HomeMy WebLinkAboutAnc Fairbanks Intertie Committe Operating Minutes 1983Lea wry O ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS INTERTIE OPERATING COMMITTEE MINUTES November 17,1983 (At Anchorage) ATTENDANCE:Mike Massin Municipal Light &Power Hank Nikkels Municipal Light &Power John Marshall Chugach Electric Association Myles Yerkes Alaska Power Authority (State) Larry Colp Fairbanks Municipal Utilities System Keith Sworts Fairbanks Municipal Utilities System Dan Rice Gilbert-Commonwealth Marvin Riddle Golden Valley Electric Association Robert Orr Golden Valley Electric Association Sam Matthews Homer Electric Association Stan Sieczkowski Alaska Power Administration (Federal) The meeting commenced at 9:30 A.M.with the ahove in attendance. Bok Orr motioned that the minutes from the previous meeting Ee adopted as written.Mike Yerkes seconded the motion The members present unanimously approved the motion. Mike Massin motioned for the meeting agenda as written to be adopted.Marvin Riddle seconded the motion.The members present approved the motion unanimously. Under committee correspondence and reports,Bok Orr reported that he briefed the General Managers at the November 16,1983 Intertie Meeting on the previous eight months activity of the Anchorage- Fairbanks Intertie Operating Committee. Bob Orr also gave a report on the November 16,1983 SCADA/Metering/ Communications Subcommittee meeting.Bob reported that the Subcommittee was continuing to review the Computer-to-Computer Data Link for the Intertie Operators.He also noted that the Subcommittee was looking into the reliability of the SCADA systems of the utilties involved, Marvin Riddle then gave a report on the Dispatcher/Training Suk- Committee meeting which was also held on November 16,1983.He noted that Robert Merritt and John Aspnes from the University of Alaska-Fairbanks were in attendance at the meeting.The University of Alaska-Fairbanks will ke providing the Intertie Operating Committee with a price quotation for the several training seminars which are planned for the summer of 1984.He noted that the Subcommittee discussed three separate training sessions to be conducted during the summer of 84 time period.The Dispatcher/Training Subcommittee is going to pursue the use of the Western States Coordinating Council Handbook as a basis for the dispatcher training to be carried out.It is anticipated that the first dispatcher training will take place at the University of Alaska-Fairbanks in May of 1984, "vy O e AFIOC MINUTES November 17,1983 Page 2 The Handbook/Procedures Subcommittee has not met since the last Anchorage-Fairbanks Intertie Operations Committee meeting. The Budget Subcommittee also did not meet since the last Anchorage-Fairbanks Intertie Operations Committee meeting. Mike Yerkes provided a status update on the Anchorage-Fairkanks Intertie Transmission Line Construction project.-He noted that the contractor for the southern portion of the transmission line was on schedule.The contractor for the northern portion is somewhat behind schedule.He reported that a contract had been awarded to A.I.C.for substation work on the northern end of the Intertie project.Mike also reported that General Electric,who has the bid for the Static VAR System is now in the manufacturing process for the components.Mike also gave an-update on the acti- vities concerning the SCADA System being provided by the Alaska Power Authority for the Intertie project.Although it was noted in the minutes of the previous Operating Committee meeting that the Power Authority was looking into the utilization of the ALASCOM communications system for the SCADA project,APA is now once again pursuing discussion with the State Communications System for utilization of their facilities. There were no visitors present at the meeting nor were there any requests for appearance. The committee had no old business to conduct at this meeting. Turning to new business,the committee proceeded into work session. Dan Rice handed out the latest revision to the Operator Diagrams for the Intertie Project and the members -riefly discussed the handouts. After a brief discussion on SCADA/Metering/Communications and with no additional discussion on Dispatcher/Training or Handkbood/Procedures,the committee came back out of the work session and continued with the regular portion of the meeting. There were no formal recommendations or actions taken at the meeting. The committee then proceeded to establish schedules for up and coming Subcommittee meetings and set the agenda for the next Operating Committee meeting.The chairman of the Machines/RatingsSubcommitteeistocontacttheotherSubcommitteemembersandcon- duct at least one meeting prior to the next regular meeting of the Intertie Operating Committee.The Machines/Ratings Subcommittee is to finalize the data format forms for machine ratings,provide Standardized machine rating curve forms,recommend a format for a summary sheet for machines on the interconnected system and begin tabulating machine data. -"l AFIOC MINUTES November 17,1983 Page 3 It was recommended that the SCADA/Meterings/Communications Subcommittee conduct at least two additional meetings prior to the next regular meeting of the Intertie Operating committee, The chairman of the Subcommittee will schedule the first meeting after discussing a convenient time with the other members.The second meeting will be held on Tuesday,January 10,1984 at 1:30 P.M.in the conference room at Municipal Light &Power. The Dispatch/Scheduling Subcommittee will be meeting on Tuesday, January 10,1984 at 9:00 A.M.at the Municipal Light &Power con- ference room.This meeting will be conducted jointly with the Dispatcher/Training Subcommittee. The Budget Subcommittee will conduct a telephone conference meeting at a time to be set up by the chairman. Because of the Christmas holidays,the Anchorage-Fairbanks Intertie Operating Committee will not meet during the month of December.The next regularly scheduled meeting of the Operating Committee will be at 9:00 A.M.on Wednesday,January 11,1984 in the conference room of Municipal Light &Power at 1200 East First Avenue,Anchorage,Alaska. Keith Sworts then motioned to adjourn the meeting.Larry Colp seconded the motion.The members present unanimously approved the motion. The meeting adjourned at 12:00 noon. Respectfully submitted, Mike&Massin -Secretary Anchorage Fairkanks Intertie Operating Committee MEM/csn Attachments:Agenda for the January 1984 meeting Latest Subcommittee listing for Operating Committee Handkool -AGENDA- ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS INTERTIE OPERATING COMMITTEE January 1l,1984 Begin at 9:00 A.M. I.Adoption of prior meeting minutes II.Approval/modification of agenda III.Committee correspondence and reports A.SCADA/Metering/Communications Subcommittee B.Dispatcher/Training Subcommittee C.Dispatch/Scheduling Subcommittee D.Handbook/Procedures Subcommittee E.Machines/Ratings Subcommittee F.Budget Subcommittee G.Intertie Status Update (A.P.A.) IV.Visitor comments related to items on agenda V.Old business VI.New business A.Recess and work session B.G.E.presentation on S.V.S. C.SCADA/Metering/Communications D.Dispatcher/Training E.Dispatch/Scheduling FP.Handbook/Procedures G.Machines/Ratings H.Budget I.Other VII.Formal operating committee actions/recommendations VIII.Set agenda for next meeting IX.Adjounment Adjourn by 4:30 P.M. Meeting location:Municipal Light &Power 1200 East First Avenue Anchorage,Alaska (907)279-7671 8 ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS INTERTIE OPERATING COMMITTEE MINUTES October 20,1983 (At Fairbanks) ATTENDANCE:Mike Massin Municipal Light &Power Hank Nikkels Municipal LIght &Power Keith Sworts Fairbanks Municipal Utilities System James Hall Matanuska Electric Association Stan Sieczkowski Alaska Power Admininstration (Fed.) Larry Colp Fairbanks Municipal Utilities System Robert Orr Golden Valley Electric Association Marvin Riddle Golden Valley Electric Association Ray Puncan Chugach Electric Association John Marshall Chugach Electric Association Sam Matthews Homer Electric Association Dan Rice Gilbert-Commonwealth John Aspnes University of Alaska-Fairbanks (Guest The meeting commenced at 9:20 A.M.with the above in attendance. Larry Colp motioned that the minutes be approved as written. Keith Sworts seconded the motion and the members present unani- O mously approved the motion.Turning to modifications to the scheduled agenda,Bob Orr advised the members that Mr.John Aspnes who is the Electrical Engineering Department Head at the University of Alaska-Fairbanks was going to make a short presentation to the committee on a proposal to do some work that would be of benefit to the utilities represented on the committee.After a brief discussion,Mike Massin motioned to include Mr.Aspnes in the agenda.John Marshall seconded the motion and the members present unanimously approved the motion. Sam Matthews then motioned that the members adopt the revised agenda.John Marshall seconded the motion,and the members pre- sent unanimously approved the motion. Under committee correspondence and reports,Bob Orr noted that the Operating Committee Secretary had prepared a letter to be sent to Mr.Ray Bennish,Acting Director of the Alaska Power Authority, regarding the recommendations which were formally adopted by the Operating Committee at the September 22,1983 meeting. Bob Orr gave a report on the work done by the SCADA/Metering/Commun- ications Subcommittee which met in Fairbanks on Wednesday,October 19,1983.Bob furnished the members with minutes of the Subcommittee as well as recommendations adopted by the Subcommittee.Dan Rice,from GilberCommonwealth,who was respre- senting the Alaska Power Authority at the meeting indicated that the Power Authority has expressed concern as to whether the NorthOandSouthoperatorsoftheIntertiewillbereadyatthethetimetheIntertieiscomplete.He advised the Committee that Gilbert-Commonwealth had been directed by the Power Authority tolookatandrecommendaninterimarrangementpendingfullsystemcontrolavailabilityoftheNorthandSouthoperators. Mit rs AFIOC Minutes October 20,1983OPage2 Marvin Riddle gave a report on the Scheduling/Dispatch Subcommittee which also met in Fairbanks on Wednesday,October19,1983.Marvin also furnished the members with the minutes from the Subcommittee and recommendations which were adopted by the Subcommittee.Ray Duncan added to Marvin's report by noting that the utilities represented at the Subcommittee meeting were in favor of the Intertie Committee pursuing an Instate Dispatcher/ Training Program. Dan Rice also gave the Committee an update on the various aspects of the Intertie Project.Normally this report is given each month by Mike Yerkes,but Mike was unable to attend today's meeting. The Committee received no requests for visitors appearances or comments other than the special appearance being made by Mr. Aspnes and no other visitors were in attendance at this meeting. The Committee had no old business issues remaining and proceeded directly to the new business portiong of the meeting. to a work session and Mike Massin seconded the motion.The motion waS approved unanimously by the members present.Turning to SCADA/ Metering/Communications,the members discussed at length the recommendations made by the SCADA/Metering/Communications Subcommittee.Bob Orr reviewed the Computer to Computer Data Link requirements as recommended by the Subcommittee.The importance of the utilities who would be using the computer data link was emphasized strongly and the members present were in agreement that standardization of data files and data tables would be essential for the successful operation of the Computer to Computer Data Link.Bob Orr then noted that he would make a motion when the Committee came out of work session to adopt the Subcommittee recommendations. O Under new business,Bob Orr motioned for the Committee to recess Bob Orr then introduced Mr.John Aspnes,from the University of Alaska-Fairbanks and John gave a bried discussion on what the University of Alaska-Fairbanks Electrical Engineering Department would be interested in doing on behalf of the Anchorage-Fairbanks Intertie Project.Included would be load flow,computer program development,stability analysis and the capability to test various Operating scenarios which the utilities would he experiencing once the Intertie Project comes on line.John indicated that the work to be accomplished would be done by teaching staff as well as gra- duate students.The members then discussed the proposed plan asking questions of Dr.Aspnes about such things as time frame and whether or not funding assistance would be required.Dr.Aspnes requested and the Operating Committee agreed to furnish him with the latest information on the Intertie Project including such things as operating diagrams and studies and reports.THE MEMBERS WERE URGED TO DISCUSS THE PROPOSAL FROM DR.ASPNES WITH THEIR RESPECTIVE GENERAL MANAGERS. Mr AFIOC Minutes October 20,1983 Page 3 The members also discussed at length with Dr.Aspnes a need for an Instate Dispatcher/Training Program.The members indicated that they were interested in an approach similar to the WSCC (Western States Coordinating Council)Program.Members were in agreement, that there was a need to provide a formal dispatcher training forexistingAlaskaUtilitypersonnel,supplemental periodic re- training of personnel and a training program for newly hired per- sonnel.Dr.Aspnes noted that the University might be able to commit up to a week a year for this type of program.The'membersfeltthatitwouldbeappropriatetotryandhaveafirstDispatcher/Training session in early January 1984, The members then turned to the work done by the Dispatch/Scheduling Subcommittee and reviewed the recommendations which the Subcommittee had made on the previous day.The members talked at length about the recommendations made by the Subcommittee.The Operating Committee came hack to order at 11:30 A.M.Sam Matthews then motioned for the Committee to formally adopt the Computer to Computer Data Link Standards which were prepared by the SCADA/ Metering/Communications Subcommittee.Keith Sworts seconded the motion and the members present unanimously approved the motion. Sam Matthews then motioned for the Operating Committee to formally adopt the Operating Committee Recommended Action for Guides 2,3, 4,and 5 as written and including the suppleméntal recommendations which the Subcommittee proposed be included in the guides which were developed by the Handbook Procedures Subcommittee several months ago.(Effectively the Committee was being asked to adopt verbatim the language in the NERC Manual with supplemental wordingdevelopedbytheSubcommittee).Keith Sworts then seconded the motion and the members present unanimously approved the motion. Following up on the work session discussion regarding a Dispatcher/ Training Program,Marvin Riddle then motioned that _a Subcommittee be formed with a title of Dispatcher/Training Subcommittee which would be represented by eachparticipant.Sam Matthews seconded the motion and the members present unanimously approved the motion.The Subcommittee will be as follows: Marvin Riddle -Chairman (Rob Orr -Alternate)GVEA Ray Duncan --CEA Hank Nikkels ML&P Dave Hiers (Sam Matthews -Alternate)MEA Ernie Jamison ; FMUS Stan Sieczkowski APA (Fed) Allen Martin (Larr Colp -Alternate)FMUS Larry Wolf (Mike Yerkes -Alternate)APA (State) John Aspnes (Bob Merrit -Alternate)VaAF In the near future,the Chairman of this newly formed Subcommittee will contact the members to schedule an organizational meeting. me AFIOC Minutes October 20,1983 Page 4 Keith Sworts then motioned that the Operating Committee adjourn for lunch.Bob Orr seconded the motion and the members present unanimously approved the motion.The Operating Committee recessed for lunch at 11:40 A.M, The meeting resumed at 1:30 P.M.and returned to a work session under new business.Turning to operating diagrams,Dan Rice noted that no utility returned comments on the operating diagram hand- out which were furnished at the last Operating Committee meeting. After discussion,it was determined that Matanuska Electric Association,Chugach Electric Association,Municipal Light &Power and the Alaska Power Admininstration (Fed.)were satisfied for the time being with the operating diagrams which had been furnished at the last meeting.Fairbanks Municipal Utilities System and Golden Valley Electric Association indicated that they had additional comments which would be furnished to Gilbert-Commonwealth in the next couple of weeks.The last item of new business that the mem- bers dealt with concerned the latest (10/3/83)draft of the Intertie Contract.The members briefly reviewed the latest draft and several members commented that some of the changes recommended by the Operating Committee had been included in the latest draft. Turning to a related matter,the members briefly discussed the issue of Bi-lateral versus Multi-lateral Utility Agreements which would be required in conjunction with the Intertie Agreement and it was noted that the Attorney for Chugach Electric Association, Mr.Robert McDiarmid,was to have furnished the various utilities with a draft Multi-lateral Agreement following the last Manager's meeting on the Intertie Contract,which was held in the Spring of 1983.The members were in agreement that the Utility General Managers should actively pursue the issue of By-lateral or Multi- lateral Agreements as many of the areas the Operating Committee was dealing in would be affected by the outcome of these agreements. This concluded the new business work session and the meeting returned to order. The Committee then proceeded to establish agendas for up and coming Subcommittee meetings.The newly formed Dispatcher/ Training Subcommittee was assigned the initial task of reviewing the WSCC guidelines for Dispatcher/Training and any other types of documents which might be applicable for the purposes of developing a program outline.THE FIRST MEETING OF THE DISPATCHER/TRAINING SUBCOMMITTEE WILL BE HELD IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM OF MUNICIPAL LIGHT &POWER IN ANCHORAGE ON NOVEMBER 16,1983 AT 9:00 A.M.THE SCADA/Metering/Communications Subcommittee was directed to con- tinue work on the Computer to Computer Data Link and to make addi- tional recommendations to the Operating Committee.THE NEXT MEETING OF THE SCADA/METERING/COMMUNICATIONS SUBCOMMITTEE WILL BE HELD IN THE CONFERENCE ROOM OF MUNICIPAL LIGHT &POWER IN ANCHORAGE ON WEDNESDAY,NOVEMBER 16,1983 BEGINNING AT 1:30 P.M, AFIOC Minutes October 20,1983OPage5 Although no specific meeting times or dates were established,the Committee also set agendas for additional subcommittees to address at future meetings.The Budget Subcommittee will schedule a telephone conference call to discuss and recommend budgetary items in the near future.The Dispatch/Scheduling Subcommittee was directed to look at AutomatiecGeneration Control and Voltage and Reactive Control Operating Guidelines at their next meeting.The Reserves/Loadshed Subcommittee was directed to look at Reserve Capacity,Loadshed Sectionalizing and Restoration Operating Guide- lines when they next meet.The Machines/Ratings Subcommittee was directed to begin putting data on the Machines Rating Forms which were formally approved at the last Operating Committee meeting. They were also directed to pursue the preparation of a summary sheet reflecting the data which would be obtained.The Relay/ Protection Subcommittee was directed to look at Operating Guide No.16 (Relaying)at their first organizational meeting.The Dispatch/Scheduling Subcommittee was directed to look at sche- duling formats as soon as possible.This is a re-emphasis of the direction the Committee was urged to take at the last Operating Committee meeting.The Handbook/Procedures Subcommittee was directed to begin a review of formal actions taken and as recordedOinthepriorOperatingCommitteeminutesandincorporatetheseegrecommendationsintotheOperatingCommitteeManualwhichisunder preliminary development at this time. IT WAS NOTED THAT A MEETING HAD BEEN SCHEDULED FOR NOVEMBER 15, 1983 FOR THE UTILITY MANAGERS TO DISCUSS THE LATEST DRAFT OF THE INTERTIE CONTRACT. Hank Nikkels motioned that the meeting be adjourned and Bob Orr seconded the motion.The motion was unanimously approved by the members present. The meeting adjourned at 2:50 PM, RespectfulWisubmitted,Ons.Mike Massin -Whose: Anchorage-Fairbanks Intertie Operating Committee MEM/csn Attaachment:Agenda for November 17,1983 Operating Committee Meeting O IV. Vv. VI. VII. VIII. IX. -AGENDA - ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS INTERTIE OPERATING COMMITTEE November 17,1983 Begin at 9:00 A.M. Adoption of prior meeting minutes Approval/modification of agenda Committee correspondence report A.SCADA/Metering/Communications Subcommittee B.Dispatcher/Training Subcommittee C.Handbook/Procedures Subcommittee D.Budget Subcommittee E.Intertie Status Update (A.P.A.) Visitor comments related to items on agenda Old business New business A.Recess and work session B.Operating diagram review C.SCADA/Metering/Communications D.Dispatcher/Training E.Handbook/Procedures F.Budget G.Other Formal operating committee actions/recommendations Set agenda for next meeting Adjournment Adjourn by 4:30 P.M, Meeting location:Municipal Light And Power 1200 East First Avenue Anchorage,Alaska (907)279-7671 ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS INTERTIE OPERATING COMMITTEE MINUTES September 22,1983 (At Anchorage) ATTENDANCE:Mike Massin Municipal Light &Power Don Horn Chugach Electric Association Ray Duncan Chugach Electric Association John Marshall Chugach Electric Association Keith Sworts Fairbanks Municipal Utilities System Marvin Riddle Golden Valley Electric Association Robert Orr Golden Valley Electric Association Barry Lyons Gilbert--Commonwealth Stan Sieczkowski Alaska Power Admininstration (Fed.) Dan Rice Gilbert-Commonwealth Jim Hall Matanuska Electric Asssociation Larry Colp Fairbanks Municipal Utilities System Sam Matthews Homer Electric Association The meeting commenced at 9:05 with the above in attendance. Bob Orr motioned that the minutes be approved as written.Keith Sworts seconded the motion,and the members present unanimously approved the motion. There were no changes made to the scheduled agenda. Under Committee Correspondence and Reports,Mike Massin noted that a letter had been sent to Eric Yould,Director of the Alaska Power Authority,on August 29th regarding the recommendations which were formally adopted by the committee at the August 11,1983 meeting. No report was made by the SCADA/Metering/Communications Sub- committee as the committee did not meet since the last meeting of the Anchorage-Fairbanks Operating Committee.Ray Duncan gave a report on the Reserves/Loadshed Sub-committee and noted that the Sub-committee supported,somewhat reluctantly,the Reserves Allo- cation Provisions in Section 2.1.1 on page 30 of the Draft Intertie Contract.Ray also noted that Municipal Light &Power and Chugach Electric Association have reached tentative agreement on an interim loadshed plan for Southcentral utilities. The Machines/Rating Sub-committee also did not provide a report at this meeting. Mike Yerkes,who normally represents the Alaska Power Authority, was not present at this meeting and therefore,no update was pro- vided to the committee members at the meeting. The committee received no requests for visitors appearances or comments and no visitors were in attendance at this meeting. AFIOC Minutes September 22,1983 Page 2 Committee members then recessed for a work session to discuss Article III of the current Draft Contract.Most members had not reviewed the Article since the last Operating Committeemeeting.Bob Orr suggested that NERC methods be used as the basis for time standards where the Operating Committee is chargedwiththerecommendations.The committee seemed to be in agreementwiththeconcept. The work session,under old business,concluded and when the meeting returned to order,Keith Sworts motioned for the committee to accept Article III of the May 3,1983 version of the Draft Intertie Contract,subject to the recommendations the committee made by letter to Eric Yould of the Alaska Power Authority on August 29,1983,Sam Matthews seconded the motion,and the mem- bers present unanimously approved the motion. Turning to new business,the committee then recessed into a work session again. Discussion began on the work the Machines/Ratings Sub-committee had been working on and Dan Rice and Stan Sieczkowski both noted that small hydro-electric wasn't addressed in depth in the ratings procedure.Bob Orr noted that the rating sheets lacked reactive rating curves and felt that a composite curve for machine plus generator ratings should be provided. Discussion then turned to the work that has been going on under the Reserves/Loadshed Sub-committee and the committee members began a review of Article XIII of the Draft Intertie Contract. When the committee came out of work session,Sam Matthews motioned| that the Operating Committee approve the changes in Article XIII as reviewed and commented on by the committee members during today's work session.Keith Sworts seconded the motion and the members present unanimously approved the motion.Bob Orr requested that these recommendations be sent to Eric Yould ina letter format similar to those recommendations made in the August 29,1983 letter. THE FOLLOWING ARE THE RECOMMENDATIONS THAT THE OPERATING COMMITTEE MADE IN ARTICLE XIIT: 1.Under Section 1.1,the paragraph should be revised to say "Each participant shall provide spinning reserve and non- spinning reserve as required by Section 3 of this Article equal to or greater than the operating reserve obligation of the participant.AS soon aS practicable within four hours after the occurrence of an incident which utilizes operating reserve,each participant shall restore it's operating reserve Obligation by the procedures determined by the OperatingCommittee.", AFIOC Minutes September 22,1983 Page 3 Under Section 2.1,the paragraph should be revised to say "The total operating reserve obligation at any time shall initially be an amount equal to 150%of the capability of the largest generating unit contingency in operation on the inter- connected system of the participants." Under Section 2.1.1,the paragraph should be revised to say "The spinning reserve portion of the total intertie system shall not be less than an amount equivalent to 100%of the declared capability of the largest generating unit contingency in operation on the inter-connected system of the participants." The declared capability will be as determined by the par- ticipant utility. Under Section 2.2,the last paragraph which says "This cri- teria may be modified or changed by the Operating Committee action"should be revised to reflect a new section known as 2.3. Under Section 3.1,the paragraph should be revised to say "The operating reserve obligation of a participant shall be that percentage of the total operating reserve obligation deter- mined by the Operating Committee in accordance with the following formula based on the capability of the largest generating unit contingency in operation of each participant. Section 4.5 should be broken into two new sections known as 4.5 and 4.6.Section 4.5 would read "A participant may arrange for some other participant(s)to supply part or all of it's operating reserve requirement.Section 4.6 would read "In an emergency any participant,upon request by another par- ticipant,shall supply to such other participant operating reserve obligation up to the full amount of its available acredited capability not required to maintain it's operating reserve obligation;provided that,the deliver thereof shall conform with the provisions of Section 4.4 of the this Article XIII,There shall be no obligation of a participant to supply operating reserve if the requesting party if not making full use of it's available acredited capability. Section 4.6 should be revised to Section 4.7 and the paragraph should read as follows "Accept as otherwise agreed,a par- ticipant supplying a portion or all of another participant's operating reserve during any month shall be paid by the 'purchasing participant that conforms to an established rate. Section 4.6.1 should be deleted. AFIOC Minutes September 22,1983 Page 4 9.Section 4.6.2 should be deleted. 10.Section 4.7 should be renumbered as Section 4.8. ll.A new definition titled Declared Capability which is defined as "A current generating unit capability which is equal to or less than the published capability". 12.All other sections of Article XIII were left as is. Sam Matthews motioned that Item IV,Report Procedures,on page 2. of the Machines/Ratings Sub-committee recommendation of August 2, 1983 be revised as follows: All participants shall submit the required data to the Operating Committee.This data shall be reported on the Uniform Rating Forms as included herein.Each participant's initial report should show manufacturer's data and actual test data,or best estimate if test data is not available.Three manufacturer's curves will also be submitted;one for driver performance (combustion turbines use ambient vs.capability),one for generator reactive capability and a composite showing unit reactive capability.The subsequent sub- mission of data shall include actual test data as provided in this Guide to replace estimated data. Keith Sworts seconded the motion,and the members unanimously approved the motion. The committee adjourned for lunch as 11:45 A.M.and the meeting resumed at 1:30 P.M. Continuing under new business,the committe turned to discussion on SCADA/Metering/Communications and Dan Rice discussed the use of the State Communications Facilities and noted that the State had provided no response to the request from Alaska Power Authority to utilize the facilities for communications on the Intertie Project. The Alaska Power Authority has elected to lease lines from Alascom instead. Dan then introduced Barry Lyons who is also with Gilbert-Common- wealth and Barry provided a discussion on various methodologies for making data links between the northern control center and the southern control center.During the discussion provided by Barry Lyons,Dan Rice handed out a paper titled Design Considerations For APA Intertie Date Link and Redundant RTU Control.The members agreed that the SCADA/Metering/Communications Sub-committee should meet before the next regular Operating Committee meeting and that they should review the data link hand-out which was provided by Dan Rice and be prepared to supply a recommendation for the fullcommitteeatthenextmeeting. +AFIOC MinutesSeptember22,1983 Page 5 O Dan Rice then handed out the latest Operators Diagrams and themembersspenttimereviewingthediagramsandmakingcomments on the diagrams.The member agreed that switch number designations should be revised such that voltage numbering be deleted from the swith numbering scheme. MEMBERS ARE URGED TO REVIEW THE LATEST OPERATOR DIAGRAMS FURNISHED AND TO RETURN COMMENTS TO GILBERT=COMMONWEALTH BY NO LATER THAN OCTOBER 7,1983.TO MINIMIZE UNNECESSARY PAPER FLOW,MEMBERS ARE URGED TO RETURN ONLY THOSE SHEETS THAT WILL REQUIRE CHANGES. The members also agreed that the Scheduling/Dispatch Sub-committee should also meet prior to the next full committee meeting to discuss time standards methodologies for scheduling/usage reporting and for formatting dispatcher reports and logs. Marvin Riddle noted that NERC manuals were mailed to the various participants and he indicated that NERC has offered to assist the Operating Committee on items that involve NERC procedures.All the members indicated that they had received the NERC manuals requested by Marvin. THE SCADA/METERING/COMMUNICATIONS SUB-COMMITTEE WILL MEET ON WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 19,1983 BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 9:00 A.M.ANDO12:00 NOON IN FAIRBANKS AT THE ELECTRIC COMMISSION ROOM OFFAIRBANKSMUNICIPALUTILITIESSYSTEMAT645FIFTHAVENUE, THE SCHEDULING/DISPATCH SUB-COMMITTEE WILL ALSO MEET ON WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 19,1983 BETWEEN 1:30 P.M.and 4:30 P.M.IN FAIRBANKS AT THE ELECTRIC COMMISSION CONFERENCE ROOM OF FAIRBANKS MUNICIPAL UTILITIES SYSTEM AT 645 FIFTH AVENUE. The committee then discussed the agenda for the next meeting of the Operating Committee which will be held in Fairbanks. Sam Matthews motioned that the meeting be adjourned and John Marshall seconded the motion;the motion was approved by members present unanimously.The meeting adjourned at 3:20 P.M, THE NEXT REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING OF THE ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS INTERTIE OPERATING COMMITTEE WILL BE HELD IN FAIRBANKS ALASKA IN THE ELECTRIC COMMISSION CONFERENCE ROOM OF FAIRBANKS MUNICIPAL UTILITIES SYSTEM AT 645 FIFTH AVENUE AT 9:00 A.M.ON THURSDAY, OCTOBER 20,1983. Respectfully submitted, MAa" Mike Massin -Secretary Anchorage-Fairbanks Intertie Operating Committee MEM/csn Attch:8/29/83 Letter to Eric Yould IV. Vv. VI. VIt. VIII. IX. -AGENDA - ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS INTERTIE OPERATING COMMITTEE October 20,1983 Begin at 9:00 A.M. Adoption of prior meeting minutes Approval/modification of agenda Committee correspondence report A.SCADA/Metering/Communications Subcommittee B.Scheduling/Dispatch Subcommittee C.Intertie Status Update (A.P.A.) Visitor comments related to items on agenda Old business New business A.Recess and work session B.Operating diagram review C.SCADA/Metering/Communications D.Scheduling/Dispatch E.Other Formal operating committee actions/recommendations Set agenda for next meeting Adjournment Adjourn by 4:30 P.M. Meeting location:Fairbanks Municipal Utilities System Electric Commission Conference Room 645 -Sth Avenue Fairbanks,Alaska ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS INTERTIE OPERATING COMMITTEE MINUTES August ll,1983 (At Anchorage) ATTENDANCE:Mike Massin Municipal Light &Power Bob Orr Golden Valley Electric Assoc. Marvin Riddle Golden Valley Electric Assoc. Dan Rice Gilbert Commonwealth Jim Hall Matanuska Electric Association Larry Colp Fairbanks Municipal Utilities System Hank Nikkels Municipal Light &Power Ray Duncan Chugach Electric Association John Marshall Chugach Electric Association Sam Matthews Homer Electric Association Myles Yerkes Alaska Power Authority (State) The meeting commenced at 9:00 A.M.with the above in attendance. John Marshall motioned that the minutes be approved as written. Mike Yerkes seconded the motion and the members unanimouslyOapprovedthemotion. Bob Orr motioned that the Machine Rating Subcommittee report be added to the agenda as Item C under Committee Correspondence, Mike Yerkes seconded the motion and the members unanimously approved the motion. Under Committee correspondence and reports,Mike Massin noted that no new correspondence had been received since the last meeting. Bob Orr reported on the SCADA/Metering/Communications Subcommittee which was held on Wednesday,August 10,1983.Bob provided the Operating Committee with a metering recommendation which was pre- pared by the SCADA/Metering/Communications Subcommittee.Bob noted that there had been a lot of discussion on the type of information to be provided by the bubble memory system being uti- lized in the intertie metering. John Marshall then reported on the Relay/Protection Subcommittee meeting which was also held on Wednesday,August 10,1983.John noted that the subcommittee felt that the Healy Substation would be one of the most critical areas in the relay protection scheme, Hank Nikkels then reported on the Machine Rating Subcommittee which had met on Tuesday,August 2,1983.Hank provided the Committee members with some of the preliminary work which was doneObythesubcommitteeatthismeeting.Hank noted that the subcom-mittee felt the original rating system proposed by Gilbert Commonwealth for APA was too detailed for use at this time. August ll,1983 AFIOC Minutes Page 2 Mike Yerkes then gave an update on the status of the Intertie Project.Mike noted that the SVS System had been rebid,clearing On the project was nearly complete,pilings for tower foundations were now being installed and that steel for transmission towers was in transit. The Committee received no requests for visitor appearances or com- ments and no visitors were in attendance at this meeting.os Moving into old business,the Committee went into a work session at 9:40 A.M.to discuss the recommendations of the Reserves/Load- Shed Subcommittee and the recommendations of the Dispatch/Schedul- ing Subcommittee.The Committee spent the remainder of the morning meeting in work session discussing the recommendations of the Reserves/Loadshed Subcommittee and discuss at length the recommendations that involve the draft Intertie Agreement. The meeting adjourned for lunch at 11:50 A.M.and resumed again at 1:30 P.M. The meeting resumed,still in work session,and members began a discussion on the recommendations of the Dispatch/Scheduling Subcommittee.Upon completion of the discussions on the two sub- committee reports,the Committee had the following comments: Article III Section l ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok ok 1 ok 2 ok 3 4°o¢©«©©©@@MRrPwOUOwWOUUOMOATIANAUSPWNHEok ok 0 ok 1 ok 2 On Page 8 of the draft contract at the end of Line 10 add "or days".eneeeneoe :August 11,1983 O AFIOC Minutes Page 3 Section Section Section Section Section Section Article IV Section Article V Article Article Article Article Article VI VI 1 I Section l Section 2 2 2.WdDNSection 3 3.1 Section 4 ok ok ok ok ;8 ok ok ok ok ok ok ok Committee feels this Article requires more review by Utility Managers prior to Operating Committee Comment. ok ok ok ok ok Delete current contract language in it's entirety and replace with:"Provisions of this section in their entirety may be changed at any time by action of the Operating Committee", After the word "Article"in the third line strike everything else to the end of this section. ok August ll,1983 AFIOC Minutes Page 4 Article XI The Operating Committee elected not to make any recommendations on this Article at this time. Article XII ok Article XIII This Article will be sent back to the - Reserves/Load Shed Subcommittee for addi- tional review. At 2:00 P.M.the meeting came back to order and the old business section continued.Bob Orr then motioned for the committee to formally adopt the recommendations of the Reserves/Loadshed Subcommittee and the Dispatch/Scheduling Subcommittee subject to the revisions which were made during the work session just completed.Sam Matthews seconded the motion and the members una- nimously approved the motion.Bob Orr then asked Mike Massin to draft a letter to the Alaska Power Authority outlining the formal recommendation which the Operating Committee took in this matter. The committee then moved into the new business portion of the meeting.Having no requirements for a work session,Bob Orr then turned the meeting over to Dan Rice who provided the members with the latest operating diagrams prepared by Gilbert Commonwealth, After a short period of discussion in which the members noted that the various diagrams still lacked proper circuit breaker designa- tion,it was decided that Gilbert Commonwealth would make a revi- sion on the operating diagrams and mail them out to the various members for comment.(AS SCON AS THE MEMBERS RECEIVE THE UPDATED OPERATOR DIAGRAMS THEY ARE URGED TO MARK THEM UP AS SOON AS POSSIBLE AND RETURN THEM TO GILBERT COMMONWEALTH WITH AS MUCH LEAD TIME AS POSSIBLE BEFORE THE NEXT OPERATING COMMITTEE MEETING) The committee then reviewed the metering recommendation made by the SCADA/Metering/Communications Subcommittee and after a minor change was made,Mike Yerkes motioned that the recommendation be formally adopted.Sam Matthews seconded the motion and the mem- bers unanimously approved the motion.(See attached recommen- dation which was approved). It was noted that Robert Day,from Municipal Light &Power,and Jim Hall,from Matanuska Electric Association,would look into the requirements for taking the data on the intertie which will be collected in the bubble memory metering and putting it on magnetic tape for future use by other users. August ll,1983 AFIOC Minutes Page 5 With a brief discussion taking place first,John Marshall motioned that the committee adopt the Gilbert Commonwealth proposal for the Intertie Relaying and Protection which was presented to the Relaying/Protection Subcommittee on August 10,1983.Sam Matthews seconded the motion and the members unanimously approved the motion. Members then had a brief discussion on the Machine Rating Subcom- mittee report and felt that the subcommittee had made a good start in this area.(MEMBERS ARE REQUESTED TO THOROUGHLY REVIEW THE” REPORT FOR COMMENTS AT THE NEXT MEETING).This concluded the new business portin of the meeting. Moving to formal actions,Bob Orr noted that the committee had already taken formal action on items during the old business and new business portions of the meeting. The committee turned to setting an agenda for subcommittee meetings and the next regular full committee meeting. THE NEXT MEETING OF THE RESERVES/LOADSHED SUBCOMMITTEE WILL BE ON WEDNESDAY,SEPTEMBER 21,1983 AT 9:00 A.M.IN THE MUNICIPAL LIGHT AND POWER CONFERENCE ROOM. BOB ORR WILL ATTEMPT TO SCHEDULE A MEETING OF THE SCADA/METERING/ COMMUNICATIONS SUBCOMMITTEE PRIOR TO THE NEXT FULL OPERATING COMMITTEE MEETING. The SCADA/Metering/Communications Subcommittee members are urged to review the A.P.A.SCADA report which was previously provided to these subcommittee members. Bob Orr motioned that the meeting be adjourned.John Marshall seconded the motion.The members unanimously approved the motion. The meeting ended at 2:55 P.M. THE NEXT REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING OF THE ANCHORAGE FAIRBANKS INTERTIE OPERATING COMMITTEE WILL BE HELD IN ANCHORAGE,ALASKA AT THE MUNICIPAL LIGHT &POWER CONFERENCE ROOM AT 1200 EAST FIRST AVENUE AT 9:00 A.M.ON THURSDAY,SEPTEMBER 22,1983. 7Asubmitted,Mike Ma Uf:-Oe aryAnchorage-Fairbanks Intertie Operating Committee MEM/csn Attchs:1.Machine/Rating Subcommittee Report 2.SCADA/Metering/Communications Subcommittee Recommendation -Adopted ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS INTERTIE Machine Rating Subcommittee August 2,1983 Meeting Minutes ATTENDANCE:John Spence,Chugach Electric Association Frank Abegg,III,Golden Valley Electric Association Hank Nikkels,Municipal Light and Power SUBJECT:Initial Meeting of the Machine Rating Subcommittee It was initially decided that the original document,Uniform Rating of Generating Equipment,was far too detailed for a system like the intertied Anchorage-Fairbanks System.It is intended that as the data becomes more available,and the system more sophisticated,that the document will be upgraded to meet requirements.For now,ease of use and realistic general numbers appear to be a driving factor. It was decided since gas turbines represent the bulk of generation of the intertied system,the rating procedure will deal with them primarily,and other types of equipment will be ratec in reiation to them.Ambient temperature vs.power curves for other types of cycles will not be similar to the gas turbine curves,however,it is felt that the basic restrictions placed on hydro and even steam turbines will be due to changes in ambient temperature.The Committee felt that it was important not only to establish a uniform rating for machines but to establish realistic limitations for those dieces of equipment. The data sheets were redone to simplify data gathering and to reflect the conditions of the machine and that of the station.The sheets provide sufficient data to establish a very simple curve which could be utilized on a SCADA system to show on line spin and reserves. O Il. Ou. UNIFORM RATING OF GENERATING EQUIPMENT General Generating capability to meet the system load and provide the required amount of reserves is necessary to assure reliability. This generating capability must be accounted for in a uniform manner which uses consistently attainabie values for planning and operating the system. Procedures are herein established for rating generating units in service or which will be brought into service in the future. These procedures define the framework under which the ratings are to be established.As required,the Operating Committee will modify the rating and testing methodology. General Guides for Establishing Capability Ratinds It is intended to establish a realistic capability for all units and stations,recognizing that ambient conditions present the greatest variable and that at this time combustion turbines represent the bulk of the system's capability. I.S.O.conditions (59°@ sealevel),continuous (base for combustion turbines)will represent the nominal rating for all equipment (combustion turbines,diesels,steam turbines, and hydro plants),however,a curve based an ambient showing limitations will be the basis for evaluating equipment performance. Testing Procedures to Demonstrate Capabilitv All participants will submit both machine and station data to the Operating Committee on a standard form (attached)for review Testing will be done by the owner utilizing station instruments. The Operating Committee may request additional data as needed or designate representatives to witness tests. It is recommended that performance be checked annually,but it is required that each machine be retested and resubmitted after major maintenance or any work or occurrence that upgrades or derates the machine has been performed. Report Procedures All participants shall submit the required data to the Operating Committee.This data shall be reported on the Uniform Rating Forms as included herein.Each participant's initial report should show manufacturer's data and actual test data,or best estimate if test data is not available.Two manufacturer's curves will also be submitted;one for driver performance (combustion turbines use ambient vs.capability)and generator capability.The subsequent submission of data shall include actual test data as provided in this Guide to replace estimated data. Each participant shall submit future reports annually on or before October l for the following twelve months beginning October 1.Each annual report shall cover all existing units, planned start-up of new units,and planned retirements of units and shall consist of the following: l.A letter identifying those units whose rating has not changed,showing the dates of latest tests confirming capabilities. 2.Complete revised forms (unit and station)for units.on which a change has occurred. 3.Complete revised forms (unit and station)showing planned additions or retirements beginning with the month of commercial or retirements or month of retirement. Between annual reporting,revised forms shall be submitted as necessary for new units placed in commercial operation,units retired,and for units where tests show the rating has changed. Any change in additions,retirements,or ratings snall be submitted within 30 days of the addition,retirement,or test. By October 1 of each year,all test data shall be current. However,the letter shall be submitted confirming the dates of tests. The Operating Committee will analyze and review the annual reporting for completeness and correctness and report the need for clarification to the member concerned.The Operating Committee will maintain an updated set of reports,including» current changes as they occur,from the participants,and will provide complete reports,and/or revisions to participants requesting them. UNIT REPORT UTILITY NAME:UNIT I.D.: STATION:YEAR INSTALLED:' TYPE CYCLE:(check one) Combustion Turbine Steam Turbine Hydro Turbine Diesel Other Comment: PRIMARY FUEL:(check one) Natural Gas Distillate Crude Oil Coal Other ALTERNATE FUEL:(check one if applicable) Natural Gas Distillate Crude oil Coal Other Comment: OPERATIONAL CONSIDERATIONS:Example:Portion of Combined Cycle, Provides heating steam,Load Factor (Hydro)Etec,Duel Fuel Change Over.Comment: DRIVER Manufacturer: Model: Continuous Rating:BASE ISO (conditions):MW @ 59 degrees (NET) F.O'feet elevation Anti-Ice/De-ice Equipment (type) When used Inlet Filtration (type) When used GENERATOR MANUFACTURER: MODEL: TYPE COOLING: KVA:259°F if air cooled BOILER (if applicable) TYPE: MANUFACTURER: RATED PRESSURE: RATED STEAM TEMPERATURE: RATED STEAM FLOW: The following for waste heat applications only: DOES BOILER HAVE AUXILIARY FD FAN &FIRING:Yes No MANUFACTURER'S DATA:ACTUAL (NET)TEST DATA (if available) RATING 390°F:MW CAPABILITY oF:MW Date RATING 60°F:MW CAPABILITY F:MW Date ('cing on)RATING 30°F:MW CAPABILITY FP:MW Date . RATING -30°F:MW CAPABILITY P:MW Date CONTROL OATA Cold Start-Up Time (to initial syncronization)Minutes Normal Loading Time (O-to rated load)Minutes Black Start Capability Yes no Droop (Normal Setting)% Is Droop aAdjustanle?Yes %To 4,No H or inertia Constant Mecaloules/MVA Attach Ambient VS Power Joint Curve and Co-Generation Capability Curve. Comciler's Name:Date:Phone: GENERATING STATION REPORT UTILITY UTILITY UTILITY STATION STATION STATION ALTERNATE CONTACT: NAME:ATNEADDRESS: PHONE ¢: NAMES: LOCATION: ELEVATION: TYPE CYCLES: PHONE #:WORK: USE: HOME: Combustion turbine =CT Peaking and Standby =P/SSteamturbine=ST Hydro turbine =HT Base Load =BL Diesel =O Other (describe) UNIT iD TYPES CF CYCLE NCMINAL RATING |USE STATION CAPABILITY @ 90 DEGREES (NET)MW STATION CAPABILITY @ 30 DEGREES (NET)aw STATION CAPABILITY 2 -30 DEGREES (NET)sg STATION Remarks: Primary fuei(s) Alternate fuel(s) Ambient temperature or MET conditions Man Power: Other: COMMENTS: Compiler's Name:Phone: 8-10-83 INTERTIE METERING REQUIREMENTS REVENUE METERING REQUIREMENTS All facilities tapped off the intertie between Healy and Teeland shall have adequate metering which is compatible with,and telemetered to the appropriate Control Area Control Center.The metering requirements are as set forth in Figure l or Figure 2 depending on the facility.If the power flow capabilities are only one direction Figure 2 applies.If the power flow capabilities are bi-directional Figure 1 applies. Any participant using intertie rights must have adequate metering which is compatible with,and telemetered to the appropriate Control Area Control Center.This metering must be located at the tie point of the participant to the grid. The metering requirements are as set forth in Figure l. OPERATING METERING REQUIREMENTS In addition to the revenue metering requirements the following additional metering is required or recommended as identified for operation of the interconnected system: A)Require local and remote buss voltage indication. Recommend local and remote 3 phase voltage and current indication. B)Require local and remote syncronizing capabilities on the tie breakers.The local syncronizing panel shall consist of the following as a minimum:analog voltage meter and syncronizing light indicators for each side ofthebreaker;360°sync-scope.The sync-scope selector Switch shall supervise breaker local "close"commands. All local and remote breaker "close"commands shall be supervised by a syncro-check relay. C)Recommend local In/Out Watt strip chart recorder with zero watt center scale. All remote capabilities are to be compatible with,and tele- metered to the appropriate Control Area Control Center. TYPICAL REVENUE METERING FOR TAPS OFF THE INTERTIE \POWER FLOW 'DISTRIBUTION >se BUSa "Ss CLASS (0.3 Accuracy)REGUIRED "100.3Accurkcy)K cc rt; E WH = -. J LN RTU neeeeetondY Y DEMANO RECORDER 1)ALL TRANSDUCERS TO HAVE .25%ACCURACY MINIMUM 2)ALL METERS TO HAVE 1%ACCURACY 3)WATTHCUR AND VARHOUR DEMAND LOCALLY RECORDED 4)ALL METERS TO HAVE DETENTS» °ryt {- CT 'PT METERING :METERING CLASS REQUIRED (1.2 Accuracy on Douglas Tap is ok) LL DATA LINK TO AREA>CONTROL CENTER ia AUG.8.1983 TYPICAL REVENUE METERING FOR INTERCONNECTED OPERATION INTERCONNECT . PT METERING/\CLASS REQUIRED )Cc WH VARH (0.5 Accuracy)>>-">--POWERFLOW<Nz RTU a) crip Nn by a DEMAND RECORDER LL >DATA LINK TO AREA CONTROL CENTERIVALLTRANOUCERSTOHAVE.25°ACCURACY MINIMUM i 2)ALL METERS TO HAVE!%ACCURACY 3)ALL METERS TO HAVE DETENTS | |nove AUG.8,1983 ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS INTERTIE OPERATING COMMITTEE MINUTES July 13,1983 (At Anchorage) ATTENDANCE:Mike Massin Hank Nikkels Ken Ritchey Eric Haemer John Marshall Sam Matthews Tom Small Robert Orr Marvin Riddle Myles Yerkes Municipal Light &Power Municipal Light &Power Matanuska Electric Association Chugach Electric Association Chugach Electric Association Homer Electric Association Gilbert Commonwealth Golden Valley Electric Association Golden Valley Electric Association Alaska Power Authority (State) Dan Rice Gilbert Commonwealth Barry Lyons Gilbert Commonwealth Larry Colp Fairbanks Municipal Utilities System Stan Sieczkowski Alaska Power Administration(Federal) Robert Day Municipal Light and Power The meeting commenced at 8:50 A.M.with the above in attendance. Bob Orr motioned that the minutes be approved as written.Larry Colp seconded the motion and the members unanimously approved the Motion. Bob Orr motioned that review of the operator's diagram which was brought to this meeting by Gilbert Commonwealth be inserted into the agenda as the first order under new business.Mike Massin seconded the motion and the members unanimously approved the motion. Under Committee correspondence and reports,Mike Massin read two letter which were received as correspondence by the Operating Committee since the last meeting.The first letter read was from the Alaska Power Authority designating Myles Yerkes as the APA representative to the Operating Committee and designating Larry Wolf as the APA alternative representative to the Operating Committee.The second letter was from Bob Orr,Operating Committee Chairman,to Thomas R.Stahr,Chairman of the Alaska Systems Coordinating Council which requested Mr.Stahr to designate someone who would represent the ASCC on the OperatingCommittee. Sam Matthews gave a report on the July 7,1983 Handbook and Procedures Subcommittee meeting which occurred in Homer.Sam handed out a listing showing Operating Committee duties as spe- cified in the Intertie Draft Contract.The list showed areas of responsibility each of the subcommittees should be addressing intheirworkactivities. July 13,1983 AFIOC Minutes Page 2 Hank Nikkels gave a report on the work of the Reserves/Load Shedding Subcommittee which met on June 23,1983.Hank presented the Operating Committee with minutes of the June 23,1983 subcom- mittee meeting.Hank Nikkels then gave a report from the Dispatch/Scheduling Subcommittee which met on June 24,1983.Hank also presented the Operating Committee with minutes of the June 24,1983 meeting.Hank noted that the Dispatch/SchedulingSubcommitteefeltthatfurtherexplanationofSection3.1 of the Intertie Draft Contract was required of the Alaska Power Authority.Mike Yerkes then suggested that further discussion occur under the new business portion of the agenda. The committee received no requests for visitor appearances or com- ments and no visitors were in attendance at this meeting. Having no old business,the Operating Committee then prepared to move into the new business portion of the meeting. Mike Yerkes then requested that the meeting briefly backtrack to committee reports to allow him to update the committee members on the activities of the Alaska Power Authority since the last Operating Committee meeting.The members expressed no objection to this request.Mike noted that the 1983 Alaska State Legislature appropriated 25 million dollars for the Anchorage- Fairbanks Intertie and the bill was still awaiting the Governor's signature.He also indicated that approximately 18 million dollars would be required next year to complete the project.He then reported that bids were opened on the SVS Systems and as a result of difficulty in evaluating losses,the SVS Systems were going to be rebid as quickly as possible.Mike also reported that the Alaska Power Authority has tentatively reached an agreement with Matanuska Electric Association to build approximately five Miles of new line between Teeland Substation and (Hollywood). Mike also reported that the Alaska Power Authority had met with both Golden Valley Electric Association and Chugach Electric Association to discuss the Intertie SCADA system acquired for the northern and southern control centers and that they had discussed cost sharing. The new business portion of the meeting then resumed at 9:30 A.M. and the Operating Committee recessed into a work session.Bob Orr then turned the meeting over to Dan Rice from Gilbert Commonwealth so he could present the operating diagram of the Intertie and the associated utilities and to provide an update on the APA SCADA system.The members generally felt that individual diagrams of specific utility systems as well as an overall larger key map would be a preferable system to operate with.There was also quite a bit of discussion on the use of symbols on the operating diagram.The discussion centered around the use of symbols versus device numbers. July 13,1983 AFIOC Minutes Page 3 At approximately 10:10 A.M.the Operating Committee took a 15 minute break. After the break Dan Rice gave a historical update on Intertie SCADA-Control System.He noted that some of the early SCADA-Control planned by the Alaska Power Authority has since been included in the Golden Valley Electric Association and Chugach Electric Association control centers.Dan handed out sheets showing alternatives 1 and 2 for communications facilities between Anchorage and Fairbanks and a preliminary installation schedule. The Alaska Power Authority will make a decision in October of this year on the two alternatives.During the discussions on the operator diagrams,Dan handed out to the members packets showing preliminary operating diagrams for the various utility systems. He requested that the utility participants review the preliminary operator diagrams and provide comments on the diagrams including Planned facilities of the various utilities which would be in ser- vice at such time as the Intertie comes on line.THE UTILITIES ARE TO PROVIDE COMMENTS TO GILBERT COMMONWEALTH AT THE BELLEVUE OFFICE BY JULY 27,1983. Dan Rice then turned the meeting over to Barry Lyons,who was introduced at the beginning of the meeting and Barry began a pre- sentation of the SCADA Intertie System as perceived by Gilbert Commonwealth and the Alaska Power Authority. The Operating Committee recessed for lunch at 11:35 A.M.and the Meeting resumed at 1:30 P.M. When the meeting resumed Chairman Orr turned the meeting back to Gilbert Commonwealth.Dan Rice then walked the Operating Committee members through several scenarios for power transactions as they would be handled under the Intertie contract. After Dan Rice completed his power transaction discussion, Chairman Orr then opened up the meeting to allow the utility mem- bers to give presentations on their respective SCADA and control systems.Marvin Riddle then gave a presentation on the Golden Valley Electric Association Control and Dispatch System which is now under contract.Marvin provided block diagrams and sample display information for the members as discussion took place. Eric Haemer from Chugach Electric Association then gave a presen- tation on the CEA Dispatch and Control System which is also under contract.Eric also furnished handouts and presented the members with some photographs for review.Robert Day from Municipal Light and Power was next and he presented an overview on the status of the current ML&P Interim SCADA System and provided the committee members with information on the types of problems which ML&P encountered and had not anticipated and recommended that the other utilities try to learn from the ML&P experience. July 13,1983 AFIOC Minutes Page 4 Larry Colp from Fairbanks Municipal Utilities System gave the final SCADA presentation on the FMUS system which Marvin Riddle from GVEA briefly discussed at the beginning of these presen- tations. The meeting came out of work session at 4:20 P.M. Continuing under new business,Mike Massin handed out an updatedlistingofOperatingCommitteeofficers,an updated listing of Operating Committee representatives and alternates and a revised set of guidelines which were approved at the prior meeting held in Fairbanks in June.Bob Orr then motioned that the handouts be adopted for inclusion in the Operating Committee handbooks and Mixe Yerkes seconded the motion.The members unanimously approved the motion. Larry Colp from FMUS will be added to the Relay/Protection Subcommittee. Mike Yerkes motioned to accept the report of the Reserves/Load Shedding Subcommittee and to present it at the next Operating Committee for formal adoption.Sam Matthews seconded the motion. The members approved the motion unanimously.SEE ATTACHED REPORT. Bob Orr then motioned to accept the Scheduling/Dispatch Subcommittee report and to present it at the next Operating Committee meeting for formal approval.Sam Matthews seconded the Motion.The vote was approved unanimously.SEE ATTACHED REPORT. Next,Sam Matthews motioned to accept the Handbook and Procedures Subcommittee listing on contractual duties of the Operating Committee and to have the Operating Committee direct the various subcommittees to develop priorities in the respective areas and begin work.Mike Yerkes seconded the motion.The vote was approved unanimously by the members.SEE ATTACHED LISTING. The Operating Committee then began a discussion on the next area of activity which the SCADA/Metering/Communications Subcommittee should address and felt that the Subcommittee should begin a review of the existing APA one line diagrams paying particular a attention to metering and to then develop some standards and recommendations for the full committee to act on.During discussions which centered around the scheduling of a SCADA/Metering/Communications Subcommittee meeting prior to the nextregularOperatingCommittee,several members indicated that having---- subcommittee meetings as well as Operating Committee meetings and at different times was causing scheduling problems in their own.utility work areas.When the discussion was complete the members generally agreed that an effort should be made to try and schedule subcommittee meetings either the day before or the day after the full Operating Committee meeting.With this in mind,the O July 13,1983 AFIOC Minutes Page 5 Committee then set a schedule for both the SCADA/Metering/Communi- cations Subcommittee and the Relay/Protection Subcommittee. THE NEXT MEETING OF THE SCADA/METERING/COMMUNICATIONS SUBCOMMITTEE WILL BE ON WEDNESDAY,AUGUST 10,1983 AT 9:00 A.M.IN THE MUNICIPAL LIGHT AND POWER CONFERENCE ROOM. THE NEXT MEETING OF THE RELAY/PROTECTION SUBCOMMITTEE WILL BE ON WEDNESDAY,AUGUST 10,1983 AT 1:30 P.M.IN THE MUNICIPAL LIGHT AND PWOER CONFERENCE ROOM.Gilbert Commonwealth will provide a relaying presentation at this subcommittee meeting. At this point the new business portion of the Operating Committee meeting was concluded. No formal Operating Committee actions/recommendations took place at this meeting. The Operating Committee then set the agenda (SEE ATTACHED)for the next meeting of Operating Committee. Sam Matthews then motioned to adjourn the meeting.John Marshall seconded the motion.The members unanimously approved the Motion.The meeting ended at 5:15 P.M. THE NEXT REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING OF THE ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS OPERATING COMMITTEE WILL BE HELD IN ANCHORAGE,ALASKA AT THE MUNICIPAL LIGHT AND rOWER CONFERENCE ROOM AT 1200 EAST FIRST AVENUE AT 8:30 A.M.ON THURSDAY,AUGUST 11,1983. Respectfully submitted, a Bi ae me Le '.;WE bf (65 Fig Mike Massin -Secretary Anchorage-Fairbanks Intertie Operating Committee "At MEM/slg Attachs:1.Reserves/Load Shed Subcommittee Report 2.Dispatch/Scheduling Subcommittee Report 3.Listing of Contractual Duties prepared by Handbook and Procedures Subcommittee 4.Agenda for Next Meeting O -AGENDA - ANCHORAGE FAIRBANKS INTERTIE OPERATING COMMITTEE August 11,1983 Begin at 8:30 A.M. I.Adoption of prior meeting minutes II.Approval/modification of agenda III.Committee correspondence report A.SCADA/Metering/Communications Subcommittee B.Relay/Protection Subcommittee IV.Visitor comments related to items on agenda V.Old business 1)Reserve/Load shed reportO2)Dispatch/Scheduling report VI.New Business A.Recess and work session B.Operating diagram review Cc.Contract review D.SCADA/Metering/Communications E.Relay/Protection F.Other VII.Formal operating committee actions/recommendations VIII.Set agenda for next meeting IX.Adjournment Adjourn by 4:30 P.M. Main Conference Room 1200 East First Avenue Anchorage,Alaska 99501 (279-7671) O Meeting location:Anchorage Municipal Light and Power ANCHORAGE FAIRBANKS INTERTIE©-OPERATING COMMITTEE - SUBCOMMITTEES I.Relay/Protection Subcommittee II.Handbook/Procedures Subcommittee III.Machine Rating Subcommittee IV.Reserves/Load Shed Subcommittee Vv.S.V.S.Evaluation Subcommittee VI.S.C.A.D.A./Metering/Communications Subcommittee VII.Dispatch/Scheduling Subcommittee VIII.Budget Subcommittee O *Chairman *Jonn Marshall, Jim Hall, Larry Hembree, Mike Yerkes, Larry Colp *Sam Mathews, Mike Massin, Bob Orr, Stan Sieczkowski, *Ray Duncan, Hank Nikxkels, Frank Abegg III, *Ray Duncan, Marvin Riddle, Mike Yerkes, Hank Nikkels, Larry Hembree, Keith Swortz, *Mike Yerkes, John Marshall, Dave Shaeffer, *Bob Orr, Hank Nikkels, Mike Yerkes, Jim Hall, Ray Duncan, Marvin Riddle, Robert Day, Al Martin, *Ray Duncan, Hank Nikkels, Marvin Riddle, AL Martin *Bob Orr,John Marshall, Mike Massin, CEA MEA ML&P APA FMUS HEA ML&P GVEA APA Ad. CEA ML&aP GVEA CEA GVEA APA ML&P ML&P FMUS APA CEA G.C.A. GVEA ML&P APA MEA CEA GVEA ML&P FMUS CEA ML&P GVEA FMUS GVEA CEA ML&P ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS INTERTIE RESERVES/LOAD SHED SUBCOMMITTEE June 23,1983 ATTENDANCE:Hank Nikkels Municipal Light and Power ,Larry Hembree Municipal Licht and Power Keith Swortz Fairbanks Municipal Utilities System Ray Duncan Chugach Electric Association Marvin Riddle Golden Valley Electric Association DISCUSSION:A.Overating/Abraviseness B.Formula Method Allocation of Reserves C.Auto Load Shed/Spin Minutes of the 6/24/83 Subcommittee Meeting.Per instructicn from the operating committee,the subcommittee revised pertinent parts of the proposed contract. ARTICLE III Section 2 2.1 OK 2.2 OK 2.3 OK 2.4 OK 2.5 OKOSection3NO ACTION X Section 4 NO ACTION Section 5 NO ACTION Section 6 NO ACTION ARTICLE IV Section 1 NO ACTION ARTICLE V NO ACTION ARTICLE VI NO ACTION ARTICLE VII NO ACTION ARTICLE VIII NO ACTION ARTICLE IX NO ACTION ARTICLE X_ Section 1 NO ACTION Section 2 NO ACTION Section 3 NO ACTION Section 3.1 It is recommended Operating Committee discuss. Comment:Is A.P.A.double billing?What is intent? Section 4 4.1 It is recommended Operating Committee discuss. Anchorage Fairbanks Intertie Reserves/Load Shed Subcommittee Page 2 TICLE XI NO ACTION ARTICLE XII Section 1 -2 Reference to Operating Committee Comment: 3 How are non-generating utilities dealt with, or commitment to non-generating utilities made? ARTICLE XIII Section l 1.1 New Suaqgested Wording:Second Sentence: As Written:As soon as practicable Chanage to:Within 2 hours 1.2 OK Section 2 2.1 New Suggested Wording:Middle of Sentence: As Written:to 150 percent Change to:to 100 percent 2.1.1 Middle of Sentence:As Written:100 percent of the capability of the largest unit in oreration Chance to:100 percent of the largest single .generating unit contingency in operation 2.1.2 OK 2.2 Last sentence:As Written:This criteria may be modified or changed by the Operating Committee Acticn. Chance to:2.3 This criteria may be modified orChangedbytheOperatingCommitteeAction.Question: To Operating Committee:With exception of 2.3 (added), can 2.2 be eliminated as a result of mods made in document. Section 3 3.1 The Committee discussed using other formula due to disatisfaction with the one proposed. A)On line spin =largest contingency B)Individual Allocation of Spin= Svstem Individual Load Intertied Total Load O fifeJ"ank Nikkels *Largest Contingency oy ANCHORAGE-PAIRBANKS INTERTIE SCHEDULING SUBCOMMITTEE June 24,1983 EO):<encance:Hank Nikkels Municipal light and Power Ray Duncan Chugach Electric Association Marvin Riddle Golden Valley Electric Association Keith Swortz Fairbanks Municipal Utilities System Minutes of the 6/24/83 Subcommittee Meeting.Per instruction from the Operating Committee,the subcommittee revised pertinent parts of the proposed contract. ARTICLE X Section 1.1 OK 1.2 OK 1.3 OK Comment:Concern was expressed by several members of the sub- .committee on access as guaranteed by the proposed contract Section 2 2.1 OK 2.2 ADD Guidelines shall be established by the Ocerating Committee. 2.3 DELETE SECTION Comment:Committee recommends Celetin this section. Section 3O3.1 Comment:Wording appears to conflict itself,it is requested APA explain intent.It is requested con- sideration be given to deleting this section because it appears to cause conflict with good perception of the intertie. Section neyfaOK ARTICLE III Section e°eWONIHOWNoOnxPRERPPREPeee1.9.1 1.9.2 1.9.3 1.9.4 1.10 NO ACTION 1.11 NO ACTIONO1.12 ADD Third sentence add (s)to day. Anchorage-Fairbanks Intertie ©een Subcommittee ' ARTICLE VII Section 3 3.1 Comment:The committee recommends deletion ARTICLEbecauseitisredundantwith1.12 of hi, Pace bo7 Rank Nixxels Contractual Duties ofOringCommittee AUCHCIAGE/FPAIRBANKS INTERTIE Page 2 Establishment and organization of Operating Committee. Delegation of responsibility to Operating Committee. See Article III,1.11 above. Compliance with directives and instructions of the Operating Establish and submit to APA and participants Operating Committee scope of operations and budget. See Article III,1.9.2 above. See Article III,1.9.2 above. See Article III,2.2 above. Establish annual accredited Capability of participants. Operating Reserve.See Article III,2.2 above. Operating Reserve.See Article III,2.2 above. Operating Reserve.See Article III,2.2 above. Operating Reserve.See Article III,2.2 above. Loadshedding portion of operating reserves.See Article III,2.2 See Article III,2.2 above. ART.SEC.PAGE REMARKS 14)VIII 15)IX lel 22 16)IX 1.4.6 24 17)IX 1.4.9 24 Committee. 18)IX 2.1 24 19)Xx lel 26 20)Xx 1.2 27O,,XII 1.2 30 22)XII 1.3 30 23)XIII lel 30 24)XIII 1.2 30 25)XIII 2.2 31 26)XIII 3.1 31 27)XIII:4.2 32 above. 28)XIII 4.3 32 29)XIV 1.3 34 Establish metering equipment requirements. ACCEPTED 7/13/83 SUB.COMM. VI/VITI IV III IV IV IV IV IV VI wot ;ANCHORAGE/FAIRRBANKS INTERTIE Contractual Duties of Operating Committee ART.SEC.PAGE REMARKS SUB.COMM. 1)III 1.4 4 OF 40 Establish time control standards.VII 3) 6) 7) 10) 11) 12) III III Iilt II! Tit Tit IT! IItl Tit VI VI VII 1.10 1.11 1.12 2.5 4.1 3.3 14 14 18 Establish interconnection voltage standards. Establish interchange energy transfer scheduling criteria. Establish interchange energy transfer scheduling criteria. Establish records and data required for actual amounts of power &energy at the interchange points and processing of this information. Refer to Article III, Establish utility participant 1.9.2 above. operating reserve responsibility. Establish utility participant automatic load shedding responsibility. Coordination of the settings and operation of protective relaying and control devices of participants. Establish participant's responsibility for regulated interconnected system,real and reactive power flow. Review and approval of modifications and additions to the intertie.Develop committee procedures. Determine allocation of costs for modifications and additions the intertie.Develop committee procedures. See Article III,1.9.2 above. Also,establish emergency outace procedures. ACCEPTED 7/13/83 to I/VII VII VII VI/VII VII IV IV VII II II .ban ATTENDANCE: The meeting commenced at 9:20 A.M. ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS INTERTIE OPERATING COMMITTEE MINUTES June 15,1983 (At Fairbanks) Marvin Riddle Myles Yerkes James Hall Ken Ritchie Ray Duncan John Marshall Sam Matthews Larry Colp Hank Nikkels Mike Massin Robert Orr Keith Sworts Golden Valley Electric Association Alaska Power Authority (State) Matanuska Electric Association Matanuska Electric Association Chugach Electric Association Chugach Electric Association Homer Electric Association Fairbanks Municipal Utilities System Municipal Light &Power Municipal Light &Power Golden Valley Electric Association Fairbanks Municipal Utilities System with the above in attendance. The Alaska Power Administration (Federal)was not represented at Larry Colp motioned that the minutes be approved asthismeeting. written, Sam Matthews motioned that the agenda be approved as listed. John Marshall seconded the motion and the members unani- mously approved the motion. Jim Hall seconded the motion and the members unanimously approved the motion. Under committee correspondence and reports,Mike Massin indicated that no new correspondence had been received by the Operating Committee since the last meeting. the work of the Handbook/Procedures Subcommittee. Sam Matthews then reported on Sam's report was made to the Operating Committee as they reviewed the newly started handbooks which were given to the members prior to the Start of the meeting.There was quite a bit of discussion on the handbook format which was being presented by Sam Matthews,Mike Yerkes expressed concern that the handbook format which follows the format used by the National Electric Reliability Council would result in too general of an operating handbook.Mike Massin noted that the approach taken by the Handbook/Procedures Subcommittee was to get started on a handbook format with the intent that the Operating Committee would have a full opportunity to make any changes which would be appropriate. Metering/SCADA/Communications Subcommittee. Bob Orr gave a report on the Mike Yerkes then reported that Gilbert Commonwealth Associates will have an opera- tors diagram of the intertie project available very shortly. Discussion then occurred amongst the members concerning the need to have a consistant method for designating and labeling switch and circuit breaker equipment on the operating diagram. Yerkes also reported that the Alaska Power Authority is pursuing Mike utilization on the State of Alaska microwave telecommunications system for the intertie SCADA communications and control system. June 15,1983 AFIOC Minutes Page 2 The meeting recessed for a short break at approximately 10:15 A.M. and resumed at 10:30 A.M. The committee received no requests for visitor appearances or com- ments and no visitors were in attendance at this meeting. Having no old business,the committee then went directly into the new business portion of the meeting.After continuing discussion which began earlier during the committee correspondenceand reports,Sam Matthews motioned and Mike Yerkes seconded that the preliminary draft format for the Operating Committee Handbook be adopted with the understanding of the Operating Committee that the format which was being approved would be used as an expansion and development guideline for the committee.The motion was carried unanimously by the committee.After discussion took place con- cerning the operating guides which were recommended in the draft Operating handbook,Sam Matthews motioned and Mike Yerkes seconded that a new Item #26 called System Equipment Identification and a new Item #27 called Dispatch Coordination be added to the Operating guides.The motion was carried unanimously by the com- mittee. The next Handbook/Procedures Subcommittee meeting will be held in Homer,Alaska on July 7,1983,at Homer Electric Association at 9:00 A.M. The committee then began a discussion on the need to get moving, with some firm recommendations being made by the Loadshed/Reserves Subcommittee.Both Chugach Electric Association and Matanuska Electric Association expressed concerns in this area.The Loadshed/Reserves Subcommittee will meet in Anchorage,Alaska at Municipal Light &Power on June 23,1983 at 1:00 P.M. Bob Orr questioned the need to have the Metering/SCADA/Communica- tions Subcommittee meet prior to the next regularly scheduled meeting of the Intertie Operating Committee.The committee mem- bers felt that this would not be required. Bob Orr requested that the Alaska Power Authority provide a pre- sentation at the next regular Intertie Operating Committee meeting to give the utilities an update on the SCADA system being provided by the Alaska Power Authority.After more discussion took place, it was decided that the utilities involved would also provide a presentation of what they were doing with their individual SCADA systems in conjunction with the Intertie Project. John Marshall questioned what the status was on the intertie relaying.Most of the committee members felt that they were still in the dark as to what was taking place in this area.At the next regular Operating Committee meeting,relaying will be discussed and at that time a subcommittee meeting date will be scheduled. June 15,1983 AFIOC Minutes Page 3 Discussion then turned to the SVS (Static Var System)and Mike Yerkes provided an update as to the bids being sought for the system.Some discussion took place on the future need for the SVS Evaluation Subcommittee.The committee members felt that it should be continued with a change in title to the SVS Subcommittee. Ken Ritchie suggested that the various subcommittees which have been formed pursue a course of action which is consistent with the activities of the full committee and that the work being done in subcommittee be set forth by the Operating Committee. At 11:30 A.M.the Operating Committee recessed for lunch.The meeting resumed at 1:30 P.M. No formal actions or recommendations were taken or made by the Operating Committee at this meeting. As the committee was about to set the agenda for the next meeting, Mike Yerkes requested that the committee return to the new busi- ness portion of the meeting so that the committee could make recommendations for agenda items which should be addressed by the various subcommittees prior to the next regular Operating Committee meeting.Mike then noted that the various utility managers which were in attendance at the last Intertie Contract meeting felt that both the Loadshed/Reserves and Intertie Scheduling areas should be addressed by the Operating Committee. Mike Yerkes recommended that the Loadshed/Reserves Subcommittee look at the following areas: A.Operating and available reserves as proposed in the Intertie Agreement. B.The method,formula and allocation of reserves as proposed in the Intertie Agreemtent,. C.Review the proposal in the Intertie Contract as it per- -tains to automatic loadshedding in conjunction with utiliza- tion of spinning reserve. Ray Duncan indicated that it might be difficult to get much workdoneintheLoadshed/Reserves Subcommittee until the various uti- lities at their upper management levels develop their philosophi- cal position on reserves and loadshedding.After lengthy discussion,the committee members were in general agreement that it was going to be the responsibility of the Operating Committee to make strong recommendations to the various utility managers. O June 15,1983 AFIOC Minutes Page 4 Mike Yerkes then recommended that the Handbook/Procedures Subcommittee direct the efforts of their next meeting towards the responsibilities of the Operating Committee as they are outlined in the Operating Intertie Agreement. Mike Yerkes then suggested that the Dispatch/Scheduling Subcommittee direct the efforts of their first meeting towards a review of Article X in the Intertie Operating Agreement.The Dispatch/Scheduling Subcommittee will meet in Anchorage,Alaska at Municipal Light &Power on June 24,1983 at 9:00 A.M. The new business portion of the Operating Committee meeting was then concluded. The Operating Committee then discussed the agenda for the next regular scheduled Operating Committee meeting and agreed to add Dispatch/Scheduling Subcommittee Report to the agenda under Committee Correspondence.The utilities and Alaska Power Authority SCADA presentation was included under new business recess and work session.Relay/Protection was also added to new business for the next meeting. Mike Yerkes then motioned to adjourn the meeting and Keith Sworts seconded the motion.The motion was approved unanimously by the committee.The meeting ended at 2:30 P.M. THE NEXT REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING OF THE ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS INTERTIE OPERATING COMMITTEE WILL BE HELD IN ANCHORAGE,ALASKA AT THE MUNICIPAL LIGHT &POWER CONFERENCE ROOM AT 1200 EAST FIRST AVENUE AT 8:30 A.M.ON JULY 13,1983. Respectfully submitted, Wilbps Mike Massin,Secretary Anchorage-Fairbanks Operating Committee MEM/csn Attachment:Agenda for Next Meeting VI. -AGENDA - ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS INTERTIE OPERATING COMMITTEE July 13,1983 Begin at 8:30 A.M. Adoption of prior meeting minutes Approval/modification of agenda Committee correspondence report A.Handbook/procedures sub-committee report B.Reserves/load shed sub-committee report C.Dispatch/Scheduling Subcommittee Visitor comments related to items on agenda Old business A.Recess and work session New Business A.Recess and work session (S.C.A.D.A.Presentation) B.Committee procedures and rules C.Operating handbook development and handbook format D.Reserves and system-wide load shedding E.SCADA/metering/communications F.Relay/Protection G.Other Formal operating committee actions/recommendations Set agenda for next meeting Adjournment Adjourn by 4:30 P.M, Meeting location:Anchorage Municipal Light and Power Main Conference Room 1200 Fast First Avenue Anchorage,Alaska 99501 (279-7671) O ANCHORAGE=-FAIRBANKS INTERTIE OPERATING COMMITTEE MINUTES May 18,1983 ATTENDANCE:Larry Colp Fairbanks Municipal Utilities System Don La Marca Fairbanks Municipal Utilities System Dan Rice Gilbert Commonwealth Robert Orr Golden Valley Electric Association Tom Small Gilbert Commonwealth Sam Matthews Homer Electric Association John Marshall Chugach Electric Association -8 Ray Duncan Chugach Electric Association Miles Yerkes Alaska Power Authority (State) Mike Massin Municipal Light &Power Hank Nikkels Municipal Light &Power |. Ken Ritchie Matanuska Electric Association The meeting commenced at 9:05 A.M.with the above in attendance. The Alaska Power Administration (Federal)was not represented at this meeting. John Marshall motioned that the minutes be approved as written. Mike Massin seconded the motion and the members unanimously approved the motion. Mike Massin motioned that the agenda be approved as listed.John Marshall seconded the motion and the members unanimously approved the motion.- Under committee correspondence and reports,Mike Massin indicated that no new correspondence had been received by the Operating Committee since the last meeting.He then gave a brief report to the committee members on the meeting held yesterday by the General Manager's of the utilities in which they reviewed the latest draft of the Anchorage-Fairbanks Intertie Agreement.He indicated that Since the last meeting on the intertie agreement,that both MEA and HEA had notified the Alaska Power Authority of their intent to become full participant members under the agreement.He also indicated that after lengthy discussion amongst the utility General Manager's and APA that MEA and HEA elected to remain as associate participants as long as they were insured the future right to upgrade to full participant status without objection from any single utility or the APA.Sam Matthews,who also attended yesterday's meeting,also noted for the members that Mike Kelly, General Manager of Golden Valley Electric Association,had requested that APA look into the need for APA to be a voting member on the operating committee.Mike Yerkes gave an update on the status of the intertie project procurement contracts and construction contracts.Mike also noted that as a result of the May 18,1983 AFIOC Minutes Page 2 meeting which occurred yesterday in which the utilities concep- tually agreed to pursue multi-lateral utility agreements that the proposed Anchorage-Fairbanks Intertie Agreement could be subject to several changes which could reduce the agreement to more of a wheeling type of contract.Mike also reported that the legisla- ture is considering legislation to provide the remaining funding for the transmission line project in an amount equal to approxima- tely thirty-six million dollars ($36,000,000). The committee received no request for visitor appearances or com- ments and no visitors were in attendance at this meeting.Prior to the start of old business discussion,Mike Yerkes raised a point of order regarding his ability to vote on issues before the Operating Committee.Although the matter of APA voting in the Intertie Operating Committee proceedings was raised at the General Manager's meeting yesterday,the Operating Committee members felt that no problem existed with his voting on matters at least until such time as the matter has been settled by the General Managers and the Alaska Power Authority. Under old business,Sam Matthews handed out a recommendation for rules of procedure for the Intertie Operating Committee to follow and motioned that they be adopted.Hank Nikkels questioned whether this item would be more appropriately placed under new business.John Marshall moved that this item be moved into the new business section of the agenda.Hank Nikkels seconded the motion and the members unanimously adopted the motion.There being no additional old business,the meeting proceeded into the new business section of the agenda. Under new business discussion resumed on the rules of procedure furnished by Sam Matthews.Sam Matthews motioned that procedures proposed for press releases be amended to reflect the approval of the Operating Committee Chairman.John Marshall seconded the motion and the members unanimously approved the motion.Sam Matthews then motioned that the amended rules of procedure be adopted.Larry Colp seconded the motion and the members unani- mously adopted the motion. At 9:40 A.M.the Intertie Operating Committee recessed into a work session to discuss the additional items contained under new busi- ness in the agenda. Beginning discussion on the operating handbook development and handbook format,Bob Orr noted that GVEA is a member of the National Electric Reliability Council.Sam Matthews reviewed some of the key sectioned contained in the current NERC manual.Mike Massin asked if the other utilities were members of NERC and apparently only GVEA is a member at this time. May 18,1983 AFIOC Minutes Page 3 The Operating Committee members again briefly discussed the requirements for public meetings,and the proper guidelines to follow when executive sessions are required. Bob Orr requested that the Intertie Operating Commmittee Secretary issue to the members a current list of Operating Committee designees and their alternates. The Operating Committee members then began discussion on the designations for the various sub-committees required to make the Operating Committee work efficiently.Ken Ritchie noted that some of the sub-committee work that will occur is going to parallel sub-committees set up under the Alaska Systems Coordinating Council. To insure that work under consideration and review by the sub- committees of the Anchorage-Fairbanks Intertie Operating Committee is coordinated with the activities of the ASCC,Bob Orr is going to write a letter to Mr.Tom Stahr,Chairman of the Alaska Systems Coordinating Council,requesting that ASCC either arrange to periodically brief the Operating Committee on the activities of the ASCC or designate one of the Operating Committee members who also serve on various ASCC sub-committees to serve as the coor- dinating contact. The Operating Committee then proceeded to identify and develop the required sub-committees.Attached to these minutes is a current listing of the various sub-committees established and the designees who will serve on these sub-committees, The meeting then adjourned for lunch at 11:30 A.M. The meeting resumed in work session at 1:20 P.M. Mike Yerkes asked that he be excused immediately after the meeting reconvened.Bob Orr and Larry Colp handed out machine data and load shedding information for the Golden Valley and FMUS systems and proceeded to explain the information furnished to the commit- tee members.Mike Massin and Ray Duncan indicated that ML&P and CEA have not yet completed accumulations for machine data infor- mation.Additionally,CEA has not yet a compulation of load shedding material.Mike Massin provided the committee members with a one-line diagram and a data sheet showing the current ML&P load shedding scheme being utilized.The Operating Committee mem- bers discussed at length their various load shedding schemes which are in existance at this time.Ray Duncan indicated that CEA is preparing recommendations for changes on their current load shedding scheme which they are going to propose to ML&P for joint coordination.Mike Massin indicated that ML&P is using load shedding on its system through the distribution level.John Marshall noted that CEA has limited their load shedding to their34.5KV subtransmission for the present. O May 18,1983 AFIOC Minutes Page 4 John Marshall noted that it would be important for the Operating Committee members to agree on various definitions which would be utilized by the Operating Committee and the sub-committees.John indicated that the IEEE was a source of commonly accepted defini- tions used in the industry. Discussion resumed on system-wide load shedding for the entire utility group and the need for a system model reflecting current system configurations would be required.The Operating Committee members all felt that it was going to be necessary to have access to this model to test various operating configurations as the sub- committees proceeded in their work sessions. The work session ended at 3:15 P.M.and the Operating Committe resumed the formal portion of the meeting. No formal Operating Committee actions and recommendations were adopted at this meeting. Turning to the agenda for the next scheduled meeting,Bob Orr suggested that sub-committee reports be inserted in the agenda, below the portion providing for committee correspondence reports. Bob also recommended that the items currently carried under new business in the agenda under discussion be carried forward to the next meeting,and that the items be adjusted to combine reserves and system-wide load shedding as one item and that SCADA/metering/ communications be added as a new item.Prior to adjournment,the members discussed the location for the next Operating Committee Meeting and agreed to adjust the date from the 8th of June 1983 to the 15th of June 1983 and to hold the meeting in Fairbanks,Alaska 'as proposed in the first meeting of the Anchorage-Fairbanks Intertie Operating Committee.This meeting will be held in the Board Room of the Fairbanks Municipal Utilities System at 645 - Sth Avenue,Fairbanks,Alaska.After discussion concerning a field trip to visit various facilities of both GVEA and FMUS,it was decided that those members who wished to attend a field trip to visit these sites could come to Fairbanks on June 14,1983 (day before Operating Committee Meeting)and meet at the Golden valley Electric Association Center at 1:00 P.M.to start the field trip. John Marshall motioned that the meeting be adjourned.Mike Massin seconded the motion.The motion carried unanimously. The meeting adjourned at 3:50 P.M. Respectfully submitted, MapMase Mike Massin -Secretary Anchorage-Fairbanks Intertie Operating Committee MEM/csn Attach:Agenda for Next Meeting Listina of Sub-committees and Nesianees ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS INTERTIE -OPERATING COMMITTEE- DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVES AND ALTERNATES PARTICIPANT REPRESENTATIVE ALTERNATE PHONE NUMBER G.V.E.A.Marvin Riddle C.E.A.John Marshall 276-3500 C.E.A.Ray Duncan ML&P Mike Massin 279-7671 ML&P Hank Nikkels FMUS Keith Sworts 452-7109 FMUS Larry Colp A.P.A.(State)Mike Yerkes 277-7641 A.P.A.(State)£2 na ne ee ne ae me me me me me me MEA Ken Ritchie 745-3231 MEA Jim Hall HEA Sam Mathews 235-8551 A.P.A.(Fed)Stan Sieczkowski 745-3931 Effective 5/18/83 -AGENDA -O ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS INTERTIE OPERATING COMMITTEE June 15,1983 Begin at 9:00 A.M. I.Adoption of prior meeting minutes II.Approval/modification of agenda III.Committee correspondence report A.Handbook/procedures sub-committee report B.Reserves/load shed sub-committee report C.SCADA/metering/communications sub-committee report IV.Visitor comments related to items on agenda O Vv.Old business a A.Recess and work session VI.New Business A.Recess and work session B.Committee procedures and rules C.Operating handbook development and handbook format D.Reserves and system-wide load shedding E.SCADA/metering/communications F.Other - VII.Formal operating committee actions/recommendations VIII.Set agenda for next meeting IX.Adjournment Adjourn by 4:30 P.M. -Electric Commission conference Room 645 -5th Avenue Fairbanks,Alaska O Meeting location:Fairbanks Municipal Utilities System I.Relay/Protection Subcommittee II.Handbook/Procedures Subcommittee© III.Machine Rating Subcommittee IV.Reserves/Load Shed Subcommittee V.S.V.S. VI.S.C.A.D.A./Metering/Communications Subcommittee VII.Dispatch/Scheduling Subcommittee VIII.Budget Subcommittee "*Chairman Evaluation Subcommittee ANCHORAGE FAIRBANKS INTERTIE -OPERATING COMMITTEE - SUBCOMMITTEES *John Marshall, Jim Hall, Larry Hembree, Mike Yerkes, *Sam Mathews, Mike Massin, Bob Orr, Stan Sieczkowski, *Ray Duncan, Hank Nikkels, Frank Abegg III, *Ray Duncan, Marvin Riddle, Mike Yerkes, Hank Nikkels, Larry Hembree, Keith Swortz, *Mike Yerkes, John Marshall, Dave Shaeffer, *Bob Orr, Hank Nikkels, Mike Yerkes, Jim Hall, Ray Duncan, Marvin Riddle, Robert Day, Al Martin, *Ray Duncan, Hank Nikkels, Marvin Riddle, Al Martin, *Bob Orr, John Marshall Mike Massin, CEA MEA ML&P APA HEA ML&P GVEA APA Ad. CEA ML&P GVEA CEA GVEA APA ML&P ML&P FMUS APA CEA G.C.A. GVEA ML&P APA MEA CEA GVEA ML&P FMUS CEA ML&P GVEA FMUS GVEA CEA ML&P OPERATING COMMITTEEOANCHORAGEFAIRBANKS INTERTIESUBCOMMITTEES-Page 2 IX Reliability/Criteria Subcommittee Designate in Future X Load Resources Subcommittee *John Marshall,CEA Bob Orr,GVEA Mike Massin,ML&P O *Chairman March 9,1983 Anchorage -Fairbanks Intertie Operating Committee Minutes Page 2 about who their choices would be for these positions and at approximately 11:00 A.M.of this same day,the participants would make their nominations and selections.The participants then pro- ceeded to discuss the agenda items which were furnished by Mr. Rice prior to the start of the meeting.Ray Duncan requested that each of the participants at the table introduce themselves and who they work for and this was done before the discussion continued. Because some of the participants at this meeting were not present at the meeting held on March 8,1983,Dan Rice took the time to brief the participants on the changes in contract draft #3 as agreed to in the Manager's meeting of March 8,1983 as they apply to the Operating Committee.The participants then discussed how some of the changes might affect the Operating Committee.The participants also briefly discussed the need for bi-lateral agreements amongst the participants signatory to the intertie contract. Discussion then returned to the Operating Committee organizational requirements.Sam Matthews noted that the requirements for keeping files,records,mailing,providing secretarial assistance was going to be financially burdensome on the committee and the participants felt that it might be appropriate for language to be inserted into the Anchorage -Fairbanks Intertie Contract to pro- vide some type of budget for the Operating Committee to cover these certain types of expenses.The participants then discussed at length the impact that time commitments would be put on the members and how this might affect the participants who are elected as officers of this organization.Dan Rice suggested that the committee might want to consider a two year chairmanship as this has been done in some of these types of committees in the lower 48.Mike Massin questioned whether it would be appropriate at this time to make this type of commitment since this committee was Operating on an interim basis,pending signature of the Anchorage- Fairbanks Contract. Mike Massin offered the use of the ML&P Conference Room and indi- cated Municipal Light &Power would be willing to provide secre- tarial and filing facilities for the proceedings. Participants then discussed the need to periodically have the Operating Committee meet in Fairbanks,and after discussion,it was suggested by Bob Orr that the committee meet in Fairbanks on every fourth meeting and the participants agreed. The participants then proceeded to make nominations for the elec- tion of officers for the Operating Committee.Keith Sworts nomi- nated Bob Orr from Golden Valley Electric Assoc.to be chairman of the Operating Committee,John Marshall seconded the motion.After March 9,1983 Anchorage -Fairbanks Intertie Operating Committee Minutes Page 3 discussion occurred in which the participants agreed an interim period of chairmanship would not exceed one year,a vote was taken with Bob Orr not voting and the nomination was approved unani- mously by the remaining participants.It should be noted that Mr. Dan Rice voted on behalf of the Alaska Power Authority in these election proceedings.John Marshall then nominated Mike Massin for secretary and Keith Sworts seconded the motion.With Mike Massin abstaining from the vote,the remaining participants voted unanimously in favor of the nomination.Bob Orr nominated John Marshall from Chugach Electric Association,for vice-chairman of the Operating Committee.Keith Sworts seconded the nomination. * With John Marshall abstaining from voting,the remaining par- ticipants were unanimous in approving the nomination. The participants discussed a requirement that the participants selected to serve on the Operating Committee resubmit letters from their respective organizations designating the representative to the Operating Committee and also an alternate from each of the organizations who would attend the Operating Committee in the par- ticipants absence.The members then discussed how the meetings would occur in the future and whether the meetings would be of the open or closed type and whether or not there may be requirements for executive sessions.Mike Massin asked Dan Rice to check with the Alaska Power Authority to see if they could obtain a legal Opinion from the Attorney General's Office in the matter of nec- cesity of having open meetings. The participants then proceeded to discuss the need to have sub- committees working under the Operating Committee to handle such things as load shedding,relaying,reserve requirements,etc. John Marshall offered to head up a system relaying sub-committee. Sam Matthews offered to head up a systems handbook development committee.The participants then adjourned for a lunch break at 11:35 A.M. The meeting resumed at 1:25 P.M. Dan Rice handed out examples of Operating and Reliability Agreements and Standards to each of the partcipants and suggested that they incorporate these into some type of three ring binder so that they will have them when they attend each of the meetings. The participants then proceeded to discuss the requirements for holding regular meetings during the next several months of the time period when the Operating Committee is operating on interim basis.The consensus of all the participants was that frequent meetings on a monthly basis would be required if the committee was going to accomplish a significant amount of work which was apparently going to be required. March 9,1983 Anchorage -Fairbanks Intertie Operating Committee Minutes Page 4 THE NEXT SCHEDULED MEETING OF THE ANCHORAGE -FAIRBANKS INTERTIE OPERATING COMMITTEE WILL BE APRIL 13,1983 AT 9:00 A.M.THE THIRD MEETING OF THE ANCHORAGE -FAIRBANKS INTERTIE OPERATING COMMITTEE WILL BE MAY 4,1983 AT 9:00 A.M.TO COINCIDE WITH THE MANAGER'S MEETING ON THE ANCHORAGE --FAIRBANKS INTERTIE CONTRACT. The participants agreed that after the May meeting,the next series of monthly meetings would occur on the second Wednesday of each month and would begin at 9:00 A.M.and last no longer than 4:30 P.M.in the afternoon.If necessary,the meeting would be scheduled over a two day period.The June meeting of the Anchorage -Fairbanks Operating Committee is tentatively set to occur in Fairbanks,Alaska on June 8,1983. = The participants then proceeded to discuss the requirements for the establishment of an agenda for each meeting,such that the participants would have an agenda in hand prior to the meeting to allow them to review the issues that were going to be discussed ahead of time. The participants discussed the items which they felt would be appropriate for the April Operating Committee meeting and felt that handbook development,reserves,which includes spinning and load shed,intertie operation and a presentation by Gilbert Commonwealth on static var control would be appropriate items for discussion, At the May 4,1983 meeting of the Anchorage -Fairbanks Operating Committee,one of the items which is tentatively set to be discussed will be the issue of metering -SCADA -communications. After a short discussion by the participants concerning com- munications amongst the members of the Operating Committee,it was felt that all communications or correspondence should come to the attention of the Secretary of the Operating Committee and if necessary appropriate copies should be sent to each of the par- ticipants of any correspondence that may be originated. Dan Rice then proceeded to resume the discussion which was cen- tered around the agenda furnished at the beginning of the meeting, and the discussion was picked up with item #4 which was Operation of the Intertie (general). Stan Siecowski requested that he be excused from the meeting at 2:35 P.M.and at this point Sam Matthews from Homer Electric suggested that the meeting adjourn as the remaining items on the agenda were items of such importance that very little could be accomplished at this time.The participants who remained in the meeting thought it would appropriate to continue the meeting for at least another hour to allow each of the remaining twelve items March 9,1983OAnchorage-Fairbanks Intertie Operating Committee MinutesPage5 to be briefly touched upon to get the participants thinking about the various areas of activity which the committee will be charges directing in the near future.As the participants went through the remaining items of the agenda as furnished by Mr.Rice,they discussed the need to make their individual SCADA/Computer system data interchange compatable and all participants agreed that this would be a high priority goal.The participants also discussed briefly how they were scheduling the maintenance on their various generating units. The participants then began a discussion on the aspects of load shedding and various utility policies concerning load shedding with the participants from the Fairbanks area Bob Orr and Keith Sworts explaining the philosophy used in the Fairbanks area.Mike Massin asked if any of the participants was currently pursuing areas Of load shed methodology beyond basic underfrequency relaying and Bob Orr indicated that Golden Valley Electric Assoc. is actively pursuing rate of decline type load shedding methodo- logy. O Participants felt accounting proceedures as they apply tointerchangeofpowershouldbecompatiblewiththetypes of regu- latory reporting requirements that the utilities have in place at this time. The partcipants then discussed the use of dispatchers and the need for training of both new and existing dispatchers and emphasized the importance of having the dispatchers developing a personal relationship with each other. At this point,the participants completed the broad overview of the agenda as furnished by Mr.Rice and Bob Orr motioned and Ken Ritchey seconded that the meeting be adjourned. The meeting was adjourned at 3:30 P.M. The next meeting of the Anchorage -Fairbanks Intertie Operating Committee will be Wednesday,April 13,1983 at 9:00 A.M.in the main conference room of Anchorage Municipal Light &Power at 1200 East lst Avenue in Anchorage,Alaska, Respectfully submitted, Wh Mf assesMikeMassin Secretary Anchorage -Fairbanks Intertie Operating Committee MEM/csn -AGENDA- ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS INTERTIE OPERATING COMMITTEE APRIL 13,1983 Begin at 9:00 A.M. I.Adoption of prior meeting minutes II.Reports of a general nature III.Old business Iv.New business A.Operating handbook development B.Static var control presentation (G/C) C.Reserves (spinning,load shed) D.Intertie operation E.Other V.Formal operating committee actions/recommendations VI.Agenda for next meeting VII.Adjournment Adjourn by 4:30 P.M. Meeting Location:Anchorage Municipal Light &Power Main Conference Room 1200 East First Avenue Anchorage,Alaska 99501 -March 9,1983 ATTENDANCE SHEET FIRST MEETING OF OPERATING COMMITTEE ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS INTERTIE NAME REPRESENTING MAILING ADDRESS Mike Massin ML&P 1200 E.lst Ave. Anchorage,AK 99501 Dan Rice G/C 11400 S.E.6th St. Consultant APA Bellevue,Wa 98006 Bob Orr GVEA Box 1249 Fairbanks,AK 99707 Myles Yerkes APA 334 W.5th Ave.2nd Floor Anchorage,AK 99501KeithSwortsFMUSBox2215 Fairbanks,AK 99707 Ken Ritchey MEA P.O.Box 1148OPalmer,AK 99645 §tan Sieczkowski APA S.R.B.Box 7785 Palmer,AK 99645 Sam Matthews HEA Box 429 Homer,AK 99603 John Marshall CEA Box 3518 Anchorage,AK 99501 Ray Duncan CEA Box 3518 Anchorage,AK 99501 Tom Small G/C 8536 Hartzell Rd. Suite 84 Anchorage,AK 99507 PHONE (907)279-7671 (206)454-0065 (907)272-1151 (907)277-7641 (907)452-7109 (907)745-3231 (907)745-3931 (907)235-8551 (907)276-3500 (907)276-3500 (907)348-7043