HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982 Environmental Baseline Data Collection Program UnalaskaPrepared for Republic Geothermal, and Inc. Alaska Power Authority 1982 ENVIRONMENTAL BASELINE DATA COLLECTION PROGRAM FINAL REPORT February 1,1983 Dames &oore fp tekadvw TABLE OF CONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND...... 2.0 STUDY PLAN AND RESULTS ..1.6 «eo e 2.1 WATER QUALITY e e e e e e e e °e Ld e Ld 2.1.1 Introduction ...._ee 8 2.1.2 Results ...26.«ee ee we 2.2 AQUATIC BIOLOGY ......see we ew 2.2.1 Introduction ....2.«««» 2.2.2 Results ..2.6 6 ee ew we we we 2.3 BIRDS,MAMMALS AND VEGETATION .ee oe 2.35.1 Introduction ....2.2 we we we 2.2 e2 Results e e e °e e e J °°e e e 2 4 ARCHAEOLOGY e e .e e e e os s e CJ e e e 2.4.1 Introduction......eee e 2.4.2 Results e e .e es e e c e e e e 3.0 CONCLUSIONS &RECOMMENDATIONS ..... 3.1 ROAD CONSTRUCTION . ew we we woe 3.1.1 Water Quality .....-seeee 3.1.2 Aquatic Biology .....s.ee- 3.1.3 Birds and Tererestrial Biology . 3.1.4 Archaeology .....-«e-ce-s 3.2 WELL SITE CONSTRUCTION,WELL DRILLING AN 2.1 Water Quality ......2.. 2.2 Aquatic Biology .....2.e. .2e5 Birds and Terrestrial Biology 2.4 Archaeology ....+.«.2e-e 4.0 REFERENCES .2.6 2 we ee we we we ww APPENDIX A -ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY UNALASKA GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED APPENDIX B =WATER QUALITY APPENDIX C -AQUATIC BIOLOGY eee@@oo@@ee@@ooeee@ee8@eo@¢@@eee@eoee8@D WELL TESTING.. GEOTHERMAL PROJECT: FIELD OPERATIONS. Page LIST OF TABLES,FIGURES AND PLATES Table 1 -Classification of Vegetation-Types with Map Codes Figure 1 -Unalaska Island Vicinity Map ...2...««we. Sample Station Locations -May...a er er Sample Station Locations September ....... Makushin Project Area,Unalaska Island Terrestrial Habitat Types,Access Route,Drill Pad Locations,and Environmental Sampling Stations, Makushin Valley Terrestrial Habitat Types,Access Route,Drill Pad Locations,and Environmental Sampling Stations, Driftwood Bay Valley Terrestrial Habitat Types,Access Route,Drill Pad Locations,and Environmental Sampling Stations, Glacier Valley ii Page 11 wes 1.0 INTRODUCTION AND BACKGROUND Republic Geothermal,Inc.(Republic)of Santa Fe Springs,California,is under a 2-year contract to the Alaska Power Authority (APA)to explore for geothermal resources on the eastern flanks of Makushin Volcano on Unalaska Island (Figure 1).Republic has subcontracted with Dames &Moore to provide permit guidance,logistics coordination,geotechnical engineering services,and an environmental baseline data collection program in support of Republic's exploration activities.This report presents the results of the environmental baseline data collection program conducted by Dames &Moore during the 1982 field season. The geothermal resource exploratory operations on Unalaska were designed to be conducted in three stages:initial geologic exploratory work,temper- ature gradient hole (TGH)operations,and drilling of one deep exploratory well.The first two stages were to be conducted during the 1982 field season,and the third stage was proposed for the 1983 field season.As originally proposed,all operations were to be supported by helicopter and personnel were to be stationed in a field camp.The initial geologic explor- atory work was to be conducted on foot.Eleven alternative locations for three temperature gradient holes were proposed within the geothermal exploration area.Three holes were to be drilled by a small drilling rig from a small pad cleared by hand as necessary.One deep well was to be drilled in the vicinity of one of the three TGH sites.The deep well would require a much larger drilling rig,a much larger crew,and a cleared, leveled pad-of about 2 acres.A more complete description of operations can be found in Appendix A,"Alaska Power Authority Unalaska Geothermal Project: General Description of Proposed Field Operations."Plate 1 shows the area of proposed operations in detail. In accordance with the APA contract,Dames &Moore was requested by Republic to design and implement an environmental baseline data collection program that could:1)provide data useful in the location and design of proposed operations;2)acquire that environmental information which is,or may be,required by permit-issuing agencies or other interested parties;and 3)establish an environmental data base upon which to judge the impacts of operations.Thus,Dames &Moore based design of the program upon the results of an analysis that combined the known (or assumed)characteristics of the area's environment,the potential requirements of the regulatory agencies, and the design and potential impact of the proposed operations. Preliminary investigations established that data on the existing environment of Unalaska Island were sparse,and that site-specific informa- tion was essentially non-existent.It was known that precipitation fell as snow during the winter months and as drizzle at other times.At elevations above 2,000 feet the snow accumulation was large and remained on the ground into late summer.High winds were very common and were more frequent during fall and early winter.Though few records regarding air quality had been kept,there were no significant sources of air pollution in the area. The volcanic rocks of the area were highly dissected by rivers and streams,so as to create moderately rugged topography.Soils were thought to be reasonably well developed.The major rivers in the area headed on the slopes of Makushin Volcano and were fed by snowmelt or melting glacial ice. Two water samples,collected by geothermal investigators from the Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys,indicated that water quality in the Glacier Valley and Driftwood Bay rivers was very good. The area above the 1,000-foot elevation on the slopes of Makushin Volcano was characterized by a sparse biota.Vegetated areas,consisting mostly of heath and tundra,were apparently few and scattered.Trees were apparently nonexistent on the slopes of the volcano or anywhere in the Aleutians. Two mammal species,the Arctic fox (Alopex lagopus)and ground squirrel (Citellus undulatus),and one land bird species,rock ptarmigan (Lagopus mutus),were thought to be present throughout Unalaska Island.The United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS)was interested in any information regarding sightings of the marbled murrelet (Brachyramphus marmoratum),which they thought might be present on the island and nest at these elevations. The construction of a road up any of the three valleys could produce addi- tional significant environmental impacts.Road construction and use could produce additional points of impact to water quality and freshwater aquatic biology resources.Barge off-loading areas and roadheads could potentially impact sensitive shoreline resources,such as seabird rookeries,and cultural resources.Road construction and use could also impact potentially sensitive terrestrial habitats,such as wetlands,or threatened,rare,or endangered species. To continue to meet the three original objectives of the environmental baseline data collection program,the program's design was expanded in scope to include significant investigations into the potential for impacts to terrestrial habitat quality;threatened,rare,or endangered species;and cultural resources.The scope of the water quality and freshwater aquatic biology programs was also increased to include the new points of potential impact. The following chapters present the environmental baseline data collec- tion plan and results by discipline (water quality;aquatic biology;birds, mammals,and vegetation;and archaeology)and conclusions and recommendations regarding impact mitigation and impact monitoring for the phases of the operations (road construction,wellsite construction and drilling,and well testing).Only that information related to the design,implementation,and results of the environmental baseline data collection program is included in this report.Information regarding other services provided to Republic by Dames &Moore,including permit guidance,logistics coordination,and geo- technical engineering,will be included as a part of Republic's Final Report of Phase I-B Activities,to be delivered to the APA in 1983.Also included in Republic's Final Report will be a more comprehensive report on the results of monitoring the impacts of the TGH drilling operations,and a discussion of environmental impact monitoring,environmental impact mitigation,and emergency contingency programs for the 1983 deep well drilling and testing operations. SAMPLE STATION LOCATIONS -MAY A Primary Sample Station @ Potential Temperature Gradient Hole @ Camp DRIFTWOOD BAYtesAareaegoreatao hae rife.wmete es .Onoon, "° :DW ev Jonanace BASIN BOUNDARIESGLACIER( VALLEY { Figure 2 UNALASKA ISLAND -MAKUSHINMVVALLEY wn f) ren 57. e, AS8we,oefeaeose eenn RIVER wd¥efweae a= : 0 5 MILESeewereene0§KILOMETERS secondary sample stations during two field trips.The intent was to establish primary stations on the major streams downstream from the areas of potential impact and secondary stations on tributaries of the major streams closer to the potential TGH.Field parameters -flow,dissolved oxygen,pH, conductivity,temperature,alkalinity,turbidity,and settleable solids -- were to be measured at both primary and secondary sample stations.The remaining parameters to be measured at primary sample stations included those listed in Appendix B,as well as fecal coliform bacteria and chemical oxygen demand.An Organic Sediment Index (OSI)was measured at each primary station during the first field trip.Total suspended solids,nitrate,and orthophosphate,in addition to the field parameters,were to be measured at secondary stations. Water quality sample stations were based on potential TGH locations. Figure 2 presents the 11 potential TGH locations that existed in May 1982, and the various drainages (Makushin,Driftwood,and Glacier)that would be affected by drilling at these TGHs.Specific stations were selected in the field in May based on drainage direction from and proximity to the TGH and on advice given by Republic. The proposed scope of the water quality investigation was amended in the field during the May field trip.Subsequent to inspection flights and advice from Republic,five primary sample stations were selectedand sampled, and the secondary stations were eliminated.Upstream secondary stations were not accessible to sampling because the snow pack above camp (elevation 1250 feet)was deep and most small tributaries were covered with snow.The five primary stations established were Makushin Valley (MV),below base camp (BC), Glacier Valley (GV),an eastern Driftwood Bay valley stream (DE),and a more western Driftwood Bay valley stream (DW)(Figure 2).The proposed scope was also amended by the addition of eight parameters.Republic recommended that the streams be analyzed for additional elements potentially found in geo- thermal waters (lithium,cerium,germanium,lanthanum,antimony,titanium, vanadium,and bromide). Figure 3 SAMPLE STATION LOCATIONS -SEPTEMBER A Primary Sample Station 4 Secondary Sample Station @ Temperature Gradient Hole H Camp DRIFTWOOD ae BAY oer, *.(oedes| wyransf”iyae,wats(Je -"_> am S o _MAKUSHIN Jeony =VALLEY Bee -Stuns BASIN \BOUNDARIES : GLACIER ( VALLEY { |§MILES §KILOMETERS during both field trips are:OW-2.0 to 3.1 cfspsm,MV-4.4 to 21,BC-2.0 to 17,and GV-3.7 to 49, Water Quality . The chemical characteristics of the water in all three drainages changed between May and September.The changes correspond to the changes in flow.That is,mineralization decreased from May to September,whereas turbidity and suspended solids increased.These responses are typical when discharge increases.Turbidity and suspended solids levels were generally low except at the GV and GW stations,which displayed the highest levels of these parameters because of glacial influence.The suspended particles were light weight at GV and GW and did not settle in an Imhoff cone in one hour. Consequently,settleable solids were less than the detection limit of 0.1 milliliters per liter (ml/1)at these stations and all the other stations. Also,none of the primary stations exhibited any color.Turbidity and suspended solids:levels correlate marginally well to each other (Appendix B). As noted above,mineralization decreased from May to September corresponding to an increase in flow.Conductivity,total dissolved solids, and hardness levels,as well as many trace element concentrations,displayed a decrease.The GV and BC stations exhibited the highest levels of mineral- ization.These stations also receive apparently significant inflow from geothermal manifestations. Most trace elements and metals exhibited low levels at most of the: primary sample stations.A number of elements displayed concentrations equal to or less than their respective detection limits during the May sample period.These elements were bromide,beryllium,cadmium,cerium, germanium,lanthanum,mercury,molybdenum,selenium,silver,and titanium. These elements were not analyzed in samples collected in September because they typically become diluted when flow increases.Boron concentrations were 13 Nutrient levels were generally low in May.Nitrogen species were virtually absent at all stations.and:phosphate levels were low everywhere except at the DE station.Organic nitrogen (the difference between total Kjeldahl nitrogen and ammonia)and phosphate concentrations were high in September.This nutrient loading undoubtedly comes from terrestrial runoff. Fecal coliform bacteria were not detected at any of the primary stations during either of the two field trips. 2.2 AQUATIC BIOLOGY - 2.2.1 Introduction Impacts to aquatic biology can result from the discharge or leaching of liquid or solid waste (e.g.sanitary,drilling mud,geothermal fluid), runoff from disturbed areas,and from operations near or within the wetted perimeter (e.g.water withdrawal,fording,culvert placement).The fresh- water biology issue centers around salmon and other fishes in the streams of the exploration area. Pink salmon (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha),silver or coho salmon (oO. kisutch),and Dolly Varden char (Salvelinus malma)are anadromous members of the salmon family (i.e.salmonids),returning to streams and rivers to spawn in late summer and fall.The fry of pink salmon outmigrate directly to the sea very soon after hatching and emerging from the gravel in the spring. Silver salmon fry usually remain in fresh water for one year before outmi- gration.Dolly Varden char spend perhaps 3 years in the stream before outmigration,or may reside continuously in fresh water (Hart 1973). Alaska Fisheries Atlas Volumes I and II (State of Alaska 1978a)indicate that pink salmon spawn in Makushin Valley River,Nateekin River,the streams of Humpback Bay,and elsewhere on Unalaska Island.However,the upstream limit to the presence of pink salmon is unknown.Silver salmon and sockeye salmon (oO.nerka)occur on Unalaska Island,but have not been observed in the potentially impacted streams.Dolly Varden char are present in the streams 15 The aerial survey,conducted on September 3,1982,indicated that approximately 43,000 adult pink salmon were present in the Makushin Valley stream (Appendix C). Driftwood Bay The main (western)Driftwood Bay stream flows northward from Makushin Volcano,emptying into Driftwood Bay (Plate 1).The headwaters flow through deep canyons on the slope of the volcano,and through V-shaped notches on the plateau/saddle near Sugarloaf Cone.After descending from the slopes,the stream flows across a wide valley floor.It appears to meander less than does the Makushin Valley stream,and much less than does the Glacier Valley stream.The old road to the airstrip in Driftwood Valley is visible and driveable for almost all of its length,across the valley floor and up the slope toward Sugarloaf Cone.The road crosses the stream once.The cul- verted crossing structure has been washed away,but large pieces of culvert remain at the site. During the evolution of the geothermal exploration program,it developed that the actual site of TGH 1 (Fox Canyon)was in the drainage of Makushin Valley rather than in Driftwood Bay valley.Nevertheless,it is possible that 1983 deep well activity may occur in the Driftwood Bay drain- age.Two stations were sampled in mid-May:Oriftwood West (DW)station was near the old road crossing in the mainstem of the large stream,which flows down the middle of the valley floor;Driftwood East (DE)appeared,during bad weather,to be in the lesser,more eastern stream,but was actually further downstream on the same river (Plate 3).In early September,only station DW was sampled;no geothermal exploration activity is anticipated to occur in the drainage of the smaller stream.Station DW (and most of the stream on the broad valley floor)was characterized by slower current,smaller sub- strate and more,larger pools than were any of the other stations in the other valleys. Fish passage barriers (e.g.falls)were present in the mainstem and most tributaries where they descended from the highlands (Plate 3).No barriers were present between the highlands and tidewater. 19 Fish passage barriers (e.g.falls)occurred in the headwaters,but no barriers were apparent between TGH 3 and tidewater (Plate 4). Dolly Varden char were captured and pink salmon were observed in theGlacierValleystream.Records of capture (Appendix C)indicate that Dolly Varden char were relatively less abundant at station GV than at stations MV or DW.One juvenile Dolly Varden char was captured in the eastern tributary below TGH 3:this,plus the absence of barriers,implies that this species may occur further up both tributaries,closer to the drill site. The aerial survey indicated that approximately 17,500 adult pink salmon were present in the clearwater tributaries low in the valley (Appendix C). 2.3 BIRDS,MAMMALS AND VEGETATION 2.3e1 Introduction Aerial and ground reconnaissance of selected areas on Unalaska Island was conducted on August 27-30,1982.The baseline survey emphasized identi- fication of environmentally sensitive areas or other constraints that could influence the selection of alternative road routes,road alignments,or other aspects of road use. Sites of investigation were limited to the following: )Glacier Valley from tidewater to TGH site 3. )Driftwood Bay valley from tidewater to TGH site 1. fs)Makushin Valley from tidewater to TGH site 1. 0 Vicinity of camp and TGH site 2. At least two aerial helicopter surveys were flown over each of the above areas.Special emphasis during aerial survey was given to observations of 21 Vegetation along the prospective road routes was mapped using color aerial photos as a base.Ground-truthing of the vegetation types as inter- preted from the photos was conducted during the above-described field observations.Vegetation classifications are from Viereck et al.(1981)with some modification. 2.3.2 Results Birds As anticipated,the greatest number of birds was associated with coastal habitats.Glaucus-winged gulls (Larus glaucescens),bald eagles (Haliaeetus leucocephalus),and ravens (Corvus corax)were concentrated at the mouth and lower stream reaches of the rivers within each of the valleys investigated.These birds were attracted by spawning pink salmon within the main streams and tributaries.The greatest concentration of gulls (several hundred)was observed at the mouth of the Makushin River Valley,whereas the greatest number of bald eagles (20)was seen in Glacier Valley.Eagles were also observed roosting on cliffs at the valley margins. A bald eagle nest was observed near the top of the cliffs that form the east margin of Glacier Valley.This nest was not observed during aprevious nest survey conducted by Nysewander et al.(1982).Amother nest observed byNysewanderetal.(1982)on bluffs at the west margin of Glacier Valley was not seen during this survey.Eagle nests were not observed at any of the other study areas although suitable habitat exists adjacent to Makushin and Driftwood Valleys.Cliff nests of bald eagles are often difficult to dis- tinguish because sticks and other debris that typically distinguish eagle nests are not readily available to the birds and nests may consist of a bare rock platform. Seabirds that nest and/or roost on steep,rocky coastal areas were observed at several locations.The most notable of these included pelagic cormorants (Phalacrocorax pelagicus)roosting on rocks and pinnacles at the south margin of Makushin Valley,puffins (Fratercula cirrhata,F. 23 pincomBald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus)-Bald eagles were commonly observed along salmon spawning streams and roosting on sea cliffs.About 20 eagles were seen in the Glacier Valley area,six eagles in the Makushin Valley,and two eagles in Driftwood Valley.The ratio of mature to immature birds was about 2:3.An eagle nest was observed near the top of the cliff that forms the eastern seaside margin of Glacier Valley. Gyrfalcon (Falco rusticolus)-A pair of these birds was observed near the camp area and another sighting was made near the Driftwood/Makushin divide.The birds appeared to be hunting for ground squirrels.- Shorebird (unidentified,large)-A bird about the size and shape of a whimbrell (Numenius phaeopus)was observed on alpine tundra near the Driftwood/Makushin divide. Common Snipe (Gallinago gallinago)-One bird was observed on the Glacier Valley floodplain. Glaucus-winged Gull (Harus glaucescens)-This bird was commonly observ- ed at all seashore areas and along the lower reaches of streams containing spawning salmon.The largest concentration (up to 300)was observed on the beach at the mouth of Makushin River.Smaller groups were seen at the mouth of Glacier Valley stream and along spawning areas of Driftwood Bay stream. Black-legged Kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla)-Substantial numbers of these birds were observed rafted offshore from the Makushin River mouth in Broad Bay. Puffin (Fratercula cirrhata,F.corniculata)-Up to 50 puffins were observed roosting on or flying adjacent to the very high cliffs that mark the east margin of Driftwood Bay valley.The primary roosting area appeared to be on the upper portion of the cliff at an elevation of 700 to 1000 feet. Close observations were not possible.It is likely that the species observed was the horned puffin rather than the tufted puffin since the latter usually associates in larger,more concentrated colonies. 25 were also seen in low numbers on the Makushin Valley floodplain in locations where there was sufficient depth of soil above the water level to allow burrowing.Use of the latter habitat type by squirrels is atypical and may suggest that populations are sufficiently high to cause use of marginal habitats. Arctic fox tracks were observed within a wide variety of habitats from sea level to alpine tundra.The only fox actually seen was an animal which visited the camp on two nights in search of food.Camp personnel were instructed on how to discourage this activity.- Marine Mammals Marine mammals observed during the reconnaissance included Stellar's sea lions (Eumetopias jubatus)and harbor seals (Phoca vitulina).Four sea lions were observed swimming in Broad Bay near the mouth of the Makushin River. Harbor seals were observed at the mouths of Makushin River and Glacier Valley stream (three animals at each location).The seals were in very shallow water and one animal was up river a distance of.100 feet.Presumably,the harbor seals were feeding on salmon. Vegetation Vegetation maps of the three primary road corridor alternatives are presented in Plates 2 through 4.Table 1 describes the vegetation types used in the mapping.The vegetation mapping is not completely satisfactory because of the difficulty in distinguishing between different tundra and meadow vegetation types on the aerial photos.The mapping is,therefore, very general and should not be used for detailed planning. The primary road alternatives traverse geomorphologically similar river valleys before ascending to higher plateaus.Consequently,the patterns of vegetation are similar for each route.A generalized description of vegeta- tion types starting at sea level and proceeding inland is as follows: 27 TABLE 1 CLASSIFICATION OF VEGETATION TYPES*WITH MAP CODES Level I Level II Level III Level IV Map Code Herbaceous Tall grass Elymus Coastal Elymus TG Vegetation Sedge-grass Sedge-grass WM wet meadow Midgrass Mesic Midgrass-MM1 midgrass herb (Type 1)- Midgrass-m2 herb (Type 2) Sedge-grass Sedge-grass .Tundra tundra Shrub land Dwarf shrub Mat and cushion Tundra :tundra ¥Plant classification system from Viereck et al.(1981).The Viereck system describes all Alaska plant communities using a five-level hierarchial classification.Level I,the most general level,describes communities on the basis of life form,e.g,forest,shrubland,herbaceous vegetation and aquatic vegetation.Each of the above categories are further subdivided into more specific categories (Level II),which are in turn subdivided (Level III)and so on.The above table only repeats from the Viereck classification those plant formations applicable to the study area. 28 Tall grass dominated by beach rye (Elymus arenarius)occupies a narrow zone from the upper beach to the inland side of the foredune.This zone is usually less than 200 feet wide but can be substantially wider.Beach rye reaches a height of 6 feet in this distinctive community. A substantial portion of the seaward end of each river valley studied was dominated by a wet meadow community with uniform cover of grasses and sedges.In Driftwood Bay valley the wet meadow community extends from the inland side of the foredune up the valley for a distance of about 3/4 mile.In Makushin and Glacier Valleys the wet meadow type is discontinuous and covers a smaller proportion of the total area.Wet meadows are the only major wetland vegetation type encountered by the proposed road corridors. The dominant vegetation type in the valleys is variable,consisting of mid-length grasses and a mixture of herbaceous species such as lupine (Lupinus nootkatensis)and fireweed (Epilobium angusti- folium).Widely scattered clumps of willows (Salix spp.)to 6 feet tall are present in upper valley portions of this type.Underlying. spoils consist of coarse alluvium and standing water is generally not present;therefore,this vegetation type cannot be considered a wetland and for purposes of this classification is called mesic "midgrass-herb (Type 1). Another type of mesic midgrass-herb vegetation (Type 2)is found on the slopes ascending from the floodplains.This relatively uniform vegetation type consists almost entirely of grasses and sedges and is best typified by the slope overlooking the Driftwood Bay valley where the existing road begins its ascent up out of the valley bottom, The remaining vegetation on Unalaska Island,covering essentially all vegetated portions of the interior,can be considered as tundra.The tundra can be divided into two primary types using the 29 burials,stone tools,and carved bone or ivory artifacts of amazing diver- sity.Sites in the Dutch Harbor/Unalaska region consist of these later site types.The most comprehensive excavations have been conducted at Chaluka (Umnak Island)and at several localities on Amchitka Island.Collections that have only been recently published are taken from Port Moller,the northern extent of Aleut influence.The beginning dates average about 3500 years B.P.(Dumond 1977).It is these people who first greeted Russian explorers to the region. Historic period archaeological investigations,except for the extensive work of Veltre (1979),are few.The effects of Russian contact are best assessed from numerous written documents.Contact began with the explor- ations of Bering and Chirikof in 1741.Unalaska was first contacted in 1759. These contacts were made and financed with fur pelts taken during each voyage.Aleut families were harshly affected by the Russian practice of indenturing native men to hunt sea otters.Unalaska had one of the smallest garrisons of Russians,but the long-term effect included a sharp decline in the Aleut population by 1839.Davydov (1977)noted this population drop in his 1806 assessment.The eventual lack of financial success in the later years of the Russian-American Company released the native population from continued adverse effects of this forced contact (Tikmenev 1978). Continued adverse effects on the Aleut population resulted during the American Period from World War II.While Unalaska was not taken by the Japanese,the impact of United States defensive action was swift.Many archaeological sites on Unalaska were adversely affected by heavy equipment activities and military personnel who disturbed sites in search of artifacts. No concentrated program of archaeological preservation is in force in the Aleutians.Thus,although the post-war population of the archipelago is less,continued pilfering,coupled with natural erosion forces,are con- tributing to the further loss of finite archaeological and historical resources. The cultural resource evaluations were conducted under Federal Antiquities Permit #82-AK-242 and Fish and Wildlife Service Special Use 31 2.4.2 Results Corridor to Driftwood Bay Both moderate and low altitude helicopter surveys were conducted along the existing road through the valley to Driftwood Bay.Pedestrian reconnaissance was undertaken from a point beginning at the cliffs at the northeast end of the bay along 75 percent of the high energy beach.The entire length of the road was given pedestrian survey and all adjacent high points,such as terraces and ridges were examined.Rock outcrops were examined for potential artifact material quarries,but no preforms were found nor was the weathered granitic and basaltic rock conducive to such artifact manufacture. Deviation from the existing road encompassed no more than 80 to 160 feet on either side of the roadway.Findings were entirely negative,even though the existence of vantage points and bedrock outcrops overlooking a productive salmon stream might be considered of moderate archaeological site potential. Makushin Valley to Operations Camp Although the exact route is unknown at this time,the area is of low archaeological potential.The route would certainly traverse a steep slope. Reconnaissance consisted of low altitude helicopter survey.Two flat areas were examined on the ground,but no sites were detected. Tributary Stream from the Operations Camp Although no development is planned for this area,survey included pedestrian examination of several rock overhangs that could have served as shelters.The reconnaissance route extended about 2 miles downstream from camp toward Makushin Valley.All overhangs were examined and limited trowel testing was performed in each,but with no findings that might indicate past human occupation. 33 Makushin still contains many historic structures.Although the brief field visit conducted during this project failed to locate an undeniable prehistoric component,the mass of shellfish remains located along the beach attest to the potential for such an older occupation. 49-UNL-G16/Nateekin:Also listed as Neveechin (Bank 1968).This site,first reported by Dall (1873)is the same as reported by Bank (1971). It is likely a prehistoric locality (McCartney 1972).Two localities astride a stream are mapped for this site by Bank (1974)which he describes as "an interesting prehistoric mound,mostly still intact,...situated above the present beach line."Also see Orth (1971). This locality was visited during project reconnaissance.The site has not changed since the visits and description by Bank (1974).The large midden deposit,located on the north side of the stream,is up to 16 feet high and heavily vegetated.Aerial review located at least four rectangular depressions of house remains.Behind these are three or four additional but smaller and circular depressions that likely served a storage capacity.A second shell midden is located south and across the stream. NateekinBay is a well-protected locality and no erosion of the site is evident at this time. 49-UNL-017/Cheerful:Old village site listed by Sarychev (1826). See Orth (1971). 49-UNL-019/Eider Point:A large midden site,also called Pestriakoff (Dall 1873).First noted as occupied by Sarychev (1826)and said to have five huts and 37 people (Veniaminov 1840).Described and tested by Bank (1953a,b).Bank (1972)obtained a date of 650 +150 radiocarbon years B.P.The site was visited by McCartney (1972)and he describes the deposit as being about 30 feet deep. Although inclement weather did not permit an aircraft landing,the site was viewed from the air.McCartney's (1972)assertion of the depth of this 35 ee weteee49-UNL-067/No Name:Bank (1963)reported a site at this locality. Also listed by McCartney (1972),who believes this site may be one of the 24 scattered villages reported but not located by Veniaminov at the time of Russian contact (see Hrdlicka 1945). Attempts to find this site during this project reconnaissance failed. Heavy rains cut short any extended aerial review. 49-UNL-079/Holy Nativity of Christ Church:Located at Makushin Village,this is the site of the former Russian Orthodox Church.Visited during this project,the church can be identified but is in a state of disrepair.The walls are collapsed.Two Russian Orthodox style grave markers are located on the beach side of the church.Other graves are located on the north site. 49-UNL 087/No Name:Reported as site C-18 by Bank (1974),a small burial cave at Point Cathedral.This site was located as an ancillary activity of project reconnaissance. A small cave is located at the base of a 100-foot cliff face situated to the south side of Point Cathedral.This locality overlooks a deep rocky bay with numerous seastacks.The cave is distinguished by an opening about 30 feet high by 16 feet wide.The chamber is recessed into the cliff face by about 16 feet. Without testing,this locality could not be confirmed as a burial cave nor could a relative temporal assignment be made.Up to 24 inches of undifferentiated cultural midden deposit is present.Bird and mammal bone was noted,but no human remains were found.The beach in front of the cave has up to 20 inches of shell debris,likely related to the interior component.The rear of the chamber has been blackened by smoke from numerous fires.Fire-altered stone is in evidence.The only artifacts noted were non-diagnostic lithic flakes.None of these were collected. 37 FaGasowBa aw 3.0 CONCLUSIONS &RECOMMENDATIONS This chapter presents conclusions and recommendations based on the preceeding environmental baseline relative to impact mitigation and impact monitoring for road construction (Section 3.1)and for well site construc- tion,well drilling and well testing (Section 3.2). 3.1 ROAD CONSTRUCTION For the purposes of this report,impacts from road construction are discussed separately from impacts from drilling operations.It is reasonably certain that a deep geothermal test well will be drilled in 1983;at the time of this writing,it is not clear if overland (road)access will be required to support the deep well operations.Support of the operations by heli- copter,rather than by road,is environmentally preferable because impact to sensitive habitats (salmon streams,lowlands,coastal areas,seabird colonies and raptor nests)would be minimized or avoided.The road,should it be constructed,will be intended to be used for only one season,and will probably be abandoned in autumn of 1983.In addition to the discipline- specific recommendations made in the following subsections,it is advisable that the actual road route be selected,in the field,with the advice of a biologist (aquatic and terrestrial).This recommendation would apply more to the extensive new construction in Glacier Valley or Makushin Valley,rather than to the upgrading of the existing Driftwood Bay valley route. 3.1.1 Water Quality Water quality impacts from road construction include increases in sediments,turbidity,and nutrients,and a decrease in pH and dissolved oxygen values.These impacts are directly or indirectly related to sedi- mentation.Road construction may influence the production of sediment by surface erosion,mass soil movements,and channel erosion.Of these,the most common and significant water quality impact results from mass soil movement. 39 oy Road dust control should use water rather than oil or other synthetic compounds.Grading and other road maintenance activities should not push material into streams.Material borrow sites should be located in well- drained upland areas,or,if this is not possible,in first-level terrace areas away from active stream channels,to avoid erosion into a stream. 3.1.2 Aquatic Biology Generally,the potential impacts to aquatic biology from road construc- tion can occur as results of siltation,direct deletion of sensitive areas (e.g.salmon spawning area),and presentation of a barrier to fish passage. These impacts are most easily avoided by minimizing the number of crossings of a stream,by minimizing the operations within the wetted perimeter (e.g. fording,culverting),and by selecting the appropriate size of culvert or depth of ford.From the perspective of aquatic biology,bridges impact the stream less than culverts,and culverts usually impact less than fords. However,it often happens that engineering and financial constraints favor selection of fords over culverts,and culverts over bridges.Also,it is possible that the permit agencies (Alaska Department of Fish and Game,Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation,and U.S.Fish and Wildlife Service) may require the removal of crossing structures and/or the restoration of the stream channel,at the close of 1983 operations.Once the decision to build a road is made,and a route corridor is selected,close agency coordination will be essential. A road in Driftwood Bay valley would likely follow the existing roadbed and would,therefore,cross the stream once.The original crossing structure has been washed away,but pieces of culvert remain at the site.As discussed in the following section (3.2:Well Site Construction,Well Drilling and Well Testing),the stream supports three species of anadromous salmonids,and these fish occur at and above the crossing point,and the passage of fry, juveniles or adults should not be impeded by a crossing structure.Recom- mendations relative to stream crossings are made later in this subsection. 41 3.1.3 Birds and Terrestrial Biology Driftwood Bay Valley From the standpoint of terrestrial ecology,temporary road access to drill site areas via Driftwood Bay valley would probably have the least impact of the three road alternatives.The beach zone appears to be less used by wildlife than at Makushin or Glacier Valleys,presumably because Driftwood Bay is more exposed to heavy seas and fewer pink salmon are avail- able for food than in the other valleys.Sensitive areas would include the mouth of Driftwood Bay valley stream and the cliffside puffin colony.Both of these areas are located at the extreme east end of the valley and would be avoided by siting the landing area and road terminus at the central or west end of the beach. The lower portion of Driftwood Bay valley contains extensive wetlands; however,the existing runway and roadway already traverse these wet meadow habitats.Use of the existing road would not require a wetlands permit unless new fill is required within the wetland -area.Little or no impact to wetlands would occur if the existing roadway is utilized without modifi- cation. No significant impacts to wildlife or sensitive habitats would be expected on the portions of the proposed road route that are on higher elevation tundra terrain.New roadway required to link the existing road to the proposed drill site would cross a windblown tundra area with substantial bare ground.The primary impact would be aesthetic rather than ecological. Makushin Valley The beach zone of the Makushin Valley (and its adjacent seaside cliffs) appears to be highly productive.Numbers of birds and marine mammals onshore,near shore and offshore were greater at this beach than at the other _study sites.This abundance was caused at least partially by the large pink salmon run in the Makushin River and undoubtedly varies depending on season. 43 most sensitive areas from a wildlife standpoint are at the mouth and lower reaches of the river system and adjacent to the bluffs at each side of the valley. Glacier Valley contains less wetland habitat than the other valleys studied.Wetlands are most extensive on the east side of the lower valley. The upper valley is vegetated primarily by the mesic midgrass type with extensive areas of bare alluvial soils adjacent to the main stream.The upper valley would not be sensitive from the standpoint of wildlife impacts. A temporary road constructed in Glacier Valley should take a number of factors into consideration.The presence of nesting bald eagles,spawning salmon,and wildlife that exploit the salmon indicates that the valley mouth area is sensitive to disturbance at various times of the year.It is prob- able that regulatory agencies would impose timing constraints on shoreline activities.The most sensitive time periods would include late March through early May (eagle nesting,courtship and egg laying)and mid-August through mid-September (pink and silver salmon run).The best place for a landing area would be halfway between the mouth of the river and the bluffs on either the east or west sides. Routing of the roadway in the lower valley is also important from an ecological and aesthetic point of view.Salmon spawning and rearing areas and wetland areas are most extensive on the east side of the valley.A route through this area would require wetland permits and permanent drainage structures designed for fish passage at each stream crossing.Visual impact would be high because the area is heavily vegetated.A recommended alter- native would be to route the roadway on the bare alluvial soils of the main stream.Numerous crossings of the braided stream channels would be required but could probably be accomplished using shallow fords rather than struc- tures.The braided main stream is a dynamic system and the channels are continuously shifting.Therefore,visual impacts would be minimal and no long-term impact to vegetated terrain or stream hydrology would occur.A disadvantage to the above recommendation is that permits would be required from the Alaska Department of Fish and Game.It is almost certain that,if 45 of these localities by all project personnel.This requirement is especially critical if the Glacier Valley corridor is further considered. The tidewater terminus of the Glacier Valley route would fall within one mile of the abandoned village of Makushin.This village still contains historic and probable prehistoric components.Graves,structures,artifacts, and any other potential curiosities should remain unmolested.Disturbance of the site's temporal and spatial integrity is a violation of federal and State of Alaska statutes and could lead to project requirements for mitigation of any adverse secondary effects. If conducted with caution and activity monitoring,this road building for geothermal exploration should have no adverse primary or secondary effects on the archaeological or historical sites of Unalaska Island. 3.2 WELL SITE CONSTRUCTION,WELL DRILLING AND WELL TESTING Because essentially all deep well operations will occur high on the slopes of Makushin Volcano,wetlands,birds and archaeology will not be major environmental issues.However,because of the potential for erosion from the well pad,and the discharge of drilling mud or geothermal fluid,water quality and aquatic biology are areas of major environmental concern.This section,therefore,focuses primarily on these two disciplines,but also discusses the potential for impacts to terrestrial biology and archaeology. 3.2.1 Water Quality Deep well drilling operations could result in water quality impacts if drilling mud and/or geothermal fluid accidentally enter or are discharged into a stream or if erosion from the well site enters a stream.The impact from geothermal fluid discharge would probably be greatest in Driftwood Bay valley because it has the least existing influence from geothermal water. Makushin and Glacier Valley streams are,at present,affected by geothermal waters;however,the ultimate impact on water quality would depend on the 47 prtereceRpou 8ery quality of the receiving water should be estimated.This would allow for the implementation of potential mitigation measures,such as limiting the discharge volume,as appropriate. Monitoring of well testing should include sampling for selected water quality criteria before,during,and after the test at two stations down- stream from the point of discharge,in areas known to support salmon.In Makushin Valley,the MV and MR stations could be used.In Glacier Valley,GV station plus another station further downstream would be suitable.In Driftwood Valley,DW station plus.another station further upstream would-be appropriate. 3.2.2 Aquatic Biology The potential for impacts to water quality resulting from construction, drilling,and testing operations imply that fish populations downstream from a drill site may be affected.The most significant potential impact from construction and drilling is siltation of the stream.Potential impacts from the discharge of geothermal fluid are related to the fluid's heat and dissolved constituents (sodium,potassium,chloride,sulfate,turbidity, metals,etc.). The Driftwood Bay stream is,perhaps,the most sensitive of the three streams in the project area.It supports four species of fish,three of which are anadromous salmonids.It is the only stream where silver salmon (year-round residents as juveniles)were observed.The channel does not appear to meander as much as do the channels of the other streams,and no naturally occurring siltation was observed.However,since no deep well sites were proposed in this drainage,it seems unlikely that Driftwood Bay will be impacted by deep well operations. The Makushin Valley stream appears to support more pink salmon and Dolly Varden char than do the other two streams.Furthermore,two of the three TGH sites (now potential deep well sites)are in this drainage.Conversely,the stream is subject to occasional natural landslides and meandering,with the 49 upper intertidal zone [Rockwell 1956]),it is preferable that any instream activity or discharge of geothermal fluid occurs during the "window"of late May through mid-August,if practicable.If this is not practicable,and the fluid must be discharged during the spawning run,it would be best to:(a) discharge as early as possible,before most of the adult fish are in the stream and the eggs are spawned;(b)test the fluid before discharge and restrict or reduce the flow of geothermal fluid to the stream if an estimate of the dilution by the receiving stream indicates potential impacts;and (c) discharge during a period of high stream flow to maximize dilution. The fish populations should be monitored by observation and limited sampling before,during and after the discharge.In Glacier Valley,the monitoring should be done at GV station and in the tributaries and side channels further downstream.In Makushin Valley,the monitoring should be done at MV and MR stations. ) 3.2.5 Birds and Terrestrial Biology If the drilling and testing operations,which will occur high on the slopes of Makushin Volcano,are supported by helicopter,the impacts to sensitive lowland habitats will be minimal.Helicopters and gravel removal activities should avoid seabird colonies,raptor nests and wetlands. It is environmentally preferable to consolidate earth-disturbing activ- ities (e.g.pad construction,gravel removal),rather than impacting a large area.Any vegetated overburden removed for pad construction or gravel removal should be stockpiled and bermed for later redistribution on the disturbed area,when the site is abandoned. It is possible that the lands where this exploration program is taking place may,someday,be placed into a National Wildlife Refuge.This means that aesthetic aspects are of concern.Waste and litter should be appro- priately disposed of.When the site is abandoned,the area should be graded to prevent runoff and to be consistent with the surrounding topography.It is possible that the permit-issuing agencies will require revegetation of the site with native species. 51 4.0 REFERENCES Aigner,Jean S.,Bruce Fullem,Douglas Veltre,and Mary Veltre,1976. Preliminary reports on remains from Sandy Beach Bay,a 4300-5600 B.P. Aleut village.Arctic Anthropology 13(2):83-90. APHA,1980.Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater. 15th Edition,American Public Health Association,Washington,D.C.1134 pp. -Balding,G.O.,1976.Water availability,quality,and use in Alaska.U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 76-513.236 pp.- Ballinger,D.G.,and G.D.McKee,1971.Chemical characterizaton of bottom sediments.Journal Water Pollution Control Federation,Vol.43,No.2, +Bank,Theodore,P.II,1953a.Cultural succession in the Aleutians. American Antiquity 19(1):40-49. »1953b.Ecology of prehistoric Aleutian village sites.Ecology 343264-264, »1963.Past ages of Alaska.Explorers Journal 41(3):32-42. »1971.Aleutian-Bering Sea institutes and research program.t Mimeographed. k »1972.Aleutian Island archaeological radiocarbon dates from re studies of Prof.Ted P.Bank II.American Institute for Exploration. Ms »1973.Research proposal for field work in 1973,Aleutian- os Bering Sea Institutes.Mimeographed. »1974.Annotations for archaelogical site map:Amaknak Island and Unalaska Bay area of Unalaska Island.Aleutian-Bering Sea Institutes.Mimeographed. Dall,William H.,1873.Notes on prehistoric remains in the Aleutian Islands.Proceedings of the California Academy of Science 4:283-287.greene;Davydov,G.I.,1977.Two voyages to Russian American,1802-1807.Translated by C.Bearne,edited by R.Pierce.Materials for the Study of Alaskan History,10.The Limestone Press.Kingston,Ontario. Dumond,Don E.,1977.The Eskimos and Aleuts.Thames and Hudson.London. EPA,1979,Methods for chemical analysis of water and wastes.EPA-600/ Re 4-79-020,U.S.Environmental Protection Agency,Cincinnati,Ohio. fot 93 Sarychev,Gavrill,1826.Atlas of the northern part of the Pacific Ocean, compiled in sheets by the Imperial Navy Department from the latest information and maps,1826,under the direction of Vice-Admiral and Hydrographer Sarichef.. State of Alaska,Department of Fish and Game,1978a.Alaska fisheries atlas, Volumes I and II. ,1978b.Alaska's wildlife and habitat,Volume II. __.»1980,1981.Alaska Peninsula and Aleutian Islands annual reports. Timkmenev,Petr A.,1978.A history of the Russian-American Company. Translated by R.Pierce and A.Donnelly.University of.Washington Press.Seattle. Veltre,Douglas W.,1979.Korovinski:The ethnohistorical archaeology of an Aleut and Russian settlement on Atka Island,Alaska.Ph.D.dissertation (Anthropology),University of Connecticut. Veniaminov,Ivan,1840.Notes on the Unalaska district.Human Relations Area Files translations. Viereck,L.A.,C.T.Dryness and A.R.Batten,1981.Revision of preliminary classification system for vegetation of Alaska.U.S.Forest Service,Inst.of Northern Forestry. 55 peaepreeenenom,Weer--APPENDIX A ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY UNALASKA GEOTHERMAL PROJECT: GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED FIELD OPERATIONS February 19,1982 Prepared by: Republic Geothermal,Inc. 11823 East Slauson Averue Santa Fe Springs,California 90670 (213)945-3661 and Dames and Mcore 800 Cordova,Suite 101 Anchorage,Alaska 99501 (907)279-0673 REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL,INC. ALASKA POWER AUTHORITY UNALASKA GEOTHERMAL PROJECT: GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED FIELD OPERATIONS The Alaska Power Authority (APA)has contracted with Republic Geothermal,Inc.(Republic)to explore the east- ern flanks of Makushin Volcano on Unalaska Island for geotnermal resources.If the exploration is successful, additional work beyond the scope of this contract mav eventually lead to the construction of a small geothermal electric generating facility which would provide electrical energy from an indigenous source to the villages of UnalaskaandDutchHarbor.The geothermal resource exploratory oper-ations planned by Republic and the APA will be conducted in basically three stages:initial geologic exploratory Work,temperature gradient hole operations (both conducted Seeing1982),and drilling of one deep exploratory geothermal wel (drilled in 1983). The purpose of this document is to present a general overview of the probable field operations so those indi-viduals and entities which may have permit responsibilities,know of applicable regulations,or have certain environ- mental concerns with the proposed project.Because many ef the operations are still in the planning stages,"he ce-scriptions are general and in many instances present a"worst case"situation in terms of environmental impacc. &is Republic's desire to solicit information and commentsfromallinterestedpartiessothat.envircnmental impact mitigation measures,which have not been included in thisGescription,can be develcped and incorporated as appropriateinthespecificoperationalproposalsanésermitapplicationsthatwillbesubmittedastheprojectproceeds. The initial geologic explorationwork wili consis=c=geologic mapping of special areas of interest,water sam-pling of Penge and some streams,gas sampl 25¢of ssrinesanZumarclamercurysoilsurvey,and a seli-potentialsurvey.The.initial exploratory work will probably be con-ducted on Zsot,although helicepters will be utilized sotransporshefieldpeopletodistantsites,and thwheeledall-terrain vehicles may be usec if ceaswillbetwoseopleintheareaconductingtnear ok=a 3 aepre malesandcassampling,and che mercury survey OF approxamaseay REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL.INC. small diameter hole into which is placed a cne=-to two-inch diameter plastic tube which is capped at both ends and filled with water.The TGH is left undisturbed for a minimum of cone week to allow the water to be heated to the temperature of the surrounding rock.The temperatures are then measured at various depths with a probe attached to a cable.After the temperatures are monitored over a period of time,the TGH are typically abandoned by cutting the pipe three feet below the surtace,slacing a cement plug in the tep fitteen feet of th TGH,and then burying the TGH with soil.Abandonment can be accomplished without the use of a drilling rig. Each TGH will probably be drilled to a depth of approxi-mately 1500 feet by a continuous wireline coring rig typicalofthoseusedforminingexploration.The rig will likelybetransportedbybargetoUnalaskaIslandandthentrans- ported by helicopter to and from each drill site.Each site will probably be located close to a source of drilling fluid makeup water.The drilling fluids will be contained and re- circulated in the TGH so that -surface water degradation should not occur. An area of approximately 40-feet by 60-feet will be levelecG as necessary by hand labor for the temperature gra- dient hole rig.A small steel tank will be used to collect the rock cuttings and to store the drilling fluid before it is recirculated.When each TGH is completed the cuttings and waste drilling fluid (drilling mud and/or water)will likely be dried and the residue spread on the surface o=theground.The amount of waste drilling fluid is lixely to belessthanfiztygallonssincemostofthe¢rilling fluidgeneratedduringthedrillingoftheTGHwillbeusecto setthecementaroundthecasingduringcompletionofthewell. Much of the rock cores will be sent to Republic's home office and to various agencies as samples.The ramainder mav se boxed and transported Zrom the site by helicopter or it maybeleftatthesite.In the latter case,the amount ci rock cores left at the site would form a rock pile approximately lO-feet by 3-feet by 2-fset. Drilling operations for all three TGH's shoulic taxeapproximatelysixtydays.Drilling will occur 24 hours serGayandwillrequiretwoorthreethree-person crillincrews,one drilling supervisor,and pericdically cone or twosupervisinggeolocists.Food and fuel will be surchasec actDutchHarbortothegreatestextentpossible.The critiincampwillbeatthesamelocasionasthatusedforcheini-tial axmioracion work unless gcor weather conditions sreclucehelicoptereransporsSetweensites.In that case,a smal 'Ces)( REPUBLIC GEOTHERMAL.INC. Cleaned by removing all unnecessary equipment and srobablymixingthewastedrillingmudwithnativescilandeitherspreadingitonthegroundorburyingitinthesump.I the well is successful,the site will be used during testingoperations.If not,final abandonment procedures will be based on the proposed disposition of the well. Procedures for testing the well will depend upon the type of resource encountered.If a dry steam geothermal resource is found the well will be tested by discharging the steam through pressure and temperature meters directly into the at- mosphere.If a liquid geothermal resource is discovered an initial,short-term flow test (of a few hours to a few days) will probably be conducted by discharging the resource direct- ly into the drilling mud sump.A longer-term flow test (of a few days to a few weeks)would be desired but may only bepossibleifanacceptablemethodtodisposeofthewaste geothermal fluid can be devised.Potential alternative waste geothermal fiuid disposal methods could include dis- charge to the ground,discharge into a stream,or possibly injection into 2a temperature gradient hole.The method chosen will depend on the composition of the gecthermal fluid, environmental concerns,appropriate engineering practices,and available funds. i rm 7 _APPENDIX 8 WATER QUALITY Sampling Methods and Data rey 1 A 3 5 be bosfos bYtoot4 Los t i ty kok rey bee Beenor5ho as APPENDIX B - WATER QUALITY,SAMPLING METHODS AND DATA For the most part,water in the Makushin,Driftwood,and Glacier drainages was of high quality.Dissolved oxygen concentrations were high,pH was neutral,concentrations of nutrients and minerals were low,and water temperatures were cold.Fecal coliform bacteria,total organic carbon,and settleable solids were not detected and carbon dioxide levels were low. Concentrations of many parameters varied with discharge.Mineral concén- trations,alkalinity,and pH decreased with increased flow,whereas suspended solids and turbidity levels increased with increased flow.All of these responses to changing discharge levels are normal. Naturally occurring geothermal waters are present on the flanks of Makushin Volcano.Two areas of surface manifestation occur upstream from the BC and GV sample stations.Water quality at these stations is influenced by geothermal water.Water at the BC amd GV stations exhibited the highest mineralization and the highest concentrations of calcium and sulfate,as well as the lowest alkalinity and pH levels,and highest carbon dioxide concen- trations of the five primary stations. Sediments at the five primary stations are clean.That is,they do not create a significant oxygen demand,nor are they major sources of nutrients in the water. Water quality data developed during the course of this project appear below.Five primary stations (MV,BC,DW,DE and GV)were sampled in May, but no secondary stations were sampled.In September,the primary stations located at MV,BC,and DW were sampled at essentially the same locations as in May.Station DE was not sampled in September because it was outside the potential zone of impact resulting from drilling a deep well and it was also far removed from the potential road route.Station GV was moved up Glacier 'Valley in September.This move was made possible because of the final location of the TGH.four secondary stations were sampled in September.GE Some parameters measured during both field trips displayed levels equal to or less than their respective detection limits.These parameters were nitrite-nitrogen (0.01 mg/l),color (5 color units),and fecal coliform bacteria (0 colonies/100 ml).Also,nitrate-nitrogen was less than 0.10 mg/1 at all primary stations during both field trips with one exception.Nitrate- nitrogen was 0.12 mg/l at MV in September. Total Kjeldahl nitrogen was less than 0.1 mg/l at all primary stations in May.During the September field trip,chemical oxygen demand (1.0 mg/l), total organic carbon (1.0 mg/l),barium (0.01 mg/l),chromium (0.003 mg/l), and strontium (0.01 mg/l)were equal to or less than their respective detec- tion limits at all primary stations. Table B-4 presents the results of laboratory analyses of samples collected at primary stations in May.This table does not include the parameters discussed above.Table B-5 presents the laboratory data from samples collected in September. Specific methods of analysis were: *Dissolved Oxygen -YSI Model 57 0.0.Meter. *pH -VWR Scientific Model 55 pH Meter. *Conductivity -YSI Model 33 S-C-T Meter. Temperature was measured in-situ using a thermometer graduated in 0.1°C increments and having the accuracy within tolerances specified by A.S.T.M.Values of the above parameters were recorded after they stabilized. Alkalinity was determined potentiometrically by securing a_sample, measuring 100 ml with a volumetric flask,and titrating with standard sulfuric acid to the appropriate endpoint.Settleable solids were determined *Values were measured by placing probes directly in the water to be tested. HieigeAmmonia,Bromide,Chloride,and Fluoride:A calibration curve was prepared using known concentration reference standards. Metals:EPA trace metal.reference samples were run where possible. Replicates of 3 to 7 readings were made and averaged from each metal. Chemical Oxygen Demand:Samples,standards,and blanks were run in duplicate or triplicate. Valley and streambed characteristics for each of the sample stations are presented below: MV BC MD MR DW DE GV "U"shaped valley;streambed consisted of sand,gravel,cobbles, and boulders,but was predominantly cobbles. "V"shaped valley;streambed consisted of bedrock and sand to large boulders. "V"shaped valley;streambed consisted of sand and gravel. "U"shaped valley;streambed consisted of sand,gravel,and cobbles. "U"shaped valley;streambed consisted of sand to large cobbles with occasional boulders,predominantly gravel. "U"shaped valley;stream cut through peat layer and bed was predominantly sand with small gravel with occasional boulders. "U"shaped valley;streambed varied from sand to large boulders with a few small areas having sand to cobble size material.The floodplain was broad and showed evidence of past stream flow in many areas across the floodplain.At the time of sampling,the TABLE B-1 FIELD AND OFFICE CALCULATIONS DATA --MA Y Sample Station MV BC DW DE GV Sample Date 05/18/82 05/19/82 05/18/82 05/18/82 05/19/82 Sample Time 1100 0930 1500 1600 1300 Field Parameters (1) Flow,cfs 58 7.9 31 46 37 Dissolved Oxygen | 13.1 12.1 13.5 11.7 11.8 Conductivity,pmhos/em @ 25C 150 228 98 186 336 PH,pH Units . 6.7 7.4 6.5 6.3 7.2 Temperature,C 4.1 5.1 3.1 9.0 7.7 Turbidity,NTU 0.95 1.1 1.2 0.85 3.4 Settleable Solids,ml/1l <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 <O.1 <O.1 Alkalinity,as Caco,14 27 10 22 25 Office Calculations Q) Hardness,CatMg,as CaCO,45 74 52 34 130 Free Carbon Dioxide 5.6 2.2 6.4 22 3.0 D.O.%Saturation . 100 98 100 100 100 (1)Values in mg/l unless otherwise noted TABLE B-2 FIELD AND OFFICE Continued CALCULATIONS DATA --SEPTEMBER Sample Station GV GW GE Sample Date 09/01/82 09/01/82 09/01/82 Sample Time 0900 1130 1100 Field Parameters (1) Flow,cfs 160 73 54 Dissolved Oxygen 12.4 12.7 11.8 Conductivity,wmhos/cm @ 25°C 217 277 160 PH,pH Units .5.7 5.7 6.4 Temperature,we 4.9 4.4 7.1 Turbidity,NTU 30 49 0.43 Settleable Solids,ml/l <0.1 <0.1 <0.1 Alkalinity,as caco,2.3 0.5 5.6 Office Calculations ') Hardness,Ca+Mg,as caco,76 ------ Free Carbon Dioxide 9.2 2:0 4.5 - D.O.%Saturation 98 99 99 (1)Values in mg/l unless otherwise noted ANALYTICAL METHODS AND DETECTION LIMITS TABLE B-3 'Continued) Parameter Methoa '1)Detection Limit METALS (continued) Nickel -AR 0.005 Potassium AA 0.002 Selenium GF 0.0005 Silver AA 0.002 Sodium AA 0.001 Strontium AA -0.002 Titanium AA 0.04 : Vanadium AA 0.04 Zine AA 0.0001 INORGANIC,NON=METALLICS Alkalinity EPA 310.1 2 as Caco, Bromide EPA 320.1 0.20 Carbon Dioxide SM 406A 0.1 Chloride SM 407C 0.1 Fluoride EPA 340.2 0.2 Nitrogen,Ammonia EPA 350.5 )0.01 Nitrogen,Kjeldahl EPA 351.3 0.05 Nitrogen,Nitrate EPA 352.1 0.1 Nitrogen,Nitrite EPA 354.1 0.01 Oxygen,Dissolved EPA 360.1 0.1 Phosphate,Ortho EPA 365.3 0.01 Phosphate,Total EPA 365.3 0.01 Silica,Dissolved SM 425¢C 1 Silicon AA 0.02 Sulfate SM 426C Ll Sulfide SM 427D.0.1 (1)SM--Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Waste- water,15th edition.; EPA-Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes,1979. GF--Graphite Furnace AA --Atomic Absorption ICP -Inductively Coupled Plasma Emission (2)Values in mg/l unless otherwise noted TABLE B-4 (Continued) LABORATORY DATA --MAY (2)Parameter Sample Station MV BC Gv DW DE zinc 0.001 <0.001 <0.001 0.008 0.00€ ORGANIC SEDIMENT INDEX Total Kjeldahl-N,%<0.01 0.01 0.01 0.08 0.05 Organic Carbon,%0.13 0.12 0.18 1.4 0.9 (1)Parameters in mg/l except organic sediment index. TABLE B-5 (Continued) LABORATORY DATA- SEPTEMBER Sample StationParameter(1) By Potassium 0.88 Sodium 6.5 zine 0.040 MR Tot.Susp.Solids 31 Nitrate-N 0.30 Orthophosphate-P <0.01 0.13 <0.01 (1)All analyses are in mg/l. NoOe150° 100-4 TotalDissolvedSolids,mg/lwnoOrTTurbidity,NTU50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Conductivity,micromhos/cm @ 25°C qT t : 0 10 20 30 40 50 Total Suspended Solids,mg/l FIGURE B-1 RELATION OF CONDUCTIVITY TO TOTAL DISSOLVED SOLIDS AND TURBIDITY TO TOTAL SUSPENDED SOLIDS APPENDIX C AQUATIC BIOLOGY Sampling Methods Records of Capture Angling: Gill Net: d ey tS Electrofisher: ry is fs Kick Seine: Beach Seine: 3 Minnow Trap: 'Fry tas Identification: Rant SAMPLING METHODS Light to medium weight spinning tackle in pools;spoons or spinners.Active gear --fished by one or more people. Clear monofilament;30 feet long x 6 feet deep with three 10-foot panels of 1/2,1 and 1-1/2 inch bar mesh;set in pools as perpendicular to the current as possible.Passive gear --set overnight. Smith-Root Model VII (backpack);fished in pools and eddies. Active gear --one person with backpack and electric wands plus a second person with dip net to capture stunned fish. Small seine (6 feet long x 4 feet deep),1/4 inch knotless mesh.Active gear --one person holds net in current while second person walks downstream into the net,kicking up stones,gravel,etc;eggs and small fish are washed into the net. 30 feet long x 4 feet deep,1/4 inch knotless mesh.Active gear -two people hold net stretched between them and sweep through an area. Small barrel-shaped (1-1/2 feet long x 1/2 foot diameter) with conical entry on each end;baited with salmon eggs and set in pool.Passive gear set overnight. McPhail and Lindsey 1970. Stream Makushin Valley Driftwood Bay Glacier Valley TABLE C-1 PRESENCE OF FISH SPECIES AND BARRIERS TO FISH PASSAGE IN THE STREAMS OF PROJECT AREA Life Stages Species Captured or Observed(1) Fry,Juvenile,Adult Adult Dolly Varden Char Pink Salmon Dolly Varden Char Juvenile,Adult Pink Salmon Adult Silver Salmon Juvenile Three-spine Stickleback Adult Fry,Juvenile,Adult Adult Dolly Varden Char Pink Salmon Barriers to Fish Passage Between TGH(2)and Tidewater Yes Yes M1)Salmonid eggs and yolk-sac fry were taken in the kick-seine in all three streams;it was not possible to distinguish the species. (2)TGH =Thermal Gradient Hole,drilled in 1982;possible site of 1983 deep well operations. ied lial Date Gear;Effort (1)Species(2)Number (3)Life Stage (4)Length(5) 18 May G/N;immediate Dolly 1 A 44 B/S;1 -0 -_ K/S;10 Oolly 10 F 2-3 19 May G/N;44 Dolly 7 A 46 A 41 A 41 A 27 A 13 A 39 A 40 M/T;44 _0 -_ 31 Aug.K/S;&Dolly 6 F - H/L;20 _0 --_ 1 Sept.G/N;24 Dolly 13 A 42 42 43 50 44 43 36 30 31 Four RECORD OF CAPTURE OF FISH:MAKUSHIN VALLEY STATION,1982 2 Sept.E/F;88 Dolly Dolly 7)H/L =Hook &line;angler-minutes (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) G/N €/F K/S B/S M/T Dolly Pink Gill net;net-hours Electrofisher;seconds of current Minnow trap;trap-hours Dolly Varden char Pink salmon Silver Silver salmon Stickle =Three-spine stickleback Number of fish E =EggFosFryJ=JuvenileA=Adult Fork lengths;in centimeters In grams >15 >15 PuKick seine;number of passes over approximately 1.5m2 Beach seine;number of sweeps over approximately 5.5m Weight (6)Disposition Prirraib250 Unmeasured Released Retained for identification Retained Retained Retained Retained Retained Retained Retained Released Retained Retained Retained Retained Retained Retained Retained Retained Retained Released Released Released Date 19 May 20 May 1 Sept TABLE C-5 RECORD OF CAPTURE OF FISH:DRIFTWOOD VALLEY -WEST STATION,1982 Gear;Effort (1)Species(2)Number(3)Life Stage (4)Length(5) B/S;2 --0 --- K/S3 2 --0 -- G/N;19 --0 --- MT;19 - 0 -_- E/F;133 Dolly 8 J 8-12 H/L;30 --0 --- K/S;3 ?4 E - G/N;22 Pink 12 A -- Dolly 1 A -- Dolly 2 J -- CY H/L =Hook &line;angler-minutesG/N E/F K/S B/S M/T (2)polly Pink Silver Stickle Gill net;net-hours Electrofisher;seconds of currentKickseine;number of passes over approximately 1.5m?Beach seine;number of sweeps over approximately 5.5m? Minnow trap;trap-hours Dolly Varden char Pink salmon Silver salmon Three-spine stickleback (3)Number of fish (4)5 F J A (5)Fork length;in centimeters Egg Fry Juvenile Adult (6)In grams Weight (6)Disposition Released Released Most Released Released Released RECORD OF CAPTURE OF FISH: Date Gear;Ef fort (1)Species(2)Number (3)Life Stage (4) 19 May B/S;2 Dolly 1 F K/S;2 Dolly 31 F 20 May G/N;43 --0 - 2 Sept.H/L;15 --0 - K/S;4 --0 - E/F;38 Dolly 2 A Dolly 10 J 1)H/L =Hook &line;angler-minutes. G/N =Gill net;net-hours E/F =Electrofisher;seconds of currentK/S =Kick seine;number of passes over approximately 1.5m2B/S =Beach seine;number of sweeps over approximately 5.5m2M/T =Minnow trap;trap-hours(2)Dolly =Dolly Varden char Pink =Pink salmon Silver =Silver salmon Stickle =Three-spine stickleback(3)Number of fish (4)-=Egg Fo=Fry J =Juvenile A =Adult (5)Fork length;in centimeters (6)In grams TABLE C-7 BELOW CAMP STATION,1982 Length') 2-5 2-3 Weight(6)Disposition Released Released Released Released