HomeMy WebLinkAboutAEA Board Meeting June 30 2003Date:June 30,2003 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY BOARD OF DIRECTORS ROLL CALL January 30,2003 Energy Task Force | Minutes #2003-02 Yes {|No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Mike Barry (Anch)absthy. -Comm.Tom Boutin (Juneau) Comm.Mike Barton (Juneau) Comm-Edgar-Blatchford {777} Comm.Bill Noll (Anch) TOTAL = =] Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority AID Alaska Energy Authority 10. AGENDA ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY Board of Directors June 30,2003 Anchorage,Alaska CALL TO ORDER BOARD OF DIRECTORS ROLL CALL PUBLIC ROLL CALL PUBLIC COMMENTS PRIOR MINUTES _-January 30,2003 OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS A.Energy Task Force Committee Member Appointment,Resolution 2003-02 DIRECTOR COMMENTS A.Director's Status Report of AEA Programs and Projects B.Next Meeting Date -Follows AIDEA Board meeting Dates BOARD COMMENTS ADJOURNMENT H:\ALL\bfuglestad\BOARD\Agenda AEA.doc 813 West Northern Lights Boulevard *Anchorage,Alaska 99503 © 907 /269-3000 *FAX 907 /269-3044 +Toll Free (ALASKA ONLY)888 /300-8534 »www.aidea.org Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority Alaska Energy Authority ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY BOARD OF DIRECTORS June 30,2003 -10:00 a.m. Anchorage and Juneau,Alaska Teleconference 1.CALL TO ORDER Chairman Barry called the meeting of the Alaska Energy Authority to order on June 30,2003,at 11:25 a.m.A quorum was established. 2.BOARD OF DIRECTORS ROLL CALL Directors present in Anchorage:Mr.Mike Barry (Chairman/Public Member),and Deputy Commissioner Bill Noll (Designee for Department of Community and Economic Development). Directors present in Juneau:Deputy Commissioner Tom Boutin (Designee for Department of Revenue),and Commissioner Mike Barton (Department of Transporiation and Public Facilities). 3.PUBLIC ROLL CALL Staff present in Anchorage:Ronald W.Miller (Executive Director),James A.McMillan (Deputy Director-Credit),Valorie Walker (Deputy Director-Finance),Brenda J.Fuglestad (Administrative Manager),Karl Reiche (Projects Development Manager),Sara Fisher-Goad (Financial Analyst), Lynn Kenney (Development Specialist),Art Copoulos (Project Manager),and Mike Harper (Deputy Director-Energy). Others attending in Anchorage:Mike Mitchell (Department of Law),Keith Laufer (Foster Pepper Rubini &Reeves),John Winther (public),Wesley Loy (Anchorage Daily News),Tim Bradner (Alaska Economic Report),and T.N.Obermeyer (self). "Others attending in Juneau:Don Kubley (Alaska International Marketing). 4,PUBLIC COMMENTS Ms.Obermeyer handed out three items.She commented about the permanent fund board and Mr. Wohlforth.She informed the Board that she was jailed last Thursday.She stated her husband is taking his 28"Alaska Bar Exam July 29"through 31°. 5.PRIOR MINUTES -January 30,2003 The January 30,2003 minutes were approved as presented. 6.OLD BUSINESS There was no old business. 813 West Northern Lights Boulevard *Anchorage,Alaska 99503 ANAT FALDN IANA 2TAV ANT LALO INAA «2 TAT Dunn FAR ACIA CNMEVS OOO SINAN OLDA mwsamamns atdan Ave AEA Board Meeting June 30,2003 Meeting Minutes Page 2 7.NEW BUSINESS 7A.Resolution No.2003-02,Resolution of the Alaska Energy Authority Relating to the Appointment of a Member to the Alaska Energy Policy Task Force Mr.Miller reviewed Resolution No.2003-02 stating the Legislature passed HCR 21 which created the Alaska Energy Policy Task Force.One of the members of the task force is to come from the Board of the Alaska Energy Authority,and that member is to be chosen by the AEA Board.He also stated that the interim staff member for the Task Force is Becky Gay from Representative Harris'office and she will reside at the Authority's offices. Chairman Barry advised that the task member would need to be elected at this time.He opened the floor for nominations for this position. Deputy Commissioner Noll nominated Mike Barry as a member of the task force. MOTION:Mr.Barton moved to close the nominations.Seconded by Deputy Commissioner Noll.There being no discussion and no objection,Mr.Barry was elected as a member of the Alaska Energy Task Force Committee with Messrs.Bartin,Boutin, and Noll voting yea with Mr.Barry abstaining. 8A.__Director's Status Report of AEA Programs and Projects e Alaska Intertie Project Mr.Miller stated that Matanuska Electric Association (MEA)gave notice to AEA in May that they would not extend the current Transmission Service Agreement (TSA)for the Teeland to Douglas portion of the Alaska Intertie,which is set to expire June 30,2004.AEA received $20,300,000 from the Legislature for upgrades to the Alaska Intertie.A portion of the upgrade work entails a feasibility study for a parallel line from Teeland to Douglas.Dryden and LaRue should be completing that feasibility study in September,which would look at four separate routes for this portion of the line.He said a letter was sent to MEA suggesting that an interim extension based on the current TSA be entered into which would cover the period of June 30,2004 until the new line is completed.Staff expects to meet with members of the Intertie Operating Committee in the near future to discuss that proposal and any other options that MEA may have.Staff has also identified a number of deficiencies in the current agreement with regard to the operations,maintenance,and upgrading of the Intertie. Mr.Copoulos said that AEA has the authority to terminate the Intertie Agreement when it determines that such action is required to improve power systems serving the Alaska Railbelt Utilities.If a termination notice were issued,this would give all parties four years to negotiate a new intertie agreement that would address the defects found in the current agreement. In response to Board questions,Mr.Miller said that MEA stated their reason for not extending the agreement is that they wanted to maintain maximum flexibility for current and future-operating plans.They did,however,express an interest in working with AEA on right-of-way issues related to the construction of the new line.MEA is aware that the new line cannot be in place by June 30, 2004. The Board urged staff to take the necessary action to maintain the integrity of the Alaska Intertie including the 19-mile stretch through MEA's line,even if such action would require going before the Regulatory Commission of Alaska to have them intervene and order the line be made available. AEA Board Meeting June 30,2003 Meeting Minutes Page 3 The line is an integral part of the energy needs for the entire railbelt.The Board directed staff to be proactive with this issue. Commissioner Barton reiterated the need for the Alaska Intertie to be maintained. Chairman Barry stated that it is not necessary for the Board to take any action on the issue at this time. Mr.Copoulos stated that the Intertie Operating Agreement is between AEA and all of the utilities that govern maintenance,operation and budgeting.He stated that one problem is that there is no fund set up in the agreement for capital improvements and repairs on the intertie.The intertie has been operating since 1985 without a capital fund.Since the line has been in operation for approximately 15-20 years,there are a number of items that are in significant need of capital repair,and a number of studies that must be completed with regard to system stability and reliability. There are other issues that relate to the spinning reserves.Spinning reserves are backup reserves that are available at a moments notice as the demand changes on the line.The Intertie Agreement governs how the spinning reserves are allocated amongst the utilities.Currently,there is a dispute as to how those spinning reserves are allocated and some question about whether current practice is consistent with what was agreed to in the Intertie Agreement.Resolutions have also been brought before the Intertie Operating Committee to try to resolve the issues related to spinning reserves,however,the resolutions have ended in deadlock and as a result the problem is unresolved. Chairman Barry stated that due to the age of these various agreements it would be appropriate that somebody review them and possibly take a look at a new agreement. Mr.Copoulos stated that one utility has proposed changes and ways to develop a capital fund for the existing agreement;however,that effort has failed up to this point. The Board instructed staff to explore whether or not it would be appropriate to terminate the Intertie Agreement.Staff was instructed to look into this aspect and bring the issue back before the Board with a recommendation. e Southeast Intertie Mr.Miller stated the backers of the Southeast Intertie are seeking federal funds.There is interest for AIDEA or AEA to serve as a pass-through vehicle for any federal funds they get for that project. e Swan-Tyee Intertie Mr.Miller stated the construction project is moving forward.There is approximately $20 million in state funds available for this project. Ms.Fisher-Goad stated there is $20 million available in state reimbursements through HB528 that passed the last legislature.There were some projects that the Legislature funded this current year, however,all but one was vetoed for the debt reimbursement. e Kake-Petersburg Mr.Miller stated they are in Phase 2 of the feasibility study for this portion of the project. AEA Board Meeting June 30,2003 Meeting Minutes Page 4 e AEA Programs Chairman Barry stated that staff should be prepared to brief the Board on one AEA program per meeting. 8B.NEXT MEETING DATE The next meeting date was set for August 8,2003,and would follow the AIDEA Board meeting. 9.BOARD COMMENTS There were no Board member comments. 10.ADJOURNMENT There being no objection and no further business of the Board,the meeting was adjourned at 11:51 a.m. des un Ren Miller,Secretary Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority Alaska Energy Authority ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY BOARD OF DIRECTORS January 30,2003 -11:51 a.m. Anchorage,and Juneau,Alaska 1.CALL TO ORDER Chairman Barry called the meeting of the Alaska Energy Authority to order on January 30,2003, at 11:51 a.m.A quorum was established. 2.BOARD OF DIRECTORS ROLL CALL Directors present in Anchorage:Mr.Mike Barry (Chairman/Public Member),Deputy Commissioner Larry Persily (Designee for Department of Revenue),and Commissioner Edgar Blatchford (Department of Community and Economic Development). 3.PUBLIC ROLL CALL Staff present in Anchorage:Ronald W.Miller (Executive Director),James A.McMillan (Deputy Director-Credit),Sue Weimer,(Loan Servicing Officer),Valorie Walker (Deputy Director-Finance), Brenda J.Fuglestad (Administrative Manager),Karl Reiche (Projects Development Manager),and Lynn Kenney (Development Specialist). Others attending in Anchorage:Keith Laufer (Foster Pepper Rubini &Reeves),Brian Bjorkquist (Department of Law),Theresa Nangle Obermeyer (Self),Ken Vassar (Wohlforth Vassar Johnson &Brecht)and Debbie Reinwand (Bradley Reid). 4.PUBLIC COMMENTS Ms.Obermeyer commented about the law firm of Wohlforth,Vassar,Johnson,and Brecht. 5.PRIOR MINUTES -November 19,2002 The November 19,2002 minutes were approved as presented. 6.OLD BUSINESS There was no old business. 7.NEW BUSINESS 7A.Resolution No.2003-01,Resolution of the Alaska Energy Authority Relating to the Appointment by the Authority of an Executive Director 813 West Northern Lights Boulevard *Anchorage,Alaska 99503GN7/2AQ-20NN ©FAX AN7 /7AO_2NAA @ Tall Frao (AE ACKA ONITVS 882 §2NN BOQ @ ananss aidan nee AEA Board Meeting January 30,2003 Meeting Minutes Page 2 Mr.McMillan stated that effective January 30,2003,the resolution appoints Ronald W.Miller as Executive Director and also re-appoints James A.McMillan to continue his duties as Deputy Director-Credit and Assistant Secretary of the Authority. MOTION:Commissioner Blatchford moved to approve Resolution No.2003-01.Seconded by Deputy Commissioner Persily.There being no discussion,the question was called.A roll call vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously. 8.DIRECTOR COMMENTS There were no Director comments. 9.BOARD COMMENTS There were no Board member comments.. 10.ADJOURNMENT There being no objection and no further business of the Board,the meeting was adjourned at 11:55 a.m. Any fe Vee Mea(ayes A.McMillan,Assistant Secretary ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY RESOLUTION NO.2003-02 RESOLUTION OF THE ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY RELATING TO THE APPOINTMENT OF A MEMBER TO THE ALASKA ENERGY POLICY TASK FORCE WHEREAS,the Alaska Legislature established the Alaska Energy Policy Task Force by passing SCS CSHCR 21(FIN)during the 2003 legislative session; ) WHEREAS,the Alaska Legislature established the Alaska Energy Policy Task Force to review and analyze the state's current and long-term energy needs;to consider how best to incorporate state-owned Railbelt energy assets as part of the solution for the Railbelt's current and long-term electrical needs;to develop a long-term energy plan for Alaska that will efficiently enhance the state's economic future;and to accomplish other purposes;| WHEREAS,the Alaska Legislature has directed that the Alaska Energy Policy Task Force report its findings regarding a Railbelt energy plan by December 31,2003,and report its findings regarding energy plans for other areas of the state by March 31,2004; WHEREAS,the Alaska Legislature has directed that the Alaska Energy Policy Task Force be composed of nine (9)members,one of which shall be selected from the directors of the Alaska Energy Authority (the "Authority”)by the directors of the Authority;and WHEREAS,it is in the public interest and in the best interests of the State of Alaska and the Authority that the Authority appoint _Mike Deccy to be a member of the Alaska Energy Policy Task Force.3 NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY AS FOLLOWS: Section 1.Milks BDaccyu ,is appointed to be a member of the AlaskaEnergyPolicyTaskForcepursuanttoseCSHCR21(FIN). Section 2.This Resolution takes effect immediately. DATED at Anchorage,Alaska,this 30"day of June 2003. Chairman ATTEST [SEAL] Secretary Alaska Energy Authority Rural Energy Group Program Status Report June 30,2003 Bulk Fuel Upgrade The Bulk Fuel Section of the Rural Energy Group is currently managing 50 bulk fuel upgrade projects (see attached Table 1).We also provide bulk fuel technical assistance and limited tank farm repairs to rural villages on an as-available basis. 2003 The Bulk Fuel Section is managing 13 fully funded tank farm construction projects scheduled for completion in 2003.The total cost of these projects is $23,333,503,of which $2,679,389 is State funds,including the Oil/Hazardous Prevention &Response Fund and RSA funds from the Department of Environmental Conservation and the Department of Education and Early Development. 2004 The Bulk Fuel Section is managing 13 tank farm construction projects scheduled for completion in 2004.The total amount funded at this time for these projects is $2,875,394 of which $408,776 is State funds,including the Oil/Hazardous Prevention &Response Fund and RSA funds from the Department of Environmental Conservation and the Department of Education and Early Development.We will request the balance of funding for these projects from the Denali Commission in the Fall of 2003.) David Lockard 6/12/03 Rural Power System Upgrade The Rural Power System Upgrade (RPSU)division of REG is currently managing 29 rural energy system upgrade projects (see attached Table 2)and provides technical assistance and necessary repairs and replacement of electrical and generation equipment to small electric utilities throughout the state by way of emergency power restoration in coordination with the State Division of Emergency Services and through the RPSU Circuit Rider Program. 2003 RPSU is currently managing 13 fully funded construction projects scheduled for completion in 2003.The total cost of these projects is $19,425,572,of which $533,574 is from State general funds. 2004 RPSU is currently managing 16 power upgrade projects scheduled for completion in 2004. The total amount funded at this time for these projects is $9,475,042.At present,there are minimal contributions by State in these projects.RPSU will request the balance of funding for these projects from the Denali Commission in the Fall of 2003.The additional funding required to complete these projects in 2004 is projected at $15,000,000. Emergency Services Over the last year,in coordination with the State Division of Emergency Services,RPSU has provided emergency power restoration services in 18 villages at the cost of $166,493.The FY2003 State appropriation for electrical emergencies is $378,337.The remaining balance is $211,844. Circuit Rider RPSU also manages the Circuit Rider Program which provides small scale repairs and equipment maintenance tasks in addition to on-site technical assistance to village utility staff in order to prolong the life of existing equipment,reduce the frequency of emergency power outages,and increase the safety of operations of these small systems.The amount of State funds available for the Circuit Rider Program in FY2003 is $100,700. Lenny Landis 6/12/03 Alternative Enerqy and Eneray Efficiency The Alternative Energy and Energy Efficiency (AEEE)Section of the Rural Energy Group is managing 42 projects in the areas of hydroelectric,wind,biomass,transmission and distribution,geothermal,solar,and diesel generation and end use efficiency (see Table 3A). The primary objective of the AEEE program is to lower the cost of power and heat to communities while maintaining system safety and reliability.Projects seek to increase efficiency of existing diesel power production and end use as well to develop alternatives to diesel-based energy technology.Projects are completed through grants to local utilities and communities,as well as directly by AEA staff and contractors. 2003 AEEE is currently financing 10 projects scheduled for completion in 2003.The total cost of these projects is $40,409,267,of which $20,789,850 is federal,$385,300 is State general funds,and $18,848,817 is local cash or loan financing.See Tables 3 A and B for details by program and project. 2004 AEEE is currently financing 12 projects scheduled for completion in 2004.The total cost of these projects is $7,660,189,of which $4,720,972 is federal,$100,000 is State general funds, and $2,739,217 is local cash or loan financing.See Tables 3 A and B for details by program and project. Peter Crimp 6/18/03 Training In our efforts to develop and construct code compliant energy infrastructure in rural Alaska,a policy of "sustainability"is now required by the funding agency,the Denali Commission.To achieve sustainability,AEA has proposed several training programs to help assure that this would occur. 2003 The Training Section is managing 7 training programs that are scheduled throughout the calendar year.The total cost of these training programs is $370,578 and is fully funded by the Denali Commission (see Table 4 for project and funding status). 1.Powerplant Operators Training.Training is provided at AVTEC in Seward in this discipline.8-10 students are trained per session in eight week sessions.[2]training sessions were scheduled.This training has been completed as of 3/03.The lower than expected total amount trained was due to last minute cancellations and in-session expulsions of participants. Advanced Powerplant Operators Training.This training provides for 8-10 powerhouse operators to get advanced training on newer techniques of powerhouse operations.[1] session was scheduled for this year at AVTEC.This training has been completed as of 5/03. Bulk Fuel Operator Training.[3]sessions were originally scheduled for bulk fuel training. [1]session was cancelled due to the unavailability of candidates,most of whom cancelled. Thus,AVTEC cancelled this session.8-10 bulk fuel operators per session were scheduled for training.This training has been completed as of 4/03.The lower than expected total amount trained was due to last minute cancellations and in-session expulsions of participants. .Utility Clerk Training.10-12 utility clerks per session were trained.Sessions had also been targeted to done at sub-regional sites (Nome,Anchorage,plus an undetermined site).This past year,only [2]sessions have been completed.[1]session was cancelled due to lack of participants.This training has been completed as of 5/03. Hydro Operators Training.Last year was the first year of this type of training with [1] onsite training session done in Larsen Bay.Phase |consisted of 10 trainees from western Alaska communities who utilized hydro facilities attended.An intense 3-day session on hydro/diese!operations/maintenance and onsite training was provided.This proved to be very successful with positive feedback from the participating communities. This phase was completed as of 6/02.Phase II called for 4 trainees from the first session to be trained at the ETPC center in Colorado.Timing,availability of space,and reservations were factors for delaying this training.AEA is presently working with the new personnel at ETPC to make some changes for this training so that it could accommodate the Alaskan trainees. For 2003,Phase |Hydro Training was funded for [1]session and has been scheduled in Cordova on 6/17-19/03.8 trainees will attend this session.This training will be completed by 6/20/03. Itinerant Training.[5]onsite training sessions were provided by a traveling instructor from AVTEC.Sites were determined by those who attended the previous bulk fuel training sessions.This training will be completed as of 6/03. Oil Spill Response Training.This Oil Spill Response Training is for completed bulk fuel tank farms already in full operations.This is a first responder and safety training on spills, codes,manuals,and regulatory measures (SPCC,Oil Spill Response,O&M,Facility Response Plan).The training is for a two-day,onsite training session combining theory, table-top drill,and field drill.Regulatory agencies are invited to attend and participate.[4] sites were scheduled for this training.The full scope of this training has not been completed at this time due to the change of status of the instructor. As originally planned with using all the regulatory agencies (DEC,USCG,EPA), scheduling proved to be difficult.AEA still intends to go forward with this training but it will not be dependent on a multi-agency approach.We will utilize other agencies as their schedule and time allows.Additional materials and resources are being developed for this onsite Oil Spill Response Training. 2004 The Training Program is currently managing 6 training programs that will be continued in 2004.The Training Program expects to request the funding for these programs from the Denali Commission in June 2003.The funding required to complete these projects in 2004 is projected at $293,120. Training Program Pianned Sessions in FY04 1.Powerplant Operators Training 2 2.Advanced Powerplant Operators Training 1 3.Bulk Fuel Operator Training 3 4.Utility Clerk Training 2 5.Hydro Operators Training e Phase II (continuing FY03)e Washington State location in Fall e Phase |e 1 e Phase Il e Pending Site and Logistical Changes 6.Itinerant Training 10 On-Site Monica Moore 6/13/03 Power Cost Equalization The PCE Program covers a population of approximately 79,555 in 189 communities that are served by 89 utilities.Staff is currently reviewing proposed regulation changes by the Regulatory Commission of Alaska (RCA).Upon finalization of those changes,AEA will be conducting a review of their own regulations for proposed changes to the PCE Program. Staff will continue to monitor the program for administrative changes and improvements. PCE Utility Clerk Training facilitated by staff of AEA and RCA is offered several times per year.This training is funded by the Denali Commission and is open to all participating utilities. 2003 A $15.7 million appropriation requires an estimated annualized 85%pro-rated level of eligible costs.We are currently paying the last billing period of FY03 at a 92%funding level. 2004 The PCE Program is estimated to cost $18.5 million in FY04 to operate the program at the statutory established level. Terri Harper 6/16/03 TABLE 1 BULK FUEL 2003/4 PROJECTS-JUNE 2003 STATUS 2003 PROJECTS BULK FUEL PROJECTS:TOTAL FUNDED CURRENTPHASE |%COMPLETE!AK Budget|Fed.Budget Akhiok $988,331 CONSTRUCTION 30%$108,140 $880,191 Alatna $636,172 CONSTRUCTION 70%$63,222 $572,950 Deering $2,591,357 CONSTRUCTION 15%$307,543 |$2,283,814 Takotna $1,191,534 CONSTRUCTION 15%$310,816 $880,717 Aleknagik $812,310 CONSTRUCTION 30%$860 $811,450 Allakaket $1,860,000 CONSTRUCTION 95%$551,768 |$1,308,232 Buckland $5,079,622 CONSTRUCTION 80%$79,478 |$5,000,144 Chenega Bay $1,270,120 CONSTRUCTION 30%$58,958 |$1,211,161 Egegik $481,763 CONSTRUCTION 0%$0 $481,763 Golovin $2,350,000 CONSTRUCTION 30%$91,230 |$2,258,769 Igiugig $1,384,074 CONSTRUCTION 70%$72,200 |$1,311,874 Kokhanok _$1,449,314 CONSTRUCTION 20%$155 |$1,449,159 Lime Village $883,348 CONSTRUCTION 10%$346,549 $536,799 White Mountain $3,100,000 CONSTRUCTION 40%$500,000 |$2,600,000 Nikolai $1,934,950 CONSTRUCTION 50%$188,470 |$1,746,480 2003 TOTAL:|$26,012,892 $2,679,389 |$23,333,503 2004 PROJECTS TOTALFUNDED CURRENT PHASE |%COMPLETE Akiachak $278,711 DESIGN 100%$106,695 $172,016 Akutan $219,862 DESIGN 50%$0 $21 9,862 Atka $235,101 DESIGN 25%$0 $235,101 Beaver $394,762 DESIGN 35%$123,399 $271,363 Chalkyitsik $285,544 DESIGN 65%$0 $285,544 Chuathbaluk $150,000 DESIGN 0%$0 $150,000 Crooked Creek $9,352 DESIGN 0%$0 $9,352 Diomede $242,719 DESIGN 25%$0 $242,719 False Pass $80,000 DESIGN 50%$0 $80,000 Koyukuk $199,925 DESIGN 65%$37,750 $162,174 Larsen Bay $205,303 DESIGN 80%$4,270 $201,034 Nelson Lagoon $279,375 DESIGN 99%$112,229 $167,147 Newhalen $219,816 DESIGN 65%$175 $219,641 Pedro Bay $80,000 DESIGN 50%$0 $80,000 Saint Paul $58,402 DESIGN 65%$0 $58,402 Stony River $81,395 DESIGN 80%$24,220 $57,174 Venetie $263,903 DESIGN 35%$38 $263,865 2004 TOTAL:$3,284,170 $408,776 |$2,875,394 2003/2004 TOTAL $29,297,062 $3,088,165 |$26,208,898 TABLE 2 RPSU PROJECTS (STATUS AS OF JUNE 2003) 2003 PROJECTS |TOTAL FUNDED!CURRENT PHASE |%COMPLETE|_State Federal| Atmautluak -Distrubution $1,802,019)Under Construction 25%$8,148 |$1,793,871 Chitina HYDRO Repair $28,483 CDR 10%$28,483 $0 Golovin $1,678,026;Under Construction 30%$12,687 |$1,665,339 Golovin -Distribution $250,413 Complete 100%$36,928 $213,485 Kokhanok $1,285,240)Under Construction 25%$0 $1,285,240 Kongiganak $2,072,796 Under Construction 75%$1,176 |$2,071,620 Kotlik $2,062,756 Complete 100%$312,737 |$1,750,019 Kotlik Waste Heat $141,763 Complete 100%$41,763 $100,000 Koyukuk-Distribution $500,000;Under Construction 40%$0 $500,000 Kwigillingok $2,359,274;Under Construction 75%$66 $2,359,208 Stevens Village $2,105,960;Under Construction 60%$46,552 |$2,059,408 Tuluksak $2,050,391]Under Construction 90%$45,034 |$2,005,357 White Mountain -Distribution $278,000]Under Construction 40%$278,000 2003 RPSU TOTAL:$16,615,122 SubTotals:|$533,574 |$16,081,548 2004 PROJECTS TOTAL FUNDED!CURRENT PHASE |%COMPLETE |State Federal lakaket RPSU $550,000 Final Design 25%$0 |$550,000 Arctic Village $1,540,450,Under Construction 30%$450 $1,540,000 Atka RPSU $195,000 CDR 10%$0 $195,000 Buckland RPSU $2,110,000 Final Design 25%$0 $2,110,000 Cherfornak RPSU $195,000 Final Design 25%$0 $195,000 Chitina RPSU $195,000 CDR 10%$0 $195,000 Crooked Creek RPSU $70,000 CDR 10%$0 $70,000 Hughes $1,270,000}Under Construction 25%$0 $1,270,000 Karluk RPSU $70,000 CDR 10%$0 $70,000 Koyukuk $195,000 CDR 10%$0 $195,000 Manokotak $1,809,346 Final Design 30%$0 $1,809,346 Newtok $745,246 Final Design 25%$0 $745,246 Nikolski RPSU $195,000 CDR 10%$0 $195,000 Port Heiden RPSU $195,000 CDR 10%$0 $195,000 Sleetmute RPSU $70,000 CDR 10%$0 $70,000 Stony River RPSU $70,000 CDR 10%$0 $70,000 2004 TOTAL:$9,475,042;(AS OF JUNE 2003)$450 $9,474,592 |__2003/2004 Total:|$26,090,164 funded as of June '03 7 Program Administration Biomass Diesel Efficiency End Use Efficiency Geothermal Hydroelectric Solar Trans &Dist Wind Page 1 of1 T Altemative Energy and En Projects Denali Commission Proj Admin Energy Cost Reduction grant solicitation Biomass Projects Fish Oil Trial 4-Cycle Rural Energy from Wood Small Waste Incineration Guidebook APC-POW Island Controls AVEC-Auto Controls AVEC-Diesel Generators City of Atka Heat Recovery Demo Fuel Cell-NPS Pass Thru* False Pass-Diesel Efficiency Galena Diesel Efficiency LPSD Chignik Lake Consolidation Metering (Remote Monitoring)” Nikolai Diesel Efficiency Nome Diesel Efficiency Sitka Diesel White Mountain Heat Recovery AHFC Rebuild America RSA State Energy Program Activities Village End Use Measures Statewide Geothermal Assessment Akutan Hydro* APC-S.Fork Hydroelectric Atka Hydro RPSU Gustavus Fails Creek Hydro Old Harbor Hydro RPSU Power Creek Hydro Pyramid Creek Hydro Lime Village Battery Diesel Modelling Akiachak Distribution APC Haines-Chilkat Intertie APC-Skagway Line Ext Calista Power Trans Eng &Permt -DC Leg Energy Manokotak Intertie Parks Hwy Line Ext.-DC Leg Energy Projs/MEA Parks Hwy Line Ext.-DC Leg Energy Projs/GVEA Port MacKenzie Nat.Gas Line Ext.-DC Leg Energy POW-Island Elec Trans Plan* Prince of Wales Intertie AEDTL AOC Wind Tower Gambell Bird Study* Wind Energy Programs Support Wind Fuel-Cell State Wind Bird protection studies,RSA AkF&G/USFWS TOTAL Alternative Energy *Budgets not established yet TOTAL Federal and State 164,000 3,075,300 470,993 500,000 900,000 600,003 218,000 346,900 350,000 201,910 428,970 5,960,000 3,235,850 101,369 100,000 211,800 694,700 85,000 3,542,800 700,000 4,000,000 1,175,000 10,665,000 1,092,000 38,306 31,000 1,073,644 444,540 1,500,000 3,760 668,105 1,367,503 250,000 4,110,000 80,000 25,000 410,000 375,000 137,000 48,871,453 3A ciency 2003 /2004 Projects Federal / Other 164,000 3,075,300 339,622 318,918 535,193 243,393 56,793 264,700 262,050 78,414 265,110 5,960,000 3,235,850 20,774 50,000 176,500 694,700 80,000 1,896,932 600,000 1,083,685 975,000 10,665,000 1,000,000 38,306 15,520 1,073,644 247,061 1,500,000 3,760 668,105 1,367,503 250,000 3,810,000 80,000 40,000 85,000 300,000 18,000 41,480,833 State 131,371 50,000 35,300 5,000 100,000 200,000 92,000 300,000 10,000 25,000 75,000 18,000 1,023,671 AEA Loan Funds 181,082 364,807 356,610 161,207 82,200 87,950 123,496 163,860 80,595 1,645,868 2,916,315 15,480 197,479 6,376,949 Local 1,459,000 20,000 11,443,000 6,684,400 15,000 19,621,400 Status Release in summer/fall Planning Planning 95%complete Design 30%complete 60%complete Design Design,procurement Design Design,procurement Design Planning Design Design 95%complete Design Complete 95%complete Planning Planning Planning Design,permitting Design,permitting Design,permitting Planning Complete Convert to conventional diesel project Complete Design Reprogram funds Procurement Planning See Manokotak RPSU In progress,completion %not available In progress,completion %not available Design : 20%complete 85%complete Alternative tower and foundation 20% Collision avoidance study 100%complete Baseline wind data collection,60% Funds applied to Wales wind diesel upgrade Guidelines for reducing avian impacts 6/25/2003 9:31 AM TABLE 3B Alternative Energy and Energy Efficiency 2003 /2004 Project Details 2003 PROJECTS PROJECT ACTIVITY General Release 3 Energy Cost Reduction Grant solicitation,review proposals and make recommendations to Denali Commission. Biomass Finish guidebook to small scale waste incineration technology;initiate tests of fish oil diesel on Cat generators with Icicle Seafoods;identify host site for wood-fired district heating system demonstration. Diesel Efficiency Complete AVEC,False Pass,Galena,LPSD,fuel cell demonstration and Sitka projects.Specify standard data acquisition and control package with AVEC,UAF and other Metering project partners. End Use Complete energy audits in 50-55 facilities in 17 communities.Perform Efficiency energy efficiency retrofits in 4-6 communities. Geothermal Complete statewide resource assessment.Conceptual design and feasibility for Akutan project. Hydroelectric Complete design and permitting for South Fork,Atka,and Falls Creek projects.Close out Power Creek project after final report complete. Convert Pyramid Creek grant to conventional diesel. Solar Disseminate Lime Village battery-diesel-photovoltaic performance results and Sandia Lab model. Transmission &Complete projects in Akiakchak,Skagway,Parks Highway,and Prince of Distribution Wales Island.Complete study for extending transmission to northern Prince of Wales.Work with Calista to plan for Kuskokwim and Donlin power and with Mat-Su Borough on Pt.MacKenzie gas extension. Wind Conduct reconnaissance wind resource assessment on 100 communities. Hire contractors for onsite assessments in 30 communities. 2004 PROJECTS PROJECT PROPOSED ACTIVITY General Award grants and loans for Energy Cost Reduction solicitation. Biomass Report on results of fish oil tests and test additional generators if results are promising;design and construct biomass-fired system. Diesel Efficiency Complete APC,Atka,Nikolai,Nome,and White Mountain projects.Install metering equipment in 3-5 communities. |End Use Perform retrofits in 50-55 facilities.Complete energy audits in 20-25 Efficiency communities. Geothermal Design for potential Akutan project. Hydroelectric Begin construction of Atka,South Fork,and Falls Creek projects. Transmission &|Continue support for Kuskokwim and Pt.MacKenzie projects. Distribution Wind Begin onsite assessments in 30+communities. TABLE 4 'raining Program (Status as of June 30,2003) 2003 Program Bulk Fuel Operator Itinerant Bulk Fuel Operator Powerplant Operator Advanced Powerplant Operator Hydro Powerplant Operator Utility Clerk Spill Response 2003 Total: Projected Actual Total Funded Training Total Spent Training Lapsed $72,000 30Candidates $31,373 12 $40,627 $20,400 12 Sites $§,253 4 $15,148 $68,840 20Candidates $51,457 18 $17,383 $24,450 10Candidates $15,042 8 $9,408 $75,188 2 Phases $23,480 1 $51,708 $58,400 32Candidates $27,242 21 $31,158 $51,300 6 Sites $:0 $_-51,300 $370,578 $153,846 $216,732 'Training just completed June 6.All bills have not been received. ?Training just completed June 19.All bills have not been received. Total Projected 2004 Program Requested Training Rulk Fuel Operator $78,461 30 inerant Bulk Fuel Operator $18,154 10 Powerplant Operator $99,231 20 Advanced Powerplant Operator $26,154 10 Hydro Powerplant Operator $26,220 10 Utility Clerk $44,900 24 2004 Total:$293,120 10