HomeMy WebLinkAboutBradley Operations and Dispatch Com 6-1994Bradley Lake Office Filing System (BLOFI)MASTER BLOF!LOG Year |Code Date Key Word From Description 1994 {13-06 [01/20/94 |Meeting AEA BHP O&M Agreement 1994 |13-06 |02/15/94.|Meeting AEA FY94 Interim Completion Budget BLP 1994 }13-06 [03/07/94 jMeeting AEA FY95 Budget Subcommittee BLP 1994 |13-06 [03/25/94 |Meeting HEA Budget for Spring 1994 Protective Relay Calibration &Testing 1994 |13-06 [04/01/94 {Meeting AEA Budget Subcommittee BLP : 1994 |13-06 [04/12/94 -|Meeting HEA Bradley Budget 1994 113-06 [04/28/94 |Meeting HEA Budget Line Item Adjustments 1994 113-06 [06/10/94 jMeeting AEA Bradley Operations and Dispatch Committee 1997 13-06 01/10/97.Meeting AEA Budget Subcommittee Representative,Elaine S.McCambridge,BL Master BLOFI Log.xlsBLOFI 1 of1 3/42/2003 J4-O ALASKA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT = AND EXPORT AUTHORITY {=ALASKAQE=ENERGY AUTHORITY 480 WEST TUDOR ANCHORAGE,ALASKA 99503 907 /269-3000 FAX 907 /269-3044 MEMORANDUM TO:Mary Ann Pease Utility Division Manager FROM:Dennis V.McCrohan,respi CsDeputyDirector-Energy DATE:January 10,1997 SUBJECT:Bradley Lake Budget Subcommittee Representative This memorandum is to inform you that Elaine S.McCambridge has been designated as the Alaska Energy Authority's official Committee Representative for the Bradley Lake BudgetSubcommittee.This designation is effective as of today. If you have any questions,please call me at the above number. cc:Stan Sieczkowski,Manager -Maintenance and Operations x0 tle So | File Wed4BRADLEYCSERATIONANDDISPATCHKOMMITTEE SUMMARY FOR JUNE 9,1994 MEETING June 10,1994 To:Bradley Operations and Dispatch Committee Phone Fax David Burlingame,CEA 762-4789 762-4540 Brad Evans,GVEA 451-5655 451-0556 Doug Hall,ML&P 263-5453 263-5204 John Kennedy,MEA 745-3231 745-9328 Sam Mathews,HEA 235-3303 235-3305 From:Stan Sieczkowski,AIDEAV/AEA 561-8050 561-8998 /2-@ The meeting began at 930 A.M.The agenda was modified by adding: 4.3.Water Allocations 5.5.1 Service Water System Analysis 5.8 Bradley Junction Operation A list of correspondence was provided for information. Project operations monthly reports have been provided by ML&P,CEA,and HEA.A capacitor failed at Soldotna Substation on June 3rd and was replaced on June 8 by CEA.) Routine maintenance has been performed at the project.The lake debris cleaning has not began. Water allocation updates were provided.Slightly more water is in the reservoir than projected.CEA and ML8P are to revise their schedule and provide to HEA and a new allocation report will be provided.HEA will report water conditions weekly to dispatchers during the high inflow period to coordinate the operation to prevent spill and be prepared for the planned outage in August. MEA to provide information for manuals relating to the personnel certification required by OSHA to be completed by Jan.1995. The FY 94 maintenance is progressing and appears to be within budget according to the latest accounting updates and projections.HEA to provide a FY 95 Maintenance schedule showing the major equipment maintenance periods requiring outages.Identified were the unit and plant outages for a total of 5 weeks.A one week plant outage is planned within this period. Projects submitted for review and implementation were: o BRADLEY (RATION AND DISPATCH (IMITTEESUMMARYFORJUNE9,1994 MEETING 5.2 The governor oil appears to be contaminated.HEA to continue to resolve the issue.Test labs,equipment manufacturer's,owner and designer are involved to solve the problem.Report of progress and condition to follow. 5.3 HEA to proceed to implement the scheme to protect the plant equipment on loss of penstock pressure if the intake gate closes or there is a false indication. 5.5 HEA to clean the 15KV Bus with on site personnel during the plant outage this fall. 5.5.1 HEA to purchase a new cooling water pump and provide monitoring of the cooling water system. 5.6 CEA and HEA to review Allocation and Scheduling Procedures to insure the scheduling of maintenance and energy allocations criteria has been met. 5.7 Aschedule to review the operation and maintenance standards was discussed.A new schedule will be provided by AEA and the review to begin in July 94.The committee expects to complete the review and a recommendation made to PMC for adoption of standards within one year from now. 5.8 Bradley Junction operation by remote control of the disconnect switches was discussed.HEA to report on current operational status of equipment.It was agreed that remote contro!was not desired for this site and the SCADA equipment may be deactivated if not used.Recommendations will be made after current status is determined. HEA suggested that the 0&D Committee meet periodically at the Bradley Project.The committee agreed to meet a minimum of every two months or more if required to insure the maintenance procedures review progresses,and the meetings will coincide with the PMC meetings.Also the meetings will periodically be held at the project site. After discussing the capital project proposals made by HEA the committee will make the following recommendations to the PMC on June 10: "The PROJECTS 1 thru 7 be funded from construction funds for the amount not to exceed what is listed below: BRADLEY CXRATION AND DISPATCH Cm itTEE NOAPwn>SUMMARY FOR JUNE 9,1994 MEETING PROJECT ESTIMATE Air/Oil Separators $1,538.00 Control Circuits Modification $5,000.00 Waste Oil Incinerator $8,900.00 Spare Parts List Development $15,000.00 Spare Water Pump $5,500.00 Clean 15KV Bus Duct $26,000.00 Service Water System Mod.$10,200.00" The CONFINED SPACE REGULATIONS requires some modifications to the Project Intake and Diversion Shafts.At the present time,the shafts are closed off to all personnel until evacuation equipment and procedures are in place.The committee recommends: "The PMC authorize spending construction funds up to $10,000 for providing an interim solution,consisting of evacuation equipment and procedures,as required by the CONFINED SPACE REGULATION." A permanent solution will be determined in the near future which may consist of extensive modifications to the existing shaft access. The next meeting to be set in August after the PMC schedules their next meeting. cc:Lennis McCrohan,AIDEA Mike Yerkes,HEA re whet _WePeHew.mer Electric Ass :iation,Inc./3-lo CORPORATE OFFICE Central Peninsula Service Center 3977 Lake Street 280 Airport Way Houicr,Alaska 99603-7680 Pouch 5280 , Phone (907)235-8167 Keng? FAX (907)235-3313 Pi 3 PORN &| wAY 0 2 4994 April 28,19P4aska industriel DeveloomentandExpertAuthority Mr.Dennis McCrohan AIDEA 480 West Tudor Road Anchorage,AK 99503-6690 Dear Dennis: RE:Budget Line Item Adjustments Please review the attached April 12,1994 memo from HEA to Stan Sieczkowski on this subject.We were informed today thatyesterday's Budget Subcommittee did not clearly address thisproblem.I request PMC consideration and resolution of thisproblemduringourscheduledmeetingon4/29/94.Aang The concern relates to Section 4 of our O&M Agreement which states in part "To the extent authorized by the Project O&M Budget or as otherwise funded....the operator shall:" The Subcommittee has interpreted this requirement strictly,requiring HEA/AEAto receive approval before modifying budget,lineitemamountsbyFERCaccount.This,of course,means that if one of our eight accounts is inadequate toward the end of the year (that is actual costs don't match estimated),HEA cannot perform, and is relieved from performing work in that category pending review and action by AEA and/or the PMC.We don't feel that either of our interests are served by this. We request PMC consider our request and take formal action to approve our proposed option No.3 to resolve this. Sincerely, 7h IATION,INC.N.L.Story aGeneralManager LINEITEM.NLS/js °oO /2-G Homer Electric Association,Inc. CORPORATE OFFICE Central Peninsula Service Center r \t 977 Lake Street 280 Airport WaySPp\fohdh aska 99603-7680 Pouch 5280 hi (907)235-8167 Kenai,Alaska 99611-5280fanfiledor235-3313 Phone (907)283-5831 AP?1 f weed FAX (907)283-7122 Alaska Industria!Developmert April 12,1994 'teendExcertAuthority VIA FACSIMILE Stan Sieczkowski AIDEA 480 W.Tudor Rd. Anchorage,AK 99503-6690 Dear Stan: RE:Bradley Budget You may recall that the PMC Budget Subcommittee more or less went on record as requiring their approval before transferring budget amounts between FERC accounts.As you will note from our March billing,two accounts (535 and 538)do not have balances adequate for another month,much less the rest of FY94.You will note from the attached summary,that the budget for personnel in total is adequate,but we need to redistribute budget amounts as shown.Of course this is only an interim solution,since next month,account charges may vary again. I view this as an impossible situation since we will not be aware of a shortfall in a particular account until all charges are accounted for at the end of the month and at that time,we may have exceeded the allowed budget for that account.I see the options as: 1.Direct HEA staff to only charge to accounts with adequate budget (obviously not a reasonable option). 2.As the budget year closes,anticipate a series of budget revision requests (this may not solve the problem and is unacceptable to HEA). 3.Remove this restriction and allow HEA to bill personnel costs up to the total amount of all such accounts.Do not change the budget and simply account for budget vs actual costs by account.We will then use this information to better estimate our next budget year needs by account. Since we may not have sufficient funds to cover charges to these accounts in April,we request your approval of option 3 as soon as possible.You may also consider this a request under section 7(d) and 8(b)of our agreement as appropriate. lo)© Stan Sieczkowski April 12,1994 Page 2 Please call if you have questions. Sincerely, HOMER ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION,INC.gi leMylesC.Yerkes Project Manager MCY/js CC:Dennis McCrohan Norm Story Oo Bradley Lake FY94 O Budget © Personnel Only March 1994 Adjustment ACCOUNT MARCH -BUDGET BALANCE MONTHS BUDGET NEW NUMBER COSTS AMOUNT REMAINING REMAINING ADJUSTMENT BUDGET §35 $19,700 $40,500 $14,688 0.75 $49,737 $90,237 537 0 0 0 0 0 538 12,766 22,500 3,913 0.31 35,975 58,475 539 2,176 24,375 20,836 9.58 (14,408)9,967 543 383 5,850 3,925 10.25 (4,096)1,754 544 22,637 130,875 100,226 4.43 (27,185)103,690 545 5,705 63,375 §5,273 9.69 (37,243)26,132 556 48 3,000 2,952 61.50 (2,780)220 TOTALS $63,415 $290,475 $201,813 3.18 ($0)$290,475 | $140,000 $120,000 $100,000 $80,000 $60,000 ACCOUNTAMOUNT$40,000 $20,000 $0 oO o wo 6OooO+r +t yt WowwowWwWWwWw535537 FERC ACCOUNT MARCH BUDGET ADJUSTMENT @ ORIGINAL BUDGET fa NEW BUDGET 4/12/94 .o O /2-b se ALASKA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT}&iN AND EXPORT AUTHORITY -_--_-__--&'zx 480 WEST TUDOR *ANCHORAGE,ALASKA 99503-6690 «(907)561-8050 *FAX (907)561-8998 April 1,1994 Mr.Tom Lovas Chugach Electric Association P.O.Box 196300 Anchorage,AK 99519-6300 Subject:Budget Subcommittee Bradley Lake Project Dear Tom: We would like to raise two issues which need discussion.These are: 1.As noted in our January 28,1994 letter to the Subcommittee,we take exception to three points raised in the Parisena,Stromberg and Company Draft Audit Report. We note that the Final Audit Report by Parisena,Stromberg and Company does not reflect any resolution to our comments.We reiterate the points made in our January 28,1994 letter and dispute the Final Report. 2.We met with Mr.Ken Ritchey on March 24,1994,regarding his March 17,1994 letter to us.As discussed in the meeting,we do not agree with Mr.Ritchey's statements regarding our obligations concerning expenditures.In addition,further discussion is required prior to approval of the expenditures in question. We would be pleased to meet with you at your earliest convenience to discuss these matters. Very truly yours, pM Cob- Dennis V.McCrohan Deputy Director (Energy) DVM:ec ec100doc cc:R.Snell,AIDEA R.Saxton,AWHD&S M.A.Pease,AML&P J.Hall,MEA © bec:S.Sieczkowski D.Beardsley E.McCambridge /2-@tAmnerElectricAsSOcriation.Inc. CORPORATE OFFICE Central Peninsula Service Center 3977 Lake Street 280 Airport Way Homer,Alaska 99603-7680 Pouch 5280 Phone (907)235-8167 Kenai,Alaska 99611-5280 FAX (907)235-3313 Phouc (907)283-5831 FAX (907)283-7122 March 25,199 EGEIVE | MAR 2 9 1994 Stan Sieczkowski Alaska Industrial DevelopmentAIDEA: 480 W Tudor Rd and Expert Authority Anchorage AK 99503-6690 Dear Stan: RE:Budget For Spring 1994 Protective Relay Calibration And Testing In reviewing the current budget account 538,I find the budget for this is provided under the contract category.HEA is now preparing to complete this work with in house staff and equipment. Accordingly,we request a budget transfer of $20,000.00 from the contract category to the personnel category to allow this to be completed this spring. Considering the schedule,I request that this be taken before the PMC budget subcommittee (if required)at next week's meeting (3/30/94). Dave Chidester of HEA will complete or direct this work for HEA using our new computer based test equipment. Sincerely, Mike Yerkes Project Manager RELAY/MCY.sao cc:Dennis McCrohan File 102 MCY.RF me on Alaska Energy Authority March 7,1994 Ms.Mary Ann Pease Anchorage Municipal Light &Power 1200 E.First Avenue Anchorage,AK 99501 Subject:FY95 Budget Subcommittee Bradley Lake Project Dear Mary Ann: The following items are in response to your March 4,1994 telephone request: 1. 2. The RSA with Risk Management for insurance services is prorated to each project. The FERC 920 budget of $6,500 is for storage of Bradley records,files,manuals, etc.Many of these are being filmed and sent to HEA.However,this process takes considerable time and storage will be required for FY95. The FERC 920 ltegal fees include the State Attorney General's staff and the Bradley PMC attorney's costs., Regarding actuals,we have attached FY93 actuals for each budget item.FY94 actuals through December 31,1994,are attached and are identical to those previously provided.In mid April 1994,we will provide actual costs for FY94 through March 31,1994. Regarding labor hours not directly related to the Bradley O&M,our response is: -all labor hours are direct costs.Time sheets,subject to audit,are the basis for these costs.Our FY95 budget is an estimate of these costs. -estimated labor costs,not specific to Bradley O&M,are provided below.The non-Bradley O&M costs are,however,related to general Bradley Lake project activities such as legislative overview,legislation,finansing,ad hoc requests from the PMC and utilities,Board presentations,etc. Thies har hihuand WY oy Ms.Mary Ann Pease March 7,1994 Page Two -the segregation is: Bradley Bradley O&M _General Sieczkowski 40,495 Beardsley 37,088 2,432 McCambridge 27,860 Carpenter 17,395 Hansen 20,440 Snell 4,820 Walker 4,224 Miller 6,504 McCrohan 20,420 Eberle 5,845 176,047 11,476 Please let me know if we can be of further assistance. Very truly yours, ROM tol- Dennis V.McCrohan Deputy Director (Energy) DVM:ec eva100doc cc:R.Snell,AIDEA T.Lovas,CEA K.Ritchey,MEA R.Saxton,AWHD&S bee:S.Sieczkowski E.McCambridge ALASKA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT.AND EXPORT AUTHORITY - 480 WEST TUDOR +ANCHORAGE,ALASKA 99503-6690 +(907)561-8050 *FAX (907)561-8998 February 16,1994 Mr.Mike Yerkes Homer Electric Association 3977 Lake Street Homer,AK 99603 Subject:FY94 Interim Completion BudgetBradleyLakeProject Dear Mike: We understand.that the Bradley Lake Budget Subcommittee on January 31,a 1994,received and reviewed your proposed Interim FY94 O&M budget tost)assume AEA®'O&M functions from February 14,1994 to June 30,1994.We"ose havealso reviewed your budget,and find it reasonable and also find that it will_ @ause,no increase.'tothe:'overall.FY94._adopted budget.Based upon these+findings,we"autho 1EA'expenditures,consistent with your Interim FY94Budget,to-'provide a -Lake*operations and maintenance servicesaed"Tequired byttheFebruar "994 EAanc -AEA Agreement. Please let me know.if you have any questions.tenes Very truly yours, GON CA Dennis V.McCrohan Deputy Director (Energy) DVM:ec evat00.doc ce:K.Ritchey,MEA © bcc:S.Sieczkowski,AEA D.Beardsley,AEA 2 Qo 74 Tm ALASKA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENTskNANDEXPORTAUTHORITY 480 WEST TUDOR «ANCHORAGE,ALASKA 99503-6690 +(907)561-8050 »FAX (907)561-8998 January 20,1994 Mr.David Highers General Manager Bradley PMC Chairman Chugach Electric Association 5601 Minnesota Drive Anchorage,AK 99519-6300 Re:Bradley Hydroelectric Project Operation and Maintenance Agreement,AEA FY95 Budget and Labor Negotiations Dear Dave: The Bradley Operation and Maintenance Agreement and Master Operating Agreement comments have been received from your attorney.It is our understanding that these documents will come before the PMC on January 25,1994,for consideration.By this letter,I wanted to notify you and the other members of the Bradley PMC of labor negotiation status and state FY95 budget requirements. Assuming the PMC approves the O&M Agreement,the budget recommendations may be resolved at the Budget Subcommittee meeting on January 31,1994.The PMC should consider for adoption these budget proposals prior to Homer Electric (the contractor)assuming the O&M duties on February 14,1994. However,the O&M Agreement can be adopted,in our opinion, without completion of the budget process. If there is no affirmative action by the PMC to approve the Bradley O&M Contractor at the January 25,1994 PMC meeting,the state will have to perform two tasks.The first will be to file an amended state FY95 budget with the Office of Management and Budget by February 10,1994.This will include the Bradley Lake Operation and Maintenance staff in AEA's FY95_budget.The second will be for the AEA to commence labor negotiations on February 9,1994,for the AEA/IBEW labor agreement as requested by the IBEW.If labor negotiations resume,we may require some help from an independent labor negotiator since we do not have the time or budget to pursue this task. Fil ©© Mr.David Highers January 20,1994 Page Two Prompt action on these agreements and the budget may,therefore, avoid costly administrative tasks and procedures which are not necessary if the transition can be accomplished.We look forward to your discussion on these matters. Sincerely, eo Gs\- Dennis V.McCrohan,P.E.Deputy Director (Energy) DVM:ec | DOCEVA-272 cc:R.Snell,arpea Baldwin,Dept.of Law Stahr,AML&P Saxton,AWHD&S Calvert,City of Seward Kelly,GVEA Story,HEA Ritchey,MEAAZsSsuvnmyAG