HomeMy WebLinkAboutBradley General Certificate of Managment Comm 1998Bradley Lake Office Filing System (BLOF) Oo coMASTERBLOF!LOG Year Code Date Key Word From Description 1998 13-04 01/09/98 Meeting Master BLOF!Log.xIsBLOFI AEA PMC General Certificate 1 of1 3/12/2003 : |[foeALASKAINDUSTRIALDEVELOPMENT =,AND EXPORT AUTHORITY a @@E ENERGY AUTHORITY 480 WEST TUDOR ANCHORAGE,ALASKA 99503 907 /269-3000 FAX 907 /269-3044 January 9,1998 Ms.Liz Westby Ater Wynne Hewitt Dodson &Skerritt 222 S.W.Columbia,Suite 1800 Portland,Oregon 97201 SUBJECT:|General Certificate of the Project Management Committee Bradley Lake Project Dear Ms.Westby: Attached is the signed original of the General Certificate of the Project Management Committee as drafted by Mr.Hittle of Ater Wynne.Your office has the original of Exhibit A. Please let me know if any additional information is needed. Sincerely, Fy Me Gilt- Dennis V.McCrohan,P.E. Deputy Director -Project Development and Operations Attachment cc:Valorie Walker,Deputy Director -Finance Keith Laufer,Finance and Legal Affairs Manager Ken Vassar,Wohlforth,Argetsinger,Johnson &Brecht xo sD.HK GENERAL CERTIFICATE OF THE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE 1,DENNIS V.MCCROHAN,Secretary of the Project Management Committee for the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project (the "Project Management Committee”)HEREBY CERTIFY that: 1.|am the duly appointed,qualified and acting Secretary of the Project Management Committee,qualified to do and perform all things and execute all documents in the name of the Project Management Committee necessary or convenient to the refinancing of power revenue bonds issued by the Alaska Energy Authority,and agreed to by members of the Project Management Committee in the Agreement to Support Forward Refunding and the Settlement Agreement,dated December 9,1997. 2.The Project Management Committee was duly created pursuant to Section 13(a)of an agreement for the sale and purchase of power (the "Power Sales Agreement”)among the Alaska Energy Authority,and Chugach Electric Association, Inc.,Golden Valley Electric Association,Inc.,Municipality of Anchorage d/b/a Municipal Light &Power,City of Seward d/b/a Seward Electric System,Alaska Electric Generation and Transmission Cooperative,Inc.,Homer Electric Association,Inc.and Matanuska Electric Association,Inc.,dated December 8,1987. 3.The representatives now serving on the Project Management Committee and the designated altemate for each representative on said Committee is set forth below: City of Seward David Calvert Alaska Eneray Authority Dennis V.McCrohan Stan Sieczkowski Matanuska Electric Association,Inc. Wayne D.Carmony James Hall Chugach Electric Association,Inc. Eugene N.Bjornstad Homer Electric Association,Inc. Norm Story Mike Yerkes Golden Valley Electric Association,Inc. Michael P.Kelly Bradley Evans Municipal Light &Power Meera Kohler Hank Nikkels Each representative and alternate listed above was duly appointed on or before December 12,1997,and continues to serve as of the date hereof. 4.The By-Laws governing the conduct of the Project Management Committee's affairs,attached hereto as Exhibit A,were adopted in accordance with,and pursuant to,Section 13(b)of the Power Sales Agreement. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,|have hereunto set my hand this / date of January,1998. ou wuV Wie CohenDENNISV.MCCROHAN C Secretary, Project Management Committee Attachment Page 2 -General Certificate of Project Management Committee h:\all\sdean\bpme\general certificate of the PMC