HomeMy WebLinkAboutAEA Board Meeting Nov 10 2008wk ww DEN /=ALASKA"Ail, qa)ENERGY AUTHORITY*KAAlaska Industrial DevelopmentandExportAuthoritypawweesaed MINUTES Alaska Energy Authority Board of Directors Tuesday,November 10,2008 Anchorage,Alaska 1.CALL TO ORDER Chairman Pat Galvin called the meeting of the Alaska Energy Authority to order on November 10, 2008 at 3:29 p.m. 2.BOARD OF DIRECTORS ROLL CALL A quorum was established. Members present in Anchorage:Chairman Patrick Galvin (Commissioner,Department of Revenue);Vice Chair John Winther (Public Member);John Kelsey (Public Member): Commissioner Emil Notti (Department of Commerce,Community &Economic Development); and Commissioner Leo von Scheben (Department of Transportation &Public Facilities). 3.PUBLIC ROLL CALL Staff present in Anchorage:Steve Haagenson (AEA Executive Director);Chris Anderson (Deputy Director-Credit);Sara Fisher-Goad (Deputy Director-Operations);Mike Harper (Deputy Director-Rural Energy Group);James Hemsath (Deputy Director-Development);Valorie Walker (Deputy Director-Finance);Bruce Chertkow (Loan Officer);Jim Strandberg (Project Manager); and Sherrie M.Siverson (Administrative Assistant). Participating via teleconference:Representative David Guttenberg. Others present in Anchorage:Brian Bjorkquist and Mike Mitchell (Department of Law). 4.PUBLIC COMMENTS There were no public comments. 5.EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR COMMENTS Mr.Haagenson reviewed the Railbelt Electric Grid Authority Study (REGA).Study will define the future of the Railbelt for the next 50 years.Electric generation assets in the railbelt are approximately 30 years old and will need to be replaced at an approximate cost of 1-2 billion dollars.All railbelt utilities have been represented and participated in the REGA meetings. Mr.Strandberg gave a brief background of the REGA study.The recommendation is that all of the generation and transmission assets should come under the control and ownership of a single entity that should be structured as a public corporation. There are ongoing discussions of the role of AEA in REGA.The recommendation is for a State Authority. 813 West Northern Lights Boulevard *Anchorage,Alaska 99503-2495 www.aidea.org *907/771-3000 *FAX 907/771-3044 ®Toll Free (Alaska Only)888/300-8534 ©www.akenergyauthority.org AEA Board Meeting November 10,2008 Meeting Minutes Page 2 Power Project Fund The PPF loan amounts are not limited on the aggregate dollar amounts. Discussion ensued as to possible percentages and reporting mechanisms. Board requested staff report loan approval amount and percent of portfolio in future board packets. State Energy Plan Mr.Haagenson referred the Board to their hand out that explained the Energy Plan.He said the target completion date is for the end of December 2008.The plan will cover the entire State of Alaska and will have a cost curve number to show what the anticipated costs will be to pay the capital down on all the proposed projects. Renewable Energy Fund RFP Mr.Haagenson briefed the board on the RFP stating the process is on scheduled. 6.BOARD COMMENTS There is an AIDEA Lender's Reception on Wednesday,December 10,2008 from 5:00 p.m.to 7:00 p.m.in the AIDEA Lobby.The next board meeting is Thursday,December 11,2008 at 10:30 a.m. 7.ADJOURNMENT There being no objection and no further business of the Board,the meeting was adjourned at 4:36 p.m. LEED Stevé Haagenson,Exécutive Director/Secretary Alaska Energy Authority r Goal Diverse Energy Sources)Renewable Energy# Spread fegiopal;ishm;oA olity td SutaValligbitate éspier SamRoteinancingtoteducanobASexeesiesneapysene "ns Se ok TT hg Pal qleeae='Railbelt Eneray,Chem nonon ERhenetintsh w ms _AIDEN.==ALASKA,Alaska Industrial DevelopmentWalndExportAuthority AGENDA Alaska Energy Authority Board of Directors Monday,November 10,2008 Anchorage,Alaska 1.CALL TO ORDER 2.BOARD OF DIRECTORS ROLL CALL 3.PUBLIC ROLL CALL 4.PUBLIC COMMENTS --3 minutes per speaker 5.EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR COMMENTS °REGA Briefing and State Authority Direction e Loan Limits for Power Project Fund (PPF)Loans °Energy Plan Briefing °Renewable Energy Fund Briefing 6.BOARD COMMENTS 7.ADJOURNMENT 813 West Northern Lights Boulevard e Anchorage,Alaska 99503-2495 *www.aidea.org @ 907/771-3000 «FAX 907/771-3044 e Toll Free (Alaska Only)888/300-8534 e www.akenergyauthority.org FEBRUARY M TWTFES 23 4567910fi]12 13 14G91718192021232425B@2728 MARCH M T W TF S 2 3 45 67 9 10 fii}12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 25 BG 27 28GO31 10123414«15 16171 20 21 22 23 24 25 B7 28 29 30 MAY M T WT F § 1 2 4 5 67 89uu72)13H1516 18 19 20 21 22 23Q5)26 27 28 29 30 2009 State Calendar State Holidays: January 1 New Year's Day 19 Martin Luther King,Jr.'s Day February 16 Presidents'Day March 30 Seward's Day May 25 Memorial Day July 4 Independence Day (observed 3rd) September 7 Labor Day October 18 Alaska Day (observed 19th) November 11 Veterans'Day 26 Thanksgiving Day December 25 Christmas Day E]Warrant Distribution oe)Holiday |AIDEA and AEA BOARD ';MEETINGS 2009""""Thursdays - Jan 22,2009 Feb 26,2009 Apr 2,2009 May 14,2009 June 25,2009 Aug 6,2009 Sept 17,2009 Oct29,2009 Dec 10,2009 28 29 30 31 AUGUST M TWTFS 1 3 4 5@781011§j13 14 15 17 18 19 20 21 22 24 25 26 BA 28 29 31 SEPTEMBER M TWTFEFS 123.458910Ki]12141516€[§18 1921222324B426 28 29 30 OCTOBER M TWT 1 5 6 78 12 14 151(@ 20 21 22 23 24262728£930 31 F S 2 3 9 10 6 17 NOVEMBER M TWTFS 23 4567910@)12g14 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 24 252987 28 30 DECEMBER MTWTFES 123 45 7 8 9TH12 1415 16 17 18 19 21 22 23 24@5)26 28 30 31 REGA Briefing and State Authority Direction 11/3/2008 ca Ny na EE orreWhatttheRailbeltUtilitiesneededtofs'=iadelivert!this \VISION 101thé consumer ro 11/3/2008 ple,Jong Seeel |Supplies at stable pricces 7{a relic a4 Bed eragerte:'Gaonontrol 'an aths andScenarios neveaeewatSANoeeere &BF eaiOar:4 8 Scenario:"op'»Different business responsibilities fora7.ea 2 Different Eneroyy Futwunres facing thear4RailbeltforPowerGeneration}:Fossil fuel emphasis |an tas SSolidFot IEEE ncaaae;Renewable energy project em:=Biendaan ai :aease Tow oe,SeROReEektee--oo FR od 11/3/2008 ae,st,Thisis REGA'=a vision for the future3: a”fetebenefit andreliability 4 :etdenet,02.tah, 11/3/2008 f=at year 10.:WH nF eeMavecontrofand acunership ofexist 7 i: Bestaircr with a:we *nS =e n Reguiatory oversight by RiBayrotsomewhereiribetwee@Jransmissionassettransfer'me od»WSs"Sale,Aoconcept 11/3/2008 Energy Plan Briefing of$Jo:atosaapeyrcomepotAeeSpAteARNESESSa8eleoiei+. ortAeed%Yr, REALS nO te teDR OR ea bets ATwroters October2008 Fes ae Reais a ln .Tele_: viye yo ON uce "ms .Ko Sy.= a .. ite |eee--7 are +atatehe a 'fe rs 5 -&::_pBestigiseaea)ok a %peg ;:"9Acommunityzbased decision makin oeatsmt2 AYersenergy anditefter'Gteencost per mmBTUaSat iTransport7 Community:Akutan LOcanonArsdan19uspolend om Alntam labend 0 Det eneteen Adpduend,otep af the Kepainin lotende of the Fer ieteed gioug.Bt 96 andes went of onsasimunas,ave 106 ws entden scuiteaeel of Anubarage.bo tedeconomy-_a a tweed ont mang tools Toatined i .egreign ©Srys pmusseng plant of ee Lids bat ocd,Gud,pudech and tan sent,Ihe papsieton at Ania can dentin dueng '' pPrmmsning musdhe Movers sensteste Bcet oomenmenest belsny povantan,pibwmety 10 inetd and cer grewrdhen.Gubsekeace toeds °4,tyinchton,Sedmon,horny.helt,chumes ahd CNte,and yan tetris.:)44 -, oasToRrAnchenbeen &1676 an 0 he ehnge and hating guit hee tive Vinotent Fur &Tredng Company.The company's egent euubbohed @1ganthallquachalyalllantendweaningUnasigenetothacremerandy.A dieeme Coteunion cnt Poputation:859ned0echoelwaretinka18/0 Alnconae:baveny Chapel wer bedi io te 18 te peyteus the cages!striate,Ihe Mecits WhebrgCompeny1289whanpepmweningshalewescunWenSaryroomAbad1912wensteOnbywhertngshebenihfheAtmsiane,ond ;,naotad Unthens mele wm .Louiute:Std Comsoma,thee ine senor noe eecmaaneaw teennono ep caegoa hone uate tenon Tne erntone bro catease wus Cangiete:sabe com WeRechtseseychenges&ee and meee ot w EXISTING ENERGY PROFLE Heat Use ---¢Avg Loa teKw ___SaverePowePussSrpetwenyAugkwhSok1,493,382 1G06Diese!Deaverea Cost $4.06 ]--06 Fuet Used:130,191 {:ee6 a Cost of Elechtoety {COE}:90.53 3PossiiieCOE:$0.48 i i f i kPossnieYeatySavings:$65,249 z i Praqecton Da §|iHE }r bed 3 {Zz "””7.wo e 6 7 a e nN a .w&1 3 FR O&[ela]a lee ele late ee pe papa lyan:gy°: imgatroametaeipEsmaryPPFurdey |S ons!wp|9 = i Coane!EX sonny 19 265]199|agYprendso|ang 1001}oo |99 -_- Flee }-He}2:0 j001 os 1 2 -}sont?ye wl 110 Od $000 19081 OF |sp |Sow 10 [IsoMlooo 3 --Sha 19_|18.0001 02 |95 |190 =>Sond 10 [once]92 |so |19_|bréc pal Wants m |suafos!so]6 - 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