HomeMy WebLinkAboutLoad Acceptance Analysis Bradley Lake HP 1990Alaska Energy Authority REPORT ON LOAD ACCEPTANCE ANALYSIS BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Prepared by STONE &WEBSTER ENGINEERING CORPORATION Denver,Colorado APRIL 1990 Alaska Energy Authority 2 REPORT ON LOAD ACCEPTANCE ANALYSIS BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Prepared by STONE &WEBSTER ENGINEERING CORPORATION Denver,Colorado APRIL 1990 1.)Railbelt Wide Under Frequency Load Shed Schedule with SILOS indicated in Excel Spreadsheet. 2.)Brief written descriptions of system operational conditions when the BL units should pick up load due to low frequency conditions. a.Electronic (DSM)data for events for Bradley unit response to under frequency conditions described in two.(Couple of events in labeled CSV files) i.Unit terminal real power response. ii.Unit terminal frequency response. b.PSS/E operational scenarios where BL should pick up load due to low frequency conditions described in 2.(couple scenarios)(Kenai islanded and or connected); i.Load Flow Files ii.Transient Stability Files iii.IDEV Files... 3.)Brief written descriptions of system operational conditions when BL should pick up load due to transitioning from condense mode to generate power mode. a.Electronic (DSM)data for events for Bradley unit response to under frequency conditions described in 3.(Couple of events in labeled CSV files) i.Unit terminal real power response. ii.Unit terminal frequency response. b.PSS/E operational scenarios where BL should pick up load due to low frequency conditions described in 3.(couple scenarios)(Kenai islanded and or connected) i.Load Flow Files ii.Transient Stability Files iii.IDEV Files... c.Electronic (DSM)data for events for Bradley unit response to under frequency conditions described in 3.(Couple of events in labeled CSV files) i.Unit terminal real power response. ii.Unit terminal frequency response. 4.)Written descriptions of system operational conditions when BL should pick up load due to maximum AGC ramping. -7 a.PSS/E operational scenarios where BL should pick up load due to fast 7 !AGC ramping. i.Load Flow Files ii.Transient Stability Files iii.IDEV Files... 00974.wpf ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT REPORT ON LOAD ACCEPTANCE ANALYSIS J.0O.No.15800.52 Prepared by Stone &Webster Engineering Corporation 'April 1990 04/06/90 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 3.0 TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Introduction Alternatives and Modifications Discussion of Results ° Rapid Load Acceptance Reduction of Combustion Turbine Load Governor Operating Modes Conclusions RecommendationllaolaoloolallollaolsemUPWWWWhWnre SCOPE OF STUDY 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Objective 2.3 Approach EXISTING DESIGN 1 _General 2 Waterpassages 3 Turbines 4 Governors 4.1 Existing Governor Design 4.2 Possible Governor Modifications SYSTEM STUDIES 4.1 Methodology of Hydraulic System Modifications 4.2 Hydraulic Transient Model 4.3 Power Ramping Curves 4.4 Acceptability of Hydraulic Transients 4.5 Power System Model DISCUSSION OF ALTERNATIVES General . Modification of Turbines 30 Second Needle Opening Time Less Than 30 Second Needle Opening Times Limitation of Needle Operating Time Surge Tanks General Air Chamber Surge Tank No.1.WWWWDhDPDNWNUMUUuUMuWrnreWwnre00974 .wpf i nunwnFWWNNHNKHEEelodE(1)wowwonnin s04/06/90 E_OF CONT S_(Cont'd 5.3.4 Surge Tank No.2 5.3.5 Surge Tank No.3 5.3.6 Comparison of Surge Tanks Nos.1 and 2 5.4 Summary 5.4.1 Alternatives 5.4.2 Comments 5.4.3 Ramping Curves 6.0 DISCUSSION OF STUDY RESULTS 6.1 Comparison of Hydraulic Models 6.2 Interconnected System Results 6.3 Isolated System 6.3.1 Loss of Anchorage-Kenai Intertie 6.3.2 Kenai System Isolated 6.4 Summary of Results 6.4.1 Anchorage/Kenai Intertie Intact 6.4.2 Loss of Anchorage/Kenai Intertie 6.4.3 Kenai System Isolated 6.4.4 Spinning Reserve Contribution 7.0 COST IMPACTS OF ALTERNATIVES|. 7.1 General 7.2 .Surge Tank and Air Chamber 7.3 Turbine and Governor Modification 8.0 -CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 8.1 Conclusions 8.2 Recommendations APPENDIX I -METHODS FOR MITIGATION OF HYDRAULIC TRANSTENTS APPENDIX II -USE OF COMBUSTION TURBINE PEAK RATING TO UTILIZE SPINNING RESERVE AT BRADLEY LAKE APPENDIX III -PLOTS FROM COMPUTER SIMULATION BY PTI 00974.wpf Li Page 19 19 19 21 21 21 22 23 23 23 25 25 26 26 26 27 27 28 30 30 30 30 31 32 31 I-1 II-1 TII-1 04/06/90 LIST OF TABLES _'TABLE :1 List of Hydraulic Cases 2 Total Cost of Alternatives LIST OF FIGURES FIGURE 1 Power Tunnel Profile 2 Air Chamber 3 Surge Tank No.1 4 Surge Tank No.2 5 Surge Tank No.3 a 6 Ramping Curve for Alternative I . 7 Ramping Curve for Alternative II 8 Ramping Curve for Alternative III 00974 .wpf iii .04/06/90 1.0 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1.1 Introduction The Alaska Railbelt Utilities are interested in maximizing the ability of the Bradley Lake units to provide spinning reserve for the Railbelt system.The spinning reserve potential of Bradley Lake can be categorized as two types; 1)rapid load acceptance to respond to the initial generation need,and thus avoid frequency drop and 2)slower load acceptance to reduce load on combustion turbines that have provided the initial generation need.The relative amount of spinning reserve provided by Bradley Lake is related to the rate of load acceptance by the hydroelectric units.The load acceptance rate is dictated by the turbine needle opening times. This analysis,prepared by Stone &Webster Engineering Corporation (SWEC)and Power Technologies,Inc.(PTI,)evaluates the potential Bradley Lake spinning reserve capabilities by simulating three different turbine needle opening times. 1.2 Alternatives and Modifications Three alternatives,10,30 and 72 second effective turbine needle opening times, were selected for detailed study.The 72 second needle opening time corresponds to the existing design of the Bradley Lake Project.Shorter needle opening times require equipment modifications and result in transient pressure changes in the power conduit,possibly requiring the addition of surge tank(s). The three alternatives and the resultant transient operating conditions were incorporated into a system model by PTI.For each alternative,the system's frequency response was then examined based upon changes in.generation requirements to evaluate Bradley Lake's spinning reserve contribution. The three alternatives analyzed in this report and corresponding designs are: ALTERNATIVE I -Existing Hydraulic,Turbine,and Governor Design: The effective needle opening and closing times are 72 seconds. No modifications to the existing water passage and equipment design are required. ALTERNATIVE II -xisting Hydrauljc Des With Governor Control Syste Modification-30 Second Effective Turbine Needle Opening Time: The needle effective opening is adjusted to 30 seconds.The hydraulic needle control system and governor software require modification.There are no changes required to the water passages.The estimated direct cost increase is approximately $1.2 million. ALTERNATIVE III -Addition of Surge Tanks 10 Second Effective Needle Opening Time: The needle effective opening time is 10 seconds.Two surge tanks would need to be added.Extensive modifications are necessary to the hydraulic needle control piping and equipment, and electronic control systems.The estimated direct cost 00974.wpf 1.04/06/90 increase resulting from these modifications is approximately $15.2 million.: 1.3 Discussion of Results The Bradley Lake units can provide spinning reserves at all three needle opening times studied.The amounts are summarized below. SPINNING RESERVE BENEFIT Combustion weecee Rapid Load Acceptance --------Turbine Peak Needle Interconnected System Kenai Isolated Rating Spinning Opening Time Lost_gen -CT spin Reserve Enabled 72 seconds 27 MW 3 MW 90 MW * 30 seconds 27 MW O MW 90 MW * 10 seconds 45 MW 10 MW 90 MW * *Based on minimum head with two units.At maximum head with two units,112 MW is available. 1.3.1 Rapid Load Acceptance When the Kenai and Anchorage systems are interconnected,and when the Kenai is isolated with only hydroelectric generation on line,all three needle opening times provide some spinning reserve for rapid load acceptance.However,due to head drop associated with the fast needle movement,the 30 second time had a negligible spinning reserve benefit under isolated system operation.The rapidresponsespinningreservecapabilitiesofBradleyLakearesummarizedasfollows: Spinning Reserve Interconnected System Kenai Isolated Needle Opening Time Lost gen -CT spinning res (Largest feeder picked up) 72 seconds 27 MW 3 MW 30 seconds 27 MW O MW 10 seconds 45 MW 10 MW The above spinning reserve valves are the minimum available,provided that at least that much generation is available at Bradley Lake. 1.3.2 Reduction of Combustion Turbine Load All three needle opening times allow the load of the combustion turbines to be substantially reduced within the first minutes after a disturbance.The amount of this type of spinning reserve available is the same for all needle opening times studied,and equates to the full available rating of the Bradley Lake units.The only difference between the alternatives is the total lapsed time to achieve the full rated output.Load acceptance curves show that full output from the turbines can be achieved as shown below. 00974.wof 20 04/11/90 Time To Full Load Needle Opening Time om Speed-no-Load 72 seconds 80 seconds 30 seconds 40 seconds 10 seconds 13 seconds* *Power output drops to 85%power by 70 seconds,recovering to100%by 140 seconds. Since the units respond within 72 seconds for all three alternatives,operation of the combustion turbines up to their peak rating (assumed to be 10%over base rating)would be possible for all needle opening scenarios.Based on this,the addition of the Bradley Lake units can reduce the spinning reserve requirement from combustion turbines by as much as 100 MW (based on units at speed no load,and a 100 MW system spinning reserve requirement:Bradley lake 90 MW+10%peakrating).This spinning reserve contribution,however,may be limited by the power transfer capability of the Anchorage-Kenai intertie. 1.3.3 Governor Operating Mode Presently,the governor control is designed such that the needles operate in a sequential fashion to conserve water.However,in orderto provide the most rapid response to load,all six needles of the turbines should open simultaneously.For purposes of this study,the model assumed that all needles open at the same time.An additional governor operating mode would have to beaddedtoimplementthisfunction. 1.4 Conclusions The primary contribution of Bradley Lake as spinning reserve is derived by enabling the operation of combustion turbines at their peak rating for short durations to avoid frequency decay.Bradley Lake can accept.load in less than 72 seconds up to its full capacity rating (nominally 90 MW)and back thecombustionturbinesdownbelowtheirbaserating. The use of decreased needle opening times below the existing 72 second needle time,facilitated by surge tanks or other means,does little to avoid load shedding or to increase the spinning reserve capability of Bradley Lake.The small increase in spinning reserve value,and other minor improvements in frequency control,do not appear to justify the added expense for the required modifications. During Kenai import conditions,in order to avoid a collapse of the Kenai systemuponthelossoftheexistingAnchorage-Kenai intertie,combustion turbines must be operated on the Kenai Peninsula regardless of the Bradley Lake needle opening times. An additional governor operating mode providing simultaneous operation of all six needles and allowing for possible deflector run-in will improve unit response and provide added frequency control when Bradley Lake or the Kenai is operating isolated.This governor modification can be made at little expense. 00974 .wpf 3...04/06/90 1.5 Recommendations Based upon the results of the study,the following recommendations are made: 1.Maintain the current load acceptance rate (72 second needle opening time), and current hydraulic and equipment design. 2.Implement an additional governor operating mode providing for simultaneousoperationofallsixneedlesandallowingfordeflectorstocutintothe water stream. 3.Discontinue any further investigation of revised needle opening times or modified hydraulic system design including surge tanks. 00974.wpft 4.04/06/90 2.0 SCOPE OF STUDY 2.1 Introduction Due to the modest size of the Railbelt System,large generation losses result in significant frequency decay on the system.The consequence of not arresting such frequency decay through rapid generation response would be a loss of load by underfrequency load shedding.For the existing system,without the BradleyLakeProject,the only method of avoiding a load shedding action would be toassurethatsufficientspinningreserveisavailableoncombustionturbineunits to compensate for large generation losses.This has inherent economic penalties in that combustion turbines must be operated in a partially loaded state. With the addition of the Bradley Lake hydroelectric units,additional spinning reserve is potentially available.While due to the slow response of most hydro-electric units spinning reserve to avoid load-shedding is normally provided by combustion turbines,hydroelectric generation is frequently used to reduce load on combustion turbines that provided power to avoid frequency drop and load shedding.To evaluate the capability and extent of Bradley Lake spinning reserve,it is necessary to determine the ability of Bradley Lake to respond to system disturbances to avoid underfrequency load shedding.The ability of the Bradley Lake units to provide spinning reserve is related to the load acceptance rate of the units. 2.2 Objective This study is an investigation of the potential for improving the Bradley Lake load acceptance rate and its ability to provide spinning reserve to the Railbelt system through the use of modified governor control and the application of surge tanks. 2.3.Approach At the request of the Alaska Energy Authority and the utilities participating in the Bradley Lake Project,Stone &Webster Engineering Corporation (SWEC)and Power Technologies,Inc.(PTI)began a joint investigation to examine the ability of Bradley Lake to provide spinning reserve in order to avoid interconected utility system load shedding and freqeuncy decay upon;1)loss of other system generation,and 2)islanding of the Kenai Peninsula.Modifications to the turbine,governor,and needle control system and the addition of surge tanks were considered.PTI performed system studies to determine if the proposed modifications to the present Bradley lake Project design could possibly avoid load shedding and frequency decay on the loss of generation or on islanding of the Kenai Peninsula. SWEC studied a number of proposed Bradley Lake Project modifications,including various surge tank types,their number,location,and configuration.Also,SWEC reviewed the present and possible governor operating modes with Fuji Electric Company,the turbine/generator manufacture,and Woodward Governor,the governor manufacturer.With the concurrence of AEA and the utilities,the alternatives considered for modeling and system studies are: 00974 .wpft 5 .04/06/90 ALTERNATIVE I -Existing Hydraulic,Turbine,and Governor Design: The effective needle opening and closing times are 72 seconds. No modifications to the existing water passage and equipment design are required. ALTERNATIVE II -Existing Hydraulic Design With Governor Control System Modification -30 Second Effective Turbine Needle Opening Time; The needle effective opening is adjusted to 30 seconds.The hydraulic control and governor software require modification. There are no changes required to the water passages.The estimated direct cost increase is approximately $1.2 million. ALTERNATIVE III -Addition of Surge Tanks 10 Second Effective Needle Opening Time: The needle effective opening time is 10 seconds.Two surge tanks would need to be added.Extensive modifications are necessary to the hydraulic turbine equipment and electronic control systems.The estimated direct cost increase resulting from these modifications is approximately $15.2 million. Other design alternatives were studied,but were dismissed as technically undesirable,more costly,or incapable of providing additional improvement in spinning reserve capability.These other design alternatives are discussed within this Report and its Appendices. Each alternative was studied to determine the extent of modification which would be required to the existing design.These modifications were evaluated and cost estimates prepared.Power ramping curves were developed for the Bradley Lake Project units to establish the amount of power generation available versus time. The spinning reserve capability was examined for each alternative for three conditions. 1)When Bradley Lake is operating on the interconnected system.The worst case generation loss is studied.It is considered to be loss of ML&P units #6 and #7 (111 MW). 2)When the system is operating connected and the Anchorage-Kenai intertie is lost.The Kenai is assumed to be importing 45 MW from Anchorage. 3)The Kenai is operating isolated from the rest of the system with only hydroelectric generation on line (Bradley Lake and Cooper Lake). Increasing levels of feeder pickup are used to determine the amount of load that can be picked up by Bradley Lake without load shedding. 45 MW as chosen as the practical limit of the existing transmission system. Since Bradley Lake could not support frequency or loss of this import,higher levels of import were not investigated. For each alternative and operating condition,the system frequency response was evaluated to determine the generation levels and spinning reserve capability of Bradley Lake.° 00974 .wpf 6:04/06/90 i t i 1 1 1 3.0 EXISTING DESIGN 3.1 General The present design for the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project is complete and the majority of the major construction and procurement contracts have been awarded.Work under these contracts is now in various stages of completion. As presently designed,the water passageway or power tunnel forms a continuous conduit without any surge tank or other means of transient pressure relief.This design was based on a study conducted at an early stage of the project development,indicating that a surge tank would not be economically feasible. The major project components which relate to the hydraulic transients in the power conduit system are described below. 3.2 Waterpassages The water conveying conduit system between the reservoir and the hydraulic turbines is shown schematically on Figure 1.The water passages include:a power intake,an 11 foot diameter horizontal tunnel at El.1035.5';the high pressure gates;an 1ll-foot diameter vertical shaft down to El.309';a 15,000-foot long 13-foot diameter tunnel;and a 2700 foot long 11-foot diameter steel lined tunnel portion,that manifolds to three penstocks. The water passages are designed to supply water to three turbines,at a totaldesignflowof2,223 cfs,with maximum reservoir at El.1190.6'.The total head loss under these operating conditions is 98 feet.The resulting water starting time is calculated at 8.7 seconds,and the travel time of a pressure wave round trip (2L/a)is 9.2 seconds,where "L"is the total length of the power conduit and "a"is the average velocity of pressure wave propagation. The design pressure at the turbine inlet is equivalent to 1470 feet of water pressure and the Hydraulic Grade Line (HGL)extends approximately linearly along the power tunnel length and meets reservoir elevation at the intake.The upper elbow on the vertical shaft is the highest point of the power tunnel with respect to HGL.A sufficient margin of above-atmospheric pressure must be maintained at this location to prevent water column separation.The crown of the upper elbow is at El.1041'. 3.3 Turbines Two Pelton type turbine-generator units,each capable of generating 63 MVA are being installed in the powerhouse.Provisions for a future additional third unit of a similar capacity have been made.Digital,fully programmable, governors are being supplied for each of the two units. The turbine needle valves are equipped with deflectors which,in case of a load rejection,can divert the full water jet streams away from the runner within 1.5 seconds and thus effectively offload the hydraulic power input.Closure of the turbine by means of the needle valves must be done in 72 seconds or more,as currently designed,otherwise the design pressure at the turbine inlet would be exceeded (3 units assumed). The total physical stroke of the turbine needle servomotors is 210 m.A strokeof169mmissufficienttogenerateguaranteedpoweroutputatallheads.The 00974.wpf 7.04/06/90 turbine manufacturer provided spacers to physically limit the needle stroke to 178 mm.Since the replacement of the spacers is labor intensive (needle valves must be dismantled)the manufacturer provided a safety margin by limiting the needle stroke at 178 mm and not at 169 mm.The spacers actually occupy the part of the stroke between 178 and 210 mm.To be able to use this part of the needle stroke for operation the spacers would have to be removed.The governor limits the stroke at the "full load position"which will be finally set after the field performance test.Presently the governor limit is set at 169mm.Therefore, under normal conditions the needle valves will operate between O and 169mm of stroke.In case of the governor malfunction the needles may assume any position between 0 and 178mm of stroke. In addition,the needle servomotors have a built-in "cushioning"feature which reduces both operating rates 2.78 times within the last 10mm of stroke near the "closed"position.As the normal practice in the industry,this feature is added to (1)prevent slamming of the servomotor piston against the stop while closing, and (2)mitigate head fluctuation after emergency closure of the needle valves. For the purposes of design calculations and governor adjustment,the closing and opening times are related to the total stroke of 210 mm.The present design is for a needle to travel within 90 seconds the 210 mm stroke in either direction. To avoid confusion,these operating times are referred to as "nominal". However,for the purposes of the load acceptance study it is more meaningful to use the "effective"needle operating times,defined as the time the needle needs to travel from the fully closed position to the position where full:power outputisgenerated(i.e.169 mm)and vice versa.Therefore,the 90-second nominal operating time equates to an actual 72 second effective operating time (exactly72.43 sec).The velocity of the needle movement will be identical in both instances,i.e.2.33 mm/sec. The movement of the needles is controlled by the governor distributing valves located in the actuator cabinet.An electrical signal is linearly translated into displacement of the piston in the distributing valve.Displacement of the piston opens the valve port and allows pressure oil to flow into the needle servomotor.The displacement of the piston,i.e.opening of the port,controls the velocity of the needle movement.The piston has mechanical stops in each direction which allow adjustment of the maximum opening and closing rate independently.The design and the initial adjustment is for the nominal opening and closing needle time of 90 seconds (effective time of 72 seconds).When the third unit is added the setting of the distributing valves remains unchanged. The oil from the distributing valves is conveyed to the needle servomotors by 3/4"diameter stainless steel piping,partially exposed,partially embedded. There are two pipes for each needle servomotor:one with the pressure oil to open and one with the pressure oil to close.The pipes to all needle servomotors are arranged in a bundle between the turbine head cover and the actuator cabinet. In the case of failure of both pipes to one servomotor the needle would be subject to uncontrolled movement,possibly sudden closure.That would cause an intolerable water hammer.For this reason SWEC required the addition of an antislamming orifice which would restrict movement of the needle to a 60 second nominal rate,for the two unit installation,even if the servomotor piping is lost.To comply with this requirement,the turbine manufacturer installed afixedorificeintothe"close"pressure oil conduit inside the needle valve body which restricts both,the opening and closing rates to the 60 second value.A 00974 .wpf 8 04/09/90 ,socom.epeeoll 60-second nominal closing time for a two-unit operation produces a transient overpressure in the turbine inlet which is within the design pressure of 1470 ft.When the third unit is added,the orifices in the needle servomotors must be replaced with smaller orifices which restrict the nominal operating times to 90 seconds.The 90-second nominal closing needle time is required to maintain the maximum transient overpressure causedby load rejection of three units within the design pressure of 1470 ft. 3.4 Governors The governors for the Bradley Lake units are Woodward Governor Co.Model 501 digital governors.As such,the governing algorithm is programmed in software. This gives great flexibility in governor control algorithm design and modifications.Presently,the governor is designed with two operating modes, 1).Grid and 2)Isolated.Each utilizes different control functions and Proportional,Integral,and Derivative (PID)gains. 3.4.1 Existing Governor Design The Grid mode operates as a turbine power regulator.It controls unit power output based on a power setpoint provided by the operator.This mode is used when the unit is connected to a grid where other units provide system frequencycontrol.This mode while regulating power,also utilizes speed feedback to ensure that the unit does not contribute to system speed deviations.Because of this feedback,the units react to speed errors even though the "control" parameter is power. In the Isolated mode the governor operates as a droop governor similar to conventional analog and mechanical governors.It controls the unit speed based on a speed setpoint provided by the operator.The unit is loaded by raising the speed setpoint above system frequency according to the droop curve.The Isolated mode is used prior to closing of the generator breaker,and when the unit is supplying power to a weak or isolated system. During both modes of operation,the governor controls the number of needles in operation to obtain the best efficiency for the required load.The needles sequence from shutdown to 2,3,4 and 6 needles in operation.The number of needles in service is determined by the actual unit power output when operating in the Isolated mode,and by the power setpoint when operating in Grid mode. Thus when the system frequency drops,the unit in Grid mode will only open those needles already operating.Since the unit power output increases as speed drops for a constant mechanical input power,in Isolated mode the number of needles opening will increase as the output power increases. 3.4.2 Possible Governor Modifications The sequencing of needles,as described above,while utilizing the available water most efficiently,will at low initial power settings,lengthen the time required for the units to achieve full power output.Thus depending upon the initial load setting,the unit's response to under-frequency conditions may be restricted by the governgr control algorithn. Since this study examines methods to improve the load acceptance of the Bradley Lake units,and assuming that maximum load acceptance is more important than efficiency (for the purposes of this study),this study operates all six needles simultaneously at the specified governor rate (i.e:10,30,and 72 second 00974.wpf 9 04/06/90 effective needle operating times).To implement this in the Bradley Lake, governors would require an additional (third)operating mode. 1 additional mode of operation can easily be added to the existing governor by modifying the software.This mode could be triggered from SCADA on an islanding signal,under freqency,or the dispatcher or operator could switch to this mode when freqency regulation is required from Bradley Lake. To obtain the fastest Bradley Lake response in order to provide significant frequency regulation,it would be necessary to operate the turbines with the deflectors partially engaged.While this operating mode was not studied,since power would be controlled by the "fast"deflectors (1.5 seconds full stroke) rather than the "slow"needle valves (10,30,or 72 seconds full stroke)this would provide the fastest frequency control.To facilitate this type of control, the above third operating mode would be modified so that all six needles are opened wider than required by the load and the deflectors engaged to control speed as a zero droop governor.An "enable/disable”switch could be provided to permit the operator to lockout this mode depending on system configuration. Due to the ineffeciencies of this mode of operation,it should only be used for short periods of time. While this third mode would waste energy and cause additional wear on the turbine and deflectors,it would permit the fastest loading of the Bradley Lake units. Since the deflectors do all of the flow modulation,this mode of operation would require no modification of the water passages.i.--e00974 .wpf 10 04/06/90 4.0 SYSTEM STUDIES 1 Methodology of Hydraulic System Modifications The concept for each Alternative (outlined in Section 2.2)was developed usingthefollowingsteps: 1.The modification of the existing design (such as surge tank dimensions,etc.)was based on experience,simple empirical formulas and charts. 2.The arrangement,as per Step 1 above,was modeled by a computer assisted hydraulic transient model to obtain the hydraulic characteristics in the system.List of modeled cases is shown onTable1. 3.Data obtained in Step 2 were evaluated and the arrangement either adopted for the given alternative or further modified and Steps 1 through 3 repeated.Three alternatives were selected to give 72,30, and 10 second effective needle opening times. a.The dimensional,hydraulic,and performance data of the selected alternatives were used as the input for mathematical modeling of the power system performed by PTI. 5.Direct construction and/or equipment modification costs were estimated for each selected alternative. 6.Power ramping curves,showing turbine-generator unit power output versus time during a load acceptance,were developed. 4.2 Hydraulic Transient Model Transient conditions following load acceptance and load rejection in the waterpassages were simulated by means of Stone &Webster's computer program HY-1,Hydraulic Transient Analysis Program.The program applies the method of characteristics and elastic wave theory to obtain the solution of the transient in the waterpassages.The computer program simulated the transient interaction of the power tunnel,penstock manifold,penstocks,turbines,and up to two surge tanks.The program calculates the static head,water level,and flow at selected locations and at predetermined time increments.The output data were used to 'plot ramping curves and to verify dimensions of the surge tanks,specifically the lower and upper elevation of the surge tank bowls. 4.3 Power Ramping Curves The output data from the hydraulic transient program,plus turbine efficiencyandgeneratorefficiency:were used to calculate generator power output and todeveloppowerrampingcurves,which consist of the generator output during load acceptance versus time.Plots of the ramping curves are shown on Figures 6,7, and 8. Generator and turbine efficiencies as per the current contract with Fuji Electric for supply of the turbines and generators were used.The turbine efficiency which is based on the model test data,covers the operating conditions for needle stroke higher than 34.4 mm and heads above 800 feet.Efficiencies for needle 00974 .wpft 11 04/06/90 ' 4 ' i \ \- i t openings smaller than 34.4 mm and for net heads lower than 800 feet were estimated. ..4 Acceptability of Hydraulic Transients The computer output data were checked against acceptance and operational criteria.Adjustments were made to the surge tank system alternatives and other operating parameters in order to remain within these acceptance criteria.One of the acceptability criteria limiting the load acceptance rate considerations is the absolute pressure at the elbow (STA 184+76)on the top of the vertical shaft.The present minimum pressure (HGL =1052')which is 11 feet above the crown of the elbow,was used as the limiting factor.Operating alternatives resulting in less pressure than this minimum were rejected.: Acceptability criteria for the load rejection cases is not to exceed the design pressure of 1470 feet at the turbine inlet. 4.5 Power System Model This analysis considered the Railbelt System operating under 1988/89 Winter Peak load conditions.PTI's PSSE program was used to model the system.Two overall conditions were studied;(1)Connected with the Railbelt system,and (2)Kenai islanded.Frequency dependent load characteristics were incorporated in the system representation. Underfrequency load shedding was not represented in the simulations.For most situations considered,system frequency was not expected to dip into the nderfrequency load shedding range.Moreover,it was deemed important to avoid asking with underfrequency load shedding the natural ability of generation to correct for system frequency decay.Inspection of system frequency plots reveals whether underfrequency load shedding would come into play for.the situations modeled.Data and models for the existing Kenai generation developed from the recent machine tests were incorporated in the system model.The Bradley Lake © units were modeled using data obtained at the tests of the Bradley Lake governors at Woodward Governor,and using standard models.Typical models were used for the other generators in the railbelt. .For all combustion turbines in the Railbelt System,the models were modified 'in order to allow the combustion turbines,in response to below-normal frequency sonditions,to reach sustained output levels equal to their peak ratings.The 'ailbelt utilities have indicated that they may be willing to allow their combustion turbines to operate at 10%over the base rating for several minutes. B.tadley Lake must accept sufficient load to back the combustion turbines down to their base rating in this time period.This capability "extends"the amount of spinning reserve available from a combustion turbine.For each combustion turbine,the peak rating was considered to be 10%greater than the base rating. A discussion of combustion turbine operating capabilities and a method of implementing such a scheme is included in Appendix II to this report.Inclusion of this capability did not alter the initial operating state of any combustion turbine in the simulations.All combustion turbines were modeled as having initial output levels equal to or below the winter base ratings.Further, inclusion of this capability did not alter the transient response of the zombustion turbines to below-normal frequency excursions.The transient response (l.e.,the first two to three seconds following a disturbance)of a combustion turbine is limited only by the response characteristics of the governor and the fuel system regardless of the sustained output limit (base or peak)under which 00974.wpf 12 04/06/90 the turbine is allowed to operate.A combustion turbine can go to full fuel flow output levels for two to three seconds before the slow acting exhaust temperature iting controls return the turbine output to the allowable (base or peak) itained rating. For the cases without as well as with Bradley Lake,the combustion turbines were allowed to go to this peak rating.This was done to facilitate comparison to see the effect of the Bradley Lake Units.This is not how the Railbelt utilities presently operate their turbines,and may not be a desirable operating mode due to the age of some of the units,and the system reliance on the combustion turbines for the bulk of the power generation. The contingency evaluated for all cases with the system intact,was the simultaneous loss of the AMLP Units #6 and #7 combined cycle pair.This combinedcyclepaircantripsimultaneouslyduetotherelayingconfigurationused,and represents the worst,probable instantaneous generation loss the Railbelt System could encounter.Further,the output of this combined cycle pair had the same initial conditions in each simulation and provided a disturbance.of equal magnitude for all situations evaluated. For this analysis,all simulations representing the effects of Bradley considered both Bradley units to be on-line.It was also assumed that the governors associated with the Bradley Lake units operated in a frequency regulation mode (isolated mode).All six needle valves on each of the Bradley Lake units were assumed active for all Bradley Lake output levels.The Bradley Lake governors were modeled with an extremely small droop characteristic (0.1%).This maximized the response capability of the Bradley units to system frequency excursions,and :assured that the Bradley units would reach full output by attempting to cause ystem frequency to recovery to near 60 Hz.Thus,the load acceptance of the Bradley units,as modeled,is limited only by the rate at which the needle valves moved plus any constraints imposed by the hydraulic design.Performance capabilities similar to those modeled could be achieved through modifications to the Bradley Lake governors and by the implementation of the proper control strategies as part of the present Automatic Generation Control (AGC)system. The simulations performed are shown on the case list below.A listing of initial-condition generation levels and plots of frequency and Bradley Lake response are included in Appendix III of this report.The study sequence was 1.first evaluate system response without Bradley Lake (the present day situation),Case 1.Then,Bradley was modeled on-line with the three different hydraulic configurations simulated,Cases 2 through 6.In successive cases, simulations were performed where the amount of spinning reserve available from combustion turbines was gradually reduced.This reduction was accomplished by removing partially loaded combustion turbines one at a time,thus reducing both the system inertia and the amount of available combustion turbine spinningreserve.Reduction of combustion turbine spinning reserve was continued until the present Bradley design (no surge tank and 72 second effective needle operating times)failed to keep the system frequency above the levels at which load shedding would occur,Case 6.- The system was then modeled with only Bradley Lake and the Tesoro unit on line on the Kenai,with a 45 MW Kenai import for the three hydraulic configurations ind the intertie opened,Case7.As a comparison,the same was done with onlysombustionturbinesoperatingontheKenai,Case 8.The Tesoro unit was modeled without a governor and thus had no influence on system frequency. 00974.wpf 13 04/06/90 Case 9 is when the Kenai is isolated with only Bradely Lake and Cooper Lake on line.Various levels of feeder pickup are studied. CONTINGENCY: CASE #1: FILE: WP88NBO1 CASE #2: FILE: WP88BO01 WP88DO1 WP88F01 CASE #3: FILE: WP88c0l WP88E01 WP88GO01 CASE #4: 00974.wpf LOAD ACCEPTANCE ANALYSIS SUMMARY PTI COMPUTER RUNS (All cases)System intact with simultaneous loss of AMLP Units #6 and #7 carrying 111 MW. 1988/89 Winter Peak.Bradley off-line.All spin carried on CTs.168.6 MW of peak rate CT spin. DESCRIPTION: Spinning reserve response from CTs only. 1988/89 Winter Peak.Bradley on-line at 40 MW.Steam and hydro generation reduced.168.6 MW of peak rate CT spin and 80 MW of spin on Bradely. DESCRIPTION: Existing Bradley hydraulics W/90 second needle stroke rate. Existing Bradley hydraulics W/30 second needle stroke rate. Bradley W/10 second needle stroke rate &surge tank. 1988/89 Winter Peak.Bradley on-line at 40 MW.Bernice Lake Units #3 &#4 off-line and steam generation reduced.135.6 MW of peak rate CT spin and 80 MW of spin on Bradley. DESCRIPTION:- Existing Bradley hydraulics W/90 second needle stroke rate. Existing Bradley hydraulics W/30 second needle stroke rate. Bradley W/10 second needle stroke rate &surge tank. 1988/89 Winter Peak.Bradley on-line at 46 MW.Bernice Lake Units '¥3 &#4 and Soldotna off-line.97.6 MW of peak rate CT spin and 74 MW of spin on Bradley. 14 mo 04/06/90 FILE: WP88CO2 WP88E02 WP88G02 CASE #5: FILE: WP88C03 WP88E03 WP88G03 CASE #6: FILE: .WP88C04 WP88E04 WP88G04 CASE #7: FILE: WP88Q01X WP88RO1X WP88S01X CASE #8: 00974.wpf DESCRIPTION: Existing Bradley hydraulics W/90 second needle stroke rate. Existing Bradley hydraulics W/30 second needle stroke rate. Bradley W/10 second needle stroke rate &surge tank. 1988/89 Winter Peak.Bradley on-line at 51 MW.Bernice Lake Units #3 &#4,Soldotna and AMLP Unit #1 off-line.83.9 MW of peak rate CT spin and 69 MW of spin on Bradley. DESCRIPTION: Existing Bradley hydraulics W/90 second needle stroke rate. Existing Bradley hydraulics W/30 second needle stroke rate. Bradley W/10 second needle stroke rate &surge tank. 1988/89 Winter Peak.Bradley on-line at 51 MW.Bernice Lake Units #3 &#4,Soldotna,AMLP Unit #1 and North Pole #1 off- line.Load reduced in Fairbanks.65.9 MW of peak rate CT spin and 69 MW of spin on Bradley. DESCRIPTION: _Existing Bradley hydraulics W/90 second needle stroke rate. Existing Bradley hydraulics W/30 second needle stroke rate. Bradley W/10 second needle stroke rate &surge tank. 1988/89 Winter Peak.All Kenai generation off except Bradley Lake,43 MW,and Tesoro,4 MW.45 MW transfer at University into Kenai.Isolate Kenai by loss of intertle. DESCRIPTION: Existing Bradley hydraulics W/90 second needle stroke rate. Existing Bradley hydraulics W/30 second needle stroke rate. Bradley W/10 second needle stroke rate &surge tank. 1988/89 Winter Peak.Cooper Lake,Bernice Lake Units #3 & #4,and Soldotna supplying Kenai load.Isolate Kenai by loss of intertie. 15 04/06/90 FILE:DESCRIPTION: WP88LO1X Bradley off-line. CASE #9:1988/89 Winter Peak.Kenai isolated.Bernice Lake,Soldotna off.Cooper Lake held at 16 MW.Bradley Lake at 72.5 MW. FILE:DESCRIPTION: Existing Bradley hydraulics W/90 second needle time with: SH 2 WP88T0O1X Pickup of 3 MW feeder. SH 3 WP88U05X Pickup of 5 MW feeder. SH 4 WP88U01X Pickup of 7 MW feeder. Existing Bradley hydraulics W/30 second needle time with: SH 5 WP88TO2X Pickup of 3 MW feeder. SH 6 WP88U02X Pickup of 7 MW feeder. Bradley W/10 second needle time and surge tank with: SH 7 WP88TO3X Pickup of 3 MW feeder. SH 8 WP88U03X Pickup of 7 MW feeder. SH 9 WP88U04X Pickup of 10 MW feeder. 00974.wpft 16 04/06/90 5.0 DISCUSSION OF ALTERNATIVES General This section discusses the individual design elements used to modify the existing waterpassages and turbine/governor equipment,their effects,and limitations relevant to the needle opening time reduction. 5.2 Modification of Turbines 5.2.1 30 Second Needle Opening Time Some modifications of the existing turbines and governors would be necessary to allow a needle opening time of 30 seconds without changing the closing rate restriction.It would include providing separate anti-slamming orifices for close and open oil conduits in the needle valve body.Check valves would have to be added so that flow in opposite directions can bypass the orifices.The needle servomotors,needle servomotor oil piping,and governor hydraulic system as designed are capable of supporting the needle operating time of 30 seconds. Orifices capable of limiting the closing and opening rates separately would have to be built into the needle valve flange.If no surge tanks are added,the nominal closing needle time must remain at 90 seconds in order to comply with the design pressure limits of the turbine equipment and waterpassages. 5.2.2 Less than 30 Second Needle Opening Times Major modifications of the turbines and governors would be necessary to achieve fective needle opening times shorter than 30 seconds.The shorter the closing _-me required,the more extensive the modifications would need to be.The following changes to the equipment would be envisioned: COMPONENT CHANGE REQUIRED needle valves modify/replace head cover &pit liner modify : governor needle piping replace governor distributing valves replace accumulator tank .possibly replace oil sump tank replace governor electronics modify For opening times in the order of 10 seconds or less,the operating control oil pressure might have to be increased.In such a case a new accumulator tank would be required.This would further require either redesign of the spherical valve control system for increased oil pressure or an alternative source of oil pressure for the spherical valve. 5.2.3 Limitation of Needle Operating Time Several leading manufacturers of Pelton turbines,Escher Wyss of Switzerland, Kvaerner Brug of Norway,Vevey of Switzerland,and Neyerpic of France,were uestioned as to the minimum needle operating time for Pelton turbines. issentially identical responses were received from all four manufacturers, stating that it would not be technically difficult to design needle valves of a Pelton turbine with operating times on the order of 4-5 seconds.It would be 00974.wpf 17 04/06/90 only a question of properly sizing the piping,ports,and flow sections for the ---trol oil system in general. mowever,such short needle operating times have never been required for a Pelton turbine.The shortest needle opening time which any of the four manufacturers ever provided for a Pelton turbine of Bradley Lake size is 10 seconds.Thus, SWEC would not recommend needle operating times shorter than 10 seconds without extensive investigation of the entire system. 5.3 Surge Tanks 5.3.1 General Figure 1,Power Tunnel Profile,shows the alternative locations of three different surge tanks and one air chamber considered under this study. §.3.2 Air Chamber An air chamber was considered in the event that it became desirable to achieve an extremely short needle opening time.The conceptual configuration for the air chamber is shown on Figure 2.To accommodate short needle opening times, (on the order of 4-5 seconds)this surge device would have to be located as closetothepowerhouseaspossible(STA 6+40). Shallow rock cover dictated selection of a steel air chamber in lieu of a surge tank.This alternative was not pursued any further since the minimum needle ovening time was established at 10 seconds and that could be accommodated much re economically by the surge tanks as discussed later. 5.3.3 Surge Tank No.1 Surge Tank No.1 (Figure 3)would be located at STA 36+63 where the groundtopographyisatEl.1100',thus providing the closest practical location to the powerhouse for a surge tank.Even at this topographic location,the surge tank would have to be extended above ground,since the water level during normal operation and during upsurge exceeds the ground level.An above ground concrete structure,consisting of a circular tank with segregated concrete wall thickness would be used to form an extension of the surge tank.Six radial butresses would support the tank laterally during an earthquake. The riser diameter was selected at 13 feet.No orifice or flow restriction devices would be used in order to maximize the pressure wave traveling into the surge tank and minimize the pressure wave traveling towards the intake.This would be done in order to meet the criteria for maintaining the highest pressure possible at the upper elbow during a load acceptance,and prevent occurrence:of sub-atmospheric pressure,leading to a possible water column separation at this location. This surge tank was originally selected to facilitate a 10 second needle opening time.As can be seen from Table 1 (Cases DO3 and DO8)this was not achieved. Pressures at the upper elbow would be too low.Two additional modifications to this arrangement were investigated in an attempt to increase the pressure at the pper elbow after a 10 second load acceptance:(1)Increase of the diameter of he tank bowl (50 ft was simulated)proved to be ineffective.(2)Increase of the diameter of the riser (20 ft was simulated)would raise the minimum pressure in the upper elbow to El.1051'for a two-unit operation which would have a 00974 .wpft 18 04/06/90 sufficient margin to prevent occurrence of sub-atmospheric pressure at this *ation.The minimum pressure in the elbow for a three unit operation would at El.1037'which was deemed unacceptable. This surge tank could be used for a 20-second needle opening time foratwo-unit operation.Should a third unit be added,the needle opening time for the third unit would have to be somewhat longer than 20-seconds (on the order of 60 seconds)so that the pressure at the upper elbow would be increased above El 1045'as calculated by Case DO2.(See Table 1). 5.3.4 Surge Tank No.2 Surge Tank No.2 (Figure 4)would be located at STA 60+78 where ground elevation reaches El.1300'.At this location,the top of the tank would need to be extended 30 feet above the ground in order to contain surging water.With a diameter of 25 feet the portion of the tank above the ground would have an aspect ratio of about 1.0 and would not need any additional lateral support.The riser diameter wouldbe 13 feet and no orifices and restrictions would be used for the same reasons as given the case of the Surge Tank No.1. Similarly as No.1,this surge tank (No.2)(1)can not be used for a 10 second needle opening time (neither for a 3-unit nor for a 2-unit operation)since the pressures in the upper elbow would be two low and the danger of the water column separation eminent.See Table 1,Cases D13 and D15.(2)it could be used for a two-unit operation.Again,should the third unit be added,the opening needle time for the third unit would have to be longer than 20 seconds,say 60 seconds.- 3.5 Surge Tank No.3 Surge Tank No.3 (Figure 5)wouldbe located at STA 184+14 and represent anextensionofthe11-foot vertical power tunnel'shaft above ground surface,to El.1290'.. This surge tank if used alone,would not improve the low pressure situation intheupperelbowsignificantly.However,Surge Tank No.3 wouldbe quite effective if used in combination with either Surge Tank No.1 or No.2.See Cases DS51 and D52 on Table 1.For both,2-unit and 3-unit operations,the minimum pressure in the upper elbow would be sufficiently high so that the water column separation would not occur. 5.3.6 Comparison of Surge Tanks Nos.1 and 2 Either Surge Tank No.1 or Surge Tank No.2 when used alone could facilitate a 20-second needle opening time for a two-unit load acceptance.However,there is a slight difference in the two corresponding.power ramping curves.TherampingcurveforSurgeTankNo.1 shows a reduction of power to 52 MW within 130 seconds (quarter-cycle)due to the downsurge in the surge tank subsequent to a full load acceptance of two units.Similarly,the ramping curve for Surge Tank No.2 shows reduction of power to 49 MW (after 75 seconds). By increasing No.2 Surge Tank diameter it would be possible to make the downsurge and power dip comparable to that of Surge Tank No.1.Cycle time of the surge can not be changed since that is an inherent feature of the location »£the surge tanks.The upward and downward movement of the water level in a surge tank is periodical.The function of the movement versus time is 00974.wpf 19 04/06/90 sinusoidal.A cycle time is defined as a period between two subsequent upsurges (peaks). view of these facts,and in consideration that neither surge tank can facilitate a 10 second needle opening time within the prescribed operational and safety criteria,and,further,taking into account the higher cost of Surge Tank No.1 this surge tank configuration was not considered in further assessment studies presented by this report.As discussed later a 10 second alternative could be achieved by combination of Surge Tanks Nos.2 and 3. 00974.wpf 20 04/06/90 5.4 SUMMARY .l Alternatives The following modifications of the waterpassages and equipment would be required to satisfy the three Alternatives defined in Section 2.2 for two-unit operation: ALTERNATIVE I -xisting Hydraulic,Turbine,and Governor Des : This is the current design of Bradley Lake Project,as described in Chapter 4.0,with an effective opening needle time of 72 seconds for the turbine units.No modifications to the existing water passage and equipment design are required. ALTERNATIVE II -Existing Hydraulic Desi with Governor Control Svste Modification -30 second effective Turbine Needle Opening Time: A 30 second effective needle opening time could be achieved without the need for surge tanks and only with minor modifications to the turbine and governor equipment as described in Paragraph 5.2.1.If the third unit is added the needle closing times of all three units will have to be extended (to approximately 45-50 seconds)to meet the pressure criteria in the upper tunnel bend.It may be possible to use different effective needle opening times for the three-unit operation (say Unit 1 at 30,Unit 2 and 3 at 72 sec)so that at least one unit can stay at 30 seconds. TERNATIVE III -Addition of Two Surge Tanks Modification -10 Second Effective Needle Opening Time A 10 second effective needle opening time could be achieved provided Surge Tank No.2 and Surge Tank No.3 are added to the existing waterpassages.Further extensive modification of the turbines and governors,as described in Paragraph 5.2.2, would be required.This alternative is based on Case D52 listed in Table l. The PTI computer model can simulate only a waterpassage system with one surge tank.Therefore,Case D52 could not be used in the PTI analysis.For the PTI analysis,Case DO1]was used for the 10 second cases.Case DO1 uses Surge Tank No.1 with a 20-foot riser.This case is a technically feasible case,fully applicable for a 10 second needle opening time with two units operating. 5.4.2 Comments The deflector opening time of 1.5 seconds can be maintained for all Alternatives allowing the load to be rejected at this rate. The effective needle closing times for Alternatives I and II will remain unchanged at 72 seconds.For Alternative III,the needle closing time could be reduced as long as the full load rejection for three units does not cause the "asign pressure at the turbine inlet to be exceeded.However,since the eflector is provided,the only benefit of a shorter needle closing rate is slightly decreased water waste. 00974.wpf 21 04/06/90 meeeeeniemereeeceape 5.4.3 Ramping Curves Ramping curves of power output versus time (Figures 6,7 and 8)were developed for selected alternative needle 'opening times,as indicated in Table 1.-The ramping curves are included in this report for information.They are not needed as an input for the mathematical model used by PTI.. The curves show that full power is reached in a time period longer (depending on the hydraulic configuration)than the effective needle opening time.This is caused by the transient head drop in the water flow system due to rapid acceleration of the water colum.In cases with a surge tank,the power output Starts to decrease after reaching its highest value at the end of the opening stroke.This is due to the downsurge in the surge tank which results in reduction of turbine head and the consequent reduction of turbine flow. Reduction of power due to a lower turbine head and flow is amplified by the decrease in turbine efficiency which also results from the reduction of turbine head and flow. 00974 .wpft 22 04/06/90 L ' i. bey 3 6.0 DISCUSSION OF STUDY RESULTS 6.1 Comparison of Hydraulic Models The hydraulic transient model used by SWEC and the hydraulic part of the PTIsystemmathematicalmodeluseadifferentapproachfordeterminationoftransientheadandflow.SWEC's model -makes stepwise calculations and.performs integrationsof direct and reflected pressure waves at key locations.PTI's model is a lumped parameter model which uses an empirical algorithm to calculate turbine head versus time.The PTI model does not account for the effects of travelling and reflected waves. The two programs give slightly different results.The turbine heads for the 30 and 72 second alternatives were compared.The turbine heads calculated by PTI 2 seconds after the disturbance were 7 (30 second)and 3 (72 second)percent lower,and 9.5 seconds after the disturbance were 11 (30 second)and 6.5 (72 second)percent higher than heads calculated by SWEC's model.These differences will affect the power output,and thus the frequency change.This report uses the PTI model as part of their PSSE program to analyze frequency response.The SWEC model is used for the hydraulic analysis for the surge tank design. The effect on the frequency response,is that the initial frequency drop in all cases may not be as low as shown on the plots,and the frequency recovery after the initial drop may not occur as rapidly as shown.The difference estimated is on the order of .05 Hz (.08%)low at 2 seconds after the disturbance,and 0.1 Hz (0.17%)9.5 seconds after the disturbance.This is well within the 2%error assumed for all calculations,plots,ete.in this study.Hence,all frequency numbers are stated as shown on the plots. PTI will modify their governor model to use a traveling wave model,and theexactgovernorstructureforBradleyLakefortheTASK3systemstability studies. 6.2 Interconnected System Results For the situations considered in this analysis and the interconnected system, Cases 2 through 6,the simulations demonstrate that the Bradley Lake units, regardless of the hydraulic design,will have minimal affect on system frequency within the first one and one-half to two seconds following a large generation loss.For all cases,there is no apparent frequency difference one second after the generation loss for each of the three needle opening rates.From one second to two seconds after the loss of generation,there appears a difference in frequency between the ten second needle opening and the 30 and 72 second of approximately 0.05Hz.This amount does not appear to significantly rely on the amount of combustion turbine spinning reserve available.See sheet 2 of cases 2 through 6. The amount of combustion turbine spinning reserve has the dominant influence on system frequency and its initial rate of decay within the first two seconds. System frequencies vary from 59.6 Hz for a combustion turbine spinning reserve of 168.6 MW (Case 2)to §9.35 Hz for a combustion turbine spinning reserve of 65.9 MW (Case 6). Within the period of two to three and one-half seconds following a large generation loss (the period when the first step of load shedding would typically occur),Bradley Lake will have a very minor detrimental effect on system 00974.wpf 23 04/06/90 frequency if the existing hydraulic design is coupled with a 30 second effective needle opening time as compared to the 72 second needle time.Bradley will-have a small positive effect on system frequency when the surge tanks and 10 second effective needle opening time are utilized.However,for this time frame, regardless of Bradley's hydraulic configuration,the system frequency would remain above the first load shedding point (59.3 Hz)if the amount of peak rate spinning reserve available from combustion turbines is approximately equal to or greater than the generation loss.See cases 2 through 6. For the time period three and one-half seconds or more following a large generation loss,the surge tanks and 10 second effective needle opening time on Bradley accelerates the rate of system frequency recovery,as compared to the 72 second needle time.Bradley Lake's contribution toward avoiding multiple steps of load shedding was crucial only when the amount of combustion turbine peak rate spinning reserve was significantly less (e.g.,45 MW)than the generation loss,Case 6.In this case,the 10 second needle time avoided load shedding while the 72 and 30 second needle time continued to decay below multiple load shedding points.Also for this time period,when the amount of peak rate spinning reserve available from combustion turbines is approximately equal to or greater than the generation loss,all hydraulic configurations for Bradleywillarrestsystemfrequencydecaysufficientlyenoughtoavoidmultiplesteps of load shedding (Case 2-5).However,the existing hydraulic design with 30 and 72 second needle opening times will come very close to the first load shedding step. After ten seconds there is significant difference in frequency between the ten second needle opening time and the longer times.This difference is greater the lower the amount of combustion turbine spinning reserve available.With a combustion turbine spinning reserve of 168.6MW (Case 2)the difference is approximately 0.4 Hz,and with a combustion turbine spinning reserve of 65.9 MW (Case 6)it is approximately 1.2 Hz.The difference between the 30 and 72 second effective needle opening times not larger than .1 Hz,for a combustion turbine spinning reserve of 65.9 MW. For the situations modeled,a phenomena worth noting was observed.This phenomena was the development of growing voltage oscillations at Soldotna as the Kenai export approached the steady-state stability limits.This phenomena was most pronounced for the situation where the Bradley Lake hydraulic design utilized the surge tank and rapid needle valve stroke rate,and the spinning reserve available from Bradley was achieved in less than 10 seconds.The rapid rate of export change from the Kenai aggravated the onset of this voltage oscillation condition. This phenomena would not have occurred if the recommended automatic capacitor switching at Soldotna had been modeled in the simulations.However,the occurrence of this phenomena does underscore the fact that the amount of spinning reserve available from Bradley Lake may be limited by the Kenai export limits and not by the actual amount of spinning reserve the Bradley units can produce. Moreover,it points to the fact that the secure utilization of Bradley's spinning reserve capability is highly dependent on all automatic schemes functioning properly.This would be particularly true if the very rapid response characteristics were incorporated into Bradley's design.Under such a situation, there would be inadequate time for operator intervention (such as manual capacitor switching or the limiting of Bradley's output)to avoid stability problems in the Kenai due to malfunctioning automatic control schemes.For Bradley"s presently designed 72 second needle valve stroke rate,operators may 00974.wpft 24 04/06/90 aa have adequate time to intervene if power increases from Bradley beganto encroach on the secure.operating capability of the Kenai area. Assuming a required system spinning reserve of 111 MW (ML&P Unit 6 and 7), Bradley Lake provides at least 27.1 MW (111 MW -83.9 MW peak combustion turbine spin required)with a 72 second needle time,see Case 5,and 45 MW with a 10 second needle time.In addition,Bradley Lake can provide up to its rating of spinning reserve to reduce load on combustion turbines operated to their peak rating.In Case 5,this is 61 MW,112 MW rating -51 MW initial operating point. Thus,Bradley Lake can provide at least 27 MW of spinning reserve,and allow at least 61 MW of combustion turbine base rate spinning reserve to be replaced with peak rate spinning reserve (in-case 5). 6.3 Isolated System 6.3.1 Loss of Anchorage-Kenai Interite For the Kenai islanding portion of this analysis,both units at Bradley LakeweremodeledasbeingtheonlyKenaiareagenerationon-line!.The Kenai was modeled as importing 45 MW as measured at the University 115 kV bus.The response of the system was measured following the opening of the Anchorage- Kenai tie at University. Simulations of this condition,Case 8,demonstrated that the Bradley Lake units, regardless of the hydraulic design,will not provide the power necessary to offset the loss of the tie and arrest frequency decay at levels above which underfrequency load shedding will occur.With the 72 second effective needle opening time the frequency at the Bradley Lake bus drops below 50Hz.The 30 second effective needle opening time shows some improvement but still drops to approximately 50.2Hz.Even when surge tanks and 10 second needle opening times are considered,the Kenai frequency dips to approximately 54.5 Hz before it recovers.This frequency level is well below the lowest underfrequency load shed point being considered for the Kenai area. For all three alternative needle opening times,the frequency does recover to near normal even without modeling the effect of underfrequency load shedding. The 72 second needle opening time restores frequency in excess of 30 seconds, the 30 second in 20 seconds,and the 10 second restores frequency in approximately eight seconds.From this perspective,there is an advantage to the 10 second in restoring system frequency after isolation from Anchorage. However,the effect of under frequency load shedding will shorten all times to the restoration of frequency.In addition,depending on the settings of underfrequency relays at Bradley Lake,in all cases the Bradley Lake units may be tripped off line within the first underfrequency period (three to five seconds). As as comparison,a case was run without Bradley Lake on line,Case 8,the present condition.Under the same Kenai import level (i.e.,45 MW),islandingoftheKenaiwiththeBerniceLake#3 and Soldotna combustion turbines on-line (also Cooper Lake at its full output level)results in the Kenai frequency dropping to nearly 58 Hz and recovering to about 58.5 Hz.Although this situation will lead to underfrequency load shedding,the frequency drop under Ithe Tesoro unit was also on-line,was not represented with a governor and therefore had no effect on the frequency in the dynamic simulations. 00974.wpf 25 04/06/90 this condition is only one-third of that which results when Bradley with a 10 second effective needle opening time is employed.These simulations demonstrate the rapid response capability of combustion turbines and demonstrate that even with surge tanks,a hydro unit such as Bradley can not be made to perform at the same level,Thus in order to avoid load shedding on the Kenai when the pennunsula is islanded,has been separated from the Railbelt systen, combustion turbine spinning reserve must be provided on the Kenai pennunsula. 6.3.2 Kenai System Isolated For the Kenai isolated,load pick-up capability portion of this analysis,both units at Bradley Lake were modeled as being on-line as well as the Cooper Lake hydro units.The Cooper Lake units were modeled as being at full output,and the Bradley units supplied the remainder of the Kenai area load.The response of the system was measured following the addition of various amounts of load. For the 72 second alternative,the simulations demonstrated that the pick-up of 3 MW of load will cause the Kenai frequency to dip to about 59.1 Hz.This is a little above the first underfrequencyrelay load shedding point (58.8 Hz)being considered for the Kenai.When the load pick-up amount is increased to 5 MW, the frequency dips below the 58.8 Hz point,but stays above the 58.5 Hz trip point for the Tesoro refinery.A load pick-up of 7 MW will result in the Kenai frequency dipping to around 58.3 Hz. For the 30 second alternative,the simulations demonstrate that the load pick- up capability of Bradley will be worse than for the 72 second governor.This is due to the drop in head associated with the rapid opening of the needles. 3 MW of load pick-up will cause the Kenai frequency to dip to about 58.6 Hz,only Slightly above the Tesoro refinery trip point.A 7 MW load pick-up will result in Kenai frequency dipping below 58.0 Hz.The faster needle valve opening rate with the existing hydraulic design worsens Bradley's response under isolated system conditions.The rapid needle opening rate causes the head pressure at the turbine to drop such that the power output of Bradley declines during the first few seconds of needle opening.This loss of power output compounds the problem of picking up load.For example,Bradley's response to a 3 MW increase in load causes the units'mechanical power output to decrease by about 7 MW (initially)making this equivalent to a 10 MW load pick-up.It takes six seconds following the load addition for Bradley's output to recover to the pre- disturbance level. When the 10 second alternative is considered,the load pick-up capability of Bradley Lake is significantly improved.A 3 MW increase in load for this hydraulic configuration only causes the Kenai frequency to dip to 59.6 Hz.A 7 MW increase in load will result in the frequency dipping to around 59.2 Hz. The simulations indicate that this hydraulic configuration will accommodate a load pick-up of approximately 10 MW (approximately the Seward Winter peak load). A 10 MW load increase causes the Kenai frequency to dip to or just above 58.8 Hz,the first underfrequency load shed point being consideredfor the Kenai area. 6.4 Summary of Results 6.4.1 Anchorage/Kenai Intertie Intact °With Combustion turbine spinning reserve available adequate to cover the lost generation -no load shedding is expected for Bradley needle opening times of 10,30,and 72 seconds. 00974.wpf 26 | 04/06/90 x 4.2 4.3 With Combustion turbine spinning reserve significantly less than the lost generation,the frequency drops below the first load shedding step for Bradley needle opening times of 10,30,and 72 seconds. Bradley 30 second load acceptance rate has a detrimental affect on frequency drop within the initial 2 seconds after the loss of generation as compared to the 72 second needle opening time. Frequency recovery is enhancedby the use of shorter needle opening times. When the amount of Combustion Turbine spinning reserve is significantly less than the lost generation,and if underfrequency load shedding is not implemented,the system frequency decays below all load shedding points for the Bradley 30 and 72 second needle opening times.Some load shedding is avoided with the 10 second needle opening time. When the amount of Combustion Turbine spinning reserve is significantly less than the lost generation,and if underfrequency load shedding is not implemented,the system frequency drops but remains above 59 Hz for the Bradley 10 second needle opening time thus avoiding most load shedding. Loss of Anchorage/Kenai Intertie Regardless of Bradley 10,30,or 72 second needle opening time,the system frequency drops below the lowest load shedding point and all load is shed. Bradley generators may be tripped off line due to underfrequency. With Bradley off line and two combustion turbines operating on the Kenai, undefrequency load shedding occurs,but not all load is lost. Kenai System Isolated (Only Bradley Lake and Cooper Lake on Line) For the Bradley 72 second Needle Opening Time -3 MW feeder pickup -frequency remains above first load shedding point -5 MW feeder pickup -frequency drops below first load shedding point but stays above 58.5 Hz trip point for the Tesoro Refinery Bradley 30 Second Needle Opening Time -3 MW feeder pickup -frequency drops to about 58.5 Hz possibly shedding most or all of Kenai load -7 MW feeder pickup -frequency drops below 58.5 Hz shedding all Kenai load and tripping Bradley generations Bradley 10 second Needle Opening Time -3 MW feeder pickup -frequency drops to about 59.2 Hz avoiding all Kenai lead shedding -10 MW feeder pickup -frequency drops to 58.8 Hz the first underfrequency load shedding point for the Kenai 00974 .wpf 27 04/09/90 aXea 6.4.4 Spinning Reserve Contribution The Bradley Lake units can provide spinning reserves at all three needle opening times studied.The amounts are summarized below. SPINNING RESERVE BENEFIT Combustion sce Rapid Load Acceptance ---------Turbine Peak Needle Interconnected System Kenai Isolated Rating Spinning Opening Time (Lost gen -CT spin)Reserve Enabled 72 seconds 27 MW 3 MW 90 MW * 30 seconds 27 MW 0 MW 90 MW * 10 seconds 45 MW 10 MW 90 MW * *Based on minimum head with two units.At maximum head with two units,112 MW is available. Rapid Load Acceptance When the Kenai and Anchorage systems are interconnected,and when the Kenai is isolated with only hydroelectric generation on line,all three needle opening times provide some spinning reserve for rapid load acceptance.However,due to head drop associated with the fast needle movement,the 30 second time was a negligible spinning reserve benefit under isolated system operation.The rapidresponsespinningreservecapabilitiesofBradleyLakearesummarizedasfollows. Spinning Reserve Interconnected System Kenai Isolated Needle Opening Time Lost ren -inning res (Largest feeder picked up) 72 seconds 27 MW 3 MW 30 seconds .27 MW O MW 10 seconds 45 MW 10 MW The above spinning reserve values are the minimum available,provided that at least that much generation is available at Bradley Lake. Reduction of Combustion Turbine Load All three needle opening times allow the load of the combustion turbines to be substantially reduced within the first minutes after a disturbance.The amount of this type of spinning reserve available is the same for all needle opening times studied,and equates to the full available rating of the Bradley Lake units.The only difference between the alternatives is the total lapsed time to achieve the full rating output.Load acceptance curves show that full output from the turbines can be achieved as shown below. 00974.wpf 28 04/11/90 ' : ' t. i i i wn i i tekES Time To Full Load Needle Opening Time (From Speed-no-Load) 72 seconds;..-80 seconds 30 seconds 40 seconds 10 seconds 13 seconds* *Power output drops to 85%power by 70 seconds,recovering to 100%by 140 seconds. Since the units respond within 90 seconds for all three alternatives,operation of the combustion turbines up to their peak rating (assumed to be 10%over base vating)would be possible for all needle operating scenarios.Based on this, the addition of the Bradley Lake units can reduce the spinning reserve requirement from combustion turbines by as much as 100 MW.(based on units at speed no load,and a 100 MW system spinning reserve requirement).This spinning reserve contribution,however,may be limited by the power transfer capability of the Anchorage-Kenai intertie. 00974 .wpft 29 04/06/90 7.0 COST IMPACTS OF ALTERNATIVES 7.1 General Order of magnitude cost estimates were made for various surge tanks and the air chamber.In addition,costs of potential turbine and governor modifications as required to achieve various needle opening times were estimated.These estimates form the basis of the cost of the three alternatives considered in this study. The estimates include an average 15 percent indirect cost allowance to cover construction management,engineering,vendor design,owner costs and miscellaneous costs.In addition,the estimates include a 20 percent contingency.The estimates do not include costs for schedule delays and loss of power due to a decision for the installation of surge tank(s)and resulting equipment modification. 7.2 Surge Tanks and Air Chamber Unit prices used for the cost estimates are based on the bid prices given for the General Construction Contract.The estimated costs for construction of the various surge tanks are as follows: Direct Indirect Total Construction Construction Construction Cost Cost Cost (SMillion)'(SMillion)"(SMillion) Air Chamber 26.1 3.9 30.0 Surge Tank No.1 14.2 2.8 17.0 Surge Tank No.2 9.7 1.9 11.6 Surge Tank No.3 1.3 0.3 -1.6 These costs are used to develop the costs of the alternatives used in this study as shown in Table 2. 7.3.Turbine and Governor Modifications Cost estimates were developed for anticipated equipment modification as would be required to accommodate faster needle opening times.These estimates are based on the assumption that a decision to proceed with the modifications is made before concreting of the turbine pit liner and turbine head cover commences. The basic difference between the equipment modifications to suit a 10 second and a 20-second effective needle opening is that an increase of the governor oil pressure would be required for the 10 second alternative. The following costs have been estimated for various effective needle opening times,and are for costs for modifying the present two units. Needle Opening Time :Estimated Costs 10 seconds $2.0M 20 seconds $1.6M 30 to 72 seconds $1.2M 72 seconds and more No additional cost 00974.wpf 30 | 04/09/90 8.0 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 8.1 Conclusions The primary contribution of Bradley Lake as spinning reserve is derived by enabling the operation of combustion turbines at their peak rating for short durations to avoid frequency decay.Bradley Lake can accept load in less than 90 seconds up to its full capacity rating (nominally 90 MW)and back the combustion turbines down below their base rating. The use of decreased needle opening times below the existing 72 second needle time,facilitated by surge tanks or other means,does little to avoid load shedding or to increase the combined spinning reserve capability of Bradley Lake. The small increase in rapid response spinning reserve value,and other minor improvements in frequency control,do not appear to justify the added expense for the required modifications. Possible limitations to the amount of rapid response available exist:1)Placing as much as 50%(based on a 100 MW requirement)of the system spinning reserve at a remote power plant at the end of a long single transmission line, 2)Limitations in power flow on the transmission line,and 3)Possibly operating at lower efficiencies,spilling water to maintain the necessary available generation.These considerations indicate that an increase in rapid response spinning reserve from 27 MW to 45 MW may have little benefit. An additional governor operating mode providing simultaneous operation of all six needles and allowing for possible deflector run-in will improve unit response and provide added frequency control when Bradley Lake or the Kenai is operating fsolated.This governor modification can be made at little expense. During Kenai import conditions,in order to avoid a collapse of the Kenai system upon the loss of the existing Anchorage-Kenai intertie,combustion turbines must be operated on the Kenai Peninsula regardless of the Bradley Lake needle opening times. 8.2 °Recommendation Maintain the current load acceptance rate (72 second needle opening time),and current hydraulic and equipment design. Implement an additional needle operating mode utilizing all six needles and allowing for deflectors cut into the water stream. Discontinue any further investigation of revised needle opening times or modified hydraulic system design including surge tanks. 00974.wpf 31 .-04/06/90 Reeay ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT LOAD ACCEPTANCE STUDY Effec- Nominal tive Needle Needle Needle Press Run No.of Opening Opening Opening Upper Accept-No.Units Tine Time Rate Elbow ability(sec)(sec)(mm/sec)(ft) BASE CASE (NO SURGE TANK) D321 3 90.0 72.4 2.33 1060 accept D32 2 90.0 72.4 2.33 1066 accept Co3 3 60.0 48.3 3.50 10582 acceptd21337.3 30.0 5.63 1038 unaccept D26 2 37.3 30.0 5.63 1050 accept SURGE TANK No.1 (STA 36463)?Dia =40 ft;Riser Dia =13 ft DOo3 3 12.4 10.0 16.90 1015 unaccept Dos 2 12.4 10.0 16.90 1034 unacceptDo2324.9 20.0 8.45 1045 marginalDO9224.9 20.0 8.45 1057 accept SURGE TANK No.1 (STA 36+63)7 Dia =40 ft;Riser Dia =20 ft DOS5 3 12.4 10.0 16.90 1037 unaccept Dol 2 12.4 10.0 16.90 1051 accept SURGE TANK No.2 (STA 68+78);Dia =25 ft;Riser Dia =13 ft D13 3 12.4 10.0 16.90 21015 unaccept Dis 2 12.4 10.0 16.90 1035 unacceptDili324.9 20.0 8.45 1046 marginal D114.2 24.9 20.0 8.45 1057 accept SURGE TANK No.3 (STA 184+76);Dia =11 f£t?No riser | D41 3 24.9 20.0 8.45 1041 unaccept SURGE TANK No.2 AND No.3 DS1 3 12.4 10.0 16.90 1062 acceptDSs2212.4 10.0 16.90 1069 accept NOTES: 1.All cases simulate full load acceptance. 2.Initial reservoir level for all cases is at E£1.1080°7. 3.Effective needle stroke is 169 mn, :nominal stroke is 210 mn. TABLE 1:LIST OF CASES i s. ty iix ee es ; x ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT LOAD ACCEPTANCE STUDY Direct -Indirect Total Construc-Construc-Construc- tion Cost tion Cost tion Cost ALTERNATIVE (needle opn'ng time)|($Million)($Million)(S$Million) ALTERNATIVE I (72 seconds) Current Design 0.0 0.0 0.0 ALTERNATIVE II (30-72 sec) Equipment Modification 1.2 incl.1.2 ALTERNATIVE III (10 seconds) Surge Tank No.2 9.7 1.9 11.6 surge Tank No.3 1.3 0.3 1.6 Equipment Modification 2.0 incl.2.0 TOTAL FOR ALTERNATIVE III 13.0 2.2 15.2 Note:The above costs reflect a two-unit operation TABLE 2:COST OF ALTERNATIVES v4oyx|xt<3 +S tw re Ww .TT)¥<SZ]co bd8gbQ2/5 92/8,8 ue wn &OC i|2 o tO a)wv)Wio3icaip«¢<={GATE SHAFT Sg\e Seo &OsE3PoaoleINTAKEDosWcosPen v3wOofyEL1300'eo,= ai G EL 1035.5 [=]EL 1100 311FT..i - DIA.@ EL309 1 //¢EL15 CONCRETE LINED SECTION STEEL une sonpe[a --- 11 FT.13 FT.DIA.11 FT.DIA.OFT. DIA. |DIA. M1189134 FIGURE 1:POWER TUNNEL PROFILE romepreerepe tree eee seer EL 185°(TYP) (|\I>COMPRESSORHOUSE S/S Sr : 4"STEEL PLATE (TYP)-t=}<a- SOFT DIA fe(TYP)Ey ACCESSSHAFTEL 50.0°(TYP) ee eawees EL 15"EXCAVATION 50 X 90 FEET POWER TUNNEL 11°DIA FIGURE 2:AIR CHAMBER 41189143 EL 1270" 2'-be | EL 1220° EL 1180" --BUTTRESS (TYP) 5 THICK EL 1100° a "60"a}|PR EL Age 7qan,.vr ay \\2 UNER ->EL 950° C .: T LINER.nT LINER | i -- _EL 74.83 7ro--13'94 FIGURE 3:SURGE TANK NO.1 M1189129 EL 1330° |REL 1300 : EL1290'-... - Ht-2 LINER --EL 900° }a-_1 LINER ;}; -T||: 13°DIA f +t:DIA {LE 114 _0): __\,,___) FIGURE 4:SURGE TANK NO.2 EL 1290" EL 1270° SURGE IUPPERPOWERTUNNELTANK-i. --POWERTUNNEL VERTICAL SHAFT FIGURE 5:SURGE TANK NO.3 M1189142 D32:2-UNIT OPER 60 50 = =Vw =40 = 2 & a. -30 =) ps2 °o &20 = 5 a. 10- FIGURE 6:POWER RAMPING CURVE FOR ALTERNATIVE | :72-S FL-ACC;HWL=1080 NO SURGE TANKS en ZL 80 100 TIME (SECONDS) 180 D26:2-UNIT OPER;30-S FL-ACC;HWL=1080 NO SURGE TANKS 50 7 . pe 68 20 POWEROUTPUTPERUNIT(MW).310 : °2 "0 60 80 100 120 TIME (SECONDS)bs -IGURE 7:POWER RAMPING CURVE FOR ALTERNATIVE Il D52:2-UNIT OPER;10-S FL-ACC;HWL=1080 S--TANK #2:Om25FT;S-TANK #3:O=ltFT IPRA.|SSO Eee 30 20 60 aa POELeePOWEROUTPUTPERUNIT(MW)49 iOean a i 1, hoe bas 4 gee payFase0.20 40 60 60 100 120 TIME (SECONDS) IGURE 8:POWER RAMPING CURVE FOR ALTERNATIVE Ill APPENDIX I 04/06/90I-100974.wpf 1.0 METHODS FOR MITIGATION OF HYDRAULIC TRANSIENTS There are several methods or devices that can be used to control excessive or unacceptable hydraulic transients in.a hydroelectric pressure tunnel.These include: Surge tanks Air chambers By-pass Valves Modification of WaterpassagesPuppy Undesirable transient conditions include excessive pressure rise,excessive pressure drop,water colum separation,or turbine overspeed.The transient control devices are usually expensive and no single device is suitable for all hydraulic systems or for all operating conditions.Usually a number of alternatives are considered,electing the alternative that results in acceptable transient response conditions and provides the best overall economics for the plant. An acceptable transient response may be defined by specifying limits for maximum and minimum pressure changes within the power tunnel,maximum turbine speed following a load rejection,absence of subatmospheric pressure in any part of the waterpassages,or other specifics concerning the regulating characteristics of a hydraulic turbine.The regulating characteristics are usually discussed in terms of "water-starting time".The water starting time is approximately the time necessary to accelerate the entire mass of water in the waterpassages to its design flow velocity.The design flow velocity is designed as being the velocity achieved at the full power output of the turbine-generator unit when operating at maximum generating head.If the water-starting time can be reduced, the regulation characteristic of the power plant is improved. The following describes the methods used to control hydraulic transients. SURGE TANKS 1.1 Definition A surge tank is an open shaft or standpipe which is connected to the power tunnel at one end and is open to atmosphere on the other end.The surge tank provides (1)an intermediate reservoir to contain or provide a source of water during a load change,(2)a free water surface to facilitate reflection of part of the pressure waves generated within the flow passages by the load changes. 1.2 Surge Tank Functions The surge tank provides three functions: 1.Reduces pressure fluctuation amplitudes at the turbine inlet by acting toreflectincomingpressurewavesfromanydownstreamflowdisturbance.In effect,placing a surge tank in a power conduit acts to shorten the distance a pressure wave travels from the turbine to the reservoir. 2.A surge tank can improve the regulating characteristics of a hydraulic turbine-generator unit.This is done by effectively reducing the water starting time of the water column in the tunnel by shortening the length of tunnel between the turbine and the nearest free water surface. 00974.wpf I-2 04/06/90 ! b.p> tboparr A surge tank acts as a storage reservoir of water and helps to decelerate the water column in the power tunnel during a powerplant load rejection. Similarly,it acts as a source of water during load acceptance.Thus,the water within the power tunnel can be accelerated or deceleratedmore slowlywhichlimitsthepressuredrop/rise extremes at the cost of increased head fluctuation within the power tunnel. 1.3 Types of Surge Tanks Surge tanks can be described as simple,orifice,differential,one-way,or closed. 1.Simple The simple surge tank is a vertical standpipe or shaft of constant diameter.A modified simple surge tank with a smaller diameter riser discharging into a larger diameter surge tank bowl on the top is commonlyusedforhighheadapplications. Orifice The orifice type has a restriction at the surge tank entrance or exit into the power tunnel.Usually the restriction is circular and of limited height.If required,the restriction can be designed such that the head loss is higher for water flowing into the tank than for water flowing out of the tank or vice versa. Differential The differential surge tank is similarto the orifice type:In addition 'to an orifice it has a smaller diameter standpipe within the larger diameter surge tank bowl.The stand pipe has to be filled with water before water can overflow the top of the standpipe into the tank bowl. The water column in the standpipe acts as an additional entrance restriction into the surge tank.Usually a small orifice or opening at the bottom of the standpipe is provided to allow limited water flow from the power tunnel directly into the anulus between the surge tank bowl and internal standpipe and back. One-Way The one way surge tank is similar to a modified simple surge tank.In addition,a check valve is placed into the riser so that flow is allowed in only one direction. Closed The closed surge tank has a cover on the top of the tank bowl.A small opening (or pipe,shaft)is provided through the cover. Alternatively,a throttling valve can be placed into the opening and restrict surges in the tank by means of air entrapped in the tank. 00974.wpf 1-3 . 04/06/90 t \ beg hae i 2.0 AIR CHAMBERS Air chamber construction is similar to that of a simple surge tank except that air chambers are fully enclosed and pressurized.The overall height of an air chamber is considerably less than that of a simple surge tank. During normal operation approximately one third of the air chamber volume is filled with water and the remainder is filled with compressed air.Compressors must be provided to maintain the water and air volumes in the chamber in equilibrium. The function of an air chamber is similar to that of a simple surge tank.An air chamber is normally used where a surge tank would become a too tall free standing structure,difficult to support laterally.The air in the enclosed chamber forms a spring and acts as a substitute for the pressure that would have been naturally created by an equivalent free standing water column. 3.0 BY-PASS VALVES Partial or full flow by-pass valves are used to by-pass turbine flow following a load rejection.Simultaneous turbine closure and full by-pass valve opening would not change the flow rate in the power tunnel and thus will not create any pressure transient.The by-pass valve then closes at a very slow rate to minimize pressure variation in the power tunnel. Partial flow by-pass valve will operate similarly as the full flow by-pass valve. Since this valve can pass only part of the turbine flow,the flow rate in the tunnel following a full load rejection will be reduced and cause a lower pressure rise. A turbine with a full flow by-pass valve will operate similarly as a Pelton turbine with deflectors.Rapid load rejection will be possible,however the load acceptance rate will be restricted by the configuration of the power tunnel. 4.0 MODIFICATION OF WATERPASSAGES The amplitude of pressure fluctuations is dependent on the water starting time which is a direct function of the conduit length and velocities and inverse function of the head.Reduction of the water starting time would mean reduction of pressure fluctuations.Shorter water starting time could be achieved by any of the following steps: 1.Lowering flow velocities in the tunnel by enlarging the flow section areas. 2.Reducing the overall length of waterpassages. 3.Increasingthe turbine head by raising the reservoir level and/orloweringthepowerhousesettingandtailwaterlevel. 00974.wpf I-4 | 04/06/90 BenegreerrmmceettercetagitenoemenerLe:LoopmotLEi t i APPENDIX II 04/06/90II-100974.wpt USE OF COMBUSTION TURBINE PEAK RATING TO UTILIZE SPINNING RESERVE AT BRADLEY LAKE The following is a discussion of the use of combustion turbine (CT)peak rating to improve utilization of spinning reserve at Bradley.It was prompted by discussions with Railbelt utility representatives indicating that they are willing to consider operating CTs in "peak mode"in order to facilitate use of Bradley Lake spinning reserve. Most combustion turbines have,or can be modified to have,several "ratings" based on a utility's system needs and its perception of acceptable performance characteristics and costs associated with operation of a CT.Moreover,these ratings are not single values,but rather a set of values which are a function of the operating environment of the CT.Further,these ratings are established only for steady-state operating conditions.Speed controls associated with a CT can cause the output to exceed the steady-state rating for a period of a few seconds in response to below-normal frequency excursions. Combustion turbines are typically rated based on a maximum allowable turbine exhaust gas temperature.CT ratings are usually established for a standard set of environmental operating conditions known as ISO conditions.ISO conditions refer to an ambient temperature of 59 degrees Fahrenheit,at normal sea-level atmospheric pressure and at a certain relative humidity.For ISO conditions, CTs will typically have two ratings based on some defined value of turbine exhaust gas temperature: 1)Base Rating 2)Peak Rating The turbine exhaust gas temperature is a significant indicator of the amount of life expenditure that occurs in a CT due to erosion and fatigue of the internal turbine parts. The base rating is the power rating at which a CT can operate for sustained periods of time and stay within what is considered to be a normal maintenance schedule and without severe or unusual degradation to the internal parts of the turbine.The peak rating is a power rating greater than the base rating at which a CT can operate for some limited period of time (hours),but which will cause greater than normal degradation of the internal parts of the turbine and will increase the frequency and necessity of maintenance. Although not specified as a rating,CTs have an emergency capability which is above the peak rating.This emergency capability may correspond to the maximun, physical fuel consumption capability of the turbine as allowed by the fuel control system.A CT can operate at this emergency capability for only a very limited period of time,and operation at such levels (for more than a few seconds consecutively)will result in severe degradation of the internal parts of the turbine and will require significant maintenance activity. As noted,CT ratings are established for ISO conditions.Of the factors defined by ISO conditions,the ambient temperature has the most significant affect on the rating of a CT.As the ambient temperature drops below the ISO condition level,a given amount of fuel flow into a CT will result in a lower turbine exhaust gas temperature.Therefore,one can inject more fuel into a CT at a lower ambient temperature without exceeding some prescribed level of turbine exhaust gas temperature.Conversely,as the ambient temperature goes above the 00974.wpf 11-2 04/06/90 ISO condition level,a given amount of fuel flow into a CT will result in a higher turbine exhaust gas temperature.Thus,fuel flow into the CT must be decreased in order to not exceed the prescribed level of turbine exhaust gas temperature.Since the power output of a CT is a direct function of the fuel flow into it,it becomes apparent that a CT will have a different base and peak rating for different ambient temperature conditions if one maintains a constant turbine exhaust gas temperature. Since turbine exhaust gas temperature is a critical factor in the operation ofacombustionturbine,the controls of a CT are often designed to monitor this exhaust gas temperature and reduce the output of the CT when it exceeds some permissible exhaust gas temperature limit.This is accomplished through the use of a thermocouple in the exhaust gas stream.Such devices typically have a response time a several seconds and respond slowly to changes in exhaust gas temperature.In normal operation,the governor or other controls on a CT may increase the fuel flow into a combustion turbine in order to increase its output. Such increases can be up to the turbine's emergency capability (maximum fuel consumption level)and can boost the exhaust gas temperature above the permissible limit as defined by the particular rating (i.e.,base or peak). Therefore,a CT can exceed its rating until the controls respond to the elevated exhaust gas temperature,reduce the fuel flow and thus lower the output of the CT.Several seconds of "above rated power"output can be obtained from a CT during below-normal frequency excursions due to this operating characteristic. Based on the above description of combustion turbine operation,various operating strategies can be developed to obtain increased response capability from a CT. One could normally operate a CT at no more than its base rating level and,during below-normal frequency conditions,take advantage of the few seconds of temporary "above rated power"output which might occur before the controls reduce the output of the CT back to its base rating level.Conversely,one could normally strive to operate a CT at no more than its base rating level,but configure the controls of the CT to allow it to operate,on a sustained basis,up to its peak rating level.Thus,in response to a below-normal frequency condition,the governor could boost the output of the CT to the emergency capability (maximum fuel consumption)until the exhaust temperature controls bring the output back to the peak rating level.The CT could then be allowed to operate at the peak rating level until other generation was brought on-line or until the output of slower responding hydro or steam units could be increased.Thus,the latter strategy would provide more sustained reserve capability from a given combustion turbine than the first operating strategy.Further,provided that a CT was not allowed to remain at its peak rating level for inordinate amounts of time,severe degradation of the internal parts of the turbine couldbe minimized and excessive maintenance activity avoided. One potential method of implementing the latter described control strategy would be to employ the use of a relay which would respond to below-normal frequency operation.The combustion turbine controls would normally be set to limit the turbine output based on-the exhaust gas temperature associated with the turbine's base rating.Upon the occurrence of some predefined below-normal frequency (say 59 Hz)which existed for some length of time (say one second),the relay could switch the combustion turbine controls to limit the output of the turbine based on the exhaust gas temperature associated with the turbine's peak rating.Some form of control (i.e.,SCADA)could be used to allow an operator to reset the relay and reconfigure the controls to limit the turbine output based on the exhaust gas temperature associated with the turbine's base rating. 00974.wpft II-3 04/06/90 Seat i. aniHi ii 4 t The affects of this strategy on the operation of the Railbelt System is bestdemonstratedbywayofthe'following example.This example compares theoperationoftheexistingsystemwiththatofthefuturesystemwithBradleyLakeon-line.This example assumes a system load level similar to the 1988/89 Winter Peak with generation dispatch as was modeled in the Railbelt Underfrequency Load Shedding Study for the winter peak normal dispatch case.Asshown in the table below,the existing system was calculated to have 86.5 MW of spinning reserve available from combustion turbines assuming that the CTs were limited (on a sustained basis)to their winter base rating.For the future system,Bradley was assumed to be on-line at 60 MW.This allowed shutting off three CTs (Bernice Lake #3,AMLP #1 and Soldotna)and reducing the output of three other CTs by a total of 26.5 MW.In addition,this scenario assumes that all CTs which remained on-line could operate on a sustained basis up to their winter peak rating (i.e., 10%above the winter base rating)thus providing an additional 46.2 MW of reserve 'capability:-As is shownin the table,the total spinning reserve available from the CTs is now 110.5 MW despite the fact that 60 MW of Bradley generation allowed the removal of three partially loaded CTs which previously provided spinning reserve capability...Moreover,Bradley Lake has 60 MW of reserve capability which,allowing sufficient time,could be increased if needed following a resource deficiency. Existing System Bradley On @ 60 MW Spinning Reserve Spinning Reserve Based On CT Winter Based On CT Winter System Load Base Ratings Peak Ratings Winter Peak 86.5 MW 110.5 MW In this example,economic operation is improved by taking lightly loaded CTs in the Kenai off line.A simpler scenario may be useful and representative of the future when "must run”units may not be operating in the Kenai (see the attached sketch).In (a)Bradley is off and 400 MW of CTs (base rating)are on-line and operating at 300 MW (there is 100 MW of spinning reserve on the CTs).In (b) Bradley is brought on-line at 60 MW,and an 80 MW CT (loaded to 60 MW)is removed.There is now just 80 MW of spinning reserve on the CTs.Bradleygoverningisassumedtobetooslowtohelpreduceloadshedding.”The result is a loss of 20 MW of spinning reserve.In (c)the CTs have been set to allow the units to go to peak rating when frequency drops due to a loss of generation. Assuming peak rating is 10%above base rating,this provides 32 MW of additional spinning reserve.This spinning reserve would come initially from the CTs and than from Bradley after about one minute.There is thus 112 MW of spinning reserve in this case.It is clear that additional CT capacity can be taken off line.In (d)an additional 10 MW of CT capacity is removed from the system. The 240 MW of CT loading is now spread among units with a total base rating of 310 MW,and a total capability of 341 MW at peak rating.There is 101 MW of spinning reserve in this case,70 MW between the initial CT operating points and base rating,and another 31 MW between base and peak ratings (10%of the 310 MW of on-line base capacity).In this scenario,bringing Bradley on-line at 60 MWandallowingCTstooperateuptopeakratingwhenfrequencyislow,allows 90 2Studies of Bradley penstock performance presently underway indicate that for the base design with a 90 second needle stroke time the Bradley power output will drop for 6 seconds before recovering to its initial level and then proceeding to a higher level when frequency drops. 00974.wp£II-4 04/06/90 ' ' ( t t. ian MW of (base)CT capacity to be taken off the system.Average loading of the remaining CTs rises from 75%to 77.5%for an additional economy. The amount of spinning reserve available in CTs will vary with load as units are put on-line and removed.It will range from marginal (say,100 MW)to an excess of 50 MW or so right after a unit is started up to avoid spinning reserve dropping below the minimum required (the excess will be equal to the base rating of the unit that is started)._On average then,the spinning reserve will be well above the scheduled 100 MW minimum.Nonetheless,the capacity between base rating and peak rating can be used to reduce the average spinning reserve(between the operating point and base rating)when Bradley is on-line and has spinning reserve that is available to limit the duration of cT operation above'base rating. In summary,the use of CT peak rating capacity following loss of generation can not only allow the system to utilize spinning reserve at Bradley,but can significantly improve economic operation.Though the emphasis here has been on "facilitating use of Bradley Lake spinning reserve,the CT peak rating capability could be useful even when Bradley is off- line or is fully loaded and thus provides no reserves.CTs could be allowed to remain at peak rating until additional generation is brought on-line. However,the utilities indicate that due their reliance on the CTs for base power,the age of many of the CTs,and for control and operational reasons,they presently do not allow operation above the base rating,and would limit any. future use at a peak rating to only a few minutes. 00974 .wpf II-5 04/06/90 APPENDIX III PLOTS FROM COMPUTER SIMULATIONS BY PTI 00974 .wpf III-1 | 04/06/90 i. PTI INTERACTIVE POWER SYSTEM SIMULATOR- PSS/E WED,NOV 29 1989 10:43 1988 WINTER PEAK.30 MW NORTH,45 MW SOUTH.BRADLEY OFF. Ll11.7 MW BASE RATE CT SPIN,168.6 MW PEAK RATE CT SPIN. 3E 'TOR SUMMARY: NAME BSVLT #MAC TYP MW MVAR QMAX QMIN VSCHED VACTUAL REM 3 BELUGA3G13.8 1 2 68.0 0.6 24.8 12.4 1.0180 1.0180 5 BELUGASG13.8 1 2 55.0 0.6 33.0 +-16.5 1.0180 1.0180 6 BELUGA6G13.8 1 3 65.7 -0.5 37.1 <-11.1 1.0180 1.0180 7 BELUGA7G13.8 1 2 75.0 -0.4 37.1 +11.1 1.0200 1.0200 8 BELUGA8G13.8 1 2 54.0 -0.1 30.0 -15.0 1.0200 1.0200 24 EXLUT 266.90 1 2 16.0 3.6 7.3 -2.2 1.0200 1.0200 25 EXLUT 166.90 1 2 16.0 3.6 7.3 -2.2 1.0200 1.0200 34 TEELAND 13.8 1 2 0.0 -7.1 22.0 22.0 1.0200 1.0200 15 :67 BERN 3G 13.8 1 2 11.0 2.9 13.9 -6.9 1.0300 1.0300 68 BERN 4613.8 1 2 11.0 3.0 13.9 6.9 1.0300 1.0300 79 COOP1E2G4.20 2 2 16.0 -1.8 14.7 -9.2 1.0300 1.0300 121 FORT W.12.4 4 2 14.2 3.9 10.8 -5.2 1.0400 1.0400 133 EIELSON 7.20 4 2 15.0 5.9 .8.2 -3.8 1.0300 1.0300 136 PUMP #8 24.9 1 -2 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0000 1.0145 _145 FT GRELY4.16 1 -2°0.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0000 0.9388 i151UOFA4.16 3.2°9.0 -4.5 "7.0 -3.5 1.0300 1.0300 -;ses 201 GLDHLSVS13.8 1 2 0.0 14.4 33.0 -5.0 1.0200 1.0200 202.210 N.POLE 13.8 2 2 48.0 0.7 34.8 +-17.4 0.9860 0.9860 213 CHENA 12.5 3 2 15.0 6.6 12.2 =4.0 1.0250 1.0250 214 CHENA 4.16 2 =2 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0000 1.0183 368 HEALYSVS12.0 1 2 0.0 -3.5 22.0 -33.0 1.0350 1.0350 37 370 HEALY 1613.8 1 2 27.0 -0.2 15.5 -7.5 1.0140 1.0140 600 PINT2 5G13.8 1 2 35.0 17.0 17.1 -8.5 1.0200 1.0200 601 PINT2 6613.8 1 2 34.0 6.1 20.5 -10.2 1.0200 1.0200 602 PINT2 7613.8 1 2 77.0 38.1 49.7 -24.8 1.0200 1.0200 607 PINT1 1613.8 1 2 5.0 5.7 9.4 -4.7 1.0200 1.0200 691 TESORO1G24.9 1 -2 4.0 1.9 1.9 -1.9 1.0100 1.0017 ge 998 SOLD SVS 1 2 0.0 8.9 30.0 -25.0 1.0200 1.0200 9989 En SOLDOT1G13.8 1 2 6.0 -0.2 19.7 -5.9 1.0200 1.0200 s!STEM TOTALS 679.0 114.5 532.8 -275.9 MVABASE=1113.8 1988 WINTER PERK.30 MW NORTH,4S MW SOUTH.BRADLEY OFF. 111.7 MW BASE RATE CT SPIN,168.6 MW PERK RATE CT SPIN.mwTRIPAMLPUNITS#6 &#7 CARRYING 111MW AT T =0.5 SECONDS.al ..-- FILE:WP88NB01.CHN S©Ld | cS GOLD HILL 138 (HZ)"@Q "50.500 Kew see esses x s8.0001 Puy ! BELUGA 138 (HZ)_§=60.500 +---S--+58.0001 5 L.7 _ AMLP 230 {HZ)wn60.500 :aiheheieneienataiaias °58.000 w > SOLDOTNA 115 (HZ)- m2 60.500 -Ss 58.000 BRADLEY 115 (HZ) 60.500 a ----a 58.000 -|||||||S é =s -|: x 2 S ="6 > i=] a S '_-"4 2Loe S -43 : -: 2 | s : S S =a g . 2 ' io bere PTI INTERACTIVE POWER SYSTEM SIMULATOR--PSS/E WED,NOV 29 1989 10:44 1988 WINTER PEAK.BRADLEY @ 40MW REPLACING HYDRO &STEAM. 111.7 MW BASE RATE CT SPIN,168.6 MW PEAK RATE CT SPIN. 31 ATOR SUMMARY:: NAME BSVLT #MAC TYP MW OMIN VSCHED VACTUAL REM :::3 BELUGASG13.8 1 2 68.0 0.4 24.8 -12.4 1.0180 1.0180 5 BELUGASGI3.€1 2 55.0 0.4 33.0 -16.5 1.0180 1.0180. 6 BELUGA6G13.8 *1 3 65.1 -0.7 37.1 11.1 1.0180 1.0180 7 BELUGATG13.8 1 2 75.0 -0.7 37.1 12.1 1.0200 1.0200 8 BELUGASG13.8 1 2 44.0 0.0 30.0 =15.0 1.0200 1.0200 . 24 EKLUT 266.90 1 2 16.0 3.7 1.0200 1.0200 25 EKLUT 166.90 1 2 16.0 3.7 7.3.-2.2 1.0200 1.0200 34 TEELAND 13.8 1 2 0.0: 0.8 -22.0 -22.01.0200 1.0200 15 --i 67 BERN 3613.8 1 2.11.0 2.9 13.9 -6.9 1.0300 1.0300 68 BERN 4613.8 1 2 11.0 3.0 13.9 --6.9 1.0300 1.0300 ; ; 79 COOP1E2G4.20 2 2 6.0 -0.5 14.7 9.2 1.0300 1.0300 121 FORT W.12.4 4 2 14.2 4.0 10.8 5.2 1.0400 1.0400133EIELSON7.20.4--2 15.0-.6.0 8.2 3.8 1.0300 1.0300 -.7 136 PUMP #8 24.9 1 -2 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0000 1.0143 135 FT GRELY4.16 1 -2 0.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0000 0.9386 IS1UOFA 4.16 3 2 9.0 64.6 °7.0 °°=3.5 1.0300°1.0300 201 GLDHLSVS13.8 1 2 ... -5.0 1.0200 1.0200.202 210 N.POLE 13.8 2 2 48.0 2.2 34.8 -17.4 0.9860 0.9860 213 CHENA 12.5 3 2 5.0 7.8 12.2 <-4.0 1.0250 1.0250 214 CHENA 4.16 2 <2 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0000 1.0183 368 HEALYSVS12.0 1 2 0.0 4.4 22.0 -33.0 1.0350 1.0350 37370HEALY1613.8 1 2 17.0 -0.6 .15.5 -7.5 1.0140 1.0140503BRADEQV13.8 1 2 40.0 0.7 39.3 -39.3 1.0100 1.0100 600 PINT2 5G13.8 1 2 35.0 16.8 17.1 -8.5 1.0200 1.0200 601 PLNT2 6G13.8 1 2 34.0 5.8 20.5 -10.2 1.0200 1.0200 602 PINT2 7613.8 1 2 77.0 37.8 49.7 -24.8 1.0200 1.0200 607 PLNT1 1G13.8 1 2 5.0 5.6 9.4 <-4.7 1.0200 1.0200 :bak 691 TESOROIG24.9 1 -2 4.0 1.9 1.9 -1.9 1.0100 1.0017 i}SOLD SVS 1 2 0.0 -4.9 30.0 -25.0 1.0200 1.0200 9989 e |SOLDOT1G13.8 1 2 6.0 -0.2 19.7 -5.9 1.0200 1.0200 be SUBSYSTEM TOTALS 678.3.121.0 572.1 -315.2 MVABASE=1239.8 1988 WINTER PEAK.BRADLEY 4OMW REPLACING HYDRO &STEAM. 111.7 MW BASE RATE CT SPIN,168.6 MW PEAK RATE CT SPIN.CmTRIPAMLPUNITS#6 &#7 CARRYING LIiMW AT T =0.5 SECONDS.3™®§FREQUENCY COMPARISON FOR DIFFERENT BRADLEY HYDRAULICS.== o> a =) °ifoeoO- ,10 SEC NEEDLE,SURGE TANK #1 =a 60.500 FILE:WPBS8F01.CHN Sr ssa T ===Sae °58.0001 ui.. |_30 SEC NEEDLE.NO SURGE TANK =7 60.500 FILE:WP6e001.CHN . ---=58.000 =;_90 SEC NEEDLE,NO SURGE TANK o k 60.500 FILE:WP68501.CHN ----58.000 Ps)' |ars ||||2g NO '|So al By ='+c = '|cr xz i\ 'J \\3 -_\-"3 -es | ( ] :!4! | |-g L_|aa bes a jee | S S S =ss s : -710 2 : ___|& |c ; 1988 WINTER PERK.BRADLEY ©YOMW REPLACING HYDRO &STEAM. 111.7 MW BASE RATE CT SPIN,168.6 MW PEAK RATE CT SPIN. EXISTING BRADLEY HYDRAULICS W/90 SECOND NEEDLE STROKE RATE. TRIP AMLP UNITS #6 &#7 CARRYING 111MW AT T =0.5 SECONDS. FILE:WP88B01.CHN GOLD HILL 138 (H7) 60.500 Rereeeee ees *58.000 BELUGR 138 (HZ) 60.500 en 98.000 AMLP 230 (HZ) a rr *58.000 SOLDOTNA 115 __(H?)___. 60.500 | 88-000 | BRADLEY 115 (HZ) 60.500 ----s__58.000 10.0009.00006.00006.00004.00002.00000TUE,5.00007.0000TIME3.00001.000014349NOV281989BUSFREQUENCIES Tpttepeeoeeneeasegpenyereegreggeeeengote=1988 WINTER PEAK.BRAGLEY @©4OMW REPLACING HYDRO &STEAM. 111.7 MW BASE RATE CT SPIN.168.6 MW PERK RATE CT SPIN.sw :EXISTING BRADLEY HYDRAULICS W/90 SECOND NEEDLE STROKE RATE.©7TRIPAMLPUNITS#6 &#7 CARRYING 111MW AT T =0.5 SECONDS.=Ww . FILE:WP88B01.CHN iT|o =72c ec oC | TURBINE FLOW (CFS)_& 1600.0 ieee +100.00 o=== TURBINE HEAD (FT)ff 1200.0 ere °900.00 w J NEEDLE OPENING (PU}_|=a 1.0000 ---0.0 =PMECH {MNJ ra] 150.00 a 0.0 |Tt ry |g I a !: =is !:'o ;. =!mi ='-* g -ae '- 3 !: '>] 'S /s -a"oePO f=] 8 i |||= 1988 WINTER PEAK.BRADLEY YOMW REPLACING HYDRO &STEAM. 111.7 MW BASE RATE CT SPIN,168.6 MW PEAK RATE CT SPIN.zn EXISTING BRADLEY HYDRAULICS W/30 SECOND NEEDLE STROKE RATE.alTRIPAMLPUNITS#6 &#7 CARRYING 111MW AT T =0.5 SECONDS.== FILE:WP88001.CHN S©Lu c=GOLD HILL 138 (HZ)a 60.500 Keeceereeees *58.000 ©iy BELUGA 138 (HZ)0 an 60.500 a +58.0001 ©Li. AMLP 230 (HZ)0 60.500 Onn meer nnnnn °58.000 ws SOLDOTNA 11S (HZ) | a 60.500 ---7T 7 58.000 - BRADLEY 115 (HZ)on 60.500 E 5)$8.000 sao ||j |3 =3 -sg i .! S i -"la one 3 S S ="6 S Z 3 - 3 S t _|§7 L_2 _ fo] s |J 3 1988 WINTER PEAK.BRADLEY 4OMW REPLACING HYDRO &STEAM.Gis 111.7 MW BASE RATE CT SPIN,168.6 MW PEAK RATE CT SPIN.>op ! EXISTING BRADLEY HYDRAULICS W/30 SECOND NEEDLE STROKE RATE.3s b7TRIPAMLPUNITS#6 &#7 CARRYING 111MW AT T =0.5 SECONDS.Ld i. FILE:WP88001.CHN iT s o =7aio=co)oe icu& TURBINE FLOW _{CFS)_& 1600.0 wwewS|==-_ 100 00 Oo ieze TURBINE HEAD (FT)uw 7: 1200.0 oes rasaaaa °g00.00|wij 7 NEEDLE OPENING (PU)- oa 1.0000 oleae nn Po a & PMECH (MW)fea]sos0.0 ate ae:: S e -2 = S ay -¢wa S be S = _|6s 3 a S So Ww i =oo bs 3 : : °t 1988 WINTER PERK.BRADLEY 4OMW REPLACING HYORO &STEAM. 111.7 MW BASE RATE CT SPIN,168.6 MW PEAK RATE CT SPIN.a Se)| BRADLEY W/SURGE TANK &10 SECOND NEEDLE STROKE RATE.-Lid : TRIP AMLP UNITS #6 &#7 CARRYING 111MW AT T =0.5.SECONDS.a and FILE:WP88F01.CHN S©LJ . o =: GOLD HILL 138 (HZ)"oq 60.500 Movers eee e ss x 58.000 |©wy : N , BELUGA 138 (HZ)_ & 60.500 ieee elas +58.0001 5 u.. AMLP 230 (HZ)wn 60.500 Or ecceccenna °58.000]ws | SOLDOTNA 115 (HZ)-oa 7 60.500 -----58.000 BRADLEY 115 (HZ)tse 60.500 -----a 38.000 . |l |||3 f | &: g - -2 =° 3 |ee o Sw -es = 7 8 : 2 | S 3 : -\05 : 2 ||L 3 : "T 1988 WINTER PEAK.BRADLEY ©4YOMW REPLACING HYORO &STEAM. 111.7 MW BASE RATE CT SPIN,168.6 MW PEAK RATE CT SPIN. BRADLEY W/SURGE TANK &10.SECOND NEEDLE STROKE RATE..TRIP AMLP UNITS #6 &#7 CARRYING 111MW AT T =0.S SECONDS. FILE:WP88F01.CHN -TURBINE FLOW (CFS):- feo -c +100.00 TURBINE -HEAD (FT)= 1200.0 Pwo enna nane-°3900.00 NEEDLE OPENING (PU)ee 1.0000 ---0.0 PMECH (MW)- 150.00 Coe.Me as 0.0 t otTy4 TT ||| \ i} { 'masamenl \-10.0006.00004.00002.00000.0ce ©uJtuos ce © 'a 5Ze .ulUtondaf Cc fee] s o 2 S S su ee - S S PTI INTERACTIVE POWER SYSTEM SIMULATOR--PSS/E WED,NOV 29 1989 10:44 988 WINTER PEAK.BRADLEY @ 40MW.BERNICE 3 &4 OFF. 3.7 MW BASE RATE CT SPIN,135.6 MW PEAK RATE CT SPIN. B__NAME BSVLT #MAC TYP MW MVAR QMAX QMIN VSCHED VACTUAL REM 3 BELUGA3G13.8 1 2 68.0 70.5 24.8 "12.4 1.0180 1.0180 5 BELUGASG13.8 1 2 55.0 -0.3 33.0 -16.5 1.0180 1.0180 6 BELUGA6G13.8 1 3 63.0 -1.6 37.1 11.1 1.0180 1.0180 7 BELUGA7G13.8 1 2 75.0 -1.7 37.1 -11.1 1.0200 1.0200 8 BELUGA8G13.8 1 2 36.0 -0.6 30.0 15.0 1.0200 1.0200 ie 24 EKLUT 266.90 1 2 16.0 3.4 7.3 -2.2 1.0200 1.0200 .25 EKLUT 166.90 L 2 16.0 3.4 7.3 72.2 1.0200 1.0200 34 TEELAND 13.8 1 2 0.0 -8.1 22.0 -22.0 1.0200 1.0200 iS -® 79 COOP1&2G64.20 2 2 16.06 -1.5 14.7 -9.2 1.0300 1.0300 a121FORTW.12.4--4 2 14.2 3.9 10.8 5.2 1.0400 1.0400 :re pe 133 EIELSON 7.20 4 2 15.0 5.9 8.2 -3.8 1.0300 1.0300 Pe 136 PUMP #8 24.9 1 +2 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0000 1.0145 :145 FT GRELY4.16 1 -2 0.7 0.0 0.0 "0.0 12.0000 0.9388 . 0 bass151DOFA4.16 3 2 9.0 4.5 7.0 "3.5 1.0300 1.0300 i 201 GLOHLSVS13.8 .1 2 33.0 --5.0 1.0200 1.0200 |202 i 210 N.POLE 13.8 2 2 48.0 0.7 34.8 -17.4 0.9860 0.9860 * 213 CHENA' 12.5 3 2 815.0 °6.6 °12.2°©°°-4.0 1.0250 1.0250214CHENA4.16 2 72 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0000 1.0183 368 HEALYSVS12.0 1 2 0.0 73.5 22.0 -33.0 1.0350 1.0350 37 370 HEALY 1613.8 1 2 27.0 -0.2 18.5 -7.5 1.0140 1.0140 503 BRAD EQV13.8 1 2 40.0 0.7 39.3 -39.3 1.0100 1.0100 : 600 PLNT2 5G13.8 1 2 35.0 16.3 17.1 8.5 1.0200 1.0200 7 601 PLINT2 6613.8 1 2 34.0 5.3 20.5 -10.2 1.0200 1.0200 : 602 PINT2 7613.8 1 2 77.0 37.1 49.7 "24.8 1.0200 1.0200 ;607 PLNT1 1613.8 1 2 5.0 5.5 9.4 -4.7 1.0200 1.0200 i691TESORO1G24.9 i -2 4.0 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.0100 0.9773 i 998 SOLD SVS 1 2 0.0 7.5 30.0 -25.0 1.0200 1.0200 9989 9994 SOLDOT1G13.8 1 2 6.0 -0.2 19.7 -5.9 1.0200 1.0200 % 30)TEM TOTALS 676.2 98.9 544.3 -301.4 MVABASE=1180.6 ' ;ine i 1988 WINTER PEAK.BRADLEY ©4YOMW.BERNICE 3 &4 OFF. 83.7 MW BASE RATE CT SPIN,135.6 MW PEAK RATE CT SPIN. TRIP AMLP UNITS #6 &#7 CARRYING 111MW AT T So om =0.5 SECONDS.=INFREQUENCYCOMPARISONFORDIFFERENTBRADLEYHYDRAULICS.-=< o> en ©< oO 1 z uJ : 10 SEC NEEDLE,SURGE TANK «1 .c 60.500 FILE:WP88G01.CHN eeeenenete tate °58.000 uw)Le _30SEC NEEDLE,NO SURGE TANK .,= 60.500 FILE:KP88E01.CHN ---- 58.000 =90 SEC NEEDLE,NO SURGE TANK So . 60.500 FILE:WPB8CO1.CHN oo ----a 58.000 m ns |Tt 7 ||3 uN. 3 foo \S al re =:Je=[| ':. '\ °fos\3 : __.\\ lo hota': :e | \\3 | *t '| a i '|2 =\|aebe'wo \° 'Ss ws -'a '= i} '2LYoS 1 fo] --\ss \ \o : fromm \-_l Ps\1 a). : -if comet [ ]t--]te2. -_)%. ||3 1988 WINTER PEAK.BRADLEY @ 4O0MW.BERNICE 3 &Y¥OFF.Gab)83.7 MW BASE RATE CT SPIN,135.6 MW PEAK RATE CT SPIN._coo)EXISTING BRADLEY HYDRAULICS W/90 SECOND NEEDLE STROKE RATE.LJ i TRIP AMLP UNITS #6 &#7 CARRYING 111MW AT T =0.5 SECONDS.ZT-; FILE:WP88C01.CHN S |©Lu | c=>GOLD HILL 138 (HZ)"Ga ; 60.500 Xrvrercssces x 58.000 ©tJ BELUGA 138 (HZ); c 60.500 TSSSEKaS se.000|Su a AMLP 230 (H?)wn 60.500 errno erronn °58.000 w> _.,_SOLDOTNA 115 (HZ)|__.- oa : 60.500 -----™58.000 I _BRADLEY 115 (H2)is 60.500 ;ee 58.000 -_|||T |g Ze ip g s bn z ss l" :bs Le '_3 =ee 7 S S us _ss i. - 3 ==: e |s I =sa I 3L_0 Ss |__|: 1988 WINTER PEAK.BRADLEY @ 4YOMW.BERNICE 3 &&OFF. 83.7 MW BASE RATE CT SPIN,135.6 MW PEAK RATE CT SPIN.BonEXISTINGBRADLEYHYDRAULICSW/30 SECOND NEEDLE STROKE RATE.- CTRIPAMLPUNITS#6 &#7 CARRYING 111MW AT T =0.5 SECONDS.=Wu : ,FILE:WP88C01.CHN iT . o =: ce[9 engce TURBINE FLOW (CFS)_o&1600.0 aleeieeieries 100.00 |©zo TURBINE HEAD (FT) .LJ 1200.0 errr rnwcnenn °900.00 Ul aol ; NEEDLE OPENING (PU)- O 7 PMECH (MW)oO ee 150.00 0.0 bow rT _Tm BF Ze . 's hs |"|#. :. i 3 ie- 1 "le pee'peed '° . 3 - -:45% iH - Z : ;3 - -}ae ; ri : ra 3 _a ai a"i= :ae 3 oon i'!4 |_|||||3 1988 WINTER PEAK.BRADLEY ©4OMW.BERNICE 3 &4 OFF. 83.7 MW BASE RATE CT SPIN,135.6 MW PEAK RATE CT SPIN.un |EXISTING BRADLEY HYDRAULICS W/30 SECOND NEEDLE STROKE RATE.o Lad ; TRIP AMLP UNITS #6 &#7 CARRYING 111MW AT T =0.5 SECONDS.=e ; FILE:WP88E01.CHN S |©Ldc=; GOLD HILL 138 (Hz)"ao , 60.500 Meese sees x S8.000 |©tay BELUGA 138 (HZ)_ & 60.500 ra 758.0001 5 uu. AMLP_230 (HZ)wn 60.500 Pomme nrnnenn °58.000 us SOLDOTNA 115 (HZ)=m 7 60.500 -_----58.000 : BARDLEY 115 (H2)bs 60.500 &<)58.000 pest o fev||||2 tos fe i.i=he°o : _"a po ;7 3 - -+s i L 12 ' 3-_-s 3 :ae: -_ 3 | L 2 | ° S ; _7 a :, -_sai S -_|& [||[S 1988 WINTER PEAK.BRADLEY ©YOMW.BERNICE 3 83.7 MW BASE RATE CT SPIN,135.6 MW PEAK RA EXISTING TRIP AMLP UNITS #6 &#7 CARRYING L1IMW AT T FILE:WP88E01.CHN TURBINE FLOW (CFS) &4 OFF.TE CT SPIN. BRADLEY HYDRAULICS W/30 SECOND NEEDLE STROKE RATE. =0.5 SECONDS. 1600.0 ine +100.00 TURBINE HEAD (FT) 1200.0 Ce ededeieteteteeteta!°900.00 NEEDLE CPENING (PU) 1.0000 ----a 0.0 PMECH (MW) 150.00 0.0 \ = \ \ \' \ \ \ = \ -- jeeeereee t A |8.00006.00004.00002.00000.0TUE,5.00007.00009.0000TIME3.00001.000015:40NOV281989BRADLEYPARAMETERS 1988 WINTER PEAK.BRADLEY @ YOMW.BERNICE 3 &&OFF. 83.7 MW BASE RATE CT SPIN,135.6 MW PEAK RATE CT SPIN. BRADLEY W/SURGE TANK &10 SECOND NEEDLE STROKE RATE. TRIP AMLP UNITS #6 &#7 CARRYING 111MW AT T =0.5 SECONDS. FILE:WP88G01.CHN GOLO HILL 138 (H7) 60.500 Moree re x $8.000 BELUGA 138 (HZ) 60.500 ===+58.000 AMLP 230 _(HZ)60.500 orrransasee=+”58.000 SOLDOTNA 115 (HZ) 60.500 --S-=58.000 BRADLEY 115 (HZ) 60.500 -----s"-«+58.000 ---10.0009.000046.00006.00004.00002.00000.0TUE,$.00007.0000TIME3.00001.000014:40BUSFREQUENCIESNOV281989\ 7. I 1988 WINTER PEAK.BRADLEY ©YOMW.BERNICE 3 &4&OFF. 83.7 MW BASE RATE CT SPIN,135.6 MW PEAK RATE CT SPIN. BRADLEY W/SURGE TANK &10 SECOND NEEDLE STROKE RATE. TRIP AMLP UNITS #6 &#7 CARRYING 111MW AT T =0.5 SECONDS. FILE:WP88G01.CHN TURBINE FLOW (CFS) 1600.0 rrr rr +100.00 TURBINE HERO (FT) 1200.0 errrreeeernn °900.00 NEEDLE OPENING (PU) 1.0000 --aT 0.0 PMECH (MW) 150.00 ---4A 0.0 t -a 4!|| \ \ 1 a \a ( ' |-10.0069.00008.00006.00004.00002.00000.0;ne7.0000TUE,BRADLEYPARAMETERS3.00001.000016:04NOV281989 PTI INTERACTIVE POWER SYSTEM SIMULATOR--PSS/E WED,NOV 29 1989 10:44 1988 WINTER PEAK.BRADLEY @ 46MW.BERN 3 &4,SOLDOTNA OFF. 49.7 MW BASE RATE CT SPIN,97.6 MW PEAK RATE CT SPIN. 3E TOR SUMMARY:-;NAME BSVLT #MAC TYP =MW MVAR QMAX #§QMIN VSCHED VACTUAL REM 1 2 BELUGA3G13.8 1 2 68.0 -0.5 24.8 12.4 1.0180 1.0180 S BELUGASG13.8 1 2 55.0 -0.3 33.0 16.5 1.0180 1.0180 6 BELUGA6G13.8 2 3 63.2 1.6 37.1 11.1 1.0180 1.0180 7 BELUGA7G13.8 1 2 75.0 -1.7 37.1 -11.1 1.0200 1.0200 8 BELUGA8G13.8 i 2 36.0 -0.6 30.0 -15.0 1.0200 1.0200 24 EKLUT 266.90 1 2 16.0 3.4 7.3 2.2 1.0200 1.0200 25 EKLUT 166.90 i 2 16.0 3.4 7.3 2.2 1.0200 1.0200 34 TEELAND 13:8 1 2 0.0 -8.1 °22.0 =-22.0 1.0200 1.0200 15 79 COOP1&2G4.20 2 2 16.0 71.5 14.7 9.2 1.0300 1.0300 121 FORT W.12.4 4 2 14.2 3.9 10.8 5.2 1.0400 1.0400 133 EIELSON 7.20 4 2 15.0 5.9 8.2 73.8 1.0300 1.0300 136 PUMP #8 24.9 1 -2 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0000 1.0145 : 145 FT GRELY4.16..1.=2 -0.7-0.0 0.0 -0.0 1.0000 0.9388 .te a 1S1 U OF A 4.16 3 2 9.0 4.5 7.0 3.5 1.0300 1.0300 L 201 GLDHLSVS13.8 i 2 0.0 14.4 33.0 -5.0 1.0200 1.0200 202 ie 210 N.POLE 13.8 2 2 7 °48.0°°«0.7 34.8 -17.4 0.9860 0.9860 Boe 213 CHENA..12.5 3 12.2 74.0 1.0250 1.0250 fee 214 CHENA 4.16 2 <-2 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0000 1.0183 368 HEALYSVS12.0 1 2 0.0 73.5 22.0 33.0 1.0350 1.0350 37 370 HEALY 1613.8 1 2 27.0 -0.2 15.5 -7.5 1.0140 1.0140 be 503 BRAD EQV13.8 1 2 46.0 0.0 39.3 -39.3 1.0100 1.0100 be 600 PINT2 5613.8 1 2 35.0 16.3 17.1 -8.5 1.0200 1.0200 bes 601 PINT2 6613.8 1 2 34.0 5.3 20.5 -10.2 1.0200 1.0200 602 PLNT2 7613.8 1°2 77.0 37.1 49.7 24.8 1.0200 1.0200 607 PLNT1 1613.8 1 2 5.0 5.5 9.4 4.7 1.0200 1.0200 691 TESORO1G24.9 1 <-2 4.0 1.9 1.9 -1.9 1.0100 0.9773 998 SOLD Svs 1 2 0.0 9.3 30.0 -25.0 1.0200 1.0200 9989 SUBSYSTEM TOTALS 676.4 100.4 524.6 -295.5 MVABASE=1135.3 | !{ i 1988 WINTER PEAK.BRADLEY ©46MW.BERN 3 &4,SOLDOTNA OFF. 49.7 MW BASE RATE CT SPIN,97.6 MW PERK RATE CT SPIN._-_TRIP AMLP UNITS #6 &#7 CARRYING 111MW AT T =0.5 SECONDS.- FREQUENCY COMPARISON FOR OIFFERENT BRADLEY HYORAULICS.=x o> ae =) ©i 5 ot 10 SEC NEEDLE,SURGE TANK «1 c60.500 FILE:WP88G02.CHN @eceeceneeee ry 58.000 ati 30 SEC NEEDLE,NO SURGE TANK Fa 60.500 FILE:WP86E02.CHN iF 58.000 =90 SEC NEEDLE,NO SURGE TANK S60.500 FILE:WPS8C02.CHN a-----s -*58.000 7 os |Tt rit.TO su'\eo,ow = 1 \Ss Ww i. = '|°°=H \cr <c :/\: r}2'g . --s - o 3 =6 /i: - o S : °! =_|&| 3 7 -aa : | ; I L _|&§ [[|2 1988 WINTER PEAK.BRADLEY @ 4YEMW.BERN 3 &4,SOLDOTNA OFF. 49.7 MW BASE RATE CT SPIN,97.6 MW PEAK RATE CT SPIN.3MEXISTINGBRADLEYHYDRAULICSW/90 SECOND NEEDLE STROKE RATE.«UJ TRIP AMLP UNITS #6 &#7 CARRYING 111MW-AT T =0.S SECONDS.»el FILE:WP88CO02.CHN S©WwW C= GOLD HILL 138 (HZ)| 60.500 Meeeee x 58.000 ©iy BELUGA 138 (HZ)_&60.500 ------e +58.000]©LL.: AMLP 230 (Hz)Te)60.500 $225 55=555 °58.000 wu2 : SOLDOTNA 115 (H7)- m bs 60.500 ----Tl 58.000 _ BRADLEY 115 (HZ}a 60.500 i 58.000 - |||||||S bs =9 [sS =4°:| x 4 S i =+"la be Z |3 :i 7 =-.s ie S eo WwW -ss - S ="ls : 3 : =_|3 ! 3 |s : ="TA ' o 3 [[.: BERN 3 &4,SOLDOTNA OFF.1988 WINTER PEAK.BRADLEY @ 46MNW. 49,7 MW BASE RATE CT SPIN,937.6 MW PEAK RATE CT SPIN.2wnEXISTINGBRADLEYHYORAULICSW/90 SECOND NEEDLE STROKE RATE.- © TRIP AMLP UNITS #6 &#7 CARRYING 111MW AT T =0.5 SECONDS.= FILE:WP88C02.CHN 7os aon ©=Cc cx TURBINE FLOW (CFS)a. 1600.0 Siete +100.00 2> |TURBINE HEAD (FT)J 1200.0 Oa rernceceee °900.00 |ul LJ NEEDLE OPENING (PU)- a 1.0000 ----o 0.0 c Cc PMECH (MW)co 150.00 0.0 |Tt T : "3 ' '° '=} ={_{¢ t eo ! i H 2 3 -4 ' !: g t s uJ =+sus '- i ,$ ¢° /3 =a sa So S |S 1988 WINTER PEAK.BRADLEY @ 46MW.BERN 3 &4,SOLODOTNA OFF. 49.7 MW BASE RATE CT SPIN,97.6 MW PERK RATE CT SPIN.wwEXISTINGBRADLEYHYDRAULICSW/30 SECOND NEEDLE STROKE RATE.Lid TRIP AMLP UNITS #6 &#7 CARRYING L11MRK AT T =0.5 SECONDS.= FILE:WP88E02.CHN S©Lu cz GOLD HILL 138 {HZ)"@Q 60.500 -Moose x 58.000 ©ty . BELUGA 138 (HZ)_ &:60.500 =F +58.0001 ©Li.| AMLP 230 (HZ)on60.500 ass5H==H°58.000 w3 SOLOOTNA 115 (HZ)-oa 7 60.500 ----=--8.000 7 BRADLEY 115 (HZ) 60.500 °oO 58.000 ||3 _ ey = =4:. 3 : |S 3 3 !=|:: -+i S jie - --;! 2 1 -|:, =05 |i3 3 1988 WINTER PEAK.BRADLEY ©46MW.BERN 3 &4&,SOLDOTNA OFF.Gah 49.7 MW BASE RATE CT SPIN,97.6 MW PEAK RATE CT SPIN.a0EXISTINGBRADLEYHYDRAULICSW/30 SECOND NEEDLE STROKE RATE.- TRIP AMLP UNITS #6 &#7 CARRYING 111MW AT T =0.5 SECONDS.ud |FILE:WP88E02.CHN Sos cxo&a &| TURBINE FLOW (CFS)C.. 1600.0 ai +100.001 SyTURBINEHEAD(FT)fT 1200.0 ere =900.001 uit NEEDLE OPENING (PU)--a 1.0000 cin 0.0 -PMECH (MW)Pa)he150.00 0.0 . |||ry |3 . \Lo Pe a \:i \- \2 \s Ls =t "<3 Le \! g : Z '::\ \ \\s | -_\\Hs 3 =_°= 3 -mi $ L :| ]# E L 0 we $.oe 38 : ih al |r 1988 WINTER PEAK.BRADLEY ©4Y6MW.BERN 3 &4,SOLDOTNA OFF. 49.7 MW BASE RATE CT SPIN,97.6 MW PEAK RATE CT SPIN.3HBRADLEYW/SURGE TANK &10 SECOND NEEDLE STROKE RATE.o»Li TRIP AMLP UNITS #6 &#7 CARRYING 1L111MW AT T =0.5 SECONDS.ai aan FILE:WP88G02.CHN S©Ww : cDGOLDHILL138(HZ)Ga 60.500 Mrs e eres x 58.000 ©iy | BELUGA 138 (HZ)c 60.500 a +58.0001 ©u. AMLP 230 _{H2)To) 60.500 ener rns nren °58.000 ws SOLDOTNA 115 {H2)=a 60.500 ------+|58.000 7 BRADLEY 115 (Hz)- 60.500 ----a 58.000 t ||||$bs =o hs a 4:| oe eeLe=; Le -_|° S S =oe -S | ae 3 =a 3 ;°: |se 2 |S =-_|2 ||fs :be- 1988 WINTER PEAK.BRADLEY ©4Y6MW.BERN 3 &4,SOLDOTNA OFF. 49.7 MW BASE RATE CT SPIN,97.6 MW PEAK RATE CT SPIN. BRADLEY W/SURGE TANK &10 SECONO NEEDLE STROKE RATE. #6 &#7 CARRYING 111MW AT T =0.5 SECONDS.TRIP AMLP UNITS FILE:WP88G02.CHN ___TURBINE FLOW (CFS) 1600.0 Perce +100.00 | TURBINE HEAD (FT) 1200.0 Cc eeleeeeeetaetetel °900.00 __NEEDLE OPENING (PU);_., 1.0000 -_-----4 0.0 .PMECH {MW} 150.00 ee 0.0 1 |BY)[|| we -10.0006.00006.00004.00002.00000.0SP ©ituos oc © "a > o> ldreoe|°@ c rae) 3 eo oe 2 Sw oy - 2 3 os to] 3 PTI INTERACTIVE POWER SYSTEM SIMULATOR--PSS/E WED,NOV 29 1989 10:45 988 WINTER PEAK.BERNICE 3 &4,SOLDOTNA,&AMLP #1 OFF. 7.7 MW BASE RATE CT SPIN,83.9 MW PEAK RATE CT SPIN. EN 'OR SUMMARY: B__NAME BSVLT #MAC TYP MW MVAR QMAX QMIN VSCHED VACTUAL REM 3 BELUGA3G13.8 1 2 68.0 0.0 24.8 -12.4 1.0180 1.0180 §BELUGASG13.8 1 2 55.0 0.1 33.0 -16.5 1.0180 1.0180 . 6 BELUGA6G13.8 1 3 63.4 <-1.1 37.1 11.1 1.0180 1.0180 7 BELUGA7G13.8 1 2 75.0 "1.2 37.1 -11.1 1.0200 1.0200 8 BELUGA8G13.8 1 2 36.0 -0.21 30.0 -15.0 1.0200 1.0200 24 EKLUT 266.90 1 2 16.0 3.7 7.3 -2.2 1.0200 1.0200 ; 25 EKLUT 166.90 1 2 16.0 3.7 7.3 -2.2 1.0200 1.0200 he34TEELAND13.81 2 0.0 -7.4 22.0 -22.0 1.0200 1.0200 15 7°- 79 COOP1&2G4.20 2 2 16.0 "1.4 14.7 -9.2 1.0300 1.0300 121 FORT W.12.4 4 10.8 -5.2 1.0400 1.0400 133 EIELSON 7.20 4 2 15.06 5.9 8.2 -3.8 1.0300 1.0300 136 PUMP #8 24.9 1 <-2 0.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0000 1.0145 145 FT GRELY4.16 1 -2 0.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0000 0.9388 151 UOFA 4.16 3 2 9.0 4.5 7.0 3.5 1.0300 1.0300 201 GLDELSVS13.8 lL #62.0.0 14.4 33.0 -5.0 1.0200 1.0200 202 210 N.POLE 13.8 2 2 48.0 0.7 34.8 717.4 0.9860 0.9860 '213 CHENA 12.5 3 2 15.0 6.6 12.2 -4.0 1.0250 1.0250 214 CHENA 4.16 2 <-2 1.0 0.0 0.90 0.0 1.0000 1.0183 368 HEALYSVS12.0 1 2 0.0 -3.5 22.0 -33.0 1.0350 1.0350 37 370 HEALY 1613.8 1 2 27.0 -0.2 15.5 -7.5 1.0140 1.0140 503 BRAD EQV13.8 1 2 51.0 -0.6 39.3 -39.3 1.0100 1.0100 600 PLNT2 5G13.8 1 -2 35.0 17.1 17.1 -8.5 1.0200 1.0188 601 PLNT2 6613.8 1 2 34.0 6.7 20.5 10.2 1.0200 1.0200 602 PLNT2 7613.8 i 2 77.0 39.0 49.7 -24.8 1.0200 1.0200 691 TESORO1G24.9 i +2 4.0 1.9 1.9 -1.9 1.0100 0.9773 998 SOLD SVS i 2 0.0 9.6 30.0 725.0 1.0200 1.0200 9989 'UBSYSTEM TOTALS 676.6 102.4 515.2 +-290.8 MVABASE=1119.7 1988 WINTER PEAK.BERNICE 3 &4,SOLDOTNA,&AMLP #1 OFF. 37.7 MW BASE RATE CT SPIN,83.9 MW PEAK RATE CT SPIN.owTRIPAMLPUNITS#6 &#7 CARRYING 111MW AT T =0.5 SECONDS.»PA FREQUENCY COMPARISON FOR DIFFERENT BRADLEY HYORAULICS.=< o> awo =ifx.|Sw ___.10 SEC NEEDLE,SURGE TANK #1 c 60.500 FILE:WP88G03.CHN errr ee ronnen °$8.000 uw Li ee 30 SEC NEEDLE,NO SURGE TANK __a Me 60.500 FILE:WP88E03.CHN ----™$8.000 =Bs 90 SEC NEEDLE,NO SURGE TANK oO ie 60.500 FILE:WP88CO3.CHN -a4 -§8.000 nm bos1TdTtT1||su '\s,&oo'\|S a_l a ='|.=fom 3 =S S .3 =se S s =on S '422. -. =-; 4 S =ss S s -sai ||e 1988 WINTER PEAK.BERNICE 3 &4,SOLDOTNA,&AMLP #1 OFF. 37.7 MW BASE RATE CT SPIN,83.9 MW PEAK RATE CT SPIN.nWEXISTINGBRADLEYHYDRAULICSW/390 SECOND NEEDLE STROKE RATE.=LJ TRIP AMLP UNITS #6 &#7 CARRYING LI1IMW AT T =0.S SECONDS.ilon FILE:WP88C03.CHN S©LW a | GOLD HILL 138 (HZ)"oq 60.500 Moseseeeeee *58.000 ©iyOs BELUGA 138 (HZ)jem 60.500 +o +58.000]LL. AMLP 230 {HZ}wn 60.500 Or nr rere senn .58.000 wD SOLDOTNA 115 (HZ)=a 60.500 ----os 58.000 BRADLEY 115 (HZ)feos ||||||3 | fe Le 4 & ! K $s , =S be . : a 18 | 3 ="6 5 =|e om x a "1 a : 3 :3 ' °7 3 |L ||3 1988 WINTER PEAK.BERNICE 3 &4,SOLDOTNA,&AMLP #1 OFF. 37.7 MW BASE RATE CT SPIN,83.9 MW PEAK RATE CT SPIN.Zs és 9}EXISTING BRADLEY HYORAULICS W/90 SECOND NEEDLE STROKE RATE. TRIP AMLP UNITS #6:-&#7 CARRYING 111MW AT T =0.5 SECONDS.=ud FILE:WP88C03.CHN HT= cc [ea Sa TURBINE FLOW (CFS)>ou. 1600.0 ae etetieloe +100.001 Oy TURBINE HEAD {FT}ff 1200.0 =oneasaratse °900.00 ul-J NEEDLE OPENING (PU)2a 1.0000 ein 0.0 =PMECH {MW}o 150.00 0.0 7 rt Tt : 1 1}s7Z9 t {oe _|2 '{Ss1\S -'-__q ¢ao 'g =_|8 i o t a H S =;ale !- =¢"ss !he rs ea c So /3 =Pd The Ss Z _|& j ||x 1988 WINTER PEAK.BERNICE 3 &&,SOLDOTNA,&AMLP #1 OFF. 37.7 MW BASE RATE CT SPIN,83.9 MW PEAK RATE CT SPIN.wnEXISTINGBRADLEYHYORAULICSW/30 SECOND NEEDLE STROKE RATE.LidTRIP.AMLP UNITS #6 &#7 CARRYING L11MW AT T =0.5 SECONDS.=: FILE:WP88E03.CHN oS.©LJ : 22GOLDHILL138(HZ)oa . 60.500 Meesteree x 56.0001 Sug | BELUGA 138 (HZ)_&60.500 Hoa 88.000 lonAMLP230(HZ)wn60.500 .Srwr errr ceee 2 -58;000 ws SOLDOTNA 115 (HZ)ao 60.500 SS 00 BRADLEY 115 [Hz)7 60.500 ae a------s_58.000 : ||||S : 'ye S : =S ;: 3 : g : -jig 2 o H :L_cmt |||< 1988 WINTER PEAK.BERNICE 3 &4,SOLOOTNA,&AMLP #1 OFF.|37.7 MW BASE RATE CT SPIN,83.9 MW PEAK RATE CT SPIN.YoEXISTINGBRADLEYHYORAULICSW/30 SECOND NEEDLE STROKE RATE.uy b TRIP AMLP UNITS.#6 &#7 CARRYING 111MW AT T =0.5 SECONDS.=lid ie-FILE:WP88E03.CHN iT - o |o =iaio=wo Cc * Fo TURBINE FLOW (CFS)_o&' 1600.0 Foss +100.00 |©z2> TURBINE HEAD (FT)WW ! 1200.0 re °900.001 ulJ NEEDLE OPENING (PU)- a 1.0000 --------- *0 onsCc PMECH (MW)ram) 0.0 i : S _|§ 4: - s 3 : 05 i=J =1 -_°% °o S AD 1988 WINTER PEAK.BERNICE 3 &4,SOLDOTNA,&AMLP #1 OFF.37.7 MW BASE RATE CT SPIN,83.9 MW PERK RATE CT SPIN.7;4BRADLEYW/SURGE TANK &10 SECOND NEEDLE STROKE RATE.iJ TRIP AMLP UNITS #6 &#7 CARRYING L1iMW AT T =0.S SECONDS.7 FILE:WP88G03.CHN S©UWcZ>GOLD HILL 138 (HZ)G 60.500 Meoccee cee x 58.000 ©iy BELUGA 138 (HZ)c 60.500 Co alieeieeineienioe +58.000 9 uu. _ AMLP 230 (HZ)Ww 60.500 orerrrerce=°58.000 uw 5 SOLDOTNA 115 (H7)-a 60.500 SS 58.000 BRADLEY 115 (2) 60.500 -------5 58.000 |TT |g a s =-6 S a S S So S 3 ey=vo = - -S 3 : S ; -"4 6 3 | =|! ° i {|ic : 1988 WINTER PEAK.BERNICE 3 &4,SOLDOTNA,&AMLP #1 OFF.ph 37.7 MW BASE RATE CT SPIN,83.9 MW PEAK RATE CT SPIN. BRADLEY W/SURGE TANK &10 SECOND NEEDLE STROKE RATE. -jpl TRIP AMLP UNITS #6 &#7 CARRYING 111MW AT T =0.5 SECONDS.FILE:WP88G03.CHN TURBINE FLOW (CFS) 1600.0 iool!+100.00 TURBINE HEAD (FT) 1200.0 oer rrr ere °900.00 NEEDLE OPENING (PU) 1.0000 -_-----0.0 PMECH (MW) 150.00 --a 0.0 ;I 41 || | 1 { --1 =_-_ { \ 1 i} -+-10.0003.00006.00006.00004.00002.00000.05.00007.0000TIME3.00001.000016:05NOV281989TUE,BRADLEYPARAMETERS PTI INTERACTIVE POWER SYSTEM SIMULATOR--PSS/E WED,NOV 29 1989 10:45 .988 WINTER PEAK.BERN 3 &4,SOLDOTNA,AMLP #1,NP #1 OFF. 'S.7 MW BASE RATE CT SPIN,65.9 MW PEAK RATE CT SPIN. EN]OR SUMMARY: BL_NAME BSVLT #MAC TYP MW MVAR QMAX QMIN VSCHED VACTUAL .REM 3 BELUGA3G13.8 1 2 68.0 0.0 24.8 -12.4 1.0180 1.0180 5 BELUGASG13.8 1 2 55.0 0.1 33.0 16.5 1.0180 1.0180. 6 BELUGAG6G13.8 1 3 63.8 -1.1 37.1 -11.1 1.0180 1.0180 '7 BELUGA7G13.8 i 2 75.0 1.1 37.1 -11.1 1.0200 1.0200 8 BELUGA8G13.8 i 2 36.0 0.0 30.0 -15.0 1.0200 1.0200 24 EKLUT 2G6.90 1 2 16.0 3.7 7.3 -2.2 1.0200 1.0200 25 EKLUT 166.90 1 2 16.0 3.7 7.3 -2.2 1.0200 1.0200 34 TEELAND 13.8°1 2 0.0 7.3 22.0 -22.0 1.0200 1.0200 15 et 79 COOP1&2G4.20 2 2 16.0 1.4 14.7 -9.2 1.0300 1.0300 121 FORT W.12.4 4 2 14.2 4.2 10.8 -S.2 1.0400 1.0400 133 EIELSON 7.20 4 2 15.0 6.6 8.2 -3.8 1.0300 1.0300 136 PUMP #8 24.9 i -2 0.3 0.90 0.0 0.0 1.0000 1.0169 145 FI GRELY4.16 1 -2 0.7 -0.0 0.90 0.0 1.0000 0.9406 151 OU OF A 4.16 3 2 9.0 4.6 7.0 73.5 1.0300 1.0300 201 GLDHLSVS13.8 1 2 0.0 15.0 33.0 -5.0 1.0200 1.0200 202 213 CHENA 12.5 3 2 15.0 6.9 12.2 -4.0 1.0250 1.0250 214 CHENA 4.16 2.=-2 1.0 0.0....0.0...0.0 1.0000 1.0183. 368 HEALYSVS12.0 1 2 0.0 -3.2 22.0 -33.0 1.0350 1.0350 37 370 HEALY 1613.8 1 2 27.0 0.2 15.5 7.5 1.0140 1.0140 §03 BRAD EQV13.8 1 2 51.0 -0.6 39.3 -39.3 1.0100 1.0100 600 PLNT2 5613.8 1 +2 35.0 17.1 17.1 -8.5 1.0200 1.0188 601 PLNT2 6613.8 1 2 34.0 6.8 20.5 10.2 1.0200 1.0200 602 PLNT2 7613.8 1 2 77.0 39.1 49.7 24.8 1.0200 1.0200 691 TESORO1G24.9 1 -2 4.0 1.9 1.9 71.9 1.0100 0.9773 998 SOLD SVS 1 2 0.0 9.6 30.0 25.0 1.0200 1.0200 9989 3UBSYSTEM TOTALS 629.0 104.3 480.4 -273.4 MVABASE=1047.8 ASD 1988 WINTER PEAK.BERN 3 &4,SOLDOTNA,AMLP #1,NP #1 OFF.25.7 MW BASE RATE CT SPIN,65.9 MW PEAK RATE CT SPIN.oA |TRIP AMLP UNITS #6 &#7 CARRYING 111MW AT T =0.S SECONDS.we Pol 1"FREQUENCY COMPARISON FOR DIFFERENT BRADLEY HYORAULICS.=-< >>ie|©ioeSi 10 SEC _NEEOLE,SURGE TANK «#1 c60.500 FILE:WP88G04.CHN oases essa a ae °58.000 uw i 30 SEC NEEDLE,NO SURGE TANK = 60.500 FILE:WP8SE04.CHN |56.000 =90 SEC NEEDLE,NO SURGE TANK oS60.500 FILE:WPBSCO4.CHN C-O =)58.000 Prat |TF T ||3 \ee fo'.s =.T&= " s -'S Se,By eo ms S i ae \,"4 -'"= 'g -\43:eK 3 'bd iL :2 | 3 _-_/2 ieN. a |||L |ic GS 1988 WINTER PEAK.BERN 3 &4,SOLDOTNA,AMLP #1,NP #1 OFF.25.7 MW BASE RATE CT SPIN,65.9 MW PEAK RATE CT SPIN.nMEXISTINGBRADLEYHYDRAULICSW/90 SECOND NEEDLE STROKE RATE.a luoeTRIPAMLPUNITS#6 &#7 CARRYING 111MW AT T =0.5 SECONDS._= FILE:WP88C04.CHN Seu GOLD HILL 138 (HZ)"GB | 60.500 Asrcrrrcccre x $8.000 ©tJ BELUGA 138 (HZ)_& 60.500 Fae +58.0001 ©Lo.| AMLP_230 (HZ)w« 60.500 $222 ns 22H ;58.001 wsy SOLDOTNA 115 (HZ)-ca 60.500 Ts 58.000 . BRADLEY 115 (HZ) 60.500 58.000 a e * eL2 : :: 3 -"es So 8S w =-w =i Z 4 : :: Le 3 : =4;! o i) .S =sa ||3 NP #1 OFF.1988 WINTER PEAK.BERN 3 &4,SOLDOTNA,AMLP #1,Gab)25.7 MW BASE RATE CT SPIN,65.9 MW PEAK RATE CT SPIN.2EXISTINGBRADLEYHYDRAULICSW/90 SECOND NEEDLE STROKE RATE. &ul TRIP AMLP UNITS #6 &#7 CARRYING 111MW AT T =0.5 SECONDS.oJ FILE:WP88CO4.CHN iTa Soe yy TURBINE FLOW (CFS).o.. 1600.0 : +--++100.00 oz= ;TURBINE HEAD (FT)LJ 1200.0 eon rr recenn °900.00 w NEEDLE OPENING (PU)2a 1.0000 -So 20 cacPMECH{MW)co150.00 ee 0.0 Tt °! °|aa \il 3\'o \\'"s =\\i _ \" \\H \i = = \'_|2\!,: \$ .\o |\\i _j 2 \\i x VM \g od \"\-s'\t \ *\° 'Ss us --t*\\8 =hs - 1%° 'Ss =ai 8 : T t "7 «a , 3 |:"1s /e |a ||||= 1988 WINTER PEAK.BERN 3 &4,SOLDOTNA,AMLP #1,NP #1 OFF.Gah 25.7 MW BASE RATE CT SPIN,65.9 MW PEAK RATE CT SPIN.ronEXISTINGBRADLEYHYDRAULICSW/30 SECOND NEEDLE STROKE RATE.«-Lid TRIP AMLP UNITS #6 &#7 CARRYING 111MW AT T =0.5 SECONDS.=. FILE:WP88E04.CHN S _©LJ icS GOLD HILL 138 (HZ)"GB fe 60.500 Arerecessecs x 58.000 ©i ; BELUGA 138 (HZ)_&i60.500 ------+58.000 3 Li.' AMLP 230 (HZ)To)|60.500 teeternmann °58.000 wD ; SOLDOTNA 115 (HZ)-a 60.500 ==58.000 mo BRADLEY 115 {H7)i 60.500 &3]58.000 |||||'|S * t-] -=)ix s :: i] S - |s =|guUDome -- 3 P a : 3 -"rs 1 2 =és 7 o S 1988 WINTER PEAK.BERN 3 &4,SOLDOTNA,AMLP #1,NP #1 OFF.Gadd 25.7 MW BASE RATE CT SPIN,65.9 MN PEAK RATE CT SPIN.2EXISTINGBRADLEYHYORAULICSW/30 SECOND NEEDLE STROKE RATE.ysTRIPAMLPUNITS#6 &#7 CARRYING LIIMW AT T =0.5 SECONDS.=WW FILE:WP88E04.CHN iTo=: cc of 7 TURBINE FLOW (CFS)_o&7 1600.0 a +100.001 oO 'zm TURBINE HEAD (FT)tu 1200.0 ne wenrocnnn °900.00 Ld and ; NEEDLE OPENING (PU)-Q 1.0000 ----Ss 0.0 = PMECH (MW)oO howe 0.0 bon B S s I 3 1s S ud43% 7 ' 8 : g : S sa ° 1 \ 1988 WINTER PEAK.BERN 3 &4,SOLDOTNA,AMLP #1,NP #1 OFF.Gabs 25.7 MW BASE RATE CT SPIN,65.9 MW PEAK RATE CT SPIN.YWBRADLEYW/SURGE TANK &10 SECONO NEEDLE STROKE RATE.o LJ uw TRIP AMLP UNITS #6 &#7 CARRYING L11MW AT T =0.5 SECONDS.a a FILE:WP88G04.CHN S©Ud c>GOLD HILL 138 (HZ)Pa] 60.500 Kerscs eee ces x 58.000 ©us BELUGA 138 (HZ)>Cc 60.500 +--++58.0001 © AMLP_230 _{HZ)w¢ 60.500 Paneer eaeae °58.000 us SOLDOTNA 115 (HZ)-a 60.500 .-----=58.000 BRADLEY 115 (HZ) 60.500 ------58.000 |]Tq |3 fe 4 oe |-|3 : Z 1s =ss Sw --"su _ S -|3 3 3 =sa o : s |||3 B®1988 WINTER PEAK.BERN 3 &4,SOLDOTNA,AMLP #1, 25.7 MW BASE RATE CT SPIN,65.9 MW PEAK RATE CT SPIN. BRADLEY W/SURGE TANK &10 SECOND NEEDLE STROKE RATE. TRIP AMLP UNITS #6 &#7 CARRYING 111MW AT T =0.5 SECONDS. FILE:WP88G04.CHN TUABINE FLOW (CFS) NP #1 OFF. 1600.0 -e-ee +100.00 'TURBINE HEAD (FT) 1200.0 @ aorernnnnnn°900.00 NEEDLE OPENING (PU) 1.0000 ---ot 0.0 PMECH (MW) 180.00 ee)0.0 t tt =TI |TT ||g 1 |; 1 '= i { =IN !V : \|3 rp |"3 '|. eo a S =io OF) a fo] 8 ="ls e eo So fo] =sjA |L SSo 9.00007.0000S.00003.00001.0000Se Diy tuos ce &vr => o> Wuve|°@ c fra] Ww = - PTI INTERACTIVE POWER SYSTEM SIMULATOR--PSS/E FRI,DEC 01 1989 16:42 988 WINTER PEAK.45MW TRANSFER @ UNIVERSITY INTO KENAI ARE OTH BRADLEY UNITS ON-LINE.NO OTHER KENAI GENERATION. EN]2R SUMMARY: BI NAME BSVLT #MAC TYP MW MVAR QMAX QMIN VSCHED VACTUAL REM 503 BRAD EQV13.8 1 2 43.0 0.3 39.3 -39.3 1.0100 1.0100 691 TESORO1G24.9 1 -2 4.0 1.9 1.9 -1.9 1.0100 0.9773. 998 SOLD svs 1 2 0.0 13.4 30.0 =-25.0 1.0200 1.0200 9989 9985 UNIVRSTY 115 1 3 45.2 -2.9 9999.0 -9999.0 1.0500 1.0500 UBSYSTEM TOTALS 92.2 12.7 10070.2-10065.2 MVABASE=10185.3.. t \ in 1 1 i jo t i BOTH BRADLEY UNITS ON-LINE.NO OTHER KENAI GENERATION. BRADLEY W/90 SEC NEEDLE.REVISED OROOP &TIME CONSTANTS."a 1988 WINTER PEAK.4SMW TRANSFER ©UNIVERSITY INTO KENAI AREISOLATEKENAIUNDER&SMW IMPORT CONDITION AT T =0.5 SECONDSauFILE:WP88Q01X.CHN NET TURBINE HEAD (FT) 1200.0 Meer rere eccce x 900.00 TURBINE FLOW (CFS) 1600.0 errr rc +100.00 NEEDLE OPENING (PU) 1.0000 @-----------ry 0.0 PMECH (MW) 150.00 --TT 0.0 BRADLEY 115 (HZ) =ObyLJ -_- on Udoe"co &or o uwQo .ud z== [ang m [-] So oe o o o oS to] N L] oa Lo] - N So So f=] " o So o o S lwl= Wwe 7 fo] oa oe a oS a fo] fo] oa f=] c=] oe oS o oe c=] oS oS m 0.0 1988 WINTER PEAK.YSMW TRANSFER ©UNIVERSITY INTO KENAI AREFabBOTHBRADLEYUNITSON-LINE.NO OTHER KENAI GENERATION. BRADLEY W/30 SEC NEEDLE.REVISED OROOP &TIME CONSTANTS. ISOLATE KENAI UNDER 4SMW IMPORT CONDITION AT T =0.5 SECONDSiFILE:WP88RO1X.CHN NET TURBINE HEAD (FT) 1200.0 Mere crrrereee x 900.00 TURBINE FLOW (CFS) 1600.0 rere +100.00 NEEDLE OPENING (PU) 1.0000 +----------->0.0 PMECH (MW)7 150.00 o-oo To 0.0 BRADLEY 115 (HZ)30.00024.00016.00012.0006.00000.015.00021.00027.000THEMON,BRADLEYPARAMETERS9.00003.000016:18DECO41989i : t t if 1. i i: t t 1988 WINTER PEAK.4SMW TRANSFER @ UNIVERSITY INTO KENAI ARE |EB BOTH BRADLEY UNITS ON-LINE.NO OTHER KENAI GENERATION.[omBRADLEYW/SURGE TANK &10 SEC NEEDLE.REVISED OROOP &CONST.- -_ISOLATE KENAI UNDER 4&SMW IMPORT CONDITION AT T =0.S SECONDS LJ FILE:WP88S01X.CHN aos ae © -NET TURBINE HEAD (FT)"oc 1200.0 Mere ress eees x 900.00 +oSo TURBINE FLOW (CFS)O a. 1600.0 elena +100.00 uwa :NEEDLE OPENING (PU)_.lu : 1.0000 eneeeiieieteneoeten °0.0 =J PMECH (MW)a 150.00 ae a0 c : _..BRADLEY 115 (H?)©i 60.000 )oo oo 2 50.000 =*-- ¢>lo :|:|Wy F ||||8 | :i|/a ; g '!'°j 1!3 -:ti -2 if :4 ' ;Fa :;o ; sil : ii S ' \°i||a 1] 4: oS So Wsuk 7 . °: =' soeFO S S "as |S PTI INTERACTIVE POWER SYSTEM SIMULATOR--PSS/E THU,DEC 07 1989 13:37 -988 WINTER PEAK.45MW KENAI IMPORT.COOPER LAKE, JERNICE #3 &SOLDOTNA UNITS SUPPLYING KENAI LOAD. 3EB OR SUMMARY: E NAME BSVLT #MAC TYP MW MVAR QMAX QMIN VSCHED VACTUAL REM 67 BERN 3G 13.8 0.0 4.8 13.9 - 6.9 1.0300 1.0300 79 CooP1&2G4.20 6.0 -1.6 14.7 -9.2 1.0300 1.0300 691 TESORO1G24.9 4.0 1.9 1.9 -1.9 1.0100 0.9952 998 SOLD SVS 0.90 11.8 30.0 -25.0 1.0200 1.0200 9989 4.7 8.0 2.7 ; 1 4 1 te t i. ty ' 1 9985 UNIVRSTY 115 -3.6 9999.0 -9999.0.1.0500 1.0500 $994 SOLDOT1G13.8 -0.2 19.7 -5.9 1.0200 1.0200 SUBSYSTEM TOTALS 13.1 10079.2-10047.9 MVABASE=10150.9PHReENEH1NWNNNN at 1988 WINTER PEAK.4SMW KENAI IMPORT.COOPER LAKE, BERNICE #3 &SOLDOTNA UNITS SUPPLYING KENAI LOAD. ISOLATE KENAI UNDER SMW IMPORT CONDITION AT T =0.S SECONDS FILE:WP88LO1X.CHN SOLDOTNA -PMECH (MW) me == .meee wren wT Meme,wee - wee 50.000 @oeee eee >0.0 BERNICE #3 -PMECH (MW) 50.000 :."-----0.0 SOLDOTNA 115 (HZ) 60.500 &--t)58.000 >4 a:e :-|||\| '| F][0] | l |- '| ' '| -\|-_- H ¢| '4 -:| t H | i | ' '| t !; _+| t '4 i | ' ='| ' '| t '| er 1 | ' i /d - // ? // e \ .SL 14347KENAICTRESPONSE4.00006.000012.00016.00020.0006.000010.00014,00016.000TIMETHU,DEC0719892.00000.0i i i. i t ., iei ' i : PTI INTERACTIVE POWER SYSTEM SIMULATOR--PSS/E TUE,DEC 05 1989 08:57 1988 WINTER PEAK.KENAI AREA ISOLATED. COOPER @ 16MW &BOTH BRADLEY UNITS SUPPLYING KENAI LOAD. GE TOR SUMMARY:teNAMEBSVLT#MAC TYP MW MVAR QMAX QMIN VSCHED VACTOUAL REM 79 COOP1&2G4.20 2 2 16.0 -0.1 14.7 9.2 1.0300 1.0300 503 BRAD EQV13.8 1 3 72.5 "1.9 39.3 -39.3 1.0100 1.0100 691 TESORO1G24.9 1 -2 4.0 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.0100 0.9773 998 SOLD SVS 1 2 0.0 16.4 30.0 -25.0 1.0200 1.0200 9989 SUBSYSTEM TOTALS 92.5 16.3 85.9 -75.4 MVABASE=203.0 1988 WINTER PEAK.KENAI AREA ISOLATED.| COOPER ©16MW &BOTH BRADLEY UNITS SUPPLYING KENAI LOAD.[wn_BRADLEY W/90 SEC NEEDLE.REVISED OROOP &TIME CONSTANTS.© .PICK UP 3MW OF LOAD AT SOLDOTNA AT T =0.5 SECONDS.uJ FILE:WP88T01X.CHN 5os ceNETTURBINEHEAD(FT)c 1200.0 Rewer eee x 300.00 neSo TURBINE FLOW (CFS)OD o.1600.0 --=----+100.00 WWond NEEDLE OPENING (PU)lJ 1.0000 ee °0.0 ul J | PMECH (MW)= . 150.00 SS 0.0 =:BRADLEY 115 (HZ)oO _ 60.500 a 56.000 |||rs |:||3 : bas 3 i ei}S -te -o«|i!2 | |s -|§: :. ;zb-1s So a |iy7 ; e : s . == , ° 3 g :: t ] s _"oa |||x 1988 WINTER PEAK.KENAI AREA ISOLATED. COOPER ©16MW &BOTH BRADLEY UNITS SUPPLYING KENAI LOAD.BRADLEY W/390 SEC NEEDLE. &TIME CONSTANTS.PICK UP SMW AT T = FILE:WP88U0SX.CHN NET TURBINE HEAD (FT) REVISED DROOP 0.5 SECONDS. 1200.0 Mere ccceccce x 900.00 TURBINE FLOW (CFS) 1600.0 ekeeteieren +100.00 NEEDLE OPENING (PU) 1.0000 Succcececcee >00 PMECH (MW) 150.00 -----=0.0 BRADLEY 115 (HZ) 60.500 58.000 f | K 20.00016.00012.0006.00004.00000.0TNE14.00018.000TUE,BRADLEYPARAMETERS6.00002.000016:36DEC051989 1988 WINTER PEAK.KENAI AREA ISOLATED.Ga}COOPER ©16MW &BOTH BRADLEY UNITS SUPPLYING KENAI LOAD.oHBRADLEYW/90 SEC NEEDLE.REVISED OROOP &TIME CONSTANTS.yoa"PICK UP 7MW OF LOAD AT SOLDOTNA AT T =0.5 SECONDS.aia FILE:WP88U01X.CHN iT= .on «a NET TURBINE HEAD (FT)"Cc 1200.0 Mosse eee x 900.00]LE TURBINE FLOW (CFS)& 1600.0 ==>+100.00]waodNEEDLEOPENING(PU)tu 1.0000 aera °0.01 ul =>PMECH {MW}- c 150.00 -S--0.0 =BRADLEY 115 (HZ)raat60.500 E =58.000 >°||||S we -4s | "x,$| ae -*sas-_pe ne -_e L =(a .: =|e a=ae-a 8Ss -"3 ;| 3 ; =+:: e :: s S _"sa |3 1988 WINTER PEAK.KENAI AREA ISOLATED. COOPER ©16MW &BOTH BRADLEY UNITS SUPPLYING KENAI LOAD.S-BRADLEY W/30 SEC NEEDLE.REVISED DROOP &TIME CONSTANTS.* PICK UP 3MW OF LOAD AT SOLDOTNA AT T =0.S SECONDS.= FILE:WP88T02X.CHN © NET TURBINE HEAD (FT)” 1200.0 Keeercececes x 900.00 pu TURBINE FLOW (CFS)OS1600.0 weer +100.00 rsNEEDLEOPENING(PU) 1.0000 Or ee ween neee °0.0 uw PMECH (MW)= 150.00 -----s 0.0 BRADLEY 115 (HZ) 60.500 rE 58.000 TT |on ||rg nt <. ;r 3 = :;+¢ :I © '[ H h g od :$1s 1 { '| 'U ° ''S i 1 |= i f |;|oe =a /1 _|é Ptr |s s -48 sL-s fo] sLe-s s sL_"7s So s__"To |=TIMEBRADLEYPARAMETERS( t. ie i te 1988 WINTER PERK.KENAI AREA ISOLATED. COOPER 16MW &BOTH BRADLEY UNITS SUPPLYING KENAI LOAD.nw |BRADLEY W/30 SEC NEEDLE.REVISED DROOP &TIME CONSTANTS.©:PICK UP 7MW OF LOAD AT SOLDOTNA AT T =O.S SECONDS.ut ; FILE:WP88U02X.CHN SS 7 ©=a ==; NET TURBINE HEAD (FT)-ex 1200.0 Moreeseeeee x 900.00 ne TURBINE FLOW (CFS)3 &; 1600.0 Peer +100.00 ud zo>NEEDLE OPENING (PU)uw 7 1.0000 @woeewewoee ween @ 0 0 ww od : PMECH {MW)- a 150.00 ----=0.0 =rs BRADLEY 115 (HZ)oe)ne60.500 - 3 es -r°o be =S be b=I ™*,2 Ls °7 S L -Z : |i. °1see-ai re So wo can 7 oe _a | 3 :Ss 1=. 2 =- So 3 =a | 1988 WINTER PEAK.KENAI AREA ISOLATED. COOPER @ 16MW &BOTH BRADLEY UNITS SUPPLYING KENAI LOAD. BRADLEY W/SURGE TANK &10 SEC NEEDLE. &TIME CONSTANTS.PICK UP 3MW AT T = FILE:WP88T03X.CHN NET TURBINE HEAD (FT) REVISED DROOP 0.5 SECONDS. 1200.0 Heer cscrccecs «900.00 |TURBINE FLOW (CFS) |1600.0 eer cco +100.00 NEEDLE OPENING (PU) 1.0000 Daccccccecce >070 PMECH (MW) 150.00 -------0.0 BRADLEY 115 (HZ) 60.500 --------a 58.000 1 1 T «at: :| {il a 1 -1 | 1] l| =4 -- r | | |4 _i _| | i |eeewe”10.0008.00006.00004.00002.00000.0Sie i tuosae= » -oa[a] a> attLJamd "@ c oO 2 3 3 S me - =} 1988 WINTER PEAK.KENAI AREA ISOLATED.Ga)COOPER ©16MW &BOTH BRADLEY UNITS SUPPLYING KENAI LOAD."NH BRADLEY W/SURGE TANK &10 SEC NEEDLE.REVISED DROOP c &TIME CONSTANTS.PICK UP 7MW AT T =0.5 SECONDS.©i FILE:WP88U03X.CHN aoS a «0NETTURBINEHEAD(FT)c 1200.0 Meese x 300.00 |eeoS TURBINE FLOW (CFS)Ly Oe1600.0 a +100.00 |]wia> NEEDLE OPENING (PU)uJ 1.0000 o---------=-rs 001 uJ PMECH (MW)- a 150.00 --SCH 0.0 =BRADLEY 115 {HZ}oO60.500 se a 58.000 at +;|:||brag ||||S :rot 3 ;Fs y "3:rot |S ro fin 7° .}t !e '1 eoxfoal3 Ee .'= °° :+|° ¢{| 'i °poo14 S =I -=i it '\ ;A 3 '\s =i so S Z +2: _- 3 =Ss; t-] s =on 3 =so _i3 |eo 1988 WINTER PEAK.KENAI AREA ISOLATED. COOPER ©16MW &BOTH BRADLEY UNITS SUPPLYING KENAI LOAD. BRADLEY W/SURGE TANK &10 SEC NEEDLE.REVISED OROOP &TIME CONSTANTS.PICK UP 10MW AT T =0.5 SECONDS. FILE:WP88U04X.CHN NET TURBINE HEAD (FT) 1200.0 Meese ees cree x 900.00 TUABINE FLOW (CFS) 1600.0 ----a +100.00 NEEDLE OPENING (PU) 1.0000 @-- ---------°0.0 PMECH (MW) 150.00 ------nt 0.0 BRADLEY 115 (HZ) 60.500 58.000 10.0008.00006.00004.00002.00000.0ue "©uwtuo= cern&of taQO > .LL}ed*2 ec mM 3 Ss o S Ss S _ 3 S re L J Ss 2 prmicrmgnneteeeerrgemrage2