HomeMy WebLinkAboutSpecificationsDIVISION 1 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS SECTION 01020 INTENT OF DOCUMENTS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Explanation of intent and terminology of the Construction Documents. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Document 00700 — General Conditions. 1.03 SPECIFICATION FORMAT AND COMPOSITION A. Specifications are divided into Divisions and Sections for the convenience of writing and using. Titles are not intended to imply a particular trade jurisdiction. AUTHORITY is not bound to define the limits of any subcontract, and will not enter into disputes between the CONTRACTOR and his employees, including Subcontractors. B. Pages are numbered independently for each Section, and recorded in the Table of Contents. Section number is shown with the page number at the bottom of each page. The end of each Section of the Specifications is ended by "End of Section". It is CONTRACTOR'S responsibility to verify that Contract Documents received for bidding and/or construction are complete in accordance with Table of Contents. C. The language employed in the Contract Documents is addressed directly to the CONTRACTOR. Imperative or indicative language is generally employed throughout and requirements expressed are the mandatory responsibility of the CONTRACTOR, even though the Work specified may be accomplished by specialty subcontractors engaged by the CONTRACTOR. References to third parties in this regard shall not be interpreted in any way as to relieve the CONTRACTOR of his or her responsibility under this Contract. D. These Specifications are of the abbreviated or "streamlined" type, and may include incomplete sentences. E. Omissions of words or phrases such as "the CONTRACTOR shall", "in conformity therewith", "shall be", "as noted on the Drawings", "according to the Drawings", "a", "an", "the" and "all" are intentional. F. Omitted words or phrases shall be supplied by inference in the same manner as they are when a "note' occurs on the Drawings. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 01020-1 Intent of Documents 1.04 DRAWINGS: CONTENT EXPLANATION A. Drawings, Dimensions and Measurements. 1. Contract Documents do not purport to describe in detail, absolute and complete construction information. Drawings are diagrammatic. CONTRACTOR shall provide verification of actual site conditions and shall provide complete and operational systems as specified when Drawings do not provide full detail. 1.05 COMMON TERMINOLOGY A. Certain items used generally throughout the Specifications and Drawings are used as follows: 1. Indicated: The term "indicated" is a cross reference to details, notes or schedules on the Drawings, other paragraphs or schedules in the Specifications, and similar means of recording requirements in the Contract Documents. Where terms such as "shown", "noted", "schedules", and "specified" are used in lieu of "indicate", it is for the purpose of helping the reader accomplish the cross reference, and no limitation of location is intended except as specifically noted. 2. Installer: The person or entity engaged by CONTRACTOR, his Subcontractor or sub -subcontractor for the performance of a particular unit of Work at the Project site, including installation, erection, application and similar required operations. It is a general requirement that installers be recognized experts in the work they are engaged to perform. 3. Furnish: Except as otherwise defined in greater detail, the term "furnish" is used to mean "...supply and deliver to the Project site, ready for unpacking, assembly and installation..." 4. Provide: Except to the extent further defined, the term "provide" means to furnish and install, complete and ready for the intended use. 5. Guarantee and Warranty: "Warranty" is generally used in conjunction with products manufactured or fabricated away from the Project site, and "guarantee" is generally used in conjunction with units of work which require both products and substantial amounts of labor at the Project site. The resulting difference is that warranties are frequently issued by manufacturers, and guarantees are generally issued by CONTRACTOR and frequently supported (partially) by product warranties from manufacturers. 1.06 CONFLICTS A. Report any conflicts to AUTHORITY for clarification. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 01020-2 Intent of Documents PART 2 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 EXECUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 01020-3 Intent of Documents SECTION 01027 APPLICATIONS FOR PAYMENT PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Procedures for preparation and submittal of Applications for Payment. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Document 00700 — General Conditions: Article 13, Progress Payments, and Final Payment. B. Document 00800 — Supplementary Conditions. C. Section 01300 — Submittals. D. Section 01370 — Schedule of Values. E. Section 01700 — Project Closeout. F. Section 01720 — Project Record Documents G. Section 01770 — Contract Closeout. 1.03 FORMAT A. Application for Payment form as provided by the AUTHORITY or Contractor's Form containing same information. 1.04 PREPARATION OF APPLICATIONS A. Type required information on Application for Payment form approved by AUTHORITY. B. Execute certification by original signature of authorized officer upon each copy of the Application for Payment. C. Submit names of individuals authorized to be responsible for information submitted on Application for Payment. D. Indicate breakdown of costs for each item of the Work on accepted Schedule of Values. Provide dollar value in each column for each line item for portion of Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 01027-1 Applications for Payment Work performed and for stored products. Indicate percent complete for each item, value for invoice submitted, total value billed, and totals for each column. E. List each authorized Change Order as an extension on continuation sheet, listing Change Order number and dollar amount as for an original item of Work. F. Prepare for application of Final Payment as specified in Section 01770 — Contract Closeout. 1.05 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES A. Submit original plus three (3) copies of each Application for Payment at times stipulated in Contract. B. Submit under AUTHORITY accepted transmittal letter. Identify Contract by AUTHORITY Contract number. 1.06 SUBSTANTIATING DATA A. When AUTHORITY requires substantiating information, submit data justifying line item amounts in question. B. Provide two (2) copies of data with cover letter for each copy of Application. Show Application number and date, and line item by number and description. 1.07 SUBMITTALS WITH APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT A. Submit the following with each Application for Payment: 1. Updated construction schedule as required by Section 01300 — Submittals. 2. Updated Schedule of Values as required by Section 01370 — Schedule of Values. PART 2 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 EXECUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 01027-2 Applications for Payment SECTION 01028 CHANGE ORDER PROCEDURES PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Procedures for processing Change Orders. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Document 00700 - General Conditions: Articles 9, 10, and 11 — Governing requirements for changes in the Work, in Contract Price, and Contract Time. B. Document 00800 — Supplementary Conditions: Modifications to Document 00700 — General Conditions. C. Section 01027 — Applications for Payment. D. Section 01300 - Submittals. E. Section 01370 — Schedule of Values. F. Section 01630 — Product Options and Substitutions. G. Section 01770 — Contract Closeout. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Submit name of the individual authorized to accept changes, and to be responsible for informing others in CONTRACTOR's employ of changes in the Work. B. Change Order Forms will be prepared by the AUTHORITY. 1.04 DOCUMENTATION OF CHANGE IN CONTRACT PRICE AND CONTRACT TIME A. Maintain detailed records of work done on a Cost of the Work plus a Fee basis. Provide full information required for evaluation of proposed changes, and to substantiate costs of changes in the Work. Incomplete or unsubstantiated costs will be disallowed. B. CONTRACTOR shall submit a complete, detailed, itemized cost breakdown addressing impact on Contract Time and Contract Price with each proposal. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 01028-1 Change Order Procedures C. On request, provide additional data to support computations: 1. Quantities of products, labor, and equipment. 2. Taxes, insurance and bonds. 3. Overhead and profit. 4. Justification for any change in Contract Time. 5. Credit for deletions from Contract, similarly documented. D. Support each claim for additional costs, and for work done on a cost of the Work plus a Fee basis, with additional information: 1. Origin and date of claim. 2. Dates and times Work was performed, and by whom. 3. Time records and wage rates paid. 4. Invoices and receipts for products, equipment, and subcontracts, similarly documented. 1.05 PRELIMINARY PROCEDURES A. AUTHORITY may submit a Proposal Request which includes: Detailed description of change with supplementary or revised Drawings and Specifications, the projected time for executing the change, with a stipulation of any overtime work required, and the period of time during which the requested price will be considered valid. B. CONTRACTOR may initiate a change by submittal of a request to AUTHORITY describing the proposed change with a statement of the reason for the change, and the effect on Contract Price and Contract Time with full documentation. 1.06 CONSTRUCTION CHANGE AUTHORIZATION A. Shall be in accordance with Article 9 — Changes: in Document 00700 — General Conditions. 1.07 LUMP SUM CHANGE ORDER A. CONTRACTOR shall submit an itemized price proposal in sufficient detail to fully explain the basis for the proposal. CONTRACTOR and AUTHORITY shall then negotiate an equitable price (and time adjustment if appropriate) in good faith. The Change Order will reflect the results of those negotiations. If negotiations break down, CONTRACTOR may be directed to perform the subject Work under a COST OF THE WORK CHANGE ORDER. B. The maximum rates of cost markup (to cover both overhead and profit of the CONTRACTOR) shall be per Section 00700 — General Conditions, Article 10, Paragraph 10.3 "Change Order Price Determination". C. These terms shall also apply to the proposals of subcontracts and allowances. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 01028-2 Change Order Procedures 1.08 UNIT PRICE CHANGE ORDER A. For pre -determined Unit Prices and quantities, Change Order will be executed on a lump sum basis. B. For pre -determined Unit Prices and undetermined quantities, Change Order will be executed on an estimated quantity basis; payment will be based on actual quantities measured as specified. 1.09 COST OF THE WORK CHANGE ORDER A. CONTRACTOR shall submit documentation required in Paragraph 1.04 of this Section on a daily basis for certification by the AUTHORITY. The AUTHORITY will indicate by signature that the submitted documentation is acceptable. If it is not acceptable, CONTRACTOR and AUTHORITY shall immediately meet to discuss resolution. B. After completion of the change and within fourteen (14) Calendar Days, unless extended by the AUTHORITY, the CONTRACTOR shall submit in final form an itemized account with support data of all costs. Support data shall have been certified by the AUTHORITY, as required above in paragraph A. C. AUTHORITY will determine the change allowable in Contract Price and Contract Time as provided in provisions of the Contract Documents. 1.10 EXECUTION OF CHANGE ORDERS A. AUTHORITY will issue Change Orders for signatures of parties as provided in Conditions of the Contract. 1.11 CORRELATION OF CONTRACTOR SUBMITTALS A. Promptly revise Schedule of Values and Application for Payment forms to record each authorized Change Order as a separate line item and adjust the Contract Price as shown on Change Order. B. Promptly revise progress schedules to reflect any change in Contract Time, revise subschedules to adjust times for other items of Work affected by the change, and resubmit. C. Promptly enter changes in project record documents. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 01028-3 Change Order Procedures PART 2 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 EXECUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 01028-4 Change Order Procedures SECTION 01100 SUMMARY OF WORK PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. This section describes the project and the work to be performed under this Contract. Detailed requirements and extent of work are stated in applicable Specification sections and shown on the Drawings. 1.02 ORGANIZATION AND INTERPRETATION OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS A. Specifications and Drawings included in these Contract Documents establish the performance, quality requirements, location and general arrangement of materials and equipment, and establish the minimum standards for quality of workmanship and appearance. B. Specification sections have not been divided into groups for work of subcontractors or various trades. Should there be questions concerning the applicability or interpretation of a particular section or part of a section or Drawing, direct questions to the Engineer. C. A part of the work that is necessary or required to make each installation satisfactory and operable for its intended purpose, even though it is not specifically included in the Specifications or on the Drawings, shall be performed as incidental work as if it were described in the Specifications and shown on the Drawings. 1.03 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT A. Scope 1. This project consists of a general contract to furnish all labor, materials, equipment, supervision, transportation, subsistence, expertise and incidentals necessary to complete the Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrades as identified in the Contract Documents. 2. All work is included in the Base Bid unless otherwise indicated and can be generally described as providing the following: a. Mobilization and Demobilization. b. Earthwork complete with excavation, hauling, placement, compaction and embankment construction. C. Geotextile and liner installation. d. Reinforced concrete tank foundations fabrication. e. Field erected bulk fuel tanks and appurtenance installation. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 01100-1 Summary of Work f. Tank cleaning, inspection, repairs and modifications to existing tanks. g. Tank coating application. h. Yard, manifold and buried piping and marine header construction. i. Construction of truck containment slab and truck fill station components. j. Installation of distribution equipment, such as pumps, meters, hose reels, etc. k. Installation of electrical, controls, and related work. 1. Installation of intermediate tanks, dispensing tanks, and associated work. in. Security fence installation. n. Onsite drainage control. o. Onsite Safety. P. Testing and Quality Control 3. Additive Alternate A includes work associated with decommissioning of fuel storage tanks and piping as specified in Section 02082 — Decommissioning Fuel Storage Tanks and Piping. B. Contract Documents 1. Work shall be constructed in accordance with Contract Documents. C. The Contractor shall, except as otherwise specifically stated in applicable parts of these Contract Documents, provide and pay for labor, materials, equipment, tools, construction equipment, facilities, and services necessary for proper execution, testing, and completion of the work. D. Work By Others 1. Bulk tank farm site pad construction up to elevation 17.17 feet as indicated on the Drawings, unless otherwise indicated. 2. Flat Loop Thermosyphons and installation, commissioning, and testing of thermosyphons. 3. Providing one (1) culvert at the bulk tank farm site as indicated. PART 2 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 EXECUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 01100-2 Summary of Work SECTION 01110 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 APPLICABLE CODES, STANDARDS, AND REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS All work shall be in accordance with the latest edition of governing Codes Regulations including but are not limited to: 1. Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) Regulations including 18AAC75 2. American National Standards Institute/American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ANSI/ASME) 3. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Regulations 4. American Petroleum Institute (API) 5. American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) 6. American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) 7. American Welding Society (AWS) 8. American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) 9. International Fire Code (IFC) 10. International Building Code (IBC) 11. Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fitting Industry (MSS) 12. National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) NFPA 30 13. National Electrical Code (NEC) 14. Underwriters Laboratories (U.L.) 15. United States Coast Guard (USCG) Regulations PART 2 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 EXECUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 01110-1 Regulatory Requirements SECTION 01126 CONTRACTOR'S CERTIFICATION OF SUBCONTRACT PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Procedures for preparing, submitting and accepting subcontracts. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Document 00120 — Required Documents, Required After Notice of Apparent Low Bidder. B. Document 00410 — Subcontractor List. C. Document 00700 — General Conditions: Paragraph 6.13, Subcontractors. D. Section 01300 — Submittals. 1.03 PREPARATION A. Certification Forms: Use forms provided by AUTHORITY. B. CONTRACTOR to prepare certification form and submit to the AUTHORITY prior to the start of Work. All subcontracts shall be included in a single submittal. Where required, attach additional information (cross-referenced to the appropriate subcontract) to the certification form. C. Substitute certification forms will not be considered. 1.04 SUBMITTAL OF CERTIFICATION A. CONTRACTOR shall submit certification forms in accordance with the submittal requirements identified under Paragraph 1.02 D of this Section. 1.05 CONSIDERATION OF CERTIFICATION A. Following receipt of submittal and within a reasonable period of time AUTHORITY shall review for each of the following: 1. Completeness of forms and attachments. 2. Proper execution (signatures) of forms and attachments. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade Contractor's REG 06-088 / 02/2006 01126-1 Certification of Subcontract B. Submittals which are not complete or not properly executed will be returned to the CONTRACTOR under a transmittal letter denoting the deficiencies found. CONTRACTOR shall correct and resubmit per paragraph 1.04 of this Section. 1. Subcontractors will be required to leave the project site until properly executed subcontract is in place. 2. Payment will not be made for Work performed by a non -certified subcontractor. 1.06 ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF CERTIFICATION A. Submittals which have been examined by the AUTHORITY and are determined to be complete and properly executed shall be acknowledged as such by the AUTHORITY's signature on the face of each certification form. PART 2 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 EXECUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade Contractor's REG 06-088 / 02/2006 01126-2 Certification of Subcontract SECTION 01150 SURVEYING PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Construction surveying requirements. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Existing survey data and survey control are presented in the Construction Drawings. B. Section 01300 — Submittals. C. Section 02200 — Earthwork. D. Section 02310 — Thermosyphons. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Submit, upon request of the Engineer, copies of all field notes and survey data. B. Provide marked -up as -built drawings. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 SURVEY MATERIALS A. Provide all construction surveying and staking materials to stake construction work. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 SURVEYING BY ENGINEER A. No surveying will be provided by the Engineer. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 01150-1 Surveying 3.02 CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITIES A. Contractor shall set all lines and grades by instrument survey in order to correctly layout the following: 1. Truck Fill Stations 2. Pipelines 3. Earthworks 4. Thermosyphons 5. Secondary Containment Structures 6. Fuel Storage Tank Foundations B. Contractor shall locate and protect all survey reference points. Contractor shall have a Professional Land Surveyor, licensed in the State of Alaska, reset any survey points that have been disturbed at Contractor's expense. C. Survey shall be tied to the basis of horizontal and vertical control indicated on the Drawings. D. Provide and pay for all surveying as required for project completion and acceptance. E. All survey work shall be by, or under, the direction of a licensed Professional Land Surveyor registered in the State of Alaska. F. Field -adjust grades to meet the minimum fill depth required by the Drawings. 3.03 ACCURACY AND TOLERANCES A. Contractor's surveys shall be subject to the following tolerances, unless another tolerance is specified elsewhere in the Contract Documents: 1. +0.10 feet horizontally. 2. +0.10 feet vertically. 3.04 RECORDS A. Maintain a complete, accurate, and reduced set of field notes of all survey work. END OF SECTION Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 01150-2 Surveying SECTION 01300 SUBMITTALS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Requirements and procedures necessary for scheduling, preparation, and submission of submittals. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Individual Specification sections in these Contract Documents contain additional and special submittal requirements. Individual sections shall take precedence in the event of a conflict with this section. B. Document 00700 — General Conditions, Paragraphs 6.9, 6.10 and 6.11 for substitutes, and Paragraphs 6.20 and 6.21 for shop drawings. C. Document 00700 — General Conditions, Paragraphs 6.6, 6.7 and 6.8 for Progress Schedules. D. Document 00700 — General Conditions, Paragraph 6.16 for Record Documents. E. Section 0 13 10 — Progress Schedules. F. Section 01370 — Schedule of Values. G. Section 01400 — Quality Control. H. Section 01500 — Temporary Facilities and Controls. 1. Section 01600 — Materials and Products. J. Section 01630 — Product Options and Substitutions. K. Section 01700 — Project Closeout. L. Section 01720 — Project Record Documents. M. Section 01770 — Contract Closeout. N. All Technical Specifications. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 01300-1 Submittals 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Work Plan as required by the Special Conditions in Document 00800 — Supplementary Conditions. B. Erosion and Pollution Control Plans as required by the Special Conditions in Document 00800 — Supplementary Conditions. C. Progress Schedules. D. Schedule of Submittals. E. Quality Control Submittals. 1.04 SUBMITTAL SCHEDULE Submittal items shall be submitted to the following locations as indicated: ITEM ORIGINAL COPY Schedule of Values AUTHORITY Engineer * Construction Schedule AUTHORITY Engineer * Subcontractor List AUTHORITY Engineer * Contractor Questionnaire AUTHORITY Engineer Work Plan Engineer AUTHORITY Erosion and Pollution Control Plans Engineer AUTHORITY Shop Drawings Engineer Options or Substitutions Engineer Pay Requests AUTHORITY Engineer Change Order Requests or Proposals AUTHORITY Engineer Design Clarification and Verification Requests Engineer AUTHORITY Project Closeout Documents AUTHORITY Request for Substantial Completion Inspection AUTHORITY Engineer Contract Closeout Documents AUTHORITY Request for Final Completion Inspection AUTHORITY Engineer Project Record Documents AUTHORITY * These items are required by Document 00120. All items required by Document 00120 but not listed here shall be submitted to the AUTHORITY. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 01300-2 Submittals 1.05 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURES A. AUTHORITY reserves the right to modify the procedures and requirements for submittals, as necessary, to accomplish the specific purpose of each submittal. Direct inquiries to Engineer regarding the procedure, purpose, or extent of any submittal. B. Review, acceptance, or approval of substitutions, schedules, shop drawings, list of materials, and procedures submitted or requested by Contractor shall not add to the Contract amount, and additional costs which may result therefrom shall be solely the obligation of Contractor. C. Contractor shall be responsible for performing necessary analysis research, data gathering, code analysis, and cost estimating for review and acceptance by the Engineer when the Contractor submits a substitution as an equal product. D. AUTHORITY is not precluded, by virtue of review, acceptance, or approval, from obtaining a credit for construction savings resulting from allowed concessions in the work or materials therefore. E. AUTHORITY is not responsible to provide engineering or other services to protect Contractor from additional costs accruing from submittals. F. Submittals processed by Engineer do not become Contract Documents and are not Change Orders; the purpose of submittal review is to establish a reporting procedure and is intended for Contractor's convenience in organizing the work, and to permit Engineer to monitor Contractor's progress and understanding of the design. G. Delays caused by the need for resubmittal shall not constitute basis for claim. H. After checking and verifying all field measurements, make submittal to Engineer in accordance with the schedule of submittals for review. 1. Submittals shall bear a stamp or specific written indication that Contractor has satisfied its responsibilities under the Contract Documents with respect to the review of the submittal. 2. Data shown shall be complete with respect to quantities, dimensions, specified performance and design criteria, materials and similar data to enable Engineer to review the information. I. Check samples, and accompany with specific written indication that Contractor has satisfied requirements under the Contract Documents with respect to review of submittals, and identify clearly as to material, supplier, pertinent data such as catalog numbers and the intended use. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 01300-3 Submittals J. Before submission of each submittal, determine and verify quantities, dimensions, specified performance criteria, installation requirements, materials, catalog numbers and similar data with respect thereto; review and coordinate each submittal with other submittals, requirements of the work, and the Contract Documents. K. At the time of each submission, give Engineer specific written notice of each variation that the submittal may have from the requirements of the Contract Documents. In addition, make specific notation on each shop drawing submitted to Engineer for review and approval of each such variation. L. Engineer's review will be only for conformance with the design concept of the project and for compliance with the information given in the Contract Documents, not extending to means, methods, techniques, sequences, or procedures of construction (except where a specific means, method, technique, sequence, or procedure of construction is indicated in or required by the Contract Documents), nor to safety precautions or programs incident thereto. The review of a separate item as such will not indicate review of the assembly in which the item functions. M. Engineer's review of submittals shall not relieve Contractor from responsibility for any variation from the requirements of the Contract Documents unless Contractor has in writing, called Engineer's attention to each such variation at the time of submission, and Engineer has given written approval of each such variation by a specific written notation thereof incorporated in or accompanying the shop drawing or sample approval; nor will any approval by Engineer relieve Contractor from responsibility for errors or omissions in the shop drawings, or from responsibility for having complied with the provisions herein. N. Where a shop drawing or sample is required by the Specifications, related work performed prior to Engineer's review and approval of the pertinent submission shall be the sole expense and responsibility of Contractor. 1.06 ADMINISTRATIVE SUBMITTALS A. Provide administrative submittals required by the Bidding Requirements, General Conditions, Special Conditions, and as may be specifically required in other parts of the Contract Documents. B. Make required submittals promptly to the applicable federal, state, or local agency, as required by law. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in withholding of progress payments and make Contractor liable for other prescribed action and sanctions. C. Submit to AUTHORITY a copy of all letters relative to this Contract, including notifications, reports, certifications, payroll and the like, that are submitted directly to a federal, state, or other governing agency. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 01300-4 Submittals 1.07 SCHEDULES A. General: 1. Submit Progress Schedules in accordance with Section 01310, and preliminary schedule of submittals in duplicate. 2. Revise, resubmit, and identify all changes made from previously submitted schedules throughout the duration of the project to keep all schedules up to date. B. Schedule of Submittals: 1. Preliminary Schedule of Submittals — Indicate submittals required by Specification section number with brief description, starting and completion dates for respective submittal preparation, and submittal review by Engineer. 2. Finalized Schedule of Submittals — Furnish sub -network to the Progress Schedule indicating respective progress schedule activity which sequentially follows the submittal activity. 1.08 SHOP DRAWINGS A. General: 1. Shop drawings, as defined herein, shall consist of all drawings, diagrams, illustrations, schedules, and other data which are specifically prepared by, or for Contractor, to illustrate some portion of the work; and all illustrations, brochures, standard schedules, performance charts, instructions, diagrams, and other information prepared by a manufacturer and submitted by Contractor to illustrate material or equipment for distinct portions of the work. 2. Submittal of incomplete or unchecked shop drawings will not be acceptable. Shop drawing submittals which do not clearly show Contractor's review stamp or specific written indication of Contractor review will be returned to Contractor for resubmission. 3. Submittal of shop drawings not required under these Contract Documents and not shown on the schedule of submittals will be returned to Contractor unreviewed and unstamped by Engineer. B. Procedures: 1. Submit to Engineer for review and approval in accordance with the accepted schedule of submittals, six (6) copies of shop drawings. 2. Combine submittals specified in each Specification Division into a single package, subdivided by Specification Section. Partial packages will not be reviewed until all submittals required for the Division have been received. 3. Transmit each submittal on a form acceptable to the Engineer. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 01300-5 Submittals 4. Sequentially number the transmittal forms; resubmittals shall have original number with an alphabetic suffix. 5. Identify project, Contractor, Specification section number, pertinent Drawing sheet and detail number(s), products, units and assemblies, and the system or equipment identification or tag number as shown. 6. Apply Contractor's stamp, signed or initialed, certifying that review, verification or products required, field dimensions, adjacent construction work, and coordination of information, is in accordance with requirements of the Contract Documents. 7. Transmit submittals in accordance with finalized schedule of submittals, and deliver as follows: a. Submittals to Engineer: Glen Oen, Project Engineer, LCMF LLC, 615 E. 82nd Avenue, Ste. 200, Anchorage, Alaska 99518. 8. Provide space for Engineer review stamps 3 inches by 4 inches. 9. Revise and resubmit submittals as required; identify all changes made since previous submittal. 10. Submittals will be acted upon by Engineer and transmitted to Contractor not later than ten (10) working days after receipt by Engineer. 11. When shop drawings have been reviewed by Engineer, three (3) copies will be returned to Contractor appropriately annotated. a. If major changes or corrections are necessary, shop drawing may be rejected, and one set will be returned to Contractor with such changes or corrections indicated. b. Correct and resubmit the shop drawings in the same manner and quantity as specified for the original submittal. C. Foreign Manufacturers: Submit names and addresses of companies within the United States that maintain technical service representatives; include complete inventory of spare parts and accessories for each foreign -made item proposed for incorporation into the work. Failure to prove these capabilities shall be just cause for rejection of foreign -manufactured items. D. Interfacing Work: Where called for in the Specifications, and as determined necessary by Engineer to provide proper correlation with other work, complete interface information shall be submitted. This interface information shall be accurate and contain all information necessary to allow for manufacturing and construction of the interfacing or connecting work. E. Material and Equipment Colors: Engineer will provide a schedule of selected colors within ten (10) days after receiving samples of the manufacturers' standard colors for all items requiring AUTHORITY'S selection, and after approval of submittals. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 01300-6 Submittals 1.09 SAMPLES AND TEST SPECIMENS A. Where required in the Specifications, and as determined necessary by the Engineer, submit test specimens or samples of materials, appliances, and fittings to be used or offered for use in connection with the work. Include information as to their sources, prepay cartage charges, and submit such quantities and sizes for proper examination and tests to establish the quality or equality thereof, as applicable. B. Submit samples and test specimens in ample time to enable the Engineer to make tests or examinations necessary without delay to the work. C. Submit additional samples as required by the Engineer to ensure equality with the original approved sample and/or for determination of Specification compliance. D. Laboratory test and examinations that the AUTHORITY elects to make in its own laboratory will be made at the AUTHORITY's cost except that, if a sample of any material or equipment proposed for use by the Contractor fails to meet the Specifications, Contractor shall bear the cost of testing subsequent samples. E. Tests required by the Specifications to be performed by an independent laboratory shall be made by a laboratory licensed or certified in accordance with state statutes. 1. See Section 01400 — Quality Control for requirements. 2. Submit certified test results of specified tests in duplicate to Engineer. F. Samples and laboratory services shall be at the expense of Contractor and included in the prices bid for the associated work. G. Approved sample items (fixtures, hardware, etc.) may be incorporated into the work upon approval, and when no longer needed by the Engineer for reference. H. Submit three (3) samples of all materials requiring color selection and as required by individual Specification. 1.10 QUALITY CONTROL SUBMITTALS A. Submit Quality Control Submittals as identified in the Specifications and on the Drawings. B. Manufacturer's Certification of Proper Installation: Where manufacturer's certification is required in the Specification, the manufacturer. shall provide certification stating the following: 1. The product or system has been installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 01300-7 Submittals 2. The product or system has been inspected by a manufacturer's authorized representative. 3. The product or system has been serviced with the proper lubricants. 4. Applicable safety equipment has been properly installed. 5. Proper electrical and mechanical connections have been made. 6. Proper adjustments have been made and the product or system is ready for functional testing, plant startup, and operation. C. Certification of Compliance: 1. Where specified, furnish certification of compliance for products specified to a recognized standard or code prior to the use of such products in the work. a. Engineer may permit use of certain materials or assemblies prior to sampling and testing if accompanied by a certification of compliance. b. Certifications shall be signed by the manufacturer of the product; state that the components involved comply in all respects with the requirements of the Specifications. C. Furnish certification of compliance with each lot delivered to the job site, and clearly identify the lot so certified. 2. Products used on the basis of a certification of compliance may be sampled and tested at any time. The fact that a product is used on the basis of a certification of compliance shall not relieve the Contractor of responsibility for incorporating products in the work, which conforms to requirements of the Contract Documents. Products not conforming to such requirements will be subject to rejection whether in -place or not. 1.11 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE (O&M) MANUALS A. General: Engineer will determine adequacy of each O & M Manual as to content, organization, quality, and adequacy. Furnish acceptable manuals as reviewed by the Engineer. B. Procedures: 1. Furnish eight (8) copies of complete instruction manual for installation, operation, maintenance, and lubrication requirements for each unit of architectural finishes, mechanical and electrical equipment or system. 2. Furnish initial manual forty-five (45) days prior to field test or equipment startup of the respective equipment and prior to request for substantial completion inspection. Correct deficiencies found in the submitted manual within thirty (30) calendar days following notification of the deficiencies. 3. Manuals shall be customized to describe the equipment actually furnished, and shall not include extraneous data for models, options, or sizes not furnished. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 01300-8 Submittals a. Where more than one model, option, or size of an equipment type is furnished, clearly indicate the information pertaining to each model, option, or size furnished. b. Manufacturer's preprinted literature may be accepted provided it has been customized to clearly indicate the models, options, and sizes actually furnished, and that equipment models not furnished have been clearly crossed out or deleted. 4. Assemble each copy of the manual in one or more three-ring, hard -back type binders. Binder shall have a clear plastic front and back sleeve for inserting project description. a. Clearly label each binder to designate the system or equipment for which it is intended with reference to the building and equipment number, and the Specification section where the equipment is specified. b. Provide each binder with title page, typed table of contents with page numbers, and heavy section dividers with numbered plastic index tabs. C. Divide each manual into sections paralleling the equipment specifications. d. Where more than one binder is required, they shall be labeled "Vol. I", "Vol. 2", and so on. Place the table of contents for the entire set, identified by volume number in each binder. e. Submit manual organization and format to Engineer for approval prior to manual preparation. f. Punch all data for binding and composition; arrange printing so that punching holes does not obliterate data. 5. Material in manuals shall be suitable for photographic reproduction. Where copies of identical material are included, clarity and quality of copies shall equal the original. C. Contents: Each manual shall be complete in all respects for finishes, equipment, controls, accessories and associated appurtenances, and shall include the following: 1. Diagrams and illustrations. 2. Detailed description of the function of each principal component of the system. 3. Performance and nameplate data. 4. Installation instructions. 5. Procedure for starting. 6. Proper adjustment. 7. Test procedures and results of factory tests where required. 8. Procedure for operating. 9. Shutdown instructions for both short and extended durations. 10. Emergency operating instructions and troubleshooting guide. 11. Safety precautions. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 01300-9 Submittals 12. Maintenance and overhaul instructions illustrated with detailed assembly drawings showing each part with part numbers and sequentially numbered parts list. Include recommended spare parts, instructions for ordering spare parts, and complete preventive maintenance and overhaul instructions required to ensure satisfactory performance and longevity of the equipment. 13. Lubrication instructions and diagrams showing point to be greased or oiled; recommend type, grade, and temperature range of lubricants and frequency of lubrication. 14. Equipment warranties. 15. List of electrical relay settings and control and alarm contact settings. 16. Electrical interconnection wiring diagram for equipment furnished, including all control and lighting systems. 17. Refer to individual Specification sections for additional O & M requirements. 1.12 CONTRACT CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS A. Record Drawings: 1. Maintain a current listing and description of each change incorporated into the work and note same on mark-up drawing set. Provide mark-up drawing set to the Engineer prior to or during the substantial completion inspection. Engineer will prepare a set of record drawings for the project from the Contractor provided annotated drawings, which will include the changes made in materials, equipment, locations, and dimensions of the work. B. O & M Manuals: 1. Submit final revised O & M Manual incorporating field testing results and additional instructions deemed necessary by Engineer after testing and startup. 2. Revise and resubmit manuals, or portions of manuals found to be missing or incomplete from Engineer's punch list. PART 2 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 EXECUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 01300-10 Submittals SECTION 0 13 10 PROGRESS SCHEDULES PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Detailed scheduling requirements and procedures including preparation, interim schedule, and overall schedule. B. Preconstruction conference requirements. C. Monthly progress report requirements. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Document 00700 — General Conditions, Paragraphs 6.6, 6.7 and 6.8 for Anticipated Schedules, Finalizing Schedules, and Adjusting Schedules. B. Section 01300 — Submittals. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Submit the following items as specified in this section: 1. Gnatt Chart, not CPM (Critical Path Method) nodal analysis. 2. Monthly progress reports. 3. Cash flow projections. 1.04 CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE RESPONSIBILITIES A. Contractor shall accept the risk for delays caused by the rate of progress of work to be executed under Contract. Contractor shall be responsible for scheduling work. 1.05 PROGRESS OF THE WORK A. General: 1. Execute work with such progress as necessary to prevent delay to the overall completion of the project. 2. Execute the work at such times and on such parts of the project, and with such forces, materials and equipment to assure completion in the time established by the Contract. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 01310-1 Progress Schedules 1.06 PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE A. Within twenty (20) days following execution of Contract but before start of work at the site, Contractor shall meet with AUTHORITY and Engineer for discussion of scheduling requirements per Section 01320 — Project Meetings. 1.07 SCHEDULE A. General: 1. Contractor shall prepare and submit within ten (10) days after the award of Contract, a schedule comprised of all construction operations in connection with the Contract. B. Schedule Requirements: 1. Schedule type shall be a Gantt chart. Draw or print the schedule on reproducible paper, not larger than 30 inches by 42 inches, and show the sequence and interdependence of activities required for complete performance of all items of work. C. Acceleration: 1. If at any time during the project Contractor fails to complete an activity by its latest scheduled completion date, which late completion will impact the end date of the work past the Contract completion date, submit within seven (7) calendar days plans to reorganize the work force to return to the current schedule. 2. The AUTHORITY may require Contractor to add equipment or construction forces, as well as increase working hours, if operations fall behind schedule at any time. 3. Addition of equipment or construction forces, increasing working hours, or other method, manner, or procedure to return to the contractually required completion date will not be justification for Contract modification or treated as an acceleration. 4. Contractor shall plan, schedule, and coordinate construction operations and activities in a manner that will facilitate progress of work. PART 2 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 EXECUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 01310-2 Progress Schedules SECTION 01320 PROJECT MEETINGS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 DESCRIPTION A. Pre -construction Conference: Contractor shall attend a mandatory pre - construction conference at LCMF, LLC, 615 E. 82nd Avenue, Ste. 200, Anchorage, Alaska. 1. As a minimum, the following project representatives will attend: a. AUTHORITY's project manager b. Engineer's project manager C. Contractor's project manager d. Contractor's general superintendent e. Subcontractors whom the Contractor or Engineer has requested may attend. 2. The Engineer shall develop an agenda for the preconstruction meeting approximately one (1) week prior to the meeting. Minimum agenda is a follows: a. Identification of Responsible Parties b. Contract Information C. DCVRs, Procedures, Contractor Questions and AUTHORITY Directions d. Change Order Procedures e. Project Schedule (provided by the Contractor) f. Schedule of Values g. Pay Requests h. List of Subcontractors B. Progress meetings: Engineer shall schedule regular progress meetings at least monthly to review work progress, schedules, and other matters requiring discussion and resolution. Progress meetings will be held at a location designated in Anchorage, Alaska, unless otherwise mutually arranged for the benefit of the project, i.e. Unalakleet. As a minimum, the following project managers or their representatives will attend. 1. AUTHORITY's project manager 2. Engineer's project manager 3. Contractor's project manager PART 2 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 EXECUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 01320-1 Project Meetings SECTION 01370 SCHEDULE OF VALUES PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Provide a detailed breakdown of the agreed Contract Sum showing amounts allocated to each of the various parts of the work, as specified herein and in other provisions of the Contract Documents. B. Related Work: l: Documents affecting work of this section include, but are not necessarily limited to, General Conditions, Special Conditions, and Sections in Division 1 of these Specifications. 2. Preparation and submittal of a schedule of values is required by the General Conditions. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Document 00700 — General Conditions, Paragraph 13.1, Schedule of Values. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Prior to first application for payment, submit a proposed schedule of values to the Engineer. 1. Prepare schedule of values for the project with tasks identified outlined by this section. 2. Meet with the Engineer and AUTHORITY to determine additional data, if any, required to be submitted. 3. Secure the Engineer and AUTHORITY's acceptance of the schedule of values prior to submitting first application for payment. 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Assure arithmetical accuracy of the sums described. B. When so required by the Engineer, provide copies of documentation or other data acceptable to the Engineer, substantiating the sums described. 1. Support documentation might include, but not be limited to the following: a. Insurance and bond invoices b. Copies of subcontracts C. Bills of lading Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 01370-1 Schedule of Values d. Material invoices e. Freight invoices PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 SCHEDULE BREAKDOWN A. The following is the minimum acceptable breakdown: 1. Bond and insurance 2. General Conditions (categorize as required) 3. Freight (categorize as required) 4. Mobilization 5. Demobilization 6. Demolition Activities (includes equipment and labor breakdown) 7. Earthwork 8. Containment Dikes (include materials and labor breakdown for each site) 9. Tank Foundations (include materials and labor breakdown for each site) 10. Vertical Tanks (include materials and labor breakdown for each site) 11. Horizontal Tanks (include materials and labor breakdown for each site) 12. Vertical Tank Repairs and Modifications (include materials and labor breakdown for each site) 13. Trenching (include materials, equipment and labor breakdown) 14. Pipelines (include materials, equipment and labor breakdown) 15. Mechanical Work (includes materials, equipment and labor breakdown for each location) 16. Electrical Work (includes materials, equipment and labor breakdown for each location) 17. Final Clean-up and Punch List B. The sum of the schedule breakdown shall equal to the total Contract Price. C. The Schedule of Values shall serve as a basis for calculating progress payments during construction and shall be presented in such detail to allow the AUTHORITY to accurately verify the amount and value of work completed as defined in the Contractor's invoice. D. The Schedule of Values should correspond to the activities on the Construction Schedule. PART 3 EXECUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 01370-2 Schedule of Values SECTION 01400 QUALITY CONTROL PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Contractor's quality assurance program and control procedures in executing the work. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Document 00700 — General Conditions, Article 12, Quality Assurance. B. Section 01300 — Submittals C. Section 01600 — Materials and Products D. All Technical Specifications. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Submit a quality control plan for review and approval. B. Pipeline and tank weld inspection weekly reports. C. NACE Certified Inspector weekly reports. D. Contractor's Chief Inspectors weekly reports. 1.04 DISCREPANCIES A. If this section and the ANSI / ASME, AWS or API codes conflict, the more stringent requirement shall apply. 1.05 GENERAL A. This section identifies Contractor Quality Control (QC) requirements and to assist: 1. Planning of Quality Control Work 2. Providing of the appropriate Quality Control Personnel 3. Assurance of Quality Work Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 01400-1 Quality Control B. The Engineer's function is to plan, design, and oversee the construction of the pipelines and facilities. Their responsibility to the AUTHORITY is to ensure the completion of the project within the parameters established by cost and schedule, while meeting all the design requirements. C. Documentation is an extremely important component of the QC effort. Documentation is required by law and is the basis of evidence that the facility was constructed as designed and approved. By his signature, the inspector, whether he is in the Contractor's or Engineer's employment, attest to and certifies that the report is a factual summation of what he has inspected during the period covered by this report. 1.06 MEASURING/TESTING EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS A. Calibration and control of measuring/test equipment shall be performed by the Contractor. The Contractor will use the equipment in accordance to Engineer's Quality Assurance requirements and approved procedures. 1.07 CONTROL OF NONCONFORMITY A. The Contractor shall prepare and employ procedures for prompt detection, verification, recording, technical review, disposition, corrective, and preventative action of deviations from Engineer's Quality Assurance requirements. 1.08 CONSTRUCTION INSPECTION AND TESTS A. General construction inspection, weld inspection, and coating inspection systems shall be established by the Contractor using approved procedures. B. Systems for performing inspection at the construction site by the Contractor shall be established and implemented according to approved procedures which assure that the quality of materials, work in process, and completed construction conforms to Contract requirements. Inspection, instruction, and test procedures include acceptance criteria as specified in these Specifications and any other regulatory requirements. C. Costs of all laboratory testing, retesting, qualification of welding procedures and welding, requalification, and development of procedure qualification records (PQR) and Welding Procedure Specifications (WPS) shall be borne by the Contractor. 1.09 QUALITY CONTROL RECORDS A. Required records and data shall be compiled and maintained by the Contractor in accordance to the Specifications. As-builts drawings, Specifications, and engineering documents shall be maintained by the Contractor. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 01400-2 Quality Control 1.10 REPORTING AND CORRECTIVE ACTION A. Within two (2) weeks following a QC audit by the Engineer, the audit team will prepare a written report of the results and distribute it to the Contractor. The report shall contain the following information: 1. The type of audits performed and the specific procedures used or evaluated. 2. The general findings and specific identifications of any nonconformance. 3. Recommendations and required actions. 4. Any agreements made with the Contractor to implement required action and a time schedule for implementation. B. Contractor's site management will respond in writing to the auditor, stating the required actions that will be taken and the time schedule for completion of said actions. C. Contractor shall retain copies of audits and all audit correspondence. These documents shall be used for re -auditing of areas found to contain nonconformance during a prior audit. 1.11 CONTRACTOR'S QC INSPECTORS A. Pipeline Inspection: Contractor shall provide sufficient qualified inspection staff to adequately inspect 100% of the pipeline and piping joints visually in accordance with the Contract documents. Welding inspection shall be provided by an approved independent laboratory with at least five years experience on similar projects. B. Tank Welding Inspection: Same as above. C. Coating Inspector: 1. Contractor shall provide a NACE Certified Inspector for all surface preparation and coating application covered by Section 09910 — Exterior Coating Systems. NACE Inspector shall be provided by an independent inspection company with five years experience in Alaska on similar projects. D. If, in the opinion of the Engineer, Contractor's QC inspection staff is insufficient or unqualified to perform satisfactory quality control in accordance with the Contract documents, Contractor shall replace or supplement QC staff as directed by the Engineer at no cost to the AUTHORITY. E. General duties and responsibilities of the Contractor's quality control team are: 1. Chief Inspector: The Chief Inspector's duties and responsibilities shall include, but are not limited to the following: Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 01400-3 Quality Control a. Be thoroughly familiar with and understand Contract Documents and construction codes. b. Assure that all inspectors have current certifications in their pertinent inspection disciplines. Moreover, assure competence of inspectors in their disciplines. C. Determine quantities of work completed for preparation of progress pay estimates. d. Assure that all inspectors work in a safe manner and that they report unsafe practices or work areas. e. Complete appropriate daily report for inspection activities. f. Maintain a personal project log noting important job -related events of each work day. g. Verify that all inspection activities are conducted in accordance with all aforementioned documents. h. Report unsafe work practices and areas. i. Assure compliance with the Contract Documents. j. Prepare daily reports summarizing field data. k. Verify that the pipeline is located on the proper alignment and station, and within the specified roadway. 1. Inspect material quality. in. Inspect pipe support installation quality. n. Verify that pipe supports are properly installed and report discrepancies. o. Verify all field testing is performed in accordance with written procedures. P. Verify all field testing results. q. Coordinate overall quality control plan and provide consolidated QC reporting to the Engineer. 2. Filing Inspector: Not required. 3. Welding Inspector(s): The Welding Inspector(s) shall have the responsibility of inspecting all welding operations associated with construction. He (they) shall be familiar with and have a working knowledge of AWS D1.1; ANSI/ASME 31.4, API 1104 and ASME BPVC Section IX. Duties include assuring compliance with Section 13200 — Vertical Storage Tanks, Section 13202 — Vertical Storage Tank Work, Section 15052 — Welding Pressure Piping and include, but are not limited to the following: a. Ensure that the proper procedures are used during construction. Periodically record voltage, amperage, welding speed, and consumable types used in each welding procedure. b. Assist with the certification of each welder and welding operator in accordance with the Engineer's Specification. . Prepare and maintain a list of qualified welders, and periodically confirm that only qualified welders are working on the construction project. C. Verify the operational condition of all welding equipment. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 01400-4 Quality Control d. Maintain records of weld rejections and repairs and, where appropriate, require requalification of welders or procedures with excessive rejections. e. Ensure that consumables are properly stored and issued to welders. f. Check fit -up of manual welds prior to production welding, and periodically inspect fit -up of automatic welds including inspection of joint edge penetration. g. Visually inspect fit -up and general pipe condition. h. Monitor preheat interpass temperatures; ensure that no welding is performed on a wet surface or under conditions of excessive wind velocity at the weld. i. Assure good workmanship, quality welds, and satisfactory weld repairs as per Engineer's Specifications. j. Check material to be welded and the type of weld to be made and document, with material certification, where applicable. k. Audit inspections and perform any inspections as required. 1. Review electrode selection, storage, and maintenance. in. Audit field weld quality by interpreting radiographs. n. Troubleshoot inspection problems. o. Report unsafe work practices and areas. P. Assure that welders are not disposing of welding consumable and/or any other refuse in the pipeline or piping. 4. NDE Inspector(s): The NDE Inspector(s) shall be familiar with and have a working knowledge of AWS D1.1, ANSI B31.4, API 1104 and all applicable drawings, inspection requirements, and referenced standards. Individual(s) shall be certified in accordance with the American Society for Nondestructive Testing, SNT-TC-1 a. His duties shall include, but are not limited to the following: a. Inspection of qualification of each NDE Contractor or inspector based on personal observation of their work, certification documents, training, and experience. Maintain records of all qualified personnel. b. Verify that the Contractor's NDE procedures have been approved by Engineer. C. Establish an independent records system of the Contractor's work and compare results with the Contractor's system at least weekly, and advise the Chief Inspector as appropriate of any discrepancies. d. Study and understand the Specifications, Drawings, and all supporting documents with respect to inspection requirements. e. Approve calibration and operating condition of equipment. f. Schedule NDE for all work activities. g. Perform visual inspection of welding and any other work to be subject of NDE. h. Report unsafe work practices and areas. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 01400-5 Quality Control PART 2 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 EXECUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 01400-6 Quality Control SECTION 01500 TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. This Section includes requirements for temporary facilities and controls, including utilities, support facilities, and security and protection facilities. B. Temporary utilities include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Water service 2. Sanitary facilities, including toilets, wash facilities, and drinking -water facilities 3. Heating and cooling facilities 4. Ventilation 5. Electric power service 6. Lighting 7. Telephone/facsimile C. Support facilities include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Project identification and temporary signs 2. Water storage facilities 3. Waste disposal facilities 4. Office or common use facility 5. Storage 6. Lifts and hoists 7. Temporary ladders and scaffolding 8. Construction aides and miscellaneous services and facilities D. Security and protection facilities include but are not limited to, the following: 1. Environmental protection 2. Temporary secure enclosures 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Document 00700 — General Conditions, Paragraph 6.14, Use of Premises, and Paragraph 7.6, Sanitary Provisions. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Submit temporary facility proposed locations, and construction. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 01500-1 Temporary Facilities and Controls 1.04 USE CHARGES A. Cost or use charges for temporary facilities are not chargeable to the AUTHORITY or Engineer, and shall be included in the Contract Price. Allow other entities to use temporary services and facilities without cost, including, but not limited to, the following: 1. Engineer 2. AUTHORITY 3. Personnel of authorities having jurisdiction. B. Water Service: Pay water service use charges, whether metered or otherwise, for water used by all entities engaged in construction activities. C. Electric Power Service: Pay electric power service use charges, whether metered or otherwise, for electricity used by all entities engaged in construction activities. 1.05 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Conditions of Use: The following conditions apply to use of temporary services and facilities by all parties engaged in the Work: 1. Keep temporary services and facilities clean and neat. 2. Relocate temporary services and facilities as required by progress of the Work. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. General: Provide new materials or undamaged previously used materials in serviceable condition. Provide materials suitable for use intended. 2.02 EQUIPMENT A. Provide equipment suitable for use intended. B. Field Office: Local office with lockable entrances, operable windows, and serviceable finishes; heated; on foundations adequate for normal loading. C. Fire extinguishers: Hand carried, portable, UL rated. D. Electrical Outlets: Properly configured, NEMA-polarized outlets to prevent insertion of 110V to 120V plus into higher voltage outlets; equipped with ground fault circuit interrupters, reset button and pilot light. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 01500-2 Temporary Facilities and Controls PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION, GENERAL A. Locate facilities where they will serve Project adequately and result in minimum interference with performance of the Work. Relocate and modify facilities as required. B. Provide each facility ready for use when needed to avoid delay. Maintain and modify as required. Do not remove until facilities are no longer needed. 3.02 TEMPORARY UTILITY INSTALLATION A. General: Engage appropriate local utility company to install temporary service or connect to existing service. Where utility company provides only part of the service, provide the remainder with matching, compatible materials and equipment. Comply with utility company recommendations. 1. Arrange with utility company, AUTHORITY, and existing users for time when distribution system can be interrupted, if necessary, to make connections for temporary services. 2. Provide adequate capacity for each stage of construction. B. Provide job site first aid kit, eyewash fountains, and similar facilities for convenience, safety, and sanitation of personnel. C. Electric Power Service: Provide weatherproof, grounded electric power service and distribution system of sufficient size, capacity, and power characteristics during construction period. Include overload -protected disconnecting means, automatic ground -fault interrupters, and distribution panel. Provide meter if not provided by utility company. D. Telephone Service: Provide temporary telephone service throughout construction period for a common -use facility or office used by all personnel engaged in construction activities. 1. Provide additional telephone lines for the following: a. Provide a telephone line for facsimile machine in each common use facility or office. b. At each telephone, post a list of important telephone numbers. 1. Police and fire departments 2. Medical Emergency 3. Contractor's home office 4. Engineers' offices 5. AUTHORITY's office 6. Principal subcontractors' field and home offices. C. Provide messaging service on superintendent's telephone. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 01500-3 Temporary Facilities and Controls d. Furnish superintendent with portable communications device for use when away from field office, i.e. Cellular phone, two-way radio, etc. 3.03 SUPPORT FACILITIES INSTALLATION A. General: Comply with the following: 1. Locate field offices, storage sheds, sanitary facilities, and other temporary construction and support facilities for easy access in approved locations. 2. Waste Disposal Facilities: Provide waste -collection containers in sizes adequate to handle waste from construction operations. Containerize and clearly label hazardous, dangerous, or unsanitary waste materials separately from other waste. 3. All facilities shall comply with OSHA regulations. 3.04 SECURITY AND PROTECTION FACILITIES INSTALLATION A. Environmental Protection: Provide protection, operate temporary facilities, and conduct construction in ways and by methods that comply with environmental regulations and that minimize possible air, waterway, and subsoil contamination or pollution or other undesirable effects. Avoid using tools and equipment that produce harmful noise. Restrict use of noisemaking tools and equipment to hours that will minimize complaints from persons in the vicinity of the Project site. 3.05 OPERATION, TERMINATION, AND REMOVAL A. Supervision: Enforce strict discipline in use of temporary facilities. To minimize waste and abuse, limit availability of temporary facilities to essential and intended uses. B. Maintenance: Maintain facilities in good operating condition until removal. Protect from damage caused by freezing temperatures and similar elements. C. Maintain operation of temporary enclosures, heating, cooling, humidity control, ventilation, and similar facilities on a 24-hour basis where required to achieve indicated results and to avoid possibility of damage. D. Prevent water -filled piping from freezing. E. Termination and Removal: Remove each temporary facility when need for its service has ended, or no later than Substantial Completion. Complete or, if necessary, restore permanent construction that may have been delayed because of interference with temporary facility. Repair damaged Work, and replace construction that cannot be satisfactorily repaired. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 01500-4 Temporary Facilities and Controls 1. Materials and facilities that constitute temporary facilities are the property of Contractor. 2. At Substantial Completion, clean and renovate permanent facilities used during construction period. Comply with cleaning requirements in Section 01710 — Cleaning. END OF SECTION Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 01500-5 Temporary Facilities and Controls SECTION 01600 MATERIALS AND PRODUCTS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Products. B. Transportation and Handling. C. Storage and Protection. D. Product Options. E. Contractor Representations. F. Systems Demonstration. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Document 00700 — General Conditions, Paragraph 6.5, Materials and Equipment. B. Section 01100 — Summary of Work. C. Section 01300 — Submittals. D. All Technical Specifications. 1.03 PRODUCTS A. Products include material, equipment and systems. B. Comply with Specifications and referenced standards as minimum requirements. C. Components required to be supplied in quantity within a Specification section shall be the same and shall be interchangeable. 1.04 TRANSPORTATION AND HANDLING A. Transport products by methods to avoid product damage; deliver in dry, undamaged condition in manufacturer's unopened containers or packaging. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 01600-1 Materials and Products B. Provide equipment and personnel to handle products by methods to prevent soiling or damage. C. Promptly inspect shipments to assure that products comply with requirements, quantities are correct, and products are undamaged. 1.05 STORAGE AND PROTECTION A. Store products in accordance with manufacturer's instructions, with seals and labels intact and legible. Store sensitive products in weather -tight enclosures; maintain within temperature and humidity ranges required by manufacturer's instructions. B. For exterior storage of fabricated products, place on sloped supports above ground. Cover products subject to deterioration with impervious sheet covering; provide ventilation to avoid condensation. C. Store loose granular materials on solid surfaces in a well -drained area; prevent mixing with foreign matter. D. Arrange storage to provide access for inspection. Periodically inspect to assure products are undamaged and maintained under required conditions until incorporated in the Work. 1.06 PRODUCT OPTIONS A. Products Specified by Naming One or More Manufacturers followed by the term "No Substitutions": Use only specified manufacturers, no substitutions allowed. B. Products Specified by Reference Standards or by Description Only: Use any product meeting those standards. C. Whenever a material, article or piece of equipment is identified in the Contract Documents by reference to manufacturer's or vendor's names, trade names, catalog numbers, etc., it is intended to establish a minimum standard. Unless otherwise noted, any substitute material, article or equipment of other manufacturers or vendors which will perform adequately the duties imposed by the general design of the project will be considered equally acceptable; provided, the substitute material, article or equipment so proposed is, in the opinion of the Engineer, of equal substance, function, dimension, appearance and quality. D. Prior to the bid opening, the Bidder shall make his own determination in selecting which specified or substitute equipment to base his proposal upon. Substituted items shall be equal to or better than that specified or indicated in regards to quality, workmanship, finish, space requirements, electrical requirements, performance or warranties. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 01600-2 Materials and Products E. After the bid opening, the Contractor shall submit sufficient data in accordance with this Section to establish equality. The Engineer shall be the sole judge of equality and acceptability. F. Acceptance of substitute materials will not relieve the Contractor of the responsibility for any changes in his own Work or in the Work of other crafts caused by the substitution. Any additional costs resulting from substitutions are the responsibility of the Contractor. G. Any proposed substitution whose characteristics differ from the specified item to such an extent as to necessitate changes in the mechanical, electrical or other basic design of the Project, shall include the cost of any such changes, the design and the cost of design, which costs shall be borne by the Contractor. Determination of a substitution request will be based on the Engineer's comparisons as to quality, adaptability, aesthetics, Contract amount change, if applicable, etc., between the proposed substitution and specified item. H. Only one request for substitution will be considered for each product. When substitution is not accepted, provide specified product. I. Substitute products shall not be ordered or installed without written acceptance. 1.07 CONTRACTOR REPRESENTATION A. Request for substitution constitutes a representation that Contractor has investigated proposed product and has determined that it is equal to or superior in all respects to specified product. B. Contractor will provide same warranty for substitution as for specified product. C. Contractor will coordinate installation of accepted substitute, making such changes as may be required for Work to be complete in all respects. D. Contractor certifies that cost data presented is complete and includes all related costs under this Contract. E. Contractor waives claims for additional costs related to substitution that may later become apparent. 1.08 SYSTEMS DEMONSTRATION A. Prior to final inspection, Contractor will demonstrate operation of each system to Engineer. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 01600-3 Materials and Products B. Contractor will instruct AUTHORITY'S personnel in operation, adjustment and maintenance of equipment and systems, using the operation and maintenance data as the basis of instruction. PART 2 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 EXECUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 01600-4 Materials and Products SECTION 01630 PRODUCT OPTIONS AND SUBSTITUTIONS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. This section describes product options available to bidders and the Contractor, plus procedures for securing approval of substitutions. Request for substitutions will not be considered prior to award of the Contract. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Documents affecting work of this section include, but are not necessarily limited to: General Conditions, Special Conditions, and Sections in Division 1 of these Specifications. B. Document 00700 — General Conditions, Paragraphs 6.9, 6.10 and 6.11 for Substitutes "or Equal" Items, Substitute Means and Methods, and Evaluation of Substitution. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Make submittals in accordance with pertinent provisions of the General Conditions and Section 01300. B. Submit options and substitutions under the Technical Specifications where the item is specified. 1.04 PRODUCT OPTIONS A. The Contract is based on standards of quality established in the Contract Documents. 1. In agreeing to the terms and conditions of the Contract, the Contractor has accepted a responsibility to verify that the specified products will be available, and to place orders for all required materials in such a timely manner as is needed to meet his agreed construction schedule. 2. Neither the AUTHORITY nor the Engineer has agreed to the substitution of materials or methods called for in the Contract Documents, except as they may specifically otherwise state in writing. B. Materials and/or methods specified by name: 1. Where materials and/or methods are specified by naming one single manufacturer and/or model number, without stating that equal products Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 01630-1 Product Options and Substitutions will be considered, only the material and/or method named is approved for incorporation into the Work. 2. Should the Contractor demonstrate to the approval of the Engineer that a specified material or method was ordered in a timely manner and will not be available in time for incorporation into this Work, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer such data on proposed substitute materials and/or methods as are needed to help the Engineer determine suitability of the proposed substitution. C. Where materials and/or methods are specified by name and/or model number, followed by the words "or an equal approved": 1. The material and/or method specified by name establish the required standard of quality. 2. Materials and/or methods proposed by the Contractor to be used in lieu of materials and/or methods so specified by name, shall in all ways equal or exceed the qualities of the named materials and/or methods. D. The following products do not require further approval except for interface within the work: 1. Products specified by reference to standard Specifications such as ASTM and similar standards. 2. Products specified by manufacturer's name and catalog model number. All equipment and similar items provided "as specified" shall be submitted for record. E. Where the phrase "or equal," "or equal as approved by the Engineer", and "or approved substitute" occurs in the Contract Documents, do not assume that the materials, equipment, or methods will be approved as equal unless the item has been specifically so approved for this work by the Engineer. F. The decisions of the Engineer shall be final. 1.05 DELAYS A. Delays in construction arising by reason of the non -availability of a specified material and/or method will not be considered by the Engineer as justifying an extension of the agreed Time of Completion. PART 2 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 EXECUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 01630-2 Product Options and Substitutions SECTION 01700 PROJECT CLOSEOUT PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. This section describes an orderly and efficient transfer of the completed Work to the AUTHORITY. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Documents affecting work of this section include, but are not necessarily limited to: General Conditions, Special Conditions, and Sections in Division 1 of these Specifications. B. Activities relative to Substantial Completion, Project Closeout, and Contract Closeout are described in the General Conditions. C. Document 00700 — General Conditions, Paragraphs 13.10 and 13.11 for Substantial Completion and Final Completion. D. Section 01720 — Project Record Documents shall be submitted prior to Substantial Completion. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Prior to requesting inspection by the Engineer, use adequate means to assure that the Work is substantially completed in accordance with the specified requirements, and is ready for the requested inspection. 1.04 PROCEDURES A. Substantial Completion: 1. Substantial completion is defined as that point at which the facilities are basically complete to the AUTHORITY's satisfaction in accordance with Document 00700 — General Conditions, Article 1, Definitions. All mechanical and life safety features shall have been installed, and be functionally operational. Remaining work shall be extremely minor or require seasonal opportunity to complete or subject to delayed completion items, and shall not impair the functionality or health and life safety features of the facilities. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 01700-1 Project Closeout 2. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer in writing, prior to the date when the work will be substantially completed and ready for inspection. 3. Within a reasonable time after receipt of such notice, the Engineer will inspect to determine status of completion. 4. Should the Engineer determine that the work is not substantially complete: a. The Engineer promptly will so notify the Contractor, in writing, giving the reasons therefore. b. The Contractor shall remedy the deficiencies and notify the Engineer when ready for reinspection. C. The Engineer will reinspect the work. d. The Contractor shall be liable for expenses incurred by the AUTHORITY and Engineer for reason of such Substantial Completion Reinspection. 5. When the Engineer concurs that the work is substantially complete: a. The Engineer will prepare a "Memorandum of Acceptance", accompanied by the Punch List of items to be completed or corrected, as verified by the Engineer. b. The Engineer will submit the Memorandum to the AUTHORITY and to the Contractor for their written acceptance of the responsibilities assigned to them in the Memorandum. C. Once the Contractor executes the Memorandum, it must be returned to the Engineer. B. Immediately following approval of Substantial Completion, the Contractor shall submit the following documents: 1. Contractor's Certificate and Release. C. Final Inspection: 1. Final Inspection shall be defined as that period at which all Work in the Contract is 100% complete and no minor details remain to be performed in accordance with Document 00700 — General Conditions, Article 1, Definitions. 2. Final Inspection shall not be made until all Work under the contract is completed. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer, in writing, prior to the date when the work will be ready for final inspection. 3. Following notification, a representative of the AUTHORITY will make an inspection of the Contractor's work and record any deficiencies on the Final Punch List. The Contractor shall immediately correct these deficiencies at his own expense and notify the Engineer in writing when all items have been corrected. The Engineer will reinspect the work to assure correction of all deficiencies before release of amounts retained for minor, seasonal or delayed items. The Contractor shall be liable for all costs of reinspection when the Substantial Completion Punch List deficiencies have not been corrected at the time of the Final Inspection and reinspection is required. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 01700-2 Project Closeout 4. Any reasonable delay by the AUTHORITY in making Final Inspection shall not relieve the Contractor of responsibility for the Work, nor shall the AUTHORITY be held responsible for damages or claims for compensation on account of continuing overhead, maintenance, etc., occasioned by such a delay. PART 2 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 EXECUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 01700-3 Project Closeout SECTION 01710 CLEANING PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. During the term of this Contract, the Contractor shall remove as promptly as possible any materials and equipment which are not required for the completion of the Work. All debris shall be removed from the site and legally disposed of. The Contractor shall take particular care to eliminate any hazards created by his operations. B. Related Sections: 1. Documents affecting Work of this section include, but are not necessarily limited to: General Conditions, Special Conditions, and Sections in Division 1 of these Specifications. 2. In addition to standards described in this section, comply with requirements for cleaning as described in other pertinent sections of these Specifications. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 CLEANING MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT A. Provide required personnel, equipment, and materials needed to maintain the specified standard of cleanliness. 2.02 COMPATIBILITY A. Use only the cleaning materials and equipment which are compatible with the surface being cleaned, as recommended by the manufacturer of the material. B. Materials used for cleaning shall not harm the existing vegetative mat of the tundra. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 01710-1 Cleaning PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 PROGRESS CLEANING A. At the completion of the project, or prior thereto if so directed by the Architect/Engineer, the Contractor shall be responsible for complete cleaning of those portions of the project, which his work affects. 1. Contractor shall remove from the facility all tools, equipment, surplus materials, debris, temporary structures, and other material not incorporated in the permanent installation. B. Restoration of Damaged Property To the extent that any roads, vegetation, structures, utilities or other items are damaged or displaced by the Contractor's operations, these shall be restored to their original or better condition prior to the Substantial Inspection. This shall include both on -site and off -site items. Any damage which is severe enough to disrupt community travel or utilities shall be repaired by the Contractor immediately, when requested by the AUTHORITY's Representative. C. Cleaning, repair, and restoration must be accomplished prior to Final Inspection, to the satisfaction of and at no additional cost to the AUTHORITY. END OF SECTION Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 01710-2 Cleaning SECTION 01720 PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Maintenance of Record Documents and Samples. B. Submittal of Record Documents and Samples. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Document 00700 — General Conditions, Paragraph 6.16 — Record Documents. B. Section 01150 — Surveying. C. Section 01300 — Submittals. D. Section 01770 — Contract Closeout. E. Individual Specifications Sections: Manufacturer's certificates and certificates of inspection. 1.03 MAINTENANCE OF DOCUMENTS AND SAMPLES A. In addition to requirements in General Conditions, maintain at the site for AUTHORITY one accurate record copy of: 1. Contract Drawings. 2. Specifications. 3. Addenda. 4. Change Orders and other modifications to the Contract. 5. Reviewed Shop Drawings, product data, and samples. 6. Survey and field records. 7. Field test records. 8. Inspection certificates. 9. Manufacturer's certificates. B. Prior to Substantial Completion, provide original or legible copies of each item maintained by CONTRACTOR as listed in 1.03.A above. C. Delegate responsibility for maintenance of Record Documents to one person on CONTRACTOR's staff. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 01720-1 Project Record Documents D. Promptly following award of Contract, secure from AUTHORITY, at no cost to the CONTRACTOR, one (1) complete set of all Documents comprising the Contract. E. Immediately upon receipt of job set described above, identify each Document with title "RECORD DOCUMENTS — JOB SET". F. Store record documents and samples in field office apart from documents used for construction. Provide files, racks, and secure storage for record documents and samples. G. Label and file record documents and samples in accordance with section number listings in table of contents of this Project manual. Label each document "PROJECT RECORD" in neat, large, printed letters. H. Maintain record documents in a clean, dry and legible condition. Do not use record documents for construction purposes. I. Use all means necessary to maintain job set of Record Documents completely protected from deterioration and from loss and damage until completion of Work and transfer of recorded data to AUTHORITY. J. Keep record documents and samples available for inspection by AUTHORITY. K. Upon request by the AUTHORITY and at time of each Application for Payment, submit complete collection of record documents to the AUTHORITY for review and duplication as desired. L. AUTHORITY's approval of current status of Record Documents will be prerequisite to AUTHORITY's approval of requests for progress payments and request for final payment. 1. Prior to submitting each request for progress payment, secure AUTHORITY's approval of Record Documents as currently maintained. 2. Prior to submitting request for Final Payment, obtain AUTHORITY's approval of final Record Documents. M. Do not use job set for any purpose except entry of new data and for review and copying by AUTHORITY. 1.04 RECORDING A. Record information on a set of black line opaque Drawings, and in a copy of a Project manual, provided by AUTHORITY. B. Using felt tip marking pens, ballpoint pens, or colored pencil, maintaining separate colors for each major system, clearly describe changes by note and by Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 01720-2 Project Record Documents graphic line, as required. Date all entries. Call attention to entry by a "cloud" around area or areas affected. C. Thoroughly coordinate all changes within Record Documents, making adequate and proper entries on each Specification Section and each sheet of Drawings and other Documents where such entry is required to properly show change or selection. D. When a change within Record Documents is referenced to another document, such as Design Clarification Request, Shop Drawing, or Change Order, attach a copy of the referenced document to the respective Record Drawing or Record Specification where the entry is made. E. Contract Drawings and Shop Drawings: Legibly mark each item to record actual construction, including: 1. Measured depths of elements of foundation in relation to finish first floor datum. Accurate to the nearest inch. 2. Measured horizontal and vertical locations of underground utilities and appurtenances, referenced to permanent surface improvements. Accurate to the nearest inch. 3. Measured locations of internal utilities and appurtenances concealed in construction, referenced to visible and accessible features of construction. 4. Field changes of dimension and detail. 5. Changes made by modifications. 6. Details not on original Contract Drawings. 7. References to related Shop Drawings and modifications. 8. Clearly label all changes and show dimensions to establish size and location. All identifications shall be sufficiently descriptive to relate reliably to Specifications. F. Specifications: Legibly mark each item to record actual construction, including: 1. Manufacturer, trade name, and catalog number of each product actually installed, particularly optional items and substitute items. 2. Changes made by Addenda and modifications. G. Other Documents: Maintain manufacturer's certifications, inspection certifications, and field test records required by individual Specifications sections. 1.05 SUBMITTALS A. Upon submittal of the completed Record Documents, make changes in Record Documents as required by the AUTHORITY. B. Transmit Record Documents, with cover letter in duplicate, listing: 1. Date. 2. AUTHORITY's Project title and number. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 01720-3 Project Record Documents 3. CONTRACTOR's name, address, and telephone number. 4. Number and title of each record document. 5. Signature of CONTRACTOR or authorized representative. PART 2 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 EXECUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 01720-4 Project Record Documents SECTION 01770 CONTRACT CLOSEOUT PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Procedures to be followed in closing out the Contract. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Document 00700 — General Conditions, Paragraphs 13.14, 13.15 and 13.17 for Final Payment, Final Acceptance, and Waiver of Claims by Contractor. B. Document 00700 — General Conditions. 1.03 SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION A. Substantial completion date for the Contract shall be established as stated in the General Conditions. 1.04 FINAL SUBMITTALS A. No Contract will be finalized until all of the following have been submitted as required in Section 01300 — Submittals: 1. Submittals. 2. Operation and Maintenance manuals. 3. Project Record Documents. 4. Application for Final Payment. B. No Contract will be finalized until all warranties and guarantees, bonds, certifications, licenses, affidavits, evidence of payment of Subcontracts and suppliers, and certificate of release required for work or equipment as specified are satisfactorily filed with the Engineer and AUTHORITY. 1.05 RELEASE OF LIENS OR CLAIMS A. No Contract will be finalized until satisfactory evidence of release of liens has been submitted to AUTHORITY as required by the General Conditions. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 01770-1 Contract Closeout 1.06 WARRANTIES AND GUARANTEES A. As a condition precedent to Final Payment, all guarantees and warranties as specified under various sections of the Contract Documents shall be obtained by the CONTRACTOR and delivered to the AUTHORITY, in duplicate giving a summary of guarantees attached and stating the following in respect to each: 1. Character of Work affected. 2. Name of Subcontractors. 3. Period of Guarantee. 4. Conditions of Guarantee. B. Delivery of said guarantees and/or warranties shall not relieve the CONTRACTOR from any obligations assumed under any other provision of the Contract. C. If, within any guarantee period, repairs or changes are required in connection with the guaranteed Work, which in the opinion of the AUTHORITY is rendered necessary as the result of the use of materials, equipment or workmanship, which are defective, or inferior, or not in accordance with the terms of the Contract, the CONTRACTOR shall, upon receipt of notice from the AUTHORITY, and without expense to the AUTHORITY, proceed within seven (7) calendar days to: 1. Place in satisfactory conditions in every particular all of such guaranteed Work, correct all defects therein, and make good all damages to the structure or site. 2. Make good all Work or materials, or the equipment and contents of structures or site distrubed in fulfilling any such guarantee. D. If the CONTRACTOR, after notice, fails to comply without the terms of the guarantee, the AUTHORITY may have the defects corrected and the CONTRACTOR and CONTRACTOR's Surety shall be liable for all expenses incurred in connection therewith, including Engineer's fees. 1.07 STATEMENT OF ADJUSTMENT TO ACCOUNTS A. With the request for final payment, submit final statement reflecting adjustments to Contract Price indicating: 1. Original Contract Price. 2. Previous Change Orders. 3. Changes under allowances. 4. Changes under Unit Prices. 5. Deductions for uncorrected Work. 6. Penalties and bonuses. 7. Deductions for liquidated damages. 8. Deductions for reinspection fees. 9. Other adjustments to Contract Price. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 01770-2 Contract Closeout 10. Total Contract Price as adjusted. 11. Previous payments. 12. Sum remaining due. B. AUTHORITY will issue a final Change Order reflecting all remaining adjustments to Contract Price not previously made by Change Orders. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 ACCESSORIES A. Contractor shall furnish to the AUTHORITY upon acceptance of work all required spill response equipment, padlocks, dike drainage pumps, water draw pumps, and similar loose items specified to be provided for this project. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 FINAL CLEANING A. At completion of Work and immediately prior to final inspection, clean entire project according to the following provisions and Section 01710 — Cleaning: 1. Clean, sweep, wash, and polish work and equipment provided under the Contract, including finishes. Leave the structures and site in a complete and finished condition to the satisfaction of the Engineer and AUTHORITY. 2. Should Contractor not remove rubbish or debris, or not clean the facilities and site as specified above, the AUTHORITY reserves the right to have final cleaning done at the sole expense of the Contractor. B. The Contractor shall: l . Employ experienced workers or professional cleaners for final cleaning. 2. Conduct final inspection of exposed interior and exterior surfaces and of concealed spaces in preparation for substantial completion or occupancy. 3. Remove grease, dust, dirt, stains, labels, fingerprints, and other foreign materials from exposed interior and exterior finished surfaces; polish surfaces designated to shine finish. 4. Repair, patch, and touch up marred surfaces to specified finish, and match adjacent surfaces. 5. Broom clean paved surfaces; rake clean other surfaces. 6. Remove debris accumulated along the fence, and around the access roads and containment dikes. 7. Remove snow and ice from access to buildings, access roads, and containment area. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 01770-3 Contract Closeout 8. Remove from the construction site and Contractor's staging area temporary structures and materials, equipment, and appurtenances not required as part of, or appurtenant to, the completed work. See Section 01500 — Temporary Facilities and Controls. 9. Leave water courses, gutters, and ditches open and in condition satisfactory to Engineer. C. The Facility Owner or the respective participant will assume responsibility for cleaning as of the date of Final Completion. 3.02 FINAL INSPECTION A. After final cleaning and upon written notice from Contractor that Work is completed, Engineer will make preliminary inspection with the AUTHORITY and Contractor present. Upon completion of preliminary inspection, Engineer will notify Contractor in writing of particulars in which the completed Work is defective or incomplete. B. Upon receiving written notice from Engineer, Contractor shall immediately undertake Work required to remedy defects and complete the Work to the satisfaction of Engineer and AUTHORITY. C. After the items as listed in Engineer's written notice are corrected or completed, inform Engineer in writing that required Work has been completed. Upon receipt of this notice, Engineer, in the presence of AUTHORITY and Contractor, will make final inspection of the project. D. Should the Engineer find all Work satisfactory at the time of final inspection, Contractor will be allowed to make application for final payment in accordance with provisions of the General Conditions. Should Engineer still find deficiencies in the Work, Engineer will notify Contractor in writing of deficiencies and will not approve Contractor's request for final payment until such time as Contractor has satisfactorily completed the required Work. END OF SECTION Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 01770-4 Contract Closeout SECTION 01800 INCIDENTAL WORK PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Several items of Work, not covered in the Bid Proposal, will be considered incidental to the cost of the Contract. These items shall include, but are not limited to, the following: 1. Safe handling and disposal of fuel, oil, paint and thinners, and other hazardous material. 2. Safety program to protect workers and residents. 3. Sanitation facilities for workers. 4. Post -construction cleanup. 5. Climate controls for painting, such as tenting and heaters. 6. Disposal of spent blasting sand. 7. Disposal and hauling of unsuitable materials removed from excavations. 8. Protection of materials and work from weather during construction. 9. Snow removal. 10. Provisions for temporary fueling or fuel transfers. PART 2 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 EXECUTION (NOT USED) END OF SECTION Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 01800-1 Incidental Work DIVISION 2 -SITE CONSTRUCTION SECTION 02050 DEMOLITION AND REMOVAL PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. This Section covers the Work necessary for the demolition and removal of facilities as indicated on the Drawings. 1.02 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. The most current editions of the following references, by their citation, are considered to be a part of these project specifications as if they were included in full. 1. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) a. 29 CFR 1910. 2. Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) a. 18 AAC 75. 1.03 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. The Work includes demolition and removal of existing construction as indicated. All materials resulting from demolition work, except as indicated or specified otherwise, shall become the property of the Contractor. B. Demolition materials shall be removed from the limits of the site and disposed of at the community landfill, or backhauled out of the community to an appropriate disposal site. C. Rubbish and debris shall be removed from property daily unless otherwise directed, so as to not allow accumulation on the site. Materials that cannot be removed daily shall be stored in areas specified by the AUTHORITY. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Submit Work Plan for demolition and removal work thirty (30) days prior to beginning this Work. The procedures proposed for the accomplishment of demolition and removal work shall be submitted for approval. The procedures shall provide for safe conduct of the Work, careful removal and disposition of materials specified to be reused, protection of property which is to remain undisturbed, coordination with other work in progress, and timely reconnection of systems required to stay in service. The procedures shall include a detailed description of the methods and equipment to be used for each operation, and the sequence of operations. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 02050-1 Demolition and Removal 1.05 PROTECTION A. Before beginning any demolition or removal work, the Contractor shall carefully survey the existing work and examine the Construction Documents to determine the extent of the Work. The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions to insure against damage to existing work to remain in place, to be reused, or to remain the property of the Facility Owner, and any damage to such work shall be repaired or replaced as approved by the AUTHORITY at no additional cost to the AUTHORITY. The Contractor shall carefully coordinate the Work of this section with all other Work. B. Environmental Protection: All Work and Contractor operations shall comply with the requirements of the Environmental Protection Agency, Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation, and local requirements. C. Discharges of fuel or other hazardous materials into the environment during the demolition operations shall be promptly reported to the AUTHORITY, Engineer, and the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (as required by law). Contractor will be responsible for all cleanup costs resulting from his actions. 1.06 BURNING A. The use of burning at the project site for the disposal of refuse and debris will not be permitted. For disposal of refuse at the local landfill, contact the City of Unalakleet. 1.07 COORDINATION A. Contractor shall schedule and coordinate his demolition and removal, and new construction/renovation activities, such that complete and operable fuel systems are maintained at all times. 1.08 SAFETY A. Demolition and removal procedures will comply with all OSHA safety requirements and shall be performed in a safe manner. B. All personnel employed for demolition and removal shall be adequately trained and thoroughly familiar with the safety precautions for controlling the hazards associated with this Work. PART 2 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 02050-2 Demolition and Removal PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL A. Remove items noted on the Construction Drawings. B. No on -site disposal is available. C. Contractor shall be responsible for making arrangements for all disposals. D. Remove and protect items for reuse where required. 3.02 TEMPORARY CONNECTIONS A. Provide temporary connections where required for fuel transfers to maintain operations as required. All provisions for temporary fuel transfers shall conform to State and Federal requirements. END OF SECTION Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 02050-3 Demolition and Removal SECTION 02082 DECOMMISSIONING FUEL STORAGE TANKS AND PIPING PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Requirements for draining and decommissioning of fuel storage tanks and piping. B. Procedures for draining, cleaning and abandoning aboveground fuel storage tanks. C. Procedures for containing, transporting, and disposal of tank sludge and other hazardous waste. D. Procedures for draining and abandoning piping. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 01300 — Submittals. 1.03 REFERENCES A. API 2015 Requirements for Safe Entry and Cleaning of Petroleum Storage Tanks. B. 29 CFR 1910.120 Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response. C. 40 CFR Chapter I, Subchapter I - Solid Wastes, Parts 260 through 265. D. 49 CFR Subtitle B, Chapter I, Subchapter A - Hazardous Materials and Oil Transportation, and Subchapter C - Hazardous Materials Regulations. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Health and Safety Plan which includes the Work Plan for decommissioning fuel storage tanks and piping as required by this Section. B. Monitoring equipment manufacturers' data proposed to complete the required Work. C. Overpack Drums D. Manifests for disposal of all Hazardous Wastes. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade Decommissioning Fuel REG 06-088 / 02/2006 02082-1 Storage Tanks and Piping E. Any test reports or test results for sludge or other potentially hazardous waste, deeming the waste non -hazardous. 1.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING A. All tank sludge and other hazardous waste generated shall be contained, stored, transported, and disposed of in accordance with all Federal, State, and local Regulations, Statues and Laws. B. Decommissioned tanks will be left in place. Piping and associated equipment will be drained, capped at each end, and abandoned in place. 1.06 REQUIRED DECOMMISSIONING A. All work associated with decommissioning of fuel storage tanks and the associated piping, unless otherwise indicated, is to be included as Additive Alternate A. B. The existing fuel storage tanks listed in Table 1 shall be decommissioned by this project. The table indicates approximate capacities, diameters, heights or lengths, product currently stored in each tank, location, and which sheet of the Construction Drawings the tanks are shown on. All of the tanks are located within the developed town site on the on the west side of Kouwegok Slough. The following clarifications to tank locations are provided. Coordinate exact location of each tank and decommissioning with the respective tank Owner. 1. West Coast Aviation Service tanks with the location listed as "Other" are either at the Airport, at their shop, or at another location within the developed town site. 2. One or two of the Unalakleet Native Corporation tanks are located at a separated site than indicated in the Table, near the southern end of the developed town site. C. Tank Fuel: Table 1 also indicated the estimated amount of fuel the Contractor must pump, filter and transfer from the existing tanks to new tanks provided by this project for each of the respective entities. The Contractor is responsible for maintaining fuel quality and compensating the Owner (respective entity) for fuel losses in excess of those associated with normal handling. The quantities indicated in Table 1 are approximate and could come from any combination of all tanks and all entities. D. Tank Sludge: Assume a total of 10 barrels (55 gallon steel drums) of sludge will have to be removed from the tanks decommissioned by this project. E. Piping shall be disconnected from each tank and blinded or capped at each end. Either removing tank shell valve from each tank and capping or blinding each opened end on the piping, or inserting a "pancake" or "skillet" blind between two Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade Decommissioning Fuel REG 06-088 / 02/2006 02082-2 Storage Tanks and Piping flange faces with gaskets will be acceptable. Fuel shall be completely removed from piping. Disconnect piping at all terminations and install caps or plugs. The following piping shall be decommissioned. Pipe lengths and sizes are approximate and shall be field verified. 1. West Coast Aviation Service (WCAS): There is minimal piping associated with the West Coast facilities as fuel transfers are conducted by directly connecting to cam locks installed on tank shell valves. 2. Unalakleet Valley Electric Corporation (UVEC): Draining, capping, and abandoning marine header and tank manifold piping is included in the Base Bid, see sheet C-11. 3. City of Unalakleet (City): 3-inch tank manifold piping including marine header connection inside the dike, 1-inch supply pipe to water treatment plant, and two 2-inch supply pipes to existing dual product motor vehicle dispenser as shown on Sheet C-13. 4. Bering Strait School District (BSSD): a. Tank Farm #1: 3-inch tank manifold piping including marine header connection inside the dike. Draining, capping, and abandoning existing 1.5-inch fuel supply piping is included in the Base Bid. See Sheet C-16 for BSSD School Storage Building and Housing Site Plan. b. Tank Farm #2: 3-inch tank manifold piping inside the dike, 1000 foot 3-inch below grade marine header pipeline between tank farm and the bank of the Kouwegok Slough, and 400 feet of fuel supply piping between the bulk tanks and five supply tanks throughout the School complex. Supply piping includes a distribution pump installed inside a box adjacent to the closest supply tank. See Sheet C-14 for BSSD School Subdivision Site Plan. 5. Unalakleet Native Corporation (UNC): 300 feet of 4-inch and 70 feet of 3-inch tank manifold piping including marine header connection inside the dike. Two 200 foot long 3-inch fuel supply pipes between UNC Tank Farm and Corporation Store are also included in this Work. See Sheet C-1 for UNC Tank Farm arrangement and Sheet C-17 for UNC Gas Station Site Plan. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Overpacks and steel drums for storing tank sludge and other hazardous waste must meet U.S. DOT and U.S. EPA requirements for transportation. B. Personal Protection Equipment must be appropriate for hazardous materials encountered on the work site and meet all Federal and State OSHA requirements. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade Decommissioning Fuel REG 06-088 / 02/2006 02082-3 Storage Tanks and Piping C. Equipment to Monitor Hazardous Atmosphere — The Contractor shall use oxygen meters, combustible gas indicators, colorimetric indicator tubes, organic vapor monitors or other approved equipment as required to determine if a toxic, anoxic, or explosive environment exists. D. Contractor shall maintain a site -specific Health and Safety Plan that includes but is not limited to: 1. List of key personnel. 2. Health and Safety Risk Analysis that meets 29 CFR Subpart I, Section 1910.120(c). 3. Comprehensive Work Plan. 4. Confined Space Entry Procedures. 5. Site Control Measures. 6. Health and Safety Training Requirements. 7. Standard Operating Procedures. 8. Emergency Response Procedures PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 TANK DECOMMISSIONING A. The Contractor shall visually inspect all aboveground tanks designated for decommissioning. Contractor shall determine if product exists within each tank. If product exists, Contractor shall pump, filter and transfer all useable product to the new tank(s) being constructed under this project to replace the existing ones. After Contractor decommissions tanks, the tank Owner (respective entity) will remove and dispose of the tanks. B. The Contractor shall clean and gas free the interior of each tank and deemed tank safe for entry without restrictions in accordance to API 2015. The Contractor shall implement their confined space entry procedures before any worker enters each tank. The Contractor shall monitor the tank atmosphere for toxicity, oxygen levels, and explosive vapors. C. If sludge is removed from the tank, the Contractor shall place the sludge in an appropriate container and attach a label that contains the following information: 1. Identification number. 2. Location of tank. 3. Ownership of tank. 4. Date of Accumulation. D. Appropriate Personal Protection Equipment will be used to protect workers from work site hazards. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade Decommissioning Fuel REG 06-088 / 02/2006 02082-4 Storage Tanks and Piping E. All tanks shall be rendered unusable by the Contractor. This could include cutting nozzles below the liquid line out of the tanks, or cutting three to eight inch diameter holes in the bottom of the tanks. Ladders on any tanks shall be cut off 10 foot above grade to prevent unauthorized access to the top of the tanks. If holes are cut in the side of the tanks for cleaning or other personnel access, the plate cut from the tank shall be tack welded back in place to prevent further unauthorized access into the tank after decommissioning is completed. 3.02 PIPE DECOMMISSIONING A. All fuel and residually liquid shall be completely removed from existing piping as follows, or by alternate means and method submitted by the Contractor. If alternate means and methods will be used by the Contractor this shall be described in his Work Plan required by this section. 1. Piping 2-inch and smaller: Remove fuel by disconnecting each end of the piping system and blowing fuel out of the pipe with a compressed gas. The velocity of the compressed gas in the pipe shall be sufficient to remove essential all residual liquid from the pipe. 2. Piping larger than 2-inch: Remove fuel by disconnecting each end of the piping system and propelling a foam pig through the pipeline at a sufficient velocity to remove essentially all remaining liquid. Pig shall be propelled by a compressed gas. At least three pigs shall be propelled through each pipe segment. B. The Contractor shall contain, filter, and transfer all usable fuel removed from piping to the respective entities tanks. Any unusable fuel or sludge shall be assumed to be a hazardous waste and disposed of by the Contractor in accordance with this Specification. C. After fuel is removed from the piping install caps, plugs, or blinds on each end of the piping and abandon piping in place. After the Contractor decommissions piping, the Owner (respective entity) will remove and dispose of the piping. 3.03 HAZARDOUS WASTES A. All containerized sludge shall be deemed hazardous unless testing conducted in accordance with State, Federal, and local requirements shows the sludge to be non -hazardous. B. All waste that is deemed hazardous shall be manifested in accordance with 40 CFR Parts 260-265 and shipped in accordance with U.S. DOT 49 CFR Parts 100- 185 regulations. The Contractor shall use EPA Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest, OMB No. 2050-0039, EPA form 8700-22. In addition to the Federal requirements, all State and local requirements shall be strictly adhered to. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade Decommissioning Fuel REG 06-088 / 02/2006 02082-5 Storage Tanks and Piping 3.04 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. All monitoring equipment must be calibrated daily in accordance with the manufacturer's requirements. B. The Contractor Safety Officer is responsible for implementing the OSHA requirements for worker safety on the work site. This includes, but is not limited to, confined space entry, atmospheric monitoring, and proper personal protection equipment. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade Decommissioning Fuel REG 06-088 / 02/2006 02082-6 Storage Tanks and Piping TABLE I TANK DECOMMISSIONING Owner Tank No. Diameter (ft) Height or Length (ft) Vertical or Horizontal (ft) Product Capacity Location Sheet WCAS 1 35 16 V AvGas 120,000 Tank Farm C-1 WCAS 2 14 17.5 V Jet A-50 20,000 Tank Farm C-1 WCAS 3 14 17.5 V AvGas 20,000 Tank Farm C-1 WCAS 4 9.5 16 V Fuel Oil 8,000 Tank Farm C-1 WCAS 5 8 16.5 V Fuel Oil 6,000 Tank Farm C-1 WCAS 6 14 17.5 V Jet A-50 20,000 Tank Farm C-1 WCAS 7 10 35 H AvGas 20,000 Tank Farm C-1 WCAS 8 20 14 V Jet A-50 30,000 Tank Farm C-1 WCAS 9 10.5 30 V Fuel Oil 20,000 Tank Farm C-1 WCAS 11 8 14.33 H Unleaded 5,000 Tank Farm C-1 WCAS 12 8 14.33 H Fuel Oil 5,000 Tank Farm C-1 WCAS 14 8 13 V Unleaded 5,000 Tank Farm C-1 WCAS 15 8 13 V Fuel Oil 5,000 Tank Farm C-1 WCAS 16 8 13 V Fuel Oil 5,000 Other WCAS 17 8 13 V Fuel Oil 5,000 Other Estimated WCAS Fuel to Transfer from Existing to New Tanks = 50,000 UVEC 1 1 1 36 1 24 1 V #2 Diesel 180,000 Power Plant C-11 Estimated UVEC Fuel to Transfer from Existing to New Tanks = 10,000 City 1 1 20.5 1 16 1 V Fuel Oil 38,000 Water Plant C-13 City 2 1 8 1 14 1 V Unleaded 5,300 Water Plant C-13 Estimated City Fuel to Transfer from Existing to New Tanks = 5,000 BSSD 1 10.67 30 V Fuel Oil 19,900 School TF #1 C-16 BSSD 2 10.67 30 V Fuel Oil 19,900 School TF #1 C-16 BSSD 3 3.5 4.5 H Fuel Oil 300 Housing C-16 BSSD 4 4 5.5 H Fuel Oil 500 Housing C-16 BSSD 1 j 11 14 V Fuel Oil 9,900 School TF #2 C-14 BSSD 2 10 14 V Fuel Oil 8,200 School TF #2 C-14 BSSD 3 10 14 V Fuel Oil 8,200 School TF #2 C-14 BSSD 4 11 14 V Fuel Oil 9,900 School TF #2 C-14 BSSD 5 10.5 14 V Fuel Oil 9,000 School TF #2 C-14 BSSD 6 10.5 14 V Fuel Oil 9,000 School TF #2 C-14 BSSD 7 3.5 4.5 H Fuel Oil 300 Housing C-14 BSSD 8 3.5 4.5 H Fuel Oil 300 Housing C-14 BSSD 9 3.5 4.5 H Fuel Oil 300 Standby Gen. C-14 BSSD 10 5.3 6.2 H Fuel Oil 1,000 Elementary Sch. C-14 BSSD 11 5.3 6.2 H Fuel Oil 1,000 School Gym C-14 Estimated BSSD Fuel to Transfer from Existing to New Tanks = 10,000 UNC 2/1 12 62 H Unleaded 50,000 Tank Farm C-1&C-17 UNC 2/2 12 62 H Unleaded 50,000 Tank Farm C-1&C-17 UNC 2/3 12 62 H Fuel Oil 50,000 Tank Farm CA&C-17 UNC 2/4 10.6 38 H Fuel Oil 25,000 Tank Farm CA&C-17 UNC 2/5 10.6 38 H Fuel Oil 25,000 Tank Farm C-1&C-17 UNC 2/6 8.6 48 H Fuel Oil 20,900 Tank Farm CA&C-17 UNC 2/7 10.67 26 H Fuel Oil 15,000 Tank Farm C-1&C-17 UNC 2/8 8.33 33 H Fuel Oil 13,000 Tank Farm C-1&C-17 UNC 2/9 8.33 33 H Fuel Oil 13,000 Tank Farm C-%C-17 Estimated UNC Fuel to Transfer from Existing to New Tanks = 30,000 Estimated Total Fuel to Transfer from Existing to New Tanks = 105,000 END OF SECTION Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade Decommissioning Fuel REG 06-088 / 02/2006 02082-7 Storage Tanks and Piping SECTION 02200 EARTHWORK PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Construction of pads for fuel tanks and secondary containment areas. B. Regrading of existing roads along buried pipeline route. C. Excavation and backfill of buried piping. See also Section 02315 — Trench Excavation. D. Sumps, perforated drain piping, and accessories. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 01150 — Surveying B. Section 01300 — Submittals C. Section 02300 — Geotextile D. Section 02310 — Thermosyphons E. Section 02315 — Trench Excavation F. Section 02350 — Rigid Insulation Board G. Section 02600 — Membrane Liners H. Section 02640 — Culverts and Hardware I. Section 06110 — Pressure Treated Lumber 1.03 DEFINITIONS A. Maximum Density: The laboratory MAXIMUM DRY density as determined by ASTM D 1557 (modified proctor). B. Optimum Moisture Content: Determined by the ASTM standard specified to determine the maximum dry density for maximum density. Field moisture content shall be determined on the basis of the fraction passing the 3/4-inch sieve. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 02200-1 Earthwork C. Completed Course: A course or layer that is ready for the next layer or next phase of the work. D. Well -Graded: A mixture of particle sizes that has no specific concentration or lack thereof of one or more sizes. Well -graded does not define any numerical value that must be placed on the coefficient of uniformity, coefficient of curvature, or other specific grain size distribution parameters. Well -graded is used to define a material type that, when compacted, produces a strong and relatively incompressible soil mass, free from detrimental voids. E. Influence Area: The area within planes sloped downward and outward at an angle of 60 degrees from the horizontal from: 1. 1 foot outside the outermost edge at the base of foundations or slabs. 2. 1 foot outside the outermost edge at the surface of roadways or shoulder. 3. 0.5 foot outside the exterior edge at the spring line of pipes and culverts. F. Unclassified Excavation: The nature of materials to be encountered has not been identified or described herein. G. Selected Backfill Material: Material available onsite that the Engineer determines to be suitable for a specific use. H. Imported Material: Material obtained by the Contractor from sources off the site. I. Embankment: The fill material required to raise the existing grade in all areas. J. NFS (Non -Frost Susceptible) Gravel: Well graded gravel fill material with less than 8% (by weight) passing the No. 200 sieve. K. Bedding: Material used for bedding pipes or membrane liners. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Submittals shall be made in accordance with the General Conditions, Division 1, and the requirements of this section. B. Provide the following submittals: 1. Gradations and maximum laboratory density of each fill type to be used on project. 2. Catalog and manufacturer's data sheets for compaction equipment. 3. Disposal plan for excavated overburden. 4. Stormwater control plan for onsite drainage during construction. C. Provide manufacturer's data for sumps and drainage piping. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 02200-2 Earthwork 1.05 IMPORTED MATERIAL ACCEPTANCE A. All imported materials specified in this section are subject to the following requirements: 1. All tests necessary for the Contractor to locate an acceptable source of imported material shall be made by the Contractor. Certification that the material conforms to the Specification requirements along with copies of the test results from a qualified commercial testing laboratory shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval at least thirty (30) days before the material is required for use. All material samples shall be furnished by the Contractor at the Contractor's sole expense. Samples shall be representative and be clearly marked to show the source of the material and the intended use on the project. Sampling of the material source shall be done by the Contractor in accordance with ASTM D 75. Notify the Engineer at least twenty-four (24) hours prior to sampling. The Engineer may, at the Engineer's option, observe the sampling procedures. Tentative acceptance of the material source shall be based on an inspection of the source by the Engineer and/or the certified test results submitted by the Contractor to the Engineer, at the Engineer's discretion. No imported materials shall be delivered to the site until the proposed source and materials tests have been tentatively accepted in writing by the Engineer. Final acceptance will be based on tests made on samples of material taken from the completed and compacted course. The completed course is defined as a course or layer that is ready for the next layer or the next phase of construction. All testing for final acceptance shall be performed by the Engineer. 2. Gradation tests by the Contractor shall be made on samples taken at the place of production prior to shipment. Samples of the finished product for gradation testing shall be taken from each 1,500 tons of prepared materials or more often as determined by the Engineer, if variation in gradation is occurring, or if the material appears to depart from the Specifications. Test results shall be forwarded to the Engineer within forty-eight (48) hours after sampling. 3. If tests conducted by the Contractor or the Engineer indicate that the material does not meet Specification requirements, material placement will be terminated until corrective measures are taken. Material which does not conform to the Specification requirements and is placed in the work shall be removed and replaced at the Contractor's sole expense. Sampling and testing performed by the Contractor shall be done at the Contractor's sole expense. 1.06 EXCAVATION SAFETY A. The Contractor shall be solely responsible for making all excavations in a safe manner. Provide appropriate measures to retain excavation sideslopes and prevent rock falls to ensure that persons working in or near the excavation are protected. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 02200-3 Earthwork 1.07 CODES, ORDINANCES, AND STATUTES A. Contractors shall familiarize themselves with, and comply with, all applicable codes, ordinances, statutes, and bear sole responsibility for the penalties imposed for noncompliance. 1.08 TOLERANCES A. All material limits shall be constructed within a tolerance of 0.1 foot except where dimensions or grades are shown or specified as minimum. All grading shall be performed to maintain slopes and drainage as shown. No reverse slopes will be permitted. 1.09 FREEZING CONDITIONS A. Place only unfrozen material under thawing conditions. 1.10 DEWATERING A. Contractor shall provide and pay for all dewatering required to construct facilities in accordance with the Drawings and Specifications. 1.11 GEOTECHNICAL INVESTIGATION A. For the purpose of providing information to the Contractor, the Geotechnical Report prepared by Duane Miller and Associates entitled "Geotechnical Exploration, Bulk Fuel Tank Farm, Unalakleet, Alaska" dated June 30, 2004, is included as Appendix A for reference. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 GENERAL A. Provide all labor, materials, and equipment necessary to accomplish the Work specified in this section. 2.02 UNCLASSIFIED EXCAVATION A. Excavation is unclassified. Complete all excavation regardless of the type, nature, or condition of the materials encountered as shown on the Drawings and/or at the Engineer's direction. Make own estimate of the kind and extent of the various materials to be excavated in order to accomplish the Work. B. Unclassified excavation shall be stockpiled, tested and classified. Suitable materials may be reused. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 02200-4 Earthwork C. Dispose of excavation at a location approved by the AUTHORITY. Onsite disposal may be allowed at discretion of AUTHORITY. 2.03 GRAVEL FILL A. NFS (non -frost susceptible) gravel fill shall consist of mineral soil, free from dirt, muck, frozen chunks, clay balls, roots, and organic material. It shall have a liquid limit not greater than 25 and plasticity index not greater than 6 as determined by AASHTO T89 and T90, and shall conform to the following washed sieve gradation as determination by ASTM C 117 and C 136: Sieve Size Percent Passing by Weight 8" 100 6" 80 to 85 3" 75 to 85 1.5" 55 to 65 3/4" 35 to 45 No. 4 15 to 30 No. 10 10 to 20 No. 40 5 to 15 No. 200 0 to 8 B. The NFS gravel fill shall not consist of any material containing hazardous substances or petroleum fuels. Hazardous substances are any element, compound, mixture, solution or substance designated pursuant to the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA). Hazardous substances include any hazardous wastes having the characteristics of ignitability, corrosivity, reactivity, or extraction procedure toxicity. 2.04 SELECT FILL A. Beach run material meeting the same requirements as specified for Gravel Fill with the following washed sieve gradation as determined by ASTM C 117 and C 136: Sieve Size Percent Passing by Weight 1.5" 100 3/4" 60 to 70 3/8" 20 to 50 No. 4 20 to 30 No. 60 8 to 15 No. 200 0 to 5 Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 02200-5 Earthwork 2.05 SURFACE COURSE A. Crushed material meeting the same requirements specified for Gravel Fill with the following washed sieve gradation as determined by ASTM C 117 and C 136: Sieve Size Percent Passing by Weight 1.5" 100 3/a" 60 to 80 3/8" 40 to 60 No. 4 25 to 50 No. 10 20 to 40 No. 60 8 to 30 No. 200 8 to 15 2.06 BEDDING A. Material to bed pipes and membrane liners shall be free from fractured material and meet the following washed sieve gradation as determined by ASTM C117 and C136. Sieve Size 3/4» 1/2" 3/8" No. 4 No. 10 No. 40 No. 200 2.07 WATER FOR COMPACTION Percent Passing by Weight 100 85 to 95 70 to 85 40 to 60 20 to 50 10 to 40 Oto5 A. If required, furnish fresh water as required for compaction. 2.08 COMPACTION EQUIPMENT A. Compaction equipment used for all embankments shall consist of equipment deemed adequate to obtain the results required. Compaction equipment shall be operated in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and recommendations. Equipment shall be maintained in such condition that it will deliver the manufacturer's rated compactive effort. 2.09 SUMPS AND DRAINAGE PIPING A. Sumps: 18-inch diameter by 18-inch high prefabricated high density polyethylene sump with solid bottom welded in place and removable lid. Perforated sump walls with 3/8-inch diameter hole 2-inches on center each way. Wrap sump with one layer of non -woven geotextile. Provide 18-inch long 3/32-inch diameter Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 02200-6 Earthwork stainless steel aircraft cable attached to sump and lid with stainless steel mechanical fasteners. B. Drainage Piping: Provide 4-inch diameter coiled perforated drainage pipe with filter sock, snap rings and fittings. ADS highway grade 4-inch perforated pipe with sock or approved equal. C. Sump Drain Piping: ASTM A53 3/4-inch schedule 40 galvanized steel pipe with Class 150 ASME B 16.3 galvanized malleable iron threaded fittings. Provide hot dipped galvanized pipe straps, hardware, and stainless steel inlet screen in each sump. D. Dike Drainage Pumps: Provide one barrel pump with suction and discharge hoses for each containment dike (five total) for starting siphon to drain dike as specified in Section 15484 — Fuel System Equipment. Barrel pumps and hoses shall be stored in one of the spill response connexes. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 STRIPPING A. Stripping or disturbance of tundra in permafrost areas is not allowed. 3.02 BORROW PIT OPERATION A. All borrow pits shall be kept neat and orderly. Work pits in a systematic manner. Keep borrow pits graded to drain and take all necessary precautions to minimize erosion. The Contractor shall review excavation plan with the Engineer prior to any excavation from borrow areas. Leave all surplus material in the borrow pits. Do not excavate material that will not be installed on this project. Maintain access roads as necessary at Contractor's expense. Excavation at the borrow pits shall be limited to that depth which will permit the completed area to slope to drain to the surrounding area after completion of all Work. Slope to drain and blend neatly with surrounding terrain at completion of borrow operations. 3.03 GENERAL EXCAVATION A. Perform all excavation of every description, regardless of the type, nature, or condition of material encountered, as specified, shown, or required to accomplish the construction. 3.04 SITE ACCESS A. Site access shall be only within established Rights -of -Way, or within the project's ultimate embankment area limits. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 02200-7 Earthwork 3.05 LIMITS OF EXCAVATION A. Excavate to the depths and widths as shown on the Drawings. Excavation carried below the grade lines shown or established by the Engineer shall be replaced with the same fill material as specified for the overlying fill or backfill, and compacted as required for such overlying fill or backfill. 3.06 REMOVAL OF WATER A. Provide and operate equipment adequate to keep all excavations and trenches free of water. Remove all water during periods when pipe is being laid, during the placing of backfill, and at such other times as required for efficient and safe execution of the Work. Dispose of water in a manner that will not damage adjacent property. When dewatering open excavations, dewater from outside the structural limits and from a point below the bottom of the excavation when possible. Design dewatering system to prevent removal of fines from existing ground. 3.07 CONSTRUCTION OF EMBANKMENTS A. Use materials as specified. Construct embankment to lines and cross sections shown. Deposit fill material in lifts not exceeding 8-inch depth across full width of embankment. Compact each lift to density specified. Maintain compacting equipment in operating condition adequate to provide the manufacturer's rated compactive effort. Compact full width of the embankment. 3.08 COMPACTION A. Compact all materials by mechanical means. Flooding or jetting will not be permitted. If compaction tests indicate that compaction or moisture content is not as specified, material placement shall be terminated and corrective action shall be taken by the Contractor prior to continued placement. B. Unless otherwise noted, all fill, backfill, and trench backfill shall be compacted to a minimum density of 95% of maximum density. Material shall be placed in lifts of 8-inches maximum thickness. 3.09 MOISTURE CONTROL A. During all compacting operations, maintain optimum practicable moisture content required for compaction purposes in each lift of fill. Maintain moisture content uniform throughout the lift. Insofar as practicable, add water to the material at the site of excavation. Supplement, if required, by sprinkling the fill. At the time of maximum density, the water content of the material shall be at optimum moisture content, ±2 percentage points. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 02200-8 Earthwork B. Do not attempt to compact fill material that contains excessive moisture. Aerate material by blading, discing, harrowing, or other methods to hasten the drying process. 3.10 FIELD DENSITY AND MOISTURE TESTING A. The Engineer may test in -place density and moisture content by any one or combination of the following methods: ASTM D 2922, D 1556, D 2216, D 3017, or other methods selected by the Engineer. Cooperate with this testing work by leveling small test areas designated by the Engineer. Backfill test areas at Contractor's sole expense. The frequency and location of testing shall be determined solely by the Engineer. The Engineer may test any lift of fill at any time, location, or elevation. 3.11 LABORATORY TESTING A. Contractor shall obtain and have an independent testing laboratory provide gradations and maximum laboratory density determinations on the following materials. 1. Gravel Fill 2. Select Fill 3. Surface Course 4. Bedding 3.12 DISPOSAL OF EXCESS EXCAVATION A. Dispose of all excess excavated materials, not required for backfill or fills, outside of the area of work. Make arrangements for the disposal of the excavated material and bear all costs or retain any profit incidental to such disposal. B. Side slopes of excavation waste piles shall be sloped to match the material's natural angle of repose, or flatter. C. Excavation waste areas shall be completely within the limits of the property as located by a professional land surveyor. 3.13 SITE GRADING A. Perform all earthwork to the lines and grades as shown and/or established by the Engineer. Shape, trim, and finish slopes of channels to conform with the lines, grades, and cross sections shown. Round tops of banks to circular curves, in general, not less than a 6-foot radius. Rounded surfaces shall be neatly and smoothly trimmed. Neatly blend all new grading into surrounding, existing terrain. Finished site grading will be reviewed by the Engineer. END OF SECTION Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 02200-9 Earthwork SECTION 02300 GEOTEXTILE PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Geotextile as specified on the Drawings. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 01300 — Submittals. B. Section 02200 — Earthwork. C. Section 02600 — Membrane Liners. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 WOVEN GEOTEXTILE A. Geotextile shall be a fuel resistant polypropylene woven fabric designed and manufactured for the reinforcement, and stabilization. Provide Amoco 2016, or approved equal. B. The geotextile shall be inert to commonly encountered chemicals, hydrocarbons, mildew, and rot resistant, resistant to ultraviolet light exposure, insect and rodent resistant and conforming to the properties in the following table. The average roll minimum value (weakest direction) for strength properties of any individual roll tested from the manufacturing lot or lots of a particular shipment shall be in excess of the average minimum values specified herein. ASTM Minimum Property Test Method Value Base Fabric Weight (oz/sq yd) 8.0 oz/sq yd Grab Tensile Strength D4632 315 pounds (any direction) Grab Tensile Elongation D4632 15% Mullen Burst Strength D3786 800 psi Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 02300-1 Geotextile ASTM Minimum Property Test Method Value Equivalent Opening Size D4751 No. 40 (U.S. Sieve) Trapezoidal Tear D4533 120 pounds (any direction) Puncture Strength D4833 120 pounds Fuel Resistance None Yes UV Stability D4355 80% at 500 hours 2.02 NON -WOVEN GEOTEXTILE A. Geotextile shall be a fuel resistant polypropylene non -woven fabric designed and manufactured for the erosion control, stabilization, and/or filtration of soil. Provide Amoco 4551, or approved equal. B. The non -woven geotextile shall be inert to commonly encountered chemicals, hydrocarbons, mildew, and rot resistant, resistant to ultraviolet light exposure, insect and rodent resistant and conforming to the properties in the following table. The average roll minimum value (weakest direction) for strength properties of any individual roll tested from the manufacturing lot or lots of a particular shipment shall be in excess of the average minimum values specified herein. ASTM Minimum Property Test Method Value Base Fabric Weight (oz/sq yd) 6.9 oz/sq yd Grab Tensile Strength D4632 150 pounds (any direction) Grab Tensile Elongation D4632 50% Mullen Burst Strength D3786 315 psi Equivalent Opening D4751 No. 100 Size (U.S. Sieve) Trapezoidal Tear D4533 65 pounds (any direction) Puncture Strength D4833 90 pounds Fuel Resistance None Yes UV Stability D4355 70% at 500 hours Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 02300-2 Geotextile PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION A. The geotextile shall be installed as shown on the plans. Place the woven geotextile directly on existing tundra. Remove snow or ice with a depth of more than two inches prior to geotextile installation. Contractor shall not operate equipment directly on geotextile until a protective cover of gravel has been established. 3.02 INSTALLATION A. The Contractor shall roll out the geotextile and pull tight. Transverse end splices shall be no closer than 50 feet. All splices shall have a 3-foot minimum overlap. Install in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. 3.03 PROTECTION A. Ship and store geotextile in protective factory sun -bloc wrappings to prevent UV breakdown. Replace damaged geotextile at no additional cost to the AUTHORITY. END OF SECTION Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 02300-3 Geotextile SECTION 02310 THERMOSYPHONS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. This section covers the design, fabrication, and installation of the subgrade passive refrigeration cooling system design requirements as detailed on the Construction Drawings. B. The thermosyphon manufacturer will provide subgrade cooling system as a complete and operable system, including field assembly. C. Thermosyphons are being provided by the manufacturer through a Contract direct with the AUTHORITY. A Force Account Contractor, also working for the AUTHORITY, is responsible for pad construction. D. Subgrade cooling system evaporators will be installed in late winter or early spring of 2006. After evaporators are installed, the Force Account Contractor will complete pad construction up to the elevation indicated as provided "by others" on the Drawings. This work will be completed no later than June 4, 2006. E. Subgrade cooling system condensers will be installed by others in the summer or the fall of 2006 within four weeks of a request from the Bid Contractor to complete this work. The Bid Contractor must coordinate this work and is responsible for sequencing all work to facilitate its execution. Subgrade cooling system shall be complete and operational no later than September 30, 2006. F. Provide a written request to the Engineer one (1) week in advance from the date on which the Contractor wishes the thermosyphon evaporator installation work to commence on. Allow three (3) weeks for work to be completed. Coordinate and schedule this work so it does not impact progress on other work. G. This Section includes procedures the Bid Contractor must follow during construction to protect subgrade cooling system. The Bid Contractor will be responsible for paying the cost of repairing thermosyphon damage that is the result of actions by the Contractor. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 01150 — Surveying. B. Section 01300 — Submittals. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 02310-1 Thermosyphons C. Section 02200 — Earthwork. D. Section 05500 — Miscellaneous Metal Fabrications. 1.03 REFERENCES A. ASTM A105/ASME SA105; Forgings, Carbon Steel for Piping Components. B. ASME SA106; Seamless Carbon Steel Pipe for High Temperature Service. C. ASTM A234/ASME SA234; Pipe Fittings of Wrought Carbon Steel. D. ASME Section VIII, Division I; Pressure Vessels. E. ASME Section IX; Welding and Brazing Qualifications. F. AWS C2.2; Recommended Practices for Metalizing with Aluminum and Zinc for Protection of Iron and Steel. 1.04 MANUFACTURER'S ENGINEER A. The thermosyphon manufacturer has retained a civil or mechanical engineer suitable to the Engineer, licensed in the State of Alaska, familiar with conditions in rural Alaska, who has a minimum of three years of experience with similar subgrade cooling systems to prepare shop drawings and supervise the work covered by this section. 1.05 SUBMITTALS The following items have been submitted by the thermosyphon manufacturer, or will be submitted for review. Copies of these submittals will be provided to the successful Bid Contractor upon request. A. Manufacturer's engineer (firm) and resume of responsible person. B. Thermosyphon manufacturer's qualifications with relevant projects with references. C. Shop drawings indicating details of fabrication, design, and installation for the subgrade cooling system. Identify shop -fabricated components and field -assembled components. D. All above items at least two weeks before the start of component fabrication. E. Record Drawings after installation of evaporator loops, and again after completion of subgrade cooling system. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 02310-2 Thermosyphons F. Certification of proper operation with backup documentation upon completing subgrade cooling system. G. Report from the final site visit during the first winter's operation after installation to confirm proper operation of the subgrade cooling system. 1.06 PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS A. The Force Account Contractor will accurately record the following during construction: 1. Horizontal location and vertical elevation of the top of each evaporator pipe on 10-foot intervals. B. Submit record drawings for the subgrade cooling system. Submit these drawings along with the construction records at the completion of this portion of work. C. Reports certifying that the subgrade cooling system is properly installed, charged and operational in accordance with the requirements in Part 3 of this Section will be provided by the thermosyphon manufacturer. 1.07 PROTECTION A. Prevent damage to cooling system components during all Contractor operations. I[I% . _ I I A. 3-year warranty for proper operation of flat loop thermosyphon units. B. 5-year warranty against deterioration of thermosyphon coating systems. C. Warranty required by this section shall commence on the date of Substantial Completion of the work associated with this Section. Substantial Completion means the subgrade cooling system is complete, charged with refrigerant, and can be used for its intended purpose. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 THERMOSYPHONS A. Two-phase, vapor convection type, passive refrigeration system consisting of a flat - loop type evaporator section, and a condenser section configured as shown on the Drawings. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 02310-3 Thermosyphons B. The flat loop thermosyphon system provided for this project shall be designed and supplied by a company regularly engaged in the manufacturing of passive thermosyphon systems for foundations on permafrost in arctic climates. Thermosyphon manufacturer shall have a minimum of 10 years experience in the design and manufacturing of subgrade cooling systems for foundations on permafrost. The manufacturer shall have successfully completed a minimum of three flat loop subgrade cooling systems in the past 10 years. Submit list of projects with references. C. Flat loop thermosyphon system shall be provided complete by the manufacturer, with all materials, testing and commissioning required for a complete and operational system. D. Manufacturer: Arctic Foundations, Inc., 5621 Arctic Boulevard, Anchorage, Alaska, or approved equal. 2.02 THERMOSYPHON MATERIALS A. Pipe and Fittings: Seamless, ASTM A106, Grade B, Schedule 80 black steel pipe. Evaporator pipes shall be 3/4" diameter. All joints shall be welded. Fittings shall be ASTM A234, Grade WPB seamless, carbon steel butt weld fittings, Schedule to match the pipe in which the fitting is installed. B. Fittings smaller than 2" may be ASTM A105 forged steel socket welded, 3,000 pound minimum, at the manufacturer option. Submit shop drawings indication all proposed fittings types. C. Condensers: Each condenser shall consist of the manufacturer's standard 170 square foot condenser unit plus a standard 30 square foot condenser unit as shown on the Drawings. Condenser shall be of all welded construction with multi -directional air flow type fins. D. Coatings: Condenser and the vertical transition to 24 inches below grade shall be coated with HB Fuller Company IF-1074 white fusion bond epoxy coating over 3 mils flame or arc sprayed aluminum applied per AWS C2.2. Coat evaporator pipes and the remainder of the vertical transition with 3 mils of flame or are sprayed aluminum applied per AWS C2.2. Surface preparation of for all surfaces shall be SSPC-SP 10 "Near White Blast Cleaning" with a sharp angular 1.5 to 2.5 mil surface profile. Field assembly welds below grade shall be coated with cold galvanizing compound. The manufacturer shall repair any areas where coatings deteriorate during the warranty period at no cost. E. Refrigerant: Charge thermosyphons with R-744 refrigerant per AM standard procedures. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 02310-4 Thermosyphons F. Welding: ASME BPVC Section VIII and ASME Section IX, or AWS D1.1 as required for the components being welded. G. Bottom Plate and Bracing: Provide structural steel and connections as shown on the Construction Drawings. All components shall be hot dipped galvanized in accordance with ASTM A123 and ASTM A153. H. Provide all materials and components required for thermosyphon installation. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION A. Accurately establish evaporator and condenser locations. Locations shall be established under the supervision of a Professional Land Surveyor currently licensed to practice in the State of Alaska. This work will be provided by the Force Account Contractor. 3.02 THERMOSYPHON INSTALLATION A. The assembly, charging, and testing of the thermosyphons shall be by qualified representatives of the manufacturer, in accordance with the manufacturer's recommended procedures. B. Thermosyphon evaporators shall be installed to the line and grade in the gravel foundation pad as shown on the Drawings on a firm, unyielding, flat slope with no more than 0.2 foot variation. C. Keep pipe interiors clean and blow down the system with a compressed gas after assembly. D. Secure thermosyphon evaporators in a manner that will prevent movement during backfill operations. E. Thermosyphon evaporators and condensers shall be pressure tested before backfilling or otherwise concealing per thermosyphon manufacturer's instructions. Test media shall be carbon dioxide or nitrogen. The minimum test pressure is 700 psi. Testing with a compressed gas is hazardous in nature as gases are compressible and may release explosively should the system rupture. The thermosyphon manufacturer is responsible for protecting life and property during testing. All pressure retaining components shall be subject to a qualifying pressure test. F. Flat loops shall be pressurized to 200 psi and monitored during backfilling operations and while tank farm is being constructed. Each evaporator riser pipe will be provided with a test valve and pressure gauge by the thermosyphon manufacturer for Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 02310-5 Thermosyphons monitoring purposes. If the 200 psi hold pressure is lost the Force Account or Bid Contractor, depending on the stage of construction, shall notify the thermosyphon manufacturer to resolve the issue and re -pressurize the system before continuing construction activities. The thermosyphon manufacturer shall repair any damage to the subgrade cooling system. The responsible party (i.e. Force Account or Bid Contractor) shall compensate the thermosyphon manufacturer for the necessary repairs. G. Backfill evaporator loops with bedding sand and NFS gravel fill as shown on the Drawings and as specified in Section 02200 — Earthwork. Sufficient backfill shall be placed on top of the evaporator pipes prior to operating compaction equipment or other heavy equipment on top of evaporator pipes. Provide a minimum of 9" of material on top of pipes, or more if specified by the thermosyphon manufacturer, prior to operation of equipment over flat loops. H. The condenser sections of the thermosyphons shall extend vertically as indicated above the final ground surface elevation. Protect thermosyphon condensers as necessary to prevent any damage during the construction activities. Any damage to the thermosyphons or other system components during construction shall be repaired at the Contractor's expense. I. Touch up coatings at all field connections and damaged areas to provide finish equivalent to shop -applied coatings. J. Upon completion of containment dike and fuel tank construction, installation of thermosyphon condensers and related thermosyphon components, re -pressure test the flat loop thermosyphon system before charging the system with refrigerant. K. The Bid Contractor shall provide thermosyphon evaporator bracing as detailed on the Drawings, and shall also provide any required temporary bracing. L. After completing installation of subgrade cooling system, the thermosyphon manufacturer will conduct tests and obtain data to verify that thermosyphon units are properly installed and operational. A report and supporting data shall be forwarded through the Engineer for review. Tests shall consist of system pressure readings, condenser temperature measurements, thermistor string readings, or other approved methods. M. The thermosyphon manufacturer shall return to the site during the first winter of operation after the subgrade cooling system has been completed to confirm proper operation of flat loop thermosyphons. The thermosyphon manufacturer shall inspect each thermosyphon to ensure proper gas pressures, valve operation, condenser condition, and that all aspects of the system are in proper condition. Record condenser and ambient temperatures for verification of functionality of thermosyphons. After completion of inspection, manufacturer shall submit report as Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 02310-6 Thermosyphons to the condition of each thermosyphon, listing any required repairs or adjustments Forward report to the AUTHORITY and copy the Engineer. 3.03 TOLERANCES A. Variation from plumb: 0.1 feet maximum. B. Variation from specified elevation: 0.2 feet maximum. C. Variation from horizontal: 0.2 feet maximum. END OF SECTION Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 02310-7 Thermosyphons SECTION 02315 TRENCH EXCAVATION PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. This section covers the work necessary for the trench excavation and backfill for buried piping. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 01300 — Submittals. B. Section 02200 — Earthwork. 1.03 TRENCH EXCAVATION A. Excavation is unclassified. Complete all excavation regardless of the type of materials encountered. The Contractor shall make own estimate of the kind and extent of the various materials, which will be encountered in the excavation. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Catalog and manufacturer's data sheets for trenching and compaction equipment. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Fill materials shall be as described in Section: 02200 — Earthwork. 2.02 COMPACTION EQUIPMENT A. Compaction equipment shall be of suitable type and adequate to obtain the amount of compaction specified. Compaction equipment shall be operated in strict accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and recommendations, and shall be maintained in such condition that it will deliver the manufacturer's rated compactive effort. 2.03 UTILITY WARNING TAPE A. Utility warning tape shall be 6-inch-wide tracer tape with metallic conductor in 1,000-foot rolls. Warning shall indicate "Buried Fuel Line Below" or similar wording. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 02315-1 Trench Excavation PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 TRENCH EXCAVATION A. Contractor shall excavate trenches in accordance with the typical sections as shown on the Drawings. B. Tolerance shall be as follows: 1. Bottom shall be no more than 2 inches above or 4 inches below the established elevation at any point. 2. The mainline trench width in frozen soils shall not be narrower (zero inches), and no more than 6 inches wider than the dimensions shown on the Drawings. C. Hand work shall be performed when necessary to free the bottom and sides of the trench of any ice or other foreign matter, or to excavate existing structures or utilities. D. Barricade open excavations to prohibit public entry. 3.02 TRENCH MAINTENANCE A. Trenches shall be left in clean condition, ready for installation of the piping. Measures shall be taken to keep snow, surface water, and other debris out of the trench. The Engineer may request that the trench be cleared of snow, water or other debris in the event that sufficient quantities of obstructions accumulate. B. The amount of trench open at any one time shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer, and shall be limited to the minimum required by good construction practices, safety requirements, and access to all property for service, emergency, and personal vehicles. 3.03 EXISTING UTILITIES A. The Contractor shall notify all local utility companies one (1) week in advance of any actual construction in close proximity to an existing utility feature. This notification must be in writing, and a copy forwarded to the Engineer. The notification shall contain a brief schedule, scope of work and identify any other coordination agreements between the Contractor and the local utility company. B. All communication from the Contractor to the local utility companies must be in writing and copies sent to the Engineer. All costs associated with the damage to, movement of, and bypassing of utilities for this project will be the responsibility of the Contractor. C. Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining from the local utility companies all underground utility locates. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 02315-2 Trench Excavation D. If the Contractor damages an underground utility facility without first obtaining an underground utility locate, he shall be strictly liable to the AUTHORITY thereof, without regard to fault or negligence of any employee, for all costs incurred by the utility repairing the damage or replacing the underground utility facility, including administrative overhead. E. Existing utilities are shown on the Drawings for information only. They are plotted from information obtained from the local utility companies and limited site survey. There is no guarantee that this information is correct, or that new utilities have not been installed since the information was obtained. 3.04 TRENCH WIDTH A. Minimum width of unsheeted trenches in which pipe is to be laid shall be 3-feet, or as approved. Sheeting requirements shall be independent of trench widths. B. The maximum width at the top of the trench will not be limited, except where excess width of excavation would cause damage to adjacent structures, property or permafrost. C. Confine trench widths to dedicated Right -of -Way, easements, and this project's property. 3.05 GRADE A. Excavate the trench to the lines and grades shown or as established by the Engineer with proper allowance for pipe, and for pipe bedding. If the trench is excavated below the required grade, correct any part of the trench excavated below the grade at no additional cost to the AUTHORITY, with pipe bedding. 3.06 SHORING, SHEETING, AND BRACING OF TRENCHES A. Sheet and brace the trench when necessary to prevent caving during excavation in unstable material, or to protect adjacent structures, property, workers, and the public. Increase trench widths accordingly by the thickness of the sheeting. Maintain sheeting in place until the pipe has been placed and backfilled at the pipe zone. Shoring and sheeting shall be removed, as the backfilling is done, in a manner that will not damage the pipe or permit voids in the backfill. All sheeting, shoring, and bracing of trenches shall conform to the safety requirements of the federal, state, or local public agency having jurisdiction. The most stringent of these requirements shall apply. 3.07 LOCATION OF EXCAVATED MATERIALS A. During trench excavation, place the excavated material only within the construction easement, Right -of -Way, or approved working area. Do not obstruct any private or public traveled roadways or streets. Conform to all federal, state, Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 02315-3 Trench Excavation and local codes governing the safe loading of all trenches with excavated material. 3.08 REMOVAL OF WATER A. At all times provide and maintain ample means and devices to promptly remove and dispose of all water entering the trench excavation during the time the trench is being prepared for the pipe laying, during the laying of the pipe, and until the backfill at the pipe zone has been completed. These provisions shall apply during the noon hour as well as overnight. 3.09 TRENCH BACKFILL A. Prior to placing bedding material in the excavated trench, Contractor shall remove snow, ice, water, and any other materials which may be injurious to the installation of the improvements, or can cause loss of compaction when thawed. These injurious materials include, but are not limited to: 1. Organic material, frozen lumps of silt or gravel, etc. 2. Isolated ice chunks larger than three inches maximum diameter. 3. Cobbles or Boulders larger than six inches in maximum diameter. 4. Snow in the trench bottom greater than one inch in thickness. B. Prior to placing fill in any open graded area, the Contractor shall inspect the area to determine the presence of any obstructions that may hinder the grading operation and shall report same to the Engineer. C. Backfill trenches as shown on the Drawings. Pipe bedding shall be compacted as indicated at final grade of pipe, and then compacted up over the haunches of the pipe to provide continuous support of the pipe walls. D. Pipe Bedding: Pipe bedding shall be placed in the locations shown on the Drawings. Pipe bedding shall be placed in lifts of 12 inches maximum thickness, and shall be compacted to 95 percent of maximum density. Ensure pipe bedding is placed under the haunches of the pipes and around branches and crossovers by tamping. Be careful not to damage pipe coating during backfill operations. E. Prevention of Pipe Movement: Contractor is responsible for preventing the pipe from floating. 3.10 TESTING A. The Contractor shall provide all soil testing services for the following tests on the specific types of backfill listed below. The tests will be performed in accordance with the frequencies and test procedures shown below. 1. Testing Frequency: The following table summarizes the tests and testing frequencies for the various types of backfill materials that will be used during construction of fuel pipelines: Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 02315-4 Trench Excavation Type of Fill Test FrequencX Pipe Bedding 1. Moisture Content Visually inspect each load 2. Max Dry Density One 3. Gradation One 4. In -place Density One/200'/lift B. Test Descriptions: 1. Moisture Content: ASTM D 2216-90. 2. Maximum Dry Density: ASTM D 1557 (modified proctor). 3. Gradation: ASTM D 422-63. 4. In -place Density by Nuclear Method: ASTM D 2922. All persons operating the nuclear density gauge must be licensed to do so by the Nuclear Regulatory Agency. 5. Dry Density by Paraffin Method: AASHTO T233-70. C. Test Failures: In the event that the soils testing procedures result in the identification of material that does not meet the requirements set forth in the construction Specifications, the Contractor shall recompact the material and retest according to the methods previously described. 3.11 DISPOSAL OF EXCESS EXCAVATED MATERIAL A. Dispose of all excess excavated materials that do not meet the requirements for trench backfill as shown on the Drawings. Excavated material that meets the requirements for Gravel Fill as stated in Section 02200 — Earthwork may be used as embankment fill. All other excavated materials shall be disposed of. The Contractor shall make arrangements for the disposal, and bear all costs or retain any profit incidental to such disposal. 3.12 UTILITY WARNING TAPE A. Tape shall be placed in trench at 1.5-foot below existing ground directly above the utility as shown on the Drawings. B. Tape shall be handled with care during extreme cold to prevent cracking. END OF SECTION Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 02315-5 Trench Excavation SECTION 02320 GROUND TEMPERATURE THERMISTOR STRINGS PART1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. The Work under this Section consists of performance of all operations pertaining to the furnishing and placement of ground temperature thermistor string arrays. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 01300 — Submittals. B. Section 02200 — Earthwork. C. Section 02310 — Thermosyphons. D. Section 02350 — Rigid Insulation Board. 1.03 CONTRACTOR'S ENGINEER A. The Contractor shall retain a civil, mechanical, or electrical design engineer, suitable to the AUTHORITY, who is licensed to practice in the State of Alaska and who has a minimum of three (3) years of experience in ground temperature instrumentation in rural Alaska to supervise the work covered by this section. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Submittals shall be made in accordance with the General Conditions, Division 1, GENERAL REQUIREMENTS, and the requirements of this section. B. Contractor's Engineer (firm) and resume of responsible person. C. Thermistor calibration data, including resistance -temperature conversion data. D. Shop drawings for panel layout. E. Shop drawings, thermistor installation. F. Manufacturer's data for thermistor beads, cable, selector switch, jack, readout device, panel, conduit, and any other materials. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade Ground Temperature REG 06-088 / 02/2006 02320-1 Thermistor Strings G. Record drawings of thermistor installation by Contractor's Engineer containing thermistor string array locations, results of field operational checks, and vendor information. Provide schematic diagram. Submit three (3) copies of the record drawings, along with the construction records, at the completion of thermistor installation, and include copies of this information in the operation and maintenance manuals. PART 2 MATERIALS 2.01 THERMISTOR STRING ARRAY A. Thermistor string array shall be fabricated using thermistor beads that are factory calibrated and have an interchangeability tolerance of ± 0.1 ° C from 0° C to 70' C, and a zero power resistance of 5,000 ohms at 25' C. Provide Yellow Springs Instruments (YSI) Model 55034 thermistor beads, or approved equal. B. The beads shall be carefully wired to a Teflon sheathed conductor cable and carefully sealed with electrical tape, heat -shrink sleeves or tubing, multiple coatings of epoxy sealant, or approved equivalent sealing methods. Clearly and permanently label all thermistor leads with their respective bead depth. C. Thermistor beads shall be calibrated after fabrication and before installation to verify the 0° C resistance using a controlled ice bath. Provide calibration data to AUTHORITY in electronic format, compatible with Excel spreadsheet. D. A fixed precision resistor shall be permanently installed in each thermistor panel and wired to the thermistor selector switch. The fixed resistor shall have a unique resistance between 15,000 ohms and 20,000 ohms. 2.02 THERMISTOR STRING ARRAY CABLE AND CONDUIT A. Thermistor string array cable shall be shielded, non -paired instrumentation cable that is flexible and crack resistant to -45' C, similar to Belden 83515. All buried cable shall be enclosed in sealed conduit, unless approved by manufacturer for direct burial. B. Thermistor conduit shall consist of high density polyethelyne pipe, schedule 40 PVC pipe, or galvanized rigid steel. 2.03 THERMISTOR SELECTOR SWITCH A. Provide separate selector switch for each thermistor string array. The thermistor selector switch shall be Omega OSW3-8, or approved equal. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade Ground Temperature REG 06-088 / 02/2006 02320-2 Thermistor Strings 2.04 STANDARD FEMALE PANEL JACK A. Provide separate pairs of female jacks for each thermistor selector switch. Female jacks shall be Omega JP-U-F, or approved equal. 2.05 PANEL A. Type 316 stainless steel, NEMA 4X Rated Construction with a continuous hinged access door. B. The minimum panel size shall be 12" x 12" x 6", but shall have sufficient space for all required wiring component and devices. C. Panels shall have internal removable dead front for mounting switches and jacks. Provide removable mounting plate behind dead front if required for mounting any devices. 2.06 READOUT DEVICE A. The Contractor shall supply a Fluke Model 187 digital multimeter or approved equal. The multimeter shall be supplied with leads that are compatible with the standard female panel jacks. The multimeter shall be turned over to the AUTHORITY prior to project completion. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL A. Thermistor string arrays shall not be twisted, kinked, or bent during handling and installation. B. Thermistor string fabrication shall not induce temperatures greater than 75' C on the thermistor beads. C. Thermistor beads for each array shall be installed at the following elevations: 1. Top of insulation. 2. Bottom of insulation. 3. 2 feet, 4 feet, and 6 feet below bottom of insulation. 3.02 THERMISTOR STRING INSTALLATION A. Install thermistor string arrays at the locations indicated on the Drawings prior to placement of insulation. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade Ground Temperature REG 06-088 / 02/2006 02320-3 Thermistor Strings B. Install thermistor array panels on timber dike walls on the front of the facility adjacent to access road. Install two thermistor array switches and jacks inside each panel to minimize the amount of cable to protect during construction until panel can be installed. Number thermistor arrays as indicated on the Drawings. C. As a minimum, place conduit from panel to 18-inches below design grade. All conduits shall be fully sealed. D. Backfill around thermistor string arrays, direct burial rated cable and conduit with bedding placed in maximum 6-inch thick lifts. Backfill shall be placed in a manner that will prevent void formation. Compact each lift by tamping or other approved means. E. Perform operational checks of all sensors to verify suitable performance after installation. Readings obtained during operational check shall be within 1° C of ambient temperature as measured by a certified thermometer. Replace all thermistors failing operational check at no cost to the AUTHORITY. F. Record all thermistor bead numbers, depths, and locations. Provide As -Built Drawings to the AUTHORITY. G. Route thermistor string leads to thermistor panels as shown on the Drawings. Buried cable shall be enclosed in conduit, unless approved for direct burial installation. Connect strings to switch and verify operation of instrumentation. 3.03 PROTECTION A. Installed thermistor string arrays shall be protected against damage during construction by means of surveyor's flagging and temporary traffic barriers or other methods as required. Any damage caused by Contractor's personnel shall be repaired or replaced at no cost to the AUTHORITY. 3.04 DOCUMENTATION A. The Contractor's Engineer shall provide an as -built of the thermistor instrumentation and attach a schematic diagram to each thermistor panel. END OF SECTION Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade Ground Temperature REG 06-088 / 02/2006 02320-4 Thermistor Strings SECTION 02350 RIGID INSULATION BOARD PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Furnish and install rigid insulation board as shown on Construction Drawings. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 01300 — Submittals. B. Section 02200 — Earthwork. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Submit catalog cuts on insulation board to the Engineer. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. All rigid insulation boards shall be extruded or expanded polystyrene foam boards with front and back skins and a minimum compressive strength of 40 psi at 5% deformation. B. Pre -approved materials: 1. Dow HI-40 2. U. S. Gypsum, Formular-400 3. Western Insulfoam II, Style 40 PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Install rigid insulation board on a smooth, flat, compacted fill surface, not varying more than 1-inch in 8 feet using a straight edge. Replace broken boards with full sheets. Gaps between boards shall be not more than 1/4-inch. Install in the locations and at the elevations shown on the plans. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 02350-1 Rigid Insulation Board B. Hand place fill on top of boards if required. Keep boards from "floating" out in front of backfill. Remove and replace boards which have shifted during backfill operation, or do not meet 1/4-inch maximum joint gap criteria. C. Stagger joints for layered installation by at least 1 foot. END OF SECTION Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 02350-2 Rigid Insulation Board SECTION 02600 MEMBRANE LINERS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Membrane liners for fuel tank containment areas and protection of rigid insulation in embankments. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 01300 — Submittals. B. Section 02200 — Earthwork. C. Section 02300 — Geotextile. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Site shall be prepared for installation of primary liner, removing all sharp depressions and rises. B. Qualified technicians shall install liner fabric per the manufacturer's specifications. C. No field seaming is allowed on primary or secondary membrane liners. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Submit primary and secondary membrane liner catalogue and technical literature. B. Submit material and joint test certification demonstrating that the material and fabrication joints comply with the physical and chemical resistance requirements of this Specification. C. Submit manufacturer's seam specifications for primary liner, and installation specifications for primary and secondary liners. D. Submit qualifications and certification of personnel performing field seaming on primary liner if allowed by the Engineer. E. Contractor shall submit a written certification that the liners have been installed by factory certified technician, and in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 02600-1 Membrane Liners 1. Contractor shall obtain from the manufacturer a letter stating that the specific liner application is approved as to: a. installation temperature b. installation methods C. liquids to be contained d. long term UV exposure e. temperature extremes encountered during the life of the liner F. Submit shop drawings showing all joints and components supplied. G. Submit joint test results. 1.05 SEAM TECHNICIAN'S REQUIREMENTS A. Field seams, if allowed, shall be by a certified installer with at least three years experience. 1.06 LINER APPLICATION TECHNICIAN A. Liner application shall be by a certified installer with at least three years experience. 1.07 ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS A. Liners shall have a long term (20 year) resistance to Unleaded Gasoline, No. 2 Diesel, Aviation Gasoline (100LL) and Jet A-50 hydrocarbon fuel products. B. Primary liner shall be UV -resistant and shall remain flexible at -40' F. Primary liner shall be suitable for the intended purpose. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 PRIMARY MEMBRANE LINER A. Provide high strength polyester scrim fabric coated with urethane, which meets, or exceeds, the following criteria: PROPERTY Base Fabric Wt. (oz./sq yd) Fabric Thickness Tensile Strength (Warp) Adhesion of Coating Hydrostatic Resistance Puncture Resistance (1" Ball) Oil Resistance Hydrocarbon Resistance Low Temp Cold Crack Weathering Resistance TEST METHOD ASTM D-751 Fed 5512.1 ASTM D-751 MIL-C-2069613 MIL-C-2069613 ASTM D-2136 MINIMUM VALUE 23 oz/sq yd 30 mils 440 lbs. (min) 25 lbs. (film break) 400 psi 450 lbs Pass Pass -65 degrees F — Pass 300 hrs — Excellent Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 02600-2 Membrane Liners B. Provide Coolthane L1023SDEP as manufactured by Cooley, Inc. or approved equal. 2.02 SECONDARY MEMBRANE LINER A. The secondary membrane liner shall be a high density, cross -laminated polyethylene that is UV stabilized and chemically inert and supplied as one piece. Provide Permalon Ply X-210, or approved equal. B. The secondary membrane liner shall be inert to commonly encountered chemicals, hydrocarbons, mildew, and rot resistant, resistant to ultraviolet light exposure, insect and rodent resistant and conforming to the properties in the following table. The average roll minimum value (weakest direction) for strength properties of any individual roll tested from the manufacturing lot or lots of a particular shipment shall be in excess of the average minimum values specified herein. PROPERTY TEST METHOD MINIMUM VALUE Base Fabric Wt. (oz./sq yd) 5.5 oz/sq yd Fabric Thickness ASTM D-5199 20 mils Tensile Strength (1" Strip) ASTM D-882 3070 psi Puncture Strength ASTM D-4833 40 lbs Ultimate Elongation (1" Strip) ASTM D-882 450% Trapezoidal Tear Strength ASTM D-4553 35 lbs Hydraulic Burst Strength ASTM D-3786 100 psi Dart Impact Strength ASTM D-1709 3.78 lbs Cold Crack ASTM D-1709 -50°F PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 PRIMARY LINER A. Provide factory seaming of all joints with certification. No field seams are allowed. Primary liner shall be shipped ready for installation, with unfolding instructions for ease of field layout. B. Field -verify required size, include excess to prevent binding and excessive stress. C. Ship and store liner in protective crate until jobsite is ready for installation. Protect liner from damage during shipping and storage. Provide an unfolding map that indicates where the liner bundle needs to be positioned to allow for ease in unfolding at the site. Sealants shall be stored above 32' F and according to manufacturer's recommendations. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 02600-3 Membrane Liners D. Install liner in strict accordance with manufacturer's instructions and drawings, and where indicated on the Construction Documents. Install liner between layers of non -woven geotextile for protection. E. Liner installation shall be by factory -certified technicians. F. Penetrations in the liner are not allowed. 3.02 SECONDARY LINER A. Provide factory seaming of all joints with certification. No field seams are allowed. Any splices between adjacent sections of secondary liner shall have a 3- foot minimum overlap. Secondary liner shall be shipped ready for installation, with unfolding instructions for ease of field layout. B. Field -verify required size; include excess to prevent binding and excessive stress. C. Ship and store liner in protective crate until jobsite is ready for installation. Protect liner from damage during shipping and storage. Provide an unfolding map that indicates where the liner bundle needs to be positioned to allow for ease in unfolding at the site. D. Install liner in strict accordance with manufacturer's instructions and drawings, and where indicated on the Construction Documents. E. Liner installation shall be by factory -certified technicians. END OF SECTION Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 02600-4 Membrane Liners SECTION 02640 CULVERTS AND HARDWARE PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Culvert pipe, soil support fabric, insulation board, culvert bands and bolts, thaw pipe system, marker posts and hardware. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 01300 — Submittals. B. Section 02200 — Earthwork. C. Section 02300 — Geotextile. D. Section 02350 — Rigid Insulation Board. E. Section 05920 — Cold Galvanizing. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Cut sheets for culvert, culvert bands, and bolts. B. Cut sheets for marker posts and brackets. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Culvert: 12 ga. 2-3/4" x 1/2" corrugations, corrugated, galvanized steel pipe with annular ends. B. Culvert bands: 18 ga., 24" wide galvanized annular, corrugated, 5-bolt style. C. Culvert band bolts: 6" x 1/2" galvanized, ASTM A307 steel bolts, nuts, washers, and lock washers. D. Marker Posts: Orange CRM-375, flexible fiberglass delineator (3.75" x 60") with anchor. Carsonite Manufacture or equal with yellow reflector covered with factory applied yellow reflective sheeting, both sides. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 02640-1 Culverts and Hardware E. Marker post brackets: A 36 Steel, hot dipped or cold galvanized. F. Thaw Pipe: '/2" schedule 40 ASTM A53 galvanized steel pipe with threaded galvanized malleable iron fittings. Fasten thaw pipe to culvert with hot dipped galvanized U-bolts, nuts, washers and lock washers. Turn thaw pipe up at each end with goose neck and cap or plug. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 CONSTRUCTION METHODS A. Culverts: Provide smooth, uniform compacted bed for culverts. During backfill compact the "haunches" of culvert up to springline to prevent "squashing". Protect from damage until adequate cover is obtained. Replace damaged culvert at no charge. Location, diameter and length as shown on Construction Drawings. B. Culvert bands: Install squarely and symmetrically about the joint in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. C. Marker Posts: Install adjacent to culvert inlet/outlet. Coat any hole cut in culvert with cold galvanizing compound. Install marker posts and associated hardware plumb and square with culvert. END OF SECTION Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 02640-2 Culverts and Hardware SECTION 02820 CHAIN LINK FENCE PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. This section covers the work necessary for the chain link fence system with 3- strand barb wire, complete. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 01300 — Submittals. B. Section 02200 — Earthwork. 1.03 REFERENCES A. Specification of Metallic -Coated and Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Coated Steel Chain Link Fence Fabric, published by Chain Link Fence Manufacturers Institute, Washington, DC 20036. B. State of Alaska, Department of Transportation, and Public Facilities, "Standard Specifications for Highway Construction". C. State of Alaska, Department of Transportation, and Public Facilities, "Standard Drawings Manual". 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Submittals during construction shall be made in accordance with Section 01300 — Submittals. In addition, the following specific information shall be provided: 1. Shop Drawings: Submit shop drawings and installation drawings for the Engineer's review prior to procurement and delivery of fence materials. These drawings shall provide detailed information and specifications for all materials, finishes, dimensions, and erection instructions. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 GENERAL A. Materials shall be new and products of recognized, reputable manufacturers. Used, re -rolled, or re -galvanized materials are not acceptable. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 02820-1 Chain Link Fence B. All materials shall be hot -dip galvanized after fabrication. Posts and other appurtenances shall have a minimum zinc coating of 1.2 ounces per square foot of surface. 2.02 FABRIC A. Chain link fence fabric woven of No. 9-gauge wire in 2-inch diamond -mesh pattern, selvages twisted and barbed both ends, galvanized after weaving with 1.2-ounce zinc coating meeting the requirements of ASTM A 392, Class 1. Provide 8 foot high fabric, unless otherwise specified on the Drawings. 2.03 POSTS A. Federal Specification RR-F-191, fence, posts, gates, and accessories, except as hereinafter modified. Lengths for setting in ground as required for conditions shown on Construction Drawings. B. Line Posts: 1. Provide galvanized 2.375-inch outside diameter, galvanized, standard weight steel pipe, weight 3.65 pounds per linear foot. C. End, Corner, Angle, Man Gate, and Pull posts: 1. For end, corner, angle, and pull posts, provide 2.875-inch outside diameter, galvanized, standard weight steel pipe, weight 5.79 pounds per linear foot. D. Vehicle Gate Posts: 1. Provide 6.625-inch outside diameter, galvanized, standard weight steel pipe, weight 18.97 pounds per linear foot. 2.04 POST TOPS A. Post tops shall be pressed steel or malleable iron, designed as a weather -tight closure cap for tubular posts. Provide one cap for each post. 2.05 POST BRACING A. Post brace rails shall be installed between the end or corner post and the adjacent line post. Provide 1.660-inch outside diameter, galvanized, standard weight steel pipe, weight 2.27 pounds per linear foot. Braces shall be securely fastened to the posts by standard fence fittings. B. Truss rods shall be installed at each corner post in conjunction with brace rail. Provide 0.375-inch diameter, galvanized truss rod with commercial grade, galvanized turnbuckle. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 02820-2 Chain Link Fence 2.06 TENSION WIRE A. Tension wire shall be zinc- or aluminum -coated coil spring Class III steel wire not less than No. 7-gauge (0.177 inch in diameter). Provide manufacturer's standard tie clips (hog rings) approved for attaching the wire to the fabric, at intervals not exceeding 24 inches. 2.07 TOP RAILS A. Provide 1.660-inch outside diameter by 18-feet long minimum standard weight steel pipe (2.27 lbs/ft) top rail with 6-inch long couplings. 2.08 STRETCHER BARS A. Stretcher bars shall be one-piece lengths equal to full height of fabric with a minimum cross-section of 3/16 inch by 3/4 inch. Provide one stretcher bar for each end post and two for each corner and pull post. 2.09 STRETCHER BAR BANDS A. Bar bands shall be heavy -pressed steel, spaced not over 15 inches on center to secure stretcher bars to tubular end, corner, pull, and gate posts. 2.10 FITTINGS A. Malleable steel, cast iron, or pressed steel, galvanized to meet the requirements of ASTM A 153. Fittings to include stretcher bars and clamps, clips, tension rods, brace rods, hardware, fabric bands and fastenings, and all accessories. 2.11 GATES A. Gate Framing: 1. Man Gates: Provide 1.900-inch outside diameter, galvanized, standard weight steel pipe for gate framing, weight 2.72 pounds per linear foot. Gate frames shall be Commercial Quality (CQ-20). 2. Vehicle Gates: Provide 2.375-inch outside diameter, galvanized, standard weight steel pipe for gate framing, weight 3.65 pounds per linear foot. B. Gate Hardware: 1. Latch: Provide one piece, locking, frost free, drop latch for each gate. 2. Hinge: Provide heavy pattern post and gate frame hinges. 3. Truss Rod: Provide 0.375 inch diameter, galvanized truss rod with commercial grade, galvanized turnbuckle. 4. Gate Stops and Keepers: Provide industry standard, galvanized gate stops and keepers. 5. Provide 3 strands of barbed wire on all gates. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 02820-3 Chain Link Fence 2.12 LOCKS A. Provide 1.5-inch industrial grade, corrosion resistant padlock for each gate. Provide locks for valves where indicated. Master or approved equal. Key all padlocks alike for the same ownership. B. Submit for approval. 2.13 BARBED WIRE A. Provide galvanized, 12-1/2 gage, 2 strand twisted, 4 point Class III barbed wire. B. Provide galvanized barbed wire supporting arms, 45 degree angle, fitted with clips to support 3 rows of barbed wire. Barbed wire shall be provided on all fences, including gates. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Erect fencing in straight lines between angle points by skilled installers experienced in this type of construction. Erect in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations as approved and with these Specifications. Space posts a maximum of 10 feet on center and in true lines. Set posts plumb and to the depths shown. The top rail of the fence shall be at the top of the fabric. The bottom tension wire shall be at the bottom of the fabric. Fasten chain link fabric to end posts with stretcher bars and clamps, and to line posts, top rail and tension wire with wire or hog rings at approximately 14 inch centers and 24 inch centers, respectively. B. Install three rows of barbed wire at the top of fence and gates with angle braces directionally outward from the secured area. Barbed wire shall be pulled taut to remove all sag. Firmly install in the slots of the extension arms and secure to terminal posts. C. Install all fence posts in augured holes a minimum of 4 feet deep and backfill with a minimum of 8-inch diameter of concrete, unless other installation method is detailed. 3.02 GATES A. Provide a 6" clear space between finished grade and the lowest portion of all swing gates as a contingency for winter operation. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 02820-4 Chain Link Fence B. Install gate using three hinges per leaf, plus latch, catches, retainer, and locking clamp. 3.03 CLEANUP A. Upon completion of the fence installation, clean up all waste material resulting from fence assembly. END OF SECTION Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 02820-5 Chain Link Fence SECTION 02890 SIGNS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. This section covers the furnishing and installation of signs at the bulk tank farm, intermediate tanks, dispensing area, and marine header. B. The Contractor shall furnish all signs and fasteners. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 01300 — Submittals. B. Section 02820 — Chain Link Fence. 1.03 REFERENCES A. International Fire Code (IFC), Section 3404. B. National Fire Protection Association, No. 704. C. State of Alaska, Department of Transportation, "Standard Specification for Highway Construction" and "Standard Drawings Manual". 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Submit shop drawings of all signs, including height and width as well as sign thickness. Indicate background color and text color, text information (i.e. height and stroke) proposed for each sign. B. Submit manufacturer's data and standard colors for vinyl backgrounds and letters. PART 2 MATERIALS 2.01 GENERAL A. Signs will be constructed of 0.08" minimum aluminum plate with either red reflective or black letters on a white non -reflective background, unless otherwise indicated. B. Size signs and lay out letters such that no letters touch or overlap, and all words are clearly readable. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 02890-1 Signs C. Size letters as indicated and adjust size of sign accordingly, or make sign the dimensions indicated and size text appropriately to fit within the available space. D. Provide 3M Series 255 High Performance vinyl letters on 3M 3650-10 white vinyl background, or Gerber thermal transfer film printed letters on Gerber High Performance vinyl background as indicated on the Drawings, or as appropriate for the application. E. All street signs shall be in conformance with State of Alaska D.O.T. standards. 2.02 SIGNS AT THE TRUCK FILL STATIONS A. Provide aluminum backed laminated signs reading "DANGER — FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS — NO SMOKING — OR OPEN FLAMES" one each conspicuously bolted near each pump enclosure, 3" high x 1/2" stroke red letters on a white background. B. Provide NFPA 704 three -diamond placard near each pump enclosure detailing the most hazardous petrochemical. Sign must be readable from 100 feet, unless otherwise indicated. C. Provide 6" x 12" aluminum backed laminated signs reading "FUEL SYSTEM EMERGENCY SHUTOFF" conspicuously bolted to each emergency shut-off switch as located on Construction Drawings, red letters on a white background. 2.03 SIGNS ON PERIMETER FENCE A. Provide aluminum backed reflective laminated signs reading "DANGER - FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS — NO SMOKING — OR OPEN FLAMES" hogringed to the chain link fence secured area. Signs shall be placed as located on the Construction Drawings, 3" high x I/z" stroke red letters on a white background. B. Provide 6" x 12" aluminum backed reflective laminated signs reading "FUEL SYSTEM EMERGENCY SHUTOFF" conspicuously bolted to each emergency shut-off switch as located on Construction Drawings, red letters on a white background. 2.04 SIGNS AT THE TRUCK CONTAINMENT AREAS A. Provide 10" x 14" aluminum backed reflective laminated signs reading "CHOCK WHEEL — ATTACH STATIC WIRE — AND VERIFY TANK CAPACITY PRIOR — TO BULK TRANSFER" conspicuously bolted to the pump enclosure at each truck fill station, black letters on a white background. B. Provide aluminum backed reflective laminated signs reading "NO SMOKING — STOP ENGINE BEFORE FILLING" conspicuously bolted to the pump enclosure at each truck fill station, 3" high x 1/z" stroke red letters on a white background. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 02890-2 Signs 2.05 UVEC POWER PLANT TANK SIGN A. Provide the following system operating procedure sign at the UVEC Power Plant Tank. B. Sign shall be 12" x 16" black letters on a white background, sized appropriately to fit within the space indicated. C. Sign shall read as follows: Check power plant tank level daily, fill when below 7'-6" or sooner: 1. Go to tank farm and turn on main control panel power. 2. Open main valve on bulk tank and verify bulk tank level. 3. Open valve at distribution pump. 4. Turn power plant tank control power on and press start button. 5. Monitor tank levels continuously (make sure bulk tank at tank farm does not run empty during transfer). 6. When power plant tank level reaches 20'-6", press stop button. 7. Turn power plant tank control power off. 8. Return to tank farm, turn main control panel power off, close and lock main valve on bulk tank, and close valve at distribution pump. 2.06 ADDITIONAL SIGNAGE REQUIREMENTS A. Provide additional signage as indicated on the Construction Drawings. B. Coordinate all signs with requirements specified on the Construction Drawings. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 GENERAL A. Install in accordance with IFC flammable and combustible liquid signage standards, and NFPA. B. Signs shall be conspicuously mounted and easily read. END OF SECTION Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 02890-3 Signs DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE SECTION 03100 CONCRETE FORMWORK PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Formwork for cast -in place concrete with shoring, bracing, and anchorage. B. Openings for other work. C. Form accessories. D. Form stripping. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 01300 — Submittals. B. Section 03200 — Concrete Reinforcement. C. Section 03300 — Cast -In -Place Concrete. D. Section 05500 — Miscellaneous Metal Fabrications. 1.03 REFERENCES A. ACI 301— Specifications for Structural Concrete for Buildings. B. ACI 347 — Recommended Practice for Concrete Formwork. C. PS-1 — Construction and Industrial Plywood. 1.04 DESIGN REQUIREMENTS A. Design, engineer and construct formwork, shoring and bracing to conform to design and code requirements; resultant concrete to conform to required shape, lines, and dimensions. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Perform Work in accordance with ACI 301 and 347. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 03100-1 Concrete Formwork PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 WOOD FORM MATERIALS A. Form Materials: At the discretion of the Contractor. 2.02 PREFABRICATED FORMS A. Preformed Steel Forms: Minimum 16 gauge matched, tight fitting, stiffened to support weight concrete without deflection detrimental to tolerances and appearance of finished surfaces. B. Glass Fiber Fabric Reinforced Plastic Forms: Matched, tight fitting, stiffened to support weight of concrete without deflection detrimental to tolerances and appearance of finished concrete surfaces. 2.03 FORMWORK ACCESSORIES A. Form Ties: Removable type, galvanized metal, fixed or adjustable length, cone -type, with waterproofing washer, free of defects that could leave holes larger than one inch in concrete surface. B. Form Release Agent: Colorless mineral oil which will not stain concrete, absorb moisture, or impair natural bonding or color characteristics of coating intended for use on concrete. C. Nails, Spikes, Lag Bolts, Through Bolts, Anchorages: Sized as required, of sufficient strength and character to maintain formwork in place while placing concrete. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Verify lines, levels and centers before proceeding with formwork. Ensure that dimensions agree with Drawings. 3.02 EARTH FORMS A. Hand trim sides and bottom of earth forms. Remove loose soil prior to placing concrete. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 03100-2 Concrete Formwork 3.03 ERECTION - FORMWORK A. Erect formwork, shoring and bracing to achieve design requirements, in accordance with requirements of ACI 301. B. Provide bracing to ensure stability of formwork. Shore or strengthen formwork subject to overstressing by construction loads. C. Arrange and assemble formwork to permit dismantling and stripping. Do not damage concrete during stripping. Permit removal of remaining principal shores. D. Align joints and make watertight. Keep form joints to a minimum. E. Obtain approval before framing openings in structural members, which are not indicated on Drawings. 3.04 APPLICATION - FORM RELEASE AGENT A. Apply form release agent on formwork in accordance with manufacturer's recommendation. B. Apply prior to placement of reinforcing steel, anchoring devices, and embedded items. C. Do not apply form release agent where concrete surfaces will receive special finishes or applied coverings which are affected by agent. Soak inside surfaces of untreated forms with clean water. Keep surfaces coated prior to placement of concrete. 3.05 INSERTS, EMBEDDED PARTS, AND OPENINGS A. Provide formed openings where required for items to be embedded in or passing through concrete work. B. Locate and set in place items which will be cast directly into concrete. C. Coordinate work of other Sections in forming and placing openings, slots, reglets, recesses, chases, sleeves, bolts, anchorage, and other inserts. D. Install accessories in accordance with manufacturer's instructions, straight, level, and plumb. Ensure items are not disturbed during concrete placement. E. Provide temporary ports or openings in formwork where required to facilitate cleaning and inspection. Locate openings at bottom of forms to allow flushing water to drain. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 03100-3 Concrete Formwork F. Close temporary openings with tight fitting panels, flush with inside face of forms, and neatly fitted so joints will not be apparent in exposed concrete surfaces. 3.06 FORM CLEANING A. Clean and remove foreign matter within forms as erection proceeds. B. Clean formed cavities of debris prior to placing concrete. C. Flush with water or use compressed air to remove remaining foreign matter. Ensure that water and debris drain to exterior through clean -out ports. D. During cold weather, remove ice and snow from within forms. Do not use de-icing salts or water to clean out forms, unless formwork and concrete construction proceed within heat enclosure. Use compressed air or other means to remove foreign matter. 3.07 FORMWORK TOLERANCES A. Construct formwork to maintain tolerances required by ACI 301. 3.08 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Inspect erected formwork, shoring, and bracing to ensure that Work is in accordance with formwork design, and that supports, fastenings, wedges, ties, and items are secure. B. Do not reuse wood formwork more than two times for concrete surfaces to be exposed to view. Do not patch formwork. 3.09 FORM REMOVAL A. Do not remove forms or bracing until concrete has gained sufficient strength to carry its own weight and imposed loads. B. Loosen forms carefully. Do not wedge pry bars, hammers, or tolls against finish concrete surfaces scheduled for exposure to view. C. Store removed forms in manner that surfaces to be in contact with fresh concrete will not be damaged. Discard damaged forms. END OF SECTION Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 03100-4 Concrete Formwork SECTION 03200 CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Reinforcing steel bars, wire fabric and accessories for cast -in -place concrete. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 01300 — Submittals. B. Section 03100 — Concrete Formwork. C. Section 03300 — Cast -In -Place Concrete. 1.03 REFERENCES A. ACI 301 — Structural Concrete for Buildings. B. ACI 315 — Manual of Standard Practice for Detailing Reinforced Concrete Structures, and as modified by Interim Reports. C. ACI 318 — Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete. D. ASTM A82 — Cold -Drawn Steel Wire for Concrete Reinforcement. E. ASTM A184 — Fabricated Deformed Steel Bar Mats for Concrete Reinforcement. F. ASTM A615 — Deformed and Plain Billet - Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement. G. AWS D 12.1— Recommended Practice for Welding, Reinforced Concrete Construction. H. CRSI 63 — Recommended Practice For Placing Reinforcing Bars. I. CRSI 65 — Recommended Practice For Placing Bar Supports, Specifications and Nomenclature. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 03200-1 Concrete Reinforcement 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawings: Submit detailed drawings indicating bar sizes, spacings, locations, and quantities of reinforcing steel and wire fabric, bending and cutting schedules, and supporting and spacing devices. B. Manufacturer's Certificate: Certify that products meet or exceed specified requirements. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Perform Work in accordance with CRSI 63 and 65, ACI 301, 315, and 318, and ASTM A184. 1.06 COORDINATION A. Coordinate with placement of formwork, formed openings and other work. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 REINFORCEMENT A. Reinforcing Steel: ASTM A615, 60 ksi yield grade; deformed billet steel bars, plain finish. 2.02 ACCESSORY MATERIALS A. Tie Wire: Minimum 16 gauge annealed type. B. Chairs, Bolsters, Bar Supports, Spacers: Sized and shaped for strength and support of reinforcement during concrete placement conditions, including load bearing pad on bottom to prevent vapor barrier puncture. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 FABRICATION A. Fabricate concrete reinforcing in accordance with CRSI Manual of Practice, ACI 315, ACI 318, and ASTM Al84. B. Weld of reinforcement is not permitted. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 03200-2 Concrete Reinforcement C. Locate reinforcing splices not indicated on Construction Drawings at point of minimum stress. Review location of splices. 3.02 PLACEMENT A. Place, support and secure reinforcement against displacement. Do not deviate from required position. B. Accommodate placement of formed openings. C. Conform to applicable code and details on Drawings for concrete cover over reinforcement. Clearance requirements: 1. Concrete placed on ground; 3". 2. Formed surfaces exposed to ground; 2". END OF SECTION Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 03200-3 Concrete Reinforcement SECTION 03300 CAST -IN -PLACE CONCRETE PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Cast -in -place slabs. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 01300 — Submittals. B. Section 03100 — Concrete Formwork. C. Section 03200 — Concrete Reinforcement. D. Section 05500 — Miscellaneous Metal Fabrications. 1.03 REFERENCES A. ACI 301 — Structural Concrete for Buildings. B. ACI 302 — Guide for Concrete Floor and Slab Construction. C. ACI 304 — Recommended Practice for Measuring, Mixing, Transporting and Placing Concrete. D. ACI 306R — Cold Weather Concreting. E. ACI 308 — Standard Practice for Curing Concrete. F. ACI 315 — Manual of Standard Practice. G. ACI 318 — Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete. H. ACI 347 — Recommended Practice for Concrete Formwork. I. ASTM A 615 — Deformed and Plain Billet Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement. J. ASTM C33 — Concrete Aggregates. K. ASTM C39 — Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens. L. ASTM C94 — Ready -Mixed Concrete. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 03300-1 Cast -In -Place Concrete M. ASTM C 143 — Test for Slump of Portland Cement Concrete. N. ASTM C150 - Portland Cement. O. ASTM C 192 — Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Laboratory. P. ASTM C260 - Air Entraining Admixtures for Concrete. Q. ASTM C494 — Chemical Admixtures for Concrete. R. ASTM D 1751 - Preformed Expansion Joint Filler for Concrete Paving and Structural Construction (Nonextruding and Resilient Bituminous Types). S. ASTM D1850 — Concrete Joint Sealer, Cold -Application Type. T. ASTM D4397 — Polyethylene Sheeting for Construction, Industrial, and Agricultural Applications. U. CRSI 63 - R CRSI 63 — Recommended Practice for Placing Reinforcing Bars. V. CRSI 65 — Recommended Practice for Placing Bar Supports, Specifications, and Nomenclature. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data 1. Air -entraining admixture. 2. Water reducing admixture. 3. Concrete joint sealer. B. Miscellaneous 1. Mix design: Submit proposed mix design of each class of concrete for review prior to commencement of Work. 2. Manufacturer's installation instructions: Indicate installation procedures and interface required with adjacent work for joint sealer. 3. Submit inspection and testing agency for approval. 4. Submit results of cylinder breaks and entrained air and slump tests. 5. Accurately record actual locations of embedded utilities and components, which are concealed from view. Submit under provisions of Section 01300 - Submittals. C. Submit shop drawings for reinforcing steel. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Perform Work in accordance with ACI 301. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 03300-2 Cast -In -Place Concrete B. Maintain one copy of each document on site. C. Acquire cement and aggregate from same source for all work. D. Conform to ACI 306R when concreting during cold weather. E. Perform concrete reinforcing work in accordance with ACI Detailing Manual 315 and CRSI "Placing Reinforcing Bars". 1.06 TESTING AGENCY A. Inspection and testing will be performed by an established testing agency meeting the approval of the Engineer and the AUTHORITY. The Contractor is responsible for scheduling and coordination of all required testing. B. Provide free access to work and cooperate with the appointed firm. C. Testing: 1. Three (3) test cylinders for each 50 cubic yard or fraction thereof for each day's pour. 2. One (1) additional test cylinder will be taken during cold weather concreting, and be cured on job site under the same conditions as concrete it represents and tested at 28 days. 3. One (1) slump test will be taken for each set of test cylinders taken. 4. Air Content: ASTM C 231, pressure method; one for each set of compressive strength test specimens or provide certificate of compliance from batch plant. 5. Concrete Temperature: Test each time a set of compression test specimens is made. 6. Testing shall be at the Contractor's expense. 1.07 COORDINATION A. Coordinate the placement of miscellaneous metal with erection of concrete formwork and placement of form accessories. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Portland Cement: ASTM C150, Type I, II, III or IIIA. B. Coarse Aggregate: ASTM C33, Size 67. C. Fine Aggregate: ASTM C33. D. Mixing Water: Fresh, clean, and potable. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 03300-3 Cast -In -Place Concrete E. Air -Entraining Admixture: ASTM C260. F. Chemical Admixture: ASTM C494, Type A, water reducing. Admixtures which introduce chloride -ions (CF) into concrete mixture are not allowed. G. Corrosion Inhibitor: Master Builders Rheocrete 222, or approved equal. H. Vapor Barrier: ASTM D 4397, 10 mil. I. Control Joint Material: ASTM D 1751. Flexible Sealant: Degussa Building Systems, Sonolastic® Polysulfide fuel resistant sealant or approved equal. 2.02 CONCRETE MIX A. Mix in accordance with ASTM C 94. B. Provide concrete meeting the following requirements: 1. Compressive strength shall not be less than 4,500 psi at 28 days. 2. Add air entraining agent to concrete to entrain air as indicated in ACI 318 Table 4.1.1, for "severe exposure". Total air content percent to conform to IBC Table 1904.2.1 for severe exposure. 3. Maximum water-soluble chloride ion concentration shall not exceed 0.15 percent at ages from 28 to 42 days per the requirements of ACI 318 4.3. Provide test results. 4. Water/cement ratio shall not exceed 0.45. 5. Provide corrosion inhibiting admixture in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Master Builders Rheocrete 222, or approved equal. C. Use accelerating admixtures in cold weather only when accepted by the Engineer. If accepted, use of admixtures will not relax cold weather placement requirements. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 SCREEDING A. Screed slabs -on -fill, maintaining surface flatness of maximum 1/8 inch in 10 ft. 3.02 MIXING A. Materials shall be stored, batched, and mixed as specified in ASTM C94. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 03300-4 Cast -In -Place Concrete 3.03 PLACING CONCRETE A. Before placing concrete, ensure reinforcing is clean, free of loose scale, dirt, or other foreign coatings which would reduce bond to concrete. Ensure that reinforcing is supported and secured against displacement. Do not deviate from true alignment. B. Place concrete in accordance with ACI 301, ACI 304, and ACI 318. C. Notify Engineer a minimum of 48 hours prior to commencement of concreting operations. D. Ensure anchors, seats, plates, and other items to be cast into concrete are placed, held securely, and will not cause hardship in placing concrete. E. Maintain records of poured concrete items. Record date, location of pour, quantity, air temperature, and test samples taken. F. Ensure reinforcement, inserts, embedded parts, formed expansion and contraction joints, are not disturbed during concrete placement. G. Pour concrete continuously between predetermined control joints. H. Pour slabs in checkerboard or saw cut for pattern as shown on the Drawings. Saw cut control joints within 4 to 12 hours after finishing. I. Excessive honeycomb or embedded debris in concrete is not acceptable. Notify Engineer upon discovery. J. Conform to ACI 306 when concreting during cold weather. K. Do not interrupt successive placement; do not permit cold joints to occur. 3.04 PLACING MISCELLANEOUS MATERIALS A. Provide control joints, either formed or saw cut to the indicated depth after the surface has been finished. Sawed joints shall be completed within 4 to 12 hours after concrete placement. Protect joints from intrusion of foreign matter. B. Install control joint material and flexible sealant in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. 3.05 PATCHING A. Allow Contracting Agency to inspect concrete surfaces upon removal of forms. Patch imperfections as directed. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 03300-5 Cast -In -Place Concrete 3.06 DEFECTIVE CONCRETE A. Modify or replace concrete not conforming to required lines, details, and elevations. B. Repair or replace concrete not properly placed resulting in excessive honeycombing and other defects. Do not patch, fill, touch-up, repair or replace exposed concrete except upon express direction of Engineer for each individual area. 3.07 CONCRETE FINISHING A. Uniformly spread, screed, and float concrete. Do not use grate tampers or mesh rollers. Do not spread concrete by vibration. B. Maintain surface flatness, with maximum variation of 1/8 inch in 10 feet. C. Broom finish exterior slabs. 3.08 CURING AND PROTECTION A. Immediately after placement, protect concrete from premature drying, excessively hot or cold temperatures, and mechanical injury. Do not use membrane -forming compound. B. Maintain concrete with minimal moisture loss at relatively constant temperature for period necessary for hydration of cement and hardening of concrete. C. Cure slab surfaces in accordance with ACI 302. Begin curing immediately following form removal. D. Impervious Sheeting: Wet the entire exposed surface of the concrete thoroughly with a fine spray of water and cover with impervious sheeting throughout the curing period. Lay sheeting directly on the concrete surface and overlap edges 12 inches minimum. Provide sheeting not less than 18 inches wider than the concrete surface to be cured. Secure edges. END OF SECTION Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 03300-6 Cast -In -Place Concrete SECTION 03410 PRE -CAST CONCRETE TANK FOUNDATIONS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Pre -cast concrete foundations for vertical steel fuel tanks as shown in the Drawings. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 01300 — Submittals. B. Section 02200 — Earthwork. C. Section 03100 — Concrete Formwork. D. Section 03200 — Concrete Reinforcement. E. Section 05500 — Miscellaneous Metal Fabrications. 1.03 REFERENCES A. ACI 301 - Structural Concrete for Buildings B. ACI 302 - Guide for Concrete Floor and Slab Construction C. ACI 304 - Recommended Practice for Measuring, Mixing, Transporting and Placing Concrete D. ACI 306R - Cold Weather Concreting E. ACI 308 - Standard Practice for Curing Concrete F. ACI 315 — Manual of Standard Practice G. ACI 318 — Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete H. ASTM A615 — Deformed and Plain Billet Steel Bars for Concrete Reinforcement I. ASTM C33 - Concrete Aggregates J. ASTM C39 — Compressive Strength of Cylindrical Concrete Specimens K. ASTM C94 - Ready -Mixed Concrete Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 03410-1 Pre -Cast Concrete Tank Foundations L. ASTM C 143 — Test for Slump of Portland Cement Concrete M. ASTM C150 - Portland Cement N. ASTM C192 — Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the Laboratory O. ASTM C260 — Air Entraining Admixtures for Concrete P. ASTM C494 — Chemical Admixtures for Concrete Q. CRSI 63 - R CRSI 63 — Recommended Practice for Placing Reinforcing Bars R. PCI MNL 116 — Manual for Quality Control for Plants of Production of Precast and Prestressed Concrete Products 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Pre -cast Fabricator, statement of qualifications. B. Product Data: 1. Air -entraining admixture. 2. Water reducing admixture. 3. Liquid Chemical Sealer -Hardener Compound. C. Miscellaneous: 1. Shop Drawings: Detail fabrication and installation of precast structural concrete foundations for vertical steel fuel tanks. Indicate plans, elevations, dimensions, shapes, cross sections, openings, and types of reinforcement, including special reinforcement and lifting connections. Refer to the Project Drawings for pre -cast foundation intent. Alternate configurations will be considered; however, the Construction Drawings set the standard for the minimum foundation requirements. 2. Mix design: Submit proposed mix design of each class of concrete for review prior to commencement of Work. 3. Submit results of cylinder breaks, and entrained air and slump tests. D. Report: Vertical storage tank concrete ringwall survey within five (5) days of placement of ringwall. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Pre -Cast Fabricator: Pre -cast Fabricator shall be a company who fabricates pre- cast concrete units as a normal course of business with a minimum of 5 years' experience in this field. Submit statement of qualifications with past projects and references for approval. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 03410-2 Pre -Cast Concrete Tank Foundations B. Comply with PCI MNL 116, "Manual for Quality Control for Plants and Production of Precast and Prestressed Concrete Products". C. Perform Work in accordance with ACI 318 and the design recommendations of PCI MNL 120, "PCI Design Handbook — Precast and Prestressed Concrete". D. Maintain one copy of each document on site. E. Acquire cement and aggregate from same source for all work. F. Conform to ACI 306R when concreting during cold weather. G. Perform concrete reinforcing work in accordance with ACI Detailing Manual 315 and CRSI "Placing Reinforcing Bars". 1.06 COORDINATION A. Coordinate the placement of precast units with earthwork and vertical tank installation. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Reinforcement: ASTM A 615/A 615M, Grade 60, deformed. B. Portland Cement: ASTM C150, Type I or II. C. Coarse Aggregate: ASTM C33, Size 67. D. Fine Aggregate: ASTM C33. E. Mixing Water: Fresh, clean, and potable. F. Air -Entraining Admixture: ASTM C260. G. Chemical Admixture: ASTM C494, Type A, water reducing. Admixtures which introduce chloride -ions (Cl-) into concrete mixture are not allowed. H. Braided Steel Cable: Galvanized 6x19 braided steel cable, minimum 5/8" outside diameter with a minimum breaking strength of 20 tons. Provide galvanized thimbles and cable clamps as necessary to maintain 20 ton breaking strength. I. Turnbuckles: Galvanized 1/4" x 18" turnbuckle with minimum working load limit of 5200 pounds. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 03410-3 Pre -Cast Concrete Tank Foundations J. Anchor Bolts: Hilti HVA Epoxy Adhesive Anchor Bolt System with 1/4" HAS -SS threaded rod and nut as shown on the Drawings. No substitutions. 2.02 CONCRETE MIX DESIGN A. The design of the concrete mixes using the materials specified shall be the responsibility of the Contractor as in accordance with ASTM requirements. The concrete shall be Type C and have the following characteristics: 1. Compressive strength at 28 days shall be not less than 4,500 psi. 2. The strength of the concrete proposed for use shall be established by testing prior to beginning concreting operation. A test consists of the average of three cylinders made and cured in accordance with ASTM C192 and tested in accordance with ASTM C39. 3. Slump shall not be more than 4 inches for vibrated concrete tested in accordance with ASTM C143. 4. Minimum cement factor shall be six bags per cubic yard. 5. Air -entrainment is required in accordance with IBC Table 1904.2.1 for Severe Exposure, Frost Resistant concrete. 6. Maximum water cement ratio equals 0.45 in accordance with IBC table 1904.2.2(1) for concrete exposed to freezing and thawing conditions. 2.03 PLANT QUALITY CONTROL A. Inspection and testing shall be performed in accordance with ACI 301. B. Provide free access to Work and cooperate with appointed firm. C. Three concrete test cylinders shall be taken for every 50 or less cubic yards of concrete placed on each day. A minimum total of 5 sets of cylinder tests are required for each concrete mix design utilized in the Work. D. One slump test and entrained air test will be taken for each set of test cylinders taken. 2.04 PLACING CONCRETE A. Place concrete in accordance with ACI 301, ACI 304, and ACI 318. B. Notify AUTHORITY a minimum 72 hours prior to commencement of pre -cast operations. Pre -cast operations are subject to inspection by the AUTHORITY's representative. C. Verify requirements for concrete cover over reinforcement. D. Verify that anchors, bar chairs, seats, plates, reinforcement and other items to be cast into concrete are accurately placed, and positioned securely. Ensure reinforcement, inserts, embedded parts, and other accessories are not disturbed during concrete placement. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 03410-4 Pre -Cast Concrete Tank Foundations E. Erect formwork true and plumb. Ensure cable channels are accurately placed and secured prior to commencing concrete placement. F. Place concrete continuously in each pre -cast unit. Cold joints are prohibited within precast concrete panel units. G. Screed top surface maintaining surface flatness of maximum 1/4-inch in 10 feet. H. Identify pick points of precast concrete units and orientation in structure with permanent markings, complying with markings indicated on the shop drawings. Imprint casting date on each precast unit on a surface that will not show in finished structure. I. Cure concrete, according to requirements in PCI MNL 116, by moisture retention without heat. 2.05 CONCRETE FINISHING A. Provide formed concrete surfaces to be left exposed with smooth troweled finish. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 EXAMINATION A. Verify that sub -grade has been properly prepared to the proper elevation prior to beginning placement of the precast foundations. 3.02 STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Store precast units at project site to prevent cracking, distorting, warping, staining, or other physical damage, and so markings are visible for inventory and placement. B. Lift and support units only at designated lifting and supporting points as shown on the shop drawings. 3.03 FOUNDATION PLACEMENT A. Install precast concrete foundation segments using equipment sized as required to safely handle and place the segments. B. Place segments in accordance with the approved shop drawings. C. Erect precast units true and plumb to final elevation. Vertical storage tank concrete ringwalls shall be level within ±'/8 inch in any 30 ft of the circumference Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 03410-5 Pre -Cast Concrete Tank Foundations and within ± '/4 inch in the total circumference measured from the average elevation. D. Install cable in cable channels. Tighten turnbuckles to remove all slack, plus one full turn. E. Survey ringwalls upon completion of installation and submit to Engineer within five (5) days of completing survey, and before placing tanks on their foundations. 3.04 PATCHING A. Excessive honeycomb or embedded debris in concrete is not acceptable. Notify Engineer upon discovery. B. Patch imperfections in accordance with ACI 301. C. Remove lift supports upon completing of the placement activities. Patch tie/lift support holes in accordance with ACI 301. 3.05 DEFECTIVE CONCRETE A. Defective Concrete: Concrete not conforming to required lines, details, dimensions, tolerances or specified requirements shall be removed and replaced. B. Repair or replacement of defective concrete will be determined by the Engineer. C. Do not patch, fill, touch-up, repair, or replace exposed concrete except upon express direction of Engineer for each individual area. END OF SECTION Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 03410-6 Pre -Cast Concrete Tank Foundations (NOT USED) DIVISION 5 - METALS SECTION 05500 MISCELLANEOUS METAL FABRICATIONS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Fabrication and installation of all miscellaneous metal fabrications 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 01300 — Submittals B. Section 02310 — Thermosyphons C. Section 03410 — Pre -Cast Concrete Tank Foundations D. Section 05910 — Hot Dip Galvanized Coatings E. Section 05920 — Cold Galvanizing F. Section 09910 — Exterior Coating Systems G. Section 15190 — Pipe, Valves, And Fittings 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Certificates of compliance shall be submitted. Certified copies of mill test reports for structural steel shall be furnished. Certification that each welder has qualified in accordance with AWS Code D1.1 within the previous 12 months shall be provided. B. Shop Drawings: Shop drawings shall be submitted for approval. Drawings shall include all shop and erection details. Members and connections for any portion of the structure not shown on the Contract Drawings shall be detailed by the fabricator and indicated on the shop drawings. All welds shall be indicated by standard welding symbols of the AWS A2.0. Submit shop drawings for approval for the following: 1. Sheetmetal Dike Liner Covers 2. Thermosyphon Condenser Support Brackets 3. Pipe Supports 4. Truck Fill Enclosures and Pump Boxes 5. Access Stairs and Platforms 6. Other miscellaneous metal fabrications indicated on the Drawings Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 05500-1 Miscellaneous Metal Fabrications 1.04 TOLERANCES A. Allowable tolerances on all fabricated components shall be ±1/8" in any one direction. 1.05 CONTROL A. The Contractor shall establish and maintain control of the Work covered under this section to insure compliance with the Contract requirements. 1.06 REFERENCES A. AISC — Specification for the Design, Fabrication and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings. B. AISC — Specification for Structural Joints Using ASTM A 325 or A 490 Bolts C. ASTM A 36 — Structural Steel. D. ASTM A 53 — Hot -Dipped, Zinc -Coated Welded and Seamless Steel Pipe. E. ASTM A 153 — Zinc Coating (Hot -Dip) on Iron and Steel Hardware. F. ASTM A 283 — Carbon Steel Plates, Shapes, and Bars. G. ASTM A 307 — Carbon Steel Externally Threaded Standard Fasteners. H. ASTM A 500 — Cold -Formed Welded and Seamless Carbon Steel Structural Tubing in Rounds and Shapes. I. ASTM A 501 — Hot -Formed Welded and Seamless Carbon Steel Structural Tubing. J. ASTM A 514 — High -Yield -Strength, Quenched and Tempered Alloy Steel Plate, Suitable for Welding. K. ASTM A 529 — Structural Steel with 42 ksi [290 MPa] Minimum Yield Point (1/2 in. [13 mm] Maximum Thickness). L. ASTM A 563 — Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts. M. ASTM A 588 — High -Strength Low -Alloy Structural Steel with 50 ksi [345 MPa] Minimum Yield Point to 4 in. [100 mm] Thick. N. ASTM A 618 — Hot -Formed Welded and Seamless High -Strength Low -Alloy Structural Tubing. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 05500-2 Miscellaneous Metal Fabrications O. ASTM A 653 — Steel Sheet, Zinc Coated (Galvanized) or Zinc -Iron Alloy -Coated (Galvanized) by the Hot -Dip Process. P. ASTM B 221 — Aluminum -Alloy Extruded Bar, Rod, Wire, Shape, and Tube. Q. ANSI B 18.22.1 — Plain Washers. R. ANSI B 46.1 — Surface Texture (Surface Roughness, Waviness and Lay). S. AWS A2.0 — Standard Welding Symbols. T. AWS A 2.4 — Symbols for Welding and Nondestructive Testing. U. AWS A 3.0 — Welding Terms and Definitions. V. AWS D1.1 — Structural Welding Code. W. NAAMM (National Association of Architectural Metal Manufacturers) — BG — Metal Bar Grating Manual. 1.07 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. The AISC Specification for the Design, Fabrication and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings shall govern the Work. Welding shall be in accordance with AWS Code D1.1. High -strength bolting shall be in accordance with the AISC Specification for Structural Joints Using ASTM A 325 or A 490 Bolts. 1.08 RESPONSIBILITY FOR ERRORS A. The Contractor shall be responsible for all errors of detailing, fabrication, and for the correct fitting of the structural members. 1.09 STORAGE A. Material shall be stored out of contact with the ground in such manner and location as will minimize deterioration. 1.10 WELDING PROCEDURE QUALIFICATION A. Except for prequalified (per AWS 131.1) and previously qualified procedures, each Contractor performing welding shall record in detail and shall qualify the welding procedure specification for any welding procedure followed in the fabrication of weldments. Qualification of welding procedures shall conform to AWS D L I and to the specifications in this section. Copies of the welding procedure specification and the results of the procedure qualification test for each type of welding which requires procedure qualification shall be submitted for approval. Approval of any procedure, however, will not relieve the Contractor of the sole responsibility for producing a finished structure meeting all the Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 05500-3 Miscellaneous Metal Fabrications requirements of these specifications. This information shall be submitted on the forms in Appendix E of AWS D1.1. Welding procedure specifications shall be individually identified and shall be referenced on the shop drawings and erection drawings, or shall be suitably keyed to the contract drawings. In case of conflict between this Specification and AWS D1.1, this Specification governs. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Materials shall conform to the following requirements: 1. Carbon Grade Steel: ASTM A 36 2. Steel Tubing: ASTM A500, Grade B 3. Plates: ASTM A283 4. Structural Tubing: ASTM A 501 5. Steel Pipe: ASTM A 53, Type S, Grade B 6. Sheet Metal: ASTM A 653 with G 100 coating 7. Welding Materials: AWS D1.1; type required for materials being welded 8. Touch -Up Primer for Galvanized Surfaces: Per Section 05920 — Cold Galvanizing 9. High -Strength Bolts: ASTM A 325 or A 490 including nuts and washers 10. Carbon Steel Bolts: ASTM A 307, Grade A 11. Carbon Steel Nuts: ASTM A 563, Grade A, Hex Style a. Low Temperature Bolts and Nuts: ASTM A 320 b. Galvanized Bolts and Nuts: ASTM A153 12. Plain Washers: For other than those in contact with high -strength bolts use ANSI B 18.22.1, Type B 2.02 TRUCK FILL SUMP BAR GRATING A. Bar Grating for truck fill sump shall have a HS-20 load rating for the indicated span. B. Bar Grating shall be supplied with welded steel angle frame with Nelson studs for embedding into concrete. Angle frame shall be prefabricated and hot dip galvanized in accordance with Section 05910 — Hot Dip Galvanized Coatings C. Bar Grating shall be Klemp KWHD-15-4 heavy duty serrated steel grating with 3" x 3/8" bars, hot dip galvanized. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 FABRICATION A. Fabrication shall be in accordance with the applicable provisions of the AISC Specification for the Design, Fabrication and Erection of Structural Steel for Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 05500-4 Miscellaneous Metal Fabrications Buildings. Fabrication and assembly shall be done in the shop to the greatest extent possible. Compression joints depending on contact bearing shall have a surface roughness not in excess of 500 micro inches as determined by ANSI B46.1, and ends shall be square within the tolerances for milled ends specified in ASTM A 6. Structural steelwork, except surfaces of steel to be encased in concrete, surfaces to be field welded, surfaces to be fireproofed, and contact surfaces of friction -type high -strength bolted connections shall be prepared for painting in accordance with the AISC Specification for the Design, Fabrication and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings. B. Verify dimension on site prior to shop fabrication. C. Fabricate items with joints tightly fitted and secured. D. Fit and shop assemble in largest practical sections for delivery to site. E. Grind exposed joints flush and smooth with adjacent finish surface. Make exposed joints butt tight, flush, and hairline. Ease exposed edges to small uniform radius. F. Supply components required for anchorage of fabrications. Fabricate anchors and related components of same material and finish as fabrication, except where specifically noted otherwise. G. Provide welds of the size indicated, or 3/16" minimum when not indicated. Use AWS 5.1 E70XX electrodes. 3.02 FABRICATION FINISHES A. Exterior coatings shall be as indicated on the Construction Drawings or as specified. B. For hot dip galvanized coating, see Section 05910 — Hot Dip Galvanized Coatings. C. For cold galvanizing, see Section 05920 — Cold Galvanizing. D. For exterior coating systems, see Section 09910 — Exterior Coating Systems. 3.03 MISCELLANEOUS PLATES AND SHAPES A. Provide for items that do not form a part of the structural steel framework, such as miscellaneous mountings and frames. 3.04 EXAMINATION A. Verify that field conditions are acceptable and are ready to receive work. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 05500-5 Miscellaneous Metal Fabrications B. Beginning of installation means erector accepts existing conditions. 3.05 PREPARATION A. Clean and strip steel items to bare metal where site welding is required. 3.06 ERECTION A. Erection of structural steel shall be in accordance with the applicable provisions of the AISC Specification for the Design, Fabrication and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings. 3.07 INSTALLATION A. Install items plumb and level, accurately fitted, free from distortion or defects. B. Allow for erection loads, and for sufficient temporary bracing to maintain true alignment until completion of erection and installation of permanent attachments. C. Field weld components as indicated on Drawings. D. Perform field welding in accordance with AWS D1.1. E. Obtain Engineer's approval prior to site cutting or making adjustments not scheduled. 3.08 CONNECTIONS A. Anchor bolts and other connections between the structural steel and foundations shall be provided and shall be properly located and built into connecting work. 3.09 WELDER, WELDING OPERATOR, AND TACKER QUALIFICATION A. Each welder, welding operator, and tacker assigned to work on this Contract shall be qualified in accordance with the applicable requirements of AWS D1.1. Welders, welding operators, and tackers who make acceptable procedure qualification test welds will be considered qualified for the welding procedure used. Submit qualifications to the Engineer upon request. 3.10 FIELD TOUCHUP A. Weld and Final Touchup: When required, after making any field welds, clean and touchup shop applied fabrication finish. END OF SECTION Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 05500-6 Miscellaneous Metal Fabrications SECTION 05510 PRE -MANUFACTURED ACCESS STAIRS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE A. This Specification applies to access stairs and platforms required for storage tank containment dikes. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 01300 — Submittals. B. Section 05500 — Miscellaneous Metal Fabrications. C. Section 05910 — Hot Dip Galvanized Coatings. 1.03 REFERENCED STANDARDS A. United States Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA): 29 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 1910 B. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM): A123 Zinc (Hot -Galvanized) Coatings on Products Fabricated from Rolled, Pressed, and Forged Steel Shapes, Plates, Bars, and Strip A153 Zinc Coating (Hot Dip) on Iron and Steel Hardware 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Manufactures statement of qualifications. B. Shop Drawings showing all dimensions, connection details, structural member sizes, materials, and finishes. Shop drawings shall clearly indicate all support points. 1.05 GENERAL A. Access stairs shall pre-engineered and pre -manufactured by a company who regularly engages in construction of OSHA compliant stairs and access platforms, such as ATEC Diversified located in Evansville, Wyoming. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 05510-1 Pre -Manufactured Access Stairs B. Manufacturer shall have at least five (5) years experience in construction of OSHA compliant stairs and platforms. C. Crossover access stairs can be either full span or partial span. All support points, including ends and intermediate supports must be coordinated with other construction. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 GENERAL CRITERIA A. Access stairs and platforms shall be in accordance with OSHA 1910.24, Fixed Industrial Stairs. B. Stairs and access platforms shall be designed for a minimum live load of 300 pounds. C. The angle of stair rise shall not be more than 34 degree from horizontal with 7 inch rise and 10-1/2 inch tread run. Rise height and tread width shall be uniform. D. The width of stairs and access platforms shall be 48 inches. 2.02 MATERIALS A. Access stairs and platforms shall be fabricated from ASTM A36 steel. B. Steel, fabrication and other materials shall be in accordance with Section 05500, Miscellaneous Metal Fabrications. C. Stair stringers and access platform support beams shall be made from structural channel, sized appropriately for the loads. D. All support point (stair stringers and posts) shall have 3/8 inch thick end plates with a minimum of two 9/16 inch diameter predrilled holes for 1/2 inch lag bolts. E. Stair treads and access platform surfaces shall be slip resistant and made from Grip Strut, serrated bar grate, or other approved slip resistant surface. Stair tread nosing shall meet OSHA requirements for non -slip finish. 2.03 RAILINGS A. Stairs and access platforms railings shall be provided on both sides and shall be in accordance with OSHA 1910.23, Protection for Floor Openings. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 05510-2 Pre -Manufactured Access Stairs B. Provide 42 inch high hand rails, with intermediated rail and 4-inch high toe board on all access platforms. C. Hand rails, intermediate rails, and posts shall be at least 1-1/2 inches in diameter. D. Stair railings shall be constructed similar to standard rails but the vertical height shall be not more than 34 inches, nor less than 30 inches, from top rail to surface of tread in line with face of the forward edge of tread. 2.04 ACCESS GATE AND FENCE COORDINATION A. Access platforms shall have cut outs for field installation of gate posts for 36 inch wide chain link fence access gates at the entrance to the containment dikes. Cut out configuration shall be coordinated with fence gates provided. B. Handrails shall have break points at fence line for installation of chain link fence fabric and attachment to gate posts. 2.05 FINISH A. Access stairs and platforms shall be hot dipped galvanized in accordance with Section 05910 — Hot Dip Galvanized Coatings. B. All fasteners and miscellaneous hardware shall be hot dip galvanized in accordance with ASTM A 123 G100 and ASTM A153. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Install pre -manufactured stairs with ends and support posts bearing on 12"x8" pressure treated timbers approximately 5 foot long. B. Embed timbers not less than half way into the ground and install lag bolts through support point end plates. C. Stair rise height and tread width shall be uniform throughout flight of stairs, including foundation structure used as one or more treads of the stairs. END OF SECTION Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 05510-3 Pre -Manufactured Access Stairs SECTION 05910 HOT DIP GALVANIZED COATINGS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. This Specification covers the galvanized coating applied to general steel articles, structural sections, fabricated steel assemblies and threaded fasteners. B. This Specification does not apply to the galvanized coating on semi -finished products such as wire, tube or sheet galvanized in specialized or automatic plants. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 01300 — Submittals. B. Section 05500 — Miscellaneous Metal Fabrications. 1.03 REFERENCES A. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM): A120 Pipe, Steel, Black and Hot -Dipped Zinc -Coated (Galvanized) Welded and Seamless, for Ordinary Uses. A123 Zinc (Hot -Galvanized) Coatings on Products Fabricated from Rolled, Pressed, and Forged Steel Shapes, Plates, Bars, and Strip. A143 Safeguarding Against Embrittlement of Hot Dip Galvanized Structural Steel Products and Procedure for Detecting Embrittlement. A153 Zinc Coating (Hot Dip) on Iron and Steel Hardware. A325 High Strength bolts for Structural Steel Joints. A384 Safeguarding Against Warpage and Distortion during Hot Dip Galvanizing of Steel Assemblies. A385 Providing High Quality Zinc Coatings (Hot Dip). A563 Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts. A569 Steel, Carbon (0.15 Maximum, Percent), Hot -Rolled Sheet and Strip Commercial Quality Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 05910-1 Hot Dip Galvanized Coatings A570 Steel, Sheet and Strip, Carbon, Hot -Rolled, Structural Quality A780 Repair of Damaged Hot Dip Galvanized Coatings. B6 Zinc (Slab Zinc). 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Certification: When requested by the purchaser/designer, a Certificate of Compliance shall be provided stating that the galvanizing complies with ASTM Specifications and Standards and all other applicable requirements specified herein. B. Inspection and Tests: Inspections, tests and samples shall conform with ASTM Specifications and Standards. Inspection shall be carried out at the galvanizer's plant by a designated party, or at some other place as agreed between fabricator and galvanizer. Inspection rights and privileges, procedures, and acceptance or rejection of galvanized steel material shall conform with ASTM A123 or A153 as applicable. Inspections and tests shall include the following: 1. Visual examination of samples and finished products. 2. Tests to determine weight or mass of zinc coating per square foot of metal surface. 1.05 SUBMITTALS A. In accordance with Section 01300 — Submittals, submit coating applicator's Certificate of Compliance that the hot dip galvanizing coating meets or exceeds the specified requirements of ASTM A123 or A 15 3 (as applicable). 1.06 HANDLING, TRANSPORT AND STORAGE Galvanized articles shall be loaded and stored as follows to prevent the formation of wet storage stain: A. The articles shall be stacked or bundled to allow air between the galvanized surfaces during transport from the supplier. Additionally the material shall be loaded in such a manner that continuous drainage could occur. B. In storage, the articles shall be raised from the ground and separated with strip spacers to provide free access of air to most parts of the surface. They shall also be inclined in a manner which will give continuous drainage. Under no circumstances shall galvanized steel be allowed to rest on cinders or clinkers; neither shall it be stored on wet soil or decaying vegetation. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 05910-2 Hot Dip Galvanized Coatings PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 STEEL MATERIALS A. Structural shapes, plates and bars that are to be galvanized shall be manufactured from fully killed or semi -killed steel conforming to ASTM A36 or A572, except that the silicon content shall be in the range of 0 to 0.04% or 0.15 to 0.25% only. Mill certificates shall be furnished. B. Steels containing certain amounts of silicon can when galvanized, produce brittle coatings which are thicker and different in color to normal coatings. C. Steel for fasteners shall conform to the following ASTM specifications for each category: General Category Bolt Material Nut Material Carbon Steel A307 Gr A or B A563 Gr A High Strength A325 Type 1 or 2 A563 Gr DH, or A194 Gr 2H Tower Bolts A394 A563 Gr A D. Steel for sheet metal articles shall conform to ASTM A569 or A570. E. Steel for pipe or tubing shall conform to ASTM A53, A120 or A595 Gr A or B. 2.02 ZINC FOR GALVANIZING A. Zinc for galvanizing shall conform to ASTM B6. 2.03 FABRICATION A. Structural steel shall be fabricated generally in accordance with Class (I, II or III) guidelines as shown in Recommended Details for Galvanized Structures as published by the American Hot Dip Galvanizers Association, Inc. B. Fabrication practices for products to be galvanized shall be in accordance with the applicable portions of ASTM A143, A384 and A385, except as specified herein. Care shall be taken to avoid fabrication techniques which could cause distortion or embrittlement of the steel. Before fabrication proceeds, the Engineer shall be notified of potential warpage problems which may require modification in design. C. All welding slag and burrs shall be removed prior to delivery to the galvanizer. D. Holes and/or lifting lugs to facilitate handling during the galvanizing process shall be provided at positions as agreed between the designer, fabricator and galvanizer. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 05910-3 Hot Dip Galvanized Coatings E. Unsuitable marking paints shall be avoided and consultation by the fabricator with the galvanizer about removal of grease, oil, paint and other deleterious material shall be undertaken prior to fabrication. F. Surface contaminants and coatings which would not be removable by the normal chemical cleaning process in the galvanizing operation shall be removed by the fabricator using blast cleaning or some other method. 2.04 SURFACE PREPARATION A. Steelwork shall be pre -cleaned utilizing a caustic bath, acid pickle and flux. Alternatively, the steel shall be blast cleaned and fluxed. 2.05 GALVANIZING A. Steel members, fabrications, and assemblies shall be galvanized after fabrication by the hot dip process in accordance with ASTM A123. B. Bolts, nuts and washers and iron and steel hardware components shall be galvanized in accordance with ASTM A153. Nuts and bolts shall be supplied in accordance with ASTM A307, A325, A394 and A563 as applicable. C. Products shall be safeguarded against steel embrittlement in conformance with ASTM A143. D. All articles to be galvanized shall be handled in such a manner as to avoid any mechanical damage and to minimize distortion. E. Design features which may lead to difficulties during galvanizing shall be pointed out prior to dipping. F. The composition of metal in the galvanizing bath shall not be less that 98.0% zinc. 2.06 COATING REQUIREMENTS A. Weight: The weight of the galvanized coating shall conform with paragraph 6.1 of ASTM A123 G100, or Table 1 of ASTM A 15 3 as appropriate. B. Surface Finish: 1. The galvanized coating shall be continuous, adherent, as smooth and evenly distributed as possible and free from any defect that is detrimental to the stated end use of the coated article. 2. The integrity of the coating shall be determined by visual inspection and coating thickness measurements. 3. Where slip factors are required to enable friction grip bolting, these shall be obtained after galvanizing by suitable treatment of the faying surfaces Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 05910-4 Hot Dip Galvanized Coatings in accordance with the latest edition of the Specification for Structural Joints using ASTM A325 or A490 Bolts as approved by the Research Council on Structural Connections of the Engineering Foundation. C. Adhesion: The galvanized coating shall be sufficiently adherent to withstand normal handling during transport and erection. 2.07 PAINTING A. When required, galvanized steel shall be cleaned and painted in accordance with the recommendations of the paint manufacturer. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 WELDING A. Where galvanized steel is to be welded, adequate ventilation shall be provided. If adequate ventilation is not available, supplementary air circulation shall be provided. In confined spaces a respirator shall be used. B. Welding shall be performed in accordance with AWS D1.3-89, Structural Welding Code — Sheet Steel and D1.1-92 Structural Welding Code — Steel, as applicable C. All uncoated weld areas shall be touched up. 3.02 TOUCH UP AND REPAIR A. Repair areas damaged by welding, flame cutting, or during handling, transport or erection by one of the approved methods in accordance with ASTM A780 and the following: 1. Cold Galvanizing Compound: a. Surfaces shall be clean, dry, and free of oil, grease and corrosion products. b. Areas to be repaired shall be power -wire -brush cleaned to bright metal in accordance with SSPC SP3 Power Tool Cleaning. To ensure that a smooth reconditioned coating can be effected, surface preparation shall extend into the undamaged galvanized coating. C. Touch-up paint shall be an organic zinc -rich cold galvanizing compound complying with DOD-P-21035 having a minimum of 94% zinc dust in the dry film. d. The paint shall be spray or brush applied in multiple coats until a dry film thickness of 8 mils minimum has been achieved. A finish coat of aluminum paint shall be applied to provide a color blend with the surrounding galvanizing. e. Coating thickness shall be verified by measurements with a magnetic or electromagnetic gauge. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 05910-5 Hot Dip Galvanized Coatings 2. Zinc Based Solder: a. Surfaces to be reconditioned with zinc -based solder shall be clean, dry and free of oil, grease and corrosion products. b. Areas to be repaired shall be wire brushed. C. Heat shall be applied slowly and broadly close to, but not directly onto the area to be repaired. The zinc -based solder rod shall be rubbed onto the heated metal until the rod begins to melt. A flexible blade or wire brush shall be used to spread the melt over the area to be covered. The zinc based solder shall be applied in a minimum thickness of 2 mils. d. Coating thickness shall be verified by measurements with a magnetic or electromagnetic gauge. B. Wet Storage Stain: Any wet storage stain shall be removed by the galvanizer if formed and discovered prior to leaving the galvanizer's plant, unless late pick up or acceptance of delivery has necessitated the material being stored in unfavorable conditions. In any event, wet storage stain shall be removed before installation so that premature failure of the coating will not occur. Wet storage stain shall be removed as follows: 1. The objects shall be arranged so that their surfaces dry rapidly. 2. Light deposits are to be removed by means of a stiff bristle (not wire) brush. Heavier deposits are to be removed by brushing with a 5% solution of sodium or potassium dichromate with the addition of 0.1 % by volume of concentrated sulfuric acid. This is to be applied with a stiff bristle brush and left for about 30 seconds before thoroughly rinsing and drying. Alternatively a proprietary product such as Oakite Highlite, or equal, which is intended for this purpose, may be used according to manufacturer's recommendations. 3. A coating thickness check must be made in the affected areas to ensure that the zinc coating remaining after the removal of wet storage stain is sufficient to meet or exceed the requirements of the Specification. END OF SECTION Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 05910-6 Hot Dip Galvanized Coatings SECTION 05920 COLD GALVANIZING PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. This Specification covers cold galvanized coating compound applied to general steel articles, structural sections, fabricated steel assemblies and threaded fasteners where specified or shown on the Construction Drawings as "cold galvanized". B. All other galvanized items shown on the Drawings will be hot -dipped in accordance with Specification Section 05910 — Hot Dip Galvanized Coatings. C. This coating may be shop or field applied. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 01300 — Submittals. B. Section 05500 — Miscellaneous Metal Fabrications. 1.03 REFERENCES A. Reference Standards: Fed Spec DOD-P-21035A Galvanizing Repair. Fed Spec MIL-P-269915A USAF Zinc Dust Primer. 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Certification: Provide a Certificate of Compliance stating that the galvanizing complies with the Specifications and has been applied in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. 1.05 SUBMITTALS A. In accordance with Section 01300 — Submittals, submit application instructions and product data for approval. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 05920-1 Cold Galvanizing PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 GALVANIZING A. Coating shall be an organic zinc -rich cold galvanizing compound complying with DOD-P-21035 having a minimum of 94% zinc dust in the dry film, and shall be listed by Underwriters Laboratories as an equivalent to hot -dipped galvanizing, ZRC Cold Galvanizing Compound as manufactured by ZRC Products Co., Quincy, Massachusetts or approved equal. B. As an alternate to cold galvanizing compound, Contractor may substitute 5 mils of Carboline "CARBOMASTIC 15". Surfaces shall be power tool cleaned to SSPC-SP3. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 SURFACE PREPARATION A. Cold Galvanizing Compound 1. Rust Scale — Power tool clean to SSPC-SP3 2. Mill Scale — Commercial blast to SSPC-SP6 3. Immersion Service — Near white blast to SSPC-SP 10 3.02 APPLICATION A. Cold Galvanizing Compound 1. Surfaces shall be clean, dry, and free of oil, grease and corrosion. 2. Apply two coats, 3 mils DFT total, using manufacturer's recoat time directions. 3. Touch up any areas as specified above where coating has been damaged. 4. Submit a certification that the above requirements have been performed as specified. END OF SECTION Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 05920-2 Cold Galvanizing DIVISION 6 - WOOD AND PLASTIC SECTION 06110 PRESSURE TREATED LUMBER PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Pressure treated lumber for wood in contact with earth or installed below grade. B. Preservative treatment. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 01150 — Surveying. B. Section 01300 — Submittals. C. Section 02200 — Earthwork. D. Section 02300 — Geotextile. E. Section 02350 — Rigid Insulation Board. F. Section 02600 — Membrane Liners. 1.03 REFERENCES A. AWPA — American Wood Preservative Association B. AF&PA — American Forest & Paper Association, Design Valves for Wood Construction C. PS 1 — Construction and Industrial Plywood D. PS 20 — American Softwood Lumber Standard E. WCLIB — West Coast Lumber Inspection Bureau F. WWPA — Western Wood Product Association 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. In accordance with Section 01300 — Submittals. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 06110-1 Pressure Treated Lumber B. Wood Treatment Data: Submit treatment manufacturer's instructions for handling, storing, installation and finishing of treated material. 1. Preservative Treatment: For each type specified, include certification by treating plant type of preservative solutions and pressure process used, net amount of preservative retained and conformance with applicable standards. 2. For water -borne preservatives, include statement that moisture content of treated materials was reduced to levels indicated prior to shipment to project site. C. Approval letters for fastener material selection from wood preservative manufacturer and fastener manufacturer. D. Pressure Treated Lumber and Timber Fastener Data. 1.05 PRODUCT HANDLING A. Delivery and Storage: Keep materials under cover and dry. Protect against exposure to weather and contact with damp or wet surfaces. Stack lumber and plywood to provide air circulation within and around stacks and under temporary coverings including polyethylene and similar materials. 1. For lumber and plywood pressure treated with waterborne chemicals, provide sticks between each course to provide air circulation. 1.06 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Coordination: Fit carpentry work to other work. Scribe and cope as required for and accurate fit. Correlate location of nailers, blocking, ground, and similar supports to allow attachment of other work. 1.07 SPECIAL CONDITIONS A. Pressure treated wood and fasteners shall be supplied from a single supplier. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS A. Lumber Standards: Manufactured lumber to comply PS 20 "American Softwood Lumber Standard" and with applicable grading rules of inspection agencies certified by American Lumber Standards Committee's (ALSC) Board of Review. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 06110-2 Pressure Treated Lumber B. Inspection Agencies: Inspection agencies and the abbreviations used to reference with lumber grades and species include the following: 1. WCLIB — West Coast Lumber Inspection Bureau. 2. WWPA — Western Wood Products Association. 3. NLGA — National Lumber Grade Authority. C. Factory -mark each piece of lumber with grade stamp of inspection agency evidencing compliance with grading rule requirements and identifying agency, grade, species, moisture content at time of surfacing, and mill. 1. For exposed lumber, apply grade stamps to ends or back of each piece, or omit grade stamps entirely and issue certificate of grade compliance from inspection agency in lieu of grade stamp. D. Nominal sizes are indicated, except as shown by detail dimensions. Provide actual sizes as required by PS20, for moisture content specified for each use. 1. Provide dressed lumber, S4S, unless otherwise indicated. 2.02 DIMENSION LUMBER A. Provide the following grade and species: 1. No. 2, or No. 2 and better. 2. Hem Fir. 2.03 TIMBERS A. Provide the following grade and species: 1. No. 2, Beams and Stringers, Fb = 675 psi per AF&PA standard. 2. Hem Fir. 2.04 CONSTRUCTION PANELS A. Construction Panel Standards: Comply with PS 1 "U.S. Product Standard for Construction and Industrial Plywood" for plywood panels and for products not manufactured under PS 1 provisions, with American Plywood Association (APA) "Performance Standard and Policies for Structural -Use Panels", Form No. E445. B. Trademark: Factory -mark each construction panel with APA trademark evidencing compliance with grade requirements. C. Provide treated plywood panels with grade designation, APA A-B MARINE EXT with exterior glue in thickness indicated, or if not otherwise indicated, not less than 3/4 inch. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 06110-3 Pressure Treated Lumber 2.05 WOOD TREATMENT BY PRESSURE PROCESS A. Preservative Treatment: Where timbers, lumber or plywood is indicated as treated, or is specified herein to be treated, comply with applicable requirements of AWPA Standards C2 (Lumber), C9 (Plywood), C22 (Timbers), and the AWPA Standards listed below. Mark each treated item with the AWPA Quality Mark Requirements. 1. Pressure -treat with water -borne preservatives for ground contact use complying with AWPA Use Category UC413 which will generally have a 0.60 minimum retention when rated for ground contact, depending on the type of preservative treatment selected. Wood members are used as follows: a. Above grade, in contact with ground, and exposed. b. Installed below grade. 2. Complete fabrication of treated items prior to treatment, where possible. If cut after treatment, coat cut surfaces with heavy brush coat of same chemical used for treatment and to comply with AWPA Standard MR. Prevent spills and ground contact by preservative. 3. Inspect each piece of treated lumber or plywood after drying and discard damaged or defective pieces. 2.06 FASTENERS AND HARDWARE A. Fasteners: Stainless steel fasteners shall be provided for connections in all pressure -treated wood, unless the following requirements are met: 1. Approval letters are submitted from both the wood treatment manufacturer and the fastener manufacturer, stating the proposed fasteners are suitable for permanent installations in exterior, exposed, wet locations. 2. Steel fasteners, if approved, shall be as a minimum ASTM A307 lags or bolts with a triple plate galvanized finish of an equivalent thickness to G185. B. Hardware: All hardware shall be made with ASTM A123 G100 post hot dipped galvanized steel that is in direct contact with pressure treated wood. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Discard units of material with defects which might impair quality of work, and units which are too small to use in fabricating work with minimum joints or optimum joint arrangement. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 06110-4 Pressure Treated Lumber B. Set carpentry work accurately to required levels and lines, with members plumb and true and accurately cut and fitted. C. Securely attach carpentry work to substrate by anchoring and fastening as shown and as required by recognized standards. D. Use common wire nails, except as otherwise indicated. Select fasteners that will not penetrate members where opposite side will be exposed to view or will receive finish materials. Make tight connections between members. Install fasteners without splitting of wood; predrill as required. E. Provide pressure -treated at all locations where materials are in contact with grade, below grade, and other locations indicated on Contract Drawings. F. Attach members as required to support applied loading. G. Pre -drill and countersink bolts, nuts and lags flush with surfaces, unless otherwise shown. END OF SECTION Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 06110-5 Pressure Treated Lumber DIVISIONS 7 through 8 (NOT USED) DIVISION 9 - FINISHES SECTION 09910 EXTERIOR COATING SYSTEMS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. This section includes surface preparation and coating requirements for all new fuel storage tanks. B. This section also covers: 1. Coating of metal fabrications where indicated, such as pump boxes. 2. Coating of existing structures where indicated, including but not limited to the following: a. Existing 1,500 gallon School Maintenance Building tank. b. Two (2) existing 88,600 gallon UVEC tanks. C. Existing 89,000 gallon WCAS tank. d. Existing 89,000 gallon UNC tank. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 01300 — Submittals. B. Section 05500 — Miscellaneous Metal Fabrications. C. Section 13200 — Vertical Storage Tanks. D. Section 13201 — Horizontal Storage Tanks. 1.03 REFERENCES A. Steel Structures Painting Council (SSPC) Specifications: SSPC-PA 1 Shop, Field, and Maintenance Painting SSPC-SP 1 Solvent Cleaning SSPC-SP 3 Power Tool Cleaning SSPC-SP 6 Commercial Blast Cleaning SSPC-SP 7 Brush-off Blast Cleaning SSPC-SP 10 Near White Blast Cleaning B. SPCC Paint Application Specification No. 2 — Measurement of Dry Paint Thickness with Magnetic Gauges. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 09910-1 Exterior Coating Systems C. National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) Standards: Recommended Practice 0188-99, "Discontinuity (Holiday) Testing of New Protective Coatings on Conductive Substrates." 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Contractor shall submit for approval the following items one (1) month prior to the start of coatings application: 1. The proposed coating system. If different manufacturers are proposed within each coating system, provide certification from manufacturers of capability. 2. The proposed applicators, their qualifications, and experience. 3. Provide manufacturer's data, instructions, and Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for all coatings. 4. Inspection and application procedures in the field. 5. Independent NACE Inspector qualifications and certifications not employed by the coating applicator. 6. Ambient temperature, humidity, recoat window, and other application parameters relevant for proposed coating system. B. The Contractor shall submit the following items weekly during coating application: 1. Temperature, humidity, and dew point readings during coating applications. 2. Magnetic dry film thickness readings for each coating applied. 1.05 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: A. Coating: Coating applicator shall be a factory authorized coating company with at least five (5) years continuous experience in applying industrial coatings to tanks and utility piping. B. Contractor shall provide and maintain an effective quality control necessary to assure conformance to applicable Specifications and plans with respect to materials, workmanship, finish, and functional performance. C. Coatings shall resistant to unleaded gasoline, aviation gasoline, No. 2 diesel and Jet A fuels. D. Coating system shall be compatible with an above grade exposure to direct continuous sunlight, and be UV resistant. E. Unless specified herein, the coating manufacturer's printed recommendations and instructions for shelf life, surface preparation, mixing, thinning, handling, applying, curing, and protecting coating and for all other procedures relative to coating shall be strictly observed. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 09910-2 Exterior Coating Systems F. It is the applicator's responsibility to perform work to the requirements of this Specification and to conduct inspections and tests necessary to ensure compliance. The AUTHORITY may conduct any inspection deemed necessary to verify compliance. 1.06 COATING SYSTEMS A. Coating systems shall be as specified in the Table below, unless otherwise indicated in the Contract Documents. ITEM COATING SCHEDULE (All mil requirements are dry film) EXTERIOR ABOVE GRADE ------------------------------------- Tanks, Ladders, Hand 1 coat Inorganic Zinc based Primer (3-4 mils DFT) Rails, Appurtenances, 1 coat Epoxy Intermediate Coat (4-6 mils DFT) Misc. Metal, etc. 1 coat Urethane Top Coat (2-3 mils DFT) -or- PART 2 MATERIALS 2.01 PRIMER 1 coat Inorganic Zinc based Primer (3-4 mils DFT) 1 coat Polyurea Top Coat (8-10 mils DFT) A. Provide a two component, chemically cured, reinforced inorganic zinc primer. Provide Devoe Catha-Coat 302H or approved equal. Apply coating 3-4 mils DFT. Coating shall be equal to or provide better performance characteristics than the following: Specification Solids by Volume Volatile Organic Content Cure Time (3 mils DFT) 2.02 INTERMEDIATE COAT Test Method ASTM D2697-7 day EPA 24 ASTM D 1640 Minimum Value 78% 3.6 lbs/gal Recoat 4.5hr @ 40°F Dry 13 hr @ 40°F A. Provide a two component, chemically cured, multi -purpose epoxy coating. Coating to be suitable for corrosive environments. Provide Devoe Bar -Rust 236 or approved equal. Apply coating 4-6 mils DFT. Coating shall be equal to or provide better performance characteristics than the following: Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 09910-3 Exterior Coating Systems Specification Solids by Volume Volatile Organic Content Cure Time (6 mils DFT) 2.03 URETHANE TOP COAT Test Method ASTM D2697-7 day EPA 24 ASTM D 1640 Minimum Value 80% 1.41 lbs/gal Recoat 9 hr @ 40°F Dry 17 hr @ 40°F A. Provide a two component, chemically cured, aliphatic urethane coating. Tank coating color shall be medium gray. The AUTHORITY will select the exact color from the product manufacturer's standard industrial color planner. Provide Devoe Devthane 389 or approved equal. Apply coating 2-3 mils DFT. Coating shall be equal to or provide better performance characteristics than the following: Specification Solids by Volume Volatile Organic Content Cure Time (2 mils DFT) 2.04 POLYUREA TOP COAT Test Method ASTM D2697-7 day EPA 24 ASTM D 1640 Minimum Value 56% 3.23 lbs/gal Recoat 10 hr @ 40°F Dry 32 hr @ 40°F A. Provide a two component, chemically cured, aliphatic polyurea coating, color shall be medium gray. The AUTHORITY shall select exact color from the product manufacturers standard industrial color planner. Provide Futura Futura- Thane EC20065 coating. Apply coating 8-10 mils DFT. Coating shall be equal to or provide better performance characteristics than the following: Specification Solids by Volume Volatile Organic Content Cure Time (4 mils DFT) 2.05 CLEANSING ADDITIVES Test Method ASTM D2697-7 day EPA 24 ASTM D 1640 Minimum Value 90% 0.8 lbs/gal Dry hard 2 hr @ 50-60°F A. The following additives shall be used for power washing surfaces in preparation for coating application. 1. Cleaner: Devoe Devprep 88 Heavy Duty Cleaner. 2. Chlor-Rid International Hold -Blast Surface Passivator to prevent flash rust. 2.06 STORAGE AND DELIVERY A. Protect raw coating components from freezing. B. Deliver in manufacturer's unopened containers with all labels intact. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 09910-4 Exterior Coating Systems C. Manufacturer shall provide a MSDS and product data sheet for each material to be used. D. Each container shall be labeled with the following information: Manufacturer's name, type of paint, catalog or stock number, production number, color description and color number. 2.07 PIPE LABELING A. On all above -grade piping, provide labels identifying contents and flow direction. Stencil contents and flow direction every 50 feet minimum and 150 feet maximum, and at all branches and entrances to tanks, buildings, structures and at valves. Lettering height shall be 0.50 times the outside diameter of the pipe with proportionately sized flow direction arrows. Labeling shall consist of permanent reflective painted lettering which contrasts with pipe color. Labeling shall be compatible with coating system. B. Piping at the marine header shall be labeled. 2.08 TANK LABELING A. Signage and placards for all tanks shall be permanently painted with stencils or shop fabricated vinyl letters on a non -reflective white vinyl adhesive background. B. On all tanks included in the project scope, provide signage indicating product stored and shell capacity as shown on the Construction Drawings, and required by NFPA 704. For horizontal tanks, provide signage on each head wall, on vertical tanks provide signage above the fill/issue nozzle and 180 degrees from said nozzle. Labeling shall be a minimum 2" lettering with 3/8" stroke on horizontal tanks and 3" lettering with'h" stroke on vertical tanks. a. Lettering shall be black for the following: 1. Product Stored 2. Tank Capacity 3. Tank Number b. Lettering shall be red for the following: 1. Gasoline, "Danger — Flammable — No Smoking" 2. Diesel, "Danger — Combustible — No Smoking" 2. NFPA placarding shall conform to the NFPA requirements for color and size for 100 foot visibility. Diesel is 2-2-0. Gasoline is 2-3-0. C. In addition to the requirements of paragraph 2.083, provide additional signage for dispensing tanks: 1. Labeling shall be a minimum 3" lettering with 1/2" stroke. Lettering shall be red. 2. "Simultaneous Tank Filling and Vehicle Dispensing Prohibited". Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 09910-5 Exterior Coating Systems 2.09 TOUCH-UP COATING A. Provide five (5) one -gallon top coat kits for future coating maintenance by the Facility Owner. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 SAFETY A. It is the responsibility of the Contractor and any subcontractors to perform all Work in a safe manner. Also, it is the responsibility of the Contractor to assure that all applicable health and safety standards and all local, state, and federal safety regulations are met. The omission in this Specification of any applicable safety regulation does not relieve the Contractor of responsibility to comply. B. The Contractor shall keep on hand at the worksite copies of all local, state, and federal safety regulations governing the work procedures and copies of the Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for all chemicals at the work site. The Contractor shall brief all workers at the job site of the location of the regulations and MSDS. C. Provide safe access to the work areas. The work area shall be kept free of debris. D. Any ignition source, such as internal combustion engines, welding operations, smoking areas, shall be kept at a safe distance from surfaces during coating application and curing. E. Blast nozzles shall be equipped with a "deadman" type shut-off device. Blasting hoses, spray equipment, air movers, and other type equipment shall be grounded. F. Inspect protective clothing and personal protective equipment before use to ensure they are in proper, functioning condition. G. It is the Contractor's responsibility to dispose of all materials, both hazardous and non -hazardous. All unused mixed materials shall be disposed of immediately. All cans containing coating materials or thinners, or that were used for mixing materials, and all rags or other items contaminated with coating materials or thinners shall be disposed of according to applicable safety and waste disposal regulations. H. The Contractor shall address all safety issues regarding surface preparation and coating of in-service petroleum storage tanks and piping. This shall include, but is not limited to, grounding of equipment and sealing of vents and other openings during blasting, spraying; or other activities that may produce static charges. Coordinate with the Fuels Manager while tanks are sealed to prevent excessive pressure and vacuum due to product flow. Allow tanks to vent during work hold Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 09910-6 Exterior Coating Systems points and at night to prevent excessive pressure or vacuum due to changes in temperature. 3.02 PRE -JOB CONFERENCE A. A meeting shall be held, prior to Specification. The Engineer, representative are invited to attend. any work being performed, to review this Contractor, inspector, and manufacturer's B. Any proposed deviations from this Specification must be brought to the attention of the Engineer at or before the pre -job conference. 3.03 INSPECTION A. Inspection shall be performed by a National Association of Corrosion Engineers (NACE) certified coating inspector who may perform additional tests deemed necessary to ensure compliance with this Specification. B. After surface preparation work, inspect surfaces to receive coatings and repair all defects prior to applying coatings. C. Before blasting and applying any coating, the coatings applicator and the coatings inspector shall agree on mutually acceptable "hold points". The Contractor shall not continue work past each hold point until the NACE Inspector has approved the previous work. D. Use type 1 pull off magnetic dry film thickness gauges. E. Blast and coating spray air shall be free of oil and water. Conduct blotter tests at a minimum of every 12 hours of operation. F. If any non-coatable defects are discovered in welds, after abrasive blasting, delay their repair until after application of the first coat of coating material, at no additional cost to the AUTHORITY. G. After the second coat has cured completely, perform a holiday inspection using a 67.5 voltage DC holiday detector over 100% of the coated area. Use a suitable surfactant in accordance with manufacturer's instructions. Mark all holidays during the inspection with a chloride -free marker. H. The responsibility of the inspector is to approve or disapprove Work according to these Specifications. The inspector does not have authority to direct work. 3.04 MIXING AND THINNING A. Mixing of products shall be done mechanically with volumes of five gallons or more. Smaller volumes may be mixed manually. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 09910-7 Exterior Coating Systems B. All coatings shall be thoroughly mixed to reach a smooth, uniform consistency with no ribbons. Care must be taken to avoid excessive mixing. Any coating, which exhibits foaming or frothing shall be deemed unusable and must be discarded. C. Only open or mix coatings that can be used that workday should be prepared. Opened coatings, mixed or not, will not be allowed to be stored overnight. D. Because of possible low ambient temperatures, continuous agitation of the coatings may be required during application. Longer induction times may also be required. Consult the product data sheets or the manufacturer's representative. E. Use thinners as specified on the manufacturer's data sheet. No substitution of thinners is allowed. 3.05 SURFACE PREPARATION A. Abrasive blast clean external surfaces as follows: SSPC-SP-10 Near White Blast Provide a 1-1/2 to 2-1/2 mil sharp angular surface profile. Remove all abrasive residues either by blowdown or vacuum surfaces. B. Weld spatter shall be scraped or ground before blasting. C. All steel shall be free from surface contaminants. Spot samples will be made before blasting and coating. Surface contaminants include rust, oil, grease, salts, mill scale, water, dirt, abrasive residue, and dust. D. Prepared steel must receive primer within four hours. E. All sharp edges shall be removed by grinding or sanding. Weld seams shall be rounded by power tool grinding. 3.06 APPLICATION A. Apply appropriate coatings to all tanks, structures and related items. Coating shall be applied according to manufacturer's recommendations in a safe, professional manner. B. Use contrasting colors for each coat for verification of complete coverage. C. Weld seams, corners, crevices, bolts, exposed threads, and any other surface, which cannot effectively be coated by air or airless spray must be brushed striped. D. Ambient air conditions must be carefully monitored. No coating application may begin unless the surface temperature is at least 5 degrees F above the dew point. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 09910-8 Exterior Coating Systems Any environmental controls, such as tenting and heaters shall be incidental to the work. E. Surfaces to be coated must be free of any moisture, including ice and frost. F. When beginning each section of work, the applicator will allow the inspector to take a wet film thickness measurement. The inspector will determine if the application rate and techniques are sufficient to provide an adequate coverage at the desired dry film thickness. Contractor to provide wet film thickness gauges. The AUTHORITY and/or Engineer shall have the option to verify the applicators rate of application with a wet film thickness measurement. G. The finished surfaces shall be free from runs, drops, ridges, waves, laps, brush marks, and variations in color, texture, and finish. H. Measure the DFT after each coat and the total DFT for the entire coating system according to SSPC PA-2. 1. Areas found to have insufficient DFT shall receive application of additional coating in accordance to these specifications. 2. Areas of excessive DFT shall be reported to the Engineer. The Engineer shall then determine if the thickness is acceptable or if corrective action is warranted. Only the Engineer has authority to direct corrective action, if any. 3. The Contractor shall bear the burden of any additional costs required to repair any coating defects. Repair any holidays or defects by grinding down to bare metal, feathering, and roughening the surrounding coating. Apply touchup coatings as detailed in part 3.07 REPAIR OF DAMAGED COATINGS. Allow coating to cure. Measure the DFT and correct as necessary. Standpipes, manways and covers, nozzles, and flanges on tanks shall be painted. Caution and masking shall be used to prevent coating of male and female pipe threads and flange faces that must be assembled after coating application. Mask data plates, level gauge glass and similar items; do not paint these surfaces. 3.07 REPAIR OF DAMAGED COATINGS A. Visually inspect surfaces for any damage to coatings. Perform a high -voltage electrical holiday inspection test after surfaces have been coated. B. Areas that fail the holiday test should be cleaned, roughed by power tool, or other approved means. C. Apply coatings as specified for the surface, to specified DFT for each coat, to complete the repair. END OF SECTION Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 09910-9 Exterior Coating Systems DIVISION 10 - SPECIALTIES SECTION 10522 FIRE EXTINGUISHERS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Fire extinguishers at bulk tank farm inside each containment cell. B. Fire extinguishers at each truck fill station. C. Fire extinguishers at intermediate tanks. D. Fire extinguishers at other locations indicated. 1.02 REFERENCES A. UL "A" Building Materials Directory B. NFPA No. 10 Fire Extinguishers, Portable C. NFPA No. 30 Flammable and Combustible Liquid Code PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 EXTINGUISHERS A. Manufacturer: Larsen's Manufacturing Co., 7421 Commerce Lane, N.E., Minneapolis, MN 55432, (612) 571-1181, or approved equal. B. Extinguisher shall have a minimum rating of 3-A, 40-B:C and a 20 lb capacity. Fire rating in accordance with NFPA No. 10 and No. 30. 1. Gasoline Fires: Class III Hazard; BC. 2. Fuel Oil Fires: Class II Hazard; BC. 3. Wood, Paper and All Above: Class I, II, or III; ABC. C. Extinguisher Brackets: Larsen's Manufacturing Co., bottom support, quick release strap -buckle type. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 10522-1 Fire Extinguishers PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Mount top of extinguishers 3 to 4 feet above ground, pavement, or floor. B. Fasten extinguisher brackets securely to structure. Provide additional brackets, uni-strut, fasteners, and components as required. All miscellaneous hardware shall be hot dip galvanized. END OF SECTION Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 10522-2 Fire Extinguishers DIVISION 11 - EQUIPMENT SECTION 11951 SPILL RESPONSE EQUIPMENT PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE A. This Specification applies to standard spill response equipment and connexes for storing this equipment. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 01300 — Submittals 1.03 REFERENCED STANDARDS A. United States Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA): 29 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 1910 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Submit manufacturer's data for all spill response equipment and supplier for each item. Group item by each supplier. B. Unless otherwise indicated alternate manufacturers will be acceptable as long as they supply similar equipment with the same quality and performance. C. All equipment and materials shall be new unless indicated otherwise. 1.05 GENERAL A. The Contractor is responsible for providing spill response equipment as specified and in accordance with this Section. B. Connexes shall be placed on timber foundations in the locations indicated on the drawings. Provide six (6) 6" x 6"x 10 ft pressure treated timbers equally spaces for each connex for the timber foundation. C. Place all spill response equipment inside connexes. Place smaller items inside overpack drums. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 11951-1 Spill Response Equipment PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 SPILL RESPONSE EQUIPMENT A. Provide all spill response equipment as specified in the below Bid Schedule. B. Connexs shall be standard 20 ft long shipping containers, steel construction, not insulated. Connexs shall be in like new condition but need not be new. Connex doors shall operate freely without binding or excessive resistance, and connex exterior shall have minimal rust. C. Smart Ash incinerator shall be as specified, no substitutes. D. Portable pump substitute shall be approved. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 11951-2 Spill Response Equipment 2.02 BID SCHEDULE Quantity Item/Description Unit Cost Extend. Cost Absorbent Material and Containers 6 ea. Overpack Drums, 95 Gallon Poly (See Note 2) 1 ea Open -top Drum, 55 Gallon, Metal 4 ea. Absorbent Roll, min 30"x140', min absorb 50 gal/bale 4 ea. Absorbent Pads, min 16"x20", 100 Pieces Ea., min absorb 24 gallons/bale 12 ea. Absorbent Boom, min 4"x40% min 100 gal/40' 4 ea. Absorbent Sweep, 19" x 100', min absorb 25 gal/bale Personnel Protective Equipment 100 pr. Gloves, Nitrile AF18 Chem -Resist, Pairs 24 ea. Tyvek Suits, XL Polyethylene Coated 12 pr. Goggles 6 ea. Hardhats RecoveryE ui ment 5 ea. 3000 gallon Fold -A -Tank 2 ea. 2-inch portable centrifugal pump, gas -powered Gorman Rupp #82D1-8-X rated at 160 gpm with 2" camlocks (Option #1: Marlow 2AM32-P rated at 120 gpm with 2" camlocks) (Option #2: Homelite #320 rated at 140 gpm with 2" camlocks) 2 ea. Discharge Hose with 2" camlocks, 100' total length 2 ea. Suction Hose with 2" camlocks, 50' total length 4 ea. Shovel 4 ea. Rake 8 rolls Garbage/Disposal Bags Miscellaneous 1 ea. Smart Ash incinerator 5 ea. Fire Extinguishers, Portable, Type 3A-40BC 2 ea. Connex, 20 foot, lockable 4 ea. Padlocks, keyed -alike TOTAL $ Notes: 1. Absorbent material can be natural or synthetic. 2. Place all spill response items in overpack drums. If items will not fit within 6 overpacks, then provide additional overpacks. 3. Permanently label all overpack drums "SPILL RESPONSE KIT" with minimum 3" high letters. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 11951-3 Spill Response Equipment PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Place pressure treated timbers equally space over required area. Embed timbers halfway into ground and level tops with adjacent timbers. B. Install connexes on top of timbers. C. Place items in overpack drums. Alternatively place items on shelves inside connexes. If shelves are used they must be sufficiently strong to hold equipment. END OF SECTION Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 11951-4 Spill Response Equipment DIVISION (NOT USED) DIVISION 13 - SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION SECTION 13200 VERTICAL STORAGE TANKS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. This Specification identifies specific requirements for new field erected vertical tanks required for this project. B. Tanks shall be designed for storage of either gasoline or diesel. Tanks shall be designed for hydrostatically testing completely full with water. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 01300 — Submittals B. Section 03410 — Pre -Cast Concrete Tank Foundations C. Section 09910 — Exterior Coating Systems D. Section 15052 — Welding Pressure Piping E. Section 15190 — Pipe, Valves and Fittings 1.03 REFERENCES A. UL Standard 142 — Steel Aboveground Tanks for Flammable and Combustible Liquids B. NFPA No. 30 — Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Shop drawings and material lists with catalog cuts for all piping materials, equipment, and tank appurtenances. Any substitutions shall be submitted and approved prior to the start of tank fabrication. All deviations from these Specifications and attached Construction Drawings shall be clearly shown and identified on the shop drawings. B. The Contractor shall submit tank shop drawings for review at least one month prior to fabrication. A UL certified tanks fabricator shall produce shop drawings. Changes and clarifications requested by AUTHORITY and/or Engineer shall be incorporated in revised shop drawings and be resubmitted for review at least one week prior to start of fabrication. Fabrication shall not start prior to shop drawing approval by Engineer, except when authorized by Engineer. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 13200-1 Vertical Storage Tanks C. The Contractor shall submit the following for approval one (1) month prior to the start of tank erection. 1. Welding Procedure Qualification Records (PQRs) 2. Welding Procedure Specifications (WPSs) 3. Welder Performance Qualifications (WPQs) 4. Nondestructive Testing (NDT) Procedures and NDT Personnel Certifications 5. Welding Inspector Certification 6. Quality Control Plan D. Contractor shall submit UL 142 Certification within thirty (30) days after completion of tank erection. All data that will be engraved on the UL data plate shall be provided at this time. E. Contractor shall submit tank survey results within five (5) working days of each survey. F. Provide operation and maintenance data for all valves, equipment, and appurtenances. Submit operation and maintenance data in comprehensive bound manual. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Fabricator Qualifications: Minimum five years experience in the type of tank specified. B. Testing: Provide independent testing firm to perform testing and inspection for tank welding. C. Tank Leak Test: Provide tank integrity testing in the form of a hydrostatic test in accordance with UL 142. Hydrostatic test water shall be in accordance with Section 13202 — Vertical Storage Tank Work. 1.06 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. All tanks shall conform to this Specification and the Construction Drawings. The tanks shall be furnished with all equipment and appurtenances specified as shown on the Drawings. B. The tanks shall, as a minimum, meet the requirements of the most current edition of Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL) Standard for Safety UL 142, "Steel Aboveground Tanks for Flammable and Combustible Liquids". C. The tanks shall be erected by the Contractor at the Contractor's expense. The tank fabricator shall design the tank and provide all tank materials (i.e. steel plate, roller plate, rolled sections, nozzles, etc.) required for field erection of the tanks. The tank fabricator shall provide all erection requirements (i.e. welding Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 13200-2 Vertical Storage Tanks procedures, etc.). Upon completion of the tank erection, the tank fabricator shall provide a UL Inspector to inspect and issue a field installed UL label for each of the required tanks. D. At the Contractor's option, shop fabricated, assembled and coated UL 142 listed and labeled tanks delivered to the project site completely assembled and ready for installation can be provided. If the shop fabricated option is being selected, this shall be indicated in the submittals. E. Coating Requirements: Coat tanks as specified in Section 09910 — Exterior Coating Systems. F. Ladders and handrails shall comply with OSHA requirements. G. All welding, Welding Procedure Qualification Records, Welding Procedure Specifications, and Welder Performance Qualifications shall be performed in accordance with tank fabricators requirements, UL 142, and ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section IX, Welding and Brazing Qualifications. All welds shall be continuous seal welds. No "stitch" or "skip" welding is permitted. H. Submit a written report of testing and weld inspection results. I. Freight, Hauling and Storage: Bundle and protect plates and tank components for ocean-going freight to ensure delivery without damage or corrosion. Materials shall be stored with adequate support to maintain fabricated shape. Shell plate shall be shipped and stored on cradles to maintain design rolled radius. All fuel system equipment shall be UL listed and labeled, where available, and shall be rated for the specified service conditions. 1.07 TANK DESIGN A. Design Responsibilities: 1. Tank Fabricator shall design, as specified herein and shown on the Construction Drawings, welded steel tanks with anchors and associated accessories. 2. Tank Fabricator shall design tank emergency venting using frangible roof joints (weak shell to roof joints) in accordance with UL 142. B. Design Requirements: 1. Tank Specification: UL 142. 2. Tank Size: The tank shall have a nominal shell storage capacity of 46,600 gallons. The tank dimensions shall be 21.0 feet in diameter with a shell height of 18 feet. 3. Tank Erection: Tank erection and assembly will be completed in field. Provide all necessary fittings and appurtenances to complete construction of tanks detailed within the Construction Drawings and this Specification. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 13200-3 Vertical Storage Tanks Do not install nozzles, manholes, doubler plates or any penetration for tank appurtenances in the shop. 4. Tank Foundation: The tanks will be placed on pre -cast concrete foundations as detailed on the Construction Drawings. A secondary membrane liner will be placed between the tank bottom and foundation for tank bottom leak detection. Membrane liner cannot be placed under tank floor until, as a minimum, floor plate are welded together, tank shell to floor weld is completed, and anchor chairs are welded in place. Anchor chairs are required to resist tank design loads and shall be placed as indicated on the Construction Drawings. 5. Tank Joints: The tanks shall incorporate joints in accordance with UL 142. Shell joints shall be double welded or full penetration butt welds conforming to No. 1 or No. 2 of Figure 6.1 respectively. Floor to shell joints shall be double welded fillet welds conforming to No. 1 of Figure 6.3. External rim angle roof joints shall conform to No. 4 of Figure 6.4 for weak shell to roof construction. 6. Tank Materials: All materials shall be new as specified in Part 2 of this Section. Built-up plates and structural sections are not allowed. Plate dimension tolerances shall be plus or minus 1/16-inch of the given dimensions in addition to the fabrication tolerances listed below. Fabricator shall be responsible for mill split plate tolerances in addition to the fabrication tolerances listed below. 7. Tolerances: Fabricated materials shall meet the following tolerance to ensure adequate fit -up during field erection. All dimensions of the material shall meet these tolerances with no exception: a. Shear: plus or minus 1/1 6-inch b. Rolling: • Out of Round: plus or minus 3% • Circumference: plus or minus 3/16-inch • Radius: plus or minus 1.5% C. Circle Shearing: plus or minus 1/8-inch d. Flame Cutting: plus or minus 1/1 6-inch e. Square ness: <1/8-inch 8. Ladders: Each tank shall be equipped with a weld -on roof access ladder with safety cage. The ladders shall be designed and constructed in accordance with federal OSHA and UL 142 requirements. Ladder and ladder cage components shall be shop assembled for field installation. 9. Handrail: Provide federal OSHA compliant handrail and toe -board as shown on the Drawings. Handrail shall be 42-inches in height with top rail, intermediate rail and toe -board. Top rail, intermediate rail and posts shall be at least 1-1/2 inch diameter. Toe -board shall be 4-inches in vertical height. 10. Lifting Eyes: Lifting connections (eyes) shall be provided for tank handling where shown on the Drawings. 11. Manholes: Provide manhole lids, bolts and fuel resistant gaskets for each shell and roof manhole. Shell manhole shall include doubler plate. 12. Tank Penetrations: Flanged nozzles shall be ANSI Class 150 raised face flanges, Schedule 40 unless indicated otherwise. Threaded nozzles shall Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 13200-4 Vertical Storage Tanks be male pipe thread, Schedule 40 unless indicated otherwise. Threaded roof couplings shall be forged steel half couplings with female pipe threads. Provide 1/4-inch thick round reinforcing (doubler) plates on all tank couplings and nozzles 3-inches in diameter and larger. Doubler plates shall be 3-inches larger in diameter than the nominal pipe size outside diameter. All flanges and nozzles shall extend a minimum of 6- inches from the outer tank shell, unless otherwise indicated. 13. Appurtenances: All equipment and appurtenances shall be designed so equipment can be easily removed for future maintenance. Provide bushings as required for appurtenance installation. 14. Signage: Tanks shall be labeled in accordance with the International Fire Code, Chapters 22 and 34, and as to product stored, storage capacity and "Danger -Flammable, No Smoking" sign with red letters on a white background. Provide additional signage which identifies tank filling procedures, plastic laminated tank depth -to -volume chart, NFPA 704 Placarding, tank penetration labels, STI labels, tank numbers (3" high with ''/2" stroke), and additional signage and requirements indicated on the Construction Drawings. Coordinate signage requirements with Section 09910 — Exterior Coating Systems. 15. Data Plate: Tanks shall have UL listing data recorded onto a brass tag attached to tank. All data shall be engraved or stamped onto the data plate so as not to be obliterated by future coating application. This data shall be in addition to the UL Label which may be an adhesive label. 16. Operating Conditions: Provide fuel tank components, seals, equipment and appurtenances suitable for continuous operation under the following maximum operating conditions. a. Temp. Range: -40°F to +100°F b. Products: • Unleaded Gasoline • No. 2 Diesel • Aviation Gasoline (100LL) • Jet A-50 (Fuel Oil and Arctic Grade Diesel same) C. Hydrostatic Testing: Fluid shall be water, test shall be conducted at the full liquid level. The duration of each test shall not be less than four (4) hours. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 TANK MATERIALS A. Tank materials shall be as follows unless otherwise indicated or specified: 1. Plate: ASTM A36 2. Structural Sections: ASTM A36 3. Pipe and Piping Materials: In accordance with Section 15190 — Pipe, Valves and Fittings. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 13200-5 Vertical Storage Tanks 4. Pipe and Conduit Supports: As detailed. If not specifically detailed provide solid backed Unistrut continuously seal welded in place in accordance with Section 15190 — Pipe, Valves and Fittings. 2.02 NORMAL VENT A. Diesel and Jet Fuel Tanks: Tee vent with screens and threaded connection. Morrison Bros. Co. Model 155, or approved equal. B. Gasoline Tanks: Provide pressure/vacuum type normal vent on all gasoline and avgas tanks. Pressure/vacuum vent shall have threaded connection, cast low copper, aluminum body, set to open at 1/2 oz./sq. in. pressure or vacuum. Shand and Jurs, Model 94020-13-01-01-05 or approved equal. 2.03 EMERGENCY VENT A. Not required due to weak shell to roof construction. 2.04 LIQUID LEVEL GAUGE A. Liquid level tape gauge shall have a cast aluminum body and cover, stainless steel constant power spring, and perforated tape. Tape gauge accuracy should be within ±1/16". Gauge is to be designed for moderate service. . B. Provide Shand and Jurs Model 92021, Class C, with Installation Kit No. 1, or approved equal. 2.05 LEVEL SWITCHES A. High Level Switch: Float activated magnetic level switch with ASME Class 150 raised face flanged tank connection. Actuation set point shall be as indicated. UL listed for Class I, Division 1 hazardous environments. Custom Switches, Inc. Model LS-1900 Type 2 or approved equal. B. Critical High, High Level Switch: Float activated magnetic level switch with ASME Class 150 raised face flanged tank connection. Actuation set points shall be as indicated. UL listed for Class I, Division 1 hazardous environments. Custom Switches, Inc. Model LS-1900 Type 6 or approved equal. 2.06 SAMPLE HATCH A. Lockable sample hatch, cover for tank gauging. approved equal. threaded, 3-inch diameter, brass hatch with cast iron Provide Morrison Bros. Co. Figure 178 BB -IC, or Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 13200-6 Vertical Storage Tanks PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 SHIPPING A. Tank shell, roof, and base material shall be sized such that it is suitable for shipping in standard connexes or flats. Rolled materials shall be packaged on welded steel saddles, which maintain the rolled shape radius tolerances to within plus or minus 3-inches of the design radius. The saddles shall be constructed to ship the shell plate curved downward, i.e. with the center of the plate high, and the edges low. B. All tank appurtenances and equipment shall be packaged, palletized, or crated for barge transport. Include packing layout in shop drawings for review and approval. Tank appurtenances and equipment shall be protected from moisture and shall be packaged in weather tight enclosures. 3.02 TANK ERECTION A. Tank construction shall not start before installation of concrete ringwall has been approved by the Engineer. B. Tanks, fittings and nozzles shall be erected in accordance with the, tank fabricators requirements, the Construction Drawings, and UL 142. C. All welds shall be continuous seal welds. No "stitch" or "skip" welding is permitted. D. Install all penetrations and equipment on roof plum and level, and all shell nozzles square to tank tangent lines. E. After tank hydrostatic testing, remove all water from tank, squeegee residual water from floor, remove shell and roof manholes, and force ventilate tank with eductor fan until shell, floor, roof, and all other interior surfaces are dry. F. After field erection of tanks is complete, coat tanks in accordance with Section 09910 — Exterior Coating Systems. 3.03 SURVEYING A. Contractor shall provide exterior ringwall foundation elevation surveys as specified in Section 03410 — Pre -Cast Concrete Tank Foundations, prior to hydrostatic testing, and within two (2) days of completion of hydrostatic tests. 3.04 TANK SETTLEMENT COMPENSATION A. Contractor shall adjust supports of piping connected to tanks during filling and after filling to prevent tank damage due to tank settlement. END OF SECTION Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 13200-7 Vertical Storage Tanks SECTION 13201 HORIZONTAL STORAGE TANKS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. This Specification identifies specific requirements to be incorporated into the new shop built horizontal tanks required for this project. The capacities, quantities and configurations of tanks shall be as indicated on the Construction Drawings. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 01300 — Submittals. B. Section 09910 — Exterior Coating Systems. C. Section 15052 — Welding Pressure Piping. D. Section 15190 — Pipe, Valves and Fittings. E. Section 15484 — Fuel System Equipment. 1.03 REFERENCES A. UL Standard 142 — Steel Aboveground Tanks for Flammable and Combustible Liquids. B. UL Standard 2085 — Standard for Protected Aboveground Tanks for Flammable and Combustible Liquids. C. NFPA No. 30 — Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Shop drawings and material lists with catalog cuts for all piping materials, equipment, and tank appurtenances. Any substitutions shall be submitted and approved prior to the start of tank fabrication. All deviations from these Specifications and attached Construction Drawings shall be clearly shown and identified on the shop drawings. B. The Contractor shall submit tank shop drawings for review at least one month prior to fabrication. A UL certified tanks fabricator shall produce shop drawings. Changes and clarifications requested by AUTHORITY and/or Engineer shall be incorporated in revised shop drawings and be resubmitted for review at least one Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 13201-1 Horizontal Storage Tanks week prior to start of fabrication. Fabrication shall not start prior to shop drawing approval by Engineer, except when authorized by Engineer. C. The tank manufacturer shall submit the UL approved welding procedure qualifications, welding procedure specifications, welder performance qualifications, and nondestructive testing procedures one (1) month prior to the start of tank assembly. D. Provide operation and maintenance data for all equipment and appurtenances. Submit operation and maintenance data in comprehensive bound manual. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Manufacturer: Minimum five years experience in type of tank specified. B. Weld Inspection: Provide independent testing firm or designated QC person who works for tank manufacturer whose sole job is Quality Control to inspect tank welds on a regular basis. C. Tank Leak Test: Provide tank integrity testing in the form of an air pressure test in accordance with UL 142 at the manufacturer's shop and in the field after tanks are installed on foundation in their final positions in accordance with NFPA 30 and the 2003 International Fire Code. 1.06 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. All tanks shall conform to this Specification and the Construction Drawings. The tanks shall be furnished with all equipment and appurtenances specified as shown on the Drawings. B. The tanks shall, as a minimum, meet the requirements of the most current edition of Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL) Standard for Safety UL 142, "Steel Aboveground Tanks for Flammable and Combustible Liquids". Tanks and saddles must be listed and labeled by UL. C. Protected tanks shall be in accordance with UL 2085 in addition to UL 142. D. Ladders and catwalks shall comply with OSHA requirements. E. All welding, Welding Procedure Qualification Records, Welding Procedure Specifications, and Welder Performance Qualifications shall be performed in accordance with tank fabricators requirements, UL 142, and ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code Section IX, Welding and Brazing Qualifications. All welds shall be continuous seal welds. No "stitch" or "skip" welding is permitted. F. All fuel system equipment shall be UL listed and labeled, where available, and shall be rated for the specified service conditions. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 13201-2 Horizontal Storage Tanks 1.07 TANK DESIGN A. Design Responsibilities: 1. Tank Manufacturer shall design, as specified herein and shown on the Construction Drawings, welded steel tanks and associated accessories. 2. Tank Manufacturer shall design and size tank emergency venting using the specified emergency vents. B. Design Requirements: 1. Tank Joints: The tanks shall incorporate joints in accordance with UL 142. Shell joints shall be double welded or full penetration butt welds conforming to No. 1 or No. 2 of Figure 6.1 respectively. Primary tank head joints shall be double welded full fillet lap joints conforming to No. 6 of Figure 6.2. Secondary tank head joints shall be single welded full fillet lap joints conforming to No. 4 of Figure 6.2. 2. Tank Skids: Provide tank skids for each tank, which are suitable for dragging the tank into position during installation, and lifting one end at a time while empty without damage to the tank, saddles, or skids. Skids shall be constructed of wide flange beams with a minimum size as shown on the Drawings, or approved equal. Limit tank height to 10 inches from bottom of tank to bottom of skid. Provide minimum 4-inch diameter Schedule 80 pipe tow bar welded to each end of skids with welded plate end caps. 3. Tank Saddles: Provide UL Listed horizontal tank saddles meeting the requirements of UL 142. Saddles shall be constructed on top of the skids. Any portion of the saddle or supporting beam that is recessed into the skids shall not extend more than one-half the depth of the skid from the top flange. 4. Tank Catwalks and Ladders: Provide Federal OSHA compliant tank catwalks and ladders as indicated. Provide ladders complete with full height side rails. Catwalks are intended for maintenance access to the tank equipment and shall have handrails where indicated. Handrail shall be 42 inches in height with top rail, intermediate rail and toe -board. Catwalks, handrails and ladders shall have bolted connections to tanks so they can be removed for shipping. 5. Lifting Eyes: Lifting connections (eyes) shall be provided for tank handling during ocean transportation. Lifting eyes shall be designed to carry the full weight of the tank with a factor of safety of five (5). 6. Manholes: Provide manhole lids, bolts and fuel resistant gaskets for each tank. 7. Tank Penetrations: a. Flanged nozzles shall be ANSI Class 150 raised face flanges, Schedule 40, unless indicated otherwise. b. Threaded nozzles shall be male pipe thread, Schedule 40, unless indicated otherwise. C. Double wall tank couplings shall be Phoenix Forge, heavy wall, structural coupling Series A, Class 3000 couplings with female pipe thread, or approved equal. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 13201-3 Horizontal Storage Tanks d. Install all penetrations and equipment plum, level and square to the main axis of the tank. e. Provide 1/4-inch thick round reinforcing (doubler) plates on all tank couplings and nozzles 3-inches in diameter and larger. Doubler plates shall be 3-inches larger in diameter than the nominal pipe size outside diameter. f. All flanges and nozzles shall extend a minimum of 6-inches from the outer tank shell, unless otherwise indicated. 8. Appurtenances: All equipment and appurtenances shall be designed so equipment can be easily removed for future maintenance. Flanged connections or unions shall be provided as required for individual component removal. Provide bushings as required for appurtenance installation. 9. Signage: All tanks shall be labeled in accordance with the International Fire Code. Provide standard manufactured adhesive labels. Tank labeling shall include but is not limited to: a. IFC Standard Chapter's 22 and 34. b. NFPA 704 (Diesel 2-2-0 and Gasoline 2-3-0) for 100-foot visibility. C. Product Identification. d. Compartment storage capacity. e. Tank Numbers (2" high with 3/8" stroke). f. "Danger -Flammable, No Smoking" sign with red letters on a white background. g. Signage which prohibits simultaneous tank filling and dispensing on dispensing tank h. Tank Penetration Labeling (1" minimum height) i. Steel Tank Institute (STI) j. Dispensing tanks labeling to comply with all UL and IFC requirements. k. Coordinate signage with additional requirements indicated on the Drawings and Section 09910 — Exterior Coating Systems. Provide plastic laminated tank depth -to -volume chart (strapping chart) for each tank, or each compartment of multi -compartment tanks. Provide laminated strapping charts loose for field installation by the Contractor. 10. Data Plate: Tanks shall have UL listing data recorded onto a brass tag attached to tank. All data shall be engraved or stamped onto the data plate so as not to be obliterated by future coating application. This data shall be in addition to the UL Label which may be an adhesive label. 11. Operating Conditions: Provide fuel tank, fuel tank components, seals, equipment and appurtenances suitable for continuous operation under the following maximum operating conditions. a. Temp. Range: -40°F to +100°F b. Products: • Unleaded Gasoline • Jet A-50 (Fuel Oil and Arctic Grade Diesel same) Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 13201-4 Horizontal Storage Tanks PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 TANKS A. UL 142 listed and labeled horizontal double wall, skid mounted, atmospheric, horizontal tank storage tanks. Tanks shall be shop fabricated and coated by a UL 142 certified manufacturer, complete and ready for use. 2.02 COATINGS A. External tank coating shall be in accordance with Section 09910 — Exterior Coating Systems. Paint all pipe, valves, fittings, and tank appurtenances not coated with the tank in accordance with Section 15190 — Pipe, Valves and Fittings. 2.03 TANK MATERIALS A. Tank materials shall be as follows unless otherwise indicated or specified: 1. Plate: ASTM A36 2. Structural Sections: ASTM A36 3. Pipe and Piping Materials: In accordance with Section 15190 — Pipe, Valves and Fittings 4. Pipe and Conduit Supports: Solid backed Unistrut continuously seal welded in place in accordance with Section 15190 — Pipe, Valves and Fittings. For pipe supports elevated above the tank provide 1-1/2" Schedule 80 pipe stanchions terminated 12" above the tank for field trimming or extension to the proper elevation. Provide all stanchions with continuous welded repads and end plates. 2.04 NORMAL VENTS A. Threaded 2-inch pressure/vacuum vents with integral whistle overfill alarm. Set vent to open at 8 oz/sq-in pressure and 1 oz/sq-in vacuum. Set whistle alarm to activate at 90% of the tank capacity, unless indicated otherwise. B. Morrison Bros., co. Model 922, or approved equal. 2.05 EMERGENCY VENT A. Aluminum body, brass seats, flanged connections emergency vent set to open at 16 oz/sq-in pressure. Emergency vent shall be sized in accordance with UL 142. B. Loose manholes not permitted. C. Morrison Bros., Co. Model 244F for vents 8 inches and larger, or 244 with companion flange for vents 6 inches and smaller, or approved equal. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 13201-5 Horizontal Storage Tanks 2.06 LIQUID LEVEL CLOCK GAUGE A. Stainless steel float operated clock gauge for tanks up to 12 feet in diameter, readout in feet and inches with 1/8 inch increments. Mark 90% of tank capacity on all gauges. B. Morrison Bros., Co. Model 818, or approved equal. 2.07 LOW LEVEL SWITCH A. Float activated magnetic low level switch with ASME Class 150 raised face flanged tank connection. Actuation set point shall be as indicated. UL listed for Class I, Division 1 hazardous environments. Custom Switches, Inc. Model LS- 1900 Type 2 or approved equal. 2.08 FILL LIMITING VALVE A. 2-inch float actuated internal valve with drop tube capable of being installed through 4-inch tank coupling. Valve activation level shall be as indicted. B. Morrison Bros., Co. Model 9095 with Model No. 419 drop tube, or approved equal. 2.09 SUBMERSIBLE PUMP A. 3/4 hp, 208-230 V single-phase explosion proof submersible turbine pump with intake screen and integral leak detector. Install pump intake at level shown on the Construction Drawings. B. Red Jacket Model P75S1 with trapper intake screen, or approved equal. 2.10 ANTI -SIPHON VALVE A. Ductile Iron body anti -siphon valve with bronze trim, designed for pressure systems, set to open at 15 feet head pressure with special expansion relief set at 25 psi. B. Morrison Bros., Co. Model 910ER-7215 AP with expansion relief, or approved equal. C. For suction system components, see Section 15484 — Fuel System Equipment. 2.11 SPILL CONTAINMENT MANHOLE A. 7-gallon capacity, 12-gauge steel, spill containment manhole with heavy duty hinged and locking cover and powder coated finish. 1/4-inch thick steel base plate with 4-inch double -tapped female NPT connections and internal brass Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 13201-6 Horizontal Storage Tanks containment drain valve. Provide unit complete with 2-inch male hose coupling with dust cap, and fill limiting valve with drop tube as specified above. B. Pomeco 211-AST or equal. 2.12 SAMPLE HATCH A. Lockable sample hatch, threaded, 2-inch diameter, brass hatch with cast iron cover for tank gauging. Provide Morrison Bros. Co. Figure 178 BB -IC, or approved equal. 2.13 FLEX FITTINGS A. Stainless steel corrugated inner core with stainless steel outer braided cover, ASME Class 150 fixed flange by floating flange ends with 18" live length, unless otherwise indicated. 150 psi minimum working pressure, factory tested to 225 psi minimum. Provide factory test certification for each flex. Metraflex Metra-Mini or approved equal. 2.14 FOOT VALVE A. Brass body, single poppet foot valve with 4 psi opening pressure. B. For drop tubes smaller than 3/4-inch bush down a 3/4-inch foot valve. C. Morrison Bros., Co. Model 158B, or approved equal. 2.15 SOIL ANCHORS A. Provide duckbill Model No. 138-DB1 soil anchor or approved equal. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 SHIPPING A. Equipment, ladders, catwalks and piping shall be shipped separately from tanks. All items shall be packaged to prevent damage during shipping. Care will be taken to protect the connection points for ease of field installation. B. All tank openings, with the exception of the tank emergency vent, shall be sealed for shipping with provision made to relieve excess pressure/vacuum which may damage the tank during transportation while preventing precipitation or salt water spray from entering tank. Minimum vent opening shall be 1/2-inch diameter. C. Tanks shall be shop fabricated and packaged for ocean transport. Lifting connections (eyes) shall be provided for tank handling. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 13201-7 Horizontal Storage Tanks D. All appurtenances shall be fitted to the tank, then unmounted, packaged, and shipped separately with the tank. E. All tank appurtenances and equipment shall be packaged, palletized, or crated for barge transport. Tank appurtenances and equipment shall be protected from moisture and shall be packaged in weather tight enclosures. END OF SECTION Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 13201-8 Horizontal Storage Tanks SECTION 13202 VERTICAL STORAGE TANK WORK PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. API 653 internal and external inspection of existing vertical bulk storage tanks constructed in accordance with, or to the intent of, API 650. B. Moving existing fuel storage tanks, relocate tanks to new concrete ring walls, and attaching anchor chairs to tanks to secure them to new concrete ring walls. C. Tank repairs and modifications as indicated on the Drawings. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 01300 — Submittals. B. Section 03410 — Pre -Cast Concrete Tank Foundations. C. Section 09910 — Exterior Coating Systems. D. Section 13200 — Vertical Storage Tanks. E. Section 13203 — Tank Cleaning. F. Section 15052 — Welding Pressure Piping. G. Section 15190 — Pipe, Valves and Fittings. 1.03 REFERENCE STANDARDS A. API Standard 650 — Welded Steel Tanks for Oil Storage B. API Standard 653 — Tank Inspection, Repair, Alteration, and Reconstruction C. API Standard 2000 — Venting Atmospheric and Low Pressure Storage Tanks D. API Specification 12D — Field Welded Tanks for Production Liquids E. ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section IX — Welding and Brazing Qualifications Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 13202-1 Vertical Storage Tank Work 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. API 653 internal and external tank inspection reports for all existing vertical storage tanks that will be relocated, repaired, modified, and reused for this project as indicated. Reports shall be submitted after cleaning and before moving tanks, and before making required repairs and modifications. Report shall be bound in a three ring binder with table of contents and divider tabs which are properly indexed for each section of the report. B. A minimum of 30 days prior to tank relocation submit a Work Plan describing this work. Include method of lifting and moving tanks as well as materials, equipment and personnel to be on site during tank moving. C. Shop Drawings for all required repairs and modifications. Shop Drawings must be submitted and approved prior to beginning this work. D. Submit the following 30 days prior to the start of tank work: 1. Welding Procedure Qualification Records 2. Welding Procedure Specifications 3. Welder Performance Qualifications 4. Nondestructive testing firm's qualification and personnel certification. E. API tank shell settlement evaluation and hydrostatic test report within 7 days of hydrostatic testing. F. Contractor shall submit API 650/653 Suitable for Service Certification within 30 days of completion of tank work. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. All work associated with vertical storage tanks shall in accordance with American Petroleum Institute Standards 650 and 653. B. Inspection reports and Suitable for Service certificates shall be signed by an API 650/653 certified inspector. C. Qualifications: The Contractor who moves, repairs, and modifies tanks shall have a minimum of 3 years experience in work associated with the relocation, reconstruction and modifications to vertical fuel storage tanks constructed in accordance with API 650. D. A professional engineer registered in the State of Alaska with a minimum of 5 years experience in the design and modifications of API 650 welded oil storage tanks shall seal tank shop drawings. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 13202-2 Vertical Storage Tank Work E. Testing: Provide independent testing firm to perform testing and inspection including: 1. Vacuum box testing 2. Welding inspection 1.06 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Existing storage tanks will be moved from their current locations, modified, and placed on new concrete ring walls provided by this project. B. Tanks shall be cleaned safe for entry prior to moving and internally inspecting. C. Tank dimensions and configuration are as indicated on the Drawings. D. Tank internal and external inspections shall be in accordance with API 653. Tank inspections shall determine if tanks are constructed in accordance with API 650, or API 6D. Tank inspections shall verify tanks are suitable for continued service for the product stored. Submit inspection report complete with calculations to Engineer for approval. E. Tank relocation and testing shall be in accordance with API 653. As a minimum vacuum box testing of all floor plate welds and floor to shell welds shall be performed, as well as a full hydrostatic test. F. Installation of new tank bottoms, nozzles, anchor chairs, welding and inspection shall be in accordance with API 650. Tank bottom metal thickness shall be calculated by the Contractor's Engineer. Design metal thickness shall include a 1/16-inch corrosion allowance. The minimum tank bottom thickness shall be 1/4- inch. All calculations shall be in accordance with API 650. Submit calculations with shop drawings to the Engineer for approval. Shop drawings shall show floor plate layout, design floor plate metal thickness, as well as all other tank repairs and modifications. G. All welding, Welding Procedure Qualification Records, Welding Procedure Specifications, and Welder Performance Qualifications shall be performed in accordance with API 650 and ASME BPVC Section IX. H. Welding procedures shall include impact tests in the heat affected zones, and weld metal requirements shall be the same as for the plate material. I. After relocation, repairs and modifications are complete recoat existing tanks in accordance with Section 09910, Exterior Coating Systems. Tank signage shall be provided in accordance with Section 09910 and Section 13200, Vertical Storage Tanks. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 13202-3 Vertical Storage Tank Work 1.07 HYDROSTATIC TEST WATER A. Hydrostatic test water will be provided to the Contractor free of charge. The source of water is the Water Plant upstream of filtration and treatment. The Contractor must provide means to transport test water from the Water Plant to the tanks. B. The Contractor shall filter hydrostatic test water before it enters the first tank. C. Test water from the first tank must be used to test the remainder of the tanks at the same site to conserve water. D. The Contractor shall obtain and pay for all permits required to discharge hydrostatic test water, including but not limited to Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation permit. E. The discharge of test water shall be accomplished in such a fashion as to minimize erosion of tundra, dikes, and gravel pad. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 TANK APPURTENANCES A. Tank appurtenances shall be in accordance with Section 13200, Vertical Storage Tank appurtenances include but are not limited to the followings: 1. High/Critical High Level Switch 2. Liquid Level Gauges 2.02 PIPING MATERIALS A. Pipe and Piping Materials: In accordance with Section 15190 — Pipe, Valves and Fittings. B. Pipe and Conduit Supports: As detailed. If not specifically detailed provide solid backed Unistrut continuously seal welded in place in accordance with Section 15190 — Pipe, Valves and Fittings. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 SURVEYING A. Contractor shall provide interior tank bottom surveys prior to first filling of each tank. Survey shall include elevations near interior shell at 30 degree increments (starting at North), floor elevations on 30 degree radials at 10 foot spacing and floor center and sump bottom elevations. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 13202-4 Vertical Storage Tank Work B. Contractor shall provide exterior ringwall foundation level survey prior to first tank filling and within 2 days of completion of tank hydrostatic testing. 3.02 HYDROSTATIC TESTING AND TANK FOUNDATIONS MEASUREMENTS A. The Contractor must complete and submit tank foundation survey results required by Section 03410, Pre -Cast Concrete Tank Foundations at least 7 days prior hydrostatic testing. Tank foundations levelness shall be within limits established by API. B. Tank foundation elevation measurements with an accuracy of plus or minus 0.01 inches or better shall be taken before, during, and after hydrostatic testing. Elevation measurements shall be made in eight locations equally spaced around the perimeter of each tank, on the same datum, and in the same orientation each time. These elevation measurements shall be submitted with the API tank shell settlement evaluation for each tank. C. Hydrostatic testing for each tank shall have duration of no less than twenty four hours. D. After tank hydrostatic testing, remove all water from tank, squeegee residual water from floor, remove shell and roof manholes, and force ventilate tank with eductor fan until shell, floor, roof, and all other interior surfaces are dry. 3.03 TANK SETTLEMENT COMPENSATION A. Contractor shall adjust piping and pipe supports at connections to tanks during and after filling of tanks for hydrostatic test water to prevent tank damage due to tank settlement. END OF SECTION Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 13202-5 Vertical Storage Tank Work SECTION 13203 TANK CLEANING PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE A. This Specification applies to cleaning, gas freeing, and entry into exiting fuel storage tanks for purposes of required vertical storage tank work. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 01300 — Submittals. B. Section 13202 — Vertical Storage Tank Work. 1.03 REFERENCED STANDARDS A. American Petroleum Institute Publications: 650 Welded Steel Tanks for Oil Storage 653 Tank Inspection, Repair, Alteration, and Reconstruction 2009 Safe Welding, Cutting and Hot Work Practices in the Petroleum and Petrochemical Industries 2015 Requirements for Safe Entry and Cleaning of Petroleum Storage Tanks, 6th Edition 2016 Guidelines and Procedures for Entering and Cleaning Petroleum Storage Tanks 2201 Procedures for Welding or Hot Tapping on Equipment In Service 2217A Guidelines for Work in Inert Confined Spaces in the Petroleum Industry B. American National Standards Institute (ANSI): Z117.1 Safety Requirements for Confined Spaces C. United States Department of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA): 29 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 1910 Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 13203-1 Tank Cleaning 1.04 GENERAL A. Contractor shall perform gas freeing, entry and cleaning of exiting API 650 bulk fuel tanks in accordance with API 2015. 1.05 SAFETY A. Tank cleaning procedures will comply with all API, ANSI, and State and Federal OSHA safety requirements, and shall be performed in a safe manner. B. All personnel employed to clean tanks shall be adequately trained and thoroughly familiar with the safety precautions for controlling all hazards associated with tank cleaning. PART 2 PRODUCTS (NOT USED) PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 LEVEL OF CLEANING A. Contractor shall clean and inert tanks as required to perform safe hot work required for tank repairs and modifications. Tank bottom shall be swept clean and tank force ventilated with an eductor-fan until shell, bottom, roof, and all other surfaces on the tank interior are dry. 3.02 RESIDUAL SLUDGE A. The Contractor shall remove residual fuel and sludge from tanks prior to tank cleaning. Assume quantities indicated on the drawings for bidding purposes. B. Residual sludge shall be placed in new approved 55 gallon steel drums and placed in over pack drums in accordance with Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC), United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and United States Department of Transportation (USDOT) requirements for shipment of hazardous materials or hazardous wastes. C. The Contractor shall obtain Hazardous Waste Generator Identification Numbers from the EPA for hazardous materials or hazardous wastes. D. Contractor shall remove sludge -filled drums from the site and dispose of sludge at an approved disposal facility or in an approved manner. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 13203-2 Tank Cleaning E. During the course of the project, Contractor shall respond to all EPA questionnaires and requirements, and otherwise maintain Hazardous Waste Generator Identification Numbers paperwork for each site until hazardous materials or hazardous wastes are completely and properly disposed of. F. Contractor shall have all EPA Hazardous Waste Generator Identification Numbers placed on the inactive list within 4 months of project completion. G. Submit written documentation from the EPA that all Hazardous Waste Generator Identification Numbers have been placed on the inactive list. END OF SECTION Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 13203-3 Tank Cleaning (NOT USED) DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15052 WELDING PRESSURE PIPING PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. This section includes the welding requirements for all welded steel pipe and fittings. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 01300 — Submittals. B. Section 09910 — Exterior Coating Systems. C. Section 13200 — Vertical Storage Tanks. D. Section 13201 — Horizontal Storage Tanks. E. Section 15190 — Pipe, Valves and Fittings. F. Section 15484 — Fuel System Equipment. 1.03 REFERENCES A. American National Standards Institute/American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ANSI/ASME): B31.4 Liquid Transportation Systems for Hydrocarbons and other Liquids B. American Petroleum Institute (API): API 1104 Welding of Pipelines and Related Facilities C. American Society for Nondestructive Testing (ASNT): No. SNT-TC-IA Recommended Practice for Personnel Qualification and Certification in Nondestructive Testing Supplement A - Radiographic Testing Method Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 15052-1 Welding Pressure Piping D. American Welding Society (AWS): A2.4 A3.0-B5 QC1-96 Z49.1-1999 1.04 SUBMITTALS Standard Symbols for Nondestructive Examination Welding Terms and Definitions Welding, Brazing and Specifications for Qualifications and Certification of Welding Inspector Safety in Welding and Cutting A. The Contractor shall submit each of the following items for approval one (1) month prior to the start of fabrication: 1. Welding Procedure Qualification Records (PQRs) 2. Welding Procedure Specifications (WPSs) 3. Welder Performance Qualifications (WPQ) 4. Nondestructive Testing (NDT) Procedures 5. NDT Personnel Certification Procedures 6. NDT Personnel Certification 7. Welding Inspector Certification 8. Shop Drawings: Show location, length, and type of welds, and indicate post -weld heat treatment and NDT as required. 9. Quality Control Procedures 10. Testing Procedures 11. Test Reports 1.05 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Threaded fittings outside of structures are prohibited, except where specifically shown on the Drawings. B. All piping and fittings outside of structures will be full penetration butt welded for piping larger than 1-1/2-inch nominal diameter. C. All piping and fittings outside of structures will be socket welded for piping 1-1/2 inch nominal diameter or smaller. D. The pipeline system will operate at 20% or less of specified minimum yield strength as established by API 1104. All qualification of procedures, procedure specifications and welder qualifications, testing and inspections, shall comply with ANSI/ASME B31.4 and the "20% or less" criteria, unless otherwise specified. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 15052-2 Welding Pressure Piping E. Deviations from applicable codes, approved procedures, and approved shop drawings will not be permitted without prior written approval. F. Materials or components with welds made off the site will not be accepted if the welding does not conform to the requirements of this Specification, unless otherwise approved by the client representative. G. Welding shall not be started until welding procedures, welders, and welding operators have been approved by the Engineer. H. Welds made prior to approval of welding procedures, welders, and welding operators shall be re -welded at the Contractor's expense. I. Weld Procedure Qualification and Welder/Welding Operator Qualification shall be witnessed by an approved third party testing laboratory and/or agent. Costs of such testing shall be borne by the Contractor. J. The Engineer shall be notified at least forty-eight (48) hours in advance of the time and place of the tests. K. The Contractor shall maintain a current file of all PQR's, WPS's, WPQ's and Non -Destructive Examinations (NDE) procedures and test personnel qualifications used on this project. L. The procedures for making transition welds between different materials or between plates or pipes of different wall thicknesses shall be qualified per API 1104 Section II. M. Previous Welder Qualifications will not be allowed on this project. N. Performance: The Contractor shall be responsible for the quality of all joint preparation, welding, and examination. All materials used in the welding operations shall be clearly identified and recorded. The inspection and testing defined in this Specification are minimum requirements. Additional inspection and testing shall be the responsibility of the Contractor when he deems it necessary to achieve the quality required. The Contractor's Quality Assurance Personnel shall keep accurate quality control records of all tests and inspections required during all fabrication, both at the shop and in the field. O. Definitions: Definitions shall be in accordance with AWS A3.0. P. Symbols: Symbols shall be in accordance with AWS A2.4. Q. Safety: Safety precautions shall conform to ANSI Z49.1. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 15052-3 Welding Pressure Piping R. Delivery and Storage: All filler metals, electrodes, fluxes, and other welding materials shall be delivered to the site in manufacturer's original packages and stored in a dry space until used. Packages shall be properly labeled and designed to give maximum protection from moisture and to assure safe handling. 1.06 QUALIFICATION OF PROCEDURES AND WELDERS A. Weld Procedure Qualification shall be in compliance with the latest edition of the API Standard 1104 Section II and, in addition, shall include the following: 1. One (1) Charpy Impact Test (a set of 3 specimens). The specimens shall be taken transverse to the weld with: - one notch located in the left Heat Affected Zone (HAZ) area, - one notch located in the right HAZ area, - and one notch located in the center of the weld. The Charpy Impact Test results shall not be less than 15 ft-lbs. average, at -40' F with no single specimen having less than 12 ft-lbs when tested. B. All Weld Procedure Specifications written for this project shall be per the API Standard 1104, Section II, and each shall be fully supported by a PQR. C. Welder Performance Qualifications shall be per the latest addition of API 1104, Section III. Welders shall qualify using one or more of the WPS approved for this project. WPQ papers from previous jobs will not be accepted. Welders or welding operators who make acceptable procedure qualification test welds will be performance -qualified for the welding procedure used. 1.07 QUALIFICATION OF INSPECTION AND NDT PERSONNEL A. All inspection and NDT personnel shall be qualified in accordance with the following requirements: 1. Welding Inspector Certification: Welding inspectors shall be certified in accordance with AWS QC1 Standard. Welding inspector shall be independent and not employed by the Contractor who performs the welding. 2. NDT Personnel Qualification: NDT personnel shall be certified, and a written procedure for the control and administration of NDT personnel training, examination, and certification shall be established. The procedures shall be based on appropriate specific and general guidelines of training and experience recommended by SNT-TC-IA, Supplement A — Radiographic. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 15052-4 Welding Pressure Piping PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 FILLER METAL A. Weld filler metal shall comply with API 1104 paragraph 1.5.2. and AWS specifications as cited therein. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 JOINTS AND BEVELS A. All pipe joints (including line pipe, bends, elbows, tees, flanges, and branch connections) shall be full penetration butt -welded. Comply with ANSI/ASME 31.4, and API 1104 as cited therein. B. End bevels: Bevel or re -bevel ends by machine tool or machine oxygen cutting as required to make a satisfactory weld. Manual beveling is not approved. Comply with API 1104. 3.02 WELDING OPERATIONS A. Welding shall be performed in accordance with qualified procedures using qualified welders and welding operators. Welding shall not be done when the quality of the completed weld could be impaired by the prevailing working or weather conditions. At his discretion, the Project Field Engineer may determine when weather or working conditions are unsuitable for welding. 3.03 INSPECTIONS AND TESTING OF PRODUCTION WELDS A. Visual Inspection: Weld joints shall be visually inspected in accordance with API 1104 and as follows: 1. Before welding, verify compliance with requirements for joint preparation, placement of alignment clamps, fit -up, and cleanliness. 2. During welding, verify conformance to the qualified welding procedure. 3. After welding, inspect for cracks, contour and finish, bead reinforcement, undercutting, overlap, and size of fillet welds. Provide 100% visual inspection in accordance with API 1104 and the requirements above. B. Air Pressure Testing: Pressure testing of piping systems shall be in accordance with this Section and additional requirements in Section 15190 — Pipe, Valves and Fittings. 1. Isolate and pressure test each run of piping at 150 psi for minimum of one hour. Test 100% of welds visually for leaks with a leak detection solution. Do not conceal pipe joints before pressure testing is complete. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 15052-5 Welding Pressure Piping Isolate equipment and components rated for lesser pressures so as not to damage these items. 2. Pressure test piping system again after all equipment is installed at 75 psi for a minimum of one (1) hour, or the maximum rated pressure of the weakest component, whichever is less. Test 100% of welds and pipe joints visually for leaks with a leak detection solution. Piping system shall maintain pressure for one hour minimum. 3. Notify Engineer seven (7) days in advance of pressure tests. Engineer shall be present at all testing. 4. All flange gaskets shall be greased with a suitable compatible grease in order to achieve the test specified above. 5. Pressure shall be maintained for sufficient time to complete the visual inspection of all joints. 6. Care shall be taken to ensure that these pressures are not applied to vented tanks. Such tanks shall be tested separately, as specified elsewhere. 7. Submit written procedures for testing, including test pressures, equipment to be used and items to be tested. 8. Re -testing after the repair of defects shall be performed at no cost to the AUTHORITY. 9. Certified test results shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval. a. Test certification shall include gauge pressure, air temperature, time, date, witness, and pipeline identification number. C. Radiographic Testing: NOT REQUIRED D. Weld Defects: If the inspection reveals that any welds fail to meet minimum quality requirements, those welds shall be removed, rewelded and retested. E. Inspection and Tests by the AUTHORITY: The AUTHORITY will perform inspection and supplemental nondestructive or destructive tests as deemed necessary. The cost of supplemental NDT will be borne by the AUTHORITY. The correction and repair of defects and the reexamination of weld repairs shall be performed by the Contractor at no additional cost to the AUTHORITY. Inspection and tests will be performed as required for visual inspection and NDT, except that destructive tests may be required also. When destructive tests are ordered by the Engineer and performed by the Contractor, and the specimens or other supplemental examinations indicate that the materials and workmanship do not conform to the Contract requirements, the cost of the tests, corrections, and repairs shall be borne by the Contractor. When the specimens or other supplemental examinations of destructive tests indicate that materials or workmanship do conform to the Specification requirements, the cost of the tests and repairs will be borne by the AUTHORITY. When destructive tests are made, repairs shall be per API 1104. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 15052-6 Welding Pressure Piping 3.04 ACCEPTANCE STANDARDS A. Pressure test: No leaks. B. Visual: Comply with API 1104, Section VI. C. Radiography: NOT USED 3.05 CORRECTIONS AND REPAIRS A. Defects shall be removed and repaired as per API 1104, unless otherwise specified at no additional cost to the AUTHORITY. END OF SECTION Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 15052-7 Welding Pressure Piping SECTION 15190 PIPE, VALVES AND FITTINGS PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Furnishing pipe, elbows, tees, reducers, valves, weld-o-lets, etc., as required to complete the work shown on the Drawings. B. Arctic Pipe. C. Pipe pressure testing requirements. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 01300 — Submittals. B. Section 13200 — Vertical Storage Tanks. C. Section 13201 — Horizontal Storage Tanks. D. Section 15052 — Welding Pressure Piping. E. Section 15484 — Fuel System Equipment. 1.03 REFERENCES Contractor shall use the most current edition of the referenced standards. A. American National Standards Institute/American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ANSI/ASME): B 16.5 Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fittings. B 16.9 Factory Made Wrought Steel Buttwelding Fittings. B31.4 Liquid Transportation Systems for Hydrocarbons and other Liquids. B. American Petroleum Institute (API): API 1104 Welding of Pipelines and Related Facilities API 5L Line Pipe Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 15190-1 Pipe, Valves and Fittings C. American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM): A 105 Carbon Steel Forgings for Piping Applications A 106 Seamless Carbon Steel Pipe for High -Temperature Service A 216 Steel Castings, Carbon, Suitable for Fusion Welding, for High -Temperature Service A 234 Piping Fittings of Wrought Carbon Steel and Alloy Steel for Moderate and High Temperature Service A 333 Seamless and Welded Steel Pipe for Low -Temperature Service. A 350 Forgings, Carbon and Low -Alloy Steel, requiring Notch Toughness Testing for Piping Components. A 352 Cast Carbon Steel for Low Temperature Service A 420 Piping Fittings of Wrought Carbon Steel and Alloy Steel for Low -Temperature Service. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Submit catalog cuts, Material Test Reports (MTRs) and shipping invoices for all pipe and fittings to be used. B. Submit catalog cuts of all valves and other manufacturers' items to be used. C. Submit manufacturers' data for Arctic Pipe. D. Pressure testing procedures. E. Pressure test reports. F. Provide operation and maintenance data for all valves, pipe coatings and arctic pipe. Submit operation and maintenance data in comprehensive bound manual. 1.05 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Bends and mitered fittings are not permitted unless specifically shown on the Construction Drawings. B. Threaded fittings are not permitted, except where indicated on the Drawings and required for connection to equipment. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 15190-2 Pipe, Valves and Fittings C. All construction, welding, assembly and testing shall comply with the requirements of ANSI B31.4 Liquid Transportation Systems for Hydrocarbons and other Liquids. 1.06 OPERATING CONDITIONS A. Provide pipe, valves, fittings, equipment and associated components suitable for continuous operation under the following maximum operating conditions. 1. Temp. Range: -40' F to +100' F 2. Pressure: 100 psi 3. Product: Unleaded Gasoline No. 2 Diesel Aviation Gasoline (100LL) Jet A-50 (Fuel Oil & Arctic Grade Diesel same) 1.07 MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE OPERATING CONDITIONS A. Pipe, valves and fittings materials shall be suitable for the following maximum allowable operating conditions. 1. Temp. Range: -20' F to +100' F 2. Pressure: 285 psi PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 PIPE A. Provide ASTM A106, Grade B, seamless, carbon steel pipe. B. Pipe schedule shall be as follows, unless otherwise indicated on the Construction Drawings: 1. 3 inch and larger within dikes and protected areas shall be Schedule 40. 2. 3 inch and larger below grade or exposed to traffic in cross-country runs shall be Schedule 80. 3. 2 inch and smaller shall be Schedule 80, except for piping 1 inch and smaller outside of buildings shall be Schedule 160. C. Pipe shall have end caps and bevel protectors installed at the Mill prior to shipping or handling. 2.02 ELBOWS, TEES, AND REDUCERS A. Provide ASTM A234, Grade WPB seamless, carbon steel butt weld fittings. Provide all fittings with plain beveled ends. Dimensions in accordance with ANSI B16.9. B. Fitting Schedule shall match the pipe in which the fitting is installed. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 15190-3 Pipe, Valves and Fittings C. Elbows and bends shall be long radius, unless otherwise indicated on the Construction Drawings. D. Fittings smaller than 2 inch may be ASTM A105 forged steel socket welded, or threaded where indicated, 3,000 pound minimum. 2.03 FLANGES, HARDWARE AND ACCESSORIES A. Provide ASTM A105, ANSI Class 150 forged steel raised face flanges, weld neck type unless otherwise indicated, complete with bolts, nuts, and fuel resistant spiral wound gaskets. Dimensions in accordance with ANSI B 16.5. B. Flange bore shall match the pipe Schedule in which the flange is installed. C. Flange nuts and studs shall be ASTM A320 Grade L7, plated, case hardened, high strength, corrosion resistant. D. Gaskets shall be 1/8" thick spiral wound stainless steel, filled, fuel resistant gaskets rated for -50' F service with a carbon steel centering ring. Provide 1/8" thick full faced non -asbestos fiber composite gaskets and flat faced flanges where required for connection to equipment. E. Isolation Flange Gaskets: Provide non-conductive fuel rated full face dielectric gaskets with nylon bushings and washers between above and below grade sections of pipe, Calpico EQDW or equal. All above grade pipe sections shall be ground and bonded as indicated. Submit proposed locations for dielectric fitting for approval. 2.04 BRANCH CONNECTIONS 2-INCH AND SMALLER A. Branch connections 2 inch and smaller may be ASTM A105 forged carbon steel "saddle type" weld-o-let couplings, or threaded-o-let couplings where indicated, 3000 pound minimum, provided the nominal pipe size of the branch connection is less than 50 percent of the nominal pipe size of the header or main pipe run. 2.05 PIPE SUPPORTS, UNISTRUT AND HARDWARE A. Unistrut channel shall be 12 Ga. Steel, hot -dipped galvanized with the slotted hole pattern. Provide P 1000 and P5000 Unistrut, or approved equal. B. Unistrut channel that is welded in place shall be solid backed and continuously seal welded in place. Unistrut channel that is welded in place shall be coated the same as substrate it is welded to, and does not require galvanized coating. C. Pipe clamps for use on Unistrut shall be hot -dipped galvanized pipe clamps with hex head screw and nut. Provide Unistrut P1 lxx pipe clamps or approved equal. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 15190-4 Pipe, Valves and Fittings D. Unistrut brackets shall be hot -dipped galvanized Unistrut P2231, or approved equal. E. Pipe straps shall be hot -dipped galvanized. Provide B-Line Figure B2100, Grinnell Figure 262 pipe straps, or approved equal. 2.06 PIPE COATINGS AND CORROSION PROTECTION A. Buried piping shall be factory coated with thermoplastic resin extruded over an adhesive undercoat with a minimum coating thickness of 32 mils. Buried pipe coating shall be in accordance NACE standard RP0185 for polyethylene coating systems. 1. Provide mastic lined heat shrink sleeve for all pipe joints, and mastic lined tape for all fittings of the same thickness as the pipe coating, as a minimum. 2. Provide Raychem WPC-100-M sleeves for pipe joints and Raychem Flexclad tape for pipe fittings, or approved equal. 3. Extend sleeves and wrap a minimum of 2-inches over pipe coatings. 4. Prior to backfilling test coating with an electronic holiday detector, repair all defects and retest. B. Buried piping shall be cathodically protected with sacrificial anodes as indicated. Anodes shall be 17-pound mag-bag anodes with two 12-gauge wire leads. C. Prior to shipping piping that will be installed above grade, sandblast per SSPC SP-10 "Near White Blast Cleaning" and prime with Devoe Catha-Coat 302H inorganic zinc primer, 3-4 mils minimum DFT. After fabrication sandblast or wire brush all fittings and joints to clean bare metal and prime equal to pipe. 2.07 BALL VALVES A. Regular Port Flanged Ball Valves: Carbon steel Uni-Body, standard reduced port, stainless steel ball and trim, glass filled Teflon seats, graphite stem seals, ANSI Class 150 raised face flanged ends with lockable handle. NACE MR0175 conformance and fire safe per API 607. PBV C-5410-31-2236-GLNL, or approved equal. B. Full Port Flanged Ball Valves: Carbon steel split body, full bore, stainless steel ball and trim, glass filled Teflon seats, graphite stem seals, ANSI Class 150 raised face flanged ends with lockable handle. NACE MR0175 conformance and fire safe per API 607. PBV C-6410-31-2236-GLNL, or approved equal. C. Threaded Ball Valves: Threaded carbon steel body, stainless steel ball and trim, PTFE seats, graphite seals, with lockable handle. PBV C-5312-38-2236-TL-NC, or approved equal. D. The trim for all valves shall be rated for use with Unleaded Gasoline, No. 2 Diesel, Aviation Gasoline and Jet A-50. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 15190-5 Pipe, Valves and Fittings E. Provide padlocks for all valves where indicated "Locked Closed" as specified or indicated on the drawings. Padlocks to be in accordance with Section 02820 — Chain Link Fence. F. Provide handle extensions as required when indicated. 2.08 CHECK VALVE A. Flanged Check Valves: Swing type check valve with carbon steel body, stainless steel trim and ANSI Class 150 raised face flanged ends. Check Valves 2" and larger, Crane No. 147 or equal. Check valves smaller than 2", Bonney Forge 11- 61 or equal. B. Threaded Check Valves: Swing type check valve with forged steel body and 13% CR trim. Vogt 5-74 series or equal. C. The trim for all valves shall be rated for use with Unleaded Gasoline, No. 2 Diesel, Aviation Gasoline and Jet A-50. 2.09 PRESSURE RELIEF VALVES A. Angle pattern pressure relief valve with raised face flanged ends, carbon steel body, and stainless steel trim. Set relief valves at 75 psi unless otherwise indicated. Hydro Seal Model 30FLBV-00 for 2-inch relief valves and 1FLAXV- 00 for 1-inch relief valves, or approved equal. B. Seals and trim for all valves shall be rated for use with Unleaded Gasoline, No. 2 Diesel, Aviation Gasoline and Jet A-50. 2.10 ARCTIC PIPE A. Pre -insulated and heat traced Arctic Pipe shall consist of a 3-inch ASTM A106 Schedule 80 carrier pipe inside a 10-1/4 inch outer jacket. Outer jacket may be made of either spiral -lock Type 5052 aluminum, or corrugated metal pipe (galvanized steel or aluminum). B. Arctic Pipe shall be injected with urethane foam insulation at the factory without voids. Insulation shall have a minimum R-value of 7 per inch. C. Install two channels 180 degrees apart for inserting 1" Wirsbo HEPEX tubing against the carrier pipe for hot water heat tracing. Required heat trace tube and fittings shall be provided by the Arctic Pipe manufacturer. Fittings shall include special transition fittings at each end of the Arctic Pipe for connection to piping systems provided by the Contractor. D. Provide "clamshell" foam inserts, and "clamshell" or band -clamp covers for field assembly of all fittings and joints. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 15190-6 Pipe, Valves and Fittings E. The Arctic Pipe system shall be supplied as a complete system including all accessories, sealant, and other items required to complete the installation. F. Manufacturer: Arctic Insulation, Big Lake Alaska, or equal. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 PIPE A. Pipe shall be handled and stored as specified by coating manufacturer to prevent coating and pipe damage. B. Pipe shall be bundled, shipped and stored with one end flush, with end caps and bevel protectors installed and secured in each end. C. The interior and ends of pipe shall be kept clean of foreign matter and water before, during and after installation. Replace end cap as work progresses to keep pipe interiors clean. D. Provide piping supports as shown on the Drawings and as required to adequately support piping and associated loads. E. Above grade piping shall have a 3-4 mils minimum DFT factory applied external coating of Devoe Catha-Coat 302H inorganic zinc primer as specified. After fabrication and assembly of pipe, sandblast or wire brush all fittings, joints, flanges, valves or damages areas to clean bare metal and prime equal to the factory applied pipe coating. Factory applied coatings that are tightly adhered may be left intact with minimal surface preparation. Clean entire lengths of above grade piping and apply a second coat of the specified primer in the field. F. Label all above grade piping as to contents and mark direction of flow in accordance with ASME A13.1 and Section 09910 — Exterior Coating Systems. Periodically label each pipe run, 50-feet minimum, 150-feet maximum. G. Buried piping shall be externally coated at the factory with extruded polyethylene coating systems as specific. Apply protective coatings to pipe fittings, joints and damaged areas in the factory applied coating system, and cathodically protect below grade piping as follows: 1. Install heat shrink sleeves over pipe joints and apply heat shrink tape wrap to pipe fittings. Extend sleeves and wrap a minimum of 2" over factory applied pipe coatings. 2. Prior to backfilling test coating with an electronic holiday detector. Repair all defects with heat shrink tape and retest section. 3. Cathodically protected below grade piping with a pairs of sacrificial magnesium anodes installed at a maximum spacing of 700-feet per pair of anodes. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 15190-7 Pipe, Valves and Fittings 3.02 FITTINGS AND END CONNECTIONS A. All pipe and fittings shall be welded. Threaded fittings are not allowed except where shown on the Drawings, or where required for connection to equipment. B. Provide flanged connections or unions to allow removal of individual components and equipment. C. Fittings shall be welded in place, inspected, and tested in accordance with Section 15052 — Welding Pressure Piping, ANSI/ASME B31.4 and API 1104. 3.03 VALVES A. Install all valves within 12 inches of a support at the locations shown on the Drawings. B. Provide hand wheel or stem straight up, unless noted otherwise. 3.04 BRANCH CONNECTIONS A. Install in accordance with ANSI/ASME B31.4. B. Forged steel welded type branch connections are allowed for branch connections 2-inch and smaller with a nominal pipe size less than 50 percent of the nominal pipe size on header or main pipe run. C. Provide butt welded reducing tees, or a combination of tees and reducers for branch connections large then 2-inch, or greater that 50 percent of the main run. D. Socket welded tees may be provided for branch connections on headers or main runs smaller than 2-inch. E. Provide tees with pig bars where indicated on the Construction Drawings to prevent pigs from entering the branch connection. 3.05 TESTING A. Pressure testing of piping systems shall be in accordance with Section 15052 — Welding Pressure Piping and this Section. Submit written procedures for testing, including test pressures, equipment to be used, and pipe segment identification numbers. B. Prior to painting, concealing or installation of heat shrink sleeves Contractor shall perform a one -hour pneumatic or hydrostatic piping pressure test at a minimum of 150 psi. All pipe joints and connections shall be tested. Retest segments as necessary to test connections to previously tested piping systems. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 15190-8 Pipe, Valves and Fittings C. If below ground pipe segments are concealed before testing, the total duration of the test shall be extended to four (4) hours. When testing below grade piping take extra caution to shield exposed pipe segments from sunlight to minimize thermal influences. No drop in pressure will be allowed, just pressure rise with temperature. D. Air testing is hazardous in nature as air is compressible and may be releases explosively should the piping system rupture. Contractor shall be responsible for protecting life and property during testing. E. Should water be used for testing, all hydrostatic test water must be removed after the test. Hydrostatic testing shall be reserved for piping systems with no valves or piping specialties installed which can be pigged to completely remove all water, or for prefabricated shop testing pipe spools which can be completely drained and air dried. Water from piping systems shall not be pushed into tanks after final draining and drying of tanks has been completed. Any pigs pushed into the tanks must be removed. F. Protect and isolate items that may be damaged by the test pressure. Provide blind flanges, threaded caps or plugs at each end of the test section. Soak each joint with a leak detection solution and visually inspect for leaks. Repair any defect and retest. All welds that fail inspection shall be cut out, rewelded and retested. G. Following successful pressure test, reassemble the system, remake all pipe joints, and install new gaskets on any flanged joints that are taken apart before reassembling. After final system assembly perform an operational leak test at 75 psi for a minimum of one (1) hour. Repair all defects. H. Pressure test all pipe segments and fill out the Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) pipe pressure test report for each pipe segment. Devise a labeling and numbering system for each pipe segment making reference to drawings or sketches if necessary to clearly identify the piping segment. Deliver original pressure test reports to the AEA Project Manager and copy the Engineer. I. After assembly cross county pipelines and prior to introducing fuel, clean the interior of each pipeline by pigging. Propel pigs with compressed air. Pass a minimum of two foam pigs with imbedded wire brushes through each pipeline. Pass additional foam pigs through each pipeline until pigs are received at the opposite end essentially free of debris and water. Open valves at low point drains with the pipelines under pressure to blow out any residual water or debris lodged in piping low points. END OF SECTION Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 15190-9 Pipe, Valves and Fittings SECTION 15484 FUEL SYSTEM EQUIPMENT PART 1 GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Fuel system equipment. B. Fuel systems components and piping specialties. C. Commissioning and system start-up. 1.02 RELATED SECTIONS A. Section 01300 — Submittals. B. Section 13200 — Vertical Storage Tanks. C. Section 13201 — Horizontal Storage Tanks. D. Section 15052 — Welding Pressure Piping. E. Section 15190 — Pipe, Valves and Fittings. 1.03 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Ensure products and installation of specified products are in conformance with recommendations and requirements of the following organizations: 1. National Electrical Manufacturer's Association (NEMA). 2. Underwriters Laboratories (UL). B. Ensure pumps operated at specified system fluid temperatures without vapor binding. C. Provide data plates for all equipment with manufacturer's name, model number, serial number, motor horsepower, power requirements, rotational speed, design flow and design pressure or head as applicable. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Submit product data under Section 01300 — Submittals. B. Include manufacturer's standard catalog data and technical literature for all pumps, filters, meters, and other equipment and specialty items. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 15484-1 Fuel System Equipment C. Provide manufacturer's installation, operation and maintenance requirements. D. Include dimension drawings of pumps, filters and meters indicating all inter- related components, and connections to other equipment and piping. E. Submit copy of Manufacturer's Certification of Proper Installation for equipment. F. Commissioning and Start-up Plan, submit a minimum of 21 days prior to commissioning the system with fuel. G. Substantial Completion system demonstation and instruction procedures. H. Provide operation and maintenance data for all items. Submit operation and maintenance data in comprehensive bound manual. 1.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Store items subject to damage by the elements, vandalism, or theft in secure buildings. Protect items from weather and water damage. B. Provide environmentally controlled storage facilities for items requiring environmental control for protection. C. Store products to provide access for inspection and inventory control. Contractor shall document products in storage to facilitate inspection and to estimate progress payments for products delivered but not installed in the Work. D. Provide temporary caps on all inlets and outlets. Maintain caps in place until connection to piping system. 1.06 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA A. Include operation, maintenance and inspection data, replacement part numbers, recommended spare parts, and available service depot location with telephone number. 1.07 WARRANTY A. Provide manufacturer's warranty for each item. If item fails during the first year of operation, warranty repair work, or replace the item. Once the repair or replacement is complete, the manufacturer's warranty period will restart on the new date the item was placed into service. 1.08 OPERATING CONDITIONS A. Provide fuel system equipment, pipe specialities and components suitable for the following operating conditions unless otherwise specified. 1. Temp. Range: -40°F to +100°F Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 15484-2 Fuel System Equipment 2. Pressure: 100 psi 3. Product: Unleaded Gasoline No. 2 Diesel Aviation Gasoline (1 OOLL) Jet A-50 (Fuel Oil & Arctic Grade Diesel same) PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.01 DISTRIBUTION PUMP A. Positive displacement pump for petroleum service. Base mounted with gear reducer, couplings, coupling guards, and motor factory mounted to base plate. Pump assembly shall be factory tested. B. 3-inch flanged inlet and 3-inch flanged outlet, ductile iron case, steel fitted, with cartridge type mechanical seal. Mechanical seal shall be of stainless steel construction, or of other corrosion resistant material, grafoil fitted, with silicon carbide / silicon carbide faces. Other seal designs will be considered provided they are suitable for operation down to -40 degrees F. C. Pump shall produce 115 gpm @ 420 rpm. Pump shall require no more than 5 feet of net positive suction head when operating at the specified design point. Set internal relief valve at 100 psi. Relief valve shall be factory set and tested. The working fluid for the Distribution Pump is #2 Diesel with a viscosity of 3.5 to 75 centistokes depending on fluid temperature. D. Pump casing shall be rated for 200 psi. E. Provide 1750 rpm 15 hp explosion proof 208v/3ph/60hz motor. Pump and motor shall have clockwise rotation, or the proper direction of rotation in the case of an alternate manufacturer that will result in the suction and discharge port configuration as shown on the Drawings. F. Viking Model LL4126A-R, or approved equal. 2.02 TRANSFER PUMPS A. Self -priming centrifugal pump for petroleum service. B. 2-inch NPT inlet and outlet, ductile iron case, bronze impeller, and self -lubricated Buna-N mechanical seal. C. Close coupled to 3,450 rpm, 2 hp explosion proof 208v/lph/60hz motor. Pump shall produce 80 gpm @ 70' tdh. D. Gorman -Rupp 02K31-X2, no substitutes. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 15484-3 Fuel System Equipment 2.03 ACTUATED BALL VALVES A. 2-inch Actuated Ball Valve: ANSI Class 150 flanged ball valve with ASTM A350 Grade LF2 body, Teflon seats and seals with a 360 in-lbs operating torque at -50 degrees F. Actuator shall have a NEMA 4 enclosure without manual override shaft extension, PTC self regulating heater, Exxon Beacon 325 severe cold grease, 115 VAC powered with a 600 in-lbs output torque and a 10 second stroke time. Stainless steel mounting hardware to allow manual operation using adjustable wrench. Actuator shall be rated to -50 degrees F. Nutron Model T3- R20ROlL2 ball valve with RCS Model SXR-0994 actuator, no substitutes. B. 2-inch Actuated Ball Valve (explosion proof): ANSI Class 150 flanged ball valve with ASTM A350 grade LF2 body, Teflon seats and. seals with a 360 in-lbs operation torque at -50 degrees F. Actuator shall have a NEMA 7 enclosure without manual override shaft extension, PTC self regulating heater, Exxon Beacon 325 severe cold grease, 115 VAC powered with a 600 in-lbs output torque and 10 second stroke time. Stainless steel mounting hardware to allow manual operation using adjustable wrench. Actuator shall be rated to -50 degrees F. Nutron model T3-R20RO1L2 ball valve with RCS Model MAR 49-10-7-120- HT-2AS actuator, no substitutes. Provide explosion -proof actuators at locations indicated. C. 3-inch Actuated Ball Valve: ANSI Class 150 flanged ball valve with ASTM A350 Grade LF2 body, Teflon seats and seals with a (TBD) in-lbs operating torque at -50 degrees F. Actuator shall have a NEMA 4 enclosure without manual override shaft extension, PTC self regulating heater, Exxon Beacon 325 severe cold grease, 115 VAC powered with a (TBD) in-lbs output torque and a (TBD) second stroke time. Stainless steel mounting hardware to allow manual operation using adjustable wrench. Actuator shall be rated to -50 degrees F. Nutron Model T3-R30RO1LZ-05 ball valve with RCS Model SXR-1245 actuator, no substitutes. D. All actuated ball valves shall be factory tested. Submit factory test report for each valve. 2.04 BULK METER A. Positive displacement meter rated for 100 gpm of continuous flow with a 150 psi working pressure. Accuracy shall be +/- 0.22% or better from 6-60 gpm. Provide 2-inch inlet & outlet companion flanges with O-ring seals, preset counter with direct mechanical linkage to shut-off valve, resetable register, non-resetable totalizer, air eliminator, strainer, microswitch for shutting down transfer pump, and 10 gallon dwell. All elastomeric seals shall be low temperature nitrile rubber (Buna-N). B. Resetable registers shall have 0.1 gallon as the smallest division, preset counter with whole gallon increments only. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 15484-4 Fuel System Equipment C. Factory calibrate for No. 2 Diesel, Jet A, AvGas or unleaded gasoline as indicated. D. Liquid Controls M-7-K-1, or approved equal. 2.05 TRUCK FILL STATION EQUIPMENT A. Hose Reel: 110 volt AC single phase electric rewind hose reel capable of holding 50 feet of 1-1/2 inch inside diameter hose. Reel shall be left top rewind. Hannay 7528-19-21 (left -top rewind), or approved equal. B. Hose: 30 feet of 1-1/2 inch low temperature fuel rated hose. Goodyear Arctic Ortac, or approved equal. C. Bulk Transfer Nozzles: Automatic shutoff nozzles with hold -open latch and blocker lever. Color code handles, red for gasoline, green for #1 diesel, and blue for #2 diesel. 1-1/2 inch OPW Model 1290 or equal. D. Static Ground Reel: Automatic spring rewind ground cable reel with 50 feet of 1/8 inch diameter cable, grounding clip and ball stop. Hannay GR75 or equal. 2.06 DISPENSER AND ACCESSORIES A. Mechanical Dispenser: UL listed motor vehicle dispenser for use with remote submersible pump. Five figure mechanical register with tenths of a gallon as the smallest unit, non-resetable totalizer, lighted display, 10:1 pulser, 110vac powered. Provide internal 30 micron spin -on filter and 10 spare elements. Dispenser shall be certifiable for retail sales. Prior to delivery, replace factory applied standard grease in mechanical register with a severe cold arctic -grade lubricant. Two -hose dual -product dispenser, Gasboy 9152QXTW2CXFL, no substitutes. B. Dispenser Shear Valve: UL listed 1-1/2 inch x 1-1/2 inch dispenser shear valve with fusible link. Morrison Bros., Co. Model 636F, or approved equal. C. Dispenser Hose: 18 feet (maximum) of 3/4" low temperature fuel rated dispensing hose. Goodyear Arctic Ortac, or approved equal. D. Dispenser Hose Breakaway Coupling: UL listed 3/4" breakaway fitting, OPW Model No. 66V-0250 or approved equal. Provide breakaway coupling complete with OPW 66H-0075 hose section madeup with the same low temperature hose specified above. E. Dispenser Hose Swivel: UL listed dispenser hose swivel. OPW Model No. 45M- 0492, or approved equal. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 15484-5 Fuel System Equipment F. Dispenser Nozzle: UL listed automatic shut-off, automotive fueling nozzle with hold open latch and color coded handle, red for gasoline and green for diesel. OPW Model No.11BP-0300 and 11B-0100, or approved equal. 2.07 SUCTION PUMP DISPENSER ACCESSORIES A. Pressure Regulator with Shear Section: 1-1/2-inch pressure control valve that mounts directly below the dispenser, specifically designed for suction pump dispensers in pressurized installations (i.e. hydrostatic head from aboveground tanks). Pressure control valve prevents aboveground tank head pressure from being exerted on dispenser air eliminator allowing air elimiter to function properly. Valve shall also include a shear section that closes if the dispenser is knocked over preventing the discharge of fuel. Manufacturer: Gasboy Model 52A. B. Anti -Siphon Valve: 1-1/2-inch aluminum body anti -siphon set to prevent siphoning of product from aboveground tanks that have 5 to 10 feet of head pressure. Anti -siphon valve shall have internal expansion relief that opens when the downstream pressure exceeds the upstream pressure. Anti -siphon valve shall be specifically designed for suction pump dispensers. OPW Model 199ASV- 2150. (Note: For pressure pump system anti -siphon valves see Section 13201, Horizontal Storage Tanks.) C. Emergency Valve: 1-1/2 inch ductile iron valve with fusible link designed to close when exposed to fire. Valve mounts at the dispenser, upstream of the pressure regulator valve specified above. Morrison Bros., Co. Model 346DI, or approved equal. ►1: V . A. Piston hand pump, 1" female NPT suction, 3/4" NPT discharge, stainless steel inner liner, anti -siphoning device, rated for a 12 foot minimum suction lift. Fill - Rite Model FR152 or equal. B. Barrel Pumps shall be provided for the following applications. Provide each pump with accessories and configured as indicated. 1. Horizontal Tank Water Draw: Provide pump with 1" FPT inlet and 18 foot 3/4" low temperature discharge hose with discharge fiting. Provide one barrel pump configured for water draw on horizontal tanks for the following bulk fuel upgrade project participants, three total (City, UNC, and BSSD). 2. Dike Drainage Pump: Provide barrrel pumps configured for starting siphon for removal of water from bulk storage tank dikes through 3/4" sump drain piping. Provide barrrel pumps with 3/4" male camlock on inlet and 5 foot of 3/4" discharge hose. In addition provide 30 feet of 3/4" suction hose with 3/4" female camlocks on each end. Provide one barrel pump configured for dike drainage for the following bulk fuel upgrade project Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 15484-6 Fuel System Equipment participants, plus a second one for UVEC, five total (UNC, BSSD, UVEC and WCAS). C. All barrel pumps shall be turned over to the respective project participant. Label pumps with entities' name, and store them in one of the spill response connex prior to Final Inspection. 2.09 PIPING ACCESSORIES A. Flex Pipe Connection: Stainless steel corrugated inner core with stainless steel braided outer cover, ANSI Class 150 fixed flange by floating flange ends with 18-inch live length, unless a different length is indicated. 200 psi minimum working, factory tested to 300 psi minimum. Provide factory test certification for each flexible connection. Metraflex Metra-Mini, or approved equal. B. Y-Type Strainer: Class 150 flanged ends, carbon steel body, bottom clean -out Y- type strainer with blow off tapping plug. Supply each strainer complete with lockable cast steel ball valve with brass hose coupling and brass dust cap with Buna-N seal. Provide #10 or #100 mesh stainless steel screen with each strainer as indicated. Mueller Steam Specialties Fig. 781, or approved equal. C. Basket Strainer: Class 150 flanges ends, carbon steel body with removable basket through top flange. Pressure drop for clean strainer shall not be more than 3 psi at maximum design flow. Ratio of net effective strainer area to the area of the connecting pipe shall not be less that three to one. Supply each strainer complete with 3/4" lockable cast steel ball valve with brass hose coupling and brass dust cap with Buna-N seal. Provide basket strainer with extra 60 mesh basket for flushing, in addition to 10 mesh basket which will be installed after system start-up and flushing is completed. Manufacturer: Mueller Steam Specialities Model 125F- CS. D. Cam Lock Couplings: Aluminum body cam and groove male fitting with female NPT end connection, 150 psi minimum working pressure. Provide dust cap with buna-n seal for each fitting provided. PT Coupling or equal. E. Pressure and Pressure/Vacuum Gauges: ASME B40.1 with 4-inch diameter face, white dial, and no backing flange. Gauges shall be labeled with calibration date. Provide adjustable pulsation dampers (snubbers) for each gauge. Gauges with internal components immersed in silicon oil will not be allowed. Pressure gauges shall have a 0 to 300 psig range, and pressure/vacuum gauges shall have a -30" hg to 100 psig range. F. Sample Connections: Factory assembles units specifically designed for obtaining representative samples from fuel pipelines with 1/4" sampling probe extending not less than 1" into the pipe and facing upstream. Sample connections shall include ball valve, 1/4" quick disconnect coupling and dust plug, completely assembled ready for installation into a female pipe thread. Furnish sampling hose assemblies for WCAS and BSSD at the project site consisting of a 6-foot clear plastic hose Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 15484-7 Fuel System Equipment with internal bonding wire, male connector at one end for connecting to sample probe, and clips at each end for attaching to the pipe and metal sample can. Gammon Technical Products Bulletin 3. G. Padlocks: Provide padlocks for all pump enclosurers as specified for fence gates in Section 02820 — Chain Link Fence. 2.10 EXPANSION JOINTS A. Expansion joints shall be externally pressurized, internally guided with laminated bellows with a 150 psi design pressure and a 225 psi test pressure. The traveling pipe that is fastened to the internal guide, as well as the fixed pipe, shall be constructed of standard wall steel pipe. Expansion joints shall not have an internal sleeve or any other device that could prevent free passage of a foam pig in either direction through the joint. B. At 30 degrees F install expansion joint compressed 1.5" (at middle of travel). C. Expansion joint shall have 3/4" FNPT drain port installed at the bottom of the housing for removal of all liquid (and sediment) at the bottom of the external bellows housing. D. Provide 3/4" forged steel ball valve with lockable handle (lock closed) installed on expansion joint drain port. Install a 3/4" threaded cap or plug on the ball valve outlet. E. Expansion joint shall be rated for 4" of axial compression and 1" of axial extension. Manufacturer, Hyspan Model 3501-148-4. PART 3 EXECUTION 3.01 EQUIPMENT INSTALLATION A. Install in accordance with manufacturer's instructions and as indicated. Work should be of quality using recognized standard practices for workmanship. B. Provide seismic anchorage for all fuel equipment, enclosures, tanks, piping and speciality items. 3.02 COMMISSIONING AND SYSTEM START-UP A. All testing specified in Section 15190 — Pipe, Valves and Fittings shall be completed prior to beginning the commissioning and start-up requirements specified in this Section. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 15484-8 Fuel System Equipment B. Perform final commissioning, start-up, and system demonstration in accordance with the following procedures. Leave all work sites in an orderly condition consistent with that found upon arrival. C. The Contractor shall be present the first time fuel is received into the tanks, assist in fuel receipt, and perform final commissioning, start-up, and system demonstration at this time. Upon filling of tanks verify product level by manual gauging and calibrate all tank gauges. D. Introduce fuel into all systems and bleed air from all portions of the piping. Perform operational leak test at 75 psi with fuel on all systems after filling with fuel and repair any leaks. Anything wet with fuel shall be assumed to be leaking and shall be corrected before continuing. E. Check all pumps for proper rotation. Prior to operating centrifugal pumps prime the pump cavity with fuel. On initial start-up warm pump body if ambient temperature is below 40 degrees F. F. Flush systems by circulating and transferring fuel. The Contractor is responsible for filtering, transferring, and returning fuel used for flushing back to the respective project participant. The Contractor shall be responsible for resolving any fuel inventory discrepancies beyond normally expected levels and compensate participants for any fuel which is contaminated, and cannot be filtered and cleaned to acceptable levels. Any unusable fuel shall be disposed of in accordance with all State and Federal environmental and regulatory agency requirements. 1. Transfer a minimum of 1,000 gallons of fuel through each truck fill station transfer connection, or until fuel runs clean. Check and clean strainers if a restriction in flow is experienced, and again after completing flushing at each truck fill station system. 2. Circulate fuel with the UVEC distribution pump from each bulk tank back to Tank #3. Circulate fuel for a minimum of 20 minutes per tank. Perform flushing with temporary 60 mesh start-up strainer installed on the suction side of the distribution pump. Check and clean strainer after circulating fuel for the first 20 minutes or sooner if a restriction in the piping system is experienced. After cleaning strainer for the first time, check and clean strainer at a minimum of one hour intervals, or more frequently if a restriction is experienced. When satisfied that all yard piping has been thoroughly flushed, align valves to begin filling the pipeline with fuel and fill the UVEC Power Plant tank. Let the fuel in Tank #3 settle for at least 24 hours before transferring fuel from this tank to the power plant. Transfer fuel from Tank #3 for a minimum of two hours when filling the power plant tank. After power plant tank is full, remove and clean strainer one final time, and install permanent 10 mesh strainer basked on the suction side of the distribution pump. G. Check all control and alarm functions. Manipulate floats to simulate low and high level conditions. Set timing relays for 30 seconds and verify time-out Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 15484-9 Fuel System Equipment functions. Reset timers to values indicated. Verify latching and reset functions, emergency stop functions, and operation of all signal lamps and horns. Observe operation of actuated ball valves. Check area lighting and verify operation of photocell controls, if testing during the day time place piece of black tape over photo cell to activate the lights. H. Fill dispensing and intermediate tanks. After the first 100 gallons of product has been pumped through each motor vehicle dispenser hose, replace filters at dispenser. I. Fill day tanks and supply tanks after filling intermediate tanks. Test truck fill station operation after filling bulk tanks. Test and verify all control functions. K. Test all dispensing functions including remote control console if installed. L. Verify all signs, placards, and valve tags are properly located and secured. Verify proper color code and labeling for all products. M. Install padlocks on all valves specified to be locked, on all fence gates, on all pump boxes, and on spill response connexes. Key all locks for systems with the same ownership identical. N. In accordance with Division 1 and this Section, instruct local operators and other designated personnel in the operation and maintenance of all systems. Provide a minimum of 12 hours of instruction during Substantial Completion Inspections. Provide qualified personnel, and equipment manufacturer's representatives as necessary, to give instruction on all fuel systems, equipment, and related components provided by this project. O. Place spare parts, incinerator, auxiliary equipment, and spill response supplies in the spill response connex or other designated locations. END OF SECTION Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 15484-10 Fuel System Equipment DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL SECTION 16010 BASIC ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. General Requirements specifically applicable to Division 16, in addition to Division 1 provisions. 1.02 REFERENCES A. ANSI/NFPA 70 — National Electrical Code, latest adopted edition including all state and local amendments. B. NECA - Standard of Installation. 1.03 SUBMITTALS A. Submit inspection and permit certificates under provisions of Division 1. B. Include certificate of final inspection and acceptance from authority having jurisdiction. C. Submittal review is for general design and arrangement only and does not relieve the Contractor from any requirements of Contract Documents. Submittal not checked for quantity, dimension, fit or proper operation Where deviations of substitute product or system performance have not been specifically noted in the submittal by the Contractor, provisions of a complete and satisfactory working installation is the sole responsibility of the Contractor. D. In addition to requirements referenced in Division 1, the following is required for work provided under this division of the specification. 1. Provide material and equipment submittals containing complete listings of material and equipment shown on Electrical Drawings and specified herein, bound in hard cover, loose-leaf binders separate from work furnished under other divisions. Index and clearly identify all material and equipment by item, name or designation used on drawings and in specifications. 2. Submit only pages which are pertinent; mark each copy of standard printed data to identify pertinent products, referenced to Specification Section and Article number. Show reference standards, performance characteristics, and capacities; wiring diagrams and controls; component parts; finishes; dimensions; and required clearances. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 16010-1 Basic Electrical Requirements 3. Modify manufacturer's standard schematic drawings and diagrams to supplement standard information and to provide information specifically applicable to the work. Delete information not applicable. 4. Review submittals prior to transmittal; determine and verify field measurements, field construction criteria, manufacturer's catalog numbers, and conformance of submittal with requirements of Contract Documents. 5. Coordinate submittals with requirements of work and of Contract Documents. 6. Sign or initial each sheet of shop drawings and product data, and each sample label to certify compliance with requirements of Contract Documents. Notify Architect/Engineer in writing at time of submittal, of any deviations from requirements of Contract Documents. 7. Do not fabricate products or begin work which requires submittals until return of submittal with Architect/Engineer acceptance. 8. Equipment scheduled by manufacturer's name and catalog designations, manufacturer's published data and/or specification for that item, in effect on bid date, are considered part of this specification. Approval of other manufacturer's item proposed is contingent upon compliance therewith. 9. Submittals for Division 16 shall be complete and submitted at one time. Unless given prior approval, partial submittals will be returned unreviewed. 1.04 WORK SEQUENCE A. Construct Work in sequence under provisions of Division 1. 1.05 COORDINATION A. Coordinate the Work specified in this Division under provisions of Division 1. B. Prepare drawings showing proposed rearrangement of Work to meet job conditions, including changes to Work specified under other Sections. Obtain permission of Architect prior to proceeding. 1.06 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS A. Conform to ANSI/NFPA 70. B. Conform to the latest adopted edition of the International Building Code and the International Fire Code including all state and local amendments thereto. C. Obtain electrical permits, plan review, and inspections from authority having jurisdiction. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 16010-2 Basic Electrical Requirements 1.07 SUBSTITUTIONS A. In accordance with the General Conditions and the General Requirements, Substitution and Product Options, all substitute items must fit in the available space, and be of equal or better quality including efficiency performance, size, and weight, and must be compatible with existing equipment. 1.08 PROJECT RECORD DRAWINGS A. Maintain project record drawings in accordance with Division 1. B. In addition to the other requirements, mark up a clean set of drawings as the work progresses to show the dimensioned location and routing of all electrical work which will become permanently concealed. Show routing of work in permanently concealed blind spaces within the building. Show complete routing and sizing of any significant revisions to the systems shown. C. Record drawing field mark-ups shall be maintained on -site and shall be available for examination of the AUTHORITY's Representative at all times. 1.09 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUALS A. Provide operation and maintenance manuals for training of personnel designated by the AUTHORITY in operation and maintenance of systems and related equipment. In addition to requirements referenced in Division 1, the following is required for work provided under this section of the specifications. B. Manuals shall be hard cover, loose-leaf binders with pages reinforced to prevent pullout and shall be separate from work furnished under other divisions. Prepare a separate chapter for instruction of each class of equipment or system. Index and clearly identify each chapter and provide a table of contents. C. Unless otherwise noted in Division 1, provide one copy of all material for approval. After approval, provide five corrected approved copies. D. The following is the suggested outline for operation and maintenance manuals and is presented to indicate the extent of items required in manuals. 1. List chapters of information comprising the text. The following is a typical Table of Contents: a. Lighting b. Fuel Control Panels c. Telemetry Systems d. Other chapters as necessary Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 16010-3 Basic Electrical Requirements 2. Provide the following items in sequence for each chapter shown in Table of Contents: a. Describe the procedures necessary for personnel to operate the system including start-up, operation, emergency operation and shutdown. 1) Give complete instructions for energizing equipment and making initial settings and adjustments whenever applicable. 2) Give step-by-step instructions for shutdown procedure if a particular sequence is required. 3) Include test results of all tests required by this and other sections of the specifications. b. Maintenance Instructions: 1) Provide instructions and a schedule of preventive maintenance, in tabular form, for all routine cleaning and inspection with recommended lubricants if required for the following: a) Lighting fixtures b) Fuel Control Panels c) Telemetry Systems 2) Provide instructions for minor repair or adjustments required for preventive maintenance routines, limited to repairs and adjustments which may be performed without special tools or test equipment and which requires no special training or skills. 3) Provide manufacturers' descriptive literature including approved shop drawings covering devices used in system, together with illustrations, exploded views, etc. Also include special devices provided by the Contractor. 4) Provide any information of a maintenance nature covering warranty items, etc., which have not been discussed elsewhere. 5) Include list of all equipment furnished for project, where purchased, technical representative if applicable and a local parts source with a tabulation of descriptive data of all electrical -electronic spare parts and all mechanical spare parts proposed for each type of equipment or system. Properly identify each part -by -part number and manufacturer. 1.10 DEMONSTRATION OF ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS A. During substantial completion inspection: 1. Conduct operating test for approval under provisions of Division 1. 2. Demonstrate installation to operate satisfactorily in accordance with requirements of Contract Documents. 3. Should any portion of installation fail to meet requirements of Contract Documents, repair or replace items failing to meet requirements until items can be demonstrated to comply. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 16010-4 Basic Electrical Requirements 4. Have instruments available for measuring light intensities, voltage and current values, and for demonstration of continuity, grounds, or open circuit conditions. 5. Provide personnel to assist in taking measurements and making tests. 1.11 INSTRUCTION OF OPERATING PERSONNEL A. In accordance with the requirements of Division 1 and this section provide services of qualified representative of supplier of each item or system listed below to instruct designated personnel of AUTHORITY in operation and maintenance of item or system. B. Make instruction when system is complete, of number of hours indicated, and performed at time mutually agreeable. System or Equipment Hours of Instruction Fuel System Control Panels 8 C. Certify that an Anchorage or Fairbanks based authorized service organization regularly carries complete stock of repair parts for listed equipment or systems, that organization is available and will furnish service within 48 hours after request. Include name, address and telephone number of service organization. D. Have approved operation and maintenance manuals and parts lists for all equipment on hand at time of instruction. 1.12 ELECTRICAL REFERENCE SYMBOLS A. The Electrical "Legend" on drawings is standardized version for this project. All symbols shown may not be used on drawings. Use legend as reference for symbols used on plans. 1.13 ELECTRICAL DRAWINGS A. Drawings are diagrammatic; complimentary to the Civil drawings; not intended to show all features of work. Install material not dimensioned on drawings in a manner to provide a symmetrical appearance. Do not scale drawings for exact equipment locations. Review Civil, Structural, and Mechanical Drawings and adjust work to conform to conditions shown thereon. Field verification of dimensions, locations and levels is directed. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS AND EQUIPMENT A. All Materials and Equipment shall be new and Underwriter's Laboratories listed for the use intended. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 16010-5 Basic Electrical Requirements B. Materials and Equipment shall be acceptable to the authority having jurisdiction as suitable for the use intended when installed per listing and labeling instructions. C. No materials or equipment containing asbestos in any form shall be used. Where materials or equipment provided by this Contractor are found to contain asbestos such items shall be removed and replaced with non -asbestos containing materials and equipment at no cost to the AUTHORITY. D. In describing the various items of equipment, in general, each item will be described singularly, even though there may be numerous similar items. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 WORKMANSHIP A. Install Work using procedures defined in NECA Standard of Installation and/or the manufacturer's installation instructions. 3.02 TESTS A. Notify Contracting Officer at least 72 hours prior to conducting any tests. B. Following completion of installation, test system ground and all feeders or sub - feeders with appropriate meggers, or other approved instruments and methods, to determine ground and insulation resistance values. Submit logs of values obtained, and nameplate data of instruments used prior to final inspection. Include a copy of all data in the power distribution section of the Operation and Maintenance Manuals. C. Perform additional tests required under other sections of these specifications. D. Perform all tests in the presence of the AUTHORITY'S authorized representative. 3.03 PENETRATIONS OF FIRE BARRIERS A. Related information to this section appears in Division 7, Fire Stopping. B. All holes or voids created to extend electrical systems through fire rated floors, walls or ceiling shall be sealed with an asbestos -free intumescent fire stopping material capable of expanding 8 to 10 times when exposed to temperatures 250' F or higher. C. Materials shall be suitable for the fire stopping of penetrations made by steel, glass, plastic and shall be capable of maintaining an effective barrier against flame, smoke and gases in compliance with the requirements of ASTM E814 and UL 1479. Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 16010-6 Basic Electrical Requirements D. The rating of the fire stops shall be the same as the time -rated floor, wall or ceiling assembly. E. Install fire stopping materials in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. F. Unless protected from possible loading or traffic, install fire stopping materials in floors having void openings of four (4) inches or more to support the same floor load requirements as the surrounding floor. END OF SECTION Unalakleet Bulk Fuel Upgrade REG 06-088 / 02/2006 16010-7 Basic Electrical Requirements