HomeMy WebLinkAboutBPMC November 22, 2019BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE (BPMC) REGULAR MEETING Alaska Energy Authority Boardroom,Anchorage,Alaska November 22,2019 ORIG 1.CALL TO ORDER Chair Izzo called the special meeting of the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project Management Committee to order at 10:06 am.A quorum was established. 2.ROLL CALL FOR COMMITTEE MEMBERS Tony Izzo (Matanuska Electric Association [MEA]);Cory Borgeson (Golden Valley Electric Association [GVEA]);Curtis Thayer (Alaska Energy Authority [AEA]);Brian Hickey (Chugach Electric Association [CEA]);Brad Janorschke (Homer Electric Association [HEA]);Anna Henderson (Anchorage Municipal Light &Power [ML&P]); and John Foutz (City of Seward). 3.PUBLIC ROLL CALL Bryan Carey,Ashton Doyle,Jocelyn Garner,Beazit Redzepi (AEA);Amy Fenerty (Aldrich CPS)(phone);Matt Clarkson (phone),Sherri Highers (phone),Russell Thornton (CEA); Max Garner (sp),Stephan Saldanha (Department of Law);Ron Rebenitsch (Energy Engineering);Emily Hutchison (phone),Larry Jorgenson,Kirk Myers (phone)(HEA); Bob Day (Bradley Lake)(HEA);Kirk Gibson (McDowell Rackner Gibson,PC);Ed Jenkin, David Pease,Tony Zellers (MEA);Julie Harris (phone),Jeff Warner (ML&P);Bernie Smith (Public);Gene Therriault (public);Christina Unidentified (RCA)(phone),and Ladonna Lindley (Accu-Type Depositions). 4.PUBLIC COMMENTS -None. 5.AGENDA APPROVAL MOTION:Mr.Thayer made a motion to approve the agenda.Motion seconded by Mr.Hickey. Mr.Janorschke requested Item 9B.Operators Report and Motion to Add Operator is included in the agenda.There was no objection to amend the agenda. The motion to approve the agenda with the amendment to include Item 9B. Operators Report and Motion to Add Operator passed unanimously. 6.PRIOR MINUTES -September 16,2019 &September 27,2019 BPMC Minutes November 22,2019 Page 1 of7 MOTION:Mr.Janorschke made a motion to approve the Minutes of September 16, 2019,and September 27,2019.Motion seconded by Ms.Henderson. The motion to approve the Minutes as presented passed unanimously. 7.NEW BUSINESS 7A.SQ Line Update Mr.Janorschke informed he has been occupied recently with the NWPPA E&O Conference.He received the EDM report yesterday and will provide members with a copy early next week.The DOT permit to shut down one lane of the highway will take 10 days'lead time.Procurement staff is working on obtaining mats to place on the wetland area.There are 14 poles out of the possible 64 poles in the entire burn area to be replaced.The integrity of most of the burned poles was fine and the poles have been authorized to be reenergized.The conductor appears to be in good shape.Multiple guy wires will be replaced that were damaged by the fire and the fire response team. Discussions are upcoming for the development of a cost recovery MOA. Chair Izzo asked what date the line is expected to be energized.Mr.Janorschke indicated the goal is to energize the line before the end of the year,but specifics are unknown until crews can begin work.It is also unknown whether or not any repair or replacement will qualify for FEMA funding.The FEMA status is unknown at this time. Chair Izzo requested additional information regarding insurance.Mr.Janorschke noted to his knowledge,there is no insurance on any poles or wires in the field.The pricing for the insurance would be cost prohibitive,and in many cases,the insurance is unavailable.He will discuss with Chair Izzo at a later time regarding the insurance carrier MEA utilizes. Chair Izzo asked if splinting or bracing any of the 14 poles would be an option.Mr. Janorschke noted his supervisor is assessing onsite conditions in the field to determine staging and crew access points,and does not believe splinting will be successful.Chair Izzo commented on the high cost of replacement fuel.He reiterated the shared priority to reenergize the line as soon as possible,as safely as possible.Mr.Janorschke agreed. Mr.Borgeson requested confirmation the Governor declared the fire a disaster.Mr. Janorschke confirmed. 8.OLD BUSINESS 8A.Battle Creek Project Update Chair Izzo requested Bryan Carey,AEA,to present the Battle Creek Project Update.Mr. Carey informed the contractor is near completion with the diversion on the north side of the creek.The 96”intake pipe has been installed.Mr.Carey showed pictures of the BPMC Minutes November 22,2019 Page 2 of7 diversion intake connection pipe and explained the process of how the water will flow. During the next few weeks,the contractor will complete a true-up survey for the rock excavation on the upper access road.The concrete pours are occurring at the diversion site and special attention to heating the aggregate and water is continually monitored to meet the minimum strength. The fusion machine and the orange HDPE pipe have arrived.The orange color helps identify defects and any future erosion of the pipe.The fusion machine has not yet been assembled.It is 21-feet wide and weighs approximately 56 tons.Vehicles will not be able to go around the fusion machine on the road,unless the road section exceeds the normal 32-feet width.Chair Izzo inquired about onsite installation and operation of the machine.Mr.Carey indicated individuals participated in training in Arizona regarding the fusion machine.The machine is highly automated and records daily data log information.The contractor also expects to have a second back-up fusion machine onsite that is smaller and less expensive. Mr.Thayer inquired as to the final disposition of the fusion machine after the project is complete.Mr.Carey indicated AEA believes that because of the initial cost of the machine the contractor intends to sell the machine after the completion of the project. There is a possibility the fusion machine could be rented out,if not sold. Mr.Carey commented on the success of the drone flights during the project period. They have been used for verifying contractor mapping surveys and documenting project advancement.He continued describing the next steps of the project schedule until January 2020 to complete the diversion.The work will begin again in April 2020, with anticipation of a finish date for the fusion in late June.The substantial completion date of July 22"4 and final completion date of August 30%remains unchanged. Kirk Gibson,McDowell Rackner Gibson,indicated Ron Rebenitsch,Energy Engineering, is available at today's meeting to provide additional information.Chair Izzo requested Mr.Rebenitsch join at the table for comment.Mr.Rebenitsch noted Mr.Carey gave a comprehensive update.Mr.Rebenitsch informed he conducted a site visit assessment yesterday.The progress is slowly proceeding due to difficult conditions,including weather issues and worker turnover.He believes the crews will continue working until the weather no longer permits.Weekly progress goals have proven to be aggressive and are not being met as quickly as he or the contractor would like. Mr.Rebenitsch commented the survey data for the rock quantities has not been submitted in a timely manner.He expressed concern because this delay is an unusual behavior for a contractor.The reason for the delay has not been provided.Mr. Rebenitsch described the fusion machines and indicated the software that measures temperature and pressure is highly sophisticated.The crew is knowledgeable and experienced.Mr.Rebenitsch is able to monitor the readings daily. Mr.Gibson informed Mr.Rebenitsch's contract is nearing the end of its budget allowance.He suggested HEA be assigned to evaluate the remaining balance and make a BPMC Minutes November 22,2019 Page 3 of 7 recommendation to the BPMC regarding future plans and needs.Mr.Rebenitsch stated he has been keeping his hours to the lowest amounts possible.The original timeframe was for two years,and has since increased to a three-year timeframe.Chair Izzo indicated he will address this issue during committee assignments. Mr.Borgeson inquired as to the specific source of the funding for Mr.Rebenitsch's services.Mr.Carey explained Mr.Rebenitsch's costs are run through the Battle Creek participants'operational budget that is part of the larger BPMC budget. Mr.Foutz commented Mr.Rebenitsch has been very helpful on the project and supports the continued relationship until project end. 9.COMMITTEE REPORTS 9A.Budget to Actual Beazit Redzepi,AEA,presented the Bradley Lake Budget to Actual Expense Report through August 31,2019.He reviewed: e Capital purchases not funded by the R&C Fund Operations and Maintenance expenses R&C Fund disbursements and repayments Battle Creek capital purchases Battle Creek administrative costs 9B.Operators Report Action:Add Operator Bob Day,Bradley Lake,apologized for submitting his report late,due to medical issues. Mr.Day showed the effects of the SQ Line being down on the measured MWh usage.The average lake level in September was above spill,and in October,it was slightly below spill.The partial average for November is slightly above spill.Mr.Day explained there is no reason to restrict operation on Unit 2. Mr.Day noted the Swan Lake fire continues to curtail the transmission of Bradley power,which has severely impacted the generation ability of Bradley.Adjustments and normal operations will proceed once the SQ is back on line.Poor weather conditions, including strong winds and heavy rains have been challenging at the site.Spill is expected to continue into December and possibly beyond.Mr.Day informed the divider repair has been delayed by the manufacturer.Inspections of the temporary repairs have occurred and there are no issues or concerns. Mr.Day explained Unit 1 began leaking water out of the drains recently.Needles 3 and 4 were determined to be the problem needles on Unit 1.The same leak determination process developed by one of the staff will be used to identify the source of the oil leaks BPMC Minutes November 22,2019 Page 4 of 7 on Unit 2.The poles are under repair in Canada.The fish water automation is working well,but struggles during the high spill activity. Mr.Day reviewed the mandatory insurance liability amounts contractually required for contractors at Bradley Lake.He noted smaller contractors,who install glass or repair plumbing,do not carry the required insurance liability amounts,either because it is not available or it is cost prohibitive.Mr.Day expressed concerns he is unable to find small contractors who can meet this requirement.He has spoken with Mr.Carey,who is communicating with the Insurance Division to address the requirement. Mr.Day informed the special approved budget appropriation for the generator repair was $950,000 and approximately $530,000 has been spent on repairs to-date.The new budget year is beginning and there are currently pole pieces and divider plates in the manufacturing process that have not yet been invoiced.He does not want to be in a position where the payment of the invoice is late due to budget year constrictions.Mr. Day requested continued authorization for the funds in the new budget year. Chair Izzo requested Ms.Garner provide direction on the process.Ms.Garner informed the Budget Subcommittee needs to consider whether or not a budget amendment is necessary based on the dollar amount or if the BPMC could approve the continued budget authorization with a single motion. MOTION:Mr.Borgeson made a motion to approve $300,000 in repairs to Generator 2 in this calendar year.Motion seconded by Mr.Hickey. The motion passed unanimously. Mr.Day reviewed the spill tracking and spill volume information provided in the report. Any amount over 1,180 feet spills and the first 50 cfs over the dam is fish water and any remaining is spill water.He explained each utility has its own portion of the pond and the amount contained is categorized as over-ponded or under-ponded depending on usage.When there is unused pond,the other parties are free to keep over-pond is that area,which is categorized as water-at-risk.During a spill condition,the water-at-risk is the water that goes over the spillway first.After all of the water-at-risk has spilled,then any water that spills is spread amongst the participants based on their percentage usage amount.Mr.Day discussed the water-at-risk values for September and October. Mr.Day discussed the action item request regarding the additional trainee,who is necessary for succession planning.He believes the Budget Committee discussed the item in their meeting yesterday. MOTION:Mr.Janorschke made a motion to approve the costs associated of hiring a sixth person.The costs associated with the sixth person would be paid for from the Operating Fund FY20 O&M Budget.No budget amendment is necessary at this time.Motion seconded by Ms.Henderson. BPMC Minutes November 22,2019 Page 5 of7 Chair Izzo requested comment from the Budget Subcommittee.Ms.Garner informed the Budget Subcommittee met yesterday and discussed the O&D's support for an additional trainee.She explained the total costs associated with an additional trainee for seven months,including the 155%indirect costs to HEA,are approximately $235,000,but the cost savings associated with an additional trainee offsets the costs and a budget amendment is not necessary.The O&M costs are currently under-budget. Mr.Borgeson offered for discussion the possibility of postponing the hiring of the trainee until the SQ Line is back in service. Mr.Hickey indicated support. Mr.Janorschke indicated support and commented the succession planning the new trainee will fulfill needs to occur whether or not the SQ Line is in service.He noted Mr. Day will not be accountable if extensive staff overtime occurs because the Committee postponed hiring of additional personnel. Ms.Henderson does not support the delay in hiring due to the concerns expressed by HEA and ML&P.She believes succession planning is important and understands the possible lengthy process of appropriate recruitment. Mr.Foutz inquired as to the overlap time of a new position approved today and the person or persons retiring.Mr.Day explained he does not have a specific answer.The crew is IBEW and the ages include 59,62,and 70 years. Mr.Janorschke commented the operators are outstanding and their innovations are exceptional. Chair Izzo requested a member of the O&D Committee provide comment.Jeff Warner, ML&P and O&D Committee,informed the issue has been discussed and unanimous support was given to move forward with the hiring of a sixth person due to the importance of succession planning. The motion passed unanimously. MOTION:Mr.Foutz made a motion to enter into Executive Session to discuss confidential matters related to legal and financial issues related to project facilities and the SQ Line,as well as legal issues regarding Battle Creek Diversion Project construction.Motion seconded by Mr.Borgeson. The motion was approved without objection. 10.EXECUTIVE SESSION:11:27 am Discuss confidential matters related to: A.Legal and financial issues related to Project Facilities and the SQ Line BPMC Minutes November 22,2019 Page 6 of 7 The Committee reconvened its regular meeting at 12:25 pm. 11.COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS Chair Izzo assigned HEA to review contract renewal processes for Mr.Rebenitsch.Chair Izzo expressed the value in extending the contract and the importance of project continuity. Chair Izzo discussed the creation of a special committee. MOTION:Mr.Borgeson made a motion to authorize the BPMC Chair to create a special committee to work on SQ Line operation and ownership opportunities, and to report back to the BPMC with an initial report by January 15,2020.Motion seconded by Mr.Hickey. A roll call vote was taken,and the motion passed,with Mr.Janorschke abstaining. 12.MEMBER COMMENTS Ms.Henderson expressed appreciation to HEA for the continued diligence in operations. Mr.Foutz extended happy Thanksgiving greetings. Mr.Janorschke echoed the greetings. Chair Izzo expressed appreciation to staff and members. Mr.Thayer extended Merry Christmas greetings. 13.NEXT MEETING DATE -January 24,2020 The next meeting date is scheduled for January 24,2020. 14,ADJOURNMENT There being no furfher business for the committee,the meeting adjourned at 12:29 pm. Tony Izzo,Ch4ir Alaska Energy Authority,Secretary BPMC Minutes November 22,2019 Page 7 of 7 REGULAR MEETING Alaska Energy Authority Boardroom,Anchorage,Alaska CCNovember22,2019 BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE (BPMC)\ 1.CALL TO ORDER Chair Izzo called the special meeting of the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project Management Committee to order at 10:06 am.A quorum was established. 2.ROLL CALL FOR COMMITTEE MEMBERS Tony Izzo (Matanuska Electric Association [MEA]);Cory Borgeson (Golden Valley Electric Association [GVEA]);Curtis Thayer (Alaska Energy Authority [AEA]);Brian Hickey (Chugach Electric Association [CEA]);Brad Janorschke (Homer Electric Association [HEA]);Anna Henderson (Anchorage Municipal Light &Power [ML&P]); and John Foutz (City of Seward). 3.PUBLIC ROLL CALL Bryan Carey,Ashton Doyle,Jocelyn Garner,Beazit Redzepi (AEA);Amy Fenerty (Aldrich CPS)(phone);Matt Clarkson (phone),Sherri Highers (phone),Russell Thornton (CEA); Max Garner (sp),Stephan Saldanha (Department of Law);Ron Rebenitsch (Energy Engineering);Emily Hutchison (phone),Larry Jorgenson,Kirk Myers (phone)(HEA); Bob Day (Bradley Lake)(HEA);Kirk Gibson (McDowell Rackner Gibson,PC);Ed Jenkin, David Pease,Tony Zellers (MEA);Julie Harris (phone),Jeff Warner (ML&P);Bernie Smith (Public);Gene Therriault (public);Christina Unidentified (RCA)(phone),and Ladonna Lindley (Accu-Type Depositions). 4.PUBLIC COMMENTS -None. 5.AGENDA APPROVAL MOTION:Mr.Thayer made a motion to approve the agenda.Motion seconded by Mr.Hickey. Mr.Janorschke requested Item 9B.Operators Report and Motion to Add Operator is included in the agenda.There was no objection to amend the agenda. The motion to approve the agenda with the amendment to include Item 9B. Operators Report and Motion to Add Operator passed unanimously. 6.PRIOR MINUTES -September 16,2019 &September 27,2019 BPMC Minutes November 22,2019 Page 1 of 7 MOTION:Mr.Janorschke made a motion to approve the Minutes of September 16, 2019,and September 27,2019.Motion seconded by Ms.Henderson. The motion to approve the Minutes as presented passed unanimously. 7.NEW BUSINESS 7A.SQ Line Update Mr.Janorschke informed he has been occupied recently with the NWPPA E&0O Conference.He received the EDM report yesterday and will provide members with a copy early next week.The DOT permit to shut down one lane of the highway will take 10 days'lead time.Procurement staff is working on obtaining mats to place on the wetland area.There are 14 poles out of the possible 64 poles in the entire burn area to be replaced.The integrity of most of the burned poles was fine and the poles have been authorized to be reenergized.The conductor appears to be in good shape.Multiple guy wires will be replaced that were damaged by the fire and the fire response team. Discussions are upcoming for the development of a cost recovery MOA. Chair Izzo asked what date the line is expected to be energized.Mr.Janorschke indicated the goal is to energize the line before the end of the year,but specifics are unknown until crews can begin work.It is also unknown whether or not any repair or replacement will qualify for FEMA funding.The FEMA status is unknown at this time. Chair Izzo requested additional information regarding insurance.Mr.Janorschke noted to his knowledge,there is no insurance on any poles or wires in the field.The pricing for the insurance would be cost prohibitive,and in many cases,the insurance is unavailable.He will discuss with Chair Izzo at a later time regarding the insurance carrier MEA utilizes. Chair Izzo asked if splinting or bracing any of the 14 poles would be an option.Mr. Janorschke noted his supervisor is assessing onsite conditions in the field to determine staging and crew access points,and does not believe splinting will be successful.Chair Izzo commented on the high cost of replacement fuel.He reiterated the shared priority to reenergize the line as soon as possible,as safely as possible.Mr.Janorschke agreed. Mr.Borgeson requested confirmation the Governor declared the fire a disaster.Mr. Janorschke confirmed. 8.OLD BUSINESS 8A.Battle Creek Project Update Chair Izzo requested Bryan Carey,AEA,to present the Battle Creek Project Update.Mr. Carey informed the contractor is near completion with the diversion on the north side of the creek.The 96”intake pipe has been installed.Mr.Carey showed pictures of the BPMC Minutes November 22,2019 Page 2 of 7 diversion intake connection pipe and explained the process of how the water will flow. During the next few weeks,the contractor will complete a true-up survey for the rock excavation on the upper access road.The concrete pours are occurring at the diversion site and special attention to heating the aggregate and water is continually monitored to meet the minimum strength. The fusion machine and the orange HDPE pipe have arrived.The orange color helps identify defects and any future erosion of the pipe.The fusion machine has not yet been assembled.It is 21-feet wide and weighs approximately 56 tons.Vehicles will not be able to go around the fusion machine on the road,unless the road section exceeds the normal 32-feet width.Chair Izzo inquired about onsite installation and operation of the machine.Mr.Carey indicated individuals participated in training in Arizona regarding the fusion machine.The machine is highly automated and records daily data log information.The contractor also expects to have a second back-up fusion machine onsite that is smaller and less expensive. Mr.Thayer inquired as to the final disposition of the fusion machine after the project is complete.Mr.Carey indicated AEA believes that because of the initial cost of the machine the contractor intends to sell the machine after the completion of the project. There is a possibility the fusion machine could be rented out,if not sold. Mr.Carey commented on the success of the drone flights during the project period. They have been used for verifying contractor mapping surveys and documenting project advancement.He continued describing the next steps of the project schedule until January 2020 to complete the diversion.The work will begin again in April 2020, with anticipation of a finish date for the fusion in late June.The substantial completion date of July 22"4 and final completion date of August 30 remains unchanged. Kirk Gibson,McDowell Rackner Gibson,indicated Ron Rebenitsch,Energy Engineering, is available at today's meeting to provide additional information.Chair Izzo requested Mr.Rebenitsch join at the table for comment.Mr.Rebenitsch noted Mr.Carey gave a comprehensive update.Mr.Rebenitsch informed he conducted a site visit assessment yesterday.The progress is slowly proceeding due to difficult conditions,including weather issues and worker turnover.He believes the crews will continue working until the weather no longer permits.Weekly progress goals have proven to be aggressive and are not being met as quickly as he or the contractor would like. Mr.Rebenitsch commented the survey data for the rock quantities has not been submitted in a timely manner.He expressed concern because this delay is an unusual behavior for a contractor.The reason for the delay has not been provided.Mr. Rebenitsch described the fusion machines and indicated the software that measures temperature and pressure is highly sophisticated.The crew is knowledgeable and experienced.Mr.Rebenitsch is able to monitor the readings daily. Mr.Gibson informed Mr.Rebenitsch's contract is nearing the end of its budget allowance.He suggested HEA be assigned to evaluate the remaining balance and make a BPMC Minutes November 22,2019 Page 3 of 7 recommendation to the BPMC regarding future plans and needs.Mr.Rebenitsch stated he has been keeping his hours to the lowest amounts possible.The original timeframe was for two years,and has since increased to a three-year timeframe.Chair Izzo indicated he will address this issue during committee assignments. Mr.Borgeson inquired as to the specific source of the funding for Mr.Rebenitsch's services.Mr.Carey explained Mr.Rebenitsch's costs are run through the Battle Creek participants'operational budget that is part of the larger BPMC budget. Mr.Foutz commented Mr.Rebenitsch has been very helpful on the project and supports the continued relationship until project end. 9.COMMITTEE REPORTS 9A.Budget to Actual Beazit Redzepi,AEA,presented the Bradley Lake Budget to Actual Expense Report through August 31,2019.He reviewed: e Capital purchases not funded by the R&C Fund Operations and Maintenance expenses R&C Fund disbursements and repayments Battle Creek capital purchases Battle Creek administrative costs OB.Operators Report Action:Add Operator Bob Day,Bradley Lake,apologized for submitting his report late,due to medical issues. Mr.Day showed the effects of the SQ Line being down on the measured MWh usage.The average lake level in September was above spill,and in October,it was slightly below spill.The partial average for November is slightly above spill.Mr.Day explained there is no reason to restrict operation on Unit 2. Mr.Day noted the Swan Lake fire continues to curtail the transmission of Bradley power,which has severely impacted the generation ability of Bradley.Adjustments and normal operations will proceed once the SQ is back on line.Poor weather conditions, including strong winds and heavy rains have been challenging at the site.Spill is expected to continue into December and possibly beyond.Mr.Day informed the divider repair has been delayed by the manufacturer.Inspections of the temporary repairs have occurred and there are no issues or concerns. Mr.Day explained Unit 1 began leaking water out of the drains recently.Needles 3 and 4 were determined to be the problem needles on Unit 1.The same leak determination process developed by one of the staff will be used to identify the source of the oil leaks BPMC Minutes November 22,2019 Page 4 of 7 on Unit 2.The poles are under repair in Canada.The fish water automation is working well,but struggles during the high spill activity. Mr.Day reviewed the mandatory insurance liability amounts contractually required for contractors at Bradley Lake.He noted smaller contractors,who install glass or repair plumbing,do not carry the required insurance liability amounts,either because it is not available or it is cost prohibitive.Mr.Day expressed concerns he is unable to find small contractors who can meet this requirement.He has spoken with Mr.Carey,who is communicating with the Insurance Division to address the requirement. Mr.Day informed the special approved budget appropriation for the generator repair was $950,000 and approximately $530,000 has been spent on repairs to-date.The new budget year is beginning and there are currently pole pieces and divider plates in the manufacturing process that have not yet been invoiced.He does not want to be in a position where the payment of the invoice is late due to budget year constrictions.Mr. Day requested continued authorization for the funds in the new budget year. Chair Izzo requested Ms.Garner provide direction on the process.Ms.Garner informed the Budget Subcommittee needs to consider whether or not a budget amendment is necessary based on the dollar amount or if the BPMC could approve the continued budget authorization with a single motion. MOTION:Mr.Borgeson made a motion to approve $300,000 in repairs to Generator 2 in this calendar year.Motion seconded by Mr.Hickey. The motion passed unanimously. Mr.Day reviewed the spill tracking and spill volume information provided in the report. Any amount over 1,180 feet spills and the first 50 cfs over the dam is fish water and any remaining is spill water.He explained each utility has its own portion of the pond and the amount contained is categorized as over-ponded or under-ponded depending on usage.When there is unused pond,the other parties are free to keep over-pond is that area,which is categorized as water-at-risk.During a spill condition,the water-at-risk is the water that goes over the spillway first.After all of the water-at-risk has spilled,then any water that spills is spread amongst the participants based on their percentage usage amount.Mr.Day discussed the water-at-risk values for September and October. Mr.Day discussed the action item request regarding the additional trainee,who is necessary for succession planning.He believes the Budget Committee discussed the item in their meeting yesterday. MOTION:Mr.Janorschke made a motion to approve the costs associated of hiring a sixth person.The costs associated with the sixth person would be paid for from the Operating Fund FY20 O&M Budget.No budget amendment is necessary at this time.Motion seconded by Ms.Henderson. BPMC Minutes November 22,2019 Page 5 of 7 Chair Izzo requested comment from the Budget Subcommittee.Ms.Garner informed the Budget Subcommittee met yesterday and discussed the O&D's support for an additional trainee.She explained the total costs associated with an additional trainee for seven months,including the 155%indirect costs to HEA,are approximately $235,000,but the cost savings associated with an additional trainee offsets the costs and a budget amendment is not necessary.The O&M costs are currently under-budget. Mr.Borgeson offered for discussion the possibility of postponing the hiring of the trainee until the SQ Line is back in service. Mr.Hickey indicated support. Mr.Janorschke indicated support and commented the succession planning the new trainee will fulfill needs to occur whether or not the SQ Line is in service.He noted Mr. Day will not be accountable if extensive staff overtime occurs because the Committee postponed hiring of additional personnel. Ms.Henderson does not support the delay in hiring due to the concerns expressed by HEA and ML&P.She believes succession planning is important and understands the possible lengthy process of appropriate recruitment. Mr.Foutz inquired as to the overlap time of a new position approved today and the person or persons retiring.Mr.Day explained he does not have a specific answer.The crew is IBEW and the ages include 59,62,and 70 years. Mr.Janorschke commented the operators are outstanding and their innovations are exceptional. Chair Izzo requested a member of the O&D Committee provide comment.Jeff Warner, ML&P and O&D Committee,informed the issue has been discussed and unanimous support was given to move forward with the hiring of a sixth person due to the importance of succession planning. The motion passed unanimously. MOTION:Mr.Foutz made a motion to enter into Executive Session to discuss confidential matters related to legal and financial issues related to project facilities and the SQ Line,as well as legal issues regarding Battle Creek Diversion Project construction.Motion seconded by Mr.Borgeson. The motion was approved without objection. 10.EXECUTIVE SESSION:11:27 am Discuss confidential matters related to: A.Legal and financial issues related to Project Facilities and the SQ Line BPMC Minutes November 22,2019 Page 6 of 7 The Committee reconvened its regular meeting at 12:25 pm. 11.COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS Chair Izzo assigned HEA to review contract renewal processes for Mr.Rebenitsch.Chair Izzo expressed the value in extending the contract and the importance of project continuity. Chair Izzo discussed the creation of a special committee. MOTION:Mr.Borgeson made a motion to authorize the BPMC Chair to create a special committee to work on SQ Line operation and ownership opportunities, and to report back to the BPMC with an initial report by January 15,2020.Motion seconded by Mr.Hickey. Aroll call vote was taken,and the motion passed,with Mr.Janorschke abstaining. 12.MEMBER COMMENTS Ms.Henderson expressed appreciation to HEA for the continued diligence in operations. Mr.Foutz extended happy Thanksgiving greetings. Mr.Janorschke echoed the greetings. Chair Izzo expressed appreciation to staff and members. Mr.Thayer extended Merry Christmas greetings. 13.NEXT MEETING DATE-January 24,2020 The next meeting date is scheduled for January 24,2020. 14,ADJOURNMENT There being no fusfher business for the committee,the meeting adjourned at 12:29 pm. Tony Izzo,Chéi Attest: Alaska Energy Authority,Secretary BPMC Minutes November 22,2019 Page 7 of 7 NOWwfFWNPFBRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE (BPMC) REGULAR MEETING AGENDA Friday,November 22,2019 Immediately Following the 9:00 a.m.IMC meeting Alaska Energy Authority Board Room 813 W Northern Lights Blvd,Anchorage To participate dial 1-888-585-9008 and use code 134-503-899# CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL FOR COMMITTEE MEMBERS PUBLIC ROLL CALL PUBLIC COMMENTS AGENDA APPROVAL PRIOR MINUTES -September 16,2019 &September 27,2019 NEW BUSINESS A.SQ Line Update HEA OLD BUSINESS A.Battle Creek Project Update AEA COMMITTEE REPORTS A.Budget to Actual Budget Subcommittee EXECUTIVE SESSION -Discuss confidential matters related to: A.Legal and financial issues related to Project Facilities and the SQ Line.OPERATOR.REPORTCOMMITTEEASSIGNMENTS MEMBERS COMMENTS NEXT MEETING DATE-January 24,2019 ADJOURNMENT BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE (BPMC) TELECONFERENCE SPECIAL MEETING September 16,2019 1.CALL TO ORDER Chair Izzo called the teleconference special meeting of the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project Management Committee to order at 1:30 pm.A quorum was established. 2.ROLL CALL FOR COMMITTEE MEMBERS van Tony Izzo (Matanuska Electric Association [MEA]);Cory Borgeson (Golden Valley Electric Association [GVEA])(phone);Bryan Carey (Alaska Energy Authority [AEA]);Lee Thibert (Chugach Electric Association [CEA])(phone);Brad Janorschke (Homer Electric Association [HEA])(phone);Anna Henderson (Anchorage Municipal Light &Power [ML&P])(phone);and John Foutz (City of Seward)(phone). . 3.PUBLIC ROLL CALLAmyAdler,Ashton Doyle,Jocelyn Garner,'Beazit Redzepi,Curtis Thayer,Kirk Warren, (AEA);Crystal Enkvist,Don Maynor (ARECA Insurance Exchange)(phone);Amy Fernerty (Aldrich CPA)(phone);Zaz Hollander (Anchorage Daily News)(phone);Matt Clarkson (phone),Brian Hickey,Sherri Highers (phone)(CEA);Jerry Juday (Department of Law); Pete Sarauer (GVEA)(phone);Rick Baldwin (phone),Jim Butler (phone),Bob Day (phone}, Emily Hutchison (phone),Larry Jorgenson (phone)(HEA);Jim Cross,Mark Unidentified, Stephanie Unidentified (Kenai)(phone);Kirk Gibson (McDowell Rackner Gibson,PC) (phone);Ed Jenkin,David Pease,Tony Zellers (MEA)(phone);Mollie Morrison (ML&P) (phone);Bernie Smith (Public);and Ladonna Lindley (Accu-Type Depositions). 4.PUBLIC COMMENTS -None. 5."AGENDA APPROVAL MOTION:Mr.Carey made a motion to approve the agenda.Motion seconded by Mr. Foutz. The motion to approve the agenda as presented passed unanimously. 6.NEW BUSINESS A.Swan Lake Fire Update Chair Izzo informed the primary purpose of the meeting is to review the status and the impact of the Swan Lake fire.Chair Izzo noted the O&D Committee met Friday and the report was provided to members today.Chair Izzo welcomed members of the O&D Committee and HEA to lead the update.Mr.Janorschke notified he emailed a 14-page presentation today to Mr.Carey and Ashton Doyle of AEA that illustrates the status of the fire.Mr.Janorschke introduced HEA's Incident Management Advisor Jim Butler to review the presentation. Page 1of5 Kirk Gibson,McDowell Rackner Gibson,PC,requested Mr.Janorschke email the presentation directly to him.Mr.Janorschke agreed. Chair Izzo advised a brief at-ease will occur to technically prepare the presentation to be viewed in the room and to be sent to members. Chair Izzo requested HEA continue with the presentation.Mr.Butler reviewed his extensive professional background and advised he works with Rick Baldwin of HEA.Mr. Butler gave a summary of the incident information.The fire began from a lightning strike in early June,about five miles northeast of Sterling.There were approximately five other fires started that night as a result of lightning and were mostly contained in wetland areas. Mr.Butler informed the incident command (IC)is a Type 2 Northern Rockies Incident Management Team 4.This is the fifth incident management team that has been assigned to the fire.The size of the fire is now approximately 165,000 acres.The fire jumped the highway in mid-August.The containment is at 48%.The temporary flight restriction (TFR) remains in place.It was lifted for a short period in order to conduct an overflight of the line. The principal operation is hazard mitigation to trees and ash pits. Mr.Butler discussed the public information map shown.The map is generated by the team daily or every two days.HEA:engaged with the first Type 2 team as an agency representative and attended the cooperators'meetings.HEA was involved with mitigation planning regarding fire impacts along the highway.HEA assisted in identifying contingency areas to clear trees around the line and to burn-out along the north side of the highway to mitigate the threat of the fire jumping the highway.Mr.Butler explained the evacuationplaninvolvestheBorough,the Troopers,and DOT. Mr.Butler showed the path of the fire where it crossed to the south side of the highway at Mile 62.5 at the Upper Jean Lake and then crossed back over the highway at about Mile 58. The fire can be best described as two different fires.The original fire was mitigated and stopped at the highway.An area of the fire that was considered contained experienced aweathereventandfoundafuelpocket,which blew the fire to Mile 70 and went across to Skilak Lake.The fire continued to burn toward to Upper Jean Lake and Skyline Trail area into the canyon. . Mr.Butler explained the map showing the contained/controlled line and the active fire line. There are significant fuel pockets remaining on the inside of the fire line.Mr.Butler described the pictures of the crew prepping the line to burn-out.The aircraft brought in was primarily from Canada.The fire intensity increased considerably as it jumped to the south side of the highway.The burn condition of the fuel was unprecedented in Alaska.One of the principal concerns is the threat of ash pits that have been knee-deep.Five firefighters have been pulled off the fire due to stepping into ash pits. Mr.Butler described an example of the type of burn to the structures.Crews were able to conduct dozer work around the line to mitigate fire damage.The fire burned through the duff along the ground and burned the bases of the poles.The top of the structure,in the example,was not impacted by a lot of heat,but the bases of the poles are significantly Page 2 of 5 burned.There is additional stress on the line due to downed trees.It is not safe for crews to go in and work. The fire team's operational priorities are given by the Refuge and the Forest Service.HEA works with the fire team to create objectives to ensure consistency in safety of personnel, firefighters and the public,and to maintain communication of developments.He explained a fire of this size will have a follow-up team called the Burn Area Emergency Response (BAER)team that will evaluate the damage to the landscape and identify areas of mitigation measures to prevent erosion or other negative outcomes resulting from theburnedlandscape. Mr.Foutz requested additional information regarding the declaration of an emergency.Mr. Thayer advised Governor Dunleavy issued a disaster declaration on the wildfires on August23,2019.Mr.Butler noted there are two types of declarations used with fires;fire declaration and general property damage declaration.Mr.Butler explained the federal government will assess the damages and determine how to respond.This has been the most expensive fire in the history of the state of Alaska and the suppression costs will be borne by the Refuge and the Forest.Damage costs have not been assessed. Mr.Foutz asked if there are ways BPMC can encourage the federal government to declare an emergency.Mr.Butler suggested communicating with Department of Military Veteran's Affairs (DMVA),Division of Homeland Security Emergency Management to determine how the BMPC's resources could be beneficial in determining what type of declaration isultimatelydeclared. Chair Izzo agreed the BPMC needs to be regularly apprised of developments and proactive in coordination with AEA.He asked when an on-ground assessment will be possible to determine the extent of the damage in terms of infrastructure,down-time,and associatedcosts.Mr.Janorschke explained clearance has to be granted and then a safe plan to clear the right-of-way will be created with the BAER team and the Refuge.The damage inspection will occur after that and a report will be brought before the BPMC. Mr.Borgeson expressed appreciation for the presentation.He asked if there is an ongoing process regarding preparation of the work that will be conducted on the affected poles.Mr. Janorschke explained on-the-ground damage inspection will occur as soon as the environment is safe for the crews.Mr.Butler noted the incident management team is focused on the fire and the Refuge has begun to shift their focus to develop a plan for safe access.Mr.Borgeson expressed concern this line could be down for a year.He believes it is important to understand as quickly as possible how this affects the operation of the whole facility,including rebuilding and payment. Ed Jenkin,MEA,asked if there is a single utility liaison as part of this IC.Mr.Butler noted they have access to the command and general staff of the six teams.Mr.Jenkin commented having a single point of contact proved to be a great advantage in his previous fire experience.Mr.Jenkin inquired as to coordination of drone access to the facilities to Page 3 of 5 ascertain structure damage.Mr.Butler informed the fire is just to the point where access may be granted.The open flames are prohibiting access. Mr.Thibert expressed appreciation for the presentation.He stated CEA is ready to help in any way possible to assist in design for construction management and recommendations on cost recovery. Mr.Foutz expressed appreciation to HEA staff for their updates.He stated the City of Seward is ready to assist as much as possible.Mr.Foutz encouraged AEA to continue to push for the federal emergency declaration.Mr.Foutz asked the rhetorical question if it would be faster to construct an underground DC line across the Cook Inlet than it would be to rebuild this line. Curtis Thayer,AEA,commented AEA is standing by to provide assistance,where necessary. He noted there have been a few fielding calls inquiring about the effect of the fire on consumer rates.' Chair Izzo requested the O&D Committee present their report provided.Pete Sarauer, GVEA and Chair of Bradley O&D Committee,informed he is available to answer any questions regarding the report.Chair Izzo expressed appreciation for the comprehensive report.He commented on the unfavorable aspect of water spillage. 7.COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS Chair Izzo requested the O&D Committee provide another Status update at the nextmeetingonSeptember27,2019. Mr.Borgeson requested a report be crafted on how to reduce costs during this period of time the power is unable to be received from the project. Mr.Borgeson requested legal Counsel provide information to BPMC regarding what therightsare,including any force majeure rights,in light of this interruption.Mr.Gibsonagreed. Mr.Borgeson inquired as to AEA's role,as owner of the project,regarding the fire interruption and contingencies for the possibility of the line not being rebuilt.Mr.Thayer asked for input as to the role the utilities want AEA to maintain.He informed AEA does not own the line.A bigger discussion outside of this meeting could occur regarding the subject of a lawsuit among the utilities for which AEA is paying legal fees on this line.Mr.Thayer noted AEA has discussed options internally regarding the line being down.AEA wants the line operational.Mr.Thayer highlighted the importance of determining the cost structure of the damage to assess what possibilities are available from AEA and the State.Mr.Thayer informed the Governor's Office is fully engaged and concerned regarding the status of the fire and receives continual updates. Chair Izzo deferred to Counsel regarding scheduling an executive session at the next meeting. Page 4 of 5 8.MEMBER COMMENTS Ms.Henderson expressed appreciation to HEA for their presentation and update.She looks forward to the next update. Mr.Borgeson expressed appreciation for the meeting.He commented this fire presents a bad economic situation for many of the utilities and their members. Chair Izzo thanked HEA for their comprehensive presentation.Safetyis a priority and he isgladtohearthatmessageisloudandclear. Mr.Janorschke committed HEA will continue to stay engaged and will provide informationasitbecomesavailable.. 9.NEXT MEETING DATE -September 27,2019 10.ADJOURNMENTTherebeingnofurtherbusiness for the committee,the>meeting adjourned at 2:45 p.m. BY: Tony Izzo,Chair Attest: Alaska Energy Authority,Secretary Page 5 of 5 BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE (BPMC) REGULAR MEETING September 27,2019 1.CALL TO ORDER Chair Izzo called the regular meeting of the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project Management Committee to order at 10:00 am.A quorum was established. 2.ROLL CALL FOR COMMITTEE MEMBERS , Tony Izzo (Matanuska Electric Association [MEA]);Cory Borgeson (Golden Valley Electric Association [GVEA]);Bryan Carey (Alaska Energy Authority [AEA]);Lee Thibert (Chugach Electric Association [CEA]);Brad Janorschke (Homer Electric Association [HEA]);Anna Henderson (Anchorage Municipal Light &Power [ML&P]);and John Foutz (City of Seward). 3.PUBLIC ROLE CALLBrandiDixon,Ashton Doyle,Jocelyn Garner,Michele Hope,David Lockard,Beazit Redzepi, Curtis Thayer,Kirk Warren (AEA);Matt Clarkson,Julie Hasquet (phone),Brian Hickey, Russell Thornton,Burke Wick (CEA);Max Garner,Stephan Saldanha (Department of Law); Rob Rebenitsch (Energy Engineering,Inc.);Leo Quiachon (phone),Pete Sarauer (phone) (GVEA);Jim Butler,Emily Hutchison (phone)(arrived late),Larry Jorgenson,Alan Owens (phone)(HEA);Bob Day (Bradley Lake)(HEA);Kirk Gibson (McDowell Rackner Gibson, PC);Ed Jenkin,Tony Zellers (MEA);Jeff Warner,Julie Harrison(sp)(ML&P);Bernie Smith(Public);and Ladonna Lindley (Accu-Type Depositions).-4.PUBLIC COMMENTS -None. 5.AGENDA APPROVAL MOTION:Mr.Thibert made a motion to approve the agenda.Motion seconded by Mr. Foutz., The motion to approve the agenda as presented passed unanimously. 6.PRIOR MINUTES -June 4,2019 &July 26,2019 MOTION:Mr.Borgeson made a motion to approve the minutes of June 4,2019,and July 26,2019.Motion seconded by Mr.Foutz. The motion to approve the minutes of June 4,2019,and July 26,2019 passed unanimously. 7.NEW BUSINESS A.Bradley Transmission Update Mr.Janorschke introduced Jim Butler,HEA Incident Management Advisor on Swan Lake Fire,who provided the Bradley Transmission Update.Mr.Butler reviewed his professional Page 1 of8 experience.The fire remains active.A new Type III team took command of the fire September 24,2019,and the fire command is expected to be returned to the local unit at the end of next week.The recent significant winds have contributed to additional trees coming down in the vicinity of the line.The burning of the roots is continuing,despite the rainfall.The Burned Area Emergency Response (BAER)team is beginning an interface and has completed their initial assessment to characterize the size,variance,types of burning, continued smoldering,and at-risk values.The BAER team is aware of the importance of the line and to facilitating entry for repair. Mr.Butler advised an assessment plan and protocol is being developed for the fire and its impacts.An in-briefing occurred and mitigating the impacts of the S/Q Line continues to be an objective.The out-of-service 69 Line was dropped yesterday at mile 62.5 and mile 58. Mr.Butler noted the amount of time to drop the line and delays to traffic were much shorter than anticipated.He expressed appreciation to the linemen who prepared and completed the work.Mr.Butler advised the proximity of the out-of-service 69 Line is critical and has added a level of complexity because there are many sections of the line where trees have come down on the line.This created an extreme hazard of lines snappingandfailingcatastrophicallywithoutnotice.Crews will have to safe-out the 69 Line before the work around the 115 Line can be completed,in many cases. Mr.Butler reported a proposed overflight of the line for assessment is anticipated next week,pending favorable weather conditions and the lifting of temporary flight restriction limitations.Where possible,the crews have dug down to mineral soil around the base of the poles to mitigate continued burning.The plan is to identify the area of the line that was impacted by the fire and divided it into conceptual segments.Work will continue with the Refuge to categorize the terrain and topography characteristics to determine what types of permit issues are associated with each segment and what types of special conditions or hazards exist to safely access the area.The conditions continue to change and the deteriorating weather and reduced daylight over the next six months pose additional challenges.He discussed the complexity of characterizing the damage to the various components of the system,including structures,conductors,and support rigging.The damage assessment is a continuous process.Mr.Butler believes the best case scenario is a definitive report of the extent of the repair and replacement could be compiled in a couple of months. Mr.Butler explained HEA's costs related to the fire and rehab are expensive and were non- budgeted.HEA will continue the response interface and will track the costs related to the fire at-large.The rehab and rebuild costs will be tracked as a different phase.HEA has not yet been actively engaged in the discussion regarding the status of a disaster declaration. The Borough is working through that issue. Mr.Foutz expressed appreciation to HEA for the helpful reports and updates.He recommended beginning the preparations now for future mitigation of the underground damage to trees outside the right-of-way.Mr.Butler agreed the concerns of a hold-over fire is a concern and will be addressed with the Refuge. Page 2 of 8 Mr.Borgeson inquired if contracting specialty trained crews who are experienced in assessing hazardous areas would expedite the process.Mr.Butler explained contractors are being reviewed who have experience in large wildfire cases with electric utilities.Mr. Janorschke noted the utility is in contact with EDM,out of Colorado,and have contracted with them previously.EDM has experience with infrastructure that has been through wildfires.They will inspect and assess the line,once it is safe to conduct work.Mr. Borgeson suggested MEA may be able to provide valuable assistance. Mr.Thibert asked about the timeline for assessing the line,plan redesign,and ordering material.He noted if the process waits two months until the full assessment is available,there may be another two-month delay in ordering material.He inquired as to the likelihood of replacing the entire line,compared to replacing piecemeal portions of the line. Mr.Janorschke noted damage from previous fires was.able to be repaired with spot replacements for sections of line.He explained this fire is unique and the fire storm intensity is unlike anything he has experienced.It has not been safe yet to conduct overflights of the east end of the fire area.The extent of the damage to the line and infrastructure there is unknown.More information will be presented after that overflight is taken and discussions continue with the Refuge representatives. Chair Izzo requested more information about the area the fire is affecting.Mr.Butler explained there are areas of the line that were directly burned and impacted by the fire and other areas of the line that were impacted by the fire suppression footprint and the hazards created to suppress the fire.The burned section from about mile 70 to about mile 62.5,-primarily burned hot on both side.After mile 62.5,the fire crossed to the south side and burned very intensely where the line was,then moved into big terrain and big timber, around the lake,and crossed north back over the highway at mile 58 into Cooper Landing, burning that segment of the line.The burning intensity ranged from a mild creeping fire underneath the trees,burning the roots,to.a conflagration crown fire that turned everything to ash,which is now mud.The burned sections are 15 to 18 miles long. Mr.Borgeson asked if the overflight information is accurate regarding the damage is to 65 structures and 109 poles.Mr.Butler agreed those numbers could be considered the minimum amount of damage,because those numbers do not reflect any of the damage to the 69 Line,which has to be addressed before the 115 Line can be accessed.No overflights have been conducted since the last windstorm.The mitigation of the two lines is connected and the fire damage of the 69 Line needs to be part of the BAER process.No access has been available to analyze the damage to the conductors and power lines,especially in the areas of the crown fire impacts. Chair Izzo asked Curtis Thayer,AEA,to explain AEA's role in this effort.Mr.Thayer expressed AEA and the State are available to provide support wherever it is needed.He noted the Governor has made that commitment.Mr.Thayer stated members of the congressional delegation have contacted AEA in efforts to assist.AEA has directed those efforts to HEA and to the fire incident command regarding gaining access to the Refuge. Page 3 of 8 Mr.Butler advised the Alaska Delegation has offices in the peninsula and the representatives were attending fire briefings regularly.Mr.Butler explained the importance of understanding the scope of the fire and disseminating education regarding the timeline of the fire this summer,the impacts,and the plan going forward.Mr.Butler has the information available.This is the largest fire in the history of Alaska and is currently the most expensive fire in the country.Mr.Janorschke advised the 8 incident management team is being introduced,which reflects the size and magnitude of this fire event. 8.OLD BUSINESS A.Battle Creek Project UpdateMr.Carey provided the update for the Battle Creek Project.During late August,the contractor was able to place the cofferdam to divert the water away from the foundation of the diversion dam.A large storm earlier in the season breached the cofferdam and cleanupofthefoundationdelayedtheprojectbyacoupleofdays.During late October,the creek will have to be diverted to the first portion of the intake area to allow for the remaining concrete work and pours to occur.Barge trips delivering the concrete blocks and pipe are ongoing and will continue for the next four to six weeks.The schedule shows the diversion dam will be completed in December of this year.Fusion of the pipe is expected to begin in late October,but if the weather does not permit the work,the fusion can be completed between May and July of next year.He believes two fusion machines will be utilized.The substantial completion date is July 22,2020,and is currently on schedule. Mr.Carey advised there has been little change,approximately 1%,to the budget to-date. The true-up on the rock excavation quantities will occur in the next couple of weeks.Mr. Carey described the pictures shown in the presentation;the cofferdam breach,fiberglass intake piping and HDPE pipe,the MSE wall,the diversion dam footing,and Wall 2. 9.COMMITTEE REPORTS A.Budget to Actuals Beazit Redzepi,AEA,reviewed the Budget to Actuals Report,beginning with the capital purchases not funded by R&C Fund for the period 7/1/18 through 6/30/19.Mr.Borgeson inquired as to the $5,350 expense not budgeted in FY19 for the Ambulance line item. Jocelyn Garner,AEA,explained accrual accounting is used and the purchases of additional equipment to outfit the Suburban as an ambulance were not made until July of 2019.No budget amendment was requested because the dollar amount was low.Bob Day,Bradley Lake,HEA,informed the ambulance required additional first aid equipment and the delayinpurchasingandinvoicingcrossedintothenewbudgetyear.For all intents and purposes, the amount was part of the prior year's budgeted amount. Mr.Redzepi showed the budget to actuals for FY19 ended under budget.He discussed the R&C Fund disbursement and repayments.The calculated R&C refund is $88,383.75.Mr. Redzepi showed the Battle Creek capital purchases and administrative costs.The O&M refund for the year is $785,825.36.The audit field work is expected to begin in October and should be completed in December. B.Operators Report Page 4 of 8 Mr.Day presented the Bradley Lake Operator Report.The Swan Lake Fire has presented serious impacts to operations and is at the forefront of staffs attention.Total generation in June was at 43,204 megawatt hours and has decreased significantly to 24,318 megawatt hours in September,through September 25.Unit 1 in September had 0 megawatt hours of production.The fire did not knock Bradley Lake offline,but there is no transmission line and no way to deliver the product to the owners.Staff is taking the opportunity to conduct repairs and inspections to Unit 1 while the unit is offline.Repairs and inspections to Unit 2 will be conducted during the continued one-unit operation and transmission line outage. Mr.Day reviewed the electrical and hydraulic summary of both units for the months June through September.He discussed the process of keeping track of the water spilled daily. Chair Izzo inquired as to an apparent discrepancy on the August 2019 page.Mr.Day recognized an error on that page.The Del of Soldotna should be approximately 48,000 megawatt hours,rather than 27,965.37.The project is currently in spill and the spill could conceivably continue into December.Mr.Day stated two to three-times as much water is going over the spillway as is being put through the turbines.He expressed concern because the rainy season has not yet unfolded and any rain will exacerbate the spill situation. Mr.Day discussed the ongoing capital projects.He advised the question has been posed regarding possible ways to diminish the expenditures at Bradley Lake in light of the current situation of the transmission line outage from the fire.Mr.Day explained the fixed costs cannot be reduced.Approximately 10%of the operational costs are not arbitrary andcannotbereduced.Other areas,such as the fire system replacement,crews'quartersremodel,and bridge repair capital expenditures,could be postponed and deferred to thefuture. Mr.Day advised the latest contract revision included requirements forinsurance,in terms of general liability,workers'comp,and automobile.The contract has some new high limitsforinsurancewhichvendorsdonotcarry.He gave the example of a vendor who is repairing a tire on the loaderis expected to carry $5 million of general liabilityinsurance. That amount of liability insurance is financially onerous for the vendor and not available in some cases.For the vendors who are able to meet the requirements,the additional costs are passed through to Bradley Lake,increasing the project expenses or quoted amounts. Mr.Day informed he contacted AEA because the contract indicated a waiver could be sought.AEA does not believe they have the authority to issue a waiver and advised Mr.Day to address the issue with the BPMC.Mr.Day spoke with Mr.Carey to examine with the Budget Subcommittee.The effort has not progressed. Mr.Day reported the 6 Operator Special Subcommittee met as directed on August 234 to discuss the need for a 6 operator/trainee for Bradley Lake,providing for two shifts of three employees each.The O&D and the Special Subcommittee concluded with a recommendation to hire the 6 operator/trainee for succession purposes,which will ensure the continuity of quality operations of the Project for the long-term.Mr.Day highlighted the economic benefits of a 6 operator.Considerable amounts of overtime will be avoided.Tasks that previously required outside services can now be accomplished with Page 5 of 8 two employees focused on the task and the third employee operating and maintaining the plant.Mr.Day showeda brief video of Bradley Lake projects. Mr.Borgeson understands that when HEA is not connected to the rest of the grid,it still costs HEA an additional $25,000 a day.He asked if the number is accurate.Mr.Day referred the question to Larry Jorgeson,HEA.Mr.Day explained the relationship of the HEA system and the Bradley Lake system imposes Bradley Lake to run two gas turbines at 11 megawatts,spending 60%of the monthly normal cost of fuel.The benefit of free energy from Bradley Lake is greatly diminished by the horrible performance of the gas turbines. Mr.Borgeson expressed Mr.Day's explanation is sufficient. Chair Izzo expressed appreciation for the comprehensive report.Mr.Day apologized for the length of the report... C.O&D ReportPeteSarauer,of GVEA and Chair of Bradley O&D,advised a special meeting regarding the Swan Lake Fire occurred on September 16,2019.He noted most of the information provided in the written O&D Report of September 13,2019 was covered today within Mr. Day's report.An additional item of discussion was the Soldotna SVC maintenance.A determination was made to proceed with the maintenance as scheduled for mid-October. Mr.Sarauer informed the water leaks in the Unit 1 needles indicate the needles are approaching the time they need to be rebuilt.The process of scheduling that repair is underway. MOTION:A motion was made by Mr.Thibert to reorder the agenda and place Item 10 after Item 13.Motion seconded by Mr.Borgeson.The motion to reorder the agenda moving |Item 10 after Item 13 was approvedwithoutobjection. 11.COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS Chair Izzo assigned the O&D Committee and Budget Subcommittee to review and respond to the insurance requirement concerns and the merits of the request for a subcontractor insurance waiver noted in Mr.Day's report.Mr.Carey informed the State Risk Management representative will need to be consulted regarding the insurance issue.Chair Izzo agreed and commented it is incumbent on the Committees to ensure prudent access to expertise and resources is maintained.Ms.Henderson called for additional specificity regarding the request for an insurance waiver.She inquired if the waiver request covers the entire provision or only related to certain contractors.She asked for those issues to be part of the discussion at the committee level.Chair Izzo agreed. Chair Izzo assigned the Budget Subcommittee to provide the economic impacts of approving a 6%operator position.Mr.Borgeson believes the 6 operator position has already gone to a special committee and that committee has made their recommendation in support.Mr.Borgeson suggested the 6 operator position is placed on the agenda for a Page 6 of8 vote at the next meeting.Mr.Foutz and Mr.Thibert agreed the 6 operator position should be assigned to the Budget Subcommittee to evaluate the potential budget adjustment. Mr.Borgeson suggested the O&D Committee be assigned to review the operator rule requiring two people on-site at all times.He noted the rule causes the operator to incur 500 hours of double-time pay.At this point,only one unit is operating at a time.He feels the committee can consider relaxing the rule,now that only one unit is operating.Chair Izzo assigned the O&D Committee to review the provision and make a recommendation to the BPMC as soon as possible.A telephonic meeting can be held before the next regularly scheduled BPMC meeting,if necessary,to provide a recommendation.Mr.Sarauer informed the next O&D Committee meeting is October 10',and the subject will be discussed.The findings will be communicated to the BPMC. Chair Izzo discussed the will of the BPMC with regard to providing assistance or support to HEA in assessing necessary repairs to the S/Q Line.Mr.Thibert advised CEA is willing to offer HEA whatever assistance is needed in reviewing the requirements for a rebuild.CEA has expertise available,who have completed a number of sections on a very similar line. Chair Izzo concurs on behalf of MEA to provide mutual aid to HEA.Mr.Janorschke expressed appreciation and will continue to move forward as the safety hazards permit. Chair Izzo assigned Counsel to review Mr.Thibert's draft requirement and process adjustments pending the outcome of CEA's purchase of ML&P.Mr.Thibert will provide the draft to Kirk Gibson,McDowell Rackner Gibson,PC. 12.MEMBERCOMMENTS |.. Mr.Foutz expressed appreciation to Mr.Janorschke and HEA for their commitment to mitigating the fire and providing updates.Mr.Foutz reiterated the offered to assist in the process.."s Mr.Thibert echoed Mr.Foutz'comments,He thanked AEA and the Governor for their support.Mr.Thibert expressed appreciation to Mr.Day for the KPI improvements and utilizing the scheduling changes to complete special projects. Mr.Borgeson believes the BPMC will turn the challenges of the fire and the transmission line issues into opportunities.He looks forward to what the BPMC will be able to accomplish in determining a good solution. Ms.Henderson echoed the appreciation of utilities'efforts,especially HEA. Mr.Carey congratulated Ashton Doyle,AEA,on her recent marriage. Mr.Janorschke expressed appreciation for the offers of support and assistance.He commented the north end of the system is impacted by fire and the south end of the system is experiencing impacts from record glacial flooding. Chair Izzo echoed the comments of appreciation to HEA. Page 7 of 8 Mr.Thayer expressed appreciation for the teamwork shown by the utilities in conveying information regarding the fire.He hopes the new boardroom is well-received. 13.NEXT MEETING DATE -November 22,2019 The next meeting date is scheduled for November 22,2019.However,a special meeting may be called at the will of the Chair. MOTION:A motion was made by Mr.Thibert to go into Executive Session to discuss legal issues regarding Claim #1 filed by Orion for the Battle Creek Diversion Project and legal issues regarding the effect of the Swan Lake Fire on the rights and obligations of the utilities purchasers under.the Bradley Agreements.Motion seconded by Mr.Foutz./ The motion was approved without objection. 10.EXECUTIVE SESSION:11:43 am ; Discuss confidential matters related to: A.Battle Creek The Board reconvened its regular meeting at 12:30 pm.> Chair Izzo advised the Board did not take any formal action on matters discussed while in executive session.' 14.ADJOURNMENT . There being no further business for the committee,the meeting adjourned at 12:31 pm. BY: Tony Izzo,Chair Attest: Alaska Energy Authority,Secretary Page 8 of 8 HOMER ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION,INC. MEMORANDUM DATE:November 21,2019 TO:Alaska Energy Authority &Alaska Railbelt FROM:Utilities Bradley P.Janorschke SUBJECT:S/Q Line Update e Assessment:The EDM assessment report has been received. o Fire damage to structures and associated parts are as follows: =Tentatively replace five to seven poles. o Non-fire damaged structures are as follows: «Tentatively replace five to seven poles. o All structures noted for replacement must be replaced prior to re-energizing the S/Q Line. e Work:HEA has evaluated the "replace”structure locations,as well as support components,and is working to assemble a team of qualified employees to start replacement of structures that are easiest to access. o Aschedule for this work should be completed within a week or so. o Atthis time there is no predicted date to re-energize due to ongoing access and winter weather conditions. e HEA will work with Kenai Wildlife Refuge staff regarding special permit /access issues for structures in area of water or wetlands. o This information will be used to develop a plan for access to these unique locations. e HEA will track all costs associated with mitigation and assessment of Swan Lake fire related damages to the S/Q Line. o Repay based on MOA o Other? BPMC West Fork Upper Battle Creek Update November 22,2019 Events: e All HDPE pipe and the Talon fusion machine are currently at Bradley. e Contractor has completed Upper Access Road (UAR)with exception of surface course cover.Contractor surveyed UAR for RockEx and embankment volumes to be "trued up”.Will substantially finalize UAR cost. e Concrete pours are occurring at the diversion site.Concrete aggregate &water being heated and concrete being insulated. e 96”intake pipe installed from intake to a discharge point. e 84”outlet piping installed. chedule: e Complete concrete pours on the Northeast side of the diversion,then divert water by temporary cofferdam in to the 96”intake.Water is to be discharged back to the canyon from 96”pipe over rock canyon walls by the end of November. e Contractor schedule shows contractor working through mid-December to finish diversion dam concrete. e Contractor schedule shows pipe fusing to occur in 2020 starting in late April. e Contract completion date of August 2020 has not changed. Bradley Lake Dam 2% ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY REDUCING THE COST OF ENERGY IN ALASKA COsBe 2% Sak SS:ed 8=WealdceRTDa "yeasi \2 \ " \ Diversion Intake Connection to 96”Fiberglass Pipe Bony | -<s Men els3qrse ae Nee! ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY REDUCING THE COST OF ENERGY IN ALASKA HDPE 63°Piping &Fusion Machine wore nae oes aes -ape ee ee ws eee ae cette eee ea ween nd - 'canals :LPOrenTS T ONCE) ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY REDUCING THE COST OF ENERGY IN ALASKA Y)7)OOi=COZc2liversD -L% 5REDUCINGTHECOSTOFENERGYINALASKAALASKAENERGYAUTHORITY Bradley Lake Budget to Actual Expense Report 07/01/2019 to 08/31/2019 Page 1 of 8 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Schedule A-1 Expenses for the period 07/01/19 to 08/31/19 FY18 FY19 FY20 FY20CAPITALPURCHASESNOTFUNDEDBYR&C FUND ACTUALS |ACTUALS |BUDGET ACTUALS Replace/Automate Fish Water Valve Actuators 361,430 364 -2,931 Equipment storage shed (unheated bus barn)67,539 -- 1 ton Flatbed with Plow 57,016 -- Battle Creek Bridge Repair Refurbishment (2)--220,000 Mobil Crane 40 to 50 tons (used)88,875 -- Replace Michigan Loader 263,306 -- Upgrade Crews Quarters and Residents Kitchen 1,850 -- Replace 1988 Suburban Ambulance 59,430 5,350 - 1/2 ton Pick up truck 34,693 -- Replace High Bay Lighting in Power Plant 19,920 -- Turbine Nozzle Repair --- Tire Machine -15,246 - UPS Replacement 75,000 IRIS Air Gap Monitoring System (computer)45,000 Replace Dump Truck and Sander 170,000 Rough Terrain Fork Lift (with Plow)130,000 Pick up Truck 45,000 Total Non R&C Capital Purchases 954,059 20,960 685,000 2,931 Page 2 of 8 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY BRADLEY LAKE OPERATIONS &MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE B BUDGET TO ACTUAL EXPENSES FOR THE PERIOD 07/01/2019 THROUGH 08/31/2019 FY 20 FY 19 BUDGET % FY20 Approved 07/01/2019 -(Over)Under FY19 Approved Budget 08/31/2019 HEA Actual CEA Actual AEA Actual Totaf Actual Budget to Date Budget FY19 Actual ¥by exp type Default x :<:::::: Labor &Benefits 1,219,936 203,323 160,396 3,251 :163,648 39,675 1,572,497 1,307,514 Travel 45,950 7,660 617 ::617 7,043 33,950 28,380 Training 49,300 8,217 853 --853 7,364 49,300 20,957 Contractual 869,842 144,974 72,460 :10,382 82,841 62,133 1,033,216 633,895 lies &Materials 346,345 57,725 13,382 ::13,382 44,343 204,345 156,340 Other Costs 67,818 11,302 5,949 4,820 -10,769 $33 69,818 31,293 Equipment,Furniture and Machinery 176,000 29,333 977 --977 28,356 7,000 6,879 Maintenance Projects a :::---*44,926 Administrative Costs 1,192,464 198,744 3,262 :182,342 155,604 43,140 1,233,537 1,210,676 {!ndirect Costs 1,383,388 230,566 212,286 ::212,286 18,280 $83,803 $79,115 5,351,043 891,844 470,183 8,071 162,724 640,979 250,865 4,787,466 4,019,975 FERC 535 -Operation Supervision &Engineering Operations Sup/Eng Bradley Lake Operating Labor &Benefits 107,453 17,909 17,581 --17,581 328 189,074 182,059 Travel 10,450 1,742 36 :-36 1,706 10,450 13,462 Training 9,300 1,550 713 ::713 837 9,300 4,305 Contractual 1,000 167 -:--167 1,000 257 Supplies &Materials 4,000 667 1,166 ::1,166 (499)4,000 2,688 Indirect Costs 155,698 25,950 25,070 ::25,070 880 77,849 74,535 Bradley Lake Operating Total 287,901 47,985 44,565 :-44,565 3,420 291,673 277,306 FERC 535 -Operation Supervision &Engineering Total 287,901 47,985 44,565 --44,565 3,420 291,673 277,306 FERC 53?-Hydraulic Expenses Hydraulic Expenses Bradley Lake Operating Labor &Benefits 84,081 14,014 10,696 ::10,696 3,318 88,714 71,766 Travel 10,000 1,667 -:::1,667 :- Contractual 22,000 3,667 -:::3,667 2,000 11,524 Supplies &Materials 19,000 3,167 ----3,167 2,000 2,636 Equipment,Furniture and Machinery 81,000 13,500 :a --13,500 +: indirect Costs 107,519 17,920 16,089 -:16,089 1,831 41,515 42,543 Bradley Lake Operating Total 323,600 53,935 26,785 ::26,785 27,150 134,229 128,470 FERC 537 -Hydraulic Expenses Total 323,600 53,935 26,785 °:26,785 27,150 134,229 128,470 FERC 538 -Electric Expenses Electric Expenses Bradley Lake Operating Labor &Benefits 208,745 34,791 35,510 '*35,510 {719}224,811 209,644 Travel 7,000 1,167 581 ::$81 S86 7,000 4,890 Training 25,000 4,167 140 :-140 4,027 25,000 12,406 Contractual 7,000 1,167 ::--1,167 2,000 : Supplies &Materials 50,732 8,455 79 ::79 8,376 9,732 4,503 E Furniture and hinery 63,000 10,500 ----10,500 -: Indirect Costs 242,067 40,345 43,194 ::43,194 (2,849)102,222 110,544 Bradley Lake Operating Total 603,544 100,592 79,505 :-79,505 21,087 370,765 341,989 FERC 538 -Electric Expenses Total 603,544 100,592 79,505 ::79,505 21,087 370,765 341,989 FERC 539-Misc.Hydraulic Power ion E: Misc Hydro Power Exp Bradley Lake Operating Labor &Benefits 104,936 17,489 10,633 a :10,633 6,856 168,044 116,910 Training 15,000 2,500 ::-:2,500 15,000 4,245 Contractual 287,525 47,921 56,132 ::56,132 (8,211 287,525 147,555 Supplies &Materials 17,900 2,983 1,744 --1,744 1,239 17,900 31,565 tndirect Costs 107,519 17,920 15,991 --15,991 1,929 41,515 42,396 Bradley Lake Operating Total 532,880 88,813 84,500 :*84,500 4,313 529,984 342,672 BRADLEY CIRCUITS/RADIO TO BERNICE LK Other Costs 35,695 5,949 5,949 ::5,949 {0}35,695.35,696 BRADLEY CIRCUITS/RADIO TO BERNICE LK Total 35,695 5,949 5,949 :-$,949 {0}35,695 35,696 BRADLEY CIRCUITS BERNICE LK TO ANCH Other Costs 29,773 4,962 -4,820 -4,820 142 29,773 29,524 BRADLEY CIRCUITS BERNICE LK TO ANCH Total 29,773 4,962 :4,820 -4,820 142 29,773 29,524 FERC 539 -Misc.Hydraulic Power Generation Expenses Total 598,348 99,724 90,449 4,820 -95,269 4,455 $95,452 407,892 FERC 540 -Rents FERC Land Use Fee Bradley Lake Operating Other Costs ::::::::(35,289) Bradley Lake Operating Tota!---::---(35,289) FERC 540 -Rents Total ::::::::(35,289) FERC 541 -Maintenance Supervision &Engineering Maint Supervision/Eng Bradley Lake Operating Labor &Benefits 114,456 19,076 17,361 ::17,361 1,715 195,817 181,894 Indirect Costs 155,698 25,950 24,735 .-24,735 1,215 77,849 74,373 Bradley Lake Operating Total 270,154 45,026 42,095 :-42,095 2,931 273,666 256,267 30f 8 H:\Accounting\AEA FY20 FS Shared Files\Bradley Lake\Monthly Reports\02-August.xlsx 11/15/2019 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY BRADLEY LAKE OPERATIONS &MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE B BUDGET TO ACTUAL EXPENSES FOR THE PERIOD 07/01/2019 THROUGH 08/31/2019 FY 20 FY 19 BUDGET % FY20 Approved 07/01/2019 -(Over)Under FY19 Approved Budget 08/31/2019 HEA Actual CEA Actual AEA Actual Total Actual Budget to Date Budget FY19 Actual FERC 541-Supervision &Engineering Total 270,154 45,026 42,095 *:42,095 2,931 273,666 256,267 FERC $42 -Maintenance of Structures Maintenance of Structures Bradley Lake Operating Labor &Benefits 76,499 12,750 9,590 *:9,590 3,160 85,438 67,934 Contractual 91,000 15,167 -::-15,167 10,000 : Supplies &Materials 88,713 14,786 5,817 ig :5,817 8,969 53,713 46,903 Equipment,Furniture and Machinery 32,000 5,333 977 --977 4,356 7,000 6,879 Indirect Costs 97,823 16,304 14,428 ::14,428 1,876 37,066 37,809 Bradley Lake Operating Total 386,035 64,340 30,812 ::30,812 33,528 193,217 159,528 BRADLEY UPGRADE CREWS QTRS/RESIDENCE KITCHEN Contractual -----Ea :165,000 : BRADLEY UPGRADE CREWS QTRS/RESIDENCE KITCHEN Tq -::::::165,000 - FERC 542 -e of Structures Total 386,035 64,340 30,812 ::30,812 33,528 358,217 159,525 FERC 543 -Maintenance of Reservoirs,Dams &Waterways Maint Res,Dams,WWays Bradley Lake Operating Labor &Benefits 45,080 7,513 160 ::160 7,353 45,552 4,722 Contractual 6,500 1,083 :::-1,083 6,500 7,600 Indirect Costs 56,322 9,387 168 :-168 9,219 19,932 87 Bradley Lake Operating Total 107,902 17,983 328 :-328 17,655 71,984 12,410 BRADLEY NUKA REPAIR Contractual :::::::15,000 : BRADLEY NUKA REPAIR Total -:-:-::15,000 - BRADLEY POWER TUNNEL MAINT (Dam) Contractual 15,000 2,500 --a -2,500 15,000 - BRADLEY POWER TUNNEL MAINT (Dam)Total 15,000 2,500 -::=2,500 15,000 : FERC 543 -Maintenance of Reservoirs,Dams &Waterways Tot:122,902 20,483 328 :-328 20,155 101,984 12,410 FERC 544 -Maintenance of Electric Plant Maintenance of Elec Plant Bradley Lake Operating Labor &Benefits 273,620 45,603 38,761 ::38,761 6,842 342,265 285,36 Travel 4,500 750 ::--750 4,500 21 Contractual 49,000 8,167 178 -:178 7,989 70,000 69,47 Supplies &Materials 70,000 11,667 :.-:11,667 20,000 16,571 Maintenance Projects -+a -----44,926 Indirect Costs 368,424 61,404 58,010 -:58,010 3,394 148,789 156,963 Bradley Lake Operating Total 765,544 127,591 96,949 ::96,949 30,642 585,554 573,517 BRADLEY REPLACE LIGHTING IN POWER PLANT Supplies &Materials ---:---30,000 - BRADLEY REPLACE LIGHTING IN POWER PLANT Total -:::-::30,000 : FERC 544 -Maintenance of Electric Plant Total 765,544 127,591 96,949 °:96,949 30,642 615,554 573,517 FERC 545 -Mai ¢of Misc.Hydraulic Plant Maint of Misc Hydr Plant Bradley Lake Operating Labor &Benefits 69,395 11,566 9,830 ::9,830 1,736 85,438 70,964Contractual3,900 650 5,803 -:5,803 (5,153)3,900 - Supplies &Materials 63,000 10,500 1,634 ::1,634 8,866 35,000 33,168 indirect Costs 92,318 15,386 14,603 --14,603 783 37,066 39,864 Bradley Lake Operating Total 228,613 38,102 31,870 ::31,870 6,232 161,404 143,995 FERC 545 -Maintenance of Misc.Hydraulic Plant Totat 228,613 38,102 31,870 :id 31,870 6,232 161,404 143,995 FERC 556 -System Control &Load Dispatching System Cntl &Load Disp Bradley Lake Operating Labor &Senefits 21,140 3,523 3,995 -:3,995 (472)21,506 20,920Contractual53,000 8,833 46 +:46 8,787 53,000 44,800Supplies&Materials 6,000 1,000 2,942 -:2,942 (1,942)6,000 613 Bradley Lake Operating Total 80,140 13,356 6,983 ::6,983 6,373 80,506 66,333 BRADLEY EMERSON ANTIVIRUS UPGRADE Contractual ----+-:40,000 41,740 BRADLEY EMERSON ANTIVIRUS UPGRADE Total -:::-::40,000 41,740 Snow Measurement Bradley Lake Operating Contractual 10,000 1,667 ----1,667 12,000 10,000 Bradley Lake Operating Total 10,000 1,667 -:--1,667 12,000 10,000 Seismic Service Bradley Lake Operating Contractual 62,000 10,333 -:::10,333 62,000 61,569BradleyLakeOperatingTotal62,000 10,333 ----10,333 62,000 61,569 Streamguaging Serv Bradley Lake Operating Contractual 209,917 34,986 --::34,986 206,291 186,291 Bradley Lake Operating Total 209,917 34,986 :-:-34,986 206,291 186,291 Permits Bradley Lake Operating ' 4of8H:\Accounting\AEA FY20 FS Shared Files\Bradley Lake\Monthly Reports\02-August.xisx 11/15/2019 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY BRADLEY LAKE OPERATIONS &MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE B BUDGET TO ACTUAL EXPENSES FOR THE PERIOD 07/01/2019 THROUGH 08/31/2019 FY 20 FY 19 BUDGET % FY20 Approved 07/01/2019 -{Over)Under FY19 Approved Budget 08/31/2019 HEA Actual CEA Actual AEA Actual Total Actual Budget to Date Budget FY19 Actual Other Costs 350 s8 -:::58 350 250 Bradley Lake Operating Total 350 s8 ----58 350 250 FERC 556 -System Control &Load Dispatching Total 362,407 60,400 6,983 ..6,983 53,417 401,147 366,183 FERC 562 -Station Expenses Station Expenses Bradley Lake Operating Labor &Benefits 87,072 14,512 6,280 3,251 =9,531 4,981 94,718 83,224Travel4,000 667 -:::667 2,000 1,632 Contractual 2,000 333 10,300 hd .10,300 (9,967}32,000 35,207 Supplies &Materials 22,000 3,667 ---:3,667 21,000 17,692 Other Costs 2,000 333 :-:-333 4,000 1,112 Bradley Lake Operating Total 117,072 19,512 16,580 3,251 :19,832 {320}153,718 138,869 FERC 562 -Station Expenses Tota!117,072 19,512 16,580 3,251 *19,832 (320)153,718 138,869 aN/A Weather Monitoring Power Sup Bradley Lake Operating Contractual -:::10,382 10,382 (10,382):: Bradley Lake Operating Total :-:-10,382 10,382 (10,382}:: N/A ----10,382 10,382 (10,382)-. FERC 571 -Maintenance of Overhead Lines Maint of OH Lines Bradley Lake Operating Labor &Benefits 27,459 4577 -:::4,877 31,120 12,110Travel10,000 1,667 ::::1,667 10,000 8,180 Contractual 50,000 8,333 ::::8,333 50,000 17,875 Supplies &Materials 5,000 833 ---:833 5,000 - Bradley take Operating Total 92,459 15,410 -:-:15,410 96,120 38,165 FERC 571 -Maintenance of Overhead Lines Total 92,459 15,410 ---:15,410 96,120 38,165 FERC 920 &930 -Administrative Expense AEA Bradley Fixed Admin Fees Bradley Lake Operating Administrative Costs 200,000 33,333 -:33,333 33,333 {0)200,000 200,000BradleyLakeOperatingTotal200,000 33,333 -.33,333 33,333 {0)200,000 200,000 Operating Committee Exp-Audit Bradley Lake Operating Administrative Costs 19,900 3,317 --:-3,317 16,500 19,900 Bradley Lake Operating Total 19,900 3,317 -:-:3,317 16,500 19,900 Operating Committee Exp-Legal Bradley Lake Operating Administrative Costs 30,000 5,000 ::10,753 10,753 (5,753)25,000 140,453 Bradley Lake Operating Total 30,000 5,000 --10,753 10,753 {5,753)25,000 140,453 Operat Committee Exp-Arbitrage Bradley Lake Operating Administrative Costs 3,000 $00 :+::500 2,935 2,785 Bradley Lake Operating Total 3,000 500 ----500 2,935 2,785 Trust &Account Fees Bradley Lake Operating Administrative Costs 11,918 1,986 :-5,959 5,959 (3,973)11,918 11,918 Bradley Lake Operating Total 11,918 1,986 -:5,959 5,959 (3,973)11,918 11,918 Misc Admin Bradley Lake Operating Administrative Costs 11,646 1,941 -:-:1,941 10,350 11,646 Bradley Lake Operating Total 11,646 1,941 ---:1,941 10,350 11,646 FERC 920 &930 -Administrative Expense Tota!276,464 46,077 -50,046 50,046 (3,969)266,703 386,702 FERC 924 &925 -insurance Premiums Insurance Premiums Bradiey Lake Operating Administrative Costs 631,000 105,167 3,262 :102,297 105,553 {392)656,834 617,640 Bradley Lake Operating Total 631,000 105,167 3,262 :102,297 105,559 (392)656,834 617,640 FERC 924 &925 -Insurance Premiums Total 631,000 105,167 3,262 :102,297 105,559 (392)656,834 617,640 FERC 928 -yc E FERC Admin Fees Bradley Lake Operating Administrative Costs 185,000 30,833 +:-:30,833 185,000 102,775 Bradley Lake Operating Total 185,000 30,833 --:<30,833 185,000 101,775 FERC Related Prof Services BRADLEY CONTRACTUAL ENGINEER-FERC LICENSE ISSUES Administrative Costs |100,000 16,667 ::*-16,667 125,000 104,560 BRADLEY CONTRACTUAL ENGINEER-FERC LICENSE ISSU:100,000 16,667 ::::16,667 128,000 104,560 FERC 928 -Regulatory C Exp Total 285,000 47,500 .::E 47,500 310,000 206,335 Total Bradley Lake Budget 5,351,043 891,844 470,183 8,071 162,724 640,979 250,865 4,787,466 4,019,975 Sof8 H:\Accounting\AEA FY20 FS Shared Files\Bradley Lake\Monthly Reports\02-August.xlsx 11/15/2019 BRADLEY LAKE R&C FUND DISBURSEMENTS AND REPAYMENTS SCHEDULE D Expenses for the Period 07/1/19 through 08/31/19 Actual Actual Actual Actual Budget @06/30/19 TO REPAY @ 08/31/19 TO REPAY FY20 Description Expense @6/30/19 Expense @6/30/20 [R&C FUND PROJECTS (Governor 0.00 4,052,070.14 0.00 4,052,070.14 0.00 Replace RFLS 0.00 251,092.69 0.00 251,092.69 0.00 Replace Runners 0.00 1,946,732.79 0.00 1,946,732.79 0.00 Replace cable from dam to power house 0.00 2,321,922.94 0.00 2,321,922.94 0.00 Replace power system stabilizer 0.00 619,205.10 0.00 619,205.10 0.00 Replace two RTUs 0.00 86,905.27 0.00 86,905.27 0.00 Culvert Repairs 0.00 675,966.79 0.00 675,966.79 0.00 Tower Repair for Jack Frost Heaves 0.00 887,596.62 0.00 887,596.62 0.00 Replace Plant and SCADA Controls 0.00 1,344,683.05 0.00 1,344,683.05 0.00 Vibration Monitoring System 0.00 490.00 0.00 490.00 0.00 Fire Alarm System Replacement 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 150,000.00 Battie Creek Diversion 0.00 1,170,000.00 0.00 1,170,000.00 0.00 Bradley Replace Electro-Mechanical Relays 0.00 1,277,197.06 0.00 1,277,197.06 0.00 Fishwater Screen Debris Removal 0.00 312,236.43 0.00 312,236.43 0.00 Turbine Nozzel Repair 0.00 1,428,861.07 0.00 1,428,861.07 0.00 Spillway Raise 0.00 0.00 0.00 SVC replacement Daves Creek |Soldotna 0.00 8,517,991.11 0.00 8,517,991.11 0.00 Equipment Storage Shed 510,550.13 510,550.13 0.00 §10,§50.13 0.00 Emerson Operating System Upgrade 622,665.00 622,665.00 0.00 622,665.00 0.00 Generator #2 Replacement 582,341.67 582,341.67 5,945.90 588,287.57 0.00 1,715,556.80 |26,608,507.86 5,945.90] 26,614,453.76 |150,000.00 Current Year R&C Repayment (2,746 068.00)(353,566.00) Adjust to balance to $5million 0.00 0.00 {Interest in Fund Applied to Repayment (117,149.21)(80,155.06) Net Transfer from Revenue Fund (2,863,217.21)(433,721.06) Cumulative Prior Years R&C Repayments (20,465,255.55)(23,240,089.01) Due Back to Utilities 88,383.75 (1,743,054.38) Adjust Due to R&C Actual 0.00 0.00 (20,376,871.80)(24,983,143.39) NET DUE TO R&C FUND 3,368,418.85 1,197,589.32 |R&C FUND CASH FLOW PROJECTION Beginning Investment Balance 1,013,291.03 2,435,913.25 Disbursements-current year -Accrual (999,608.45)0.00 Disbursements-prior year accrued 0.00 (594,470.08) Utilities'R&C Refund (440,986.54)0.00 Net other cash inflow(outflow)0.00 0.00 Current year interest earnings 117,149.21 80,155.06 Participants Contributions to R&C Fund 2,746,068.00 353,566.00 Ending Investment Balance 2,435,913.25 |2,275,164.23 Accrued Due to Utilities (88,383.75)1,654,670.63 R&C payable back to the revenue fund 0.00 0.00 Accrued R&C vendor Payable at Year End (715,948.35)(127,424.17) PROJECTED NET DUE +ENDING INVESTMENT BALANCE 5,000,000.00 5,000,000.00 REPAYMENT AMOUNT $5,644,193.08 x 25%all 4 years 4th 1,411,048.27 4th 1,411,048.27 $1,341,405.96 x 25%all 4 years 3rd 335,351.49 3rd 335,351.49 $1,625,945.94 x 25%all 4 years 2nd 428,889.20 2nd 428,889.20 $5,945.90 x 25%all 4 years tst 1st 1,486.48 2,774,833.46 2,176,775.44 Page 6 of8 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY RADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT attle Creek Capital Purchases schedule E Expenses for the period 07/01/19 to 08/31/19 Battle Creek Capital Purchases FY18 FY19 FY20 FY20 Actuals Actuals Budget Actual Used 2007 Chevrolet Silverado 8,800 Used 2006 Chevrolet Silverado 7,700 Battle Creek-Interface Consulting -425,000 236,995 Total capital revenue fund purchases 16,500 425,000 236,995 Page 7 of 8 ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY BRADLEY LAKE HYDROELECTRIC PROJECT Battle Creek AdministrativeCostsScheduleF Expenses for the period 07/01/19 through 08/31/19 Run Date:11/06/19 Entry No.Range:1..2671134 FY 20 FY19 Gudget %07/01/19 -(Over)Under Sudget ||FY19 AprrevedFY20AprrevedBudgetoa/si/19 HEA Actual AEA Actual Total Actual te Date Budget Total Actual Summary Sy Expense Type Administrative Costs $395,424 $65,904 |$91,4691 $62,182 |$153,651 |$(87,747)][453,988 $$27,723 $395,424]|$$5,904 |$91,469 |$62,182 |$153,651 |$(87,747)453,988]$527,723 FERC 920 &930 -Admninistrative Expense Bond issue Costs Aderinistrative Costs $:$-I$-_I$-_|$-I$:ol $. Bond tesue Costs Total $:$$pas 3 mE}SE}:CL$ AEA Bradiey Fined Admin Fees. Administrative Costs $117,274 $19,546 1$:$17,500 |$17,500 |$2,046.176,193f $175,421 AEA Bradley Fined Admin Fees Total $117,274 $19,546 $$17,500 |$17,500 |§2,046 176,193]$175,421 'Gperating Committee Exp-Legal Administrative Costs 15,000 $2,500]$a $675 |$44,675 1$(42,275)15,000]$34,795OperatingCommittesExp-Legel Total [$15,000 $2,500 |$-$44.675 |$44.6751 §(42 Tal 15,000]$34,795 Operat Cormmittes Ep-Arbitrage Adeninistrative Costs 2,000 $333 1$z $=$=$333 2,000]$1,690|'Operat Committe Exp-Arbitrage Tota!|$2,000 $33315 -$-$$333 2,000]$1,690 ---- Trust &Account Fees Administrative Costs 4,000]|$woo |$-_|s$-_I[¢-_I$$00 6,550]$4,083Trust&Account Fees Total $4s00|[$800 1 $-_Is -_I$-I$800 6550]$4,083| 'Mise Actrnin. Admninistrative Costs $200 $171$:$7I$7I1$10.ols a3 Misc Admin Total $100 J $1745 -$71$71$10 ols 83 | Professional consultants Administrative Costs 256,250 $42,708 1 $91,469 |$=$91,469 |$(48,761))254,245]$311,652 Professional consultants Total $256,250][$42,708 1 $91,4691 $-|$91,469 |${48,761)|254,245]$311,552 ] FERC 920 &930 -Administrative Expense Total $$95,424 $65,904 1 $91,469 |$62,182 |$153,651 |$(87,747)|453,988]$527,723 H:\Accounting\AEA FY20 FS Shared L J A eos 11/15/2019 3:00 PMA sot Abelsk Unit Statistics: Bradley Lake Operator Report BPMC November 22,2019 *as of November 22,2019 Generation Unit 1 (MWhrs)Unit 2 (MWhrs)Total (MWhrs) September 2019 0 31,633 31,633 October 2019 0 35,535 35,535 November 2019*0 19,408 19,408 Hydraulics Avg.Lake Level (ft.)Usage (ac ft.)Fish water (CFS) September 2019 1180.21'35,447 524.1 October 2019 1178.57'35,765 143.7 November 2019*1180.12'19,039 105.8 *November as of 11/18/2019 Lake Level -1179.7'as of November 22,2019 Great News! Partial Discharge test on Unit 2 -From the most recent (1 week ago}IRIS PD test report on Unit 2: "5 Recommendations At present there are no indications of any problems with the stator winding insulation assessed here,so there is no reason to restrict operation.The decrease in level indicates the effectiveness of maintenance performed.We recommend reevaluating in 6-12 months in order to trend the PD development.” Capital Projects: 1)Swan Lake Fire -The fire caused the outage of the Sterling to Quartz Transmission line has curtailed transmission of Bradley power to the Northern utilities.This severely impacted the ability for Bradley to generate and has resulted in continuing spill conditions at the lake. 2)Transmission line Outage -|have attached the detailed Bradley Lake Electrical & Hydraulic Summary sheets for the past three months so you can see the effects on the continuing transmission line outage is on the water levels,unit availability and power production. Bradley Lake Operator Report Page 1 3)Due to high lake levels -it is likely that we will continue to spill due to the fire outage.We are currently experiencing a sever fall storm with high winds,high temps and strong rains.These are common in November.Weather was bad enough Thursday that flights were canceled to Bradley. 4)Spill -Spill will conceivably continue into December and possibly beyond.Please see the spill tracking sheet attached.Inflows exceeded usage in September and October,in November they were 3,000 ACF less than the usage. 5)Divider Repair -The first castings to Alaska Roteq were rejected and new ones being procured.We do not currently have a date on the arrive of the finished product.We can install these at our leisure as the repairs have shown no indications of further failure. 6)Leak inspection Unit 1 -Jon Klien,one of the Bradley operators came up with a great idea which we implemented and we now know which two needles are leaking water on unit 1.See the attached photos.Since we have plenty of water the fix is not currently a priority but these leaks will need to be addressed in the future. 7)ABB fix on the pole connection -The poles for unit 2 are being repaired,if they return while we are still in a single unit operation,we will replace the pole pieces on Unit 2 with our staff.We are beginning to receive some of the smaller parts and pieces for repair. 8)Fish Water Control Automation -It is working well but spill conditions continue to have overshadowed its operation. 9)Fire System Replacement -PDC has received the Notice to Proceed. 10)Insurance Discussion -The contract has some new high limits for insurance which some of the vendors claim are impossible to get,we have asked for a waiver from AEA but have been referred to the BPMC. Request for action by the BPMC: 1)Approve the additional trainee -we need to hire the sixth person immediately to help with some of the tasks we are taking on with our internal staff.The sixth person means less contracting,covers succession planning,provides 2"4 man coverage.The Budget subcommittee should have information available at this meeting. 2)Approval of insurance waiver for smail contractors and small jobs -For small jobs,such as replacing a window,fixing some plumbing etc.,5 million in insurance is excessive and many potential contractors simply cannot acquire Bradley Lake Operator Report Page 2 that kind of coverage.|believe risk management has softened their position on this insurance requirement.BPMC needs to concur as this is a contract issue. 3)Reaffirm the continuance of the $950,000 special authorization for the repair of generator 2 -In the last fiscal year the BPMC approved a special allocation for repair of the generator.To date we have spent approximately $535,000 on the repairs.We have yet to pay for the divider plate manufacturing or the pole repair by ABB (both currently under way.We are also waiting on the installation of the air gap monitoring system as there currently are no funds. When we crossed the fiscal boundary in June the approval expired,this work is under way and a reaffirmation of the approval of the remaining funds is required by the accounting process. edeitetimiemid,Maar;4¢ Bradley Lake Operator Report Page 3 Unit 1 Needle 3 Leak Unit 1 Needie 4 Water leak Bradley Lake Operator Report Page 4 Spillway USGS Required Date NetACF NetACF Fishwater 9/9/2019 0.0 37.7 100.0 9/10/2019 0.0 47.8 100.0 9/11/2019 0.0 70.7 100.0 9/12/2019 455.2 686.8 100.0 9/13/2019 1985.4 2497.3.100.0 9/14/2019 1904.9 2253.2 100.0 9/15/2019 1737.2,2080.2 95.0 9/16/2019 1862.1 =2200.2.90.09/17/2019 =1648.5 1981.6 85.0 9/18/2019 1671.2 2032.2 =80.0 9/19/2019 1600.5 1831.2 75.0 9/20/2019 1531.8 1735.5 70.09/21/2019 1567.9 1715.7 65.0 9/22/2019 1223.2 1313.2 60.0 9/23/2019 820.6 739.0 55.0 9/24/2019 527.9 365.2 50.0 9/25/2019 336.5 167.2 50.0 9/26/2019 143.1 36.8 50.0 9/27/2019 28.7 2.5 50.0 9/28/2019 0.0 $46 50.0 9/29/2019 0.0 64.6 50.0 9/30/2019 0.0 3.4 50.0 10/1/2019 10.5 0.0 50.0 10/2/2019 79.9 10.5 50.0 10/3/2019 11.4 0.0 50.0 10/4/2019 0.0 49 500 10/5/2019 0.0 0.0 8650.0 10/6/2019 0.0 0.0 50.0 10/29/2019 0.0 0.0 $0.0 10/30/2019 62.4 0.0 8650.0 10/31/2019 167.5 11/1/2019 102.5 424 45.0 11/2/2019 98.9 16.3 40.0 11/3/2019 26.7 1.0 8640.0 11/4/2019 85 00 8640.0 11/5/2019 0.0 37.3 40.0 11/6/2019 0.0 159 40.0 11/7/2019 0.0 1.2 40.0 11/8/2019 17.6 13.6 400 11/9/2019 67.7 174 40.0 11/10/2019 40.8 32.2 40.0 11/12/2019 5.5 15 40.0 11/12/2019 0.0 13 40.0 11/13/2019 0.0 15 40.0 11/14/2019 0.0 0.0 40.0 11/15/2019 0.0 0.0 40.0 Spill Tracking and Allocation Oo Use USGS Values ; Water at Risk (acft) September Spill Volume 19,044.87 acft September]GVEA HEA CEA MEA SES Totals Water at Risk]7,581.67 0.00 8,396.64 17,201.81 0.00 |48,413.77 %ofRisk]15.66%0.00%17.34%35.53%0.00%100.00% Allocation Volume]2,982.45 0.00 3,303.05 6,766.80 0.00 19,044.87 End of Monthy 4,599.22 0.00 5,093.59 10,435.01 0.00 |29,368.90 October Spill Volume 331.72 acft October]GVEA HEA CEA MEA SES Totals Water at Risk}4,573.37 0.00 4,714.66 10,413.92 0.00 |28,903.43 %of Risk]15.82%0.00%16.31%36.03%0.00%100.00% Allocation Volume 52.49 6.00 54.11 119.52 0.00 331.72 End of Monthy 4,520.88 0.00 =4,660.55 10,294.40 0.00 |28,571.71 November Spill Volume 368.19 acft October|GVEA HEA CEA MEA SES Totals Water at Risk}4,488.70 0.00 4,602.66 10,268.12 0.00 |28,406.03 %of Risk}15.80%0.00%16.20%36.15%0.00%100.00% Allocation Volume $8.18 0.00 59.66 133.09 0.00 368.19 End of Monthy 4,430.52 0.00 4,543.00 10,135.03 0.00 |28,037.84 Bradley Lake Electrical &Hydraulic Summary November 2019 MW Hour Totals Generation Soldotna Diamond Ridge Station Service Availability Dispatched Capacity Unit 1 Unit 2 Rec Del Rec Del Bus 1 Bus 2 Pro.Fac.Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 1 Unit 2 0.00 19,408.37 0.00 10,240.25 0.00 8,959.75 35.16 29.75 49.14 100.00%|100.00%0.00%71.31% Production and Usage Totals Generation Station Service Total Export Lake Vol.Change Total Usage Estimated Inflow |Conversion Eff. 19,408.37 114.05 19,294.32 -2,749.54 19,039.03 16,289.49 1.052 Unit 1 Hours Summary Unit 2 Hours Summary Lake Vol Gen FW Spill LBRDateGenPOMOFODScDTotGenPO=MO FO DS CD Tot Level Change Usage Release ACF Flow 11/1/2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 0.00 24.00 24.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 1,180.40 0.00 1,077.6 1.30 08 199.0 11/2/2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 0.00 24.00 24.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 1,180.40 0.00 1,075.3 1.30 08 150.0 11/3/2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 24.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 1,180.30 -392.80 1071.8 1.30 0.0 111.0 11/4/2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 0.00 24.00 24.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 1,180.20 -392.80 1,044.3 11.44 0.4 105.0 11/5/2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 0.00 24.00 24.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 1,180.10 -392.80 1,033.1 23.60 57.1 107.0 11/6/2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2400 0.00 24.00 24.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 1,180.10 0.00 1,024.7 20.40 46.2 148.3 11/7/2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 0.00 24.00 24.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 1,180.10 0.00 1,097.9 1.30 39.0 109.4 11/8/2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 0.00 24.00 24.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 1,180.20 392.80 1,061.7 11.90 14.2 93.7 11/9/2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 0.00 24.00 24.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 1,180.30 392.80 1,017.2 45.20 11.9 102.6 11/10/2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 0.00 24.00 .24.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 1,180.30 0.00 939.5 52.70 31.2 111.3 11/11/2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 0.00 24.00 24.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 1,180.20 -392.80 943.7 9.10 39.0 78.6 11/12/2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 0.00 24.00 24.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 1,180.10 -392.80 1,020.6 29.29 0.2 65.1 11/13/2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 0.00 24.00 24.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 1,180.00 -392.80 992.2 4411 0.0 90.9 11/14/2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 0.00 24.00 24.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 1,179.90 -392.78 1,045.0 61.32 0.0 78.3 11/15/2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 0.00 24.00 24.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 1,179.90 0.00 1,036.8 80.56 0.0 90.9 11/16/2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2400 0.00 24.00 24.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 1,180.00 392.78 995.7 71.94 0.0 95.1 11/17/2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 0.00 24.00 24.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 1,179.90 -392.78 984.4 54.54 0.0 86.1 11/18/2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 0.00 24.00 24.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 1,179.70 -785.56 988.2 68.03 0.0 82.7 18 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 432.00 0.00 432.00 432.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 432.00 1,180.12 -2,749.54 18,449.7 589.33 240.8 105.8 Gen =Online Hours,PO =Planned Outage,MO =Unplanned Maintenance Outage,FO =Forced Outage,DS =Dispatch Shutdown,CD =Condense fa Bradley Lake Electrical &Hydraulic Summary September 2019 MW Horr Totals Generation Soldotna Diamond Ridge Station Service Availability Dispatched Capacity Unit 1 Unit 2 Rec Del Rec Del Bus 1 Bus 2 Pro.Fac.Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 1 Unit 2 0.00 31,633.62 0.06 16,750.63 0.00 14,611.88 59.50 45.70 49.80 100.00%|100.00%0.00%69.74% Production and Usage Totals Generation Station Service Total Export Lake Vol.Change Total Usage Estimated Inflow |Conversion Eff. 31,633.62 155.00 31,478.62 18,460.7 35,477.81 §3,938.51 1.053 Unit 1 Hours Summary Unit 2 Hours Summary Lake Vol Gen FW Spill LBRDateGenPO=MO FO DS cD Tot Gen PO MO FO DS cD Tot Level Change Usage Release ACF Flow 9/1/2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2400 0.00 24.00 24.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 1,175.90 1,571.12 970.2 24650 00 118.4 9/2/2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 0.00 24.00 24.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 1,176.90 3,927.80 9745 246.90 0.0 119.5 9/3/2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 0.00 24.00 24.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 1,178.50 6,284.48 985.5 248.62 0.0 121.0 9/4/2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2400 0.00 24.00 24.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 1,179.00 1,963.90 1043.6 248 13 0.0 117.0 9/5/2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 0.00 24.00 24.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 1,179.10 392.78 1,021.6 248.13 0.0 115.0 9/6/2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 0.00 24.00 24.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 1,179.10 0.00 1,008.6 248.35 0.0 129.0 9/7/2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 0.00 24.00 24.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 1,179.10 0.00 943.0 248.31 00 129.0 9/8/2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2400 0.00 24.00 24.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 1,179.80 2,749.46 1007.9 248.32 00 139.0 9/9/2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 0.00 24.00 24.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 1,180.00 785.56 968.7 248 32 0.0 135.0 9/10/2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2400 0.00 24.00 24.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 1,180.10 392.80 1029.6 248 48 0.0 136.2 9/11/2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2400 0.00 24.00 24.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 1,180.20 392.80 1,025.2 248 52 0.0 131.3 9/12/2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2400 0.00 24.00 24.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 1,180.40 785.60 1029.6 24852 455.2 218.8 9/13/2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 0.00 24.00 24.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 1,181.60 4,713.60 1,051.3 230.00 19854 1.4500 9/14/2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 0.00 24.00 24.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 1,181.60 0.00 1,056.3 198.30 1,904.9 1,520.0 9/15/2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 0.00 24.00 24.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 1,181.50 -392 80 958.0 188 40 1,737.2 1,180.0 9/16/2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 0.00 24.00 24.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 1,181.60 392.80 978.3 178.51 1,862.1 1,390.0 9/17/2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 0.00 24.00 24.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 1,181.50 -392 80 1.0146 168.60 1648.5 1,180.0 9/18/2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 0.00 24.00 24.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 1,181.50 0.00 1015.8 158.70 1671.2 1,160.0 9/19/2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 0.00 24.00 24.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 1,181.40 -392 80 1,027.6 148.80 1,600.5 1,160.0 9/20/2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2400 0.00 24.00 24.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 1,181.40 0.00 1015.6 138.80 1,531.8 964.0 9/21/2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 0.00 24.00 24.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 1,181.40 0.00 1019.5 128.90 1,567.9 1,020.0 9/22/2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2400 0.00 24.00 24.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 1,181.20 -785.60 978.6 119.00 1,223.2 811.0 9/23/2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 0.00 24.00 24.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 1,181.00 -785 60 970.5 109.10 820.6 518.0 9/24/2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 0.00 24.00 24.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 1,180.80 -785.60 999.9 99.20 §27.9 329.0 9/25/2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2400 0.00 24.00 24.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 1,180.60 -785.60 1,020.2 99.20 336.5 610.9 9/26/2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2400 0.00 24.00 24.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 1,180.50 -392.80 943.1 99.20 143.1 468.4 9/27/2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2400 0.00 24.00 24.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 1,180.30 -785.60 996.4 99.20 28.7 101.7 9/28/2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2400 000 24.00 24.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 1,180.10 -785.60 1,009.0 99.20 0.0 87.2 9/29/2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 0.00 24.00 24.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 1,180.00 -392.80 987.1 99.20 0.0 104.1 9/30/2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2400 0.00 24.00 24.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 1,180.20 785.60 989.4 99.20 0.0 60.9 30 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 720.00 0.00 720.00 720.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 720.00 1,180.21 18,460.70 30,039.2 5,438.61 19,044.7 §24.1 Gen =Online Hours,PO =Planned Outage,MO =Unplanned Maintenance Outage,FO =Forced Outage,DS =Dispatch Shutdown,CD =Condense Bradley Lake Electrical &Hydraulic Summary October 2019 MW Hour Totals Generation Soldotna Diamond Ridge Station Service Availability Dispatched Capacity Unit 1 Unit 2 Rec Del Rec Del Bus 1 Bus 2 Pro.Fac.Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 1 Unit 2 0.00 35,535.88 0.15 19,028.87 0.00 16,167.75 60.85 59.33 73.32 100.00%{100.00%0.00%75.81% Production and Usage Totals Generation Station Service Total Export Lake Vol.Change Total Usage Estimated Inflow |Conversion Eff. 35,535.88 193.50 35,342.38 785.6 35,765.32 36,550.92 1.049 Unit 1 Hours Summary Unit 2 Hours Summary Lake Vol Gen FW Spill LBR Date Gen PO MO FO DS cD Tot Gen PQ =MO FO DS cD Tot Level Change Usage Release ACF Flow 10/1/2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 0.00 24.00 24.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 1,180.20 0.00 1,178.9 17.69 10.5 123.0 10/2/2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 0.00 24.00 24.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 1,180.30 392.80 1,119.8 35.11 79.9 119.0 10/3/2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 0.00 24.00 24.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 1,180.30 0.00 1117.5 40.12 114 114.0 10/4/2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 0.00 24.00 24.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 1,180.20 -392.80 1,122.1 48.29 0.0 101.0 10/5/2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 24.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 1,180.00 -785.60 1,117.0 69.06 0.0 97.6 10/6/2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2400 0.00 24.00 24.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 1,179.90 -392.78 1,094.5 76.54 0.0 99.3 10/7/2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 0.00 24.00 24.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 1,179.70 -785.56 1,078.4 75.55 0.0 97.6 10/8/2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 0.00 24.00 24.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 1,179.50 -785.56 1,118.6 80.35 0.0 96.5 10/9/2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 0.00 24.00 24.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 1,179.30 -785 56 1,088.7 80.77 0.0 948 10/10/2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 0.00 24.00 24.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 1,179.20 -392.78 1,031.7 80.70 0.0 102.8 10/11/2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 0.00 24.00 24.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 1,179.00 -785 56 1,449.8 77.70 0.0 98.9 10/12/2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 0.00 24.00 24.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 1,178.80 785 56 825.7 75.90 0.0 96.2 10/13/2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 0.00 24.00 24.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 1,178.60 -785.56 1,101.2 78.90 0.0 93.6 10/14/2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 0.00 24.00 24.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 1,178.30 _-1,178.34 1111.0 80.90 0.0 94.5 10/15/2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 0.00 24.00 24.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 1,178.10 -785 56 1,135.0 80.80 0.0 94.2 10/16/2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 0.00 24.00 24.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 1,177.80 _-1,178.34 1,138.0 83.54 0.0 101.0 10/17/2019 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 24.00 0.00 24.00 24.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 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=Forced Outage,DS =Dispatch Shutdown,CD =Condense Bradley Lake Project Management Committee ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY (AEA) Regular Meeting -Teleconference Public Notice Bradley Lake Project Management Committee Notice is hereby given that the Bradley Lake Project Management Committee will hold a regular meeting on Friday,November 22,2019 directly following the 9:00 a.m.Intertie Management Committee meeting. This meeting will be conducted by electronic media pursuant to AS 44.62.310 at the following location: Alaska Energy Authority Board Conference Room, 813 West Northern Lights Boulevard Anchorage,Alaska A teleconference line has been setup for those unable to attend in person.Dial 1-888-585-9008 and when prompted,enter code 134-503-899# For additional information,please contact the AEA executive assistant at (907)771-3074. The public is invited to attend.The State of Alaska (AEA)complies with Title It of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.Disabled persons requiring special modifications to participate should contact AEA staff at (907)771-3000 to make arrangements. Attachments,History,Details Attachments Details None .Commerce,Community andDepartment:Economic Development Revision History Category:Public Notices Created 11/15/2019 11:33:43 AM by e6f9d8b3-Sub-Category:e991-4579-aade-ab39b6b33f10 Location(s):Statewide Project/Regulation #: Publish Date:11/15/2019 Archive Date:11/23/2019 Events/Deadlines: BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE (BPMC) REGULAR MEETING AGENDA Friday,November 22,2019 Immediately Following the 9:00 a.m.IMC meetingvAlaskaEnergyAuthorityBoardRoom 813 W Northern Lights Blvd,Anchorage To participate dial 1-888-585-9008 and use code 134-503-899# CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL FOR COMMITTEE MEMBERS PUBLIC ROLL CALL PUBLIC COMMENTS AGENDA APPROVAL PRIOR MINUTES -September 16,2019 &September 27,2019 NEW BUSINESS Ay SQLine Update HEA Zonol Gunes OLD BUSINESS oaks heA.Battle Creek Project Update Aud 30**2020 AEA Toeupron Con}COMMITTEE REPORTS a Budget to Acual Budget Subcommittee TheatEXECUTIVSESSION-Discuss confidential matters relates.Pole ThayA.Legal and financial issues related to Project Facilities and the SQ Line.qnaly /govorachteCOMMITTEEASSIGNMENTSMobi MEMBERS COMMENTS forapeon jwNEXTMEETINGDATE-January 24,2049 20 fects pMADJOURNMENTTee" Bradley Lake Project Management Committee Friday,November 22,2019 **PLEASE WRITE LEGIBLY** NAME ORGANIZATION Brave lane hagoyBelek.AEN 3.6 De Hea LAR Sotatnaid ULCA Kon Kebens et ch FE L Beerw't Ceclr eg AénA Saal Gornac PEA N jell LOL a VALERassThienLerCE? Benue Sms 7f PUBLIC BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE j First Second First Second __tirst 'Second First L SecondBPMC11/22/19 ich , ' '.1004 t Hie CaerAt -v Roll Call Agenda ,7.40 Execute ; Roll call from top to bottom ending with Chair amnabol Aesssew +f L oll or Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Matenuska Pecietesecietigly y n f i] Chugach Electric Association h 4..Y os v },|WV City of Seward b f oy bs /WA /-| Municipal Light &Power 4 wD)f 5 YW V |. Homer Electric Association Lf WA Golden Valley Electric Association low VYLAsZL. Z._f1AlaskaEnergyAuthorityfyiorf y vt wa 5toaqucKaElectricAssocistionWA First Second First Second First Second First Second First Second Roll call from top to bottom ending with Chair Apoey &| Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Miatertiska Electric Assosanan-W toe Chugach Electric Association City of Seward Municipal Light &Power Homer Electric Association Golden Valley Electric Association Alaska Energy Authority |MatanuskKe Electric Associ colt Next Meeting:January 24,2019 -_ Text for Motion to Enter Executive Session Chair:I will entertain a motion to go into Executive Session. Member:I move that the committee enter an Executive Session to discuss confidential matters related to legal and financial issues related to Project Facilities and the SQ Line.Q +len RIES eeagcl Bakle Cesei4 (another member seconds;chair will adjourn the special meeting to enter executive Com p yn)session) ISSgqeoCommitteeenteredExecutiveSessionat(g *S/pcr (time). The committee reconvened its special meeting at 2'(time). Note:A quorum was established.Chair Izzo advised that the committee had not taken any formal action on the matters discussed while in Executive Session. BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE First Second First Second First Second First Second BPMC 11/22/19 Roll Call AgendaRollcallfromtoptebottomendingwithChair Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Matanuska Electric Association Chugach Electric Association City of Seward Municipal Light &Power Homer Electric Association Golden Valley Electric Association Alaska Energy Authority First Second First Second First Second First Second First Second Roll call from top to bottom ending with Chair Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Matanuska Electric Association Chugach Electric Association City of Seward Municipal Light &Power Homer Electric Association Golden Valley Electric Association Alaska Energy Authority Next Meeting:January 24,2019 ATTENDANCE -BPMC MEETING,November 22OO_COMMITTEEMEMBERS ALTERNATE|Cory BeBorgeson -_-GVEA _Leo Quiachon 7 "Lee TThibert,Vice Char”CEA Brian Hickey ae |Brad Janorschke HEA Bob Day a Bryan Carey,Secretary/Treasurer 7 AEA Curtis Thayer BO : Tony zzo,Chair MEA Tony Zellers a vA|Anna HendersonOo MLP .Jeff Warner :|John Foutz a sew)| Public Members COUNSEL | CEA |Brian Hickey (CEA)Kirk Gibson,McDowell Rackner&Gibson PC a Mark Johnson(CEA)oe -_Stefan Saldanha,Dept of Law Sherri Higher (CEA)AEA i Brenda Applegate ||paulRisse(CEA)|)BrandyDixon sss-S - Matt Clarkson (CEA)Amy Adler Josh Resnick (CEA)-Jocelyn Gardner fe Brandi White - HEA "|Alan Owens (HEA)Carmen Noble - Emily Hutchinson(HEA)David Lockard i |Larry JoJorgensen (HEA)OO a |Jessica |Houston -OO Steve Canon (HEA)Ashton Compton MLP Kirk Warren --|Molly Morrison (MLP)Beazit Redzepi GVEA |Ron Woolf (GVEA)--i Pete Sarauer (GVEA)_Other Rick Baldwin (Baldwin &Butter) MEA ||JimBrooks(MEA)"Bernie Smith - -.David Pease (MEA)- -- Matt Reisterer (MEA) /|EdJenkins(MEA)ff 7 | TATTENDANCE-BPMC MEETING,November 22:COMMITTEE MEMBERS -.ALTERNATE/"Cory Borgeson-|GVEA!|Leo QuiachonLeeThibert,Vice Chair CEA Brian Hickey 7 |Brad Janorschke OS "HEA Bob Day : -Bryan Carey,Secretary/T reasurer :AEA :Curtis Thayer.ee iJTony Izzo,Chair _ MEA Tony Zellers Anna Henderson MLP Jeff Warner-John Foutz SEW || Public Members COUNSEL CEA Brian Hickey (CEA)Kirk Gibson,McDowell Rackner&Gibson PC "Mark Johnson (CEA)oO ;:Stefan Saldanha,Dept of Law /|Sherri Higher (CEA)AEA |__|Brenda Applegate -|Paul Risse (CEA)||Brandy Dixon |Matt Clarkson (CEA)-_-Amy Adler - pe Josh Resnick (CEA): Jocelyn Gardner :jo :"|Brandi White | HEA -Alan Owens (HEA):/Carmen Noble 7 Emily Hutchinson (HEA) a David Lockard }'Larry Jorgensen (HEA)en -'Jessica Houston 7 Steve Canon (HEA)/-Ashton Compton MLP Kirk Warren fn "Molly Morrison (MLP);'|Beazit Redzepi GVEA|_|Ron Woolf (GVEA)7 of a Pete Sarauer(GVEA)_Other Rick Baldwin (Baldwin &Butler) _MEA ft |Jim BiBrooks (MEA)Bernie SmithDavidPease(MEA) Matt Reisterer (MEA) an --_ |EdJenkins(MEA):a a