HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-11-2001 BM Minutessoon . A . : Lo i oS Lo » : ri . * , ' . Fa g . ” " . . . . bd . - . . . . - 2 "G . to gte . . - . . -. ahs . . hy . . : ' : * t . re . 7 | 3 . , els , he : ' : fo . x. a : . * a = *# . " . . . « : ' a : 7 i.. _ oF *s . , i é : .o Ca : . BOF ' i . i - Ce eo. fg ; . . -* ar v4 Mo - . . oe a . . i . . : * a - . ' ty 7 ot ' : . . - io . - . S : a . zo . tos oe * om ' , im . . ' vo ta . ¥ r ° : oS ' ; : , ' .t ,J ' 2 x - : OF . . Doe ., : ' a . ; . . oy : .- " ' : , a . t " . .3} . . '« . + * . Pannen "t t - 3 . sof :: on x : . "hs . * » is . . > . : a . I * i zy ° > . 7. a ue ao es . . . a wt GF oO f . |, 2 fp. -{ ; = ae | ' , og < <- '" ' ; _ - : : - Do = So ; foe hoe . =) co ae ; i : . : ° _ < BN . . a 4 e . 7 oO . o ' : . , pros, on or2 : cot, , O>3 : . ae ot , fe Oo < P ars - - ' 2 : .v an lu 2oO = + : : . a : | . ° oy . 2Z2 o2= " . . Toe "s . :o oyae 2 . * é < . . . x coe ue ' " : * . : z al . : - aes SSEira Seen ale ASEa.1ae ALASKA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AND EXPORT AUTHORITY {=AME=ENERGY AUTHORITY Pe 813 WEST NORTHERN LIGHTS BLVD.*ANCHORAGE,ALASKA 99503 ©907/269-3000 ¢FAX 907/269-3044 TOLL FREE (ALASKA ONLY)888 /300-8534 "er 4 ve rs ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY BOARD OF DIRECTORS June 14,2001 -2:08 p.m. Anchorage,Alaska 1.CALL TO ORDER Chairman Hughes called the meeting of the Alaska Energy Authority to order on June 14,2001,at 2:08 p.m.A quorum was established. 2.BOARD OF DIRECTORS ROLL CALL Directors present in Anchorage:Mr.Wilson Hughes (Chairman/Public Member),Commissioner Joe Perkins (Department of Transportation and Public Facilities),and Deputy Commissioner Larry Persily (Designee for Department of Revenue Commissioner). 3.PUBLIC ROLL CALL Staff present in Anchorage:Robert Poe,Jr.(Executive Director),David E.Germer (Deputy Director-Business Development),and Brenda J.Fuglestad (Administrative Assistant). Others attending in Anchorage:Brian Bjorkquist (Department of Law). 4.PUBLIC COMMENTS There was no public comment. 5.PRIOR MINUTES -April 12,2001 The April 12,2001,minutes were approved as presented. 6.OLD BUSINESS There was no old business. 7.NEW BUSINESS 7A.Resolution No.2001-04,Resolution of the Alaska Energy Authority Relating to the Appointment of Various Officers of the Authority;and Related Matters AEA Board Meeting June 14,2001 Meeting Minutes Page 2 Mr.Poe stated that there have been changes in Authority staff that required this resolution to be brought before the Board to recognize the changes that have been made. Mr.Poe briefly explained Resolution No.2001-04,stating that it appoints Michael Harper as Deputy Director-Rural Energy and Assistant Secretary and changes David Germer's title from Deputy Director-Business Development &Rural Energy to Deputy Director-Business Development. The appointment of Michael Harper to Deputy Director-Rural Energy will allow for David Germer to move from direct responsibility for the Rural Energy Group and for Business Development to move back to Business Development. Staff recommended approval of Resolution No.2001-04. MOTION:Deputy Commissioner Persily moved to approve Resolution No.2001-04. Seconded by Commissioner Perkins.There being no discussion,the question was called. A roll call vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously. 9.BOARD COMMENTS There were no Board member comments. 10.ADJOURNMENT There being no objection and no further business of the Board,the meeting was adjourned at 2:10 iRobertPoe,Jr.Secretary SIGN-IN SHEET ALASKA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AND EXPORT AUTHORITY ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY BOARD OF DIRECTORS MEETING October 11,2001 -10:00 a.m. **PLEASE WRITE LEGIBLY** l NAME ORGANIZATION Cyrstar,Lede Krol ca@r up Ha slea-_at of Na FPRTN)OR eRMEVER SeleMiaMakDepoflowLenVassarpV) TBM Slackwoy Nice Pcoun,Ka "DEW ats Lh &INS Bane?EMawee2ima laldannKumkoageKim«YounSerf(Arey Dose VADsa ASLAki.5 Len ots OW ALASKA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AND EXPORT AUTHORITY =A @@E =ENERGY AUTHORITY 813 WEST NORTHERN LIGHTS BLVD.*ANCHORAGE,ALASKA 99503 ©907/269-3000 ©FAX 907/269-3044 TOLL FREE (ALASKA ONLY)888 /300-8534 AGENDA ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY Board of Directors October 11,2001 1.CALL TO ORDER 2.BOARD OF DIRECTORS ROLL CALL 3..PUBLIC ROLL CALL 4.PUBLIC COMMENTS 5.PRIOR MINUTES -June 14,2001 6.OLD BUSINESS 7.NEW BUSINESS 8.DIRECTOR COMMENTS A.Director's Status Report of AEA Programs and Projects e Rural Energy Group Update e Four Dam Pool Project Update B.Next Meeting Dates: e Will follow the AIDEA meeting dates when a meeting is necessary 9.BOARD COMMENTS 10.ADJOURNMENT H:\ALL\bfuglestad\BOARD\Agenda AEA.DOC ALASKA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AND EXPORT AUTHORITY {=AGE=ENERGY AUTHORITY 813 WEST NORTHERN LIGHTS BLVD.©ANCHORAGE,ALASKA 99503 ©907/269-3000 ¢FAX 907 /269-3044 TOLL FREE (ALASKA ONLY)888 /300-8534 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY BOARD OF DIRECTORS October 11,2001 -1:20 p.m. Anchorage,Alaska 1.CALL TO ORDER Chairman Hughes called the meeting of the Alaska Energy Authority to order on October 11, 2001,at 1:20 p.m.A quorum was established. 2.BOARD OF DIRECTORS ROLL CALL Directors present in Anchorage:Mr.Wilson Hughes (Chairman/Public Member),Commissioner Sedwick (Department of Community and Economic Development),and Ms.Helvi Sandvik (Public Member). 3.PUBLIC ROLL CALL Staff present in Anchorage:Robert Poe,Jr.(Executive Director),Valorie F.Walker (Deputy Director-Finance),Michael Harper (Deputy Director-Energy),James A.McMillan (Deputy Director- Credit),Mark Schimscheimer (Technical Engineer),David Lockard (Technical Engineer),Karl Reiche (Projects Development Manager),Lynn Kenney (Development Specialist),and Brenda Fuglestad (Administrative Assistant). Others Present in Anchorage:Jim St.George (STG,Inc.),Robert LeResche (LeResche & Company),Mike Mitchell (Department of Law),and Keith Laufer (Foster Pepper Rubini &Reeves LLC). 4.PUBLIC COMMENTS There were no public comments. 5.PRIOR MINUTES --June 14,2001 The June 14,2001,minutes were approved as presented. 6.OLD BUSINESS There was no old business. AEA Board Meeting October 11,2001 Meeting Minutes Page 2 7.NEW BUSINESS There was no new business. 8.DIRECTOR COMMENTS e Four Dam Pool Project Update Mr.LeResche said that essentially the conclusion of the divestiture would result in the Four Dam Pool Projects at Terror Lake,Solomon Gulch,Tyee,and Swan Lake,being owned by a group of utilities from those communities joined together in a Joint Action Agency,which is a quasi-governmental corporation.The main benefits to AEA are the release from liabilities both present and future.The original Four Dam Pool Power Sales Agreement,as written,was not favorable to AEA.The Power Sales Agreement does not require any specific minimum payment every year;the utilities pay debt service based on per kilowatt-hours used.AEA was responsible for any shortfall in renewal and replacement funds.The revenues from the Four Dam Pool have always gone to where the legislature directs for budgetary expenditure,so they were not retained in the project in any way.This is not a good thing and has already caused AEA financial trouble over the years and is bound to cause more.One of the key factors is that the utilities under this Joint Action Agency will assume all of these risks in the future. Under the MOU the utilities will pay $73 million for the Four Dam Pool Project.As structured, this is actually a fair representation of the market value.The utilities,in order to complete this purchase,will keep rates at what they have been.In terms of earning value,at least for the short term,this is a fair price. Of that $73 million,$5 million will initially be reserved for a future loan for the Swan-Tyee Lake Intertie.If they do want to take that loan then they will have to pay back the $5 million.AIDEA will lend them that in the future. In addition,the state will receive $32 million from a combination of the insurance fund and payments for power over the last two years.Approximately $90 million goes into the PCE Endowment Fund,which is expected to pay out 7%every year toward PCE.The legislature also added $100 million from the constitutional budget reserve to that Fund. Any business deal of this magnitude is not simple,but this one is particularly heinous given that there are four projects and five entities.To summarize,this sale will happen by December 31. There is an incentive in the MOU that this sale not happen much before that,because as soon as it happens the utilities have to start paying for the power.They are forgiven any payments for usage from July 1 through December 31,2001.To make this sale happen,the Purchase and Sales Agreement further defines the elements of the MOU which states the terms of the sale.There have been numerous discussions involving indemnification and whether the state delivers as is where is or whether the state warrants any title to anything.This agreement also has attached schedules that would list as much as possible of the $470 million worth of assets that comprises these projects. The Department of Natural Resources will convey several thousand acres to the Joint Action Agency by way of rights-of-way.These took title searches and land records review,but approximately two months ago DNR published draft findings as to why these long-term leases were in the public's interest.The comment period is closed and the Commissioner will sign his AEA Board Meeting October 11,2001 Meeting Minutes Page 3 findings next Thursday.In addition,these leases have to meet FERC requirements.FERC requires that any license holder have a certain amount of control over the underlying land in order to keep the license valid. Part of this deal is that the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority will be the lender to the Joint Action Agency of up to $110 million to cover the $73 million purchase price. This transaction involves trustees,reserve funds,and certain security so AIDEA will be able to sell this loan.This financial negotiation has to move ahead quite quickly because one of the members of the Joint Action Agency is Ketchikan,which is a municipal utility that requires two readings a month apart plus a 30 day waiting period before they can vote on it.Ketchikan has to have a near final finance document in their hand within 10 days from now. Mr.Laufer updated the Board with regard to litigation involving Ketchikan Electric Company. He reported that the FERC issue was resolved in the utilities'favor,it was subsequently appealed to the District Court in D.C.and that too was resolved in the utilities'favor.There is a potential for further appeals but it is unlikely that it will change the result.The other litigation was a similar piece that was filed in the Ketchikan Superior Court.That too was resolved at the Superior Court level in favor of the utilities and the Joint Action Agency.At this point,it appears that the PURPA issues are resolved and are not going to impede the sale of the projects. With AIDEA providing the financing there is potential to help the process along.Because the financing was complicated,by adding a third party after going through an approval process with the legislature,would complicate it to an extent that we were not confident that we would be able to get the deal closed.There was an obvious concern on the part of AIDEA staff,AIDEA Board of Directors,and the Administration that we not turn AIDEA into an AEA and reduce the typical AIDEA requirements and financial discipline that is involved in an AIDEA transaction.As such,when we negotiated the MOU we created safeguards as it relates to the AIDEA financing. The first safeguard is that there is a requirement that the utilities subordinate their rights under the Power Sales Agreement.It would be structured as would be typical to finance a project like this with publicly issued debt.The AIDEA Board ultimately has approval of the transaction before it can be consummated.The Power Sales Agreement was a very onerous agreement because it placed a great deal of liability on the state.The obvious concern was that if there was default,with AIDEA as the lender,we wanted to assure that AIDEA would not have to take these projects encumbered by that Power Sales Agreement.As part of the original MOU,the utilities and AIDEA agreed that AIDEA financing requires subordination.That is part of the deal and has never been in doubt.The deal as it is written now,and is being negotiated,allows AIDEA or the trustee,depending on who owns the debt at the time,to elect in a default situation to either enforce the Power Sales Agreement or foreclose. The second safeguard was that it be financed as a typical public debt.The rationale was two fold:apply that discipline,but also have a debt structured in a way that when AIDEA itself went out to issue its bonds it would be a valuable asset to the rating agencies and the people that AIDEA sells bonds to.Some of these things are causing a great deal of discomfort with the utilities.But,at this point,we are intent on holding firm and not present to the Board something that we do not believe would be a typical public debt.The entity that is going to hold this is a stand-alone entity.The Joint Action Agency is a limited liability company.The only assets that the Joint Action Agency will hold are the projects themselves and the Power Sales Agreement: the right to receive revenues under the existing Power Sales Agreement.The utilities,to some extent,are arguing that it should be treated more like a utility financing.A typical utility AEA Board Meeting October 11,2001 Meeting Minutes Page 4 generally has the ability to increase the rate as necessary,with regulatory approval,in order to pay its debt.This entity will have no such right because all it has is the same rights that AEA had before,which was the right on their Power Sales Agreement to receive payments when power is delivered. e Rural Energy Group Update Mr.Poe said that Senator Stevens has had much success in bringing money into Alaska to deal with leaking storage tanks,the capacity of storage tank farms in Rural Alaska,and the cost of electricity in Rural Alaska.All of our programs are designed to assist. The Rural Energy Programs further cement the linkage between Urban and Rural Alaska and between the economic development that AIDEA does and the economic development that rural energy organizations do in Rural Alaska.The Dimond Hotel is a good example as the targeted customers for the hotel are Rural Alaskan's coming to visit Anchorage on shopping trips. One of the things we set about doing is to find ways that we could build projects for Rural Alaska at a much higher volume,more effectively,and without adding state employees to the payroll to do that job.We also had to change the Denali Commission's view of Rural Energy. We did that by delivering on what we said we were going to do. We used construction managers as a way to use private sector companies to leverage our ability to build more projects.The construction manager is a critical part in the success we have had.We also challenged the construction managers to work with the communities to hire local people and be responsible for training them.This would leave more than just the completed project when they left a particular village.For a project in Kotlik,Mr.St.George,our construction manager,recruited the welding instructor from the King Career Center,took him to Kotlik and trained approximately six finish welders.This means these welders have the opportunity to work on jobs around the state,which opens upa lot of opportunities. Messrs.David Germer and Karl Reiche built the rural energy team and Mike Harper has done a great job of leading them.Valorie Walker also overcame some tremendous accounting problems with the Rural Energy Group. We will have completed nine bulk fuel projects this year and two rural power system upgrades. We expect to complete eleven bulk fuel projects next year,four rural power system upgrades, and put 21 more projects into planning this fall.This represents approximately a three-fold increase in the number of projects that this place has been able to produce. Mr.Harper updated the Board on the rural energy program projects.He walked the Board through a series of slides. He stated that staff has requested and received $2.7 million from the Denali Commission for 21 bulk fuel projects which are scheduled for the fall of 2001 with anticipated construction in 2002. The projects are for work in the following communities:Aleknagik,Larsen Bay,Akiachak, Egigik,Lime Village,Sand Point,Chauthbaluk,Takotna,Akutan,Iqiugig,Nelson Lagoon, Chalkyitsik,Venetie,Chenega Bay,Kokhanok,Newhalen,Beaver,Akhiok,Deering,Koyukuk, and Port Heiden. AEA Board Meeting October 11,2001 Meeting Minutes Page 5 Staff has also requested and received $300,000 for six rural power system upgrade projects scheduled for the fall of 2001 with anticipated construction in 2002.The projects are:Golvin Powerhouse,Kwigillingok Powerhouse,Newtok Powerhouse,Kongiginak Powerhouse & Distribution System,Atmautiuak Distribution System,and the Manokotak Powerhouse.There has also been a request for an additional $253,000 for a rural power system upgrade for Stevens Village. Mr.Harper referred the Board members to the powerpoint presentation as to the details with regard to the completed,under construction,active,and planned construction projects through 2003. Mr.Harper said that the Authority produced a prioritization report that listed deficiencies using a numbering system.Those communities that were the worst went to the top of the list for improvements.After some discussion with the Denali Commission,it was agreed that we do not want to build a $2 million project only to have the community fold up a few years later.The notion of sustainability or the ability of the utility in the village to continue the operation is critical. We have come up with a template to quickly write a business plan for the projects. Mr.Schimscheimer briefed the Board on the first construction manager project,which is approximately two weeks away from final completion.The project has been very successful.Not only is the facility now state of the art and code compliant,but in the process this project has put a lot of money into the local village and produced six certified welders from the village.The project is on schedule and under budget. Discussions ensued as to the first project using a construction manager on site and the success of the project. In response to Board questions,Mr.Poe said the Denali Commission is the main source of funding through grants.He said the grant goes to the community and then the community has an agreement with AEA.The community ends up owning the facility.In the business plan,we have to find a backup operator so that should the community fail,the backup operator takes over operation and responsibility for the asset. Mr.Poe said that in terms of cost overruns,AEA has no financial liability.AEA would look to the Denali Commission for additional monies. Discussions ensued as to quality control on the projects. In response to Board questions,Mr.Poe said the community's assets are at risk if there is a failure in the tank in their community,not AEA's assets.It is the community's insurance policy that will be looked to in case of a failure of the tank.The community has no recourse back to AEA. Mr.Poe said that AEA contacts the communities in terms of needs because if staff were to wait for the community to come to AEA then only the communities with the wherewithal would be the ones to obtain the grants.As such,some of the communities with the biggest problems may get left behind.AEA brings the request to the Denali Commission,however,there must be a community agreement,a community business plan,and a grant agreement between AEA and the community before it can move forward. AEA Board Meeting October 11,2001 Meeting Minutes Page 6 Mr.Poe said AVEC has 51 villages that they serve and the Denali Commission chose AVEC as a vehicle for addressing the needs in those communities.The villages that AVEC serves are also on AEA's prioritization index. Mr.Poe said initially,when the Division of Energy was still in existence,the projects were not getting done in a timely manner so the Denali Commission felt pressure to get the money placed and went to a second partner,AVEC,to complete the task.This allowed more projects to happen in a shorter period of time. Discussions ensued as to training programs and the need to coordinate with other agencies that provide these services. Commissioner Sedwick suggested that Mr.Poe mention the training issues at the next Governor's Cabinet meeting to entice discussion. Mr.Schimscheimer said that the business plan would leave communities not just with mechanics but with an ability to run a business.There will be very specific training requirements in the business plan for each community in order to receive the tank farm.Specifically,people will be trained to operate a tank farm.They will be trained as accountants,bookkeepers,etc.Staff is currently not aware of all of the programs there are in which to accomplish the training goal,but as part of the agreement with the Denali Commission,the community would have to send a certain number of people to training for computer literacy,accounting software,business procedures,etc. Ms.Sandvik said that Alaska is filled with great-intended infrastructure financed by the state,but after the facilities were built the state left without training people as to how to operate them. NANA ended up owning and operating three bulk fuel storage facilities and lost a lot of money on them.Ultimately,NANA gave them back to the community because we could not afford,as a profit organization,to continue to subsidize the community.The community needs to take responsibility to manage their own bulk fuel storage.It is a critical component to leave the tools in the community to manage the infrastructure that they need to be self-sustaining. 9.BOARD COMMENTS There were no Board member comments. 10.ADJOURNMENT There being no objection and no further business of the Board,the meeting was adjourned at 2:30 p.m. Robert Poe,Jr.Secretary o Alsta Eni Alnor _Reques ENfs spitalbay ail) re) ReelrieAORee AESeinamy Auieiiy<4 ReeseDerek Commsston CremaSeprembeg200d ne oe NewIATaScaN one HEocfest PRE Seanodea-et oypaaraN ;eek RISE,|| ..o noida au +ig i Schedule "Financial (SMilons)aH__Design |Construction|Funding Cost |Current'Budget Contacts ;+Project Status Update |CDR-Final |Start End |Source Estimate Funding Variance)AEA AE BP CM 1GolownDistnbutvonPict,complete&operational ;243 Dstruton Sytem 9/14/01 00:9 |OO}cf 1$040.9 040:$Kris i na na i AEA iiNomeLineExtPrct,complete &operational 3 'Dist Line Eersion 914/01 00:0:Ot]cf (6$080:$080:$-|Kis |ma }na |Nome J ;i Deering Constructioncomplete,project closeout in prograss aa;Pawerhause M401}ra 01:99 2 Ot |abe §$110°$096:$(044))Krg |NA +AEA i AEA feEmmonak15747Bey"msuction comple,pet closeod m pages.|a 4ny 00 Ot |abc |$204.9 25$-|Mak LLCMF na |STG .i Chefomak 15644 ey CAM ard Spi Pan equed-September 01 |an 9 Ot |abe §$322.9 32.8 -|Mak |URS |na |STG Tunak 15215 BRU "msutoncompleteprojectcased pages.|a py 99 Ot |abe §$2219 254)033)Mak |LOME}na |STG |Activity Planned OO -in "Totals:I$197 $830'$033 |/ |Actvtyin Progress (indesign underconsoucton)=|Funding Source Codes 4oe-LA IcdBG BOC C Other AccountingDataUpdated giaoActivityCompleteen {Significant Schedule Disruption i [ LL." Schedule Financial ($Millions)agg)Design |Construction|Funding Cost Current Budget Contacts 49) Project Status Updated|CDR:Final]Start End |Source Estimate Funding Variance]AEA ASE BP cM EEF Allakaket 15737 cowelant move and Alain tenk torn 9/14/01 99 |of |ch |$146/$148/$-|David |LCMF |na Houston}ELE ;5;61ArcticVillage15685yarnsPasconuctionthisfallandProject914/01 01 |02 |be |$183)/$183/$-|David}URS |na |URS |BEEPBucktand15785FandingCMmeatnage!under rewsion a/14/01 or |o2 |be |2383/6 233/$-|John |LCMF |na |uicc |Fe} -:-a¢gChignikBay15812(CUR bemna Prepared.Contaminatedste,ADEC wil)aay |of |of |02 |02 |be |$287/$287/$-|Bryan |AEE,na |Bristol |Bee Chignik Lagoon 15778 (eneeeed |ata |00 |of |of |02 |be |$107/$107/$-|Bryan |AERE|na |co |Beer .Final tank painting,piping installation in progress.'Kiana 15683 System stertup ditahing complete facity 9/14/01 00 |of |be |$305/$305/$ -|John |AESE |na |AEBE tKongiganak15780eteprosctonSereda|tat |00 |01 |01 |02 |abe |$385/$382)$(@.04)|Mark |LCME |MH |STG |ErgKotik15838substantialcompletionWISNes|anam1 |oo |o1 |of |of |abe |$385/$365/$(0.20)|Mak |LCMF|na |sTo |ROP Manokotak 15654 snticpated2001 mal Completion |aaa 99 |01 c |$214/$214/$|Byan|LCMF |}na |STGNapaskiak15783[coc coir estat}gaat |oo |of |00 |02 |abc |$148/$14818 -|Mark |AEBE |na |AESE Draft Business Plan received.Coordinating current Nikolai 15773 grant funding timelines,airport construction gia |00 |Of |02 |03 |abe |$120/$050)$(0.70)|John |AE&E [URSIMH!Bristolschedule,local equipment resources. Nikolski 15650 Constnicionscheduledveatatspinasaon |81401 |00,CO |02 |02 |be |$150|$118]$(32)Bryan |LCMF |na |CE2 Dispensing fuel since Nov.00.Minor repair in4Noorvik15699dispensinglininprogress.Final project closeout |9/14/01 00 |Of |abe |$230/%273/$0.43]John |AESE |na |AERE.and O&M manual production scheduled for late Port Graham 15682 Tn Lank®Boma moved,containment structure being |array |oO |o1 |of |or |be |$122/%098/$(0.24|Bryan]CE2 |na |CE2 Tanana 15728 Constructionin progress.Completionin2002.9/14/01 01 |01 |02 |be |$260/$258/$(0.02)|David |URS |na |URS |Activity Planned oo .|Totals:[$32.75 $31.66 $(1.09)] |Activity in Progress (in design,under construction), Funding Source Codes A_ICDBG B DC C Other Accounting Data Updated:8/29/01|Activity Complete :|ai .'*.+ 4 Significant Schedule Disruption egaay:re utrnrteophaytvosbobpet:Rura s\ge oelen(s Xural Powe 'Beal,.a be aery:Ld el.2 or.a3 aex|mI -'agls are a ahd .4d! -iting .wok "STSS.: -5 re gs . P 'Schedule __Finacial ($Millions)-:EE Design Construction |Funding Project |Current Budget Contacts 1. Project Status Update |CDR |Final |Start |End |Source Budget 'Funding Variance|AEA BP AIE CM BF noma Gen Set Project,anticipated operation Oct 31,2001 |ouany |ng |01 |00 |01 be |$144;7$141/46 -Kris NA |AEALCMF)AEA ff b'Kotlk Power Hs Prict,anticipated operation Dac 01,.ee de Powerhouse building construction complete,generator installation 9401 na 01 co 01 bc $185/$1.85)$.Kris N/A |AEALCMF)=AEA Ea)Arctic Village Power Hs Prict,affected by FAA schedule and site akPowerhouserelocation,simitar to BFU 94/01 na 02 01 02 b,c $O79}$O75;$(0.04)}Kns N/A IAEAVLCMFL =AEA 4 H Hughes Power Hs &Distr Pract,village has lost CDBG of i ;S.HPowerhouse&Distibution._$200K,applying for $500 ICDBG,project on hold.9141 na 02 01 |02 b,c $1471$O97)$(0.50)!Kris N/A AEA AEA 4KoyukukDistributionPjct,expected completion fall 02,grant ;:a DistnbutonSystem pending approval 9/14/01 na 01 o1 :02 bc $055;$050/$(0.05)/Kris NYA AEA AEA ;Newtok Distribution Pjct,expected completion fall 02,with .e Distribution System powerhouse project,91401 |na 02 |01 02 be |$O50)$O50/$-Kris NA AEA AEA BahStevensVillagePowerHsPrjct&DOTPF Line Ext,completion . i Powerhouse...|Spring02,build&found under construction 91401 |na 01 01 02 abc {$$120)$120;$-Kris NA LCMF AEA &HTuluksakPowerHsPrict,Business Plan in progress,buildin nl we $e Powerhouse &foundation ordered 9 3 |ont na 01 01 02 abc i$150/$1331$(.17)]Kiis CE2 |AEAYCE2|AEA i 3r: Old Harbor (hydro)VEC Prict,new plan expected nant |na 01 |02 be |$2401$240/$-|Peter |NA AVEC Engineer Polar Consultantshave determined FERCAtka(hydro)license not required ants Nave determine 91401 |na 02 02 bic $O70/$O70/$-Peter NA PC -ij :Pomenguse ew prajact,request CDR &BP monies fromDC |giamy |1 |01 |02 |03 b $140/$-|$(1.40)]Lenny |LcMe |LcMF |AEA ponerse Sw project,request CDR &BP monies fromDC |gu4my |o4 |01 |02 |03 b |$170/$-|$(.70)|Kris |LcMe |Lom |STGAEA owe! .SEBO TTNevasceOwproject,request CDR &BP moniesfromD©|onamr |01 |01 |02 |03 b |$165/$-|$(1.65)/Lenny |LcmF |LOMF |STG/AEA Kongiganak New project,request CDR &BP monies from DC . Powerhouse &Distribution 9/14/01 01 01 02 03 b $2351$-$(2.36)|Kris LCMF LCMF |STG/AEA NOremibuton lew project,request CDR &BP monies from DC oN 441 01 01 02 03 b $085/$.$(0.85)Kris LOMF LOMF AEA Manokatak New project,request CDR &BP monies from DC 9/14/01 ©Powert 01 01 02 03 b $190:$$(1.90)]Lenny |LCMF LCMF AEA .Totals:|$22.22:$1161 $(10.61)| |Activity Planned Funding Source Codes A_ICDBG BDC C Other Accounting Data Updated|unknown|Activity in Progress {in design,under construction) |Activity Complete | 'TVSignificant Schedute Disruption |i _|' oe een RETR Sif ah 3PIiftaake eae ..ye 'simiebaiebicith re oe Schedule CDR |Report |Financial AEA Project Manager Construction Manager Engineer Business Plan Cc ec Design Construction!Yr Update |($Millions)Contacts e&&iCDRYear2001Construction2002Construction2002a]a =z m =x F °wD g 2 rc >z=Project COR Final |Start End |2001 Date Estimate |AEA BP AE cM E =5 3 z a £4 &Ss 2 =a m 5 5 .4a5giyaa3ofalaiym==fi rd Alexnagik 15782 00 |o2 |02 :o2 4 09/14/01 Bryan!USKH |LCMF STG 1 root 14 1 '1)ee pF -4ole e e e tH RP fe =|]foefepee]fe ee HH - -bPoebow ped obChuatnbaluk15789a102|02 ;03 1 09/14/01 Mark |AE&E AE&E |Houston 1 'i :1 1 !17 Chalkyitsik 15769 o1 |or 02 |02 1 oe14i01 David!USKH URS URS 1 root 1 1 'Se TT PT er ert er bet es Crs rs TT re are Be te :rs rs ir rr:rs ns rsBeaver01|O1 !O02 |O2 1 0914/01 David!USKH URS URS 1 i i '1 4 !' ! i !i :-.aLarsenBay157790102}02 }03 1 09/14/01 Mark|URS LCMF STG 1 |'14 1 1 6 !ee be ee of ee Pe I ee eee fpf --4t+bh j--aTakoina15776oi}01 !02 |02 4 0914/01 Jonn'|AE&E |AE&E Bristol 1 1 ;:14 12 Venetia 15772 oo ;O14 02 |02 1 0914/01 David!URS URS URS 1 !';1 1 2ee=4mep Hp enpe i eet LHHeepebleJa ep beeAkhiok01O1'02 |02 1 09/14/01 Mark |URS AGRE STG 1 i i 14 4 1 ! +a 4Akiachako1701!02 |02 1 ogiaio1 Mark|LCMF CE2 STG 1 H |14 1 1 'en ro me pre i hp ee epee en Sines De De ete te ee free toe me sr foPoRKAkutan0101'02 ,o2 1 0914/01 Jonn''USKH |AE&E URS 1 i i ;1 4 5! t ++Chenega Bay 04 o1 |02 |02 1 09/14/01 Mark|URS LCMF STG 1 'i 4 1 ',ae ef et faeftNy offftUP poJ PE fH!enDeenngor|01!02 ;03 1 09/14/01 Jonn |URS URS uicc 1 'i 4 1 '4 '"Te , T +. ¥TEgegik01}01 !02 |02 1 |ogni Bryan!LCMF {|LCMF |Bristol 1 tieot 4 1 3 FT pm ee aoe at eee eco nn Cdine in aie TG Tete oie ns on coe need ns Os eee eedIgiugig01}01 '02;O83 1 091401 Devid'AE&E |AEG&E CE2 1 14 (4 3 Kokhanok 01 ot +02 |03 1 09/14/01 David!AEE AE&E CE2 1 iat '4 |4 oe ee es Pe are a ee eee ee ee ae eee SS ee ae en ene ns Sen DOE -Pp -a oo aKoyukuk01|OF '02 |02 1 og1401 David!LCMF |LCMF |Houston 1 i 1 i 1 1 :2 !"Tt T 1 H +"Tt 7LimeVillage0101102|02 i 09/14/01 John!AE&E AE&E Houston 1 1 1 '1 so4 '6 Toe ee ee rf Selaal leailesaiit mibedita iene maeetiedtan lealtantiention tieeiien teetavioah mamaton oo en nn De oie ee ee ee eae --Ff oR ore -to-rR orNeilsonLagoon01o1|02 ;03 1 09/14/01 Jonn|USKH CE2 Bnstol 1 4 fl 1 1!4} ++Newhalen 01 01 |!02 {|03 1 09/14/01 David!AEE AE&E CE2 1 i i ;14 15eeemfePl|ehee ae en cairns ae ers rs -4 ro oar ons ae t pe pe I -Port Heiden 01 |02 !02 ¢02 1 0914/01 Bryan!AE&E |AE&E uicc 1 ;114 |14 7 t T Y Y :1 om 7SandPointa102!02 5 02 i 09/14/01 Bryan!URS URS CE2 1 1 44 '1 5 =x 21 $-=2 .§:3 o ¢a 2 e 6 Cc a ia 5 Cc &fa |a me 2 88 da f a@l|&&@ 8 RIL 82 FF ;Acumly Planned 5 |7 |5 {4 3 |4 2 |5 |3 [4 6 |5 |2 |8 3 |6 {5 |? |acuty Ia Progress (in design,under construction) Jactivty Compiete Significant Schedule Disruption .cate!teal ee |-_a ...a memioataianss oe Activity in Progress (in design,under construction} Activity Complete Significant Schedule Disruption | als =10 8 Ore or Schedule COR |Report |Financial AEA Project Manager Construction Manager Engineer Business Plan Design Construction}Yr Update |($Millions)Contacts ;;9 5 g in(Construction Year 2003 Construction 2003 Construction 2003 7 o x m zr Project CDR Final]Start End |2002 |Date |Estimate|AEA BP AE CM zr 95 g z o §4 5 cll5 co A z > ;Ft a 3 5 °8 6 @ 5 A 5 A}HY fi z 2 ai AAtke15693eo|o2 |03 |03 |14 |cana Bryon|AEE |AE&E!URS 1 7 1 4 erBirchCreek15768]00 ,02 |03 |03 |1 |oanaiot David'URS |URS|URS 1 pod 1 pio, Clark's Point or:02 |03 |03 |1 |ogra Bryan LCMF|LCMF;STG 1 -1 1 | Crooked Creek |02 |02 |03 |03 |1 |ana Mark |AE@E |AE8E |Houston]|1 |coud 1 _e Diomede 15771 |01 ,02 |03 |03 1 |ogaio1 Bryan|LMF |LCMF |UICC 1 j 1 4 Hoonah 15790 |02.02 |03 |03 |1 |oaraor||domiaceelacee|cer ||=|1 |)dT ato tbat p pb aPointBaker15791}00 '02 |03 |03 |4 |ogaro1 John }AEE |AESE CE2 1 1 4 1 pPorProtecton|00 |02 |03 |03 |tf oamaon |_|dann |AGREJAESE)EZ ||af od Jf Tho typ ptRampart15770|Drat,02 |03 |03 |4 |ogaio1 David!URS |URS |URS 4 1 1 1! RedDevil 15777 |02 |02 |03 |03 |1°|ognaro1 Mark |AE8E |AEE|Houston}|1 1 7 1 Nunam Iqua 01}ot |na |na |1 |coma Mark |LMF |LCMF:;uicc ||1 1 |1 1 |Platinum 01;02 |na |na |14 |ogra Bryan |URS URS |URS 1 1 '1 Saint George 01:O01 ;02 |02 1 09/14/01 David:na CE2 |CE2 1 1 1 Seemuts |ot or |03 |03 |4 |oonaor ||Mak AERE|AEBE Houston)|1)||aa oat dt Pooaff po ae i $,eee FHS oc we cllS eco RIS«&RBge2B\|2 8 8 oeBIS ae Ris 3a 2 & '|acovty Planned 4 a{a|afa ofaj2]s[afa a[a{rl7 a[3[o]7 current!ynamed B 7 proses.ixisheddeficiencylistfomatotatneSires partofthis funding requestA requestfotionfundswillbemadefortheseprojects} plan funding Is for forty plans Additional business plan preparation funds)ito Year,2003 construction@ [nese additional businessplancosts are it.J Rural Energy Group (REG)Bulk Fuel Upgrade (BFU) Projects Under Construction Status Report Schedule Financial ($iillions) Design Construction |Funding Cost Current Budget Contacts Project Status Updated |CDR__Final |Start End |Source Estimate Funding Variance|AEA AIE BP CMAllakaket15737SaoeoengwihPlannedpowerplant!4ys/2001 9 |of |cb |$146/$146/$-|David |LCMF |na |Houston Arctic Village 15685 [Pad constuction this fell and Project completion in |sqis/2001 of |02 |be |$1.83/$183/$-|David |URS |na |URS Buckland 15785 Pending CM Wp ee moe revision 9/14/2001 o1 |o2 |be |$233/$233/$|John |LCMF |na |UICC Chignik Bay 15812 COR bord preparedion Spring 2002”ADEC wil |40/8/2001|01 |01 |02 |02 be |$2871/$287|$-|Bryan |AE&E |na Bristol Chignik Lagoon 15778 Prichuttin bodmtend ocean 40/8/2001;00 |01 |01 |02 be |$1.07/$1.07/$-|Bryan |AESE |na ccl Kiana 15683 Syeton sity Bay complete tacky {9/14/2001 oo |of be |$3.05/$305/$-|John |AESE |na |AESE Kongiganak 15780 Project on Schedule barge landed and unloaded,|aqpraqn1]00 |01 |O41 |02 abe |$3.85/$3.82/$(0.04)|Mark |LCMF |MH STG Kotlik 15838 oe da OOOnoPates -laover2001]00 |O1 |01 |01 abc |$3.85/$3.65/$(0.20)}Mark |LCMF |na STG Manokotak 15654 Porepyraueendbudget.CompletionweekofOct |49/8/2001 99 |of c {$214/$214/$ -|Bryan|LCMF]na |sTG [Napaskiak 15783 Completion witicheted Nor 200F ew -|tovez001}00 |01 |00 |02 |abe |$148/$1.48/$-|Mark |AESE |na |AESEDraftBusinessPianreceived.Coordinating current Nikolai 15773 grant funding timelines,airport construction schedule,19/14/2001]00 |O01 |02 |03 |abe |$1.20/$0.50/$(0.70)|John |AE&E |URS/MH|Bristollocalequipmentresources. Nikolski 15650 Contaminated deanetcetera 2002 9/14/2001!00 |00 |02 |a2 be |$1.50 1.18]$(0.32)]Bryan |LCMF |na CE2 Dispensingfuelsince Nov.00.Minor repeir inNoorvik15699dispensinglineinprogress.Final project closeout and |9/14/2001 00 |01 abe |$230/$273]/$0.43]John |AE&E |na AE&EO&M manual production scheduled for late Port Graham 15662 Hoea eat matenks.|aovea001]00 |of |o1 |of |be |$1.22/$0.98|$(0.24)|Bryan |ce2 |na |CE2 Tanana 15728 Herr Cee nae Or ate season fuel |40/5/2001 +01 |Of |02 |be |$260/$258/$(0.02)]David |URS |na |URS Note:Of the 19 Projects anticipated to be started in year 2001,7 have been rescheduled to start in Year 2002: L {Activity Planned Totals:|$32.75 $31.66 $(1.09)] |_Activity in Progress (in design,under construction)_ FundingSource Codes _A ICDBG BDC C Other AccountingDataUpdated:8/29/2001|Activity Complete [|Significant Schedule Disruption BFU Const Start 2001 REG Report.xis Printed 10/9/2001 Page 10f 6 Rural Energy Group (REG)Bulk Fuel Upgrade (BFU) Construction Starting Year 2002 Schedule CDR Report Financial AEA Project Manager Construction Manager Engineer Business Plan Design}Construction |yr |Update |(SMillions)Contacts 9 S &idCORYear2001Construction2002Construction2002bawoxm =x Project COR Final |Start End |2001 Dete Estimate |AEA BP AE cu =§2 z a ¢a A Ss 8 S e mn g -e a a 5 5 Ss >7}ao Nm a 2 af 3 Pre-BOP Funding {Chignik Bay 15612 01 01 02 02 1 10/08/01 Bryan AESE Bristol 1 1 1 Nikoleki 15650 00 00 02 02 1 10/09/01 Bryan LCMF CE2 1 1 1 Funding Dependenton BOP Port Heiden 01 02 a2 2 1 10/09/01 Bryan |AESE AE&E CE2 1 1 1 2 Egegik 01 o1 02 2 1 10/08/01 Bryan |LCMF LCMF Bristol 1 1 1 3 Igiugi 01 01 02 03 4 10/08/01 David |AESE AE&E CE2 1 1 1 Kokhanok 01 01 02 03 1 1010801 Devid |AEGE AESE CE2 "1 1 1 Newhaien 01 o1 o2 03 1 1orewot David]AESE AESE CE2 of 4 1 1 6 Koyukuk 01 01 o2 a 1 10/08/01 David |LCMF LCMF Houston 1 1 1 2 IChalkyiteik 15769 01 ot 02 02 1 10/09/01 David |URS URS URS 1 1 1 2 \Beaver 01 01 a2 02 1 10/08/01 David URS URS URS 1 1 1 1 Nenetie 15772 00 01 02 a2 1 10/06/01 David URS URS URS 1 1 1 3 Takotna 15776 01 o1 02 02 1 1oroe/01 John |AE&E AE&E Bristal 1 1 1 3 Lime Vilage 01 o1 02 a 1 10/09/01 John AEGE AEGE Houston 1 1 1 7 Nelson Lagoon 01 o1 02 03 1 10/06/01 John USKH CE2 Bristol 1 1 1 4 Deering 01 01 a2 03 1 10/09/01 John URS URS STG 1 1 1 4 Nikolai 15773 00 01 02 03 1 10/09/01 John AEGE URS/MH Bristol 1 1 1 1 \Chuathbaluk 15789 01 a2 02 03 1 10/00/01 Mark |AE&E AESE Houston 1 1 1 6 Akhiok 01 01 02 02 1 10/09/01 Mark URS AEGE STG 1 1 1 5 Akiachak 01 01 a 02 1 10/08/01 Mark |LCMF CE2 STG 1 1 1 1 Larsen Bay 15779 01 02 02 03 1 10/09/01 Mark URS LCMF STG 1 1 1 6 Chenega Bay 01 01 a2 02 1 10/08/01 Mark |LOMF LOMF STG 1 1 1 1 |Repair Projects,No BOP Required Nunem Ique ot ot 02 o2 1 10/05/01 Mark |LOMF LOMF uIcc 1 1 1 Aleknagik 15782 00 02 ferg [74 t 10/08701 Bryan ne LCMF STG 1 1 1 [Sand Point 01 a2 a2 o2 1 10/00/01 Bryan na URS CE2 1 1 1 [Saint George ot |ot |o2 |o2 t |sors Devid|ne CE2 CE2 1 1 1 bt] [____-ctvay Pharma elelsilejisi7[+lels]s]lels[slejlsl7[1]e [___}etvtyin Progress (in design,under construction oo BET Panns Men 2AM REM Pee et ote Pitetad CRINGE [a]Bana2te Construction Starting Year 2003 Schedule CDR |Report |Financial AEA Project Manager Construction Manager Engineer Business Plan r c >Design Construction Yr Update |($Millions)Contacts Q §g mnConstructionYear2003Construction2003Construction2003na=m x o -]Project CDR Final |start End |2002 |Date |Estimate |AEA BP AE CM z 8 ¢g yo €w#&cI|S «o B®e >Fy E$=:SF Silt 8 8 a §Bis oe Rite &&8 Atka 15693 98 02 03 03 1 10/05/01 Bryan |AE&E |AE&E URS 1 1 1 1 Clark's Point 1 02 03 03 1 10/05/01 Bryan |LCMF |LCMF STG 1 1 1 1 -[Diomede 15771 01 02 03 03 1 10/05/01 Bryan |LCMF |LCMF |UICC 1 1 1 Platinum 01 02 na ha 1 10/05/01 Bryan |URS |URS URS 1 1 1 1 Birch Creek 15768 00 02 03 03 1 10/05/01 David |URS URS URS 1 1 1 1 Rampart 15770 Draft 02 03 03 1 10/05/01 David |URS URS URS 1 1 1 4 'Akutan 01 02 03 03 1 10/05/01 John |USKH |AE&E URS 1 1 1 5 Hoonah 15790 02 02 03 03 1 40/05/04 John |AESE |AE&E CE2 1 1 1 1 Point Baker 15791 00 02 03 03 1 10/05/01 John |AE&E |AE&E CE2 1 1 1 1 Port Protection 00 02 03 03 1 10/05/01 John |AE&E |AE&E |.CE2 1 1 i 1 Crooked Creek 02 02 03 03 1 10/05/01 Mark |AE&E |AE&E |Houston 1 1 1 1 Red Devil 15777 02 02 03 03 1 10/05/01 Mark |AE&E |AE&E |Houston 1 1 1 1 [Steetmute 01 01 03 03 1 10/05/01 Mark |AE&E |AE&E |Houston 1 1 1 1 o o a 13 $©z 8 ¢&2 zt ao ©»&ce &c¢in 5 c &mn44©a =5S S/(F 8 8 od 8 BI{S BR RIS 6 F &[petty Ptanned 3/244 of3{i1]jtfa]s 2[3fo][s 2[3]s|7 [JetiinProgressondesignunderconstuction [3][s]Ls][7] -e[oTsecsteDano BFU Const Start 2003 REG Report.xis Printed 10/9/2001 Page3of6 Rural Energy Group (REG)Efficiency and Altemative Energy Acvite Project Status ReportEfficiency and Atemative Schedule Finical (Millions) Design Construction |Funding Project Current Budget Contacts Project Status Updated Feas.Final |Start End [|Source Budget Funding Variance AEA BP AIE CM Atka Hydro Progrene hnsciction finding 2001.Permitting in 1 sorez001 |96 |02 |02 |03 |bes |$o70/$0.70]/$-|Peter |NA Polarconsut .FERC non-jurisdiction finding 2001.USDOEPyramidCreekHydropreparingEA,currently in draft.10/8/2001 97 02 02 03 C,S,U $2.30}$1.92 ]$(0.38)}Peter NIA HDR Power Creek Hydro 25%complete repaired after flood.Construction |soig2901 |97 |98 |98 |01 cu |$20.15]/$980}$ (10.35)|Peter |NA Whitewater [Whitewater Const.Cost reviesed to 3.8 M in August.AVEC PolarconsuOKHarborHydroassessingoptionsforredoingcost.10/8/2001 95 02 02 03 beu |$380/$2401$(1.40)]Peter NIA AVEC .Design and construction of electrical transmission line .Tyee-Swan Intertie inking Tyee Lake and Swan Lake hydro projects.10/8/2001 92 92 02 bou |$77.20/$3260 1$(44.60)!Dick NWA IRWBeck|KPU PrinceofWales Intertie Kevaen wit fen THREA APT has purchased)sqgano1 |97 |98 |98 |01 csu |$270/$270/$-Peter |WA |apaT |APaT Pilct-scale work in progress at NREL.To serve as not notSoutheastAKEthanolbasisfordesignof2Mgal/yr start up plant in KTN.10/8/2001 01 03 |sched {C,8,u $440|$440/§-Peter NA Circle Wood Boiler onpit cet 200 note and AEA.1oezo01 |01 |02 |02 |02 |'cu |$O10/$o10]/$-|Peter |wa |ace |AEE lUnalaska Fish Oil Emissions tests scheduled for 10/15-18 2001.1oez001 |01 |NA |01 |02 7 csu |$O201$020/$-|Peter |NA |Steigers ,;rade diesel to 4400 kW and retrofit gen t :Nome Diesel Efficiency |UP9 st a8 the heat source for Kalina 10/8/2001 00 cu |$340/18 230/$(1.10)]Dennis |WA Exergy Lime Vilage Electrification a Battery,PU Evaluation 1oz00t |00 |or |or |o1 |csu |$0.06/$0.06/$-|Dennis |NA }.Power Sy!MINT Blast Freezer Demo SevaONO wih Processor underway.Const.TO |saezon1 |00 |01 |of |ot osu |$0.02/$0.021$-[Rebecca]NA Seagrant Northwest Arctic Borough =jJune Nelson,OTZ High,Noatak.New lighting.Work Effi retrofft complete,working with Dis.On metering and peaks.40/8/2001 00 01 csu |$010/$010/$-|Rebecca)NA AEA McGrath School Efficiency |McoGrath.New lighting and pumps.Training on mech etroft land repairs.Waiting for resulte 6/02 10/8/2001 00 01 osu |$005/$0.05/$-Rebecca]NA AEA Rebuild Chuathbaluk Chuath.Village.New lighting for all comm.Buildings Efficiency retrofit land homes not under WX.Const.Complete 11/01,10/8/2001 01 01 csu |$0.03;/$0.03 1$-Rebecca}NA AEA Rebuild McGrath Efficiency [McGrath ity.Pastnerwithutilityandretrofitcommunity.Lighting retrofit for buildings,efficiency in 10/8/2001 02 03 c.s.u $*Rebecca NA AEA Repair indian Creek Hydro.Upgrade distributionSheldonJacksonCollegesystem,water,sewer and steam pipes,buildi 10/8/2001 01 03 cu $880/$3.401/1$(5.40)|Rebecca}NA AEA .25 communities.Large building assessments forRACEEnergyAuditslowinocostenergysavings.Trainingforoccupants.10/8/2001 01 02 su $O10/$O10/$.Rebecca]N/A AEA Kotzebue Wind Demo PONG To SO ead etemence &construction soezoo1 |94 |of |of |01 cau |$160/$1.80/$-|Dennis}NA AGA Wind Resource Complete basic resource elvaluation exisiting data 60 . Assessment Villages with AVEC 10/8/2001 01 02 cs $002/$002/$-Dennis NA TG AVEC Totals:|$125.92 $62.69 $ (63.23)| |JActivity Planned Z Funding Source Codes A ICDBG BDC C Other Accounting Data Updated :unknown|{Activity in Progress (in design,under construction)$STATE U USDOE |\Activity Complete |cw ___1Significant Schedule Disruption Efficiency and Altemative Energy,REG Report.xds Printed 10/9/2001 4 Rural Energy Group (REG)Rural Power Systems Upgrade (RPSU) Active Projects Status Report Schedule Finacial ($Millions) |Design Construction |Funding Project Current Budget Contacts Project Status Updated|CDR__Final |Start End |Source Budget Funding Variance]AEA BP A/E CM peak Gen Set Project,anticipated operation Oct 31,2001 Jonsoog1]na |of |00 |01 be |$144/$141/$-Kris N/A |AEA/LCMF|AEA Kotlik Power Hs Prict,anticipated operation Dec 01,building . . Powerhouse construction complete,generator installation 9/14/2001]na 01 00 01 b,c $185/$185/$Kris N/A |AEA/LCMF|AEA Arctic Village Power Hs Prict,affected by FAA schedule and site won ian . Powerhouse relocation,similar to BFU 9/14/2001]na o2 f Of 02 b,c $0.791$0.75 |$(0.04)]Kris N/A |AEA/LCMF]AEA Hughes Power Hs &Distr Prject,village has lost CDBG of . . Powerhouse &Distibution _|$200K,applying for $500K ICDBG,project on hold.9/14/2001]na 02 f.01 f.02 b,c $1.47/$0.971$(0.50)|Kris NA AEA AEA Koyukuk Distribution Pjct,expected completion fall '02,grant . . Distribution System pending approval 9/14/2001}na 01 01 2.02 |b,c $055/$0.50/$(0.05){Kris NIA AEA AEA Newtok Distribution Pjct,expected completion fall'02,with . : [oistribution System powerhouse project.9/14/2001]na 02 01 02 b,c $050/$050/$Kris N/A AEA AEA Stevens Village Power Hs Prjct &DOTPF Line Ext,completion : Powerhouse spring'02,build&found under construction 9/14/2001}na 01 01 02 abc |$120/$120/$-Kris NIA LCMF AEA Tuluksak Power Hs Prjct,Business Plan in progress,building &: Powerhouse foundation ordered 9/14/2001}na 01 01 02 abc |$150/$1.33]$(0.17)]Kris CE2 |AEAICE2]AEA Old Harbor (hydro)AVEC Prict,new plan expected 9/14/2001}na 01 02 bc |$240/$240/$-Peter |NA AVEC Engineer Polar Consultants have determined FERCAtka(hydro)license not required 9/14/2001]na 02 02 b,c $0O70/$O70/$-Peter N/A PC Son ise New project,request CDR &BP monies fromDG =|a4ooo1]01 |of |02 |03 b |$140/$-|$(1.40)]Lenny |Lcme |LcMF |AEA wor gok New project,request CDR &BP monies fromDC J aagiogns|01 |01 |02 |03 b $170|/$-|$(1.70)}Kris |Ucme |LcMF |STG/AEA Pek use New project,request CDR &BP monies fromDC =Jan gongs]ot |-01 02 03 b $165/$-|$(1.65)]Lenny |tcmF |LCMF |STG/AEA Kongiganak New project,request CDR &BP monies from DC . . . Powerhouse &Distribution 9/14/2001}01 |01 02 03 b $2.35 1$$(2.35)|Kris LCMF LCMF |STG/AEA erate New project,request CDR &BP monies fromDC =lon goggr}01 |01 |02 |03 b |$085/$-|$(0.85)]Kris |ucmr |Lome |AEA Manokatak New project,request CDR &BP monies fromDC =|atgaoo1|of [201 |02 |03 b |$190/$-|$(1.90)[Lenny |LcmF |LOMF |AEAPowerhouse :Totals:[$22.22 $11.61 $(10.61)] |{Activity Planned _ Funding Source Codes A ICDBG BDC C Other Accounting Data Updated :unknown1jActivityinProgress(in design,under construction) |Activity Complete be._{Significant Schedule Disruption RPSU REG Report.xis Printed 10/9/2001 Page 5 of 6 Rural Energy Group (REG) Completed Projects Status Report Schedule Financial ($Millions) Design Construction |Funding Cost Current Budget Contacts Project Status Updated |CDR Final |Start End |Source Estimate Funding Variance]AEA AJE BP CM Golovin Distribution Pjct,complete &operational . Distribution System 9/14/2001 00 99 00 c,f $040/$O40/$-Kris na na AEA Nome tine Ext Prict,complete &operational : Distribution Line Extension 9/14/2001 00 00 01 c,f $O80/$O80/$-Kris na na Nome Peer se Construction complete,project closeout in progress.9/14/2001 na 01 99 01 abc $1101$096)$(0.14)Kris NA AEA AEA See *ion®for full details.Diesel :Kiana 15683 BFU 360,000 Gas 75.300 Total 38300 |9744/2001 oo |of |be |$305|/$305/$-|John |AESE |na |AEBE ion”for full details.Diesel:Noorvik 15699 BFU p37 500 Ges.94,100Tatel931.600 |9/14/2001 oo |ot |abe |$23018 273/$0.43|John |AERE |na |AESE Emmonak 15747 BFU Diesel :195,000 Gas :215,000 Total :410,000 galions|9/14/2001 00 01 abc $254/$254/$.Mark LCMF na STG Chefomak 15644BFU -s«[Diesel :218,644 Gas :76,370 Total :295,014 gallons |4144ooo,99 |of |abe |$322/$322/$-|Mark |URS |na STG Tuntutuliak 15215 BFU -_-|Diesel:148.400 Gas :44,100 Total :189.500 gallons |444oa94 99 |01 |abc |$22118 254/$0.33]Mark |LCMF |na STG ||Activity Planned Totals:{$7.97 $830 $0.33] |{Activity in Progress (in design,under construction)Funding Source Codes A_ICDBG B DC C Other Accounting Data Updated :8/29/2001|lActivity Complete )Pee _-.._|Significant Schedule Disruption a Complete Projects REG Report.xls Printed 10/9/2001 Page 6 of 6