HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeering Final Report 2012-VEEP1 Alaska Building Science Network –Village Energy Efficiency Program –’10-’12 Final Report –Deering Village Energy Efficiency Program AEA Grant # 7520001 Administered by Alaska Building Science Network Deering Final Report Grant Amount: $100,000 Community Summary 6 community buildings received energy efficient lighting and weatherization upgrades as follows: City Shop, City Office, Deering Native Store, Ipnatchiaq Electric Power Plant, Vacuum Sewer Building,Washeteria/Water Treatment Plant Retrofits Completed:October 2011 Village-Wide Energy Efficient Lighting and Weatherization Retrofit Summary: •Projected Annual Electrical Savings (kWh):12,975 • Projected Annual Electrical Cost Savings:$10,0381 • Projected Annual Heating Fuel Savings (gallons):2,866 • Projected Annual Fuel Cost Savings:$18,4572 •Total Projected Annual Energy Cost Savings:$28,495 • Total village wide in-kind contribution:$6,074 • Total project cost including In-kind contribution:$106,074 •Simple Payback (including In-kind contributions):3.72 years 1 kWh Rate [used to calculate electrical cost savings] for Lighting Measures (State of AK -AEA PCE Program Report FY 2011 avg):$0.77 2 #2 Heating Fuel Rate [used to calculate heating fuel savings] (AkWarm Library): $6.44/gal 2 Alaska Building Science Network –Village Energy Efficiency Program –’10-’12 Final Report –Deering CITY OF DEERING OWNED BUILDINGS AND FACILITIES City Shop Lighting Retrofit Summary: Materials Installed Quantity Fluorescent 2-lamp electronic ballast, (2) 32 watt T8 lamps 15 • Pre-retrofit energy use for all lighting:1.260 Kilowatts • Post-retrofit energy use for all lighting:0.900 Kilowatts • Energy savings projection:0.360 Kilowatts • Pre-retrofit to post retrofit energy reduction:29% • Estimated Annual Savings:kWh Saved: 630 Comparative Comparative Hours Per Day /Electrical Avoided Diesel Avoided Diesel 250 Days Per Year Savings Use (gal)Costs 4 Hours/day $278.53 29.68 $139.19 7 Hours/day $487.43 51.94 $243.59 10 Hours/day $696.33 74.20 $347.98 1200 Hours/year (Est.)$334.24 35.61 $167.03 3 Alaska Building Science Network –Village Energy Efficiency Program –’10-’12 Final Report –Deering City Office Total Building Savings All Measures: • Projected Annual Electrical Savings (kWh):5,180 • Projected Annual Electrical Cost Savings:$3,989 • Projected Annual Heating Fuel Savings (gallons):1,203 • Projected Annual Fuel Cost Savings:$7,747 • Total Projected Annual Energy Cost Savings:$11,736 Lighting Retrofit Summary: Materials Installed Quantity Fluorescent 2-lamp electronic ballast, (2) 25 watt T8 lamps 33 Fluorescent 3-lamp electronic ballast, (3) 25 watt T8 lamps 1 Fluorescent 4-lamp electronic ballast, (4) 25 watt T8 lamps 8 CFL-14 W 1 CFL-20 W 1 CFL-27 W 2 • Pre-retrofit energy use:5.360 Kilowatts • Post-retrofit energy use:2.400 Kilowatts • Energy savings projection:2.960 Kilowatts • Pre-retrofit to post retrofit energy reduction:55% • Estimated Annual Savings:kWh Saved: 5,180 Comparative Comparative Hours Per Day /Electrical Avoided Diesel Avoided Diesel 250 Days Per Year Savings Use (gal)Costs 4 Hours/day $2,290.15 244.02 $1,144.47 7 Hours/day $4,007.77 427.04 $2,002.82 10 Hours/day $5,725.38 610.06 $2,861.17 2184 Hours/year (Est.)$5,001.69 532.95 $2,499.52 4 Alaska Building Science Network –Village Energy Efficiency Program –’10-’12 Final Report –Deering City Office Weatherization Retrofit Summary: • Installed programmable thermostat. • Sealed and insulated previously un-insulated duct work in attic. • Air sealed building to reduce air leakage. • Added R-42 blow-in cellulose insulation to attic with Standard Truss. • Annual energy savings projection:1,203 gallons • Estimated Annual Heating Fuel Cost Savings:$7,747 5 Alaska Building Science Network –Village Energy Efficiency Program –’10-’12 Final Report –Deering Ipnatchiaq Electric Power Plant Lighting Retrofit Summary: Materials Installed Quantity Fluorescent 2-lamp electronic ballast, (2) 25 watt T8 lamps 25 • Pre-retrofit energy use:2.100 Kilowatts • Post-retrofit energy use:1.150 Kilowatts • Energy savings projection:0.950 Kilowatts • Pre-retrofit to post retrofit energy reduction:45% • Estimated Annual Savings:kWh Saved: 1,663 Comparative Comparative Hours Per Day /Electrical Avoided Diesel Avoided Diesel 250 Days Per Year Savings Use (gal)Costs 4 Hours/day $735.02 78.32 $367.31 7 Hours/day $1,286.28 137.06 $642.80 10 Hours/day $1,837.54 195.80 $918.28 2000 Hours/year (Est.)$1,470.03 156.64 $734.62 6 Alaska Building Science Network –Village Energy Efficiency Program –’10-’12 Final Report –Deering Vacuum Sewer Lighting Retrofit Summary: Materials Installed Quantity Fluorescent 2-lamp electronic ballast, (2) 25 watt T8 lamps 10 • Pre-retrofit energy use:0.840 Kilowatts • Post-retrofit energy use:0.460 Kilowatts • Energy savings projection:0.380 Kilowatts • Pre-retrofit to post retrofit energy reduction:45% • Estimated Annual Savings:kWh Saved:665 Comparative Comparative Hours Per Day /Electrical Avoided Diesel Avoided Diesel 250 Days Per Year Savings Use (gal)Costs 4 Hours/day $294.01 31.33 $146.92 7 Hours/day $514.51 54.82 $257.12 10 Hours/day $735.02 78.32 $367.31 250 Hours/year (Est.)$73.50 7.83 $36.73 7 Alaska Building Science Network –Village Energy Efficiency Program –’10-’12 Final Report –Deering Washeteria/Water Treatment Plant Lighting Retrofit Summary: Materials Installed Quantity Fluorescent 2-lamp existing electronic ballast, re-lamped with (2)16 Fluorescent 3-lamp existing electronic ballast, re-lamped with (3)11 Fluorescent 4-lamp existing electronic ballast, re-lamped with (4)1 CFL-14 W 18 • Pre-retrofit energy use:3.150 Kilowatts • Post-retrofit energy use:1.892 Kilowatts • Energy savings projection:1.258 Kilowatts • Pre-retrofit to post retrofit energy reduction:40% • Estimated Annual Savings:kWh Saved: 2,202 Comparative Comparative Hours Per Day /Electrical Avoided Diesel Avoided Diesel 250 Days Per Year Savings Use (gal)Costs 4 Hours/day $973.31 103.71 $486.40 7 Hours/day $1,703.30 181.49 $851.20 10 Hours/day $2,433.29 259.27 $1,216.00 2400 Hours/year (Est.)$2,335.96 248.90 $1,167.36 8 Alaska Building Science Network –Village Energy Efficiency Program –’10-’12 Final Report –Deering NATIVE VILLAGE OF DEERING IRA OWNED BUILDINGS AND FACILITIES Native Store Total Building Savings All Measures: • Projected Annual Electrical Savings (kWh):2,636 • Projected Annual Electrical Cost Savings:$2,039 • Projected Annual Heating Fuel Savings (gallons):1,595 • Projected Annual Fuel Cost Savings:$10,272 • Total Projected Annual Energy Cost Savings:$12,311 Lighting Retrofit Summary: Materials Installed Quantity Fluorescent 4-lamp existing electronic ballast, re-lamped with (4)13 Fluorescent 2-lamp electronic ballast, (2) 25 watt T8 lamps 5 Fluorescent 4-lamp electronic ballast, (4) 25 watt T8 lamps 8 CFL-11 W 2 CFL-9 W 4 • Pre-retrofit energy use:3.684 Kilowatts • Post-retrofit energy use:2.178 Kilowatts • Energy savings projection:1.506 Kilowatts • Pre-retrofit to post retrofit energy reduction:41% • Estimated Annual Savings:kWh Saved: 2,636 Comparative Comparative Hours Per Day /Electrical Avoided Diesel Avoided Diesel 250 Days Per Year Savings Use (gal)Costs 4 Hours/day $1,165.19 124.15 $582.29 7 Hours/day $2,039.09 217.27 $1,019.00 10 Hours/day $2,912.98 310.39 $1,455.72 2750 Hours/year (Est.)$3,204.28 341.43 $1,601.29 9 Alaska Building Science Network –Village Energy Efficiency Program –’10-’12 Final Report –Deering Native Store Weatherization Retrofit Summary: • Doubled existing R-19 faced insulation to floor of back storage area. • Insulated center wall of back storage with R-13 fiberglass batts; and installed two insulated metal doors as part of air sealing and partitioning off warm space. • Insulated ceiling of store with two layers of 4” extruded polystyrene rigid foam. • Added R-30 fiberglass batts around perimeter of ceiling and covered with Tyvek. • Added R-42 blow-in cellulose insulation to attic with Standard Truss, and sealed attic hatch. • Air sealed building to reduce air leakage. • Annual energy savings projection:1,595 gallons • Estimated Annual Heating Fuel Cost Savings:$10,272 10 Alaska Building Science Network –Village Energy Efficiency Program –’10-’12 Final Report –Deering In-Kind Item Dates Quantity Rate Value / Amount Notes Staff time for project contact, introduction & review of intro materials 3 $20.00 $60.00 Number of entities x 1 hour each Staff time for Attending teleconference 2 $20.00 $40.00 TC/IRA Staff time for Attending teleconference 1 $20.00 $20.00 City time Staff time for Attending teleconference 2 $20.00 $40.00 School time Maint. Staff time to accompany Field Manager on building assessment 11/15/10 - 11/17/10 2 $20.00 $40.00 City: Michael Jones - City Administrator Maint. Staff time to accompany Field Manager on building assessment 11/15/10 - 11/17/10 2 $20.00 $40.00 City: Nelson - Water Plant Operator Maint. Staff time to accompany Field Manager on building assessment 11/15/10 - 11/17/10 4 $20.00 $80.00 City: Ruth Moto - Manager, Ipnatchiaq Electric Maint. Staff time to accompany Field Manager on building assessment 11/15/10 - 11/17/10 3 $20.00 $60.00 Tribe: Susie Clark - IRA Store Manager Maint. Staff time to accompany Field Manager on building assessment 11/15/10 - 11/17/10 8 $20.00 $160.00 School: Steve Sharrow - NWABSD Heating Controls Specialist Conservative village office administrative percentage of total project cost less ABSN Admin %. Total project cost = $100,000/village - (our admin percentage, (around 14%) Approx: $14,000) = $86,000 x 4% = $3,440 (this 4% village admin cost estimate is spread across all entities we work with for the course of the grant for completing all energy efficiency measures. These are for cumulative, otherwise unaccounted time expense for village- based project support. Feb, '09 through Completion $3,440.00 Each time we call, email, or fax a village entity, someone receives the communication, reviews and/or forwards the information, follows-up on requests, etc. Whether it is to set-up a teleconference, verify maintenance staff participation in lighting or boiler trainings, set-up in-kind lodging and transportation, lighting trainings, track a shipment, verify completion of lighting in a given building, ship lamps and ballasts out of the village for recycling, request a labor reimbursement agreement, or invoice etc. Village expenses for phone charges, copying and fax costs, office supplies, etc. are part of this amount. Lodging for ABSN Field Managers 11/14/10 - 11/18/10 8 $60.00 $480.00 City: Lodging for Matt Oster & Dan Lung ($60/night ea.) - 1st assessment site visit Transportation and fuel costs 11/14/10 - 11/18/10 4 $125.00 $500.00 City: Transportation, 4-wheeler rental - 1st assessment site visit Lodging for ABSN Field Managers 7/10/11 - 7/14/11 8 $60.00 $480.00 City: Lodging for Emmett Leffel & Dan Lung ($60/night ea.) - Lighting Upgrade Visit Transportation and fuel costs 7/10/11 - 7/14/11 2.5 $125.00 $312.50 City: Transportation, 4-wheeler rental - Lighting Upgrade Visit Fuel Costs 7/10/11 - 7/14/11 5 $5.55 $27.75 City: Fuel, 4-wheeler - Lighting Upgrade Visit Tribe Labor - Melvin Jones 7/10/11 - 7/14/11 18 $15.00 $270.00 TC/IRA: Labor - Lighting Upgrade Visit Tribe Labor (Fringe) - Melvin Jones 7/10/11 - 7/14/11 $23.82 TC/IRA: Fringe Costs - Lighting Upgrade Visit TOTAL $6,074.07 Deering, In-Kind Contribution Tracking Record - ABSN Energy Efficiency Projects: