HomeMy WebLinkAboutBPMC July 28, 2017BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING REGULAR MEETING Alaska Energy Authority,Anchorage,Alaska July 28,2017 SI6 v 1.CALL TO ORDER Chair Borgeson called this telephonic meeting of the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project Management Committee to order at 10:01 a.m. 2.ROLL CALL FOR COMMITTEE MEMBERS Cory Borgeson (Golden Valley Electric Association [GVEA]);Michael Lamb (Alaska Energy Authority [AEA]);Lee Thibert (Chugach Electric Association [CEA]);Tony Izzo (Matanuska Electric Association [MEA]);Mark Johnston (Anchorage Municipal Light &Power [ML&P]);Brad Janorschke (Homer Electric Association [HEA]);and John Foutz (Seward). 3.PUBLIC ROLL CALL Bryan Carey,Kirk Warren,Brandi White,Amy Adler,Brenda Applegate and Teri Webster, (AEA);Brian Bjorkquist (Attorney General's Office);Crystal Enkvist (ARECA Insurance Exchange and Alaska Power Association);Paul Risse,Sherri Highers and Mark Johnson, (CEA);Bob Day,Emily Hutchinson and Larry Jorgensen (HEA);Kirk Gibson (McDowell Rackner Gibson,PC);Gary Kuhn (MEA);Jeff Warner and Molly Morrison (MLP);Ron Wolfe (GVEA); Bernie Smith. 4.PUBLIC COMMENTS Mr.Day heard from AEA that HEA's O&M contract would not support HEA doing any Battle Creek related work because it is outside of the O&M Bradley Lake.He would like to request an amendment to the contract to allow HEA to assist in any Battle Creek work.Mr.Lamb stated that the brushing work is related to the Battle Creek project and per procurement laws,any work done for Battle Creek would need to be competitively bid.AEA is aware of the urgency and is working on this.Chair Borgeson asked the O&D Committee to look into it with AEA. 5.AGENDA APPROVAL MOTION:Mr.Lamb made a motion to approve the agenda.Motion seconded by Mr. Johnston. The agenda was unanimously approved. 6.NEW BUSINESS A.Annual Election of Officers The Bylaws call for an annual election of officers on the first meeting of the fiscal year. Mr.Foutz nominated Cory Borgeson from GVEA.Mr.Lamb asked if any utility has not served as chair yet.Homer Electric and City of Seward has not served as chair as far as anyone can recall.Mr.Lamb nominated Brad Janorschke from Homer Electric. BPMC Minutes 7/28/17 Page |of 4 A vote was taken:MEA -Cory;Seward -Cory;AEA -Brad;ML&P -Brad;CEA -Brad;HEA - Brad;GVEA -Cory. Brad Janorschke was named the new Chair.Chair Janorschke took over the meeting.He thanked Cory for his work the last couple of years and for keeping the BPMC going in the right direction. Nominations were taken for the Vice Chair and Cory Borgeson was nominated and elected.The office of Secretary/Treasurer remains with AEA under the bylaws. B.BATTLE CREEK BUDGET AMENDMENT Motion:Mr.Johnston made the following motion and was seconded by Mr.Thibert. Move that the Bradley Lake Project Management Committee (BPMC)directs the Alaska Energy Authority (AEA)to proceed with completing the design bid documents,bidder site visit,bid evaluations,survey flagging for brushing contractor,and brushing which also includes a contingency and AEA staff time for the Battle Creek Diversion Project (Work),with a total cost of $400,000.Except as noted in this Motion below,this work shall be paid by the utilities desiring to promote the further development of the Battle Creek Diversion Project to AEA:Chugach Electric Association,Inc.;Homer Electric Association,Inc;and City of Seward;hereinafter referred to in this Motion as the "Battle Creek Participating Utilities.” And,further moved that the amended FY2018 budget is approved as presented and the funds provided by the Battle Creek Participating Utilities be deposited in the Battle Creek Participating Utilities Fund held by AEA.After the Work is complete,the Battle Creek Participating Utilities will be refunded the unspent funds using the same percentages as their respective contributions.Alternatively,AEA may use funds that any of the BPMC Participants have already individually contributed to the FY2018 Budget to pay for the Battle Creek Diversion costs.Any such amounts borrowed from the FY2018 BPMC Budget must be repaid by the respective utility affected. And,further moved that Golden Valley Electric Association,Inc.,Matanuska Electric Association,Inc.,and Municipal Light &Power,the BPMC member(s)choosing not to fund the Work at this time,will have the opportunity to fully participate in the Battle Creek Diversion Project in the future so long as they first provide notice,at some future date,of its wish to participate in the Battle Creek Diversion Project and reimburse the utilities participating in the Battle Creek Diversion Project their respective proportional share for the amounts paid to fund the Work. There was a discussion regarding when a non-participating utility can opt in.The group decided to negotiate the terms later on the timeline to opt in.Mr.Thibert asked MEA to reconsider participating so there would be a majority participation when this project is brought to the AEA board on August 10 for approval. Mr.Izzo stated he reviewed the cost and had a discussion with Mr.Thibert earlier in the morning and has a better understanding and does support the project. Mr.Izzo proposed an amendment to the motion to reflect Matanuska Electric Association as a participant.The motion was seconded by Mr.Lamb. BPMC Minutes 7/28/17 Page 2 of 4 Mr.Foutz asked for each participants share.Mr.Thibert calculated it as follows: Chugach Electric 53.15%$212,587;Matanuska Electric 24.12%$96,504;Homer Electric 20.98%$83,916;City of Seward 1.75%$6,993. Mr.Foutz expressed his concerns that this power might be taken away in the future by a utilitydecidingtonotparticipantanymore.Chair Janorschke stated an agreement between the participating utilities would need to be made later regarding notice time.He suggested a one or two-year notice so the remaining utilities have time to budget for the adjustment. Mr.Foutz asked what commitment is being made by the passing of this motion?Mr.Carey stated the motion would provide the funds to complete the design bid documents,evaluations and complete the brushing. Mr.Borgeson stated he needs to get his Boards approval to participate in the project but GVEA is not ready yet to commit so he is willing to wait.He is concerned the project is being rushed. Mr.Lamb explained the urgency is due to the NCREB allocation pool is dwindling from the IRS Treasury.The fund is down to $150M. Mr.Thibert stated his Board has approved the participation in the project and does see the urgency to get the CREB financing in place as soon as possible. Mr.Lamb called for question.Seconded by Mr.Thibert. Motion amendment accepted by Mr.Johnston. A vote was done to approve the following motion: Move that the Bradley Lake Project Management Committee (BPMC)directs the Alaska Energy Authority (AEA)to proceed with completing the design bid documents,bidder site visit,bid evaluations,survey flagging for brushing contractor,and brushing which also includes a contingency and AEA staff time for the Battle Creek Diversion Project (Work),with a total cost of $400,000.Except as noted in this Motion below,this work shall be paid by the utilities desiring to promote the further development of the Battle Creek Diversion Project to AEA:Chugach Electric Association,Inc.;Homer Electric Association,Inc;Matanuska Electric Association,Inc.,and City of Seward;hereinafter referred to in this Motion as the "Battle Creek Participating Utilities.” And,further moved that the amended FY2018 budget is approved as presented and the funds provided by the Battle Creek Participating Utilities be deposited in the Battle Creek Participating Utilities Fund held by AEA.After the Work is complete,the Battle Creek Participating Utilities will be refunded the unspent funds using the same percentages as their respective contributions.Alternatively,AEA may use funds that any of the BPMC Participants have already individually contributed to the FY2018 Budget to pay for the Battle Creek Diversion costs.Any such amounts borrowed from the FY2018 BPMC Budget must be repaid by the respective utility affected. And,further moved that Golden Valley Electric Association,Inc.,and Municipal Light & Power,the BPMC member(s)choosing not to fund the Work at this time,will have the opportunity to fully participate in the Battle Creek Diversion Project in the future so long as they first provide notice,at some future date,of its wish to participate in the Battle Creek Diversion Project and reimburse the utilities participating in the Battle Creek Diversion Project their respective proportional share for the amounts paid to fund the Work. BPMC Minutes 7/28/17 Page 3 of 4 The motion passed unanimously. 7.COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS Chair Janorschke assigned the O&D Committee to review the O&M agreement to see if HEA can support the Battle Creek project without going out to bid. 8.MEMBERS COMMENTS Mr.Lamb stated he is working diligently to get the financing done as soon as possible and working closely with CEA.He would like Sherri Highers at CEA to be the disbursement of information contact to AEA and be the contact for financing questions.She will work closely with the finance committee chair,Ron Wolf. Mr.Thibert confirmed Sherri will work closely with Ron Wolf and the finance committee.He thanked Cory for all his work the last couple of years as chair of the BPMC. Mr.Izzo stated he has not brought Battle Creek financing to his board yet.He needs the final numbers first.Mr.Janorschke stated once the AEA board approves the project on August 10th the team will work on getting the final financing plan in place for the utilities board to review.Mr. Lamb stated the financing plans being presented to the board will be shared ASAP to all of the utilities. Mr.Foutz stated he also needs to present the project to the city council and is waiting on the final financing plan.He also would like to request to have some utility CFO's present at his city council meeting to help explain the project and financing plan.Chair Janorschke stated that either some CFO's or finance committee members can go to Seward for the presentation. 9.NEXT MEETING DATE -August 18,2017 The next meeting date is August 18,2017. 10.ADJOURNMENT There being no further business for the committee,the meeting adjourned at 11:05 a.m. Alaska Energy Authority,Segrétary BPMC Minutes 7/28/17 Page 4 of 4 BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE TELEPHONIC REGULAR MEETING Friday,July 28,2017 10:00 a.m. TO PARTICIPATE IN THE MEETING,DIAL 1-888-585-9008 AND USE CODE 467 050 126. AGENDA 1.CALL TO ORDER 2.ROLLCALLFOR COMMITTEE MEMBERS 3.PUBLIC ROLL CALL 4.PUBLIC COMMENTS 5.AGENDA APPROVAL 6.NEW BUSINESS A.ANNUAL ELECTION OF OFFICERS B.BATTLE CREEK BUDGET AMENDMENT AEA 7.COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS 8.MEMBERS COMMENTS 9.NEXT MEETING DATE -AUGUST 18,2017 10.ADJOURNMENT BRADLEY LAKE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Regular Meeting -July 28,2017 Continued Funding of Battle Creek Diversion Project MOTION: Move that the Bradley Lake Project Management Committee (BPMC)directs the Alaska Energy Authority (AEA)to proceed with completing the design bid documents,bidder site visit,bid evaluations,survey flagging for brushing contractor,and brushing which also includes a contingency and AEA staff time for the Battle Creek Diversion Project (Work), with a total cost of $400,000.Except as noted in this Motion below,this work shall be paid by the utilities desiring to promote the further development of the Battle Creek Diversion Project to AEA:Chugach Electric Association,Inc.;Homer Electric Association, Inc;Matanuska Electric Association,Inc.,and City of Seward;hereinafter referred to in this Motion as the "Battle Creek Participating Utilities.” And,further moved that the amended FY2018 budget is approved as presented and the funds provided by the Battle Creek Participating Utilities be deposited in the Battle Creek Participating Utilities Fund held by AEA.After the Work is complete,the Battle Creek Participating Utilities will be refunded the unspent funds using the same percentages as their respective contributions.Alternatively,AEA may use funds that any of the BPMC Participants have already individually contributed to the FY2018 Budget to pay for the Battle Creek Diversion costs.Any such amounts borrowed from the FY2018 BPMC Budget must be repaid by the respective utility affected. And,further moved that Golden Valley Electric Association,Inc.,and Municipal Light & Power,the BPMC member(s)choosing not to fund the Work at this time,will have the opportunity to fully participate in the Battle Creek Diversion Project in the future so long as they first provide notice,at some future date,of its wish to participate in the Battle Creek Diversion Project and reimburse the utilities participating in the Battle Creek Diversion Project their respective proportional share for the amounts paid to fund the Work. Move:Mark Johnston Second:Lee Thibert Date:7/28/17 ICG BRADLEY LAKE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Regular Meeting July 28,2017 Continued Funding of Battle Creek Diversion Project MOTION: Move that the Bradley Lake Project Management Committee (BPMC)directs the Alaska Energy Authority (AEA)to proceed with completing the design bid documents,bidder site visit,bid evaluations,survey flagging for brushing contractor,and brushing which also includes a contingency and AEA staff time for the Battle Creek Diversion Project (Work), with a total cost of $400,000.Except as noted in this Motion below,this work shall be paid by the utilities desiring to promote the further development of the Battle Creek Diversion Project to AEA:Chugach Electric Association,Inc.;Homer Electric Association, Inc..fjand City of Seward);hereinafter referred to in this Motion as the "Battle Creek ficipating Utilities.” And,furthér moved that the amended FY2018 budget is approved as presented and the funds provided by the Battle Creek Participating Utilities be deposited in the Battle Creek Participating Utilities Fund held by AEA.After the Work is complete,the Battle Creek Participating Utilities will be refunded the unspent funds using the same percentages as their respective contributions.Alternatively,AEA may use funds that any of the BPMC Participants have already individually contributed to the FY2018 Budget to pay for the Battle Creek Diversion costs.Any such amounts borrowed from the FY2018 BPMC Budget must be repaid by the respective utility affected. And,further moved that Golden Valley Electric iation,Inc.,{Matanuska Electric(Associaton,Inc)and Municipal Light &Power (wat)the BPMC membe@\choosing'not to fund the Work at this time,will have the opportunity to fully participate in the Battle Creek Diversion Project in the future so long as they first provide notice,at some future date,of its wish to participate in the Battle Creek Diversion Project and reimburse the utilities participating in the Battle Creek Diversion Project their respective proportionalsharefortheamountspaidtofundtheWork(gd), Move: Second:Date: Mare Jchnsten FDA BRADLEY LAKE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Regular Meeting -July 28,2017 Continued Funding of Battle Creek Diversion Project MOTION: Move that the Bradley Lake Project Management Committee (BPMC)directs the Alaska Energy Authority (AEA)to proceed with completing the design bid documents,bidder site visit,bid evaluations,survey flagging for brushing contractor,and brushing which also includes a contingency and AEA staff time for the Battle Creek Diversion Project (Work),with a total cost of $400,000.This work shall be paid by the utilities desiring to participate in the further development of the Battle Creek Diversion Project to AEA at the following percentages:Chugach Electric Association,Inc.;Homer Electric Association,Inc.;and City of Seward;hereinafter referred to in this Motion as the "Battle Creek Participating Utilities.” And,further moved that the amended FY2018 budget is approved as presented and the funds provided by the Battle Creek Participating Utilities be deposited in the Battle Creek Participating Utilities Fund held by AEA.After the Work is complete,the Battle Creek Participating Utilities will be refunded the unspent funds using the same percentages as their respective contributions.Alternatively,AEA may use funds that any of the BPMC Participants have already individually contributed to the FY2018 Budget to pay for the Battle Creek Diversion costs.Any such amounts borrowed from the FY2018 BPMC Budget must be repaid by the respective utility affected. And,further moved that Golden Valley Electric Association,Inc.,Matanuska Electric Association,Inc.,and Municipal Light &Power (ML&P),the BPMC member choosing not to fund the Work,will have the opportunity to fully participate in the Battle Creek Diversion Project in the future so long as ML&P first reimburses the Battle Creek Participating Utilities their respective proportional share for the amounts paid to fund the Work and,provides notice,at some future date,of its wish to participate in the Battle Creek Diversion Project. Move: Second:Date: BRADLEY LAKE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE Regular Meeting -July 28,2017 Continued Funding of Battle Creek Diversion Project MOTION: Move that the Bradley Lake Project Management Committee (BPMC)directs the Alaska Energy Authority (AEA)to proceed with completing the design bid documents,bidder site visit,bid evaluations,survey flagging for brushing contractor,and brushing which also includes a contingency and AEA staff time for the Battle Creek Diversion Project (Work),with a total cost of $400,000.This work shall be paid by the utilities desiring to participate in the further development of the Battle Creek Diversion Project to AEA at the following percentages:Chugach Electric Association,Inc.{44.03%);Homer Electric Association,Inc.{46-20%),Matanuska-Eleciric-Asseciation,_tInc-4862%),Golden Vatey-Electric_Asseciation,_Ine.(22,80%)}:-and City of Seward+{4+.35%);hereinafter referred to in this Motion as the "Battle Creek Participating Utilities.” And,further moved that the amended FY2018 budget is approved as presented and the funds provided by the Battle Creek Participating Utilities be deposited in the Battle Creek Participating Utilities Fund held by AEA.After the Work is complete,the Battle Creek Participating Utilities will be refunded the unspent funds using the same percentages as their respective contributions.Alternatively,AEA may use funds that any of the BPMC Participants have already individually contributed to the FY2018 Budget to pay for the Battle Creek Diversion costs.Any such amounts borrowed from the FY2018 BPMC Budget must be repaid by the respective utility affected. And,further moved that Golden Valley Electric Association,Inc..Matanuska Electric Association,Inc.,and Municipal Light &Power (4L&P}-the BPMC members choosing not to fund the Work,wilt+-Shall_have the opportunity to fully participate in the Battle Creek Diversion Project in the future so long as ML&Pany one or all of the BPMC members not choosing to fund the original Work first reimburses the Battle Creek Participating tUtilities their respective proportional sishare for the amounts paid to fund theWork2 Second: Date:+------{Formatted:List Paragraph Woy BRADLEY LAKE MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE0)Regular Meeting -July 28,2017 Continued Funding of Battle Creek Diversion Project MOTION: Move that the Bradley Lake Project Management Committee (BPMC)directs the Alaska Energy Authority (AEA)to proceed with completing the design bid documents,bidder site visit,bid evaluations,survey flagging for brushing contractor,and brushing which also includes a contingency and AEA staff time for the Battle Creek Diversion Project (Work), with a total cost of $400,000.This work shall be paid by the utilities desiring to participate in the further development of the Battle Creek Diversion Project to AEA at the following percentages:Chugach Electric Association,Inc.(41.03%);Homer Electric Association, Inc.(16.20%);Matanuska Electric Association,Inc.(18.62%);Golden Valley Electric Association,Inc.(22.80%);and City of Seward (1.35%);hereinafter referred to in this Motion as the "Battle Creek Participating Utilities.” And,further moved that the amended FY2018 budget is approved as presented and the funds provided by the Battle Creek Participating Utilities be deposited in the Battle Creek Participating Utilities Fund held by AEA.After the Work is complete,the Battle Creek Participating Utilities will be refunded the unspent funds using the same percentages as their respective contributions.Alternatively,AEA may use funds that any of the BPMC Participants have already individually contributed to the FY2018 Budget to pay for the Battle Creek Diversion costs.Any such amounts borrowed from the FY2018 BPMC Budget must be repaid by the respective utility affected. And,further moved that Municipal Light &Power (ML&P),the BPMC member choosing not to fund the Work,will have the opportunity to fully participate in the Battle Creek Diversion Project in the future so long as ML&P first reimburses the Battle Creek Participating Utilities their respective proportional share for the amounts paid to fund the Work,plus any interest to make Battle Creek Participating Utilities whole,if any;and, provides notice of its wish to fully participate in the Battle Creek Diversion Project prior to the commencement of efforts by AEA and/or the BPMC to acquire project financing for the Battle Creek Diversion Project. Move: Second: Date: Amendment 1 -$400,000 Battle Creek -Non R&C -5 participants ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT 2018 DRAFT BUDGET AMENDMENT 1 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT 2018 Budget Contents Schedule Description Page # Overview of Budget Changes between FY18 Original Budget and FY18 Draft Amended Budget 3 Schedule A Budget Summary 4 Schedule A-1_Capital Purchases not funded by R&C 5 Schedule B Operations &Maintenance Budget 6-12 Schedule C Monthly Utility Contributions 13 Schedule D R&C Fund Disbursements and Repayments 14 7/21/20173:44 PMH:\Accounting\AEA FY 18 FS Shared Files\Bradley Lake\Budget\2018 BradleyBudgetAmendement-Draft-072817.x\sx 2 of 14 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Overview of Budget Changes between FY18 Original Budget and FY18 Draft Amended Budget FY18 Original Budgeted Utility Contributions -Battle Creek 0 From Schedule A EXPENSES 1)Increase in Non R&C Capital Projects-Battle Creek 400,000 400,000 Net change in utility contributions-Battle Creek 400,000 FY18 Draft Amended Budgeted Utility Contributions -Battle Creek 400,000 Notes: 1)Increase in Non R&C Capital Projects-Battle Creek Per the motion passed at the BPMC meeting on 07/28/17 -Move that the Bradley Lake Project Management Committee direct the Alaska Energy Authority to proceed with completing the Battle Creek design bid documents,bidder site visit,bid evaluations,survey flagging for brushing contractor,and brushing. The estimate cost of this work is $400,000 paid directly by the utilities out of the non R&C FY 2018 capital budget. 7/21/20173:44 PM2018 BradleyBudgetAmendement-Draft-072817.xlsxOverview Page 3 of 14 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Budget Summary Schedule A changes made by Amend1 highlighted FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 FY2018 FY2018 FY2018 INC(DEC)FRM ACTUALS ACTUALS AMENDED Original Amend 1 AMENDED PYAMENDEDREVENUES,EXPENSES &CHANGES IN SURPLUS BUDGET BUDGET Change DRAFTBUDGET BUDGET EVENUE: UTILITY CONTRIBUTIONS 16,680,264 17,828,513 19,543,371 19,819,362 0 19,819,362 275,991 UTILITY CONTRIBUTIONS-Battle Creek 0 0 800,000 0 400,000 400,000 (400,000) INTEREST INCOME 1,856,550 1,930,547 1,755,000 1,845,000 0 1,845,000 90,000 18,536,814 19,759,060 22,098,371 21,664,362 400,000 22,064,362 (34,009) EXPENSES OPERATIONS 3,977,749 4,273,634 5,154,110 4,593,387 0 4,593,387 (560,723) RENEWALS/REPLACEMENTS (R&C FUND REPAYMENTS)1,370,494 2,692,710 3,262,783 2,793,307 0 2,793,307 (469,476) NON R&C FUND CAPITAL PURCHASES-SEE A1 254,039 26,444 250,000 1,307,000 0 1,307,000 1,057,000 NON R&C FUND CAPITAL PURCHASES-Battle Creek 0 0 800,000 0 400,000 400,000 (400,000) TRANSFER TO (FROM)OPERATING RESERVE 160,366 (9,747)(85,531)(112,145)0 (112,145)(26,614) DEBT SERVICE (net of Capital Reserve Reductions)12,475,850 12,494,600 12,426,200 12,778,100 0 12,778,100 351,900 ARBITRAGE TRANSFER 298,316 281,419 290,809 304,713 0 304,713 13,904 18,536,814 19,759,060 22,098,371 21,664,362 |400,000 |22,064,362 |(34,009) CURRENT YEAR SURPLUS (DEFICIT)0 0 0 0 0 0 BEGINNING SURPLUS (DEFICIT)it)i!)0 0 0 0 ENDING SURPLUS (DEFICIT)3)0 0 0 0 0 E..mers all BALANCE SHEET ASSETS REVENUE FUND 431,911 385,309 0 0 0 0 OPERATING FUND 1,852,035 1,403,738 0 0 0 0 RECEIVABLE FROM R&C 20,212 1,055,961 0 0 0 t*) OTHER RECEIVABLES 520,416 0 0 0 0 0 PREPAID EXPENSES 52,258 85,194 0 0 0 0 2,876,832 2,930,202 (')0 0 0 LABILITIE URP| LIABILITIES 1,462,367 809,828 0 0 [s)0 PAYABLE TO UTILITIES O&M 1,394,253 1,064,413 0 0 0 0 PAYABLE TO UTILITIES R&C 20,212 1,055,961 0 0 0 [) 2,876,832 2,930,202 0 0 0 0 Sate aE a ES Mtg SARI di OTHER INFORMATION OPERATING RESERVE *1,084,100 1,116,353 1,030,822 918,677 0 918,677 MONTHLY CONTRIBUTIONS (FY18-accelerated over 6 months)1,507,894 1,654,119 1,628,614 3,303,227 )3,303,227 *Required to be 20%of budgeted operating expense 7/21/20173:44 PM2018 BradleyBudgetAmendement-Draft-072817.xisxSch A Page 4 of 14 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Capital Purchases Not Funded by R&C Fund Schedule A-1 changes made by Amend 1 highlighted FY15 FY16 FY17 Fy18 PROJECTED |APPROVED Capital Project Description ACTUALS ACTUALS ACTUALS BUDGET {Comments Repiace Fish Water Vatve Actuators -26,444 -- DCS Security Interface for Data Access 141,703 --- Lube Oil Purification System 47,723 --- Replace 1998 Chevrolet Crew Cab Vehicle 32,306 --- Replace 1990 Ford Single Cab Vehicle 32,306 --- Replace/Automate Fish Water Valves &Actuators ..25,000 225,000 Start in FY 2017 most of biting will be in FY2018 ($250,000 total -$25,000 FY17 and$225,000 FY18) .Currently the heavy equipment is stored outside in the weather.The D Hittle report noted theEquipmentstorageshed(unheated bus bam)--.100,000 deleterious effects of weather on the boom truck as well as the other equipment. Heavier truck for snow removal and general hauling to the dam as existing pick up trucks are ,often too small for the loads.This replaces the curranty 1999 plow truck.It should be noted1tonFlatbedwithPlow---85,000 |nat the Boom truck is near end of life and this truck will replace the hauling function of the boom truck. -..These two bridges are decaying and if not repaired they wil fail.Failure would be a veryBattleCreekBridgeRepairRefurbishment(2)-.182,000 expensive proposition as the bridges would need to be completely removed. Used to erect equipment building and assist in general construction like the bridge removal. Mobil Crane 40 to 50 tons (used)---100,000 [This Crane is required for general Plant support as the Boom Truck is nearing end of life (See D Hittle report). Slated for replacement in 2020 in D Hittle report.Updated amount based on NC Machinery web site.This is a critical piece of plant equipment used extensively for snow removal and te material handling the current loader is nearly 30 years old.It is difficult to get parts andReplaceMichiganLoader..350,000 |aterials for this equipment as Michigan is now owned by Volvo.We are seeing metal in the transmission of and this indicates potential failure.We are currently changing oi often to extend the life of the loader. Upgrade Crews Quarters Kitchen ...90,000 The Crews Quarters kitchen is in sore need of repair and refurbish.The current kitchen is 30yearsoldandisnotadequatetomeetanyhealthstandards. The existing ambulance is 29 years old.Though called an ambulancei is a vehicle dedicated for transport of an injured individual with first aid supplies on board,backboard,Replace 1988 Suburban Ambulance 85,000 stokes litter,splints,bandages,AED,oxygen and other first responder supplies.It is not possible to transport a person on a stretcher in a pickup truck in winter, 1/2 ton Pick up truck ---35,000 [Additional use truck for BLPP personnel The kitchens and bathrooms in the residences date from 1991 and are in poor to fairUpgradeResidencekitchens---75,000 |condition.They have seen 30 years of continuous use.This is to update all four kitchens in the residences. Replace existing H!O fighting with modem energy efficient light fixtures.Based on an energyReplaceHighBayLightinginPowerPlant20,000 |cost at Bradley of $.09 per KWh these fixtures will have a positive payback in 2 years,These {fotures will also reduce maintenance costs due to lack of the need to replace bulbs Totat Non R&C Capital Purchases paid for by all utilities 254,039 26,444 25,000 1,307,000 [Battle Creek Diversion |.-|-]800000]400,000] Total Non R&C Capital Purchases paid for by HEA,CEA,GVEA,MEA,Seward 7/21/20173:44 PM2018 BradleyBudgetAmendement-Draft-072817.xdsxSch A-1 Total Non R&C Capital Purchases 800,000 400,000 254,039 26,444 825,000 1,707,000 Page 5 of 14 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Operations &Maintenance Budget Summary Budget by Participant Schedule B HEA 3,052,652 HEA 3,365,387 HEA 3,209,154 HEA 2,704,303 CEA 553,000 CEA 408,098 CEA 190,187 CEA 183,499 AEA 1,814,850 AEA 1,808,280 AEA 1,754,770 AEA 1,705,585 FY15 FYI6 FY17 FY18 FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 Increase Amended (Over)Under Amended (Over)Under Amended Actual @ (Over)Under Approved (Decrease) Budget Actual Budget to date Budget Actual Budget to date Budget 12/31/16 |Budget to date Budget from PY Summary by cost type Labor &Benefits 1,986,848 1,713,440 273,408 2,143,223 1,738,336 404,887 2,005,079 744,386 1,260,693 1,889,814 (115,265) Travel 35,410 15,528 49,882 98,600 13,796 84,804 132,950 10,255 122,695 76,950 (56,000), Training 38,731 26,569 42,162 38,731 10,819 27,912 49,300 1,619 47,681 49,300 - Contractual 871,280 618,735 252,545 1,205,659 813,606 392,053 1,217,418 375,639 841,779 841,062 (376,356) Supplies &Materials 435,919 224,296 211,623 275,760 95,952 179,808 229,358 29,114 200,244 183,345 (46,013) Other Costs 593,797 225,712 368,085 451,846 375,357 76,489 381,744 111,062 270,682 387,818 6,074 Equipment &Machinery 30,130 23,711 6,419 33,130 6,051 27,079 11,500 850 40,650 7,000 (4,500) Maintenance Projects 60,000 27,414 32,586 13,000 3,457 9,543 ----- Administrative Costs 1,368,387 1,102,344 266,043 1,321,817 1,216,260 105,557 1,126,764 511,053 615,708 1,158,098 31,337 5,420,502 3,977,749 1,442,753 5,581,766 4,273,634 1,308,131 5,154,110 1,783,977 3,370,134 4,593,387 (560,723) FERC 535 -Operation Supervision &Engineering Operations Sup/Eng Bradley Lake Operating Labor &Benefits 291,632 282,780 8,852 304,235 321,664 (17,429)299,649 130,170 169,479 265,587 (34,062) Travel 8,610 12,894 (4,284)9,500 9,281 219 40,450 8,496 1,954 10,450 - Training 7,904 4,116 3,788 7,904 2,080 5,824 9,300 .9,300 9,300 - Contractual 1,445 -1,445 1,445 .1,445 1,400 -1,400 4,000 (400) Supplies &Materials 6,203 344 5,859 6,203 346 5,857 4,100 -4,100 4,000 (100) Bradley Lake Operating Total 315,794 300,134 15,660 329,287 333,371 (4,084)324.899 138.666 186,233 290,337 (34,562) FERC 535 -Operation Supervision &Engineering Total 315,794 300,134 15,660 329,287 333,371 {4,084)324,899 138,666 186,233 290,337 JHEA (34,562) FERC 537 -Hydraulic Expenses Hydraulic Expenses Bradley Lake Operating Labor &Benefits 95,056 76,200 18,856 95,273 81,677 13,596 92,746 33,446 59,300 94,453 1,707 Contractual 19,504 8,000 11,504 17,180 -17,180 4,000 §,647 (1,647)2,000 (2,000) Supplies &Materials 2,608 -2,608 2,608 1,277 1,331 2,900 179 2,721 2,000 (900) Bradley Lake Operating Total 117,168 84,200 32,968 115,061 82,954 32,107 99,646 39,272 60,374 98.453 (1,193) FERC 537 -Hydraulic Expenses Total 117,168 84,200 32,968 115,061 82,954 32,107 99,646 39,272 60,374 98,453 [HEA (1,193) 7/21/20173:44 PM2018 BradleyBudgetAmendement-Draft-072817.xIsxSch B Page 6 of 14 FYis FY16 FY17 FYi8 FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 Increase Amended (Over)Under Amended (Over)Under Amended Actual @ (Over)Under Approved (Decrease) Budget Actual Budget to date Budget Actual Budget to date Budget 12/31/16 |Budget to date Budget from PY FERC 538 -Electric Expenses Electric Expenses Bradley Lake Operating Labor &Benefits 224,000 234,351 (10,351)257,107 215,440 41,667 242,940 98,375 144,564 232,294 (10,646) Travel :-::--7,000 1,759 §,241 7,000 - Training 30,827 18,383 12,444 30,827 8,739 22,088 25,000 1,619 23,381 25,000 - Contractual 21,342 14,055 7,287 3,342 1,400 1,942 2,000 1,400 600 2,000 - Supplies &Materials 6,232 2,184 4,048 12,232 6,241 5,991 8,500 4,214 4,286 9,732 1,232 Bradley Lake Operating Total 282,401 268,973 13,428 303,508 231,820 71,688 285,440 107,367 178,072 276,026 (9,414) FERC 538 -Electric Expenses Total 282,401 268,973 13,428 303,508 231,820 71,688 285,440 107,367 178,072 276,026 JHEA (9,414) FERC 539 -Misc.Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses Misc Hydro Power Exp Bradley Lake Operating Labor &Benefits 192,000 114,373 77,627 189,473 158,532 30,941 178,991 73,876 105,116 179,530 539 Training -4,070 (4,070)-:-15,000 -15,000 15,000 - Contractual 239,571 142,752 96,819 315,249 285,812 29,437 297,048 95,836 201,212 287,525 (9,523) Supplies &Materials 94,878 18,473 76,405 22,000 419,041 2,959 17,900 7,258 10,642 17,900 - Bradley Lake Operating Total 526,449 279,668 246,781 §26,722 463,385 63,337 508,939 176,970 331,969 499,955 HEA (8,984) BRADLEY CIRCUITS/RADIO TO BERNICE LK Other Costs 30,000 28,740 1,260 30,000 31,059 (1,059)35,695 17,848 17,847 35,695 - BRADLEY CIRCUITS/RADIO TO BERNICE LK Total 30,000 28,740 1,260 30,000 31,059 (1,059)35,695 17,848 47,847 35,695 JHEA - BRADLEY CIRCUITS BERNICE LK TO ANCH Other Costs 30,000 31,485 (1,485)28,746 29,864 {1,118)29,773 14,770 15,003 29,773 - BRADLEY CIRCUITS BERNICE LK TO ANCH Total 30,000 31,485 (1,485)28,746 29,864 (1,118)29,773 14,770 15,003 29,773 |CEA - FERC 539 -Misc.Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses Total 586,449 339,893 246,556 585,468 524,308 61,160 $74,407 209,588 364,820 565,423 (8,984) FERC 540 -Rents FERC Land Use Fee Bradley Lake Operating Other Costs 180,000 137,230 42,770 183,000 279,876 (96,876)312,176 78,044 234,132 318,000 5,824 Bradley Lake Operating Total 180,000 137,230 42,770 183,000 279,876 (96,876)312.176 78,044 234,132 318,000 5,824 FERC 540 -Rents Total 180,000 137,230 42,770 183,000 279,876 (96,876)312,176 78,044 234,132 318,000 JAEA 5,824 7/21120173:44 PM2018 BradleyBudgetAmendement-Draft-072817.xtsxSch B Page 7 of 14 FY45 Fv16 FY17 FY18 FY1S FY16 FY17 FY18 Increase Amended (Over)Under Amended (Over)Under Amended Actual @ (Over)Under Approved (Decrease) Budget Actual Budget to date Budget Actual Budget to date Budget 12/31/16 |Budget to date Budget from PY FERC 541 -Maintenance Supervision &Engineering Maint Supervision/Eng Bradley Lake Operating Labor &Benefits 214,230 197,018 17,212 222,118 239,299 (17,181)224,284 94,624 129,660 272,586 48,302 Bradley Lake Operating Total 214,230 197,018 17,212 222.118 239,299 (17,181)224,284 94,624 129,660 272,586 48,302 FERC 541 -Maintenance Supervision &Engineering Total 214,230 197,018 17,212 222,118 239,299 (17,181)224,284 94,624 129,660 272,586 [HEA 48,302 FERC 542 -Maintenance of Structures Maintenance of Structures Bradley Lake Operating Labor &Benefits 96,200 75,264 20,936 95,273 89,890 §,383 92,746 33,368 §9,378 94,453 1,707 Contractual -.:-:-10,000 .10,000 10,000 - Supplies &Materials 64,273 10,009 54,264 61,273 23,398 37,875 53,713 398 §3,315 53,713 - Equipment &Machinery 8,500 10,769 (2,269)11,500 6,051 5,449 11,500 850 10,650 7,000 (4,500) Maintenance Projects 6,000 -6,000 4,000 1,827 2,173 ----- Bradley Lake Operating Total 174,973 96,042 78,931 172,046 121,166 50,880 167,959 34,616 133,343 165,166 (2,793) FERC 542 -Maintenance of Structures Total 174,973 96,042 78,931 172,046 121,166 50,880 167,959 34,616 133,343 165,166 [HEA (2,793) FERC 543 -Maintenance of Reservoirs,Dams &Waterways Maint Res,Dams,WWays Bradley Lake Operating Labor &Benefits 49,950 42,309 7,641 51,276 42,848 8,428 50,409 49,440 969 50,610 201 Contractual 28,769 630 28,139 5,200 9,080 (3,880)5,200 63,704 (58,504)6,500 1,300 Bradley Lake Operating Total 78,719 42,939 35,780 56.476 51,928 4,548 55,609 113,144 (57,535)57,110 1,501 BRADLEY NUKA REPAIR Contractuat ------15,000 409 14,591 15,000 - Supplies &Materials -787 (787)-------- Equipment &Machinery 21,630 12,942 8,688 21,630 -21,630 ----- BRADLEY NUKA REPAIR Total 21,630 13,729 7,901 21.630 :21,630 15,000 409 14,591 15,000 - BRADLEY POWER TUNNEL MAINT (Dam)} Contractual 56,000 43,131 12,869 20,000 3,673 16,327 15,000 311 14,689 15,000 . BRADLEY POWER TUNNEL MAINT (Dam)Total 56,000 43,131 12,869 20,000 3,673 16,327 15,000 314 14.689 15,000 - BRADLEY POWER TUNNEL DRAIN CLN/INSP (P/House) Maintenance Projects 9,000 -9,000 9,000 1,557 -..--- BRADLEY POWER TUNNEL DRAIN CLN/INSP (P/House)Total 9,000 -9,000 9.000 1,557 ------ FERC 543 -Maintenance of Reservoirs,Dams &Waterways Total 165,349 99,799 65,550 107,106 57,158 49,948 85,609 113,864 (28,255)87,110 JHEA 1,501 7/21120173:44 PM2018 BradleyBudgetAmendement-Draft-072817.xIsxSch B Page8of14 Fyis FY16 FY17 FY18 FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 Increase Amended {Over)Under Amended (Over)Under Amended Actual @ (Over)Under Approved (Decrease) Budget Actual Budget to date Budget Actual Budget to date Budget 12/31/16 |Budgettodate]|Budget||fromPY | FERC 544 -Maintenance of Electric Plant Maintenance of Elec Plant Bradley Lake Operating Labor &Benefits 379,600 323,757 55,843 381,093 336,417 44,676 370,983 134,127 236,856 379,102 8,119 Travel 2,800 158 2,642 3,500 3,270 230 4,500 -4,500 4,500 - Contractual 61,849 33,765 28,084 91,443 69,651 21,792 79,000 10,607 68,393 70,000 (9,000) Supplies &Materials 27,245 20,650 6,595 27,245 40,142 17,103 27,245 5,867 21,378 20,000 (7,245) Maintenance Projects 25,000 25,000 :-----bd :- Bradley Lake Operating Total 496.494 403,330 93,164 503.281 419,480 83,801 481,728 150,601 331,127 473,602 (8,126) FERC 544 -Maintenance of Electric Plant Total 496,494 403,330 93,164 503,281 419,480 83,801 481,728 150,601 331,127 473,602 [HEA (8,126) FERC 545 -Maintenance of Misc.Hydraulic Plant Maint of Mise Hydr Plant Bradley Lake Operating Labor &Benefits 95,680 78,186 17,494 95,273 94,653 620 92,746 33,825 58,921 94,453 1,707 Contractual 3,900 170 3,730 3,900 -3,900 3,900 -3,900 3,900 - Supplies &Materials 71,281 40,220 31,061 43,000 28,044 14,956 43,000 6,626 36,374 35,000 (8,000) Bradley Lake Operating Total 170,861 118,576 52,285 142,173 122,697 19,476 139,646 40,451 99,195 133,353 (6,293) BRADLEY FISH WATER DOSGN/MIDDLE FORK SHACK IMPR Contractual 30,900 -30,900 24,900 :24,900 20,000 -20,000 -(20,000) BRADLEY FISH WATER OSGN/MIDDLE FORK SHACK IMPR Total 30,900 -30,900 24.900 -24,900 20,000 -20,000 -(20,000) FERC 545 -Maintenance of Misc.Hydraulic Plant Total 201,761 118,576 83,185 167,073 122,697 44,376 159,646 40,451 119,195 133,353 JHEA (26,293) FERC 556 -System Control &Load Dispatching System Cntl &Load Disp Bradley Lake Operating Labor &Benefits 48,000 19,514 28,486 49,000 10,478 38,522 49,502 17,812 31,689 20,618 (28,884) Contractual 5,000 -§,000 8,500 31 8,469 60,500 2,364 58,136 53,000 (7,500) Supplies &Materials 6,199 2,297 3,902 6,199 4,090 2,109 6,000 1,850 4,150 6,000 * Bradley Lake Operating Total 59,199 21,811 37,388 63,699 14,599 49,100 116,002 22,026 93,976 79,618 JHEA (36.384) BRADLEY POWERHOUSE PC'S Contractual 30,500 3,201 27,299 50,000 37,261 12,739 ---:- BRADLEY POWERHOUSE PC'S Total 30,500 3,201 27,299 50,000 37,261 12,739 ---+{HEA - BRADLEY DISPATCH REGULATIONS Maintenance Projects 20,000 -20,000 -------- BRADLEY DISPATCH REGULATIONS Total 20,000 -20,000 -----:>JHEA - 7/21/20173:44 PM2018 BradleyBudgetAmendement-Draft-072817.xlsxSch B Page 9 of 14 FY15 FvY16 FY17 Fv18 FY1S FY16 FY17 FY18 Increase Amended (Over)Under Amended (Over)Under Amended Actual @ (Over)Under Approved (Decrease) Budget Actual Budget to date Budget Actual Budget to date Budget 12/31/16 |Budget to date Budget from PY Snow Measurement Bradley Lake Operating Contractual 11,000 10,000 1,000 10,000 10,000 -10,000 §,000 5,000 10,000 [AEA - Bradley Lake Operating Total 11,000 10,000 1,000 10,000 10,000 -10,000 5,000 5,000 10,000 - Seismic Service Bradley Lake Operating Contractual 60,000 64,477 (4,477)62,000 60,370 1,630 60,370 35,255 25,115 62,000 JAEA 4,630 Bradley Lake Operating Total 60,000 64,477 (4,477)62,000 60,370 1,630 60,370 35,255 25,115 62,000 1,630 Streamguaging Serv Bradley Lake Operating Contractual 295,000 296,409 (1,409)296,000 301,338 (5,338)310,000 78,582 231,418 213,137 [AEA (96,863) Bradley Lake Operating Total 295,000 296,409 (1,409)296,000 301,338 (5,338)310,000 78,582 231,418 213,137 (96,863) Permits Bradley Lake Operating Other Costs 100 350 (250)100 350 (250)400 100 -350 JAEA 250 Bradley Lake Operating Total 100 350 (250)100 350 (250)100 100 -350 250 FERC 556 -System Control &Load Dispatching Total 475,799 396,248 79,551 481,799 423,918 57,881 496,472 140,963 355,509 365,105 (131,367) FERC 562 -Station Expenses Station Expenses CEA SVC/Substation Maintenance Contract Labor &Benefits 300,500 269,688 30,812 251,852 147,344 104,508 130,414 45,324 85,090 123,726 (6,688) Travel 24,000 2,476 21,524 26,000 (31)26,031 6,000 -6,000 6,000 - Contractuat 6,500 2,145 4,355 6,500 1,244 §,256 4,000 3,447 $54 4,000 - Supplies &Materials 157,000 129,332 27,668 95,000 2,118 92,882 16,000 2,722 13,278 16,000 - Other Costs -1,085 (1,085)-9,208 (9,208)4,000 300 3,700 4,000 - Maintenance Projects :2,414 (2,414):73 (73):::-: CEA SVC/Substation Maintenance Contract Total 488,000 407,140 80,860 379,352 159,956 219,396 160,414 §1,792 108.621 153,726 (6,688) FERC 562 -Station Expenses Total 488,000 407,140 80,860 379,352 159,956 219,396 160,414 51,792 108,621 153,726 [CEA (6,688) 7/21/20173.44 PM2018 BradleyBudgetAmendement-Draft-072817.xisxSch B Page 10 of 14 FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY1S FY16 FY17 FY18 Increase Amended (Over)Under Amended (Over)Under Amended Actual @ (Over)Under Approved (Decrease) Budget Actual Budget to date Budget Actual Budget to date Budget 12/31/16 |Budget to date Budget from PY FERC 571 -Maintenance of Overhead Lines Maint of OH Lines Bradley Lake Operating Labor &Benefits :--446,320 94 146,226 179,671 -179,671 82,402 (97,269) Travel ---54,600 1,276 §3,324 95,000 -95,000 49,000 (46,000) Contractual ---90,000 33,746 56,254 50,000 -50,000 86,000 36,000 Supplies &Materials ----1,255 (1,255)50,000 -50,000 19,000 (31,000) Other Costs 353,697 26,822 326,875 -------- Bradley Lake Operating Total 353,697 26,822 326,875 290,920 36,371 254,549 374,671 -374,671 236,402 (138,269) BRADLEY JUNCTION SWITCH REMOVAL Travel --.--”§,000 :5,000 ”(5,000) Contractual ---:--70,000 73,076 (3,076)-(70,000) Other Costs ---210,000 25,000 185,000 ----- BRADLEY JUNCTION SWITCH REMOVAL Total -::210,000 25,000 185,000 75,000 73,076 1,924 -(75,000) MARKER BALL REPLACEMENT Labor &Benefits ---4,929 -4,929 -:--- Travel ---5,000 -5,000 5,000 -5,000 -(5,000) Contractual ---200,000 -200,000 200,000 -200,000 -(200,000) MARKER BALL REPLACEMENT Total ba --203,929 -209,929 205,000 -205,000 -(205,000) FERC 571 -Maintenance of Overhead Lines Tota!353,697 26,822 326,875 710,849 61,371 649,478 654,671 73,076 581,595 236,402 JHEA (418,269) FERC 920 &930 -Administrative Expense AEA Bradley Fixed Admin Fees Bradley Lake Operating Administrative Costs 200,000 200,000 -200,000 200,000 -200,000 100,000 100,000 200,000 [AEA - Bradley Lake Operating Total 200,000 200,000 -200,000 200,000 -200,000 100,000 100,000 200,000 - Operating Committee Exp-Audit Bradley Lake Operating Administrative Costs 116,250 15,500 100,750 116,250 101,530 14,720 16,494 16,500 (8)16,800 JAEA 306 Bradley Lake Operating Total 116,250 15,500 100,750 116,250 101,530 14,720 16,494 16,500 (8)16,800 306 Operating Committee Exp-Legal Bradley Lake Operating Administrative Costs 25,000 22,110 2,890 25,000 77,719 (52,719)25,000 16,524 8,476 25,000 [AEA - Bradley Lake Operating Total 25,000 22,110 2.890 25,000 77,719 (52,719)25,000 16,524 8,476 25,000 - 7/21120173.44 PM2018 BradleyBudgetAmendement-Draft-072817.xlsxSch B Page 11 of 14 FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 FY15 FY16 FY17 FY18 Increase Amended (Over)Under Amended (Over)Under Amended Actual @ (Over}Under Approved (Decrease) Budget Actual Budget to date Budget Actual Budget to date Budget 12/31/16 |Budget to date Budget from PY Operat Committee Exp-Arbitrage Bradley Lake Operating Administrative Costs 5,200 3,630 1,570 3,630 7,010 (3,380)3,630 -3,630 3,380 JAEA (250) Bradley Lake Operating Total 5,200 3,630 1,570 3,630 7,010 (3,380)3,630 ”3,630 3,380 (250) Trust &Account Fees Bradley Lake Operating Administrative Costs 12,300 11,918 382 12,300 11,918 382 12,000 §,959 6,041 41,918 AEA (82) Bradley Lake Operating Total 12,300 11,918 382 12,300 11,918 382 12,000 §,959 6,044 11,918 (82) Misc Admin Bradley Lake Operating Administrative Costs ::-:8,375 (8,375)-.-10,000 JAEA 10,000 Bradley Lake Operating Total ----8,375 (8,375)---10,000 10,000 FERC 920 &930 -Administrative Expense Total 358,750 253,158 105,592 357,180 406,552 (49,372)257,124 138,983 118,141 267,098 9,974 FERC 924 &925 -Insurance Premiums {insurance Premiums Bradley Lake Operating Administrative Costs 510,000 510,799 (799)510,000 477,981 32,019 $00,000 250,747 249,253 525,000 [AEA 25,000 Administrative Costs 64,637 §2,121 12,516 64,637 52,544 12,096 64,637 26,104 38,533 56,000 JHEA (8,637) Bradley Lake Operating Total 574,637 562,920 11,717 574.637 §30,522 44,115 564,637 276,852 287,785 581,000 16,363 Risk Management Bradley Lake Operating Administrative Costs 35,000 30,000 §,000 -------|CEA - Bradley Lake Operating Total 35,000 30,000 5,000 -------- [FERC 924 &925 -Insurance Premiums Total 609,637 592,920 16,717 574,637 530,522 44,115 564,637 276,852 287,785 581,000 16,363 FERC928-Regulatory C ission Exp FERC Admin Fees Administrative Costs 250,000 150,519 99,481 210,000 182,885 27,115 180,000 :180,000 185,000 [AEA 5,000 Bradley Lake Operating Total 250,000 150,519 99,481 210,000 182,885 27,115 180,000 -180,000 185,000 §.000 FERC Related Prof Services FERC Part 12 Inspection Administrative Costs ---§5,000 35,663 19,337 25,000 1,362 23,638 -JAEA (25,000) Contractual Engineer-FERC license issues Administrative Costs 150,000 105,747 44,253 125,000 60,638 64,362 100,000 93,856 6,144 125,000 JAEA 25,000 Bradley Lake Operating Total 150,000 105,747 44,253 180,000 96,301 83,699 125,000 95.218 29,782 125.000 - FERC 928 -Regulatory C ission Exp Total 400,000 256,266 143,734 390,000 279,186 110,814 305,000 95,218 209,782 310,000 5,000 Total Bradley Lake Budget $,420,502 3,977,749 1,442,753 5,581,766 4,273,634 1,308,131 5,154,110 1,783,977 3,370,134 4,593,387 (560,723) 7/21/20173:44 PM2018 BradleyBudgetAmendement-Draft-072817.xIsxSch B Page 12 of 14 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT changes made by Amend 1 highlighted Monthly Utility Contributions Schedule C Battle Creek FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 FY2018 FY2018 FY2018 FY2017 to PERCENT PERCENT Amended Amended Amended Original Amend 1 Draft FY2018 POWER PURCHASER SHARE SHARE BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET Change *Amended Budget Change CHUGACH ELECTRIC 30.4%!41.03%5,500,800 6,034,236 5,941,176 6,025,086 164,120 6,189,206 248,030 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE 25.9%0.00%4,686,540 5,141,004 5,061,732 5,133,210 -5,133,210 71,478 HOMER ELECTRIC 12.0%}16.20%2,171,364 2,381,928 2,345,208 2,378,328 64,800 2,443,128 97,920 MATANUSKA ELECTRIC 13.8%]18.62%2,497,068 2,739,216 2,696,988 2,735,076 74,480 2,809,556 112,568 GOLDEN VALLEY ELECTRIC 16.9%}22.80%3,058,008 3,354,552 3,302,832 3,349,470 91,200 3,440,670 137,838 CITY OF SEWARD 1.0%1.35%180,948 198,492 195,432 198,192 5,400 203,592 8,160 Rounding (5)3 -(3) 100.0%]100.0%18,094,728 19,849,423 19,543,371 19,819,362 400,000 20,219,362 675,991 FY2018 PERCENT PERCENT FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 July 1 through FY2018 FY2018 FY2018 POWER PURCHASER SHARE SHARE MONTHLY MONTHLY MONTHLY December 1 ONLY Change MONTHLY**Change CHUGACH ELECTRIC 30.4%458,400 502,853 495,098 1,004,181 -1,004,181 509,083 MUNICIPALITY OF ANCHORAGE 25.9%390,545 428,417 421,811 855,535 -855,535 433,724 HOMER ELECTRIC 12.0%180,947 198,494 195,434 396,388 -396,388 200,954 MATANUSKA ELECTRIC 13.8%208,089 228,268 224,749 455,846 -455,846 231,097 GOLDEN VALLEY ELECTRIC 16.9%254,834 279,546 275,236 §58,245 -558,245 283,009 CITY OF SEWARD 1.0%15,079 16,541 16,286 33,032 -33,032 16,746 100.0%0.0%1,507,894 1,654,119 1,628,614 3,303,227 -3,303,227 1,674,613 *Note:After the budget amendment Is approved,each Battle Creek Participating Utility will be sent an invoices from AEA requesting payment directly to AEA for their percentage of the $400,000. The monthly contributions to the Trustee (US Bank)do not change. **In FY18 contributions will be paid evenly over the first six months,beginning July 1,2017 and ending December 1,2017. No payments will be due from January 1,2018 through June 30,2018. (These accelerated payments are due to the cash flow needs of the R&C fund to pay for the SVC replacement project with total estimated cost of $8.7 million) 7/21/20173:44 PM2018 BradleyBudgetAmendement-Draft-072817.xIsxSch C Page 13 of 14 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT R&C Fund Disb and Repay Schedule D Actual Actual Actual Actual PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED &Actual @ TO REPAY TO REPAY 2/34/16 *TO REPAY TO REPAY Description Disburse at 06/30/15 Disburse at 06/30/16 Disburse at 06/30/17 Disburse at 06/30/18 R&C FUND PROJECTS Governor 627,738.80 4,052,070.14 0.00 4,052,070.14 0.00 4,052,070.14 0.00 4,052,070.14 jReplace RFLS 0.00 251,092.69 0.00 251,092.69 0.00 251,092.69 0.00 251,092.69 Replace Runners 0.00 1,946,732.79 0.00 1,946,732.79 0.00 1,946,732,79 0.00 1,946,732.79 Replace cable from dam to power house 0.00 2,321,922.94 0.00 2,321,922.94 0.00 2,321,922.94 0.00 2,321,922.94 Repiace power system stabilizer 0.00 619,205.10 0.00 619,205.10 0.00 619,205.16 0.00 619,205.10 Replace two RTUs 0.00 86,905.27 0.00 86,905.27 0.00 86,905.27 0.00 86,905.27 Cutvert Repairs 0.00 675,966.79 0.00 675,966.79 0.00 675,966.79 0.00 675,966.79 Trans Towers Frost Jacking Repairs 0.00 887,596.62 0.00 887,596.62 0.00 887,596.62 0.00 887,596.62 Replace Plant and SCADA Controls 0.00 1,344,683.05 0.00 1,344,683.05 0.00 1,344,683.05 0.00 1,344,683.05 Vibration Monitoring System 0.00 490.00 0.00 490.00 0.00 490.00 0.00 490.00 Battle Creek Feasibity 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Fire Alarm System Replacement 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 350.000.00 350,000.00 Battle Creek Diversion 43,605.35 994,333.83 149,683.91 1,144,017.74 2,000.00 1,146,017.74 0.00 1,146,017.74 Replace Electro-Mechanicai Relays 0.00 1,277,197.06 0.00 1,277,197.06 0.00 1,277,197.06 0.00 1,277,187.06 Fishwater Screen Debris Removal 21,929.45 21,929.45 290,306.98 312,236.43 0.00 312,236.43 0.00 312,236.43 Turbine Nozzle Repair 96,423.49 96,423.49 |1,320,234.57 1,416,658.06 6,201.06 1,422,859.12 0.00 1,422,859.12 SVC replacement Daves Creek |Sokdotna 0.00 0.00}1,570,577.34 1,870,577.34 |5,773,822.66 7,344,400.00 |1,360,400.00 8,704,800.00 [Spillway Raise 0.00 9.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 350,000.00 350,000.00 789,697.09 14.576,549,22 |3.330.802.80 17,907,352.02 |5,782.023.72 23,689,375.74 |2,060.400.00 25,749,775.74 Current Year R&C Repayment (1,146,123.00)(3,461,591.16){3,262,788.00)(2,793,306.63) Adjust bal to $5 mill (won't be corrected until year end)0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Less Interest in Fund Applied to Repayment (244,582.41)(287,080.93)(361,777.62)(143.000.00)} Net Transfer from Revenue Fund {1,390,705.41)}(3,748,672.09)(3,624 ,565.62)|(2,936.306.63) Cumulative Prior Years R&C Repayments {11,346,045.42)(12,716,539.31)|(15,409,249.92)|(17,920,612.74)| Due back to Utilities 20,211.51 1,055,961.48 4,113,202.79 143,000.00 R&C Cumulative Interest (Retained)Applied As Part of Repayme 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Net R&C Repayments (11,325 833.91)(11,660,577.83)|(14,296,047.12 (17,777,612.74) NET DUE TO R&C FUND 1,860,009.90 2,498.102.10 5,768.763.00 §,035.856.37 R&C FUND CASH FLOW PROJECTION Beginning Investment Balance 3,015,716.76 3,212,607.32 §,623,509.49 4,931,991.64 Disbursements-current year (766,797.23)(1,265,152.32);(4,194,471.88)|{2,060,400.00) Disbursements-prior year accrued (177,276.20)(22,899.86)(2,065,650.48)(1,587,551.84) R&C Repayment to utilities (179,788.03)(20,211.52)(1,055,961.14){1,113,202.79) Net other cash inflow(outflow)(69,953.03)(29,506.22)0.00 0.00 Current year interest eamings 244,582.41 287,080.93 361,777.62 143,000.00 Current year Participants Contrioutions to R&C 1,146,123.00 3.461,591.16 3,262,788.00 2,793.306.63 Ending Investment Balance 3.212,607.68 §623,509.49 1,931,991.64 107,143.64 Accrued R&C Payable at year end-Due to Utilities (20,211.51){1,055,961.11)}(1,1143,202.79)(143,000.00) Accrued due from Revenue fund (debt service transfer)69,953.03 R&C payable back to Revenue fund (99,459.25) Accrued R&C vendor Payable at year end (22,899.85)(2,065,650.48)(1,587,551.84)0.00 PROJECTED NET DUE +ENDING INVESTMENT BALANCE §.000,000.00 §.000.000.00 §.000,000.00 5,000,000.00 REPAYMENT AMOUNT $756,665.11 X25%all 4 years total repaid femaining to '$1,455,830.05 X 25%all 4 years 4th yr 363,957.51 at 6/30/18 pay at 7/1/18 FY19 FY20 FY21 $1,401,948.53 X 25%all 4 years 3rd yr 350,487.13 [4th yr 350,487.13 1,401,948.53 - $1,834,499.92 X 25%yr 1 |25%yr 2 |50%yr 3]2nd yr 458,624.98 [final yr 917,249.96 1,834,499.92 - $789,697.09 X 25%yr 1 |75%yr 2 1st yr 197,424.27 [final yr 592,272.82 789,697.09 - $3,330,802.B0 X 25%yr 1 [32%yr 2 [25%yr 3 |18%yr 4 ist yr 832,700.70 j2nd yr 1,065,856.90 [rd yr 832,700.70 2,731,258.30 (599,544.50)599,544.50 $5,782,023.72 x 25%all 4 years 1st yr 1,445,505.93 [2nd yr 1,445,505.93 2,891 ,011.86 {2,891,011.86) 1,445,505.93 1,445,505.93 $2,060,400 x 25%all 4 years 1st yr 515,100.00 515,100.00 (1,545,300.00)§15,100.00 515,100.00 515,100.00 1.370,493.90 2.692,710.61 2,511,362.83 2,793,306.63 (5.035,856.36)_2,560,150.43 1,960,605.93 §15,.160.00 "FY 17 projects refiect budgeted and actual numbers for different projects depending on which is higher (budgeted or actual),so the R&C repayment amount reflects a conservative amount 7/21120173:44 PM2018 BradleyBudgetAmendement-Draft-072817.xisx Sch D Page 14 of 14 Bradley Lake Project Management Committee -Alaska Online Public Notices Page 1 of 1 STATUS:Active Bradley Lake Project Management Committee ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY (AEA) Bradley Lake Project Management Committee Notice is hereby given that the Bradley Lake Project Management Committee will hold a teleconference regular meeting on Friday,July 28,2017 at 10:00 a.m.For additional information contact Teri Webster at 907-771- 3074. To attend the telephonic meeting dial 1-888-585-9008,Enter Code 467-050-126#. This meeting will be conducted by electronic media pursuant to AS 44.62.310.The public is invited to attend. The State of Alaska (AEA)complies with Title Il of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.Disabled persons requiring special modifications to participate should contact AEA staff at 907-771-3074 to make arrangements. Attachments,History,Details Attachments Details None Department:Commerce,Community andp;Economic Development Revision History Category:Public Notices Created 7/21/2017 2:10:47 PM by pap categery:statewidetawebster: Modified 7/21/2017 2:12:13 PM by [Details]Project/Regulation #: tawebster Publish Date:7/21/2017 Archive Date:7/29/2017 Events/Deadlines: https://aws.state.ak.us/OnlinePublicNotices/Notices/View.aspx?id=186546 7/21/2017 (Seaou LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEEegTELEPHONICREGULARMEETING TO PARTICIPATE IN THE MEETING,DIAL 1-888-585-9008 AND USE CODE 467 050 126. Friday,July 28,2017 10:00 a.m. AGENDA 1.CALLTO ORDER 2.ROLL CALL FOR COMMITTEE MEMBERS 3.PUBLIC ROLL CALL 4.PUBLIC COMMENTS 5.AGENDA APPROVAL 6.NEW BUSINESS A.ANNUAL ELECTION OF OFFICERS B.BATTLE CREEK BUDGET AMENDMENT AEA 7.COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS 8.MEMBERS COMMENTS 9.NEXT MEETING DATE --AUGUST 18,2017 10.ADJOURNMENT .0 BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE First Second ;First Secon First Second First Second BPMC 7/28/17 WY WS KS a;'! :. Roll Call Agenda Election of Officers BC budget PAderRollcallfromtoptobottomendingwithChairSelecton Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Homer Electric Association Brad Matanuska Electric Asscciation Co v Y City of Seward &Cu ry Alaska Energy Authority B t ad / Municipal Light &Power Bra 4 Chugach Electric Association Bra § Golden Valley Electric Association -rtp ryT 5p y,-svof . First A Second,First /Rec sh Sdcgttd First Second First Second dat Pe |]eo hy actrycenreePerrtatRe Bor arnaadRollcallfromtoptobottomendingwithChairVie£Chae Kear Mie OTT Mon Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Homer Electric Association Pa \_V4 Matanuska Electric Association a ie \”” City of Seward UY Va Y Alaska Energy Authority "4 Municipal Light &Power " WA Chugach Electric Association / Golden Valley Electric Association 4 / Next Meeting:Aug 18 3c Day Cree,Frocucemat con gettZA04Mcontractdoesn}work fore Battle .dure foc beushira OED t feseacch HEA Cardo Be wor 6A Elechon a)officers Cory -Jonn|Mork Merk to close [ML Vice elnaie -toryaCary-Mask |Tonyclose|ML]Marie Aza dec |Weasucy lo Mo}. ( .may Mack|Lee\CG Ves ton Yoo JO +B00K_|SPEVe PrUph ons Shore Cd include Interest no Aen Lim yh - .Lee shotes can be addtecs lectem ,Ask MEA to reconsiden Tony -INtveaard coAt MEA +R Pah epate pohn Wats by nov shureNeNSNolhombyacetoJon"°Me HementGe the GdurethighFunding(Erg |brushingOncewegetbdtan Kheu ALGde hen? |Donds Not yet wher Jorg of Sr bid WIN aa reement an wh.|thot ahBeAMGwobalan| oy okCER53.16%}24.15%MED,1.76%COS)20.98%HEA oe Mad Jon in nxt Few Honths,ni thee Boar §agprovels,fea¢Ne 400K for AQ us dron Hr Financing «SSK for Hef ,UL-Cnte,Sot pd\wsachiomnes Neppern -CREB Francine,AZA debt Pl by bork Proceeds,35K Rid Sept-Nov 2MO NN Mare time ducing bid process,O4Fp -ACA Cor irack& ULE Working quell onLpance including Ce inal,Brad asks CED WP ah infor wedCyty-fudly Support Bradad ain.Can CFO be wydlvel?Ara Workshep boehi,CEA ot bo deep up.Lon is Qhawn Ty france Comn.Lee -Sherr,w)woke w]Ron cloAdy ..ume to"Jory MEA bard Yoo nd}taken aehan,John -same tv city Counsel,Asks other CFO ¢viPFegankoCOS, Teri Webster From:Bjorkquist,Brian D (LAW)<brian.bjorkquist@alaska.gov> Sent:Friday,July 28,2017 9:26 AM To:Michael E.Lamb;Bryan Carey Ce:Teri Webster Subject:FW:BPMC documents for Fridays meeting Attachments:07-28-17 Draft Motion on Battle Creek Diversion Project Funding MAJ.docx Michael, Clarifying which utilities are participating in Battle Creek is fine.But,the edits eliminate the percentages that AEA would bill utilities participating in the project.|assume AEA needs CEA,HEA and City of Seward to provide those percentages - whether in the motion or elsewhere.AND,if not in the motion,the motion should not say "at the following percentages”(which would not exist)-as edited by ML&P,as follows: "This work shall be paid by the utilities desiring to participate in the further development of the Battle Creek Diversion Project to AEA at the following percentages:Chugach Electric Association,Inc.; Homer Electric Association,Inc.;;and City of Seward;hereinafter referred to in this Motion as the "Battle Creek Participating Utilities.” The edits in the last paragraph would address the "deal”between the utilities.Whether that is accurate or not AEA has not been told,so leave that to the utilities to figure out. Brian Bjorkquist Senior Assistant Attorney General Labor and State Affairs (907)269-5150 -direct (907)258-4978 -fax CONFIDENTIAL ATTORNEY CLIENT COMMUNICATION/ATTORNEY WORK PRODUCT This e-mail message contains confidential information.If you received this message in error,please notify the sender immediately. From:Johnston,Mark A.[mailto:JohnstonMA@ci.anchorage.ak.us] Sent:Friday,July 28,2017 9:08 AM To:Lamb,Michael E (AIDEA);Webster,Teresa A (AIDEA);Alan Owens;Adler,Amy E (AIDEA);Bernie Smith (bernies49@gmail.com);White,Brandi L S (AIDEA);Bjorkquist,Brian D (LAW);Brian Hickey;Carey,Bryan E (AIDEA); Noble,Carmen C (AIDEA);Cory Borgeson;Crystal Enkvist;Dawn M.Baham;Day,Bob;Divina Portades,CEA;Emily Hutchison;Foutz,John;Gary Dixon,Swalling &Assoc.;Gary Kuhn (gary.kuhn@mea.coop);Heather Smith;Layne,James O (RCA);Janorschke,Brad;Jeff Estes,City of Seward;Waller,Jeffery J (LAW);Warner,Jeff A.;Jim Brooks;Garner, Jocelyn B (AIDEA);Jody Wolfe;Conway,Katie (AIDEA);Veech,Kelli L (AIDEA);Kirk Gibson,McDowell Rackner &Gibson PC;Warren,Kirk H (AIDEA);Kris Erchinger;Larry Jorgensen;Thibert,Lee;Lisa Ross;Lynn Ragle,Swalling &Associates, CPA;Lynn Thompson (Inthompson@gvea.com);Johnson,Mark;Mel "Hutch"Hutchison;Morrison,Mollie C.;Owens, Connie;Ron Woolf;Sherri McKay-Highers;Sunny Morrison;Susan Redlin,Exec.Secretary,GVEA;Tony Izzo;Wick,Burke Subject:RE:BPMC documents for Fridays meeting Wr _ATTENDANCE -_BPMC REGULAR MEETING,July 28@10:00 am'COMMITTEE MEMBERS |-|Cory Borgeson,Chair_Lee Thibert,Vice ChairBradJanorschke ALTERNATE _Lynn Thompson|Burke Wick a_Bob Day ;b-oe mop es a -.|Michael Lamb,Secretary/Trereasurer REA |Bryan Carey aaTonyIzzoMEA|Gary Kuhn_Mark Johnston /MLP _Jeff Warner ra_John FoutzPublic Members _COUNSEL Ue Kirk Warren(AEA)i"Dav _STORER)a i i kirk Gibson,McDowell Rackner &Gibson PCBrianBjorkquist,Dept of Law a/BriarrHiekey{CEAN -Mark Johnson (CEA)||Bich Baldwin (HEA)Aler-Owens{HEA) Ae Emily Hutchinson (HEA)- Ba Serre Padnees CEA aLO{Feo Passe (CZ)_;ae- Y Larry Jorgensen (HEA),-Oe -,Fi i re :_oe LZ Molly Morrison (MLP)J.i 7U7RonWolfe(GVEA)J L ;- _Jim Brooks (MEA)"Gary Kuhn (MEA)Jo aan 7 a -_: _David Pease(MEA)-ia 7 - -Bernie Smith (REAY a .J .Zz :/-_i -_Crystal Enkvist (APA)Yo i;|Mel Hutchinson (APA)_Oo 4 a 7 ;