HomeMy WebLinkAboutFinal Comparative Power Cost Analysis-Makushin Proj 1995-Final Report |:oe Comparative PowerCostSs.Analysis of the MakushinA"GeothermalProject - wi ye =Alaskaindustrial DevelopmentonandExportAuthority, February 28,1995 ade OFacyaT February 28,1995 Mr.Dennis McCrohan Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority 480 West Tudor Rd Anchorage,AK 99503 Subject:Final Report Re:Comparative Power Cost Analysis of the MakushinGeothermalProject Dear Mr.McCrohan: Attached hereto is our final report with respect to the power cost study we conducted in connection with the Makushin Geothermal Project.We have included an Executive Summary which summarizes the results and primary conclusions of our study.The remainder of the report is divided into the following sections: Section 1 -Introduction Section 2 -Existing Power Generation and Requirements Section 3 -Screening of Power Supply Options Section 4 -Results Section 5 -Conclusions We appreciate the assistance provided by AIDEA,OESL,and the City of Unalaska in the development of this report.I look forward to presenting this report to AIDEA at your convenience.In the interim,if you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me at (303)299 5248. Sincerely, R.W.BECK Todd W.Filsinger Associate &Executive Engineer TWF:jf Attachment (EAWP2156AASE_003Lw pf)Cy)1125 Seventeenth Street,Suite 1900 Denver,CO 80202-2615 Phone (303)299-5200 Fax (303)297-2811 COMPARATIVE POWER COST ANALYSIS OF THE MAKUSHIN GEOTHERMAL PROJECT TABLE OF CONTENTS LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ......ccccccccccccccccccssccssccccsecccsecccccescsssscsssscceeccsccsccscccccces ES-1 INTRODUCTION ...........:sssccssscsssceccncccccscescececscecccesscceeecssceuesccccssceseceseeesees 1-1 PURPOSE ........cccssssssssscceccccceescccscesccsecsceececenecsssceceecssccssssssecssesecesceseececeeoes 1-1 STUDY RESULTS ...........scssccsscscsssssssccccesecccsccceseescscassceceesecccesecsccssssesersesces 1-2 PRIMARY CONCLUSIONS .............cccsscscscccseccnccscscceccceccseccceccseccsssccscccseaece 1-4 Section 1 INTRODUCTION 1-1 BACKGROUND..........cccccssccssssssssesnssscssccecenccsscsccccssnsscsccscesscsceeceecceccscacccecs 1-1 PURPOSE...........cccccsssssccssssscccccscrcsssscescerecscsscccccecnsensccscesescosccecsssacccccesaceces 1-2 MAKUSHIN DEVELOPMENT .......ccccccsssssscccccsssssscccsesssccsssccssscsscsceseceececenees 1-2. PROCESS ......ccccscsccssssscssssssrsscsscsresssncsscescecssesscccnecssssssscceseseeseseacessscacsssceces 1-3 Section2 EXISTING POWER GENERATION AND REQUIREMENTS 2-1 POWER REQUIREMENTS ...........-ccccscsccscssscscccecccssssccccsesssssecessssessesseecseesees 2-1 CITY LOADS 000............sscccscccccccsscnccccccsecccessccctecsscsccecscsssecrsscenscsssececceees 2-1 SELF-CENERATOR LOADG...........cccssssssssccccccnsscssscececcceceeccesecssscsssconees 2-2 TOTAL LOADS.............ccccccsssssccscccccssscccescceecsssscceseccesseeenscsessessscsssceseese 2-2 FUTURE POWER REQUIREMENTG...........sssssssssssssssccosccessrssccssscccsssscseeeeees 2-3 EXISTING GENERATION ..u.........cccccsccescceccsccccsscsccsssscecceccencscasceccerecssssceseees 2-4 GENERATING OPERATIONS ..........cccsssssssccsecccecscsssssscessccceccesescceccceneees 2-5 AIR QUALITY CONSTRAINTS ON EXISTING GENERATION............c0008 2-6 Section 3 SCREENING OF POWER SUPPLY OPTIONS 3-1 PRINCIPAL ASSUMPTIONS .........cccscsssscccccccssscsscsccccersscscsscsssccssssceceeceeceness 3-1 MAKUSHIN ......ccsccccccsccccccccerencensssccecersccsccseccccscescscssesecsescceccesenseeeeneeees 3-1 FOSSIL FUEL....cccccccsccccccsscseccccessccccsssccccccsecccccccesscccecceccccssaceeeeeess 3-2 TRANSMISSION INTERCONNECTION........cc ccccccscesscscsccccecsceceeceeeeesece 3-2 f\ew921$6 ae5\r9t2 doe ALASKA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AND ExPORT AUTHOR'TY FUEL PRICE v..ceececccssessseessssscceceeesscscsaneeceeeeeesseesesseneesssseseusuecesessessanes 3-2 GENERAL ....cccsessssseessseessseecesseceesssssscceessseeeseeeeeeesocessecessusseessnneeeeeeesnas 3-3 OPTION IDENTIFICATION...eccssseccccenssnenenceeeceeseersecssssssssesecsnseeeeeees 3-3 FINAL SCREENING .......cccsssssscccccsssssssesssssseesssseesseceeeeeeesseeseeeseeseesseasscssesenes 3-4 DIESEL GENERATION......cee ceecccssssscccesessssnncececaeaeceesecesersaseeecessseeeeeses 3-4 WIND GENERATION ......cccccssssscsssssssesseccceneesescceescsssssssesseseeesceseeeeeeeea 3-6 HYDROELECTRIC GENERATION .........ccccccssesscececeecesssesceesseeessnsseeaseeees 3-7 SELECTION OF RESOURCE PLANS FOR COMPARISONG...........scesseeseesees 3-7 STATUS QUO ALTERNATIVE ..........ccccssssscssesceececccesssccesesseeesessseessnenes 3-7 INTEGRATED DIESEL GENERATION ALTERNATIVE............ccccccssseeeeees 3-8 MAKUSHIN PROJECT ALTERNATIVE.........ccssscsssscccessssecesssseseeessrsesesees 3-9 SUMMARY .......scssccscecescsccescnsrosesscsccsssscsneesessssnsssnceceesecssssssecseseseceeesneeescens 3-9 Section 4 RESULTS ..4-1 LOAD GROWTH.........sscccccsscessssscccssssesesssnsssacsecccsssssssssssssssenscessssesssseseescs 4-1 FUEL PRICE...cccscccccccccccccscsccccccsccsccssccesscscccccessscccesccsssenseasesssssssrsscccess 4-1 STUDY RESULTS ...........sscssccssecessccessssscssscccccesceccscccccccsecsesssnsessccsessscceescees 4-2 OTHER SENSITIVITIES ........sscscscccssccscccssssssscssscsssssssssssessssssecssessscessessseecoes 4-3 COST OF MAKUSHIN POWER...........cccssssssscscssssesssssssecscnsecessesseccssenseerees 4-3 RATE STABILIZATION FUND ..........ccccsscsscsccsrccccecsssssecssesssecscscseresesenees 4-3 RISK ASSESSMENT .......ssscssssssccssssssscssscsssssccccccsessssssscsensseessesssesceesaseoes 4-4 Section 5 CONCLUSIONS 5-1 PRIMARY CONCLUSIONS........ccsscsscsssssercccssssssssccsecsccsesssessssssercssessecenseeses 5-1 GENERAL CONCLUSIONS .........cssssssccccssssssesssecsscecscesscssnsceceessesceceeeecessnees 5-2 Appendices LOAD PROFILES APPENDIX A GENERATING CAPACITY SUMMARY APPENDIX B UNALASKA AREA MAP APPENDIX C PRELIMINARY SCREENING DATA APPENDIX D ECONOMIC ANALYSIS OF ALTERNATIVES .............ccccsssssssssrscessscees APPENDIX E STATUS QUO ALTERNATIVE NO LOAD GROWTH 3 %GROWTH LOSS OF LOAD INTEGRATED DIESEL ALTERNATIVE f'swp2156.aa5\rpt2.doe Page ut ALASKA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AND EXPORT AUTHORITY NO LOAD GROWTH 3 %GROWTH LOSS OF LOAD MAKUSHIN ALTERNATIVE NO LOAD GROWTH 3 %GROWTH LOSS OF LOAD GRAPHIC SUMMARY OF ALTERNATIVEG..........cccccosccrsrsessssccccsssccooes APPENDIX F NO LOAD GROWTH 3 %GROWTH LOSS OF LOAD \EXAMPLE OF RATE STABILIZATION.........cccscccecccosccssssssssssccccsseescees APPENDIX G This report has been prepared for the use of the client for the specific purposes identified in the report.The conclusions,observations and recommendations contained herein attributed to R.W.Beck constitute the opinions of R.W.Beck To the extent that statements, information and opinions provided by the client or others have been used in the preparation 7 of this report,R.W.Beck has relied upon the same to be accurate,and for which no assurances are intended and no representations or warranties are made.R.W.Beck makes no;-certification and gives no assurances except as explicitly set forth in this report. 4 Copyright 1995,R.W.Beck All rights reserved. * f 4 fAwp2156.aa5\rpt2 doc Page 111 ALASKA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AND EXPORT AUTHORITY Table 1-1 2-1 2-2 2-3 3-1 3-2 4-1 Figure 2-1 LIST OF TABLES Description Page Study Process 1-3 Unalaska Peak Demand 2-2 Unalaska Energy Requirements 2-3 Present Load &Resource Balance 2-5 Preliminary Screening Results 3-4 Integrated Diesel Alternative 3-9 Summary of Results 4-2 List OF FIGURES Description Page Comparison of Load Growth Cases 2-4 f\wp2156 aa5\rpt2.doc Page 1v EXECUTIVE SUMMARY EXECUTIVE SUMMARY INTRODUCTION Over the past two decades,the economy of the Unalaska/Dutch Harbor area has grown considerably,primarily due to growth in the local seafood processing and shipping industry.In response to the need to locate processing facilities near the fishing grounds,several large international companies have established operations in the Unalaska/Dutch Harbor area.The resulting growth has created certain problems,including the logistical and air quality problems associated with providing electric power to area residents and businesses.Electric power is currently provided entirely from diesel generators located at the local load centers.As the economy has grown in recent years,so has the installed diesel capacity and the generation of electrical energy. In order to lessen the area's dependence on oil as the sole fuel source, alternative resources have been investigated for a number of years.These investigations have recently developed a new urgency as energy requirementshavecausedsomeexistinggeneratingsitesontheislandtoapproachor surpass currently permitted emissions limits.One of the potential generating options is a geothermal-fueled generator,which would take hot fluids from the Makushin Volcano area,use the fluid to produce electrical energy,re-inject the fluid into the ground,and transmit the electrical energy to the load centers in the Unalaska/Dutch Harbor area. PURPOSE The purpose of this report is to provide the Alaska Industrial Development & Export Authority ("AIDEA”)with projections of life-cycle costs of electric energy over a 30-year period,allowing AIDEA to evaluate the Makushin Geothermal Project ('Makushin”or the "Project")against other power generation options.This study includes a review of a diverse set of resource options,including combustion turbines,internal combustion diesels,coal, wind,and hydroelectric generation. RIVJECKfA9UEL -L1i1t 4 aEXECUTIVE SUMMARY STUDY RESULTS After an environmental and economic screening of the available power supply options,two alternative power supply plans were developed to compare to the Status Quo Alternative (continuation of current operations).These were the Integrated Diesel Alternative,(addition of baseload diesel generation at a new site),and the Makushin Alternative for which it was to be assumed that some level of grant funds would be made available.Based upon a preliminary economic analysis,AIDEA directed that the grant amount be set at $45 million. The three alternatives were examined in a detailed production cost and financial analysis over a 30-year period.The total 30-year "life-cycle”costs of power were also aggregated to an equivalent cost in 1998 on a present value basis,for ease of comparison.The following table shows the results of the study of the three alternatives under several possible load growth and fuel price escalation scenarios. f\wp2156.aaS\rpt2.doe :Page 1-2 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Table ES-1 SUMMARY OF RESULTS 30 Year Life-Cycle Costs Base Fuel Price Escalation Status Quo Integrated Diesel Makushin Alternative™Alternative Alternative?) No Load Growth $182,400,000 $177,700,000 $192,800,000 Best Case 8%above Integrated Diesel 3%Load Growth $244,800,000 $234,500,000 $239,500,000 Best Case")Best Case” Loss of Load $185,700,000 $179,400,000 $186,700,000 Best Case 4%above Integrated Diesel High Fuel Price Escalation No Load Growth |$197,800,000 $192,200,000 $194,300,000 Best Case”)Best Case”) 3%Load Growth $273,000,000 $261,200,000 $249,400,000 5%above Makushin Best Case Loss of Load $203,200,000 $195,700,000 $187,900,000 4%above Makushin Best Case (1)Violates current air quality related generation limits. (2)Assumes grants totaling $45 million. (3)Results are within 2%and judged to be equal for purposes of this study. flea 2156 aa5\rot2.doc Page 1-3 femtneEXECL TIVE SUMMARY PRIMARY CONCLUSIONS The following primary conclusions were developed based on the assumptions and analyses presented in this study.Other general conclusions are included in Section 5 of this report. 1.The Status Quo Alternative violates current air quality related generation limits,a situation which will be exacerbated by any future load growth. Both the Integrated Diesel Alternative and Makushin Alternative would bring the Unalaska/Dutch Harbor area into environmental compliance and allow for future load growth. Present environmental problems cannot be adequately addressed without island-wide interconnection and coordinated dispatch. The Integrated Diesel Alternative is the least-cost alternative under the following assumptions: s No load growth/Base fuel price escalation «Loss of load/Base fuel price escalation The Makushin Alternative is the least-cost alternative under the following assumptions: «3%load growth/High fuel price escalation s Loss of load/High fuel price escalation The Integrated Diesel and Makushin Alternatives are approximately equal under the following assumptions: s No load growth/High fuel price escalation s 3%load growth/Base fuel price escalation Neos ITER wal et?dae Pa ge 1+f Section 1 INTRODUCTION Section 1 INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND The Unalaska area is isolated both geographically and electrically.Located in the Aleutian Islands,it is accessible only by air and by water.Over the past two decades,the economy of the Unalaska/Dutch Harbor area has grown considerably,primarily due to growth in the local seafood processing industry. In response to the need to locate processing and shipping facilities near the fishing grounds,several large international companies have established operations in the Unalaska/Dutch Harbor area. The resulting growth has created certain problems,including the logistical and air quality problems associated with providing electric power to area residents and businesses.Electric power is currently provided entirely from diesel generators located at the local load centers.As the economy has grown in recent years,so has the installed diesel capacity and the generation of electrical energy. In order to lessen the:area's dependence on oil as the sole fuel source, alternative resources have been investigated for a number of years.These investigations have recently developed a new urgency as energy requirements have caused some existing generating sites on the island to approach or surpass currently permitted emission limits. One of the potential generating options is a geothermal-fueled generator, which would take hot fluids from the Makushin Volcano area,use the fluid to produce electrical energy,re-inject the fluid into the ground,and transmit the electrical energy to the load centers in the Unalaska/Dutch Harbor. Investigations of the Makushin Geothermal Project ("Makushin"or the "Project")have been conducted over the past several years by the Alaska Energy Authority ("AEA").In 1984,AEA completed a study which showed that Makushin was technically feasible,and under certain circumstances,could be economically feasible.However,Makushin output could not be fully absorbed into the system requirements,and rate increases required to support the debt and operating costs were determined to be too much of a burden to place on area ratepayers.Further study of the development of Makushin by the State was therefore put on hold at that time. INTRODUCTION In 1993,the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority ("AIDEA”) was approached by OESI Power Corporation ("OESI”)with a proposal for the development of the Makushin Project.Over the past two years AIDEA has been actively engaged in the review of OESI's proposal. PURPOSE R.W.Beck,an independent engineering firm,was retained by AIDEA to estimate the life-cycle generating costs of certain power supply alternatives over a 30-year period to determine if the costs associated with the Makushin Project are relatively close to other feasible alternatives.The current situation is environmentally unacceptable in that certain generating sites do not meet existing air quality standards.Further,the status quo does not allow for additional load growth,so power generation alternatives need to be examined. This report is a summary of R.W.Beck's review for AIDEA of the economic feasibility of the Makushin Project as compared to certain other generating alternatives.With regards to the Makushin Project,it was assumed that some level of grant funds would be made available.Based upon a preliminary economic analysis,AIDEA directed that the grant amount be set at $45 million. Grants and other forms of financial assistance for alternatives other than the Makushin Project were not considered in this study. Much of the baseline data in this report was taken from the May 1994 report entitled "Makushin Geothermal Project -Review of OESI Development Plan.” That report was prepared for AIDEA by R.W.Beck;Public Financial Management;Birch,Horton,Bittner and Cherot;and Douglas Kemp Mertz, and reviewed OESI's proposed method of financing and developing the Project. MAKUSHIN DEVELOPMENT The parties as referenced in this report are: AIDEA -Under the current proposal,AIDEA would be the project owner. Thus,AIDEA would be responsible for financing,construction,and operation. City of Unalaska -As currently envisioned,the City of Unalaska (the "City”)would purchase all of the usable Project energy output from AIDEA and resell it to its retail and industrial customers. frltum2156.aa5\rnt2.doe R.W.Beck 1-2 INTRODUCTION Self-Generators -The industrial power users on the island which currently generate power and would purchase geothermal power from the City. Several major self-generators may continue to generate limited power for self-use and to sell peaking power to the City. Makushin Geothermal Company -MGC is a wholly owned subsidiary of OESI Power Corporation and is the leaseholder of the geothermal rights and the proposed developer and operator of the Project. R.W.Beck -The analyses summarized in this report were conducted by R. W.Beck PROCESS The process utilized to conduct this study is depicted in Table 1-1 below. Specific references are made to sections in the report which address each phase of the project. Table 1-1 STUDY PROCESS Section 1 - Section 2 - PROJECT REVIEW DEFINE ELECTRIC DEFINITION STATUS QUO LOADS AND RESOURCES Section 2 Section 3 - DEFINE RANGE OF FUTURE IDENTIFY POTENTIAL ECONOMIC AND POWER REQUIREMENTS GENERATING OPTIONS ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW OF OPTIONS Section 3 > PRELIMINARY SCREENING |FINAL SCREENING OF DEVELOP ALTERNATIVE OF GENERATION OPTIONS GENERATION OPTIONS RESOURCE PLANS Section 4 - Section $. PRODUCTION COST AND SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS IDENTIFY LEAST COST 30-YEAR LIFE-CYCLE TO FUEL PRICES AND ALTERNATIVE AND POWER COST ANALYSIS OF OTHER ASSUMPTIONS DEVELOP CONCLUSIONS ALTERNATIVE PLANS bee PTC ae Sd ot dine R.W.Beck ]-3 Section 2 EXISTING POWER GENERATION AND REQUIREMENTS og EC Section 2 EXISTING POWER GENERATION AND REQUIREMENTS POWER REQUIREMENTS The economic feasibility of a baseload resource such as Makushin is dependent to a large extent on the ability to use a high percentage of potential resource output to serve system loads.As more of the output can be utilized,fixed costs are spread over a larger amount of energy,and per-unit costs decrease. Therefore,existing loads and hourly load patterns,and how those loads will change in the future,are important considerations in determining project feasibility. Since Makushin is not expected to become operational prior to 1998,the peak load and energy requirements expected on the island in 1998 form the basis of our analysis.The following paragraphs describe the development of those load projections.Several of the industrial self-generators provided us with confidential information,so industrial loads are not reported on an individual basis,although they were used in our analysis. City LOADS Annual peak load and energy requirements for the City were estimated to be approximately 6,500 kilowatts and 28 million kilowatt-hours,respectively,for 1994.Energy requirements were assumed to increase by 1.4 million kilowatt- hours to a total of 29.4 million kilowatt-hours to reflect new loads anticipated to be brought into the system by 1998.Monthly and annual peak demands were then calculated and projected using historical load factors. Hourly load data was not available from the City,but discussions with City personnel provided a general indication of typical daily patterns during both peak season and off-season.Hourly data was developed based on these general shapes,such that the peak for the month and the total hourly energy requirements for a particular month were consistent with the projected demand and energy requirements. ae EXISTING POWER GENERATION AND REQUIREMENTS SELF-GENERATOR LOADS In order to determine the existing load requirements and profiles,all of the major power users on the island were contacted.Not all users of electric power on the island are customers of the City-owned electric utility;most of the fish processors and other industrial facilities have installed their own generating facilities.In several cases,these facilities are electrically isolated from the City's distribution system.Currently,the largest industrial self- generators on the island are:Unisea,Alyeska Seafoods,Westward Seafoods, SeaLand,American President Lines,Offshore Systems Inc.,and Icicle Seafoods. The availability of the data varied by source,and order of magnitude estimates were the only data available from most of the smaller self-generators.For two of the largest self-generators,hourly load patterns were available for certain processing and non-processing periods.As with City loads,annual and monthly energy usage and peak demand were developed from the historical information available,and hourly loads consistent with the operating pattern of the processors were also developed. TOTAL LOADS The current annual and daily load shapes for the total load,including both Cityandself-generators,are shown in Appendix A.The following table shows the 1994 load levels,and projections for 1998,the beginning year of the study. Table 2-1 UNALASKA PEAK DEMAND (kW) 1994 1998 (Estimated)(Projected) City 6,560 6,910 Self-generators 13,610 14,340 Total 20,170 21,250 f\wp2156.aa5\rpi2.doe R.W.Beck 2-2 EXISTING POWER GENERATION AND REC UIREMENTS Table 2-2 depicts the estimated energy requirements for the Unalaska area for 1994andtheprojectedenergyrequirementsfor1998. Table 2-2 UNALASKA ENERGY REQUIREMENTS (MWh) 1994 1998 (Estimated)(Projected) City 28,000 29,402 Self-generators 61,150 64,518 Total 89,150 93,920 FUTURE POWER REQUIREMENTS The island has experienced a significant amount of load growth over the past decade.This growth has been a result of fish processors establishing operations on the island,support industries either locating in the area or expanding existing operations,and the City creating an infrastructure to support the local economy. The rapid load growth that has taken place in the past is not necessarily an indication of what will occur in the future.There are some signs that the fishing-based economy may be slowing.Conversely,the City is attempting to diversify its economy,and future load growth over the longer term may result from increases in the shipping industry (trans-shipping and re-supply operations)and from tourism. Since the area economy,and therefore power requirements,are currently highly dependent on a single industry,fishing,a traditional load forecast is notappropriate.Accordingly,the scope of work for this study does not include preparing such a load forecast but rather three potential assumptions with regard to load growth as follows: s No net load growth -electric loads were assumed to remain stable beginning in 1998 and throughout the 30-year study period. =Threepercent loadgrowth -electric loads were assumed to grow at an annual rate of 3%for the 30-year study period beginning in 1998. u Loss of Load -electric loads were assumed to decrease by 15%in 1998, after which loads were assumed to grow at 1.5%per year for the remainder of the 30-year study period. Fhe31 GA ae Gh ont?dre R.W.Beck 2-3 EXISTING POWER GENERATION AND REQUIREMENTS Due to the unique nature of the local economy,as discussed previously,actual load growth has the potential to be substantially higher or lower than the range encompassed by these three cases. The power supply plans presented later in this study all contain sufficient generating capacity to meet the load requirements of the three load growth cases.The three load growth cases are compared graphically in the following figure. Figure 2-1 Comparison of Load Growth Cases 50 0 i 1 it L 1 1 1.1.L 1 i |et 4.L L L i.L 1 1 1 1 i L 1 L L i 1. 1908 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 218 2020 222 224 228 |@ No Load Growth a 3%Growh @ Loss of Load | EXISTING GENERATION In order to provide for their power requirements,the City and most of the processors and larger industrial facilities have installed a variety of diesel fuel-fired internal combustion generating units.Appendix B contains a tabletabulatingthetotalgeneratingcapacityontheislandbyunit,although the ownership and type of the specific units are not identified to protect the confidentiality of the self-generators.The following table summarizes the current installed generating capacity on the island in comparison to the peak demand for 1994. (-\w2156.aaS\ret2.doc R.W.Beck 2-4 EXISTING POWER GENERATION AND REQUIREMENTS Table 2-3 PRESENT LOAD AND RESOURCE BALANCE (kW) Installed Peak Capacity Demand City 7 430 6,560 Self-generators 44,880 13,610 Total 52,310 20,170 GENERATING OPERATIONS R.W.Beck personnel visited the generation facilities owned by the City of Unalaska,UniSea,Westward,Alyeska,and American President Lines.All generation facilities reviewed were medium and high speed diesel fuel-fired internal combustion engines. Based on interviews with plant operating personnel,most units appeared to be in good working order and were generally maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations.Only limited plant operating data such as availability,capacity factor,and fuel consumption rates were available from the individual self-generators. The cost of generation (excluding capital costs)for the existing City facilities was estimated to be 7.8 cents/kilowatt-hours in 1994 dollars.Because of a lack of accurate historical information,the cost of generation for the self-generators was assumed to be the same as the cost of generation for the existing City facilities.We consider this assumption reasonable for the following reasons: ws Allof the City generating units operate at 1200 rpm or greater.A portion of the self-generators'generation is in the medium speed (600 to 900 rpm) range which typically have lower variable operation and maintenance cost and heat rates. =Since the self-generator's generation facilities and personnel are integral to the processing operations,it is expected that the fixed cost of generation will be shared with the fixed cost of operation of the processing facilities. s The City obtains fuel on a tax-exempt basis,which lowers their cost of fuel somewhat and balances the affect of the two preceding items. Ae7186 aa Newt?dee R.W.Beck 2-5 eee,BSbeEXISTING POWER GENERATION AND REQUIREMENTS AIR QUALITY CONSTRAINTS ON EXISTING GENERATION Annual levels of generation by the City and the major self-generators are limited by current air quality permits.Total emissions at each generating site under the current site permits cannot exceed 250 tons per year ("TPY”)of NO, and other specified pollutants.In order to legally exceed this limit at any site,a Prevention of Significant Deterioration ("PSD”)permit is required.Based on current operating efficiencies and estimated emissions,this restriction effectively limits generation at each current site to approximately 20 million kilowatt-hours per year.The City and the three largest self-generators have either exceeded or are approaching this limit. Due to the close proximity of the existing generators on the island and other geographic considerations (see Appendix C for a map with the locations of the major self-generators),we believe that it will be extremely difficult to secure a PSD permit at any of the existing sites.If PSD permits cannot be obtained for the existing sites,it will be necessary to do one of the following: s Install an environmentally acceptable non-diesel alternative; =Install new diesel generators at remote locations and operate those facilities withaPSD permit, =Install new diesel generators at multiple sites and operate both the new and existing sites under the 250 TPY limit for each site. The addition of new remote generation would allow the existing diesel generation sites to be operated below the annual 250 TPY emission limit,and resolve the area's non-compliance problems. FlamI1 66 aaSlent?.dae R.W.Beck 2-6 Section 3 SCREENING OF POWER SUPPLY OPTIONS Section 3 SCREENING OF POWER SUPPLY OPTIONS This section presents: =assumptions used in the screening and economic evaluation process a potential generation options | =preliminary screening of the identified generating options a detailed description and screening of the remaining options =development of three resource plans. PRINCIPAL ASSUMPTIONS The principal assumptions used in the development of the screening analysis and alternative resource plan development are presented below.More detailed assumptions are outlined in the appropriate sections of this report. MAKUSHIN The key assumptions with respect to the Makushin Project are listed below: «Makushin Geothermal Company has estimated the construction cost to be $109.9 million based on the anticipated construction schedule. ms Federal and State grants of $45 million are assumed to be available to construct Makushin.The remaining costs are assumed to be funded with proceeds from a bond issue. ws Bonds issued for Makushin are assumed to be Industrial Development Bonds and therefore tax-exempt.The interest rate is assumed to be 8 percent with a 20-year amortization period.Interest is assumed to be capitalized throughout the construction period,and bond issuance costs are estimated at 2.5 percent of the bonds plus $200,000.A debt service reserve fund is assumed to be equal to the lesser of one year's debt service or 10 percent of the bonds. =Uses of bond funds include:construction,debt service reserve fund, funding of capitalized interest,initial deposit to a Reserve and Contingency Fund ($1 million),and establishment of a Working Capital roreeeeSCREENING OF POWER SUPPLY OPTIONS Fund ($1 million).It is assumed that net interest earnings on the bond funds and grants accrue to Project construction.Grant funds are assumed to be the first funds used. Fossit FUEt Assumptions regarding the fossil fuel options include the following: a Installation of a typical 4/34.5 kilovolt switchyard with a single transformer and an underground 34.5 kilovolt conductor from the switchyard to the tie-in. a Allinstallations are assumed to be completely enclosed. m Inclusion of a redundant fuel storage capability of seven days at continuous rated output. =»A construction period of two years for each of the oil-fired options and three years for the coal-fired option. ws Interest during construction and debt amortization is based on a tax- exempt rate of 8%. 2 Indirect costs for project development equal to 20%of direct costs.a A pricing and construction allowance of 10%of the total direct and indirect costs. =A location adjustment of 30%to adjust the US average-based capital cost estimate for Unalaska/Dutch Harbor. =Financing based on taxed-exempt rates,assuming the City would finance the projects. TRANSMISSION INTERCONNECTION The financed costs of interconnection are assumed to be approximately $2 million based on information provided by OESI and the City. FUEL PRICE Two diesel fuel forecasts were utilized as follows: u Baseline -1.2%real escalation based on the Alaska Department of Revenue Fall 1994 forecast =High-Range -2.5%real escalation fAwp21S6.aa5\rpt2.doc R.W.Beck 3-2 SCREENING OF POWER SUPPLY OPTIONS GENERAL The following general assumptions were utilized for all alternatives reviewed: =Discount Rate -87% =Cost of Capital-8% m Study Period of 30 Years (Year 1 =1998) =Bond Amortization Period -20 years a Inflation -3.5% OPTION IDENTIFICATION A screening analysis of potential additional generation options forUnalaska/Dutch Harbor was performed as a first step in analyzing powersupplyalternatives.Options considered during this screening process included: 1.New and used diesel fuel-fired high speed (greater than 900 rpm)internal combustion engines. 2.New and used diesel fuel-fired medium speed (600 to 900 rpm)internal combustion engines. 3.New diesel fuel-fired low speed (less than 600 rpm)internal combustion _engines. New diesel fuel-fired combustion turbine generation. Coal fired steam generation.naYSWind generation. 7.Hydroelectric generation. Generation plants of approximately 5 to 15 megawatts were considered for comparison to the Makushin Project.This size range is commensurate with both resource availability and Unalaska's generating requirements.Smaller project sizes were considered for hydroelectric and wind power options due to limited water resource and wind site availability. Estimates of power costs for the options listed above were developed at a fixed point in time on an equivalent basis for the purposes of this preliminary screening analysis.The results of the screening analysis,expressed as the fAwp2156.aa5\rpl2.doe R.W.Beck 3-3 SCREENING OF POWER SUPPLY OPTIONS estimated cost of electricity per kilowatt-hour,are shown below (see Appendix D for the development of these costs): Table 3-1 PRELIMINARY SCREENING RESULTS First Year Cost in Generation Option Cents per kWh (1995 $) New high speed diesel 9.5 New medium speed diesel 9.0 New low speed diesel 8.9 Used medium speed diesel 9.4 Used low speed diesel 8.7 Coal fired 15.5 Hydroelectric 8.9-19.6 Wind turbines 10.0 Combustion turbine 9.9 Based upon the initial screening,the following resources were selected forfurtherconsiderationinthecomparisontotheMakushinProject: m New high-and low-speed diesel generation =Hydroelectric generation =Wind generation The used diesel generation option was eliminated from further consideration due to uncertainty associated with environmental permitting.The medium speed diesel generation option was eliminated because a combination of low and high speed diesels would better serve the City's load requirements.The coal and combustion turbine options were eliminated based on high costs. FINAL SCREENING DIESEL GENERATION Issues considered with respect to diesel generation on the island include the intended use of the proposed generating unit and environmental considerations.High-and medium-speed diesel units are typically designed for peaking loads,while low-speed diesels are more appropriate as baseload fAwp2156.aaS\rpt2.doe R.W.Beck 3-4 SCREENING OF POWE?SUPPLY OPTIONS resources.The installed capacity currently on the island are high-and medium-speed units. Environmental issues to be addressed under this option include expected emissions from both new and existing units,as well as location of the sites where units will be operated.Sites for new units must allow air permitting to help mitigate the current environmental permitting restrictions of the status quo generation.The generation from the new low speed diesel units will likely produce annual emissions exceeding the threshold which would require a PSD permit (250 tons per year of regulated pollutants).We believe that if proper attention is given to selection of the location for the new generation,it will be possible to obtain a PSD approval at one or more new sites on the island. Although the City can reasonably expect to obtain a PSD permit for units at new site(s),certain risks exist with any permitting process,and there is no guarantee the City will be successful in obtaining this permit.These risks cannot be quantified without performing a detailed siting study,as well as preliminary air emissions modeling.Both are beyond the scope of this study. Most of the Unalaska load is within a one mile radius of the Alyeska dock There is limited distribution capability to the southwest along the eastern shore of Captains Bay and to the southeast,past the Public Works building.Other considerations for alternate sites include access and slope less than approximately 10%,and mitigation of air quality impacts.A few sites have been tentatively identified which meet the proximity and slope considerations. Based on our limited review of the Unalaska area,two sites for new diesel power plants have been identified on a preliminary basis as potentially meeting the environmental restrictions,as follows: 1.A 40 acre site to the southeast of Unalaska Lake.This site is preferable toa more-confined site further up the canyon of the Dliuliuk River as long as efforts are made to prevent plume impingement on downwind residents. 2.A 20 acre site near the City landfill.The site would probably only have plume impingement problems during non-prevailing winds. Appendix C shows the location of these two sites.Other sites to the southwest of Westward Seafoods may also be an option.Availability of these sites has not been investigated at this time. The costs used in this study for the Integrated Diesel Alternative include costs for siting ata generic site with reasonable contingencies for alternate locations and land acquisition costs. fwp21$6.aa5\rpt2.doc R.W.Beck 3-5 SCREENING OF POWER SupPLY OPTIONS WIND GENERATION Our preliminary review of the wind resource option is based on information from existing publications.According to DOE's Wind Energy Resource Atlas, the Aleutian Islands show annual wind power Class 7 at all locations except those shielded somewhat by local terrain.The resource at Unalaska/Dutch Harbor is probably Class 5 due to the immediate high terrain.The area is also along a major storm track from eastern Asia to North America.Some storms also move northward through the Bering Sea,especially during the summer months,while winter is the season of maximum wind power,with winds of up to 170 miles per hour. Due to spacing requirements for wind generation and accessible terrain considerations,achievable capacity in the immediate vicinity of Unalaska/Dutch Harbor is limited.One potential site is approximately 70 acres on the west side of Mount Ballyhoo,north of the airport runway,with a slope less than 10%.This area is adequate for approximately one megawatt of wind generation,consisting of four 250-300 Kilowatt units.Discussions with manufacturers relative to icing and extreme-high wind speeds should preface any further feasibility determination. The EPRI Technical Assessment Guide (TAG)presents capital cost information for a 50 megawatt wind farm of approximately $1200 per kilowatt in 1992 dollars.Operating and maintenance costs should consist primarily of fixed components.Fixed costs for operating labor,maintenance and overhead is $25 per kilowatt year.Considering the limited size of a Unalaska/Dutch Harbor wind farm and delivery/installation adders,the expected capital cost is approximately $1,500 per kilowatt. The land required for a wind farm includes an allowance of approximately 10 rotor diameters to avoid interference with air flow,although most of that land is available for other uses.Wind generators are non-polluting and do not require cooling water to reject heat.Specific potential environmental impacts unique to wind technology include modification of local micro-meteorological conditions,direct impingement or mortality of aerial organisms and migrating birds,aesthetics and noise. Estimated schedule requirements to bring a wind facility on-line is three years, including two years of licensing and design and one year for construction and start-up. f\wp2136.aa5\rpt2.doc R.W.Beck 3-6 SCREENING OF POWER SUPPLY OPTIONS HYDROELECTRIC GENERATION Hydroelectric generation estimates provided in previously published reports have been used to develop energy cost estimates.The three projects reviewed are the Shaishnikof Project;the Pyramid Project;and the Icy Creek Project. Based on this preliminary screening,we developed a range of potential costs. The Shaishnikof River Hydroelectric Project is estimated to have a total capital requirement of $7.7 million for its 700 kilowatt installation,or a cost of about $10,900 per kilowatt.The cost of power in the first year of operation would be 19.6 cents per kilowatt-hour,which includes allowances for operating costs. The Pyramid Creek Hydroelectric Project is estimated to have a total capital requirement of $8.5 million for its 1,430 kilowatt installation,or a cost of about $5,900 per kilowatt.The estimated cost of energy in the first year of operation would be 9.5 cents per kilowatt-hour.The Icy Creek Hydroelectric Project is estimated to have a total capital requirement of $7.4 million for its 2,000 kilowatt installation,or a cost of about $3,700 per kilowatt.The estimated cost of energy in the first year of operation would be 8.9 cents per kilowatt-hour. At this preliminary stage,the Icy Creek and Pyramid Creek hydroelectric alternatives provide about twice the capacity of the Shaishnikof option at roughly the same cost,and are therefore more attractive alternatives.. SELECTION OF RESOURCE PLANS FOR COMPARISONS Hydropower and wind capacity would provide only a relatively small increment of power (1 to 3 megawatts),and additional investigation is needed to determine the feasibility of these resources.They are therefore not included in our final resource plans,but have been determined to not significantly affect the results of our analyses.Of the remaining potentially feasible resources, new low speed diesel units were determined to be the least cost generation option that should be used in comparison to the Makushin Project.High speed diesel units are also included in the later years of the study,when necessary,to replace existing aging units. Based on the preliminary screening and environmental information summarized above,we have developed the three resource plans presented below. STATUS QUO ALTERNATIVE The Status Quo Alternative is based on limited interchange of power between the City and the self-generators,with each user assumed to provide for the [Awp2156 aaS\rpt2.doe R.W.Beck 3-7 SCREENING OF POWER SUPPLY OPTIONS bulk of its own power requirements.As old units are retired,they are assumed to be replaced with newer diesel generation.Large more efficient baseload units used to serve area-wide loads are not included in this alternative. This alternative was reviewed for comparative purposes only.It is recognized that it does not meet current environmental constraints and is,therefore,not considered a realistic option. INTEGRATED DIESEL ALTERNATIVE The Integrated Diesel Alternative is based on an interconnected system with diesel generation.In this alternative,it is assumed that the City adds a new eight (8)megawatt low speed diesel unit in 1998.The new unit is assumed to be operated with a PSD permit at a remote site.The unit would be operated as a baseload unit and would allow the City and the self-generators to maintain generation from their existing units within the range allowed under environmental permitting limits (approximately 20 million kilowatt-hours per year per site).New low speed diesels would be added as required in the future to maintain environmental compliance at the existing sites (see Appendix C, Unalaska Area Map.)High speed diesels are assumed to replace existing units as they are retired. Table 3-2 demonstrates how this alternative brings the generators on the island into permit compliance.As depicted in the table,in 1994 the City and one major self-generator have approached or exceeded the maximum allowable energy generation.However,with the addition of generation at a remote site in 1998,all of the existing generators should be able to stay within permitted limits. [\wp2156.aa5\rpt2.doe R.W.Beck 3-8 SCREENING OF POWER SUPPLY OPTIONS Table 3-2 INTEGRATED DIESEL ALTERNATIVE Air Quality Compliance Plan (MWh) Generation Estimated Projected Maximum |Operating Site (1994)(1998)|Allowable |Permit City 20,000 9,300 20,000 Non PSD Self-generator 1 23,000 9,300 20,000 Non PSD Self-generator 2 13,000 9,300 20,000 Non PSD Self-generator 3 12,600 9,300 20,000 Non PSD Other Existing”20,550 0 N/A®|Non-PSD New Site _9 56,700 As permitted PSD Total 89,150 93,900 -- (1)Multiple small generators,other than fish processors. (2)Not considered in this study. (3)Non-base load generation spread equally for study purposes only. MAKUSHIN ALTERNATIVE The Makushin Alternative is developed based on construction of the Makushin Geothermal Project for commercial service beginning in 1998.Output of the project would serve the majority of the island's energy needs and would eliminate the current air quality compliance problems.In addition to the Makushin resource,the City and major self-generators'existing diesel units would be available to provide peaking requirements as needed.No additional generating units were added during the 30-year study period. SUMMARY The estimated life-cycle costs of each of these resource plans are developed in Appendix E and are summarized in the next section. f\wp21 56 aaS\rpt2.doc R.W.Beck 3-9 loan.-&_Section 4 RESULTS Section 4 RESULTS The three alternatives developed subsequent to the screening process were examined in a detailed production cost and financial analysis over a 30-year period.The total 30-year "life-cycle”costs of power were calculated for each year,and also aggregated to an equivalent cost in 1998 on a present value basis. The sensitivity of the study results to changes in key assumptions was also examined.Assumptions examined in the sensitivity analyses were: =Load Growth =Fuel Price a Discount Rate a Royalty Fees LOAD GROWTH The current loads were assumed to grow until 1998 based on the most recent short-term forecast available.Three assumptions with regard to load growth after 1998 were examined: =No net load growth -annual loads were assumed to remain constant throughout the 30-year study period. em Three percent loadgrowth -loads were assumed to grow at an annual rate of 3%for the 30-year study period. =Loss of Load -loads were assumed to be reduced by 15%below projected 1998 levels,after which loads were assumed to grow at an annual rate of 1.5%for the 30-year study period. FUEL PRICE Two separate assumptions with regard to fuel price escalation were examined: ws Base fuel price -escalation of 1.2%above inflation =High fuel price -escalation of 2.5%above inflation RESULTS STUDY RESULTS The following table shows the results of the study of the three alternatives under several possible load growth and fuel price escalation scenarios. Table 4-1 SUMMARY OF RESULTS 30 Year Life-Cycle Costs Base Fuel Price Escalation Status Quo Integrated Diesel Makushin Alternative”Alternative Alternative” No Load Growth $182,400,000 $177,700,000 $192,800,000 Best Case 8%above Integrated Diesel 3%Load Growth $244,800,000 $234,500,000 $239,500,000 Best Case"Best Case” Loss of Load $185,700,000 $179,400,000 $186,700,000 Best Case 4%above Integrated Diesel High Fuel Price Escalation No Load Growth $197,800,000 $192,200,000 $194,300,000 Best Case”Best Case” 3%Load Growth |$273,000,000 $261,200,000 $249,400,000 5%above Makushin Best Case Loss of Load $203,200,000 $195,700,000 $187,900,000 4%above Makushin Best Case 1)Violates current air quality related generation limits. 2)Assumes grants totaling $45 million. 3)Results are within 2%and judged to be equal for purposes of this study. fa.99 2 de Mm WA Ra-L A % RESULTS OTHER SENSITIVITIES An examination of the sensitivity of the study results to use of a higher present value discount rate (10%)showed that the results were not sensitive to this assumption. A sensitivity analysis was also undertaken to determine the affect on the study results with a 50%decrease in the assumed geothermal fluid royalty payments for the Makushin Project.This changed the results of the 30-year life-cycle costs by less than 2%,which is not considered significant.However,such a reduction could have a significant effect on the annual cost of power from the Project to the individual users,and may make the project more attractive to the City and the self-generators. COST OF MAKUSHIN POWER RATE STABILIZATION FUND As is outlined in this report,the analysis performed for this report is based in part on AIDEA selling Makushin power at its actual direct costs without profit or loss.These costs are based on a 30-year lifecycle costs and not the annual costs of power.Thus,while Makushin is the least cost alternative or within 8% of the least cost alternative over 30-years,it is significantly higher in the initial years of the study,and then is significantly lower in the later years of the study, than the Integrated Diesel Alternative.(See Appendix F to this report which provides graphs of annual power costs for the 30 year study period for each of the alternatives.) Unless the City and the self-generators are willing to accept these higher initial costs,some mechanism such as a rate stabilization fund would be required during the first few years of Makushin Project operation.Depending on the level of rate increases acceptable to the users,the estimated amount to fund rate stabilization would vary.This amount would be repaid to the rate stabilization fund in later years when rates for the Makushin Alternative will be lower than those for the Integrated Diesel Alternative.Appendix G presents a detailed sample case of annual Makushin cost using rate stabilization,assuming a 3 percent load growth scenario. An alternative or compliment to a rate stabilization fund is the potential federal Renewable Energy Production Incentive ("REPI”)payments,which provide 1.5 cents per kilowatt-hour for renewable energy projects,as authorized by the fw}$6 aero 2idoe R.W.Beck 4-3 RESULTS Energy Policy Act of 1992.A reduction in the required royalty payments could also reduce the need for,or amount of,a rate stabilization fund. Risk ASSESSMENT Implementation of the Makushin Project,as with any power project,offers certain risks to the Project owner.Some of the risks associated with Makushin include: Loads -Should loads increase at a rate lower than the level estimated when the power sales agreements are negotiated,the wholesale power rates would either have to increase,or AIDEA, as Project owner,would be required to provide funds to hold rates at lower levels. Diesel Costs -Should diesel fuel costs increase at a rate lower than expected,then Project users may consider Makushin to be too expensive compared to generating costs using diesel fuel and thus potentially expect AIDEA to subsidize the power costs. Conversely,loads or diesel fuel prices could increase at a rate greater than expected.If this occurs,the relative value of the Makushin Alternative wouldincreasesignificantly,and AIDEA could profit depending upon the terms of the power sales agreement. It is anticipated that the power sales agreements between AIDEA and the City and self-generators would either be structured to equitably distribute the risk to all parties,or would provide AIDEA with some sort of compensation for taking these risks.Such compensation could include recovering more than the actual cost of generation should loads or diesel fuel prices increase at higher than expected rates.The distribution of project risks were not evaluated under this study. (\we21S6.aaS\rrt2doe °R.W.Beck 4-4 Section 5 CONCLUSIONS -3 Section 5 CONCLUSIONS The following conclusions were developed based on the assumptions and analyses presented in this report.The conclusions are divided into two groups, which we have titled:Primary Conclusions and General Conclusions.The Primary Conclusions are also presented in the Executive Summary. PRIMARY CONCLUSIONS The foilowing primary conclusions were developed based on the assumptions and analyses presented herein. 1.The Status Quo Alternative violates current air quality related generation limits,a situation which will be exacerbated by any future load growth. Both the Integrated Diesel Alternative and Makushin Alternative would bring the Unalaska/Dutch Harbor area into environmental compliance and allow for load growth. Present environmental problems cannot be adequately addressed without island-wide interconnection and coordinated dispatch. The Integrated Diesel Alternative is the least-cost alternative under the following assumptions: »No load growth/Base fuel price escalation =»Loss of load/Base fuel price escalation The Makushin Alternative is the least-cost alternative under the following assumptions: =3%load growth/High fuel price escalation e Loss of load/High fuel price escalation The Integrated Diesel and Makushin Alternatives are approximately equal under the following assumptions: No load growth/High fuel price escalation 3%load growth/Base fuel price escalation CONCLUSIONS GENERAL CONCLUSIONS 1.Power costs associated with the Makushin Alternative are somewhat higher than the Integrated Diesel Alternative during the initial years of the Project.These costs decrease thereafter,and decrease substantially (by 50%)in the 20th year of Project operations,after the debt is retired. A rate stabilization fund would be necessary to make the Makushin Alternative rates competitive with the Integrated Diesel Alternative in the initial years of Project operation. Federal Renewable Energy Production Incentive payments,which are potentially available for Makushin,would eliminate or reduce the need for a rate stabilization program. Due to the lower capital investment per Kilowatt and the incremental addition of capacity over time,the Integrated Diesel Alternative shows the least sensitivity,and therefore the lowest risk,with respect to changes in load growth. The Makushin Alternative shows the least sensitivity,and therefore the lowest risk,with respect to future increases in fuel price. Due to the relatively small amountof capacity available from the addition of a hydroelectric generation resource at Pyramid or Icy Creek,such a resource would not by itself mitigate the environmental air quality problems on Unalaska over the long term.If Makushin is not selected,this option may warrant further review as it could potentially mitigate someenvironmentalconcernsintheshorttermatareasonablecost. Due to the relatively small amount of capacity available from addition of wind power generation on Unalaska,such a resource would not by itself mitigate the current environmental air quality problems on Unalaska over the long term.If Makushin is not selected,this option may warrant further review as it could potentially mitigate some environmental concerns in the short term at a reasonable cost. Combustion turbines,coal-fired generation,and medium and high speed diesel generation are not economically viable alternatives for new generation. Used diesel generating equipment as a generation option has uncertainties associated with environmental permitting and thus was not considered in the final resource plans. "f\wp2156.aa5\rpt2.doe R.W.Beck 5-2 --_weebenenemteetwerdCONCLUSIONS 10.Development of the Makushin Alternative would minimize the potential 11. for future air quality problems in Unalaska associated with diesel emissions and changing regulatory requirements. As presently structured,the Makushin Project would be financed by AIDEA,with the State assuming most of the project risks.For the Integrated Diesel Alternative,however,the City would be responsible for the financing and the associated risks. Mm tar MO.-!.=9 APPENDIXA Unalaska Load Curves MaximumDailyLoad(kW)n Unalaska Loads 1993 1 Cit ind.Ld #4 Olnd.Ld #1 Elind.Ld #5 M Ind.Ld #2 Olnd.Ld #6 Bind.Ld #3 12,000 10,000 - 8,000 6,000 haMyA 1-30-28-29-27-26-24-23-21-19-18-16-15- Jan Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec asmeUnalaska Loads Off Season Daily Load Shape 10,000 --- a Cit ind L\d#4 9000 |:Olnd.Ld #1 Blind.Ld #5 oon ©M Ind.Ld #2 Qind.Ld #6 Blind.Ld #3 8,000 |. 7,000 j- 2 _6.000a3x-_-wo 5,000i©]Qsa2-7 4,000 ye Er RETT pase ddr RAVEFEUER oteedtraeediannunncaaniey,oe/;és(Vyf)w"pay c o wn o ====- J po |3 i J pe}[eo]Oo oO oO Oo na xr x x x Hour11Hour13Hour15Hour17Hour19Hour21Hour23 TypicalHourlyLoads(kW)Unalaska Loads Peak Season Daily Load Shape 18,000 16,000 }---- 14,000 Eiind Ld #4 Olnd.Ld #1 Ellnd Ld #5 Mind.Ld #2 Olnd.td #6 Mind.Ld #3 mCit 12,000 10,000 £é 8,000 6,000 4,000 Hour11Hour13Hour15Hour17Hour19Hour21Hour23 APPENDIX B Generating Capacity Summary Number of Units Unit Size (kW)City Industrial Total kW 60 1 60 75 T 75 80 4 320 90 1 90 100 1 100 185 10 1850 190 1 190 210 2 420 250 6 1,500 300 2 600 350 3 1,050 400 4 1,600 500 1 500 545 1 545 550 2 1,100 600 1 4 3,000 620 -1 620 650 3 1,950 800 3 2,400 830 1 830 900 °1 900 930 2 1,860 1,000 1 1,000 1,130 1 1,130 a 3,230 1 1,230 r 1420 1 1,420 =1,730 1 1,730 2,200 3 6,600 2,300 1 2300 2,450 3 7350 2,665 3 7,995 TOTAL 7,430 44,880 52,310 fAwp2156.aad\appndix.dox APPENDIX C Unalaska Area Map =.oo 7 'soncaetd binedtn Pn)nett mannate ee _ gecoel 4 fo 1 rn J ww 5 (''j {.j ee wel -|meee fal NO/N*puro 4g )y,4 'vat N % _ALASKA SHIP SUPPLY fp saons ff2 -,if ry,iy)ijei7, y WAGE J Rez a+ HAREER HASTER 2 ) 4,e@ 4 -? HOG Fé dk city Dow &/&¥a-|wv i" ISLAND .A ;@NRy AIRPORT IeRaIWA 2S POWER HOUSE iNSNANDSUBSTATIONR, §.0.H.SUB STATION 7 aw DUTCH x3 VaJYaSEALAND%V4 +1 A HARBOR + aN ,'vor ASa a nai J prun (AO MARGARET BAY \Jocaal SUB STATION \v LL) « UNISEA *s SUB STATION o <>nC go*Uy ww>df we Sa,.yrenrioneTfpSse _/cs %A. ) CAPT .BAY .wv pasa cas.=TWN Pe,REDSUBSTATION4SUBSTATION<,(sit oor +°O "Se ia,7aTEARSSy, 2z VESTVARD yy,VA:Be LEGEND eseeenen 34,5 KV woevnwernne JC.A70 KV eoocoseancencas6n40 4089 4.160 KV NOTE! THIS HAP WAS DIGITIZED FROM U.S.G.S. DUTCH HARBOR PROVISIONAL MAP,DATED 1990,SCALE 1:25000. CITY OF UNALASKA anentn ©AM ums wal aC wats 8-OW ELECTRIC DISTRIUUTION we He autem APPENDIX D Preliminary Screening Data RWBECK Le rs Ps Rok _is '-.-.. _____PRELIMINARY SCREENING ANALYSISNewHS|NewMS |NewLS |Used MS [UsedtS |NewCT COALDieselsDieselsDieselsDiesetsDiesels ____|__(CAT)S&S FM EMD DELAVAL|ALLISON ||Performance Unit Size,KW 1,600 2,750 6,400 2,500 3,500 5,400 15,000 Number of Units 7 4 2 5 4 2 1 Plant Capacity,kW 11,200 11,000 12,800 12,500 14,000 10,800 15,000 Generation,MWh 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 80,000 Capacity Factor 82%83%71%73%65%85%61% Average Load When Operating 85%85%85%85%85%85%85% Average Unit Service Factor 96%98%84%86%77%99%72% Capital &Financing -- Capital Cost $/kW $1,300 $1,600 $1,800 $1,100 $1,000 $1,700 $3,800 IDC @8%'$1,397,760 I$1,689,600 [$2,211,840 I$1,320,000 |$1,344,000 |$1,762,560/$8,208,000 Interconnect Cost (20 yr.financing)$0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Interest Rate 8.0%8.0%8.0%8.0%8.0%8 0%80% Amortization Period yrs 20 20 20 10 10 20 20 Annual Debt Service $1,625,333 |$1,964 688 $2,571,956 $2,245 874 [$2 286,708 |$2,049.527|$6,641,579 Fuel Fuel Cost $/gal $0.71 $0.71 $0.71 $0.71 $0.71 $0.71 $50.00 Fuel Heating Value BTU/gal 142,000]142,000;142,000};142,000]142,000}142,000 13,000 Heat Rate BTUAWh 10,500 9,500 9,000 9,500 9,000 12,500 14,000 Total Fuel Cost $4,200,000 $3,800,000 |$3,600,000 [$3,800,000 [$3,600,000 |$5,000,000;|$2,153,846 Total Fuel Cost mils/kWh §2.5 47.5 45.0 475 45.0 62.5 26.9 Variable O&M Routine,mils/kWh 12 8 5 8 §4 14 Minor Overhaul,per Unit $30,000}$100,000}$100,000]$100,000}$100,000|$100,000 $0 Minor Overhaul Frequency,hrs 10,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 5,000 Major Overhaul,per Unit $100,000}$150,000}$150,000}$150,000)$150,000;$300,000 $0 Major Overhaul Frequency,hrs 20,000 30,000}.50,000 30,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 Annual Overhaul Cost $470,588}$399,287]$142,157]$439,216)$259,944]$220,770 $0 Total Variable,mils/kWh 17.9 13.0]-6.8 13.5 8.2 68 140 Fixed O&M Additional Staff 4 4 4 4 4 4 30 Annual Cost/person $80,000}$80,000}$80,000}$80,000};$80,000]$80,000 $80,000 Misc.Fixed O&M (1)$/KW-yr $4.0 $4.0 $4.0 $40 $4.0 $4.0 $40 Total Fixed O&M $364,800}$364,000)$371,200]$370,000}$376,000}$363,200}$2,460,000 Total Fixed O&M,$/kW-yr $32.6 $33.1 $29.0 $29.6 $26.9 $33.6 $164 0 Total O&M $1,795,388 $1,403,287]$913,357 $1,449,216 |$1,035,944|$903,970;$3,580,000 Total Cost $7,620,721 |$7,167,975 |$7,085,313 |$7,495,090 $6,922 652 |$7,953,497|$12,375,425 Total Cost mils/kWh 95.3 89.6 88.6 93.7 86.5 99.4 154.7 02/26/95 P_SCREEN.WK4 (1)Insurance,Tax,Permit Fees,etc. (PER TON) (PER LB) APPENDIX E Economic Analysis of Alternatives STATUS QUO ALTERNATIVE No Load Growth -Base Fuel -High Fuel 3%Growth -Base Fuel -High Fuel Loss of Load -Base Fuel. -High Fuel ow -ho a --On map o-----wy»ae _--_-- e Rete Rernstive f Status Ove 40 (04D GROWTH Bove Fuad Forecast Vous i]t 3 4 6 8 ?8 8 18 "t 2 pote Yoo:1 =1908 feag;heqremtshW =Cay 70,402,487 70,002.40)79,402.49)10,402.40)79,402,487 20,00248)20,401,48)70,402.40)79,402,407 20,462,407 29,402,487 29,402.49)Presescers 04.617,603 =64.607.503 =64,602.603 =04.617.60)=4.617589 =4 E17 5OD =04.697503 §«9-46 17.602 8904617683 =4.617.603 0 64.517500 §3=-04.8 17.609Tora93,070,000 =83,820,008 «=83,028,008 =83,020.008 =9,928.008 =89,820,808 =,920.008 §=-83.028.008 §8=-83,970008 8 93,920008 8.070000 83,870,000Growthfateamamomonomamonoeomononoon jAnmmead Posh ood (¥)Cay cow ase oor oo oer oo os aoe 6sle Goi.ele GoPrecescers4.306 ee)40 we 14.8 "ue 300 we ane Me 14.340 14.340Fotae21%a.m 21,760 a1360 2070 20%ate ame 21%ik]ame 21180 Groth Ante om on am om om om on mn nm on om nm Caargy Resources Wh) Cay end Procescere 03,020,008 «=93.828,008 «=8.028.008 =83.920.000 §=-s-0.028.000 =89.820.008 §=-8.3.820.008 §8=663.870.008 §8=683.820,008 §=83,820.000 §=-s 60.442,.000 =68442 000Mehushene6eee6ee6a8e High Spend Diced e e e e e 6 6 e e e e e Modnam Eperd Oheed 8 6 e e 8 6 8 ®6 a 6 6lowSpendOhesdee66ee8e682.470.008 8=©63%6.478,000 Wydve Project 6 e 6 6 e e e e 6 e e e Ovher Resources Aternctive |e e ®6 e Cy]e e e a e e Aereative 2 e e e e e e 6 6 ®a e ) Total Energy Resources 93,820,008 93,820,608 93.870.008 83,820,000 63,820,008 83,920,008 §8«§=©83,820,008 83,820,008 93,870,000 83.828,600 03,920,000 83,920,000 avned Resoures bi)Cay Ceneretecn 14 1,408 1a 14 1a ae]14%1 name 1430 24%2430 Pretescere 4,008 "on "08 4,000 "008 "00 "ee "ce 44.000 "on 4600 44000 Bow Reouwes Mehushin 8 ®6 e 6 e 6 e 6 e e 6 Wagh Gpeed Diesd a 6 6 6 e 6 e e e e e 6 Mednan Spend Diesad e e 6 e e 6 6 e 6 e 6 e Myre Project e e 6 6 e e e 6 e tL]6,006 6.000 Orbe Resources : Atenative 1 tL]6 e 6 6 e e e 8 6 e e ANemmative 2 e e 6 e e 6 e e e 6 a e Tete Capecty Revoutes 238 62,918 [rely 62,210 62,10 62.210 62,210 62,310 62.310 62,210 62.210 62.310iaenaeeeiorowryaoneed166346io Econemis Anshysie Caphtal Coste 6 t]e e 6 8 6 e a e 1696 46 1.696.646 GAM fucd 2.600.088 2,671,190 2.704.690 2,061,404 2.061,008 3,006,361 3,172,646 3 783.666 3.390,610 3.617.468 3.0.68 3,30),009Mertabte2.19198)2.268,671 260.076 2,430,36)2.616,38 2,001,353 2es ane 20"2,000,363 2.007,40)23040 2.36400?tea 6.289,)44 6,643,082 6,008,206 0,106,078 6470,)16 @.)et,o22 2,000.6)243827 2,702,902 0 t40,000 0.048 266 6.470.633 Veanemde sien a 6 e 6 e e e e 8 e e a Total Costs WO,162506 =00,602,002 =01,020.053 11,477.60)11,059.68 12,440,726 =12,988.00 =13,608,008 =14,087,786 =14.06.3,604 6.069.023 16,264.674AneelInovesse.am cn an an mn 4m nm nm an om ain Qi 168, Unde Conte (A 6.108 oun ou 0122 ei 6133 0138 @ 144 0.160 ole 0.167 0173 70,402.48) 4.61)603 93.020.000 om ow 14.8 21me om 66.442,000 36,478,008 $2,210 "146 168 1.696,4463.090 068 244),68 6.022.600 Poge tot 2 "4 16 78,402.49)70.402.48704617260984.617 60)#3970000 ©$3.820.000onom one 6010 14,340 Me tLNe 21,760 om eon 68 442,000 68.442 Ooo8o e tC) 8 e 36,478,000 3.470 000ee ®[) e 9 $2.920.000 8)920.000 244 tah "480 44680 )Q C)0 C)o 6,000 b 0u0 0 o 0 0 62310 62310 146 16%146 les 1.696 646 1696 646 4.636,384 are2.639.076 2.621.602 0.297.242 9.671.392 0 Q 17,602,177 10,166 6 3%3% 9 106 o19) Ukermetive f Stet Que #0 10AD GROWTH -Base Foust Forecest feted Exergy Aesesses WOeward Resources #14)Cay Generstion -_ Pr)a 78,401,497 64,617,669 93,020,680 72,402.48) 04.602.603 03,920,008 am oo ae 21,388 eon Bigs 148) Ann Conte th 21,231,662 4% 0227 We en 4,006,333 4,782.9 2.676,04) $0,620,002 e 23.646,176 34% 70.402.40)=-70.402.4876451760364.617.603$3.070,.008 =63,878,000oonoo Cow 6.016 14Me "ue ame M1 om om 0.000 6.000 6 8 22.966.000 22.868 000 e e 78,066,008 70.064 000 6 e 6 e e 6 93,820,000 =83.9 70.000 r)o 32,310 32.310 8 810,008 10,000 e e10.000 10,000 e r) e C) $2310 6230a16%148.16% 6 906 06)6998 0676.312.696 6.630.640 2.308.678 2,390 36216,774,129 16,616.666 e 6 31,392.470 =-32.436.64anin 63x x6 Poge Pte 2 70.402.497 70.402.4874.617,603 4 61)$036).870,000 $3 670 000onoon 6.916 6o10 "Me aa21m21260 om om 6.000 #000 e 22.066.000 22.066 OUD®e 70.9%4.000 70 bs 000 e ® e o a a a o 32.310 32.210 t]a 40 000 (0 000 tJ o 10.000 10.000 a o t |qa _6221062910 (48 16%146 16% €096 067 6996 08)6.702.300 6.690 999 2.414.026 2.660.61607.790,29)00.104 640 @ o 32.624 206 660,19234%34 036)09 3.402.407 6461260) 93.870,000 nm @o10 (ase 2170 tm $2310 62,940 al =ww °L ad oo -.==e *=--- Akernctrve |Status Ove WO LOAD GROWTN -Nigh Fuel Fores ost Vous i 2 3 4 6 e '8 i]ity i Ww ote Your)+100@ __Energy Requrwrants th Wh)° o ras *- Car 329.402.4697)-70.402.4972)=708.402.4027)=298.402.4027 =20,402.48)=70,.402.4072 =29,402.40)«=-98,402.40)=79,402.40)«=.38.402.4872 =8.402.482)«=.70.402.487Preceseurs0461750)«=64.61.5669 64.612.603 2509 64.617.583 964,617,603 «=4.017.503 904.607.5603 =04.617603 §9-640.517.6509 =84.617 60)votas 93,070,000 =83,820,008 03.9270,.008 §©693.670.000 $3,978,000 §=«-03,870.000 §=-89,970.008 =8.820.000 §=-8.970.000 §=8.878.000 =89.820.000GrowthRateamomemamomomomoonomomom Anomsad Peak Lood AW) Cay 620 ase ento ase 6.oe 6ete 6 ool 6e10 6910 6.610 e010 Preceseers "ae we «Me «He ame We ume We «Me ue WMO 140Tatasameate216821,380 ame 21,360 21,258 21,50 rims]ame 21"21,780 Growth Reto om am om om om am am am om om Om om Energy Resources jh Wh} Cay ond Procesvers 93,870,008 £3,970,000 83,820,600 93,920,000 83,920.008 83.810.000 $3,920,000 83.820.000 83.8920.000 03.8920.000 68.442000 68,442,000 a e e e e e 6 e e e e e e High Spend Oiesd e e e ®e e e e e 8 e 6 Metnan Speed herd e 6 e e e e a 6 )6 8 eLowSpeedDicede6eeee.s s e @ 3.476.000 8=§©63%478.000UydrePropacteeeeeeeeeee Oba Anew Anenctive 1 e ®e e e a e e é e e [ARemetive 2 e )e e e e e 6 e e e e Total Energy Resources $3,870,000 «©6),020.008 §8=«8,928,008 «=8.928.008 §8=-63,820,000 §=-80,920.000 =83,678,000 §=-89,078,000 §=-83,920,000 =83.878.000 §=93,820,000 §=-83.9720.000 Resnsces AW) Cay Generation 1,430 nay 74%1a.10%1438 14%14%1.430 14%2.430 24 Processors "use 000 4,000 "eee "ue "4,006 "une "ue 4,000 44,080 44,080 4,000 How Resourses Mehssabin e e e e e e e e e e é 0 High Epent Desa 6 8 e 6 6 e 6 e e e 6 C) Medan Epand Diced e e 6 6 6 é 6 6 6 6 e ° Uydre Project e e e 6 e a e e 6 e 6.000 $,000 Othe:Reveurces Ananetive 1 6 e e a é ¢@ ®6 e e e 0 Ananstive 2 e 8 UJ 6 e 6 e 8 6 é e 0 |Veta Capectty fi 62,310 62300 62,310 62,310 62,910 62,310 62,310 62318 62,310 62,310 62,310 Econanes AnatyeveCapitalCoute e e e e e L)e 6 e e 1696.6 1.696.646 COM Fue 1.600.000 2,671,198 2,384,690 2.0614 2,961,606 3.066.261 3,172,648 3.283.606 3.300.616 3.617.468 3.640 668 378),909 Verlebte 2.101.653 2.266.671 200K 2.430,26)2616316 2,003,4)3,694,406 2,708,378 2,006,303 2,907,407 2,204,044 2.364,60) fut 6,208,)44 6.703179 0,066,016 619,270 0,804,420 7,212,683 1.46466 0,104,te2 0.690,439 9.106.069 0,106,206 O.eb1.ete Trenemtesion e e Cd)6 e 6 é e 6 e e Qo e 00,162,666 0.662.900 11,tee,08)10.700,002)==--02,281,348 =12,001,307 13,612,420 04,176,643 14,076,327 16,610,224 16,776,006 17,470,76 pics Uni Coote Ah @.108 @n3 o1s 0.176 6.131 @137 am 016)owe @ lee oie 0 106 ion us 4/7 40m 1%4.00%aon 4am Cho}Y TACY 46% 10,230,711 ) $0,273.49) 0 1% en 79.407,407 4610609 03.820.000 om se ame 21m om 1695 646 4036 364 2.633.026 10.644 664 020) 467% Page bet 2 e402 407 64 61)603$3,970 000oon $e10 14 0 21.760 oon 68 442,000 36.470,000 #3920 OU 2.430 44.800 1695 b46 400063) 2621602 00.496.227 19 $90 031 omy) om 20000e .&e a :4.@ --.eed --Samed ee ommend -eaten al -w -_-_-_ Moraative §States Ove :Poge tot 2-LOSS OF (04D -Bove Fual Forecest Your 1 2 3 4 6 td ?8 9 if tt LP iF)"4 iy w hota Voor l =1904 [nergy Raparenents th Wh}_-- Cay 39.462.467 70.0436s 30,281,102 30,246,5 31,208,738 31,074,040 32,149,082 32,632,212 33,121,696 33,618,670 34,122,198 6M HO 3B.164,160 Pe RI were 6h warenPresesvers60.670.603)6 1.008,008 =1,069,795 =52,799.041 =5.9.626.008 =4.320.007 =041,008 =008.027 «=8.008.081 =2.600608 §8=-0628.48)960.403.308wedmD at tme 8d)|OR iieere!)«662 O18 be: Vota 70,022,008 01.070,408 =02,204,072 =03,478.686 =04.790,775 =00.00 1,732 =07,201,703 =08,001,190 «=00.890,166 =1.270108 =02.048 286 008.078 =|048.580 0 oneed 318 =8.939.679)weenieGrowthRote16aescA}tes 16s (om im (ms io 16%ih)ow tos ty bY iow Acne Penh Lood Wh Cay Con rou All)1.228 13M 1"1a 1.088 1.104 deo or O140 orm 6.38 66 tinPrecerveremeumswm4.006 10 6446 6,008 Wow 18,164 16.308 042 16,002 17,006 17,402 17.06)seretotal3Lmea1seoalee?32,228 22.04 22,002 238 23,604 1838 26,707 2081 0 1,40?4,198 26,176 moe! Growth Rate on (on is)oe ie oy ow ios 16%FY 16%15%1%tos tos ton faargy Resourses AWh) Cay ond Preeeeers 79,632,008 01,878,408 02,264,922 63,470,696 787%04,001,737 0?,701,283 00,001,138 69,630,166 01,278,108 67,170,796 66.660,070 69.070.580 61,402,318 62,896.62)Sdeor6Mahsahan8e6ee8eeeeeee0 High Speed Oheod 6 e e 6 e e e e )e 8 é é e ee YA) Madnem Speed Died!6 e e 6 e e-6 e e e e e e e 0 0LowCpeedDiced668688ee8e3.470.008 36,478,000 35,478,000 36 .478,000 36,478,000 BeenUpdroPraject66e6et]6 6 t)e 6 t]e e o 0 'Other Revewces Mens 1 6 t 6 e e i)e a e e J a e 6 ty ) Menetive 2 )e 6 e 6 6 e e e e 6 e e 8 0 oO Vote Eaargy Resouces 79.032.008 =61,670,408 =62.2464.022 -83,470.608)=4.790,775 «=00.00.7397)«=07,201,763 08,061,138 =08.890,158 =81,270,108 82.640.785 =04.098.028 =44k ed)=96 000.319 =98.933629)eo moe Rescues AW) Cay Guneretion 1438 1,438 14%143 PRE 24a 1a 13s 14%14.0 2438 2430 2a 2490 2430 EtPrecesvere"08 4008 4,008 "ee "me "une "on 4,900 44,000 4.008 4,900 4000 44,880 44.000 44.680 DF one Mow Resneces Mehwshin 8 6 a 6 e 6 6 8 6 e é e o 6 0 fC) Hagh Gpend Diva e e e rs e 6 r)e r)e e e e 8 0 wun Mednen Spend Ueod e e e e e 6 e e 6 e e e e a 0 0MydrePrejerte6ae6eee666,008 6,000 6.000 6,000 6.000 bun Over Resewces Anamatee:1 e 6 ®6 e 8 e é é e 8 a 8 6 f'](")Ananstiee 2 e e e e 6 e e e e e 6 e e a [)@ Voted Capecity Resourses 62300 62300 62300 62,318 62310 62,218 62,310 62,310 62,310 62,310 62310 2300 2910 2910 62.380 62300esTEaiiteRALektketcl)an 1)eT |rs rTCementsAnahysieCagedConteeeeeeee6e61,606,6465 1606.46 1696.46 1.696 646 1.69 646 460409) OAM -Fucd 2.600.068 2871,198 2.764.698 2.061,466 2,981,008 3,066,261 3,172,446 3,203,606 iweiw 3.617.008 3.040.668 3.0).000 3.690 060 4036 164 406 $92)64Vastebie1,083,tes 1.967,206 2,066,100 2,106,076 2,206,2%5 2,363,066 2.600.312 2,030,043 203,006 2,003,408 2.242970 2.306.870 2.601278 201070 2.700.418 260)690fod4,601,282 4,000,062 Girne 6,400,269 6.043.070 6.200,415 6690,7,012,089 1L0 7.018.668 9,992,143 6.437,768 0.074.797 0.646.084 40,163,172 10 198 #0 Trenemtosion e e e é 6 a e e a e 6 6 é e 0 0 Total Cote 9,026,318 9.48)048 9,994,713 (0,610,791 10,673,649 11660640)|12,275.60 12,926,908 13,014,663 14,480.43 16.619,038 16,263,820 $2,071.46 47.918.822 18.016.720 doisnaisAamealecreece.tm tm tm om in om tm tm om in nm mn bo ton ein Unit Conte the O03 ou 0.122 0.126 0.131 ois ou oe 6.168 016?0.18?0 ous 0.185 ois 072d --_">-.,ww he -cr _-- A -- Akerneove f Statue Ove Poye Diet 2 -4088 OF 104d high Fuad Forecest Tous it]Vv 18 1s a6 a Pe 23 4 Pi]36 at a Fa)rod beote Voor)=193M ft nergy Reqparemants th Wh)oes 0 eee Cay 38.760.048 (37,991,946 37.971.04 32016.0E =8.008.00D 18616 |08877 41408008 42.600 242081416 =49.0133)4 oe "ain 46278272Prexeveore63.000.682 963.006.3114,964.285 00.91),407 60.040.04)=00.974.148 71.071,)00 72,008.10)93,170,463 14,700,810 A m2600 70612.701 7)060 462Tomar09.0080,628 «101,305,664 9 182.026,338 106,833,132 "$00,034,000 000,771,006 102.430,608 116,920.008 116,691.078 «117.660.9008 «tie s22eee «2b naRewt «|122.000.726GrowthAste16516%on os 16a iA)16%o%1%16"on 15%16%16s Anrecat Pech lood BW) Cay as ane 908 o.ex oe 6%)ou tee 0.732 oer toon we 10.378 40 10 eatPreseseare820a0?win Pe?10,678 10.3 19,004 10.088 70,196 70,400 30.00)aune 14s 21.4)22.08)Total 36,00)oasee 21.3”2),701 70,198 20.621 20.80 20,408 20,920 30.377 3 31,096 31,6 32,201 32.3% Ornwth fete 6s FY 1.60 165 it}16%io en 10%168 16%ton 6s 1%fos Energy Reverses Wh) Cay ened Processors 6.274.636 0071.4 9,381,238 10,833,610 02,490,032 6,010,178 7.222.080 10,060,906 20,621,666 22,208,008 =23,810.076 %.06),40 =2.420.088 70,210.08;3002)P24Mehushaneeee8é66e6a0 High Epand Qhevd 67,066,008 §8=66 7.956.008 8 «-57.856,008 67:966,.008 6),966.0080 20.066.008 210.966.0008 20.966.000 20.066,008 70.966.008 70,966.008 20,066,000 20.868.000 70,066 000 20 9b6 0u0MadmanSpendOieed6t)6 e e e 8 t t]e e e o low Spand Oiced 35.470.000 =35.470.008 =5.470.008)5.478.008)§=--35,478,008 70,066,208 8 =70,054,008 70,066,008 70,066,000 70,966,008 70,066,000 70.968,000 70,964 000 70,064,000 70,966 000HydroPregest8eeeee®e 8 tJ 8 e e ) 'Orhe:Remneves Aernetre |e e 6 6 e 6 e 6 e 6 6 6 6 e o Aemnative 2 a e e e e 6 e e e e 8 8 e °9 Totel Energy Resourses 99.008.626 =181,206.064 =162.626.2738 =104.98 7.618 §=-106,830,192 107.622.1278 100.134.961 100,770,006 =902.433.665 -114,120.068 =16,030.070 =007,660.348 9=119.322.080 120,127.881 N22 839726 Dewnend Reveursas Wi Cay Gerarcten 6 8 6 é e e a a é e J o a 0 Presecere 37,318 32.318 32.3 32,310 37,318 32,318 32318 32.316 32,318 32.318 32.318 32,318 32.310 32.219 32.10 Mow Reneuves Mehachen 6 6 e 6 e é e a é 6 a e t)°o igh Spend Diced 10,008 008 16,008 14,008 10,608 10,008 10,008 10,008 19,008 10,008 (0,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10 0u0 Medan Cpeed Diced 6 6 6 e e e e 6 6 e e e e e 6 hydro Pragaxt 6.008 6.000 §,008 6,008 6,008 (0,008 18,000 10,008 10,008 10,000 10,000 10,000 10,000 10.000 10.000 Othe Resnacee ARqnstiee 1 6 8 é ®e e a e 8 e e tC]e Q 0 Akemetve 2 ®6 6 e e 8 e e e t]e e e 8 e Sete Copectty A 62,310 G23 2310 62,319 62,310 62,318 62310 $2,310 62310 62910 52.318 62310 62.910 62.310 82.310 Econnnds Amatyole Copied Coote 460 3139 4.004.333 400,223 4600.79 4,004,333 6.996,08)6.090.067 6.000.007 6900.06?6.90008)6,098,087 6996.08)6,996,087 6998 08)0 £90 067 06M acd 4,373,064 4.47%,108 4.631.021 4,703,034 4,001,022 6135,2 6.216,021 C601 6e €.c83,c00 6.002.000 6,000,223 0.312.000 0633,640 6.762.316 0990 999Nesnite2.607.000 2.066.048 2012.68 2,027.062 3.162009 1602 2.004.K9 2,070,007 3,066,601 3,262,027 5 3.914.667 4.161.007 4421663bed12,004,701 $3,992,732 6,067,118 06,222,706 07,068,631 17,030,162 00,204,630 =.20,708,008)§=--22.312.698 24.043,705 320.076.4805 =32,400,274 912,04 Veumasninehen e e e a e e e e 6 e e e Q 0 a fotd Cont 24,430.06)=-95,728.308 27.106.825 =-70.000.016 =30,107,618 =32,408,068 34,228,178 =079,48 =8060.47)«=48 NOE.21)42,083,941 44,006.79?=47,622.79 =-60.327.696 IK AD Rien 706, Unt Coote 1A Wh 0.246 Om om ol 626 @302 O31 63%63.@x%2 em?m2 338 aa owte.tis ans 30%39%390%Cus am 306%ay 407%aus aim 4 aus aos INTEGRATED DIESEL ALTERNATIVE No Load Growth -Base Fuel -High Fuel 3%Growth -Base Fuel -High Fuel Loss of Load -Base Fuel -High Fuel Ms - Atesnative 2 lategrated Dasel 40 LOAD GROWTN Bese Fusl Forocest Vous 1 ote Voor t=199@ i nergy Haq events WhtCay 29,402.40) Processors 64.61).609 tou 03,920,008 Goowth Rote om Anomel Peak load fh WiCay ow Preceasere 4.340 tora 20380 Growth Rate om Energy Resouces Wh) Cay ond Processors 32,186,600 Mehwshm 8 High Spent Dhesd e Madnse Spend Oned e Low Epend Davee 01,762,008 Hydro Praject e Used ResewseeMadaumSpend [reod e low Spend theed 6 |Total Energy Resouces 93,920,000 Reewres AW City Gunerstnn t] Precessere 4,310 How Resources Mehuchin e High Speed Died 6 Modine Speed Dined e low Sperd Diced 0,000 Hydro Praject Used ResourcesMediumSpend Dicedl e tow Speed Diced e letel Copecity Resources -_Le Economic Analysis Copaad Conte 1,029.206 OAM Fuad 2,600,068 Venebie 1.196.08 bod 4.066.098 Treneate men 183,39 Total Coste 90,740,120 vent 1S, Pion 147,350) tae om 70,402,497 32,166,000 61,762,600 e ") $2,210 6,923,206 2.671190 0.237,408 6.006.478 109,334 00,101.692 eve aa 10.402.40) 64.617,603 93,970,000 oon 1.200,776 6.326.404 183,9% 10,077,497 @122 339% 79,002,407 ri ae 93,920,008 om 32,168,000 ® e e 61,762,008 $2218 1,923,206 2.060.464 $326,603 6.675,7e9 (03,334 126 241% ----L nemeetne =--+ _- 6 a '6 6 it it] 30,402.48)38,402,407 20,402.40)280.402.4897 20,402,407 289.402.489764617603«=64,617.60)=64.617.603 4.617603)-84.617803 --84.617.60393,920,000 03,070,000 §93,920,000 $3,926,000 $3,920 006 93,8928.000wnonomomoonoon 6a Gale Oo os10 6010 ear Gow 4se He ane "ue 14.48 148 aye 21,266 21260 ame 21 e 21 360 21.3668 2178 oon on om om om oom on 32,168,008 32,164,008 32,160,000 32,184.000 32,168,000 32,168.000 32,168,900 6 8 e é 6 e t]e 6 e a a é 6 661,262,808 61,262,008 61,762,008 1.762.000 =61,782,006 61,762,008 61,762,000a6e6e e a e 6 e a e 6 e e 6 8 e e 03,020,008 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Erasgy Aovnscos ikve) Coty ered Praconness 32,168,008 32,160.000 32,168,008 32,166,008 32,150.000 32,168,008 32,160,006 =32,160.008 §=-32,168,000 §=-2.166.000 =32,168.000 §=-92,168,000 =.92,168.000Metusten6t686e®6 e e e 6 e Uagh Speed Cioeal a e e 6 e e e e 6 e e ®e Medum Speed Berl e e e e 6 6 6 6 6 e e é e lew Speed Dose 01,702,008 81,702,008 81,762,008 01,782,008 81,762,008 01,762,008 61,702.008 61,762008 61,762.000 61,262,000 61,262,008 81,762,006 61,762,000 Myde Pragect e e °e 6 6 s e e e e e e Used Receuscee e 6 6 6 e e e e 6 6 6 e e Metin Speed Desa e iJ e e tJ 6 6 e 6 e ¢e e Low Speed Bosal e e 6 6 6 6 6 6 8 e 6 e e Tous Enagy Reomaces 03,870.000 83.020.000 93.078.008 83,820,000 63,820,000 63,020,000 83,020,006 83,620,008 63,020,000 03,020,000 63,820,000 §$3.620.000 -03,870.000 Reonsces (Wh Gy Genereten e 6 e 6 e e e e e Prececvars 44318 4,316 4,10 410 4,318 "are 4318 4,16 4,310 a3 eit 44318 44.10 Mom Resouces Mensten e e 6 6 C)e e e e e e e e Ugh Speed Dood 6 e e e e e e e e e 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10,241,124 =01,306,787 =11,610,865 =02.070,670 =12,679,309 =13,089.062 19,040,110 14,200,068 ©14,622.62)=16.461,162 =08,129,700 16,842,216 17 680.617 ET a)ene ee 0.024 6.120 014 6.138 0.146 O61 0 166 om 0.122 6.170 ole; 3.046 2.008 4.048 4.008 4.058 4.108%427%423 ans ane 4.308 44s 20.402.407 4.61760) 83,620,000 oon Go 14.40 21.260 Gos 32,168,000 $2,710 4.029.206 4.036 04 103,004 V0,374.722 O18 aaa Pogo ot 2 20,402.40) 64.617,60) 09,020,000 oon 6610 14,846 21,260 oon 6.036.200 40710) 0.203.202 10,445,694 163.334 21.056.071 0224 14.68% =tow,-y -A - -------oe _ Mieragdve 2 integrated Diesel w010aD GROWIN Nah Fyel Furocsst Voor 1 ”ve te 20 a0 2 a 34 %Pi]u a feote Vous to 1998 _it neta Reqarerane ith)°To eee --° 20,402,487 =-26,402,40?=.20,402,407 =.20.402.407 =280.402.4087 =.30,.402.407 =20.402.407 =20,402.40?=:28.402.40)2 =280.402.4802 =8.402.402 =:28.402.407 =:28,402.48)04.617.603 =04.597,603 «04.5 17.603 904.617.6029 84.617.602 904.617.6089 04.617,609 04,612,603 =64.6 17.60) .02,020,008 «02,820,006 §=©-83.026.008 §8=6-83,620.008 §8),870.008 02,020,008 ©63,828,000 =03.820,000 =83,820,000oonoonoonoonoon008oo8eoneon 6018 aow 6018 ese oo oes o.ele 6010 0.810 0810 6.010 eo1014,248 wee 4.40 14,346 14,348 14,348 14,348 14.346 14.48 14,346 40 4.021.00 ate 21260 20,260 20.260 21,266 21,280 21260 21.260 21,260 20,260 21,260eetoonos8oesoe8oonees008ooseonoonoon Enmgy Rocoscoe ikVay Gy and Pracomes 4,606,000 4500006 4$00.008 4£06,006 4466,008 4,500,006 4£04,008 4500,008 4,508,000 4,606,000 36,000 %,000 36,000Momateneee6e66e6ee8e thgh Egeed Bord e e é 8 6 6 e e e e e e e thedwan Speed Bord 6 6 6 e e 6 6 8 it]6 e e ' low Speed Bees 00,414,008 =00,414,008 =08,414,008 §=-00.414,008 §=-08.414.008 =80,414,008 =08,414.008 =0.414.008 986,414,008 988.414.0008 =0.806.008 =0.2.888.000 =.8.888.000SyhoPrqecte6t6eeteee66e eed Reemaces 6 e 6 ®e e e e e e e e e Hotn Egeed Bose e e tJ ®e e e e e é e 6 ) lee Speed Boodd 6 6 6 e 6 6 iL]8 e e a ®r) Tord Energy Resnscee 02.020,.006 83,020,008 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20s im eos -wwe ke a "6 8 ,8 8 ve 216M 30,208,730 31er4 eee 32,140,082 32.632,312G2733,008 63,62¢.008 04,220,007 143,000 06,000,027)anes ane 00,000,737 02,201,703 05,001,028 158 st 138 8 8 aan im ee)ime veee am daw ons wm wee woe wen ee weaanumnewursnieneea4703 158 18 138 148 158 as as oer.0.773.432 0.070208 0002 48 2.00).273 7.000.622 1,900.08 00.001,128 70,063,049 90,122,640 00,300,277 00 s0a.ew 2,700,080 03.07)008eeeeeee 6 e e e e e e e 8 e e e e ° e 6 e 6 e a e e e 6 s e e e e e e e e 6 e 02,470 408 "7r0I"in?07,201,003 on.08t,198 00,000,06 01278,008 s a e e e e e 3 3000 30,08 m8:33.08 30.100 30,106 13,068 $3,686 12,008 03,60 13,6 (2,180 13,6 t]e e e e e e e e 6 tJ e 6 é e e e 6 e e 6 6 6 e t e e e e 6 e e °6 6 6 an a)ae)eT:a ||Ye a Sk:a Te i?a STF 6 e e e e t )r )2000188 2.203.000 2200008 23018 ae 2,046,172 2003200 (202,730 13,002,006 $8,249,202 09,600.273 (3,607,238 13,702,706 (2.078,)00 nme Ww 00,900 010.008 0,8 036,604 003,036 e e 6 e 6 e e 828 W.094,30)008.478 4188 06,046,200 0,002.406 $3,702,634 am oe ow?e108 ewe ole ams emt a2 ams amt ous Pept2 216 02,110,078 amin iFY dese ne 4)8 033362) 2027.08 ere 008.062 6 -_ Webeshee Attorasnes 4OSS OF 040 igs feet Lovsest Voss ity ium tog t=19D tang Mage ere &Eh le whee Ormmone 03 040 802 tora 00 eve 820 Goud fine ues temset Vouk Lond &0) tm een remene 17.020 totes mete? Gone fe 1st taegy Remsen 6 OW Cay ord Prcnrscers 7.083 7e6Siete00.026.022 tp Rad Dad 6 Gehan teat Dod e low Speed One 6 moohqen 6 thet heosenGhatnanGpend Chod e too et Dat i) lout towgy Renews oon tne Oevend Remsen 67) Cp Cane cten 6 Nomews 30,168 Gen haasen Gewe 13.198 gh Gent Owe 6 hating Spent und e low Spend Qed a heohqan thet haosenBatentpead nd 6 tow Qyest Ohad 6 Vous Copenty Revosem -- bemnaras bnctyos Cope Cone e O8m tect 2.220 068 Wwcabie 16,702,007 ae tese.e7e Ieomnmeess e oe oa ceemene mm om one ap erier "umn 02038.70 198 027.012 o0000.22? 902.826.238 om eons x33 ee 008 67 021,770 907.622.120 LH o7? woe meen ut 0.473.013 0,009,207 07,460500 =08,026,012 »NN ae e e 3716408 20m.c 2.004.017 4,783,178 e008 e133 37.038 a0 0 0 O88 Ano 100 332 ceees ag _a Cd ° u a to Pty thy a 20 104.008 701023 410s os a 08 8)aeeree aun08.000 007 oo are tee 04,073 300 010000)3,070 2 Ja 200 006 Lede A 8 LF 38 +68 1.188 oe ove enz oor won wun 0.008 oe mie ne 30,00)ane 33.0 30.8 30,678 2337 39.023 3028 6 188 138 as 198 15s 0.770720 Oeee sre Cons toe 0.170 400 0.208.406 0.404 308000.008,753 =000.000,308 -080,490.088 =104,001,001 =108.606.068 -108 184.080eee66e e e e 6 e e t]e x]e e ® a e e 6 e e 6 e 6 e 8 e e 6 6 6 6 6 $00,136,000 996,770,006)=002,453.00 =114,128.00 =1b 02)ere |bb?bee.208 .e e e 8 e 33,08 30,100 108 30.100 20.108 30 106 92,160 ae 3,186 13,180 02 1se (3.190 e e e a e e ®e e e e e e e e é e e e 6 e e e i] e s ®e 6 e Re eeeae e ®®e e 6 3.070.074 0000 238 4202,1"aah eee 4808 one ami01040006.802.206 6.900.331 00.32.60)00 000.83)00,000,200$048,100 170.006 (004 e602 2,000,047 2.242 2,371,200 e e e e 6 8 04.608,166 6,200,007 06,038,000 173063 07,000,383 020,203 ane ow ole ove om om 2378 amt as aas za 2018 0. arr 32,348 1BY 0 one 046 099,490,297 O20 073.068 o102 2908 Pogo ttet? weed nee a 422.030 324 tos 10601 2208) 32.96 vas 022 098 226 $2.18 $20s0e 412.232 $02 202 082 106 208 APPENDIX F Graphic Summary of Results 0.4 No Load Growth/BaseFuel Cost|Annual Power Cost Summary 0.3 ;-$/KWh|@ Status Quo @ Integrated Diesel =.Makushin rs {wtot fot ot)|CSRs meas Cane CE SD GD CEES GSES COE CGE US GENGOON SOU 5 6 7 8B 8 10 WW 12 13 14 15 18 Yoar 7 18 18 20 28 22 23 24 +25 26 27 28 29 30 -len :--||terrence wa he No Load Growth/HighFuel C stAnnualPowerCostSummary 05 oe m Status Quo @ Integrated Diesel §=.4 Makushin a =° a] . . =x<" a a oS 0 I L 1 1 |1 !1 l 1 |it 1 !1 1 1 I 1 1 i 1 !|Ce See Oe OOS (OOS Ga Sn 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 10 18 12 139 14 15 16 17 18 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 #26 27 28 29 =30 tea rote AA Mm samen MO AFIOD.10.94 OP conse.sahe ©QU ACTH 1AAR $/ikWh0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.05 3%Load Growth/Base Fuel CostAnnualPowerCostSummary @ Status Quo @ Integrated Diesel 4 Makushin |a s a "> a . .ce s ,a msaa”"a we a 4"/8 , van=4 4ya" = ,,_a a aaan 1 i i |oe |1 1 1 it 1 |oa ||J 1 !!j L {I lL i 1 ft 1 it |eee 13 14 15 16 17 18 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Year 1 2 3 4 56 6 7 B 8 10 11 12 0.5 0.4 0.3 $/AWh0.2 0.1 3%Load Growth/HighFuelCostAnnualPowerCostSummary w@ Status Quo @ Integrated Diesel =Makushin J i |1 |ee |!1 !1 I a = a »a a ° _¢« . J {J {od |es eee ee Ge 12 19 14 16 #%@ #17 «+18 #18 #20 23 Year 22,23 «24 «25 «26 «27 «28 «28 «30 ane memes cane $/kWh0.4 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 Lossof Load/Base Fuel CostAnnualPowerCostSummary @ Status Quo @ Integrated Diesel a Makushin -a = ° 3” = a"_-eeeoa*-_- a" i ||J J)J tot ft fd dd dd ed dd dd de 12 3 4 6 6 6 10 J 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 18 20 21 22 23 «24 «25 «26 «+27 «28 29 30 Year $/kWh0.4 0.3 0.2 Annual Power Cost SummaryLossofLoad/High Fuel Cost | a Status Quo @ Integrated Diesel =4 Makushin os a a 'o s yY . ed a a gsa "° 7_- ,La /"a -* a y)a"en an'er Saeeerlee 1 it ||j__J J ||||1 i |i |jt |es es a CaN ||neCanesneeGn 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 0 4 12 13 14 «15 16 17 18 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Year oeae-_---eeAPPENDIX G Example of Rate Stabilization Le joa L.'' RATE STABILIZATION EXAMPLE 33 Lead GomtondBorefut ee en aon e 2 =-oemmea:seams oo oon os ee re es ee ee - e---0-9-9...9 --e ore "os Wf a a @ bntegst06Dorel @ Metusten to Mstusten a Mare Stabebsa800 be be e e ae eo -_-ee -_--- MAKUSHIM PLANT Coste of Pawer Yeas 'a 5 4 6 e !8 6 )iy)a uv 1 =Yeor te {pgBends 01,806 008bnterentRoteCees) tom rPoyount$0,360,029 Oobt Sarvice $0,260,6 baterset €cant rz nargy Reqeremente fs Wh]meee __ Chy 01,0)30.4602,497 72,402,487 20,402,48)70,402.49)38,402,402 29,402.49)79,402,497 78,482,407 39,402.48)29,402.43)39402.40)39,402,497Presescerseasinessasus645195030461350364.6105)64,607,603 04.617.60)04,617,683 64.67.6032 64.617,603 64.612.603 64,617.60)64.67.6063 64.817,603jotonnsaees2,008,008 02,920,208 01,920,000 93,830,000 93,020,008 03,820,008 03,920,000 93,970,008 02,920,000 02,826,000 02.920.000 03,920,000 93,820,008GrowthRoteamameenomannomoononomonmnra)om om ehuehen wie leed growth 62,298,008 62,200,000 62,200,000 62,300,000 02,200,008 02,290,000 02.390.008 82.300,008 02,280,600 62,200,000 82.290.000 62.290,000 62.2390,.000 82,280,900 wf 3%Grewth 62,208,008 easeksee 04,022,000 06,102,000 07,343,008 00,601.000 00,760,008 00,926,000 92,062,008 93,130.000 64,166.006 06,016,008 06.613,000 96,036,000 Colswelions ° Fined costs Cued epereting costs 2.4644,000 2564 506 2.800,200 26160,424 2962060 4,000,202 4,233,066 431.18 46%096 4,602,618 4,068,102 6.028136 6 204,120 $306 265 Othe Bed conte 390,000 300,000 'ieee 342,000 344,000 306.008 0,006 40,008 340,008 352,008 604,000 306,000 ee 000 391.000 Vasiehin Coste that tes 206,361 310,600 320,062 330,606 206.600 322,196 34.207 396,658 409.627 422,062 437,085 461.021 492,404 $09.130 Reyety 410,306 aapt2 20a?628,408 431,43 662.078 660,161 £26,468 663,994 696.026 606,)04 608,62)963.601 977.660 Coghal conte . Oadt service @260.079 0250.57 6,360,028 0,760,029 0.260.879 0,760.070 0,260,670 0,268,079 0,260,079 0,200,079 6.260.029 4.260.029 6.250.078 0.260.029 interest comings 41.00 607,206 47208 647,20 642,208)(667,00m 807,206 667,000)(687.000)667,000 66).00%667,000)$86.).000)(687,000) Tetel Caste of Mebochin Prams 12,036,200 02,322,282 12,062,667 02,008,448 12,381,308 12,062,696 03,216,962 03,304,883 12,661.640 02,243,626 14,008.026 14,166.008 14,732..04 14,949,283PresentVaheo°. Mahushin Unt Coste of Power whe ned growth a?ame oa Os)ame 00.60 016 aw 06 168 au?ean oun 10179 60 182 at Thpowh an oa?"anu mie me «1°an oa wu?wnue ce)es 00.163 00 164 Rote Stebiization Fuad -a_lisgewth i Ate aim au?@120 ain a2?ae ein 6198 an Ouse a1 @ 196 ew ow? bund 12,800,800 LONG 2532.91)2272400 1908100 Lise 158.008 1,196,763 106,700 1160s 002 (4016)584,661)(744,100)(1,187,359)band Boleoce 0276208 DMS =AES 034.008 2006260 1.273.406 (o8,701 thees an 0)M1200 036,664 1,630,340 2,940.38) tnterest oan 617,46 304,490 302,441 02078 0,120 10,008 ow 0 4 0.006 66.496 106,684 206.02) Years to Poybock 21 Vers fleom 1908) Mow Mehushin Coste of Power Gi ei?aie @123 @la7 ae ein Cae |e142 one 6161 6.186 @161 @6) Hew Rate ait an ais 130 a an aus am am?ow alse out 006 elo Page bat 2 39.402 49) 6461)80) $3920 000 eon 2 730.000 97.696 000 $$alu 39 000 $25 Jer a92ale @ 250079 #56 7.000, 15.170 687 0 160 (2.367.523) $619,792 305,361 MAKUSHIN PLAAT |Coote of Power 1s 1s 20 au 2 2 u ry 30002.40)=20,602,482 =9.002.407 0.602.402 =00248?=-20.402.097 =39.002082 =28.602.487GANTSG=4.517,502 04507582 04,517.50)=04.617.503 -64.617,50)-64.697.002 64.6 17,60902920000«©82,920,008 =62,920.000 §=-9,920,008 §=-83,870,008 §=-82,070,088 =8.920.008 =89,820.008anomomom.om om em om 02,200,000 «=82,200,008 =02.298.008 =02.288.008 =82.290.008 =82.280.800 =82.280.0N8 §=-82.290,00800,437,000 =98,821,008 ©1088,333,.000 =100,600,008 =000.967.0081,184.00e §=-001.968.8008 9 101.483.0008 Fucd opereting soote 600,003 Cerise @.108,063 €.30),103 6.621.006 6962,029 1,092,602 1,340,926 2.697.068 1,063,163 Ocha fined costs 306,000 reese é22,000 427,008 "lee 400.200 406,e00 492,000 620,000 639,000 Venable Coots fad too 6421 asa 677,788 606.412 672,400 692,609:619,290 624,690 667,676 600,629Rereny1,007,619 1023,002 1,060,622 1,067,064 6o4an?664,704 672.48 692,004 62100 642,032 Cogtal conte Oedt service 0,280,078 00,078 0.260.078 6.350.079 e 6 ()6 e e intweet commge 647,000 47,008 667.008 647.000)®e e 6 ]e Total Coste of Mob ushle Power 6,600,843 5,090,8654 =80E,124 071,808 0,166,063 0,000,223 0766400 9,081,070 0,606,276 0.026.144 Present Value Maheshin Unk Coste of Power whe teed great 00.10?oa.198 ons oat?oneee 00.062 10.00)we one ane ul St gpewd 6?00.66 00.00 00,42 onset 0m once?seen toon caee? Rote Stobitizotios Fund -al_ih geenthTesgetRate _0.6 arse ais a2 anu?amt are oz 0%223bund12,000,008 =(2.732.017)=GUNG,20G)-ERGB7,170)GN08.542)12,M12 KORY f1 1,704,400)112,287,602)(12.60.007)113,262.87)112,092.973)trond Solano 0.632.600 =12,262,005 00,704,066 =30.700.625 =820.226 =60,270,048 =08.42.2708 =62.407,008 =102.600.013 -122,008,388leteront004,278 one.700 Les 1628,400 2606663 2.600008 4,022,000 6,044,703 2 wee 0.082.600 Tears to Poybech 21 Vearsrom1900) Now Mahuchin Coots of Power 16 ale 16 a2 a2)oe ace?e.ese oon aes? 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