HomeMy WebLinkAboutBPMC Aug 17, 2018BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING REGULAR MEETING Alaska Energy Authority,Anchorage,Alaska August 17,2018 o1.CALL TO ORDER Chair Borgeson called the regular meeting of the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project Management Committee to order at 10:01 a.m.A quorum was established. 2.ROLL CALL FOR COMMITTEE MEMBERS Bryan Carey (Alaska Energy Authority [AEA]);Mark Johnston (Anchorage Municipal Light & Power [ML&P]);Cory Borgeson (Golden Valley Electric Association [GVEA]);Lee Thibert (Chugach Electric Association [CEA]);Tony Izzo (Matanuska Electric Association [MEA]);John Foutz (City of Seward);and Bradley Janorschke (Homer Electric Association [HEA]). 3.PUBLIC ROLL CALL Tom Erickson,Jocelyn Gardner,Michele Hope,David Lockard,Janet Reiser,Kirk Warren,Teri Webster,Brandi White (AEA);Matt Clarkson,Brian Hickey,Burke Wick (CEA);Stefan Saldanha (Department of Law);Ron Rebenitsch (Energy Engineering);Leo Quiachon (phone-GVEA);Bob Day,Emily Hutchinson (phone),Alan Owens (HEA);Kirk Gibson (McDowell Rackner Gibson, PC);Ed Jenkins,David Pease (phone),Matt Reisterer,Tony Zellers (MEA);Molly Morrison,Jeff Warner (ML&P);Bernie Smith (Public);and Ladonna Lindley (Accu-Type Depositions). 4.PUBLIC COMMENTS None. 5.AGENDA APPROVAL MOTION:Mr.Johnston made a motion to approve the agenda.Motion seconded by Mr. Thibert. Mr.Carey requested to add an executive session regarding Battle Creek legal and financial discussions after Member Comments in the agenda.Chair Borgeson noted the executive session could be placed as Item 10B on the agenda. The amended agenda,including Item 10B.Executive Session,was unanimously approved. 6.PRIOR MINUTES-July 20,2018 MOTION:Mr.Foutz made a motion to approve the Minutes of July 20,2018.Mr. Johnston seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. 7,NEW BUSINESS A.Battle Creek Construction Update BPMC Minutes 8/17/18 Page |of 3 Mr.Carey informed the contractor is progressing quickly.The Lower Access Road is substantially completed.Road pioneering has reached the beginning of Wall #2.The July pay estimate and contractor material quantities remain outstanding.The contractors are experiencing challenges providing accurate survey data and the corresponding dollar request. The perception is more general excavation has occurred than was anticipated and less rock excavation has occurred than was anticipated.The additional rock excavation was expected to be used for pipe bedding and the final surface of the road.At this point,the quantities being produced are on the low side for project costs. Mr.Carey noted a proposal is being reviewed regarding utilization of sheet pile for the cutoff wall at East Fork instead of using a membrane.AEA has requested the contractor provide detailed information by the end of August regarding possible impacts to the schedule or cost of the project due to alignment changes.Currently,the contractor is close to the original budget and close to the spring schedule.Mr.Carey showed and described pictures of the Lower Access Road and pioneering of the Upper Access Road. Mr.Rebenitsch commented the contractor is building a quality road,despite the occasional challenges. Cc.Bradley O&M Agreement Update Mr.Gibson informed Chair Borgeson tasked him with moving forward the O&M Agreement.Mr. Gibson followed two parallel tracks.One path is the O&M terms and conditions and the second path is the financial compensation to the operator.Both paths are progressing well.Mr.Gibson anticipates the O&M Agreement will be ready for review and approval by the BPMC at the September meeting.Mr.Gibson requested any specific direction regarding compensation be directed to the Finance Committee. Mr.Carey expressed AEA looks forward to the successful conclusion and approval of the Operator Agreement at the September 21%BPMC meeting. 8.REPORTS A.O&D Report Mr.Warner explained the Bradley O&D Report does not include items that will be reviewed in the Operator Report.CEA has scheduled a 60-day outage beginning February 2019,to conduct work on the 115 kV line between Hope and Summit.HEA is scheduling an outage in 2019,to conduct work on the 115 kV line between Soldotna and Quartz.Mr.Warner stated the O&D and Railbelt utilities will do their best to ensure the least amount of impact during the outages. Mr.Warner informed the BPMC assigned the O&D to provide a dam safety surveillance monitoring presentation.Mr.Carey gave a summary dam safety reporting description at the August 6"O&D meeting.Mr.Warner requested Mr.Carey develop a presentation to give ata future BPMC meeting.Mr.Warner stated the O&D made a recommendation the operator inspect the fish water screens every five years.The next inspection is schedule in the 2021 timeframe. Mr.Warner conveyed Mr.Day requested approval of the O&D to spend approximately $32,000 to inspect Unit 2's IRIS readings.The O&D approved the expenditure.CEA agreed to lend BPMC Minutes 8/17/18 Page 2 of 3 their corona camera to the Bradley Project,resulting in an estimated savings of $6,000. Discussions regarding an inspection of Unit 1 are likely to occur at the next meeting. B.Operators Report Mr.Day noted the annual outages went well.Unit 1 was out 10 days and Unit 2 was out a week.Mr.Day expressed appreciation to Orion for their ongoing allowance to utilize barge space.He noted Bradley has returned cooperation by storing Orion's bags of grout inside the substation.Mr.Day discussed the winding health on Unit 2 has been monitored for years and continues to trend at higher readings.An inspection by a generator consultant will be conducted to assess the cause of the readings.Mr.Day explained the cost of replacement after a failure is approximately three times the cost of rewinding the stator.Mr.Day noted the power tunnel slide gate testing resulted in a few issues described in the report. 9.COMMITTEE ASIGNMENTS None. 10.MEMBERS COMMENTS A.Member Comments Mr.Carey announced he will be absent for the September meeting. Mr.Thibert expressed appreciation to Mr.Gibson for his work on the O&M Agreement. Chair Borgeson announced a five-minute break,to be followed by Executive Session to discussBattleCreeklegalandfinancialmatters.Mr.Gibson advised attendees in the Executive Session must be designated by a member.There was no objection. B.Executive Session:10:37a.m.Battle Creek Legal and Financial Matters 11.NEXT MEETING DATE -September 21,2018 12.ADJOURNMENT There being no further business for the committee,the meeting adjourned at 11:04 a.m. we (te RQ Cory Borgeson,Chair Attest:IA tJanetFeiss!Alaska Efiergy Authority,Secretary BPMC Minutes 8/17/18 Page 3 of 3 11. 12. BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE (BPMC) REGULAR MEETING Friday,Aug 17,2018 10:00 A.M. Alaska Energy Authority,Board Room 813 W.Northern Lights Boulevard,Anchorage,Alaska AGENDA CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL FOR COMMITTEE MEMBERS PUBLIC ROLL CALL PUBLIC COMMENTS AGENDA APPROVAL PRIOR MINUTES -July 20,2018 NEW BUSINESS A.Battle Creek Construction Update B.Bradley O&M Agreement update'etal) REPORTS A.O&D Report B.Operators Report COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS MEMBERS COMMENTS NEXT MEETING DATE -Sept 21,2018 ADJOURNMENT To participate VIA TELECONFERENCE-1-888-585-9008 -Conference room code 467-050-126 AEA K Gibson J Warner HEA BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING REGULAR MEETING Alaska Energy Authority,Anchorage,Alaska July 20,2018 1.CALL TO ORDER Chair Janorschke called the regular meeting of the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project Management Committee to order at 10:01 a.m.A quorum was established. 2.ROLL CALL FOR COMMITTEE MEMBERS Cory Borgeson (Golden Valley Electric Association [GVEA]);Bryan Carey (Alaska Energy Authority [AEA]);Lee Thibert (Chugach Electric Association [CEA]);Tony Izzo (Matanuska Electric Association [MEA]);Mark Johnston (Anchorage Municipal Light &Power [ML&P]);John Foutz (City of Seward);and Bradley Janorschke (Homer Electric Association [HEA]). 3.PUBLIC ROLL CALL Tom Erickson,Michele Hope,Valerie Leavitt,Janet Reiser,Kirk Warren,Brandi White (AEA); Eric Meyers (American Transmission Company);Matt Clarkson,Burke Wick (CEA);Brian Bjorkquist,Stefan Saldanha (Department of Law);Ron Woolf (GVEA)(phone);Bob Day,Larry Jorgensen (HEA);Kirk Gibson (McDowell Rackner Gibson,PC);Tony Zellers (MEA);Mollie Morrison,Jeff Warner (ML&P);T.W.Patch (Public),Bernie Smith (Public);Ladonna Lindley (Accu-Type Depositions). 4.PUBLIC COMMENTS None. 5.AGENDA APPROVAL MOTION:Mr.Johnston made a motion to approve the agenda.Motion seconded by Mr. Thibert. The agenda was unanimously approved. 6.PRIOR MINUTES -June 15,2018 MOTION:Mr.Borgeson made a motion to approve the Minutes of June 15,2018.Mr. Foutz seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. 7.NEW BUSINESS A.Election of Officers Chair Janorschke recommended the Vice-Chair be nominated for Chair,and a new Vice-Chair be nominated. DRAFT BPMC Minutes 7/20/18 Page 1 of 6 Mr.Gibson informed the three officer positions for BPMC are Chair,Vice-Chair and Secretary/Treasurer.The AEA representative is the permanent Secretary/Treasurer,unless the BPMC chooses to separate those positions.Mr.Gibson informed the nominations are open. Mr.Johnston nominated Mr.Borgeson for Chair.Mr.Thibert seconded the nomination. MOTION:Mr.Johnston made a motion to close nominations for Chair.Mr.Izzo seconded the motion. Motion passed with no objection. MOTION:Mr.Johnston made a motion to approve Mr.Borgeson as Chair.Mr.Thibert seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. Chair Borgeson requested Mr.Gibson continue to conduct the elections for Vice-Chair. Mr.Johnston nominated Mr.Izzo for Vice-Chair.Mr.Janorschke seconded the nomination. MOTION:Mr.Thibert made a motion to close nominations for Vice-Chair.Mr.Johnston seconded the motion. Motion passed with no objection.- MOTION:Mr.Janorschke made a motion to unanimously accept Mr.Izzo as Vice-Chair. Mr.Johnston seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously. Mr.Gibson confirmed the Secretary/Treasurer will continue to be the AEA representative.There was no discussion and no objection.He expressed congratulations to the new officers. B.Battle Creek Construction Update Mr.Carey informed the contractor Orion is on schedule and on budget.Road construction has been progressing well.The lower access road is mostly completed.The upper access road underwent realignment to move away from the cliff.There is no longer a need for a wall at this location.This change does not decrease the cost of construction,but does reduce the chance of large rocks falling during construction and operation at this location.The challenging construction of the first wall will begin in late August.The wall will be about 40 feet tall with a 15%grade.The contractor's hope is to reach the diversion site by the end of this season,with the intent to stage the concrete mix material in preparation for the spring work. Mr.Carey gave a full description of the pictures he took last week of the project construction.He advised of the plan to resolve an issue at the East Fork Diversion that has been unaddressed for many years.The water goes underneath the diversion through the sand and rock,eventually reaching the tide water.Helicopter costs were prohibitive to resolving the problem previously. Mr.Carey estimates 500 megawatt hours are being lost each summer from this leak. Mr.Thibert requested an update on the consultant issues surrounding the discrepancies in material quantities.Mr.Carey informed those issues are still being addressed.The survey data DRAFT BPMC Minutes 7/20/18 Page 2 of 6 is currently being reviewed and validated.interim payments have been made until a resolution is reached regarding the excavation quantities. Chair Borgeson asked if there are provisions to ensure the contractor maintains the Bradley Lake Road to ensure no degradation occurs as a result of the contractor's use.Mr.Carey advised the contractor is currently maintaining the Bradley Lake Road and the contract includes specific road maintenance provisions. Cc.Bradley Operator Update Mr.Carey reported AEA met with a utility working group on June 29"and received comments regarding the form and format of the O&M contract agreement.Changes were made and the revised draft of the agreement was provided to BPMC members.AEA requested the utilities submit comments on the revised draft by July 31%.Mr.Carey informed the working group could meet again after the comments are received to settle any issues that arise. Mr.Thibert requested Mr.Gibson provide his comments regarding the new version of the agreement.Mr.Gibson felt the first version of the agreement prior to the working group was untenable,did not follow the BPMC's authority under the Power Sales Agreement,and needed revisions.The revised draft uses the current O&M agreement,including small upfront changes and the addition of two appendices.Mr.Gibson believes one appendix is fairly detailed and voluminous carrying many of the state required provisions.He noted three concerns: e Some requirements that are included may be unnecessary e The BPMC's authority under the Power Sales Agreement may not be protected e Some issues regarding subcontractors may be burdensome to HEA Mr.Gibson stated the second appendix addresses the compensation.Mr.Gibson understands HEA has conducted financial analysis and has provided the analysis to the Budget Committee for review.Mr.Gibson noted the issues will be narrowed once all the comments are received by the end of July.He feels the revised version is much better than the initial version. D.Resolution 2018-01 -Battle Creek Project Share Allocation Mr.Gibson recommends the BPMC approve Resolution 2018-01,which is designed to amend and clarify the earlier resolutions adopted by the BPMC concerning the Battle Creek Diversion Project (BCD Project).He discussed the proposed BPMC Resolution 2018-01 is limited to amending the voting requirements from the BPMC to accept the results of the study that will address the O&M impacts of the BCD Project on the Bradley Lake Project and clarifying the methodology to be used by the BPMC to allocate BCD Project shares of any non-participating purchaser that has not been otherwise sold or transferred. Mr.Gibson believes the opt-out issue discussed at the previous meeting requires additional review by counsel and can be brought before the BPMC in the future. MOTION:Mr.Janorschke made a motion to approve the Resolution 2018-01.Mr.Thibert seconded the motion. Aroll call vote was taken,and the motion passed unanimously. E.Dave's Creek O&M DRAFT BPMC Minutes 7/20/18 Page 3 of 6 Mr.Gibson believes the Dave's Creek Static Var Compensator (SVC)System O&M Agreement between CEA and AEA is ready for BPMC approval.There are no issues.This is the result of the intent to create an O&M agreement template so all the agreements are essentially the same. Mr.Carey explained the process that began about a year ago with the Soldotna SVC O&M Agreement and requested Mr.Bjorkquist provide additional comments.Mr.Bjorkquist gave an overview of the agreement.He believes the next step under the Power Sales Agreement is for the BPMC to entertain a motion to approve this O&M Agreement so AEA can execute it. MOTION:Mr.1zzo made a motion to approve the Dave's Creek O&M Agreement between CEA and AEA as presented.Mr.Johnston seconded the motion. A question was asked if CEA is satisfied with the agreement.Mr.Thibert responded he has not reviewed the agreement,but Brian Hickey of CEA has reviewed the agreement.Mr.Gibson advised the BPMC can move forward with contract approval for execution and any concerns that may surface can be brought before the BPMC. Motion passed unanimously. F.FY19 Budget Amendments MOTION:Mr.Janorschke made a motion to approve the 2019 Proposed Budget - Amendment 1.Mr.Johnston seconded the motion. Chair Borgeson requested Mr.Woolf provide an explanation of the proposed budget amendments.Mr.Woolf gave a detailed description of the proposed amendments which result in a net increase in utility contributions of $220,490.Mr.Woolf informed the Budget Committee reviewed the budget amendment and recommended it for approval. Chair Borgeson expressed support for the upgrades to the crew quarters.He asked Mr.Day if it is realistic to expect the upgrades to occur in FY19.Mr.Day expressed his hope is the Battle Creek contracting crews will vacate during wintertime and the upgrades can occur during that time. Aroll call vote was taken,and the motion passed unanimously. 8.REPORTS A.Budget to Actual Report Mr.Woolf reviewed the Budget to Actual Report ending April 30,2018 provided to the Committee.There are no concerns.The year-to-date revenues are down approximately $717,000 and the expense guide is also down. Mr.[zzo inquired if this kind of lag is routine at this point in the fiscal year.Mr.Day noted there are a number of line items that have been spent as of today that are not reflected in this report. He informed a lag of a couple of months is normal in order to get good information. B.O8&D Report DRAFT BPMC Minutes 7/20/18 Page 4 of 6 Mr.Warner stated the issues addressed at yesterday's O&D Committee will be reviewed during the Operator's Report.No action items occurred yesterday.The O&D Report provided in member packets is reflective of the June 20"O&D Committee meeting held at Bradley Lake. Mr.Day graciously led members on a tour of the facility.The issue of scheduling project capacity was discussed and Mr.Warner anticipates the O&D Committee will meet with CEA as the dispatcher to work through the operational details.Discussion continued regarding how to track the costs submitted by Ron Rebenitsch that the utilities are paying for through AEA. Chair Borgeson asked who is directing the work of Mr.Rebenitsch and to whom is he reporting. Mr.Janorschke noted when Mr.Rebenitsch was under contract with HEA,he was reporting to HEA.Now that the contract is being rewritten,the direction and reporting is unclear.Chair Borgeson stated he will work with Mr.Day,Mr.Woolf,Mr.Carey,and Larry Jorgenson to develop a solution to be presented at the next meeting. Cc.Operators Report Mr.Day directed members to the Operator's Report provided in the packet.He noted the average lake levels were 1,107 feet,but by the end of the month,the level was up to 1,137 feet. Mr.Day expressed continued appreciation to Orion for their great working relationship and for shipping the 40-ton crane on their barge trip last week.The fish water control efforts are ongoing and remain complicated.Emerson has been onsite all week installing the fish water automation. Mr.Day reported the Orion subcontractor GMC has been doing a really good job maintaining and grading the road.He believes the road is in better condition than it has been for a couple of years.The fiber and power cables were buried along the road.Extra efforts are underway to ensure those are not disturbed. Mr.Day informed a contractor struck a bear two days ago.All procedures were followed.The skin went to Fish and Game,and the meat was salvaged.Mr.Day gave a reminder the public dock is closed.He noted a couple of recent earthquakes were within the criteria for an inspection,but no damage was sustained. Mr.Day described a system load rejection of about 70 to 80 megawatts occurred on Monday because the tie was lost to Fairbanks.Bradley went from 50 megawatts down to around 4 to 8 megawatts output.It was a good test of the governor work that was completed on the two units. Mr.Day noted the insurance inspection was positive and only revealed three minor issues that were fixed immediately.The equipment storage building project has begun and is going well. Mr.Day showed and described recent pictures of Bradley Lake site and road. Mr.Thibert requested an update on the dam safety plan and an update on any audits that have occurred.The last Dam Safety Surveillance Monitoring Plan update was completed five years ago.The Dam Safety Surveillance Monitoring Report is provided to Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)annually.Two recommendations for monitoring that could change were proposed during the 2016 Part 12 inspection.The minor revisions and updates to the DSSMP should be completed by the end of this year and will be submitted to FERC. 9.COMMITTEE ASIGNMENTS Chair Borgeson assigned the O&D Committee review all of the dam safety plans and provide a brief presentation to the BPMC at either the August or September meeting. DRAFT BPMC Minutes 7/20/18 Page 5 of 6 Chair Borgeson reminded the utilities to review the draft O&M Agreement and return comments by July 31%. 10.MEMBERS COMMENTS Mr.Carey announced this is Mr.Bjorkquist's final meeting before retirement.Mr.Carey expressed appreciation to Mr.Bjorkquist for his years of diligent work. Chair Borgeson echoed the appreciation and expressed congratulations to Mr.Bjorkquist. Mr.Foutz thanked Mr.Janorschke for his tenure as Chair.He echoed the appreciation to Mr. Bjorkquist for his service. Mr.Janorschke expressed congratulations to Mr.Bjorkquist. Mr.Johnston echoed previous comments. Mr.Thibert echoed previous comments,and congratulated the new officers. Mr.Izzo echoed previous comments. Chair Borgeson recognized the importance of the ongoing work by Mr.Day and his staff,Mr. Warner,Mr.Woolf,Mr.Carey,and all of the people behind the scenes. 11.NEXT MEETING DATE -August 17,2018 12.ADJOURNMENT There being no further business for the committee,the meeting adjourned at 11:02 a.m. BY: Cory Borgeson,Chair Attest: Bryan Carey Alaska Energy Authority,Secretary DRAFT BPMC Minutes 7/20/18 Page 6 of 6 BPMC Meeting West Fork Upper Battle Creek Update August 17,2018 Events: Lower Access Road is substantially complete. Road pioneered out to UAR Sta 460 at the Upper Middle Fork. Partial materials for Wall #2 have arrived.Excavation of Wall #2 base material will start next week. Perception is that more General Excavation and less Rock Excavation has occurred than bid estimates.General excavation is lower cost but pipe bedding will require additional rock. Contractor is working on a proposal to use sheet pile at the East Fork Diversion instead of buried membrane to stop the leakage away from the lake. AEA July 30 letter requested contractor provide detailed information documenting impacts to their schedule from the alignment shift to eliminate Wall 1. Waiting on contractor for quantity surveys &July Pay Application. Contractor on budget &schedule. Schedule: Upper Access Road pioneering started in July. Starting on Wall 2 (big wall)next week. If they maintain schedule they will make it to diversion site this year.However, difficult sections and weather unknowns may cause adjustments. Photo 1.Lower Access Road,East Fork Diversion,and Upper Access Road. See a vsaeTySaneeeEOSeShLeyh n Photo 3.Pioneering Upper Access Road ety Ny 7.hon,era AN eg patOTFeCINEBELSeniiesC28oe?Bek ''x Bradley O&D Report to the BPMC August 17,2018 Scheduled Outages a.Chugach is anticipating a 60 day 115 kV tie outage between Hope and Summit beginning the first of February 2019 and extending into April 2019. b.HEA is also scheduling a 2019 outage of the 115kV line between Soldotna and Quartz. The outage is preliminary and HEA will provide additional detail when available. Dam safety surveillance monitoring a.Bryan provided a summary dam safety reporting description for the Bradley Lake Project.The Bradley O&D is working on a more detailed presentation for the BPMC. Fish water screen inspection a.The O&D requests the Bradley Operator perform an inspection of the fish water screens every 5 years.The next inspection will occur in the 2021 timeframe. IRIS generator monitoring a.Bob has been working with generator consultant related to Unit 2's IRIS readings.The consultant has indicated the IRIS readings are cause for concern and warrants an inspection of the generator. b.HEA has collected a new data set and plans to send that data to IRIS for analysis to see how the new data set compares with the data taken 9 months ago. c.Atthe consultant's recommendation,HEA would like to schedule unit 2 out of service for testing.The consultant recommends using a corona camera to inspect the windings. Chugach has agreed to lend their corona camera to the Bradley Project for the inspection.The consultant provided a bid for the work at $32k.That cost included the cost of renting a corona camera at $6k per week.Consulting costs will likely be lower due to Chugach's offer to lend the Bradley Project their camera.The Bradley O&D has directed HEA to work with the consultant and schedule a time to perform the generator inspection. d.Outage for the generator inspection will be scheduled to last a week to 10 days.If the testing indicates problems in the windings the outage may be significantly extended to make necessary repairs. Unit Statistics: Bradley Lake Operator Report BPMC August 17,2018 as of 08/13/2018 Generation Unit 1 (MWhrs)Unit 2 (MWhrs)Total (MWhrs) July 2018 13,836 10,582 24,419 Hydraulics Avg.Lake Level (ft.)Usage (ac ft.)Fish water (CFS) ft.) July 2018 1135.4 28,333 130.5 AVG Lake Level -1155.6'as of August 13,2018 Inflows for the month of July 109,125 Acre Ft Capital Projects: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) Battle Creek is well underway -Work continues and the road is well on the way to the diversion area. Thanks to Orion -Orion has again been excellent at allowing Bradley to piggyback on available barge space.Our flatbed F550 truck and assorted other material is now at Bradley.Bradley is storing Orion's bags of grout (15 pallets worth)in the substation to keep it out of the weather. Fish Water Control Automation --We continue to have issues with the flow meter at the dam,hopefully the parts will arrive soon and the repairs can be completed. Public Dock -The floating dock is closed during construction of Battle Creek.We received a number of inquires concerning bear and goat hunting,all of which have been denied. Insurance Inspection -Mel Hutchinson and Jana Davis participated in an insurance inspection July 13.A report was delivered this last week.A total of 7 small items were found in need of correction.Three were corrected before the inspectors left Bradley and 2 more later that week.What remains is to place safety tape on a beam where one might hit one's head,installation of automatic door closers on the control room in case of halon release and correction of the aging raised computer floor in the control room to eliminate a potential trip hazard. Bradley Lake Operator Report Page 1 6)Invasive weeds -Staff from the Soil conservation District showed up and pulled and sprayed invasive weeds.They provided instructions for the Bradley staff so that we can do so in the future.The herbicides and spray equipment have been placed on order. 7)Unit 2 Generator concerns -We continue to monitor the winding health on Unit 2's generator.We are having Kelly Williams (local generator technician}come to the site to inspect the unit and see if we can further determine what is causing the high PD readings.Kelly is suggesting that it might go as far as requiring us to remove the rotor and rewind the stator. Operations,Maintenance,and Inspections: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Operations-During the preparation of this report last month a large load rejection was observed and HEA shed customers.No one else on the Railbelt shed customers.This event was allegedly triggered by closing in the northern intertie while out of phase.What is turning out to be most interesting is the swinging of the system just after the event.Apparently,the system studies group is engaging with EPS to further study this event. Unit availability-Unit 1 73.5%,Unit 2 79.9%.(due to annual maintenance outage.Unit one was OOS for 191 hours and Unit 2 out for 149 Hours for annual maintenance. Gate Testing -DOWL personnel and AEA''s representative were on site Wednesday 25 July to participate in testing of the Power Tunnel Gates. During testing it was found that the master switch to close the gates in the control room was frozen and could not be operated.Controls expressed through the EMERSON DCS did provide control for the test.We will be replacing the broken switch.It is somewhat tricky to do so as we could easily trip the entire plant. Safety Meeting -We held our monthly safety meeting July 16. Training -Accusonic provided some training on the operation of the flow meter after facilitating some repairs. Equipment Storage Building -work has commenced with the building service being installed.The concrete piers are being formed. Flight Coordination -Flights continue to keep Bradley very busy. Bradley Lake Operator Report Page 2 BradleyLakeLevel8/9/20:Be SORES ea yi el/3-8/9 Bradley MWH's 6,714 © ame: apieAf Ayal,'4 ahaeegEOs.Med Daily Power mMAX "BAVG Bradley Lake Operator Report Page 3 Bradley Lake Project Management Committee -Alaska Online Public Notices Page |of 1 STATUS:Active Bradley Lake Project Management Committee ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY (AEA) Bradley Lake Project Management Committee Notice is hereby given that the Bradley Lake Project Management Committee will hold a regular meeting on Friday,Aug 17,2018 at 10:00 a.m.For additional information contact Teri Webster at 907-771-3074. This meeting will be conducted by electronic media pursuant to AS 44.62.310 at the following location: Alaska Energy Authority Board Conference Room,813 West Northern Lights Boulevard,Anchorage,Alaska; A teleconference line has been set up for those unable to attend in person.Dial 1-888-585-9008,Enter Code 467-050-126#. The public is invited to attend.The State of Alaska (AEA)complies with Title Il of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.Disabled persons requiring special modifications to participate should contact AEA staff at 907- 771-3074 to make arrangements. Attachments,History,Details Attachments Details None ;Commerce,Community andDepartment:Economic Development Revision History Category:.Public Notices Created 8/10/2018 1:47:52 PM by tawebster Sub-Category:,Location(s):Statewide Project/Regulation #: Publish Date:8/10/2018 Archive Date:8/18/2018 Events/Deadlines: https://aws.state.ak.us/OnlinePublicNotices/Notices/View.aspx?id=191025 8/10/2018 BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE (BPMC) REGULAR MEETING v Friday,Aug 17,2018 10:00 A.M. Alaska Energy Authority,Board Room 813 W.Northern Lights Boulevard,Anchorage,Alaska To participate VIA TELECONFERENCE-1-888-585-9008 -Conference room code 467-050-126 AGENDA 1.CALL TO ORDER 6A h 2.ROLL CALL FOR COMMITTEE MEMBERS 3.PUBLIC ROLL CALL 4.PUBLIC COMMENTS 5.AGENDA APPROVAL 6.PRIOR MINUTES -July 20,2018 7.NEW BUSINESS A.Battle Creek Construction Update AEA B.Bradley O&M Agreement update K Gibson 8.REPORTS A.O&D Report J Warner B.Operators Report HEA 9.COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS 10.MEMBERS COMMENTS 11.NEXT MEETING DATE Sept 21,2018 12 ADJOURNMENToe£5.BC Contractor leoul |Financial (Addecl) SNA yX BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE ,4 \kb First,Second fist Q Second V)First Second First Second ye BPMC 8/17/18 Ware Ws.2 Tyo WHTIN; , ;; Roll Cail Agenda MinutesYRollcallfromtoptobottomendingwithChairwrYesNoYesNoYes No Yes No Yes No yA:yokMatanuskaElectricAssociationAeKeiaLenS . Chugach Electric Association ”y x .f\ City of Seward "ov VU Golden Valley Electric Association WA Municipal Light &Power ae \7 Homer Electric Association _VU , Alaska Energy Authority A me 7 ..ese -. First Second First Second First Second First Second First Second Roll call from top to bottom ending with Chair Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Matanuska Electric Association Chugach Electric Association City of Seward Golden Valley Electric Association Municipal Light &Power Homer Electric Association Alaska Energy Authority Next Meeting:9/21 "1B Of Ar oft sok to tetlAsA Torus}Condition WMPLnsehSn-Finances CoMH Slsvo(ted Repo approve a2,ute GA DSP no questionsNoCoumatdeeHOS LainMeadts Don!need to deo Dachets amuore,Digelay On screenweonlyerntagenda. CEA | HEA 'MLP GVEA; MEA Public l ¥Mark Johnston pt David Pease (MEA)f ATTENDANCE --BPMC MEETING,Aug 117 ALTERNATECOMMITTEE:MEMBERS»aval Cory Borgeson,Chair -over .beaQuiachon _£Be L-J Lee Thibert CEA Burke WWick|Brad Janorschke 7 HEA maVA Bob Day afpBryanCarey,Secretary/Tre:reasurer _AEA AS danetRReiser Tony Izzo,Vice Chair MEA iY Tony Zellers "-_MLP |Jeff Warner a.John Foutz _SEW Public Members -"|Brian Hickey (CEA) Mark Johnson (CEA) _Sherri Higher (CEA) Paul Risse (CEA)_Josh Resnick(CEA)OoRichBaldwin1(HEA) Larry Jorgensen (HEA)'Steve Canon (HEA)a"|Anna Henderson (MLP)Molly MMorrison(MLP)Van|Ron Woolf (GVEA)Pete Sarauer(GVEA)Jim Brooks (MEA) J Matt FReisterer (MEA)SL+7 Edd Jenkins (MEA)i A Bernie Smith /_ Crystal Enkvist (APA)Mel Hutchinson (APA)TW Patch Y Ron Rebenitsch (Energy Engineering) -AlanOwens (HEA)YL.OoPEEEmiyHutchinson(HEA)7 AEA Eric Myers (American Transmission Co).| COUNSEL Kirk Gibso"|Pc |4 |Stefan Saldanha Dept of Law J ,McDowell Rackner &Gibson Brenda Applegate Amy Adler ._Jocelyn Gardner /a A BrandiWhite _Carmen Noble"TeriWebster OnVYTomErickson/ x David Lockard_anKirk:Warren /._Jessica HoustonKatieConwayMichelle.le ope./JS Bradley Lake Project Management Committee Friday,Aug 17,2018 **PLEASE WRITE LEGIBLY** NAME ORGANIZATION Kon Rebenrbscd Eneros Cn grnecciry Lac our Ric.AIC CHaGKCH STE SALDANA DEPT oF LAWMattelesbo.Chugeeh BEAWE omer SU BLIC AAR Giesn)Mae Bert Meth ie Merri 6.07 WaDeréealdockarAEA Le A ALALA.ZL,Aubleel LZ Bren Carey,4 KEQ eau (Lather PEABeeaslihoPEP'Brad Taree le HEA. ek pine De