HomeMy WebLinkAboutPreliminary Geothermal Investigations at Manley Hot Springs Alaska - Divison of Geothermal Energy - U.S. Dept of Energy - April 1982 - DOE-ET-27034-TL7-
DOE/ET/27 03 4--T1
DE82 020604
Prel i mi nary Geothermal Invest i gat i ons at
Manley Hot Springs, Alaska 6: J# 5
'. .
denni fer East
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w LIST OF TABLES .........
ABSTRACT ...........
Geologic Studies .....
Hot Spring Studies ....
.... ....
\ ....
Page .............. i .............. iii
.............. V
.............. vi
.............. 1 .............. 3
.............. 9
.............. 12 REGIONAL GEOLOGIC SETTING ...
Jurassic - Cretaceous Sedimentary Rocks' . 0 0 0'. 0 . 15
Tertiary - Cretaceous Granitic Intrusives .......... 18
LO*CAL GEOLOGY. .......................... 23
............. 27
............. 30
v. . The i8Boulder Ridge Formation" ................
...... ..... 35
. .'. 0.. . . . . 39
Karshner Creek ........................ 40
Rainwater ........................... 40
W v
Figure 1 :
Figure 2:
The Yukon-Tanana upland physiographic province
The Manley Hot Springs Hotel with bath house in
Archives, Charles Bunnell Collectfon ......... 4
The main springs at Manley Hot Springs, 1910.
stone cribbing around one hot spring. Karshner
Creek flows through the lower half of photo.
University of Alaska Archives, Charles Bunnell Collection. ...................... 5
Poultry and hog barns a anley Hot Springs, 1910.
The barns were heated by water carried in buried
aqueducts. University of Alaska Archives, Charles Bunnell Collection. 6
cribbing around one hot sprin
corner. University of Alaska Archives Collection. ... ............... 7
Open air and control led environment gardenfng at
Manley Hot Springs, around 1910, University of Alaska
Archives, Charles Bunnel Collection. . . . 8
1915. From L. tconard, 1974. 10
............. 14
ngs ..... ;.... 24
Hot Springs Dome. 29
...... 33
Springs. ........ 34
showing the location of Manley Hot Springs ...... viii
4d the background, 191 0. University of A1 aska
re 3: Note
Figure 4:
w ..................
Figure 5: Corn Field and potato fields. ote the stone
the lower left
’ Recreation of a sketch made by G. A. Waring in w .............
eralired geologic map of, the northwest Yukon-
isotherm of grid.
Hot Springs ...................... 48
Page b, Y
Table 1: Age Determinations for Granittic Plutons
in the Northwestern Yukon-Tanana Upland ....... 20
w Table 2: Hot Springs and Seep Temperatures .......... 36
Manley Hot Springs ................. 42
Table 4: Chemical Analysis of Water Samples . . , . . 43
Table 3: Water Wells and Miscellaneous Samples from
Table 5: Equations for Calculation of Selected Geothermmeters Used in Table 6. C is the Concentration of Silica.
All concentrations are in mg/kg ........... 44
Table 6: Calculated Geothermometers in 'C .......... 45 av"
"? .- I
Manley Hot Springs is one'of several hot springs which form a belt
extending from the Seward Peninsula to east-central Alaska. All of the
hot springs are low-temperatur
having formed as the result of irculation of meteoric water along deep-
seated fractures near or within granitic intrusites. Shal low, thermally
disturbed ground at Manley Hot Springs constitutes an area of 1.2 km by
0.6 km along the lower slopes of Bean Ridge on the north side of the
Tanana Valley. This area includes 2 springs and seeps and one warm
Li v
water-domi nated geothermal systems,
The hottest springs range in temperature from 61" to
utilized for space heating and irrigation. This ru'
study was designed to Characterize the geothermal system present at
Manley Hot Springs and deline likely sites for geothermal drilling.
Several surveys were conducte ver a grid system which included shallow
ground temperature, helium soi gasI mercury soil and resistivity surveys.
ddition, a reconnaissance ound temperature survey and water chemistry
sampling program was undertaken. The preliminary results, including some
prel 5 mi nary water emistry, show that shallo drothermal activity can
hermal system at Manley Hot Sprin
may act as an impermeable caprock allowing thermal water to reach the
surface along fractures.. The study did not conclusively recognize a
cr' .
Manley Hot Springs lies within the Yukon-Tanana upland physiographic u W
province of the Interior of Alaska, near the junction of the Tanana A-2
and Kantishna River 0-2 quandrangles, latitude 65' 00' N, longitude
150' 38' bl (Fig. 1). By air, Manley is 145 km west of Fairbanks and 71 km
east of the village of Tanana. ate Highway 2, known as the Elliott
Highway, connects Planley Hot Spr gs with Eureka, livengood and Fairbanks
along a 260 km gravel-surfaced road. From Manley Hot Springs, a road
continues 21 km northeast to Tofty, an old placer mining dfstrfct.
Manley Hot Springs is also connected by a 5 km road to a barge landing
on the Tanana River. The village of Manley Hot Springs is situated on
the northern margin of the Tanana
.long, shallow waterway which drat into the Tanana River. Elevations
in the Manley Hot Springs area range from less than 260 feet for the
Tanana Valley floor, to 2650 f t far the summit af Hot Springs Dome
"?ocated to the northwest. The ome is the highest part of a narrow,
lley along Hot Springs Slough, a 73 km
a, -* 43 km-long, northeast-trending ridge known as Bean Ridge, which separates
the Tanana Valley from
cupfed by Patterson and Baker
* I
The Manley Hot Spring
frost. Normal thick brush on the upper
lopes, and white spruc
rush on the lower slop
and scattered
lowlands con
type vegetation. The c 1 of the Yukon River valley;
long, cold winters and short, warm summers with a possible range of
temperatures from 70' F below zero to 98' F above zero. The annual
precipitation is 25 to 30 cm, most of which falls as rain through the
summer months.
elementary school.
The town has an airstrip, post office, store, lodge and
Power is supplied by diesel generator with a 40 kw
The main hot springs are 0.75 km north of the central part of town,
and several occurrences of warm seeps are found within a 0.8 km radius of
the main springs.
base of east-facing slopes of Bean Ridge near the edge of the Tanana
these slopes between Ohio Creek and the highway road to Tofty, Charles
In general, the warm springs and seeps occur near the
However, they are localized only along a 1.4 km long portion of
and Gladys Dart own the hot springs and the surrounding 236 acres. They
utilize the thermal water for space heating of their home and the operation
of a 30 by 45 rn green house and a small public bath house. The hot springs
also serve as the community's principle water source for drinking, washing,
and other uses. The greenhouse is located next to the main springs and
d primarily for raisfng tomatoes. The tomatoes are sold locally
and have also been shipped into Fairbanks where there is always a ready
market. Other hothouse vegetables which are sold locally include cucumbers,
ggplants and melons. few wells have been drilled adjacent to the
and one of these has warm (29' C) water. However no wells
Mater is piped
thermal water is mixing to
Creek dri 1 1 i ng
e of the main ter with htg
elp delineate targets for drilling of a
geothermal we1 1. LJ
I 2
Mertie (1937) reports that the first non-Indian settlement in the W Y
Planley Hot Springs area was a trading post established in about 1881,
77 km upstream from Tanana on the Tanana River. Bean's trading post
was near the mouth of, or downstream from, the Hot Springs Slough. In
1898 gold was diicovered on Eureka Creek and shortly afterwards Eureka
became a recognized mining community. Baker Creek about 8 km from the
hot springs was the initial site of another early placer district, the
Tofty mining district. For several years the town of Rampart was the
sole supply point for the camps in the Manley area.and winter supplies
w were hauled over the divide at a rate of 4 cents per pound (Mertie, 1934).
In 1902 the land around the hot springs was homesteaded by J. M.
Karshner and his wife and the s ere known as Karshner Hot Springs.
specter named Frank G. Manley formed v n 1906 an enterprising an
partnership of sorts with Kar built a large 60-room hotel and
several outer enclosed bathing tanks. They developed the hot springs as
a resort and also cleared 60 acres of land and established a dairy,
poultry and hog farm, and cons
ed several greenhouses ( Figs . 2-6).
were raised on the slopes s, cabbages,
surrounding the springs.
river to the Iditarod minin
re all heated w w er was piped a di
hich quickly deve
ing camps in the
By the early 1910's ho
a rapid state of disrepair. Placer mining was on the decline and in
the supply point
was falling into 4J
springs at Manley Hot Springs, 1910
Karshner Creek fl of photo. Univ slty of Alaska Ar
d one hot spring.
11 Collection
I i
i t 1 i
1 i
I i i I I
I 1 I I
C c
t c c 0- c c
a i
April, 1913 the hotel burned to the ground never to be rebuilt. The
sketch map of Waring (1917) indicates how the hot springs looked in '9$ Y
tion of inves
During t fr6m 1300 to 1934.
Figure 7: Recreation of a sketah map made by G.
A. Waring in 1915. From L. Leonard, 1974.
bodies and Quaternary deposits.
w The U.S. Bureau of Mines has investigated mineral occurrences near
the summit of Manley Hot Springs Dome (Maloney, 1971).
drilled and logged 8 holes which ranged in depth from 243 ft. to 515 ft.
In 1953 they
v The drill holes are located near the contact between granitic rock and
Jurassic-Cretaceous metasediments.
Regional geologic studies by Foster and others (1973) include the
Manley Hot Springs area as part of the northwestern part of the Yukon-
Tanana upland.
1:250,000 geologic map of the Tanana quadrangle. This open-file map
incorporated the earlier work done in the Manley Hot Springs area by
Hopkins and faber.
In 1975, Chapman and others published a preliminary
Hot Springs Studies
G. A. Waring, a U.S. Geological Survey geochemist, was the first
to conduct a comprehensive geological and geochemical survey of mineral
, springs throughout the State of Alaska. His findings are published in a
1917 U.S. Geological Survey water supply paper, and include a short but
ngs, which he refers
ring with temperatures
analyzed the water
‘from the western spring (spring Y
site." On the sketch map (Fig. 7) h
the head of Ohio Creek.. This is the same area designated as Site B in
hows this spring area as being at U r3
this report. Springs from Site B were not observed by this author to
form the head of, or drain into Ohio Creek. Ohio Creek is further to
3 t and does not appea
also noted that the springs had no noticeable odor or taste and
e water tended to corrode iro
o show any surficial thermal activity.
essels easily, which he attributed
0 to a high chloride content in the water.
The springs were not further studied until the 1970's when the U.S.
Geological Survey con
in the interior of A1
and others, 1978).
Manley Hot Springs yielded
137" C, respective1
ished in the near
w hilly and mountain0
River to the north, the Tanana River to the south, and the Alaska-Canada
in the eastern an
Springs area, constitutes about one-quarter of the entire Yukon-Tanana up1 and
border to the east.
loess mantles large areas. Rock exposure is poor throughout the region
The region is mostly unglaciated, yet Quaternary u J
because of loess, a1 1 uvi a1 , col 1 uvi a1 and veget at i ve cover. In general
ay be extensions of the Tintina Fault zone (Foster and others, 1973).
According to Chapman and others (1979), the Victoria Creek Fault and
parallel faults may be splay faults of the Tintina.
blocks may be detached and undergoing variable amounts of right-lateral
Intervening fault
A possible splay fault of the Tintina known as the Beaver U
ault is located 10 km south st of Manley Hot Springs and
hly divergent rock t
errain, while to the north lie generally unmetamorphosed
Mesozoic sediments. The rocks of the northwestern part of the Yukon-
Tanana upland conslst of a seque ce of complexly folded and faulted
sedimentary and met asedi ment ary ocks interbedded with a few sequences of
volcanic rocks (Hopkins and Taber, 1962). The sedimentary and metasedimentary
- rocks range in age from Precamb
rocks have bee
probable Cretaceous age
lutonic rocks ranging
South of the fault lies a Paleozoic
or early Paleozoic to middle Tertiary.
w a serpentinized ultramafic
by a complex sequence of Cretaceous-
composition from gabbro to biotite
b, The 8gBoul der Ridge Formation" and Vut 1 i nana Format i on" form part of
ic flysch belt which has a maximum width of 40 km and extends
1 v
northeast 240 km from the Tanana River segment between Manley Hot Springs
and Tanana, to Victoria Mountain in the northwest corner of the Circle W W
quadrangle. Except for the southwestern end of the belt, which has been
studied in detail by Hopkins and Taber (1962), the formations are simply
grouped as KJs/KJc or KJ by other authors (Chapman and others, 1971; v
Chapman and others, 1975).
The "Boulder Ridg of Jurassic-Cretaceous age is a sequence
of clastic, dominantly marine rocks; chiefly orthoquartzite, slaty
siltstone, slate and conglomerate.
"eugeosynclinal I@ assemblage of limestones, cherts, volcanics and clastic
sedimentary rocks, and is overlain with conformable, possibly interfingering
contact try the "Hutlinana Formation". The @180ulder Ridge Formation1@ was
fnformally named and described by Hopkins and aber ( 1 962) for its exposures.
along the north side of Boulder Ridge and north and south sides of Boulder
Creek valley. Beds at the e of the formation include the oldest
Mggozoic sedimentary rocks exposed in the area. The top of the "Boulder
Ridge Formation" is defined as the stratigraphic level where sedimentary
It rests unconformably on a Paleozoic
0 '9
r than quartzite,
kness from several hundred
in depth to the south and southwest near the present location of Manley
Hot Springs and Dugan Hills. Deeper water sections are believed to have
been deposited by turbidity and turbidity-related currents.
regional trends in average grain size, the direction of sediment transport
was to the south and soutwest.
Based on
The "Boulder Ridge Formation1' is probably of early Cretaceous age,
W however this age is based on rather scant fossil evidence. The possibility
that it is partially or entirely Jurassic cannot be discounted, Rocks
of the "Boulder Ridge Formation" have undergone regional and, in part,
contact metamorphism. Regional metamorphism has been mild along the margins
of the flysch belt, while the central part of the belt, especially the
area around the Tofty district, has undergone the most intense metamorphism.
Contact metamorphic aureoles of generally high metamorphfc grade and
varying widths *are found throughout the area associated with stocks and
h the "Hut1 i nana Format ion" i not exposed at or near Manley
Hot Springs, it forms the upp part of the Mesozoic flysch belt in the
Hutlinana Hot Springs is
The IIHutlinana
part of the Yukon-Tanana upland.
uartzite beds of the "Hutlinana formation1I.
Format i on was informal ly named. by Hopkins and Taber ( 1962), and defined
hat rests conformably
or exposures along the
f marine clast
upon the t8Boulder Ridge formationta.
1 of Hutlinana C The "Hut1 inana Formation"
ly of a monotonous
stone, si 1 tston
in Hopkins and
thick, graded be
s ses est 4 mated
ters. The "Hutlinana 'I Hut 1 i nan a Format i on
Formation" is of probable early Cretaceous age, based on a single Inoceramus
there is still a likelihood that the "Hutlinana Formation' is partially
or entirely Jurassic. The "Hutlinana Formation" has undergone mild
regional metamorphism nearly everywhere in the study area of Hopkins and
to that shown by rocks of the "Boulder Ridge Formation". Since it does
In general the intensity of metamorphism follows a pattern similar
not crop out close to intrusive contacts the "Hutlinana Formationt' displays
no contact metamorphfc effects.
Terti ary-cretaceous Granitic fntrusives V
Granltic rocks of the northwest part of the Yukon-Tanana upland have
been mainly studied in a reco aissance fashion. They have been mapped
by various authors (Hopkins d Taber, 1962; Chapman and others, 1971 ;
Ghapman and others, 1975) an briefly described (Chapman and others,
1971), yet little if any work has bee
history or other aspects
five of the intrusives 60
belt of Cretaceous and Te
central Alaska.
etrology, magmatic
-argon ages for Y
e part of a large east-west
granitic plutons which extend through .. 0
Plutons and stocks o anana upland are elliptical
with northeast4 + They often f
knobs exposed Springs Dome, Rought
Mountain, Elep
gs Dome. The
quartz diori
ted and irregularly fractured, medium- to coarse-grained, with
lar, porphyritic, and some fine-grained phases. The surrounding
country rock is hornfelsed and highly resistant. Associated smal 1 stocks,
dikes and sills are composed of gr ite, aplite, pegmatite, rhyolite,
monzonite-latite, minette and some mafic differentiates. U u
Age determinations for granitic intrusives in this part of the Yukon-
Tanana upland are listed in Table 1. Plutons which have been dated are
the Manley Hot Springs Dome, Roughtop Mountain-Eureka Dome, Sawtooth Y
Mountain, Tolovana Hot Springs Dome, and a small stock on Troublesome
Creek. These five localities yield potassium-argon ages which range
(LI, from 90 f 10 may. for Roughtop Mountain-Eureka Dome, to 60 m.y. for Manley
Hot Springs Dome (Chapman and others, 1971; Hopkins and Taber, 1962).
Manley Hot Springs forms part of a regional east-west belt of hot
springs all of which appear related to anitic plutons. This belt
extends through central Alaska and poss 1Y over to the ChUkotka Peninsula
of Siberia. As a group, the h
hot 'water type of geothermal system and not to the vapor-dominated type.
u ace temperature errnometers range
ns show that the
thermal waters are ch
association with the
hot springs in west-c
W are quite diverse.
of thermal transfer by either a cooling magma chamber, or anomalous
This suggests that the hot springs are not a product
w Y
Dating Rock
Area Method Mineral Age Compos i t i on Reference
Y Manley Hot K-Ar Biotite 60 my.* Biotite Hopkins and
Springs Dome granite Taber, 1962
Manley Hot .Pb-Alpha Zircon 90 f 10 m.y. Biotite Hopkins and
Springs dome granite Taber, 1962
Y ' Roughtop Mtn.- K-Ar Biotite 90 m.y.* Quartz Hopkins and
Eureka Dome monzonite Taber, 1962
Hopkins and
Roughtop Mtn.- Pb-Alpha Zircon 90 f 10 m.y. Quartz Taber, 1962
Eureka Dome monzonite
Tolovana Hot K-Ar Bi ot t te 63 f 2.5 m.y. Quartz Chapman and
Springs Oome monzonite, others, 1971
Siwtaoth Mtns. K-Ar Biotite 88.3 f 3 m.y. Quartz . Chapman and
monzonite, others, 1971
monton i te
Chapman and
others, 1971
20 Y
radiogenic heat within the plutons.
4 W The bedrock geology associated with the hot spring sites may have a
wide range of lithologies but typically consists of massive, competent,
well -fractured and generally non-foliated rock.
the plutons and the surrounding country rock, if the hot springs are
located outside of the pluton. The competent yet fractured nature of the
bedrock may allow for good fracture permeability so that meteoric water
circulates deeply.
been proposed by Miller and others (1975). This is the range of depth
required assuming a normal geothermal gradient of
water to attain the reservoir temperatures estimated from their chemistry.
The northwestern Yukon-Tanana up1 and contains three hot springs :
This applies to both
Depths of circulation on the order of 2 to 5 km have Y
to 50' C/km for
Manley Hot Springs, Hutlina ana Hot Springs. A
fourth unconfirmed spring h
it is quite possible that o
Y tle Minook Creek, and
t in this region, but
ttle Minook Creek
r the spring's exact
n and Shirley tiss
ve not been reported.
orted to Waring (191 w
ew over the Mfnook Cr to spot any thermal
nd Tolovana Hot Springs exhibit
s section will briefly
y of these neighboring
39 km northeast of Manley
Hot Springs, along the 'west side of Hutlinana Creek, latitude 65' 13' N,
longitude 149' 59' W. The springs issue from the base of a cliff composed
of sheared quartzite and hornfelsic greywacke of the "Hutlinana Formation".
Waring (1917) noted that the rock showed #'nearly vertical bedding or
shearing planes that strike N 25' E and that these would provide likely
avenues for the escape of heated water. Hutlinana Hot Spring is about 5 km
east of the Elephant Mountain pluton, ch is chiefly porphyritic
monzonite and quartz monzonite (Chapman and others, 1971).
been mapped in the Hutlinana Hot Springs area. The temperature of the
springs is about 43' C, and it has a discharge rate of about 3 l/s. The
springs have a slight smell of H2S and the silica and Na-K-Ca geothermometers
give reservoir .temperatures of 92' and 98" C, respectively.
.eJ v.
No faults have u
Tolovana Hot Springs is about 107 k ortheast of Manley Hot Srpings,
along a creek draining the east
65' 16' N, longitude 148' 50' W
pa$t of the Jurassic-Cretaceous sedimentary sequence which Chapman and
f Tolovana Hot Springs Dome, latitude
e springs are in mudstones which are
Y (1971) refer to as KJs. The mudstones probably correspond in part
to either the "Boulder Ridge format 5 on" or "Hut 7 i nana Format
from the other two springs in th
loride, sodium, calcium
it is saline, with higher concentrations
sium and perhaps lithium, bromide and
have high salinities - Tolovana, Pilgrim, Serpentine and Kwiniuk (Miller
and others, 1975). All of the saline springs excepting Tolovana, are located
on the Seward Peninsula. The high salinity values of these four springs may
be 'due to the increased availability of solutes for leaching within the
Of the 12 springs sampled in west-central.Alaska, four springs
use in the past they were subjected to greater
It may be that the springs which show lower sa nity values do so
nts of leaching or
for longer periods of time than the saline springs (Miller and others, 1975).
Si 1 i ca and Na-K-Ca geothermometers for Tolovana Hot Springs yi.eld respective
subsurface temperatures of 122' and 162' C.
The local bedrock geology of the Manley Hot Sprlngs area consists of
tilt d folded sediments of the Jurassic4 oulder Ridge Formation't,
which have been intruded by granitic
stock (Fig. 9). These rocks are par
co'rluvium, - , I. and alluvium from creeks and the Tanana River floodplain. Surficial
deposits and extensive vegetation limit exposures of the bedrock geology to
Y cks of the Manley Hot Springs Dome
lly mantled by Quaternary loess,
0 .I 6
OUB Kbq-quartzite
Ridge Formation"
,A. Foliation - Contact
K b p- pelp
rocks Boulder 9 Ridgb Formation"
Recent Qya- younger alluvium
Pleistocene Qs- loess and reworked loess
U.Cretoce8rs fkg-Hot Sptinas Dome LTBrtiary stock, biotite, gronlte
KBP is composed of pelitic sedimentary rocks which include slate, slatey
siltstone and minor interbedded quartzite. Y 4
In the Bean Ridge area the H60ulder Ridge Formationll is approximately
1,070 meters thick. Though exposures are poor, the "FormationB8 probably consqsts
of a basal 150 to 300 meter section of thin-bedded quartzite with rare interbeds
of chert pebbl conglomerate. The basal section shows graded
bottom marking indicative of deposition by turbidity current
grades upward into a laminated sequence several 10's of meters thick of fine-
'w .
grained quartzite, quartzose siltstone and slate. The upper part of the
"Boulder Ridge Formation" in the Bean Ridge area consists principally of
slate and greywacke siltstone with a few thin beds of quartzite.
top of the HFormationt* there are lenses, concretions, and thin beds of
calcareous siltstone.
Near the w
Lrf In general, the thin-beded quartzite and slate sequence ranges in color
from medium to dark grey, dark g in color with increasing proportions of
Si 1 tstone is general ly ium grey or pale olive. Quartzite and .
Y conglomerate beds are very high in chert, with a chert:quartt ratio as
posed of quartz, chert, feldspa
ains of pyrite. Siltstone and slate
and sericite.
he "Boulder Ridg
the silty textured
planes have been developed in many slate and siltstone beds along the south
~~ ~ ~~ ~
side of Bean Ridge, so that pelitic rocks commonly disintegrate into rod and
penci 1 -shaped fragments. Beds of quartzose greywacke and conglomerate
rich in non-siliceous pebbles also show a poorly developed cleavage resulting
development of s 1 i p planes along which micaceous minerals have
ligned. Quartzite a d chert -pebble conglomerate beds have been
esistant to deformation and rarely show cleavage.
In these beds
tz grains may b fractured, strained, and elongated by deformation .
w In some of the more highly deformed beds there is evidence of chemical
redistribution of the original constituents. This includes pyrite porphyro-
blasts in pelitic beds, overgrowths on clastic tourmaline grains, and
abundant quartz veining associated wih orthoquartzi te beds. v
Contact metamorphism in the Bean Ridge area has resulted in the conver-
sion of original slaty rocks to "knotted" slate. Closer to the granitic
margins slates have been converted to hornfels, granulite or schist.
Sandy-textured beds have been recrystallized, with increasing intensity as
e body is approached. On the southern flank of Manley Hot
, contact metamorphosed slatey rocks are characterized by the Y
knotted' slates. The "knots" are less than 1 cm in diameter and I on the cleavage planes. In thin section these knots appear
us clots or spherules of fine sericite (Mertie, 1932; Hopkins
ey Hat Springs Dome, the knots
sericite, hematite, and tourmaline. Quartzite beds close to granitic " marains show recrvstallization of the oriqinal rounded quartz qrains into
. 26
coarser, granoblastic quartz aggregates and conversion of original micaceous
minerals to biotite. Within several hundred feet of the margins of Hot
Springs Dome, rocks of the "Boulder Ridge Formation" are intimately injected
with hydrothermal veinlets composed of quartz, biotite, tourmaline and
W minor sulfides.
res are essentially nonexistent at Manley Hot Springs.
Quaternary loess and vegetation covers most of the surrounding slopes and
hi 1 1 s. Boulders present in Karshner Creek are primari ly hornfel sed quartti te
and biotite granite. Several hundred meters upstream, near the foot of the
Y .
ide of Karshner Creek valley, several small weathered outcrops of
W hornfelsed "Boulder Ridge Forma on" can. be observed. Approximately 500-800
meters upstream from Manley Hot prings the pluton-country rock contact is
crossed. In general, rocks e "Boulder Ridge Formation" upstream of Manley
Hot Springs are predomi nant 1
siltstone. Rocks collected within 40 meters of the Hot Springs Dome stock
were medium to dark grey, tbin-bedded quartzites with well-defined bedding
planes'about 1 cm in thickness. The quartz grains appeared to be recrystallized
and there were 1-2% medium sited grains composed of hematite or limonite.
g and may be sites'of earlier
uartzite with lesser slate and W
e. u
d, light colored biotite granite.
Some small areas of tourmaline granite in or near the border zone were also
1 u- noted. Leucocratic dikes are common and may be hydrothermally altered. The
dikes are composed of rhyolite, aplite, alaskite and rare pegmatite. The
Manley Hot Springs Dome has K-Ar age of 60 m.y. measured on biotite and a
Pb-alpha age of 90 f 10 m.y. measured on zircon (Hopkins and Taber, r3
Small metal-bearing lode deposits, located near the summit of Hot
Y Springs Dome, have been known to exist since the 1890's. Mineralization is
within metasediments along the northern margin of the stock and is associated
with shear zones up to 15 meters wide. Drilling was conducted near the summit
by the U.S. Bureau of Mines in 1953. Approximately 975 meters of drill
hole was completed in 8 hobs with depths from 74 to 157 meters.
gic sections for these 8 holes are published in a Bureau of Mines open-
report (Maloney, 1971). It noted by Maloney that the shear zones w
near the northern contact of the stock are parallel to the pluton's margin.
also noted that none of the drill holes intersected primary sulfides I
with the exception of one smal 1 otected pocket. Oxidation was practical1
+! 0
ce, which was the greatest depth reached.
e is good permeability
and fracturing in the
of at least 136 meters.
62), the Manley Hot Springs Dome is
ts are associated wit
eved to be shallow,
of 30 to 40 degrees. The pluton
may have been emplaced at fairly shallow levels in the crust, based upon
the abundance of fine-grained associated dikes. The Roughtop Mountain CI d
complex to the north may be in part a ring dike complex which also suggests
hypabyssal intrusion (D. Hopkins, pers. corn., 1981).
much of the Manley Hot , Springs area is mantled by
luvium, colluvium and loess. The loess forms deposlts
of 5 to 30 meters or more along low hills and slopes.
massive, homogeneous eolian silt, buff to tannish grey when dry and brown
when wet. The period of loess deposition was approximately 25,000 to 10,000
years ago (D. Hopkins, per$. corn., 1981).
is found in the lower part of Karshner valley at the hot springs.
Creek has cut through at least 10 meters of loess, yet it is not certain
whether the creek is close to bedrock, or is resting on several meters of
The loess is
Loess of an undetermined thickness
loess. The loess-metasediment contact is not exposed in Karshner Valley. r _.
w The floor of Karshner Val ley is covered by vegetation and a1 1 uvium.
The alluvium is composed dominantly of sand and gravel, but ranges in size
complexly folded and faulted.
of Bean Ridge strike east-kest or northeast, subparallel to the trend of
the ridge. Faults on the
vertical displacement (Ho
Few faults have been
Springs dome. It may sim
of outcrop. However, the
that a deep-seated fault system may be supplying the plumbing for the
thermal water at Manley. An alternate possibility is that well-developed
fracture permeability in the bedrock may be responsible for the springs.
Faults along the crest and the northern side
e are characteri zed by predomi nantly
Taber , 1 962).
V the' southern f 1 ank of Manley Hot
hat faults were undetected due to the lack
of the hot springs in this area suggests
Using aerial photographs, Hopkins and Taber (1 962) mapped several 1 inear w
within granitic rock upstream of the hot springs in the Karshner
Creek drainage. These linears strike approximately N 50" E. An arcuate
fault shown upstream from the hot springs in Figure 9 was also mapped by
Hopkins and Taber on the basis of aerial photographs.
Fairlt, located 10 km to the southeast, may be a splay of the Tintina Fault.
Therefore the possibility of fault activity in the Manley Hot Springs area
The Beaver Creek
t ',,
cannot be discounted.' the Beaver Creek Fault appears to die out to the
southwest underneath
south of the Tanana Valley.
Rocks are not faulted
Hot Springs taking
aeri a1 photographs an ples. Evaluation of
this report has be ngoing through the fall and
spring semesters of 1981-1982. The final report presented as a University
of Alaska Master's Thesis is forecast for completion in December, 1982.
' . The thermistor, resistivity instruments and helium equipment were
U 4
loaned from the Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska, Fairbanks. The
Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys (DGGS) provided water
U sampling equipment. Helium and water analyses were done respectively through
Western Systems Lab, Inc. and the Alaska DGGS. Mercury soil simple analysis
was done by the author during the fall of 1981, using a Jerome Instruments
mercury detector provided by the Geophysical Institute.
Y A grid system was surveyed early in the field season with northsouth
and east west coordinates and a spacing interval of 15 m (figs. 11-12).
The north-south and east-west base lines intersect 15 m northwest of the
greenhouse. The grid was surveyed with a tape and Brunton compass. v
The network was to cover t thermally disturbed ground at the main
ngs (Site A), which was app ent in aerial photos taken earlier that
ng. It was also intended that the grid extend out from the main springs 0
far enough to reach 'b During the surveying,
it was decided that the grid
southwest (Site B) and
th-south baseline of 330 m, and contains
ple points. As
grid. The grid also provided
springs, seeps, creeks and other geographic features. Y
. Approximate rcole 1:6000
Site A contains 11 measured hot springs and seeps which range in
w Id temperature from 60.7. C to 16.3' C. They lie at a mean elevation of 94.5 m,
along the walls and floor of Karshner Creek valley. Springs A,l-3 constitute
the main springs, possessing higher temperatures and rates of flow than
any other springs at Manley. These three springs are utilized presently
for spaceheating, irrigation and other purposes. The water chemistry of
springs A,1-3 has been analyzed several authors (Wari ng, 191 7; Mi 1 ler
and others, 1975; Mariner and others, 1978). The three main springs and
several smaller ones (A,1-7) issue from a knoll or terrace along the north
wall of Karshner Valley. Their points of issuance have a spread in
elevation of about 7 meters, from the lowest to the highest spring. The
rs to be composed of unconsolidated sandy and silty gravel
alluvium, and may represent an older alluvial terrace of Karshner Creek.
In March, 1981, Moorman and Liss of the DGGS measured a total flow rate of
approximately 1418 l/min for springs A,1-7.
.' *. i ., Other seeps of Site A, springs A,9-11, are located on the south side
rshner Creek downslope from the maln spring area. They issue from
ase of a low knoll. and from the valley floor.
Springs A,8-11 are
terized by low rates of flow, probably less then 5-10 l/min. A11
W prings and seeps from site A drain to Karshner Creek, and increase
ek considerably. There is a proliferation of
arshner Creek after
reous sinter up
the springs of
depression- on the side of a hi1 1 ,
approximately 200 meters west of Site A. The site is at a mean elevation
t 113 m. Nine seeps were measured at Site 8, with a range of
temperatures from 32.0. C to 17.7. C. The seeps form a northeast-trending
belt along the lower half of an open and marshy meadow.
seeps at Site B are characterized by very low rates of flow, less than
5 l/min. Site B may be an example of a eutrophic spring, consisting of a
single point of issuance for the thermal water {Mary Moorman, pers. comm..,
1981). The spring however, becom
through an upper organic-rich soil horizon. This leads to the surface
expression of several cooler seeps, rather than a single hot spring.
There is a conspicuous absence of trees in the area surrounding Site 8
which might be explained by poor drainage. The seeps at Site 6 flow downslope
and coalesce into a single drainage which enters the Hot Springs Slough
just west of the bridge. There are bluegreen algae and small amounts of
calcareous sinter present near the mouths of seeps A,5-8.
The individual v d.
cooled and diffused as it filters
ud Site C consists of several small groups of seeps and springs which are
southeast of the main springs and distributed along the edge of the main
(Thana) e. valley. Site C is the lowest of the four sites, with a mean
., Y elevation of of 85 m. Nine springs and seeps were measured, with
seeps of site C flow southwest along the edge of the main valley and
eventually drain into the lower portion of Karshner Creek. Minor amounts W
U 38 ,
of blue-green algae and calcareous sinter are associated with them.
U 4 Site D is about 0.8 north of the main springs. The site is at a
mean elevation of approximately 152 m, making it the highest of the four
sites. Two seeps were measured, with temperatures of 25.4. C and 21.7. C.
U The seeps are located near the heads of two adjacent valleys and form the
first signs of running water along the creek floors. The valleys are narrow
and steep-walled. The surrounding hills consist of loess which is covered
us by trees and lush vegetation. Although there is a thick vegetative cover
the loess appears to be undergoing extensive erosion expressed by steep,
irregular topography suggestive of dl ands topography. Seeps D,1-2 have
low rates of flow, less than
eventually mixing with co
valley west of the road t
calcareous sinter .
* 'There are six water wells present within the eastern part of the study
area. One or two more wells may be present whfch the author was unable to
v The thermal water flows downstream,
r surface runoff water, which drains into the
ofty. Seeps at Site 0 show minor amounts of
- r
are plotted on Fig. 11 and a summary of well
199 The table and text notation for wells is as
letter symbols are followed
ells were located
was lowered down insi
~ in the container was
All of the wells are under private ownership, except for the highway W
maintenance yard well. Of the six wells in the study area all but one
. are cold water wells. CW-5 is capped so little information was obtained
on it, yet it is probably a cold well.
currently in use.
by the Highway Department.
V 1 Of the cold water wells two are
Well CW-3 is for residential use and well CW-4 is used
Y The warm water well HW-1 is about 0.6 km northeast of the main hot
springs, located on the side of a hill, The temperature measured was
29.1' C, however this is the temperature of standing water about 0.5 m
below the water surface. The well was drilled several years ago and is
not in use. A water sample was taken of HW-1 for analysis of major chemical
constituents and oxygen isotopes.
Karshner Creek
Karshner Creek is one of several creeks which drains the southern side
of Bean Ridge and is the only c
drains an area of approximately
months. Ouring the summer the
2-5' C, measured upstream from the$'lot springs.
probably the result of snow and ice melt. Water was collected and analyzed
nt in the study area. The creek
nd is fast-moving in the summer
erature of Karshner Creek is approximately
Much of the creek water is u
three other sites (A,l; A,2; B,l; C,5; D,l). In addition, waters were
analyzed from the warm well (HW-1) and from Karshner Creek (CS-1) upstream
v of the hot spring area. All of the samples were analyzed by Mary Moorman
the Alaska OGGS. Oxygen isotope samples were also collected at each
of the above localiti as well as from rainwater. However, these data are
not yet available at the time of this report's publication. v
A list of the major chemic onstituents is given in Table 4. In
addition, a cold water well sample (CW-4) was analyzed by Northern Testing
Laboratories, Fairbanks, Alaska, for the community of Manley Hot Springs.
Some of the data from this analysis are also llsted, although it is by no
means complete. A ternperature-calibrated pH could not be obtained from
HW-1 as the well is not presently being pumped. In addition, the silica
value from this well is anoma
water from Karshner Creek. S
could be that the silica has ree
completely explain the very low Si02 value
sly low, even when compared with the
is standing in the well, it
, however this still does not W
It would be worthwhile to
is well and resample after a w is obtained.
v Several geothermometers were calculated for the water, using the
sults are listed 5n Table 6. The equations listed in Table 5.
able reservoir temperature estimates
e main spring samples (A,1 and
and others, 1978,
1 chemistry by
constraints. However,
water chemistry i nte
oxygen isotopes in a later thesis report.
oming along with a study of the
Water I W
We1 1s and Miscell aneous Samples from Manley Hot Sprlngs
Type of Analysis Water Temp . Sample ('C) Comments
HW-1 29.1 Warm well Water, Isotope
W Frank Shelton, owner Water level 53 ft below surface Approximate?y 100 ft deep
cs-1 . 1.5 Karshner Creek Water, Isotope
f hot springs
RW-1 U Rainwater Isotope
cw-1 12 .o Greg Neubauer, owner
cw-2 9.0 Approx . temp.
Water level 36.5 ft below surface
Robert Miller, Owner Water level 37 ft below surface
Robert Mi 1 1 er , owner Well presently used
I 15.0 Approx . temp. cw -3
w d Chemical Analysis of Water Samp
A, 1 A, 2 891 c, 5 091
Temp ('C) 59.5 58.7 32.0 33.1 25.4
Hw-1 cs-1 cw-4
Two ground temperature surveys were conducted at Manley Hot Springs u"
. (Figures 13 and 14). An earlier temperature survey was done over the
establ ished grid system and concentrated on thermal anomal ies around Site
A and to a lesser extent Sites 8 and C (Fig. 13).
thermally disturbed ground extended outside of the grid, a 1 ater temperature
survey was conducted which covered a larger area including Site 0 and
established ttbackground't or non-thermally disturbed ground (Fig. 14).
Because of time constraints the temperature surveys were shallow, utilizing
a probe which measured the ground temperature at a depth of 0.50 meters
below the surface. As shown in Figs. 13 and 14, it appears that shallow
level geothermal activity can be adequately delineated at this measurement depth.
The temperature probe was designed by Tom Osterkamp of the Geophysical
Institute, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, and constructed at the Institute's
machine shop. Several modifications were later made to the original probe
by Cy Hetherington and Joe Redington, Jr. of Manley dot Springs. The probe
consists of a hollow length of steel which is pounded into the ground.
thermistor is lowered down insi e the probe and the probe is then filled with
water to allow for better heat he probe and the thermistor.
It takes 2 to 3 minutes for the temperature to
Y Since the area of
A *
Y The temperature
ading is taken fro read to an accuracy
m was not significantly
It was affected by the time of day at which the temperature was taken.
noted however that as the summer progressed, the ground at a depth of
thermal ground
Approximate scote 1:6000 kiEi3; r::rs,
0.5 m gradually warmed due to the accumulation and storage of solar heat.
Y Two control points measured at the end of 12 days showed an average increase
in temperature of approximately 8.0%. Another point measured after 38
days showed an Sncrease in temperature of 17.0%. To minimize the
effects of long-term solar acc
out over the shortest possible
in 6 days, while the reconnaissance survey was carried out in 8 days.
Temperature measurements over the grid area were taken at regularly
spaced intervals of 15 m. The temperatures were then plotted and hand-
contoured, using a contou (Figure 13). Areas of the
grid which have a samplin
dashed isotherms to indic
is approximate
d as areas enclosed
Figure 13. The largest and
0 hottest anomaly, referre loses the main springs and
the area of spring Site two small lobes with
orthwest of the greenhouse .
5% located just north and
s near the base of the knoll,
located upslope on the top of the
A forms a rough rectangle which is
and minor axes The southeast
end of the an
its' upper, northwest end lies along the knoll and part of the northeast
of the valley.
Another anomaly defined by the 20'C isotherm is present near spring
site B and is referred to as A omaly 8.
several of the seeps. Anomal
cated east of seep B,l. Th
is oriented parallel to the s
The anomaly is centered around ,
8 has a maximum ground temperature of 26.5'C
Y hill.
Three anomalies exist on the eastern side of the grid at lower
elevations in the general area of spring site C.
anomalies referred to as anomalies C1 and C2, are each less than 25 m2 in
area. They are centered on seeps.&
along the margin of the main valley.
north side of Karshner valley s
is approximately 105 ins .3 areas where the
in excess 'of 30'C. Anomaly X differs from the other shall
anomalies within the grid in that it is not closely associated with surface
thermal water. Afte {on of road which intersects
The two northernmost
to the main valley. The anomaly
melt (Charles Dart, Pers.
and largest e
thermal waters of spring sites A, B and C. Anomaly X lies along and runs
parallel to Karshner Creek valley. The anomaly may be associated with
very shallow level hydrothermal activity.
Reconnaissance Ground Temperature Survey
W d
The ground temperature survey done on the grid system made it possible
ately del i neate local, higher temperature anomal i es. However, the
not extend into what was considered to be true "background"
temperature (thermally undisturbed ground) for the Manley Hot Springs
ies A, 6, C1, C2 and X appear to be superimposed on a low- c,
level thermal anomaly which covers a major portion of the grid and extends
well beyond its boundaries. Geothermal areas outside of the grid such as
warm seeps of site D and the warm well HW-1 are also part of the geothermal w
system present at Manley Hot Springs.
boundaries of the low-level thermal anomaly and to tie in geothermal areas
outside of the grid, a reconnaissance temperature survey was conducted.
The locations of temperature measurements were plotted on ELM 1:6,000
aeri a1 photos.
In order to determine the actual
W It was concluded from the reconnaissance temperature survey that the
temperature for local "background" at a depth of 0.50 m is generally less
is a wide valley where temperatures drop off gradually and vegetation
changes to black spruce and other cool soil plants,
also scattered permafrost just west of the Tofty Road. West of 'the regional
temperature anomaly, along the base of the slopes of Bean Ridge, temperatures
drop off gradually. In a westerly direction temperatures are consistently
less than or equal to about 10.0'C for 0.7 km. The extent of the northern
boundary is not well defined, and is shown as a questioned line in places
in Figure 14. The northern boundary is shown as upslope of an old fire
break and is located within dense forest. Accurate mapping on aerial
photos was difficult, and the northern boundary may be mislocated by as
In this area there is * I
anomaly shown in Figure 14 may be helpful in indicating
a higher probability of geothermal potential, This map is only
based on shallow temperature measurements however, and should not be
construed as definitively indicative of areas which do or do not have
eothemal potenti a1 .
ome highly mobile
soil sample was collected at each of
Each of the samples the grid points - a total of 287 samples (Figure 15).
was collected below the organic horizon at a standard depth of 10 to 15 cm.
.- re,
Samples were dried ?fn the shade, sifted through a 80 mesh screen, and then
clr stored in'glass vials. Analysis was done from October to December, 1981
on a Jerome Instruments Model 301 gold film mercury detector, with a
detection level of about 1 part per billion (ppb). A low-temperature
method of analysis was done on the Model 301 mercury detector, in which v
e heated to temperatures of 290'C rather than the high-temperature
volving heating to 800'C. The low temperature analysis drives
off less mercury so that mercury values are about 40.60% lower than those w
using the higher temperature analysis. This method of reduced soil heating
ive, not absolute values for mercury and is often perferred
because of improved reproducibility and ease of analysis.
were run in duplicate in order to insure reproducibility of results.
Values for duplicate samp s were generally within f 048% of each other.
Results of the mercury an ysis were plotted and handdcontoured, using a
contour interval of 10 ppb mercury (Figure 15).
Samples of 0.25 g v
The majority of samples had values of about 5 to 15 ppb. Background
mercury values for the grid are about 4 to 9 ppb. However it should be kept
re relative and not absolute values.
ury contents ranging from 107 to 6,300 ppb,
it is believed that these are not the
eothermal activit ct of soil contamination.
site of collecti
alue was coll
nery close t
two large areas e losed by the 10 ppb contour. One of the
areas is along the northern side
hill north of the valley. The other anomaly is U-shaped and covers part
of the southern side of Karshner valley and a portion of the hillside
south of the valley.
d Cy
Values on the order of 20-60 ppb are probably associated with geothermal
activity. The exception to this might be the two anomalous areas on the
south-central edge of the grid. They show values of 52 and 72 ppb and are
located on a wooded hillside which is not close to any hydrothermal area.
The other 20-60 ppb anomalies are near or within hot spring sites. Several
of the apparently geothermal -re1 ated mercury anomalies are 1-5 m upslope
of spring or-seep sites. A 14 ppb anomaly is located just upslope and
west of springs of sfte 8. A 32 ppb anomaly is upslope of springs A,lO-11.
A 24 ppb mercury value is upslope of springs A,l and A,3-4, and a 27 ppb
value is above springs C,l-3. This may be due to higher temperatures allowing
mercury to be driven off. There are o large mercury anomal les in soi 1
associated with the main hot springs. This may be due to htgher temperatures
allowing mercury to be driven off. There is a 77 ppb anomaly just east
of the greenhouse whlch is located above the knoll on the north wall of
, east -west trending anomaly
art of Karshner valley and
ower or higher than average.
~~~ ~~ ~~~
In order to determine lateral and vertical variations of ground
resistivity at Manley Hot Springs, a shallow resistivity survey was run
over the grid system. The Geonics EM31 instrument consists of coplanar
transmitter and receiver coils located at opposite ends of a 3 me
The transmitter coil induces circular eddy current loops in the earth,
such that the magnitude of any one of the current loops is directly pro-
portional to the terrain conductivity in the vicinity of that loop. A
magnetic field is generated by each of the current loops which is propor-
tional to the value of the current flowing within that loop, The receiver
coil intercepts a part of th
voltage which is also linear to the terrain conductivity. Assuming
the earth is uniform, the instrum
However, if the earth is layered
values, the instrument reads an i
accuracy of f 5% at 20 millimhos per meter.
agnetic field and results in an output
0 eads the actual terrain conductivity.
layers of different conductivity
ediate value. The EM31 has a recorded
0 In general, the EM31 aiquires
. most of its conductivity res nse from shallow ground levels wit
e from deeper levels. for example, the ground below 6 m
s about 28% of the total conductivity response, while the ground
4th the ground so
1 meter from
s per meter which
to resistivity units of ohm-meters, The transmitter was kept oriented
towards the east.
It was unnecessary to apply drift corrections to the
data, as base station readings throughout the period of the survey showed
re1 atively 1 ittle change. Meter readings tended to fluctuate wildly where
stations were located next to metallic pipes. At these locations the data
I w
ither disregarded or the instrument was moved far enough so that
readings were not affected. U
The results of the EM31 survey are shown in Figure 16. The data are
6 given in units of ohm-meters and are hand-contoured using a contour interval
of 20 ohm-meters.
14 ohmmeters.
100 ohm-meters, while anomalous values have been designated as about 60 ohm-
meters or less. The 60 ohm-meter contour encloses two large areas. One
area is centered over the knoll, including the greenhouse and some of the
main springs. 7his anomaly responds quite osely with the floor of
Karshner valley from 20 meters northwest of the greenhouse to about 25
meters southeast of the greenhouse Another anomalous area enclosed
partially by the 60 ohm-meter ontour is located on the north edge of the
. main-valley with a into Karshner valley. There is
Values range from a high of 500 ohm-meters to a low of
In general, background is considered to be greater than 80-
s of site 6.
spond closely with surface or near-
ng waters accounts for the low
which is slow-moving, murky water,
es and dissolved constituents,
ear or over water of
Karshner Creek before thermal mixing has taken place is not anomalously
Based on exposures along the walls of Karshner valley and steep slopes
bordering the main valley, it is believed that the loess forms continuous
deposits at least 10-12 meters thick on the hillsides surrounding the hot
springs. Therefore, on the hillsides the depth to bedrock is at least 10-
12 meters. Assuming the EM31 is seeing a homogeneous earth on the hillsides,
the resistivity of the loess iqbelieved to be about 200 ohm-meters.
Upstream from t
by thermal water, the resistivity is similar to that of the loess-covered
hot spring area, where readings are not strongly affected
An attempt was made to'measure variations in resistivity at deeper v
levels than those obtained by the EM31 survey. The Geonics EM16R was the
instrument used r this purpose. To determine the electrical resistivity
of the ground,
the horizontal elec
distant VtF (very 1
resistivity there is a phase angle of 45 between the electric aid magnetic
field components, a true terrain resistivity. The
effective depth of
io and the phase angle between w
Ids of the wave propagated by
tters. If the earth is of uniform
the electrical resistivity itself
tbe transmitting station. The
penetration. If
ation depth at a frequency of
1 layers of differ t resistivities
the EM16R is deeper than the
n intermediate resistivity
e 45'. In a two-layer case, if value and the ph
the resistivity of either layer or the th 'cui
then from the apparent resistivity and the phase angle the other two
parameters, e.g. the thickness of layer 1 and the resistivity values of
the other layers can be found by comparison with a series of two-layer .
model curves or by calculations. Calculations for three or more layers
are quite complex. v
The EM16R makes electrical contact with the ground by means of 2 probes
spaced 10 meters apart. The probes are aligned with the direction of the
VtF transmitter. The transmitter used for this study is based in Seattle, Y
with a transmitted frequency of 18.6 kHz. Phase angle and resistivity
readings were obtained by locating an audio nullpoint. Stations which
Y were covered by the EM16R survey are shown in Figure 17. A total of 61
stations were measured covering segments of 5 east-west grid lines. Profiles
for these lines are shown n Figure 18A-F.
line, the station locations and the variations in phase angle and resistivity.
Phase angle is read from the right side of the graph, and resistivity
values from the left. The phase angle readings are indicated by a dashed
line. The horizontal dotted line indicates the 45' phase angle of the
homogeneous, one-layered case.
Each profile gives the grid
Cooking at the profiles, apparent resistivity
50 ohm-meters. The
.45'. At some stations phase
omogeneaus ground.
ine is located on
n the knoll, which
area of high thermal
rJ Figure 18A-F. EM16R re&ivity profiles aloq segtents of
east-st lines. &--a& resistivity (pa) values are read
fra the left of grqh, phase angle ($1 values are read fran right.
3 --
A. Y
disturbance associated with high temperatures and flow activity of the
main springs, indicating that hot water fills the loess and aluvium to
20-25 m depth.
Most of the stations show phase angles greater than 45' and low apparent
must be assumed that p2 is less than PI. The layer 1 resistivity was
calculated to be greater than or equal to about 100 ohm-meters, Using this
value, the resistivity of layer 2 is small, averaging about 10-40 ohm-
meters, and the thickness of ayer 1 ranges from 1-10 meters.
the EM-16R results agree with he EM31 data which has a shallower depth of
penetration. For several othe
a pi of 10-30 ohm-meters. Cor
ohm-meters at depth of 0.5-15 met s.
of near surface geology, The EM16R resistivities certainly are affected by
thermal disturbance in the area.
the instrument is seeing 3 or more lay s.
In order to obtain a solution using a two-layer case, it 13
In general
b tations a solution was obtained by assuming
ponding ~2 values ranged from 25-90
These values may not agree with projections
It nay also be that at many of the stations
Due to these complications,
M16R data are insufficient o completely determine the depth of alluvium,
the depth to bedrock'in Karshne ley, and the depth to be
hillsides. They do however sho as of probable hot water
more rn in depth. /
anomalously hi g
as a by-product of the radioactive decay of uranium and thorium. These
elements are present -in minor amount in most rocks and can be enriched
in granitic intrusive rocks. The solubility of helium in water increases
with temperatures above 30°C, so that thermal water coming from depth may
act as an efficient helium scavenger (Mazor, 1972). As the water reaches
a near-surface reservoir, it undergoes cooling and a drop in pressure.
Both of these conditions effectively release the helium which may then
rise towards the surfac
-i Y
There are several ds for helium sampling. Samples of
gas can either be extracted from the soil by a driven tube, or by canning
soil samples. The gas within the thermal water can also be collected and
analysed for helium. At spri A,2 one helium water sample was taken.
The helium survey at Manley Hot Springs primarily consisted of canning
soil samples. The soil was collected from 0.6 m depth with a soil auger
and then canned'as quickly as possible to minimize the loss of helium.
Cans were shipped to Western Systems, Inc. in Colorado for mass
spectrometric He analysis, with results
(ppm) helium with a precision of 10 par
13 I Figure 17 shows the g d stations where hellurn soil samples were
collected and the corre ium in ppm. A total of 33
n along eastowest grid lines.
aturf! values
t Springs range fr
onsidered anomalous
e 90s. The station is
rings A,lO-11.- The neighboring
The soil was collected
The main spring area
sample was also anomalous, with a value of 8.0 ppm.
from gravelly and sandy alluvium of Karshner Creek. 4J
Fc I. ..
shows maximum values of 6.0 and 6.2 ppm, and a water sample collected at
spring A,2 had a value of 31.9 ppm helium. Water samples generally run .crJ!
igher than si1 values, but 31.9 ppm is anomalously high (Turner and Wescott,
1982). The other high helium value was taken in soil near spring C,2 and
contains 9.7 ppm. W
The highest soil reading of 9. pm helium was taken fro
a shallow temperature of 21.5.C, while the two high values near the main
springs had ground temperatures of 30.0. and 42.5.C. Since helium is an
indicator of thermal water which has ascended from depth, these localities
may represent areas where fracturing or faulting has allowed the deeply
circulating water to ascend to the near surface. As such, these areas
might be likely targets for geothermal drilling.
The Manley Hot Springs are s located in the northwestern part of the
Yukon-Tanana upland. The hot s ngs are situated within hornfelsed
sediments adjacent to a granitic pluton, a setting similar to that of many
(0 *
Sprl ngs the bedrock
Manley Hot Springs area. The nearest major fault is
It may be a splay the Beaver Creek Fault located 10 km to the southeast.
fault of the Tintina Fault, which has documented movement in Recent times.
Based on aerial photos, Hopkins and Taber (1962) have mapped several linear
trends upslope of Manley Hot Springs. These linears strike about NSOE,
transverse to slope dip, and are in granitic rocks.
W 32 hot springs and seeps were measured during the period of this study,
with temperatures ranging from 60.7OC to 16.3"C.
springs are located on Karshner Creek and are utilized by the Darts for
space heating, irrigation and operation of a bath house. All of the hot springs
and seeps are located near the base of south-facing slopes of Bean Ridge,
between Ohio Creek and the road to Tofty. They are all on land owned by
the Darts. The 32 springs are divided into 4 sites. The sites vary in
elevation from about 85 m to 150 m above sea level. Most have associated
small deposits of travertine and moderate to extensive growth of blue-green
to issue from loess.
The hottest of these
In general, spring sites are high1
The hottest group of springs issue from a knoll. The
is composed of gravel alluvium and may represent a stream terrace of
e east several wells have been drilled, including
rature of 29.1. C (84.4' F). No
1 ow-temperatur
el ineate li kel
re survey were located
ain springs and had a
hallow (0.5 m) ground
vity, and helium soil gas. Water from
several springs and seeps, as well as from the warm well and Karshner
Creek were collected and analyzed. The results of the water chemistry and
oxygen isotopes will be dealt with more extensively in a forthcoming thesis
report. The results of the shallow ground temperature survey on the grid
define several anomalies enclosed by the 20'C isotherm. These temperature
anomalies are coincident with seeps and springs except for one anomaly,
referred to as Anomaly X. Although not associated with surface water,
near-surface thermal Anomaly X is probably due to water. The reconnaissance w
temperature survey defined an area of thermally disturbed shallow ground
about 1.2 km long and 0.8 kin wide, which occurred along the base of south
slopes of Bean Ridge. Results of the mercury survey showed several anomalies
defined as areas enclosed b the 20 ppb contour, which are upslope of
several of the springs and seeps, as well as temperature Anomaly X.
Resistivity surveys were of two types. The EM31 survey measured
shal low ground resistivity with an effective depth of penetration of about
6 meters. Results of the EM31 delineated areas of low resistivity which
appear to be closely associated with the partially saline thermal water.
The EM31 shallow resistivity survey also yielded a resistivity value for
Assuming this value, it follows that
present under allu
e substantiated b
The EM16R resistivity survey
ve results which
general , ved in the geolog
1 ow resist i vi ty
vey del i neated
ent in canned soil gas samples.
um-enriched gas is migrating
to the surf ace above subsurf ace hot water reservoir( 5).
The Manley Hot Springs Dome stock is characteristically massive and
Springs Dome discovered almost complete oxfdation of rock to a depth of
136 meters which was the deepest hole drilled. This suggests that the
fracture permeability of the granite allows for migration of ground water
Drilling done by the Bureau of Mines near the summit of Hot
to substantial depth from the dome summit, and quite possibly, the slopes
of the dome.
Dome stock as dipping moderately to gently underneath the "Boulder Ridge
Formation" in the Manley Hot Springs area.
metasediment contact with the surface is approximately 0.6-0.8 kin upslope
of the hot springs.
thin-bedded quartzite and "knotted' slates overlie granitic rocks in the
Manley Hot Springs area.
within these rocks, or water
thin-bedded quartzite.
Hopkins and Taber (1962) show the margin of the Hot Springs 0
The intersectlon of the granite-
Hornfelsed sediments which include recrystallized,
Contact metamorphism may Rave increased fracturing
be' migrating along bedding planes in
0 All of the springs and seeps appear to be issuing from surficial
deposits of etther es loess. The loess is
omposed of massive
ures are prese
ver it is not believed
widens near the mai
and several hot springs flow near the base of one of the knolls.
springs and seeps appear to issue from
s or at the base of loess cliffs.
In general, the springs and the shallow, thermally disturbed ground are
distributed over a 1.2 km long, northeast trending belt. Variations in
elevation of the springs suggest that they may be structurally and not
topographically control led.
above evidence, a model is proposed for the low temperature
geothermal system present at Manley Hot Springs.
southeast slopes of Bean Ridge enters joints and fractures in granitic
rocks of the Manley Hot Springs Dome stock. The water migrates deeply
enough in the granite to be heated by a normal geothermal gradient of
30-50'C/km. Given a reservoir temperature of 137'C, derived from the cation
Ground water along the 0
. geothermometers, this would imply migration to depths of about 2.5-
As water is heated, it circulates towards the surface, eventually Y
along bedding planes or fractur hornfelsed "Boulder Ridge
Formation" metasedimentary rocks. The overlying loess apparently acts
as a caprock, allowing the hot ater to mwate along the 1oess-metasediment
Areas of fracturing in the loess allow for final escape of
e surface, expressed as hot springs and seeps of sites
apparently involves
ay be the case
sures are poor,
so that if faulting does exist it is well-hidden.
Future analysis of the water chemistry will aid in interpretation of
ulc’ sub-surface water-rock reactions, as well as the extent of mixing of thermal
water wlth ground water. A seismic survey would aid in delineating the
depth to basement in Karshner valley, as well as possible faulting. More
extensive helium surveys‘could be useful in defining areas of hot water
source migratfon and detection of the fault or fracture system which may
control the Manley Hot Springs geothermal area.
Y Based on findings from the helium, temperature, mercury, and resistivity
surveys, three localities at Manley Hot Springs were chosen as likely sites
for a geothermal well (Figure 19). e first and most promising site is the
area just north to northwest of the eenhouse, referred to as site 1. the
area is an obvious choice, since the hottest springs are located here.
Helium soil gas values are anomalously high, as are shallow ground temperature
nd shallow resistivity values.
based on anomalous helium values.
valley near the intersection of drainages of sites A,10 and A,11.
the third most likely drilling
Site 2 he second most likely site
ated on the floor of Karshner
Site 3,
is located near temperature Anomaly
orth side of Karshner Creek Valley.
ous temperature and resistivity values and
I Y .. I
a small population center in the interior of Alaska.
and Manley in the early part of the century attests to the fact that Manley
Hot Springs, as well as other hot springs of the Interior, can be utilized
on a much larger scale than they are presently. Agricultural production,
spaceheating and even the generation of small amounts of electricity by
geothermal means coul d be hi ghl y benef i ci a1 to surrounding communi t i es .
The work of Karshner
The U.S.. Dept. of Energy provided funding for this study under
Cooperative Agreement No. DE-FC07-79-ET27034 with E. M. Wescott and D. L.
o-principal investigators. While at Manley Hot Springs housing
and partial board was kindly provided by Charles 'and Gladys Dart.
istance in g und temperature and mercury soit collection as
Y well as grid surveying was ably .provided by
geoscience student then enrolled at the Uni
The EM-31 resistivity survey was assisted by Becky Pettinger, an undergraduate
geophysics student then enrolled at New Mexico Tech. University, New Mexico.
Mary Moorman with the Alaska 06
ity Of Alaska,
8 ied instruction and partial assistance
n water sampling of the hot springs.
lso like to express her
vice, insight and supp
Cy Hetherington,
Steven 0' Bri en Jo
residents of
I would especially like to thank the following people: Charles and
Gladys Dart, Dr. David Hopkins of USGS, Mary Moorman and Roman Motyka of
Chapman, R. M., W. E. Yeend, W. P. Brosgg, and H. N. Reiser, 1975,
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71-66, scale 1:250,000.
Foster, H. L., F. R. Weber, R. 8. Forbes, and E. E. Brabb, 1973, Regional
Y geology of Yukon*Tanana Upland
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