HomeMy WebLinkAboutBPMC September 16, 2019BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE (BPMC) TELECONFERENCE SPECIAL MEETING September 16,2019 o\ 1,CALL TO ORDER Chair Izzo called the teleconference special meeting of the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project Management Committee to order at 1:30 pm.A quorum was established. 2.ROLL CALL FOR COMMITTEE MEMBERS Tony Izzo (Matanuska Electric Association [MEA]);Cory Borgeson (Golden Valley Electric Association [GVEA])(phone);Bryan Carey (Alaska Energy Authority [AEA]);Lee Thibert (Chugach Electric Association [CEA])(phone);Brad Janorschke (Homer Electric Association [HEA])(phone);Anna Henderson (Anchorage Municipal Light &Power [ML&P]}(phone);and John Foutz (City of Seward)(phone). 3.PUBLIC ROLL CALL Amy Adler,Ashton Doyle,Jocelyn Garner,Beazit Redzepi,Curtis Thayer,Kirk Warren, (AEA);Crystal Enkvist,Don Maynor (ARECA Insurance Exchange)(phone);Amy Fernerty (Aldrich CPA)(phone);Zaz Hollander (Anchorage Daily News)(phone);Matt Clarkson (phone),Brian Hickey,Sherri Highers (phone)(CEA);Jerry Juday (Department of Law); Pete Sarauer (GVEA)(phone);Rick Baldwin (phone),Jim Butler (phone),Bob Day (phone), Emily Hutchison (phone),Larry Jorgenson (phone)(HEA);Jim Cross,Mark Unidentified, Stephanie Unidentified (Kenai)(phone);Kirk Gibson (McDowell Rackner Gibson,PC) (phone);Ed Jenkin,David Pease,Tony Zellers (MEA)(phone);Mollie Morrison (ML&P) (phone);Bernie Smith (Public);and Ladonna Lindley (Accu-Type Depositions). 4.PUBLIC COMMENTS-None. 5.AGENDA APPROVAL MOTION:Mr.Carey made a motion to approve the agenda.Motion seconded by Mr. Foutz. The motion to approve the agenda as presented passed unanimously. 6.NEW BUSINESS A.Swan Lake Fire Update Chair Izzo informed the primary purpose of the meeting is to review the status and the impact of the Swan Lake fire.Chair Izzo noted the O&D Committee met Friday and the report was provided to members today.Chair Izzo welcomed members of the O&D Committee and HEA to lead the update.Mr.Janorschke notified he emailed a 14-page presentation today to Mr.Carey and Ashton Doyle of AEA that illustrates the status of the fire.Mr.Janorschke introduced HEA's Incident Management Advisor Jim Butler to review the presentation. Page 1of5 Kirk Gibson,McDowell Rackner Gibson,PC,requested Mr.Janorschke email the presentation directly to him.Mr.Janorschke agreed. Chair Izzo advised a brief at-ease will occur to technically prepare the presentation to be viewed in the room and to be sent to members. Chair Izzo requested HEA continue with the presentation.Mr.Butler reviewed his extensive professional background and advised he works with Rick Baldwin of HEA.Mr. Butler gave a summary of the incident information.The fire began froma lightning strike in early June,about five miles northeast of Sterling.There were approximately five other fires started that night as a result of lightning and were mostly contained in wetland areas. Mr.Butler informed the incident command (IC)is a Type 2 Northern Rockies Incident Management Team 4.This is the fifth incident management team that has been assigned to the fire.The size of the fire is now approximately 165,000 acres.The fire jumped the highway in mid-August.The containment is at 48%.The temporary flight restriction (TFR) remains in place.It was lifted for a short period in order to conduct an overflight of the line. The principal operation is hazard mitigation to trees and ash pits. Mr.Butler discussed the public information map shown.The map is generated by the team daily or every two days.HEA engaged with the first Type 2 team as an agency representative and attended the cooperators'meetings.HEA was involved with mitigation planning regarding fire impacts along the highway.HEA assisted in identifying contingency areas to clear trees around the line and to burn-out along the north side of the highway to mitigate the threat of the fire jumping the highway.Mr.Butler explained the evacuation plan involves the Borough,the Troopers,and DOT. Mr.Butler showed the path of the fire where it crossed to the south side of the highway at Mile 62.5 at the Upper Jean Lake and then crossed back over the highway at about Mile 58. The fire can be best described as two different fires.The original fire was mitigated and stopped at the highway.An area of the fire that was considered contained experienced a weather event and found a fuel pocket,which blew the fire to Mile 70 and went across to Skilak Lake.The fire continued to burn toward to Upper Jean Lake and Skyline Trail area into the canyon. Mr.Butler explained the map showing the contained/controlled line and the active fire line. There are significant fuel pockets remaining on the inside of the fire line.Mr.Butler described the pictures of the crew prepping the line to burn-out.The aircraft brought in was primarily from Canada.The fire intensity increased considerably as it jumped to the south side of the highway.The burn condition of the fuel was unprecedented in Alaska.One of the principal concerns is the threat of ash pits that have been knee-deep.Five firefighters have been pulled off the fire due to stepping into ash pits. Mr.Butler described an example of the type of burn to the structures.Crews were able to conduct dozer work around the line to mitigate fire damage.The fire burned through the duff along the ground and burned the bases of the poles.The top of the structure,in theexample,was not impacted by a lot of heat,but the bases of the poles are significantly Page 2 of 5 burned.There is additional stress on the line due to downed trees.It is not safe for crews to go in and work. The fire team's operational priorities are given by the Refuge and the Forest Service.HEA works with the fire team to create objectives to ensure consistency in safety of personnel, firefighters and the public,and to maintain communication of developments.He explained a fire of this size will have a follow-up team called the Burn Area Emergency Response (BAER)team that will evaluate the damage to the landscape and identify areas of mitigation measures to prevent erosion or other negative outcomes resulting from the burned landscape. Mr.Foutz requested additional information regarding the declaration of an emergency.Mr. Thayer advised Governor Dunleavy issued a disaster declaration on the wildfires on August 23,2019.Mr.Butler noted there are two types of declarations used with fires;fire declaration and general property damage declaration.Mr.Butler explained the federal government will assess the damages and determine how to respond.This has been the most expensive fire in the history of the state of Alaska and the suppression costs will be borne by the Refuge and the Forest.Damage costs have not been assessed. Mr.Foutz asked if there are ways BPMC can encourage the federal government to declare an emergency.Mr.Butler suggested communicating with Department of Military Veteran's Affairs (DMVA),Division of Homeland Security Emergency Management to determine how the BMPC's resources could be beneficial in determining what type of declaration is ultimately declared. Chair Izzo agreed the BPMC needs to be regularly apprised of developments and proactive in coordination with AEA.He asked when an on-ground assessment will be possible to determine the extent of the damage in terms of infrastructure,down-time,and associated costs.Mr.Janorschke explained clearance has to be granted and then a safe plan to clear the right-of-way will be created with the BAER team and the Refuge.The damage inspection will occur after that and a report will be brought before the BPMC. Mr.Borgeson expressed appreciation for the presentation.He asked if there is an ongoing process regarding preparation of the work that will be conducted on the affected poles.Mr. Janorschke explained on-the-ground damage inspection will occur as soon as the environment is safe for the crews.Mr.Butler noted the incident management team is focused on the fire and the Refuge has begun to shift their focus to develop a plan for safe access.Mr.Borgeson expressed concern this line could be down for a year.He believes it is important to understand as quickly as possible how this affects the operation of the whole facility,including rebuilding and payment. Ed Jenkin,MEA,asked if there is a single utility liaison as part of this IC.Mr.Butler noted they have access to the command and general staff of the six teams.Mr.Jenkin commented having a single point of contact proved to be a great advantage in his previous fire experience.Mr.Jenkin inquired as to coordination of drone access to the facilities to Page 3 of 5 ascertain structure damage.Mr.Butler informed the fire is just to the point where access may be granted.The open flames are prohibiting access. Mr.Thibert expressed appreciation for the presentation.He stated CEA is ready to help in any way possible to assist in design for construction management and recommendations on cost recovery. Mr.Foutz expressed appreciation to HEA staff for their updates.He stated the City of Seward is ready to assist as much as possible.Mr.Foutz encouraged AEA to continue to push for the federal emergency declaration.Mr.Foutz asked the rhetorical question if it would be faster to construct an underground DC line across the Cook Inlet than it would be to rebuild this line. Curtis Thayer,AEA,commented AEA is standing by to provide assistance,where necessary. He noted there have been a few fielding calls inquiring about the effect of the fire on consumer rates. Chair Izzo requested the O&D Committee present their report provided.Pete Sarauer, GVEA and Chair of Bradley O&D Committee,informed he is available to answer any questions regarding the report.Chair Izzo expressed appreciation for the comprehensive report.He commented on the unfavorable aspect of water spillage. 7.COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS Chair Izzo requested the O&D Committee provide another status update at the next meeting on September 27,2019. Mr.Borgeson requested a report be crafted on how to reduce costs during this period of time the power is unable to be received from the project. Mr.Borgeson requested legal Counsel provide information to BPMC regarding what the rights are,including any force majeure rights,in light of this interruption.Mr.Gibson agreed. Mr.Borgeson inquired as to AEA's role,as owner of the project,regarding the fire interruption and contingencies for the possibility of the line not being rebuilt.Mr.Thayer asked for input as to the role the utilities want AEA to maintain.He informed AEA does not own the line.A bigger discussion outside of this meeting could occur regarding the subject of a lawsuit among the utilities for which AEA is paying legal fees on this line.Mr.Thayer noted AEA has discussed options internally regarding the line being down.AEA wants the line operational.Mr.Thayer highlighted the importance of determining the cost structure of the damage to assess what possibilities are available from AEA and the State.Mr.Thayer informed the Governor's Office is fully engaged and concerned regarding the status of the fire and receives continual updates. Chair Izzo deferred to Counsel regarding scheduling an executive session at the next meeting. Page 4 of 5 8.MEMBER COMMENTS Ms.Henderson expressed appreciation to HEA for their presentation and update.She looks forward to the next update. Mr.Borgeson expressed appreciation for the meeting.He commented this fire presents a bad economic situation for many of the utilities and their members. Chair Izzo thanked HEA for their comprehensive presentation.Safety is a priority and he is glad to hear that message is loud and clear. Mr.Janorschke committed HEA will continue to stay engaged and will provide information as it becomes available. 9,NEXT MEETING DATE -September 27,2019 ;10.ADJOURNMENT There being no further business for the committee,the meeting adjourned at 2:45 p.m. Alaska Energy Authority,Secretary Page 5o0f5 BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE (BPMC) TELECONFERENCE SPECIAL MEETING September 16,2019 1.CALL TO ORDER Chair Izzo called the teleconference special meeting of the Bradley Lake Hydroelectric Project Management Committee to order at 1:30 pm.A quorum was established. 2.ROLL CALL FOR COMMITTEE MEMBERS Tony Izzo (Matanuska Electric Association [MEA]);Cory Borgeson (Golden Valley Electric Association [GVEA])(phone);Bryan Carey (Alaska Energy Authority [AEA]);Lee Thibert (Chugach Electric Association [CEA])(phone);Brad Janorschke (Homer Electric Association [HEA])(phone);Anna Henderson (Anchorage Municipal Light &Power [ML&P])(phone);and John Foutz (City of Seward)(phone). 3.PUBLIC ROLL CALL Amy Adler,Ashton Doyle,Jocelyn Garner,Beazit Redzepi,Curtis Thayer,Kirk Warren, (AEA);Crystal Enkvist,Don Maynor (ARECA Insurance Exchange)(phone);Amy Fernerty (Aldrich CPA)(phone);Zaz Hollander (Anchorage Daily News)(phone);Matt Clarkson (phone),Brian Hickey,Sherri Highers (phone)(CEA);Jerry Juday (Department of Law); Pete Sarauer (GVEA)(phone);Rick Baldwin (phone),Jim Butler (phone),Bob Day (phone), Emily Hutchison (phone),Larry Jorgenson (phone)(HEA);Jim Cross,Mark Unidentified, Stephanie Unidentified (Kenai)(phone);Kirk Gibson (McDowell Rackner Gibson,PC) (phone);Ed Jenkin,David Pease,Tony Zellers (MEA)(phone);Mollie Morrison (ML&P) (phone);Bernie Smith (Public);and Ladonna Lindley (Accu-Type Depositions). 4.PUBLIC COMMENTS-None. 5.AGENDA APPROVAL MOTION:Mr.Carey made a motion to approve the agenda.Motion seconded by Mr. Foutz. The motion to approve the agenda as presented passed unanimously. 6.NEW BUSINESS A.Swan Lake Fire Update Chair Izzo informed the primary purpose of the meeting is to review the status and the impact of the Swan Lake fire.Chair Izzo noted the O&D Committee met Friday and the report was provided to members today.Chair Izzo welcomed members of the O&D Committee and HEA to lead the update.Mr.Janorschke notified he emailed a 14-page presentation today to Mr.Carey and Ashton Doyle of AEA that illustrates the status of the fire.Mr.Janorschke introduced HEA's Incident Management Advisor Jim Butler to review the presentation. Page 1of5 Kirk Gibson,McDowell Rackner Gibson,PC,requested Mr.Janorschke email the presentation directly to him.Mr.Janorschke agreed. Chair Izzo advised a brief at-ease will occur to technically prepare the presentation to be viewed in the room and to be sent to members. Chair Izzo requested HEA continue with the presentation.Mr.Butler reviewed his extensive professional background and advised he works with Rick Baldwin of HEA.Mr. Butler gave a summary of the incident information.The fire began froma lightning strike in early June,about five miles northeast of Sterling.There were approximately five other fires started that night as a result of lightning and were mostly contained in wetland areas. Mr.Butler informed the incident command (IC)is a Type 2 Northern Rockies Incident Management Team 4.This is the fifth incident management team that has been assigned to the fire.The size of the fire is now approximately 165,000 acres.The fire jumped the highway in mid-August.The containment is at 48%.The temporary flight restriction (TFR) remains in place.It was lifted for a short period in order to conduct an overflight of the line. The principal operation is hazard mitigation to trees and ash pits. Mr.Butler discussed the public information map shown.The map is generated by the team daily or every two days.HEA engaged with the first Type 2 team as an agency representative and attended the cooperators'meetings.HEA was involved with mitigation planning regarding fire impacts along the highway.HEA assisted in identifying contingency areas to clear trees around the line and to burn-out along the north side of the highway to mitigate the threat of the fire jumping the highway.Mr.Butler explained the evacuation plan involves the Borough,the Troopers,and DOT. Mr.Butler showed the path of the fire where it crossed to the south side of the highway at Mile 62.5 at the Upper Jean Lake and then crossed back over the highway at about Mile 58. The fire can be best described as two different fires.The original fire was mitigated and stopped at the highway.An area of the fire that was considered contained experienced a weather event and found a fuel pocket,which blew the fire to Mile 70 and went across to Skilak Lake.The fire continued to burn toward to Upper Jean Lake and Skyline Trail area into the canyon. Mr.Butler explained the map showing the contained/controlled line and the active fire line. There are significant fuel pockets remaining on the inside of the fire line.Mr.Butler described the pictures of the crew prepping the line to burn-out.The aircraft brought in was primarily from Canada.The fire intensity increased considerably as it jumped to the south side of the highway.The burn condition of the fuel was unprecedented in Alaska.One of the principal concerns is the threat of ash pits that have been knee-deep.Five firefighters have been pulled off the fire due to stepping into ash pits. Mr.Butler described an example of the type of burn to the structures.Crews were able to conduct dozer work around the line to mitigate fire damage.The fire burned through the duff along the ground and burned the bases of the poles.The top of the structure,in the example,was not impacted by a lot of heat,but the bases of the poles are significantly Page 2 of 5 burned.There is additional stress on the line due to downed trees.It is not safe for crews to go in and work. The fire team's operational priorities are given by the Refuge and the Forest Service.HEA works with the fire team to create objectives to ensure consistency in safety of personnel, firefighters and the public,and to maintain communication of developments.He explained a fire of this size will have a follow-up team called the Burn Area Emergency Response (BAER)team that will evaluate the damage to the landscape and identify areas of mitigation measures to prevent erosion or other negative outcomes resulting from the burned landscape. Mr.Foutz requested additional information regarding the declaration of an emergency.Mr. Thayer advised Governor Dunleavy issued a disaster declaration on the wildfires on August 23,2019.Mr.Butler noted there are two types of declarations used with fires;fire declaration and general property damage declaration.Mr.Butler explained the federal government will assess the damages and determine how to respond.This has been the most expensive fire in the history of the state of Alaska and the suppression costs will be borne by the Refuge and the Forest.Damage costs have not been assessed. Mr.Foutz asked if there are ways BPMC can encourage the federal government to declare an emergency.Mr.Butler suggested communicating with Department of Military Veteran's Affairs (DMVA),Division of Homeland Security Emergency Management to determine how the BMPC's resources could be beneficial in determining what type of declaration is ultimately declared. Chair Izzo agreed the BPMC needs to be regularly apprised of developments and proactive in coordination with AEA.He asked when an on-ground assessment will be possible to determine the extent of the damage in terms of infrastructure,down-time,and associated costs.Mr.Janorschke explained clearance has to be granted and then a safe plan to clear the right-of-way will be created with the BAER team and the Refuge.The damage inspection will occur after that and a report will be brought before the BPMC. Mr.Borgeson expressed appreciation for the presentation.He asked if there is an ongoing process regarding preparation of the work that will be conducted on the affected poles.Mr. Janorschke explained on-the-ground damage inspection will occur as soon as the environment is safe for the crews.Mr.Butler noted the incident management team is focused on the fire and the Refuge has begun to shift their focus to develop a plan for safe access.Mr.Borgeson expressed concern this line could be down for a year.He believes it is important to understand as quickly as possible how this affects the operation of the whole facility,including rebuilding and payment. Ed Jenkin,MEA,asked if there is a single utility liaison as part of this IC.Mr.Butler noted they have access to the command and general staff of the six teams.Mr.Jenkin commented having a single point of contact proved to be a great advantage in his previous fire experience.Mr.Jenkin inquired as to coordination of drone access to the facilities to Page 3 of 5 ascertain structure damage.Mr.Butler informed the fire is just to the point where access may be granted.The open flames are prohibiting access. Mr.Thibert expressed appreciation for the presentation.He stated CEA is ready to help in any way possible to assist in design for construction management and recommendations on cost recovery. Mr.Foutz expressed appreciation to HEA staff for their updates.He stated the City of Seward is ready to assist as much as possible.Mr.Foutz encouraged AEA to continue to push for the federal emergency declaration.Mr.Foutz asked the rhetorical question if it would be faster to construct an underground DC line across the Cook Inlet than it would be to rebuild this line. Curtis Thayer,AEA,commented AEA is standing by to provide assistance,where necessary. He noted there have been a few fielding calls inquiring about the effect of the fire on consumer rates. Chair Izzo requested the O&D Committee present their report provided.Pete Sarauer, GVEA and Chair of Bradley O&D Committee,informed he is available to answer any questions regarding the report.Chair Izzo expressed appreciation for the comprehensive report.He commented on the unfavorable aspect of water spillage. 7.COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS Chair Izzo requested the O&D Committee provide another status update at the next meeting on September 27,2019. Mr.Borgeson requested a report be crafted on how to reduce costs during this period of time the power is unable to be received from the project. Mr.Borgeson requested legal Counsel provide information to BPMC regarding what the rights are,including any force majeure rights,in light of this interruption.Mr.Gibson agreed. Mr.Borgeson inquired as to AEA's role,as owner of the project,regarding the fire interruption and contingencies for the possibility of the line not being rebuilt.Mr.Thayer asked for input as to the role the utilities want AEA to maintain.He informed AEA does not own the line.A bigger discussion outside of this meeting could occur regarding the subject of a lawsuit among the utilities for which AEA is paying legal fees on this line.Mr.Thayer noted AEA has discussed options internally regarding the line being down.AEA wants the line operational.Mr.Thayer highlighted the importance of determining the cost structure of the damage to assess what possibilities are available from AEA and the State.Mr.Thayer informed the Governor's Office is fully engaged and concerned regarding the status of the fire and receives continual updates. Chair Izzo deferred to Counsel regarding scheduling an executive session at the next meeting. Page 4 0f 5 8.MEMBER COMMENTS Ms.Henderson expressed appreciation to HEA for their presentation and update.She looks forward to the next update. Mr.Borgeson expressed appreciation for the meeting.He commented this fire presents a bad economic situation for many of the utilities and their members. Chair Izzo thanked HEA for their comprehensive presentation.Safety is a priority and he is glad to hear that message is loud and clear. Mr.Janorschke committed HEA will continue to stay engaged and will provide information as it becomes available. 9.NEXT MEETING DATE -September 27,2019 10.ADJOURNMENT There being no further business for the committee,the meeting adjourned at 2:45 p.m. Alaska Energy Authority,Secretary Page 50f5 10. BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE (BPMC) TELECONFERENCE SPECIAL MEETING AGENDA Monday,September 16,2019 1:30 p.m. Alaska Energy Authority Board Room 813 W Northern Lights Blvd.Anchorage,AK 1-888-585-9008 Conference Room Code 134-503-899# CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL FOR COMMITTEE MEMBERS PUBLIC ROLL CALL PUBLIC COMMENTS AGENDA APPROVAL NEW BUSINESS A.Swan Lake Fire Update HEA/O&D COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS MEMBER COMMENTS NEXT MEETING DATE -September 27,2019 ADJOURNMENT Bradley O&D Report to the BPMC Friday September 13,2019 1.Swan Lake Fire Update: a.Swan Lake Fire has not grown during the last few days b.Swan Lake Fire is currently 42%contained c.Fire Management Team is going to use drones to find hot spots along the roads,fire lines and transmission line corridors 2.SQ Line Repair: a.Fire Management Team is going to allow ROW clearing crews to start working along the transmission line corridor on Monday with the assistance of a Fire Safety Team.(MP 62-58) b.Fire Management Team re-evaluated the need to remove the 115 KV conductors at the 3 road crossings and determined it was not necessary. c.Helicopter Patrol earlier indicated the potential of 65 structures that may need to be repaired (109 poles).This number may be greater or smaller but will not be confirmed until a ground assessment can be made. d.If there are 109 poles or more that need to be replaced -there will not be enough of the height and class of poles needed in Alaska to accomplish this project. e.If this is an accurate number of poles that need to be replaced the number of contractors available to accomplish this work is not large enough in Alaska to expedite this large of a project Page 1 of 2 f.SQ Line maintenance budget is not part of the Bradley Lake Budget. 3.Bradley Lake Spill: a.Water is spilling at a rate of 1,500 CF/s -approximately 3,000 MWh/day This information is a combination of the fire updates from Larry Jorgensen and the information from meetings with the Fire Management Team.It also contains Bradley O&D Meeting discussion of related items associated with the Swan Lake Fire. Page 2 of2 b.. .ea i)aestroSoe eer yi! Incident Information: >Date of Origin:Wednesday,June 5,2019,approximately 6:52,PM.| >Location:Approximately five miles northeast of Sterling, Alaska in the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge. >Cause:Lightning strike. >Wildfire Update as of September 16,2019: >vvvvysyVvIncident Command:Type 2 Northern Rockies Incident Management Team 4 Size:165,085 acres Containment:48% Personnel:286 Resources:Hand crews,engines,and dozers Restrictions:TFR (temporary flight restriction)remains in place.Ground access continues to be restricted. Hazard Mitigation continues.Homer Electric Association,inc.Ynchwen Eemery Corpraaivne I oak éaf sniity, 'Kenat Nattanal .Wildhife Reolcpe Kenai National Wildlite Refuge :+). Kenai MationaeWildl]Redyre ™&UNCONTROLLED FIRE EDGENeCOMPLETEDLINE#ROAD AS COMPIETER LIVE CSRDWWSLDTIKR?DAIRY PIKE PERIMEVER"ee TRAILSo.,PIPELINE MMRKENAI NATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE CHUGACH NATIONAL FOREST PUBLIC INFORMATION Sept 16,2019 165,085 Acres Miles 15 EVACUATION PREPAREDNESS LEVEL meREANY waa Sei acc AgROAD CLOSURIS mr STERLING FUELBREAKCTRANS_MILEPOSTS °"- ,ernie ane amend Pd Se eh Ed oT oe eadweRS.w we ' - _.<x j .=td fa -an!. . 'ot pt oe a 2 ; ::-ue eres oe ao '™ , ,anne.; ..-we me 5 ' a |;.*,i .a *. , r oo 8 .on van "4i\."Eh Kenai Nations, ae a”Milchife Nefuye ees a,fe aid ° "a to -all .a a ct ;at : \ wee eo _:)- '> .on0)_a " Ss '2 RY ea:a.ry &f x.”ae .oSy0 Kenai National ve Wiidlife Refuge Shigk ie "Ce SWAN LAKE noes PUBLIC INFORMATION TED LINE EVACUATION PREPAR! S COMPLETED LINE Sept 16,2019 men READYREDAILYFIREPERIMETER165,085 Acres mn GO Ps AsROAD CLOSURES TATIONAL WILDLIFE REFUGE 45 Nc Mittroste."H NATIONAL FOREST 0 S 10 Or ANS - Combined Emergency Area Closure Kenai National Wildlife Refuge and Chugach Naional Forestw=Stfectiva September 10,2019 oryeswrgreworeEeukemewweeEnstar *§_Pipeline:” ae Chickaloon 2 River Fuclbreak -"cae |bachdi-nait North ShoreofSkilakLake nee :wieneaeewdewwarewhew eww -_wf q Kena NVA . |Widerness .aoneawaewteewenbewwhetretwwiewwieFras'Swan Lake Closure Area --:---Pipeline peer Uncontrolled Fire Edge ommae Sterling Fuelbreak ----Completed Line (Ea eeeHomer Electric Association,Inc. A teuhnune Prey Caweuroe st +}-eSERSwhine;LN:ae tens."ne aVagianeer,>ae en .eee Gy Whau$d (Ea Homer Electric Association,Inc. A Kouba Fenisy Coroners 30 reeBLbea Homer Electric's Purpose/Objective: \ 1 Prepare in advance to mobilize HEA resources on a 24/7 call-out, basis to disconnect the 115kV \ transmission line in the event \ those lines interrupt the safe and orderly flow of fire and public traffic along the Sterling Highway. Safety of all HEA personnel,? firefighters and public in the | vicinity of compromised \ transmission line crossings.\ Promptly mitigate any threat to traffic posed by transmission lines . that are sagging or on the | highway. Homer Electric Association,Inc. A Sucbvems Barney Coupcsstive 33 Homer Electric Association,Inc. A bnedowine Boer Coogee:3: ra Homer Electric Association,Inc. A towtrecne Eactcy Couxsatrec 5 - Lee PE TOveLEneom @ Mt aaaWyairesgbee PEE,me WS | it Association,Inc. Homer Electric A tration Feary Conpeminy somatic 1e wage ee . st] Mens*, fersrasreedQe,rt.20 ne Teeee. ae we: vant A A ee.Pay.Ay aa a '.moe. .ae 7 ar ye eo AL:.at. 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A bashotens Fancy Conpusatiy 9t tamteeQUWAL,sasadhpaesULgggRAGva3'esHomer Electric Association,Inc. A Sauder Faery CometicPa3Nos "A% a | Cooperating Agencies:US Fish and Wildlife Service,State of Alaska Division of Forestry,US Forest Service,Alaska State Parks,Kenai Peninsula Borough,Central Emergency Services,Cooper Landing Volunteer Fire Department,Alaska State Troopers,National Guard, Alaska DOT,ADF&G. aie By SA "es Homer Electric Association,Inc.A Karbrtors Hecice Coopesstny ft Bradley Lake Project Management Committee Special Meeting ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY Special Meeting Public Notice Bradley Lake Project Management Committee Notice is hereby given that the Bradley Lake Project Management Committee will hold a special meeting on Monday,September 16,at 1:30 p.m. For additional information,please contact the AEA executive assistant at (907)771-3074. This meeting will be conducted by electronic media pursuant to AS 44.62.310 at the following location: Alaska Energy Authority Board Conference Room,813 West Northern Lights Boulevard,Anchorage,Alaska;a teleconference line has been set up for those unable to attend in person.Dial 1-888-585-9008,Enter Code 134 503-899#. The public is invited to attend.The State of Alaska (AEA)complies with Title Il of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.Disabled persons requiring special modifications to participate should contact AEA staff at (907) 771-3000 to make arrangements. Attachments,History,Details Attachments Details BPMC 9-16-19 Special Meeting Agenda.pdf .Commerce,Community andDepartment:Economic Development Revision History Category:Public Notices Created 9/12/2019 12:04:01 PM by e6f9d8b3-e991-Sub-Category: 4579-aade-ab3 9b6b33f10 Location(s):Statewide Project/Regulation #: Publish Date:9/12/2019 Archive Date:9/17/2019 Events/Deadlines: 10. BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE (BPMC) TELECONFERENCE SPECIAL MEETING AGENDA Monday,September 16,2019 1:30 p.m. Alaska Energy Authority Board Room 813 W Northern Lights Blvd.Anchorage,AK 1-888-585-9008 Conference Room Code 134-503-899# CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL FOR COMMITTEE MEMBERS PUBLIC ROLL CALL PUBLIC COMMENTS AGENDA APPROVAL NEW BUSINESS A.Swan Lake Fire Update ;4 A (2)HEA/OeD .widCOMMITTEEASSIGNMENTS->0 1 /os dlach pra uf 8G we ol)i"cgpot)MEMBER COMMENTS %>wotTed1BonNEXTMEETINGDATE-September 27,2019 (Aik ADJOURNMENT BRADLEY LAKE PROJECT MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE First Second First Second First Second First Second BPMC 9/16/19 } 7 U ae | . Roll Call Agenda ayoRollcallfromtoptobottomendingwithChair Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No ZMatanuskaElectricAssociationtonaliteAVV.J i Chugach Electric Association WA VA Zz /i she City of Seward At VF;[774 J nk Municipal Light &Power i?VA WA |a Homer Electric Association WA Golden Valley Electric Association \WA iv Alaska Energy Authority Oa bs ."we fit pe the vt # First Second First Second First Second First Second First Second Roll call from top to bottom ending with Chair Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Matanuska Electric Association Chugach Electric Association City of Seward Municipal Light &Power Homer Electric Association Golden Valley Electric Association Alaska Energy Authority ee "ws -oe -me éNextMeeting:September 27,2019 - _Bradley Lake Project Management Committee -"Monday,September 16,2019|MPLEASE WRITE LEGIBLY*NAME |"ORGANIZATIONEVERErSdynhaaac:-ikhieo.Doyle.:AEA ee "BeAwe2 Dore |Aegye|Lek Zentn)s|Led Daud Lense amie "iM EeA:wee E TARY4 AYGortwe yiene.a te A aah aEheec a Cory Borgeson,Chair 'ATTENDANCE -BPMC:MEETING,September 116COMMITTEEMEMBERS- Lee ThibertBradJanorschkeBryanCarey,Secretary/Treasurer an"Tony Izzo,Vice Chair|Anna Henderson Oe.John FoutzPublic Members ||Brian HHickey (CEA) '|Mark Johnson(CEA) SherriHigher (CEA) HEA MLP GVEA 'MEA |Josh Resnick(CEA)_ Paul Risse (CEA)Matt Clarkson (CEA) Alan Owens (HEA) Emily Hutchinson (HEA) Larry Jorgensen (HEA) - Steve Canon (HEA) |Molly Morrison (MLP) Ron Woolf (GVEA) -Pete Sarauer (GVEA) Jim Brooks (MEA) David Pease (MEA)-_ |Matt Reisterer (MEA) Ed Jenkins (MEA) Burke Wick)Bob Day } -Curtis Thayer -Tony ZZellers -Jeff Warner ALTERNATE Leo Quiachon _ COUNSEL Kirk Gibson,McDowell Rackner &Gibson PC Stefan Saldanha,Dept of Law Brenda Applegate Katie ConwayAmyAdler Jocelyn GardnerBrandiWhiteCarmenNoble|David LLockardJessicaHouston Other Kirk Warren Ashton Compton Rick Baldwin (Baldwin &Butler) CEA HEA i ATTENDANCE -BPMCMEETING,September 116"COMMITTEE MEMBERS. |GVEA"Cory Borgeson,ChairLeeThibert"Brad Janorschke-Bryan Carey,Secretary/TreareasurerTonyIzzo,Vice ChairAnnaHenderson |i"John FoutzPublic MembersBrianHickey(CEA)|i! "Mark Johnson (CEA) Sherri Higher (CEA)"Paul Risse (CEA)"Matt Clarkson (CEA).Josh Resnick |(CEA) 'Alan Owens (HEA)|Emily Hutchinson(HEA)Larry Jorgensen (HEA) Steve Canon (HEA) _Molly Morrison (MLP)_.Ron Woolf (GVEA)Pete Sarauer(GVEA)"dim Brooks (MEA)|David Pease (MEA).||Matt Reisterer (MEA)Ed Jenkins (MEA) CEA HEA AEA MEA | AEA Other |MLP SEW | ALTERNATELeoQuiachon-Burke Wick |Oe Bob DayCurtisThayer Tony Zellers Jeff Warner :OO COUNSEL Kirk Gibson,McDowell Rackner &Gibson PC Stefan Saldanha,Dept of Law David Lockard Brenda ApplegateKatieConway Amy Adler Jocelyn Gardner / Brandi White OOCarmenNoble Jessica HoustonAshtonCompton Kirk Warren Rick Baldwin (Baldwin &Butler)-