HomeMy WebLinkAboutBPMC Aug 18, 2017BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING REGULAR MEETING Alaska Energy Authority,Anchorage,Alaska '|August 18,2017 YU 1.CALL TO ORDER Chair Borgeson called the regular meeting of the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project Management Committee to order at 10:17 a.m. 2.ROLL CALL FOR COMMITTEE MEMBERS Cory Borgeson (Golden Valley Electric Association [GVEA]);Michael Lamb (Alaska Energy Authority [AEA]);Burke Wick (Chugach Electric Association [CEA]);Tony Izzo (Matanuska Electric Association [MEA]);Mark Johnston (Anchorage Municipal Light &Power [ML&P]);Bob Day (Homer Electric Association [HEA]);and John Foutz (phone)(City of Seward). 3.PUBLIC ROLL CALL Amy Adler,Bryan Carey,Jessica Houston,Jocelyn Garner,Kirk Warren,Teri Webster,Brandi White (AEA);Brian Hickey,Sherri Highers (phone),Mark Johnson (CEA);Brian Bjorkquist (Department of Law);Ron Woolf (phone)(GVEA);Emily Hutchinson (phone),Larry Jorgensen (HEA);Kirk Gibson (McDowell Rackner Gibson,PC);Gary Kuhn,David Pease (phone)(MEA); Molly Morrison,Jeff Warner (ML&P);Fred Eoff (phone)(PFM Group Consulting);TW Patch, Bernie Smith (Public);and Sydney Hamilton (Accu-Type Depositions). 4.PUBLIC COMMENTS None. 5,AGENDA APPROVAL MOTION:Mr.Johnston made a motion to approve the agenda.Motion seconded by Mr. Lamb. The agenda was unanimously approved. 6.APPROVAL OF PRIOR MINUTES-June 28,2017 MOTION:Mr.Lamb made a motion to approve the minutes of June 28,2017,with the correction on page three to read,"The diversion project could begin at the end of 2019." Motion seconded by Mr.Johnston. The motion passed unanimously to approve the minutes of June 28,2017,with the correction on page three to read,"The diversion project could begin at the end of 2019." 7.NEW BUSINESS A.Battle Creek Update BPMC Minutes 8/18/17 Page |of 4 Mr.Carey informed minor comments have been received from Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)Dam Safety regarding the plans and specifications,and could be addressed within two weeks.Both the Army Corps of Engineers 404 Permit and Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC)401 Permit have been received.The amendment to the land lease with Department of Natural Resources (DNR)remains outstanding and the decision will be final as long as no new information is received within the next week. Mr.Carey stated the completion of the bid documents and site showing is ongoing.The bid opening for the brush clearing contractor occurred yesterday.Mr.Carey stated the brush clearing bid is considerably less than expected at under $100,000.Mr.Carey reviewed the schedule for the invitation to bid,pre-bid conference,contractor site visit,bid due date,and tentative award date. Mr.Lamb informed he has the completed draft of the Clean Renewable Energy Bonds (CREB) application and intends to review it before submittal to Internal Revenue Service (IRS)for approval.Mr.Lamb explained the possibility of a second CREB application. B.BPMC Management of Battle Creek Mr.Gibson described to the members the provided memo and resolution,including a revision attachment.He noted the resolution has been reviewed by Mr.Bjorkquist.Mr.Johnston commented,in order to support the resolution,ML&P would require no limitation on non- participating parties'ability to come back into the project.Mr.Johnston requested the definition of equitable costs to be paid by nonparticipating purchasers be determined.Mr.Johnston stated ML&P believes there should be an allocation of the project's cost based on kilowatt hours produced and not based on the current arbitrary number of 1/10 cent. Mr.Gibson noted the Committee makes the decisions concerning the issues raised.Discussion occurred regarding the buy-in cost formula and reasonable notice to be established for current nonparticipants who may want to participate in the future.Other issues discussed include Battle Creek water paying its pro-rata share of Bradley costs and line losses,utilities bearing the cost of spill,and settling the Homer litigation and transmission costs. Chair Borgeson assigned Lee Thibert and Brad Janorschke to coordinate a meeting to address the issues discussed. C.Procurement of Bradley Operator Mr.Lamb reported on the timeframe and process for the procurement of a Bradley operator. The development of the scoping should begin moving forward.Mr.Lamb noted utilities who decide to bid should not be part of writing the scope.Mr.Lamb requested Mr.Gibson or Mr. Bjorkquist create a reporting structure for the utilities to communicate their intent to not bid so we can proceed with developing the scope of work. Mr.Borgeson asked what the definition of an eligible bidder is for this contract.Do they need a CPCN in AK? Mr.Bjorkquist stated a qualified contractor does not have to be a certified contractor regulated by the RCA because operators do something different than sell power.What needs to be BPMC Minutes 8/18/17 Page 2 of 4 decided is what is going to be looked at for this particular project and what the scope is with the regulation is not necessarily the scope that will be chosen for this particular procurement. Mr.Lamb stated the AEA board would like the broadest definition of a qualified contractor to allow more potential bidders but they should be a qualified entity.The statutes and regulation standards can be tightened by this committee of who is qualified for this project. Mr.Bjorkquist stated the other utilities should be asked what they suggest is a qualified contractor to assist AEA in answering the question. Mr.Lamb and Mr.Carey will start a draft on what they think is a qualified contractor and then send it out to the utilities for discussion.Once that definition is established then the utilities can make an informed decision on if they will bid or not. Mr.Borgeson clarified this a state procurement decision and the utilities can't be a majority of the evaluation committee to control who is chosen.Mr.Lamb concurred and stated the utilities will have much input with the development of the scope and participation in the evaluation of the responses. D.Disposal of Old Bradley Drawings Mr.Carey informed the Committee of duplicate mylar Bradley construction drawings housed in AEA's offices.Many drawings are out dated and the accurate drawings have been transferred to electronic format and an additional duplicate set of original drawings are housed at Bradley. Mr.Carey stated AEA's request for disposal of the mylar drawings was approved by the O&D Committee.Mr.Carey requested BPMC approve of the disposal. MOTION:Mr.Johnston made a motion to authorize AEA to dispose of their copy of the old Bradley drawings.Motion seconded by Mr.Day. The motion was unanimously approved. E.Quartz Creek to Soldotna Right of Way Clearing Mr.Wick informed certain portions of the right-of-way that had not been cleared in the refuge area due to permitting issues have since been cleared.Areas of the right-of-way near the highway crossings that have visual barriers will be reviewed by linemen to ensure appropriate clearance. 8.COMMITTEE REPORTS Mr.Warner reported on the assignments from the Chair to the O&D Committee.The consideration of leasing equipment versus purchasing equipment was reviewed.The O&D Committee recommends the purchase of the loader and crane as the most cost effective solution.Mr.Warner suggested the Finance Committee create a cost comparison spreadsheet for the potential option of a lease-purchase agreement.Mr.Warner reviewed the accounting for work related at Battle Creek.The O&D determined an account could be set up for HEA to invoice and segregate costs during the construction phase. BPMC Minutes 8/18/17 Page 3 of 4 Mr.Warner informed the BPMC has previously approved the operating procedures.Since then, Mr.Gibson has reviewed and commented on those procedures,including non-substantive changes.The O&D examined Mr.Gibson's comments and made some responding non- substantive changes.The initial approval by the BPMC should stand.Mr.Gibson requested more information on how the current procedures need to be modified to include Battle Creek. Chair Borgeson assigned the review of the Bradley procedures and how they might need to be adjusted to accommodate Battle Creek water. Mr.Woolf noted the Finance Committee was requested to report on the cost of an insurance maximum probable loss study.The study cost estimate came in at $10,000.The Finance Committee recommends an RFP be developed.Chair Borgeson assigned Mr.Woolf to provide the Finance Committee's recommendation in writing at the next meeting. 9.OPERATOR REPORT Mr.Day submitted and reviewed the Operator Report for June and July.They operated the lasttwomonthsonasingleunitduetoSVCwork.All units are now running and there are noproblemstoreport. 10.COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS Chair Borgeson assigned the O&D Committee to integrate the Battle Creek water into the project procedures. Chair Borgeson assigned Mr.Thibert and Mr.Janorschke to organize a meeting to discuss the terms and conditions regarding Battle Creek participating and non-participating utilities. Chair Borgeson assigned the Finance Committee to bring a proposal to the next BPMC meeting regarding the total loss analysis. 11.MEMBERS COMMENTS Chair Borgeson expressed appreciation to staff. 12.|NEXT MEETING DATE -TBD The next meeting will be scheduled at a later date. 13.ADJOURNMENT There being no further business for the committee,the meeting adjourned at 11:30 a.m. BY: Brad JanorschAttest:'Fae LoBryan2are'areyAlaskaEnergy Authority,Segretary BPMC Minutes 8/18/17 .Page 4 of 4 BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE REGULAR MEETING AGENDA Friday,August 18,2017 10:00 a.m. Alaska Energy Authority's Board Room813WestNorthernLightsBoulevard,Anchorage,AK To participate by phone,dial 1-888-585-9008 and use code 467 050 126.yuFY12. 13. CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL FOR COMMITTEE MEMBERS PUBLIC ROLL CALL PUBLIC COMMENTS AGENDA APPROVAL APPROVAL OF PRIOR MINUTES -June 28,2107 NEW BUSINESS A.Battle creek update B.BPMC Management of Battle Creek C.Procurement of Bradley Operator D.Disposal of Old Bradley Drawings E.Quartz Creek to Soldotna Right of Way Clearing COMMITTEE REPORTS OPERATOR REPORT .COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS .MEMBERS COMMENTS NEXT MEETING DATE -TBD ADJOURNMENT AEA Kirk Gibson AEA AEA Chugach BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING REGULAR MEETING Alaska Energy Authority,Anchorage,Alaska June 28,2017 1.CALL TO ORDER Chair Borgeson called the regular meeting of the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project Management Committee to order at 9:48 a.m. 2.ROLL CALL FOR COMMITTEE MEMBERS Cory Borgeson (Golden Valley Electric Association [GVEA]);Michael Lamb (Alaska Energy Authority [AEA]);Lee Thibert (Chugach Electric Association [CEA]);Tony Izzo (Matanuska Electric Association [MEA)]});Jeff Warner (Anchorage Municipal Light.&Power [ML&P]);andBradJanorschke(Homer Electric Association THEA). 3.PUBLIC ROLL CALL Bryan Carey,Jocelyn Garner,Teri Webster,Brandi White (AEA);Eric Myers (American Transmission Company);Crystal Enkvist,(ARECA Insurance Exchange and Alaska Power Association [APA]);Brian Hickey,Mark Johnson,Burke Wick,Sherri Highers (CEA);Ron Woolf (GVEA);Mary Lynn Macsalka (Department of Law);Bob Day,Emily Hutchinson,Larry Jorgensen,Alan Owens (HEA);Kirk Gibson (McDowell Rackner Gibson,PC);Gary Kuhn,DavidPease(MEA);TW Patch,Bernie Smith,Sydney FHamilton (Accu-Type Depositions).4.PUBLIC COMMENTS None.7 5.AGENDA APPROVALMOTION:Mr.Janorschke made a motion to approve the agenda.Motion seconded byMr.Lamb.|ae Mr.Thibert requested to add Item 8A.1.Confirming Resolution on Battle Creek DiversionProjecttotheagenda. The agenda was unanimously approved as amended,adding Item 8A.1.Confirming Resolution on Battle Creek Diversion Project. 6.APPROVAL OF PRIOR MINUTES-May 30,2017 MOTION:Mr.Thibert made a motion to approve the minutes of May 30,2017.Motion seconded by Mr.Izzo. The motion passed without objection. 7.OLD BUSINESS A.Insurance DRAFT BPMC Minutes 6/28/17 Page 1 of 5 Mr.Gibson provided a review of the insurance requirements under the Power Sales Agreement and Bond Resolution,as previously assigned by Chair Borgeson.Mr.Woolf informed the Finance Committee analyzed the revised renewal for insurance.A premium increase was noted for additional general liability,crime and fiduciary coverage.Errors in pricing were found and are being reconciled to reflect current rates. Mr.Woolf reported a maximum and probable loss calculation has not been completed in nine years.The Finance Committee requested $10,000 to study and evaluate the maximum and probable loss calculation to determine the appropriate amount of coverage necessary. Mr.Carey stated a probable maximum loss study on the property was completed a year ago through CEA and came in at about $48 million.The big components of the insurance is the property and the equipment breakdowns.He noted there is no current study on the probable maximum loss of equipment breakdown.Within the last 10 years,the equipment breakdowninsurancecoverageamounthasincreasedinlinewiththeincreaseinnPropertycoverage.Mr.Janorschke informed he will abstain from voting because he is on the ARECA InsuranceExchangeBoardofDirectors. MOTION:Mr.Lamb made a motion to approvee the iinsurance proposal beginning 7/1/17,as presented.Motion seconded by Mr.Warner.-2 Mr.Lamb expressed support of the maximum probable loss calculation analysis.A roll call vote was taken,and the motion passed,with Mr.Janorschke abstaining.B.Spillway Raise Mr.Warner,O&D Chair,informed the O&D Committee met earlier this month and discussed five different options for the spillway raise..By unanimous vote,the O&D Committee recommends the spillway raise project be deferred to a later time to evaluate all options. MOTION:Mr.Izzo made a motion to defer the spillway raise project to a later time.Motion seconded by Mr.Thibert. A roll call vote was taken,and the motion passed unanimously. 8.NEW BUSINESS . A.Battle Creek Update Mr.Carey began the update and informed he completed the Chair's assignment to provide an expense detail of the $800,000.This was emailed to all members.The current request for $400,000 includes bid costs,partial construction funding for survey and brushing work,and completion of electrical and dam design changes based on feedback from Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC).Mr.Carey reviewed the proposed three-year timeline. Department of Natural Resources (DNR)is expected to release their final decision regarding the land lease around July 20th,after which the flagging for the brush limit and surveying to clear a path for the route will occur.The Corps of Engineers is reviewing the wetlands permit and no delays are expected.The Request for Proposal (RFP)is expected to be released in late DRAFT BPMC Minutes 6/28/17 Page 2 of 5 August.The contractor site visit is expected in mid-September.Proposals are currently due November 15th,but this date could be extended to ensure enough time to respond.Road construction would begin in 2018.Pipe installation would occur in 2019.The water diversion would begin at the end of 2019.The diversion dam would be completed in 2020. Mr.lzzo expressed concern over the additional $400,000 requested and asked that change orders be brought before the BPMC in a timely manner.Mr.!zzo noted he cannot authorize an increase without bringing it before the MEA Board. Mr.Thibert commented change orders are unavoidable at the beginning of a project and having a change of scope from FERC was not predictable.These changes will benefit the project but would like to see the BPMC receive more timely notice of change orders. Mr.Carey stated the delay was due to wanting to get the final brushing numbers before he presented the additional funding request.He was not able to get aa contractor out in a timelymannersodidn't want to delay the request further. Chair Borgeson commented over three million dollars has been spent thus far on Battle Creek and he has no confidence the additional $400,000 is an accurate amount.GVEA is not in favor of the additional funding and declines participation without assurances from AEA.Mr.Thibert presented Resolution 2017-01B to be given to the AEA Board,reaffirming commitment to the Battle Creek project.CEA offered to help manage the Battle Creek project and advised they will provide the backstop for additional funding.MOTION:Mr.Thibert made aa motion to approve Resolution 2017-01.Motion secondedbyMr.Janorschke...ce os Mr.Warner expressed his understanding the reference to participating utilities in the resolutiondoesnotincludetheparticipationofML&P at this time,but does not preclude ML&P from optingtoparticipateinthefuture.”Mr,Gibson agreed.Mr.tzzo asked Mr.'Gibson itaanaffirmative vote to adopt Resolution 2017-01 would,by default, commit MEA to a portion of the $400,000 overrun.Mr.Gibson offered a friendly amendment to be inserted which reads,"Now therefore,be it resolved,the BPMC authorizes and supports the efforts of purchasing utilities desiring to develop the Battle Creek Diversion Project to work with AEA to finance and bid the project in 2017."He believes this language adds comfort to everyone at the table and those that want to move forward can move forward and those who donotwanttomoveforwardarenotcommittingtofinancing.Mr.Gibson offered a friendly amendment that the phrase participating utilities be changed to purchasing utilities throughout the resolution.The two friendly anendments were accepted by the Maker of the Motion and the Second. Mr.Gibson noted Chair Borgeson assigned him to review the methodology with Brian Bjorkquist for the Battle Creek project to go forward as optional work,with less than full member participation.Mr.Gibson gave members information containing a memo summarizing his draft resolution,the draft resolution he created,an attachment containing granular information and two assignments for the operator.Mr.Gibson gave a thorough explanation,outlining the intent to develop a fair and neutral framework for the Battle Creek project,which would have no adverse effect on the Bradley Lake project. DRAFT BPMC Minutes 6/28/17 Page 3 of 5 Mr.Gibson believes his draft resolution is a good next step on how to move forward if Resolution 2017-01 is approved. Chair Borgeson expressed GVEA supports the Battle Creek project and will support the resolution.He noted concerns regarding meeting the aggressive timeline presented,because the participation agreements have to be created in order for the financing to be put in place,all before it goes to bid by the beginning of September. A roll call vote was taken,and the motion passed unanimously. Chair Borgeson informed he will call a work session the third week of July to specifically focusonmovingtheBattleCreekprojectforward. B.AEA Regulation Change Update Ms.Webster distributed the amended AEA regulation changes to all members regarding qualified operators for AEA owned power projects.She explained the State of Alaska regulationamendmentprocess,which takes approximately five to seven months.If all goes according to the timeline,the proposed amendments should be effective in November 2017. C.Railbelt Cooperation Chair Borgeson discussed the diligent cooperation efforts of the six Railbelt managers.HeshowedavideothatillustratesthetalkingpointsofRailbeltmanagercooperation.The video willbesharedwithlegislators,agencies,and the Governor. D.Report to AEA Board Mr.Thibert noted a draft of the report was sent to all members.'Mr.Thibert gave an overview of the report and reviewed the few modifications he will make to the draft.Mr.Thibert stated he will lead off the presentation to AEA with the video shared by Chair Borgeson and then willpresentthereport.9,COMMITTEE REPORTS | None. 40.OPERATOR REPORT. Mr.Day submitted the Operator Report.He gave a detailed account of the Marker Ball Installation project.Bradley Lake has been running at a single unit due to the SVC construction. Full output will occur when the SVC comes back into service. 11.COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS Chair Borgeson assigned the Finance Committee provide the Committee with cost specifics of a maximum and probable loss calculation study and recommendations of who will complete the study. Chair Borgeson assigned Mr.Thibert coordinate the additional $400,000 of Battle Creek funding before the designated work can commence. DRAFT BPMC Minutes 6/28/17 Page 4 of 5 Chair Borgeson asked Mr.Carey for a risk assessment of consequences for Battle Creek if the project does not meet its timeline and is delayed a year. Chair Borgeson assigned the Committee,as a whole,a Battle Creek working session during the third week of July. Chair Borgeson assigned the Operator to complete the two assignments,Exhibit B.and C.,from Mr.Gibson's Attachment 1.;methodology and procedures for cost allocation,and water management and allocation for Battle Creek. 12.MEMBERS COMMENTS Mr.Thibert expressed gratitude to members for their support of the Battle Creek project. Chair Borgeson expressed appreciation to staff. 7 13.|NEXT MEETING DATE -TBD The next meeting will be scheduled for two months out due to the workshop next month. 14.ADJOURNMENT There being no further business for the committee,the meeting adjourned at 11:35 a.m. BY: Cory Borgeson,Chair Attest: Michael Lamb'a Z Alaska Energy Authority,Secretary DRAFT BPMC Minutes 6/28/17 Page 5 of 5 BPMC 8/18/17 Battle Creek Update Engineering &Permits e FERC Dam Safety Project Manager (PM)teleconference August 15"on their design and plans review.Many utility representatives joined in for the call.Minor FERC comments. e Received DNR Final Finding &Decision for lease amendment.Decision becomes final August 26"unless an appeal. e ACOE wetland Section 404 determination received under Nation General Permit. e ADEC Water Quality 401 received under MOA with ACOE National General Permit. e Fish Habitat Plan approval by FERC Licensing. e ADF&G Title 16 Fish Habitat Permit determined not needed by ADF&G. Budget DOWL NTP $200,611 for completions of bid documents and site showings. Clearing contractor bids due August 17". Clean Renewable Energy Bond application being drafted. Schedule (Tentative) August 26-Start Route marking &clearing Sept -Pre Notice Sept 6 -Bid documents to Utilities for review Sept 12 -Comments due back from Utilities on Bid Documents Sept 14-ITB Sept 19-21-NHA &USSD at Girdwood Sept 25 -Pre Bid at Anchorage Sept 27 -Contractor Site visit (AEA &DOWL arrive evening Tuesday 26.") Nov 15 -Bids due Dec 31 -Award 2018 Road construction 2019 Install pipe 2020 Divert water to Bradley Lake with cofferdam &construct permanent dam. Diversion &dam construct may occur during 2019 depending on contractor. McDOWELL RACKNER GIBSON PC MEMORANDUM TO:BPMC FROM:Kirk Gibson DATE:August 17,2017 RE:Resolution 2017-02;BPMC Management of the Battle Creek Diversion Project This memorandum addresses the management of the Battle Creek Diversion Project ("BCD Project')by the Bradley Lake Project Management Committee ("BPMC”).Accompanying this memorandum are Resolution No.2017-02 and Attachment 1 to Resolution No.2017-02,Battle Creek Diversion Framework. The governing provisions for the BPMC rise under the authority granted the BPMC for Optional Project Work under the Power Sales Agreement.These documents provided the structure of the arrangements;much of the detailed work will occur each year during the Annual Cost determination process of the BPMC. The basic assumptions underlying the conceptual approach for managing the BCD Project are as follows: 1.The provisions of the Power Sales Agreement and any of the documents, agreements,and understandings generally referred to as the Bradley Lake Agreements,where applicable,will be used to manage the energy generated and delivered from the BCD Project. 2.The financing of the BCD Project will be handled separately from the Bradley Lake Project financing. 3.The Purchasers choosing to participate in the development of the BCD Project will hold harmless the Non-Participating Purchasers from any costs associated with the development of the BCD Project. main:503 595 3922 |fax:503 595 3928 |www.mrg-law.com 419 SW 11th Ave,Suite 400 |Portland,Oregon 97205-2605 August 17,2017 4.Any Purchaser not wanting to participate or not doing anything are treated the same,i.e.,their respective shares are reserved for a period of 10 years. Shares in Battle Creek can only be reserved for 10 years following the date of the Resolution...then they are forfeited. The issue that is not expressly addressed is how the financing folks will look at the Battle Creek Project being done with less than the whole.|have not specifically addressed that issue,but instead waiting to hear from the discussions with potential financiers,etc. |will be prepared to discuss at the BPMC meeting on the 18". 2 -BCD Project Development Framework For Discussion Purposes RESOLUTION OF BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE RESOLUTION NO.2017 -02:Battle Creek Diversion Project Introduction:The Bradley Lake Project Management Committee ("BPMC”)is considering the development of a project to divert the water flows of Battle Creek into Bradley Lake to increase the water for use by the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project ("Bradley Lake Project').All Purchasers are supportive of the expansion of the capabilities of the Bradley Lake Project through the development of the Battle Creek Diversion Project ("BCD Project”).While all Purchasers wish for the BCD Project to move forward,all Purchasers may not want to participate in the BCD Project.The activities of the BPMC regarding the BCD Project are authorized as Optional Project Work under the Power Sales Agreement. Purpose of Resolution No.2017-02:Resolution No.2017-02,and Attachment 1 to Resolution No.2017-02 Battle Creek Diversion Project Framework,set forth the terms and conditions under which participation in the costs and benefits of the BCD Project as Optional Project Work under the Power Sales Agreement will be managed by the BPMC. Definitions:In addition to the definitions contained in Power Sales Agreement,the following definitions are used as part of this Resolution 2017-02 and Attachment 1: "Non-Participating Purchaser”means a Purchaser that is not participating in the BCD Project. "Participating Purchaser”means a Purchaser participating in the development of the BCD Project. RESOLUTION NO.2017-02 WHEREAS,Chugach Electric Association,Inc.("Chugach”),Golden Valley Electric Association,Inc.("GVEA”),Homer Electric Association,Inc.("HEA”),the Municipality of Anchorage d/b/a Municipal Light and Power ("ML&P”),Matanuska Electric Association,Inc. ("MEA”),and the City of Seward ("Seward”),are the purchasers of the power generated by Bradley Lake Project under the Power Sales Agreement (hereinafter referred to jointly as the "Purchasers”and individually as a "Purchaser'); WHEREAS,the Purchasers along with the Alaska Energy Authority ("AEA”)constitute the BPMC; WHEREAS,the BPMC has authorized preliminary work comprised of completing design, environmental,and bid-related documents on the BCD Project as Optional Project Work under the Power Sales Agreement; WHEREAS,the BCD Project is designed to supplement the water available for the Bradley Lake Project and the BCD Project will be using the facilities of the Bradley Lake Project,the BPMC will oversee and manage all aspects of the use of facilities of the Bradley Lake Project under the BPMC's authority provided by the Power Sales Agreement; Page 1 of 4 Resolution 2017-02;Battle Creek Diversion Project WHEREAS,all Purchasers support the development of the BCD Project; WHEREAS,AEA is now moving forward with obtaining financing of the BCD Project; WHEREAS,not all Purchasers may want to participate in the development and resulting benefits of the BCD Project at this time; WHEREAS,Purchasers desire an arrangement under which a Purchaser not wishing to participate in the BCD Project now can preserve the ability to participate in the BCD Project at a later date; WHEREAS,the Participating Purchasers wish to hold harmless the Non-Participating Purchasers from incurring any costs associated with the development of the BCD Project; WHEREAS,the Participating Purchasers shall reimburse the Non-Participating Purchasers for any amounts previously advanced by a Non-Participating Purchasers;and, WHEREAS,the Participating Purchasers wish to provide an opportunity for the Non- Participating Purchasers to participate in the BCD Project later so long as the Non-Participating Purchasers reimburse the Participating Purchasers for an equitable portion of the reasonable costs incurred to develop the BCD Project prior to the time their respective participation begins; WHEREAS,the development and financing of the BCD Project will be required to have no effect on the Bradley Lake Project Power Revenue Bond Resolution ("Bond”)and related bond covenants associated with the Bradley Lake Project; WHEREAS,this Resolution No.2017-02 along with the Power Sales Agreement and the BPMC Bylaws provide the authorization for the BPMC to manage the allocation of costs and benefits of the BCD Project including the determination of the equitable costs to be paid by a Non- Participating Purchaser to a Participating Purchaser should the Non-Participating Purchaser choose to participate in the BCD Project at a later date; NOW,THEREFORE,IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE BPMC,that the costs and benefits of the BCD Project shall be managed and allocated in accordance with this Resolution No.2017-02 and Attachment 1 to this Resolution No.2017-02;Battle Creek Diversion Project Framework,as part of the BPMC process for determining Annual Project Costs for the Bradley Lake Project;and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE BPWMC,that the BCD Project is Optional Project Work under the Power Sales Agreement and this Resolution No.2017-02 and the terms and conditions set forth in Attachment 1 to this Resolution No.2017-02,Battle Creek Diversion Project Framework and any amendments thereto,along with any activity of the BPMC related to the BCD Project,must be approved by the affirmative vote of at least four (4)representatives of the Purchasers,whose percentage shares of the output from the Bradley Lake Project are greater than fifty-one percent (51%),plus the affirmative vote of the AEA;and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE BPMC,that the above Recitals be incorporated and made part of to this Resolution No.2017-02;and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE BPMC,that the right to the capacity of the BCD Project shall initially be allocated to all Purchasers in accordance with their respective shares of Bradley Lake Project capacity (hereinafter referred to as their "BCD Share'). Page 2 of 4 -Resolution 2017-02;Battle Creek Diversion Project mm, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE BPMC,that the costs and benefits of the BCD Project should not affect the rights,duties,and obligations of the Purchasers as set forth in the Power Sales Agreement and Bond;and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE BPMC,that the costs and benefits associated with the BCD Project shall be allocated by the BPMC to only those Purchasers choosing to participate in the BCD Project (i.e.,Participating Purchasers);and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE BPMC,that Purchasers wishing to participate in the BCD Project shall expressly notify the BPMC of their election to participate in the BCD Project, and the percentage level of their BCD Share at which it would like to participate in the BCD Project;and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE BPMC,that any Purchaser failing to expressly notify the BPMC (or notifying the BPMC that it does not wish to participate in the BCD Project) shall be deemed to be choosing to not participate in the BCD Project and that Purchaser's share of the BCD Project (i.e.,its respective BCD Share)shall be reallocated by the BPMC between the Participating Purchasers;and, BE tT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE BPMC,that a Non-Participating Purchaser having its BCD Share reallocated shall continue to have its ability to participate in the BCD Project reserved for ten years from the date of this Resolution No.2017-02;and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE BPMC,that the Non-Participating Purchasers will not bear any costs or suffer any adverse effect due to the BCD Project;and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE BPMC,that in lieu of overhead allocations and other costs incidental to the operation and maintenance of the BCD Project,the Participating Purchasers shall pay a surcharge of $0.001/kWh for each kWh of generation for the BCD Project for each kWh generated by the Bradley Lake Project facilities as determined by the BPMC;and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE BPMC,that the Non-Participating Purchaser must elect to be a Participating Purchaser on or before the tenth anniversary of this Resolution No. 2017-02,or permanently forfeit the ability to participate;and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE BPMC,that the Non-Participating Purchasers choosing to participate in the BCD Project at a later date shall contribute an equitable portion of the reasonable costs incurred to develop the BCD Project which amount shall be determined by the BPMC at the time the Non-Participating Purchaser chooses to participate in the BCD Project; and, / / / / / / Page 3 of 4 -Resolution 2017-02;Battle Creek Diversion Project BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE BPMC,that any changes to the terms and conditions of this Resolution 2017-02 and Attachment 1 that directly affect the rights and obligations of the Participating Parties to receive their respective benefits from the BCD Project shall require the unanimous consent of the Participating Parties. Dated at Anchorage Alaska,this 18"day of August 2017. Chair Attest: Secretary Page 4 of 4 -Resolution 2017-02;Battle Creek Diversion Project For Discussion Purposes ATTACHMENT 1 TO RESOLUTION NO.2017-02 OF BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Battle Creek Diversion Project Framework The costs and benefits of the Battle Creek Diversion Project ("BCD Project”)shall be managed in accordance with Resolution No.2017-02 and this Attachment 1 to Resolution No.2017-02 Battle Creek Diversion Project Framework ("Attachment 1”),as follows: A.General Applicability of Bradley Lake Project Provisions: 1.The provisions of the Power Sales Agreement and any of the documents,agreements, and understanding generally referred to as the Bradley Lake Agreements,where applicable,will be used to manage the energy generated and delivered from the BCD Project. Subject to the rights held by the Alaska Energy Authority,the BPMC will be the final arbiter on any issue involving the BCD Project and the Bradley Lake Project and/or the Purchasers,and any such issues shall be resolved in accordance with the voting requirements set forth in Resolution No.2017-02 and the Dispute Resolution provisions of the BPMC Bylaws. For purposes of governance of any conflicts,the terms and conditions of Resolution No. 2017-02,will contro!over this Attachment 1,which will control over the BPMC Bylaws. B.BCD Project Capacity: 1.The original shares of Bradley Lake Project capacity,i.e.,Chugach (30.4%),GVEA (16.9%),HEA (12.0%),ML&P (25.9%),MEA (13.8%),and Seward (1.0%)will not change in any manner by Resolution 2017-02 and Attachment 1. Each Purchaser shall have the right to participate in the BCD Project at the same percentage that it holds capacity in the Bradley Lake Project subject to Resolution No. 2017-02 and this Attachment 1. The right to the capacity of the BCD Project shall initially be allocated to all Purchasers in accordance with their respective shares of Bradley Lake Project capacity (hereinafter referred to as their "BCD Share'). Page 1 of 4 -Attachment 1 to Resolution 2017-02 4.To participate in the BCD Project each Purchaser must expressly so notify the BPMC in writing indicating it wants to maintain its allocated BCD Share (or a specific percentage of its total allocated BCD Share)of BCD Project capacity. 5.Any Purchaser that notifies the BPMC that it does not want to participate in the BCD Project,or a Purchaser that fails to provide any notice regarding participation,shall be deemed by the BPMC to have declined its initial opportunity to participate in the BCD Project and thereafter such Purchaser shall be a Non-Participating Purchaser.A Non- Participating Purchaser shall have the right to participate at their BCD Share reserved for a period of ten (10)years from the date of Resolution No.2017-02. 6.The BCD Share for any Non-Participating Purchaser shall be placed into a share pool ("BCD Pool”)reallocated by the BPMC in accordance with the respective percentage of original shares of Bradley Lake Project capacity held by the Participating Purchasers.The Participating Purchasers may allocate their BCD Share and/or the redistributed BCD Shares from the BCD Pool by agreement. 7.The Purchasers desiring to maintain their respective share (or a percentage of their respective shares)of BCD Project capacity but not immediately participate in the BCD Project (i.e.,Non-Participating Purchasers)shall have the right to call back their respective BCD Share by providing written notice to the BPMC ("Call Back Notice'). 8.A Call Back Notice must be provided to the BPMC by a Non-Participating Purchaser on or before December 31*of the calendar year prior to the start of the fiscal year (July 1°) that such Non-Participating Purchaser wants to be a Participating Purchaser to be effective for participation in the BCD Project to begin at the start of the next fiscal year.A Call Back Notice provided after December 31*shall be effective for participation in the BCD Project to begin one year from the start of the next fiscal year.A Call Back Notice must be made on or before August 18,2027,the tenth ("10th”)anniversary of the date of this Resolution No,2017-02. 9.The Non-Participating Purchaser providing a Call Back Notice and complying with all other obligations and responsibilities set forth in Resolution 2017-02 and this Attachment 1 shall be able to participate at the level equal to the capacity percentage it holds in the Bradley Lake Project (i.e.,their initial BCD Share).The BPMC shall make the necessary adjustments to the BCD Shares held by the other Participating Purchasers to accommodate the return of the Non-Participating Purchaser providing a valid Call Back Notice. 10.Any Non-Participating Purchaser providing a Call Back Notice must reimburse the Participating Purchasers then participating in the BCD Project for the equitable portion of the reasonable costs incurred to develop the BCD Project as determined by the BPMC. This reimbursement must be paid to the Participating Purchasers by the Non-Participating Purchaser providing a Call Back Notice on or before June 1*prior to the fiscal year in which that Non-Participating Purchaser shall be eligible to participate in the BCD Project. 11.Any BCD Share of a Non-Participating Purchaser not issuing a Call Back Notice as to the shares within the ten years provided in this Resolution No.2017-02,shall be permanently Page 2 of 4 -Attachment 1 to Resolution 2017-02 forfeited by that Non-Participating Purchaser and the BCD Share at issue will be reallocated by the BPMC in accordance with Resolution No.2017-02 and this Attachment 1. 12.Exhibit A to this Attachment 1 illustrates the manner which the BCD Pool will reallocate shares of BCD Project capacity not taken. 13.Exhibit B to this Attachment 1 sets forth the manner which the BPMC shall calculate the reimbursement required by a Purchaser providing a Call Back Notice and wishing to participate in the BCD Project. C.BCD Project Cost Responsibility: 1.The amounts contributed to date towards the development of the BCD Project by the Non- Participating Purchasers shall be reimbursed by the Participating Purchasers in amounts determined by the BPMC within forty-five (45)days following the financing for the BCD Project.The responsibility of payment of such costs associated with this reimbursement shall be allocated by the BPMC to the Participating Purchasers in accordance with their respective BCD Shares,adjusted by the amount of the BCD Share allocated from a Non- Participating Purchaser ("Adjusted BCD Share'). The Operator for the Bradley Lake Project will be required to develop and propose for BPMC approval,the methodology and procedures for tracking all costs involved or associated with the BCD Project;such approval by the BPMC shall be in accordance with the voting requirements set forth in Resolution No.2017-02.The methodology and procedures for tracking all costs involved or associated with the BCD Project will be approved by the BPMC and included as Exhibit C to this Attachment 1. In lieu of overhead allocations and other costs incidental to the operation and maintenance of the BCD Project,there will be a surcharge of $0.001/kWh for each kWh of generation for the BCD Project.These amounts will be periodically distributed by the BPMC to the Purchasers in accordance with their respective percentage share of the capacity of the Bradley Lake Project. Participating Purchasers will hold harmless the Non-Participating Purchasers from all of the costs (including cost of financing)associated with the BCD Project as follows: a.The Participating Purchasers,in accordance with their Adjusted BCD Shares,will pay all of the costs (including cost of financing)associated with the BCD Project. b.The BPNC shall determine and allocate the BCD project costs to the Participating Purchasers during the determination of the Annual Project Costs for the Bradley Lake Project. c.The costs associated with the BCD Project will be invoiced to Participating Purchasers as a separate surcharge amount shown on a schedule similar in form to the Schedule C accompanying the Bradley Lake Project determinations of "Monthly Utility Contributions.” Page 3 of 4 -Attachment 1 to Resolution 2017-02 d.Any amounts received from Participating Purchasers for the costs associated with the BCD Project in excess of the actual costs associated with the BCD Project in a given fiscal year will be distributed to the Participating Purchasers in accordance with their respective Adjusted BCD Shares for that fiscal year. e.Any additional amounts required for more than the budgeted costs associated with the BCD Project in each fiscal year shall be the responsibility of the Participating Purchasers in accordance with their respective Adjusted BCD Shares for that fiscal year. D.BCD Project Water Tracking &Allocation: 1.The Operator for the Bradley Lake Project will be required to develop for BPMC approval the methodology and procedures for the tracking and allocation of water;such approval by the BPMC shail be in accordance with the voting requirements set forth in Resolution No.2017-02.The methodology and procedures for tracking and allocating water associated with the BCD Project will be included as Exhibit D to this Attachment. 2.A Participating Purchaser's water rights in each fiscal year from the BCD Project will be allocated based upon its Adjusted BCD Share. Page 4 of 4 -Attachment 1 to Resolution 2017-02 oes slg siad " ieya;eead>S ces me aw2haP. SAE: i?OWENayed2,sauny eae;see- ae pe eeys saaay ar at anneeeSatBe Bradley Lake Operator Report O&D Committee and BPMC August 18,2017 Unit Statistics:as of 07/31/2017 Generation Unit 1 (MWhrs)Unit 2 (MWhrs)Total (MWhrs) June 2017 3,081 16,628 19,709 Hydraulics Avg.Lake Level (ft.)Usage (ac ft.)Fish water (ac ft.) June 2017 1112 21051 152 AVG Generation Unit 1 (MWhrs)Unit 2 (MWhrs)Total (MWhrs) July 2017 2,618 25,068 27,687 Hydraulics Avg.Lake Level (ft.)Usage (ac ft.)Fish water (ac ft.) July 2017 1130 27,949 130.6 AVG Lake Level -1139'as of 07/31/2017 Lake Level 1146.1'as of 08/16/2017 Capital Projects: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) Marker Ball Installation -The installation of the marker balls is complete.Some additional work was incurred due to the fragile nature of the existing Marker Balls.Final payment has been submitted. Plant Reduced Output The plant has been on reduced output due to SVC installation and testing.Unit 1 is available it is simply in reserve.The plant returned to full output by the end of July. Fire Sprinkler Repairs -The required repairs identified during the inspection have been corrected. Battle Creek -A tour of the Battle Creek area was provided to Carlos Tree Service as well as Gage Tree Service in order to allow them to prepare a proposal for clearing the route. Orientation tour and inspection We made our annual inspection of Nuka Diversion and Middle Fork Diversion and all is well.We included the new Director of Fish and Game in the trip in order to provide him with an orientation as to Bradley operations. Invasive Weeds -Work was done to mitigate some invasive weeds that have been recently found.This was done under the direction of the invasive weed staff from Homer.See attached photos. Fish Water Control Automation -The O&D committee met and recommended award to Power Engineers.Power Engineers was on site August 10°and 11". Work is underway Bradley Lake Operator Report Page 1 Operations,Maintenance,and Inspections: 1)Operations-Operations at the Plant were quite normal but single unit operation. 2)Wilderness First Aid Training -Operators received advanced first aid training August 7th and 8th. 3)Annual Hearing tests -Staff received their annual hearing tests on August 14", 4)Crane and Hoist Inspection -Annual crane and hoist testing is scheduled for August 22"through 24". 5)Nelson Engineering -Made the initial investigation concerning the building of the "bus barn”for equipment storage. 6)SVC Maintenance Training -Staff received training on the proper maintenance of the new ABB SVC at Soldotna. Naw deostcy Lote Lov 814-2017 pet «Adak?Acrobet Suontiend OF - Bile Ea Than Wanton Mate ag Bet mentee ct aN net ETBradley Lake Operator Report Page 2 on) Weed mitigation along the road Weed mitigation along the road Bradley Lake Operator Report Page 3 Nuka Glacier -Note diversion structure right of center (shadows on it) Bradley Lake Operator Report Page 4 PO CAG Battle Creek Diversion Site - Bradley Lake Operator Report Page 5 Bradley Lake Project Management Committee -Alaska Online Public Notices Page 1 of 1 STATUS:Active Bradley Lake Project Management Committee Notice is hereby given that the Bradley Lake Project Management Committee will hold a reqular meeting on Friday,August 18,2017 at 10:00 a.m.For additional information contact Teri Webster at 907-771-3074. This meeting will be conducted by electronic media pursuant to AS 44.62.310 at the following location: Alaska Energy Authority Board Conference Room,813 West Northern Lights Boulevard,Anchorage,Alaska; A teleconference line has been set up for those unable to attend in person.Dial 1-888-585-9008,Enter Code 467-050-126#. The public is invited to attend.The State of Alaska (AEA)complies with Title Il of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.Disabled persons requiring special modifications to participate should contact AEA staff at 907- 771-3074 to make arrangements. Attachments,History,Details Attachments Details None Department:Commerce,Community and .Economic Development Revision History Category:Public Notices Created 8/11/2017 11:44:47 AM by tawebster Sub-Category:Location(s):Statewide Project/Regulation #: Publish Date:8/11/2017 Archive Date:8/19/2017 Events/Deadlines: https://aws.state.ak.us/OnlinePublicNotices/Notices/View.aspx?id=1 86734 8/11/2017 BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE vye REGULAR MEETING AGENDA Friday,August 18,2017 10:00 a.m. Alaska Energy Authority's Board Room 813 West Northern Lights Boulevard,Anchorage,AK To participate by phone,dial 1-888-585-9008 and use code 467 050 126. 12. 13. CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL FOR COMMITTEE MEMBERS PUBLIC ROLL CALL PUBLIC COMMENTS AGENDA APPROVAL APPROVAL OF PRIOR MINUTES --June 28,2107 NEW BUSINESS A.Battle creek update B.BPMC Management of Battle Creek C.Procurement of Bradley Operator D.Disposal of Old Bradley Drawings E.Quartz Creek to Soldotna Right of Way Clearing COMMITTEE REPORTS OPERATOR REPORT .COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS MEMBERS COMMENTS NEXT MEETING DATE TBD ADJOURNMENT AEA Kirk Gibson AEA AEA Chugach November 15th,but this date could be extended to ensure enough time to respond.Road construction would begin in 2018.Pipe installation would occur in 2019.The water diversion would begin at the end of 2019.The diversion dam wert be completed in 2020.ow Mr.Izzo expressed concern over the additional $400,000 requested and asked that change orders be brought before the BPMC in a timely manner.Mr.Izzo noted he cannot authorize an increase without bringing it before the MEA Board. Mr.Thibert commented change orders are unavoidable at the beginning of a project and having a change of scope from FERC was not predictable.These changes will benefit the project but would like to see the BPMC receive more timely notice of change orders. Mr.Carey stated the delay was due to wanting to get the final brushing numbers before he presented the additional funding request.He was not able to get a contractor out in a timely manner so didn't want to delay the request further. Chair Borgeson commented over three million dollars has been spent thus far on Battle Creek and he has no confidence the additional $400,000 is an accurate amount.GVEA is not in favor of the additional funding and declines participation without assurances from AEA. Mr.Thibert presented Resolution 2017-01B to be given to the AEA Board,reaffirming commitment to the Battle Creek project.CEA offered to help manage the Battle Creek project and advised they will provide the backstop for additional funding. MOTION:Mr.Thibert made a motion to approve Resolution 2017-01.Motion seconded by Mr.Janorschke. Mr.Warner expressed his understanding the reference to participating utilities in the resolution does not include the participation of ML&P at this time,but does not preclude ML&P from opting to participate in the future.Mr.Gibson agreed. Mr.!zzo asked Mr.Gibson if an affirmative vote to adopt Resolution 2017-01 would,by default, commit MEA to a portion of the $400,000 overrun.Mr.Gibson offered a friendly amendment to be inserted which reads,"Now therefore,be it resolved,the BPMC authorizes and supports the efforts of purchasing utilities desiring to develop the Battle Creek Diversion Project to work with AEA to finance and bid the project in 2017."He believes this language adds comfort to everyone at the table and those that want to move forward can move forward and those who do not want to move forward are not committing to financing.Mr.Gibson offered a friendly amendment that the phrase participating utilities be changed to purchasing utilities throughout the resolution.The two friendly amendments were accepted by the Maker of the Motion and the Second. Mr.Gibson noted Chair Borgeson assigned him to review the methodology with Brian Bjorkquist for the Battle Creek project to go forward as optional work,with less than full member participation.Mr.Gibson gave members information containing a memo summarizing his draft resolution,the draft resolution he created,an attachment containing granular information and two assignments for the operator.Mr.Gibson gave a thorough explanation,outlining the intent to develop a fair and neutral framework for the Battle Creek project,which would have no adverse effect on the Bradley Lake project. Mr.Gibson believes his draft resolution is a good next step on how to move forward if Resolution 2017-01 is approved. BPMC Minutes 6/28/17 Page 3 of5 BPMC or IMC meeting availability IMC August Possible GVEA ML&P CEA MEA AEA Board room dates Brian (Kirk) OKcradleFUTOA \Lb On BPMC August ow GVEA ML&P CEA e MEA Seward HEA AEA Board Cory |Hock y "Tony Sohn |Brad LA }|room $121 ¥UN [aRertzp |VY on. 3i22.Y N iN i)Y 8123 Y N N AM onlyBliZ¥y ¥pce PPT ON [oh oP]AmoArY__lafter lp N Bo loBadOe Bradley Lake Project Management Committee Friday,August 18,2017 @ 10:00 am. **PLEASE WRITE LEGIBLY** NAME ORGANIZATION "aly V/ry HeLacryJordensenHEA Repwse SBIZY CUBLIC Bega Carer AEA Riau V0 bar a Men.Bru "Brera AGSBURKEtice.U CU OGIELKBawdsuuoeRep ADAWA <0 WHO Chu 94th, Tw nes Die - m/v a LULL.KIRK G\SSa)MAG Marcle Naren Az A Bran Wicliay cen Melly Mor Acorn MUL Pay NM 27 K Docleyn Garner »S N=A,TIPSessicaoust "yen Wis lost "ATTENDANCE --BPMC REGULARMEETING,Aug 1418 @ 10:00:am'COMMITTEE MEMBERS |-._oy!Borgeson,Chair GVEA ee MK |Lee Thibert,Vice CChair |CEA 4 Burke Wick -+ee |Brad-Janorschie-||HEA |Bob Day / :aneMinas Lamb,Secretary/Tre:reasurer -AEA .-Bryan Carey _: |FTonytzzo MEA oakKunaarkJJohnstonOO|MLP oe Jeff Warner.-: phone:John Foutz |SEW an |7PublicMembersCOUNSEL |David Lockard(AEA)ve Kirk Gibson,McDowell Rackner &Gibson PCAKirkWarren(AEA)-vw Brian Bjorkquist,Dept of Law -- "ian Hickey (CEA)ied FSMerkJohnson(CEA)Ron WAFS. Rich Baldwin (HEA)a Sherri _Mvqhers Cen...|AlanOwens (HEA)-4 tansy.pvr Emily Hutchinsonm(HEA)Socelyn _a|aA Larry Jorgensen (HEA)OLSS ca bomuston ae Anna Henderson (MLP)__-Brands Wake,_a Molly Morrison (MLP) |/Ron Woe (GVEA)Woe|F | : "| Jim Brooks (MEA) : ||Gary Kuhn (MEA): _pinore-'David Pease (MEA)_-; BernieSmith ROR--- -|Crystal Enkvist (APA)7 "||Mel Hutchinson (APA)/:a (ONS BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE ww Second First Second First Second First SecondBPMC8/18/17 SO NY Roll Call Agenda Prior minutes Res 2017-02 Roll call from top to bottom ending with Chair . .: Yes No Yes No "Yes No Yes No Yes No Matanuska Electric Association Tow Chugach Electric Association City of Seward 0nv) Alaska Energy Authority Municipal Light &Power uu v " Golden Valley Electric Association ” ” A -Homer Electric Association Reo First Second'First Second First Second First Second First Second Roll call from top to bottom ending with Chair Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Matanuska Electric Association Chugach Electric Association City of Seward Golden Valley Electric Association Alaska Energy Authority Municipal Light &Power Homer Electric Association Next Meeting:TBD (Change GYZR_suko Pr Prehop OW Figucs oat formula for buy m cost. )25.9%yeorlMUPpechsnGp2Mwadedrorcosh.Thén yeorly Sand runway Sok expense un FutureV2tehundedtononParhcipubts ob bord Hime? Vb to buy iw wl eo nekie, Pay pon 4 dav stBepayPorshowdy BL Cop} Sem -Ast slb BC\ne losses -Should nat clo umht WéO \hgadeon saved,aval Lee&Bra to Workout issues Taris [condction i lout-g ot+ procmemeat-._Wants tm pa by»Stope.Tale current &medhy,Declare whe is ner laddins can 06TTaein develope ocope -Putin wervting atl iS net YiddingMLaP"Nob biddingWhe1seltesddr>Meeks atale (ro4 lane »CPCS need beAShisastodedkeciston?WNtn oud of BEMC Members,MLP Marle Sobknston di Y diapece old dravungsABDDowyand TefF-Comm Cepoct0&D leaoing,equrp Vs Purccranve Lease Cnuregch on Nous .Leadering Crane,sb purchaseLeger|purchase.aphon tparisn "3 Gonslt Peried-Be accounhen Red Act+fo-oxeaki down cer Ow-ORMmatiay procedurse chanws BY VarkG*SP oO.P Fe £07 7Canwae Bucke-spreadsheet of Wow sowl allocatedO€D *0 renee Fr BeXSFinance-Max pro \oas >Study Mh-isie REP TAs.Next Meehng -Budogt Cudyuchtten” \[.20