HomeMy WebLinkAboutIntertie Managment Commitee Meetings 11-01-2013 3AGENDA INTERTIE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Regular Meeting 3:00 p.m.,Friday,November 1,2013 Alaska Energy Authority 813 W Northern Lights Blvd,Anchorage,Alaska 1.CALL TO ORDER 2.ROLL CALL (for committee members) 3.PUBLIC ROLL CALL (for all others present) 4.PUBLIC COMMENT 5.AGENDA COMMENTS/MOTION FOR APPROVAL 6.APPROVAL OF PRIOR MEETING MINUTES -August 27,2013 7.OLD BUSINES A.Open Access Discussion 8.NEWBUSINESSELD Business A.RELIABILITY STANDARDS \)Resolution 13-3 -Operating and Reliability Standards Language Clean-up 9.NEXT MEETING DATE 10.ADJOURNMENT To participate via teleconference,dial 1-800-315-6338,enter code 3994# ALASKA INTERTIE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Friday,November 1,2013 -3:00 PM **PLEASE WRITE LEGIBLY** NAME Organization/email DO bey &We ures ACT D BERLE SONLZI ACA TW.AKO ALY (5 Ole OMG CSfhOI CLE ORAM HICKze UfGKCL Grey Kuhn MEE Teh Ubmer Lolfo a,SO Gr ELLA of"Brian Shor Lou sik DouMereehncery,Chuge aN Kine Loarren AZA Allen Gray ehme-GV2heoDalephon-Aeh Consul tanhConyBoragsanporeevsATeerWreldsier"ashe-Exec Assistant Sara Fisher Qouad Ned-xen Ovrector ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY Intertie Management Committee IMC:Nov.1,2013 'ovAw "KY Roll Call Agenda Minutes 8/27/13 Res.13-3 Roll call from tonto bottom ending with Chair Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes 2 olden Valley Electric Association ”/ Matanuska Electric Association ”/ Alaska Energy Authority ”/, Municipal Light &Power /J Chugach Electric Association a” voral ee ee |iC TI Roll call from top to bottom ending with Chair Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes Golden Valley Electric Association Matanuska Electric Association Alaska Energy Authority Municipal Light &Power Chugach Electric Association Next Meeting: ATTENDANCE -IMC Regular Meeting Nov.1,2013 3:00 pm "Phone COMMITTEE MEMBERS ALTERNATE ')4 Brad Evans,Chairman .CEA |yy Burke Wick .- S .James Posey,Vice Chairman |MLP ./Jeff Warner J Gene Therriault,Secretary/Treasurer AEA /Sara Fisher-Goad 4 |/Cory Borgeson .|GVEA .Allen Gray Coare_|/|Evan "Joe”Griffith MEA Y Gary Kuhn Public Members COUNSEL | Bernie Smith :Kirk Gibson,McDowell Rackner & Mork hanson |Gibson PC =Henry Dele.:||Brian Bjorkquist,Dept.of Law AEA Staff Kelli Veech -Kirk Warren Teri Webster 0eee repo kn \A-Ld \-2 no compli cotWnd _Sanchmns nes}ok colole .QO Sun set \Yem>13-2.Gene 20-Cestlan odes nena edRetwve Jali DP-Vows wan Pitbhe Oonher pea snot manyOT.{[-No ene plronts_,BE -open process_nak disttimnakoey_Brad appioues eps Ash tea.tp Fake fie|C.B As ed pas owls punset Qtrendrrentey MayestyorAsh”oo oo Bo.Adoptumet Qerend rentCE.Voting cules for asset,Stondands ane ogo.-&forces,usb rpea wake. 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Chair Evans noted draft language was distributed to all the participants.Chair Evans stated he understands there was some concern over the open access language and the position of the parties.He requested input from Mr.Bjorkquist regarding how to move forward procedurally. Mr.Bjorkquist suggested discussing the open access language and the comments regarding the open access language.He believes efforts have been made to move this open access issue forward.The record speaks for itself on the good faith of every side working on the process. MOTION:Mr.Borgeson made a motion to adopt the open access language rules that was presented and discussed at the last meeting.Motion seconded by Mr.Griffith.Roll call was taken,with Mr.Therriault voting against.The motion fails. Mr.Therriault expressed his appreciation for the work Mr.Hickey has completed toward this effort.He stated that AEA's comments include the issues that need additional time to review. Mr.Therriault proposed extending the deadline to adopt the open access language,rather than having the default language take effect.This time extension will address AEA's current concerns and ultimately lead to language that is acceptable by everyone. Chair Evans requested an explanation regarding the issues prohibiting the adoption of the proposed draft open access language.Mr.Therriault stated AEA's concerns were outlined in their written comments and also included in the suggested language put forth by Mr.Bjorkquist. Mr.Therriault stated one area of concern related to the grandfather rights regarding capacity and whether that is the sensible thing to do. Mr.Bjorkquist commented there are several different topics of concern,which are detailed in the track changes notes inserted into a copy of the proposed open access language provided by AEA. He stated one of the concerns is that the open access language appears to create some barriers to entry into the market.This includes the grandfather rights,which go beyond what the utilities' rights are today and would go in the direction of closing access,rather than opening access. Mr.Bjorkquist stated another concern relates to how the IMC executes the necessary implementation steps for any new user so there are no perceptions of conflicts of interest or of the IMC preventing access to third-parties.An example of this is the studies that are required AIMC Meeting Minutes-August 27,2013 Page 2 of 6 before access is granted and the obligation on the new user to pay for all of these studies could create the perception that the IMC,who is controlling the asset,could use that as a barrier to enter into the market.Mr.Bjorkquist said AEA believes better ways of implementation should be discussed. Mr.Bjorkquist noted another issue is the IMC,as the transmission provider,is not prepared to provide all of the obligated ancillary services included in the proposed open access rules.There needs to be a mechanism to have those services in place or to have an implementation period to get to the point where those types of services can be provided.Other issues include incomplete components to the open access rules,such as fee schedules that do not exist yet. Mr.Bjorkquist suggested having an implementation plan for addressing these concerns.He stated AEA tried to be helpful in identifying the issues,but did not want to dictate the answers and wants to be careful not to create unintended consequences.He requesteda little bit more time to solve these issues and problems. Mr.Griffith commented the transmission system is already operating just fine without the mechanisms Mr.Bjorkquist defined.Mr.Griffith stated the utilities that run the system in Alaska are present today and believes they do a pretty good job.Mr.Griffith requested Mr. Bjorkquist state who the "we"is,that has the concerns. Mr.Bjorkquist advised there are two different issues Mr.Griffith is discussing.One issue is the utilities operating the railbelt system and the other issue is the agreement dealing with the intertie providing a mechanism for open access.Mr.Griffith said the intertie is Douglas to Healy and wanted to know what happens to his segment.Mr.Bjorkquist commented that is one of the difficulties in dealing with the intertie,because the intertie is unto itself.It is an asset within the railbelt that is not regulated by the Regulatory Commission of Alaska and this agreement on how it operates has to stand on its own.Mr.Bjorkquist stated his use of the word "we"referred to AEA and the IMC at different times. Mr.Griffith asked who the transmission expert is at AEA.Mr.Bjorkquist responded Henri Dale, Kirk Warren and Gene Therriault are working on these issues dealing with implementing an open access system on the intertie.Mr.Griffith stated there must be an understanding of how the systems work to talk about open access and it cannot be done in a void. Mr.Posey commented he understands where the state is and hopefully,they understand this has a cost involved,especially for Fairbanks.He said if some sort of good agreement cannot be reached,it is possible RCA could step in and he does not believe anybody would want that.He suggested staying basically within the bounds of economically what has worked for a long time without changing to a totally different system with parties who do not want to live by the current rules or who do not have big enough pocketbooks to buy their way into the system. Mr.Borgeson does not expect an answer today,but asked who AEA owes duties to and who they are trying to protect.Mr.Borgeson commented the work on the open access rules are in a form that is acceptable at this point.The additional work or changes that may be needed can be accomplished by amendments.Mr.Borgeson stated he does not think another extension is AIMC Meeting Minutes-August 27,2013 Page 3 of 6 needed.He is in favor of the motion and suggests moving forward with the open access rules in place. MOTION:Mr.Therriault made a motion to adopt the second amendment to the amended restated Alaska Intertie agreement as amended,which includes extending the adoption deadline to November 15,2013.Motion seconded by Mr.Posey.Roll call taken,with Mr. Borgeson and Mr.Griffith voting no.The motion carries. Chair Evans stated the wording is confusing and reads as if there is no current methodology.He commented there is current methodology and asked if this amendment is only addressing how open access would change that methodology for allocation of capacity on the intertie.Mr. Bjorkquist agreed.Chair Evans noted there are many issues associated with open access and changing the methodology of allocation.He asked if AEA has the same understanding.Mr. Bjorkquist and Mr.Therriault stated they have the same understanding. Mr.Griffith expressed his concern that some of the items in the first paragraph have already been completed.Amendments to the original motion were addressed. Chair Evans commented there are 75 days until the new deadline and it is important for the participants and others who are crafting the language to attend the meetings to have their voices heard.He believes there are some difficult issues to consider.Mr.Griffith believes the biggest issue to resolve is the grandfather rights because the state clearly does not agree with them. Chair Evans suggested the formation of a special committee,which the participants can staff any way they want,to develop the language on the open access rules and to develop a methodology for allocation of capacity on the intertie.The special committee would bring a recommendation back to the IMC.Mr.Gibson commented the bylaws require a motion be made for the creation of any special committee. MOTION:Mr.Griffith made a motion to create a special committee to address the issues regarding Item 7A.Motion seconded by Mr.Posey.The motion was approved unanimously. Members to the special committee will be provided by the end of the week and a meeting of the special committee will be scheduled. 7B.Discuss a budget for an Under Frequency load shed study Chair Evans began the discussion by stating this item does not have a lot to do with asset management and AEA because it is the other part of this group that has been the source of the operating protocols,reliability standards and reserves for close to 30 years,even though some would not acknowledge that effort.Chair Evans recommended being proactive in studying and making the appropriate changes to the thresholds,settings,load amounts,et cetera,rather than waiting for things to become highly problematic and conducting the study under duress, AIMC Meeting Minutes-August 27,2013 Page 4 of 6 Mr.Griffith agreed with Chair Evans'comments and believes the study should occur post January 1,2015.He commented the utilities that operate the system should be responsible for paying for the studies. Chair Evans commented this item is not going to be part of the usage of the intertie because it serves a different purpose.Mr.Griffith believes this is Operating Committee (OC)business. Mr.Warner stated there is a System Studies Subcommittee within the OC,which is represented by all five utilities.Mr.Wick stated there is also a Reliability Protection Subcommittee.Chair Evans recommended those two OC subcommittees combine and formulate a scope of work. That recommendation was agreed upon.Next steps could include asking for budgetary quotes or conducting an RFP process. Mr.Therriault asked if Chair Evans was proposing that the IMC budgetary process not be used to cover this expense,but instead find another way to fund the study.Chair Evans stated a funding source,other than the IMC,will be determined.He recommended having a discussion to decide where the money will be held in order to pay for the work. Mr.Borgeson expressed appreciation for the current dialog and thanked Chair Evans for addressing these issues.Mr.Borgeson stated he will work to make a fair administrative process that is not too complicated. 7C.Review Homer Electric Load Balancing Authority and letter Mr.Therriault commented he is not sure that the discussion of this Load Balancing Authority (LBA)is an item for the IMC to take action on.It is his understanding this is on the reliability side of things and is not sure if this motion by the IMC is the appropriate way forward. Mr.Griffith stated the IMC is the intertie coordinating and balancing entity.There is no other appropriate entity and believes the IMC is the appropriate group for this action.Chair Evans stated the IMC has previously acted in this capacity and the IMC developed and agreed on the operating protocols.Chair Evans asked Mr.Therriault for clarification.Mr.Therriault commented this is in the purview of the IMC,but does not know if this is an item that the IMC would actually vote on.He requested Mr.Dale clarify further.Mr.Dale explained with the amendments and restatements in 2011,the reliability aspects were diluted significantly to being asset managers and to the things that affect the state owned portion of the intertie itself. Chair Evans commented that is a specious argument and completely disagrees,because the IMC never handed it off to anybody.Chair Evans stated he gets why Mr.Dale is saying what he is saying and understands who is paying Mr.Dale's paycheck.Chair Evans noted the State of Alaska had an obligation to hand it to somebody,but the parties could not agree and so it was parked.Mr.Dale agreed there is a hole right now as to whom to hand it off to.Chair Evans commented to Mr.Dale that after 30 years of the IMC manning the post,the State of Alaska conveniently wants to walk away from it,without creating an organization or someone to hand it off to and until the State of Alaska hands it off,the State of Alaska is still manning the post. Mr.Griffith commented he associates himself with the Chair Evans'comments. AIMC Meeting Minutes-August 27,2013 Page 5 of 6 Chair Evans commented the path the State of Alaska is taking is not curing anything.The only cure is to put this stuff out on the table and say this is what needs to be done and if an agreement cannot be reached,then the next step is taken.Chair Evans stated these protocols have been operating this system for 30 years and it is very frustrating to get business done when an organization that includes everybody to do this,does not exist.Chair Evans noted Homer wants to implement a load balancing area and is hearing the State say to just walk away from it. Walking away from it is not going to implement a load balancing area.Chair Evans commented it does not work by magic.The protocols have to be agreed upon.People have to roll up their sleeves and do the job. Mr.Dale stated the comments by Chair Evans still do not make the IMC the appropriate body, even though there is no party in existence to hand it off to.Chair Evans commented it is like the State's position is as a lifeguard and they're walking away from the kid drowning. Mr.Griffith believes it is absolutely mandatory that the operators of the system get this appropriately articulated and dealt with.He feels it was pretty well crafted. Chair Evans noted the custody of transfer points have to maintain a certain protocol.These are the rules that create a property implemented load balancing area that functions well with counter parties and their systems,whether they are a member of the reliability group or not. MOTION:Mr.Griffith made a motion to approve the draft letter of August 27 to Homer Electric.Motion seconded by Mr.Posey.The motion was approved unanimously. 8.NEXT MEETING DATE The next meeting will be at the call of the Chair. 9.ADJOURNMENT There being no further business of the AIMC,the meeting adjourned at 3:53 pm. xo Moq BankBradleyEvan,Chairman» e Lrucaul IeneTheffiault,Secretary AIMC Meeting Minutes-August 27,2013 Page 6 of 6