HomeMy WebLinkAboutBPMC July 26, 2019BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE (BPMC) REGULAR MEETING "July 26,2019 Va 1.CALL TO ORDER Chair Borgeson called the regular meeting of the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project Management Committee to order at 9:59 am.A quorum was established. 2.ROLL CALL FOR COMMITTEE MEMBERS Cory Borgeson (Golden Valley Electric Association [GVEA]);Tony Izzo (Matanuska Electric Association [MEA]);Bryan Carey (Alaska Energy Authority [AEA]);Lee Thibert (Chugach Electric Association [CEA]);Bob Day (Homer Electric Association [HEA]);Anna Henderson (Anchorage Municipal Light &Power [ML&P]);and John Foutz (City of Seward). 3.PUBLIC ROLL CALL Brenda Applegate,Ashton Compton,Michele Hope,Jessica Houston,Neil McMahon,Beazit Redzepi,Kirk Warren,Brandi White (AEA);Crystal Enkvist,Don Maynor (AIE);Amy Fernerty (phone)(Aldrich CPA);Matt Clarkson,Brian Hickey,Sherri Highers (phone),Pete Smithson,Russell Thornton,Paul Unidentified,Burke Wick (CEA);Stefan Saldanha (Department of Law);Ron Rebenitsch (Energy Engineering);Rick Baldwin,Emily Hutchison (phone),Larry Jorgenson (HEA);Cindy Cartledge (JDO);Kirk Gibson (McDowell Rackner Gibson,PC);David Pease,Tony Zellers (MEA);Mollie Morrison (ML&P);Graysen Spiller (Orion Marine);Bernie Smith (Public);Ladonna Lindley (Accu-Type Depositions), and Frank Adams. 4.PUBLIC COMMENTS Bernie Smith,member of the public,commented the preparation of the AEA,IMC,and BPMC meeting packets are very precise.The quality of the minutes has improved.He believes the finances are presented in a readable and understandable format.Mr.Smith complimented the Committees and the Court Reporter for the improvements. 5.AGENDA APPROVAL MOTION:Ms.Henderson made a motion to approve the agenda.Motion seconded by Mr.Thibert. Mr.Izzo asked if additional maintenance as result of the Swan Lake Fire was going to be included in today's executive session.Mr.Day informed he is not prepared for a discussion today.Chair Borgeson proposed the next Chair can include the discussion on the next agenda,if appropriate. The motion to approve the agenda as presented passed unanimously. 6.PRIOR MINUTES -May 17,2019 BPMC Minutes 7/26/19 Page 1 of 8 MOTION:Mr.Thibert made a motion to approve the minutes of May 17,2019. Motion seconded by Mr.Foutz. Mr.Izzo recommended the minutes be changed to clarify Mr.Izzo was filling in as the Vice- Chair.He requested the title Chair be changed to Vice-Chair under the Call to Order and the signature block.The Maker of the motion and the Second accepted the friendly amendment. The motion passed unanimously to approve the minutes of May 17,2019,with the friendly amendment to correct Mr.Izzo's title from Chair to Vice-Chair throughout. 7.NEW BUSINESS A.Election of Officers Chair Borgeson requested Kirk Gibson,McDowell Rackner Gibson,PC,to conduct the elections.Mr.Gibson opened the nominations for Chair of the BPMC. Mr.Thibert nominated Mr.Izzo as Chair.Mr.Carey seconded. MOTION:Mr.Day made a motion to close nominations for Chair.Motion seconded by Mr.Foutz. The motion to close nominations passed without objection. Mr.Gibson noted only one person is on the panel for Chair.He requested Mr.Izzo be accepted as Chair by unanimous consent. Mr.Izzo was voted Chair by unanimous consent and all members were present. Mr.Gibson opened the nominations for Vice-Chair of the BPMC. Mr.Borgeson nominated Mr.Thibert for Vice-Chair.Mr.Foutz seconded. No other nominations were brought forth. Mr.Thibert was voted Vice-Chair unanimously. Mr.Gibson informed the offices of Secretary and Treasurer remain filled by AEA.He expressed congratulations to the new panel. B.Motion to Approve BCPU Legal Expenses Mr.Gibson informed the Battle Creek Purchasing Utility (BCPU)legal expenses will be addressed by Beazit Redzepi,AEA.Mr.Redzepi reviewed the last meeting's recommendation to split the payment of Mr.Gibson's services between BPMC and BCPU in budget years FY19 and FY20. BPMC Minutes 7/26/19 Page 2 of 8 MOTION:Mr.Borgeson made a motion to split the payment of Mr.Gibson's services between BPMC and BCPU in budget years FY19 and FY20.Motion seconded by Vice- Chair Thibert. Mr.Day asked if the split is specified.Mr.Gibson advised the work he conducts for the BPMC gets billed to BPMC and the work he conducts for the BCPU gets billed to BCPU. Chair Izzo clarified the split does not mean a 50/50 allocation.He asked if a roll call vote must be taken.Mr.Gibson informed all members are present anda roll call vote does not have to occur,unless requested. The motion passed unanimously. C.Bradley FY2019 Budget Motion Mr.Carey explained the motion is to amend FY19 budget to include the costs of about $150,000 for hiring a claims consultant. MOTION:Vice-Chair Thibert made a motion the BPMC approve the payment for the services of the claim consulting firm to be paid out of the Battle Creek Revenue Fund. The costs are considered FY19 Battle Creek construction costs.The total estimated FY19 costs are $150,000.Motion seconded by Mr.Day. Mr.Borgeson inquired if the monies are currently available in the Battle Creek Revenue Fund.Brenda Applegate,AEA,is not aware of the balance of the Battle Creek Revenue Fund and monies would be collected from Battle Creek participants if the funds were not readily held.Mr.Gibson noted the books are being closed for June and if sufficient funds are not available,a bill will be sent to participants.Mr.Carey stated the balance information will be available Monday. Mr.Borgeson requested explanation regarding the different wording for this budget amendment motion compared to the budget amendment motion in Item 7D.Item 7C. states payment will come out of the Battle Creek Revenue Fund,and Item 7D.states claims services will be paid for by the Battle Creek participating utilities.Ms.Applegate does not have an explanation for the different wording.She believes the process will be the same for both motions.Mr.Gibson suggests the difference in wording is the fact the year is closed for FY19.The FY20 wording reflects the annual amounts paid on a monthly basis. Mr.Borgeson called a point of order regarding a roll call vote for budget motions.Mr. Gibson noted all participants are present and a roll call vote does not have to occur if the motion is unanimously supported and AEA affirms.Mr.Gibson stated it is best for the record for the Committee to conduct a roll call vote and to ensure affirmation by AEA. Aroll call vote was taken,and the motion passed unanimously. D.Bradley FY2020 Budget Motion and Amendment BPMC Minutes 7/26/19 Page 3 of 8 MOTION:Mr.Foutz made a motion the BPMC approve the first amendment of the fiscal year 2020 budget as presented.This budget amendment increases the Battle Creek Participating Utilities annual contributions by $425,000 to pay for claim consulting firm services.Motion seconded by Vice-Chair Thibert. Vice-Chair Thibert asked if the motion under Item 7D.will come out of the New Clean Renewable Energy Bond (NCREB)proceeds.Mr.Gibson advised the NCREB funds are spoken for.There will be a need for the participating utilities to add cash at some point. Mr.Redzepi noted this FY20 budget amendment regards the $425,000 for the claims consultant paid for by the BCPU.Mr.Gibson expressed an obligation to inform the Committee the scope and services of the claims consultant has changed within the last 10 days by an additional amount of approximately $420,000.The budget number should appropriately reflect the amount of $845,000. Mr.Borgeson recommended maintaining the current amount and any increases can be discussed at the appropriate time during executive session.Mr.Gibson concurred the amount can remain as written and any necessary increases can occur at a later date. A roll call vote was taken,and the motion passed unanimously. E.Battle Creek Project Update Mr.Carey provided the Battle Creek Project update.He informed the contractor Orion has continued blasting along Wall #2 and the diversion dam location.The first shipment of HDPE is en route and installation should begin in September and continue throughout the fall.Mr.Carey reviewed the project pictures taken on July 11 during the AEA Board's site visit.A substantial amount of bedding material has to be generated.The pipe will be laid alongside the road and concrete eco-blocks will be placed next to the pipe.Bedding material will be positioned in between the eco-blocks and the pipes.Bedding will also cover the pipe.Mr.Carey informed the project budget is on track and the change orders have been less than 1%of budget. Mr.Borgeson inquired if the project is covered by insurance.Mr.Carey informed the contractor maintains the insurance and was required to carry various insurance as part of their bid. Chair Izzo offered Ron Rebenitsch,Energy Engineering,the opportunity to comment.Mr. Rebenitsch discussed the progression and amount of work that will occur this fall is dependent on the weather. F,CEA/ML&P Merger Issues (Respecting Bradley) Mr.Gibson advised he was previously tasked by the BPMC to review the requirements in the Power Sales Agreement for the anticipated sale and transfer with Chugach and ML&P. Section 17C.of the Power Sales Agreement sets forth the requirements.Chugach would have to assume all of the obligations of ML&P.In order to meet the requirements,the assignment would have to follow one of these three courses; BPMC Minutes 7/26/19 Page 4 of 8 e The majority of the BPMC provide a written consent,or e The purchaser shows its ability to meet the obligations,or e The arrangement is evaluated and certified by a consultant Mr.Gibson provided the Committee with the percentages and voting requirements.The requirement for most substantive issues is 51%and four votes,plus the affirmative vote of AEA.He advised the post-merger share owned by Chugach is effectively a veto. 8.COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS Chair Izzo noted the title of Item 8.should be Committee Reports. A.Budget to Actual Mr.Redzepi reviewed the comprehensive Budget to Actual Expense Report provided to the Committee.At this point,the project is under budget $881,000,and the utilities are expected to receive a refund.The $60,000 budgeted item for the turbine nozzle repair will be executed to purchase needle tips and needles.The FERC administration fee has been decreasing over the last few years. Mr.Borgeson asked what the cost of power is at Bradley.Mr.Carey explained the expenses at Bradley are reported and the energy generated at the power plant is reported.The cost has ranged between $37 and $45 per megawatt hour,depending on the year's precipitation. B.Operators Report Mr.Day advised most of the efforts during the last month have focused around the Swan Lake fire.The transmission line was removed from service and affected the generation numbers. Mr.Foutz inquired as to the ramifications going forward regarding the fire.Mr.Day stated the transmission line has been back in service for approximately a week.He asked Larry Jorgenson,HEA,to provide additional information.Mr.Jorgenson informed the line is anticipated to remain in service,unless the fire reaches the Cooper Landing area.Fire breaks have been made to prevent the fire spreading and those have been successful. Mr.Day noted the year has been both very hot and very wet,which has resulted in high inflows into the lake.Current levels are at 1,170,and approximately 30 feet above the average.The spill level is 1,180,and spillage is expected in the near future.Mr.Day gave an update on the mechanical divider issue.The first bidder's revised costs increased about $19,000 because of the rise in steel prices.The first bidder's costs are still less expensive than the second bidder's costs.Mr.Day recommends remaining with the first bidder because of the lower price and the closer proximity of manufacturing.The project is well below budget. Mr.Day explained processes are underway to prepare the poles to be shipped to ABB in Canada.The fish water control automation is running well.High remarks were received BPMC Minutes 7/26/19 ,Page 5 of 8 after an inspection of invasive weeds.A contractual walk-through by three companies isscheduledonJuly29through31,for the fire system replacement.The year-long project will consist of an assessment of the existing system,recommendations,and the new installation. Mr.Day continued the report and noted repairs need to be made soon to the bridge by Martin River because of a possible safety hazard."Brodies”have been made in the Martin River area.A chain link gate has been installed on Battle Creek bridge to prevent access from either side.As previously noted,the AEA Board of Directors visited the site in July. The annual SPCC training,the Bradley O&D meeting,the safety meeting,and the ARECA insurance inspection were conducted in July.Mr.Day explained the unit availability numbers for June are distorted because when the unit is not run,it is marked as offline. The availability of the units was 100%,but they were not run. Mr.Day advised a new trainee was hired in June.Mr.Day supports the budgeted approved minimum of two employees at Bradley,but he is having difficulty maintaining the rule. Bradley is now operating with alternating one-week shifts of two people and three people. Any absences have to be covered by the alternating week's employees at double time.The three-person shift is able to cover an absence and maintain the two-person rule.Under the HEA contract,a more senior employee gets about 250 hours of leave per year,which has to be covered by one of the alternating shift employees at double time.Mr.Day suggested succession planning begin now with an employee training program because two employees are nearing retirement age.It will take a year or two to effectively train a new employee. Each shift would contain three people. Mr.Borgeson requested additional information regarding staffing.Mr.Day explained each weekly shift is Monday to Monday for 10 hours a day.Each Monday is an overlap day where all employees are present for training and safety meetings.Mr.Day informed there have been times when one person has worked at the site alone while the other person was absent.Work restrictions were placed on the individual while alone and dispatcher reports were made throughout the day.This situation is not ideal,but has occurred under certain circumstances.Mr.Day would like to relax the two-person rule or have a forgiveness clause.He reiterated the necessity of training another person to ensure adequate coverage when the current tenured employees retire or leave.HEA's staffing is tight.An employee roving schedule was previously attempted and resistance was received from the union.Bradley is unique in its operations. Vice-Chair Thibert expressed caution regarding the safety issues of maintaining only one qualified person at the site during any shift.He requested additional review be considered. He supports the concept of overlapping the training of replacements. Chair Izzo believes Mr.Day's concerns are valid.He suggests it would be helpful to discuss the projected retirements of persons at Bradley,the associated costs,and the contractual aspects of the positions.Chair Izzo believes further discussion is appropriate regarding the implementation of a forgiveness clause or other mechanism to ensure HEA does not BPMC Minutes 7/26/19 Page 6 of 8 inadvertently enter into a non-performance status because of circumstances outside of their control. Mr.Gibson suggested the BPMC asks the operator to come back to the next meeting with a proposal that is complete with the expected personnel retirements and budget adjustments. Mr.Borgeson expressed his preference to create a task force to analyze staffing levels and the addition of trainees.The historical operation has performed for years with four employees and no issues.Mr.Borgeson asked how long the current plant manager is expected to continue to work.Mr.Day believes the timeframe is about a year.Mr. Borgeson complimented the current plant manager's valuable experience. Mr.Foutz believes additional information needs to be provided before a decision can be made.His understanding is the suggestion to increase to six employees for training was temporary and the regular level of four employees would resume after retirements. Chair Izzo requested recommendations to lead the task force to review these staffing issues.Mr.Borgeson recommended Leo Quiachon from GVEA lead the task force, consisting of the O&D Committee,a budget representative,and a safety representative.The task force would return to the next meeting with a recommendation.Chair Izzo assigned the special committee with Mr.Quiachon as the lead and suggested each party provide a representative to participate. Ms.Henderson noted Mr.Day's report recommends immediate hire.She requested information on the impacts of a delay.Mr.Day advised immediate postponement will not affect the long-term intention of training replacement personnel before knowledgeable personnel leave. C.O&D Report Russell Thornton,CEA,advised he is presenting the O&D Report in Pete Sarauer's absence. The monthly O&D meeting was held at Bradley Lake in July,and the O&D Committee was able to visit the Battle Creek diversion site.Continued discussion and work is ongoing regarding the Bradley Lake KPIs.The O&D Committee unanimously approved the hiring of a second operator trainee in anticipation of impending operator retirements,as discussed. Chair Izzo requested to move Item 10.Members Comments next in the agenda.There was no objection. 10.MEMBER COMMENTS Mr.Borgeson expressed appreciation to Chair Izzo for serving as Chair.He recommended discussion occur regarding extending the term of Chair to two years. Mr.Carey congratulated Chair Izzo on the election.He expressed appreciation to Ashton Compton,AEA,for preparations of the meeting. BPMC Minutes 7/26/19 Page 7 of 8 Mr.Day congratulated Chair Izzo and expressed appreciation to former Chair Borgeson.He thanked members for their support of Bradley Lake.He encouraged all operators to use as much Bradley power as possible during this time. Mr.Foutz thanked Mr.Borgeson for his service as Chair,and looks forward to working with Chair Izzo. Vice-Chair Thibert expressed appreciation to Committee members. Ms.Henderson thanked Committee members and expressed appreciation to HEA for the regular updates during the Swan Lake fire.She is particularly appreciative of the pictures provided in the presentations and acknowledges the additional effort involved. Chair Izzo expressed appreciation to Mr.Borgeson for his service.He thanked AEA staff for their diligence in preparing the packet for the meeting.Chair Izzo issued a special thanks to Mr.Day,and requested he pass along the appreciation to those at the plant. Chair Izzo recognized on the record he is inviting Emily Hutchison and Frank Adams to participate during executive session. MOTION:Mr.Foutz made a motion to go into Executive Session to discuss issues with Battle Creek that could have financial consequences to the BPMC.Motion seconded by Ms.Henderson. The motion passed without objection. 9.EXECUTIVE SESSION -Battle Creek The Committee reconvened its regular meeting at 12:39 p.m. 11.NEXT MEETING DATE -September 27,2019 The Chair will call a special meeting for the purposes of executive session before the next regularly scheduled meeting.The next regular meeting is scheduled for September 27, 2019. 12.ADJOURNMENT There being no fuyfher business for the committee,the meeting adjourned at 12:40 p.m. BY: Tony Izzo,CYrai Attest:"7 4 ZL LFAlaskaEnergyAuthority,Secretary BPMC Minutes 7/26/19 Page 8 of 8 BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE (BPMC) REGULAR MEETING July 26,2019 1.CALL TO ORDER Chair Borgeson called the regular meeting of the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project Management Committee to order at 9:59 am.A quorum was established. 2.ROLL CALL FOR COMMITTEE MEMBERS Cory Borgeson (Golden Valley Electric Association [GVEA]);Tony Izzo (Matanuska Electric Association [MEA]);Bryan Carey (Alaska Energy Authority [AEA]);Lee Thibert (Chugach Electric Association [CEA]);Bob Day (Homer Electric Association [HEA]);Anna Henderson (Anchorage Municipal Light &Power [ML&P]);and John Foutz (City of Seward). 3.PUBLIC ROLL CALL Brenda Applegate,Ashton Compton,Michele Hope,Jessica Houston,Neil McMahon,Beazit Redzepi,Kirk Warren,Brandi White (AEA);Crystal Enkvist,Don Maynor (AIE);Amy Fernerty (phone)(Aldrich CPA);Matt Clarkson,Brian Hickey,Sherri Highers (phone),Pete Smithson,Russell Thornton,Paul Unidentified,Burke Wick (CEA);Stefan Saldanha (Department of Law);Ron Rebenitsch (Energy Engineering);Rick Baldwin,Emily Hutchison (phone),Larry Jorgenson (HEA);Cindy Cartledge (JDO);Kirk Gibson (McDowell Rackner Gibson,PC);David Pease,Tony Zellers (MEA);Mollie Morrison (ML&P);Graysen Spiller (Orion Marine);Bernie Smith (Public);Ladonna Lindley (Accu-Type Depositions), and Frank Adams. 4.PUBLIC COMMENTS Bernie Smith,member of the public,commented the preparation of the AEA,IMC,and BPMC meeting packets are very precise.The quality of the minutes has improved.He believes the finances are presented in a readable and understandable format.Mr.Smith complimented the Committees and the Court Reporter for the improvements. 5.AGENDA APPROVAL MOTION:Ms.Henderson made a motion to approve the agenda.Motion seconded by Mr.Thibert. Mr.Izzo asked if additional maintenance as result of the Swan Lake Fire was going to be included in today's executive session.Mr.Day informed he is not prepared for a discussion today.Chair Borgeson proposed the next Chair can include the discussion on the next agenda,if appropriate. The motion to approve the agenda as presented passed unanimously. 6.PRIOR MINUTES -May 17,2019 BPMC Minutes 7/26/19 Page 1of 8 MOTION:Mr.Thibert made a motion to approve the minutes of May 17,2019. Motion seconded by Mr.Foutz. Mr.Izzo recommended the minutes be changed to clarify Mr.Izzo was filling in as the Vice- Chair.He requested the title Chair be changed to Vice-Chair under the Call to Order and the signature block.The Maker of the motion and the Second accepted the friendly amendment. The motion passed unanimously to approve the minutes of May 17,2019,with the friendly amendment to correct Mr.Izzo's title from Chair to Vice-Chair throughout. 7,NEW BUSINESS A.Election of Officers Chair Borgeson requested Kirk Gibson,McDowell Rackner Gibson,PC,to conduct the elections.Mr.Gibson opened the nominations for Chair of the BPMC. Mr.Thibert nominated Mr.Izzo as Chair.Mr.Carey seconded. MOTION:Mr.Day made a motion to close nominations for Chair.Motion seconded by Mr.Foutz. . The motion to close nominations passed without objection. Mr.Gibson noted only one person is on the panel for Chair.He requested Mr.Izzo be accepted as Chair by unanimous consent. Mr.Izzo was voted Chair by unanimous consent and all members were present. Mr.Gibson opened the nominations for Vice-Chair of the BPMC. Mr.Borgeson nominated Mr.Thibert for Vice-Chair.Mr.Foutz seconded. No other nominations were brought forth. Mr.Thibert was voted Vice-Chair unanimously. Mr.Gibson informed the offices of Secretary and Treasurer remain filled by AEA.He expressed congratulations to the new panel. B.Motion to Approve BCPU Legal Expenses Mr.Gibson informed the Battle Creek Purchasing Utility (BCPU)legal expenses will be addressed by Beazit Redzepi,AEA.Mr.Redzepi reviewed the last meeting's recommendation to split the payment of Mr.Gibson's services between BPMC and BCPU in budget years FY19 and FY20. BPMC Minutes 7/26/19 Page 2 of 8 MOTION:Mr.Borgeson made a motion to split the payment of Mr.Gibson's services between BPMC and BCPU in budget years FY19 and FY20.Motion seconded by Vice- Chair Thibert. Mr.Day asked if the split is specified.Mr.Gibson advised the work he conducts for the BPMC gets billed to BPMC and the work he conducts for the BCPU gets billed to BCPU. Chair Izzo clarified the split does not mean a 50/50 allocation.He asked if roll call vote must be taken.Mr.Gibson informed all members are present and a roll call vote does not have to occur,unless requested. The motion passed unanimously. C.Bradley FY2019 Budget Motion Mr.Carey explained the motion is to amend FY19 budget to include the costs of about $150,000 for hiring a claims consultant. MOTION:Vice-Chair Thibert made a motion the BPMC approve the payment for the services of the claim consulting firm to be paid out of the Battle Creek Revenue Fund. The costs are considered FY19 Battle Creek construction costs.The total estimated FY19 costs are $150,000.Motion seconded by Mr.Day. Mr.Borgeson inquired if the monies are currently available in the Battle Creek Revenue Fund.Brenda Applegate,AEA,is not aware of the balance of the Battle Creek Revenue Fund and monies would be collected from Battle Creek participants if the funds were not readily held.Mr.Gibson noted the books are being closed for June and if sufficient funds are not available,a bill will be sent to participants.Mr.Carey stated the balance information will be available Monday. Mr.Borgeson requested explanation regarding the different wording for this budget amendment motion compared to the budget amendment motion in Item 7D.Item 7C. states payment will come out of the Battle Creek Revenue Fund,and Item 7D.states claims services will be paid for by the Battle Creek participating utilities.Ms.Applegate does not have an explanation for the different wording.She believes the process will be the same for both motions.Mr.Gibson suggests the difference in wording is the fact the year is closed for FY19.The FY20 wording reflects the annual amounts paid on a monthly basis. Mr.Borgeson called a point of order regarding a roll call vote for budget motions.Mr.Gibson noted all participants are present and a roll call vote does not have to occur if the motion is unanimously supported and AEA affirms.Mr.Gibson stated it is best for the record for the Committee to conduct a roll call vote and to ensure affirmation by AEA. Aroll call vote was taken,and the motion passed unanimously. D.Bradley FYZ020 Budget Motion and Amendment BPMC Minutes 7/26/19 Page 3 of 8 MOTION:Mr.Foutz made a motion the BPMC approve the first amendment of the fiscal year 2020 budget as presented.This budget amendment increases the Battle Creek Participating Utilities annual contributions by $425,000 to pay for claim consulting firm services.Motion seconded by Vice-Chair Thibert. Vice-Chair Thibert asked if the motion under Item 7D.will come out of the New Clean Renewable Energy Bond (NCREB)proceeds.Mr.Gibson advised the NCREB funds are spoken for.There will be a need for the participating utilities to add cash at some point. Mr.Redzepi noted this FY20 budget amendment regards the $425,000 for the claims consultant paid for by the BCPU.Mr.Gibson expressed an obligation to inform the Committee the scope and services of the claims consultant has changed within the last 10 days by an additional amount of approximately $420,000.The budget number should appropriately reflect the amount of $845,000. Mr.Borgeson recommended maintaining the current amount and any increases can be discussed at the appropriate time during executive session.Mr.Gibson concurred the amount can remain as written and any necessary increases can occur at a later date. A roll call vote was taken,and the motion passed unanimously. E.Battle Creek Project Update Mr.Carey provided the Battle Creek Project update.He informed the contractor Orion has continued blasting along Wall #2 and the diversion dam location.The first shipment of HDPE is en route and installation should begin in September and continue throughout the fall.Mr.Carey reviewed the project pictures taken on July 11 during the AEA Board's site visit.A substantial amount of bedding material has to be generated.The pipe will be laid alongside the road and concrete eco-blocks will be placed next to the pipe.Bedding material will be positioned in between the eco-blocks and the pipes.Bedding will also cover the pipe.Mr.Carey informed the project budget is on track and the change orders have been less than 1%of budget. Mr.Borgeson inquired if the project is covered by insurance.Mr.Carey informed the contractor maintains the insurance and was required to carry various insurance as part of their bid. Chair Izzo offered Ron Rebenitsch,Energy Engineering,the opportunity to comment.Mr. Rebenitsch discussed the progression and amount of work that will occur this fall is dependent on the weather. F,CEA/ML&P Merger Issues (Respecting Bradley) Mr.Gibson advised he was previously tasked by the BPMC to review the requirements in the Power Sales Agreement for the anticipated sale and transfer with Chugach and ML&P. Section 17C.of the Power Sales Agreement sets forth the requirements.Chugach would have to assume all of the obligations of ML&P.In order to meet the requirements,the assignment would have to follow one of these three courses; BPMC Minutes 7/26/19 Page 4 of 8 e The majority of the BPMC provide a written consent,or e The purchaser shows its ability to meet the obligations,or e The arrangement is evaluated and certified by a consultant Mr.Gibson provided the Committee with the percentages and voting requirements.The requirement for most substantive issues is 51%and four votes,plus the affirmative vote of AEA.He advised the post-merger share owned by Chugach is effectively a veto. 8.COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS Chair Izzo noted the title of Item 8.should be Committee Reports. A.Budget to Actual Mr.Redzepi reviewed the comprehensive Budget to Actual Expense Report provided to the Committee.At this point,the project is under budget $881,000,and the utilities are expected to receive a refund.The $60,000 budgeted item for the turbine nozzle repair will be executed to purchase needle tips and needles.The FERC administration fee has been decreasing over the last few years. Mr.Borgeson asked what the cost of power is at Bradley.Mr.Carey explained the expenses at Bradley are reported and the energy generated at the power plant is reported.The cost has ranged between $37 and $45 per megawatt hour,depending on the year's precipitation. B.Operators Report Mr.Day advised most of the efforts during the last month have focused around the Swan Lake fire.The transmission line was removed from service and affected the generation numbers. Mr.Foutz inquired as to the ramifications going forward regarding the fire.Mr.Day stated the transmission line has been back in service for approximately a week.He asked Larry Jorgenson,HEA,to provide additional information.Mr.Jorgenson informed the line is anticipated to remain in service,unless the fire reaches the Cooper Landing area.Fire breaks have been made to prevent the fire spreading and those have been successful. Mr.Day noted the year has been both very hot and very wet,which has resulted in high inflows into the lake.Current levels are at 1,170,and approximately 30 feet above the average.The spill level is 1,180,and spillage is expected in the near future.Mr.Day gave an update on the mechanical divider issue.The first bidder's revised costs increased about $19,000 because of the rise in steel prices.The first bidder's costs are still less expensive than the second bidder's costs.Mr.Day recommends remaining with the first bidder because of the lower price and the closer proximity of manufacturing.The project is well below budget. Mr.Day explained processes are underway to prepare the poles to be shipped to ABB in Canada.The fish water control automation is running well.High remarks were received BPMC Minutes 7/26/19 Page 5 of8 after an inspection of invasive weeds.A contractual walk-through by three companies is scheduled on July 29 through 31,for the fire system replacement.The year-long project will consist of an assessment of the existing system,recommendations,and the new installation. Mr.Day continued the report and noted repairs need to be made soon to the bridge by Martin River because of a possible safety hazard."Brodies”have been made in the Martin River area.A chain link gate has been installed on Battle Creek bridge to prevent access from either side.As previously noted,the AEA Board of Directors visited the site in July. The annual SPCC training,the Bradley O&D meeting,the safety meeting,and the ARECA insurance inspection were conducted in July.Mr.Day explained the unit availability numbers for June are distorted because when the unit is not run,it is marked as offline. The availability of the units was 100%,but they were not run. Mr.Day advised a new trainee was hired in June.Mr.Day supports the budgeted approved minimum of two employees at Bradley,but he is having difficulty maintaining the rule. Bradley is now operating with alternating one-week shifts of two people and three people. Any absences have to be covered by the alternating week's employees at double time.The three-person shift is able to cover an absence and maintain the two-person rule.Under the HEA contract,a more senior employee gets about 250 hours ofleave per year,which has to be covered by one of the alternating shift employees at double time.Mr.Day suggested succession planning begin now with an employee training program because two employees are nearing retirement age.It will take a year or two to effectively train a new employee. Each shift would contain three people. Mr.Borgeson requested additional information regarding staffing.Mr.Day explained each weekly shift is Monday to Monday for 10 hours a day.Each Monday is an overlap day where all employees are present for training and safety meetings.Mr.Day informed there have been times when one person has worked at the site alone while the other person was absent.Work restrictions were placed on the individual while alone and dispatcher reports were made throughout the day.This situation is not ideal,but has occurred under certain circumstances.Mr.Day would like to relax the two-person rule or have a forgiveness clause.He reiterated the necessity of training another person to ensure adequate coverage when the current tenured employees retire or leave.HEA's staffing is tight.An employee roving schedule was previously attempted and resistance was received from the union.Bradley is unique in its operations. Vice-Chair Thibert expressed caution regarding the safety issues of maintaining only one qualified person at the site during any shift.He requested additional review be considered. He supports the concept of overlapping the training of replacements. Chair Izzo believes Mr.Day's concerns are valid.He suggests it would be helpful to discuss the projected retirements of persons at Bradley,the associated costs,and the contractual aspects of the positions.Chair Izzo believes further discussion is appropriate regarding the implementation of a forgiveness clause or other mechanism to ensure HEA does not BPMC Minutes 7/26/19 Page 6 of 8 inadvertently enter into a non-performance status because of circumstances outside of their control. Mr.Gibson suggested the BPMC asks the operator to come back to the next meeting with a proposal that is complete with the expected personnel retirements and budget adjustments. Mr.Borgeson expressed his preference to create a task force to analyze staffing levels and the addition of trainees.The historical operation has performed for years with four employees and no issues.Mr.Borgeson asked how long the current plant manager is expected to continue to work.Mr.Day believes the timeframe is about a year.Mr. Borgeson complimented the current plant manager's valuable experience. Mr.Foutz believes additional information needs to be provided before a decision can be made.His understanding is the suggestion to increase to six employees for training was temporary and the regular level of four employees would resume after retirements. Chair Izzo requested recommendations to lead the task force to review these staffing issues.Mr.Borgeson recommended Leo Quiachon from GVEA lead the task force, consisting of the O&D Committee,a budget representative,and a safety representative.The task force would return to the next meeting with a recommendation.Chair Izzo assigned the special committee with Mr.Quiachon as the lead and suggested each party provide a representative to participate. Ms.Henderson noted Mr.Day's report recommends immediate hire.She requested information on the impacts of a delay.Mr.Day advised immediate postponement will not affect the long-term intention of training replacement personnel before knowledgeable personnel leave. C.O&D Report Russell Thornton,CEA,advised he is presenting the O&D Report in Pete Sarauer's absence. The monthly O&D meeting was held at Bradley Lake in July,and the O&D Committee was able to visit the Battle Creek diversion site.Continued discussion and work is ongoing regarding the Bradley Lake KPIs.The O&D Committee unanimously approved the hiring of a second operator trainee in anticipation of impending operator retirements,as discussed. Chair Izzo requested to move Item 10.Members Comments next in the agenda.There was no objection. 10.MEMBER COMMENTS Mr.Borgeson expressed appreciation to Chair Izzo for serving as Chair.He recommended discussion occur regarding extending the term of Chair to two years. Mr.Carey congratulated Chair Izzo on the election.He expressed appreciation to Ashton Compton,AEA,for preparations of the meeting. BPMC Minutes 7/26/19 Page 7 of 8 Mr.Day congratulated Chair Izzo and expressed appreciation to former Chair Borgeson.He thanked members for their support of Bradley Lake.He encouraged all operators to use as much Bradley power as possible during this time. Mr.Foutz thanked Mr.Borgeson for his service as Chair,and looks forward to working with Chair Izzo, Vice-Chair Thibert expressed appreciation to Committee members. Ms.Henderson thanked Committee members and expressed appreciation to HEA for the regular updates during the Swan Lake fire.She is particularly appreciative of the pictures provided in the presentations and acknowledges the additional effort involved. Chair Izzo expressed appreciation to Mr.Borgeson for his service.He thanked AEA staff for their diligence in preparing the packet for the meeting.Chair Izzo issued a special thanks to Mr.Day,and requested he pass along the appreciation to those at the plant. Chair Izzo recognized on the record he is inviting Emily Hutchison and Frank Adams to participate during executive session. MOTION:Mr.Foutz made a motion to go into Executive Session to discuss issues with Battle Creek that could have financial consequences to the BPMC.Motion seconded by Ms.Henderson. The motion passed without objection. 9.EXECUTIVE SESSION-Battle Creek The Committee reconvened its regular meeting at 12:39 p.m. 11.NEXT MEETING DATE -September 27,2019 The Chair will call a special meeting for the purposes of executive session before the next regularly scheduled meeting.The next regular meeting is scheduled for September 27, 2019. 12,ADJOURNMENT There being no fuyfher business for the committee,the meeting adjourned at 12:40 p.m. BY: Tony Izzo,Chai Attest:Y-q Lf Fe|Alaska Energy Authority,Secretary7 BPMC Minutes 7/26/19 Page 8 of 8 11. 12.NDWWSFWNbPBRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE (BPMC) REGULAR MEETING AGENDA Friday,July 26,2019 10:00 a.m. Alaska Energy Authority Board Room 813 W Northern Lights Blvd,Anchorage To participate dial 1-888-585-9008 and use code 134-503-899# CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL FOR COMMITTEE MEMBERS PUBLIC ROLL CALL PUBLIC COMMENTS AGENDA APPROVAL PRIOR MINUTES -May 17,2019 NEW BUSINESS Election of Officers Motion to Approve BCPU Legal Expenses Bradley FY2019 Budget Motion Bradley FY2020 Budget Motion and Amendment Battle Creek Project Update CEA/ML&P Merger Issues (Respecting Bradley) COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS A.Budget to ActualamoWw B.Operators Report C.O&D Report EXECUTIVE SESSION -Battle Creek MEMBERS COMMENTS NEXT MEETING DATE -September 27,2019 ADJOURNMENT Budget Subcommittee Budget Subcommittee AEA Kirk Gibson Budget Subcommittee HEA Pete Sarauer BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETING REGULAR MEETING May 17,2019 1.CALL TO ORDER Chair Izzo called the regular meeting of the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project Management Committee to order at 10:09 a.m.A quorum was established. 2.ROLL CALL FOR COMMITTEE MEMBERS Cory Borgeson (phone)(Golden Valley Electric Association [GVEA]);Tony Izzo (Matanuska Electric Association [MEA]);Bryan Carey (Alaska Energy Authority [AEA]);Lee Thibert (Chugach Electric Association [CEA]);Anna Henderson (Anchorage Municipal Light & Power [ML&P]);John Foutz (City of Seward);and Bob Day (Homer Electric Association[HEA]).es oo Sees 3.PUBLIC ROLL CALL Ashton Compton,Jocelyn Garner,Curtis Thayer,Kirk Warren,Brandi White (AEA);Brian Hickey,Russell Thornton (CEA);Stefan Saldanha (Department of Law);Ron Rebenitsch (Energy Engineering);Peter Sarauer,Leo Quiachon (phone):(GVEA),Emily Hutchinson (phone),Larry Jorgenson,Alan Owens (HEA);Kirk Gibson (phone)(McDowell RacknerGibson,PC);David Pease,Tony Zellers (MEA);Jeff Warner,Molly Morrison (phone) (ML&P);Bernie Smith (Public);and Sunny Morrison (Accu-Type Depositions). 4. PUBLICCOMMENTS None...| 5.AGENDA APPROVAL MOTION:Mr.Thibert made a motion to approve the agenda,including the friendly amendment to move Item 8 after Item 11.Motion to approve the agenda including the friendly amendment seconded by Mr.Foutz. Motion passed unanimously to approve the agenda,including the friendly amendment to move Item 8 after Item 11. 6.PRIOR MINUTES -March 15,2019 and March 22,2019 MOTION:Mr.Thibert made a motion to approve the Minutes of March 15,2019 and March 22,2019.Motion seconded by Mr.Foutz. The motion passed with no objection. DRAFT BPMC Minutes 5/17/19 Page 1 of 5 7.NEW BUSINESS A.Battle Creek Project Update Mr.Carey provided the Battle Creek project update.There is approximately three to four feet of snow by the diversion dam at Wall 2.The snow will be moved before the blasting occurs.The contractor should be at the diversion site in about two weeks.The stream flows at that elevation are still low water.There have been four budget change-orders to- date.The net effect is close to $15,000.Orion updated the schedule this spring through requests for change and indicated the new completion timeframe is late 2020.The project will be substantially complete this year.Orion asserts the extended completion timeframe is due to AEA delays.AEA has compiled a response letter and additional information can be discussed during executive session.The requests for change are not currently claims. Mr.Carey described pictures of the project and discussed the contractor's efficient process of drilling,blasting,and rock removal.Mr.Carey noted Orion has been in discussion with the supplier of the pipe for about three weeks regarding commercial terms.Once the commercial terms are finalized and production begins at the factory,the lead time could be approximately three months before the pipe is delivered to the project site. There were no questions. Chair Izzo inserted congratulations to Ms.Henderson and welcomed her as the new BPMC representative for ML&P.Jeff Warner will remain the alternative representative.Members were provided a copy of the ML&P designation letter. 9.OPERATORS REPORT Mr.Day reviewed the provided Operator Report.The unit statistics generated through May 14%,2019,are almost equal to the unit statistics generated in April.This is due to both units being down during the first part of April,and Unit 2 returning to service during late April.The plant is running well. Mr.Day discussed the issue regarding the cracks in the mechanical dividers.A temporary repair has been implemented and both units are back in service.The plan is to inspect each unit within approximately six months to ensure the repairs are stable.Issues were also discovered with pole connections and replacements and repairs were made.The pieces will be examined during the unit inspection.ABB has provided a proposal to repair the pole pieces,but the pieces cannot be repaired onsite and will have to be shipped outside at a hefty expense. Mr.Day noted the average lake levels have been substantially higher than the historical average for this time of year by about 25 feet.He complimented the utilities on their efforts to reduce the lake levels and their anticipation of the needed storage room.Snow is in the high country and inflows are expected soon. Mr.Day advised Emerson will replace the DCS system and upgrade the computers in the beginning of June.The fish water automation will be finalized thereafter.Mr.Day informed bridge repairs are still needed.He noted Orion has to build a temporary bridge at the DRAFT BPMC Minutes 5/17/19 Page 2 of 5 diversion for construction.The plan is to discuss with Orion the possibility of repurposing/reusing their bridge materials to complete the project's bridge repairs. Mr.Day highlighted an error on page two under Operations,Maintenance,and Inspections. The second sentence in Item 2)should read,"Capacity factor for the partial month of May for Unit 1 was 47.6%and for Unit 2 was 20.1%.” Mr.Day reported issues with a nuisance bear.Precautions have been implemented. Attempts to scare the bear off have been unsuccessful.Alaska Department of Fish and Game has been notified.Mr.Day showed the listing of repair items and descriptions for the Unit 2 repair.Approximately $100,000 worth of repair items are not listed because of the lag in accounting.The Committee authorized $950,000 for generator and turbine repair, including a possible wedging system replacement.After inspection of the unit,the wedging system was deemed stable,but additional substantial problems were uncovered with regards to pole pieces,exciter connections,and divider plates.The original budgeted amount seems to be adequate for the necessary repairs.With the approval of the Committee,the work will continue under the original budget. Mr.Foutz expressed appreciation to Mr.Day and the crews for identifying the issues and taking a proactive solution. 10.COMMITTEE REPORTS A.Budget to Actual Report Jocelyn Garner of AEA reviewed the provided Budget to Actual Expense Report dated July 1,2018 through February 28,2019.The second page shows the capital purchases.The bridge repair budgeted amount is available for use this year and next year.The operationsandmaintenancereportisshownonpagesthreethroughsix,and includes the approvedbudgetamendmentlineitemofindirectcosts.The budget is approximately $700,000 under budget to-date.The crews quarters upgrade will not occur this year.The FERC admin fee will not be received and expensed until July. Ms.Garner discussed the R&C fund disbursement and repayments Schedule D.The fire alarm system replacement will undergo partial completion during this budget cycle.There were no Battle Creek capital purchases during the fiscal year.The administrative actual costs are inline with the budgeted amounts. B.Bradley O&D Report Pete Sarauer,GVEA,presented the O&D Report and noted Mr.Day reviewed many of the listed items during the operators report.Discussions are ongoing regarding KPI's and creating a presentation for the BPMC.HEA is scheduled to hire a trainee.The Bradley Lake flight manifests are supplied in the operators report.The operator is to provide a list of any individuals not associated with the Bradley project. Mr.Sarauer noted the lake levels are unusually high for this time of the year.The O&D Committee is scheduled to meet later today to develop a plan to expedite lake level reduction before the inflows.There were no questions. DRAFT BPMC Minutes 5/17/19 Page 3 of 5 11.COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS Mr.Borgeson previously gave an assignment to Kirk Gibson,McDowell Rackner Gibson,PC, to review the transfer in reference to the ML&P acquisition by CEA and analyze the Bradley agreements to determine the process the BPMC should undergo.Mr.Gibson is scheduled to present his report at the next BPMC meeting. MOTION:Mr.Foutz made a motion to go into Executive Session to discuss confidential matters related to Battle Creek.Motion seconded by Mr.Carey. The motion passed with no objection. 8.EXECUTIVE SESSION:10:51 a.m. A.Battle Creek The Committee reconvened its regular meeting at 12:03 p.m. 12.MEMBERS COMMENTSMr.Day expressed appreciation to the BPMC for their support addressing the repairs. Mr.Thibert welcomed Ms.Henderson to the Committee.He complimented Mr.Day and the crew for their outstanding job.He expressed appreciation to Chair Izzo for chairing the meeting. Mr.Carey welcomed Ms.Henderson to the Committee and encouraged her to complete aBradleyLakesitevisit.* Mr.Foutz expressed appreciation to Mr.Carey and Ron Rebenitsch,Energy Engineering,for their proactive efforts in addressing the issues.He welcomed Ms.Henderson to theCommittee. Mr.Borgeson thanked Chair Izzo for chairing the meeting and expressed appreciation for the diligent work and efforts shown. Ms.Henderson commented she looks forward to working with the Committee and appreciates the work thus far. Chair Izzo echoed the previous comments of appreciation. Curtis Thayer,AEA Executive Director,expressed appreciation to Mr.Carey and Mr. Rebenitsch.He informed the AEA Board is scheduled to visit Bradley Lake in July. 13.NEXT MEETING DATE -July 26,2019 Chair Izzo informed a work session meeting will likely be scheduled before the next regular meeting.The next regular meeting is scheduled for July 26,2019. 14.ADJOURNMENT DRAFT BPMC Minutes 5/17/19 Page 4 of 5 There being no further business for the committee,the meeting adjourned at 12:08 p.m. BY: Tony Izzo,Chair Attest: Alaska Energy Authority,Secretary DRAFT BPMC Minutes 5/17/19 Page 5 of 5 BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE (BPMC) List of Representatives Representative Alternate Contact info -Golden Valley Electric Association:;.2-oe aee Email:cborgeson@gvea.comCoryBorgeson3 .Email:LlQuiachon@gvea.com907-458-5866 Leo Quiachon |Assistant:Susan Redlin Ph:907-458-5721 P.O.Box 71249,Fairbanks,AK 99707 Matanuska Electric Association .°2 i ee Email:tony.izzo@mea.coop Tony 1zzo Email:tony.zellers@mea.coop 907-761-9212 Tony Zellers Assistant:Dawn Baham Ph:907-761-9285 P.O.Box 2929 (163 Industrial Way) Palmer,AK 99645 'Alaska Energy Authority)So ne Email:bcarey@akenergyauthority.org Bryan Carey Email:cthayer@akenergyauthority.org Secretary/Treasurer Curtis Thayer Assistant:Ashton Doyle Ph:771-3074 771-3065 Email:acompton@akenergyauthority.org 813 W.Northern Light Blvd,Anch.AK 99503 'Anchorage Municipal Light &Power? Email:anna.henderson@anchorageak.gov Anna Henderson Email:warnerja@muni.org 263-5202 Jeff Warner Assist:jody.abruzzino@anchorageak.gov Ph:263-5416 1200 E.1st Ave,Anchorage,AK 99501 Chugach Electric Association =.eS Email:Lee_thibert@chugachelectric.com Lee Thibert ;Email:Burke_wick@chugachelectric.com 762-4517 Burke Wick -_|Assistant:Connie Owens Ph:762-47475601ElectronDrive,Anchorage,AK 99518 John Foutz Email:jfoutz@cityofseward.net 224-4071 Assistant:Tatiana lachim Cell:907-362-1785 None tiachin@cityofseward.net Ph:907-224-4073 :P.O.Box 167 (238 5th Avenue)Seward,AK 99664 'Homer Electric Association {28 8 Email:bjanorschke@homerelectric.com Brad Janorschke Email:bday@homerelectric.com Assistant: 907-283-2312 Bob Day Heather Smith Ph:907-283-2334 280 Airport Way,Kenai,AK 99611 Kirk Gibson Email:Kirk@mcd-law.com McDowell Rackner &Gibson PC 419 SW 1ith Street,Suite 400 Wk:503-290-3626;Cell 503-708-1341 Portland,Oregon 97205 Revised Date:7/23/2019 Committee/Subcommitee Representative Intertie Management Committee Reports To (N/A) Brian Hickey -CEA (Chair) Kirk Warren -AEA Cory Borgeson -GVEA Mark Johnston -ML&P Tony Izzo -MEA Standards Committee -Chair? Reports To (IMC) Jeff Warner -ML&P Ed Jenkin -MEA Dan Bishop -GVEA David Lockard -AEA Brian Hickey -CEA Larry Jorgensen -HEA (invitee) Standards Compliance Subcommittee -Chair? Reports To (IMC)Matt Clarkson -CEAJeffWarner-ML&P David Pease -MEA Dan Bishop -GVEA Kirk Gibson Larry Jorgensen -HEA (Invitee) Tariffs and Regulatory Affairs Committee Reports To (IMC)David Pease -MEA Monica Grassi-GVEA Arthur Miller Operating Committee Reports To (IMC) Jeff Warner -ML&P [David Lockard -AEA Ed Jenkin -MEA (chair) Dan Bishop -GVEA Rusself Thornton Larry Jorgensen -HEA (Invitee) Budget Subcommittee: Reports To (OC) Jocelyn Garner AEA (chair) Mollie Morrison -ML&P Matt Reisterer-MEA Cory Borgeson -GVEA Jody Wolfe -CEA Dispatch and System Operations Subcommittee: Reports To (OC) Jeff Warmer -ML&P (Chair) Lance McKimson -MEA Pete Sarauer -GVEA John Johnson -CEA Alan Owens -HEA (Invitee) Reports To (OC) Engineering,Relay and Reliability Subcommittee:Aung Thuva -ML&P Rob Wilson -MEA Nathan Minnema -GVEA Adam Vogel -CEA (Chair) Machine Ratings Subcommittee: Reports To (OC) Ken Langford -ML&P (Chair) Mike Mann -MEA John Kelly -GVEA Dee Fultz -CEA Alan Owens -HEA (Invitee) Operations,Maintenance and Scheduling Reports To (OC) Jeff Warmer -ML&P Greg Chamberlain -MEA (chair) Rich Piech -GVEA Burke Wick -CEA SCADA and Telecommunications Subcommittee Michael Humphrey -ML&P [Allen Sparks -GVEA Rob Wilson -MEA David Lockard -AEA Paul Johnson -CEA (Chair) System Studies Subcommittee:Aung Thuya -ML&P Kelvin Simonson Keith Palchikoff -GVEA Russ Thornton -CEA (chair) David Lockard -AEA Jim Cross -HEA (Invitee) Email Address Alternate Alternate email address brian hickev@cuvachelectric.com Sherri Highers sherri_highers@chugachelectric.com kwarren@akenerevauthoritv.ore David Lockard dlockard@akenergyauthority.org borgeson@evea com Ron Woolf rewoolf@gvea.com mark johnston@anchorageak soy Jade Tsai jade.tsai@anchorageakgovtony.izzo@mea.coop Deanna Hracha Deanna.hracha@mea.coop jeff.warner@anchorageak.gov Ken Langford ken.langford@anchorageak.gov 'edward.ienkin@mea.coop Lance McKimson lance.mckimson@mea,.coop drbishop@ gvea.com Rich Piech rjpiech@gvea.com dlockard@akenergyauthority.org Kirk Warren kwarren@akenergyauthority.org brian_hickey@chugachelectric.com Paul Risse paul_risse@chugachelectric.com ljorgensen@homerelectric.com Bob Day -HEA (Invitee)bday@homerelectric.com Watthew clarkson @chugachclectric com Burke Wick burke wick@chugachelectric.com ieffwarmer@anchorageak gov Anna Henderson ) david.pease.@mea.coop Ed Jenkin edward jenkin@mea.coopdrbishop@gvea.com Keith Palchikoff kepalchikoff@egvea.com Kirk@mrg-law.com ljorgensen@homerelectric.com Bob Day -HEA (Invitee)bday@homerelectric.com 'annahenderson@anchorageak gov Juliet Cruz juliet cruz(@anchorageakgovdavid.pease@mea.coop Matt Reisterer matt.reisterer@mea.coopmerassi@gvea.com Brian Youngberg bly@egvea.com rthur Miller@chuvachelectric.com Tom Schulman Tom Schulman@chueachelectric.com jeff.warner@anchorageak.gov Ryan Garner ryan.garner@anchorageak.gov dlockard(@akenerevauthority ore.Kirk Warren Kwarren@akenerevauthoritvorgedward.jenkin@mea.coop Jon Sinclair jon sinclair@)mea.coop drbishop@gvea.com Rich Piech Tjpiech@gvea.com Russ.Thornton @chuvachelectric.com Burke Wick burke_wick@chugachelectric.com ljorgensen@homerelectric.com Mark Peery -HEA (invitee)mneerv@homerelectric¢.com jgarner@akenergyauthority.org David Lockard dlockard@akenergyauthority.org mollie.morrison@anchorageak.gov Jade Tsai jade.tsai@anchorageak.gov matt.reisterer@mea.coop Deanna Hracha Deanna.hracha@mea.coop cborgeson@gvea.com Ron Woolf rewoolf@gvea.com jody _wolfe@chugachelectric.com Sherri Highers sherri_highers@chugachelectric.com ryan.garmer@anchorageakgovLieffwamer@anchorageakgovRyanGamerlance.mckimson@mea.coop Ed Jenkin edward jenkin@mea.coop phsarauer@gvea.com Molly Howard mahoward@gvea.com johnjohnson@chugachelectric.com Dee Fultz Dee Fultz@chueachelectric.com aowens@homerelectric.com Bob Day -HEA (Invitee)bday@homerelectric.com gov ALMitchell alan.mitcheli@anchorageak govrobert.wilson@mea.coop Jon Sinclair jon.sinclair@mea.coop njminnema@gvea.com Dan Bishop drbishop@gvea.com adam_vogel@chugachelectric.com Luke Sliman luke_sliman@chugachelectric.com j ken.langford@anchorageak.gov Nat Lewis nat.lewis@anchorageak.gov | michael mann@mea,coop Josh Crowell -MEA joshua crowell@mea.coop jhkelly@gvea.com Keith Palchikoff kepalchikoff@gvea.com dee fultz@chugachelectric.com Dustin Highers Dustin Highers@chueachelectric.com Aowens@HomerElectric.com Larry Jorgensen -HEA (Invitee)ljorgensen@homerelectric.com ie ffwamer(@anchorageak gov Ken Laneford ken Janeford@anchorageak gov gregory.chamberlain@?mea.coop Rob Zehnder robert.zehnder@mea.cooprjpiech@gvea.com Pete Mondelli pvmondelli@gvea.com burke _wick@chugachelectric.com Tusi Faafetai Tusi Faafetai@chueachelectric.com michael.humphrey@anchorageak.gov Lance Roberts liroberts@gvea.comLARSparks(@evea.com robert.wilson@mea.coop Cathy Penna cathy.penna@mea.coop dlockard@akenergyauthority.org Kirk Warren kwarren@akenergyauthority.org paul_johnson@chugachelectric.com Bill Murray bill.murray@chugachelectric.com aung.thuya@anchorageak.gov Al Mitchell alan.mitchell@anchorageak.gov kelvin simonson'gmea coop Ed Jenkin -MEA edward jenkin nica coop kepalchikoff@gvea.com Chase Rixie cmrixie@gvea.com Russell_thornton@chugachelectric.com Adam Vogel adam_vogel@chugachelectric.com dlockard@akenergyauthority.org Kirk Warren kwarren@akenergyauthority.org jcross@homerelectric.com Mike Tracy -HEA (invite mtracy@homerelectric.com Bradley Lake Project Management Committee Meeting Friday,July 26,2019 Agenda Item:7B MOTION: Move: Second: Move that the Bradley Lake Project Management Committee (BPMC) approve splitting McDowell Rackner &Gibson legal services between BPMC operating costs and Battle Creek Participating Utilities administrative costs.FY19 legal expenses to be paid for by the Battle Creek Participating Utilities is $17,115.FY20 legal services will be split between BPMC operating costs and BCPU administrative costs as well,FY20 budget amendment will be needed if costs exceed $50,000. Page 1 of1 Bradley Lake Project Management Committee Meeting Friday,July 26,2019 Agenda Item:7C MOTION: Move: Second: Move that the Bradley Lake Project Management Committee (BPMC) approve the payment for the services of the claim consulting firm to be paid for out of the Battle Creek Revenue Fund.The costs are considered FY19 Battle Creek Construction costs.Total estimated FY19 costs is $150,000. Page 1 of 1 Bradley Lake Project Management Committee Meeting Friday,July 26,2019 Agenda Item:7D MOTION:Move that the Bradley Lake Project Management Committee approve the first amendment of the fiscal year 2020 Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project budget as presented.This budget amendment increases the Battle Creek Participating Utilities annual contributions by $425,000 to pay for claim consulting firm services. Move: Second: Page 1 of1 West Fork Upper Battle Creek Update July 26,2019 Events: Contractor reached the diversion site in late June and has been blasting features topreparefordivertingcreekandfoundationwork. Drilling and blasting on an intermittent basis continues on Walls 2 &3. HDPE pipe is being manufactured and the first shipment is in route to Seattle. Contractor estimated time at Bradley is late August.Will take substantial time to offload&transport up mountain. Schedule: Contractor July schedule (data date July 15,2019).Contractor schedule has diversiondamandpipelineascriticalpaths.Walls are not critical.HDPE pipe shows as installed this fall.Schedule shows substantial completion July 2020 (same as contract). Schedule is achievable if there is good weather in the fall and they do some amount of double shifting. Budget: Little change in budget.Increases in rock excavation quantities (expected)balance out with reductions in MSE wall areas. Page 1 of 3 Photo 1:Constructing temporary bridge at diversion site Ase Wate aS * Page 2 of3 Photo 2:Wall 2 and Staging Area 3 pipe bedding aHmenaRoe Paes¥NS4:Page 3 of3 Bradley Lake Budget to Actual Expense Report 07/01/2018 to 05/31/2019 Page 1 of 9 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Schedule A-1 Expenses for the period 07/01/18 through 05/31/19 FY18 FY18 FY19 FY19CAPITALPURCHASESNOTFUNDEDBYR&C FUND BUDGET |ACTUALS |BUDGET|ACTUALS Replace/Automate Fish Water Valve Actuators 225,000 361,430 -364 Equipment storage shed (unheated bus barn)100,000 67,539 -- 1 ton Flatbed with Plow 65,000 57,016 -- Battle Creek Bridge Repair Refurbishment (2)182,000 -|200,000 - Mobil Crane 40 to 50 tons (used)100,000 88,875 -- Replace Michigan Loader 350,000 263,306 -- Upgrade Crews Quarters and Residents Kitchen 165,000 1,850 -- Replace 1988 Suburban Ambulance 65,000 59,430 -5,350 1/2 ton Pick up truck 35,000 34,693 -- Replace High Bay Lighting in Power Plant 20,000 19,920 -- Turbine Nozzle Repair --60,000 - Tire Machine --12,500 15,246 Total Non R&C Capital Purchases -_1,307,000 954,059 272,500 20,960 Page 2 of 9 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY BRADLEY LAKE OPERATIONS &MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE B BUDGET TO ACTUAL EXPENSES FOR THE PERIOD 07/01/2018 THROUGH 05/31/2019 FY19 FY 18 BUDGET % FY19 Approved 07/01/2018 -(Over)Under FY18 Approved Budget 0/31/2019 HEA Actual CEA Actual AEA Actual Total Actual Budget to Date Budget FY18 Actual y by exp type Default ----:---- Labor &Benefits 1,572,497 1,441,456 1,187,701 38,509 =1,226,210 215,246 1,889,814 1,578,236 Travel 33,950 31,121 22,986 1,632 :24,619 6,502 76,950 16,114 Training 49,300 45,192 19,388 ::19,388 25,804 49,300 14,046 Contractual 1,033,216 947,114 341,816 :224,659 566,475 380,639 841,062 659,773 Supplies &Materials 204,345 187,315 136,684 670 :137,354 49,961 183,345 152,799 Other Costs 69,818 64,000 32,721 27,164 {35,039}24,846 39,154 387,818 276,370 Equipment,Furnitureand Machinery 7,000 6,417 6,612 ::6,612 (195}7,000 25,562 Maintenance Projects --.--..-3,381 Administrative Costs 1,233,537 1,130,742 16,791 -998,056 1,014,847 115,895 1,158,098 1,259,441 Indirect Costs 583,803 $35,153 487,099 ::487,099 48,054 :: 4,787,466 4,388,510 2,251,799 67,975 1,187,675 3,507,449 881,062 4,593,387 3,985,722 FERC 535-0,pe &Engineeri Operations Sup/Eng Bradley Lake Operating Labor &Benefits 189,074 173,318 173,823 ::173,823 (505)265,587 262,431 Travel 10,450 9,579 10,807 ::10,807 (1,228)10,450 2,271 Training 9,300 8,525 2,736 -:2,736 5,789 9,300 3,452 Contractual 1,000 917 287 -:257 660 1,000 121 Supplies &Materials 4,000 3,667 2,076 ::2,076 1,591 4,000 3,210 Indirect Costs 77,849 71,362 63,055 ::63,055 8,307 *: Bradley Lake Operating Total 291,673 267,368 252,756 :252,756 14,612 290,337 271,485 FERC 535 -Op iP &ig Total 291,673 267,368 252,756 ::252,756 14,612 290,337 271,485 FERC 537 -Hydraulic Expenses Hydraulic Expenses Bradley Lake Operating Labor &Benefits 88,714 81,321 67,408 ::67,408 13,913 94,453 69,032 Contractual 2,000 1,833 11,524 -.11,524 (9,691)2,000 = Supplies &Materials 2,000 1,833 1,747 :-1,747 86 2,000 976 Indirect Costs 41,515 38,055 35,787 ::35,787 2,268 :. Bradley Lake Operating Total 134,229 123,042 116,467 --116,467 6,575 98,453 70,008 FERC 537 -Hydraulic Expenses Total 134,229 123,042 116,467 .-116,467 6,575 98,453 70,008 FERC 538 -Electric Expenses Electric Expenses Bradley Lake Operating Labor &Benefits 224,811 206,077 195,557 -:195,557 10,520 232,294 202,969 Travet 7,000 6,417 3,783 -:3,783 2,634 7,000 6,877 Training 25,000 22,917 12,406 +:12,406 10,511 25,000 231 Contractual 2,000 1,833 ::::1,833 2,000 1,400 Supplies &Materials 9,732 8,921 4,503 -.4,503 4,418 9,732 5,513 Indirect Costs 102,222 93,704 92,822 ::92,822 882 ': Bradley Lake Operating Total 370,765 339,869 309,072 -:309,072 30,797 276,026 216,990 FERC 538 -Electric Expenses Total 370,765 339,869 309,072 -*309,072 30,797 276,026 216,990 FERC 539 -Misc.Hydraulic Power i Misc Hydro Power Exp Bradiey Lake Operating Labor &Benefits 168,044 154,040 111,126 -:111,126 42,914 179,530 172,689 Training 15,000 13,750 4,245 :'4,245 9,505 15,000 10,363 Contractual 287,525 263,565 128,892 ::128,892 134,673 287,525 212,841 Supplies &Materials 17,900 16,408 26,943 --26,943 (10,535)17,900 18,271 Indirect Costs 41,515 38,055 35,640 :-35,640 2,415 :- Bradiey Lake Operating Tota!529,984 485,818 306,847 --306,847 178,971 499,955 414,164 BRADLEY CIRCUITS/RADIO TO BERNICE LK Other Costs 35,695 32,720 32,721 ::32,721 (1)35,695 35,696 BRADLEY CIRCUITS/RADIO TO BERNICE LK Totat 35,698 32,720 32,721 ::32,721 (1)35,695 35,696 BRADLEY CIRCUITS BERNICE LK TO ANCH Other Costs 29,773 27,292 *27,064 :27,064 228 29,773 29,728 BRADLEY CIRCUITS BERNICE LK TO ANCH Total 29,773 27,292 :27,064 :27,064 228 29,773 29,728 FERC 539 -Misc.Hydraulic Power Total 595,452 545,830 339,568 27,064 :366,632 179,198 565,423 479,587 FERC 540 -Rents FERC Land Use Fee Bradley Lake Operating Other Costs ::::(35,289)(35,289)35,289 318,000 202,079 Bradley Lake Operating Total =:-:(35,289)(35,289}35,289 318,000 202,079 FERC 540 -Rents Total ::--(35,289)(35,289)35,289 318,000 202,079 FERC 541 -Mai pervision &Engineering Maint Supervision/Eng Bradley Lake Operating Labor &Benefits 195,817 179,499 171,952 -:171,952 7,547 272,586 263,101 indirect Costs 77,849 71,362 63,055 -:63,0585 8,307 :: Bradley Lake Operating Total 273,666 250,861 235,007 :-235,007 15,854 272,586 263,101 FERC 541 -Maintenance Supervision &Engineering Total 273,666 250,861 235,007 :-235,007 15,854 272,586 263,101 Page 3 of9 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY BRADLEY LAKE OPERATIONS &MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE B BUDGET TO ACTUAL EXPENSES FOR THE PERIOD 07/01/2018 THROUGH 05/31/2019 FY 19 FY 18 BUDGET % FY19 Approved 07/01/2018 -(Over)Under FY18 Approved Budget 05/31/2019 HEA Actual CEA Actua!AEA Actual Total Actual Budget to Date Budget FY18 Actual FERC 542 -Maintenance of Structures Maintenance of Structures Bradley Lake Operating Labor &Benefits 85,438 78,318 64,042 -:64,042 14,276 94,453 70,197Contractual10,000 9,167 :-::9,167 10,000 : Supplies &Materials $3,713 49,237 41,271 :*41,271 7,966 $3,713 57,919 Equi Furniture and Machinery 7,000 6,417 6,612 -:6,612 (195)7,000 8,513 Maintenance Projects ::::::::2,581 Indirect Costs 37,066 33,977 31,777 -:31,777 2,200 =: Bradley Lake Operating Total 193,217 177,116 143,702 :Ea 143,702 33,414 165,166 139,209 BRADLEY UPGRADE CREWS QTRS/RESIDENCE KITCHEN Contractual 165,000 151,250 ::::151,250 :: BRADLEY UPGRADE CREWS QTRS/RESIDENCE KITCHEN Tq 165,000 151,250 -:::151,250 :- FERC 542 -Maintenance of Structures Totat 358,217 328,366 143,702 °:143,702 184,664 165,166 139,209 FERC 543 -Maintenance of Reservoirs,Dams &Waterways Maint Res,Dams,WWays Bradley Lake Operating Labor &Benefits 45,552 41,756 4,722 ::4,722 37,034 50,610 9,314Contractual6,500 5,958 7,600 ::7,600 (1,642)6,500 = indirect Costs 19,932 18,271 87 -:87 18,184 .: Bradley Lake Operating Total 71,984 65,985 12,410 ::12,410 53,575 57,110 9,314 BRADLEY NUKA REPAIR Contractual 15,000 13,750 --::13,750 15,000 : BRADLEY NUKA REPAIR Total 15,000 13,750 +:::13,750 15,000 : BRADLEY POWER TUNNEL MAINT (Dam) Contractual 15,000 13,750 ::=:13,750 15,000 - BRADLEY POWER TUNNEL MAINT (Dam)Total 15,000 13,750 :::-13,750 15,000 - FERC 543 -Maintenance of Reservoirs,Darns &Waterways Tota 101,984 93,485 12,410 --12,410 81,075 87,110 9,314 FERC 544 -Maintenance of Electric Plant Maintenance of Elec Plant Bradley Lake Operating Labor &Benefits 342,265 313,743 267,953 ::267,953 45,790 379,102 291,662Travel4,500 4,125 216 -:216 3,909 4,500 : Contractual 70,000 64,167 69,475 -:69,475 (5,308)70,000 59,793 Supplies &Materials 20,000 18,333 15,975 -:15,975 2,358 20,000 12,743 indirect Costs 148,789 136,390 131,392 bd :131,392 4,998 :: Bradley Lake Operating Total 585,554 536,758 485,012 :-485,012 51,746 473,602 364,198 BRADLEY REPLACE LIGHTING IN POWER PLANT Supplies &Materials 30,000 27,500 --::27,500 :: SRADLEY REPLACE LIGHTING IN POWER PLANT Total 30,000 27,500 ::=:27,500 :- FERC 544 -Maintenance of Electric Plant Total 615,554 564,258 485,012 ::485,012 79,246 473,602 364,198 FERC 545 -of Misc.Hy lic Plant Maint of Misc Hydr Plant Bradley Lake Operating Labor &Benefits 85,438 78,318 66,677 x :66,677 11,641 94,453 86,833 Contractual 3,900 3,575 -:::3,575 3,900 2,009 Supplies &Materials 35,000 32,083 32,487 7 :32,487 (404)35,000 49,502 Indirect Costs 37,066 33,977 33,482 ::33,482 495 :: Bradley Lake Operating Total 161,404 147,953 132,646 bd :132,646 15,307 133,353 138,344 BRADLEY FISH WATER DSGN/MIDDLE FORK SHACK IMPR Supplies &Materials ----::::1,345 BRADLEY FISH WATER DSGN/MIDDLE FORK SHACK IMPR ::::a =:-1,345 FERC $45 -of Misc.Hydraulic Plant Totat 161,404 147,953 132,646 --132,646 15,307 133,353 139,689 FERC 556 -System Control &Load Dispatching System Cnti &Load Disp Bradley Lake Operating Labor &Benefits 21,506 19,714 19,047 :-19,047 667 20,618 34,363 Contractual 53,000 48,583 44,623 ::44,623 3,960 53,000 35,618 Supplies &Materials 6,000 5,500 613 --613 4,887 6,000 642 Equipment,Furniture and Machinery ---:::::16,254 Bradley Lake Operating Total 80,506 73,797 64,283 --64,283 9,514 79,618 86,878 BRADLEY EMERSON ANTIVIRUS UPGRADE Contractual 40,000 36,667 41,740 :-41,740 (5,073):: BRADLEY EMERSON ANTIVIRUS UPGRADE Total 40,000 36,667 41,740 ::41,740 (5,073):: Snow Measurement Bradley Lake Operating Contractual 12,000 11,000 ::10,000 10,000 1,000 10,000 10,000 Bradley Lake Operating Total 12,000 11,000 =:10,000 10,000 1,000 10,000 10,000 Seismic Service Bradley Lake Operating Contractual 62,000 56,833 =-59,940 $9,940 (3,107)62,000 61,285 Bradley Lake Operating Tota!62,000 56,833 ::59,940 59,940 (3,107)62,000 61,285 Page 4 of 9 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY BRADLEY LAKE OPERATIONS &MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE B BUDGET TO ACTUAL EXPENSES FOR THE PERIOD 07/01/2018 THROUGH 05/31/2019 FY 19 FY 18 BUDGET % FY19 Approved 07/01/2018 -(Over)Under FY18 Approved Budget 05/31/2019 HEA Actual CEA Actual AEA Actual Total Actual Budget to Date Budget FY18 Actual Streamguaging Serv Bradiey Lake Operating Contractual 206,291 189,100 -:154,718 154,718 34,382 213,137 213,137 Bradley Lake Operating Totai 206,291 189,100 :-154,718 154,718 34,382 213,137 213,137 Permits Bradley Lake Operating Other Costs 350 321 ::250 250 71 350 250 Bradley Lake Operating Total 350 321 -:250 250 71 350 250 FERC 556 -System Control &Load Dispatching Total 401,147 367,718 106,023 .224,909 330,931 36,787 365,105 371,550 FERC 562 -Station Expenses Station Expenses Bradley Lake Operating Labor &Benefits 94,718 86,825 40,504 38,509 :79,013 7,812 123,726 112,738 Travel 2,000 1,833 :1,632 :1,632 201 6,000 1,701 Contractual 32,000 29,333 26,858 ::26,858 2,475 4,000 7,440 Supplies &Materials 21,000 19,250 11,069 670 '11,739 7,511 16,000 2,678 Other Costs 4,000 3,667 -100 :100 3,567 4,000 8,618 Equipment,Furniture and Machinery ---->---795 Maintenance Projects --------800 Bradley Lake Operating Total 153,718 140,908 78,431 40,911 :119,342 21,566 153,726 134,770 FERC 562 -Station Expenses Tota!153,718 140,908 78,431 40,911 :119,342 21,566 153,726 134,770 FERC 571 -Maintenance of Overhead Lines Maint of OH Lines Bradley Lake Operating Labor &Benefits 31,120 28,527 4,889 -:4,889 23,638 82,402 2,907 Travel 10,000 9,167 8,180 ::8,180 987 49,000 5,265 Contractual 50,000 45,833 10,846 -:10,846 34,987 86,000 56,046 Supplies &Materials 5,000 4,583 :-::4,583 19,000 : Bradley Lake Operating Total 96,120 88,110 23,915 ::23,915 64,195 236,402 64,218 BRADLEY MARKER BALL REPLACEMENT Contractual ::--:-<-83 BRADLEY MARKER BALL REPLACEMENT Total ::-:-::-83 FERC 571-of Overhead Lines Total 96,120 88,110 23,915 -:23,915 64,195 236,402 64,302 FERC 920 &930 -Administrative Expense AEA Bradley Fixed Admin Fees Bradley Lake Operating Administrative Costs 200,000 183,333 -.183,333 183,333 (0)200,000 200,000 Bradley Lake Operating Total 200,000 183,333 ::183,333 183,333 (0)200,000 200,000 Operating Committee Exp-Audit Bradley Lake Operating Administrative Costs 16,500 15,125 -:19,900 19,900 (4,775)16,800 16,800 Bradley Lake Operating Total 16,500 15,125 ::19,900 19,900 (4,775)16,800 16,800 Operating Committee Exp-Legal Bradley Lake Operating Administrative Costs 25,000 22,917 ::132,348 132,348 (109,431)25,000 115,610 Bradley Lake Operating Total 25,000 22,917 --132,348 132,348 (109,431)25,000 115,610 Operat Committee Exp-Arbitrage Bradley Lake Operating Administrative Costs 2,935 2,690 <:+:2,690 3,380 2,535 Bradley Lake Operating Total 2,935 2,690 -::-2,690 3,380 2,535 Trust &Account Fees Bradiey Lake Operating Administrative Costs 11,918 10,925 ::11,918 11,918 (993)11,918 11,918 Bradley Lake Operating Totat 11,918 10,925 :-11,918 11,918 (993)11,918 11,918 Misc Admin Bradley Lake Operating Administrative Costs 10,350 9,488 ::11,646 11,646 {2,158)10,000 10,350 Bradley Lake Operating Total 10,350 9,488 -:11,646 11,646 (2,158)10,000 10,350 FERC 920 &930 -Administrative Expense Total 266,703 244,478 ::359,145 359,145 (114,667)267,098 357,213 FERC 924 &925 -Insurance Premiums insurance Premiums Bradley Lake Operating Administrative Costs 656,834 602,098 16,791 :550,794 567,585 34,513 581,000 624,705 Bradley Lake Operating Tota!656,834 602,098 16,791 :550,794 $67,585 34,513 581,000 624,705 FERC 924 &925 -Insurance Premiums Totat 656,834 602,098 16,791 -550,794 567,585 34,513 581,000 624,705 Page 5 of9 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY BRADLEY LAKE OPERATIONS &MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE B BUDGET TO ACTUAL EXPENSES FOR THE PERIOD 07/01/2018 THROUGH 05/31/2019 FY19 FY 18 BUDGET % FY19 Approved 07/01/2018 -(Over)Under FY18 Approved Budget 05/31/2019 HEA Actual CEA Actual AEA Actual Total Actual Budget to Date Budget FY18 Actual FERC 928 -yc FERC Admin Fees Bradiey Lake Operating Administrative Costs 185,000 169,583 :::=169,583 185,000 176,523 Bradley Lake Operating Total 185,000 169,583 :a -:169,583 185,000 176,523 FERC Related Prof Services BRADLEY CONTRACTUAL ENGINEER-FERC LICENSE ISSUES Administrative Costs |125,000 114,583 ::88,117 88,117 26,466 125,000 100,999BRADLEYCONTRACTUALENGINEER-FERC LICENSE sues 125,000 114,583 -:88,117 88,117 26,466 125,000 100,999 FERC 928 -U yc Total 310,000 284,166 id :88,117 88,117 196,049 310,000 277,522 Total Bradley Lake Budget 4,787,466 4,388,510 2,251,799 67,975 1,187,675 3,507,449 881,061 4,593,387 3,985,722 Page 6 of9 BRADLEY LAKE R&C FUND DISBURSEMENTS AND REPAYMENTS SCHEDULE D Expenses for the Period 07/1/18 through 05/31/19 Actual Actual Actual Actual Budget @ 6/30/18 TO REPAY @05/31/19 TO REPAY FY19 Description Expense 6/30/2018 Expense @6/30/19 R&C FUND PROJECTS Governor 0.00 4,052,070.14 0.00 4,052,070.14 0.00 Replace RFLS 0.00 251,092.69 0.00 251,092.69 0.00 Replace Runners 0.00 1,946,732.79 0.00 1,946,732.79 0.00 Replace cable from dam to power house 0.00 2,321,922.94 0.00 2,321,922.94 0.00 Replace power system stabilizer 0.00 619,205.10 0.00 619,205.10 0.00 Replace two RTUs 0.00 86,905.27 0.00 86,905.27 0.00 Culvert Repairs 0.00 675,966.79 0.00 675,966.79 0.00 Tower Repair for Jack Frost Heaves 0.00 887,596.62 0.00 887,596.62 0.00 Replace Plant and SCADA Controls 0.00 1,344,683.05 0.00 1,344,683.05 0.00 Vibration Monitoring System 0.00 490.00 0.00 490.00 0.00 Fire Alarm System Replacement 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 250,000.00 Battle Creek Diversion 0.00 1,170,000.00 0.00 1,170,000.00 0.00 Bradley Replace Electro-Mechanical Relays 0.00 1,277,197.06 0.00 1,277,197.08 0.00 Fishwater Screen Debris Removal 0.00 312,236.43 0.00 312,236.43 0.00 Turbine Nozzel Repair 0.00 1,428,861.07 0.00 1,428,861.07 0.00 SVC replacement Daves Creek |Soldotna 1,341,405.96 8,517,991.11 0.00 8,517,991.11 0.00 Equipment Storage Shed 0.00 0.00 504,776.41 504,776.41 500,000.00 Emerson Operating System Upgrade 0.00 0.00 560,398.50 560,398.50 700,000.00 Generator #2 Replacement 0.00 0.00 560,771.03 560,771.03 0.00 1,341,405.96 |24,892,951.06 1,625,945.94 |26,518,897.00 1,450,000.00 Current Year R&C Repayment (2,793,306.00)(2,517,229.00) Adjust to balance to $5million 0.00 0.00 Interest in Fund Applied to Repayment (226,781.00)(117,137.19) Net Transfer from Revenue Fund (3,020,087.00)(2,634,366.19)Cumulative Prior Years R&C Repayments (17,886,155.09)(20,465,255.55) Due Back to Utilities 440,986.54 (118,064.56) Adjust Due to R&C Actual 0.00 0.00 (17,445,168.55)(20,583,320.11) NET DUE TO R&C FUND 4,427,695.51 3,301,210.71 R&C FUND CASH FLOW PROJECTION Beginning Investment Balance 3,219,624.39 1,013,291.03 Disbursements-current year -Accrual (1,341 405.96)(999,608.45) Disbursements-prior year accrued (2,737 ,351.03)0.00 Utilities'R&C Refund (1,147,663.37)(440,986.54) Net other cash inflow(outflow)0.00 0.00 Current year interest earnings 226,781.00 117,137.19 Participants Contributions to R&C Fund 2,793,306.00 2,517,229.00 Ending Investment Balance 1,013,291.03 2,207 062.23 Accrued Due to Utilities (440,986.54)118,064.56 R&C payable back to the revenue fund 0.00 0.00 Accrued R&C vendor Payable at Year End 0.00 (626,337.49) PROJECTED NET DUE +ENDING INVESTMENT BALANCE 5,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 $3,330,802.80 x 25%yr 1 |32%yr 2|25%yr 3 [18%yr4 3rd yr 832,700.70 |4th 599,544.50 599,544.50 $5,644,193.08 x 25%all 4 years 2nd yr 1,411,048.27 |[3rd 1,411,048.27 1,411,048.27 $1,341 ,405.96 x 25%all 4 years 1st yr 335,351.49 |2nd 335,351.49 372,974.87 $1,625945.94 x 25%all 4 years 1st 406,486.49 362,500.00 __2,579,100.46 |2,752,430.75 2,746 067.64 Page 7 of 9 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Battle Creek Capital Purchases Schedule E Expenses for the period 07/01/18 through 05/31/19 FY18 FY19 Battle Creek Capital Purchases Amended FY18 Appoved FY19 Budget Actuals Budget Actuals Used 2007 Chevrolet Silverado 8,800 8,800 Used 2006 Chevrolet Silverado 7,700 7,700 Total capital revenue fund purchases 16,500 16,500 - Page 8 of9 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Battle Creek Administrative Costs Schedule F Expenses for the period 07/01/18 through 05/31/19 Run Date:07/19/19 Summary By Expense Type FY 19 FY 18 FY19 Budget %; , Aprroved 07/01/18 -(Over)Under ||FY18 Aprroved|..: ,Budget _,05/31/19 _HEA Actual |]|AEAActual_|Total Actual |Budget to Date|{|Budget,|Total Actual Summary By Expense Type Administrative Costs $:$$_270,258.67|$170,412.59]$440,671.26 |$(440,671.26)f |$-|$137,456.45 $E $-|$270,258.67 |$170,412.59 |$440,671.26 |$(440,671.26)]|$-|$137,456.45 FERC 920 &930 -Administrative Expense Bond issue Costs Administrative Costs $-$-_|$-_4$-_|$-_{$s :$-_|$: Bond Issue Costs Total $-$-_[$s -_4$-_{$-_}$-$-[$s - AEA Bradley Fixed Admin Fees Administrative Costs $:$-_|[s 7,421]$154,000/$161,421 |$(161,421.05)]|$-_[$s 25,525 AEA Bradley Fixed Admin Fees Total $:$-|s$7,421]$_154,000]$161,421}$(161,421.05)}1 $-|[$25,525 Operating Committee Exp-Legal Administrative Costs $-$-$:$12,247 |$12,247 }$ (12,246.92)]1 $-$17,082 Operating Committee Exp-Legal Tota!$-$-$:$12,247 |$12,247 }$ (12,246.92)]1 $-S 17,082 Operat Committee Exp-Arbitrage Administrative Costs $:$-_|[$-_|$-_{$-_|$:$-_|s 2,180OperatCommitteeExp-Arbitrage Total |$-$-_[$s -_[$s -_{$-{$-$-4$2,180 Trust &Account Fees Administrative Costs $-$-$-S 4,083 |$4,083 |$-(4,082.82)]|$-S 1,197 Trust &Account Fees Total $-$-_{$-[S$4,083 |$4,083 |$-(4,082.82)][$-[$1,197 Misc Admin Administrative Costs $-$-$-$831$83|$(82.85)]1 $-$2,276 Mise Admin Total $-$-|$-$s 831$8315 (82.85)}|$-[S$2,276 Professional consultants Administrative Costs $-$-_|$262,838]$-__|$___262,838 |$(262,837.62)|$-fs 89,196 Professional consultants Total $-$-$262,838 |$-$262,838 |$(262,837.62)}|$-S 89,196 FERC 920 &930 -Administrative Expense Total]$-$-$270,259 |$170,413 |$440,671 |$(440,671.26)|1 $ba $137,456 Page 9 of 9 Bradley Lake Operator Report BPMC July 26,2019 Unit Statistics:*as of July 23,2019 Generation Unit 1 (MWhrs)Unit 2 (MWhrs)Total (MWhrs) June 2019 24,491 18,928 43,419 Hydraulics Avg.Lake Level (ft.)Usage (ac ft.)Fish water (CFS) June 2019 1147.4'43,625 493.5 Generation Unit 1 (MWhrs)Unit 2 (MWhrs)Total (MWhrs) uly 2019*15,116 9,644 24,760 Hydraulics Avg.Lake Level (ft.)Usage (ac ft.)Fish water (CFS) uly 2019*1,164.5'24,508 2,792 Lake Level -1,169.7'as of July 23,2019 Capital Projects: 1) 2) 3) Swan Lake Fire -The fire is being managed by an inter-agency fire management team.In order to meet their goals of protecting fire personnel,local citizens, infrastructure,and the 115 kV transmission line,an outage was taken on the Sterling to Quartz segment.This outage allowed fire personnel access to work around the line and structures to enhance fire breaks and back-burn critical areas of fuel adjacent to Right of Way.Due to these efforts the fire crews were able to control the fire and prevent damage to the transmission line and structures.This outage also curtailed transmission of Bradley power to the Northern utilities.The outage impacted the ability for Bradley to generate and has resulted in threateningly high levels at the lake. Due to high lake levels -It is likely that we will spill due to the fire outage and the high inflows from the warm river,then it rained very hard. Mechanical Divider issue -I have received an email from the proposed supplier for the new dividers that increases the cost of the steel by $19,144.00.This is likely due to steel tariffs.We will be approaching the second highest bidder to see if they can hold their price (currently about $6,000 more than the previous low bidder). Bradley Lake Operator Report Page 1 of 3 4)ABB fix on the pole connection -I have the poles on the Homer side of the bay and we are preparing to ship them to ABB for repair. 5)Fish Water Control Automation -Seems to be working well at this point. 6)Invasive Weeds -A follow up inspection was held on June 25*,we received high marks for our efforts. 7)Fire System Replacement -Walkthroughs by contractors proposing are scheduled for July 29 through 31. 8)Bridge repair -One of the older bridges has developed a large hole (see attached Picture).We will need to make repairs soon.This could be a safety hazard. 9)Locked Gate installed on Battle Creek Bridge -In light of the damaged bridge and the fact that someone (possibly not of Bradley or ORION)has been making "brodies” in the Martin River,we have installed a gate at Battle Creek to prevent access from either side. 10)AEA Board of Directors -Visited Bradley on July 11%. 11)SPCC Annual training -Completed July 15%. 12)Bradley O&D Meeting -Held at Bradley July 16%. Operations,Maintenance,and Inspections: 1)ARECA Insurance Inspection -The inspector was at Bradley July 9th. 2)June Unit availability -Unit 1 -97%,Unit 2 -72.9%.Capacity factor for June for Unit 1 was 54%and for Unit 242% 3)July Unit availability -Unit 1 -100%,Unit 2 -45.8%(Island)Capacity factor for July for Unit 1 was 43.7%and for Unit 2 -27.7% 4)Safety meeting -Meeting was held on June 17 and then on July 8th. 5)New Trainee -we have a new trainee that started June 17". 6)Additional New Trainee -we need to hire the sixth person immediately. Bradley Lake Operator Report Page 2 of 3 reet hesAres sfears. Bradley Lake Operator Report Page 3 of 3 Bradley O&D Report to the BPMC Friday July 26,2019 1.Bradley Lake KPI's -continued discussion and work on developing Bradley Lake KPI's 2.Bradley Lake Staffing requirements -Bradley O&D Committee unanimously approves hiring 2"¢Operator Trainee in anticipation of impending operator retirements Page 1 of 1 Bradley Lake Project Management Committee ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY (AEA) Regular Meeting -Teleconference Public Notice Bradley Lake Project Management Committee Notice is hereby given that the Bradley Lake Project Management Committee will hold a regular meeting on Friday,July 26,2019 at 10:00 a.m. This meeting will be conducted by electronic media pursuant to AS 44.62.310 at the following location: Alaska Energy Authority Board Conference Room, 813 West Northern Lights Boulevard Anchorage,Alaska A teleconference line has been setup for those unable to attend in person.Dial 1-888-585-9008 and when prompted,enter code 134-503-8994 For additional information,please contact the AEA executive assistant at (907)771-3074. The public is invited to attend.The State of Alaska (AEA)complies with Title ll of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.Disabled persons requiring special modifications to participate should contact AEA staff at (907)771-3000 to make arrangements. Attachments,History,Details Attachments BPMC 7-26-19 Agenda(full packet).pdf Revision History Created 7/19/2019 2:44:43 PM by e6f9d8b3-e991- 4579-aade-ab39b6b33f10 Modified 7/23/2019 11:57:15 AM by e6f9d8b3- €991-4579-aade-ab3 9b6b33f10 Modified 7/25/2019 12:51:04 PM by e6f9d8b3- e991-4579-aade-ab39b6b3 3f10 Details Department: Category: Sub-Category: Location(s): Project/Regulation #: Publish Date: Archive Date: Events/Deadlines: Commerce,Community and Economic Development Public Notices Anchorage 7/19/2019 7/27/2019 BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE (BPMC) -REGULAR MEETING Alaska Energy Authority Board Room (or AGENDAFriday,July 26,2019|oo 10:00 a.m.NDWnFWDbP813 W Northern Lights Blvd,Anchorage To participate dial 1-888-585-9008 and use code 134-503-899# CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL FOR COMMITTEE MEMBERS MolePUBLICROLLCALL bsPUBLICCOMMENTS AGENDA APPROVAL lange Ay ye.PRIOR MINUTESMay 17,2019 fon Chair.MeNEWBUSINESS-.WL CfaltA.Election of Officers B.Motion to Approve BCPU Legal Expenses C.Bradley FY2019 Budget Motion Budget Subcommittee D.Bradley FY2020 Budget Motion and Amendment Budget Subcommittee E.Battle Creek Project Update AEA F.CEA/ML&P Merger Issues (Respecting Bradley)Kirk Gibson COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS Reports A.Budget to Actual Budget SubcommitteeB.Operators Report Roby Tdouy HEA C.O&DRe Kuse repos fr fale.port -Pete Sarauer meEXECUTIVESESSION-e CreekCommiSSiqn.uLocheveEHECvee >eed 4Lig?Beeeoyff Agenda Minutes Executive Session Roll call from top to bottom ending with Chair Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No l Matanuska Electric Association JS ;!|oo )/ Chugach Electric Association WA /ft!v i]\/,Yo .Vv -VCityofSewardidte 4SY[7H Wl++ Municipal Light &Power VA (por i Homer Electric Association VA hn mp Golden Valley Electric Association SY bbb.fL Af7 Alaska Energy Authority VA lyp Vil ',Lh 1 vt «phere Amith -publ.commenie vo Venus,2 .A First Second First Second First Second First Second First Second BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE BPMC 7/26/19 Second First Second onl]Soult'|yondrsey Roll Call ofa xfRoll call from top to bottom ending with Chair Chat Viel Chat 76 BCrU 7C Clouynds 7 D Amapamtn Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No No Matanuska Electric Association '|fi LL 1 Chugach Electric Association Rh*[City of Seward <=Municipal Light &Power Homer Electric Association Golden Valley Electric Association Alaska Energy Authority <ISISISISISINNext Meeting:September 27,2019 yt hibenl momnunalia ATTENDANCE -BPMC MEETING,July 26COMMITTEEMEMBERS| ALTERNATE _|J.Cory Borgeson,Chair GVEA ,Leo Quiachon a |VA Lee Thibert :|CEA ||Burke Wick :"Brad Janorschke |HEA Bob Day 7WaBryanCarey,Secretary/T reasurer )AEA.!Curtis Thayer WA Tony Izzo,Vice Chair |MEA |WA Tony ZellersSYAnnaHenderson.|MLP Jeff WarnerAS,sohn Foutz 7 |SEW |,- Public Members |, COUNSEL Sf 8 Brian Hickey (CEA):WF Ki Gibson,McDowell Rackner &Gibson|Mark Johnson (CEA)|:|VY stefan Saldanha,Dept of Law7ASSherrHigher(CEA)-oe -AEA Brenda Applegate| |PaulRisse(CEA)'KatieConway|AyMatt Clarkson (CEA)_/Amy Adler;|Josh Resnick (CEA)a /io 7 7 Jocelyn Gardner oeVaRurheWeel,"Pty duvthasn Brandi White | HEA |||Alan Owens (HEA)Carmen Noble(A.EeilyHutchinsonHEA)Rich Boldin David LockardSvLarryJorgensen(HEA)-|S 5Jessica Houston OOaaakato(ae _|Ashton1 Compton _Atha |Ve Kirk WarreniSJ.Moly Morrison (MLP)_|!S gi MalyeGVEA"Ron Woolf (GVEA)avs :||Pete Sarauer (GVEA)__Other |Rick Baldwin (eatin&Butler)"ies”"Jim Brooks (MEA)eee V Bern pebemnitech-(eel)David Pease (MEA)_a Bers dnith )_Matt Reisterer (MEA)_bo OV Beanie ages"Ed Jenkins (MEA)WV Don t Qual Thornton (CER) |/tasty mts)00 (2) Bradley Lake Project Management Committee Friday,July 26,2019 **PLEASE WRITE LEGIBLY™ NAME ORGANIZATION £Ohne _Wle/<YYCAC Lpry Jorgensen HEA fete Symittgan Cc hugachKusce2e_LAORNTCHV Chucgcd Lek @r@son)"Ae /sepa erKeunKebeon:feck FEI LEE TWEET CHuUOACEFBEAMAESVTSULLYCLadso.TSOP Accir_7T opeLBCHEA/POWLYLeayrer/AEL Ja)F2T2 COS <0."GEL HG SEA Now /tRiwuh AL&- Lick Ethos ie YZ Beant Fach eg AER Bayan Eco.lef.flEALanAWATAQa)Ane Matersins Lcd izConstEnkvisAPA/ALeClefGa|dag ba Dept of Low,Crnsser Sp![Ler Det on Alanine Neo le (akse' BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE (BPMC) List of Representatives Representative Alternate Contact info Golden Valley Electric Association Cory Borgeson 907-458-5866 Leo Quiachon Email:cborgeson@gvea.com Email:LIQuiachon@gvea.com Assistant:Susan Redlin Ph:907-458-5721 P.O.Box 71249,Fairbanks,AK 99707 Matanuska Electric Association Email:tony.izzo@mea.coop Tony Izzo Email:tony.zellers@mea.coop 907-761-9212 Tony Zellers Assistant:Dawn Baham Ph:907-761-9285 ;P.O.Box 2929 (163 Industrial Way)(tour Char)Palmer,AK 99645 Alaska Energy Authority Email:bcarey@akenergyauthority.org Bryan Carey Email:cthayer@akenergyauthority.org Secretary/Treasurer Curtis Thayer Assistant:Ashton Doyle Ph:771-3074 771-3065 Email:acompton@akenergyauthority.org 813 W.Northern Light Blvd,Anch.AK 99503 Anchorage Municipal Light &Power Email:anna.henderson@anchorageak.gov Anna Henderson Email:warnerja@muni.orgJeffWarner263-5202 Assist:jody.abruzzino@anchorageak.gov Ph:263-5416 1200 E.1st Ave,Anchorage,AK 99501 Chugach Electric Association Email:Lee_thibert@chugachelectric.com Lee Thibert .Email:Burke_wick@chugachelectric.com 762-4517 Burke Wick Assistant:Connie Owens Ph:762-4747 (Mw Veet CLavr)5601 Electron Drive,Anchorage,AK 99518 City of Seward < John Foutz Email:jfoutz@cityofseward.net 224-4071 Assistant:Tatiana lachim None tiachim@cityofseward.net Ph:907-224-4073Cell:907-362-1785 P.O.Box 167 (238 5th Avenue)Seward,AK 99664 Homer Electric Association Brad Janorschke Email:bjanorschke@homerelectric.com Email:bday@homerelectric.com Assistant: 907-283-2312 Bob Day Heather Smith Ph:907-283-2334 280 Airport Way,Kenai,AK 99611 Kirk Gibson Email:Kirk@mcd-law.com McDowell Rackner &Gibson PC 419 SW 11th Street,Suite 400 Wk:503-290-3626;C ell 503-708-1341 Portland,Oregon 97205 Revised Date:7/23/2019 Committee/Subcommitee Representative Email Address Alternate jAlternate email address Intertie Management Committee Brian Hickey -CEA (Chair)brian hickevwicueachelectric com Shern_Highers sherri_highers@chugachelectric.com Reports To (N/A)Kirk Warren -AEA kwarreniuakenerevauthority ore David Lockard diockard@akenergyauthority.org Cory Borgeson GVEA chorvesonwirvea com Ron Woolf,tewoolfG@gvea.com Mark Johnston -ML&P.ynark johnston:w-anchoraveak coy Jade Tsai jade.tsai@anchorageak.gov tony.izzo.@mea.coop Deanna Hracha Deanna.hracha@mea.coop Standards Committee -Chair? Reports To (IMC) [Standards Compliance Subcommittee -Chair? Reports To (IMC) Larry Jorgensen -HEA (Invite) Jeff Warmer -ML&P jeff.wamer@!anchorageak.gov Ken Langford ken,langford@ anchorageak.gov | Edlenkin -MEA edward ienkin@'mea.coon Lance McKimson lance,imea.coon.j Dan Bishop -GVEA drbishop@ gvea.com Rich Piech Tpiech@gvea.com David Lockard -AEA dlockard@:akenetgyauthonty.org,Kirk Warren kwarren@akenergyauthonity.org Brian Hickey -CEA brian_hickey@chugachelectnc.com Paul Risse paul_risse@chugachelectric.comLarryJorgensen-HEA Invitee)ljorgensen(@ homerelectric.com Bob Day -HEA (Invitee)bday@-homerelectric.com } Matt Clarkson -CEA matthew clark ech belectric com,Burke Wick burke wii m helectric.com Jeff Wamer -ML&P.icf.b keoy Anna Hend annahend:hi k.goy David Pease -MEA david pease.@mea.coop Ed Jenkin edward.jenkin@:mea.coopDanBishop-GVEA drbishop@gvea.com Keith Palchikoff kepalchikoffi@.gvea.com Kirk Gibson Kirk@mrg-law.com Tjorgensen@ homerelectic.com Bob Day -HEA (Invite)bday@ homerelectric.com Tariffs and Regulatory Affairs Committee Reports To (IMC) Operating Committee Reports To (IMC) Anna Hend ML&P (Chair)anna bend.poy Juliet Cruz.juliet cruz@anch gov David Pease -MEA david.pease(@mea.coop Matt Reisterer matt.reisterer¢imea.coop. Monica Grassi-GVEA Ingrassi@gvea.com Brian Youngberg bly@igvea.com Arthur Miller Arthur Miller a chuvacheleciric com Tom Schulman Tom Schulman chusachelectric com Jeff Warmer -ML&P jeff.wamen@ anchorageak.gov Ryan Gamer ryan.garner@anchorageak.gov David Lockard -AEA dlockaniidak honty.org Kirk Warten Kwanen@ak none om Ed Jenkin -MEA (chair)edward.jenking?mea.coop Jon Sinclair,jon sinclair mea.coop Dan Bishop -GVEA drbishop@igvea.com Rich Piech Tpiech@:gvea.com Russell Thomton Russ Thoroton g:chuvacheleciric cam Burke Wick burke_wick@;chugachelectric.com. Larry Jorgensen -HEA (Iaviter)ljorgensen@ homerelectric.com Mark Peery -HEA (Invitee)mmneerabomerelectric com Budget Subcommittee:Jocelyn Gamer AEA (chair)jgamer@akenergyauthority.org David Lockard diockard@akenergyauthonity.org Reports To (OC)Mollie Morison -ML&P mollie.morrison@anchorageak.gov Jade Tsai jade.tsai@anchorageakgovMattReisterer-MEA matt.reisterer@mea.coop Deanna Hracha Deanna.hracha@mea.coopCoryBorgeson-GVEA chorgeson@:gvea.com.Ron Woolf,rewoolfiaigvea.comJodyWolfe-CEA jody_wolf2@chugachelectnc.com Sherri Highers sherri_highers(@:chugachelectric.com Dispatch and System O Reports To (OC)Jeff Wamer -ML&P (Chair)icfl.war !Keay Ryan Gamer WAL gamen@anch gon Lance McKimson -MEA.Jance.mckimson@mea.coop Ed Jenkin edward.jenkin@mea.coopPeteSarauer-GVEA jphsarauer(@igvea.com Molly Howard mahoward@gvea.com John Johnson -CEA john_johnson@chugachelectric.com,Dee Fultz,Dee Fultz:chuvachelectric com Jim Cross -HEA (Invites)joross(@;homerelectric.com:, Alan Owens -HEA (invitee)aowens@ homerelectric.com Bob Day -HEA (Invitee)bday@)homerelectric.com Engineering,Relay and Retiability Aung Thuya -ML&P.aung.th hy k gov AL Mitchell alan.mitchell hi kk goy Reports To (OC)Rob Wilson -MEA robert.wilson(@mea.coop Jon Sinclair Jon.sinclaing mea.voop Nathan Minnema -GVEA njminnema@gvea.com Dan Bishop drbishop@gvea.com Adam Vogel -CEA (Chair)adam_vogel@:chugachelectric.com Luke Sliman luke_sliman@chugachelectric.com Ratings Ken Langford -ML&P (Chair)ken.langford@anchorageak gov Nat Lewis nat.lewis@ anchorageak.gov | Reports To (OC)Mann.Mb michael manni@ mea.coon.Josh Crowell -MEA,Joshua cme lLumes coop John Kelly -GVEA hkelly@.gvea.com Keith Palchikoff kepalchikoff@gvea.com Dee Fultz -CEA.dee _fultz@nchugachelectric.com Dustin Highers Dustin Hichersa:chuvachelectric com Alan Owens -HEA (Invitee)Aowens@:HomerElectric.com Larry Jorgensen -HEA (lavitee)_|jorgensen@homerelectric.com [e)i i and S Jeff Wamer -ML&P.iff.gov Ken Laneford ken)fl be k.goy Reports To (OC)Greg Chamberlain -MEA (chain)gregory chamberlain smea.coop Rob Zehnder robert.zehnders mea.coop Rich Piech -GVEA ripiech@)gvea.com.Pete Mondelli pymondelli@gvea.comBurkeWick-CEA.burke_wick@chugachelectric.com Tusi Faafetai Tusi Faafetaiichuvachelectric com SCADA and T:Michael -ML&P michael gov Allen Sparks -GVEA AR.4 com.Lance Roberts linot com, Rob Wilson -MEA robert.wilson@imea.coop Cathy Penna cathy.penna@mea.coop Dayid Lockard -AEA dlockard@akenergyauthority,org Kirk Warren kwarren@akenergyauthority.org Paul Johnson -CEA (Chair)paul johnson@chugachelectric.com Bill Murray bill_murray@chugachelectric.com } System Studies Subcommittee:Aung Thuya -ML&P aung.thuya@anchorageak.gov Al Mitchell alan.mitchell@anchorageak.gov Kehun kelun sumansaneg meacoon.Ed Jenkin:MES phwanLieokung meacoon Keith Palchikoff -GVEA kepalchikofi@gvea.com Chase Rixie.cmrixig@gvea.com Russ Thomton -CEA (chair)Russell_thomton@:chugachelectric,com Adam Vogel adam_vogel@chugachelectric.com David Lockard -AEA diockard@akenergyauthonity.org,Kirk Warren kwarren@akenergyauthonity.org Mike Tracy -HEA (invite mtracy@:homerelectric.com. NQMUPWNBRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE (BPMC) :REGULAR MEETINGyrAGENDAFriday,July 26,2019 «oy 10:00 a.m. Alaska Energy Authority Board Room 813 W Northern Lights Blvd,Anchorage To participate dial 1-888-585-9008 and use code 134-503-899# CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL FOR COMMITTEE MEMBERS fowlPUBLICROLLCALL PUBLIC COMMENTS Mm AGENDA APPROVAL UbavglPRIORMINUTES-May 17,2019 Char oz NEW BUSINESS Wit c /; A.Election of Officers B.Motion to Approve BCPU Legal Expenses C.Bradley FY2019 Budget Motion Budget Subcommittee D.Bradley FY2020 Budget Motion and Amendment Budget Subcommittee E.Battle Creek Project Update AEA F.CEA/ML&P Merger Issues (Respecting Bradley)Kirk Gibson COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS Reports A.Budget to Actual Budget SubcommitteeB.Operators Report Reb Dou HEAC.O&DReport >usd pepo fr foe Pete Sarauer EXECUTIVE SESSION -Battle Creek MEMBERS COMMENTS NEXT MEETING DATE -September 27,2019 -¥fuebeg 7 ADJOURNMENT .sesegnrne rs)cote VN (?) HEA |Sherri Higher (CEA)- Paul Risse (CEA)"Matt Clarkson (CEA)"Josh Resnick(CEA) ATTENDANCE -BPMC MEETING,July 26_COMMITTEE MEMBERS|Cory Borgeson,Chair 'Lee ThibertiBradJanorschke Bryan Carey,Secretary/Treireasurer Tony Izzo,Vice Chair_Anna Henderson:John Foutz Public MembersBrianHickey(CEA) :Mark Johnson (CEA) |Alan Owens (HEA)Emily HtHutchinson (HEA)-Larry Jorgensen (HEA)- "Steve Canon (HEA)i "Molly Morrison (MLP):Ron Woolf (GVEA)Pete Sarauer (GVEA)Jim Brooks (MEA) -David Pease (MEA) "Matt Reisterer (MEA)_ "Ed Jenkins (MEA) :Other ALTERNATE 'Leo Quiachon _Burke Wick |Curls Thayer"Tony Zellers|Jeff Warner COUNSEL Kirk Gibson,McDowell Rackner &Gibson PC Stefan Saldanha,Dept of Law Brenda Applegate Katie Conway |Amy Adler|Jocelyn Gardner oe_Brandi White oe"Carmen Noble|David Lockard|Jessica Houston|Ashton Compton |Kirk Warren t | -Rick Baldwin (Baldwin&Butler) | CHECKLIST FOR BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE MEETINGS Meeting Date/Time:July 26,2019 Task CONFIRMED /DATE 1.|Identify possible dates -Call HEA first to get available dates of the Chairman,Brad Xx Janorschke (call his Exec Assistant,Heather 907-283-2334).Meeting is usually 2 hours long. 2.|Check dates for Bryan Carey and the board room before calling other utilities for dates.Kirk X Gibson is not available the 4°Thursday of each month.Ideally the last two weeks of the month.Make sure it's not a state holiday.Need five for quorum. 3.|Once date/time is set send calendar meeting request to all members,in Outlook Contacts "BPMC MEMBERS ”with meeting date/time/location (ask for documents to be emailed for packet inclusion -including action items. 4.|Secure meeting room for use (block out 60 minutes prior to meeting to allow for set-up time)X 5.|One week prior to the meeting draft the agenda.Ask Homer Electric and Bryan for items. Draft Agenda and send to Bryan first then the final to Chair to approve.x 6.|After agenda is approved post it on the AEA website under Events.x 7.|Post to the State of Alaska's Online Notice System 5 business days prior to the meeting. Attach agenda.x 8.|Gather documents from members.Due date is two days prior to the meeting.x 9.|Email packet to members including all attachments (teleconference information/agenda/draft of previous meeting minutes/motions/general handouts)(Send docs in PDF format) 10.|Print 12 full packet of information and bring to the meeting for the committee members,7+attorneys (3),AEA Executive Director,and your copy.Set out tent cards. 11.|For handouts print out copies of other items.Easiestisto-make 20 packets y a Clip.No need to copy the prior minutes for the public.W iN 12.|MEETING DAY-Put sign in sheet on end of the board room table and lay out the handouts next to it. 13.|ALSO BRING TO THE MEETING:List of Reps and Minutes in final form from the last meeting for Chair's signature if they are approved. 14.)Sign in on the phone 5 minutes prior. 15.|Accutype will be present but also record from our system.Jocelyn most like will have you display some documents up on the screen. 16.|Following the meeting:Make sure you disconnect the phone.Stop recording.Have Chair andBryansignapprovedminutes.. 17.|Take the disc from the recording out of the system and download recording and place in O:drive and also in BPMC meeting folder 18.|Send a pdf of the signed minutes to the committee members.|will do this upon my return.