HomeMy WebLinkAboutIntertie Managment Commitee Meetings 08-27-2013 4mce|cnugser:GVEA ©a"ene fey POWTRING ALASKA'S FUTWAE GekirsWirBreet?Koen atu August 28,2013 Mr.Brad Janorschke Homer Electric Association 3977 Lake Street Homer,AK 99603 Dear Mr.Janorschke: In order to facilitate Homer Electric's Association (HEA)transition to an independent Balancing Authority,the Intertie Management Committee (IMC),acting in the capacity as the current Regional Reliability organization has a developed a summary of the process and functions currently in affect and operating between the existing three Balancing Authorities in the Railbelt. The process and functions are based on those performed by Balancing Authorities throughout North America and interconnected Mexico and have been modified over the years to meet the unique attributes and challenges of the Alaskan Railbelt Grid. If you require any specific detail regarding the process and functions,our respective dispatchers and technical personnel will work with your staff to provide required detail and specificity.Upon establishment of the interconnection points for both HEA Load Balancing Authority (LBA)and the telemetry of Bradley Lake into the Chugach LBA,we will expect HEA to perform these functions and processes.We stand ready to the extent practical to work with HEA to resolve and accommodate any unique attributes or anomalies of the Kenai System within the framework of our operating practices. Prior to the establishment of the HEA LBA we will want to participate in a comprehensive acceptance test of the appropriate process and functions critical to near term and intermediate term system operations.We will work with your technical staff to develop this test plan.We suggest such efforts begin as soon as practical. We look forward to working with you to insure a smooth transition to the new interconnection configuration. Sincerely, The Intertie Management Committee = ice Chairman,Jim Iay 28 2013 ct ea ae Cory Borgeson Mr.Brad Janorschke _Page 2 August 28,2013 Introduction Balancing Authorities (Control Areas Operators)in the Railbelt interconnection perform numerous functions which are to one degree or another,found outside the current NERC definition of a Balancing Authority.These include,reliability planning and execution,systems analysis,production costing,and system protection etc.The following list provides an overview at a functional level of the processes and activities that must be performed by Homer Electric (HEA)in the establishment of a Balancing Authority and Load Balancing area in the Railbelt. HEA Balancing Authority (Load balancing Area) It is worth defining the functions and obligations of a Balancing Authority or Load Balancing Area before getting down to specifics;in general a Balancing Authority must: e Maintain balance between loads and generation resources. e Keep actual interchange equal to scheduled interchange. e Control generators capable of regulation. °Perform generator commitment and economic dispatch. °Receive interchange schedules. e Provide commitment and dispatch schedule to the Reliability Authority. e Approves bilateral transactions with respect to ramping requirements. °Implements emergency procedures in coordination with the other balancing areas. In order to accomplish these functions a number of processes and systems must be put in place many of which must be capable of real-time or near real-time control. Real-time response to generation-load imbalances within the Railbelt LBAs occurs in the following sequence and time frames: 1.Rotating Inertia (milliseconds to 1 second) 2.Governor Droop Response/Silos (0 to1.5 seconds) 3 AGC (2 seconds plus) 4.|Under-Frequency Load Shed (.1 to 1 second based on frequency) 5.Unit commitment (hourly to day ahead) Mr.Brad Janorschke Page 3 August 28,2013 At a minimum,as the Balancing Authority of the HEA load balancing area HEA must have the capability and resources to perform the following functions: I, 10. 12. 13. 14. 24 X 7 X 365 Power Dispatch with adequate computational,voice,and data communication capabilities;as well as redundant and "'Hot-Standby”systems for these systems. Maintain a planning function to coordinate line and unit outages with Railbelt master maintenance schedule. Maintain a study function to evaluate system contingencies in the near and long term,from a powerflow and dynamic stability,and voltage stability perspective. Maintain HEA's contribution to the Railbelt under-frequency load shed (UFLS)scheme in accordance with Railbelt UFLS schedule. Develop accurate "day-ahead”load,temperature and unit capacity forecasts Perform N-1 security analysis and integration of security constrains into daily system dispatch. Execute a security constrained economic unit commitment in order to schedule and account for large changes in load. On a daily basis combine generator capacities,security requirements,load forecast,spinning reserve,regulating margin,voltage schedules and real and reactive interchange schedules into a comprehensive day ahead operating plan for distribution and iterative revision with the other Railbelt LBAs. Calculate the System Bias for the LBA Track and maintain Area Control Error (ACE)within the targets called for in the most recently adopted Railbelt Reliability Standards. Establish an Automatic Generation Control (AGC)system capable of responding to the ACE equation. Schedule,and track the schedules of energy transfers,in-to,out-of,and through the LBA and the energy accounting. Maintain and reconcile and zero as required the "on-peak”and "off-peak”inadvertent energy accounts. Reconciliation of energy accounting and submit monthly invoicing as required. Mr.Brad Janorschke Page 4 August 28,2013 15.Provide reserves and response sufficient to meet the return to steady state requirements of disturbance control performance standard AK-BAL 002 16.Maintain spinning reserves in accordance with AK RES 001.Reserves must be under instantaneous governor control and AGC either through unloaded gas turbines and Hydro, BESS or through an IMC approved "shed in lieu of spin”program.Spinning reserve contribution must be sufficiently responsive so as to prevent system frequency from crossing 59.0 Hz,under the system limiting cases. 17.Participate in interconnection time error correction. 18.Install and maintain metering and communications sufficient to balance actual real and reactive power flows to contract path flows. 19.Similar to that required for the Eklutna Project,install and maintain sufficient metering capability to telemeter all of the Bradley Lake assets into the Chugach LBA. 20.Install and maintain sufficient metering capability to telemeter all of the Bradley Lake assets to all Bradley Lake participants. 21.Maintain an engineering/system analysis function sufficient to investigate,troubleshoot and report on the LBAs contribution to system level disturbances. 22.Plan,study and evaluate the interconnected system and its operations in accordance with AK TPL 001,2,&3. 23.Maintain records and report on historical system variables as required by approved interconnected reliability standards. 24.Contribute to interconnection regulation by maintaining adequate regulating margin to account for unanticipated small changes in load as required by AK RES 001. 25.Be capable of stopping and starting generation to meet required "ramp-in”schedules. 26.Develop load restoration and black-start plans. August 27,2013 Dear Brad, In order to facilitate Homer Electric's Association (HEA)transition to an independent Balancing Authority,the Intertie Management Committee (IMC),acting in the capacity as the current Regional Reliability organization has a developed a summary of the process and functions currently in affect and operating between the existing three Balancing Authorities in the Railbelt.The process and functions are based on those performed by.al ancing Authorities throughoutNorthAmericaandinterconnectedMexicoandhavebeenmodifiedovertheyearstomeettheuniqueattributesandchallengesoftheAlaskanRailbeltGrid.©i; establishment of the interconnection points for both HEA'os Balancing Authority (LBA)andthetelemetryofBradleyLakeintotheChugachLBA,we will expect HEA to perform these accommodate any unique attributes or anomalies of the Kenai System within the framework ofouroperatingpractices.os "oe ee Mts Be Sincerely,=.The Intertie management Committee Chairman Brad Evans "*:oes 7 oe Vice Chairman Jim Posey Joe Griffith Corey Borgeson Introduction Balancing Authorities (Control Areas Operators)in the Railbelt interconnection perform numerous functions which are to one degree or another,found outside the current NERC definition of a Balancing Authority.These include,reliability planning and execution,systems analysis,production costing,and system protection etc.The following list provides an overview at a functional level of the processes and activities that must be performed by Homer Electric (HEA)in the establishment of a Balancing Authority and Load Balancing area in the Railbelt. PaHEABalancingAuthority(Load balancing Area)PaarItisworthdefiningthefunctionsandobligationsofaBalancing Authority or Load Balancing Area before getting down to specifics;in general a Balancing Authority must, a :oe .e Maintain balance between loads and generation resources.*..fore .ca A&oe ee:e Keep actual interchange equal to sete interchange.e Control generators capable of regulation.*x-&-aePerformgeneratorcommitmentand¢economici6 dispatch,Ss :eis aneReceiveinterchangeschedules. e Provide commitment and dispatch schediile to the Reliability Authority.e Approves bilateral transactions with respect to ramping requirements."SeImplementsemergencyprocedures iin coordination with the other balancing areas. eG e :.i In order to accomplish these functions ;a1 number of fprocesses and systems must be put in placemanyofwhichmustbecapableofreal-time or near real-time control.Real-time response to generation-oad imbalances within the Railbelt LBAs occurs in the",following sequence and time frames:Se1.RotatingInertia (milliseconds to 1 second)Govemor Droop Response/Sitos (0 tol.5 seconds)AGC (2 seconds plus) Under-Frequency Load Shed (.1 to 1 second based on frequency)wvPFYONUnit commitment (hourly to day ahead) At a minimun,as the Balancing Authority of the HEA load balancing area HEA must have the capability and resources to perform the following functions: 1. 10. 12. 13. 14. 15 16. 17. 24 X 7 X 365 Power Dispatch with adequate computational,voice,and data communication capabilities;as well as redundant and "Hot-Standby”systems for these systems. Maintain a planning function to coordinate line and unit outages with Railbelt master maintenance schedule. Maintain a study function to evaluate system contingencies in the near and long term, from a powerflow and dynamic stability,and voltage.stability perspective.Maintain HEA's contribution to the Railbelt under-frequency load shed (UFLS)schemeinaccordancewithRailbeltUFLSschedule.. % Develop accurate "day-ahead”load,temperature and uniti capacity forecastsPerformN-1 security analysis and integration of security constrains into daily systemdispatch. Execute a security constrained economic unit commitment in order:to schedule andaccountforlargechangesinload.. On a daily basis combine generator capacities,security requirements,load forecast,spinning reserve,regulating margin,voltage schedules and real and reactive interchange schedules into a comprehensive day ahead operating plan for distribution and iterativerevisionwiththeotherRailbeltLBAs.Calculate the System Bias for the LBA.Track and maintain Area Control Error (ACE)within the targets called forin the mostrecentlyadoptedRailbeltReliabilityStandards.Establish an "Automatic Generation Control (AGC)system capable of responding to the'ACE equation.ae fe,N.Schedule,and track the schedules of energy transfers,in-to,out-of,and through the LBAandtheenergyaccounting.Maintain and reconcile and zero as required the "on-peak”and "off-peak”inadvertent energy accounts.: Reconciliation of energy accounting and submit monthlyinvoicing as required. .Provide reserves and response sufficient to meet the return to steady state requirements of disturbance control performance standard AK-BAL 002 Maintain spinning reserves in accordance with AK RES 001.Reserves must be under instantaneous governor control and AGC either through unloaded gas turbines and Hydro,BESS or through an IMC approved "shed in lieu of spin”program.Spinning reserve contribution must be sufficiently responsive so as to prevent system frequency from crossing 59.0 Hz,under the system limiting cases. Participate in interconnection time error correction. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. Install and maintain metering and communications sufficient to balance actual real and reactive power flows to contract path flows. Similar to that required for the Eklutna Project,install and maintain sufficient metering capability to telemeter all of the Bradley Lake assets into the Chugach LBA. all and maintain sufficient metering capability to telemeter all of the Bradley Lake assets to all Bradley Lake participants. Maintain an engineering/system analysis function sufficient to investigate,troubleshoot and report on the LBAs contribution to system level disturbances. Plan,study and evaluate the interconnected system |and its operations in accordance withAKTPL001,2,&3. Maintain records and report on historical system variables as required by approvedinterconnectedreliabilitystandards." <Contribute to interconnection regulation by maintaining adequate regulating margin toaccountforunanticipatedsmallchangesinloadasrequiredbyAKRES001. Be capable of stopping and starting generation to meét required "ramp-in”schedules. Develop load restoration and black-start plans.Ss %wotonne”