HomeMy WebLinkAboutBradley Chugach Electric Association 2890189 1992 1AGREEMENT lentrack*2890/99 DAVES CREEK SUBSTATION AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT is between the ALASKA ENERGY AUTHORITY hereinafter called "AEA")and CHUGACH ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION,INC.hereinafter called "CEA".) WITNESSETH: WHEREAS,in 1981 the legislature of the State of Alaska authorized theAFAtoconstructtheBradleyLakeHydroelectricProject(BLHP). WHEREAS,the purpose of the BLHP is to provide electrical power toutilitieslocatedwithinSouthcentralandInteriorAlaska;and WHEREAS,to carry out this purpose it is necessary to transmit electricalpoweronexistingtransmissionfacilities;and WHEREAS,power studies indicate that under various circumstances theutilizationofthefullcapacityoftheBLHPwouldberestricted;and WHEREAS,the addition of static var compensation equipment to existingutilityownedsubstationequipmentwillenhancethestabilityandreliabilityofexistingorplannedtransmissionlinesandincreasetheirpowercapability;and WHEREAS,in conjunction with the BLHP,the AEA plans to construct,ownandoperatetwostaticvarcompensationsystemstoenhancetheutilizationoftheBLHPcapacity;and WHEREAS,CEA owns and operates a transmission substation at DavesCreek;and WHEREAS,one of the planned static var compensation systems is to belocatedattheDavesCreekSubstation;and WHEREAS,certain improvements,additions and modifications must bemadetotheDavesCreekSubstationinordertoimplementtheproposedDavesCreekstaticvarcompensationsystem(the "Project"); WHEREAS,certain improvements,additions and modifications will impactexistingCEAownedfacilitiesatDave's Creek Substation; NOW THEREFORE,it is agreed as follows:| ARTICLE I Section].CEA shall review and approve within twenty-one (21)days ofreceipt,all proposed engineering design modifications,additions or changes to theProjectasmorefullydescribedinSection3ofthisArticleandtheattachments 91Q2\JD1053(1) DAVES CREEK SU [ATION AGREEMENT Page 2 referenced therein and may reject any such design which is not compatible with thedesign,operation,or efficient maintenance of the CEA system.Any such review byCEAdoesnotrelievetheAEAofitsfullresponsibilitytodesignandconstructtheimprovementsincompliancewithallapplicablecodesorotherrequirementsandtoassumefullresponsibilityforthesuccessfuloperationoftheimprovements. Section 2.The construction contracts and all other maps,drawings,plansandspecifications,contract forms,addenda,estimates,studies and other documents to be prepared for the Project shall conform to the specifications and forms of all applicable codes and industry standards. Section 3.The improvements to be accomplished under this Agreement are those outlined on the one-line diagram (Attachment A)and site plan (Attachment D)which is made part of this Agreement.The plans and specifications to accomplish thisworkarepartofthedocumentsentitledAlaskaEnergyAuthorityContractNo.2890156 Static Var Compensator Systems,dated August 26,1991. ARTICLE II Section 1.AEA shall provide all equipment and materials necessary for theProject,including but not limited to all fabrication,delivery and installation costs,andwillberesponsibleforthedesignandconstructionoftheProject. Section 2.CEA shall acquire from the U.S.Forest Service through lease,permit or otherwise,all land (ref.Attachment D)and access rights necessary toconstruct,operate and maintain the Project for the life of this agreement.CEA shallacquirerightsnolaterthanJanuary1,1992 to accommodate the initial Projectconstruction. Section 3.Ownership and maintenance responsibility for all materials andequipmentpurchasedorinstalledunderthisAgreementshallbeassetforthinthe following provisions: A.Attachment B,made part of this Agreement,lists separately theequipmentorimprovementsinstalledbytheAEAunderthis Project which shall be owned by AEA,and that equipment and improvements installed by AEA which shall be transferred to CEA at no cost and owned by CEA after construction of the Project is completed. B.Attachment C made part of this Agreement,-lists the relative ownership of improvements and equipment at the termination of this Agreement subject to Subsections 3C and 3D below. C.Upon termination of this Agreement,CEA may request AEA totransfertoCEAanyorallequipmentlistedinAttachmentC,notthenownedbyCEA.Such equipment,subject to AEA's approval,shall be transferred at no cost to CEA. 91Q2\JD1053(2) DAVES CREEK SU]ATION AGREEMENT Page 3 D.After CEA has made its selections and ownership hastransferredunderSubsection3C,above,AEA may salvage allorpartoftheremainingequipmentlistedinAttachmentC.IfAEAdoesnotsalvageallorportionsoftheequipment,it maybeabandonedinplacesubjecttoCEAapproval. E.AEA shall be responsible for the operation and maintenance oftheequipmentandimprovementsinstalledunderthisAgreement,except for those portions for which ownership hasbeentransferredtoCEAassetforthabove.Upon transfer ofownership,CEA shall assume the operation and maintenanceresponsibilityforanysuchequipmentandimprovements. Section4.|The AEA retains the right to repair or upgrade any Projectequipment/improvements necessary for the operation of the Project throughout thetermofthisAgreementwithconsentofCEA. Section 5.Throughout the term of this Agreement,AEA is granted aright-of-entry to occupy and perform necessary work for the construction,testing,and maintenance of the Project.The following provisions will apply to this Section: A.CEA requirements will have priority over AEA personnelexceptwhereabona-fide emergency jeopardizing the AEA'soperationoftheProjectexists. B.All work will be scheduled and coordinated in advance with CEA management whenever possible. C.Access to Daves Creek substation and Project equipment shallnotbeunreasonablywithheldbyCEA. D.There will be no cost to AEA for such access. E.Access Daves Creek Substation shall be limited to authorized personnel. Section 6.|CEA agrees to furnish labor necessary to coordinate and/orparticipateinscheduledoutages,testing and start-up of the project at no cost to Section7.|Through the life of this Agreement,AFA shall be liable to CEAforcostsincurredbyCEAasaresultofunscheduledoutagesordamagesresultingfromtheactsoradmissionsofAEA's contractors or personnel relating to activitiesunderthisAgreement.However,in no event shall ABA be liable for any claims fromthirdpartiesorCEAconsumersfordamagesresultingformsuchunscheduledoutages.However,nothing in this section shall relieve AEA from its obligation toindemnifyCEAasdefinedinArticleIII,Section 4.AEA will reimburse CEA foraeactualcostsincurreduponpresentationofsuchdocumentedchargesto. 91Q2\JD1053(3) DAVES CREEK SUF ATION AGREEMENT Page 4 Section 8.CEA reserves the right to assign to the Project duringconstructionaCEAinspectoratnocosttoAEA.Such person shall have fullauthoritytoactonbehalfofCEAformattersrelatingtoconstructionactivitieswithinthesubstationsite,and shall become the sole CEA point of contact for such mattersandshallcoordinatewithAFA's representative. Section9.©AEA may install all communications equipment it deemsnecessarytooperatetheProjectincludingSCADA.The installed equipment shall becompatiblewithCEAequipmentandoperations. ARTICLE II Section 1.CEA may inspect all materials and the workmanshipincorporatedintotheProject.Any such inspection by CEA does not in any waysubjectCEAtoliabilityfordesign,construction or operation of the Project,nor doessuchinspectionrelieveABAofitssoleresponsibilitytodesign,construct and operatetheProject. Section 2.AEA shall indemnify and save harmless CEA,officers,agents,employees,successors and assigns from all suits,actions,or claims of any characterbroughtbecauseofanyinjuriesordamagereceivedorsustainedbyanyentity,persons,or property on account of AEA's operation or maintenance of the Projectbefore,during,or after construction of the Project,as a result of the AEA's work,orthroughuseofunacceptablematerialintheAEA's work,or because of any action oromission,neglect,or misconduct of AEA,or from any claims or amounts arising orrecoveredunderthe"Workmen's Compensation Act",or any other law,ordinance,order,or decree. CEA will hold AEA harmless for claims for personal injury by CEAemployees,representatives or contractors while working on CEA-owned andmaintainedequipmentlocatedwithinDavesCreekSubstation. Section3.CEA will be provided with reasonable advance notice of thedate,time and place of all Project acceptance tests or final inspections,and arepresentativeofCEAshallbeallowedtoattendandwitnessallsuchtestand/orinspectionsandwillbeprovidedcopiesofalltestreportsandas-built records. Section 4.|AEA will provide final as-built drawings to CEA for thoseportionsoftheProjectconstructedwithintheDavesCreekSubstation. Section5.|This Agreement shall be terminated at such time as AEA hasceasedownershiporoperationoftheDavesCreekStaticVarCompensationSystemortheBLHP,and in any case may be terminated by CEA or AEA 30 years from thedateofexecutionhereof,or at any time with the mutual consent of both CEA and AEA. 91Q2\JD1053(4) DAVES CREEK SUE __ATION AGREEMENT Page 5 ARTICLE IV Section].It is specifically agreed between the parties executing thisAgreementthatitisnotintendedbyanyoftheprovisionsofanypartoftheAgreementtocreateinthepublicoranymemberthereofathird-party beneficiaryrelationshiphereunder,or to authorize anyone not a party to this Agreement tomaintainasuitforpersonalinjuriesorpropertydamagepursuanttothetermsorprovisionsofthisAgreement. Section2.|This Agreement represents the entire agreement between thepartiesconcerningtheProject.The parties agree that all other agreements,writtenororal,concerning this portion of the Project are merged into this Agreement. Section 3.|This Agreement may be modified only in writing which must besignedbytheappropriateofficersofeachpartytothisAgreement. Section 4.Nothing in this Agreement shall be interpreted to make theAFAtheagentofCEAnorCEAtheagentofAEA. DATED this _|)day of _Uatch ,1992,atAnchorage,Alaska. mie ORITYBy:ody = Its:CHeout Ve Duvectac DATED this AB SA-day of AZix2Z2cK ,19A2 ,at Anchorage,Alaska. 91Q2\JD1053(5) DAVES CREEK SUE.ATION AGREEMENT Page 6 STATE OF ALASKA ) 2 SS. THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT ) The foregoing Agreement was acknowledged before me this /jh dayof_uc ,19 4a,by CAAA anptt,theCNetVL_liyecti_of the Alaska Energy Authority,an Alaska corporation,onbehalfofthecorporation. tonta Bag PateNotaryPublicinafidforAlaska My commission expires:Oct fa,)992 STATE OF ALASKA ) 2 SS. THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT ) The foregoing Agreement was acknowledged before me this #7*x-_dayofABAeécYr,19 Zz 'by Deri oD Z.LY EM MERS ,theCEGh(2A Axedde-of Chugach Electric Association,Inc.,an Alaska corporation,on behalf of the corporation. _KAA onset)otary Publicin and for Alaska My commission expires:IA"fT-F2 91Q2\JD1053(6) ATTACHMENT "A" One-Line Diagram 91Q2\JD1053(7) na ee PRELIM NARY --_-o-onowoonwo”7 ----"- <n State of Aosko Alaska Energy Authority P.0.Box 190889 701 East Tudor Rood Anchorage,Alodcs90519-0868 Aza NO SO02-E-10-0011-0 Sheet_1 of 1 provect;ABBSVCL No RECORD REVISION wea woe |approven |pate DRAWING NAME: ENG./DESIGN.:DRYDEN &LARUE,INC.W.0.# .AD |APPROVE ENG.STAME +>2 Se eee 5601 Minnesota Drive DAVES CREEK B |issueFORED PURPOSES ONLY he 140 P.O.Box 196300 GENERAL SITE LAYOUT C |ISSUED FOR GID PURPOSES ONLY Fue 1/29/97 Anchorage,Alaska99519-6300 Dean HOS pCSS-S-0011 Teer,toe! ATTACHMENT "B" Initial Substation EquipmentOwnership 91Q2\JD1053(8) ATTACHMENT "B" (This list is being developed by AEA and CEA and will be included as attachment upon completion.) 92q1\jd2594 ATTACHMENT "Cc" Retained Substation EquipmentOwnership 91Q2\JD1053(9) ATTACHMENT "C" (This list is being developed by AEA and CEA and will be included as attachment upon completion.) 92q 1\jd2594 ATTACHMENT "-D" Daves Creek Substation Location Plan 91Q2\JD1053(10) 'S215 188 10@8 1meDe b25128 tone 12ee :).PRELIMINARYLISKV3 ECHE on =on pal § L t wo et Oe |-Lil a Dal) ;$2528 ;to"08. 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