HomeMy WebLinkAbout11-17-1993 Formal BM Agenda"VFYNAlaska Energy Authority AGENDA ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY Board of Directors Meeting November 17,1993 -Formal Meeting CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL PUBLIC COMMENTS PRIOR MINUTES (November 9,1993) NEW BUSINESS A.Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project -Return of Surplus State Appropriations B.Update of Alaska Energy Authority Transition Status and Funding Issues C.Intertie Grant Agreement D.Financial Statements DIRECTOR COMMENTS A.Transition/Project Status B.Next Meeting Date (January 28,1994) BOARD COMMENTS ADJOURNMENT Alaska Energy Authority MEMORANDUM TO:Board of DirectorsAlaskaEnergyAuthorityMboxl/C/FROM:William R.Snell Executive Director DATE:-December 17,1993 SUBJECT:Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project Return of Surplus State Appropriations Later this month,the Alaska Energy Authority (AEA)plans to return approximately $11.5 million to the State General Fund.This transfer represents the bulk of the surplus Bradley Lake appropriations to be reimbursed to the state as a result of cost underruns on _project construction. The State of Alaska originally appropriated $175,080,000 toward financing the design and construction of the project.The remaining project costs were financed by AEA through the issuance of Power Revenue Bonds.The Power Sales Agreement with the Railbelt Utilities was structured such that the Utilities agreed to pay debt service on bonds sold for the project in an amount equal to 50%of the total cost of the project (including financing costs and reserve funds),or $175 million,whichever was less.All monies were placed with a trustee bank to pay the construction costs:as they wereincurred.Under the terms of the bonds,when project construction was essentially complete (98%),the state would be reimbursed one-half of the amount by which the total project costs were less than $350 million. Overall project construction is now 99%complete which allows for disbursement of the state's surplus.The current estimated total project cost including financing (which is to be divided equally between the State and the Utilities),is approximately $325.2 million. The AEA will be retaining sufficient monies to complete the remaining miscellaneous project construction,including an additional contingency amount in excess of $1 million.Upon completion of all work,a final disbursement of any remaining state surplus will be made. The Alaska Legislature,this past session,under HCS CSSB 126 (FIN),has reappropriated all surplus Bradley Lake monies to the Railbelt Energy Fund (AS 37.05.520). WRS:smd DOCSMD-125 Alaska Energy Authority MEMORANDUM TO:Board of Directors ony)Energy AuthorityAMTag&={4 FROM:Wil vist R)Sneil Executive Director DATE:December 17,1993 SUBJECT:Update of Alaska Energy Authority Transition Status and Funding Issues We have identified a variety of costs that will be incurred by the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (the Authority)as a direct result of the transfer of functions of the Alaska Energy Authority (AEA).The Authority does not have available funds within its FY94 operating budget to finance allofthesecosts.RSA's between the Authority and AEA (operating budget)and/or the Department of Community and Regional Affairs (transition funds approved by the Legislature)as well as the Authority's operating budget,will provide the necessary funding.We have attempted to quantify the FY94 incremental costs for planning purposes.The following list is intended to be comprehensive,but undoubtedly additional items will be identified as we progress through the final stages of transfer and estimated amounts will be refined. 1.Permanent personnel.We have identified five full-time and two shared positions required to operate the "new" AEA,once the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project operations and maintenance ("O &M")function is transferred to the utilities.Until the O &M function is assumed,seven existing AFA O &M_ transition positions are needed to operate the Bradley Hydro-electric Project and perform support services for the Four Dam Pool.Those seven positions are funded by the current operation budget and are not included below.The costs noted below are from August 11,1993, or the date indicated through June 30,1994; Alaska Energy Authority Board of Directors December 17, Page Two 1993 Deputy Director -Energy (Range 26).This position performs functions for AEA as well as being the Healy Clean Coal Project Manager and will be funded equally by both after January 1,1994.During transition,the estimated cost is $37,000 from transition funds.After January 1,1994,each operating budget will contribute $25,000. Contracts Manager (Range 24).Full funding required as of August 1,1993.Transition funding through December 31,1993 is $41,200.Estimated AEA operating budget funding for remainder of FY94 is $49,400. Director of Maintenance and Operations (Range 25). This is an existing AEA position with a transfer Gate of October 1,1993.Estimated cost of $83,900 from AEA operating budget.The salary range of this position will be evaluated over the course of this year. Project Manager (Range 25).This is an existing AEA Bradley Lake Construction Project Manager position with a transfer date of October 1,1993.Effective January 1,1994,the position will be funded 75%by AIDEA and 25%by AEA.Estimated cost of $29,250 prior to January 1,1994,and $14,600 after January 1,1994,from AEA operating budget.The salary range of this position will be evaluated over the course of the year.AIDEFA's operating budget portion is $33,850. Accountant (Range 16).This position has been transferred from AEA to AIDEA with full funding required as-of January 1,1994.Estimated cost of $28,400 from AEA operating budget. Accountant V (Range 22).This will initially be a permanent part-time position (65%),requiring funding between October 1 and December 31,1993. Estimated cost of $19,900 from AIDEA operating budget and $39,800 from AEA operating budget after January 1,1994. Alaska Energy Authority Board of Directors December 17,1993 Page Three g.Administrative Assistant (Range 14).This is a position transferred from AEA filled by an AIDEA staff member.Between October 1 and December 31, 1993,this position provided transition assistance to the Deputy Director of Energy,the Contracts Manager and trained with AEA staff.Funding between October 1 through December 31,1993,is $12,400 from transition funds.The remainder of FY94 estimate of $24,850 is from AEA operating budget. 2.Temporary personnel.AIDEA has hired one temporary position to develop an accounting system for the AEA projects.That position is an Accountant IV (Range 21D).The contract is from September 20,1993 to January 31,1994.Estimated cost of $22,200 from transition funds. 3.Severance pay for transition staff.The AEA board of directors passed a resolution providing laid off employees with a one month salary severance package. AIDEA/AEA identified 12 staff for its transition team. The severance package for those individuals is estimated at $73,000 from transition funds. 4.Moving costs.The cost to move records,equipment, furniture,personnel,etc.,is estimated at $50,000 from transition funds. 5.Legal costs.Legal costs for transition from the larger AFA to the "new"AEA require extensive re-negotiations of existing agreements with the utilities,redrafting of existing by-laws and regulations,review of the statutory scheme of AEA and AIDEA with legislation recommendations,advice on personnel matters,etc. Anticipated costs are $200,000 -50%Attorney General, 50%outside bond counsel.; 6.Travel.Travel and per diem associated with the transition required of Attorney General and_e "staff, estimated to be $5,000 from transition funds. 7.Computer costs.Wiring and set up of computers, hardware and software costs.Estimated cost of $25,000 from transition funds. Alaska Energy Authority Board of Directors December 17,1993 Page Four 8.Annual Report costs.Due to loss of AEA/DCRA staff, availability to produce FY93 annual report,additional incremental contractual services over and above typical report preparation costs billed to operation budgets. Estimated at $10,000 from transition funds. 9.Contingency costs.Unanticipated costs not otherwise funded from current operating budgets for actions required to complete the transition.Estimated budget is $50,000 from transition funds. 10..Board of Director costs relating to publication of meetings and other costs.Estimated cost of $3,000 from AEA operating budget. ll.Risk management travel and meeting expenses related to AFA transfer.Estimated cost of $5,000 from AEA operating budget. 12.Remodel of existing Authority office space to accommodate required new positions and filing space. New offices and a reworking of existing space usage are required as well as phone system upgrade.Estimated cost of $81,500 from AIDEA operating funds. 13.Contractual consulting services necessary to evaluate the technical responsibilities to be either assimilated under contract with the utilities or to remain with the Authority/AEA.Estimated costs are $25,000 from AIDEA operating funds. The total estimated incremental costs to be incurred by the Authority are $711,050 which must be funded from the Authority's operating budget .($185,250)and from transition funds ($525,800).Permanent staff costs funded from the AEA operating budget are estimated at $303,200.There will be additional FY94 operational costs incurred after the transfer is completed. Presumably,these costs will be funded from the existing FY94 AFA operating budget.These items include: 1)Travel costs 2)Risk management costs 3)Cost of AIDEA's Economic Development Coordinator 4)Long distance phone and supply costs 5)Board of Director costs relating to publication of meetings and other costs.; 6)Attorney General and outside legal costs (i.e.,bond counsel). Alaska Energy Authority Board of Directors December 17,1993 Page Five 7)Contractual costs (i.e.,financial advisor,auditor, etc.). 8)O &M transition staff until Bradley Operations are transferred. 9)Other Based on current projections,AEA's operational and administrative costs will be reduced by approximately $350,000 to $400,000 in FY94 and $500,000 to $550,000 annually,in later years.These projections are based on AEA's proposals to the operating utilities.Depending upon the resolution of the final contracts,the actual cost to operate the projects cannot be determined until the utilities provide AEA with their estimates to assume the transferred duties. The legislation mandating the transfer of AEA also repealed AS 44.83.045 which authorized employment of staff and an Executive Director by AEA.As a result,instead of a separate Authority and AEA budget,we are transferring the required employees and expenditures to the existing Authority budget and fund the costs via inter-agency transfers. WRS:DWB:ec DOCEVA -27] cc:Pat Ryan,Chief of Staff Edgar Blatchford,Commissioner,DCRA Darrel Rexwinkel,Commissioner,DOR Herbert C.Lang AIDEA /AEA TRANSITION PLAN DECEMBER 1993 I.INTRODUCTION This report is to update the Board on the status and changes resulting from the transition efforts since the November 9,1993 meeting. II.STAFFING Our initial transition plan identified two AEA employees that would transfer to AIDEA,10 AIDEA/AEA transition employees (five of whom were on-site Bradley Lake operation staff)and 18 DCRA transition staff to assist in the AIDEA/AEA transition.It was intended that this staffing arrangement would be only for the period of August 12 through December 31,1993.Our transition:efforts are ahead of schedule and transition staff levels are now being reduced (See Attachment). At this time,two AEA employees have been transferredto AIDEA. Of the 10 AIDEA/AEA transition staff,two have received their 30 day notice to terminate their employment,effective December 1,19933;two have been advised their employment will cease January.1,1994;the five Bradley Lake operating staff are pending transfer to Homer Electric Association;and one position may extend beyond December 31,1993,depending upon the outcome of negotiations with the utilities. The DCRA staff performing transition duties for AIDEA/AEA has been reduced by seven positions;six other positions will be eliminated on or before November 30,19933;and the remaining five positions will perform limited services through the end of the transition period. AIDEA/AEA will be competitively seeking to fill one permanent full-time accounting position within the next 30 days.The net result by December 31, 1993,is that AIDEA will have filled six full-time positions (including the two transferred employees)and one part-time position,with one transition position remaining dependent upon utility negotiations.Of the full-time positions,three will be devoted to AEA functions.The remainder will be allocating portions of their time to both AIDEA and AEA functions. (Organizational Chart Attached) III.BUDGET: Staff has prepared the initial FY95 State Operating Budget,the draft joint AEA/DCRA operation budget between July 1 and December 31,1993,and the AEA budget between January 1 and June 30,1994.In addition,preliminary project FY95 project operating budgets have been prepared for the dual purpose of identifying the AEA portion of the project operating budgets and negotiating operating agreements and budgets with the various operating utilities and the project management committees. IV.PROJECT AGREEMENTS Project:Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project Status Update: 1. Project: Delegation of AEA Duties: A final decision on AEA's proposed delegation of duties to Homer Electric Association,Inc.(HEA)and the Bradley Project Management Committee (BPMC)is pending the resolution of three areas of discussion between the AEA,HEA and the remaining BPMC utilities as represented by the BPMC.Those areas will be resolved through the completion of the agreements listed below. Operation and Maintenance Agreement: A preliminary agreement and budget has been negotiated with HEA. Those items are before the BPMC for review and approval.BPMC approval has been delayed due to disagreements among the BPMC utilities. Master Operating Agreement: The master operating agreement between aea and the BPMC is in final negotiation.Execution of the agreement has been delayed due to BPMC utility disagreements. AEA/Bradley Budget Budget discussions are continuing regarding the budget for fiscal 95 and the amended fiscal 94.A fiscal 95 budget has been presented totheBPMC.The amended fiscal 94 budget presentation has been deferred until resolution of the overhead litigation. Overhead Litigation Meetings have been held in November to discuss pending PMC/AEA overhead litigation.No resolution has been reached. Four Dam Pool Status Update: 1.AEA duties to be transferred to the operators have been proposed. Revised O&M agreements will be initiated once the PMC agrees with the transfer of duties. Swan Lake Generator Insurance Repair contract has been awarded. Tyee Transmissionline meetings regarding major repairs have beenheld.AEA plans in December to propose to the -PMC specific repairs.An investigation of funding sources will follow. -3- 4.A ten year R&R projection has been prepared for PMC approval.It requires a significant increase to utility annual contributions. 5.AEA/Four Dam Pool Budget AEA fiscal 95 and amended fiscal 94 budgets have been prepared. These have been submitted to the PMC. Project:Existing Intertie Status Update: 1.AEA has compiled a draft list of duties.A revised budget will be submitted in December. 2.The Intertie Operating Committee is in disagreement regarding the extent of controller duties by GVEA and M&LP.An amendment to the Intertie Agreement may be necessary. Project:New Railbelt Intertie Status Update: l.The utilities have reached an agreement as discussed at the November board meeting. Project:Other Projects Status Update: Eklutna and Snettisham --Legislation to authorize the acquisition of these projects by AEA/AIDEA has passed the U.S.House of Representatives and is now in the U.S.Senate. Black Bear -Potential long-term conduit financing is being explored. V.ADMINISTRATIVE AND OPERATIONAL FUNCTIONS AIDEA/AEA LEGAL DOCUMEN Counsel is reviewing the corporate documents for necessary revisions to regulations,by-laws,and statutes.Due to the scope of work required, this effort will be completed in December.Draft proposals for legislation should be ready by December 20,1993. ACCOUNTING The new AEA system has been designed and is in operation. The accounts payable and general ledger portions of the program were completed by December 1,1993,and except for one transition accounting position,physically transferred to AIDEA on December 3,1993. Additional modifications for budgeting and project cost tracking are anticipated to be on-line before year end. AUDITS The FY93 final audit report is complete and in the board packet.The Four Dam Pool and Bradley project operating budget audits are in progress. LAIM NTRACT ITIGATION &AGREEMENT All ongoing claims,contracts and litigation have been identified. Notices were sent to all AEA/AIDEA contract vendors regarding the change to the corporate structure.The Department of Law has drafted a memorandum of understanding between AIDEA/AEA and DCRA to address future claims against either or both parties resulting from AEA actions prior to the transfer of responsibilities.Due to changes in DCRA's leadership,formal transfer of litigation will be completed this month. INSPE iN Final check lists and standards on required AEA and Contractor inspections are anticipated to be completed by year end. ENTORY DCRA and AIDEA are completing the transfer of inventory.All transfers should be complete by December 15,1993.Final inventory and required transfers of furniture,.fixtures,and equipment for the Authority offices and projects will begin the first of November,1993.The bulk of the transfers should be completed within the month of November,1993. RECORDS The records inventory has been transferred to AEA/AIDEA.Physical transfer is scheduled for the week of December 13,1993. DOCEVA-279 August 12,1993 AEA/AIDEA Transfers (2) Eberle,Dave Sieczkowski,Stan AEA/AIDEA Transition Staff (10) Arminski,Tom Hansen,Russ (BL) Hansen,Sharon (BL) Scott,Deanna (Replaced by Burger) Sherlock,John (BL) Sobelesky,Bill Turner,Richard (BL) Williams,Remy Wolf,Larry Zidalis,John (BL) DCRA/AEA Transition Staff (18) Acuff,Kristi Baily,Suzi Burger,Denise (Transferred to AEA/AIDEA Transition) Choe,Han Hansen,Janet Holmes,Bruce Jones,Cynthia Keylor,Cheryl Jean Khan,Afzal . Lammers,Richard Macy,Barbara Manni,Gloria Marchegiani,Eric Petrie,Brent Spears,Joe Vaughn,Lisa Waer,Roger Wilbanks,Brett November 1,1993 AEA/AIDEA Transfers (2) Eberle,Dave Sieczkowski,Stan AEA/AIDEA Transition Staff (10) Arminski,Tom (01/01/94) Burger,Denise (12/01/93) Hansen,Russ (BL) Hansen,Sharon (BL) Sherlock,John (BL) Sobelesky,Bill (12/01/93) Turner,Richard (BL) Williams,Remy (2?) Wolf,Larry (01/01/94) Zidalis,John (BL) DCRA/AEA Transition Staff (11) Baily,Suzi (11/30/93) Choe,Han (12/31/93) Hansen,Janet (12/31/93) Jones,Cynthia (11/30/93) Keylor,Cheryl Jean (11/30/93) Khan,Afzal (11/30/93) Lammers,Richard (11/30/93) Manni,Gloria (12/31/93) Marchegiani,Eric (12/31/93) Spears,Joe (11/30/93) Wilbanks,Brett (12/31/93) ORGANIZATIONAL AND STAFFING CHART:The Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority and the Alaska Energy Authority Secretary IIl R-14 PCN 219 Chairman Public Member Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner Public Member Executive Director R-28 PCN 200 Administrative Technical Receptionist Assistant Engineer R-14 PCN 213 R-21 PCN 212 R-7 PCN 216 Deputy Director Administrative*Deputy Director Deputy Director Correspondence Deputy Director (Energy)Assistant (Finance)(Credit)Secretary Il (Development) R-26 PCN 406 R-14 PCN 434 R-25 PCN 203 R-24 PCN 202 R10 PCN 215 R-24 PCN 201 Director Facility Contract Mgr.*Project Manager Accountant*Accountant II!Loan Servicing Econ.Development Loan Officer Development Oper.Engineer'Bradley Lake Otticer Coordinator &Oper.Engineer R-25 PCN 425 R-24 PCN 490 R-25 PCN 402 R-22 PCN 453 R-20 PCN 209 R-20 PCN 207 R-23 PCN 206 R-22 PCN 205 R-24 PCN 220 Accountant®Accounting Loan Doc.Spec.Loan Officer Project Technician {1 Manager Il R-18 PCN 423 R-14 PCN 221 R-16 PCN 208 R-18 PCN 204 R-22 PCN 222 Data Processing Loan Sv Tech Il Technical Operator Engineer It R-14 PCN 211 R-12 PCN 210 R-22 PCN 224 Finance Assistant Loan Servicing Engineer | Technician Il R-10 PCN 214 R-12 PCN 217 R-19 PCN #002 ALL POSITIONS ARE LOCATED IN ANCHORAGE | *Alaska Energy Authority Operations and Maintenance component positions Development Specialist Org.Chart*11/4/93 KO R-13 PCN 223 Alaska Energy Authority MEMORANDUM TO:Board of Directors a?7FROM:Wil Snell Executive Director DATE:December 17,1993 SUBJECT:Financial Statements and Management Letter Included with your packet are the June 30,1993,Financial Statements,Other Financial Information,and Independent Auditors'Report and Management letter. Representatives of Deloitte and Touche will be in attendance at the meeting to discuss the Financial Statements and Management Letter and to answer any questions the Board members may have. Alaska Energy Authority MEMORANDUM TO:Board of Directors Alaska Energy ;huthorityFROM:witlienh Executive Director DATE:December 17,1993 SUBJECT:NEXT MEETING DATE Staff suggests that the next Board of Director's meeting be scheduled for Friday,January28,1994 at 9:00 a.m.This meeting will be teleconferenced between Anchorage andJuneau. WRS:ec DOCSMS -3227