HomeMy WebLinkAboutBPMC- Workshop- July 21, 2017BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE BATTLE CREEK WORKSHOP Friday,July 21,2017 10 a.m. Alaska Power Association Conference Room 703 W.Tudor Rd,Suite 200,Anchorage,AK To participate by phone,dial 1-888-585-9008 and use code 467 050 126. AGENDA 1.Update on Battle Creek Current Status AEA 2.Finance Options Chugach,AEA a.Utility Finance b.AEA Finance c.CREBS Finance 3.Project Management and Procurement AEA 4.Participating Arrangements and Agreements 5.Schedule 'SMIRG McDOWELL RACKNER GIBSON PC MEMORANDUM TO:BPMC FROM:Kirk Gibson DATE:June 28,2017 RE:BPMC Management of the Battle Creek Diversion Project -A framework for moving forward with development of the Battle Creek Diversion Project if not all Bradley Lake Output Purchasers want to participate At the June meeting of the Bradley Lake Project Management Committee (BPMC),|was tasked with drafting a resolution and developing a framework within which the Battle Creek Diversion Project (BCD Project)could move forward with less than all the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project Participants. Accompanying this memorandum are a draft resolution setting forth the terms and conditions under which participation in the costs and benefits of the BCD Project as Optional Project Work under the Power Sales Agreement will be managed by the BPMC and an Attachment to the Resolution setting forth the framework of how the BCD Project will be incorporated into the Bradley Lake Project policies and procedures.As noted in an earlier memorandum,there are considerable complexities involved in the identification of the costs and benefits associated with the Battle Creek Project and the associate allocation of water that will be used for power production. The basic assumptions underlying the conceptual approach used for developing a framework within which the BCD Project could move forward with less than all the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project Participants are as follows: 1.The provisions of the Power Sales Agreement and any of the documents, agreements,and understandings generally referred to as the Bradley Lake Agreements,where applicable,will be used to manage the energy generated and delivered from the BCD Project. main:503 595 3922|fax:503 595 3928 |www.mrg-law.com419SW11thAve,Sulte 400 |Portland,Oregon 97205-2605 June 28,2017 2.The financing of the BCD Project will be handled separately from the Bradley Lake Project financing. 3.The Bradley Lake Output Purchasers choosing to participate in the development of the BCD Project will hold harmless the Bradley Lake Output Purchasers not participating in the BCD Project from any costs associated with the development of the BCD Project. 4.Achange in voting requirements for any matters involving the BCD Project is recommended to assure that all Bradley Lake Output Purchasers,whether participating or not,are treated fairly.This recommended change requires a greater majority for decisions regarding BCD Project (e.g.,water allocation, allocation of costs associated with development and O&M). 5.There Is a small revenue component ($0.001/kWh)added to the cost of energy generated from the water provided by the BCD Project that is processed by Bradley Lake Project to offset the indirect costs associated with the BCD Project.This charge is in lieu of determining overhead allocations, amount of extra maintenance costs due to incremental operations,etc.,of processing and delivering energy produced because of the development of BCD Project. 6.The Resolution contains a provision that allows those Bradley Lake Project Output Purchasers not wanting to participate in developing the BCD Project now to delay the participation (or a portion)of the opportunity. 7.The Operator Is tasked with developing the methodology and procedures for tracking all costs involved or associated with the BCD Project which will be included as an Exhibit to the Attachment 1 to the Resolution. 8.The Operator is tasked with developing the methodology and procedures for tracking and allocating water associated with the BCD Project which will be included as Exhibit to the Attachment 1 to the Resolution. Note:The cost allocations concerning the BCD Project will be undertaken by the BPNC at the time Annual Project Costs are determined. 2 -BCD Project Development Framework Draft RESOLUTION OF BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE RESOLUTION NO.2017 -01;Battle Creek Diversion Project Purpose:Resolution No:2017-01,and the terms and conditions set forth in Attachment 1 to Resolution No.2017-01 Battle Creek Diversion Project Framework,set forth the terms and conditions under which participation in the costs and benefits of the Battle Creek Diversion Project ("BCD Project”)as Optional Project Work under the Power Sales Agreement will be managed by the Bradley Lake Project Management Committee ("BPMC'). RESOLUTION WHEREAS,Chugach Electric Association,Inc.("Chugach”),Golden Valley Electric Association,Inc.("GVEA"),Homer Electric Association,Inc.("HEA"),the Municipality of Anchorage d/b/a Municipal Light and Power ("ML&P”),Matanuska Electric Association,Inc. ("MEA'),and the City of Seward ("Seward"),are the purchasers of the power generated by Bradiey Lake Hydroelectric Project ("Bradley Lake Project")(hereinafter referred to jointly as the "Bradley Lake Output Purchasers”and individually as a "Bradley Lake Output Purchaser'); WHEREAS,the Bradley Lake Output Purchasers along with the Alaska Energy Authority ("AEA")constitute the BPMC; WHEREAS,the BPMC has authorized preliminary work comprised of completing design, environmental,and bid-related documents on the BCD Project as Optional Project Work under the Power Sales Agreement; WHEREAS,not ail Bradley Lake Output Purchasers desire to participate in the development of the BCD Project at this time; WHEREAS,some of the Bradley Lake Output Purchasers want to preserve their ability to participate in the costs and benefits of the BCD Project at a later date; WHEREAS,the Bradley Lake Output Purchasers choosing to participate in the development of the BCD Project wish to hold harmless the Bradley Lake Output Purchasers not participating in the BCD Project from any costs associated with the development of the BCD Project; WHEREAS,the Bradley Lake Output Purchasers choosing to participate in the development of the BCD Project wish to provide an opportunity for the Bradley Lake Output Purchasers choosing to delay their participation in the BCD Project so long as the Bradley Lake Output Purchasers choosing to delay their participation in the BCD Project reimburse the Bradley Lake Output Purchasers choosing to participate In the development of the BCD Project for an equitable portion of the reasonable cost incurred to develop the BCD Project prior to the time their respective participation begins; Page 1 of 3 -Resolution 2017-01 Battle Creek Diversion Project WHEREAS,since the BCD Project will be using the facilities of the Bradley Lake Project to achieve the benefits to be derived from the BCD Project,the Bradley Lake Output Purchasers choosing to participate in the development of the BCD Project wish to provide financial support for the use of facilities of the Bradley Lake Project; WHEREAS,the financing for the BCD Project will be privately obtained by the utilities involved with the BCD Project,and the BCD Project financing will have no effect on the Bradley Lake Project Power Revenue Bond Resolution ("Bond”)and related bond covenants assoclated with the Bradley Lake Project; WHEREAS,this Resolution No.2017-01 along with the Power Sales Agreement and the BPMC Bylaws provide the authorization and the ability to the BPMC to manage the allocation of costs and benefits of the BCD Project should not all the Bradley Lake Output Purchasers choose to participate in the BCD Project; NOW,THEREFORE,IT IS HEREBY RESOLVED BY THE BPMC,that the costs and benefits of the BCD Project as Optional Project Work under the Power Sales Agreement should not affect the rights,duties,and obligations of the Bradley Lake Output Purchasers;and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE BPMC,that the costs and benefits associated with the BCD Project shall be allocated by the BPMC to only those Bradley Lake Output Purchasers choosing to participate in the BCD Project;and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE BPMC,that the Bradley Lake Output Purchasers choosing not to participate in the BCD Project will not bear any costs or suffer any adverse effect due to the BCD Project;and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE BPMC,that the Bradley Lake Output Purchasers choosing not to participate in the BCD Project but choosing to participate in the BCD Project at a later date shall contribute an equitable portion of the reasonable cost incurred to develop the BCD Project as determined by the BPMC;and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE BPMC,that the costs and benefits of the BCD Project shall be managed and allocated in accordance with this Resolution No.2017-01 and the terms and conditions set forth in Attachment 1 to this Resolution No.2017-01 Battle Creek Diversion Project Framework as part of the BPMC process for determining Annual Project Costs for the Bradiey Lake Project;and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE BPMC,that the above Recitals be incorporated and made part of to this Resolution No.2017-01. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE BPMC,that this Resolution No.2017-01 and the terms and conditions set forth in Attachment 1 to this Resolution No.2017-01 Battle Creek Diversion Project Framework,must be approved by the affirmative vote of at least five (5) representatives of the Bradley Lake Output Purchasers,whose percentage shares of the output from the Bradley Lake Project are greater than fifty-one percent (51%),plus the affirmative vote of the AEA;and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY THE BPMC,that after approval of this Resolution No. 2017-01,any changes,approvals,authority,and/or determinations made in the future pursuant to this Resolution No.2017-01 and the terms and conditions set forth in Attachment 1 to this Page 2 of 3 -Resolution 2017-01 Battle Creek Diversion Project Resolution No.2017-01 Battle Creek Diversion Project Framework,shall require the affirmative vote of at least five (5)representatives of the Bradley Lake Output Purchasers,whose percentage shares of the output from the Bradley Lake Project are greater than fifty-one percent (51%)plus the affirmative vote of the AEA. Dated at Anchorage Alaska,this __day of July 2017. Chair Attest: Secretary Page 3 of 3 -Resolution 2017-01 Battle Creek Diversion Project Draft ATTACHMENT 1 TO RESOLUTION OF BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE RESOLUTION NO.2017-01;Battle Creek Diversion Project Battle Cr:Diversion Project Fram The costs and benefits of the Battle Creek Diversion Project (BCD Project”)shall be managed in accordance wth Resolution No.2017-01 and the terms and conddions set forth in this Attachment 1 to Resolution No.2017-01 Battle Creek Diversion Project Framework as follows: A.General Applicability of Bradiey Lake Project Provisions: 1. 2. The provisions of the Power Sales Agreement and any of the documents,agreements, and understanding generally referred to as the Bradley Lake Agreements,where applicable,wil'be used to manage the energy generated and delivered from the BCD Project. The BPMC wiil be the final arbiter on any issue Involving the BCD Project and the Bradley Lake Project and/or the Bradley Lake Output Purchasers,and any such issues shall be resolved In accordance with the vating requirements set forth in Resolution No. 2017-01. 6.BCD Project Capacity: 1.The origina!shares of Bradley Lake Project capactty,i.e.,Chugach (30.4%),GVEA(16.9%),HEA (12.0%),ML&P (25.9%),MEA (13.8%),and Seward (1.0%)will not changeinanymanner,Leaees cecece teeese Sener c eee ln pec eeeteeeeeetee a The right to the capacity of the BCD Project shall Initiaty be allocated to all Bradley Lake Output Purchasers iIn accordance with their respective shares of Bradley Lake Projectcapacity. The Bradley Lake Output Purchasers not desiring to maintain their respective shares [ora@specificpercentageoftheirrespectiveshares)of BCD Project capacity shall declaretheirforfeitureofeligibility{o participate in the BCD Project.Shares of the BCD Project that are forfeited shall be placed into a pool ("BCD Pool")and permanently redistributed to those remaining Bradley Lake Output Purchasers wishing to participate in the BCD Project and reallocated in accordance with their respective percentage of shares of the BCD Project capacity. Page 1 of 3-Attachment 1 to Resolution 2017-01 Com 6 (kk1]:That inchudes pond 4 capacity,Gradiey inflows,cost of maintainingandoperating Gradiey|Lake Project,bond repayment obligation,ete 3 Commented [k2]:Does the 8PMC want to provideths tosture? 4.The Bradiey Lake Output Purchasers desiring to maintain their respective shares (or a percentage of ther respective shares)of BCD Project capacity but not immediatelyparticipateintheBCDProjectmaytransfertheirrespectiveshareforaperiodofyears(not (Commented [5:3]:Does the BPMC want to providethis feeture?}to exceed fears)to the BCD Pool on an interim basis.Shares of the BCD Project (Cormmentad [k4]:should this be a one-time oppornuty?capacity that are placed Into the BCD Pool will be redistributed to those Bradley Lake =(oouaortea ps]:aOutputPurchaserswishingtoparticipateintheBCDProjectinaccordancewiththeircarconventtdeaieayvoveensthennetwomned respective percentage of shares of the BCD Project capacity.Any amounts still not used by the original Bradley Lake Output Purchaser after the period of years Indicated during the Initial election of that Bradley Lake Output Purchaser,shall forfeit their right to Participate at that level. 5.Exhibit A to this Atlachment 1 Ittustrates the manner which the BCD Pool will reallocate shares of BCD Project capacity not taken. C.BCD Project Cost Responsibility: 1.The amounts contributed to date by the Bradley Lake Output Purchasers not participating in the BCD Project shall be rembursed by the Bradley Lake Output Purchasers participating In the BCD Project.The costs associated with this reimbursement shall be allocated to the remaining Bradlay Lake Output Purchasers participating In the BCD Project in accordance with thelr respective percentage share of the BCD Project capacity. 2.The Operator for Bradley Lake Project will be required to develop and propose for BPMC approval the methodology and procedures for tracking all costs involved or assoclated with the BCD Project,such approval by the BPMC shail be in accordance with the voting requirements set forth in Resolution No.2017-01.The methodology and procedures for tracking af costs involved of associated with the BCD Project will be included as Exhibit qoBtothisAttachment1.yw 3.The financing of the BCD Project will be handled separately from the Bradley Lake Project Qavow'™ifmancing.The costs of financing the BCD Project shall be fully recoverable from,and ontallocatedtoonlythoseBradleyLakeOutputPurchasersparticipatinginBCDProject.The oy .allocation of the costs associated with the financing of the BCD Project _fie..principal,ral 5 i.imerest"andotheranacaledfinancing cos's and fees)wil be determned by the BPMC at.wT)'9 CowthetimeoftheAnnualProjectCostsforheBradieyLakePraectaredeveoped.The weret é Lake Project accounting process and will instead be pa d by the individual utilityassigned designated payments for financing the BCD Project will not be part of the normal Bradley the costr si 'organ iding the financing,7 4 |?saute-ppente ;7 4.Alt of the costs associated with the BCD Project shalt be determined and allocated * wtiicludingcostofFinancing)dunng the determination of the Annual Project Costs for theBiadlayLakeProjetThecosesesocsTedWirtheBCDProjectshallbeaseparate iedéurchargeamountforthoseBradleyLakeOuipulPischasers.pacticigatingintheBCD weProjectandshallbeshownonaschedulesimdarinformtotheScheduleCaccompanyingY|is ,the Bradley Lake pProject determinations of "Monthly Utilty Contributions.”arePage2of3-Atlaciment 1 lo Resalulion 2017-01 5.|n lieu of determining overhead allocations and other costs incidental to the operation and maintenance of the BCD Project,there wil be a surcharge of $0.001/kWh for each kWh of generation for the BCD Project.Moreover,any revenues received in excess of the budgeted costs associated with the BCD Project and the Bradley Lake Project in a given year will be distributed to the Bradley Lake Output Purchasers in accordance wih their respective shares of Bradley Lake Project capacity;oe,;.Commented [k6]:This is done for efficiency and seemsteatonadiegiventheuseoftheBradleyLakefacilitiesbythe 8CD 6.Only those Bradley Lake Output Purchasers participating In the BCD Project shall be role. required to pay should there be a requirement to add funding for the BCD Project. D.BCD Project Water Tracking &Allocation: 1.The Operator for Bradley Lake Project will be required to develop for BPMC approval the methodology and procedures for the tracking and allocation of water;such approval by the BPMC shail be in accordance with the voting requirements set forth in Resolution No. 2017-01.The methodology and procedures for tracking and allocating water associated with the BCD Project wif be included as Exhibit C to this Aftachment. Page 3 of 3 -Attachmett 1 to Resolulion 2017-01 Alaska Energy Authority West Fork Upper Battle Creek Project Financing Alternatives July 21,2017 PFM Financial 1200 Fifth Avenue Fred Eoff Advisors LLC Suite 1220 206.858.53770 pfm.com Seattle,WA 98101 eofff@pfm.com pfm This page intentionally helt bhank. ©PFM Period Ending_ December 2017 June 2018 December 2018 June 2019 December 2019 July 2020 December 2020 Project Construction Summary Cost Project Component $500,000 5,000,000 15,000,000 7,000,000 12,000,000 1,000,000 6,000,000 $46,500,000 Bid preparation Mobilization and planning Road construction &pipe order Receive pipe and begin installation Pipe installation Diversion dam Diversion Project completion Bradley Lake Existing Debt Year Ending Total Debt (July 1)First Series Third Series Fourth Series -_Sixth Series Service 2017 $6,250 $6,073,800 $4,663,400 $1,683,050 $12,426,500 2018 31,250 4,664,000 8,082,850 17,442,100 2019 29,687 4,662,300 8,086,600 17,440,887 2020 28,125 4,657,400 8,093,250 17,436,175 2021 26,563 4,658,700 6,768,000 16,111,963 $121,875 $6,073,800 $23,305,800 $32,713,750 $80,857,625 Bond Covenants &Credit Factors Q) Q 0Maintain the Capital Reserve Fund in an amount equal to the lesser of Maximum Annual Debt Service or 10%of the proceeds of Bonds Additional Bonds requires Project Management Committee approval of the proposed Capital Improvement and opinion of Consulting Engineer that the proposed bonds and/or the project cost will not impair the ability of the Authority to pay Debt Service through collection of revenues under the Power Sales Agreement Covenant to charge and collect from each Power Purchaser their respective Percentage Share of Annual Project Costs. FERC license expiration in 2034 Power Sales Agreement in place Bond Ratings (Moody's A2,S&P A+) CQ)Assumes rating confirmation at Moody's A2 and S&P A+ L)Projected market pricing as of July 18,2017 C)70%CREB subsidy currently subject to 6.9%sequestration reduction ©PFM Current Market Bond Pricing Standard CREB Year Tax-Exempt*Taxable*Subsidy Net Cost 7/1/21 1.510%2.200%-1.540%0.660% 7/1/22 1.640%2.400% -1.680%0.720% 7/1/23 1.810%2.660% -1.862%0.798% 7/1/24 1.940%2.850% -1.995%0.855% 7/1/25 2.100%3.100% -2.170%0.930% 7/1/26 2.260%3.350%-2.345%1.005% 7/1/27 2.430%3.610% -2.527%1.083% 7/1/28 2.540%3.720% -2.604%1.116% 7/1/29 2.640%3.810% -2.667%1.143% 7/1/30 2.740%3.900% -2.730%1.170% 7/1/31 2.810%3.950% -2.765%1.185% 7/1/32 2.880%3.990% -2.793%1.197% 7/1/33 2.940%4.020%-2.814%1.206% 7/1/34 3.000%4.040%-2.828%1.212% 7/1/35 3.030%4.060% -2.842%1.218% 7/1/36 3.060%4.080% -2.856%1.224% _7/1/37 3.080%4.100% -2.870%1.230% 7/1/38 3.010%4.110% -2.877%1.233% 7/1/39 3.120%4.120%-2.884%1.236% 7/1/40 3.140%4.130%-2.891%1.239% 7/1/41 3.160%4.140% -2.898%1.242% 7/1/42 3.180%4.150% -2.905%1.245% 7/1/43 3.190%4.160% -2.912%1.248% 7/1/44 3.200%4.170% -2.919%1.251% 7/1/45 3.210%4.180% -2.926%1.254% 7/1/46 3.220%4.190% -2.933%1.257% 7/1/47 3.230%4.200% -2.940%1.260% (@)Scenario 1 -Standard Tax-Exempt Series A Par Amount of Bonds $42,750,000 Reoffering Premium 7,198,096 Total Sources $49,948,096 Project Fund $46,503,721 Capital Reserve Fund $2,922,000 Costs of Issuance 522,375 Total Uses $49,948,096 Structure Factors: ()$46,500,000 base project cost Q)Capital Reserve funded @ lesser of 10%or Maximum Annual Debt Service Q)Bonds callable 10 years @ par (100%) ©PFM ©Scenario 1 Debt Service Net Year Principal Interest Total P&I Debt Service 7/1/17 7/1/18 $1,603,125 $1,603,125 $1,603,125 7/1/19 2,137,500 2,137,500 2,137,500 7/1/20 2,137,500 2,137,500 2,137,500 7/1/21 780,000 2,137,500 2,917,500 2,917,500 7/1/22 820,000 2,098,500 2,918,500 2,918,500 7/1/23 860,000 2,057,500 2,917,500 2,917,500 7/1/24 905,000 2,014,500 2,919,500 2,919,500 7/1/25 950,000 1,969,250 2,919,250 2,919,250 7/1/26 1,000,000 1,921,750 2,921,750 2,921,750 7/1/27 1,050,000 1,871,750 2,921,750 2,921,750 7/1/28 1,100,000 1,819,250 2,919,250 2,919,250 7/1/29 1,155,000 1,764,250 2,919,250 2,919,250 7/1/30 1,215,000 1,706,500 2,921,500 2,921,500 7/1/31 1,275,000 1,645,750 2,920,750 2,920,750 7/1/32 1,340,000 1,582,000 2,922,000 2,922,000 7/1/33 1,405,000 1,515,000 2,920,000 2,920,000 7/1/34 1,475,000 1,444,750 2,919,750 2,919,750 7/1/35 1,550,000 1,371,000 2,921,000 2,921,000 7/1/36 1,625,000 1,293,500 2,918,500 2,918,500 7/1/37 1,705,000 1,212,250 2,917,250 2,917,250 7/1/38 1,790,000 1,127,000 2,917,000 2,917,000 7/1/39 1,880,000 1,037,500 2,917,500 2,917,500 7/1/40 1,975,000 943,500 2,918,500 2,918,500 7/1/41 2,075,000 844,750 2,919,750 2,919,750 7/1/42 2,180,000 741,000 2,921,000 2,921,000 7/1/43 2,290,000 632,000 2,922,000 2,922,000 7/1/44 2,400,000 517,500 2,917,500 2,917,500 7/1/45 2,520,000 397,500 2,917,500 2,917,500 7/1/46 2,650,000 271,500 =2,921,500 2,921,500 7/1/47 2,780,000 139,000 _2,919,000 2,919,000 $42,750,000 $41,954,375 $84,704,375 $84,704,375 ©PFM ©PFM Par Amount of Bonds Reoffering Premium Total Sources Project Fund Capital Reserve Fund UW Discount col Costs of Issuance Total Uses Structure Factors:OoooooodoScenario 2 -CREB Blend Tax-Exempt Taxable Issue CREB Series A Series B Series C Summary $40,000,000 $6,410,000 $1,900,000 $48,310,000 1,079,081 1,079,081 40,000,000 7,489,081 1,900,000 49,389,081 0 39,521,841 6,972,086 13,026 46,506,953 440,500 1,864,300 2,304,800 260,000 41,665 12,350 314,015 217,346 34,830 10,324 262,500 477,346 76,495 22,674 576,515 $39,999,187 $7,489,081 $1,900,000 $49,388,268 $46,500,000 base project cost Maximum CREB allocation of $40-million Utilize tax-exempt series to complete project funding Utilize second taxable series to fund Capital Reserve deposit CREB subsidy @ 70%of issue interest Currently,federal sequestration reduces subsidy by 6.9% CREB proceeds cannot be used to fund deposits to Capital Reserve {and capitalized interest) Q Scenario 2 Debt Service Interest 6.9%Net Federal Net Year Principal Interest Total P&I Subsidy Seq Loss Subsidy Debt Service 7/1/17 7/1/18 $1,434,570 $1,434,570 $797,217 ($55,008)$742,209 $692,361 7/1/19 1,912,760 1,912,760 1,062,956 (73,344)989,612 923,148 7/1/20 1,912,760 1,912,760 1,062,956 (73,344)989,612 923,148 7/1/21 $1,455,000 1,912,760 3,367,760 1,062,956 (73,344)989,612 2,378,148 7/1/22 1,470,000 1,877,390 3,347,390 1,043,090 (71,973)971,116 2,376,273 7/1/23 1,485,000 1,838,860 3,323,860 1,021,250 (70,466)950,783 2,373,076 7/1/24 1,500,000 1,796,317 3,296,317 996,857 (68,783)928,074 2,368,242 7/1/25 1,525,000 1,750,664 3,275,664 970,523 (66,966)903,557 2,372,107 7/1/26 1,540,000 1,700,634 3,240,634 941,662 (64,975)876,688 2,363,946 7/1/27 1,560,000 1,646,569 3,206,569 910,239 (62,807)847,433 2,359,136 7/1/28 1,585,000 1,588,099 3,173,099 875,999 (60,444)815,555 2,357,544 7/1/29 1,615,000 1,527,025 3,142,025 840,324 (57,982)782,341 2,359,683 7/1/30 1,635,000 1,463,411 3,098,411 803,386 (55,434)747,952 2,350,458 7/1/31 1,670,000 1,397,666 3,067,666 765,166 (52,796)712,369 2,355,296 7/1/32 1,695,000 1,329,706 3,024,706 725,903 (50,087)675,816 2,348,890 7/1/33 1,725,000 1,260,055 2,985,055 685,823 (47,322)638,501 2,346,554 7/1/34 1,755,000 1,188,652 2,943,652 645,020 (44,506)600,514 2,343,138 7/1/35 1,785,000 1,115,638 2,900,638 603,449 (41,638)561,811 2,338,827 7/1/36 1,820,000 1,041,005 2,861,005 561,245 (38,726)522,519 2,338,486 7/1/37 1,855,000 964,495 2,819,495 518,262 (35,760)482,502 2,336,993 7/1/38 1,890,000 886,145 2,776,145 474,495 (32,740)441,755 2,334,390 7/1/39 1,925,000 806,063 2,731,063 430,189 (29,683)400,506 2,330,557 7/1/40 1,960,000 724,245 2,684,245 385,198 (26,579)358,620 2,325,625 7/1/41 2,000,000 640,731 2,640,731 339,521 (23,427)316,094 2,324,637 7/1/42 2,035,000 555,265 2,590,265 293,153 (20,228)272,925 2,317,339 7/1/43 2,080,000 468,050 2,548,050 246,092 (16,980)229,111 2,318,938 7/1/44 2,120,000 378,624 2,498,624 198,335 (13,685)184,650 2,313,974 7/1/45 2,165,000 287,232 2,452,232 149,879 (10,342)139,538 2,312,694 7/1/46 2,210,000 193,619 2,403,619 100,723 (6,950)93,773 2,309,846 7/1/47 2,250,000 97,820 -2,347,820 50,715 (3,499)47,216 2,300,604 7 -$48,310,000 $35,696,821 $84,006,821 $19,562,580 ($1,349,818)$18,212,762 $65,794,059 ©PFM ©PFM Summary of Alternatives Tax-Exempt CREB Blend Total Debt Service ,$84,704,375 $84,006,821 Total Net Debt Service $84,704,375 $65,794,059 Debt Service PV $49,356,750 $37,681,554 TIC %3.777%1.75%(est) Tax-Exempt: ()Single series,less complex CREB Blend Alternative: )Significantly reduced borrowing cost LJ Greater complexity of execution L)Subject to successful application for allocation Aaa ER ehOMT@pIMECOM BPMC 7/21/17 Battle Creek Update Engineering &Permits e FERC Dam Safety Project Manager (PM)has reviewed design and plans.PM said just a couple of minor comments. e DNR land lease amendment has finished agency &public comment.DNR Final Finding & Decision with management for review.Once signed then 20 day appeal period by commenters. e ACOE wetland application ACOE PM believes falls under Nation General Permit. e Fish Habitat Plan approval by FERC Licensing. e ADF&G Title 16 Fish Habitat Permit determined not needed by ADF&G. Budget Expected funding needed through bid is: $200K -Complete Design bid documents (electrical),agency responses,Pre-bid meeting,bidder site visit,addendums,bid evaluations,and survey flagging for brushing contractor.Survey &flagging late August,Request for Proposals start September,Bids due end of November. $140K -Brushing (estimated).Have estimate from brushing contractor and it appears cost should be performed for substantially less than $140K.This work is a construction activity and would reduce estimated construction bid. $25K -Contingency $35K -AEA staff time $400K Total Schedule Schedule below may vary by a couple of days.However,time to perform a site visit &bid project is quickly running out for this fall.Site may be snow free and non-stormy in October but cannot be counted on. 2017 May 30 -Utility meeting.Who is in/out,financing,agreements June 28 -BPMC June 29 -AEA Board Meeting (Utility presentation)Aus 10 Bore)Res litoAugust1-Utility funds for bid 'ecumenism August 21 -Start Route marking &brushing Sept 5 -Financing arranged Sept -Pre Notice Sept 6 -Bid documents to Utilities for review Sept 12 -Comments due back from Utilities on Bid Documents Sept 14 -RFP Sept 19-21-NHA&USSD at Girdwood Sept 22 -Contractor Site visit (AEA &DOWL arrive evening Thursday 21.*) Sept 25 -Pre Bid at Anchorage Nov 15 -Proposals due Dec 31 -Award 2018 Road construction 2019 Install pipe 2020 Divert water to Bradley Lake with cofferdam &construct permanent dam. Diversion &dam construct may occur during 2019 depending on contractor, West Fork Upper Battle Creek Project Management &Organization Alaska Energy Authority (AEA)is the project owner and licensee of the Project.As such,the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC)holds AEA responsible for anything that happens on the project. Attached is the FERC filing section that shows Organization and Staffing Responsibilities from the Quality Control and Inspection Plan draft. A brief summary of project management: AEA Project Management Bryan Carey has managed more than 20 project at remote locations across Alaska.Many of the projects had challenging logistics and weather.He is responsible for all correspondence to and from FERC.He will be in the office and only travel to the site during critical periods. Kirk Warren with ten-year experience as an ADOT engineer will provide assistance. Owners engineer DOWL is one of the three largest ADOT engineering contractors.Two employees/subcontractors will normally be on-site full time.Other people will be onsite on an as- needed basis (blasting). AEA Contracting AEA Procurement has four contracting officers that formerly worked at the Alaska Department of Transportation contracting.They have substantial experience working with bid contractors. Utility Participation Utilities will designate a person responsible to participate in contractor meetings,daily reports from the field,Change Order Requests,Design Clarification Verification Requests,and participate in weekly teleconferences with the Field Engineer.It is expected that utilities will participate in design,cost,& schedule changes with AEA prior to contract amendments. Utility personnel are encouraged to perform site visits during construction. Procurement of Project Project will be solicited as a Request for Proposal (RFP)so that price will be approximately 60%-70%of the evaluation.AEA would require a performance bond of $100 million which insures only large experienced contractors will propose on the project. 2.0 ORGANIZATION AND STAFFING RESPONSIBILITIES 2.1 RESPONSIBILITIES OF VARIOUS ORGANIZATIONS AEA is the owner of the Bradley Project (FERC No.8221)and the WFUBC Diversion Project. AEA is assigned the responsibility and authority to monitor compliance and enforce all provisions of the FERC license,including those with regard to the QCIP.AEA staff will be on- site as required throughout the duration of the project. DOWL is the Designer and QCIP Manager of the WFUBC Diversion Project.DOWL personnel will: e Provide oversight,coordination,management and documentation of the QCIP implementation; e Provide on-site field engineering and inspection personnel to observe and document construction activities and provide quality assurance (QA)during construction; e Provide on-site environmental inspection and reporting for erosion control and environmental compliance; e Provide design review and on-call field engineering services;and e Coordinate owner laboratory testing services. Specialized Consultants,such as a blasting consultant will be subcontracted through DOWL as necessary.DOWL will coordinate and manage the role of special consultants. A materials testing laboratory will be selected by AEA for the owner-supplied materials testing.The selection of the materials testing laboratory will be a competitive process complying with State of Alaska procurement regulations.DOWL may compete for the Owner's testing contract.DOWL cannot provide materials testing services to the construction contractor as this would not maintain DOWL independence. 2.2.NUMBER OF STAFF AND AVAILABILITY REQUIRED The on-site quality control staff will vary over time depending on the activities and intensity of construction effort by the construction contractor.In general,there will be two full-time on-site staff -the Field Engineer (FE)and the General Inspector.During periods of production rock excavation (planned during first season)it is anticipated that the geotechnical inspector will be on-site full time to review blasting,evaluate the rock cut slopes for stabilization measures and to review foundation conditions.During the second season,it is anticipated that there may be simultaneous diversion dam construction and pipeline installation that could require two Inspectors to be on-site for a period of time.A qualified Environmental Inspector will be needed to perform daily inspections of the Environmental Compliance Monitoring Plan (ECMP)included as Attachment 1 of this QCIP.It is anticipated that the FE and the General Inspector will be qualified as Environmental Inspectors to fulfill that role without requiring additional personnel. Engineering on-site technical reviews will be conducted by the appropriate design engineer on an as-needed basis to complete specialized inspections.The QCIP includes back-up staff for key roles of FE and General Inspector that would be available when additional staff are needed or when key staff must be away from the site. West Fork Upper Battle Creek Diversion Page 3 Quality Control and Inspection Plan -DRAFT April 2017 2.3 TITLES,DUTIES,AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF STAFF The following AEA and DOWL staff have been identified as having major roles in the execution of the WFUBC Diversion Project.An Organization Chart is included in Appendix A.Resumes of QCIP staff are included in Appendix C.The various staff shall function within their job descriptions and shall report within the lines of authority as indicated generally below. Table 1 presents a summary of the staff members participating in the construction of the Project,their role,and frequency of on-site presence. Table 1:Summary of Project Staff Responsibilities 'On Site|Name Role Company Presence _ Bryan Carey,P.E.Project Manager AEA As Required Betsy McGregor Environmental Compliance AEA As Required -QCIP Management Team QCIP Manager .Jason Thom,P.E.Engineer of Record DOWL As Required Bruce Hicks Field Engineer DOWL Full-Time ::DOWL :Walter Robson,P.E.Backup Field Engineer Subconsultant As Required QCIP Support Team Russell Reed Civil Engineering DOWL As Required veremian Holland,Geotechnical Engineering DOWL As Required Scott acam 8,P.E.,Structural Engineering DOWL As Required Christopher Davis,:..DOWL/EPS . PE Electrical Engineering Subconsultant As Required TBD Blasting Engineering TBD As Required Construction Support Kirsten Valentine,P.E.Civil Inspector DOWL Full-Time Paul Pribyl Geotechnical Inspector DOWL As Required A.William Stoll,P.S.Survey DOWL As Required TBD Backup Inspector DOWL As Required Concurrent Role;.j FE,Inspectors Environmental Inspector DOWL Full-Time Independent Testing Firms TBD Materials Testing TBD As Required 2.4 DESCRIPTION OF DUTIES ANDRESPONSIBILITIES OF QCIP STAFF The primary responsibilities of the QCIP Staff are: e Performing inspections,tests,and documenting the quality control process. e Daily reporting of activities,work completed,quantities,weather,etc, West Fork Upper Battle Creek Diversion Quality Control and Inspection Plan --DRAFT Page 4 April 2017 e Reporting all work requiring corrections, e Organizing,recording,and evaluating the results of inspections and tests as well as supervising testing by others, e Planning and scheduling tests and determining the validity of test results, e Assuring that the quality of work is acceptable and in accordance with the contract documents, e §=6Verifying the quality and quantity of work performed, e Monitoring the safety of the work performed,and e Monitoring the environmental impact of the work performed. As outlined in Table 1,the QCIP staff provide of a well-rounded team of on-site,office engineering,and independent testing firms.The specific roles and responsibilities of the key staff within these groups is briefly presented in the following sections. 2.4.1 AEA Staff AEA Project Manager -Bryan Carey,P.E. Bryan Carey will serve as the Project Manager (PM)and is responsible for the overall execution of the work.He shall be responsible for overall scheduling,forecasting,and reporting to the FERC.The PMis located off-site but shall make regular visits to the site for the duration of the Contractor's work. AEA Environmental Compliance Manager -Betsy McGregor A qualified Environmental Compliance Manager (ECM)will monitor the project during construction activities to ensure compliance with environmental measures,management plans, final license and permits as well as overseeing that the environmental protective measures are working effectively to protect surrounding resources.The AEA ECM will perform site visits as needed to confirm the construction contractor's compliance and to coordinate with the on-sight Environmental Inspector that is performing the daily duties.Betsy McGregor will serve as the AEA ECM. 2.4.2 DOWL Staff QCIP Manager/Engineer of Record -Jason Thom,P.E. Jay Thom,P.E.will serve as the QCIP Manager and will be responsible for the execution of the QCIP.He is also the Engineer of Record for the project and will lead the technical support team.Jay will be available on-site as required to observe the construction,review compliance with Plans and Specifications,and interface with the construction and QCIP staff.The QCIP Manager communicates with the AEA Project Manager for contractual issues and items related to the logistics of the WFUBC Diversion Project. Field Engineer/Assistant QCIP Manager -Bruce Hicks The Field Engineer/Assistant QCIP Manager (referred to as FE in this report)shall be on-site during the entire construction period.He/she shall observe,monitor,and document work West Fork Upper Battle Creek Diversion Page 5 Quality Control and Inspection Plan -DRAFT April 2017 performed by the Contractor to monitor compliance with the Construction Plans and Specifications and environmental safeguards.The FE shall communicate with the QCIP Manager regarding technical issues and interpretation of the Construction Documents.The FE shall have a minimum of five years of experience overseeing construction projects that involve roadways,pipelines and concrete structures. Bruce Hicks has been selected to provide the FE services for this project.Bruce has over 35 years of experience working in various lead roles for construction projects. The following activities shal!be performed by the FE or under his/her direction: e Be responsible for on-site QA including the oversight and review of the Contractor's quality control (QC)activities. e Oversee inspection of workmanship and materials received at the site. e Coordinate and direct the inspection,sampling,and testing activities to provide the daily inspection records,nonconformance reports,progress photographs,and QA/QC reports. e Set up and maintain QCIP record documentation.Document all inspection activities and report results to the QCIP Manager and Contractor. e Coordinate activities between the Contractor(s)and other parties to the construction. e Produce daily construction reports,progress pay estimates and other documentation. A qualified backup FE will also be designated by DOWL in case the FE is unavailable or off-site. The backup FE will provide the duties of the FE as needed.The backup FE will also provide capacity for additional staffing if needed.Walter (Rob)Robson,P.E.is proposed as the Backup FE.He will subcontract services to DOWL and his resume is included in Appendix B Inspectors DOWL Inspectors shall perform inspection and on-site observations under the direction of the FE and coordinate and review testing defined in Section 6.0 Material Testing.They shall communicate the results of all test results to the FE who shall forward the results to the QCIP Manager and Contractor.Inspectors shall immediately inform the FE of any deficiency known to exist in the work and any laboratory test results. The General Inspector will be on-site full-time when the work level requires inspecting for compliance with the plans and specifications and to observe and document the construction activities.The Backup Inspector will perform the duties of the General Inspector when the General Inspector is absent and will also serve as an additional inspector if needed.The General and Backup Inspectors shall have a minimum of two years of experience on similar construction projects and shall be proficient in quality control procedures of earthwork,pipelines and concrete structures.Kirsten Valentine,P.E is the General Inspector.Kirsten has seven years of experience performing engineering design,construction inspection and environmental inspection. The Geotechnical Inspector will be on-site during periods that require inspection and Engineer direction of geotechnical aspects such as rock cut slopes,foundation preparation,and grouting. The Geotechnical Inspector shall have a geotechnical engineering or geology degree with two years of experience.The Geotechnical Inspector may also serve as a backup inspector for the West Fork Upper Battle Creek Diversion Page 6 Quality Control and Inspection Plan -DRAFT April 2017 General Inspector.Paul Pribyl,M.S.is the Geotechnical Inspector.Paul has been the project Geologist during the final design of this project and has six years of experience in geology and geotechnical analyses as well as construction and environmental inspection throughout Alaska. The Surveyor shall be a licensed land surveyor in the State of Alaska.Survey duties will be to provide verification surveys,develop periodic progress quantity measurements and to survey the completed project to produce Record Drawings.The project surveyor will be Willie Stoll,LS. Willie has been responsible for the monitoring surveys at Bradley Dam for the past three years and provided the ground control for the topographic mapping of this project. The need for specialty inspectors shall be evaluated throughout the course of construction. Their qualifications and scope of work (SOW)shall be added to the QCIP by revision. Engineering Support Team The discipline leaders that were responsible for the final design of the project will remain active in the QCIP program providing technical support and project familiarity.The discipline leaders will perform submittal review and approvals,respond to construction questions and clarifications,and oversee special inspections as requested by the Field Engineer.As the Engineer of Record for the project,Jason Thom,P.E.will oversee and coordinate the engineering support during the construction phase.The following key technical staff members will provide support on an as-needed basis and their resumes are included in Appendix C: e Russ Reed led the civil and hydraulic design effort and was responsible for preparation of the Specifications and the Design Report.Russ is familiar with all aspects of the design and construction documents and will serve as a primary lead in the technical support. e Jeremiah Holland,P.E.was responsible for the geotechnical design aspects.He will be oversee or perform the geotechnical and foundation special inspections and will have technical oversight responsibility for the Geotechnical Inspector. ¢Scott Adams,P.E.,S.E.was the responsible structural engineer for the design.Scott will review structural details and will perform or oversee structural special inspections. e Christopher Davis,P.E.of EPS is a sub-consultant to DOWL that is responsible for the electrical engineering.Chris will oversee technical aspects of the electrical power and controls. 2.4.3.Supplemental Staff Testing Laboratory --TBD Supplemental materials testing activity will be performed by a materials testing firm as directed by the QCIP Manager and FE.Required testing and testing frequencies is provided in Section 6.0. West Fork Upper Battle Creek Diversion Page 7 Quality Control and Inspection Plan -DRAFT April 2017 Blasting Consultant -TBD The Blasting Consultant will be a specialty consultant working as a subconsultant to DOWL. The Blasting Consultant shall be responsible for review of the overall blasting plan and significant modifications to blasting procedures made during the course of construction.The blasting engineer shall make an initial site visit to review the blasting procedures and initial blasts;inclucing field procedures,blasting,and post-blast inspections.The Blasting Consultant shall be available to provide support throughout the duration of the Project. 2.5 LINES OF COMMUNICATION AND AUTHORITY All communication with the Contractor regarding contractual issues shall be through the AEA Project Manager or QCIP Manager.The FE shall interface daily with the Contractor's on-site personnel to coordinate and document technical and QA requirements.The FE shall communicate regularly with the QCIP Manager regarding the progress of work being performed and any problems or deficiencies that occur.The QCIP Manager shall coordinate administrative aspects of the work between the Contractor and AEA. In the event a significant technical problem arises,DOWL subject matter experts shall be apprised of the situation.They shall provide technical feedback to the QCIP Manager for resolution of the problem. 2.6 APPROVAL AND REJECTION OF WORK The approval and rejection of work shall be the responsibility of the QCIP Manager.The QCIP Manager shall use the Construction Plans and Specifications as the guide for judging the acceptability of the work.Engineering judgment may supplement the Construction Plans and Specifications requirements when the quality of the work would be equal to or greater than that presented in the Construction Plans and Specifications. 2.7 AUTHORITY TO STOP WORK The QCIP Manager and FE will have authority to stop work if the work is not being performed in accordance with the Plans,Specifications,and permits.A stop work can be issued based on testing results or any other QC,environmental,or safety related issue.DOWL subject matter experts,inspectors,environmental staff,and testing laboratories shall be able to recommend the stop or rejection of work. 2.8 STATEMENT OF INDEPENDENCE FERC requires the separation of authority between construction personnel and QC personnel. All non-AEA parties involved in QCIP activities are under separate contract to AEA to provide services associated with the construction of the project.No AEA or DOWL staff shall have an interest in,or be dependent on,any Contractor or Vendor working on the Project. 2.9 RESUMES Appendix B includes résumés of QCIP personnel. West Fork Upper Battle Creek Diversion Page 8 Quality Control and Inspection Plan -DRAFT April 2017 3.0 QUALITY CONTROL AND INSPECTION 3.1 INSPECTION CRITERIA All WFUBC Diversion Project personnel shall function within the framework of this QCIP. Inspection criteria shall be consistent with the Contract Plans and Specifications,approved submittals,test and inspection procedures,safety procedures,environmental permits and other state and federal regulatory requirements. The inspection criteria are provided in the Construction Plans and Specifications.A material testing schedule is provided in Section 6.0 Material Testing.In all cases the inspection criteria shall have the primary objective of compliance with the Contract throughout the course of the work. 3.2 KNOWLEDGE OF CONTRACT PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS WFUBC Diversion Project personnel shall be familiar with the WFUBC Diversion Project Construction Plans,Specifications,AEA safety policies,and applicable state and federal regulations.DOWL prepared the construction drawings and specifications under the direction of Jason Thom,P.E.as the Engineer of Record who is also the QCIP manager.The lead design engineers for each specialty discipline are included on the technical support team. The QCIP personnel identified herein are knowledgeable with the requirements of the Construction Specifications and this QCIP.Any one or all of these persons shall discuss the requirements and purposes of the work with the Contractor's personnel prior to and during the execution of the work. 3.2.1 Pre-Construction Conference Prior to the start of construction,a pre-construction conference shall be held.The intent of the conference is to: e Review AEA safety policies and discuss safety concerns; e Review WFUBC Diversion Project specific safety requirements related to working in or around confined spaces,Bradley Lake Dam,Upper Battle Creek,and on steep slopes of the Upper Battle Creek drainage; e Inform the contractor of AEA's management structure and administrative requirements; e Highlight to the Contractor the responsibilities and authority of each individual involved with the Contract; e Provide all parties involved with the construction an opportunity to identify any potential problem areas such as material delivery,public convenience problems,or public safety; e Stress importance of maintaining up-to-date record drawings; e Stress importance of compliance with permits and approvals (e.g.,environmental permits,SWPPP [Storm Water Pollution Protection Program]requirements,right of way, right of entry,etc.);and e Answer questions or clarify the intent of wording or notes in the Plans and/or Specifications. West Fork Upper Battle Creek Diversion Page 9 Quality Control and Inspection Plan -DRAFT April 2017 3.3.INSPECTION EQUIPMENT AND RESOURCES Inspection equipment shall consist of measurement equipment,field concrete,pipe and soils testing equipment,and other related equipment and tools required to verify the quality of the work.Testing laboratories under contract with AEA shall provide the necessary equipment for sampling and testing concrete,soils,pipe,and other applicable construction materials. 3.4 CONTRACTOR OPERATIONS The Contractor will operate independently from AEA and QCIP personnel and will retain responsibility for satisfactory performance and site safety.This allows the Contractor,within the limitations of the Contract;to choose his/her own methods,schedules,material,and equipment. The Contractor is required to provide a detailed schedule of the work prior to initiating on-site activities to assure the planned activities are consistent with specified requirements.It is the responsibility of AEA and QCIP personnel to verify that the Contractor meets all contractual obligations.QCIP personnel must inspect and verify,rather than direct or control,the Contractor's field construction operations. 3.5 COORDINATION WITH CONTRACTOR'S SCHEDULE The Contractor(s)shall be required to provide adequate notice when inspection or testing services are necessary before proceeding with construction.Weekly progress and construction meetings shall be held with QCIP personnel and the Contractor,with the scheduling of inspections as a part of the meeting agenda. 3.6 QUALITY CONTROL INSPECTION PROGRAM OPERATIONS QCIP personnel are responsible for verifying that the construction work is performed in accordance with to Contract Documents and WFUBC Diversion Project procedures.The QCIP Manager;FE,and Inspectors are responsible for immediately advising the Contractor of nonconforming work so the work can be corrected.The QCIP Manager and FE have the authority to stop work if inadequate QC efforts are identified.The Contractor is required to assign an in-charge Superintendent on-site to receive directives regarding quality issues. Protocols for other Contractor employees receiving quality-related directives shall be developed by the Contractor. All communications with the Contractor regarding interpretations of the Contract shall be conducted through the QCIP Manager.The QCIP Manager may seek the assistance from the AEA Project Manager to evaluate the Contractor's performance,progress,changes to the SOW, or other questions that may arise during the performance of the work. 3.7 FREQUENCY OF INSPECTIONS Inspections shall be completed on a full-time basis while work is being performed.In general, daily on-site inspections shall be performed by the FE to observe Contractor QC procedures and independently document construction activities.The FE may be assisted as needed by designated Inspectors.The following subsections describe the three general level-of-effort categories that inspection efforts are separated into as well as the frequency of QA reviews for each construction activity. West Fork Upper Battle Creek Diversion Page 10 Quality Control and Inspection Plan -DRAFT April 2017 3.7.1 Inspection Level-of-Effort Categories Level 1.Construction activity in this category is full time and shall be inspected by the FE and/or designated Inspector each time it occurs.Inspection may require field sampling and laboratory testing of materials.These personnel shall oversee and review Contractor QC procedures and documentation to verify that they are in accordance with industry standards and items on the Contractor's QC inspection checklist.Each inspection shall be documented at the time of the inspection. Level 2.Construction activity in this category shall be inspected by the FE and/or designated Inspectors periodically as it occurs.Inspection may require field sampling and laboratory testing of materials.These personnel shall oversee and review Contractor QC procedures and documentation to verify that they are in accordance with the Contractor's QC inspection checklist.Inspections shall be documented at the time of the inspection. Level 3.General inspection surveillance of the construction activity in this category shall be provided.The level of inspection effort shall be determined by the Principal Engineer.Each inspection shall be documented at the time of inspection. Table 2 summarizes the inspection level of efforts for the major activities of the WFUBC Diversion Project. Table 2:Levels of Inspection for Major Activities Level oItemInspection General Site Preparation 3 Clearing and Grubbing 3 Erosion Control*2 Blasting Observations &Post-Blasting Inspections 1 Access Road Construction 3 Stabilized/Anchored Rock Wall Construction 2 Pipe Installation -Joining of Pipe 1 Pipe Installation -Placement in Trench &Backfill 2 Slope Stabilization 2 Diversion Dam &Intake Structure Foundation Preparation 1 Cofferdam/Creek Diversion Construction 1 Reinforced Concrete Construction -Pre-Concrete Placement (Foundation,Form Work,&Reinforcement 2 Inspections)Reinforced Concrete Construction -Concrete Placement 4(Concrete Sampling &Placement Observation) Electrical Installation 3 Mechanical Equipment Installation &Instrumentation 3Installation Equipment,Electrical,and Instrumentation Testing 1 *Refer to Erosion and Sediment Control Plan (ESCP) West Fork Upper Battle Creek Diversion Page 11 Quality Control and Inspection Plan -DRAFT April 2017 Bradley Lake Project Management Committee Workshop -Alaska Online Public Notices Page 1 of 1 STATUS:Active Bradley Lake Project Management Committee Workshop ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY (AEA) Bradley Lake Project Management Committee Notice is hereby given that the Bradley Lake Project Management Committee will hold a Battle Creek workshoponFriday,July 21,2017 at 10 a.m.Portions of the meeting may be in Executive Session.For additional information contact Teri Webster at 907-771-3074. This meeting will be conducted by electronic media pursuant to AS 44.62.310 at the following location:Alaska Power Association Conference Raom,703 W.Tudor Rd,Suite 200,Anchorage,Alaska; A teleconference line has been set up for those unable to attend in person.Dial 1-888-585-9008,Enter Code 467-050-126#. The public is invited to attend.The State of Alaska (AEA)complies with Title li of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.Disabled persons requiring special modifications to participate should contact AEA staff at 907- 771-3074 to make arrangements. 'Attachments,History,Details Attachments Details None .Commerce,Community andDepartment.Economic Development Revision History Category:Public Notices Created 7/13/2017 1:53:40 PM by Docataney statewidetawebster: Modified 7/13/2017 1:54:05 PM by 'Details]Project/Regulation #: tawebster Publish Date:7/13/2017 Archive Date:7/22/2017 Events/Deadlines: httpg://aws.state.ak.us/OnlinePublicNotices/N otices/View.aspx?id=1 86460 7/13/2017 BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE K BATTLE CREEK WORKSHOP Friday,July 21,2017 10 a.m. Alaska Power Association Conference Room 703 W.Tudor Rd,Suite 200,Anchorage,AK To participate by phone,dial 1-888-585-9008 and use code 467 050 126. AGENDA 1.Update on Battle Creek Current Status AEA 2.Finance Options Chugach,AEA a.Utility Finance b.AEA Finance c.CREBS Finance 3.Project Management and Procurement AEA 4.Participating Arrangements and Agreements 5.Schedule BPMC 7/21/17 Battle Creek Update Engineering &Permits e FERC Dam Safety Project Manager (PM)has reviewed design and plans.PM said just a couple of minor comments. e DNR land lease amendment has finished agency &public comment.DNR Final Finding & Decision with management for review.Once signed then 20 day appeal period by commenters. e ACOE wetland application -ACOE PM believes falls under Nation General Permit. e Fish Habitat Plan approval by FERC Licensing. e ADF&G Title 16 Fish Habitat Permit determined not needed by ADF&G. Budget Expected funding needed through bid is: $200K -Complete Design bid documents (electrical),agency responses,Pre-bid meeting,bidder site visit,addendums,bid evaluations,and survey flagging for brushing contractor.Survey &flagging late August,Request for Proposals start September,Bids due end of November. $140K -Brushing (estimated).Have estimate from brushing contractor and it appears cost should be performed for substantially less than $140K.This work is a construction activity and would reduce estimated construction bid. $25K -Contingency $35K -AEA staff time S$400K Total Schedule Schedule below may vary by a couple of days.However,time to performa site visit &bid project is quickly running out for this fall.Site may be snow free and non-stormy in October but cannot be counted on. 2017 May 30 -Utility meeting.Who is in/out,financing,agreements June 28 -BPMC June 29 -AEA Board Meeting (Utility presentation)'0 Bore)Recl AoAusAugust1-Utility funds for bid 'ocumens August 21 -Start Route marking &brushing Sept 5 -Financing arranged Sept -Pre Notice Sept 6 -Bid documents to Utilities for review Sept 12 -Comments due back from Utilities on Bid Documents Sept 14 -RFP Sept 19-21-NHA &USSD at Girdwood Sept 22 -Contractor Site visit (AEA &DOWL arrive evening Thursday 21.*) Sept 25 -Pre Bid at Anchorage Nov 15-Proposals due Dec 31-Award 2018 Road construction 201 oOInstall pipe 2020 Divert water to Bradley Lake with cofferdam &construct permanent dam. Diversion &dam construct may occur during 2019 depending on contractor. Teri Webster From:Urban Greens Urban Greens <urbanorders@hotmail.com> Sent:Wednesday,July 19,2017 1:27 PM To:Teri Webster Subject:Re:Order for Friday-confirmation Hi, This is a confirmation email for Friday's delivery order Thanks, Noam Urban Greens 9072760333 On Ju!19,2017,at 8:51 AM,Teri Webster <twebster@aidea.org>wrote: Please deliver the following order on Friday at 12N. 1 Large sandwich platter (no veggie)$60 1 Regular platter (one veggie ok)$50 1 Garden salad $36 2 dozen cookies $20 20 bags of chips $20 10 assorted sodas and 10 waters $20 Delivery charge $10 Total $216 Please deliver to: Alaska Power Association 703 W Tudor Rd,Suite 200 Anchorage 771-5700 -Contact at this location is Melissa Zuke Please call me for the credit card number as I will not be at the above location. Thank you, Teri Webster Executive Assistant Bradley Lake Project Management Committee Workshop Friday,July 21,2017 @ 10:00 am. **PLEASE WRITE LEGIBLY** __NAME ORGANIZATION BC4u "Byol Cause AGO K RM Giescdb Bene Chup pcl,ClecteteFEZ Bad Melod ke Dowl. f |ache CL.Corl leehe SDOBenteSIUZLS.CUBLJ- Sochlyn Garner AGA "Snen da Arplegace REA key Ad (er PeA Ducle Fre dirMacha Brenda Vraa 3 Ex.ly PertohisonSensBuahersMaskSoRnsonSefFWwWMaredohnstonQNenWoolFF CorySolin Foutz. |avy newt bo Sherr Name Bernie Smith (bernies49@gmail.com) Brian Bjorkquist Brian Hickey Cory Borgeson Crystal Enkvist Emily Hutchison Foutz,John Janorschke,Brad Kirk Gibson,McDowell Rackner &Gibson PC Kirk H.Warren Lee Thibert Mark Johnston -MLP Michael E.Lamb Johnston,Mark A. Warner,Jeff A. Matthew J.Reisterer 'Tow "Br.Qa Ross a \2e- Attendance Response Required Attendee Accepted Required Attendee Accepted Required Attendee Accepted Required Attendee Accepted Required Attendee Accepted Required Attendee Accepted Required Attendee Accepted Required Attendee Accepted Required Attendee Accepted Required Attendee Accepted Required Attendee Accepted Required Attendee Accepted Required Attendee Accepted Optional Attendee Accepted Optional Attendee Accepted Optional Attendee Accepted a!oe+E 20 APA Contact Melissa Zeke TW1l-S 700 frea COLT Cytha Cartleage Amy