HomeMy WebLinkAboutIntertie Managment Commitee Meetings 09-13-2012 1©© => ENERGY AUTHORITY ALASKA INTERTIE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING AGENDA Thursday,September 13,2012 -1:00 p.m. (via electronic media at the Alaska Energy Authority) 813 W Northern Lights Blvd Anchorage,Alaska Dial 1-800-315-6338,Enter Code 3074# 1.CALL TO ORDER 2.ROLL CALL (for committee members) 3.PUBLIC ROLL CALL (for all others present) 4.PUBLIC COMMENT 5.AGENDA COMMENTS/MOTION FOR APPROVAL 6.APPROVAL OF PRIOR MEETING MINUTES -June 20,2012 and August 16,2012 7.NEW BUSINESS A.Formation of Reliability Council for Railbelt B.Discussion of RITC (Railbelt Interconnecting Transmission Corridor) System. C.Review of Mutual Aid Agreements 8.OLD BUSINESS A.Resolution No.2012-01,Spinning Reserve (Action item,tabled from last meeting) 9.NEXT MEETING DATE 10.ADJOURNMENT 813 West Northern Lights Boulevard Anchorage,Alaska 99503 T 907.771.3000 Toll Free (Alaska Only)888.300.8534 F 907.771.3044 Alaska Intertie Management Committee Meeting Wednesday,June 20,2012 Homer,Alaska DRAFT MEETING MINUTES Meeting not scheduled,posted,nor recorded Call to Order: Vice Chair Brad Evans called the meeting of the Alaska Intertie Management Committee to order on June 20,2012 at 11:20 am.A quorum was established. Roll Call: Members present:Brad Evans (Chugach Electric);Henri Dale via teleconference (Golden Valley Electric);Joe Griffith (Matanuska Electric);and Kirk Warren via teleconference (Alaska Energy Authority). Agenda Approval: 1.Budget 2.Open Access 3.Election of Chair Staff Present via teleconference: Brian Bjorkquist (AOG);Burke Wick and Ed Jenkin (Chugach Electric);Cory Borgeson (Golden Valley Electric);and Kelli Veech (Alaska Energy Authority). New Business: 1.FY 13 Alaska Intertie Budget MOTION:Mr.Dale moved to tentatively approve the FY13 Alaska Intertie Budget subject to proper public notice and ratification by the IMC.Seconded by Mr. Griffith. Mr.Dale highlighted changes from prior yeafs'budget such as the Cyber Security Assessment study at the recommendation Of ML&P of approximately $50,000,reduced costs of approximately $159,000 for the SCADA and voice circuits provided by the State of Alaska.The Cantwel Douglas Substation upgrade not completed in FY12 will be moved to FY13.A new item for Mobile Substation Access,$250,000,is included in the FY13 budget.Continue to budget $50,000 for Insurance risk assessment review.It was noted that HEA is no longer part of the IMC and therefore no longer included in the MITCR calculations.Vice Chair Evans questioned the driving force behind the communication reduction and Mr.Warren explained a request for new allocation of charges from DCCED to AEA.Vice Chair Evans questioned who would lead the insurance risk assessment project.Burke Wick was assigned to that project. AIMC Draft Meeting Minutes-June 20 2012 Page 1 of2 Question by Mr.Griffith regarding Talkeetna Storage were answered by Mr.Dale on the Intertie items stored at the MEA facility. Roll Call Vote on FY13 Budget: CEA Yes MEA Yes ML&P Absent GVEA Yes AEA Yes 2.Open Access Principles Alaska Intertie Agreement,Section 16 Open Access Principles.Vice Chair Evans recommended all participants provide their "pinch points”or controversial items early in the process.Participants agreed Golden Valley Electric will take lead on this project with input from AEA for a recommendation to the IMC.Vice Chair Evans asked for discussions on open access.Mr.Griffith referred to FERC 890 and FERC 1000 and mentioned generation supplied to the Armed Forces.Vice Chair Evans'main concern was with transmission and did not want the government to step in to take over and negate current Participant contracts and benefits.Mr.Griffith referred to Bonneville and WAPA.Vice Chair Evans asked that ML&P (Mr.Posey)be asked to include his "pinch points”early in the process.It was understood by the IMC that this project will not be complete by the next meeting;however,an update by GVEA will be provided. 3.Election of new IMC Chair (following resignation of Brian Newton of Golden Valley)will occur at the next meeting.Vice Chair Evans agreed to lead the next meeting until a new Chair is elected. 4.Safety Moment: The safest means of using a motorcycle is not to buy one. Adjournment:The meeting adjourned at 12:00 p.m. Brad Evans,Vice Chairman Gene Therriault,Secretary AIMC Draft Meeting Minutes-June 20 2012 Page 2 of 2 INTERTIE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE RESOLUTION No.12-1 BACKGROUND:On November 18,2011,the Intertie Management Committee ("IMC”) approved Resolution 11-1 which resolved that all then-currently existing contracts, customs,and operating policies and procedures associated with the Alaska Intertie and recognized by the Alaska Energy Authority ("AEA”)and the Intertie Operating Committee ("IOC”)were to remain in effect and be maintained by the IMC until suchtimeastheIMCexpresslyaddressessuchcontracts.'and Operating policies andproceduresrelatingtotheoperationoftheAlaskaIntértie''(Intertie).xPURPOSE:The purpose of this Resolution JS.to.formallyaddress and establish thereservecapacityandoperatingreserveresponsibiltiesforallusersoftheIntertie.SY 4,wy THEREFORE,IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED THAT:we NS,WHEREAS,the interconnected slecti¢utlities along |the Railbelt each own and operateelectricutilityfacilitiesandareengagedinthebusinessofprovidingcapacity,energye,and related services tothepublic,and”.i NS %|WHEREAS,it is destabié to maintain dered e operation of the electric power grid inordertosecurethemaximumbenefitoftheseservicesforthepublic;andWHEREAS,all ofthe intetconnectéd electric utiities along the Railbelt have operatedandcontinuetoopérateasaninterconnectedelectricalsystemsince1985pursuanttotheterms'and conditions of the Reserve Capacity And Operating ReserveResponsibilityyAgreement;andWHEREAS,'the Reserve Sapaciy And4 Operating Reserve Responsibility AgreementisaseparateandindependenttcontractbyandbetweentheRailbeltelectricutilitiesthatwasmadeAddendumNo.1to the Original Agreement,in order to provide for the reliableoperationoftheIntertie.arid the interconnected Railbelt electrical system;and Aay WHEREAS,adherence to the principles and responsibilities of the Reserve Capacity And Operating Reserve Responsibility Agreement has improved the reliability of the all Railbelt electrical systems and allowed the utilities to engage in economically advantageous contracts and transactions for electrical capacity and energy;and WHEREAS,it is therefore desirable to continue to abide by these uniformly applicable standards and for the IMC to begin the development of methods and procedures for maintaining and enforcing such operating standards;and 1-IMC Resolution 12-1 0S WHEREAS,pursuant to Section 3.1 of the Amended and Restated Alaska Intertie Agreement ('"Intertie Agreement”),the Intertie Management Committee ("IMC”)has the delegated authority to adopt and implement operating policies and procedures, Reliability Standards for the Intertie,and enforcement processes,including sanctions and other remedies;and WHEREAS,coordination of all interconnected electric utilities and other bulk power generators and transmitters with the IMC is necessary for sustained and improved reliability of the Railbelt interconnected electrical system;and WHEREAS,the principles and responsibilities contained in the Reserve Capacity AndOperatingReserveResponsibilityAgreementwere'ineffect for the planning of all majorgenerationimprovementsnowunderdevelopment.in'andalong the Railbelt;and%aWHEREAS,the IMC believes that the principles and responsibilities containedin theReserveCapacityAndOperatingReserve.Responsibility Agreement constitutefundamentallysoundengineeringoperatingpracticesforinterconnectedelectric utilitiesalongtheAlaskaRailbelt;and,ve aee,\WHEREAS,the IMC believes tha thd3 clineengineering Operating practices forinterconnectedelectricutilitiesthatare.contained iin the Réserve Capacity AndOperatingReserveResponsibilityAgreementwillcontinuetoassurethereliability of theallRailbeltelectrical'systemsand will allow the”interconnected electric utilities to engageineconomicallyadvantageous"contracts and”transactions for electrical capacity andenergy;and Ne 4 Z WHEREAS,the.IMC wishes:to formally'adopt'and reaffirm the principles andresponsibilitiescontainedinthe'Reserve Capacity And Operating ReserveResponsibilityAgreementforuseasthepoliciesandproceduresgoverning the reserverequirementtesponsibilityonttheIntertie BE IT RESOLVEDTHAT Alt patties generating,delivering,or receiving bulk electricalcapacityandenergyacrosstheIntertieshallbeobligatedtocomplywiththereserverequirementresponsibilitiescontainedintheReserveCapacityAndOperatingReserve Responsibility Agreement for all activities associated with or relating to the use of the Intertie ;and Further,let it be RESOLVED by the Intertie Management Committee that it expressly reaffirms the principles and responsibilities contained in the Reserve Agreement. The Secretary hereby certifies that this is a true and correct copy of Resolution No.12-1 and Resolution No.12-1 was approved by the IMC on August 16,2012. --IMC Resolution 12-1 By: IMC Secretary 3--IMC Resolution 12-1 © ATTENDANCE -AIMC Reg COMMITTEE MEMBERS p-Brad Evans,ChairmanJamesPosey,Vice Chairman Gene Therriault,Secretary/Treasurer © ular Meeting Sept 13 2012 1:00 pm ALTERNATE Burke-Wick. L-deff Warner Seer ie MLP ad(het cordon pth SFDanZoerbLEvan"Joe”Griffith Public MembersSunnyMoreison __-.'AEA=A Staff_L May Clark LA irk Warren COUNSEL kirk Gibson,McDowell Racing &Gibson PC [Nef arrives lo hm a Brian Bjorkquist,Dept.of Law thar) [oe p ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY Intertie Management Committee IMC:September 13,2012 Roll Call Agenda Minutes 6/20/2012 Minutes 8/16/2012 Resolution 2012-01 Roll call from top to bottom ending with Chair Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No [Golden Valley Electric Association Qe ep!"PET yka Nw Aatanuska Electric Association -.NAO ,a A. VMDebt Municipal Light &Power No Aly [2 (SP ath poll |at Oa Styt¥a " Alaska Energy Authority WA 99 \aA ;was \iid - -Chugach Electric Association Awe aa f oN LA uo f Racoe CEE eI CEE SIE Executive Session Roll call from top to bottom ending with Chair Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Golden Valley Electric Association Matanuska Electric Association Alaska Energy Authority Municipal Light &Power Chugach Electric Association =n +TI 7]TT]a) Next Meeting: Ee Cont Plo!Male sirens,cenecrionw,CY yond Bus. fe (y Connect fea.ay overs Sipe2tide°L137 C?_ALA.l.o0 (mrY 4 TA.(osef A2aAC.Cosh.SUP -SPokLa Mon, Ccut-=a Fee Aout us)dp -USharswaratCe)qauluwal Coa Avtherit,there Crews ath -Cann,Ls fon=Pape Cre = Vobntang oro,Cut,"La licbility Stds,Som 'Sjaidane -tusles,/ Bust When aye ye tS Levees RabeWtfonor if boson B Yee, Tehal Side:Bane Than heen lerdasg @ t= at Mahe Mee.By Deyt thet,Cet ne N60.Just TO Anwak om Cb 'Conse .A Weep,::ea 4 R.@2zLTc,Tete.Acros >eat ohanaGpthet_abar Seurrcl "ep hy s ae whet +Crtt,Ao,7h Lypatly fied:Bure.Whats on Bach Arw,.xX lo NéekwTt)-Gerenym)$0 (nn. _yD..RBusé-bikie claye wt sw Low-the WaneAvfits. 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ALASKA INTERTIE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING Thursday,September 13,2012 -1:00 PM "*PLEASE WRITE LEGIBLY** NAME.Organization/email Man Claile Be,A mebrk @ aden.argHMeséisDaAGVEAufdele@GVEA.com Broadley Faxes OC hugach - hrD")Lurene /don TH RCA genvié.Smrue@hLiska,GO b KR Leneker!AGA FeAl LM ADEA 26XVJoellUAMILsPWowieja@muni.argYL47+hay hep me haz,he O ftins,nASweLeyYe,Coens Te[ee ceaar-gtherriag Laden.orebRewooKkuseAéobran.byov Kyuet@ Tilers ker fevvoBrianHicveryCEADam.mevey chygacwcletelie Alaska Intertie Management C@ fiiittee Q Page 1 of 1 Home Go Back Edit [Public] .',Public NoticesOnlinePublicNoticeAlaskaIntertieManagementCommitteeStateofAlaskaSubmittedby:mdclark 1/08DateSubmitted:09/06/2012 04:05 PM Date Modified:09/13/2012 08:28:10 AM Submission Mode:direct Approve Prior Te Post:n/a Approved By:n/a Approval Date:n/a Attachments:No files attached Alaska Intertie Management Committee Category:Public Notices Department:Commerce Community &Economic Development Publish Date:09/06/2012 Location:Anchorage Archive Date:09/14/2012 Coastai District:N/A Event/Deadline Date:09/13/2012 01:00 PM Body of Notice: ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY Regular Meeting -teleconference Public Notice Alaska Intertie Management Committee Notice is hereby given that the Alaska Intertie Management Committee will hold a regular meeting on Thursday, September 13,2012 at 1:00 p.m.For additional information contact Gene Therriault at (907)771-3987. This meeting will be conducted by electronic media pursuant to AS 44.83.040(b)and AS 44.62.310 at the following location: Alaska Energy Authority Aspen Conference Room 813 W Northern Lights Blvd Anchorage,Alaska A teleconference line has been set up for those unable to attend in person.Dial 1-800-315-6338 and enter code 3074#. The public is invited to attend.The State of Alaska (AEA)complies with Title Il of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.Disabled persons requiring special modifications to participate should contact AEA staff at (907)771- 3028 to make arrangements. Revision History: 09/06/2012 04:05:33 PM by mdclark1/08/State/Alaska/US 09/07/2012 04:04:51 PM by mdclark1/08/State/Alaska/US 09/13/2012 08:28:10 AM by mdelark1/08/State/Alaska/US $$WebClient [Submitter][Anon][CCED] Home Page Notices by:Department |Category |Publish Date http://notes5.state.ak.us/pn/pubnotic.nsf/cc52605f7c156e7a8925672a0060a9 |b/fb1 0eeOaad...9/13/2012 Alaska Intertie Management C hittee OQ Page 1 of 1 Home Go Back Edit [Public] '.'Public NoticesOnlinePublicNoticeAlaskaIntertieManagementCommitteeStateofAlaskaSubmittedby:mdclark1/08 Date Submitted:09/06/2012 04:05 PM Date Modified:09/07/2012 04:04:51 PM Submission Mode:direct Approve Prior To Post:n/a Approved By:n/a Approval Date:n/a Attachments:No files attached Alaska Intertie Management Committee Category:Public Notices Department:Commerce Community &Economic Development Publish Date:09/06/2012 Location:Anchorage Archive Date:09/14/2012 Coastal District:N/A Event/Deadline Date:09/13/2012 01:00 PM Body of Notice: ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY Regular Meeting -teleconference Public Notice Alaska Intertie Management Committee Notice is hereby given that the Alaska Intertie Management Committee will hold a regular meeting on Thursday, September 13,2012 at 1:00 p.m.For additional information contact Gene Therriault at (907)771-3987. This meeting will be conducted by electronic media pursuant to AS 44.83.040(b)and AS 44.62.310 at the following location: Alaska Railbelt Energy Authority/Joint Action Agency Suite 1400 Conference Room 3601 C Street Anchorage,Alaska A teleconference line has been set up for those unable to attend in person.Dial 1-800-315-6338 and enter code 3074#. The public is invited to attend.The State of Alaska (AEA)complies with Title Il of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.Disabled persons requiring special modifications to participate should contact AEA staff at (907)771- 3028 to make arrangements. Revision History: 09/06/2012 04:05:33 PM by mdclark1/08/State/Alaska/US 09/07/2012 04:04:51 PM by mdclark1/08/State/Alaska/US $$WebClient [Submitter][Anon][CCED] Home Page Notices by:Department |Category|Publish Date http://notes5.state.ak.us/pn/pubnotic.nsf/cc52605f7c156e7a8925672a0060a9 1 b/fb1 OeeOaadS...9/7/2012 Alaska Intertie Management C hittee em]Page 1 of 1 Home Go Back Edit [Public] ..:Public NoticesOnlinePublicNoticeAlaskaIntertieManagementCommitteeStateofAlaskaSubmittedby:mdclark1/08 Date Submitted:09/06/2012 04:05 PM Date Modified: Submission Mode:direct Approve Prior To Post:n/a Approved By:n/a Approval Date:n/a Attachments:No files attached Alaska Intertie Management Committee Category:Public Notices Department:Commerce Community &Economic Development Publish Date:09/06/2012 Location:AnchorageArchiveDate:09/14/2012 Coastal District:N/A Event/Deadline Date:09/13/2012 02:00 PM Body of Notice: ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY Regular Meeting -teleconference Public Notice Alaska Intertie Management Committee Notice is hereby given that the Alaska Intertie Management Committee will hold a regular meeting on Thursday, September 13,2012 at 2:00 p.m.,immediately following the ARCTEC board meeting.For additional information contact Gene Therriault at (907)771-3987. This meeting will be conducted by electronic media pursuant to AS 44.83.040(b)and AS 44.62.310 at the following location: Alaska Railbelt Energy Authority/Joint Action AgencySuite1400ConferenceRoom 3601 C Street Anchorage,Alaska A teleconference line has been set up for those unable to attend in person.Dial 1-800-315-6338 and enter code 3074#. The public is invited to attend.The State of Alaska (AEA)complies with Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.Disabled persons requiring special modifications to participate should contact AEA staff at (907)771- 3028 to make arrangements. Revision History: 09/06/2012 04:05:33 PM by mdclark1/08/State/Alaska/US $$WebClient [Submitter][Anon][CCED] Home Page Notices by:Department |Category |Publish Date http://notes5.state.ak.us/pn/pubnotic.nsf/pn/0/fb 1 Oee0aad5 8e58289257a7200008214?0nen...9/6/2012 May Clark From:Brad Evans <Brad_Evans@chugachelectric.com> Sent:Tuesday,September 11,2012 10:03 AM To:Corey Borgenson;Joe Griffith;Posey,Jim;Brian Bjorkquist;Bryan Carey Ce:Owens,Connie;May Clark;Thibert,Lee;Brian Hickey Subject:IMC assignments Sorry for the late follow-up notice. The four assignments from the last IMC meeting are: LEGAL One;Review legal and regulatory matters involved in the creation of a Reliability Council or similar organizational structure for the Railbelt. Also,can this oversight organization (or should it be)incorporated into the Intertie agreement. Two;What responsibility follows the original signers of Addendum A which was incorporated into the Intertie Agreement.Does the creation of a new G&T corporation for one of the original signers relieve them of their responsibilities to the original agreement.As |understand the matter,AddendumA is a separate stand-alone agreement that does not terminate because the Intertie Agreement was modified and extended. Technical One;What is the best organization structure for a reliability council.Where does it begin in responsibility and where does it end.Address membership and the relationship to all existing operating/asset management organizations. Two;Make a recommendations for the relationship structure between the Intertie Agreement and a new reliability council. |realize there is a bit of overlap between technical and legal and they may have to meet and confer before finalizing findings and recommendations. Please designate your staff you wish to work on these assignments. Brian Hickey will marshal the technical effort.We need a volunteer for the legal effort. My apologies for all the brevity above.Have been and continue to be a bit busy. May Clark From:May Clark Sent:Monday,September 10,2012 2:35 PM To:Evans,Brad;Brian Bjorkquist;Wick,Burke;Owens,Connie;Cory Borgeson;Dawn Baham; Divina Portades;Don Zoerb;Gene Therriault;Dale,Henri;Posey,Jim;James Strandberg; Jeff Warner;Joe Griffith;Kirk Gibson (kirk@mcd-law.com);Kirk H.Warren;Davidovics, Linda;May Clark;Sara Fisher-Goad;Susan Redlin Subject:Alaska Intertie Management Committee Packet Information -September 13 2012 Regular Meeting Attachments:AIMC MTG AGENDA SEPT 13.pdf;AIMC_Draft Meeting minutes_June 20 2012.pdf; AIMC_Draft Meeting Minutes_Aug 16 2012.pdf;AIMC Draft Resolution 2012_1.pdf Importance:High Good afternoon, Attached for your review are documents for the September 13,2012 AIMC regular meeting. e Agenda e Draft Meeting Minutes -June 20 and Aug 16 2012 e Draft Resolution 2012-01,Spinning Reserve Please note the meeting will be held in the Frontier Building Suite 1400 Conference Room beginning at 1:00 p.m. If you are unable to attend in person,a conference bridge has been set up: Please dial 1-800-315-6338,Enter Code 3074# Thank you,May. May Clerk Executive Assistant State of Alaska ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY 907-771-3074 mclark@aidea.org 813 W.Northern Lights Blvd Anchorage,AK 99503 May Clark From:May Clark Sent:Thursday,August 16,2012 12:11 PM To:Evans,Brad;Brian Bjorkquist;Wick,Burke;Owens,Connie;Corey Borgeson;Dawn Baham;Don Zoerb;Gene Therriault;Dale,Henri;Posey,Jim;James Strandberg;Jeff Warner,Joe Griffith;Kimberly Lomen;Kirk Gibson (kirk@mcd-law.com);Kirk H.Warren; Davidovics,Linda;May Clark;Susan Redlin Ce:Kelli L.Veech Subject:Next IMC Meeting -September 13,2012 -Save the Date! The next Intertie Management Committee meeting will be held Thursday,September 13,2012 from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm;immediately following the ARCTEC meeting,3"Floor,Frontier Building on C Street. Further information to follow. Thank you,May. May Clark Executive Assistant State of Alaska ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY 907-771-3074 mclark@aidea.org 813 W.Northern Lights Blvd Anchorage,AK 99503 o Oo May Clark Subject:Intertie Management Committee Regular Meeting -Reminder Location:AEA Offices,Aspen Conference Room -Please note change in location Start:Thu 9/13/2012 1:00 PM End: Show Time As: Recurrence: Meeting Status: Organizer: Required Attendees: Optional Attendees: Importance: Thu 9/13/2012 3:00 PM Tentative (none) Not yet responded May Clark Brad Evans;Brian Bjorkquist;Burke Wick;Connie Owens;Cory Borgeson;Dawn Baham; Divina Portades;Don Zoerb;Gene Therriault;Henri Dale;James Posey;James Strandberg;Jeff Warner;Joe Griffith;Kirk Gibson (kirk@mcd-law.com);Kirk H.Warren; Davidovics,Linda;Susan Redlin Davidovics,Linda R.;Posey,James M.(MLP);Warner,Jeff A;Bjorkquist,Brian D (LAW) High Due to postponement of the ARCTEC Meeting,the AIMC meeting will be held at AEA tomorrow. If you are unable to attend in person,a conference line has been set up: Please dial 1-800-315-6338,Enter Code 3074# Thank you,May. May Clark Executive Assistant State of Alaska ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY 907-771-3074 mclark@aidea.org 813 W.Northern Lights Blvd Anchorage,AK 99503 <>FuIWSoy7tDavidoupase -Down FORMSDax .o ro) May Clark From:Suzie W.Deuser <Suzie.Deuser@mea.coop>ChengedSent:Wednesday,September 12,2012 6:38 AM To:May Clark Tb f+a)Subject:Re:Sept 13th.c Ms.Clark, The ARCTEC meeting is being postponed until September 20. Suzie Deuser /(al ySentfrommyiPadoxAU,On Sep 4,2012,at 11:07 AM,"May Clark"<MClark@aidea.org>wrote: <image001.jpg> Thanks,we will bring our own equipment.Can we request a good break between meetings to set up our equipment.Thanks,May. May Clark Executive Assistant State of Alaska ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY 907-771-3074 mclark@aidea.org 813 W.Northern Lights Blvd Anchorage,AK 99503 From:Suzie W.Deuser [mailto:Suzie.Deuser@mea.coop] Sent:Tuesday,September 04,2012 11:06 AM To:May Clark Subject:RE:Sept 13th. Ms.Clark, |have a small hand held recorder that |use for the ARCTEC meeting.If you need to use the recorder, MEA would be happy to lend it to you for the meeting. Suzie From:May Clark [mailto:MClark@aidea.org] Sent:Tuesday,September 04,2012 9:56 AM To:Suzie W.Deuser Subject:Sept 13th. -DunnyWakRetry ray -O1 aAnsaswellin NS,ene Se tane Bard This has_way_£Apo JLey| Nev eee el