HomeMy WebLinkAboutBPMC October 14 1994Bradley Lake Office Filing System (BLOFI)MASTER BLOFI LOG Year |Code Date Key Word From Description 1994 {13-05 |02/03/94:{Insurance AEA PMC Insurance Subcommittee Minutes 1994 {13-05 [02/10/94 {Insurance AEA PMC Insurance Subcommittee Minutes 1994 |13-05 |03/09/94:|Insurance AEA PMC Insurance Subcommittee Minutes 1994 |13-05 [04/27/94 jInsurance AEA Operator Liability -BLHP 1994 |13-05 [05/16/94 insurance AEA Operator Liability -BLHP 1994 {13-05 [09/15/94 {Insurance AEA Operator Liability -BLHP 1994 13-05 12/19/94.Insurance CEA BLP Self-Insurance Reserves Master BLOFI Log.xisBLOFI 1 of1 3/10/2003 _IBS "-CHUGACH cLECTRICASSOCIATION,INC.sigan ASSOCIATION,INC. &Wieibwbuyv- December 19,1994 ara na qaQea al emir i acd trick DoverAlacs?:cet nothortt/Dennis McCrohan ond ss AEA/AIDEA 480 W.Tudor Road Anchorage,Alaska 99503-6690 Subject:Bradley Lake Project -Self-Insurance Reserves Dear Mr.McCrohan: The current Bradley Lake insurance policies have million dollar "deductibles".The utilities are effectively "self-insuring"the first million dollars of such losses.It is likely that the level of this self-insurance will increase to $2 million dollars in the next fiscal year. Under the terms of the Power Sales Agreement,each utility is responsible for its percentage share of any such loss (percentages attached).There is currently no budget reserve or other arrangement to cover this amount, and each utility would need to provide their own share of a loss.In other words,upon occurrence of a million dollar loss,ML&P (a 25.9%participant)would be obligated to provide $259,000.This would rise to $518,000 if the limits are raised to $2 million dollars next year. The Bradley Lake Project Management Committee (BPMC)Insurance Subcommittee has recommended that the BPMC make arrangements either through a line of credit,or funding of an actual reserve,to cover these risks.However,the BPMC Budget Subcommittee wishes to explore whether individual utilities are better able to arrange for their individual share of these risks.In particular,we want to know if each individual utility could include the Bradley Project under the utility's own insurance coverage up to the amount of the utility's prorata share of the self-insured risk (boiler and machinery and/or property). Aliernatives to this would include cach utility indicating its ability to pay its percentage share directly from operating funds or cash reserves. Please let me know by written response whether your individual utility believes it can satisfactorily address its share of the self-insured risk. Sincerely, fw. Thomas A.Lovas Bradley Lake Budget Subcommittee Chairman 4976.TAL:TS E 5601 Minnesota Drive »PO.Box 196300 «Anchorage,Alaska 99549-6300lavePhone907-563-7494 *FAX 907-562-0027 Exhibit D Purchasers'Percentage Shares Of Project Capacity And Of Annual Project Costs PURCHASER PERCENTAGE SHARE Alaska Electric Generation & Transmission Cooperative,Inc.; 25.8 Chugach Electric Association,Inc.30.4 Golden Valley Electric Association,Inc.-16.9 Municipality of Anchorage,d/b/a Municipal Light and Power 25.9 City of Seward,d/b/a Seward Electric System 1,0 |100.008 POWER SALES AGREEMENT FOR BRADLEY LAKE ENERGY EXHIBIT D ==Page 1 a”;3-89 Ma ALASKA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT [_)AND EXPORT AUTHORITY = ALASKA@ME-ENERGY AUTHORITY 480 WEST TUDOR ANCHORAGE,ALASKA 99503 907 /561-8050 FAX 907 /561-8998 November 21,1994 Mr.Kirk C.Leadbetter,CIC Vice President Willis Corroon Corp.of Anchorage 4220 B Street Anchorage,Alaska 99503 Subject:COREGIS Application Directors'and Officers'Liability Policy Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project Dear Kirk: Enclosed you will find a fully executed application for D&O coverage of the Bradley Lake Project Management Committee.Also enclosed are the Agreement for the Sale and Purchase of Electric Power for the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project,the current project By-Laws,and the project financial statements prepared for FY 92 and 93 for the project by Parisena,Stromberg and Company. Please proceed in getting a quote for coverage for the Bradley Lake Project Management Committee.If you have any questions or need more information, please call. Qaifh Daniel W.Beardsley Enclosures cc:Norman_L.Story,BPMC Chairman h:\blins\blins040 a -COREGIS INSURANCE Application ORGANIZATIONS 7. 8. .Scope of operations: APPLICATION FOR NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION LIABILITY INSURANCE (THIS IS AN APPLICATION FOR A CLAIMS-MADE POLICY) Part |-Background Information .Name of Organization__Bradley Lake Project Management CommitteeAddress_c/o Alaska Energy Authority,480 West Tudor Road,Anchorage,AK 99503 (Number)(Street)(City)(State)(Zip) .What is Organization's legal structure?_Committee of Purchaser Utility RepresentativesDateorganized:12/8/87 Date operations began:_9/1/91_Purpose of Organization:(Month/Year)(Month/Year) Manages the operation of the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project. State in which incorporated:__Alaska Local__X _State if Organization is regional,list states or areas served: Regional National International. .(a)List any affiliated organizations of which the organization owns more than 50%of the voting stock or appointsmorethan50%of the board of directors:__N/A (b)Does the Organization have any subsidiaries operating for profit?(If Yes,please fist):___No .Does the Organization have any stockholders or persons who profit from the operation except as salaried employees?(If Yes,give details):No .(a)Does the Organization receive donations or contributions from the genera!public?___No - (b)Are contributions generally solicited?No (c)Of the total contributions received,what is the net percentage available for charitable purposes?0 % (d)If the Organization receives government funding,what is the percentage of total revenues?oO % (e)Please provide the following information for the last three (3)years: Year Total Revenue Total Expenditures *Current Fund Balance 19_92 $16,364,217 $16,258,588 $_175,163,17419.93 $17,448,722 $20,160,593 $_160,368,24319.94 $16,661,117 $21,174,175 $_155,855,744 Total number of individuals employed by the Organization?_None --All staff work is provided bycontractlabor. Are any of the Directors,Officers,Trustees,or Employees indebted to the Organization?(If Yes,give details): No *-Includes depreciation expense. 9. 10. Part !l-Association Details If the Organization is an Association,please complete this section. Number of chapters:Number of members: Publications:__.Magazines ___Newsletters -Journals Periodicals __Technical Manuals (If any of the above are Yes,please attach a copy of each.) CFM 92.1.0197 (5/92)PAGE 1 OF 4 11.(a)Is the Association involved in product testing/certification?Yes___No___ (b)Does the Association set professional standards or certify its members?Yes__._. No___ (c)Does the Association or its Directors,Officers,Trustees,or Employees act as an Administrator of any employee benefit welfare plans under ERISA,or in any other fiduciary capacity for any other employee benefit welfare plans?Yes No____ If Yes to any of the above,please provide details: Part II|I--Governmental Information 12.Within the last three (3)years,has the Organization received any inquiry,complaint or notice of hearing from any state or federal regulatory authority or agency or congressional or legislative committee?Yes No_X (If Yes,give details):. 13.(a)Has the Organization filed a Tax Form in the last three years?Yes No__X (b)If Yes,have the returns been accepted as filed? Part lV-Insurance Coverage Information 14.(a)Directors and Officers Liability Insurance or Non-Profit Organization Liability Insurance carried during the past three years,including expiring policy,if applicable: Insurer Limit Retention Premium Exp.Date NONE ne =e (b)Has any same or similar insurance on behalf of the Organization been declined,cancelled or non-renewed? Yes No_X If Yes,please explain: (c)Has the carrier(s)of any same or similar insurance ever been given notice of claim or possible claim by theorganization?Yes...+No_X__If Yes,please explain: (d)Doesthe Organization currentlycarryGeneral Liabilityinsurance?Yes___No_X- IfYes,pleasegive carrier and expiration date: (e)The officer of the Organization designated to receive any and all notices from the Insurer or the authorized representative concerning this insurance is:Daniel W.BeardsleyAlaskaEnergyAuthority,480 West Tudor Road,Anchorage,AK 99503 Part V-Claim Information If this is a renewal of a Crum &Forster Policy,skip to Part VI unless higher limits are desired. 15.Hasanyclaim been made,orisany nowpending,againstthe Organization,or any person proposed forthisinsuranceinthecapacityofeitherDirector,Officer,Trustee or Employee?(If Yes,give details):__No 16.Hasthe Organization and/orits Directors,Officers,Trustees or Employees been involvedin or have any knowledge ofpendingFederal,StateorlocalactionsorproceedingsagainsttheOrganizationand/oritsDirectors,Officers,Trustees or Employees?(If Yes,give details):__No 17.Is any person proposed for this insurance cognizant of any fact,circumstance or situation which said person has reason to suppose might afford valid ground for any future claim against said person and/or the Organization? (If Yes,give details):__No Ifsuch facts,circumstances or situations exist,any claim or action arising therefrom is excluded fromthe proposed coverage. CFM 92.1.0197 (5/92).PAGE 2 OF 4 48.The undersigned being authorized by,_|acting on behalf of,the applicant and persons or concerns seeking 19 20. insurance,has read and understands this application,and declares all statements set forth herein are true,complete and accurate.The undersigned further declares and represents that any occurrence or event taking place prior to the inception of the policy applied for,which may render inaccurate,untrue,or incomplete any statement made herein will immediately be reported in writing to the Insurer.The undersigned acknowledges and agrees that the submission and the Insurer's receipt of such report,prior to the inception of the policy applied for,is a condition precedent to coverage. Part Vi-Renewal Statement This Renewal application is a supplement to the application(s)attached to the currer:t policy and said applications together with this Renewal application constitute the complete application which shall be the basis of the contract should a policy be issued and will be attached to and become part of the policy. Part Vil-Required Information Attached and made a part of this application by reference are copies of:(If this is a renewal of a Coregis Policy forward item (B)only.) A.Charter or By-Laws. B.Last two Annual Reports,CPA Audits or comparable financial statements. The signing of this application does not bind the undersigned to purchase the insurance,nor does review of the application bind the insurance company to issue a policy.It is agreed that this application shall be the basis of the contract should a policy be issued.AofferSubmittedby:Signed y Agent Must Be Signeded By Chairpasorthe Board,President,or Executive iepator Signed:Date:Title _Chairman Coregis Agent?___.Yes ___No Date L,th*Li(ZA IvaSurplusLinesLicenseNumber. Expiration Date Please return to your nearest Coregis location. 181 W.Madision 110 William Street Chicago,Illinois 60602 New York,New York (312)849-5000 10038-3901 (212)306-4900 NOTICE TO NEW YORK RESIDENTS WARNING:Any person who knowingly and with intent to defraud any insurance company or other person files an application for insurance containing any false information,or conceals for the purpose of misleading information concerning any fact material thereto commits a fraudulent insurance act,which is a crime. CFM 92.1.0197 (5/92)PAGE 3 OF 4 Supplemental Information CFM 92.1.0197 (5/92)-PAGE 4 OF 4 Nag @M =ENERGY AUTHORITY .C4 ALASKA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT }'kk AND EXPORT AUTHORITY «=>ALASKA 480 WEST TUDOR ANCHORAGE,ALASKA 99503 907 /561-8050 FAX 907 {561-8998 November 1,1994 Norman L.Story BPMC Chairman Homer Electric Association,Inc. 3977 Lake Street Homer,Alaska 99603 Subject:Insurance Subcommittee Recommendations Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project Dear Norm: As requested by the BPMC,the Insurance Subcommittee met to discuss Directors'and Officers'liability insurance,Operator Liability for Negligent Acts and the Independant Insurance Review,and to provide recommendations back to the BPMC.Draft minutes are attached.Our recommendations follow. 1._DIRECTORS'AND OFFICERS'LIABILITY INSURANCE The committee determined the exception for government agencies as shown in the Four Dam Pool Policy exclusions was not satisfactory.An alternative carrier may provide Directors'and Officers'coverage with less strenuous exclusions and a lower premium.An application is enclosed for you to sign and return. Unless the members of the PMC wish to explore extended coverage under each member organization's existing policies for their representatives to the BPMC, the committee recommends the following and will proceed unless advised otherwise: Recommendation 1: Apply to COREGIS for Directors'and Officers'liability coverage.If the exclusions are less restrictive than the existing proposal,and the premium is comparable price or less,place the coverage. Norman L.Story November 1,1994 Page 2 Alternative A: In the event the COREGIS coverage is not available,exclusions are not satisfactory or prices are not competive,seek modification of the governmental exclusion to apply to only those governmental entities directly involved with the project,and place the coverage if the modification is acceptable. 2.OPERATOR LIABILITY FOR NEGLIGENT ACTS A commercially reasonable alternative is not available to provide insurance coverage for the negligent acts of an operator up to the limits of the project self insured retentions.HEA pays a modest fee for extending its general liability coverage to the Bradley Project (approximately $14,500 annually).The alternative is for the PMC to provide general liability coverage for the project, estimated at $30,000 to $50,000 plus the cost of the additional coverage necessary to insure the negligent acts of the operator.That alternative would likley cost the project as much as the coverage proposed by ARECA.The insurance and risk management professionals in attendance deemed the potential risk of loss to be minimal,especially considering the premium costs. Since HEA is reimbursed for its costs,without any additional return to compensate for risks to HEA,the committee recommends the following: Recommendation 2: The BPMC self insure losses,including losses for operator negligence,up to the self insured retention limits and limit HEA's liability for any loss obligations to its prorata share as a purchaser. 3.INSURANCE REVIEW The committee's consensus,after comment by the insurance professionals,was the existing coverages and the self insured retentions are appropriate.Except for items below listed items no further action is recommended. Debt Service Coverage Debt service coverage may be available now that the project has an operating history.During next year's placement of property and boiler and machinery policies,quotations will be solicited.No action is required by the BPMC. Professional Liability The insurers believe that most,if not all losses resulting from damage arising due to negligent design and errors and omissions by an engineer or individual performing professional services,will not be excluded from coverage under our existing policies.Two unlikely exceptions,are general liability losses to third parties and personal property losses;however,the insurance professionals do not believe the insurance carriers would prevail on a denial of payment for those Norman L.Story November 1,1994 Page 3 losses.Recent changes in the law,require engineers to have professional liability coverage.Due to those changes in the law and the limited loss potential, the committee's recommendation is as follows: Recommendation 3: HEA retains the responsibility for such design changes and either perform the services in-house or with insured consultants. Self Insured Loss Funding At this time there are no provisions in the budget or reserves to fund the self insured retentions in the event of loss.Such funding would have to come from budget surpluses,other reserve funds or direct purchaser contributions. Recommendation 4: Establish a self insurance reserve fund in the amount of the property insurance self insured retention,$1,000,000.The reserve could be funded from annual budget surpluses until the retention amount is fully funded. Alternative B: Obtain a $1,000,000 or less,letter of credit to provide immediate funding to cover the self insured retention.Annual cost of such a line of credit is approximately $1,800.00.This could also be used as an interim measure until a self insurance reserve is fully funded. Sincerely; f Me. Daniel W.Beardsley Enclosures CC:BPMC Members Insurance Subcommittee Members DRAFT BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE INSURANCE SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES October 14,1994 The Bradley Lake Insurance Subcommittee meeting convened at 9:00 A.M.on October 14,1994,at 480 West Tudor Road. In attendance at the meeting were: Dan Beardsley,Committee Chairman Ron Saxton,Ater,Wynne,Hewitt,Dodson &Skerritt Robert Hansen,Golden Valley Electric Association Mike Cunningham,Chugach Electric Association Tonya Lamothe,ARECA Dave Hutchens,ARECA Angela Terry,Willis Corroon Kirk Leadbetter,Willis Corroon Brad Thompson,Risk Management,State of Alaska Via Telephone: Rick Eckert,Homer Electric Association Three principal issues were discussed:Directors'and Officers'Liability Insurance,Operator Liability for Negligent Acts and Insurance Review. DIRECTORS'AND OFFICERS'LIABILITY INSURANCE The committee was tasked to review the copy of the Four Dam Pool Directors' and Officers'liability policy,address the exclusions in that policy and place the coverage for $1,000,000 with a $75,000 deductible if appropriate. Three specific exclusions were questioned:exclusion of claims brought by federal,state and local governments,claims by AEA against the PMC,and claims relating to errors and omissions of the officers and directors performing professional services. Insurance Subcommit Minutes October 14,1994 Page 2 Angela Terry indicated the exclusion for government claims related to the insurers perception of the organizational structure of the PMC.It is an atypical entity from the underwriters position,and due to the diverse participants the underwriters wanted to exclude claims from the federal,state and local governments or agencies involved in the project.According to Ms.Terry the exclusion is broadly drafted and can likely be more narrowly drawn to exclude only those claims made by governmental entities directly involved in the project. As to the AEA exclusion,that one applies because AEA is a member of the PMC,as well as the owner of the project. The E&O relates exclusively to professional services,and does not apply to the actions of the directors and officers in their management capacity on the PMC. Kirk Leadbetter indicated there may be alternative coverage available through COREGIS that may be less expensive with less exclusions.Due to the fact the PMC represents local government entities and private non-profit corporation, there is question whether the PMC will qualify for the COREGIS coverage without an IRS letter ruling that the PMC is a tax exempt entity.The Four Dam Pool obtained such a ruling but it took several years.Mr.Leadbetter believesthatthecoveragecanbeobtainedwithoutsuchaletterruling.They have recently obtained COREGIS coverage for a G&T facing similar issues. Mr.Hutchens commented that the individual utilities could likely get extended coverage under their existing policies for their PMC representative.Mr.Saxton's sense of the PMC directive was that the Purchasers have analyzed their coverages and believe that the D&O coverage by the PMC is the approach to take at this time. On behalf of the committee,Dan Beardsley will take the following actions: 1.Confirm through Mr.Story that the PMC directive does not contemplate the individual utilities reexamining their potential to extend their D&O policies. 2.Make an application to COREGIS for D&O coverage. 3.If the D&O coverage from COREGIS is available,less expensive and contains less exclusions,place the recommended amounts of coverage with COREGIS;otherwise,modify the government exclusion and place _coverage under the previously quoted program. Insurance Subcommi'Minutes October 14,1994 Page 3 OPERATOR LIABILITY FOR NEGLIGENT ACTS Presently the project has property insurance coverage with a $1,000,000 self insured retention and Boiler and Machinery Insurance with self insured retentions ranging between $25,000 to $250,000.Those policies cover against loss from all perils,which would preclude HEA,as a named insured,from liability to the insurer.The specific issue is the liability of HEA to the PMC for the amounts of the self insured retention (SIR)in the event of operator negligence. On the PMC/AEA side,the operator should have liability for its negligent acts to reinforce prudent operational practices.Alternatively HEA is operating the project at cost and is not receiving a compensation in exchange for assumption of risk. The possible alternatives identified were: Operator indemnifies PMC and AEA PMC and AEA indemnify the Operator PMC insures the Operator Operator insures the PMC and AEA Operator and PMC split the costs of insurance Leave the issue until an occurrence raises the issue. Several options concerning the insurance question were discussed. One was to decrease the SIRs.This idea was deemed unlikely because the insurance market will likely not provide coverage for a SIR less than $1,000,000. (Subsequent discussion indicated that the $1,000,000 SIR may not be available in future years.) An exclusion to Homer's property policy to cover for operator negligence cannot be obtained for less than the quotes indicated by ARECA ($66,000).The alternative of the PMC obtaining a general liability policy with third party coverage that would cover operator negligence (similar to the Four Dam Pool coverage)does not appear to be economically feasible.Under HEA's present general liability policy,the additional cost to include the Bradley Project is minimal.Placing the general liability under the PMC with HEA as a named insured will likely cost in the range of $30,000 to $50,000,plus the additional cost of the third party coverage. In the opinion of the insurance and risk management professionals in attendance,the risk of such losses is minimal.From a cost benefit standpoint their recommendation it to self insure such losses. Insurance Subcommit Minutes October 14,1994 Page 4 As it stands now,if there is a loss,any loss would be covered by the PMC.The PMC then has the choice to absorb the loss,which amounts to each participant being responsible for its prorata share,or seek reimbursement from HEA. The Insurance subcommittee approved a recommendation for the PMC to self insure losses up to the amount of the SIR,including those losses resulting from Operator negligence.The committee does not recommend obtaining insurance to cover losses due to Operator's negligence because of the additional cost to obtain the coverage.Due to the fact HEA is not getting a return for operating the project,the committee recommends that the extent of HEA's liability be limited to its prorata share of any self insured losses. INSURANCE REVIEW Risk Management provided an insurance assessment for the Bond Trustee, therefore the independent outside insurance review was eliminated.The committee discussed the sufficiency of the existing coverages,the amounts of self insured retentions and funding of the self insured risks. Existing Coverages With respect to existing coverages,debt service coverage,professional liability and environmental coverages were considered. Debt Service Coverage.Debt service coverage was not previously included under the property policy due to the lack of operation history for Bradley.With the change in AEA and the transfer of operation to HEA,a request for debt service coverage was not added to the FY 95 insurance placement.In the FY 96 placement,a request for debt service coverage will be included.The premium costs and policy exclusions should be review before placement of the coverage. Professional Liability.A concern has been the perceived lack of coverage for losses arising a the result of changes in the operational processes that require plans sealed by an engineer.Under current law,such changes require the signature and seal of an engineer.Recent changes in the law mandate professional liability insurance for engineers.The engineer performing such work is personally liable. When questioned about exclusions from coverage due to errors and omissions by individuals performing engineering services,the opinion of the Insurance professionals was that most,if not all,losses would be covered.Under our existing policies there are two areas which may not be covered.Those possible exceptions are general liability losses sustained by third parties and possible Insurance Subcommit Minutes October 14,1994 Page 5 personal property exclusions;although,the insurance professionals doubted that the insurance carriers would prevail if they denied such claims. With the limited potential liability to HEA,the committee recommends that HEA retain the responsibility for performing such changes.HEA can decide to perform the services in-house,obtain professional liability insurance for its staff, or contract with insured consultants. Environmental.Although the committee discussed the possible need for environmental loss insurance,the consensus of all parties was that the previous actions to contractually reduce the risks of contamination,and the construction of environmentally safe structures,are the best approaches to limit risk.The expense of commercially available policies and the typical exclusions are cost prohibitive in relation to the risk of self insurance.Except for a continued awareness in reducing risk through contract efforts,no further action was recommended. Remaining Coverages.Dave Hutchens of ARECA and Brad Thompson of Risk Management concurred that the existing types and levels of the remaining coverages are adequate for the risks facing the project. Self Insured Retentions In the opinion of Angela Terry,the $1,000,000 SIR for the property insurance is probably the lowest SIR that the insurance market will recognize.She anticipates that the market place may actually force the project to increase that SIR amount as a condition of placing insurance in the future.The potential premium savings for an increase in the SIR are minimal.For the first $10,000,000 increment of coverage ($9,000,000 over our SIR of $1,000,000)the current premium is $76,000.Unless the premium dramatically increases in the near future,an increase in our SIR to $10,000,000 would only save $76,000. The committee does not recommend increasing the SIR. At present there is not a reserve fund for self insured losses or a budget line item.In the event of a property or boiler and machinery loss,funding would have to come from budget surpluses,other reserve funds or direct contributions by the purchasing utilities.The alternatives range from establishing a reserve fund,obtaining a letter of credit for the SIR amount,pooling all reserves, assessing the purchasers at the time of a loss,or a combination of the above. The committee recommends that a $1,000,000 self insurance reserve be established.We further recommend that the reserve be funded from annual budget surpluses until such time as the reserve reaches the amount of the maximum SIR. _COREGIS licationINSURANCEApplica ORGANIZATIONS APPLICATION FOR NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION LIABILITY INSURANCE (THIS IS AN APPLICATION FOR A CLAIMS-MADE POLICY) Part |-Background Information 1.Name of Organization___Bradley Lake Project Management Committee Address_c/o Alaska Energy Authority,480 West Tudor Road,Anchorage,AK 99503 (Number)(Street)(City)(State)(Zip) 2.What is Organization's legal structure?_Committee of Purchaser Utility RepresentativesDateorganized:12/8/87 __Date operations began:_9/1/91 Purpose of Organization:(Month/Year)(Month/Year) Manages the operation of the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project. State in which incorporated:__Alaska 3.Scope of operations:Local _State If Organization is regional,list states or areas served: Regional National International. 4.(a)List any affiliated organizations of which the organization owns more than 50%of the voting stock or appointsmorethan50%of the board of directors:__N/A (b)Does the Organization have any subsidiaries operating for profit?(If Yes,please list):___No 5.Does the Organization have any stockholders or persons who profit from the operation except as salaried employees?(if Yes,give details):No 6.(a)Does the Organization receive donations or contributions from the general public?No. (b)Are contributions generally solicited?No (c)Of the total contributions received,what is the net percentage available for charitable purposes?0 % (d)If the Organization receives government funding,what is the ! percentage of total revenues?Oo % (e)Please provide the following information for the last three (3)years: Year Total Revenue Total Expenditures *Current Fund Balance 19.92 ¢16,364,217 ¢16,258,588 $_175,163,17419_93 -$17,448,722 $20,160,593 $160,368,243 19_94 $16,661,117 $21,174,175 $155,855,744 7.Total number of individuals employed by the Organization?_None --All staff work is provided bycontractlabor. 8.Are any of the Directors,Officers,Trustees,or Employees indebted to the Organization?(If Yes,give details): No : *-Includes depreciation expense.. Part Il-Association Details If the Organization is an Association,please complete this section. 9.Number of chapters:Number of members: 10.Publications:.Magazines ____.Newsletters _Journals Periodicals ___Technical Manuals (If any of the above are Yes,please attach a copy of each.) CFM 92.1.0197 (5/92)- . PAGE 1 OF 4 11.(a)Is the Association involved in product testing/certification?Yes__.__No____ (b)Does the Association set professional standards or certify its members?Yes__.No ___ (c)Doesthe Association or its Directors,Officers,Trustees,or Employees act as an Administrator of any employee benefit welfare plans under ERISA,or in any other fiduciary capacity for any other employee benefit welfare plans?Yes_...-s-No____ If Yes to any of the above,please provide details: Part tll-Governmental Information 12.Within the last three (3)years,has the Organization received any inquiry,complaint or notice of hearing from anystateorfederalregulatoryauthorityoragencyorcongressionalorlegislativecommittee?Yes__.._No_X__ (If Yes,give details): 13.(a}Has the Organization filed a Tax Form in the last three years?Yes No__X_ (b)If Yes,have the returns been accepted as filed? Part iV-Insurance Coverage Information 14.(a)Directors and Officers Liability Insurance or Non-Profit Organization Liability Insurance carried during the past three years,including expiring policy,if applicable: Insurer Limit Retention Premium Exp.Date NONE (b)Has any same or similar insurance on behalf of the Organization been declined,cancelled or non-renewed? Yes...No_X_.If Yes,please explain: (c)Has the carrier(s)of any same or similar insurance ever been given notice of claim or possible claim by the organization?Yes No_X If Yes,please explain: (d)Doesthe Organization currently carryGeneralLiabilityinsurance?Yes_...No_X IfYes,pleasegive carrier and expiration date: (e)The officer of the Organization designated to receive any and all notices from the Insurer or the authorized representative concerning this insurance is:___DantelW.BeardsleyAlaskaEnergyAuthority,480 West Tudor Road,Anchorage,AK 99503 Part V-Claim Information If this is a renewal of a Crum &Forster Policy,skip to Part VI unless higher limits are desired. 15.Hasanyclaim been made,orisanynowpending,against the Organization,orany person proposed forthisinsurance in the capacity of either Director,Officer,Trustee or Employee?(If Yes,give details):__No 16.Hasthe Organization and/orits Directors,Officers,Trustees or Employees been involvedin or have any knowledge ofpendingFederal,StateorlocalactionsorproceedingsagainsttheOrganizationand/oritsDirectors,Officers,Trustees or Employees?(If Yes,give details):__No 17.Is any person proposed for this insurance cognizant of any fact,circumstance or situation which said personhasreasontosupposemightaffordvalidgroundforanyfutureclaimagainstsaidpersonand/or the Organization?(If Yes,give details):__No If such facts,circumstances or situations exist,any claim or action arising therefrom is excluded from the proposed coverage. CFM 92.1.0197 (5/92)PAGE 2 OF 4 2 18. 19 20. The undersigned being authorized by,acting on behalf of,the applicant and 9ersons or concerns seeking insurance,has read and understands this application,and declares all statements set forth herein are true,complete and accurate.The undersigned further declares and represents that any occurrence or event taking place prior to the inception of the policy applied for,which may render inaccurate,untrue,or incomplete any statement made herein will immediately be reported in writing to the Insurer.The undersigned acknowledges and agrees that the submission and the Insurer's receipt of such report,prior to the inception of the policy applied for,is a condition precedent to coverage. Part ViI-Renewal Statement This Renewal application is a supplement to the application(s)attached to the current policy and said applications together with this Renewal application constitute the complete application which shall be the basis of the contract should a policy be issued and will be attached to and become part of the policy. Part Vil-Required Information Attached and made a part of this application by reference are copies of:(If this is a renewal of a Coregis Policy forward item (B)only.) A.Charter or By-Laws. B.Last two Annual Reports,CPA Audits or comparable financial statements. The signing of this application does not bind the undersigned to purchase the insurance,nor does review of the application bind the insurance company to issue a policy.It is agreed that this application shall be the basis of the contract should a policy be issued. Submitted by:Signed Agent Must Be Signed By Chairman of The Board, President,or Executive Director Signed:Date:Title _Chairman Coregis Agent?Yes No Date Surplus Lines License Number. Expiration Date Please return to your nearest Coregis location. 181 W.Madision 110 William Street Chicago,Illinois 60602 New York,New York (312)849-5000 10038-3901 (212)306-4900 NOTICE TO NEW_YORK RESIDENTS WARNING:Any person who knowingly and with intent to defraud any insurance company or other person files an application for insurance containing any false information,or conceals for the purpose of misleading information concerning any fact material thereto commits a fraudulent insurance act,which is a crime. CFM 92.1.0197 (5/92)PAGE 3 OF 4 Supplemental Information CFM 92.1.0197 (5/92)PAGE 4 OF 4 August 4,1994 «LastName» «Company» «Address2» «City»«State»«PostalCode» Willis Corroon has provided quotes for Director and Officer Liability Coverage for the Bradley Lake PMC.The quotes are as follows: Limits of Liability Retention Each Loss Premium (Includes Defense Cost)(Indemnifiable Claims)(Annual) $1,000,000 $50,000 $23,300 1,000,000 75,000 21,000 1,000,000 100,000 18,750 2,000,000 50,000 35,000 2,000,000 75,000 31,500 $2,000,000 $100,000 $28,500 The Four Dam Pool has Directors and Officers coverage of $1,000,000 with a $75,000 retention.That policy premium is $18,000.A copy of that policy is enclosed for your review.Please review this package prior to the next PMC meeting.We request that the PMC to advise AEA at the next meeting as to whether Willis Corroon should place this coverage if the PMC does not want D&O coverage. Should you have any questions,please direct them to Dan Beardsley. Sincerely, SIGNED 8/4/94 Dennis V.McCrohan Deputy Director,Energy DWB:bjf h:all\beardsle\dword\blins\blins028 Enclosure LastName Company Address1 Address2 City State PostalCode Dave Calvert City of Seward 5th and Adams P.O.Box 167 Seward,Alaska |99664 Eugene N.Bjornstad Chugach Electric Association 5601 Minnesota Drive |P.O.Box 196300 Anchorage,|Alaska_|99519-6300 Michael Kelly Golden Valley Electric Association 758 Illinois P.O.Box 71249 Fairbanks,Alaska {|99707-1249 Jim Woodcock Matanuska Electric Association 163 Industrial Way P.O.Box 2929 Palmer,Alaska |99645-2929 Norman L.Story Homer Electric Association 3977 Lake Street Homer,Alaska |99603 Tom Stahr Anchorage Municipal Light &Power 1200 E.First Avenue Anchorage,|Alaska |99501 Vince Mottola Fairbanks Municipal Utility Systems P.O,Box 72215 Fairbanks,Alaska_|99707 Ron Saxton Ater Wynne Hewitt Dodson &222 S.W.Columbia Suite |Portland,Oregon |97201-6618Skerritt1800 Robert L.Hufman AEG&T Corporation 1018 Galena Street Fairbanks,Alaska |99709 Homer Electric Association,Inc. CORPORATE OFFICE Central Peninsula Service Center 3977 Lake Street paeieasHomer,Alaska 99603-7680 }ch F240 |||!|Phone (907)235-8167 Kenai,Alaska 99611-5280 Phin! ( FAX (907)235-3313 (907)283-5831odA¥83-7 329554 Alaska Industrial Develogomert and Export Authority May 16,1994 Mr.Dan Beardsley Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority 480 West Tudor Anchorage,AK 99503-6690 Dear Dan: I have just recently been brought up to speed on your efforts to create a committee to select a chairman for the insurance review of the Bradley Lake Project.As BPMC chairman,I want to offer some guidance on how to proceed. I understand the bond resolution for an independent review of the insurance coverage.I want to be sure that this requirement is implemented consistent with the Power Sales Agreement arrangement and role of the BPMC.The BPMC is responsible for arranging for Project Insurance,and has a standing Insurance Committee for that purpose.Any work relative to assessing our insurance needs,or arranging for insurance,should be conducted through that committee as a whole.In addition,our budget committee needs to be involved in the budget issues associated with any decision to hire consultants or place insurance. I think it would work best if your selection committee acted more as a screening committee that reported back to the Bradley Insurance Committee.The smaller group will let you move forward quickly,but should not become a substitute for the role of the whole committee in approving the scope of work and selection of contractor.I also think it is important that the consultant report to the existing Bradley Insurance Committee as a whole. Dan Beardsley May 16,1994 Page 2 I appreciate your initiative to get this process going and look forward to you working with the Insurance Committee to address these issues. Sincerely, LyN.L.Story Chairman of Bradley PMC cc:Ron Saxton,Ater Wynne Hewitt Dodson &Skerritt Mike Cunningham,Chugach ElectricRobertHansen,GVEA Rick Eckert,HEA Alaska Energy Authority April 20,1994 David L.Highers General Manager Chugach Electric Association,Inc. P.O.Box 196300 Anchorage,Alaska 99519-6300 Subject:Application for Quote BPMC Directors and Officers Liability Insurance Dear Dave: Enclosed you will find a "Not-for-Profit Organization /Directors,Officers and Trustees Liability Policy Application"prepared for requesting a quote from Willis and Corroon for Director's and Officer's Liability coverage for the Bradley Lake PMC.Please sign the application in the two signature blocks on page 5 and return it to Dan Beardsley. Once the quotation is received,that information will be provided to the Board for -a decision to obtain coverage. Very truly yours; I We CA Dennis V.McCrohan Deputy Director,Energy Enclosure vee ALA American International Companies Name of Insurance Company to which Application is made (herein called the Insurer) Directors,Officers and Trustees Insurance and Not-for-Profit Organization Reimbursement Policy Application or Not-for-Profit Organization/Directors,Officers and TrusteesLiabilityPolicyApplication NOTICE:THE POLICY PROVIDES THAT THE LIMIT OF LIABILITY AVAILABLE TO PAY JUDGMENTS OR SETTLEMENTS SHALL BE REDUCED BY AMOUNTS INCURRED FOR LEGAL DEFENSE.FURTHER NOTE THAT AMOUNTS INCURRED FOR LEGAL DEFENSE SHALL BE APPLIED AGAINST THE RETENTION AMOUNT.IF A POLICY IS ISSUED,THE APPLICATION WILL BE ATTACHED TO AND BECOME A PART OF THE POLICY,THEREFORE IT IS NECESSARY THAT ALL QUESTIONS BE ANSWERED ACCURATELY AND COMPLETELY. IF A POLICY IS ISSUED,IT WILL BE ON A CLAIMS-MADE BASIS. 1.Applicant (a)Name of Organization:_Bradley Lake Project Management Committee (b}Jurisdiction of Incorporation or Charter:_Alaska (c)Date of Incorporation:_December8,1987 (Date formed) (d)Address:c/o Alaska Energy Authority 480 West Tudor Road,Anchorage,AK 99503 {e)Check one of the following categories that best describes your Organization: -_-Benefit Trust Health System Nursing/Retirement Home --_-Cemetery Company --Historical Society Religious Organization ___Community Health Center --_-HMO/PPO Research/Development Inst -_-..Condominium/Cooperative ---Hospital ---Social/Recreational Club Organized under Act of Congress Industrial/Agric.Co-Op -_-Social Welfare OrganizationFoundation--- Labor Union Trade Association Fraternal Society/Association Museum University/School Golf/Country Club , Mutual Insurance Association X_Other___Industrial/Electrical Generation andTransmission (f)Briefly describe the functions,purpose and general operations of the Organization. (1) 51824 (5/91) (g)Primary SIC code(s)-_1¢ (h)Organization has been continually operating since _9/1/91 2.(a)Amount of Insurance requested $1,000,000 (b)Self-insured retention desired (each loss)$75,000 3.(a)Complete list of all Directors and/or Trustees of the Organization named in 1(a)above by name and affiliation with other organizations.(If included as an attachment herein,check here _X_.) (b)Complete list of all Officers of the Organization named in 1(a)above by name and affiliation with otherorganizations.(If included as an attachment herein,check here __X_.) (c)Are the Directors or Trustees elected or appointed and by whom? Elected Ss Appointed X By Each Utility Represented 4.(a)Is the Organization a Not-for-Profit Organization qualified under the U.S.internal Revenue Code Section501(c)?Yes_____No _X___.If no,please attach an explanation. (b)Has the Organization's tax exempt status ever been terminated,suspended or challenged or is any suchactionnowthreatened?Yes___.No _X_.If yes,please attach an explanation. 5.List of all direct and indirect Subsidiary corporations,associations and fraternities Business or Type Percentage of Date Acquired Non-Profit Name of Operation Ownership or Created or For-Profit See attached listing Coverage to include all Subsidiaries?Yes No -X_Include complete list of Directors,Officers and Trustees of each Subsidiary for which coverage is requested.(If included as an attachment herein,check here -__.) 6.Please answer each of the following and attach details of any "yes”answers. (a)Does the Organization provide any referral service,or computer service? Yes No _X (b)Does the Organization promote,sponsor or provide any form of insurance? Yes No _X (2) 124 (5/91) 10. 11. 51824 (5/91) (c)Does the Organizationown,-_iage,maintain or controlacaptiveinsurance -_ipany?Yes No _xX (d)Is the Organization engaged in any form of research,development,experimentation or testing? 'Yes No _X (e)Does the Organization act as or participate in a peer review group or committee for assessing qualifications and performance of others or the quality of products manufactured,sold,handled,or distributed? Yes _X No (Only as to the operation and maintenance activities of the project.) (f)Does the Organization take any disciplinary action or recommend disciplinary action as a result of peer review group activities?Yes No _X (g)Does the Organization develop standards used to evaluate the quality of goods or services? Yes __X No (h)Does the Organization publish any magazines,periodicals,newsletters or bulletins? Yes _X No .Ifyes,please attach a sample ofeach.(Annual Report) (i)Does the Organization publish any books or technical manuals?Yes -X No (Only for internal use) List type and number of professional staff. The committee does not employ staff.All staff work is provided by contract _labor. Is the Organization related to or affiliated with any other organization not listed in question 1(a)?Yes No _X__.If yes,please attach an explanation of relationship. Has the Organization merged with any other organization within the last 10 years?Yes No _X If yes,please list dates and names of such organizations. There has not been nor is there now pending any claim(s)against any person proposed for insurance in his or her capacity of either Director of Officer of the named Organization or any of its Subsidiaries except as follows: (Attach complete details.If no such claims,check here "none”_X_or "none”except for see attached details.) No Director or Officer or Trustee has knowledge or information of any act,error or omission which might give rise to a claim under the proposed policy except as follows:(Attach complete details./f they have no such knowledge or information,check here "none”X_or "none”except for see attached details.) (3) 12._Has the Organization,any c.._Subsidiaries or any Director,Officer or Trt (a)Been involved in any copyright or patent litigation?Yes No _X (b)Been chargedin any civil or criminal action or administrative proceeding with a violation of any federal orstateantitrustorfairtradelaw?Yes No _.xX_ (c)Been chargedin any civil or criminal action or administrative proceeding with a violation of any federal or state securities law or regulation?Yes No _X (d)Been involved in any representative actions or class actions?Yes No _X (if any of the above are answered yes,attach full details.) ms K1N9A (K/G1\ If is agreed that with respect to Question 10,11 and 12 above,that if such knowledge,information or involvement exists,any claim or action arising therefrom is excluded from the proposed coverage. 13.Previous Directors and Officers Insurance: (a)Name of Insurance Company (b)Limit of Liability (c)Self-insured retention (d)Policy Expiration Date (e)Premium (indicate one year or other) (f)Loss experience (Attach full details.If no losses,check here:_X__) 14.Name of Risk Manager (or equivalent position}and number of years in current position: Brad Thompson,Director,Division of Risk Management,State of Alaska Division Director since July 1,1993.State of Alaska,Alaska Energy Authority is owner of project managed by BPMC. 15._Please attach copies of each of the following: (a)Constitution &By-Laws (b)List of Directors,Officers and Trustees(c)Latest Annual Report with Audited Financials,(if audited financials are not available please submit aTreasurer's Warranty Letter guaranteeing the Organization's financials). THE UNDERSIGNED AUTHORIZED OFFICER OF THE APPLICANT DECLARES THAT THE STATEMENTS SET FORTH HEREIN ARE TRUE.THE UNDERSIGNED AUTHORIZED OFFICER AGREES THAT IF THE INFORMA- TION SUPPLIED ON THIS APPLICATION CHANGES BETWEEN THE DATE OF THIS APPLICATION AND THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE INSURANCE,HE/SHE (UNDERSIGNED)WILL,INORDER FOR THE INFORMATION _TO BE ACCURATE ON THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE INSURANCE,IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY THE INSURER OF . SUCH CHANGES,AND THE INSURER MAY WITHDRAW OR MODIFY ANY OUTSTANDING QUOTATIONS AND/ OR AUTHORIZATIONS OR AGREEMENTS TO BIND THE INSURANCE. SIGNING OF THIS APPLICATION DOES NOT BIND THE APPLICANT OR THE INSURER TO COMPLETE THE INSURANCE,BUT IT IS AGREED THAT THIS APPLICATION SHALL BE THE BASIS OF THE CONTRACT SHOULD A POLICY BE ISSUED,AND IT WILL BE ATTACHED TO AND BECOME A PART OF THE POLICY. ALL WRITTEN STATEMENTS AND MATERIALS FURNISHED TO THE INSURER IN CONJUNCTION WITH THIS APPLICATION ARE HEREBY INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE INTO THIS APPLICATION AND MADE A PART HEREOF. (4) NOTICE TO NEW YORK AND OHI -.2PLICANTS:ANY PERSON WHO KNOW __LY AND WITH INTENT TODEFRAUDANYINSURANCECOMPANYOROTHERPERSONFILESANAPPLICATIONFORINSURANCEOR STATEMENT OF CLAIM CONTAINING ANY MATERIALLY FALSE INFORMATION,OR CONCEALS FOR THE PURPOSE OF MISLEADING,INFORMATION CONCERNING ANY FACT MATERIAL THERETO,COMMITS A FRAUDULENT INSURANCE ACT,WHICH IS A CRIME. Signed (Applicant) Date Title Chairman(must be signed by Chairperson of the Board or President}Corporate Seal Attest Broker Address Please read the following statement carefully and sign below where indicated.If a policy is issued,this signed statement will be attached to the policy. The undersigned authorized officer of the Applicant acknowledges that he/she is aware that the limit of liability contained in this policy shall be reduced,and may be completely exhausted,by the costs of legal defense or for the amount of any judgment or settlement to the extent that such exceeds the limit of liability of this policy. The undersigned authorized officer of the Applicant hereby further acknowledges that he/she is aware that legal defense costs that are incurred shall be applied against the retention amount. »Signed (Applicant) Date Title___Chairman (must be signed by Chairperson of the Board or President} (5) Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project Management Committee List of Representatives Representative Dennis V.McCrohan Secretary Tom Stahr Dave Calvert David L.Highers Chairman Mike Kelly Alternate Stan Sieczkowski Hank Nikkels Eugene N.Bjornstad Bradley Evans Utility Alaska Energy Authority 480 West Tudor Road Anchorage,Alaska 99503 Phone:561-8050 Fax:561-8998 Anchorage Municipal Light &Power P.O.Box 196094 Anchorage,Alaska 99519-6094 Phone:279-7671 Fax:263-5204 City of Seward P.O.Box 167 Seward,Alaska 99664 Phone:224-3331 Fax:224-3248 Chugach Electric Association, Inc. P.O.Box 196300 Anchorage,Alaska 99519-6300 Phone:563-7494 Fax:562-0027 Golden Valley Electric Association,Inc. P.O.Box 71249 Fairbanks,Alaska 99707-1249 Phone:451-5633 Fax:451-0556 Bradley Lake Project Management Committee,Cont. Page 2 Representative Alternate Utility Norman L.Story Mike Yerkes Homer Electric Association,Inc. Vice Chairman 3977 Lake Street Homer,Alaska 99603 Phone:235-8551 Fax:235-3323 James Hall Matanuska Electric Association, Inc. P.O.Box 2929 Palmer,Alaska 99645 Phone:745-9211 Fax:745-9368 Ron Saxton Ater Wynne Hewitt Dodson & Legal Counsel Skerritt 225 S.W.Columbia,Suite 1800 Portland,Oregon 97201-6618 Phone:(503)226-1191 Fax:(503)226-0079 Note:The Treasurer position is vacant as result of recent resignation of Matanuska Electric Association General Manager.A new treasurer will be appointed at the next BPMC meeting on April 29,1994. ShadBN - S @ ; .ALASKA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENTDgANDEXPORTAUTHORITY 480 WEST TUDOR *ANCHORAGE,ALASKA 99503-6690 *(907)561-8050 »FAX (907)561-8998 March 4,1994 Mr.David L.Highers General Manager Chugach Electric Association,Inc. P.O.Box 196300 Anchorage,Alaska 99519-6300 Re:Bradley Lake Insurance Subcommittee Aviation Insurance Errors and Omissions Insurance Dear Mr.Highers: At our last meeting |agreed to obtain guidance from Mr.Brad Thompson of Risk Management about two provisions in the Bradley Lake O&M Agreement.Those provisions were Section 13(a)(2),errors and omissions,and Section 13(d)(1), aircraft insurance. Errors and Omissions Insurance At our meeting there was a concern as to what actual coverages were contemplated by Section 13(a)(2)since the operator would be providing Directors'and Officers'liability coverage.According to Mr.Thompson,the intent of the language is to assure full coverage of the project.The Directors and Officers policy covers for errors and omissions made by management,and the general liability covers for the actions of the staff operating the project.The purpose of the language is to require the operator to provide professional liability coverage for design and drafting activities,if such activities are taking place. Typically the general liability policy has exclusionary wording as to coverage for design and drafting performed by professionals. Any such work provided by a subcontractor is covered by the requirements on Page 2 of Exhibit C of the Agreement (a copy is attached).With respect to HEA two questions must be addressed before we can go forward with this issue:(1) will HEA perform such activities in operating and maintaining the project?,and (2)if so,what coverage is necessary to avoid a gap in coverage? Mr.David L.Highers March 4,1994 Page Two By this letter |am requesting HEA and Stan Sieczkowski to discuss this issue at our meeting. Aircraft Coverage Section 13(d)(1)requires the operator to obtain special coverage approved by AEA for aircraft with more than 5 seat capacity.The agreement does not set out any specific limits.Mr.Thompson recommends coverage of $1,000,000 seat,or in the case of the nine passenger Islander contemplated for use by HEA, $9,000,000.HEA has determined that $15,000,000 coverage will require an approximate $10,000 additional premium payment annually.The impact of the additional coverage on charter rates needs to be identified as well. By this letter |am requesting HEA to obtain quotes for the $1,000,000 per seat coverage. Please be prepared to discuss these issues at the subcommittee meeting on Wednesday., Sincerely, Daniel W.Beardsley cc:Stan Sieczkowski EXHIBIT "C" INSURANCE 1.Contractor to purchase/maintain insurance for duration of agreement,plus one year following final payment. 2.Specified limits are minimum levels.If the policy contains higher limits, contracting agency is entitled to coverage of higher limits. 3.Certificate of insurance must be furnished to contracting agency. e Must provide for 30-day prior notice to the contracting agency of cancellation,reduction in liability. e Failure to furnish constitutes material breach and grounds for termination. Types of Insurance Worker's Compensation:Contractor responsible for subcontractors.Coverage must . include statutory coverage for states where employees are engaging in work and employer's liability protection not less than $100,000 per person,$100,000 per occurrence.Where applicable,coverage for all federal acts must also be included. Comprehensive of Commercial General Liability Insurance:Covers all operations of contractor providing insurance for bodily injury and property damage liability including coverage for: e Premises and Operations e Products and Completed Operations Broad Form Damage;and Personal Liability Comprehensive Policy:Minimum combined single limit of liability is $300,000 per occurrence,$300,000 aggregate for bodily injury,property damage and personal injury. Commercial Policy:Minimum limits of liability are $300,000 per occurrence (combined single limit)for bodily injury and property damage,$300,000 per occurrence for personal injury,$300,000 aggregate for products-completed operations,and $300,000 general aggregate. Comprehensive Automobile Liability Insurance:Covers all owned,hired,and non- owned vehicles with coverage limits not less than $100,000 per occurrence bodily injury and $50,000 property damage. Professional Liability Insurance:Covers all negligent errors,omissions which the contractor,subcontractor or their employees make in the performance of the agreement which results in financial loss to the contracting agency. Minimum Limits: .Combined Single Limit Contract Amount Occurrence and Annual Aggregate Under $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 to $499,999 ;$250,000 $500,000 to $999,999 $500,000 $1,000,000 and up NEGOTIABLE Contracting agency reserves right to implement an Owner Controlled Insurance Program with option of obtaining Professional Liability Insurance,contractor isn't required to carry Professional Liability Insurance. EXHIBIT C Page 2 of 2 TRANSMISSION REPORTSOOOOOOOKAOROK 'AIDA (MAR B64 794 16:56 } KOK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 2K OK OK AK OK OK OK OK OK Ok OK OK OK OK OK OK Ok OK Ok Ok ok DATE START REMOTE TERMINAL MODE TIME RESULTS TOTAL DEPT. TIME IDENTIFICATION PAGES CODE MAR 64 16:53 S626027 G35T 62739"OK 6S KRKKKEKKKKRRRKKRKRKKHRKKEKKEX*KRKRKKKKKEKKKKKKKEKRKEKXXKXEKX*KOK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OOK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OOK OK OK OK OK OK OK Py x *°27:ALASKA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT 'Dg AND EXPORT AUTHORITY 480 WEST TUDOR *ANCHORAGE,ALASKA 99503-6690 *(907)561-8050 »FAX (907)561-8998 March 4,1994 Mr.Mike Cunningham Chugach Electric Association,Inc. P.O.Box 196300 Anchorage,Alaska 99519-6300 Re:Bradley Lake Insurance Subcommittee Aviation Insurance Errors and Omissions Insurance Dear Mr.Cunningham: At our last meeting |agreed to obtain guidance from Mr.Brad Thompson of Risk Management about two provisions in the Bradley Lake O&M Agreement.Those provisions were Section 13(a)(2),errors and omissions,and Section 13(d)(1), aircraft insurance. Errors and Omissions Insurance At our meeting there was a concern as to what actual coverages were contemplated by Section 13(a)(2)since the operator would be providing Directors'and Officers'liability coverage.According to Mr.Thompson,the intent of the language is to assure full coverage of the project.The Directors and Officers policy covers for errors and omissions made by management,and the general liability covers for the actions of the staff operating the project.The purpose of the language is to require the operator to provide professional liability coverage for design and drafting activities,if such activities are taking place. Typically the general liability policy has exclusionary wording as to coverage for design and drafting performed by professionals. Any such work provided by a subcontractor is covered by the requirements on Page 2 of Exhibit C of the Agreement (a copy is attached).With respect to HEA two questions must be addressed before we can go forward with this issue:(1) will HEA perform such activities in operating and maintaining the project?,and (2)if so,what coverage is necessary to avoid a gap in coverage? By this letter |am requesting HEA and Stan Sieczkowski to discuss this issue at our meeting. Mr.Mike Cunningham March 4,1994 Page Two Aircraft Coverage Section 13(d)(1)requires the operator to obtain special coverage approved by AEA for aircraft with more than 5 seat capacity.The agreement does not set out any specific limits.Mr.Thompson recommends coverage of $1,000,000 seat,or in the case of the nine passenger Islander contemplated for use by HEA, $9,000,000.HEA has determined that $15,000,000 coverage will require an approximate $10,000 additional premium payment annually.The impact of the additional coverage on charter rates needs to be identified as well. By this letter |am requesting HEA to obtain quotes for the $1,000,000 per seat coverage. Please be prepared to discuss these issues at the subcommittee meeting on Wednesday. Sincerely, Daniel W.Beardsley cc:David L.Highers,BPMC Chairman Stan Sieczkowski TRANSMISSION REPORTBOOOSORIOOKOK *AIDA (MAR @4 794 16:59 9 2K OK OOK OOK OOK OK OK OK OK OK OK OR OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK Ok DATE START REMOTE TERMINAL MODE TIME RESULTS TOTAL DEPT. TIME IDENTIFICATION PAGES CODE MAR @4 16:56 2626827 G3ST 82°37"OK 5 HERRKKKREKRKEKRKKEKKKRKKRKEXKRKKKKKKKKEKKKKKKRKXKEREKKEXOK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK Ok OK OK OK OK OK HE OK OK Ok OK OK » bi x °"yx,ALASKA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT&AND EXPORT AUTHORITY rl 480 WEST TUDOR *ANCHORAGE,ALASKA 99503-6690 «(907)561-8050 »FAX (907)561-8998 March 4,1994 Mr.Rick Eckert Homer Electric Association,Inc. 3977 Lake Street Homer,Alaska 99603 Re:Bradley Lake Insurance Subcommittee Aviation Insurance Errors and Omissions Insurance Dear Mr.Eckert: At our last meeting |agreed to obtain guidance from Mr.Brad Thompson of Risk Management about two provisions in the Bradley Lake O&M Agreement.Those provisions were Section 13(a)(2),errors and omissions,and Section 13(d)(1), aircraft insurance. Errors and Omissions Insurance At our meeting there was a concern as to what actual coverages were contemplated by Section 13(a)(2)since the operator would be providing Directors'and Officers'liability coverage.According to Mr.Thompson,the intent of the language is to assure full coverage of the project.The Directors and Officers policy covers for errors and omissions made by management,and the general liability covers for the actions of the staff operating the project.The purpose of the language is to require the operator to provide professional liability coverage for design and drafting activities,if such activities are taking place. Typically the general liability policy has exclusionary wording as to coverage for design and drafting performed by professionals. Any such work provided by a subcontractor is covered by the requirements on Page 2 of Exhibit C of the Agreement (a copy is attached).With respect to HEA two questions must be addressed before we can go forward with this issue:(1) will HEA perform such activities in operating and maintaining the project?,and (2)if so,what coverage is necessary to avoid a gap in coverage? Mr.Rick Eckert March 4,1994 Page Two By this letter |am requesting HEA and Stan Sieczkowski to discuss this issue at our meeting. Aircraft Coverage Section 13(d)(1)requires the operator to obtain special coverage approved by AEA for aircraft with more than 5 seat capacity.The agreement does not set out any specific limits.Mr.Thompson recommends coverage of $1,000,000 seat,or in the case of the nine passenger Islander contemplated for use by HEA, $9,000,000.HEA has determined that $15,000,000 coverage will require an approximate $10,000 additional premium payment annually.The impact of the additional coverage on charter rates needs to be identified as well. By this letter |am requesting HEA to obtain quotes for the $1,000,000 per seat coverage. Please be prepared to discuss these issues at the subcommittee meeting on Wednesday. Sincerely, Daniel W.Beardsley cc:David L.Highers,BPMC Chairman -Stan Sieczkowski TF ANSMISSION REPORTSECOOOOOOOOOOK 'AIDA C MAR B4 794 16:43 ) OOK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK Ok OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK DATE START REMOTE TERMINAL MODE TIME RESULTS TOTAL DEPT. TIME IDENTIFICATION PAGES CODE MAR @4 16:41 967 2353323 G3ST @2'43"OK @5 KHRKKKKKKKKKRKEKKHKRKKERKKERKEKKRKRKKKKKKKKERKKKKKKKKKKKKREOK OK OK OK OK OK OOK OOK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK HK OOK OK OK OK OK OK a .*e ékd..ALASKA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENTx¥AND EXPORT AUTHORITY i 2 480 WEST TUDOR *ANCHORAGE,ALASKA 99503-6690 «(907)561-8050 *FAX (907)561-8998 March 4,1994 Mr.Robert Hansen Golden Valley Electric Association,Inc. P.O.Box 71249 Fairbanks,Alaska 99707-1249 Re:Bradley Lake Insurance Subcommittee Aviation Insurance Errors and Omissions Insurance Dear Mr.Hansen: At our last meeting |agreed to obtain guidance from Mr.Brad Thompson of Risk Management about two provisions in the Bradley Lake O&M Agreement.Those provisions were Section 13(a)(2),errors and omissions,and Section 13(d)(1), aircraft insurance. Errors and Omissions Insurance At our meeting there was a concern as to what actual coverages were contemplated by Section 13(a)(2)since the operator would be providing Directors'and Officers'liability coverage.According to Mr.Thompson,the intent of the language is to assure full coverage of the project.The Directors and Officers policy covers for errors and omissions made by management,and the general liability covers for the actions of the staff operating the project.The purpose of the language is to require the operator to provide professional liability coverage for design and drafting activities,if such activities are taking place. Typically the general liability policy has exclusionary wording as to coverage for design and drafting performed by professionals.. Any such work provided by a subcontractor is covered by the requirements on Page 2 of Exhibit C of the Agreement (a copy is attached).With respect to HEA two questions must be addressed before we can go forward with this issue:(1) will HEA perform such activities in operating and maintaining the project?,and (2)if so,what coverage is necessary to avoid a gap in coverage? Mr.Robert Hansen March 4,1994 Page Two By this letter |am requesting HEA and Stan Sieczkowski to discuss this issue at our meeting. Aircraft Coverage Section 13(d)(1)requires the operator to obtain special coverage approved by AEA for aircraft with more than 5 seat capacity.The agreement does not set out any specific limits.Mr.Thompson recommends coverage of $1,000,000 seat,or in the case of the nine passenger Islander contemplated for use by HEA, $9,000,000.HEA has determined that $15,000,000 coverage will require an approximate $10,000 additional premium payment annually.The impact of the additional coverage on charter rates needs to be identified as well. By this letter |am requesting HEA to obtain quotes for the $1,000,000 per seat coverage. Please be prepared to discuss these issues at the subcommittee meeting on Wednesday. Sincerely, Daniel W.Oi Dewy - cc:David L.Highers,BPMC Chairman Stan Sieczkowski TRANSMISSION REPORTSHOOOKOROORIOKIOK *RIDA C MAR @4 794 16:26 ) *OK OK OOK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OOK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OOK OK OK OK OOK OK OK OK DATE START REMOTE TERMINAL MODE TIME RESULTS TOTAL DEPT. TIME IDENTIFICATION PAGES CODE MAR G4 16:23 GVEA ADMINISTRATION G3ST G2'26"OK aS KKEKEKKKEKKKKKKKKKKKRKKKKKKEKXXKKKKKKKKKKKKKFKRKKKKKEKXEEOK OK OK XK OK OK OK OK Ok OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OOK Es w ALASKA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT 4 AND EXPORT AUTHORITY -__-_* 480 WEST TUDOR *ANCHORAGE,ALASKA 99503-66890 «(907)561-8050 »FAX (907)561-8998 March 4,1994 Mr.Ron Saxton Ater,Wynne,Hewitt,Dodson &Skerritt 222 S.W.Columbia,Suite 1800 Portland,Oregon 97230 Re:Bradley Lake Insurance Subcommittee Aviation Insurance Errors and Omissions Insurance Dear Mr.Saxton: At our last meeting |agreed to obtain guidance from Mr.Brad Thompson of Risk Management about two provisions in the Bradley Lake O&M Agreement.Those provisions were Section 13(a)(2),errors and omissions,and Section 13(d)(1), aircraft insurance. Errors and Omissions Insurance At our meeting there was a concern as to what actual coverages were contemplated by Section 13(a)(2)since the operator would be providing Directors'and Officers'liability coverage.According to Mr.Thompson,the intent of the language is to assure full coverage of the project.The Directors and Officers policy covers for errors and omissions made by management,and the general liability covers for the actions of the staff operating the project.The purpose of the language is to require the operator to provide professional liability coverage for design and drafting activities,if such activities are taking place. Typically the general liability policy has exclusionary wording as to coverage for design and drafting performed by professionals. Any such work provided by a subcontractor is covered by the requirements on Page 2 of Exhibit C of the Agreement (a copy is attached).With respect to HEA two questions must be addressed before we can go forward with this issue:(1) will HEA perform such activities in operating and maintaining the project?,and (2)if so,what coverage is necessary to avoid a gap in coverage? Mr.Ron Saxton March 4,1994 Page Two By this letter |am requesting HEA and Stan Sieczkowski to discuss this issue at our meeting. Aircraft Coverage Section 13(d)(1)requires the operator to obtain special coverage approved by AEA for aircraft with more than 5 seat capacity.The agreement does not set out any specific limits.Mr.Thompson recommends coverage of $1,000,000 seat,or in the case of the nine passenger Islander contemplated for use by HEA, $9,000,000.HEA has determined that $15,000,000 coverage will require an approximate $10,000 additional premium payment annually.The impact of the additional coverage on charter rates needs to be identified as well. By this letter |am requesting HEA to obtain quotes for the $1,000,000 per seat coverage. Please be prepared to discuss these issues at the subcommittee meeting on Wednesday. Sincerely, Daniel W.Beardsley cc:David L.Highers,BPMC Chairman Stan Sieczkowski TRANSMISSION REPORTFOHIOOOOOOOOOOOOHIOK *AIDA C MAR 64 794 16:23 )*OK OK OK OK OK OK OK Ok OOK OK OOK OK OK OOK OK OK Ok OK OK OK OK OK Ok Ok OK Ok OK OK Ok OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK Ok OK OK OK OK DATE START REMOTE TERMINAL MODE TIME RESULTS TOTAL DEPT. TIME IDENTIFICATION PAGES CODE MAR G4 16:26 5832268879 G3ST 92753"OK Bs KREKKEKEKRKKKRKKKKKKKKKKKEREKRHEHKKKKKKEKKKEKKKEKKEKKKKEKXKOK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK AK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OOK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK Or - Alaska Energy Authority December 17,1993 David L.Highers General Manager Chugach Electric Association,Inc. P.O.Box 196300 Anchorage,Alaska 99519-6300 RE:BPMC Insurance Subcommittee Dear Mr.Highers: During negotiations with Homer Electric Association,Inc.on the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project Operation and Maintenance Agreement,several issue regarding insurance coverage have arisen.We request that the necessary actions be taken to re-establish a committee that can meet in early January,in advance of the BPMC meeting. A list of proposed agenda items is attached along with a brief synopsis of the' issues.Dan Beardsley of my staff will put together a package for transmittal to the committee members once the membership and date of the meeting are established. Thank you for your assistance. Very truly yours, Dennis V.McCrohan Deputy Director (Energy) cc:David L.Fair,HEA 1,Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project Insurance Requirements A.Types of Coverage 1.Project Liability Insurance Property Boiler and Machinery General Liability Watercraft and Aviation 2.Directors and Officer's Liability 3.Operator's Policy General Liability Watercraft and Aviation Workman's Comp. Marine Insurance Hazardous or Contaminated Materials Coverage Debt Service Self InsuranceNAYS Project Specific Issues 1.Indemnification Clauses. 2.Operator/Dispatcher Conflicts Relating to Loss Liability Additional Costs Supplemental Agreements Between Dispatcher and Operator Coverage Limits for Insurance 1.Term 2.Cost °ross ALASKA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENTAWAYANDEXPORTAUTHORITY 480 WEST TUDOR *ANCHORAGE,ALASKA 99503-6690 *(907)561-8050 *FAX (907)561-8998 pate:/-2-/9-7% TIME:3/5 NOTICE:This facsimile contains confidential information that is being transmitted to and is intended only for the use of the recipient named below.Reading,disclosure,discussion, dissemination,distribution,or copying of this information by anyone other than the named recipient or his or her employees or agents is strictly prohibited.If you have received this facsimile in error,please immediately destroy it and notify us by telephone,(907)561-8050. PLEASE DELIVER THE FOLLOWING PAGES TO: Like tek KES TRANSMITTING FROM:RICOH FAX 1000L (907)561-8998 THIS TRANSMITTAL IS FROM:Lewns Nhe(entip NUMBER OF PAGES (INCLUDING COVER PAGE):_,8 HARD COPY TO FOLLOW BY:Regular Mail Courier No Documents will follow this transmission. IF YOU EXPERIENCE ANY PROBLEMS IN RECRIVING,PLEASE TELEPHONE .THE OFFICENUMBER(907-561-8050)AND ASK FOR _£y/. SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS OR COMMENTS DOCSMS23/p9 -TRANSMISSION REPORTBEAIGORIOORIOKCOKHORARIK *AIDA (DEC 17 '93 «15:15 ) KOK OK AK OK OK OK OK OK OK AK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK Ok OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK DATE START REMOTE TERMINAL MODE TIME RESULTS TOTAL DEPT. TIME IDENTIFICATION PAGES CODE DEC 17 «15:13 967 235 3313 G3ST @1'735"OK 83 RRKKEKRKXKKKRKKKHEKKKEXKKKX**OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK KOK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OOK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 13 -D |fi |ALASKA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT*¥AND EXPORT AUTHORITY =ALASKA Gar 3=ENERGY AUTHORITY 480 WEST TUDOR ANCHORAGE,ALASKA 99503 907 /561-8050 FAX 907 /561-8998 September 15,1994 Norman L.Story,Chairman Bradley Project Management Committee Homer Electric Association,Inc. 3977 Lake Street Homer,Alaska 99603 Subject:Operator Liability Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project Dear Norm: Due to developments in the cost of the liability coverage for operator negligence, the BPMC needs to reassess the position taken at the April PMC meeting concerning Homer Electric Association,Inc.assuming liability for operator negligence. In April the PMC addressed the issue of operator liability insurance coverages for the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project based on an April 26,1994 letter to David L.Highers.Subsequently,by letter dated May 16,1994,Homer Electric was advised that it was responsible for obtaining liability coverage for operator negligence up to the deductible limits of the Property and Boiler and Machinery policies for as long as Homer Electric operates the project.That responsibility was based on nominal cost additional coverage under HEA's general liability policy. Since that time ARECA has reviewed the coverage and indicated the premium for liability coverage for operator negligence for property loss would be $66,000. That coverage would not cover losses to boiler and machinery.That premium amount appears to be prohibitive for the limited coverage of the policy.In light of that cost the BPMC should reassess its earlier decision.As we see it there are six options available: Norman L.Story September 15,1994 Page 2 1)include the third party liability under the PMC general liability policy in next year's insurance package placement.If HEA is unable to obtain an acceptable quote,AEA will seek insurance through the State of Alaska's broker,any additional cost to be borne by HEA,BPMC or both. 2)require HEA to obtain the coverage at its cost, 3)obtain the coverage at the BPMC's cost, 4)totally indemnify HEA for such losses, 5)partially indemnify HEA for such losses,(the amount of HEA's exposure to be set by the PMC),or 6)HEA totally indemnify the PMC from such losses. Our rationale for option one is due to coverage AEA has place for the Four Dam Pool.The minimum premium for general liability is $50,000,The carrier added liability coverage for operator negligence for an additional $5,000 to cover the negligence of each of the four projects'operator's employees.This coverage included losses to property and boiler and machinery.As specified in Section 13(a)(9)of the O&M Agreement,if HEA cannot obtain commercially reasonable insurance,AEA through Risk Management can place the insurance. AEA's preference is for HEA to have its brokers reexamine the cost of adding the liability coverage for operator negligence to HEA's general liability policy.The opinion of the State's broker and Risk Management remains that the cost of the coverage should be nominal.If HEA's broker is unable to obtain commercially reasonable insurance,the BPMC needs to address the issue and take one or more of the six options above. Very truly yours; ROM ity Dennis V.McCrohan cc:|BPMC Members Brad Thompson,Risk Management J3B-3° ALASKA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AND EXPORT AUTHORITY =_Amz=ENERGY AUTHORITY 480 WEST TUDOR |ANCHORAGE,ALASKA 99503 907 /561-8050 FAX 907 /561-8998 May 16,1994 Norman L.Story,Chairman Bradley Project Management Committee Homer Electric Association,Inc. 3977 Lake Street Homer,Alaska 99603 Subject:Operator Liability Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project Dear Norm: As a follow up to my April 26,1994,letter to David L.Highers on this subject,this letter is a confirmation of the operator liability insurance coverages forthe - Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project. As approved by the BPMC,the Authority has undertaken to add Homer Electric Association as an additional insured to the Property and Boiler and Machinery insurance policies for the remainder of FY 94 and for succeeding years.As you indicated,Homer Electric is responsible for obtaining liability coverage for operator negligence up to the deductible limits of the Property and Boiler and Machinery policies for as long as Homer Electric operates the project. Thank you and your staff for the cooperative and efficient manner in which this issue was resolved. Very truly yours; Bae Cohen Dennis V.McCrohan cc:BPMC Members BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE INSURANCE SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES March 9,1994 The Bradley Lake Insurance Subcommittee meeting convened at 41:00 A.M.on March 9,1994,at 480 West Tudor Road. In attendance at the meeting were: Dan Beardsley,Committee Chairman Rick Eckert,Homer Electric Association Mike Cunningham,Chugach Electric Association Mike Yerkes,Homer Electric Stan Sieczkowski,AEA Tonya LaMothe,ARECA Dave Gwaltney,Gwaltney and Gwaltney Ward Livingston,Willis Corroon Kirk Leadbetter,Willis Corroon Via conference call: Ron Saxton,Ater,Wynne,Hewitt,Dodson &Skerritt Robert Hansen,Golden Valley Electric Association Approval of Agenda Dan Beardsley added the following item: Old Business F.AEA Waiver of Broad Form All States Endorsement to Y/orkers Compensation Insurance. New Business A.ARECA Insurance Policies Approval of Last Meeting Minutes Added name of Mike Yerkes to those present at the last meeting. ARECA Insurance Policies . Tonya LaMothe provided a copy of the policies insuring Homer Electric for General Liability,Automobile Liability and Worker's Compensation and E:aployers'Liability. BPMC Directors and Officers Liability The BPMC directors and officers liability insurance coverage premium infirmation ahs not been obtained.Quotes will be distributed to the Insurance Subcommittee and BPMC upon receipt. Director &Officers Coverage v.Professional Liability As indicated in the March 4,1994 letter to the Subcommittee members,the general liability policy typically excludes coverage for design related activities.The insurance representatives confirmed that the policies in place do not cover professional liability. Additionally any design or testing,whether by a licensed individual or not,will fall under the professional engineering exception.Incidental design accamplished as ordinary maintenance is not covered under the existing policies,it is a risk that must be assessed and will require an additional premium to add such activity to the insurance coverage. At this time the annual budget for design expenditures is $30,000.According to the insurers,the potential types of design activities would have to be identified,rated and submitted for quotations.A blanket endorsement without specifically addressing the types of activities and the potential risks associated with each activity would require a significant premium.In general,project errors and ommissions coverage is not available for projects less than $2,000,000.The term insurance is limited to those design problems that are discovered within three years from the work performance. Lastly AEA and HEA cannot be named insureds under a professional liability policy. The net result is that design activities performed by HEA are not insured.The consensus of the committee is that HEA should not perform engineering activities that change the process,safety or integrity of the facility,or affect structural or code requirements without advising the BPMC and the Authority in advance of such work. Bradley Lake Project Management Committee Insurance Subcommittee Meeting Minutes -2- The requirements for design consultants to accomplish such work will be addressed on a case by case basis.Routine design activities that do not change the process,or affect the safety,integrity,structural or code requirements of the project are in effect self-insured. HEA Coverage Premium Increase Based on HEA's statement that HEA's Board of Directors would not change as a result of adding the Bradley Lake Project,Kirk Leadbetter of Willis ana Corroon stated that HEA's Director and Officer liability premiums will not change.An item of particular note,the D&O coverage does not insure against property lozs and general liability. Errors and ommissions by the directors and board that result in property loss and general liability are an exception from the coverage under the property and general liability policies that are in effect.. Aircraft Insurance -Special Coverage 6+Passengers The O&M contract provision 13(d)(1)requires split limits of $5,000,000 for bodily injury, $1,000,000 for passenger liability for each per seat for 5 passengers for a coverage of $5,000,000,and $5,000,0000 for property damage per occurence.According to Dave Gwaltney,the split coverage is not available,therefore,on behalf of HEA he placed a $15,000,000 combined single limit policy.Technically that policy does not comply with the contract,but provides the same total coverage required.That coverage resulted in a $2,400 increase in the premium for the remainder of the 'policy period and is effectively a $10,000 annual increase for HEA. As to the nine passenger aircraft,per seat coverage,the question is whether the coverage should be increased to $19,000,000 over the $15,000,000 to provide the $1,000,000 per seat coverage as well as full coverage of the bodily injury and property damage amounts or is the $15,000,000 sufficient.) AEA will address the combined single limit policy versus the split policy with the Division of Risk Management,as well determining the limit of coverage. HEA will notify AEA of the cost of the additional coverage,seek a waiver from the split limit policy requirement and provide the cost for the $19,000,000 single limit coverage. Bradley Lake Project Management Committee Insurance Subcommittee Meeting Minutes -3- Aircraft Insurance -Slung Cargo Without the specifics of the type of activity and the potential risks,an endorsement for slung cargo cannot be rated for available coverage.In lieu of obtaining a costly endorsement for an event that may not happen,HEA will not undertake any slung cargo without first obtaining the coverage required under the contract.HEA will request a waiver from the contract requirements for slung cargo insurance on the condition that it will obtain such coverage before handling slung cargo. Marine Insurance Three issues arose under marine insurance:(1)pollution coverage for marine spills of contaminated or hazardous materials,(2)coverage of owned watercraft,and (3) coverage of non-owned craft. (1)Pollution Coverage. According to Dave Gwaltney maritime law applies to any barge shipments.Maritime law places greater liability on the party contracting for the purcnase of goods that are _being shipped than common law principles.As a result AEA has a harder time contracting away its liability for transportation of fuel,hazardous and contaminated materiels to and from the site.All of the insurers present concurred that the party transporting such materials should provide a certificate of insurance identifying the shipper's coverage.A ballpark estimate for $2,000,000 coverage with a $50,000 deductible for two diesel shipments to the site per year is about $4,000 to $5,000. HEA will obtain cost figures and pollution coverages from Delta Western for the shipment of fuel to Bradley Lake. (2)|Owned Watercraft. According to Tonya LaMothe,an additional annual premium of $590 per boat owned by HEA will put HEA's boats under the general liability policy issued by ARECA. Various agencies use AEA owned boats at the site for permit compliance activities. HEA is the custodian of those boats and performs the mainterance.Tonya LaMothe will determine if those AEA owned boats are covered by the polsy issued for HEA. Bradley Lake Project Management Committee Insurance Subcommittee Meeting Minutes -4- (3)|Non-Owned Watercraft HEA's current policy for non-owned watercraft has a $1,000,000 limit.An increase to the $5,000,000 limit identified in the contract will cost approximately $10,000 per year. Under the general liability policy,non-owned craft up to 42 feet can be covered for no additional premium by ARECA.Most of the barges used by HEA are 60+feet.The coverage would protect against general liabilty and bodily injury. Cargo will not be covered under either the owned or non-owned provisions. Homer will provide a request for waiver from the $5,000,0C'coverage along with additional premium costs to increase the coverage from its existing $1,000,000 amount. Hazardous or Contaminated Materials Insurance On-site treatment of waste oil appears to be the most cost effective and least risky alternative available.HEA has found that EPA has approved an incinerator that can be used to burn waste oil without any additional permit requirements.The cost for the incinerator is estimated to be $7,500.HEA will contact DEC to determine if the existing incinerator can be approved for burning the waste oil.HEA will report back to the committee on this matter. Independent Insurance Review No progress since last meeting. Next Meeting The next meeting will be scheduled two weeks after the various action items assigned have been completed. Meeting adjourned at 12:35 P.M. Daniel W.Beardsley Contracts Manager Bradley Lake Project Management Committee Insurance Subcommittee Meeting Minutes -5- 000000000009 90 9099009 9000000 0990000000 0900 00000009 0000000000008 0000008800 0000005 0000000000000 8 00008000: k xX x x x k X X x xX x x x xk xk X xk x x x NOTICE:This facsimile contains confidential information that is beinuseoftherecipientnamedbelow.Reading,disclosure,discussion,information by anyone other than the named recipient or his or her employees or agents is strictlyhavereceivedthisfacsimileinerrar,please immediately destroy it and notify us by telephone, PLEASE DELIVER THE FOLLOWING PAGES TO: Mike Cunningham Chugach Electric Association,Inc. Rick Eckert Homer Electric Association,Inc. Robert Hansen Golden Valley Electric Association,Inc. Ran Saxton Ater,Wynne,Hewitt,Dodson &Skeritt Tonya LaMothe ARECA Insurance Management,Inc. Ward N.Livingston,CPCU,ARM Vice President.Account Executive DATE:March 11,1994 9 transmitted ta and is intended only for thedissemination,distribution,or copying of this prohibited.If you(907)561-6050. P,O01TRANSACTIONREPORT MAR-11-94 FRI 15:11 BROADCAST DATE START RECEIVER TX TIME PAGES TYPE NOTE Nt DP MAR-11 14:51 5620027 2'17" =6 SEND (M)OK 013 15:08 2353323 2'19"6 SEND (M)OK 013 14:54 4515633 2'17"6 SEND (M)OK 013 14:57 5032260079 2'20"6 SEND (M)OK 013 15:00 5615547 1°46"==6 SEND (M)OK 013 15:02 5636483 3'16"6 SEND (M)OK 013 15:06 5614489 2'18"6 SEND (M)OK 013 TOTAL 164%33S PAGES:42 1000000000100 0101001000000 OOOO COOK COC COO COCO CCK k xk x x x xk x x X xX X X X X xX X XK x x x DATE:March 11,1994 NOTICE:This facsimile contains confidential information that is being transmitted to and is intended only for the use of the recipient named below.Reading,disclosure,discussion,dissemination,distribution,or copying of this information by anyone other than the named recipient or his or her employees or agents is strictly prohibited.If you have received this facsimile in error,please immediately destroy it and notify us by telephone,(907)561-8050. PLEASE DELIVER THE FOLLOWING PAGES TO: Mike Cunningham Chugach Electric Association,Inc. Rick Eckert Homer Electric Association,Inc. Robert Hansen Golden Valley Electric Association,Inc. Ron Saxton Ater,Wynne,Hewitt,Dodson &Skerritt Tonya LaMothe ARECA Insurance Management,Inc. Ward N.Livingston,CPCU,ARM Vice President,Account Executive Willis Corroon Dave Gwaltney Gwaltney &Gwaitney,Inc. NUMBER OF PAGES (INCLUDING COVER PAGE):6 HARD COPY TO FOLLOW BY:Regular Mail Courier >X<__No Documents wiil follow this transmission. IF YOU EXPERIENCE ANY PROBLEMS IN RECEIVING,PLEASE TELEPHONE THE OFFICE NUMBER (907)561-8050 AND ASK FOR BRENDA. Attached are the draft minutes from the March 9,1994,BPMC Insurance Subcommittee meeting.Please fax any corrections back to me at 561-8998. Thanks, Dan Beardsley Contracts Manager (Energy) |noe**: :13 a, "@ Se7)|:ALASKA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT -"Auk AND EXPORT AUTHORITY 480 WEST TUDOR *ANCHORAGE,ALASKA 99503-6690 *(907)561-8050 *FAX (907)561-8998 April 27,1994 Mr.David L.Highers BPMC Chairman Chugach Electric Association,Inc. P.O.Box 196300 Anchorage,Alaska 99519-6300 Subject:Operator Liability Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project Dear Dave: The issue of Homer Electric Association's liability in the event of a loss caused as a result of an operator's negligence was discussed in a teleconference on April 22,1994.The following individuals participated in the teleconference:Rick Baldwin,Attorney at Law,Rick Eckert and Mike Yerkes,HEA,Brad Thompson, State of Alaska Division of Risk Management,Tonya Lamothe,ARECA,Kirk Leadbetter,Willis Corroon,and Dan Beardsley,AEA. Homer's concerns were twofold: 1.HEA's liability in the event the loss exceeds the Self Insured Retention, SIR,(deductible)and the Authority's insurer exercises its right of subrogation and sues HEA for the amount it has paid the Authority. 2.HEA's liability for the SIR to the Authority or the BPMC. Homer Electric Association has raised concerns about its potential liability for the entire loss caused by the negligence of an operator.The Operating and Maintenance Agreement for Bradley Lake specifies that the Operator is liable for the negligence of its contractors and employees,Section 13(a)(1),page 12. AEA has resolved the first concern by notifying the insurance carrier to name HEA as an additional insured on the Property and Boiler and Machinery policies, for the remainder of this year and for FY 95. David L.Highers April 27,1994 Page Two As to the second issue,that is a policy call.Does the PMC want the operator to have the responsibility for claims against the Self Insured Retention that arise due to HEA's operator's negligence?This issue should be reviewed in the light that it is only those claims against the SIR caused by HEA's negligence.Any other cause of loss would not apply against the operator. Brad Thompson of Risk Management believes that the operator should be held accountable for losses caused by its employees'negligence.The maximum loss is limited to the amounts of the SIR -$1,000,000 for property damage and $25,000 to $50,000 for boiler and machinery.He thinks HEA should be able to obtain a limited policy which covers only its employees negligent acts up to the limits of the self insured deductible. Alternatively,the PMC may elect to relieve HEA of that liability by waiving or indemnifying HEA from such losses,or cover the cost of the insurance as a project cost.Please raise this issue for PMC discussion and provide AEA and HEA with the PMC's policy on this matter. Very truly yours, POniiu V We Coley Dennis V.McCrohan Deputy Director,Energy DWB:bif h:all/beardsie/blins017 cc:All BPMC Members All BPMC Insurance Subcommittee Members William R.Snell,Executive Director,AEA Brad Thompson,Director,Division of Risk Management 9 00¥.! x P,01 k x'TRANSACTION REPORT x x APR-27-94 WED 16:32 = x x x SEND (MM)x Xk x x DATE START RECEIVER TX TIME PAGES TYPE NOTE M#DP x x x k APR-27 16:31 5620027 109"3s SEND (M)OK 037 =x X k x k x TOTAL IM 95 PAGES:3 X x x 1010101000010OOOOOROKORKOK tr : *"Ey * x &ALASKA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ,AND EXPORT AUTHORITY --*x _ 480 WEST TUDOR -ANCHORAGE,ALASKA 99503-6690 +(907)561-8050 *FAX (907)561-8998 DATE:4 Jz 2/ey TIME: NOTICE;This facsimile contains confidential information that is being tranemitted to and isintendedonlyfortheuseoftherecipiontnamedbelow.Reading,disclosure,discussiondissemination,distribution,or copying of this information by anyone other than the namedrecipientorhisorheremployeesoragentsigstrictlyprohibited.If you have roceived thisfacsimileinerror,please immediately destroy it and notify us by telephone,(907)561-8050. PLEASE DELIVER THE FOLLOWING PAGES TO: Lr.Dyve Afshar $ TRANSMITTING FROM:RICOH FAX 1000L (907)561-8993 THIS TRANSMITIAL 1s rRoM:Dens YW Srohar /2-F BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE INSURANCE SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES February 10,1994 The Bradley Lake Insurance Subcommittee meeting convened at 2:00 P.M.on February 10,1994,at 480 West Tudor Road. In attendance at the meeting were: Dan Beardsley,Committee Chairman Rick Eckert,Homer Electric Association Representative Mike Cunningham,Chugach Electric Association Representative Stan Sieczkowski,AEA Tonya LaMothe,ARECA Via conference call: Ron Saxton,Ater,Wynne,Hewitt,Dodson &Skerritt Robert Hansen,Golden Valley Electric Association,Representative. Insurance Coverage The first item on the agenda was the insurance coverages.The overview attached to the agenda was discussed.Three areas of coverage required for the operator by the Bradley O&M Agreement were discussed at length.Those three provisions were 13(a)(2),Errors and Omissions Insurance,13(b)(3)(iii),Worker's Compensation Insurance Broad Form All States Endorsement,and 13(d)(1),Aircraft Insurance. With respect to the errors and omissions insurance,HEA was concerned that: (1)AEA does not require such insurance from the dispatcher;since the operator is the only party required to have that coverage,should that coverage be provided for both the operator and the dispatcher by AEA, (2)does the errors and omissions relate to professional liability as well as directors and officers insurance or is there additional coverage contemplated,and (3)|what amount of coverage would be required. As to item #1,any disparity and coverage requirements will be addressed through the Master Operating Agreement for the project.Any inconsistencies with the Master Operating Agreement and existing agreements will be subsequently addressed.As to item #2,the Energy Authority will obtain an interpretation from Brad Thompson of Risk Management as to the contemplated coverage and intent of the errors and omissions provision.For item #3,HEA will obtain quotes to extend its existing directors and officers liability coverage to the Bradley Lake Project and submit any proposed increase in premium to the committee for review. Homer Electric provided a letter dated February 7,1994,addressed to Dan Beardsley of the Alaska Energy Authority from Mike Yerkes of Homer Electric Association requesting a waiver of the Broad Form All States Endorsement required under Section 13(b),The substantive provisions of that letter were read to the committee members. Based on the letter,and information and comments by Ms.LaMothe,the subcommittee was advised that HEA employees are based in Alaska exclusively and that any travel by HEA employees on project business would be covered under the Alaska Worker's Compensation policy.In addition,the subcontractor insurance provisions require any subcontractor with employees based in other states to include statutory coverage for states where those employees are engaged in work or employed.The committee recommends granting HEA the requested waiver. Two provisions of the aircraft insurance raised concern,the coverage for slung cargo exposures and special coverage for use of an aircraft with more than five seat capacity. According to Ms.LaMothe an endorsement with a reporting provision can be obtained for slung cargo coverage.Typical slung cargo coverage requires 48 hours notice to put in place,the endorsement only requires prior notice of a slung cargo load with a subsequent billing of the appropriate premium by the insurer.Homer will obtain such a provision.HEA anticipates using a nine passenger Islander aircraft.Since an aircraft with more than a five seat capacity is contemplated for use,HEA needs to know the terms and limits of special coverage they must obtain to get AEA's approval.AEA will provide this information to Homer.In the interim HEA will operate with the existing $5 million coverage. BPMC Directors and Officers Liability The BPMC directors and officers liability insurance coverage was discussed,but was tabled until the next meeting when the premium information would be available. Marine Insurance The marine insurance issues revolve primarily around transportation of fuel and waste oil.Presently fuel is transported to the project site via a fuel truck barged to the site. To reduce liability Homer has entered into contracts where the fuel is to be delivered FOB to the dock at Bradley.After discussion the committee recommended that future fuel deliveries be FOB at the fuel tanks rather than the dock location.This would increase the distance from the most critical area,the wetlands and tidelands and further AEA's potential liability for a spill during transfers at the dock. Bradley Lake Project Management Committee Insurance Subcommittee Meeting Minutes -2- The second major area of concern involves removal of waste oil.Presently the oil is removed via drums from the site.A maritime spill is the primary concern related to handling of the waste oil.Homer Electric will analyze the following alternatives:(1)the purchase of specialized equipment for transporting hazardous or contaminated materials in maritime circumstances,(2)insurance to cover losses as a result of the spill,(3)the impacts of self insurance and associated risks,and (4)contracting with an independent party to remove the oil and assume ownership on the site.A secondary concern is to address the extent of whether waste oil and contaminated products should be stored on site resulting in less frequent but larger removal of materials,or more frequent smaller cargoes of such material.Homer is to provide a report to the operations and dispatch committee for their recommendations to the PMC. Hazardous or Contaminated Materials Insurance HEA was not aware that the property insurance does not cover contaminated or hazardous material spills on the site.HEA will address the risk associated with such on site spills.HEA's spill containment coordinator and the AEA spill containment coordinator will address the potential risk with the regulatory agencies involved in regulating contaminated substances.Mr.Sieczkowski advised those present that the petroleum facilities are the state-of-the-art and were designed and constructed to reduce potential liability through facility failure. Debt Service Insurance The debt service coverage premiums for business interruption for durations from 1,2, and 5 years through the remaining life of the bond will be researched by AEA.The correlation between the project property insurance and such business interruption or loss insurance should be examined as a part of that effort.During the independent insurance review required by the bond,the relationship between the maximum probable loss and property insurance will be reviewed. Independent Insurance Review As required by the bond AEA will seek an independent insurance review.Prior to initiating a proposal for such services,AEA will consult with the bond counsel to determine if Risk Management is a sufficient independent reviewer to meet the criteria of the bond.If Risk Management is not eligible,AEA will either request Risk Management to amend the scope of their current insurance analysis contract,or initiate a multi-year term contract to provide the review. Indemnification Clauses The difference between the indemnification clauses in the Homer O&M Agreement,the Chugach Electric Dispatch Agreement and the Master Operating Agreement were Bradley Lake Project Management Committee Insurance Subcommittee Meeting Minutes -3- discussed.The principal analysis of the committee was that the property coverage provides essentially the same function to both AEA contractors.It covers for all losses except for those that are grossly negligent or willful and wanton.The major difference relates to the errors and omissions/or professional liability provision.As indicated above the professional liability or errors and omissions clause is to be reviewed with Risk Management.Existing Agreements will be reviewed in conformance with the Master Operating Agreement at such time as it is adopted. Next Meeting The next meeting is scheduled for March 9,1994,at 2:00 P.M.in the AIDEA offices at 480 West Tudor Road. Meeting adjourned at 4:30 P.M. Daniel W.Deni 2 Zs Contracts Manager Bradley Lake Project Management Committee Insurance Subcommittee Meeting Minutes -4- Homer Electric Association,Inc. HOMER DISTRICT:3977 LAKESTREET @ HOMER,ALASKA 99603 @ (907)235-8551 February 7,1994 ear FOrEGeiein Dan Beardsley Alaska Energy Authority FEB 10 1994 480 West Tudor Road .tAnchorage,AK 99516 Alaska Industrial DevelopmenandExportAuthority Dear Dan: The ARECA Insurance Exchange is our principal insurer,and they will be providing you with certificates of insurance for the lines of coverage they provide us which the Bradley Lake contracts require us to have.They provide our coverage for General Liability,Auto Liability and Workers Compensation. We request a waiver under Section 13 (a)(10)of the Bradley LakeOperationsandMaintenanceAgreementfromtherequirementcontainedinSection13(b)that the Workers Compensation policy contain Broad Form All States Endorsement.This coverage is not needed because Homer Electric will not have employees working on the Bradley Lake Project regularly employed outside the state ofAlaska.Also,the ARECA Insurance Exchange has now been informed by the Division of Insurance that if the Exchange is to providethisendorsementinthefuture,they must become licensed in all states.They could take this step if it were necessary,but itwouldbeexpensiveandservenousefulpurpose.As an alternative,Homer Electric could purchase its Workers Compensation Insurance from a national carrier who could provide the required endorsement, but the premium from such a carrier would be 30%to 40%higher thanthepremiumwepaytotheARECAInsuranceExchange.We see this cost differential,for something that is not needed anyway,as sufficient to trigger the "reasonable terms and conditions" provision contained in Section 13 (a)(10). Sincerely, HOMER ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION,INC.Bete iteMikeYerkes Project Manager ARECA.ins\MY\ss cc:Norm Story Bob Klein Dave Fair ARECA Alaska Energy Authority 480 West Tudor Road Anchorage,Alaska 99516 February 3,1994 Ron Saxton Ater,Wynne,Hewitt,Dodson &Skerritt 222 S.W.Columbia,Suite 1800 Portland,Oregon 97230 Subject:BPMC Insurance Subcommittee Meeting AIDEA,February 10,2:00 P.M. Dear Ron: As you are aware,at the BPMC meeting on January 25,1994,BPMC Chairman David Highers appointed the following individuals to the BPMC Insurance Subcommittee:Daniel W.Beardsley,Subcommittee Chairman,Alaska Energy Authority;Mike Cunningham,Chugach Electric Association,Inc.;Rick Eckert, Homer Electric Association,Inc.;Robert Hansen,Golden Valley Electric Association,Inc.;and Ron Saxton,Ater,Wynne,Hewitt,Dodson &Skerritt. Addresses,phone numbers and fax numbers for each of the Subcommittee Members are attached. Enclosed you will find a synopsis of the various insurance coverages for Bradley Lake and the issues to discuss at 2:00 P.M.on Thursday,February 10, 1994,in the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority's (AIDEA) conference room,located at 480 West Tudor Road,Anchorage,Alaska.If you are unable to personally attend,please make arrangements for a teleconference with Brenda Fuglestad at 561-8050.If possible please make those arrangements with Brenda by 4:00 P.M.on Wednesday,February 8.Should you have additional!items to add to the Agenda please provide me with the topic and a synopsis by Tuesday,February 8,so that the information can be provided to all members in advance of the meeting. Sincerely;ar Daniel W.Beardsley Enclosures ce:David L.Highers,Chairman BPMC Daniel W.Beardsley,Subcommittee Chairman Alaska Energy Authority 480 West Tudor Road Anchorage,Alaska 99503 Phone:561-8050 Fax:561-8998 Mike Cunningham Chugach Electric Association,Inc. P.O.Box 196300 Anchorage,Alaska 99519-6300 Phone:162-4778 Fax:562-0027 Rick Eckert Homer Electric Association,Inc. 3977 Lake Street Homer,Alaska 99603 Phone:235-3353 Fax:235-3323 Robert Hansen Golden Valley Electric Association,Inc. P.O.Box 71249 Fairbanks,Alaska 99707-1249 Phone:451-5602 Fax:451-5633 Ron Saxton Ater,Wynne,Hewitt,Dodson &Skerritt 222 S.W.Columbia,Suite 1800 Portland,Oregon 97230 Phone:503-226-1191 Fax:503-226-0079 AGENDA BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE INSURANCE SUBCOMMITTEE February 10,1994 AIDEA Conference Room 2:00 P.M. CALL TO ORDER INTRODUCTION OF COMMITTEE MEMBERS NEW BUSINESS A.Overview of Present Coverages and Premiums 1.Property 2.Boiler and Machinery 3.General Liability 4.Watercraft and Aviation B.Additional Coverages/Limits 1.HEA Additional Directors and Officers Liability 2.BPMC Directors and Officers Liability 3.Marine Insurance 4.Environmental Insurance 5.Debt Service Coverage 6.Subcontractor Requirements Cc.Self Insurance Fund D.Project Specific Issues 1.Indemnification Clauses 2.Loss Liability -Operator/Dispatcher E.Independent Insurance Review -Bond Requirement COMMENTS ASSIGNMENTS NEXT MEETING DATE ADJOURNMENT PRESENT COVERAGES 1.Project Insurance Coverage: Protects against facility loss -including losses caused by unintentional acts of operators.Does not protect against losses resulting from failure to prudently maintain and operate. Types: Property Project Value:$162,981,800 (Based on Bonded Indebtedness amount) Amount of Coverage:$60,000,000 with $1,000,000 Self Insured Risk (SIR) Premium:$151,000 Boiler and Machinery Amount of Coverage:$15,000,000 with SIR of $25,000 to $100,000 Premium:$37,650 2.State of Alaska Operator's Policies (Principally Self Insured through State of Alaska Risk Management) General Liability (Includes Bodily Injury and Property Damage) Amount of Coverage:$75,000,000 with $5,000,000 SIR Premium:$5,000 Automobile Liability (Provided by State of Alaska Risk Management) Amount of Coverage:$75,000,000 with $2,500,000 SIR Premium:Risk Management is researching Watercraft Amount of Coverage:$200,000,000 with $1,000,000 SIR Aviation Amount of Coverage:$300,000,000 with $250,000 SIR Workers'Compensation Amount of Coverage:SIR Premium:1.12%of employee wages 3.Operator's Subcontractor's Policies Worker's Compensation: Amount of Coverage:$100,000 Employer's Liability Other required State &Federal Comprehensive General Liability Insurance: Contract under $1,000,000 Amount of Coverage:$300,000 per occurrence, $300,000 aggregate Contract over $1,000,000 Amount of Coverage:$1,000,000 per occurrence $1,000,000 aggregate Comprehensive Automobile Liability Insurance: Amount of Coverage:$100,000 bodily injury $50,000 property damage. Professional Liability Insurance: Amount of Coverage: Contract Amount Coverage Under $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 to $499,999 $250,000 $500,000 to $999,999 $500,000 $1,000,000 and up NEGOTIABLE 4.Dispatcher's Insurance:None COVERAGES REQUIRED FOR OPERATOR General Liability (Includes Bodily Injury and Property Damage) Amount of Coverage:$5,000,000 Automobile Liability Amount of Coverage:$5,000,000 Watercraft and Aviation Amount of Coverage:$5,000,000 Bodily Injury $1,000,000 Passenger Liability $5,000,000 Property Damage Workers'Compensation Amount of Coverage:$500,000 Employer's Liability Other required State &Federal Subcontractor's Coverages See number 3 above. POSSIBLE ADDITIONAL COVERAGES 1.Directors'and Officers'Liability Protects against suits by third parties against decision Makers.Utilities should provide this coverage for their staff as additional coverage over and above the officers and directors of the utility as a part of the BPMC. Amount of Coverage:$1,000,000 Premium (Estimate):$20,000 2.Marine Insurance Coverage for marine transport of hazardous and contaminated materials. Amount of Coverage:To be discussed 3.Environmental Insurance Coverage for spills of hazardous and contaminated materials on the project site. Amount of Coverage:To be discussed 4.Debt Service Coverage Coverage for loss of commercial operation to pay debt service during insured outage. Amount of Coverage:To be discussed Issues for discussion by BPMC Insurance Subcommittee: 1.Operator/Dispatcher Issues Do the agreements address the potential conflicts regarding loss questions between the different parties? What coverages should they have and what is the additional cost as a result of the two independent parties? Do the indemnification clauses provide consistent and appropriate coverages? Self Insured losses In the event of a loss not the fault of the operator, is it clear that the Purchasers bear that risk of loss? Should the Project have a self insurance fund?Are there tax consequences? 13. (a) Bradley Lake Operations and Maintenance Agreement Insurance Provisions Insurance General. (1)Each Party shall be liable for the negligent,willful and grossly negligent acts of its officers,employees,agents and contractors with respect to the ownership,construction,operation,maintenance or repair of the Project. Its is recognized that the project insurance does not cover the willful and grossly negligent acts of a party.Each Party shall be solely liable for the willful and grossly negligent acts of its officers,employees,agents and contractors. (2)During the term of this Agreement,the Operator shall use its best efforts to maintain insurance satisfactory to the Authority and the BPMC covering injury to persons or property suffered by any Party or a third party,as a result of errors,omissions,or operations which arise both out of and during the course of this contract by the Operator or by any of its contractors.Such "Operator insurance"may be obtained either by the Operator or be provided by the Authority or the BPMC under insurance policies covering the Project. (3)Such Operator's insurance shall be the primary coverage for the exposures delineated in subsection (2)above with respect to the State of Alaska,its officers,agents,and employees,the BPMC,its officers,agents,and employees,and the Operator,its officers,agents,and employees,as named insureds.Any additional insurance or self-insurance separately maintained by the State,except insurance purchased on behalf of the BPMC,shall be in excess of the Operator's insurance and shall not contribute to it. (4)The Operator will bear the cost of the required insurance,which cost shall be included in the Project O&M Budget as an operating cost. (5)If the Operator elects to individually obtain the insurance required by subsection (2)above,it may be maintained as part of any other policy or policies of the Operator so long as the coverage of such policy or policies is substantially the same as if such coverage were maintained under a separate policy.The policy must be acceptable to the Division of Risk Management. (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) Policies maintained under this Agreement must provide that any cancellation,non-renewal or material change be upon thirty (30)days written notice to all named insureds.Insurance Companies shown on the certificate of insurance must be acceptable to the Authority.The Authority shall not unreasonably withhold approval of such Insurance Company. The Operator shall,at least thirty (30)days prior to cancellation,non- renewal,or material change,provide the Authority with written evidence of insurance which replaces or reinstates the required insurance coverage. A copy of the insurance policies required by this Section will be furnished to the Authority prior to beginning work under this Agreement.Prior to February |of each year thereafter,evidence of insurance shall be provided by the Operator. The obligation to obtain and maintain insurance coverage pursuant to this Section shall be subject to the general availability of such coverage under reasonable terms and conditions.If one or more of the required insurance coverages is not available under reasonable terms and conditions,the Operator shall,under the guidance and direction of the BPMC and Division of Risk Management,use its best efforts to obtain substantively equivalent insurance coverage acceptable to the BPMC,the Authority,and the Division of Risk Management. If,after utilizing its best efforts,the Operator is unable to obtain the required insurance coverage under reasonable terms and conditions,as reasonably determined by the Operator,the Operator shall request a waiver of the relevant insurance requirement.The request shall outline steps taken by the Operator to obtain such insurance and shall disclose quotations received for coverage.To the extent the waiver will not materially affect the safe and prudent operation of the Project,the Authority,after consulting with the Division of Risk Management,will not unreasonably withhold approval of the requested waiver.Failure to furnish satisfactory evidence of insurance or failure to maintain the policy without complying with this subsection shall result in a material breach of this Agreement. Any Party,before the expiration date of the existing policy,may reopen the insurance requirements on sixty (60)days notice. The Authority shall annually,prior to February Ist each year,furnish evidence of insurance to the Operators and the BPMC. (b)Workers'Compensation Insurance. (1) (2) (3) The Operator shall maintain,for all employees of the Operator engaged in work under this Agreement,workers'compensation insurance as required by AS 23.30.045.The Operator is responsible for workers'compensation insurance for any of its subcontractors who directly or indirectly provide services under this Agreement. The insurer shall agree to waive all rights of subrogation against the State of Alaska,its officers agents,and employees for losses arising from operation of the Project. Workers'compensation insurance policy must include: (i)statutory coverage for states in which employees are engaging in work; (ii)Employer's Liability Protection of not less than $500,000 per occurrence; (iii)|Broad Form All States Endorsement;and (iv)coverage as required by all State and Federal Acts where applicable. (c)|Comprehensive General Liability Insurance. (1) (2) The Operator shall maintain comprehensive general liability insurance.The Authority,acting on behalf of the BPMC,has as of the effective date of this Agreement acquired general liability insurance which satisfies part of this requirement.The Operator shall secure any additional insurance as required to meet its obligations under this subsection to the extent the insurance so acquired by the Authority is not sufficient to meet the Operator's obligations.The BPMC and the Authority shall be included as additional insureds as respects insurance required in this Section and shall not by their inclusion be responsible to the insurance carrier for payment of premium therefor.These insurance policies must also contain a provision providing for cross liability or severability of interest. The comprehensive general liability insurance shall be subject to the following limits of liability: (d) (e) (1)Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability of a minimum $5,000,000 Combined Single Limits each occurrence and affording insurance for Premises Operations,Owners and Contractors' Protective,Independent Contractors,Products/Completed Operations,Blanket Contractual Liability,Broad Form Property Damage,and personal Injury Liability; (ii)|Automobile Liability Insurance covering all vehicles.Such insurance shall provide coverage of not less than $5,000,000 Combined Single Limit each occurrence for Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability. Additional Liability Insurance. The Operator shall maintain the following additional insurance,where applicable, for aircraft and watercraft owned or contracted for by the Operator. (1)Owned Aircraft and Non-Owned Aircraft with seating capacity of five seats or less,except commercial,scheduled flights,with limits of liability not less than:$5,000,000 for Bodily Injury per occurrence;$1,000,000 for Passenger Liability per seat;and $5,000,000 for Property Damage Liability per occurrence.Coverage must include Slung Cargo exposures.If an aircraft with more than five seat capacity is used,special coverage and limits must be obtained and must be approved by the Authority;and (2)Owned Watercraft and Non-Owned Watercraft with limits of liability not less than $5,000,000 per single occurrence as provided in the "in Rem Endorsement"under "Maritime Coverage B." Subcontractor's insurance. Any contract entered into with a subcontractor,other than a Purchaser,by the Operator to perform part of its obligations hereunder shall include the indemnity and insurance provisions attached as Exhibit C.The Operator may request a waiver of part or all of such provisions where such waiver will not materially affect the Project and the Operator determines the waiver is necessary to its performance of this Agreement.The Authority will not unreasonably withhold approval of such waiver. EXHIBIT "C" INSURANCE l.Contractor to purchase/maintain insurance for duration of agreement,plus one year following final payment. 2.Specified limits are minimum levels.If the policy contains higher limits, contracting agency is entitled to coverage of higher limits. 3.Certificate of insurance must be furnished to contracting agency. e Must provide for 30-day prior notice to the contracting agency of cancellation,reduction in liability. e Failure to furnish constitutes material breach and grounds for termination. Types of Insurance Worker's Compensation:Contractor responsible for subcontractors.Coverage must include statutory coverage for states where employees are engaging in work and employer's liability protection not less than $100,000 per person,$100,000 per occurrence.Where applicable,coverage for all federal acts must also be included. Comprehensive of Commercial General Liability Insurance:Covers all operations of contractor providing insurance for bodily injury and property damage liability including coverage for: e Premises and Operations e¢Products and Completed Operations e Broad Form Damage;and e Personal Liability Comprehensive Policy:Minimum combined single limit of liability is $300,000 per occurrence,$300,000 aggregate for bodily injury,property damage and personal injury. Commercial Policy:Minimum limits of liability are $300,000 per occurrence (combined single limit)for bodily injury and property damage,$300,000 per occurrence for personal injury,$300,000 aggregate for products-completed operations,and $300,000 general aggregate. Comprehensive Automobile Liability Insurance:Covers all owned,hired,and non- owned vehicles with coverage limits not less than $100,000 per occurrence bodily injury and $50,000 property damage. Professional Liability Insurance:Covers all negligent errors,omissions which the contractor,subcontractor or their employees make in the performance of the agreement which results in financial loss to the contracting agency. Minimum Limits: Combined Single Limit Contract Amount Occurrence and Annual Aggregate Under $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 to $499,999 $250,000 $500,000 to $999,999 $500,000 $1,000,000 and up NEGOTIABLE Contracting agency reserves right to implement an Owner Controlled Insurance Program with option of obtaining Professional Liability Insurance,contractor isn't required to carry Professional Liability Insurance. EXHIBIT C Page 2 of 2 INSURANCE PROVISIONS Proposed in Bradley Lake Master Operating Agreement,Exhibit A. (g)Insurance.During the term of the Contract,the Contractor shall purchase and maintain insurance covering injury to persons or property suffered by the Authority or a third party,as a result of errors or omissions or operations by a Contractor or its subcontractor which arise both out of and during the course of the Contract.The Contractor shall require all subcontractors providing services directly or indirectly under a Contract to provide the same insurance as required of the Contractor.Coverage shall also provide protection against injuries to all employees of the Contractor and the employees of any subcontractor engaged in work under a Contract.Copies of all required insurance policies shall be furnished to the Authority prior to beginning work under a Contract.These policies will show evidence of coverage and provide for ninety (90)days notice of written cancellation,non-renewal for material change in the coverage. The Contractor shall purchase insurance adequate to cover its operations in connection with the work under the Contract.Specifically,each Contractor shall maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance and Comprehensive General Liability Broad Form Insurance,Automobile Liability Insurance,Owned Aircraft Insurance (where applicable),and Owned Watercraft (where applicable),in amounts acceptable to the Authority and consistent with the Power Sales Agreement. INDEMNIFICATION 1.Proposed in Bradley Lake Master Operating Agreement, Exhibit A (h)Indemnity.The Authority,to the extent permitted by applicable law and subject to the availability of funds, and each Contractor (as Indemnitor")agrees to and shall indemnify and defend the other,its officers,employees,and agents (as "Indemnitee")for tort liability for all claims for damages and injuries of any character or nature whatsoever arising from the sole negligence of the Indemnitor,including its office,employees or agents in relation to performance under this Agreement.Indemnitor agrees to assume the defense thereof and to pay all expenses (including attorney's fees)connected therewith.For purposes of this section,"sole negligence"shall include acts or omissions of the Indemnitor,its officers, employees,or agents,or any combination thereof,and situations where such acts or omissions,in combination with the negligence of third parties combines to cause injury or damages to persons or property.It shall not include situations where the acts or omissions of the Indemnitor, its officers,employees,or agents combines with the negligence of Indemnitee to cause such injury,which situations shall be governed by the provisions of the subsection below relating to concurrent negligence. Each party agrees that liability (including costs of defense and attorney's fees)for claims arising from the concurrent negligence of both Parties shall be apportioned according to the respective percentage of fault attributable to each Party as determined by agreement or by the trier of fact. 2,Dispatch Agreement,Section 7,Miscellaneous Provisions (a)Chugach as agent for the Authority.As Dispatcher, Chugach acts as agent for the Authority to dispatch Project output on behalf of the Authority so that the Authority is able to sell that output.In consideration for Chugach acting as Dispatcher,the Authority will therefore, indemnify and hold Chugach harmless from all claims against Chugach in its capacity as Dispatcher,and from all claims based on Chugach's acts or omissions as Dispatcher,to the full extent provided by law;provided,that the Authority shall not indemnify or hold Chugach harmless to the extent of any liability arising from Chugach's gross negligence or Chugach's wanton,willful,or intentional misconduct. Issues for discussion by BPMC Insurance Subcommittee: 1.Operator/Dispatcher Issues Do the agreements address the potential conflicts regarding loss questions between the different parties? What coverages should they have and what is the additional cost as a result of the two independant parties? Do the indemnification clauses provide consistent and appropriate coverages? Self Insured losses In the event of a loss not the fault of the operator, is it clear that the Purchasers bear that risk of loss? Should the Project have a self insurance fund?Are there tax consequences? NEW FILE REPORTSSOGOOGHORIIORK ?AIDA (FEB @3 794 15:85 3) 2K OOK OK OK OK OR OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK FILE FILE TYPE DEPT.PAGES GROUP REMOTE TERMINAL NO.CODE IDENTIFICATION 98 SEND IMMEDIATE 18 3832260879 REMAINING CALL CAPACITY 299 ok OK OK OK OK OK OK OK ok ok ok OK ok OK OK OK OK OK OK OK Ok OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OKKREKEKKEKKKKKKKHEKKEKKKEKKKEEKE BHRKEKKKKKKKKKKRKKERKKKKRKKXKRK TRANSMISSION REPORTSEOOOOOOOOOORK AIDA (FEB @3 794 14:59 ) KOK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK DATE START REMOTE TERMINAL MODE TIME RESULTS TOTAL DEPT. 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PLEASE DELIVER THE FOLLOWING PAGES TO: "'Kobeck Hensen TRANSMITTING FROM:RICOH FAX 1000L (907)561-8998 THIS TRANSMITTAL IS FROM:"Dan Bwacdaleu NUMBER OF PAGES (INCLUDING COVER PAGE):19 HARD COPY TO FOLLOW BY:XX Regular Mail Courier No Documents will follow this transmission. IF YOU EXPERIENCE ANY PROBLEMS IN RECEIVING,PLEASE TELEPHONE THE OFFICENUMBER(907-561-8050)AND ASK FOR stead SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS OR COMMENTS DOCSMS23/p9 Alaska Energy Authority 480 West Tudor Road Anchorage,Alaska 99516 February 3,1994 Robert Hansen Golden Valley Electric Association,Inc. P.O.Box 71249 Fairbanks,Alaska 99707-1249 Subject:BPMC Insurance Subcommittee Meeting AIDEA,February 10,2:00 P.M. Dear Mr.Hansen: As you are aware,at the BPMC meeting on January 25,1994,BPMC Chairman David Highers appointed the following individuals to the BPMC Insurance Subcommittee:Daniel W.Beardsley,Subcommittee Chairman,Alaska Energy Authority;Mike Cunningham,Chugach Electric Association,Inc.;Rick Eckert, Homer Electric Association,Inc.;Robert Hansen,Golden Valley Electric Association,Inc.;and Ron Saxton,Ater,Wynne,Hewitt,Dodson &Skerritt. Addresses,phone numbers and fax numbers for each of the Subcommittee Members are attached. Enclosed you will find a synopsis of the various insurance coverages for Bradley Lake and the issues to discuss at 2:00 P.M.on Thursday,February 10, 1994,in the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority's (AIDEA) conference room,located at 480 West Tudor Road,Anchorage,Alaska.If you are unable to personally attend,please make arrangements for a teleconference with Brenda Fuglestad at 561-8050.If possible please make those arrangements with Brenda by 4:00 P.M.on Wednesday,February 8.Should you have additional items to add to the Agenda please provide me with the topic and a synopsis by Tuesday,February 8,so that the information can be provided to all members in advance of the meeting. Sincerely; ann Daniel W.Beardsley Enclosures Cc:David L.Highers,Chairman BPMC Daniel W.Beardsley,Subcommittee Chairman Alaska Energy Authority 480 West Tudor Road Anchorage,Alaska 99503 Phone:561-8050 Fax:561-8998 Mike Cunningham Chugach Electric Association,Inc. P.O.Box 196300 Anchorage,Alaska 99519-6300 Phone:762-4778 Fax:562-0027 Rick Eckert Homer Electric Association,Inc. 3977 Lake Street Homer,Alaska 99603 Phone:235-3353 Fax:235-3323 Robert Hansen Golden Valley Electric Association,Inc. P.O.Box 71249 Fairbanks,Alaska 99707-1249 Phone:451-5602 Fax:451-5633 Ron Saxton Ater,Wynne,Hewitt,Dodson &Skerritt 222 S.W.Columbia,Suite 1800 Portland,Oregon 97230 Phone:503-226-1191 Fax:503-226-0079 TRANSMISSION REPORTSEOOOOOIOROOIORIOK *AIDA (FEB 83 794 14:51 ) 2K OK OK OK HOOK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK Ok OK OK Ok OK OK OK OK OK OK OK DATE START REMOTE TERMINAL MODE TIME RESULTS TOTAL DEPT. TIME IDENTIFICATION PAGES CODE FEB @3 14:42 56268827 G3ST B8'721"OK 18 KRKKEKKEKKKEKKKEKEKKKEKEKKKEKRRKHKEKKRKKKHRENXNXKEXKXKXEKXKEEXOOK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK 2K OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK KLR-O097 He ALASKA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENTAlaANDEXPORTAUTHORITY 480 WEST TUDOR *ANCHORAGE,ALASKA 99503-6690 *(907)561-8050 *FAX (907)561-8998 Please delwe-ASAP. Mans moch |.DATE:2-3-44 TIME: NOTICE:This facsimile contains confidential information that is being transmitted to and is intended only for the use of the recipient named below.Reading,disclosure,discussion, dissemination,distribution,or copying of this information by anyone other than the named recipient or his or her employees or agents is strictly prohibited.If you have received this facsimile in error,please immediately destroy it and notify us by telephone,(907)561-8050. PLEASE DELIVER THE FOLLOWING PAGES TO: Mike Conninahan a) TRANSMITTING FROM:RICOH FAX 1000L (907)561-8998 THIS TRANSMITTAL IS FROM:lea Deacdseleu NUMBER OF PAGES (INCLUDING COVER PAGE):1B HARD COPY TO FOLLOW BY:>.Regular Mail Courier No Documents will follow this transmission. IF YOU EXPERIENCE ANY PROBLEMS IN RECEIVING,PLEASE TELEPHONE THE OFFICENUMBER(907-561-8050)AND ASK FOR troenda SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS OR COMMENTS DOCSMS23/p9 Alaska Energy Authority 480 West Tudor Road Anchorage,Alaska 99516 February 3,1994 Mike Cunningham Chugach Electric Association,Inc. P.O.Box 196300 Anchorage,Alaska 99519-6300 Subject:BPMC Insurance Subcommittee Meeting AIDEA,February 10,2:00 P.M. Dear Mike: As you are aware,at the BPMC meeting on January 25,1994,BPMC Chairman David Highers appointed the following individuals to the BPMC Insurance Subcommittee:Daniel W.Beardsley,Subcommittee Chairman,Alaska Energy Authority;Mike Cunningham,Chugach Electric Association,Inc.;Rick Eckert, Homer Electric Association,Inc.;Robert Hansen,Golden Valley Electric Association,Inc.;and Ron Saxton,Ater,Wynne,Hewitt,Dodson &Skerritt. Addresses,phone numbers and fax numbers for each of the Subcommittee Members are attached. Enclosed you will find a synopsis of the various insurance coverages for Bradley Lake and the issues to discuss at 2:00 P.M.on Thursday,February 10, 1994,in the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority's (AIDEA) conference room,located at 480 West Tudor Road,Anchorage,Alaska.If you are unable to personally attend,please make arrangements for a teleconference with Brenda Fuglestad at 561-8050.If possible please make those arrangements with Brenda by 4:00 P.M.on Wednesday,February 8.Should you have additional items to add to the Agenda please provide me with the topic and a synopsis by Tuesday,February 8,so that the information can be provided to all members in advance of the meeting. Sincerely; Da Daniel W.Beardsley Enclosures Cc:David L.Highers,Chairman BPMC Daniel W.Beardsley,Subcommittee Chairman Alaska Energy Authority 480 West Tudor Road Anchorage,Alaska 99503 Phone:561-8050 Fax:561-8998 Mike Cunningham Chugach Electric Association,Inc. P.O.Box 196300 Anchorage,Alaska 99519-6300 Phone:162-4778 Fax:562-0027 Rick Eckert Homer Electric Association,Inc. 3977 Lake Street Homer,Alaska 99603 Phone:235-3353 Fax:235-3323 Robert Hansen Golden Valley Electric Association,Inc. P.O.Box 71249 Fairbanks,Alaska 99707-1249 Phone:451-5602 Fax:451-5633 Ron Saxton Ater,Wynne,Hewitt,Dodson &Skerritt 222 S.W.Columbia,Suite 1800 Portland,Oregon 97230 Phone:503-226-1191 Fax:503-226-0079 TRANSMISSION REPORT BE GICIOOOCGOOOICOOK *AIDA (FEB @3 '94 14:41 ) OK KOK OK OK OK ok ok ok le ok eK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK ele a ac ok ok ak ok OK OK Ok DATE START REMOTE TERMINAL MODE TIME RESULTS TOTAL DEPT. TIME IDENTIFICATION PAGES CODE FEB @3 14:32 987 235 3313 G3ST @8722"OK 18 HSNKERKKKKEKRKXKEKEKEXKKXKKXX*KRRHKRKEKEKKKEKKEKKHEKNKKKEKKXE¥OK OR OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK AK OK OK OK KOK OK AR OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK OK AR OK I3B5 -3513 ALASKA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AND EXPORT AUTHORITY 480 WEST TUDOR *ANCHORAGE,ALASKA 99503-6690 «(907)561-8050 »FAX (907)561-8998 "Please delwer hone)Thank <noch.DATE:2-3 -4N TIME: NOTICE:This facsimile contains confidential information that is being transmitted to and is intended only for the use of the recipient named below.Reading,disclosure,discussion, dissemination,distribution,or copying of this information by anyone other than the named recipient or his or her employees or agents is strictly prohibited.If you have received this facsimile in error,please immediately destroy it and notify us by telephone,(907)561-8050. PLEASE DELIVER THE FOLLOWING PAGES TO: Kick Eckect TRANSMITTING FROM:RICOH FAX 1000L (907)561-8998 THIS TRANSMITTAL IS FROM:"Dan Rearddsleu NUMBER OF PACES (INCLUDING COVER PAGE):1G HARD COPY TO FOLLOW BY:__\Regular Mail __Gourier No Documents will follow this transmission. IF YOU EXPERIENCE ANY PROBLEMS IN RECEIVING,PLEASE TELEPHONE THE OFFICE NUMBER (907-561-8050)AND ASK FOR eada SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS OR COMMENTS DOCSMS23/p9 Alaska Energy Authority 480 West Tudor Road Anchorage,Alaska 99516 February 3,1994 Rick Eckert Homer Electric Association,Inc. 3977 Lake Street Homer,Alaska 99603 Subject:BPMC Insurance Subcommittee Meeting AIDEA,February 10,2:00 P.M. Dear Rick: As you are aware,at the BPMC meeting on January 25,1994,BPMC Chairman David Highers appointed the following individuals to the BPMC Insurance Subcommittee:Daniel W.Beardsley,Subcommittee Chairman,Alaska Energy Authority;Mike Cunningham,Chugach Electric Association,Inc.;Rick Eckert, Homer Electric Association,Inc.;Robert Hansen,Golden Valley Electric Association,Inc.;and Ron Saxton,Ater,Wynne,Hewitt,Dodson &Skerritt. Addresses,phone numbers and fax numbers for each of the Subcommittee Members are attached. Enclosed you will find a synopsis of the various insurance coverages for Bradley Lake and the issues to discuss at 2:00 P.M.on Thursday,February 10, 1994,in the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority's (AIDEA) conference room,located at 480 West Tudor Road,Anchorage,Alaska.If you are unable to personally attend,please make arrangements for a teleconference with Brenda Fuglestad at 561-8050.If possible please make those arrangements with Brenda by 4:00 P.M.on Wednesday,February 8.Should you have additional items to add to the Agenda please provide me with the topic and a synopsis by Tuesday,February 8,so that the information can be provided to all members in advance of the meeting. Sincerely; An Daniel W.Beardsley Enclosures CC:David L.Highers,Chairman BPMC Daniel W.Beardsley,Subcommittee Chairman Alaska Energy Authority 480 West Tudor Road Anchorage,Alaska 99503 Phone:561-8050 Fax:561-8998 Mike Cunningham Chugach Electric Association,Inc. P.O.Box 196300 Anchorage,Alaska 99519-6300 Phone:162-4778 Fax:562-0027 Rick Eckert Homer Electric Association,Inc. 3977 Lake Street Homer,Alaska 99603 Phone:235-3353 Fax:235-3323 Robert Hansen Golden Valley Electric Association,Inc. P.O.Box 71249 Fairbanks,Alaska 99707-1249 Phone:451-5602 Fax:451-5633 Ron Saxton Ater,Wynne,Hewitt,Dodson &Skerritt 222 S.W.Columbia,Suite 1800 Portland,Oregon 97230 Phone:503-226-1191 Fax:503-226-0079 5OB-DaAb-0079 4 , =ALASKA INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENTABA'AND EXPORT AUTHORITY 480 WEST TUDOR *ANCHORAGE,ALASKA 99503-6690 *(907)561-8050 »FAX (907)561-8998 Please deliuec ARC.vate:5-464"Vhenks much,- TIME: NOTICE:This facsimile contains confidential information that is being transmitted to and is intended only for the use of the recipient named below.Reading,disclosure,discussion, dissemination,distribution,or copying of this information by anyone other than the named recipient or his or her employees or agents is strictly prohibited.If you have received this facsimile in error,please immediately destroy it and notify us by telephone,(907)561-8050. PLEASE DELIVER THE FOLLOWING PAGES TO: 'Roa Sax tao TRANSMITTING FROM:RICOH FAX 1000L (907)561-8998 THIS TRANSMITTAL IS FROM:Dan RBeacdeleu NUMBER OF PAGES (INCLUDING COVER PAGE):_\@ HARD COPY TO FOLLOW BY:%K Regular Mail _Courier No Documents will follow this transmission. IF YOU EXPERIENCE ANY PROBLEMS IN CEIVING,PLEASE TELEPHONE THE OFFICE NUMBER (907-561-8050)AND ASK FOR CO SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS OR COMMENTS DOCSMS23/p9