HomeMy WebLinkAboutAK Intertie Operating Committee 1992ALASKA INTERTIE OPERATING COMMITTEE THURSDAY,NOVEMBER 12,1992 (CHUGACH ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION CONFERENCE ROOM) MEETING MINUTES Present: Sterling Larson Matanuska Electric Generation & Transmission (AEG&T)/Matanuska Electric Association (MEA) Afzal H.Khan Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) Tim McConnell .Anchorage Municipal Light &Power (AML&P) Doug Hall Anchorage Municipal Light &Power (AMLEP) Tom Lovas Chugach Electric Association (CEA) John Cooley Chugach Electric Association (CEA D.Burlingame Chugach Electric Association (CEA) Bob Orr Golden Valley Electric Association (GVEA) Bradley Evans Golden Valley Electric Association (GVEA) Vince Mottola Fairbanks Municipal Utilities System (FMUS) The meeting was called to order by Chairman Tom Lovas at 10:00 a.m.at the Chugach Electric Association Conference Room,Anchorage,Alaska. I. II. IIrt. Adoption of Prior Meeting Minutes IoC unanimously adopted the September 9,1992 meeting minutes with the correction (page 4,Item VIII,deleteword"special"). Approval/Modification Of Agenda The November 12,1992 IOC meeting agenda was adopted with modifications.The modifications were as follows: added Items III-F 2,Dryden &LaRue Report;III-F 3; Data circuit between ML&P and Eklutna;and III-F 4, Wheeling Rate Adjustment,Contract modification with MEA . Committee Correspondence and Reports A.Dispatch Subcommittee o Bradley Evans distributed the Dispatch subcommittee meeting minutes (draft)of the August 5,1992 meeting and discussed its contents.He also submitted the following and discussed them:Monthly Unit Rating for Establishing TOR;and memo to IOC (subject:Dispatch meeting of November 6,1992). B.Reliability/Protection Subcommittee David Burlingame stated that the subcommittee met on October 28,1992.He stated that the load shedding study is basically completed.The utilities are in agreement.The model done is correct.He also stated that he received a letter from GVEA outlining the two issues.These two issues require further action.The implementation schedule needs to be addressed.He stated that he will schedule another subcommittee meeting. Cc.Machine/Rating Subcommittee IOC would like to see that the Machine/Rating subcommittee Chairman be present at the next IOC meeting. D.SCADA/Communication Bob Orr stated that the subcommittee did not meet. E.Correspondence Received Under Correspondence,Afzal Khan distributed the following: 1.CEA letter,dated October 23,1992,to AEA. Subject:CEA representative to the Alaska Intertie Operating Committee. 2.MEA letter,dated November 2,1992,to AEA. Subject:Anchorage-Fairbanks Intertie Calculation of surcharge for line re-insulation. 3.MEA letter,dated September 22,1992,to AEA. Subject:Status of Myron Stevens Substation Property. 4.CEA letter,dated October 30,1992,to AEA. Subject:CEA comments on Dryden &LaRue Report "Unbalanced Snow Loads on'the Anchorage-Fairbanks Intertie." 5.GVEA letter,date November 5,1992,to AEA. Subject:Comments on Dryden &LaRue Report "Unbalanced Snow Loads on the Anchorage-Fairbanks Intertie. 2 Iv. F. GVEA letter,dated November 2,1992,to Stutzman Engineering Association,Inc. Subject:Tower #749 Monitor FMUS memo,dated September 28,1992. Subject:Intertie Operating Committee members and Subcommittee members. Intertie Status Update Under Intertie Status,Afzal Khan distributed the following: 1. G. AEA letter,dated September 17,1992,to Mike Ridge,Division of Information Services. Subject:Anchorage-Fairbanks Intertie Data Lines AEA letter,dated September 17,1992,to Mike Ridge,Division of Information Services. Subject:Annual maintenance cost for Telecommunication Services to support Anchorage- Fairbanks Intertie (FY94) AEA letter,dated September 21,1992,to Mike Ridge,Division of Information Services. Subject:GVEA Communication Upgrade,Reindeer Hill Site,Anchorage-Fairbanks Intertie AEA letter,dated September 21,1992,to Mike Ridge,Division of Information Services. Subject:Douglas Substation Communications ML&P letter,dated October 7,1992,to AEA,CEA & GVEA.Subject:Intertie Billing ASCC Status Under ASCC status,Tom Lovas stated that the ASCC Reliability Criteria Committee did not meet.The next meeting will be on November 25,1992. Visitor comments related to items on Agenda No visitors were present. The Intertie Operating committee took a break from 11:55 to 12:15 p.m.a.m. Vv.Work Session The Operating Committee went into work session. 3 B.Dispatch Bradley Evans briefly discussed the memo on systemdisturbance.He also discussed the reporting criteria and the snow problems around the Talkeetna area. Documenting problems in the southern portion of the intertie with regular patrol of the area.History on snow,meteorological data and develop some kind ofprofile.We need this information.It would be prudent for the operator to develop options, investigate and survey extent of snow problem. Chairman Tom Lovas stated that this subcommittee is to make recommendation to IOC. The operating Committee took a lunch break from 1:00 p.m.to 1:20 p.m. C.Reliability/Protection David Burlingame stated that all the studies to date assume Eklutna.This subcommittee basically needs resolution.He questioned should this study allow present practices to continue. D.SCADA/Communication Bob Orr stated that he will schedule a subcommittee meeting to look into various issues. E.Machine Rating Tom Lovas requested the secretary to compile machine rating item list. F.T/L Structure and Conductor Evaluation Tim McConnell stated that we should watch it and collect more data,patrol the line.Tom Lovas stated that the IOC legitimize patrol,data gathering and document ice conditions.Develop procedures and implementation in that area. VI.Formal Operating Committee action/Recommendation The IOC reaffirms the development of procedures that was previously recommended with specific time for response and appropriate backup selection for completion of patrol, communication procedures,supervisory personnel and control centers,and supervisory contacts between affected parties for the investigation of outages.The above was unanimously adopted by IOc. VII.Subcommittee Assignments Dispatch Chairman Tom Lovas directed the DISPATCH subcommittee to meet at the discretion of its Chairman to look into the following issues: 1)Dispatch Training Plan 2)NERC operating aspects 3)Switching and Tagging Procedures 4)MEA tap at Talkeetna a.Operating Procedureb,.Construction Schedule and Methods c.SCADA Control d.Microwave Communications e.-.Control Point Issues 5)Joint meeting with Machines/Rating subcommittee regarding Testing Procedures and Verification 6)Joint meeting with Reliability/Protection subcommittee regarding underfrequency loadshedding study ; 7)Revise Scheduling Procedures as Douglas substation regulating point;and 8)Identify completion dates. Reliability/Protection Chairman Tom Lovas directed the RELIABILITY/PROTECTION subcommittee to meet at the discretion of its Chairman to:complete work on underfrequency load shedding study;monitor Talkeetna substation design and construction;and review procedure for record drawings update and certification. Machine/Rating Chairman Tom Lovas directed the Machines/Rating subcommittee to meet monthly.Chairman Tom Lovas also directed the Machine/Rating subcommittee Chairman to be present at the next IOC meeting. SCADA/Communication Chairman Tom Lovas directed the SCADA/Communication subcommittee to meet at the discretion of its Chairman to look into the data point issues,operational responsibility and accountability. 5 THE NEXT MEETING OF THE ALASKA INTERTIE OPERATING COMMITTEE WILL BE ON WEDNESDAY,JANUARY 13,1993 AT 10:00 A.M.AT THE ANCHORAGE MUNICIPAL LIGHT &POWER CONFERENCE ROOM, ANCHORAGE,ALASKA. VIII.Determine agenda for next meeting The Operating Committee set the agenda for the meeting of the Operating Committee. IX.Adjournment The Operating Committee unanimously adopted the motion to adjourn at 3:00 p.m. Respectfully submitted,A.KbAfzalH.Khan Secretary,Intertie Operating Committee Attachments: 1.January 13,1993 meeting agenda. 2.IOC November 12,1992 meeting attendance sheet. The following were distributed at the November 12,1992 meeting: 13.CEA letter,dated October 23,1992,to AEA. Subject:CEA representative to the Alaska Intertie Operating Committee. 4,MEA letter,dated November 2,1992,to AEA. Subject:Anchorage-Fairbanks Intertie Calculation of surcharge for line re-insulation. J S.MEA letter,dated September 22,1992,to AEA.Subject:Status of Myron Stevens Substation Property. 6.CEA letter,dated October 30,1992,to AEA. {Subject:CEA comments on Dryden &LaRue Report "Unbalanced Snow Loads on the Anchorage-Fairbanks Intertie." 7.GVEA letter,date November 5,1992,to AEA. Subject:Comments on Dryden &LaRue Report "Unbalanced Snow Loads on the Anchorage-Fairbanks Intertie. {8-GVEA letter,dated November 2,1992,to StutzmanEngineeringAssociation,Inc. Subject:Tower #749 Monitor V9.FMUS memo,dated September 28,1992. Subject:Intertie Operating Committee members and Subcommittee members. J 10.AEA letter,dated September 17,1992,to Mike Ridge,Division of Information Services. Subject:Anchorage-Fairbanks Intertie Data Lines 11.AEA letter,dated September 17,1992,to Mike|Ridge,Division of Information Services. Subject:Annual maintenance cost for Telecommunication Services to support Anchorage- Fairbanks Intertie (FY94) 12.AEA letter,dated September 21,1992,to Mike{Ridge,Division of Information Services. Subject:GVEA Communication Upgrade,Reindeer Hill Site,Anchorage-Fairbanks Intertie J 13.AEA letter,dated September 21,1992,to Mike'Ridge,Division of Information Services. Subject:Douglas Substation Communications j14.ML&P letter,dated October 7,1992,to AEA,CEA & GVEA.Subject:Intertie Billing Il. IV. VIII. IX, ALASKA INTERTIE OPERATING COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA WEDNESDAY,JANUARY 13,1993 BEGIN AT 10:00 A.M. Adoption of prior meeting minutes Approval/modification of agenda Committee correspondence and reports Dispatch Subcommittee Reliability/Protection Subcommittee Machine/Rating Subcommittee SCADA/Communication Correspondence Received Intertie Status UpdateATO)>1.Record of IOC Decisions G.ASCC Status Visitors comments related to items on agenda Work Session A.Recess and work session B.Dispatch C.Reliability/ProtectionD.SCADA/CommunicationE.Machine/Rating 1.Meeting Frequency 2.Status of Projects 3.Relationship with IOC Formal Operating Committee action/recommendation Subcommittee Assignments Determine agenda for next meeting Adjournment Meeting location: Anchorage Municipal Light &Power 1200 E.First Avenue Anchorage,Alaska 99501 (907)279-7671 92Q4\IT4029(1)Page 1 of 1 ALASKA TNTERTIE.OPERATING COPAITTEE {MEETING |In Attendance:Date Nou 12,93 None Lonpany Phone Ho, Ti LOVAS CHUB ACH BLECTRIC 962-Y7YZ Zo Mh Cuil!\|Mik gf "lees sere Nove Aa Lf LILY FP Zo -SYS 3 Sterling Larsen AEG ar /men TAS TZ Ml facing noe CAugocG 2E2-S78FTobinCoole,Cheats 1e2YST7Mfea!1.aS,AEA S6/-7217 Be| ORE GVEA YsB-1)Cf Denoler Evans |GVEL $52-MUS Keoe [ph|Fi 8 (SETIL) INEEEORetf GOLDEN Peed AsSopratron August 28,1992 To:Fairbanks/Anchorage .Intertie Dispatch SubcommitteeDougHall,AMLE&P-RepreséntativeDaveBurlingame,:CEA'Representative From:Bradley Evans,GVEA Representative Subject:Committee Meeting Minutes,August 5,1992 The meeting was called to order at Chugach Electric with GVEA,CEA and AML&P present. No prior meeting minutes were available and as such none were approved.No correspondence was reviewed and no member reports were given. First order of business was election of officers.Results ofelectionwere: *GVEA,Bradley Evans Chairman *AML&P,Doug Hall Vice Chairman *Recording Secretary duties combined with Chairman responsibilities The committee noted,attendance by other Intertie participants has been sporadic or non-existent.Since committee work involves all utilities,the dispatch committee recommends the IOC chairman remind appropriate Intertie participants to attend dispatch meetings.Further,the dispatch chairman is to circulate meeting minutes and future agendas prior to meetings. The committee moved into work session and discussed prioritization of work requested of the committee. Results; *Target for TOR based on monthly average temperatures assigned to CEA.Completion date 10-1-92. *Joint meeting with Reliability/protection committee August 24 scheduled (meeting was subsequently postponed).The committee will work on this project as needed. PRAT)Be Nek:'eo*Douglas transfer of:Ace bent ol and Intertie accountingproceduresassigned'tio GVEA::'Completion date for producers10-1-92.Completion date for work plan to install RTU and associated hardware 10-1-92.(request has been submitted toBL,MEA for substation drawings and AEA for 4 wire full duplex andvoicecircuits). \Interconnected switching and tagging procedures assign topeAML&P.Target for draft recommendations 10-1-92. *Transmission loss factors used to allocate losses fortokGlau?interconnected transactions.Assignment has not been made.Wm buys before Committee recommends the determination of losses be made.by(oa Cond T Railbelt utilities instead of contracting out to consultants.Jeane This committee intends to spec out the scope of work and submit requirements to the IOC for final task assignment for the appropriate party(ies). Ds 9 Report from Machine Ratings.Members are to review the reportvryassubmittedbyMachineratingsgroup.Schedule fora jointmeetinghasnotbeendetermined.Dispatch committee willfaOST°:"4 Ox Subconim{h AAdreSS schedule at their next meeting. *MEA Talketna Tap has not been assigned.Target date for committee recommendations and concerns has been set for January 93.Committee members will begin reviewing relevant factors to be consider on a self determined basis.Target for drafting recommendations and concerns is set for December 92. *NUG operating procedures.No assignment was made and target was set for 93. *Dispatcher Training.No assignment was made and target date was set for 93 or as required because of new regulations. No formal actions were taking after work session and the committeeadjourned. The next meeting will be scheduled after the September 9 IOC meeting. file 310d minklé, W-l2-Je Ae ALASKA INTERTIE DISPATCH SUBCOMMITTEE November 10,1992 To:Toc From:Dispatch Subcommittee Subject:Monthly Unit Rating for Establishing TOR In determining the largest generating single contingency for the system and each utilities largest generation single contingency, the current month's average temperature will be used.The monthly average temperatures will be utilized in place of the traditional ISO rating to determined TOR and Us.The monthly average temperatures may be rounded,up or down to the nearest whole multiple of 10.All other factors effecting determination of TOR and Us will be observed.oO Past practice for meeting a utilities individual reserve requirements will continue to be observed.Hourly.temperatureswillcontinuetobeutilizedindeterminingunitcapabilitiesmeetingreservesrequirements. Temperatures used for monthly averages will be obtained from the National Weather Service.The railbelt will be divided into two geographical areas northern and southern.The weather service data used to represent these two areas will be from Fairbanks and Anchorage. Monthly averages will be updated at the discretion of the Dispatch Subcommittee. Attached are the current monthly average temperatures for Fairbanks and Anchorage. BE/file 310d PINAL Mtr Fr ALASKA INTERTIE DISPATCH SUBCOMMITTEE November 10,1992 To:IOC From:Dispatch Subcommittee Subject:November 12,1992 Report Dispatch meeting on November 6,1992.it baMonthlyaveragetemperaturesusedfor establishing TOR and UsJyisattachedandreadyforapproval. *Douglas RTU installation and midpoint accounting is still in progress.Transducers and relays have been shipped to MEA for installation.DIVCOM has been made aware of communications requirements;two wire voice and four wire data.A review of the Intertie Operating Agreement identifying all references to midpoint has been done.Procedures for energy accounting at Douglas and changes required is under development. Target date for RTU installation is December 92.Procedural write up is scheduled to be completed by December 92. x Interconnected switching procedures are in a draft stage and will be submitted for utility review by November 20,1992. Dispatch members also discussed procedures required by respective control centers for operating reserve accounting and verification. Current generation availability was also discussed as related toongoingunitmaintenance. Attached is the Dispatch outage report for the period,September 9, to November 12,1992. Attached is the recommended language for the supplemental procedures to be utilized for determining TOR and Us. BE/file 310d IOC Dispatch Subcommittee Monthly Average Temperatures Page 2 January February March April May June July August September October November December Anchorage 13 18 24 35 46 58 58 56 "48 35 22 27 AVERAGE MONTHLY TEMPERATURE (Degrees F) Fairbanks -13 -4 9 30 48 59 62 57 45 -10 YOUNES CHUGACH ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION,INC. DAVID L.HIGHERSRECFVJcr)General Manager ber 23,1992 uel et 1992OctoorespiaskaEnergy,Authority Mr.Afzal H.Khan Secretary,Alaska Intertie Operating Committee Alaska Energy Authority P.O.Box 190869 Anchorage,Alaska 99519-0869 Subject:Chugach Representatives to the Alaska Interite Operating Committee Dear Afzal: In accordance with your request for an update of the Chugach representatives to the Alaska Intertie Operating Committee,please note the following: Committee:Representative:Tom Lovas Alternate:John Cooley Subcommittees: Reliability/Protection:Dave Burlingame Machines/Rating:Bill Byrnes Dispatch:Dave Burlingame SCADA/Metering/Commun.:Vance Cordell Insurance:Mike Cunningham ASCC Coordination:Tom Lovas David L.Highers General Manager 3773.TAL/ts 5601 Minnesota Drive «P.O.Box 196300 *Anchorage,Alaska 99519-6300 Phone 907-563-7494 ©FAX 907-564-8406 or 907-562-0027 aginwdter s=>Matanuska ElectricGAssociation,Inc. P.O.Box 2929 Palmer,Alaska 99645 Telephone:(907)745-3231 Fax:(907)745-9328 RECEIVED NOV 04 1992 Mr.Afzal H.Khan __'!8%Eneray Authority Manager Engineering SupportAlaskaEnergyAuthorityP.O.Box 190869 Anchorage,Alaska 99519-0869 Dear Afzal: Subject:Anchorage-Fairbanks Intertie Calculation of surcharge for linere-insulation November 2,1992 Please find enclosed "Amendment to Exhibit B”of Transmission Service Agreement.If this meets with your approval it can become part of the agreement. Staff Engineer EDES608JDH Enclosure Section 1.0 AMENDMENT TO EXHIBIT B TRANSMISSION SERVICE AGREEMENT BETWEEN MATANUSKA ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION,INC. AND ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY ansmissi ic This amendment to the exhibit does not alter any part of the original agreement,or theoriginalexhibitB.They remain in full force and effect. This amendment adds a surcharge to the transmission service rate set forth in theoriginalexhibitB.This surcharge is for the pur se of recovering the cost ofreinsulatingaportionoftheHollywoodtoDouglas8KVline. Section2.0 -Reinsulation Surcharge Rate Formula 2.1 Calculation of the MEA-TLS Reinsulation Surcharge Rate shall be inaccordancewiththefollowingrateformulaandthedefinitionsinsection2.2 of exhibit B of this agreement. SURCHARGE =d+t+e f WHERE: d.Depreciation Expense -as described on exhibit B of thisagreement.For calculation of this surcharge,the depreciationexpenseshallbecalculatedonlyonthecostofreinsulationoftheline. e.Capitol Costs-as described on exhibit B of this agreement.Forcalculationofthissurchargethecapitolexpenseshallbecalculatedonlyonthecostofreinsulationoftheline. f.Kilowatt Hours -as described on exhibit B of this agreement. For 1992 the calculation is as follows: rate for depreciation is 2.75% rate for capitol is 5.25% cost of reinsulation is $14,167 d+e =(0275 +.0525)x $14,167 =$1,133.36 f =268,000,000 KWHr/year SURCHARGE=$1,133.36/268,000,000 =$0.00000423 or .00423 mills/KWHr This resultsin an annual surcharge of $1,133.64 for 268,000,000 KWHrs ofenergywheeledovertheline. EDES.604.110292.JDH ©nqinudeg?. .Matanuska Electric RECs 5Association,Inc.Sage, P.O.Box 2929 LS be Palmer,Alaska 99645 oye wag,Telephone:(907)745-3231 ,wae iaty Fax:(907)745-9328 September 22,1992 Mr.Afzal H.Khan Manager/Engineering SupportAlaskaEnergyAuthorityP.O.Box 190869 Anchorage,Alasska 99519-0869 Dear Afzal, SUBJECT:Anchorage-I'airbanks IntertieStatusofMyronStevensSubstation Property Matanuska Electric Association,Inc.(MEA)has obtained fee title to the property thattheproposedMyronStevenssubstationwilloccupy. This title is subject to existing easements including an easement granted to AlaskaEnergyAuthorityfortheIntertieline. Enclosed please find a plat of the subject property which was prepared at the time ofthepurchase.The tract purchased by MEAis identified on the plat as "TR 1”. Should you need further information concerning the matter,please contact me. Sincerely yours,ee OM James D.Hall Staff Engineer Attachment cc:Tom Lovas,Chairman,IOCEDES.593.JDH WEST 1320.83'°2 (GLO REC)<2¢24 Stl lt sec 34 so 405.41 [oO 405.42° 7 OTR.4A)Ld37 s4c/3}TR.Z TR.4a" .A)a iv a "vu at/|///\:10 Ac.7 10 Ac. 0 :. : |,480°yy,n S be}5 if 7 rae Nn zs w vv//0 Oa re)5milaCAAQ97 J Ny Ol r-30°a Y w clo z . li a7 AY 8Wie)9 . )N8Zaos.ar [3 405.42!all fe)om 4 a 1/12 "vest 810.83!---mi BS 28bne 2/2 (|x N -15 - °$TR.ke).5LYa]$ 0 "lO 9 4 135.05 ACRES -é °Zz °-NI Zly:+)y-Y Us 400°TRANSMISSIONLINGR.OLWY nlAvasmaaliZ .sec.us th Yj T x4 isec.}\""y WEST 1320.00'2 (GLO RECORD)T 23N z *, H.Pest Comonell o3 PROPOSED WAIVER FOR MLELA. wl2wh2 SEC.35 T.24N.,R.4W.,S.M. TOTAL 160.05 ACRES Wy cutn,Meases 2 vllaska TE Renginearing pereer,tices eseeeaoeened.Puone 1007!TeR-ene?WO eT engineers -flan,1713 +acenveyors Fan tver)100-3808 Seana”'- . w.d ,|CHK..[OaTe:|Scace:91-13370 3-12 -1992 1 230 fninlZ- CHUGACH ELECTRIC hugach Kh ASSOCIATION,INC.EEE October 30,1992 Eric Marchegiani aiasaa Enerey AuthorityAlaskaEnergyAuthority P.O.Box 190869 Anchorage,Alaska 99519 Subject:Unbalanced Snow Loads on the Anchorage-Fairbanks Intertie Dear Eric: The Engineering Division at Chugach has reviewed the report by Dryden &LaRue (D&L) regarding alternatives to alleviate unbalanced loading.Our position is that it is not necessary to maintain the original 345 kV insulation,but the insulation level should be maintained to no less than 230 kV. Before a decision among the alternatives can be made,though,we believe some additional information would be beneficial.For each option please determine:(1)the loading that would cause the conductors to sag to within 8 feet of the ground and (2)the loading that would causestructuraldamage. Given the cost of the alternatives,three additional areas of investigation are also recommended: (1)the feasibility of low voltage conductor heating;(2)the potential to add mechanical devices to the structures or conductors that would shake the lines to unload the snow;(3)a determination,if possible,of the historical frequency of snow conditions similar to that encountered during the 1989 and 1990 outages. While we recognize that our comments lead to more study,and therefore potential delays in treating the situation,we expect the additional work is not extensive and will be useful to resolution of the loading situation. Sincerely,_ Ls --Thomasbbe Lovas Manager,Planning and Rates 3763.JSC/ts cc:IOC Members 5601 Minnesota Drive *PO.Box 196300 «Anchorage,Alaska 99519 6300 Phone 907-563-749.4 «FAX 907 562-0027 impeg BY DEN VALLEY ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION INC.Box 71249,Fairbanks,Alaska 99707-1249,Phone 907-452-1151 November 5,1992 'Eric Marchegiani Alaska Energy Authority P.O.Box 190869 Anchorage,AK 99519-0869 Subject:Unbalanced Snow Loads on the Anchorage-Fairbanks Intertie Dear Eric: GVEA has reviewed the Dryden &LaRue report on this subject. Considering the cost,benefit,number of occurrences,design andotherrelativefactors,we feel modifications to the facilities is not warranted.We feel the best method is line patrol when the snow conditions are such that it could create a problem.Then if necessary,take the line out of service temporarily to unload the snow as required. LL om Manager of System Operations cc:IOC Members Steve Haagenson©Brad Evans;Steve Swift Greg Wyman pormley GOLDEN VALLEY ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION INC.Box '5°Fairbanks,Alaska 99707-1249,Phone 907-452-1151RECEIVE pyaska Enersy AuthorityNovember2,1992 Neil Eklund Stutzman Engineering Association,Inc. P.O.Box 1429 Fairbanks,Alaska 99707 Dear Neil: Please regard this letter as notice to proceed with the initial phase of the project at tower #749 as outlined in your letter dated October 28,1992. Specifically,you will be establishing horizontal and vertical control points adjacent to the line to monitor the structures in the immediate vicinity.The work should start as soon as possible to take advantage of the weather and daylight. The purchase order number for this work is 65703.Let me know if you have any questions. ve General Supt. ccs - Bob Orr -GVEA Monte Ervin =GVEA - REQUISITION Ship To:Or.Req.No.__/f:f-(.»-72-0 P.0.No._WDINA ”GOLDEN VALLEY ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION,INC.Box 1249 Fairbanks,Alaska Ship VIA: Purpose:Jenser 7q Uf q Confirming CL Suggested Vendor:--_/5TitansLyonLOSPK. Account No.No.Quan.Description Amount or W/O No. f L eWtden Covtial =Proer 749,:As.'dy icicd Precast Fou |39 Gases 1sT 'Preparedby..Authorized by =y Approved by.de Date ,Deve Lb -24-Ft coe FORM 6-5 '. STUTZMANN ENGINEERING ASSOC.,INC. P.O.BOX 1429 FAIRBANKS,ALASKA 99707 (907)452-4094 October 28,1992 G.V.E.A.' P.O.Box 71249 Fairbanks,AK 99707-1249 Attn:Steve Swift Re:Intertie Tower Monitoring Gentlemen: We understand that you want to undertake a monitoring system on three intertie towers just South of the Healy power plant.Tower number 749 has apparently.experienced some movement and attempts at stabilization have been made.The two structures immediately to the Northwest of it are locatedon similar slopes and soils and can be monitored at little additional cost as a preventive maintenance activity. Having visited the area recently we believe that solid survey control points could be established along the powerline and on the higher ridge just South of the line.Using a combination of 'angular and distance measurements along with differential leveling,we could provide you with Periodic reports on the movements,if any,of these structures.These measurements can include both horizontal and vertical position as well as rotation and tilt. Our first visit to the site will be for the purpose of establishing the contro!points and obtaining the base measurements.We anticipate setting approximately 4 -horizontal control points at some distance from the structures and at least 4 additional vertical contro!points in proximity to the subject towers.We may be able to incorporate some of the survey 'control established by the previous contractor in late 1991.however we | believe that most of it will be difficult to recoverdue to the nature of the materials used and the snow which will have drifted over the area oherurina all hut the most orominent points. Intertie Tower Monitoring October 28,1992 Page 2 Assuming that you desire to begin measurements this fall,we anticipate that a three man crew will require one long day to complete the set up and take the base measurements.We will plan on using a helicopter to access the site and to expedite establishment of the contro!points.| Subsequent visits can be accomplished by a two man crew and should not require over a few hours at the site.Hopefully these can be coordinated with your powerline patrol flights so as to avoid costly individual aircraft charters for each operation. We estimate that the total cost of the first visit will range between $3760.00 and $4645.00.This includes the cost of helicopter charter.We are willing to provide this service for a lump sum fee of $8200.00 if you prefer and if a notice to proceed can be issued prior to November 10th. Beyond that point weather conditions and flack of daylight hours will probably push this into a two day operation,in which case given the expense we would suggest waiting 'until next spring if at all possible. We estimate that subsequent visits will require a two man crew and can be completed in a normal 8 hour day.A few hours of office time will be required to reduce the survey data and prepare a report or drawing for your use.We estimate the cost of these operations at approximately "$1360.00 each. We hope.this proposal provides the information you require for this project.Please give me a call if you have any questions or need any additional Information.- Yours very truly, STUTZMANN ENGINEERING ASSOC.,INC. Neill K.Eklund,R.L.S. 89-Gv GY _, GOLDEN VALLEY ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION INC.Box 5°Fairbanks,Alaska 99707-1249,Phone 907-452-1151RECEIVE nov 04 1992 :pyaskNovember2,1992 Neil Eklund Stutzman Engineering Association,Inc. P.O.Box 1429 Fairbanks,Alaska 99707 Dear Neil: Please regard this letter as notice to proceed with the initial phase of the project at tower #749 as outlined in your letter dated October 28,1992. Specifically,you will be establishing horizontal and vertical control points adjacent to the line to monitor the structures in the immediate vicinity.The work should start as soon as possible to take advantage of the weather and daylight. The purchase order number for this work is 65703.Let me know if you have any questions. General Supt. cc:= Bob Orr -GVEA Monte Ervin -GVEA REQUISITION Ship To:Ops Req.No.'¢:f-(..-T2-C7 P.0.No._WDINS Bills To: GOLDEN VALLEY ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION,ING. Box 1249 Fairbanks,Alaska Ship VIA:: Purpose:Ter 7 Uf q Confirming LJ Suggested Vendor:--]2Sptzit.s Ener.KS+TAL.U vi /Wider Ceyiiy!prey FF, Sadr lthiciied Prepscatl Giso|so|Goa/ces 15 Prepered by. |.Authorized by St Approved by LH.aaa Date. | Oete fo -14-Ft _.Dete FORM 6-5 STUTZMANN ENGINEERING ASSOC.,INC. P.O.BOX 1429 FAIRBANKS,ALASKA 99707 (907)452-4094 October 28,1992 G.V.E.A.' P.O.Box 71249 Fairbanks,AK |99707-1249 Attn:Steve Swift Re:Intertie Tower Monitoring Gentlemen: We understand that you want to undertake a monitoring system on three intertie towers Just South of the Healy power plant.Tower number 749° has apparently.experienced some movement and attempts at stabilization have been made.The two structures immediately to the Northwest of it are locatedon similar slopes and soils and can be monitored at little additional cost as a preventive maintenance activity. Having visited the area recently we believe that solid survey control points could be established along the powerline and on the higher ridge just South of the line.Using a combination of 'angular and distance measurements along with differential leveling,we could provide you with periodic reports on the movements,if any,of these structures.These measurements can Include both horizontal and vertical position as well as rotation and tilt. Our first visit to the site will be for the purpose of establishing the contro!points and obtaining the base measurements.We anticipate setting approximately 4&-horizontal control points at some distance from the structures and at least 4 additional vertical control points in proximity to the subject towers.We may be able to incorporate some of the survey 'control established by the previous contractor in late 1991.however we | believe that most of it will be difficult to recoverdue to the nature of the materials used and the snow which will have drifted over the area abecurina all but the most orominent points. Intertie Tower Monitoring October 28,1992 Page 2 Assuming that you desire to begin measurements this fall,we anticipate that a three man crew will require one long day to complete the set up and take the base measurements.We will plan on using a helicopter to access the site and to expedite establishment of the control points.| Subsequent visits can be accomplished by a two man crew and should not require over a few hours at the site.Hopefully these can be coordinated with your powerline patrol flights so as to avoid costly individual aircraft charters for each operation. ) We estimate that the total cost of the first visit will range between $3760.00 and $4645.00.This includes the cost of helicopter charter.We are willing to provide this service for a lump sum fee of $4200.00 if you © _prefer and if a notice to proceed can be issued prior to November 10th. Beyond that point weather conditions and fack of daylight hours will probably push this into a two day operation,in which case given the expense we would suggest waiting until next spring if at all possible. We estimate that subsequent visits will require a two man crew and can be completed in a normal 8 hour day.A few hours of office time will be required to reduce the survey data and prepare a report or drawing for your use.We estimate the cost of these operations at approximately "$1360.00 each. We hope.this proposal provides the information you require for this project.Please give me a call if you have any questions or need any additional information.: Yours very truly, STUTZMANN ENGINEERING ASSOC.,INC. Nell K.Eklund,R.L.S. 89-Gv 'State of AlaskaNWalterJFickel,Governor Alaska Energy Authority - A Public Corporation - September 15,1992 Mr.Vincent Mottola Superintendent,Electrical Dept. Fairbanks Municipal Utilities System P.O.Box 2215 Fairbanks,Alaska 99707 Subject:Intertie Operating Committee Members and J Subcommittee Members1ACRneDearMy-Mottola: A list of current members to the Intertie Operating Committee and its various committees is attached for your review.Please indicate any changes to them by October 2,1992. Sincerely, bfpel.1.ben Afzal H.Khan Secretary,Intertie Operating Committee AHK:jd Attachments as stated. ce:Stanley E.Sieczkowski,Alaska Energy Authority of26/32EricMarchegiani,Alaska Energy Authority Joe Alo! QC)PO.Box 110809 Juneau,Alaska 99811-0809 (907)465-3575kJPO.Box 190869 701 East Tudor Road Anchorage,Alaska 99519-0869 (907)561-7877 92Q3\D3557(1) INTERTIE OPERATING COMMITTEE MEMBERS September 15,1992 NAME REPRESENTING MAILING ADDRESS PHONE Tim McConnell Municipal Light &Power 1200 E.First Avenue (907)279-7671 M.Aslam (AlIt.)Anchorage,AK 99501 *Tom Lovas Chugach Electric Association P.O.Box 196300 (907)563-7494 John Cooley (Alt.)Anchorage,AK 99519-6300 Sam Matthews Alaska Electric Generation &P.O.Box 169 (907)235-8167 Jim Hall (Alt.)Transmission Cooperative Homer,AK 99603 (907)745-3231 Vincent Mottola Fairbanks Municipal Utilities P.O.Box 2215 (907)456-1000 Larry Colp (Alt.)System Fairbanks,AK 99707 **Bob Orr Golden Valley Electric P.O.Box 1249 (907)452-1151 Brad Evans (Alt.)Association Fairbanks,AK 99707 ***A fzal Khan Alaska Energy Authority P.O.Box 190869 (907)561-7877 Eric Marchegiani (Alt.)Anchorage,AK 99519-0869 ; *Chairman **Vice Chairman ***Secretary Alt.Alternate 92Q3\NIT3559(1) ALASKA INTERTIE OPERATING COMMITTEE SUBCOMMITTEES September 15,1992 I.Reliability/Protection *David Burlingame CEA Afzal Khan AEA Sam Matthews AEG&T |. Jim Hall AEG&T Larry Hembree ML&P Steve Haagenson GVEA Larry Colp FMUS II.Machines/Rating Subcommittee *Hank Nikkels ML&P Afzal Khan/é.Marcheg ren ¢AEARayOlsonCEA Frank Abbegg II GVEA David Gerdes FMUS Sam Matthews HEA III.Dispatch Subcommittee *Brad Evans GVEA David Burlingame CEA Doug Hall ML&P Larry Colp FMUS Ernie Jamison AEG&T IV.SCADA/Metering/Communication Subcommittee *Bob Orr GVEA - Brad Evans GVEA Doug Hall ML&P Robert Day ML&P Afzal Khan AEA Jim Hall AEG&T Vance Cordell CEA Larry Colp FMUS V.Insurance Subcommittee *Stanley Sieczkowski AEA Robert Hansen GVEA Mike Cunningham CEA Ken Ritchey MEA Ron Smith FMUS Barbara Willows ML&P VI.ASCC Coordination Subcommittee *Tom Lovas CEA Stanley Sieczkowski AEA Tim McConnell ML&P Bob Orr GVEA Sam Matthews AEG&T inte Mtl CHuVS *Chairman 9203\IT3559(2) iN Alaska Energy Authority A Public Corporation September 17,1992 Mr.Michael Ridge Chief EngineerDivisionofInformation Services Department of Administration 5900 East Tudor Road Anchorage,Alaska 99507-1296 Subject:Anchorage-Fairbanks Intertie Project Data Lines Dear Mike: RNUNRAVEE Municipal Light &Power (ML&P)is requesting two additional data circuits between the EklutnaPowerPlantandML&P dispatch center (ML&P letter is attached).The Energy Authorityapprovestheinstallationoftherequiredequipment.Please proceed with this project and provideuswithanestimatedcostforthisservice. If you have any questions,please call at 561-7877. Sincerely,| Mel...Lh Afzal H.Khan Manager/Engineering Support AHK:it Attachment as stated cc:Stanley E.Sieczkowski,Alaska Energy AuthorityEricMarchegiani,Alaska Energy AuthorityThomasLovas,Intertie Operating Committee ChairmanRobertDay,Municipal Light &Power O PO,Box 110809 Juneau,Alaska 99811-0809 (907)465-35753PO.Box 190869 704 East Tudor Road Anchorage,Alaska 99519-0869 (907)561-7877 AONATTACAV IY Page 1 of 1 Municipal Light &Power 1200 EAST FIRST AVENUE -ANCHORAGE,ALASKA 99501-1685 nage TELEPHONE (907)279-7671 Tom Fink,TELECOPIER (907)276-2961 DerMayor°RECEIVED August 27,1992 CURL Cg re ee 1596 leshe Eneroy ava...Mr.David Eberle Alashe Enercy Auinoyip, Alaska Energy Authority P.O.Box 190869 Anchorage,AK 99519-0869 Subject:Data Lines to Eklutna Power Plant Dear Mr.Eberley: As part of our duties as the Southern Half Intertie Controller,ML&P requires the use of two additional data circuits.It is the intent for these circuits to operate between the Eklutna Power Plant and ML&Pdispatchcenter.The State is already providing ML&P two circuits between these locations.The new circuits are to be piggybacked on.the existing State microwave network. Mr.Day has been in contact with Mike Ridge of the State Department ofTelecommunications.Mr.Ridge indicated there are no technical problems providing the additional circuits.ML&P is prepared to pay AEA for the cost of the required equipment.The cost is expected to be less than $2,000. ML&P is requesting your approval for the installation of thisequipment.The timing of this project is critical and may precipitateanemergencyifthecircuitsarenotactivatedpriortoSeptember1, 1992. The requested circuits are: One each 9600 Baud Data Circuit One each 1200 Baud Data Circuit Modems will be furnished by ML&P. Thank you for your assistance.If you have questions or commennts, please conta Mr.Robert Day at 263-5295. omas R. General Manager Municipal Light &Power -e cScc:Mike Ridge,State Division of Telecommunications 77 LEAs'st ToLo scince PROVIDE FOR TOMORROW.SAVE ENFRGY Tanay DO" 7 1a CO q Zlate sh aas«aD\Nalters -cxa:Soverror Alaska Energy Authority A Public Corporation September 17,1992 Mr.Michael Ridge Chief EngineerDivisionofInformation Services Department of Administration5900EastTudorRoad Anchorage,Alaska 99507-1296 Subject:Annual maintenance costs for Telecommunications Services to support AlaskaEnergyAuthorityAnchorage-Fairbanks Intertie (FY94) Dear Mike: The Energy Authority is in the process of finalizing the Operations and Maintenance budget forFY94.Please provide your budget by October 2,1992. If you have any questions,please call at 561-7877. Sincerely, MA ChaH.Khan Manager/Engineering Support AHK:it cc:Stanley E.Sieczkowski,Alaska Energy AuthorityEricMarchegiani,Alaska Energy AuthorityThomasLovas,IOC Chairman PO.Box 110809 Juneau,Alaska 99841-0809 (907)465-3575PO.Box 190869 701 East TudorRoad Anchorage Alaska 99519-0869 (907)561-7877 Oo a OVI AKL s1are ch 5 asadINwaver,7 lk2 St.872" Alaska Energy Authority A 2ublic Corporation September 21,1992 Mr.Michael Ridge Chief EngineerDivisionofInformation Services Department of Administration5900EastTudorRoad Anchorage,Alaska 99507-1296 Subject:GVEA Communication Upgrade,Reindeer Hill SiteAnchorage-Fairbanks Transmission Intertie Dear Mike: Golden Valley Electric Association (GVEA)is in correspondence with you on the subject project(GVEA letter is attached).Alaska Energy Authority has no objection on the installation of a new .building on Reindeer Hill to house the new GVEA 800 Mhz radio and associated equipment.This radio system will provide voice communications for the line maintenance of the northern halfoftheState's Anchorage-Fairbanks Intertie.We appreciate your continuing support for theproject. If you have any questions,please call me at 561-7877. Sincerely, bigot KhanAfzalH.Khan Manager/Engineering Support AHK:nk attachment as stated cc:Stanley E.Sieczkowski,Alaska Energy AuthorityEricMarchegiani,Alaska Energy AuthorityThomasLovas,Intertie Operating Committee ChairmanRobertOrr,Golden Valley Electric AssociationJamesR.Smith,Golden Valley Electric Association CO PO.Box 110809 Juneau,Alaska 99811-0809 (907)465-3575RPO.Box 190869 701 East Tudor Road Anchorage,Alaska 99519-0869 (907)561-7877 NANA MIT 2941971 bY GOLDEN VALLEY ELECTRIC SSO E mn INC Box 71249,Fairpanks,Alaska 99707-1249,Phone 907.452-1°5April2,1992 ECEIVED Mike Ridge speStateofAlaska €T9929DivisionofTelecommunjcatipns.5900 East Tudor Road PAS AuthorityAnchorageAK99507 Dear Mr.Ridge: I would like to confirm our phone conversation last week regardingtheinstallationofanewbuildingonReindeerHilltohousethenew GVEA 800 Mhz radio gear as follows: GVEA will provide,place,and secure a new 'comm building'nexttoDIVCOM''s existing comm building. GVEA will connect to DIVCOM's existing 25 KVA padmounttransformerforthenewcommbuilding's electric power. AEA will continue to be billed for the electric power usage oftheReindeerHillcommsite.This consumption is metered by GVEAMeterNo.7206. GVEA will install the new radio equipment in the building. GVEA will install two 12 foot whip antennas and connect them tothenewequipment.One'will replace the existing antenna on thetowerthatservesGVEAandtheotherwillbemountedtothenew comm building. DIVCOM will provide the connection from the new radio equipment-to DIVCOM's microwave equipment. GVEA will own and maintain the radio equipment and building thatservesGVEAatthissite. GVEA can not share their facilities with any private or forprofitthirdparties.. Please let me know if I misinterpreted any of the items that wediscussed.I will keep you informed of our progress and let you knowwhenwewillbeplacingthebuilding. Sincerely, JR Smith Senior Engineer ccs Afzal Khan Steven Haagenson Alaska Energy AuthorityAPublicCorporation September 21,1992 Mr.Michael Ridge Chief Engineer Division of Information Services Department of Administration 5900 East Tudor Road Anchorage,Alaska 99507-1296 Subject:Anchorage-Fairbanks Intertie Project Douglas Substation Communications Dear Mike: Alaska Energy Authority is requesting one four wire data circuit for Remote Terminal Unit (RTU)and one voice circuit for maintenance between the Douglas substation and Golden Valley Electric Association (GVEA)dispatch center.The Energy Authority approved the installation of RTU by GVEA at Douglas substation for data acquisition.Please proceed with this project and provide us with an estimated cost for modifications to the existing communication equipment. If you have any questions,please call me at 561-7877. Sincerely, ; Gee.Shean Afzal H.Khan Manager/Engineering Support AHK:jd cc:Stanley E.Sieczkowski,Alaska Energy Authority Eric Marchegiani,Alaska Energy AuthorityThomasLovas,Intertie Operating Committee Chairman Robert Orr,Golden Valley Electric Association Ql PO.Box 110809 Juneau,Alaska 99811-0809 (907)465-3575 E)PO.Box 190869 701 East Tudor Road Anchorage,Alaska 99519-0869 9203\JD36141) (907)561-7877 FAX NO,9072762961 P,C2 OCT-7-$2 WED 15:27 ML&P DISPATCH mine WY Sent Municipality of Anchorage Municipal Light &Power}Tom Fink,Mayor 1200 East First Avenue Anchorage,Alaska 99501-1685 (907)279-7671,Telecopiars;(907)263-5204,277-9272 October 7,1992 Dave Burlingame,CEA Brad Evans,GVEA Afzal Khan,AEA RE:INTERTIE BILLING For the months of September,October and November,ML&P will be responsible for wheeling on sales from ML&P to FMUS y Please issue your invoices accordingly. Dispatcher Putting Energy Into Anchorage RIERA Me TEINS Sy TE TIRE ET 2:08 Oma woot Peeraneremmemnemmnrn me ALASKA INTERTIE OPERATING COMMITTEE WEDNESDAY,SEPTEMBER 9,1992 (GOLDEN VALLEY ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION BOARD ROOM) MEETING MINUTES Present: Sterling Larson Alaska Electric Generation &Transmission (AEG&T)/Matanuska Electric Association (MEA) Sam Matthews Alaska Electric Generation &Transmission (AEG&T)/Homer Electric Association (HEA) Afzal H.Khan Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) Tim McConnell Anchorage Municipal Light &Power (AML&P) Tom Lovas Chugach Electric Association (CEA) John Cooley Chugach Electric Association (CEA David Burlingame Chugach Electric Association (CEA) Bradley Evans Golden Valley Electric Association (GVEA) Vince Mottola Fairbanks Municipal Utilities System (FMUS) The meeting was called to order by Chairman Tom Lovas at 9:40 a.m.at the Golden Valley Electric Association Board Room,Fairbanks,Alaska. I Adoption of Prior Meeting Minutes IOC unanimously adopted the July 14,1992 revised meeting minutes. IOC unanimously adopted the August 3,1992 special meeting minutes with the corrections (advertly should read inadvertently). Approval/Modification of Agenda The September 9,1992 IOC meeting agenda was adopted with modifications.The following items were added:Item III-E1,AEA Budget Report;Item III-G,AEA ReportItem;Item V-G,Myron Steven substation at Talkeetna;Item V-H,Talkeetna Yard Inventory;and Item VI-1,Cost of Emergency Power. Committee Correspondence and Reports A.Dispatch Subcommittee Bradley Evans stated that the subcommittee met on August 5,1992.GVEA andML&P were present.The Dispatch subcommittee elected Bradley Evans as thesubcommitteeChairmanandDavidBurlingameastheDispatchsubcommitteeViceChairman.There was a brief discussion on the transmission line loss factor.Tim McConnell would like to see that the IOC accelerate the transmission'tine losswork.The Dispatch subcommittee is to provide the Scope of work for IO€...Theotheritemsdiscussedwere:GVEA RTU installation at Douglas substation, schedule for October 1,1992,and AEA will provide the Douglas substationdrawingsandcommunicationlink;MEA Talkeetna Tap,and interconnectedtaggingandswitchingprocedures. 92Q4\IT3824(1)Page 1 of 5 Alaska Intertie Operating Committee F-9_-Pe September Meeting Minutes C.Reliability/Protection David Burlingame briefly discussed the underfrequency load shedding study.Hestatedthatitlooksgood.The next subcommittee meeting will be on September30,1992.There will be joint meeting with Dispatch subcommittee. PTI Load shedding Study There wasa brief discussion. Machine/Rating Bradley Evans stated that the Machine/Rating subcommittee work with Dispatchsubcommitteeonmachineratingsandconsiderhowtoschedulespinrequirement. The Committee took a break from 1:50 p.m.to 2:00 p.m. F.T/L Structure and Conductor Evaluation Tom Lovas stated that the committee members submit the comments on Dryden & LaRue report "Anchorage-Fairbanks Intertie,Investigation of Structural integrity of Towers." Myron Steven Substation Sterling Larson briefly discussed the design features of the Myron Steven substation at Talkeetna. Talkeetna Yard Storage IOC would like to see that the Energy Authority should get rid of the material notusableanymoreandtheusablematerialshouldberetained. Cost of Emergency Power There was a brief discussion on the cost of emergency power. VI.'Formal Operating Committee action/Recommendation Chairman Tom Lovas directed Secretary to distribute a list of current members to the IOCanditsvarioussubcommitteesforutilitiesreviewandcomments. Chairman Tom Lovas directed Secretary to remind IOC members to submit comments onDryden&LaRue Report ""Anchorage-Fairbanks Intertie,Investigation of StructuralIntegrityofTowers." Vi.Subcommittee Assignments Chairman Tom Lovas directed the DISPATCH subcommittee to meet at the discretion of its Chairman to look into the following issues: 1) 2) 3) 92Q4\IT3824(3) Membership and Chairman;Dispatch Training Plan; NERC Operating Procedures; Page 3 of 5 Alaska Intertie Operating Committee September Meeting Minutes B.Reliability/Protection Subcommittee David Burlingame stated that the subcommittee met twice since the last IOC meeting.The subcommittee looked at the PTI recommended load sheddingresults.Tim Newton,CEA,is finalizing the load shedding study and the cases willbetestedbyutilities.David Burlingame stated that this subcommittee is committedtocompletethisstudybyOctober1,1992. Machine/Rating Subcommittee Bradley Evans stated that the Machine/Rating subcommittee met on September 8,1992.The September 8,1992 Machine/Rating meeting minutes is attached.Bradley Evans would like to see a joint meeting with the Dispatch subcommittee.David Burlingame stated that the Machine/Rating subcommittee did not addresstheunittimeofresponse. Correspondence Received None. Intertie Status Update There was a brief discussion on the inventory of the Talkeetna storage yard and theEnergyAuthoritywillworkwithMEA.There was also a discussion on the transmission line tower signs.IOC would like to see that the Energy Authoritylookintorenumberingthetransmissionlinetowersbasedonmiles. ASCC Status Under ASCC status,Tom Lovas stated that the ASCC Reliability CriteriaCommitteemetonAugust25,1992 and this committee is going to meet again onSeptember17,1992.Tom Lovas stated that the committee is still working on asetofdefinitions. IV.Visitors comments related to items on agenda No visitors were present. The Committee took a break from 11:15 a.m.to 11:30 a.m. V.Work Session B.Dispatch There was a brief discussion on the loss tables.John Cooley stated that theexistinglosstablesarereasonable.John Cooley also stated that the original workwasdonein1985.Tim McConnell stated that the loss table needs to be verified. Chairman Tom Lovas stated that the Dispatch subcommittee should develop thescopeofworkforIOC.Bradley Evans briefly discussed the reliability of DECnetsystem.Bradley Evans also stated that there is a need for a revised point list. The Committee took a lunch break from 12:15 p.m -12:35 p.m. 92Q4\1IT3824(2)Page 2 of 5 Alaska Intertie Operating Committee September Meeting Minutes 4)Switching and Tagging Procedures;5)MEA tap at Talkeetna: Operating Procedure; Construction Schedule and Methods; SCADA control; Microwave Communications; Control Point Issues;CATP6)Monthly Unit Rating/Temperature; 7)Joint meeting with Machines/Rating subcommittee regarding Testing Procedures and Verification; 8)Joint meeting with Reliability/Protection subcommittee regarding underfrequencyloadsheddingstudy; 9)Revise Scheduling Procedures as Douglas substation regulating point;and 10)Identify completion dates. Chairman Tom Lovas directed the RELIABILITY/PROTECTION subcommittee to meet at the discretion of its Chairman to:complete work on underfrequency load shedding study;monitorTalkeetnasubstationdesignandconstruction;and review procedure for record drawings updateandcertification. Chairman Tom Lovas directed the MACHINES/RATING subcommittee to meet at the discretion of its Chairman to schedule a joint meeting with Dispatch subcommittee regardingproceduralimplementation. Chairman Tom Lovas directed the SCADA subcommittee to meet at the discretion of its Chairman to look into the data point issues,operational responsibility and accountability. THE REGULAR MEETING OF THE ALASKA INTERTIE OPERATING COMMITTEE WILL BE ON THURSDAY,NOVEMBER 12,1992 AT 9:30 AM.AT THE CHUGACH ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION TRAINING ROOM,ANCHORAGE,ALASKA. VIII.Determine Agenda The Operating Committee set the agenda for the special meeting of the Operating Committee. IX.Adjournment Bradley Evans moved for the meeting to adjourn,seconded by Tim McConnell.The Operating Committee unanimously adopted the motion to adjourn at 3:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted,W,KhaAfzalH.Khan Secretary,Intertie Operating Committee Attachments: 1.November 12,1992 meeting agenda. 2.IOC September 9,1992 meeting attendance sheet. 3.Machine Rating Subcommittee September 8,1992 meeting minutes. 92Q4\IT3824(4)Page 4 of 5 Alaska Intertie Operating Committee September Meeting Minutes The following were distributed at the July 8,1992 meeting: 4.onmnnr92Q4\IT3824(5) AEA letter,dated July 23,1992,to MEA. Subject:Talkeetna Yard Inventory AEA letter,dated July 28,1992,to MEA. Subject:Talkeetna Substation/Intertie Tap. AEA letter,dated August 4,1992,to IOC Chairman Tom Lovas. Subject:IOC July 14,1992 Meeting Minutes AEA memorandum dated August 17,1992. Subject:Intertie Inspection Report.GVEA letter,dated August 20,1992,to AEA with attachments. Subject:Tower 570 Status Report Page 5 of 5 ALASKA INTERTIE OPERATING COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA THURSDAY,NOVEMBER 12,1992 BEGIN AT 9:30 A.M. L Adoption of prior meeting minutes Il.Approval/modification of agenda Committee correspondence and reports Dispatch Subcommittee Reliability/Protection Subcommittee Machine/Rating Subcommittee SCADA/Communication Correspondence Received Intertie Status UpdateEOOt>1.Record of IOC Decisions G.ASCC Status IV.Visitors comments related to items on agenda V.Work Session A.Recess and work sessionB.Dispatch C.Reliability/ProtectionD.SCADA/CommunicatonE.Machine/Rating F.T/L Structure and Conductor Evaluation G.Utility Comments VI.Formal Operating Committee action/recommendation VII.Subcommittee Assignments VIII.Determine agenda for next meeting IX.Adjournment | Meeting location: Chugach Electric Association 5601 Minnesota Drive Anchorage,Alaska 99519 (907)563-7494 92Q4A\TI3796(1)Page 1 of 1 ALASKA INTERTIE OPERATING COMMITTEE MEETING In Attendance:late:Sept 3,92 Nare Lorpaty PhoneNo, [fou LOUAS CHG ACH ELECTRIC.962-Y7Y2.sme.Zs Miele el!|MLPA?, AG3-S¥SY EneLarsen AEG gt //men :"6 "9264 wobn S COiaad,Ckdrie 1e24S#FfuceakEeMetoSoUsb77L/ Ded hic lnpanre Lx fags A Zé2>¥23¢ Pere Mg rh ies,fezir/HeaA Lee chudl pie 70S Aezace 4.fiaw\|A&A SEI-IFTT Sxcdley Exxtnas GA evr QS2-uUS)\ RECEIVED SEP 14 1992 wiaska Energy Authority Subject:MINUTES,MACHINE RATING SUB-COMMITTEE 9/8/92 Creator:Hank NIKKELS /GEN/@3 Dated:09/89/92 at 1059. MACHINE RATING SUBCOMMITTEE (MRSC)MINUTES 9/8/922 ATTENDING:W GEORGE (ML&P),D GERDES (MUS),B EVANS (GVEA), F ABEGG (GVEA),S GILBERT (CEA),H NIKKELS (MLB&P) ATTACHMENTS:1)7/20/92 MRSC MINUTES 2)DRAFT ON 3%DROOP AGENDA:1)REVIEW OF THE 7/20/92 MEETING MINUTES 2)REVIEW &COMMENT ON THE DRAFT MRSC HANDBOOK 3)REVIEW NIKKELS'DRAFT ON 3%OROOP 4)DISCUSSION IOC 7/14/92 ORAFT MEETING MINUTES 5)DISCUSSION OF THE ASCC/RCC 8/6/92 DRAFT MEETING MINUTES 6)DISCUSSION OF THE ASCC/RCC 98/6/92 DRAFT OF SYSTEM ELEMENT CONSIDERATIONS 7)ASSIGNMENTS FOR THE NEXT MEETING 8)DATE &LOCATION FOR THE NEXT MEETING t)REVIEW OF THE 7/20/92 MEETING MINUTES THE MINUTES WERE APPROVED. 2)REVIEW &COMMENT ON THE DRAFT MRSC HANDBOOK THE FOLLOWING CHANGES WERE MADE IN ORDER TO MAKE THE HANDBOOK MORE USABLE.THE ORAFT WILL BE REVISED &DISTRIBUTED TO MEMBERS PRIOR TO THE NEXT MEETING. 'TURBINE-GENERATOR DATA WAS MOVED TO THE FRONT OF THE BOOK ANO SUPPORT INFORMATION WAS MOVED TO THE REAR. TURBINE-GENERATOR INFORMATION WAS TABBED WITH THE UTILITY NAME. PLANT DESCRIPTIONS WILL INCLUDE THE PRIME MOVER O.E.M. UNIT CAPABILITY CHARTS WILL BE LOTUS BASED (QNLY)WITH A STANDARD Z2QMW FULL (TOTAL)VERTICAL SCALE.THE 6@ DEGREE F POINT TO BE APPROXIMATELY MID SCALE FOR COMBUSTION TURBINES. THE PROVISION FOR ADDITIONAL DATA LINES FOR PERFORMANCE UPDATES WILL BE ADDEO THE THE LOTUS UNIT CAPABILITY CHART MACRO. DIESEL AMBIENT PERFORMANCE CHARTS WILL BE DELETED FROM THE HAND BOOK. REVIEW OF THE COMBINED CYCLE DATA SUGGESTED FOR UNFIRED BOILERS IT WOULD BE MOST USEFUL TO STATE THE STEAM CYCLE PERFORMANCE AS PART OF THE COMBUSTION TURBINE. THE POINT AT WHICH A FORMAL DERATE TAKES PLACE WAS DISCUSSED.IT WAS DECIDED TO SET THE POINT AT 10%OF RATED AMBIENT CAPABILITY OR SMW (WHICH EVER IS GREATER).THE TIME TO REPORT THE OERATE TO THE MRSC CHAIRMAN WAS INCREASED TO 1 MONTH. DEFINITIONS INCLUDED IN THE MRSC HANDBOOK NEED TO BE PEVIEWED TO NOT CONFLICT WITH IMTERTIE AGREEMENT (CONTRACTUAL)DEFINITIONS. UNTIL THE FINAL IOG/ASCC DEFINITIONS ARE AGREED ON THE DEFINTIIONS IN THE HANOBOOK WILL tot BE FORMALIZED. 3,4,5,6)THESE ITEMS WILL BE DISCUSSED &PEVIEWED AT THE INOEVIDUAL UTILITIES.COMMENTS WILL RE PREFARED FOR THE NEXT NRSC MEETING, New LOC/ASCC ACTIVITY ¢TF APPROPPIATE)WILL BE TNCLUDED AT THE NEXT MRS MEETING. 7)ASSIGNMENTS FOR THE NEXT MEETING: ABESG OR EVANS WILL ATTENO THE LOC MEETING SCHEDULED FOR 9/9/92 AT GVEA, NIFKFELS &GEOFGE WILL MAFE THE PECOMPEMNDED CHARGES FN THE MIPSC HANDBOOK. 8)THE NEXT MEETING IS SCHEDULED FOR MLRP OW OCTOPER 15,t992 AT 10 AN. SUBMITTED 9/8/92 BY H NIKFELS,MRSC CHATRHAN PLEASE SEND ME QUESTIONS,GOPPECTIONS &COMMENTS 9/9/92 HN State of AlaskaI)\WalterJ Hicke!,Governor onthe. Alaska Energy Authority A Public Corporation July 23,1992 Mr.J.F.McIntosh Matanuska Electric Association,Inc. P.O.Box 2929 Palmer,Alaska 99645 Subject:Talkeetna Yard Inventory Dear Mr.McIntosh: Please reference our previous letters concerning the above subject and our coordination withMs.Anderson of your staff.The Alaska Intertie Operating Committee (IOC)met onJuly8,1992 and did not take any formal action to move forward with the inventory.Therefore,the inventory of the Talkeetna yard will be postponed indefinitely.If the IOC decides differentlyinthefuturewewilladviseyouatthattime. In addition,we need to discuss the existing lease for the yard.The present schedule wouldallowameetingsometimeafterAugust11,1992.We will be contacting you then.Thanks foryourassistanceinthismatter.If you have any questions,please feel free to contact me. Sincerely,<-t bios Eric Marchegiani Civil Engineer EAM;jd cc:Afzal Khan,Alaska Energy Authority Stanley E.Sieczkowski,Alaska Energy AuthorityDeborahAnderson,Matanuska Electric Asociation,Inc. Tom Lovas,IOC Chairman IOC Distribution (see attached list) O PO.Box 110809 Juneau,Alaska 99811-0809 (907)465-3575 PO.Box 190869 704 EastTudorRoad Anchorage,Alaska 99519-0869 (907)561-7877 92Q3D3287(1) Mr.David Burlingame..*hugach Electric Association »60T Minnesota Drive P.O.Box 196300 Anchorage,Alaska 99519-6300 (907)276-4789907)562-0027 (FAX) Mr.Robert Orr Golden Valley Electric Association P.O.Box 1249 Fairbanks,Alaska 99707 {307 452-1151907)451-0556 (FAX) Mr.Jim Hall Matanuska Electric Association P.O.Box 2929 Anchorage,Alaska 99645 92Q3\JD3287(1) Distribution ListAlaskaIntertieOperatingCommitteeJuly22,1992 Mr.Tim McConnell Anchorage Municipal Light &Power1200E.First Avenue Anchorage,Alaska 99501 (997)263-5453907)276-2961 (FAX) Mr.Sam Matthews Alaska Electric Generation &Transmission CooperaP.O.Box 169 Homer,Alaska 99603 907)235-8167 800)478-8551 907)235-3313 (FAX) ; ut Alaska Energy Authority A Public Corporation .|State of AlaskaDNWalterJ.Hickel,Governor Ba W/4fFr Mr.James Hall Ya ty.mre ler L Matanuska Electric Association,Inc. P.O.Box 2929 Palmer,Alaska 99645 Subject:Talkeetna Substation/Anchorage-Fairbanks Intertie Tap Dear Mr.Hall: Please reference your recent conversation with Mr.Marchegiani of my staff and theMay13,1992 IOC meeting.The Alaska Energy Authority approves of the Talkeetna Tap of theAnchorage-Fairbanks Intertie contingent upon MEA fulfilling the requirements of the motionapprovedbytheIOCattheirMay13,1992 meeting.The motion read as follows:"IOCapprovetheproposedTalkeetnatapbyMEA,subject to the installation of PT's withhotline/hotline check,capable of future synchronizing and;MEA address the following issues to the satisfaction of IOC and AEA: Operating proceduresReviewofFinalDesignConstructionPracticesand schedules SCADA control SCADA microwave communications Control area load following/tieline bias metering control point MITCR ramifications Contract compliance" Please keep Afzal Khan or Eric Marchegiani appraised of your progress with the project.Welookforwardtoworkingwithyouonthisproject. Sincerely, Ronald A.Garzini Interim Executive Difector EAM:RAG;jd cc:.Afzal Khan,Alaska Energy Authority Eric Marchegiani,Alaska Energy AuthorityStanleyE.Sieczkowski,Alaska Energy Authority Tom Lovas,IOC Chairman IOC Distribution (see attached list) QO PO.Box 110809 Juneau,Alaska 99811-0809 (907)465-3575 f&PO.Box 190869 701 EastTudorRoad Anchorage,Alaska 99519-0869 (907)561-7877 92Q3VD3291(1) Mr:David BurlingamehugachElectricAssociation 3601 Minnesota Drive P.O.Box 196300 Anchorage,Alaska 99519-6300 3073 276-4789907)562-0027 (FAX) Mr.Robert Orr Golden Valley Electric Association P.O.Box 1249 Fairbanks,Alaska 99707 {307}452-1151907)451-0556 (FAX) Mr.Jim Hall Matanuska Electric Association P.O.Box 2929 Palmer,Alaska 99645OOF745-9266907)745-9328 (FAX) 92Q3\ID3287(1) 'Mr.Tim McConnell Anchorage Municipal Light &Power1200E.First Avenue Anchorage,Alaska 99501 907)263-5453907)276-2961 (FAX) Mr.Sam Matthews Alaska Electric Generation &Transmission Cooperative P.O.Box 169 Homer,Alaska 99603 907)235-8167 800)478-8551 907)235-3313 (FAX) State of Alaska Hloiter)picke:Go.errc' A Puplic Corporation August 4,1992 Mr.Thomas Lovas Intertie Operating Committee ChairmanChugachElectricAssociation5601MinnesotaDrive P.O.Box 196300 Anchorage,Alaska 99519-6300 Subject:IOC July 14,1992 Meeting Minutes Dear Mr.Lovas: Please reference our previous conversations concerning the above subject.I have attached theabovesubjectrevised(8/3/92)meeting minutes.In addition,I have included the record of theteleconferenceinwhichtheIOCapprovedtheseminutes,along with the revised July 8,1992 meeting minutes. The agenda has been set for the September 9,1992 meeting at the Golden Valley ElectricAssociationBoardRoomasattached.If you have any questions,please feel free to contact me. Sincerely,Zz,luca Eric Marchegiani Secretary,Intertie Operating Committee EAM(;jd Attachments as stated. cc:Afzal Khan,Alaska Energy Authority Stanley E.Sieczkowski,Alaska Energy Authority IOC Distribution (see attached sheet) CPO.Box 110809 Juneau,Alaska 99811-0809 (907)465-3575 BPO.Box 190869 704 EastTudor Road Anchorage,Alaska 99519-0869 (907)561-7877 QICVWINAAGY Distribution List Alaska Intertie Operating Committee August 3,1992 Ar.David Burlingame-hugach Electric Association 560f Minnesota Drive P.O.Box 196300 Anchorage,Alaska 99519-6300 (997 276-4789907)562-0027 (FAX) Mr.Robert Orr Golden Valley Electric Association P.O.Box 1249 Fairbanks,Alaska 99707 (907)452-1151907)451-0556 (FAX) Mr.Jim Hall Matanuska Electric Association P.O.Box 2929 Palmer,Alaska 99645 907)745-9266 907)745-9328 (FAX) OANA TINAFOFWs I Mr.Tim McConnell Anchorage Municipal Light &Power1200E.First Avenue Anchorage,Alaska 99501 907)263-5453 907)276-2961 (FAX) Mr.Sam Matthews Alaska Electric Generation &Transmission Cooperative P.O.Box 169 Homer,Alaska 99603 907)235-8167 800)478-8551 907)235-3313 (FAX) Mr.Tom Lovas Chugach Electric Association 560I Minnesota Drive P.O.Box 196300 Anchorage,Alaska 99519-6300 907)276-4789 907)562-0027 (FAX) Alaska Energy Authority MEMORANDUM DATE:August 17,1992 TO:File °a .°FROM:A.Marchegiani Civil Engineer SUBJECT:Trip Report,Inspection (8/14/92)Intertie I met Tim McConnell (ML&P)and Marlys Hagen (AEA)at Alaska Helicoptersatapproximately8:00 a.m.There was a small delay due to the helicopter beingusedtheeveningbeforeforsomefilming.Our pilot,Mike Wilton came out and Ibriefedhimastohowwewouldliketoproceedalongtheline.Shortlythereafter,he gave us a safety briefing on the helicopter (N401AH)and then wedepartedfromSouthAirparkatapproximately9:00 a.m.and proceeded directlytoDouglasSubstation. We arrived at Douglas at approximately 9:22 a.m.and then began to follow theintertie.We noted that Matanuska Electric Association (MEA)had installed newyellowsignsforthestructurenumberswhichwereeasiertoread.We noted the Guard Structure installed by MEA between structures 69 and 70.In addition,we circled the proposed MEA Talkeetna Substation (i.e.Talkeetna Tap)betweenstructures115and116offGibsonRoad.At the time,only the earth work wascompleted.The pad was leveled and gravel had been brought in to assist in thelevelingofthearea.We then flew over to the Talkeetna lay down yard (at about9:45 a.m.)and landed.We all got out and looked at the various materials. We continued to fly along the intertie until we were on the ridge adjacent to theSusitnaRiver.Unfortunately,there was a fog bank that made it difficult for us tofollowtheintertieinthisareasoweflewdownofftheridgeandpickeduptheintertieataboutGoldCreekandthencontinuedtoflytheintertieuptowardtheIgloo.We stopped (Structure 488)at the Igloo for fuel (we put onapproximately47.4 gallons).We then proceeded up the line (at 11:30 a.m.)andstoppedatstructure570toviewtheamountofjackingofit.It appeared that asubstantialamountofjackinghasoccurredbutIindicatedtoMr.McConnell thatMr.Steve Swift with Golden Valley Electric Association (GVEA)had beenkeepingsurveynotesontheamountofjackingthathasoccurred. We continued along the line and stopped next at structure 749 to inspect thefoundationandthetippingofthestructure.We arrived there at approximately12:40 p.m.We finished up and continued down the line .We also observed that there was a 1/2 a ball missing between structures 754 and 755.We landed in Healy and had lunch.We left Healy at approximately 2:00 p.m. 92Q3\JD3416(1) Memorandum to File Subject:Trip Report,Inspection (8/14/92)Intertie August 17,1992 92Q3D3416(2) We followed the Highway back to Cantwell.This was to overfly the area thatGVEAwasproposingtoinstallthenewlineextensionupfromCantwelltoconnectinadditionalcustomersintheMcKinleyVillageareaandbetweenCantwellandthere.We stopped at the Igloo and put on an additional 42 gallonsoffuel.We then followed the line down toward the Susitna River where I showed Mr.McConnell where the Devil Canyon Dam Site was.We thenfollowedthelinebacktostructure274andlandedsinceweweren't able to look at previously (i.e.fog)and reviewed the foundation and the cable that holds thebasetogether.We then left the site and flew directly back to Anchorage andarrivedatapproximately5:00 p.m. EAM;jd Attachment as stated. rrinats weLDEN VALLEY ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION INC.Box 71249,Fairbanks,Alaska 99707-1249,Phone 907-452-1151 August 20,1992 RECEIVED AUG 2 &1992 alaska Energy Autnority r Afzal Khan Alaska Energy Authority P.O.Box 190869 Anchorage,AK 99519-0869 Subject:Tower 570 Attached is GVEA's status report and recommendation on tower #570. Jacking action continues.Hopefully,next spring we will find the frost tubes have helped.If not,we may want to do some additional remedial action. BoE Robert Orr Manager of System Operations cc:Eric Marchegiani AEA Steve Swift GVEA GOLDEN VALLEY ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION Interoffice Memorandum August 15,1992 TO:Bob Orr FROM:Steve Swift 4S RE:Tower 570 On July 24,1992,Greg Wyman and I checked the elevations on tower #570.From the field observations,we have verified that the east leg of the tower has remained fairly stable,and the west leg has jacked an additional .3 ft.Hopefully the frost tubes we installed last fall are helping to minimize the problem. We will plan on checking the elevations early next spring.If we continue to see the constant rise in the west four piles,I recommend we start considering remedial action. ccs Grey Wyman Monte Ervin Tower 570 file |ateylae SOSHEETS22-142100SHEETS22-141ameam=22-144200SHEETSon.LAEV.cuece ©owse *570 G)c )Wewtr BS AL =S euUeV aM . "east ©.V1 ASO 42 ' YOo.S9 ' 2+Die€ BM a4 49.25 (94.01) "woessT™ woe Chin _"west”AS lower --Beton Eak Mehe. o2v)\co.85 Creer) Beton Wet md 2)\O3.40O Crom.) | DS 7:55 . .oes sm rengeRawNexaeel we ae aeons ws Gast \eq &>wwer Vey pemct ualoie%werk le,VAs "yecleed addi Gunn'ost)|\owk Sich.=Venere erent .*"Cearte . CW)4 - 4 BuavATon. jo3'qlov ft ® lol\o'+ Tower Sto oS" Anlea.leeDeendOBC oBsEn. "PASTAUEA Cho (STALLED ttn S'0"O Lat . There® 98O*Ths tsOF ver tas gs sis oOLt ic' +Wier M No Lil + NeAsUeE MEATS ONBed. CHANTS Pion APTER WE NOTE TANT Tite TOWEL WAL CorOF LEVEL. He. WASome Tee PaceT> DIRHA COAERVAT OS, 64 4o 4 AL DATEOF CGEMIATION GY GOLDEN VALLEY ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION INC.Box 71249,Fairbanks,Alaska 99707-1249,Phone 907-452-1151 October 10,1991 Afzal Khan Alaska Energy AuthorityP.O.Box 190869 701 E.Tudor Rd. Anchorage,AK 99519-0869 Subject:Tower 570 Attached is a current report on tower 570.Note that we installed a cable to stop leg spreading,and installed three frost tubes at eachtowerlegtoreducethejacking.If all goes well,we won't have todoanythingelse.We will keep you advised. LEobertOrr Manager of System Operations cc:Steve Swift Intertie Operating Committee GOLDEN VALLEY ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION Interoffice Memorandum October 7,1991 TO:Bob Orr FROM:Steve Switt GS RE:Tower 570 On September 6,1991 Greg Wyman and I shot elevations on Tower 570andre-established the TBM next to the tower.Results are as follows: . -East leg has jacked 1.56'since July 1989. -West leg has jacked 2.31'since July 1989. -"H"piles have spread approximately 2"since June 1988. On October 4,1991 we installed frost tubes on each leg foundationandstrunga5/8"cable between the "H"pile leg supports toinhibitfurtherspreadingofthetowerlegs. We will attempt to check our elevations again next spring. Priority_'2 Work Request No.9/-22/0 Dept.Manager Approval To Request Work,fill out this section only. WORK REQUEST ."|To Dept Sos--pate PR2Y-G/ Customer Nare.Phonecoin*Act CANTWELL Descriptionof Work *DETALL Fever TREE)A EiCétsrLEEriebin)'Y Pites REA Loan No. ___Dept.xO Approved ByRequestedCompletionDateAttachments[]Yes [|No Estimated Cost Estimated Man-hrs Sketch:ary Tet JOB LIST MATERIALS USED Ser (include Truck Stock) S flor [UBES -/.=w beet é AA etch:Bs : -Section_Section Assigned to Caw cc:To Section Head Approval Location or Substation Code_/b___Job Type Code_/fiverf Scheduled Completion Date Action Taken re S CoLiUxLefilalaf?tp L AGG 4CliA/Work Completed By_Z.Date_/tf:ViY Man-Hours__30 YAFAandFis\OPC\WACRESPaw.8-30-80 ||eet.&,194)a22-141s@Secrets,22.142100SHEETSameno'92.144200SHEETSEuev.Cuecrn @ Tower *510 Cx)c)"ad vr BD ar FS Evev TM "Teee”O.82 100.82 100.00 OD ware ; '[New NAW (ier tere)\e Q.0\ Wess mM "Epesr”mm (we)se Tee\o*?loo 4Z Towed -| , Bottom East Pleke.oe \00 82 .223 dt Retro Weak Plele -12%\03.05 an|aeant Vey Wan yecked ASCE since Soly BA West leq Woy \wclued Val &Sonce Weeke me €x cuwke -W-pile aoe Swen Za -an |oerezst ve |22-142100SHEETS22-144200SHEETSa.Coe vasrion Crecn @ Tower 5-75 FEB 12,190\ G@)>Tower ms nL ay Suev On "Tree”160.00 Z Swe 190Z2.Syu O.4t Scoatcla AOB.un W.Pde Lousy 102.68 €.Akh 2.10 100 aS ele:"Tevez WiGy eve Bore aaccen Of THM THAY HOVE MovES,SUT SLAB etEenwTiAL TASVEMEWT aso WEewT OSG 2.25 F171 RIGWREE TeRaw Cewt EG, Ivy Bs wis,Were,Ae SbFerdA\.Z-2b Qawd movant ne We "r- Sece wre. WwW.evhe E.Mledg leovsaysy Crate Ce C+) en Br S|-o7 qq ep oy LTO (=) eS Ervev \OO.00 -o?\o0.te \%\Oo.14 +o °F 19.Ue wel th aOruc (assumed .ac-utch own.cont *pie”s+CervehAuneecoweatcen _Usttew,dion w @ust tae eo '5 .Vole >lower.weet \eq nee,ye cked ol Geek miceEat'eq Ns V4OG.lower sen.\oeck dwvele - vor toy \ea.| 35S 2-15 "uy pol 50" ' 0 4 Priority o* "Work Request No.Dept.Manager Approval:RRR REREREKREEEEERAEEREEEER EEE RARER KEKE REE KEEERREKREREREEKEKEREEE .We ve '¢.&WORK REQUEST _-, . . , '_*To Dept.CFS Date Cliolés&. ° *Customer Name 4 ° ;Phone (ft Yign :"=*Location Ay le.Lice =+570*.198 5 .g.&._=&.-°¢ o *"/«€--et©*Description of Work Montane sick ts a Triey=*«e °: a ..&*Zusicle ''i] . co *rv . ;e+¢MY beam \34 2%Bench mark on bycat ean..t étj @-3 *Van.%pack Ww Sone ne a)exw - -B *Acct.No.Work Order or Job No.REA Loan Nos*eg=*Initiated By Dept.Approved By oe. -& oz *Requested Completion Date Attachments |_[Yes |_|No =e * e °%*Estimated Cost timated Na ie&oa ®*Sketch: -S «&oy,72 hs oe * -«° *a 3 *.32h”. &Wes ® t . ARERRRARRERARRARERRRRRARRAARRAEEAERRRARRERERAEREERARERERERRRERRARKERKKKKRKKKKRRES Section Section Assigned To ec:To Section Head Approval ., Location or Substation Code Job Type Code |S -Scheduled Completion Date bf &Action Taken fh AEP;Work Completed By Date Man-Hours denyewwae - ALASKA INTERTIE OPERATING COMMITTEE MONDAY,AUGUST 3,1992 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY TELECONFERENCE MEETING MINUTES PRESENT: Sam Matthews Alaska Electric Generation &Transmission (AG&T)/Homer Electric Association (HEA) Eric Marchegiani Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) Tim McConnell Anchorage Municipal Light &Power (AML&P) John Cooley Chugach Electric Association (CEATomLovasChugachElectricAssociation(CEA Bob Orr Golden Valley Electric Association (GVEABradEvansGoldenValleyElectricAssociation(GVEA The teleconference was called to order by Chairman Tom Lovas at 10:05 a.m.with the aboveparticipantsavailable.Mr.Lovas called the roll and it was noted that Mr.Vince Mottola withairbanksMunicipalUtilitiesSystemwasnotavailableforthemeeting. I.Adoption of Prior Meeting Minutes Secretary Marchegiani indicated that all participants were faxed copies of theJuly14,1992 meeting minutes on Friday,July 30,1992.In addition,hard copies weremailedofboththeJuly14,1992 meeting minutes along with the July 8,1992 meetingminutesthatsameday.The Chairman indicated that the July 14,1992 meeting minutesformathasbeenchangedtoreflectthevariousAgendaItemsdiscussedalongwithamoredefinitivemannerinsettingoutthemotionsthathavebeenvotedupon. The Chairman requested any additions or modifications to the meeting minutes.TheSecretaryindicatedthatJamesHallwasinadvertlyleftoffthelistofthosepresentandwouldbeadded.Mr.McConnell indicated that in the last paragraph on page 1.which states,"....traditional method...";should be the parenthetical (but in ML&P's opinion,out moded)added to the text.A discussion occurred concerning page 3 of the minutesunderMethod1.where "Us =(unit 6)"which should have been "unit 7." Additional discussion occurred concerning the exact wording of the various motions.ItwasagreedthatthemotionsreflectedwhatwaspassedattheJuly14,1992 meeting. Tim McConnell moved that the July 14,1992 meeting minutes be adoptedwiththeabovestatedcorrections.Sam Matthews seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. IL Adjournment The teleconference adjourned at 10:50 a.m. Respectfully Submitted, EG Eric A.MarchegianiSecretary,Intertie Operation Committee 92Q3VD3343(1) ALASKA INTERTIE OPERATING COMMITTEE TUESDAY,JULY 14,1992 (GOLDEN VALLEY ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION BOARD ROOM) MEETING MINUTES PRESENT: Dave Fair Alaska Electric Generation &Transmission (AG&T)/Homer Electric Association (HEA)Sam Matthews Alaska Electric Generation &Transmission (AG&T)/Homer Electric Association (HEA) Eric Marchegiani Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) Tim McConnell Anchorage Municipal Light &Power (AML&P) John Cooley Chugach Electric Association (CEA)D.Burlingame =Chugach Electric Association (CEA)Tom Lovas Chugach Electric Association (CEA) Bob Orr Golden Valley Electric Association (GVEA) Brad Evans Golden Valley Electric Association (GVEA) Steve Haagenson Golden Valley Electric Association (GVEA) Vince Mottola -_Fairbanks Municipal Utilities Systems (FMUS)Dave Gerdes Fairbanks Municipal Utilities Systems (FMUS) The special meeting was called to order by Chairman Tom Lovas at 9:30 a.m.at the GoldenValleyElectricAssociationMeetingRoom. I.Adoption of Prior Meeting Minutes There were a number of corrections to the meeting minutes which have been revised,see revised meeting minutes as attached. Sam Matthews moved that the July 8,1992 meeting minutes adopt with the corrections.Vince Mottola seconded the motion.The motion was adopted by a vote of S to 1. Approval/Modification of Agenda The July 14,1992 meeting agenda was adopted with modifications.The modificationsweretoaddunderIVWorkSessiontwotopics:B.Load Shedding in Lieu of SpinProceduresandC.Appropriateness or Adequacy of Declared Spin.In addition,Item VI.Subcommittee Assignments was dropped from discussion at this meeting. R fr_mov adapt the agend modified.Matthew. seconded the motion.The motion was adopted unanimously, Lengthy discussion occurred concerning the minutes description of ML&P proposals ondeclaredcapabilitiesandreservecalculations.ML&P indicated that they would use thetraditionalmethodofcalculatingreservesonaninterimbasis.A formal proposal wouldbesubmittedtotheIOC.Additional discussion occurred concerning Bradley Lake 92Q3VD3286(1) 7.YP reserve calculations which will be subject of future discussion.IOC has not taken anyactiontodate. Visitors Comments related to Items on Agenda No visitors were present. IOC Chairman (Mr.Lovas)will call the Machine Rating Chairman concerning meetings,coordination of minutes and reports,and to include FMUS (Dave Gerdes)in futureactivities. The Reliability &Protection Subcommittee Chairman was requested to meet with the subcommittee to develop conclusions and recommendations based upon the PTI loadsheddingstudyandbringthatinformationforwardtotheIOC.This information should be presented in a package for a special meeting of IOC to discuss and take formal actioninanexpeditedmanner.The subcommittee is to determine the necessary supportingbackupfortheconclusionsandrecommendations.The dispatch subcommittee is to beincludedinthefinalreviewofthispackagepriortosubmittaltotheIOC. Formal Operating Committee Action/Recommendation The Chairman declared the committee in formal session. Robert Orr_moved that the IOC Chairman contact_the_machines ratingsubcommittee__Chairman__concerning including all __participants _atmembership_meetings,__meeting _minutes,__and__announcements.Sam Matthews _second the motion.The motion _w adopt unanimously,Mr,Orr remin all subcommi hairmen ar n and coordinate will all members of their committees, Tom Lovas moved that the Reliability &Protection Subcommittee is complete conclusions and recommendations with supporting materials anda_packet which will be forwarded to the IOC for a special meeting for discussion and action.The Dispatch subcommittee will be involved in the final review sessions in completing this package.Mr.Robert Orr seconded the motion.The motion was adopted unanimously, Working Session A.Reserve Accounting Procedure 1)Unit Capability Definition The Chairman declared the committee in work session.Mr.Tim McConnell provided amemorandumdatedJuly13,1992 to IOC and madea presentation to IOC discussing it.There was discussion conceming the definition of declared capability,the concern oflosingaunitandnotbeingabletoreturnto60cycles,the possibility of amending theIntertieAgreementinanotherforum,the IOC as the only entity to provide interpretationoftheIntertieAgreement,and three potential methods of calculating reserve. First,the Traditional Method was illustrated on the black board as follows: Utility Unit CapacityML&P 6&7 100 MW GVEA -27 MW CEA 6&8 85 MW FMUS 20 MW TOTAL 232 MW Utility Calculation Spin Required ML&P (100/232)*100 43 MW GVEA (27/232)*100 12 MW CEA (85/232)*100 37 MW FMUS (20/232)*100 9 MW TOTAL 101 MW Mr.McConnell illustrated the following three methods on the black board: Method1,(Simpl | Us =(unit 6) TOR =(6 &7) IOR =(TOR)(Us))/(As +Bs +Us +...) Method 2.(Declared Capability) IOR =((TOR)(Ur))/(As +Bs +Ur +...) where Ur =declared Us. Note:Load shed in lieu of spin if Ur trips. Method 3.mbined | IOR =((TOR)(Us))/(As +Bs +Us +...)where Us is combined cycle capability See Intertie Agreement Section B-2.3.1 for definitions. where:IOR =TOR xUs/Ut, IOR =Individual Utility Participant Operating Reserve RequirementTOR=Total Operating Reserve RequirementUs=A Utility Participant Largest on-line generation unit capabilityUt=Sum ofeach Utility Participant's Us.Us =Declared Us. As =Us for participant ABs=Us for participant B David Burlingame requested a clarification of who has the ability to interpret the reservesi.e.each Utility or the IOC. Discussion continued,and it was desired to see a calculation of the reserves if units werederatedinamannersimilartoMethod1above.The following illustration wasprovided.* 9203\JD3286(3) 7-9 Utility Unit Unit Capacity ML&P 7 74 MW GVEA 27 MW CEA 6 61 MW FMUS 20 MW TOTAL 182 MW Utility Calculation Spin Required ML&P (74/182)*100 41 MW GVEA (27/182)*100 15 MW CEA (61/182)*100 34 MW FMUS (20/182)*100 11 MW TOTAL 101 MW Both Robert Orr and Dave Gerdes indicated that load shedding affected a largerpercentageoftheirconsumersthantheotherutilities.Politically it causes a number ofproblemsforbothutilities. A five minute break was taken. V.Formal Operating Committee Action/Recommendation The Chairman declared the committee in formal session. Robert Orr moved that the IOC reaffirm the long standing TraditionalMethodofcalculatingtheoperatingreserverequirementsunderB-2.3.1. This is to mean the largest unit contingency is the loss of the combined le unit in ration the sam mbin le capabili in the formula.Further clarification is that Us in the formula for aarticipantiualtothelargestcontingencyforthatparticipant. Sam Matthews seconded the motion.Robert Orr called the question. Roll call as follows: GVEA YEA FMUS YEA AG&T YEA ML&P NEA CEA YEA Motion adopted 4-1. zim McConnell provided a July 13,1992 memo as back up information,and moved asollows:- 92Q3\JD3286(4) Mr,McConnell moves that the spinning reserve requirement can becalculatedaspermittedinthecontractbydeclaringthecapabilityofitslargestunit,agreeing not to operate that unit above that declar capability,while counting,in fulfillment of the spin requirement,the portionofthecapabilityoftheunitabovethedeclaredcapability,Robert Orr n he motion.Mr.Orr lled th tion 7-Wee Roll call as follows: GVEA NEA FMUS NEA AG&T NEA ML&P YEA CEA NEA Motion failed 4-1. Tom Lovas moved that a utility participant may declare capability of a unit,but_no capability in excess of the declared capability may be used infulfillmentofspinningreserverequirementsforthatutility.Robert Orrsecondedthemotion.Mr.Lovas called the question, Roll call as follows: GVEA YEA FMUS YEA AG&T YEA ML&P NEA CEA YEA Motion adopted 4-1. IV.Working Session A.Reserve Accounting Procedure 2)Spin Allocation Post Bradley Lake Project The Chairman declared the Committee in work session.Robert Orr requested that whentheBradleyLakeprojectisbeingutilizedthatthespinallocatedshouldbecalculatedperDaveBurlingame's memo dated July ?,1992.Discussion continued on the capability oftheBradleyProject.One unit capability was indicated to be 65 MW while the plant'sdeclaredcapabilitywasindicatedtobe90MW.There were two items which seemed to summarize the issues.The first being determination or allocation of the reserves of the project to meet intertie requirements and secondly the appropriate capability of Bradley. Lunch Break was taken until 1:30 p.m. The issue of declared capability seemed to be settled given the 65 MW limit on one unit and a Declared Plant Capability of 90 MW.Additional discussion continued concerninghowBradleyLake's reserves should be allocated.Reference was made to HistoricalmethodsforEklutna,ML&P's Unit 8 and AG&T's Soldotna Unit.It was suggested thatthiswasnettheforumtomakeadeterminationandthatitshouldbeforwardedtoASCC. V.Formal Operating Committee Action/Recommendations The Chairman declared the Committee in formal session. R rr_moved that th rating reserv ligations for Bradley Lak under the Intertie Agreement be based on the Bradley Lake purchaserspercentagesharesasindicatedinExhibitD,in the Power Sales AgreementforBradleyLake.The motion was seconded by Vince Mottola. 9203\ID3286(5) JeeF 2 Roll call as follows: GVEA YEA FMUS YEA AG&T NEA ML&P NEA CEA NEA Motion failed 3-2. Tom Lovas moved that,for the present time,subject to modification at afuturetimefromASCCrecommendation,the spin obligations under jointunit_participation will be the obligation of the generating utility withschedulingand_operating control of greater than one week of portionsattributabletootherunitparticipants.The motion failed to obtain a second, IV.Working Session A.Reserve Accounting Procedure 2.Spin Allocation Post Bradley LakeB.Load Shed in Lieu of Spin Procedures The Chairman declared the committee in work session. Continued discussion concerning Item IV Work Session,A.Reserve AccountingProcedure,2)Spin Allocation Post Bradley Lake Project was delayed at this time due toslowprogress.We then changed back to IV.Working Session,B.Load Shed in Lieu ofSpinProcedures.The discussion centered on the selling of spin and the reference toB-2.4.2 of the Addendum,of the Intertie Agreement. Vv.Formal Operating Committee Action/Recommendations The Chairman declared the committee in formal session. Tim_McConnell moved that the IOC declare that the selling of requiredspinningreservebyUtilityparticipantscanonlyoccuriftheprovisionofload_shed in lieu_of spin are complied with as written in B-2.4.2 ofAddendum_1,of the Intertie Agreement,Sam Matthews seconded themotion.Robert Orr called the question. Roll Call as follows: GVEA NEA FMUS NEA AG&T NEA ML&P YEA CEA NEA Motion failed 4-1. R tr_moved that IV.Workin i Appropriaten iq Adequacy of declar in be tabledandreferen fc ion the Reliability Criteria committee.Sam Matthews seconded the motion. OONTNAALILY 7-Wf-9 @ Roll call as follows: GVEA YEA FMUS YEA AG&T YEA ML&P YEA CEA YEA Motion adopted 5-0. IV.Working Session A.Reserve Accounting Procedure2)Spin Allocation Post Bradley Lake Project The Chairman declared the committee in work session.GVEA provided a handoutwhichillustratedthreedifferentapproachestocalculatespinrequirementsofIntertieParticipantswithsharesoftheBradleyLakeproject.There was extensive discussion onthishandout.Specifically discussed were the principles involved in calculating the spinrequirementforeachUtilityandwhetherautilitycouldassignresponsibilityorIntertierequirementsalongwithitsshareoftheProjecttoanotherutility,as well as theimplicationsofthatassignmentontheassigneeandutilities. V.Formal Operating Committee Action/Recommendations The Chairman declared the committee in formal session. Tom Lovas moved for an interim period not to extend beyond December1992,that the IOC adopt for the reserve calculation Post Bradley Lake;ctionII_of the Table distribut VEA a rrected.R Tt seconded the motion,R Iled th tion Roll Call as follows: GVEA |YEA FMUS YEA AG&T NEA ML&P YEA CEA YEA Motion adopted 4-1. V.Subcommittee Assignments No additional assignments made at this time. VIL Determine Agenda The IOC Chairman and the Secretary will determine the agenda for the next meeting. 92Q3\JD3286(7) VI.Adjournment Motion for adjournment was made by Tim McConnell.Vince Mottolasecondedthemotion.The motion passed unanimously.The meetin adjourned at 4:45 p.m. Respectfully Submitted,Ko.Givlg >Eric A.MarchegianiSecretary,Intertie Operation Committee Attachments as stated: 1.September 9,1992 meeting agenda 2.IOC July 14,1992 meeting attendance sheet. The following was distributed at the July 14,1992 meeting: 3.ML&P Memorandum to IOC Dated July 13,1992 4.Bradley Reserve Allocation Table(By GVEA)5.Typical Spin Requirement with Bradley Table (By GVEA) 92Q3\JD3286(8) III. IV.mgaALASKA INTERTIE OPERATING COMMITTEE (GOLDEN VALLEY ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION BOARD ROOM) MEETING AGENDA WEDNESDAY,SEPTEMBER 9,1992 BEGIN AT 9:30 A.M. Adoption of prior meeting minutes Approval/modification of agenda Committee correspondence and reports Dispatch SubcommitteeReliability/Protection SubcommitteeMachine/Rating SubcommitteeCorrespondenceReceivedIntertieStatusUpdate ASCC Status 5DTI2BO>Visitors comments related to items on agenda Work Session T/L Structure and Conductor Evaluation A.Recess and work sessionB.DispatchC.Reliability/Protection D.PTI Loadshedding Study E.Machine/Rating F. G. H. Formal Operating Committee action/recommendation Subcommittee Assignments Determine agenda for next meeting Adjournment Next meeting location: Golden Valley Electric AssociationBoardRoom 758 Illinois Fairbanks,Alaska (907)452-1151 92Q2\JD3101(2) ALASKA TNTERTIE OPERATING COMHITIEE HEETING In Attendance:Inte 7/14 /9a. hare Lonpany Phone No. LS Marih oorwt AEA SC/-7E29 Zor,MA Conn!|"beg?AG3-SYrp Dux Fer |ABGITY ASA 235-855 Dewy Wet 4ee T/HEA 23S*F30F Srevadt Lay6pans Golder Valley "/S2-//$1 2247 Tohn Cookee,CQ aa cde 1624S 77 Ka BELT.DRA.IZ VE A ESS -(55( Vive Votola IVS U5b-798/ PARvVID Ceties Mus 5 6-799 Sin Hall |AEGT mer 245-9264 ranean Aap enk 22-4299 an Cons Gver YSE-S{__ Y or Chaeecl 262-¥7¢2 rh MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE ML&P MEMORANDUM DATE:July 13,1992 TO:Intertie operating Committee FROM:Tim McConnell,Manager,Power Management?hae” SUBJECT:Spin Requirement As Allowed Under the Alaska Intertie Agreement ML&P holds that The operating reserve obligation of a particular Utility Participant can legitimately be calculated by each Utility in at least three ways as allowed by the flexible formula in Paragraph B-2.3.1 of the contract at the discretion of each Utility Participant and in accordance with that Utility Participant's determination of prudent utility practice as defined in Exhibit A,paragraph 35 of the Agreement. For the time being,I have instructed ML&P''s Power Dispatchers to compute the formula by equating TOR to Ug,tothesumofourunits6&7 when units 6&7 combined would be the TOR for the System.I agreed to do this during our meeting of July 8,1992 in Homer.If ML&P chooses to change the Declared Capability of a unit (which might alter the TOR we all use in common in the formula of B- to define Us as a single unit and not a single largestcontingencythen24hournoticewillbegiventoallother Utility Participants. As we work to improve the reliability of our interconnected systems,it is important not to lose sight of the fact that neither the IOC nor the ASCC has the authority to amend the Ioc Agreement itself.But even within these _legalconstraints,much can be done to improve reliability in a sensibl@ way.Some of the preliminary PTI results point toactionsthatfallwithinthiscategory. ML&P's position is that we should all uphold the provisions of the Alaska Intertie Agreement. BRADLEY RESERVE ALLOCATION Bradley ownership (per Bradley Power Sales Agreement,exhibit D). GVEA 16.9% AMLP 25.9% CEA 30.4% HEA 12.0% *MEA 13.8% *SEWARD 1.0% *MEA and Seward shares have been assigned to CEA. Typical Spin Requirement Prior to Bradley 6 26 AMLP 7 74 100 43 MW 6 61 CEA 8 24 85 37 MW i!GVEA Healy 25 25 11 MW FMUS Chena 20 20 9 MW Typical Spin Requirement with Bradley Section I Section II Section III AMLP 7 74 100 41.0 MW 100 41.0 MW 100 42.5 MW 6 61 854+6.4+.5 CEA 8 24 85 35.1 MW =99.9 37.9 MW 85 36.1 MW GVEA Healy 25 25 10.3 MW 25 10.3 MW 25 10.6 MW FMUS Chena 20 20 8.3 MW 20 8.3 MW 20 8.5 MW Bradley HEA 12%of 45 5.4 5.4 2.2 MW 5.4 2.2 MW 5.4 2.3 MW Bradley not used |not used MEA 13.8%of 45 .2 6.2 2.6 MW see CEA see CEA in calc.in calc. Bradley not used |not used SEWARD 1%of 45 45 5 MW see CEA see CEA in calc.in calc. ection I -Allocations based on Bradley Lake Power Sales Agreement shares. ection II -Allocations based on Bradley Lake Power Sales Agreement shares and CEA taking the assignment of Mea and Seward. ection III -Allocations based on Bradley Lake and CEA incorporating MEA and Seward shares into their generation power base without consideration of the largest unit for MEA or Seward. (This does not meet the Alaska Intertie Agreement) Y State of AlaskaNWaiterJ.Hickel,Governor at, Alaska Energy Authority A Public Corporation July 30,1992 Mr.Thomas Lovas Chugach Electric Association 5601 Minnesota Drive P.O.Box 196300 Anchorage,Alaska 99519-6300 Subject:Intertie Operating Committee (IOC) July 14,1992 Meeting Minutes Dear Mr.Lovas: Please reference our previous conversations concerning the above subject.I have attached theabovesubjectmeetingminutesalongwithRevisedmeetingminutesforourJuly8,1992meeting.The agenda has been set for the September 9,1992 meeting at Golden Valley ElectricAssociation.By copy of this letter all IOC participants will receive a copy of this information. If you have any questions,please feel free to contact me. Sincerely,ee ae Eric Marchegiani Secretary,Intertie Operating Committee EAM:jd Attachments as stated. ce:Afzal Khan,Alaska Energy AuthorityStanleyE.Sieczkowski,Alaska Energy AuthorityIOCDistribution(See Attached Sheet) QC)PO,Box 110809 Juneau,Alaska 99811-0809 (907)465-3575@PO.Box 190869 701 East Tudor Road Anchorage,Alaska 99519-0869 (907)561-7877 92Q3VD3325(1) Distribution List Alaska Intertie Operating CommitteeJuly30,1992 Mr.David Burlingame*hugach Electric Association 60I Minnesota Drive P.O.Box 196300 Anchorage,Alaska 99519-6300 907)276-4789 907)562-0027 (FAX) Mr.Robert Orr Golden Valley Electric Association P.O.Box 1249 Fairbanks,Alaska 99707 On}452-1151907)451-0556 (FAX) Mr.Jim Hall Matanuska Electric Association P.O.Box 2929 Palmer,Alaska 99645cat745-9266907)745-9328 (FAX) 92Q3\JD3287(1) Mr.Tim McConnell Anchorage Municipal Light &Power1200E.First Avenue Anchorage,Alaska 99501 (997)263-5453907)276-2961 (FAX) Mr.Sam Matthews Alaska Electric Generation &Transmission Cooperative P.O.Box 169 Homer,Alaska 99603 907)235-816700478-8551907)235-3313 (FAX) Mr.Tom Lovas Chugach Electric Association 560I Minnesota Drive P.O.Box 196300 Anchorage,Alaska 99519-6300 (997)276-4789907)562-0027 (FAX) ALASKA INTERTIE OPERATING COMMITTEE WEDNESDAY,JULY 8,1992 (HOMER ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION BOARD ROOM) MEETING MINUTES (REVISED) PRESENT: Bob Mau Alaska Electric Generation &Transmission (AEG&T)/ Matanuska Electric Association (MEA) Dave Fair Alaska Electric Generation &Transmission (AEG&T)/Homer Electric Association (HEA)Sam Matthews _Alaska Electric Generation &Transmission (AEG&T)/Homer Electric Association (HEA) Myles Yerkes Alaska Electric Generation &Transmission (AEG&T)/ Homer Electric Association (HEA) AfzalH.Khan Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) E.Marchegiani Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) Tim McConnell Anchorage Municipal Light &Power (AML&P) John Cooley Chugach Electric Association (CEA) Tom Lovas Chugach Electric Association (CEA) D.Burlingame Chugach Electric Association (CEA) Bob Orr Golden Valley Electric Association (GVEA)Brad Evans Golden Valley Electric Association (GVEA) Vince Mottola _-_Fairbanks Municipal Utilities System (FMUS) The meeting was called to order by Chairman Tom Lovas at 1:05 p.m.at the Homer ElectricAssociationBoardRoom,Homer,Alaska. Afzal Khan moved that the May 13,1992 meeting minutes be adopted with correction,SamMatthewswaspresentattheIOCmeeting.Bob Orr seconded the motion.The motion was adopted unanimously. The July 8,1992 IOC meeting agenda was adopted with modifications.The modifications wereasfollows:add "Item V-G,MEA tap at Talkeetna"and add "Item V-H,Reserve AccountingProcedures(Unit Capability Definition and Spin Allocation Post Bradley Lake)." Under Dispatch,the subcommittee did not meet. Under Reliability/Protection Coordination,David Burlingame stated that the subcommittee metacoupleoftimessincethelastIOCmeeting.The under frequency loadshedding study will becompletedbyJuly17,1992.Under the Machine/Rating Subcommittee,the subcommittee metonJune18,1992.The Machine/Rating Data Book was distributed to the subcommitteemembers. Under Correspondence,Afzal Khan distributed the following: 92Q3VD3227(1) 1,AML&P letter,dated May 12,1992,to AEA.Subject:AML&P's representatives to IOC and its subcommittees. 2.MEA letter,dated June 23,1992,to AEA. Subject:Intertie Inventory at Talkeetna yard. 3.MEA letter,dated June 26,1992,to AEA. Subject:Proposed surcharge to be added to the wheeling rate. 4.MEA letter,dated June 23,1992,to AEA. Subject:Intertie Inventory at Talkeetna yard. 5.William Masters letter,dated June 19,1992,to IOC Chairman Tom Lovas. Subject:Proposed Work Scope,Operating Reserve Criteria. Under Intertie Status,Bob Orr provided an update on Intertie structure #749 and discussed theundergroundradarsurveying.There was a brief discussion on the inventory of the Talkeetnastorageyard.At this time,the IOC decided not to take any action. Under ASCC status,Tom Lovas stated that the ASCC Reliability Criteria Committee met inJuneandthiscommitteeisgoingtomeetagaintheweekofJuly20,1992.Tom Lovas statedthathereceivedaproposalfromMr.William D.Masters on the proposed Scope of Work,Operating Reserve Criteria. No visitors were present. The Intertie Operating Committee Chairman Tom Lovas welcomes Mr.Vincent Mottola.Mr. Mottola recently joined FMUS as Utility Superintendent. The Operating Committee went into work session. Under Dispatch,Chairman Tom Lovas stated that the subcommittee should look into thefollowingissues: 1)Membership and Chairman 2)Dispatch Training Plan 3)NUG Operating Procedures 4)Switching and Tagging Procedures 5)MEA tap at Talkeetna Operating Procedure Construction Schedule and Methods SCADA Control Microwave Communications Control Point IssuesSPEoP 6)Monthly Unit Rating/Temperature7)Joint meeting with Machines/Rating subcommittee regarding Testing ProceduresandVerification 8)Joint meeting with Reliability/Protection subcommittee regarding underfrequencyloadsheddingstudy9)Revise Scheduling Procedures as Douglas substation regulating point Chairman Tom Lovas stated that MEA be invited to the next Dispatch subcommittee meeting.Chairman Tom Lovas also stated that the Dispatch subcommittee consider meeting regularly. Under Reliability/Protection,David Burlingame stated that the underfrequency loadsheddingstudyisbasicallystoppedforacoupleofweeks(Bradley Lake Project governor appears to beundampedfollowingislanding).The Power Technologies,Inc.(PTI)is studying this issue.TheKenaiareagoesthroughallstagesofloadshedding.The Energy Authority directed Stone &Webster to correct this problem. Under Machine/Rating,Tom Lovas stated that the subcommittee should submit minutes thatreportonworkcompletedandStatusofProjects. Under T/L Structure and Conductor Evaluation,Eric Marchegiani distributed the report on the Anchorage-Fairbanks Intertie,Investigation of Structural integrity of Towers and brieflydiscusseditscontents.Tom Lovas stated that the committee members submit the comments at the next regular IOC meeting. Under Reserve Accounting Procedures,the two major items,unit capability definition and spinallocationpostBradleyLake,were discussed.David Burlingame requested that the IOC clarifythefollowing:1)What formula should be used;2)What unit capability is to be used and;3)How Bradley Lake Project is to be incorporated into the formula/allocation model.There wasanextensivediscussiononthespinningreservecalculations.All agreed to meet next week just to discuss this issue. THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE ALASKA INTERTIE OPERATING COMMITTEE.WILL BE ON TUESDAY,JULY 14,1992,AT 9:30 AM.AT THE GOLDEN VALLEY ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION BOARD ROOM,FAIRBANKS,ALASKA. The Operating Committee set the agenda for the special meeting of the Operating Committee. Vincent Mottola moved for the meeting to adjourn,seconded by Tim McConnell.TheOperatingCommitteeunanimouslyadoptedthemotiontoadjournat6:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Afzal H.Khan Secretary,Intertie Operating Committee Attachments: 1,July 14,1992 meeting agenda. 2.IOC July 8,1992 meeting attendance sheet. The following were distributed at the July 8,1992 meeting: 3.AML&P letter,dated May 12,1992,to AEA.Subject:AML&P's representatives to IOC and its subcommittees. 4.MEA letter,dated June 23,1992,to AEA. Subject:Intertie Inventory at Talkeetna yard. QO 1299902 9203\ID3227(4) EA letter,dated June 26,1992,to AEA. Subject:Proposed surcharge to be added to the wheeling rate. MEA letter,dated June 23,1992,to AEA. Subject:Intertie Inventory at Talkeetna yard. William Masters letter,dated June 19,1992,to IOC Chairman Tom Lovas. Subject:Proposed Work Scope,Operating Reserve Criteria. Dryden &LaRue letter,dated July 7,1992,to AEA.Subject:Draft Report "Investigation of Effects of Unbalanced Snow Loads on the Anchorage-Fairbanks Intertie" ALASKA INTERTIE OPERATING COMMITTEE WEDNESDAY,JULY 8,1992 (HOMER ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION BOARD ROOM) MEETING MINUTES PRESENT: Bob Mau Alaska Electric Generation &Transmission (AEG&T)/ Matanuska Electric Association (MEA) Dave Fair Alaska Electric Generation &Transmission (AEG&T)/ Homer Electric Association (HEA)Sam Matthews _Alaska Electric Generation &Transmission (AEG&T)/Homer Electric Association (HEA) Myles Yerkes Alaska Electric Generation &Transmission (AEG&T)/Homer Electric Association (HEA) Afzal H.Khan -_Alaska Energy Authority (AEA)E.Marchegiani Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) Tim McConnell Anchorage Municipal Light &Power (AML&P) John Cooley Chugach Electric Association (CEA) Brad Evans Chugach Electric Association (CEA)D.Burlingame -Chugach Electric Association (CEA) Bob Orr Golden Valley Electric Association (GVEA) Brad Evans Golden Valley Electric Association (GVEA) Vince Mottola _-_Fairbanks Municipal Utilities System (FMUS) The meeting was called to order by Chairman Tom Lovas at 1:05 p.m.at the Homer Electric Association Board Room,Homer,Alaska. Afzal Khan moved that the May 13,1992 meeting minutes be adopted with correction,Sam Matthews was present at the IOC meeting.Bob Orr seconded the motion.The motion was adopted unanimously. The July 8,1992 IOC meeting agenda was adopted with modifications.The modifications wereasfollows:add "Item V-G,MEA tap at Talkeetna"and add "Item V-H,Reserve AccountingProcedures(Unit Capability Definition and Spin Allocation Post Bradley Lake)." Under Dispatch,the subcommittee did not meet. Under Reliability/Protection Coordination,David Burlingame stated that the subcommittee metacoupleoftimessincethelastIOCmeeting.The under frequency loadshedding study will becompletedbyJuly17,1992.Under the Machine/Rating Subcommittee,the subcommittee metonJune18,1992.The Machine/Rating Data Book was distributed to the subcommittee members. Under Correspondence,Afzal Khan distributed the following: 92Q3\JD3227(1) 1.AML&P letter,dated May 12,1992,to AEA. Subject:AML&P's representatives to IOC and its subcommittees. 2.MEA letter,dated June 23,1992,to AEA. Subject:Intertie Inventory at Talkeetna yard. 3.MEA letter,dated June 26,1992,to AEA. Subject:Proposed surcharge to be added to the wheeling rate. 4.MEA letter,dated June 23,1992,to AEA. Subject:Intertie Inventory at Talkeetna yard. 5.William Masters letter,dated June 19,1992,to IOC Chairman Tom Lovas. Subject:Proposed Work Scope,Operating Reserve Criteria. Under Intertie Status,Bob Orr provided an update on Intertie structure #749 and discussed theundergroundradarsurveying.There was a brief discussion on the inventory of the Talkeetnastorageyard.At this time,the IOC decided not to take any action. Under ASCC status,Tom Lovas stated that the ASCC Reliability Criteria Committee met in June and this committee is going to meet again on July 20,1992.Tom Lovas stated that hereceivedaproposalfromMr.William D.Masters on the proposed Scope of Work,Operating Reserve Criteria. No visitors were present. The Intertie Operating Committee Chairman Tom Lovas welcomes Mr.Vincent Mottola.Mr. Mottola recently joined FMUS as Utility Superintendent. The Operating Committee went into work session. Under Dispatch,Chairman Tom Lovas stated that the subcommittee should look into the following issues: 1)Membership and its Chairman 2)Dispatch Training Plan 3)NERC operating aspects 4)Switching and Tagging Procedures-5)MEA tap at Talkeetna Operating Procedure Construction Schedule and Methods SCADA Control Microwave Communications Control Point IssueseconoTPp 6)Monthly Unit Rating 7)Joint meeting with Machines/Rating subcommittee regarding Testing Procedures and Verification 8)Joint meeting with Reliability/Protection subcommittee regarding underfrequency loadshedding study 9)Revise Scheduling Procedures as Douglas substation regulating point 92Q3\JD3227(2) Chairman Tom Lovas stated that the MEA be invited to the next Dispatch subcommitteemeeting.Chairman Tom Lovas also stated that the Dispatch subcommittee consider meeting regularly. Under Reliability/Protection,David Burlingame stated that the underfrequency loadsheddingstudyisbasicallystoppedforacoupleofweeks(Bradley Lake Project governor appears to beundampedfollowingislanding).The Power Technologies,Inc.(PTI)is studying this issue.TheKenaiareagoesthroughallstagesofloadshedding.The Energy Authority directed Stone &Webster to correct this problem. Under Machine/Rating,Tom Lovas stated that the subcommittee report should reflect work to be done. Under T/L Structure and Conductor Evaluation,Eric Marchegiani distributed the report on the Anchorage-Fairbanks Intertie,Investigation of Structural integrity of Towers and brieflydiscusseditscontents.Tom Lovas stated that the committee members submit the comments at the next regular IOC meeting. Under Reserve Accounting Procedures,the two major items,unit capability definition and spinallocationpostBradleyLake,were discussed.David Burlingame stated that the IOC shouldclarifythefollowing:1)What formula should be used;2)What unit capability is to be used and;3)How Bradley Lake Project is to be incorporated into the formula/allocation model.Therewasanextensivediscussiononthespinningreservecalculations.All agreed to meet next week just to discuss this issue. THE SPECIAL MEETING OF THE ALASKA INTERTIE OPERATING COMMITTEE WILL BE ON TUESDAY,JULY 14,1992,AT 9:30 AM.AT THE GOLDEN VALLEY ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION BOARD ROOM,FAIRBANKS,ALASKA. The Operating Committee set the agenda for the special meeting of the Operating Committee. Vincent Mottola moved for the meeting to adjourn,seconded by Tim McConnell.The Operating Committee unanimously adopted the motion to adjourn at 6:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Afzal H.Khan Secretary,Intertie Operating Committee Attachments: 1.July 14,1992 meeting agenda. 2.IOC July 8,1992 meeting attendance sheet. The following were distributed at the July 8,1992 meeting: 3.AML&P letter,dated May 12,1992,to AEA.Subject:AML&P's representatives to IOC and its subcommittees. 4.MEA letter,dated June 23,1992,to AEA. Subject:Intertie Inventory at Talkeetna yard. 92Q3\JD3227(3) 92Q3\JD3227(4) EA letter,dated June 26,1992,to AEA. Subject:Proposed surcharge to be added to the wheeling rate. MEA letter,dated June 23,1992,to AEA. Subject:Intertie Inventory at Talkeetna yard. William Masters letter,dated June 19,1992,to IOC Chairman Tom Lovas. Subject:Proposed Work Scope,Operating Reserve Criteria. Dryden &LaRue letter,dated July 7,1992,to AEA.Subject:Draft Report "Investigation of Effects of Unbalanced Snow Loads ontheAnchorage-Fairbanks Intertie" Il.=)VIL. VO. ALASKA INTERTIE OPERATING COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA TUESDAY,JULY 14,1992 BEGIN AT 9:30 A.M. Adoption of prior meeting minutes Approval/modification of agenda Visitors comments related to items on agenda Work Session A.Reserve Accounting Procedure 1)Unit Capability Definition 2)Spin Allocation Post Bradley Lake Project Formal Operating Committee action/recommendation Subcommittee Assignments Determine agenda for next meeting Adjournment Meeting location: Golden Valley Electric Association Board Room 758 Illinois street Fairbanks,Alaska 99707 (907)452-1151 92Q3/TJ3224(1)Page 1 of 1 ALASKA INTERTIE OPERATINGCOMAIITEE In Attendance: HEETING Wi tMsves hater Jury B92 Nane Lonpany Phone No, Tit LOWS CHB AG BLEETLIC 262-2 ¢e Tohn Coo[ey Qe 962.¥E77TosMeLannett|ML &P AG3-SYSR Bos MAL MEA AS-323) B28 DOR«CVER Y52-ls} aan L het -Anas 2e2-y7es |Evens CaVven IS2-ViS\is WERL F.Wi.-S UY Sb cana Sam Matruews [ACG eT /HEA 235-9303 Aczac 4.kya AEA S6/-1617 EB A Mavihatn:|AEA S6/-2p27 Dowe Fai AIEG ¢T/6A 235-8167 "?4SUZZZZAbeCe 4 LePUNTES \\Wi Sikg |Municipality of Anchorage Municipal Light &PowerSwIeSETomFink,Mayor MAY 14 1200 East First Avenue "le aa ESI OY Authority Anchorage,Alaska 99501-1685May12,1992 as?-(907)279-7671.Telecopiers:(907)263-5204,277-9272 Alaska Energy Authority P.O.Box 190869 Anchorage,AK 99519-0869 Attention:Stan Sieczkowski Subject:Alaska Intertie Operating Committee Dear Mr.Sieczkowski: Municipal Light &Power has designated the followingindividualstoserveontheAlaskaIntertieOperating Committee and its subcommittees: IOC REPRESENTATIVE ALTERNATIVE Tim McConnell Moe Aslan Doug Hall SUBCOMMITTEES *protection Coordination.........Larry Hembree Moe Aslan Machines/Rating.......+e.eeeee+-e+Tim McConnell Hank Nikkels 4 Reserves Evaluation.............Larry Hembree Hank Nikkels SCADA Metering.........sesese5e.BOb Day Doug Hall 4 Dispatch...ccrcccccccsecsecsees DOUG Hall Tim McConnell *Reliability/Criteria............Larry Hembree Moe Aslan Insurance.....ccccceesecsecseess Barbara Willows ASCC Coordination...............Moe Aslam Tim McConnell +Load Shed......ccccccssceceseeese DOUG Hall Larry Hembree Sincerely, A Thomas R.Stahr General Manager Putting Energy Into Anchorage @ rh)in utes Matanuska Electric FC F]V FD Association,Inc. iN 2b See P.O.Box 2929 Palmer,Alaska 99645 Telephone:(907)745-3231 Fax:(907)745-9328 June 23,1992 Mr.Eric A.MarchegianiAlaskaEnergyAuthority701EastTudorRoad Anchorage,Alaska 99519-0869 Dear Mr.Marchegiani, Subsequent to our inspection of and discussion concerning the Intertie inventory ofourTalkeetnayard,I have reviewed the cost estimate for organizing,sorting andinventoryingthematerialsthere.Assuming that we will proceed as we discussed,which will include organizing and identifying major items and putting up forsalvagesaletherustedandreadilyavailablematerial,I believe the job can beaccomplishedforapproximately$25,000.This figure assumes a four man crew for5daysratherthantheoriginalestimateofafivemancrewfor8workingdays,at'the cost of $50,000.As we discussed,this figureis approximate and may be subjecttochangedependinguponconditionsorunforseencircumstances. Pl notify me as soon as possible concerning AEA's decision on thisissue,as theIggisticsmaybeanobstacleinourcompletionofthisproject. rah Anderson Materials Manager ce:Mr.James F.McIntosh Mr.Stanley E.SieczkowskiMr.Afzal H.Khan 205920824159 éFUGAAfves <>Matanuska Electric-Association,Inc. P.O.Box 2929 Palmer,Alaska 99645 APTelephone:(907)745-3231 cs Fax:(907)745-9328 '&C E |VED ©1992 June 24,1992 wdars ---3°3Y AuthorityPraalN4 Afzal Khan Alaska Energy AuthorityMemberIntertieOperating CommitteeP.O.Box 190869 Anchorage,Alaska 99519-0869 Dear Afzal: Enclosed is a sample calculation for a proposed surcharge to be added to the wheelingratechargedtoAlaskaEnergyAuthoritybyMatanuskaElectricAssociationforuseoftheTeelandtoDouglas138KVline.This surcharge would be calculated in the samemannerasthebasicratebutthecostsofoperationandmaintenancearealreadycoveredinthecalculationofthebasicrate.Capital costs of the re-insulation are not divided byfour,as in the existing wheeling rate,because the reinsulation is only required due to thehigheroperatingvoltageoftheintertie. It is proposed that this surcharge be added to existing wheeling rates,and applied to all future billings.The increase would be 0.0423 mills per KWHrwheeledovertheline. This has been reviewed by the Intertie Operating Committee and was chosen as thepropermethodofpayingMEAtoperformthere-insulation. If this meets with your approval,please respond,and I will prepare a newExhibit(B”for our contract that reflects the change. When the change has been made we will begin applying the additional charge. Qos OMJamesD.Hall Staff Engineer edes565jdh cc:Bob Orr GVEA Tom Lovas CEA Doug Hall AML&P Sam Mathews HEA MATANUSKA ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION SURCHARGE =die WHERE:b&d.Depreciation Expense -as described on exhibit &page 2 of the wheeling agreement.Applied only to the cost of re-insulating.awle.Capitol Costs -as described on exhibit "B7 page 2 of the wheeling agreement.Appliedonlytothecostofre-insulating. CG7wef.Kilowatt Hours -as described on exhibit 'BY page 2 of the wheeling agreement. d =.0275 cost e =.0525 d =.0275(14167)=390 e =.0525(14167)=744 f =268,000,000 KWHv Surcharge =$0.0000423 or .0423 mills/KWHv EAGR.140 {o « finn TES q State of AlaskaDNNaster:-cke:Soverrc? Alaska Energy Authority A olc CorporationJune26,1992 Ms.Deborah Anderson Matanuska Electric Association P.O.Box 2929 Palmer,Alaska 99645 Subject:|Anchorage Fairbanks Intertie,Talkeetna Yard Inventory/Review Dear Ms.Anderson: Please reference our trip to the Talkeetna Yard and associated trip downtown to the warehouseadjacenttotheTalkeetnaAirport.I appreciate all your help in attempting to arrive at areasonableinventory.I have attached a copy of the prints that I took while there for your use.You or Jim Hall may be able to identify a number of the larger pieces just by the pictures and thenumbersonthepieces. If we assume,that the side of the yard that we entered in is the west side of the yard,then it isthesidethepicturesstarton.Page one and two of the pictures illustrate the west side of theyardandappeartoshowsomemiscellaneoustowerpieces,the "goat heads”(static wire portionofthetowers),and a number of rock bolts.We then moved to the center of the yard andreviewedthevariouscontentsofthebarrels(see page 3).We agreed that it did not make sensetotryandinventoryalloftheseitems,but rather they would be surplused and the funds wouldreturntotheIntertieFund.Pages 4 through 9,illustrate the miscellaneous materials in thecentertwoaisles.All of the rusted bolts should be surplused.The anchor rod connectors needtobekeptalongwiththegalvanizedconnectorparts.All of the insulators need to be kept andcountedalongwiththelargepiecesoftowerparts. We then moved to the northern portion of the yard where the major tower parts were located.Pages 10 and 11 covers that area.The last picture on page 11 and pages 12 through 15 coversthepartsontheeasternsideoftheyard.The last picture on page 15 and pages 16 through 18coversthedowntownwarehouseandmaterialslocatedoutside.The materials stored inside(page 16)are the connector items for one "A"tower and 12 explosive splices for connecting theconductor).Next time your staff is in the area,please have them clear the brush aroundthematerials,so it will be easier to find. Once again,thanks so much for your assistance in this matter.I will be looking forward toworkingwithyoutofinallyaccomplishtheinventoryoncewereceiveIOCapproval.If youhaveanyquestionspleasefeelfreetocontactme. Sincerely,AlesEricMarchegianiCivilEngineer EAM:jd Attachments as stated. 4cc:Afzal Khan,Alaska Energy AuthorityStanleyE.Sieczkowski,Alaska Energy Authority O PO.Box 110809 Juneau,Alaska 99814-0809 (907)465-3575BHPO.Box 190869 704 East Tudor Road Anchorage,Alaska 99519-0869 (907)561-7877 92Q2JD3 1631) WILLIAM D.MASTERS 42 WINDWARD WAY AUBURN TOWNSHIP CHAGRIN FALLS OHIO3449%2 44023 (216)543-1652 June 19.1992 Mr.Thomas A.Lovas Chairman,Reliability Criteria Committee Alaska Systems Coordinating Council P.O.Box 190869 Anchorage,Alaska 99519 Dear Mr.Lovas In accordance with our telephone conversation of June 12, 1992,I am enclosing two copies of the proposed work scope for my work in support of the Council development of Operating Reserve Criteria.If there are questions or suggested changes,please let me know.I look forward to our association and anticipate mutual benefits. Incidentally.my Zip Code has been changed as shown above..Using the old Zip will apparently add a day of delivery +:' . rtime.ns ae Sincerely,Wil Duet 2 NaberWilliamD.Masters ec:Penny Haldane WILLIAM D.MASTERS 42 WINDWARD WAY _AUBURN TOWNSHIP CHAGRIN FALLS OHIO 44029 fc <2 (216)543-1652 PROPOSED WORK SCOPE STATEMENT WDM PROJECT 92-01 ALASKA SYSTEMS COORDINATING COUNCIL OPERATING RESERVE CRITERIA The following is a description of the proposed work scope of Consultant activities in support of the Alaska Systems Coordinating Council project for the development of operating reserve criteria. Estimated Activity Hours 1.Familiarization with the Railbelt System and with work to date (e.q..PTI studies).; Review Committee Work Plan and Schedule.8 Hours 2.Review Committee drafts of the Document outline and text.including proposed implementation plan.Respond with comments and suggestions. Interimworkinq comments are expected to be initially made verbally by conference call and.if necessary, by meeting with the Committee and confirmed in writing. Based on an assumed three monthly iterations the estimated Consultant time is 30 Hours 3.Review in detail the Final Draft of the Operating Reserve Document.Provide written suaqestions and comments to the Committee.4 Hours 4.Prepare Consultant's Final Report covering an overall assessment of the Committee Project. a review of services provided and suqgestions, if any for future work.4 Hours 5.Contingency for unforseen and overruns 4 Hours Total 50 Hours This work will be performed at the rate of $90 per hour plus expenses.Expenses are estimated at not more than $300, not including any required travel.Specific authorization will be requested for any labor and expenses exceeding the above amounts.Billing will be submitted monthly by the 10th of each month for the preceding months activities. If the preceding proposal is acceptable please have the appropriate person sign one copy and return it to me.I will reqard a signed proposal as authorization to mae)"LyAccepted:By:bi Mhavin 4 7 oefiver(V4 MerGo ALASKA INTERTIE OPERATING COMMITTEE WEDNESDAY,MAY 13,1992 (ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY CONFERENCE ROOM) MEETING MINUTES PRESENT: James Hall Alaska Electric Generation &Transmission (AEG&T)/Matanuska Electric Association (MEA) Afzal H.Khan -Alaska Energy Authority (AEA)Eric Marchegiani Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) Tim McConnell Anchorage Municipal Light &Power (AML&P) Doug Hall Anchorage Municipal Light &Power (AML&P)Hank Nikkels Anchorage Municipal Light &Power (AML&P) John Cooley Chugach Electric Association (CEA) Brad Evans Chugach Electric Association (CEA) Dave Burlingame Chugach Electric Association (CEA) Bob Orr Golden Valley Electric Association (GVEA) The meeting was called to order by Vice Chairman Bob Orr at 10:05 a.m.at the Alaska EnergyAuthorityConferenceRoom,Anchorage,Alaska. John Cooley moved that the March 11,1992 meeting minutes be adopted with correction,Jim Hall was present at the IOC meeting.Doug Hall seconded the motion.The motion wasadoptedunanimously.The May-::13,1992,IOC meeting agenda was adopted as submitted. Under Dispatch,Brad Evans distributed a draft of the March 18,1992 meeting minutes anddiscusseditscontents. Under Reliability/Protection Coordination,David Burlingame distributed a subcommittee reportdatedMay1,1992 and discussed the loadshedding study being performed by PTI.He statedthatthesubcommitteeapprovedtheproposedMEA's Talkeetna tap subject to the installation oflinepotentialtransformers. Under SCADA,Bob Orr stated that he sent out letters to utilities regarding AML&P request foralternativemeteringapproval. Under the Machine/Rating Subcommittee,Hank Nikkels stated that the subcommittee isworkingonthemachine/rating handbook and will schedule a subcommittee meeting within twoweeks. Under Correspondence,IOC Vice Chairman Bob Orr stated that he received the following: 1.AEA letter,dated March 18,1992,to IOC Chairman Tom Lovas.Subject:AEA's representatives to IOC and its subcommittees. 92Q2\D3156(1) 2.AEA letter,dated March 26,1992,to IOC Chairman Tom Lovas.Subject:Alaska Intertie,March 11,1992 meeting and related correspondence. Under Intertie Status,James Hall reported that the reinsulating project has been completed.Eric Marchegiani provided an update on Intertie structure #749 and discussed a final fix.Eric Marchegiani distributed the following and discussed its contents: 1.Dryden &LaRue letter,dated February 11,1992 to AEA.Subject:Investigation of Structural Integrity of Towers. 2.Dryden &LaRue letter,dated February 11,1992 to AEA.Subject: Investigation of Structural Integrity of Towers.Insulation Level Required. 3.AML&P letter,dated March 13,1992,to AEA.Subject:Underground RadarSurveyingServices There was a brief discussion on the inventory of the Talkeetna storage yard.Bob Orr stated thattheEnergyAuthorityneedstolookintothesparepartsandwhatpartstheEnergyAuthoritywantstokeepattheTalkeetnayardoratotherlocation.Bob Orr also stated that the Energy Authority should develop a spare parts list with operators.The Energy Authority should alsomakerecommendationstotheIOConsparepartsandontheirlocation. Under Reporting Requirements (AEA),the IOC decided that it is not necessary to prepare one. Under ASCC status,John Cooley stated that the ASCC committee meetings were held and thiscommitteeisgoingtomeetagainonMay26,1992. No visitors were present. The operating Committee took a break from 11:00 a.m.to 11:10 a.m. The Operating Committee went into work session. Under SCADA,Doug Hall stated that the ML&P has installed the Quantum meters. Under Dispatch,Bob Orr reported that GVEA is installing a RTU at the Douglas substation.There was a brief discussion on the Intertie regulating point.Doug Hall questioned how thiswillimpacttheexistingIOCagreementregardingmovingtheregulatingpointtoDouglassubstation. Under Reliability/Protection,David Burlingame discussed the contents of his memo to IOCChairmanTomLovas.He stated that certain operating procedures needs to be developed. Under PTI Loadshedding Study,David Burlingame stated that there is a significant amount ofworkinvolved.He also stated that the subcommittee will meet this week. Under Machine/Rating,Bob Orr stated that this subcommittee needs to develop list of items tobeworkedupon.There was a brief discussion on measuring machine response.Hank Nikkelsstatedthatitisdifficulttocreateagoodmodel. Under Intertie FY93 Budget,Afzal Khan distributed the final FY93 Intertie O &M budget. 92Q2\JD3 156(2) 5 -/3-F% Under T/L Structure and Conductor Evaluation,Eric Marchegiani stated that the report on theStructuralIntegrityofTowerswillbedistributedinJune.The IOC decided that it is not necessary for Mr.Brian White to attend the next IOC meeting to discuss the report.Bob OrrstatedthattheIOCwilldeterminewhenhecancometodiscussthecontentsofthereport. Under Caswell Lakes Road Crossing,Jim Hall stated that MEA will provide certified drawings. Under Formal Operating Committee Action/Recommendation,Bob Orr moved that IOC approve the proposed Talkeetna tap by MEA,subject to the installation of PT's withhotline/hotline check,capable of future synchronizing and;MEA address the following issues tothesatisfactionofIOCandAEA: Operating proceduresReviewofFinalDesign Construction Practices and schedules SCADA control SCADA microwave communications Control area loadfollowing/tieline bias metering control pointMITCRramifications Contract compliance Sam Matthews seconded the motion.The motion was adopted unanimously. John Cooley moved that IOC approve Quantum meters as an alternative to the Jem meters.Bob Orr seconded the motion.The motion was adopted unanimously. Bob Orr moved that IOC approve the Douglas substation as a control point for the SCADA andauthorizeGVEAnottoexceed$5,000 for the material (RTU)and installation.John Cooleysecondedthemotion.The motion was adopted unanimously. John Cooley moved that IOC approve the MITCR calculations.Afzal Khan seconded the motion.The motion was adopted unanimously. Under Subcommittee Assignments,Vice Chairman Bob Orr directed the DISPATCH subcommittee to meet at the discretion of its Chairman to work on:Dispatch Training Plan;maintenance response and communications coordination among the area utilities and TechnicalGuidelinesforOperation,Metering and Protective Relaying for Non-Utility Power ProducersandCogeneratorsanddevelopoperatingguidestogowiththem.In addition,the DispatchsubcommitteeistoinvestigateswitchingandtaggingproceduresforIOCapprovalandalsotolookintotheoperationalprocedures,communication and SCADA systems relating to MEA tap. Vice Chairman Bob Orr directed the MACHINE/RATING subcommittee to meet at the discretion of its Chairman to continue work on the machine rating book. Vice Chairman Bob Orr directed the RELIABILITY/PROTECTION subcommittee to meet at the discretion of its chairman to continue work on underfrequency loadshedding study. THE NEXT REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING OF THE ALASKA INTERTIE OPERATING COMMITTEE WILL BE ON WEDNESDAY,JULY 8,1992,AT 1:00 P.M.ATTHEHOMERELECTRICASSOCIATIONBOARDROOM,HOMER,ALASKA. The Operating Committee set the agenda for the next meeting of the Operating Committee. 92Q2\JD3156(3) Afzal Khan moved for the meeting to adjourn,seconded by Bob Orr.The Operating Committeeunanimouslyadoptedthemotiontoadjournat12:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Afzal H.Khan Secretary,Intertie Operating Committee Attachments as stated. 1. 2. July 8,1992 meeting agenda. IOC May 13,1992 meeting attendance sheet. The following were distributed at the May 13,1992 meeting: 3. 4. 13. 92Q2D3 156(4) Dispatch subcommittee March 18,1992 meeting minutes (Draft). CEA Interoffice Memorandum,Dated May 1,1992.Subject:Relaying/Reliability Subcommittee SCADA subcommittee May 12,1992 meeting minutes. AEA letter,dated March 18,1992,to IOC Chairman Tom Lovas.Subject:AEA's representatives to IOC and its subcommittees. AEA letter,dated March 26,1992,to IOC Chairman Tom Lovas.Subject:Alaska Intertie,March 11,1992 meeting and related correspondence. Dryden &LaRue letter,dated February 11,1992 to AEA.Subject:Investigation of Structural Integrity of Towers. Mharck 13Dryden&LaRue letter,dated February-tt-1992 to AEA.Subject:Investigation of Structural Integrity of Towers.Insulation Level Required. AML&?P letter,dated March 13,1992,to AEA.Subject:Underground RadarSurveyingServices AEA letter,dated March 23,1992,AML&P.Subject:Douglas Substation,Teeland Line Motor Operated Disconnect Switch 2S3 Operation GVEA letter,dated April 2,1992,to Mike Ridge,State of Alaska,Division ofTelecommunications.Subject:GVEA Radio Communication Upgrade at theState(DIVCOM)Owned Reindeer Hill Communication Site. GVEA letter,dated December 19,1991,to AEA Subject:GVEA RadioCommunicationUpgradeattheState(DIVCOM)Owned Reindeer HillCommunicationSite. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 92Q2D3156(5) AEA fax,dated April 2,1992,to Mike Ridge,State of Alaska,Division ofTelecommunications.Subject:GVEA Radio Communication Upgrade at theState(DIVCOM)Owned Reindeer Hill Communication Site. MEA Interoffice Memorandum,dated March 20,1992.Subject:AEA Intertie, Teelend-Douglas Line,Insulator Change. GVEA letter,dated April 16,1992,to AEA.Subject:Tower #749 GVEA Interoffice Memorandum,Dated April 10,1992.Subject:Tower #749, GPR Survey Of Foundation EBA Engineering letter,dated March 30,1992,to GVEA.Subject:Tower #749 Foundation Evaluation. MEA letter,dated April 8,1992.to AEA.Subject:Talkeetna Yard Inventory Dryden &LaRue letter,dated April 17,1992,to AEA.Subject:Investigation ofthePressureGroutingOfStructure#749,Revised Proposal. Gilbert/Commonwealth letter,dated March 14,1984,to Morrison-Knudsen. Subject:Intertie Structure #106,slight dent in the crossarm. Morrison-Knudsen letter,dated March 19,1984,to Irby/Northface Construction. Subject:Intertie Structure #106,slight dent in the crossarm. ALASKA INTERTIE OPERATING COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA WEDNESDAY,JULY 8,1992 BEGIN AT 1:00 P.M. I Adoption of prior meeting minutes II.Approval/modification of agenda III.|Committee correspondence and reports Dispatch SubcommitteeReliability/Protection Subcommittee Machine/Rating Subcommittee Correspondence Received Intertie Status Update ASCC StatusOOD>IV.Visitors comments related to items on agenda V.Work Session Recess and work session Dispatch Reliability/Protection PTI Loadshedding StudyMachine/Rating . T/L Structure and Conductor EvaluationOO>VI.Formal Operating Committee action/recommendation VII.Subcommittee Assignments VIII.Determine agenda for next meeting IX.Adjournment Next meeting location: Alaska Electric Generation &Transmission Homer Electric Association Board Room Homer,Alaska (907)235-8167 (907)561-7877 92Q2VD3101(1) Pt nieteg AAUA WTRT:ORANG CMATEE,HEETING In Attendance:Date:May 13,1992.Nare Lonpany Phone No, nrgear OL.( VEA TLS ICES JunHe II AEGéT >_byys-9269 Jahn Coober Chusache ___|yez 4877SeHal|iP 403-52EBSMorketareAre2B6/-7£2? Afent 1 Khan |AEA 561-7877 Te Mid My Mit AG >SY YDAbusNoawtadfuk7LEG-SFI/ Drei!Loclig |Chaps b W2 sere A Chagas Z WE2 --$289 03/20/92 16:55 GUEA QA1 ywinutes 2,aLDISPATCH/RESERVES SUBCOMMITTEE NOMarch18,1992CEA,Anchorage Minutes Attendance:Brad Evans CEA Marvin Riddle GVEA Doug Hall AMLP Bob Price AMLP John Vaughn HEA 1.Discussed inter-utility (boundary)switching and clearanceprocedures.Brad presente a draft proposal that is similar totheoneweareusingatBradleyLake.The objective is ta andupwithacommonproceduretobeusedwhenaboundaryiscrossed.Comments due back to Brad from Subcommittee members byMarch25,1992. Discussed spinning reserve requirement calculations.TheSubcommitteerecommendstheIOCapprovethefollowing: A.Use of national weather service at Anchorage and Fairbanks to obtain average monthly temperature. B.If the temperature varies more than +20°F,from the monthlyaverage,we will re-calculate based on the new number, C.These two preceding temperature calculations will be used todeterminetheratingontheunittocalculatespinningreserverequirement(i.e.largest contingency).. D.The actual temperature will be used to calculate the unitscapabilitytorespond(i.e.unloaded spin available). We feel using these numbers will give a truer reserve numberthanthewaywearepresentlydoingthis. Discussed changing the -xegulating point to Douglas frommidpoint.CEA is presently regulating to the Douglas meter,GVBA will change its AGC to regulate to the same point.ThiswillbeaccomplishedaddingaGVEARTUatDouglas.AcommunicationchannelwillberequiredfromDouglastoFairbanksontheStatesystem,Estimated cost is $3,000-$5,000.Subcommittee recommends this be approved and funded fromintertiefunds. Change intertie accounting to reflect new regulating point.AllaccountingforAEApaymentsistobedoneatDouglas.TheintertieschedulesnortorsouthwouldbedoneatDouglas,since that is where we are ravulating to.Intertie logs andxeportstoAEAwouldbechangedtoreflectthis. 83/28792 16:56 GUEA G82 Dispatch/Reserves Subcommittee MinutesMarch18,1992 EXAMPLE? FMUS sells 20 MW to AEGT. At Douglas to allow AGC to regulate 20 MW flow - *Zehnder (FMUS GVEA tie)22 MW GVEA losses are scheduled 1 MW Healy 21 MW Intertie losses are scheduled 1 MW *Douglas 20 MW CEA losses are scheduled 1 MW Indicates where wheeling is paid.At Douglas,wheeling paid to AEA/CEA. Schedule would be regulated at Douglas so the losses wouldhavetobecalculatedsoyoureceivethetotalamountyouneed.Existing loss tables can be used for all thesetransactions. EXAMPLEt AEGT sells to GVEA 20 MW. *Soldotna 21 MW CEA losses are scheduled 1 MW *Douglas ,20 MW Intertie losses are scheduled 1 MW Healy 19 MW *Indicates where wheeling is paid. NOTE: At Douglas wheeling is paid to AEA.At Soldotna wheeling ispaidtoCEA.Schedule would be regulated at Douglas.Solosseshavetobecalculatedsooureceivetotaamount required. The total power purchased from the selling utility will havetoincludealllosses,even though the Douglas schedule willnotshowalllosses. cower ew arr deg"-J . co CHUGACH ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION,INC. Anchorage,Alaska Way 1,1009 TO:Tom Lovas,Manager,Planning &Rates FROM:David W.Burlingame,Manager,Facilities Engineering 7” SUBJECT:Intertie Operating CommitteeRelaying&Reliability Subcommittee On Thursday April 30,1992,our subcommittee met to review theproposedTalkeetnatapbyMEAandtodiscusstheloadshedding study. The following motion was unaminously adopted regarding the Talkeetna tap: Move to approve the proposed Talkeetna tap by MEA subject to theinstallationofPt's with hot-line/hot-eline check,capable of future synchronizing capability.MEA is to provide an analysis oftheintertieconductorstoshowtheeffectsofreconfiguringthe line and its change in sag. The subcommittee advises the I0¢c to address issues related to the IoC contract and operating procedures,review of final design,construction practices and schedules,SCADA control,metering andtie-line bias.The subcommittee recognizes this may slightlyreducethereliabilityoftheintertie,but its effects can be mitigated through design and equipment considerations.This review is not intended to be construed as a standard design for intertie taps,but is only a review based on the actual. location and purpose of the proposed tap. The Subcommittee also discussed the loadshedding study being performed by PTI.There was a great deal of interest in completingthestudyandlocatinganalternativearrangementtoperformingfuturestudies. The subcommittee has basically agreed to divide the 10 additionalcasesintoawinterandsummerloadcaseeachwithamaximumhydro based spin case and a maximum gas based spin systen. We will attempt to finalize the cases by May 8,1992. I would not expect the study to be completed prior to June 1,1992. cc:Subcommittee Members File 1060.1 May 12,1992 SCADA Metering/Communications Subcommittee Minutes AMLP requested that IOC authorize use of the Schlumberger Quantum Meter for intertie metering.A letter was sent out to the subcommittee members requesting they review the proposed meter,and report back to the chair. Bob Day (AMLP),Jim Hall (AEGT),Terry Woods (CEA),and Bob Orr (GVEA)felt the metering proposal would be okay,providing itsoutputiscompatiblewiththeL&G recorder equipment and SCADA. AEA and FMUS did not respond. Robert Orr Chairman cc:Bob Day AMLP Jim Hall MEA Afzal Khan AEA Terry Woods CEA AAI nwfCR Y Stare st A-ascaDNNoqver,-c«e2 Sr.erece Alaska Energy Authority A Puce Corporancen March 18,1992 Mr.Thomas Lovas,Chairman Alaska Intertie Operating CommitteeChugachElectricAssociationP.O.Box 196300 Anchorage,Alaska 99519-6300 Subject:Alaska Intertie Operating Committee Dear Mr.Lovas: The Alaska Energy Authority has designated the following individuals to serve on theAlaskaIntertieOperatingCommitteeanditssubcommittees: IOC Representative Afzal Khan Alternate Eric Marchegiani Subcommittees: Insurance Stanley Sieczkowski Reliability/Protection Afzal Khan Machines/Rating Eric Marchegiani/Afzal KhanSCADA/Metering Afzal Khan ASCC Coordination Stanley Sieczkowski (cerely,, Charlie Bussell Executive Director AK:CB;jd cc:Stanley Sieczkowski,Alaska Energy AuthorityAfzalKhan,Alaska Energy AuthorityEricMarchegiani,Alaska Energy Authority O PO.Box 110809 Juneau,Alaska 99811-0809 (907)465-3575GiPO.Box 190869 704 East Tudor Road Anchorage,Alaska 99519-0869 (907)561-7877 92Q1VD2631(1) q Dye ts a5.N SOO.=2nd Bt acces Alaska Energy Authority 42.62 Corceraror March 26,1992 Mr.Thomas Lovas,Chairman Intertie Operating CommitteeChugachElectricAssociation,Inc.P.O.Box 196300 Anchorage,Alaska 99519-6300 Subject:Anchorage Fairbanks Intertie,March 11,1992 Meeting&Related Correspondence Dear Mr.Lovas: Please reference the above subject and the attached work order number AEA-DRL-009,Investigation of Structural Integrity of Towers.Pursuant to the discussions at the IOCmeeting,I contacted Dryden Rue to inquire about including voltages as low as161-kV and also leaving the option of returning the line back to 230-kV in the future.IhaveattachedaletterfromDryden&LaRue which indicates that these options will beconsideredintheirwork.Since this addition of options would not cause their proposal tochangecostwise,we have given them notice to proceed with this work order. I have received the information (see attached letter)concerning the radar methods fromMr.Moe Aslam (ML&P)as proposed to be used for Structure #749.This information hasbeenforwardedontoSteveSwift(GVEA)and he has requested a proposal fromMr.Stangl,EBA Engineering Inc. If you have any questions,please feel free to contact me. ZG lwbg Eric A.MarchegianiCivilEngineer EAM:jd Attachment as stated. cc:Afzal Khan,Alaska Energy AuthorityStanleyE.Sieczkowski,Alaska Energy Authority CG PO.Box 110809 Juneau,Alaska 99814-0809 (907)465-3575RPO.Box 190869 701 East Tudor Road =Anchorage Alaska 99519-0869 (907)561-7877 9201\3D2674/1\ IDRYDEN €LalRueE CONSULTING ENGINEERS BLBE momar See Arocccaze AX 99353 Va 73 4rzress PO BOX 111008 ANCHORAGE.AK 99511-1008 907 349-6652 @ =4x 322-2554 February 11,1992 Mr.Eric Marchegiani ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY 701 East Tudor Road P.O.Box 190869 Anchorage,Alaska 99519-0869 Reference:Work Order No.AEA=DRL-010 Anchorage Fairbanks Intertie,Investigation ofStructuralIntegrityofTowers As requested in our meeting on January 27,1992 and your letter of February 6,1992,we are submitting this proposal to look into the effects of wet snow loads on the structural integrity of the Anchorage -Fairbanks Intertie.H.Brian White,a ConsultingTransmissionLineEngineerwillbeworkingwithusonthisstudy. Mr.White's reports dated January 31 and February 18,1991 will bethestartingpointforthiseffort.In these reports,Mr.White reviews the mechanisms responsible for reduced ground clearance and. flashovers between the shield wire and the phases.He also estimates the effects of the various mechanisms and outlines ways of correcting the problems.In this study we will attempt to better quantify the contribution of each mechanism,define corrective actions accounting for their effects on the structural integrity of the towers and prepare recommendations. Scope of Services We understand that two problems are to be addressed:outages due to the shield wire sagging below the level of the phase conductors and low ground clearance of the phase conductors. Background It is important to develop as much information as possible from the performance of the line as is.We will read through the outage reports and sort them into categories and look to see if there are an patterns which relate to these problems. Alaska Energy Authority February 11,1992 Mr.Eric Marchegiani Page 2 Based on photographs,reports and discussions with local snow experts,we will establish a range of the amount and density ofsnowwhichwillresultinarangeofweightstouseinour analyses.This is intended to get ball park values.It is not intended to be a thorough meteorological analysis. Tower alysis We will do a structural analysis of two towers,the most common x tower and the test X-tower to determine their response to various loads.We will also look at how the actual capacity for various types of loads compares to the original design specification and how the deflections from the analytical model compare to the deflections recorded during the full scale tower test. Shie WwW For the conflict between the shield wires and the conductor we will estimate the lightning outage rate using EPRI's Multiflash computer program with the existing shielding,with the shield angle increased by reversing the shield wire peaks and without the shield wire.We will also examine the effects on the tower of: +Changing the Shield wire to 1/2"EHS which will have less sag under the heavy snow loads. o Removing the Shield wire. }Shortening the link attaching the shield wire to the structure. ¢Shortening the arm which holds the shield wire to the shield wire peak. +Reversing the shield wire peak to increase the separation from the phases. Phase _Ground Clearance For the ground clearance of the phases,we will estimate the sag of the phase conductors and shield wire under the range of wire weights determined as noted above with the structures as is.Two simplified limiting cases will be examined.The first will assume that the line is an infinite tangent section of uniform span and that all three phases of one span are equally loaded with wet snow.The second scenario will be that only one outside phase is installed on the tower and one span is loaded with heavy wet snow. This may sound unrealistic,but it simplifies the analysis by allowing us to neglect the restraining effect of the center and other outside phase on movement of the tower.We feel that this will give us an answer that will err on the conservative side. Alaska Energy Authority February 11,1992 Mr.Eric Marchegiani Page 3 Using these two models,we will evaluate the effects of changes to the structure -insulator system and the loads on the structure.The following modifications will be evaluated separately and in combinations that look promising based on the results of separate analysis: +Resagging the line to reduce the sag +Shortening the insulator strings from 345-kV insulation to 230-kV Insulation +Changing the insulators to inverted V-strings °Changing the insulators to polymer posts mounted upside down from the crossarms. +Modifying the tower -guy systen. Report The conclusion of this study will be a report that summarizes our analyses and recommendations.It should be recognized that the positions that the wires take are influenced by many different factors.We must make many assumptions in any analysis of the situation and there is no industry standard method for us to follow in this case.For example,we do not have any reliable statistical information about the magnitude and distribution of wet snow loads (as we do have with wind loads)to determine what a real design condition should be.The results we get will be approximate and may reduce the incidence of the problems but not eliminate them completely. We will prepare cost estimates for making the modifications that come out to be the best approach. Brian White will be available to present the results of the study to the IoC and answer their questions. Items to be Purnished by the AEA We will need the following information from the AEA and the operating utilities to perform our work. +Copies of any pictures available which show the wet snow loads including pictures of distribution lines from the same storms and any foreman's reports that may shed light on the amount or weight of snow. +All outage reports since the line was built (on disk if possible). Alaska Energy Authority February 11,1992Mr.Eric Marchegiani Page 4 >A complete set of As-built drawings. °The desired criteria for minimum ground clearances. Schedule and Budget Based on receiving notice to proceed by March 21,1992,we will deliver a draft report to you by early June 1992.A presentation will be made to the I0c at their July 1992 meeting,assumed to be on July 8.We will need a firm date for that meeting relativelysoonforBrianWhitetogetitblockedoutinhisschedule. Our estimated cost for the services described above is $46,400.We suggest a fee of $2,900 for a total of $49,300. If there are any modifications that you would like in the above proposed scope of services,please let us know. DRYDEN §&LARUE,Inge.Vioy. Delbert S.LaRue,P.E. cc:H.Brian White IDRYDEN é (LaRueCONSULTINGENGINEERS §436 HOT™mer D+ve Ancrorage AK 99518 Maing Agdress P.O.BOX 111008.ANCHORAGE,AK 99511-1008 :907 349-6653 e@ FAX 522-2534 March 13,1992 Mr.Eric Marchegiani ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY 701 East Tudor Road P.O.Box 190869 Anchorage,Alaska 99519-0869 Reference:Contract No.2800266,Work Order No.AEA DRL-010 Anchorage-Fairbanks Intertie,Investigation of Structural Integrity of Towers Insulation Level Required _During our telephone conversation yesterday,we discussed the possiblity of shortening the insulator strings on the Anchorage- Fairbanks Intertie to provide insulation for as little as 161-kvV. In our investigation of the icing problems,we will include this in the possible solutions;however,we understand that if this is recommended,there must also be a method of returning the line to 230-kV insulation in the future. DRYDEN &LARUE,Inc. Lp beeAlanB.Peabody,-E. NZ Municipal Light &Power 1200 East First Avenue Anchorage,Alaska 99501-1685 (907)279-7671,Telecoprers.1907)263-5204.277-9272 March 13,1992 Mr.Eric Marchegiani, Civil EngineerAlaskaEnergyAuthority P.O.Box 190869 Anchorage,AK 99519-0869 Dear Eric: Please find attached the name of the local company and the contact who provide Underground Radar Surveying services. Please forward this information to Mr.Bob Orr as discussed during our March 11,1992 I.0.C.meeting.I hope this information is helpful to you. Sincerely, MozT-AlamMoeT.Aslam,P.E. Chief Engineer Attachment cc:Mr.Tom Lovas,Chairman I.0O.C. Putting Enerau Into Anchoraae EBA Engineering Inc. Geotechnical and Materials Engineers 907 East Dowling Road,Suite 27 ANCHORAGE,Alaska 99518 Kurt O.Stangl,B.Sc. President Telephone:(907)561-4085 ateFAX:(907)561-7071 Api ner leg State of AlaskaDN'Nalterj +CcKel Soverrcer Alaska Energy Authority A Pupiic Corporation March 23,1992 Mr.Douglas W.HallChiefPowerDispatcher Anchorage Municipal Light &Power1200EastFirstAvenue Anchorage,Alaska 99501-1685 Subject:Douglas SubstationTeelandLineMotor Operated Disconnect Switch 2S3 OperationDearae The Alaska Energy Authority has no objection on using the motor operated disconnectswitch2S3toenergizethe138KVlinefromDouglastoTeelandunderthelightloadconditions.Therefore,the Energy Authority directs the Anchorage Municipal Light &Power to use this switch 2S3 to energize the 138 KV line. Please call me with any questions at 561-7877. Sincerely,IlHlCwAfzalH.Khan Manager/Engineering Support AHK:tlj cc:Stan Sieczkowski,Alaska Energy AuthorityEricMarchegiani,Alaska Energy AuthorityThomasLovas,Chairman,Intertie Operating CommitteeJamesHall,Matanuska Electric Association O PO.Box AM Juneau.Alaska 99814 (907)465-3575 3A PO.Box 190869 704 East Tudor Road Anchorage,Alaska 99519-0869 (907)561-7877 92Q1\T32656(1)Page 1 minutes GOLDEN VALLEY ELECTRIC NORE mr INC.Box 71249,Fairbanks,Alaska 99707-1249,Phone 907-452-1151April2,1992 ECEIVEN Mike Ridge 2DStateofAlaskare 6 1392DivisionofTelecommunj@ations.5900 East Tudor Road PY AuthorityAnchorageAK99507 Dear Mr.Ridge: I would like to confirm our phone conversation last week regardingtheinstallationofanewbuildingonReindeerHilltohousethenew GVEA 800 Mhz radio gear as follows: GVEA will provide,place,and secure a new 'comm building'nexttoDIVCOM's existing comm building. GVEA will connect to DIVCOM's existing 25 KVA padmounttransformerforthenewcommbuilding's electric power. AEA will continue to be billed for the electric power usage oftheReindeerHillcommsite.This consumption is metered by GVEAMeterNo.7206. GVEA will install the new radio equipment in the building. GVEA will install two 12 foot whip antennas and connect them to the new equipment.One'will replace the existing antenna on thetowerthatservesGVEAandtheotherwillbemountedtothenew comm building. DIVCOM will provide the connection from the new radio equipmenttoDIVCOM's microwave equipment. GVEA will own and maintain the radio equipment and building that serves GVEA at this site. GVEA can not share their facilities with any private or forprofitthirdparties. Please let me know if I misinterpreted any of the items that wediscussed.I will keep you informed of our progress and let you knowwhenwewillbeplacingthebuilding. Sincerely, JR Smith Senior Engineer ccs Afzal Khan Steven Haagenson 3 to"EN VALLEY ELECTRIC RIEOE PY EP)inc Box 71249,Fairbanks.Aiaska 99707-1249.Phone 907-452-1? DEC 23 1991December19,1991 :pyaska anergy Authority Mr.Afzal Khan Alaska Energy Authority PO Box 190869 Anchorage,AK 99519-0869 Re:GVEA Radio Communication Upgrade at the State (DIVCOM)OwnedReindeerHillCommunicationSite Dear Afzal: Golden Valley is in the process of upgrading our VHF radiocommunicationsystemtoaMotorola800Mhztrunkingtypesystem.ThisradiosystemwillprovidevoicecommunicationstoourserviceareasouthofCantwellaswellasthenorthernhalfoftheFbks-AnchIntertiewhichGoldenValleyisundercontracttomaintain. The State owned site (Reindeer Hill)located at Cantwell will needtheexistingVHFradioequipmentreplacedwith800Mhzequipment.See below for the physical dimensions of the new equipment. I would like to suggest that Golden Valley supply the 800 MhzequipmentandthatAEAinstallandmaintaintheequipmentsimilartotheexistingarrangementwithStateofAlaska,Division of Telecommunications (DIVCOM).Please let me know what would be suitable to you. Also,Golden Valley is looking at possible solutions to filling aholeintheexistingradiopropagationcoveragealongtheFbks-AnchIntertie.This area extends from the town of Nenana to our Ester Substation,a distance of about 40 miles of 138 kv line between HealyandGoldhill.Maintenance or repair within this line section iscurrentlyperformedoutsideofradiocontactwiththeGoldenValleySystem.Golden Valley feels that filling this hole is essential tomaintainingtheintegrityoftheIntertie. Initial survey indicates that a radio repeater located at the DIVCOMsiteatNorthNenanasitewouldfillthishole.(DIVCOM actually hastwositesatthislocation.The one that enters through the Railroad yard is of interest.)I've discussed this matter with Mike Ridye atDIVCOMandhesaidthathewouldbeagreeabletothisifAEAwouldrequestcooperationfromDIVCOMinprovidingaccesstothissiteforGoldenValley. GOLDEN VALLEY ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION INC. Mr.Afzal Khan Page 2December 19,1991 I would like to know your thoughts on the possibility of sharing thissitewithDIVCOMshouldouranalysisindicatethisasatisfactorysolution. The following is a list of equipment for 800 Mhz trunked radio thatwillneedtobesuppliedtotheReindeerHillcommunicationsite. Quan Item *Size 1 Data modem 2RU 1 StartSite Controller 3.7H 14.2W 15.4D 2 MSF5000 26.5H 21.75W 10D 3 MSF5000 37.0H 21.75W 10D 1 Repeater Switch 3RU 1 300AH Pb-CA Battery plant 29H 26W 18D 1 Inverter 8.7H 12.7W 11D 1 Transmit Antenna Combiner 9RU x 19D 1 Receive Antenna Combiner 2RU x 10D 2 Omni Antenna (fiberglass)12'whip27/8"LDF Heliax as required4Multiplexmodem/terms in State shelf as required *Dimensions are in inches except RU =EIA rack units. Please call me and we can discuss this. Sincerely, YE R.Smith Senior Engineer JRS :bj cc:Mike Ridge -State Division of Telecommunications N a Alaska Energy Authority Per YTPyfaaetSiknid TELECOPY (ANCHORAGE Telecopy Phone No.(907)561-8584) (JUNEAU Telecopy Phone No.(907)465-3767) TELECOPY SENT TO:Mine A idGe. DIL OF FB LECOMGAMIICA TTUUWS NAME OF COMPANY:STATE OF ALASKA COMPANY ADORESS:ANCHORAGE ,AK. TELECOPY PHONE NUMBER:lb6G-SSEZ SENDER:AEZAL Kies TELEPHONE NUMBER:2b/-7249 CHARGE CODE:9 F:/02¥SS NUMBER OF PAGES SENT:3 INCLUDING THIS COVER PAGE DATE SENT:fe 2G-I2A IF YOU BB MOT RECEIVE ALL OF THIS TELECOPY PLEASE CALL: Anchorage:(907)561-7877Juneau:907)465-3575 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS:ATTACHED)GVEA LETTER 15 FoR YuuR REVES AND QuMEnTS.LEASE PROVIDE CommeewTS _7o ME AT your. EARLIEST ComvewlEasee-T re)Y pet hla PO.Box AM Juneou.Alcma 99614 (907)465-3575 minuwteg MEMORANDUM DATE:March 20,1992 TO:Tom Jaekel Line Foreman FROM:James F,McIatoshDirectorofOperations SUBJECT:AEA Intertis We have outages scheduled from Teeland to Healy on the 138kV Intertie.TheinsulatorchangeshouldstartonMondayMarch30,(Teeland to Douglas). The conductor that needs to be unwra is scheduledtostart April 1,1992,Thehelicopter(Soloy)willbe in the Bi e Yard at &30 am.The Intertie from Teeland to Douglas will be tagged for the MEA Dispatcher who will issue yourcrewaclearancethatyouwillreleaseeachniTheMEADispatchtagnot be removed until April 10,1992,The 13&kV Teeland to Healy will remain out ofservice.. Should you have any questions please give me a call,thanks. Nae Mac dmJE IIISIO.4B 78)co: =MEA tchers Frank O'Brien Jim Hail Bob Mau punates GOLDEN VALLEY ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION INC.Box 71249,Fairbanks,Alaska 99707-1249,Phone 907-452-1151 April 16,1992 Eric Marchegiani R EC E |V E D Alaska Energy Authority P.O.Box 190869 APR 22 1992 Anchorage,AK 99519-0869 jjaska Energy Authority Subject:Tower 749 Dear Eric: This is in response to your letter of April 1,1992 which requested input on the proposed action.We would like to proceed with the attached recommendation by Steve Swift.The recommendation is to only do the Phase I GPR Survey for $16,400.After this has been done,we should have better information for determining our next course of action. Lege” Manager of System Operations cc:Afzal Khan AEA Tom Lovas CEA Steve Swift GVEA GOLDEN VALLEY ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION Interoffice Memorandum April 10,1992 - TO:Bob Orr FROM:Steve SwiftG@ RE:Tower #749,GPR Survey of Foundation Attached you will find a proposal from EBA Engineering,Inc.to provide a foundation evaluation and remedial services for tower #749. I recommend that we employ the GPR (Ground Penetrating Radar) techniques outlined in Phase I of the proposal.The GPR surveyshouldconcentrateon:1)ice content in the soil,2)voids that may be present,and 3)the condition of the anchor rods. These results should allow us to take the next and possibly final step to complete the repairs to the foundation. cc:Tower #749 file EBA Engineering Inc. Geotechnical and Materials Engineers March 30,1992 P-340 Mr.Steve Swift Golden Valley Electric Association Box 71249 Fairbanks,Alaska 99707-1249 Proposal to Provide Foundation Evaluation and Remediation Services GVEA Tower #749. Healy,Alaska Dear Mr.Swift: EBA Engineering Inc.appreciates this opportunity to propose foundation evaluation and remediation services for problems experienced by Tower #749.We understand that Tower #749,part of the Anchorage -Fairbanks Intertie,has experienced foundation movements resulting In the tower's deflection.Based on our discussions with with Mr Steve Swift of Golden Valley Electric Association (GVEA),permanent repair of the tower Is desired. This proposal's purpose Is to outline EBA's approach to remedy the problems with Tower #749.All of our proposed efforts will be directed at providing a permanent solution to Tower #749's foundation problems.The following proposed scope of services and estimated costs are based on the information provided to EBA and our discussions with Mr.Steve Swift. BACKGROUND Based on the information provided to EBA and our discussions with Mr.Steve Swift,EBA understands the following regarding Tower #749.Construction of Tower #749 was completed in 1985.Mucky excavation conditions at the time of construction caused over- excavation and replacement of earthfill to construct the pad foundation. Tower #749 was observed to be listing during 1990 in a general downslope (easterly) direction with most of the list being perpendicular to the transmission line alignment.A geotechnical Investigation and foundation evaluation occurred during the period February to Aprit 1991.The results of the geotechnical investigation indicated warm permatrost in two 'borings about 20 and 70 feet away from the tower.A thaw zone at five to eight feet was reportedinoneoftheborings.Ice contentswere reportedtobe low,supportedbythe results of moisture content test results.Observations of the tower's foundation was not done at that time. 907-East Dowling Fload,Suite 27,Alaska 99518 rae°Telephone(907)561-4065 *FAX (907)581-7071 « P-340 Page 2 A "temporary fix"to Tower #749 was Implemented during November 1991 to help prevent overturning failure of the tower.Inspection of the foundation at that time resulted in reported conclusions that the tower's foundation has moved laterally and downward vertically in a general downslope direction.The settlement had resulted In the rock anchors being untensioned and presumably deformed below ground.Survey of the tower's foundation was also done. We understand the "temporary fix"included Installing three thermoprobes,a guy system,and retensioning the rock anchors.The guy system consists of two cables anchored to the ground upslope of the tower's foundation.. PRELIMINARY EVALUATION Understanding the potential mechanism(s)causing Tower #749's foundation movement is essential to evaluating the problem and determining a technically sound and cost effective design for foundation remediation.EBA presently recognizes three potential reasons for the foundation movements. 1.Thaw Instability of the ground beneath the tower foundation. 2.Improper placement of the earthfill below and above the foundation not providing adequate support. 3.Slope instability In the area surrounding the tower foundation. EBA feels that conclusively determining the cause of Tower #749's foundation movements is not possible with the information obtained to date.However,at this time we feel it's probabie that thaw instability of permafrost and inadequate support by the soils beneath the foundation contributed to the foundation movements. No assessment of slope instability has been done to our knowledge. SCOPE OF SERVICES A proper scope of service to meet GVEA's needs depends not only on a technically sound approach,but also on assessing GVEA's risks,estimated costs,and expectations regarding foundation remediation of Tower #749.EBA has developed the following scope of services to best meet GVEA's needs as we understand them.EBA remains open to further discuss and develop a scope of service to best serve GVEA's needs regarding foundation remediation of Tower #749. -Sa P-340 Page 3 EBA proposes to complete our foundation remediation services for Tower #749 in three phases: Analyses and design; e Remedial construction;and ¢Performance monitoring. Phase |-Analyses and Design During Phase |EBA will perform a Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)survey at the tower site, 'engineering analyses to evaluate foundation stability,provide design of foundation remediation,and make recommendations for the foundation remediation construction. Phase |deliverables will be transmitted in an engineering report. EBA will perform a Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)survey to investigate subsurface conditions in the vicinity of Tower #749.The purposes of the GPR survey are to search and locate possible voids below the tower foundation pad;qualitatively assess the ice content of the soil and rock materials beneath the tower foundation;and to attempt to investigate the deformation of the rock anchors.This information will be used together with the existing information and geotherma!analyses to evaluate foundation remediation methodologies and perform remedial design. The GPR system Is a geophysical system used for subsurface surveying and mapping.We will use several antennae with the system to achieve appropriate depth and resolution depending on what is being investigated.A 1GHz antenna will be used to search for voids in the near surface.An antenna having a lower frequency,either 300 KHz or 120 KHz,will be used to search deeper for Ice rich materials and rock anchor deformations.Detailed information regarding EBA''s Ground Penetrating Radar System is presented in our corporate brochure attached.Logistics for the GPA survey will consist of transporting two persons and several hundred pounds of equipment to and from the site. EBA will evaluate geothermal conditions by finite element methods using our proprietary computer software Geotherm.The purposes of performing geothermal analyses Include evaluating the effects of past construction on the permafrost below the foundation.We will also evaluate possible thermal remediation alternatives to refreeze the ground and/or cool the permafrost in the immediate area of Tower #749's foundation.We will assess the use of insulation and/or thermoprobes to stabilize the foundation materials.Evaluation of the temporary fix conditions;I.e.the three thermoprobes installed,will also be done. a = @0a P-340 Page 4 The results of the geothermal analyses will tell us whether a passive cooling system and/or insulation should thermally stabilize the foundation materials supporting Tower #749's foundation.The geothermal analyses will also be potentially useful for other tower foundations experiencing geothermal instability problems In this region.Future cases would require review of the geothermal parameters,or review and slight adjustment to the analyses. EBA will provide design of the foundation remediation.At this time we foresee passive cooling,releveling,and rock anchors to be included In remedial design. EBA will provide recommendations regarding stabilization of Tower #749's foundation.At this time we foresee providing recommendations regarding geothermal protection to stabilize the permafrost,releveling the foundation pad,rock anchor analyses and design, and onsite instrumentation. Instrumentation will likely be recommended to provide conclusive data regarding the geothermal regime below the tower foundation,foundation movements,and ground movements.Installing a thermistor string immediately below the tower foundation is foreseen to monitor ground temperatures for any passive cooling systems installed.The existing thermistor installations away from the tower foundation will be used as background data to gage the effectiveness of a passive cooling system.iInclinometers would be appropriate to monitor possible slope instability and/or ground movements in the area of the tower foundation.And survey of the tower foundation components should be done using a temporary benchmark such that subsequent survey monitoring will yield quantitative measurement of potential vertical and horizontal deflections. EBA will provide an engineering report at the conclusion of Phase !.This will include the results of the GPR survey and our analyses;design of foundation remediation for Tower #749;and engineering recommendations regarding foundation remediation construction and performance monitoring. Phase Il -Remedial Construction EBA will perform monitoring of remedial construction to assure the foundation remediation design ts property implemented.Having someone knowledgeable of the design intent that can make decisions onsite is essential for proper remediation of Tower #749's foundation, particularly in light of the remoteness of the location. | tte 60a P-340 Page 5 Installation of the performance monitoring instrumentation concurrently with the foundation remediation is logicat.Final recommendations regarding performance monitoring Instrumentation will be made in our report at the conclusion of Phase |.At this time we foresee thermistor,inclinometer,and survey monument installations being recommenced. EBA anticipates GVEA to contract separately for construction of the foundation remediation and instrumentation Installation.EBA will provide the instrumentation materials.Doing so would likely lower GVEA's overall project costs.However,EBA can subcontract the remedial construction if desired by GVEA. Phase III -Performance Monitoring Post construction periodic monitoring of Tower #749's physical performance is essential. Both the tower components and the supporting foundation materials should be monitored. EBA will recommend a monitoring schedule when final performance monitoring recommendations are made in the engineering report of Phase |.The monitoring interval can be expected to be about every three months for the first year,then greater periods thereafter.The period between monitoring will depend also on the performance. At the conclusion of each performance monitoring field trip EBA will transmit a letter report to GVEA.The letter report will present the most recent data collected along with all past data. An engineering assessment of performance will be made based on the Instrumentation data and observations made up to that time. SCHEDULE EBA will perform our services to best comply with climatic and logistical constraints,and the needs of GVEA.We can begin Phase |as soon as desired.This phase of the work will require about six to eight weeks to complete.We foresee foundation remediation efforts and instrumentation Installation to be coordinated together during Phase II.Based on our conversations with GVEA,we expect the field construction to be performed during summer 1992.Phase I!I wil logically follow Phase Il.Its duration Is undefineabie at this time. COST INFORMATION EBA has prepared preliminary cost information as requested by Mr.Steve Swift of GVEA in his fetter dated March 17,1992.Our preliminary cost estimates are outlined below for your review.These costs are presented for planning purposes and should be considered "KSak Fain bened oe P-340 .Page 6 approximate.Upon review by GVEA and confirmation of a scope of services,EBA will provide contractual cost information to GVEA. Table 1 Preliminary Cost Information Phase |! *GPR Survey $16,400. *Geothermal Finite Element Analyses $7,700. e«Remedial Design &Reporting $8.200, Total Phase |Estimated Cost $32,300. Phase II ¢Mobilization /Demobllization $2,300. ¢Site Observation Day Rate $1,100//per day e instrumentation Materials $1,800. Phase II!-Performance Monitoring,Per Occurrence ¢Mobilization /Demobilization $2,600. ¢Site Data Collection $1,800. *Reporting $1,000, Total Phase II!Estimated Cost $5,400. EBA assumes that dally transportation to and from Tower #749 to perform services associatedwithPhases |,{I and Ill will be provided by GVEA. It is not possible to accurately estimate construction costs associated with foundation remediation until Phase {Is completed.We can provide a construction cost estimate for GVEA at that time if requested under a separate scope of work. REMARKS EBA feels that a technically sound,cost effective solution for foundation remediation of Tower #749 will require further insight into the foundation's fallure,design,proper construction to implement the remediation design,and performance monitoring.Our understanding Is that GVEA wants to do whatever possible to remediate the problem this year and also provide a permanent solution for Tower #749's foundation.This proposal is directed at fulfilling these objectives. -Sa P-340 Page 7 EBA appreciates the opportunity to propose Foundation Evaluation and Remediation Services to GVEA.If you have any questions regarding this proposal or wish to discuss this subject further,please call us at 561-4085. Sincerely, EBA Engineering Inc.QOD eSBrianD.Benson,P.E. Senior Project Engineer Attachment:EBA Corporate Brochure QD/ / \ mut@h Matanuska Electric Association,Inc. P.O.Box 2929 Palmer,Alaska 99645 Telephone:(907)745-3231 Paw:(907)745-9328 April 8,1992 Mr.Eric A.MarchegianiAlaskaEnergyAuthority701EastTudorRoad Anchorage,Alaska 99519-0869 Dear Mr.Marchegiani, In response to your letter to James F.McIntosh,dated April 1,1992,I havescheduledinventoryoftheTalkeetnayardoftheAnchorage/Fairbanks Intertie tobeginJune1,1992. I have estimated a minimum of $50,000 to complete this job.This estimate is basedonfivemenworkingeightdays.Should the inventory take longer thananticipated,average daily costs for room,board,wages and equipment will exceedthatfigurebyapproximately$5,000 a day. If you would like to discuss the logistics of this inventory with me,feel free to callmeatthenumberitheenclosedcard. y ; |4 rah Anderson aterials Manager cc:Mr.James F.McIntosh Mr.Stanley E.Sieczkowski Mr.Afzal H.Khan 205.920408.U7 minn tes IDRYDEN i ILaIRvuE Inc.CONSULTING /ENGINEERS 6436 Homer Drive,Anchorage.AK 99518 Mailing Agdress:P.O.BOX 111008,ANCHORAGE,AK 99511-1008 (907}349-6653 @ FAX 522-2534 April 17,1992 RECEIVED APR 20 1992 Mr.Eric Marchdy@ia Prergy Authority ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY P.O.Box 190869 Anchorage,Alaska 99519-0869 Reference:Work Order No.AEA-DRL-009 Anchorage -Ffairbanks Intertie Investigation of the Pressure Grouting of Structure #749 Revised Proposal At your request,we have divided the scope of services described in our letter to you of February 11,1992 into two parts.The first part is to investigate the feasibility of pressure grouting under the foundation and the second part is to prepare plans and specifi- cations for the work should you decide to go ahead with it. Investigation of Feasibility We will investigate the feasibility of pressure grouting any void that may exist underneath the foundation.We will work with Shannon and Wilson to determine the thickness and extent of insula- tion to be placed at the structure to work in conjunction with the thermoprobes.We will prepare a report of the findings of our investigation and prepare a cost estimate for the grouting (if feasible)and placing the insulation. The report will be submitted one month after receiving notice to proceed.Our estimate of the cost of these services is $9,350.We suggest a fee of $750 for a total cost of $10,100. Preparation of Plans and Specifications If you should decide to go ahead with pressure grouting under the foundation,we will prepare plans and technical specifications for the work. Our estimate includes preparing the plans and technical specifica- tions and a reasonble amount of time for coordination and answering questions.We have not included any time for bidding,awarding and administering a construction contract. We also have included the time and travel costs by car to Healy forasitevisit.Costs of helicopter transportation from Healy to thesitearenotincluded. Alaska Energy Authority April 17,1992 Mr.Eric Marchegiani Page 2 Our estimate of the cost of these services is $6,150.We suggest a fee of $490 for a total cost of $6,640. If you have any questions,please give me a call. VEZ Delbert S.LaRue,P.E. DSL:jf\prop\groutl.prp minnfes _C,Gilbert/Commonweaith engineers and consultants4COMMONWEALTHASSOCIATES.INC.: - ALASKA OPERATIONS,3601 *°C''Street.Suite 398,Anchorage.AK 99503/Tel.907-562-0625 March 14,1984 CAI-A-0673besyk Mr.C.R.Parrish Morrison-Knudsen 813 D Street Anchorage,AK 99501 RE:ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY ANCHORAGE-FAIRBANKS INTERTIE CONTRACT APA-83-C-0015 Structure #106 Dear Charles: This is to confirm our verbal approval of the use of the steel sections that form structure #106 which fell during the guy tensioning operation. Robert Hoop inspected the structure and found no damage which was critical. There was only one slight dent in the crossarm which did not affect the structural integrity of the structure. Please let us know if there are any questions.Act |Int | C Yours very truly,: .€Cay es Hy IFL.G.Miller,P.E.REL [fe Project Manager C RRH/dr c S) cc:D.Eberle = T.Small e CAI Talkeetna R R . K Jy aay File Codeac-1352640439p2-1-17 er |Reply:A/.Principal OfficesOnOa.tana Oecae.an...,1400SE 6th Street Suite 130 Bellevue.WA 98004/Te:206.454.0065 ENGINEERS : Le DEVELOPERS -ee,(Ge MORRISON-KNUDSEN COMPANY,INC. ANCHORAGE FAIRBANKS INTERTIE 613 D STREET ANCHORAGE ALASKA 99501 PHONE (907)274 9566 March 19,1984 S/N M-K-15-0294 Irby/Northface Construction Pouch "B" Talkeetna,Alaska 99676 Attention:Mr.J.Lyman Davis,Project Manager Subject:STRUCTURE #106 Reference:Alaska Power Authority Anchorage-Fairbanks Intertie Contract No.APA-83-C-0015 Transmission Line Construction Gentlemen: Tower #106 was inspected by Robert Hoop,Commonwealth Associates,regarding use of the steel sections after the structure fell during the guy tensioning -operation.Commonwealth found no damage which was critical.There was only one slight dent in the crossarm which did not affect the structural integrity of the structure.The steel is herewith approved for use. Please contact us if you have any question regarding this subject. Very truly yours, MORRISON-KNUDSEN COMPANY,INC. BL, Construction Manager RS/ja . cc:D.Eberle -Alaska Power Authority T.Small -Commonwealth Associates,Inc.,Anchorage,Alaska L.Miller -Commonwealth Associates,Inc.,Jackson,Michigan 15<04C38 ALASKA INTERTIE OPERATING COMMITTEE WEDNESDAY,MARCH 11,1992 (FAIRBANKS MUNICIPAL UTILITIES SYSTEM) MEETING MINUTES Present: Afzal H.Khan Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) E.Marchegiani Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) Larry Colp Fairbanks Municipal Utilities Systems (FMUS) Moe Aslam Anchorage Municipal Light &Power (AML&P) Doug Hall Anchorage Municipal Light &Power (AML&P) Tom Lovas Chugach Electric Association (CEA) John Cooley Chugach Electric Association (CEA) Brad Evans Chugach Electric Association (CEA) D.Burlingame Chugach Electric Association (CEA) Bob Orr Golden Valley Electric Association (GVEA) Marvin Riddle Golden Valley Electric Association (GVEA) Dr.John Aspnes University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) Dr.Jim Cote University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) The meeting was called to order by Chairman Tom Lovas at 9:45 a.m.at the FairbanksMunicipalUtilitiesSystemBoardRoom,Fairbanks,Alaska. Bob Orr moved that the January 23,1992 meeting minutes be adopted with modifications.Doug Hall seconded the motion.The motion was adopted unanimously.The modifications totheméetingminutesareasfollows:1)Page 3,Paragraph 5,should read "Under Teeland-Douglas Insulation,Jim Hall stated that MEA needs permission to proceed with the reinsulatingproject.Chairman Tom Lovas stated that each IOC member needs to get an approval from theirGeneralManagerandrespondtotheIOCChairmanwhowillrelaytheinformationtoMEA";and 2)Page 4,Paragraph 4,should read "The IOC recommends that the SCADA subcommitteeChairmanconsidercallingasubcommitteemeetingtoconsideraproposalofferedbyML&P regarding Intertie metering." The March 11,1992 IOC meeting agenda was modified by adding:Item V (K),Switching and Tagging Procedure;Item V (L),Wheeling Accounting;and Item II (A),Visitor Briefing.The modified agenda was adopted unanimously. Under Visitor Briefing,Dr.John Aspnes introduced Dr.Jim Cotes,a new faculty member atUniversityofAlaskaFairbanks.Dr.John Aspnes distributed a copy of a letter,addressed toAlaskaIntertieOperatingCommittee,and discussed its contents.The major topics discussedwere:System Analyses Tools available;Research Ideas for example voltage collapse phenomenaandsecurityassessment;and Workshop/Seminar/Short Course Ideas.Chairman Tom LovasthankedDr.John Aspnes and Dr.Jim Cotes for the presentation. Under Dispatch,Marvin Riddle stated that the Dispatch subcommittee has not done anything at this time.He stated that the Bradley Project kept them busy. Under Reliability/Protection Coordination,David Burlingame distributed the correspondencebetweenhimandPTI.He stated that everyone is working together to finalize theunderfrequencyloadsheddingstudy.He also stated that the final completion date for theloadsheddingstudyisMay1,1992.John Doudna will provide a completion schedule by nextweek,Ten additional case will include Bradley Lake Project. 92Q2\IT2868(1)Page |of5 Under the Machine/Rating Subcommittee,Moe Aslam hope to have a new machine rating fortheRailbeltunitsatthenextIOCmeeting.There was a brief discussion on testing machines annually.Chairman Tom Lovas would like to see that the subcommittee chairman come to theIOCmeetingtodiscusstheMachine/Rating subcommittee work status. Under Correspondence,IOC Chairman Tom Lovas stated that he received the following: 1.AEA letter,dated February 20,1992,to IOCChairmanTomLovas. Subject:Investigation of the Pressure Grouting of Structure #749. 2.Charlie Bussell,Executive Director,letter,dated January 27,1992,to IOC Chairman Tom Lovas. .Subject:Caswell Lake Road Crossing Guard Structure Under Intertie Status,Eric Marchegiani provided an update on Intertie structure #749 anddiscussedafinalfix.Bob Orr stated that he would like to see that Dryden &LaRue proceedwith:the feasibility of grouting structure #749;and complete plan and specifications. The Goldhill Substation SVC Building roof modification is complete and is satisfactory.The new roof was constructed over the old roof.The new roof provides a cold roof that channels all the snow,water,and ice away from the SVC bus. Moe Aslam raised the question of completing some type of radar inspection of the foundationunderstructure#749 since no one can positively tell if there is a void there.He stated that hewillobtaininformationconcerningthisandpasstheinformationtoAEA.This information thenwillbeprovidedtoGVEAsothattheGVEAcontracttoanentitytocheckthefoundationout.Bob Orr stated that the proposal by Dryden &LaRue be divided into two components,one forcompletingthereportonthefeasibilityofgroutingstructure#749 and also into the costsassociatedwithcompletingtheplansandspecifications. The IOC agreed to move forward with the investigation of structural integrity of towers,butalsoindicatedthattherestrictionof230kVshouldbedroppeddownto161kVandthe alternatives considered should not preclude the option of increasing the voltage upto 230 kV. There was a brief discussion on the inventory of the Talkeetna storage yard.Jim Hall pointedoutthatsomeofthesmalleritemsmaybeabletopurchasedlocallyjustaseasybutthemajor items that require a long lead time are the items that need to be easily located. There was also a discussion on patrolling the southern portion of the line by snowmobile toaddressthequestionofwhethertheconductorhassaggeddownintotheright-of-way where itmightbeahazardoustothepublic.AEA needs to work with MEA to resolve this issue. Jim Hall provided pictures of structures #78 and #106 which had dents in the cross arms.AEAneedstodetermineiftheoriginalinspectionreportsindicatethatthereweredentsinthecross arms at installation time. Under Reporting Requirements (AEA),Afzal Khan stated that he will try to submit the AEA Reporting Requirements to IOC by the next IOC meeting. The Operating Committee took a break from 11:50 a.m.to 12:10 p.m. 92Q2\IT2868(2)Page 2 of 5 2 1h 92 The Operating Committee went into work session. Under Election of Officers,Chairman Tom Lovas requested nominations for Chairman and ViceChairman.Bob Orr nominated Tom Lovas for Chairman.Doug Hall seconded the nomination. There was no other nomination for Chairman.Afzal Khan moved that the nomination for Chairman be closed.Jim Hall seconded the motion.The motion was passed unanimously.Tom Lovas was elected Chairman.Chairman Tom Lovas requested nominations for Vice Chairman.Afzal Khan nominated Bob Orr for Vice Chairman.Jim Hall seconded the nomination.There was no other nomination for Vice Chairman.Larry Colp moved that the nomination for Vice Chairman be closed.Doug Hall seconded the motion.The motion was passed unanimously.Bob Orr was elected Chairman.Bob Orr moved that Afzal Khan be reconfirmed as Secretary. Doug Hall seconded the motion.The motion was adopted unanimously. Under Reliability/Protection,there was a brief discussion on the possibility of expanding PTIworktoincludevariouscontingencies.David Burlingame stated that the IOC memberscoordinatewiththesubcommitteemembersonrecommendations. Under Intertie FY93 Budget,Afzal Khan stated that he will submit the final FY93 Intertie O & M budget for IOC approval. Under T/L Structure and Conductor Evaluation,Eric Marchegiani distributed the following: 1.Dryden &Larue letter,dated February 11,1992,to AEA.Subject:Investigation of the Pressure Grouting of Structure #749. 2.AEA letter,dated February 20,1992,to IOC Chairman Tom Lovas. Subject:Investigation of the Pressure Grouting of Structure #749. 3.Dryden &LaRue letter,dated February 11,1992,to AEA.Subject:Investigation of Structural Integrity of Towers. 4.Dryden &LaRue letter,dated March 10,1992,to AEA.Subject:Emergency Restoration Structures 5.Dryden &LaRue letter,dated December 23,1992,to AEA.Subject:Structure #749,Alternatives for Permanent Fix. Under Caswell Lakes Road Crossing Guard Structure,Jim hall stated that the Caswell Lakes road guard structure has been installed. Under Switching and Tagging Procedures,there was a brief discussion on switching and taggingprocedures.Brad Evans stated that we should move forward developing standard procedures.David Burlingame stated that the switching procedures do not necessarily agree with the CEA safety manuals. Under Wheeling Accounting,the Dispatch subcommittee should work on a draft concerningIntertieWheelingAccountingandReserveswhichmaybeaddedasanaddendumtotheexistingcontract.There was a discussion that it may be difficult to modify the contract. Under Formal Operating Committee Action/Recommendation,Bob Orr move that the SecretarytocompilealistofformalactionstakenbytheIOCunderthefollowingcategories:1)Facilities;2)Engineering;3)Operations;4)Financial;and 5)others.Doug Hall seconded the motion.Themotionwasadoptedunanimously. 92Q2\IT2868(3)Page 3 of 5 B-/e-P 2 Bob Orr moved that the IOC request ASCC to fund additional loadshedding cases asrecommendedbytheIOCReliability/Protection subcommittee.Jim Hall seconded themotion.The motion was adopted unanimously. Afzal Khan moved that the IOC authorize an expenditure by AEA in the amount not toexceed$49,300 to investigate the structural integrity of towers,but also indicated that therestrictionof230kVshouldbedroppeddownto161kVandthealternativesconsidered should not preclude the option of increasing the voltage upto 230 kV.Doug Hall secondedthemotion.The motion was adopted unanimously. The IOC recommends that the SCADA subcommittee Chairman consider calling asubcommitteemeetingtoconsideraproposalofferedbyAML&P regarding intertie metering. The IOC recommends that the AEA submit MEA O &M budget and other budget to IOCmembersbeforecalculatingenergyandcapacityrates. Under Subcommittee Assignments,Chairman Tom Lovas directed the DISPATCHsubcommitteetomeetatthediscretionofitsChairmantoworkon:Dispatch Training Plan;maintenance response and communications coordination among the area utilities andTechnicalGuidelinesforOperation,Metering and Protective Relaying for Non-Utility PowerProducersandCogeneratorsanddevelopoperatingguidestogowiththem.In addition,theDispatchsubcommitteeistoinvestigateswitchingandtaggingproceduresforIOCapproval. Chairman Tom Lovas directed the MACHINE/RATING subcommittee to meet at the discretion of its Chairman to continue work on the machine rating book. Chairman Tom Lovas directed the RELIABILITY/PROTECTION subcommittee to meet at the discretion of its chairman to continue work on underfrequency loadshedding study.Chairman Tom Lovas also directed this subcommittee to review and comment to IOC on the MEA Talkeetna Tap. THE NEXT REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING OF THE ALASKA INTERTIE OPERATING COMMITTEE WILL BE ON WEDNESDAY,MAY 13,1992,AT 10:00 A.M.AT THE ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY MAIN CONFERENCE ROOM, ANCHORAGE,Alaska. The Operating Committee set the agenda for the next meeting of the Operating Committee. The Operating Committee unanimously adopted the motion to adjourn at 2:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted,MW.Eb Afzal H.Khan Secretary,Intertie Operating Committee Attachments: 1.May 13,1992 meeting agenda.2.IOC March 11,1992 meeting attendance sheet. The following were distributed at the March 11,1991meeting: 92Q2\IT2868(4)Page 4 of 5 3.Dryden &Larue letter,dated February 11,1992,to AEA.Subject:Investigation of the Pressure Grouting of Structure #749. 4.AEA letter,dated February 20,1992,to IOC Chairman Tom Lovas. Subject:Investigation of the Pressure Grouting of Structure #749. 5.Charlie Bussell,Executive Director,letter,dated January 27,1992,to IOC Chairman Tom Lovas. Subject:Caswell Lake Road Crossing Guard Structure 6.IOC Chairman Tom Lovas letter,dated November 27,1991,to Charlie Bussell, Executive Director. Subject:Caswell Lake Road Guard Structure 7.IOC Chairman Tom Lovas letter,dated September 24,1991,toStanSieczkowski. Subject:Caswell Lake Road Guard Structure 8.Dryden &LaRue letter,dated February 11,1992,to AEA.Subject:Investigation of Structural Integrity of Towers. 9.Dryden &LaRue letter,dated March 10,1992,to AEA.Subject:EmergencyRestorationStructures 10.Dryden &LaRue letter,dated December 23,1992,to AEA.Subject:Structure #749,Alternatives for Permanent Fix.11.CEA memo,dated January 31,1992,to AEA.Subject:Railbelt Issue-Alaska Intertie Agreement12.PTI letter,dated March 9,1992,CEA.Subject:Telephone Conversation of March 6,1992 13.CEA letter,dated March 6,1992,to PTI. Subject:Loadshedding Study Cases14.CEA letter dated,March 3,1992,to PTI.Subject:PTI meeting of February 27,199215.CEA letter,dated February 20,1992,to PTI.Subject:PTI letter of February 10,199216.CEA letter,dated January 31,1992,to AEA.Subject:Loadshedding Study -Remaining Scope of Work17.AEA letter,dated January 31,1992,to PTI.Subject:Loadshedding Study-AEA Contract #2800177 18.GVEA letter,dated January 22,1992,to AEA. Subject:PTI Loadshedding Study -Outline19.|ASCC Operating Guides For Interconnected Utilities20.UAF letter,dated March 11,1992,to Alaska Intertie Operating Committee. Subject:Research/Workshop/Seminar Ideas 92Q2\IT2868(5)Page 5 of 5 II. HI. IV. VI VI. Vil. IX. ALASKA INTERTIE OPERATING COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA WEDNESDAY,MAY 13,1992 BEGIN AT 10:00 A.M. Adoption of prior meeting minutes Approval/modification of agenda Committee correspondence and reports GyOODispatch SubcommitteeReliability/Protection SubcommitteeSCADASubcommittee Machine/Rating Subcommittee Correspondence Received Intertie Status UpdateReportingRequirements-AEAASCCStatus. Visitors comments related to items on agenda Work Session AMMOMMOO>Recess and work session SCADA DispatchReliability/Protection PTI Loadshedding StudyMachine/Rating FY93 Budget T/L Structure and Conductor Evaluation Reporting Requirements-AEACaswellLakesRoadCrossing-Engineer's CertificationReviewUAFResearchProposal Formal Operating Committee action/recommendation Subcommittee Assignments Determine agenda for next meeting Adjournment Meeting location: 92Q2\TI2854 Alaska Energy AuthorityMainConferenceRoom 701 E.Tudor Road Anchorage,Alaska 99503 (907)561-7877 Page 1 of 1 ALASKA INTERTIE OPERATING COMMITTEEHEETING am aufeg In Attendance:hate Macch WetWae2 Hane Lonpaty Phone Ho, Tous LOVAS CHU6Ae (+; 262-Y¥7 42 Thc La t/P1bjp rf zus-SUED Moe Asim Mee ber -S222TeinCookin|Chipocl U24¢S1 hw Ke bagine Chew och 762 -_Yero Rocwdley Eira un 262-4734 Nptrw>Krave Gverr $§a zis} Mo 1 Lb VEA SS51S| AE ZAL KWAN AEA 561-7277 ".May.ft Ef)-561-7977 Jim Cote UAE 474-707 othr heypprar-UAE 474.-609° eA Loh EMUS WS I-CABS Mia utes N ee)aaa a re 2°N Alaska Energy Authority A Puce Covocraer February 20,1992 Mr.Thomas Lovas Intertie Operating Committee ChairmanChugachElectricAssociation,Inc.P.O.Box 196300 Anchorage,Alaska 99519-6300 Subject:Investigation of the Pressure Grouting of Structure #749AnchorageFairbanksIntertie,Work Order No;AEA-DRL-009 Dear Mr.Lovas: Please reference the above subject and the attached proposal.Previous discussions withtheIntertieOperatingCommittee(IOC)reflected the need to investigate a final repair forStructure#749.We had requested Dryden &LaRue to provide us with an estimate ofcoststocompletethatinvestigation.This proposal may be modified depending onadditionaldesireoftheIOC.We would like IOC concurrence at the March 11,1992 meeting to modify or move forward with this proposal in its present form. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, ric A.MarchegianiCivilEngineer EAM:jd cc:Afzal Khan,Alaska Energy AuthorityStanleyE.Sieczkowski,Alaska Energy AuthorityBobOrr,Golden Valley Electric Association,Inc.Steve Swift,Golden Valley Electric Association,Inc. TPO.Box 110809 Juneau,Alaska 99811-0809 (907)465-3575@PO.Box 190869 704 EastTudor Road Anchorage,Alaska 99519-0869 (907)561-7877 9201\3D2469/1)Pave 1 IDRYDEN €ILaAlRuERECEIVED=CONSULTING ENGINEERS 2 1592 $436 Homer Deve Ancrorage4K39519MaingSadressPO.BOX 111008.ANCHORAGE.AK 99511-1008SEeeesSEIU,AUTHORITY 307 349-5453 @ FAX 522-2534 February 11,1992 Mr.Eric Marchegiani ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY P.O.Box 190869 Anchorage,Alaska 99519-0869 Reference:Work Order No.AEA-DRL-009 Anchorage -Fairbanks Intertie Investigation of the Pressure Grouting of Structure #749 As requested in our meeting on January 27,1992,we are submitting this proposal concerning pressure grouting the foundation of struc- ture 749 on the Anchorage -Fairbanks Intertie.This proposal is based on our interpretation of the information gathered during the temporary fix completed last fall as presented in our report dated December 23,1991. Scope of Services We will investigate the feasibility of pressure grouting any void that may exist underneath the foundation.We will work with Shanon and Wilson to determine the thickness and extent of insulation to be placed at the structure to work in conjunction with the thermo- probes.Conclusion of this investigation will be a report and cost estimate for the grouting and insulation.If after reviewing the report,you would like to proceed with pressure grouting under the foundation and placing the insulation,we will prepare plans and technical specifications for the work. Schedule and Budget The report will be submitted one month after receiving notice to proceed.Plans and specifications will be ready one month after receiving notice that you would like to proceed. Our estimate of the cost of providing these services is $15,500.We suggest a fee of $1,240 for a total of $16,740.We have included a visit to the site but have not included any helicopter costs. Wy)SAL Delbert S.LaRue,P.E.; DSL:jf\grout.prp DN "S La "eee ot , Alaska Energy Authority 4 Puciic Corporation January 27,1992 Mr.Thomas A.Lovas Chairman Intertie Operating CommitteeChugachElectricAssociation,Inc.P.O.Box 196300 Anchorage,Alaska 99519-6300 Subject:Alaska Intertie -Caswell Lake Road Guard Structure Reference:Your Letter Dated November 27,1991 Dear Mr.Lovas: The Alaska Energy Authority supports the recommendation of the Alaska IntertieOperatingCommitteetoinstallaguardstructurefortheCaswellLakesroadcrossingoftheAlaskaIntertie.The Energy Authority will request the Matanuska ElectricAssociationtoinstalltheproposedguardstructure.The Alaska Intertie OperatinCommitteeattheJanuary23,1992 meeting has approved,$6,500.00 plus 10%contingency for the installation of a guard structure. The Energy Authority is still in the process of investigating a long-term solution fortheCaswellLakesroadcrossingoftheAlaskaIntertie. If you have any questions,please call Afzal Khan or Eric Marchegiani at 561-7877. Charlie Bussell Executive Director AK:CB:jd ce:Stanley E.Sieczkowski,Alaska Energy AuthorityAfzalH.Khan,Alaska Energy AuthorityEricMarchegiani,Alaska Energy AuthorityJamesHall,Matanuska Electric Association,Inc. CPO.Box 110809 Juneau,Alaska 99811-0809 (907)465-3575%PO.Box 190869 704 EastTudorRoad Anchorage,Alaska 99519-0869 (907)561-7877 92Q1\JD2358(1) CHUGACH ELECTRIC Crise i ASSOCIATION,INC. A z >A RECEIVEDNovember27,1991 U a D=C 04 199) ALASKA EXCAGY AUTHORITYAlaskaEnergyAuthority P.O.Box 190869 Anchorage,Alaska 99519-0869 Attention:Mr.Charlie Bussell Executive Director Subject:Alaska Intertie -Caswell Lake Road Guard Structure Dear Mr.Bussell: The Alaska Intertie Operating Committee (IOC)has been investigating the need andappropriatenessofsomemeanstoavoidexcessivesagoftheAlaskaIntertieattheCaswellLakeroadcrossingsincelate1989.The sag,which resulted at one time in a clearance of less than 12feet,results from differential snow loading on the Intertie.The purpose of this letter is to reiteratetheIOC's concern about an immediate method to protect against excessive sag. Studies are on-going by the Authority to investigate means to alleviate clearance reductions overtheaffectedportionsoftheIntertie;however,the IOC had earlier recommended to AEA that aguardstructurebeinstalledattheCaswellLakecrossingafterevaluationofalternativesbytheReliability/Criteria subcommittee.A copy of my letter to AEA with that recommendation is attached for your reference. At the IOC's November 13 meeting,Stan Sieckzkowski reported that the Authority did not wishtoinstallaguardstructure,and indicated that alternatives were being examined,including physicalchangestotheIntertie.The Committee,however,continues to support the installation of a guardstructure,at least on a temporary basis,while long-term solutions are developed. Thank you for your attention to the concerns of the Intertie participants. Sincery 'ly,iAYipCYJti LegaThomasA.Lovas,Chairman Alaska Intertie Operating Committee cc:IOC members _ eee, wo.5601 Minnesota Drive *PO.Box 196300 »Anchorage.Alaska 99519-6300 mI Phane 9N7-5A2-7404 e FAX ON7-544-8406 or 907-562-0027 ™SS,S bee:Gene Bjornstad Dave Burlingame Don Edwards -JoeGrist”=LECTRICDoraGroppNLINC.Cin ok Dave HigherslectricMikeMassin sasocw non we 505.1.6,RF- September 24,1991 Alaska Energy Authority P.O.Box 190869 Anchorage,Alaska 99519-0869 Attention:Mr.Stan Sieczkowski,Director Facilities Operations and Engineering Subject:Caswell Lake Road Guard Structure Dear Stan: At the most recent Alaska Intertie Operating Committee meeting,the issue of a guard structure proposed for the Caswell Lakes road crossing of the Alaska Intertie was referred to the Reliability/Criteria Subcommittee.The Subcommittee met and recommended that AEA have installed a guy wire supported over the road.The preference was for a grounded guy wire connected to multiple ground rods and the nearest structure ground which would fault the line and remove the Intertie from service.An alarm mechanism which would permit the operator to remove the line from service without faulting the line is acceptable; however,the subcommittee had no recommendation on such a mechanism.Faulting the line was considered preferable to having an unknown hazard continue. I have subsequently contacted each of the Intertie Operating Committee representatives and have received each Participants'concurrence for the recommended course of action.The estimated cost of the structure is between $3,000 and $5,000. At the next IOC meeting,scheduled for November 13,1991 at Chugach.we would appreciate a progress report on the installation of the guard structure. Sincerely, 1 CluThomasA.Lévas,Chairman Intertie Operating Committee 3143.TAL/ts cc:Larry Colp,FMUS John Cooley,CEA David Gerdes,FMUS Doug Hall,ML&P Sam Matthews,AEG&T Bob Orr,GVEA IDRYDEN €ILalRUECONSULTING.ENGINEERS 5436 Homer Or-ve.Ancrorage.AK 99518 Mailing Agaress P.O.BOX 111008.ANCHORAGE.AK 99511-1008 907.349-6653 e@ FAX 522-2534 February 11,1992 Mr.Eric Marchegiani ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY 701 East Tudor Road P.O.Box 190869 Anchorage,Alaska 99519-0869 Reference:Work Order No.AEA-DRL-010 Anchorage Fairbanks Intertie,Investigation of Structural Integrity of Towers As requested in our meeting on January 27,1992 and your letter of February 6,1992,we are submitting this proposal to look into the effects of wet snow loads on the structural integrity of the Anchorage -Fairbanks Intertie.H.Brian White,a ConsultingTransmissionLineEngineerwillbeworkingwithusonthisstudy. Mr.White's reports dated January 31 and February 18,1991 will be the starting point for this effort.In these reports,Mr.White reviews the mechanisms responsible for reduced ground clearance and flashovers between the shield wire and the phases.He alsoestimatestheeffectsofthevariousmechanismsandoutlinesways of correcting the problems.In this study we will attempt to better quantify the contribution of each mechanism,define corrective actions accounting for their effects on the structural integrity of the towers and prepare recommendations. Scope of Services We understand that two problems are to be addressed:outages due to the shield wire sagging below the level of the phase conductors and low ground clearance of the phase conductors. Background It is important to develop as much information as possible from the performance of the line as is.We will read through the outage reports and sort them into categories and look to see if there are an patterns which relate to these problems. Alaska Energy Authority February 11,1992Mr.Eric Marchegiani Page 2 Based on photographs,reports and discussions with local snow experts,we will establish a range of the amount and density ofsnowwhichwillresultinarangeofweightstouseinour analyses.This is intended to get ball park values.[It is not intended to be a thorough meteorological analysis. Tower Analysis We will do a structural analysis of two towers,the most common x- tower and the test X-tower to determine their response to various loads.We will also look at how the actual capacity for various types of loads compares to the original design specification and how the deflections from the analytical model compare to the deflections recorded during the full scale tower test. Shield Wire Conflict For the conflict between the shield wires and the conductor we will estimate the lightning outage rate using EPRI's Multiflash computer program with the existing shielding,with the shield angle increased by reversing the shield wire peaks and without the shield wire.We will also examine the effects on the tower of: +Changing the Shield wire to 1/2"EHS which will have less sag under the heavy snow loads. +Removing the Shield wire. +Shortening the link attaching the shield wire to the structure. +Shortening the arm which holds the shield wire to the shield wire peak. +Reversing the shield wire peak to increase the separation from the phases. Phase Ground Clearance For the ground clearance of the phases,we will estimate the sag of the phase conductors and shield wire under the range of wire weights determined as noted above with the structures as is.Two simplified limiting cases will be examined.The first will assume that the line is an infinite tangent section of uniform span and that all three phases of one span are equally loaded with wet snow. The second scenario will be that only one outside phase is installed on the tower and one span is loaded with heavy wet snow. This may sound unrealistic,but it simplifies the analysis by allowing us to neglect the restraining effect of the center and other outside phase on movement of the tower.We feel that this will give us an answer that will err on the conservative side. Alaska Energy Authority February 11,1992Mr.Eric Marchegiani Page 3 Using these two models,we will evaluate the effects of changes to the structure insulator system and the loads on the structure. The following modifications will be evaluated separately and in combinations that look promising based on the results of separate analysis: +Resagging the line to reduce the sag +Shortening the insulator strings from 345-kV insulation to 230-kV Insulation +Changing the insulators to inverted V-strings +Changing the insulators to polymer posts mounted upside down from the crossarms. +Modifying the tower -guy system. Report The conclusion of this study will be a report that summarizes our analyses and recommendations.It should be recognized that the positions that the wires take are influenced by many different factors.We must make many assumptions in any analysis of the situation and there is no industry standard method for us to follow in this case.For example,we do not have any reliable statistical information about the magnitude and distribution of wet snow loads (as we do have with wind loads)to determine what a real design condition should be.The results we get will be approximate and may reduce the incidence of the problems but not eliminate them completely. We will prepare cost estimates for making the modifications that come out to be the best approach.. Brian White will be available to present the results of the study to the I0C and answer their questions. Items to be Furnished by the AEA We will need the following information from the AEA and the operating utilities to perform our work. +Copies of any pictures available which show the wet snow loads including pictures of distribution lines from the same storms and any foreman's reports that may shed light on the amount or weight of snow. +All outage reports since the line was built (on disk if possible). Alaska Energy Authority February 11,1992Mr.Eric Marchegiani Page 4 +A complete set of As-built drawings. +The desired criteria for minimum ground clearances. Schedule and Budget Based on receiving notice to proceed by March 21,1992,we will deliver a draft report to you by early June 1992.A presentation will be made to the I0C at their July 1992 meeting,assumed to be on July 8.We will need a firm date for that meeting relatively soon for Brian White to get it blocked out in his schedule. Our estimated cost for the services described above is $46,400.We suggest a fee of $2,900 for a total of $49,300. If there are any modifications that you would like in the above proposed scope of services,please let us know. DRYDEN &LARUE,Ing. 'UU,Oyoff. iy, Delbert S.LaRue,P.E. cc:H.Brian White ADIN utesDrypven¢LalRucCONSULTING/|ENGINEERS ;6436 Homer Orive.Anchorage.AK 99518MarlingAdaressP.O.BOX 111008.ANCHORAGE.AK 99511-1008 (907)349-6653 e@ FAX 522-2534 March 10,1992 Mr.Eric Marchegiani ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY 701 East Tudor Road P.O.Box 190869 Anchorage,Alaska 99519-0869 Reference:Contract No.2800266,Work Order AEA-DRL-011 Anchorage-Fairbanks Intertie,Emergency Restoration Structures Proposal This letter is our proposal to investigate purchasing emergency restoration structures as described in your letter of February 6, 1992.The project will consist of two phases which are described in more detail below.The first phase will review the existing AEA lines to determine the structure requirements.This will include gathering information about the structures and estimating the number of structures in any one section that may need to be replaced.When this is completed,we will provide you with a summary of the different types of structures and foundations that may need to be replaced and our proposed design loading criteria. After your review and comments on the first phase,we will make preliminary designs to determine the components that are needed.A final report will describe the components and how they may be used to replace the various types of structures. Phase 1,Determining Requirements We will either have telephone conversations or meet in person with the operations and maintenance people at the operating utilities to discuss their need and requirements for emergency restoration structures.This will allow for an interchange of valuable practical experiences.We expect the utilities can help in identifying the sections where conventional spares can be used. We will review the Anchorage/Fairbanks drawings for'the foundations,anchors and structures.The structures will be grouped into generic structure types,such as "X"towers,single shaft towers,H-frames,etc.Design loads will be developed for each group based on the range of spans expected and wire loadings. A configuration for an emergency restoration structure for each type will be developed.To the extent possible,one emergency restoration structure will be used for as many different types of structure as possible. Alaska Energy Authority March 10,1992 Mr.Eric Marchegiani Page 2 The soils reports for each line will be reviewed.Based on the soils information and the types of foundations and anchors,the foundations and anchors will also be grouped into generic categories.Requirements for connecting the structures to existing foundations and anchors will also be explored. We will report to you our recommended structure configurations and design requirements.We will also recommend a design loading criteria. Phase 2,Preliminary Designs Preliminary designs will be made for each of tower configuration to determine the approximate component sizes needed to build it.The components required will be compared to see what parts of the structures can be made from a set of "standard building blocks." For example,we believe that one structures section may be used in the upper part of a single shaft structure or in one leg of an "x" tower.The set of standard building blocks will be conceptually developed. Preliminary designs for temporary foundations and anchors for cases where they are also destroyed will be made.Also,methods of connection to existing foundations and anchors that may have survived (adaptable to as wide a range of structures as possible) will be developed. A final report will be made after this work is completed showing the suggested building blocks needed and how they would be used to replace the different types of structures.At this time we believe that the building blocks developed for this line may be useful for several of the other AEA lines.When the report is complete we will do a quick look at structures on some of the other lines to see if the "blocks"will fit. We propose to complete the preliminary report by July 1,1992 and the final report by August 31,1992.Our estimate of the cost of these services is $40,900.We suggest a fee of $3,000 for a total cost of $43,900. Please let us know if this scope of services is acceptable or we are prepared to consider any changes that you feel are needed. DRYDEN &LARUE,Inc.MatH Zidle Delbert S.LaRue,P.E. min afew RECEIVED [DRYDEN é LalRVUE 2.199)CONSULTING /ENGINEERS 6436 Homer Drive.Anchorage.AK 99518 P.O.BOX 111008.ANCHORAGE.AK 99511-1008 1907:349-6653 @ FAX 522-2534 ASALASKA ENERGY Ai trunprpy Mailing Address December 23,1991 Stanley E.Sieczkowski,Director Facilities Operations &Engineering ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY P.O.Box 190869 Anchorage,Alaska 99519-0869 Reference:Anchorage Fairbanks Intertie,Structure #749 Alternatives for Permanent Fix The "temporary fix"of Structure #749 was completed in early No- vember.As part of the temporary fix,the contractor,Norcon, excavated to the surface of the foundation slab and surveyed the locations of the anchor bolts.The survey data and observation of the exposed foundation provide some clues about what may have happened and what the present situation is. The survey was performed by DOWL Engineers under subcontract to Norcon.The survey data are shown on DOWL's drawing "Structure 749 Repair Survey Near Healy,Sht.1,File No.140-48.The coor- dinates from DOWL's survey were used to prepare Exhibits 1 to 3 discussed below. Exhibit 1 shows a view of the foundation looking North with the apparent original location superimposed.It appears that the base of the foundation has moved about 1.43 feet to the east and rotated about 54°.The top of the foundation has moved about 2.44 feet to the east towards the downhill side. Based on the data,the following is one explanation of how the foundation came to be this way. When the foundation was originally installed,a large area of the vegetative mat was disturbed.This reduced the insulating value of the vegetation and upset the thermal equilibrium.The ground below the foundation is warm permafrost and this reduction in the surface insulation increased the depth of thaw.Ice melted ina zone which previously had remained frozen the entire year.When the water drained,the soil consolidated.As the soil surface moved downwards away from the foundation,the weight of the tower and foundation was transferred to compression in the anchor bolts.The anchor bolts pass through the footing in a PVC pipe. The weight of the structure was transferred to compression in the anchor by friction between the slab and the PVC pipes,friction Alaska Energy Authority December 23,1991 Stanley E.Sieczkowski,Director Page 2 between the pipes and the grout and between the grout and the anchor bolts.At this point,the foundation has not moved,its support has changed from the soil to its own anchor bolts. The tower is on a side slope,when the permafrost thawed,the thawed soil was saturated with water reducing its strength. There was probably some movement of soil downhill.As the soil moved downhill it pushed sideways on the foundation and anchor bolts causing it to sway on the anchor bolts towards the downhill Side.At this point,the structure would not have leaned very much if at all. We suspect that next a wind storm from the west or southwest caused high overturning moments which increased the vertical load on the anchor bolts on the downhill side of the structure and put the uphill anchor bolts in tension.The increased downward loads exceeded strength of the frictional bond between the PVC pipe and the footing or grout.As the anchors slid through the founda- tion,the structure leaned downhill.Some of the anchor bolts "jammed up"as this was happening.This could happen when the foundation slid to the end of the PVC pipe and hit a wider grout cross-section below the pad.These anchor bolts then buckled in "Euler buckling"(it is possible,but we consider it unlikely, that they broke). Photo 1 shows the anchor bolts on the north face of the founda- tion,photo 2,the east face,photo 3 the south face and photo 4 the west face.Photo 2 illustrates the slipping of the PVC pipe through the foundation.The far anchor bolt,no.13,has the highest reveal of any of the anchor bolts.Photo 5 shows anchor bolt #2.The grout column slipped through the PVC pipe on this anchor bolt. Exhibit 2 shows a plan view of the anchor bolts with the sides of the foundation color coded.Exhibit 3 has three views showing the top of the anchor bolts (top ends of vertical lines)the nuts on the anchor bolts and the top of concrete at the anchor bolts (the horizontal lines).The colors correspond to those on the plan view.The nut of anchor bolt number two was tightened be- fore the survey was performed,so its location should be dis- counted. The tops of the nuts on the west (uphill)and north sides are all practically at the same elevation.The average of their eleva- tions is 1002.99.The lowest nut is at anchor bolt 15.It is 0.73 feet below the average. Assuming that the bottom of the anchor bolt 15 has not moved,it would require a substantial bow to account for the nut now being this much lower.While we do not know how the bow looks,the bowed anchor bolts shown on Exhibit 4 can give a feel for the magnitude required.Exhibit 4 shows the circular arcs required Alaska Energy Authority December 23,1991 Stanley E.Sieczkowski,Director Page 3 to reduce the height of the top of 5,10,15,and 20 foot rods by .73 feet.The bows at the centers are,respectively 1.11 feet, 1.61 feet,1.99 feet and 2.31 feet. We suspect that the foundation still has a substantial void below it and that it is still supported by the anchor bolts. After the survey was completed,Norcon cut the PVC pipes which stuck through the footing,removed the grout,and tightened the nuts back down against the slab.This should have restored the uplift capacity of the unbowed anchor bolts.Since several of the anchor bolts on the east and south faces appear to be bowed, the overturning capacity of the foundation for winds from the southeast and east has probably been impaired. Thermoprobes were installed and charged.This should serve to reduce the depth of the active layer and arrest the thaw consoli- dation. There are several alternatives available for dealing with the foundation for the long term that we see.They are: @ Insulate to reduce the depth of the active layer and be prepared for emergency replacement of the structure with a temporary system such as the aluminum emergency struc- tures sold by Lindsey Manufacturing. ¢Drill through the footing and pump grout through the footing to fill any void.Insulate to reduce the depth of the active layer. ¢Dig down on the north or south face to see what is under- neath the footing.Fill any voids with grout.Insulate to reduce the depth of the active layer. ¢Grout as described above and install guys and anchors on the downhill side.Due to the steep slope,the anchors would need to be installed vertically and either have inherent bending strength or have a second compression member installed to take the side thrust of the guy. ¢Install a new foundation either ahead or back line and install a new structure,remove the old structure. ¢Dig down on the north and south faces,underpin the foun- dation,core around the anchor bolts to free them,level the foundation.put rew sleeves around the anchor bolts. Grout the void.Retension the anchor bolts.Insulate to reduce the depth of the active layer. The alternatives noted above are based on our understanding of the present state of the foundation.There may be other expla- Alaska Energy Authority December 23,1991 Stanley E.Sieczkowski,Director Page 4 nations for the foundation's behavior which would lead to another set of solutions. On a different topic,due to the short time frame for the con- tractor to mobilize and perform the temporary fix,the guy at- tachments at the anchors were designed to use either an A320 bolt or a pin made of ASTM A36 steel rod with washers and cotter pins. The contractor furnished the pins.We recommend that the pins be replaced with bolts and nuts and locknuts when any further work is done.This will provide a more secure installation. If you have any comments or questions,please give me a call. ”_ DRYDEN &LaRUE,INC. Alan B.Peabody ABP:jf\rpt749.0ut View Looking North Exhibit 1 North (5 CenterlineoS +--5 4 3 s 4 Plan View Exhibit 2 View Looking West rfytd th tl 4 View Looking North West Exhibit 3 20 ft 15 ft 10 ft 5 ft Exhibit 4 Photo 1 Photo 2 a ae Photo 5 Mnsttey PLO bt ete Pde 45CHUGACHELECTRIC” hugach IK ASSOCIATION,INC, TO:Railbelt Managers ;January 31,1992FROM:David L.Highers,General anager SUBJECT:Railbelt Issue -Alaska Intertie Agreement I would like to bring to your attention some issues that have arisen over time with regard to the operation and administration of the Alaska Intertie Agreement.These issues are related to how the existing Intertie is treated as a resource in the Railbelt,and may influence where we go with operating agreements of the new interties that we have proposed be funded by the state.Some of these issues have been discussed at the Operating Committee level or between the IOC representatives,but action by this group will be required to resolve some of the concerns. 1)The Intertie Agreement was the initial interconnection agreement and may be superseded by additional agreements with the advent of additional interties. 2)Certain aspects of the Agreement,such as planning criteria and operating criteria, are moving to the realm of the ASCC and,ultimately,NERC as interconnection considerations have moved beyond the scope of a Teeland to Healy transmission line. This is evidenced most recently by the ASCC assignment to a committee to develop operating reserve criteria for the Railbelt. 3)The operation and maintenance costs of the Intertie are high when compared with the energy transferred,in large part from the fixed costs of providing operations by the interconnected utilities.Those fixed costs are translated into variable costs by an agreed-upon formula,even though the costs are not variable as a function of energy wheeled. 4)Although the benefits of the Intertie are diverse,they are normally perceived as primarily resulting from energy exchange.Although that is lamentable,particularly when we are seeking funding for additional interties,the treatement of O&M costs as a variable cost and a hindrance to interchange detracts from efficient pricing and enhanced coordination. 5)Conflicts have developed in operational control areas,particularly since Bradley Lake went commercial,having to do with duplication of dispatching efforts,prioritization of directions,etc.Roles have become confused in some instances and need to be clarified. Please consider these issues.We should meet in the future to discuss them in detail, perhaps considering a new form of agreement.Technical staff should be in attendance at that meeting.5601 Minnesota Drive «P.O.Box 196300 «Anchorage,Alaska 99519-6300 Prone 90N7-5A2-7404 @ FAX ONT.5AID.NND7 yori tes CHUGACH ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION,INC. Anchorage,Alaska March 9,1992 TOs John Doudna,PTI FROM:David W.Burlingame,Manager,Facilities Engineering (75 SUBJECT:Telephone Conversation of March 6,1992 The following is to confirm our telephone conversation of March 6, 1992; John called to question the following after receiving thegenerationschedulesforwardedintheMarch5,1992 FAX to PTI: John questioned the capability of both Chena and Healy as given inthe3/5/92 FAX as these numbers are different than nunbers given tohimbyGVEAforaseparatestudy.I told Jonn to use the numbersasspecifiedintheFAXandtreattheothernumbersgivenintheGVEAstudyasacompletelydifferentproject. PTI will assume a 50/50 split between Chugach and ML&P on Eklutna for both the winter and summer dispatch cases. PTT will only start a dedicated unit at Bernice Lake to providesalesifitisrequiredafterspinningreservefromML&éP andChugachhasbeensold.PTI will keep 8 MW of spinning reserve foreachsellingutility(ML&P and Chugach)out of the energy availableforpisstoallowforloadgrowthwithineachofthesellingutilities. PTI will use the HEA and Seward loads as modelled in the August 29,event for the typical summer loads.Chugach loads will be adjustedtocomeupwiththecorrecttotalofloadpluslosses. PTI will use the previous winter peak loads for HEA and Seward andadjusttheChugachloadssimilarlytothesummercasestatedabove. If there are questions or comments,please foal free to contact me at (907)762-4610 03/0692 14:87 9073820027 CHUGACH ELEC.wee AE A 2002 004 1992 baviWe_Burlingene,Manager,Facilities engineering /7/S i "tne”following."generation dispatches will be |'used to do the loadsheddingcestudys| ;Case:.winter'typical --Anch.-10 'F.Fbks.-25 F.. oo s Actual Unit Capability SpinChugachGenerationBeluga116193 2 i110 :19 8aaCEA'load.+losses"=:321 "nw 3 55 y 68 13 7»CEA:Req.Spin'=38 ak vee 5 ; :6 75 78 ie) 7°#75 75 0 8 54 .54 0 '3 3 26 23 2 8 8 0 2 8 8 0 3.«C«*S 22 17 4 5 30 :38 8 6 32 :36 4 7 60 ;85 25 8 :; 1 62 62 0 1 4 20 16 2 3 20 17 27 27 fe) 22 22 im)Xi Sipplics spin +6 MW)16 :16 0 01616 ec atesPower 'gales north te GVEA.To make power sales, 03-08-92 14:58 9075820027 CHUGACH ELEC.w-e AEA 2003-004 generation.In removing generation from the system at GVEA,first remove North Fole,then Zhender. Case Summer Typical ; - Actual Unit Capability SpinChugachGenerationBeluga1:17 CEA Load +Losses =200 MW 2 17 Spin =30 MW 3 50 55 5 5 48 56 8 6 61 61 0 7 54 0 8 22 22 0 Bernice Lake 3 3 23 20 Cooper 1 0 8 0 2 0 8 0 AML&P 3 5 18 13 Load +Losses =118 4 Spin =29 MW 5 33 33 0 Temp =60 6 9 9 0 7 8 60 78 18 GVEA Generation North Pole 31 42 11 load +losses Zhender 1 3 15 12 =61 MW Healy .27 27 6 Spin =23 .. Temp =; FMUS Chana 22 22 0 Load +Losses =22 (GVEA eupplies spin) Eklutna . 1 7 16 .0 2 16 fe] The above case is with no energy sales north to GVEA,to make the energysales,sell CEA spin first,keeping 8 MW of spin for CEA load changes,thensellMLEPspin,keeping 8 MW for load changes,starting a Bernice Lake unitonlyifrequired.Generation in the north should be removed by North Polefirst,then Zhender.The spinning reserve requirements for each of theutilitieswillhavetobereallocatedwitheachutilitiesspinningreserverequirenentsbasedonGVEA's largest:unit being Healy."The :'spinning reserve requirements which should be met by either spinning2reserveorloadshedaredefinedontheattachedsheetforthedifferent pi miam oe.te.re generation cases., 03-08-92 14:59 9075620027 AS BG oa" "Tye ok Winker CHUGACH ELEC.Saati nll Raeet ood.ood Andy:-10°FE 9 Fbks=-2S°F Largest Unis Cee Gis =(OL. moe GeT =VN. EQVEA NG a CR Fmus CHS =22) Zj=247. CEA Sew =oY,Wi =:33 wa an mu?SPIN=BY ee:Lt ww - _2 |GEA Sem=Sy ys 23ww a ous Sem eB yc QW TreKAL Sumner |Bnch=go°Fas:Jot Fe Cen GB =BUM gem GtBe BU me 8 =78 ww :mur &=78 Goa we =27 mw |GVEe NT =Qd Prus CHS =22 WW:|:Fs Crs =tt 224Zi20K CER SPINS 32 ww a CE SANE.ZQOMW= Mue SAN=31)WwW :|muy SeN=29 AW 4 Gview SAN=WW mw a,GEA Stim =(SMW)a - ':us SPIN =wwFuusSan=4 ww y ,Fimus sei Maul wf Aa? NO Awerit Pree saat ae CHUGACH ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION,INC. Anchorage,Alaska Yarch 3,1992 TOs John Doudna,PTI FROM:David W.Burlingame,Chairman,Relaying/Reliability ldSubcommittee, SUBJECT:PTI Meeting of February 27,1992 The following are the minutes of an impromptu meeting held with John Doudna of PTI,Larry Hembree MLE&P,Dan Rogers,Brad Evans,TinDevriesGVEA(via telephone)and myself.Jim Hall could not attend and Sam Matthews could not be reached. The letter formulated by the committee was reviewed andclarificationwasprovidedtoPTI.The following are the minutesofthemeeting,items are referenced by the same item number in the February 27,1992 memo to PTI. Item 1 = PTI agreed that other than a reality check or as a basisfordevelopingthenewloadsheddingsystem,the existingloadsheddingsystemwouldnotbastudied. Item 2 -Each utility will forward to the chairman a list of generator loading and load levels.The chairman will consolidatealltheinformationintoonetransmittaltoPTI.'The dispatcherswillalsoformulatethespinningreserverequirementsforeachutilityundereachload/generation scenario and advise PTI ofeitherthetemperaturetobeusedortheratingofeachmachinefor each case. Item 3 =PTI will evaluate loadshedding in lieu of spinningreserve.The loadshedding will be based on a computer program toshedloadataspecifiedfrequency.PTI asked if this same programwouldshedthespinningreservepurchasesfromthesouthernutilities.GVEA has since informed the utilities that this is not the case.GVEA will not shed any non-firm energy sales byautomaticSCADAorrelayaction.PTI was informed that GVEA didnotwishtodumpalloftheirloadshedinlieuofspinatonetime.Tf possible,GVEA would like to spread these out over severalfrequensetpointstosimulatetheresponseagasturbine.A 2secondtinedelaywillbeassociatedwitheachsetpoint.The goaloftheprogramistosimulatetheresponseofthesystemhadGVEAsuppliedtheirspinningreservewithon-line generation. Note;The utilities realize that by aelling spinning reserve of thesouthernsystemtothenorthernutilitieswithoutincreasingtheamountofunloadedspinofthesouthernsystemorsheddingthese purchases automatically in the northern system that the system willbedeficientinspinningreservecapabilitiesafteraunittripand loadshedding will be required,however in order to get this issueresolved,it 1s felt the effects of these policy decisions needs tobeshown. Item 4 PTI will model the computer program based on as manyfrequencysetpointsaspossible,each with a 2 second delay tosimutatetheresponseofthesystenwithoutsalesascloselyaspossible. Item 5 no questions Item 6 -PTI explained their desire to bring cases from task 3 into2wastotestthesystemagainstislandingsituations.It wasexplainedthatthesystemloadsheddingshouldbeoptimizedforthe interconnected system,the scheme should then be tested againstthosesituationswhereanysystemsbecomeislanded,or are operatodislanded.The islanding cases may not be optimum for the islandedsituation,but should be the best possible solution given theinterconnactedsolution. Item 7 =Supervisory relays were defined as power directionalrelays,voltage relays etc.A system which automatically sheds theequivalentamountofintertieflowisnotacceptable.PTI wasadvisedthattheprimaryemphasistheyshouldconcentrateonaredifferentsetpointsandsheddinglevelsfortheexistingrelays.They can recommend replacement or addition of a select number of relays such as rate of change relays,but a wholesale replacementoftheexistingunderfrequencyloadsheddingrelaysisnotacceptable. Item 9 PTI will run a few cases to verify that the response ofthesystemtoalossofeitherMLEP647orChugach768areroughlyequivalent.If they are,they will run only the cases with theworstresponse.PTI brought up several modelling changes they hadtodotosimulatetheresponsestosomeBradleyLakeinvestigations.PTI now estinates the load change due to frequencydecayisnegligible.PTI had done some governor changes in theirmodelforML&P to account for what is now thought to have been gassupplyproblensandPTIhaddisabledthegovernorsonBeluga6&7. MLEP has corracted the gas supply problem and the latest DsreadingatPt.MacKenzie indicates the Beluga 6 &7 units dorespondeveniftheyarebaseloadedattheirlimitspriortothedisturbance.PTI will use the DSM reading at Pt.Mackenzie to tryandapproximatetheresponseoftheBelugaunitstemperaturelimit response and also ML&P's. Item 10)-PTI may need to use some of the more savere cases inmultiplacontingenciestosetupthe2ndatageofloadsheddingandifrequiredthe3rdstage.PTI will attempt to recommend theloadsheddingrequiredforthesystemandwillnotattempttoassignanyequalizationfactors,The utilities will attempt to equal outtherequiredloadsheddingamongthemafterPTIdetermineswhatneed to be shed in each area at each frequency point. PTZ requested the wsidities provide a list of how low the frequancyshouldbeallowedtogobeforeloadsheddingoccurred,utilities reiterated that operation down to 59.0 HZ was acce taple prior to the first stage of system loadshedding.Operation ofunderfrequencyloadsheddingrelaysatfrequencieshigherthanthisshouldbeavoidedunlessrequiredforsystemsurvivalinanisalandingcondition.GVEA has clarified they are unaware of anyreasontoshedatahigherfrequencyintheirsysten.It wasgenerallyagreedthatdispatcheractionwouldbesufficienttoreturnthesystemto60Hzoperationatfrequenciesbelow59.0 Hz. PTI requested all of the utilities review any relay,governor orcontrollertrippointsoneachoftheunitswhichmighttriptheunitonanunderfrequencyorunderspeedcondition.These should beforwardedtoPTIMarch13,1992.The utilities will get togetherpriortothatifthereareanylargediscrepanciesinthetrippingpoints. Tf there are any questions or comments,please forward them as soonaspossiblesothatIcanforwardthistoPTIasaconfirmationoftheaeeting. 02-20-92 10:29 9073620027 CHUGACH ELEC.vee AE A 002/003 | 1i P CHUGACH ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION,INC.Anchorage,Alaska | February 20,1992 | TO:Ralaying/Reliability Subcommittee : FROM:David W.Burlingase,Manager,Facilities Engineering 75SUBJECT:PTI Letter of February 10,1992Thefollowingcommentsareofferedinresponse to the PTI letter:1)PTI's assumption that a case review of the existingloadsheddingsystemisnotrequirediscorrect.!The intent of theremainingScopeofWorkistoidentifytheoptinumloadsheddingsystemfortheRailbelt.; 2)The load level used for each utility should be the same asthatpreviouslysupplied.Each utility should examine it's generator loadings and advise if the loadings are still valid.3)The concept of evaluating loadshedding in lieu of spinningreservehasnotbeeneliminated.)The Scope clearly indicates PTIistodeterminethefrequencyandtimedelayforwhichGVEAcanloadshedinlieuofspin.The scope attempts to clarify what PTIistostudyandmakeitsubjectittolessinterpretation.The computer based loadshedding :i program has not bean removed,ithasbeenchangedinanattempttomorecloselyapproximatetheresponseofagovernorifamachinevereon-lina. 4)The existing GVEA computer based program is not the computerbasedprogramtohestudied.:|5)No approval of the cases to be run without loadshedding inserviceisrequired.This case is intended to show the frequencyrecoveryofthesysternwithoutloadshedding.For these cases it isassumedthereissufficientrealspinonthesystemtocoverthecontingencylossandrecoveryto60Hzispossibleaftergovernoraction. 6)Bringing soma cases from iten 3 into iten 12 is acceptable solongastheutilitiesaren't shut out of the selection process whenselectingloadsheddingsystems.|| 7)Use of supervisory relays is acceptable in|the study.Use ofsupervisoryrelaystoautomaticallyshedanequivalentamountofpowerflowoveralosttielineisnot.| 9)We do not believe the cases,of an ML&P unit trip of 6 &7 isequivalenttoaunittripofBeluga7&8.Historically,theseunittripshaveproduceddifferingresults.These casas are the | i ' | 02°20°92 10:30 9075620027 CHUGACH ELEC.eee AE A 003-003 identical cases as listed in the RFP,if any cases are to bedeleteditwillrequirecommitteeapproval. We do not believe the study can be completed with 20 cases. 10)We realize the 10 cases will not provide a complete picture ofthesystemaftertheadditionofBradleyLaka.We do expect toobtainsomeinformationfromtheadditional10casestoascertain the effectiveness of the selected loadshedding system prior to itsimplementation. We should schedule a meeting as sson as possible to avoid any tineaelayinthecompletionofthestudy. File 1060.1 0131.92 13:14 9075820027 CHLGACH ELEC.wee AEA 002 003 OOOee-=E eed CHUGACH ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION,INC. Anchorage,Alaska January 31,1992 TO:Afzal Khan,Alaska Energy Authority FROM:Relaying/Reliability SubCommitte SUBJECT:Loadshedding Study -Remaining Scope ef Work The following scope and sequence of work is proposed for thecompletionoftheUnderfrequencyStudy.This scope of workdeletescertainitemsincludedintheoriginalscopeofwork suchasthecost/benefit analysis,review of individual utility relaysandbreakersetc,but it does represent the work the committee wants completed under this project. 1.Power Technologies,Inc.(PTI)make corrections to the data base as found during the Bradley Lake testing.Prior tomakingthesecorrections,PTI should fax the changes toeverybodywithcommentsgatheredbychairmanandforwardedtoPTI.Do not change the loadshedding schedule as the only changes made are rotation of loadshedding.Do not includeChugachbackuprelaysettings. 2.Run the following cases with the system interconnected andloadsheddingoutofservicaassuming211partiesare carrying real spin.Unit loading shall be as defined in attachment.Bradley Lake transmission lines shall beconsideredinservice.Units dispatched as defined in the generation dispatch summary. Load Northern Kenai Gan Line Level Intertie Intertie Less Loss Winter 0 mW 60 MW MLEP 6,7 none Summer Oo mw 60 MW ML&EP 6,7 none Winter Oo MW 60 MW GVEA NP none Based on these three cases,PTI will formulate what it considers to be the optimum underfrequency loadshedding study for thearailbeltazaninterconnectedsystem.The cases should be runbasedonthreespinningreservesituations;1)each utilityprovidesit's own required spinning reserve,2)all of thespinningreserveissuppliedbythesouthernutilitiesand,3)GVEA supplies it's share of spinning reserve by loadsheddingusingthecomputerbasedloadsheddingprogramoracombination ofcomputerandrelays.The computer Sesod loadcheddiag progranrshouldbehasedonfrequencysetpeintswithanasscoiateddelayof2secondspertrippoint.The alternatives for loadsheddingandthecomputersimulationsfortheinterconnectedsystemshouldbeforwardedforutilityreviewandcomments.The utilities will OL"31-02 13:15 9075820027 CHUGACH ELEC.wee AE A 2003.008 Reliability/Protection SubcommitteeLoadsheddingStudy-Remaining Scope of Work January 27,1992 Page 2 not select the preferred alternative at this point due to theabsenceoftestingthesystemduringconditionswhichresult inislandingsituations.Options which must be considered are,different loadshedding frequency points,different load levels tobeshe@,rate of change relays a combination of both orcombinationoftheserelaysandothersupervisoryrelays.Thegoaloftheloadsheddingsystemshouldbetoarrestfrequency decay.The loadshedding system should not be responsible forreturningthesystemto60Hzoperationbutitshouldonlyshedthatamountofloadrequiredtoarrestfrequencydecay.Governor action should be responsible for returning the system to 60 Hz.Frequency decay to 59.0 Hz is acceptable without shedding firm consumers. This portion of the project should be completed by February 17, 1992. Utility comments will be forwarded by February 24,1992. 3.After receiving utility comments,PTI will run the following_cases with the top two loadshed options: Load Northern Kenai Gen Line Level Intertie intertie Loss Loss Winter 70 MW 60 MW MLEP 6,7 none Winter 30 MW 60 MW MLEP 6,7 none Winter 70 MW 60 MW CEA 7,8 none Winter 30 MW 60 MW CEA 7,8 none Winter 70 MW 60 MW none northern tie Winter 30 MW 60 MW none northern Tie Summer 30 NW 60 MW MLEP 6,7 none Summer 70 MW 60 MW MLEP 6,7 none Summer 30 Mw 60 MW CEA 7,3 none Summer 70 WW 60 MW CEA 7,8 none Summer 30 MW 60 MW none northern tie Summer 70 MW 60 MW none northern tie Note:ML&P 6,7 are to be considered non-simultaneous trips.Beluga 7,8 are to be considered non-simultaneous trips, Por both of the combined cycle trips the steam unit shouldbleeddowntoapproximately1/2 its pre-trip value over 45secondsforunit7,8 and 3/4 of its pretrip valve for 6/7. 01-31-92 13:13 @9075620027 CHUGACH ELEC.wae AE A 004.008 Reliability/Protection Subcommittee Leoadshedding Study-Remaining Scope of Work January 27,1992 Page 3 Note the Kenai Intertie flow is shown without economy energytransfertoGVEA.This flow will need to be adjusted as PTIdispatchestheeconomyenergyfromBernicLake. For these cases it should be assumed that.all of the energy overthenorthernintertieisnon-firm.This energy should be allocated such that for the first 40-45 MW,the energy ispurchasedspinningreserveofthesouthernutilities,Chugachunitsbeingloadedfirst,after 40-45 MW it should be assumed GVEA starts a gas turbine on the Chugach system at Bernice Lake Substation.There should be no instance when GVEA starts more than one turbine.PTI will adjust the Kenai Intertie flowaccordingly.This turbine is not automatically interruptible butisonlywithdrawableafterverbalChugachrequest.The spinningreservepurchasecanbeinterruptedbyeitherrelayactionorGVEASCADAaction.The preferred alternative is to have theeconomyenergyinterruptedbySCADAortominimizetheamount ofloadwhichhastobeshedbyrelayactionuntiltheSCADAsystencanrespond.Tha goal is to simulate the response of the systanhadthespinningreservetransactionnottakenplaceandhadGVEAsuppliedspinningreserveforitself. PTI will revise the recommended loadshedding system as requiredaftertheresultsoftheabovecasesandrerunthecaseswiththe recommended changes. The results will be submitted to the utilities for approval.This submittal will include all of the cases listed in 2 &3 above with the recommended loadshedding systen and all of itschanges. This task should be completed by March 27)1992. Utility comments will be returned by April 15,1992. After review by the utilities,they will select 10 additional cases for PTI to test the loadshedding system.These cases will all include Bradley Lake generation during different time of theayearandacorrespondingreductionineconomyenergytransfers between GVEA and Chugach (economy will be replaced by Bradleyfirm).These cases will include more severe cases such as the loss of Beluga 6,7 and 8 to test the system against more than theplannedsinglecontinganoy. G1-31.92 13:18 9078620027 CHUGACH ELEC.e-y AE A @008 008 Reliability/Protection SubcommitteeLoadsheddingStudy-Remaining Scope of Work January 27,1992 Page 4 PTI will run the cases and propose modifications to the loadshedding system based on the results of the study ifrequired.The goal is to incorporate Bradley Lake into thesystemwithoutanadverseimpactintermsofreliabilityand toalsoinsurethatamultiplecontingencyeventdoesnotresultin a system blackout. DWB/pnaDWB6-Loadstud.sco Alaska Energy Authority Do mR ARAN Aneeeeeee January 31,1992 Mr.John Doudna Power Technologies,Inc. One Sierragate Plaza,Suite 340B Roseville,CA 95678 Subject:Evaluation of Existing Railbelt UtilitiesUnderfrequencyLoadSheddingStudyAEAContractNo.2800177 Reference:PTI Letter dated November 6,1991 Dear Mr.Ducaoko The work on Task 1 has been completed and accepted by the Energy Authority andRailbeltUtilities.The Energy Authority,therefore,requests PTI to proceed withask2. The Energy Authority recognizes that PTI's work on the original base case wasauthorized.The original base case was changed to an August 29,1991 disturbanceevent.We believe that PTI should be compensated for this change. This contract has been on going for various reasons and needs to be brought tocompletion.Each subsequent task should begin after the Energy Authority'sapprovalontheprecedingtask. The Energy Authority on behalf of Alaska Intertie Operating Committee will provideanadditional$15,000 towards the completion of the subject study. The Energy Authority requests PTI to submit a completion schedule,which includestasksmilestoneandcompletiondate.Attached is the remaining Scope of Work forthecompletionoftheUnderfrequencyLoadsheddingStudy. Sincerely,AbelH.Lea Afzal H.Khan Manager/Engineering Support AHK:jd Attachment as stated. cc:Stanley E.Sieczkowski,Alaska Energy AuthorityEricMarchegiani,Alaska Energy AuthorityTomLovas,[ntertie Operating Committee Chairman C PO.Box 110809 Juneau,Alaska 99811-0809 (907)465-3575APO.Box 190869 701 EastTudor Road Anchorage,Alaska 99519-0869 (907)561-7877 92Q1\D2333(1) "SOLDEN VALLEY ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION INC.Box 71249,Fairbanks,Alaska 99707-1249,Phone 907-452-1151 January 22,1992 Mr.Afzal Khan Alaska Energy Authority PO Box 190869 Anchorage AK 99519-0868 Re:PTI Load Shedding Study -Outline Dear Afzal: Thank you for the proposed outline of remaining work to complete the Load Shedding Study which is currently under contract to Power Technologies Inc.(PTI).Golden Valley has reviewed this outline and would like to offer the following comments and questions: General:The proposed outline is basically a request to reduce the Contract Scope. Item 1:Will the final data base address the turbine temperature limit control response?In the interest of completing this study a typical CT temperature limit should be modelled.Actual measurements can be taken at a later date,under a separate contract. Item 3:This point needs clarification.If this is referring to the initial studies which tripped the intertie,the appropriate Railbelt utilities should meet to decide the impact of existing Bradley,Non-Firm and Economy contracts on the treatment of intertie flows following a disturbance. Item 4 -Foot Note #1:The rate-of-change relay scheme may not work on the northern end of the intertie due to oscillations across the intertie and between Healy and Gold Hill.Attached is a DSM plot which shows the rate of changetobe1.0 Hz/cycle from these oscillations. GOLDEN VALLEY ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION INC. January 22,1992 Afzal Khan Page 2 John Doudna will be traveling to Fairbanks as part of the Healy Clean Coal Project.It may be possible to have himpresenthisfindingsatnotravelcosttotheU/F Study. If you have any questions or need any further information,please call me at 452-1151 extension 247. Sincerely, BGaAres - Steven Haagenson Manager of Engineering Services cc:Mike Kelly.-GVEABobOrr-GVEA Marvin Riddle -GVEA SH:mmf rt3Sheet aywe fy 4 Nvy8 - o a) ” - a ye in 3aaaaa Ra Rg a L i. ! L I i J ul + _ i LJ --Swoean?oreoid ' - -- -” 70000 -- 60000 $0000 40000 ---20000 10000 Ohbb18- sdcsinMaseriPif¥4bb - ---Kyalts -_-----FREQUEN,lof ]4Page1 WIVEOAIAS 907-474-7137 FAX 907-474-6087 Electrical Engineering Department [JNiversiTy OF ALASKA F'alRBANKS School of Engineering ¢539 Duckering Building ¢Fairbanks.Alaska 99775-0660 To:Alaska Intertie Operating Committee From:John Aspnes and James Cote Electrical Engineering DepartmentUniversityofAlaskaFairbanks Date:March 11,1992 Subject:Research/Workshop/Seminar Ideas IL.System Analyses Tools Available 1.Power Technologies,Inc.(PTI)Software 2.Electromagnetic Transients Program (EMTP) 3.Matrix,System Simulation Software I.Research Ideas 1.System Analyses (power flow,transient stability,fault analyses,SVCtuning,sub-synchronous resonance,tuning power system stabilizers,optimal power flow) 2.Voltage Collapse Phenomena 3.Security Assessment 4.Utility Suggestions Il.|§Workshop/Seminar/Short Course Ideas 1.Expert Systems/Artificial Intelligence Applications 2 Voltage Collapse 3.Advanced Tutorial on Application of PTI Software 4 Utility Suggestions 97 474-7137 FAX 907-474-6087 Electrical Engineering Department University oF AULASKA FAIRBANKS gge School of Engineering ¢539 Duckering Building ¢Fairbanks.Alaska 99775-0660 To:Alaska Intertie Operating Committee From:John Aspnes and James Cote Electrical Engineering Department University of Alaska Fairbanks Date:March 11,1992 Subject:Research/Workshop/Seminar Ideas I.System Analyses Tools Available 1.Power Technologies,Inc.(PTI)Software 2.Electromagnetic Transients Program (EMTP) 3.Matrix,System Simulation Software II.Research Ideas 1.System Analyses (power flow,transient stability,fault analyses,SVCtuning,sub-synchronous resonance,tuning power system stabilizers, optimal power flow) 2.Voltage Collapse Phenomena _3.Security Assessment 4.Utility Suggestions Ill.|§Workshop/Seminar/Short Course Ideas 1.Expert Systems/Artificial Intelligence Applications Voltage Collapse Advanced Tutorial on Application of PTI Software FeYYNUtility Suggestions ALASKA INTERTIE OPERATING COMMITTEE WEDNESDAY,JANUARY 23,1992 (ANCHORAGE MUNICIPAL LIGHT &POWER CONFERENCE ROOM) MEETING MINUTES Present: James Hall,Alaska Electric Generation &Transmission (AEG&T)/Matanuska Electric Association (MEA)Sam Matthews,Alaska Electric Generation &Transmission (AEG&T)/Homer Electric Association (HEA)Afzal H.Khan,Alaska Energy Authority (AEA)Stanley E.Sieczkowski,Alaska Energy Authority (AEA)Eric Marchegiani,Alaska Energy Authority (AEA)Moe Aslam,Anchorage Municipal Light &Power (AML&P)Tim McConnell.Anchorage Municipal Light &Power (AML&P)Doug Hall,Anchorage Municipal Light &Power (AML&P)Bob Price,Anchorage Municipal Light &Power (AML&P)Larry Hembree,Anchorage Municipal Light &Power (AML&P)Hank Nikkels,Anchorage Municipal Light &Power (AML&P)Tom Lovas,Chugach Electric Association (CEA)John Cooley,Chugach Electric Association (CEA)Brad Evans,Chugach Electric Association (CEA)D.Burlingame,Chugach Electric Association (CEA)Bob Orr,Golden Valley Electric Association (GVEAMarvinRiddle,Golden Valley Electric Association (GVEA) The meeting was called to order by Chairman Tom Lovas at 9:50 a.m.at theAnchorageMunicipalLight&Power Conference Room,Anchorage,Alaska. The IOC unanimously adopted the November 13,1991 meeting minutes withmodifications.The modifications to the meeting minutes were as follows:page 2,line 3,paragraph four,delete "(attached)";page 2,paragraph four,the sentence"Chairman Tom Lovas stated that we need to consider 230 KV operation"should read"Bob Orr stated that we need to consider potential 230 KV operation";page 2,paragraph four,the sentence "Removing bells from structures is not an acceptablesolutiontoIOC"should read "Removing bells from structures is not an acceptablesolutiontoIOCwithoutfurtherreviewandconsiderationforalongtermsolutiontoelevatethesag;page 3,the paragraph four should read "Under T/L Structure andConductorEvaluation,Chairman Tom Lovas noted that the Energy Authority doesnotwanttotakeimmediateactionontheissueofaguardstructurefortheCaswellLakesroadcrossingoftheAlaskaIntertie";and delete paragraph five. The January 23,1992 IOC meeting agenda was modified by adding:Item V (K),Calculations of Spinning Reserve;Item V (L),MEA tap at Talkeetna;andItemV(M),Subcommittee Consolidation.The modified agenda was adoptedunanimously.Under Dispatch,Marvin Riddle distributed the Summary of IntertieOutages/System Disturbances and briefly discussed its contents.This will be availableateachIOCmeeting.Marvin Riddle also discussed the changes made to the AlaskaOperatingGuide.Marvin Riddle sated that IOC needs to adopt the AlaskaOperatingGuide. 91Q2JD2550(1) 'Alaska Intertie Operating CommitteeMeetingMinutesPage2 Under Protection Coordination,Afzal Khan stated that the subcommittee met on December 4,1991 to review the status of the loadshedding contract with PowerTechnologies,Inc. Under the Machine/Rating Subcommittee,the subcommittee Chairman Hank Nikkels_distributed the August 28,1991 Machine/Ratingsubcommitteemeetingsummaryanddiscusseditscontents.Brad Evans stated thatdispatchtestcapacityofunits(CEA tests once a month).There was a brief discussionon:AGC function;testing units annually;peak rating of machines;and deratingmachinesforeconomicreasons. Under Reliability/Criteria,the subcommittee did not meet. Under Correspondence,IOC Chairman Tom Lovas stated that he received thefollowing: 1.MEA letter,dated January 22,1992,regarding Teeland to DouglasInsulation. 2.AML&P letter,dated January 22,1992,regarding Machine/RatingSubcommitteemeeting. Under Intertie Status,Eric Marchegiani provided an update on_Intertiestructure#749 temporary fix and Goldhill Substation SVC Building roof modification.There was a brief discussion on the operation of the AEA switches at Teelandsubstation. Marvin Riddle stated that all metering points on the Alaska Intertie has beenconsolidated. Under Reporting Requirements (AEA),Stanley Sieczkowski stated that he will submittheAEAReportingRequirementstoIOCbythenextIOCmeeting. Chairman Tom Lovas stated that CEA will have better response to perform switchingoftheAEAequipmentatTeelandsubstation.The switching operation nearHollywoodbyMEAisacceptable. The Operating Committee took a break from 11:35 a.m.to 11:55 a.m. No visitors were present. The Operating Committee went into work session. Under dispatch,Marvin Riddle discussed the switching and tagging procedures.Therewasadiscussiononthetrainingandcertificationofdispatchersandoperators.Theproductiongroupisworkingtowardscompliance. Chairman Tom Lovas stated that ASCC will be reviewing and developing operatingcriteriainregardtospinningreserve. Under Protection Coordination,the discussion was focused on the PTI Contract for the Railbelt Underfrequency Load Shedding Study.The subcommittee will meet on 91Q2\JD2550(2) Alaska Intertie Operating CommitteeMeetingMinutesPage3 J-23-F2 January 24,1992 at 1:30 at CEA to finalize the scope of work for the UnderfrequencyLoadsheddingStudy.Chairman Tom Lovas suggested that all correspondence shouldbesignedbythesubcommitteemembers,IOC and AFA. Under Machine/Rating,Chairman Tom Lovas stated that this subcommittee shouldlookinto:the operation of machines in regard to reserve requirements;define actualratingatagivenperiodoftime;determine actual performance;develop annualperformancetests;and major maintenance.Chairman Tom Lovas suggested that themachinespeakratingbeincludedintheMachine/Rating handbook. Under Intertie FY93 Budget,Afzal Khan stated that he will submit the final FY93IntertieO&M budget for IOC approval. Under T/L Structure and Conductor Evaluation,there was a brief discussion on the Brian White's report and his services under AFA contract with Dryden &LaRue.ThetaskistodetermineafinalsolutiontotheproblemsonthesouthernportionoftheAlaskaIntertie. Under Teeland-Douglas Insulation,Jim Hall stated that MEA needs permission toproceedwiththereinsulatingproject.Chairman Tom Lovas stated that each IOCmemberneedstogetanapprovalfromtheirGeneralManager. Under Caswell Lakes Road Crossing Guard Structure,Afzal Khan stated that theEnergyAuthoritywillrespondtoIOCChairman's letter by January 24,1992. Under Calculations of Spinning Reserve,there was a brief discussion. Under MEA Tap at Talkeetna,Jim Hall briefly discussed the proposed tap atTalkeetna.He distributed a simplified one line diagram. Under Subcommittee Consolidation,Bob Orr proposes that the Dispatch andReservesEvaluationsubcommitteesbecombined.The new subcommittee should be called Dispatch subcommittee.Bob Orr also proposes that the Reliability/Criteria andProtectionCoordinationsubcommitteesbecombinedtoformanewsubcommittee "Reliability/Protection subcommittee."Chairman Tom Lovas requested IOCmemberstoassignrepresentatives. Under Formal Operating Committee Action/Recommendation,Doug Hall movedthatIOCadopttheAlaskaOperatingGuide.Stanley Sieczkowski seconded themotion.The motion was adopted unanimously. Stanley Sieczkowski moved that IOC authorize $6,500 plus 10%contingency for theguardstructureinstallation.Bob Orr seconded the motion.The motion wasunanimouslyadopted. Stanley Sieczkowski moved that IOC authorize an additional $15,000 towards the completion of the underfrequency load shedding study.Sam Matthews seconded themotion.The motion was adopted unanimously.The PTI should be given a dead linetocompletetheunderfrequencyloadsheddingstudybyApril30,1992. 91Q2\JD2550(3) Alaska Intertie Operating CommitteeMeetingMinutes >Page 4 /- 23-7 Bob Orr moved that the Dispatch and Reserves Evaluation subcommittees becombinedtoformanewsubcommittee"Dispatch."Doug Hall seconded the motion.The motion was adopted unanimously. Bob Orr moved that the Reliability/Criteria and Protection Coordinationsubcommitteesbecombinedtoformanewsubcommittee"Reliability/Protection."Doug hall seconded the motion.The motion was adopted unanimously. The IOC recommends that the Energy Authority document the relevant conditionwithregardtoSiemen's disconnect switch operation and provide an operating criteriatonorthernandsouthernoperators. The IOC recommends that the SCADA subcommittee Chairman consider calling asubcommitteemeetingtoconsideraproposalofferedbyAML&P. Under Subcommittee Assignments,Chairman Tom Lovas directed the DISPATCHsubcommitteetomeetatthediscretionofitsChairmantoworkon:Dispatch TrainingPlan;maintenance response and communications coordination among the areautilitiesandTechnicalGuidelinesforOperation,Metering and Protective Relaying forNon-Utility Power Producers and Cogenerators and develop operating guides to gowiththem.In addition,the Dispatch subcommittee is to investigate switching andtaggingproceduresforIOCapproval. Chairman Tom Lovas directed the MACHINE/RATING subcommittee to meet at the discretion of its Chairman to continue work on the machine rating book. Chairman Tom Lovas directed the RELIABILITY/PROTECTION subcommittee to meet at the discretion of its chairman to continue work on underfrequencyloadsheddingstudy. THE NEXT REGULARLY SCHEDULED MEETING OF THE ALASKA INTERTIE OPERATING COMMITTEE WILL BE ON WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11,1992,AT 9:30 AM.AT THE FAIRBANKS MUNICIPAL UTILITIES SYSTEM BOARD ROOM,FAIRBANKS,ALASKA. The Operating Committee set the agenda for the next meeting of the OperatingCommittee.. The Operating Committee unanimously adopted the motion to adjourn at 2:45 p.m. Respectfully submitted, byt.0 Khon. Afzal H.Khan Manager/Engineering Support Attachments: 1,March 11,1992 meeting agenda.2.IOC January 23,1992 meeting attendance sheet. 91Q2\D2550(4) Alaska Intertie Operating CommitteeMeetingMinutesPage5 The following were distributed at the Jan.23,1991 meeting: 11. 12. 91Q2\JD2550(5) Summary of Intertie Outages/System DisturbancesHankNikkelsML&P letter,dated January 22,1992,toIOCChairmanTomLovas. Subject:Machine/Rating Subcommittee,8/28/91 MeetingIOCChairmanTomLovasletter,dated November 27,1991,to Charlie Bussell,Executive Director. Subject:Caswell Lake Road Guard Structure IOC Chairman Tom Lovas letter,dated September 24,1991,toStanleySieczkowski.Subject:Caswell Lake Road Guard StructureMEAletter,dated December 6,1991,to Charlie Bussell, Executive Director. Subject:Talkeetna SubstationMEAsietter,dated December 11,1991,to Afzal Khan. Subject:Proposed Talkeetna Substation One Line DiagramMEAletter,dated January 22,1992,to IOC Chairman Tom Lovas.Subject:Teeland to Douglas InsulationGVEAletter,dated December 19,1991,to Afzal Khan. Subject:GVEA Radio Communication Upgrade at the DIVCOMOwnedReindeerHillCommunicationSite. AEA draft,dated January 21,1992,to Power Technologies,Inc.Subject:Railbelt Loadshedding StudyStone&Webster Engineering Corp.memo dated November 20,1991.Subject:115 KV &138 KV Disconnect Switches closing duty into a load ALASKA INTERTIE OPERATING COMMITTEE MEETING AGENDA WEDNESDAY,MARCH 11,1992 BEGIN AT 9:30 A.M. I.Adoption of prior meeting minutes Il.Approval/modification of agenda III.Committee correspondence and reports: Dispatch SubcommitteeRelhiability/Protection Subcommittee Machine/Rating SubcommitteeCorrespondenceReceivedIntertieStatusUpdateReportingRequirements-AEATIMOO>IV._Visitors comments related to items on agenda V.Work Session: Recess and work session Election of officers DispatchReliability/ProtectionPTILoadsheddingStudyMachine/RatingFY93BudgetT/L Structure and Conductor Evaluation Reporting Requirements-AEACaswellLakesRoadCrossingSSTOMOOW>VI.Formal Operating Committee action/recommendation VII.Subcommittee Assignments VIII.Determine agenda for next meeting IX.Adjournment Next meeting location: Fairbanks Municipal Utilities SystemBoardRoom 645 Fifth Avenue Fairbanks,Alaska 99707 (907)456-1000 92Q1\JD2527(1) ALASKA INTERTIE OPERATING COMMITTEE In Attendance: HEE TING file naFes Date:Jan 23,92 Nane Lonpany Phone No, aLehi LEtBE LaCHC G AEA :22 Y7Ye2ERMaveAQaay,Abske Ewe ty.Lh Have S6/-78 277 Rice Shey Eres cen |Je2-4784DadPi_-_Chenack Feb.vere Tel CoGu,Chita acl 162 ¥577 x 3VtgfetallAee¢T WE=T2EY Shp Siece Kou sk,AEF 961-7327 Rue Ha I/MLIEP 263-5453 Tei fi Comet)NAL f°AG3-FSY¥SH Boe rice STL 2 P 263-5275 LA ry emecee,MLaP £60%5 243 Sam (A THews 4EGT 259 -3307 Boa Ca2Q.GVEN RESR=S04 aon Wweees MEA 263-323) Woe Astam wm ivf'263-522L Arza.H.KHAal AEA 561-7877 MARV)fAilp2cé GVEA 452-//57] wep SUMMARY OF INTERTIE OUTAGES/SYSTEM DISTURBANCESNovember-December,1991 November 13,1991 AMLP Unit #8 tripped,caused by failure of the units auxiliary drivegearbox.Anchorage and Fairbanks both shed load,load on the unitwas75MW.Load shed was GVEA/FMUS 20 MW,AMLP 13.6 MW,CEA22.5 MW.56 MW were shed for a 75 MW unit loss. November 25,1991 GVEA Healy unit tripped due to failure of a vibration monitor.One channel failed and the failed channel was improperly bypassed,causing the unit to trip on high vibration (it was a false trip).GVEA shed a _total of 25 MW of load via computer load shed.TheAnchorageareawasnotaffected. November 27,1991 CEA Beluga #7 tripped due to false fire alarm trip.This alsocausedlossofhalfofunit#8.Total loss of generation was100MW.Anchorage and Fairbanks shed load on underfrequency.GVEA/FMUS shed 20 MW,AMLP shed 13 MW,CEA shed 22 MW. December 1,1991 The intertie was scheduled for 68 MW north when the Healy unit lostapulverizerduetobadcoal.Loss of the pulverizer caused the intertie load to increase,which triggered the computer based loadshedtopreventtheintertiefromoverloading.4 MW were shed bythecomputer,generation was started in Fairbanks to restore load. December 18,1991 GVEA North Pole unit #1 tripped,caused by failure of a power supply card in the Speedtronic controls.GVEA shed 47 MW of load via computer load shed.The Anchorage area was not affected. December 19,1991 AMLP Plant #2 tripped (unit 6 -unit 7).Total generation loss was58MW.The Plant #2 -Eklutna 115 KV line relayed.When the linewastested,both units at Plant #2 tripped.GVEA/FMUS shed 7.5 MWonfirststageunderfrequency,AMLP shed 2 MW in Anchorage. Municipal Light &Power ieaeo"e.a x1200EASTFIRSTAVENUE-ANCHORAGE,ALASKA 99501-1685 'egsince 2 J SS °TELEPHONE (907)279-7671 Rararris Tom Fink,TELECOPIER (907)276-2961 Mayor January 22,1992 Mr.Thomas A.Lovas Chugach Electric Association,Inc. P.O.Box 196300 Anchorage,AK 99519-6300 Subject:Machine Rating Subcommittee,8/28/91 Meeting Dear Mr.Lovas: As assigned by the I1.0.C.on 7/1/91,the Machine Rating Subcommittee acted on the following items: 1)Reviewed the Machine Rating Methodology 2)Draft a Machine Derating Policy It was decided that the basis for the current rating of the Turbine-Generators was inherently correct.The draft rating policy was revised as follows to clarify some issues. Unit rating will be based on the manufacturer's new equipment standard per ANSI B133.6 and ASME/ANSI PTC 22 for base load operation also called "Continuous"rating for combustion turbines. The standard single point rating (base)will be at 59 degrees and 29.92 inches of mercury (I.S.0O.conditions). For the purposes for dispatching the units and for reserve calculations,the turbine-generator rating will be the new equipment standard at site ambient temperature and at base load for combustion turbines.Generators will be rated and tested at .9 power factor. The unit and site ratings will be documented on standard forms as designated by the Machine Rating Subcommittee. Equipment documentation including limitations will be included in the submittal.The documents will be incorporated in the "Machine Rating Handbook".(Refer to the attached forms) In order to be credited for the rating that is documented in the utility submittal,a station instrument performance PROVIDE FOR TOMORROW,SAVE ENERGY TODAY. test will be required annually or within 30 days after completion of major maintenance (Including:major overhauls, hot gas path inspections,combustor inspections,or major equipment replacement). In order to be eligible for full rating,equipment will attain 100%(-5%)of the new equipment standard at thermal base for the operating inlet temperature for combustion turbines (including associated combined cycle steam turbines)and at site ambient for other turbine-generators. Power will be calculated after the unit has been stabilized (minimum of 1 hour at load),with the generator operating at -9 power factor.The KWH meter(s)net for the unit will be the basis for the power calculation.The test data will be maintained with the station/unit record and submitted to the Machine Rating Subcommittee Chairman who will update the controlled "Machine Rating Handbooks".(Refer to the attached form) Derating of turbine-generators will be documented if the turbine-generators cannot perform a 95%of the new equipment standard. Formal derating will be required if a unit is unable to attain 95%of the new equipment standard and remains in that condition for longer than 30 days.Documentation will be completed by the responsible station personnel and submitted to their dispatching agency,and the information will be disseminated by that dispatch agency to dispatch at CEA, GVEA and ML&P.(Refer to the attached form) The basis for the decision to maintain a simplistic approach to rating was driven by the fact that it was a standard that could be consistently and inexpensively maintained by all participating machinery operators.It is intended that most testing and documentation is being done as a regular utility practice. The suggested standard is consistent and fair to the participants,but dispatchers must be made aware that the "posted"rating for a given inlet temperature does not allow for normal degradation and compressor fouling.In addition,site ambient temperature may vary slightly from inlet temperature. Future improvements in rating accuracy should include utilization of inlet temperature for each unit in order to determine capability for dispatching purposes. It is recognized that eventually more stringent standards may have to be adopted,but at this time the committee's approach is realistic. Cost and effort will be required by all participants to improve the standard. Additional Discussion and Action by the Committee At the committee's direction,Frank Abegg (GVEA)prepared Lotus 1-2-3 macros for unit rating curves.These curves are more readable and easier to update.These graphs will replace theunitcurvesintheMachineRatingHandbook. The use of "peak"or intermittent rating was discussed.Its usewillbelefttoindividualutilitiesandwillbethesubjectof future discussion.The following concerns about its use were stated: 1)In order to be utilized,the peak rating should be available without operator intervention (automatic). 2)In order to obtain credit for the peak rating, performance testing (as with the base rating)must demonstrate that it is available. 3)The cost of maintenance for operating at peak is not well documented by industry standards and significantly varies from manufacturer to manufacturer.However,the cost of maintenance for operating at the higher (peak) rating(of combustion turbines)for even short periods of time is expected to be significantly greater than the current costs. 4)Utilization of peak rating for combustion turbines will be left up to individual utilities,but will not be recommended by the Machine Rating Subcommittee at this time for general use and adoption by the I.0.C. At this time we are continuing to work on the revised Handbook. The new draft date for the Handbook is 1/31/92. Nikkel Chairman,Machine Rating Subcommittee HN1-74 GENERATING STATION REPORT UTILITY NAME: UTILITY ADDRESS: UTILITY PHONE: STATION NAMES: STATION LOCATION: STATION ELEVATION: CONTACT PERSON:PHONE: ALTERNATE CONTACT PERSON:PHONE: TYPE CYCLES: Steam Turbine =ST Diesel =D Combustion Turbine =cT Hydro Turbine =HT USE: Peaking &Standby =P/S Base Load =BL Other (describe) UNIT ID TYPE OF CYCLE BASE ISO RATING USE (59 DEG SEA LEVEL) STATION CAPABILITY BASE @ 90 DEGREES:(NET)MW STATION CAPABILITY BASE @ 30 DEGREES:(NET)MW STATION CAPABILITY BASE @ 30 DEGREES:(NET)MW STATION REMARKS: Primary fuel(s)Alternate fuel(s): COMMENTS:1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) Compiler's Name Date:Phone: onetep TURBINE GENERATOR REPORT Station Name:Unit Identification: Unit Type:Comb Turb Stm Turb Hydro Diesel Other Fuel (P -Primary,S -Secondary Nat Gas HAGO LAGO Crude Coal #1,2 Other DRIVER: Manufacturer Model # Rating:MW at 59 Degrees F,29.92 IN-HG GENERATOR: Manufacturer Model # Rating at .9 PF MVA at 59 Degrees F,29.92 IN-HG BOILER: Manufacturer Model #TypeRating:Deg.of Temp.,PSIG Press,Lbs.Per Hour OPERATING CONSIDERATIONS AND MISCELLANEOUS UNIT DATA Cold Start Time to Full Speed No Load Minutes Full Speed Time No Load to 100%Load In Auto Mode Minutes Fast Start Time to Full Speed No Load Minutes Fast Loading Time No Load too 100%Load Auto Mode Minutes Full Speed No Load to 100%Load by A.G.C.Minutes Black Start Capability:Yes No Type of Control System: Droop:%,Is Droop Adjustable:Yes No Speed Changer:Minimum RPM Synch RPM Maximum RPM Under Speed Trip:RPM Underfrequency Relay Setting:HZ,Open 52G __,Trip __Analog Speed Clamp RPM, Electric OST RPM, Mechanical OST RPM Inertia Constant Megajoules/MVA Impedence of Main Transformer %KV to KV PERFORMANCE DATA: Mfg.New Rating Data @ Base Net Test Data 90 Deg F MW Deg F MW Date 60 Deg F MW Deg F MW Date 30 Deg F MW Deg F MW Date 0 Deg F MW Deg F MW Date -30 Deg F Deg F MW Date PNE MW @ Deg.F Deg F MW Date 1)Anti Ice System 2)Fuel Transfer Capability 3) 4) 5) Compiler's Name Date:Phone: TURBINE GENERATOR DERATING REPORT Station Name:- Unit Identification Conditions of Derating: Date Derating Effective: Date Estimated Correction: Reason for Derating: CORRECTIVE ACTION PERFORMANCE TEST REPORT: (To be completed after corrective action has been taken.) Deg F Net MW Date Unit Resored to Full Rating Comments: Compiler's Name:Date:Phone: -2t7 ree Mew CHUGACH ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION,INC.achCieAS5OC.AT Oe 8e R =,November 27,1991 ECEIlvéo Alaska Energy Authority P.O.Box 190869 Anchorage,Alaska 99519-0869 Attention:Mr.Charlie Bussell Executive Director Subject:Alaska Intertie -Caswell Lake Road Guard Structure Dear Mr.Bussell: The Alaska Intertie Operating Committee (IOC)has been investigating the need and appropriateness of some means to avoid excessive sag of the Alaska Intertie at the Caswell Lake road crossing since late 1989.The sag,which resulted at one time in a clearance of less than 12 feet,results from differential snow loading on the Intertie.The purpose of this letter is to reiterate the IOC's concern about an immediate method to protect against excessive sag. Studies are on-going by the Authority to investigate means to alleviate clearance reductions over the affected portions of the Intertie;however,the IOC had earlier recommended to AEA that a guard structure be installed at the Caswell Lake crossing after evaluation of alternatives by the Reliability/Criteria subcommittee.A copy of my letter to AEA with that recommendation is attached for your reference. At the IOC's November 13 meeting,Stan Sieckzkowski reported that the Authority did not wish to install a guard structure,and indicated that alternatives were being examined,including physical changes to the Intertie.The Committee,however,continues to support the installation of a guard structure,at least on a temporary basis,while long-term solutions are developed. Thank you for your attention to the concerns of the Intertie participants. Sincerely,Y a .TENG oteThoinasA.Lovas,Chairman Alaska Intertie Operating Committee cc:IOC members _ yne -5604 Minnesota Drive «RO.Box 196300 «Anchorage,Alaska 99519-6300fie,Phone 907-563-7494 ¢FAX 907-564-8406 or 907-562-0027 rt ee uur.Wwe ULI Dave Burlingame Don EdwardsJoeGrifith =<LECTRICDoraGroppNLINC.Cen Ok Dave HigherslectricMikeMassin sssocaron me Ul 505.1.6,RF- September 24,1991 Alaska Energy Authority P.O.Box 190869 Anchorage,Alaska 99519-0869 Attention:Mr.Stan Sieczkowski,Director Facilities Operations and Engineering Subject:Caswell Lake Road Guard Structure Dear Stan: At the most recent Alaska Intertie Operating Committee meeting,the issue of a guard structure proposed for the Caswell Lakes road crossing of the Alaska Intertie was referred to the Reliability/Criteria Subcommittee.The Subcommittee met and recommended that AEA have installed a guy wire supported over the road.The preference was for a grounded guy wire connected to multiple ground rods and the nearest structure ground which would fault the line and remove the Intertie from service.An alarm mechanism which would permit the operator to remove the line from service without faulting the line is acceptable; however,the subcommittee had no recommendation on such a mechanism.Faulting the line was considered preferable to having an unknown hazard continue. I have subsequently contacted each of the Intertie Operating Committee representatives and have received each Participants'concurrence for the recommended course of action.The estimated cost of the structure is between $3,000 and $5,000. At the next IOC meeting,scheduled for November 13,1991 at Chugach,we would appreciate a progress report on the installation of the guard structure. Vs:CAMThomasA.Ldvas,Chairm Intertie Operating Committee 3143.TAL/ts cc:Larry Colp,FMUS John Cooley,CEA David Gerdes,FMUS Doug Hall,ML&P Sam Matthews,AEG&T Bob Orr,GVEA 5601 Minnesota Drive *P.O.Box 196300 *Anchorage,Alaska 99549-6300 Phone 907-563-7494 *FAX 907-562-0027 Matanuska Electric QDAssociation,Inc.REGEIVED P.O.Box 2929 DEC cL os Palmer,Alaska 99645 seen oe ALASKA ENERGY AUTAORITYFax:(907)745-9328 December 6,1991 Mr.Charlie Bussell Executive Director Alaska Energy Authority P.O.Box 190869 Anchorage,AK 99519-0869 Dear Mr.Bussell: Matanuska Electric Association,Inc.wishes to construct a distribution substation within the Alaska Energy Authority transmission line right-of-way near Talkeetna.Specifically,we wish to construct the station on the northwest corner of section 35,township 24north,range 4 west,Seward Meridian,Alaska. The station will be constructed so as not to block access to your transmission line. We also seek your permission to tap the intertie to provide power for the station.WerecognizethatanysuchtapmustbeapprovedbytheIntertieOperatingCommittee,andwewillbeseekingtheirapproval. This station is important to the continued supply of electricity to the communities ofTalkeetnaandTrapperCreek,as well as the surrounding rural area.The addition ofthisstationwillimprovethequalityofserviceinthisarea,and insure adequate future supply. Your cooperation in this matter is appreciated. Sincerely, James D.HallProjectsEngineer edes483jdh aLe Matanuska Electric5DAssociation,Inc. P.O.Box 2929 Palmer,Alaska 99645 Telephone:(907)745-3231 Fax:(907)745-9328 December 11,1991 Mr.Afzal Khan Alaska Energy AuthorityP.O.Box 190869 Anchorage,AK 99519-0869 Dear Afzal: Please find enclosed a Preliminary One Line Diagram for the proposed Talkeetna BSS woe substation.There should be no substantial change from this diagram,unless the changesarerequiredtogainthenecessaryapprovaloftheIntertieOperatingCommittee.TheoOOneLineDiagramdoesnotshowmetering;however,metering will be in accordancewithmeteringstandardsalreadyestablishedbytheIntertieOperatingCommittee. Should you need additional information,please contact me. Sincerely,nu OLeM James D.Hall Projects Engineer edes487jdhenclosure vov avated dis conncetGove'i °F othe baste an operators Rat-er-[2oo Aunp ZSOKRVOr.<\» °Douglas hook o vated.dAllelectuieslya|hoot Coo Am "Z30kuopwvetedtdeurc-eSs Coutvellod by SCROR SEC Sevres 2000 |1SSKVU Gueact Sweteheu cryn oO MWA Power Trans fom Z4.9KU Mau busre)rT |T a aaPiscouneetsurkches|24.9 KU Re closersou249KUvatedSoKX|T with efectoure 606 inp me C outvo( i nn ie >+2Z490KU Avr bus ne .v V O .To 24%KY DistributionPrelrmnaun,One Line Meh Talkaetiua Sadetrrtery O 16.22.1992 11288 Pp.2 Matanuska Electric Association,Inc, P.O,Box 2929 Palmer,Alaska 99645 Telephone:(907)748-3231 Fan:(907)745-9328 January 22,1992 Mr.Tom Lovas,Chairman Intertie Operating CommitteeC/O Chugach Electric Association,Inc.P.O.Box 196300 Anchorage,AK 99519-6300 Reference:Teeland to Douglas Insulation Dear Tom: The Board of Directors of Matanuska Electric Association,Inc.(MEA)has approvedreinsulatingaportionoftheTeeland-Douglas transmission line.They took this actionwiththeunderstandingthatthecostswouldberecoveredthroughthewheelingrate. As you are probably aware,MEA is charging the Alaska Energy Authority (AEA)fortransmissionservicesonthislineattheratedefinedintheIntertieAgreementforinterruptibletransmisaionservice.We felt that this was appropriate because the needsofMatanuskaElectricmustbemetbeforethelineiseavailableforintertie purposes.This rate charges the users of the line for operation and maintenance andadministrativeandgeneralexpensesbasedontheirproportionateuseoftheline.Depreciation and interest expenses are divided by four,and then proportioned.This wasdeemedappropriatewhentheinterruptibleratefortransmissionservicewasdefinedintheIntertieAgreement. The task of reinsulating the line is being undertaken almost totally for the benefit ofIntertieparticipants.The line performed well at its design voltage of U5 KV.With thisinmind,we believe that it is appropriate to proportion the depreciation and interestexpensesassociatedwiththereinsulationprojectdirectlytothewheelingchargewithoutfirstdividingthembyfour. If usage of the line continues at historical levels,then the increase in the wheeling ratethatwouldresultfromthisapproach,based on today's interest rates,would be less thanoneone-hundredth of a mil per KWHr. It is our intention to discuss this approach with the Intertie Operating Committee at theJanuarymeeting.If the response is favorable,then we should be able to revise ourwheelingcontractwithAEA,and begin reinsulating the line in March 1992. Sincerely, James D.Hall Alternate Member ;Intertic Operating Committee clea 490.122791dh a ee eo ares Matanuska Electric Association,Inc. P.O.Box 2919Palmer.Alaska 99648 Telephone:(907)74$-3231Fax:(907)74$-9328 TRANSMIT TO: SENOER:; MATERIAL TO BE TRANSMITTED: TELECOPIER COVER LETTER SENT BY: Tom Lovas,CEA Bob Orr,GVEA OATE: Doug Hall,AML&P Sam Math TIME: Khan,AE FAX #3 PHONE #: JAMES D.HALL FAX #3 PROJECTS ENGINEER,MEA PHONE #: 8B 1/22/92 AM 745-9249 9328 745-9269 1 page letter dated 1/22/92 NUMBER OF PAGES:_-1_-_(EXCLUDING COVER SHEET) REMARKS: BY SOL TEN VALLEY ELECTRIC REO PV EP)inc Box 71249,Fairbanks,Alaska 99707-1249,Phone 907-452-1151 DEC 23 1991December19,1991 .ajaska energy Authority Mr.Afzal Khan Alaska Energy Authority PO Box 190869 Anchorage,AK 99519-0869 Res GVEA Radio Communication Upgrade at the State (DIVCOM)OwnedReindeerHillCommunicationSite Dear Afzal: Golden Valley is in the process of upgrading our VHF radio communication system to a Motorola 800 Mhz trunking type system.ThisOoradiosystemwillprovidevoicecommunicationstoourserviceareasouthofCantwellaswellasthenorthernhalfoftheFbks-Anch Intertie which Golden Valley is under contract to maintain. The State owned site (Reindeer Hill)located at Cantwell will needtheexistingVHFradioequipmentreplacedwith800Mhzequipment.See below for the physical dimensions of the new equipment. I would like to suggest that Golden Valley supply the 800 MhzequipmentandthatAEAinstallandmaintaintheequipment Similar to the existing arrangement with State of Alaska,Division of Telecommunications (DIVCOM).Please let me know what would be " suitable to you. Also,Golden Valley is looking at possible solutions to filling a hole in the existing radio propagation coverage along the Fbks-Anch Intertie.This area extends from the town of Nenana to our Ester Substation,a distance of about 40 miles of 138 kv line between HealyandGoldhill.Maintenance or repair within this line section is currently performed outside of radio contact with the Golden ValleySystem.Golden Valley feels that filling this hole is essential to maintaining the integrity of the Intertie. Initial survey indicates that a radio repeater located at the DIVCOM site at North Nenana site would fill this hole.(DIVCOM actually hastwositesatthislocation.The one that enters through the Railroad yard is of interest.)I've discussed this matter with Mike Ridye at@)DIVCOM and he said that he would be agreeable to this if AEA wouldrequestcooperationfromDIVCOMinprovidingaccesstothissitefor Golden Valley. GOLDEN VALLEY ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION INC. Mr.Afzal Khan Page 2 - 0 December 19,1991 I would like to know your thoughts on the possibility of sharing thissitewithDIVCOMshouldouranalysisindicatethisasatisfactorysolution. The following is a list of equipment for 800 Mhz trunked radio that will need to be supplied to the Reindeer Hill communication site. Quan Item *Size 1 Data modem 2RU 1 StartSite Controller 3.7H 14.2W 15.4D 2 MSF5000 26.5H 21.75W 10D 3 MSF5000 37.0H 21.75W 10D 1 Repeater Switch 3RU 1 300AH Pb-CA Battery plant 29H 26W 18D 1 Inverter 8.7H 12.7W 11D 1 Transmit Antenna Combiner 9RU x 19D 1 Receive Antenna Combiner 2RU x 10D 2 Omni Antenna (fiberglass)12'whip 2 7/8"LDF Heliax as required 4 Multiplex modem/terms in State shelf as required oO *Dimensions are in inches except RU =EIA rack units. Please call me and we can discuss this. Sincerely, SeaR.Smith Senior Engineer JRS :bj cc:Mike Ridge -State Division of Telecommunications Alaska Energy Authority A Puclic Corporation January 21,1992 Mr.John Doudna Power Technologies,Inc.One Sierragate Plaza,Suite 340B Roseville,CA 95678 Subject:Evaluation of Existing Railbelt UtilitiesUnderfrequencyLoadSheddingStudyAEAContractNo.2800177 Reference:PTI Letter dated November 6,1991 Dear Mr.Doudna: The Alaska Energy Authority reaffirms earlier correspondence directing PowerTechnologiesInc.(rt)to complete the subject study in compliance with theAEAContract#2800177. The work on Task 1 has been completed and accepted by the Energy Authority andRailbeltUtilities.The Energy Authority,therefore,requests PTI to proceed withTask2. PTI should fulfill its Contract obligations by completion of the remaining Tasks 2through5.The Energy Authority recognizes that PTI's work on the original basecasewasauthorized.The original base case was changed to an August 29,1991disturbanceevent.We believe that PTI should be compensated for this change. This contract has been on going for various reasons and needs to be brought tocompletion.Each subsequent task should begin after the Energy Authority'sapprovalontheprecedingtask. The Energy Authority on behalf of Alaska Intertie Operating Committee will provideanadditional$15,000 towards the completion of the subject study. The Energy Authority requests PTI to submit a completion schedule,which includestasksmilestoneandcompletiondate. Sincerely, Afzal H.Khan Manager/Engineering Support AHK;jd cc:Stanley E.Sieczkowski,Alaska Energy AuthorityTomLovas,Intertie Operating Committee Chairman C PO.Box 110809 Juneau,Alaska 99811-0809 (907)465-3575[&PO.Box 190869 704 EastTudor Road Anchorage,Alaska 99519-0869 (907)561-7877 92Q1\JD2333(1) wht a..0 ir ' To complete the project as expeditiously as possible,and avoid further -\AUNniisunderstandings,we propose the following outline for remaining work:\¢ 1 Revisit Task 1.Reconsider and finalize the data base (the August 29,fe ued1990andsubsequentstudieshaveraisedsomequestionsthatwill-- affect load shedding),also add recent load shedding relay changes.Gct approval. 2 Redo Task 2 with the updated system model (run 5 'exploratory'cases). Get approval. 3 Get decision from utilities on how the Anchorage-Fairbanks intertie flow is to be treated (this can be done in parallel with 1 and 2 above). 4 Do Task 3 as follows: -get utility expectations for cost of load shedding fix, poet :submit 10 'additional'consultant-selected disturbances, ---get approval or altarnate cases from utilities, :run the disturbances listed in the RFP, -run the 10 'additional'disturbances, -select key or limiting disturbances, :select three feasible solutions'and test on key or limiting disturbances, :send draft report, .get approval and comments on Task 3 (in preparation for Task 4), 6 DoTask 4.Test selected options under more severe conditions, compare costs,and recommend one.Get approval. 7 Prepare final report. We believe this outline is in full compliance with the contract.Note we sce nothing to 'approve'at the end of Task 3.We do not plan additional trips (contract called for two and we have provided two). 1 The three will be the adaptive scheme already suggested,rate-of-change of frequency relays,and changes tcexistingrelaysettings. SECTION FIVE SCOPE OF WORK The following areas of concern are to be.addressed by the study: A.1.Evaluate the concept of "Loadshedding in lieu of Spinning Reserve."Evaluate the frequency and time delay difference between spinning and non-spinning utilities to ensure that system disturbances which could have been arrested by adequate spin do not affect those utilities supplying actual spinning reserve. B.Evaluate overall system stability through use of load shedding, specifically: l. Load LEVEL Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Winter Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer Summer 4248/953 Evaluate the loadshedding levels for disturbances within the utility system which do not result in islanded situations. Actual disturbances,load levels and available spinning reserve will be established by each utility. Evaluate the concept of islanding for individual system survival versus hanging on to the bitter end. For faults which result in islanded systems,evaluate the shedding levels found in Item B81,for chances of islanded system survival;for instance,a fault on the University - Daves Creek line or loss of Anchorage-Fairbanks [ntertie,etc. SPECIFIC CASES OF INTEREST Alaska Inter-Gen Line Anche CEA tie Loss Loss Kenai Tie ML&P 70 MW MLP 6.7 None 60 MW 0 30 MW MLP 6,7 None 60 MW 0 70 MW cea 7,8 None 60 MW 0 30 MW cea 7,8 None 60 MW 0 70 MW None Anc-Fbks 60 MW 0 30 MW None Anc-Fbks 60 MW 0 70 MW None Anc-Kenai 60 MW 0 30 MW None Anc-Kenai 60 MW 0 70 MW cea 7,8 None 60 MW 0 40 MW cea 7,8 None 60 MW 0 70 MW None Anc-Kenai 60 MW 0 40 MW None Anc-Kenai 60 MW 0 40 MW None Anc-Fbks 60 MW 0 0 GVEA NP None 60 MW 0 50 MW Healy None 60 MW 0 -15 -April 10,1989 SPS NC,AP A.2g-2.015 The consultant shall evaluate the above scenarios based on both economyanergysalesconstitutingthebulkofintertiedeliveryandalsoonfirmpowersalesconstitutingthebulkofthepowerdelivery.Power deliveryscheduleswillbesuppliedbytheoperatingutilities. ADDITIONAL CASES OF INTEREST Quring the course of the study,the consultant shall identify ten (10)additional cases felt to be of interest and submit these to the util- ities for approval prior to performing the studies.Following approvalbytheutilities,the consultant shall perform the additional transient or dynamic stability studies for additional cases approved by the utilities and include the results of these studies in the final report. FINAL REPORT The successful proposer shall prepare a draft report recommendingspecificlevelsofloadsheddingandassociatedtimedelaysforthe Interconnected System not delineated by individual utilities.The report shall include a section on those cases which result in an islanded situation and the loadshedding level the islanded utility must reach to avoid total system collapse. The report shall include all plots and assumptions used to analyze the system. The proposer shall also evaluate the types of underfrequency relays and the associated breakers for each utility to ascertain the reliability of the underfrequency loadshedding system and the relative total time delays for each type of system.Recommendations should be made as to the adequacy of each utility's loadshedding system and time delays for the different types of systems in use to allow for uniform clearing. Following a utility review,ten copies of a Final Report shall be prepared and forwarded to the Alaska Power Authority. REQUIREMENTS In order to receive award of this job,the proposer must demonstrate the following: A.Experience in the design of electric utility plant. 8B.Experience in design and operation of electric utility systems. C.Knowledge of engineering principles used in making design choices. 0.Detailed knowledge of principles of theory and design of powersystemcontrolschemesforgenerationplantandtransmission stations. 4248/953 -16 -Apri]10,1989 APPEND IA C Services 70 be ferformed CospTeRAacdtT at 223200 "Ty Alaska Energy Authority 701 East Tudor Road P.O.Box 190869 Anchorage,Alaska 99519-0869 Attention:Afzal H.Khan and in the case of the Contractor shall be: Power Technologies,Inc. One Sierragate Plaza,Suite 340B Roseville,California 95678 Attention:Harrison K.Clark or other addresses that both parties shall hereafter furnish to each other bywrittennotice. Article C-10.Scope of Work: The study will consist of five tasks as outlined below: TASK 1 -Data Collection,Model,Criteria,Kick-off Meeting A high quality dynamic model is essential for the proposed studies.The PTI PSS/E program proposed for use in this study has a wide variety of accurateequipmentmodels,and allows easy addition of new models.The recentlycompletedRailbeltstabilitystudiesprovidearelativelycompleteandwell checked data base for the proposed study.This existing model requires onlytheadditionofgovernormodels(for each generator that will carry somespinningreserve)and underfrequency load shedding relays to be ready for theloadsheddingstudy. Data Governor and underfrequency relay data will be key data items to be gathered for the load sheddfng study. Where actual governor data is not available,typical data based on machine type and sizesqer:be.gged,This data will not be important for machines that"normalty operate at or close to maximum output during periods that will be critical from a load shedding standpoint.1 will be very.important for thosemachinesthetusheedampspinningreserve.Where good data is not availableforcriticalmachines,conservative estimates for turbine-governor response can be used. Underfrequency:-relax.data will be collected for"each existing and proposedunderfrequencyrelayfn.the system.Present settings and adjustment rangewillbeidentified,as will be the number of setpoints (f.e.,on the GE SFF and similar)or number of relays (e.g.,W MDF,GE CFF),and the inherent delaycharacteristics(e.g.,GE CFF-12 vs CFF-13).Associated with each existing orpotentialunderfrequencyrelaylocationtherewillbeabreakeroperatingtime which will also be required. 6176/984/(3)-C-3 - =PDENDIX C Services to be Performed Data will also include problems with any turbine-generators that are known or suspected to be subject to nuisance or intentional trip when frequency ex- cursions occur.It is important that 1)such limitations be eliminated byhardwarechanges,or 2)that they be recognized and avoided by keeping fre- quency above the critical levels,or 3)that the trip be considered unavoid- able and its effect taken into account in simulations. Data on planned network and generation changes that will be in place when theimprovedloadsheddingsystemgoesintoservicewillalsobecollected. Data Checking in Once the data base on the PTI computer 4 Roseville has been upgraded toincludegovernorsandunderfrequencyrelays,the automated data checkingroutinesinPSS/E will be run to identify questionable data.The data checkswillfocusonturbine-governor response to a drop in frequency.These tests will be used to adjust any turbine-governor response that appears too quick ortooslowtobecredibleforthetypeofmachinerepresented.Plotted results of these tests will be included in study documentation. Load Model Tests,Damping An important step will be to choose load models for each load area.The load models must reflect both the real and reactive power sensitivity to voltageandfrequency.This can be done through algebraic load models with appropri-ate voltage and frequency sensitivity parameters,or by detailed load models.Detailed load models will be favored because the inertia of induction motors and the driven-load speed-torque characteristics play a significant role inthefrequencydecayratewhenaload-generation imbalance occurs. Light or negative damping of interarea oscillations has been shown in recent studies to be a potential problem for the Kenai system,and may also be a problem for the Fairbanks system.Though stabilizers should provide good damping of these systems,there will be two or three cycles of significant power swings over the first 2 or 3 seconds after a disturbance even when good damping is achieved.These power swings will create significant differences in frequency between the Fairbanks,Anchorage and Kenai systems that willdramaticallyaffectloadsheddingsystemperformance.It is thus essentialthatthemodelingincludemotorandgeneratordetails,stabilizers (includingSVSstabilizers)and initial operating conditions and disturbances sufficienttoproperlyaddresstheseoscillations. Criteria Among the necessary data is the performance criteria or goals for the load shedding system.This criteria is essential in defining load shedding stra- tegy and necessary improvements.It should outline maximum frequencyexcursionsandallowableoversheddingforvariouslevelsofdisturbance suchaslossofthelargestunit,loss of a plant,and loss of tie lines under specified transfer conditions.Also important will be the necessary selec- tivity of load shedding steps,overspeed following overshedding,and similar 6176/984/(4)-C-4 - ePrENcixn ¢ Services to be Performed questions.If such criteria has not already been defined,PTI will discuss the options with the participants in order to arrive at suitable criteria. This criteria will serve as a guide as the study progresses,but it should be recognized that increasingly stringent criteria will require increased invest-ment,and may even present a goal that is out of reach.If compromise crite- ria is necessary,it will be developed in discussions with AEA as the study progresses. Study Kick-off Meeting Data;modeling,and criteria will be-important points of discussion for the tnitial study kick-off meeting f wht'eztherthe data at thismeeting,and system model refinements:trem:past.studtes..wilT Be open fordiscussion.Decisions will als be made regardthg criteria to be applied intheinittalroundofstudfes..-.: The reasoning behind selection of each of the two winter and four summeroperatingconditionsandthefourdisturbancesofinterestoutlinedintheRFPwillbediscussedtoensurethePTIProjectManagerisfullyfamiliarwiththe operating conditions and disturbances of greatest concern to the Railbeltutilities. The kick-off meeting discussions should also include load shedding problemsthathaveoccurredinthepast,and special situations that should be con- sidered in developing an improved load shedding system.Discussion shouldalsocoverexistingin-place load shedding equipment,such as age,condition,prospects for replacement,etc.Prospects for more sophisticated load shedding logic and operator involvement should be discussed. Preparation of Base Case Power Flows Base case power flows will be prepared for each of the six operating con- ditions outlined in the RFP and others outlined by Railbelt utilities or by PTI. Data Verification Oncentiik aay as fall assembled.and.checkedby PTI,the.data,power flow basecasesRaeTatswilt:YT ba-sent to AEA and Railbelt utilities forfiekTiAO"Changes requested by AEA or the utilities will bemadeiwask.Tee ered. TASK 2 -Review of Existing System Performance The second step in familiarizing PTI engineers with the load shedding problemsinthesystemwillbeexploratorycaseswiththeexistingloadsheddingsystemmodeled.A second important function of these cases will be as benchmarks forassessmentsofproposedloadsheddingimprovements.These cases will also becomparedwithpastloadsheddingstudiesandwithloadsheddingeventsexperi-enced on the present system.Trial cases may be selected from those outlined in the RFP or agreed to at the kick-off meeting. 6176/984/(5). -C-5 - APPENDIA 2 Services to be Performed Exploratory Simulations and Model Refinement The initial simulations will explore the response of the existing underfre- quency relay system to a variety of disturbances for the purposes outlined intheaboveparagraph,and will also be used to refine the model where results are not as expected.These simulations will also: °Ensure the model is sound by comparing results with any previous similar simulation cases and with actual experience, Reveal unique characteristics of the system that may be important in planning the load shedding system improvements,and Identify the most difficult operating conditions and disturbances from a load shedding standpoint to reduce the number of cases that must be carried during the initial exloration of improvements. Above all,the simulations will provide a benchmark from which to improve the load shedding system.To effectively serve as a benchmark,the model must be sufficiently representative of the present system to indicate or confirm present load shedding system short-comings.Only if the model is accurateenoughtodothiscanitbetrustedtoindicatewhenimprovementsintheload shedding have been achieved. The exploratory simulations will focus on the five initial operating con- ditions and six disturbances listed in the RFP. A brief memorandum will be prepared by PTI following the Task 2 review of system performance.It will outline the characteristics of the existing load shedding system and its problems that must be overcome to provide the desired load shedding performance. TASK 3 -Options to Improve Load Shedding The next step will be to define feasible and credible options to improve load shedding or meet load shedding criteria.The six operating conditions andfourdisturbancesoutlinedintheRFPaswellasupto10additionalcombina- tions of operating conditions and disturbances will be examined in the processofdefiningloadsheddingsystemimprovements. The process will be largely iterative,with proposed improvements tested,adjusted,and retested until improvements are observed.Engineering expertisewillbeusedtoselectimprovementsandmakeadjustments,but the simulationswillbethekey,showing whether improvements in fact have been achieved.Improvement will be evident when load shedding occurs in the sequence and inthelocationsintended,frequency excursion is limited,and overshedding is acceptable. 6176/984/(6)-C-6 - aPPENDIN C Services to be 2erormed Potentially Useful Cptions for Improved Load Shedding First,by inspection,options to rectify problems with the existing load shedding system identified in Tasks 1 and 2 will be identified.Possibilities may include: a Rate-of-change-of-frequency load shedding, °Rate-of-change supervision of conventional underfrequency relays, 9 Replacement of older style underfrequency relays, °Supervision of frequency setpoints based on line loadings, 9°High-speed communications, Frequency averaging circuitry (on rate-of-change relays), Voltage override or acceleration (of trip settings or delays), Underfrequency trip of tie lines (supervised by voltage and/or powerflow),and °Changes to existing load shed step sizes and frequencies,and °Combinations of these. An adaptive system responding to line loadings and/or generation dispatch may also be feasible.Improved damping may also be beneficial where frequency differences across the system defeat the load shedding relay coordination. Initial Performance Check The next step jis to run load shedding simulations on the most critical basecasepowerflowsanddisturbancestotesteachofthepotentialimprovements (it will be impractical to test all of the potential improvements on all of the base cases and disturbances).The improvements not showing promise will be eliminated.The options that appear to be potentially cost-effective andlikelytosolveloadsheddingproblemsormeetloadsheddingcriteriawillbe selected for further analysis. Design to Meet Load Shedding Criteria The next step is to further develop and finalize the most effective candidates to solve existing problems and meet criteria.Those appearing to bestaccommodateexpectedfuturesystemdevelopments,and be most reliable,minimize operator involvement,etc.will be given greatest attention.A total of 40 to 50 documented simulation cases is anticipated for this process. A brief memo will be preparedat the conclusion of Task 3 outlining each ofthefinalcandidateupgradeoptions,and indicating the two or three that meetcriteria,or perform well enough to be a candidate for a final recommendation. 6176/984/(7)-Co7 o APPENCIN 2 Services to be Performed AEA comments on the best performing options will be useful in the final selection process outlined in Task 4. It is important that any costly changes to the load shedding system be selected with an eye to the future.Possible future generation and trans- mission developments will be considered in the study and may be examined bysimulationcases. TASK 4 =Selection of Best Options In this Task the two or three most effective options identified in Task 3 will be compared in two ways: °First,performance for all of the operating conditions and distur- bances will be checked. Second,they will be compared against increasingly stiff criteria to determine the inherent strengths of each. The sécond comparison will be done by applying several tests that exceed the base-line criteria used to develop the options in Task 3.Examples include: °Disturbances causing more severe load-generation unbalance, 3°Operating conditions (emergency)causing more severe load-generation unbalance. Qo Less loss of load for faults initiating islanding,and °Underfrequency relay failure or misoperation. A series of 10 to 20 simulations cases is anticipated for this phase of the work. Operator Requirements In addition to the above,the burden each option imposes on operators will be examined.Those options that require frequent operator attention will be penalized. )Future Developments Though consideration will be given to future system development as the options are selected and refined,the final selection process should give strong consideration to potential future developments,load growth,etc.The options that provide the greatest flexibility to accommodate future developments wil] be given credit for this attribute. 6176/984/(8)-(+8 - RECEIVED aa "OV 20 1991 NOTES OF TELEPHONE CONVERS ASR ENERGY AUTHORITY FROM: TO: RONALD F KROHN STONE &WEBSTER ENGINEERING CORP DON LOTT STEMANS,115 KV DISCONNECT SWITCH GROUP JACKSON,MISSISSIPPI SUBJECT:115 KV &138 KV DISCONNECT SWITCHES CLOSING DUTY INTO A LOAD R.Krohn inquired about the closing duty capability of the Siemans disconnect switches.We are interested in the ability of the switch to close into and pick some load and are interested in knowing the maximum value of load that can be safely closed into. D.Lott indicated that the arcing horns would make the initial contact, not the main blades.For that reasons the closing current is limited to the current carrying capability of the arcing horns rather than the main blade rating.That maximum value is about 200 amps.Some arcing is to be expected even at these levels during a closing cycle.This means that the arcing horns would have to be inspected and possibly replaced at regular intervals. STONE &®WEBSTER ENGINEERINGoo,ASS BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT OFFICEBHOMER,ALASKA-naiQD...eNeagy ANT"ADDRESS CORRESPONDENCE TO P.O.BOX 1869,HOMER,&LASKA,99603 Te UL LOCATION |SUBUJECT/REF/J.0.NO. REA FROM:LOCATION MR.R.KROHN SWEC BRADLEY Page 1 ofZ. SUBJECT:Dis comma Suu ai MESSAGE:-Sze Mhaeladl 1 of Ygbyabons Comreradtien RFK | (907)-235-4476'@)W494 1055 AM !V A TELECOPIER (907)-235-6477 DATE &TIME R.F.KROHN TELEPEORE