HomeMy WebLinkAboutMakushin Geothermal Project resolution A94-10 1994MEMORANDUM TO:File FROM:Sharron Sigafoos DATE:October 10,1994 SUBJECT:Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority Resolution No.A94-10 Copies of Resolution No A94-11,Participation in a Feasibility Analysis -Makushin Geothermal Project,have been distributed to: V.Walker R.Miller D.McCrohan D.Beardsley D.Eberle J.Olson K.Ohmer File ALASKA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AND EXPORT AUTHORITY RESOLUTION NO.A94-10 RESOLUTION OF THE ALASKA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AND EXPORT AUTHORITY AUTHORIZING THE AUTHORITY'S PARTICIPATION IN A FEASIBILITY ANALYSIS WITH RESPECT TO THE MAKUSHIN GEOTHERMAL PROJECT WHEREAS,the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (the "Authority")has under consideration a preliminary proposal for the financing and ownership of the Makushin Geothermal Project (the "Project")pursuant to the provisions of AS 44.88.172;and WHEREAS,pursuant to AS 44.88.173,before approving a project financed under AS 44.88.172,the Authority must prepare a finance plan with respect to the project;and WHEREAS,the development of a finance plan for the Project requires further project feasibility study,evaluation and analysis (the "Feasibility Analysis");and WHEREAS,the estimated cost of the Feasibility Analysis is $558,000;and WHEREAS,the Project applicant,OESI Alaska,Inc,an Alaskan corporation ("OESIAK"),has requested that the Authority participate in the Feasibility Analysis and contribute up to $140,000 of the cost of preparing the Feasibility Analysis;and WHEREAS,OESIAK has agreed to enter into a reimbursement agreement with the Authority under which OESIAK will agree to reimburse the Authority for any costs contributed by the Authority with respect to the Feasibility Analysis;and WHEREAS,it is in the best interests of the Authority that the Feasibility Analysis be completed;and WHEREAS,the Authority is willing to participate in the Feasibility Analysis and contribute up to $140,000 of Authority funds for the cost of the Feasibility Analysis provided OESIAK agrees to reimburse the Authority for those funds. NOW THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE ALASKA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AND EXPORT AUTHORITY AS FOLLOWS: Section 1.The Staff of the Authority is directed to undertake the Feasibility Analysis in connection with the proposed Project in such manner as in the judgement of the Executive Director is appropriate. Section 2.In order to accomplish the Feasibility Analysis, "an expenditure of up to $140,000 of funds of the Authority is Authorized,but only to the extent that OESIAK enters into an AIDEA/Feasibility Study (Makushin Geothermal) Resolution A94-10 Page 2 agreement with the Authority under which OESIAK agrees to reimburse the Authority for such expenditure.Notwithstanding any other provision of this Resolution,the Authority may expend funds for the Feasibility Analysis only after execution of the reimbursement agreement described in the preceding sentence. Section 3.The Executive Director is authorized to employ such consultants and other contractors as are needed to complete the Feasibility Analysis in a timely manner.The Executive Director may commit to reimburse OESIAK for the costs of the Feasibility Analysis only to the extent such funds are recovered by the Authority from a financing for the Project. Dated at Anchorage,Alaska this 7th day of October,1994. gfe?ae ALASKA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT a AND EXPORT AUTHORITY Secretary AIDEA/Feasibility Study (Makushin Geothermal) Resolution A94-10 Page 3 FEASIBILITY COST REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT THIS FEASIBILITY COST REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT ("Reimbursement Agreement")is made this day of ,1994,between OESI Alaska,Inc.("OESIAK"),an Alaska Corporation,and the ALASKA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AND EXPORT AUTHORITY ("Authority"). RECITALS: WHEREAS,the Authority has under consideration a preliminary proposal for the financing and ownership of the MAKUSHIN GEOTHERMAL PROJECT under the Authority's Development Project statutory authority: WHEREAS,the Authority must develop a Finance Plan before approval of a Development Project; WHEREAS,development of a Finance Plan for the Makushin Geothermal Project requires further project feasibility study and evaluation; WHEREAS,the estimated cost of the project feasibility analysis is $558,000; FEASIBILITY COST REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT Page 1 WHEREAS,OESIAK requests that the Authority contribute $140,000 of the cost of feasibility analysis; WHEREAS,the Authority requires that OESIAK agrees to reimburse the Authority for all direct costs incurred in support of the feasibility studies; NOW,THEREFORE,in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises herein contained,the Authority and OESIAK agree as follows: 1.Subject to the reimbursement requirements set out herein,the Authority agrees to provide $140,000 in partial support of the proposed feasibility analysis of the Makushin Geothermal Project.The Authority will begin to provide this partial support of the feasibility analysis upon receipt of written Notice to Proceed from OESIAK. 2.OESIAK at any time may request in writing that the Authority cease its work in support of the feasibility analysis of the Project.Any additional funds or work committed by the Authority toward the feasibility analysis after receipt of such a written request from OESIAK shall not be reimbursable by OESIAK under this Agreement.Work completed and funds committed before receipt of such a notice shall be reimbursable by OESIAK under the terms of this Agreement._ FEASIBILITY COST REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT Page 2 3.If the Project is approved and the Authority and OESTAK enter into a final Financing and Development Agreement with respect to the Project,OESIAK agrees that all costs incurred under this Agreement will be included as a qualified cost for purpose of determining any user fee,lease or other payment to be negotiated between the parties. 4.OESIAK agrees to reimburse the Authority,subject to sections 1 and 2 herein,up to $140,000 for all direct costs incurred in support of the feasibility analysis if (1)OESIAK withdraws or otherwise declines to proceed with an application for financial assistance from the Authority,(2)the Authority,for whatever reason,declines to approve the Project,or (3)the Authority and OESIAK are unable to execute a final Financing and Development Agreement with respect to the Project.Repayment is due within ninety (90)days following the date which the Authority notifies OESIAK in writing the amount of repayment which is due. 5.The obligation of the Authority pursuant to this Agreement is strictly limited to participation in the feasibility analysis of the Project.The Authority may impose further terms and conditions with respect to the feasibility study,as the Authority,in its sole and absolute discretion,determines to be reasonable and prudent.The Authority's participation in the feasibility analysis as provided in this Agreement shall in no way bind or commit the Authority to in any way participate in any FEASIBILITY COST REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT Page 3 financing with respect to the project and OESIAK specifically acknowledges that the Authority has made no such commitment. 6.OESIAK shall defend,indemnify and hold harmless the Authority from and against any and all suits,claims,actions, losses,costs,penalties and damages (of whatever kind or nature, including reasonable attorney's fees and litigation cost)arising in favor of government agencies or third parties (including employees of the parties)on account of any damages arising out of, or in connection with this Agreement. 7.This Agreement shall be governed by and construed under the laws of the State of Alaska. 8.Any action or judicial proceeding arising out of this Agreement shall be filed and prosecuted in the Superior Court for the State of Alaska,Third Judicial District at Anchorage. 9.This Agreement may not be modified or amended except in writing signed by both parties. 10.The signatories to this Reimbursement Agreement assert that they have the power and requisite authority to bind each party to perform the obligations set out in this Agreement. FEASIBILITY COST REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT Page 4 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Reimbursement Agreement this FEASIBILITY COST REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT the parties execute this day of ,1994, OESI ALASKA,INC. By: Joseph B.Fahrendorf President ALASKA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AND EXPORT AUTHORITY By: William R.Snell Executive Director Page 5 LETTEROFINTENT This Letter of Intent is between the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority (AIDEA),an Alaskan Public Corporation,and GEOlectric Power Company (GEOlectric),a Nevada Corporation. WHEREAS,GEQOlectric has submitted a Joint Venture Proposal (Attach hereto),for the development of the Unalaska Geothermal Electrical Generation Project (Project)to AIDEA on September 11,1992; WHEREAS,AIDEA Resolution No.A92-11 authorized Staff to enter into a non-binding Letter of Intent (Letter),relating to the Authority's possible participation in the Project; WHEREAS,AIDEA staff is engaged in a comprehensive review of the Project in association with staff of the Alaska Energy Authority (AEA); WHEREAS,AIDEA staff believes that substantial progress has been made in Project review,and that an economically viable proposal for Project financing can be considered in a timely fashion to maintain Project development schedule; THEREFORE,the Parties to this Letter agree to use their good faith efforts to complete the activities listed below: 1.AIDEA and GEOlectric will negotiate in good faith with OESI Power Corporation (OESI)with the goal of entering into a Letter of Intent with OESI to acquire all of OESI's rights,titles and interests in the Project.The goal is to accomplish this task is October 15,1992. 2.The Parties will work with the AEA to _support'the Governor's office sponsorship of a meeting of all the LETTER OF INTENT Page Two Project participants,including the Unalaska fish processor companies and the representatives of the City of Unalaska,to reach a consensus that the necessary level of power purchase commitment exists to move forward with the Project.This meeting will be scheduled for the week of October 19,1992,or at such time as_the necessary financial information is available to AEA, AIDEA and GEOlectric as to the proposed cost of electrical energy to the Unalaska users. The Parties shall complete the review of the project as expeditiously as practicable.Once completed,the Parties will use their good faith efforts to negotiate and enter into the following agreements: a.The Joint Venture Agreement between AIDEA-and GEOlectric. b.The Purchase Agreement between the AIDEA/GEOlectric Joint Venture and OESI. c.The development agreement,fuel (fluid fee)sales agreement,or other capital recovery agreements between the AIDEA/GEOlectric-Joint Venture and AEA. The Parties will then also use their good faith efforts to move forward with engineering,planning,permitting and financing activities so as to target the closing of the financing and construction of the Project in the shortest possible time frame consistent with a target of having the Project substantially complete by June 30, 1995. The parties recognize that AIDEA financial participation requires,aS a prerequisite,formal Board approval of the LETTER OF INTENT Page Three Project under AS 44.88.172 44.88.173.This Letter of Intent is not intended to limit or otherwise affect the absolute discretion of the AIDEA Board of Directors in its consideration of the Project.Further,the Parties recognize that approval of the AEA Board of Directors will be necessary,and this Letter of Intent is subject to any statutory requirements affecting the AEA Board, and its discretion regarding the Project. Agreed and Accepted by the Parties this day of October, 1992. For GEOlectric For AIDEA By:U0 p By: Its:KGorx .OSNT Its: 10/05/92 DOCBIF 163 MEMORANDUM State of Alaska To.FILE pate:July 20,1992 FILE NO TELEPHONE NO: FROM:Sharron Sigafoos suBJECT:Geothermal Resources Development Project RE:AIDEA Resolution A92-11,Geothermal Resources Development Project (Approved 7/17/92)Unalaska,Alaska A copy of A92-11 was faxed to:Mr.Jack Wood,GEOlectric Power Company ("GEOI Power")at John B.Olson's request on July 20,1992 Mr.Jack Wood phone #(916)269-0828 fax #(916)268-2396 07-001 (Rew &/7e81 ALASKA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AND EXPORT AUTHORITY RESOLUTION NO.A92-11 A RESOLUTION OF THE ALASKA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AND EXPORT AUTHORITY RELATING TO THE GEOTHERMAL RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT PROJECT WHEREAS,the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority ("Authority")is committed to the consideration.of qualified Development Projects which promote economic growth and aGevelopment; WHEREAS,GEOlectric Power Company ("GEOI Power")has under consideration a proposal to purchase the development rights to the geothermal resources at Unalaska,Alaska,and to develop such resources in conjuncture with the City of Unalaska and the Alaska Energy Authority (the "Project); WHEREAS,the Alaska Energy Authority and other parties have undertaken a detailed evaluation of the feasibility of the Project; WHEREAS,all or part of the Project may constitute a Development Project within the intent and meaning of A.S.44.88.172 and 44.88.900; WHEREAS,GEOI Power has requested that the Authority consider participation in the financing of the Project; WHEREAS,GEOI Power has submitted a proposed Letter of Intent for consideration by the Authority,which Letter is intended to further illustrate the Authority's desire to participate in the Project; NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE ALASKA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AND EXPORT AUTHORITY,as follows: 1.Staff is directed to undertake a review of the feasibility of the Project; 2.Staff is further authorized to execute a non-binding Letter of Intent,in a form acceptable to Staff,relating to the Authority's possible participation in the Project; 3.Upon execution of an Agreement which provides for the reimburSement of all costs incurred by the Authority in the event the Project is approved,Staff is authorized to expend up to $100,000 in assets of the Economic Development Account to implement peragree hy.1*of this Resolution.ees Hepa--DATED at Anchorage,Alaska,this 17th day of July , ee eenee-ee aChairman| Whescot PAGE 2RESOLUTIONNO.A92-11 GEOlectric Power Company e ALASKA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENTAb'AND EXPORT AUTHORITY 480 WEST TUDOR «ANCHORAGE,ALASKA 99503-6690 «(907)561-8050 *FAX (907)561-8998 DATE:ZL20 LF 2 TIME: NOTICE:This facsimile contains confidential information that is being transmitted to and is intended only for the use of the recipient named below.Reading,disclosure,discussion,dissemination,distribution,or copying of this information by anyone other than the named recipient or his or her employees or agents is strictly prohibited.If you have received this facsimile in error,please immediately destroy it and notify us by telephone,(907)561-8050. PLEASE DELIVER THE FOLLOWING PAGES TO:alLM.beh Leod ,becozber te Peer D-Ka)7 Oe |-8 TRANSMITTING FROM:RICOH FAX 1000L (907)561-8998 THIS TRANSMITTAL IS FROM:fda ZL.D lagr NUMBER OF PAGES (INCLUDING COVER PAGE):_> IF YOU EXPERIENCE ANY PROBLEMS IN RECEJVING,PLEASE TELEPHONE THE OFFICE NUMBER (907-561-8050)AND ASK FOR att LF SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS OR COMMENTS f)Lo th a Leith Toe.Aa2L1 4GeethermalLeaaeheesLeelempete2KLee. DOCSMS23/p12