HomeMy WebLinkAboutTogiak Final Report 2012-VEEP1 Alaska Building Science Network –Village Energy Efficiency Program –’10-’12 Final Report –Togiak Village Energy Efficiency Program AEA VEEP Grant # 7520001 Administered by Alaska Building Science Network Togiak Final Report Grant Amount: $150,000 Center Photo: ©State of AK Division of Community and Regional Affairs Community Summary 14 community buildings and teacher housing units received energy efficient lighting, weatherization, and heating upgrades as follows:Family Resource Center (FRC), Boys and Girls Club, City Duplex, Police and Fire Building, Southwest Region School District:New Teacher Housing 4-Plex Units B,C, & D,Old Teacher Housing Duplex East & West Units, Principal Duplex East & West Units,New School Gym, New School Foyer, New School Foyer Center Retrofits Completed: February 2012 Village-Wide Energy Efficient Lighting, Weatherization and Heating Retrofit Summary: • Projected Annual Electrical Savings (kWh):38,493 • Projected Annual Electrical Cost Savings:$21,1631,2 • Projected Annual Heating Fuel Savings (gallons):3,217 • Projected Annual Fuel Cost Savings:$19,2053 • Total Projected Annual Energy Cost Savings:$40,369 • Total village wide In-kind contribution:$59,426 • Total project cost including In-kind contribution:$209,426 • Simple Payback (including In-kind contributions):5.28 years 1 kWh Rate [used to calculate electrical cost savings] for Lighting Measures (State of AK -AEA PCE Program Report FY 2011 avg):$0.55 2 kWh Rate [used to calculate electrical cost savings] for Weatherization & Heating Measures (AkWarm Library): $0.55 3 #2 Heating Fuel Rate [used to calculate heating fuel savings] (AkWarm Library): $5.97/gal 2 Alaska Building Science Network –Village Energy Efficiency Program –’10-’12 Final Report –Togiak CITY OF TOGIAK OWNED BUILDINGS Family Resource Center Weatherization/Heating Retrofit Summary: • Cleaned and tuned both boilers; insulated boiler pipes and added a blanket to the water heater. • Installed seven programmable thermostats, including village staff training. • Annual energy savings projection:428 gallons • Estimated Annual Heating Fuel Cost Savings:$2,555 Boys and Girls Club Weatherization/Heating Retrofit Summary: • Cleaned and tuned boiler; added zone valve to hot water tank; installed four programmable thermostats. • Added R-38 batt insulation to crawlspace perimeter. • Annual energy savings projection:377 gallons / 29 kWh • Estimated Annual Energy Cost Savings:$2,251 (fuel) / $16 (electricity) 3 Alaska Building Science Network –Village Energy Efficiency Program –’10-’12 Final Report –Togiak City Duplex Weatherization/Heating Retrofit Summary: • Installed three programmable thermostats, including village staff training. • Cleaned and tuned boiler and installed a zone controller. • Air sealed building to reduce air leakage. • Sealed rim joist with 2” XPS foam and permanently flexible caulk/sealant. • Installed 17” of loose-fill fiberglass insulation in attic. • Annual energy savings projection:359 gallons • Estimated Annual Heating Fuel Cost Savings:$2,143 Police and Fire Building Weatherization/Heating Retrofit Summary: • Installed two programmable thermostats, and extra zone valve on the 1.5 copper line for the garage unit heater. • Cleaned and tuned boiler to 84% combustion efficiency and installed an outdoor reset boiler control. • Added R-25 batt insulation to crawlspace perimeter and installed a vapor barrier on floor. • Annual energy savings projection:108 gallons • Estimated Annual Heating Fuel Cost Savings:$64 4 Alaska Building Science Network –Village Energy Efficiency Program –’10-’12 Final Report –Togiak SOUTHWEST REGION SCHOOL DISTRICT OWNED BUILDINGS New Teacher Housing 4-Plex,Units B,C &D Lighting Retrofit Summary: Materials Installed Quantity CFL-19W 176 • Pre-retrofit energy use:10.560 Kilowatts • Post-retrofit energy use:3.344 Kilowatts • Energy savings projection:7.216 Kilowatts • Pre-retrofit to post retrofit energy reduction:68% • Estimated Annual Savings:kWh Saved: 12,628 Comparative Comparative Hours Per Day /Electrical Avoided Diesel Avoided Diesel 250 Days Per Year Savings Use (gal)Costs 4 Hours/day $3,967.36 521.39 $1,746.65 7 Hours/day $6,942.87 912.43 $3,056.63 10 Hours/day $9,918.39 1303.47 $4,366.62 1375 Hours/year (Est.)$5,455.12 716.91 $2,401.64 5 Alaska Building Science Network –Village Energy Efficiency Program –’10-’12 Final Report –Togiak Old Teacher Housing Duplex East &West Units Total Building Savings All Measures: • Projected Annual Electrical Savings (kWh):2,289 • Projected Annual Electrical Cost Savings:$1,258 • Projected Annual Heating Fuel Savings (gallons):837 • Projected Annual Fuel Cost Savings:$4,997 • Total Projected Annual Energy Cost Savings:$6,255 Lighting Retrofit Summary: Materials Installed Quantity Fluorescent 2-lamp electronic ballast, (2) 25 watt T8 lamps 4 CFL-19W 25 CFL-23 W 2 • Pre-retrofit energy use:2.013 Kilowatts • Post-retrofit energy use:0.705 Kilowatts • Energy savings projection:1.308 Kilowatts • Pre-retrofit to post retrofit energy reduction:65% • Estimated Annual Savings:kWh Saved: 2,289 Comparative Comparative Hours Per Day /Electrical Avoided Diesel Avoided Diesel 250 Days Per Year Savings Use (gal)Costs 4 Hours/day $719.14 94.51 $316.60 7 Hours/day $1,258.49 165.39 $554.06 10 Hours/day $1,797.85 236.27 $791.51 1375 Hours/year (Est.)$988.82 129.95 $435.33 6 Alaska Building Science Network –Village Energy Efficiency Program –’10-’12 Final Report –Togiak Old Teacher Housing Duplex East &West Units Weatherization Retrofit Summary: • Installed six programmable thermostats. • Added R-30 batt insulation to crawlspace perimeter, and installed new vapor retarder. • Sealed rim joist with 2” XPS foam and permanently flexible caulk/sealant. • Air sealed building to reduce air leakage. • Annual energy savings projection:837 gallons • Estimated Annual Heating Fuel Cost Savings:$4,997 7 Alaska Building Science Network –Village Energy Efficiency Program –’10-’12 Final Report –Togiak Principal Duplex East &West Units Lighting Retrofit Summary: Materials Installed Quantity Outdoor LED 8 watt A19 lamps 2 CFL-19W 48 CFL-23 W 5 CFL-9 W 16 • Pre-retrofit energy use:4.060 Kilowatts • Post-retrofit energy use:1.187 Kilowatts • Energy savings projection:2.873 Kilowatts • Pre-retrofit to post retrofit energy reduction:71% • Estimated Annual Savings:kWh Saved: 5,028 Comparative Comparative Hours Per Day /Electrical Avoided Diesel Avoided Diesel 250 Days Per Year Savings Use (gal)Costs 4 Hours/day $1,579.58 207.59 $695.42 7 Hours/day $2,764.26 363.28 $1,216.98 10 Hours/day $3,948.94 518.97 $1,738.54 1375 Hours/year (Est.)$2,171.92 285.43 $956.20 8 Alaska Building Science Network –Village Energy Efficiency Program –’10-’12 Final Report –Togiak New School Gym Lighting Retrofit Summary: Materials Installed Quantity Fluorescent T5 fixture, electronic ballast, (5) 54 watt T5 HO 18 Fluorescent T5 fixture, electronic ballast, (6) 54 watt T5 HO 4 • Pre-retrofit energy use:10.010 Kilowatts • Post-retrofit energy use:6.462 Kilowatts • Energy savings projection:3.548 Kilowatts • Pre-retrofit to post retrofit energy reduction:35% • Estimated Annual Savings:kWh Saved: 6,209 Comparative Comparative Hours Per Day /Electrical Avoided Diesel Avoided Diesel 250 Days Per Year Savings Use (gal)Costs 4 Hours/day $1,950.69 256.36 $858.80 7 Hours/day $3,413.71 448.63 $1,502.90 10 Hours/day $4,876.73 640.90 $2,147.00 1750 Hours/year (Est.)$3,413.71 448.63 $1,502.90 9 Alaska Building Science Network –Village Energy Efficiency Program –’10-’12 Final Report –Togiak New School Foyer Lighting Retrofit Summary: Materials Installed Quantity Fluorescent T5 fixture, electronic ballast, (4) 54 watt T5 HO 4 Fluorescent T5 fixture, electronic ballast, (6) 54 watt T5 HO 1 • Pre-retrofit energy use:2.275 Kilowatts •Post-retrofit energy use:1.254 Kilowatts • Energy savings projection:1.021 Kilowatts • Pre-retrofit to post retrofit energy reduction:45% • Estimated Annual Savings:kWh Saved: 1,787 Comparative Comparative Hours Per Day /Electrical Avoided Diesel Avoided Diesel 250 Days Per Year Savings Use (gal)Costs 4 Hours/day $561.35 73.77 $247.14 7 Hours/day $982.36 129.10 $432.49 10 Hours/day $1,403.36 184.43 $617.84 1750 Hours/year (Est.)$982.36 129.10 $432.49 10 Alaska Building Science Network –Village Energy Efficiency Program –’10-’12 Final Report –Togiak New School Foyer Center Lighting Retrofit Summary: Materials Installed Quantity Fluorescent 4-lamp electronic ballast, (4) 32 watt T8 lamps 18 • Pre-retrofit energy use:8.190 Kilowatts • Post-retrofit energy use:2.160 Kilowatts • Energy savings projection:6.030 Kilowatts • Pre-retrofit to post retrofit energy reduction:74% • Estimated Annual Savings:kWh Saved: 10,553 Comparative Comparative Hours Per Day /Electrical Avoided Diesel Avoided Diesel 250 Days Per Year Savings Use (gal)Costs 4 Hours/day $3,315.29 435.69 $1,459.57 7 Hours/day $5,801.76 762.46 $2,554.25 10 Hours/day $8,288.24 1089.23 $3,648.93 1750 Hours/year (Est.)$5,801.76 762.46 $2,554.25 11 Alaska Building Science Network –Village Energy Efficiency Program –’10-’12 Final Report –Togiak In-Kind Item Dates Hours Contributed Hourly Wage $Value / Amount Notes Staff time for project contact, introduction & review of intro materials 4 $ 20.00 $80.00 Number of entities x 1 hour each Staff time for Attending teleconference 08/25/10 2 $ 20.00 $40.00 City time Staff time for Attending teleconference 08/25/10 2 $ 20.00 $40.00 TC/IRA time Staff time for Attending teleconference 08/25/10 2 $ 20.00 $40.00 School time Maint. Staff time to accompany Field Manager on building assessment 5/19/11 - 5/20/11 11 18 $198.00 City, Shirley Upton, 1st site visit Maint. Staff time to accompany Field Manager on building assessment 5/19/11 - 5/20/11 6 20 $108.00 City, Larry (Tribal Housing Manager), helped with blower door and audit Maint. Staff time to accompany Field Manager on building assessment 5/21/11 - 5/23/11 4 18 $72.00 School, John Parker, 1st site visit Conservative village office administrative percentage of total project cost less ABSN Admin %. Total project cost = $273,831/village - (our admin percentage, (around 14%) Approx: $38,336) = $235,501 x 4% = $9420 (this 4% village admin cost estimate is spread across all entities we work with for the course of the grant for completing all energy efficiency measures). These are for cumulative, otherwise unaccounted time expense for village-based project support. Aug '10 through Completion $9,420.00 Each time we call, email, or fax a village entity, someone receives the communication, reviews and/or forwards the information, follows-up on requests, etc. Whether it is to set-up a teleconference, verify maintenance staff participation in lighting or boiler trainings, set-up in-kind lodging and transportation, lighting trainings, track a shipment, verify completion of lighting in a given building, ship lamps and ballasts out of the village for recycling, request a labor reimbursement agreement, or invoice etc. Village expenses for phone charges, copying and fax costs, office supplies, etc. are part of this amount. Lodging for ABSN Field Managers 5/18/11 -$300.00 City apartment -1st assessment site visit  Transportation and fuel costs 5/18/11 -9 18 $153.00 City - 1st assessment site visit Copper River Seafoods July '11 $9,000.00 Wx materials freight Lodging for ABSN Field Managers 2/6/12 -$300.00 City apartment (FRC) - Lighting Upgrades Transportation and fuel costs 2/6/12 -200.00 City suburban w/gas - Lighting Upgrades Reuben Topkok payroll taxes & workers comp 7/26/11 $61.20 Togiak School - Wx Upgrades Carlson Tingook payroll taxes & workers comp 7/26/11 $ 51.64 Togiak School - Wx Upgrades Jerry Okbaok payroll taxes & workers comp 7/26/11 $ 22.95 Togiak School - Wx Upgrades John Okleasik payroll taxes & workers comp 7/26/11 $ 22.95 Togiak School - Wx Upgrades Rany Olanna payroll taxes & workers comp 7/26/11 $ 60.25 Togiak School - Wx Upgrades Lenny Wassillie regular pay + taxes August '11 33 $23.15 $769.74 Togiak School - Wx Upgrades B&B Rental, 30 @ $300.00 12/1/11 30 $300.00 $9,000.00 City of Togiak - Wx Upgrades Equipment Rental, 30 @ $200.00 12/1/11 30 $200.00 $6,000.00 City of Togiak - Wx Upgrades City Heating - New boiler materials 2/9/12 $7,941.00 City of Togiak - Heating Upgrades City Heating - New hot water tank materials 2/9/12 $1,351.62 City of Togiak - Heating Upgrades (Materials to replace hot water tank - per invoice to City of Togiak from Central Plumbing & Heating: Order # 0063140, 12/3/10) City Heating - Boiler and hot water tank shipping 2/9/12 $500.00 City of Togiak - Heating Upgrades (Shipping: Anch-Dillingham-Togiak) Labor - regular pay + taxes February '12 26 $18.00 $468.00 Togiak School - Lighting Upgrades Labor - regular pay + taxes August '12 4 $33.45 $133.80 SWRSD - Lighting Upgrades (Expediting materials in Dillingham) Labor - regular pay + taxes August '12 74 $33.45 $2,475.53 SWRSD - Lighting Upgrades (Maintenance Mechanic in Togiak) Labor - regular pay + taxes August '12 $7,400.00 SWRSD - Lighting Upgrades (Contracted Electrical Services: Walter Creasey) Shipping via Everts Air (high bay lighting materials)4/9/12 $1,286.73 SWRSD - High bay lighting materials (Shipping: Anchorage-Dillingham) Shipping (high bay lighting materials)4/9/12 $1,930.00 SWRSD - High bay lighting materials (Shipping: Dillingham-Togiak) TOTAL $59,426.41 Togiak, In-Kind Contribution Tracking Record - ABSN Energy Efficiency Projects: