HomeMy WebLinkAboutBradley Lake Salmon Study 1995iC.|NORTHERNECOLOGICAL SERVICES 17120 Tideview Drive +Anchorage,Alaska 99516 «(907)345-4944 wwFINAL REPORT BRADLEY RIVER SALMON STUDY PROGRAM \ Prepared for: ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY December 1995 FINAL REPORT BRADLEY RIVER SALMON STUDY PROGRAM By John W.Morsell Northern Ecological Services and Randall L.Howard Randall Howard Research and Consulting Prepared for Alaska Energy Authority December 1995 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page GENERAL INTRODUCTION...cccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccce 1 PART I -BRADLEY RIVER SALMON ESCAPEMENT MONITORING STUDY -1995..cc ccc ccc cc ccc ccc cccccccc ccc ccc cece oc ces wWOBJECTIVES...cc cece nvccsccscnccccrcncncesccceeeeceeecscssecece METHODS...cc cc cccc crac ccncccccccccecesccsccccecencscceccesceces Study Area 2...cece ccccncccncecevsecesescvcccccceccccacesStudyDuration2...cc ccrccccevvvccnvcccscccccccccccccce Trap Net Sampling ....cccccevecccvvcvccccsccensccesccesas Beach Seine Sampling eoeeveeeeeseevneeseeeeseeonseeeseeaneaneeveseenneCarcassCOUNTScccccccrcccrvvesvccnscccccccncccccccccececesVisualObServationS....ccc ccc ccc ccc ccc cnc ccccccccccccce Fox Farm Creek SurveyS ....ccsccncsvvccseseseseseccsccveceBiologicalDataManagement...cccccccccccccccccsccccccscccsPopulationandEscapementEstimation...cccccncccccceces Physical Data Collection ...cccccccccccccccccccccccccces Miscellaneous Observations .....cccccccccccccccccsescece RESULTS eoeeevevoveeeoeeeeeeeeeeeeeeoeeeeveeveeseeeeeeeeveeeeneeeeeeeene Overall]Catch @eoeoevoeeevneeeeeeeoneveeeveeeevseeveeeevneeeeeeeeeeneeevee Trap Net Index Sampling eeoeoeeveeeoeeevneseeeenseneevee eevee enee Pink Salmon eoeoeoenereeeeeeeeeevneeeeeewneneeeeesee even eeeene Chum SAlMon 2...cccsccccccccccssvcccsesccecccsccece CONO SALMON...cc ccerccccvcccsccvssesccesecscsccccceses Sockeye Salmon ....ccervcccvvscccsvvccccccecseeveses Chinook Salmon ..cccccccccvccsscsvsccccccccccvceccces Beach S€ining ...ccccccccccccccccccccccsccccccccccccccces Carcass COUNTS...cc cece ccenvcccvcscccecesecseccssesccsecscee 10 Fish Condition ...ccccccccccccccccccccccccscccccccccccee 10 Pink Salmon ..cccccccccccccccscccccccccccscscscsseceece 10 Chum Salmon ..cccccecvcccvccccecessesesesvscecsscecsescs 10 COHO SAalMON ..wcwcccsccccccccccsccccesccssssecsccecee Ll Sockeye Salmon .....cece reccccncccccccccssecseesee ll Chinook Salmon ...ccccccccccvscccccccccsccccscvecese Ll Stre e Du ON cece ccc crv cc accevevvesscccesccesvese la Pink Salmon ..ccrcccccccscccvcccscccccccsecccccseccee 12 Chum Salmon ..ccccccsccaccnssccscascassecsccessessesee 12 Chinook Salmon ....cccccccccccccvcccccccccesessssee 12 Spawning Area Location ceeoeoeeveevneee eevee eseeeeneeeeeev es eeneeeene 12 Visual Salmon Count.eoeeteoeevesvseeveeeeneeveeeeeevneveevneees eee enee 13 Fox Far m Creek sur V e y Ss eeoeeevoeveeoeveeeeeveeeseeveveeveeeseeeveeseevneenne 13 Population Estimates eeeeeveeeeeeneneveevneeneeeveeee eevee envneenvene 13 Pink Salmon @oeoeeoeteeeeeeneneeeveeeeeeeeeveeeeeeeneeeeeeene 13ChumSALMON..ccoccccccvecsvccvcvccccccccesevcecsesesoce 14 Chinook SAlMON.cc cccccccvcvcvcvecsccvescccccccecesccs 14WOUMOUOUOUODDADAADNINAAAARU ®&WWW TABLE OF CONTENTS (CONT.) Page Estimates of Total Escapement ......cccccccccsccccccccces 14 Pink SALMON cccceccvevccccvesccccnscceescecccsseceese 14 Chum Salmon ..cwccecccccccccccvvevevccvncecscccscersee 15 COhHO SALMON ..ccwccccccccccsccsccccsccvccsccseccseece 15 Sockeye Salmon ....cece ccccccccccccccccccccccccce§15 Chinook Salmon.....ccccccccccccccvvccccccccsesecsessee 16 Taq Returns From Outside the Study Area ........eccceee5 16 Physical Data seeeseeoeoesetseoeeoeeesteeeenreeeeeeeoeevenreeeeeeeoeeeaoeeenveeeeeeeee 16 Miscellaneous ObservationS ....cccccccaccccncscccccccces 17 DISCUSSION eeeseeess8srseeeseseeeenerteeeeeeeeeeeeseensereseeeneeeoeeneeeeeeeeneeeeee 17 Validity of Abundance Indices and Estimates ............17 PART II -BRADLEY RIVER SALMON STUDY PROGRAM -1986 THROUGH 1995:FINAL SUMMARY REPORT......cccccccccccccceesee 19 INTRODUCTION .ccccccccccccsccsvevvvcccccccccccccccececcccesece 19 COMPARISON BETWEEN YEARS...cccccccccvccccscccccccccccscccseee§LY Pink SALMON..cccrecccccccccesccescccsscevecnccscescccecsses 19 Chum SALMON..cccwcccccecccccscsesvesesesescccscccsescscscces 20 COHO Salmon...ccccccccvcscccssccssccsescscccccvsecccescecee§21 Sockeye SAalMOn...ccc ccc cccncccsescscevesevsesesevescsesce 2hChinookSalmon.ccccccccvccvccecescccccscccccscscvccesccesece al TAILRACE ATTRACTION...cccccosvccecsccvenvcsecccecscccscccccceons 22 PRE-OPERATIONAL VS.POST-OPERATIONAL HABITAT QUALITY.........23 Pink Salmon Spawning..c.ccccccccccccccccuccccccccecs wees 23 Chinook Salmon Spawning.....cccccccccsececcccccccccccees 24 Chum Salmon Spawning.....cccccvcescccccccccccccceccsccccee 25 Coho and Chinook Salmon Rearing....ccecccsccscecsecssccess 25 Wildlife Habitats....ccccccccccccccsccccscccccescccsecces 26 Protection From Extreme FIOWS....ccc ccc cc ccc ccc cccccesss 26 SUCCESS OF EXISTING MITIGATION MEASURES...cccccccccccscscccoee 27 RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FUTURE YEARS...ccc ccccccvccccvecccccccee §28 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS eeeeeoeeneeeeeeeeneeensneeeveeveeeeeeeeenneveeeeneenenecen 29 REFERENCES eeeaeeoeeeveeeeeeeveeeeeeeneneneveneevneveeneevneeen een nnenvneaeneneeeeee 30 ii Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table Table LIST OF TABLES Page Total catch for all sample methods combined.........33 Trap net catch statistics Trap net catch statistics Trap net catch statistics Trap net catch statistics Trap net catch statistics for for for for for pink salmon...........34 chum salmon.......202035D coho salmon...........36 sockeye salmon........37 chinook salmon........38 Seine catch summary for pink salmon............22+.-39 CarcaSS COUNt SUMMALY..ccc cecccrccerevccecceseveceee40 Comparison of the week of marking with the week of recapture for all recaptured pink salmon.........41 Fox Farm Creek Visual Surveys -1995....cccccceeeee242 Mark-recapture population estimates for pink Salmon -1995...cc cece cc cc cece ccc ccc ccc ccc ccc esc e ee S43 >4.> 13. 14. 15. 16. LIST OF FIGURES Page Lower Bradley River with salmon escapement study ALCAc ccc eevee ccevseseceerseccesecvcescecevncesscecccececce Bradley River trap net deSign.......cccecrcccccccccee Trap net and seine SiteS......ccc ccc ce ccc nce eccccee Catch-per-unit-effort for pink salmon by study WEEK.ccc ccc c vce cece crac eevee cece ces eescccccce Catch-per-unit-effort for chum salmon by study WEEK.ccc ccc ccc cccccccccccccc ccc eee sce sc ccccce Catch-per-unit-effort for coho salmon bystudyWEEK.cc wc vnc ccnccr ccc cccc ccc ccc ec eee cece cccces Catch-per-unit-effort for sockeye salmon by study WEEK.ccc cs cccccccc ccc cnc cc cc cnc cece cee sccccce Catch-per-unit-effort for chinook salmon by study WEEK.cc cc cc ccc ccc ccc cece ccc c ccc ccc ccc es sceece Percent frequency of occurrence of ripe pink salmon by Study Week...ccccccccnccncccveccsveseecseses Pink salmon spawning ATCASw cece cece essescveesesccvces Chinook salmon spawning AareaS......sccccrccccccsecs Estimated escapement and trap net catch per hour for pink salmon -1986 through 1995......cccccececs Trap 1986 Trap 1986 Trap 1986 Trap 1986 net catch per hour for chum salmon - through US h°ho net catch per hour for coho salmon - through URS ho ho net catch per hour for sockeye salmon - through mS)? net catch per hour for chinook salmon - through URS b>hs 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 LIST OF APPENDICES Appendix A.Catch records Appendix A-1.Pink salmon catch records. Appendix A-2.Chum salmon catch records. Appendix A-3.Coho salmon catch records. Appendix A-4.Sockeye salmon catch records. Appendix A-5.Chinook salmon catch records. Appendix B.Fishing effort summary for each net by week during 1995 Bradley River sampling. Appendix C.Physical Data. GENERAL INTRODUCTION The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)license granted to the Alaska Power Authority (now Alaska Energy Authority) for the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project (Project No.8221) stipulates that a plan be developed and implemented to monitor the abundance of salmon in the Bradley River.A salmon monitoring plan was submitted to FERC in June of 1986 (Alaska Power Authority 1986a).The intent of this monitoring plan is to provide a yearly index of salmon abundance during both the pre-operational and post- operational periods to allow an appraisal of project impacts to salmon resources of the Bradley River.The salmon escapement monitoring study was scheduled to continue through 1995.The duration of the study program was designed to include a sufficient time period so that pre-project baseline conditions could be compared to post-project conditions.Part I of this report presents the results of the eleventh and last year of studies of salmon escapement to the Bradley River per the scope of work as described in the Salmon Monitoring Plan.Part II of this document consists of a final project report which summarizes the results of all years of the study and addresses whether mitigation measures to protect fish resources have been effective. Operation of the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project began in the fall of 1991,consequently 1992 was the first full year of project operation.However,operational flows were in effect during the summer of 1991 while the reservoir was filling. Therefore,1995 was the fifth year of the study to examine the salmon resources under the operational flow regime.A separate, but related,study of salmon attraction to the powerhouse discharge channel (tailrace),was instituted in 1992 and completed in 1993 (Alaska Energy Authority 1993).A supplemental study to investigate the use of the Bradley River by rearing salmonids was added in 1994 and reported in the 1994 Annual Report. 1 The salmon resources of the Bradley River have been documented in considerable detail through a series of studies (USFWS 1982; Woodward-Clyde Consultants 1983,1984;Northern Technical Services 1985).The Bradley River is a turbid stream of glacial origin, consequently fish cannot normally be visually detected.During the early studies various active and passive sampling techniques were utilized to gain insight into the fish populations.The results of these studies indicated that pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha)was the principal salmon species using the river for spawning,although smaller numbers of chum (0.keta),coho (0. kisutch),and chinook (0.tshawytscha)also utilized the river. These studies also indicated that potential spawning habitat was limited to a short segment of the river due to high gradient and coarse substrate at the upstream end and silty tideflats at the lower end. The 1985 study by Northern Technical Services represented the first year of study for the pre-operational salmon monitoring program.However,the sampling methodology was modified in 1986 per the approved Salmon Monitoring Plan;therefore,data comparable to the 1995 study have only been collected during the 1986 through 1994 field seasons.The 1986-1988 studies were conducted by Dames &Moore (Alaska Power Authority 1986b,1987,and 1988).The 1989 through 1994 studies (Alaska Energy Authority 1989,1990,1991, 1992,1993 and 1994)as well as the 1995 field studies,which Part I of this report addresses,were conducted by Northern Ecological Services. The 1986-1994 studies confirmed that pink salmon were the major spawners and that the river also supports small runs of the other salmon species.Considerable information on the abundance, spawning distribution,and other aspects of life history has been collected over the last eleven years. PART TI BRADLEY RIVER SALMON ESCAPEMENT MONITORING STUDY-1995 OBJECTIVES The primary objectives of the 1995 field effort were to: -Continue the sampling methodology for the operational flow regime which was initiated in 1991 in order to allow estimates of salmon abundance to be compared with past years and,at the same time,provide standard catch procedures to be used for catch-per-unit-effort comparisons with 1991-1994. -Continue the general assessment of the habitat value of the river under the operational flow regime as compared to the pre-operational flow regime -Maximize the amount of biological information obtained from the study by thoroughly analyzing the data. METHODS Study Area The primary study area was essentially identical to that in the 1986-1994 studies consisting of a 2,0ll-m (6,600-ft)stream segment extending from the downstream end of Riffle Reach to just above the upstream end of Bear Island Slough (Figure 1).The reduced flow beginning in 1991 allowed access by both fish and study team investigators above Bear Island Slough for a distance of about 300 m,thus the effective study area was lengthened slightly in 1991.The study area encompasses almost all of the known spawning habitat in the Bradley River systen. One study site was located outside of the primary study area. 3 Fox Farm Creek,a small clear-water tributary to the Bradley River at RM 2.5 was monitored for salmon escapement (Figure 1). Study Duration The study was conducted over a 9 week period from July 17 through September 14.The general timing of the study was originally selected to coincide with the duration and timing of the pink salmon run,based on the results of the earlier studies and confirmed in recent years. Under the normal schedule of sampling,the field crew traveled to the site on Monday evening of each calendar week and intensive sampling took place on every Tuesday,Wednesday and Thursday. Trap Net Sampling Trap nets were again used as a primary sampling technique as in the 1986-1994 efforts.The standard project trap nets as redesigned in 1990 (see Alaska Energy Authority 1990)were designed to fish in water as shallow as 0.5 m and proved to work well at selected deeper sites in the river.The redesigned nets are illustrated in Figure 2.These nets were made from 6.35 cm (2.5 inch)stretch mesh nylon.Net wings were attached to the main frame of the net in various configurations depending on the location of the net in the river. The 6 trap net sites established in 1991 for the operational flow regime were utilized again in 1995 (Figure 3).There was no indication that significant stream channel changes had occurred since the 1991 season,consequently the conditions at each net location effectively duplicated the conditions present during the 1991 through 1994 studies.Some of the nets were accessible by boat and some were only accessible by foot. During each typical weekly sampling period,the trap nets in 4 the primary study area were set Tuesday morning and fished until Thursday morning for a total of approximately 48 hours,after which they were removed from the water until the following week.During normal operations,each net was checked every 4 hours during the daytime and then allowed to fish overnight.Some variation in the typical sampling regime occurred because of the difficulty accessing nets during extreme high tides.Sampling times were delayed by 1-2 hours during those days when unusually high tides coincided with scheduled sampling times.In Week 2,weather prevented the crew from reaching the field camp until Tuesday afternoon;consequently,the trap nets were fished from Tuesday afternoon until Thursday afternoon,maintaining the 48 hour schedule. The fish were removed from the nets at each check,identified to species,measured,and salmon species were tagged using sequentially numbered Floy spaghetti tags.Larger Dolly Varden -were marked by punching a hole in the upper lobe of the caudal fin. Sex and spawning condition were recorded for all salmon.Spawning 'condition codes were as follows: Code Condition 1 Fresh,non-spawning coloration, silvery Spawning coloration,not ripe Ripe,eggs or milt readily stripped Spawned out Visible deterioration Deadaomn&WwWNDBeach Seine Sampling As a supplemental sampling method,beach seining was conducted during Weeks 3 through 8 of the study period.No seining was conducted in Weeks 1 and 2 because of the large number of spawning chinook salmon in the seine areas.Seine sites are indicated on 5 'Figure 3.Sites S1 and S3 were seined consistently each week and site S7 was seined during Weeks 6 and 7.In most cases two hauls were made at each site.The seine utilized was 100 ft.long by 6 ft.deep,constructed of 2.5 in.stretch mesh netting.Captured fish were processed in a manner similar to that described for the trap net sampling during Weeks 3-4.Because of the large number of pink salmon,fish caught in the seine in Weeks 5-8 were not measured or tagged;the seine catch was enumerated by species and recaptured fish were noted. Carcass Counts All salmon carcasses observed within the study area were counted and tags were noted. Visual Observations Exceptionally clear water on August 14-16 provided an unusual opportunity for visual observations within the study area.During this time period,visual counts of adult salmon were conducted and Spawning areas were documented. Fox Farm Creek Surveys Visual surveys of fish present in Fox Farm Creek,a clear tributary to the Bradley River (Figure 1),were conducted once during each sample week.Observers walked the entire habitable length of the creek at lower tide levels and recorded the numbers of fish present for each species of salmon and the numbers of fish showing visible project tags. Biological Data Management Data from field data books were entered into a computer spreadsheet (Quattro Pro)using an IBM compatible microcomputer. Printouts from the spreadsheets were checked by field personnel 6 against the field notebooks.The spreadsheets were edited, correcting any observed errors.Graphs were prepared using the Quattro Pro progran. Population and Escapement Estimation The principal methods used for estimating populations were the same as those used in past years to assure comparability of data.Population estimates based on trap net catches were calculated for the primary species of salmon present during each sample week using the Peterson model,as modified by Chapman (Ricker 1975).The following assumptions were used in constructing the model: 1.Salmon numbers remained constant during the 3-day sample period. 2.All fish marked during the previous 2 sample weeks were still present in the study area. 3.Fish marked 3 or more weeks prior to the sample week were no longer present in the study area. 4.Marked and unmarked fish were equally susceptible to capture. : In addition,population estimates were calculated based on selected seine catches and carcass counts. Physical Data Collection Air temperature,water temperature,turbidity,and stream stage were recorded daily at the field camp (Figure 1)on those days that the study crew was in the field.Turbidity was measured in the field using an HF Instruments Model DRT15 nephelometric turbidity meter.Stream stage was measured using a staff gage. The gage measurements were strictly relative and were not tied to any datum. Miscellaneous Observations Wildlife presence and other events of ecological interest were noted as they occurred. RESULTS Overall Catch Overall catch for all methods combined is summarized by week in Table 1.Complete catch records for all measured fish are presented in Appendix A. As in past years,all five species of Pacific salmon indigenous to Alaska were captured in the Bradley River.Pink salmon again were the most abundant species with a total catch of 4,345 fish.Substantial numbers of chum (220 fish),coho (116 fish),sockeye (53 fish),and chinook (116 fish)salmon also were caught.Small numbers of Dolly Varden (Salvelinus malma)were caught in the trap nets (64 fish). Trap Net Index Sampling Trap nets were the primary sampling technique and proved to be effective at catching adult salmon.The sampling effort for the 6 index nets was uniform throughout the study period.Trap net fishing times for each net and week are summarized in Appendix B. Pink Salmon Pink salmon catch and catch-per-hour for each week and net are presented in Table 2.The catch-per-hour showed a rapid increase at the beginning of August and remained high throughout the month (Figure 4).The number of pinks caught declined precipitously at the beginning of September with very few fish caught in Week 9.The maximum catch rate was reached in Week 4 at 2.989 fish per hour (Table 2). Chum Salmon Chum salmon were present in the study area during Weeks 1 through 7 (Table 3).The chum salmon catch peaked during late July then declined rapidly with few fish remaining after early August (Figure 5).The maximum catch rate occurred during the second week of the study at 0.283 fish per hour (Table 3). Coho Salmon Coho salmon (Table 4 and Figure 6)were first seen in the study area during Week 4 (August 8-10)with catch rate increasing until the end of the study period.The greatest number of fish were caught during Week 9. Sockeye Salmon Sockeye salmon were present in the Bradley River during the entire study period (Table 5 and Figure 7)with the highest catch occurring during mid-August. Chinook Salmon Chinook salmon were present in moderate numbers during Weeks 1 through 5 with highest numbers occurring during the first week of the study (Table 6 and Figure 8). Beach Seinin Beach seine catch data are summarized for pink salmon in Table 7.A total of 1,066 pink salmon were caught by the beach seine in 1995,of which 51 were fish that had been tagged previously. Seine sites S1 and S3 (Figure 3)yielded the greatest number of fish.These sites corresponded with major pink salmon spawning areas.Other salmon species were not caught in significant numbers in the seine. Carcass Counts The results of carcass counts are presented in Table 8. During the course of the 1995 study,1,258 pink salmon carcasses, 13 chum salmon carcasses,26 chinook salmon carcasses,1 sockeye salmon carcass,and 2 coho salmon carcasses were observed in the study area. Fish Condition Pink Salmon The condition codes for all measured salmon are presented in Appendix A-1.Condition 3,"ripe",is indicative of spawning condition and was the least subjective of the condition codes since it depended on the actual presence of eggs or milt.Figure 9 shows the percent frequency of occurrence of Condition 3 fish for both male and female pink salmon.As has been the case in past years, males reached spawning condition earlier than females;most males were in spawning condition from Week 3 until Week 7.No ripe females were present during the first week of the study in mid- July.The frequency of females in spawning condition gradually increased during Weeks 2 through 6,reached a peak during Weeks 6- 8 and dropped dramatically in Week 9.The peak of spawning apparently occurred in late August. Chum Salmon During Weeks 1-3 of the study essentially all the males were ripe.About 25 percent of the females in Week 1 were ripe,47 percent in Week 2,42 percent in Week 3,and 25 percent in Week 4. 10 Most chum salmon spawning probably occurred during late July and early August.Few fish were present in the river after Week 4. Coho Salmon Most of the cohos observed prior to Week 9 (Sept.12-14)were in fresh condition or in the early stages of acquiring their spawning coloration (Appendix A-3).By Week 9,10 percent of the males had reached spawning condition but no ripe females were observed during the study.The peak of coho spawning likely occurred well after the end of the study period in late September or early October. Sockeye Salmon Small numbers of sockeyes were present in the Bradley River throughout the entire study period.Percentages of ripe fish in Weeks 3,4,5,6,and 7 were 20,50,67,57,and 17 percent respectively,suggesting that spawning occurred over a prolonged period with the peak occurring in early to mid-August.While males tended to mature earlier than females,the chronology of maturation to spawning condition for both sexes was less consistent than for the other salmon species.The condition of sockeyes was extremely variable with males and females in pre-spawning condition still present in Week 9. Chinook salmon During the first week of the study in mid-July all of the males and 50 percent of the females were ripe.In Weeks 2 and 3 essentially all of the fish were either ripe or spawned out.The number of chinooks present in the river decreased in Weeks 4 and 5 with few fish present after Week 5.Most spawning probably occurred during the last two weeks of July. 11 Stream Life Duration Pink Salmon Table 9 provides information on the tagging history of all pink salmon recaptured in trap nets.As has been the case in past years,most of the prior-weeks recaptures for any given week were fish that had been marked in the previous 2 weeks,suggesting an average stream life duration of 2-3 weeks.However,the 1995 data suggest a somewhat longer average stream life for 1995 fish than observed in prior years.Recaptures caught in Weeks 6 and 7 included significant numbers of fish that had been tagged 3-4 weeks earlier.Some individual fish were present in the river for significantly longer than 2 weeks.One pink salmon recaptured on August 24 was originally tagged on July 19 for a total stream duration of 36 days. Chum Salmon The limited number of chum salmon caught in 1995 prevented extensive analysis of stream life duration.Of 45 recaptured fish, only two were recaptured more than two weeks after the marking date. Chinook Salmon The timing of the study period did not include the early part of the chinook salmon run;consequently,stream life duration cannot be accurately determined.Sixteen chinook salmon were recaptured in 1995.All of these recaptures were caught within 14 days of the day on which they were originally tagged. Spawning Area Location Spawning areas for pink salmon are delineated on Figure 10 and chinook salmon on Figure 11.The unusually clear water during Week 12 5 coincident with the peak of pink salmon spawning provided an exceptional opportunity for spawning area identification. Visual Salmon Count A count of chinook salmon spawners on July 18-19 resulted in observations of 57 fish within the study area,almost all actively spawning.Because of the turbidity,chinooks in deeper areas of the river were not visible. A count of adult salmon within the study area during clear water conditions on August 15 resulted in estimated numbers as follows:pink salmon -4,300;chum salmon -16;sockeye salmon - 1;and chinook salmon -7.The number of pink salmon is almost certainly an underestimate because of the difficulty counting fish in deep areas of the river and in areas where the fish were in dense aggregations. Fox Farm Creek Surveys The weekly visual surveys of Fox Farm Creek (Table 10) indicated that very small numbers of chum salmon utilized the creek for spawning in late July and early August and larger numbers of pink salmon were present from mid-August to early September. Predation by black bears was significant during the chum and pink runs. Population Estimates Pink Salmon Weekly population estimates for pink salmon based on trap net recaptures using the same mark and recapture techniques employed in the 1986-1994 studies are presented in the first part of Table 11.Weekly population estimates ranged from a low of 1,848 in Week 9 to a high of 29,653 in Week 6.Because of the small number of 13 recaptures in Weeks 3,8 and 9,the 95 percent confidence limits (Table 11)for the estimates are broad and the statistical reliability of the estimates should be considered poor. Population estimates also were calculated from selected seine hauls in Weeks 3 through 8 and carcass counts in Weeks 5 through 8 (Table 11).These estimates are based on small numbers of recaptures and,thus,have broad confidence limits. Chum Salmon Mark-recapture population estimates for chum salmon in Weeks 2 and 3 are as follows: Week Total Catch Tags Out Recaps.Pop.Est.95%Limits 2 79 55 14 299 191-581 3 64 112 13 524 329-1,064 Chinook Salmon A single estimate for Week 3 provides some insight into numbers of chinook salmon: Week Total Catch Tags Out Recaps.Pop.Est.95%Limits 3 29 49 4 300 147-1,500 Estimates of Total Escapement Pink Salmon An estimate of the total escapement can be calculated from the weekly trap net population estimates for pink salmon using the method of Pirtle and McCurdy (1980).With this method the weekly estimates are summed and divided by a stream life factor of 2.5. Since there is no population estimate for Weeks 1 and 2,these populations were assumed to be equal to 10 times the total catch 14 for the week,which is a highly conservative estimate of the actual numbers of fish present.Based on the above methodology,total escapement for pink salmon in the Bradley River in 1995 is estimated at about 48,000 fish. Another approach to escapement estimation is based on a comparison of the overall trap net catch-per-hour in 1995 compared to previous years.The 1995 CPH was 4.46 times higher than the 1994 CPH;multiplying the 1994 escapement estimate by this factor yields a 1995 population estimate of 17,800 fish.Applying the same method to the 1993 results yields a 1995 escapement estimate of 26,500 fish.The relative accuracy of these various escapement estimates is examined below in the Discussion section. Chum Salmon The net catch of chum salmon in 1995 was 217 fish of which 20 percent were recaptures of fish caught previously.The mark- recapture estimate for Week 3 indicated that the number of chum salmon present in the river at that time probably fell into the range of 329-1,064 fish.An estimate of around 500 fish is reasonable,based on the 1995 catch statistics. Coho Salmon The study ended early in the coho run,therefore escapement cannot be estimated.The total trap net catch was 122 cohos,of which only two were recaptures.It is likely that at least 200 cohos were present in the river at the time of the study. Sockeye Salmon A total of 53 sockeye salmon were caught during the study,of which 5 were recaptures.A conservative estimate of the number of sockeyes present in the Bradley River,based on observations during the 1995 season,is 100-300 fish. 15 Chinook Salmon Combining untagged captures with untagged carcasses results in a total of 123 individual chinook salmon that were handled during the study period.This represents the minimum number of fish present.More than 80 percent of the trapped fish were males suggesting that the traps were only sampling slightly more than half of the population.The mark-recapture population estimate for Week 3 described above suggested that about 300 chinooks were present in the river at that time. Tag Returns From Outside the Study Area One tagged fish was reported to the Alaska Department of Fish and Game in 1995.A coho salmon that was tagged in the Bradley River on August 16 was recovered in a personal use gill net set on the east side of the Homer Spit on August 21. Physical Data Air and water temperature,turbidity,and relative water level data are presented in Appendix C.Temperature data were collected at about 9:00 a.m.and,thus,are approximately representative of daily minimums.Water temperature showed relatively little variation,ranging from 7.0 to 10.0 degrees C.Predominantly cloudy weather combined with minimal air temperature extremes contributed to the stable stream water temperature regime. Turbidity was relatively low compared to previous years,ranging from a low of 6 NTU on August 16 to 46 NTU on August 8.High precipitation occurring in mid-August resulted in a high input of water from the clear North Fork portion of the drainage,allowing release of turbid water from the Bradley Lake dam to be reduced and,thus,causing water in the lower Bradley River to be unusually clear.River water level was very stable throughout the study period. 16 Miscellaneous Observations The bald eagle nest near Eagle Pool was active again in 1995 with two young observed in the nest at the beginning of the study period in mid-July.The young had successfully fledged by late August.Adult and immature eagles were frequently seen feeding on salmon carcasses within the study area. Bear signs were observed intermittently throughout the study period.Individual black bears were observed on July 18 and August 14.A small brown bear was seen crossing Riffle Reach on July 19. This bear was the first brown bear seen in the study area since the beginning of the study program in 1986.In spite of these observations and the large number of salmon available in the river, it appeared that bears did not feed extensively along the river. 'DISCUSSION Validity of Abundance Indices and Estimates The potential difficulties with the use of mark and recapture population estimates under the circumstances in the Bradley River are discussed in detail in the 1986 study report (Alaska Power Authority 1986b).The analysis of marking net vs.recapture net presented in the 1989 study report (Northern Ecological Services 1989)indicates that pink salmon move widely throughout the study area prior to actual spawning and provides some assurance that the assumption that tagged fish are randomly distributed is not grossly violated.It should be noted that all of the "capture"methods were biased in favor of specific components of the pink salmon population.The trap nets sampled fish that were actively moving within the river and tended to catch more males than females. Seining in the latter part of the study period sampled fish that were actively spawning and usually included a more equal sex distribution than the trap net fish.Carcass counts tended to 17 "sample"fish that had been in the stream for a longer period of time and thus were biased toward fish that had not been recently tagged. The mark-recapture population estimates for pink salmon in 1995 present several problems.The pink run was very abrupt with most fish entering the river during the high tides of Week 4 (Figure 4).Spawning occurred primarily during Weeks 5-7 followed by a very rapid mortality..It appeared that the run was less prolonged and more synchronized than in previous years.The rapid influx followed by rapid mortality significantly violates the assumption of a closed population which is required for accurate mark-recapture estimates.The inconsistency of the various estimates presented in Table 10 tends to create additional suspicion.The estimates based on carcass counts are considered to be especially unreliable because many of the carcasses were in advanced stages of deterioration and tags may have been lost or tag scars obscured by fungus growth.The visual estimate of pink salmon conducted in Week 5 was much smaller than the mark-recapture estimates of the same time period.Although such an estimate would be expected to be somewhat smaller because it was limited to shallow portions of the study area where the fish were visible, the difference was great enough to cause concern.The impression of the authors is that the mark-recapture estimates overestimated the number of pink salmon,especially in the latter weeks of the study when mortality was rapidly reducing the number of marked fish in the active population.The escapement estimate of 48,000 fish, based on the trap net mark-recapture estimates,probably represents a high estimate.The estimate of 26,500 fish,based on comparing 1995 CPH with 1993 CPH,may be closer to reality.The 1993 mark- recapture population estimates are considered to be more accurate than those conducted in 1995 and the catch-per-unit-effort was similar for 1993 and 1995.It is obvious that,as absolute values, 1995 pink salmon escapement numbers should be viewed with caution. 18 PART IT BRADLEY RIVER SALMON STUDY PROGRAM -1986 THROUGH 1995 FINAL SUMMARY REPORT INTRODUCTION The 1995 study program represented the final year of a ten- year salmon monitoring plan per the requirements of the FERC license for the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project.This brief summary report describes the fish populations during the period of study,discusses apparent project impacts to salmon and their habitats,discusses the pre-and post-project characteristics of the lower Bradley River relative to fish and wildlife habitat values,and evaluates the success of mitigation measures that were incorporated into the project operational plan.Pink salmon were initially identified as the key evaluation species,consequently the discussion will emphasize this species.It should be noted that annual reports were prepared for each year of the study and readers are encouraged to consult these reports for additional detail;this summary should not be considered a substitute for the annual reports. COMPARISON BETWEEN YEARS Pink Salmon Figure 12 compares the estimated escapement and trap net catch per hour for pink salmon for the years 1986 through 1995.Because pink salmon have a two year life cycle,the odd and even year runs are genetically separate and will be discussed separately. Even year numbers were apparently highest during the first year of the study in 1986.During the fall of 1986,severe flooding occurred on the lower Bradley River significantly changing the course of the river channel in the most heavily used pink salmon spawning area (Tree Bar Reach),undoubtedly destroying most salmon 19 eggs in the gravel at that time.Even year escapements have been low since 1986.The somewhat larger escapement seen in 1994 was the first return from eggs spawned under the regulated flow regime (in 1992)and provides a preliminary indication that post- impoundment conditions are favorable for survival and that even year runs may be rebounding.Additional years of data will be required to determine whether a trend exists. Odd year escapements have been significantly larger than even year throughout the study period,with the largest escapement probably occurring in 1989.Pink salmon escapements were generally high throughout Lower Cook Inlet drainages in that year,possibly because the commercial fishery was shut down by the effects of the Exxon Valdez oil spill.The most positive aspect of the escapement data is the high number of pink salmon seen in the Bradley River in 1993 and 1995,both a result of eggs spawned during the regulated flow regime,suggesting favorable post-impoundment incubation conditions.However,high saltwater survival was undoubtedly also a factor;the near record return seen in 1995 mirrored an area-wide trend.Humpy Creek,the closest pink salmon stream to the Bradley River in Kachemak Bay,also experienced high returns in 1995,the highest since 1989 (Hammarstrom,personal communication). Chum_Salmon Trap net catch per hour data for chum salmon during the years 1986 through 1995 are presented in Figure 13.Chum salmon numbers have been highly variable ranging from an estimated 1600 fish in 1989 to less than 100 fish during low years.Most chum salmon are 3-5 years old with four year old fish usually predominating.It is difficult to draw conclusions from the annual catch data.The three largest escapements occurred during the pre-operational years;however,the survival of progeny from the large 1989 and 1990 runs was apparently poor under pre-operational flows.The somewhat larger numbers in 1995 may suggest improved survival of 20 fish spawned in 1991 and 1992 under the operational flow regime. Chum salmon runs in Kachemak Bay streams have been generally poor in recent years and the Bradley River numbers may be reflecting area trends. Coho Salmon Coho salmon numbers have also been highly variable during the years of the study (Figure 14).Since the timing of the field study did not include the latter part of the coho run,accurate estimation of coho numbers was not possible.Coho salmon have a 3-4 year life cycle suggesting that the progeny from eggs spawned during the early years of flow regulation (1991 and 1992)survived reasonably well to produce the relatively strong returns in 1994 and 1995.More years of data will be needed to establish trends. Sockeye Salmon Sockeye salmon were unusual in the Bradley River in 1986 and 1987 with numbers gradually increasing until 1990 when several hundred fish were probably present (Figure 15).Since flow regulation the numbers have been variable.Very small numbers of juvenile sockeyes have been found in the Bradley River suggesting that some natural reproduction has occurred in recent years.The sockeyes in the river have shown wide variation in size and time of maturity suggesting that they may be strays from other systems. Chinook Salmon Chinook salmon have demonstrated relatively stable numbers throughout the study years (Figure 16)with the number of fish in the river probably ranging from 50-300.There is no doubt that chinook salmon spawn and rear in the Bradley River.Unusually large returns occurred in 1993 and 1995.The age at maturity for chinook salmon is variable but most returning chinooks are likely to be 4-6 years old.The 1995 spawners may be the first returns 21 from fish hatched and reared under the regulated flow regime.The relatively large number of fish observed in 1995 may suggest favorable survival under stable,post-operational flows.Again, additional years of data will be required to establish trends. TAILRACE ATTRACTION The approved Salmon Monitoring Plan included requirements for a study of salmon attraction to the project tailrace,to be initiated during the first full year of operation and to continue for a minimum of two years.Tailrace attraction studies were conducted in 1992 and 1993 and are reported in detail in the annual reports for those years.The presence of salmon in the tailrace was monitored using trap nets,and the behavior of salmon while in the tailrace area was monitored by tracking selected fish carrying ultrasonic tags.The large pink salmon run in 1993 provided an excellent opportunity for data collection.Most of the information 'summarized below is the result of the 1993 study. The results of the trap netting clearly showed that some pink salmon on route to the Bradley River were diverted to the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project tailrace discharge.During the peak of the pink salmon run in Week 6 of 1993 there may have been as many as 1,000 pinks in the tailrace area.However,by Week 7 few fish were present in the tailrace while large numbers (up to 20,000) were present in the Bradley River. The ultrasonic tagging provided substantial insight into the behavior of fish that entered the tailrace area.Of 47 tagged fish,44 left the tailrace within three days and 21 were ultimately confirmed in the Bradley River.Several fish tagged with Floy tags,plus some fish with ultrasonic tags were recovered in the Bradley River on the day following tagging in the tailrace, suggesting rapid directed movement. The results of the 1993 tailrace study program suggest that 22 most pink salmon did not remain in the tailrace area for an extended time.A significant proportion of the fish originally caught in the tailrace were subsequently located in the Bradley River;whereas,there was no indication of movement from the Bradley River to the tailrace.A minor portion of the total pink salmon run on its way to the Bradley River could be delayed by diversion into the tailrace;this delay could have a detrimental effect on the spawning ability of some fish by exhausting energy reserves or causing the fish to arrive too late on the spawning grounds.However,the results of the 1993 tracking studies suggest that most pink salmon that entered the tailrace made a quick 'correction and left within a few days.Past results of the Bradley River escapement studies have indicated that pink salmon move extensively within the Bradley River prior to actual spawning. From the perspective of the Bradley River,there was no indication that spawning was interrupted in any way.The sum total of these observations suggests that any impacts that occurred as a result of tailrace attraction were negligible relative to the many factors that can affect salmon populations.It is the opinion of the authors that measures to mitigate the attraction of salmon to the tailrace are not needed. 'PRE-OPERATIONAL VS.POST-OPERATIONAL HABITAT QUALITY Pink Salmon Spawning The greatly reduced volume of water that is present during the open water season under the regulated flow regime has significantly changed the nature of the stream.Depth,width and velocity have been much reduced.Siltation has increased in some areas of the study area,particularly Riffle Reach,which is routinely subjected 'to tidal flooding.There is some evidence that substrate in upstream areas is shifting to less coarse materials. Comparing spawning area location between pre-operational and post-operational years suggests an upstream shift.Prior to 23 reduced flow,Riffle Reach was one of the most important spawning areas with most spawning occurring over a central gravel bar. Under the regulated flow regime this bar became permanently exposed and the channel became split.In recent years less spawning has occurred in Riffle Reach.Gravel substrate within the west channel of lower Riffle Reach has become partly imbedded with silt. However,siltation appeared to be less in 1995 than in 1994, suggesting that some flushing is still occurring under regulated flow. Under pre-project flow conditions,the portion of the Bradley River study area upstream from the USGS gage station (Figure 1)was deep and fast,with a boulder substrate.It is unlikely that significant spawning by pink salmon occurred in this reach.Under the operational flow regime,depth and velocity were reduced to within the useable range for spawning,and scattered locations within this reach are currently utilized by pink salmon.Patches of suitable substrate have been deposited within the boulder matrix.It is the opinion of the authors that there has been a net increase in the area of useable pink salmon spawning habitat since the advent of regulated flow. During the large pink salmon escapement in 1995,spawning habitat use appeared to be close to saturation and spawning was observed throughout much of the study area including lower Riffle Reach,which had been abandoned in 1993 and 1994.The Tree Bar Reach complex (Figure 10)continued to be the most heavily used area. Chinook Salmon Spawning Chinook salmon spawning occurs in most of the same areas utilized by pink salmon,but there is a higher proportionate use of upstream areas,above Bear Island.The expansion of available spawning habitat to upstream areas following regulation probably has been more significant for chinooks than pinks because they are 24 better able to utilize the relatively deep and fast water found in the upstream reach. Chum Salmon Comparing pre-operational and post-operational spawning area maps for chum salmon suggests that spawning area for chums has decreased under the regulated flow regime.Chums in the Bradley River usually select areas of upwelling water;such areas may be less common under low flow conditions because of generally lower water level. Coho and Chinook Salmon Rearing Some information on juvenile coho and chinook salmon was collected during the early pre-licensing studies (U.S.Fish & Wildlife Service 1982 and Woodward-Clyde Consultants 1983)and a limited study of winter rearing in the Bradley River study area was conducted by Northern Ecological Services in 1994 (Alaska Energy Authority 1994).Juvenile cohos have been found in moderate density in a variety of slow water habitats,including sloughs and backwaters both within and above the intertidal area.Juvenile chinook salmon are less common and are usually found along the margins of mainstream areas. The area of slough and backwater habitats within the salmon escapement study area has been reduced by flow reduction.Most notably,Bear Island Slough has been reduced to two small ponds. Opportunity for coho salmon rearing is likely less than was the case prior to the Bradley Lake Project.However,the habitat areas that remain are more stable seasonally and,thus,may contribute to higher survival of juvenile cohos. The 1994 winter rearing study indicated that moderate numbers of juvenile chinook salmon utilize mainstream areas adjacent to and upstream from Bear Island.These areas of moderate depth and 25 velocity were probably not consistently available during unregulated flow when winter discharge often approached zero. Regulated flow has evidently expanded and improved chinook salmon rearing habitat in the Bradley River above the intertidal zone. The use of intertidal habitats by either coho or chinook has not been adequately studied and effects on these areas by altered Bradley River flow remain unknown. Wildlife Habitats Probably the most dramatic change in the ecological characteristics of the Bradley River study area has been the increase in use by wildlife under the reduced flow regime.Use of the river corridor by birds and mammals has been much more evident in recent years.The availability of salmon carcasses in late summer is a major factor in this increase in abundance.Black bear,fox,mink,eagles,gulls,ravens,and magpies commonly feed on salmon.Under the pre-operational flow regime the river was nearly bank full in late summer and most carcasses were washed directly into Kachemak Bay.Shallow water,reduced current velocity,increased area of gravel bars and beaches,and stranding of fish in depressions following extreme tides all contribute to the availability of fish to wildlife.Additionally,the shallow water and shoreline margins present under low flow allow the river to be used as a travel corridor,whereas previously it had been a travel barrier during much of the open water season.Moose and black bear routinely cross the river in contrast to previous years. Stable,moderate winter flow conditions have enhanced habitat for river otter and mink. Protection From Extreme Flows Under the natural condition the Bradley River watershed was subject to wide variations in flow.Evidently flooding was common, especially during fall storms,as was seen in the severe conditions 26 that occurred in the fall of 1986.These extremes affected the habitat suitability for both fish and wildlife.The Bradley Lake reservoir provides a significant buffer against flow extremes.The beneficial impact of this buffer to fish has already been seen. During late September of 1995 heavy precipitation in the Kenai Mountains dramatically raised the level of the Lower Bradley River. If the reservoir had not been able to contain much of the excess water,flooding and scour of salmon spawning areas would probably have occurred,resulting in a loss of salmon eggs. SUCCESS OF EXISTING MITIGATION MEASURES The primary mitigation measure relative to fish protection that was established as part of the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project licensing was the requirement for mandatory minimum instream flow in the Bradley River.Water has been released into the upper Bradley River via a fish water bypass system since the 'dam was completed in 1990.The minimum flows required are 100 cfs from mid-April through mid-September,50 cfs from mid-September through October,and 40 cfs from November through mid-April.These minimum flows were based on recommendations resulting from an instream flow study conducted during project planning (Woodward- Clyde Consultants 1983).The study predicted that pink salmon spawning and incubation habitat would likely be improved under the regulated flow regime while some loss of slough-type rearing habitats might occur. Since project operation,discharge in the Lower Bradley River fish use area has averaged about 30 percent greater than the mandatory minimums because of the need to maintain a safety margin and,thus,avoid violation of the requirements during unusual climatic conditions.Evidence from the salmon escapement monitoring program suggests that the predictions made during the original instream flow study were essentially correct.Pink salmon appear to be surviving well under the regulated flow regime and there is a preliminary indication that populations are becoming 27 more stable.A possible bonus that was not predicted is the enhancement of chinook salmon spawning and rearing habitat. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FUTURE YEARS 1.Extension of Study Program -It is recommended that salmon escapement monitoring be continued in order to extend the period of record and provide a better indication of trends in salmon reproduction under the regulated flow regime.The Alaska Energy Authority is currently planning to continue the program for an additional 3 years,with the intent of gaining additional insight into the effects on fish populations as flows are fine-tuned closer to allowable minimuns. 2.Evidence available to date indicates that special additional measures to mitigate impacts to fish from the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project are not necessary.Habitat suitability and survival of pink salmon,the key evaluation species,has probably been enhanced by the existing regulated flow regime.Most other project biological impacts also appear to be beneficial. 3.The number of pink salmon observed in 1995 was probably greater than optimal escapement.Crowding on the limited spawning areas may have adversely affected the spawning process.The presence of these excess fish suggests that additional commercial exploitation during odd years would be a desirable goal.Some exploitation of Bradley River pink salmon undoubtedly occurs in existing lower Cook Inlet fisheries.However,seine fisheries have not specifically targeted Bradley River fish because shallow mud flats make accessing the river mouth area difficult,and turbid water prevents fishermen from directly observing fish schools.In spite of these difficulties,additional fishing effort might be worthwhile. 28 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We would like to thank the Homer Electric Association Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project field staff for their cooperation and logistical support of the field crew during the course of the field study.Special thanks go to field technicians and biologists that have worked on the project since 1989 including:Dr.Robert Dillinger,Andy Morsell,Scott Morsell,Paul Cyr,Ingrid Rofkar, Elizabeth Neumann,Dave Lyon,Wade Lawrence,Laurence Livingston, and Louise Seguela.These individuals are to be congratulated for conducting the field work in a safe,efficient,and professional manner under conditions that were not always favorable.The art of operating a jet boat in shallow water has been raised to a new level. 29 REFERENCES Alaska Power Authority,1986a.Salmon monitoring plan for Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Project No.P-8221-000.Prepared by Stone and Webster Engineering Corp.,Anchorage,Ak. ,1986b.Bradley River salmon escapement monitoring report for 1986.Prepared by Dames &Moore under contract to Bechtel Civil &Minerals,Inc.for the Alaska Power Authority,Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project.Anchorage,Ak. ,1987.Bradley River salmon escapement monitoring report for 1987.Prepared by Dames &Moore under contract to Bechtel Civil &Minerals,Inc.for the Alaska Power Authority,Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project.Anchorage,Ak. ,1988.Bradley River salmon escapement monitoring report for 1988.Prepared by Dames &Moore under contract to Bechtel Civil &Minerals,Inc.for the Alaska Power Authority,Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project.Anchorage,Ak. Alaska Energy Authority,1989.Bradley River salmon escapement monitoring study-1989.Prepared by Northern Ecological Services for the Alaska Energy Authority,Anchorage, Alaska ,1990.Bradley River salmon escapement monitoring study- 1990.Prepared by Northern Ecological Services for the Alaska Energy Authority,Anchorage,Alaska ,1991.Bradley River salmon escapement monitoring study- 1991.Preparedby Northern Ecological Services for the Alaska Energy Authority,Anchorage,Alaska 30 ,1992.Bradley River salmon escapement monitoring and tailrace attraction studies-1992.Prepared by Northern Ecological Services for the Alaska Energy Authority, Anchorage,Alaska ,1993.Bradley River salmon escapement monitoring and tailrace attraction studies-1993.Prepared by Northern Ecological Services for the Alaska Energy Authority, Anchorage,Alaska ,1994.Bradley River salmon escapement monitoring and salmon rearing studies-1994.Prepared by Northern Ecological Services for the Alaska Energy Authority,Anchorage,Alaska Hammarstrom,Lee (Alaska Dept.of Fish &Game),1995.Personal communication with John Morsell,Northern Ecological Services. Northern Technical Services,Inc.,1985.1985 salmon escapement survey report.Prepared for the Alaska Power Authority, Anchorage,Ak. Pirtle,R.B.and M.L.McCurdy,1980.Prince William Sound general districts 1976 pink and chum salmon aerial and ground escapement surveys and consequent brood year egg deposition and pre-emergent fry index programs.Alaska Dept.of Fish & Game Technical Data Report No.51. Ricker,W.E.,1975.Computation and interpretation of biological statistics of fish populations.Bull.Fish.Res.Board Can. 191.383 pp. 31 U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service,1982.Appendix B:Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project,Homer,Alaska.Final coordination report.USFWS Western Alaska Ecological Services,Anchorage, Alaska.131 pp.In:U.S.Army Corps of Engineers,1982. Bradley lake Hydroelectric Project,Alaska.Final Environmental Impact Statement.Alaska District,U.S.Army Corps of Engineers. Woodward Clyde Consultants,1983.Bradley River instream flow studies.Prepared for the Alaska Power Authority,Anchorage, Ak.77 pp. Woodward Clyde Consultants,1984.Report on salmon fry sampling in the Bradley River.Prepared for the Alaska Power Authority,Anchorage,Ak.6 pp. 32 TABLE 1.TOTAL CATCH FOR ALL SAMPLE METHODS COMBINED -1995 WEEK DATES PINK CHUM COHO SOCKEYE CHINOOK DOLLY NO.SALMON SALMON SALMON SALMON SALMON VARDEN 1 JUL 17-19 63 59 0 2 38 1 2 JUL 25-27 103 79 0 2 31 4 3 AUG 1=3 374 64 °)5 29 6 4 AUG 8-10 1064 11 1 7 8 8 5 AUG 15-17 777 4 7 18 9 7 6 AUG 22-24 905 1 13 7 0 5 7 AUG 29-31 711 2 21 6 °)3 8 SEP 5-7 337 ¢)33 3 0 6 9 SEP 12-14 il .¢)41 3 1 24 TOTAL 4345 220 116 53 116 64 33 TABLE 2,TRAP NET CATCH STATISTICS FOR PINK SALMON-1995 SAMPLING WEEK NET CATCH CPH CATCH CPH CATCH CPH CATCH CPH CATCH CPH CATCH CPH CATCH CPH CATCH CPH CATCH CPH CATCH'CPH 1 2 0.044 1 0.022 2 0.041 34 0.700 11 0.223 67 1.384 1 1622 31 0.643 4 0.083 21 0.535 3 4 0.088 ya)0.516 33 0.267 81 1.650 33 0.671 36 0.739 97 1.996 9 0.186 0 0.000 297 0.686 4 0 0.000 5 0.107 50 1.012 159 3.219 261 5.294 102 2.086 140 2.863 "4 0.909 0 0.000 761 1.753 5A 5 0.110 18 0.387 1S 1546 220 4.499 63 1.275 100 2.062 4 1721 19 0.395 2 0.041 586 1.356 6A 0 0.000 183 0.280 31 0.640 166 3.416 57 1154 63 3.188 82 1684 32 0.668 3 0.062 537 1.245 TA 352 1153 42 0.901 150 3.074 218 4.440 12%2602 67 1373 Tl 1578 38 0.785 2 0.041 TI4 1.787 TOTAL 63 0.232 103 0.369 321 1.098 878 2989 553 1.869 525 1.802 559 1911 173 0.598 11 0.038 3186 1.227 ve TABLE 3.TRAP NET CATCH STATISTICS FOR CHUM SALMON-1995 SAMPLING WEEK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 TOTAL NET CATCH CPH CATCH CPH CATCH CPH CATCH CPH CATCH CPH CATCH CPH CATCH CPH CATCH CPH CATCH CPH CATCH CPH 1 3 0.066 3 0.065 2 0.041 1 0.021 0 0.000 1 0.021 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 10 0.023 3 1 0.022 15 0.323 5 0.103 2 0.041 Qo 0.000 0 0.000 1 0.021 0 0.000 0 0.000 2 0.055 4 5 0.112 12 0.258 4 0.081 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 a 0.048 SA 2 0.639 23 0.495 18 0.371 2 0.041 1 0.020 LY)0.000 1 0.020 0 0.000 o 0.000 4 0.171 6A 15 0.329 21 0.453 ll 0.227 3 0.062 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 Bs)0.116 TA 6 0.133 5 0.107 n 0.225 1 0.020 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 B 0.053 TOTAL 59 0.217 rp 0.283 $1 0.174 9 0.031 1 0.003 1 0.003 2 0.007 0 0.000 0 0.000 202 0.078 S€ TABLE 4.TRAP NET CATCH STATISTICS POR COHO SALMON-1995 SAMPLING WEEK NET CATCH CPH CATCH CPH CATCH CPH CATCH CPH CATCH CPH CATCH CPH CATCH CPH CATCH CPH CATCH CPH CATCH CPH 1 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 3 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 i 0.021 3 0.062 1 0.021 5 0.012 4 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 1 0.020 0 0.000 1 0.021 5 0.103 7 0.016 SA 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 1 0.020 2 0.040 3 0.062 2 0.041 1 0.021 6 0.124 15 0.035 6A 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 1 0.020 1 0.021 6 0.123 18 0.376 18 0.373 "4 0.102 TA 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 4 0.081 8 0.164 ¥3 0.246 10 0.207 ul 0.228 4S 0.104 TOTAL 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 1 0.003 7 0.024 13 0.045 21 0.072 33 0.114 4 0.141 116 0.045 9€ TABLE 5.TRAP NET CATCH STATISTICS POR SOCKEYE SALMON-1995 SAMPLING WEEK 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 TOTAL NET CATCH CPH CATCH CPH CATCH CPH CATCH CPH CATCH CPH CATCH CPH CATCH CPH CATCH CPH CATCH CPH CATCH CPH 1 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 3 0 0.000 1 0.022 0 0.000 1 0.020 4 0.081 0 0.000 1 0.021 0 0.000 0 0.000 7 0.016 4 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 4 0.081 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 4 0.009 SA 0 0.000 0 0.000 2 0.041 5 0.102 2 0.040 2 0.041 1 0.020 2 0.042 1 0.021 15 0.035 6A 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 1 0.020 3 0.063 0 0.000 1 0.021 1 0.021 6 0.014 TA 2 0.044 1 0.021 3 0.061 1 0.020 7 0.142 2 0.041 4 0.082 0 0.000 1 0.021 21 0.048 TOTAL 2 0.007 2 0.007 5 0.017 7 0.024 18 0.061 7 0.024 6 0.021 3 0.010 3 0.010 53 0.020 Le TABLE 6.TRAP NET CATCH STATISTICS FOR CHINOOK SALMON-1995 SAMPLING WEEK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 TOTAL NEF CATCH CPH CATCH CPH CATCH CPH CATCH CPH CATCH CPH CATCH CPH CATCH CPH CATCH CPH CATCH CPH CATCH CPH 1 0 0.000 3 0.065 2 0.041 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 5 0.012 3 6 0.133 2 0.043 1 0.021 3 0.061 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 2 0.028 4 1 0.022 9 0.193 4 0.283 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 )0.000 1 0.021 3 0.058 SA 3 0.066 2 0.043 1 0.021 1 0.020 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 7 0.016 6A 19 0.417 4 0.086 1 0.021 0 0.000 0 0,000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 ra)0.056 TA 9 0.200 11 0.236 10 0.205 4 0.081 9 0.183 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 8 0.099 TOTAL 38 0.140 31 0.111 2 0.099 8 0.027 9 0.030 0 0.000 0 0.000 0 0.000 1 0.003 116 0.045 se TABLE 7.SEINE CATCH SUMMARY FOR PINK SALMON -1995 DATE UNTAGGED TAGGED TOTAL 08/02 46 7 53 08/09 83 10 93 08/14 209 15 224 08/21 369 11 380 08/29 150 2 152 09/05 158 6 164 TOTALS 1015 51 1066 39 TABLE 8.CARCASS COUNT SUMMARY -1995 SPECIES DATE UNTAGGED TAGGED TOTAL PINK SALMON 07/26 0 1 1 08/01 1 0 1 08/03 3 1 4 08/08 4 0 4 08/09 3 0 3 08/10 21 1 22 08/15 23 4 27 08/16 12 3 15 08/17 32 6 38 08/22 37 1 38 08/23 162 1 163 08/24 182 10 192 08/29 70 5 75 08/30 149 6 155 08/31 158 4 162 09/05 137 10 147 09/06 77 4 81 09/07 117 0 117 09/12 1 0 1 09/13 12 0 12 1201 57 1258 CHUM SALMON 08/15 5 1 6 08/16 1 1 2 08/17 4 0 4 08/22 1 0 1 11 2 13 CHINOOK SALMON 07/20 1 0 1 07/27 0 1 1 08/01 2 0 2 08/03 2 0 2 08/07 2 0 2 08/08 2 O 2 08/09 2 i")2 08/10 1 1 2 08/15 8 1 9 08/17 3 0 3 23 3 26 SOCKEYE SALMON 08/24 0 1 1 0 1 1 COHO SALMON 09/06 1 0 1 09/13 0 1 1 1 1 2 40 TABLE 9.COMPARISON OF THE WEEK OF MARKING WITH THE WEEK OF RECAPTURE FOR ALL PINK SALMON TRAP NET RECAPTURES-| 1995 RECAPTURE MARKING WEEK WEEK 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 TOTAL 1 0 2 0 3 5 5 10 4 2 6 23 £17 48 5 1 10 16 ii 38 6 1 1 4 12 ill 6 35 7 2 4 #2 =15 3 28 8 1 7 3 11 9 1 1 TOTAL RECAPS.3 13 44 350 24 21 =13 3 0 171 TOTAL TAGS OUT 59 101 338 877 475 373 275 32 0 2530 %RECAPTURED 3 13 13 6 5 6 5 9 41 TABLE 10:FOX FARM CREEK VISUAL SURVEYS-1995 DATE SPECIES TOTALLIVE LIVEW/TAGS TOTALDEAD DEAD W/TAGS JUL19 CHUM 1 0 0 0 JUL26 CHUM 5 0 0 0 AUG03 CHUM 4 0 1 0 PINK 0 0 1 07 AUG08 CHUM 3 0 0 0 AUG 16 PINK 71 0 0 0 AUG 23 PINK 95 0 0 0 AUG 29 _-s PINK 17 0 3 0 SEP 07 PINK 18 0 3 0 SEP 13 NO FISH 42 cyTABLE 11.MARK-RECAPTURE POPULATION ESTIMATES FOR PINK SALMON-1995 WEEK TOTALCATCH TAGSOUT RECAPS -95%R +95%R POP.EST.-95%N +95%N(Past 2-wks)_(R)(N)RE NET | 1 63 0 0 ..... 2 103 59 0 .-... 3 321 160 5 1.6 11.7 8640 32402 4432 4 878 439 29 19.4 41.6 12892 19937 9298 5 553 1215 26 17.0 38.0 24951 39628 =--:17729 6 525 1352 23 14.6 34.4 29653 48746 «=:20689 7 559 848 17 9.9 27.2 26413 48025. =-«17480 8 173 648 7 2.8 14.4 14116 40332-7843 9 11 307 1 0.1 5.6 1848 36961 661 RECAPTURE VIA SEINE 3 53 328 7 2.8 14.4 2221 6346 1235 4 93 90 10 4.7 18.4 7785 18221 4655 5 224 1215 15 8.4 24.8 17100 32572,-Ss«11033 6 380 1352 11 5.4 19.7 42958 95463-26168 7 152 848 2 0.2 7.2 43299 649486 «18042 8 164 648 6 2.2 13.1 15298 48676 -«8175 RECAPTURE VIA CARCASS COUNTS 5 (8/15-8/17)80 1215 13 6.9 22.3 7035 14276 4418 6 (8/22-8/24)393 1352 12 6.2 21 41006 85982-25386 7 (8/29-8/31)392 848 15 8.4 24.8 20854 39722 13455 8 (9/05-9/07)345 648 14 7.7 23.5 14970 29164 9556 r.)Ee ARI sre AnN oO 'LENG vee "\TREE BARHOOLIGAN"\AGACH SLOUGH SHORT SLOUGH \ as N Lonastogan (7 FOX FARM CAEEK beESE etuov aaga 8.0 ot6.©RIVER MAES o met 600SCALE /FIGURE 1 'LOWER BRADLEY RIVER WITH | SALMON ESCAPEMENT STUDY AREA 44 END VIEW Showing offset throat C O-C) 4' Open Top Float Line 12° 12” BOTTOM 4'4! SIDE VIEW Figure 2 Bradley River Trap Net Design (As Modified in 1990) 45 Key Trap Nets Seine Sites --Figure 3. Scale in Feet Trap Net Locations andSeineSites 46 CATCHPERHOURPINK SALMON -1995 JULY AUGUST SEPT Figure 4.Catch-per-unit-effort for pink salmon by study week. 3 45 6 STUDY WEEK > 47 CATCHPERHOURCHUM SALMON -1995 JULY |AUGUST 4 SEPT0.3- 0.25-S0.15-p)=_,10 7 ;7 Prsseaasee ,aa cs aR ra 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 STUDY WEEK Figure 5.Catch-per-unit-effort for chun salmon by study week. 48 CATCHPERHOURCOHO SALMON -1995 JULY AUGUST Figure 6. 1 2 3 4 5 6 STUDY WEEK 7 Catch-per-unit-effort for coho salmon by study week. 49 CATCHPERHOURSOCKEYE SALMON -1995 JULY AUGUST 4 SEPT Figure 7.Catch-per-unit-effort for sockeye-salmon by study week. 4°5 6 7 8 Q STUDY WEEK 50 CATCHPERHOURCHINOOK SALMON -1995 JULY AUGUST SEPT Figure 8. 1 2 Catch-per-unit-effort for chinook salmon by study week. 3 STUDY WEEK 51 ri == SEPTAUGUST PINK SALMON RIPE MALES AND FEMALES JULY oo ogo 0000 O OoorOaNWM AONAONSNOAYS LNAOYAd STUDY WEEK MALES [J FEMALES f ripe pink salmon byPercentfrequencyofoccurrenceostudyweek. Figure 9. 52 SS -Low Density Spawning Area N -High Density Spawning Area oleleeyeenerateetetetes:aoe,fatete®. ScaleinFeet FIGURE 10. Pink salmon spawning areas. 53 N -Spawning Area :=Gravel Bar ScaleinFeet FIGURE 11. Chinook salmon spawning areas. 54 EST.ESCAPEMENT &CATCH/HR.-1986-1995 PINK SALMON YHNOH Yad HOLVO l Lli j J | } SECT LOL ALLELERSWREEDW"ont ot Be "Brean REGULATED FLOW NEE MELAR MEDD MSW EEL NWSE SESEADSSLA PARTON{ erojee WNTeaeA, ' 74i] '1 §G a oc) (spugsnotL)AN3SW3AdVOS3 GaLVWILSS 1990 61991 1992 1993 1994 STUDY YEAR 1988 19691967= CATCH PER HOUR BR]EST.ESCAPEMENT Estimated escapement and trap net catch per hour for pink salmon -1986 through 1995. Figure 12. 55 CATCHPERHOUR0.3- 0.25 02> 0.15- Oo1- 0.08 TRAP NET CATCH/HOUR-1986 THROUGH 1995 CHUM SALMON REGULATED FLOW Figure 13. 1987 1988 Trap net catch per hour for chum salmon -1986 through 1995. 19990-1991 STUDY YEAR 56 1992 1993 1994 1995 COHO SALMON TRAP NET CATCH/HOUR-1986 THROUGH 1995 OWL1REGULATEDF 19868 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 STUDY YEAR 0.09 0.08-- 0.07- J ] cod Ss YNOH Had HOLVS 0.03 Figure 14.Trap net catch per hour for coho salmon -1986 through1995. 57 CATCHPERHOURTRAP NET CATCH/HOUR-1986 THROUGH 1995 SOCKEYE SALMON 0.08- 0.07-REGULATED FLOW 0.06- 0.05 0.04 0.03- 0.02 0.01 atti:oe0SRS E E 1986 1987 1988 1990 1961 1992 1993 STUDY YEAR Figure 15.Trap net catch per hour for sockeye salmon -1986through1995. 58 TRAP NET CATCH/HOUR-1986 THROUGH 1995 CHINOOK SALMON REGULATED FLOW | 1990 1991 0.045- 0.04 0.0354 0.03 eg33YNOH Yad HOLVYO of 1992 1993 1994 1995 STUDY YEAR 1988 19891987 Trap net catch per hour for chinook salmon -1986 through 1995.Figure 16. 59 APPENDIX A-1.PINK SALMON CATCH RECORDS Al-1 WEEK DAY METH SITE #SEX COND LENGTH TAG COL TAG #RECAP # 1 7/19 1 1 M 3 498 Y 23301 1 7/19 1 5 F 2 470 Y 302 1 7/19 1 5 F 2 490 Y¥303 1 7/19 1 7 F 1 498 Y¥304 1 7/19 1 7 M 2 495 Y 305 1 7/19 1 7 F 2 500 Y 306 1 7/19 1 7 F 2 499 Y 307 1 7/19 1 7 F 2 511 ¥308 1 7/19 1 7 F 2 516 Y 309 1 7/19 1 7 F 2 469 Y¥310 1 7/19 1 7 M 2 550 Y 311 1 7/19 1 7 M 2 530 Y¥312 1 7/19 1 7 F 2 479 Y 313 1 7/19 1 7 F 2 460 Y 314 1 7/19 1 7 M 3 580 Y 315 1 7/19 1 7 F 1 490 Y 316 1 7/19 1 7 F 2 480 Y 317 1 7/19 1 7 F 2 511 Y 318 1 7/19 1 7 F 1 479 ¥319 1 7/19 1 7 F 1 452 Y 320 1 7/19 1 7 F 1 512 Y 321 1 7/19 1 7 F 1 489 Y 326 1 7/19 1 7 M 2 554 Y 327 1 7/19 1 7 F 2 477 Y 329 1 7/19 1 7 F 1 480 Y¥330 1 7/19 1 7 F 2 477 Y 331 1 7/19 1 7 M 1 492 Y 332 1 7/19 1 7 M 2 496 Y 333 1 7/19 1 7 F 2 473 Y 334 1 7/19 1 7 M 1 540 Y 335 1 7/19 1 7 F 2 509 Y 336 1 7/19 1 7 F 2 500 Y 337 1 7/19 1 7 M 1 504 Y 338 1 7/19 1 7 M 6 516 1 7/19 1 7 M 6 517 1 7/19 1 7 M 2 479 Y 341 1 7/19 1 7 M 2 490 Y 342 1 7/19 1 7 F 2 500 Y 343 1 7/19 1 7 F 2 490 Y 344 1 7/19 1 7 F 1 490 Y 345 1 7/19 1 7 F 1 460 B 26 1 7/19 1 3 M 1 465 Y 347 1 7/19 1 7 M 1 580 Y 348 1 7/19 1 7 F 1 495 Y 349 1 7/19 1 7 M 2 526 Y 351 1 7/19 1 3 M 2 518 Y 352 1 7/19 1 3 F 1 500 Y 353 1 7/19 1 3 M 2 554 Y 354 1 7/20 1 1 M 3 555 Y 356 1 7/20 1 5 F 1 420 Y 357 1 7/20 1 5 F 1 445 Y 358 APPENDIX A-l. WE NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNHMPPRPPRPPRPRPPPPe2baDAY 7/20 7/20 7/20 7/20 7/20 7/20 7/20 7/20 7/20 7/20 7/20 7/20 7/25 7/25 7/26 7/26 7/26 7/26 7/26 7/26 7/26 7/26 7/26 7/26. 7/26 7/26 7/26 7/26 7/26 7/26 7/26 7/26 7/26 7/26 7/26 7/26 7/26 7/26 7/26 7/26 7/26 7/26 7/26 7/26 7/26 7/26 7/26 7/26 7/26 7/26 7/26 7/26 PINK SALMON CATCH RECORDS METH SITE #SEX PREPPEPPPPRPPRPPRPPPRPERPRPPEPRPPHERPPHPEPRPPRPPPPRPPPPPPRPEPEPPPRPRPREPREPBNNNWWWWWWUUKOONOANTQWAAAEWWWUUUNONAAWWNHNHsooeesesesARCICRCACPClecsBeBCACIeICCCICIecBeRCRCRCccBeBecesccEcAl-2 COND LENGTH TAG COL TAG #RECAP #PRPRPRPNRPRFNPRFNRFRPNFRPNUNWNHNEFNNNNWWNHNNNNNWNHWWWWNHNAANNNFNNWN490 510 532 537 482 475 508 475 594 517 591 494 519 570 528 460 527 550 515 515 490 540 505 550 509 466 503 495 510 490 502 512 465 500 508 470 470 485 475 475 485 520 530 479 548 510 460 530 482 450 495 480 KKEGGEGOGBGORRSRGRGGSFGRGRGAGFGFGRGRGGSFSIOGGGGGIRKGIGGRKRGG23359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 APPENDIX A-1. WE 53ANNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNDNDAY 7/26 7/26 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 PINK SALMON CATCH RECORDS METH SITE #SEX PREPPEPHPPRPPHEHEHPPPPPPPEEPPRPPPEPRPRPRPPPPPPRPRPRPPRRPPRPRPPPPPPPPPPAAAArFAHRQHHIIdndNSNWWWWWWWWOUOARPARAAAS) )boSeleccRCSCScScleBRscAIeeRcBeecCBceeAl-3 COND LENGTH TAG COL TAG #RECAP #NNWNPPEPWARDWRPEPHEENPPNPRPPRPPPNPPNPNPEPEPPUNPNNNPNENPWPWWPN510 495 500 490 500 518 470 535 490 520 500 510 523 520 481 480 499 435 460 500 500 501 500 510 495 445 520 502 489 510 505 490 469 510 488 450 525 463 499 510 540 540 485 560 420 534 486 491 474 530 536 486 HKOOOROROROROKOROSORIGOGOFORSFSOKKGGGGKKRRHRHEEGKKKKKKS23409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 452 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 APPENDIX A-1. WE WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWDDYNYNYYDYNNDND/PBBxDAY 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 PINK SALMON CATCH RECORDS METH SITE #SEX PRPRPPRPRPPRPPEPBPPBPPBPPHPPRPPEPERBPPRPPPRPRPPRPRPRPPRPEPPRPRPPPPPPPPPPPATALPLLhhAHAHHAHINHNHSHNOUUNNAUNHGOUNUYAAAanoanaannaynanwwwwaanvnHcesiIcccceccceciceBeCRBeBeeCReBeeeBeieBeeee)A1l-4 COND LENGTH TAG COL TAG #RECAP #-WNHNWWWWWWNHAWWNHWNHNNNWNHWWWNHWNHNNWNHONDWNHNNNNWNHNRPRPRPRPRPRPRPRPRRNW460 572 461 488 460 467 460 450 515 496 460 515 461 502 511 432 435 460 482 480 480 615 480 510 500 452 475 502 460 510 495 490 525 500 510 430 492 465 500 510 480 500 519 462 470 525 505 545 420 510 472 504 RKKKKKKKKRKKRRKGKGKROGGGOROKOGOGKRIGKRRSRRRIGRKIREGKS23460 461 462 463 464 465 467 468 469 470 471 483 484 485 486 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 23382 23453 APPENDIX A-1. WE nxDAY 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 PINK SALMON CATCH RECORDS METH SITE #SEX PRPPRPRPPPHPPPPHPBPEPHPPRPRPPPPRPRPRPPRPRPPRPEPPRPERPBPPEPPPPPPPPPPPPPAdovhAhHhAKrAHQQISITISHWNWNINNSNSNWWWOUAGOKIaannnnaanniann»rerranafeibeEciccAcsecIcIIiIIieeieeieieeeBeeceeCoCAl1-5 COND LENGTH TAG COL TAG #RECAP #NWWWNANNNWAANHPFNNWNWWOAARPWWRDHYWWHNNWNHNONNNNNWNHNNEFNEPNNWNW512 501 506 480 470 495 530 450 485 478 480 480 560 542 458 513 495 527 520 538 460 520 480 480 585 465 475 465 510 450 500 600 425 540 500 510 515 540 478 575 497 550 515 505 455 460 555 465 415 474 528 450 KKRKRKKKMKRKRMMRKRRRRRRKERRKRMKKKKKKKKMKKKKKMKIKKKK23523 524 525 526 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 472 473 23448 23513 23453 APPENDIX A-1. WE WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWwWwWwooADAY 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 PINK SALMON CATCH RECORDS METH SITE #SEX PRPRPRPPPPRBEPPPRPPRPRPPRPPPRPPRPPEPPRPRPRPRPPRPPRPPPPPPPPPPPRPPPPPPPPSNSSSISSSSIWOODFIIMNONIAKDAAARAMNIAARAAAAAKeecAleeeeeieCeiCCIRRCCsCRCRCgCRCaCCRCRCasCRCesCcA1l-6 COND LENGTH TAG COL TAG #RECAP #WNHNWNHWNHNNNNFPNONNHNFPRPRNUNNNNNNWWWNHNDNANNNNNNWNHWWWDHWNHWWWDNDWw450 560 460 528 531 500 480 551 503 500 495 510 486 460 540 464 490 478 502 514 487 510 487 490 558 460 545 490 465 520 470 485 510 455 498 489 470 482 485 524 490 496 510 520 507 502 595 481 540 505 520 554 OROOSKOROGOSOGOGRGOGRROSOGGGFGFGFGOGFRORGORGORGOGOGOGEGOGIGOGOGGGGGGEGG23474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 568 569 570 571 572 573 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 APPENDIX A- 1.fdKWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWwWwWwWwDAY 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 PINK SALMON CATCH RECORDS METH SITE #SEX NNNNNNNNNEPRPPEPRPRPPPPRPPRPRPRPPPPPRPPPPPRPPPPPRPPPPPPPPRPRPRPHEHhhhhbLbHhh>hhhhhhhSbPPTsdussnKICIlcsBcislsBCChPcICACgsCCCCesBcScICeBececceBeAl-7 COND LENGTH TAG COL TAG #RECAP #WWWHWNHWNHWANDAANWHWWWNHWWWHONDRPADAAHWWNHDNDWNHONWNHNNWNHODNNNNFPENE515 493 530 476 538 527 498 512 455 491 495 525 480 462 535 485 495 525 580 540 432 505 590 530 530 532 515 518 490 462 484 487 420 501 480 490 499 471 472 418 545 481 440 515 480 500 468 495 510° 450 475 475 MMMOKMKMHMMMKMKKKGMMKKRKKMKKKRKKKRMNKKKKK23617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 136 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 23453 APPENDIX A-1.rdaWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWwWwWwW2DAY 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 PINK SALMON CATCH RECORDS METH SITE #SEX PRPPRPHEPEPPNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNsl Sl sl sl Sl sl Sl sl sl S1 s1 $1 sl $3 83 83 83 S3 S83 $3 83 83 83 S83 83 $3 83 83 83 83 83 $3 83 83 83 S3 83 $3 S3 iIeesiBCIIICSCIICCCRCIRCRCIRCIRCIRCRCEChgCRaBcRCRCCCecceA1-8 COND LENGTH TAG COL TAG #RECAP #WNHNNNWWWWWWWWWWWNYNDNWWWPONWWWWWWWDNWWWWNPWRWWWWWDd445 420 480 441 542 480 525 549 498 510 545 506 523 500 480 525 430 500 500 487 485 475 470 487 560 420 504 490 462 475 505 510 560 488 462 515 511 530 541 480 492 584 554 540 500 430 650 487 480 475 475 504 Ceeeeeeeeeea23661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 23554 23606 23489 23577 23315 23491 23616 APPENDIX A-1l. WE WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWwwWwADAY 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 PINK SALMON CATCH RECORDS METH SITE #SEX PREPRPRPEPEPRPPRPPRPPPBPRPEPPPPRPPPPRPPPPPRPPPRPRPRPPRPPRPRPPRPPRPPRPRPRRPUMMAADAAKHDAAARAAHRYNYQSIWISINNNNSESSIONSOWWWDCeeeeecieaeeeeeeORomeeioeBORBeBekBoeeBeeeBeBeBokeceBeeBee:A1-9 COND LENGTH TAG COL TAG #RECAP #NNNWWNHWWWNWNHWAWANNPRPNNEPNRPRPNENNPRPRPRPRPRPRPPRPNPNNWWNHWWWWNHD560 481 460 452 453 444 480 536 465 478 490 464 515 499 508 479 509 507 495 481 475 453 506 520 510 482 577 487 474 495 515 515 465 462 497 508 475 520 487 458 512 499 483 529 512 540 470 552 485 475 470 503 one-to-oneeeeeeeBea23707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 -737 738 739 740 741 742 743 742 743 744 745 749 750 752 753 754 755 23585 23613 23613 APPENDIX A-1.FdmRDAY 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 3/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 PINK SALMON CATCH RECORDS METH SITE #SEX PRPPRPPPPPPPPRPRPRPPPPPRPRPPPPPRPPPPRPPPRPRPPPPPPPPEPPPPPPPPePeNNNSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSISSSWWWWODUOAAaaanSeICMeeACPnCIcICMCACCCRCSCPCACAICRChesCgeCRCIIICIcIIccccA1-10 COND LENGTH TAG COL TAG #RECAP #NWWEFFPWRRPNUNWNHNNRPRPRPNNNWNHNNNNWNNDNNNWNHNDPWWWWWWWS.WDDWWWWD486 506 524 560 510 490 500 581 570 479 520 520 544 538 535 480 500 593 533 580 505 478 498 538 440 448 508 545 555 498 474 491 480 510 620 533 460 480 481 540 560 450 485 526 497 484 610 470 438 478 581 491 KKKKKKKRKKKRRKRRKRKGKRRRKRMKKKKRKKRKS23756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 APPENDIX A-1.:APhHLHLAAALAHAAHLAAAADAALAHLAAHHLAHAAAHHhPHHWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWDAY 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 PINK SALMON CATCH RECORDS METH SITE #SEX PRRPPPRPRPHPPPRPPRPBPPRPPPPPPPPPRPRPPRPRPRPPPPPRPPPRPRPRPRPEPRPRPRPPRPEPRPEUNEPRPAANATDAAAAAAUARAAUAAAARAAAAGAAARAAAARAAAFobhbbhbbbhHescieeecedeieicieooeBokBomBokBkBeBeBokeBeBeBeeeooBeBeBeeAl-11 COND LENGTH TAG COL TAG #RECAP #WWNHWWNHNWWNHNWWWWUNWWWNHWNHWHNWWPWNHENWNWNWWWNHNNNWAAAKHRPWHE454 496 545 539 531 588 502 464 475 479 485 479 519 562 460 519 520 484 494 490 495 460 540 516 520 520 480 485 490 510 483 450 548 495 530 487 505 460 500 454 440 480 490 575 489 500 475 530 520 484 465 446 Y Y Y 4 KKKRKKMKKMKKKMKKKMMMMKKKMRRKRMMKKKKRRKKK23809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 834 835 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 23649 APPENDIX A-1.PINK SALMON CATCH RECORDS Al-12 WEEK DAY METH SITE #SEX COND LENGTH TAG COL TAG #RECAP # 4 8/8 1 5 M 2 462 Y 23860 4 8/8 1 5 F 2 500 Y 861 4 8/8 1 5 F 2 479 Y 864 4 8/8 1 5 F 2 490 Y 865 4 8/8 1 5 M 3 560 Y 866 4 8/8 1 5 F 2 474 Y¥867 4 8/8 1 5 F 2 490 Y 868 4 8/8 1 5 M 2 500 Y 869 4 8/8 1 5 M 2 560 Y 870 4 8/8 1 5 F 3 520 Y 871 4 8/8 1 5 M 3 535 Y 872 4 8/8 1 5 F 2 494 Y 873 4 8/8 1 5 M 2 490 Y 874 4 8/8 1 5 M 2 450 Y 875 4 8/8 1 5 M 3 480 Y 876 4 8/8 1 5 F 2 496 Y 877 4 8/8 1 5 M 2 435 Y 878 4 8/8 1 5 M 2 500 Y 879 4 8/8 1 5 M 3 350 Y 880 4 8/8 1 5 F 2 470 ¥881 4 8/8 1 5 F 2 475 Y 882 4 8/8 1 5 F 2 495 ¥883 4 8/8 1 5 M 2 518 Y 884 4 8/8 1 5 M 2 474 Y 885 4 8/8 1 5 M 2 515 Y 886 4 8/8 1 5 M 3 514 ¥887 4 8/8 1 5 F 2 500 Y 888 4 8/8 1 5 M 2 555 Y 889 4 8/8 1 5 F 2 491 ¥890 4 8/8 1 5 F 2 478 Y 891 4 8/8 1 5 M 3 560 Y 892 4 8/8 1 5 M 3 430 Y 893 4 8/8 1 5 M 3 502 Y 894 4 8/8 1 5 F 2 510 Y 895 4 8/8 1 5 M 3 470 Y 896 4 8/8 1 5 F 1 495 Y 897 4 8/8 1 5 F 2 498 Y 898 4 8/8 1 5 F 2 475 Y 23319 4 8/8 1 5 F 2 468 Y 899 4 8/8 1 5 M 2 540 Y 900 4 8/8 1 5 F 2 518 ¥901 4 8/8 1 5 F 2 520 Y 902 4 8/8 1 5 M,3 505 Y 903 4 8/8 1 5 F 2 508 Y 904 4 8/8 1 5 M 4 504 Y 905 4 8/8 1 5 M 3 495 Y 23583 4 8/8 1 5 F 2 480 Y 906 4 8/8 1 5 M 4/5 470 Y 907 4 8/8 1 5 M 3 550 Y 908 4 8/8 1 5 M 3 510 Y 909 4 8/8 1 5 F 2 450 Y 910 4 8/8 1 5 F 2 475 Y 911 APPENDIX A-1.rdRPrPPLHHAPAALAHLAAAAAALAAHLALHLAHhLELHhheaAAHDHehHhHAHLADHAHLHhhoSSPDAY 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 PINK SALMON CATCH RECORDS METH SITE #SEX PRPPRPRPPBEEPPEPPPEBPPEPPPRPPRPBPPPPPPRPRPRPRPPRPPPPEPEPRPRPBPRPPBPRPRPRPPPPPAanWns)sdsssswWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWwWOoonwnuHClesBcARcAAo-PsccIPCIISS"lshsAPeaisIAleIesesieiccAl-13 COND LENGTH TAG COL TAG #RECAP #WwWNNNWWNOWWWERPDNEPNWNHWWNWEWWWWNWWNHDNPWRNWNHRPONWWNHWWNHWDNHANDWWWwWWwWooon520 450 525 448 550 485 468 466 475 455 505 412 495 465 455 460 460 420 510 455 524 528 500 492 498 520 522 483 519 498 448 468 510 480 485 500 450 499 470 530 500 355 550 490 562 548 455 490 545 520 460 520 KKKKKRMKRMMKMRRKRRRRRRMRMRRRRRRRKRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRKK23912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 23553 23455 APPENDIX A- 1. WE PLLAHAAMAHALAAAHALAHLAHLAAHHAHLAHAhLAHLAhAHLHeAHHHEheehhAHLSSSSFIyaDAY 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 PINK SALMON CATCH RECORDS METH SITE #SEX PREPBEEPPPPEPPPPPPEEPPEPRPPRPHPPPPPPPPRPBPRPRPPBPPRPPPPPRPRPPPPPPPeWOUAUMAAAAAaaawaIAgwIwnro1wnqawnra»leormnPrAAAAHAAAAAAAAAAARAAGAAAARAARAAASFeIIAlsccIICsaCPCCIeeesBiCCecCe|Al1l-14 COND LENGTH TAG COL TAG #RECAP #rfWWWWWDHWWPWRFRWWNWNWWWNHDNDDONWWDNWWWWWWnDWWWNnNWWWNWWPWNYNDNDND512 516 485 465 600 532 532 443 462 535 483 470 470 542 523 500 520 516 484 485 472 498 527 495 530 560 520 428 521 505 510 554 440 472 505 565 472 470 475 490 480 494 480 486 485 520 482 542 495 528 511 510 HSRSOGOSFGFGOGFROGOGOGEGOGFGOGOKOSOGOGOKOGOGOGOGOGOGOGKKKKKMMRRRKKKKKKKK23987 988 989 990 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 958 959 960 961 962 964 965 966 971 972 973 974 975 24201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 23500 23571 23635 APPENDIX A-1. WE SLAHAPL_AHAAHLALAHAHAHAALAAAHAHAHHLEeheHLHHPHEHEEhLEHHLAbhSSbbPHFIADAY 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/9 8/9 PINK SALMON CATCH RECORDS METH SITE #SEX PRPPEPPPEPPPRPPPPPPBPBPPBRPRPRPPRPPHPPPRPPRPPPRPEPRPRPPRPRPRPRPRPRPRPRPRPHAAHbHhLAAHLAAHHoeHMPhePITSNNSNgnnnWWWdWwunuwuwF BapsaySenSSSTSSSSPSTSSSRRRASRAAISIRIRSSRIASTRSIRRSAl1-15 COND LENGTH TAG COL TAG #RECAP #WNHNNNWNNNWENWWWWWNHWWHAAAKHNNWWNHNNWNNNRFRPWWNHENEFWNHNWNHNEWNoO504 468 495 510 484 511 498 474 445 500 480 485 510 496 452 560 534 500 570 520 484 531 490 540 500 495 483 478 528 508 542 483 516 542 530 470 500 540 490 475 530 500 525 469 510 520 445 495 515 514 473 493 KKKRRRRRMRRRMKRRKRRKKKMMMMMKKRRKMRKRRKRKK24215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 23600 23822 APPENDIX A-1.eXKLL_ALAHLHPLAHDALAHALALAHLADAHAAALAhShAPAHAHAADHALHhLALAhkALAHhhPLhbbhDAY 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 PINK SALMON CATCH RECORDS METH SITE #SEX PRPPRPRPERPERPRPPPRBPPRPBPPRPPRPPHPPBPPPRPRPRPPRPPPPPPPPEPPRPRPRPPPPRPPPePRAQuNaauvnaynanyeeePPHPRPPRPPRPRPPDDDAAAAAAAHAHAAAAAAHHAAAAARAAHARAAAASececfciccIBckciieiefeeciiCeiccesBceoBeBcecieA1-16 COND LENGTH TAG COL TAG #RECAP #>NWWWNWNWWNHNWWWNHNNNNWWWNHWNHWNHNNWNHNDWWNHWNHNWWWWNHWNHWWWhWD490 502 505 560 535 480 509 470 468 496 442 584 520 502 490 498 466 552 512 470 445 550 518 476 521 502 490 492 546 522 585 455 491 516 522 500 474 544 461 505 460 534 535 534 495 496 465 480 576 580 474 473 KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKMMRMKMKKMRMMRMKRMMRKRRRKKKKKK24263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 23978 23505 APPENDIX A-1.SiPhPhhhbhhhhHhbhAHAhAHAALHLAHAHALAAHLAALLhhAAHLHLhhALAHLAHbhDSOFDAY 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 PINK SALMON CATCH RECORDS METH SITE #SEX PREPRPPRPPRPRPEPRPPRPPRPRPRPPPRPEPPPPPRPRPPPPPEPPPPBPPPPPPPRPPPPPPPPeWWWUOKUUHKUAOAawawnaynraynaaannanwnuNannaanannananaanannnauwnrananoSOURSRSDWSIRRSRADIARRSIIIIISSIRSSSRSSSTRDRIDAl-17 COND LENGTH TAG COL TAG #RECAP #&WNWONWRFPAWWANNWWNHNNNRPNEFWWNHWNHNNNNWHWWWRPWNHYNWWWWPNWHWNDY530 500 515 590 482 510 504 551 555 508 620 522 578 538 530 481 516 505 460 476 425 500 477 500 470 512 448 510 430 540 472 502 498 480 494 360 521 490 560 485 479 459 523 502 560 520 558 430 430 490 486 514 KERRKRKOOGOGOKOOROGOGOGOKOGOGOROSROGORFGOGOGOGOGFGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGOGKGOROSOGOGOGOGOGOG23317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 23635 23529 LOST TAG APPENDIX A-1. WE PLLAHALAALAAHHLAAHLAAAAHALALHLHAAALEHLAHELLHLHHEHHLHHSHhhhADSADAY 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 PINK SALMON CATCH RECORDS METH SITE #SEX PREPRPPBPEPPPPPPBEEPPPPPPPPRPEPPRPPRPPPRPRPPPRPRPRPPRPRPPRPRPPEHPRPRPREPEE3 YYSSUNIQUESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSISWWWWWWjeeeSeccecAccccCCceBcecccBeeeeoAl1-18 COND LENGTH TAG COL TAG #RECAP # 3/5 3 aun>>NWWWWWOLNBWWWWWWWWWDDdWwwulrayoOFS445 460 480 505 510 498 530 558 434 560 584 589 540 548 472 481 520 480 566 460 490 493 496 495 540 490 460 560 540 445 511 560 482 395 505 509 522 550 560 508 460 505 470 553 470 453 493 545 525 451 464 487 KKKKKKKKKKKKORKRKKRRRRRRRKRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRKIKKKK24366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 23572 23630 23754 APPENDIX A-1. WE LAPALAPAHAAAAAAALALAAAHLAHAPhALHAAHHAHDAHHLAAAALAHLAHhhhbPPbPaDAY 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 PINK SALMON CATCH RECORDS METH SITE #SEX PREPRPRPEPPHPPPPRRPPRPPBPPRPPREPRERPPPEPRPPPRPPEPPRPHERPRPPRPRPRPRPRPRPEPRPRPPRRELLHhhAHhhALHLAAHLALHLAHPhADADALALAHAhAHHALHhAHLHSAbPhesHSINceBeieIcieoeBeBcieBeBeMcaieBeeBeRcBcceacccBcccccAl-19 COND LENGTH TAG COL TAG #RECAP #ANAKHAAARAwW&PWNHNWNWWNWWPWWBWPWWERNNWNDWWWWWWWNWWWWbWWWD532 565 564 484 560 479 568 535 494 524 497 481 522 500 520 500 582 475 480 495 496 623 520 499 578 552 580 498 497 495 482 488 460 554 515 510 506 470 520 430 460 546 476 454 518 485 518 483 500 538 488 460 Y Y SKSOKGOGRKOROKRGKRKRRGKKOGGG24414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 476 477 478 479 23949 24239 23382 APPENDIX A-1.iStPAALAHLAHLAALHAHAHALAAHALADAAhALHALAHAHAHAAHLHLHHHLShhLHPbSfLPPSOF4xDAY 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 PINK SALMON CATCH RECORDS METH SITE #SEX NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNRPRPRPRPPRPRPRPPRPRPPRPRPPRPRPPRPRPRPPPehorHhPSHHPHhHALHPHhhHhAhbhbhbhbhbh&caehafajtatPatteteTeTrayDSaPadafaeafohdwA1-20 COND LENGTH TAG COL TAG #RECAP #&mWWNb&wbP&&4/5 ob \ol4/5 WWNHWWWWWWWWPREPEWWNHYSKWWPENWWRPWAAKHAAAARAAADTAK478 562 460 486 506 501 500 473 420 460 470 520 578 579 550 500 515 585 495 487 495 440 460 572 540 560 507 542 512 532 485 518 540 468 470 514 500 560 500 555 538 502 398 494 544 502 530 548 528 490 480 500 MRMRRRRKKKKKGKa]KRMKKKMMMMMRKRKKKMKRRK24480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 23517 23474 23680 23665 23477 APPENDIX A-1. WE LhLALALAKHAAAAAHAAAAAAAHLAHALAAHHAHEEAHLAHHAHLAAHLHALEAHLSSPSPasDAY 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 PINK SALMON CATCH RECORDS METH SITE #SEX NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNs1 S1 $1 sl sl Sl s1 $1 $1 Sl Sl Sl $1 S1 sl sl $1 $1 sl Sl s1 $1 $1 S1 $3 83 S83 83 83 S83 83 83 $3 S83 S83 $3 $3 $3 83 83 $3 83 83 S83 83 83 $3 $3 83 $3 $3 $3 pcfcececkckcicccIcieeIBccBkcSckccceceeeeBcBcBeBOBRBeeBeeeeeeeAl-21 COND LENGTH TAG COL TAG #RECAP #bFyNWNPNROWNNNWNPPPWho))oO18)Ww&WNOWWWNHWNHWWWWWwolNNWONaun>NWNDNMWWDNWWWWwW580 470 550 570 600 530 488 537 540 480 541 460 510 441 520 510 528 502 519 481 442 528 515 470 525 615 495 610 450 575 400 435 500 485 515 486 475 540 500 580 510 545 560 460 555 570 495 565 510 480 490 525 KKKIRKKKMKKKKKKMMMKKKKKRRRRKKKRRRRRKKKKKKRRRKRRRRRK24469 470 471 472 473 474 475 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 23977 23507 23527 23693 24497 23684 APPENDIX A-1l. WE ALLALLLALLLASEALALALALALALAARERRRRREEEEDAY 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 PINK SALMON CATCH RECORDS METH SITE #SEX PRPRPPEPRPPHEPPPRHPPPEPRPHERPHPPPREPRPPRPEPPPRPPRPRPEPRPRPRPNNNNNNNNNNNNN83 S3 83 53 $3 $3 83 ANDAANAAAANAANAAADAAAAHAAAAAAAAAARAARAHAAAHAAAHAARADAAAAAacfcaeeciccsBcBcecicIeIIcIIIciccecBBeBBBeeBeBeheeeBes)Al-22 COND LENGTH TAG COL TAG #RECAP #WWWWNWNHNWWHWNHWNHWWWRPNHWNHEWWWWWWWWWWWNWNWWWWWNWWNWNWDWwo530 515 473 545 500 466 485 516 470 480 530 535 520 520 434 528 550 498 454 502 534 448 523 508 555 438 528 475 465 538 514 494 470 485 530 505 465 500 508 485 480 486 553 464 610 488 520 491 502 497 452 510 KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKRRRKKMMRKKRMKRKKKKKRR24541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 23844 24254 APPENDIX A-1l. WE PHLAALPAALLAAALAAHLHAHAALAHAALHhABDAHDALAAAAAAHAHDHhEALSb&SxDAY 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 PINK SALMON CATCH RECORDS METH SITE #SEX PREPEEPRPPPEPPRPPBEEPPREPPREPPPBPBPBREBPRPRPPPPPRPEPPPEPPEPEPPPPEHEANIMANaynwaanana»aqannuauwnwnnNaaggnaiananawnanananangnrerPerPreerrOOoeeikcIfcicecicIcIBciciciccchchcihciiaCeeescceeeeeccceeAl-23 COND LENGTH TAG COL TAG #RECAP # 4/5 ryNWNOWNWWWWWNDWWWNWNHWWWWDNHWNHDNPWWWDNWWDDWPNWNHONNNWWWW448 474 494 485 490 433 530 445 511 466 525 480 530 490 480 475 520 480 540 438 470 460 542 580 475 540 490 480 500 530 460 440 565 460 522 502 552 520 480 490 451 499 570 424 536 548 492 481 456 480 540 475 KKKKKKKKKKKRKKKKKKKRRRRKKKKKKKMRMRMRRRRRRRRRKKKK24592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 LOST TAG 24479 APPENDIX A-1. WE LPLHPHLALAAHAAAHHAAAAHHAAALHLAALAAAAAAHAAAhHAHAeAHheHAHEhebPPSSxDAY 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 PINK SALMON CATCH RECORDS METH SITE #SEX PRPEPPPBPRPRPRPPRPRPPRPBPPRPPPBRPRPPEPEPPRPRPRPEPEPPRPPPEEPPRPRPRPRPRPRRPBRBENNWUYUYASYUNOSSSISSSIWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWNUnNOaoaw4gCRRamSoeS2SoeSBROnBoeSeBeeBoaeBonoBoeEBBekeenBeBekBeBeBeRoBekBdeAl-24 COND LENGTH TAG COL TAG #RECAP #olooRwNVNWWNWWWWWWLYLNWWLYNPWWWRWNWWUWNWYUPNNNNNWNUWYENWWWUWNNNWN501 600 499 495 500 508 465 494 488 500 499 475 520 460 520 480 542 535 530 480 540 500 555 475 542 545 455 460 538 445 455 490 465 520 480 445 435 535 458 500 500 530 490 515 500 510 530 520 550 475 520 480 eeeeeeeeee24643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 660 661 662 663 664 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 24366 23552 APPENDIX A-1. WE LLLALAAALAAAHARADAAAHLAAHLAAAAALAALLAHAAHAALLAAHhdHHLHLLSPSbPtyADAY 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 PINK SALMON CATCH RECORDS METH SITE #SEX PREPRPBBPPPPBPEBPBPPPHPPPPBPPRPPPEPRPRPPEPPPPPRPBPBPRPRPPRPRPRPRPPRPRPRPPREHeeOeeeOSOeBeiiiiBeieieiieieieieaSeeesecieieieieeeiBeececceecBBeeeeeeBeeeAl1-25 COND LENGTH TAG COL TAG #RECAP #WwNWWNFRPWNWWWWNDNDNNDWWWHWWWNFWPWNWNWWWWWWNWNHWNHWNWDWWWwm515 495 570 435 495 460 510 460 530 472 520 475 490 500 445 460 575 519 572 460 525 495 510 490 455 540 490 515 480 450 490 455 525 480 480 495 496 475 435 490 490 540 515 535 580 525 565 480 490 505 455 510 KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKRRMRRMKKMKRMRRKRMRRRRRRRRR24698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 24208 23976 24491 23305 24433 23499 23903 APPENDIX A-1. WE PhhhhAAHAHAHAHHhAALHLHLLHLLHLHHeeHELHHLALARAHALALAHLHhhbLbbhbSbPOBIADAY 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 PINK SALMON CATCH RECORDS METH SITE #SEX PRPRPPRPPPBPHPBBPPPEPPPEEPRPPPRPPPPRPRPPPRPPEPPPPRPRPRPPRPBPRPRPPRPBPRPPPPbahHALHAHAHAHhAAHAHHhHHHeISSNNNNNSSNSSSSSSFSIRIASISRSADTRSIDAIRSSRRRRSSRSSAVRIASSSRISSIRRRRSSAl-26 COND LENGTH TAG COL TAG #RECAP # 3 4/5 3/5 &WwWWWWHWNPENEWWNNWWWEWNWNWHAADAADAAAAAWWNNWNPNNNWWDNWooO595 473 453 529 635 520 490 496 510 594 495 500 520 470 490 504 483 510 530 587 585 460 500 550 450 470 540 482 470 475 530 500 490 500 460 495 496 450 490 495 493 425 525 476 510 480 525 462 520 446 549 510 MMMMMRMKMMMKKKKIKKGEGMMMMKKKRRRRMRRRRKRKKKK24743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 23639 23924 APPENDIX A-1. WE PLPHPeHHhHAAAAHLAHLALLHAAHLHAHLALLAHPALHhAHLHEAHLAALAAAAASHbbPbHPBinmDAY 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/9 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 PINK SALMON CATCH RECORDS METH SITE #PRPRPBPEPPRPBPPPPEPPPPRPPRPRPPRPRPEPPRPRPERPEPPRPPRPPRPPPRPRPPRPRPPRPPRPRPPPPBAAAARAAALHLHhALHhALHALALHehHhHhLhHhHhHkhhhhbhHHhLHAHAALAAHAHAHALbbhSEX F M M F M M M F M M F M M F M M M M M M F F M M M M F M M F M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M F M F Al-27 COND LENGTH TAG COL TAG #RECAP #NWNPWWWWADAHAHAAAAWWWWWWWWUWNWWWWWWDNNWWWWWWWWWDWWWdWWDd445 560 570 470 510 495 495 530 500 520 480 422 530 485 520 475 450 504 480 485 465 485 555 525 446 525 520 465 446 456 467 540 536 510 552 550 526 426 472 520 480 540 445 505 524 530 502 507 520 515 530 464 SKKKRRRRRRRMRRRMRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRKKKKKKKG24788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 23358 23935 23440 23946 24489 23646 APPENDIX A-1. WE PhhhAHAHhLhAHLALHLAHAHAHHALHhALHLAHLALEbhhhbhbehodeLekHbbhADAY 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 PINK SALMON CATCH RECORDS METH SITE #SEX PRPRPEPPBPPPRPPEPRPPBRPRPPRPBPRPPPRPRPPRPPRPPRPPPRPRPPRPRPPPPPRPPRPPRPPRPVQMAoa»anangnrePPPPPPRPPADADAAAAAAARAAAAAAAAAAAARAAARAAAAAAGARAAAAFERCIRCesBsCCPRCPRCARCARCSRCECRCCeCECBeCSCCRCRCRCBCCRCeeCeCCBeBeecccee|A1-28 COND LENGTH TAG COL TAG #RECAP #WWWRHDWWWWWWSWWWWSWWWWSWWWWWNNWWWWWWWDWNWWWWDWDYWWWDDWw490 481 490 509 504 515 490 494 543 492 515 443 456 496 431 498 470 456 543 500 467 467 509 508 512 494 559 536 404 612 490 499 472 555 461 480 498 615 580 544 470 560 494 462 492 450 582 502 490 511 521 542 KMMKMMRKMMMMRRMMMMMMRMRRKRMRRRRRMRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRKKKKKK24828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 23709 23501 24595 23609 APPENDIX A-1. WE teAPhoHhhALALAHALALAHSALAHAAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHLHAHAALhAHAADHLAHLHLAAHHAHHALbhDAY 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 PINK SALMON CATCH RECORDS METH SITE #SEX PEEPPPPRPPRPBPBPPBPPHPPPBPPPRPRPPRPPRPPPRPRPPPRPRPPPPPRPPRPRPEPPPRPRPPPeePehHeeYYIQVINWIdnWndndWWIWWWWUNUNUNOOAAanaannannaawia4caoeeeeeeeeeeeOeoeRROREiBonBeBeBeeieBmoniSomeBomReBeBeBeBokeBkaBccAl-29 COND LENGTH TAG COL TAG #RECAP #WWRFWWWHrFWWRPWNNPFPWNNNPFPWNHWWNHWNHWRWWWNDNDWWNHNWWWNNWNHRWHONNNNW520 465 507 483 573 530 504 514 520 526 464 438 489 458 470 500 510 455 530 481 479 555 552 483 483 468 464 566 474 496 512 490 460 497 502 498 491 522 452 510 481 485 501 441 528 490 440 478 589 458 510 472 24878 879 880 7 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 .912 913 914 915 916 917 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 925 926 927 928KIMKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKRRRMRKRRRKONKK 24516 23749 APPENDIX A-1. WE tiAAQaIaaanwnnywannanwAunanoaunIaqgagaananonanwnInaananaannaaiaannan»ninaeb&&DAY 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/10 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 PINK SALMON CATCH RECORDS METH SITE #SEX PRPRPRPPPPPPPPRPPPPBPPPEEPRRPRPEPRPREPRERPPPPPPRPBPREPBPPPRPRPPPPRPPPPOUPEPEPPANDNHAAKHHAKAAKDAHAAAHAHAADHADADEEPOYVWIVIIVWVUUNUTUNUUNUNUTAaeAosIhcic»BcIRCAAECCQscPcSkcsecChCCeecccBBecEcecBecA1-30 COND LENGTH TAG COL TAG #RECAP # 3 2 3 4/5 NNWWWWWWWWNWNHWWNHDAWWWNHWWWWNWWEPWNNDWNHDNNWWWWwWBWWWD492 488 588 480 435 478 540 470 511 482 543 512 472 515 500 492 500 480 510 475 460 500 510 568 550 515 475 455 459 554 454 485 510 448 500 480 520 515 464 524 505 430 505 510 600 520 460 520 585 540 530 KIKIGKKGKGGGIGOGOGOGKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK24929 930 931 932 933 934 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 23386 23508 24661 APPENDIX A-1l. WE re]ys]AIANaqagngnniannananonanananaIaawnanananannnawnanaaaw»annavoDAY 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 PINK SALMON CATCH RECORDS METH SITE #SEX PRPRPRPPPPPPEPRPPPRPEPPRPPBBPRPPBRPRPPPPPPRPPPRPRPPPPPRPPRPPPBPPPRPRPEPPNNNNSSSSNSSSSSSSISSSSSISISSWWWWWWWWWWNOOaanHeIllBigsBCCCAACCAscPRCIcIRCIARCIIIikeseieeC22A1-31 COND LENGTH TAG COL TAG #RECAP #WNNWWWWWWNHDNYDWWWWNHYWWWNWWDHWNHNWNHWPWPNWWWNHYNWNHWNHNWNHNNWDHNDDY495 474 518 390 440 460 495 464 519 460 502 488 522 480 480 450 560 470 490 495 515 455 527 488 547 475 557 530 500 425 555 500 495 495 430 600 505 529 510 497 500 510 550 535 500 570 527 619 517 436 500 585 HSOKOOOOOSOOORSORGOROGORGOGOGGSKGKGGGOGGROGGGKKOREGEK24977 978 979 980 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 990 991 992 196 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 25000 21597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 24961 24783 APPENDIX A-1. WE tHxAAO»uruUananwnnninnnIanrnwnianawnaawnnnawnnanananawnnananwnaninanrnaunDAY 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 PINK SALMON CATCH RECORDS METH SITE #SEX PRPPRPEPPRPPPBPEPPEPPEPPBPPBPPRPPEPPPPPPRPPRPPEPRRPEPPPPPPPPPPPPeeALALALAADLAHLAAAHLAHALALHLALHLAHAAHAMALLEHEARRHLRAHAeeYAeeesigsCCIIBeccSCPsCCICCCCCeChsCCCBccecAl-32 COND LENGTH TAG COL TAG #RECAP #WWWWNWWWWWWNWDNYWNYWAWWNWWWWWWWWWWWNDNWNHWWWWNWWWWWWNnWDdNWDND450 520 520 540 470 464 492 470 530 456 492 481 469 504 450 505 512 480 507 550 564 530 494 585 590 520 540 480 536 535 450 536 470 574 484 518 473 484 467 480 500 482 506 514 492 435 477 534 493 490 460 OGRSRGRGORORRGRGRGIGKGEGOGBGIGFGGSFGFGFGFRFGGGOGOGOROKOGOGGGOG21623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 24612 23632 24684 APPENDIX A-1l. WE VIANNAKKIgNIgnNangnannanaanannainanannaannanangnaaanooeiBeDAY 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/15 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 PINK SALMON CATCH RECORDS METH SITE #SEX PREPPRPRPPBPPPPPBRPPPPPBPPRPPEPPPRPPPPREPEPRPPRPRPRPRPRPRPRPRPRPRPREPRPRPRPRPRPREPFAAKAAAAARALHLFAHLPHLLAherhAHhALALAHLLAlLAHALHLALHLALHLAHSHHLSHPHhHHHHHHDPKeIRCIhRCPRCRCRCRCIIIsIiBCRCRCCCICACRCPlCCCCICICCcCseecceeccecAl1-33 COND LENGTH TAG COL TAG #RECAP # 2 3 3/5 WWWWWWWHADANWNHWWWWAWWWWWWWNWWWWWWWWWWSWWWKYWWWDdWWWw502 558 530 504 480 507 495 536 470 521 564 500 504 540 551 445 540 496 530 504 582 492 504 500 454 530 450 532 544 580 510 465 450 532 502 530 570 542 488 542 481 500 540 522 454 586 438 570 496 496 545 466 KREMERKKKRMRRRKRRMKRMRRMKRKRRRMKRKKKGKKKKKKHK21673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 21700 24189 24190 24191 24192 24193 24194 24195 24196 24197 24198 © 24199 24200 21701 702 703 704 705 LOST TAG 24588 24843 APPENDIX A-1. WE re]ya]VNUUUMUMUKUUNUMAKOKOUTUKUMAOATnNKNananoaagnwaananagnannanananwanawnDAY 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 PINK SALMON CATCH RECORDS METH SITE #SEX PHERPRPBPERPRPPPPRPPRPPPRPRPPPEPRPPPPBPEPPRPRPBPPPPRPBPEPPRPEPPRPRPEPRPPRPPERYQYWUQYYYUYYYUUUUWWWWHWHWHNNUUAONUNUNNNaainnnnreanfoaeicIcIcicieieDeecececeeeeBcRoRBhBeBeBeEcBekBecA1l-34 COND LENGTH TAG COL TAG #RECAP #WWWWWNHWNHNWWNHNWWWWWWWNANNWWNNWWWNHPWWWUWUWNNPNNNNNNWDW465 485 515 465 486 510 485 480 510 460 480 440 500 500 530 600 470 570 500 500 520 520 510 540 476 460 480 500 495 485 510 529 470 510 555 560 490 542 500 440 470 473 495 500 490 460 490 488 455 530 480 447 KKKKKKKKKKKKKRMKKKRRRRRRRRRRIKGKKKIGIGPGGG21706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 23510 24193 APPENDIX A-1l. WE ieVOUUUHUKKGAKTOagnaanNngnnagawrnaanaNaaanaranaaannaanaawaianawanxDAY 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 PINK SALMON CATCH RECORDS METH SITE #SEX PRRPEPEBEEPBPPPRPPPPPPPBPBPBPPBPEPPPPRPPRPRPRPPRPRPRPRPPPPEPRPPRPBPRPERPRPRRLoeHPALALAADAHhLhALALALAHALHhLAHLhhhhhhhLhhheeeTISSISssCeRRmeieeeeeicMeeeBeBBBRBeBeeeRecicBcBceeBeeA1-35 COND LENGTH TAG COL TAG #RECAP #DAADANAAKGHAWNWwWNWNWWWWNUWWWWWWWNNWWNNNWWWWWWWWNWWNHNWWWDNW595 495 545 470 500 470 490 500 475 510 495 470 462 446 478 480 529 520 478 536 521 456 490 464 469 499 542 526 456 481 485 498 484 458 499 475 555 500 490 481 488 480 495 490 480 554 480 491 485 535 504 522 Y 4 XY XY MKKKKKKRMRKRMKKKMKRMRKRRRRRKKR21753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 24932 23735 23582 23573 APPENDIX A-1. WE tyaTOnganyananoaanannnnnawnangaanaanwnaanannananainnaa»a»awnaaeiDAY 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 PINK SALMON CATCH RECORDS METH SITE #SEX PREPERPRPPBPPBPPPEPHPEPPPPEPPPPPPPRPRPRPPPPRPPEPPRPEPPPPRPPRPPRPRPREPPPANDAAAAAARARARAAAPLlLhALAFLhPHbPeETNWSINHHNNHWWWUUUIAKARAALhAHAHAHAALhhSryyySSSIISICTISTSSISDARAAWISSRRTSRRRSSRRSAIIEA1-36 COND LENGTH TAG COL TAG #RECAP # 4/5 WNHWNHNWWNWNHNHNNWWNHWWPWNWHNNNNFPWNWNWWWNHWWAKDAAAAAAWWWWw535 495 469 580 481 538 518 484 515 520 490 465 571 490 479 458 490 520 540 585 460 440 495 520 480 500 497 478 450 480 456 485 522 470 482 479 491 510 500 500 490 540 500 520 460 535 490 465 515 485 500 520 KKKKKMKMKMKKRMKKKMRAMRKRRRRRRKRKK21793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 24598 24640 21754 24609 RECAP-ES 23846 APPENDIX A-1. WE ty4KVUnnnnvnngnnwngnannanananaagnnaanaanannnnnanananaananawuDAY 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 PINK SALMON CATCH RECORDS METH SITE #SEX PRPRPRPPBRPRPBPPERPPPPPHPPEPRPRPPRPPRPPRPPPPEPRPPRPRPRPRPRPPPPRPRPPEEREhbLLHPADAAALAALAAHHAHAPRPeYNWIWSINNWINNNWWWUUNAKNNAAananaw»n»rciceceeeeieieeeeeRBBBBeiceBeeeBeBeececccCeeeAl-37 COND LENGTH TAG COL TAG #RECAP #WWRNHYWNHNNWWNWNHWWWWUNNPNNNNNWNPWWWWWNHWNHWNWNHWWWNHWNHWHWNHWND480 480 490 435 450 500 460 520 535 520 575 520 500 450 445 500 475 530 530 470 460 520 520 450 410 545 490 485 478 455 460 473 511 455 480 470 498 550 538 535 515 458 475 530 502 451 454 480 490 478 482 KESRKSOSKOSOSSORSOGOROSOGOGOSSSRGOIGGGRRRRRIRGISG21831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 21788 21620 24592 23560 21755 24946 APPENDIX A-1. WE tiAYUNHNNONnanngainNNnnaIgIaaaaa»nnranagaanannanwn4nanaaanaanDAY 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/16 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 PINK SALMON CATCH RECORDS METH SITE #SEX PRPRPBPPEPPPPBRPBPBPPBPRPPPPPBPPRPRPPPPRPRPPPRPRPPPPPRPRPEPPPPPRPRPRRPRRRVAMOUNUUPRPPEFDADAHDAAAAAGHAAAAHAAAAKHAAAARHAAAAAARAAHbSHHhhebhbbbbhb&bpcdckcocScIeIceccecceeceiOeBRiBeBeBeBeBeBeBeBeBekoBoBekA1-38 COND LENGTH TAG COL TAG #RECAP #WWWNWUWNNWWADUOWWNHWHWWNHWPEPNWWNHNNWNHNNWNHNNWNHNWWNHKD558 415 495 495 430 536 480 463 490 501 472 461 480 515 499 570 530 505 454 470 471 425 515 550 490 466 485 465 510 430 495 460 496 525 490 486 510 540 500 440 470 472 490 510 520 520 410 445 526 500 556 457 WmRSGOKOSOGGSSGGORIOGKGOSOSOGOROGOGOGKKKKKRMRKK21882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 905 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 918 919 920 921 922 923 924 21683 24920 24748 23587 23476 24464 APPENDIX A-1. WE tia]AAAIannwngayngwMnonnwNAaaanwoannnaawnananaannawnaniananagana4»DAY 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 PINK SALMON CATCH RECORDS METH SITE #SEX PPPPPPPPPPRPEPPBBPPPPEPPRPRPPRPRPPRPPRPRPPHPPRPRPPRPPPPPEPPPPRPPEPhhhHALLAhAHHPIHQSHHHHHHNWINWSWWWWWWWWWUOuuoeeieMesBCieeseCIcscsBcIccicccesCCCCccIheBieccechcesBiheBcCeBeBcesccecA1-39 COND LENGTH TAG COL TAG #RECAP #NNNNNNNNNNNAAARAAAHAWNWWWWWNNUWNWWNHNWWWNHWNHNNWNHWWDWWDOUIW477 455 500 440 443 445 515 515 570 525 490 480 452 500 430 503 526 520 480 495 474 590 508 495 486 480 520 565 505 520 502 512 508 486 510 580 482 500 562 515 506 500 490 460 540 540 536 510 509 486 486 518 Y RSRRSGRROSOKOSKGGGFSFGFGOGOGOGGGEGRGmKRKRKKKKKKKK21925 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 940 941 942 943 944 945 946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 954 955 956 957 958 959 960 961 962 963 964 965 966 967 21697 21753 APPENDIX A-1. WE tyADANNAAAAAAARAAAGAAARAAAUMUOIUYHUNANAHGAananwannaaagangaaaanaawninaaanwaw4nDAY 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/17 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 PINK SALMON CATCH RECORDS METH SITE #SEX PRREPRPPEEEEPPPPPPPPRPEPPEPPRPPPPPEPRPRPPRPPPPPRPPPPPRPPPRPPPRPPPPANNANAAAAARAAAARAAFHPhbvrhhALhALHhhHhALHLAHhbLhALALhLLLhAAALhhALADSfeieWciieeseciBcieceIcieceRMieeiBeieBeBeBeRCORBec4A1-40 COND LENGTH TAG COL TAG #RECAP #NNPWWWWNWNHNWNHWWWNHNHAWWARPAANWNHNNNANNPWWWWWDNDNDNNNNNNWWWDW540 500 580 462 498 479 485 500 484 534 492 490 493 502 504 470 456 495 440 480 485 465 470 556 510 485 530 455 470 490 510 480 545 500 470 520 460 550 552 500 495 521 540 575 585 599 510 470 470 450 540 510 RSGFSGSFGOGIGFGEKFGOGSOGFGOGIGOGOSOGOSKGIGOGOG21968 969 970 971 972 973 974 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 984 985 986 22000 21999 21998 21997 21996 21995 21994 21993 21992 21991 21990 21989 21988 21987 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 21852 23972 24360 APPENDIX A-l. WE tAADKDANANAANADAHAAKDAATAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAAAHAAAAAAAAAARAAHAARAAAAADAY 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 PINK SALMON CATCH RECORDS METH SITE #SEX PRPRPPRPPRPPRPEPPRPRPPBPRPPPPPPHBRPRPPPRPRPRPPPEPRPPPRPRPERPPRPPRPRPPRPRRPRPEWWWWHWWUUUKUNAKTKHUAIIAIAIanagIaqagnnIrrrPrrePra»aNnAANAAAGAAHAAAAHAHAARAAAacoeecieiieieieieiieieBieReBeiBeBeieBekBemBeBeeeBeeBeeeA1l-41 COND LENGTH TAG COL TAG #RECAP #WUWWWWNHNWWWWWWWWWNWNWNHWWWWWWWWHWWRWWNNNWNHWWNHNWNHWNHWWBW480 420 490 515 500 500 507 452 481 473 548 560 450 530 507 515 481 500 499 489 456 462 500 519 536 448 470 520 514 474 501 560 470 560 480 490 478 528 460 500 479 440 480 530 520 484 490 472 505 459 526 449 OR OR Y OR OR OR OR OR Y OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 721 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 21679 21715 APPENDIX A-l. WE tHADANDNNDANDAKHDANNAADAAANAAAAAANAAAAAAAAAAAAARAAAAAHDAAAAAHAARATDANRAANAADAY 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 PINK SALMON CATCH RECORDS METH SITE #SEX PREPPEPBRPPRPPRPBPPPRPEPPPPRPPPEPPPRPPPPRPRPPPRPRPBPPPRPRPPRPPRPRPPRPRPPeeAUMUNDAADAMNAAANAARAANAAAAANAAAARAAATAAAAAAAAAAHSHHShSAseNHNITNhfeVaSSSSSSCSASSIIRIITERRARRRIRIIRSRRSIRRRAl-42 COND LENGTH TAG COL TAG #RECAP # 3 NWNNWWNHNWWWWNWWWWWNWWNNWNHNWWWWNWWWWNWPWWWWWOUAAWWWOo495 520 530 545 510 500 460 470 460 490 521 518 500 468 480 478 500 435 500 500 463 470 500 470 485 490 492 520 530 485 460 510 512 459 500 536 490 500 460 500 546 500 475 530 496 530 508 470 465 510 490 OR OR OR OR 84 85 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 23869 23898 21843 APPENDIX A-1l. WE rexDADNDAANAANTDAAAAAAATAAAAAAAAAAAAANAAAAAAAAARAHAAAAAAAAAHAARAARAAADAY 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/22 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 PINK SALMON CATCH RECORDS METH SITE #SEX PRRBPHBRPPRPPRPEPPHPPPEPPRPPRPEPPPRPPRPPRPRPPPRPPREPPRPPRPRPPRPPBPRPPPANADAAALHAhLHPAPkhGePHPPEYVISINSIWVWTWVWWHWHWUUNUNOTUNUNANOAAOTAannnna4nSBhphjFayyeseeyeSSSSSedddtdodododaoiodAl1-43 COND LENGTH TAG COL TAG #RECAP #beWNWWWNHNWWWHKFWWNWWNNWWWWWNHDNNWNDUWWWWWENNNNNWNHNWNNNW18)wo490 470 520 450 540 530 495 500 475 500 490 510 504 530 530 512 496 452 465 501 503 482 468 449 472 488 460 529 519 510 498 499 480 510 440 520 430 493 470 468 512 462 453 490 453 499 495 481 480 470 480 500 OR OR OR OR Y OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 179 23541 APPENDIX A 1. WE DDAAAAAHAAHAAADAAAAAAAHAAAAAAADAAAAAAAAAAHAAAHAHAAHAAHRAAAAAAAALHbaDAY 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 PINK SALMON CATCH RECORDS METH SITE #SEX PREPEPPPHPBPPPHPHEEBPPHERPPRPPPPRPRPPPRPPPPPPRPEPPRPPPRPBPPPPPRPPRPPPeeVQaa»a»a\nnnerrePerPrPrPrPrrPRPRPRPPRPRFRPRPRPPRPRPRPDDHAHAAAAARAAAAARAHRAAARAAAAOpsBshsBCRCIIIBCICICcoIIRIRCCCIleBeRRccRRCeBeecesBeccecAl-44 COND LENGTH TAG COL TAG #RECAP #p>WNWOWWWWWNWWWWWWNWWWNDYWWWWWaofifwnsanWWYNWWYWAAAA.RUTWWNUEWO570 512 515 475 489 500 487 522 444 505 504 465 570 481 480 547 524 481 452 510 500 510 470 490 520 486 502 410 545 520 510 514 500 470 510 532 450 510 472 490 502 505 497 499 510 468 532 447 474 496 527 OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR Y OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 190 191 192 193 194 195 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 207 208 209 211 212 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 23383 24833 24930 24711 24602 APPENDIX A-1. WE DNANAAAAAAAANAAAAAANAANAANAAAANAAAAAAAGANAAAKHRANAANAANRAAAARAAAAAALxDAY 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 PINK SALMON CATCH RECORDS METH SITE #SEX PRPPPPPRPRPPBRPRERRPPRPPRPRPPRPPRPPPPPPPPPRPRPPRPRPPRPPPPPPPPBPPPPPSSNSSSSSWWWWWWWWWWWWWNONOUOagnUaAaga»annawnanwnoaaannoaaa»uiIkchcIhcIIesIIhciecoCSieCCICcIBeeCCCeCicBA1-45 COND LENGTH TAG COL TAG #RECAP #WAWUHDAWWNHWWNHWWPWINNWNHNWWWRPWAHWAKHWNHANPWNHAAKARWAPNYNWWNHWNWDYW478 480 498 480 562 453 555 490 502 498 460 472 530 506 494 480 511 510 490 511 540 512 470 500 441 560 490 512 490 495 524 500 497 500 510 530 472 496 464 410 538 488 470 525 517 535 560 495 558 OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 30 164 91 APPENDIX A-1. WE ADANDNHAAAAAAAAAAANAAAAAAANAAAAAAAGAAAAAAARAAAAAARAAAAHRAAARAAOAxDAY 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23. 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 PINK SALMON CATCH RECORDS METH SITE #SEX PHPEPPEPEPPRPEPPPPEPEPPEPBPPEPRPPPPPRRPRPPRPPRPPPPRPPPPPPRPPPPPPPPPPAKAKHAKHHAAAAHDAALHLAHLHLAPHAAHLAAAHLAHADAHAHLAADABRARRARYIWIYYWYYbeIIIBeeeeeIICCCBBeBeBiesCeReCeaCCCCCCRCRCECA1-46 COND LENGTH TAG COL TAG #RECAP #NWWWWNHNWWANDAAHAAAAAARAARAAKARWWWANWNHWWNHWWWPWWWAAHAAAARAGA480 478 466 470 470 510 500 499 490 497 530 458 487 471 538 500 458 517 442 468 450 519 528 519 485 515 445 460 525 515 420 542 515 500 510 416 520 435 480 505 512 510 507 550 549 500 480 482 505- 497 509 485 XY OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR 271 272 273 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 293 294 295 296 297 23980 21723 153 APPENDIX A-1. WE rdRDANDNDAAAAAHANAAAAMAAANAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAAGHAAAAANDAAAAAHAAARAARAARAAADAY 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/23 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 PINK SALMON CATCH RECORDS METH SITE #SEX PRPPPPPPPPRPHPBPEPPPPRPPPPEPPPRPRPPRPRPPPRPRPRPRPPPPHPPPPRPPPRPPPRPPRPANAAAAARAARAHPhheeheINHINHNNNRPPRPPPPPRPRPRFPAKDAAAAAAARAARAARAAeeMeBCMeesiesBeceeeesesRcIeeccCIleCSECiCcCeececiBcA1l -47 COND LENGTH TAG COL TAG #RECAP #NNWWWNHNWNHNWAPRPNNWWNHWRNWANDANAARARAARARAAPRWWWWNWWWNWWNWWWW580 499 531 507 500 485 478 460 495 519 442 490 (493 516 480 519 495 465 480 499 420 516 530 505 415 536 563 518 489 518 480 490 480 462 488 523 500 466 498 472 485 520 484 469 535 518 480 491 510 493 510 481 OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 23606 23603 24880 APPENDIX A-1. WE DADNDAAAAAAANAAAAAAAAAANAAANANAAANAAAANAADAAANAAAAADAAAHAAHAAAHAANRAAAPaDAY 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 PINK SALMON CATCH RECORDS METH SITE #SEX PREPEPRPPPEPPPEPEPPPPPEBPPEPEPPRPPPPPPRPRPPPRPRPPRRPRPRPRPPRPRPRPPPEPERRPPRPEPPPPRPBPPPRPPEPPRPBPPPPRPEPRPPBPBPBPBPEOODANADADADAADAANRAAARAAAAKeesBcilseeeeeeIesheheBcesCCCCRCBeeeCeBeiBeicecee)A1-48 COND LENGTH TAG COL TAG #RECAP #ANDNAAAAARAAUMIUAANAAAAAARAAMUONNIAAHRWAWWAWWNHNNWNHWWWWDWWWWWw492 463 460 502 460 501 493 499 495 492 578 524 476 530 470 500 518 491 405 555 481 545 472 502 509 488 405 415 520 488 490 520 530 422 415 505 526 537 540 515 520 450 459 540 545 525 402 515 435 426 508 500 OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR KK339 340 341 342 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 361 363 364 21751 24193 23348 24758 APPENDIX A-1. WE a]ADDADANAANAANADAAAAAAAAAAAGAAAAAARAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARAAAAAGRAAAADAY 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 PINK SALMON CATCH RECORDS METH SITE #SEX PRPERPRPPEPPBPPPPHBPPRPEPPPHBEPEPPRPPRPPPPPRPPPPRPRPRPPEPPRPRPPPPPEEPSWSSSSSSSSSSSTWWWWWWWWWWWOHUOAaanaananannnagj»rereaHCAICIRCAssIIeCAScIRCheBeheBiBececcBeaccA1-49 COND LENGTH TAG COL TAG #RECAP #ANDNADAAAAAANWWWWWWRWWWWWDHDARWANDWAWNOOWWWAAWWNHNAAKHWAWWWWNHWHAA500 502 464 530 323 564 482 497 520 521 410 445 500 530 529 470 442 415 402 501 480 500 380 502 410 515 565 402 620 575 405 498 478 527 499 495 470 500 499 455 484 485 490 450 420 445 500 505 475 480 535 545 365 366 367 368 370 371 372 373 374 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 24837 21706 23726 222 21950 APPENDIX A-1. WE SVQADAHDAANAANAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAAAGAAAADAAAAGAHAAAHAAAAAADAY 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/24 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 PINK SALMON CATCH RECORDS METH SITE #SEX PRPPPPRPHPPBPPPRPRPPPEPRPPRPPRPPPREPRPRPPPRPRPPRPPRPRPERPRPBPRPRPEPRPRPBPPReAKHHAAAKAAKAAHHLHAHAAAHLAALAAHAAHLLAAALALALLEH&AAeeeeReIIAeeesMeleeeicBceMAICC"CchcCCCcScRCCeBecchecceeieesiesheCnA1-50 COND LENGTH TAG COL TAG #RECAP #WNHWNWNHNNWWHAAAAAAAAAAAAAGAAGAAARAAKHANWNWWWNUWWNPWNANWWWAAaun516 473 465 470 491 406 530 520 460 500 495 509 459 501 493 522 495 443 518 507 590 500 500 475 479 484 525 530 460 515 504 535 476 565 490 410 555 490 495 500 520 528 480 486 530 455 465 509 464 510 510 OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR XY OR OR OR OR OR OR OR Y Y OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR 395 398 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 409 410 411 413 414 415 417 418 419 420 421 423 424 426 427 429 430 72 21656 21607 21656 APPENDIX A-1. WE NNNNNUNNNSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSISSIESSSSSSSSSxDAY 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 PINK SALMON CATCH RECORDS METH SITE #SEX PREPBPPPHPBPBPBBPBPHBERPPRPPPRPRPRPPPRPRPRPPRPRPRPPPBPPBPBPPRPEPPPBPPRPRRPPeWWWWWWHWWWHWWHWYNKUNKMAUNOaIangagQannnananagaQayrrrRPRPPRFRANAHAAAAAAAAAescscsBcMceseoaMeMesBsCCICScIBCaICcIcIccA1-51 COND LENGTH TAG COL TAG #RECAP # 3 23/5. 3/5 2 3/5 2 3/5 3/5 2 3/5 2 4 4/5 4/5 2 3 4/5 4/5 3 3/5 ownWw.>WANWODARANWNPWNOLWWWWWWWWDWWWNDNWA490 512 505 490 507 500 509 462 515 473 460 430 490 535 460 510 441 606 550 465 512 582 498 490 490 498 512 489 483 500 512 543 560 429 480 505 504 487 450 485 442 518 506 483 510 460 500 470 481. 485 490 452 OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR Y OR OR OR OR OR OR OR OR 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 460 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 470 471 472 473 474 475 356 24987 APPENDIX Awl.PINK SALMON CATCH RECORDS WE NNNNNYUNYSNSISSSSSSISSSISSSSSSSNSSSSSSSSSSADAY 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 8/29 METH SITE #SEX PRPPRPEPEPEPPRPRPHPERPRPRPEPRPRPRPRPRPPREPRPPRPRPPRPPRPPRPPPPPBPPPPPRPHERPEEHWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWRPRPRPPPRPRPRPPPPPPPPPRPRPDNDDADNDAAAWWWWWWWWKCleIiePRPCIAInsASCRCPeeBIICCICgsCCCCICIcIA1l-52 COND LENGTH TAG COL TAG #RECAP #wwWWONPNYWWOWENAAAWWWWWoO>bbWWNNvagWwor>YNAWNWWWWWEBBWWWROWWUSWe459 460 451 485 480 528 "500 420 490 510 510 502 509 460 466 525 525 450 528 502 480 550 485 462 455 560 462 506 495 473 462 514 490 490 556 479 582 468 651 490 490 515 520 510 498 510 521 480 500 501 498 500 OR OR OR OR OR OwDOWWHOWNWUNONOOWwo476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 201 202 203 204 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 24359 81 110 102 APPENDIX A-1l. 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WE eeASSNSSSSIISISSSSISINSSSISISSSDAY 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 PINK SALMON CATCH RECORDS METH SITE #SEX PRRRPHEPPEPPPPEPPRPPPEPBPRPRPRPPRPRPPRPPRPPPRPPRPPRPPPPPPRPPRPPPPRRPPAHOAAATAAHLALAHPLLlLAAHLALLALhAHhAHLhhhAHLALALAALAHHHINHSSNSNNNISSbeIAcsCeicecMcMcASCIcgsRcCECAECICCCCCCTCRCIRCIRCRCaRCccesBececcAl- 56 COND LENGTH TAG COL TAG #RECAP #NYVPWNWWAUAHWABRHPWWWHDAADAHAAAAHRAAAAAAAAAAAWWWAAAAAAAHAWAAWAWAAA495 590 470 420 410 540 490 480 453 520 503 476 502 490 492 415 450 528 525 510 408 565 495 493 500 500 505 515 520 435 460 415 505 490 510 585 485 510 500 450 500 500 478 500 645 475 472 530 500° 515 485 523 nowwOR ODWBKOWYloeBlosIlesHlvcBio+BesBs:]274 278 282 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 297 298 299 301 302 303 i]23532 APPENDIX A-1. WE NNNNYQSNNSNNNNNNSSSSISISSIESSNSSSSSSSSSSSSSSADAY 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 PINK SALMON CATCH RECORDS METH SITE #SEX PEEPPEPPRPRPPRPRPPEPPPEPPRPBPRPRPEPEPPEPPPPPPPRPRPRPPRPEPRPRPPRPEBRPPRPPPRPeeWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWPRRPRPRPPRPRPPRPRPRPRRPRDNADNKDAHAAHAAAAGA$CPCPCIRCgsICcIAIICIICIRCCCRCRcIcecheBeiieociBeaiceeieceac|A1-57 COND LENGTH.TAG COL TAG #RECAP #>WWHNWHLOWAADANDAWWNAAAAAWWWWWOWWAKDAKHKAAAKHAAANWNWNHANWOANFNWEWHDNDYcS481 500 495 525 510 470 540 450 510 517 468 470 417 500 465 487 491 500 495 460 499 520 515 560 417 565 470 490 550 490 471 510 500 456 510 525 475 460 500 489 550 510 479 515 520 522 478 521 538 472 509 530 DWWDnNWOWOwWBoOdnDoOoWlosesMe:MeoBe:He+Beoie:)ow305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313. 314 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 255 113 APPENDIX A-1. WE tys]eeeemeeeiDAY 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 PINK SALMON CATCH RECORDS METH SITE #SEX PREPRPPRPPPBPPPRPPRPPPEPPPPRPHERPRPPPEPRPPPPRPPPPEPPRPBPPPRPRPERPRPRPRPBBPNYUWQYNYYUNYIYUYNNNIMGUNNAanaaanaawnanannaunwSeeceeoeeBBeicieieieecBeeeceeeBeBeeceeBeBeBeBeiBeBakceeBeeeBeBeA1-58 COND LENGTH TAG COL TAG #RECAP #&ADNANWWUWAEUNWWUUNWPRRANDAHAAHAARHAAAAARAAKGAAAAHWNN&WWWWWWWw4 aun528 518 499 500 501 510 520 515 502 514 455 510 530 495 498 502 500 475 478 486 490 500 530 546 500 417 523 495 470 590 500 460 480 485 509 555 510 472 475 510 506 510 495 490 506 540 475 503 470 484 520 leoBleeB-Mevmecme:mecmecde:Me:Meume)wwwDOWNWOOWWWO336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 348 349 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 21922 66 APPENDIX A-1. WE NSNNNSNNNSNNSNISNSSISSSSSSSISISSSISSNSxDAY 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 8/30 PINK SALMON CATCH RECORDS METH SITE #PREPPPPRPHEPBPPPPRPPREBPPPPPPRPRPPRPPPRPPPPPRPPPPPPRPPRPEPRPPPPPPPPhHLALHALALALALAAALALLALALAHhHeLhhehhhhbohhhhhhhAHLAHDHhHbhbSBPsss)4)S EX beIeCcSccIcecesccCeBRRBeBoBeBeiBokeBeBeBokemeBcA1-59 COND LENGTH TAG COL TAG #RECAP #Ww&oo>DANANANAAAAAAAAAAAMWWNNK&WWWWWWOKWWOWWWWRWUIWWWUDAAAAAoo572 570 490 463 500 500 510 485 520 422 480 475 492 490 491 512 515 565 530 475 445 536 517 448 515 460 475 475 480 495 511 505 484 425 518 510 475 502 472 515 560 514 526 403 406 419 522 520 490 480 575 499 josMiocMo:Mc+BeeMerMecMe:de:MesMerBesMeriesMecde:Mesdo+Me:Mecde:Meodssisie:Mummiesce)OR 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 264 476 APPENDIX A-1l.PINK SALMON CATCH RECORDS A1-60 WEEK DAY METH SITE #SEX COND LENGTH TAG COL TAG #RECAP # 7 8/30 1 4 M 6 500 7 8/30 1 4 F 6 500 7 8/30 1 4 M 6 470 7 8/30 1 4 M 6 460 7 8/30 1 4 M 6 506 7 8/30 1 4 M 6 490 7 8/30 1 4 F 6 500 7 8/30 1 4 F 6 503 7 8/30 1 4 F 6 450 7 8/30 1 4 M 6 475 7 8/31 1 6 F 3 498 B 392 7 8/31 1 6 F 3 513 B 393 7 8/31 1 6 M 3 558 B 394 7 8/31 1 6 M 5 528 B 395 7 8/31 1 6 F 6 Y 24734 7 8/31 1 6 F 6 485 7 8/31 1 6 F 3 511 B 396 7 8/31 1 6 M 3 574 B 397 7 8/31 1 6 F 3 505 B 398 7 8/31 1 6 M 3 578 B 399 7 8/31 1 6 F 3 518 B 400 7 8/31 1 6 M 3 476 B 242 7 8/31 1 1 M 6 515 7 8/31 1 1 M 6 536 7 8/31 1 1 F 6 490 OR 121 7 8/31 1 1 M 6 497 7 8/31 1 1 F 6 530 7 8/31 1 1 M 6 575 7 8/31 1 1 M 6 423 7 8/31 1 1 F 6 515 7 8/31 1 1 F 6 480 7 8/31 1 1 F 6 520 7 8/31 1 1 M 6 525 7 8/31 1 1 F 6 530 7 8/31 1 1 M 6 490 7 8/31 1 1 M 6 495 7 8/31 1 1 M 6 515 7 8/31 1 1 M 6 570 7 8/31 1 1 F 6 436 7 8/31 1 1 F 6 427 7 8/31 1 3 F 5 511 OR 106 7 8/31 1 3 F 2 503 B 450 7 8/31 1 3 M 3 520 B 451 7 8/31 1 3 M 6 500 7 8/31 1 3 M 6 495 7 8/31 1 3 F 6 400 7 8/31 1 5 M 6 370 7 8/31 1 5 M 6 495 7 8/31 1 5 M 6 480 7 8/31 1 5 F 6 473 7 8/31 1 5 F 6 511 7 8/31 1 5 M 6 525 APPENDIX A-1.PINK SALMON CATCH RECORDS Al1-61 DAY METH SITE #SEX COND LENGTH TAG COL TAG #RECAP #WEEK 7 8/31 1 5 F 6 515 7 8/31 1 5 M 6 500 7 8/31 1 5 M 6 490 7 8/31 1 5 M 6 560 7 8/31 1 5 F 6 502 7 8/31 1 5 F 6 510 7 8/31 1 5 F 6 530 7 8/31 1 5 M 6 460 7 8/31 1 5 M 6 477 7 8/31 1 5 F 6 412 7 8/31 1 5 M 6 490 7 8/31 1 5 F 6 505 7 8/31 1 5 M 6 500 7 8/31 1 5 F 6 500 7 8/31 1 7 M 6 510 7 8/31 1 7 M 6 500 7 8/31 1 7 F 6 470 7 8/31 1 7 M 6 535 7 8/31 1 4 M 4 540 B 452 7 8/31 1 4 F 3 562 B 453 7 8/31 1 4 F 4 468 B 454 7 8/31 1 4 F 3 500 B 455 7 8/31 1 4 M 4/5 504 7 8/31 1 4 M 4 568 B 456 7 8/31 1 4 M 4/5 460 7 8/31 1 4 M 3/5 490 B 457 7 8/31 1 4 M 6 510 7 8/31 1 4 M 6 515 7 8/31 1 4 M 6 445 8 9/05 1 6 M 3 595 B 459 8 9/05 1 6 M 3 497 B 460 8 9/05 1 6 M 4/5 505 B 461 8 9/05 1 6 F 3 520 B 462 8 9/05 1 3 F 6 490 8 9/05 1 7 M 4/5 525 B 467 8 9/05 1 4 M 3 508 B 469 8 9/05 1 4 F 4 490 B 470 8 9/05 1 6 M 4/5 450 B 472 8 9/05 1 6 F 5 400 8 9/05 1 6 M 5 420 8 9/05 1 6 M 5 490 8 9/05 1 6 M 3 536 B 474 8 9/05 1 1 M 6 510 8 9/05 1 1 M 5 470 8 9/05 1 1 M 5 480 8 9/05 1 5 M 5 310 8 9/05 1 3 F 3 490 8 9/05 1 7 M 5 490 8 9/05 1 7 M 5 520. 8 9/05 1 7 F 3 510 B 477 8 9/05 1 4 M 3 580 B 479 8 9/05 1 4 M 4/5 510 B 481 APPENDIX A-1. WE DOODDDDDMDADADADANDADADHADAADDAADDDODMDAMDDAMDDDDBDAMDDDMDMDMDBDDANDDNHAHNHOOADAY 9/05 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 PINK SALMON CATCH RECORDS METH SITE #SEX PREEPPPPRPPPEPHPPBPPRPPRPEPRPPRPPPRPEPRPRPRPPPRPRPEEPRPRPPERPPPPEPPRPRPPPPPPPPARARIVVIYVYIWVVOUUPEPPRPRPPRPRPPPPPPPPPRPRPRPPPPPBPPOONnanannnesesIAeWeIcAeseseeieccceieCeececRcccecA1-62 COND LENGTH TAG COL TAG #RECAP #DADAAAAHLMPWAWVAUIIUNAPWYIAAAAAAAAAGAAAAAAAAHAAAAARAAAGHRAAMAMNSEUOAUUO470 500 480 510 515 525 405 480 480 480 500 500 410 420 525 515 518 465 526 505 550 460 470 525 530 500 470 420 486 538 548 436 498 520 510 498 410 498 520 500 480 500 420 480 478 585 575 590 410 436 440 520 B noWwWOWwowONDWDWWmWWwW482 491 492 495 496 499 427 431 433 326 457 321 416 479 451 APPENDIX A-1l. WE WMDDDDADADADADDDDADMDDWDADADDADHDANDDADDDDDDMDADADDAADDMDMNMNMMNHOHMOOFBaDAY 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 PINK SALMON CATCH RECORDS METH SITE #SEX PRPRPPRPPERPPEPEPPRPPPRPPRPPRPEPPRPPPRPPPPRPRPPPRPPPPPPPRPPPRPPERRRPR-P>HhLHLhAhAALAAHAHHHhHPhhHhPNTHHHNINNINITWWWWUUNOONUAASFbdbhDSKeRCIieIIieSPeIegsIhgIRCIRCICsBeieCeBeCecc|Al1-63 COND LENGTH TAG COL TAG #RECAP #DANANAANAANAAAAAAAAAHSPHANAAAHAAAAAAAAAARAARWWUAARAANHWWAAAAARAA475 505 490 480 510 500 410 510 520 490 500 505 520 460 498 483 500 520 510 525 530 444 495 500 499 500 470 460 495 480 510 515 503 480 460 520 510 475 460 435 490 500 500 505 435 500 515 548 560 470 530 526 wo436 437 439 495 301 APPENDIX A-l1. WE WOUWUOOWOOWDWDDDADDNDDAADADDMDADDDMDMADDDAWDADWADMDADADAMDMMDDMDNDDBDDADDADNDAMDHDHMONAfyADAY 9/06 9/07 9/07 9/07 9/07 9/07 9/07 9/07 9/07 9/07 9/07 9/07 9/07 9/07 9/07 9/07 9/07 9/07 9/07 9/07 9/07 9/07 9/07 9/07 9/07 9/07 9/07 9/07 9/07 9/07 9/07 9/07 9/07 9/07 9/07 9/07 9/07 9/07 9/07 9/07 9/07 9/07 9/07 9/07 9/07 9/07 9/12 9/12 9/12 9/12 9/12 9/13 PINK SALMON CATCH RECORDS METH SITE #SEX PRPRPRPPRPPRPPPBPBRPRPBRRPRPRPPRPPRPRPPPRPRPPRPPRPPRPRHPRPEEHPPRPPPPPPRPUPAAkrPFbhEPNTHNNSYNWWUUNOOANOOORPKPRPAAAAAHAAARGRAAHRAAARALHeeeaRCAPicoIIIAIheesieieIeeheeeCeIA1-64 COND LENGTH TAG COL TAG #RECAP #AAMOAMANDAAAAARAAAAAOMUNIUAAAAAAARAAARAAAAARAHAUVUAAHAAGAAAAGAAUMAUUA417 510 520 486 535 540 500 415 480 490 505 525 530 500 499 480 450 500 475 495 530 510 515 548 560 420 535 470 515 559 513 498 555 519 430 517 505 545 415 520 400 530 540 490 475 469 496 470 500 465 475 OWwK24359 414 472 439 APPENDIX A-1. WE 6000OOBIK DAY 9/13 9/13 9/13 9/13 9/14 PINK SALMON CATCH RECORDS METH SITE #SEX PRRERPHAnNIOFWeSRAl-65 COND LENGTH TAG COL TAG #RECAP #AWNoa495 560 508 429 495 APPENDIX A-2.CHUM SALMON CATCH RECORDS A2-1 WEEK DAY METH SITE#SEX COND LENGTH TAG COL TAG #RECAP # 1 7/18 1 6 M 3 621 B 1 1 7/18 1 6 M 3 605 B 2 1 7/18 1 1 M 3 650 B 3 1 7/18 1 1 M 3 624 B 4 1 7/18 1 5 M 3 648 B 5 1 7/18 1 5 M 3 610 B 6 1 7/18 1 5 F 2 609 B 7 1 7/18 1 5 M 3 636 B 8 1 7/18 1 5 M 3 575 B 9 1 7/18 1 5 M 3 609 B 10 1 7/18 1 5 F 2 633 B 11 1 7/18 1 4 M 3 660 B 12 1 7/18 1 4 M 3 585 B 14 1 7/19 1 6 M 3 585 B 15 1 7/19 1 5 M 3 606 B 16 1 7/19 1 5 M 3 601 B 17 1 7/19 1 5 F 2 661 B 18 1 7/19 1 5 M 3 635 B 19 1 7/19 1 5 M 3 671 B 20 1 7/19 1 5 M 3 664 B 21 1 7/19 1 5 M 3 658 B 12 1 7/19 1 5 M 3 630 B 22 1 7/19 1 3 M 3 525 B 23 1 7/19 1 7 M 3 641 B 24 1 7/19 1 7 M 3 686 B 25 1 7/19 1 4 M 3 639 B 27 1 7/19 1 4 F 2 574 B 28 1 7/19 1 4 M 3 557 B 29 1 7/19 1 6 M 3 668 B 30 1 7/19 1 6 M 3 630 B 31 1 7/19 1 6 M 3 615 B 32 1 7/19 1 6 F 3 632 B 33 1 7/19 1 5 M 3 680 B 34 1 7/19 1 5 M 3 675 B 35 1 7/19 1 5 M 3 658 B 36 1 7/19 1 5 M 3 641 B 37 1 7/19 1 7 M 3 620 B 4 1 7/19 1 7 F 3 643 B 39 1 7/19 1 6 M 3 605 B 40 1 7/19 1 6 F 2 594 B 41 1 7/19 1 5 M 3 665 B 42 1 7/19 1 5 F 2 658 B 43 1 7/19 1 5 M 3 644 B 44 1 7/19 1 5 F 3 630 B 45 1 7/19 1 5 M 3 590 B 46 1 7/19 1 5 M 3 624 B 47 1 7/20 1 6 M 3 576 B 48 1 7/20 1 6 M 3 620 B 49 1 7/20 1 6 F 2 605 B 50 1 7/20 1 6 M 3 637 B 51 1 7/20 1 6 M 3 668 B 42 APPENDIX A-2. WE NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNYNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNEFPRPRPPPPPPFBIADAY 7/20 7/20 7/20 7/20 7/20 7/20 7/20 7/20 7/25 7/25 7/25 7/25 7/25 7/25 7/25 7/25 7/25 7/25 7/25 7/25 7/26 7/26 7/26 7/26 7/26 7/26 7/26 7/26 7/26 7/26 7/26 7/26 7/26 7/26 7/26 7/26 7/26 7/26 7/26 7/26 7/26 7/26 7/26 7/26 7/26 7/26 7/26 7/26 7/26 7/26 7/26 7/26 METH SITE#SEX PREPPPPPPEBBPBPPPPPEPPRPERPEPRPPPPRPRPRPRPPPPPRPPPPPPPPPPPPRPPPPPCHUM SALMON CATCH RECORDS PPTNIIWWWWWWWWWUUONOONOOUIERFPRFAKDAAARAWWOAAHMNOAUAAARAANININUNOOeOOrgesBehcheesIRCIIRCCIscaRcRCRchcccRcscccheecBeccicececCOND LENGTH TAG COL TAG #RECAP #WwWWWNHWWWHD&WWWWWKDWWDNWWDWWWWWWWWWWWWWWDSWWWWWRWWWDdWWan650 630 640 540 570 675 595 640 627 721 650 545 585 620 660 665 560 558 665 600 799 615 655 605 650 593 611 769 575 640 650 550 600 620 668 592 590 580 630 615 645 645 655 644 785 620 575 625 615 600 668 600 fooMecMecMocMesMe:MecMMe:Mo:McrMoMu:MooMcoMMMmme:MoriciesMeMscMo:MecMosMe:Msrle:cslcsMoclssicele:MeoMecMcdosMcmemorMe:me:Me+ericeleMeiselo+lor52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 24 83 84 85 86 87 128 89 88 90 91 92 94 95 44 56 21 10 36 25 20 15 A2-2 APPENDIX A-2. WE WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWNHNYNYNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNDNBEIxDAY 7/26 7/26 7/26 7/26 7/26 7/26 7/26 7/26 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 METH SITE#SEX PRPPRPRPPPHBHRPPPBPEPPEPPPEBPRPERPERPPRPPPPRPPPEPBPPPRPRPRPEPPPPPPPCHUM SALMON CATCH RECORDS UIAHAONHPAANTUMUOUUNAAKRWVUAALHAHPHPHHHAHWWUUNAIUNUIAIEKFAAARAAHRAWOAUAAAHL&besesBcRCcsesicesBeCACICABRA3BCPCSPACCCCPCCSCICICCBsIIccICOND LENGTH TAG COL TAG #RECAP #NANWNHNNNWWWWWWWWDWOAWAAAWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWDWWWWSWWWWDWW590 623 512 684 615 565 683 682 650 630 615 640 605 585 605 630 630 665 630 561 652 506 665 620 650 668 600 640 635 590 560 538 609 630 520 615 615 658 640 619 595 618 650 675 630 621 540 590 643 605 635 620 losMiovBissMisciocIesMe+de:Me+MevmesMecmooMe:Me:Mie+Me+MevmcrlvelesMesMe:Mermecole:c:e:ie»looMosMecMesMs+MesMs+Moris:MesiesMe:ds:Mo:me:Me:mesme:Mecdes]59 56 77 51 44 75 20 47 53 19 18 80 A273 APPENDIX A-2. WE PPhPhPWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWwWwADAY 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/9 METH SITE#SEX PRPRPPRPRPPPPPPERPPPHPHPPRPPPPPPPPPRPRPNNNNNNNNNNNNNERPRPRPEPRPEPPECHUM SALMON CATCH RECORDS &PTSWWWOoAMRFAASPAHYINNNNOOOAAHAANNNWOOAOeAbeesCCgsCPAPccchcBcAIeleMeASCCCccIesIececIheeseeceesec|COND LENGTH TAG COL TAG #RECAP # 2 3/5 WNNUWWhWWWWWWWNDYDWWWWWWWWWWWWWWOWUWUeBOKLDWWWWWDWwau580 555 561 546 621 630 595 680 600 570 690 616 600 610 710 600 640 682 635 592 585 565 604 625 640 610 650 650 661 630 647 655 663 600 565 552 608 600 642 600 615 598 605 610 645 578 650 520 620 535 598 586 WDHOWWDWAWDNDWWWDOWHWWOWWWHDHOAADAHNODADTWDWTWODDOWDDONdDoDoOoW133 134 135 137 138 140 141 142 143 144 147 148 149 150 162 163 164 166 167 170 153 154 155 157 158 159 161 162 163 166 56 104 63 124 18 79 101 43 135 126 121 43 164 71 104 121 109 167 125 A274 APPENDIX A-2.CHUM SALMON CATCH RECORDS WEEK DAY METH SITE#SEX COND LENGTH TAG COL TAG #RECAP # 4 8/9 1 5 F 6 560 4 8/9 2 $1 F 4 660 B 18 4 8/9 2 $1 F 4 610 B 168 4 8/9 1 7 F 2 640 B 169 4 8/10 1 3 F 3 590 B 170 4 8/10 1 3 F 3 558 B 171 5 8/14 1 5 M 4/5 670 6 8/24 1 1 M 6 670 B 101 7 8/30 1 5 M 3 640 B 247 7 8/30 1 3 M 3 640 B 247 APPENDIX A-3.COHO SALMON CATCH RECORDS A3-1 WEEK DAY METH SITE #SEX COND LENGTH TAG COL.TAG#RECAP.# 4 8/08 1 5 M 1 530 G 178 5 8/15 1 7 M 1 610 G 195 5 8/15 1 7 M 6 5 8/16 1 6 F 1 494 G 200 5 8/16 1 5 M 1 550 B 176 5 8/16 1 5 F 1 557 B 177 5 8/16 1 7 F 1 620 B 179 5 8/16 1 7 F 1 600 B 182 6 8/22 1 5 M 2 670 B 184 6 8/22 1 6 M 2 615 B 186 6 8/23 1 7 M ESC 6 8/23 1 7 M 1 700 B 190 6 8/23 1 7 M 2 675 B 191 6 8/23 1 4 F 2 444 B 193 6 8/23 1 7 M 1 695 B 194 6 8/23 1 7 M 1 565 B 195 6 8/23 1 7 F 1 520 B 196 6 8/24 1 5 M 2 540 B 197 6 8/24 1 5 M 2 582 B 198 6 8/24 1 7 F 1 720 B 199 6 8/24 1 7 F 1 630 _&B 400 7 8/29 1 6 M 2 731 B 401 7 8/29 1 6 M 2 628 B 402 7 8/30 1 6 M 2 625 B 225 7 8/30 1 5 F 2 590 B 245 7 8/30 1 5 M 2 670 B 246 7 8/30 1 7 M 2 618 B 267 7 8/30 1 7 F 2 670 B 269 7 8/30 1 7 M 2 530 B 270 7 8/30 1 7 F 2 690 ESC 7 8/30 1 7 M 2 725 B 272 7 8/30 1 7 F 2 650 B 273 7 8/30 1 7 M 2 690 B 276 7 8/30 1 7 M 2 680 B 280 7 8/30 1 7 M 1 652 B 283 7 8/30 1 7 M 2 660 B 284 7 8/30 1 7 M 2 700 B 285 7 8/30 1 6 F 1 670 B 295 7 8/30 1 6 M 2 681 B 296 7 8/30 1 3 M 2 700 B 190 7 8/30 1 7 F 2 610 B 347 7 8/31 1 6 M 2 684 B 391 8 9/05 1 3 M 2 570 B 463 8 9/05 1 3 M 2 590 B 464 8 9/05 1 7 M 2 600 B 465 8 9/05 1 6 M 2 675 B 473 8 9/05 1 7 F 1 630 B 478 8 9/06 1 6 F 2 690 B 484 APPENDIX A-3. WEEK WOWUWOUOYWUUWWUUUWUUUHUHYHUUDWDDDMDDDDDDADNDWDDADDADADADDDAMDA®DAY METH SITE # 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/06 9/07 9/07 9/07 9/07 9/07 9/07 9/07 9/07 9/07 9/12 9/12 9/12 9/12 9/12 9/12 9/12 9/12 9/12 9/12 9/12 9/12 9/12 9/12 9/12 9/12 9/13 9/13 9/13 9/13 9/13 9/13 PRPRPRPEPPPPRPPPRPPPRPEPBPEPPRPPEPRPPPPPPRPPPPPRPRPRPPPRPRPRPRPPPRPRPPRRCOHO SALMON CATCH RECORDS ADAADAAHAHLWIWWUUANANAAAAAAAAAARAAAARWUMAAAATTNNIINSYNNDAADAAGASEX M F M F M M M M F F M M M M M M M M M F M M M F M F M M F F M F M F F M F M M M F M F M F M M M F COND OANNNEFNNNEFPNNNNNNNNNWNNWWRrFNHNNNNNNWNHWHENHPRPRPRPNOARPNRPNNNDLENGTH TAG COL. 643 634 660 690 585 595 635 620 680 640 650 615 680 620 600 529 710 580 590 580 560 700 600 678 680 640 533 700 670 651 595 630 720 659 662 493 660 585 528 686 590 712 665 640 670 681 732 610 630 NMAANANAANHAHNHADNAHANAANAAHBWWIWTWdDDNDNHDKHDWHHHWowHNHOKWoOwWTAG# 485 486 487 488 489 490 497 498 500 428 429 430 432 434 435 438 442 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 73 74 75 A3-2 RECAP.# 428 APPENDIX A-3. WE wononnuNnNNunuNunNWuNWUUWuUNUWUWHUUYWOaDAY 9/13 9/13 9/13 9/13 9/13 9/13 9/13 9/13 9/13 9/14 9/14 9/14 9/14 9/14 9/14 9/14 9/14 9/14 9/14 METH SITE #PREPPPPPPPRPEPRPPRPEEHCOHO SALMON CATCH RECORDS SNSNNNOAHShhENSIOs tex NI5RRRRRRRRMRRRIRRSECOND PNUNEFNFWNHNNEFNRFNFNNNNLENGTH TAG COL. 583 683 570 620 650 615 830 692 675 690 B 675 685 590 710 ESC 677 718 720 ESC A3-3 TAG#RECAP.# TP TP TP TP TP TP TP TP 296 APPENDIX A-4. METH SITE SOCKEYE SALMON CATCH RECORDS SEX COND LENGTH TAG COL TAG #RECAP #WKMMWONNYWNYINYVAAKHAKDAARAUUUNUNUNOHUUNAUKKUNAKAKNUKKAhbhEhHWWWWWNHNEFPPRRBPEEPPRRPBPPPRPRPEPRPRPPPPPRPPEPBPBPEPPRPRPPPPPRPPPPPRPPPRPRPRPRPPRRPWVMNAAnAWYQIYWYYIOWNUAKDUAANYYINYPEWWWHEYNWVUUAWHWUNONOAtnsaudstwossesBciieIeicIBeieIcBcicAcIAcIeecIgsIesBeheceoCECNNWEWNHPEPNEPNNWWWNHWNHWNHNWHWDNHWWWWWWWNNWWNHWWWHARPNNNWNHANOARNQOWWHWWndnDonodeooD183 185 187 188 189 197 200 249 268 277 279 281 471 475 72 136 171 15 APPENDIX A-4.SOCKEYE SALMON CATCH RECORDS A4-2 WEEK DAY METH SITE SEX COND LENGTH TAG COL TAG #RECAP # 9 9/14 1 6 F 2 542 9 9/14 1 7 F 1 620 APPENDIX A-5.CHINOOK SALMON CATCH RECORDS A5 -1 1 7/18 1 6 F 2 86 G 84 1 7/18 1 6 F 3 772 G 85 1 7/18 1 6 M 3 860 G 86 1 7/18 1 6 M 3 840 G 87 1 7/18 1 6 M 3 850 G 88 1 7/18 1 5 M 3 400 G 89 1 7/18 1 3 M 3 744 G 90 1 7/18 1 7 M 3 836 G 91 1 7/18 1 7 M 3 900 G 92 1 7/18 1 7 M 3 871 G 93 1 7/18 1 7 M 3 830 G 94 1 7/19 1 6 M 3 1020 G 95 1 7/19 1 6 M 3 860 G 96 1 7/19 1 6 M 3 835 G 97 1 7/19 1 6 M 3 810 G 98 1 7/19 1 6 M 3 408 G 99 1 7/19 1 6 M 3 839 G 100 1 7/19 1 6 M 3 790 G 101 1 7/19 1 5 M 3 615 G 102 1 7/19 1 7 M 3 865 G 104 1 7/19 1 7 F 2 769 G 105 1 7/19 1 7 F 2 887 G 106 1 7/19 1 7 M 3 660 G 107 1 7/19 1 7 M 6 875 1 7/19 1 4 M 3 735 G 108 1 7/19 1 6 F 3 940 G 110 1 7/19 1 5 M 3 716 G 111 1 7/19 1 3 M 3 812 B 38 1 7/19 1 3 F 2 835 G 113 1 7/20 1 6 M 3 1030 G 114 1 7/20 1 6 M 3 763 G 115 1 7/20 1 6 M 3 675 G 116 1 7/20 1 6 F 3 907 G 117 1 7/20 1 6 M 3/5 754 G 118 1 7/20 1 6 M 3 375 G 119 1 7/20 1 3 M 3 890 G 120 1 7/20 1 3 M 3 665 G 107 1 7/20 1 3 F 3 850 G 121 2 7/25 1 6 M 3 1000 G 122 2 7/25 1 5 F 3 845 G 123 2 7/25 1 3 M 3 870 B 68 2 7/25 1 4 M 3 640 B 69 2 7/25 1 4 M 3 710 G 124 2 7/25 1 1 M 3 393 G 125 2 7/25 1 1 M 3 689 G 126 2 7/25 1 1 M 3/5 970 G 127 2 7/26 1 7 M 3 676 G 129 2 7/26 1 7 M 4/5 415 G 130 2 7/26 1 7 M 3/5 690 G 131 2 7/26 1 4 M 3 990 G 132 2 7/26 1 4 F 4/5 840 G 133 APPENDIX A-5. WE PrPPPWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWDNHDHONNDNDNONNNNNNNNNNNNnxDAY 7/26 7/26 7/26 7/26 7/26 7/26 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 7/27 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1- 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/1 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/2 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/3 8/8 8/8 8/8 8/9 8/9 METH SITE #SEX PREPRPRPPRPPEPPEEPPHPBPBRPPRPRPPPRPRPPPRPPPRPPRPRPEPPPRPPRPRPPRPPRPPEPPERPPPEHCHINOOK SALMON CATCH RECORDS NOWWWEYWPRPNONKDbPPHAHHHAHSEEIAPENNNNNINNONANWHObhbbSSSRRTARTASSRRIISRSSSSRSSSRRRRRRRDRRRSRTDRISSSCOND LENGTH TAG COL TAG #RECAP }# 4/5 3/5 915 760 910 685 640 425 760 345 900 825 860 850 380 800 840 1000 940 837 799 895 1000 828 842 970 610 630 810 598 810 420 860 420 418 405 469 780 860 694 1003 845 710 1003 900 815 861 950 400 400 390 390 440 NMAANANDAADWANAAAANAANARAANAARARAADNAAWAAAANDAANAAQAANANANDAARADWANAAA134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 168 169 174 160 176 179 180 181 184 189 126 69 115 94 136 102 38 148 155 124 148 152 A5-2 APPENDIX A-5.CHINOOK SALMON CATCH RECORDS A5-3 WEEK DAY METH SITE #SEX COND LENGTH TAG COL TAG #RECAP # 4 8/10 1 7 F 4/5 800 G 190 4 8/10 1 7 M 3 428 G 191 4 8/10 1 7 M 3 405 G 192 5 8/15 1 7 M 4/5 380 G 159 5 8/15 1 7 M 3 657 G 197 5 8/15 1 7 ESC NO TAG 5 8/15 1 7 M 3 400 G 198 5 8/15 1 7 F 2 650 G 199 5 8/16 1 7 M 4 460 B 178 5 8/16 1 7 M 3 900 B 181 5 8/17 1 7 M 4/5 470 G 184 5 8/17 1 7 M 3 400 G 192 9 9/13 1 4 M 2 522 TP APPENDIX B: WEEK NET 1 TRAP NET FISHING EFFORT SUMMARY-1995 DATE/TIME SET DATE/TIME PULLED 07/18 07/18 07/18 07/18 07/18 07/18 07/25 07/25 07/25 07/25 07/25 07/25 08/01 08/01 08/01 08/01 08/01 08/01 08/08 08/08 08/08 08/08 08/08 08/08 08/15 08/15 08/15 08/15 08/15 08/15 08/22 08/22 08/22 08/22 08/22 08/22 08/29 08/29 08/29 08/29 08/29 08/29 09:55 10:36 11:10 10:15 09:35 10:50 14:15 14:26 14:43 14:19 13:58 14336 09:58 10:10 10:20 10:03 09:48 10:15 09:40 09:50 09:59 09:45 09:19 09355 08:50 09:33 09:55 09:01 08:41 09:42 09:25 09345 09:55 09:34 09:15 09:50 09:30 09:53 10:07 09:45 09:16 09:59 07/20 07/20 07/20 07/20 07/20 07/20 07/27 07/27 07/27 07/27 07/27 07/27 08/03 08/03 08/03 08/03 08/03 08/03 08/10 08/10 08/10 08/10 08/10 08/10 08/17 08/17 08/17 08/17 08/17 08/17 08/24 08/24 08/24 08/24 08/24 08/24 08/31 08/31 08/31 08/31 08/31 08/31 07:32 07:46 08:00 07:38 07:10 07:53 12:40 12356 13:19 12:47 12:23 13:10 10:28 10:50 11:42 10:36 10:12 11:02 10:17 10:54 11:24 10:37 09:53 11:03 10:15 10:45 11:10 10:25 10:00 10:52 09:47 10:26 10:50 10:05 09:14 10:39 10:14 10:31 11:00 10:36 09:58 10:50 EFFORT (HRS) 45.6 45.2 44.8 45.4 45.6 45.1 46.4 46.5 46.6 46.5 46.4 46.6 48.5 48.7 49.4 48.5 48.4 48.8 48.6 49.1 49.4 48.9 48.6 49.1 49.4 49.2 49.3 49.4 49.4 49.2 48.4 48.7 48.9 48.5 48.0 48.8 48.7 48.6 48.9 48.8 48.7 48.8 APPENDIX Bs WEEK NET TRAP NET FISHING EFFORT SUMMARY-1995 DATE/TIME SET DATE/TIME PULLED 09/05 09/05 09/05 09/05 09/05 09/05 09/12 09/12 09/12 09/12 09/12 09/12 10:18 10:32 11:03 10:40 10:10 10:47 09:42 09:53 10:07 09:58 09:34 10:03 09/07 09/07 09/07 09/07 09/07 09/07 09/14 09/14 09/14 09/14 09/14 09/14 10:30 10:59 11:25 10:48 10:02 11:11 09:59 10:16 10:30 10:07 09:43 10:24 EFFORT (HRS) 48.2 48.5 48.4 48.1 47.9 48.4 48.3 48.4 48.4 48.2 48.2 48.3 B-2 APPENDIX C:; DATE JUL JUL JUL JUL JUL JUL JUL JUL JUL JUL JUL JUL JUL JUL JUL JUL AUG AUG AUG AUG AUG AUG AUG AUG AUG AUG AUG AUG AUG AUG AUG AUG AUG AUG AUG AUG AUG AUG AUG AUG AUG AUG AUG AUG AUG AUG AUG SEP 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 o1 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 01 WATER TEMP.(C) PHYSICAL DATA TURBIDITY (NTU) 40 32 24 28 24 27 22 40 40 34 38 34 30 AIR TEMP.(C) 15.0 13.5 18.3 11.0 3.9 13.0 12.0 13.0 13.0 10.5 12.0 AAWoeeooo16.0 14.0 10.5 17.0 12.0 10.0 Cc-1 STAFF GAUGE(FT) 0.90 0.80 0.80 0.90 0.80 0.90 0.92 0.80 APPENDIX C:PHYSICAL DATA C-2 DATE WATER TEMP.(C)TURBIDITY(NTU)AIR TEMP.(C)STAFF GAUGE(FT) SEP 02 SEP 03 SEP 04 SEP 05 9.5 32 15.0 0.80 SEP 06 10.0 26 15.0 0.80 SEP 07 9.5 14.0 0.83 SEP 08 SEP 09 SEP 10 SEP 11 SEP 12 8.2 9.0 0.82 SEP 13 8.8 40 10.0 0.87 SEP 14 7.0 10.0 SEP 15