HomeMy WebLinkAboutIntertie Managment Commitee Meetings 11-12-2013 2a\ IMC:Nov.12,2013 Roll call from top to bottom ending with Chair ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY Intertie Management Committee Budget Amenduent afornetMeehing-QVEA€hea AMC in Der Swks ent heopsoreCOEys Roll Call Agenda Open Access No Yes No Yes No :Yes No Golden Valley Electric Association Matanuska Electric Association Alaska Energy Authority Municipal Light &Power Chugach Electric Association SINAN[--TOTAL Roll call from top to bottom ending with Chair No Yes No Yes No :Yes No Golden Valley Electric Association Matanuska Electric Association Alaska Energy Authority Municipai Light &Power Chugach Electric Association DaaNext Meeting: .Phone ATTENDANCE - _-Brad Evans,Chairman/James Posey,Vice ChairmanSGeneTherriault,Secretary/Treasurer Wa Cory BorgesonJEvan"Joe”Griffith Public MembersSoBernieSmith-Ret"|Brian Hickey -'ChugachalBurkeWick-Chugach -Lou Agi-ML&P-_Henri Dalev_Jeff Warner --ML&P COMMITTEE MEMBERS Ath IMC Regular Meeting Nov.12,2013 1 30 pm"ALTERNATE CEA A Burke WickMLP7JeffWarner|AEA .VA Sara Fisher-Goad"GVEA |Aller-Gray MEA Gary Kuhn COUNSEL 4 Tou Telong|Bb ;a Mowe Sosoe coh Gibson PCPCYBrianBjorkquist,Dept.of Law Kirk Gibson,McDowell Rackner &| 4 GVEA Homer Zleebrig ae | AEA Staff [oF Kirk Warren " -|Kelli Veech " wa Teri Webster ALASKA INTERTIE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Friday,November 12,2013 -1:30 PM **PLEASE WRITE LEGIBLY** NAME Organization/email Gb Derr \herS COvest )ONE ie Neer,Suni LE RRL LEZD)AhiuranAa hid Shi ATTN tf Vpn MMe fe?Meck Sahn oan STW RamaikeKhVeohAE Lien thy 'S'YA suseKELMeCEA Unugak elecdre P38 A LMME SAAZE LCA =Toeuy &e Cons,EET Ron NeuEDans CrvrqorendiorSnelChaceCooiccCo|_Ovan prom cuts Aes Veet af Lavo ure Warten ZA "Very \odloster ie f Sone Tisher-Good REO CHECKLIST FOR ALASKA INTERTIE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETINGS Meeting Date/Time:Tues Nov 12 1-30 pH Papen (ooMMeetingLocation: Task CONFIRMED/DATE Secure Meeting Date with Gene Therriault MAKE SURE IT'S NOT A STATE HOLIDAY - Secure Meeting Date with Chairman,Brad Evans PacallhisExecAssistant,Connie Owens @ 762-4747) Post to the State of Alaska's Online Notice System 5 business " days prior to the meeting.(30 days if budget is discussed) Secure meeting room for use (block out 30 minutes prior to "- meeting to allow for set-up time Secure date with Accu-type for recording services.wa Send email "SAVE THE DATE”to all members,in Outllook Contacts "IMC &ASSISTANTS'with meeting date/time/location (ask for documents to be emailed for packet inclusion -including " action items with their motions Schedule a teleconference line with GCI (1-800-770-2121)Aqe4providethemwithareferenceproject(IMC)and code (your phone _- extension number) Draft Agenda for Gene Therriault's review (send it by email)- After Gene approves, Send Draft Agenda by email to Chairman for review and approval, Brad_evans@chugachelectric.com -always cc:Connie Owens connie_owens@chugachelectric.com Gather documents from members Email packet to members'including all attachments (teleconference information/agenda/draft of previous meeting Yminutes/motions/general handouts)(SEND IN PDF FORMAT!) Make up blue packets for:Sara,Gene,Bjorkquist,and You " Print extra copies of the full packet of information and bring to the A meeting for those who did not bring their copy ALSO BRING TO THE MEETING:State Calendar,List of Reps, Sign in Sheet,AIA,ByLaws,and Minutes in final form from the last meeting for Chair's signature if they are approved! RECORDING the meeting. Following the meeting have Chair and Gene sign approved minutes. Send pdf of signed minutes to IMC list After minutes are transcribed and proofed by you,send to Kirk and main speaker for review.After their edits,prepare a final draft for the next meeting. Teri Webster From:Brian Hickey <Brian_Hickey@chugachelectric.com> Sent:Monday,November 11,2013 11:23 AM To:Evans,Brad;Cory Borgeson;Joe Griffith Joe.Griffith@mea.coop);Gene Therriault Ce:Agi,Lou E.(AgiLE@ci.anchorage.ak.us);Allen J.Gray;Thibert,Lee;Kirk H.Warren;Brian Bjorkquist;kirk@mcd-law.com;Teri Webster Subject:IMC meeting November 12th,and Open Access All, Lou Agi,Allen Gray ,and |met to discuss the open access language and comments provided by AEA both last Friday and this morning.|believe that,in general,we feel that this issue is headed in and acceptable direction.However,in order to understand the ramifications of the language with respect to the existing agreement completely,we require additional review.Therefore,we propose the following schedule for implementation of the Open Access language: e Lou,Allen and I will complete our review and submit our comments to AEA by December 15"2013 (Lou is out of town until Dec 1) e AEAwill have until the 6"of January to review and return comments ¢The week ofJanuary 15"we will meet (AEA and utility representatives)to settle remaining differences ¢The IMC will meet the week of January 20"to adopt the agreed upon rules. We recommend that the IMC extend the deadline for adoption of open access rules to January 24"2014 Thanks,No San yu Coard Meekirs,Brian H Jan 20 Mv je THIRD AMENDMENT to the AMENDED AND RESTATED ALASKA INTERTIE AGREEMENT THIS THIRD AMENDMENT to the AMENDED AND RESTATED ALASKA INTERTIE AGREEMENT (SECOND AMENDMENT)is made and entered into this 27"day of August,2013 ("Effective Date”),between ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY,a public corporation of the State of Alaska ("AEA”);MUNICIPAL LIGHT AND POWER,a department of THE MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE,ALASKA,("AML&P”);CHUGACH ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION,INC.,a not-for-profit electric cooperative membership corporation of the State of Alaska ("CEA”);GOLDEN VALLEY ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION,INC.,a not-for-profit electric cooperative membership corporation of the State of Alaska ("GVEA”);MATANUSKA ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION,INC.,a not-for-profit electric cooperative membership corporation of the State of Alaska ("MEA”)in order to amend the Amended and Restated Alaska Intertie Agreement dated November 18,2011 ("2011 Agreement”),as amended by the First Amendment to the Amended and Restated Alaska Intertie Agreement dated June 26,2013 ("First Amendment”),and as further amended by the Second Amendment to the Amended and Restated Alaska Intertie Agreement dated August 28,2013 ("Second Amendment”).AEA,AML&P,CEA,GVEA,and MEA may be referred to individually as "Party”and jointly as "Parties.” RECITALS WHEREAS,the Parties have been diligently working on the development of open access rules and a new methodology for allocation of Capacity for the Intertie;and WHEREAS,the Parties needed additional time within which to complete the aforementioned tasks,and WHEREAS,the Parties entered into the First Amendment to the 2011 Agreement to extend the time within which the Parties had to implement a new methodology for allocation of Intertie Capacity to September 1,2013;and WHEREAS,,the Parties entered into the Second Amendment to the 2011 Agreement to extend the time within which the Parties had to implement a new methodology for allocation of Intertie Capacity to November 15,2013;and WHEREAS,the Parties need additional time within which to complete these tasks,and WHEREAS,the Parties are entering into this THIRD AMENDMENT in order to amend the 2011 Agreement and the First and Second Amendments to give them sufficient time to complete the aforementioned tasks. NOW,THEREFORE,IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual covenants in this THIRD AMENDMENT,the Parties hereby agree as follows: 1.0 Definitions.Unless otherwise specifically provided,all capitalized terms in this THIRD AMENDMENT shall have the meaning given in the 2011 Agreement. THIRD AMENDMENT TO THE AMENDED AND RESTATED ALASKA INTERTIE AGREEMENT Page 1 of 4 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 2011 Agreement,First Amendment,and Second Amendment.The terms and conditions set forth in the 2011 Agreement as amended by the First Amendment and as further amended by the Second Amendment shall remain unchanged except as specifically provided for in this THIRD AMENDMENT. Extension of the Implementation Date for New Methodology for Allocation of Intertie Capacity. The date for the IMC to implement a new methodology for allocation of Intertie Capacity shall be extended to January 24,2014. Change to 2011 Agreement and First Amendment and Second Amendment.All references to the date of July 1,2013,in Sections 6.1,Section 16.3.1,and Section 16.3.4 of the 2011 Agreement, and all references to September 1,2013,in Paragraph 3.0 and Paragraph 4.0 of the First and Second Amendments,shall hereafter be read as January 24,2014. Counterparts.This THIRD AMENDMENT may be executed in several counterparts,each of which shall be deemed to be an original and all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. IN WITNESS WHEREOPF,the Parties have caused this THIRD AMENDMENT to be executed by their duly authorized officers or representatives as of the day and year first above written. ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY By: Sara Fisher-Goad Executive Director SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this day of ;last written. Notary Public,State of Alaska My Commission Expires: Approved as to form: Office of the Attorney General THIRD AMENDMENT TO THE AMENDED AND RESTATED ALASKA INTERTIE AGREEMENT Page 2 of 4 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE, ALASKA dba MUNICIPAL LIGHT & POWER By: James M.Posey,General Manager (Title) SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this day of ;last written. Notary Public,State of Alaska My Commission Expires: CHUGACH ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. By: Bradley Evans,CEO (Title) SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this day of ,last written. Notary Public,State of Alaska My Commission Expires: THIRD AMENDMENT TO THE AMENDED AND RESTATED ALASKA INTERTIE AGREEMENT Pase 3 of4 GOLDEN VALLEY ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION,INC. By: Cory R.Borgeson,President,CEO (Title) SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this day of written. ;last Notary Public,State of Alaska My Commission Expires: MATANUSKA ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION, INC. By: Evan Joe Griffith,General Manager (Title) SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this day of ,last written. Notary Public,State of Alaska My Commission Expires: THIRD AMENDMENT TO THE AMENDED AND RESTATED ALASKA INTERTIE AGREEMENT Page 4 of 4