HomeMy WebLinkAboutVillage End Use Energy Efficiency Program NW-SW Exec Summary Final Report White Mountain 03-21-2009 Village End Use Energy Efficiency Measures Program AEA Grant # 2195225 Administered by Alaska Building Science Network White Mountain Final Report Community Summary 11 community buildings and teacher housing units received energy efficien cy upgrades as follows: City Office/Library Building, Garage/Power Plant, Lift Station, Washeteria / Water Plant, Old Clinic, Power Plant, VPSO, Church, New ITC Office Building, Old IRA Building, Store Retrofits Completed: March – September 2008 Village-Wide Lighting Retrofit Summary: • Retrofitted 235 light fixtures with electronic ballasts & T8 lamps • Installed 17 compact fluorescent light bulbs • Installed 5 T5 linear fluorescent fixtures in the Power Plant • Pre-retrofit energy use for all lighting: 27.364 Kilowatts • Post-retrofit energy use for all lighting: 14.276 Kilowatts • Energy savings projection: 13.088 Kilowatts • Pre-retrofit to post retrofit energy reduction: 48% • Estimated Annual Savings: kWh Rate (as of Fall 2008): $1.08 Fuel Cost (FY 2007 Ave): $3.05 Comparative Comparative Hours Per Day/ Electrical Avoided Diesel Avoided Diesel 250 Days Per Year Savings Use (gal) Costs Locally Estimated $26,836.50 2091.64 $6,379.49 4 Hours/day $14,135.00 1101.68 $3,360.13 7 Hours/day $24,736.30 1927.95 $5,880.24 10 Hours/day $35,337.60 2754.21 $8,400.34 • Total project cost for all measures: $37,775 • Simple Payback (lighting measures only, using 7 hours/day lighting use run-time): 1.53 years • Total village wide in-kind contribution: $2,268 (extended grant capacity by 6%) Additional Energy Efficiency Measures: Three programmable thermostats installed in City and IRA owned buildings Weather stripping installed on exterior doors in City Office building 2 Alaska Building Science Network – Village End Use Energy Efficiency Program – ’07-’08 Final Report NW/SW Region – White Mountain City of White Mountain Owned Buildings 8 buildings owned by the City of White Mountain received energy efficient lighting upgrades as follows: City Office/Library Building, Garage/Power Plant, Lift Station, Washeteria / Water Plant, Old Clinic, Power Plant, VPSO Bldg • Lighting upgrades completed in April 2008 – September 2008 • Retrofitted 118 light fixtures with electronic ballasts & T8 lamps • Installed 13 compact fluorescent light bulbs • Installed 5 T5 linear fluorescent fixtures • Pre-retrofit energy use for all lighting: 17.364 Kilowatts • Post-retrofit energy use for all lighting: 8.627 Kilowatts • Energy savings projection: 8.737 Kilowatts • Pre-retrofit to post retrofit energy reduction: 50% • Estimated Annual Savings: Comparative Comparative Hours Per Day / Electrical Avoided Diesel Avoided 250 Days Per Year Savings Use (gal) Diesel Costs Locally Estimated $17,048.8 1328.79 $4,052.80 4 Hours/day $9,435.96 735.44 $2,243.09 7 Hours/day $16,512.9 1287.02 $3,925.40 10 Hours/day $23,589.9 1838.59 $5,607.71 Additional Energy Efficiency Measures: Programmable thermostats installed in City Offices and Old Clinic Weather stripping installed on exterior doors in City Office building ABSN Project/Field Manager Geoff Butler describes functions of a programmable thermostat to maintenance workers. Maintenance workers pack up and label waste fluorescent lamps for backhaul. 3 Alaska Building Science Network – Village End Use Energy Efficiency Program – ’07-’08 Final Report NW/SW Region – White Mountain City Office/ Library Building T-8, 25 watt lamps save energy and improve light levels in City office and community library. Materials Installed Quantity 1-lamp electronic ballast, (1) 25 watt T8 lamp 7 2-lamp electronic ballast, (2) 25 watt T8 lamps 2 4-lamp electronic ballast, (3) 25 watt T8 lamps 41 CFL-27 W 3 • Pre-retrofit energy use: 7586 watts • Post-retrofit energy use: 3418 watts • Energy savings projection: 4168 watts • Pre-retrofit to post retrofit energy reduction: 55% • Estimated annual savings: Comparative Comparative Hours Per Day / Electrical Avoided Diesel Avoided Diesel 250 Days Per Year Savings Use (gal) Costs 4 Hours/day $4,501.44 350.84 $1,070.07 7 Hours/day $7,877.52 613.97 $1,872.62 10 Hours/day $11,253.6 877.10 $2,675.17 2160 Hours/year (Est.) $9,723.11 757.82 $2,311.35 Notes: Forty one 4-lamp fixtures de-lamped with three 25 watt T-8 lamps for additional savings. Garage/Power Plant Former lighting in the garage: 300w incandescent bulbs supplied an average of 4 – 5 foot candles April, 2009, City of White Mountain, City Clerk Amy Titus commented on the light quality at the City Power Plant Garage and on the overall City electric bill: "It's way better than the old lighting and our electricity bill is almost cut in half, so we are really happy about that. Our kWh rate went up sin ce you were out here, but we are using only about half the electricity that we did. It's a very big improvement." 4 Alaska Building Science Network – Village End Use Energy Efficiency Program – ’07-’08 Final Report NW/SW Region – White Mountain Materials Installed Quantity 2-lamp electronic ballast, (2) 25 watt T8 lamps 21 4-lamp electronic ballast, (3) 25 watt T8 lamps 2 • Pre-retrofit energy use: 1800 watts • Post-retrofit energy use: 1137 watts • Energy savings projection: 663 watts • Pre-retrofit to post retrofit energy reduction: 37% • Estimated annual savings: Comparative Comparative Hours Per Day / Electrical Avoided Diesel Avoided Diesel 250 Days Per Year Savings Use (gal) Costs 4 Hours/day $716.04 55.81 $170.21 7 Hours/day $1,253.07 97.66 $297.88 10 Hours/day $1,790.10 139.52 $425.54 2000 Hours/year (Est.) $1,432.08 111.62 $340.43 Notes: Two 4-lamp fixtures de-lamped with three 25 watt T-8 lamps for additional savings. Garage/Power Plant – T5 Lighting Retrofit New T5 fixtures now provide more adequate lighting at a 43% savings Materials Installed Quantity T5 3-lamp fixtures, electronic ballasts, (3) 54-watt T5 HO lamps: 5 • Pre-retrofit energy use: 1500 watts • Post-retrofit energy use: 855 watts • Energy savings projection: 645 watts • Pre-retrofit to post retrofit energy reduction: 43% • Estimated annual savings: Comparative Comparative Hours Per Day / Electrical Avoided Diesel Avoided Diesel 250 Days Per Year Savings Use (gal) Costs 4 Hours/day $696.60 54.29 $165.59 7 Hours/day $1,219.05 95.01 $289.79 10 Hours/day $1,741.50 135.73 $413.98 Notes: Five 300 watt incandescent fixtures replaced with five energy efficient 171 watt T -5 fixtures. 5 Alaska Building Science Network – Village End Use Energy Efficiency Program – ’07-’08 Final Report NW/SW Region – White Mountain Washeteria / Water Plant Maintenance workers reduce 4-lamp fixtures to 3-lamp in an over-lit space for additional savings. Materials Installed Quantity 2-lamp electronic ballast, (2) 25 watt T8 lamps 2 2-lamp electronic ballast, (2) 32 watt T8 lamps 4 4-lamp electronic ballast, (3) 25 watt T8 lamps 11 • Pre-retrofit energy use: 2352 watts • Post-retrofit energy use: 1159 watts • Energy savings projection: 1193 watts • Pre-retrofit to post retrofit energy reduction: 51% • Estimated annual savings: Comparative Comparative Hours Per Day / Electrical Avoided Diesel Avoided Diesel 250 Days Per Year Savings Use (gal) Costs 4 Hours/day $1,288.44 100.42 $306.28 7 Hours/day $2,254.77 175.74 $536.00 10 Hours/day $3,221.10 251.05 $765.71 2160 Hours/year (Est.) $2,783.03 216.91 $661.57 Notes: Eleven 4-lamp fixtures de-lamped with three 25 watt T-8 lamps for additional savings. Lift Station Materials Installed Quantity CFL-40 W 3 • Pre-retrofit energy use: 450 watts • Post-retrofit energy use: 120 watts • Energy savings projection: 330 watts • Pre-retrofit to post retrofit energy reduction: 73% • Estimated annual savings: Comparative Comparative Hours Per Day / Electrical Avoided Diesel Avoided Diesel 250 Days Per Year Savings Use (gal) Costs 4 Hours/day $356.40 27.78 $84.72 7 Hours/day $623.70 48.61 $148.26 10 Hours/day $891.00 69.44 $211.81 6 Alaska Building Science Network – Village End Use Energy Efficiency Program – ’07-’08 Final Report NW/SW Region – White Mountain 1620 Hours/year (Est.) $577.37 45.00 $137.25 7 Alaska Building Science Network – Village End Use Energy Efficiency Program – ’07-’08 Final Report NW/SW Region – White Mountain Old Clinic Geoff Butler goes over lighting plan with local maintenance worker. Materials Installed Quantity 2-lamp electronic ballast, (2) 25 watt T8 lamps 4 4-lamp fixture 3-lamp ballast (3) 25 watt T8 lamps 11 CFL-14 W 2 • Pre-retrofit energy use: 1992 watts • Post-retrofit energy use: 1030 watts • Energy savings projection: 962 watts • Pre-retrofit to post retrofit energy reduction: 48% • Estimated annual savings: Comparative Comparative Hours Per Day / Electrical Avoided Diesel Avoided Diesel 250 Days Per Year Savings Use (gal) Costs 4 Hours/day $1,038.96 80.98 $246.98 7 Hours/day $1,818.18 141.71 $432.21 10 Hours/day $2,597.40 202.44 $617.45 1620 Hours/year (Est.) $1,683.12 131.18 $400.10 Notes: Eleven4-lamp fixtures reduced to 3-lamp fixtures for additional savings. 14 watt compact fluorescent light bulb replaces a 60 watt incandescent bulb. Programmable thermostat installed in the Old Clinic. 8 Alaska Building Science Network – Village End Use Energy Efficiency Program – ’07-’08 Final Report NW/SW Region – White Mountain VPSO Materials Installed Quantity 2-lamp electronic ballast, (2) 25 watt T8 lamps 4 • Pre-retrofit energy use: 336 watts • Post-retrofit energy use: 188 watts • Energy savings projection: 148 watts • Pre-retrofit to post retrofit energy reduction: 44% • Estimated annual savings: Comparative Comparative Hours Per Day / Electrical Avoided Diesel Avoided Diesel 250 Days Per Year Savings Use (gal) Costs 4 Hours/day $159.84 12.46 $38.00 7 Hours/day $279.72 21.80 $66.49 10 Hours/day $399.60 31.14 $94.99 1500 Hours/year (Est.) $239.76 18.69 $56.99 Church Materials Installed Quantity 2-lamp electronic ballast, (2) 25 watt T8 lamps 3 4-lamp fixture 3-lamp ballast (3) 25 watt T8 lamps 6 CFL-27 W 5 • Pre-retrofit energy use: 1348 watts • Post-retrofit energy use: 720 watts • Energy savings projection: 628 watts • Pre-retrofit to post retrofit energy reduction: 47% • Estimated annual savings: Comparative Comparative Hours Per Day / Electrical Avoided Diesel Avoided Diesel 250 Days Per Year Savings Use (gal) Costs 4 Hours/day $678.24 52.86 $161.23 7 Hours/day $1,186.92 92.51 $282.15 10 Hours/day $1,695.60 132.15 $403.07 900 Hours/year (Est.) $610.42 47.58 $145.11 Notes: Six 4-lamp fixtures de-lamped with three 25 watt T-8 lamps for additional savings. 9 Alaska Building Science Network – Village End Use Energy Efficiency Program – ’07-’08 Final Report NW/SW Region – White Mountain Native Village of White Mountain Owned Buildings 3 buildings owned by the Native Village of White Mountain received energy efficient lighting upgrades as follows: New ITC Office Building, Old IRA Building, Store • Lighting upgrades completed in March 2008 • Retrofitted 117 light fixtures with electronic ballasts & T8 lamps • Installed 4 compact fluorescent light bulbs • Pre-retrofit energy use for all lighting: 10 Kilowatts • Post-retrofit energy use for all lighting: 5.649 Kilowatts • Energy savings projection: 4.351 Kilowatts • Pre-retrofit to post retrofit energy reduction: 44% • Estimated Annual Savings: Comparative Comparative Hours Per Day / Electrical Avoided Diesel Avoided 250 Days Per Year Savings Use (gal) Diesel Costs Locally Estimated $9,787.65 762.85 $2,326.69 4 Hours/day $4,699.08 366.25 $1,117.05 7 Hours/day $8,223.39 640.93 $1,954.84 10 Hours/day $11,747.7 915.61 $2,792.62 10 Alaska Building Science Network – Village End Use Energy Efficiency Program – ’07-’08 Final Report NW/SW Region – White Mountain New ITC Office Building Light meter checks light levels to ensure adequate lighting. Fixtures re-lamped with 25 watt T-8 lamps. Materials Installed Quantity 2-Lamp Fixture (w/existing electronic ballast) re-lamped with (2)25 watt T8 Lamps 59 3-Lamp Fixture (w/existing electronic ballast) re-lamped with (3)25 watt T8 Lamps 3 CFL-27 W 1 • Pre-retrofit energy use: 5580 watts • Post-retrofit energy use: 3022 watts • Energy savings projection: 2558 watts • Pre-retrofit to post retrofit energy reduction: 46% • Estimated annual savings: Comparative Comparative Hours Per Day / Electrical Avoided Diesel Avoided Diesel 250 Days Per Year Savings Use (gal) Costs 4 Hours/day $2,762.64 215.32 $656.73 7 Hours/day $4,834.62 376.81 $1,149.27 10 Hours/day $6,906.60 538.30 $1,641.81 2160 Hours/year (Est.) $5,967.30 465.09 $1,418.53 Notes: 24, 3-lamp 32 watt T-8 fixtures in the conference room and hallways reduced to 2-lamp fixtures and re- lamped with 25 watt T-8 lamps for additional savings. Old IRA Building Materials Installed Quantity 2-lamp electronic ballast, (2) 25 watt T8 lamps 30 CFL-14 W 3 • Pre-retrofit energy use: 2320 watts • Post-retrofit energy use: 1452 watts • Energy savings projection: 868 watts • Pre-retrofit to post retrofit energy reduction: 37% • Estimated annual savings: Comparative Comparative Hours Per Day / Electrical Avoided Diesel Avoided Diesel 250 Days Per Year Savings Use (gal) Costs 4 Hours/day $937.44 73.06 $222.85 7 Hours/day $1,640.52 127.86 $389.98 10 Hours/day $2,343.60 182.66 $557.11 1620 Hours/year (Est.) $1,518.65 118.36 $361.01 11 Alaska Building Science Network – Village End Use Energy Efficiency Program – ’07-’08 Final Report NW/SW Region – White Mountain Store Materials Installed Quantity 2-lamp electronic ballast, (2) 25 watt T8 lamps 25 • Pre-retrofit energy use: 2100 watts • Post-retrofit energy use: 1175 watts • Energy savings projection: 925 watts • Pre-retrofit to post retrofit energy reduction: 44% • Estimated annual savings: Comparative Comparative Hours Per Day / Electrical Avoided Diesel Avoided Diesel 250 Days Per Year Savings Use (gal) Costs 4 Hours/day $999.00 77.86 $237.48 7 Hours/day $1,748.25 136.26 $415.59 10 Hours/day $2,497.50 194.65 $593.70 2304 Hours/year (Est.) $2,301.70 179.39 $547.15 Lance Mackey arrives first in White Mountain. during the 2008 Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race White Mountain - Alaska Building Science Network - T5 Lighting Upgrade Details These retrofits were completed in September 2008 Power Plant Length (feet) Width (feet) Ceiling Height (feet) Type of Existing Fixture # of Existing Fixtures Existing Fixture Wattage Total Existing Wattage Existing Foot- candles New Foot- Candles # of New Fixtures New fixtures New Fixture Wattage Total New Wattage HPS 150 watt 160 0 T-5 2 lamps 114 0 Color shade of walls Incd 300 5 300 1,500 5 T-5 3 lamps 171 855 Color shade of floor Multi- Vapor 400 watt 415 0 T-5 4 lamps 228 0 Total Existing Watts 1,500 Total New Watts 855 Percent Savings Pre to Post Retrofit: 43% Savings & Payback Calculation for Gym: 1750 New watts / old watts Assume 1750 hrs / year for 250 days/year of use neg 1 (New watts / Old watts x 100 - 100) / 100 Full cost of electricity: $1.0800 /kWh Watts of existing lighting: 1,500 New wattage for T5 fixtures: 855 Calculation: (Watts) x (hrs/year) / (1000w/kw) x (cost of electricity) = (cost / year) Existing Cost: $ 2,835 Retrofitted Cost: $1,616 Annual Savings: $1,219 Est material & shipping cost of Gym retrofit: $900.00 Labor cost: 1600 Simple Payback: Materials cost / annual savings = 0.74 years (for retrofit to pay for itself in materials) White Mountain, In-Kind Contribution Tracking Record - ABSN Energy Efficiency Projects: In-Kind Item Dates Hours Contri- buted Hourly Wage Value / Amount Notes Staff time for project contact, introduction, and review of intro materials (Number of entities x 1 hour each) 3 $15.00 $45.00 list number of entities Staff time for Attending teleconference (TC/IRA) 2 $15.00 $30.00 list # of staff and wages if possible ($15/hr is an average wage designated for village entity staff). Staff time for Attending teleconference (City) 2 $15.00 $30.00 " Staff time for Attending teleconference (School) 1 $15.00 $15.00 " Conservative village office administrative percentage of total project cost less ABSN Admin %. Total project cost = $37,775/village - (our admin percentage , (around 12%) Approx: $4,533) = $33,242 x 5.5% = $1,828 (this 5.5% village admin cost estimate is spread across all entities we work with for the course of the grant for completing all energy efficiency measures. These are primarily for cumulative, otherwise unaccounted time expense for village- based project support. Feb, '07 through $1,828.00 Each time we call, email, or fax a village entity, someone has to receive the communication, review and/or forward the information, follow-up on requests, etc. Whether it is to set-up a teleconference, verify maintenance staff participation in lighting or boiler trainings, set-up in-kind lodging and transportation, lighting trainings, track a shipment, verify completion of lighting in a given building, ship lamps and ballasts out of the village, request a labor reimbursement agreement, or invoice etc, etc. Village expenses for phone charges, copying and fax costs, office supplies, etc are part of this amount. Lodging for ABSN Field Managers - 1st assessment site visit 8/28 & 8/29 $170 $85 / Night for city lodging Transportation and fuel costs - 1st assessment site-visit 8/28 & 8/29 $150 $75 / Day 4-wheel rental rate City of White Mountain, T5 lighting upgrades for Power Plant Garage 8/29/08 $282.50 One half travel costs for electrician - Paul Lincoln TOTAL $2,550.50