 $56,880 J3-05 Crooked Creek Tributary #1A 150 C2 1 2 0 80 160 0 $56,880 J3-06 Crooked Creek Tributary #4 870 C1 1 0 2 90 0 180 $80,190 J3-07 Crooked Creek Tributary #2 70 C2 1 2 0 80 160 0 $56,880 J3-08 Eagle Creek 680 C1 1 0 2 90 0 180 $80,190 J3-09 Crooked Creek Tributary#3 120 C2 4 2 0 80 160 0 $56,880 J3-10 Crooked Creek Tributary#4 140 C2 4 2 0 80 160 0 $56,880 J3-14 American Creek 570 C1 4 0 2 90 0 180 $80,190 Total $718,920 Route C1 Culvert Battery Crossing No.|Stream Name Q50 [cfs]|Type |Quant.4'|Quant.6"|Quant.8"|Length 4'|Length 6'|Length 8°CostC1-01 Jungjuk Creek 920 C1 1 0 2 90 0 180 $80,190 C1-02 Village Creek 470 C2 1 2 0 80 160 0 $56,880 C1-03 Village Creek Tributary #1 210 C2 1 2 0 80 160 0 $56,880 C1-04 Village Creek Tributary #2 150 C2 1 2 0 80 160 0 $56,880 C1-05 Village Creek Tributary #3 190 C2 1 2 0 80 160 0 $56,880 Total $307,710 RouteCosts Rev1.xls;Culvert Page 2 of 2 APPENDIX C SHEETPILE BARGE DOCK CONCEPTS CURRENT 250'x76'250'x76' BARGE BARGE en)* 'i q i i A t i i 1 i]iC 1 bot ob of | \\i ''i !L HIGH |STAGE LOW {STAGE L "+-AMOORING UNES =2-44"'t t i !H "aa a MOORING BOLLARD -MOORING /BREASTING 'SHOREDOLPHINSBOLLARD 190.0"\198.0"} 100.0" FUEL DOCK TWO STAGE FREIGHT DOCK (OPEN CELL SHEET PILE CONSTRUCTION){OPEN CELL SHEET PE CONSTRUCTION) Yr oer vara="BB PCRDOMENC.|Saece o0cxmeunmevent[oes wate stace evawanon snoy |CONCEPTSLe(Pq totem OM oe Tevson Ose a [ou |roy Ol sam [ikl a [ox |on WOOK Mane 1 OG ie --+->-5 on an can rt mat\WEE-DOOLING veyeatvraeeastgoewowe*"iS _ Pe aks r 'ale d lad Ae gas FREIGHT geek7 bneh:indo4sysYeo™*weRTTegt*eeetpn*iyfa,f SOS ere re ;yu .Ye hd aires IF 3 eee neem & aiePLBeSsg a emerFiah*,-ks Bb ataR OT aa ira PLACER DOME IHC.) CONLIN CRECK MINE tou.beeSEomanaggeorntsoni|copaysASbeefo den Yo a tones. RsRest ee |ons, septate Loge Sle STAGE EVALUATION,STUDY ane Fie Tie SNe EE an Gite JURGIUK CREEK BARGE DOCK CONCEPTS nal cae aie]de See eat nr tne aun APPENDIX D ROAD AND PIPELINE SECTIONS S.Sm (18 fi)ROADWAY SINGLE LANE WATH TURN OUT”.'Ser (90 R)ROADWAY =DOUBLE LANE¢Sib come ms x _means CeSeTTToele vss |ST ORGACMAT TYPICAL ROADWAY OVERLAY SECTION -TYPE 1 (THAW STABLE SOILS) S.5e (18)ROADWAY SINGLE LANE WITH TURN OUT”Ger (30 Rt)ROAMAY =DOUBLE LANE MIN,H20 44 LOADING MI,UI02 LOADING .Oe er ta eee te ene,UN OF OF(NCREMENTSORWHERESIGHTOSTANCE(One -AL S.Sen (18 A)ROWOWAY SINGLE LIME WITH TURK OUT”'em (30)ROADWAY -DOUGLE LANE 0.3m (1 ft)GRAVEL'SURFI 1h fon}ane Ulta tonome (THAW STABLE SOILS) 0.6m (2A)MAN.120-44 LOADING1.0m i ML 102 LOADING TYPICAL ROADWAY CROSS SLOPE SECTION -TYPE 2 LEANE ORGANIC MAT INTACT C sporos on vem crown TYPICAL ROADWAY OVERLAY SECTION -TYPE 3 (THAW UNSTABLE PERMAFROST) WS ome orSETS[oe 1 BD PACRDOMEINC.l"TypicaL ROAD &PIPELINEeersteSm=LATE STAGE EvAUATON sty}SECTIONS es (Pg.Reranch Nottngham 8 Grace,I,--WT en coor m jou |on El)som ACR CSCC wm fon |ov.ox ROE ORES TOW he Beato a Al-C1 0 cage rag ase,NEW-ROAD DWE APPENDIX E BRIDGE CONCEPTS SANSASREQUIRED.£200's WA STEEL PIPE PILE ICE CASING am we pre TYPICAL SECTION 1OGH_WATER ¥\meow [_aewTUN, = a us 0 n n nt u u ELEVATION_cDMS .[oerpe=Deecwibetim'naa pian LATE STAGE EVALUATION.STUY -Pe Pereirovien,Nottingram&Dregs We,-Bei om wes LONG SPAN BRIDGE CONCEPT Ce Cy A1-C2 0 mt \NE-LONC.DNG oi ORTSen DESIGN FLOOD _= '4 SUSay ws ELEVATION RAE NTS ONE:al me emer,[ase BD PACRDOMENC.|'SHorT SPAN BRIDGEorueeweirfouatestaceevatuanonsoy|WITH SHEET PILEbaratccmABUTMENTCONCEPT ao aR ate pap oF aa a at a a ee AL-C3 "o. COME PLE tin),NEW-SHORT-A.DWG esree/,vaELEVATION meg"PLACER DOME ING.|'5r>)Screen Kay"|SHORT SPAN BRIDGELATESTAGEEVALUATIONSTUDY ©5 entte MotrahanDraetantote APPENDIX F PRELIMINARY ROUTE ALTERNATIVES ROUTE SUMMARY Yt =+96KM (60 ML)Y2 =+101KM (63 ML)casJ1=+35KM (23 ML iSKOKWIM RIVERJ2=+51KM (32 ML AT IUNGIUK CHEEKJ38=+38KM (24ML)Cl =+13KM (8 MI) mal ox lac on Posner [use PLACER.DOME INC,eae eal INLIN CREEK balPies_LATE.STAGE.GVALEATON STUDY ROAD ROUTE INDEX a Cpea =ese pe Scion mf om |om,PAT Ty)sae vec Wsoaron [on |we we Wrtscect cov ho he pg oon men |ii INDEX PROPOSED 1BaRGE DOoeanaoetoe'|RAILROAD N 4,i) to Pao |¢5 2er 5g 2 {PROPOSED =BARGE DOCK” 1-4PIPELINE ONLY PROPQSEDBARGEDOCKEBWINGSbetSire 4.aPROPOSED,! BARGE DOweeeSne YUKON Ri meet on.eRe Sean non [woo PLACER DOME INC.ASHP DOK Pe WW CREEK Ml Ri 18; Por nee LATE STAGE EVALUATION STUDY ONES Vid? PRA,|o«erane no.racaclme [Caeme Ree EMG BEST E3 a0.we Gl seo Diced a jo |we TNE OOo 1S OE Me nee marge [OE 1 OF 7 2)Sta.494+54.92 fi MATCHTOSHEET134TOSHEETMATCAf ewe Sat.ou:oor mu Brann noc [usc PLACER DOME INC.TASER Od uu KSaetiimenPeoLATE,STAGE_EVALUATION:STUDY ROUTES VV? {BA Pecetrovion,Notinghem&Drege,to=Cymer alaaa SOR oR OTe SCT wm jon pow un El sree ik Dscatlaad wm foe]an ALICE ORAS Liab Met oe ree sea movers [MLO I MATCH TO SHEET 4 ve --r"isk eal ROUTES Yi&Y2 ™ av me.3 OF7onciePeGRCiwe beans INC,LACER DOME LIN CREEK MINEGON LATE STAGE EVALUATION STUOY =p 95.OG Me.Dien Kennelmt \}3° '\b+50. (V1)Sse,18624 i.{ 1.92)Ste.169¢ SHEET 4 i Z ISHS OL HDIVAN a uvMATCHT er RccoanalGalrcsFCOSEFTONSan70M ae Cr) ava Lar == Sahn] Lake wetere) Pees! - _ ” fa arwaayond Grenca! TOAIS WOWWIVAD 3OvIS IVT GABAA S3U0H "yan 33389. NINO ma "ONE JNOG Y39Vid wo we bittenwae G La3HS OL HOLY s + . "yo ies 2 'aaron mA (LA) a "Se Tane OL HSA Sa,ee a i MATCHTOSHEET4cca|nteehenentstenesnlean uae osGeelS og 1167+27.76, Fi bem:PLACER DOME INC.” DONLIN CREEK MINE LATE STAGE EVALUATION STUDY. SRR FOR AEGON OF SRP TI ba Ga FOR CASED ESPN at WESTER OA Cia Peratrovioh,Drape,tac. eben Sore S00 9m myn ROUTES YETE U2 &JS FOCIBe lected 5 OF7aloe ev he. TO SHEET 5 ar a ¢»fa Me Bey:{C1)Sta,488+33.80 Sta.68159 pa MATCH TO SHEET ARG OMA FONE Ee oe oer yniowPeweeebeuneNC*Sten LATE STAGE EVALUATION STUDY ROUTES halzdS &C1 we CheeoyNotes§beget |aT =<Soomea See ate nan ew [HOTOBAFOREEGUCSCHO 'je| tayos4 fan a oa 3oSa5ls2|E-Hl aoe zii1S) 8 zal a ow Sis 333 tetBack 83 2.) ahs ® Oh) O}- hepato SBS ez* Om! a ae mali : may=t75fi : am| oy1 rk 3 | maees : y(GH: r Ff 325 iij "eg. AERER - leygeneeaeBe 440BBo@h iryJF]x& Bted5 x a , va) { t e is g x r Ory { o Pot Nae 3 iiHeeda§4agb=55TC)cane APPENDIX G TUG &BARGE INFORMATION AVAILABLE TUGS AND BARGES LYNDEN TUGS Name Horsepower Draft Arctic Tern 800 HP 3.5 feet Arctic Gull 800 HP 3.5 feet Kusko Scout 750 HP 4.5 feet Cub Scout 400 HP 4.0 feet Arctic Bear 2,000 HP 7.0 feet LYNDEN BARGES-Estimated Capacities 8-ft.Draft 5-ft.Draft Size Draft to Capacity Capacity Capacity Capacity Capacity Capacity Name Class (feet)Bethel (feet)(US tons*)(US Gal.)(US tons*)(US Gal.)(US tons*)(US Gal.) Taku Provider Deck Cargo 322x90x19 I.N.P 9,200 N.A.1.N.P N.A.\.N.P N.A. Tongass Provider Deck Cargo 322x90x19 I.N.P 9,200 N.A.I.N.P N.A.1.N.P N.A. NANA Provider Deck Cargo 340x78x14 I.N.P 8,800 N.A.I.N.P NA.I.N.P N.A. Chatham Provider DeckCargo 286x76x16 IL.N.P 6,500 N.A.I.N.P N.A.!.N.P N.A. Chichagof Provider Deck Cargo 286x76x16 I.N.P 6,500 N.A.I.N.P N.A.I.N.P N.A. Alaska Provider Deck Cargo 250x70x15 ILN.P 4,500 N.A.IL.N.P NLA.I.N.P N.A. Baranof Provider Deck Cargo 202x60x12 9.83 2,800 NLA,2,050 NLA.840 N.A. USA 23 Deck Cargo 147x34x8 6 600 N.A.600 N.A.440 N.A. JL 344 Fuel 330x86x20 I.N.P N.A.3,150,000 N.A.ILN.P NLA.I.N.P Beaufort 20 Fuel/Deck 202x60x12 9.83/7.83 2,640 517,000 4,900 517,000 700 230,000 Beaufort 21 Fuel/Deck 202x60x12 9.83/7.83 2,640 517,000 1,900 517,000 700 230,000 CROWLEY BARGES-Estimated Capacities 8-ft.Draft 5-ft.Draft Size Draft to Capacity Capacity Capacity Capacity Capacity Capacity Name Class (feet)Bethel (feet)(US tons*)(US Gal.)(US tons*)(US Gal.)(US tons*)(US Gal.) 450 Series Fuel/Deck 400x100x25 12.5 9,520 2,660,000 NLA.NA.N.A.N.A. 102 Fuel/Deck 430x86x27 12.5 8,340 2,330,000 N.A.N.A.N.A.NLA, 101 Fuel/Deck 300x80x27 12.5 6,050 1,689,000 N.A.NLA.N.A.N.A. 250 Series Fuel/Deck 250x76x16 12.5 5,260 1,470,000 2,880 804,000 1,290 360,000 200 Series Fuel/Deck 200x54x13 11.5 2,600 727,000 1,530 478,000 950 265,000 160 Series Fuel/Deck 160x46x9 7 1,050 290,000 1,050 290,000 700 195,000 150 Series Fuel/Deck 150x48x9.5 8 1,210 340,000 1,210 340,000 700 195,000 *US ton =2,000 Ibs. Yutana Barge Lines did not provide any information. I.N.P -Information Not Provided N.A.-Not Applicable Tug &Barge Table .xls;Barge Cap Page 1 of 1 APPENDIX H FUEL DATA PETRO STAR INC. MEMORANDUM By uu aPETROST$YR INC. Phone 907/344-2661 201 Arctic Siope Avenue,Sulte 200 | Fax 907/267-6429 Anchorage,Alaska 9518-3030 January 14,1999 John Pickering PND re:Product Spec's John, Attached are #1 &#2 Diesel spec's.|sent two sheets for the DF2 because the Heating/Diesel spec just requires a 125°F flash minimum while the marine diesel spec requires a min 140°F fiash.The product we manufacture meets the 140°F flash min but |thought the 'marine diesel'title might be confusing -assuming this dissertation isn't. Let me know If ???or if other data Is needed. Regards, life Don Martin -Director of Transportation PETRO ST Core ety wo reee oe SAR VALDEZ REFINERY A JOINT VENTURE Telephones:(907)344-2861 Fox:(907)267-6423 see 201 Arctic Slope Avenue,Suite 200 Anchorags,Alaske 99518-3030 PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS: No.2 MARINE DIESEL ASTM TEST SPECIFIED PROPERTY METHOD LIMIT q1) Pour Point,°F D97 +10 Maximum Cloud Point,°F +15 Maximum Flash Point,P.M.°F D933 140 Minimum Viscosity KIN @100°F cSt p445 2.0 Minimum ssu @ 100 °F. BTU per galion (gross)Gravity,API @ 60°F Distillation °F (°C) Initial Boiling Point10%Recovered 20%Recovered 50%Recovered 90%Recovered Final Boiling Point Recovery,vol.% Residue,% Loss,% Ash,wt.3% Carbon Residue on 10% Bottoms,wt & Cetane Index Doctor Test Corrosion, Sulfur, Copper Strip Total % Neutralization Number,Tan,mgKOH/q D240 D287 D86 D482 D524 D976 D130 D2622 D974 Note:(1) PSS/PSVR 60920-1 Based on ASTM D2069-91. 4 °3 Maximum ” 32.6 Minimum 40.1 Maximum 136,000 Minimum 30.0 Minimun 37.0 Maximum omomot $40 (282)Minimum 640 (3358)Maximum 0.0L Maximum 0.35 Maximum 45 Minimum -<7 ome 3 Maximum 0.5 Maximum 0.3 Maximum Revised:September 20,1996 _ L Telephone;(907)344-2661 Fax:(S07)267-6429 ne ee)Ade ede PALES 2SoLfPETROsTyyA INC. wy UU Dd 201 Arctic Slope Avanus,Suita 200 Anchorega,Alaska 99518-3030 PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS: No.2 (+10°F)HEATING/DIESEL FUEL PROPERTY Pour Point,°F Flash Point,°F Water &Sediment,vol.% Viscosity,cSt @100°F Heating Value BTU per gallon (gross) (net ) Gravity,API @ 60°F Gravity,specific 60°/60°F Density,lb/gal @ 60°PDistillation°F Initial Boiling Point 10%Recovered 50%Recovered 90%Recovered Final Boiling Point Recovery,vol.% Ash,wt.% Carbon Residue on 10% Bottoms,wt % Cetane Index Color,ASTM Coppex "Strip Corrosion Neutralization Number,TAN, mg KOH/gm Sulfur,wt *¥ Note:(1) ASTM TEST ETHOD D97 D93 D1796 D445 D240 D287 -- DBE. D482 D524 D976 D1500 D130 .D974 D2622 Based on ASTM D336 and D975 Revised: By: SPECIFIED |LIMIT (1) 10 Maximum 125 Minimum 0.05 Maximum 1.9 -4.1 30.0 Minimum 0.876 Maximum -= 400 Maximum 640 Maximum - Ce Reed 0.03 Maximum 0.35 Maximum 40 Minimum 2.5 Maxinun No.3 Maximum 0.3 Maximum 0.50 Maximum April 24,1997 - PRODUCTS/PS5S/PS1/70424-2.DOC A Subsidiary of Arctic Slope Regional Corporation war kee oe AveeVd FAA BUI L201 DAED FELKY SIAN LING oe f- A JOINT VENTURE Tetaphone:(907)344-2661 Fax:.(907)267-8429 PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS: DIESEL FUEL,ARCTIC GRADE DFA ASTM TEST PROPERTY -_METHOD_ Cloud Point,°F D2500 Flash Point,°F D33 Water &Sediment,vol.%D1796 Viscosity,cSt @104°F D445 Heating Value BTU per gallon (gross)D240 (met ) Gravity,API @ 60°F D287 Gravity,specific 60°/60°F -- Density,lb/gal @ 60°F - Distillation °F Dsg6 Initial Boiling Point 10%Recovered 50%Recovered 90%Recovered Final Bolling Point Recovery,% Ash,wt.%D482 Carbon Residue on 10%D524 Bottoms,wt % Cetane Index D976 Color,Saybolt D156 Copper Strip Corrosion D130 Neutralization Number,TAN,D974 mq KOH/gm ° Particulate Contamination,DS452 mg/liter Sulfur,wt %D2622 Note:(1)Based on ASTM D975 and A-A-52557, for Posts,Camps and Stations.” Revised: PETRO st Yin VALDEZ REFINERY gjuua 201 Arctic Slope Avenue,Suice 200 Anohorage,Alesks 99518-3030 SPECIFIED LIMIT _(2) -60 Maximum 200 Minimum 0.01 Maximum L.1 -2.4 39.0 Minimum 0.8299 Maximum o.o>om Maximum Maximum Maximum we 400 550 572 0.01 Maximum 0.10 Maximum 40 Minimum +14 Minimom No.3 Maximum 0.905 Maximum 10 Maximum 0.25 Maximum "Fuel Oil,Diesel, December 9,19 97 PRODUCTI FES-PSVRTIDI-BDOC SCHAEFFER'S LUBRICANTS REPORT SdteatoY+ritapesPsYYASara3Re ie 3 eo eeyfoaFAioe&"seipata€ *ee'i eataisSchaeffer Lubricants Citrus -All =PJ=Te=S= INDUSTRIES,INC. 1st in Quality Since 1984 Phone:(907)452-8584 Fax:(907)458-8080 VICTOR VEROSTA PIAA Lighting Cover It 1324 28th Avenue «Fairbanks,Alaska «+99701 eR;Rea GSeee RyNorthern Lubrication Specialists 1324 28th Avenue Fairbanks,Alaska 99701 (907)452-8584,458-8080 Fax January 22,1999 PN&D John Pickering1506W.36"Ave Anchorage Alaska 99503 Dear Mr.Pickering, Per your request,we are presenting you with evidence which demonstrates that Schaeffer's #137 Diesel Treat 2000 will meet your expectations as well as the "Premium” fuel requirements set forth by major engine manufacturers and other governmental agencies. Let us introduce you to 3 agencies that overlook fuel criteria and specifications: EMA (Engine Manufacturers Association):this organization's membership is made up of all major engine manufactures (Caterpillar,Cummins,Mack,Detroit etc.). They have established "Premium”diesel fuel standards.Many of the standards are based on the base fuel characteristics.Attach 2 TMC (Trucking Maintenance Council):this organization's membership is made up of all the major trucking companies (CF Freight,Yellow Freight,etc.)with associate membership by all major engine manufacturers (Mack,Cummins,Caterpillar,Detroit etc.).They have adopted the similar standards along with the EMA,as well as guidelines for evaluating diesel fuel additives.Attach 3 NCWM (National Conference on Weights and Measures):this is a governmental agency that among other things,develops consensus standards for motor-fuel quality.At this time Alaska has not adopted these fuel standards into law or regulation.Attach 4 The standards/requirements for "Premium”diesel fuel,by all three of these agencies,are summarized for you in Attach 1. These standards/requirements allow you the customer to gauge a particular product against established and approved performance criteria. UY PN&D Mr Pickering January 22,1999 A number of the "Premium”diesel fuel requirements are in direct relation to the base fuel;and are thus annotated.Of particular concern to you is the lubricity, detergent/depositing and oxidation stability of our fuel additive. TEST RESULTS:Schaeffer's #137 ND (No Dye) All results are completed using independent labs. 1.Attachment 5 outlines test results for SBOCLE (ASTM D6078)Lubricity Test,using 3 fuel sources treated with Schaeffer's #137 Diesel Treat 2000: Chevron Diesel Fuel 3650 Shell Diesel Fuel 3500 TOSCO Diesel Fuel 4200 These numbers significantly exceed the 3100-3300 minimums. 2.Attachment 6 (Schaeffer Diesel Fuel Additive Certification Sheet)referencing L10 test (Detergency/Deposit Test)completed at Cummins Engineering Test Services, Charleston,SC.Test results based on additive dilution of 1:4000. CRC =9.1 (Maximum CRC Rating Pass Point:10) Depositing Test =2.9%(Maximum Avg.Flow Loss %Pass Point:5) Note:Normal additive dilution rate for this product is 1:2000,thus providing twice the amount of detergency than used in the above test. 3.Attachment 5 outlines test results for Octel F21-61 Accelerated Stability Test. Chevron Diesel Fuel 99.0% Shell Diesel Fuel 98.3% TOSCO Diesel Fuel 95.0% These numbers significantly exceed the 80%minimum. Actually,every fuel additive that you are reviewing should be subjected to these test criteria to ensure you receive the most cost effective product performance for your money. TEST RESULTS -Schaeffer's #137A ND (No Dye) This product is the same as #137 with the addition of a Jet Fuel Deicer and Flow Improver.Attachment 7 shows independent test results using various fuel sources and various dilution rates. wdaPN &D Page 3 Mr Pickering January 22,1999 TEST RESULTS: Standard Fleet Tests:Attachment 8 you will find standard fleet tests for your review, Controlled Laboratory Engine Test:Attachment 9 you will find Composite FTP Emission and Brake Specific Fuel Consumption test results. REFERENCE: Coch Refinery:This oil refinery is the 2™largest private refinery in North America,with a $20-25 Billion volume.Of all the diesel additives on the market they chose Schaeffer's Diesel Fuel Additives,POC Steve Seabrook,Sales Manager (612)}480-4805, Below is a summary of additive costs and ratios: #137 Diesel Treat 2000:55 gal cost is $1200.00 - (Ratio 1:2000) #137A Diesel Treat 2000:55 gal cost is $1350.00 (With Flow Improver) (Ratio 1:1000)ue: Should you have any further questions,please contact me at the above number. Lith Victor Verosta General Manager Northern Lubrication Specialists is a wholly owned subsidiary of NLS Industries,Inc. Attachment 1 :aSINCE 1839 Additive 9 . u TA 'le?Premium Diesel No.2 Highway Diesel Test ENA EMA &TMC NCWM Premium Schaeffer's Specifications Method;#1PD "Premium Diesel Diesel Fuel Additive No.2 Flash Point F min 092 100 125 No standard Base Fuel Water,PPM max D1744 {0.05 200 No standard Base Fuel Sediment,PPM max $2276 10 20%Distillation,F max D&G =022 629 No standard Base Fuel 95%Distillation,F max §50 671 .Kinematic viscosity 100 F D445 (1.324 |1.9-4.1 No standard Base Fuel "Ash %mass,max.D482 {0.01 0.01 No standard Base Fuel Sulfur %mass,max.02262 {0.05 0.05 No standard Base Fuel Jopper strip corrosion D130 =136 3b No standard Yes .|Cetane number,min.D613 50 50 47 vase inal suet hos 45-47Cetaneindex,min.4737 |45 45 Catae No)° Rams Carbon 10%residue max jD524 /0.15 0.15 No standard Base Fuel API gravity max.D287 =|43 39 (approx.138,700/gal.Gross Btu |Base Fuel 136,000/gal.Min |agin,Gross Btu) Lubicity,g.min,D6078 {3300 3100 No standard Yes Accelerated stability,mg/L.max |Octel [15 15 80 %refectance Yes ASTM D 2274 F21 Detergency (L10 injector,CRC)ranmine <12 Up to 10 Up to 10 Up to 6%Yes Despositing test "<6 Up to 6% Low Temp.Flow F D2500 Cloud Point or |Cloud Point or LTFT CFPP D4539 LTFT test test Attachment 2 EMA FQP-IA Engine Manufacturers Association Recommended Guideline on Premium Diesel Fuel |PURPOSE This Recommended Guideline of the Engine Manufacturers Association is intended to define a diese!fuel that is superior inqualitytothecommercialfuelspecificationASTMD975. This diesel fuel is considered to be "premium”insofar as it may assist in improving the performance and durability of enginescurrentlyinuseandthosetobeproducedpriorto2004.It is not intended to enable diesel engines to meet 1998 Federal emission standards or,in general,to improve engine exhaust emissions. The most significant aspects of this Recommended Guideline are its requirements for a minimum fuel lubricity,increased cetane number and improved cold weather performance,These properties,described in detail below,should help address many current customer satisfaction and engine performance issues. SIGNIFICANCE AND USE OF THE RECOMMENDED PROPERTIES For the benefit of our customers and other interested parties,the following section summarizes the critical properties of diesel fuel and,where appropriate,the reason for EMA's selection of a particular quality level of that property. Flash Point The flash point temperature of diesel fucl is the minimum temperature at which the fuel will ignite (flash)on application of an'gnition source under specified conditions,Flash point varies inversely with the fucl's volatility.Flash point minimum emperatures are required for proper safety and handling of diese]fuel.Due to its higher flash point temperature,diesel fuel fsinherentlysaferthanmanyotherfuelssuchasgasoline. Water and Sediment Diesel fuel should be clear in appearance and free of water and sediment.The presence of these materials generally indicatespoorfuelhandlingpractices.Water and sediment can and will cause shortened filter life or plugged fuel filters which can in turnleadtofuelstarvationintheengine.In addition,water can have negative impact on fuel corrosion and oa microbial growth,It isforthatreasonwerecommendseparateanalysisandmaximumlevels. Distillation This property provides a measure of the temperature range over which a fuel volatilize or bums to a vapor.Volatilityisoneof the primary factors which distinguish #1 from #2 diesel fuel.No.t diesel typically has greater volatility than No.2.The highest temperature recorded during distillation is called the end point,Ideally,one would specify an end point in the definition of fuel properties.However,because 2 fuel's end point is difficult to measure with good repeatability,the fuel's 90%or 95% distillation point is commonly used.EMA prefers the 95%distillation point since its reproducibility is acceptable and it is closer to the fuel's end point than the 90%point currently measured in D 975. In applications which operate at low loads and frequent idle periods,like bus engines,lower end point is desirable to reduce smoke and combustion deposits,Hence EMA recommends distillation temperature specifications lower than the current D 975 specification to cover those applications. Kinematic Viscosity Viscosity affects injector lubrication and fuel atomization.Fuels with low viscosity may not provide sufficient lubrication for thePrecisionfitoffuelinjectionpumpsorinjectorplungersresultinginleakageorincreasedwear.Fuels which do not meetviscosityrequirementscanleadtoperformancecomplaints.Fuel atomization is also affected by fuel viscosity.Diesel fuels with high viscosity tend to form larger droplets on injection which can cause poor combustion and increased exhaust smoke and emissions. Ash Content Ash is a measure of the amount of metals contained in the fuel.High concentrations of these materials can cause injector tipplugging,combustion deposits and injection system wear.Soluble metallic materials cause deposits while abrasive solids will cause fuel injection equipment wear and filter plugging. Sulfar To assist diesel engine manufacturers in meeting mandated limits for particulate matter in diesel engine exhaust,sulfur content is limited by law to 0.05%for diesel fuel used in on-road applications. Copper Corrosion 'The copper strip corrosion test indicates potential compatibility problems with fuel system components made of copper,brass or bronze,The limit requires that the fuel not darken these parts under the test conditions., Cetane Number/Cetane Index Cetane number is a relative measure of the interval between the beginning of injection and autoignition of the fuel.The higher the number,the shorter the delay interval.Fuels with low Cetane Numbers will cause hard starting,rough operation,noise andexhaustsmoke,Current commercial fuel cetane requirements may not adequately address these customer satisfaction issues.Generally,diesel engines will operate better on fuels with cetane numbers above 50 compared to fuels with cetane numbers of the national average of approximately 45. Cetane number may be increased through the refining process or the blending of combustion ignition improving additives byfuelsuppliers. Cetane index is an approximation of fuel ignition quality through measurement of distillation range and specific gravity.It fs notaffectedbytheuseofcombustionimproveradditives;therefore it produces an Indication of the base cetane number of the fuel. Ramsbottom Carbon Residue The Ramsbottom Carbon residue test is intended to provide some Indication of the extent of carbon residue that results from thecombustionofafuel.The limit fs a maximum percentage of deposits by weight.. API Gravity "This is a measure of fuel's specific gravity or density.While specific gravity has no units,density is defined as mass per unitvolumeandbotharetemperaturedependent.API gravity is defined as follows. API gravity of diesel fuel has a profound effect on engine power.Asa general rule,there is a 3-5%decrease in the thermal energy content of fuel for every 10 degree increase in API gravity.This decrease in energy content will result in roughly the same percentage decrease in engine power,Use of fuels with higher API gravity will also result in higher fuel consumption (lower mpg).EMA's recommendation to include a maximum API gravity is based on our understanding of customer needs to maintain engine power,while minimizing fuel consumption Cubricity Lubricity describes the ability of a fluid to minimize friction between,and damage to,surfaces in relative motion under loaded sonditions.Diesel fuel injection equipment relies somewhat on the lubricating properties of the fuel.Shortened life of enginecomponentssuchasfuelinjectionpumpsandunitinjectorsusuallycanbeascribedtoaJackoffuellubricityandhenceisa concern to engine manufacturers.This property is not addressed adequately by ASTM D 975. ASTM has issued two tests to measure lubricity:the High Frequency Reciprocating Rig (HFRR)and the Scuffing Load Wear(SBOCLE)test.Current acceptability guidelines for both tests are providedin our chart.Aftermarket additives forimprovingdieselfuellubricityshouldnotbenecessaryandarenotcoveredbythisrecommendedguidelinesincetheymayreactchemicallywithotheradditivescausingthemtolosetheireffectiveness,drop out of solution or even plug filters. Accelerated Stability Diesel fuel should be stable under normal storage and use conditions.Unstable fuel will darken and form black particulate materials which will cloud fuels and create gum residues in the fuel system.Although the accelerated stability test is intended to predict primarily storage stability,it can provide indication of overall fuel stability. Detergency All diesel fuels which do not contain detergents have a tendency to form carbon deposits on fuel injectors.It has generally been -found that low sulfur fuels and thermally unstable fuels have a greater tendency to form these deposits,Detergent additives will prevent carbon deposits,which interfere with fueling and fuel spray patterns,from forming. Ditty injectorswill invariability give rise to higher smoke levels in all equipment and in some equipment can limit power byrestrictingfuelflow.Diesel fuel detergency can be measured using the L10 Injector Depositing test.Passinglimitsforthetestareprovidedintheattachedtable,These limits are expressed in terms of a CRC rating for injector cleanliness and a flow loss criterion.° Low Temperature Operability everal tests are commonly used to characterize the low teniperature operability of diesel fuel.These are Cloud Point,ColdFilterPluggingPoint(CFPP),and Low Temperature Flow Test (LTFT).Among these,the LTFT fs preferred by EMA asprovidingthebestoverallcorrelationwithfieldperformance.However,for non-additized fuel,cloud point and LTFT correlateverywell.Since Cloud Point is more practical as a refinery quality control test,it ts listed as our primary recommendation.Lowtemperatureoperabilityofbulkdieselfuelcanbenegotiatedbythecustomerandfuelsupplier.However,in the retail fuelmarket,low temperature operability is the responsibility of the fuel supplier.It is adjusted on a monthly basis during the winter,or sometimes sooner depending on expected ambient temperatures at the point of sale. 'Low temperature flow requirements usually vary depending upon fuel filter media and the presence of fuel heaters.However,to.avoid operational problems the selection of a fuel's low temperature properties should be made based on the lowest ambientconditionsexpectedduringoperation. Unless specifically recommended by the engine manufacturer or discussed with the fuel supplier in advance,modification of the 'waxing properties of fuels using aftermarket fuel additives is not recommended as an option for meeting the low temperatureoperabilityrequirement,because éf possible incompatibility with other additives already containedin the fuel EMA Recommended Guideline on Premium Diesel Fuel Test FQP-1A | FQP-1A'roperty Method EMA EMA #1 DF(1)#2 DF) -Flash Point,°C min.D 93 38 §2 Water,ppm max D744 200 200 Sediment,ppm max 02276 or D5452 10 10 Distillation %Vol.Recovery,°C D 8&6 90%,max.272 332 95%,max.238 355 Kinemaric Viscosity,40 °C D 445 13-2.4 1.9441 Ash,%max.D 482 0.01 0.01 Sulfur,%max.D 2622 0.05 0.05 Copper Corrosion,max.D 130 3b 3b Cetane Number,min.D613 30 50 Cetane Index,min.D 4737 45 45 Rams Carbon,10%residue max.D 524 OLS 0.15 «API Gravity,max.D287 43 39 Lubricity,g.min.D6078(2)3100 3100 Accelerated Stability,me/L max.D274 {5 t5 --,Detergency-LO Injector CRC Rating 10 <10 Depositing Test %Flow Loss <6 <6 *Low Temperature Flow,°C D2500 or G)@) .|D4539 Microbial Growth .-(4)(4) )#1 DF and #2 DF are intended for use in the same applications described in the definitions of Grade No.1-D and GradeNo.2-D respectively inASTMD975. 2)EMA recommends that lubricity levels be determined by ASTM D6078 ,Scuffing Load Wear Test (SBOCLE). 3 Alternatively,lubricity may be measured using the High Frequency ing Rig (HFRR)ASTM D6079.Using.this test,a wear scar of 0.45 mm at 60°C is equivalent to a SBOCLE result of 3100 g.. _3)Diesel fuels must pass the Cloud Point (02500)Or Low Temperature Flow Test (D4539)at the use temperature.Lowtemperatureflowcapabilityistheresponsibilityofthefixelsupplierforretailfuels.It ls adjusted monthly during the winter,depending on local climate.Unless specifically recommended by the engine manufacturer or discussed with the fuelsupplierinadvance,modification of the waxing properties of fuels using aftermarket fuel additives Is not recommended asanoptionformeetingthelowtemperatureoperabilityrequirement. 4)While EMA has not included any recommendation with respect to Microbial Growth,it should be noted that microbial growth can cause operational problems,corrosion and sediment build-up in diesel engine fuel systems.The growth of microbes in fuel storage tanks and vehicle/equipment fuel tanks is believed to be related to pipeline and storage techniques and times and cannot be sufficiently addressed in a fuel specification. If you have questions about this association position,contact EMA headquarters at: Engine Manufacturers Association 401 N.Michigan Avenue Chicago,IL,60611 312/644-6610 -or fax 312/321-5111 EMA FQP-1A . , S/LL97 Attachment 3 Be mw Advisory VMRS 53-999-001 EVALUATING DIESEL FUEL ADDITIVES FOR COMMERCIAL VEHICLES PREFACE The following Advisory is subject to the Disclaimeratthefrontofthismanual.Users are urged to read the Disclaimer before considering adoption of any por- lion of this Advisory. PURPOSE This Advisory provides information to educate and help.operators of commercial vehicles select fromamongthevariousfueladditivesandsuppliersofadditivesthatclaimfueleconomyandotherperfor-mance benefits.SCOPE -This Advisory lists recommended performancefest:ing and supplier information needed to evaluate additives for fuel economy and other performancebenefits.The information appliesto fuel additivesfordieseHtueledcommercialvehiclesonly.Additivesforatematefuels(.e.,methanol,ethanol,naturalgas,etc)will.not be addressed. REFERENCESTMCAdvisory AV 3-1,"Qualifying Questions toMinimizethePotential'for Negative Side EffectsFromanAftermarketDieselFuelAdditivePackage” AST™D 130,"Detection of Copper Corrosion FromPetroleumProductsbytheCopperStripTarnishTest”°ASTM D 665A,"Rust-Preventing Characteristics of{nhibited Mineral Oil in the Presence of Water” ASTM D 1094,"Water Reaction of Aviation Fuets* ASTM D 2000,"Rubber Products in Automotive Applications” ASTM D 5001,"Measurement of Lubricityof AviationTurbineFuelsbytheBall-on-Cyfinder LubricityEvaluation(BOCLE)” 1SO 2941,"Hydraulic Fluid Power and Filter Ele ments-Venficalion of Collapse/Burst Resistance” ISO 2943,"Hydraulic Fluid Power-Fitter Elements-Verification of Material Compatibility with Fluids" ISO 4020,"Fuel Fitters for Automolive Compression ignition Engines-Part 1:Test Methods and Part 2: Fitter Classification” -SAE J905,"Fuel Fitter Test Method” SAE J1349,"Engine Power Test Code-Spark Ig- nition and Diesel” DEFINTIONS ASTM-Amencan Society for Testing and Materials Clean Up Additive-An additive which controls theformationofdepositsandpromotestheremovalof -preformeddeposits from fuel andcombustion systemcomponents. Elastomer Ulty--The abilityof the treated -fuel and elastomer to exist together without causing distortion,swelling,shrinkage,ot breakdown of theseals,gaskets,elc.to.a greater extent than thatof theuntreatedfuel, Engine Sequence Test-A standard industry testdesignedtoevaluatevariousoilandfuelproperties. Engine Test-A test conducted usingonlyavehicle'sengine.The engine is installed on a test stand andmaybeconnectedtoadynamometer. Filter Media Compatibility-The ability of the ad-ditiveto cause no degradation of the fiter media duetochemicalactionofthefueladditive. Fleet Test-A test utilizing a group of In-service vehicles operated under similar conditions. Fuel Additive-Any chemical compound (I.e.cetaneimprovers,detergents,stabilizers,tubricity agents,€tc.)mixedinto the tuel after the refinery fuel blendingprocess.Fuel additives may be added at the refin-ery,at the fuel terminal,by the distabutor,or by theénduser. {n-Vehicle Dynamometer-A loading device at-tached directly to the output shaft of the transmission.ifs purpose is lo load and measure the power output of the engine. AV 11-3-1 Issued 1/92 SL-1588A aseooo!{SO-Intemational Standards Organization Keep Clean Additive-An additive with properties to prevent deposits from forming on fuel and com- bustion system components,but which may not be effective in removing deposits. Lubricity-tThe ability of an additive to provide tubri- calion to fuel system mechanical components suffi- cient to resist scoring,scaring,and wear. No Harm Test-A test designed to demonstrate that an additive causes no adverse effects on a specific mechanical component or assembly,or to a fuel and/ or lubricant. SAE--Sociely of Automotive Engineers Vehicle Test-A test utilizing an in-service vehicle. Water Tolerance-The measure of an additive's ability to change the fuel/water separation charac- teristics of the base fuel. GENERAL INFORMATION Many diesel fuel additives for fuel economy claim to have "clean up”and/or "keep clean”benefits for fuel injectors and other fuel'combustion system relatedcomponents.Clean-up benefitsrefertoanadditive's'ability to remove existing deposits ina relatively shortperiodofime,usually within several tanks of fuel. Actual clean up rates will vary with the additive type and concentration.Clean-up tests are typically con- ducted in less than six (6)months. Keep clean benetits pertain to an additive's abilitytoresisttheformationoffueVcombustionsystemcom- ponent deposits over a long period of time.Tests utilizing keep clean additives are typically up to one(1)yearin duration. ADDITIVE PERFORMANCE DATA Suppliers of additives should supply evidence ofcompliancewiththefollowingtestprocedureswhich provide no-hamn test data and verify additive perfor- mance claims.All comparison tests shoutd be con- ducted using samples of commercially availabledieselfuel(treated/untreated)from the same batch.This will eiminate tuel properties and characteristics as variables. No Harm Tests-Recommended tests to document no adverse effects on a specific mechanical compo- nent,fuel,and/or lubricant property are: 1.Corrosion-ASTM D 130 Copper Strip Corro- sion and ASTM O 665A.These tests are designed to evaluate the corrosiveness of the additive in the fuel. 2.Elastomer Compatibility-ASTM D 2000 for Nnitdle,fluorocarbon,and ftuorocarborvsificone. Passing this test insures no harm to seats,O- ings,oc gaskets used in the engine. 3.Engine Sequence-Additive suppliers mustprovideoilsequencetestdata(i.e.Cat 1K,Mack T7,etc.)to demonstrate no harmful lubeoilsideeffects(ie.oil thickening,ting sticking, oil viscosity,dispersency,etc.). 4 Filler Media Compatibility-The supplier mustprovideevidencethatthefuelfikermediastoredintreatedfuel(3 times the normal treat rate)isnotallectedbytheadditive.Various stan-dardized and filler and engine OEM specified tesis are available (i.e.ISO 2941,ISO 2943, iSO 4020,etc.). 5 Fitter Plugging-The supplier must provide evi-dence of no fuel fitter plugging (increase in pressure drop)due to the additive effects. Various standardized and fiterand engine OEMspecifiedtestsareavailable(.p.SAE J905, ISO 4020,etc.). 6.Lubricity-ASTM D 5001,"Ball On CylinderLubricityEvaluation(BOCLE). This test evalu-ates the effect of the addilive on fuel lubricity. Lubricty can affect fuel injection pump and injector wear rales. 7.Water Tolerance--ASTM D 1094,"Water Re- action.”This test evaluatestheadditive'sabiftytomaintainand/or improve the fuels normalwaterretentioncharacteristics. ADDITIVE PERFORMANCE DATA Engine/Vehicle Tests-Tests recommended to document the performance benefit(s)and/ormechanisnXs)that the tuel additive claims to deliverareEstedbelowinincreasingorderoftestprecisionandaccuracy.Performance claims based on testi-monials and/or raw fleet records should be used withdiscretion,as they canbe misleading due to operatingvariables. 1 Standard Fleet Test-For use with a imitednumberofvehiclesthatusecentralizéd/con- trolled fueling.The test monitors alltest variables(i.e.terrain,loads,drivers,atmospheric condi-tions,etc.),and minimum lest constraints.Fueleconomyiscalculatedfromtestrecords. 2.TMC RP 1102,"TMC/SAE tn-ServiceFuel Consumption Test Procedure-Type I.” 3.Controlled Fleet In-Vehicle Oynamometer Test--Done with a dynamometer and tuelweighingsystem,specific fuelconsumption canbepreciselymeasured.Test variables areeithercontrolledoreliminatedanddatacorected. to SAE J1349.Actual in-service mileage ac- cumulation is utiized by the fleet. 4.Controlled Laboratory Engine Tesi-Standard engine OEM acceptable test (i.e.lug pertormance,part load perfornance,13-modesteady-state emissions,EPA transient AV 11-3-2 emissions,transient smoke,injectordepositing,|Requested.tnformation-etc.)utilized to demonstrate additive 1.Company,background (e.annual report,yearsperformancemechanism(s)and benefit(s).in.business,and/orottierpertinent information)Mileage/durabifity accumulation is per an 2.References _established/ndustry standardtestcycleinwhich 3.Proof of ability insurancealltestvariablesarecontroliedandmeasured.4.WarrantyAdditiveperformanceshouldbereproducible.5.Productinfoamnation (.e kteralure,technicaldata,how fong in market,who is using the product,SUPPLIER/PRODUCT INFORMATION OEM/customer evaluation,and/or other perti-Information pertaining to the additive supplier and nent information)product can assist the user in determining product 6.Material safety data sheet (MSDS)reliability and availability and/or forevaluating suppti- ers. "AV 11-3-3 Attachment 4 The National Conference on Weights and Measures (NCWM) Dedicated to Maintaining Equity in the Marketplace NCWM Membership Application What is the NCWM? The National Conference on Weights and Measures is a national professional organization that develops consensus standards in such areas as weighing and measuring device regulation, commodity regulation,motor-fuel quality,and administration of regulatory weights and measures programs.Regulatory weights and measures activities are aimed at maintaining equity in the marketplace so that businesses can compete fairly and buyers and sellers can make informed decisions in trade.When you buy groceries,gasoline,heating fuel,or construction materials;when you ship a package,park in front of a parking meter,or use a laundromat,one thing is taken for granted:that the weight or measurement upon which the price of the product or service is based is accurate.The primary function of State and local weights and measures regulators is to maintain equity in the marketplace by ensuring these measurements are accurate. In 1905,the Director of the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)(then named the National Bureau of Standards)called representatives of the weighing industry and directors of State weights and measures programs together.Since that first meeting,the NCWM has evolved from an annual forum to a year-round standards development,product testing,and training organization. The Conference now operates the National Type Evaluation Program (NTEP)with six participating laboratories to evaluate new measuring device designs against national performance standards.NIST still sponsors the NCWM,providing the secretariat to the Conference,technical support to its committees,and administration of Conference operations.NIST publishes Handbook 44,"Specifications,Tolerances,and Other Technical Requirements for Weighing and Measuring Devices,”Handbook 130,"Uniform Laws and Regulations,"and Handbook 133, "Checking the Net Contents of Packaged Goods."The NCWM National Training Program has developed training modules based on these handbooks and coordinates training and certification programs for weights and measures officials and training for industry personnel across the nation. We welcome your participation in NCWM.Membership in the Conference is the only way to stay informed about fast breaking developments and recommended standards that often become State laws and regulations.All members receive quarterly newsletters,announcements,and reports of meetings throughout the year.So if you need to stay in touch with what is happening in weights and measures nationally and internationally,join your peers as a member of NCWM. Is there an opportunity for you? Organization of the National Conference on Weights and Measures The NCWM isa standards development organization.Because of constantly evolving technologies (such as computer-interfaced supermarket checkout scales and in-motion systems used to weigh railroad cars)and new marketing practices such as "cash-discounts,""warehouse stores,”and "buyers'clubs,”the NCWM continuously reviews and updates its standards.This is accomplished annually through a feedback process involving regulated businesses and the officials who enforce the standards in the field. The NCWM is organized into the four standing committees listed below.(A copy of the complete organizational chart is available upon request.) Executive Committee: The policy-making and coordinating body for the Conference,with responsibility for the overall operation of the NCWM,also serving as Board of Governors for the National Type Evaluation Program. Specifications and Tolerances (S&T)Committee: Addresses specifications,tolerances,and technical requirements relating to commercial weighing and measuring devices,including interpretation and development of standards and testing equipment for weights and measures officials,and procedures for testing commercial equipment. The main product resulting from the continuing work of the S&T Committee is NIST Handbook 44,"Specifications,Tolerances,and Other Technical Requirements for Weighing and Measuring Devices.” Laws and Regulations (L&R)Committee: Responsible for development and interpretation of uniform laws and regulations,and commodity inspection and regulation standards.Products of the L&R Committee include NIST Handbook 130,"Uniform Laws and Regulations,"and NIST Handbook 133,"Checking the Net Contents of Packaged Goods."Handbook 130 includes a variety of recommendationsfor adoption by the States in the areas of legal metrology including motor-fuel quality.Standards for checking the net contents of packaged items including food,drugs,cosmetics,and other common packaged items available in office supply stores,hardware stores,discount houses,farm stores,and other non-food retail and wholesale businesses are contained in Handbook 133.The L&R Committee also addresses such current issues as the impact of the Nutrition Labeling and Education Act and product moisture loss and oversees the Petroleum Subcommittee and the Metric Working Group. Committee on Administration and Public Affairs: Administers NCWM programs dealing with the education and training of weights and measures officials and industry personnel,addresses consumer affairs and safety issues,and promotes weights and measures principles among the general public.The committee develops and maintains a serics of training modules on inspecting and testing of devices,package-checking, enteg and weights and measures administration. Identifying the Issues The NCWM standing committees may accept issues directly from any source;however,they prefer that issues be reviewed by regional weights and measures associations and receive thorough analysis prior to submission to the standing committee.Work Groups meet around the country throughout the year developing and refining proposed standards.Under this process,the standing committees have benefit of recommendations from the regionals,know the preliminary positions of both the weights and measures officials and industry,and benefit from the advice of technical experts. Following their identification,the issues to be placed on the agendas of the standing committees must be submitted to the Office of Weights and Measures (OWM),with an initial analysis,by November |of each year.OWM then assembles the submissions into an agenda for the NCWM Interim Meeting;the agenda is published and sent to NCWM members in December.Once the agendas are received and read,weights and measures officials,industry,device users,and consumers are invited to provide comments based on data and experience. The NCWM Interim Meeting The Interim Meeting of NCWM is held annually in January and is the main work session of the Conference,The standing committees review the issues,receive comments,and make decisions regarding recommendations to the Conference.ence.Any individual with an interest in a given issue should plan to attend and participate in the Interim Meeting.Following the Interim Meeting,the technical advisors draft committee reports for the review of committee members. The Interim Meeting reports are published and sent to NCWM members in May.Thereafter,the .NCWM constituency has the opportunity to provide further comment upon committee. recommendations in preparation for the NCWM Annual Meeting in July. The NCWM Annual Meeting During the Annual Meeting:the standing committees meet to review all comments received since the Interim Meeting.They hold open hearings to receive oral comments on issues; committees make changes to their reports;then the final reports,as amended,are made available for examination.The final reports are then presented,in open forum,to the weights and measures officials (the voting delegates)for vote. Following the Annual Meeting,adopted items are incorporated into annual editions of handbooks,published in November.NCWM members are mailed the handbooks they have selected immediately following publication.As a member of NCWM,you will be assured of having the handbooks you need in your work before new requirements take effect on January 1. The NCWM is a Partnership NCWM relies on its partners in industry,in government weights and measures,and all concemed individuals in meeting its ultimate goal,"That Equity May Prevail."By joining NCWM you will have the opportunity to contribute to the work of the Conference while staying abreast of critical issues.We look forward to welcoming you as a partner. Summary of State Laws and Regulations in Weights and Measures (as of September 1997) This is an overview of the status of adoption of NCWM standards by the States.In earlier editions of Handbook 130,State laws and regulations were compared to the NCWM standard from the prior year.This did not indicate whether the standard as printed in the current edition had been adopted by any given State.The table below has been improved by listing those States that adopt NCWM-recommended updates automatically ("YES");see Sections 4 through 10 of the Uniform Weights and Measures Law.This means the State's regulations are current with those printed in this edition of the Handbook.If a State has adopted an NCWM recommendation in whole or in part from a particular year,but updates are not incorporated automatically,a lower case "yes”is shown. LEGEND Cl =Weights and Measures Law C2 =Weighmaster Law or Regulation C3 =Uniform Engine Fuel Law C4 =Packaging and Labeling CS =Method of Sale C6 =Price Verification C7 =Unit Pricing C8 =Registration of Service Agencies C9 =Open Dating C10 =Type Evaluation C11 =Uniform Engine Fuel Regulation C12 =Handbook 44 C13 =Handbook 133 State Laws Regulations Cl C2 C3 C4 C5 C6 C7 C8&CI CIO Cll Ci2 ClI3 Alabama yes yes yes yes yes X NO yes NO yes yes*YES YES Alaska yes NO NO yes yes no NO NO NO yes NO YES yes Arizona yes*yes yes*yes yes X yes*yes NO yes yes*YES YES Arkansas yes NO yes yes yes NO yes yes yes yes yes YES no California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire yes yes yes*yes*YES yes yes yes*yes yes yes yes*YES yes yes yes*yes yes yes NO yes yes NO yes*yes yes yes yes*yes .yes yes yes*yes yes yes yes*yes yes NO yes*YES yes yes*yes*yes yes yes*yes*yes yes NO yes*yes yes NO yes*yes yes*yes*yes*yes* yes yes yes*YES yes NO _yes*yes yes*yes*yes*yes yes yes yes yes yes NO yes*yes* yes yes yes*yes yes NO yes yes yes NO yes*yes yes NO NO yes YES YES yes*yes* yes*NO YES yes*YY yes* yes X NO YES Y_yes* yes yes no yes X NO yes yes yes* yes X NO yes X yes yes Y no YES Y NO yes None NO yes X NO yes X NO yes yes NO NO X NO YES X NO yes X =yes* yes*X yes* yes X NO yes*X NO yes yes*yes yes yes NO yes X yes yes NO NO yes*X yes* YES YES YES YES YES YES YES yes* yes yes* yes* NO yes yes yes yes yes yes NO yes yes* NO YES yes* yes*yes yes no yes yes* yes*no NO yes*NO yes* yes*yes yes* NO yes yes* NO yes yes* NO yes yes NO NO yes* NO yes yes* NO yes yes NO NO yes* NO yes*yes* NO yes yes* yes*yes yes* NO yes yes* yes yes yes yes*yes yes* NO yes_yes* NO YES yes NO NO yes NO yes NO NO YES yes* YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES yes no yes yes YES YES yes YES HB67 YES YES yes yes yes YES yes yes yes YES yes YES no YES no YES YES yes no yes yes yes yes YES yes YES YES YES no yes yes YES YES YES YES eyestiis3 y "st "I New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Puerto Rico Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Virgin Islands Washington West Virginia Wisconsin -Wyoming yes yes yes* yes* yes yes yes* yes yes yes yes yes* NO NO NO NO yes* yes yes* yes* NO yes yes* NO yes yes* NO yes NO NO NO yes* yes* yes* yes* NO NO yes* NO NO yes* yes* yes* yes* yes NO yes* yes* yes* yes* yes YES yes* yes* yes yes )yes*yes* yes Y NO yes NO yes* YES xX NO yes*NoneNO yes yes NO YES X NO yes Noneyes* yes*yes NO yes*Y_yes* YES None yes* YES X NO yes X NO YES X NO. YES'X NO YES X NO YES X_yes* YES Y NO NO None yes yes yes NO YES X YES yes X NO NO NoneNO yes* yes NO yes yes* yes yes* NO NO yes NO YES NO yes NO yes*NO yes*NO NO NO NO NO YES yes* yes yes* yes yes* yes NO yes* yes*yes* NO NO yes*yes* yes*yes* YES yes* NO NO NO NO NO NO yes yes yes yes* NO yes* YES yes NO NO yes*yes* yes NO yes NO yes NO YES YES YES NO yes*yes* NO YES yes* YES NO YES YES YES YES YES YES YES NO YES YES YES YES yes yes YES yes YES YES YES no YES YES yes yes YES YES YES YES YES YES YES NO YES YES YES no yes yes YES YES YES no YES YES Attachment 5 ANALYSIS TEST RESULTS ON DIESEL FUELS SUBMITTED BY SCHAEFFER MFG. Octel F2$-61 (3 hours) D613 BTU Content BTU Conlent Density Reflection I Fuel J oL Addilive )SLBOCLE,9 Cetene Number D240,btu/gal 0240,blutb D287,Ib/gal Pad Rating Chevron Diesel Fue!35 pib PL-1807*(No Celane improver)350 81.4 139,271 19.671 7.08 99.0 Sholl Diesel Fuel 35 ptb PL-1807*(No Cetane impreover)3500 62.4 139,041 19,666 707 98.3 TOSCO Dleset Fuel 35 pth PL-1807°(No Celene Inprover)4200 47.0 138,018 10,604 7.04 95.0 Li Ln Attachment 6 Schaeffer Diesel Fuel Additive Certification Sheet Date of Certificate:8/3 1/98 Additive:Schacffer 137 L-10 Concentration:|gallon of Schaeffer 137 L-10 per 4000 gallons of Diesel Fuel Test Procedure:L10 Injector Detergency Test Additive Specification:Cummins 60032 Cummins Bulletin:92S1B6-1 published July 1992 Test Site:Cummins Engineering Test Services,Charleston,South Carolina Test Engine:Tandem Engine Test Fuel:Caterpillar 1-K Reference Fuel Test Code:23F Average CRC Injector Rating:9.1=Pass Maximum CRC Injector Rating Pass Point:10 Average CRC Injector Rating without additive:24.2 Average Flow Loss %:2.9 =Pass MaximumAverageFlowLoss%Pass Point:5 Engine was properly referenced and operated within accepted test tolerancesIndependentlaboratorytestinanindustryepprovedfacility AdditiveF ootprint to enable NCWM verification of proper additive use: Specific Gravity:0.9042FlashPointPMCC°C:71PourPointASTMD97°C:-45AnInfraredscanisavailableupon request by the NCWM enforcement agency.A paper trail of additive injection,consumption,inventory and monthly reconciliation is recommended to maintain at the terminal to verify theproperinjectiondoseofadditiveintoPremiumfuelAlternatelyaninvisiblemarkermightbeusedtodetectthetypeandapprocumatedoseofadditiveinthefuel.: Note:These values are for 100%Schaeffer 137 L-10.Another footprint must be supplied by the additive manufacturer for NCWM use ifSchaeffer137L-10 is used as an additive component in an additive cocktail consisting of other added components and/or added solvents. Meets NCWM Requirements for Premium Diesel Fuel Detergency whea used at recommended concentration in any ASTM grade No2DieseiFuel.This document is the only certification necessary to prove additive efficacy to NCWM,Please see the Product data sheet. fact sheet and technical reports for further information regarding product performance claims. Meets the NCWM Fue Stability Requirements ia typical fuels which have not already degraded due to proloaged storage or due to excessive amounts of unstable components,Fuel Stability must be monitored periodically to insure compliance with NCWM. Signature of Schaeffer Manufacturing Officer: 4 Ufupishe:;*[eeleltatHO Jay Shields Vice-President Schaeffer Manufacturing Company For Technical Information please contact: Hoon Ge. National Fucl Additive Manager Schaeffer Manufacturing Company 612-593-1094 Attachment 7 (®UnitedTESTINGGROUP A Subsidiary of Top Saurce Technologies,inc. October 21,1997 SCHAEFFER SPECIALIZED LUBRICANTS Attention:Hoon Ge 102 Barton St. St.Louis MO 63104 SAMPLE IDENTIFICATION:COASTAL/ROGERS DIESEL LAB NUMBER:$0402-S0419 REPORT DATE:OCTOBER 21,1997 UNIT ADDITIVE DOSAGE C.P P,P.¢P. COASTAL #2 UNTeenred.-16-+09: COASTAL #2 137AND.1:1000 -42 -15° COASTAL #2 ARCTIC FLOW 1:2000 -24 ©+03 COASTAL #2 ARCTIC FLOW 1:1500 -26 .-02 2 COASTAL #2 ARCTIC FLOW 1:1000 -36 -06 ae COASTAL 10%#1 ARCTIC FLOW 1:1500 -40 -04 COASTAL 20%#1 ARCTIC FLOW 1:1500 -40 -09 COASTAL 30%#1 ARCTIC FLOW 1:1500 -40 -18 COASTAL 40%#1 ARCTIC FLOW 1:1500 -48 -24 COASTAL 50%#1 ARCTIC FLOW 1:1500 -48 -27 COASTAL #2 TOPTREAT 1:1200 -32 +09 COASTAL #2 TOPTREAT 1:600 38 +01 ROGERS #2 UNTREATED -08 +09° ROGERS #2 137AND -1:1000 -36 +05 ROGERS #2 ARCTIC FLOW 1:2500 -26 -15 ROGERS #2 ARCTIC FLOW 1:1500 -30 -17 ROGERS #2 PRIMROSE 1:2500 +14 14 -06 ADDITIVE POUR POINT: PRIMROSE -12 **THE ABOVE SAMPLES WERE ALL PRETREATED WHEN RECEIVED AT LAB. THANK YOU FOR USING UNITED TESTING GROUP.> Main Laboratory 1215 Kleppe Lane #9 |3121 Presidential Drive 1775-A Cortland Court Sparks,NV 89431 Atlanta,GA 30340 Addison,LL 60101 (702)358-3869 (404)454-8000 : (708)691-8096(800)524-7848 (800)394-3669 (800)824-1461 FAX (702)358-3871 FAX (404)451-1500 FAX (708)691-8156 Attachment 8 Fleet Test Overview 8ecceah?be!aeeconretweetonammaitCenteOsameneemmmaeieneeaeetereFleet 1 Location Charleston,SC { :Fleet:Cement Trucks :Number of Units:22 Total i 11 Base 11 Treated Engines:Cummins L10 Total Miles:400,000 Average Service:18,200 Miles &2,300 Hours Objective:The fleet was chosen in cooperation with Cummins i Engine Company and Engineering Test Services to 1 closely match the L10 test cycle in service. |(Engineering Test Services Is a division of Cummins i Engine Company) :Test:The fleet was equipped with new injectors and i monitored for one year.The injectors were thenikrated. i Conclusion:At the end of test,the treated units had Injectors that were 44%cleaner than the base unit injectors.The treated units also had more horsepower and better fuel economy.Fuel economy data is graphed on the following page.tenesentedCR Ratings (avaq.) Base units 30.3 Treated Units we scalebene1SEEBESpsetcriedaeeeetera5.5 5.0 4.5 4.0 3.5 3.0 DIESEL FUEL ADDITIVE PERFORMANCE MILES PER GALLON (AVG) waewd 7 ie kaart BASE FLEET TREATED FLEET L10 FLEET INCONCRETE DELIVERY SERVICE et FeenaeeSeenENnESeeeSeryPca2%SelSaintenanghw.BENEihe9,SapoPaiSeescESOTEWERE:meeeReneAjFFpedeSaFleet Test Overview Fleet 2 Location: Fleet: Number of Units: Engines: Total Miles: Average Service: Objective: Test: Conclusion: Charleston,SC Class 8 Line Haul 59 Total 31 Base © 28 Treated Cummins L10,Detroit Diesel Series 60,Mack E6 4,000,000 70,000 Miles The fleet represented a well maintained line haul distribution fleet.This test monitored long term additive effects including injector cleanliness over a wide variety of engines. Keep clean and clean up tests were evaluated in the Cummins L10 engines in normal service.The Cummins L10 procedure was used to determine injector cleanliness.The Detroit Diesel and Mack engines were used to obtain fuel economy data along with the Cummins engines.Test duration was 18 months. Overall,the treated fleet data showed no fuel system related problems and an improvement in fuel economy.In addition,Diesel Treat 2000 was successful in keeping injectors clean and cleaning up dirty injectors in the Cummins fleet (results graphed on the following pages.)Heregen9oocade,2aotieereyerwee4:p<3ssaMeesaaeSRoraleeess<t©«aa RAE ee oeyai . G , 7 , On gag te Pn + . « ie fs woes. SeeFa5| ET ey: nhs2eaetyf 2S MS CIS ndteeMa ERT eMTSSdis . ti? hee: : BRATS ¥ Fleet Il-Fuel Economyee gb Se PerformanceitiveSchaefferFuelAddrs Sieg! in Fuel EconomyPercentChange TERE ATTN CORO mm rer ereES EMERY, etmeeectrer, EEG SAT ER TT Improvement4.U070 DDC ates OPUS eae ee Cummins Schaeffer'smBase See ae ce rege pee Tes Se TERE pean WOS NMBA Pahoa SereeonedcdnasaadtaalnaeaiceeaROEee EERemPOEGPSI eyon OI ce: Attachment 9 eSYeeaeewfu.NonlinBEBEaE«evenHRdgeasWEcgweege:oementeeeeeSeROEIERtsePEhemesSRPaOrEeIgtEBADayrmMOTISTComposite FTP Emissions Schaeffer Fuel Additive Performance G/KW-Hr 0.316 0.281 mas HC NOx CO Particulate 16.67%1.66%19.76%11.08% Reduction Reduction Reduction Reduction mw Base m=Schaeffer's ereiiateedmeRegPIS REPORT ON SPECIFICATIONS &SUPPLY ISSUES BY VINTAGE MARKETING Report on Petroleum Specifications &Supply Issues In Alaska For Peratrovich,Nottingham &Drage,Inc Prepared by Vintage Marketing,Inc January 18,1999 Product Specification Arctic Diesel with a -60 degree F is used throughout Western and Northern Alaska as the preferred Distillate for heating and electric generation.To accommodate limited storage throughout Alaska,Alaska distributors buy under the specification JetA-50 (jet with a -50 degree F freeze point which also means the product will have a -60 degree F Pour point)and "down grade"when they sell it as Arctic Diesel.The term Arctic Diesel will be used throughout this report. It is important to remember that this single,all in one product Jet A-50 used as Arctic Diesel,is unique to Alaska.Outside of Alaska and particularly foreign refiners do not meet Jet,Cold properties and Cetane in one product. They will if you specify a Maximum Freeze of -50 F,a Maximum Pour Point of -60 F and a Minimum Cetane of 40.This specification has been used effectively to buy the correct product from outside and foreign refiners for Alaska and northern Russia. The Western Alaska Utilities buy No2 Diesel depressed to a -35F using an additive (NALCO 5375).It takes about 600 PPM injected as the Diesel is produced to achieve -35 degree F pour or about .8 cents per gallon.Twice the concentration must be injected at the discharge pump if from a tank (so twice the cost).The net saving,to Arctic Diesel,is about 6 cents per gallon. There is also about 5,000 to 8,000 more BTU's in No2 Diesel.The drawback is that the Cloud Point remains at about +8 to +16 degree F compared to a -55 degree Cloud Point for Arctic Diesel.One may want to review the storage and handling procedures that the Utilities follow. To achieve the same -35 degree F Pout Point by blending Arctic Diesel and No2 Diesel would take about a 70%blend of Arctic Diesel.So a 1 to 2 cent per gallon savings to Arctic Diesel.This blend would also lower the cloud point by 12 or 16 degrees F that does not happen with using a pour point additive If a pour depressed product is use,the activity would need to consider building insulated tanks or at least heat trace lines to deal with the cloud point of about +8F to +16F. One last point and an unfortunate one,any new mine may be required to use only Low sulfur diesel.If so,remember even Jet A-50 is not Low Sulfur. The mine will have to look to outside or foreign refiners for Low Sulfur | Diesel.Refinery supply of Low Sulfur Diesel in Alaska is very limited to nonexistent.Canada is all Low and most Westcoast and foreign refiners now product a Low No?Diesel. In the section titled Specifications,I have included sheets for Canadian Arctic Diesel P50,Tesoro Arctic Diesel Fuel (DFA),Tesoro Jet a,-SOF Freeze,MAPCO Alaska (now Williams)Aviation Turbine Fuel,Jet A-1, Tesoro DF2;No2 Diesel,MAPCO No2 Diesel Fuel,The Western Alaska Fuel Group (Pour Point Depressed)No2 and a worksheet showing No2 Diesel typical Specifications from various Westcoast and foreign refiners. Overview of Mid-Distillate Products Used in the State of Alaska Jet A50/Arctic Diesel/Nol Diesel/DFA/No]Burner are one in the same in Alaska.All barge operators in Alaska buy Jet A 50 and show each discharge as Jet A 50 to maintain consistent documentation showing Jet quality at each transfer point.Jet A 50 is then "downgraded"to Arctic Diesel/No1 Diesel/DFA/No1 Bumer at the final sales point (at the truck rack or into the customers tank).All Alaskan refiners product Jet A50/Arctic Diesel to ASTM 1655 specifications with particular emphasis on a Pour Point of -60 degrees F and a Freeze Point of -50 degrees F. No2 Diesel/Marine Diesel/No2 Burner are also one in the same in Alaska. All No2 Diesel produced in Alaska is high sulfur (.5%max).There is a seasonal variation in pour point according to regional temperatures.Except for the West Alaska utilities,the lower pour or cloud point is achieved by blending with Arctic Diesel.Maximum Pour Point by region is as follows: Juneau South +15 degrees F Pour March to Oct;0 degree F Pour Nov to Feb Juneau North to Haines +15 degrees F Pour April to Sept;-6 degree F Cloud Point Oct to Mar South-central (Valdez,Cordova &Kodiak)+10 degrees F Pour March to Aug;0 degree F Pour Apr &Sep;-6 degree F Cloud Oct to Mar Dutch Harbor +15 degrees F Pour Apr to Nov,0 degree F Pour Dec to Mar West Alaska +10 degrees F Pour for 3 months of summer,then switch the summer diesel tank to Arctic Diesel on the winter top-off load. A Pour Point additive is used by the western Alaska utilities in Iliamna, Kotzebue,Nakenek,Nome,Dillingham and Unalakleet.A NALCO 5375 depressant additive is injected at the loading source to achieve a -35 degree F Pour Point.To make sure the lower pour is not arrived at by blending Arctic Diesel,there is a minimum 140-degree F Flash and a minimum 137,000 BTU content.This is the only use of pour point depressant in the State. Low sulfur No2 Diesel is becoming more of an issue each year.So far the state continues to have an exception from the use of low sulfur diesel for road use.However fish plants and mines are having to meet EPA clean air requirements by using lower sulfur Diesel.In Southeast most mines are now required to use .11%to .16%sulfur No2 Diesel.In Dutch Harbor,the fish plants and City of Unalaska require .1%to .25%sulfur content with environmental incentives if they burn lower than .1%.Most distributors in Southeast Alaska are selling straight low sulfur diesel (.05%)from Seattle, while in Dutch Harbor;distributors are blending Seattle low sulfur with Alaska high sulfur to meet the "lower"sulfur requirement. Purchasing Strategy A demand of 30 million gallons of Arctic Diesel represents a 6%to 10%of the current refinery production in Alaska.Since there is a short fall between refinery production and demand (state demand is about 750 million gallons), this additional demand will have to come from increased production (refinery expansion)or from Outside sources (Westcoast or foreign). One strategy to minimize the supply issue is to use a Pour point depressed No2 Diesel.See Specification section. Another strategy is to work with one refiner to import Jet A-50 by tanker and pull Arctic Diesel from the refiner by barge.Tesoro is the preferred refiner since they have more storage options than Williams (MAPCO). Tankers transporting finished product into Alaska currently are covered under USCG and ADEC regulations by an Alaska refiner underwriting and "sponsoring"the tankers membership in CISPRI (Cook Inlet Spill Prevention and Recovery,Incorporated)for entering Cook Inlet.See OPA 90 section on tanker issues. Another strategy is to explore non-refinery storage options like Adak Island that has over 20 million gallons of storage.Again this option is controlled more by OPA 90 regulations.See OPA 90 Section. Whatever approach,the problem will be to delivery a large quantity of fuel (up to 30 million gallons)in five months.This should be looked at in stages. Stagel.First summer season work with the current distributors on one of the rivers (Crowley,Delta Western or Yukon Fuel)for delivery.This could be accomplished by bid with the request for a price delivered to river storage. Stage 2.Second or third season,contract with an Alaska refiner to store Jet A-50.This Jet A-50 would be brought in by tanker (See OPA 90 section) and then loaded back into barges for delivery to the river site.You would need to negotiate with the refiner but the barge deliveries could be bid. Stage 3.Develop a non-refinery storage option for Jet A-50 imported by tanker.This phase is more a long-range goal and could be developed during Stage 1 and 2 above.Adak Island is one option,but OPA 90 regulations control the feasibility of the option. OPA 90 Section USCG,EPA and Alaska Department of Environmental issues control any scenario when you talk about "a tanker delivery".It is wonderful to talk about since the product and delivery cost before "regulation"cost is cheaper than any barge delivery plan.However!That is just the point,there are significant "opportunities"to overcome. Currently,Cook Inlet deliveries are the only option if you want to enter a tanker into Alaska waters.This is accomplished by contracting with either Tesoro or Williams (MAPCO)where they take "command and control"of the tanker,underwrite the insurance coverage by pledging their refinery and then utilized there membership in CISPRI (official ASRO for Cook Inlet). All other movements of finished petroleum products are transported by barge under an Alternate Compliance Program with Chadux is the official responder.Alternate compliance means that barges carry enough response equipment to respond to a spill.Tankers must rely on shore-based equipment and on-water response from a shore ASRO.This is an important distinction to understand when someone mentions tanker supply option to the mouth of the Yukon or Kuskoquim. The problem,oops opportunity The best way to supply product from outside Alaska by tanker is to deliver to arefiner in Cook Inlet.Then,pull product out by barge to the proposed delivery point.Tesoro agreed to store Jet A-50 for me in 1994 for re-supply to Provideniya,Russia and it is possible to negotiate a similar arrangement.I made two barge deliveries from Valdez and one tanker delivery from Singapore.Tesoro charged a thruput fee of 65 cents per barrel.The key point is they covered the tanker (foreign flag)to enter Alaska waters,Cook Inlet. Tesoro''s Checklist is attached to give you some idea of the requirements. You cannot enter a tanker anyway else because there is no Authorized Spill Response Organization set up outside Cook Inlet.All barges operate under an Alternate program with Chadux as the ASRO.To utilize a tanker,the following response equipment would have to be on site. All quantities in Barrels Small tanker 30,000 MT tanker Cargo size 105,600 240,000 On water storage 21,120 48,000 On shore storage 10,560 24,000 Cumulative storage 50,688 115,200 On water skimming cap --1,760/hr 4,000/hr And,the USCG and ADEC would require this on paper and a table-top- exorcise before approval.No small task!And then you would have to find an insurance program to cover $700,000,000 financial responsibility with unlimited liability and the "Alaska direct assess clause". Very difficult to accomplish at a river mouth or storage terminal outside Cook Inlet. I have attached the specific performance criteria sheets covering the above. Adak Island could be a good alternative but only whena spill plan iswritten/approved,additional equipment is purchased and stored at Adak and a line haul barge is under annual charter.This barge would double as the response vessel during discharge and line haul to the river delivery point. Special Note.Two chartered tankers have entered non-Cook Inlet Alaska Inlet Alaska waters since the full enforcement of OPA 90.Once at Red Dog and the other in Haines Harbor.Both have unusual one-time stories,In both cases,ADEC and USCG have said they will not allow this "exception" again. The important factor to remember is that a mine project of this scoop will be examined over and over,so any tanker plan would have to be perfect to get ADEC and USCG approval. VA Typical Inspections Color Density (KG/M3) Dist:10%Recovered (C) Dist:50%Recovered (C) Dist:90%Recovered (C) Dist:FBP (C) Ash (%Mass) CCR-10%Dist Residue Copper Corr.3Hrs @ 100C Total Acid No (MG.KOH/p) Flash PM (C) Cetane Number Cloud ASTM Pour PT ASTM Kine Viscosity CST @ 40C Note 2:Electrical Conductivity Sulphur %Mass Notes - 1)General Notes:- #1 Arctic Diesel Clear Typical Quality P50 Arctic Diesel (ASTM)0.5 815 184.0 214.0 256.0 282.0 0.0020 0.001 1A 0.0030 51 42 -54/-48C -54/48C 1.43 900/15C 0.06 -Typicals are subject to variation within range of specification,but on average are near values shown above. -Tests and Typicals may vary depending on source of fuel. 2)- Attime and Temperature of Delivery to Customer. C:\New Folder\Fuel Typicals doc TESORO ALASKA PETROLEUM COMPANY Kenai Alaska Refinery 5/1498 CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION For Official Company Use Only Product Specifications: Tesoro Arctic Diesel Fuel (DFA) ASTM Method MINIMUM TYPICAL MAXIMUM GRAVITY,API @ 60°F D4052 -_43.2 report SPECIFIC GRAVITY D4052 -0.8100 report DISTILLATION,°F (°C)D&86 IBP -298 (148)report 50%-400 (204)450 (232) 90%-489 (254)$00 (260) Residue -0.8 LS SULFUR,TOTAL %D4294 -_0.04 0.50 CLOUD POINT,°F (°C)D5773 -_3 (-52.8)56 (-49) POUR POINT,°F (°C)D5949 -67,5 (-55.3)report CORROSION,COPPER STRIP D130 _1A 3 VISCOSITY,KINEMATIC @ 104°F (cSt)D445 13 13 2.4 CETANE INDEX,calculated D976 40 42.3 oe FLASH POINT,TCC,°F (°C)D56 100.4 (38)107 (41.7)- HEAT CONTENT:BTU/gallon,gross D4868 report 150,750 -- BTU/gallon,net .134,808 BTU/pound,gross ,22,317 BTU/pound,net .19,957 MICROCARBON on 10%BOTTOMS D4530 soe <0.01%0.15 ASH,wt.%D482 "-<0.01%0.01 PARTICULATE CONTAMINANT,mg/100 mL D2276 woe 0.3]report TESORO ALASKA PETROLEUM COMPANY Kenal Alaska Refinery $/14498 CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION For Official Company Use Only Product Specifications Jet A,-5S0°F Freeze ASTM Method MINIMUM TYPICAL MAXIMUM GRAVITY,API @ 60°F D4052 37 43.2 51 SPECIFIC GRAVITY D4052 0.7753 0.8100 0.8398 DISTILLATION,°F (°C)D86IBP -298 (148)- 10%-338 (170)400 (205) 20%-352 (178)412 (21]) 50%-400 (204)480 (249)90%-489(254)500 (260) 95%owe 508 (264)$25 (274) EP -_$39 (282)572 (300) %RECOVERED _98.3 - RESIDUE,%_0.8 LS LOSS,% -0.4 1.5 EXISTENT GUM,mg/100 mL D381 -_<1.0 7.0 SULFUR,TOTAL %D4294 -0.04 0.3 MERCAPTAN SULFUR,WT%*D3227 -_<0.001 0.003 *Doctor Test may be substituted,per ASTM procedure. SULFUR,DOCTOR TEST D4952 -Sweet Negligible FREEZE POINT,°F (C)D5972 _--$3.5(-47.5)50 (-45.5) AROMATICS,%.D1319 _15.4 25.0 SMOKE POINT D1322 18 25.1 won NAPHTHALENES,VOL.%D184 -1.3 3.0 CORROSION,COPPER STRIP D130 -1A 1 WATER REACTION,INTERFACE RATING D1094 -1B 18 WATER SEPAROMETER INDEX MODIFIED D3948 85 97.2 - THERMAL OXIDATION STABILITY by JFTOT D3241 PRESSURE DROP,mm Hg _-<1 25.0 TUBE DEPOSIT RATING ---<10 3.0 NEUTRALIZATION NUMBER,mg KOH/g D3242 -0.01 0.10 VISCOSITY,KINEMATIC @ -04°F (cSt)D445 4.5 8.0 FLASH POINT,TCC,°F (°C)D56 100.4 (38)107 (41.7)150 (66) HEAT CONTENT:BTU/gallon,net D4868 -126,130 one BTU/pound,net .18,400 18,671 - COLOR,Saybolt D1S6 +12 >+30 won PARTICULATE CONTAMINATION D2276 --0.31 0.626 MAPCO PROPERTY Gravity, Gravity, Density, TEL:9072733333 Jun MAP CO Product Specifications: API @ 60°F (15.6°C)Specific,60°F lb/gal @ 60°F Flash Point,°F (°C)Freezing Point,°F (°C)Distillation Temperature,°F (*C) ALASKA PETROLEUNHM Ine. Aviation Turbine Fucl,Jet A-1l Initial Bolling Point10%Recovered 50%Recovered 908 Recovered Final Boiling PolinaResidue,volt . Loss,volt Recovery,volt Acidity,Total,mg KOH/gColor,Saybolt Copper Strip Corrosion,2 hr #212°F Existent Gum,mg/100 al Naphthalenes,volt Aromatics,volt Net Heat of Combustion,BTU/lb (HJ/Kq) Particulate Matter,mg/literSmoxePoint,mma Mercaptan Sulfur,vtt Sulfur,Total,wtt Preasure Drop,mm Rg Preheater Deposit CodeViscosity,cSt @ -4°F interface Rating Separation Rating Microseparometer (MSEP) ASTH ZEST SPECIFIED METHOD LIMIT (2). Di298 37-51 Max oneae 0.7783 °°0.6398 waeee 6.455 -6.993 DS6 200 Min (37.8 Hin) 02386 53 Max (-47 Max) p66 . cceee wasee Report ooeee 400 Max (205 Max) wees Report coeee Report cones 372 Max (300 Max) conser 1.5 Max sees 1.3 Max 7"eees ReportD2430.1 Max 3156 Report D130 1 Max D381 7 Max p1s40 3 Max bd1319 25 Hex D1405 18,400 Hin (42.8 Min)D2276 1.0 Max 01322 19 Hin 03227 0.003 Max D4294 Q.3 Max D321 25 Max D3241 <3 Daas 8 Max pD1094 1b Hax 1094 2 Max D3948 83 Min (1)Typical product quality subject to change within Specified Limits.(2)Based,except WSIM requirements,on ASTM D16S5°$éa. KC he REFINERY GENERAL MANAGER 9,97 1:35:47 No.015 P.Os aaTESORO ALASKA PETROLEUM COMPANY Kenai Alaska Refinery CONFIDENTIAL INFORMATION For Official Company Use Onty Product Specifications: GRAVITY,API,AT 60°F DISTILLATION,°F (°C) IBP 10% 20% 50% 90% End Point RECOVERY,% RESIDUE,% LOSS,% SULFUR,TOTAL % CLOUD POINT,°F (°C) POUR POINT,°F (°C) CORROSION,COPPER STRIP VISCOSITY,KINEMATIC at 104°F ,cSt CALCULATED CETANE INDEX FLASH POINT,P.M.,°F (°C) HEAT CONTENT:BTU/gallon,gross BTU/gallon,net BTU/pound,gross BTU/pound,net ASH,WT.% CARBON RES.,10%BOTTOMS,WT.% COLOR,ASTM *MDO minimum flash =140°F (60°C) 5/14/98 DF2,NO.2 DIESEL ASTM Method MINIMUM D4052 D86 368 (187) 503 (262) 525 (274) 557 (292) 599 (315) 632 (333) 99.2 0.6 0.2 0.27 +11.3 (-11.5) +6.7 (-14.1) 1A 3.7 49.2 165 (74) 159,408 142,559 22,275 19,920 <0.01% <0.01% +0.6 0.50 +20 (-6.7) +20 (-6.7) WAY?PCO PERCPERTY Pour Point,°F (°C)Cloud Point,°F Flash Point,°F (°C)Heating Value, BIU per gallon (gross)Gravity,APX @ 60°F (15.6°C)Gravity,Specific,60°F Density,lb/gal @ 60°FDistillation*F (°c)Tnitial Boiling Point104%Recovered 50%Recovered 908 Recovered Final Bolling PointResidue,volt Ash,wtt Carbon Rasidue on 108% Bottoms,wtt Cetanc Index,Calculated color,(4 ) Pees PU Z£99595 copeer Strip Corrosion,3 hr @ 30°u fur,Total,wtt Viscosity,cSt @ lO4°F (40°C)Wator and Sediment,volt ANNPunhtelTataltetuse. per regulatory requirements. apenovenBr:pcre ferrin AUASKAProductSpecifications: [See Note (3))} PETROLEUM 2 Diesel Fuel/Ffruel oil REFINERY GENERAL MANAGER No. Jun Deol srrmse Ine. SPECIFIED LIMIT 12) *10 Max (*12 Max) Report 126 Min (52 Min) Report 30 Hin 0.8762 Max 7.296 Max Report Report Report 640 Max (338 Max) Report Report 0.01 Max 0.38 Max 40 Min Red No.3 Max 0.80 Max 1.9 -4.2 0.0605 Max Typical product quality subject to change within Specified Limits.Based on ASTM D°975-94,Table 1,"Detailed Requirements for Diescl Fuel otis'.Not recommended for home heatingNalco9386218RedDye(164)(concentration 17.3 1lbs/1000 bbis)will be added to fuel DATE:225-7 NoO.U1D P.Uz MAPI TYPICAL PRODUCT (1) 410 +8 1706 138.842 33.3 0.8590 7.163 384 495 558 603 629 REVISED:__January 1996 Western Alaska Fuel Specification (Pour Point Depressed) No2 Diesel per ASTM D-975 Minimum Maximum API Gravity 30 BTU Gross Content/Gallon 137,000 Pour Point -35F Viscosity CST @ 40 C 1.9 4.1 Cloud Point +22F Flash Point 140 F Cetane Index 40 Copper strip corrosion No.3 Sulfur (percent by volume)0.5 Water and sediment (percent by volume)0.1 Ash (percent by weight)0.01 Conradson Carbon . 0.35 Notes: Flash point of 140F minimum instead of 125F under ASTM to meet Class 3A liquid fire guidelines. Sulfur content is in accordance with current permits.A lower sulfur content will have a significant positive impact on operating costs. Pour point is to be depressed to at least -35F using NALCO pour point depressant additive NALCO 5375,NALCO 5376,or an appropriate substitute if agreed upon.Blending must be done in a manner approved by NALCO or its assigned representative,prior to barge loading.The injection method must produce a uniform depressed product over the entire barge delivery.The supplier will be required to perform a pre-lift pour point test of the fuel to be lifted and supply the results of that test within three (3)days of lifting. Specificatians of actual No2 Diesel cargoes from various Refiners Refiner_ nen 1 ee Spee API Gravity |30 MinBTU/Gation -!137,000 MinPourPoint|-35F MaxViscosity|".9 MinCloudPoint=+22 FFlashPoint140F |Cetane Index 40 |Copper corr.'No.3 Max Sulfur 5%max Ash .01 wt %MaxConCarbonii35Max Us Oil Tacoma _LSOFI 33.9 159,227 +5 +16: 49.1] 0.04: TOSCO.Avon CA 30.8| 162,298 -36 _LSDF] Shell *Anacortes"Tesoro. __|ARCOCherry Pt 34.1 158,635 _..HSDF/ TexacoAnacortes 34.1 159,061) "15 2.217 +6 138 42.8 1A 0.019 _LSOF|” ChevronBCCanada _.LSDF 31.3 161,772 +19 3.120 +6 176 43.1 1A 0.038 0.001 0.02 PetroCanBCCanada LSDF|| 32 161,089"44 3.650 +9 156 45.3 1b 0.0305 ShellBCCanada LSDF| imperial|BC Canada HSDF HanwhaKorea _HSOF|” 35 157,750 6 3.595, 158)"50.1 1 0.36 "6.001"0.05 Hyundai Korea 36.7 156,316 -3 3.830 160 54.9 4 0.170.001 HSOF|| 0.05 MAPIAlaska HSOF! 33.2) 159,327 +10 3.520:+8 170 50.5 1A 0.48 0.001 TesoroAlaska _HSOF 33.4159,40846.7 3.700 411.3 Chart 6 -ChecklistofVessel,Documents:3... The following checklist of Documentation we must receive from any vessel entering Alaskan Waters under Tesoro's Cook Inlet oil Spill response Agreement.Tesoro's Manual of Documentation for Vessel Approval requests vessel owners/charterers to submit these documents. Document/Form Name Purpose of Document Vessel Data Sheet (4 pages) To clear vessel for visit to K.P.L. Receive (completed and signed) Proof of Financial Responsibility for entry into Alaskan Waters (2 pages) Warrants a.Owners have in place $700 million oil Pollution Insurance b.Owners will provide Tesoro Certificate of entry documenting the oil pollution coverage. c.Premiums are fully paid and vessel is properly entered in P&I Club with cover for oil pollution liability under Alaska State law. d.Owners have submitted to the U.S.Coast Guard for approval a Vessel Response Plan for the vessel which meets the requirements of OPA-90.(GSA approved for Western Alaska) ¢.Vessel to proceed into an out of Alaskan Waters as per transit zone shown on attached map (Available from Hilde) Receive (Completed and Signed) Certificate of Insurance Certifies vessel owners Oil Pollution Coverage issued by P&I Club,confirms the (1-3 pages)$700 million pollution coverage and the period the vessel is covered. Cook Inlet Spill Response Stipulates Tesoro will respond to oil spills vessel may incur guided by this Agreement (15 pages)agreement's oil spill contingency plan details. Receive (Completed and Signed) Vessel Information To provide ADEC specific data about vessel and scheduled lifting to seek (3 pages)approval from ADEC for inclusion of vessel under Tesoro's Marine Response Plan. Receive (Completed and Signed) Spill Equipment Listing Attachment to Vessel Information detailing vessel's spill removal equipment. (1-2 pages)(Receive Completed /Signed attached to Vessel Information Forms) General Arrangement and Piping Diagrams;Description of Emergency Towing Equipment &Tank Overfill Protection Devices (3 sets of drawings/plans) To provide detailed knowledge of Vessel's General Arrangement and Piping plan.Also to justify Best Available Technology requirements for TowingEquipmentandOverfillDevices. Letter Agreement If Vessel is not a Tesoro chartered vessel Agreement showing that vessel will be subchartered to Tesoro Alaska by vessel owners/charterers prior to vessel entering Alaskan Waters and assigning Tesoro Operational control of vessel while vessel is under Tesoro's Oil Spill Contingency Plan Receive signed by Vessel Owners plus Charterers plus Tesoro. REMOVAL CAPACITY PLANNING TABLE (Group 1 Oil)30,000 MT Tanker In BBs NEARSHORE (9 to 12 miles)&INLAND Removal planning 240,000 =Pianning volume Emulsification Dissipation 80%none Factor On water 20%48,000 1 On shore 10%24,000 Recovery capacity Name plate On water mobilization factor (EDRC)(bbis/hr)Storage (bbis) Tier 1 (24hrs)0.15 7,200 1,500 44,400 Tier 2 (48hrs)0.25 42,000 2,500 24,000 Tier 3 (72hrs)0.40 19,200 4,000 38,400 Sustain above for 4 days,recover &store cumulative volume of 115,200 OFFSHORE (12 to 50 miles) Removal planning Planning volume Dissipation 95%228,000 On water 5%12,000 On shore 0%- Recovery capacity Name plate On water mobilization factor (EDRC)-(bbis/hr)Storage (bbls) Tier 1 (24hrs)0.10 1,200 250 2,400 Tier 2 (48hrs)0.17 1,980 413 3,960 Tier 3 (72hrs)0.21 2,520 §25 §,040 Sustain above for 4 days,recover &store cumulative volume of 16,440 'OPEN OCEAN (50 to 200 miles) Removal planning Planning volume Dissipation 100%240,000 On water 0%- On shore 0%- Recovery capacity Name plate On water mobilization factor (EDRC)(bbIs/hr)..Storage (bbis) Tier 1 (24hrs)0.06 --- Tier 2 (48hrs)0.10 --° Tier 3 (72hrs)0.12 °-- EDRC means Effective Daily Recovery Capacity Distillation at least at 50%645 F 340 C 95%700 F 370 C REMOVAL CAPACITY PLANNING TABLE (Group 1 Oil)Igrim In BBis NEARSHORE (0 to 12 miles)&INLAND Removal planning 105,600 Planning volume Emulsification Dissipation 80%none Factor On water 20%.21,120 1 On shore 10%10,560 Recovery capacity Name plate On water mobilization factor (EDRC)(bbis/hr)Storage (bbls) Tier1 (24hrs)0.15 3,168 660 6,336 Tier 2 (48hrs)0.25 5,280 1,100 10,560 Tier 3 (72hrs)0.40 8,448 1,760 16,896 Sustain above for 4 days,recover &store cumulative volume of 50,688 "OFFSHORE (12 to 50 miles) Removal planning Pianning volume Dissipation 95%100,320 On water 5%§,280 On shore 0%© Recovery capacity Name plate On water mobilization factor (EDRC)(bbis/hr)Storage (bbls) Tier 1 (24hrs)0.10 528 110 1,056 Tier 2 (48hrs)0.17 871 182 1,742 Tier 3 (72hrs)0.21 1,109 231 2,218 Sustain above for 4 days,recover &store cumulative volume of 7,234 "OPEN OCEAN (50 to 200 miles) Removal planning Planning volume Dissipation 100%105,600 On water 0%- On shore 0%° Recovery capacity Name plate On water mobilization factor (EDRC)(bbis/hr)Storage (bbis) Tier 1 (24hrs)0.06 ©°° Tier 2 (48hrs)0.10 °-° Tier 3 (72hrs)0.12 =2 - EDRC means Effective Daily Recovery Capacity Distillation at least at 50%645 F 340 C 95%700 F 370C APPENDIX | PROPOSED ADDITIONAL FIELD WORK Donlin Creek Project Recommended Scope of Work for EIS Preparation and Design Road,Pipeline and Dock Prepared for Placer Dome Technical Services,Ltd. March 1999 This outline presents a general scope of work which would be completed by Peratrovich, Nottingham &Drage,Inc.(PN&D)to assist Placer Dome Technical Services,Ltd.(PDTS)in the preparation of EIS documentation and design of the Donlin Creek Project.The scope relates to the permitting and design of a dock,road(s)and possibly a fuel pipeline.The scope is based on our past experiences with the permitting and design of Alaskan projects of a similar nature to the Donlin Creek Project (Red Dog Mine,Valdez Creek Mine,Makushin Geothermal Project, Pebble Copper Project,Arctic Mine Project,PoGo Mine Project,etc.). The scope may change with time depending on various aspects of the project such as right of way,permitting,environmental concerns,wildlife avoidance,archeological concerns,funding sources,and design requirements.Some aspects of the project scope cannot be estimated at this time.For instance,the number of material sources along the route is currently unknown and therefore the number of test holes required and the overall scope of the geotechnical program is not known.The scope of surveys required for the project also is not known for the same reason. As such the refinement of the scope will be an on-going process. Task 1 Route Alternatives Study (office analysis) Recommended Time Period:Spring PN&D has completed work on this submittal which is due March 1,1999.The study addresses alternative road concepts,road corridors and dock site locations to provide access for the Donlin Creek mining project.This study summarizes the property ownership,preliminary road route alternatives,preliminary quantities and costs for the alternative routes.It also provides a discussion of other options which you may wish to consider such as petroleum pipelines versus roads and alternative power generation options.This provides the first step in the planning process to determine the best access modes and rough order of magnitude costs which can then be used to evaluate the alternatives. Our experience in similar projects would indicate additional work should be completed before narrowing down the options.This would include evaluation of alternative power generation methods such as off-site power generation and use of transmission lines to provide power into the project site.Once all means of access,fuel supply and power generation have been studied a recommended alignment(s)can be provided.This should be the next task completed and we would recommend completing this as soon as possible. Permits to access,survey and drill on private,state and federal lands will be needed.These permitting activities should be conducted as soon as possible to ensure access can be obtained for each activity and according to the schedule shown below.Some aspects of the work defined below will require additional permitting at later dates. Placer Dome Technical Services,Ltd. Donlin Creek Project Task 2 Terrain Evaluation Recommended Time Period:Spring This phase of the project will consist of reviewing the existing low level color photography and high level infrared photography in the interpretation of soil and rock conditions.The primary purpose of this work will be to determine the location of potential material sources which may be used for the road,pipeline and dock construction.Material source locations,areal extents and potential material types will be reviewed and shown on base sheets along with a brief description of each potential material source.The work should be performed no later than February in order to provide base information for field trips.The information will also be needed to prepare an accurate estimate of geotechnical work required for the project. Please note we have not included preparation of terrain maps for each project corridor.This may or may not be required by the EIS process.If possible this work should not be performed since it can be fairly costly.However,the possibility exists that mapping of wetland areas may be required and confirmed by a wetland biologist in the field.If this is necessary,the work could be accomplished from the base maps and photography PN&D has already purchased for the project. Task 3 Winter Field Trip Recommended Time Period:February/March The purpose of this task will be to gather information on snow pack,snow drifting,and glaciation along the road and pipeline corridors,and at the dock and bridge crossings.Work should be completed in late February or early March by a two-person PN&D crew consisting of a road designer and hydrologist. Access along the alignments would be obtained initially by helicopter to gain an understanding of the terrain and various corridors and to analyze road,pipeline corridors and dock sites further from the Donlin Creek camp.On-the-ground work would also be completed with a two-person crew using two snowmobiles and sleds.This will assist in keeping costs to a minimum.The crew will use metal probes and a Haines ice auger to verify the depth of snow,predominant drift patterns,and to measure aufeis thickness at each potential stream crossing for the road and pipeline corridor.Alternate alignments will be considered to minimize either construction costs or long-term maintenance costs where glaciation or drifting are considered problems.Isolated snow pack thickness measurements will also be taken at various locations and horizontal positions recorded using GPS.A winter reconnaissance report will be prepared outlining the findings of the investigation.The information will be used to determine if alternatives should be considered such as raising bridge elevations,lengthening bridges,alternative bridge crossings, realignments due to drifting,or road realignments to take advantage of prevailing wind directions.The dock sites,road corridors and pipeline corridor will be reviewed. |Task 4 Spring Break-up Evaluation Recommended Time Period:Spring We recommend a two-person crew be mobilized to the site prior to the spring break-up.The crew would consist of a road designer and hydrologist.Access would be by helicopter.The primary purpose of this trip will be to collect information on spring flooding for use in evaluation of stream flows and determination of the opening areas needed to pass design flows for bridge and major culvert crossings along the route. Page 2 of 6 Placer Dome Technical Services,Ltd. Donlin Creek Project The crew will mobilize to the site prior to spring break-up.The period before break-up begins will be used to analyze snow pack thickness within each drainage basin and to prepare for the break-up studies.Major stream crossings will be staked in the field by placing a rebar and alcap monument at each side of the stream crossing.A USGS style crest stage gage will be installed at each of these major stream crossings for measurement of maximum discharge during spring break-up.The crew will also have available a Marsh-McBerney discharge measurement meter and equipment for evaluation of flow.Measurements will be taken at as many streams as possible during the break-up study. Historic climatic data in this region will be researched to determine if any information is available.If it is,comparisons will be made to the stream discharge measurements to determine if any correlations can be made in the long-term prediction of stream discharges. PN&D will also use this information to evaluate and determine the recommended design flows which will be used during the design phase.The information,in combination with the data obtained from the winter reconnaissance study,will be used to evaluate the necessary bridge lengths,clearances,and opening areas,and to determine where culverts or elevated relief flow culverts will be required.PN&D's in-house software will be used to evaluate flow conditions. These techniques have been developed after many years of discharge measurements in various areas of Alaska to determine flow conditions with various terrain conditions and permafrost conditions.The information will be analyzed during this phase for use in the EIS and later in the design phase. Task 5 Geotechnical Analysis Recommended Time Period:Phase I,June,July 1"year. Phase II,June,July 2™year. Task 2 will be used to interpret soil and rock conditions along each route and determine where potential material sources may be located.In June/July 1*year,a two-person crew will investigate the routes and material sources to determine site conditions and to determine visually if the routes chosen in the Task 1 work appear to be suitable.Access will be by helicopter. Visual evaluation of each potential material source will also be performed to determine if additional geotechnical work should be conducted at each identified area. Phase I work will minimize the in-field geotechnical drilling.At material sites where bedrock or outcrops are present,a visual analysis will be performed,samples collected and preliminary laboratory testing conducted to determine suitability of materials.Global Positioning System (GPS)will be used to estimate boundaries of the material source,locate test holes and determine the extent of the potential material source.Where material does not consist of bedrock or outcrops,single test holes are recommended to obtain initial information for use in preparing the EIS and to see if additional test holes are warranted during design.The initial work would be to eliminate material sources identified in the terrain interpretation phase which do not appear to provide suitable materials.An A-Star helicopter could be used in combination with a light, portable drill rig to obtain information at each material source.The drilling will consist of hollow stem augers with split spoon sampling in sands and gravels,and sufficient water pump and hose to provide coring in bedrock.This information will be used to collect samples to verify material type,and quality of materials for borrow and road surfacing.The phase I geotechnical Page 3 of 6 Placer Dome Technical Services,Ltd. Donlin Creek Project report will summarize our findings and make recommendations for the Phase II,2™year investigation for design.Sufficient information will be collected for use in preparation of the EIS document. Phase II will consist of a field geotechnical investigation.Depending on the number of test holes required and the number of material sources,bridge crossings,centerline test holes and dock site test holes,either a Bell 205 or A-Star helicopter will be used and one or two drilling rigs and crews.Typically,two drilling rigs supported by one helicopter provides the most efficient and cost effective means of providing a geotechnical investigation and this is similar to procedures we have used on other projects.Drilling can be accomplished using CME-45's mounted on hydraulic leveling platforms.Maximum lift per section is typically 1200 pounds. Other options are available and PN&D will obtain bids from drilling contractors once a definite scope of work is defined.This work should be completed in the spring of the 2™year to allow for the design of the road during the 2™year.Drilling will be conducted at each bridge abutment,at selected centerline locations including cut sections,at material sources,and the dock sites. Geotechnical data will also need to be collected for the direct burial pipeline,if this option is considered a cost effective approach.The geotechnical investigation will be used to obtain information on soil,permafrost and active layer conditions along the pipeline corridor. Subsurface information will be obtained at bridge foundation supports for stream crossings. "Ground Truthing”will also be performed.This will consist of determining the terrain types along the pipeline corridor and drilling test holes within each terrain type identified to determine general information on soil conditions,visible ice content,vegetative thickness and locations where permafrost is present.PN&D will also walk the alignment in late summer,during a period of maximum thaw,to determine the maximum active layer for the summer.Probing will be conducted at 100 meter intervals.This information will be used in combination with climatic data to determine the maximum expected active layer thickness along the pipeline corridor.The information will be used in the pipeline design and to determine the depth of burial required along the corridor. Options It would be preferable to perform one geotechnical investigation during the 1"year since this would reduce overall costs for the geotechnical program.Depending on your goal of minimizing up-front costs based on additional mine assessment or minimizing costs for the overall geotechncial and design program,the work can be done by either method. Task 6 Field Survey Recommended Time Period:June/July. The next step will be gathering field survey data.This work will consist of surveys to gather information for the road,potential pipeline,material sources,bridge and culvert crossings,and port facility.This work will be conducted by a three-person PN&D field survey crew.The team will perform the following work: e Dock Sites Page 4 of6 Placer Dome Technical Services,Ltd. Donlin Creek Project Both on-shore topographic surveys and in-river bathymetric surveys will need to be conducted for the Kuskokwim River and Yukon River.PN&D's recent meetings with FOSS Maritime indicate there are concerns in using the Red Wing Slough on the Yukon River due to draft requirements.We recommend a bathymetric survey be conducted for the 6.4 kilometer Red Wing Slough to confirm the suitability and access requirements. Additionally,bathymetric surveys should be conducted for potential dock sites on Salmon Island,south of Salmon Island and north of Salmon Island.This in combination with onshore topographic surveys will provide sufficient information to determine the most cost effective and appropriate location for a dock and access road.Similar surveys will be conducted on the Kuskokwim River. e Pipeline Corridor/Road Corridors The survey crew will initially stake the horizontal alignment (P-Line).The alignment will be marked with rebar and Alcaps and location markers at each P.I.We will also place markers at 100 meter intervals for use by the engineering crew in evaluation of the alternatives.Centerline profiles will be obtained initially using geoid corrected GPS values,that will provide horizontal as well as vertical information. e Bridge and Major Culvert Crossings Cross-sections and topographic information will be collected by swing-topo data collection techniques at each major stream crossing.This work is related to work previously conducted under task 3.After ice and snow melt at the stream crossings,the sections and topographic information will be collected.The crews will also inspect the stream crossings to determine if high water marks are apparent and these will also be surveyed where feasible.Crest stage gage information will be incorporated into the site surveys. All stream crossings which were previously staked with Alcap and rebar will now be surveyed to obtain profiles and swing topo will be used to collect sufficient information for the bridge or culvert design.Cross-sections both upstream and downstream will be gathered to use in analysis for hydraulic programs such as Hi-8 and Hec-2. Task 7 Field Engineering Time Period:Fall. An engineering crew consisting of a road designer and hydrologist will mobilize to the project site in the fall.The primary purpose of this trip is to obtain information on discharge during the fall and to obtain information on the active layer and vegetation thickness along the route.This particular activity is especially important in the evaluation of the necessary road base thickness, necessity for geotextile and minimizing the overall cost of the project.Information which will be collected includes: e Determination of the maximum active layer depth along the alignment and correlation with weather stations for the thawing degree days.The information will be used to minimize the necessary road design section. Page 5 of6 Placer Dome Technical Services,Ltd. Donlin Creek Project e Determination of the thickness of vegetative cover in permafrost terrain.This information will be used to determine the insulating characteristics of the compressed tundra based on previous correlations made by PN&D at the Red Dog Mine.The information is important to minimize thickness in permafrost terrain. «Measurement of shear strength of the active layer to determine the depth of embankment and need for geotextile. e Evaluation of fall stream flows for design of major bridge and culvert batteries.This information in combination with the spring breakup data collected will be used to determine the location,skew and size of cross-drainage culverts required. e Review the alignment of pipeline and road requirements. Task 8 Design Time Period:2™year The design phase will be used to prepare a bid ready set of construction documents for all construction activities required,including construction camps,material source mining plans,plan and profile sheets for road and pipelines,plans and details for bridge and culverts,survey control plans and specifications. The work would be conducted in early winter to summer of the 2"year.The timing will dependontheperiodthatdataiscollectedforthegeotechnicalprogram(1*year versus 2™year). Task 9 Construction Inspection/Administration We highly recommend the designer be involved in the project through the completion of construction.Our past experiences have shown that this reduces construction claims.PN&D will make available all necessary personnel to assist PDTS with the bidding interpretation, contract administration and inspection of the dock,road,pipeline,bridges,culverts and other infrastructure necessary to complete this phase of the project.PN&D also has available,through our Seattle office,the necessary structural personnel which can review the fabrication of bridge and culvert components prior to shipment if local Oregon and Washington fabricators are used by the Contractor. Page 6 of6 Peratrovich,Nottingham &Drage,Inc. Engineering Consultants Civil =Structural «Marine «Geotechnical »Environmental «Surveying Anchorage,AK Juneau,AK Seattle,WA Astoria,OR 1506 West 36"Avenue 3220 Hospital Dr.,Suite 200 811 First Avenue,Suite 260 399 31%Street,Suite 1 Anchorage,Alaska 99503 Juneau,Alaska 99801 Seattle,Washington 98104 Astoria,Oregon 97103 Ph:1.907.561.1011 Ph:1.907.586.2093 Ph:1.206.624.1387 Ph:1.503.325.1250 Fax:1.907.563.4220 Fax:1.907.568.2099 Fax:1.206.624.1388 Fax:1.503.325.9789