HomeMy WebLinkAboutPetrology and Geochemistry of Quaternary Volcanic Rocks from Makushin Volcano 1985 DraftCeO.Ui Ps, ¢Wty Petrology and Geochemistry of Quaternary Volcanic Rocks from Makushin Volcano, Central Aleutian Arc July,1985 Final report submitted to the Alaska Power Authority under RSA #RS08-8227, Unalaska Geothermal Drilling. by C.J.Nye!,S.E.Swanson 2 and J.W.Reeder? 1 Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys,794 University Avenue -base- ment,Fairbanks,Alaska 99701 -m 2Department of Geology and Geophysics,University of Alaska,Fairbanks,Alaska 99701 3 Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys,PO Box 772116,Eagle River,AK 99577 «. 1.0 Introduction 2.0 General Geology Table of Contents 3.0 Pleistocene and Holocene Volcanic Rocks 3.1 Rock Unit Nomenclature 4.0 Relation of the Shallow Magma System to Geothermal Resources 5.0 References Tables Figure Captions Figures Appendix Appendix Appendix Appendix Plate 1 eoeoeevvevnevneeaeeveve Sample Number Nomenclature .......... Ages e@eoeoeesneeeeees ea eeeeweeee eee eeeenenee Chemistry Overview .....ccesccveceee Mineralogy Overview ...c.cccccccccee QTvc -Central Vent Lavas Qhv--Homogeneous Volcanics ........ eoeeeeveesconosneeevreeeeereeveeeeeevee oeveeeeeeeveeeeevoevreeveveeeeeveoeeeeeeereeeevee 1-Sample Descriptions ........e0.- Whole Rock AnalyseS).....eeeees Mineral Analyses eoeseeseesrkseerteeesse#e Silica Variation Diagrams eeonoee eeoeevereoeoeoeeeveeeeeesnenereeeeweeeee 65 106 in pocket 1.0 Introduction Unalaska Island is located in the eastern Aleutian Islands,and is in the approximate center of the Aleutian volcanic arc.Quaternary geology of the northern part of northern Unalaska Island is dominated by Makushin Volcano and its satellitic vents. Remnants of precursors to Makushin Volcano are scattered throughout northern Unalaska Island and indicate a record of subareal,flow dominated volcanism spanning at least the last million years. Makushin Volcano and its satellitic vents are the erupted products of the magmatic system which is the ultimate heat source for the Makushin geothermal system.A detailed studyof the chemistry and petrology of these lavas and tuffs was undertaken in order to further the understanding of the geothermal system.The chemistry of erupted lavas pro- vides direct information about the physio-chemical processes involved in magma produc- tion,and can be used to infer the existence of such things as long lived shallow magma chambers or regional geotherms which are sufficiently elevated to induce partial melting of the crust.If sufficient detail of chemistry and stratigraphy is known,then mass and heat flux through the crust as a function of time can also be inferred. In this study we report on chemical data from over 160 samples,and mineral com- position data from 25 of these.These data support the following conclusions. 1)There has not been a single,shallow level magma chamber which has fed all vents over the course of their collective lifetimes. 2)The magmatic plumbing system feeding Makushin Volcano is of relatively small volume and is frequently resupplied by magma from a deeper chamber or cham- bers. 3)In the early Holocene several large,spatially separated magma bodies'rose 3 lavathroughthecrustanderuptedtoformthesatelliticcentersandaseveralkm eruption from Makushin Volcano (the Lava Ramp).This event represented a magma flux through the crust of at least an order of magnitude greater than typi- cal for Makushin Volcano. 4)A residue from the magma iaflux responsible for the formation of the Lava Ramp probably resides at a shallow depth beneath Makushin Volcano,and has been fractionating since the formation of the Lava Ramp.This shallow chamber is big- ger,more silicic and longer lived than normal for Makushin Volcano and is proba- bly the heat source for the geothermal field. 2.0 General Geology The general geology of northern Unalaska is described by Drewes and others (1961),Parmentier and others (1983)and Nye-and others (1984).A brief distillation of these reports is presented here. , The oldest rocks exposed on northern Unalaska Island are those of the Unalaska Formation.The dominant lithologic package of the Unalaska Formation consists of tuffs interbedded with minor volcaniclastic sediments,dikes,sills and flows.Stratigraphically lower.parts of the formation are dominantly flows.In the Dutch Harbor area this Formation is lower Miocene in age (Lankford and Hill,1979),but in the Makushin Volcano region it ranges into the Pliocene. The lower Unalaska Formation tuffs are intruded by a gabbronorite stock which is older than early Pliocene.The gabbro is unconformably overlain by the upper part of the Unalaska Formation.The gabbro is the geothermal reservoir host rock,probably because it is competent enough to maintain open fractures whereas the Unalaska Formation is not. Both the Unalaska Formation and the gabbronorite are unconformably overlain by the Quaternary volcanic rocks which are the subject of this report.These rocks are pre- dominately basalt and andesite flows,with subordinate dacite flows and pyroclastic rocks. The young volcanic rocks range in age from Pleistocene to Holocene and occur as caps on ridges above Pleistocene glacial valleys,young satellite vents,flank vents and pyroclastic deposits of northern Unalaska Island. Rocks units are only gently deformed,and,excepting the Holocene volcanoes,are heavily dissected by Pleistocene glaciation. 3.0 Pleistocene and Holocene Volcanic Rocks . Pleistocene and Holocene volcanic rocks cover older rocks on the northern and western portions of northern Unalaska Island (fig.1).This section will discuss the petrol- ogy and chemistry of these volcanic rocks in detail.Pleistocene flows cap ridges over most of the northern half of northern Unalaska and form eroded pinnacles just east of Makushin Volcano.The modern volcanic fietd is dominated by Makushin Volcano,which is 2055 m high and a few tens to several tens of km?in volume.There are also several satellitic vents which,along with Makushin Volcano itself,form a kroad SW-NE trending band (fig.1).These vents are,from the SW,Pakushin Cone (about 1050 m,1-2 km?), Sugarloaf (580 m),Table Top Mtn (800 m,about 1 km?)and Wide Bay Cone (about 640 m, about 0.5 km?), There are also extremely small volume eruptive centers at Cape Wislow and on a linear fracture radiating from Makushin to the NW.Small explosion pits and cinder cones along this fracture are termed the Pt.Kadin Vents (Drewes and others,1961).There is also a large volume (at least 5 km?3)package of coeruptive flows,termed the Lava Ramp, which erupted from Makushin Volcano and fill upper Makushin and Driftwood Valleys. 3.1 Rock Unit Nomenclature The Quaternary volcanic rocks of northern Unalaska Island have been assigned to two major lithologic units,QTvc and Qhv,which correspond to chemically and mineralog- ically inhomogeneous and homogeneous deposits,respectively (Nye and others,1984). These are roughly equivalent to the Makushin Volcanics and Eider Point Basalt of Drewes and others (1961).QTvc refers to Tertiary (?)to latest Holocene lavas and pyroclastic rocks which have erupted from the Makushin polygenetic stratovolcano.As we show be- low,these eruptive products can be of extremely variable chemical composition and tex- ture even between adjacent flows.Qhv refers to large volume eruptions from smaller monogenetic vents over relatively short time spans and which are homogeneous in chemi- cal composition and texture (see below).While the unit Qhv is not confined by the defi- nition to any particrlar time period,these lavas seem to be almost wholly early Holocene. We will show that the differences between QTvc and Qhv are as follows:QTvc is made up eruptive products of a volcano which is relatively long lived,and whose shallow level plumbing system is of relatively low volume and is either intermittent or is fre- quently reinjected with new material that is different in some or all of the following: composition;temperature,T;partial pressure of water,PHO;and oxygen fugacity,f O>. Frequent resupply or complete refilling of the relatively small volume shallow system with comparatively large volumes of new magma can produce dramatic changes in compo- sition on an eruption by eruption basis (see below). Qhyv,on the other hand,is made up of eruptive products of short lived (monogenetic),relatively large volume,eruptions.These eruptions are usually,but not always,from satellite vents.Magmas in such eruptions are of fairly uniform composition because the shallow level plumbing system is short lived and therefore not reinjected. The major Qhv centers are Pakushin Cone,Table Top,Wide Bay Cone and what we call the Lava Ramp,which is the thick package of flows which issued from the summit or up- per east flank of Makushin and flowed down Driftwood Valley.Sugarloaf and the Point Kadin vents are smaller Qhv centers. 3.2 Sample Number Nomenclature Major,minor and trace element and phase chemistry are reported in appendices 1,2 and 3.Sample locations and schematic geology are reported on plate 1.A systematic numbering system ("map numbers”in the appendices)has been imposed on all samples. Qhv samples have been given two letter prefixes which refer to their location.These pre- fixes are:PC,Pakushin Cone;PK,Point Kadin Vents;LR,Lava Ramp;SL,sugarloaf;CW Cape Wislow;TT Table Top Mountain;and WB;Wide Bay Cone. QTve samples are all prefixed by an M followed by either a number,referring to age cf Makushin Volcano analyses,or a letter,referring to location of Pleistocene rem- nants.Ages of Makushin Volcano analyses are assigned on stratigraphic position and de- gree of glacial dissection and are only semiquantitative.The QTvc Makuhsin Volcano abbreviations are;MJ,late Holocene blocks did bombs,these are the most recent eruptive products;M2,Holocene flows,blocks,bombs and caldera rim remnants;M3,early Holocene samples;M4,late (?)Pleistocene;M5,Pleistocene,these ows have undergone substantial glacial erosion but are still clearly derived from Makushin Volcano,some may only predate Holocene glacial advances.QTvc abbreviations for areally restricted Pleis- tocene samples are:Mc,Eider Point-Cape Cheerful area;Md,immediately east of Drift- wood Valley;Me,immediately west of Driftwood Valley;Mf,Point Kovrishka area;Mg, upper Nateekin Valley and the ridge between Nateekin and Makushin valleys;and Mh, upper Glacier valley. A graphical key to sample numbers forms an inset to Plate 1. 3.3 Ages Ages of samples of Quaternary volcanic rocks from northern Unalaska Island are poorly constrained.The radiometric dates available are in table 1.Dated Pleistocene rocks range from 0.26 +0.01 to 0.93 +0.03 m.y.Ages are restricted at individual localities and vary between localities.Given the paucity of data this observation is only suggestive of migration of the eruptive center with time. The oldest samples (0.90 and 0.93 +0.03 m.y.)are from the ridge east of Driftwood Valley.The one dated Eider Point flow is younger,at 0.69 +0.06 m.y.Flows west of Driftwood are substantially younger;a stratigraphically high flow is 0.38 +0.04 m.y.,and a dike intruding this package is 0.26 +0.01 m.y.The youngest dated Pleistocene flows are from the Point Kovrishka area and are 0.30 +0.02 to 0.34 +0.04 m.y. In the absence of abundant radiometric dates,preliminary ages have been assigned to other samples on the basis of the extent of glacial erosion.These ages are admittedly imprecise,but form the basis of the sample numbering scheme outlined in section 3.2. The two great uncertainties in these "glacial"ages are 1)the difficulty of assigning Makushin Volcano samples to "Pleistocene"vs "pre-Neoglacial"ages since the amount of erosion caused by neoglacial advances is unknown and 2)the difficulty of assigning ages to post-Pleistocene deposits since the downvalley limit of the neoglacial advances is not known at Makushin. Consideration of glacial activity indicates that the major satellitic centers (Pakushin Cone,Table Top,Wide Bay Cone and Sugarloaf)as well as the Lava Ramp are all between 11,000 and about 3,000 years old.All occupy Pleistocene glacial valleys and are thus younger than 11,000 yrs (i.e.younger than the retreat of massive Pleistocene ice sheets,see Black,1981,and references therein).Also,these centers are all older than 3,000 yrs,since they have been glaciated,and this is the age of the last major Holocene glacial advance (Black,1981).It may be possible,with further work,to refine these ages.If it could be shown that the 3,000 yr advance did not reach low levels at Makuhsin then the major Qhv deposits could be assigned to the 11,000 -7,000 yr bracket.Alternatively,if it could be shown that the 7,000 yr glacial advance was especially vigorous,then the Qhv centers could,perhaps,be assigned to the 7,000 -3,000 yr interval.A focused 146 dating program would be useful. 3.4 Chemistry Overview _The Quaternary volcanic rocks at Makushin have major and trace element composi- tions typical of convergent margin magmas..They form a broad continuum of mafic to . silicic compositions,with abundant rocks of intermediate Si05,have low TiO and high ratios of alkali metals to small,highly charged cations (see Gill,1981;Ewart,1982;and Pearce,1982,for review).Analyses and analytical methods are given in appendix 2.Most analyses fall on,or slightly above,the tholeiitic (TH)-calcalkaline (CA)dividing line of Miyashiro (1974)on a plot of FeO*(total iron as FeO)/MgO vs.SiO,(fig.2).Analyses span the range basalt to dacite,with most analyses-in the andesite range.With increasing SiO Na»O,K,0,Rb,Ba,Ce,Nd,Nb,Zr and Y increase,MgO,FeO*,Ni,Cr and Sr and,toa lesser extent,Al503,decrease and PoO5 and TiO,remain fairly copstant (appendix 4).V contents remain fixed over much of the range of compositions,but decrease dramatically in the high Si05 samples (appendix 4).AlyO03 and Sr contents vary considerably in the low Si05 samples,and have a more restricted range at high SiO (appendix 4).Such vari- ations may be due to plagioclase accumulation.Note that the low SiO,samples tend to have higher total phenocryst contents than the high SiO»samples (fig.3). 10 Variations in chemistry are qualitatively compatible with a petrogenetic mecha- nism dominated by crystal fractionation of a parental basaltic melt.There are,however, variations in chemistry that preclude an interpretation of simple fractionation of a single, long lived,crustal magma chamber.Such variations require mixing between batches of magma at different degrees of fractionation as well as introduction into the shallow sys- tem of successive batches of magma with differing chemical compositions. Magma mixing within the shallow level system is demonstrated by compatible ele- ment (e.g.Mg,Cr,Ni)vs.incompatible element (e.g.Rb,K,Zr)systematics.Mg,Cr and Ni are preferentially partitioned into mafic silicate minerals during crystalization,hence their concentration drops during fractional crystalization.Incompatible elements are ex- cluded from those mineral species that form phenocrysts in the Makushin magmas,and are concentrated in the residual liquid during fractionation.If the variations in composition of the Makushin suite are produced wholly by crystal fractionation then lava compositions should lie along curved fractiofiation paths such as the model paths in figure 4.Compositions which lie above the fractionation curves in these figures are produced ei- ther by mixing of less fractionated high Mg,low Rb compositions with evolved low Mg, high Rb compositions,or by crystal accumulation.Crystal accumulation cunnot be called on for many of the lavas that lie above the fractionation lines since many of these sam- ples have very low phenocryst contents.Mixing is likely to happen when a new batch of little fractionated magma intrudes into the upper crust and mixes with a shallow,evolved magma chamber. Resupply of the shallow level magmatic system with newly arriving batches of magma from depth is also demonstrated by variations in K/Y ratios (fig.5).K and Y are both enriched in the melt during crystal fractionation,but at equal rates.Because they have the same bulk distribution coefficients,Dpulk (DyuK=Cs/Cp where C,js the con- centration in phenocrysts and C is the concentration of an element in the liquid),the K/Y ratio will not change during fractional crystalization.The wide range of K/Y values il at Makushin especially from QTve samples,thus precludes fractionation of a single magma chamber,or fractionation of a single homogeneous parent composition,at Makushin and requires resupply of new aliquots of parent magma of subtly different composition to the shallow level magmatic system.This observation is corroborated by similar behavior of other incompatible element ratios,such as Rb/Y,Zr/Y,Rb/Zr and K/Rb. 3.5 Mineralogy Overview The lavas erupted from Makushin and its flank vents are usually porphyritic,with phenocrysts generally less than a few mm maximum diameter,and contain phenocrysts of plagioclase +augite +olivine +orthopyroxene +titanomagnetite.Diopside occurs in a few of the most mafic samples.Hydrous phases are absent from the lavas,but hornblende has been reported from Holocene tephra (Arce,1983).With rare exceptions plagioclase is the dominant phase,comprising as much as half the rock,and usually over half the modal mineralogy.Augite is usually next most abundant and comprises less than 10%of the rock.Amounts of upx and ol are usually subordinate to augite.Olivine is generally re- stricted to basalts and opx to andesites and dacites.Magnetite is common as a microphe- nocryst,but rarely comprises more than 1%of the rock.Chrome spinel is included in diopside and forsteritic olivine.Total phenocryst contents correlate roughly with SiO» concentration (fig.3).In some cases,but definitely not all,the low SiO,concentration of extremely porphyritic rocks may be an artifact of crystal accumulation.That is,there is no clear relationship between total phenocryst content and the amount of displacement of whole rock compositions from model MgO -Rb fractionation paths (see fig.4 and discus- sion in 3.4,above). Compositions of phenocrysts span a fairly wide range altogether (pl=Any9-Angs, 0l=F03¢-Fog),aug=En75-Engs,opx=Eng>-En7q,appendix 3,figs.6,7).Compositions of 12 phenocrysts from individual samples are,as expected,of more restricted compositional range,although in some cases compositions within single samples span half the composi- tional range of all samples together.Plagioclase,olivine and augite are usually normally zoned.Plagioclase crystal often have complex oscillatory zoning,and frequently have concentric spongy zones within the crystal.Rims are usually only a few mole percent anorthite (An)poorer than cores,although extreme cases of zoning over a few tens of percent An exist.Augite and diopside are generally normally zoned by a few percent fer- rosilite (Fs),and occasionally (especially in PC-06 and PC-09 from the basal pyroclastic unit from Pakushin Cone)have complex oscillatory zoning.Olivine is usually normally zoned,frequently in excess of 10 mole percent forsterite (Fo),between core and rim.Or- thopyroxene is frequently reverse zoned by a few mole percent En.In addition to being zoned,mafic silicate phenocrysts can be rimmed by different minerals.Rims of opx and pigeonite are not uncommon on augite and olivine,and augite rims on opx occur infre- quently.i "_-on Chemical equilibria between silicate liquids,pyroxenes and olivine,and between pyroxenes,are known from experimental petrology.The extent to which minerals in a given sample do or do not conform to the known equililria can be used to trace the his- tory of crystals in a magma and thus infer petrogenetic processes.The ratio of FeO/MgO between liquids and silicates,and between different silicates,is largely independent of temperature and pressure and is expressed as the iron-magnesium exchange coefficient KpFe/Mg(;-j),which equals molar (FeO/MgO);/(FeO/Mg0O),,where i and j are either min- eral species or the host liquid.KoF&/M8(o1-1),KpF€/M8(epx-1)and KF &/M8(opx-cpx)are 0.30,0.25 and 1.20,respectively (Roeder,1974;Grove and others,1982;and Lindsley, 1983).K>F&/M8,o1-1)and KpF¢/M8(cpx-1)are independent of temperature.Kp?&/M8(opx- cpx)is temperature dependent,but will vary less than 10%over the temperature range of Makushin magmas (Lindsley,1983).From the three known KpF&/M8._KoFe/M8(opx-1) 13 and KpFe/M8(01-cpx)can be calculated by simple algebra and should be 0.30 and 1.20,re- spectively. Apparent KpFe/M8g for all analyzed samples from Makushin and its flank vents are in table 2.In all cases KpF¢/M8.were calculated using the most magnesian core of each mineral and the whole rock composition.Using the most magnesian cores and whole rocks alleviates the need to correct for in situ fractionation and will reflect true equilib- rium if the liquid,before crystallization,was multiply saturated with all phenocryst phases.A second set of KpFe/Me,for LR-02 is included using the compositions of anomalously Mg rich cpx and olivine. In general,the apparent KpoFe/Mg,are not acceptably close (+0.02)to equilibrium KpFe/M8,_Apparent values of KpF®/ME&x1-1)which are smaller than equilibrium values indicate that the crystals are too magnesian and that at least part of the population of that species must be xenocrysts.Apparent values of KpFe/M8 (x1-1)which are greater than equilibrium values indicate that-crystals are'too iron rich to be in equilibrium with the enclosing magma.Such crystals are also usually xenocrysts,but in the few cases where all KpFe/M8(x1-1)are equally large,all KpF€/M&x1-x1)approach equilibrium and the whole rock compositions are enough above model MgO-Rb fractionation lines,then selective con- centration of phenocrysts in the host magma may have occurred.Md-14 is a case in point. The first order conclusion that can be drawn from consideration of mineral-min- eral and mineral-liquid equilibria is that thos samples for which microprobe data exist rarely represent liquid compositions.In situ crystal accumulation is rarely a sufficient explanation for the apparent disequilibria.Instead,and especially in cases where some mineral species are too magnesian,and others too ferroan,complex processes involving crystal accumulation,magma mixing and selective crystal entrainment of pieces of young cumulate bodies are required to explain the disequilibrium.Detailed microprobe studies sufficient to discriminate multiple populations within individual mineral species could possibly provide enough evidence to sort out the relative contributions of such processes. 3.6 OTve -Central Vent Lavas Analyzed samples of QTvc span the range of all analyses of northern Unalaska lavas.These compositions are graphically depicted in silica variation diagrams in ap- pendix 4,and run from basalt to dacite.These analyses define continuous,moderately tightly clustered,linear or curvilinear arrays on the variation diagrams.In reconnais- sance interpretations of the Makushin magmatic system such clustered arrays have been used as permissive evidence that the entire Makushin system is comagmatic and related to a single,large,long lived magma chamber (Swanson and others,1983;Swanson 1983). However,such an analysis breaks down under close scrutiny.This close scrutiny suggests that the plumbing system giving rise to QTvc lavas is,on the whole,relatively small and temporally discontinuous.Several lines of evidence specifically require a rather complicated picture of thé shallow pliimbing system feeding QTvc.First,lavas which are spatially and/or temporally restricted span a wide range of composition.Fig- ure 8 shows select elements as a function of Si0>,with QTvc samples from different loca- tions and ages ere plotted as separate .ymbols.In figure 9 Qhv samples have been plot- ted as separate symbols by area.In figure 8 note the wide degree of overlap between dif- ferent groups and the wide compositional spread within groups.Such inhomogeneity within groups yet constancy between groups is best interpreted as representing eruption from a fairly small,frequently resupplied magma chamber.Such a chamber would frac- tionate rather rapidly because of its small size (thus high rate of heat Joss)and could erupt anything from basalt to dacite within a fairly short time period.Such a chamber must also be resupplied at frequent intervals,thus permitting such features as the factor of two variation in KO at a given SiO,concentration of the Pleistocene Makushin Vol- cano analyses,widespread mineralogical disequilibrium (table 2),and scatter above the Mg-Rb fractionation path (fig.4). 14 15 Frequent resupply of a small chamber is also indicated by the wide range in K/Y ratios shown in figure 5.K/Y ratios will not vary as a function of the extent of frac- tional erystalization,and thus can only vary if the K/Y ratios of the parental magma changes.Most Makushin units have K/Y ratios which vary beyond the range of analyti- cal imprecision.This requires either eruption of successive,different,magma batches or mixing of incoming magma with a preexisting,shallow magma chamber (consideration of mineral equilibria suggest that the latter may be a more common mechanism). Consideration of Mg-Rb systematics also requires complicated plumbing feeding Makushin Volcano.Samples which lie above model fractionation lines in figure 4 are a product of mafic phenocryst accumulation,magma mixing,or both.Note that in figure 4 those samples which plot above the model fractionation lines are usually Pleistocene QTvc.Consideration of mineral-melt equilibria (section 3.5,table 2)suggests that only some of these compositions can arise by in situ accumulation of phenocrysts.Magma mix- ing or selected xenocryst entrainment is required when Kp /M8(x3-x1)are not equilib- rium values or when KpF&/M8(x1-1)are not equally smaller than equilibrium values. Holocene lava and tephra (MI and M2 samples)are generally more siliceous than older QTvc.62%of al!MI and M2 analyses are >5$%SiO».70%of all analyzed samples over 58%SiO»,and virtually all dacites,are MI and M2 series.This suggests that there is currently an evolved,shallow chamber which,since it is more evolved than normal for the volcano,may have been in place for a comparatively long time.Evidence from whole rock and mineral chemistry requires that this chamber has been periodically reinjected,as noted for other QTvc,above.- 3.7 Ohy -Homogeneous Volcanics Qhv samples are erupted products of short-lived relatively high volume eruptions.Such eruptions typically form monogenetic flank vents and volcanoes,but in one case such an 16 eruption came from the central Makushin Volcano.Geomorphic evidence requires that all major Qhv deposits were emplaced between 11,000 and 3,000 years before present (see Sec- tion 3.3). ) There are 3 major Qhv centers (Pakushin cone,the Lava Ramp and Table Top Mtn) and 4 smaller centers (Sugarloaf Cone,Wide Bay Cone,the Point Kadin vents and the de- posit at Cape Wislow).These will be described individually below.In contrast to QTvc, Qhv centers are either chemically homogeneous or have distinct,recognizable features. Figure 9 shows that analyses from individual Qhv centers are restricted to rela- tively small portions of the total compositional spread,especially with respect to tempo- rally or spatially related QTvc (fig.8).This chemical homogeneity extends to elemental ratios which will not change during fractional crystalization.For instance,K/Y ratios from Qhv centers are tightly grouped,especially compared to temporally or spatially re- lated QTvc (fig.5).This chemical homogeneity suggests that samples from individual Qhv centers are comagmatic.Differences in-composition between centers,especially dif- ferences in K/Y,require that individual Qhv centers are not produced from a common magma chamber. Pakushin Ccae is the southernmost Qhv vent,and is about 7 km SSW of Makushin's summit.The basal and distal parts of the cone are pyroclastic material,at least the basal part of which contains large bombs of basalt containing olivine and aluminous diopside xenocrysts.The bulk of the cone is made up of basalt and basaltic andesite (50-55%SiO.) spatter and flows.The flows on the lower part of the edifice have been glaciated but the nested cinder cones and vents within the summit crater have not been modified by ice movement. Compared to other lavas at Makushin,the Pakushin lavas have high AlnO3 (and thus low Ca0/A1503),FeO*and MgO contents that decrease rapidly with increasing SiO, high Na>O,K5,0 and Sr,normal Rb and low Y and Zr.Pakushin lavas have high K/Y ratios.Pakushin lavas,save the basal pyroclastic units,have hand specimen appearances 17 unique at Makushin and rare in general.This unique appearance is produced by radiat- ing bundles of plagioclase laths such that plagioclase crystals in hand specimen are of equal size and coin-shaped morphology.Such textures have been reported from plagio- clase crystalization experiments at moderately high degrees of undercooling (Lofgren, 1974). On incompatible-compatible element variation diagrams the Pakushin lavas define a mixing trend between evolved basaltic andesite lying on the fractionation trend and a very high Mg composition (fig.10).Mineral compositions and consideration of mineral- melt equilibria suggest that the high Mg material is xenocrystic diopside and olivine. The Lava Ramp is the most voluminous set of Qhv flows.These flows issued from the summit or high east flank of Makushin and flowed down Makushin Valley,then down Driftwood Valley to within 1 km of the present coast.These flows have no soil or ero- sional,debris between them,suggesting that this package of flows was emplaced in a geo- logically short time period.These flows are-more siliceous than the Pakushin flows and range from 54-59%SiO»,and have compositions typical of other Makushin magmas.In two places (the D-1 drill core and at Makushin Canyon)vertical sections of 180 and 200 m,respectively,were sampled and analyzed.Both secticns are broadly isochemical (e.g. fig.11),although the upper 40 m of the D-1 core is progressively less fractionated toward the surface.The Lava Ramp appears vertically isochemical but it is horizontally zoned. The distal portions of the package tend to be less fractionated.They have lower Si05, K,0 and FeO*/Mg0O (fig.12)and higher Ca0/A1503,suggesting eruption of a large, zoned magma chamber.However,the zonation in the magma chamber was not neccessar- ily produced by in situ fractionation of a closed system.On incompatible-compatible el- ement variation diagrams (see fig.10 for an example)the Lava Ramp samples fall on a tight linear trend subparallel to,and above the model fractionation line.This requires fractionation in a chamber with lower Dug or higher Ciz,.either of which is incompati- ble with fractionation within the same chamber which produced the Pakushin lavas. A model fractionation path with Doig of 1.8 is given in figure 4.The Lava Ramp samples fall near this model fractionation path,but form a straight chord to the path, suggesting that magma mixing between two compositions which both fall on the fractiona- tion trend has occurred.A mixing hypothesis for Lava Ramp samples is corroborated by widespread mineral disequilibrium,both with other crystals and with the host melt.Ata first approximation olivine is near,or slightly more magnesian than equilibrium with the liquid,and is usually normally zoned.Orthopyroxene,and,to a lesser extent,augite,is too iron rich for equilibrium with the host liquid and is reversely zoned. Mixing between two discreet magma batches is indicated,and our preferred sce- nario follows.We suspect that a relatively small chamber of residual two pyroxene an- desite existed under the summit of Makushin.During the same time of construction as other Qhv centers a large volume of olivine-plagioclase phyric basaltic-andesite rose from depth and entered the preexisting static magma chamber,causing,by virtue of its higher temperature,convective overturt,vesiculation,and mixing of the entire system.A com- bination of volume problems and gas pressure then caused eruption,with lava dominated by newly arriving,more mafic,magma erupting first. Sugarleaf,at the head of Driftwood Valley,has the composition appropriate for the mafic end member of the mixture which forms the Lava Ramp. Table Top and Wide Bay Cone together form the other voluminous Qhv centers. These features are formed of basalts of uniform composition which hold down the most mafic end of the Makushin compositional array.These basalts are distinct in hand speci- men and carry large xenocrysts of olivine and clinopyroxene with subordinate,much smaller plagioclase phenocrysts. 4.0 Relation of the Shallow Magma System to Geothermal Resources 18 Magmas of northern Unalaska Island are,in the broadest sense,related by frac- tional crystalization.This does not,however,imply fractionation of a single magma chamber with a lifetime long with respect to the age of the volcanic system.Widespread mineral/mineral and mineral/liquid disequilibrium,variations in incompati- ble/incompatible element ratios of spatially and temporally related QTvc samples,and wide compositional ranges of QTvc samples all provide abundant evidence that the plumb- ing system feeding QTvc is not simple. Magma mixing,xenocryst entrainment,resupply of the magmatic system by parent magmas of different compositions and,perhaps,crustal assimilation,must all occur in ad- dition to simple crystal fractionation.It is important to a full understanding of the geothermal system to quantify the extent to which the different processes operate.By virtue of the large data base at Makushin we are in an unusually good position to do this, although answers can only be semiquantitative. In order to produce the wide rangein ratios of two incompatible elements,and in order to produce the widespread chemical disequilibria,newly arriving batches of magma must be large with respect to the size of the static magma chamber,or else their effect would be masked by the shallow chamber.If the static chamber is to be of roughly constant size then the volume of incoming material must be equivalent to the volume of erupted material in any magmatic episode.While we have little knowledge of the average volume of juvenile material ejected in a singlé eruption at Makushin,eruptions of other arc volcanoes are routinely 107!to 1072 km?,and eruptions of 1 to 10 km?are extremely rare (Simkin and others,1981)." If eruptions at Makushin are 107!to 1072 km?,the incomining batch of magma is large with respect to the shallow chamber,and the chamber remains roughly at constant volume then the shallow chamber must be on the order of 107!to 1 km?>,These figures are only time integrated averages.If there are large repose times between eruptions then such a chamber might well completely solidify between eruptions,and during periods of 19 increased volcanic activity the chamber might be larger.In any case,a shallow chamber volume of hundreds,or even tens,of km?seems very unlikely. If repose times between eruptions are on the order of 102 years (Arce,1983,sum- marizes the historic record),and volumes are as described above,then magma supply rates to the upper crust must be on the order of 1072 or 1073 km?/yr.Given reasonable esti- mates of temperature drops during crustal residence (fig.7)heat supply rates to the shal- low crust of 1013 to 10!4 cal/yr are indicated.These heat supply rates are insufficient to explain even the surface heat flux of small geothermal systems (e.g.Ellis and Mahon, 1977,p.340). Eruption of unusually large volumes of material over fairly short time periods oc- curred during the early Holocene and produced the Qhv centers.Magma f:ux during the early Holocene was several tens of times greater than average for Makushin Volcano.One of these batches of magma erupted though Makushin Volcano to produce the Lava Ramp. The uncharacteristically silicic nature of Holocene Makushin Volcano magma (M1,M2 samples)suggests that a relatively large batch of magma was left behind by the Lava Ramp eruption,and that that batch has been fractionating with time.Mineral data re- quire that the modern magma chamber has also beer reinjected by new mzgma,but the silicic nature of the Holocene magmas suggests that the modern chamber is big enough to overwhelm the newly injected material.This is notably uncharacteristic of Makushin Volcano's typical behavior.oo We propose that this unusually large Holocene chamber is the ultimate heat source for the Makushin geothermal system.Volcanic centers with similarly anomalously high volume,Holocene,eruptions may also host significant geothermal systems,and search for such voluminous Holocene systems may be a viable exploration tool in areas where there is little background knowledge. 20 21 5.0 References Arce,G.N.,1983,Volcanic hazards from Makushin Volcano,northern Unalaska Island, Alaska:Fairbanks,University of Alaska unpublished M/S.thesis,142 p. Black,R.F.,1981,Late Quaternary climatic changes in the Aleutian Islands,Alaska,in Mahaney,W.C.ed.,Quaternary Paleoclimate:Norwich,U.K.,Geoabstracts Ltd.,p.47-62. Drewes,H.,Fraser,G.D.,Snyder,G.L,and Barnett,H.F.Jr.,1961,Geology of Unalaska Island and adjacent insular shelf,Aleutian Islands,Alaska:U.S.Geological Survey Bulletin 1028-S,p.583-676. Ellis,A.J.,and Makon,W.A.J.,1977,Chemistry and Geothermal Systems:New York,Aca- demic Press,392 pp. Ewart,A.,1982,The mineralogy and petrology of Tertiary-Recent orogenic volcanic rocks: with special reference to the dandesite-basaltic compositional range,in Thorpe,R.S.,ed.,Andesites:orogenic andesites and related rocks:New York, John Wiley and Sons,p.25-99.@ Gill,J.B.,1981,Orogenic Andesites and Plate Tectonics:New York,Springer-Verlag,390 p. Grove,T.L.,Gerlach,D.C.,and Sando,T.W.,1982,Origin of calc-alkaline series lavas at Medicine Lake Volcano by fractionation,assimilation and mixing:Contrib. Mineral.Petrol.,v.80,p.160-182. Lankford,S.M.,and Hill,J.M.,1979,Stratigraphy and depositional environment of the 'Dutch Harbor Memeber of the Unalaska Formation,Unalaska Island, Alaska:U.S.Geological Survey Bulletin 1457-B,p.B1-B14. Lindsley,D.H.,1983,Pyroxene thermometry:Am.Min.,v.68,p.477-493. Lofgren,G.,1974,An experimental study of piagioclase crystal morphology:isothermal crystallization:Am.J.Sci.,v.274,p.243-273. Miyashiro,A.,1974,Volcanic rock series in-island arcs and active continental margins: Am.J.Sci.,v.274,p.321-355. Nye,C.J.,Queen,L.D.,and Motyka,R.J.,1984,Geolog'c map of the Makushin geothermal area,Unalaska Island,Alaska:Alaska Div.Geol.Geophys.Surveys Report of Investigations RI 84-2,2 sheets,1:24,000. Parmentier,P.P.,Reeder,J.W.,and Henning,M.W.,Geology and hydrothermal alteration of Maksuhin Geothermal Area,Unalaska Island,Alaska:Geotherm.Res.Coun- cil Transactions,v.7.,p.181-185. Pearce,J.A.,Trace element characteristics of lavas from destructive plate boundaries,in Thorpe,R.S.,ed.,Andesites:orogenic andesites and related rocks:New York, John Wiley and Sons,p.25-99. 22 23 Roeder,P.L.,1974,Activity of iron and olivine solubility in basaltic liquids:Earth Plan. Sci.Lett.,v.23,p.397-410. Swanson,S.E.,1983,Mineralogy and fractionation in the Makushin volcanic field,Un- alaska Island,Alaska:Geol.Soc.Am.Abs.w/Programs,v.15,p.703. Swanson,S.E.,Nye,C.,and Motyka,R.J.,1983,Petrology of the Makushin volcanic field, Unalaska Island,Alaska:Eos,v.64,p.335. Simkin,T.,Siebert,L.,McClelland,L.,Bridge,D.,Newhall,C.,and Latter,J.H.,1981,Vol- canoes of the World:Stroudsburg,Penn.,Hutchinson Ross Pub.Co.,232 p. 24 mol/mol;=minimum age;all samples analysed in t K/Ar laboratory,J.Blum,analyst. he "REgotaa” Table 1.K/Ar age determinations. sample #map #K20 sample 40ar Sar.ad apart ad age +15(lab #)(wt %)wt (g)(mol/g)aea Areoe (m.y.) x M10 Ma-10 1.492 13.5314 0.196 0.0530 0.281 0.91+0.03(83055)1.497 1.495 0.191 0.0516 0.274 0.89+0.90 0.90+0.03 M14 Md-14 1.760 10.2882 0.238 0.0543 0.106 0.93+0.03 (83059)1.780 1.770 M30 Mc-18 0.680 9.6739 0.0671 0.0401 0.0190 0.694+0.06 (83057)0.670 0.675 M34 Me 01 1.040 11.0586 0.0564 0.0218 0.0299 0.38+0.04* -(83060)1.050 :1.045 M39 Me-06 -.1.638 --13.8055°-0.0599 0.0150 0.0992 0.26+0.01*(84052)1.592 1.615 "M44c M3-13¢c 1.187 10.7545 -0.0111-0.00377 0.0084 zero (83061)1.197 (unmeasurable) 1.192 M47 Mf-03 1.330 12.2446 0.565 0.0171 0.0201 0.30+0.02(83062)1.330 1.330 M49 Mf-05 1.250 7.7701 .-0.0616 0.0199 0.0357 0.34+0.04*(83063)1.250 1.250 rad=radiogenic;lambdag+lambdac'=0.581x10 "'yr 7;*=1.167x10¢GI cooperative 25 Table 2.FeO0/MgO exchange coefficients (KDFCE/M9)for all Makushin samples.Values indicative of equilibrium are underlined.All KDs are calculated using the whole rock Fe0/MgOandtheFeO/MgO ratios of the most magnesian phenocrysts.WholerockFeOisderivedfromFeO*with an assumed Fe°*/Fe ratio of 0.175. map #|ol/l cpx/l opx/l ol/cpx opx/cpx LR-02 |0.431 0.360 0.400 1.195 1.110 |0,292 0.175 1.660 LR-06a _|0.235 0.330 0.428 0.713 1.297 LR-O6f |0.292 0.453 0.417 0.646 0.922 LR-11 |0.391 0.240 0.421 1.624 1.751 LR-12b si 0.283 0.372 0.416 0.716 1.116 LR-1l2n_|0.3123 0.288 0.289 1.090 1.005 M1-01 |0.198 0.183 0.296 1.081 1.621 Ml-5lc |0.205 0.250 1.222 M1-5ld |0.214 0.160 0.319 1.337 1.993 Mc-18 |0.438 0.213 2.060 Md-04 |0.582 0.431 0.508 1.349 1.177 Md-14 |0.529 0.581 1.099 Me-03 |0.365 0.165 2.215 Me-06 |0.646 0.861 1.332 Me 07 |0.200 0.058 3.439 Mf-01 |0.260 0.191 1.363 Mf-04 |0.402 0.394 1.019 PC-02 |0.417 "0.293 ©"1.425 PC-06 |0.245 0.262 0.938 PC-09 ]0.251 0.341 0.737 PC-11 |0.261 0.357 1.370 PK-02 |0.242 TT-10 |0.377 0.332 1.136 TT-22 '|-1.175 WB-05 |2.469 Figure Captions Figure 1.Map of northern Unalaska Island showing locations of volcanic vents,general- ized geology of Quaternary units and geography. Figure 2.FeO*(total iron as FeO)/MgO diagram.The tholeiitic (Th)-calcalkaline (Ca)di- viding line is from Miyashiro (1974).Symbols are as follows:stars,late Holocene Makushin Volcano (M1 series);crosses,middle and early Holocene Makushin Volcano (M2, M3 and M4 series);small pluses,Pleistocene QTvc (M5,Mc,Md,Me,Mf,Mg and Mh se- ries);triangles,Lava Ramp (LR);inverted triangles Sugarloaf (SL);hexagons,Pakushin Cone (PC);squares,Point Kadin Vents (PK);upright diamonds,Table Top Mountain (TT); and sideways diamonds,Wide Bay Cone (WB). Figure 3.Volume percent phenocrysts versus Si0>. Figure 4.MgO versus Rb for all Makuhsin analyses.Symbols as in Figure 2,with the ad- dition of large plusses,which are calculated f ractional crystallization paths at increments of 10%fractionation.The model assumes Dpp=0.03,Cipp=7 ppm,Dwgo=!-8 (upper line) or 2.2 (lower line),and Ciyygo7!0.0 wt %.The values for Dugo span acceptible values when D's are estimated on loSejement VS:logry diagrams.Slopes on log-log diagrams are an accurate measure the empiracal bulk distribution coefficients (Ds)for a system.The inset shows the effect of crystal accumulation and magma mixing,in addition to frac- tional crystallization,on Mg-Rb systematics.Tic marks on all lines are 10%increments. 26 27 Figure 5.K/Y ratios for different spatially and/or temporally related samples.Since K and Y have the same empirical Ds (measured from the slopes on logajement"lOSRp dia- grams),the K/Y ratio cannot.vary outside the analytical precision (<10%)among comag- matic samples.Note the wide range in K/Y among most M groups compared to LR,PC and TT samples. Figure 6.Compositions of all Makushin analyses of augite,diopside,pigeonite,orthopy- roxene and olivine.Cpx thermal stabilities and 3 phase pyroxene triangles are from Lind- sley (1983),and provide temperature estimates for those samples with coexisting pyrox- enes. Figure 7.Compositions of all Makushin analyses of plagioclase. Figure 8.SiO VS.Aly03 (fig.84),FeOt (total iron as FeO,fig.8b),K,0 (fig.8c)and Zr £.ig.8d)for QTve samples only.Symbols are:stars,Holcene Makushin Volcano (M1,M2, M3);squares,Pleistocene Makushin Volcano (M4,M5);triangles,Eider Point-Cape Cheer- ful area (Mc);inverted triangles,west of Driftwood Vallzy (Md);hexagons,east of Drift- wood Valley (Me);upright diamonds,Cape Kovrishka area (Mf);sideways diamonds,up- per Nateekin and Makushin valleys (Mg,Mh). Figure 9.Si05 vs.Al503 (fig.9a),FeOt (total iron as FeO,fig.9b),K,0 (fig.9c)and Zr (fig.9d)for Qhv samples only.Symbols are:triangles,Lava Ramp @LR);inverted triangles, Sugarloaf (SL);hexagons,Pakushin Cone (PC);squares,Point Kadin Vents (PK);di- amonds,Table Top Mtn.(TT);and sideways diamonds,Wide Bay Cone (WB). Figure 10.MgO vs.Zr for Lava Ramp and Pakushin Cone samples,and for a model frac- tional crystallization path.Values for D's and Ciz,are taken from regressions of all Makushin data and represent empiracal best estimates for these values at Makushin.The Pakushin data fall on a mixing trend between fractionated magma and ferromagnesian phenocrysts.The Lava Ramp data require magma mixing and/or fractionation at lower Doug or higher Ci,than at Pakushin (either of which preclude comagmatism between Pakushin and the Lava Ramp). Figure 11.FeOt(total iron as FeO)/MgO vs.depth below the surface for the two vertical sections through the lava ramp.The Makushin Canyon section also has higher Ca0/Al,03 and lower SiO>and incompatible trace elements. F.gure 12.FeOt/MgO vs km from an arbitrary location on the SE flank of Makushin Volcano for all Lava Ramp analyses. 28 Cape Kovrizhka Sugarloaf +4"4°«MAKUSHIN''*,¢,¢,VOLCANO ++#+ Lava Ramp Table Top Mtn Cape CheerfulCapeWislow Wide Bay Cone Eider Pt AS DUTCH HARBOR UNALASKA Qal-alluvium lg |Qvp -pyroclastic debris Qhv -homogeneous volcanics QTvc -polygenetic vent lavas 5 0 .5 km ° px | 00° g 00°” OO°E06w/xoe .O65.O60.O5550 5102 volume%phenocrysts80 70 = 60 - + + SO 4 +++++ ++ + 40 +++tH + +ob tts +4 30 +++t+* + 20 =+ ++ .++ 10 ++ ++ +6)i i t T q me)T i if qT Ul t q 48 50 52 54 56 58 60 62 12.0||||1 oO oa - a Sol O CC)2=oP ia) wo 7 a oOOf.= wt 5ol > oO Y.0 70.0 Nay 'N HHH J ii.fl, eis it Leee| LR PC TT PK M1 08.0.6 (Thousands) K 0.40.2 pup sui x PUD S4 UOI}DD4}BjolW Soi10d 'GO OMUO!OD4}yBOW molepercentorthoclase0.12 all Makushin plagioclase analyses + -. + -ates ++ 7 +u +Maa ay +tat ey tl + |++,7%+47 +4+He T+Ht +4 +ty Eg U U L v 1 U 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 mole percent anorthite Al20320. only |||| ) a A %o aA¥%AA ,9 . As O oO >o Uy A =A A Oo Opn xVos'¥Ad o!O 4%y™ca Oo ty> ¥%¥A oY V ¥¥ a ¥%*¥ =¥OF HH %% A |||| 50.0 55.0 60.0 65.0 Qivc only 65.0.06055.0.O50 5102 K201.502.502.00.001.50Qilvc only |% % A * x * =>XH :¥ *>oO > )¥ - }vw'iO % ovo &% cr 4 fe) -o 0nd 9¥a **aesA O ¥¥ a |l 50.0 55.60.0 65.0 4 3 Zr10015020050QITvc only |||| ¥ a % he 0 * i >ok =>VV ,vn! Vv o wo fe)re) r)pPno o Ne i 9 . =nN wd O|||| 50.0 55.60.0 65.0 Qhv only y Q oO J So aff > Oo > omeOoDOD 4 re) - fe Co oS osoS0 > | | | i i O'ed "Oc 0°8t 0°9ST O'VT 065.O6055.0.O50 5102 "IC €) \V? ire) ro) © > ) . oo oOPohed 4 C ° >>»OCos-><s oD < >c 0 , C3 | | | | 0°OT 00°6 00°8 00°L .00° 65.0.06055.0.050 Si02 K201.00ta]1.50.500.0eGhv only aae50.65.0 ny Zr20045010050Qhv only 65.0 ay MA MgO(wt%)11 10 oO DMg=2.2,Ci Mg=10.0,DZr=0.1,Ci Zr=32 © 7 © ee: T T T T T 1 T T T T O 40 80 120 160 200 240 Zr (ppm) Lava Ramp +model frac.©Pakushin LOEF FeOt/MgOLava Ramp 0 60 80 100 120 140 meters below flow surface Mak canyon +hole D1 160 200 any oh FeOt/MgOLava Ramp 8 10 km from "source” 12 14 16 Appendix 1 -Sample Descriptions Samples are listed alphabetically by map number (see section 3.2).Ages are estimates based on relative glacial stratig- raphy.Mineralogy is either based on point counts by Swanson (n=400-500)or visual estimates by Nye (++=dominant consti- tuant;+=major;-=minor;tr=trace).Field numbers consisting of single integers are from Drewes and others (1961). Makushin sample descriptions map field map mineralogy no.no.unit location age comments plag ol cpx opx mt %ph comments 83mq63 Tg 83mq85 Tg 83mn03 Tu W of Glacier Tertiary lava flow (7) Cw-01 u620b Qhv Cape Wislow Holocene (7). CW-02 94482un Qhv Cape Wislow Holocene : LR-02 83mn65 Qhv Lava Ramp early Holocene lower Drift.++:.40 LR-03 27r8im Qhv Lava Ramp early Holocene LR-04 u35r82 Qhv Lava Ramp early Holocene Driftwood Val LR-05 u6271 Qhv Lava Ramp early Holocene LR-06a 83mm52 hv Lava Ramp early Holocene Mak Canyon +.++.40 LR-06b =83mn53 Qhv Lava Ramp early Holocene Mak Canyon +-++.35 LR-06c 83mn54 Qhv =Lava Ramp early Holocene Mak Canyon ++::++-35 LR-06e 83mn56 Qhy Lava Ramp early Holocene Mak Canyon ++-+-:40 .LR-06f 83mn57 =Qhv_-s Lava Ramp early Holocene Mak Canyon ++-++-35 LR-07 83mn40 Qhv Lava Ramp early Holocene Mak Canyon ++:.40 LR-08 12 Qhv Lava Ramp early HoloceneLR-09 m3 Qhv tava Ramp early Holocene 27 tr 4 3 tr 34 LR-10 ul86r1 Qhv Lava Ramp early Holocene upper endLR-11 m9 Qhv Lava Ramp early Holocene i 33 1 8.2 1 45 LR-12a d1-360 Qhvy =Lava Ramp early Holocene TG hole D1 LR-12b d1-409 =Qhv_-s Lava Ramp early Holocene TG hole D1 +tr ++.40 LR-12c d1-465 Qhv =Lava Ramp early Holocene TG hole D1 LR-12d d1-520 Qhy Lava Ramp early Hulocene TG hole D1 LR-12e d1-584 Qhv Lava Ramp early Holocene TG hole D1 LR-12f d1-635 Qhy Lava Ramp early Holocene TG hole D1 LR-12g d1-721 Qhy Lava Ramp early Holocene TG hole D1 LR-12h d1-745 Qhv =Lava Ramp early Holocene TG hole 01 LR-12i d1-792 Qhy Lava Ramp early Holocene TG hole D1 LR-12j d1-820 Qhy Lava Ramp early Hologene TG hole 01 LR-12k d1-867 Qhv Lava Ramp early Holocene TG hole D1 LR-12m 1-874 Qhv =Lava Ramp early Holocene TG hote D1 LR-12n d1-931 Qhv =Lava Ramp early Holocene TG hole D1 +.++.35 LR-13 83mq102 Qhv-Lava Ramp early Holocene LR-1éa u203r5 Qhv Lava Ramp early Holocene upper endLR-14b u203r7 Qhy Lava Ramp early Hulocene upper end M1-01 83mn41 QTvc Mak canyon late Holocene ashflow block +:+.-10 M1-02 ui90r1 QTve Mak Val,near E1 late Holccene ashflow block M1-03 u52r82 QTvc Mak Val,near E1 late Holocene ashflow block M1-05 83mn63 QTvc Makushin flank,E late Holocene bomb ++tr +tr 10 41-07 83mn66 =QTve_Makushin flank,NE late Holocene cinders ++++15 tuff ? Mt-13b m44b QTvc Makushin flank,W late Holocene loose block 2 1 1 4 M1-51b m43b QTve caldera rim late Holocene young bomb 12 tr 1 1 1 15 M1-51c m43c Qtvc caldera rim late Holocene young bomb 14 1 1 16 M1-51d m43f OTve caldera rim late Holocene young bomb 11 tr 1 1 13 spl descr.1 12-Apr-85 Lhy Makushin sampte descriptions map field map :mineralogy : no.no.unit location age comments .plag ol cpx =opx mt %ph comments M2-08 83mn67 QTve Makushin flank,NE Holocene lava flow M2-09 u29r82 QTvc Makushin flank,N Holocene above FF #7 M2-10 u45r82 QTvc Makushin flank,N Holocene above FF #7 M2-11 u49rB2 QTve Makushin flank,N Holocene ?dike ? M2-12 21 QTvc Makushin flank,NW Holocene lava flow M2-15 10 QTIve Makushin flank,S Holocene M2-16 83mn83 Qtve Makushin flank,S$Holocene lava flow +:-35 M2-17 u57s1 QTvc Makushin flank,S$Holocene flow M2-25 u66r82 QTve Makushin flank,$Holocene flow,high alt. M2-26 u67r82 QTvc Makushin flank,S Holocene flow,high alt. M2-32a u208r1 QTvc Makushin flank,E Holocene : M2-35 16 QTvc Makushin flank,S$Holocene H M2-Sla |m43a Qivc caldera rim late Holocene young bomb 10 1 13 M2-52a u28r82a 4 =QTvc «caldera rim Holocene caldera rim M2-52b u28r82b =ATvc:«caldera rim Holocene caldera rim M2-52c u28r82c 8 =aTve_«caldera rim Holocene caldera rim M2-S2d u28r82d =OTve caldera rim Holocene -caldera rim M2-53 u646 QTvc caldera rim Holocene caldera rim M2-54 u645 Qtve catdera rim ,Holocene i M2-55 u642 QTvce caldera rim Holocene caldera rim M3-13a =m44a QTvc Makuhsin flank,W early HoloceneM3-13c m4c 'QTvc Makuhsin flank,W early Holocene 21 2 4 1 1 29 M3-24 u64r82 QTvc Makushin flank,SE early Holocene ? M4-27a ul94r4 QTvc upper Glacier tate(?)Pleistocene M4-27b ul94r5 QTvc upper Glacier late(?)Pleistocene M4-29 u34st QTve upper Glacier late(?)Pleistocene 4-30 u3ésl QTve upper Glacier late(?)Pleistocene M4-31 u54s1 QTvc upper Glacier late(?)Pleistocene M4 -32 u208r2 QTvc Makushin flank,E late(?)Pleistocene ®M4-33 u48s1 QTvc Makushin flank,E late(?)Pleistocene M4-34 u207r1 QTve Makushin flank,E late(?)Pleistocene 4-36 u647 QTvc Makushin flank,SE late(?)Pleistocene M5-04 mis QTvc Makushin flank,E Pleistocene M5-05 u634 QTvc Makushin flank,NE Pleistocene M5-14 u5S9s1 QTvc Makushin flank,SW Pleistocene MS-18 83mn11 QTve Makushin flank,$Pleistocene +++:45 M5-19 83mn10 QTvc Makushin flank,$Pleistocene M5-20 83mn09 QTve Makushin flank,S Pleistocene +::65 M5-21 83mq24 QTve Makushin flank,§Pleistocene M5-22 83mq2s QTvc Makushin flank,$Pleistocene M5-23 83mq27 QTvc Makushin flank,S$Pleistocene Mc-01 u201r1 OTvc Eider Point Pleistocene Mc-02 ul63r1 OTve Eid Pt -C Ch Pleistocene WB Cone ??77?? Mc-03 ul47r1 QTlve Eid Pt -€Ch Pleistocene spl descr.2 12-Apr-85 4/> Makushin sample descriptions map field map mineralogy no.no.unit location age .comments plag ol cpx opx mt %ph comments Mc-04 ul52r1 QIve Eid Pt -C Ch Pleistocene Mc-05 83mn80 QTvce Eid Pt -C Ch Pleistocene : Mc-06 83mn79 QTvc Eid Pt -C Ch Pleistocene .+++35 Mc-07 83mn78 Qive Eid Pt -C Ch Pleistocene Mc -08 u160r1 Qive Eid Pt -C Ch Pleistocene Mc-09 m32 QTvc Eid Pt -C Ch Pleistocene |21 6 6 33 Mc-11 ul67r1 QTive Eid Pt -C Ch 'Pleistocene Mc-11la ul58r2 Qtvc Eid Pt -C.Ch .PleistoceneMc-11b ul58r3 Qivc Eid Pt -C Ch Pleistocene Mc-13 5 Qive Eid Pt -€Ch "Pleistocene Mc-18 m30 Qive Eid Pt -C Ch Pleistocene ;28 8 9 45 Md-04 m QIve E of Driftwood Pleistocene i 30 1 4 4 1 40 Md-06 m QIve E of Driftwood Pleistocene .47 3 3 1 54 Md-10 mi0 QIve E of Driftwood Pleistocene 20 tr 7 3 tr 30 Md-14 mi4 QIve E of Driftwood Pleistocene 20 2 7 4 tr 33 Md-16 mi6 QIive E of Driftwood Pleistocene .18 5-7 2 33 Md-20 8 Qtve €E of Driftwood Pleistocene Me-01 m34 QIve W of Driftwood Pleistocene :34 3 34 Me-02 m35 Qive WwW of Dri ftwood Pleistocene $33 1 4 38 Me-03 m36 Qive WwW of Driftwo Pleistocene :30 2 3 tr tr 35 Me-04 m37 Qivc W of Driftwood Pleistocene 29 4 3 36 Me-05 m38 QIive W of Driftwood Pleistocene 45 5 1 1 52 Me-06 m39 Qivc W of Driftwood Pleistocene 3 tr 3 Me-07 m40 QTvc W of Driftwood Pleistocene 20 5 7 tr 32 Me-09 m2 QTvc W of Driftwood Pleistocene 34 6 3 43 Mf-01 m5 QTvce Point Kovrishka Pleistocene 14 3 8 5 1 31 Mf-02 m46 QTve Point Kovrishka Pleistocene 21 1 5 2 29 Mf-03 m7 QTve Point Kovrishka Pleistocene 26 1 tr tr 27 Mf-04 .m8 QTve Point Kovrishka Pleistocene 47 8 1 tr 56 .Mf-05 mg QTve Point Kovrishka Pleistocene 46 tr 10 56 Mf-16 mk3a QTve Point Kovrishka Pleistocene Mf-17 mk 15 QIve Point Kovrishka Pleistocene Mf-20 11 QTve S§of Pakushin Pleistocene Mg-01 6 QIve S of Mak Valley Pleistocene Mg-03 18 QIive S$of Mak Valley Pleistocene Mg-046 83mn49 Tu S of Driftwood early Pleist.? Mg-05 83mn36 QTvc upper Nateekin Pleistocene +tr :35 Mg-06 83mn39 QTvc upper Nateekin Pleistocene +-°35 Mg-07 83mn34 Tu upper Nateekin Pleistocene (7) Mg-08 83mn33 QTvc upper Nateekin Pleistocene ++:30 Mh-05 83mn23 Tu E of Glacier Pleistocene ++25 Pc-01 83m01 Qhv =Pakushin Cone early Holocene Pc-02 m1 Ohv Pakushin Cone early Holocene 39 5 50 PC-03 83mn82 Ohv =Pakushin Cone early Holocene ++°75 spl descr.3 Makushin sample descriptions map field map .mineralogy : no.no.unit location age comments plag ol ¢cpx opx mt %ph comments PC-04 83mn84 Qhv Pakushin Cone early Holocene ++:.-35 Pc-05 83mn85 Qhv =Pakushin Cone early Holocene ++.++-40 PC-06 83mn86 Qhv Pakushin Cone early Holocene basal pyro.++:20 PC-07 7 Qhy Pakushin Cone early Holocene PC-08 83mn29 Qhv =Pakushin Cone early Holocene ++tr +--35 PC-09 83mn25 Qhv =Pakushin Cone early Holocene basalt pyro.++30 PC-10 83mn24 Qhv =Pakushin Cone early Holocene +:+:40 cpx pl mt clots PC-11 m20 Qhv_Pakushin Cone early Holocene :40 5 3 3 50 PC-12 83mn28 Qhv =Pakushin Cone early Holocene summit cone +++°-50 PC-13 83mn27 Qhv =Pakushin Cone early Holocene summit cone PC-14 83mn26 Qhv =Pakushin Cone early Holocene summit cone +:+-+50 cpx in clots PC-15 uS8s1 Qhv Pakushin Cone early Holocene summit PC-20 u70r82 Qhv =Pakushin Cone early Holocene : PC-50 u5154h Qhv =Pakushin Cone early Holocene PK-01 u638b Qhv Pt Kadin Vents Holocene PK-02 m52 Qhv Pt Kadin Vents early Holocene 2 tr 2 PK-03 u638a OQhv Pt Kadin vents late Holocene : PK-04 u638c Qhv Pt Kadin vents late Holocene : PK-05 g4782un hv Pt Kadin vents late Holocene i SL-01 u6281 Qhv =Sugarloaf early Holocene SL-02 u55r82 Qhv Sugarloaf -early Holocene TT-01 ul64r3-Qhv_s Table Top early Holocene TT-02 83mn73 Qhv Table Top early Holocene bomb,crater +++-30 cpx clots TT-04 83mn74 Qhv Table Top early Holocene flow at base TT-05 ul73r1 Qhv =Table Top early Holocene TT-06 83mn75 Qhv Table Top early Holocene flow at base TT-07 3 Qhv-Table Top early Holocene TT-08 uté5r1 Qhv =Table Top early Holocene TT-09 83mn76 Qhv Table Top early Holocene flow at base TT-10 83mn77 Qhv Table Top .early Holocene flow at base ++50 WB-01 u26s1 Qhv Wide Bay Cone early Holocene WB -02 u24s1 Qhv Wide Bay Cone early Holocene WB-03 ul45r1 Qhv Wide Bay Cone early Holocene WB-04 4 Qhv Wide Bay Cone early Holocene WB-06 u202r Qhv Wide Bay Cone early Holocene Appendix 2 -Whole Rock Analyses Samples are listed alphabetically by map number.All analy- ses are by XRF at DGGS,Fairbanks.Major elements are re- ported normalized volatile free,with the original LOI and totals preserved.Those samples with FeO have FeO determined by standard titration methods.Where weight gained by the oxidation of iron exceeds water dissolved in the rock LOI is negative. Those samples with complete trace element analyses were ana- lyzed by Nye at UCSC.For these trace element analyses con- centrations are accurate to at least 5%relative or 17 ppm, whichever is greater.In addition,V,Cr,Ni,Ba and Ce are accurate to 3%relative,but are no better than +2-3 ppm. Detection limits for all elements are a few ppm except for Ni and Ba,which have linits of 5-10 ppm due to tube inter- ferences.Precision is much better than accuracy. Those samples with only Rb,Sr,Y,Zr and Nb reported were analyzed by B.Farris at the DGGS XRF laboratory.Precision and accuracy are similar to the UCSC values. DGGS and UCSC data from samples analyzed in both labs com- pare favorably,with the exception of Nb,where DGGS data are systematically 1-2 ppm higher than UCSC data.It is un- Clear which lab produces the most accurate Nb data. K,P and Ti are calculated from the major element data. Makushin whole rock compositions -normalized to 100%anhydrous -original totals and LOIs map no. field no. _Fe0*/MgO Ca0/Al203 K/Rb Rb/Sr Ba/La Rb/Y Rb/Zr Ce/Y¥ Zr/Nb Zr/Y Y/Nb 83mq63 50.55 0.85 16.46 10.84 0.19 7.29 10.72 2.45 0.52 0.13 98.86 4283 574 5094 83mq85 54.13 1.03 18.01 10.26 0.15 4.38 6.63 3.79 1.42 0.18 98.33 10 11820 367 aWw3f=)twuwPy-|NOASDOAOW-.SFRCw-01 u620b 51.32 0.94 19.23 8.45 1.77 0.22 4.27 9.32 3.22 1.00 0.27 0.00 97.89 8311 1159 5634 LR-02 83mn65 54.43 0.99 17.95 9.80 0.18 3.74 7.93 3.38 1.41 0.20 0.11 100.42 27 11669 484 LR-04 u35r82 55.11 0.94 18.08 4.16 4.48 0.18 4.01 8.06 3.40 1.24 0.32 0.25 99.92 10328 5654 LR-05 6271 56.24 1.03 17.43 2.62 5.68 0.18 3.69 7.65 3.87 1.39 0.22 0.00 99.48 11539 960 6175 LR-06a 83mn52 54.62 1.00 17.65 9.79 0.18 3.79 7.83 3.54 1.39 0.21 -0.41 100.57 28 11509 481 LR-O6f LR-07 83mn57 =83mn40 54.65 54.31 1.00 0.99 17.60 17.83 9.90 9.91 0.18 0.18 3.77 3.76 7.86 8.11 3.37 3.38 1.48 1.33 0.20 0.19 0.00 -0.46 100.74 100.03 28 25 12279 11070 475 492 28 26 866 825 124 114 6.7 6.4 6010 5906 2.36 2.37 0.45 0.45 439 443 0.059 0.051 1.00 0.96 0.23 0.22 18.5 17.8 4.4 4.4 4.2 4.1 12-Apr-85 Makushin whole rock compositions -normalized to 100%anhydrous -original totals and LOIs map no. field no. FeQ*/MgO Ca0/Al203 K/Rb Rb/Sr Ba/La Rb/Y Rb/Zr Ce/Y Zr/Nb Zr/Y Y/Nb RBIADwaHWALOV.APVRRAsssOMNAWAb]1091 LR-09 m3 57.99 0.96 17.39 LR-10 ul86r1 56.59 1.00 17.51 2.35 6.01 0.18 3.62 7.38 3.67 1.44 0.25 0.00 99.66 11984 LR-11 mi9 56.04 1.01 17.68 2.41 5.86 0.18 3.51 7.81 3.89 1,40 0.21 0.08 100.77 29 11622 454 436 LR-i2a d1-360 LR-12b d1-409 56.94 1.02 LR-12¢LR=12d d1-465 1-520 57.46 57.91 1.04 1.04 16.93 16.9% 0.18 0.18 2.82 2.64 3.9%3.99 1.70 1.77 0.22 0.22 "0.11;0.0599.89 100.15 37 39 14113 14679 379.373 % 34 36 960 959 163 168 7.5 7.3 6235-6229 2.96 3.10 0.38 0.37 381 376 0.098 0.105 1.09 1.08 0.23 0.23 21.7 23.0 4.8 4.7 4.5 4.9 wr 2 LR-12e di-584 =]QNGC22nneorreooofj]FAN0ryeon=°.960 6112 LR-12g d1-721 57.53 1.03 17.04 961 COO-WANOcreeCONNDOWASNONEROOHoO14461 961 6242 e=aBooaWanoWNwRANSRLE14737 1001 6338 12-Apr-85 Makushin whole rock compositions -normalized to 100%anhydrous -original totals and LOIs map no. LR-12m field no.d1-874 S$io2 57.53 Tio2 1.03 Al203 17.09 Fe203 9.18 FeO Mn0 0.18 MgO 2.71 Cad 6.34 Na20 3.99 K20 1.73 P205 0.23 Lo!-0.39 Total 99.72 Rb 37 K 14346 Ba Sr 380 La Ce Nd Y 35 P 1003 zr 163 Nb 7.1 Ti 6168 Vv Cr Ni _FeO*/MgO 3.05 Ca0/A1203 0.37 K/Rb 388 Rb/Sr 0.097 Ba/La Rb/Y 1.06 Rb/2r 0.23 Ce/Y Zr/Nb 23.0 Zr/Y 4.7 Y/Nb 4.9 LR-12n d1-931 Boonwaneoeeeee2BOnrxAesseeSesoonanonWwN14569 373 LR-13 83mq102 55.87 eo2]UNWOPy.SvseOnNONNWLR-14a u203r5 58.30 1.17 17.30 3.89 4.42 0.20 2.43 6.04 4.30 1.67 0.29 0.87 101.07 0.2 13826 7008 3.26 0.35 69130 LR-14b u203r7 59.43 1.09 16.82 2.34 5.34 0.19 2.30 5.93 4.55 1.71 0.30 0.00 100.32 14233 1305 6514 M1-01 83mn41 59.38 1.10 16.58 8.71 0.18 2.04 5.48 4.39 1.89 0.25 -0.38 100.42 42 15730 357 1082 178 M1-02 ut90r1 59.44 1.08 17.19 1.61 5.75 0.19 2.22 1.74 0.31. 0.04§99.96- 14477 6504 M1-03 | u52r82 60.62 1.12 16.31 1.75 5.84 .0.19 2.18 5.72 4.17 1.83 0.27 -0.18 98.17 15194 6705 M1-05 83mn63 59.23 1.10 16.85 8.65 0.18 1.98 5.47 4.31 1.96 0.26 -0.16 100.66 42 16303 354 41-07 83mn66 62.77 0.92 16.29 7.20 0.17 | 1.29 4.09 "4.64 2.37 0.26 0.04 100.73 51 19705 306 45 1127 210 7.9 5537 5.02 0.25 386 0.167 1.13 0.24 26.6 4.7 5.7 M1-13b m4b 62.18 1.07 16.00 1.70 5.27 0.19 1.50 4.52. 5.12 2.17°0.28 0.30°100.12 13, 18016 577 37 1047 160 7.2 6774 anwWPyPyNRSRSBVKS4SeReeuNNAKRONWSEOO«oearu_Boonussaonatoeeeeo.uw18264 297 45 1135 212 8.1 5635 M1-51d m3f 58.44 1.11-17.66 2.57 5.12 0.19 2.15 6.35 4.56 1.62 0.23 0.48 99.48 M2-08 83mn67 12-Apr-85 'ial by Makushin whole rock compositions -normalized to 100%anydrous -original totals and LOIc map no.M2-09 M2-10 M2-11 M2-12 M2-15 M2-16 M2-17 M2-25 M2-26 M2-32a M2-35 M2-51a M2-52a M2-52b M2-S2c field no. u29r82 u45r82 --u49rB2 21 10 83m83 uS7si1-s-u66r82.-u67r82 -su208rt 16 m3a u28r82a u28r82b u28r82c $io2 54.42 60.89 58.52 62.59 53.79 53.78 53.00 52.17 53.46 53.71 56.88 63.02 57.97 57.37 63.25 Tio2 1.01 1.16 1.12 0.99 0.92 1.12 1.06 1.05 1.06 1.02 0.98 1.00 -1.09 1.22 0.98 AlL203 16.44 15.96 17.25 15.30 19.19 17.56 18.56 18.24 18.07 18.04 16.78 15.96 17.70 16.96 15.66Fe2037.714 2.86 1.72 1.69 3.20 10.51 - 2.68 2.86 2.81 3.23 2.35 3.63 2.66 Fed 2.02 4.96 6.11 5.37 5.05 5.97:5.83 6.64 6.70 5.63 3.47 5.49 6.16 3.94 Mno 0.19 0.19 0.18 0.19 0.17 0.19 0.18 0.19 0.19 0.28 0.17 0.18 0.18 0.20 0.17 MgO 6.02 2.32 2.54 1.89 3.94 3.89 4.10 4.71 4.34 4.32 3.72 1.48 2.57 2.65 1.89 Cad 7.77 5.45 6.83 4.67 9.30 7.84 -9.46,|9.88 9.28 8.48 64 4.34 7.09 6.31 4.70- Na20 3.01 4.08 3.92 4.87 3.35 3.6 3.64 3.06 3.11 3.43 7 4.98 3.85 3.68 4.46 K20 1.16 1.82 1.57 2.09 0.91 1 2.11 1.48 1.52 2.00 0 2 2 8 0.98 0.89 0.99 0.95 41 1 26 0.23 0.23 0.30 57 08 7 3 1 0.18 °0.14 0.17 0.20 0. 0 10 P205 0.23 0.30 0.24 0.35 0.18 .0.29 Lor 0.75 0.17 0.00 0.18 0.16 -0.01 0.445 0.08 -0.21 0.00 .0.54 0.44 0.81 0.86 Total 99.69 99.54 98.38 100.82 99.70 100.51 99.97:98,15 98.77 99.72 100.99.40 97.85 97.45 99.39 Rb 25 0.41 ;49 K -9649 15121 12995 17349 7555 10654 8155 7365 8219 7909 11705 17516 12272 12628 16598 Ba sr 446 ;; 298 La }: Ce Nd Y 28 41 P 1527 786 912 875 4135 4004 Zr 122 205 Nb 7 '7.7 Ti 6059 6938 6703 5934 5516 6739 6375 6296 6360 6132 5875 5995 6524 7320 5902 Vv Cr Ni ® FeO*/MgO 1.49 3.24 3.01 3.65 2.01 2.43 2.08 1.97 2.08 2.14 2.19 4.31 2.96 3.56 3.35 Ca0/AlL203 0.47 0.34 0.40 0.31 0.48 0.45 0.51 0.54 0.51 0.47 0.46 0.27 0.40 0.37 0.30 K/Rb 426 19891 357 Rb/Sr 0.056 0.164 Ba/La Rb/Y 0.89 1.20 Rb/Zr 0.20 0.24 Ce/Y 0.00 Zr /Nb 17.4 26.6 zr/Y 4.4 5.0 Y/Nb :4.0 5.3 wr 4 12-Apr-85 an) os Makushin whole rock compositions -normalized to 100%anhydrous -original totals and LOls map no. field no. Sio2 Ti02 A203 Fe203 Fed Mno MgO Cao Na20 .Keo P205 LOI Total Rb Fe0*/MgO Ca0/AL203 K/Rb Rb/Sr Ba/La Rb/Y Rb/Zr Ce/Y Zr/Nb Z2r/Y Y/Nb M2-52d u28r82d 64.36 0.96 15.55 1.60 4.68 0.18 1.52 4.27 4.43 2.20 0.25 0.00 98.18 18264 5740 M2-53 u646 61.15 1.16 15.77 -5.28 3.63 0.13 3.24 -5.65 2.38 1.46 0.15 2.13 103.53 1.4 12090 6935 M2-54 u645 62.75 0.62 16.45 0.00 6.47 0.16 2.54 4.86 3.77 2.25 0.14 0.00 100.45 18678 M2-55 u642 64.19 1.01 16.14 2.87 2.76 0.15 1.36 4.09 5.01 2.15 0.27 0.47 100.82 0.35 17820 6070 M3-13c m4c 53.45 1.13 18.04 3.15 0.22100.84 9547 1094 6774 M4-27a ul94r4 56.02 1.02. 17.77 3.18 5.29 0.20 3.69 8.30 3.11 1.18 0.23 0.00 98.08 9818 M4-27b u194r5 - 55.25 1.00 18.47 4.60 .4.22 0.17 3.36 8.11 3.61 1.01 0.19 0.00 98.85 839% 839 6004 _M4-29 u34sl 57.25 0.90 17.27 2.85 4.9% 0.18 3.97 7.50 3.32 1.54 0.25 0.00 99.71 12822 1094 5411 M4-30 u36st 56.86 0.90 17.70 2.74 4.90 0.17 3.99 7.53 3.64 1.42 0.15 0.00 100.24 11760 653 5383 M4-32 u208r2 53.72 1.02 18.65 6.28 2.94 0.18 4.14 8.47 3.44 1.01 . 0.18 0.00 100.23 8365 784 6100 M4-33 u48s1 54.02 1.07 18.13 3.50 5.50 0.20 4.38 8.54 3.46 1.03 0:19 -0.06 100.40 0.46 8513 6389 1.97 0.47 18506 M4-34 u207r1 56.34 1.08 18.34 2.54 4.66 0.17 2.89 8.62 3.63 1.47 0.26 0.57 100.71 0.14 12475 6501 2.40 0.47 86968 12-Apr-85 Makushin whole rock compositions -normalized to 100%anhydrous -original totals and LOIs map no. fiold no. sio2 Ti02 Al203 Fe203 Fed Mno MgO Cad Na20 K20 P205 tol Total Rb K Ba sr la Ce Nd Y Pp zr Nb Ti v Cr Ni FeO*/MgO Ca0/Al203 K/Rb Rb/Sr Ba/La Rb/Y Rb/2r Ce/Y Zr/Nb Zr/Y Y/Nb M4-36 u647 1.09 102.06 0.97 3618 6806 M5-05 u634 53.22 1.01 17.57 2.32 6.49 0.19 5.18 9.66 3.30 0.87 0.19 0.53 100.53 7193 6040 MS5-18 83mn11 53.65 1.03 18.15 10.08 0.18 3.82 8.14 3.47 1.25 0.23 70.15 99.94 25 10368 464 M5-19 83mn10 53.92 0.77 17.98 9.26 0.16 4.67 8.65 3.05 1.40 0.13 0.32 100.28 23 11627 573 NWaAARDoOmDarOnEAfon]S99OPf]NQFr0M5-21 83mq24 53.43 0.98 16.75 10.43 0.18 5.20 8.59 3.13 1.15 0.15 0.18 99.71 24 9509 427 M5-22 83mq25 55.57 1.01 17.34 9.63 0.18 3.51 7.47 3.61 1.48 0.20 -0.08 99.83 30 12297 410 Mc-01 u20iri 50.69 0.88 12.16 2.54 7.39 0.20 10.30 12.51 2.43 0.72 0.19 0.00 99.16 5957 817 5299 Mc-02 ul63r1 56.15 0.95 - 18.49 4.47 3.64 0.16 3.25 8.10 3.25 1.29 0.25 0.98 100.98 10670 5703 Mc-03 Mc-04 Mc-05 ul47r1 |ul52r1-83mn80 49.20 49.84 48.43 0.91 0.95 0.97 17.40 18.13 18.72 7.26 4.10 10.95 2.83 5.64 0.18 0.17 0.17 7.79 6.72 6.71 10.90 10.90 10.65 2.64 2.54 2.69 0.75 0.81 0.61 0.15 0.19 0.11 0.57 0.16 -0.23 100.57 100.16 100.15 6186 6756 5045 5433 5722 5793 12-Apr-85 Makushin whole rock compositions -normalized to 100%anhydrous -original totals and LOls map no. field no. FeQ*/MgO Ca0/Al203 K/Rb Rb/Sr Ba/La Rb/Y Rb/2r Ce/Y Zr/Nb Zr/Y Y/Nb Mc-06 83mn79 =OGAODONDHLO[e<]OnoyQ:Mc-07 83mm78 48.20 0.94 18.45 11.14 0.17 *7.38 10.39 2.62 0.62 0.10 -0.16 100.29 9 5124 655 Mc-08 uié0r1 49.48 0.88 16.89 3.94 5.52 0.18 8.65 11.10 2.53 0.69 0.15 -0.10 99.90 5694 5261 Mc-09 m32 49.56 0.92 17.97 3.91 5.74 0.18 7.36 10.60 2.81 0.78 0.17 1.13 100.86 12 6475 611 Mc-11 Mc-1fa Mc-11b ul67r1)90-u158r2.-su 158r3 61.61 48.53 49.10 1.00 0.97 0.98 16.49 18.98 18.87 3.65 4.60 4.11 3.60 5.60 5.78 0.18 0.18 0.18 1.86 7.39 6.95 4.15 10.52 10.66 4.72 2.54 2.62 2.34 0.53 0.61 0.42 0.15 0.14. 0.33 1.17 0.61; 100.33 101.17 100.61. 19408 4418 5025 5972 5839 5866 Mc-13 5: 50.55 0.86 18.04 2.60 6.38 0.14 7.27 .10.48 2.68 0.86 0.14 0.27 99.85 7140 =oRRwNOs:=PyOePusfeeenNSoosawenouwa.Md-10 -_wiBODAWWOFOANNOHL3eererereererereeaeeeereyWANOWNn=oaQobe)Wwwi617 5452 12-Apr-85 Makushin whole rock compositions -normalized to 100%anhydrous -original totals and LOIs map no.Me-01 Me-02 Me-03 Me-04 Me-05 Me-06 Me-07 Me-09 -Mf-01 field no.m34 m35 m36 m37 m38 m39 m0 m2 m5 $i02 53.15 52.72 54.09 52.47 52.82 50.22 61.62 51.48 53.33 Tio2 1.14 0.99 0.96 1.03 1.00 0.83 1.11 1.01 0.94 Al203 18.39 18.79 18.49 19.01 18.61 17.31 15.99 18.55 .17.37 Fe203 2.81 2.45 2.98 2.40 2.79 3.67 3.17 Fed 6.27 6.10 5.36 6.41 5.93 5.37 6.21:4.97 5.32 Mno 0.19 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 °0.16 0.21 0.18 0.16 MgO 4.32 4.64 4.16 4.56 --4.59 7.22 1.82 4.94 5.41 Cad 8.76 9.44 8.78 . 11.51 4.92 10.22 9.44 Na2o 3.65 3.50 3.63 3.57 3.58 2.79 5.18 3.15 3.10 K20 1.04 0.99 1.18 0.83 1.03 0.77 1.65 0.97 1.56 P205 0.28 0.20 0.20 0.17 0.20 0.15 0.29 860.17 0.19 LOI 0.02 0.02 0.09 0.08 0.06 0.06 0.06;1.95 0.20 Total 98.93 99.41 99.40 98.76 99.44 100.86 99 09 Rb 14.9 15 19.9 13 10.5 34.6 19 28 K 8645 8185 9780 6898 8520 6424 13667 8086 12928 Ba 336 364 300 229 446 443 Sr 573 612 553 536 467 351.497 566 La 13 10 }6 6°15 3 16 Ce 24 26 21 15 32 .34 Nd 15 15 13 9 21 18 Y 25 22 26 23 14 47 21 26 P 1235 878 879 752 878 649 1270 753 839 2c 95.3 85 107 84 49.4 181.3 91 151.5 Nb 4.5 5.5 4.7 4.6 2.9 6.2 6.6 8.3 Ti 6849 5911 5735 6197 5972 4996 6680 6083 5638 v 298.2 254.4 280.6 259.4 75.6 261 Cr 20.2 18.1 33.9 143.7 3.3 75.2 Ni 2.7 11.1 8.1 63.8 0 33.4 FeO*/MgO 2.04 1.79 1.93 1.88 1.84 1.20 3.91 1.80 1.51 Ca0/Al203 0.48 0.50 0.47 0.49 0.50 0.66 0.31 0.55 0.54 K/Rb 580 546 491 531 612 395 426 462 Rb/Sr 0.026 0.025 0.036 0.024 0.023 0.099 0.038 0.050 Ba/La 25 36 55 36 30 27 Rb/Y 0.60 0.68 0.77 0.57 0.75 0.74 0.90 1.06 Rb/2r 0.16 0.18 0.19 0.15 0.21 0.19 0.21 0.18 Ce/Y 0.96 0.99 0.91 1.07 0.69 1.28 Zr/Nb 21.2 15.5 22.8 18.3 17.0 29.2 13.8 18.3 Zr/Y 3.9 3.9 4.1 3.7 3.5 3.9 4.3 5.8 Y/Nb 5.5 4.0 5.5 5.0 4.8 7.5 3.2 3.2 we 8 Mf-04 m8 49.79 0.93 18.25 3.77 5.87 0.18 6.90 10.04 3.02 1.06 0.18 0.34 99.92 15 8837 690 -_Qo2o-_aBoosawanousaoe24woO14172 Mf-17|mk 15 50.90 0.65 15.60 0.00 9.16 0.18 9.58 10.06 2.75 0.91 0.21 0.00 100.59 7593 911 3874 12-Apr-85 oF map no. field no. $io2 Tio' At203 Fe203 Fed Mno MgO Cad Na20 K20 P205 Lol Total Rb K Ba Sr la Ce Nd Y Pp 2r Nb Ti Vv Cr Ni, FeO0*/MgO Ca0/AL203 K/Rb Rb/Sr Ba/La Rb/Y Rb/2r Ce/Y Zr/Nb Zr/Y Y/Nb Mf-20 11 53.97 1.20 18.35 3.51 0.34 100.05 8136 enemaNOSucownacS2RASSIQENONE_ NMg-05 83mn36 55.22 0.90 17.12 9.33 0.16 4.27 _7.92 2.99 1.92 0.17 0.40 100.08 45 15907 410 Mg-06 83mn39 55.20 0.98 17.52 9.55 0.16 4.01 7.41 3.07 1.92 0.18 0.74 100.18 47 15945 413 Mg-07 83mn34 58.09 1.09 17.40 8.79 0.18 2.12 6.17 4.22 1.71 0.23. 0.02 j100.14 37 14179 376 - Mg-08 83mn33 52.31 0.93 16.59 10.10 0.16 6.79 8.92 2.59 1.46 0.14 0.25 100.09 33 12140 406 Mh-05 83mn23 49.03 0.73 18.42 9.74 0.15 7.27 11.17 2.48 0.84 0.17 -0.01 99.99 13 6973 628 Pc-01 83m01 51.56 0.88 19.84 9.51 0.16 4.25 9.18 3.18 1.27 0.17 -0.01 100.38 16 10502 742 PC-05 -83mn85 53.39 0.89 20.21 8.52 0.16 3.11 8.41 3.66 1.44 0.20 0.00 99.72 21 11988 731 Makushin whole rock compositions -normalized to 100%anhydrous -original totals and LOIs map no. field no. Fe0*/MgO Ca0/Al203 K/Rb Rb/Sr Ba/La Rb/Y Rb/Zr Ce/Y Zr/Nb zr/Y Y/Nb PC-07 7 51.44 0.89 18.43 3.32 6.06 0.18 5.98 9.52 2.98 1.02 0.18 0.36 99.74 8467 785 5335 PC-08 83mn29 53.64 0.91 20.06 8.55 0.16 3.04 8.21°3.70 1.52 0.21 -0.24 100.09 21 12577 728 PC-09 83mn25 49.96 . 0.66 13.72 10.44 0.17 10.64 11.25 2.20 0.84 0.13 -0.13 100.42 13 6935 538 -0.08 100.13 20 12343 702 PC-11 m20 54.97 0.89 19.73 2.32 4.63 0.17 3.03 8.39 4.16 1.47 0.24 0.02 100.71 12205 1048 5336 PC-12 83mn28 53.68 0.91 19.92 8.61 0.16. 3.02 8.23 3.74 1.52 0.21 -0.19 100.14 21 12577 723 PC-13 83mn27 52.79 0.94 19.28 9.49. 0.17 3.96 1.30 0.18 0.01 100.37 smear.18 10753 630, wr 10 PC-14 83mm26 52.92 0.95 18.87 9.70 0.18 4.13 8.21 3.49 1.35 0.19 0.10 99.99 21 11220 616 pc-15 u58s1 11626 1162 5618 Pc-20 u70r82 54.42 0.87 19.52 3.06 4.48 0.17 3.76 8:13 3.84 1.37 0.39 0.01 100.89 11356 Pc-50 u5154h 50.09 0.98 22.32 0.00 9.70 0.18 7.76 6.22 2.44 0.19 0.12 0.00 99.27 1577 524 5875 1270 7221 _OOON}]]A00uhSswr5656 1.33 0.63 166318 PK-04 u638c 12-Apr-85 Makushin whole rock compositions -normalized to 100%anhydrous -original totals and LOIs map no.PK-05 SL-01 SL-02 TT-01 TT-02 TT-04 TT-05 17-06 =TT-07 TT-08 TT-09 TT-10 WB-01 WB-02 WB-03 field no.94782un u6281 =u55r820-164630 B3mn73-83mNn74--1 73r1 =83mn75 3 ul65r1)9=-83mn76-83mn77 u26st -u24si ut45rt sio2 53.45 53.90 49.51 48.95 48.47 49.06 48.27 49.64 48.92 48.38 48.37 48.96 49.45 49.58 Ti02 0.90 0.98 0.95 0.94 0.95 0.96 0.94 0.96 0.95 0.93 0.93 0.98 0.92 0.88 Al203 17.32 18.94 17.98 18.29 18.69 18.94 18.92 17.85 18.57 18.50 -18.66 17.55 16.71 16.39 Fe203 3.62 3.42 3.89 11.09 11.00 4.10 10.97 6.72 |3.74 11.08 11.11 4.67 3.76 3.37 Fed 6.65 5.49 5.76 5.66 3.61 6.02 5.12 5.53 6.14 Mno 0.16 0.19 0.18 0.18 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.20 0.18 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.18 0.18 MgO *6.35 4.27 6.53 5.89 5.83 6.10 5.80 6.42 6.49 6.07 5.95 7.56 8.30 8.22 CaO -9.83 8.03 11.40 11.12 11.31 =14.23 11.47 11.42 11.34 11.39 11.68 -12.03 Na20 2.96 3.36 2.79 2.57 2.57 2.53 2.59 2.41 2.67 2.48 2.50 -2.60 2.56 2.31 K20 0.56 1.08 0.83 0.83 0.84 0.82 0.83 0.76 0.81 0.81 0.82 0.79 0.76 0.73 P205 0.20 0.35 0.17 0.15 0.15 0.20 °0.17 0.14 0.14 0.18 0.15 -0.18 Lol 0.00 0.62 0:18 -0.08 "0.17 .0:00;-0.19 0.56 0.46 -0.17 -0.35 2.17 0.20 0.00 Total 97.80 100.98 100.52 99.93 100.18 100.28 100.69 100.05 99.94 102.65 100.41 100.50 Rb 0.34 13 14 14 0.23 13 13 0.48 0.21 K 4649 8934 6892 6890 6949 6831 6864 6309 6732 6710 6788 6565.6316 6030 Ba .' Sr 592 574 .578 571 585 la $: Ce } Nd Y .19 20 20 19 19 P 873 655 652 -963 696 873 610 609 : 782 zr :62 61 61 61 60 Nb 5.8 5.8 5.9 6.4 5.6 Ti 5396 5854 5705 5635 5675 5775 5614 5755 5712 5563 5559 5863 5521 5249 v .. Cr Ni v Fe0*/MgO 1.255%2.00 1.42 1.69 1.70 1.53 1.70 1.50 1.45 1.64 1.68 1.23 1.07 4.12 Ca0/AL203 0.57 0.42 0.63 0.61 0.61 0.60 0.60 0.63 0.62 0.62 0.61 0.65 0.70 0.73 K/Rb 20271 530 496 490 29270 516 522 13676 30074 Rb/Sr \0.022 0.024 0.024 0.023 0.022 Ba/La Rb/Y 0.68 0.70 0.70 0.68 0.68 Rb/2r 0.21 0.23 0.23 0.21 0.22 Ce/Y Zr/Nb 10.7 10.5 10.3 9.5 10.7 Zr/y 3.3 3.1 3.1 3.2 3.2 Y/Nb 3.3 3.4 3.4 3.0 3.4 wr 14 12-Apr-85 Makushin whole rock compositions -normalized to 100%anhydrous -original totals and LOIs map no.WB-04 field no.4 sio2 55750 77.60 Ti02 0-98 O.SS Al203 18465 (6.50 Fe203 358 3.20 FeO S94 G.20 Mno MgO Cad Na20 K20 .P205 Lol Total veSNRAASwtBONOVTA9998a)*Rb K Ba Sr la ; .' Ce Nd Y -P BF 755 zr Nb Ti 5875 $276Vv Cr Ni 2ANEESSEco3NNFe0*/MgO 1.16 Ca0/Al203 0.464 9.70 K/Rb Rb/Sr Ba/La Rb/Y Rb/Zr Ce/Y Zr/Nb 2r/Y Y/Nb Appendix 3 -Mineral Analyses Mineral analyses are reported in the order plagioclase, olivine,Ca-rich clinopyroxene,orthopyroxene,pigeonite and magnetite/spinel.Analyses within each group are alphabet- ized by map number.Cores and rims from the same grain are enclosed by parentheses. Olivine and plagioclase data are recast into atomic amounts assuming that there is no Fe*?.Pyroxenes are recalculated by the method of Lindsley (1983),where non-quadrilateral components and Fe**are calculated stoichiometrically. Spinels are recalculated on the ulvospinel basis and assume that the minerals are stoichiometrically correct. Analyses were obtained from the Washington State University fully automated Cameca microprobe.Those analyses from sam- ples with field numbers starting with "m"are by S.E.Swan- son,all others are by C.J.Nye.ws Makushin plagioclase compositions LR-11 mio (core 3 wt%oxides sio2 53.93 Al203 25.91 Fed 0.65 Cad 9.56 Na20 5.49 K20 0.42 tot 95.96 atoms per 8 oxygens Si 2.5370 At 1.4370 Fe 0.0256 Ca 0.4819 Na 0.5008 K 0.0252 tot 5.0075 An 0.4904 Ab 0.4969 Or 90.0250 LR-11 mi9 rim) 4 62.28 21.41 0.46 3.31 8.36 1.79 97.61 2.8374 1.1499 0.0175 0.1616 0.7385 0.1040 5.0089 0.1795 0.7355 0.1036 LR-11 mi9 (core 7 43.14 32.88 0.71 16.96 1.47 0.05 95.21 2.0961 1.8834 0.0289 0.8830 0.1385 0.0031 5.0330 0.8644 0.1352 0.0030 54.02 26.07 0.59 9.29 5.75 0.33 96.05 2.5365 1.4432 0.0232 0.4674 0.5235 0,,01985.0135 0.4717 0.5180 0.0196 50.88 27.74 0.62 11.56 4.76 0.25 95.81 2.4157 1.5527 0.0246 0.5881 0.4382 0.0151 5.0346 0.5730 0.4208 0.0145 LR-11 mi9 (core 19 50.87 26.46 0.50 9.37 5.25 0.29 92.74 2.4775 1.5192 0.0204 0.4890 0.4958 0.0180 5.0198 0.4965 0.4944 0.0180 LR-11 mio rim) 20 52.71 - 25.57 0.64 8.27 5.83 0.42 93.46 i 2.5409 1.4532 0.0258 0.4272 0.5449 . 0.0258 + 5.0179 . 0.4394 0.5461 0.0259 pl 1 LR-11 mi9 gms 25 58.39 24.41 0.81 6.56 7.34 0.89 98.40 2.6641 1.3130 0.0309 0.3207 0.6494 0.0518 5.0299 0.3306 0.6355 0.0507 LR-11 mi9 gms 29 53.22 27.36 0.98 10.16 5.61 0.41 97.74 2.4720 1.4983 0.0381 0.5057 0.5053 0.0243 5.0436 0.5002 0.4881 0.0235 M1-51¢ m3c (core 1 56.20 26.45 0.50 9.09 6.03 0.27 98.54 2.5640 1.4226 0.0191 0.4444 0.5334 0.0157 4.9992 0.4545 0.5369 0.0158 M1-51c m3c rim) 2 55.61 26.31 0.51 9.15 6.05 0.28 97.91 2.5565 1.4259 0.0196 0.4507 0.5393 0.0164 5.0084 0.4553 0.5358 0.0163 55.58 26.68 0.50 10.03 5.58 0.26 98.63 2.5396 1.4372 0.0191 0.4911 0.4944 0.0152 4.9965 0.4983 0.4941 0.0151 56.31 26.54 0.43 9.56 5.91 0.27 99.02 2.5587 1.4217 0.0163 0.4655 0.5207 0.0157 4.9986 0.4720 0.5198 0.0156 54.86 27.01 0.53 10.62 5.21 0.29 98.52 2.5145 1.4595 0.0203 0.5216 0.4630 0.0170 4.9958 0.5297 0.4623 0.0169 56.26 26.24 0.60 9.87 5.95 0.27 99.19 2.5581 1.4066 0.0228 0.4809 0.5246 0.0157 5.0087 0.4783 0.5137 0.0153 15-May-85 Makushin plagioclase compositions M1-5id m3f (core 14 wt%oxides $io2 47.11 AL203 32.33 Fed 0.55 Cad 16.45 Na20 1.96 K20 0.03 tot 98.43 atoms per 8 oxygens Si 2.1989 Al 1.7790 Fe 0.0215 Ca 0.8227 Na 0.1774 K 0.0018 tot 5.0012 An 0.8226 Ab 0.1771 Or 0.0018 M1-51d m43f rim) 15 48.44 31.07 -0.70 15.58 2.66 0.07 98.52 2.2566 1.7064 0.0273 0.7777 0.2403 0.0042 5.0124 .0.7640 0.2351 0.0041 M1-51d mf (core 16 50.95 29.55 0.62 13.69 3.88 0.09 98.78 2.3539 1.6095 0.0240 0.6777 0.3476 0.0053 5.0179 0.6610 0.3373 0.0051 M1-51d m3f rim) 17 48.74 31.24 0.69 15.26 2.76 0.08 98.77 2.2620 1.7092 0.0268 0.7588 0.2486 0.004750099 0.7534 0.2454 0.0047 M1-51d m3f (core 18 47.40 32.36 0.69 16.29 2.09 0.05 98.88 2.2032 1.7732 0.0268 0.8113 0.1884 0.0030 5.0059 0.8116 0.1879 0.0030 M1-Std m3f rim) 19 47.34 32.12 0.72 16.45 2.15 0.04 98.82 2.2042 1.7631 0.0280 0.8207 0.1941 0.0024 5.0125 0.8087 0.1908 0.0023 |M1-5id m3f (core 20 47.99 31.38 0.61 15.76 2.52 0.05 98.31 2.2406 1.7273 0.0238 0.7884 0.2281 0.0030 ; 5.0113 . 0.7756 0.2238 0.0029 pl 2 M1-51d m3f rim) 21 46.94 31.88 0.82 16.25 2.10 0.07 98.06 2.2033 1.7642 0.0322 0.8173 0.1911 0.0042 5.0123 0.8105 0.1887 0.0041 0.8251 0.1711 0.0042 5.0074 0.8282 0.1711 0.0042 2.3081 1.6456 0.0434 0.7065 0.3192 0.0119 5.0346 0.6888 0.3076 0.0115 Mc-18 m30 (core 24 45.32 33.31 0.82 17.27 1.49 0.06 98.27 2.1300 1.8456 0.0322 0.8697 0.1358 0.0036 5.0169 0.8650 0.1346 0.0036 Mc-18 m30 rim) 25 52.40 27.78 1.09 12.00 4.53 0.29 98.09 2.4334 1.5209 0.0423 0.5971 0.4079 0.0172 5.0187 0.5941 0.3990 0.0168 0.4926 0.4938 0.0267 Mc-18 m30 gms 21 52.87 28.04 1.40 11.71 4.57 0.33 98.92 2.4352 1.5226 0.0539 0.5779 0.4082 0.0194 5.0172 0.5861 0.4059 0.0193 Md-04 m04 (core 18 53.68 27.67 0.72 11.20 4.63 0.38 98.28 2.4734 1.5030 0.0277 0.5530 0.4137 0.0223 4.9931 0.5721 0.4183 0.0226 15-May-85 Makushin plagioclase compositions Md-04 mo4 rim) 19 wt%oxides $i02 54.10 Al203 26.91 Fed 0.87 Cad 10.62 Na2o 4.87 K20 0.38 tot 97.75 atoms per 8 oxygens Si 2.5038 Al 1.4683 Fe 0.0337 Ca 0.5266 Na 0.4370 K 0.0224 tot 4.9918 An 0.5465 Ab 0.4432 Or 0.0228 0.0264 5.0021 0.5255 0.4620 0.0263 Md-04 m04 rim) 21 54.83 28.86 0.80 10.13 5.43 0.46 100.51 2.4674 1.5311 0.0301 0.4884 0.4738 0.0264 5.0172 0.5076 0.4792 0.0267 Md-04 mO4 gms 22 54.18 27.19 1.01 10.60 5.46 0.38 98.82 2.4884 1.4723 0.0388 0.5217 0.4863 0,02235.0297 0.5176 0.4720 0.0216 Md-04 m04 gms 23 53.59 27.73 1.00 10.97 4.79 0.38 98.46 2.4682 1.5057 0.0385 0.5414 0.4278 0.0223 5.0040 0.5586 0.4315 0.0225 52.11 29.19 0.70 12.55 4.14 0.25 98.94 2.3952 1.5818 0.0269 0.6181 0.3690 0.0147 5.0057 0.6262 0.3683 0.0146 0.4595 |0.0232 ; 5.0282 . 0.5441 0.4457 0.0225 pl 3 54.89 27.26 0.65 10.73 5.37 0.41 99.31 2.5022 1.4650 0.0248 0.5241 0.4747 0.0238 5.0146 0.5248 0.4642 0.0233 54.66 27.60 0.69 11.03 4.9% 0.40 99.32 2.4907 1.4827 0.0263 0.5385 0.4365 0.0233 4.9979 0.5523 0.4372 0.0233 99.84 2.4447 1.5199 0.0286 0.5756 0.4299 0.0232 5.0219 0.5725 0.4179 0.0226 54.65 27.10 0.60 10.75 5.29 0.41 98.80 2.5035 1.4636 0.0230 0.5277 0.4699 0.0240 5.0116 0.5290 0.4600 0.0235 51.98 29.13 0.99 12.75 4.07 0.26 99.18 2.3889 1.5783 0.0381 0.6279 0.3627 0.0152 5.0110 0.6339 0.3606 0.0152 59.66 24.82 0.82 7.14 7.52 0.45 100.41 2.6645 1.3068 0.0306 0.3417 0.6512 0.0256 5.0205 0.3441 0.6394 0.0252 Me-03 m36 (core 14 45.37 33.32 0.51 17.34 1.62 0.04 98.20 2.1317 1.8457 0.0200 0.8730 0.1476 0.0024 5.0204 0.8554 0.1443 0.0023 15-May-85 Makushin plagioctase compositions Me-03 m36 rim) 15 wt%oxides sio2 54.12 Al203 27.14 Fed 0.84 Cad 11.03 Na20 5.30 K20 0.31 tot 98.74 atoms per 8 oxygens Si 2.4870 Al 1.4703 Fe 0.0323 Ca 0.5431 Na 0.4722 K 0.0182 tot 5.0231 An 0.5349 Ab 0.4569 Or 0.0176 Me-03 m36 (core 16 46.64 32.46 »0.65 16.83 1.95 0.08 98.61 2.1794 1.7882 0.0254 0.8427 0.1767 0.0048 5.0172 .0.8267 0.1725 0.0047 Me-03 m36 rim) 17 55.63 26.10 1.02 10.10 5.66 0.33 98.84 2.5462 1.4083 0.0390 0.4953 0.5023 0.0193 5.0105 0.4965 0.4940 0.0189 Me-03 m36 gms 18 54.62 26.37 0.95 10.24 5.55 0.31 98.04 2.5226 1.6358 0.0367 0.5067 0.4970 0.01835.0171 0.5048 0.4863 0.0179 Me-03 m36 gms 19 56.02 25.97 0.95 9.48 5.95 0.41 98.78 2.5617 1.4000 0.0363 0.4645 0.5276 0.0239 5.0140 0.4682 0.5193 0.0235 0.0080 5.0200 0.5287 0.4676 0.0079 55.83 24.32 0.65 7.53 6.85 0.32 95.50 , i 2.6256 1.3483 0.0256 0.379% 0.6246 0.0192 | 5.0226 | ' 0.3779 0.6104 0.0188 pl 4 51.82 25.89 0.65 9.50 5.65 0.17 93.68 2.5014 1.4733 0.0262 0.4914 0.5288 0.0105 5.0316 0.4816 0.5131 0.0102 52.80 26.08 0.62 9.26 5.79 0.20 94.75 2.5158 1.4650 0.0247 0.4728 0.5349 0.0122 5.0253 0.4692 0.5245 0.0119 50.03 26.62 0.49 10.15 5.10 0.10 92.49 2.4490 1.5362 0.0201 0.5324 0.4841 0.0062 5.0280 0.5238 0.4733 0.0061 52.55 25.08 0.61 8.19 5.88 0.20 92.51 2.5546 1.4374 0.0248 0.4266 0.5543 0.0124 5.0100 0.4349 0.5580 0.0125 Me-06 m39 (core 10 53.58 27.72 0.53 10.87 4.96 0.15 97.81 2.4752 1.5097 0.0205 0.5381 0.4443 0.0088 4.9965 0.5477 0.4482 0.0089 Me-06 m39 rim) 11 54.63 27.05 0.53 10.42 5.51 0.17 98.31 2.5095 1.4649 0.0204 0.5129 0.4908 0.0100 5.0084 0.51100.4842 0.0098 Me-06 m39 (core 14 54.14 27.70 0.61 10.96 5.33 0.12 98.86 2.4783 1.4949 0.0234 0.5376 0.4731 0.0070 5.0143 0.5319 0.4649 0.0069 Me-06 m39 rim) 15 53.16 28.05 0.59 11.35 5.00 0.13 98.28 2.4511 1.5247 0.0228 0.5607 0.4470 0.0076 5.0139 0.5564 0.4402 0.0075 15-May-85 Makushin plagioclase compositions Me-06 m9 gms 16 wt%oxides $io2 58.30 Al203 24.44 Fed 1.23 Cad 8.14 Na20 6.24 K20 0.37 tot 98.72 atoms per 8 oxygens $i 2.6522 At 1.3108 Fe 0.0468 Ca 0.3968 Na 0.5504 K 0.0215 tot 4.9784 An 0.4189 Ab 0.5682 Or 0.0222 Me-06 m9 gms 19 56.13 26.01 0.79 8.98 6.27 0.25 98.43 2.5692 1.4036 0.0302 0.4404 0.5565 0.0146 5.0145 0.4418 0.5502 0.0144 Me-07 m0 (rim 1 51.49 28.97 1.41 12.85 3.94 0.30 98.96 2.3787 1.5778 0.0545 0.6361 0.3529 0.0177 5.0177 0.6431 0.3506 0.0176 0.8836 0.1358 0.0054510261 0.8668 0.1325 0.0053 50.72 28.95 1.33 13.20 3.94 0.30 98.44 2.3604 1.5883 0.0518 0.6582 0.3555 0.0178 5.0321 0.6493 0.3447 0.0173 44.29 34.11 0.76 18.09 1.10 0.04 98.39 2.0841 1.8923 0.0299 0.9121 0.1004 0.0024 © 5.0211 0.9009 0.0989 0.0024 50.16 29.24 1.19 13.45. 3.91 0.20 98.13 i 2.3414 1.6098 0.0465 0.6730 0.3540 | 0.0119 # 5.0367 . 0.6553 0.3408 0.0115 pl 5 43.92 33.91 0.76 18.23 1.20 0.06 98.08 2.0769 1.8904 0.0301 0.9237 0.1100 0.0036 5.0347 0.8936 0.1061 0.0035 51.28 28.70 1.31 13.06 4.11 0.24 98.70 2.3777 1.5688 0.0508 0.6488 0.3695 0.0142 5.0298 0.6372 0.3579 0.0137 55.19 26.97 0.90 10.14 5.41 0.57 99.18 2.5187 1.4510 0.0343 0.4958 0.4787 0.0332 5.0118 0.5088 0.4750 0.0329 52.64 28.01 1.08 11.56 4.72 0.54 98.55 2.4339 1.5268 0.0418 0.5727 0.4232 0.0319 5.0302 0.5751 0.4117 0.0310 wf-01 m5 (core 13 52.92 28.17 0.67 11.48 4.66 0.36 98.26 2.4434 1.5334 0.0259 0.5680 0.4172 0.0212 5.0094 0.5765 0.4146 0.0211 Mf-01 m5 rim) 14 49.84 29.34 0.83 13.78 3.54 0.25 97.58 2.3369 1.6219 0.0325 0.6923 0.3219 0.0150 5.0205 0.6826 0.3127 0.0145 Mf-01 m5 (core 15 53.55 28.15 0.56 11.41 4.76 0.41 98.84 2.4557 1.5219 0.0215 0.5607 0.4233 0.0240 5.0070 0.5698 0.4199 0.0238 Mf-01 m5 rim) 16 49.03 30.30 0.88 14.56 3.01 0.21 97.99 2.2934 1.6709 0.0344 0.7297 0.2730 0.0125 5.0140 0.7277 0.2689 0.0123 15-May-85 a Makushin plagioclase compositions Mf-01 Mf-01 m45 m45 gms gms 17 18 wt%oxides $i02 49.33 50.86 Al203 29.96 29.19 Feo 0.88 +1.05 Cad 14.22 12.60 Na20 3.17 3.63 K20 0.23 0.32 tot 97.77 97.65 atoms per 8 oxygensSi2.3106 =2.3733 Al 1.6533 1.6058 Fe 0.0345 0.0410 Ca 0.7137 0.6300 Na 0.2879 0.3284 K 0.0137 0.0191 tot 5.0136 4.9976 An 0.7126 .0.6573 Ab 0.2836 0.3360 Or 0.0135 0.0195 Mf-04 m8 (core 12 51.96 28.70 1.38 12.54 4.18 0.26 99.02 2.3961 1.5603 0.0532 0.6196 0.3738 0.0153 5.0183 0.6238 0.3705 0.0152 Mf-046 m8 rim) 13 50.93 28.52 1.38 12.77 4.09 0.30 97.99 2.3787 1.5704 0.0539 0.6391 0.3704 0,01795.0303 0.6331 0.3605 0.0174 MF-04 m8 (core 17 45.60 32.77 0.77 17.10 1.61 0.08 97.93 2.1493 1.8210 0.0304 0.8636 0.1471 0.0048 5.0162 0.8544 0.1449 0.0047 Mf-04 m8 rim) 18 58.02 24.74 0.79 7.44 6.70 0.84 98.53 2.6455 1.3299 0.0301 0.3635 0.5924 0.0489 5.0102 0.3803 0.5896 0.0486 Mf-04 m8 gms 14 52.76 27.92 1.24 11.25 4.80 0.39 98.36 2.4616 1.5231 0.04800.5578|0.4307 - 0.0230 i5.0239 | 0.5643 0.4258 0.0228 pl 6 PC-02 m21 (core 17 46.68 32.59 0.71 16.84 2.06 0.09 98.97 2.1752 1.7903 0.0277 0.8408 0.1861 0.0054 5.0254 0.8188 0.1803 0.0052 PC-02 m21 rim) 18 53.11 27.72 1.01 11.54 4.87 0.36 98.61 2.4503 1.5077 0.0390 0.5705 0.4357 0.0212 5.0243 0.5670 0.4241 0.0206 PC-02 m21 (core 19 47.09 32.35 0.85 16.84 2.09 0.07 99.29 2.1875 1.7717 0.0330 0.8382 0.1883 0.0041 5.0228 0.8166 0.1827 0.0040 PC-02 m2t rim 20 47.22 31.93 0.99 15.84 2.31 0.12 98.41 2.2088 1.7609 0.0387 0.7939 0.2095 0.0072 5.0191 0.7912 0.2073 0.0071 Pc-02 m21 rim) 21 53.37 27.77 1.11 11.26 5.06 0.31 98.88 2.4546 1.5057 0.0427 0.5549 0.4512 0.0182 5.0273 0.5515 0.4405 0.0178 PC-02 m21 gms 15 53.12 27.63 1.17 11.51 4.77 0.33 98.53 2.4529 1.5042 0.0452 0.5695 0.4271 0.0194 5.0183 0.5714 0.4204 0.0191 PC-02 m21 gms 16 54.11 27.24 1.15 11.01 5.14 0.41 99.06 2.4822 1.4732 0.0441 0.5412 0.4572 0.0240 5.0218 0.5421 0.4472 0.0235 46.44 32.76 0.68 16.84 1.85 0.08 98.65 2.1692 1.8040 0.0266 0.8428 0.1676 0.0048 5.0149 0.8342 0.1651 0.0047 15-May-85 Makushin plagioclase compositions PC-11 m20 rim) 2 wt%oxides $id2 56.74 Al203 26.23 Fed 0.82 Cad 9.61 Na20 5.95 K20 0.51 tot 99.86 atoms per 8 oxygens Si 2.5654 Al 1.3981 Fe 0.0310 Ca 0.4656 Na 0.5216 K 0.0294 tot 5.0111 An 0.4716 Ab 0.5131 Or 0.0289 pc-11 m20 (core PC-11 m20 rim) 4 52.35 28.82 0.73 12.06 4.35 0.22 98.53 2.4131 1.5661 0.0281 0.5957 0.3888 0.0129 5.0047 0.6051 0.3898 0.0130 46.64 32.59 0.74 16.51 1.96 0.05 98.49 2.1800 1.7959 0.0289 0.8269 0.1776 0.0030 530123 0.8232 0.1763 0.0030 55.87 26.13 0.76 8.97 5.89 0.48 98.10 2.5656 1.4146 0.0292 0.4414 0.5245 0.0281 5.0034 0.4570 0.5277 0.0283 53.12 27.91 0.91 11.07 5.01 0.24 98.26 2.4532 1.5196 0.0351 0.5478 C.4486 0.0141 5.0184 0.5498 0.4439 0.0140 54.98 | 26.49 0.93 9.83 | 5.77 0.47 98.47 2.5277 1.4358 0.0358 0.4842 0.5144 | 0.0276 ; 5.0254 0.4849 0.5012 0.0269 pl 7 48.35 28.63 0.59 11.69 4.06 0.11 93.43 2.3534 1.6429 0.0240 0.6097 0.3832 0.0068 5.0201 0.6099 0.3833 0.0068 51.86 26.09 0.49 9.34 5.20 0.20 93.18 2.5077 1.4873 0.0198 0.4839 0.4876 0.0123 4.9986 0.4981 0.4956 0.0125 53.90 28.23 0.55 11.28 4.80 0.20 98.96 2.4633 1.5210 0.0210 0.5524 0.4254 0.0117 4.9947 0.5650 0.4299 0.0118 56.32 25.16 1.00 8.97 5.86 0.36 97.67 2.5970 1.3678 0.0386 0.4432 0.5240 0.0212 4.9917 0.4583 0.5301 0.0214 54.58 27.67 0.50 10.94 5.20 0.17 99.06 2.4897 1.4880 0.0191 0.5347 0.4599 0.0099 5.0013 0.5376 0.4579 0.0098 53.07 27.95 0.62 11.38 4.93 0.17 98.12 2.4517 1.5223 0.0240 0.5633 0.4416 0.0100 5.0129 0.5606 0.4351 0.0099 0.5023 0.4913 0.0128 5.0093 0.5055 0.4882 0.0128 15-May-85 Makushin plagioclase compositions PK-02 m52 gms 1 wt%oxides $io2 51.53 Al203 26.71 Fed 0.79 Cad 9.76 Na20 5.23 K20 0.19 tot 94.21 atoms per 8 oxygens Si 2.4744 At 1.5120 Fe 0.0317 Ca 0.5022 Na 0.4870 K 0.0116 tot 5.0189 An 0.5077 Ab 0.4866 Or 0.0116 TT-22 m29 (core 17 45.61 32.61 «0.92 17.40 '1.48 0.06 98.08 2.1492 1.8116 0.0363 0.8785 0.1352 0.0036 5.0144 .0.8666 0.1329 0.0035 TT-22 m29 rim) 18 51.00 28.92 1.04 13.32 4.09 0.24 98.61 2.3666 1.5821 0.0404 0.6623 0.3680 0.0142 5.0335 0.6428 0.3523 0.0136 TT-22 m29 (core 19 45.48 33.23 0.83 17.57 1.52 0.07 98.70 2.1307 1.8353 0.0325 0.8820 0.1381 0.004250228 0.8646 0.1348 0.0041 TT-22 m9 rim) 20 55.27 26.60 0.85 9.69 5.79 0.44 98.64 2.5329 1.4371 0.0326 0.4758 0.5145 0.0257 5.0187 0.4805 0.5064 0.0253 TT-22 m29 gms 14 50.23 29.55 0.94 13.77 3.49 0.21 98.19 2.3393 1.6225 0.0366 0.6872 0.3152 0.0125 5.0132 0.6856 0.3106 0.0123 TT-22 m29 gms 15 54.43 28.10 1.13 11.10 4.97 0.38 100.11, 2.4678 1.5020 0.0428 0.5392 0.4369 0.0220 {5.0107 | 0.5524 0.4377 0.0220 TT-22 m29 gms 16 61.02 23.07 1.07 5.13 7.94 1.18 99.41 2.7676 1.2246 0.0403 0.2475”0.6932 0.0678 5.0208 0.2631 0.6874 0.0672 WB-05 m22 (core 17 47.31 31.48 0.83 16.35 2.19 0.08 98.24 2.2175 1.7396 0.0325 0.8212 0.1990 0.0048 5.0146 0.8049 0.1942 0.0047 2.3503 1.6071 0.0435 0.6778 0.3217 0.0130 5.0135 0.6781 0.3177 0.0129 WB-05 m22 (core 19 45.89 32.78 0.56 16.98 1.58 0.08 97.87 2.1596 1.8187 0.0220 0.8562 0.1442 0.0048 5.0055 0.8559 0.1434 0.0048 wB-05 m22 rim) 20 53.37 27.21 1.14 11.03 5.03 0.38 98.16 2.4716 1.4856 0.0442 0.5473 0.4517 0.0225 5.0227 0.5479 0.4422 0.0220 WB-05 m22 gms 15 53.31 27.15 1.28 11.30 4.72 0.36 98.12 2.4707 1.4834 0.0496 0.5612 0.4242 0.0213 5.0103 0.5695 0.4214 0.0211 WB-05 m22 gms 16 63.21 22.96 0.97 5.04 6.91 1.98 101.07 2.7908 1.1951 0.0358 0.2384 0.5916 0.1115 4.9632 0.2873 0.6283 0.1185 Makushin olivine compositions LR-02 83mm65 core 1012 wt%oxides $id2 36.58 TiO2 0.01 Al203 0.04 FeO 31.51 MnO 0.64 MgO 31.33 Cad 0.23 NiO 0.04 cr203 0.02 tot 100.40 atoms per 4 oxygens Si 0.9945 Ti =-0..0002 At 0.0013 Fe2+0.7164 Mn 0.0147 Mg 1.2694 Ca 0.0067 Ni 0.0009 Cr 0.0004 tot 3.0045 Fo 0.6392 Fa 0.3608 LR-02 83mn65 (core 1013 38.28 0.01 0.04 22.91 0.44 39.10 0.16 0.09 0.03 101.06 0.9896 0.0002 0.0012 0.4953 0.0096 1.5064 0.0044 0.0019 0.0006 3.0093 0.7526 0.2474 LR-02 83mn65 rim) 1014 37.70 0.01 0.22 26.38 0.54 34.63 0.19 0.00 0.00 99.67 1.0044 0.0002 0.0069 0.5878 0.0122 1.3750 0.0054 0.0000 0.0000 2.9919 0.7005 0.2995 LR-02 83mn65 (core 1015 36.93 0.00 0.03 29.15 0.59 33.65 0.21 0.01 0.00 100.57 0.9903 0.0000 0.0009 0,65370.0134 1.3447 0.0060 0.0002 0.0000 3.0093 0.6729 0.3271 LR-02 83mn65 rim) 1016 36.86 0.05 0.04 30.70 0.68 31.89 0.28 0.06 0.04 100.60 0.9960 0.0016 0.0013 0.6937 0.0156 1.2842 0.0081 0.0013 0.0009 3.0020 0.6493 0.3507 LR-02 83mn65 (core 1017 36.83 0.01 0.02 30.19 0.61 32.72 0.20 0.11 0.04 100.73 0.9915 0.0002 0.0006 0.6797 0.0139 1.3127 0.0058 0.0024 0.0009 3.0076 0.6589 0.3411 LR-02 83mn65 rim) 1018 36.99|0.06;0.03 30.300.68|32.15 0.18 0.03 0.01;100.43 0.9985 0.00120.0010|0.6840$0.0155 1.2934 0.0052 0.0007 0.0002 2.9997 0.6541 0.3459 ol 1 LR-06a 83m52 (core 1113 38.51 0.01 0.02 22.78 0.42 38.57 0.14 0.05 0.00 100.50 0.9993 0.0002 0.0006 0.4944 0.0092 1.4916 0.0039 0.0010 0.0000 3.0002 0.7511 0.2489 LR-06a 83mn52 rim) 1114 37.43 0.02 0.04 30.36 0.70 33.03 0.24 0.02 0.01 101.85 0.9951 0.0004 0.0013 0.6750 0.0158 1.3087 0.0068 0.0004 0.0002 3.0038 0.6597 0.3403 LR-06a 83mn52 (core 1115 38.51 0.01 0.02 22.78 0.42 38.57 0.14 0.05 0.00 100.50 0.9993 0.0002 0.0006 0.4944 0.0092 1.4916 0.0039 0.0010 0.0000 3.0002 0.7511 0.2489 LR-06a 83m52 rim) 1116 37.43 0.02 0.04 30.36 0.70 33.03 0.24 0.02 0.01 101.85 0.9951 0.0004 0.0013 0.6750 0.0158 1.3087 0.0068 0.0004 0.0002 3.0038 0.6597 0.3403 LR-06a 83mn52 (core 1117 38.73 0.01 0.02 19.35 0.31 41.51 0.13 0.06 0.01 100.13 0.9930 0.0002 0.0006 0.4149 0.0067 1.5861 0.0036 0.0012 0.0002 3.0064 0.7927 0.2073 LR-06a 83mn52 rim) 1118 37.18 0.00 0.04 27.86 0.49 34.46 0.17 0.04 0.00 100.24 0.9933 0.0000 0.0013 0.6225 0.0111 1.3721 0.0049 0.0009 0.0000 3.0060 0.6879 0.3121 LR-06a 83mn52 core 4119 38.30 0.00 0.01 25.05 0.44 37.76 0.16 0.02 0.02 101.76 0.9921 0.0000 0.0003 0.5427 0.0097 1.4576 0.0044 0.0004 0.0004 3.0076 0.7287 0.2713 LR-06a 83mn52 core 1120 38.19 0.01 0.04 23.22 0.39 39.02 0.16 0.09 0.00 101.12 0.9880 0.0002 0.0012 0.5024 0.0085 1.5045 0.0044 0.0019 0.0000 3.0112 0.7497 0.2503 15-May-85 Makushin olivine compositions LR_O6f 83mn57 (core 1122 wt%oxides $i02 38.33 Ti02 0.00 A203 0.04 Fed 24.38 Mino 0.41 MgO 38.41 Cad 0.17 NiO 0.09 Cr203 0.00 tot 101.83 atoms per 4 oxygens Si 0.9894 Ti 0.0000 Al 0.0012 Fe2+0.5263 Mn 0.0090 Mg 1.4776 Ca 0.0047 Ni 0.0019 Cr 0.0000 tot 3.0100 Fo 0.73746 Fa 0.2626 LR_O6f 83mn57 rim) 1123 37.08 0.00 0.05 31.29 0.63 30.03 0.28 0.00 0.00 99.36 1.0159 0.0000 0.0016 0.7169 0.0146 1.2261 0.0082 0.0000 0.0000 2.9833 0.6310 0.3690 LR_06f 83mn57 (core 1124 38.44 0.01 0.02 22.91 0.42 38.96 0.17 0.04 0.00 100.97 0.9938 0.0002 0.0006 0.4953 0.0092 1.5011 0.0047 0.0008 0.0000 3.0057 0.7519 0.2481 LR_O6f 83mn57 rim) 1125 36.80 0.02 0.06 32.12 0.73 31.10 0.27 0.02 0.00 701.12 0.9955 0.0004 0.0019 0.7267 0/0167 1.2538 0.0078 0.0004 0.0000 3.0032 0.6331 -0.3669 LR-11 mig (core 15 35.28 nd 0.03 26.22 0.52 34.54 0.19 nd nd 96.78 0.9755 0.0000 0.0010 0.6063 0.0122 1.4233 0.0056 nd nd 3.0240 0.7013 0.2987 LR-11 mi9 rim) 17 37.88 nd 0.65 24.65 0.40 38.58 0.30 nd nd 102.46 0.9733 0.0000 0.0197 0.5297 0.0087 1.4773 0.0083 nd nd 3.0169 0.7361 0.2639 LR-12b DI-409 core 1050 37.710.03 =. 0.05 - 28.01 0.57 34.93 0.17 0.04 0.01101.52 | 0.9940 0.0006 0.0016 |0.6175 ;0.0127 © 1.3722 0.0048 0.0008 0.0002 3.0045 0.6897 0.3103 ol 2 LR-12b DI-409 core 1052 38.02 0.03 0.03 25.66 0.49 37.45 0.14 0.07 0.00 101.89 0.9873 0.0006 0.0009 0.5573 0.0108 1.4494 0.0039 0.0015 0.0000 3.0116 0.7223 0.2777 LR-12b DI-409 micro 1054 38.68 0.00 0.02 20.81 0.40 40.42 0.19 0.05 0.00 100.57 0.9942 0.0000 0.0006 0.4473 0.0087 1.5484 0.0052 0.0010 0.0000 3.0055 0.7758 0.2242 LR-12n DI-931 core 1054 37.02 0.02 0.01 28.69 0.57 34.01 0.17 0.01 0.01 100.51 0.9908 0.0004 0.0003 0.6422 0.0129 1.3566 0.0049 0.0002 0.0002 3.0085 0.6787 0.3213 LR-12n DI-931 core 1056 37.28 0.04 0.07 27.90 0.57 34.98 0.20 0.05 0.00 101.09 0.9879 0.0008 0.0022 0.6183 0.0128 1.3815 0.0057 0.0011 0.0000 3.0102 0.6908 0.3092 M1-01 83mn41 (core 1012 37.17 0.02 0.07 26.20 0.49 35.91 0.15 0.06 0.00 100.07 0.9876 0.0004 0.0022 0.5822 0.0110 1.4219 0.0043 0.0013 0.0000 3.0109 0.7095 0.2905 M1-01 83mn41 rim) 1013 37.37 0.04 0.05 26.60 0.49 35.40 0.20 0.00 0.00 100.15 0.9931 0.0008 0.0016 0.5912 0.0110 1.4020 0.0057 0.0000 0.0000 3.0053 0.7034 0.2966 M1-01 83mn41 core 1014 37.44 0.00 0.01 24.39 0.43 37.75 0.19 0.00 0.02 100.23 0.9843 0.0000 0.0003 0.5363 0.0096 1.4791 0.0054 0.0000 0.0004 3.0153 0.7339 0.2661 M1-01 83mn41 rim 1015 37.25 0.05 0.06 27.22 0.56 34.35 0.17 0.01 0.01 99.68 0.9979 0.0010 0.0019 0.6098 0.0127 1.3714 0.0049 0.0002 0.0002 3.0001 0.6922 0.3078 15-May-85 Makushin olivine compositions M1-51d m3f core 1 wt%oxides $i02 37.32 Ti02 nd Al(203 nd Fed 26.15 Mno 0.60 MgO 36.48 Cad 0.20 NiO nd cr203 nd tot 100.75 atoms per 4 oxygens Si 0.9847 Ti nd Al nd Fe2+0.5770 Mn 0.0134 Mg 1.4345 Ca 0.0057 Ni nd Cr nd tot 3.0153 Fo 0.7131 Fa 0.2869 M1-Sid m3f rim 2 37.41 nd nd -26.42 0.56 36.00 0.20 nd nd 100.59 0.9893 nd nd 0.5843 0.0125 1.4188 ,0.0057 nd nd 3.0107 0.7083 0.2917 M1-51d m3f core 12 38.20 nd nd 24.10 0.49 38.38 0.18 nd nd 101.35 0.9899 nd nd 0.5223 0.0108 1.4822 0.0050 nd nd 3.0101 0.7394 0.2606 M1-51d m3f rim 13 38.48 nd nd 23.98 0.37 39.21 0.15 nd nd 102.19 0.9871 nd nd 0.5145 0.080 1.4991 0.0041 nd nd 3.0129 0.7445 0.2555 Mc-18 m30 (core 1 38.01 nd nd 23.54 0.48 38.44 0.28 nd nd 100.75 0.9892 nd nd 0.5123 0.0106 1.4909 0.0078 nd nd 3.0108 0.7442 0.2558 Mc-18 m30 rim) 2 37.90 nd nd 25.04 0.51 36.55 0.26 nd nd 100.26 0.9979 nd nd 0.5514 0.0114 1.4342 0.0073 nd nd 3.0021 0.7223 0.2777 Mc-18 m30 (core 3 38.75 nd nd 19.87 0.34 42.20 0.21 nd. nd j101.37 . 0.9840 nd, nd |0.4220 ; 0.0073 . 1.5970 0.0057 nd nd 3.0160 0.7910 0.2090 ol 3 Mc-18 m30 rim) 4 37.42 nd nd 26.28 0.63 35.25 0.20 nd nd 99.78 0.9972 nd nd 0.5857 0.0142 1.4000 0.0057 nd nd 3.0028 0.7050 0.2950 Mc-18 m30 (core 5 38.62 nd nd 20.12 0.37 41.60 0.19 nd nd 100.90 0.9866 nd nd 0.4299 0.0080 1.5838 0.0052 nd nd 3.0134 0.7865 0.2135 Mc-18 m30 rim) 6 37.95 nd nd 22.91 0.40 39.39 0.21 nd nd 100.86 0.9836 nd nd 0.4966 0.0088 1.5215 0.0058 nd nd 3.0164 0.7539 0.2461 38.61 nd nd 18.95 0.34 43.66 0.19 nd nd 101.75 0.9736 nd nd 0.3996 0.0073 1.6408 0.0051 nd nd 3.0264 0.8041 0.1959 37.71 nd nd 22.74 0.49 39.37 0.25 nd nd 100.56 0.9808 nd nd 0.4946 0.0108 1.5260 0.0070 nd nd 3.0192 0.7552 0.2448 Md-04 m04 (core 14 36.65 nd nd 30.59 0.48 32.83 0.17 nd nd 100.72 0.9879 nd nd 0.6896 0.0110 1.3188 0.0049 nd nd 3.0121 0.6567 0.3433 Md-04 m04 rim) 15 35.65 nd nd 37.26 0.76 26.04 0.23 nd nd 99.94 1.0031 nd nd 0.8768 0.0181 1.0920 0.0069 nd nd 2.9969 0.5546 0.4454 15-May-85 a] Makushin olivine compositions wt%oxides $i02 atoms per 4 oxygens si Ti Al Fe2+ Mn Mg Ca Ni Cr tot Fo Fa Md-04 m04 (core 16 35.60 nd nd 33.58 0.65 30.39 0.19 0.9798 nd nd 0.7730 0.0152 1.2466 0.0056 nd nd 3.0202 0.6173 0.3827 0.8031 0.0156 1.1781 0.0080 nd nd 3.0024 0.5947 0.4053 37.52 nd nd 26.05 0.44 36.58 0.15 nd nd 100.74 0.9882 nd nd 0.5738 0.0098 1.4358 0.0042 nd nd 3.0118 0.7145 0.2855 37.46 nd nd 28.42 0.45 34.95 0.24 nd nd 101.52 0.9896 nd nd 062790.0101 1.3760 0.0068 nd nd 3.0104 0.6867 0.3133 38.40 nd nd 23.28 0.32 38.80 0.17 nd nd 100.97 0.9939 nd nd 0.5039 0.0070 1.4966 0.0047 nd nd 3.0061 0.7481 0.2519 37.49 nd nd 27.11 0.47 35.14 0.25 nd nd 100.46 0.9952 nd nd 0.6018 0.0106 1.3902 0.0071 nd nd 3.0048 0.6979 0.3021 37.32 , nd . nd 26.28 0.53 . 36.05 0.21 nd nd ;100.39 * 0.9885 nd nd 0.5821 3 0.0119 | 1.4230 0.0060 nd nd 3.0115 0.7097 0.2903 ot 4 Me-03 m36 rim 10 37.43 nd nd 27.74 0.58 34.48 0.21 nd nd 100.44 0.9971 nd nd 0.6180 0.0131 1.3688 0.0060 nd nd 3.0029 0.6890 0.3110 1.0000 nd nd 0.7289 0.0131 1.2515 0.0065 nd nd 3.0000 0.6320 0.3680 Me-07 m40 rim) 13 35.62 nd nd 32.73 0.56 30.56 0.18 nd nd 99.65 0.9838 nd nd 0.7560 0.0131 1.2579 0.0053 nd nd 3.0162 0.6246 0.3754 Me-07 m0 (core 14 36.18 nd nd 27.81 0.41 36.06 0.21 nd nd 100.67 0.9652 nd nd 0.6205 0.0093 1.4338 0.0060 nd nd 3.0348 0.6979 0.3021 Me-07 m40 rim) 15 36.41 nd nd 29.69 0.56 34.28 0.18 nd nd 101.12 0.9748 nd nd 0.6648 0.0127 1.3678 0.0052 nd nd 3.0252 0.6729 0.3271 Me-07 m0 (core 16 36.61 nd nd 27.57 0.59 35.83 0.23 nd nd 100.83 0.9735 nd nd 0.6131 0.0133 1.4200 0.0066 nd nd 3.0265 0.6984 0.3016 Me-07 m0 rim) 17 36.20 nd nd 28.70 0.53 35.58 0.20 nd nd 1014.21 0.9647 nd nd 0.6397 0.0120 1.4132 0.0057 nd nd 3.0353 0.6884 0.3116 Me-07 m40 (core 10 37.23 nd nd 24.81 0.42 37.30 0.24 nd nd 100.00 0.9835 nd nd 0.5482 0.0094 1.4686 0.0068 nd nd 3.0165 0.7282 0.2718 15-May-85 PA Makushin olivine compositions Me-07 Mf-01 Mf-01 Mf-01 Mf-01 Mf-04 Mf-04 Mf-04 Mf-04 Mf-04 Mf-04 Mf-04 PC-02 PC-02 Pc-02 m0 m5 m5 m5 m5 m8 m8 m8 m8 m8 m8 m8 m21 m21 m1 rim)(core rim)(core rim)(core rim)(core rim rim)(core rim)(core rim)(core 11 7 6 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 24 25 1 2 5 wt%oxides $io2 36.80 38.76 37.45 39.17 38.23 38.19 38.60 38.34 35.86 36.49 38.84 36.02 37.78 37.62 38.13 Ti02 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd AL203 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd Feo 28.95 .17.08 25.81 15.22 21.60 19.97 20.47 20.19 34.14 28.39 19.41 30.12 24.13 25.17 23.42 Mno 0.57 0.44 0.42 0.24 0.32 0.43 0.45 0.32 0.90 0.61 0.30 0.74 0.54 0.54 0.42 MgO 33.04 43.88 36.62 45.62 39.05 41.59 40.58 ©40.83 28.81 35.11 42.14 32.50 37.82 37.13 38.77 cad 0.12 0.18 0.21 0.20 0.23 0.25 0.22 0.31 0.21 0.23 0.24 0.23 0.22 0.28 0.23 NiO nd nd nd nd nd nd nd ond nd nd nd nd nd nd nd cr203 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd,ond nd nd nd nd nd 'nd nd tot 99.48 100.346 100.51 100.45 99.43 100.43 100.32 '99.99 99.92 100.83 100.93 99.61 100.49 100.74 100.97 atoms per 4 oxygens Si 0.9969 0.9827 0.9879 0.9825 0.9979 0.9811 0.9935 0.9893 0.9948 0.9743 0.9881 0.9832 0.9890 0.9875 0.9889 Ti nd sod nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd Al nd nd nd nd nd nd nd?nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd Fe2+0.6559 0.3622 0.5694 0.3193 0.4715 0.4291 0.4406 ;0.4357 0.7920 0.6339 0.4130 0.6876 0.5283 0.5526 0.5080Mn0.0131 0.0094 0.0094 010051 0.0071 0.0094 0.0098 |0.0070 0.0211 0.0138 0.0065 0.0171 0.0120 0.0120 0.0092 Mg 1.3339 1.6580 1.4396 1.7053 1.5191 1.5924 1.5566 1.5701 1.1911 1.3977 1.5978 1.3221 1.4755 1.4525 1.4986 Ca 0.0035 (0.0049 0.0059 0.0054 0.0064 0.0069 0.0061 0.0086 0.0062 0.0066 0.0065 0.0067 0.0062 0.0079 0.0064 Ni nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd cr nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd tot 3.0031 3.0173 3.0121 3.0175 3.0021 3.0189 3.0065 3.0107 3.0052 3.0257 3.0119 3.0168 3.0110 3.0125 3.0111 Fo 0.6704 0.8207 0.7166 0.8423 0.7631 0.7877 0.7794 0.7828 0.6006 0.6879 0.7946 0.6579 0.7364 0.7244 0.7468 Fa 0.3296 0.1793 0.2834 0.1577 0.2369 0.2123 0.2206 0.2172 0.3994 0.3121 0.2054 0.3421 0.2636 0.2756 0.2532 ol 5 15-May-85 Makushin olivine compositions wt%oxides $io2 Ti02 A203 Fed Mino MgO Cad NiO Cr203 tot atoms per 4 oxygens Si Ti Al Fe2+ Mn Mg Ca Ni Cr tot Fo Fa Pc-02 m2) rim) 6 37.74 nd nd 26.55 0.70 35.55 0.28 nd nd 100.82 0.9961 nd nd 0.5860 0.0156 1.3983 0.0079 nd nd 3.0039 0.7047 0.2953 PC-02 m21 (core 9 38.02 nd nd 24.00 0.59 37.80 0.27 nd nd 100.68 0.9925 nd nd 0.5239 0.0130 1.4705 0.0076 nd nd 3.0075 0.7373 0.2627 PC-02 m21 rim) 10 37.14 nd nd 25.64 0.66 35.70 0.29 nd nd 99.43 0.9917 nd nd 0.5726 0.0149 1.4207 0.0083 nd nd 3.0083 0.7127 0.2873© PC-06 83mn86 (core 1027 39.43 0.00 0.12 13.69 0.29 45.92 0.22 0.12 0.05 99.84 0.9883 0.0000 0.0035 0.2870 o!.00621.7152 0.0059 0.0024 0.0010 3.0095 0.8567 0.1433 PC-06 83mn86 rim) 1028 38.14 0.01 0.01 21.44 0.51 40.11 0.22 0.08 0.03 100.55 0.9856 0.0002 0.0003 0.4634 0.0112 1.5447 0.0061 0.0017 0.0006 3.0137 0.7693 0.2307 PC-06 83mn86 (core 1029 40.11 0.03 0.03 12.06 0.19 47.80 0.16 0.16 0.02 100.56 0.9896 0.0006 0.0009 0.2488 0.0040 1.7576 0.0042 0.0032 0.0004 3.0092 0.8760 0.1240 PC-06 PC-06 PC-06 PC-06 PC-06 PC-06 83mn86 =83mn86 =83mm BSS B83mNBS B3mMMB6-_-B3MNBS1029to1037isprofileacrosssinglecrystal 1030 1031 1032 1033 1034 1035 39.91 =39.86 39.65 40.12 39.86 40.11 0.00 0.51 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.31 0.03 0.02 12.51 12.42 12.31 12.78 12.36 12.10 0.24 0.16 0.19 0.16 0.22 0.24 47.43 47.00 47.64 47.55 47.15 47.96 0.17 0.13 0.19 0.17 0.15 0.17 0.12 0.17 0.13 0.13 0.17 0.14 0.04,0.00 0.00 0.04 0.04 0.04 100.45 99.76 100.14 101.77 100.00 100.81 0.9882 0.9928 0.9844 0.9811 0.9907 0.9877 0.0002 0.0000 0.0000 0.0094 0.0004 0.0006 0.0006 0.0006 0.0009 0.0089 0.0009 0.0006 0.2591 :0.2587 0.2556 0.2614 0.2569 0.2492 0.0050 0.0034 0.0040 0.0033 0.0046 0.0050 1.7502 1.7446 1.7627 1.7329 1.7465 1.7600 0.0045 0.0035 0.0051 0.0045 0.0040 0.0045 0.0024 0.0034 0.0026 0.0026 0.0034 0.0028 0.0008 0.0000 0.0000 0.0008 0.0008 0.0008 3.0109 3.0069 3.0152 3.0047 3.0081 3.0111 0.8711 0.8709 0.8734 0.8689 0.8718 0.8760 0.1289 0.1291 0.1266 0.1311 0.1282 0.1240 ol 6 PC-06 83mn8&6 1036 39.34 0.00 0.06 12.35 0.18 47.12 0.17 0.13 0.02 99.37 0.9847 0.0000 0.0018 0.2585 0.0038 1.7578 0.0046 0.0026 0.0004 3.0142 0.8718 0.1282 PC-06 83mn86 rim) 1037 38.98 0.02 . 0.06 17.10 0.41 41.05 0.20 0.09 0.00 97.91 1.0111 0.0004 0.0018 0.3710 0.0090 1.5869 0.0056 0.0019 0.0000 2.9876 0.8105 0.1895 PC-06 83mn86 core 1038 39.84 0.00 0.02 12.70 0.22 46.94 0.19 0.13 0.05 100.09 0.9908 0.0000 0.0006 0.2641 0.0046 1.7397 0.0054 0.0026 0.0010 3.0085 0.8682 0.1318 15-May-85 Makushin olivine compositions PC-06 PC-06 PC-06 PC-06 PC-06 PC-09 PC-09 PC-09 PC-09 83mn86 =83m 86 83mMBS6-B3mMNBSH--s B3MMBSEs«B3mMN25--s B3mN25-B3mN25-ss B3mMN25 core core micro core core (core core mid rim) 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 4001 1002 1003 1004 wt%oxides $io2 39.87 39.86 38.26 39.02 38.78 40.36 40.09 40.36 38.97 Ti02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 Al203 0.01 0.03 0.05 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.02 0.02 0.05 Fed 9.83 .10.87 22.18 15.86 16.50 9.34 9.49 10.28 18.86 Mino 0.18 0.24 0.51 0.28 0.33 0.16 0.16 0.18 0.38 MgO 49.08 47.69 40.36 44.31 44.21 49.49 48.76 48.61 42.41 Cad 0.19 0.19 0.22 0.20 0.24 0.17 0.17 0.18 0.21 NiO 0.19 0.17 0.06 0.11 0.09 0.17 0.17 0.15 0.08 Cr203 0.04 0.01 0.00 0.02 -0.09 0.05 0.03 A 0.07 0.04 tot 99.39 99 .06 101.64 99.84 100.28 99.79 98.90 °99.85 100.70 atoms per 4 oxygens Si 0.9864 0.9934 0.9809 0.9880 0.9816 0.9911 0.9940 0.9944 0.9915 Ti 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0002 0.0000 0.0000 0.0002 0.0000 0.0000 AL 0.0003 0.0009 0.0015 0.0009 0.0012 0.0014 0.0006 '0.0006 0.0015 Fe2+0.2034 0.2266 0.4756 0.3359 0.3493 0.1918 0.1968 ;0.2118 0.4013Mn0.0038 0.0051 0.0111 0.10060 0.0071 0.0033 0.0034 |0.0038 0.0082 Mg 1.8096 381.7714 «91.5421 1.6721 1.6677,1.8112 1.8018 1.7849 1.5967 Ca 0.0050 (0.0051 0.0060 0.0054 0.0065 0.0045 0.0045 0.0048 0.0057 Ni 0.0038 §=60.0034 0.0012 0.0022 0.0018 0.0034 0.0034 0.0030 0.0016 Cr 0.0008 0.0002 0.0000 0.0004 0.0018 0.0010 0.0006 0.0014 0.0008 tot 3.0131 3.0060 3.0184 3.0111 3.0169 3.0077 3.0052 3.0046 3.0074 Fo 0.8990 0.8866 0.7643 0.8327 0.8268 0.9042 0.9015 90.8939 0.7994 Fa 0.1010 0.1134 0.2357 0.1673 0.1732 0.0958 0.0985 0.1061 0.2009 ol 7 PC-09 83mn25 (core 1005 39.26 0.00 0.02 14.38 0.30 42.75 0.20 0.13 0.01 97.05 1.0140 0.0000 0.0006 0.3106 0.0066 1.6455 0.0055 0.0027 0.0002 2.9856 0.8412 0.1588 PC-09 83mn25 core) 1007 39.30 0.00 0.04 13.57 0.25 45.80 0.18 0.13 0.01 99.28 0.9899 0.0000 0.0012 0.2859 0.0053 1.7193 0.0049 0.0026 0.0002 3.0094 0.8574 0.1426 PC-09 83mn25 core 4008 38.79 0.00 0.07 15.57 0.28 44.80 0.16 0.14 0.03 99.84 0.9817 0.0000 0.0021 0.3296 0.0060 1.6898 0.0043 0.0028 0.0006 3.0169 0.8368 0.1632 Pc-09 83mn25 (core 1009 39.64 0.00 0.05 11.75 0.19 48.03 0.18 0.14 0.04 100.02 0.9831 0.0000 0.0015 0.2437 0.0040 1.7752 0.0048 0.0028 0.0008 3.0158 0.8793 0.1207 Pc-09 83mn25 core) 1010 39.32 0.00 0.03 12.61 0.21 46.40 0.19 0.18 0.04 98.98 0.9894 0.0000 0.0009 0.2654 0.0045 1.7400 0.0051 0.0036 0.0008 3.0098 0.8677 0.1323 PC-09 83mn25 core 1011 39.79 0.04 0.02 10.33 0.18 48.65 0.25 0.19 0.10 99.55 0.9854 0.0007 0.0006 0.2140 0.0038 1.7957 0.0066 0.0038 0.0020 3.0125 0.8935 0.1065 15-May-85 Makushin olivine compositions TT-10 83mn77 (core 1105 Wt%oxides $io2 37.88 Ti02 0.00 A203 0.05 Fed 21.39 MnO 0.48 MgO 39.73 Cad 0.21 NiO 0.00 Cr203 0.02 tot 99.76 atoms per 4 oxygens Si 0.9864 Ti 0.0000 AU 0.0015 Fe2+0.4658 Mn 0.0106 Mg 1.5419 Ca 0.0059 Ni 0.0000 Cr 0.0004 tot 3.0126 Fo 0.7680 Fa 0.2320 TT-10 83mn77 rim) 1106 37.77 0.00 0.05 25.27 0.59 35.18 0.26 0.01 0.01 99.14 1.0073 0.0000 0.0016 0.5636 0.0133 1.3982 0.0074 0.0002 0.0002 2.9918 0.7127 0.2873 TT-10 83mn77 (core 1107 37.41 0.00 0.06 22.96 0.44 37.92 0.25 0.04 0.00 99.08 0.9889 0.0000 0.0019 0.5076 0.0099 1.4939 0.0071 0.0009 0.0000 3.0101 0.7464 0.2536 TT-10 83mn77 rim) 1108 37.07 0.00 0.06 27.97 0.67 33.10 0.25 0.01 0.00 99.13 1.0032 0.0000 0.0019 0.6330 0/0154 1.3349 0.0072 0.0002 0.0000 2.9959 0.6783 -0.3217 TT-10 83mn77 (core 1109 38.12 0.02 0.05 22.13 0.48 39.26 0.25 0.06 0.00 100.37 0.9895 0.0004 0.0015 0.4804 0.0106 1.5188 0.0070 0.0013 0.0000 3.0094 0.7597 0.2403 TT-10 83mn77 rim) 1110 36.31 0.04 0.03 33.09 0.73 30.02 0.27 0.01 0.00 100.50 0.9944 0.0008 0.0010 0.7579 0.0169 1.2252 0.0079 0.0002 0.0000 3.0043 0.6178 0.3822 TT-10 83mn77 (core 1111 37.96 0.00 | 0.06 21.97 0.39 | 39.67 0.23 0.09 0.01 ;100.36 § 0.9850 | 0.0000 0.0012 |0.4768 ; 0.0086 1.5342 0.0064 0.0019 0.0002 3.0143 0.7629 0.2371 ol 8 TT-10 83m77 rim) 112 36.86 0.02 0.05 31.53 0.69 31.91 0.27 0.02 0.00 101.35 0.9918 0.0004 0.0016 0.7095 0.0157 1.2797 0.0078 0.0004 0.0000 3.0070 0.6433 0.3567 TT-22 m29 (core 9 38.11 nd nd 20.80 0.38 39.89 0.22 nd nd 99.40 0.9923 nd nd 0.4529 0.0084 1.5479 0.0061 nd nd 3.0077 0.7736 0.2264 TT-22 m2? rim) 10 35.99 nd nd 33.65 0.85 30.05 0.30 nd nd 100.84 0.9864 nd nd 0.7713 0.0197 1.2274 0.0088 nd nd 3.0136 0.6141 0.3859 0.4722 0.0114 1.5285 0.0069 nd nd 3.0095 0.7640 0.2360 TT-22 m29 rim) 12 36.51 nd nd 32.31 0.89 31.11 0.30 nd nd 101.12 0.9902 nd nd 0.7329 0.0204 1.2575 0.0087 nd nd 3.0098 0.6318 0.3682 38.61 nd nd 21.95 0.34 40.44 0.21 nd nd 101.55 0.9877 nd nd 0.4696 0.0074 1.5418 0.0058 nd nd 3.0123 0.7665 0.2335 nd 99.73 0.9894 nd nd 0.5096 0.0091 1.4957 0.0068 nd nd 3.0106 0.7459 0.2541 38.21 nd nd 21.62 0.51 40.19 0.19 nd nd 100.72 0.9859 nd nd 0.4665 0.0111 1.5454 0.0053 nd nd 3.0141 0.7681 0.2319 15-May-85 Makushin olivine compositions wt%oxides $i02 atoms per 4 oxygens Si Ti WB-05 m22 rim 4 37.13 nd nd 29.02 0.61 32.17 0.23 nd nd 99.16 1.0087 nd nd 0.6593 0.0140 1.3025 0.0067 . nd nd 2.9913 0.6639 0.3361 x) fu Makushin clinopyroxene analyses LR-02 LR-02 83mn65 83 mn65 core core 2012 2013 wt%oxides $i02 52.10 51.54 Ti02 0.36 0.56 Al203 2.59 1.86 Fed 7.36 11.85 Mno 0.22 0.46 MgO 17.37 14.75 Cad 20.26 18.40 Na20 nd nd NiO 0.00 0.00 Cr203 0.00 0.00 tot 100.26 99.42 atoms per 6 oxygens Si 1.9147 1.9423 Ti 0.0100 0.0159 Alt 0.0853 0.0577 Alo 0.0270 0.0250 Fe3+0.0384 0.0009 Fe2+0.1878 0.3726 Mn 0.0068 0.0147 Mg 0.9514 0.8284 Ca 0.7978 0.7430 Na nd nd Ni 0.0000 0.0000 Cr 0.0000 0.0000 tot 4.0192 4.0005 Ac 0.0000 0.0000 Jd 0.0000 0.0000 FeCaTs 0.0384 0.0009 CrCaTs 0.0000 0.0000 AlCaTs 0.0270 0.0250 Wo 0.3662 0.3585 En 0.5293 0.4425 Fs 0.1045 0.1990 mg#83.5 69.0 LR-02 83mn65 (core 2014 51.23 0.60 1.97 11.73 0.47 13.96 19.26 nd 0.01 0.03 99.26 1.9388 0.0171 0.0612 0.0267 0.0000 0.3713 0.0151 0.7874 0.7810 nd 0.0003 0.0009 © 3.9997 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0009 0.0267 0.3767 0.4236 0.1997 68.0 LR-02 83mn65 rim) 2015 50.48 0.64 2.42 10.82 0.39 15.73 17.62 nd 0.02 0.00 98.12 1.9179 0.0183 0,08210.0263 0.0192 0.3246 0.0126 0.8907 0.7173 nd 0.0006 0.0000 4.0096 0.0000 0.0000 0.0192 6.0000 0.0263 0.3359 0.4867 0.1774 73.3 LR-02 83mn65 core 2016 51.56 0.51 1.64 11.26 0.46 14.66 18.85 nd 0.00 0.00 98.94 1.9501 0.0145 0.0499 0.0232 0.0000 0.3562 0.0147 0.8263 0.7639 nd 0.0000 0.0000 3.9989 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0232 0.3704 0.4400 0.1896 69.9 LR-02 83mn65 rim 2017 51.18 0.57 2.04 10.79 0.38 15.03 19.38 nd 0.00 0.00 99.35 1.9270 9.0161 0.0730 0.0176 0.0232 0.3167 0.0121 0.8437 0.7822 nd 0.0000 0.0000 4.0116 0.0000 0.0000 0.0232 0.0000 0.0176 0.3707 0.4575 0.1718 72.7 LR-02 LR-02 83mn65 =8365 core (core 2020 2021 51.58 50.83 1.71 1.81 11.46 11.53 0.40 |0.46 15.06 14.57 18.35 18.38 nd nd 0.01 i 0.010.02 0.00 99.15 98.06 1.9453 1.9423 0.0159 0.0135 0.0547 s 0.0577 0.0214 _0.0239 0.0009 0.0068 0.3606 0.3617 0.0128 0.0149 0.8465 0.8297 0.7416 0.7526 nd nd 0.0003 0.0003 0.0006 0.0000 4.0005 4.0034 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0009 0.0068 0.0006 0.0000 0.0214 0.0239 0.3593 0.3610 0.4493 0.4450 0.1914 0.1940 70.1 69.6 cpx 1 LR-02 83mn65 rim) 2022 51.17 0.61 1.84 11.01 0.44 14.93 18.48 nd 0.03 0.03 98.54 1.9407 0.0174 0.0593 0.0229 0.0007 0.3485 0.0141 0.8439 0.7510 nd 0.0009 0.0009 4.0004 0.0000 0.0000 0.0007 0.0009 0.0229 0.3632 0.4507 0.1861 70.8 LR-02 83mn65 (core 2023 51.39 0.53 1.91 10.98 0.39 14.91 18.91 nd 0.00 0.03 99.05 1.9394 0.0150 0.0606 0.0244 0.0052 0.3413 0.0125 0.8386 0.7647 nd 0.0000 0.0009 4.0026 0.0000 0.0000 0.0052 0.0009 0.0244 0.3671 0.4498 0.1831 71.1 LR-02 83mn65 rim) 2024 51.02 0.60 1.86 11.38 0.37 15.07 18.42 nd 0.01 0.00 98.73 1.9342 0.0171 0.0658 0.0173 0.0143 0.3466 0.0119 0.8514 0.7482 nd 0.0003 0.0000 4.0071 0.0000 0.0000 0.0143 0.0000 0.0173 0.3583 0.4560 0.1856 71.1 LR-06a 83mn52 (core 2084 51.68 0.59 1.63 11.91 0.48 14.45 18.27 nd 0.05 0.00 99.06 1.9545 0.0168 0.0455 0.0272 0.0000 0.3767 0.0154 0.8144 0.7404 nd 0.0015 0.0000 3.9924 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0272 0.3566 0.4399 0.2035 68.4 LR-06a 83mn52 rim) 2085 51.38 0.61 1.95 11.02 0.45 14.94 18.71 nd 0.02 0.01 99.09 1.9381 0.0173 0.0619 0.0248 0.0022 0.3454 0.0144 0.8399 0.7562 nd 0.0006 0.0003 4.0011 0.0000 0.0000 0.0022 0.0003 0.0248 0.3645 0.4503 0.1852 70.9 LR-06a 83m52 (core 2086 50.98 0.55 1.74 13.11 0.49 14.28 17.67 nd 0.00 0.03 98.85 1.9422 0.0158 0.0578 0.0203 0.0051 0.4126 0.0158 0.8108 0.7213 nd 0.0000 0.0009 4.0026 0.0000 0.0000 0.0051 0.0009 0.0203 0.3475 0.4324 0.2201 66.3 LR-06a 83m52 rim) 2087 51.73 0.58 1.43 14.22 0.53 13.32 17.34 nd 0.00 0.04 99.19 1.9684 0.0166 0.0316 0.0326 0.0000 0.4525 0.0171 0.7554 0.7070 nd 0.0000 0.0012 3.9823 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0012 0.0326 0.3366 0.4149 0.2485 62.5 15-May-85 Makushin clinopyroxene analyses LR-06a 83mn52 (core 2088 wt%oxides $io2 51.29 TiO2 0.56 AlL203 2.20 Fed 9.73 Mno 0.32 MgO 14.90 CaO 19.68 Na20 nd NiO 0.00 Cr203 0.02 tot 98.7 atoms per 6 oxygens Si 1.9350 Ti 0.0159 Alt 0.0650 Alo 0.0329 Fe3+0.0000 Fe2+0.3070 Mn 0.0102 Mg 0.8378 Ca 0.7956 Na nd Ni 0.0000 Cr 0.0006 tot 3.9999 Ac 0.0000 Jd 0.0000 FeCaTs 0.0000 CrCaTs 0.0006 AlCaTs 0.0329 Wo 0.3810 En 0.4530 Fs 0.1660 mo#73.2 LR-06a 83mn52 rim) 2089 51.03 0.59 2.33 ¢10.14 0.36 15.25 19.20 nd 0.01 0.01 98.92 1.9236 0.0167 0.0764 0.0271 0.0156 .0.3041 0.0115 0.8567 0.7755 nd 0.0003 0.0003 4.0078 0.0000 0.0000 0.01560.0003|0.0271 0.3663 0.4677 0.1660 73.8 LR-06a 83mn52 (core 2090 51.50 0.57 1.65 12.67 0.53 13.92 18.06 nd 0.00 0.02 98.92 1.9564 0.0163 0.0436 0.0303 0.0000 0.4025 0.0171 0.7881 0.7351 nd 0.0000 0.0006 3.9900 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0006 0.0303 0.3521 0.4288 0.2190 66.2 LR-06a 83mn52 rim 2091 51.71 0.49 1.54 11.74 0.39 15.70 17.68 nd 0.00 0.00 99.25 1.9468 0.0139 0.0532 0/0151 0.0104 0.3593 0.0124 0.8809 0.7132 nd 0.0000 0.0000 4.0052 0.0000 0.0000 0.0104 0.0000 0.0151 0.3439 0.4660 0.1901 71.0 LR-06a 83mn52 rim) 2092 52.06 0.46 1.82 9.34 0.34 16.69 18.66 nd 0.00 0.01 99.38 1.9400 0.0129 0.0600 0.0200 0.0139 0.2771 0.0107 0.9269 0.7451 nd 0.0000 0.0003 4.0070 0.0000 0.0000 0.0139 0.0003 0.0200 0.3554 0.4962 0.1484 77.0 LR-068 83mn52 gms 2093 51.08 0.76 2.22 12.99 0.51 15.38 16.36 nd 0.00 0.00 99.3 1.9278 0.0216 0.0722 0.0266 0.0024 0.4076 0.0163 0.8651 0.6616 nd 0.0000 0.0000 4.0012 0.0000 0.0000 0.0024 0.0000 0.0266 0.3163 0.4647 0.2190 68.0 LR-06aLR-06a 83mn52 =83mn52 (core rim 2094 2095 52.02 51.86 0.48 0.52 1.29 1.48 13.91 13.56 0.54 0.56 13.60 13.51 17.58 17.69 nd.nd 0.00 ; 99.43 99.2 1.9723 1.9689 0.0137 .0.0148 0.0277 }0.0311 0.0300 |0.0351 0.0000 0.0000 0.4411 0.4305 0.0173 0.0180 0.7685 0.7644 0.7142 0.7196 nd nd 0.0000 0.0006 0.0003 0.0000 3.9850 3.9832 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0003 0.0000 0.0300 0.0351 0.3420 0.3423 0.4181 0.4208 0.2400 0.2370 63.5 64.0 cpx 2 LR-0é6a 83m52 rim) 2096 50.93 0.72 3.46 9.43 0.32 15.34 19.40 nd 0.00 0.00 99.6 1.8996 0.0202 0.1004 0.0517 0.0083 0.2858 0.0101 0.8527 0.7753 nd 0.0000 0.0000 4.0042 0.0000 0.0000 0.0083 0.0000 0.0517 0.3576 0.4811 0.1613 74.9 LR-O6f 83mn57 (core 2097 51.87 0.32 0.99 15.27 0.55 11.55 18.65 nd 0.00 0.00 99.2 1.9898 0.0092 0.0102 0.0346 0.0000 0.4899 0.0179 0.6603 0.7666 nd 0.0000 0.0000 3.9786 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0346 0.3660 0.3640 0.2700 57.4 0.0105 0.8337 0.7553 nd 0.0006 0.0000 4.0011 0.0000 0.0000 0.0021 0.0000 0.0476 0.3528 0.4631 0.1841 71.5 LR-06f 83mn57 on opx 2098.5 52.24 0.56 1.52 13.48 0.53 16.00 15.09 nd 0.00 0.02 99.44 1.9618 0.0158 0.0382 0.0291 0.0000 0.4234 0.0169 0.8955 0.6072 nd 0.0000 0.0006 3.9884 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0006 0.0291 0.2888 0.4829 0.2283 67.9 LR-O06f 83mn57 (core 2099 51.86 0.54 1.55 12.72 0.51 13.98 18.27 nd 0.02 0.01 99.46 1.9597 0.0153 0.0403 0.0287 0.0000 0.4020 0.0163 0.7873 0.7397 nd 0.0006 0.0003 3.9903 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0003 0.0287 0.3554 0.4267 0.2179 66.2 LR-O6f 83m57 rim) 2100 51.27 0.58 1.92 11.15 0.41 15.26 18.21 nd 0.02 0.00 98.82 1.9378 0.0165 0.0622 0.0233 0.0060 0.3465 0.0131 0.8596 0.7375 nd 0.0006 0.0000 4.0030 0.0000 0.0000 0.0060 0.0000 0.0233 0.3541 0.4603 0.1856 71.3 LR-11 mig (core 6 48.99 0.63 2.22 11.30 0.37 15.05 18.23 0.39 nd nd 97.18 1.8923 0.0183 0.1077 0.0000 0.0711 0.2939 0.0121 0.8664 0.7545 0.0292 nd nd 4.0455 0.0292 0.0000 0.0419 0.0000 0.0000 0.3563 0.4806 0.1631 74.7 15-May-85 Makushin clinopyroxene analyses LR-11 mig rim) 5 wt%oxides s$io2 49.16 Ti02 0.57 Al203 2.02 Fed 11.34 Mino 0.34 MgO 15.46 Cad 18.41 Na2o 0.28 NiO nd Cr203 nd tot 97.58 atoms per 6 oxygens Si 1.8928 Ti 0.0165 Alt 0.1072 Alo 0.0000 Fe3+0.0742 Fe2+0.2910 Mn 0.0111 Mg 0.8871 Ca 0.7595 Na 0.0209 Ni nd Cr nd tot 4.0603 Ac 0.0209 Jd 0.0000 FeCaTs 0.0533 CrCaTs 0.0000 AlCaTs 0.0000 Wo 0.3531 En 0.4871 Fs 0.1598 mg#75.3 LR-11 mig (core 23 49.37 0.52 2.33 9.73 0.33 15.35 19.84 0.36 nd nd 97.83 1.8880 0.0150 0.1120 0.0000 0.0820 0.2292 0.0107 0.8749 0.8130 0.0267 nd nd 4.0514 0.0267 0.0000 0.0554 0.0000 0.0000 0.3788 0.4922 0.1289 79.2 LR-11 mig rim) 22 49.32 0.53 1.67 13.31 0.51 14.38 18.50 0.24 nd nd 98.46 1.9009 0.0154 0.0991 0.0000 0.0684 0.3607 0.0167 0.8260 0.7640 0.0179 nd nd 4.0690 0.0179 0.0000 0.0504 0.0000 0.0000 0.3568 0.4477 0.1955 69.6 LR-11 mi9 gm 13 48.60 0.62 3.46 12.35 0.37 12.34 15.67 0.83 nd nd 94.26 1.9224 0.0184 0,07760.0838 0.0000 0.4086 0.0124 0.7275 0.6642 0.0637 nd nd 3.9785 0.0000 0.0637 0.0000 0.0006 0.0201 0.3220 0.4344 0.2438 64.0 LR-11 mig gm 14 41.50 0.48 2.27 6.61 0.16 14.70 12.84 0.31 nd nd 78.87 1.9203 0.0167 0.0797 0.0441 0.0021 0.2537 0.0063 1.0137 0.6366 0.0278 nd nd 4.0011 0.0021 0.0257 0.0000 0.0000 0.0185 0.3091 0.5526 0.1383 80.0 LR-11 m9 gm 18 44.57 0.47 1.50 9.29 0.35 13.67 15.05 0.27 nd nd 85.17 1.9436 0.0154 0.0564 0.0207 0.0048 0.3340 0.0129 0.8884 0.7032 0.0228 nd nd 4.0024 0.0048 0.0180 0.0000 0.0000 0.0027 0.3503 0.4722 0.1775 72.7 LR-11 mig gm 19 43.05,0.40 1.48 8.640.37|12.79 14.91 0.41 nd! 82.05 1.9466 0.0136 0.0534 30.0255.0.0006 0.3261 0.0142 0.8619 0.7224 0.0359 nd nd 4.0003 0.0006 0.0255 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.3612 0.4634 0.1753 72.6 cpx 3 UR-11 mi9 gm 28 49.36 0.57 1.41 13.72 0.54 14.90 16.87 0.26 nd nd 97.63 1.9133 0.0166 0.0867 0.0000 0.0535 0.3913 0.0177 0.8608 0.7007 0.0195 nd nd 4.0601 0.0195 0.0000 0.0339 0.0000 0.0000 0.3334 0.4583 0.2083 68.7 LR-11 m19 gm 30 48.94 0.56 1.24 14.37 0.62 14.10 16.96 0.32 nd nd 97.11 1.9159 0.0165 0.0841 0.0000 0.0511 0.4193 0.0206 0.8226 0.7114 0.0243 nd nd 4.0659 0.0243 0.0000 0.0268 0.0000 0.0000 0.3423 0.4356 0.2221 66.2 LR-12b DI-409 (core 2056 51.68 0.57 1.35 13.33 0.58 13.72 17.59 nd 0.01 0.00 98.83 1.9682 0.0163 0.0318 0.0288 0.0000 0.4246 0.0187 0.7787 0.7178 nd 0.0003 0.0000 3.9852 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0288 0.3445 0.4242 0.2313 64.7 LR-12b 01-409 rim) 2057 51.85 0.54 1.39 13.58 0.58 13.75 17.66 nd 0.02 0.02 99.39 1.9656 0.0154 0.0344 0.0277 0.0000 0.4305 0.0186 0.7768 0.7173 nd 0.0006 0.0006 3.9877 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0006 0.0277 0.3445 0.4217 0.2337 64.3 LR-12b DI-409 (core 2058 0.0274 0.3588 0.4257 0.2154 66.4 LR-12b D1I-409 rim) 2059 52.20 0.53 1.70 11.19 0.48 14.88 18.64 nd 0.03 0.04 99.69 1.9552 0.0149 0.0448 0.0303 0.0000 0.3505 0.0152 0.8306 0.7481 nd 0.0009 0.0012 3.9918 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0012 0.0303 0.3583 0.4512 0.1904 70.3 LR-12b DI-409 gms 2060 51.78 0.51 1.25 13.52 0.61 13.92 17.98 nd 0.01 0.01 99.59 1.9615 0.0145 0.0385 0.0173 0.0000 0.4283 0.0196 0.7858 0.7298 nd 0.0003 0.0003 3.9960 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0003 0.0173 0.3561 0.4167 0.2271 64.7 LR-12b DI-409 (core 2061 51.50 0.59 1.79 12.94 0.48 13.60 18.45 nd 0.00 0.02 99.37 1.9515 0.0168 0.0485 0.0314 0.0000 0.4101 0.0154 0.7680 0.7491 nd 0.0000 0.0006 3.9914 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0006 0.0314 0.3585 0.4182 0.2233 65.2 15-May-85 \e Makushin clinopyroxene analyses LR-12b 01-409 rim) 2062 wt%oxides $id2 52.17 TiO2 0.53 Alt203 1.59 Feo 12.37 Mn0 0.47 MgO 14.44 Cad 17.95 Na20 nd NiO 0.00 cr203 0.00 tot 99.52 atoms per 6 oxygens Si 1.9632 Ti 0.0150 Alt 0.0368 Alo 0.0337 Fe3+0.0000 Fe2+0.3893 Mn 0.0150 Mg 0.8098 Ca 0.7238 Na nd Ni 0.0000 Cr 0.0000 tot 3.9866 Ac 0.0000 Jd 0.0000 FeCaTs 0.0000 CrCaTs 0.0000 AlCaTs 0.0337 Wo 0.3450 En 0.4423 Fs 0.2126 mg#67.5 LR-12n DI-931 (core 2063 51.30 0.61 2.19 +10.45 0.43 14.27 19.34 nd 0.00 0.00 98.59 1.9422 0.0174 0.0578 0.0399 0.0000 .0.3309 0.0138 0.8051 0.7845 nd 0.0000 0.0000 3.9916 0.0000 0.0000 0.00000.0000, 0.0399 0.3723 0.4449 0.1828 70.9 LR-12n DI-931 rim) 2064 51.26 0.53 1.41 13.44 0.57 13.11 17.96 nd 0.00 0.03 98.31 1.9671 0.0153 0.0329 0.0309 0.0000 0.4313 0.0185 0.7498 0.7385 nd 0.0000 0.0009 3.9852 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0009 0.0309 0.3533 0.4105 0.2362 63.5 LR-f2n DI-931 core 2066 51.61 0.60 1.81 12.20 0.48 14.03 18.76 nd 0.00 0.01 99.5 1.9481 0.0170 0,05190.0286 0.0000 0.3851 0.0153 0.7893 0.7588 nd 0.0000 0.0003 3.9945 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0003 0.0286 0.3649 0.4268 0.2083 67.2 LR-12n DI-931 rim 2067 51.36 0.54 1.28 13.87 0.57 14.01 17.46 nd 0.01 0.00 9.1 1.9569 0.0155 0.0431 0.0144 0.0000 0.4420 0.0184 0.7955 0.7128 nd 0.0003 0.0000 3.9989 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0144 0.3492 0.4184 0.2324 64.3 MT-01 83m41 core 2025 51.04 0.52 1.53 12.15 0.55 14.24 18.72 nd 0.00 0.06 98.81 1.9438 0.0149 0.0562 0.0125 0.0121 0.3749 0.0177 0.8082 0.7639 nd 0.0000 0.0018 4.0061 0.0000 0.0000 0.0121 0.0018 0.0125 0.3687 0.4312 0.2000 68.3 M1-01 83mn41 (core 2026 51.18 0.60 2.36 9.28 0.33 15.34 19.31 nd. 0.01 0.00 98.41 1.9309|0.0170 - 0.0691 0.0358;0.0000 0.2928 0.0105 0.8625 0.7806 nd 0.0003 0.0000 3.9996 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0358 0.3724 0.4686 0.1591 74.7 M1-01 83mn41 rim) 2027 49.57 0.90 2.48 13.59 0.60 15.40 15.60 nd ;0.000.03 98.17 1.9010 .0.0260i0.0990 0.0131 0.0331 0.4028 0.0195 0.8802 0.6410 nd 0.0000 0.0009 4.0165 0.0000 0.0000 0.0331 0.0009 0.0131 0.2970 0.4823 0.2207 68.6 cpx 4 M1-01 83mn41 (core 2028 51.53 0.51 1.37 11.54 0.51 14.20 19.15 nd 0.00 0.00 98.81 1.9567 0.0146 0.0433 0.0180 0.0000 0.3665 0.0164 0.8036 0.7791 nd 0.0000 0.0000 3.9981 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0180 0.3806 0.4254 0.1940 68.7 M1-01 83mn41 rim) 2029 51.47 0.57 1.67 11.33 0.48 14.16 18.98 nd 0.00 0.00 98.66 1.9537 0.0163 0.0463 0.0284 0.0000 0.3597 0.0154 0.8010 0.7719 nd 0.0000 0.0000 3.9927 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0284 0.3718 0.4336 0.1947 69.0 M1-01 83mn41 core 2030 51.40 0.52 1.45 11.36 0.44 14.32 19.31 nd 0.03 0.00 98.83 1.9510 0.0148 0.0490 0.0158 0.0035 0.3571 0.0141 0.8100 0.7853 nd 0.0009 0.0000 4.0018 0.0000 0.0000 0.0035 0.0000 0.0158 0.3830 0.4282 0.1888 69.4 M1-01 83mn41 (core 2031 51.48 0.54 1.47 11.45 0.56 14.29 18.83 nd 0.00 0.01 98.63 1.9561 0.0154 0.0439 0.0219 0.0000 0.3639 0.0180 0.8092 0.7666 nd 0.0000 0.0003 3.9954 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0003 0.0219 0.3722 0.4331 0.1947 69.0 M1-01 83mn41 rim) 2032 51.00 0.51 1.78 11.48 0.44 14.36 19.20 nd 0.03 0.03 98.83 1.9377 0.0146 0.0623 0.0174 0.0149 0.3499 0.0142 0.8131 0.7816 nd 0.0009 0.0009 4.0075 0.0000 0.0000 0.0149 0.0009 0.0174 0.3742 0.4375 0.1883 69.9 M1-O1 8341 core 2033 51.58 0.53 1.62 10.10 0.38 15.00 19.47 nd 0.00 0.00 98.68 1.9488 0.0151 0.0512 0.0209 0.0002 0.3190 0.0122 0.8446 0.7882 nd 0.0000 0.0000 4.0001 0.0000 0.0000 0.0002 0.0000 0.0209 0.3835 0.4475 0.1690 72.6 M1-01 83mn41 rim 2034 50.70 0.63 2.63 8.77 0.23 15.34 20.67 nd 0.00 0.01 98.98 1.9066 0.0178 0.0934 0.0232 0.0342 0.2416 0.0073 0.8597 0.8329 nd 0.0000 0.0003 4.0171 0.0000 0.0000 0.0342 0.0003 0.0232 0.3876 0.4781 0.1343 78.1 15-May-85 Makushin clinopyroxene analyses M1-01 83mn41 (core 2035 wt%oxides $i02 50.85 Ti02 0.61 AlL203 2.49 Feo 9.03 Mno 0.32 MgO 14.74 CaO 20.37 Na20 nd NiO 0.00 Cr203 0.00 tot 98.41 atoms per 6 oxygens Si 1.9232 Ti 0.0174 Alt 0.0768 Alo 0.0343 Fe3+0.0078 Fe2+0.2779 Mn 0.0103 Mg 0.8309 Ca 0.8255 Na nd Ni 0.0000 Cr 0.0000 tot 4.0039 Ac 0.0000 Jd 0.0000 FeCaTs 0.0078 CrCaTs 0.0000 AlCaTs 0.0343 Wo 0.3917 En 0.4558 Fs 0.1524 mng#74.9 M1-01 83mn41 rim) 2036 50.44 0.63 2.78 8.74 0.31 14.97 20.67 nd 0.00 0.01 98.55 1.9060 0.0179 0.0940 0.0298 0.0281 0.2481 0.0099 0.8430 0.8369 nd 0.0000 0.0003 4.0141 0.0000 0.0000 0.0281 0.0003 0.0298 0.3893 0.4718 0.1388 77.3 M1-51c m3c (core 9 50.91 0.57 2.18 12.57 0.70 14.33 18.20 0.28 nd nd 99.74 1.9207 0.0162 0.0793 0.0176 0.0294 0.3672 0.0224 0.8057 0.7357 0.0205 nd nd: 4.0147 0.0205 0.0000 0.0089 0.0000 0.0176 0.3546 0.4433 0.2021 68.7 M1-5ic m43c rim) 10 51.47 0.48 1.31 11.91 0.63 14.37 19.40 0.30 nd nd 99.87 1.9391 0.0136 0,06090.0000 0.0337 0.3416 0.0201 0.8068 0.7832 0.0219 nd nd 4.0209 0.0219 0.0000 0.0118 0.0000 0.0000 0.3857 0.4316 0.1827 70.3 M1-Stc m43c (core 13 51.47 0.48 1.59 12.20 0.65 14.21 19.34 0.31 nd nd 100.25 1.9334 0.0136 0.0666 0.0038 0.0357 0.3476 0.0207 0.7955 0.7784 0.0226 nd nd 4.0178 0.0226 0.0000 0.0131 0.0000 0.0038 0.3808 0.4309 0.1883 69.6 M1-5t¢ m43c rim) 14 51.32 0.47 1.32 12.61 0.75 14.21 18.98 0.21 nd nd 99.87 1.9392 0.0134 0.0608 0.0000 0.0341 0.3645 0.0240 0.8002 0.7685 0.0154 nd nd 4.0200 0.0154 0.0000 0.0187 0.0000 0.0000 0.3749 0.4295 0.1956 68.7 M1-51¢ m43c core 15 51.56 , 0.51. 1.73 12.78 0.82 | 14.16 18.79 0.29 nd nd 100.64 1.9320 0.0144 0.0680 + 0.0084 0.0309 0.3696 0.0260 0.7907 0.7544 0.0211 nd nd 4.0155 0.0211 0.0000 0.0099 0.0000 0.0084 0.3681 0.4306 0.2013 68.1 cpx 5 41-Sic m43c core 16 51.54 0.63 1.78 11.90 0.61 14.29 19.30 0.25 nd nd 100.3 1.9315 0.0178 0.0685 0.0101 0.0229 0.3501 0.0194 0.7981 0.7750 0.0182 nd nd 4.0115 0.0182 0.0000 0.0047 0.0000 0.0101 0.3801 0.4309 0.1890 69.5 M1-51c m43c core 17 51.20 0.52 1.50 12.80 0.66 14.09 18.76 0.32 nd nd 99.85 1.9343 0.0148 0.0657 0.0011 0.0351 0.3693 0.0211 0.7933 0.7594 0.0234 nd nd 4.0175 0.0234 0.0000 0.0117 0.0000 0.0011 0.3733 0.4276 0.1991 68.2 M1-51d m3f (core 5 51.31 0.55 1.61 11.65 0.48 14.85 19.94 nd nd nd 100.39 1.9248 0.0155 0.0752 0.0000 0.0441 0.3214 0.0153 0.8302 0.8015 nd nd nd 4.0280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0441 0.0000 0.0000 0.3787 0.4479 0.1734 72.1 M1-51d m43f rim) 6 50.80 0.60 1.74 11.59 0.41 14.48 19.41 nd nd nd 99.03 1.9291 0.0171 0.0709 0.0070 0.0295 0.3386 0.0132 0.8195 0.7898 nd nd nd 4.0148 0.0000 0.0000 0.0295 0.0000 0.0070 0.3766 0.4411 0.1822 70.8 M1-51d m43f (core 1.9007 0.0205 0.0993 0.0206 0.0376 0.2293 0.0108 0.8657 0.8343 nd nd nd 4.0188 0.0000 0.0000 0.0376 0.0000 0.0206 0.3880 0.4838 0.1282 79.1 M1-51d m43f rim) 8 50.33 0.65 3.62 8.13 0.22 15.35 21.57 nd nd nd 99.87 1.8755 0.0182 0.1245 0.0345 0.0536 0.1998 0.0069 0.8525 0.8613 nd nd nd 4.0268 0.0000 0.0000 0.0536 0.0000 0.0345 0.3866 0.4969 0.1165 81.0 M1-51d m3f (core 9 51.94 0.29 1.15 11.43 0.54 14.89 19.18 nd nd nd 99.42 1.9587 0.0082 0.0413 0.0098 0.0151 0.3454 0.0172 0.8368 0.7750 nd nd nd 4.0076 0.0000 0.0000 0.0151 0.0000 0.0098 0.3751 0.4424 0.1826 70.8 M1-5id 0.7950 nd nd nd 4.0117 0.0000 0.0000 0.0235 0.0000 0.0251 0.3732 0.4783 0.1485 76.3 15-May-85 re) Makushin clinopyroxene analyses M1-51d m43f rim) 11 wt%oxides $id2 50.80 Ti02 0.62 Al203 2.24 Feo 9.52 Mn0 0.31 MgO 15.52 Cad 20.00 Na20 nd NiO nd Cr2o3 nd tot 99.01 atoms per 6 oxygens Si 1.9136 Ti 0.0176 Alt 0.0864 Alo 0.0131 Fe3+0.0381 Fe2+0.2618 Mn 0.0099 Mg 0.8713 Ca 0.8073 Na nd Ni nd Cr nd tot 6.0191 Ac 0.0000 Jd 0.0000 FeCaTs 0.0381 CrCaTs 0.0000 AlCaTs 0.0131 Wo 0.3780 En 0.4783 Fs 0.1437 mg#76.9 Mc-18 m30 (core 10 50.93 0.30 4.40 »5.36 0.10 16.65 20.99 0.30 nd nd 99.03 1.8800 0.0083 0.1200 0.0714 0.0319 .0.1335 0.0031 0.9159 0.8302 0.0215 nd nd 4.0160 0.0215 0.0000 0.01050.0000,0.0714 0.3741 0.5462 0.0796 87.3 Mc-18 m30 rim) 11 49.02 0.63 4.62 8.04 0.18 15.10 20.60 0.37 nd nd 98.56 1.8460 0.0178 0.1540 0.0511 0.0672 0.1860 0.0057 0.8475 0.8312 0.0270 nd nd 4.0336 0.0270 0.0000 0.0402 0.0000 0.0511 0.3700 0.5166 0.1134 82.0 Mc-18 m30 (core 12 49.04 0.63 5.00 8.02 0.22 14.63 20.57 0.43 nd nd 98.54 1.8454 0.0178 0.154600673 0.0516 0.2008 0.0070 0.8205 0.829% 0.0314 nd nd 4.0258 0.0314 0.0000 0.0203 0.0000 0.0673 0.3710 0.5054 0.1237 80.3 Mc-18 m30 rim) 13 48.91 0.62 4.56 7.76 0.23 14.94 20.91 0.37 nd nd 98.3 1.8469 0.0176 0.1531 0.0500 0.0679 0.1772 0.0074 0.8408 0.8461 0.0271 nd nd 4.0339 0.0271 0.0000 0.0408 0.0000 0.0500 0.3777 0.5140 0.1083 82.6 Mc-18 m30 (core 16 50.42 0.29 4.87 5.10 0.14 16.55 21.40 0.40 nd nd 99.17 1.8600 0.0080 0.1400 0.0718 0.0521 0.1053 0.0044 0.9099 0.8459 0.0286 nd nd 4.0260 0.0286 0.0000 0.0234 0.0000 0.0718 0.3753 0.5599 0.0648 89.6 Mc-18 m30 rim) 17 51.04 0.69 2.21 8.97 0.35 16.34 19.67 0.39 .nd|nd. 99.66 1.9020 |0.0193 . 0.0980 |0.0000 | 0.0593 0.2202 0.0110 0.9075 0.7854 0.0282 nd nd 4.0310 0.0282 0.0000 0.0311 0.0000 0.0000 0.3771 0.5012 0.1216 80.5 cpx 6 Mc-18 m30 gm 15 49.77 0.75 3.24 9.30 0.24 15.63 19.25 0.33 nd nd 98.51 1.8788 .0.0213 0.1212 0.0230 0.0555 0.2381 0.0077 0.8793 0.7787 0.0242 nd nd 4.0278 0.0242 0.0000 0.0314 0.0000 0.0230 0.3621 0.5020 0.1359 78.7 Mc-18 m30 gm 20 50.51 0.63 2.34 9.30 0.31 16.07 19.16 0.34 nd nd 98.66 1.9026 0.0178 0.0974 0.0065 0.0551 0.2378 0.0099 0.9021 0.7733 0.0248 nd nd 4.0276 0.0248 0.0000 0.0303 0.0000 0.0065 0.3682 0.4999 0.1318 79.1 99.34 1.9228 0.0196 0.0772 0.0181 0.0200 0.3497 0.0122 0.8304 0.7601 nd nd nd 4.0100 0.0000 0.0000 0.0200 0.0000 0.0181 0.3611 0.4496 0.1893 70.4 nd 99.58 1.9306 0.0184 0.0694 0.0140 0.0186 0.3485 0.0137 0.8450 0.7511 0.7603 nd nd nd 4.0197 0.0000 0.0000 0.0394 0.0000 0.0091 0.3559 0.4644 0.1797 72.1 =wvABON=oOSNaAaRaSGARAA3-_Lo]NmSo44.0152 0.0000 0.0000 0.0304 0.0000 0.0065 0.3353 0.4644 0.2003 69.9 Md-04 m04 rim 11 48.75 0.69 5.01 6.32 0.09 14.93 22.59 0.25 nd nd 98.63 1.8316 0.0195 0.1684 0.0535 0.0760 0.1226 0.0029 0.8360 0.9094 0.0182 nd nd 4.0380 0.0182 0.0000 0.0578 0.0000 0.0535 0.3991 0.5241 0.0769 87.2 Md-04 m04 rim 13 50.83 0.76 1.98 11.59 0.37 15.38 17.77 0.29 nd nd 98.97 1.9201 0.0216 0.0799 0.0083 0.0284 0.3377 0.0118 0.8658 0.7193 0.0212 nd nd 4.0142 0.0212 0.0000 0.0072 0.0000 0.0083 0.3519 0.4662 0.1819 19 15-May-85 Makushin clinopyroxene analyses Md-14 mi4 (core 10 wt%oxides $i02 52.38 Ti02 0.67 Al203 1.57 Feo 12.64 Mno 0.42 MgO 14.39 cad 17.75 Na20 nd NiO nd Cr2o3 nd tot 99.82 atoms per 6 oxygens Si 1.9650 Ti 0.0189 Alt 0.0350 Alo 0.0345 Fe3+0.0000 Fe2+0.3966 Mn 0.0133 Mg 0.8045 Ca 0.7135 Na nd Ni nd Cr nd tot 3.9813 Ac 0.0000 Jd 0.0000 FeCaTs 0.0000 CrCaTs 0.0000 AlCaTs 0.0345 Wo 0.3395 En 0.4424 Fs 0.2181 mg#67.0 Md-14 mi4 rim) 11 51.22 0.89 2.93 12.34 0.33 14.54 17.56 nd nd nd 99.81 1.9202 0.0251 0.0798 0.0497 0.0000 0.3869 0.0105 0.8124 0.7054 Md-14 mi4 (core 12 51.81 0.75 2.18 12.28 0.35 13.67 18.49 3.9796 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0475 0.3492 0.4327 0.2181 66.5 4.0089 0.0000 0.0000 0.0178 0.0000 0.0237 0.3411 0.4510 0.2079 68.4 4.0124 0.0000 0.0000 0.0249 0.0000 0.0090 0.3521 0.4400 0.2079 67.9 99.89 1.9344 0.0190 0.0656 0.0077 0.0199 0.3885 0.0150 0.8251 0.7347 98.9 1.8742 0.0299 _ 0.1258 5 0.0063 0.0597 0.3646 0.0133 0.8388 0.7173 nd nd nd 4.0299 0.0000 0.0000 0.0597 0.0000 0.0063 0.3257 0.4700 0.2043 69.7 cpx 7 nd 8 1.9292 0.0185 0.0708 _0.0090 0.0249 0.3875 0.0147 0.8199 0.7380 98.94 1.9337 0.0209 0.0663 0.0112 0.0133 0.4403 0.0158 0.8763 0.6288 nd nd nd 4.0067 0.0000 0.0000 0.0133 0.0000 0.0112 0.3021 0.4645 0.2334 66.6 1.8900 0.0210 0.1100 0.0161 0.0518 0.2571 0.0093 0.8957 0.7748 nd nd nd 4.0259 0.0000 0.0000 0.0518 0.0000 0.0161 0.3535 0.5023 0.1442 77.7 81.8506 0.0146 0.1494 0.0428 0.0775 0.1667 0.0082 0.8701 0.8315 0.0274 nd nd 4.0387 0.0274 0.0000 0.0500 0.0000 0.0428 0.3693 0.5293 0.1014 83.9 Me-03 m36 rim) 4 49.48 0.66 5.49 6.88 0.15 15.25 21.92 0.31 nd nd 100.14 1.8286 0.0183 0.1714 0.0677 0.0670 0.1456 0.0047 0.8399 0.8680 0.0222 nd nd 4.0335 0.0222 0.0000 0.0448 0.0000 0.0677 0.3777 0.5303 0.0919 85.2 Me-03 m36 (core 7 49.93 0.56 4.53 6.74 0.14 15.55 22.48 0.27 nd nd 100.2 1.8464 0.0156 0.1536 0.0439 0.0786 0.1298 0.0044 0.8570 0.8907 0.0194 nd nd 4.0393 0.0194 0.0000 0.0593 0.0000 0.0439 0.3938 0.5265 0.0797 86.8 Me-03 m36 rim) 8 49.08 0.67 4.9% 8.59 0.25 14.72 20.21 0.40 nd nd 98.86 1.8443 0.0189 0.1557 0.0632 0.0546 0.2153 0.0080 0.8244 0.8138 0.0291 nd nd 4.0273 0.0291 0.0000 0.0255 0.0000 0.0632 0.3626 0.5054 0.1320 79.3 Me-03 m36 (core 12 50.24 0.51 3.43 7.10 0.19 15.67 21.46 0.34 nd nd 98.94 1.8791 0.0143 0.1209 0.0303 0.0619 0.1602 0.0060 0.8735 0.8600 0.0247 nd nd 4.0309 0.0247 0.0000 0.0372 0.0000 0.0303 0.3962 0.5102 0.0936 84.5 15-May-85 Makushin clinopyroxene analyses wt%oxides $io2 atoms per 6 oxygens Si 'Jd FeCaTs CrCaTs AlCaTs Wo En Fs mg# Me-03 m36 rim) 13 49.43 0.96 2.29 11.67 0.37 14.88 18.72 0.32 1.8857 0.0275 0.1143 0.0000 0.0593 0.3131 0.0120 0.8460 0.7652 0.0237 nd nd 4.0467 0.0237 0.0000 0.0356 0.0000 0.0000 0.3648 0.4636 0.1716 73.0 Me-03 m36 gm 21 50.96 0.83 2.59 +12.81 0.41 16.06 16.39 0.32 nd nd 100.37 4.9000 0.0233 0.1000 0.0138 0.0396 .0.3598 0.0129 0.8924 0.6548 0.0231 nd nd 4.0198 0.0231 0.0000 0.01650.0000, 0.0138 0.3122 0.4901 0.1976 71.3 Me-06 m9 (core 12 50.74 0.55 1.68 10.46 0.47 14.56 19.32 0.35 nd nd 98.13 1.9329 0.0158 0.0671 0.0084 0.0272 0.3060 0.0152 0.8266 0.7886 0.0259 nd nd 4.0136 0.0259 0.0000 0.0014 0.0000 0.0084 0.3894 0.4456 0.1650 73.0 Me-06 m39 rim) 13 51.08 0.51 1.66 10.77 0.44 15.09 19.35 0.28 nd nd 99.18 1.9276 0.0145 0,0726o!0013 0.0423 0.2976 0.0141 0.8486 0.7826 0.0205 nd nd 4.0212 0.0205 0.0000 0.0218 0.0000 0.0013 0.3796 0.4593 0.1611 74.0 Me-07 m0 (core 18 48.47 0.51 4.32 5.87 0.14 15.46 22.28 0.26 nd nd 97.31 1.8431 0.0146 0.1569 0.0367 0.0911 0.0956 0.0045 0.8761 0.9078 0.0192 nd nd 4.0455 0.0192 0.0000 0.0719 0.0000 0.0367 0.3996 0.5413 0.0591 90.2 Me-07 mo rim) 19 49.89 0.37 3.05 5.67 0.18 16.17 22.47 0.26 nd nd 98.06 1.8790 0.0105 0.1210 0.0145 0.0855 0.0931 0.0057 0.9076 0.9068 0.0190 nd nd 4.0428 0.0190 0.0000 0.0665 0.0000 0.0145 0.4129 0.5325 0.0546 90.7 Me-07 m40 (core 20 48.28 0.76 4.58 7.08 0.14 15.02 21.87 0.27.rdjnd. 98 1.8313|0.0217.0.1687 |0.0361| 0.0893 0.1353 0.0045 0.8491 0.8889 0.0199 nd nd 4.0446 0.0199 0.0000 0.0694 0.0000 0.0361 0.3917 0.5247 0.0836 86.3 cpx 8 Me-07 m0 rim) 21 48.14 0.65 4.20 6.92 0.13 15.11 21.71 0.24 nd nd 97.1 1.8418 0.0187 0.1582 0.0312 0.0897 0.1318 0.0042 0.8615 0.8900 0.0178 nd nd 4.0448 0.0178 0.0000 0.0719 0.0000 0.0312 0.3935 0.5261 0.0805 86.7 Me-07 m40 (core 22 47.95 0.84 4.21 9.26 0.25 14.57 20.50 0.35 nd nd 97.93 1.8334 0.0242 0.1666 0.0232 0.0952 0.2010 0.0081 0.8302 0.8399 0.0259 nd nd 4.0476 0.0259 0.0000 0.0692 0.0000 0.0232 0.3738 0.5042 0.1220 80.5 Me-07 m0 rim) 23 47.95 0.84 4.21 9.26 0.25 14.57 20.50 0.35 nd nd 97.93 1.8334 0.0242 0.1666 0.0232 0.0952 0.2010 0.0081 0.8302 0.8399 0.0259 nd nd 4.0476 0.0259 0.0000 0.0692 0.0000 0.0232 0.3738 0.5042 0.1220 80.5 Me-07 m0 gm 24 50.09 0.44 1.87 9.59 0.28 16.82 17.95 0.27 nd nd 97.31 1.9115 0.0126 0.0885 0.0000 0.0633 0.2428 0.0091 0.9566 0.7340 0.0200 nd nd 4.0383 0.0200 0.0000 0.0433 0.0000 0.0000 0.3453 0.5222 0.1325 79.8 Me-07 m0 gm 28 50.28 0.53 2.20 9.04 0.23 16.06 19.21 0.30 nd nd 97.85 1.9081 0.0151 0.0919 0.0066 0.0551 0.2318 0.0074 0.9083 0.7811 0.0221 nd nd 4.0275 0.0221 0.0000 0.0330 0.0000 0.0066 0.3708 0.5013 0.1279 79.7 1.8910 0.0183 0.1090 0.0148 0.0575 0.2584 0.0106 0.8771 0.7728 0.0192 nd nd 4.0288 0.0192 0.0000 0.0383 0.0000 0.0148 0.3598 0.4945 0.1457 77.2 99.59 1.9306 0.0114 0.0694 0.0000 0.0467 0.3162 0.0157 0.8078 0.8219 0.0242 nd nd 4.0439 0.0242 0.0000 0.0225 0.0000 0.0000 0.3997 0.4314 0.1689 71.9 Mf-01 m5 rim) 2 47.71 1.13 5.29 8.76 0.21 14.33 20.79 0.28 nd nd 98.5 1.8100 0.0322 0.1900 0.0466 0.0789 0.1990 0.0067 0.8102 0.8451 0.0206 nd nd 4.0395 0.0206 0.0000 0.0583 0.0000 0.0466 0.3701 0.5057 0.1242 80.3 15-May-85 Makushin clinopyroxene analyses Mf-01 Mf-01 m45 m5 (core rim) 3 4 wt%oxides sio2 50.87 50.97 Ti02 0.61 0.67 Al203 3.30 2.40 Fed 6.12 8.66 Mno 0.13 0.36 MgO 16.00 15.22 Cad 22.73 20.74 Na20 0.33 0.36 NiO nd nd Cr203 nd nd tot 100.09 99.38 atoms per 6 oxygens Si 1.8776 1.9073 Ti 0.0169 0.0189 Alt 0.1224 0.0927 Alo 0.0212 0.0132 Fe3+0.0674 0.0418 Fe2+0.1215 0.2292 Mn 0.0041 0.0114 Mg 0.8801 0.8488 Ca 0.8989 0.8316 Na 0.0236 0.0261 Ni nd nd Cr nd nd tot 4.0337 4.0209 Ac 0.0236 0.0261 dd 0.0000 0.0000 FeCaTs 0.0438 0.0157 CrCaTs 0.0000 0.0000 AlCaTs 0.0212 0.0132 Wo 0.4170 0.4013 En 0.5123 0.4714 Fs 0.0707 0.1273 mg#87.9 78.7 97.31 1.7786 0.0266 0.2214 0.0564 0.1118 0.1258 0.0564 0.3816 0.5342 0.0842 86.4 Mf-01 m45 rim) 12 47.38 0.83 5.70 8.03 0.20 14.03 21.94 0.31 nd nd 98.42 1.7993 0.0237 0.2007 010545 0.0987 0.1563 0.0064 0.7941 0.8928 0.0228 nd nd 4.0494 0.0228 0.0000 0.0759 0.0000 0.0545 0.3812 0.5171 0.1018 83.6 50.96 0.38 2.15 8.11 0.21 16.71 19.51 0.20 nd nd 98.23 1.9176 0.0108 0.0824 0.0130 0.0479 0.2073 0.0067 0.9371 0.7866 0.0146 nd nd 4.0240 0.0146 0.0000 0.0333 0.0000 0.0130 0.3702 0.5158 0.1141 81.9 Mf-01 m5 gm 19 50.54 0.60 2.46 8.50 0.30 17.18 19.04 0.14 nd nd 98.76 1.8956 0.0169 0.1044 0.0044 0.0662 0.2004 0.0095 0.9603 0.7652 0.0102 nd nd 4.0331 0.0102 0.0000 0.0560 0.0000 0.0044 0.3524 0.5358 0.1118 82.7 50.50 0.52 2.80 7.33 0.21 16.97 20.51 0.26 rd: nd 99.1 1.8842 0.0146 0.1158 0.0073 0.0793 0.1494 0.0066 0.9436 0.8200 0.0188 nd nd 4.0397 0.0188 0.0000 0.0605 0.0000 0.0073 0.3761 0.5387 0.0853 86.3 51.04 0.40 1.25 11.47 0.49 16.33 20.28 0.33 ndind 99.59 1.9306 0.0114 4 0.0694 0.0000 0.0467 0.3162 0.0157 0.8078 0.8219 0.0242 nd nd 4.0439 0.0242 0.0000 0.0225 0.0000 0.0000 0.3997 0.4314 0.1689 71.9 cpx 9 47.71 1.13 5.29 8.76 0.21 14.33 20.79 0.28 nd nd 98.5 1.8100 0.0322 0.1900 0.0466 0.0789 0.1990 0.0067 0.8102 0.8451 0.0206 nd nd 4.0395 0.0206 0.0000 0.0583 0.0000 0.0466 0.3701 0.5057 0.1242 80.3 50.87 0.61 3.30 6.12 0.13 16.00 22.73 0.33 nd nd 100.09 1.8776 0.0169 0.1224 0.0212 0.0674 0.1215 0.0041 0.8801 0.8989 0.0236 nd nd 4.0337 0.0236 0.0000 0.0438 0.0000 0.0212 0.4170 0.5123 0.0707 87.9 50.97 0.67 2.40 8.66 0.36 15.22 20.74 0.36 nd nd 99.38 1.9073 0.0189 0.0927 0.0132 0.0418 0.2292 0.0114 0.8488 0.8316 0.0261 nd nd 4.0209 0.0261 0.0000 0.0157 0.0000 0.0132 0.4013 0.4714 0.1273 78.7 Mf-01 m5 core 11 46.28 0.92 6.13 7.39 0.19 13.93 22.29 0.18 nd nd 97.31 1.7786 0.0266 0.2214 0.0564 0.1118 0.1258 0.0062 0.7979 0.9179 0.0134 nd nd 4.0559 0.0134 0.0000 0.0984 0.0000 0.0564 0.3816 0.5342 0.0842 86.4 Mf-01 m5 rim 12 47.38 0.83 5.70 8.03 0.20 14.03 21.94 0.31 nd nd 98.42 1.7993 0.0237 0.2007 0.0545 0.0987 0.1563 0.0064 0.7941 0.8928 0.0228 nd nd 4.0494 0.0228 0.0000 0.0759 0.0000 0.0545 0.3812 0.5171 0.1018 83.6 50.96 0.38 2.15 8.11 0.21 16.71 19.51 0.20 nd nd 98.23 1.9176 0.0108 0.0824 0.0130 0.0479 0.2073 0.0067 0.9371 0.7866 0.0146 nd nd 4.0240 0.0146 0.0000 0.0333 0.0000 0.0130 0.3702 0.5158 0.1141 81.9 Mf-01 m5 gm 19 50.54 0.60 2.46 8.50 0.30 17.18 19.04 0.14 nd nd 98.76 1.8956 0.0169 0.1044 0.0044 0.0662 0.2004 0.0095 0.9603 0.7652 0.0102 nd nd 4.0331 0.0102 0.0000 0.0560 0.0000 0.0044 0.3524 0.5358 0.1118 82.7 15-May-85 Makushin clinopyroxene analyses Mf-01 m5 core 5 wt%oxides sio2 50.50 Ti02 0.52 At203 2.80 Fed 7.33 Kno 0.21 MgO 16.97 Cad 20.51 Na20 0.26 NiO nd Cr203 nd tot 9.1 atoms per 6 oxygens Si 1.8842 Ti 0.0146 Alt 0.1158 Alo 0.0073 Fe3+0.0793 Fe2+0.1494 Mn 0.0066 Mg 0.9436 Ca 0.8200 Na 0.0188 Ni nd Cr nd tot 4.0397 Ac 0.0188 'Jd 0.0000 FeCaTs 0.0605 CrCaTs 0.0000 AlCaTs 0.0073 Wo 0.3761 En 0.5387 Fs 0.0853 mg#86.3 Mf-04 m8 (core 6 50.16 0.54 1.69 +10.16 0.36 16.32 18.11 0.32 nd nd 97.66 1.9136 0.0155 0.0864 0.0000 0.0554 ,0.2688 0.0116 0.9279 0.7403 0.0237 nd nd 4.0432 0.0237 0.0000 0.03170.0000,0.0000 0.3543 0.5007 0.1450 77.5 Mf-04 m8 rim) 7 49.46 0.69 2.64 9.73 0.38 15.23 19.20 0.42 nd nd 97.75 1.8881 0.0198 0.1119 0.0070 0.0653 0.2454 0.0123 0.8665 0.7854 0.0311 nd nd 4.0326 0.0311 0.0000 0.0342 0.0000 0.0070 0.3721 0.4893 0.1386 77.9 Mf-04 m8 (core 8 49.33 0.77 3.12 9.54 0.34 15.42 19.37 0.35 nd nd 98.24 1.8731 0.0220 0.1269of0128 0.0702 0.2328 0.0109 0.8726 0.7881 0.0258 nd nd 4.0351 0.0258 0.0000 0.0444 0.0000 0.0128 0.3655 0.5009 0.1336 78.9 Mf-04 m48 rim) 9 49.82 0.89 1.94 12.87 0.61 15.19 16.59 0.34 nd nd 98.25 1.9068 0.0256 0.0932 0.0000 0.0419 0.3700 0.0198 0.8665 0.6804 0.0252 nd nd 4.0294 0.0252 0.0000 0.0167 0.0000 0.0000 0.3318 0.4682 0.2000 70.1 Mf-04 m8 (core 10 51.12 0.61 1.81 9.11 0.26 16.69 19.08 0.29 nd nd 98.97 1.9161 0.0172 0.0839 0.0000 0.0495 0.2360 0.0083 0.9323 0.7663 0.0211 nd nd 4.0307 0.0211 0.0000 0.0285 0.0000 0.0000 0.3689 0.5036 0.1275 79.8 1.8917 0.0142 0.1083 0.0000; 0.0800 0.1964 0.0083 0.9216 0.7937 0.0307 nd nd 4.0447 0.0307 0.0000 0.0494 0.0000 0.0000 0.3722 0.5176 0.1103 82.4 Mf-04 m8 core 19 49.67 0.78 2.99 10.20 0.42 15.98 18.44 0.41 nd nd 98.89 1.8737 0.0221 0.1263 0.0067 0.0754 0.2464 0.0134 0.8984 0.7453 0.0300 nd nd 4.0377 0.0300 0.0000 0.0454 0.0000 0.0067 0.3466 0.5127 0.1406 78.5 cpx 10 pc-02 m21 (core 3 51.56 0.54 2.15 9.50 0.38 16.83 19.16 0.36 nd nd 100.48 1.9060 0.0150 0.0940 0.0000 0.0640 0.2297 0.0119 0.9272 0.7589 0.0258 nd nd 4.0325 0.0258 0.0000 0.0382 0.0000 0.0000 0.3604 0.5127 0.1270 80.1 PC-02 m21 rim) 4 51.57 0.47 1.70 10.34 0.47 17.33 16.95 0.33 nd nd 99.16 1.9275 0.0132 0.0725 0.0024 0.0436 0.2796 0.0149 0.9653 0.6788 0.0239 nd nd 4.0218 0.0239 0.0000 0.0197 0.0000 0.0024 0.3283 0.5208 0.1508 77.5 PC-02 m1 (core 7 51.01 0.53 2.56 9.20 0.29 16.52 19.38 0.45 nd nd 99.94 1.8946 0.0148 0.1054 0.0067 0.0691 0.2167 0.0091 0.9144 0.7713 0.0324 nd nd 4.0345 0.0324 0.0000 0.0367 0.0000 0.0067 0.3640 0.5142 0.1219 80.8 PC-02 m21 rim) 8 50.86 0.65 2.00 11.06 0.43 17.28 15.66 0.37 nd nd 98.31 1.9181 0.0184 0.0819 0.0070 0.0381 0.3107 0.0137 0.9712 0.6328 0.0271 nd nd 4.0190 0.0271 0.0000 0.0110 0.0000 0.0070 0.3074 0.5247 0.1679 75.8 Pc-02 m21 gm 11 50.09 0.65 3.60 10.38 0.37 16.62 15.92 0.36 nd nd 97.99 1.8897 0.0184 0.1103 0.0498 0.0237 0.3038 0.0118 0.9344 0.6435 0.0263 nd nd 4.0118 0.0237 0.0027 0.0000 0.0000 0.0471 0.2982 0.5296 0.1722 75.5 PC-02 m1 gm 12 50.82 0.71 2.41 10.87 0.40 16.86 16.93 0.36 nd nd 99.36 1.9014 0.0200 0.0986 0.0077 0.0509 0.2892 0.0127 0.9401 0.6787 0.0261 nd nd 4.0255 0.0261 0.0000 0.0248 0.0000 0.0077 0.3231 0.5176 0.1592 76.5 PC-06 83mn86 (core 2043 51.11 0.33 3.43 6.57 0.23 17.05 20.12 nd 0.02 0.08 98.94 1.8982 0.0092 0.1018 0.0484 0.0326 0.1715 0.0072 0.9437 0.8007 nd 0.0006 0.0023 4.0163 0.0000 0.0000 0.0326 0.0023 0.0484 0.3587 0.5427 0.0986 84.6 15-May-85 Makushin clinopyroxene analyses PC-06 83mn86 rim) 2044 wt%oxides $i02 49.37 Ti02 0.48 At203 4.60 Fed 7.78 Mno 0.19 MgO 14.92 Cad 20.53 Na20 nd NiO 0.01 Cr203 0.15 tot 98.03 atoms per 6 oxygens Si 1.8667 Ti 0.0136 Alt 0.1333 Alo 0.0718 Fe3+0.0297 Fe2+0.2163 Mn 0.0061 Mg 0.8408 Ca 0.8318 Na nd Ni 0.0003 Cr 0.0045 tot 4.0149 Ac 0.0000 Jd 0.0000 FeCaTs 0.0297 CrCaTs 0.0045 AlCaTs 0.0718 Wo 0.3629 En 0.5067 Fs 0.1304 ing#79.5 PC-06 83mn86 (core 2045 49.71 0.47 4.98 6.21 0.19 15.91 21.26 nd 0.04 0.38 99.15 1.8495 0.0132 0.1505 0.0680 0.0450 0.1482 0.0060 0.8822 0.8476 nd 0.0012 0.0112 4.0225 0.0000 0.0000 0.0450 0.0112 0.0680 0.3617 0.5465 0.0918 85.6 PC-06 83mn86 core 2046 52.21 0.27 3.10 4.39 0.11 16.98 21.85 nd 0.04 1.01 99.96 1.9099 0.0074 0.0901 0.0436 0.0025 0.1318 0.0034 0.9257 0.8564 nd 0.0012 0.0292 4.0012 0.0000 0.0000 0.0025 0.0292 0.0436 0.3906 0.5334 0.0760 87.5 PC-06 83mn86 mid 2047 52.62 0.23 2.32 4.67 0.14 17.91 21.12 nd 0.03 0.45 99.49 1.9299 0.0063 0.0701 o!0302 0.0141 0.1291 0.0043 0.9790 0.8300 nd 0.0009 *0.0130 4.0071 0.0000 0.0000 0.0141 0.0130 0.0302 0.3863 0.5422 0.0715 88.3 PC-06 83mn86 mid 2048 52.98 0.22 2.23 4.71 0.12 17.68 21.49 nd 0.03 0.50 99.96 1.9351 0.0060 0.0649 0.0312 0.0072 0.1367 0.0037 0.9624 0.8411 nd 0.0009 0.0144 4.0036 0.0000 0.0000 0.0072 0.0144 0.0312 0.3941 0.5305 0.0753 87.6 PC-06 83mn86 mid 2049 51.42 0.29 3.46 5.31 0.11 16.63 20.91 nd 0.00 0.42 98.55 1.9090 6.0081 0.0910 0.0604 0.0021 0.1628 0.0035 0.9201 0.8318 nd 0.0000 0.0123 4.0011 0.0000 0.0000 0.0021 0.0123 0.0604 0.3785 0.5281 0.0934 85.0 PC-06 PC-06 83mn86 =8 3mnBS rim)core 2050 2051 50.91 53.66 3.52 2.12 7.19 3.91 0.25 =:0.1216.80 18.37 19.60 21.01 nd nd 0.03 i 0.030.13 °0.47 98.76 99.84 1.8975 1.9496 0.0092 0.0041 0.1025 »0.0504 0.0521 .0.0405 0.0281 09.0000 0.1960 0.1188 0.0079 0.0037 0.9332 0.9947 0.7827 0.8179 nd nd 0.0009 0.0009 0.0038 0.0135 4.0140 3.9941 6.0006 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0284 0.0000 0.0038 0.0135 0.0521 0.0405 0.3494 0.3820 0.5377 0.5521 0.1130 0.0659 82.6 89.3 cpx 11 PC-06 83mn86 clot 2052 50.89 0.28 3.76 5.27 0.11 16.70 21.15 nd 0.02 0.63 98.81 1.8887 0.0078 0.1113 0.0532 0.0239 0.1397 0.0035 0.9237 0.8411 nd 0.0006 0.0185 4.0120 0.0000 0.0000 0.0239 0.0185 0.0532 0.3727 0.5449 0.0824 86.9 PC-06 83mn86 core 2053 49.75 0.42 4.59 6.10 0.11 15.60 21.75 nd 0.03 0.46 98.81 1.8590 0.0118 0.1410 0.0612 0.0425 0.1481 0.0035 0.8688 0.8709 nd 0.0009 0.0136 4.0213 0.0000 0.0000 0.0425 0.0136 0.0612 0.3767 0.5325 0.0908 85.4 PC-06 83mn86 core 2054 51.24 0.34 3.23 6.35 0.13 16.98 20.43 nd 0.00 0.22 98.92 1.9027 0.0095 0.0973 0.0441 0.0278 0.1694 0.0041 0.9397 0.8129 nd 0.0000 0.0065 4.0139 0.0000 0.0000 0.0278 0.0065 0.0441 0..3673 0.5361 0.0967 84.7 PC-09 83mn25 (core 2001 52.31 0.21 2.78 4.58 0.12 17.32 21.09 nd 0.00 0.63 99.04 1.9262 0.0058 0.0738 0.0469 0.0000 0.1410 0.0037 0.9505 0.8321 nd 0.0000 0.0183 3.9985 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0183 0.0469 0.3834 0.5369 0.0797 87.1 PC-09 83mn25 core 2002 53.24 0.19 2.18 4.57 0.16 17.53 21.16 nd 0.02 0.49 99.54 1.9481 0.0052 0.0519 0.0422 0.0000 0.1399 0.0050 0.9560 0.8296 nd 0.0006 0.0142 3.9926 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0142 0.0422 0.3867 0.5351 0.0783 87.2 PC-09 83mn25 rim) 2003 51.32 0.32 3.38 6.47 0.20 16.36 20.33 nd 0.02 0.15 98.55 1.9121 0.0090 0.0879 0.0606 0.0050 0.1966 0.0063 0.9084 0.8116 nd 0.0006 0.0044 4.0025 0.0000 0.0000 0.0050 0.0044 0.0606 0.3708 0.5172 0.1119 82.2 Pc-09 83mn25 core 2004 50.40 0.38 3.62 5.60 0.16 15.49 21.88 nd 0.05 0.25 97.83 1.8964 0.0108 0.1036 0.0570 0.0176 0.1586 0.0051 0.8686 0.8822 nd 0.0015 0.0074 4.0088 0.0000 0.0000 0.0176 0.0074 0.0570 0.4000 0.5073 0.0926 84.6 15-May-85 wh Makushin clinopyroxene analyses PC-09 83mn25 (core 2005 wt%oxides Side 51.03 Ti02 0.30 Al203 2.94 Feo 6.67 MnO 0.21 MgO 16.88 Cad 19.39 Na20 nd NiO 0.00 Cr203 0.07 tot 97.49 atoms per 6 oxygens Si 1.9198 Ti 0.0085 alt 0.0802 Alo 0.0502 Fe3+0.0109 Fe2+0.1990 . Mn 0.0067 Mg 0.9464 Ca 0.7816 Na nd Ni 0.0000 Cr 0.0021 tot 4.0054 Ac 0.0000 Jd 0.0000 FeCaTs 0.0109 CrCaTs 0.0021 AlCaTs 0.0502 Wo 0.3592 En 0.5295 Fs 0.1113 mg#82.6 PC-09 83m25 mid 2006 51.59 0.31 3.03 0.8182 nd 0.0000 0.0073 4.0082 0.0000 0.0000 0.0163 0.0073 0.0458 0.3744 0.5228 0.1028 83.6 PC-09 83mn25 mid 2007 51.31 0.30 3.00 6.24 0.18 16.65 20.41 nd 0.01 0.21 98.31 1.9159 0.0084 0.0841 0.0479 0.0131 0.1817 0.0057 0.9265 0.8166 nd 0.0003 0.0062 4.0066 0.0000 0.0000 0.0131 0.0062 0.0479 0.3747 0.5228 0.1025 83.6 PC-09 83mn25 rim) 2008 51.35 0.31 3.12 6.54 0.16 17.05 20.16 nd 0.03 0.20 98.92 1.9070 0.0087 0.09300/0436 0.0262 0.1769 0.0050 0.9437 0.8022 nd 0.0009 0.0059 4.0131 0.0000 0.0000 0.0262 0.0059 0.0436 0.3633 0.5362 0.1005 84.2 PC-09 83mn25 core 2009 51.38 0.32 2.91 4.85 0.12 16.43 22.13 nd 0.04 0.75 98.93 1.9069 0.0089 0.0931 0.0342 0.0190 0.1315 0.0038 0.9088 0.8801 nd 0.0012 0.0220 4.0095 0.0000 0.0000 0.0190 0.0220 0.0342 0.4024 0.5220 0.0756 87.4 PC-09 83mn25 (core 2010 50.89 0.28 3.52 5.21 0.16 16.65 21.04 nd 0.01 0.57 98.33 1.8970 0.0078 0.1030 0.0517 0.0189 0.1436 0.0051 0.9250 0.8404 nd 0.0003 0.0168 4.0094 0.0000 0.0000 0.0189 0.0168 0.0517 9.3765 0.5397 0.0838 86.6 PC-09 83mn25 rim) 2011 50.61 0.30 3.39 6.64 0.20 16.84 19.04 nd 0.02 0.15 97.19 1.90880.0085¢ 0.0912 com0.0596: 0.0101 0.1993 0.0064 0.9466 0.7695 nd 0.0006 0.0045 4.0050 0.0000 0.0000 0.0101 0.0045 0.0596 0.3477 0.5389 0.1135 82.6 Pc-11 m20 (core 11 51.60 0.61 1.72 11.04 0.46 16.33 18.28 0.40 nd nd 100.44 1.9172 0.0170 0.0828 0.0000 0.0487 0.2944 0.0145 0.9043 0.7278 0.0288 nd nd 4.0354 0.0288 0.0000 0.0198 0.0000 0.0000 0.3540 0.4874 0.1587 75.4 cpx 12 Pc-11 m20 rim) 12 50.66 0.76 1.92 11.85 0.48 15.68 17.82 0.37 nd nd 99.54 1.9074 0.0215 0.0926 0.0000 0.0495 0.3236 0.0153 0.8799 0.7189 0.0270 nd nd 4.0358 0.0270 0.0000 0.0225 0.0000 0.0000 0.3482 0.4765 0.1753 73.1 Pc-11 m20 (core 21 50.36 0.68 1.91 10.40 0.42 16.24 18.48 0.44 nd nd 98.93 1.9000 0.0193 0.1000 0.0000 0.0614 0.2667 0.0134 0.9131 0.7471 0.0322 nd nd 4.0533 0.0322 0.0000 0.0292 0.0000 0.0000 0.3589 0.4961 0.1449 77.4 nd 2 1.9070 0.0225 0.0930 0.0000 0.0480 0.3303 0.0173 0.8610 0.7322 0.0250 nd nd 4.0364 0.0250 0.0000 0.0231 0.0000 0.0000 0.3546 0.4665 0.1790 72.3 0.7402 0.0217 4.0422 0.0217 0.0000 0.0354 0.0000 0.0000 0.3524 0.5079 0.1397 78.4 Pc-11 m20 gm 16 50.46 0.71 1.74 12.33 0.59 16.06 17.05 0.30 nd nd 99.24 1.9082 0.0202 0.0918 0.0000 0.0514 0.3385 0.0189 0.9051 0.6909 0.0220 nd nd 4.0470 0.0220 0.0000 0.0294 0.0000 0.0000 0.3307 0.4871 0.1822 72.8 16.39 18.44 0.36 nd nd 100.09 1.9125 0.0180 0.0875 0.0000 0.0516 0.2862 0.0133 0.9110 0.7369 0.0260 nd nd 4.0429 0.0260 0.0000 0.0256 0.0000 0.0000 0.3557 0.4903 0.1540 76.1 1.9135 0.0220 0.0865 0.0000 0.0425 0.3888 0.0193 0.9150 0.6278 0.0243 nd nd 4.0395 0.0243 0.0000 0.0182 0,0000 0.0000 0.3048 0.4879 0.2073 70.2 15-May-85 Makushin clinopyroxene analyses $i02 atoms per 6 oxygens $i Jd FeCaTs CrCaTs AlCaTs Wo En Fs mg# 1.9113 0.0198 0.0887 0.0000 0.0491 0.3833 0.0213 0.8581 0.6820 0.0259 nd nd 4.0394 0.0259 0.0000 0.0232 0.0000 0.0000 0.3294 0.4636 0.2070 69.1 PK-02 m52 (core 11 51.02 0.59 1.56 11.55 0.57 14.56 18.90 0.28 nd nd 99.03 1.9335 0.0168 0.0665 0.0032 0.0296 0.3365 0.0183 0.8223 0.7675 0.0206 nd nd 4.0148 0.0206 0.0000 0.0090 0.0000 0.0032 0.3776 0.4417 0.1807 71.0 PK-02 m52 rim) 12 50.59 0.74 2.26 11.43 0.42 14.62 18.66 0.34 nd nd 99.06 1.9133 0.0210 0.0867 0.0141 0.0305 0.3310 0.0135 0.8240 0.7562 0.0249 nd nd . 4.0153 0.0249 0.0000 0.0056 0.0000 0.0144 0.3683 0.4507 0.1810 71.3 TT-10 83mn77 (core 2077 50.98 0.59 3.19 7.24 0.20 14.89 21.70 nd 0.01 0.01 98.84 1.9097 0.0166 0.0903 010505 0.0063 0.2205 0.0063 0.8312 0.8710 nd 0.0003 0.0003 4.0031 0.0000 0.0000 0.0063 0.0003 0.0505 0.4069 0.4687 0.1244 79.0 1T-10 83mn77 rim) 2078 51.23 0.65 2.17 9.74 0.38 15.26 19.15 nd 0.00 0.01 98.59 1.9330 0.0184 0.0670 0.0295 0.0003 0.3071 0.0121 0.8581 0.7742 nd 0.0000 0.0003 4.0001 0.0000 0.0000 0.0003 0.0003 0.0295 0.3721 0.4624 0.1655 73.6 TT-10 83mn77 core 2079 51.49 0.57 3.00 7.44 0.22 15.07 21.21 nd 0.00 0.00 9 1.9220 0.0160 0.0780 0.0540 0.0000 0.2323 0.0070 0.8384 0.8483 nd 0.0000 0.0000 3.9960 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0540 0.3971 0.4721 0.1308 78.3 11-10 -TT-10 83mn77 83mn77 (core rim) 2081 2082 51.10 50.85 0.53 .0.66 2.68 2.12 7.66 9.47 0.26 0.30 15.24 14.90 20.83 19.40 nd nd §0.00 98.31 97.71 1.9234 1.9357 0.0150 0.01890.0766;0.06430.0623 |0.03080.0040 |0.00000.2371 0.3015 0.0077 0.0097 0.8549 0.8453 0.8401 0.7913 nd nd 0.0006 0.0003 0.0003 0.0000 4.0020 3.9978 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0040 0.0000 0.0003 0.0000 0.0423 0.0308 0.3967 0.3802 0.4723 0.4568 0.1310 0.1629 78.3 73.7 cpx 13 TT-10 83mn77 core 2083 50.63 0.55 3.15 7.37 0.20 14.80 21.37 nd 0.00 0.02 98.09 1.9109 0.0156 0.0891 0.0511 0.0061 0.2265 0.0064 0.8325 0.8642 nd 0.0000 0.0006 4.0031 0.0000 0.0000 0.0061 0.0006 0.0511 0.4032 0.4692 0.1276 78.6 98.35 1.8499 0.0266 0.1501 0.0474 0.0496 0.2255 0.0074 0.8094 0.8590 nd nd nd 4.0248 0.0000 0.0000 0.0496 0.0000 0.0474 0.3810 0.4841 0.1349 78.2 4.0128 0.0000 0.0000 0.0256 0.0000 0.0082 0.3743 0.4504 0.1753 72.0 98.97 1.7917 0.0306 0.2083 0.0425 0.1045 0.1950 0.0068 0.7855 0.8873 nd nd nd 4.0523 0.0000 0.0000 0.1045 0.0000 0.0425 0.3701 0.5046 0.1252 80.1 0.3032 0.0103 0.8306 0.7991 99.41 1.9150 0.0152 0.0850 0.0159 0.0387 0.2336 0.0092 0.8925 0.8143 nd nd nd 4.0193 0.0000 0.0000 0.0387 0.0000 0.0159 0.3798 0.4915 0.1287 79.3 98.13 1.9023 0.0198 0.0977 0.0398 0.0182 0.3359 0.0145 0.8424 0.7384 nd nd nd 4.0091 0.0000 0.0000 0.0182 0.0000 0.0398 0.3402 0.4717 0.1881 71.5 15-May-85 Makushin clinopyroxene analyses TT-22 m29 gm 5 wt%oxides $io2 50.72 Ti02 0.56 Al203 1.25 Fed 12.88 Mn0 0.49 MgO 15.13 Cad 16.91 Na20 nd NiO nd Cr203 nd tot 97.94 atoms per 6 oxygens $i 1.9464 Ti 0.0162 Alt 0.0536 Alo 0.0030 Fe3+0.0183 Fe2+0.3951 Mn 0.0159 Mg 0.8653 Ca 0.6953 Na nd Ni nd Cr nd tot 4.0091 Ac 0.0000 Jd 0.0000 FeCaTs 0.0183 CrCaTs 0.0000 AlCaTs 0.0030 Wo 0.3370 En 0.4551 Fs 0.2078 mg#68.7 TT-22 m29 gm 6 51.38 0.49 1.45 +12.23 0.52 15.32 17.24 nd nd nd 98.63 1.9507 0.0140 0.0493 0.0156 0.0057 .0.3826 0.0167 0.8668 0.7013 TT-22 m29 gm 13 50.07 0.71 1.10 4.0024 0.0000 0.0000 0.0047 0.0000 0.0021 0.3541 0.3586 0.2873 55.5 98.76 1.9382 0.0147 0.0618 0/0000 0.0324 0.6808 0.0328 0.8516 0.4309 nd nd nd 4.0432 0.0000 0.0000 0.0324 0.0000 0.0000 0.1993 0.4450 0.3558 55.6 WB-05 m22 (core 5 50.44 0.37 2.93 5.22 0.13 15.97 22.60 0.20 nd nd 97.86 1.8975 0.0105 0.1025 0.0274 0.0542 0.1100 0.0041 0.8953 0.9110 0.0146 nd nd 4.0271 0.0146 0.0000 0.0396 0.0000 0.0274 0.4220 0.5148 0.0633 89.1 48.93 0.91 3.65 9.69 0.32 14.08 20.09 0.22 nd nd 97.89 1.8700 0.0262 0.1300 0.0344 0.0433 0.2665 0.0104 0.8020 0.8227 0.0163 nd nd 4.0216 0.0163 0.0000 0.0269 0.0000 0.0344 0.3806 0.4649 0.1545 75.1 WB-05 m22 rim) 7 48.64 0.74 4.55 7.31 0.17 14.39 22.39 0.28 nd. 98.47 1.8392 0.0210 0.1608 ; 0.0420 0.0767 0.1545 0.0054 0.8109 0.9072 0.0205 nd nd 4.0383 0.0205 0.0000 0.0561 0.0000 0.0420 0.4045 0.5002 0.0953 84.0 oy.OmKFONSOD.N=.ee2aGsessara1.8466 *0.0219 0.1534 0.0363 0.0732 0.1709 0.0067 0.8214 0.8863 0.0198 nd nd 4.0366 0.0198 0.0000 0.0534 0.0000 0.0363 0.3983 0.4981 0.1036 82.8 WB-05 m22 rim) 9 47.86 0.96 4.59 10.17 0.25 13.63 20.58 0.38 nd nd 98.42 1.8279 0.0276 0.1721 0.0346 0.0824 0.2424 0.0081 0.7758 0.8422 0.0281 nd nd 4.0412 0.0281 0.0000 0.0543 0.0000 0.0346 0.3767 0.4749 0.1484 76.2 1.9127 0.0165 0.0873 0.0148 0.0395 0.2375 0.0096 0.8673 0.8205 0.0139 nd nd 4.0197 0.0139 0.0000 0.0256 0.0000 0.0148 0.3901 0.4788 0.1311 78.5 WB-05 m22 rim 11 47.25 0.89 5.90 7.74 0.26 13.95 21.71 0.28 nd nd 97.98 1.7993 0.0255 0.2007 0.0642 0.0855 0.1610 0.0084 0.7917 0.8858 0.0207 nd nd 4.0428 0.0207 0.0000 0.0649 0.0000 0.0642 0.3784 0.5166 0.1050 83.1 WB-05 m22 core) 12 50.23 0.57 3.35 7.65 0.26 14.80 21.58 0.30 nd nd 98.74 1.8881 0.0161 0.1119 0.0365 0.0431 0.1974 0.0083 0.8291 0.8692 0.0219 nd nd 4.0216 0.0219 0.0000 0.0213 0.0000 0.0365 0.4057 0.4800 0.1143 80.8 WB-05 m22 13 50.93 0.50 1.36 12.63 0.57 14.20 17.08 0.32 nd nd 97.59 1.9570 0.0144 0.0430 0.0186 0.0000 0.4059 0.0186 0.8132 0.7032 0.0238 nd nd 3.9977 0.0000 0.0186 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.3516 0.4325 0.2159 66.7 WB-05 m22 14 47.34 1.28 3.80 11.89 0.40 13.11 18.96 0.37 nd nd 97.15 1.8423 0.0375 0.1577 0.0166 0.0662 0.3208 0.0132 0.7603 0.7906 0.0279 nd nd 4.0331 0.0279 0.0000 0.0383 0.0000 0.0166 0.3679 0.4446 0.1876 70.3 Makushin orthopyroxene analyses tR-02 83mn65 core 3001 wt%oxides $i02 52.79 Ti02 0.30 A1L203 0.83 Fed 27.42 MnO 0.74 MgO 22.17 Cad 2.03 Na20 nd NiO 0.04 cr203 0.01 tot 100.33 atoms per 6 oxygens Si 1.9637 Ti 0.0084 Alt 0.0363 Alo 0.0001 Fe3+0.0192 Fe2+0.6472 Mn 0.0233 Mg 1.2290 Ca 0.0809 Na nd Ni 0.0012 Cr 0.0003 tot 4.0096 NaR3Si206 0.0000 NaTiALSi06 0.0000 R2TiAL206 0.0084 R2R3ALSi0&0.0195 Wo 0.0419 En 0.6276 Fs 0.3305 mg#65.5 LR-02 83mn65 core 3002 52.89 0.32 0.72 19.32 0.69 23.45 2.00 nd 0.01 0.02 99.42 1.9662 0.0089 0.0316 0.0000 0.0131 0.5876 0.0217 1.2992 0.0797 nd 0.0003 0.0006 4.0088 0.0000 0.0000 0.0089 0.0137 0.0410 0.6604 0.2987 68.9 tR-02 83mné5 (core 3003 53.04 0.28 0.99 19.95 0.64 22.82 2.15 nd 0.03 0.01 99.91 1.9665 0.0078 0.0335 0.0098 0.0077 0.6109 0.0201 1.2609 0.0854 nd 0.0009 0.0003 4.0039 0.0000 0.0000 0.0078 0.0178 0.0442 0.6439 0.3119 67.4 0.0000 0.0000 4.0055 0.0000 0.0000 0.0089 0.0192 0.0406 0.6734 0.2860 70.2 1.9524 0.0106 0.0476 0.0108 0.0157 0.5807 0.0194 1.2887 0.0820 nd 0.0000 0.0000 4.0078 0.0000 0.0000 0.0106 0.0265 0.0429 0.6598 0.2973 68.9 LR-02 83mné5 (core 3006 52.21 0.36 1.20 19.83 0.65 22.74 1.98 nd 0.00 0.02 98.99 1.9548 0.0101 0.0452 0.0077 0.0166 0.6043 0.0206 1.2689 0.0794 nd 0.0000 0.0006 4.0083 0.0000 0.0000 0.0101 0.0250 0.0414 0.6493 0.3092 67.7 LR-02 83mn65 rim) 3007 53.48 0.27 0.97 19.41 0.62 23.28 1.99 nd 0.040.00 100.03 1.9725 0.0075 0.0275 0.0147 0.0000 0.5987 0.0194 1.2797 0.0786 nd 0.0003 0.0000 3.9989 0.0000 0.0000 0.0075 0.0125 0.0406 0.6536 0.3058 68.1 opx 1 LR-02 83mn65 (core 3008 52.36 0.29 0.81 22.50 0.77 21.75 1,82 nd 0.00 0.00 100.30 1.9583 0.0082 0.0357 0.0000 0.0194 0.6844 0.0244 1.2123 0.0729 nd 0.0000 0.0000 4.0157 0.0000 0.0000 0.0082 0.0194 0.0376 0.6152 0.3473 63.9 LR-02 83mn65 rim) 3009 53.03 0.31 0.94 20.09 0.68 23.82 1.96 nd 0.00 0.02 100.85 1.9498 0.0086 0.0407 0.0000 0.0230 0.5947 0.0212 1.3052 0.0772 nd 0.0000 0.0006 4.0210 0.0000 0.0000 0.0086 0.0236 0.0397 0.6597 0.3006 68.7 LR-02 83mn65 (core 2018 52.46 0.28 0.74 21.40 0.75 21.50 2.02 nd 0.03 0.00 99.18 1.9745 0.0079 0.0255 0.0073 0.0023 0.6713 0.0239 1.2060 0.0815 nd 0.0009 0.0000 4.0012 0.0000 0.0000 0.0079 0.0097 0.0420 0.6155 0.3426 64.2 LR-02 83mn65 rim) 2019 52.28 0.33 1.06 19.70 0.64 23.29 1.94 nd 0.00 0.00 99.24 1.9515 0.0093 0.0466 0.0000 0.0281 0.5869 0.0202 1.2956 0.0776 nd 0.0000 0.0000 4.0159 0.0000 0.0000 0.0093 0.0281 0.0404 0.6605 0.2992 68.8 LR-06a 83mn52 (core 3047 52.65 0.36 0.92 21.22 0.74 22.29 1.81 nd 0.03 0.00 100.02 1.9618 0.0101 0.0382 0.0022 0.0158 0.6455 0.0234 1.2378 0.0723 nd 0.0009 0.0000 4.0079 0.0000 0.0000 0.0101 0.0180 0.0375 0.6326 0.3299 65.7 LR-06a 83mn52 rim) 3048 53.27 0.36 1.06 19.13 0.56 24.02 1.90 nd 0.00 0.00 100.30 1.9577 0.0099 0.0423 0.0036 0.0188 0.5692 0.0174 1.3156 0.0748 nd 0.0000 0.0000 4.0094 0.0000 0.0000 0.0099 0.0224 0.0388 0.6709 0.2903 69.8 LR-06a 83mn52 (core 3049 53.23 0.32 1.01 21.14 0.67 22.28 1.74 nd 0.02 0.00 100.41 1.9708 0.0089 0.0292 0.0148 0.0000 0.6546 0.0210 1.2293 0.0690 nd 0.0006 0.0000 3.9983 0.0000 0.0000 0.0089 0.0114 0.0357 0.6292 0.3350 65.3 LR-06a 83mn52 rim) 3050 53.16 0.30 1.07 19.24 0.55 23.71 2.00 nd 0.03 0.02 100.08 1.9599 0.0083 0.0401 0.0064 0.0166 0.5767 0.0172 1.3027 0.0790 nd 0.0009 0.0006 4.0083 0.0000 0.0000 0.0083 0.0235 0.0410 0.6647 0.2943 69.3 15-May-85 Makushin orthopyroxene analyses LR-06a LR-06a LR-O6a LR-O6a LR-O6a LR-O6a LR-O6f LR-O6f LR-06f LR-06f LR-11 LR-11 LR-12b 83mn52 9 83mn52.-83mnS2.-B3mM52.-B3mn520-B3mn52.0-B3mM57 =83mn57 =B83mnS7 =:83m7 mi?mig D1-409 (core rim)gms core rim rim (core rim)core rim rim core (core 3051 3052 3053 3054 3055 3056 3057 3059 3060 3061 11 12 3022 wt%oxides $i02 53.07 53.29 53.48 53.02 53.14 53.15 52.91 53.15 52.47 53.11 48.06 47.52 52.85 Tio02 0.32 0.23 0.28 0.32 0.33 0.37 0.31 0.32 0.31 0.23 0.23 0.21 0.30 At203 0.92 0.78 0.84 1.01 1.10 1.11 0.92 1.27 0.78 1.08 0.91 1.11 0.81 Fed 20.04-19.52 19.41 19.90 19.00 18.30 19.93 19.12 20.29 18.80 17.81 18.51 21.65 Mn0 0.71 0.69 0.67 0.65 0.62 0.67 0.77 0.66 0.73 0.66 0.56 0.51 0.81 MgO 22.79 23.56 23.07 23.09 23.81 23.89 23.13 23.35 22.33 24.30 22.70 21.18 21.47 Cad 2.02 1.92 1.95 1.91 1.95 1.98 1.92 2.00 2.01 1.95 1.76 1.56 1.91 Na20 nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 0.02 0.06 nd NiO 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.03 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.01 0.01 nd nd 0.00 Cr203 0.01 0.03 0.01 0.00 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.02 0.03 0.03 nd nd 0.00 tot 99.89 100.03 99.71 99.93 99.97 99.49 99.94 99.89 98.96 100.17 92.05 90.66 99.80 atoms per 6 oxygens Si 1.9685 |1.9685 1.9789 1.9639 1.9593 1.9632 1.9619 1.9619 1.9695 1.9537 1.9327 1.9451 1.9767 Ti 06.0089 0.0064 0.0078 0.0089 0.0092 0.0103 0.0085 0.0089 0.0088 0.0064 0.0070 0.0065 0.0084 Alt 0.0315 0.0315 0.0211 (0.0361 0.0407 0.0368 0.0381 0.0381 0.0305 0.0463 0.0431 0.0536 0.0233Alo0.0087 0.0025 0.0155 '0.0080 0.0071 0.0115 0.0021 0.0172 0.0040 0.0005 0.0000 0.0000 0.0124 Fe3+0.0046 0.0154 0.0000 0.0103 0.0148 0.0042 0.0178 0.0025 0.0081 0.0322 0.0292 0.0406 0.0000 Fe2+0.6170 0.5877 0.6007 0.6062 0.5711 0.5611 0.6002 0.5878 0.6288 0.5462 0.5698 0.5930 0.6772 Mn 0.0223 0.0216 0.0210 0.0204 0.0194 0.0210 0.0242 0.0206 0.0232 0.0206 0.0191 0.0177 0.0257 Mg 1.2598 1.2970 1.2722 1.2746 1.3083 1.3151 1.2782 1.2846 1.2491 1.3322 1.3605 1.2920 1.1968 Ca 0.0803 0.0760 0.0773 0.0758 0.0770 0.0784 0.0763 0.0791 0.0808 0.0769 0.0758 0.0684 0.0765 Na nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd nd 0.0016 0.0048 nd Ni 0.0003 0.0003 06.0000 0.0009 0.0000 0.0000 0.0006 0.0000 06.0003 0.0003 nd nd 0.0000 Cr 0.0003 0.0009 0.0003 0.0000 0.0006 0.0006 0.0009 0.0006 90.0009 0.0009 nd nd 0.0000 tot 4.0023 4.0077 3.9948 4.0051 4.0074 4.0021 4.0089 4.0012 4.0041 4.0161 4.0388 4.0217 3.9970 _NaR3Si206 0.0000 0.000)0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0016 0.0048 0.0000NaTiALSi060.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 R2TiA(206 0.0089 0.0064 0.0078 0.0089 0.0092 0.0103 0.0086 0.0089 0.0088 0.0064 0.0070 0.0065 0.0084 R2R3ALSi06 §=0.0137 0.0187 0.0055 0.0183 0.0224 0.0163 0.0208 0.0203 0.0130 0.0336 0.0277 0.0359 0.0064 Wo 0.0415 0.0393 0.0399 0.0393 0.0400 0.0406 0.0396 0.0412 0.0417 0.0401 0.0385 0.0358 0.0395En0.6434 0.6612 0.6522 0.6511 0.6683 0.6724 0.6535 .0.6578 0.6374 0.6808 0.6777 0.6609 0.6134Fs0.3151 0.2996 0.3079 0.3096 0.2917 0.2869 0.3069 0.3010 0.3209 0.2791 0.2838 0.3033 0.3471 mg#67.1 68.8 67.9 67.8 69.6 70.1 68.0 68.6 66.5 70.9 70.5 68.5 63.9 opx 2 LR-12b 01-409 rim) 3023 53.53 0.29 1.02 19.43 0.70 23.77 1.89 -nd 0.00 0.00 100.63 1.9633 0.0080 0.0367 0.0074 0.0133 0.5827 0.0217 1.2993 0.0743 nd 0.0000 0.0000 4.0067 0.0000 0.0000 0.0080 0.0207 0.0385 0.6638 0.2977 69.0 LR-12b D1-409 (core 3024 52.85 0.28 0.66 23.64 0.83 20.46 1.96 nd 0.00 0.02 100.70 1.9772 0.0079 0.0228 0.0063 0.0001 0.7395 0.0263 1.1408 0.0786 nd 0.0000 0.0006 4.0001 0.0000 0.0000 0.0079 0.0070 0.0404 0.5822 0.3774 60.7 15-May-85 Makushin orthopyroxene analyses LR-12b 01-409 rim) 3025 wt%oxides $io2 52.80 Tio02 0.35 Al203 0.71 Fed 23.34 Mno 0.74 MgO 20.64 Cad 1.99 Na20 nd NiO 0.00 Cr203 0.03 tot 100.60 atoms per 6 oxygens Si 1.9744 Ti 0.0098 Alt 0.0256 Ato 0.0057 Fe3+0.0000 Fe2+0.7299 Mn 0.0234 Mg 1.1502 Ca 0.0797 Na nd Ni 0.0000 Cr 0.0009 tot 3.9997 NaR3Si206 0.0000 NaTiAlSi06 0.0000 R2TiAL206 0.0098 R2R3ALSi06 0.0060 Wo 0.0410 En 0.5867 Fs 0.3723 mo#61.2 LR-12b D1-409 (core 3026 52.40 0.27 0.84 23.22 0.83 21.14 1.72 nd 0.00 0.01 100.43 1.9629 0.0076 0.0371 0.0000 0.0216 0.7059 0.0263 1.1802 0.0690 nd 0.0000 0.0003 4.0108 0.0000 0.0000 0.0076 0.0219 0.0359 0.6033 0.3608 62.6 LR-12b D1-409 rim) 3027 52.95 0.32 0.71 22.96 0.80 20.66 2.04 nd 0.00 0.00 100.44 1.9795 0.0090 0.0205 0.0108 0.0000 0.7179 0.0253 1.1511 0.0817 nd 0.0000 0.0000 3.9958 0.0000 0.0000 0.0090 0.0025 0.0421 0.5899 0.3679 61.6 LR-12b 01-409 (core 3028 52.33 0.34 0.83 23.20 0.81 20.56 1.97 nd 0.03 0.01 100.08 1.9683 0.0096 0.031749.0051 0.0070 0.7228 0.0258 1.1525 0.0794 nd 0.0009 0.0003 4.0035 0.0000 0.0000 0.0096 0.0124 0.0411 0.5893 0.3696 61.5 LR-12b D1-409 rim) 3029 52.90 0.38 1.15 20.53 0.58 23.01 1.93 nd 0.00 0.05 100.53 1.9534 0.0106 0.0466 0.0035 0.0206 0.6134 0.0181 1.2663 0.0764 nd 0.0000 0.0015 4.0103 0.0000 0.0000 0.0106 0.0255 0.0398 0.6469 0.3134 67.4 LR-12b 01-409 ol rim 3031 53.25 0.34 0.98 19.45 0.68 22.71 2.02 nd 0.00 0.00 99.43 1.9771 0.0095 0.0229 0.0200 0.0000 0.6040 0.0214 1.2567 0.0804 nd 0.0000 0.0000 3.9919 0.0000 0.0000 0.0095 0.0039 0.0417 0.6472 0.3111 67.5 LR-12n 01-931 core 3032 51.63 0.31 0.72 23.46 0.80 20.45 1.83 nd 0.030.00 99.21 1.9638 0.0089 0.0323 0.0000 0.0146 0.7317 0.0258 1.1592 0.0746 nd 0.0003 0.0000 4.0112 0.0000 0.0000 0.0089 0.0146 0.0384 0.5895 0.3721 61.3 opx 3 LR-12n D1-931 core 3033 52.63 0.31 1.12 18.95 0.56 24.36 1.89 nd 0.03 0.00 99.85 1.9647 0.0086 0.0488 0.0000 0.0316 0.5540 0.0175 1.3414 0.0748 nd 0.0009 0.0000 4.0223 0.0000 0.0000 0.0086 0.0316 0.0388 0.6803 0.2810 70.8 LR-t2n 01-931 rim 3034 52.40 0.29 0.92 20.07 0.70 23.75 1.83 nd 0.02 0.00 99.98 1.9454 0.0081 0.0403 0.0000 0.0241 0.5991 0.0220 1.3141 0.0728 nd 0.0006 0.0000 4.0264 0.0000 0.0000 0.0081 0.0241 0.0373 0.6613 0.3015 68.7 LR-12n 01-931 core 3035 52.75 0.30 0.88 21.21 0.70 22.16 1.83 nd 0.05 0.02 99.90 1.9672 0.0084 0.0328 0.0059 0.0095 0.6520 0.0221 1.2316 0.0731 nd 0.0015 0.0006 4.0048 0.0000 0.0000 0.0084 0.0160 0.0378 0.6291 0.3330 65.4 LR-12n 01-931 rim 3036 52.56 0.30 1.05 22.42 0.70 20.89 1.87 nd 0.00 0.00 99.79- 1.9721 0.0085 0.0279 0.0186 0.0000 0.7035 0.0222 1.1682 0.0752 nd 0.0000 0.0000 3.9962 0.0000 0.0000 0.0085 0.0109 0.0390 0.5998 0.3612 62.4 LR-12n 01-931 ol rim 1057. 1.9679 0.0086 0.0321 0.0109 0.0037 0.6080 0.0222 1.2732 0.0747 nd 0.0003 0.0003 4.0019 0.0000 0.0000 0.0086 0.0149 0.0387 0.6506 0.3107 67.7 M1-01 83mn41 core 3010 52.59 0.23 0.54 21.44 0.84 21.86 1.78 nd 0.00 0.00 99.28 1.9770 0.0065 0.0230 0.0009 0.0092 0.6649 0.0267 1.2247 0.0717 nd 0.0000 0.0000 4.0046 0.0000 0.0000 0.0065 0.0100 0.0369 0.6242 0.3389 64.8 M1-01 83mn41 rim) 3012 52.28 0.35 1.13 20.50 0.67 22.94 1.79 nd 0.02 0.02 99.70 1.9490 0.0098 0.0497 0.0000 0.0294 0.6097 0.0212 1.2745 0.0715 nd 0.0006 0.0006 4.0160 0.0000 0.0000 0.0098 0.0300 0.0373 0.6512 0.3115 67.6 15-May-85 Makushin orthopyroxene analyses wt%oxides $io2 Ti02 Al203 Fed Mn0 MgO Cad Na20 NiO cr203 tot M1-01 83mn41 core 3013 52.43 0.33 1.00 21.91 0.87 21.86 1.80 nd 0.00 0.00 100.18 atoms per 6 oxygens Si _NaR3Si206 NaTiALSi06 R2TIAL206 R2R3ALS i106 Wo En Fs mo# 1.9580 . 0.0093 0.0420 0.0020 0.0214 0.6629 0.0275 1.2155 0.0720 nd 0.0000 0.0000 4.0107 0.0000 0.0000 0.0093 0.0235 0.0376 0.6228 0.3396 64.7 M1-01 83mn41 core 3014 52.08 0.34 1.14 21.80 0.0249 0.0380 0.6202 0.3417 64.5 M1-51¢ m3c (core 7 51.75 0.31 0.81 23.04 1,11 21.39 1.65 0.01 nd nd 100.07 1.9495 0.0088 0.0360 0.0000 0.0184 0.7075 0.0354 1.2009 0.0666 0.0007 nd nd 4.0238 0.0007 0.0000 0.0088 0.0177 0.0342 0.6078 0.3581 62.9 M1-Site m43c rim) 8 52.16 0.16 0.72 23.07 1.04 21.30 1.74 0.06 nd nd 100.25 1.9593 0.0045 0.031940,0000 0.0228 0.7019 0.0331 1.1924 0.0700 0.0044 nd nd 4.0203 0.0044 0.0000 0.0045 0.0185 0.0361 0.6068 0.3572 62.9 M1-51c m43c (core 11 52.68 0.31 0.83 22.01 0.93 22.50 1.62 0.02 nd nd 100.90 1.9536 0.0086 0.0363 0.0000 0.0190 0.6636 0.0292 1.2435 0.0644 0.0014 nd nd 4.0196 0.0014 0.0000 0.0086 0.0176 0.0331 0.6305 0.3365 65.2 M1-5ic m3c rim) 12 52.58 0.23 0.81 21.95 0.51 21.97 1.69 0.11 nd nd 99.85 1.9657 0.0065 0.0343 0.0014 0.0200 0.6663 0.0162 1.2241 0.0677 0.0080 nd nd 4.0100 0.0080 0.0000 0.0065 0.0134 0.0349 0.6249 0.3401 64.8 M1-51d m3f core 0.0246 1.2248 0.0804 nd nd nd 4.0093 0.0000 0.0000 0.0102 0.0244 0.0420 0.6276 0.3304 65.5 opx 4 M1-51d m3f rim 4 52.09 0.29 0.79 21.49 0.79 22.34 1.82 nd nd nd 99.61 1.9546 0.0082 0.0349 0.0000 0.0186 0.6558 0.0251 1.2493 0.0732 nd nd nd 4.0197 0.0000 0.0000 0.0082 0.0186 0.0375 0.6312 0.3313 65.6 98.78 1.9565 0.0090 0.0435 0.0071 0.0183 0.6211 0.0172 1.2599 0.0765 nd nd nd 4.0092 0.0000 0.0000 0.0090 0.0254 0.0398 0.6431 0.3171 67.0 1.9482 0.0111 0.0384 0.0000 0.0161 0.5606 0.0144 1.3422 0.0904 nd nd nd 4.0215 0.0000 0.0000 0.0111 0.0161 0.0460 0.6729 0.2811 70.5 99.33 1.9511 0.0087 0.0376 0.0000 0.0201 0.6250 0.0254 1.2742 0.0792 nd nd nd 4.0214 0.0000 0.0000 0.0087 0.0201 0.0406 0.6437 0.3157 67.1 nd 100.23 1.9431 0.0103 0.0467 0.0000 0.0261 0.5954 0.0135 1.3037 0.0845 1.9527 0.0097 0.0429 0.0000 0.0235 0.6741 0.0199 1.2064 0.0869 nd nd nd 4.0161 0.0000 0.0000 0.0097 0.0235 0.0449 0.6127 0.3424 64.2 0.0203 1.2378 0.0830 nd nd nd 4.0220 0.0000 0.0000 0.0101 0.0212 0.0426 0.6242 0.3333 65.2 0.0098 0.0239 0.0429 0.6180 0.3391 64.6 15-May-85 Makushin orthopyroxene analyses Md-14 mi4 (core 19 wt%oxides $i02 52.34 TiO'0.30 Al203 0.90 Fed 21.51 Mn0 0.64 MgO 22.43 Cad 2.07 Na20 nd NiO nd Cr203 nd tot 100.19 atoms per 6 oxygens Si 1.9518 Ti 0.0084 Alt 0.0396 Alo 0.0000 Fe3+0.0227 Fe2+0.6481 Mn 0.0202 Mg 1.2465 Ca 0.0827 Na nd Ni nd Cr nd tot 4.0200 NaR3Si206 0.0000 NaTiAlSio6é 0.0000 R2TIAL206 0.0084 R2R3Al(Si06 §0.0227 Wo 0.0425 En 0.6300 Fs 0.3275 mg#65.8 Md-14 mi4 rim) 20 52.15 0.30 1.02 21.13 0.58 22.26 2.07 nd nd nd 99.51 1.9543 0.0085 0.0451 0.0000 0.0282 0.6341 0.0184 1.2432 0.0831 nd nd nd 4.0147 0.0000 0.0000 0.0085 0.0282 0.0432 0.6336 0.3232 66.2 Me-06 m39 core 17 52.26 0.33 0.95 20.80 0.86 22.85 2.09 nd nd nd 100.14 1.9462 0.0092 0.0417 0.0000 0.0232 0.6246 0.0271 1.2682 0.0834 99.35 1.9497 0.0082 0.0383 10.0000 0.0220 0.6079 0.0247 1.3052 0.0669 nd nd nd 4.0230 0.0000 0.0000 0.0082 0.0220 0.0343 0.6589 0.3068 68.2 Pc-11 m20 (core 9 52.90 0.38 0.77 17.55 0.68 24.61 2.16 0.03 nd nd 99.08 1.9588 0.0106 0.0336 0.0000 0.0124 0.5310 0.0213 1.3581 0.0857 0.0022 nd nd 4.0138 0.0022 0.0000 0.0106 0.0103 0.0439 0.6874 0.2688 71.9 Pc-11 m20 (core 14 53.07 0.26 0.89 18.16 0.66 25.43 2.11 0.05 nd nd 100.63 1.9403 0.0071 0.0384 0.0000 0.0241 0.5312 0.0204 1.3856 0.0827 0.0035 nd nd 4.0334 0.0035 0.0000 0.0071 0.0205 0.0419 0.6926 0.2655 72.3 Pc-11 m20 rim) 15 52.92 0.36 0.78 17.83 0.66 24.87 2.23 0.03 ndnd 99.66 1.9512 0.0100 0.0339 0.0000 0.0139 0.5359 0.0200 1.3666 0.0881 0.0021 nd nd 4.0218 0.0021 0.0000 0.0100 0.0118 0.0447 0.6862 0.2691 71.8 pc-11 m20 (core 17 52.25 0.34 0.70 18.13 0.69 24.62 2.18 0.04 nd nd 98.95 1.9460 0.0095 0.0307 0.0000 0.0117 0.5530 0.0218 1.3665 0.0870 0.0029 nd nd 4.0291 0.0029 0.0000 0.0095 0.0088 0.0438 0.6808 0.2755 71.2 PC-11 m20 rim) 18 52.56 0.28 0.82 18.40 0.65 24.23 2.17 0.05 nd nd 99.16 1.9531 0.0078 0.0359 0.0000 0.0203 0.5516 0.0205 1.3419 0.0864 0.0056 nd nd 4.0211 0.0036 0.6000 0.0078 0.01467 0.0442 0.6774 0.2784 70.9 0.0205 1.3919 0.0831 0.0021 nd nd 4.0317 0.0021 0.0000 0.0099 0.0187 0.0421 0.6957 0.2622 72.6 Makushin pigeonite compositions LR-02 83mn65 rim 4001 wt%oxides $i02 52.43 Ti02 0.33 Al203 0.94 Fed 19.99 Mno 0.68 MgO 19.94 Cad 4.40 NiO 0.02 cr203 0.03 tot 98.76 atoms per 6 oxygens Si 1.9810 Ti 0.0094 Alt 0.0190 Alo 0.0229 Fe3+0.0000 Fe2+0.6317 Mn 0.0218 Mg 1.1228 Ca 0.1781 Ni 0.0006 Cr 0.0009 tot 3.9882 FeCaTs 0.0000 CrCaTs 0.0009 _AlCaTs 0.0229 Wo 0.1108 En 0.5690 Fs 0.3201 mg#64.0 LR-11 mi9 core 1 49.67 0.33 2.08 21.08 0.74 20.62 2.21 nd nd 96.73 1.9243 0.0096 0.0757 0.0193 0.0371 0.6459 0.0243 1.1906 0.0917 nd nd 4.0186 0.0371 0.0000 0.0193 0.0535 0.6136 0.3329 64.8 LR-11 mig rim 2 50.81 0.31 0.71 20.48 0.76 22.62 2.11 nd nd 97.80 1.9407 0.0089 0.0320 000000.0142 0.6401 0.0246 1.2876 0.0864 nd nd 4.0344 0.0142 0.0000 0.0000 0.0291 0.6485 0.3224 66.8 LR-11 mi9 gm 24 49.36 0.32 0.75 24.07 0.81 17.77 4.09 nd nd 97.17 1.9457 0.0095 0.0349 0.0000 0.0159 0.7776 0.0270 1.0439 0.1728 nd nd 4.0273 0.0159 0.0000 0.0000 0.0813 0.5265 0.3922 57.3 LR-12n 01-931 rim 4003 51.71 0.45 0.65 23.49 0.80 17.51 4.41 0.02 0.02 99 .06 1.9834 0.0130 0.0166 0.0128 0.0000 0.7535 0.0260 1.0009 0.1812 0.0006 0.0006 3.9886 0.0000 0.0006 0.0128 0.1161 0.5043 0.3796 57.1 LR-12n D1-931 rim 4004 52.06 0.34 0.63 23.69 0.83 | 18.38 3.73 0.02 . 0.01 ;99.67 1.9807 0.0097 ,0.0193 :0.0090 |0.0000 | 0.7541 0.0268 1.0426 0.1521 0.0006 0.0003 3.9952 0.0000 0.0003 0.0090 0.0970 0.5240 0.3790 58.0 pig 1 LR-12n D1-931 ol rim 2065 52.07 0.27 0.82 22.40 0.83 18.01 5.16 0.00 0.00 99.56 1.9798 0.0077 0.0202 0.0166 0.0000 0.7123 0.0267 1.0205 0.2102 0.0000 0.0000 3.9941 0.0000 0.0000 0.0166 0.1253 0.5152 0.3596 58.9 Mc-18 m30 gm 14 52.94 0.38 0.77 17.12 0.69 22.87 4.75 nd nd 99.52 1.9621 0.0106 0.0336 0.0000 0.0125 0.5182 0.0217 1.2632 0.1886 nd nd 4.0105 0.0125 0.0000 0.0000 0.1031 0.6360 0.2609 70.9 Mc-18 m30 gm 18 53.17 0.25 0.56 18.57 0.73 23.23 3.36 nd nd 99 87 1.9683 0.0070 0.0244 0.0000 0.0105 0.5644 0.0229 1.2816 0.1333 nd nd 4.0125 0.0105 0.0000 0.0000 0.0717 0.6445 0.2838 69.4 Md-04 m gm 6 50.98 0.03 0.21 32.82 0.08 13.18 2.80 nd nd 100.10 2.0053 0.0009 0.0000 0.0097 0.0000 1.0797 0.0026 0.7726 0.1180 nd nd 3.9889 0.0000 0.0000 0.0097 0.0690 0.3884 0.5427 41.7 Md-04 m4 gm 7 53.44 0.28 0.85 18.47 0.60 22.52 4.19 nd nd 100.35 1.9694 0.0078 0.0306 0.0063 0.0088 0.5605 0.0187 1.2368 0.1655 nd nd 4.0044 0.0088 0.0000 0.0063 0.0938 0.6236 0.2826 68.8 Me-03 m36 rim 11 53.01 0.37 0.84 17.70 0.71 23.87 3.56 nd nd 100.06 1.9530 0.0103 0.0365 0.0000 0.0160 0.5294 0.0222 1.3106 0.1405 nd nd 4.0185 0.0160 0.0000 0.0000 0.0720 0.6610 0.2670 71.2 Me-03 m36 gm 20 52.66 0.29 0.78 17.62 0.62 22.66 4.31 nd nd 98.94 1.9651 0.0081 0.0343 0.0000 0.0180 0.5319 0.0196 1.2602 0.1723 nd nd 4.0096 0.0180 0.0000 0.0000 0.0949 0.6365 0.2686 70.3 Me-03 m36 gm 22 52.66 0.32 0.96 17.83 0.51 24.33 2.87 nd nd 99.48 1.9482 0.0089 0.0419 0.0000 0.0241 0.5276 0.0160 1.3415 0.1138 nd nd 4.0219 0.0241 0.0000 0.0000 0.0534 0.6794 0.2672 71.8 15-May-85 osé Makushin pigeonite compositions Me-03 m36 gm 23 wt%oxides $i02 53.62 Ti02 0.23 Al203 0.67 Feo 17.91 Mno 0.50 MgO 23.07 Cad 4.02 NiO nd Cr203 nd tot 100.02 atoms per 6 oxygens Si 1.9754 Ti 0.0064 Alt 0.0246 Alo 0.0045 Fe3+0.0073 Fe2+0.5445 Mn 0.0156 Mg 1.2667 Ca 0.1587 Ni nd Cr nd tot 4.0037 FeCaTs 0.0073 CrCaTs 0.0000 AlCaTs 0.0045 Wo 0.0885 En 0.6375 Fs 0.2740 mg#69.9 Me-07 m0 gm 25 50.64 0.23 0.61 21.63 0.66 20.42 3.43 nd nd 97.62 1.9544 0.0067 0.0278 0.0000 0.0144 0.6838 0.0216 1.1745 0.1418 nd nd 4.0250 0.0144 0.0000 0.0000 0.0636 0.5918 0.3445 63.2 Pc-11 m20 core 13 52.38 0.38 0.98 19.03 0.70 23.85 2.44 nd nd 99.76 1.9432 0.0106 0.0429 0.0000 0.0217 0.5688 0.0220 1.3186 0.0970 nd nd 4.0267 - 0.0217 0.0000 0.0000 0.0455 0.6669 0.2877 69.9 Makushin magnetite/spinel compositions -ulvospinel basis LR-02 LR-02 LR-02 LR-02 LR-O06a LR-06a M1-01 M1-01 PC-06 PC-06 PC-06 PC-06 PC-06 PC-06 PC-06 8365 =83mn65 B35 B3mN65 =--B3mMS2 =B3mN52-B3mN41 83m =--83mMMB6-=--B3mMNBG---B3mNBS «=B83mMNBG--_«B3mMMBH6 =B3MNBG =B3MNBS501850195020502151195120501850195054505550415042504350445045 $id2 0.15 0.18 0.16 0.15 0.12 0.10 0.10 0.14 0.17 0.20 0.09 0.05 0.11 0.10 0.15 Ti02 0.72 12.31 12.83 0.75 12.97 13.10 17.73 17.54 6.55 3.64 1.19 1.97 0.53 0.66 7.71 At203 8.24 3.50 2.88 7.55 2.89 2.57 2.87 2.75 4.31 3.34 15.44 14.64 8.33 12.05 3.71 Fe203 50.29 40.74 40.83 39.69 40.77 40.96 32.70 32.51 49.58 56.90 30.57 31.40 33.74 45.20 50.08 FeO 26.80 .38.94 40.11 23.70 39.68 40.03 42.82 43.52 29.33 27.23 14.27 15.57 17.92 13.20 33.15 Kno 0.33 0.38 0.45 0.30 0.41 0.44 0.57 0.63 0.40 0.63 0.14 0.26 0.34 0.33 0.40 MgO 3.05 2.24 1.82 3.66 2.19 1.99 3.08 2.37 5.03 3.79 10.74 9.78 6.54 11.12 3.14 Cad 0.01 0.08 0.06 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.00 0.07 0.02 0.55 0.01 0.00 0.02 0.51 0.21 Cr203 10.47 0.17 0.06 23.83 0.07 0.09 0.06 .0.04 4.99 1.40 27.76 27.86 32.43 15.81 0.16 NiO 0.09 0.01 0.02 0.07 0.00 0.02 0.01 i 0.01 0.05 0.09 0.11 0.15 0.04 0.24 0.05 tot 100.15 98.54 99.21 99.71 99.12 99.34 99.94 .99.58 100.43 97.76 100.32 100.89 100.00 99.22 98.76 FeO meas.72.05 75.59 76.84 59.42 76.36 76.88 72.24 72.77 73.94 78.42 41.78 43.83 48.28 53.87 78.21 atoms per 4 oxygens Si 0.0056 0.0067 0.0060 0.0060 0.0045 0.0037 0.0036 0.0051 0.0062 0.0075 0.0033 0.0019 0.0045 0.0036 0.0056 Ti 0.0206 0.3446 0.3589 0.0227 0.3622 0.3662 0.4858 .0.4850 0.1805 0.1029 6.0330 0.0327 0.0162 0.0178 0.2146 Al 0.3657 0.1536 0.1263 0.3585 0.1265 0.1126 0.1233 §0.1192 0.1862 0.1480 0.6717 0.6413 0.4003 90.5095 0.1619Fe3+1.4248 1.1410 1.1427 112032 1.1391 1.1457 0.8966 |0.8996 1.3671 1.6089 0.8490 0.8781 1.0350 1.2199 1.3946 Fe2+0.8437 1.2121 1.2475 0.7985 1.2320 1.2444 1.3048 1.3381 0.8988 0.8557 0.4404 0.4839 0.6108 0.3960 1.0261 Mn 0.0105 (0.0120 0.0142 0.0102 0.0129 0.0139 0.0176 0.0196 0.0124 0.0201 0.0044 0.0082 0.0117 0.0100 0.0125 Mg 0.1711 0.1243 0.1009 0.2197 0.1212 0.1102 0.1672 0.1299 0.2747 0.2122 0.5906 0.5415 0.3973 0.5944 0.1732 Ca 0.0004 0.0032 0.0024 0.0000 0.0008 0.0016 0.0000 0.0028 0.0008 0.0221 0.0004 0.0000 0.0009 0.0196 0.0083 Cr 0.1558 0.0025 0.0009 0.3794 0.0010 0.0013 0.0009 0.0006 0.0723 0.0208 0.4049 0.4092 0.5225 0.2241 0.0023 Ni 0.0027 0.0003 0.0006 0.0023 0.0000 0.0006 0.0003 0.0003 06.0015 0.0027 0.0033 0.0045 0.0013 0.0069 0.0015 total 3.0008 3.0002 3.0002 3.0007 3.0001 3.0002 3.0001 3.0001 3.0005 3.0008 3.0009 3.0012 3.0004 3.0018 3.0005 mol %usp 2.77 37.62 38.55 3.62 38.84 38.97 51.97 51.85 20.86 11.33 7.14 6.86 3.02 2.82 23.51 Mg#16.86 9.30 7.48 21.58 8.95 8.14 11.36 8.85 23.41 19.87 57.29 52.81 39.41 60.02 14.44 Cr/Cr+al 29.87 1.60 ,0.69 51.42 0.81 1.16 0.70 0.49 27.96 12.32 37.61 38.95 56.62 30.55 1.43 YFe 73.21 87.97 89.99 61.98 89.93 90.95 87.84 88.25 84.10 90.51 44.09 45.53 52.87 62.45 89.47 YCr 8.00 0.19 0.07 19.55 0.08 0.10 0.08 0.06 4.45 1.17 21.03 21.22 26.69 11.47 0.15 YAt 18.79 11.846 9.94 18.47 9.99 8.94 12.08 11.69 11.45 8.32 34.88 33.25 20.45 26.08 10.38 mt/sp 1 15-May-85 Makushin magnetite/spinel compositions - PC-06 PC-06 PC-06 PC-06 83mn86 ==-83mn86-83mnB6 =B3mNBS5046504750485049 $i02 0.18 0.09 0.51 0.08 Ti02 7.38 0.63 1.02 0.55 Al203 4.00 12.43 15.08 11.89 Fe203 50.63 22.48 23.17 23.13 Fed 31.54 10.20 11.79 11.11 Mno 0.40 0.24 0.25 0.15 MgO 4.18 11.32 11.50 10.53 Cad 0.05 0.01 0.06 0.00 Cr203 0.60 44.02 35.98 42.53 NiO 0.06 0.05 0.14 0.11 tot 99.01 101.47 99.50 100.08 FeO meas.77.09 30.43 32.64 31.92 atoms per 4 oxygens Si 0.0066 0.0036 0.0196 0.0032 Ti 0.2035 0.0189 0.0295 0.0168 Al 0.1729 0.5847 0.6831 0.5690 Fe3+1.3970 0.6750 0.6700 017066 Fee+0.9672 0.3405 0.3790 0.3771 Mn 0.0124 0.0081 0.0081 0.0052 Mg 0.2284 0.6732 0.6586 0.6370 Ca 0.0020 0.0004 0.0025 0.0000 Cr 0.0087 0.6943 0.5465 0.6824 Ni 0.0018 0.0016 0.0043 0.0036 total 3.0006 3.0005 3.0011 3.0010 mol %usp 22.54 5.21 7.96 4.46 Mg#19.11 66.41 63.47 62.81 Cr/Cr+al 4.79 54.28 64.44 54.53 YFe 88.50 34.54 35.27 36.09 YCr 0.55 35.53 28.77 34.85 YAL 10.95 29.92 35.96 29.06 ulvospinel basis PC-06 83mn86 5050 0.07 0.88 13.04 25.60 13.44 0.20 9.87 0.00 37.07 0.09 100.26 36.47 0.0028 0.0261 0.6053 0.7586 0.4424 0.0067 0.5792 0.0000 0.5770 0.0029 3.0008 6.34 56.69 48.80 39.08 29.73 31.19 PC-06 83mn86 5051 0.08 0.62 12.08 23.81 12.20 0.16 9.94 0.02 40.47 0.08 99.47 33.63 0.0032 0.0189 0.5779 0.7272 0.4142 0.0055 0.6011 0.0009 0.6491 0.0026 3.0007 4.87 59.21 52.90 37.21 33.22 29.57 PC-06 PC-06 83mn86 83mn86 5052 5053 0.10 0.17 0.20 2.52 9.30:7.11 22.29 52.59 9.95 27.32 10.25 3.89 0.02 0.04 47.73 4.43 0.06 ;0.06100.12 "98.49 30.01 74 64 0.0042 0.0063 0.0064 ,0.07040.4652 5 0.3112 0.7118 |1.4693 6.3533 0.8484 0.0079 0.0113 0.6482 0.2152 0.0009 0.0016 0.8006 0.0650 0.0020 0.0018 3.0006 3.0006 1.73 8.72 64.73 20.24 63.25 17.28 35.99 79.61 40.48 3.52 23.53 16.86 mt/sp 2 PC-09 83mn25 5014 0.10 0.28 7.98 20.77 9.92 0.20 9.95 0.02 51.48 0.04 100.74 28.61 0.0043 0.0092 0.4088 0.6791 0.3606 0.0074 0.6444 0.0009 0.8842 0.0014 3.0004 2.58 64.12 68.38 34.44 44.84 20.73 PC-09 83mn25 5015 1.00 1.12 13.65 40.74 13.49 0.31 12.50 0.22 16.89 0.15 100.06 50.14 0.0350 0.0295 0.5629 1.0724 0.3946 0.0092 0.6517 0.0082 0.2335 0.0042 3.0011 5.17 62.29 29.32 57.38 12.50 30.12 PC-09 83mn25 5016 0.15 7.39 3.89 50.19 30.25 0.39 4.80 0.07 1.28 0.00 98.41 75.41 0.0055 0.2048 0.1690 1.3916 0.9321 0.0122 0.2636 0.0028 0.0186 0.0000 3.0001 22.71 22.04 9.94 88.12 1.18 10.70 PC-09 83mn25 5017 0.07 0.35 10.60 20.33 7.51 0.16 12.13 0.00 50.23 0.08 101.46 25.80 0.0029 0.0109 0.5169 0.6327 0.2599 0.0056 0.7478 0.0000 0.8213 0.0027 3.0007 3.26 74.21 61.37 32.10 41.67 26.23 PC-09 83mn25 5017 0.03 0.45 11.83 19.25 7.12 0.04 12.57 0.04 49.61 0.14 101.08 24.44 0.0012 0.0139 0.5711 0.5933 0.2438 0.0014 0.7671 0.0018 0.8030 0.0046 3.0012 4.37 75.88 58.44 30.15 40.82 29.03 PC-09 83mn25 5001 0.12 0.32 8.93 22.45 11.00 0.27 9.66 0.03 47.67 0.05 100.50 31.20 0.0051 0.0102 0.4479 0.7187 0.3915 0.0097 0.6125 0.0014 0.8017 0.0017 3.0005 2.72 61.01 64.16 36.51 40.73 22.76 PC-09 83mn25 5002 0.07 0.37 10.38 18.45 6.83 0.17 12.29 0.03 52.84 0.13 101.56 23.43 0.0029 0.0117 0.5125 0.5814 0.2392 0.0060 0.7670 0.0013 0.8747 0.0044 3.0011 3.77 76.23 63.06 29.53 44.43 26.03 15-May-85 4-/ Makushin magnetite/spinel compositions - PC-09 PC-09 PC-09 PC-09 83mn25 83mn25 =83mn25 83255003500450055006 $i02 0.06 0.15 0.11 0.15 Ti02 0.30 0.97 0.23 7.54 Al203 9.27 16.04 7.57 3.95 Fe203 20.13 20.42 22.89 49.72 Fed 9.25 +8.49 11.93 30.74 Mno 0.21 0.15 0.32 0.42 MgO 10.54 13.19 8.67 4.48 Cad 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.13 Cr203 50.77 40.56 48.29 0.97 Nio 0.06 0.08 0.07 0.05 tot 100.62 100.08 100.09 98.15 FeO meas.27.36 26.86 32.52 75.48 atoms per 4 oxygens Si 0.0026 0.0058 0.0048 0.0055 Ti 0.0097 0.0280 0.0075 0.2095 Al 0.4676 0.7259 0.3894 0,1721Fe3+0.6482 0.5898 0.7516 133826 Fee+0.3308 0.2726 0.4353 0.9500 Mn 0.0076 .0.0049 G.0118 0.0131 Mg 0.6721 0.7546 0.5638 0.2467 Ca 0.0014 0.0012 0.0009 0.0051 Cr 0.8586 0.6154 0.8330 0.0142 Ni 0.0021 §=0.0025 0.0025 0.0015 total 3.0006 3.0007 3.0007 3.0005 mol %usp 2.84 8.50 1.94 23.24 Mo#67.01 73.46 56.43 20.62 Cr/Cr+al 64.74 45.88 68.14 7.61 YFe 32.83 30.54 38.07 88.13 Ycr 43.49 31.87 42.20 0.90 YAL 23.68 37.59 ,19.73 10.97=ulvospinel basis Pc-09 83mn25 5007 0.10 0.77 12.86 29.86 13.82 0.26 9.83 0.00 31.59 0.13 99.21 40.68 0.0039 0.0225 0.5884 0.8721 0.4484 0.0085 0.5686 0.0000 0.4846 0.0041 3.0011 4.85 55.91 45.16 44.83 24.92 30.25 PC-09 83mn25 5008 0.08 0.91 13.94 30.10 15.14 0.24 9.57 0.00 30.60 0.09 100.67 42.22 0.0030 0.0259 0.6231 0.8588 0.4800 0.0077 0.5408 0.0000 0.4586 0.0027 3.0008 5.63 52.97 42.40 44.26 23.63 32.11 PC-09 83mn25 5009 0.05 1.08 15.39 30.53 13.89 0.25 . 10.75 0.00 28.14 . 0.07 100.15 . 41.36 0.0019 | 0.0301 0.6720 0.8509 0.4304 0.0078 0.5934 0.0000 0.4120 0.0021 3.0006 6.53 57.96 38.01 43.98 21.29 34.73 PC-09 83mm25 5010 0.10 1.10 14.71 31.30 13.85 0.25 10.69 0.02 _27.52 0.1499.69 42.02 0.0037 :0.0308 i 0.6460 .0.8775 0.4316 0.0079 0.5934 0.0008 0.4052 0.0042 3.0011 6.49 57.90 38.55 45.50 21.01 33.49 Pc-09 83mn25 5011 0.17 1.42 10.32 53.37 22.50 0.40 6.43 0.48 3.05 0.14 98.28 70.52 0.0061 0.0381 0.4340 1.4325 0.6713 0.0121 0.3418 0.0183 0.0430 0.0040 3.0014 5.03 33.74 9.02 75.02 2.25 22.73 0.0258 0.1386 0.2146 1.3946 0.8557 0.0019 0.2832 0.0232 0.0601 0.0031 3.0009 16.56 24.87 21.88 83.54 3.60 12.86 PC-09 83mn25 5013 0.09 0.55 13.47 21.59 9.78 0.21 11.47 0.01 42.42 0.09 99.67 29.20 0.0036 0.0166 0.6360 0.6506 0.3275 0.0071 0.6846 0.0004 0.6715 0.0029 3.0008 4.76 67.64 51.36 33.23 34.29 32.48 TT-10 83mn77 5119 0.10 6.08 6.72 50.36 30.23 0.34 4.54 0.03 0.50 0.03 98.93 75.54 0.0036 0.1651 0.2861 1.3686 0.9130 0.0104 0.2443 0.0012 0.0071 0.0009 3.0003 19.41 24.11 2.43 82.35 0.43 17.22 TT-10 83mn77 5120 0.12 8.56 5.74 46.86 33.32 0.39 4.04 0.01 0.44 0.00 99.49 75.49 0.0043 0.2327 0.2446 1.2748 1.0074 0.0119 0.2176 0.0004 0.0063 0.0000 3.0001 26.71 17.77 2.51 83.56 0.41 16.03 hoooe Appendix 4 -Silica Variation Diagrams Silica variation diagrams for most analysed elements follow. Symbols are as follows: stars -late Holocene Makushin Volcano (M1 series) crosses -middle and early Holocene Makushin Volcano (M2,M3 and M4 series) Small pluses -Pleistocene QTve (M5,Mc,Md,Me,Mf,Mg and Mh series) triangles -Lava Ramp (LR) inverted triangles -Sugarloaf (SL) 26808hexagons-Pakushin Cone (PC) squares -Point Kadin Vents (PRK) upright diamonds -Table Top Mountain (TT) sideways diamonds Wide Bay Cone (WB). + x > oO + xxr%+tseo) Oc} 00°F 08° 03° 65.060.05550 9102 I -7 65.06055.050 0° ce 5102 FeQOt6. xx x x"WY ae ©)x xhors"6 +*cen*+*oO”ts 3©+o *+A+xt,ef 4 A oy.++x xX xANA oO ++Vx :+iB|oO 14 x K*x°AOx ¥ d Ea O ¥% xO ++ By 'x ¥* +x x |||| 50.0 55.0 60.0 65.0 9102 °/™ ) MgO4.006.008.0010.02.003}|if Oy + > +oO +++at Qt a + »>9 Vv&0 }0,x x OX)44 + +x X4 +* Sot4xO”"Bee A xie + +OD 0 da x .@)4 x oO XxA+O ee +x xX Ke aa|Lye 50.0 55.60.0 65.0 $102 65.06005550 5102 x *k2 x x> x ok + ** * - + -m -fy x akOK xtdXByy woni] <Pog. xaaaee [ o 7 o 88... x.*>+Q+ra, x + ro) + xox : 1) + = , ; + oDO, x ;:goo?ce+e> | | 00° 00° OO°E 00°65.06055.0.O50 5102 \ x*XKx* + x* + *KeXas x<<x wee. <j "a4 +<,, * + + + <jxSh,xx + +SSmya>% +,+ + + xxT oO»xx - o+ , *e* +4Sats) | | | | OS'c O00'°¢e OG' Ts OO'T OS 65.0.O 60 .05550 5102 RO30. ee -T .-y T _poe =x _ + ++ x L ..A _ hs o ++A AK + * +JA = j +A!-_- +fs + ++ or- + +- .@) O OF ++Yo of x ++ | .. _ ]l || 50.0 55.0 60 65.0 OSs Ra50040030020050.0 60.0 65.0 Si/ ||[||+ © r "11 | Te) { *sk *k + ° _ T90 & Te) 3 <J<q - wwe. e*2 ° = ¥. sid . ate in ioO&o ' +X7+ o2 . ° + + oO + + ie) - fo) - Oo + _| +*Oo 2 +=>*t+& * | || _| 008 0OL 009 00S 007 OOE 00c 9102 of 0: 0° OE 0° Gt 065060055.050 Sid2 Ih?||_ XxX ¥A ¥ ;oe )A AA A +JA t +. x 7aNA+A ++ ++ Oy)x ©O>Q + ++ ++ +OO [ 50.0 Si0e2 aa [ -_- kaK >k * a<i <<44+++Re+x. / "+Bs + + + + oO + E 1) ! x4*, +>a*&+, | | al | 00c OST 'olen 0°OS 65.006055.0050 9102 00° 00°.065.O6055.0050 5102 ZO 30025020015010050.0 60 .O 65.0 Cr15010050.0050.0 65.0 0 iMe]